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Best Resume Advice According to Reddit: 6 Tips That Actually Work

  • Julia Mlcuchova , 
  • Updated January 29, 2024 9 min read

Do you often turn to Reddit for answers to your burning questions? And, have you considered exploring this popular online forum to uncover what the best resume advice according to Reddit is?

Of course, Reddit can be notoriously difficult to navigate and not all of its users actually know what they're talking about.

Still, Reddit and other public forums can be valuable sources of first-hand experience in all things resume. 

We've painstakingly sifted through countless subreddits, all dedicated to resume writing and career tips, to save you the trouble.

Now, we present to you the crème-de-la-crème of Reddit resume advice. 

In this article, you'll find:

  • 6 best resume advice according to Reddit;
  • What we think about them; 
  • And, of course, examples. 

Table of Contents

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TL;DR: 5 Best resume advice according to reddit

1. use a single column layout to pass the ats.

  • 2. Don't name your resume 'resume.pdf'

3. Keep your job descriptions short. Use bullet points and action verbs

4. use numbers to quantify your achievements, 5. less is more for both word count & job applications per day, 6. use resume builders to make your life easier, key takeaways: best resume advice according to reddit.

First, for those in a hurry, here's the TL;DR version of our top five resume advice gathered from Reddit:

  • Use a single column layout to pass the ATS.
  • Don't name your resume 'resume.pdf'.
  • Keep you job descriptions short. Use bullet points and action verbs.
  • Use numbers to quantify your achievements.
  • Less is more for both word count & job applications per day.
  • Use resume builders to make your life easier.

Now, let's look at the best resume advice according to Reddit users more closely. Here's what we think:

If you thought that layout doesn't play any significant role in the success rate of your resume, you thought wrong!

In case the company you're applying to uses an Applicant Tracking System, always opt for a single column layout . 

The reason? ATS compatibility. 

Even though all ATSs are designed to read text from top to bottom, left to right , not every ATS is programmed to distinguish between columns. 

And you just can't know with certainty which software you'll encounter. Therefore, reduce the risk of your resume being incorrectly processed or rejected by picking a one-column ATS friendly resume template . This will make the process of parsing and interpreting information easier and safer.

HOWEVER. That doesn't mean you should discard the two-column resume all-together. Here are some reasons why a two-column layout can still be beneficial :

  • Non-ATS employers . Many companies still don't use ATS systems, making the ATS compatibility argument less relevant in these cases. For these employers, the visual and organizational benefits of a two-column layout could be more advantageous.
  • Aesthetics . A two-column format can be more visually engaging, making your resume stand out.
  • Ease of reading . Smaller chunks of information can make the resume easier for the human eye to navigate.
  • Space management . For those with less experience, a two-column layout can help evenly distribute text and avoid large empty spaces.
  • Strategic organization . It allows for a more strategic presentation of information, guiding the recruiter's eyes through your resume efficiently.

Moreover, if you're just entering the workforce with no experience , your resume is probably still quite sparse. 

Because of this, you may end up with a large, unattractive empty space at the bottom of your document. And with one-column structure resumes, this is often the case. 

There' s an easy fix! Organizing your resume sections into a two-column structure can help spread the text more evenly.  

2. Don't name your resume 'resume.pdf'

Indeed, putting together a good resume is quite a tedious process.

There're so many rules and principles to think about, for instance:

  • Every single resume section, whether it be the resume summary , work experience section, education section, skills section, or any other optional section, requires your full and undivided attention. 
  • You must remember to always tailor your resume to fit a specific job description . 
  • Not to mention the subsequent formatting and proofreading!

By the time you've finished writing your resume, you're likely mentally drained. 

It's at this time that errors creep out from the most unexpected places.

One such error is not naming your resume file appropriately .

How to name your resume file: step-by-step.

When naming your resume file for submission, it's important to consider clarity, professionalism, and the likelihood of it being easily found by the recruiters.  

Here are our recommendations for naming your resume file:

  • Use your name. Start with your full name. This is the most crucial piece of information because it clearly identifies the document as yours. For example, "PeterStones" .
  • Specify the document type. Make it clear that the document is a resume . This helps distinguish your resume from other documents like a cover letter . For example, " Resume ".
  • Add the job title. This can be particularly helpful if you are sending the resume directly to a hiring manager. For example, " ProductManager ".
  • Use a professional format. Avoid using any unnecessary symbols or fancy formatting. Underscores (_) or hyphens (-) are acceptable to separate words.

A good file name for your resume could look like this: "PeterStones_Resume_ProductManager.pdf".

Finally, before hitting send, consider carefully what to write in an email when sending a resume . Of course, when you're applying for a job, every detail matters. Don't neglect the content of your email – it's also responsible for making a positive first impression.

Undoubtedly, you know that the work experience section is the heart and soul of your resume.  

The recruiters always pay it the most attention, and so you need to be extra diligent and patient while writing about your past employment. 

Consequently, many will try to fit in as much information as humanly possible, disregarding the readability and quality of their entries. To steer clear from such mistake, follow these two simple principles:

  • Organize your work descriptions into bullet points . Under each work experience entry, list 4-5 bullet points underlining your most notable responsibilities and achievements. That is to say, you should focus on demonstrating the impact your presence had on your former employment, rather than just stating your daily duties. 
  • Open the said bullet points with action verbs . The recruiters don't care about long winding sentences! That's why it's a good idea to start each bullet point with an action verb . This will not only make your writing more concise, but it'll also depict you as a proactive, and therefore valuable, employee.

For example, a well conceptualized work entry description can look like this:

Work experience entry example:

Senior Product Manager XYZ Tech Solutions, New York, NY | June 2019 – Present

  • Led a team of 8 in the development of an innovative mobile application, increasing user retention by 35% within six months.
  • Collaborated with cross-departmental teams to streamline product delivery, reducing time-to-market by 20%.
  • Managed product lifecycle from concept to launch, including market analysis, positioning, and rollout strategy.
  • Oversaw a budget of $1M, optimizing resource allocation and cutting costs by 15% without impacting product quality.

This is another great resume advice according to a Reddit user!

The recruiters adore to see numbers in your resume! Why, you ask?

It makes life a bit easier for them. By quantifying your accomplishments, you simultaneously allow recruiters to better gauge your abilities ; and add more weight to your words . 

Be as specific as you can - numbers are universal. 

Struggling to figure out how to incorporate numbers into your resume? Here are few examples of what you can quantify:

  • Revenue and sales increases. If you contributed to growing revenue or sales, specify the percentage or dollar amount of the increase. For example: " Boosted sales by 20% within a six-month period. "
  • Cost reduction. Similarly, if you implemented strategies that reduced costs, mention the amount or percentage saved. For example: " Cut operational costs by 15% through process optimization ."
  • Time efficiency. If you streamlined processes, indicate how much time was saved. For example: " Reduced project turnaround time by 30% ."
  • Team management. If you manage a team, you can specify the number of people you supervise. For example: " Led a team of 12 sales professionals ."
  • Project scope and delivery. Quantify the size or value of the projects you managed, then mention if you delivered them under budget or ahead of schedule. For example:  " Managed projects worth $2M, consistently delivering 10% under budget ."
  • Training and development. If you were involved in training, mention the number of people you trained or the improvement in performance post-training. For example: " Trained over 30 employees, leading to a 40% increase in overall team efficiency. "

Resume advice two-in-one!

As this Reddit user rightly pointed out, less is sometimes more . 

This is especially true when it comes to the content of your resume as well as the amount of job applications you send out each day .

When crafting your resume, keep in mind that you must show the recruiters that you have everything they're looking for . Chances are, you actually have much more – more diverse job experience; more interesting hobbies; or more fulfilling volunteer work you'd like to share with them. 

Obviously, resumes have their length limitations . Once you've started to write yours, you'll soon learn that you have to be picky! 

Recruiters prefer resumes that are focused, relevant, and straight-to-the-point. In other words, don't make them read information they didn't ask for. 

The same applies to applying for jobs.

Many in this situation start panic-applying to every single job posting they find. Because they assume that the more applications they send, the bigger their chances at landing a job will be. 

Makes sense right?

In theory, maybe. In practice? Hardly!

Believe it or not, there's such a thing as sending too many applications. Basically, if your solely focus on the quantity of applications, you're running the risk of sacrificing their quality . 

And that is a problem. If you'd like to learn how to go about this problem, including tips on how to manage the pressure of job hunting, take a look at what research says about the ideal number of job applications .

Now, hand over your heart!

Would you prefer to sit in front of your computer for hours, battling with Microsoft Word and its many settings? Trying to create a perfect resume design from scratch? 

Admit it, even the thought of setting margins and spacing makes you roll your eyes. 

Hence, arguably the best resume advice according to reddit is to make a resume with an online resume builder to avoid these inconveniences (politely said).

No need to scratch your head over a layout or the best colour palette! Instead, simply pick a resume template that best suits your needs (both aesthetic and practical), fill in all your information, and watch your resume come to life in seconds. 

Additionally, resume builders can proofread and correct any misspellings or typos you might've otherwise missed. 

Sounds good? If so, your perfect resume is one click away.

Resume template by Kickresume

This resume was written by our experienced resume writers specifically for this profession.

In conclusion, Reddit and other public forums can serve as a good starting point for seeking resume advice.

Apart from first-hand applicant experience, many posts are sumbitted by actual hiring managers.

However, there's a lot to weed out first to find the best resume advice according to reddit.

Plus, you should always compare your findings with reputable sources. Which is exactly what we did.

  • Don't forget to name your resume file appropriately.
  • Keep your job descriptions short with bullet points and action verbs.
  • Keep your resume concise and the number of daily applications reasonable. 
  • Use online tools (like Kickresume) to build your resume.

Ready to create the perfect resume?

Create a beautiful resume quickly with the help of AI and our customizable templates.

Julia has recently joined Kickresume as a career writer. From helping people with their English to get admitted to the uni of their dreams to advising them on how to succeed in the job market. It would seem that her career is on a steadfast trajectory. Julia holds a degree in Anglophone studies from Metropolitan University in Prague, where she also resides. Apart from creative writing and languages, she takes a keen interest in literature and theatre.

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Do You Really Need to Include Every Job on Your Resume?

Knowing what to include (and not include!) on a resume is key. The question is, do you really need to include every job on your resume? Read this to find out.

2 years ago   •   7 min read

When you're putting together your resume, it can be tempting to list every job you've ever had. But is this really necessary? More importantly, will doing this help or hurt your chances of getting the job? In this article, we'll look at what really needs to be on your resume — and what doesn't. We'll also answer:

  • When it's okay to leave a job off your resume
  • When you need to list every job on your resume
  • How many jobs you should include on your resume
  • How far back your job history should go
  • How to choose which jobs to include and which to leave off
  • What to do in specific situations, like if you were fired or if you've held short-term jobs

Do you need to list every single job on your resume?

No, you don't need to include every job you've ever held on your resume.

Let's start by dispelling the notion that everything you've ever done needs to go on your resume. A resume is not an exhaustive list of every job that you've ever had — it's meant to be a summary of your relevant work experience, skills, and education.

What jobs do you need to include on your resume?

Which jobs should you include on your resume? The litmus test is that jobs should be recent and relevant . So:

  • Any job you've held in the last 10-15 years (with some exceptions, like short-term jobs).
  • Any job that's similar to the one you're currently applying for, or where you demonstrated relevant skills.

For example, if you’re applying for a job that involves coaching softball and you were an assistant coach during college, that job would still be relevant even if it was 15+ years ago. On the other hand, if you're applying for a job as a financial analyst, that old position can safely be left off your resume.

Which jobs should you leave off of your resume?

The short answer is: You can leave any job off your resume for any reason. A resume isn't a legally binding document, and no reasonable hiring manager is expecting it to be a comprehensive work history.

The longer answer is: You should consider leaving off any job that doesn't actively support your candidacy for the specific job you're applying for. This includes:

  • Jobs in a completely different role or industry. For example, if you’re interested in a receptionist job, your baking experience isn’t relevant.
  • Jobs you held 10+ years ago. Even if those jobs are still relevant to your current career path, it can still be better to leave them off if you have more recent experience doing the same thing.
  • Short-term jobs. If you were there less than 6 months, you're unlikely to have many standout accomplishments — remember that listing jobs on your resume should be about that you achieved, not just that you were hired.
  • Jobs you left on bad terms. If you were fired for cause or are unlikely to get a good reference, it's okay to omit that job entirely.

What you should do if ...

Wondering what the best thing to do is in your specific situation? Here's where we answer your burning questions about some common (but tricky) job scenarios.

You were at a job for less than 6 months

In most cases, listing very short-term jobs on your resume is going to raise more questions than it answers. Like: Why did you leave? Were you fired? Are you likely to leave this job just as quickly?

If you have a very compelling reason to list a short-term job on your resume — like if you accomplished something genuinely noteworthy, or if it was intended to be short-term from the beginning — it can stay. Otherwise, it's best to just leave it off entirely.

Alternatively, if you held a few similar short-term jobs, you might be able to consolidate them under a single heading, like "Sales Experience" or "Telemarketing Experience." This allows you to keep those jobs on your resume without looking like a job hopper.

Related: Should you leave short-term jobs off your resume?

You worked multiple part-time jobs

It's okay to include part-time jobs on your resume — but it's also okay to leave them off. If you worked more than one job at the same time, you can choose to list both of them on your resume — simply list the most recent one first. If you want, you can add "(part-time)" next to the job title to prevent any confusion.

On the other hand, if you were working a part-time job alongside your full-time position, or if you had an unrelated side gig, it's completely fine to just leave them off. You also don't need to indicate that a job was part-time if you don't want to — for example, if you held two part-time jobs at once but only want to include one of them on your resume.

Related: The right way to list contract work and temporary jobs on your resume

You were fired

If you were fired for cause, it's generally best to avoid listing that position on your resume. Depending on how long you were there, this might leave you with a significant resume gap. If you can, fill it with other activities like volunteering or freelance work. If not, you'll need to decide if the circumstances of your departure were bad enough to warrant the gap on your resume.

Related: How to list gaps on a resume (without making it a big deal)

You don't have a lot of experience

If you've only ever held one or two jobs, you should keep them on your resume — even if they were short-term positions or in a different industry. Try to focus on transferable skills; for example, if you worked as a server at a restaurant and are applying for a retail position, you should focus on your customer service experience and cash handling experience.

Related: How to write an impressive resume without a lot of experience

You're changing careers or have unrelated jobs

Whether you're making a deliberate career change or temporarily stepped outside your field, the trick is curating your resume to tell the story you want.

How? By creating a targeted resume. Emphasizing transferable skills, tailoring your accomplishments, and separating your job history into "Relevant Experience" and "Other Experience" can all elevate your resume. You can start by using Resume Worded's free tool to create your own targeted resume .

You should also try to include skills and keywords that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. Use the skills search tool below to find the right ones.

Related: How to update your resume for a career change in 2023

You have a lot of experience or are applying for senior roles

You can compromise on listing older positions on your resume by just listing the employer, job title, and dates, without the accompanying bullet points. This is a good idea if you're applying for more senior positions, where it might look odd if your resume only goes back 10-15 years.

When deciding how far your resume should go back, you should let the job description guide you. For example, if you're applying for a job that asks for 20+ years of experience, you should include jobs from at least the past 20 years.

Leave off the accomplishments when listing older experience on your resume.

Related: How to write a resume if you're an older worker

You gained relevant skills in a job you haven't listed

Just because you were at a job for a short time doesn’t mean that you didn’t gain any skills. You can still list skills from jobs that aren't on your resume — hard skills can go in your skills section, while you can talk about soft skills in your bullet points from other jobs.

Related: Here's how to include soft skills on your resume

You're asked to list every job on an application form

While what you put on your resume is entirely up to you, job applications can be different.

Some job applications ask for a full job history — in that case, yes, to do need to put every single job on there. If you leave off a position and it's uncovered in a background check, it can be grounds for termination.

This can also be true of jobs in specific industries, like government — if you're ever asked to provide a complete work history, don't leave anything off.

You're asked about your work history in an interview

Even if you didn't include a job on your resume, a hiring manager could still ask you about it in an interview. (This also goes for references — most jobs will ask you to provide references, but they're allowed to contact anyone else they want.)

When discussing your resume in an interview, it’s important to be honest. If the interviewer asks explicitly about a job that isn't on your resume, simply explain that it was a short-term job, it was an unrelated industry, etc.

You don't need to proactively offer that you were fired from a job, but if you're asked, you do need to tell the truth. There's no need to go into details, but you should prepare a brief, unemotional response; for example, it wasn't a match for your skill set, or they were looking for someone with more experience in X.

Related: Should you put a reason for leaving on your resume?

Find out if you've chosen the right work experience for your resume

If you're unsure how effective your jobs/experiences are on your resume, upload it to the tool below. It'll analyze every job on your resume and suggest which ones to remove or improve.

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  • Job Search Tips

Posting a Resume on Indeed: Should I Do It?

Ken Chase profile pic

In today’s competitive employment market, it is important to leverage every available tool to maximize your chances of landing the right job. You not only want to have a resume that makes the best possible impression, you also need to ensure that you get that resume into the right hiring managers’ hands. For some job seekers, posting a resume on Indeed can be a great way to save time and get even more attention from recruiters and hiring managers. But is that the right option for you?

In this post, we will look at the pros and cons of posting your resume on Indeed, as well as on any of the most popular online job boards. We will also offer some tips you can use to upload your own resume to Indeed.

Is posting your resume to online job boards a good idea?

Learning how to upload a new resume on Indeed or other online job boards can offer many advantages. Often, recruiters and hiring managers will browse through these online boards in search of potential new hires. When your resume is posted and available for viewing, those recruiters will be able to readily identify you as a potential candidate for any open job. Depending on the role you’re seeking and the industry you’re employed in, this can be a great way to open doors to employment opportunities you might have otherwise missed.

Of course, there are both pros and cons to this approach since no two situations are ever exactly alike. Ultimately, your decision about whether to utilize online job boards for resume submissions will depend on your own unique circumstances. Let’s examine the potential advantages and disadvantages of using this tool for your resume, focusing on when you should and should not post your resume on Indeed.

When should you post a resume on Indeed?

You may want to post your resume on Indeed or other job boards if:

You are actively searching for a job and want to ensure that your resume is seen by a wide variety of recruiters, hiring managers, and companies. Job boards like Indeed can provide a tremendous amount of exposure for job seekers, so posting your resume may help you gain greater visibility and lead to more opportunities.

You plan to submit your resume to multiple companies. Job boards like Indeed simplify that process by enabling you to create a profile and apply for a position in seconds. That saves time for you to pursue other aspects of the job search process, like following up on those submissions or preparing for interviews.

Your resume doesn’t require a lot of tailoring. Depending on your field of expertise and the role you are seeking, you may be able to use your resume without changing it to target the specific company.

When should you avoid posting a resume on Indeed?

Of course, there may also be times when you may not want to upload your resume to Indeed or other job boards. For example, you might want to avoid putting your resume on those platforms if:

You are concerned about potential privacy issues. Data protection is a major priority for many of these companies, but that doesn’t mean that a data breach can never occur. Make sure you know the risks before you post your resume to Indeed or any online site.

You’re seeking a position that requires you to tailor your resume for each specific role. Obviously, any posted resume will need to be a one-size-fits-all document if you want to use it for multiple resume submissions. If you plan to tailor each submission to ensure that it targets each company in the best possible way, that generic resume upload may not be the right option for you.

Your job search plans do not include responding to multiple unsolicited job offers. You won’t have complete control over which companies reach out to you, so make sure that you are prepared to answer those inquiries.

You are currently employed and don’t want your employer to know that you are looking for another job. Obviously, this is always a risk when you are in that situation since people in the same industry often share this type of news with one another. Still, a publicly available resume submission can increase the odds that your boss will discover that you’re pursuing other options.

How much does it cost to upload my resume to Indeed?

Most job search sites allow you to upload your resume. You would typically do this when registering for an account. Fortunately, many of the main job boards do not charge job seekers for access to profile creation and resume upload features. Instead, sites like Indeed charge employers a fee to browse through their pool of resumes.

Job seekers should be careful using resume builder tools like the Indeed resume builder . They are not optimized for applicant tracking systems (ATS) systems and the formats aren't eye-catching.

Is my information safe? 

Job board sites often allow you to choose whether you want your resume to be public. If you don't want your resume to be viewed by just anyone, do your research to see exactly who will be able to access it. Moreover, sites like Indeed will block out your street address along with your email and phone number which will be visible only to employers you apply or respond to.

How to upload your resume on Indeed

If you do decide to post your resume to Indeed, the process is simple and straightforward. Just follow these steps to quickly complete the upload process.

1.       Select the upload your resume button

Begin the process by visiting Indeed’s home page. There, you will find the “Upload your resume” link at the upper right of the page. Clicking on that link will bring up another window that allows you to enter your email address or sign in using Google and other options. Once you do that, you will be taken to a page that allows you to upload your resume to the site. You can do that now or select the skip option and upload the document after you complete your account creation process.

2.       Create an account

To upload and maintain your profile on Indeed, you will need to create an account. Whether you upload your resume immediately or skip that step, you will next be taken to your profile page. You can add as much or as little personal information as you’d like and create a password to secure your account. You will also be asked to confirm your email.

3.       Make sure your resume is in the right format

Indeed also provides a resume format tool that you can use to make sure that your document aligns with the site’s template format. As you do so, make any adjustments needed to ensure that the site puts your information in your desired resume sections . You can also use this time to proofread the resume, or tailor it to any specific role that you are interested in seeking.

4.       Adjust your settings

Once you are done with your formatting, you should choose your searchability settings. There are two options here: you can opt to limit searchability or choose to make both your resume and profile open to public view. The latter option will make it easier for any employer or recruiter to find you. However, if you don’t want everyone to see this information, you might want to select the former option.

3 tips for posting your resume to job boards

  1. Only post your resume to reputable sites

Don't just go around posting your resume to dozens of sites; you will run the risk of your information getting out to spammers. There are only a handful of sites you should be posting your resume to.

These include:



Read our full list of the top sites to post your resume on .

2. Check the terms

Check to see who will be able to access your online resume before you post it. You may not want to give millions of people access to your information. Check each site's terms or FAQ page for details. You should contact support if you're unable to locate the exact terms.

3. Maintain realistic expectations

Don't think that you should stop applying for jobs once your Indeed resume is posted. The chances of actually landing a job by simply posting your resume are not as good as you might think. You should be actively applying to as many jobs as you're qualified for .

Take action now to find your dream job

While posting your resume on Indeed or other job board sites can expand your job search reach, there are many things to consider before you use that tool. Make sure that you understand all of the pros and cons of online job boards to ensure that this approach is the right choice for your job search needs.

Before you post your resume to Indeed or any other job boards, make sure it’s ready to capture the right kind of attention. Get your free resume review from our team of experts today!

Recommended reading:

11 Best (Free!) Sites to Post Your Resume Online

Best 8 Free Job Search Apps for Android and iPhone

How to Win the Battle for the Best Paying Jobs

Ken Chase, Freelance Writer

During Ken's two decades as a freelance writer, he has covered everything from banking and fintech to business management and the entertainment industry. His true passion, however, has always been focused on helping others achieve their career goals with timely job search and interview advice or the occasional resume consultation. When he's not working, Ken can usually be found adventuring with family and friends or playing fetch with his demanding German Shepherd. Read more resume advice from Ken on  ZipJob’s blog .

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Thomson Reuters

As Moscow bureau chief, Guy runs coverage of Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Before Moscow, Guy ran Brexit coverage as London bureau chief (2012-2022). On the night of Brexit, his team delivered one of Reuters historic wins - reporting news of Brexit first to the world and the financial markets. Guy graduated from the London School of Economics and started his career as an intern at Bloomberg. He has spent over 14 years covering the former Soviet Union. He speaks fluent Russian.

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As Russia Chief Political Correspondent, and former Moscow bureau chief, Andrew helps lead coverage of the world's largest country, whose political, economic and social transformation under President Vladimir Putin he has reported on for much of the last two decades, along with its growing confrontation with the West and wars in Georgia and Ukraine. Andrew was part of a Wall Street Journal reporting team short-listed for a Pulitzer Prize for international reporting. He has also reported from Moscow for two British newspapers, The Telegraph and The Independent.

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    making up jobs on resume reddit

  3. Applying for CS Web Development jobs, and found and used this template

    making up jobs on resume reddit

  4. Should you add the position title you're applying for on the resume

    making up jobs on resume reddit

  5. Best Resume Templates Reddit

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  6. Reddit Good Resume Template

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  1. Employers of Reddit what can someone put on a resume that sends it straight to the shredder

  2. Employers of Reddit, what can someone put on a resume that sends it straight to the shredder

  3. These resume mistakes can cost you the job

  4. Resume Mistakes: Never include these mistakes on any job application

  5. People who got jobs by lying on their resume, how are they doing?

  6. Write The Perfect Resume In 12 Minutes • Beam Jobs • How to Get The Interview • Flight Attendant


  1. r/jobs on Reddit: I've reviewed 1,000+ good (and bad) resumes. Here are

    6. Back up your experiences with data & numbers. All the entries on your resume should be super-specific. This allows you to stand out from the other candidates & show the recruiter that you're a high-achiever. DO: Managed and optimized the client's Facebook ad account, increasing the ad ROI from 42% to 65%.

  2. Do people actually lie on resume to get jobs

    People have been lying on their resumes since the dawn of time. When they're asking for 5 years of experience for entry level jobs, lie. When they want 10 years of experience for a type of software that's only 5 years old, lie. Because job postings with stupid requirements require you to adapt to their unachievable expectations.

  3. Can anyone recommend a good FREE resume builder? : r/jobs

    Also, don't discount your own skills. I've written resumes for many of my friends. They've landed junior professional all the way to low-level executive roles using my resumes. I'm a software engineer, not a pro resume writer. I make this service available only to my close friends (of course, free of charge).

  4. What should I put on my resume to get hired? : r/barista

    Use your experience volunteering that can translate into typical duties as a barista. Aside from that, find examples of cover letters for restaurant jobs. Use very plain formatting in your resume and cover letter. 1. Reply. Award. I am F17, and a local coffee shop to my town just opened up near me. I spoke to the owner today and she told me to ...

  5. Couldn't you just lie on your resume for that "first job"?

    I've had a few nonsense jobs in the past. Dead-end stuff like working instock overnight at Target and Wal-Mart, or doing whatever-is-needed at the local Burger King. Getting my first job was hard and it wasn't until later that I realized that you could technically just lie on your application/resume and avoid the Catch-22 of jobs entirely.

  6. I just graduated college and I think I have a very poor resume ...

    ATS-optimized resume templates available at Resumatic. Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first. Troubleshooting your resume and your job search. Free Resume Template - Google Docs. Networking for beginners. If you have applied to 100 or more jobs and aren't getting callbacks, please refer to this post for help.

  7. Best Resume Advice According to Reddit: Tips That Actually Work

    Keep you job descriptions short. Use bullet points and action verbs. Use numbers to quantify your achievements. Less is more for both word count & job applications per day. Use resume builders to make your life easier. Now, let's look at the best resume advice according to Reddit users more closely.

  8. Do you know a good AI-based Resume generator that bases on ...

    Try out my site — https://prores.ai. You can import your resume and then make tailored resumes and cover letters based on a job description.

  9. r/jobs on Reddit: As a college student is it bad if I only have

    No, a "diverse" resume isn't better or worse. If it's not related to the field you're applying to, no one is really going to care about it. The best way to get internships is to network with your professors and show up to job fairs/campus events.

  10. Lying on Your Resume? Here's How You'll Get Caught

    Here are 10 ways employers discover the truth behind your resume lies. 1. Your alma mater can't confirm you graduated. Claiming to be a Harvard graduate when you really have a degree from a no-name state school is one of the worst things you can lie about on your resume, according to hiring managers surveyed by Hloom.

  11. Professional Simple Resume Template With Free Cover Letter & Tips

    Add your thoughts and get the conversation going. 457 subscribers in the homebasedmommie community. A community for job seekers who want to work from home, make money online, find cool ideas to start….

  12. Do You Really Need to Include Every Job on Your Resume?

    It's okay to include part-time jobs on your resume — but it's also okay to leave them off. If you worked more than one job at the same time, you can choose to list both of them on your resume — simply list the most recent one first. If you want, you can add " (part-time)" next to the job title to prevent any confusion.

  13. HR Pros of Reddit reveal the most unnecessary résumé ...

    At least three HR professionals attested to receiving CVs of 30 pages or more. Many others sagged under the weight of five pages plus. One to two pages seems to the optimum length desired ...

  14. 8 outrageous lies real people have told on their resumes ...

    Employment gaps and odd job titles are among the lies that are often seen, according to hiring managers. Whether you think a little white lie is no big deal, lying on your resume or in other ...

  15. Follow these 4 steps for federal resume success

    Revise, refine, review. After you've tailored your resume with the keywords from the job announcement, take a step back and revise. Look for opportunities to expand or explain your experience with more specific examples. Cut any irrelevant information, whether it's just part of your job duties or the entire job.

  16. After a few years of professional experience, should I leave college

    The "general rule on listing college work experience on a resume after 3-5 years of professional experience" is "it depends".. The overall rule is that your resume includes everything that showcases your skills and experience but that also remains within the generally accepted and desired 1-2 page range.. As a hiring manager, if you held only that one position for those 3 to 5 years after ...

  17. Do I Have To Include Every Job On My Resume?

    Many automated job application systems (the ones I collectively call the Black Hole) will make you check a box that said "Everything I have reported in this form is true and complete." That's ...

  18. Q&A: How Many Jobs Should I Put On My Resume?

    How to list jobs on a resume. Use these steps to create the work experience or professional history section of your resume: 1. Use reverse chronological order. Write your most recent place of employment at the top of the list and continue down in chronological order through your prior work experience. 2.

  19. Posting a Resume on Indeed: Should I Do It?

    1. Select the upload your resume button. Begin the process by visiting Indeed's home page. There, you will find the "Upload your resume" link at the upper right of the page. Clicking on that link will bring up another window that allows you to enter your email address or sign in using Google and other options.

  20. resignation

    1. Your resume should only contain information and experience relevant to the positions you are applying to or are going to apply to, and you should be comfortable with having those experiences in your resume. If you do not want to be affiliated with that company, and the chances are you might not want to be - leave it out.

  21. Exclusive: Putin wants Ukraine ceasefire on current frontlines

    "Let them resume," he said, adding that negotiations should be based on "the realities on the ground" and on a plan agreed during a previous attempt to reach a deal in the first weeks of the war ...