The Scarlet Letter

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Chapters 5-8

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Chapters 21-24

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Symbols & Motifs

Important Quotes

Essay Topics

Discussion Questions

One of the defining characteristics of Romantic literature is an appreciation of nature’s beauty and an association of the natural world with inspiration, authenticity, and freedom. How does The Scarlet Letter reflect these broader Romantic trends?

Although the novel takes place prior to the Salem witch trials, Hawthorne references the trials in the Introduction with the assumption that readers are already familiar with them. How does knowledge of these trials color the novel’s meaning?

Compare and contrast the scene of Hester’s punishment on the scaffold with Dimmesdale’s confession and death. What do these similarities and differences reveal about the novel’s characters or themes?

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99 Scarlet Letter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best scarlet letter topic ideas & essay examples, 📌 most interesting scarlet letter topics to write about, 👍 good research topics about scarlet letter, ❓ scarlet letter essay questions.

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  • “The Scarlet Letter”: A Darkened End For both Hester and for the townspeople, the mere presence of this letter appearing this one time on her dress is enough to mark her as something different from the rest of them and secluded.
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  • How Was Guilt Handled in “The Scarlet Letter,” “Red Badge of Courage,” and “The Crucible”?
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  • How Does Sin Cause Characters to Act Differently in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • How Does “The Scarlet Letter” Comment on Religion in America?
  • What Are the Roles of Chillingworth and Wilson Characters in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • Why Does Dimmesdale Intervene on Pearl’s Behalf When Governor Bellingham Orders Her Removed From Hester’s Care in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • How Do the Characters Live and Deal With the Effects of Sin in “The Scarlet Letter”?
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  • How Is “The Scarlet Letter” Relevant to Today’s Teens?
  • Why Does Dimmesdale Keep Putting His Hand Over His Heart in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • How Is “The Scarlet Letter” Embodied by Pearl?
  • Do People in the Community Believe Hester’s Punishment for Adultery Is Too Light or Too Strict in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • What’s the Role of the Sets in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • What Are the Motifs of Dimmesdale and Chillingworth’s Friendship in “The Scarlet Letter”??
  • Does Chillingworth Ever Forgive Hester in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • What Is the Long-Term Effect of Sin in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • Should Readers Pity Hester as a Character in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • What Is the Role of Puritan Ethic in the Events of “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • Who Is More Racked by Guilt in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • Should Dimmesdale Have Said Something When Governor Bellingham Took Pearl From Hester in “The Scarlet Letter”?
  • What Does the Prison Door Symbolize in “The Scarlet Letter”?
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  • Is Pearl a Curse or a Blessing in “The Scarlet Letter”?
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IvyPanda. (2023, December 11). 99 Scarlet Letter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"99 Scarlet Letter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 11 Dec. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '99 Scarlet Letter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 11 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "99 Scarlet Letter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 11, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "99 Scarlet Letter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 11, 2023.


IvyPanda . "99 Scarlet Letter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 11, 2023.

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The Scarlet Letter Essay Topics

Haiden Malecot

Table of Contents

essay topics on scarlet letter

The Scarlet Letter: A Romance is a novel by American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne first published in Boston in 1850. It is considered to be one of the cornerstones of American literature.

That’s the first American novel that caused wide resonance in the whole of Europe.

This peace is about the life of Puritan America in the period of incipience. The history of Hester Prynne’s life – a young woman who has not only sinned with a priest but also bore a child from him – a little girl who looks like an elf.

For her love, she became outcast and had to carry the letter “A” on her dresses – adulteress.

This is about a weak woman, who carries her “shame” with a head held high, with the endless fortitude.

The novel raises numerous moral dilemmas and ethical issues , and that is why reading it might become quite a challenge.

Still, the novel is undoubtedly worth reading, but still, it is truly complicated to realize all its depths.

The Scarlet Letter essay topics

First of all, keep in mind that you need to follow the specific requirements your teacher has set.

Get your paper organized at the very beginning, and you will surely benefit from it. This will also help you choose the best topic for the essay.

Here are some examples:

  • The difference between how Hester treats herself and how society treats her. – Examine the personal self vision of Hester, and the vision of a society, what are the differences and similarities?
  • The role of native Americans in the novel. – Explore how native Americans influenced the main characters and the whole plot.
  • Describe and explain the meaning of the symbols the author uses. – Make a list of symbols you can find in the text, analyze their general and specific meaning in the novel. Why are they important?
  • The Scarlet Letter : what can modern society take from the book? – Think about why you still have this book in the school program. How can the lessons provided by the author be helpful today? What have you carried out from the book?
  • How does the meaning of the letter “A” change in the story? – Describe the meaning of the letter “A” in the story and compare it on all stages of the narrative.
  • Evaluate the character of Hester. – Describe her treats of character, her feelings and thoughts, analyze everything her identity consists of and express your attitude towards her.

The Scarlet Letter essay prompts

First of all, to write a successful essay, you’d want to analyze a composition first.

Any literary work has numerous connections within the plot; characters interact, and their actions differ. Getting those tiniest connections would help you gain a better understanding of the novel.

Here are some general instructions on how to analyze a composition:

  • Define the thesis and the purpose of the composition.
  • Analyze the structure.
  • Consult any sources to understand unfamiliar words and constructions.
  • Make a short description of a book.
  • Write a summary.
  • Characterization: describe and analyze the characters of the story.
  • Examine the main conflict.

After this, you are ready to choose any topic about the book and write your essay.

Surely the topic is not everything that you need to write a successful essay. After choosing a topic, you need to think of ideas you’ll present in your essay.

And just because The Scarlet Letter has quite a complex composition, you may be puzzled with what to write.

Below you may find some ideas and questions to elaborate on. Remember, if you disagree with some of the statements you may still use them… to create a dispute.

  • Think about how events and locations are presented in the book. What is the difference between day- and nightlife?
  • Scarlet letter and feminism: analyze the possible correlations.
  • Discuss why Hester’s husband decided to torture her instead of just revealing the truth?
  • Analyze the difference between adultery’s vision nowadays and the times of Puritan society. Which one is more correct? Why has it changed?
  • Do people consider Hester’s punishment to be strict or too light? Why do they think so? What is your point of view on her punishment?
  • Describe the role of background characters, like Mr. Wilson, Mistress Hibbins, Governor Bellingham, and others. Why are they in the story? What are their roles in the plot?
  • Restore all connections between characters in the novel.

Controversial essay topics on The Scarlet Letter

In case you’re a fan of The Scarlet letter and want to write a specific, unique essay, there’s a need to compose a vivid topic.

Below you may find some examples of the topics which are not that easy to cover. Keep in mind that you need to be quite a bookworm to choose these topics for your essay:

  • Explore the collision between human rights and the Puritan law.
  • Imagine what the future of Pearl is? Which factors define it? Why?
  • Choose and analyze any chapter of the book. Why is it significant?
  • The long-lasting effect of sin in The Scarlet Letter.
  • The role of public shame in the novel.
  • Morality and moral problems highlighted in the romance.
  • The problem of abusing relationships in the book.

All in all, The Scarlet letter is a multifaceted composition. It might be difficult to read and comprehend. Writing an essay on it may turn out to be a challenge.

Still, any effort you make would be worth it. The Scarlet Letter is a true masterpiece , crafted to change lives. You won’t regret.

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The Scarlet Letter: Essay Questions, Topics, & Prompts

The Scarlett Letter is one of the key works of American literature.

Welcome to our article about The Scarlet Letter . This novel is a masterwork of Nathaniel Hawthorne and one of the most significant works of American literature. It was also the first novel that made an impact this big in Europe.

Here you’ll find everything you need to write The Scarlet Letter essay:

  • Basic info about the novel
  • Essay ideas and tips
  • 40 The Scarlet Letter essay questions for your assignment.

Let’s get started!

  • ️🗝️ Key Facts about the Novel
  • 📝 Essay Prompts & Ideas
  • 💡 40 Essay Questions

🗝️ The Scarlet Letter: Key Facts

Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts. He was one of the first and most recognized American writers. Hawthorne made a huge impact on fiction and is also well-known for his use of allegory and symbolism.

The Scarlet Letter setting is Boston in the 1600s, which was the Puritan Bay Colony of Massachusetts . Puritan ideas supported strict religious beliefs. During that time, adultery was considered not only a sin but crime. So, those who failed at keeping up with the religious traditions were considered outcasts.

The Scarlet Letter: Short Summary

The Scarlet Letter tells a story about a woman named Hester. While her husband was away, Hester had an affair and had a baby with another man. The people from their town made her wear a scarlet letter A, which stands for Adulteress, on her clothes for the rest of her life as a punishment for her sin.

Here’s a summary of the main events of The Scarlet Letter :

1. Hester committed adultery with a priest Dimmesdale because her husband was away, and she thought he might have been already dead. 2. She gave birth to a child and named her Pearl. 3. Her husband Chillingworth arrived and decided to hide his identity. 4. Chillingworth was driven by revenge and tried to make Dimmesdale confess his sin by manipulating him. 5. Dimmesdale couldn’t bear his guilt and died after his confession. 6. Chillingworth died as he no longer had a reason to live. 7. Hester left Boston with Pearl and then came back again after many years. 8. Hester continued living in her old house and wearing the scarlet letter for the rest of her life.

📝 The Scarlet Letter: Essay Prompts & Ideas

If you are about to write The Scarlet Letter theme essay, here are some prompts for you!

The Scarlet Letter: Literary Analysis Essay

A literary analysis is a type of academic writing aimed at interpreting a piece of literature. An analytical essay about a literary work is also a kind of an argumentative essay. So, you should not summarize the work or conduct a rhetorical analysis.

To conduct a literary analysis, you need to:

  • Study the text;
  • Break down its themes;
  • Figure out the reason behind the author’s choices.

To write The Scarlet Letter literary analysis essay, make sure to analyze the language used, the author’s perspective, text structure, and literary devices.

The Scarlet Letter Literary Devices

Writers use literary devices to express ideas and meanings in their works.

The Scarlet Letter literary devices include:

  • Metaphors ;

You can analyze them separately but also altogether. If you are about to write about the literary devices in The Scarlet Letter essay, you can analyze how the author used them to express the religious idea in the novel.

Literary devices analysis might be too broad to analyze in an essay paragraph. However, it is a good topic for discussion in a research paper or term paper .

Irony in The Scarlet Letter

There are three kinds of irony:

  • situational,

The author expresses dramatic irony in The Scarlet Letter through Chillingworth and Dimmesdale. Chillingworth is driven by his revenge and desire to find a man who had an affair with his wife. It turned out that Dimmesdale, who he lived with, was the one.

Situational irony describes unexpected events. For example, when Dimmesdale decided to go on a scaffold to confess his sin. He believed that his confession could set him free and let him be together with Hester and Pearl. However, something unexpected happened. He died after his confession.

Verbal irony is when someone’s words do not match the real meaning behind them. The example is when Dimmesdale asked Hester to reveal who is Pearl’s father in front of everyone because he didn’t have the courage to do so.

Metaphors in The Scarlet Letter

A metaphor is a figure of speech where a word or expression is used to convey some meaning by comparison to something else.

For example, the expression “a black sheep” means a person who is disgracing a family.

Nathaniel Hawthorne used metaphors in The Scarlet Letter to convey his idea about sin, guilt, and purity. For example, in chapter 16, Hawthorne used the metaphor “a Black Man” to express Hester’s sin.

Allusions in The Scarlet Letter

An allusion is a reference to a thing, event, person, etc. It can be both direct and indirect.

Nathaniel Hawthrone used Biblical and historical allusions in The Scarlet Letter . One of the historical allusions refers to Anne Hutchinson , who was mentioned in the first chapter. She was an actual historical figure -a Puritan spiritual leader born in 1591.

One of the Biblical allusions is Pearl, who Nathaniel Hawthorne named after the pearl of great price in the Bible.

The Scarlet Letter Symbolism Essay

Symbolism in literature is a figure of speech to represent an idea through different things.

The picture contains a list of The Scarlet Letter symbols.

If you are about to write The Scarlet Letter symbolism essay, here are some of the main symbols in the novel.

  • The scarlet letter symbolism . The scarlet letter that Hester had to wear was supposed to symbolize her sin. However, the author refers to it as a “mystic symbol.”
  • Red and black symbolism . Hawthorne uses color symbolism too. Red symbolizes passion, while black – sin.
  • Pearl symbolism . Hester’s daughter Pearl also served as a symbol in the novel. In the 19 th chapter, the author referred to Pearl as “living hieroglyphic.”

The Scarlet Letter Theme Essay

Themes in literature can be either something that the reader thinks of while reading or the idea conveyed through the literature piece.

The picture contains a list of The Scarlet Letter themes.

The Scarlet Letter has several essential themes:

  • Conformity and Individuality . The town tried to make Hester conform to the religious beliefs. However, Hester remained loyal to her individuality.
  • Sin . Since the story takes place in a Puritan community, it has a lot to do with the sin theme. The novel is centered around Hester’s sin and its consequences.
  • Puritanism . Puritanism is shown as a very narrow-minded and unforgiving culture. Religion plays an essential role in their community, so all their actions are driven by it.

Essay on The Scarlet Letter Setting

Setting can also be The Scarlet Letter essay topic. The Scarlet Letter takes place in the Puritan community in Boston of the 1600s . This setting plays a crucial role in understanding the theme and idea in the novel.

Puritans left England and moved to Plymouth because of their different beliefs. They wanted to organize a community where they could follow their strict religious rules.

Nathaniel Hawthorne describes the setting in a detailed way to show the conflict between nature and society.

Forest as a setting can also be a discussion of The Scarlet Letter essay questions.

Essay on the Conflict in The Scarlet Letter

Conflict in literature is used as another literary device to show a conflict between two opposite believes.

The main conflict in The Scarlet Letter is between Hester and society . The townspeople accused her of her sin and made her an outsider. However, it didn’t break her. Instead, she remained strong and decided to wear the scarlet letter even after returning to the town after many years.

Another conflict is an inner conflict that Dimmesdale had. He suffered from shame, but at the same time, he was too afraid to open up about it.

💡 40 The Scarlet Letter Essay Questions

Here’s our list of 40 The Scarlet Letter Essay Topics. Find something that you would be interested in writing about. And if there is nothing suitable for you in the list, try using our topic generator for more ideas.

  • How is the conflict of man vs. society depicted in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What are the literary devices used in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How does the author use irony in the Scarlet Letter?
  • How does the introduction of The Scarlet Letter help us understand the historical background?
  • What are the metaphors in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What are the allusions in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What do colors symbolize in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What does scarlet letter symbolize?
  • What role does religion play in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What are the themes in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How does setting impact the themes in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What are the main conflicts in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How does the author use dramatic irony in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What is situational irony in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What is the metaphorical meaning behind “a Black Man” in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How is the verbal irony depicted in The Scarlet Letter?
  • In what ways does Hester confront society?
  • What is the Biblical allusion in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What are the historical allusions in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How is conformity depicted in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What does Pearl symbolize in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What role does personality play in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How does the author represent the sin theme in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How does the author portray the Puritanism theme in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How does the author depict Dimmesdale’s inner conflict?
  • Why does the author is so detailed about the settings in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How does the author show the conflict between a man and nature in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What is the role of Native Americans in The Scarlet Letter?
  • What is the difference between Hester’s attitude towards society and society’s attitude towards her?
  • What are the symbols that the author uses in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How does Dimmesdale punish himself?
  • What are the similarities between Dimmesdale and Chillingworth?
  • Why did Chillingworth forgive Hester in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How does the author portray Chillingworth’s obsession with revenge?
  • In what ways is The Scarlet Letter a feminist novel?
  • Why did Chillingworth decide to hide his identity?
  • Why did the author incorporate a hundred-year-old manuscript in The Scarlet Letter?
  • How is American History connected to The Scarlet Letter?
  • Why is Pearl both a blessing and a curse to Hester?
  • What is the difference in punishments for men and women in the Puritan community?
  • What are Chillingworth’s ideas of revenge?

Do you have any other ideas for The Scarlet Letter essay title? What questions and answers would you discuss in your thesis? Let us know what you think about our The Scarlet Letter essay prompts in the comments below!

❓ The Scarlet Letter Essay: FAQ

Where does the scarlet letter take place.

The Scarlet Letter takes place in the Puritan Bay Colony of Massachusetts in Boston of the 1600s. Puritans supported extreme religious beliefs and social morals. It led to many punishments for the ones who failed to follow the Puritan ideas.

How many chapters are in The Scarlet Letter?

The Scarlet Letter has 24 chapters.

What does The Scarlet Letter symbolize?

The Scarlet Letter symbolizes a stigma that lets everyone know Hester’s sin. Although it was supposed to be a sign of shame, it became an identification of Hester’s power instead. She was not ashamed of it and even proceeded to wear the scarlet letter after coming back to the town after many years.

When was The Scarlet Letter published?

The Scarlet Letter was published in 1850 by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

🔗 References

  • The Scarlet Letter – Project Gutenberg
  • The Scarlet Letter: Study Guide | SparkNotes
  • The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne – Goodreads
  • The Scarlet Letter | Summary, Analysis, Characters, & Facts
  • ‘The Scarlet Letter’ by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Reviewed
  • Nathaniel Hawthorne – Books, Quotes & Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter

By nathaniel hawthorne, the scarlet letter essay questions.

Is Hester truly penitent for her crime?

Answer: Though Hester regrets the effect her crime has had on her child and on her position in society, she sees Chillingworth's betrayal of Dimmesdale as an even greater crime. Ultimately, Hester learns to forgive herself for her sins while Dimmesdale does not.

Why does Dimmesdale intervene on Pearl's behalf when Governor Bellingham orders her removed from Hester's care?

Answer: There are two possibilities: either he fears Hester revealing his name or he truly believes that Hester deserves to care for her daughter, since he is emotionally connected to Pearl as her father and wants Hester to raise her. Ultimately, we believe that it is guilt which motivates him most, since he comes to Hester's defense only after she looks at him with imploring eyes.

What is the difference between how adultery is viewed now and how it was viewed by Puritan society? In other words, where does the blame lie?

Answer: In modern society, adultery is seen as a breach of contract between two people and therefore a private matter. In Puritan society, adultery was seen as a breach of contract between two people and the community in which they lived.

How is the Scarlet Letter embodied by Pearl?

Answer: Pearl, in her wild, unrepressed passion, represents the adulterous passion of her parents, as does the scarlet letter. In her society, she is completely out of place, a child of illicit passion and a constant reminder, like the scarlet letter, of that passion.

Why does Dimmesdale keep putting his hand over his heart?

Answer: Pearl asks this question repeatedly of her mother, but Hester will not answer her. Over time, we understand that Dimmesdale has literally and figuratively inscribed his own scarlet letter into the flesh above his heart so that he can commune with Hester's guilt, shame, and public excommunication.

Do people in the community believe Hester's punishment for adultery is too light or too strict?

Answer: For the most part, they believe it is too lenient, and some advocate branding her with a hot iron or death, the sentence associated with the crime of adultery both in the New England statutes of the time and in the Bible. As time progresses, however, they loosen slightly in their attitudes, though not as much as Hester would expect. Those who acknowledge their own sinfulness are somewhat less quick to judge Hester and can see the case for a less strict punishment by the community.

What are the purposes of the opening Custom-House essay?

Answer: The Custom-House introduction does more than increase the length of the novel, which Hawthorne thought was too short. It also adds a frame story and a romantic sense of truth or non-fiction to the tale. It introduces themes and imagery that will appear later in the novel. And it adds weight to the story by suggesting that the actual fabric of the scarlet letter continues to hold power.

Who is more racked by guilt, Hester or Dimmesdale?

Answer: Dimmesdale has sinned according to his own system of beliefs, since as the town minister he has violated the values he has preached against for decades. He takes his guilt to heart and suffers mightily. Hester, meanwhile, has come to terms with her sin over time.

What do Dimmesdale and Chillingworth share, other than Hester herself?

Answer: Both Dimmesdale and Chillingworth conceal their relationships to the adulterous act, leaving Hester as the only person to take public responsibility for the affair. They continue to maintain prominent roles in society. Both men are ultimately destroyed by this secrecy as they become entangled in a parasitic relationship.

Does Chillingworth ever forgive Hester?

Answer: Chillingworth seems forgiving of Hester at the outset, and he seems to transfer his rage onto Dimmesdale, whom he pursues relentlessly. Indeed, he seems to understand that he shouldn't have married a woman who would never love him, but Dimmesdale must be punished for allowing Hester to indulge her passion. His sinister acts toward the end of the novel are ameliorated somewhat by his choice to leave his estate to Pearl.

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The Scarlet Letter Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for The Scarlet Letter is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

Scarlet Letter Quotes Please

Her breast, with its badge of shame , was but the softer pillow for the head that needed one. ch 13

Why does Dimmesdale decide to flee with Hester?

Dimmesdale looks beyong his place in the community and embraces his role as a father. He wants his family, so he decides to leave.

who is the elder clergyman who speaks to hester

The elder minister is John Wilson.

Study Guide for The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter study guide contains a biography of Nathaniel Hawthorne, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About The Scarlet Letter
  • The Scarlet Letter Summary
  • The Scarlet Letter Video
  • Character List

Essays for The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

  • The Little Human A Incarnate
  • Perception Blanketed by Passion
  • Original Sin
  • Hawthorne's "Witch-Baby" in The Scarlet Letter
  • Hester's Role as Both the Sinner and Saint

Lesson Plan for The Scarlet Letter

  • About the Author
  • Study Objectives
  • Common Core Standards
  • Introduction to The Scarlet Letter
  • Relationship to Other Books
  • Bringing in Technology
  • Notes to the Teacher
  • Related Links
  • The Scarlet Letter Bibliography

E-Text of The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter e-text contains the full text of The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.


Wikipedia Entries for The Scarlet Letter

  • Introduction
  • Major theme
  • Publication history
  • Critical response

essay topics on scarlet letter

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Excellent essay writing blog for students seeking help with paper writing. We provide exclusive tips and ideas that can help create the best essay possible.

40 Awe-Inspiring Scarlet Letter Essay Topics

scarlet letter essay topics

The Scarlet Letter: Nathaniel Hawthorne’s romance is one of the most respected works in the history of literature. The setting of the novel is in the Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony around 1945. The author tells the story of a lady, Hester Prynne, who conceived a baby girl as a result of an affair and got despised so much by the community. She had to struggle a lot, seeking to get repentance and a new life of dignity.

So, if you are in a literature or related class, the chances are that your lecturer will, at some point, ask you to write an assignment on Scarlet Letter. But we must indicate here, when professors give scarlet letter essay prompts, many students get stuck trying to identify the right topics. To help you with this, we have selected 40 hot scarlet letter essay topics.

Interesting Scarlet Essay Letter Titles

When your essay prompts on scarlet for your assignments are released, it is very important to strictly follow the instructions from your tutor strictly. Here are some of the interesting topics to consider:

  • What is the difference between how the society treats Hester and how she treats herself?
  • Analyze the role of Native Americans in The Scarlet Letter: A Romance by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
  • Can you identify and explain different symbols used by the author in the novel?
  • A closer look at the Scarlet Letter: What are the main lessons for modern society?
  • Showcase the change in the letter “A” meaning brought out in the story.
  • Analyze the Hester’s character: Describe her feelings, thoughts and evaluate the attitude towards her.
  • Hester’s transformation: What role did pearl play?
  • A comprehensive analysis of Chillingworth’s ideas about revenge.
  • Pearl: A symbol of Hester’s conscience.
  • Pearl as a curse and blessing for Hester.
  • Literary devices in the Scarlet Letter.

Easy Essay Topics for Scarlet Letter

Although most students find the topics on Scarlet Letter tough, there are some that are pretty simple. Here are some of them.

  • Define the purpose and thesis of the Scarlet Letter.
  • Analyze the structure of the scarlet letter.
  • Provide a brief description of the Scarlet Letter.
  • Analyzing the purpose and effectiveness of imagery in the novel.
  • Make the analysis of the characters in the Scarlet Letter.
  • Show how tone and symbolism are used in character development in the Scarlet Letter.
  • Describe the main characters in the Scarlet Letter.
  • Select a chapter of choice in the Scarlet letter and discuss the symbols discussed in it.
  • Analyze the long-term impact of sin in the novel.

Theme-based Essay Topics for Scarlet Letter

In literature studies, lecturers like asking students in college to explore the themes brought out in different plays. Here are some great theme-based topics for Scarlet Letter.

  • Explore the main themes in the Scarlet Letter.
  • Discuss the theme of sin in the Scarlet Letter.
  • Discuss the theme of hypocrisy in the Scarlet Letter.
  • What are the roles played by background characters in the novel?
  • Explore the theme of feminine resilience in the Scarlet Letter.
  • Explore the theme mockery in the Scarlet Letter.
  • How does the author bring out the theme of guilt in the novel?
  • Analyze the theme of passion and love in the Scarlet Letter.

Controversial List of Topics for an AP Essay for the Scarlet Letter

At times your lecturer might ask you to look for controversial topics when analyzing the Scarlet Letter. Here are some top suggestions.

  • Differentiate between the Dimmesdale and Hester.
  • The Hawthorne’s ideas about human are flawed.
  • Hester: When women tear off the cultural barriers to gain personal power.
  • Analyzing sin in the puritarian community: Comparing the punishment for women vs those of men.
  • Contrast the behavior of kids and adults in the scarlet letter.
  • Analyze the purpose of public shame in the Scarlet Letter.
  • The collision between Puritan law and human rights.
  • Moral issues and morality.
  • What are the main problems that arise from abusing relationships?
  • Imagine what the future holds for Pearl.
  • Review the importance of the physical settings in the novel.
  • Compare and contrast adultery vision today and during the puritarian times. What has changed?

Seek Writing Help With Essay Topics

The Scarlet Letter has an elaborated composition, which is no doubt not a simple one to read, let alone analyze. Even after selecting the scarlet essay topics, writing an excellent essay is still not a cup of tea for many students. But it is not just the complexity of the novel that makes writing a Scarlet Letter essay challenging. Even some students with some good writing skills feel inadequate to write their papers. For others, it is tight deadlines, many engagements or lack of ample materials. These are some of the reasons why you need to seek expert assistance.

The writing help is offered by experts in literature and who understand how to do even the most complex assignments. So, whether you are working on sin in the scarlet letter essay topics or analyzing the characters, nothing is too complex for these writing professionals. No matter the topic, you can never go wrong if you have experts holding your hand all the way.

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The Scarlet Letter - List of Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, set in 17th-century Puritan Massachusetts, explores themes of guilt, sin, and redemption through the narrative of Hester Prynne, a woman punished for adultery. Essays could delve into the critical analysis of these themes, examining how they reflect and critique the societal mores and religious dogma of the time. They might also discuss the character dynamics, symbolism, and the psychological underpinnings of the narrative, exploring how the characters navigate the complex moral landscape depicted. Discussions could further extend to the broader impact and legacy of “The Scarlet Letter” within American literature and cultural discourse, and its relevance to contemporary discussions of gender, shame, and social judgment. A vast selection of complimentary essay illustrations pertaining to The Scarlet Letter you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

What does the a in the Scarlet Letter Signify

Do people in the modern day world identify themselves with how they dress? Whether it is the way they dress or wear their hair, it is a way of showing your character to the public. For the leading protagonist, Hester, in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Hawthorne portrays her as someone who is judged by her town for her "identify" based on a letter "A" that she wears on her clothes. Throughout the story the symbolism of the scarlet […]

Puritanism in the Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne was created to display how life was during the Puritanism period in the seventeenth century. This novel has representations of the Puritan culture because it shows how the characters are expected to live by the word of God, specifically, and if anyone deterred, then they would be punished severely by an unforgiving society. In the Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne used the main principles, hypocrisy in the Puritan culture, punishment, and predestination to display the Puritan […]

About Strong Female Character Hester

Hester is an strong female character. The Scarlet Letter is not a feminist novel, it is more of an commentary on the society rather than a feminist novel as a whole. Throughout the novel, Hawthorne represents many strong characters throughout the novel. Some of the characters like Chillingworth are much stronger than others such as Dimmesdale. The main protagonist in the novel is Hester Prynne. An feminist is someone who is for feminism that wants all women to have the […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Theme of Hypocrisy in the Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter authored by Nathaniel Hawthorne is an American literature classic. It delves into a puritanical society and follows the life of Hester, a woman convicted of lechery. Her punishment is to permanently wear a token of her sin. The punishment, a scarlet "A", causes her to experience humiliation wherever she travels and is a constant reminder to herself of her sin. Whilst Hester did commit lechery, the focal sin of the book mentioned by the author is hypocrisy. […]

The Theme of Exposed Sin in the Scarlet Letter

Discuss Nathaniel Hawthorne's portrayal of the theme of exposed sin versus hidden sin in the novel as seen through the development of the main characters over the course of the story. For this essay, challenge yourself to develop a more sophisticated thesis statement that is a complex or a compound-complex sentence rather than the three-pronged format. Additionally, each body paragraph needs to contain three quotes. Be sure that the quotes DO NOT COME FROM THE SAME CHAPTER. I. Introduction - […]

An Analysis of the Scarlett Letter

In the novel The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne a recurring theme is fate versus free will. Fate is the development of events beyond a person's control, determined by a supernatural force. Free will is the ability to act at one's own discretion. In the novel, Hester Prynne is sentenced to a lifetime of judgement by wearing an A on her chest, which symbolizes adultery, one of the biggest sins in a functioning Puritan Society. From the beginning of the […]

Symbols in the Scarlet Letter

Hawthorne presents numerous of symbols throughout The Scarlet Letter. He uses them to show the purpose of the "A" and ways it develop its significance over time. These symbols have a pessimistic and affirmative impact on a few of the characters in the novel including Hester Prynne, Pearl, and Dimmesdale. All of these characters either represent or connect to the meaning of the sin. Hawthorne causes each of the individuals have a different effect on ways society acknowledges their sin. […]

Religion in the Scarlet Letter

Everyone has sinned at some point in their lives and it has ruined relationships. Sinning however can be redeemable but it takes hard work and dedication in order to achieve that goal. In the novel, The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne we follow Hester Prynne our female protagonist and her journey along the aftermath of sin and the change it brings in each character along the way. In seventeenth century Boston, the protagonist Hester Prynne does a horrible thing and […]

The Scarlett Letter Report

Sin. Everyone does it, and everyone gets punished for it in some way. Weather it be a slap on the wrist or forcing one to sew a scarlet letter onto the bosom of their clothes. But it is how you take the punishment that will define you. Hester Prynne took her punishment and wore it with golden embroidery. Even though Hester Prynne is forced to face the torment from the townspeople and from her vengeful husband, she shows women everywhere […]

Examples of Revenge in the Scarlet Letter

Often times we hear "What's good for the goose is what's good for gander," in other words, if one person committed a crime they should both be punished the same. In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, he explores the sin of Hester Prynne and Author Dimmesdale. He reveals these two characters to show that staying hidden and suffering in silence is worse than being publicly humiliated. Although Hester has committed a serious crime (adultery), she wears her scarlet letter […]

Various Writing Techniques in the Scarlet Letter

Throughout the novel, The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne writes from the viewpoint of a third person narrator. This narrator focuses is seen to have many opinions and shows an admiration toward Hester Prynne and women in general. Hawthorne's use of certain language makes it evident that he shows a lot of admiration towards Hester and believes women are capable beings that deserve treated with value and respect. The language that Hawthorne uses to describe Hester Prynne is much different than […]

Settings of Scarlet Letter

The scarlet letter begins with a lengthy introduction how the book was written. The narrator was the surveyor of the customhouse located in Salem, Massachusetts. He found a variety of documents in the attic. One of them was a manuscript stuck together with a gold-embroidered scarlet patch of cloth shaped like a letter "A". The manuscript was written by a surveyor prior to him. It included some happenings that occurred about two hundred years before the narrator's time. He concluded […]

Analysis of Hidden Sin in the Scarlet Letter

"The human body is the best picture of the human soul"(Ludwig Wittgenstein). This concept by Wittgenstein is best reflected in the Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The Scarlet Letter is set in the 17 century in a British colony, with Hawthorne telling the reader how hidden sin affects the human body and soul in three different characters: Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, Doctor Chillingworth, and Hester Prynne. One of the first ways Hawthorne explores the effect on hidden sin is Dimmesdale keeping […]

Comparing the Great Gatsby and the Scarlet Letter

In choosing to compare and contrast the works The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, both novels feature characters who have hidden secrets which are revealed, but the societies surrounding them are in stark contrast to one another. The novel The Scarlet Letter is set in a Boston Puritan society, during the seventeenth century, with components of scandal and disguise. Meanwhile The Great Gatsby also features scandalous accounts, but set in a contrasting […]

Symbolism in the Scarlet Letter

The Puritans were a group of people, who had very strong religious beliefs, judged everyone harshly and played a prominent role in the 17th century set book, The Scarlet Letter. There are a lot of different factors in the book that play a big role, sin plays a big role in developing the whole story and there are many important pieces of symbolism in the book. In chapter 23 of Nathaniel Hawthorne's best work, The Scarlet Letter, there are numerous […]

The Scarlet Letter Reading Assignment

I agree with the assertion that Hester Prynne is a feminist, whether Hawthorne intended for her to be or not. In the beginning of the novel, when Hester is forced to stand on the scaffold to face public humiliation, many demand her to reveal the identity of the child's father. Instead, Hester refuses to answer stating "'I will not speak!' answered Hester, turning pale as death, but responding to this voice," (Hawthorne, 58). She stands her ground and denies the […]

Exploring Metaphors in “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”

A Dive into the Art of Fear by Edwards and Hawthorne The authors Jonathan Edwards and Nathaniel Hawthorne both use their writing to look into why people are afraid of something unpredictable. Edwards caused people to have a lot of fear because he was telling them that their actions would result in where they would spend their afterlife. Hawthorne, however, uses emblems and speaks about the emotions that the characters are going through. Edwards and Hawthorne both state their purposes […]

Analysis of the Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, takes place in Boston, a puritan society. Hester Prynne, a young woman, arrived in Boston from overseas awaiting the arrival of her husband. While waiting she has an affair. Hester is sent to jail and once she serves her sentence, she is sent out with her child, Pearl, and a scarlet 'A' on her chest. The town wants to know who her secret lover is, but Hester will not tell. She will not tell […]

How is Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Novel the Scarlet Letter an Example of Romanticism?

The Scarlet Letter begins with an introduction explaining how the book came to be. The introduction is narrated by the surveyor of the customhouse. While in the customhouse attic he found documents, and one of the documents was wrapped with a gold patch in the shape of an "A." This document discussed specific events that happened many years prior to when the narrator was even alive. Once he lost his job at the customhouse he decided to write about the […]

Nathaniel Hawthorne and the Scarlet Letter

Nathaniel Hawthorne was an American novelist known for his twisted romance novels. Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts in 1804. Hawthorn lost his father at a young age which left his mother a little distant. He attended courses at Bowdoin College which inspired him to read, and had exposed him to classic literature. Hawthorne took interest in the romantic movement occurring at the time, more specifically the dark romance genre that was popular at the time. He used the popular […]

Hester and Symbols in the Scarlet Letter

“The Scarlet Letter” is not so much a consideration of Hester Prynne’s intuitive character as it is an exploration of the strength that shapes her, and the transformations of those strengths effect. Hester is a self-sufficient single mother in one of the bleak most forbidding moments in America's history. Hester finds a way to support her daughter in a time when women were only presumed to support their husbands. She uses her inherent strength to mold into the meaning of […]

The Scarlett Letter’ Book about a Woman

Nathaniel Hawthorn's 'The Scarlett Letter' is a book about a woman who committed adultery with another man and had a child named Pearl. She is the main character in this story. She is first described after she gets released from prison as a young woman 'marked with natural dignity and force of character' (Hawthorn 80). She is described to be dignified woman, beautiful but strong. She is dressed in a scarlet letter "A" on her chest made from fine red […]

Main Characters in the Scarlet Letter

In the book "The Scarlet Letter," the two main characters Hester and Dimmesdale had their differences but they were alike in many ways. Throughout the book, they changed and came across obstacles and contradicted on decisions. Hester and Dimmesdale were a major part in the book as they both carried the guilt of sin. They had a complicated relationship and caused troubles for each other. Their guilt affected their lives, the way they lived, and caused punishment. This guilt dragged […]

An Book the Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter has been captivating readers since it was first published in 1850 by author Nathaniel Hawthorne. This historical fiction, romance, yet sinful book is about a woman named Hester Prynne who was sent to Boston by her husband, had committed adultery while waiting for her husband to arrive to Boston. She gives birth to a daughter named Pearl and they move to a small cottage near the edge of Boston where they are both shunned by the whole […]

The Scaffold in the Scarlet Letter

In addition to being a symbol of sin, the scaffold represents shame and guilt. When Hester is seen on the scaffold in the opening chapters, she hides the scarlet letter "A" because the letter is viewed as a symbol of shame and guilt: "When the young women - the mother of this child - stood fully revealed before the crowd, it seemed to be her first impulse to clasp the infant closely to her bosom: not so much by an […]

Irony in the Scarlet Letter: Unmasking Hypocrisy and Destruction

Introduction The work of fiction, The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, shows the combination of a violently utopian society throughout the novel to establish the corruption of the Puritan lifestyle located in Boston. The author illustrates how the community overpowers individuals due to their lack of ability to stand within the Puritan religion. In an ironic and skeptical tone, Hawthorne addresses a universal audience to take notice of societal judgments and how keeping one's wrongdoing a secret and away from […]

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How To Write an Essay About The Scarlet Letter

Understanding 'the scarlet letter'.

Before you begin writing an essay about 'The Scarlet Letter,' it's crucial to have a thorough understanding of Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel. Set in 17th century Puritan Massachusetts, the story explores themes of sin, guilt, and redemption through the experiences of Hester Prynne, who is punished for adultery. Start by familiarizing yourself with the plot, characters, and the Puritan setting, which heavily influences the story. Grasp the historical and cultural context of the time, as this will provide essential background for your analysis. Understanding Hawthorne’s use of symbolism, especially the scarlet letter 'A' and its various interpretations, is also key.

Developing a Clear Thesis

Your essay should revolve around a clear, concise thesis statement. This could be an argument about the novel's central themes, its commentary on society and morality, or the character analysis of Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale, or Roger Chillingworth. Your thesis should guide the focus of your essay and present a unique angle or perspective on the novel.

Gathering Textual Evidence

To support your thesis, gather evidence from the text. This involves closely reading the novel to find relevant quotes, descriptions, and actions of characters that align with your thesis. For instance, if you're discussing the theme of sin and redemption, identify instances in the text that explore these themes. Use these examples to build your argument and give depth to your analysis.

Analyzing Hawthorne's Techniques

Analyze how Hawthorne uses literary techniques to enhance the novel's themes and characters. Consider his use of symbolism, imagery, and irony, as well as his narrative style. For example, explore how the setting of the Puritan community contributes to the novel’s themes, or how Hawthorne’s use of symbolism adds layers of meaning to the story. Your analysis should deepen the reader’s understanding of the novel and provide insight into Hawthorne’s writing.

Concluding Your Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing your main points and restating your thesis in light of the analysis. Your conclusion should bring together your insights into 'The Scarlet Letter,' emphasizing the significance of your findings. Reflect on the broader implications of the novel, such as its relevance in modern society or its place in American literary history.

Reviewing and Refining Your Essay

After completing your essay, review and edit it for clarity and coherence. Ensure that your arguments are well-structured and your evidence is clearly presented. Check for grammatical accuracy and ensure that your essay flows logically. Consider seeking feedback from peers or instructors to further refine your essay. A well-written essay on 'The Scarlet Letter' will not only demonstrate your understanding of the novel but also your ability to critically engage with literary texts.

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The Scarlet Letter Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

The variety of The Scarlet Letter research paper topics is vast and offers a wide spectrum for analysis and interpretation. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s magnum opus is not only a cornerstone of American literature but also a timeless exploration of complex human emotions, societal norms, and the intricate fabric of human nature. From the depths of sin and redemption to the complexities of legalism and hypocrisy, the novel provides a rich ground for analysis and scholarly investigation. This page aims to offer students a comprehensive list of research topics, a detailed article exploring the range of themes the novel offers, and a presentation of the top-notch writing services provided by iResearchNet.

100 The Scarlet Letter Research Paper Topics

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a significant piece of literature that has influenced American culture and academia. This 19th-century novel is a multifaceted work, dissecting various themes such as sin, guilt, punishment, revenge, and the nature of evil. The importance of researching The Scarlet Letter research paper topics stems from the novel’s complex characters, intricate symbolism, and its reflection of the societal norms of the time. This vast spectrum of topics provides students with a golden opportunity to delve deep into the human psyche and the societal constructs of the 17th century Puritan society.

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  • The role of guilt and shame in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The concept of sin and redemption in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The struggle between good and evil in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The role of revenge in shaping the narrative of The Scarlet Letter .
  • The concept of individualism versus collectivism in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The theme of isolation and alienation in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The portrayal of gender roles in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The impact of legalism and religious hypocrisy in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The theme of love and passion in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The significance of secrets and hidden truths in The Scarlet Letter .

Character Analysis:

  • The transformation of Hester Prynne throughout The Scarlet Letter .
  • The character development of Arthur Dimmesdale in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The role of Roger Chillingworth as the antagonist in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The significance of Pearl as a symbol and a character in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The portrayal of the Puritan society through the minor characters in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The influence of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s personal life on the characters of The Scarlet Letter .
  • The role of the narrator in shaping the characters of The Scarlet Letter .
  • A comparison of the characters in The Scarlet Letter with those in other works by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
  • The psychological analysis of the characters in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The impact of the characters’ decisions on the plot and themes of The Scarlet Letter .
  • The significance of the scarlet letter ‘A’ in the novel.
  • The role of the scaffold scenes in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The symbolism of the forest in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The significance of the rosebush in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The role of light and darkness in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The symbolism of the meteor in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The significance of the prison in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The symbolism of the characters in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The role of colors in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The significance of names in The Scarlet Letter .

Societal Context:

  • The reflection of 17th century Puritan society in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The critique of Puritan society in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The role of women in the Puritan society as depicted in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The depiction of the legal system in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The role of religion in the Puritan society as depicted in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The comparison of Puritan society in The Scarlet Letter with other contemporary works.
  • The impact of The Scarlet Letter on the American society of the 19th century.
  • The role of The Scarlet Letter in shaping the American Romantic movement.
  • The influence of The Scarlet Letter on modern American literature.
  • The comparison of The Scarlet Letter with other works on Puritan society.

Author’s Biography:

  • The influence of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s personal life on The Scarlet Letter .
  • The impact of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s ancestors on The Scarlet Letter .
  • The comparison of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter with his other works.
  • The analysis of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s style of writing in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The impact of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s friendship with other authors on The Scarlet Letter .
  • The influence of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s religious beliefs on The Scarlet Letter .
  • The role of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s political beliefs in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The impact of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s education on The Scarlet Letter .
  • The analysis of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s career and its influence on The Scarlet Letter .
  • The comparison of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter with the works of his contemporaries.

Literary Devices:

  • The use of irony in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The role of imagery in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The use of foreshadowing in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The role of allusions in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The use of metaphors in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The significance of the narrative structure in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The use of symbolism in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The role of motifs in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The use of paradoxes in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The significance of the point of view in The Scarlet Letter .


  • The comparison of The Scarlet Letter novel with its film adaptations.
  • The analysis of The Scarlet Letter adaptations in other forms of art.
  • The role of The Scarlet Letter in popular culture.
  • The comparison of The Scarlet Letter with other works inspired by it.
  • The impact of The Scarlet Letter on modern films and TV series.
  • The analysis of the character changes in the adaptations of The Scarlet Letter .
  • The comparison of the themes in The Scarlet Letter with its adaptations.
  • The analysis of the plot changes in the adaptations of The Scarlet Letter .
  • The role of The Scarlet Letter in shaping the American literature adaptations.
  • The impact of The Scarlet Letter adaptations on its perception by the audience.

Psychological Analysis:

  • The psychological analysis of Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The psychological analysis of Arthur Dimmesdale in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The psychological analysis of Roger Chillingworth in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The psychological analysis of Pearl in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The psychological analysis of the Puritan society in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The impact of guilt and shame on the characters’ psychology in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The role of revenge in shaping the characters’ psychology in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The impact of isolation and alienation on the characters’ psychology in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The influence of societal norms on the characters’ psychology in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The role of love and passion in shaping the characters’ psychology in The Scarlet Letter .

Philosophical Interpretations:

  • The analysis of The Scarlet Letter from a feminist perspective.
  • The analysis of The Scarlet Letter from a psychoanalytical perspective.
  • The analysis of The Scarlet Letter from a Marxist perspective.
  • The analysis of The Scarlet Letter from a postcolonial perspective.
  • The analysis of The Scarlet Letter from a deconstructivist perspective.
  • The analysis of The Scarlet Letter from a structuralist perspective.
  • The analysis of The Scarlet Letter from a postmodernist perspective.
  • The analysis of The Scarlet Letter from a new historicist perspective.
  • The analysis of The Scarlet Letter from a queer theory perspective.
  • The analysis of The Scarlet Letter from a reader-response perspective.
  • The role of nature in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The significance of the setting in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The impact of The Scarlet Letter on American Romantic literature.
  • The role of The Scarlet Letter in the development of the American novel.
  • The comparison of The Scarlet Letter with other American Romantic novels.
  • The analysis of the language used in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The impact of The Scarlet Letter on the 19th-century American society.
  • The role of The Scarlet Letter in shaping the modern American identity.
  • The analysis of the narrative style used in The Scarlet Letter .
  • The comparison of The Scarlet Letter with other works of American literature.

Exploring The Scarlet Letter research paper topics will help you better understand the intricacies of the novel, its characters, and the Puritan society it depicts. It will also allow you to analyze the impact of this novel on American literature and society, which is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of this masterpiece. Delve into these topics, and you will not only deepen your knowledge of The Scarlet Letter but also sharpen your analytical and critical thinking skills.

The Scarlet Letter

And the range of research paper topics it offers.

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a seminal work in American literature. Written in 1850, the novel is set in the 17th-century Puritan Massachusetts, a society known for its strict and unrelenting moral code. The narrative revolves around Hester Prynne, a young woman who bears an illegitimate child and is publicly shamed and ostracized by her community. Her struggle for redemption and acceptance forms the crux of the novel. This powerful narrative provides a wide array of The Scarlet Letter research paper topics, ranging from character analysis and the symbolism used in the novel to its impact on literature and society.

Themes in The Scarlet Letter

One of the major The Scarlet Letter research paper topics relates to the different themes explored in the novel. Hawthorne delves deep into the human psyche, examining the intricate interplay between guilt, sin, and redemption. Hester’s public humiliation and subsequent isolation lead her on a path of self-reflection and ultimately, self-acceptance. This journey mirrors the struggles faced by many individuals who grapple with the consequences of their actions and the judgment of society. Hawthorne also examines the theme of revenge through the character of Roger Chillingworth, Hester’s estranged husband, whose descent into madness is a stark reminder of the corrosive effects of vengeance. The novel also highlights the hypocrisy of a society that professes moral superiority while harboring dark secrets.

Character Analysis

Another popular category among The Scarlet Letter research paper topics involves a deep dive into the characters that populate the novel. Hester Prynne, the protagonist, is a complex character whose strength and resilience are tested throughout the narrative. Her transformation from a shamed outcast to a pillar of the community is a study in resilience and determination. Arthur Dimmesdale, the town minister and the father of Hester’s child, is another character that offers a wealth of material for analysis. His internal struggle with guilt and the fear of exposure make him a tragic figure, representative of the internal conflicts that many face. Roger Chillingworth, Hester’s estranged husband, is the embodiment of revenge, and his descent into madness highlights the destructive nature of vengeance. Lastly, Pearl, the child born out of wedlock, is a symbol of both sin and redemption, serving as a constant reminder to her mother of her past transgressions and her path to redemption.

Author’s Intentions

Understanding the author’s intentions is also crucial for The Scarlet Letter research paper topics. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s own ancestry includes judges who presided over the Salem witch trials, and this connection to a dark period in American history influenced his writing. Hawthorne critiques the Puritan society, highlighting its hypocrisy and the destructive impact of its rigid moral code. He uses the character of Hester Prynne to challenge the societal norms of the time, painting her as a strong, independent woman who defies the conventions of her society. Through her character, Hawthorne questions the traditional roles assigned to women and highlights the strength and resilience that lies within.

In conclusion, The Scarlet Letter is a rich tapestry of themes, characters, and societal critiques. The novel’s exploration of guilt, redemption, and the human capacity for resilience provides a wealth of material for research papers. Whether you choose to delve into the themes explored in the novel, analyze its characters, or examine the author’s intentions, The Scarlet Letter research paper topics provide an opportunity to deepen your understanding of this literary classic. Understanding the nuances of this novel will not only enhance your appreciation for Hawthorne’s craftsmanship but will also provide valuable insights into the complexities of human nature and society.

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essay topics on scarlet letter

To the moms all alone on Mother's Day, I see you and you are enough.

essay topics on scarlet letter

Most of my 14 years of motherhood felt like Mother’s Day was spent alone, including some of the years I was married.

Every May, when the second Sunday in May comes around, I think of the women who are where I was in multiple places of my mother journey: scared, alone and envious of the moms with a supportive partner at home.

This year, I've written a letter to every single mother struggling to celebrate herself today, who feels inferior to the other families she sees.

When the flowers don't come, when there are no "thank yous," when there is no one posting our picture, I want us to remember where our gift truly lies.

To our kids, this is the life and this love is enough. So, we can raise our glass.

Dear, single mom on Mother's Day

Maybe you woke up a little early today to give yourself the gift of solitude. There is no one to tag in at the end of the day. It’s exhausting.

You might get a few minutes before feelings of inadequacy come flooding in. You are reminded of all the things you can't do, never seeing all that you have. You wonder how a single-parent home is affecting your kids, who will be down in a matter of moments.

Then, the day will begin just like any other day.

Maybe there were once flowers waiting for you. Maybe there were never flowers at all. You may find crumpled up Mother's Day art in your kids' backpack today, but they may not recognize that there should be anything to celebrate.

You will prepare every meal, answer every request, create every moment, wipe every tear and calm every fear. But your requests will be left unmet, your moments 60 seconds at a time, your tears wiped by your own hand and your fears, ever ponding.

Yet every day you show up and you do it, maybe with a little envy for the two-parent home down the street, because it's hard to be a full-time parent and a full-time provider. You can't possibly do either perfectly well.

If you're feeling discouraged today, seeing only your lack, look inside.

You are the creator of all the good that you see.

Tonight, when you tuck in your kids, witness your gifts.

There may have not been anything on the table this morning, you may have cleaned up the house and cooked every meal, but there is peace in the room. There is joy on their faces. There is a tangible love providing security like the blanket wrapped around their feet.

Your family is not inferior.

You are enough. Your kids know it, and some day someone else will too.

But it has to start with you.

My son was feeling left behind: What kids with autistic siblings want you to know.

Your married friend may be struggling, too

Single mothers should know that married mothers aren't necessarily better supported. Sure, they may have flowers, but just like you, they have learned how to water themselves.

There were Mother's Days when all I felt was hollow. There were flowers, photos, dinners and lots of hugs, but it obscured a darker reality. Presence doesn't equal support. Lonely doesn't equal alone.

Knowing my "enoughness" led me back into singleness and back to the mother I've always been. So, cherish where you are and never trade your peace for support. Recognize yourself and celebrate this day.

Last year, I bought myself a bouquet of wildflowers, and this year, I bought myself a few.

My gift is this home I've created and the peace I feel at night. Sure, it may be a little messy, but it is far from inferior.

When I release my kids into the world, they will take this love that they've been given and begin planting it in places of their own, definitely better than if they had grown up in our broken two-parent home.

Yet I know that you, like me, may have a desire to share your life with someone. Just make sure that they are a seer too, a seer of your worth and your "enoughness," on more than just this special day.

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What I’ve Learned From My Students’ College Essays

The genre is often maligned for being formulaic and melodramatic, but it’s more important than you think.

An illustration of a high school student with blue hair, dreaming of what to write in their college essay.

By Nell Freudenberger

Most high school seniors approach the college essay with dread. Either their upbringing hasn’t supplied them with several hundred words of adversity, or worse, they’re afraid that packaging the genuine trauma they’ve experienced is the only way to secure their future. The college counselor at the Brooklyn high school where I’m a writing tutor advises against trauma porn. “Keep it brief , ” she says, “and show how you rose above it.”

I started volunteering in New York City schools in my 20s, before I had kids of my own. At the time, I liked hanging out with teenagers, whom I sometimes had more interesting conversations with than I did my peers. Often I worked with students who spoke English as a second language or who used slang in their writing, and at first I was hung up on grammar. Should I correct any deviation from “standard English” to appeal to some Wizard of Oz behind the curtains of a college admissions office? Or should I encourage students to write the way they speak, in pursuit of an authentic voice, that most elusive of literary qualities?

In fact, I was missing the point. One of many lessons the students have taught me is to let the story dictate the voice of the essay. A few years ago, I worked with a boy who claimed to have nothing to write about. His life had been ordinary, he said; nothing had happened to him. I asked if he wanted to try writing about a family member, his favorite school subject, a summer job? He glanced at his phone, his posture and expression suggesting that he’d rather be anywhere but in front of a computer with me. “Hobbies?” I suggested, without much hope. He gave me a shy glance. “I like to box,” he said.

I’ve had this experience with reluctant writers again and again — when a topic clicks with a student, an essay can unfurl spontaneously. Of course the primary goal of a college essay is to help its author get an education that leads to a career. Changes in testing policies and financial aid have made applying to college more confusing than ever, but essays have remained basically the same. I would argue that they’re much more than an onerous task or rote exercise, and that unlike standardized tests they are infinitely variable and sometimes beautiful. College essays also provide an opportunity to learn precision, clarity and the process of working toward the truth through multiple revisions.

When a topic clicks with a student, an essay can unfurl spontaneously.

Even if writing doesn’t end up being fundamental to their future professions, students learn to choose language carefully and to be suspicious of the first words that come to mind. Especially now, as college students shoulder so much of the country’s ethical responsibility for war with their protest movement, essay writing teaches prospective students an increasingly urgent lesson: that choosing their own words over ready-made phrases is the only reliable way to ensure they’re thinking for themselves.

Teenagers are ideal writers for several reasons. They’re usually free of preconceptions about writing, and they tend not to use self-consciously ‘‘literary’’ language. They’re allergic to hypocrisy and are generally unfiltered: They overshare, ask personal questions and call you out for microaggressions as well as less egregious (but still mortifying) verbal errors, such as referring to weed as ‘‘pot.’’ Most important, they have yet to put down their best stories in a finished form.

I can imagine an essay taking a risk and distinguishing itself formally — a poem or a one-act play — but most kids use a more straightforward model: a hook followed by a narrative built around “small moments” that lead to a concluding lesson or aspiration for the future. I never get tired of working with students on these essays because each one is different, and the short, rigid form sometimes makes an emotional story even more powerful. Before I read Javier Zamora’s wrenching “Solito,” I worked with a student who had been transported by a coyote into the U.S. and was reunited with his mother in the parking lot of a big-box store. I don’t remember whether this essay focused on specific skills or coping mechanisms that he gained from his ordeal. I remember only the bliss of the parent-and-child reunion in that uninspiring setting. If I were making a case to an admissions officer, I would suggest that simply being able to convey that experience demonstrates the kind of resilience that any college should admire.

The essays that have stayed with me over the years don’t follow a pattern. There are some narratives on very predictable topics — living up to the expectations of immigrant parents, or suffering from depression in 2020 — that are moving because of the attention with which the student describes the experience. One girl determined to become an engineer while watching her father build furniture from scraps after work; a boy, grieving for his mother during lockdown, began taking pictures of the sky.

If, as Lorrie Moore said, “a short story is a love affair; a novel is a marriage,” what is a college essay? Every once in a while I sit down next to a student and start reading, and I have to suppress my excitement, because there on the Google Doc in front of me is a real writer’s voice. One of the first students I ever worked with wrote about falling in love with another girl in dance class, the absolute magic of watching her move and the terror in the conflict between her feelings and the instruction of her religious middle school. She made me think that college essays are less like love than limerence: one-sided, obsessive, idiosyncratic but profound, the first draft of the most personal story their writers will ever tell.

Nell Freudenberger’s novel “The Limits” was published by Knopf last month. She volunteers through the PEN America Writers in the Schools program.


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    1. Discuss the effect of the punishment upon Hester's personality. 2. Explore the relationship of the Governor's mansion to the "old world" and to the Puritans. 3. Examine some of the many ...

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    The Scarlet Letter, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne unfolds its plot during the era of Puritanism, not less than two centuries ago, in Boston, Massachusetts. One's attention is drawn to the ...

  3. The Scarlet Letter Essay Topics

    The Scarlet Letter. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.

  4. The Scarlet Letter Essay Topics

    The Scarlet Letter Essay Topics. Tara received her MBA from Adams State University and is currently working on her DBA from California Southern University. She spent 11 years as a sales and ...

  5. 50 Scarlet Letter Essay Topics

    Fun Essay Topics The Scarlet Letter. Hester Prynne's fashion choices: A humorous exploration of Hester's ability to turn the Scarlet Letter into a fashion statement. The secret lives of the townspeople: Imagining what scandalous secrets the other characters in the novel might be hiding if they were also forced to wear letters of shame.

  6. 99 Scarlet Letter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter" Novel. The theme of sin is depicted through emotional sufferings and experience of the main heroes of the novel: Hester Prynne, her husband Roger Chillingworth and Hester's lover, Dimmesdale. Hawthorne's Concept of Evil in "Rappaccini's Daughter" and "The Scarlet Letter".

  7. The Scarlet Letter Essay Topics

    Controversial essay topics on The Scarlet Letter. In case you're a fan of The Scarlet letter and want to write a specific, unique essay, there's a need to compose a vivid topic. Below you may find some examples of the topics which are not that easy to cover. Keep in mind that you need to be quite a bookworm to choose these topics for your ...

  8. The Scarlet Letter Essay: Topics, Original Ideas, and Best Quotes

    Essay on The Scarlet Letter Setting. Setting can also be The Scarlet Letter essay topic.The Scarlet Letter takes place in the Puritan community in Boston of the 1600s.This setting plays a crucial role in understanding the theme and idea in the novel. Puritans left England and moved to Plymouth because of their different beliefs.

  9. The Scarlet Letter Essay Questions

    The Scarlet Letter study guide contains a biography of Nathaniel Hawthorne, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. ... 2007, and Adam Kissel, ed. "The Scarlet Letter Essay Questions". GradeSaver, 30 September 2007 Web. Cite this page. Study Guide Navigation; About The ...

  10. The Scarlet Letter Critical Overview

    Frederic I. Carpenter, in an essay titled "Scarlet A Minus," calls the book a classic of a "minor order" and complains that "its logic is ambiguous.". Carpenter finds the narrative ...

  11. The Scarlet Letter

    The Scarlet Letter, novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne, published in 1850.It is considered a masterpiece of American literature and a classic moral study.. Summary. The novel is set in a village in Puritan New England.The main character is Hester Prynne, a young woman who has borne a child out of wedlock.Hester believes herself a widow, but her husband, Roger Chillingworth, arrives in New England ...

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    The Scarlet Letter: Nathaniel Hawthorne's romance is one of the most respected works in the history of literature. The setting of the novel is in the Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony around 1945. The author tells the story of a lady, Hester Prynne, who conceived a baby girl as a result of an affair and got despised so much by the community.

  13. New essays scarlet letter

    Each of the interpretative essays that follow places The Scarlet Letter in a specific historical and cultural context. The first shows that an awareness of the convention of romance is essential to an understanding of the novel. A second investigates the tension between Hawthorne's Puritan setting and his Romantic language, suggesting a complex ...

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    A sample essay is added below to help inspire your literary analysis. The following lines explore the symbolism of the major characters in the text. Sample Literary Analysis: An Exploration of How Tone, Word Choice, and Symbolism Help in Character Development in the Scarlet Letter 'The Scarlet Letter' by Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of the ...

  15. The Scarlet Letter Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    26 essay samples found. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, set in 17th-century Puritan Massachusetts, explores themes of guilt, sin, and redemption through the narrative of Hester Prynne, a woman punished for adultery. Essays could delve into the critical analysis of these themes, examining how they reflect and critique the societal ...

  16. The Scarlet Letter Research Paper Topics

    This 19th-century novel is a multifaceted work, dissecting various themes such as sin, guilt, punishment, revenge, and the nature of evil. The importance of researching The Scarlet Letter research paper topics stems from the novel's complex characters, intricate symbolism, and its reflection of the societal norms of the time.

  17. The Scarlet letter Interpretive essay.pdf

    View The Scarlet letter Interpretive essay.pdf from ENGLISH ENG303-22A at Seton Home Study School. 1043144.02 Judit Martin Literary Interpretation, Scarlet letter Interpretive essay Essay topic #2. ... Essay topic #2. How does the third Scaffold scene free Mr Dimmesdale, Hester Prynne, and Pearl in different ways?

  18. To the single mom on Mother's Day, I see you and you are enough

    Most of my 14 years of motherhood felt like Mother's Day was spent alone, including some of the years I was married.. Every May, when the second Sunday in May comes around, I think of the women ...

  19. What I've Learned From My Students' College Essays

    Most high school seniors approach the college essay with dread. Either their upbringing hasn't supplied them with several hundred words of adversity, or worse, they're afraid that packaging ...