Importance of National Integration for Students and Children

500+ words essay on importance of national integration.

National Integration is the bond and togetherness between people regardless of their caste, creed, religion or gender . It is the feeling of oneness, brotherhood and social unity under communities and society in a country. National Integration helps to keep the country unified and strong from within despite the diversities. So, the importance of national integration can be from the fact that the nation which remains integrated. It will always progress on the track of development and prosperity.

importance of national integration

What is the Importance of National Integration?

National integration plays a dynamic role in making the country as one. This happens only by uniting every section of society. It provides an equal opportunity for each citizen. It also offers an equal platform in terms of social, cultural and economic development .

National integration also helps to unite the minorities as well as gives them the freedom to live their life in their way without any interference. Thus National integration is also essential for the country’s development. Because the country with national unity will always flourish and develop.

Aims of National Integration

National integration principally aims at providing a better environment for the people of a country. Thus they can develop themselves in all the aspects. It also aids to bind multi-racial and multilingual country like India, which has people with diverse culture and tradition. It also multiplies the union of brotherhood amongst communities, societies and the people.

National integration also helps in keeping the stability of a country and adds up to its whole development. It supports to nurture communal harmony and fights casteism, regionalism, and linguism, etc. National Integration improves the feeling of loyalty and fraternity towards the nation. It unites the people in case of any national emergency.

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How to Promote National Integration?

As national integration demonstrates a crucial part in the development of a country, it becomes important to develop the feeling of national integrity among its citizens. Therefore, focus on all the sections of society and making them financially dependent will promote national integration.

This will help to promote economic integrity. This is one of the most important factors in promoting national integration. Tolerance and respect for other caste or religion also support to promote national integrity. Education, social and cultural unity, equality among people also helps to teach the feeling of national integration.

Advantages of National Integration

National integration plays a very important role in the political, economic, cultural and social dimensions of a country. It helps the country in the following ways:

  • Promotes Social Harmony

National integration makes the people of a country be present in harmony. This works only by strengthening the social bond between them. It indorses brotherhood, peace, and tolerance among them.

  • Unites the Nation

National integration aids to unite people of different race, caste, creed or thoughts and makes the country as a single entity. it strengthens the country and makes it powerful on the international platform.

  • Increases Economic Growth

It is a well-known fact that the country has less internal matters and problems. They will always prosper and develop. The country which is united will always have fewer problems as compared to the country which is socially unstable.

  • Promotes Loyalty for the Nation

National integration indorses loyalty of the citizen for the country. It aids to make people join hands and stand for the advancement of the country forgetting their petty issues.

Significance of National Integration in Modern Era

National integration plays a more significant role in modern times. Hence it has challenges like communalism, regionalism, linguism, etc. Global terrorism is also one of the major threats to national integration. While few people with radical thoughts convince the population and brainwash them. They provoke them against their motherland.

In the era of technological advancements and the accessibility of social media. It is very easy to get deceived. National integration helps to ignore these situations. It makes people intellectually mature and tolerant.

National integration is very significant for a country because it is seen many times in the history of mankind that the integrity of a nation fell in danger. It had confronted major challenges from within and also became a victim of foreign assaults. Hence national integration plays a significant role in making of a nation. It keeping it alive in history with sustained development.

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Essay On National Integration

essay on national integration

Table of Contents

Short Essay On National Integration

National integration refers to the process of unifying different cultural, ethnic, and linguistic groups within a country into a cohesive and harmonious whole. This essay will discuss the importance of national integration and the ways in which it can be achieved.

National integration is important for several reasons. Firstly, it promotes a sense of unity and belonging among the people of a country, regardless of their background or cultural differences. This helps to create a strong and stable nation that can withstand the challenges of a rapidly changing world. Secondly, national integration fosters cooperation and understanding between different groups, reducing the risk of conflict and promoting peace and stability.

There are several ways in which national integration can be achieved. One of the most important is through education. Schools and universities can play a key role in promoting national integration by teaching students about the diverse cultures and traditions of their country and encouraging them to respect and understand one another.

Another important way to promote national integration is through the media. Television, radio, and newspapers can be used to promote national unity and showcase the positive aspects of diversity, thereby reducing prejudice and promoting understanding between different groups.

The government also has a key role to play in promoting national integration. This can be achieved by implementing policies that encourage equal treatment and opportunity for all citizens, regardless of their background. The government can also organize events and programs that bring people from different groups together, such as festivals and cultural events.

In conclusion, national integration is a crucial aspect of a strong and united nation. It promotes unity, cooperation, and understanding between different groups, and can be achieved through education, media, and government policies. By working together and embracing our differences, we can build a stronger and more harmonious nation for future generations.

Long Essay On National Integration

National integration is a process of unifying different cultures, ideologies, and religions into one single entity. In today’s world, with increasing globalization, it is more important than ever to ensure that all citizens of a country are united in their understanding of each other. This article offers an exploration of the concept of national integration, its importance and its implications.


Since the dawn of civilization, people have been living in groups. The concept of a nation is a relatively recent one. A nation is defined as a group of people who share a common culture, history, and language. National integration is the process by which different groups of people come together to form a nation.

The process of national integration can be difficult. It requires different groups of people to give up some of their own customs and traditions in order to adopt the customs and traditions of the larger group. It also requires that people learn to live together in peace and harmony, despite their differences.

Despite the challenges, national integration is essential for the survival and prosperity of any nation. A nation that is not united will be weak and vulnerable to its enemies. Moreover, divisions within a nation can lead to civil war and unrest, which can destroy a country both politically and economically.

In recent years, many countries have experienced problems with national integration. In some cases, such as Yugoslavia and Iraq, ethnic divisions have led to bloody civil wars. In other cases, such as Canada and Belgium, linguistic divisions have created tension between different groups of people.

National integration is an important issue for all countries, regardless of their size or level of development. By working towards national integration, countries can become stronger and more prosperous.

What is National Integration?

National integration is the process by which people of different cultures and backgrounds come together to form a cohesive society. It is often used to describe the process by which immigrants assimilate into the culture of their new country. National integration can also be used to describe the process by which different ethnic groups within a country come together to form a unified nation.

Causes of Lack of National Integration

There can be various reasons for the lack of national integration in a country. It could be due to historical factors, such as colonization or occupation by a foreign power. This can lead to division among the people of the country, with some feeling more allegiance to the colonizer or occupier than to the nation itself. Another cause of lack of national integration can be cultural differences between different groups within the country. This can lead to tension and conflict, and make it difficult for people to identify with a single nationality. Religion can also be a factor, as different religious groups may have different values and traditions that they want to maintain. Economic inequality can also contribute to national divisions, as those who are wealthier may feel less need or desire to integrate with those who are less fortunate.

Benefits of National Integration

National integration is essential for a country to progress. It helps in the development of the economy and also strengthens the political scenario of the nation. It also promotes social harmony and understanding among people of different cultures and religions. Various measures have been taken by the government to promote national integration. Some of them are as follows:

1) The constitution of India provides for equality of all citizens irrespective of their caste, creed or religion. This has helped in reducing discrimination on the basis of caste, creed or religion.

2) The National Education Policy, 1986 emphasizes on imparting education which would promote national integration. The policy lays stress on imparting education which would foster a feeling of brotherhood and secularism among children belonging to different religions and regions.

3) Various campaigns and programmes have been launched by the government to spread the message of national integration. These campaigns include ‘Unity in Diversity’ campaign, ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’ campaign etc.

Steps to Enhance National Integration

There are various ways in which national integration can be promoted. Some of the important measures are as follows:

1. The feeling of patriotism should be inculcated in the hearts of people from a young age. They should be taught about the rich culture and diversity of our country.

2. The education system should lay emphasis on national integration. Children should be taught about the different regions, religions and languages of our country.

3. The media should play an important role in promoting national integration. It should highlight the positive aspects of our country and its people.

4. Various social and cultural programmes should be organised at the national level to promote unity in diversity.

5. The government should take effective measures to tackle problems like poverty, unemployment and illiteracy which lead to social unrest and disharmony among people.

Impact of National Integration

In a country like India, national integration is the process of uniting people of different communities and regions into a single whole. It is the coming together of people from all walks of life and from all corners of the country, irrespective of their caste, creed, religion or language.

National integration is very important for the development and progress of any country. It helps in promoting harmony and understanding among people, and instills a sense of pride and belongingness in them towards their nation. It also helps in inculcating feelings of patriotism and nationalism among people, and strengthens the bonds between different communities.

National integration is essential for maintaining the integrity and unity of a country. It helps in preventing internal conflicts and dissensions, and promotes social cohesion and solidarity. It also helps in protecting the rights of minorities, and ensures that they are not discriminated against or marginalized.

National integration is a continuous process, which needs to be fostered through various means such as education, media, sports, culture etc. It is only through national integration that we can build a strong and prosperous nation where everyone has an equal opportunity to grow and succeed.

National integration is an essential component of a successful and prosperous nation. In order to ensure the unity, strength and growth of a country, it is important that citizens show respect for each other’s cultures, beliefs and values while also being inclusive in their approach towards one another. We must all strive to foster mutual understanding between different communities so that we can celebrate our diversity as well as develop cohesiveness within our nation. Thus, national integration should be among the top priorities for us all if we are to continue progressing together into an even brighter future!

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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  • Importance of National Integration Essay


Essay on Importance of National Integration

A bond of togetherness between people irrespective of their caste, creed, religion and gender is national integrity. This is a feeling of oneness and brotherhood in a country where diversity is the main ethos. National Integration keeps the entire country tote and strong, despite the differences in culture, language, and main livelihood. An integrated nation will always progress towards development and prosperity.

Aims of National Integration

A country like India has people from different cultures, languages and races and national integration not just aims to bind them together but also aims at giving them a better environment to live and prosper. 

National Integration helps in keeping the stability of the country and helps in its development. 

It nurtures communal harmony and fights casteism, regionalism and linguistic differences. 

It improves the feeling of loyalty towards the nation and aims at uniting people in case of emergency.  

National integrity focuses on all the sections of the society, thereby making them financially independent. 

Through it, the State aims to promote economic integration too. 

No foreign assault can ever break the back of a nation that is united in a true sense. 

Education, social and cultural unity, and equal access to all basic rights and amenities foster a sense of integrity in the citizens of a country.

Importance of National Integration

National integration plays a crucial role in the political, economic, cultural and social dimensions of a country. It helps the country in the following ways:

Promotes Social Harmony 

Due to national integration, the social bond between people strengthens in the country, thereby endorsing brotherhood, peace and tolerance among them.

Unites the Nation 

This unites people from a different race, caste, creed or thoughts, and makes the country a single entity, thereby strengthening the country and making it internationally powerful.

Increases Economic Growth

Since this country has the least internal matters and problems, the economic growth will prosper and develop.

Promotes Loyalty for the Nation

National Integration endorses the loyalty of the citizen to the country. It aids to make people join hands and stand for the advancement of the country forgetting their petty issues.

Significance of National Integration in Modern Era

National Integration plays a crucial role during modern times and challenges communalism, regionalism, linguism, etc. However, global terrorism is a major threat to national integration. Only a few people with radical thoughts convince the population and brainwash them. They provoke them against their motherland.

In the era of technological advancements and the accessibility of social media, it is very easy to get deceived. National integration helps to ignore these situations. It makes people intellectually mature and tolerant.

National integration is very significant for a country because it is seen many times in the history of mankind that the integrity of a nation fell in danger. It had confronted major challenges from within and also became a victim of foreign assaults. Hence, national integration plays a significant role in the making of a nation. It keeps the history of the country sustained with development.

National Integration in India is critical for increasing unity among all segments of society in a country like India, which is rich in diversity in many aspects of life. This article explains the role of the school system, film, individuals from the middle class, people from the working class, intellectuals, various multinational corporations, and the media in fostering national integration.

What is the role of education in national integration?

Education is important because it alters our views and ideas. Fortunately, India has had excellent educators both before and after independence. School instructors have an important role in developing the brains of the country's young children. Throughout history, several historical figures like Rani Laxmi Bai and Lal Bahadur Shastri, as well as iconic phrases such as 'Inquilab Zindabad,' have infiltrated our collective psyche.

 The syllabus developed by NCERT with the assistance of famous academics has also played an important role in developing the concept of India. Furthermore, students frequently relocate to other areas of the country to pursue further education at various colleges.

This has enabled young minds to think beyond their areas, castes, and religions. Universities around the nation, such as Delhi University, Jamia Millia Islamia, and Osmania University, to mention a few, have students from all over the country who, in a short period, acquire a pan-Indian mindset that transcends any cultural or ethnic boundaries. Unfortunately, our student enrollments in higher education institutions remain very low, with only about 12-13 percent of our population having access to higher education, whereas, in the United States, it is about 87 per cent, in Europe, it is more than 50 per cent, and in China, it is about 25 per cent.

 Thus, one may anticipate that shortly, with the establishment of private universities and government initiatives, higher education will not only become more accessible, but student enrollments in these institutions will also increase.

People from various cultural groups, as well as marginalized groups such as minorities, women, tribal groups, and so on, who had previously been alienated from the national mainstream, have gradually aligned themselves with the mainstream, owing largely to the efforts of an inclusive education system. "Right education available to everybody is arguably the primary solution for most of our maladies," said Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

What is the purpose of national integration?

The goals of national integration are as follows:

Boost the sense of camaraderie.

Reduce religious, regional, racial, and cultural disparities.

Active and energetic dissemination of the ideals for which our country stands, particularly tolerance and peace.

Mobilize constructive societal forces in the interest of national unity and solidarity, and provide them with leadership, encouragement, and articulation.

Reduce homicides, massacres, and riots, among other things.

Contribute to the nation's development. Increase people's togetherness.

Middle-class, intellectual, and working-class contributions

It is vital to highlight that none of these classes can afford to be confined to a certain place. The middle class, for example, is a highly mobile society that regularly moves across states for business, school, or job opportunities. People from many cultural and regional origins have settled in cities including Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune, and Calcutta, among others, and made these cities their homes. 

This segment of the middle class may readily relate to the concept of India. In Mumbai alone, one may see individuals from all across India, many of them have come there in pursuit of better possibilities. Although individuals transferring from smaller cities to larger ones encounter a variety of challenges, one of which is being classified as "outsiders."

Their will to stay and overcome the obstacles, on the other hand, reflects their faith in the notion of India. The same may be said about the working class. Similarly, intellectuals, by their liberal character, do not confine themselves to caste, class, religion, or location. They oppose the concept of competing values and instead work for the collaborative upliftment of humans and humanity. 

Since the emergence of consciousness of rights and oneness, there have been several instances where the whole intellectual community has spoken out against the state's arbitrary acts against people' creative expression, regardless of caste, creed, religion, or location. This creates room for diverse expressions within a unified India.


FAQs on Importance of National Integration Essay

1. What function does education play in promoting national integration?

Contributions to the formation of habits, attitudes, and character characteristics that would enable its residents to undertake the obligations of democratic citizenship and to confront all those fissiparous tendencies that impede the establishment of a wide, national, and secular worldview. National integration is a psychological and pedagogical process that involves the formation of a sense of togetherness, solidarity, and cohesiveness in the hearts of people, as well as a sense of shared citizenship and allegiance to the nation. It is intellectual integration that education may achieve.

2. What is the purpose of national integration?

 Boost the sense of camaraderie.

3. What is the role of the Constitution in National Integration?

Three features of the Constitution aided greatly in establishing national integration. The Preamble, which began with the letters "We the people of India," i.e. Bharat. Then there are the Fundamental Rights, which are established in the constitution and provide equal rights to all people, regardless of religion, region, caste, gender, creed, etc. The Directive Principles of State Policy, which direct states to take actions toward achieving equality, justice, and liberty for everyone. The Preamble's ideals will be formed through the Directive Principles of State Policy. When taken together, these three aspects of our Constitution strive to create conditions for an equal society in which individual liberties are protected.

4. What is the role of the Planning and Finance commission in National Integration?

National integration was aided by the Planning Commission, Finance Commission, Election Commission, UPSC, CAG, SC, HC, and other commissions. In addition, there are PSUs (Public Sector Undertakings) where staff from various regions of the country are picked through competitive tests. One may discover a mini-India in the residential townships of PSUs like SAIL, BHEL, NTPC, and others. They have had a significant impact in subverting regional sentiments. Recently, the Planning Commission, which has been superseded by the NITI Aayog, has expanded the notion of cooperative federalism, which strives to increase state engagement in nation-building. The Central Government, in its recent 14th Finance Commission proposals, devolved a larger portion (42 per cent) of the divisible pool of taxes to states, allowing them additional budgetary freedom. This demonstrates the Central Government's increased confidence in the role of states in nation-building.

5. What exactly is the significance of national integration?

National integration contributes to the stability and prosperity of the country. It promotes communal cohesion while combating casteism, regionalism, and linguistic distinctions. It fosters a sense of patriotism and strives to bring people together. In a country like India, people of all cultures, languages, and races coexist, and national integration attempts not only to bring them together but also to provide them with a better environment in which to live and develop. National integration is highly important for a country since the integrity of a nation has been threatened numerous times throughout history. It has faced significant internal obstacles as well as external assaults. As a result, national integration is crucial in the formation of a nation. It keeps the country's past alive via growth.

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National Integration Essay

National integration is a powerful way to bind a country together. People take pride in belonging to a nation, and national integration boosts their sense of belonging. It also allows for more efficient government and business practices. In short, national integration is vital for building a strong nation. Here are a few sample essays on “National Integration”.

National Integration Essay

100 Words Essay On National Integration

National integration is an effective tool for bringing people together. Everyone in society is different in one way or another, but they come together based on common interests. The central concept behind national integration is not to group people based on language, religion, caste etc. When considering a large country like India, this term has vast importance. It is because India has more than 19500 mother tongues, more than 700 tribes, five major religions and a lot of other diversity. If integration is not done, it may lead to tension between communities, resulting in a lack of coordination and riots in the nation.

200 Words Essay On National Integration

National integration brings together people from different backgrounds to build a unified and peaceful community. It is about accepting that each individual is different from the other and has unique qualities. Thus, no one should be forced into any group or category, and they should have a feeling of nationalism. There are many ways of achieving it.

Achieving National Integration

The first step to achieve national integration is to help people identify who they are and how they are valuable to a nation. The second step would be to reduce the gap between the communities, and the third step is to bring them together to achieve a common objective.

If a nation's communities are not united, it can lead to riots and crises. This imbalance will slow down the nation’s economy’s development and lead to devastating effects, further inflating the gap between communities. Here a government can motivate its citizen to work collectively.

Why It Is Important

National integration has a lot of benefits for a large country like India. It helps maintain the nation's stability and maintains a constant development curve. It promotes harmony in the country and unites the people. It creates a feeling of patriotism and motivates the communities to work for the nation. Thus we can conclude that National Integration is necessary for the development of any country in modern society.

500 Words Essay On National Integration

National integrity is a shared identity that unites a population regardless of background, ethnicity, religion, or gender. Moreover, this sense of unity and brotherhood exists in a society where tolerance and acceptance of difference are central values. Despite the diversity of the country's people in terms of culture, language, and primary means of subsistence, national integration maintains the country as a whole solid and united. When a country's institutions are strong, it is far more likely to see economic growth and technological advancement.

Aims Of National Integration

National integration in a country like India, with its many ethnic, linguistic, and religious minorities, seeks to do more than merely bring its citizens closer together.

It maintains national stability and fostering its growth are both aided by increased national integration.

It encourages cooperation and counteracts discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, or language.

It strengthens patriotism and brings the population together in times of crisis.

Importance Of National Integration

Integration at the national level has far-reaching effects on a country's economy, society, and culture. Here are some ways it may help a country:

Promotes Social Harmony | A peaceful country is one in which its residents have achieved national integration. To do this, their relationships with one another are fortified. As a result, friendship, harmony, and mutual understanding are fostered.

Unites the Nation | National integration is essential to unite a country's diverse population behind a common flag. It helps the nation become more robust and present a more confident image abroad.

Fosters Economic Growth | It is generally accepted that a nation with no significant internal problems will always succeed and progress toward expansion. Discord and disorder are less likely to arise in a unified nation.

Belongingness To The Nation | Individuals are more likely to be patriotic if they feel they are contributing to the country's greater good. By diverting attention away from individual problems, it encourages citizens to band together and take a position for the betterment of their nation.

Modern-Day Importance Of National Integration

Integrating nations into one modern whole are crucial. Regionalism, communalism, and linguistic diversity are only a few obstacles it faces. The threat of international terrorism is one of the most significant obstacles to global harmony. Only a few radicals can influence and brainwash the majority. They turn them into enemies of their own country.

It is easy to be misled in today's era of instantaneous communication and the widespread use of social media. By integrating as a nation, we can lessen the likelihood of incidents like this. In the long run, it leads to greater intellectual maturity and tolerance among the populace.

Example: GST

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a model of fiscal federalism and national integration. It's proof positive that India's federal democracy is functioning. It was made feasible by the central government working closely with the state governments and all political parties. This integration by the higher authorities motivates people to contribute to the nation’s development by funding it through GST.

National integration is essential for growth. It is crucial since separate nations tend to disintegrate throughout history. Unity must withstand the harshest pressure without fracturing," remarked Mahatma Gandhi.

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Essay on National Integration for Students in English [500 Words]

January 1, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on National Integration: The combined awareness and inclusiveness of countrymen with regard to their national identity is called national integration. The spirit of national feeling which unites people of different dialects, beliefs, religions, castes and languages is called national unity. It defines the political, social, economic and cultural dimensions of a nation. It also enlightens the duties and rights of citizens. In a lighter sense, it emphasizes on the customs and rituals of a country as a whole.

Essay on National Integration 500 Words in English

Below we have provided National Integration Essay in English, suitable for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

“United We Stand, Divided We Fall.”

A country can excel and prosper only when its citizens feel safe and stand as one. National integration refers to the feeling of togetherness and oneness that people of a country share despite differences in their caste, creed, religion, culture and region. National Integration Day is celebrated in India every year on the 19th of November. This date also marks the birth anniversary of India’s first female prime minister, Indira Gandhi . On this day many activities take place, including the National Youth Awards and National Integration Camps. People also come together to promote the spirits of love, unity and peace.

National Integration in the Indian Context

In a country which has been built on the concept of partition, it is incredibly challenging to achieve national integration. India is a multi-cultural, multi-lingual, multi-regional and multi-ethnic nation. Since the very beginning, the people of India have been divided. There were disputes regarding the national language of the country. When Hindi was declared to be the national language, it upset a lot of south Indians, and they denied to accept it.

Some protests and riots took place when a particular caste was not getting an OBC (Other Backward Class) status for the purpose of reservation. In this country, from the start, people have always tried to benefit at the expense of others. These differences are what our country aims at reducing and minimising. The citizens themselves should understand this and promote a sense of tolerance, consensus and brotherhood.

Features of National Integration

There are broadly four main features of national integration. The first and foremost feature is unity. A country is said to be united when its people join together and work towards the betterment of the nation. The second feature is the social homogeneity. A state is socially homogeneous when its people look past their various differences and treat each other as equals. Loyalty towards the country is the third feature. Commitment to a nation is shown by its people when they are devoted to its growth. The last element is giving everyone equal opportunities. Equal opportunities can exist only when there is no discrimination practised and prevalent.

Importance and Significance of National Integration

National integration plays an imperative part in each dimension; social, economic, political, cultural, emotional and ethical. Economic integration takes charge of the unified fight against evils like poverty, hunger and homelessness. Social integration ensures all citizens get social justice, social equality, liberty and fraternity. One fundamental objective of cultural integration is to preserve various traditions, languages, folk dances and beliefs that prevail in a country.

People are united emotionally or psychologically by the country’s history and its glory. They are integrated by their National flag, anthem, symbol, animal, mythological epic, etc. It promotes the development of unity. People are able to see past their petty differences and unite for a common motive and goal. It also fills the hearts of people with patriotism towards their country.

They feel that it is their moral duty as citizens to be loyal to it and protect their homeland. National integration also helps to curb and eradicate social unrest and chaos and brings about national peace. This peaceful coexistence between all citizens leads to them working more efficiently and hence improves the economic conditions as well as the growth of the country.

National integration also helps to remove fear from the hearts of people. Many times, during elections, we see riots happening when representatives of certain religions or castes are not elected. Thus, the coming together of people helps to overcome this and brings about with its political stability. It is also responsible for providing people with national direction while giving each person equal chances, and opportunities be it in jobs, elections, education, etc.

Ways to promote National Integration

Culturally diverse groups should respect each other’s differences. They should be tolerant of one another’s faiths and beliefs. There should exist a mutual understanding between them, and they should be sensitive to the other group’s religions and their practices. Every citizen should follow and implement the country’s ideology, as mentioned in the preamble. Justice, liberty, fraternity, equality and secularism should not be compromised with and should be sincerely respected.

All citizens should show respect wholeheartedly for things that hold national importance. The burden of promoting national integration also falls on the nation’s leaders and their actions. In a country like India, it is utmost essential to integrate all political differences between parties; big or small. National integration in a nation can also be promoted through the fair distribution of resources and education.

People will not feel as if they have been cheated of something that should have been theirs or belonged equally to them as well. The concept of inter-caste marriages can also help strengthen national integration. It helps in people becoming open and more accepting. They welcome individuals from other cultures into their immediate families, thus promoting the spirit of togetherness.


Essay on National Integration [With Headings]

The term “ national integration ” refers to the feeling of togetherness among the people of a nation irrespective of their caste, creed, colour, religion or gender. National integration plays an important role in the growth and prosperity of a nation.

Students must know that there is also a celebration called “ national integration day ” which is celebrated on the 19th of November every year to promote national integration. The day also marks the first female Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi birth anniversary.


Someone has correctly said that “National Integration brings energy through synergy!” . Our freedom fight is a perfect example that supports this ideology. Moreover, National integration plays a great role in the growth and development of a country. But what does it mean by national integration?

National integration refers to the feeling of oneness among the people of a nation regardless of their caste, creed, gender, colour or religion. There are various initiatives to help and sustain national integrity. National integration day is one such kind. The day is celebrated on The 19th of November every year.

The Significance!

There are various stories that explain the significance of integration and unity. Unity or Integration is a symbol of strength. Where there is unity there is growth. That is the reason national integration holds an important role in the nation to growth and prosperity sustainably.

Each person possesses a distinct strength and talent. There is a need to give each person an equal opportunity to utilize the highest amount of talent. National integration offers equal opportunity for each citizen. It also provides an equal platform in terms of social, cultural and economic development.

The Role Of Education In National Integration

National integration is a multi-dimensional concept with many interlocking elements. One of these elements is education. Education is always considered an important pillar of a country. Our education creates a positive realization among the students that they are all members of one nation.

There were many beliefs prevalent in the society that created divisions among the people. Education broadens the vision of individuals and makes them think scientifically. Hence, they do not believe in worthless beliefs with no verifications.

The Role of Youth In National Integration

The population of youth is the real strength of any nation. Way a building can not stand without a strong foundation. Similarly, a country can not live or progress without talented, skilled and dedicated youth.

If the youth are provided with the proper motivation and opportunity, then nothing can stop any country to become a superpower. Although, it is not possible without instilling a sense of national integration. In fact, the real integration of a nation lies in the integrity of youth.

The Challenges!

National integration is not a simple task but it is a complex process. It involves a lot of elements to work on. Without working on all those elements together, it is next to impossible to achieve national integration.

Some of the challenges that halt the process of national integration are casteism, communalism, Linguistic Fanaticism, Regionalism, Social Disparity, and Economic Inequalities.

We can counter these issues with education, government initiatives, and by spreading awareness through mass media such as radio, newspaper and television.

To sum it up, national integration is the need of the hour as it can define the progress of a nation. But it is not a simple task to achieve and sustain national integration. A lot of social issues interrupt the process of national integration. But there is nothing on this planet with no solution. We need a solution-oriented approach to counter problems and achieve the desired outcome.

Essay On National Integration- Introduction

What are the benefits of national integration?

National integration reduces regional, racial, religious and cultural disparities. It forces the people to work for the country together. Most noteworthy, it contributes to nation-building and development.

Why youth is an important element of national integration?

The youth of any country is the same as the foundation of a building to stand strong. The youth decide the future of a nation and it is an integral element of a country’s progress.

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  • National Integration Role Of Constitution And Institutions

National Integration: Role of Constitution and Institutions

In this article, you can read about national integration and the role of the Constitution and the various institutions.

The Constitution

There were three aspects of the Constitution which helped immensely in promoting national integration. The very first was the Preamble , beginning with the letters, “We the people of India”, i.e. Bharat. Then, the Fundamental Rights , enshrined in the constitution, that guarantee equal rights to all- irrespective of religion, region, caste, sex, creed, etc. The Directive Principles of state policy that directs states in taking steps towards bringing equality, justice, liberty to all. The ideals of the Preamble are to be established through the Directive Principles of State Policy. It is these three facets of our Constitution, when read together, aim at creating conditions for an egalitarian society in which individual freedoms are secure.  

Uniform civil/army/judicial administration

The services which we inherited from the British, which we continued with some changes after independence that included IAS (Indian Administrative Service), IPS (Indian Police Service) and IFS (Indian Forest Service). Through AIS (All India Services), a candidate say from Bengal, would have had to serve in say, Gujarat. Those from Gujarat would have had to work in Karnataka, and so on. Generally, the tenure of service would be around 30 to 35 years. Most often such candidates would travel to the state of their posting with their families, and settle in that particular state during a certain period- thereby mixing with the local culture and assimilating many of its cultural traits. These services have contributed towards national unity and integration. Thus, the idea of India is based on a very good ‘sangam’, or union and is thus is based on the idea of fusion rather than fission. Even in the Indian armed forces, jawans and officers are recruited from different parts of India- often their family members come from diverse cultural backgrounds, and often one sees members within the same family belonging to different regions, and sometimes even following different religions. This has also contributed towards making regional identities less important when it comes to the National identity. The presence of a unified judiciary in the country, with a single hierarchy of courts with the Supreme Court at its apex, upholds the basic tenets of our Constitution which enforces equality before law, and has been a refuge for civil society as a whole to voice their concerns. Recent innovations taken up by the Judiciary has further deepened the idea of Justice for all that reaches all sections of society and providing an effective stage to the aggrieved citizens of the country in the form of Public Interest Litigations (PILs) that have brought the attention of the larger public towards key issues.  Also, judicial activism has further strengthened the principle of ‘checks and balances’ between the other two pillars of Governance, namely, the legislature and the executive, often shaping more just and equitable public policies.

Role of Planning and Finance Commission

Planning Commission, Finance Commission, Election Commission, UPSC, CAG, SC, HC etc. helped in national integration. Over and above this, the PSU (Public Sector Undertakings), where workers, who come from different parts of the country, are selected on the basis of competitive exams. In fact, one finds a mini-India in the residential townships of PSU’s such as SAIL, BHEL, NTPC, etc. They have played a major role in subverting regional feelings. Recently, the Planning Commission being replaced by the NITI Aayog, has further strengthened the concept of cooperative federalism that seeks to achieve greater involvement of states towards nation building. The Central Government, through the recent 14 th Finance Commission recommendations, devolving a greater share (42%) of the divisible pool of taxes to states, thereby granting them greater fiscal space, has reposed greater faith in the role that States play in nation building.    

Railways and Communication

One witnesses the diversity of India when one travels by the Indian railways. In fact, one witnesses different classes of people, spanning across the length and breadth of the country. The geographical extent of India becomes visible through the fact that, if one removes Russia from the map of Europe, India is bigger than Europe. The process of railway development in the Indian context rapidly increased from 1858 onwards. Statistics show that, the pace at which the rail network increased was more than 900 kms per year. However, after independence, the average rate of growth of the rail network has been around 300 kms per year. It can be observed that with increasing rail network penetration, even remote extremities of our country were connected with each other thus increasing people-to-people contacts within the country. The railways hasn’t only been an effective vehicle for movement of cargo and people within the country, but, since its inception, and even during the days freedom struggle where it played a key role, continues to be a medium of cultural and emotional exchange of thoughts and ideas to this very day.   The huge telecom reform and revolution in India has helped in strengthening people-to-people contacts. These days, we have many telecom service providers such as BSNL, Airtel, Vodafone, etc. Mobile technology today isn’t restricted to the affluent class of society, but has been made accessible to the people at the bottom of the social pyramid. This has played a key role in promoting national integration by connecting a large section of our population, bridging the communication divide.  

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Model essay on national integration for college level students

National integration.

In the Indian context, National Integration is a matter of paramount importance. As an ancient country with mind-boggling diversity of race, religion, language and culture, India relentlessly grapples with fissiparous tendencies. Thanks to a judicious mix of military power, political acumen and sagacious leadership, India has managed to stay united. But challenges crop up periodically from within the country and without. This is the reason why national integration needs to be fostered with the utmost zeal and verve.

In our neighborhood, Pakistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and even China struggle to rein in centrifugal forces that tend to tear apart the country. Even rich and advanced democratic countries like Belgium, Spain, the United Kingdom, Canada experience difficulties to hold together. The mighty Soviet Union imploded without a single bullet being fired. The regions that broke away to become independent countries such as the Ukraine, Georgia etc. have themselves been bedeviled by secessionist forces. Quite inexplicably, even the heavily down-sized and truncated Russia has to contend with never-ending insurgency in the tiny Chechnya which aspires to be an independent nation.

It is essential to examine what binds nations. Is it religion? If so, why did Pakistan brake apart in 1971? Today, Baluchistan wants to secede to form an independent country. Is it the language and colour of skin of citizens that binds nations? If so, why does Scotland want to secede from the United Kingdom? Is it culture? If so, why Ukraine is disintegrating? So, no single factor can be responsible to make or break a nation state.

Political scientists have pondered over the matter for long, and have come to conclude that a combination of un-fulfilled political desires, religious persecution, linguistic hegemony, economic disparity, and above all, an indifferent central leadership can fuel anger and disaffection among smaller ethnic groups to break away from the mother country.

India had its bouts of disruptive upheavals in the past. The Tamils, fearing dominance by the Hindi-speaking North wanted to secede in the years after independence. Nehru smothered the demand through persuasion, patience, and accommodation. When the Khalistan forces reared their head, the government used brute police power (led by K. P. S Gill) to wipe their leaders off the soil of Punjab. The festering Naga problem and the pro-Pakistan Kashmir rebels have been more or less contained. But, has the challenge to the unity of India retreated for good? It would be naive to think so.

It is worth examining the present dangers to national integration in India. What we see today is a growing isolation of Muslims and Christians who find the interpretation of nationalism by chauvinistic Hindu groups too noxious to live with. Efforts have been made to undermine the liberal principles enshrined in the Constitution by various covert and overt methods by self-seeking politicians. This has caused great unease among the minorities and a vast majority of moderate Hindus. Of late, the Dalits, long disenchanted with the polity of the country, have come under attack from a group of ruling party leaders. They have been portrayed as anti-national, unpatriotic, and disloyal to the country. Such uncharitable characterization of Dalits or for that matter, any other group imperils national integration.

A certain political party based in Mumbai claims that the bustling metropolis is meant to benefit only the sons of the soil. Those from other states are treated as interlopers and rent-seekers. Such claims are bizarre, and run counter to the Constitution. To further boost their pseudo-nationalism, the party openly takes avirulent anti-Muslim stand, and goes to the extent of blocking visit of sports teams and artists from Pakistan. The obvious intent is to derive electoral gains, no matter how grievous harm the party does to the unity of the country. Cohesion, inclusiveness, liberal values, and tolerance are alien to the philosophy of such parties.

Another creed of politicians needlessly take un-compromising and rigid positions in matter of sharing of national resources such as river water. Karnataka and Tamil Nadu bicker over Cauvery water in summer. This particular problem has defied solution for years, simply because adopting stubborn position helps the parties in power to project themselves as the protectors of the state’s interests. Such naked provincialism needlessly fuels rivalry between the Kannadigas and the Tamils.

Karnataka and Maharastra are unfortunately locked in a boundary dispute that becomes more and more intractable as the two states harden their stands. For national integration, such myopic approach in resolving contentious issues proves to be a big hurdle.

Another shameful exhibition of intolerance is seen when young students and workers from the North Eastern states are harassed, roughed up in Delhi and Bangalore for the slightest of provocation. The young migrants feel embittered and disaffected. On going back home, they narrate the horror stories before their friends and relations, who seethe in anger against the rest of India. Thus, isolationism grows at the cost of integration.

Almost in the whole of North and in parts of Western India, Biharis are looked down upon as stupid, uncouth, and boorish. This is despite the fact that Bihar produces the highest number of civil service officers and IIT graduates on per capita basis. In doing manual labour in farms and factories, Biharis outperform people from all other states. Such gritty and brainy people from Bihar suffer humiliation because of the entrenched prejudice against them. How can they be expected to be seamlessly integrated to the rest of India when they are treated with scorn and ridicule?

The venomous exchange of diatribes between the Telugus of Telengana and Andhra Pradesh is a unique case of politicians succeeding in separating people with the same blood, same language and the same culture. Such is the power of self-seeking politicians in turning one brother against the other for narrow interests.

It is heartening to note that an institutional mechanism in the form of National Integration Council is in place to address dangers to national integration. Started by Jawaharlal Nehru in 1961, this Council has the chief minister of all the states as its members. The Council deliberates on various issues endangering social harmony in the country and suggests measures to counter them. So far, the results have been mixed, but even its critics concede that it surely has helped in bridging differences and healing wounds in the body politic of the nation.

In conclusion, all of us need to realize that India today stands at a crossroads. If we stand united, bury our intolerance, and treat everyone as equal citizens of the country, we will propel our country to the zenith of power and prosperity. On the other hand, if we give short shrift to the spirit of the Constitution, fail to take everyone on board, and eschew inclusiveness, we will sink to the level of failed states like Somalia and Syria. In India’s rise lies the world’s rise: in India’s fall lies the world’s fall, because we make up one sixth of the mankind.

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National Integration Essay

National Integration Essay | Essay on National Integration and Importance of National Integration

National Integration Essay in English: National Integration Essay is an important topic from an academic perspective. However, its implications are much wider in scope. National integration has its origins in other related concepts – such as “unity in diversity” and other ideologies focused on creating harmony among a group of individuals.

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The primary focus of national integration is to create a sense of unity and a common identity among the citizens of a nation. National integration also helps to prevent a conflict that may arise out of any differences in culture, ethnicity, and religion. From a grand scheme of things, the national integral is very crucial for nation-building. Progress of a nation is paramount for long term sustainability and growth. Economies will improve, jobs will increase and society will become stable. Therefore, developing a sense of national integration is of utmost importance.

From an academic perspective, writing the perfect essay on National Integration may not be easy for all. However, the samples provided here are designed to ensure that students can grasp with ease and reproduce the same in an exam. Also provided are useful tips and tricks that can fetch more marks if students are able to adopt them.

Table of Contents

Essay on National Integration Useful Writing Tips & Tricks

  • Use an introductory paragraph when beginning the essay. To ensure that the introductory paragraph has content pertinent to the topic.
  • Include a brief history, or any background information if available
  • Do not use jargons or slangs for an academic essay
  • Avoid jargons, unless it is required by the topic
  • Organise content with headings and subheadings
  • Avoid using large, monotonous blocks of text. Instead, present the content in small, digestible chunks.
  • Use bulleted points where applicable
  • Use specifics such as names, dates, and places to add clarity.
  • When concluding the essay, always use a concluding paragraph.
  • Before submission, read through the essay to find grammatical or factual errors if time permits.

National Integration Essay 200 Words

What is the National Integration?

National Integration is a term that relates to a sense of harmony and unity among the many distinct people of a country. Most often, countries have millions of people from various backgrounds, and to survive in peace, national integration is paramount.

However, the idea is not new; ever since the rise of civilization aeons ago, man has had conflict over various differences. Generally, conflicts are a strain on society as they use up valuable resources and labour, which could have been used elsewhere.

Role of National Integration

The primary role of national integration is to create a sense of unity. This is done by offering a fair and even platform for all citizens irrespective of their caste, creed and gender. This promotes the nation’s growth and development.

India is a very large country, with a population of more than 138 crores as of 2019. This means there are many religions, many castes and creeds existing within India’s borders.  Hence, national integration for India is paramount towards maintaining peace and harmony. Furthermore, national integration increases economic growth and increases loyalty for the nation.

Importance of National Integration

The conflicts in the Middle East for the past few decades are an example of how society fails due to the lapse of national integration. Communities of individuals have decimated each other over differences in the culture and creed. Today’s terrorist organizations disrupt peace by targeting the national integration of a nation. Anti-social elements take advantage when differences in opinions arise. Even though electronic media, rumors can be propagated that can cause havoc in society.

In conclusion, national integration is paramount for the growth of a nation. Without this crucial element, society fails to function efficiently, thereby affecting individual citizens, as well as the entire nation.

Essay on National Integration 300 Words

Meaning of National Integration

National integration is a term that describes the harmony and unity which exists among the citizens of a nation. This term has evolved from older phrases and mottos which promotes unity among diverse groups of individuals. A similar phrase, “Unity in diversity” could be considered as a precursor.

Origin of National Integration

Origins of this particular phrase can be traced back to the 12th century to a Sufi philosopher named Ibn al-Arabi. The central idea of this phrase was to prevent conflict, which often had a disastrous effect on a nation’s economy. Conflict, in general, is never sustainable for a nation in the long run. However, human nature is something that cannot be changed, hence, conflict is mostly unavoidable.

Role of National Integration 

As stated previously, the primary role of national integration is to promote peace and harmony. However, it serves many other crucial functions such as:

  • Invoke “national feeling” or the feeling of “brotherhood”
  • Promote unity
  • Bridge societal gaps
  • Remove barriers between castes and creeds
  • Promote economy and reduce economic disparity
  • Promote equality
  • Promote fundamental duties
  • To reduce corruption and illiteracy

Threats Facing National Integration

Terrorist organizations seek to disrupt the peace of a nation by targeting its national integrity. For instance, any differences or disparity is exacerbated by anti-social elements. These activities can cause economic unrest and also help propagate falsified news or rumors. Moreover, in today’s day and age, technology is a boon; however, it can also be used against a nation.

The War in the Middle East can be quoted as one of the most infamous examples of how a society plunges into disarray due to a host of underlying issues. However, the most prominent reason can be the failure of national integration, where differences among different ethnic groups caused civil unrest, which displaced millions of citizens and caused the deaths of countless more.

In conclusion, national integration is crucial for the growth and prosperity of a nation. Its absence can lead to the downfall of society and the eventual collapse of the country.

FAQ’s On National Integration Essay

Question 1. What is National Integration?

Answer: National Integration is a term that describes the harmony and unity among the people of a country.

Question 2. What is the importance of national integration?

Answer: As national integration demonstrates a crucial part in the development of a country, it becomes important to develop the feeling of national integrity

Question 3. What is the meaning of national integration?

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Essay on Importance of National Integration

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National Integration is the bond and togetherness between people irrespective of their caste, creed, religion or gender. It is the feeling of oneness, brotherhood and social unity within communities and society in a country. National Integration helps to keep the country united and strong from within despite the diversities. The importance of national integration can be understood from the fact that the nation which remains integrated will always progress on the track of development and prosperity.

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Long and Short Essay on Importance of National Integration in English

We have provided below different essay on importance of national integration of various word lengths. You can use the information in various school competitions, debates or speech on the occasion of National Integration Day observed on 19 th November every year. It will also help you to answer questions like what is the meaning of national integration, what is the motto of national integration, what are the aims of national integration, what is the significance of national integration etc.

Importance of National Integration Essay 1 (200 Words)

The significance of national integration in a country like India increases manifold seeing the diversities and cultural differences. It plays a very crucial role in the modern times especially in a country like India which is still on a developing track. National integration makes a country resilient by uniting its citizen with a single thread of brotherhood and nationalism. If a country is integrated by its people, it becomes tough for a foreign force to disintegrate it.

We have seen many incidents of riots and revolts in the country in past years and these incidents are a threat to the social and cultural integrity of a nation. These issues also pose a big hurdle on the path of country’s development. National integration is the only thing which could stabilize the development of a country, improve the economic growth and add value to its cultural and social status.

The growth and development of a country directly depends on its integrity and unity and if it lacks in both then it becomes impossible for the nation to progress ahead towards a sustained development. National integration acts as a basic foundation for maintaining harmony, peace and brotherhood in the society thus building a country which is strong, united and resilient.

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Importance of National Integration Essay 2 (300 Words)


National integration is a bond of unity among the citizens of a country. It is the feeling of oneness and harmony despite of social and cultural dissimilarities. National integration helps a country to stay integrated and united and progress towards its goals of development. It not only makes the country strong from within but also makes it more secure and safe from foreign forces.

What is the Importance of National Integration

National integration plays a vital role in making the country as one by uniting every section of the society irrespective of their caste, religion, gender or geographical location. It gives an equal opportunity to every citizen and provides an equal platform in terms of social, cultural and economical development. It helps to unite the minorities and gives the freedom to live their life in their way without any interference. National integration is also crucial for the country’s development as the country with national unity will always flourish and develop and will have very less internal issues.

National Integration and India

In a country like India, national integration is more significant as India is a country of diversities where people from different cultures, religions, castes and geographical areas reside together. It is because of the feeling of national integration that Indian people get along with each other and live with harmony. It is the national integration of India that makes India as a country which showcases the culture of unity in diversity.

National integration is very important for a country because it is seen many times in the history of mankind that whenever the integrity of a nation is shattered, it had faced major challenges from within and also became a victim of foreign invasions. Hence national integration plays a significant role in making of a nation and keeping it alive in the history with a sustained development.

Importance of National Integration Essay 3 (400 Words)

National integration is the integrity and brotherhood which is showcased by the citizens of a country. It is the feeling which makes the people stay together despite their personal and cultural differences. National integration holds and binds the people of a country under the single blanket of nationalism and harmony. It makes the country as a single entity and develops the feeling of cohesion among its people.

Aims of National Integration

National integration primarily aims at providing a better environment to the people of a country so that they can develop themselves in all the aspects irrespective of their caste, religion, gender or geographical location. It also helps to bind multi racial and multilingual country like India which has people with diverse culture and tradition. It also multiplies the bond of brotherhood amongst communities, societies and the people.

National integration also helps in maintaining stability of a country and adds up to its overall development. It helps to nurture communal harmony and fights casteism, regionalism and linguism etc which are considered as the threats for the national unity. It enhances the feeling of loyalty and fraternity towards the nation and unites the people in case of any national emergency.

How to Promote National Integration

As national integration plays a vital role in the development of a country, it becomes important to develop the feeling of national integrity among its citizens. National integration could be promoted by prohibiting all the discrimination based on caste, creed, language or geographical location. Focusing on all the sections of the society and making them financially reliant will help to promote economical integrity which is the one of the most important factor for promoting national integration. Tolerance and respect for other caste or religion also helps to promote national integrity. Education, social and cultural unity, equality among people also helps to inculcate the feeling of national integration.

National integration makes a country united and integrated. It promotes the feeling of mutual trust and understanding among its citizens. If a country is integrated, it could face any type of situation and will stand strong under all the odd circumstances. The social and cultural integrity in a country not only adds up to the inclusive growth but it also makes the country self reliant which could focus on its progress and have very less number of internal issues. It also empowers the country by making it more resilient and politically strong in the international community.

Importance of National Integration Essay 4 (500 Words)

People with different sections, cultures, traditions and languages reside in a country but the feeling which binds them in a single string of brotherhood and togetherness is the national integration. Though we belong to different communities and sections and have various dissimilarities but there is a feeling which makes us a single entity and that is the feeling of national integration. It helps to strengthen a nation and brings development and prosperity in the country.

Advantages of National Integration

National integration plays a very significant role in political, economical, cultural and social dimensions of a country. It helps the country in the following ways:

  • Promotes Social Harmony

National integration makes the people of a country to reside in harmony by strengthening the social bond between them. It promotes brotherhood, peace and tolerance among them.

  • Unites the Nation

National integration helps to unite people of different race, caste, creed or thoughts and makes the country as a single entity. If the people of a country are united then it strengthens the country and makes it powerful on the global platform.

  • Increases Economic Growth

It is a known fact that the country which has less internal issues and problems will always prosper and develop, and the country which is united will always have fewer issues as compared to the country which is socially unstable.

  • Promotes Loyalty for the Nation

National integration promotes loyalty of the citizen for the country. It helps to make people join hands and stand for the betterment of the country forgetting their petty issues.

Significance of National Integration in Modern Era

National integration plays a more significant role in the modern times as it is being challenged by many factors like communalism, regionalism, linguism etc. Global terrorism is also one of the biggest threats to national integration when few people with radical thoughts convince the population and brainwash them and provoke them against their motherland. A country with a population which has the feeling of national integration will never fall prey to the radical ideologies of these people.

In the era of technological advancements and availability of social media platforms and internet, it is very easy to get deceived. There had been also many cases of mob lynching in the past when people believed the fake information and were provoked to take law in their hand. National integration helps to avoid these situations and makes people intellectually mature and tolerant.

The prosperity of a country lies in the hands of its citizen and if they are united and integrated irrespective of their dissimilarities and diversities, it will definitely give a push to the country towards development and growth. National integration does the same thing by making the country as one and spreading the feeling of togetherness and brotherhood. Political forces should also work together and should not divide people basis of caste, creed or language for their personal benefits. The citizen of a country should also be matured enough to take right decision and stay away from the people of radical ideologies. They should always think of country first and keep aside their personal issues and live with peace and harmony with each other.

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Importance of National Integration Essay 5 (600 Words)

National integration combines the people of a country with cultural, social, racial and linguistic diversities into a single identity of a nation. It helps the co-existence of people with different caste, creed and thoughts with great dignity and respect to each other. It not only makes the country respectable from within but it is also appreciated on international platforms. It showcases the ability of good governance and intellectual maturity of its citizens by setting an example for others.

Motto of National Integration

Unity in Diversity is the sole motto of national integration in India. It is the motto of culture and lifestyle of India which integrates its citizens from different ethnicity, sections and society and paints them in a single colour of nationalism. The Indian culture of unity in diversity showcases that though the people are from different backgrounds, castes, regions and religions but they are always united as Indians. It is because of the 5000 years old rich cultural heritage of India which makes it as a land of ‘Unity in Diversity’.

Factors Promoting National Integration in India

There are many factors which promote national integration in a country. It helps to unite the people from different caste, creed or language into a single entity as Indian. Major factors which promote national integration in India are as follows:

  • Economic Equality

Equal distribution of income among every section and community in the country enhances the confidence of even the marginal section of the society thus by increasing their faith and loyalty towards nation.

Education is the lamp which drives away all the darkness of ignorance and illiteracy thus bringing the people into the mainstream. It gives an intellectual thinking and the real meaning of unity and integration to the people.

  • National Symbols

National symbols like National Flag, National Anthem and National Song instill the feeling of patriotism and oneness among people irrespective of their caste, sects or race by making them Indian first.

  • National Festivals

National festival like Republic Day, Independence Day and Gandhi Jayanti are the festivals which are celebrated by each and every Indian without any discrimination. People forget their caste and religion and unite together on the occasion.

  • Good Governance

Good governance is also a foremost important factor in promoting national integration. A government which focuses on collective efforts and inclusive growth will always manage to achieve the developmental goal and growth of each and every section of the country thus increasing the loyalty towards nation.

Role of National Integration Council for National Integration

National Integration Council was setup by Jawaharlal Nehru in 1961. The primary aim of the council was to promote national integration and address the issues related to communalism, regionalism and casteism. It also works on promotion of equality, coexistence, tolerance and to reduce communal violence and atrocities on women in the country. NIC is headed by the Prime Minister of India and has ministers, senior leaders and public figures as its members.

India is a vast country of diversities with many cultures, traditions and ideologies and what makes it as a single nation is the integration and social bond within its citizen. The national unity of India despite so much diversity is a matter of surprise for the people around the globe. It is because of the fact that people of India believe in coexistence and peace and respect the ideologies of other community. The true feeling of national integration in a country makes its citizen unite together during any natural calamity or in case of any national emergency forgetting their personal grudges and joins hands to face the situation with bravery.

Related Information

  • National Integration Day
  • Speech on National Integration

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National Integration Essay

National integration  is a feeling of oneness and togetherness by the citizens of a nation. It is very important for the citizens to live in harmony and for the progress of the nation. Father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi had also stressed on national integration as he knew its importance in fighting with the Britishers. National Integration is very important and significant from nation’s security point of view. There is an urgent need to raise national integration in the best interest of the nation and its people.

Long and Short Essay on National Integration in English

National integration is a way to make people aware about the power of unity among people living in a country.

It makes people aware about the necessity of Rastriya Ekta by bringing equality among people of different culture, race, cast and religion.

We have provided essay on national integration in various words limit for your lovely kids and school going children. Let them know about national integration in very simple words and sentences.

Let your children be smart enough in the class by helping him to learn such simple national integration essay.

National Integration Essay 1 (100 words)

National integration is also known as Rastriya Ekta and National integration day as Rastriya Ekta Diwas. It is a positive aspect to reduce the differences of socio-cultural and economic as well as inequalities among people of the country. It promotes to strengthen the unity among people of any group, society, community and whole country to bring national unity a day. It is not a force by any authority however it is a request from people to make our country a developed country. It is possible only through the unity and harmony of the people. They should share their ideas, values and other issues to enhance their emotional bonds. People must feel and live the unity within diversity and make our national identity a supreme power.

National Integration

National Integration Essay 2 (150 words)

National integration is of great importance in India to enhance the individual level development in this country and make it a strong country. In order to make people aware of it completely, it is celebrated as an event every year on 19 th of November (birthday anniversary of first woman Indian prime minister, Indira Gandhi) as National Integration Day (means Rastriya Ekta Diwas) and National Integration Week ((means Quami Ekta Week) from 19 th of November to 25 th of November. The real meaning of the integration is combination of various parts to make it one.

India is a country where people from various regions, religions, culture, tradition, race, cast, colour, and creed are living together. So, people integration is must in India to make a national integration. If people from different religions and culture live together by uniting, there will be no any social or developmental problems. It is known as unity in diversity in India however it is not true but we (youth of the country) have to make it possible.

National Integration Essay 3 (200 words)

In India National Integration Day is observed as a most important social event every year on 19 th of November. For more awareness among public about the national integration, a whole week programme has also been implemented by the government of India to observe annually as National Integration Week from 19 th to 25 th November. India is a country famous for its different cultures, traditions, races, religions, castes and creeds but it cannot be unseen that it is still comes under the developing countries because of the diversity in the thinking of people living here. People living here think differently according to their own culture and religion which is a big issue of hindering the individual and country development.

India is famous for its unity in diversity but it is not true as people here are not ready to accept others opinion for development. Everyone always try here that his religion is best than others and what he does is always great. People from different races living here are fighting physically, emotionally, arguing, debating in many ways to prove them best only for their own benefits. They never think by getting together about their country. They never think that the development of our country is possible only with growth and development of individual and single identity of everyone.

National Integration Essay 4 (250 words)

National integration is a process to bring unity among people of different religions to create a single identity of India as “Unity of People”. It is one and only way to remove inequality and other social issues like diversities, racial discriminations, etc in the society as well as strengthen the solidarity and unity. India is a multi-caste and multi-lingual country where people from different castes live and speak different languages. They follow their own customs and traditions according to the religion they belong. In India there is not only a diversity among people of religions, castes, creeds, colours and cultures but there is also a diversity of thinking which is a big issue of improper development in India.

There is a high degree of disintegration exists among Indian people which make a bad present scenario here with communal and other problems. Because of the disintegration in India, we have faced lots of social problems like partition in India in 1947, destruction of Babri Masjid in 1992, riots between people of Muslim and Hindu religions. Barrier of untouchability , barrier of language, status barrier and other social barriers are pulling us back. Various rules and regulations have been planned and implemented by the government of India to bring artificial unity in diversity however it is only human mind which can bring natural unity in diversity among people.

All the social issues arising here is because of the lack of national integration. We all should understand the need and requirement, real meaning and purpose of this national integration. We should live and think equally as well as follow all the rules and regulations by the Indian government for the ultimate development of our country.

National Integration Essay 5 (300 words)

India is a land where contrast people with their unique culture and diverse facets of lifestyle are living. Obviously, it is quite clear that we need to understand the meaning of national integration in our lives and follow everything to give a single identity of our country. People in India belong to different castes, races, religions, communities and cultural groups and lived together for years. Diversity of religions, castes and creeds has enriched the cultural heritage of the India which arisen here a composite culture however it is very clear that India has always lacked political unity.

Indian has attained only once a political unity in the history in 1947 when Britishers were forced to go from here. They had followed various types of planned policies to divide and rule here however finally they became unsuccessful. Some of the points like cultural unity, defensive continuity, constitution, art, literature, common economic problems, national flag , national festivals, national anthem and national emblem are promoting the National Integration in India.

Instead of being from different religions and cases we should recognize that all are one in order to build a strong and prosperous nation. We need to understand the real meaning of the unity in diversity in India. It never means kind of oneness should be here because of racial and cultural similarity, it means that oneness instead of great differences here. India is counted as the country having second largest population all over the world, where more than one thousand six hundred fifty-two languages are spoken and people from all major religions of the world are living here together. In spite of all differences we should co-exist here with each other peacefully without any political or social conflicts. We should enjoy the unity in this great country where everything is diverse to fulfil the purpose of national integration.

National Integration Essay 6 (400 words)

India is a country of diversity in people’s races, religions, languages, castes, etc however unity is also seen here many times under the influence of common territory, history and continuous fight for the freedom from British rule. Britishers followed many years the policy of Divide and Rule in India in order to continue their ruling power over India. However the unity of Indian people from different races, religions and castes makes possible to run away the Britishers. However, after independence disintegration took place which divided India into Bharat and Pakistan.

Indian is a land of various religious communities like Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, Jains, Buddhists and Parses. National integration is possible here only when each community live peacefully together, appreciate other community, love people of other community and respect culture and tradition of others. People from each community should observe their fairs, festivals and other great days peacefully. Each community should help each other and share the celebration of religious festivals. Any religious community should not do anything bad which is banned or prohibited in other religious community.

People of different religions speak different languages like Hindi, English, Urdu, Oriya, Bengali, Assamese, Gujarati, Marathi, Punjabi, etc. There should be equality among people of all religions and same facility for students of all castes. National integration in India is an immediate need in the modern time to bring equality among people of all races and equal growth and development of all communities for the ultimate development of the country. Indian government has founded the Council of National Integration in the hope that people living here would co-operate in fulfilling the purpose of its all programmes.

National integration is one combining group of all the people living of the nation to make a single identity. National integration is a particular sentiment which binds people together into one common bond of nation without noticing the religion, caste, background or language. We should identify ourselves as people of India not as from particular religion or caste. India is a big country having vast population of various creed and castes. It is a heritage rich country however we cannot say it a country having unity of people. It is possible through the huge awareness of the youths of the country. As a youth, we are the future of our country so we should fully understand our responsibility towards our nation and do all the required activities needed for the national integration.

Long Essay on National Integration – Essay 7 (800 words)


National integration refers to the feeling of oneness and unity among the citizens of a country. It is the recognition of being one despite the difference in caste, creed, colour and religion. National integration is extremely essential to maintain peace and prosperity of a country. A country where people live in harmony with each other stands far better prospects of growth and development compared to one where people lack unity. Government must take initiatives to invoke and promote the feeling of oneness among citizens.

Importance of National Integration

National integration is of utmost importance for any nation. It helps in bringing people closer and promotes peace and harmony in the society. It is the basis of a peaceful nation. The government must take it as its duty to ensure national integrity in order to give a safe and secure environment to the citizens. Only when the individuals feel safe can they prosper and grow. It is thus essential for the overall development of a nation.

Many third world countries including India have not been able to come at par with the first world nations due to lack of national integration. People in these countries are so engrossed in pulling each other down that they do not understand that they are barring their own growth in the event. They keep fighting for their petty issues and are unable to look at the bigger picture. They lack the capacity of viewing the nation as a whole.

A handful of such people instigate those around them and form groups thereby promoting hatred among people which is a threat to national integration which in turn is a threat to the peace and harmony of the country. The government must intervene here and sensitize people about the need to do away with the feeling of hatred and contribute towards national integration. However, the government of many such nations often neglects and overlooks this issue thereby giving rise to disintegration.

National Integration Week India

19 th November is celebrated as National Integration Day in India since the year 2013. It happens to be the birth anniversary of Indira Gandhi, the first woman Prime Minister of the country. The entire week starting 19 th November and ending 25 th November has been dedicated to national integration of the country. It is called the National Integration Week or the Qaumi Ekta Week.

The introduction of National Integration Week by the government of India is an attempt to promote brotherhood and oneness among the citizens of the country.

Several events are organized to celebrate this week. National Integration Camp, National Youth Festival and Inter State Youth Exchange Programme are among some of the events conducted to rejoice this week and encourage unity among the people of our country. Apart from this, various cultural activities and seminars are held to bring people closer and disseminate their differences.

Factors Affecting National Integration in India

Though we proudly say that India is a land of unity among diversity, we do know that this is not completely true. Even as the Indian government is making attempts to ensure national integration, it often falls short. There have been several instances of communal and religious riots in our country and several innocent lives have suffered due to the same. A number of factors affect national integration of our country. Main factors impacting the same are as follows:

  • Caste : Caste system in India has divided people more than anything. Since ancient times, people have been divided into four different castes including the Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudhras. People belonging to the upper castes such as Brahmanas and Kshatriyas look down upon those belonging to the lower castes. This has given rise to several clashes and fights.
  • Religion : People from different religions live in our country and each one of them is determined to prove that his religion and language is superior to the other. This is another cause of disintegration.
  • Economic Disparity : There is huge economic disparity among the citizens of our country. This is another cause of division among people and a hindrance to national integration.

National Integration and Communal Harmony

The need for national integration is strongly felt in a country like India as it is home for people belonging to different castes, creed and religion. Each religious group and caste in India believes that it is superior to the other and that it is not getting the due respect and privileges it should. In an attempt to prove their superiority, they often get into fight with the other groups. This disturbs the communal harmony of the country. In order to maintain peace and harmony it is important to stop fighting in the name of religion, caste and culture and see ourselves as one.

National integration plays a key role in building a nation. The need for the same is felt but the attempts to encourage it haven’t been as successful in India. There is still a lot of disparity and hatred among people of our country. The government must take some stringent steps to promote national integration and people must support it to strengthen the nation and give a better future to the coming generations.

Related Information:

National Integration

National Integration Day

Speech on National Integration

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Paragraph on National Integration

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Essay on National Integration

What makes a country beautiful and developed? Is it only depend on resources? No, the foremost thing that makes a country successful is the people living there. The condition of a country is totally dependent on the condition of its citizen. A country is built from people. So, happy and successful people will give rise to a happy country. And this happiness will come when people will live in unity. The concept of unity is promoted through National Integration. Therefore, today we will discuss National Integration in detail.

Short and Long National Integration Essay in English

Here, we are presenting short and long essays on National Integration in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250, words and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays on National Integration will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on this topic.

National Integration Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) National Integration is a way to bring people together all over the country.

2) It is the connection between people, irrespective of caste, creed, or religion.

3) National Integration is a sign of strength.

4) It is a big part of a country’s growth and development.

5) People also feel secure and safe when their country works together.

6) Terrorism around the world is a major threat to national integration.

7) Youths play an important role in national integration.

8) The country stays stable with the help of national integration.

9) National integration can be promoted through education.

10) The freedom fight in India is the best example of national integration.

National Integration Pencil Drawing

Short Essay on National Integration (250 – 300 Words)


“Together We Stand, Apart We Fall”

This phrase clearly describes the power of unity. Without unity, nothing can be achieved. National integration is a term when all the people in a country get along and work together irrespective of their caste, religion, or gender. The centre sets up seminars, campaigns, and other programs all over the country to bring people together and help them for the growth and peace of the country.

Purpose of National Integration

The primary purpose of national integration is to stop and get rid of social unrest. It aims to bring peace to the whole country. The most important thing that national integration does is bring people together. However, not only it brings people together but also gives them a better place to live and grow. It makes people feel more loyal to their country and tries to bring people together in case of an emergency.

Advantages of National Integration

National Integration is important in every way: socially, economically, politically, culturally, and emotionally. Some advantages of national integration are as follows:

  • It helps in boosting the nation’s economy
  • It is important to bring fairness to society
  • National integration promotes fundamental duties
  • It will help to reduce corruption and illiteracy

Our fight for freedom is a great example of the importance of national integration. In modern life when people are busy with competition, national integration is an important part of our lives. Without talented, skilled, and dedicated youth, a country can’t live or move forward. Hence the importance of national integration in a country can’t be ignored.

How to Draw National Integration Day Simple/Quick Picture Drawing

Long Essay on National Integration (500 Words)

National Integration is an important part of a country’s growth and well-being. Our freedom fighters knew how important it was for everyone to get along. They brought the country together and freed it from British rule. Now more than ever, it’s important for countries to work together. Due to this, the government has started a number of programmes to make this idea a reality.

What is National Integration?

National integration is a process that brings together different social and cultural groups. The main goal of national integration is to give everyone in a country a sense of unity and a shared identity. It also helps people learn some basic values that can keep society running smoothly. National integration is when everyone in a country knows and cares about their national identity as a whole. It is a process that will take time, work, and dedication from every citizen. To highlight the importance of national integration, one day is dedicated to it as National Integration Day.

Importance of National Integration

When people work together, they grow. National integration gives every citizen the same chances and opportunities. It also gives everyone an equal chance to grow socially, culturally, and economically. It tells people what their duties and rights are. National integration helps people become more united. It also makes people love their country and feel proud of it. It also gives people a sense of national direction and makes sure that everyone has the same chances in jobs, elections, education, etc. National Integration also helps stop conflicts that could be caused by differences in culture, ethnicity, and religion.

National Integration in India

India is a huge country with a population of billions. This means that there are many different religions, castes, and creeds. Moreover, India is a multi-cultural, multi-lingual, multi-regional and multi-ethnic nation.

In a country like India, it is very important for all political parties, no matter how big or small, to work together. Different languages are spoken here. The clothes they wear are different. Even Indian traditions and customs are very big and different. People eat in different ways. Here, many different religions are taught. But Indian culture and customs have brought Indians together and made them feel like they belong to the same country.

Even though India has a lot of different cultures but our constitution unites us together. It was made so that people of every religion, area, sex, and culture have the same rights. India was able to beat the British because its leaders were able to get all the Indians to work together.

National integration is not a simple task, but a complicated process. It has a lot of parts that need to be worked on. To solve problems and get what we want, we need to focus on finding solutions. India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, also said that national integration is an important goal for the country and that, even though it’s hard, we can do it if we work together.

I hope the above provided essay on National Integration will be helpful in understanding this broad concept easily.

Rashtriya Ekikaran Diwas Pencil Art Drawing

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on National Integration

Ans. National Integration Council is a group of India’s public figures who try to find ways to solve the problems of casteism, discrimination, and nationalism.

Ans. The National Integration Council was set up by Jawaharlal Nehru in 1961. Its first meeting was conducted on 1962.

Ans. National Integration Day is celebrated every year on 19 November.

Ans. Casteism, communalism, nationalism, social disparity, and economic inequality are all problems that slow down the process of national integration.

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