The teachers who inspired us, and even changed the trajectories of our lives

Rita Pierson leads off TED Talks Education, our first televised event, which will air on PBS on May 7. Photo: Ryan Lash

Rita Pierson is the kind of teacher you wish you had. An educator for 40 years, she is funny, sharp and simply has a way with words — so much so that today’s talk feels a bit like a sermon.

Rita Pierson: Every kid needs a champion

“I have had classes so low, so academically deficient that I cried. I wondered, ‘How am I going to take this group in nine months from where they are to where they need to be?” says Pierson, in this amazing talk . “I came up with a bright idea … I gave them a saying: ‘I am somebody. I was somebody when I came and I’ll be a better somebody when I leave. I am powerful and I am strong. I deserve the education that I get here’ … You say it long enough, it starts to be a part of you.”

Pierson’s talk will open our first-ever television special, TED Talks Education, which airs Tuesday, May 7 at 10/9c on PBS. It will be an exhilarating night, featuring talks from educators and innovators with bold ideas, plus performances from host John Legend. Set your DVRs and read lots more here »

In honor of Rita Pierson and TED Talks Education, I asked the TED staff: who is that one teacher who just really, truly influenced you?

“The teacher who changed my life was, serendipitously, my English teacher for kindergarten, 7th grade and senior year of high school. Ms. Barbato taught me how to write eloquently (I hope!), and she had this unexplained faith in me that really galvanized me as a student. What she taught me stuck with me through college and beyond.” — Olivier Sherman, Distribution Coordinator

“Mr. Eric Yang was only in his mid-twenties when I had him as my AP government teacher, but he was unforgettable. He was the first teacher I had who made keeping up with current events mandatory, forcing us to read news sources on our own time and not just from the textbook. He exuded discipline, and that was contagious.” — Thu-Huong Ha , Editorial Projects Specialist

“Mrs. Bailey was my English teacher. I loved her. I was the younger sister of an already very successful big sister, and that was a cloud over my head too. She held my hand and brought me into the sun with her love of the English language. She recommended books just to me, she made me feel special and I just couldn’t get enough of her. I went on a school trip to Amsterdam with her and she brought her husband, who was an artist. She changed my life.” — Juliet Blake , TED TV (who executive produced TED Talks Education)

“Mrs. Mendelson, my 8th-grade English teacher. This was my first year living in the U.S. I think she set the stage for future learning and she’s the main reason I have such good English right now, both written and spoken. So, thank you, Mrs. Mendelson.”  — Ruben Marcos, intern

“I still recall how awesome my 6th-grade teacher, Mr. Fawess, was. Middle school in general is basically Hades. I was extremely small, super nerdy, and had a unibrow, asthma and glasses — plus I left school once a week to take classes at the local high school. I got picked on a lot. Mr. Fawess came up with all these ways to take my mind off that — he talked to me about bullying and how to let things roll off your shoulder and gave me books I could read outside of class. He got me thinking about college early and what kinds of subjects I was most interested in. I consider myself lucky to have had such an inspiring teacher. If only he had discouraged me from dressing up as the skunk in our annual school play.” — Amanda Ellis , TEDx Projects Coordinator

“Robert Baldwin’s class ‘Essay and Inquiry.’ Every day: Walk into class. Sit down. Look at the handout on every desk. Read it. Start writing. Class ends — stop writing. Every day. Except Wednesday, when we’d put the desks in a circle and everyone would read something they’d written. The prompts were everything from simple questions like, “What’s your favorite memory of trees?” to readings from Rachel Carson or W.B. Yeats or Orson Welles. It was a whirlwind of ideas, and the constant writing forced us to wrestle with them, and (tritely but correctly) ourselves. It was like a boot camp in thinking. People I know who took, and loved, that class went on to some of the most amazing careers. Every time we get together, we gush about the quiet, unassuming, force of nature that was Mr. Baldwin. He would have hated that last sentence, because the metaphor is strained. But he also taught us to ignore authority, so I’m writing it anyway.” — Ben Lillie , Writer/Editor

“Mrs. Lewis, my 5th-grade teacher, read to us every week. She made us put our heads on the desk and close our eyes and then read wonderful stories to us: The Golden Pine Cone , The Diamond Feather .. . It made our imaginations come alive.” — Janet McCartney , Director of Events

“My junior high school science teacher, Dr. Ernie Roy, with his outsized laugh and booming voice, was one of my very favorite teachers. He demonstrated to us how important we were to him by making what were obviously personal sacrifices on our behalf: when the lab needed equipment, we knew he had purchased some of it on his own; when we couldn’t get a bus for a field trip, he took a few of us in his own car (something which could have gotten him into quite a bit of trouble); and when a big science fair deadline loomed large, he opened the lab every weekend to help us with our experiments. At a point in my life when I didn’t have a lot of guidance or positive role models, he taught me a lot more than science; he taught me, by example, the power of sacrifice, discipline and self-respect.” — Michael McWatters , UX Architect

“Dr. Heller, my 10th-grade social studies teacher, taught me that passion is the key to learning. I had never met anyone from kindergarten to 10th grade that matched his raw passion for the  meaning  behind historical events, and it was so contagious.” — Deron Triff , Director of Distribution

“Rene Arcilla, a professor of Educational Philosophy at NYU, changed the way I think.  Prior to that class, I hadn’t truly been challenged about what *I* actually thought — much of my educational life was about regurgitating answers. Rene was the first teacher who asked me questions that he/we didn’t know the answers to. Realizing that I had to actually provide the answers from within myself, and not look to an outside source, was very difficult at first. It was a muscle I had to build. I owe a lot of who I am today — and even this job — to the introspective, critical and philosophical thinking I learned from Rene’s classes.” — Susan Zimmerman , Executive Assistant to the Curator

“Mr. Downey — 7th- and 8th-grade Humanities. Still the hardest class I’ve ever taken!  I’d credit Mr. Downey with helping me think more expansively about the world. Right before 8th-grade graduation, he showed us Dead Poets Society , and on the final day of class we all agreed to stand on our desks and recite ‘O Captain, my captain.’  It was all very dramatic and I think there were tears.” — Jennifer Gilhooley, Partnership Development

“I took my first painting class my sophomore year of high school and fell in love with it. My teacher, Ms. Bowen, told me I could use the art studio whenever I wanted to, and gave me access to all kinds of new paints and canvasses. I spent almost every lunch period there for a few years, and regularly stayed in the studio after school ended. One day, Ms. Bowen told me that a parent of a student I had painted expressed interest in buying the painting of her daughter. After that first sale, I painted portraits of kids in my school on a commission basis, and continued to do so for the remainder of my high school experience. Thanks to Ms. Bowen’s mentorship, I felt empowered to try to make money from something I was passionate about and loved to do.  Here  is one of the paintings.” — Cloe Shasha , TED Projects Coordinator

“I had a chemistry teacher, Mr. Sampson, who used to meet me at school an hour before it started to tutor me when the material wasn’t clicking. That was the first class I had ever really struggled with, and he made this investment to help me get through the material — but more importantly learn that I could teach myself anything.”  —Stephanie Kent, Special Projects

“On the first day of my Elementary Italian Immersion class, I asked to be excused to use the restroom in English. Professor Agostini kept speaking rapidly in Italian as I squirmed in my seat. Since she seemed unclear about my request, I asked her again to no avail. Finally, I flipped through my brand-new Italian-English dictionary and discovered the words, ‘ Posso usare il bagno per favore .’ Suddenly, she flashed me a smile, handed me the key, told me where to go in  Italian , and pointed to my dictionary so I could learn how to follow her directions. Even though I only studied with her for one semester, I will never forget that I emerged from her class knowing intermediate-level Italian.” — Jamia Wilson, TED Prize Storyteller

“My history teacher in high school, Mr. Cook, challenged us to think hard about what happened in the past and directly related it to what was happening around us. He gave us ways to try and predict what could happen in the future. He was the first person to make me take ownership of what it meant to be a citizen and the social responsibility that came with that. Because he taught ‘World History’ rather than a regionally specific class, we learned extensively about other countries, and I am convinced he is the reason that I went abroad to Ghana in college and I am now still an avid traveler today.” — Samantha Kelly, Fellows Group

“The professor who taught me Intro to Women and Gender Studies my sophomore year of college completely changed my framework for thinking about human relationships within a hierarchy. She brought coffee and tea to class for us every morning to congratulate us for being so dedicated to learning as to choose an 8:30 a.m. class. When I emailed her to say I’d be out sick, she sent me a get-well e-card. And when, in a fit of undergraduate irresponsibility, I simply failed to do an assignment, she wasn’t the least bit mad — instead, I received a phone call from her a week after the end of the semester informing me that, because I’d done such good work, she couldn’t bear to give me the B+ I numerically deserved. It was incredible to see how fully she lived the subject she taught; the philosophy of compassion and equality.” — Morton Bast , Editorial Assistant

“My high school photography teacher, Susan Now. I’m convinced that the support I got from Susan got me through high school. Two years later, when I was freaked out about transferring colleges, I, without hesitation, called her for advice. She made me feel comfortable and challenged me to speak up and be confident with expressing myself as a student. So valuable!” — Ella Saunders-Crivello, Partnerships Coordinator

“Cliff Simon, one of my college professors, taught me that wisdom is the greatest pursuit, our skills and passions are transferable, and that fear will only ever always hold us back.  To this day, he’s a great mentor.  We’re now great friends, and I even officiated his wedding ceremony.” — Jordan Reeves, TED-Ed Community Manager

“My 10th-grade biology teacher spoke and interacted with me like I was a grown-up individual and not one of a batch of ‘kids.’ He made us all fascinated with the subjects he taught because he spoke to us not at us. I always worked hard to match that capacity that he saw in me. He was only in his 50s when, a few years after I graduated, he died suddenly of a heart attack. Lots of sad former students.” — Ladan Wise , Product Development Manager

“Stephen O’Leary, my professor and mentor at the University of Southern California, showed me that the quality of my thinking could be directly traced to the quality of the authors I referenced in my bibliography. This realization motivated me to both seek and challenge everything I have read ever since. This habit likely played a part in me finding myself so passionate about being a part of TED.” — Sarah Shewey , TEDActive Program Producer

“My high school art teacher was equal parts smart and silly, and always insightful. Mr. Miller showed a bunch of restless seniors that art class wasn’t just about memorizing which painters influenced which periods. Instead, he taught us that art was — at its core — an exciting way to touch both the head and the heart. Mr. Miller took our  class to the Met in New York one warm spring afternoon, a trip I’ll never forget. Great art, he told us, was about great ideas, and not simply the pleasing arrangement of color, shape and form. Thank you, Russ Miller.” — Jim Daly, TED Books 

“Mrs. Presley, my 1st-grade teacher, advanced my reading skills to full-on chapter book independence … and for that I’ll be forever grateful! But the most valuable gift she gave me was self-esteem. At my school, we’d bring a brown bag lunch with our name written on the bag. I always wanted a middle name like the other kids, and this daily ritual made me feel the lack. I must have let my mom know, because she started to write middle names on my bag. At first it started: ‘Marla Ruby Mitchnick.’ Then ‘Marla Ruby Diamond Mitchnick,’ and then ‘Marla Ruby Diamond Violet Mitchnick,’ and so on. Mrs. Presley never skipped a single syllable — she just read it straight through, and I felt like a beloved and fortunate person with a beautiful name, surrounded by wonderful friends.” — Marla Mitchnick , Film + Video Editor

“I signed up for Journalism 1 in high school having no idea what I was getting myself into. Marcie Pachino ran a rigorous course on the joys of telling other people’s stories and on the extreme responsibility that comes with reporting news that might otherwise go unheard. She was kind and inspiring, but wouldn’t hesitate to give you an edit of an article that simply read ‘Ugh’ in big red letters. The key: you always knew she was right. I went on to become a journalist professionally and, in all my years of writing, I’ve never encountered a more demanding editor.” — Kate Torgovnick, Writer (the author of this post)

“Professor Stephen Commins completely changed my  learning experience at UCLA. He pushed the boundaries of what I thought I could accomplish as an undergrad, and having him as my research professor improved my quality of education tenfold. I’ll never forget in my last lecture with him, he left our class with this piece of advice: to work on poverty domestically before attempting to help those abroad, because you aren’t truly a development professional until you have done both.” — Chiara Baldanza, Coordinator

“My high school English teacher Veronica Stephenson went above and beyond to allow me the opportunity to dive into theater and acting in a very underfunded arts community. She saw passion in me, and engaged it by spending a lot of her own time and effort to help me pursue something I loved. I learned so much from her and got more personalized experience than I probably would have from a more arts-focused curriculum due solely to her faith in me.” —Emilie Soffe, Office Coordinator

Now it’s your turn. Who is the teacher who most inspired you? Please share in your comments.

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Essay on Teacher for Students and Children

500+ words essay on teacher.

Teachers are a special blessing from God to us. They are the ones who build a good nation and make the world a better place. A teacher teaches us the importance of a pen over that of a sword. They are much esteemed in society as they elevate the living standards of people. They are like the building blocks of society who educate people and make them better human beings .

Essay on Teacher

Moreover, teachers have a great impact on society and their student’s life. They also great importance in a parent’s life as parents expect a lot from teachers for their kids. However, like in every profession, there are both good and bad teachers. While there aren’t that many bad teachers, still the number is significant. A good teacher possesses qualities which a bad teacher does not. After identifying the qualities of a good teacher we can work to improve the teaching scenario.

A Good Teacher

A good teacher is not that hard to find, but you must know where to look. The good teachers are well-prepared in advance for their education goals. They prepare their plan of action every day to ensure maximum productivity. Teachers have a lot of knowledge about everything, specifically in the subject they specialize in. A good teacher expands their knowledge continues to provide good answers to their students.

Similarly, a good teacher is like a friend that helps us in all our troubles. A good teacher creates their individual learning process which is unique and not mainstream. This makes the students learn the subject in a better manner. In other words, a good teacher ensures their students are learning efficiently and scoring good marks.

Most importantly, a good teacher is one who does not merely focus on our academic performance but our overall development. Only then can a student truly grow. Thus, good teachers will understand their student’s problems and try to deal with them correctly. They make the student feel like they always have someone to talk to if they can’t do it at home or with their friends.

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Impact of Teachers on a Student’s Life

Growing up, our parents and teachers are the first ones to impact our lives significantly. In fact, in the younger years, students have complete faith in their teachers and they listen to their teachers more than their parents. This shows the significance and impact of a teacher .

teachers in my life essay

When we become older and enter college, teachers become our friends. Some even become our role models. They inspire us to do great things in life. We learn how to be selfless by teachers. Teachers unknowingly also teach very important lessons to a student.

For instance, when a student gets hurt in school, the teacher rushes them to the infirmary for first aid. This makes a student feel secure and that they know a teacher plays the role of a parent in school.

In other words, a teacher does not merely stick to the role of a teacher. They adapt into various roles as and when the need arises. They become our friends when we are sad, they care for us like our parents when we are hurt. Thus, we see how great a teacher impacts a student’s life and shapes it.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why are teachers important?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Teachers are the building blocks of a nation. They are responsible for making thousands of people educated. Teachers push us to do better and succeed in life.”} }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What makes a good teacher?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”A good teacher is one who is well-prepared. They always care for their students even outside the classroom. They instill good values in them and teach them subjects efficiently.”} }] }

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Stories About the Extraordinary Educators in Your Life

Zainab Bhatti

‘He Helped Foster a Love for Science in Me’

From storm alexander.

Mark Townley was my AP Environmental Science teacher. Not only did he teach the content, he provided resources and materials to make class fun. Labs done in class were always engaging and related to the course topics. He now works with Kenan Fellows at NC State, a program for teacher leadership. Mr. Townley was not only a very open and accepting teacher towards me, but he helped foster a love for science in me. Previously, I had been interested in arts, but had no passion. When I attended his class, Mr. Townley helped me really gain a love and interest in science, even if it wasn’t exactly his field. In the end, he helped lead me to the career path I have chosen today.

‘She Helped Me to Discover Myself as a Student’

From elizabeth baker.

One teacher that has had a lasting impact on my life was my 6th-8th grade Language Arts teacher. She introduced me to many of my favorite books, like “The Outsiders,” and helped me to discover myself as a student. She also made me work for every assignment that I complete for her; along with this, she helped me to grow as a writer. Because of her, I discovered several joys of learning and how to start a spark of learning within my own students.

‘She Fostered a Respect and Reflected it Back to Her Students’

From maggie latta-milord.

My seventh grade language arts teacher was a force. She fostered a respect and reflected it back to her students. She taught diverse authors and poets to a diverse class of students. She held students to a high standard while giving us the resources and instruction needed to reach that standard. She made us recite poetry throughout the year, and I will never forget the unique challenge of having to remember each word. There is a lot from my middle school years I have forgotten, but I still remember some of those poems today. I remember that special kind of seventh-grader awkwardness we each showed as we stood in front of the class when it was our turn to stumble through a performance of that particular week’s selection. I remember the reactions of peers when you missed a line or the celebration when you really nailed it. Yet, for Ms J-W, it was never enough for us to repeat exactly the words of the poem. We were meant to convey the emotion, meant to hold the words with reverence.

‘She Changed the Way That I Carried Myself Through Life’

From taylor ratledge.

My high school chorus teacher, Heather Copley, changed the way that I carried myself through life. Even though my career has nothing to do with performance, taking her class taught me about self-discipline, taking risks, and making friends.

On my future best friend’s first day at a new school, Ms. Copley grabbed me and told me that I was sitting with the new girl during lunch because she didn’t want her eating alone. From that day on, we had lunch together every day. I was the maid of honor at her wedding, which Ms. Copley attended.

Ms. Copley has always had an amazing way of making you feel important because she gives her students an incredible amount of responsibility and trusts them to do what is right. For example, she takes huge groups of students on international field trips regularly, which, as a high school teacher, I can’t ever imagine doing.

Finally, Ms. Copley has always been honest about who she is and what she stands for. I have maintained a relationship with her since graduating high school in 2007, and she’s never changed. I tutored her son, she attended my wedding, and we like to get lunch during the holidays. I appreciate so much how she pours into her relationships with her students and continues those relationships as long as she can.

‘Her Course Impacted Me by Showing Me How Important it is to Maintain and Value Your Personal Ethics’

From the’shaun jones.

Carrol Warren is one of the extraordinary educators from NC State’s Education Department that I would like to to acknowledge. What makes her extraordinary is her knowledge and expertise of Ethics in the Workplace and Education. This was the first course I took from the Training and Development Master’s of Education Program, and it was the perfect class to begin my Graduate tenure. This course impacted me by showing me how important it is to maintain and value your personal ethics and to carry those morals into your professional development. Thanks Dr. Warren.

‘She Instilled a Love for Spanish in Me’

From nicole hackett.

My favorite teacher in high school was Sra. Hammond. I had her for Spanish 4 and I loved her so much that I decided I wanted to become a Spanish teacher just like her – and I did! She instilled a love for Spanish in me that I wanted to share with all my students. My fondest memories in her class are Fridays where we would listen to Shakira in Spanish! I taught Spanish for 9 years because of Sra. Hammond.

‘He Instilled in Me and My Brother a Lifelong Appreciation of Music and Culture That Enriches Us to this Day’

From larry bliss.

I have an extraordinary educator in my family: my father, Milton C. Bliss. He taught music at NC State for 26 years, leading the Varsity Men’s Glee Club and the Grains of Time a capella group, as well as co-directing the marching band. He expected the utmost from his students, and many of them went on to careers in music as performers and teachers. He instilled in me and my brother (both State grads) a lifelong appreciation of music and culture that enriches us to this day. Although he is 92, he remembers many of his students from 50 years ago.

‘Her Passion for Science was Infectious and I Give all the Credit to Her for Why I Decided to Become a Science Teacher’

From kristen blau.

An extraordinary educator I know is Heidi Maloy, my high school biology, chemistry, & APES teacher. She is still the best teacher I’ve ever had the pleasure of learning from. She was patient, kind, enthusiastic, and knowledgeable, always able to answer any question I asked. I was lucky enough to be able to take three courses with her throughout high school. AP Environmental Science was my favorite, and taking that course with her is largely why I am so passionate about environmental advocacy and literacy. I am presently working on becoming a certified Environmental Educator. Her passion for science was infectious and I give all the credit to her for why I decided to become a science teacher. My ultimate goal as a teacher is to inspire young people to want to make a difference in the world and in other people’s lives. That is what Ms. Maloy did for me. Beyond teaching me science, she was also my advisor senior year. She was a great listener and was always there for me when I needed someone to talk to or needed advice. I will be forever grateful for getting to have her as a teacher. She is truly one of a kind.

‘They Were in Education Because They Cared About the Students’

From anna burgess.

When thinking about the past educators in my life who have really impacted me and my time in school, two people come to mind. First is my junior and senior English teacher. She was an extraordinary educator because she was willing to answer hard questions and have difficult conversations in the classroom. She didn’t shy away from questions about the real world and actually welcomed them at times. She also made it known that she would accept her students for who they are, she was not going to judge you, but instead wanted to help. She helped give me new perspectives on life. She taught me how to put myself in the other person’s shoes and to look for the deeper meaning in things. The second teacher that came to my mind was my chorus teacher. I was a part of his class all four years of high school. He was always encouraging us to do our best and had high expectations for us in both academics and just in being an overall human being. He was supportive and made it known that he was there if anyone needed to talk or just have a place to escape. He helped me build my confidence in not only my voice but also in who I am as a person. Both of these educators are extraordinary because they made it very obvious that they were in education because they cared about the students, not about checking a “how to be a good person” box off their checklist.

‘I Wouldn’t Be Where I Am Today Without Them’

From megan north.

I am a high school history teacher because of my 8th grade and 11th grade history teachers. They showed me how to love learning, help others, and hold students to high standards. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them.

‘She Impacted My Life Through Her Encouragement, Her Passion and Her Leadership’

From emma schneider.

Mrs. Sanders is extraordinary because she not only cares about the education of every one of her students, but she truly cares about every one of her students as an individual. She is relational, yet demands respect. She is intelligent, yet knows how to make class fun. She knows how to communicate tough ideas to a variety of different learners and help them understand at a deeper level. Mrs. Sanders helps others do the extraordinary by expressing genuine interest in their lives and pushing them toward their passions. She is the reason I applied for (and received) acceptance to the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program. The more I learn about incorporating digital tools in the classroom and navigating keeping students engaged in a lesson, the more I realize how ahead of the game Mrs. Sanders was in these areas. I never suffered boredom in her class, and she was always using some sort of digital tool in her lessons that continue to benefit me in my teacher education. She impacted my life through her encouragement, her passion, and her leadership, and I will always be grateful for her influence.

‘She Can Challenge AP Students and Support Struggling Students’

From kristi martin.

I taught with June Blackwell at Sanderson High School for a year and I was consistently amazed by her. She can challenge AP students and support struggling students. She works so hard to reach all her students and help them to be successful in her math classes, using a variety of strategies to allow all her students to showcase what they have learned. She also supports teachers at the state level and has mentored multiple student teachers from NC State. I am proud to call her a colleague and friend.

‘I Realized I Wanted to Have the Same Impact on People’s Lives that He Had on Mine’

From michael smith.

Mr. Hunsucker was my 8th grade math and science teacher. He was such a caring person who treated his students like we were his own children. His lessons, activities, and projects also took what we learned in the classroom outside the classroom. It was in Mr. Hunsucker’s class that I began to see how what I learned in school really effected my everyday life. When I was deciding what I wanted to do in life I realized I wanted to have the same impact on peoples’ lives that Mr. Hunsucker had on mine. If it was not for Mr. Hunsucker I would not have gotten into education. I owe so much to Mr Hunsucker he is hands down the best teacher in the world.

‘I Can Still Remember His Smile and Love for all of Biology’

From manny flecker.

Robert Tollman was my high school biology teacher in New York. He continually made the subject fascinating for me and drew me into it with his clearly apparent love of biology. He encouraged us to read, did not slay us with “homework”, kept his classes upbeat and showed an interest in his students and subject. He encouraged me though did not push – not his style. I can still remember his smile and love for all of biology.

‘She Made Learning a Challenging Subject Rewarding’

From dorothy holley.

An extraordinary educator in my life has been my high school chemistry teacher, Lavonda Ritchie. She made learning a challenging subject rewarding. She modeled being a life-long learner, bringing back new labs from summer “vacations,” participating in new competitions that seemed interesting, and engaging in new experiences while encouraging us to do the same. After I graduated from college and became a high school chemistry teacher in a nearby county, Ms. Ritchie continued to mentor me by loaning me equipment to use with my students and inviting me to NCSTA events. I will always be indebted to Ms. Ritchie for nurturing my love of science and for believing that the quiet girl in the back of the room could really cook with that bunsen burner! Thank you Ms. Ritchie!!

‘Her Passion for Education is the Reason Why I Have a Voice for Public Education’

From zainab bhatti.

I have had several educators in life who have made a positive impact in my life. Today, I will be talking about one specific educator who changed my life for the better. I knew I wanted to be a teacher since the second grade. However, I was constantly discouraged by my teachers and family because I could amount to so much more and of course, the number one excuse, the pay is terrible. In my sophomore year of high school, I met my forever mentor. Mrs. Suzanne Hudson was my civics and economics teacher at the time. We learned so much more than just that subject. She taught us something I will never forget. Do what you want to do as long as it makes you happy. After that, I had Mrs. Hudson every year until the day I graduated. Mrs. Hudson was also my AP government teacher and Teacher Cadet 1 & 2 teacher. I also interned for Mrs. Hudson my senior year. I learned to love what I will be doing and not caring what other people think. The creativity in her classrooms is what inspired me to start my love for art again. Without the guidance, unconditional love, and support from her, I would not be here in the college of education at NC State. I would be lost trying to figure out what it is I should be doing. I am so thankful for everything I have learned from her. Mrs. Hudson is extraordinary in everything she does. Her passion rubs off on her students and it shows. We are always inspired by her stories to do the extraordinary in everything we work on. Her love for education is the reason why I am here today. Her passion for education is the reason why I have a voice for public education. I am extraordinary.

‘He Consistently Showed That He Cared Even More About Me as an Individual Than He Did as a Student’

From spencer griffith.

Ben Thomas for AP Government my senior year of high school and the way he interacted with students has tremendously influenced my teaching. He had great content-area knowledge and knew how to make class engaging (I’ll never forget our class-wide debates every week), but more importantly, he consistently showed that he cared even more about me as an individual than he did as a student. As an aside, he allowed me to miss class to volunteer in his wife’s first grade class once per week, which showed me early on that I was NOT cut out to be an elementary school teacher.

‘She Distinguished Herself with a Very Compassionate Heart and Patience for Young Children’

From kari kuebel.

I had the privilege of having Olivia Loftin Ellington as a student in Elementary Ed 250 years before she became my daughter’s kindergarten teacher (and now my son’s!) Olivia was a gifted student, distinguishing herself with a very compassionate heart and patience for young children. She launched my daughter into a love of school by treating her as a unique person with her own set of gifts, thoughts and even worries. This demonstration of unconditional positive regard with high expectations has traveled with my daughter throughout her schooling, and she is now excelling in third grade, due in a large part to Olivia. THANK YOU.

‘She Challenged and Encouraged Me to Rise and Exceed the Expectations Put on Me’

From lydia stocks.

Mrs. Wheless was an extraordinary educator! As a fourth grader she saw in me potential that no one else had. She challenged and encouraged me to rise to and exceed the expectations put on me academically – specifically in the writing content area. Eventually, I’d recognize her as a primary reason to become an educator myself!

‘She Inspired Me to Be a teacher Because I Wanted to Be Just Like Her’

From susan beasley.

I have had the privilege of engaging with many extraordinary educators in my life, as both a student and now a teacher. The most extraordinary though, has been my mother. She received a degree in Business Education from UNCG and was a public high school teacher with Greensboro City Schools and Guilford County Schools for over 30 years. Following her retirement from Guilford County, she continues to teach continuing education courses through GTCC. While I was never a student in her school classroom, I was (and still am) a student in her “classroom of life.” My mom is amazing. She always encouraged me to do my best, helped me through the struggles, and celebrated my successes. I also have had the opportunity to know some of the students she did have in class, and they always told me how much they loved her classes. She always cares and puts the needs of others first. She inspired me to be a teacher because I wanted to be just like her!

‘She Believes in Her Students When They Don’t Believe in Themselves’

From devon rose.

Dr. Candy Beal is an extraordinary educator. She is kind, caring, and patient. She believes in her students when they don’t believe in themselves. She is encouraging and pushes her students to be the very best they can be. She gives practical, realistic advice to her students that we can then give to our own students. I wouldn’t be the educator I am today if it weren’t for Dr. Beal’s steadfast kindness and grace.

‘She Motivated Me to Want to Better Myself, Especially in My Education’

From grace mcgovern.

My teacher in high school was one of the most memorable educators I have ever had. I was very unmotivated to “try” in school because other students had been bullying me. When Mrs. Barber came, she came with an infectious energy and took me under her wing. She motivated me to want to better myself, especially in my education. I still keep in contact with her and now I am in school to become a teacher.

‘She Has Impacted My Life by Inspiring Me to Become a Teacher Myself and Making Me Feel Proud About the Art I Created’

From sophie moffatt.

The most extraordinary educator in my life was my art teacher from high school. I was lucky enough to have her all 4 years so she really helped me grow as a student and a person, while also fostering my passion for art. She became a constant throughout my high school career and she was a personable and trusting adult figure in my life. She was unlike other teachers I’ve had because she fully put her students first and made sure that her classroom was a welcoming and accepting environment for everyone that came in her door. I admire her teaching style based on discussion and feedback, while also empowering one another. She helps others be extraordinary by making students feel proud of the work they accomplish and creating personal connections so the students knew she cared and wanted only the best for us. She has impacted my life in many ways, by inspiring me to become a teacher myself and also making me feel so proud about the art I created. She made her class a safe space for me and made art feel like home and a way to cope with stress or emotions. I cannot thank her enough for how she has transformed me as a student, artist and person.

‘I Want to Run My Classroom the Way She Ran Hers’

From garin sinkovic.

My second-grade teacher Ms. Clifton was the best teacher I’ve ever had. I was lucky enough that she ended up moving up to third-grade the following year so I had her for two years in a row. What I loved about her was that she made learning fun. I always enjoyed coming to school every day and I always had fun in class while still learning the material. She is the reason that I want to become an elementary school teacher. I want learning to be fun, I want my kids to enjoy coming to school every day and I want to be the cool teacher that all the kids want to be around during the school day. Ms. Clifton embodied all those qualities of kindness, passionate, dedicated, and was so much fun. I want to run my classroom the way Ms. Clifton ran hers.

Lexi Chadwick

‘She Pushed Me to Become the Best Version of Myself’

From lexi chadwick.

My seventh and eight grade social studies and language arts teacher was amazing. She saw my potential in my life when it came to reading and writing and she pushed me to to become the best version of myself. Not only was she an amazing educator, but she then became an important mentor in my life. I don’t think I would have been able to navigate the rest of middle school without her being there for me through the ups and downs. Mrs. Glow – you are an inspiration to this world and especially to me.

‘She Makes Every Student Feel Like a True Scientist and That They Can Be Anything They Wish to Be’

From mckenzie alford.

My extraordinary educator is Mrs. Jessica Potter, a biology teacher at East Wake Academy in Zebulon, NC. She has always been a teacher to push students to do their best. She always has a smile on her face for her current and former students when they come to visit. She teaches academic/honors/AP biology so she really knows her stuff but her humbleness shines through it all. She makes every student feel like a true scientist and that they can be anything they wish to be. She honestly is the person who inspired me to become a science teacher. She has helped me even in my college years understand science topics, lesson plans, mental health plans, and overall the beautiful chaos that come with the job of teaching. She is and always will the most extraordinary teacher that has impacted my life.

‘She Invested in Me Away from the Classroom’

From kentellia wingate.

My 1st grade teacher, Ms. Gail Hutchinson is my EXTRAordinary educator! She taught me to keep working hard, even when learning new things was challenging. She also invested in me away from the classroom. One of my fondest memories of Ms. Hutchinson is that she found me during my senior year of high school. She took me to dinner and  bought the dress that I wore to graduation. I am thankful for her role in my educational foundation, which contributed to my academic success, and eventually allowed me to be a Teaching Fellow at NC State! I am currently in my 17th year as an educator. c/o ‘03

‘She Ignited a Passion for Reading in Me and Showed Me a few Books That Have had a Profound Impact on my Life’

From eric wylie.

The most extraordinary educator in my life was my 5th grade teacher, Ms Clabbatz. She stressed reading, literature, and comprehension more than anything else and showed us how, through sufficient reading abilities, we could teach ourselves anything. She ignited a passion for reading in me and showed me a few books that have had a profound impact on my life. She also was extremely encouraging and was really good at forming relationships with each and every student in the class. If anyone was ever struggling, she was able to give them the support they needed to understand the concept without neglecting the rest of the class. She’s definitely my role model as I pursue becoming an elementary teacher in the WCPSS.

‘I Don’t Know How He Does it All’

From jennifer lancaster.

Dr. James Bartlett of NC State mentored our entire doctoral cohort in the most extraordinary way. He took us to conferences, co-presented with us, co-wrote papers and articles with us, gave us career advice, and continues to be in touch with us about upcoming opportunities. Dr. Bartlett does so much in the field of career and technical education as well as in adult and community college education. I don’t know how he does it all!

“Without Her Knowledge and Love of Her Career, I Would Never Have Made it This Far or Have the Drive That I Do’

From marsha creekmore.

When we had our son he was diagnosed at a young age with autism. Over the years he has had so many amazing teachers to help support him and us as a family grow. The educator that has made the biggest impact was his early intervention educator. Without her knowledge and love for her career I would never have made it this far or have the drive that I do. Thank you Megan Haley.

‘She Pushed Me to Go Beyond Just Learning for School to Learning for Life and Being a Leader’

From ashley atkinson.

Extraordinary teachers push you to grow and go beyond even your own expectations of yourself. My third-grade teacher, Mrs. Drake, pushed me to go beyond just learning for school to learning for life and being a leader. She provided me with books and enrichment that allowed me to go beyond the content requirements and learn for the sake of learning. When I expressed an interest in architecture she helped me gather resources to learn and then helped me lead a walking tour of our community architecture sharing with my classmates. She helped me own my learning and share it with others. She inspired me to become a teacher.

‘Her Positive Attitude Encourages Me Everyday to Be the Same Way to My Students’

From brooke gupton.

I had a first grader teacher who inspired me to become a teacher. She was kind, caring, and was always happy to be a teacher. When I had fallen on the playground, I ran over to her and she had asked me if I was still going to be able to swim (because I was taking swim lessons). The fact that she remembered that small detail about me, it showed that she cared. Her positive attitude encourages me everyday to be the same to my students!

‘Her Compassion for Herself and Her Peers was Evident’

From tracey gardner.

As an undergraduate accounting student at UNC-Charlotte, I had a political science professor named Dr. Cheryl Brown. I only had her for one class, but she was truly extraordinary.

What made her extraordinary was that she brought her own experiences from when she was as a young Black woman into the classroom and painted pictures for us of how the political landscape impacted her and her friends. Her compassion for herself and her peers was evident.  This made the class much more vivid and showed me, at a young age, how laws make a difference in Americans’ lives.

Now, as a M.Ed. student in school counseling at NC State, I think about Dr. Brown as my cohort looks at the concept of self-disclosure. When done well, self-disclosure is an extremely powerful tool for connection and teaching. – Tracey Gardner, M.Ed. 2021

‘He Really Inspired Me to Come to NC State’

From giovanny hernandez.

An extraordinary educator that I have encountered has to be Mr. Martin. He is an NC State Alumni that was teaching math at my high school, who really inspired me to come to NC State as I wanted to be a great educator like him. He just made sure that everyone in the class was up to par on the lesson and took the time to help the students that were falling behind.

‘I Will Never Forget That Wonderful Year of Honors Senior British Literature’

From robert williams.

When I was in high school I had an English teacher by the name of William Loftin Hargrave III. He was a disarmingly charming elderly gentleman who had served in the military working on computer systems in helicopters. This man was an uncoronated king of British lit.

Sometimes you meet people you just know could have been famous stage actors, well Mr. Hargrave should have been on a stage somewhere with his incredible knowledge of Shakespeare and similar works. But instead, he had a lively classroom where he would encourage us to bring the characters to life and attempt to read between the lines to really figure out what the characters, or even Shakespeare, was trying to say. All the classroom was a stage.

Mr. Hargrave taught us so much about human nature and expression and gave that informal permission so many closeted writers and dramatists need to let their freak flags fly and truly explore themselves through writing. I will never forget that wonderful year of Honors Senior British Literature.”

‘He Was a Model of the Math Teacher That I Became’

From marc kasten.

My teacher, Mr. Tom Taylor, of Avery County High School, is a great example of an educator. For three years, I took math courses with him, and he put up with my terrible notebooks and homework assignments. Mr. Taylor took the time to get to know all of his students. He was willing to go off-book to make math interesting, and he was a model of the math teacher that I became.

‘He is Committed to Being Available Within a Demanding Schedule of Classes, Meetings and Supporting Other Students’

From curtis brower.

Dr. Timothy Drake has been an extraordinary dissertation chair. He has been extremely helpful through the research and writing process. He is very responsive and is always willing to provide prompt feedback. Dr. Drake has been committed to meeting with me on a regular ongoing basis providing support and guidance. Dr. Drake is committed to being available within a demanding schedule of classes, meetings, and supporting other students. I am very appreciative of his commitment to help me succeed.

‘He Affirmed My Talents as a Student and Future Leader’

From kimberly kemp.

Dr. Rick Taylor at ECU is a professor in the English Department at ECU and taught several of my classes in my master’s program there. He was the first person to make me believe I could go beyond getting my master’s degree. Not only did he lead by example by sharing his stories, but he kindled a curiosity that led to me pursuing more information about the doctoral program that led me to NCSU. He affirmed my talents as a student and future leader.

‘She Showed Me How Fun and Exciting Education Can Be’

From molly feezor.

I know an educator that makes all students feel loved. You never walk into her classroom and have to think about whether or not she wants you there. She validates your concerns and struggles as a student but pushes you to go further and do your best, and is happy with whatever your best is as long as it’s your best. This educator supported us in our endeavors and always encouraged greatness. As middle schoolers and later high schoolers, this teacher was always the first person you wanted to go to for advice, validation, encouragement, or just for a smile. She taught the sixth grade but never stopped considering us to be her students. She was the first person we went to when we moved to high school and she was the first person that we went back to visit before graduating high school. This teacher showed me how fun and exciting education can be and that feeling loved in your school is a vital part of your success as a student.

‘She Not Only Taught but She Helped Me Live’

From anne johnson.

I have had many different teachers for different subjects. What makes Mrs. Paul extraordinary is that she not only taught but she helped me live. As a previous early college student, balancing the act of college classes and high school classes is difficult, but having a teacher who tries to helps everyone excel at both, along with being able to talk through the stresses of life with them, is a blessing. Thank you Mrs. Paul, for helping me get into the Pack!

‘She Had the Ability to Make Literature Come Alive’

From shannon clemons.

I have had so many great educators in my life. Mrs. Betty Blackburn was my senior English teacher. Mrs. Blackburn made me love literature to the point that I briefly though about majoring in English Education instead of Science Education. I moved forward with science, however, Mrs. Blackburn had the ability to make literature come alive. As a classroom teacher, I desired to make learning come alive for students. It was important to not just teach, but to make learning meaningful. When I became a principal in Catawba County, Mrs. Blackburn had retired from teaching, but served on the county school board. She still remembered me and talked about the joy of having me in her class. She encouraged me and was a source of support. Mrs. Blackburn has now retired from the school board. I keep up with her through Facebook. She still comments on pictures that I post and does the same with the many students she has taught. Betty Blackburn’s influence and impact did not stop after the time spent in her classroom. I still receive her encouraging words through social media. She is still loved and adored by so many of her former students, including me.

‘He Brought Us Into His Own Journey as a Student’

From matthew henry.

I was a junior in high school. Flint, Michigan. My math teacher that year was Sven Anderson who ultimately influenced my path to become a teacher. Sven had a relaxed classroom approach that made even the most math-anxious student feel at ease. His calm, nurturing demeanor was completely infectious in the classroom. One thing in particular about him that struck me was that he brought us into his own journey as a student. At the time, he was doing graduate work at the University of Michigan. As we struggled in his class, he told about his graduate class struggles — but not in the condescending and finger-wagging “oh, you think you have it hard?” way that other teachers did. Instead, he let us see him as a human being, and not the facade of the infallible adult that so many other teachers created over my years. That, and his laid back personality created a sense of interdependence in his classroom — like we were all in things together, just at different levels of skill and complexity. That ability to connect to students on a human level has guided my own teaching practice — always stay grounded and don’t be afraid to let students see and know the person behind the facade.

‘They Believe That All Students are Capable of Success’

From catie acitelli.

I taught high school math for six years prior to coming back to NC State to pursue a PhD in mathematics. And during my six years teaching in the Charlotte area, I worked alongside the most incredible educators. The math department at Providence High School was (and still is) doing great work. They work well together to deliver exceptional educational experiences to students of all backgrounds; they meet students where they’re at and push them to realize their potential; they support students in their extra curricular activities and get to know students as individuals; they believe that all students are capable of success, and they treat everyone with that respect. The math team at PHS left a great impression on me, as I am constantly encouraged by them as educators.

‘He Worked Tirelessly to Ensure the Success of His Students’

From jana hunter.

My high school agriculture teacher was a truly extraordinary educator. He worked tirelessly to ensure the success of his students, his school, and his FFA chapter. He saw my leadership potential and gave me the opportunity to serve as chairman for our Parliamentary Procedure team — a role that led my teammates and I to compete at the National FFA Convention this October. Three years later, I have also chosen to pursue a career in agricultural education — a decision that I never would have considered without the unmatched influence that this educator had on my life.

‘She Has Always Believed in Me and Has Always Been a Strong Influence in My Life’

From brittany kennon.

My fourth grade teacher Mrs. Dana Bottomley was an extraordinary educator for me and she continues to be extraordinary for her students today. She was always organized and on top of everything, she put together really fun lesson plans, she was always in a positive mood, and she always encouraged us to do our best. She has always believed in me and has always been a strong influence in my life. I consider her to be one of my greatest role models. She’s a really close friend of mine now and we stay in touch. She even has been to a lot of my family events, like my Baptism a few years ago! I think what makes her stand out from the rest of my teachers is her love for not only me but for all of her students and how she is always supportive of us even outside of the classroom. She was my teacher almost ten years ago and she still holds that special place in my heart.

‘She Instilled a Deep Love of Reading and Learning in Me That Never Really Left’

From whitney white.

The most extraordinary educator I ever had was my first-grade teacher at Union Elementary School in Shallotte, NC. Her name is Amy Watkins, and she instilled a deep love of reading and learning in me that never really left. All throughout my K-12 education, when I thought about what I wanted to do with my life, I knew I wanted to be a teacher like Ms. Amy. She taught us how to take pride in ourselves, how to work together, and how finding just the right book can take you to another dimension.

I had many other amazing teachers who taught more rigorous content than what I learned in Ms. Amy’s class, but none of that compared to the love and nurturing that she provided. It was because of her that, as a teacher, I understood why developing relationships was so essential.

The best part is, I still see Ms. Amy every time I go home to visit my family — and I still remind her of what a difference she made in my life almost 30 years ago.

‘She’s So Caring and Shows Kindness in Every Aspect’

From andreas jordan.

My teaching as a profession teacher, Mrs. McClannon has impacted my life in so many ways because she’s so caring and shows kindness in every aspect. She checks in with her students everyday and constantly gets to know us personally. She shows extraordinary compassion to her teaching and helps you when you need it! Now that’s an extraordinary educator!

‘She Connected With Us as Learners. More Importantly, She Believed in Us. She Believed in Me’

From cris charbonneau.

My younger kids asked me if I had class pets in school – as in a dinosaur. According to my third and fifth grader, the best teachers are the ones that have class pets. I dug out a picture of my third grade class picture. Looking at our class photo made me laugh. There I was: sandwiched between a bunny and a chicken. Funny, right? But it was the perfect visual description of my class.

My third-grade teacher passed away. Clara Barefoot Sehorn. That was her name. And as third graders, you can imagine the smirks and the giggles when we learned her middle name. But she didn’t care. She was proud of her name; her heritage; who she was. At a time when, as seven and eight year olds, we were just learning about the world outside our own backyards, and for me, a first-generation Filipino living in a very homogenous community, she helped us embrace our differences. Learning and working with others was a lesson that I’ve kept with me all through life.

Our classroom smelled a bit earthy. The window sills were lined with drying clay pinch pots. Paint brushes saturated with purple, green, and yellow glaze were soaking in the sink. In the back, was our beloved “Nest” – a reading corner piled with big pillows and books, inviting for any student to read, or rest our eyes, or, as Ms. Sehorn always encouraged us, to sit in the nest and “day dream something wonderful, then bring it to life.”

We kept a chicken that laid eggs, incubated them and hatched them. We documented it all. We fed them from droppers and learned about the cycle of life and where our food comes from.

Ms. Sehorn was different from the other teachers in the building. Lessons didn’t seem timed. The entire day seemed to flow. We’d take walks along the path in between the school and the neighboring property where they kept horses. Thistles lined the path. Mount Saint Helen’s ash was still present. We picked up earth worms, potato bugs, dug up rock, clay, dirt, and soil. We composted and created our own garden. Everyone contributed. Every student felt a sense of ownership: a sense of pride in the things we dreamed up and created.

That spring, President Ronald Reagan was assassinated … or so we worried. Our classroom gathered and watched in horror the news reports on the big roll-in tube-TV on a cart. There were very few TVs at our school, but Ms. Sehorn insisted the importance of understanding what had happened. She was emotional. She was concerned. She talked about the importance of the office of the President; I remembered she said, “Even if I don’t agree with him, I respect the position of leadership.” She talked about guns and mental illness. Ms. Sehorn was honest and forthright. She took every moment to help open up our minds, consider the facts, learn to voice our thoughts, and formulate an opinion.

I remember her beautiful smile; her energetic voice; her quick movements throughout the room. I can still feel the twinkle in her eye when she saw the spark in mine. Ms. Sehorn created a spark of curiosity with her experiential learning environment. She encouraged a creative spirit and desire to shine with bright colors amongst a sea of gray. She connected with us as learners. More importantly, she believed in us. She believed in me.”

‘They Not Only Made Math Bearable for Me, but Helped Me to Gain an Appreciation and Enjoyment of the Subject’

From beth gehringer.

Because there are too many extraordinary educators that have impacted my life, I have to choose the two that gave me the greatest appreciation for learning. Two of my high school math teachers not only made math bearable for me, but helped me to gain an appreciation and enjoyment of the subject. Not only that, but because they impacted me so much, it has encouraged me to do the same for others, therefore why I am choosing to pursue a career in education.

‘She Has a Huge Heart for Education and That Showed in Every Single Thing She Did and Said’

From jade smith.

Carol Pope is one of the educators that stands out most to me when I think back on my time at NC State in the Middle Grades Ed program. She’s the most patient educator. She was always able to make her teaching relatable, ensuring that we had real life experiences because there is no teacher like first hand experience. She planned for us to put our practice into real life by partnering our class with a middle school class at Centennial Campus Middle School. She always gave us constructive criticism in a way that made us want to grow and learn and be better teachers. She has a huge heart for education and that showed in every single thing she did and said.

‘I Hope to Become an Educator in a Student’s Life That He Was for Me’

From nicole renwick.

Coach Starr has been the most extraordinary educator in my life! He was a first grade teacher and my high school cross country coach! Over the years, Coach Starr is become a second dad for me! With my parents being divorced and my dad not always supporting me in cross country and my decision to pursue a career in education, having Coach Starr in my life was one of the biggest blessings! One of the most meaningful memories I have of Coach Starr is after a high school cross country meet when my dad pulled me out of the meet so I couldn’t run and I left the meet in tears because being a part of the cross country team was one of my favorite things about high school and I felt like I had let my team down. However, that night he called me to make sure I was okay and ensured me that I had not let the team down, that it was out of my control, and the team was there to support me through the challenge I was dealing with!

Coach Starr has also been the biggest supporter of me choosing a career in education. I have called him for countless interviews on what it means to be a coach and a first grade teacher, has provided me with my entire future classroom library of over 500 books, and he frequently checks up on how my field placement is going.

After I graduate in a few short months, I hope to become an educator in a student’s life that Coach Starr was for me! I hope to put relationships first and be my student’s biggest supporters!

‘I Can’t Thank Her Enough for the Care and Support She Provides Each and Every Student’

From samir patel.

When I was an undergrad in the College of Education, I had many different professors that truly cared for our growth. One professor that stood out the most was Dr. Edgington.

Dr. Edgington stood out the most because of her passion and commitment to making sure her students could become the best teachers they possibly could. You could tell that every detail that went into a lecture was on purpose and throughout. The classes were engaging and interactive and you actively felt like you were learning.

The experiences I had in Dr. Edgington’s class are the ones that I’ll carry over to any career that I take. I often still use these experiences and insights currently in grad school. I can’t thank Dr. Edgington enough for the care and support she provides each and every student.

‘He is a Visionary, Child Advocate and Does What is Best for Students’

From debby woodard.

My extraordinary educator is Dr. Rodney Peterson. Dr. Peterson is a visionary, child advocate and does what is best for students. When my son was transitioning from 5th grade to 6th grade he was moving from his home school to Dr. Peterson’s school. At his home school based on the bias recommendation of a 5th grade teacher he was recommended for remedial math classes. Dr. Peterson met with my son and looked at his test scores and ability. My son was placed in an Advanced Math Course. Dr. Peterson said give him a chance to show you what he can do. Because of that decision and Dr. Peterson taking a chance on my son he is now a Dual Major of Forensic Biology and Criminal Justice at Western Carolina University and possibly a Law Degree at Campbell University. He earned a Pharmacy Tech Certification so he could work as as a Pharmacy Tech during college. Dr. Peterson was the person who said, “Give him a chance to show you what he can do and believed in my son.” I will forever be grateful to Dr. Peterson. Without Dr. Peterson my son’s journey would be so much different. I thank GOD for placing Dr. Person as my son’s principal and owe part of his success to the forward thinking by Dr. Peterson.

‘She Provided an Outlet for Me to Express How I Was Feeling’

From amy choi.

The extraordinary educator in my life was my ninth grade English teacher, Ms. Gilliam. At a time in my life when everything seemed so confusing and scary, she provided an outlet for me to express how I was feeling through our daily journals that we would write in little composition books and she would always respond back to me. It wasn’t just that it was feedback on my writing but it was that she was actually reading what I was going through and hearing me. It didn’t feel so lonely when I knew that Ms. Gilliam was reading and understanding me. I took this trait with me through the years and now I am a history teacher and I also have my students write daily journals, usually reflections, and I always make sure to make personal, individualized comments to each student on their work. All high schoolers want is to be heard. I am thankful to Ms. Gilliam for showing me that.

‘I Am Truly Humbled by all the Opportunities That Our Professors Provide Us With’

From nada wafa.

I really enjoy working with our amazing professors and educators at the College of Education. As a research assistant, I am truly humbled by all the opportunities that our professors provide us with. I’ve recently worked on preparing the event, Dessert with Democracy, with an amazing educator, professor, mentor, and friend, Dr. Paula McAvoy. It’s been a true honor working with her. It was a very fulfilling experience knowing that we had done something so wonderful and so great in allowing others to navigate through dialogues and discussions about contemporary issues happening in the US. I look forward to continuing to work alongside wonderful educators in our College of Education.

‘Her Commitment to Developing the Next Generation of Community College Leaders is Apparent’

From ashley swing.

The faculty of the Adult and Community College education program have been excellent and has provided a lot of great hands-on experiences for our cohort. My chair, Dr. Audrey Jaeger, is especially amazing and always available to help and suggest. She really takes the time to connect with her students and help as often as needed. Her commitment to developing the next generation of community college leaders is apparent.

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  • extraordinary educators
  • philanthropy
  • teacher preparation

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Editor’s Note: As I wrote in Part One, our minds are obviously on COVID-19, not on our favorite teachers. I’ve curated many useful resources about coping with school closures at The Best Advice On Teaching K-12 Online (If We Have To Because Of The Coronavirus) - Please Make More Suggestions! and will soon be publishing a series of posts here where teachers will be sharing their experiences in this new environment (see Do You Want to Write About Your Experience Teaching Online After School Closures? ). Please consider contributing your thoughts.

In this time of crisis, reading and thinking about non-coronavirus topics can be a welcome diversion now and then. I put thinking about and reading about our favorite teachers into that “welcome diversion” category.

Today, Antoinette Perez, Cindy Garcia, Kathleen Neagle Sokolowski , Shaeley Santiago , Rita Platt , Jen Schwanke, and Barry Saide offer their memories of their favorite teachers.

“Words of affirmation”

Antoinette Perez is currently a high school ELA and ELD teacher at Buena High School in Ventura, Calif. She also works as a language and cultural instructor to adult ELLs. She enjoys cooking, watching baseball, and traveling around the world to visit her former international students:

As educators, we tend to think back and reflect on the teachers who made a difference in our lives. Some of those teachers pushed us to do our best and some of them were powerful enough to make us believe we could do anything. I can remember quite a few teachers who had a gift for teaching and continue to influence my instruction today.

My favorite teacher and one who made all the difference in both my personal life and in my career was my 7th grade reading-intervention teacher. Like many adolescents, I wasn’t fond of reading, mostly because I couldn’t relate to the stories we read or understand many of the concepts we read about. I struggled and I fell behind grade level in reading. Much to my dismay, I was pulled out of my English class a few days each week to complete a reading-intervention program with Mrs. Gustafson. I remember her classroom being comfortable, welcoming, and safe. And Mrs. Gustafson was all of those things, too. She created engaging lessons that helped me access complex concepts and make connections. She created a learning environment where taking risks was encouraged. No matter how wrong I was at times, she gave me credit for trying. Her words of affirmation showed me that she believed in me. She rewarded what I did well. I learned to love my small-group instruction because it catered to my individual needs. Mrs. Gustafson saw me as an individual rather than as a number. She cared, and it showed. I knew that I wanted to be like her and one day make a difference in students’ lives.

It’s not too often we get to thank our favorite teachers for what they’ve taught us, but it’s less often that we get to learn from them for longer than one school year. I consider myself fortunate to have had the chance to be a student of Mrs. Gustafson’s once again more than 10 years after she first opened my eyes to the true gift of teaching. In the final semester of my teacher-credential program, I went out on a limb and registered for a course instructed by a familiar name: Shelley Gustafson. I thought it could just be a coincidence that two people in Long Beach, Calif. had the same name, but I was hopeful. And when I walked into that classroom to a familiar face, I knew I was getting in to the right profession. Fighting back the tears, I began to tell her who I was when she interrupted, “Nettie, I remember you!” I thanked her for believing in me, for inspiring me to continue learning, and for showing me that teaching is a gift that keeps on giving. Much of who I am as a teacher today stems from both what I learned from Mrs. Gustafson 20 years ago as a middle schooler and almost a decade ago as a teacher-in-the-making.

Making connections

Cindy Garcia has been a bilingual educator for 14 years and is currently the district instructional specialist for P-6 bilingual/ESL mathematics in the Pasadena Independent school district (Texas). She is active on Twitter @CindyGarciaTX and on her blog:

When I think about Ms. Anita Moore, I always smile and think about how fortunate I was that she was my 4th and 5th grade teacher. It was evident even to a 9-year-old that Ms. Moore loved being a teacher. She had high structures in her classroom, but it was a safe place where we were encouraged to share, think, and express ourselves. All of her students knew that she cared about us learning and our well-being. Ms. Moore never let us give up if we were stuck, and she worked with us until we figured out a solution.

One of the memories that always stuck with me was Ms. Moore conducting a read-aloud and starting to cry because the main character in the story reminded her of her grandmother. She paused to share about her relationship with her grandmother and made the connection as to how that relationship was helping understand the main messages in the story.

Ms. Moore tried her best to make a connection with each student in her classroom. She knew what are interests were and about our families. She used that information to bring our interests into the classroom. One of the biggest reasons that Ms. Moore will always be my favorite teacher is because she helped my love of reading grow. She made books of various genres available in our classroom and to take home. She suggested books that she thought we would enjoy, and today I realize that it was books that she hoped would get us hooked!

Ms. Moore also went beyond classroom instruction. She decided that our school should have a choir and that all of her students should audition. If not for her initiative, I would never have participated in this type of extracurricular activity. She was known to drive alongside students as they walked home if they were walking home alone and their homes were a bit too far from school. When it was time for the annual 5th grade weekend camping trip, my parents refused to let me attend the trip. Ms. Moore came to my home to talk to my parents to persuade them to let me attend. I was still not allowed to go, but it was amazing to me that a teacher would visit my home in order to help me be part of a school tradition and take part in the experience with my classmates. Ms. Moore was a wonderful example of a caring teacher who worked very hard to help her students learn and feel successful.

“He made me see things about myself that I never realized”

Kathleen Neagle Sokolowski is a 3rd grade teacher in Farmingdale, N.Y. She previously taught 6th grade and kindergarten. Kathleen is one of the co-authors of the Two Writing Teachers and the co-director of the Long Island Writing Project. She blogs at Courage Doesn’t Always Roar:

I’ve had so many wonderful teachers through the years that have helped shape my life. One teacher who especially stands out in my memory was Mr. Patrick Gallagher. Mr. Gallagher was my AP U.S. History teacher in high school, and he was also one of the advisers of Key Club, a service club in which I was a member and an officer.

Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Though Mr. Gallagher was my teacher over 20 years ago, I remember that he made me feel like I was special. He made me see things about myself that I never realized. He encouraged me as a student leader and told me that he saw me as an inclusive person who always tried to welcome others into a situation. He showed that he believed in me, and I wanted to live up to his good opinion of me.

On days when I feel a little lost or low, I still pull out the letter of recommendation he wrote on my behalf for a scholarship for which I applied. It’s been so many years, but those words have the power to make me once again feel worthy and capable.

From Mr. Gallagher, I learned to shine a light on students’ strengths and help them see the special qualities they might not know they have. I look for ways to tell students all the good I see in them, in writing, so they, too, can look back someday and remember that a teacher saw in them a bright student with so much potential.

Encouraging creativity

Shaeley Santiago is an English-learner strategist for the Ames Community school district in Ames, Iowa. She has also served as an ESL instructional coach and a secondary ESL teacher in both Ames and Perry, Iowa. She is a big fan of social media for teachers; you can follow her on Twitter at @HSeslteacher :

My favorite teacher was my 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Judith Best. From the first day of class, it was clear she incorporated new ideas and instructional strategies to improve her practice. She was an engaging teacher who provided choice in her lessons, advocated for her students, and cared about us as young people.

At the beginning of the school year, Mrs. Best asked us to decorate the name tags for our desks. She provided the parameters for the assignment but left the specifics up to us. Unlike most of my classmates, I decided on an elaborate pattern where each letter of my name was colored differently from the next. I wasn’t discouraged from this unusual approach or forced to rush to complete my work. Instead, Mrs. Best encouraged my creativity on a type of task that today might be viewed as a waste of valuable classroom time. In any case, the project allowed me to explore an idea I had while helping Mrs. Best get to know me better.

One of my all-time favorite units in school was a multiweek social studies simulation in Mrs. Best’s class about settlers moving to the Midwest. We drew a card to be assigned our “family” and its circumstances. Then each day in class, someone would roll the dice to determine the weather and other daily events in the simulation. We had to make choices ranging from buying food to upgrading our property. My family was the deJongs, and we farmed a small acreage just outside of town. While I knew a little about farming because my grandparents were wheat farmers, the responsibility of making choices for my “family” and then experiencing the simulated consequences of those decisions over time taught me some valuable life lessons. We also learned about how a community might work together to support each other through difficulties such as natural disasters.

I also still vividly remember Mrs. Best incorporating drawing as a method for helping us develop the lesser-used hemisphere of our brains. She had taken a course where she’d learned about the technique, so she explained some of the research behind it to us. Then she asked us to draw with our nondominant hand. We did activities like this several times during the school year. Looking back now through my own lens as a teacher, I admire that she was applying what she had learned from her course. As her student, I knew from her own efforts to improve and her explanation about why we were doing what we were that she had my best interests at heart.

Mrs. Best also advocated for me to be evaluated for the gifted program. She had seen qualities in me that suggested I would benefit from opportunities for extended learning. Although my standardized-test scores weren’t high enough to automatically qualify me for the program, she still argued that I should participate with another student from my class. Her belief in me and my abilities was a boost for my self-confidence at a time when adolescence and all its awkwardness was fast approaching.

Although I had no plans at that point in my life to be an educator, Mrs. Best’s approach to teaching has had an impact on my beliefs about quality instruction. I believe strongly that engaging students through creative, real-world activities and choice in assignments is essential for maximizing learning. I also strive to stay current in my teaching practice by applying the techniques and research I learn about through professional development. Finally, my path in middle and high school was directly impacted because Mrs. Best advocated on my behalf for access to the gifted program. As her name so aptly conveys, she was my best teacher.

Being “nonjudgmental”

Rita Platt (@ritaplatt) is a national-board-certified teacher and a proud #EduDork! Her experience includes teaching learners of all levels from kindergartner to graduate student. She is currently the principal of St. Croix Falls and Dresser Elementary Schools in Wisconsin, teaches graduate courses for the Professional Development Institute, and writes for MiddleWeb:

My 10th grade driver’s education teacher wore her hair in a curly puff. She wore bright pink lipstick, colorful scarves, mini skirts with rainboots, and was never without a smile. At the start of class, she stood by the door and welcomed her students. When the hour was up, she stood by the door and said goodbye with this line, “Have a great day! If you ever want to hang out, stop by! I always have hot tea and oranges ready for a visit!” My 10th grade driver’s education teacher’s name was Rita Refner. Mrs. Refner was (is?) wonderful.

Over the years, I have often reflected on why I loved Mrs. Refner so much and why her class (driver’s ed, of all things!) inspired me to become an educator. In the end, I think it boils down to how she carried herself and how she treated me.

Mrs. Refner embodied some the character traits that I now recognize as aligned with my own core values . She was nonjudgmental, friendly, funny, encouraging, and completely and totally comfortable with herself.

When I met her, I was what we called, an “Ash Streeter.” It was 1983, and at that time, students were allowed to smoke outside of the school, and I was often found on the front steps of the Ash Street entrance of the high school with a cigarette in hand. In those days (and now, if I’m honest), I marched to the beat of my own drum. I dressed different from other kids (think June Cleaver but with neon pink pumps and punkish blond streaks in black hair.) I skipped classes as frequently as I attended them, and my grades were low. But, I was kind to others, reasonably smart, and liked to laugh. Mrs. Refner saw that. She treated me with a respect that I wasn’t used to from teachers, and I reveled in it.

Mrs. Refner wasn’t joking about the tea and oranges. I know because I often stayed after class to hang out with her over a cup of chamomile and half an orange. We chatted about all kinds of things and found out we had much in common. Chief among them was that we had both suffered from the behavior of people who were alcoholics. Mrs. Refner had lost her husband when a drunk driver crashed into his car, and I was raised by alcohol- and drug-addicted parents who often fell short in the good-parenting department. The combination of her friendly, kind, and nonjudgmental manner allowed me to open up to her in a way I had never opened up before.

Once I opened up, Mrs. Refner encouraged me to use my experiences to reach out and make a difference for others. She encouraged me to attend Alateen , a support group for teenagers who are affected by alcoholism. When that didn’t feel like a good fit for me, together we devised a plan to develop and coordinate a Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD) club in the high school. Being a part of that club helped me learn that I was a capable leader and my efforts could help others.

When I think of Mrs. Refner, what stands out most clearly was her willingness to be unapologetically herself. Mrs. Refner put on no airs, showed no pretense, had no need to be “normal.” She, like me, was different and she wore her differences like a name tag that said, “I’m ME! And, you will like me!” What a powerful example she was.

More than 30 years after I met her, I still think of her often and am grateful for the gifts she gave me. I don’t smoke anymore, and there is no Ash Street entrance at the school where I am the principal. But I do wear that invisible name tag that says, “I am ME!” and I work daily to be as nonjudgmental, kind, funny, encouraging, and completely comfortable in my own skin. Thank you, Mrs. Refner.

Trauma should not be a “lonely” thing

Ms. Jen Schwanke has served as a teacher and administrator at the elementary and middle school levels for 20 years. She has established her voice in school leadership by contributing frequently to literacy and leadership publications and has presented at multiple conferences at the state and national level. She is the author of the book, You’re the Principal! Now What? Strategies and Solutions for New School Leaders , published by ASCD:

The year I entered 3rd grade, my parents’ farm was in the grips of a drought that dried up the entire Midwest. My father’s hay crop withered and died. With no hay to sell, there was no money. With no money, there was no food. We were a family of six. I was very hungry for quite some time.

My father grew sullen and silent, my mother sad and defiant. Though it would be many painful years before they would finally divorce, the drought years were the worst because the farmhouse seemed to be waiting for something—thunder, lightning, heavy rain, a big fight, something to happen.

As kids do, I soldiered on, not having words or systems to manage anything otherwise. My sisters reacted similarly. We did not discuss it. At the dinner table, we gulped at my mother’s home-canned green beans, supplemented with fruit cocktail from Dollar General. We dipped saltines in water, better to swallow with our choked throats. When school started, I packed three apples for lunch every day, because there were plenty in the cellar: towers of bushel boxes full of Macintosh, bought at the Bargain Bin for a song. Kids made fun of me in the cafeteria, and I hissed at them: “Shut up. It’s just that I love apples.”

Early in November, Miss Troutman pulled me aside. She gave me two gifts. The first was a ham sandwich. The second was a journal.

I don’t know how she knew. Perhaps it was my bony legs and dirty, too-short jeans. Perhaps she saw the apples. Maybe she just guessed. Regardless, she found a way to help without humiliating me or making me talk about my breaking heart. She offered dignity and kindness that still makes me swoon with gratitude. “Silly me,” she said. “I accidentally made an extra sandwich this morning.”

With it, she handed me a beautiful black leather journal, thick with pages of unlined white paper. “You don’t need to show it to me as you write. It can be private. Your very own.” I’d long wanted to journal but didn’t have a special place to do it. When there is no money for ground beef, there is certainly no money for journals. I took it home and began experimenting as a poet, a writer, an artist, a dreamer—a little person who could imagine a better ending to the story.

Miss Troutman made many accidental sandwiches that year, fluffy white Wonder Bread stuffed with chipped ham and slathered with delicious, oily mayonnaise. She would slip it into my lunch box when no one was looking.

These days, we are discussing children and trauma more openly and honestly. We are legitimizing how it feels to be a very young person who is scared, sad, sorry, and ashamed, a young person who still has to get up and wash her face and get on the school bus. We recognize trauma takes many forms—hunger, abandonment, physical pain, loneliness, fear, racism, and all sorts of other horrible, painful things—and kids all feel it and react, differently. Trauma is not, and should not be, a lonely and secretive thing. People—kids—often want to deal with it alone, but they may need someone to notice, and teachers are often the ones to do just that.

Facebook recently reconnected Miss Troutman and I; in a private message, I thanked her for her kindness. She was gracious, humble, and gentle, just as I remembered her. “It’s rare that I can still see the 10-year-old in the face of one of my students,” she wrote, “But I can see your young self in your pictures. Except I see peace and confidence now. I’m glad about that.”

I told her my young face is still there, in me, because she helped me preserve it.

“A daily structure”

Barry Saide is the proud principal of Roosevelt School, in Manville, N.J. Prior to becoming principal, Barry was a director of curriculum & instruction, supervisor of curriculum & instruction, and elementary classroom teacher. This is his 20th year in education:

My favorite teacher when attending school was my elementary school teacher Mrs. Pace. She looped with us from 3 rd through 5 th grades. Her consistent presence and approach each day provided comfort for me. I was an anxious learner, uncomfortable with change, and quiet in disposition. Rarely did I raise my hand, offer a suggestion, or ask a question. I didn’t want to stand out in any way possible. I would rather sit there, potentially soak all the learning in, and hope that if I didn’t understand something that one of my peers would ask that question. If one didn’t, I would go home and count on my mother or father to assist me. If that didn’t happen, I didn’t learn it.

Though I was quiet and painfully shy (on a 1 to 10 scale I was an 11), because Mrs. Pace provided a daily structure, reviewed the classroom expectations each day, solicited input from us to build future lessons and units, and got to know us individually, I was able to grow beyond my own self-imposed limitations. Mrs. Pace spent a portion of each day with each of us, reviewing what our accomplishments were and setting our goals for the following day. She knew I was a strong writer, avid reader, and struggling mathematician. She built opportunities within lessons for me to read aloud my free-writes and favorite reading passages and others to share their strengths, too. When I became a teacher, I realized she did this to foster a community of learners—students who would feel comfortable knowing their peers were a resource they could go to when they needed support, suggestion, or guidance on a topic. That communal, inclusive feeling was the overarching goal I created each year in the classroom when I became a teacher.

My formative years with Mrs. Pace as my teacher taught me many of the concepts within my philosophical approach to human-centered education I used as a teacher. Now as an administrator: getting to know each individual, coaching people from their strengths, continually raising expectations slightly based on prior accomplishments (and providing the support to achieve those expectations), and accepting every person for who they are by seeing who they could be with support and guidance is who I strive to be. Without my 3 rd through 5 th grade years, that doesn’t happen.

Thanks to Antoinette, Cindy, Kathleen, Shaeley, Rita, Jen, and Barry for their contributions!

(This is the second post in a multipart series. You can see Part One here .)

The new question-of-the-week is:

Who was your favorite teacher when you were attending school, and why was she/he your favorite?

Part One shared responses from Elizabeth Villanueva, Jessica Levine, Betty Cárdenas, and Jenny Vo. You can listen to a 10-minute conversation I had with the four of them on my BAM! Radio Show . You can also find a list of, and links to, previous shows here.

Please feel free to leave a comment with your reactions to the topic or directly to anything that has been said in this post.

Consider contributing a question to be answered in a future post. You can send one to me at [email protected] . When you send it in, let me know if I can use your real name if it’s selected or if you’d prefer remaining anonymous and have a pseudonym in mind.

You can also contact me on Twitter at @Larryferlazzo .

Education Week has published a collection of posts from this blog, along with new material, in an e-book form. It’s titled Classroom Management Q&As: Expert Strategies for Teaching .

Just a reminder; you can subscribe and receive updates from this blog via email or RSS Reader. And if you missed any of the highlights from the first eight years of this blog, you can see a categorized list below. The list doesn’t include ones from this current year, but you can find those by clicking on the “answers” category found in the sidebar.

This Year’s Most Popular Q&A Posts

Race & Gender Challenges

Classroom-Management Advice

Best Ways to Begin the School Year

Best Ways to End the School Year

Implementing the Common Core

Student Motivation & Social-Emotional Learning

Teaching Social Studies

Cooperative & Collaborative Learning

Using Tech in the Classroom

Parent Engagement in Schools

Teaching English-Language Learners

Reading Instruction

Writing Instruction

Education Policy Issues

Differentiating Instruction

Math Instruction

Science Instruction

Advice for New Teachers

Author Interviews

Entering the Teaching Profession

The Inclusive Classroom

Learning & the Brain

Administrator Leadership

Teacher Leadership

Relationships in Schools

Professional Development

Instructional Strategies

Best of Classroom Q&A

Professional Collaboration

Classroom Organization

Mistakes in Education

Project-Based Learning

I am also creating a Twitter list including all contributors to this column .

Look for Part Three in a few days....

The opinions expressed in Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications.

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The Power of Teachers: The Opportunity to Shape Lives

George Lucas offers ideas for preparing educators for their all-important role.

The title conveys the highest responsibility of adults towards children. Apart from my parents, my teachers have done the most to shape my life. From kindergarten through college, their struggle -- and it was a struggle -- to help me grow and learn was not in vain. And I greatly appreciate their efforts.

There is no more critical need in our society today than preparing teachers who know their subject matter well and who understand the social and emotional needs of students. After decades of classifying or transporting students, or changing the textbooks and the tests, we now understand that the most active ingredients in improving schools are the knowledge and skills of our teachers. Education is now arriving at the same conclusion as other fields, such as business, medicine, the media, and the military: Investing in professional development should be the number one priority.

As schools of education and educational agencies move to develop a profession of teaching for the future, our Foundation hopes that greater emphasis will be placed on teachers:

  • spending more time, earlier in their student teaching, in direct contact with students in classrooms.
  • guiding students to use technology to find the latest information, assess its validity, and communicate with experts.
  • presenting curriculum that is both rigorous and integrated -- addressing, for instance, both history and science, as James Burke's Connections television series did so well.
  • understanding that students' attitudes and emotions need nurturing in the learning process. It's about their hearts, as well as their minds.

Investing in teachers and supporting their learning are the keys to improving our schools. We believe that teachers should themselves be learners because the current state of content knowledge, as well as our understanding about how to teach, improves constantly.

Those of us who make motion pictures are also teachers: teachers with very loud voices. But we will never match the power of the teacher who is able to whisper in a student's ear.

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How My Teacher Influenced Me

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Published: Nov 15, 2018

Words: 694 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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Essay on My Teacher

List of essays on my teacher in english, essay on my teacher – essay 1 (300 words), essay on my teacher – essay 2 (400 words), essay on my teacher – essay 3 (500 words), essay on my teacher – essay 4 (750 words), essay on my teacher – essay 5 (1000 words).


Teachers are the ones who play a very vital role in shaping our future. From the Pre-Kinder Garden to your Post-Doctoral fellowships, they teach, impart knowledge, share ethical values, and imbibe morality, thereby shaping our personality as a strong one.

My Teacher:

Throughout our lives, we will be having many kith and kins who will hold a special place in our hearts. For me, one such person is my teacher. All of us, for sure, will definitely agree to the fact that the kinship between us and our kinder garden teachers could not be well-defined. I like my nursery teacher, so much. There is something very magical about her. Maybe, she was the first teacher in my life or maybe, she was very sweet in talking to all of us, I am unable to portray why she is always my favourite. I relied on her blindly.

Unforgettable Memories:

I have some cherished memories with my teacher. Whenever I think of those memories, it makes me blissful. On the last day of my nursery school, I started crying at the very thought of leaving her and having a new teacher. I had fallen sick due to crying for hours together. I skipped my food. My parents were not able to do anything. They called for her to make me feel better. My teacher travelled a few miles across the city and reached the hospital. She, then, said that she would never forget any of her students and asked me to write to her. I started writing to her every week from then on and she replied to every letter of mine. Till date, I look at my teacher as my second mother and she guides me in all my difficult situations.


Having a good teacher who can share an amalgamated relationship with the students is a boon. A good teacher should be a good mentor, a philosopher, a guide, a friend and above all a surrogate parent to the children. I am lucky that I had gotten one in my lifetime.

My favorite subject is English and my most favorite teacher is Chitra Ma’am. She teaches us English. She likes me a lot and appreciates my hard work. She joined our school one year ago. Before that, I was not so good at English. But after attending her classes, we have all become much better at this subject.

I like her for many reasons. First of all, she teaches the lessons in a very interesting way. Even when we have doubts or questions, she never gets upset with us. Her best quality is her loving nature. She would come to school daily without missing a day.

Her dressing sense is nice. She wears simple salwar suits. She always speaks to her students softly and respectfully. I eagerly wait for her class and do my English homework on time. Chitra Ma’am puts a lot of effort in explaining every chapter.

There are many activities given at the end of every lesson and she makes us participate in all of them. Not only that, but she also encourages us to take part in drama and poem competitions. Since her first day, she made a rule for us.

All of us has to speak in English during the English period. Every student tries to talk in English even if the sentence sounds improper. She has taught us to never laugh at each other’s mistakes. This has improved our spoken English in a great way. Now, we are able to talk in English with more confidence.

Another great quality of hers is that she treats every child equally. After explaining the lesson to us, she asks each one of us different questions about the chapter. Sometimes, we also love to talk about our personal lives, like what do we like about our lives, how our parents work hard for us, and things like that.

When we get confused or need an emotional support, she is the best person to talk to. Her advice and suggestions are always positive. Last month, on teacher’s day, all the students wished her and brought presents for her. We also sang a song to her.

I made a beautiful greeting card for her and a red rose with it. She accepted it with a smile and thanked us for everything. I feel grateful to have such a gentle and great teacher in my life who supports me in every way.

In school, you tend to interact with a lot of people who can either impact your life positively or negatively. A teacher is one neutral person who will manage to strike a balance between the positive and the negative. Teachers have a huge responsibility that we students may not understand. All in all our teachers try their best to provide an education, guidance and discipline despite the challenges we might impose on them. The life of a student is entirely dependent on a teacher because most of their time is spent in school rather than with parents that is why teachers play a major role in shaping the lives of young children through school.

Who Is my favourite Teacher?

I have several teachers now that I am in high school but there is only one whom I can relate to as “the teacher” because of the impact he has made in my life. The teacher is male, of Indian origin and has a funny accent when he speaks. He is married and has three children. Actually, one of his children is my age and I know him through tennis practice because he comes to train with us sometimes. I like him because his sense of humor gives a good learning experience for the students. He is a math teacher and he is very good at what he does. Students tend to make fun of him because of his accent but he make fun of it himself, which gets even funnier. This teacher has been a great mentor to me and other student ever since we joined high school. I met him on a personal level one day after class when I needed clarification on a topic I had not quite understood. The teacher was kind to me and guided me through it. Since then, he took his own initiative to do follow-ups on me and I became really good in math due to his efforts.

Coincidentally, he also coaches my tennis team and we meet out on the field. We have won several awards as a tennis team under him. I feel connected to the teacher through his mentorship and he has become like a school parent to me because whenever I have an issue, he is free to help me out.

How the teacher has impacted my life in school .

Mentorship goes along way depending on the approach used. When I first joined high school, I did not have much confidence in myself. This teacher mentored me and made me believe in myself. The good thing is the attention he gives t is students because most of the times, he follows up on the performances and ensures that he does everything he can to help students improve academically. He has also been a role model to me through his way of doing things. He is dedicated to his work and he is an achiever. Through following his footsteps, I have been able to dedicate myself into studies and sports, which has helped me to achieve my goals.

In conclusion, good teachers are hard to find but when you find one, make the most out of them.

The word “teacher” depicts a person that teaches. English dictionary defines teacher as “a person who teaches, especially one employed in a school”. A more recent definition of teacher in the linguistics field is “a tutor that interacts with the learners in order to facilitate good learning”.

Types of Teachers

Old method teachers: the teachers found under this method adopt the rigid mode of impartation of knowledge. They control the class the way a king would rule over his subjects. Old method teachers are less concerned about the welfare of their learners, they are syllabus-oriented.

New method teachers: the tutors under this model are student-oriented. They are more concerned about their learners and their various levels of understanding. They accept and promote contributions in class unlike the old method teachers. New method teachers encourage the inquisitiveness of their students.

Attributes of a Teacher:

A standard teacher has all or most of the various characters imbedded in them:

  • Compassionate
  • Open-minded
  • A good counselor
  • Friendly and most importantly
  • Approachable.

Attributes of My Favorite Teacher:

Personally, I see my teacher as a mini-god because he leaves his mark on me. He influences my life in ways that enables me affect changes wherever I find myself.

He is a perfect example of the new model teachers. Basically, he is student-oriented. In the classroom, he employs the Eclectic mode of teaching (this is the combination of all the modes of teaching “discussion mode, play way mode, role play mode, question mode” so as to facilitate standard learning).

He comes into the classroom; starts the lecture with a recap of what was discussed in the previous class, gives room for the students to ask questions that arose from the last class, answers them and then starts a new topic.

To start a new topic, he starts with a mind-capturing introduction that attracts the attention of all students. Once he is through with introducing the topic, he gauges our reaction in order for him to know if his students are on the same page with him or left behind.

Then, he moves on to the discussion mode of teaching, whereby he throws questions to his students and accommodates both relevant and irrelevant answers, at the end of this model, he sieves through the answers provided, pick the relevant ones and add his own iota to it, he also always applaud the courage of all who answers his questions.

He moves either into the role play method or the play way method, here he selects students to either act out the lessons from the day’s topic or summarizes what he has taught for the day. The use of this particular mode enlightens the students more on the topic being discussed.

Finally, he moves over to the questions and revision mode, where he personally go through all he has taught over the course of the period. During this mode, he entertains questions from students on their personal areas of difficulties. Occasionally, he gives assignments to back up his teachings.

During his teachings, he pays close attention to the expression, mood, sitting posture and carriage of his students. This tells him when his students are lost, sad, worried, hungry, sick, away in dream land or simply tired.

Once he is done processing the information gotten from our faces, he either finds a way of brightening the mood of his students, bringing them back from the dream world, or ending his class without breaking his stride or alerting the whole population of students to what is currently going on.

It is only normal for a human being to reflect his mood whenever he is talking or interacting, but my teacher hardly ever allow his bad, horrible moods interfere with his teachings.

Outside the classroom, my teacher is approachable, fatherly, and jovial. He entertains all and no one is excluded from his open arms, smiles and affections.

He is a good counselor who is always ready to help me out of my tight corners. He gives twenty first century advises in a fatherly way.

Although, due to my teachers lenient ways with students, some students tend to be lazy, disrespectful, stubborn or rude. He has a way of being firm, maintaining class control while teaching.

In conclusion, my teacher has all the attributes and more of a new method teachers. He is capable of combining all modes of teaching, he is compassionate, passionate, and friendly. From my interactions with him, I can confidently say that he is one of the best teachers around.

A teacher plays a very important life in shaping your life as well as career. A good teacher is a blessing for the students in their early years and helps them understand the world; learn moral values along with education. Most importantly, a teacher helps you the art of survival and brings out the best of you.

Why a teacher is so important in a student’s life?

Teachers assume the essential job in our life to end up fruitful invocation and business. A decent teacher encourages us to end up great individual in the general public and great nation of the nation.

Teachers realize that students are the eventual fate of any country. So the future advancement of any country is in the hands of teachers. What we move toward becoming in life is relies upon teachers. Teachers confer the information and data in the mind of understudies to dissect. Investigating in the circumstance what is conceivable is the most essential thing that we gain from teachers. Energy about teachers is imperative since they are the most essential individuals in the nation. What we’re seeing today in business, legislative issues, and society all influenced by teachers. In this way, in India, we commend teacher’s day consistently on 5 September on the event of the birth Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

My Teachers, My Role Models

During my formative years, I have come across many teachers who have influenced my life for the better. Having being studies in a convent school, I got to face a much-disciplined environment during my school years. The teachers, although were very polite in their behaviour, at the same time ensuring that we all followed a disciplined life. We were taught how to inculcate these values in our daily life so as to be better human beings when we grow up and face the world. Although all the teachers were good, there is one teacher whose teachings I just cannot forget. She is Ms Kirti Bhushan. Her teachings have been so powerful and impactful that I can still feel them during my day to day decisions even today.

My Best Teacher

Ms Kirti was my class educator as well and took participation in the daily activities with us as well. She was a strict instructor anyway extremely amusing and mind in nature. At the same time, she was extremely restrained and dependable. She did her work perfectly with the class at a perfect time without getting late. I liked her, particularly as she attempted simple approaches to show us beneficial things. We made the most of her class. She taught us English subject as well. She even made us giggle by telling heaps of jokes in the middle of when she taught. She likewise managed us exceptionally well amid any school or between school rivalry of the move, sports, scholastic, and so on. She instructed us to share things in class among our associates, for example, lunch or other required things.

Her Background

She was from Varanasi and completed her initial studies there itself. She took her higher education degrees from the Banaras Hindu University. She was extremely friendly and kind in nature. She realized well about how to deal with little youngsters in the class. Her one of a kind style of educating is perhaps what I mostly recall her for. I even meet her at times at whatever point I have to explain some intense inquiries of my day to day issues, she advises me so easily and comfortably. She looks extremely savvy with shimmer eyes and fair hair.

Her Smiling Attitude

She generally smiled when she entered the classroom and first got some information about our prosperity. She additionally helped us in the games at whatever point our games instructor was missing. She had a smiling face even during the strict environment during the examination times. She constantly rebuffed to the students who were with fragmented home works. She was acclaimed for making loads of fun amid the class time and ensure there was a positive ambience all around.

She was an instructor with great aptitudes of educating, well-disposed nature, great comical inclination, understanding and nice. I am proud to be one of her favourite students, as she always said good things about me to other teachers. At times she gave us chocolates on doing great in the class tests and exams. She never gave us heaps of assignments at home. She was exceptionally eager and constantly spurred us for doing our best in the examination.

Teacher’s In Today’s Scenario

Today the general population are changing and their reasoning and advancement thoughts are more against nature. Presently for the world, a teacher is only a teacher. Various offices and departments only tend to remember them on teachers day during various events and usually do not remember them otherwise. Individuals also share few posts via web-based networking media with respect to teachers and after that just forget them. Individuals overlook a bigger number of things that they are gaining from teachers. Schools and students also praise the teacher’s day event and value the endeavours teachers are doing. This is incredible if individuals ought to pursue the exercises of teachers also.

The genuine present for teachers is when students turn into a decent individual, effective in their vocation and business. Not all teacher are great in instructing and comparatively, not all students resemble “Shishya and Guru” particularly in the advanced period. A few teachers are incredible and they are dependable in heart of students all life along.

Students admire teachers for counsel and direction. Students are inspired by scholastic exercises as well as they are intrigued to pursue their life exercises. That is the reason it’s exceedingly essential for teachers to motivate students to pursue great propensities not terrible by their own precedent. An instruction is critical in everybody’s life and assumes different jobs in various phases of life. It’s imperative that individuals understand the significance of teachers and pursue their teachers in the right spirit.

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The Best Teacher I Have Ever Had in My Life

My teacher Dr Barrymore has a few good and bad points. He is the best teacher I have ever had. Here are a few aspects of his teaching methodology and personality that I am going to critique on.

He has a way of making people shut up

There are lots of teachers in my school who are not able to control the class. Some are able to make people quiet for a little while, but most times they are just pushing the whim of the students who are already too tired to be noisy. Dr Barrymore is able to wield a certain amount of influence over the children so that they behave and will be quiet whilst the lesson is going.

He explains thing twice but in different ways

It really bugs me when teachers explain things twice because it is obviously just another trick they are taught on training days to try and bang information into our heads and it has to be one of the stupidest things ever. It is like the TV shows that keep repeating the same crap like we smoke so much weed that we forgot what happened a few minutes ago. Dr Barrymore is good because he explains it once and then later explains it again in a completely different way. He explained evolution in terms of bean seeds and in terms of how we are all taller now than we were in the early 1800s.

He sets work on the same day every week

Not only this, but he gives us two weeks to finish our work, which is amazing because you can have two projects running at the same time and rest safe in the knowledge that at least one of them is due over a week away. He sets the work at the same time every week like all the teachers are supposed to do, but the others do not. The others set assignments when they have got all of their stuff sorted out. I hate having to check my school diary to know when work needs to be done, but with Dr Barrymore I don’t need to do that.

He tells funny stories with his lessons

It is as if he looks at a curriculum and decides to get to the funny side of it when he does. It is like he recalls funny stories so that he can segue us into the new topic whilst we are laughing about it. The craziest thing is also that most kids now look forwards to his lessons. It is also easier to remember the stuff he segues into because we remember the funny story about it; like how I didn’t know a large enough electrical charge could cause explosions until he told us the story about the metal spanner and car battery.

All in all, Dr Barrymore scores perfectly on every aspect. He is a great teacher and worthy of awards. Throughout the entire critique I could not think of a single thing that he did wrong.

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Importance of Teachers in our Lives

Are you looking for an essay or speech on the topic of the importance of teachers in our lives? Here is an essay you can use or even convert into a speech for teachers day.

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teachers in my life essay

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A good article showing the importance of teachers in the Society. It is generally accepted that teaching is the best profession. At the same time the question is can we consider teaching as a profession. In fact a teacher is sharing his knowledge to others. In olden days a teacher was referred as "guru". The disciple stay in the house of the Guru and help in the household works. Guru reach the shishya whenever he is free. Actually involving in the household works of Guru itself is a part of teaching. After a year or more the Guru will assess the shishya and based on practical tests he allows the shishya to go home. As mentioned in the above article this type of teaching was followed in Ayurveda system of medicines. The students come and stay in the house of expert Ayurveda practitioners for years together. Personally, I know this since my maternal grand father and uncles were expert Ayurveda physicians. Three or more shishyas used to stay at a time in the house and study the subject. No fees were collected from them. At the same time they were having their meals and other things just as members of the house. They assisted the grand father in all his needs associated with the treatments of his patients. Whenever grandfather was free there would be theory classes. Now things have changed the school-college system have come up. Gurus became teachers and teaching became a profession. Students have connection with the teachers only through the classroom teaching. Only some of the teachers keep in touch with the students after class hours. In a school or college there are scheduled timing and after that they disburse. In the olden guru-shishya set up no timing was there. Shishyas kept moving with the teacher and throughout that period teaching takes place. Now the teaching is a profession and the teachers are paid for their work. Even the school teachers are well paid (at least in Kerala). College teachers are having the UGC patterns of payment. On a personal note, I was a teacher throughout my career period (35 years) in two different Universities. I am only happy to state that my students, even years after my retirement, contact me if my help is needed. Among my students many are highly placed. There are Vice chancellors, IAS officers, Directors of various Central and State Institutes, Scientists and Professors, etc. I feel that teaching the best profession compared to any other profession.

A nice article bringing out the importance of the teachers in our life. During our student life we look up to our teachers for guidance and when we are impressed with the teachings of a particular teacher, we remember him for lifetime. Though all the teachers deserve our respect but we remember only those who were extra ordinary in their profession. Some of them are very good in teaching and we need not to struggle to understand the subject ourselves. In earlier times, teachers were sincere and did not commercialize their talents. At that time we used to go even to their houses if we had some doubt in any of the subjects. They were our real mentors and guides. A good teacher is a great motivator and can inspire his students to any level. He will see that his students should be successful in life and progress significantly. This is the reason that the students of such devoted teachers also pay them great respect.

I think it is because of our teachers that today we can think ourselves as academic or learned in whatever little capacity we could take from those knowledge banks. Good teachers are the most adorable things in our life. I remember when I was doing my graduation we had a lot of confusions in understanding the concepts in psychology. One of our psychology professor was very learned and was never impatient with our questions. He used to explain the things in different ways until we were satisfied. I salute such sincere and devoted teachers in our educational institutes.

I strongly believe that it takes more than just the subject knowledge to be a good teacher. A good teacher is born out of a desire to teach, not out of a desire to earn big. A good teacher will always have the capability to see in every student, the uniqueness and talent in its raw form. Ideally, a teacher's role is to identify the causes which are hindering student's learning process and find ways and means to eliminate them. Teacher should understand that every student have equal potential to prosper, with minor hiccups.

It is a very well written article. Importance of teachers in the lives of students and the entire nation is worth mentioning. They are the pillars of our society. Every teacher wants his/her students to succeed with flying colours. A great teacher is the one who gives that extra push to the students. This simple push itself offers the encouragement and changes everything. Three aspects that are influenced by a great teacher are education, guidance, and inspiration. Teachers are the life changers- Teachers do make a difference in the lives of students. A great teacher can completely change the lives of students. Great teachers not only enrich the minds of students with academic knowledge but form a soul to soul connection with students. They not only inspire their students to do well in academic studies but reach them on to many different levels. They want their student's well-being irrespective of whether they are inside the classroom or outside. This kind of intense bond formed between students and teachers influence student's lives on multiple levels. This relationship not only helps them to succeed in exams but bring overall success in life. The teachers can sometimes become role models in the lives of students. A role model is a person who inspires and influences the entire life. They provide encouragement and this kind of encouragement helps students to reach for greatness. They help students to bring out the best in them. When the best is shown to them, they start living to their complete potential. Certain teachers are much more than tutors. They are committed to excellence and perfection. This is why we look at our role models to seek guidance. Anybody can become a role model. However, teachers can prove to be life-moulding role models in student's lives.

The author has incorporated all the salient features essential to be successful in the teaching profession. However, we can see a slight departure in the ways the teachers are involved currently as compared to the earlier norms where their sole objective was to impart education without considering the hefty gain by way of involvement in teaching. The teachers in the classes were curious enough to raise the standard of each and every pupil of his class. They were the role models because their involvement in the teaching reflected their inherent patience and interest to uproot the subject related confusion of their students but now that missionary zeal of the teacher's community seems to be on the decline because of huge commercialisation of the teaching profession. Though Internet can serve the purpose of alleviating the doubts cropping up in the minds of the pupils, the websites offering lessons on various topics cannot replace the inputs provided by the dedicated teachers engaged with the selfless service. Hope the entire community of the teachers would stimulate the minds of the pupils for the better grasping of the subjects. They should behave like true motivators in changing the attitude of their pupils.

A good article and my appreciations to the author for his excellent presentation. A teacher will be the builder of tomorrow's nation. A person's attitude may affect his personal life and to a large extent his family. But a teacher's attitude will affect the whole society. The teacher is teaching today to a professor of tomorrow, a doctor of tomorrow, a Prime Minister of tomorrow and he is teaching all types of people. I feel the teachers who teach us in our primary classes will have a greater role in our lives. When we start going to school we are very immature and we don't know the world. The teacher will introduce the society to us. So his teachings will get registered in our mind and they will impact us more in our lives. That is why people say it is easy to handle a plant but not a tree. My salutations to all the teachers who are responsible for my today's position in my life. We came through primary school to University with many places in between and in this journey we were lucky enough to have the teachings of various teachers and they are all responsible for what we are today. Without their inspiration and interference, we might not have achieved this success. Sadasiva Smarambham, Sankaracharya madhyamam, asmadacharya paryantam, Vande guruparaparam. ( Starting with Lord Siva and then Sankaracharya in the middle and up to my teachers, so many gurus and I salute all of them).

Who can deny the role of teachers in one's life? Even during the days when formal education was not accessible to all, there were teachers or Gurus to everyone in one way or another; one form or another. Our ancient system was of Gurukula, a variant of today's residential schools. The students stayed with the teacher. So it was education all the twenty-four hours or whenever the teacher and students were together. A very relevant Sanskrit verse about education says " Aachaaryaat paadam aadathe...." (The teacher gives one-quarter of the education.) It is the first quarter. Each of the three following quarters is effective based on this first quarter. As our formal education years are also the time when our character is being formed and molded, the teachers have a great role and influence on our character formation also. It is the teacher who opens our eyes of knowledge to the large world. A teacher is not just an initiator, but a stirrer also. He helps us to churn the knowledge and instills a sense of scientific analysis and self-learning also. Teachers really can make or mar a person, a society and a nation.

Awesome stuff. Please keep writing more articles like this. I really like the fact you went so in deep on this and really explored the topic as much as you can. I read a lot of blogs but usually, it's pretty shallow content. Thanks for upping the game here!

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English Aspirants

My Favourite Teacher Essay in English [100, 120, 150, 200, 250 Words]

My Favourite Teacher Essay in English: Teaching is a noble profession. We all have our favourite teachers in life. In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph or an essay on my favourite teacher in English.  Here, we’ve provided 5 essays or paragraphs on this topic (100, 120, 150, 200, and 250 words). This article will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

My Favourite Teacher Essay: 100 Words

Rajkumar sir is my favourite teacher. He teaches us English in our school. He has a smiling face. He is truthful and honest. He explains his lessons in a very simple and nice way. He is a punctual and disciplined teacher. He gives full attention to each and every student. He tells us interesting stories from time to time.

Rajkumar sir is like a teacher who motivates us to do well in our studies regularly. He never gets angry when we make mistakes. He tries to solve all our queries. He teaches us good habits and moral values. He is a nation builder. Such ideal teachers are the pride of a nation.

My Favourite Teacher Essay in English

My Favourite Teacher Paragraph: 120

My favourite teacher is Riya madam. She teaches us Science as a subject. She has a unique way of teaching. She gives examples from real life situations to make his lessons interesting. She is the master of her subject. She uses question answer method and enables the pupils to discover things for themselves. I used to be very weak in science. But due to his teaching, I improved a lot in science. She keeps perfect discipline everywhere. She advises us to follow the path of truth and goodness. She works with a sense of devotion and dedication.

Along with studies, she teaches us good ethics and moral values to develop our personality. Her life lessons provide us the strength to deal with any kind of problem in our lives. I am grateful for having such a teacher in my life.

paragraph on my favourite teacher in English

Also Read: 10 lines on My Favourite Teacher

Essay on My Favourite Teacher: 150 Words

The teacher I like most is Raman sir. He is the teacher of mathematics in our school. From the first day, all the students in the class felt very close to him because of his friendly behaviour with all of us.

He is polite and sweet natured. He is very hard-working. He loves his youngers and respects his elders. He himself is a model of good conduct. He guides us on the right path in order to make us useful and sensible citizens.

The subject of mathematics seemed very complex and difficult to me from the beginning. But he explained mathematical problems, geometry, everything so easily that I started to get very good marks in mathematics. He makes mathematics so interesting to us.

What particularly attracted me was his wide knowledge and keen interest in diverse matters. He wants his children to learn with understanding. He does not depend only on bookish knowledge. He, sometimes, also takes us out for a visit to some interesting places. A teacher, like him, could be seldom found. He shall remain an inspiration to me.

my teacher essay and paragraph

Essay on Favourite Teacher : 200 Words

In course of my student life, I came across many good teachers. Amongst them were brilliant scholars and great teachers. But in Sri Pankaj Mukherjee, I found not only a teacher with all the good qualities but also a friend, a philosopher and a guide. Although he loved everyone, I was his favourite student. Untiring in his zeal, he had great love for all students even the naughty ones. He was never unhappy even for a moment.

Though English was his favourite subject, he was equally strong in other subjects too and could go on giving notes on them with equal ease. He explained everything so lucidly that all the subjects he taught proved to be interesting. His doors were always open to us. He sympathised with us whenever we were in difficulty. He was a strict disciplinarian but he had a soft corner for all of us.

He also encouraged us to take part in sports and games and even participated in certain games with us. In short, he was more than a teacher to us. I admire him and still remember him because he was an ideal teacher in all respects.

Also Read: My School Paragraph in English

My Teacher Essay/Paragraph: 250 Words

Sh. M.P. Sharma is my favourite teacher. He teaches us English. He is our class teacher too.

He wears simple clothes. Generally he wears pant and shirt. But in winter he wears coat and pant. He looks very smart in his dress. He wears leather shoes. They are always bright.

He is M.A, M.Ed. in English. He is an expert teacher. He is the master of his subject. His teaching method is very easy and unique. Everyone praises his teaching method. Every student understands it easily. He explains all the lessons slowly so that all the students can understand the lessons well. No one make any trouble in his class. Even the most mischievous student in the class listens to his lectures carefully. If a student faces difficulty to understand any topic, he explains it to him at a different time after the school holidays.

He has many qualities. He believes in simple living and high thinking. His nature is very fine. He loves every student. He is very honest. He is sincere to his duty. He is friendly to all. To him work is worship. He has high character. His thoughts are always high. He inspires his pupils to conduct themselves well in life.

He is a true and ideal Guru for me. He is the nation builder in true sense. This is why I like him very much.

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Essay on My Ambition in Life to Become a Teacher

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Ambition in Life to Become a Teacher in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Ambition in Life to Become a Teacher


Life is about striving. Everyone has an ambition to achieve something in life. My life’s ambition is to become a teacher.

Reason for Choosing Teaching

The reason I want to become a teacher is because I love the idea of making a difference in a child’s life. Teachers shape the future of the nation by nurturing young minds.

Role of a Teacher

Teachers not only impart academic knowledge but also help in moral and ethical development. They are the guiding light in a student’s life.

In conclusion, my ambition to become a teacher is driven by my desire to contribute to society.

250 Words Essay on My Ambition in Life to Become a Teacher

My ambition in life is to become a teacher, a noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual. The urge to impart knowledge, to mold young minds, and to contribute to society fuels this ambition.

The Power of Education

Education is a tool that can change the world, and teachers are the catalysts. They are the ones who kindle the flame of curiosity, instilling a thirst for knowledge in young minds. As a teacher, I aspire to inspire students to explore the world around them, to question, and to learn.

The Role of a Teacher

A teacher is not just an instructor, but a mentor, a guide, and a friend. They help students to navigate the complexities of life, to understand the world, and to find their place in it. I wish to be that beacon of light for my students, guiding them towards knowledge and wisdom.

Contribution to Society

By becoming a teacher, I aim to contribute to society by nurturing the future generation. I believe that the values, ethics, and knowledge that I impart to my students will help them to become responsible and compassionate citizens.

In conclusion, my ambition to become a teacher stems from a deep-rooted passion for education and a desire to make a difference. I am determined to work tirelessly towards this goal, knowing that the fruits of my labor will be seen in the success of my students.

500 Words Essay on My Ambition in Life to Become a Teacher

From a young age, I have always been drawn to the idea of shaping minds and influencing the future through education. This lifelong aspiration has culminated in my ambition to become a teacher, a beacon of knowledge and a guide for the young learners. The role of a teacher extends beyond imparting academic knowledge; it involves molding character, instilling values, and inspiring a lifelong love for learning.

A teacher’s influence is profound and far-reaching. They not only impart academic knowledge but also help students understand the world around them, develop critical thinking skills, and foster creative expression. Teachers are also instrumental in inculcating values such as respect, empathy, and integrity, which are crucial for personal growth and societal harmony. They have the power to ignite curiosity, encourage exploration, and spur innovation.

The Joy of Teaching

Teaching is not just a profession; it is a passion, a calling. The joy of teaching lies in the ability to make a difference, to stimulate young minds, and to see students grow and evolve. There is a profound satisfaction in witnessing the transformation of a student from a passive listener to an active learner, from a follower to a leader. The joy of teaching also lies in the continuous learning that it entails. As a teacher, one is constantly learning, evolving, and growing along with the students.

My Motivation

My motivation to become a teacher stems from my belief in the transformative power of education. Education is not merely about acquiring knowledge; it is about holistic development, about empowering individuals to realize their potential and contribute positively to society. I believe that as a teacher, I can play a pivotal role in this transformative journey. I am inspired by the idea of shaping young minds, of sparking curiosity and creativity, and of instilling a love for learning that lasts a lifetime.

My Vision as a Teacher

As a teacher, my vision is to create an inclusive, stimulating, and nurturing learning environment. I aim to foster a culture of curiosity, where questions are encouraged, and every answer leads to new questions. I envision a classroom where learning is not a one-way process, but a collaborative and interactive journey. I aspire to be a guide, a mentor, and a friend to my students, helping them navigate the complexities of knowledge and life.

In conclusion, my ambition to become a teacher is driven by my passion for education, my belief in its transformative power, and my desire to make a positive impact on the lives of students. I am excited about the opportunity to shape minds, inspire dreams, and contribute to the creation of a more enlightened and compassionate society. As a teacher, I look forward to being a part of the journey of discovery, exploration, and growth that education entails.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on I Want to Become a Teacher Because
  • Essay on A Class Without a Teacher
  • Essay on The Teacher I like Most

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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The 10 Most Important Qualities of a Good Teacher, According to Real Educators

This is what it takes to succeed in this challenging career.

Qualities of a Good Teacher: Build relationships with kids and families. Be firm but fair. Show patience and compassion. Be flexible.

It’s a standard teacher interview question : “What do you think is the most important quality of a good teacher?” While everyone has a different answer, there are some that come up more often than others. We asked a group of experienced educators and administrators to share their thoughts on the key qualities of a good teacher. Here’s what they had to say.

1. Patience

teachers in my life essay

This was far and away the most commonly mentioned characteristic by educators in our survey. “Patience can be used in virtually every situation,” says high school ELA teacher Ann Cox. “If a teacher is able to remain calm, consider others’ point of view, and think through scenarios, they will be able to navigate just about anything that comes their way.”

She continues: “Patience helps teachers not to react in the moment when students are off task, disrespectful, etc. It’s also helpful when dealing with angry parents so you don’t say or do something you might regret later. And patience is definitely needed when sitting through meetings and professional development sessions!”

For ELA teacher Kenly CG, patience means “paying attention to each student’s needs and showing that you care about your students’ learning.” UK special school teacher Sarah Brown also advises “remaining calm, listening and observing students’ needs, repeating instructions, and modelling again when necessary.”

Learn more: 7 Ways To Cultivate Patience at Calm

2. Empathy and Compassion

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These two traits were a close second behind patience when we asked about the qualities of a good teacher. “They have to know you care before they can learn from you,” explains middle school teacher Samantha Wheeler. As a special ed teacher from New York notes: “You have to teach the child before you can teach the curriculum.”

“Empathy is a constant exercise in stepping outside of yourself and your perspective to see the children you teach for who they are,” notes Indiana preschool teacher Maile C. Quinton. “Contact talks. Get down on the same level as a child, listen to what they say, and emphasize their shared feelings by validating them. Don’t try to silver lining everything—you can validate a situation, a moment, an emotion without condoning a behavior or a problem. Empathy isn’t sympathy.”

Learn more: Cultivating Empathy at American Psychological Association

3. Flexibility and Adaptability

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Being open-minded to change is critical in this field. So many of the educators we surveyed agree with this North Carolina ESL teacher: “There is nothing constant in teaching. Good teachers have to be able to adapt to the changing needs of students, to new administrators, new curricula, new colleagues, and new technology.”

“With so many different needs from students and parents, teachers need to be flexible to accommodate and meet students where they are at,” says elementary school counselor Lisa K, while high school English teacher Nicole P. adds, “There are often times where you need to think on your feet, so being flexible is important to go with the flow in different situations.”

Elementary special ed teacher Brianna Vuori sums it up like this: “We can only begin to predict what the future will hold and with that what we need to prepare students for, so adaptability is critical to being able to survive and thrive in this ever-changing profession.”

Learn more: Teachers, To Succeed, It’s Important To Be Flexible at EdWeek

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Teaching can be a tough gig, and you’ll need to be dedicated and passionate in order to thrive. “Passion is what drives us forward and what sees us through rough times,” emphasizes ELS department head Katerina T. “It is the driving force behind every lesson plan or decision we make and what lies at the foundation of life-changing relationships with our students.”

“Teachers that have passion will always find a way to meet the demands of the job,” says Florida teacher Jamie Cabaniss. “Teachers can lean on their passions when feeling frustrated and burnt out. Passions are what reignite us to get back in the classroom to teach our hearts out.”

Preschool teacher Christina H. couldn’t agree more. “You have to have a love and passion for what you are doing,” she declares. “Teaching isn’t just ‘teaching.’ It is also being a second mom (or dad), a counselor, a referee, a nurse, and so much more. To wear these many hats, you need to love what you are doing. You also need to love your students to help them succeed. Loving them on their best and worst days is what will make you successful.”

Learn more: 5 Ways Educators Can Grow and Sustain a Passion for Teaching at NSHSS

5. Kindness

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Over and over again, educators emphasized kindness as one of the most important qualities of a good teacher. “We are in the business of teaching human beings. We must teach them to be good people,” stresses Adam Peterson, Illinois music teacher and tutor.

Tina Jones agrees: “Teachers need to be kind, caring, compassionate and understanding. In our world today, with kids getting so much information and misinformation via social media, children need examples of those qualities more than ever.”

Learn more: The Case for Professional Kindness in Teaching at Teacher magazine

6. Collaboration

teachers in my life essay

“Good teachers need to be able to give ideas, ask for help, share, and communicate with coworkers and families,” advises one Washington second grade teacher. “Be able to take suggestions, offer help, and not take things personally.”

Teachers regularly have to work collaboratively, and not just with their fellow colleagues and administrators. Developing strong, collaborative relationships with parents and families is vital. To succeed in this field, you need to learn to work well as part of a team.

Learn more: The Importance of Teacher Collaboration at American University School of Education

7. Professionalism

teachers in my life essay

It probably feels like professionalism should be a given in any job, but it’s one of the most important qualities of a good teacher because you need to gain and maintain the respect of students, families, and administration. “Some days are going to be frustrating, discouraging, and stressful,” warns an Ohio 7th grade science teacher, “but you need to remain professional by staying calm and encouraging and being a good mentor for your students.”

Learn more: The Five P’s of Professionalism in Teaching at Grand Canyon University

8. Sense of Humor

teachers in my life essay

There’s no doubt about it, teachers do best when they have a sense of humor. “Laughing at yourself is a great relief, and laughing with children builds trust with them,” says Maile C. Quinton. Find ways to bring humor into your classroom, and you’ll find that students relax and learn a little more easily. (Plus, it’s much easier to deal with the small daily annoyances of teaching when you learn to laugh them off!)

Learn more: Engaging Students With Humor at Association for Psychological Science

9. Open-Mindedness

teachers in my life essay

“Be open to learning from more (and even less) experienced teachers, and open to trying out new teaching and classroom management methods,” recommends middle school ELA teacher Abigail Perry.

“We are building relationships with a diverse student population,” notes Cheryl Rizzo, a middle school ELA teacher. “This can be a source of stress or create divide. However, with an open mind, it can create new opportunities or a chance to grow. Teachers are open-minded when they allow students to have a voice and take an active part in their education.”

Part of being open-minded means demonstrating a willingness to grow and a dedication to growth mindset. According to a literacy coach from North Carolina: “This job requires constant reflection, learning, and growth.”

Learn more: How To Be Open-Minded and Why It Matters at Very Well Mind

10. Resilience

teachers in my life essay

Marilyn Weber, a retired principal from Massachusetts, names this as the quality she looked for in a good teacher. “In order to navigate the world of education with all its related constituencies and responsibilities, an educator needs to be knowledgeable, flexible, an impeccable communicator, and should be able to withstand all the highs and lows of what comes their way and needs to be accomplished,” she states. She added that educators must be able to “do so without allowing any of that to shake their confidence and resolve in order to do what’s best for their students.”

That’s a tall order! Fortunately, Andrea Perry, a certified coach for educator well-being, has some advice. “Develop emotional intelligence. It’s critical for keeping our calm and being proactive, not reactive. This supports the teacher not only in serving their students well but also helps them remain joyfully in the profession as well.”

Learn more: How To Be Resilient at Work at Positive Psychology

More Qualities of a Good Teacher To Consider

These qualities of a good teacher didn’t make the top 10, but they’re definitely worthwhile attributes for every educator to cultivate:

  • Inclusive mindset: “There is such a huge stigma against disabilities and it is often hushed away, which creates shame. All children are general education first and receive special education services second. Build a classroom community with respect by explaining differences to students and celebrating everyone’s strengths. True inclusivity helps all students grow, not just the students in a special education classroom. True inclusivity should help you as a teacher grow.” —Katie M., Functional Life Skills Teacher
  • Love for all children: “A good teacher must truly like kids, even the naughty ones. Too often teachers only seem to like the ‘good’ kids or the ones from ‘good’ families. They attribute the student’s behavior to something personal or bad about them. Instead, those are the kids in whom we need to diligently look for the good.” —Kathryn Roe, retired educator and administrator
  • Love of learning
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Hopefulness
  • Imagination
  • Reliability
  • Knowledge of content and pedagogy
  • High expectations

What do you feel are the most important qualities of a good teacher? Come share your thoughts in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

Plus, the complete guide to becoming a teacher, from choosing a college to landing a job ..

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Eight brilliant student essays on what matters most in life.

Read winning essays from our spring 2019 student writing contest.

young and old.jpg

For the spring 2019 student writing contest, we invited students to read the YES! article “Three Things That Matter Most in Youth and Old Age” by Nancy Hill. Like the author, students interviewed someone significantly older than them about the three things that matter most in life. Students then wrote about what they learned, and about how their interviewees’ answers compare to their own top priorities.

The Winners

From the hundreds of essays written, these eight were chosen as winners. Be sure to read the author’s response to the essay winners and the literary gems that caught our eye. Plus, we share an essay from teacher Charles Sanderson, who also responded to the writing prompt.

Middle School Winner: Rory Leyva

High School Winner:  Praethong Klomsum

University Winner:  Emily Greenbaum

Powerful Voice Winner: Amanda Schwaben

Powerful Voice Winner: Antonia Mills

Powerful Voice Winner:  Isaac Ziemba

Powerful Voice Winner: Lily Hersch

“Tell It Like It Is” Interview Winner: Jonas Buckner

From the Author: Response to Student Winners

Literary Gems

From A Teacher: Charles Sanderson

From the Author: Response to Charles Sanderson

Middle School Winner

Village Home Education Resource Center, Portland, Ore.

teachers in my life essay

The Lessons Of Mortality 

“As I’ve aged, things that are more personal to me have become somewhat less important. Perhaps I’ve become less self-centered with the awareness of mortality, how short one person’s life is.” This is how my 72-year-old grandma believes her values have changed over the course of her life. Even though I am only 12 years old, I know my life won’t last forever, and someday I, too, will reflect on my past decisions. We were all born to exist and eventually die, so we have evolved to value things in the context of mortality.

One of the ways I feel most alive is when I play roller derby. I started playing for the Rose City Rollers Juniors two years ago, and this year, I made the Rosebud All-Stars travel team. Roller derby is a fast-paced, full-contact sport. The physicality and intense training make me feel in control of and present in my body.

My roller derby team is like a second family to me. Adolescence is complicated. We understand each other in ways no one else can. I love my friends more than I love almost anything else. My family would have been higher on my list a few years ago, but as I’ve aged it has been important to make my own social connections.

Music led me to roller derby.  I started out jam skating at the roller rink. Jam skating is all about feeling the music. It integrates gymnastics, breakdancing, figure skating, and modern dance with R & B and hip hop music. When I was younger, I once lay down in the DJ booth at the roller rink and was lulled to sleep by the drawl of wheels rolling in rhythm and people talking about the things they came there to escape. Sometimes, I go up on the roof of my house at night to listen to music and feel the wind rustle my hair. These unique sensations make me feel safe like nothing else ever has.

My grandma tells me, “Being close with family and friends is the most important thing because I haven’t

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always had that.” When my grandma was two years old, her father died. Her mother became depressed and moved around a lot, which made it hard for my grandma to make friends. Once my grandma went to college, she made lots of friends. She met my grandfather, Joaquin Leyva when she was working as a park ranger and he was a surfer. They bought two acres of land on the edge of a redwood forest and had a son and a daughter. My grandma created a stable family that was missing throughout her early life.

My grandma is motivated to maintain good health so she can be there for her family. I can relate because I have to be fit and strong for my team. Since she lost my grandfather to cancer, she realizes how lucky she is to have a functional body and no life-threatening illnesses. My grandma tries to eat well and exercise, but she still struggles with depression. Over time, she has learned that reaching out to others is essential to her emotional wellbeing.  

Caring for the earth is also a priority for my grandma I’ve been lucky to learn from my grandma. She’s taught me how to hunt for fossils in the desert and find shells on the beach. Although my grandma grew up with no access to the wilderness, she admired the green open areas of urban cemeteries. In college, she studied geology and hiked in the High Sierras. For years, she’s been an advocate for conserving wildlife habitat and open spaces.

Our priorities may seem different, but it all comes down to basic human needs. We all desire a purpose, strive to be happy, and need to be loved. Like Nancy Hill says in the YES! Magazine article “Three Things That Matter Most in Youth and Old Age,” it can be hard to decipher what is important in life. I believe that the constant search for satisfaction and meaning is the only thing everyone has in common. We all want to know what matters, and we walk around this confusing world trying to find it. The lessons I’ve learned from my grandma about forging connections, caring for my body, and getting out in the world inspire me to live my life my way before it’s gone.

Rory Leyva is a seventh-grader from Portland, Oregon. Rory skates for the Rosebuds All-Stars roller derby team. She loves listening to music and hanging out with her friends.

High School Winner

Praethong Klomsum

  Santa Monica High School, Santa Monica, Calif.

teachers in my life essay

Time Only Moves Forward

Sandra Hernandez gazed at the tiny house while her mother’s gentle hands caressed her shoulders. It wasn’t much, especially for a family of five. This was 1960, she was 17, and her family had just moved to Culver City.

Flash forward to 2019. Sandra sits in a rocking chair, knitting a blanket for her latest grandchild, in the same living room. Sandra remembers working hard to feed her eight children. She took many different jobs before settling behind the cash register at a Japanese restaurant called Magos. “It was a struggle, and my husband Augustine, was planning to join the military at that time, too.”

In the YES! Magazine article “Three Things That Matter Most in Youth and Old Age,” author Nancy Hill states that one of the most important things is “…connecting with others in general, but in particular with those who have lived long lives.” Sandra feels similarly. It’s been hard for Sandra to keep in contact with her family, which leaves her downhearted some days. “It’s important to maintain that connection you have with your family, not just next-door neighbors you talk to once a month.”

Despite her age, Sandra is a daring woman. Taking risks is important to her, and she’ll try anything—from skydiving to hiking. Sandra has some regrets from the past, but nowadays, she doesn’t wonder about the “would have, could have, should haves.” She just goes for it with a smile.

Sandra thought harder about her last important thing, the blue and green blanket now finished and covering

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her lap. “I’ve definitely lived a longer life than most, and maybe this is just wishful thinking, but I hope I can see the day my great-grandchildren are born.” She’s laughing, but her eyes look beyond what’s in front of her. Maybe she is reminiscing about the day she held her son for the first time or thinking of her grandchildren becoming parents. I thank her for her time and she waves it off, offering me a styrofoam cup of lemonade before I head for the bus station.

The bus is sparsely filled. A voice in my head reminds me to finish my 10-page history research paper before spring break. I take a window seat and pull out my phone and earbuds. My playlist is already on shuffle, and I push away thoughts of that dreaded paper. Music has been a constant in my life—from singing my lungs out in kindergarten to Barbie’s “I Need To Know,” to jamming out to Taylor Swift’s “Blank Space” in sixth grade, to BTS’s “Intro: Never Mind” comforting me when I’m at my lowest. Music is my magic shop, a place where I can trade away my fears for calm.

I’ve always been afraid of doing something wrong—not finishing my homework or getting a C when I can do better. When I was 8, I wanted to be like the big kids. As I got older, I realized that I had exchanged my childhood longing for the 48 pack of crayons for bigger problems, balancing grades, a social life, and mental stability—all at once. I’m going to get older whether I like it or not, so there’s no point forcing myself to grow up faster.  I’m learning to live in the moment.

The bus is approaching my apartment, where I know my comfy bed and a home-cooked meal from my mom are waiting. My mom is hard-working, confident, and very stubborn. I admire her strength of character. She always keeps me in line, even through my rebellious phases.

My best friend sends me a text—an update on how broken her laptop is. She is annoying. She says the stupidest things and loves to state the obvious. Despite this, she never fails to make me laugh until my cheeks feel numb. The rest of my friends are like that too—loud, talkative, and always brightening my day. Even friends I stopped talking to have a place in my heart. Recently, I’ve tried to reconnect with some of them. This interview was possible because a close friend from sixth grade offered to introduce me to Sandra, her grandmother.  

I’m decades younger than Sandra, so my view of what’s important isn’t as broad as hers, but we share similar values, with friends and family at the top. I have a feeling that when Sandra was my age, she used to love music, too. Maybe in a few decades, when I’m sitting in my rocking chair, drawing in my sketchbook, I’ll remember this article and think back fondly to the days when life was simple.

Praethong Klomsum is a tenth-grader at Santa Monica High School in Santa Monica, California.  Praethong has a strange affinity for rhyme games and is involved in her school’s dance team. She enjoys drawing and writing, hoping to impact people willing to listen to her thoughts and ideas.

University Winner

Emily Greenbaum

Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 

teachers in my life essay

The Life-Long War

Every morning we open our eyes, ready for a new day. Some immediately turn to their phones and social media. Others work out or do yoga. For a certain person, a deep breath and the morning sun ground him. He hears the clink-clank of his wife cooking low sodium meat for breakfast—doctor’s orders! He sees that the other side of the bed is already made, the dogs are no longer in the room, and his clothes are set out nicely on the loveseat.

Today, though, this man wakes up to something different: faded cream walls and jello. This person, my hero, is Master Chief Petty Officer Roger James.

I pulled up my chair close to Roger’s vinyl recliner so I could hear him above the noise of the beeping dialysis machine. I noticed Roger would occasionally glance at his wife Susan with sparkly eyes when he would recall memories of the war or their grandkids. He looked at Susan like she walked on water.

Roger James served his country for thirty years. Now, he has enlisted in another type of war. He suffers from a rare blood cancer—the result of the wars he fought in. Roger has good and bad days. He says, “The good outweighs the bad, so I have to be grateful for what I have on those good days.”

When Roger retired, he never thought the effects of the war would reach him. The once shallow wrinkles upon his face become deeper, as he tells me, “It’s just cancer. Others are suffering from far worse. I know I’ll make it.”

Like Nancy Hill did in her article “Three Things that Matter Most in Youth and Old Age,” I asked Roger, “What are the three most important things to you?” James answered, “My wife Susan, my grandkids, and church.”

Roger and Susan served together in the Vietnam war. She was a nurse who treated his cuts and scrapes one day. I asked Roger why he chose Susan. He said, “Susan told me to look at her while she cleaned me up. ‘This may sting, but don’t be a baby.’ When I looked into her eyes, I felt like she was looking into my soul, and I didn’t want her to leave. She gave me this sense of home. Every day I wake up, she makes me feel the same way, and I fall in love with her all over again.”

Roger and Susan have two kids and four grandkids, with great-grandchildren on the way. He claims that his grandkids give him the youth that he feels slowly escaping from his body. This adoring grandfather is energized by coaching t-ball and playing evening card games with the grandkids.

The last thing on his list was church. His oldest daughter married a pastor. Together they founded a church. Roger said that the connection between his faith and family is important to him because it gave him a reason to want to live again. I learned from Roger that when you’re across the ocean, you tend to lose sight of why you are fighting. When Roger returned, he didn’t have the will to live. Most days were a struggle, adapting back into a society that lacked empathy for the injuries, pain, and psychological trauma carried by returning soldiers. Church changed that for Roger and gave him a sense of purpose.

When I began this project, my attitude was to just get the assignment done. I never thought I could view Master Chief Petty Officer Roger James as more than a role model, but he definitely changed my mind. It’s as if Roger magically lit a fire inside of me and showed me where one’s true passions should lie. I see our similarities and embrace our differences. We both value family and our own connections to home—his home being church and mine being where I can breathe the easiest.

Master Chief Petty Officer Roger James has shown me how to appreciate what I have around me and that every once in a while, I should step back and stop to smell the roses. As we concluded the interview, amidst squeaky clogs and the stale smell of bleach and bedpans, I looked to Roger, his kind, tired eyes, and weathered skin, with a deeper sense of admiration, knowing that his values still run true, no matter what he faces.

Emily Greenbaum is a senior at Kent State University, graduating with a major in Conflict Management and minor in Geography. Emily hopes to use her major to facilitate better conversations, while she works in the Washington, D.C. area.  

Powerful Voice Winner

Amanda Schwaben

teachers in my life essay

Wise Words From Winnie the Pooh

As I read through Nancy Hill’s article “Three Things That Matter Most in Youth and Old Age,” I was comforted by the similar responses given by both children and older adults. The emphasis participants placed on family, social connections, and love was not only heartwarming but hopeful. While the messages in the article filled me with warmth, I felt a twinge of guilt building within me. As a twenty-one-year-old college student weeks from graduation, I honestly don’t think much about the most important things in life. But if I was asked, I would most likely say family, friendship, and love. As much as I hate to admit it, I often find myself obsessing over achieving a successful career and finding a way to “save the world.”

A few weeks ago, I was at my family home watching the new Winnie the Pooh movie Christopher Robin with my mom and younger sister. Well, I wasn’t really watching. I had my laptop in front of me, and I was aggressively typing up an assignment. Halfway through the movie, I realized I left my laptop charger in my car. I walked outside into the brisk March air. Instinctively, I looked up. The sky was perfectly clear, revealing a beautiful array of stars. When my twin sister and I were in high school, we would always take a moment to look up at the sparkling night sky before we came into the house after soccer practice.

I think that was the last time I stood in my driveway and gazed at the stars. I did not get the laptop charger from

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my car; instead, I turned around and went back inside. I shut my laptop and watched the rest of the movie. My twin sister loves Winnie the Pooh. So much so that my parents got her a stuffed animal version of him for Christmas. While I thought he was adorable and a token of my childhood, I did not really understand her obsession. However, it was clear to me after watching the movie. Winnie the Pooh certainly had it figured out. He believed that the simple things in life were the most important: love, friendship, and having fun.

I thought about asking my mom right then what the three most important things were to her, but I decided not to. I just wanted to be in the moment. I didn’t want to be doing homework. It was a beautiful thing to just sit there and be present with my mom and sister.

I did ask her, though, a couple of weeks later. Her response was simple.  All she said was family, health, and happiness. When she told me this, I imagined Winnie the Pooh smiling. I think he would be proud of that answer.

I was not surprised by my mom’s reply. It suited her perfectly. I wonder if we relearn what is most important when we grow older—that the pressure to be successful subsides. Could it be that valuing family, health, and happiness is what ends up saving the world?

Amanda Schwaben is a graduating senior from Kent State University with a major in Applied Conflict Management. Amanda also has minors in Psychology and Interpersonal Communication. She hopes to further her education and focus on how museums not only preserve history but also promote peace.

Antonia Mills

Rachel Carson High School, Brooklyn, N.Y. 

teachers in my life essay

Decoding The Butterfly

For a caterpillar to become a butterfly, it must first digest itself. The caterpillar, overwhelmed by accumulating tissue, splits its skin open to form its protective shell, the chrysalis, and later becomes the pretty butterfly we all know and love. There are approximately 20,000 species of butterflies, and just as every species is different, so is the life of every butterfly. No matter how long and hard a caterpillar has strived to become the colorful and vibrant butterfly that we marvel at on a warm spring day, it does not live a long life. A butterfly can live for a year, six months, two weeks, and even as little as twenty-four hours.

I have often wondered if butterflies live long enough to be blissful of blue skies. Do they take time to feast upon the sweet nectar they crave, midst their hustling life of pollinating pretty flowers? Do they ever take a lull in their itineraries, or are they always rushing towards completing their four-stage metamorphosis? Has anyone asked the butterfly, “Who are you?” instead of “What are you”? Or, How did you get here, on my windowsill?  How did you become ‘you’?

Humans are similar to butterflies. As a caterpillar

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Suzanna Ruby/Getty Images

becomes a butterfly, a baby becomes an elder. As a butterfly soars through summer skies, an elder watches summer skies turn into cold winter nights and back toward summer skies yet again.  And as a butterfly flits slowly by the porch light, a passerby makes assumptions about the wrinkled, slow-moving elder, who is sturdier than he appears. These creatures are not seen for who they are—who they were—because people have “better things to do” or they are too busy to ask, “How are you”?

Our world can be a lonely place. Pressured by expectations, haunted by dreams, overpowered by weakness, and drowned out by lofty goals, we tend to forget ourselves—and others. Rather than hang onto the strands of our diminishing sanity, we might benefit from listening to our elders. Many elders have experienced setbacks in their young lives. Overcoming hardship and surviving to old age is wisdom that they carry.  We can learn from them—and can even make their day by taking the time to hear their stories.  

Nancy Hill, who wrote the YES! Magazine article “Three Things That Matter Most in Youth and Old Age,” was right: “We live among such remarkable people, yet few know their stories.” I know a lot about my grandmother’s life, and it isn’t as serene as my own. My grandmother, Liza, who cooks every day, bakes bread on holidays for our neighbors, brings gifts to her doctor out of the kindness of her heart, and makes conversation with neighbors even though she is isn’t fluent in English—Russian is her first language—has struggled all her life. Her mother, Anna, a single parent, had tuberculosis, and even though she had an inviolable spirit, she was too frail to care for four children. She passed away when my grandmother was sixteen, so my grandmother and her siblings spent most of their childhood in an orphanage. My grandmother got married at nineteen to my grandfather, Pinhas. He was a man who loved her more than he loved himself and was a godsend to every person he met. Liza was—and still is—always quick to do what was best for others, even if that person treated her poorly. My grandmother has lived with physical pain all her life, yet she pushed herself to climb heights that she wasn’t ready for. Against all odds, she has lived to tell her story to people who are willing to listen. And I always am.

I asked my grandmother, “What are three things most important to you?” Her answer was one that I already expected: One, for everyone to live long healthy lives. Two, for you to graduate from college. Three, for you to always remember that I love you.

What may be basic to you means the world to my grandmother. She just wants what she never had the chance to experience: a healthy life, an education, and the chance to express love to the people she values. The three things that matter most to her may be so simple and ordinary to outsiders, but to her, it is so much more. And who could take that away?

Antonia Mills was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and attends Rachel Carson High School.  Antonia enjoys creative activities, including writing, painting, reading, and baking. She hopes to pursue culinary arts professionally in the future. One of her favorite quotes is, “When you start seeing your worth, you’ll find it harder to stay around people who don’t.” -Emily S.P.  

  Powerful Voice Winner

   Isaac Ziemba

Odyssey Multiage Program, Bainbridge Island, Wash. 

teachers in my life essay

This Former State Trooper Has His Priorities Straight: Family, Climate Change, and Integrity

I have a personal connection to people who served in the military and first responders. My uncle is a first responder on the island I live on, and my dad retired from the Navy. That was what made a man named Glen Tyrell, a state trooper for 25 years, 2 months and 9 days, my first choice to interview about what three things matter in life. In the YES! Magazine article “The Three Things That Matter Most in Youth and Old Age,” I learned that old and young people have a great deal in common. I know that’s true because Glen and I care about a lot of the same things.

For Glen, family is at the top of his list of important things. “My wife was, and is, always there for me. My daughters mean the world to me, too, but Penny is my partner,” Glen said. I can understand why Glen’s wife is so important to him. She’s family. Family will always be there for you.

Glen loves his family, and so do I with all my heart. My dad especially means the world to me. He is my top supporter and tells me that if I need help, just “say the word.” When we are fishing or crabbing, sometimes I

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think, what if these times were erased from my memory? I wouldn’t be able to describe the horrible feeling that would rush through my mind, and I’m sure that Glen would feel the same about his wife.

My uncle once told me that the world is always going to change over time. It’s what the world has turned out to be that worries me. Both Glen and I are extremely concerned about climate change and the effect that rising temperatures have on animals and their habitats. We’re driving them to extinction. Some people might say, “So what? Animals don’t pay taxes or do any of the things we do.” What we are doing to them is like the Black Death times 100.

Glen is also frustrated by how much plastic we use and where it ends up. He would be shocked that an explorer recently dived to the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean—seven miles!— and discovered a plastic bag and candy wrappers. Glen told me that, unfortunately, his generation did the damage and my generation is here to fix it. We need to take better care of Earth because if we don’t, we, as a species, will have failed.

Both Glen and I care deeply for our families and the earth, but for our third important value, I chose education and Glen chose integrity. My education is super important to me because without it, I would be a blank slate. I wouldn’t know how to figure out problems. I wouldn’t be able to tell right from wrong. I wouldn’t understand the Bill of Rights. I would be stuck. Everyone should be able to go to school, no matter where they’re from or who they are.  It makes me angry and sad to think that some people, especially girls, get shot because they are trying to go to school. I understand how lucky I am.

Integrity is sacred to Glen—I could tell by the serious tone of Glen’s voice when he told me that integrity was the code he lived by as a former state trooper. He knew that he had the power to change a person’s life, and he was committed to not abusing that power.  When Glen put someone under arrest—and my uncle says the same—his judgment and integrity were paramount. “Either you’re right or you’re wrong.” You can’t judge a person by what you think, you can only judge a person from what you know.”

I learned many things about Glen and what’s important in life, but there is one thing that stands out—something Glen always does and does well. Glen helps people. He did it as a state trooper, and he does it in our school, where he works on construction projects. Glen told me that he believes that our most powerful tools are writing and listening to others. I think those tools are important, too, but I also believe there are other tools to help solve many of our problems and create a better future: to be compassionate, to create caring relationships, and to help others. Just like Glen Tyrell does each and every day.

Isaac Ziemba is in seventh grade at the Odyssey Multiage Program on a small island called Bainbridge near Seattle, Washington. Isaac’s favorite subject in school is history because he has always been interested in how the past affects the future. In his spare time, you can find Isaac hunting for crab with his Dad, looking for artifacts around his house with his metal detector, and having fun with his younger cousin, Conner.     

Lily Hersch

 The Crest Academy, Salida, Colo.

teachers in my life essay

The Phone Call

Dear Grandpa,

In my short span of life—12 years so far—you’ve taught me a lot of important life lessons that I’ll always have with me. Some of the values I talk about in this writing I’ve learned from you.

Dedicated to my Gramps.

In the YES! Magazine article “Three Things That Matter Most in Youth and Old Age,” author and photographer Nancy Hill asked people to name the three things that mattered most to them. After reading the essay prompt for the article, I immediately knew who I wanted to interview: my grandpa Gil.      

My grandpa was born on January 25, 1942. He lived in a minuscule tenement in The Bronx with his mother,

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father, and brother. His father wasn’t around much, and, when he was, he was reticent and would snap occasionally, revealing his constrained mental pain. My grandpa says this happened because my great grandfather did not have a father figure in his life. His mother was a classy, sharp lady who was the head secretary at a local police district station. My grandpa and his brother Larry did not care for each other. Gramps said he was very close to his mother, and Larry wasn’t. Perhaps Larry was envious for what he didn’t have.

Decades after little to no communication with his brother, my grandpa decided to spontaneously visit him in Florida, where he resided with his wife. Larry was taken aback at the sudden reappearance of his brother and told him to leave. Since then, the two brothers have not been in contact. My grandpa doesn’t even know if Larry is alive.         

My grandpa is now a retired lawyer, married to my wonderful grandma, and living in a pretty house with an ugly dog named BoBo.

So, what’s important to you, Gramps?

He paused a second, then replied, “Family, kindness, and empathy.”

“Family, because it’s my family. It’s important to stay connected with your family. My brother, father, and I never connected in the way I wished, and sometimes I contemplated what could’ve happened.  But you can’t change the past. So, that’s why family’s important to me.”

Family will always be on my “Top Three Most Important Things” list, too. I can’t imagine not having my older brother, Zeke, or my grandma in my life. I wonder how other kids feel about their families? How do kids trapped and separated from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border feel?  What about orphans? Too many questions, too few answers.

“Kindness, because growing up and not seeing a lot of kindness made me realize how important it is to have that in the world. Kindness makes the world go round.”

What is kindness? Helping my brother, Eli, who has Down syndrome, get ready in the morning? Telling people what they need to hear, rather than what they want to hear? Maybe, for now, I’ll put wisdom, not kindness, on my list.

“Empathy, because of all the killings and shootings [in this country.] We also need to care for people—people who are not living in as good circumstances as I have. Donald Trump and other people I’ve met have no empathy. Empathy is very important.”

Empathy is something I’ve felt my whole life. It’ll always be important to me like it is important to my grandpa. My grandpa shows his empathy when he works with disabled children. Once he took a disabled child to a Christina Aguilera concert because that child was too young to go by himself. The moments I feel the most empathy are when Eli gets those looks from people. Seeing Eli wonder why people stare at him like he’s a freak makes me sad, and annoyed that they have the audacity to stare.

After this 2 minute and 36-second phone call, my grandpa has helped me define what’s most important to me at this time in my life: family, wisdom, and empathy. Although these things are important now, I realize they can change and most likely will.

When I’m an old woman, I envision myself scrambling through a stack of storage boxes and finding this paper. Perhaps after reading words from my 12-year-old self, I’ll ask myself “What’s important to me?”

Lily Hersch is a sixth-grader at Crest Academy in Salida, Colorado. Lily is an avid indoorsman, finding joy in competitive spelling, art, and of course, writing. She does not like Swiss cheese.

  “Tell It Like It Is” Interview Winner

Jonas Buckner

KIPP: Gaston College Preparatory, Gaston, N.C.

teachers in my life essay

Lessons My Nana Taught Me

I walked into the house. In the other room, I heard my cousin screaming at his game. There were a lot of Pioneer Woman dishes everywhere. The room had the television on max volume. The fan in the other room was on. I didn’t know it yet, but I was about to learn something powerful.

I was in my Nana’s house, and when I walked in, she said, “Hey Monkey Butt.”

I said, “Hey Nana.”

Before the interview, I was talking to her about what I was gonna interview her on. Also, I had asked her why I might have wanted to interview her, and she responded with, “Because you love me, and I love you too.”

Now, it was time to start the interview. The first

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question I asked was the main and most important question ever: “What three things matter most to you and you only?”

She thought of it very thoughtfully and responded with, “My grandchildren, my children, and my health.”

Then, I said, “OK, can you please tell me more about your health?”

She responded with, “My health is bad right now. I have heart problems, blood sugar, and that’s about it.” When she said it, she looked at me and smiled because she loved me and was happy I chose her to interview.

I replied with, “K um, why is it important to you?”

She smiled and said, “Why is it…Why is my health important? Well, because I want to live a long time and see my grandchildren grow up.”

I was scared when she said that, but she still smiled. I was so happy, and then I said, “Has your health always been important to you.”

She responded with “Nah.”

Then, I asked, “Do you happen to have a story to help me understand your reasoning?”

She said, “No, not really.”

Now we were getting into the next set of questions. I said, “Remember how you said that your grandchildren matter to you? Can you please tell me why they matter to you?”

Then, she responded with, “So I can spend time with them, play with them, and everything.”

Next, I asked the same question I did before: “Have you always loved your grandchildren?” 

She responded with, “Yes, they have always been important to me.”

Then, the next two questions I asked she had no response to at all. She was very happy until I asked, “Why do your children matter most to you?”

She had a frown on and responded, “My daughter Tammy died a long time ago.”

Then, at this point, the other questions were answered the same as the other ones. When I left to go home I was thinking about how her answers were similar to mine. She said health, and I care about my health a lot, and I didn’t say, but I wanted to. She also didn’t have answers for the last two questions on each thing, and I was like that too.

The lesson I learned was that no matter what, always keep pushing because even though my aunt or my Nana’s daughter died, she kept on pushing and loving everyone. I also learned that everything should matter to us. Once again, I chose to interview my Nana because she matters to me, and I know when she was younger she had a lot of things happen to her, so I wanted to know what she would say. The point I’m trying to make is that be grateful for what you have and what you have done in life.

Jonas Buckner is a sixth-grader at KIPP: Gaston College Preparatory in Gaston, North Carolina. Jonas’ favorite activities are drawing, writing, math, piano, and playing AltSpace VR. He found his passion for writing in fourth grade when he wrote a quick autobiography. Jonas hopes to become a horror writer someday.

From The Author: Responses to Student Winners

Dear Emily, Isaac, Antonia, Rory, Praethong, Amanda, Lily, and Jonas,

Your thought-provoking essays sent my head spinning. The more I read, the more impressed I was with the depth of thought, beauty of expression, and originality. It left me wondering just how to capture all of my reactions in a single letter. After multiple false starts, I’ve landed on this: I will stick to the theme of three most important things.

The three things I found most inspirational about your essays:

You listened.

You connected.

We live in troubled times. Tensions mount between countries, cultures, genders, religious beliefs, and generations. If we fail to find a way to understand each other, to see similarities between us, the future will be fraught with increased hostility.

You all took critical steps toward connecting with someone who might not value the same things you do by asking a person who is generations older than you what matters to them. Then, you listened to their answers. You saw connections between what is important to them and what is important to you. Many of you noted similarities, others wondered if your own list of the three most important things would change as you go through life. You all saw the validity of the responses you received and looked for reasons why your interviewees have come to value what they have.

It is through these things—asking, listening, and connecting—that we can begin to bridge the differences in experiences and beliefs that are currently dividing us.

Individual observations

Each one of you made observations that all of us, regardless of age or experience, would do well to keep in mind. I chose one quote from each person and trust those reading your essays will discover more valuable insights.

“Our priorities may seem different, but they come back to basic human needs. We all desire a purpose, strive to be happy, and work to make a positive impact.” 

“You can’t judge a person by what you think , you can only judge a person by what you know .”

Emily (referencing your interviewee, who is battling cancer):

“Master Chief Petty Officer James has shown me how to appreciate what I have around me.”

Lily (quoting your grandfather):

“Kindness makes the world go round.”

“Everything should matter to us.”

Praethong (quoting your interviewee, Sandra, on the importance of family):

“It’s important to always maintain that connection you have with each other, your family, not just next-door neighbors you talk to once a month.”

“I wonder if maybe we relearn what is most important when we grow older. That the pressure to be successful subsides and that valuing family, health, and happiness is what ends up saving the world.”

“Listen to what others have to say. Listen to the people who have already experienced hardship. You will learn from them and you can even make their day by giving them a chance to voice their thoughts.”

I end this letter to you with the hope that you never stop asking others what is most important to them and that you to continue to take time to reflect on what matters most to you…and why. May you never stop asking, listening, and connecting with others, especially those who may seem to be unlike you. Keep writing, and keep sharing your thoughts and observations with others, for your ideas are awe-inspiring.

I also want to thank the more than 1,000 students who submitted essays. Together, by sharing what’s important to us with others, especially those who may believe or act differently, we can fill the world with joy, peace, beauty, and love.

We received many outstanding essays for the Winter 2019 Student Writing Competition. Though not every participant can win the contest, we’d like to share some excerpts that caught our eye:

Whether it is a painting on a milky canvas with watercolors or pasting photos onto a scrapbook with her granddaughters, it is always a piece of artwork to her. She values the things in life that keep her in the moment, while still exploring things she may not have initially thought would bring her joy.

—Ondine Grant-Krasno, Immaculate Heart Middle School, Los Angeles, Calif.

“Ganas”… It means “desire” in Spanish. My ganas is fueled by my family’s belief in me. I cannot and will not fail them. 

—Adan Rios, Lane Community College, Eugene, Ore.

I hope when I grow up I can have the love for my kids like my grandma has for her kids. She makes being a mother even more of a beautiful thing than it already is.

—Ashley Shaw, Columbus City Prep School for Girls, Grove City, Ohio

You become a collage of little pieces of your friends and family. They also encourage you to be the best you can be. They lift you up onto the seat of your bike, they give you the first push, and they don’t hesitate to remind you that everything will be alright when you fall off and scrape your knee.

— Cecilia Stanton, Bellafonte Area Middle School, Bellafonte, Pa.

Without good friends, I wouldn’t know what I would do to endure the brutal machine of public education.

—Kenneth Jenkins, Garrison Middle School, Walla Walla, Wash.

My dog, as ridiculous as it may seem, is a beautiful example of what we all should aspire to be. We should live in the moment, not stress, and make it our goal to lift someone’s spirits, even just a little.

—Kate Garland, Immaculate Heart Middle School, Los Angeles, Calif. 

I strongly hope that every child can spare more time to accompany their elderly parents when they are struggling, and moving forward, and give them more care and patience. so as to truly achieve the goal of “you accompany me to grow up, and I will accompany you to grow old.”

—Taiyi Li, Lane Community College, Eugene, Ore.

I have three cats, and they are my brothers and sisters. We share a special bond that I think would not be possible if they were human. Since they do not speak English, we have to find other ways to connect, and I think that those other ways can be more powerful than language.

—Maya Dombroskie, Delta Program Middle School, Boulsburg, Pa.

We are made to love and be loved. To have joy and be relational. As a member of the loneliest generation in possibly all of history, I feel keenly aware of the need for relationships and authentic connection. That is why I decided to talk to my grandmother.

—Luke Steinkamp, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio

After interviewing my grandma and writing my paper, I realized that as we grow older, the things that are important to us don’t change, what changes is why those things are important to us.

—Emily Giffer, Our Lady Star of the Sea, Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich.

The media works to marginalize elders, often isolating them and their stories, and the wealth of knowledge that comes with their additional years of lived experiences. It also undermines the depth of children’s curiosity and capacity to learn and understand. When the worlds of elders and children collide, a classroom opens.

—Cristina Reitano, City College of San Francisco, San Francisco, Calif.

My values, although similar to my dad, only looked the same in the sense that a shadow is similar to the object it was cast on.

—Timofey Lisenskiy, Santa Monica High School, Santa Monica, Calif.

I can release my anger through writing without having to take it out on someone. I can escape and be a different person; it feels good not to be myself for a while. I can make up my own characters, so I can be someone different every day, and I think that’s pretty cool.

—Jasua Carillo, Wellness, Business, and Sports School, Woodburn, Ore. 

Notice how all the important things in his life are people: the people who he loves and who love him back. This is because “people are more important than things like money or possessions, and families are treasures,” says grandpa Pat. And I couldn’t agree more.

—Brody Hartley, Garrison Middle School, Walla Walla, Wash.  

Curiosity for other people’s stories could be what is needed to save the world.

—Noah Smith, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio

Peace to me is a calm lake without a ripple in sight. It’s a starry night with a gentle breeze that pillows upon your face. It’s the absence of arguments, fighting, or war. It’s when egos stop working against each other and finally begin working with each other. Peace is free from fear, anxiety, and depression. To me, peace is an important ingredient in the recipe of life.

—JP Bogan, Lane Community College, Eugene, Ore.

From A Teacher

Charles Sanderson

Wellness, Business and Sports School, Woodburn, Ore. 

teachers in my life essay

The Birthday Gift

I’ve known Jodelle for years, watching her grow from a quiet and timid twelve-year-old to a young woman who just returned from India, where she played Kabaddi, a kind of rugby meets Red Rover.

One of my core beliefs as an educator is to show up for the things that matter to kids, so I go to their games, watch their plays, and eat the strawberry jam they make for the county fair. On this occasion, I met Jodelle at a robotics competition to watch her little sister Abby compete. Think Nerd Paradise: more hats made from traffic cones than Golden State Warrior ball caps, more unicorn capes than Nike swooshes, more fanny packs with Legos than clutches with eyeliner.

We started chatting as the crowd chanted and waved six-foot flags for teams like Mystic Biscuits, Shrek, and everyone’s nemesis The Mean Machine. Apparently, when it’s time for lunch at a robotics competition, they don’t mess around. The once-packed gym was left to Jodelle and me, and we kept talking and talking. I eventually asked her about the three things that matter to her most.

She told me about her mom, her sister, and her addiction—to horses. I’ve read enough of her writing to know that horses were her drug of choice and her mom and sister were her support network.

I learned about her desire to become a teacher and how hours at the barn with her horse, Heart, recharge her when she’s exhausted. At one point, our rambling conversation turned to a topic I’ve known far too well—her father.

Later that evening, I received an email from Jodelle, and she had a lot to say. One line really struck me: “In so many movies, I have seen a dad wanting to protect his daughter from the world, but I’ve only understood the scene cognitively. Yesterday, I felt it.”

Long ago, I decided that I would never be a dad. I had seen movies with fathers and daughters, and for me, those movies might as well have been Star Wars, ET, or Alien—worlds filled with creatures I’d never know. However, over the years, I’ve attended Jodelle’s parent-teacher conferences, gone to her graduation, and driven hours to watch her ride Heart at horse shows. Simply, I showed up. I listened. I supported.

Jodelle shared a series of dad poems, as well. I had read the first two poems in their original form when Jodelle was my student. The revised versions revealed new graphic details of her past. The third poem, however, was something entirely different.

She called the poems my early birthday present. When I read the lines “You are my father figure/Who I look up to/Without being looked down on,” I froze for an instant and had to reread the lines. After fifty years of consciously deciding not to be a dad, I was seen as one—and it felt incredible. Jodelle’s poem and recognition were two of the best presents I’ve ever received.

I  know that I was the language arts teacher that Jodelle needed at the time, but her poem revealed things I never knew I taught her: “My father figure/ Who taught me/ That listening is for observing the world/ That listening is for learning/Not obeying/Writing is for connecting/Healing with others.”

Teaching is often a thankless job, one that frequently brings more stress and anxiety than joy and hope. Stress erodes my patience. Anxiety curtails my ability to enter each interaction with every student with the grace they deserve. However, my time with Jodelle reminds me of the importance of leaning in and listening.

In the article “Three Things That Matter Most in Youth and Old Age” by Nancy Hill, she illuminates how we “live among such remarkable people, yet few know their stories.” For the last twenty years, I’ve had the privilege to work with countless of these “remarkable people,” and I’ve done my best to listen, and, in so doing, I hope my students will realize what I’ve known for a long time; their voices matter and deserve to be heard, but the voices of their tias and abuelitos and babushkas are equally important. When we take the time to listen, I believe we do more than affirm the humanity of others; we affirm our own as well.

Charles Sanderson has grounded his nineteen-year teaching career in a philosophy he describes as “Mirror, Window, Bridge.” Charles seeks to ensure all students see themselves, see others, and begin to learn the skills to build bridges of empathy, affinity, and understanding between communities and cultures that may seem vastly different. He proudly teaches at the Wellness, Business and Sports School in Woodburn, Oregon, a school and community that brings him joy and hope on a daily basis.

From   The Author: Response to Charles Sanderson

Dear Charles Sanderson,

Thank you for submitting an essay of your own in addition to encouraging your students to participate in YES! Magazine’s essay contest.

Your essay focused not on what is important to you, but rather on what is important to one of your students. You took what mattered to her to heart, acting upon it by going beyond the school day and creating a connection that has helped fill a huge gap in her life. Your efforts will affect her far beyond her years in school. It is clear that your involvement with this student is far from the only time you have gone beyond the classroom, and while you are not seeking personal acknowledgment, I cannot help but applaud you.

In an ideal world, every teacher, every adult, would show the same interest in our children and adolescents that you do. By taking the time to listen to what is important to our youth, we can help them grow into compassionate, caring adults, capable of making our world a better place.

Your concerted efforts to guide our youth to success not only as students but also as human beings is commendable. May others be inspired by your insights, concerns, and actions. You define excellence in teaching.

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Essay on the importance of teachers in our life.

The birth anniversary of the first vice president of india, dr. s. radhakrishnan is celebrated as teachers day, on the 5th of september, every year. this shows the importance the nation attaches to the contribution of teachers to the lives of students. knowledge is the most important tool in the life of human beings. as we grow up, we tend to learn on our own, but initially, teachers play a vital role in helping students acquire knowledge. teachers help in the overall development of children, teachers help students develop writing skills, oratory skills, and leadership skills. teachers teach children on the importance of inculcating moral values, discipline, determination, right decision making, dedication, honesty, and empathy. teachers mold the students into valuable citizens of this country. human resources are the most important resource of a nation, teachers are the backbone of a nation for making sure that children grow up into great citizens who make invaluable contributions to the growth of the nation..


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Essay On Teacher

A teacher is someone who facilitates students' acquisition of information, competence, or virtue through the activity of teaching. A teacher is the individual who will educate and improve you as a person. They also recognise their students' potential when no one else does. Here are a few sample essays ‘teacher’.

Essay On Teacher

100 Words Essay On Teacher

Teachers are the second parent who helps the students balance their lives in the right path. A teacher shows not only academic knowledge but also shares ethical and moral values. This will help us to shape our personality as better as human beings. Similar to how we got influenced by our parents in our childhood, our teachers will also help us to shape into the people we want to become when we grow up. Teachers teach their students to identify both good and bad things in life. Teachers also determine the fate of a nation since they have influence over the children.

200 Words Essay On Teacher

Parents are our first teachers who guide us on how to work, how to eat, how to speak. The second teacher is the one who guides us in studies. The third teacher is a manager or a lead who guides us in our work. Finally, a teacher is not only the one who teaches in school or a college but they can be anyone or anywhere who guides us.

Teachers never discriminate amongst their students. The key to success, according to many, is education. The teachers are entrusted with this significant responsibility. Only their knowledge, abilities, and teaching attitudes differ, but they all strive to offer the student their very best. Our interest in studying will be piqued by the way they instruct us.

I did not enjoy math when I was in school. I am aware that it is rather typical for many of us to dislike math in school. The teacher would tell us that the first person to solve a math problem would be rewarded with a chocolate. My arithmetic skills improved because of the anticipation of winning chocolate. It's just a little trick the teacher used to keep the subject interesting for us students.

500 Word Essay

During teaching, a teacher uses all creativity in such a way that each and every student can concentrate on their studies. Having such patience and confidence in handling every student is possible only for a teacher.

Teacher's day

Teacher's day is a special day for the appreciation of teachers. Every year teacher's day is celebrated on 5 September on the birth anniversary of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. The first teacher day in India was celebrated on 5 September 1962. Since then teacher's day is celebrated in every school, universities, colleges and educational institutions

In ancient days teachers were called "Guru" . The Guru used to educate their shishyas ( Students). In the past, Guru used to teach his shishya at gurukulam ar ashrama. They were supposed to teach about Veda, Warcraft, spirituality and other necessary skills. One of the greatest Guru- Shishya duo since the time of Mahabharata is Dronacharya and Arjuna. Similarly as Teachers day, Guru purnima or Vyasa purnima is celebrated to pay our gratitude to our gurus.

Ancient Relation of Student and Teacher

There used to be a very sacred relationship in ancient times between teacher and the student. There are so many stories written in our scriptures . Out of all those, the sacrifice made by Ekalavya for Dronacharya is one which shows the relationship between teacher and a student.

The relationship between the teacher and a student is lacking in recent times. Nowadays it is considered as just a profession. It has become a source of income or a business when compared to the past. We should be conscious enough not to stain such a noble profession and should not create an example which will break people's trust in teachers.

Success of a Teacher

Every teacher's aim is to teach his or her student. By some teachers we gain knowledge, by some we gain ethics and by some we gain practical knowledge. But everywhere and at any time the success of a teacher is that they get only when their student reaches great heights in the right way.Hardwork is the key to being a good teacher. Unity in heart, without any discrimination towards any one will make you a good teacher.

Importance of Teacher

Every student's life has a teacher who serves as a support system. Since not all students have the same abilities, a teacher must teach in a way that a sufficient number of students can understand. They educate us about time management and its limitations.


When a child is questioned about what they want to be when they grow up. In addition to being a police officer, doctor, or lawyer, some of them will declare that teaching is their true calling. Therefore, a teacher is a person who many look up to and emulate.

Last but not least, teaching is a responsibility to mould the brains of many young people, not merely a way to make money. I have a great respect for all the teachers in my life who have had and will continue to have a big impact. Another important insight to remember is that "teaching is a profession that teaches all other professions" .

Explore Career Options (By Industry)

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Data Administrator

Database professionals use software to store and organise data such as financial information, and customer shipping records. Individuals who opt for a career as data administrators ensure that data is available for users and secured from unauthorised sales. DB administrators may work in various types of industries. It may involve computer systems design, service firms, insurance companies, banks and hospitals.

Bio Medical Engineer

The field of biomedical engineering opens up a universe of expert chances. An Individual in the biomedical engineering career path work in the field of engineering as well as medicine, in order to find out solutions to common problems of the two fields. The biomedical engineering job opportunities are to collaborate with doctors and researchers to develop medical systems, equipment, or devices that can solve clinical problems. Here we will be discussing jobs after biomedical engineering, how to get a job in biomedical engineering, biomedical engineering scope, and salary. 

Ethical Hacker

A career as ethical hacker involves various challenges and provides lucrative opportunities in the digital era where every giant business and startup owns its cyberspace on the world wide web. Individuals in the ethical hacker career path try to find the vulnerabilities in the cyber system to get its authority. If he or she succeeds in it then he or she gets its illegal authority. Individuals in the ethical hacker career path then steal information or delete the file that could affect the business, functioning, or services of the organization.

GIS officer work on various GIS software to conduct a study and gather spatial and non-spatial information. GIS experts update the GIS data and maintain it. The databases include aerial or satellite imagery, latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates, and manually digitized images of maps. In a career as GIS expert, one is responsible for creating online and mobile maps.

Data Analyst

The invention of the database has given fresh breath to the people involved in the data analytics career path. Analysis refers to splitting up a whole into its individual components for individual analysis. Data analysis is a method through which raw data are processed and transformed into information that would be beneficial for user strategic thinking.

Data are collected and examined to respond to questions, evaluate hypotheses or contradict theories. It is a tool for analyzing, transforming, modeling, and arranging data with useful knowledge, to assist in decision-making and methods, encompassing various strategies, and is used in different fields of business, research, and social science.

Geothermal Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as geothermal engineers are the professionals involved in the processing of geothermal energy. The responsibilities of geothermal engineers may vary depending on the workplace location. Those who work in fields design facilities to process and distribute geothermal energy. They oversee the functioning of machinery used in the field.

Database Architect

If you are intrigued by the programming world and are interested in developing communications networks then a career as database architect may be a good option for you. Data architect roles and responsibilities include building design models for data communication networks. Wide Area Networks (WANs), local area networks (LANs), and intranets are included in the database networks. It is expected that database architects will have in-depth knowledge of a company's business to develop a network to fulfil the requirements of the organisation. Stay tuned as we look at the larger picture and give you more information on what is db architecture, why you should pursue database architecture, what to expect from such a degree and what your job opportunities will be after graduation. Here, we will be discussing how to become a data architect. Students can visit NIT Trichy , IIT Kharagpur , JMI New Delhi . 

Remote Sensing Technician

Individuals who opt for a career as a remote sensing technician possess unique personalities. Remote sensing analysts seem to be rational human beings, they are strong, independent, persistent, sincere, realistic and resourceful. Some of them are analytical as well, which means they are intelligent, introspective and inquisitive. 

Remote sensing scientists use remote sensing technology to support scientists in fields such as community planning, flight planning or the management of natural resources. Analysing data collected from aircraft, satellites or ground-based platforms using statistical analysis software, image analysis software or Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a significant part of their work. Do you want to learn how to become remote sensing technician? There's no need to be concerned; we've devised a simple remote sensing technician career path for you. Scroll through the pages and read.

Budget Analyst

Budget analysis, in a nutshell, entails thoroughly analyzing the details of a financial budget. The budget analysis aims to better understand and manage revenue. Budget analysts assist in the achievement of financial targets, the preservation of profitability, and the pursuit of long-term growth for a business. Budget analysts generally have a bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, economics, or a closely related field. Knowledge of Financial Management is of prime importance in this career.


An underwriter is a person who assesses and evaluates the risk of insurance in his or her field like mortgage, loan, health policy, investment, and so on and so forth. The underwriter career path does involve risks as analysing the risks means finding out if there is a way for the insurance underwriter jobs to recover the money from its clients. If the risk turns out to be too much for the company then in the future it is an underwriter who will be held accountable for it. Therefore, one must carry out his or her job with a lot of attention and diligence.

Finance Executive

Product manager.

A Product Manager is a professional responsible for product planning and marketing. He or she manages the product throughout the Product Life Cycle, gathering and prioritising the product. A product manager job description includes defining the product vision and working closely with team members of other departments to deliver winning products.  

Operations Manager

Individuals in the operations manager jobs are responsible for ensuring the efficiency of each department to acquire its optimal goal. They plan the use of resources and distribution of materials. The operations manager's job description includes managing budgets, negotiating contracts, and performing administrative tasks.

Stock Analyst

Individuals who opt for a career as a stock analyst examine the company's investments makes decisions and keep track of financial securities. The nature of such investments will differ from one business to the next. Individuals in the stock analyst career use data mining to forecast a company's profits and revenues, advise clients on whether to buy or sell, participate in seminars, and discussing financial matters with executives and evaluate annual reports.

A Researcher is a professional who is responsible for collecting data and information by reviewing the literature and conducting experiments and surveys. He or she uses various methodological processes to provide accurate data and information that is utilised by academicians and other industry professionals. Here, we will discuss what is a researcher, the researcher's salary, types of researchers.

Welding Engineer

Welding Engineer Job Description: A Welding Engineer work involves managing welding projects and supervising welding teams. He or she is responsible for reviewing welding procedures, processes and documentation. A career as Welding Engineer involves conducting failure analyses and causes on welding issues. 

Transportation Planner

A career as Transportation Planner requires technical application of science and technology in engineering, particularly the concepts, equipment and technologies involved in the production of products and services. In fields like land use, infrastructure review, ecological standards and street design, he or she considers issues of health, environment and performance. A Transportation Planner assigns resources for implementing and designing programmes. He or she is responsible for assessing needs, preparing plans and forecasts and compliance with regulations.

Environmental Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as an environmental engineer are construction professionals who utilise the skills and knowledge of biology, soil science, chemistry and the concept of engineering to design and develop projects that serve as solutions to various environmental problems. 

Safety Manager

A Safety Manager is a professional responsible for employee’s safety at work. He or she plans, implements and oversees the company’s employee safety. A Safety Manager ensures compliance and adherence to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) guidelines.

Conservation Architect

A Conservation Architect is a professional responsible for conserving and restoring buildings or monuments having a historic value. He or she applies techniques to document and stabilise the object’s state without any further damage. A Conservation Architect restores the monuments and heritage buildings to bring them back to their original state.

Structural Engineer

A Structural Engineer designs buildings, bridges, and other related structures. He or she analyzes the structures and makes sure the structures are strong enough to be used by the people. A career as a Structural Engineer requires working in the construction process. It comes under the civil engineering discipline. A Structure Engineer creates structural models with the help of computer-aided design software. 

Highway Engineer

Highway Engineer Job Description:  A Highway Engineer is a civil engineer who specialises in planning and building thousands of miles of roads that support connectivity and allow transportation across the country. He or she ensures that traffic management schemes are effectively planned concerning economic sustainability and successful implementation.

Field Surveyor

Are you searching for a Field Surveyor Job Description? A Field Surveyor is a professional responsible for conducting field surveys for various places or geographical conditions. He or she collects the required data and information as per the instructions given by senior officials. 

Orthotist and Prosthetist

Orthotists and Prosthetists are professionals who provide aid to patients with disabilities. They fix them to artificial limbs (prosthetics) and help them to regain stability. There are times when people lose their limbs in an accident. In some other occasions, they are born without a limb or orthopaedic impairment. Orthotists and prosthetists play a crucial role in their lives with fixing them to assistive devices and provide mobility.


A career in pathology in India is filled with several responsibilities as it is a medical branch and affects human lives. The demand for pathologists has been increasing over the past few years as people are getting more aware of different diseases. Not only that, but an increase in population and lifestyle changes have also contributed to the increase in a pathologist’s demand. The pathology careers provide an extremely huge number of opportunities and if you want to be a part of the medical field you can consider being a pathologist. If you want to know more about a career in pathology in India then continue reading this article.

Veterinary Doctor

Speech therapist, gynaecologist.

Gynaecology can be defined as the study of the female body. The job outlook for gynaecology is excellent since there is evergreen demand for one because of their responsibility of dealing with not only women’s health but also fertility and pregnancy issues. Although most women prefer to have a women obstetrician gynaecologist as their doctor, men also explore a career as a gynaecologist and there are ample amounts of male doctors in the field who are gynaecologists and aid women during delivery and childbirth. 


The audiologist career involves audiology professionals who are responsible to treat hearing loss and proactively preventing the relevant damage. Individuals who opt for a career as an audiologist use various testing strategies with the aim to determine if someone has a normal sensitivity to sounds or not. After the identification of hearing loss, a hearing doctor is required to determine which sections of the hearing are affected, to what extent they are affected, and where the wound causing the hearing loss is found. As soon as the hearing loss is identified, the patients are provided with recommendations for interventions and rehabilitation such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and appropriate medical referrals. While audiology is a branch of science that studies and researches hearing, balance, and related disorders.

An oncologist is a specialised doctor responsible for providing medical care to patients diagnosed with cancer. He or she uses several therapies to control the cancer and its effect on the human body such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy and biopsy. An oncologist designs a treatment plan based on a pathology report after diagnosing the type of cancer and where it is spreading inside the body.

Are you searching for an ‘Anatomist job description’? An Anatomist is a research professional who applies the laws of biological science to determine the ability of bodies of various living organisms including animals and humans to regenerate the damaged or destroyed organs. If you want to know what does an anatomist do, then read the entire article, where we will answer all your questions.

For an individual who opts for a career as an actor, the primary responsibility is to completely speak to the character he or she is playing and to persuade the crowd that the character is genuine by connecting with them and bringing them into the story. This applies to significant roles and littler parts, as all roles join to make an effective creation. Here in this article, we will discuss how to become an actor in India, actor exams, actor salary in India, and actor jobs. 

Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats create and direct original routines for themselves, in addition to developing interpretations of existing routines. The work of circus acrobats can be seen in a variety of performance settings, including circus, reality shows, sports events like the Olympics, movies and commercials. Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats must be prepared to face rejections and intermittent periods of work. The creativity of acrobats may extend to other aspects of the performance. For example, acrobats in the circus may work with gym trainers, celebrities or collaborate with other professionals to enhance such performance elements as costume and or maybe at the teaching end of the career.

Video Game Designer

Career as a video game designer is filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. A video game designer is someone who is involved in the process of creating a game from day one. He or she is responsible for fulfilling duties like designing the character of the game, the several levels involved, plot, art and similar other elements. Individuals who opt for a career as a video game designer may also write the codes for the game using different programming languages.

Depending on the video game designer job description and experience they may also have to lead a team and do the early testing of the game in order to suggest changes and find loopholes.

Radio Jockey

Radio Jockey is an exciting, promising career and a great challenge for music lovers. If you are really interested in a career as radio jockey, then it is very important for an RJ to have an automatic, fun, and friendly personality. If you want to get a job done in this field, a strong command of the language and a good voice are always good things. Apart from this, in order to be a good radio jockey, you will also listen to good radio jockeys so that you can understand their style and later make your own by practicing.

A career as radio jockey has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. If you want to know more about a career as radio jockey, and how to become a radio jockey then continue reading the article.


The word “choreography" actually comes from Greek words that mean “dance writing." Individuals who opt for a career as a choreographer create and direct original dances, in addition to developing interpretations of existing dances. A Choreographer dances and utilises his or her creativity in other aspects of dance performance. For example, he or she may work with the music director to select music or collaborate with other famous choreographers to enhance such performance elements as lighting, costume and set design.

Social Media Manager

A career as social media manager involves implementing the company’s or brand’s marketing plan across all social media channels. Social media managers help in building or improving a brand’s or a company’s website traffic, build brand awareness, create and implement marketing and brand strategy. Social media managers are key to important social communication as well.


Photography is considered both a science and an art, an artistic means of expression in which the camera replaces the pen. In a career as a photographer, an individual is hired to capture the moments of public and private events, such as press conferences or weddings, or may also work inside a studio, where people go to get their picture clicked. Photography is divided into many streams each generating numerous career opportunities in photography. With the boom in advertising, media, and the fashion industry, photography has emerged as a lucrative and thrilling career option for many Indian youths.

An individual who is pursuing a career as a producer is responsible for managing the business aspects of production. They are involved in each aspect of production from its inception to deception. Famous movie producers review the script, recommend changes and visualise the story. 

They are responsible for overseeing the finance involved in the project and distributing the film for broadcasting on various platforms. A career as a producer is quite fulfilling as well as exhaustive in terms of playing different roles in order for a production to be successful. Famous movie producers are responsible for hiring creative and technical personnel on contract basis.

Copy Writer

In a career as a copywriter, one has to consult with the client and understand the brief well. A career as a copywriter has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. Several new mediums of advertising are opening therefore making it a lucrative career choice. Students can pursue various copywriter courses such as Journalism , Advertising , Marketing Management . Here, we have discussed how to become a freelance copywriter, copywriter career path, how to become a copywriter in India, and copywriting career outlook. 

In a career as a vlogger, one generally works for himself or herself. However, once an individual has gained viewership there are several brands and companies that approach them for paid collaboration. It is one of those fields where an individual can earn well while following his or her passion. 

Ever since internet costs got reduced the viewership for these types of content has increased on a large scale. Therefore, a career as a vlogger has a lot to offer. If you want to know more about the Vlogger eligibility, roles and responsibilities then continue reading the article. 

For publishing books, newspapers, magazines and digital material, editorial and commercial strategies are set by publishers. Individuals in publishing career paths make choices about the markets their businesses will reach and the type of content that their audience will be served. Individuals in book publisher careers collaborate with editorial staff, designers, authors, and freelance contributors who develop and manage the creation of content.

Careers in journalism are filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. One cannot afford to miss out on the details. As it is the small details that provide insights into a story. Depending on those insights a journalist goes about writing a news article. A journalism career can be stressful at times but if you are someone who is passionate about it then it is the right choice for you. If you want to know more about the media field and journalist career then continue reading this article.

Individuals in the editor career path is an unsung hero of the news industry who polishes the language of the news stories provided by stringers, reporters, copywriters and content writers and also news agencies. Individuals who opt for a career as an editor make it more persuasive, concise and clear for readers. In this article, we will discuss the details of the editor's career path such as how to become an editor in India, editor salary in India and editor skills and qualities.

Individuals who opt for a career as a reporter may often be at work on national holidays and festivities. He or she pitches various story ideas and covers news stories in risky situations. Students can pursue a BMC (Bachelor of Mass Communication) , B.M.M. (Bachelor of Mass Media) , or  MAJMC (MA in Journalism and Mass Communication) to become a reporter. While we sit at home reporters travel to locations to collect information that carries a news value.  

Corporate Executive

Are you searching for a Corporate Executive job description? A Corporate Executive role comes with administrative duties. He or she provides support to the leadership of the organisation. A Corporate Executive fulfils the business purpose and ensures its financial stability. In this article, we are going to discuss how to become corporate executive.

Multimedia Specialist

A multimedia specialist is a media professional who creates, audio, videos, graphic image files, computer animations for multimedia applications. He or she is responsible for planning, producing, and maintaining websites and applications. 

Quality Controller

A quality controller plays a crucial role in an organisation. He or she is responsible for performing quality checks on manufactured products. He or she identifies the defects in a product and rejects the product. 

A quality controller records detailed information about products with defects and sends it to the supervisor or plant manager to take necessary actions to improve the production process.

Production Manager

A QA Lead is in charge of the QA Team. The role of QA Lead comes with the responsibility of assessing services and products in order to determine that he or she meets the quality standards. He or she develops, implements and manages test plans. 

Process Development Engineer

The Process Development Engineers design, implement, manufacture, mine, and other production systems using technical knowledge and expertise in the industry. They use computer modeling software to test technologies and machinery. An individual who is opting career as Process Development Engineer is responsible for developing cost-effective and efficient processes. They also monitor the production process and ensure it functions smoothly and efficiently.

AWS Solution Architect

An AWS Solution Architect is someone who specializes in developing and implementing cloud computing systems. He or she has a good understanding of the various aspects of cloud computing and can confidently deploy and manage their systems. He or she troubleshoots the issues and evaluates the risk from the third party. 

Azure Administrator

An Azure Administrator is a professional responsible for implementing, monitoring, and maintaining Azure Solutions. He or she manages cloud infrastructure service instances and various cloud servers as well as sets up public and private cloud systems. 

Computer Programmer

Careers in computer programming primarily refer to the systematic act of writing code and moreover include wider computer science areas. The word 'programmer' or 'coder' has entered into practice with the growing number of newly self-taught tech enthusiasts. Computer programming careers involve the use of designs created by software developers and engineers and transforming them into commands that can be implemented by computers. These commands result in regular usage of social media sites, word-processing applications and browsers.

Information Security Manager

Individuals in the information security manager career path involves in overseeing and controlling all aspects of computer security. The IT security manager job description includes planning and carrying out security measures to protect the business data and information from corruption, theft, unauthorised access, and deliberate attack 

ITSM Manager

Automation test engineer.

An Automation Test Engineer job involves executing automated test scripts. He or she identifies the project’s problems and troubleshoots them. The role involves documenting the defect using management tools. He or she works with the application team in order to resolve any issues arising during the testing process. 

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What is the Role of a Teacher in a Student's Life?

Mohar bhattacharjee - wednesday 10th november 2021 | articles.

Role of a Teacher in a Students Life

A teacher’s influence on their students’ lives is undeniable. Youths are the future of the nation, who are responsible for carrying out vital duties across several domains and serving society this way or another. What influences them to do something great in life? Besides parents, whose credit is it when the youth today grow up to be beautiful human beings tomorrow? It is the teacher!

Teachers are builders of a better tomorrow. They shape the youths today and help them achieve something great in life. What does it take to be a good teacher? What are the essential qualities he possesses that are enough to influence the students? What impact is he/she capable of putting on a student’s life? 

Let’s address all these questions today and discuss in detail the role of a teacher in a student’s life. 

Who is a Teacher?

First of all, we need to know who is a teacher. In general, the definition of teacher goes like, a person who teaches pupils in schools, colleges, or private and imparts knowledge on specific subjects, checks the homework, and provides feedback. 

Well, that’s a common definition but the term ‘teacher’ is something more than this. Being a teacher is something much more than only giving away knowledge, lectures, and attending back-to-back classes. A teacher is the one who makes a significant impact in their students’ lives. He/she inspires them to be a better version of themselves and achieve something significant in life.

Teachers educate the candidates on unique qualities like fellow feeling, brotherhood, kindness, and simplicity. Teachers never collide with the same type of students everywhere, rather the types are varied. Today they can meet someone with high ambition and readily give them suitable advice. The real challenge is meeting aimless individuals with zero seriousness and influencing them to become a better version of themselves. So a teacher’s duty isn’t restricted to attending lectures and sending notes. It is something beyond it and has a vital significance in their student’s life. 

Significant Characteristics of a Teacher 

Being a teacher isn’t easy and they need to deal with a lot throughout their career. Certain features mark the difference between a commoner and a great. The case with teachers isn’t an exception either. The teachers need to be the ideals of the candidates, they must look upon them with massive respect. It is only then we can make sure the students are following in their footsteps as shown by his teacher. 

The following characteristic attributes make the biggest difference between a good and an outstanding teacher:

  •   Compassionate: Being a skilled teacher needs the person to be very compassionate not only towards the students but to his colleagues, staff, and parents. 
  • Passionate towards Learning: Establishing a successful teaching career, needs the teacher to be a passionate learner. He must have a supreme interest in unfolding innovative topics and always be a dedicated learner. 
  • In-depth Understanding Capacity: Being a teacher requires the person to have a strong understanding capacity to analyze the distinct problems faced by the students . 
  • Patience: Patience is the key to success in the teaching domain. The teachers need to be super patient while dealing with candidates, the school system, curriculum, and the parents and handle any issues peacefully. 
  • Being a Good Follower of Own Words: If the teacher is educating the students to be a good person and follow all the fine qualities, they need to be a staunch follower of the same. They need to be the ones imparting the education not just by telling but by proving it with his activities too.  
  • Great Communicator: Outstanding teachers are superb communicators and they can talk afresh with the students and analyze the issues they might go through. They can provide them with the support they need. 
  • Great at Putting Efforts: The teacher should put effort. The ones with a ‘don’t care’ attitude really can’t make it far in the teaching line. To differ from others and to stand out from the crowd, influential teachers always put extra effort into the classroom and students to help them get better. 

Now that we know the qualities of a brilliant teacher, let us look at how a teacher can influence a student’s life towards something positive.

Role of a Teacher in a Student’s Life

There are many significant ways through which teachers have a remarkable impact on the student’s life. They not only are the role models but help the pupils with the right guidance to move their heads towards a better future. Let’s dive into detail and discuss. 

Provide Right Guidance

Teachers evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their students and guide them to follow the best practices. They not only bring out the best from the students but teach them valuable life skills too like communication, compassion, organization, and presentation. Teachers are the ones who motivate the students to do better in every domain and help them achieve life goals. Through their guidance, the students know to differentiate between right and wrong.

  • Act as Role Models 

Teachers are the ultimate role models in a student’s life. In their academic life, students come across different types of teachers. A great teacher is always supportive and compassionate towards his students and appreciates their achievements in every field. They have a precious connection with the students and always encourage them to do better. Teachers are their role models who always hold a positive attitude in life and so help their students to follow the same.

  • Shape the Society 

Teachers are dedicated learners who can not only teach but listen to the students problems and try mentoring them to the best of their ability. Skilled teachers handle things patiently and can shape the academic goals of the youths. They rarely do it for recognition rather they follow their heart! The concept of powerful education and teaching students valuable skills are directly proportional. Teachers know the cause and contribute towards shopping for a better tomorrow.

  • Change Lives for Better 

Its not always the “good” students that teachers cross paths with. Rather there are many aimless pupils too who are careless about life and least bothered about academics. A brilliant teacher is equally compassionate to them and helps them change for the better. They even encourage students to be full of spirit during their lows and these are responsible to change the lives of the students for the better. 

How to be a Teacher?

Becoming a teacher in India will need you to follow a particular process. Besides the qualification, you must have the qualities discussed above to be a great teacher. Even if you are low on anything, you will learn that in the process. The most common types of teachers in India are: 

  • Pre-primary School Teachers 
  • Primary School Teachers 
  • Secondary School Teachers 
  • Senior-secondary School teachers 
  • Special Educators 

What’s important is that you are dedicated and love your work. Here’s a brief guide on how to be a teacher in India.

Step 1: First, you need to set your goal and be sure of the subject teacher you want to be. 

Step 2: Bachelor’s degree is necessary to be a schoolteacher. Further, you can complete your Masters in the relevant subject too. 

Step 3: Teaching the lower grade candidates like in the pre-primary or primary will require you to have a B.Ed or equivalent degree. Taking higher classes requires you to pursue M.Ed or equivalent. 

Step 4: Then comes the critical phase of entrance examinations. After you are done pursuing B.Ed or M.Ed, you can sit for examinations like TET/CTET/STET. Cracking these coveted examinations will help you apply to different Indian schools with the scores. 

Step 5: Last but not least! Exams were taken and cracked, schools applied and got the chance! Kick start your beautiful teaching journey with the most lovely pupils around you. 

These steps are just a simplified way to understanding you path to becoming a teacher. If you are serious about becoming a teacher and want to know more about this career, then read " How to become a teacher in India ".

Want to know if teaching is the right career choice for you? Then try the teacher career suitability test .

The Bottom Line 

After parents, the teachers are the biggest well-wishers in any student’s life and they can cross every extent to help them succeed in life! They are one of the best human beings one will even cross paths with, so make sure to obey them always. Pupils should always consider listening to their valuable suggestions and applying them in their lives. It will change for the better. Teaching is a noble profession and takes years of hard work to be an eminent face in the domain. When students grow up to be excellent and successful human beings and take your example, thats where true success lies. I hope I am clear with my message in this blog! See you in the next one.

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My Teaching Philosophy Statement

This essay about a teaching philosophy emphasizes innovation, empathy, and empowerment as foundational elements for a dynamic learning environment. It advocates for active student participation, diversity, and the practical application of knowledge. The approach promotes critical thinking, a growth mindset, and meaningful feedback, aiming to develop lifelong learners and compassionate leaders. The philosophy embodies collaboration, inclusivity, and engagement with the wider world as key components.

How it works

In my educational approach, I blend the art of teaching with the science of inspiration, weaving together elements of innovation, empathy, and empowerment to create a dynamic tapestry of learning experiences where each student can truly flourish. Rather than simply delivering information, I see myself as a catalyst for intellectual and personal growth, igniting the flames of curiosity within each learner.

At the heart of my pedagogy lies a deep commitment to fostering student agency. I recognize that every student brings a rich diversity of backgrounds and perspectives to the classroom, and I strive to create an environment where they are active participants in their own educational journey.

Through collaborative projects, spirited discussions, and immersive activities, I aim to cultivate a culture of inquiry and exploration, where questions are celebrated and curiosity is nurtured.

Equally essential to my philosophy is the promotion of inclusivity and belonging. I firmly believe that diversity is not only a strength but a fundamental aspect of our humanity, and I work tirelessly to create a space where every voice is heard and every identity is respected. By fostering empathy, understanding, and open dialogue, I seek to build a community where students feel empowered to express themselves authentically and engage with one another in meaningful ways.

Moreover, I am deeply passionate about bridging the gap between theory and practice. I firmly believe that education should extend beyond the walls of the classroom, and I strive to integrate real-world relevance into my teachings. Whether through hands-on experiences, real-life case studies, or project-based learning, I aim to inspire students to see the connections between their studies and the world around them, motivating them to become proactive agents of change in their communities.

Furthermore, I am committed to nurturing critical thinking skills and fostering a growth mindset. In an age inundated with information, the ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate is more important than ever. Through thought-provoking discussions, challenging assignments, and opportunities for reflection, I aim to instill in my students a deep sense of intellectual curiosity and a willingness to explore new ideas, equipping them with the skills they need to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Finally, I believe in the transformative power of feedback and assessment as tools for growth and development. Rather than viewing assessment as a mere judgment, I see it as an opportunity for learning and improvement. By providing timely and constructive feedback, I empower my students to reflect on their progress, identify areas for growth, and set meaningful goals for their continued development.

In essence, my teaching philosophy is a mosaic of collaboration, inclusivity, relevance, critical thinking, and growth. By creating an environment where students are encouraged to take ownership of their learning, embrace diversity, and engage with the world around them, I hope to inspire a lifelong love of learning, compassionate leadership, and global citizenship.


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teachers in my life essay

teachers in my life essay

Role of Teacher in our Life

Teachers play an essential role in everyone’s life. Not only do they teach us in schools but we also learn many useful things like moral values, social etiquette’s, how to treat others & be friendly with our classmates.

It is granted that technology has opened the door of new learning & has also changed the course of education. But a good teacher has the power to change our life, ignite us in the most perfect way.

Teachers’ Day – 5th September

A teacher is a significant part of our life. All over India, Teachers’ day is celebrated on 5th Sep every year for showing due respect to all the teachers in the country.

This marks the birth anniversary of our first Vice-President & the second President of India, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

  • Make learning a fun
  • Draw Real-life connections
  • Encourage Students
  • Change the Scenario of life
  • Track Improvement & Set Performance Goals

Role of Teacher in a Student Life

Role of Teacher in a Student Life

1. Make learning a fun

Their main task is not only teaching but also preparing children for a better tomorrow. Rather than explaining concepts through large boring lectures in a technical way they make their class exciting & fun.

2. Draw Real-life connections

Good teachers are the closest companions of the children. They make learning easier by connecting different subjects to real-life situations.

They cite examples & demonstrate how the most difficult topics can easily be understood by relating to everyday life and how it can be useful in the future.

3. Encourage Students

Encourage Students

Teachers encourage students to grow more as they often look to their teachers for the things to get approved. Words of appreciation like ‘come on,’ ‘good job,’ ‘well done,’ and ‘keep it up’ do wonder in the encouragement of students. These right words mean worth a lot in their life.

Apart from teaching, they always guide and motivate in accomplishing our most significant achievements. Whenever we fail, they stand with us, encourage us, and boost our confidence until we succeed again.

They always show us the best path in our life. They always try to help students beyond their capabilities.

4. Change the Scenario of life

It is well said that ‘the future development of a nation truly lies in the hands of good teachers.’ What we become in life depends on the good education given by our teachers. They impart data & information in the brains of children to analyze the situation.

Analyzing what is essential is the most crucial thing we learn from teachers. From an unshaped stone, they make a beautiful statue. They make us more knowledgeable and enable a proper flow of knowledge from one generation to another.

5. Track Improvement & Set Performance Goals

Good teachers always remind their students that they have come a long way from where they’ve started.  By setting short-term goals, emphasizing improvement, keep self-evaluation they monitor every minute progress of the children & act as a confidence booster.

Teachers also help them by setting smart goals that can be easily achieved. They create challenging assignments for students that help them in solving difficult conditions in life.

Why teachers are important in our life?

Why teachers are important in our life?

A child, when comes in this world, knows nothing. He learns everything from the environment & society. From the teacher, he gains knowledge & education, which isn’t possible if there is no guidance provided.

Just like our parents, teachers are also important in our life. They teach us the wisdom in doing everything. They give moral support and encourage us to live equally in this society and treat everyone equally.

They teach us the importance of life and show us the right track to ensure that we are capable enough to survive in this society.

A teacher is not only the person who teaches syllabus to students. Right from pre-schooling to colleges & universities, they play an essential role in shaping the future of students.

Inside the classroom, they act as a strict teacher, and once they step out of class, they behave like a kind-hearted friend, crack jokes, share some space & even enjoy the fun with us.

Children begin accentuating the world around them. Teachers are more than tutors in our life. Their role is not only up to classrooms & school but also extends beyond this.

Teachers make the world a better place to live in. It can be rightly said that teachers are a great role of teacher in our Life in an individual life.

Before going to the classroom, we greet them, pay regards & show respect to them. Beyond that, teachers serve many other roles in the classroom.

They set a tone of the school, mentor & teach children & nurture them well. That’s why the role of the teacher as a moral guide is critical in one’s life.

Today we should know that only teacher can change the economic, moral & social life of an individual. We should need to respect them by appreciating what all they do for us. And pay them regards by giving them the gift of becoming a good human being.

Therefore, it is said that teaching is an profession that teaches & creates all other trades. 

Also Read :- Importance of Knowledge In Learning

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teachers in my life essay

Newport News teacher named regional teacher of the year: ‘She imprinted on my life.’

N EWPORT NEWS — On a recent Friday morning, Chanda Woods is teaching her sixth graders about prefixes and suffixes. She walks around answering questions and checks on her students’ progress.

In between academic check-ins, she gets personal.

“Are you making better choices now?” she asks one of the kids quietly once she is back at her desk, after helping him with a new vocabulary word. “You need to make the choices I know you can make.”

She gives him a fist bump before he goes back to his seat.

Last month, Woods was selected as the Region 2 Teacher of the Year, putting her in the running for the state title, which will be announced Monday. Region 2 has 16 divisions, including South Hampton Roads and Peninsula schools. The state Teacher of the Year will receive a $2,500 award from one of the program sponsors, the Allen & Allen law firm.

The Crittenden Middle School English teacher believes in the saying, “If you can’t reach them, you can’t teach them.” She has always tried reaching her kids and seeing past behavior challenges. Because, once upon a time, a teacher did the same for her.

“I am a teacher because of my seventh-grade English teacher,” Woods said.

Growing up, her mother struggled with substance abuse, and Woods spent time in foster homes. At school, she masked her worries with an attitude and a hard exterior.

But that teacher saw past the exterior.

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“She didn’t see the disheveled, struggling student,” Woods said. “She chose to love me past that.”

When Woods was taken from her home that year, her teacher took her in.

“She imprinted on my life.”

After that, Woods knew she wanted to do the same for others. Woods and her sister — who also had influential educators — became teachers.

“We are just amazed at how fortunate we are and how blessed we are, because of where we came from, and how we get a chance to do what the teachers in our lives have done for us,” she said, “which is give us hope in a future.”

Woods has had the opportunity for 26 years — as a teacher in Newport News and the Bronx, New York, where she grew up.

Natia Smith, principal at Crittenden, said Woods has the two most important things to be a successful teacher: “She loves her kids, she loves her content.”

Woods is also a master at “activating” learning, she said.

“She really finds a way to get kids to make connections to the material so that they understand it and then can apply it.”

She does not doubt that Woods is a strong contender for the state title. ShaToni Jackson is also confident. Jackson is Woods’ colleague — she’s a special education teacher at Crittenden. Before that, she was her student.

Jackson first met Woods as an eighth grader at Huntington Middle School, where Woods taught before coming to Crittenden. Jackson said she had a difficult childhood, and Woods would sometimes take her and a group of students out on weekends — with their parents’ permission — to see a movie or get some food and just talk. She said having someone like Woods “pouring into me” meant a lot.

She sees that same energy at Crittenden, where Woods started a gardening club and takes students to the school’s courtyard to care for the plants and flowers.

“She puts so much time and energy into our students.”

Jackson said Woods also always has time for her colleagues, even if that means using her lunch break to help out or answer questions.

“She’s the first person in the building and she’s the last person out.”

Woods said she has always thought of her students as her children. She’s still in touch with some of the first, who are now in their mid-30s. She’s also still in touch with that influential seventh-grade teacher.

Woods is humbled by the recognition as the Region 2 Teacher of the Year and still has a hard time believing it.

“It feels like I’m living somebody else’s life.”

Nour Habib, [email protected]

©2024 The Virginian-Pilot. Visit Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Chanda Woods works with her Crittenden Middle School sixth-grade English students, including Tyanna Thomas, 12, left, and Tylin Scott, 11, on Friday, April 26, 2024. Woods was named a regional teacher of the year and is in the running for the state title.

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Guest Essay

An Octopus Took My Camera, and the Images Changed the Way I See the World

A colorful illustrated collage of animals, sea creatures and a person, intertwined.

By Craig Foster

Mr. Foster’s film, “My Octopus Teacher,” won the Academy Award for best documentary feature in 2021. He wrote from Simon’s Town, South Africa.

I was gifted with a new way of seeing the day I got mugged underwater. I had been filming creatures living in the Great African Sea Forest off the coast of South Africa about a year ago when my camera was grabbed straight out of my hands by a young octopus thief. Wrapping her arms around her bounty, she zoomed backward across the ocean floor.

This was not the first time I’d found myself at the mercy of an eight-armed robber. A couple of years earlier, another curious octopus stole the wedding ring off my wife’s finger, never to be recovered. Octopuses love novel shiny things. Peering into their dens, I’ve found earrings, bracelets, spark plugs, sunglasses and a toy car with a revolving cylinder that the octopus spun round and round with its suckers.

As I wondered how to get my camera back without alarming my young friend, something surprising happened. She turned the camera around and began to film my diving partner and me.

The intriguing images she captured — videos of her own arms draped over the camera lens with our bodies in the background — had a profound effect on me. After many years filming octopuses and hundreds of other animals that call the Sea Forest home, for the first time I was seeing the world — and myself — from her perspective.

We must have looked strange to her in our masks and with our underwater flashlights. But in that moment I remembered that despite all our technology, we are not so different from our animal kin. Every breath of air, every drop of water, every bite of food comes from the living planet we share.

Monday is Earth Day, and I am tempted to ask myself how humanity can save our wild planet and undo the devastation we have unleashed upon the natural world. Where I live, in the Cape of Good Hope, I am privileged to be surrounded by nature, but we are grappling with pollution and dwindling numbers of shellfish, fish, raptors and insect species. Worldwide, we are at a tipping point with an estimated 69 percent decline in wildlife populations.

When I consider the vast network of living creatures on earth, it’s clear that “saving the planet” is the wrong goal. Unless earth gets obliterated by an asteroid or experiences some similar catastrophic event, the planet could go on for several billion years. But without the biosphere that makes it possible for us to eat and breathe, humanity could not survive.

The question we should be asking is what caused the precipitous increase in species loss and what can we do to reverse it. To me, it all started when we disconnected from our wild origins. While agricultural and technological revolutions have enabled massive population growth and innovation , they have also instilled the belief that we can control nature, that our planet is an infinite resource to be mined for our advancement, comfort and entertainment.

Today 56 percent of the world population lives in urban areas, a percentage expected to grow to nearly 70 percent by 2050 . That means that more than half of us are cut off from reminders that we are still part of nature and utterly dependent on its health. It’s only when something truly devastating happens, like the recent flooding in Dubai, that we remember that even the greatest human advancements can be brought to a standstill by nature’s power.

I am not calling for us to leave all modern comforts behind, just pleading for us to get to know nature better, rather than try to “save” her.

In the past decade I have taken more than 4,000 dives in the Sea Forest. My encounters with mollusks, sharks and jellyfish there have convinced me that there is much we will lose if we do not value the tremendous abundance of life on earth.

We do this first by protecting biodiversity hot spots and by restoring degraded ecosystems; the enormous regenerative power I see every day in nature is what gives me hope for the future. It also means learning from and supporting Indigenous people who protect 80 percent of the world’s biodiversity and who have, over millenniums, developed many innovative ways to live with the land and sea. One promising example of partnership is a recent grant from the National Science Foundation to support collaboration between Indigenous ecological knowledge and Western science.

Activities that cause long-term destruction of the sea and earth, such as strip mining , deep sea mining and industrial trawling, need to be halted immediately. Farming methods have to change, with greater emphasis on soil recovery and regeneration . We must continue to find alternatives to fossil fuels and push for a worldwide reduction in the production and use of plastics.

But each of us has a role to play, too; it starts with challenging ourselves to reconnect with the wild. So much of our modern world seems designed to tame us: to dull our minds, to separate us from the natural world, to convince us that what will help us survive is more consumption.

Like my octopus friends, we fill our houses with shiny new things. But our piles of stuff are much bigger and the cost of acquisition much greater.

We can break free of this tame conditioning. When we dedicate even just a few minutes per day to observing wild creatures on their own terms, in their own homes, regardless of where we live, we connect with the concept of biodiversity not simply on an intellectual level but also on an emotional level. We see the world differently — and ourselves, too.

How strange it is that one silly primate can see itself as separate from all those it shares this world with. What might happen if we remembered we are a part of this wild world — and let that understanding and humility guide every choice we make?

Craig Foster is a co-founder of the Sea Change Project and the author of the forthcoming “Amphibious Soul: Finding the Wild in a Tame World.” His film “My Octopus Teacher” won the Academy Award for best documentary feature in 2021.

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    teachers in my life essay

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    teachers in my life essay

  5. The Role of Education in My Life Free Essay Example

    teachers in my life essay

  6. A Good Teacher Essay

    teachers in my life essay


  1. essay on An unforgettable event in my life

  2. 10 Lines On My Favourite Teacher/Essay On My Favourite Teacher In English/My Favourite Teacher Essay

  3. My Class Teacher Essay In English 10 Lines

  4. 10 Lines essay on my teacher in english//My teacher essay//My teacher par 10 lines//Poojaeducation

  5. A memorable day in my life || Essay || TrickyTots || School Topics and Students ||

  6. Short Essay On My Ambition To Become a Teacher|| My aim in life| My dream #teacher #study


  1. The teachers who inspired us, and even changed our lives

    "The teacher who changed my life was, serendipitously, my English teacher for kindergarten, 7th grade and senior year of high school. Ms. Barbato taught me how to write eloquently (I hope!), and she had this unexplained faith in me that really galvanized me as a student. What she taught me stuck with me through college and beyond."

  2. My Best Teacher Essay

    500 Words Essay On My Best Teacher. A teacher plays a significant role throughout all stages of life. Teachers impart life's important values to students. Since teachers know that not every student has the same learning capacity, they carefully assess each student's potential before beginning lessons.

  3. Essay on Teacher for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Teacher. Teachers are a special blessing from God to us. They are the ones who build a good nation and make the world a better place. A teacher teaches us the importance of a pen over that of a sword. They are much esteemed in society as they elevate the living standards of people. They are like the building blocks of ...

  4. Reasons My Favorite Teacher Changed My Life

    17 Reasons My Favorite Teacher Changed My Life. By Jen Babakhan. Updated: Apr. 06, 2023. It only takes one person to make a difference in the life of another—and teachers are often that person ...

  5. Stories About the Extraordinary Educators in Your Life

    The most extraordinary educator in my life was my 5th grade teacher, Ms Clabbatz. She stressed reading, literature, and comprehension more than anything else and showed us how, through sufficient reading abilities, we could teach ourselves anything. She ignited a passion for reading in me and showed me a few books that have had a profound ...

  6. Essay on My Teacher My Inspiration

    In the words of Henry Adams, "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.". In conclusion, my teacher has played an integral role in my personal and academic development. Her influence extends beyond the classroom, shaping my values, attitudes, and outlook on life. She is, indeed, my greatest inspiration.

  7. Essay on My Teacher for Students and Children

    February 7, 2024 by Prasanna. My Teacher Essay: A teacher is a person who plays a pivotal role in molding a student's life. Some teachers remain in your memory as a key to a few life problems. A teacher imparts not only academic knowledge but also shares ethical values, and imbibes morality that shapes our personality as a better human being.

  8. Our Favorite Teachers & Why We Remember Them (Opinion)

    In this time of crisis, reading and thinking about non-coronavirus topics can be a welcome diversion now and then. I put thinking about and reading about our favorite teachers into that "welcome ...

  9. The Power of Teachers: The Opportunity to Shape Lives

    February 23, 2001. Teacher. The title conveys the highest responsibility of adults towards children. Apart from my parents, my teachers have done the most to shape my life. From kindergarten through college, their struggle -- and it was a struggle -- to help me grow and learn was not in vain. And I greatly appreciate their efforts.

  10. My Favorite Teacher: a Mentor, Guide, and Inspiration

    Their dedication, passion, and commitment to our growth leave an enduring legacy that extends far beyond the classroom. My favorite teacher will forever hold a special place in my heart as a mentor, guide, and inspiration who has helped me become the person I am today. This essay was reviewed by.

  11. How My Teacher Influenced Me: [Essay Example], 694 words

    A teacher can influence many important characteristics in a person's life. Teachers are much like a second parent, and you could say that they spend just as much, if not more time each day, with a child than parents do. They help mold and shape a child's personality, and often times their future. They can teach you the importance of trust ...

  12. Essay on My Teacher: Top 5 Essays on My Teacher

    Essay on My Teacher - Essay 5 (1000 Words) Introduction: A teacher plays a very important life in shaping your life as well as career. A good teacher is a blessing for the students in their early years and helps them understand the world; learn moral values along with education.

  13. The Best Teacher I Have Ever Had in My Life

    My teacher Dr Barrymore has a few good and bad points. He is the best teacher I have ever had. Here are a few aspects of his teaching methodology and personality that I am going to critique on. He has a way of making people shut up. There are lots of teachers in my school who are not able to control the class. Some are able to make people quiet ...

  14. The passion that lit a hundred burning passions: A teacher's story of

    For the love of teaching, she accepted the challenge even if she knew it would be tough and would take a big toll on her personal life. On June 29, 2009, Teacher Jacky started teaching 76 learners from Grades 1-4 and pursued the creation of Cirilo P. Selgas Primary School.

  15. Importance of Teachers in our Lives

    A teacher not only teaches the students how to earn the living but also teaches the students to be a better person and make better decisions in life. He/she inspires the students to be successful in their career and most importantly be humble and down to earth. Hence there is no doubt that the teachers shape the future of our society.

  16. Essay on Teachers Role In Students Life

    In addition to academics, teachers also help students develop social and emotional skills, such as cooperation, empathy, and self-awareness. These skills are important for students' success in school and in life. 250 Words Essay on Teachers Role In Students Life Teacher's Role in Students' Life. Teachers shape students' lives in many ways.

  17. My Favourite Teacher Essay in English [100, 120, 150, 200, 250 Words]

    My Favourite Teacher Essay in English: Teaching is a noble profession. We all have our favourite teachers in life. In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph or an essay on my favourite teacher in English. Here, we've provided 5 essays or paragraphs on this topic (100, 120, 150, 200, and 250 words).

  18. Essay on My Ambition in Life to Become a Teacher

    250 Words Essay on My Ambition in Life to Become a Teacher Introduction. My ambition in life is to become a teacher, a noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual. The urge to impart knowledge, to mold young minds, and to contribute to society fuels this ambition. The Power of Education

  19. 10 Key Qualities of a Good Teacher, According to Real Educators

    True inclusivity should help you as a teacher grow." —Katie M., Functional Life Skills Teacher; Love for all children: "A good teacher must truly like kids, even the naughty ones. Too often teachers only seem to like the 'good' kids or the ones from 'good' families. They attribute the student's behavior to something personal or ...

  20. Eight Brilliant Student Essays on What Matters Most in Life

    Plus, we share an essay from teacher Charles Sanderson, who also responded to the writing prompt. ... Even though I am only 12 years old, I know my life won't last forever, and someday I, too, will reflect on my past decisions. We were all born to exist and eventually die, so we have evolved to value things in the context of mortality ...

  21. Essay on the importance of teachers in our life.

    Knowledge is the most important tool in the life of human beings. As we grow up, we tend to learn on our own, but initially, teachers play a vital role in helping students acquire knowledge. Teachers help in the overall development of children, teachers help students develop writing skills, oratory skills, and leadership skills. Teachers teach ...

  22. Essay On Teacher

    100 Words Essay On Teacher. Teachers are the second parent who helps the students balance their lives in the right path. A teacher shows not only academic knowledge but also shares ethical and moral values. This will help us to shape our personality as better as human beings. Similar to how we got influenced by our parents in our childhood, our ...

  23. What is the Role of a Teacher in a Student's Life?

    A teacher is the one who makes a significant impact in their students' lives. He/she inspires them to be a better version of themselves and achieve something significant in life. Teachers educate the candidates on unique qualities like fellow feeling, brotherhood, kindness, and simplicity.

  24. My Teaching Philosophy Statement

    Essay Example: In my educational approach, I blend the art of teaching with the science of inspiration, weaving together elements of innovation, empathy, and empowerment to create a dynamic tapestry of learning experiences where each student can truly flourish. Rather than simply delivering

  25. Role of Teacher in our Life

    1. Make learning a fun. Their main task is not only teaching but also preparing children for a better tomorrow. Rather than explaining concepts through large boring lectures in a technical way they make their class exciting & fun. 2. Draw Real-life connections. Good teachers are the closest companions of the children.

  26. Newport News teacher named regional teacher of the year: 'She ...

    NEWPORT NEWS — On a recent Friday morning, Chanda Woods is teaching her sixth graders about prefixes and suffixes. She walks around answering questions and checks on her students' progress. In ...

  27. Opinion

    Mr. Bruni is a contributing Opinion writer and the author of the forthcoming book "The Age of Grievance," from which this essay is adapted. I warn my students. At the start of every semester ...

  28. My Late-in-Life Friendship With Helen Vendler

    Weeks before Helen's death and what would have been her 91st birthday, we exchanged letters. I had sent her an essay I'd just written on the beauty of wonder, stemming from the wonder so many ...

  29. Opinion

    Mr. Foster's film, "My Octopus Teacher," won the Academy Award for best documentary feature in 2021. He wrote from Simon's Town, South Africa. I was gifted with a new way of seeing the day ...