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My First Time Going On a Plane

My heart was pounding as I walked through the doors of the Jacksonville airport. My sister had called me and invited me to come to Florida two weeks before. Walking through the automatic doors I enter the airport for the first time on my own. My fear was overwhelming as I got closer and closer. I got up that morning to make sure that my bag was all packed for the trip. I walked out the garage door to go to my mom’s work. Mom and I got in to her’s silver Aspen and we drove to her work. When we got to my mom’s work I went in to her office and went to lie down on her couch to take a short nap. So when I woke up it was time to go to the airport I was clutching to my bag as I walked up to the counter to get my ticket. I had to wait in line to get my ticket and then get my bag checked. I was thankful to have my dad with me because he helped me calm down. Dad and I sat down to wait for the boarding call. Then I heard it “flight 395 to Atlanta, George is now boarding.” After I handed this little old man, my ticket I got on the plane. The flight attendant, who was wearing a blue dress with a red bow, said,” Welcome aboard flight 395 to Atlanta.” I sat down and I thought that I was going to be sitting by myself but then this man come and sat right beside me and fell asleep. He was like in his 30’s. There were two kids that sat beside me in the other seats on the other side of aisle. The engines roared as I got more and more scared. The plane started to move down the run way. My hands started to shake as the plane got faster and faster down the runway. So then finally we were in the air and that’s when I calmed down. One hour and fifteen minutes later I was on the ground. When I landed in Atlanta I realized I was going to have to do it all over again. I had to wait till everyone was off the plane for me to get off, and then run quickly to catch my next flight. Even though I was nervous I still got through it. If I do go on a another trip in an air planes I wont be nervous.

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essay about my first time on a plane

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My First Flight Essay & Paragraphs For students

Ever since I was little, I have loved flying through the air in a huge plane. It seemed so exciting and adventurous. My dream finally came true this summer when my family took our first flight together. In this essay, I will share all the incredible details of our big trip. By the end, you will understand why getting on that airplane was so special to me.

Table of Contents

My First Flight Experience Essay

The airport adventure.

I started with an early drive to the airport on our big travel day. I did not know what to expect in such a big building. (Topic sentence) Checking our bags, going through security and hunting for our gate entertained us for hours. Snack shops and restaurants dotted the wide hallways. Big departure boards listed places worldwide – I was amazed that airplanes could get us there! Everything felt like an exciting mystery to discover.

Taking (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Off and Landing

When it was finally time to board, I picked a window seat for the best view. Watching the runway from high above as we sped down was thrilling. (Transition) Lifting off into the clouds blew me away – suddenly, houses and cars became tiny toys! (Topic sentence) Landing gently back on land Hours later felt nothing short of magical. Seeing so much of the world from above makes me feel like an eagle circling the earth.

Clouds and Meals

Gazing out at fluffy cotton candy clouds endlessly drifting by kept me entertained for much of the flight. Some looked like hearts, animals or smiles, which sparked daydreams. (Transition) Snack boxes with chips and cookies tided me over between meals. The airplane food may not wow some, but I found it fun to enjoy together high above the world. (Topic sentence) My family also watched movies on our screens, which felt futuristic.

Our Destination Arrives

As we began our descent, the blue ocean and palm trees below came into focus. Hearing the flight announcement that our trip’s end awaited stirred excitement in my heart. (Transition) Stepping off onto a new foreign land for the first time felt surreal. After days of discovery, thinking of how flying brought us there so quickly was wild. (Topic sentence) That very first flight together created traveling memories our family will treasure forever.

In closing, every amazing part of flying for the first time felt enchanting and worthwhile. From airport adventures to mealtimes with loved ones among the clouds – it created a whimsical experience like no other. Though takeoff and landing blew me away most of all, the incredible journey itself proved why airplanes could join far-off lands in wondrous ways forever magical. Traveling by flight will become a beloved tradition our family continues making memories.

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My First Time on a Plane

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    My First Time on a Plane    When I was seven years old I went on my very first holiday abroad, to America. I can remember waking up at Five o'clock in the morning to catch an early flight from Heathrow airport. I was so excited I forgot about the daunting effort of getting up so early. My Mum, Dad, Brother, grandparents and I set off on the long journey to the airport, then Orlando Florida. I remember the white taxi van used to transport us to the airport with its incredibly tiny seats, which made getting any sleep impossible. Sitting next to my brother, who was in a very irritable and annoying mood, made this slightly harder.

    There had been a major accident on the motorway that held me in suspense not knowing whether we would get there in time to catch the flight. When we finally arrived at the airport my brother was ordered to go and find a luggage trolley, which I remember he was very unenthusiastic about doing.   The only part of checking in I can remember is when my Gran couldn't understand a word the Pakistani steward said only made worse by my Gran's hearing impediment. The eleven-hour flight over to America was one of the most exciting parts of the holiday for me. Trying to work out how to put the seat belt into the little lock contraption puzzled me for a while. Even though it was so long ago the thought of playing games on the plane with the onboard games console still excites me today. After about five hours of exploring the onboard entertainment, it all got a little boring. So I turned to looking out the window and asking my granddad what was below us for entertainment. I remember asking my granddad why my ears felt funny then regretting after receiving a long-winded explanation.    When we got off the plane I remember how hot it was, I didn't know it could get that hot. It felt a great achievement to actually step off the plane on to American soil. We then had to follow some kind of rep. There was a huge sign stating 'United States Of America Customs' with a huge man sitting behind a bit of glass and not really looking at your passport just kind of waiting for his shift to finish.

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    It was now time for the most boring part of going on holiday, the luggage belt. We stood there for fifteen minutes and eventually I was relieved to see a bag emerge through the rubber flap, but then having to wait another ten minutes to see the next one. I can remember how intrigued I was about what was on the other side of the curtain. I poked my head through only to be disappointed by a big man on a walky-talky.   We then hired a huge white six-seated car that could actually fit eight people with comfort. The first memory outside of the airport was driving up a ramp and then having to stop at traffic lights and then watching these huge cars pass in front of us. We followed instructions to our bungalow apartment but having to stop and ask for directions. My dad was useless at following instructions although he was not helped by my granddad reading out the instructions. But we did get there in the end. We all ran into the house (except my Grandparents who walked in) to check out where we would be staying for the next seven days.    It was a really nice bungalow with everything you could ever possibly need, even satellite television and a lawn mower. The best part of the house for me was the pool, which was a peculiar Dolphin shape covered with a big net structure.   The first day consisted of sitting around the pool and exploring the neighbourhood. On the second day we visited Universal Studios that I had heard so much about from my friends back at school. When I got there it was so huge we only had chance to explore a little bit of the place. I can also remember massive queues for every ride. You would wait for thirty minutes then be on the ride for about thirty seconds. On the third day my mum insisted that we visit sea world that you can see back in the U.K. but we went anyway and saw a huge whale in a really small tank. But we were assured 'he loves it here'. I was not convinced.  The rest of the holiday we spent in Miami. When we arrived in Miami the first place we went to was Palm Beach, which was slightly better than the littered beaches at home. The sand was bright yellow and the water was really blue. Miami, despite its much-hyped reputation is a very strange place.   Before I knew it, the holiday was over and we were travelling back to Britain. The eleven-hour journey flew past. When we arrived back in Britain, I didn't know what day it was. So we all slept continuously for three days.   The holiday was the best holiday abroad I have ever had and would really like to go back again.                                         

               By Katie Light 10RES

My First Time on a Plane

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  • Word Count 880
  • Page Count 4
  • Subject English

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Comedian Louis CK once said, “Everybody on every plane should just constantly be going, OH MY GOD WOW! You’re sitting in a chair in the sky.” People all around the world fly on planes. It’s a way of travel that some people can handle and some people can not. If one has a fear of flying, the thought of sitting in a chair in the sky probably freaks some people out doesn’t it? A statistic from ABC News said, “According to some estimates, as many as 25 percent of all Americans suffer some nervousness about flying but the National Institute of Mental Health says this fear, usually called aviophobia, affects just 6.5 percent of the population.” That’s a lot of people. Riding on a plane can make one feel many emotions such as excitement, anticipation, and fear when taking off into the sky.

Flying on a plane is very exciting, especially when taking off on the runway and a person feels his or her body floating. It’s a feeling a person will never forget. There is nothing more exciting than seeing the world from thousands of feet in the air. It also helps to know that when a person does get on a plane, they are traveling somewhere fun and exciting. It’s an amazing feeling to look outside of your window and see the beautiful world below. The clouds look so close, they seem to be just a touch away. Flying is truly a magical experience. There was a quote I read a while back that said, “Happiness is looking down on your next destination from your plane window.” 

Anticipation is a feeling most people get when riding on a plane. Marie Casey Olseth, a psychiatrist based in Minneapolis, said “Pre-trip anxiety is a form of anticipatory anxiety. It’s not a specific phobia, such as a fear of flying or fear of driving, although these phobias can contribute to the anxiety felt by someone with pre-trip anxiety.” My mom has terrible anxiety when it comes to flying. She can’t get on a plane without freaking out. I remember when I flew for the first time. There was so much anxiety running through my body, but after we landed, I wanted to get right back on the plane. The Washington Post said, “Symptoms of pre-trip anxiety include a sleepless night before a trip, an upset stomach, or feelings of dread.” These are symptoms I’ve experienced before, so I understand how the anxiety and anticipation before flying can make a person feel.

Fear of flying is the most common of emotions felt when flying on a plane. Smartertravel said, “Fear of flying can be caused by a number of factors, including claustrophobia or a fear of heights. Many nervous flyers feel irrational anxiety that their plane will malfunction and crash, no matter how many times they hear the statistics about how safe flying is compared to driving. Other travelers worry about terrorist hijackers or panic at the idea that they’re not in control of the aircraft that’s carrying them.” There are many ways to help alleviate your fears of flying. Always think positive thoughts when flying on a plane. If one thinks the worst, then it’s going to make it way worse when stepping onto the plane. Take a deep breath, relax, and trust that the plane will make it safely to its destination. Beth Ditto once said, “As with most phobias, the fear of flying does make some sense, but if ever there was a fear worth quashing then this is it. After all, life is short, and there’s a great big world to explore out there.” 

According to statistics provided by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), there are 40,000+ flights with 2.6 million passengers within the US alone, every day. That is a ton of people coming and going that use a plane as their way of transportation. Different people show different emotions when flying. Some show excitement, some show anticipation, and some show fear. Like I said above, my mom has major anxiety when flying, but I love to fly. That shows the difference in the emotions that people have towards plane travel. Leonardo DaVinci once said, “When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”

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I flew in business class for the first time. It cost $6,000 and was the best flight of my life, but I wouldn't do it again for 5 reasons.

Posted: March 25, 2024 | Last updated: March 26, 2024

<ul class="summary-list"> <li>I took a 12-hour, business-class flight from Los Angles to Auckland, New Zealand.</li> <li>Air New Zealand's business-class seats on this route typically cost about $6,000.</li> <li>It was the most luxurious flight of my life but I can't justify ever paying that much in the future.</li> </ul><div class="read-original">Read the original article on <a href="">Insider</a></div>

  • I took a 12-hour, business-class flight from Los Angeles to Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Air New Zealand's business-class seats on this route typically cost $6,000.
  • It was the most luxurious flight of my life, but I can't justify paying that much anytime soon.

Every time I book a flight, I eye the first-class and business-class seats. 

The extra space, the delicious food , and the endless bubbly seem like pure luxury. Just as I'm tempted to turn my daydream into reality and switch from economy class to first , my brain reminds me that I don't have an endless budget.

Things changed during the summer of 2021 when Air New Zealand invited me to its headquarters to cover the airline's redesigned cabins . For the 12-hour flight from Los Angeles to Auckland, I'd sit in business class for the first time . 

It was easily the most glamorous ride of my entire life, and I disembarked knowing that I likely wouldn't do it again anytime soon.

<p>As I boarded the Boeing aircraft, a flight attendant asked if I would like a glass of Champagne or something to drink before takeoff.</p><p>I'm used to a smiling flight attendant handing me a sanitizing wipe when I've boarded — not a glass of bubbly. </p><p>I happily accepted a flute. Shortly after, another flight attendant came by with a tray of roasted nuts. I quickly learned that I would never be hungry or thirsty on this flight.</p><p>I also realized that the snacks I packed in my backpack wouldn't be needed. Instead, I was part of the group I'm typically envious of: the first-class travelers who have space, snacks, and endless alcohol to enjoy on their plane ride. It was a thrilling experience, and I planned to take advantage of every perk. </p>

Minutes after settling into business class on an Air New Zealand flight, I had the realization that this plane ride was going to be unlike any other flight I'd taken.

Before I found seat 1A on the Boeing 787-9 aircraft, I was already being treated like royalty. 

One flight attendant was pouring me a glass of sparkling wine. Another one was helping lift my carry-on bag into the overhead bins . A third soon followed to introduce herself and welcome me on the Air New Zealand flight. 

If those first few minutes were any indicator of the rest of my ride, I knew I was in for a glamorous time. 

I also knew that business-class passengers around me had likely dropped around $6,000 for their one-way ticket, according to Air New Zealand's website . Round-trip tickets are often priced closer to $10,000. 

Before this flight, I'd never spent more than $1,400 on a plane ticket. Most vacations involve free campsites and nights spent in a $20 tent I bought off Facebook Marketplace. 

I was appreciative of the indulgent flight — years later, I'm still thinking about the chocolate tart served for dessert. But even after all the perks, I'm convinced flying business class isn't worth the splurge. 

<p>When it was time to eat dinner, my first meal of the flight, a menu was provided at my seat outlining options for the three-course meal inspired by New Zealand ingredients. Beetroot-cured salmon, poached chicken, and chocolate truffle ice cream were listed on the menu. </p><p>The flight attendants kicked off dinner service by placing a cloth napkin across my tray table and laying down a set of metal silverware. I quickly realized that this meal was going to be nicer than any airline meal I've ever had.</p><p>On previous long-haul flights, as a vegetarian, I have been given one option handed to me on a tray. The meal was typically packaged and served with plastic cutlery.</p><p>So the silverware at my seat already established a drastic difference. Next, I was offered butter, olive oil, and salt and pepper. Following the condiments, the flight attendants walked around with a basket of warm sourdough and garlic bread. </p><p>Then, the first course arrived. I opted for a pescetarian meal, so I was served stuffed olive leaves. This was followed by a main course of Alaskan cod with saffron sauce, and finished with a chocolate tart for dessert. </p><p>The meal was rich and filling. From its appearance and taste, I thought the meal could easily be served in a nice restaurant rather than an airplane cabin.</p>

Every expectation of business class was met, but I'd ultimately never shell out $10,000 for a round-trip ticket. It's not like the plane will get there faster than it would if I were sitting in coach.

Every part of the 12-hour flight was filled with luxury .

I was handed a warm towel before a three-course dinner. I received a turndown service, and flight attendants converted my seat into a lie-flat bed. I slept better than I had on any flight and woke up to a fruit smoothie and warm coffee.

Even with those perks, it was hard to ignore the fact that the flight was the same 12 hours as it was in coach. 

No amount of wine could distract me from the fact that I was still confined to a tight space. No number of free toiletries could make me ignore the fact that I was about to spend days jet-lagged. 

Ultimately, I would feel cramped and jet-lagged whether I sat in the front or the back of the plane for 12 hours.

Now if my business-class ticket came with turbo speed that could transport me to New Zealand in fewer hours than an economy ticket could, perhaps I'd think twice about the cost. 

<p>When it comes to traveling, I'm typically willing to sacrifice comfort for the experience. For example, I'd much rather pay money to go skydiving or <a href="">bungee jumping</a> than stay in a <a href="">five-star hotel</a>.</p><p>And $10,000 could fund a lot of life experiences. The cost of my business-class seat on the same route could buy another vacation, pay for multiple months of rent, or be used as a down payment on a <a href="" rel="noopener">new car that could take me on adventures across the US</a>. </p><p>I could also replicate my <a href="">entire 21-day trip to New Zealand and Australia</a> for less than the cost of a round-trip ticket to New Zealand since the trip cost closer to $9,000. </p><p>While I loved the business-class experience, I'd trade it in a heartbeat to go <a href="">diving in the Great Barrier Reef again</a>, stay in more <a href="">magical tiny homes</a>, and continue exploring the two epic countries. </p>

For the same price as a round-trip flight, in theory, I could've paid for another three weeks in New Zealand, covered months of rent, or put a down payment on a new car.

When it comes to traveling, I'm typically willing to sacrifice comfort for the experience. For example, I'd much rather pay money to go skydiving or bungee jumping than stay in a five-star hotel .

And $10,000 could fund a lot of life experiences. The cost of my business-class seat on the same route could buy another vacation, pay for multiple months of rent, or be used as a down payment on a new car that could take me on adventures across the US . 

I could also replicate my entire 21-day trip to New Zealand and Australia for less than the cost of a round-trip ticket to New Zealand since the trip cost closer to $9,000. 

While I loved the business-class experience, I'd trade it in a heartbeat to go diving in the Great Barrier Reef again , stay in more magical tiny homes , and continue exploring the two epic countries. 

<p>I've probably reiterated the phrase dozens of times. To a degree, I stand by the concept that life is often about the journey. </p><p>I've embarked on plenty of road trips where the best memories happened in the passenger seat of the car — not the destinations we were driving to. </p><p>But when I look at the highlights of past trips, plane rides never stand out.</p><p>I think that's because the entire experience — regardless of your cabin class — still has challenges. Between possible delays, dry air, cabin pressure, limited space, and potential jet lag, I've never been all that eager to board a plane.</p><p>I absolutely love the rush when the plane lifts off the ground, and I savor the views and conversations with strangers on each flight.</p><p>But the excitement I experience is more about where I'm going. It's not about being cramped on a plane. </p>

The flight also taught me that I don't truly embrace the motto: "It's about the journey, not the destination." To me, flights are all about getting from point A to point B.

I've probably reiterated the phrase dozens of times. To a degree, I stand by the concept that life is often about the journey. 

I've embarked on plenty of road trips where the best memories happened in the passenger seat of the car — not the destinations we were driving to. 

But when I look at the highlights of past trips, plane rides never stand out.

I think that's because the entire experience — regardless of your cabin class — still has challenges. Between possible delays, dry air, cabin pressure, limited space, and potential jet lag, I've never been all that eager to board a plane.

I absolutely love the rush when the plane lifts off the ground, and I savor the views and conversations with strangers on each flight.

But the excitement I experience is more about where I'm going. It's not about being cramped on a plane. 

Overall, I thought the new first-class seats seemed more private compared to the current design. Today, business-class passengers have lie-flat beds that are angled toward the center of the plane.

I previously never considered the environmental toll of sitting in business class.

Before my trip, I knew that flying was one of the more carbon-intensive transportation options. Aviation makes up about 2% of global carbon emissions, according to the International Energy Agency .

Two months after my business-class flight, I was chatting with sustainability experts about how to make trips and vacations more sustainable . They told me that a large part of a vacation's carbon footprint will likely come from the flight, and if I do need to fly to my destination, it's more responsible to sit in economy class. 

That's because a business-class seat takes up significantly more space on a plane. This means that fewer passengers can fit onto the aircraft and, therefore, there's a larger carbon footprint.

For example, a business-class row of seats on Air New Zealand's Boeing 787-9 fits three people. Meanwhile, a row in economy on the same plane fits nine passengers. Those nine people have a much smaller personal carbon footprint than the three sitting in business class. 

As someone who never had the chance to sit in premium economy, much less business class, before this trip, I hadn't considered the different carbon footprints each cabin class has on planes.

As I continue searching for more sustainable ways to travel, like train travel, I'm also booking economy for future flights.

<p>I'm young and able-bodied. And while sitting in economy is never a blast, especially on long-haul flights, I am fortunate that I can. Planes aren't designed for everyone.</p><p>As <a href="">BuzzFeed</a> reported, flying as a plus-sized passenger is both stigmatized and challenging. Some airlines like Southwest at one point had "customer of size" policies that stated passengers "who are unable to lower both armrests when seated should book another seat because of complaints."</p><p>As <a href="">Business Insider</a> previously reported, a Qatar Airways passenger said she was denied boarding and asked to buy a first-class ticket because of her size. </p><p>It's not just plus-sized passengers who face flying struggles. Planes are not often a comfortable experience for many people with disabilities. Rebekah Taussig, a wheelchair user, wrote for <a href="" rel="noopener">Time</a> that "flying has always felt disempowering." And a <a href="">survey by Disability Horizons</a> reported that 43% of surveyed wheelchair users who've attempted to fly now avoid it. </p><p>Flying — especially in economy class — isn't something everyone has the privilege to do. I'm fortunate that I can fit into and relax in an economy seat on a long-haul flight. For me, wanting the luxury of a business-class seat doesn't seem necessary at this point in my life. </p>

I am privileged to be able to sit in an economy cabin as an able-bodied person, and I plan to do so for as long as possible.

I'm young and able-bodied. And while sitting in economy is never a blast, especially on long-haul flights, I am fortunate that I can. Planes aren't designed for everyone.

As BuzzFeed reported, flying as a plus-sized passenger is both stigmatized and challenging. Some airlines like Southwest at one point had "customer of size" policies that stated passengers "who are unable to lower both armrests when seated should book another seat because of complaints."

As Business Insider previously reported, a Qatar Airways passenger said she was denied boarding and asked to buy a first-class ticket because of her size. 

It's not just plus-sized passengers who face flying struggles. Planes are not often a comfortable experience for many people with disabilities. Rebekah Taussig, a wheelchair user, wrote for Time that "flying has always felt disempowering." And a survey by Disability Horizons reported that 43% of surveyed wheelchair users who've attempted to fly now avoid it. 

Flying — especially in economy class — isn't something everyone has the privilege to do. I'm fortunate that I can fit into and relax in an economy seat on a long-haul flight. For me, wanting the luxury of a business-class seat doesn't seem necessary at this point in my life. 

<p>There are a few circumstances where I'd consider splurging on a premium-economy ticket, such as a monumental birthday trip or a honeymoon. But I can't envision an instance where I would pay $10,000 for a regular long-haul, business-class flight.</p><p>From the environmental toll to extra time in a destination, I would rather use that money elsewhere, and I plan to stick with economy class for future flights. </p>

Ultimately, I'm at a point in my life where every dollar and every day of exploring matters to me. For now, I'll skip paying for a business-class seat.

There are a few circumstances where I'd consider splurging on a premium-economy ticket, such as a monumental birthday trip or a honeymoon. But I can't envision an instance where I would pay $10,000 for a regular long-haul, business-class flight.

From the environmental toll to extra time in a destination, I would rather use that money elsewhere, and I plan to stick with economy class for future flights. 

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Real ID deadline is rapidly approaching, what to know about the new flight requirement

essay about my first time on a plane

The really real deadline to make your state-issued identified card, or driver’s license Real ID compliant will be here before you know it. 

And you won’t be fly domestically after 2025 without it. The government has been trying to make Real IDs a thing for a while, initially passing The Real ID act in 2005 in an attempt to set “minimum security standards” for state-issued identification documents.

The law was set to take effect in 2020 but was pushed back by the Department of Homeland Security over “backlogged transactions” at MVD offices nationwide as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to USA TODAY reporting . 

The May 2025 extension was necessary, DHS says, as state driver’s licensing agencies worked to address the mountains of paperwork, which in turn impacted the MVD’s ability to make any real progress on the Real ID rollout. 

“Following the enforcement deadline, federal agencies, including the Transportation Security Administration, will be prohibited from accepting driver’s licenses and identification cards that do not meet these federal standards,” DHS said in 2022. 

Learn more: Best travel insurance

That means every every traveler, 18 or older, must have a compliant form of identification in order to travel.

Here’s what to know. 

When does Real ID go into effect? 

The Real ID “full enforcement date” is Wednesday, May 7, 2025, according to DHS. 

When will a Real ID be required to fly?

You or your loved ones need to have a Real ID compliant document, driver’s license or identification card, by May 7, 2025. 

If you have another form of identification that is TSA-approved, like an up to date passport or a permanent resident card then you probably don’t need a Real ID compliant document.

Here are a couple TSA-approved alternatives, if you’re on the fence about getting a Real ID.

  • State issued enhanced driver’s license
  •  DHS trusted traveler cards (Global Entry, NEXUS, SENTRI, FAST)
  • U.S. Department of Defense ID, including IDs issued to dependents
  • Border crossing card
  • An acceptable photo ID issued by a federally recognized Tribal Nation/Indian Tribe
  •  HSPD-12 PIV card
  • Foreign government-issued passport
  •  Canadian provincial driver's license or Indian and Northern Affairs Canada card
  • Transportation worker identification credential
  • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Employment Authorization Card (I-766)
  • U.S. Merchant Mariner Credential
  •  Veteran Health Identification Card (VHIC)

How long does it take to get a Real ID?

It will take about two weeks , or 15 business days to get your Real ID or Enhanced Driver’s License from your state's Motor Vehicle Department.

Enhanced driver’s licenses, which are only issued in a couple of states, including Washington, Michigan, Minnesota, New York and Vermont, are considered acceptable alternatives to REAL ID-compliant cards, DHS says. 

How do I know if I have a Real ID? 

All Real IDs will have a stamp on the right hand corner to show that the identification document meets federal standards set forth by The Real ID Act of 2005. 

The symbol stamped on your Real ID card will vary, depending on which state you obtain your new identification card from. 

What does a Real ID look like? 

Your Real ID will have most, if not all of the information that’s included on your driver’s license. 

The only difference is the seal included in the right-hand corner. 


Essay on Airplane

Students are often asked to write an essay on Airplane in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Airplane

What is an airplane.

An airplane is a vehicle that can fly in the sky. It has wings and one or more engines. It is used to travel from one place to another quickly. Airplanes can carry people or goods. Some are small, with just two seats. Others are huge, with hundreds of seats.

Parts of an Airplane

An airplane has many parts. The main parts are the wings, the body, and the tail. The body is called the fuselage. The tail helps to steer the plane. The engines give power to make the plane fly.

How Does an Airplane Fly?

Airplanes fly using the principles of physics. The wings are designed in a special shape. This shape makes air move faster over the top of the wing than the bottom. This difference in speed creates lift, which makes the airplane rise into the sky.

Uses of Airplanes

Airplanes have many uses. They help people travel long distances in a short time. They also carry goods all over the world. Some airplanes are used for military purposes, like fighting in wars. Others are used for scientific research.

Importance of Airplanes

Airplanes have changed our world. They have made it easier and quicker to travel. They have also made global trade possible. Without airplanes, our world would be a very different place.

Also check:

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Airplane

250 Words Essay on Airplane

An airplane is a vehicle that flies in the sky. It has wings and one or more engines. The engines help the airplane to move forward. The wings help it to go up and stay in the sky. Airplanes are made of metal, usually aluminum, because it is light and strong.

Types of Airplanes

There are many types of airplanes. Some are small and can only carry a few people. Others are very big and can carry hundreds of people. There are also airplanes used for carrying goods. These are called cargo planes. Some planes are used for special jobs like fighting fires, doing scientific research, or for military purposes.

How Airplanes Work

Airplanes work on a principle called lift. Lift is a force that pushes the airplane up into the sky. It happens when air moves over the wings of the airplane. The shape of the wing makes the air move faster over the top than the bottom. This creates a difference in pressure and lifts the airplane up.

Airplanes are very important. They help people travel long distances quickly. This makes it easy for people to visit other countries or faraway places. Airplanes also help in moving goods quickly from one place to another. This is very helpful in business and trade.

In conclusion, airplanes are amazing machines. They have changed the way we travel and do business. They help us connect with people and places all over the world. It’s hard to imagine a world without airplanes.

500 Words Essay on Airplane

An airplane is a large machine that can fly in the sky. It is a popular way of moving from one place to another, especially when the places are far apart. It is faster than cars, trains, or ships. Airplanes have wings and engines. The engines make the airplane move, and the wings help it stay in the sky.

An airplane has many parts. The main body of the airplane is called the fuselage. It holds the passengers and cargo. The wings are on the sides of the fuselage. They have flaps and ailerons, which help control the airplane’s movement. The tail is at the back of the airplane. It helps guide the airplane’s direction. The engines are either under the wings or at the back of the airplane. They provide the power to move the airplane.

How an Airplane Flies?

Airplanes fly using a principle called lift. Lift happens when air flows over the wings of the airplane. The shape of the wing makes the air move faster over the top than the bottom. This creates a difference in air pressure, which lifts the airplane into the sky. The engines push the airplane forward, and the wings keep it in the air.

There are many types of airplanes. Some airplanes carry people, and some carry goods. Passenger airplanes are designed to carry people. They have seats and bathrooms for the passengers. Cargo airplanes carry goods. They have large spaces for boxes and other cargo.

There are also different sizes of airplanes. Some airplanes are small and can only carry a few people. Other airplanes are very large and can carry hundreds of people. The size of the airplane often depends on what it is used for.

The Importance of Airplanes

Airplanes are very important in our world today. They help people travel long distances quickly. This makes it easier for people to visit other countries or to do business in different parts of the world. Airplanes also help deliver goods quickly. This is especially important for things that need to be moved quickly, like fresh food or medical supplies.

In conclusion, airplanes are amazing machines. They have changed the way we travel and do business. They have made the world a smaller place by making it easier to move people and goods around the globe.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Air Pollution Reduction
  • Essay on Aim Of Life
  • Essay on How Are Religion And Culture Connected

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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North country honor flight set to take off for the first time this year.

A send-off ceremony will be held at the U.S. Oval to recognize the 30 North Country veterans before they head to Washington, D.C.

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This weekend a group of local veterans will embark on a trip of a lifetime.

The North Country Honor Flight is set to take off from Plattsburgh on Saturday for the first time this year, offering a memorable journey for those who have served our country.

A send-off ceremony will be held at the U.S. Oval to recognize the 30 North Country veterans before they head to Washington, D.C. The ceremony will begin at 7 a.m., providing an opportunity for the community to honor these brave individuals.

The veterans, who served in conflicts ranging from World War II to the Vietnam and Korean wars, will make the trip to and from Washington, D.C. in one day.

While in the nation’s capital, they will visit war memorials dedicated to their service and sacrifice.

Among the honored group is an almost 101-year-old World War II veteran from Lake Placid, whose long life of service is a testament to the enduring spirit of the Greatest Generation.

North Country Honor Flight is now in its 14th season.

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A man is irate after his airline made him pay out of pocket to get a hotel room for two nights after a cancelled flight.

This was likely not the extra vacation he had hoped for.

A traveler’s trip turned sour after an airline stuck him with the hotel bill after a canceled flight.

London area resident Ian Field and his companion Jane had been enjoying a trip to St. Lucia in the Caribbean before their May 15 flight was canceled for what Virgin Atlantic called “operational reasons,” according to The Independent .

It took another two days to get Field and Jane — who suspected the cancelation was from a lack of passengers — on another flight . The man alleges both Virgin Atlantic and their travel company, Blue Bay Travel, left them on their own to find and pay for two more nights on the island.

“We feel completely abandoned and let down terribly,” Field told The Independent. “No response from Virgin, and the attitude of the travel agent is hopeless.”

Both entities reportedly left Field paying an extra $520 in unexpected lodging that he would have to later “claim reimbursement” to get back. However, Field said that they were told to call family for financial help should they need it.

Field was furious with the response to his cancelled flight.

“Absolutely appalling response all round,” Field said.

“Your problem, not ours – just sort it out yourself and claim back your costs from Virgin. And if you don’t have any funds available to pay for the extra two nights, then ask your family to bail you out.

A Virgin Galatic spokesperson told the outlet that they “will be fully reimbursed for any out-of-pocket expenses incurred” along with both travelers getting $660 for their stay.

“We’d like to apologize to our customers for the delay in completing their journey and any inconvenience caused,” the spokesperson added.

Field feels abandoned by Virgin for having to pay out of pocket for a hotel after his flight was cancelled.

Small words for Field though, who still can’t wrap his head around the approach.

“Luckily, we’re in a position to pay the extra $520 to the hotel,” he said.

“But what about those who can’t pay?”

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