small focus group session

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Simple – your opinion matters.

Use your voice so companies can provide the best services and products to the people who need them most. From consumers to business professionals, those working in the medical field to the patients they provide care for, kids to seniors – we want to hear from you!

Who Participates With Us… Anyone!

market research jobs online

We welcome participants of all ages, including children, teenagers, moms, dads, and seniors. Our studies cover a wide range of topics, such as gaming, food, alcohol, and diapers.

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Business Professionals

Many of our focus groups feature active participation from IT decision makers, business owners, C-Level professionals, human resource experts, contractors, and educators.

market research jobs online

Those who utilize medications, treatments, and devices like injectables and wearables all play an integral role in research topics, such as rare diseases, weight management issues, diabetes, and cancer.

market research jobs online

Healthcare Professionals

We have research opportunities for patient care managers, physicians, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, surgeons, veterinarians, hospital administrators, technicians, among others.

Had the opportunity to participate in my first focus group and I can say it was a great experience.

Everyone was so very nice and made the process so very easy. Will definitely participate again and recommend it to family and friends.

The Experience

Be Heard. Feel Appreciated.

Once you register for our Respondent Dashboard, you’re on your way to influencing the direction of game-changing products, services, and medical treatments.

From there, you’ll be contacted based on your responses and will be screened to ensure you’re participating in the appropriate market research study.

Create a profile to receive communication on potential opportunities.

Tell us more about yourself under the “More Information” tab in your profile. The more information we have, the more likely you are to be contacted.

Based on the preferences you’ve outlined in your profile, you will receive study opportunity information via email, phone, or a combination of the two.

4. Participate

Depending on the project, you may participate in a focus group, one-on-one interview, in-home discussion, or virtual session. Topics range from breakfast cereal to medical devices.

5. Be Rewarded

Your opinion matters. In appreciation, receive an incentive for your impact – it’s as easy as that!

Learn More About the Participant Experience

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What’s a Mock Jury?

Ever wondered what it’s like to step into the shoes of a juror and weigh in on a legal case? In the intriguing world of mock trials, your opinions matter and your insights can shape the future.

We Want Your Opinion: How Focus Group Participants Help Brands Grow

We Want Your Opinion: How Focus Group Participants Help Brands Grow

You’ve heard of taste tests or seen commercials with a room full of people sharing their feedback. But on a large scale, how do so many companies get vital feedback from consumers to help them understand the market and make better products and services?

Partnering with Fieldwork: Jake Toohey

Partnering with Fieldwork: Jake Toohey

Jake was invited to participate in an in-person influencer event at our LA – Orange County office. Familiar with Fieldwork, Ben shares his experience participating in a focus group and at the Ambassador Event.

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collection of Fieldwork participants at an event

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Frequently Asked Questions

What's a focus group.

A focus group is a round-table discussion on products and services that you use. The discussions are led by market research professionals and usually last between 1-2 hours. While focus groups are common types of research studies, we also do taste tests, product trials, in-home interviews, shop-along interviews, phone interviews, and online research.

When you’re done, you will receive an incentive for your contribution!

Fieldwork has focus group facilities across the United States. When you register, you will choose the one nearest you. If you do not live close to any, you can register for our national database, and you will be eligible for phone or online interviews.

What are my responsibilities as a focus group participant?

Fieldwork and its clients rely on the integrity of focus group respondents to conduct accurate and meaningful research. We ask that you:

  • Be truthful in answering questions about yourself and your habits.
  • Arrive for your appointment on time and ready to participate in the discussion.
  • Notify fieldwork if you must cancel with as much advance notice as possible.
  • Enjoy it. Focus Groups are fun!

How do I sign up for focus groups and other research studies?

Registering will add you to Fieldwork’s participant community, giving you access to various study opportunities. During the sign-up process, we will ask for contact information, demographic questions, and details about your household. This will be used to identify those who may qualify for a particular project. Additional screening will be needed to confirm qualification. Click here   to register now.

Once I have registered, what happens?

Based on the details provided in your profile, you will receive study opportunity information via email, phone, or a combination of the two. During our initial outreach we will establish if you are available and interested in a particular study and a good candidate for the research.

If you qualify for a study, you will receive an email confirmation outlining the details such as location, what you will receive as an incentive, and any other details necessary to ensure you’re ready and prepared for your participation.

Once you’ve completed your participation, you will receive your incentive. Your voluntary participation in market research with Fieldwork constitutes an independent contractor relationship, not an employment relationship.

How and when will I receive my incentive? 

We offer incentives in multiple forms. Depending on the project, but most commonly via an online, pre-paid solution. Incentives are typically sent out within 2 weeks of the date of participation.

If it’s been more than 2 weeks since participation, please reach out to [email protected]   and include the following details:

  • Name of participant
  • Office where you participated
  • Date of participation
  • Study reference number

Why is my information being asked for multiple times? 

We recognize things change and it’s important that we collect the most up to date information from each participant for each project. For this reason, you may be presented with questions you’ve answered previously. We thank you for your effort and patience with this process!

Why am I not qualifying for studies?       

Our clients provide us with the specifications to ensure we get the right people for the project. You may not qualify for every study and that’s okay! This is no reflection on you, nor does it compromise your status in our system. It’s important to us that our participants engage in research topics that make sense for them and fit our clients’ needs!

I signed up but haven't heard from you. Why?

Phone and email communication are determined by the information provided in your Dashboard Profile. If your profile is complete, but you are not receiving calls or emails from Fieldwork, double check your email preferences and contact information on the “Edit Profile” tab when logged in. Also, double check that our email,   [email protected] , is added to your contacts – our emails may be going to spam.

Is my information secure?

YES! Fieldwork adheres to the Insights Association Code of Standards and Ethics for Market Research and Data Analytics. That means your information is kept completely confidential. We do not sell or give your information to any third party. For more information, please   visit the Insights Association website . See our privacy policy   here .

I can't seem to log into my account. Can you help?

We’re here to help! Visit the login page to reset your password. Still having trouble? Send us an email at   [email protected].

How do I unsubscribe?

If you would like to unsubscribe from our database and no longer receive calls or emails about upcoming focus groups, please click unsubscribe.

two Fieldwork employees talking

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We’re looking for people from all walks of life to participate in market research studies that matter.

From Frugal to Free

From Frugal to Free

Mompreneur Magic: 10 Online Jobs Perfect for Stay-at-Home Moms

Posted: December 21, 2023 | Last updated: December 21, 2023

<p>Nurturing a child is a wonderful journey that accompanies various expenses. From diapers to childcare, parenting involves not just emotional but also financial commitment. We’ve gathered comprehensive details on the true expenses of parenthood, highlighting costs that often catch new parents off guard. Considering the increasing living expenses, here’s an insight into the expenses involved in raising a child today.</p>

Being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time job by itself, and while there’s the desire to nurture our little ones, it doesn’t mean we don’t want to earn income at the same time. With all of the work-from-home opportunities and a little research, it’s possible to have the best of both worlds. After all, if you can make money while having your name called 30 times in one hour, who wouldn’t go for it? These online jobs are perfect for moms who need flexibility and a reliable way to bring in some extra cash.

<p>One thing that being a stay-at-home mom affords you is plenty of crazy adventures to share with others daily. You can use your personal experience and storytelling abilities to start your own blog. If you have no desire to write about the joys (and terrors) of parenthood, the beauty of blogging is that it’s versatile. You have the freedom to explore diverse topics and to write according to your desired schedule.</p><p>Launching a profitable blog involves discovering your niche, securing a memorable domain name, setting up your blog with reliable hosting services, and paying attention to detail by choosing an appealing theme. With consistent writing, you can monetize your blog through advertising tools like Adsense and lucrative affiliate marketing partnerships, such as those with Amazon. However, the earning potential varies widely, ranging from substantial full-time incomes (averaging <a href="" rel="noopener">$49,085</a>) for some successful bloggers to limited returns.</p>

1. Blogging

One thing that being a stay-at-home mom affords you is plenty of crazy adventures to share with others daily. You can use your personal experience and storytelling abilities to start your own blog. If you have no desire to write about the joys (and terrors) of parenthood, the beauty of blogging is that it’s versatile. You have the freedom to explore diverse topics and to write according to your desired schedule.

Launching a profitable blog involves discovering your niche, securing a memorable domain name, setting up your blog with reliable hosting services, and paying attention to detail by choosing an appealing theme. With consistent writing, you can monetize your blog through advertising tools like Adsense and lucrative affiliate marketing partnerships, such as those with Amazon. However, the earning potential varies widely, ranging from substantial full-time incomes (averaging  $49,085 ) for some successful bloggers to limited returns.

<p>Business owners seek a spectrum of services, from schedule and reservation management to handling phone calls and emails on their behalf. Based on your services, you can command around <a href="" rel="noopener">$19 an hour</a> as a virtual assistant, but it could be as high as $30 or more per hour. This role boasts exceptional flexibility, allowing you to complete tasks at your convenience, especially if they’re straightforward. Anticipate responsibilities like client follow-ups, travel bookings, bookkeeping, setting reminders, and making online purchases for the business. Platforms such as Pinterest present ample opportunities for virtual assistants.</p>

2. Virtual Assistant

Business owners seek a spectrum of services, from schedule and reservation management to handling phone calls and emails on their behalf. Based on your services, you can command around  $19 an hour as a virtual assistant, but it could be as high as $30 or more per hour. This role boasts exceptional flexibility, allowing you to complete tasks at your convenience, especially if they’re straightforward. Anticipate responsibilities like client follow-ups, travel bookings, bookkeeping, setting reminders, and making online purchases for the business. Platforms such as Pinterest present ample opportunities for virtual assistants.

<p>If you’re like most of us who enjoy scrolling various social media networks throughout the day, you may be able to turn that leisure activity into a gig that pays. Seamlessly transition into this role by capitalizing on your familiarity with these platforms to strategically plan, execute, and monitor content calendars and marketing strategies for clients. As a social media manager, you’ll oversee a company’s social media presence, create and implement marketing initiatives, ensure consistent content uploads, and engage promptly with prospects. Social media managers just starting out can earn around <a href="" rel="noopener">$50,000 a year</a>, but the figure varies greatly depending on skills and experience.</p>

3. Social Media Manager

If you’re like most of us who enjoy scrolling various social media networks throughout the day, you may be able to turn that leisure activity into a gig that pays. Seamlessly transition into this role by capitalizing on your familiarity with these platforms to strategically plan, execute, and monitor content calendars and marketing strategies for clients. As a social media manager, you’ll oversee a company’s social media presence, create and implement marketing initiatives, ensure consistent content uploads, and engage promptly with prospects. Social media managers just starting out can earn around $50,000 a year , but the figure varies greatly depending on skills and experience.

<p>Affiliate marketing is a venture where you promote products or services to your audience and earn commissions on subsequent sales. This is really a great avenue if you already have a social media following or a popular blog. You can begin by registering for affiliate programs on platforms like Amazon Associates, Commission Junction, or ShareASale. Once approved, start endorsing products through your website, blog, or social media channels.</p><p>To excel in affiliate marketing, focus on cultivating an engaged audience and creating valuable content that resonates with your followers, including product reviews, tutorials, or content highlighting the benefits of the products or services you endorse. The income potential in affiliate marketing depends on the products, audience size, and commission rates. With a devoted following and an effective marketing strategy, achieving a substantial income, potentially up to <a href="" rel="noopener">$60,000</a>, is within reach.</p>

4. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a venture where you promote products or services to your audience and earn commissions on subsequent sales. This is really a great avenue if you already have a social media following or a popular blog. You can begin by registering for affiliate programs on platforms like Amazon Associates, Commission Junction, or ShareASale. Once approved, start endorsing products through your website, blog, or social media channels.

To excel in affiliate marketing, focus on cultivating an engaged audience and creating valuable content that resonates with your followers, including product reviews, tutorials, or content highlighting the benefits of the products or services you endorse. The income potential in affiliate marketing depends on the products, audience size, and commission rates. With a devoted following and an effective marketing strategy, achieving a substantial income, potentially up to $60,000 , is within reach.

<p>Dropshipping enables online product sales without direct inventory management. Collaborate with suppliers who handle shipping to customers, set up your online store using platforms like Shopify or Oberlo, and curate products aligned with your niche. Success hinges on effective marketing, audience-centric product selection, and top-notch customer service. The average income can fluctuate from around $1700 <a href="" rel="noopener">per month</a> to as much as nearly $4500.</p>

5. Dropshipping

Dropshipping enables online product sales without direct inventory management. Collaborate with suppliers who handle shipping to customers, set up your online store using platforms like Shopify or Oberlo, and curate products aligned with your niche. Success hinges on effective marketing, audience-centric product selection, and top-notch customer service. The average income can fluctuate from around $1700  per month  to as much as nearly $4500.

<p>Not only does everyone love to see the babies in the background, but nowadays, people love to watch other people live and express their expertise on everything. Becoming an influencer or starting a YouTube channel has become immensely <a href="" rel="noopener">popular </a>recently. If you’re comfortable in front of the camera, you can create videos spanning different topics such as cooking, travel, gaming, beauty, and more. As your audience expands, monetize your content through advertising revenue and sponsored partnerships. On average, <a href="" rel="noopener">YouTubers </a>typically earn approximately $0.018 per view, translating to $18 for every 1,000 views.</p>

6. Influencer/YouTube

Not only does everyone love to see the babies in the background, but nowadays, people love to watch other people live and express their expertise on everything. Becoming an influencer or starting a YouTube channel has become immensely popular  recently. If you’re comfortable in front of the camera, you can create videos spanning different topics such as cooking, travel, gaming, beauty, and more. As your audience expands, monetize your content through advertising revenue and sponsored partnerships. On average, YouTubers  typically earn approximately $0.018 per view, translating to $18 for every 1,000 views.

<p>Whenever you finally have the time to clean, take inventory of all the things you no longer want, snap a few pictures, and post them online. It’s one of the easiest ways to earn a passive income. You get to declutter your home and turn it into cash. To sell these items, use platforms such as eBay, GumTree, Craigslist, and Poshmark. The potential for substantial earnings exists in selling old belongings, and the best part is there’s no initial investment required to initiate this endeavor.</p>

7. Online Seller

Whenever you finally have the time to clean, take inventory of all the things you no longer want, snap a few pictures, and post them online. It’s one of the easiest ways to earn a passive income. You get to declutter your home and turn it into cash. To sell these items, use platforms such as eBay, GumTree, Craigslist, and Poshmark. The potential for substantial earnings exists in selling old belongings, and the best part is there’s no initial investment required to initiate this endeavor.

<p>Now, you can put all of those hours clocked in for homework help to good use! Engaging in online tutoring offers a viable opportunity for individuals with expertise in specific subjects. Platforms like Wyzant and TutorMe streamline student connections and scheduling, making tutoring more efficient. Success as a tutor requires a strong command of your subject and effective communication skills. On average, online tutors can earn about <a href="" rel="noopener">$49,000</a> a year, with varying compensation based on experience and subject proficiency.</p>

8. Online Tutoring

Now, you can put all of those hours clocked in for homework help to good use! Engaging in online tutoring offers a viable opportunity for individuals with expertise in specific subjects. Platforms like Wyzant and TutorMe streamline student connections and scheduling, making tutoring more efficient. Success as a tutor requires a strong command of your subject and effective communication skills. On average, online tutors can earn about $49,000 a year, with varying compensation based on experience and subject proficiency.

<p>Freelance writing, akin to blogging, involves the art of writing but offers a broader array of possibilities. As a freelance writer, you have the flexibility to take on diverse writing assignments about various topics, with the distinctive advantage of receiving immediate compensation, unlike the delayed earnings associated with blogging.</p><p>Popular niches within freelance writing include editing and proofreading, technical writing, resume writing, copywriting, and content writing. Numerous freelancing opportunities await on platforms like People Per Hour, Upwork, and Fiverr. And the best part is that joining these sites is free. While pay rates may vary, your earning potential grows with accumulated experience, allowing you to request higher project fees.</p>

9. Freelance Writer

Freelance writing, akin to blogging, involves the art of writing but offers a broader array of possibilities. As a freelance writer, you have the flexibility to take on diverse writing assignments about various topics, with the distinctive advantage of receiving immediate compensation, unlike the delayed earnings associated with blogging.

Popular niches within freelance writing include editing and proofreading, technical writing, resume writing, copywriting, and content writing. Numerous freelancing opportunities await on platforms like People Per Hour, Upwork, and Fiverr. And the best part is that joining these sites is free. While pay rates may vary, your earning potential grows with accumulated experience, allowing you to request higher project fees.

<p>Virtual event planning provides you with a platform to showcase your unique style in the digital realm. You can totally tailor this role to your schedule. As a virtual event planner, you’ll organize everything from online decorations and virtual invitations to coordinating digital experiences and specialized elements based on your preferred level of involvement. Explore platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Hopin to kickstart your journey as a virtual event planner. The typical <a href="" rel="noopener">hourly pay</a> for professionals in this field stands at $30.</p>

10. Virtual Event Planner

Virtual event planning provides you with a platform to showcase your unique style in the digital realm. You can totally tailor this role to your schedule. As a virtual event planner, you’ll organize everything from online decorations and virtual invitations to coordinating digital experiences and specialized elements based on your preferred level of involvement. Explore platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Hopin to kickstart your journey as a virtual event planner. The typical hourly pay  for professionals in this field stands at $30.

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    Project Manager/Market Research Consultant. All-Star Talent, Inc. Remote. $55,000 - $90,000 a year. Full-time. 8 hour shift + 1. Interest in data analytics, market research, and process mapping through data driven solutions. In this role, you'll primarily use your understanding and…. Active 3 days ago.

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