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Dieses Repositorium enthält Metadaten und Volltexte von seit 1965 an der Universität Wien approbierten Diplomarbeiten, Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen.

Seit 2008 gelangen alle wissenschaftlichen Abschluss-Arbeiten automatisiert über die verpflichtende Einreichung in elektronischer Form in dieses Archiv. Die Freischaltung der Volltexte erfolgt Lizenz-frei (d.h. mit größtmöglichem Urheberrechts-Schutz) ausnahmslos nach Zustimmung durch die jeweiligen Urheber.

Für wissenschaftliche Abschluss-Arbeiten, die vor 2008 approbiert wurden, besteht die Möglichkeit diese am Server direkt hochzuladen und zu veröffentlichen, sofern dadurch keine rechtlichen bzw. gesetzlichen Bestimmungen verletzt werden.

Der Hochschulschriftenserver bietet die Möglichkeit, die Abschlussarbeiten weltweit verfügbar zu machen. Mit Hilfe strukturierter Metadaten werden die Dokumente bibliographisch beschrieben und über nationale und internationale Bibliothekskataloge, Suchmaschinen und andere Nachweisinstrumente erschlossen und somit suchbar gemacht. Die Zitierfähigkeit wird durch eine dauerhafte und stabile Internetadresse garantiert.

Die Veröffentlichung ist der beste Schutz vor Plagiierung durch andere!

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Recommendations & Guidelines: Bachelor Thesis

In order to support you in the preparation, structure and conduction of a thesis, we have compiled a list with guidelines and tips on finding a thesis topic, on the administrative procedure and on the thesis format.

Please keep in mind that these guidelines are not binding. They are recommendations only and provide assistance in planning and conducting your bachelor thesis. In order to ensure a smooth process, we recommend to observe these guidelines.


Guidelines: planning and conducting a bachelor thesis.

Here you can find recommendations for a thesis topic and information on the procedure, deadlines and assessment. » Download: Advice for Bachelor students for PR with Bachelor Thesis – Administrative Details [PDF | English]

Structure and Design

Guidelines: structure of a bachelor thesis and research paper.

Here you can find information on the structure of a bachelor thesis and recommendations on how to conduct and record your research.

» Download Advice for Bachelor students for PR with Bachelor Thesis – Structural Details [PDF | English]

Factsheet: Structure of a Bachelor Thesis

Here is a quick overview of a recommended structure for a bachelor thesis. » Download Factsheet: Structure for the Bachelor Thesis [PDF | English]

Templates at your disposal. » Download: BSc-Thesis_LATEX_Template [ZIP | English] » Download: BSc-Thesis_WORD_Template [DOCX| English] » Download: Overleaf

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Master Thesis

Doing a master thesis in the chair of international business, guidelines for a master thesis.

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Thesis Formalities

The length of your thesis should be around 80 pages. Please clarify the exact length with your supervisor. Please make sure to include two title pages, the first one with the logo of the University of Vienna, the second one with the logo of the University of Vienna and the logo of your first year's university. Birgit Kaiserlehner will provide you with templates of the title pages. The format of the thesis has to be DIN A4, high size. Margins have to be chosen in such a way that the binding of the hard copies is not affected. You should use an "established" standard font, e.g. Arial or Times New Roman. In the thesis, you have to include an English and a German abstract with at least 100 words each. The two hard copies which you have to submit must be hard cover with double-sided printing.

IMPORTANT: For EMGS students, there is no final oral examination (defence)! You only have to submit yor thesis.

To complete your thesis you, personally, will need to take several steps.

1. Feb-June of study year

At the latest in February, you should have found a supervisor and registered the topic of your thesis with the Study Service Center (SSC) of the Historical and Cultural Studies Faculty at the University of Vienna. Two forms and a proposal that you had elaborated during third semester mandatory course Proposal Workshop (a proposal of your planned thesis) need to be handed in at the SSC on Campus.

a. form „ Registration of MA-Thesis topic and supervision “ (form needs to be signed threefold by your supervisor and you).

b. form „ Rules of good scientific practice “

2. March to August 31st of study Year

You will take the course Graduate College and write your thesis that once finished needs to be approved by your supervisor (he/ she tells you, that you can upload it on  HOPLA ).

You should inform Birgit Kaiserlehner when you are done with uploading your thesis.

Your Personal Duties at the Faculty’s Study Administration

1. After submitting your thesis to HoPla, please send the Hopla Upload Confirmation to the SSC from your unet email address.

2. Once the plagiarism check has been completed, the e-version of your thesis will be sent to your supervisor for assessment.

3. You will be notified of the assessment from the SSC by email.

4. Please only order the printing of your thesis once the plagiarism check has been successful. You have to submit the two print versions of your thesis within 10 days after your electronic submission at the SSC. You can either submit them during the opening hours of the SSC: https://ssc-histkultur.univie.ac.at/wir-ueber-uns/oeffnungszeiten/ ) or at the porter's lodge on Campus (Mon - Fri 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.). Alternatively you can send the hard copies to the SSC by registered mail. Please be aware that you are obliged to submit print versions of your thesis (§ 86 UG).

5. You will receive your final certificates from the SSC by email. If you need or want to have the documents as hard copies, please write a mail to the SSC from your unet email address and inform the colleagues about your residential address.

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Formal requirements

Please note these general rules:

Once your supervisor has accepted you, you have to formalise the supervision by following specific steps: More information can be found here (in German) and here (in English).

Master theses must not (!) exceed 75 pages (double-spaced, Times New Roman font) including Abstract, References, Tables, and Figures, excluding Appendices. Appendices may contain supplementary material only, so that the thesis can be read and judged without perusing them.

As to the font, please apply  Times New Roman, 11 point, double-spaced.

Candidates who are admitted to write their Master thesis under our supervision explicitly consent to the following conditions for supervision:

- The Masterarbeitskonservatorium (2 ECTS) may not be offered every semester. Candidates will be therefore required to present their work on an ad-hoc basis (dates to be agreed upon before).

- These topics are offered by this subject area only.

- Candidates obey our guidelines of scientific conduct . In particular, and in order to avoid any misconduct with regards to plagiarism, candidates agree to familiarize themselves with current university regulations pertaining to the detection, suppression, and prosecution of the latter .

- Theses are written in English.

- Candidates follow the following formatting guidelines when handing in their theses.

- Candidates will obey the most recent procedural guidelines pertaining to the submission of scientific theses at the University of Vienna, Department of Business Administration.

- Candidates take notice of the latest regulation pertaining to the non-disclosure of Master theses (only in German).

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Master's thesis

Master's Thesis (25 ECTS)

The Master's Thesis serves as proof of the ability to handle scientific topics independently in terms of content and methodology. Therefore, the subject of the master's thesis is to be selected so that it is possible and feasible for the students to complete it within six months. 

The next deadlines for graduation in 2024: 

03.10.2023  – submission of the final thesis to the SSC if you plan to have the master's exam at the  end of January 2024

21.11.2023  – submission of the final thesis to the SSC if you plan to have the master's exam at the beginning  of March 2024

05.12.2023  – submission of the final thesis to the SSC if you plan to have the master's exam at the  end of March 2024

19.03.2024  – submission of the final thesis to the SSC if you plan to have the master's exam at the  end of June 2024

11.06.2024  – submission of the final thesis to the SSC if you plan to have the master's exam at the  end of September 2024

09.07.2024  – submission of the final thesis to the SSC if you plan to have the master's exam at the  end of October 2024

Registration of the topic of the Master's Thesis

As soon as you receive a grade from the MASE seminar, you can register the title of your master's thesis. 

  • Print the form "Bekanntgabe Thema und Betreuung der Masterarbeit" two times and sign both sheets. Your supervisor also has to sign both sheets.
  • Please submit both forms, together with the form “ regulations relating to good scientific practice ”, to Dimitra Eisterer Petimeza, B.Ed. MA, at  commscience @ univie.ac.at .

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Bachelor - Bachelor's Thesis

Bachelor's thesis in (international) business administration.

The bachelor thesis is to be written within the bachelor seminar in the bachelor thesis module. The prerequisite for participation in the Bachelor seminar is the lecture Introduction to Scientific Work. This lecture is also part of the bachelor thesis module.

The Bachelor's thesis is graded within the Bachelor's seminar (incl. Bachelor's thesis). No further form is necessary.

Bachelor's Thesis Statistics

The Bachelor's thesis is to be written by the student as an independent written work within the framework of a course with non-continuous assessment of a compulsory module which does not belong to the compulsory module group StEOP.

Bachelor thesis form

Bachelor's Thesis Economics

The Bachelor's thesis is a "term paper" that is written within the framework of a course with continuous assessment in the field of economics (in module C.2 oder D). If you have decided to write a Bachelor's thesis in a course, please inform the course instructor and hand in the form for the grading of Bachelor's theses.

Form for Bachelor Theses

Please also note the following guidelines for writing a Bachelor's thesis: Guidelines for bachelor theses

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Master - Academic paper - after completing your thesis

Submission and assessment.

  • Plagiarism and plagiarism check

Blocking theses

  • Registration for the thesis defense 

With the agreement of the supervisor, the student must upload the completed thesis in PDF format.

Note: From 05.03.2024, the digital version of the scientific paper will be submitted via  u:space . First, you have to check the data in u:space that will be printed on the title page. They are taken directly from the database of the University of Vienna and include your name, the academic degrees you have already obtained as well as information on the supervision and any co-supervision of your academic thesis. Each thesis must contain an abstract in German of at least 500 characters. The abstract is a short summary of the central points of your academic work. You can also optionally include an English abstract. Please note that, depending on the curriculum, an additional mandatory foreign-language abstract may be required.

Submission procedure 1. you must first submit the thesis electronically for plagiarism checking via u:space . After a successful upload, you will receive an upload confirmation. 2. if the text of the thesis is found to be identical to other texts, the Director of Studies will check whether it is actually plagiarized. Please only submit your thesis for printing after you have received confirmation (email to your u:account) that the plagiarism check has been successful. The printed version must match the electronically submitted version exactly. 3. after a successful plagiarism check, you must submit the work hard bound to the SSC. You will need the upload confirmation for this.

4. Please submit the following documents after uploding the thesis via application in our ticket-system in the Servicedesk (click the button 'Master's thesis' HERE ):

  • signed email  confirmation of the upload
  • form 'Assessment of Scientific Work' ('Beurteilungsformular') (filled out electronically, has to stay editable!)

The HOPLA upload confirmation automatically includes the affidavit. This counts as a submission. The upload confirmation and the assessment form do not have to be included in the thesis. After plagiarism clearance, the PDF version of the thesis will be forwarded to your supervisor for assessment.

You can submit the printed copies of your work by having them placed in our post box by the porter at any time, by sending them to us by post or by bringing them to our offices during opening hours . Within 10 days you have to hand in the printed versions for the StudienServiceCenter.

Furthermore, students can individually indicate whether their work should be accessible as full text online (via the library catalogue) or not. This is not the same as requesting a publication ban for the master's thesis (see  Publication ban for academic work ). Students automatically receive the results of the plagiarism check via email. Within 10 days, students must submit the bound print versions (3 copies of the master’s thesis or 5 copies of the dissertation) the StudiesServiceCenter (SSC). Please make sure that your work meets the formal requirements of the University of Vienna (see downloadcenter for guidlines).

Please consider following criteria for the submission of the printed copies:

  • 3 copies of the thesis
  • hard cover in colour black
  • printed double-sided

After submitting the print version, the supervisor has 2 months to evaluate the work and prepare a report. Students have the right to see the assessment documents of their scientific work. A copy of the report will be issued with the final documents.

Plagiarism and the plagiarism check

There is a zero tolerance policy on plagiarism at the University of Vienna. If plagiarism is proven in a preliminary version of the paper, the supervisor can immediately terminate the supervisor relationship in consultation with the program director. Every quotation or wording that has been copied verbatim must be linked to a reference to the source. Literal quotations should generally be avoided; instead, own formulations should be used.

If, after submission, it is discovered in the course of the assessment that the master's thesis violates the rules of good academic practice, the thesis must be marked as plagiarism and the Büro Studienpräses as well as the supervisor are informed.

During the plagiarism check it is checked whether the submitted academic work or parts of it are plagiarisms. According to the Universities Act 2002, the definition of plagiarism is as follows:

“An act of plagiarism is unquestionably committed, when text, content, or ideas are used and presented as one's own. This encompasses in particular the appropriation and use of text, theories, hypotheses, findings or data by directly quoting, paraphrasing or translating them without appropriate acknowledgement and reference to the source and the original author.”   (§ 51 Abs. 2 Ziffer 31 UG)

Before starting the plagiarism check, students should be aware of the following:

Not a test run

The plagiarism check is not a test run! Once the document and the sworn declaration have been uploaded, any plagiarism discovered can have legal consequences.

PDF conversion

The thesis must be uploaded as a PDF to the university server. Students should use the latest version of a PDF converter when converting the document to PDF .

Files larger than 40 MB often cause problems and should be avoided. Therefore, please pay attention while formatting pictures, tables etc.

Annotated title page

When the thesis is uploaded to the university server, an annotated title page appears. This serves to explain how a proper title page should look. Click through the annotated title page and confirm at the bottom that the title page of your submitted thesis complies with the title page requirements of the University of Vienna. Find more information on the plagiarism check  here .

Ideally, the application to block an academic paper has already been submitted together with the application to register the topic and supervisor. If not, please submit it as soon as possible.

Registration for the thesis defense (final oral exam)

All Master's students in (International) Business Administration, Economics and Banking and Finance must take an oral final examination to obtain their degree. As soon as the Master's thesis has been assessed and the grade has been entered, students can register for the final examination. The supervisor of the Master thesis is also the examiner for the defense part in (International) Business Administration or for the first examination subject in Economics and Banking & Finance. In this part, the student is examined on the Master's thesis and its thematic field (the subject area in which the thesis was written).

If the supervisor is not able to examine the specialisation subject of the Master thesis, they have to make sure together with the students that a suitable examiner is available for the specialisation subject when registering the Master thesis.

Detailed information on the final oral exam can be found here.

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Master's Thesis

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For more details, please choose the potentially supervising professor:

Prof. dörner, prof. ehmke, prof. fabel, prof. hartl, prof. rauner, ass.-prof. tilk, prof. vetschera, prof. windsperger, special focus: european dimension of international business.

  • Guidelines of the School of Business and Economics

When considering a research question for your thesis topic

The research proposal.

Find more details on topics, application and supervision here.

For a fair and transparent allocation of thesis supervision spots Prof. Fabel has the following rules for deciding which theses to supervise: There are exactly 10 thesis supervision spots available at any point in time. These spots will be allocated on 1 fixed date (deadline for handing in the proposals: 5.6.2024 in the summer term; allocation follows a couple of days after the deadlines).

It is strongly recommended that students discuss their topic project idea in an office hour before entering into the final registration procedure! You are asked, to register not last minute for the office hour! Please also indicate your taken courses and your grades.

To apply for a free spot students have to submit a 3-5 page thesis proposal. The number of available supervision slots determines the maximum number of students that can be accepted for supervision from within the submitted thesis proposals.

The thesis proposal needs to elaborate on the following points

  •  the precise research question addressed by the thesis
  •  methods
  •  applicants prior knowledge regarding the research question
  •  a preliminary list of references
  •  (if applicable) information about possible access to data, business contacts, etc…
  •  risks that could lead to the failure of the project, and how those will be dealt with
  •  list of successfully completed courses in the Major/Minor
  •  what draws you to writing your thesis in our area of research

Proposals (.pdf or doc files) should be submitted by the dates indicated above :

Apply for thesis supervision here

Accepted proposals will be registered at the SSC with an acceptance of supervision form (Anmeldung der Masterarbeit  - Thema und Betreuung).

In preparation for a successful proposal submission and thesis writing process we highly encourage candidates to take at least one of the following two courses before applying for thesis supervision:

  • KU Data Analysis on Organization and Personnel (MA) (if thesis necessitates work with large data sets)
  • KU Empirical Methods in Decision Sciences (MA) (if thesis is to include experimental methodology)

Please be aware that Prof. Fabel is already supervising a considerable number of theses and will thus only be able to take on very few new supervisions. Therefore we recommend sending your proposal to all possible supervisors interested in the research area of your proposal. For a list please visit the SSC homepage .

For information on how to apply for supervision with Prof. Rauner please visit the Public and Non-profit Management page here . Please be aware that for supervision of topics on Public & Non-profit Management students are expected to attend the corresponding lectures!

Due to his imminent retirement Prof. Vetschera is not taking on new supervisions.

Please note

That prof. vetschera will retire on sept. 30, 2024, and supervision of master theses cannot be guaranteed beyond that date., students starting their thesis work during the summer term 2024 should therefore plan to complete their work by end of 2024 at the latest..

GENERAL REQUIREMENT Before you apply for a topic, you have to complete at least one of the following courses:

  • Theory of the international Firm
  • Global Strategy
  • International Market Entry

Rules for Scientific Writing Since you are in the process of submitting the final version of the master thesis, please remember to  submit a final version that consistently applies the formal rules of writing a research paper. Very often we receive a final study that has not consistently applied the rules of writing a research paper. Here are two references for preparing the thesis:

  • Karmasin, M., R. Rainer, Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, , 2015, UTB Facultas
  • Skern, T., Writing Scientific English, 2015, UTB Facultas

FURTHER INFORMATION on Prof. Windsperger's personal homepage .

We offer 1-2 supervision spots each semester for the students who want to write a thesis within the framework of the Jean Monnet Project “ International Business – Strategies for Integrated Europe ”. To apply please state in your proposal that you want to write your thesis within the Jean Monnet Project and send it (.pdf or .doc file) to [email protected]. If your proposal is accepted, the main supervisor will be assigned depending on the capacity and specific focus within the Organization, Personnel and International Management group. Dr. Oksana Galak would act as a co-supervisor on the theses. Successful completion of the course “ European Dimension of International Business ” prior to application is strongly recommended.

 Guidelines of the School of Business and Economics

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Thesis topics

All finished and accepted diploma and MA theses as well as PhD-Theses can be found in our u : theses database . You can use it to check whether your thesis is (too) similar to others that have already been registered. Also note that you can find all theses from our faculty here (Philological and Cultural Studies), not just the ones from our department. You can filter for a particular supervisor under "Erweiterte Suche". The u:theses database lists all theses from 2008 onwards.

Below you can also find a list of all thesis topics that have been registered and/or written at our department since roughly 1990. This list has been updated until 2021, but will not be updated any longer. For theses after 2021, please consult the u:thesis database.

If you are looking for a specific thesis, you can find it via  u:search  or the online catalogue of the University library. All theses are also available in print at the English and American Studies Library.

Administration of thesis topics

Please note that the registration of thesis topics and all related administrative matters (such as changing your topic or supervisor) are handled by the SSC Philological and Cultural Studies.

To look for specific words or phrases, use the CTRL+F function of your browser.

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Cumulative thesis or monograph?

Special regulations apply for cumulative theses . They must contain at least 2 publications. At least one of them must be published or in press, while the other(s) may be included at the stage of submission. Publications on preprint servers and reviews are eligible for cumulative theses, as well. The confirmations of acceptance/submission must be included in the thesis. The student must be the main contributor (first or co-first author) on at least one of these papers. Also, it must be clearly specified what the student's contribution to the paper was. Blockage of thesis must be requested for 2 years (see chapter "Submission of thesis & registration for defense).

Our Guidelines for cumulative theses may give you an idea of how a cumulative thesis should be written.

Papers that do not show the correct affiliation to the Vienna Biocenter PhD Program will not be considered for cumulative theses.

If you have only one published paper, your thesis will be a monograph with an introduction, methods, discussion, and a conclusion that refers to all parts of your thesis. Feel free to include the pdf of your paper in your thesis. A contribution statement must be included, similar to cumulative thesis. Still, you may use the guidelines for cumulative theses to help you structure your dissertation. 

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Sammlung von Diplom- und Masterarbeiten, Dissertationen und Habilitationsschriften, die an der TU Wien verfasst wurden.

Collection of diploma and master theses, dissertations and habilitation theses written at TU Wien.

Filter results

  • 5 Müller, Christoph
  • 4 Fischer, Michael
  • 4 Gall, Michael
  • 4 Hofer, Andreas
  • 4 Huber, Markus
  • 4 Huber, Thomas
  • 4 Müller, Andreas
  • 4 Müller, Martin
  • 4 Pichler, Christian
  • 4 Rausch, Thomas
  • 486 architectural design
  • 451 Simulation
  • 408 Architektonischer Entwurf
  • 312 Architektur
  • 227 Modellierung
  • 212 simulation
  • 203 Architekturentwurf
  • 184 Nachhaltigkeit
  • 34202 Theses
  • 6563 2020 - 2024
  • 15590 2010 - 2019
  • 11997 2000 - 2009
  • 42 1990 - 1999
  • 8 1980 - 1989
  • 1 1970 - 1979
  • 1 1925 - 1929


  1. thesis

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    thesis uni wien

  3. masterarbeit / master`s thesis

    thesis uni wien

  4. masterarbeit

    thesis uni wien

  5. 'Unermüdlich neugierig. Seit 1365.': Fonda gestaltet Kampagne für Uni Wien

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  6. Uni Wien Bibliothek: Öffnungszeiten und Infos

    thesis uni wien


  1. weekend away

  2. Forum TU Vision 2025+: Masters in Research

  3. Vienna March 2024 #Vienna #autria #wien #phd

  4. Wiener Vorlesung 9.11.2023: Gewalt und Gedächtnis. Globale Erinnerung im 21. Jahrhundert

  5. WU Wien

  6. What Is a Thesis?


  1. u:theses

    u:theses. Das Hochschulschriften-Repositorium der Universität Wien. u:theses verzeichnet alle seit 2008 an der Universität Wien positiv beurteilten wissenschaftlichen Abschlussarbeiten sowie auf freiwilliger Basis hochgeladene Arbeiten aus den Jahren davor. Ein Großteil der Schriften ist online frei verfügbar.

  2. u:theses

    Find metadata and full text versions of theses approved at the University of Vienna since 1965. Learn how to upload, publish and cite your thesis online with u:theses server.

  3. u:theses

    Universität Wien, Universitätsbibliothek, 1010 Wien, Universitätsring 1. Kontakt | Impressum | Barrierefreiheit | Datenschutzerklärung | Impressum ...

  4. u:theses

    Hier finden Sie Metadaten und Volltexte von seit 1965 an der Universität Wien approbierten Diplomarbeiten, Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen. Die Veröffentlichung ist der beste Schutz vor Plagiierung durch andere!

  5. Master Thesis & Completion

    4. Submission of the Master Thesis - NEW: on u:space! Important information on the timeline: Steps 2 & 3 are a prerequisite! Then, two weeks AFTER having sent the complete record of exams to [email protected] (contact: Karin Neumann): 1) submit the thesis on u:space, PLUS at the same time contact a second examiner (if not even before updoading), 2) receive the grade, 3) two weeks after ...

  6. Before starting your thesis

    The topic of the thesis must correspond to the respective specifications of the curriculum and be dealt with using methods that have been acquired during the course of studies. According to the statutes of the University of Vienna, students are entitled to request a university instructor to supervise their thesis.

  7. Master Thesis

    Master Theses Supervision. If you want to write your Master thesis with us, we will happily consider your application. In order for you to make an informed choice whether to apply or not, please do note the following: ... University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0. Sitemap | Imprint | Accessibility | Data ...

  8. During writing your thesis

    The format of the Master's thesis. The Master's thesis should - taking into account the respective discipline - be structured along the lines of articles in leading scientific journals. Please discuss the specific contents and structure with your supervisor. The general formal requirements of the University of Vienna are binding.

  9. Bachelor Thesis Guidelines

    In order to support you in the preparation, structure and conduction of a thesis, we have compiled a list with guidelines and tips on finding a thesis topic, on the administrative procedure and on the thesis format. ... University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0.

  10. Papers/Theses

    University of Vienna Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Vienna StudiesServiceCenter +43-1-4277 Ext. 37000, Ext. 37101 [email protected] Website Dean's Office +43-1-4277 Ext. 37001 [email protected] Press, Media and Public Relations [email protected]. Icon facebook ...

  11. Master Thesis

    Learn how to do a Master Thesis in the Chair of International Business at the University of Vienna. Find out the requirements, application procedure, supervision, registration, attendance and writing guidelines.

  12. Thesis

    Thesis Formalities. The length of your thesis should be around 80 pages. Please clarify the exact length with your supervisor. Please make sure to include two title pages, the first one with the logo of the University of Vienna, the second one with the logo of the University of Vienna and the logo of your first year's university.

  13. Formal requirements

    Master theses must not (!) exceed 75 pages (double-spaced, Times New Roman font) including Abstract, References, Tables, and Figures, excluding Appendices. Appendices may contain supplementary material only, so that the thesis can be read and judged without perusing them. ... University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1 ...

  14. Master's Thesis

    The Master's Thesis serves as proof of the ability to handle scientific topics independently in terms of content and methodology. Therefore, the subject of the master's thesis is to be selected so that it is possible and feasible for the students to complete it within six months. ... University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T ...

  15. Bachelor´s Thesis

    The Bachelor's thesis is a "term paper" that is written within the framework of a course with continuous assessment in the field of economics (in module C.2 oder D). ... University of Vienna Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Vienna StudiesServiceCenter +43-1-4277 Ext. 37000, Ext. 37101

  16. Dissertation

    Dissertation. The doctoral thesis is the central element in all doctoral programmes. The doctoral thesis proves the ability of the doctoral candidate to conduct independent scientific work on a high academic level. It shows his/her capability to comprehend and reflect the latest state of art in his/her field of research and extend this field ...

  17. After completing your thesis

    With the agreement of the supervisor, the student must upload the completed thesis in PDF format. Note: From 05.03.2024, the digital version of the scientific paper will be submitted via u:space. First, you have to check the data in u:space that will be printed on the title page. They are taken directly from the database of the University of Vienna and include your name, the academic degrees ...

  18. Master's Thesis, Master's Examination

    Master's Thesis. You should successfully pass all the core courses before you start writing your master thesis. ... University of Vienna Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 1090 Vienna T: +43-1-4277-38262 F: +43-1-4277-838262 finance.office @ univie.ac.at. Icon facebook; Icon twitter; Icon youtube;

  19. Supervision of Master Theses

    There are exactly 10 thesis supervision spots available at any point in time. These spots will be allocated on 1 fixed date (deadline for handing in the proposals: 5.6.2024 in the summer term; allocation follows a couple of days after the deadlines). It is strongly recommended that students discuss their topic project idea in an office hour ...

  20. PDF Guidelines for Writing a Master T hesis Exposé

    An exposé for a master thesis should comprise between10- 12 pages plus a cover page and abstract. The main text should be structured as described below. Please use a common typeface like (sans serif) Arial or Times New Roman (serif). The font size is 11 pt, the line spacing is 1½. Please pay attention to insert subheadings in order to

  21. Thesis topics

    For theses after 2021, please consult the u:thesis database. If you are looking for a specific thesis, you can find it via u:search or the online catalogue of the University library. All theses are also available in print at the English and American Studies Library. ... Campus of the University of Vienna Spitalgasse 2, Hof 8.3, 1090 Vienna T ...

  22. Cumulative thesis

    Blockage of thesis must be requested for 2 years (see chapter "Submission of thesis & registration for defense). Our Guidelines for cumulative theses may give you an idea of how a cumulative thesis should be written. ... University of Vienna Biology Building (UBB) Djerassiplatz 1, 1030 Wien [email protected] Tel:+43-1-4277-50101

  23. reposiTUm: Thesis

    Thesis. Sammlung von Diplom- und Masterarbeiten, Dissertationen und Habilitationsschriften, die an der TU Wien verfasst wurden. Collection of diploma and master theses, dissertations and habilitation theses written at TU Wien. Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in descending order): 1 to 20 of 16992. next >.