
Portfolio Essay

Portfolio essay generator.

writing a portfolio essay

A Portfolio Essay is a unique narrative that showcases an individual’s skills, experiences, and personal growth. Our guide, enriched with a variety of essay examples , is tailored to help you construct a compelling portfolio essay. This type of essay is crucial for students and professionals alike, as it provides a platform to reflect on and present one’s journey and achievements. The examples included will guide you in highlighting your accomplishments, insights, and learning experiences, crafting an essay that truly represents your personal and professional narrative.

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Common questions to sked whenever you are tasked to write an essay are “how do I start?” and “what would this be all about?” Or let’s just say you were asked to write something that is a portfolio essay. What is a portfolio essay? How to write a portfolio essay? Portfolios, by definition, a

re the collection of the best works depending on the field you are in. You can be in the field of art, poetry or any kind of writing. This is not just about collecting. You have to exert effort to analyze it by the use of an essay. What to do next? Lets begin to tackle and make things clear.

1. Portfolio Essay

Portfolio Essay

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2. Student Portfolio Essay

Student Portfolio Essay

3. College Portfolio Essay

College Portfolio Essay

4. Portfolio Summative Reflection Essay

portfolio summative reflective essay1

Size: 43 KB

5. Student Portfolio Essay

student portfolio essay

Size: 216 KB

6. Reflective Portfolio Essay

reflective portfolio essay

Size: 194 KB

7. Absolutism and Revolution Portfolio Essay

writing a portfolio essay

Size: 492 KB

8.Visual Art Portfolio Essay

visual art portfolio essay

Size: 76 KB

9. Portfolio Introduction Essay

portfolio introduction essay

Size: 167 KB

10. Portfolio Assessment Essay

portfolio assesment essay

Size: 644 KB

11. Portfolio Narrative Essay

portfolio narrative essay

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12. Portfolio Conclusion Essay

portfolio conclusion essay

Size: 452 KB

13. English Portfolio Essay

english portfolia esay

Size: 192 KB

14. Sample Portfolio Essay

Sample portfolio essay

Size: 195 KB

What is a Portfolio Essay?

A portfolio essay is like a reflection paper that gives an analysis over a particular work of an author. You are to observe yourself with regards to how you feel and what you think with regards to your work portfolio. In simple terms, you are to reflect on your work whether you write for what is good and what is not good for them. You also have to make an observation of the progress of your writing skills whether they have developed or not including the factors that causes it and the motives.

Things to Consider When Writing a Portfolio Essay

You should be focusing on your portfolio essay alone

You don’t need to think of a special topic for your portfolio essay. Maybe your professor in school have already told you to write something about personal portfolio essays . Your essay must have a very clear focus. It may be all about your progress as its own writer or on your other writings. Make sure that you have understood everything especially those things that are being required from you.

Pick writings according to a criteria

The criteria are as follows: chronological, thematic and style. Chronological means based on sequence of events. Thematic means having your essay centered on a particular problem. Style means your writing style or a literary movement.

Find some time to introduce yourself

Every essays begin with an introduction. Present your introduction in a paragraph between five to ten sentences. Take note that portfolio essay is very different from an autobiography so you do not have to make a long list about your life. This type of essay is an advertisement to sell your work, so you better have to show all its assets.

Describe your writings

In order to present your writings, you always have to read your writings over and over again. This is because it is recommended to read them prior to your portfolio essay writing. You have to make sure that all aspects are clear especially in the title of your work, style, genre, main idea and even the methods that you used.

Come up with a conception about the writings

It is best to inform the readers about what is special in your work. You may also consider answering questions on your own such as about the development of your writing skills , factors that influenced your writing and more.

Style and Grammar

You may try to ask for a friend to read your paper to receive feedbacks if there are some necessary changes regarding it. Make sure that you work well on your grammar and the punctuations.

What is the first thing that you should do before writing your portfolio essay?

The first thing to do is to select your piece. Without knowing what the content of your portfolio, you will be having a hard time writing the essay.

What could be the process when you are writing your portfolio essay online?

Online writing portfolios should be done in any medium relating online. You may pass your documents through email instead of putting them all in a folder.

What will you do if your professor will not give you any guidelines about portfolio essay writing?

You may try to show all your work using any medium as possible.

Students, in some event in their school life, have already experienced creating portfolios of their individual achievements. In the case of a portfolio essay, you are required to read first your piece before having each of them assessed. Even though your portfolio essay doesn’t need to have a topic on its own, it is much better to work for it as clearly as you can and as precise as possible.


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

Reflect on your academic achievements this year in your Portfolio Essay.

Discuss the development of your writing skills through various assignments in your Portfolio Essay.

The Portfolio – Culminating Activity (Your Final)

Portfolio assignment.

EN 111 Final Portfolio

The portfolio is a selection of work that demonstrates your writing abilities and knowledge about writing and critical thinking at the close of EN 111. For the purposes of this class, this assignment will be considered the final.

What goes in the Portfolio?

  • Title page (title + optional picture and/or quote)
  • Reflective Essay (~2 pages)
  • A final (2nd) draft copy of all essays completed during the semester (Experience, Compare/Contrast, Issues) and the prior drafts for all essays.
  • Selected Artifacts (2-3)

You should title the portfolio in a way that captures your sense of yourself as a writer and critical thinker at this point in your educational journey. You can include a picture and/or quote on the title page as well. A quote can come from anywhere (any text, movie, lyrics, etc.) but should illustrate your perspective about writing and/or critical thinking. You will discuss the significance of your title (picture and quote too if you included them) in your Reflective Essay.

Reflective Essay for Portfolio

The Reflective Essay is a self-assessment that examines the entire body of your work (all of your writing up to this point) rather than a single subject and/or inquiry thread. Your task is to examine, or reflect on , your own writing and situate your observations and interpretations within the context of our discussions about writing and critical thinking skills. The portfolio, in essence, is a presentation—a somewhat persuasive demonstration illustrating how you approached writing and critical thinking before EN 111, and how you see yourself, as a writer and thinker, now, in relation to these same abilities/skills at the close of the course.

What goes in the Reflective Essay?

This essay should be a fairly polished and focused piece of writing that supports its claims and reflections with specific evidence (i.e. cite yourself). It will run ~2 pages in length. All reflective essays should take into account the following, but not necessarily in the order presented here:

  • The significance of your title (and picture and quote, if included).
  • What you now understand about effective writing and how it is achieved and what the portfolio reveals about your writing and your abilities to think on paper. (Refer to your included essays and selected artifacts).
  • What you now understand about writing and critical inquiry that this portfolio might not reveal. (You may understand more than your portfolio reveals).
  • What the portfolio reveals about you as a writer and critical thinker at this point in your educational journey (Refer to your included essays and selected artifacts).
  • What challenges you continue to face as writer and critical thinker. (What is hard for you? In what areas have you gotten stronger and more confident? What immediate goals have you set for yourself as you continue to develop as a writer and critical thinker?)
  • (Optional) Discuss, document, and evaluate the extent to which you were actively engaged in this class (i.e. determine how much time/effort you put into this course and whether your writing reflects that same time/effort).

You are to include final (2nd) draft copies (at minimum) of all the essays you have written in this course. In including your essays, you will be expected to discuss why you have included them in your Reflective Essay, and explain specifically what they illustrate about you as a writer and critical thinker. As such, I recommend that you discuss how the essays reveal your analytical skills at work—your abilities to develop, examine, and communicate an informed perspective.

Selected Artifacts

I am asking you to include 2-3 artifacts from the course (or outside of EN 111) that are significant to, and reflective of, you in terms of yourself as a writer and critical thinker. You may select anything from your Informal Writing Collection (freewrites, peer exchanges, etc.), your formal writing (part of your essay(s), or parts of them as a sequence from the first draft to the final draft stage) or other texts (a particular paper or assignment from another class you found pertinent to your overall growth).

How Do I Submit It?

You should submit the portfolio, in the dropbox on the preceding page,  as a Word document or a PDF so that I may open it in Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat Reader.

  • Portfolio Assignment. Authored by : Jason Brown. Provided by : Herkimer College. Project : AtD OER Course. License : CC BY: Attribution

writing a portfolio essay

Home » Writers-House Blog » Tips on Writing a Portfolio Essay

Tips on Writing a Portfolio Essay

At some point, students need to create a portfolio that will demonstrate their achievements at different stages of their education journey. For example, when a student graduates from the sixth grade, they may need to include their favorite assignments, exams, projects, and tests in a portfolio. College students need to write a portfolio much more often, especially in teaching and art majors. You may create an online or physical portfolio. No matter what type of portfolio you’re working on, you should summarize its content in an essay. Writers House experts prepared these tips to help you write a good essay.

Choose What to Include

Before writing a portfolio essay, you should decide what pieces you’re going to include in it. It’s hard to write an essay without understanding what it will be about. Sometimes, professors provide students with recommendations on what to include in their portfolio essay. Otherwise, you should select things you’re proud of. When creating an online portfolio, you should upload the necessary documents. No matter what is the format of your portfolio, be ready that you won’t receive any guidelines from your teacher. In this case, make sure to convert your portfolio to different formats so that you can choose the right one.

What to Focus on

Even if you have a diverse portfolio, you should choose the main focus to write an essay to make it well-organized. A portfolio includes everything you’ve done during a certain period of time. Think of why you’ve selected certain items. Were these assignments challenging? Did they allow you to demonstrate your strongest skills? If you answer such questions, it will be easier for you to write a comprehensive portfolio while also helping your readers better understand what kind of student you are. Make sure that the main topic of your portfolio is related to your experiences.


Once you’ve collected the necessary materials and decided on the focus of your portfolio essay, it’s time to get to the writing process itself. We recommend that you start by writing an introduction. One of the main differences between portfolio essays and other types of essays is that the former allow you to use the first person. In portfolio essays, you’re both the subject and the narrator. First, tell your readers who you are, what this portfolio is about (for example, provide the name of your course), and briefly describe the main points.

Describe Your Experiences

In the main body, briefly discuss your experiences. For instance, you can write three body paragraphs, devoting the first paragraph to your concerns, worries, and excitement that you’ve experienced before going into the class. In the second paragraph, describe the most memorable moments. In the third paragraph, reflect on your experiences and think of how they helped you improve your skills and grow personally. Make sure to mention particular items from your portfolio that illustrate the content of each paragraph. For example, when writing about your worries, you may include a quote from your diary.

Write a Conclusion

Wrap it up with a conclusion that highlights things you’re proud of and your strengths. Write about things that you would like to improve in the future. Describe your biggest achievements and think of how overcoming certain difficulties can help you in the future. You can even mention the very process of creating a portfolio because a portfolio serves as a thesis in some college programs.

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writing a portfolio essay

How to Write a Portfolio Essay

How to Write a Portfolio Essay at SolidEssay.com

A portfolio is a collection of your best works, whether in the field of art, poetry, prose, etc. This collection is never taken in itself; you have to comment and analyze it in a portfolio essay. Tweet This

Writing a portfolio essay – 8 important things to consider

1. portfolio essay definition.

The specific thing with a portfolio essay is that it includes reflection . A young gifted author or artist should always analyze his/her works and be able to assess them. Reflection means observing yourself, your own feelings, emotions and thoughts; a process of going deep inside your own personality. If taken to extremes, such a process would lead to psychological self-analysis. Still, such thing is not required from you; all you need to do is to reflect on your works, to write what is good and what is not that good in them; to observe the process of development of your writing skills, the factors and motives behind it.

The current guide will only deal with writings; if your paper is related to art, you could also make advantage of the advice available here.

2. Focus of the portfolio essay

A portfolio essay does not have a precise topic, so you do not need to figure it out. Your instructor should have told you what exactly to prepare; let’s say, essays from the current academic year. Thus, your portfolio essay will have a clear focus: either on your development as a writer (within the last academic year), or on your writings on a certain subject. Ensure you have understood what is required from you. When you have selected the essays/writings, show them to your instructor in order not to waste your time and efforts. Afterwards you can continue with writing the paper.

3. Select a few writings

Pick up the writings according to the criteria set by your instructor. Amongst them are the following: 

  • chronological - from the present year, from college, from high-school, etc.;
  • thematic - centered on a given problem (society, human nature, etc.);
  • style - writings written in a given style and/or belonging to a given literary movement (i.e. surrealism);

There could be also other criteria. Let’s say you need to select your best short stories. That means you have to choose them according to your personal perception of them. Remember that whatever the criteria are, you should select only the writings which are of good quality; if you need to present all essays written during the academic year, and you personally do not like some of them, you are not obliged to submit them. You need merely to explain in the introduction the reasons for your choice.

4. Introduce yourself

The portfolio essay should begin with your introduction. Who are you? Why have you chosen the given course/class? What attracts you in writing? You have to present this information in one long paragraph - from five to ten sentences long.

However, do not be too long - this is not an autobiography . The portfolio is a kind of advertisement; in order to sell your product (in this case to have higher grade), you have to show its best sides.

5. Present the writings selected by you

Now you need to describe the writings one by one. Some students write descriptions before each writing - this is wrong! A portfolio essay consists of two main parts: introduction which includes the description, and the writings themselves. In order to present them properly, you have to read them prior to starting to write the portfolio essay. Yes, you may remember your writings, but it is recommended to read them once again! Write down some notes and use them to write the descriptions. Each description should comprise one paragraph. You need to make the following parts clear: 

  • the title of the writing;
  • its style and genre;
  • main idea; characters (if applicable);
  • methods and tools used.

6. General idea of the portfolio essay

After the description is made, you have to come up with a conception about the presented writings. Tell the reader what exactly is so special in each of them, and what makes them similar or complementary. Answer some of the following questions: do you see any development or change in your writing skills? Are they improving? Are the factors influencing your writing the same all the time? What mistakes you see now in your past works? What would you have changed if you could?

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7. Comments and remarks

If your instructor has reviewed your writings earlier and you have made some changes due to his/her remarks, you need to have a separate section explaining the changes you have made. You should write what ideas you have added or removed, what characters you have changed, and so forth.

8. Style and grammar

There is no need to say that your English grammar must be perfect. In order to avoid typos or other type of mistakes, handle your paper to a friend or someone who is an expert in English grammar. Moreover, it is good to work on your grammar and punctuation skills, especially if you want to become an author, including copywriter, journalist, etc.



I have been writing short stories since I was in high-school. Short stories are the best way to express personal feelings and observations. I am able to make the reader focus on one central idea, to offer a problematic situation and to make the reader figure out a solution to it. My works do not seem finished but that is because I want to make the reader active instead of passively perceiving the information presented in the story.

The current portfolio essay represents some selected short stories written in the last five years. They are ordered chronologically.


Story 1 was inspired by my personal experience. It involves two young people who feel sympathy for each other but are not prepared to go further. The central symbol of the story is the invisible wall existing between both persons, a wall which prevents them from fulfilling their relationship.

Story 2 is a retrospection of a series of events in my life. It rather describes than analyzes. Plenty of situations are interconnected and the transition from one to another is shown as not having clear borderlines. This story shows that I have turned at that time to more introspective methods, influenced by the concept of “stream of consciousness.”

Central idea of the essay

The presented collection of short stories demonstrates my internal drive to move towards introspection, thus ignoring all details of physical appearance and description of nature. At the same time it shows the diversity of my styles, methods and tools used for writing the stories.

Let’s say it again, a portfolio essay may include different genres of writings as well as art (photography and other types of images). Hence, you should adapt the tips given in the current guide to your profession and subject. 

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writing a portfolio essay

How to create a writing portfolio: 7 fundamental steps

The point of a portfolio is to give viewers a sense of what you can do for them. And portfolios can look very different while still getting that job done. Some of our Blurb writers have gotten hired by emailing screenshots of Facebook posts—while others have opened up professionally bound layflat photo books during interviews. Keeping in mind your end goal (selling yourself) will help ground you in this process.

Here are seven steps to help you create the perfect writing portfolio:

1. Introduce yourself

If your portfolio is your full sales pitch, think of your introduction as your elevator pitch. This sets the tone and context for your work. State your name, the type of writing you do, and any relevant background information that describes who you are.

Remember, this is a writing sample, too.  Make it unique, valuable, and memorable—and from your natural voice. This is your chance to tell your story from your point of view. Make it count.

2. Organize your writing samples

Gather up all relevant writing samples you have. These can be everything from Super Bowl ads you’ve scripted to op-eds you’ve written for your high school newspaper. And if you don’t have enough, you can create hypothetical projects for brands that exist or that you make up to showcase your skills—just make it clear they’re examples and not paid work.

Once you have all your writing samples gathered, it’s time to organize them. Keep in mind who you’re showing your work to and include the type of samples they’re most interested in. If you’re angling to carve a niche, consider grouping your work into topic or format clusters. If you’re showing off versatility, group them by medium.

Here are the top ways to organize your writing portfolio:

  • Chronologically: If you have a wide range of writing samples or a linear progression in your career, consider arranging your work chronologically and share how your skills have evolved.
  • Topic: If you specialize in particular types of writing, you could group your samples by topic. For example, you could organize your work by industry for your technical writing or trade book writing—or by sections dedicated to industries, verticals, or genres.
  • Medium: If you write for various mediums and channels, be it journalism stories, ad creative, UX writing, storytelling, or blogging, organize your work by these key pillars to help readers understand your versatility as a writer.

No matter how you organize your work, start and end with your strongest samples. Recruiters spend less than three minutes per portfolio , whereas most hiring managers spend five to 10 minutes. Either way, that’s not a lot of time. Make sure your portfolio makes a splash to start and is easily scannable.

3. Cull your writing samples

Once you’ve compiled all relevant writing samples for your portfolio, now comes the difficult task of narrowing them down. If you’re in the early stages of your career, you may not have a lot of work to distill. But for experienced writers, it’s important to whittle down your samples to showcase only your best work. 

When making the final selection of samples to include in your writing portfolio, consider the following:

  • Diversity: Depending on the structure you envision for your portfolio, consider choosing samples that capture your range and versatility as a writer. For example, creative writers might want to include a mix of short stories , screenplays, essays, or novels .
  • Relevance: Your writing samples should reflect the type of writing you want to do in the future. If you’re interested in writing for a particular publication, highlight samples that overlap with that publication’s style and tone.
  • Quality: As a rule, only include your best work when creating a writing portfolio. It can be helpful to recruit a mentor, friend, or colleague to get different perspectives on what others view as your highest-quality samples.

4. Craft your navigation

As you organize and narrow down what work samples you’d like to include, you can start identifying patterns for structuring your writing portfolio. In doing so, think about how you’d like viewers to navigate your book.

A table of contents, menu, or sections can provide guideposts for viewers to better travel through your writing portfolio and understand what it includes. In addition to thematic structure and the general flow of your portfolio, consider design elements like thumbnail images for each piece or major section. This adds a visual appeal and a touch of creativity that goes a long way in grabbing your prospective readers. Other fundamentals include:

  • Sections: If you have ample writing samples to include, divide your portfolio into sections or chapters. This will make it easier for readers to find the pieces they’re most interested in.
  • Navigation: Make sure your table of contents or website menu is simple to understand. In a digital context, you can include links to each section or piece of writing for easy navigation.
  • Design: Your portfolio should be clean, clear, concise, and easy to read. Set the mood appropriately and use a consistent font, color scheme, and design elements for your sections, headlines, and menus to make them cohesive with the rest of the portfolio.

5. Design a layout

Once you have all of your writing samples selected and organized, you’ll need to think about how to best present your work in a way that’s visually appealing and on-brand with your particular style and tone. This is where the design of your portfolio comes in. When designing your portfolio, consider the following:

  • Choose a format that’s creative yet easy to navigate. Whether creating a hardcopy portfolio or a website portfolio, you want to choose a format that aligns with your writing style and the context of your samples but also one that’s easy to navigate. Be creative but don’t let the design distract readers from your portfolio’s content. 
  • Use a clear and readable font. Make sure that the font you choose is easy to read, both in print and digitally on the screen. It’s best to stick with very simple, legible fonts that won’t distract from your writing.
  • Incorporate images or graphics. Consider adding visuals to your writing portfolio that capture the context of your work. Whether they’re symbolic photos or images that truly correspond with your samples, consider imagery that relates to your writing and engages your readers. Just be sure that they don’t detract from your copy.
  • Keep it consistent. While you want your writing portfolio to be visually engaging, you also want to ensure that it’s professional and on point with your personal brand. Often, less is more. So, avoid using too many colors or fonts , and put together a design layout that’s consistent and aligned.

6. Summarize your work

Depending on the length of your writing portfolio, it can help to provide some context for your samples—especially if you can prove your worth with impressive stats. Similar to a novel’s blurb shown on the back cover of a book, these could be short summaries that introduce individual samples, case studies that outline your business results, or thematic sections of your portfolio that add color to your writer’s journey.

Writing short summaries or blurbs of your work gives readers a sense of what they can expect from each piece of writing. While not a requirement for writing portfolios, these blurbs can help guide the overarching story behind your experience. When writing these short summaries, consider the following elements:

  • Overviews that summarize your work. You can include the genre , topic, purpose, brand, or writing style.
  • Your intentions or goals. Break down the problem you solved with your writing pieces, like whether your objective was entertaining, educating, or persuading your readers, and who the project was for.
  • The scope of the project and your role as a writer. Make sure you highlight whether your work was part of a larger publication or your own personal blog. Talk about timelines, titles, and how you contributed to any large-scale projects or group work.
  • Any key performance indicators (KPIs). Hiring managers on marketing teams will be very interested in the results of your work, like how much traffic a piece earned, how much engagement it received, or how your work led to a particular business outcome.

7. Include your resume and contact info

When using your portfolio to land your dream job, including your resume (or a version of it) is a good supplement to showcase all your experience. You could include it at the beginning or end of your portfolio. In any case, it should be easy to find and relevant to your target audience.

You’ll also want to include a way for viewers to contact you, like your professional email address or social media account. Depending on the context of your portfolio, you may even consider adding a link to your LinkedIn or Instagram profile so employers can see more information about you and easily get in touch. If you print your portfolio, add links or QR codes to your professional website or digital portfolio, too.

Person writing in a blank journal.

Tips for creating a writing portfolio that wows

Now that you’re familiar with creating a writing portfolio, several additional points are worth calling out. These are general best practices and things to consider when bringing your portfolio to life.

Quality over quantity

Less is often more, as it’s generally better to showcase a small collection of high-quality writing samples rather than inundating your readers with numerous less-than-stellar pieces. Be selective with the work you choose, and aim for a diverse range that emphasizes your strengths and genres of focus.

Know your target audience

Identify your target audience for your writing portfolio, as this can help determine the specific writing samples you include and how you organize them. Keep in mind that you should tailor your portfolio to suit the needs of your potential clients or employers. Print on demand allows you to swap in and out samples that best align with each client or employer—or you can tailor your digital portfolio with specific landing pages for each application or industry.

Keep it clean, simple, and error-free

Your writing portfolio should be easy to navigate, visually appealing, and error-free. Use a simple design and make sure your writing samples are well-organized and clearly presented. Your portfolio’s overall design layout and format will help readers digest its contents. 

And since you’re a writer, typos are usually unforgivable. Get a friend or mentor (or both!) to proof your work before you send it out.

Printed portfolio open to a two page writing sample.

Create digital and print writing portfolios

There are many pros and cons for digital and hardcopy portfolio books . While having a digital writing portfolio might be needed for digital applications and remote positions, a print version will definitely have you standing out while attending in-person meetings and interviews. Ultimately, the decision should depend on your personal preference, the needs of your target audience, and your intended usage of the portfolio.

However, we’d suggest both. You’ll need digital samples to get through the initial stage of most applications, but few things are more impressive than a perfectly bound physical portfolio in face-to-face interactions.

Keep your writing portfolio up-to-date

Your writing should always be fresh and relevant, so don’t forget to regularly update the contents of your portfolio with new pieces or achievements. Also, it’s a great idea to tailor your portfolio for each interview. Doing this will help demonstrate your interest and commitment to the company or client.

What makes a strong writing portfolio?

Certain characteristics make for standout writing portfolios. Consider these five cornerstones of strong portfolios:

  • Showcase the depth and diversity of your writing ability, including various genres and styles, to help demonstrate your versatility and range as a writer.
  • Maintain consistency in your tone and presentation throughout your portfolio, even if you showcase work with different styles for different brands.
  • Feature work most relevant to your primary target audience and the type of writing jobs you want to land in the future.
  • Choose the most engaging writing samples that reflect your style and focus, highlighting your marketable attributes and unique skillset.
  • Assemble your portfolio in a clear, cohesive, and organized manner, making it easy for readers to navigate and absorb your content.

Above all, remember that your writing portfolio reflects you and your abilities as a writer. Take the time to create something unique and memorable. We believe in you!

If you’re interested in creating a print version of your writing portfolio, Blurb offers the tools to make a professional, bookstore-quality portfolio book that will impress. 

Get started using a beautifully designed portfolio template, or create your own custom layout. Not only can you print as many books as you need on demand, but you can choose from a variety of formats, from large layflat portfolio books to smaller and more affordable options that make great leave-behinds.

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  • Portfolio Tips

13 Creative Writing Portfolio Examples & How to Create Yours

Author's profile picture

Just as you need inspiration for writing, it also helps with putting together your writing portfolio . We’re here to provide you with exactly that, in the form of 13 creative writing portfolio examples.

They’re portfolio websites from different kinds of creative writers: some do poetry, some scriptwriting, some copywriting… One thing is for sure though: you’ll leave with ideas, excitement, and a clear vision of how to make your ideas come to life in your own portfolio.

Read until the end because we'll also show you how you can build yours easily, in 5 simple steps.

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13 creative writing portfolio examples & why they’re excellent

1. macy fidel.

The portfolio website of Macy Fidel, creative non-fiction writer, featuring a brown background and six creative writing samples

Macy used Copyfolio's Premier template and "Cardboard Clip" color palette to create her portfolio

This portfolio is great because...

  • It has a crystal-clear tagline: you'll know at first glance what Macy does
  • The projects are upfront: you don't need to search and click around to check out Macy's writing skills and style
  • The homepage has a great about section with a CTA: you can find out a little more about her and know exactly what to do if you'd like to know more
  • The bold background color makes it memorable amongst simple white portfolio websites

2. Esa Haddad

The creative writing portfolio of communications and writing professional Esa Haddad

Esa's portfolio was made with Copyfolio's "Wallscape" template

  • It beautifully shows how a creative writer can do more than just that. He's also a communications professional, doing technical and academic writing next to his creative and poetic endeavors.
  • With a black background and white text , this site stands out. Having such a canvas makes it easy for bolder headlines and images to pop, leading the eyes nicely along the page.
  • It has an easy way for you to get in touch. All you need to do is click the LinkedIn icon to visit his profile or navigate to the contact page to find out more.

3. Julia Tula

The portfolio of creative writer Julia Tula, featuring her resume, introduction and seven writing samples

Julia created her portfolio with Copyfolio's "Artboard" template

  • It has an aesthetic and consistent design. Using simple squares for thumbnails, in colors matching the color palette pulls the whole site's design together.
  • Julia shows a great variety of creative writing pieces in her projects, including discussions about the theory of creative writing, creative non-fiction short stories, and fiction writing as well.
  • It showcases Julia's brilliant writing skills with every word she's written on the site. From the tagline, to her about me section, it's all written beautifully.

4. Larissa Vasquez

The writing portfolio website of Larissa Vasquez. The homepage says: I am glad you are here. Welcome. Writer in training.

Larissa created her site with the legacy version of Copyfolio's "Billboard" template .

  • It sets the mood for her writing portfolio with a white, beige, and brown color scheme.
  • The homepage features a photo of scraps of paper on the top —very fitting for a writer.
  • Choosing a photo of herself with similar colors , then creating custom beige and brown project thumbnails really pulled it all together.
  • It has a simple layout. On the homepage, Larissa added a short introduction, then dove right into her writing samples . This makes it easy for everyone to read her pieces and see her writing skills shine.

5. Andrea Arcia

The portfolio page of writer, editor, and upcoming novelist, Andrea Arcia

Andrea created her portfolio with the legacy version of Copyfolio's "Letterpress" template

  • Andrea used a constantly changing, but cohesive layout to keep you interested and engaged, even with a lot of text on the page.
  • She started out with three projects in a portfolio grid but then went on to use columns to display text, adding images every second block. This is a great way if you want to introduce projects or showcase longer stories or poems without overwhelming your visitors.

6. Hannah Rogers

The creative writing portfolio of Hannah Rodgers, introducing her and her writing services and best creative writing samples.

Hannah created her writer website using Copyfolio, and the “Typewriter” template .

  • You'll know who Hannah is and what she does right away. She's a versatile creative writer and editor, currently sailing with Firmenich.
  • It's easy to learn about her background too : after finishing her degree in English and Creative Writing, she perfected her skills, now offering copywriting, concept content creation, editing, and more.
  • Her fields of expertise are also clear : creative writing, brand storytelling, and editing. Displayed with short descriptions for each, it's the perfect way to introduce them.
  • It has great creative writing project displays . In the title, you can see her role (e.g. writer, creative lead, producer) —then you can check each piece published online if you click through.

Overall, the portfolio flows well, it’s clear at every step where you need to look, and she showcases her expertise wonderfully.

7. Shweta Shreyarthi

Two screenshots of the writing portfolio of creative Shweta Shreyarthi, which has a brilliant structure and clear layout

A brilliant structure and clear layout, if we do say so ourselves. She created it with Copyfolio .

  • Shweta decided to use a crips white canvas, simple black text, and black and white photos as the base of her site. But to shake it up a little, she’s using an orange accent color, and a pastel but colorful background photo for a few of her sections.
  • She has an amazing creative writing portfolio page , where she outlines what she does: she’s a creative communicator, using her copywriting and content creation skills in her work.
  • Her expertise is illustrated with work samples , and supplemented with short explanations. You can explore her work in different categories: social media, executive communications, proposal writing, website copywriting, and more.
  • The portfolio has a great variety of projects. In each category, she included 2-4 samples for visitors to check: illustrating them with a picture, writing a very brief description (with the client + category), and adding a clear CTA with a link.

8. Magd Elzahed

Two screenshots of Magd Elzahed's creative website.

Magd made her creative writing portfolio with Copyfolio, using the “Typewriter” template .

  • It has a distinctive and consistent branding , with the black-and-white top section and typewriter-like serif fonts.
  • Shows Magd's mission upfront. She makes it clear that her aim is “to bring your ideas to life through the power of language.”
  • an on-brand picture to illustrate it,
  • a clear title with the name of the client,
  • a short description of what the project was about,
  • and a call-to-action button.
  • Makes it easy to find out even more about each project if you're interested. Clicking on the buttons takes you to a page going into more detail on what exactly the project entailed, what her task was, and how the final results turned out.
  • It has a lot more information available on additional pages: you can read about her journey, services, references, and more.

9. Charlie Labbett

The portfolio website of Charlie Labbett, featuring four of his creative writing samples as projects

Charlie's portfolio website was made with Copyfolio's "Typewriter" template

  • The dark background makes it different from most creative writing portfolios. It also helps the lighter text and silver graphics to pop and draw your attention to them.
  • Has a clear tagline , from which you'll know that Charlie's focus is writing horror, science fiction, and fantasy stories within the realm of creative writing.
  • It showcases multiple types of writing projects: extracts from longer-form pieces alongside some poetry work. This shows how versatile his writing skills are.

10. Melissa Wade

Screenshot of Melissa Wade's creative writing portfolio website, featuring a banner advertising her writing

This lovely portfolio website was built with Copyfolio, using one of the legacy templates, “Agenda” .

  • It showcases the many talents Melissa has. She’s an Amazon best-selling author, content creator, brand ambassador, and more.
  • Right at the start, she grabs readers’ attention with a strong headline. How? By talking not about herself per se —but about what she can provide them .
  • She also added a nicely designed banner. On it are the things you’d typically write in that tagline: what it is exactly that you do, illustrated with more pictures of her and her book.
  • The portfolio site uses pictures with harmonizing colors. The pink in her blouse matches the background of the banner and the colorful wall. It helped her create a professional look and stylish design.

11. Lara Ramirez

The portfolio of creative copywriter Lara Ramirez, showcasing five writing projects, with mockups and custom illustrations on their thumbnails

Lara built a fun and creative writing portfolio using Copyfolio’s “Journal” template .

  • It sticks to one, cohesive color palette. See how she chose just a handful of colors, all matching her site’s palette, and only used them throughout the site? Follow her lead to ensure a great look for your own creative writing portfolio too!
  • It features fun and unique design elements. Using simple blobs and flower shapes as the background of photos and mockups gives the portfolio a youthful and fun personality.
  • Lara used mockups in her project thumbnails , which is an amazing way to elevate a portfolio and make it look even more professional.

12. Deeya Sonalkar

Screenshot of the black and white portfolio website of creative writer Deeya Sonalkar

This creative writing portfolio website was made with Copyfolio’s “Journal’ template , combined with the “Charcoal” color palette.

  • It sets the tone for a true creative writer portfolio with a Hemingway quote: “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”
  • Deeya builds rapport with a portrait and a short introduction talking about her life-long passion for writing.
  • It showcases her various projects , with the thumbnails mostly leading to websites and social media profiles she’s worked on. So visitors can see her words live, in action.
  • The website has a consistent design , only using black-and-white images, and simple black text on a white background.

13. Genie Smith

The author website and creative writing portfolio of Genie Smith.

Genie created her portfolio with one of Copyfolio's legacy templates, "Agenda"

  • Genie uses images intentionally , to set the mood: hands in black and white, a typewriter, windows, etc.
  • It has a deeper purpose other than just showcasing creative writing work . Formerly dealing with mental health issues, Genie turned to writing to help her heal herself —and to help others.
  • The layout leads you along the page, keeping you interested . First, you can learn about the big picture of her life and work, then learn more about her, and in the end, check her writing pieces.

Choose a creative writing portfolio template & create your page easily. Make it happen, it's free.

How to build your creative writing portfolio based on these examples

Checking out examples and getting ideas is an important first step… But then you’ll have to actually get started. Don’t worry, we’ll help you with the building process: we’ll outline how to create a stunning creative writing portfolio in just 5 easy steps.

1. Choose a platform & create an account

The first and maybe most important choice you’ll have to make is choosing a platform to build your portfolio website. Our recommendation is Copyfolio, a portfolio website builder that was designed for writers. It’s incredibly fast and easy to use, giving you all the help you need to create something powerful.

When you sign up, you can pick your profession (e.g. creative writer) and the goal of your site. Based on these, Copyfolio will generate a starter site for you.

The page and types of sections on them will be determined by your goal, while all the content inside the sections will be based on your profession. And yes, the latter applies to newly added sections too!

This will give you lots of ideas about what to write and where. All you'll have to do is personalize the text here and there and upload your own pictures. This leads us to the second step, to...

2. Personalize the content of your pages

You'll have an almost-complete site on your hands, but you still have to make it yours. So go over your pages and personalize their contents.

The most important part will be the top of your homepage. That's what everyone sees at first —and whether they'll keep checking your portfolio will depend on it too.

If you chose a writing portfolio template with a photo at the top, then try to find a nice picture of yourself to upload there. That'll help build rapport with your visitors.

If you're not comfortable putting yourself out there like that, you can choose a template with no picture, or upload a decorative one like Macy or Julia did above.

3. Add your creative writing samples

Once the basics are done, it’s time to add your projects. Creative writing samples give viewers a chance to see your writing skills in action and as such, they’re an essential part of your portfolio.

(Need a little help with writing yours? Check out our writing sample templates !)

Make sure you choose thumbnail images for them that all go together color- and design-wise, and add 4-6 of them for a good variety.

In Copyfolio , you can add 3 types of projects: case study pages, PDF files, or external links. Whichever you choose, we'll add a thumbnail image for you. When someone clicks on it, the project will open, in the case of PDFs and external links, in a new tab.

4. Set a custom portfolio URL

To put the cherry on top of a professional creative writing portfolio website, you should set a custom URL for it.

If you're not a freelancer, you can simply customize the ending of your URL. In that case, it's going to look something like this: https://copyfol.io/v/dorka —that's the link to our writer's own site, actually.

If you have bigger plans for personal branding, expanding your career, or going freelance, it's best you get a proper domain. You can buy one right in Copyfolio that'll be automatically connected to your site. Or if you've bought one already somewhere else, you can easily connect that too.

+1: Customize your extra settings : SEO, favicon, and more

This 5th step is not essential —that's why we named it a +1. But these little things can add a lot to the overall feel and performance of your portfolio. So if you have the time, we recommend you to go through them and customize each to your brand.

Extra things you could do are:

  • Optimizing your SEO settings. You can write custom meta titles and descriptions for each page + upload a preview image that appears when the page is shared online.
  • Set a custom favicon. It's the browser icon that appears next to the name of your page and it helps people to recognize your site amongst all the tabs they have open.
  • Write a blog. All it takes is adding a blog section and clicking the "Add new blog post button" and your blog is ready to go. It's amazing to showcase your writing skills and share your musings with the world.
  • Finetune your design. In Copyfolio, you can switch up the look of your site in one click, using global palettes and presets. Play around with the colors and fonts to see which one matches your brand the most.

Create your site now

Create your creative writing portfolio with Copyfolio!

Sounds pretty easy, right? And even if you have questions along the way, the blog and the in-app prompts and guiding questions will be there to give a helping hand. The Copyfolio Team is also always just an email away.

Give it a try, create your creative writing portfolio for free with Copyfolio today!

Author's profile picture

Dorka Kardos-Latif

Digital marketer & portfolio expert, the face behind all content on Copyfolio 👋

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12 best writing portfolio examples and how to create your own

  • Brandi Hunter

Get started by: Creating a website →  | Getting a domain →

writing portfolio examples

When it comes to starting a business  around your writing, visibility is everything. The more well-curated and attention-grabbing your writing is, the higher the chance that potential clients and publications will notice your talent. Making a website  that presents your writing portfolio can help introduce the industry to your talent and invite new work.

You may be thinking, “I’m a writer, not a website designer”—that’s where Wix can help. Its templates and beginner-friendly website builder make getting started as straightforward as it can get. To get the creative juices flowing, here are 12 writing portfolio examples from Wix users. Later on, we’ll provide a more straightforward step-by-step guide to building your own.

Start building your online portfolio  with Wix today.

12 writing portfolio examples

Jed Donahue

Sam Carlson Creative

Lauryn Higgins

Jessica Van Devanter

Madison Gray

Jane-Ellen Robinet

Christina Sterbenz

Bryn Dippold

Charlotte Kho

Emma Newell

Maddie Pfeiffer

Rachel A.G. Gilman

01. Jed Donahue

Jed Donahue’s website is a great example of how speaking to your client’s pain points can compel them to reach out. The homepage header copy, “When you need great content, I’m here to help,” focuses on the customer’s needs. Testimonials from previous clients provide proof that Jed can deliver results. Meanwhile, the “What I can do for you” section gives a practical breakdown of the workflow and services that clients can expect.

Jed Donahue's writing portfolio example

02. Sam Carlson

Sam Carlson takes his writing portfolio a step further by putting his client work front and center. He highlights his creative flair and prowess as a copywriter by including engaging introductions for each case study. Every project page boasts a concise and clever summary, followed by the client's logo and key project assets. Additionally, his "Fun" page, which presents his personal projects, offers a glimpse of his hobbies and talents outside of writing.

Sam Carlson's writing portfolio example

03. Lauryn Higgins

If you, like Lauryn Higgins , have an extensive writing portfolio that includes several bylines with well-known media companies, you can strategically add publication logos to your website and link them to your author pages to show off your credibility. On her “Awards and Publications” page, she features snapshots of some of her best clips, along with several awards.

Lauryn Higgins's writing portfolio example

04. Jessica Van Devanter 

If you don’t have any visual content to display and don’t want to go through the process of finding a set of free-to-use visuals that match your branding and content, take a look at Jessica Van Devanter’s writing portfolio. By making the site’s design the focal point, she bypasses the need for external graphics or images that may not align with her branding. 

Her logo, a shrewd-looking fox, serves as the background for the large header, which captures the viewer's attention upon arrival. Below it, a mountain graphic underlays the main content area, providing a sense of continuity without overpowering the text. 

The structure of each page is reminiscent of a timeline, with her written works positioned as milestones, guiding visitors through her professional journey. The bright green and white font colors provide a deliberate contrast against the muted blue background, ensuring readability and drawing the eye to her written work.

Use Wix’s logo maker  to start building out your personal brand.

Jessica Van Devanter's writing portfolio example

05. Madison Gray

As a writer and an artist, Madison Gray masterfully demonstrates both skill sets throughout her portfolio. Pairing her highlighted works with original images draws visitors in and creates a visually engaging narrative of her talents. Each project page indicates which skills she utilized to complete the project, offering a comprehensive understanding of her multifaceted abilities.

Madison Gray's writing portfolio example

06. Jane-Ellen Robinet  

Jane-Ellen Robinet limits her writing portfolio to a page to help website visitors get the information they need quickly. The above-the-fold section summarizes her unique value proposition (“INSIGHT + PERSPECTIVE + EXPERIENCE”) and provides specific job titles for the services she provides (“Editor | Writer”). The header features anchor links to each section of the page to ensure easy navigation. 

Jane-Ellen Robinet's writing portfolio example

07. Christina Sterbenz

Rather than categorizing work by publications, Christina Sterbenz structures her portfolio page around writing topics and pairs each section with a compelling image from one of the relevant clips. This strategy adds visual appeal and gives each topic a personal touch, making the stories more approachable and intriguing to visitors. The images, paired with informative captions, humanize the subjects, enticing readers to delve deeper into her work.

In terms of website design, the portfolio benefits from a clean layout and a modern, minimalist font, which together enhance the site's readability and aesthetic appeal. Visitors can effortlessly scan the pages, finding what they are looking for without feeling overwhelmed. Additionally, the consistent use of design motifs—such as circles and lines throughout the site—contributes to a cohesive and memorable brand identity.

Like this format? Use this creative CV website template  to get started.

Christina Sterbenz's writing portfolio example

08. Bryn Dippold  

Bryn Dippold uses Wix’s blog maker  to showcase her work samples. This approach of republishing content directly on her portfolio, rather than merely linking out to external publications, serves as a strategic method for keeping visitors on her site for longer and providing a comprehensive view of her work.

Many Wix website templates already come with an integrated blog. Alternatively, you can choose to add the blog feature to any template, tailoring it to fit your unique style. Wix allows you to customize the blog settings, enabling you to curate and present your best work in a manner that aligns with your professional image and goals. 

Bryn Dippold's writing portfolio example

09. Charlotte Kho 

Charlotte Kho uses neutral colors, layered design elements and striking imagery to introduce herself as a digital and creative storyteller. The “Resume” page provides a lot of information, but its clean layout is easy on the eyes, and you have the option to download her CV. On the “Work” page, Charlotte offers a small selection of her best work, plus links to view more of her published pieces.

Like this layout? Make it your own as Charlotte did by customizing this business CV website template .

Charlotte Kho's writing portfolio example

10. Emma Newell 

Emma Newell's website demonstrates a balance of simplicity and engaging elements, creating a visually appealing and user-friendly experience. The site employs subtle animations that add a dynamic touch without overwhelming the visitor. Notably, when you click on any link in the menu bar, the content below appears to swipe out of view as new content takes its place. This seamless effect maintains the homepage's structure and provides an uninterrupted browsing experience.

Emma Newell's writing portfolio example

11. Maddie Pfeifer

Maddie Pfeifer effectively leads with her experience by featuring her resume on the homepage. It details her past work, highlights her skillset and lists the awards she has received in the course of her career. We appreciate that she prominently placed her contact information above the fold for easy accessibility.

Her website is a model of organization, making excellent use of Wix’s advanced menu features . The dropdown functionality in her navigation bar allows for an expanded array of options, enhancing the user experience. Visitors, when exploring the “Portfolio” page link, are greeted with the option to select content categories like “Event coverage” or “Crime & courts,” tailoring their browsing to their interests.

Maddie Pfeifer's writing portfolio example

12. Rachel A.G. Gilman 

Rachel A.G. Gilman elevates her homepage's simplicity with a playful, animated headshot, contrasting colors and a classic font choice, creating a dynamic first impression. Under the “Writing” tab, her comprehensive archive is meticulously sorted into distinct categories, making it easy to sift through her published work and accomplishments.

Rachel A.G. Gilman's writing portfolio example

How to make a writing portfolio of your own

After exploring some of the best portfolio website examples , you’re probably eager to get started on learning how to make a portfolio  of your own. Whether you're a seasoned writer or just getting started, these tips will help you present your work in a way that captivates and communicates your unique voice and skills. 

01. Identify your target audience

To properly tailor your site design to your audience, you need to identify who you’re looking to impress. For instance, if you’re using this type of website  to pitch to editors, you might consider spotlighting your best features or most impressive bylines. On the other hand, if you’re cultivating a professional portfolio  for freelance clients, you might want to put testimonials or a list of services front and center.

02. Establish your goals 

Setting clear goals is crucial to track your progress and success. If your objective is to boost engagement with freelance clients, you might measure this by the number of inquiries or project offers you receive through your portfolio site. On the other hand, if increasing your visibility as a writer online is your goal, you could focus on monitoring website traffic, page views, or how long visitors stay on your site. Regularly assessing these aspects will help you understand what's effective and what needs improvement in your portfolio.

03. Choose the right platform

When looking for a platform for your online presence, choose a portfolio website builder  that aligns with your technical ability and the amount of time you can dedicate to maintenance. Although creating a bespoke website might be impressive and a simple clippings curator (such as Muck Rack) would be convenient, it’s a better idea to go for a builder that combines the best of both worlds, offering both customizability and convenience. 

With Wix, you’ll have hundreds of customizable templates to choose from and AI tools that make designing and filling it with images a breeze. Furthermore, Wix enriches your website with features like built-in forms, custom email addresses, and newsletter capabilities, ensuring you can easily connect with your audience and maintain those connections effortlessly.

Check out this selection of Wix website templates for writers .

04. Decide how you want to structure your showcase

When building the “Works” or “Clips” section of your online writing portfolio, your focus should be on showcasing your writing as well as highlighting the outlets you've collaborated with. Select pieces that represent your best work and reflect the type of work you aspire to continue doing. Remember, it's always about quality over quantity. A handful of outstanding pieces will have a greater impact than a multitude of average ones.

If you're at the beginning of your career and lack professional bylines, don't hesitate to include your best work from college or independent projects. Additionally, consider starting a blog that reflects the kind of work you aim to do professionally. 

05. Build an archive

Imagine losing your most valued work if a website goes down or a publisher removes your article. To prevent this, create an archive on your portfolio site. By uploading and publishing posts using the Wix content management system, you not only safeguard your work but also boost your site’s SEO and engage visitors more effectively. However, remember to check your contracts, as some publishers may restrict this. If time is limited, consider downloading your articles as PDFs and linking to them on a dedicated page. It's best to maintain this archive separately from your featured works, ensuring they continue to be the main attraction.

06. Flesh out the rest of your site

Your writing portfolio is more than just your work; it's a complete presentation of your professional persona. Each page on your site plays a critical role in telling your story. Here's how to make them count:

Home: The homepage is your portfolio's front door, welcoming and guiding visitors. It's crucial that this page clearly communicates what you offer as a writer. Make sure visitors can instantly understand your area of expertise and writing style.

About: On your “About” page, detail your professional journey, educational background and skill set. This page is an excellent place to infuse personality into your resume. Consider including a PDF version of your resume so hiring managers can add it to their databases.

Contact:  The “Contact” page is your open invitation for communication. Offer multiple methods to reach you, such as a contact form and an email address. Consider using scheduling software  to make it easy for potential clients to set up consultation calls. 

When writing the copy for these pages, make sure your tone is consistent, engaging and speaks to your desired audience. If incorporating imagery, make sure they’re high-quality, complement the text and reinforce your professional image. Each element should seamlessly blend to form a cohesive and inviting online presence.

07. Test and publish

Broken links, grammatical errors or faulty contact forms may lead visitors to doubt the quality of your work or discourage them from reaching out. Make sure to do a thorough assessment of your site, and consider sharing your writing portfolio with others to get their feedback.

08. Update your website

Regularly update your portfolio with your latest work. This keeps your site fresh and shows potential clients your active involvement and range of skills. A current portfolio can also inspire new project ideas among visitors.

Top tips for your writing portfolio

When it comes to planning, creating and maintaining your writing portfolio, there are a number of tips to help you create a great one.

Tailor your portfolio to the specific writing niche or genre you're pursuing. Include samples that demonstrate your expertise and writing style in that area. Your writing portfolio is a showcase of how well you with with words and content, make sure it reflects that to the best of your ability and experience.

Prioritize showcasing your strongest writing samplespieces, even if it means having fewer samples. Choose work that highlights your skills, versatility, and ability to meet client expectations.

Each piece in your portfolio should tell a story. Briefly explain the project's context, your approach, the challenges faced and the outcomes achieved.

Include testimonials from satisfied clients for the purpose of adding social proof and to demonstrate the quality of your work.

Make your portfolio easy to navigate. Use a clear menu, categorize your work and implement smooth transitions between pages.

Let your personality and writing style shine through. Use visuals, tone of voice, and layout to create a cohesive and memorable brand identity that reflects you and your work.

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A Writing Portfolio Can Help You Perfect Your Writing Skills

A Composition Course Requirement That Can Have Lasting Benefits

  • An Introduction to Punctuation
  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester
  • B.A., English, State University of New York

In composition studies , a writing portfolio is a collection of student writing (in print or electronic form) that's intended to demonstrate the writer's development over the course of one or more academic terms.

Since the 1980s, writing portfolios have become an increasingly popular form of student assessment in composition courses taught in colleges and universities, especially in the U.S.

Examples and Observations

According to "The Brief Wadsworth Handbook": "The purpose of a writing portfolio is to demonstrate a writer's improvement and achievements. Portfolios allow writers to collect a body of writing in one place and to organize and present it in an effective, attractive format, giving the instructor a view of a student's writing that focuses more on the complete body of work than on individual assignments. While compiling individual items (sometimes called artifacts ) to include in their portfolios, students reflect on their work and measure their progress; as they do so, they may improve their ability to evaluate their own work."

Process-Writing Portfolios

"The process-writing portfolio is an instructional tool that manifests the stages and efforts in the writing process . It also contains completed, unfinished, abandoned, or successful work. Process-writing portfolios typically contain brainstorming activities, clustering , diagramming , outlining , freewriting , drafting , redrafting in response to teacher/peer review , and so forth. Thus, a picture of the current state of an individual's composing process is revealed. The two essential pedagogical elements in the process-writing portfolio are student reflection and teacher inquiry," says Joanne Ingham, who conducts empirical studies at undergraduate institutions.

Reflective Statements

"Most instructors who assign portfolios will also ask you to write statements in which you reflect on your writing process—what you think you did well, what still needs improvement, and what you have learned about writing. Some teachers ask students to write reflective statements or a letter to the teacher for each assignment. Others may ask for just an end-of-semester statement....," according to developmental writing instructor Susan Anker.

According to author Susan M. Brookhart, PhD, "With or without rubrics, portfolios are also an excellent vehicle for teachers to give verbal feedback to students. Teachers can provide written feedback on the portfolio itself, or, especially for younger students, they can provide oral feedback using the portfolio as the focus of brief student conferences."

Portfolio Assessment

  • Julie Neff-Lippman, director at the Center for Writing, Learning, and Teaching at the University of Puget Sound writes: "Portfolios have been seen as valid because they measure what they say they will measure—students' ability to write and revise in a rhetorical setting. However, critics question the reliability of portfolio assessment. Pointing to the number of times a paper can be revised, some claim it is often impossible to determine how competent the student writer is or how much help a student has received during the revision process (Wolcott, 1998, p. 52). Others claim there are too many variables with portfolio assessment and that portfolios do not hold up well enough to statistical measures for them to be considered a reliable assessment instrument (Wolcott, 1998, p. 1). To address the problems with reliability, some schools have added a timed essay test to the portfolio assessment. Still, others believe that the validity of portfolio assessment outweighs the reliability problems associated with it and that portfolio assessment is the kind of evaluation most consistent with the values of compositionists."
  • According to the book, "Teaching Writing in the Content Areas," "[O]ne clear benefit of portfolio assessment is that teachers do not have to mark every writing error , because they usually score portfolios using holistic methods. Students, in turn, benefit because they can identify the content and writing skills they have mastered and the areas they need to improve."
  • "It should be pointed out that portfolios do not necessarily bring greater accuracy to assessment, but they do promote a greater awareness of what good writing might be and how it might be best achieved. The advantages lay principally in that the validity, and value, of assessment, is increased if it is situated in teaching and based on a clearer understanding of writing," says writer Ken Hyland.  

Anker, Susan. Real Essays With Readings: Writing Projects for College, Work, and Everyday Life. 3rd ed, Bedford/St. Martin's, 2009.

Brookhart, Susan M., "Portfolio Assessment." 21st Century Education: A Reference Handbook. Edited by Thomas L. Good. Sage, 2008.

Hyland, Ken. Second Language Writing . Cambridge University Press, 2003.

Ingham, Joanne. "Meeting the Challenges of an Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum." Practical Approaches to Using Learning Styles in Higher Education. Edited by Rita Dunn and Shirley A. Griggs. Greenwood, 2000.

Kirszner, Laurie G. and Stephen R. Mandell. The Brief Wadsworth Handbook. 7th ed, Wadsworth, 2012.

Neff-Lippman, Julie "Assessing Writing." Concepts in Composition: Theory and Practice in the Teaching of Writing. Edited by Irene L. Clark. Lawrence Erlbaum, 2003.

Urquhart, Vicki and Monette McIver. Teaching Writing in the Content Areas . ASCD, 2005.

Wolcott, Willa and Sue M. Legg. An Overview of Writing Assessment: Theory, Research, and Practice . NCTE, 1998.

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  • Classroom Assessment Best Practices and Applications
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  • Getting Started With Student Portfolios
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  • Tips to Cut Writing Assignment Grading Time
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Writing Portfolio

2023-24 portfolio deadlines (class of ’26).

  • The Fall deadline is Friday, Oct 27 at 4PM.
  • The Winter deadline is Friday, Feb 16 at 4PM .
  • The Spring deadline is Friday May 10 at 4PM .

All non-transfer students are required to submit a portfolio in their fifth or sixth term. ( Transfer students: look here to see how the portfolio requirements apply to you.)

The fall deadline is generally only applicable to transfer students or students who are “off cycle” due to academic leave.

Students who will be on OCS programs in their sixth term are required to submit their portfolios the term before their OCS program. This means that on-cycle sophomores who will be on spring OCS programs are required to submit their portfolios by the winter deadline.

The majority of sophomores, however, will submit their portfolios by the spring deadline.

If you have questions about which deadline applies to you, or if you wish to submit your portfolio a term or more early, please  contact George Cusack .

Want a quick overview of the portfolio? View a video that will take you through the basic requirements.

What is the writing portfolio?

As a Carleton student, you’ll be required to submit a writing portfolio in order to demonstrate your skills as an academic writer. Most students submit the portfolio in their sixth term (i.e. spring of their sophomore year), though there are exceptions for students who will be on OCS programs that term and for students who transfer in as juniors.

A complete portfolio contains 3–5 pieces of writing from your Carleton courses, plus a reflective essay in which you’ll examine how you have developed as a writer over your first two years in college.

In order to complete the requirement, your portfolio must demonstrate your fluency with certain specific academic writing skills . Portfolios are read and scored by volunteers from Carleton faculty and instructional staff, who award each portfolio a score of “Exemplary,” “Pass,” or “Not Yet.”

How do students benefit from preparing a portfolio?

Research shows that people learn more, retain more of what they’ve learned, and are better able to adapt their knowledge to new situations when they take the time to reflect on their past experiences. The portfolio creates an opportunity for you to do just that: by looking back over the writing you’ve completed in your first two years at Carleton and assessing the way your writing has developed, you will develop a clearer sense of your strengths and weaknesses as a writer and a scholar. This will put you in a stronger position to adapt and grow as you move away from the more diverse phase of your Carleton education and start to take on more complex challenges in your major discipline.

The portfolio also provides a means for identifying students who might need to develop specific writing skills more fully before they get too far into their major. The roughly 10% of students who earn a “Not Yet” score will work directly with the Director of Writing across the Curriculum to identify the areas where they most need to improve, so they don’t fall through the cracks in their major and upper-division courses. For more information on this, see “What Does a Not Yet Score Mean?”

We realize that it can seem disingenuous to describe the portfolio process as an “opportunity” when you’re required to go through it, but we very much hope that you will see it this way. You’ll receive some feedback from faculty readers on your portfolio, and the portfolio program as a whole benefits Carleton in a variety of ways, but the process will be most valuable to you personally if you take the time to go through it properly and really reflect on the way writing has contributed to your experience at Carleton.

How does the portfolio benefit Carleton as a whole?

Each, year, the portfolios are read and scored by a group of around 30 faculty and staff volunteers. This process give readers a tremendous insight into the ways Carleton students write and the kinds of assignments they complete in their classes. This allows faculty to develop more interesting, creative, and useful assignments in their classes, and it helps instructional staff (such as librarians and the Writing Center directors) develop better materials and methods to support student writers.

The collected portfolio also allow us to assess the way writing as a whole is being taught and learned at Carleton, which allows us to see broad patterns in student literacy and learning that we might not see otherwise. Since its creation, the portfolio program has contributed to several major curricular programs at Carleton, such as media literacy and quantitative reasoning.

When and how should I revise the pieces in my portfolio?

Many students significantly improve their writing skills in their first two years at Carleton — indeed, that’s how it should work! If this is the case for you, you may find that the pieces you wrote in your first few terms might not reflect the quality of your writing now, at the end of your sophomore year. However, you may find that, in order to meet the portfolio requirements, you need to include one or more of these older pieces in your portfolio. In these circumstances, we strongly recommend that you revise, using your newly-developed writing abilities to make these pieces stronger than you could have when you originally wrote them.

Even if you’re fairly satisfied with a given piece of writing, though, you may want to make some revisions to account for the different audience and situation. By including a piece in your portfolio, you’re taking it out of the context where it was originally written and read (a course on a specific subject, with the instructor of that course as the primary reader) and putting it into a very different context (an assessment of your writing skills, with a primary reader who may not know the subject matter). In order to engage these new readers, you need to be sure that each piece in your portfolio is accessible to a general audience and effectively demonstrates the writing skills you chose it to demonstrate. Some specific things to consider are:

  • Does this piece use technical terminology or jargon that a reader outside this discipline might not know? If so, is this terminology clearly defined?
  • Does this piece examine a text, theory, or concept that might be unfamiliar to a reader outside this course? If so, does the piece provide enough information for such a reader to understand your ideas?
  • Are all sources in the piece clearly cited using an established documentation system (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.)? This is especially important if you’re submitting the piece to satisfy the “Use of Multiple Sources” requirement, but it’s good practice to document every source in every piece, even if the instructor you originally wrote the piece for didn’t require it.
  • If you’re submitting a piece to satisfy the “thesis-driven essay” requirement, does the piece have a clear and complete thesis, and does the argument that follows clearly stem from that thesis?

Remember, your course instructors grade your work according to a variety of factors, including knowledge of the course material, but your portfolio readers only consider the quality of your writing. Therefore, you shouldn’t assume that just because your instructor gave a high grade to a given piece, it will hold up in your portfolio.

Where can I get help preparing my portfolio?

First and foremost, please see the FAQ for answers to routine questions.

If you have additional questions about the portfolio requirements such as how to submit your portfolio, which term your portfolio is due, or how to fulfill certain portfolio requirements, you may contact George Cusack , the Director of Writing Across the Curriculum.

If you’d like general feedback on all or part of your portfolio you can also contact George Cusack, or you can schedule an appointment with the Writing Center . The Writing Center associates all receive training specifically on how to help students with their portfolios. Plus, as Carleton students in their second year or later, all of them are either going through or have completed the portfolio process themselves.

University Writing Portfolio (UWP)

writing a portfolio essay

About the University Writing Portfolio

The university writing portfolio.

  • is a mid-career diagnostic used to determine if your writing abilities are ready for the writing demands of advanced-level courses in your major
  • is a WSU graduation requirement and is due during the term in which you have 60 credits (or before)
  • recognizes the standard of writing expected of all WSU students
  • honors the effort of all students in becoming effective writers
  • identifies students who will need additional support in their writing-intensive upper-division courses.

Important Links & Info:

writing a portfolio essay


What do i need to do.

  • Select two of your academic papers that best demonstrate your writing abilities and strengths.
  • Reflect on these pieces of writing in order to articulate what the texts show about their capabilities as college writers.
  • For more information, check out our Frequently Asked Questions page.

What about the UWP hold?

  • The registration hold lets you know that it’s time for you to submit your portfolio
  • Holds are released within 24 hours of submitting in Qualtrics (if submitted on a weekday). During peak times, this may take up to 48 hours due to Qualtrics’ processing time.
  • The hold is only associated with submission; you do not need to wait for your portfolio results to see your hold removed.

Submission Requirements & Process

Follow the instructions in this section diligently. Failing to follow these instructions will lead to delayed processing of your UWP, a delay in the removal of the registration hold in myWSU, and could result in further work for you.

What to submit

Select two academic essays or papers that you’ve written for college-level courses that you think demonstrate your best writing.

Here are some traits to look for as you deliberate which essays or papers to include:

  • In-depth writing: Your writing is developed well enough to capture the important aspects of your topic. This includes any detailed description, explanation, evidence, or narration.
  • Analytical/Critical thinking: Your writing demonstrates your thoughtfulness in drawing connections across different ideas and experiences, explaining the way things are and why they are so, or developing a position or argument on issues or readings and supporting it with property attributed evidence.
  • Organization: Your writing demonstrates that you thoughtfully placed and connected your ideas. Your organization of ideas into sentences and paragraphs seems intentional.
  • Clarity: You are aware of your audience and write for your reader to understand your thoughts or what the paper is about. You deliberately established and maintained a focus. Your writing clearly expresses your ideas through careful sentences, word choice, and punctuation.

While there is not a minimum length or any policy about what to submit, we do suggest looking for pieces of writing that are at least a full page in length or at least 500 words. If you cannot find texts of that length, make use of the reflection questions within the submission site; you could explain the document you’ve selected, discuss the document in the context of your major, or give the reader a sense of what the document shows about your writing skills. You are also welcome to add any of this information into the document that you upload as one of your selected papers.

For more information regarding the types of papers to submit, check out the UWP FAQ page .

How to submit

Prepare information about your papers: course info for each paper (i.e. fall 2020 Bio 106) and a summary of the assignment for each paper

Prepare your documents: Be sure the papers you are planning to upload are in .doc, .docx, or PDF format. Do not take screenshots of your papers.

Prepare to reflect on your writing: What are the strengths of these pieces of writing? What do they show about your abilities? Your responses to the reflection questions are read as additional texts within your University Writing Portfolio.

Prepare to spend enough time: Given the amount of information you’ll be asked to provide and the importance of the reflection questions, you should set aside time to complete the whole task.

When you are ready, submit here: UWP May 10 – May 30, 2024

For more information about the submission process, check out the UWP FAQ page .

Additional information

Do not submit more than one portfolio. The Writing Program will accept only your first complete portfolio. If you enter the submission site but do not submit a complete portfolio, the Writing Program dismisses the incomplete submission. However, if you submit a complete portfolio, receive results that you disagree with, and submit a second time, we will disregard the second submission and remind you of your original results. See our FAQ page for information about appeals.

Link closure dates are set for Thursdays at 11:59 pm and new links will open the following morning (Fridays) by 10 am. After a link closes, the Writing Program UWP Assessment Team begins their work and results will be posted in myWSU within one month of the link closure.

You will have 72 hours to submit your portfolio once you click on the link. If you don’t submit within 72 hours, your submission will be recorded as incomplete and you will need to wait for the next available link.

It can take up to 6 weeks for your results to arrive in My.Wsu. Typically, results are posted within one month of the link closure date. Submissions are not evaluated as they come in; rather, the assessment team (faculty and instructors) collaborates to evaluate large batches of portfolio submissions every few weeks.

For more information, check out the UWP FAQ page or email us . We’re happy to answer any questions you still have.

Who evaluates my portfolio?

  • Portfolios are read and evaluated by the Writing Program’s UWP assessment team that includes faculty and instructors from all departments and disciplines who have been trained in the goals and purposes of this assessment.
  • If readers have concerns about a student’s writing or readiness for upper-division writing endeavors, the Writing Program will assign a 1-credit course designed to support students with their writing intensive courses.
  • Portfolios in question are read by at least two members of the assessment team before the course is officially assigned. Results are communicated through my.Wsu.

How do I find my results and what do they mean?

  • Portfolio results will arrive in My.Wsu in the form of a notice approximately 4 – 6 weeks after the link’s close date.
  • Completed: The student’s writing shows a proficiency in writing suitable for upper-division work at WSU. The University Writing Portfolio requirement is fulfilled.
  • In progress: The student’s writing shows a need for additional, structured writing assistance in upper-division course work. The student will be required to take additional course work in the form of a one-credit writing course (WRITE 205 or 302). These courses function best when taken in conjunction with a Writing in the Major [M] course. The student must complete the additional course assigned in order to satisfy the University Writing Portfolio requirement.
  • If you are dissatisfied with your portfolio results, please check out our FAQ page: UWP Frequently Asked Questions

Please note: Academic integrity is the cornerstone of the university. Any student who attempts to gain an unfair advantage over other students by cheating will have to submit a new University Writing Portfolio and will be reported to the Center for Community Standards . Cheating is further defined in the Academic Integrity Policy for students, WAC 504-26-010 (3). Read more about WAC 504-26-010.

14 mins read

25 Writing Portfolio Examples (PDF & Other Formats) + Useful Portfolio Tips

Are you struggling to create the perfect writing portfolio? Here are 25 writing portfolio examples + 7 useful tips to make it happen!

Image of Protim Bhaumik

Protim Bhaumik

Director, Content Marketing

Written by Protim Bhaumik , edited by Shreya Bose , reviewed by Eric Hauch .

2. Dec 2022 , updated 8. Feb 2024

Preview image of 25 Writing Portfolio Examples (PDF & Other Formats) + Useful Portfolio Tips

Looking to create a writing portfolio? Curious how to do that without futzing with a website builder for days? We’ve been there.

We know that building a writing portfolio is hard — questions like what you should include, where you should host it, and how to effectively create something that gets you work, need answering! To that end, we've put together a list of 25 writing portfolio examples from our customer base that can inspire you as you make your own and included their tips on how they use Authory. (This is a collection of amazing writers, top journalists, and more.)

I also flagged examples that include PDFs because this type of content is notoriously clunky to upload in some website builders. Some clients and employers ask for PDFs, and building that into a portfolio website can be tricky. So, we'll cover how to do that by showing you 5 PDF writing portfolio examples and then 20 regular writing portfolio examples.

5 Writing portfolio examples in PDF format

When you want to save your writing samples, many people start by downloading a PDF that’s saved in a folder and then sometimes, maybe, once a month/year/panic attack, uploaded to a website. It’s a pain to constantly upload your writing samples, but it’s also risky. There’s always the potential your work is edited or removed before you think to save it.

With that in mind, we built Authory. We search the internet for your content and automatically add it to your website. However, we also make it easy to upload existing PDFs you might have.

Here’s how you can do it:

Here are a few examples of how it looks and advice from our customers on building a smart portfolio.

1. Sarah Sparks

Sarah is an advocate, consultant and writer.

For Sarah, Authory is “easy to use and I like how it aggregates media links before I do sometimes.”

That’s our goal. We automatically collect and back up your work so you don’t have to.  

Sarah’s tip: Just make it easy to navigate - one of the reasons I like Authory. One of the easiest ways to do this is by creating collections.

For example, Sarah’s collections include “legal” “social justice” “Indigenous” and “opinion.” Collections make it easy to categorize your content and then send specific collections to editors and publications when you’re asked for writing samples. You can watch a video on creating collections here.

Sarah Sparks' PDF portfolio.

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Here are a few additional PDF portfolio examples that you can review.

2. Alex Hargrave

Alex Hargrave's PDF portfolio

You’ll notice that Alex has two collection examples; education and COVID-19.

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3. Kevin Johnston

Kevin Johnston's PDF portfolio.

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4. Kerry Sunderland

Kerry Sunderland's PDF portfolio.

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5. Urvashi Aneja

Urvashi Aneja's PDF portfolio.

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20 Writing portfolio examples in other formats

Besides PDF focused portfolios, we pulled examples of other portfolios and tips for how our expert customers are adapting them to make the best use of them.

Authory is a great additional branding tool

For many people, they have an Authory account to collect their work samples in addition to other branding tools.

1. Brian Clegg

Brian is a science writer with over 40 (fourty!) books in print.

Brian’s Authory site isn’t his only site. It works in addition to his other properties and supports his other online properties. When you google Brian, you’ll find all of these properties. Of note, it’s also possible to integrate an Authory portfolio into an existing online portfolio builder like Wix or SquareSpace.

But why bother? Brian uses Authory to “make my online writing easily available to my book readers and to support my book review site www.popularscience.co.uk .” And with our automatic tools, it takes little time to create this additional homebase for readers.

For Brian, Authory also collects his work, saves it, and he distributes it in a newsletter. It automates and does a lot of work quickly.

Brian Clegg's writing portfolio.

writing a portfolio essay

2. Brandon Hill

Brandon is a multimedia journalist covering music and culture, public policy, mental health, the labor movement and social inequality.

“Authory is a great resource for freelancer writers in more ways than you would expect. By automatically updating and feeding your work into a newsletter, it both saves the time and frustration of managing a website and makes for more reliable one to one connections with your audience than social media. Also, by creating automatic pdf back-ups of your publications, you’ll never loose a portfolio piece,” he said.

Like many people in this list, he’s thoughtful about his categories and collections.

“Include some pretty specific categories to lesson the time an employers spends looking at content that might not be relevant to them,” he said.

Brandon Hill's writing portfolio.

writing a portfolio essay

3. Scott Matthewman

Scott is a theater critic who is frequently writing reviews. It can be quite a pain to keep these recorded and organized.

“I review over 100 theatre shows a year for various online publications. Authory’s automated tools gives me a single URL where all those reviews can live, hassle-free,” Scott said.

You’ll notice that Scott’s profile shares collections.

“[Authory’s] been useful to promote my reviews to a wider audience on social media. At the end of last year I built a dedicated collection of my 20 favourite reviews for 2022, which was so easy to do and then link to from everywhere.”

Scott Matthewman's writing portfolio.

writing a portfolio essay

Use Authory and never worry your work will disappear

4. Tabitha Potts

Tabitha is a published writer with several short stories in print anthologies as well as online.

She uses Authory to share her work with “potential employers, literary agents or publishers (my creative writing, book reviews and journalism are all there).”

The big reason she recommends using Authory is to avoid the situation where your content might be lost and because much of the work is done for you automatically.

And of course it makes it easy to showcase your work.

“I share my Authory profile with every new and potential new client so they can sort and view my published work by category,” she told us.

Tabitha Potts' writing portfolio.

writing a portfolio essay

5. Diana Rosen

Diana is an essayist, flash fiction writer, and poet. For her, Authory is “an elaborate business card.”

Her advice is simple: When capturing published work, review thoroughly to avoid duplication or (Egads!) errors.

Diana Rosen's writing portfolio.

writing a portfolio essay

Create collections to share what’s relevant

When you’re sharing your work, with an editor, employer, or even just another writer, you don’t always want to share all of your work. It’s key to create and categorize your work by niche or category. You can create collections that make this very easy and share only specific pieces of content with certain people.

6. Carrie Cousins

Carrie  has 15 years of experience in media, design, and content marketing and is a freelance writer and designer.

We asked her for advice for other portfolio builders.

“Think about ways to group content that showcases specific niches that you work in or want to work in. It can really help make sharing and getting new work a lot easier,” Carrie said.

That’s easy to do with Authory’s collection tools. It’s easy to categorize content, give it a label, and share just this grouping with editors.

Carrie Cousins' writing portfolio.

writing a portfolio essay

7. Stephanie Bernaba

Stephanie is a writer, multimedia journalist, and photographer.

This is easy to do with our collections feature. We want to make it easy for you to organize your work and send exactly what you need to editors so you can land the gig.

Stephanie had a bit of advice, too.

“Communicate your passion with your header. Make your headline impactful but succinct. Lastly, arrange your work into easily-searchable categories,” she said.

Stephanie Bernaba's writing portfolio.

writing a portfolio essay

8. David Worsfold

David is a journalist and author, specialising in finance and insurance

You’ll notice that his portfolio uses the collection feature, too.

“By making it easy to share my work. The collections help showcase writing on specific topics,” he said.

Of course, be thoughtful with your categories.

“Think about the audiences you want to reach and organise your work accordingly,” he mentioned.

David Worsfold's writing portfolio.

writing a portfolio essay

9. Kathy Parker

Kathy Parker's writing portfolio.

writing a portfolio essay

10. Geraldine Brook

Geraldine Brook's writing portfolio.

writing a portfolio essay

11. Pam Moore

Pam Moore's writing portfolio.

writing a portfolio essay

12. Mary Ann Gwinn

Mary Ann Gwinn's writing portfolio.

writing a portfolio essay

13. Simon Denyer

Simon Denyer's writing portfolio.

writing a portfolio essay

14. Jarrod Kimber

Jarrod Kimber's writing portfolio.

writing a portfolio essay

15. Carrie Back

Carrie Back's writing portfolio.

writing a portfolio essay

16. Crystal Housman

Crystal Housman's writing portfolio.

writing a portfolio essay

17. Steven Levy

Steven Levy's writing portfolio.

writing a portfolio essay

18. Carin Marais

Carin Marais' writing portfolio.

writing a portfolio essay

19. Rosanne Barrett

Rosanne Barrett's writing portfolio.

writing a portfolio essay

20. Dan Rosenbaum

Dan Rosenbaum's writing portfolio.

writing a portfolio essay

What your takeaways should be from these writing portfolio examples

What a writer portfolio is, and why you need a writing portfolio.

A writing portfolio is a collection of your best (and possibly all) writing samples put together on a website so that potential clients and employers can make a "buying" decision — in essence, all the information that they may need to engage you for your writing services.

An online writing portfolio can also do wonders for your personal branding if managed well. So, in a word, your portfolio is a single place through which you can source work.

Curating the perfect set of writing samples for your portfolio

It's important to figure out what kind of writer you are and the type of writing work you're looking for. This process will inform the writing samples that you'll highlight in your writing portfolio.

Remember, writers come in all shapes and sizes (literally!), and you could be a content writer, copywriter, novelist, author, non-fiction writer, poet, journalist, and more... the list is practically endless.

With that in mind, it's essential that you curate the content on your writing portfolio with examples that will impress upon readers your specific set (and type) of writing skills so that they can make an informed decision when hiring you.

To that end, if you feel that you don't have a good set of writing samples to upload to your portfolio, then it might be best to get writing!

To help you build out your writing portfolio, I've put together a small set of ideas/resources that I turn to for inspiration, support, and general diversion:

  • Subreddits like r/writingpromts, r/thedailyprompt, and r/promptoftheday are excellent for trying out amateur storytelling.
  • Other subreddits like r/writing, r/freelancewriters, r/keepwriting, r/writers, r/selfpublish, r/blogging, r/copywriting, r/technicalwriting, r/wordcount, r/writingmotivation, offer up a plethora of options for3 you to explore as writer.
  • To find work, subreddits like r/hireawriter, r/forhire, r/b2bforhire, r/writersforhire, r/jobbit, and r/writingopportunities can be a source for work if you're lucky.
  • What's more in your control is writing for your personal social media accounts to build up that personal brand.
  • You could also provide your services for free or reduced rates to friends and family who run a business — this can be for their social media accounts or even their websites.
  • Form a writing group with a friend — I have a weekly writing meetup with a close friend, and this can be an online meetup — my friend is half a planet away!
  • Write about what you know: everyone knows something and has a lot to offer, even if it's a personal experience. For example, when I am stuck, I write about content marketing and SEO — I don't publish these pieces necessarily, but they're great for getting the juices flowing. That said, I could post them in my writing portfolio.

Seven tips for creating the ideal writing portfolio website based on the writing portfolio examples above

The writing portfolio examples above should give you a great idea of what a writing portfolio must look like, and the various ways other writers choose to exhibit their work.

We've also gone over why you need a writing portfolio and how you can create a few writing samples in case you feel the need to.

Now, let's get down to how you should create a writing portfolio website. We'll go over the best and most efficient ways to go about creating it.

1. Make your website more organized for simpler navigation.

It's vital to organize your online writing portfolio in a way that's easy for your readers to follow. Place your top projects front and center for simple accessibility. Note: what the ideal projects are may differ from client to client. So, suppose you divide your work into carefully curated collections with different URLs. In that case, that specific URL that contains projects pertaining to that particular client can be shared with them.

2. The "correct" number of your projects for easy viewability

The conventional wisdom is that you should limit the number of projects on your online writing portfolio so that a prospective client can make a quick and easy assessment.

I think this is WRONG.

Your portfolio website HAS to have ALL your content. Why? Well, because hiring managers, clients, and employers are looking for both quality AND quantity. Yes, they aren't going to read your entire portfolio website, but they are looking for consistency and experience.

Obviously, if you wrote a terrible article long ago as a young budding freelance writer, don't include it. So, I'll change my caveat to " nearly ALL your content."

Hence, the navigation of your writing portfolio becomes super important. Remember how I spoke about dividing your work into collections? Well, that is a must if you're including a ton of content. Split it by topic, type, publication, etc., and then share the correct URL with your prospect. Let them begin their journey through your writing portfolio from a starting point that you have determined for them.

Place your contact information in an easy-to-find spot so that when a prospect is satisfied with your writing, they can contact you immediately.

3. Imagery for better conversion rates

Human beings positively respond to visual stimuli, especially faces, which means if you're able to include graphics in your writing sample, you have a better chance of converting your readers.

4. Write case studies to exhibit results

If you have the bandwidth to do so, then you should take some time to write case studies for the work that you have done. A simple format to follow for writing case studies is as follows:

  • Start with the results: usually exhibited in the form of "increase X by Y." So, for example, I could say I increased traffic to the blog by 11X.
  • Then outline the problems and challenges that the client was facing before you joined the project.
  • Next, explain how you solved those problems with your writing, your work, and general professionalism.
  • And finally, round it off by digging into the details of the results you achieved a bit more and touch upon how the client is doing now.

5. Add social proof to lend credibility to your work

Unfortunately, writing is a creative art, and there are always critics. If you can get a past client to vouch for you and your writing, then that social proof can stand you in good stead when soliciting even more work. Add all the social proof (read: testimonials) you can in your writing portfolio to bump up that conversion rate.

If you have done work for friends and family, this would be a great place to begin hunting for testimonials.

6. Present your contact info in an easily accessible place

I've mentioned this before, but it bears repeating because it's so important. The whole point of having a writer's portfolio is to get work. If people cannot contact you or can't find your contact details, that will severely affect your chances of getting new projects. Social media handles will do if you're uncomfortable with sharing your email address or phone number publicly.

7. Use a website builder for writers like Authory to create your portfolio quickly and back up your work

All of the tips here are excellent (if I say so myself!), but that said, creating a writer's portfolio is a lot of work !

So, leaving the best for last: my final piece of advice is to use a portfolio website builder so that you can cut down the time to build one.

A couple of major issues that writers face are:

  • Updating their writing portfolios when they write new content, especially when creating a portfolio from scratch, takes effort. So, in essence, most writing portfolios are out-of-date.
  • And writers also lose access to their work when websites go down, and content gets re-bylined, etc.

That's why a service like Authory is perfect for writers worldwide. With Authory, you get a self-updating portfolio plus a full auto-updating backup of ALL your content. It's super simple to set up your Authory portfolio:

  • Sign up for Authory for free !
  • Add your sources, i.e., all the places where you've published content on the web. Authory will automatically find your bylined content from these sources and import it into your Authory account.
  • Build a collection from the collection tab: click "+ Create collection" and follow the instructions.
  • Then go to the portfolio tab : go to the "Content" tab on the left menu and add the collection you just created.
  • And then, toggle your portfolio on from the "Portfolio" tab on the left menu, and check out your portfolio!

And now you'll have a self-updating portfolio that also automatically backs up all your content!

To see more writing portfolio examples, check out our other collection :

writing a portfolio essay

  • Content Marketers
  • Journalists

Protim is a startup founder & marketer with over a decade of experience in content marketing, content writing, SEO, and more. He loves dogs, D&D, and music!

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University Writing Portfolio

What is the university writing portfolio.

The University Writing Portfolio is a mid-career diagnostic tool used to determine if students’ writing abilities have advanced in ways that can handle the writing demands of upper-division courses and courses in their major. At WSU, successful completion of the University Writing Portfolio is a requirement for graduation for all undergraduate students, including transfer students with an AA or AS degree. However, submission of the Writing Portfolio is not required for admittance to Global Campus programs but can be completed after matriculating.

The Writing Portfolio requires students to submit two writing samples from different college-level courses that are at least 500 words in length. The Portfolio also asks a series of reflection questions for students to consider why they’ve selected these papers and what they show about their abilities and strengths as college-level writers.

Student Account Holds and Fees

Students who have not completed the Writing Portfolio by the time they reach 60 credits will have a hold placed on their account that will block their ability to register for Fall and Spring courses. Upon submitting the Writing Portfolio as outlined below, the Writing Center will remove the hold within 48 business hours and results will be posted on myWSU at a later date. If you have any questions about current holds, please reach out to the Writing Center at [email protected] .

A $50 fee is charged to students’ accounts for the writing assessment and evaluation.

How to Submit the Writing Portfolio

Students can now submit their Writing Portfolio online using the Qualtrics submission platform. Detailed instructions and the submission link can be found on the  Writing Program’s website .

If you have any questions throughout the process, please email the Global Campus Writing Portfolio Coordinator at  [email protected] .

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A Part of the SpEl.Folio Project at Spelman College

The due date for the Writing Portfolio is Thursday, April 25, 2024.

First-Year Writing Portfolio

Writing portfolio guidelines 2024.

These serve as guidelines for completing your First-Year Writing Portfolio. If you have questions after reading the guidelines, please contact the  Comprehensive Writing Program staff  to obtain schedules for workshops you can attend to help strengthen your portfolio; information on obtaining one-on-one tutoring; and models of successful First-Year Writing Portfolios.

Downloads (PDF)

Portfolio Scoring Guide Exemplary Portfolio Example 1 Exemplary Portfolio Example 2

What is a Portfolio? What Is It For?

A portfolio is a compilation of work that has been put together for a specific purpose, and generally includes reflection on the whole. The First-Year Writing Portfolio at Spelman College has four primary purposes:

  • Demonstrate your achievements as a writer and critical thinker during your first year at Spelman.
  • Enable assessment of your work as a writer and critical thinker. This includes your own self- assessment as well as assessment by a faculty assessment team.
  • Evaluate your level of preparedness to continue in more advanced writing and critical-thinking projects as you continue your education.
  • Determine what additional support you may need as a writer and critical thinker.

Strong portfolios are built through a process of  collection, selection  and  reflection . In other words, the portfolio is more than just a showcase of your work; it is a location in which you make judgments about how best to present yourself as an academic writer, and in which you provide reflections that help you and your readers better understand how the portfolio was developed.

What Is the First-Year Writing Portfolio?

Spelman College supports the First-Year Writing Portfolio - along with other writing across the curriculum initiatives - with the ePortfolio program, Portfolium. The advantages to completing an electronic portfolio are many: it is portable and flexible; it builds upon skills learned in first-year core classes including CIS 100, English 103, and ADW 111-112; it enables a high level of creativity in presenting your work; it builds and showcases skills which are attractive to employers and graduate schools; and, most important, it encourages you to show the connections between the many different skills you learn in your first year at Spelman. As you will see below, the portfolio involves much of your writing experience during the academic year. In addition to this portfolio that will be read and scored by Spelman and other faculty, you will complete other writing projects as they appear throughout your time here at Spelman College. In other words, Portfolium is a tool for you to store all of your writing assignments over time, which will be useful when applying for jobs and/or graduate programs. Below are the directions for the First-Year Writing Portfolio to be submitted to Portfolium at the end of the semester. If you have questions about this process, please  contact Dr. Michelle Bachelor Robinson at [email protected].

What Are the Goals for Your Learning?

A student who successfully completes the First-Year Writing Portfolio demonstrates the ability to

  • Conceive and develop a clear and focused academic essay.
  • Use relevant and reliable sources in support of an essay, with appropriately integrated evidence and documentation. Evidence may be drawn from experience, research of the literature (both print and multimedia) and/or empirical investigation.
  • Analyze and synthesize evidence.
  • Develop a clear sense of the rhetorical choices available for varied audiences and purposes, including voice, tone, diction, structure and format.
  • Develop a clear sense of the composing processes required for various genres, including but not limited to academic research papers, multi-media compositions and oral presentations.
  • Conduct accurate analytical and synthetic reflection on composing content and on the student’s development over time.

What is the Administrative Process for the First-Year Writing Portfolio?

The First-Year Writing Portfolio is a collaborative project from the  Comprehensive Writing Program , the  African Diaspora and the World Program , the  English department , and the  Office of Undergraduate Studies . The CWP distributes the assignment, schedules support workshops, offers individual peer tutorials, and facilitates the evaluation process. ADW and the English Department assign writing projects suitable to the Writing Portfolio’s content. Your submission of your portfolio is the first step in meeting the graduation requirement for First Year Writing. In your second year, you will receive the results of the portfolio reading and either pass, or resubmit for a second reading (in January). Those who do not pass the resubmitted portfolio will be enrolled in a two-credit English course, English 150.

How Is the First-Year Writing Portfolio Evaluated?

The CWP assembles a team of readers from across various departments at Spelman, as well as expert readers from other schools. Each portfolio is read by at least two team members and is assigned an evaluation of “Pass” or “Resubmit.” If the two readers’ evaluations are in agreement, the evaluation stands. If the two readers’ evaluations are different, a consensus decision will be reached or, in some cases, a third reader will determine the outcome. A copy of the assessment rubric is available in Portfolium as well as the CWP website. You will receive detailed feedback on your writing portfolio through the scoring record in Portfolium. Remember that feedback comments on the essays as a whole, as well as on the cover letter reflection in distinctive categories. A few outstanding portfolios may be assessed as “Exemplary.”

When Is the First-Year Writing Portfolio Due? What Happens After That?

  • Portfolios are due Thursday, April 25, 2024 by midnight
  • Portfolios are assessed in June 2024
  • Individual results will be posted in Portfolium in August 2024

Please note that the Comprehensive Writing Program staff shall check all submissions and each student will be notified should their FYE Portfolio submission be incomplete or missing.

How Do I Turn In My First-Year Writing Portfolio?

First-Year Writing Portfolios will be submitted through your account in Portfolium. Early submission is desirable and welcome. In the months before the submission date, decide upon appropriate essays, consult your advisor, facilitator or instructor about them, and revise and edit them. The penalty for non-submission or late submission is not achieving the first step toward the graduation requirement. Thus, if you do not meet the guidelines, your Writing Portfolio will be evaluated with the next year’s resubmits, in Spring 2025.

What Does “Resubmit” Mean?

An assessment of “Resubmit” means that the writing in this First-Year Writing Portfolio indicates that the author will need additional support in one or more area(s) in order to be prepared for her upper-level writing and critical-thinking work. Each student whose Writing Portfolio receives an assessment of “Resubmit” also receives information designed especially for her, specifying workshops to attend and at least one visit to a Writing Center tutor. Common reasons for Writing Portfolios to be evaluated “Resubmit” have included the following: insufficient citation (in-text and/or on the “Works Cited”/ “References” page); lack of a central focus; lack of demonstrated ability to use references in service of the author’s own argument (rather than simply “pasting in” quotations or paraphrases); lack of correct grammar and mechanics; and failure to include one or more required written pieces.

What Should Be Included in My First-Year Writing Portfolio?

Your Writing Portfolio will contain three essays, as well as the items specified in the checklist below. Here’s a summary of the three essays to include: SECTION A GUIDELINES A letter of critical reflection, addressed to the assessment reader, that discusses the contents of your portfolio. This letter must follow the following guidelines and must be at least 800 words. The first section of your Writing Portfolio is a letter introducing yourself to the assessment committee and offering a critical self-assessment of your work as a writer during your first year at Spelman College. A portfolio is more than the sum of its parts; its real value lies in its ability to demonstrate the meaningful connections between its parts. Your reflective letter is your opportunity to articulate and deepen your readers’, and your own, awareness of those connections. Audience and tone.  Address your letter to the assessment committee. The tone of your letter should be moderately formal. In other words, assume that you are addressing faculty, but do not feel you have to take a highly formal or distant tone. Write in the first-person singular (“I”). Be as candid and specific as possible. Structure.  The structure of your letter should be clear and simple. This is not an academic essay, so you do not need a thesis. If you wish, you may answer each of the questions in order. Please note the evaluation descriptors for this reflection letter in the rubric. Content.  It is fine to address topics not included in the following questions. However, do be sure that your letter, at a minimum, provides a full and detailed response to each of the following questions.

  • During your first year at Spelman, how have you developed as a writer? What writing skills have you acquired that you will carry forward into future classes? Explain exactly how you acquired each skill you mention.
  • Why did you choose the two essays in Sections B and C? What do they demonstrate about you as a writer that you would like the assessment committee to notice? Be specific about what you accomplished in each of these essays.
  • Which of the three pieces in your portfolio most engaged you as a writer? Why?
  • During your first year at Spelman, what writing skills have you realized you need more work on? How will you get the ongoing support you need? Explain exactly how you plan to improve each skill you mention.
  • How is writing and/or critical thinking relevant to you as a student moving into your major? How might one or both these abilities be relevant to you after you graduate?


An academic argument or critical essay written during your time at Spelman.  Although this essay does not have to be argumentative,   a critical essay will still have a discernible thesis that takes a clear position, with strong topic sentences in each paragraph, that provide evidence and support for that thesis. A critical essay will not inform (explain something), narrate (tell a story), or be reflective (recall a personal experience).  Though these genres might be a part of the essay, the focus of the essay should be a critical or argumentative position. This essay  may or may not  include research; however, if you do include sources, you must properly document the use of those sources. The essay must be 1,000 words or more.

SECTION C GUIDELINES An academic argument or critical essay written during your time at Spelman.  This essay   should meet all the criteria above, but it also MUST include evidence and documentation from at least two sources, and those sources should be properly documented both within the text and on the works cited or reference page.  It must be 1,000 words or more.

Portfolio Checklist

  • The First Year Writing Portfolio Pathway is located in your Portfolium account. Before the end of February 2024, you should receive an enrollment notice for the FYE Portfolio through your Spelman email account.  If you have not received that enrollment notice by March 1, please  contact Dan Bascelli at [email protected] .
  • Each item in the portfolio was written  while you were a student at Spelman.  Work completed during high school, or at other schools, is not acceptable. See the Writing Program Director if you are unsure how to determine the eligibility of your essays.
  • Professors' names or comments do  not  appear on any items in the portfolio.
  • For Sections B and C,  the exact text of the professor's assignment accompanies each essay . Preferably, the writing prompt has been uploaded as a PDF.
  • Section A letter, with the link clearly named "Section A."
  • Section B essay, with the link clearly named "Section B."
  • Section C essay, with the link clearly named "Section C."

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Location and Hours

Writing Tutorial Camille Olivia Hanks Cosby, Ed.D. Academic Center Mon - Thu: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Fri: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Computer Labs Camille Olivia Hanks Cosby, Ed.D. Academic Center Mon - Thu: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Fri: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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SAGES Writing Portfolio

This page is for students who matriculated before Fall 2023.  For students who matriculate in Fall 2023 and after, the UGER Experience Portfolio replaces the SAGES Writing Portfolio as the graduation requirement.

After the completion of their second University Seminar, undergraduate students compile a final Writing Portfolio, documenting their development as writers over their first three SAGES seminars. The Portfolio includes an essay from each of the three seminars a student has taken part in up to this point in their careers, as well as a reflective essay. Each year, SAGES convenes a committee of faculty from several schools within the university to read and assess the portfolios to provide valuable feedback about our seminar curriculum and writing instruction. 

Each semester, the Writing Program offers workshops to support writers as they compile and reflect on their writing. For dates/times, please see: Events/News

For more information and submission guidelines, see: How to Submit a SAGES Writing Portfolio

Understanding the Relationship between PepsiCo and Gatorade

This essay about the enduring partnership between PepsiCo and Gatorade highlights their shared journey of innovation, market expansion, and commitment to excellence. Originating from the creation of Gatorade in 1965, their collaboration has led to significant advancements in product innovation, sustainability, and strategic marketing within the sports drink industry. The essay underscores how their mutual efforts have not only strengthened their market positions but also fostered a commitment to responsible corporate citizenship and consumer-centricity.

How it works

In the realm of corporate partnerships, few alliances have proven as enduring and mutually beneficial as the collaboration between PepsiCo and Gatorade. Originating from modest beginnings in the mid-20th century, both entities have ascended to global prominence in their respective industries. Their partnership epitomizes synergy and strategic alignment.

The narrative of PepsiCo and Gatorade is one of relentless innovation, market expansion, and the pursuit of excellence. It all began in 1965 when a team of researchers at the University of Florida, led by Dr.

Robert Cade, created a groundbreaking sports drink to replenish fluids and electrolytes lost during intense physical exertion. This drink, initially named “Gatorade,” quickly gained popularity among athletes, drawing the attention of Stokely-Van Camp, a food and beverage company based in Chicago.

Stokely-Van Camp acquired the rights to Gatorade in 1967, launching its commercial journey. However, Gatorade’s trajectory significantly changed in 1983 with its acquisition by PepsiCo. At that time, PepsiCo was already a dominant force in the beverage industry, boasting iconic brands like Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, and Tropicana. The addition of Gatorade enhanced PepsiCo’s position in the burgeoning sports drink market and diversified its product portfolio.

The relationship between PepsiCo and Gatorade extends beyond ownership; it represents a symbiotic partnership characterized by shared values, resources, and ambitions. PepsiCo’s extensive distribution network and marketing expertise provided Gatorade with the infrastructure needed to reach a broader audience, both domestically and internationally. Conversely, Gatorade’s strong brand equity and product innovation strengthened PepsiCo’s competitive edge in an increasingly crowded beverage market.

A key factor in the success of PepsiCo and Gatorade’s partnership is their unwavering commitment to innovation. Recognizing the evolving preferences of consumers, both companies have consistently introduced new flavors, formulations, and packaging formats to stay ahead of the competition. From Gatorade’s expansion into protein-enhanced drinks and energy chews to PepsiCo’s development of zero-calorie and organic variants, the partnership has remained at the forefront of beverage innovation.

Moreover, PepsiCo and Gatorade have pooled their resources to pursue ambitious sustainability initiatives. In an era of increasing environmental awareness, both companies have made substantial investments in reducing their carbon footprint, optimizing water usage, and promoting recycling. By aligning their sustainability goals, PepsiCo and Gatorade have demonstrated their commitment to responsible corporate citizenship while enhancing brand loyalty among environmentally conscious consumers.

Beyond product innovation and sustainability, the partnership between PepsiCo and Gatorade has been marked by strategic collaborations and endorsements with prominent athletes and sports organizations. From high-profile sponsorship deals with professional sports leagues to grassroots initiatives promoting youth sports participation, PepsiCo and Gatorade have embedded themselves in the fabric of sports culture worldwide. These partnerships not only serve as powerful marketing tools but also reinforce the authenticity and credibility of both brands within the sports community.

In recent years, PepsiCo and Gatorade have expanded their collaboration beyond traditional beverage offerings to include emerging trends in health and wellness. With consumers increasingly seeking functional beverages and nutritional supplements, both companies have ventured into adjacent categories such as plant-based protein shakes, electrolyte-infused water, and performance-enhancing snacks. By leveraging their existing infrastructure and brand equity, PepsiCo and Gatorade have positioned themselves as leaders in the evolving landscape of functional nutrition.

Looking forward, the relationship between PepsiCo and Gatorade is set to continue flourishing as they navigate the challenges and opportunities of a dynamic marketplace. With a shared commitment to innovation, sustainability, and consumer-centricity, both companies are well-positioned to capitalize on emerging trends and maintain their leadership in the global beverage industry. Whether pioneering new product categories, expanding into untapped markets, or championing social causes, PepsiCo and Gatorade will undoubtedly continue shaping the future of refreshment and performance nutrition for generations to come.

In conclusion, the alliance between PepsiCo and Gatorade transcends mere business transactions; it represents a strategic partnership rooted in shared values, innovation, and mutual growth. From their modest beginnings to their current status as global icons, PepsiCo and Gatorade have exemplified the power of collaboration in driving success and creating lasting impact. As they move forward, one thing remains certain: the bond between PepsiCo and Gatorade will continue to inspire and captivate consumers around the world.


Cite this page

Understanding the Relationship Between PepsiCo and Gatorade. (2024, May 28). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/understanding-the-relationship-between-pepsico-and-gatorade/

"Understanding the Relationship Between PepsiCo and Gatorade." PapersOwl.com , 28 May 2024, https://papersowl.com/examples/understanding-the-relationship-between-pepsico-and-gatorade/

PapersOwl.com. (2024). Understanding the Relationship Between PepsiCo and Gatorade . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/understanding-the-relationship-between-pepsico-and-gatorade/ [Accessed: 29 May. 2024]

"Understanding the Relationship Between PepsiCo and Gatorade." PapersOwl.com, May 28, 2024. Accessed May 29, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/understanding-the-relationship-between-pepsico-and-gatorade/

"Understanding the Relationship Between PepsiCo and Gatorade," PapersOwl.com , 28-May-2024. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/understanding-the-relationship-between-pepsico-and-gatorade/. [Accessed: 29-May-2024]

PapersOwl.com. (2024). Understanding the Relationship Between PepsiCo and Gatorade . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/understanding-the-relationship-between-pepsico-and-gatorade/ [Accessed: 29-May-2024]

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EssayFlow Launches Next-Gen AI Essay Writer For Academic Content

PR Newswire

SINGAPORE, May 28, 2024

SINGAPORE, May 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --EssayFlow has officially announced the launch of its cutting-edge AI essay writing tool that enables students to generate full-length essays that sound human-like in a flash. With this AI essay writer, it becomes easier for users to streamline their academic writing workflow while ensuring they adhere to institutional guidelines.

EssayFlow CEO John Stevenson stated, "Our main goal was to provide students with an effective means of overcoming writer's block. In just a few clicks, EssayFlow can help them generate high-quality and plagiarism-free essays with accurate citations. This provides students with a solid foundation to build upon the generated content."

EssayFlow is especially unique for its ability to craft well-written content with ease. John Stevenson spoke further on this, "AI text often sounds too formulaic, which we wanted to avoid. EssayFlow is trained on millions of top-notch essays and papers, which allows it to emulate how real students typically phrase and structure their writing."

On top of that, any essay content it generates is guaranteed to be 100% unique and plagiarism-free. Furthermore, it supports an extensive range of languages including English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and many others.

EssayFlow caters to literature reviews, research papers, and various essay types including descriptive, narrative, persuasive, and comparative essays. In addition, the AI essay writer comes with a simple and intuitive interface that makes navigation and essay generation a breeze. As such, even first-time users won't have to deal with a steep learning curve.

Users can generate essays with EssayFlow in two ways. It has a 'One-Click Generation' option, which allows you to simply input the essay title, and choose the essay type, word count, and language before getting an instant result. Alternatively, it has a 'Generate Titles' option, which provides step-by-step control that lets you customize the essay title and outline for a more tailored result.

The AI essay generator is also versatile enough to cater to any type of student. "Whether you are in grade school, high school, college, or post-grad, EssayFlow is designed to cater to any learning stage or grade level," John Stevenson concluded. Users can quickly access the AI essay writer via its free plan, which makes it a budget-friendly option.


SOURCE EssayFlow

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Can Your Investment Portfolio Reflect Your Values?

Forget about endowments and their holdings and divestment for a minute. What do you stand for, and how can you make your portfolio reflect that?

An illustration of a woman making cutouts in a newspaper.

By Ron Lieber

The protests roiling college campuses are filled with all sorts of demands, but many of them have one thing in common: money.

Many pro-Palestinian protesters want their school’s endowments to pull money from investments in companies that have financial ties to Israel . Most institutions have declined to do so.

This form of financial protest is not new. We all want to live our values and have our colleges, employers and communities do so, too. We saw similar protests in the 1970s and ’80s with South Africa and in the continuing debate over climate change. Students, especially, can learn a lot about investing, governance and complexity through trying to influence their schools.

But many individual investors also have the ability to press the eject button on stocks that they disfavor, all on their own. This week — after years of being disgusted by the way that a small number of companies have treated their American customers, employees and the public trust writ large — I finally did it myself. This is personal, so I will not name the companies here. But, to be clear, it had nothing to do with Israel and Gaza, and everything to do with how investing in bad corporate actors made me feel.

I’m not saying you should do this, too. But if you want to, it is becoming easier with each passing year.

At first glance, the process may seem simple. If you don’t want certain stocks in your portfolio, you don’t have to buy them or you can sell them if you already have them — and send an impassioned note to the company’s executive team for good measure.

But many people invest in index funds — big baskets of the stocks that make up, say, the entire U.S. stock market. Until recently, it hasn’t been possible in most instances to call up a fund company and demand that it remove or double down on certain stocks just for you.

That, however, is changing. You can do your own subtraction inside an index-like collection of investments through a strategy called direct indexing . It’s available mostly in brokerage accounts and not retirement ones, though that may change as the strategy becomes more popular.

A financial services company that does direct indexing buys stocks in a particular index on your behalf, and you own the shares directly, not through a mutual fund or an exchange-traded fund. One big advantage of direct indexing is that you can save money on capital gains taxes by buying and selling stocks at the right time to offset winners with losers. Another advantage is that the companies will let you keep certain stocks out of your portfolio, but you can still own all the other stocks that are part of the index you want to mimic.

Direct indexing has been around for years, but the minimum amount of money that a company requires you to invest keeps decreasing. Fidelity will let some people do it with a minimum investment of $5,000. A start-up called Frec requires $20,000. At Wealthfront , the service is for accounts over $100,000.

There are fees, too, and there may be limits on the number of companies you can exclude.

The financial services companies that offer direct indexing are bring-your-own-agenda entities. That lack of institutional advocacy — and the fact that most people can’t yet do direct indexing through a retirement portfolio, where many people who invest keep the bulk of their stocks — will limit the social impact of this form of stock deselection for now.

Still, we all have to live with ourselves. If feeling better about your investments is just a question of removing a few bad actors, then direct indexing may be worthwhile for that reason alone.

An additional feature of some offerings that is both curious and complicating is the ability to screen out industries, or parts of them. This isn’t just your standard get-me-out-of-oil stocks feature.

Aperio , a direct indexing offering that the investing colossus BlackRock bought for over $1 billion, offers a screen for people who want to avoid investing in predatory lenders. How does it define those lenders? It hands the question off to a company called MSCI , which is an assembler of data and indexes of various sorts.

MSCI looks out for any suspect (but typically legal) lending practices, but none of the companies on its no-go list are major banks, card companies, credit bureaus, student loan issuers or mortgage providers. The six on its current list include companies in the rent-to-own and pawnshop categories.

“Applying investment exclusions may sound simple in theory, but in practice these require nuance,” Melanie Blanco, an MSCI spokeswoman, said in an email. “Values-based exclusions require an understanding of the various ways a company can be involved in a business activity.” Indeed, so many companies make money in so many places from actions both direct and indirect that it can be hard to know where to draw a red line.

For what it’s worth, none of the direct indexers I spoke to this week were hearing from customers clamoring for a Gaza screen that would subtract companies like the ones that some protesters hoped to excise from university endowments. That does not, however, mean that people aren’t moving individual companies out of their baskets of stocks, even if the reasons aren’t always clear.

Mo Al Adham , the founder and chief executive of Frec, said he couldn’t be sure whether the customers who had moved Boeing out of their holdings in recent months were doing so because of questions about the company’s planes and their safety or questions about its work in Israel . They could also be avoiding Boeing because they worked there; getting your salary from the company is financial exposure aplenty without also choosing to own its stock. Or it could be something else entirely.

But just because direct indexers haven’t created a screen around the war in Gaza — as opposed to last year’s biggest controversy or next year’s — doesn’t mean you can’t. My screen happened to be about the mistreatment of customers. Yours may be about something even more idiosyncratic.

It takes all kinds of investors to make a market. The fact that it’s becoming easier to make your mark is good news for those who care to try.

Ron Lieber has been the Your Money columnist since 2008 and has written five books, most recently “The Price You Pay for College.” More about Ron Lieber

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  4. Portfolio Overview 2023

  5. How To Create A Portfolio Website Using HTML CSS || Simple Portfolio Website HTML CSS

  6. Persuasive Essay Planning


  1. Portfolio Essay

    A Portfolio Essay is a unique narrative that showcases an individual's skills, experiences, and personal growth. Our guide, enriched with a variety of essay examples, is tailored to help you construct a compelling portfolio essay.This type of essay is crucial for students and professionals alike, as it provides a platform to reflect on and present one's journey and achievements.

  2. Writing Portfolio 101: What It Is, What It Should Include & How to

    1. Easy to set up & use. Writers need a portfolio builderthat's super easy to set up and maintain because our focus needs to be on the actual writing. You cannot spend days copy-pasting links to your published work, and structuring headers, footers, section descriptions, and adjusting imagery for your portfolio.

  3. How to Write a Portfolio Essay

    In the body of your portfolio essay, you can briefly discuss what the reader can expect to find inside. If you write three body paragraphs, the first paragraph can discuss what you felt before going into the class or year, such as your worries, concerns and what you were excited about. The second body paragraph can be about certain things you ...

  4. Writing Portfolio

    A portfolio format is a template that guides a writer in creating a writing portfolio. Most portfolios will include a cover letter, body, additional work, final written work, reflective essay, and ...

  5. Portfolio Assignment

    The portfolio is a selection of work that demonstrates your writing abilities and knowledge about writing and critical thinking at the close of EN 111. For the purposes of this class, this assignment will be considered the final. What goes in the Portfolio? Title page (title + optional picture and/or quote) Reflective Essay (~2 pages) A final ...

  6. 12 Top Writing Portfolio Examples to Inspire You (2024)

    3. Jennifer Fernandez. Jennifer Fernandez is a writer and editor on staff at Architectural Digest, Travel + Leisure, and Martha Stewart Weddings; her work has also appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Elle Decor, House Beautiful, Afar, Departures, and more.. Her beautiful writing portfolio site follows a super minimalist style, and her writing samples are divided into three sections so that it ...

  7. Using Portfolios in Writing I

    A performance portfolio, due at the end of the semester, in which the student includes 15 to 20 pages of what he or she considers to be the "best writing" done in that class. A reflective essay might discuss what the student has learned from the portfolio process, or from the writing assigned, or from the course.

  8. Tips on Writing a Portfolio Essay

    Before writing a portfolio essay, you should decide what pieces you're going to include in it. It's hard to write an essay without understanding what it will be about. Sometimes, professors provide students with recommendations on what to include in their portfolio essay. Otherwise, you should select things you're proud of. When creating ...

  9. How to Write a Portfolio Essay

    Write down some notes and use them to write the descriptions. Each description should comprise one paragraph. You need to make the following parts clear: the title of the writing; its style and genre; main idea; characters (if applicable); methods and tools used. 6. General idea of the portfolio essay.

  10. How to Create a Writing Portfolio—Tips, Ideas, & Steps

    Design: Your portfolio should be clean, clear, concise, and easy to read. Set the mood appropriately and use a consistent font, color scheme, and design elements for your sections, headlines, and menus to make them cohesive with the rest of the portfolio. 5. Design a layout.

  11. The Reflective Essay

    The reflective essay serves two key purposes in your portfolio: First, it gives your reviewers some insight into your development as a writer and the role writing has played in your Carleton education. Third, and perhaps most importantly, writing the reflective essay allows you, the writer, to stop and consider what you have gained from your ...

  12. How To Create A Writing Portfolio: Portfolio Writing Guide + Writing

    5 best writing portfolio examples. Jake Leonard. Jake Leonard's writing portfolio. Jake Leonardis currently the editor-in-chief of Heartland Newsfeed. He is also a contributing writer to My Sports Vote, Ambush Sports, Midwest Sports Network, and Independent Political Report. He has been a former contributing writer for Overtime Heroics.

  13. 13 Creative Writing Portfolio Examples & How to Create Yours

    This creative writing portfolio took 30 minutes in Copyfolio. Create yours now. 13 creative writing portfolio examples & why they're excellent. 1. Macy Fidel. Create a portfolio. Macy used Copyfolio's Premier template and "Cardboard Clip" color palette to create her portfolio. This portfolio is great because...

  14. 12 best writing portfolio examples and how to create your own

    12 writing portfolio examples. 01. Jed Donahue. Jed Donahue's website is a great example of how speaking to your client's pain points can compel them to reach out. The homepage header copy, "When you need great content, I'm here to help," focuses on the customer's needs.

  15. Definition and Discussion of Writing Portfolios

    Updated on February 05, 2020. In composition studies, a writing portfolio is a collection of student writing (in print or electronic form) that's intended to demonstrate the writer's development over the course of one or more academic terms. Since the 1980s, writing portfolios have become an increasingly popular form of student assessment in ...

  16. PDF First Year Writing Portfolio Rubrics and Scoring Guide

    Selection and No evidence for Some marginal Clear reasons for Smart reasons for Rationale for Essay selection of essays or reasoning for including essays in including the Choices; Critical choosing the writing selecting the portfolio; essays in the Thinking prompt; little to no assignments and evidence of ability portfolio; critical commentary including them in to think critically demonstrates

  17. Writing Portfolio

    A complete portfolio contains 3-5 pieces of writing from your Carleton courses, plus a reflective essay in which you'll examine how you have developed as a writer over your first two years in college. In order to complete the requirement, your portfolio must demonstrate your fluency with certain specific academic writing skills.

  18. University Writing Portfolio (UWP)

    The University Writing Portfolio requirement is fulfilled. In progress: The student's writing shows a need for additional, structured writing assistance in upper-division course work. The student will be required to take additional course work in the form of a one-credit writing course (WRITE 205 or 302). These courses function best when ...

  19. 25 Writing Portfolio Examples (PDF & Other Formats)

    5. Urvashi Aneja. Urvashi Aneja's PDF portfolio. Urvashi Aneja's writer portfolio. 20 Writing portfolio examples in other formats. Besides PDF focused portfolios, we pulled examples of other portfolios and tips for how our expert customers are adapting them to make the best use of them. Authory is a great additional branding tool.

  20. Writing Portfolio

    The Writing Portfolio requires students to submit two writing samples from different college-level courses that are at least 500 words in length. The Portfolio also asks a series of reflection questions for students to consider why they've selected these papers and what they show about their abilities and strengths as college-level writers.

  21. First Year Writing Portfolio

    Your Writing Portfolio will contain three essays, as well as the items specified in the checklist below. Here's a summary of the three essays to include: SECTION A GUIDELINES A letter of critical reflection, addressed to the assessment reader, that discusses the contents of your portfolio. This letter must follow the following guidelines and ...

  22. SAGES Writing Portfolio

    The Portfolio includes an essay from each of the three seminars a student has taken part in up to this point in their careers, as well as a reflective essay. Each year, SAGES convenes a committee of faculty from several schools within the university to read and assess the portfolios to provide valuable feedback about our seminar curriculum and ...

  23. Understanding the Relationship between PepsiCo and Gatorade

    This essay about the enduring partnership between PepsiCo and Gatorade highlights their shared journey of innovation, market expansion, and commitment to excellence. Originating from the creation of Gatorade in 1965, their collaboration has led to significant advancements in product innovation, sustainability, and strategic marketing within the ...

  24. EssayFlow Launches Next-Gen AI Essay Writer For Academic Content

    SINGAPORE, May 28, 2024. SINGAPORE, May 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --EssayFlow has officially announced the launch of its cutting-edge AI essay writing tool that enables students to generate full ...

  25. Can Your Investment Portfolio Reflect Your Values?

    Fidelity will let some people do it with a minimum investment of $5,000. A start-up called Frec requires $20,000. At Wealthfront, the service is for accounts over $100,000. There are fees, too ...