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Disaster Management Essay


Essay on Disaster Management

Disaster Management is the arrangement and management of the resources following a disaster, be it natural or man-made. There are so many organizations who are dealing with various types of disastrous situations from the humanitarian aspect. Some disasters are just the consequences of human hazards and some are caused by natural calamity. However, we can prevent them by taking the necessary emergency measures to save and preserve lives. As natural disasters cannot be predicted, they can take place anywhere at any time. 

Vedantu has provided an essay on Disaster management on this page. Students who have received an assignment to write an essay on Disaster Management or preparing an essay for examination can refer to this page to understand the pattern. Any student or parent can directly visit Vedantu site or download the app on the phone to get access to the study materials.  

Disaster Management’ is the simple term of management which embraces loads of disaster-related activities. Disaster occurs frequently in some parts of the world. Japan is the best example of it. Japanese people are annoyed on Tsunamis and earthquakes. The local scene is not much different from the global one. No one could forget the cyclone in Orissa, Earthquake in Gujarat or even the Mumbai Terrorist Attack.

Natural and man-made are the two categories of the disaster. Natural disasters are those which occurred due to sudden changes in the environment or topography causing uncountable human as well as economic loss. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods and cloudbursts are few of the natural disasters. Manual intentional made disasters are man-made disasters. For example, Gas leakage, terrorist attacks, fire, oil spills. Man-made disasters are the result of human intentions or might be because of workmanship or technical errors. The count of man-made and natural disasters is rising rapidly.

Here are a few things which will help us to deal with earthquakes. The significant information about Natural calamities is predicted easier and is being shared within the public by the central bureau. Furthermore, earthquake-resistant structures are constructed considering, ‘Precaution is Better Than Cure’. Reflexes are made so strong that cover of solid platforms such as a table and chair should be taken as soon as the danger is sensible while the cover of trees, electric poles or buildings is avoided as far as possible. Keep in touch with local news during heavy rainy days. Any flood is preceded with significant time. Making proper use of divine buffer time for safety is advisable. Strategically planning of water reservoirs, land uses, tree plantation, rainwater harvesting techniques help us increase immunity power to fight against the drought. 

National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), American Red Cross, Federal Emergency Management Agency, International Association of Emergency Managers etc. are the best disaster management authorities. NDMA is a core body which obeys the law of Disaster Management. The reputed disaster managers are stuck in finding plans for rescuing from the loss of disaster. Moreover, to counteract the effect of disaster Rajya Sabha passed the ‘Disaster Management Act’ on 23 December 2005 which includes 11 chapters and 79 sections in it. Honourable Prime Minister of India Mr Narendra Modi holds the position of chairman of it. 

Youngsters should motivate themselves to learn and practice plenty of disaster management techniques and arrange the camps regarding it. Today, everyone is fighting against one of the breathtaking disasters named COVID-19 which is as big as fighting in world war. Avoiding the crowd, wearing the mask are the basic precautions suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO) during this period of fighting. This disease spreads mostly amongst the people who come in close contact with the infected one. So, it's suggested to keep a safe distance of around 3 meters within the others. This is being termed as ‘Social Distancing’. Nature is not cruel nor is it human. Just small management skills help us withstand before, in and after disasters. Uncountable suggestions and instructions in disaster management but few which apply every time must be followed.

Stages of Disaster Management

With proper implementation and structured action, we can prevent or lessen the impact of natural or man-made disasters. There are certain stages involving the cycle for disaster management plan which incorporates policies and emergency responses required for a prospectively complete recovery. The stages are –

The most preferred way to deal with disasters is to be proactive in their prevention rather than rushing later for their cure. This implies recognition of potential hazards and working towards infrastructure to mitigate their impact. This stage in the management cycle involves setting up permanent measures to minimize disaster risk.

Setting up an evacuation plan in a school, training the teachers to lead the students towards safe structures in the event of earthquake, tornado or fire, planning a strong base for high raised sky-scrapers to prepare for earthquakes and designing a city in such a manner that reduces the risk of flooding are some examples of measures takes for disaster prevention.

Mitigation is the first and the foremost attempt to save human lives during the time of disaster or their recovery from the aftermath. The measures which are taken can be both structural and non-structural.

Structural mitigation measures could include transforming the physical characteristics of a building or the surroundings to curb the effect, for example, clearing out of the trees around your house, ensuring that storms don’t knock down the trees and send them crashing into the house. Non-structural measures could include amending the building or locality codes to enhance safety and prevent disasters.


Preparedness is a process that involves a social community where the trained, or the head of the community, businesses and institutions demonstrate the plan of action which is supposed to be executed during the event of a disaster. It is an ongoing continuous process with anticipation of a calamity, which involves training, evaluating and taking corrective action with the highest level of alertness. Some examples of such prevention measures are fire drills, shooter drills and evacuation rehearsals.

The response is the action taken after the disaster has occurred to retrieve some life from it. It includes short-term and long-term responses. In ideal situations, the disaster-management leader will coordinate the use of resources in the restoration process and minimize the risk of further property damage.

During this stage, the area of the calamity is cleared if it poses any further threat to human as well as environmental life. For example, evacuation of the city of Chernobyl, Ukraine, is a responsive action against a disaster.

The fifth and last stage in the process of the disaster management plan is the recovery stage. This can sometimes take years or decades to happen. The larger mass of a city is also sometimes part of the recovery from a disaster. The greatest and the most infamous example of this is the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear attacks on Japan, it took the people of those cities years and decades to recover from that man-made calamity.

It took years of effort to stabilize the area and restore essential community or individual functions. The recovery stage prioritizes the basic essential needs of human survival like food, drinkable water, utilities, transportation and healthcare over less-essential services. Eventually, this stage is all about coordinating with individuals, communities and businesses to help each other to restore a normal or a new normal, as in the case of Covid-19.

How to Act as a Responsible Person During a Time of Disaster?

Some people have more experience than others with managing natural or man-made disasters and their prevention of them. Although this is that subject of life which should be studied and implemented by every business or community. As it is said rightly, “prevention is better than cure”, and any organization or an individual or a community can be hit by a disaster sooner or later, whether it's something as minor as a prolonged power cut or a life-threatening hurricane or an earthquake. Usually, the pandemics train us, as a social and political community, to deal with natural calamities and compel the organizations responsible for it, to build an infrastructure for its prevention.

To act responsibly and pro-actively during the event of a disaster, we have got to be prepared and equipped as a nation, individually and as a social community. To be well-educated and read with the aspects of disaster management is to be responsible for the handling of it.


FAQs on Disaster Management Essay

1. What is Disaster Management?

In simpler words, disaster management can be defined as the arrangement of resources and precautions to deal with all humanitarian aspects during an emergency. Disasters are the consequences of natural or human hazards. Earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes are some of the deadliest natural disasters to name a few. Examples of man-made disasters are bomb blast, radiations, transport accidents, terrorist attacks etc.

2. What is the Main Aim of Disaster Management?

The main aim of disaster management is prevention, rescue and recovery from the trauma, and development.

3. How to Write an Essay on Disaster Management?

Disaster management refers to the response to an emergency situation to make it as normal as possible. While writing an essay on Disaster Management, you can start with an introduction, then go on with the definition, the types of disaster management, a little in-depth explanation along with examples, and finish it off with a conclusion. 

4. Can I Get a Sample Essay on Disaster Management from Vedantu?

Yes, the essay mentioned on this page is about Disaster Management. This essay has been written by the experts of Vedantu keeping the understanding ability of the students of each class. 

5. What are the career opportunities in the field of Disaster management?

People looking for career opportunities in the field of disaster management have many pathways to approach it. Some examples of the jobs relating to this line of work are crisis-management leader, disaster-assistance specialist and emergency-planning coordinator. These are the roles which call for varying levels of responsibility in preparing a city or a company for catastrophic events. The job roles can be approached with earning a master’s degree in emergency and crisis management.


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Essay on Disaster Management for Students

Essay on Disaster Management: Disasters can strike communities suddenly and without warning. Being prepared to respond effectively can save lives and limit damage. Disaster management encompasses the prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery related to emergencies and disasters. Learning about disaster management helps students understand how communities can become more resilient. This essay provides an overview of key disaster management concepts for students.

What is a Disaster?

A disaster is a serious disruption to a community that causes widespread human, material, economic or environmental loss that exceeds the community’s ability to cope using its own resources. Disasters can be caused by natural hazards like floods, earthquakes or storms, or by human-caused hazards like fires, wars or terrorist attacks.

Some key facts about disasters:

  • Disasters can occur suddenly, with little or no warning.
  • The effects of disasters can last for long periods.
  • Disasters often damage critical infrastructure like roads, bridges and power lines.
  • Disasters disproportionately affect vulnerable groups including women, children, the elderly and the poor.

What is Disaster Management?

Disaster management is the process of preparing for, responding to, and recovering from disasters. The goal is to reduce the harmful effects of all hazards, including disasters.

The main elements of disaster management include:

  • Mitigation – Taking action to reduce risk and damage from disasters. This includes assessments of hazards and vulnerabilities.
  • Preparedness – Planning and preparing to respond in case a disaster occurs. This includes training, exercises, and stockpiling supplies.
  • Response – Taking action immediately before, during, or after a disaster to save lives and limit damage. This includes providing emergency assistance.
  • Recovery – Returning the community to normal after a disaster. This includes rebuilding damaged property and restoring services.

Disaster management requires coordinated efforts from government agencies, non-profits, the private sector and the whole community.

Disaster Management Plans

Communities use disaster management plans to outline how they will manage all aspects of disasters. Plans aim to build resilience and capability to withstand disasters.

Effective disaster management plans typically cover:

  • Identifying hazards and assessing risks
  • Upgrading infrastructure
  • Enforcing building codes
  • Educating the public
  • Protecting ecosystems


  • Developing emergency response plans and procedures
  • Creating incident management systems with clear roles and responsibilities
  • Acquiring equipment and supplies for emergency response
  • Training personnel to carry out response plans and procedures
  • Conducting drills and exercises to test plans and skills
  • Activating emergency operations centers to coordinate response
  • Conducting search and rescue operations
  • Providing medical assistance to the injured
  • Meeting basic human needs like food, water, shelter
  • Managing communications and public information
  • Assessing damage and developing recovery plans
  • Repairing critical infrastructure like roads, bridges and utilities
  • Providing mental health and social services support
  • Rebuilding homes, businesses and public facilities
  • Restoring jobs , services and normal community functions

Having comprehensive plans covering all aspects of disaster management will help communities minimize damages and recover more quickly when disasters do occur.

Essay on Disaster Management for Students (150 Words)

Disaster management aims to reduce the harmful impacts of emergencies and disasters. Key responsibilities include identifying risks, making plans, educating the public, coordinating resources, responding urgently to save lives, and helping communities recover.

Disaster managers build resilience by assessing hazards, mitigating risks, preparing response plans, training personnel, stockpiling resources, conducting drills, enacting safety codes and policies, educating the public, providing warnings, facilitating evacuations, offering emergency shelter and aid, restoring critical services, supporting emotional recovery, and rebuilding. With careful planning and coordination, disaster managers help communities bounce back after disasters.

Essay on Disaster Management in 250 Words

Disasters can cause widespread destruction and suffering. However proactive disaster management can help reduce adverse impacts on people, property and the environment.

Prevention involves steps like land-use planning, safety codes and risk awareness education to avoid hazards or minimize exposure. Mitigation includes strengthening infrastructure, developing warning systems, and protecting natural buffers like wetlands or forests.

Preparedness means making response plans, training responders, stockpiling supplies, educating the public, and conducting simulation drills.

Response requires mobilizing emergency services, transporting supplies, operating shelters and hospitals, search and rescue, and securing order. Recovery involves rebuilding damaged property, restoring disrupted services, providing financial assistance, and supporting community well-being.

Coordinated disaster management engages whole communities. It requires collaboration between emergency managers, government agencies, nonprofits, private entities, and community members. When all stakeholders work together to promote resilience, communities are better able to withstand and bounce back after disasters.

Essay on Disaster Management in 300 Words

Disasters can quickly overwhelm communities’ normal coping capacities. Both natural hazards like earthquakes, floods or storms, and human-caused hazards like fires, chemical spills or wars can have devastating impacts if communities are not prepared.

Disaster management aims to avoid hazards when possible and minimize vulnerability to those that cannot be avoided. This requires planning before disaster strikes. Responsibilities include identifying risks, educating the public on how to stay safe, making evacuation and response plans, stockpiling supplies, training specialized personnel, conducting simulation drills and exercises, and putting early warning systems and emergency communications procedures in place.

When disasters do strike, priorities include conducting search and rescue operations, attending to the injured or displaced, providing food and shelter, restoring disrupted utilities, enforcing order, and managing communications and public information.

After disasters, the focus shifts to assessing damages, rebuilding destroyed property, restoring jobs and services, providing financial assistance, and supporting community wellbeing. Recovery may take months or years. Reducing future risk is also part of recovery.

Effective disaster management requires coordination across government, the private sector, nonprofits and the whole community. When all stakeholders collaborate to promote resilience before, during and after disasters, communities suffer less harm and bounce back faster.

Essay on Disaster Management in 500 Words


Disasters can lead to widespread destruction and suffering. Disaster management aims to avoid hazards when possible, reduce vulnerability and disaster impacts, and support recovery. With thoughtful disaster planning and coordination across sectors, communities can become more resilient.

Disaster management plans aim to build resilience by addressing all aspects of emergency response and recovery. They identify risks and vulnerabilities. They make preparations to improve response capabilities and coordination. Plans outline roles and responsibilities for all stakeholders involved in disaster management.

Key elements of disaster management plans include:

  • Identifying hazards and vulnerable sectors
  • Assessing risks and potential impacts
  • Reducing risks by strengthening infrastructure, protecting ecosystems, improving building codes and educating the public
  • Creating incident response plans with standard operating procedures
  • Acquiring response resources like equipment, supplies and backup systems
  • Forming partnerships and mutual aid agreements to coordinate capabilities
  • Training emergency personnel and conducting simulation exercises
  • Activating emergency operations centers and incident command structures
  • Alerting the public, providing instructions, and coordinating evacuations
  • Conducting search and rescue, fire suppression, and medical triage operations
  • Securing access control and maintaining law and order
  • Assessing damages and developing recovery action plans
  • Clearing debris and restoring critical utilities and public services
  • Supporting community well-being through counseling programs
  • Rebuilding damaged homes, businesses, and public infrastructure

Challenges of Disaster Management

Disaster management faces many challenges, including limited resources, unpredictability of disasters, and difficulty coordinating across many stakeholders. Vulnerable groups often bear disproportionate impacts and take longer to recover. Politics can complicate disaster response and recovery. Addressing these challenges requires inclusive planning, cultural sensitivity, transparent systems, and adaptable leadership .

With climate change increasing extreme weather events, disasters are likely to become more frequent and intense. Investing in disaster preparedness and coordination pays off in reduced suffering and faster recovery. It takes participation from all sectors to build community resilience. Disaster management skills help students be better prepared to lead emergency response and recovery efforts in their future careers .

Essay on Disaster Management for Class 9

Disasters can cause terrible destruction, so communities must plan carefully to minimize harm. Disaster management aims to reduce risks and vulnerabilities before disaster strikes. Then if disasters do occur, response efforts focus on saving lives and meeting basic needs. Recovery rebuilding the damaged property and restoring disrupted services follow, to bring the community back to normal.

Individuals and families can prepare by learning evacuation routes and making preparedness kits with emergency supplies. Schools and workplaces need plans to safely shelter in place if needed, and procedures to guide evacuation. Communities can assess risks and take steps to reduce them, like improving drainage systems, securing hazardous materials, and protecting natural buffers from development.

When disasters strike, first responders like firefighters, police and paramedics react immediately to save lives. Government agencies activate emergency plans, operate shelters, and coordinate relief supplies. Businesses may donate resources or provide volunteers. The media keeps the public informed on response efforts. Everyone has a role to play.

After disasters, assessments of damage determine priorities for rebuilding homes, businesses and infrastructure. Government disaster assistance funds help people recover losses. Mental health services are crucial too, to help people cope with trauma. It can take months or years for communities to fully recover. But with coordinated efforts, they can emerge even stronger than before.

Essay on Disaster Management in India

With its vulnerability to natural hazards like floods, cyclones, earthquakes and landslides, disaster management is a key priority for India. Institutional mechanisms to promote disaster resilience include the National Disaster Management Authority and the National Disaster Response Force at the national level, and State Disaster Management Authorities at the state level.

When major disasters strike, these bodies coordinate response and recovery across government agencies, the armed forces, civil society organizations and international aid.

Some key measures India has taken to improve its disaster management capabilities include:

  • Hazard risk mapping to identify vulnerable regions and communities
  • Upgrading forecasting systems for weather and natural hazards
  • Strengthening communication networks and early warning systems
  • Improving building codes and infrastructure standards
  • Expanding disaster response training and equipping response forces
  • Building community awareness and preparedness through mock drills
  • Mainstreaming disaster management into development planning

However, there are still gaps. The response could be quicker and more effective if procedures were more cohesive across states and agencies. Recovery efforts often neglect vulnerable groups and remote areas. There are not enough trained personnel or supplies ready to deploy for major disasters. Disasters continue to catch India off guard when contingency planning and preparation fall short.

With growing risks of climate change, India must build on progress made in disaster management infrastructure, while also addressing remaining preparedness and response gaps. Revamping disaster governance frameworks could improve coordination. Inclusive planning and regional cooperation could broaden resilience capabilities. Investing further in disaster preparedness and management will reduce risks and help India rebound stronger.

Frequently Asked Questions on Disaster Management

1. what are the 4 phases of disaster management.

The 4 main phases of disaster management are:

  • Mitigation  – Taking preventive measures to reduce risk and damage from potential disasters.
  • Preparedness  – Making plans and preparations to save lives and ensure an effective response in case a disaster strikes.
  • Response  – Taking urgent action during and immediately after a disaster to meet basic human needs and reduce negative impacts.
  • Recovery  – Returning the community to normal after a disaster by rebuilding and restoring services.

2. What are the 3 Types of Disasters?

The 3 main types of disasters are:

  • Natural disasters  – Caused by natural hazards like floods, storms, wildfires and earthquakes.
  • Technological disasters  – Caused by accidents or breakdowns of technology, like industrial accidents, infrastructure failures or nuclear disasters.
  • Human-caused disasters  – Caused by human decisions, negligence or malicious intent, like wars, riots or terrorism.

3. How is Disaster Management Important?

Disaster management is extremely important because it helps:

  • Save lives by enhancing preparedness and response capabilities
  • Reduce economic losses and property damage through mitigation
  • Limit social and environmental disruption by quick recovery
  • Build resilience within communities to withstand and bounce back after disasters
  • Protect critical infrastructure and ensure continuity of essential services
  • Support the physical health, mental well-being and social needs of affected people
  • Coordinate capabilities across government, private sector, nonprofits and community
  • Apply lessons from each disaster to continuously improve management capabilities

disaster management essay class 9

Shobhit is the founder of Ishiksha, content writer and educator who has been creating educational content since 2021. His writing covers topics like science, technology, and the humanities. When he isn't writing, Shobhit enjoys reading nonfiction, watching documentaries, and going on nature walks.

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disaster management essay class 9

Essay on Disaster Management

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  • Updated on  
  • May 10, 2023

essay on disaster management

Disaster Management has been essentially included in the study curriculums of secondary education. Whether it is natural or man-made, disasters can wreak havoc on our surroundings and cost human lives as well. To familiarise students with efficiently preventing and ensuring the safety of living beings and our environment from unprecedented events, the study of Disaster Management has been included as an important part of the Geography class 10 syllabus. This blog aims to focus on imparting how you can draft a well-written essay on Disaster Management.

This Blog Includes:

What is disaster management, essay on disaster management: tips & tricks, sample format for essay on disaster management in 150 words, sample essay of disaster management (150 words), sample essay on disaster management (300 words) , sample essay on disaster management (500 words), essay on disaster management for class 9 onwards, essay on disaster management in india.

To begin with your essay on Disaster Management, the most important thing is to comprehend this concept as well as what it aims to facilitate. In simple terms, Disaster Management is termed as the management and utilisation of resources as well as responsibilities to tackle different emergencies, be it man-made disasters or natural ones. It concentrates on preparing human beings for a varied range of calamities and helping them respond in a better way as well as ensure recovery thus lessening their overall impact. 

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Before drafting your essay on Disaster Management, another thing you need to ensure is familiarising yourself with the structure of essay writing. To help you understand the do’s and don’ts, we have listed down some of the major things you need to keep in mind.

essay on disaster management - tips and tricks

  • Research thoroughly about your topic. For example, while writing an essay on Disaster Management, explore the recent happenings and mention them to provide the reader with a view into your understanding of this concept.
  • Create important pointers while researching that you can further incorporate into your essay.
  • Don’t mug up the definitions but comprehend them through examples.
  • Use transitions between paragraphs to keep a coherent flow for the reader as a long paragraph might seem too lengthy and segregating your introduction and conclusion can provide a better structure.
  • Quote important examples not only in your introduction but also in the following paragraphs where you detail the given topic.
  • Revise and add finishing touches once you have completed the essay to locate any grammatical errors as well as other mistakes.

Now that you are aware of the key elements of writing an essay on Disaster Management, take a look at the format of essay writing first:

Introduction (30-40 words)

Begin with defining your topic explained in simple terms. For Disaster Management, You can make it more interesting by adding a question or a recent instance. The introduction should be understandable aiming to become more specific in the subsequent paragraphs.

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Body of Content (80 words)

Also termed as the thesis statement , the content after the introduction should explain your given topic in detail. It should contain the maximum content out of the whole format because it needs to be detailed. For Disaster Management, you can delve deeper into its process, how it is carried out for different situations as well as prevention and protection.

Conclusion (30-40 words)

This section should mainly wrap up what you have described in the above paragraphs. For an essay on Disaster Management, you can focus on summing it up by writing its aim, types and purposes briefly.

disaster management essay class 9

Disaster can be simply termed as a sudden incident or happening which can be either natural or man-made and can potentially cause damage to the surroundings or loss of human life. To facilitate preparedness and better responsiveness to unforeseen events which can harm human beings and the environment, Disaster Management came into the picture.

Disaster Management aims to lessen the impact of natural and man-made calamities by designing and planning efficient ways to tackle them. It centrally comprises ensuring better control of the situation, its immediate evaluation, calling up required medical aids and transports, supplying drinking and food sources, among others and during this whole process, protecting the surroundings from more harm and keeping the lawfulness. The importance of Disaster Management has further increased in the contemporary scenario with the prevalent climate change and some of its latest examples include the unprecedented Australian wildfires.

Thus, the planet is getting bogged down by infinite technological devices, and their possible effects on the climate and the environment are inescapable. This has led to Disaster Management becoming the need of the hour as every country is aiming to become efficient and prepared to face both natural and man-made calamities.

Since the dawn of time, disasters, whether natural or man-made, have been a part of man’s evolution. Tsunamis, cyclones, earthquakes, floods, accidents, plane crashes, forest fires, chemical disasters, and other natural disasters frequently strike without notice, leading to massive loss of life and property. Disaster management refers to the strategies and actions put in place to lessen and prevent the effects of a disaster.

The word “disaster management” refers to all aspects of catastrophe mitigation, including preventive and protective measures, preparedness, and relief activities. The disaster management process can be separated into two phases: pre-disaster planning and post-disaster recovery. This encompasses measures such as prevention, mitigation, and preparedness aimed at minimising human and property losses as a result of a possible danger.

The second category is activity post-disaster recovery in which response, rehabilitation, and reconstruction are all included. Search and rescue evacuation, meeting the victims’ basic needs, and rapid medical support from regional, national, and international authorities were all part of the response phase. The immediate purpose of the recovery phase is to restore some degree of normalcy to the afflicted areas. In resource-scarce countries, ex-ante risk mitigation investment in development planning is critical for decreasing disaster damage. It would be prudent to go from a risk-blind to a risk-informed investment decision.

We cannot prevent disasters, but we can reduce their severity and arm ourselves with knowledge so that too many lives are spared.


The globe is plagued with disasters, some of which are terrible and others that are controllable. Natural calamities, for example, are sudden occurrences that wreak significant devastation to lives and property. Disasters can occur either naturally or are man-made. To repair the damage caused by these disasters, emergency management is required. Through a disaster management procedure, the damage is contained and the hazards of the event are controlled. The procedure is aimed at averting disasters and reducing the effects of those that are unavoidable. Floods, droughts, landslides, and earthquakes are all threats to India. The Indian government’s disaster management measures have vastly improved over time.

The Process of Disaster Management: 

The disaster management process is split into four stages. The first phase is mitigation, which involves reducing the likelihood of a disaster or its negative consequences. Public education on the nature of the calamity and how people may prepare to protect themselves, as well as structural construction projects, are among the actions. These projects are intended at reducing the number of people killed and property destroyed in the event of a disaster.

Preparedness is the second phase of disaster management, and it aims to improve government-led preparedness to deal with emergencies. The majority of the preparations are aimed toward life-saving activities. Plan writing, communication system development, public education, and drills are all part of the preparation process. The disaster management team implements measures to keep people alive and limit the number of people affected in the third phase, reaction. Transport, shelter, and food are provided to the afflicted population as part of the response. Repairs are being made, and temporary solutions, such as temporary housing for the impacted population, are being sought.

Recovery is the ultimate stage of disaster management. This normally happens after the tragedy has subsided and the harm has been done. During the recovery process, the team works to restore people’s livelihoods and infrastructure. Short-term or long-term recovery is possible. The goal is to return the affected population to a normal or better way of life. During public education, the importance of health safety is highlighted. The recovery phase allows catastrophe management to move forward with long-term solutions.

Disaster Management Challenges:

The management of disasters is a difficult task, and there are certain flaws to be found. Since the individual dangers and disasters in some countries are not well understood, the government is unable to deploy disaster management in the event of an unforeseen disaster. There’s also the issue of a country’s technical and framework capabilities being insufficient. Government support is required for disaster management frameworks. Due to the generally large population, the disaster management approach includes public education, but there is no psychological counselling for individuals. People are more likely to develop post-traumatic stress disorder and psychiatric illnesses.


Disaster management is a very important activity that countries should embrace to prevent disasters and lessen the negative consequences of disasters. However, disaster management has limitations that restrict the techniques’ ability to be implemented successfully.

Disasters can cause chaos, mass death of humans and animals, and a rise in crime rates. Disasters are unfavourable events that cause widespread anxiety and terror. They also make it difficult for society to respond to its causes.

Natural or man-made disasters can emerge. In both circumstances, they have the potential to cause significant loss of life and property. A combination of man-made and natural disasters can occur in severe circumstances. For example, violent conflicts and food scarcity. As a result, disaster management is required to limit or prevent massive loss and damage.

Disaster management includes disaster avoidance, disaster awareness, and disaster planning. These ideas will be discussed further down.

Prevention of Disaster: 

Countries all across the world have taken precautions to prevent diseases or viruses from spreading. These initiatives include the funding of research into natural disaster aversion. Other sources of revenue include food distribution, healthcare services, and so on. In Africa and the Middle East, the latter is commonly used in economically challenged areas.

Improved scientific research has also made it feasible to predict potential natural disasters. For example, equipment to detect earthquakes and tsunamis has been developed. As a result, more people are concerned about the environment. In this sense, consciousness translates to a reduction in all forms of pollution in the environment.

Disaster Awareness :

Another strategy to minimise the excesses of widespread epidemics is to raise disaster awareness. Members of the public must be made aware of the importance of maintaining peace, de-escalating dangerous circumstances, and prioritising safety in the face of any possible tragedy.

The goal of disaster management is to reduce human death and suffering. The impact of disasters can be reduced if all of these factors are successfully managed. As a result, the necessity of disaster management cannot be emphasised.

The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is the main agency charged with establishing rules and guidelines for disaster management in order to ensure prompt and effective disaster response. There is also a separate fund for mitigation called the “national disaster management fund” (NDMF). Functions performed by this agency are:

  • Administration
  • Formation of policies for disaster management
  • Approval of the strategies made up for disaster mitigation
  • Formation of revenue or funds for disaster mitigation
  • Managing multiple programmes and disseminating instructions.

The disaster has had both direct and indirect repercussions on human life, both of which have been deadly devastating and detrimental. There have been fatalities as well as stock losses. Natural disasters are unavoidable; even if we have mechanisms in place to predict or forecast them, we cannot prevent them from occurring. While preparing plans for our disaster management, the best that can be done is to prevent behaviours that are detrimental to the environment and lead to environmental deterioration. When a disaster strikes, it causes widespread devastation and loss of life. In the event of a disaster such as earthquakes, floods, or other natural disasters, a large number of people are displaced, and a large number of people die as a result of the disaster. This is when the true emergency begins by providing first aid to the injured, as well as rescue and relief efforts for the victims. To limit the risk of human life, everyone must participate actively in disaster management. When a crisis happens, the appropriate disaster management team can seize over as soon as possible.

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The 4 phases of disaster management are Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery. 

The 3 types of disasters are natural, man-made, and hybrid disasters.

On 23 December 2005, the Government of India enacted the Disaster Management Act

Hence, we hope that this blog has helped you understand the key steps to writing a scoring essay on Disaster Management. If you are at the conclusion of the 10th grade and confused about which stream to take in the next standard, reach out to our Leverage Edu expert and we’ll guide you in choosing the right stream of study as well as gain clarity about your interests and aspirations so that you take an informed step towards a rewarding career.

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Disaster Management Essay

Disasters can be difficult to manage. People need to have a plan for when a disaster happens. They need to know what to do and where to go. Disasters can be a challenge for governments. They need to be prepared to help people who have been affected by a disaster. Here are a few sample essays on ‘ Disaster Management ’.

100 Words Essay On Disaster Management

200 words essay on disaster management, preparing for disasters : early warning systems, 500 words essay on disaster management.

Disaster Management Essay

Natural disasters, like hurricanes and earthquakes, floods are something everyone is familiar with. But there are also man-made disasters, like factory explosions and nuclear accidents that need attention. Disasters can happen anywhere in the world, and they can cause a lot of damage. Properties can be destroyed, people can get hurt or killed, and the environment can be damaged. Disaster management is the process of dealing with disasters.

This includes preparing for disasters, responding to disasters, and recovering from disasters. There are a lot of different aspects to disaster management, and it's a complex process. A well-functioning early warning system can be the difference between life and death in a disaster situation. That’s why it’s important to make sure you're prepared by having one in place.

Disasters come in all shapes and sizes, and can have a wide range of impacts on people, property, and the environment. It's important to understand these impacts before a disaster happens, so that you can be better prepared to respond.

For example, a typhoon can cause damage to homes and businesses, lead to widespread power outages, and contaminate water supplies with salt water. A wildfire can destroy acres of forest land, damage homes and other buildings, and cause air pollution.

Each disaster has its own unique set of impacts, which is why it's important to develop a plan tailored to your specific community or organisation. By understanding the potential impacts of disasters, you can make sure that your plan is as robust as possible.

Disasters can happen anywhere and at any time. That's why it's important to have a plan in place, and one of the most important aspects of that plan is having an effective early warning system.

An early warning system gives people the chance to take shelter and evacuate before a disaster hits. It also allows emergency crews to respond more quickly and effectively when they do arrive.

There are many different types of early warning systems, and each one has its own strengths and weaknesses. It's important to choose the right system for your community, and to make sure that it's properly maintained and updated.

Disasters can happen anytime, anywhere. A disaster can be a natural event, such as a hurricane or an earthquake, or it can be a man-made event, such as a terrorist attack. Disasters can cause a lot of damage and can disrupt people's lives. People can die in a disaster and many people can be injured. People can also lose their homes and their jobs.

Developing Effective Disaster Management Strategies

Disaster management isn't easy. It takes a lot of preparation, and even more on-the-ground coordination and execution when a disaster actually happens. That's why it's important to develop effective disaster management strategies well in advance.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when creating disaster management strategy:

Identify all potential risks and hazards

Create emergency response plans for each potential risk

Train your team on how to respond to emergencies

Make sure your team is familiar with the evacuation procedures

Test your emergency response plans regularly

The Role of Governments In Disaster Risk Reduction

Governments usually have a bigger role to play in disaster risk reduction than individuals. It is their responsibility to develop risk management plans and strategies to reduce the risk of disasters. They can also promote public awareness campaigns, provide subsidies and other financial support to vulnerable people, and build more resilient infrastructure like dams and flood walls.

The governments should also work on building an efficient early warning system. This system should be able to detect potential hazards early enough so that people can take preventive measures. The government should also have plans and resources ready for post-disaster relief operations so that the affected areas can get help as quickly as possible.

Moreover, governments should provide incentives for people who build their homes with materials that can withstand natural disasters such as earthquakes. There should also be policies that encourage businesses to adopt better safety and evacuation procedures in case of a disaster. Finally, all governments must ensure proper governance of disaster management systems so that they are effective in reducing risks.

Utilising Technology For Improved Disaster Management

It is important to also utilise technology to better manage disasters. Technology is constantly improving, making it easier to provide warnings and alerts when a disaster is imminent. For example, satellite imagery and drone footage can be used to assess the extent of damage after a disaster, allowing for rapid response and relief efforts.

Using sensor networks, it is possible to detect the severity and location of a natural disaster before it strikes or even track its progress in real-time. This data can be used for various predictions about the path and strength of the disaster, enabling authorities to take preventive steps before it has done too much damage.

Technology can also be invaluable in providing relief efforts during and after a crisis. Smartphones have revolutionised communication networks, allowing people affected by disasters to inform family members quickly when they are safe. Finally, online donation campaigns are becoming popular ways for people around the world to contribute towards relief efforts after natural disasters.

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Disaster Management Project for Class 9, Download PDF File_0.1

Disaster Management Project for Class 9, Download PDF File

The Disaster Management Act was passed by the Lok Sabha on 28 Nov 2005 and by the Rajya Sabha on 12 Dec 2005. On 1 June 2016, Narendra Modi, the PM of India, launched the Disaster management plan


Table of Contents

Disaster management in India is one of the most crucial points of discussion because of India’s highly diversified Climate. Indian Subcontinent is frequently evident of natural catastrophes such as Cyclones, earthquakes, floods, and droughts. Disaster management is the process of planning for and responding to natural disasters. It entails carefully organising resources to mitigate the damage caused by calamities. It also entails a systematic strategy for handling catastrophe prevention, readiness, response, and recovery duties. n the article we will discuss it’s types, how to prepare Disaster Management Projects for Class 9 and 10 students along with new project ideas.

What is Disaster Management Class 9?

According to the United Nations, a disaster is a major disruption of a community or society’s ability to function that involves extensive affects on people, property, the economy, or the environment and beyond the capacity of the affected community or society to deal using its own resources.

Disaster management is the process by which we “prepare for, respond to and learn from the effects of big failures”. It is how we cope with the human, material, economic, or environmental impacts of a given disaster. Disasters can have human causes, despite the fact that nature frequently causes them. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies defines a disaster as when a risk affects individuals who are already weak.

Disaster Management Cycle

Organizations and people use the disaster management cycle, which consists of a sequence of processes, to plan for, contain, and mitigate unforeseen disasters. These could include unforeseen property damage, natural disasters, or other occurrences that put other people’s lives in peril. After the initial crisis has passed, the disaster management cycle assists everyone in minimising the effects of unforeseen events and recovering as much resources as possible. A disaster management cycle aids persons affected by disasters by assisting in their reconstruction, regrouping, and recovery.

Disaster Management Cycle

What is Disaster?

A disaster is a sudden, catastrophic event that causes significant disruption, damage, and destruction, affecting the lives, property, and environment of a community or region. Disasters can be natural or man-made, and they often require emergency response and recovery efforts to manage the aftermath and assist affected populations.

Disasters can take many different forms. Disasters, in whatever shape they take, disturb communities and can have major consequences for people, property, businesses, and the environment. They frequently test a community’s ability to cope. Human-caused disasters, such as industrial explosions or structural breakdowns, are the result of human error. Natural catastrophes are caused by physical occurrences such as earthquakes and droughts. Complex disasters might include epidemics or armed conflicts.

Types of Disaster for Class 9 Students

Disasters are categorised into the following types-

  • Floods, hail storms, cloudbursts, cyclones, heat waves, cold waves, droughts, and hurricanes are all examples of water-related disasters .
  • Landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tornadoes are examples of geological disasters .
  • Man-made disasters include urban and forest fires, oil spills, and the collapse of massive constructions.
  • Biological disasters include viral outbreaks, pest invasions, livestock epidemics, and locust plagues.
  • Chemical and industrial mishaps, mining shaft fires, and oil spills are examples of industrial disasters.
  • Nuclear disasters include nuclear core meltdowns and radiation burn, sickness.


Disaster Management Act, 2005 for Class 9 & 10

The Lok Sabha enacted the Disaster Management Act on November 28, 2005, and the Rajya Sabha did it on December 12, 2005. On January 9, 2006, the Indian President gave his approval. The Act mandates the creation of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), whose chairman shall be the Prime Minister of India. At any given moment, the NDMA can only have nine members total, including the vice-chairperson. The NDMA members are appointed for a five-year term. On 27 September 2005, the NDMA was formally established in accordance with Section 3(1) of the Disaster Management Act after being first established on 30 May 2005 by executive order. The NDMA is in charge of “setting down the rules, plans, and procedures for disaster” as well as making sure that disaster responses are swift and efficient. It is tasked with establishing “guidelines to be followed by the State Authorities in drawing up the national Plans” in accordance with Section 6 of the Act. The Disaster Management Act of 2005 acknowledges Disaster Management as a crucial process of planning, organizing, coordinating, and implementing measures which are necessary for-

  • Prevention of the threat of any disaster
  • Reduction of risk of any disaster or its consequences
  • Readiness to deal with any disaster
  • Promptness in dealing with a disaster
  • Assessing the severity of the effects of any disaster
  • Rescue and relief
  • Rehabilitation and Reconstruction

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Disaster Management Agencies in India

Some agencies are involved in disaster management that we study below in detail

  • National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA):-  The National Disaster Management Authority, or the NDMA, is an apex body for disaster management, governed by the Prime Minister of India. It is charge of the supervision, direction, and control of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF).
  • National Executive Committee (NEC):- The NEC is composed of high-profile ministerial members from the government of India that consist of the Union Home Secretary as Chairperson, and the Secretaries to the Government of India (GoI)like Ministries/Departments of Agriculture, Atomic Energy, Defence, Drinking Water Supply, Environment and Forests, etc. The NEC covers the National Plan for Disaster Management as per the National Policy on Disaster Management.
  • State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA):-  The Chief Minister of the respective state is the head of the SDMA.The State Government has a State Executive Committee (SEC) which assists the State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) on Disaster Management.
  • District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA):-  The DDMA is headed by the District Collector, Deputy Commissioner or District Magistrate depending on the situation, with the elected representatives of the local authority as the Co-Chairperson. The DDMA ensures that the guidelines framed by the NDMA and the SDMA are followed by all the departments of the State Government at the District level and the local authorities in the District.
  • Local Authorities:-  Local authorities would include Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI), Municipalities, District and Cantonment 11 Institutional and Legal Arrangements Boards, and Town Planning Authorities which control and manage civic services.

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Project on Disaster management

A disaster management project is a strategy created to aid a community or organisation in disaster prevention, response, and recovery. Natural or man-made, disasters can result in a variety of harm, including destruction of physical property, injuries, and fatalities.

A disaster management project’s objective is to lessen the effects of a disaster by: 

  • Identifying potential risks and hazards
  • Creating plans to reduce the risks and hazards
  • preparing people for disaster response
  • putting in place a structure to manage relief operations

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Disaster Management Project File Class 9 PDF

The PDF of the Disaster Management project for class 10 is given below so that candidates can download it

Disaster Management

Disasters Management Project -Types

  • Hazard mitigation projects: These projects are designed to reduce the impact of a disaster by reducing the risk of a hazard occurring or by reducing the damage that a hazard can cause. For example, a hazard mitigation project might involve building a levee to protect a community from flooding or planting trees to help prevent erosion.
  • Emergency response plans: These plans outline how a community or organization will respond to a disaster. They typically include information on how to evacuate people, how to provide food and water, and how to provide medical care.
  • Recovery plans: These plans outline how a community or organization will recover from a disaster. They typically include information on how to rebuild infrastructure, how to provide financial assistance, and how to help people get back to their normal lives .
  • Natural disasters management projects
  • Man made disasters management projects

Natural Disasters Management Projects

The disasters which are caused by nature are termed natural disasters. For examples: earthquakes, floods, droughts, etc.

Man-made Disasters Management Projects

The disasters which are the results of human activities are known as man-made disasters. For examples: road accidents, and terrorist attacks.

Tips for developing a disaster management project

Here are some tips for developing a disaster management project.

1.The first stage in creating a disaster management project is identifying the potential risks and hazards that your community or organisation may encounter. You can achieve this by performing a hazard analysis. 2.Identify potential hazards and risks, then create plans to reduce them. This is necessary after you have determined what potential risks and hazards exist. This could entail creating evacuation preparations, planting trees, or establishing levees. 3.Teach people how to handle emergencies: It’s crucial to teach individuals how to handle emergencies. This can entail instructing individuals in evacuation procedures, first aid techniques, or how to assist the injured. 4.Create a system for coordinating relief efforts: It’s critical to have a system in place for coordinating relief efforts in the case of a disaster. This can entail creating a command centre or a communication strategy.

Disaster Management Project for Class 9, Download PDF File_5.1

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Que. What are the 4 types of disaster management?

Emergency managers think of disasters as recurring events with four phases: Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery. 

When was Disaster Management in India?

On 23 December 2005, the Government of India enacted the Disaster Management Act.

What are the 2 main types of disasters?

Types of Disasters - Natural and Human-Caused Disasters.

What is the main aim of disaster management?

The ultimate goal of the disaster-management leader is to minimize the event's impact, something that involves preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation.

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Shaping Minds

Disaster Management Project for Class 9 – Complete Guide

disaster management essay class 9

Written By Avinash Sharan

Class 9 | projects 9, 13 comment(s), 10th may 2020, disaster management project.

It is mandatory to do a Disaster Management project for class 9 students every year.

According to CBSE, students studying in class IX have to submit a handwritten project on Disaster Management.

Topics will be provided by the school. The topic may be Natural Disasters or Man-Made disasters.

The purpose of giving this Disaster Management project to class 9 students is to make them prepared for any disaster.

Further, they can also spread awareness to the mass about the precautions to be taken at the time of National/Local Disasters.

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Things to be kept in mind while doing the project

Follow cbse guidelines strictly..

  • Firstly, USE A-4 size file paper (one side ruled)
  • Secondly, Use blue or black ink to write your project.
  • Thirdly, design the cover page in such a way that it reflects your topic.
  • Fourthly, write the Topic of the project, Name, Class, and Sec, and Roll no. on the cover page in bold letters.
  • Use the bottom space for your Name, Class, and sec, Roll no.
  • However, the project work should not be less than 15 pages (including the cover page)
  • Be ready for Viva or written assignments based on your project.
  • Utilize summer vacation / Lockdown time to complete your project.
  • Lastly, do not use plastic covers.

Disaster Management Project Page-Wise With Subheadings

Sequence of pages: disaster management project .

will be your cover page with topics like

TOPIC: COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN INDIA and then show your creativity in designing the page.

Page No. 2:

Acknowledgment: (what should be written) see an example below.


From the core of my heart, I am very thankful to everyone who all supported me, for I have completed my project effectively and moreover on time. I am overwhelmed in all humility and grateful to acknowledge my depth to all those who helped me to put these ideas well. equally grateful to my ( NAME OF SUBJECT TEACHER ) for giving me moral support and guidance in doing this project. It would be an injustice if I do not thank my parents who helped me a lot in collecting data, pictures, and continuous help and support. With their able guidance, encouragement, and support, I could complete my project on time.

Thanking you,

( Name of the student)

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This page will be of Index as given in every textbook where the name of the chapters in the sequence is given along with page numbers. For example…….


i) Introduction:   pg 4.

ii) How the disaster takes place…………pg 5

iii) Preparedness before disaster………….pg 6

iv) Preparedness during disaster……… 7 & 8

v) Preparedness after disaster…………….pg 9 & 10.

Page No.4 & 5:

a short description of COVID-19 and a brief history of how it spread. Take the help of Newspapers or the Internet. (minimum 2 pages i.e. pg 4 & 5):

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Introduction – A brief History of COVID 19

Coronavirus actually belongs to the Coronaviridae family. It represents crown-like spikes on the outer surface of the virus, therefore, it was named as coronavirus. This virus is minute in size and causes the acute respiratory syndrome. These viruses were thought to infect only animals until the world witnessed a severe outbreak caused by SARS in Guangdong, China.

At the end of 2019, Wuhan- a fast-emerging business hub of China experienced an outbreak of coronavirus, killing more than 1800 and infected our 70 thousand individuals in just a span of 50 days. Health officials are still tracing the exact source of this new coronavirus, early findings (hypothesis) thought it may be linked to s seafood market in Wuhan. However, the first reported case came on 1st December, which had no link to the seafood market. Therefore, investigations are going on to find the exact reason for the originating and spread of COVID-19.

In 2003, an outbreak of SARS stands for the severe acute respiratory syndrome. An outbreak of SARS started in China and spread to other countries before ending in 2004. Coronavirus also known as COVID-19 seems to spread faster than the 2003 SARS and also may cause severe illness.

The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses named the virus as SARS- CoV 19 and the disease COVID-19.

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Project On Tsunami: 13 Pages You Must Include In Your Disaster Management Project

Page No. 6 & 7

Mention the causes and symptoms:

Coronavirus typically affects the respiratory tracts of birds and mammals including humans. Doctors associate them with the common cold, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and severe acute respiratory syndrome.

The main way the disease spreads is through respiratory droplets expelled by someone who is coughing. The risk of catching COVID-19 from someone with no symptoms at all is very low.

However, many people with COVID-19 experience only mild symptoms. This is particularly true at the early stages of the disease. It is therefore possible to catch COVID-19 from someone who has, for example, just a mild cough and does not feel ill.

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Common Symptoms

Researchers in China found that the most common symptoms among people who had COVID-19 include:

Loss of appetite

Shortness of breath and Mucus.

However, these symptoms usually begin 2 to 14 days after you come into contact with the virus.

There may be other symptoms as well such as sore throat, headache vomiting etc.

If you have any of these symptoms then

i) isolate yourself.

ii) stay away from others as much as possible.

iii) stay in a closed room and use a separate soap, towel, clothes, handkerchief and if possible toilet and bathroom.

If you are below 10 years of age or above 50 years of age with diabetes, blood pressure, weakness etc., then you are at a high risk of complications.

Therefore, immediately call your doctor and seek immediate medical help.

Page No. 8: 

The extent of damage : On this page, you have to mention the extent of damage done in different countries. Take the help of newspapers or the internet for the latest information. You can also show the spread of this virus in different countries on the world map with different colors.

Uncovering the Effects of Natural Disasters on Communities – A Disaster Management Project

Steps taken by the government to combat this disaster: You may explain:

i) Lockdown

ii) Precautions to be taken during the lockdown period like social distancing, sanitizing hands, etc.

Very Important for TERM II (Case study-based questions)


Case Study Based Questions From Natural Vegetation And Wildlife – Term II (SOLVED)

Page No 10 & 11

Contribution of people who are involved in combating this disaster. In this page you can mention about the role of Doctors, Nurses, Police, people involved in maintaining cleanliness etc. in details along with images, drawings, pictures, newspaper cuttings etc on the left side of your page.

Page No. 12 

Lessons Learnt:

what lessons have you learnt from this disaster.


HEADING: Do’s and dont’s for next time to avoid such disasters.

Mention about a few things which can be done everyday to protect yourself from this disaster in points.

Similarly Mention about a few things which you should not do to protect yourself from this disaster in points.

Page No. 14:

Bibliography:  A bibliography usually contains about the websites you visited, the newspapers name from where you have collected the data or pictures, etc. Whichever book, magazine, shops or websites you have visited, you must mention about that.

Page No. 15:

Keep the last page of your project for teacher’s remarks and grade/marks.

6. Lastly, go for spiral bound cover and submit your project.

Just invest 1 day and 13 pages to complete your project on  Tsunami    as per CBSE norms.


Follow Guidelines of CBSE   strictly on Disaster Management Project.

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“Project On Heat Stroke”- Understanding the Risks and Prevention

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Divyanshu giri

Thank you ji

Ankush kaushik

Thanku it really helps me

Ajay shetty

Bro you helped me alot

Avinash Sharan

Thank you once again. Avinash Sharan.


I want disaster management on earthquake

nishchal gupta

very good this helped me in making my project

Name *purusotam Rai

Welcome Purushottam.

Bhoomi Sihag

It is very much helpful . Thank You so much Sir.

Thank you Bhoomi.

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Edukar India

Disaster Management Project Class 9

  • 1 What is disaster management?
  • 2 Why do we learn disaster management?
  • 3 What are the most common disaster management scenarios?
  • 4 What are the steps of disaster management?
  • 5 What are the different types of disasters?
  • 6 What are the different levels of disaster management?
  • 7 What are some of the benefits of disaster management?
  • 8 What are the risks of disaster management?
  • 9 What are some steps you can take to be prepared?
  • 10 What are some skills you should learn to prepare for a disaster?
  • 11 What are some of the disasters that have recently happened?

Throughout history, the world has seen numerous disasters. From climate change to war to natural disasters, these forces have been wreaking havoc on the world. A disaster is something that interrupts everyday life, and takes place without warning. Operating with a disaster management plan in place is the best way to prepare for disaster emergencies. In this blog, we will look into how you can create a disaster management Project for Class 9 plan that is successful.

What is disaster management?

Disaster management is the process of managing the effects of a disaster or unexpected event in order to minimize its impact. It is often the response to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, or volcanic eruptions, but it also includes man-made disasters such as terrorist attacks, industrial accidents or nuclear accidents.

Disaster Management Project Class 9

Why do we learn disaster management?

There are many reasons that people learn disaster management. Some people learn disaster management because they plan on a career in the field, and others do so because they want to know how to react in the event that a disaster does strike. Some people know that they need to learn disaster management to be prepared for a disaster, and want to be an asset to their family in the event that their plans change.

When a disaster strikes, you will need to know how to help these people. For example , you will need to be able to communicate with them, provide them with food, water and shelter and keep them safe. You will also need to know how to prepare for a natural disaster and save yourself and your family in case of an emergency.

What are the most common disaster management scenarios?

Disasters come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Generally, they are defined as being either a natural or man-made event that results in the loss of human life.

There are many classifications of disaster, but the most common disaster management scenarios tend to be natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, and tsunamis.

Man-made disasters are usually classified as accidents, such as nuclear accidents, chemical accidents, and terrorist attacks.

What are the steps of disaster management?

There are a number of steps that are followed during a disaster management process. The first step is to make sure that you have a disaster management plan in place before you need it.

  • The first step should be to identify the areas where you are vulnerable to a disaster and develop strategies to protect yourself.
  • The second step is to train your staff so that they are ready for a disaster.
  • The third step is to ensure that you have an emergency plan in place.
  • The fourth step is to make sure that you have a clear communication system in place.
  • The fifth step is to have an action plan in place. Finally, the sixth step is to make sure that you have a backup plan in place.

What are the different types of disasters?

There are different types of disasters that can impact your life. They are natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes, landslides, tornadoes, and lightning.

There are also man-made disasters, such as fires, riots, and hurricanes.

There are also disasters that are both natural and man-made, such as wildfires and volcanic eruptions. A disaster can occur anywhere on Earth, and it can happen at any time.

What are the different levels of disaster management?

Disaster management is the practice of trying to prevent or reduce damage, injury, or death resulting from natural or man-made disasters. There are different levels of levels of disaster management. The 4 levels of disaster management are mitigation , preparedness , response , and recovery .

Mitigation is the process of reducing the impact of a disaster by taking preventative measures.

Preparedness is the process of being proactive, taking steps to reduce the impact of a disaster by taking preventative measures.

Response is the process of taking immediate measures to reduce the impact of a disaster.

Recovery is the process of repairing and rebuilding after a disaster.

What are some of the benefits of disaster management?

There are many benefits of disaster management. A disaster management plan can help to ensure that the community is ready for a disaster. It also helps to ensure that your community is safe and secure. It also helps to provide an overall sense of security to your community. The main benefits of disaster management are that it helps to prepare for a disaster and it helps to reduce the damages that a disaster might cause.

What are the risks of disaster management?

When it comes to disaster management, there are a number of risks that come with the job. Some of these risks are physical, while others are more emotional. Some risk factors for disaster management include psychological trauma, high stress, and the risk of high-level disasters.

In many cases, disaster management can be a high-risk profession. Despite the risks, disaster management is a profession that is on the rise. In many ways, disaster management is similar to crime scene investigation. There is always a risk when it comes to working in this industry, but the rewards are well worth the risk.

What are some steps you can take to be prepared?

Preparation can take many forms, from the simple and often forgettable, such as installing smoke alarms in your home, to the more advanced and expensive, such as constructing a flood-safe building or buying an emergency generator. In general, disaster management is the planning and preparation for dealing with the consequences of natural or man-made disasters. Preparation can take many forms, from the simple and often forgettable, such as installing smoke alarms in your home, to the more advanced and expensive, such as constructing a flood-safe building or buying an emergency generator.

What are some skills you should learn to prepare for a disaster?

ealing with an emergency can be stressful. But it doesn’t have to be like that. You can learn these skills now and prepare for the worst that could happen. A lot of people find that they are more capable and confident when they know how to deal with a disaster. Here are some skills you should learn to prepare for a disaster: • Shelter Building: Know how to make your own shelter. Make sure that you know how to use a tarp, tent and a sleeping bag.

• Fire-Building : Know how to control on fire. You should also know how to use fire extinguisher and all other equipment.

• Medicinal Herbs: Know how to make your own herbal remedies. You should know how to identify plants and use them as a source of medicine.

• Wilderness Survival: Know how to build shelter, build a fire, and make a good meal.

• Emergency Preparedness: You should have a basic knowledge of emergency situations to face them.

What are some of the disasters that have recently happened?

In India, one of the most common natural disasters is floods. In the past few years, there have been many floods in India, the most recent being the floods in the state of Tamil Nadu. There are many other natural disasters that have happened in India, including cyclones, earthquakes, tsunamis, and severe storms. The following are some of the disasters that have recently happened in India:

  • Assam Earthquake on April 28, 2021.
  • Cyclone Gulab: Cyclone Gulab was a storm that impacted eastern India on September 24, 2021, in the Bay of Bengal.
  • Maharashtra Floods.
  • Tamil Nadu Floods.

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NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management Download PDF

Free download  NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management English and Hindi medium  for 2021 academic year. By clicking on the links below for the ebooks you can download in pdf for Class 9 Disaster Management. If you need the full textbook issued by NCERT or whether you require the relevant PDF of the chapter in the textbook, all options are given below for NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management. You can download the entire textbook or each chapter in pdf, All these books are strongly suggested by Class 9 Disaster Management teachers in your school as they have been carefully designed as per the latest syllabus issued by CBSE. Students of Class 9 are recommended to download and read latest NCERT books and also remember to refer to NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Disaster Management

NCERT Disaster Management Book Class 9 PDF Free Download

Students in Class 9 should strictly follow NCERT book for Class 9 Disaster Management issued as per the syllabus designed by CBSE. These books have bee designed by the best Disaster Management teachers and if you follow these books then you will be able to understand all topics and concepts properly and get good marks in class tests and examinations

NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management PDF Download

Chapter 1 Disaster Management Chapter 1

Chapter 2 Disaster Management Chapter 2

Chapter 3 Disaster Management Chapter 3

Chapter 4 Disaster Management Chapter 4 part 1

Chapter 5 Disaster Management Chapter 4 part 2

Chapter 6 Disaster Management Chapter 4 part 3

Chapter 7 Disaster Management Chapter 5 part 1

Chapter 8 Disaster Management Chapter 5 part 2

Chapter 9 Disaster Management Chapter 6

Chapter 10 Disaster Management Chapter 7


NCERT Books  for Class 9 Disaster Management  are published by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) for latest 2021 academic session for Class 9. These books issued are by NCERT for Disaster Management Class 9. They are recommended by all schools and is being implemented in almost all states in India as questions on exams for Class 9 Disaster Management normally comes from Books by NCERT only. Standard 9 students studying Disaster Management should strictly follow the chapters and topics given here while studying for class tests and exams, and if they use these only then they can be sure that their preparation for Class 9 exams is as per suggested syllabus. Students should also note that there are unsolved problems in class 9 books for Disaster Management. You should solve them and refer to NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Disaster Management. Solve the questions first and then see the solutions designed by our teachers Class 9.

Advantages of  NCERT Books for Class 9 Disaster Management

a) NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management has been developed by experienced Disaster Management teachers at the board based on the best educational tools available.

b) They have been developed to help all types of Class 9 students so that when they refer to NCERT Books and solutions for Class 9 Disaster Management then they can understand all topics in a simple and logical manner.

c) In your exams and class tests you will see that Class 9 teachers give most of the questions from these books only.

d) As the books have been designed as per 2021 CBSE syllabus, Class 9 students can study based on these.

NCERT Books and Solutions of CBSE Class 9 Disaster Management  are available for free download. We bring here best collection of free downloadable ebooks for grade 1 to grade 12. You can easily click on given links and download PDF for each chapter in your book.  PDF Download latest Class 9 Disaster Management chapter wise PDF ebooks  and read them daily as it will help you in exam preparation. On daily basis you should study one important chapter of  CBSE Grade 9 Disaster Management book .

All latest study material for Class 9 for Disaster Management has been developed for free download by best teachers of schools in India

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Natural Disasters Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on natural disasters.

A Natural disaster is an unforeseen occurrence of an event that causes harm to society. There are many Natural disasters that damage the environment and the people living in it. Some of them are earthquakes , cyclones, floods, Tsunami , landslides, volcanic eruption, and avalanches. Spatial extent measures the degree or severity of the disaster.

Essay on natural disaster

Levels of Disaster

The severity or degree of damage can be further divided into three categories:

Small Scale Disasters: Small scale disasters are those that extend from 50 Kms. to 100 Kms. So this kind of disasters does not cause much damage.

Medium-scale disasters: Medium Scale disasters extend from 100 Kms to 500 Kms. These cause more damage than a small scale disaster. Moreover, they can cause greater damage if they occur in colonial states.

Large Scale Disasters: These disasters cover an area of more than 1000 Kms. These cause the most severe damage to the environment. Furthermore, these disasters can even take over a country if the degree is high. For instance, the wiping out of the dinosaurs was because of a large scale natural disaster.

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Types of Disasters

disaster management essay class 9

Causes: These can cause of releasing of the energy. This release is from the core of the earth. Furthermore, the release of energy causes seismic waves. Rupturing of geological faults causes earthquakes. But other events like volcanic eruptions, landslides mine blasts can also cause it.

Landslides: Landslides is the moving of big boulders of rocks or debris down a slope. As a result, landslides occur on mountains and hilly areas. Moreover, landslides can cause destruction to man-made things in many ways.

Causes: Gravitational pull, volcanic eruptions , earthquakes can cause landslides. Moreover, soil erosion due to deforestation is also a cause of landslides.

Avalanches: Avalanches are like landslides. But instead of rocks thousand tons of snow falls down the slope. Moreover, this causes extreme damage to anything that comes in its way. People who live in snowy mountains always have fear of it.

Causes: Avalanches takes places when there is a large accumulation of snow on the mountains. Moreover, they can also occur from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Furthermore, the chances of surviving an avalanche are very less. This is because people die of hypothermia in it.

Tsunami: Tsunami is the production of very high waves in oceans and seas. Moreover, the displacement of the ground causes these high waves. A tsunami can cause floods if it occurs near shores. A Tsunami can consist of multiple waves. Moreover, these waves have a high current. Therefore it can reach coastlines within minutes. The main threat of a tsunami is if a person sees a Tsunami he cannot outrun it.

Causes: Tsunami is unlike normal eaves that occur due to the wind. But Tsunami is waves that occur by ground displacement. Thus earthquakes are the main causes of Tsunamis.

FAQs on Essay on natural disaster

Q1.What are natural disasters?

A1. Natural Disasters are unforeseen events that cause damage to the environment and the people.

Q2.Name some Natural disasters.

A2. Some Natural Disasters are earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, Landslides, floods, Tsunami, avalanches. Natural disasters can cause great damage to human society. But preventive measures can be taken to reduce the damage from these disasters.

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  • IAS Preparation
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  • Disaster Management India

Disaster Management in India

Disruption on a massive scale, either natural or man-made, occurring in short or long periods is termed a Disaster. Disaster management in India has been an important point of discussion owing to frequent natural disasters ranging from earthquakes, floods, drought, etc. This makes the issue of disaster management worthwhile to consider as part of the preparation for the IAS Exam .

Explore the Ultimate Guide to IAS Exam Preparation Download The E-Book Now!

In this post, you will read all about disaster and disaster management in the Indian context. IAS aspirants can also download the Disaster Management notes PDF.

Loss of life and property due to these disasters has been steadily mounting throughout the world due to inadequate technology to combat disasters, rise in population, climate change, and continuing ecological degradation. The global efforts to manage disasters have proven to be insufficient to match the frequency and magnitude of natural disasters.

CRM IAS Push Noti

Table of Contents:

What is a Disaster?

A disaster is defined as a disruption on a massive scale, either natural or man-made, occurring in short or long periods. Disasters can lead to human, material, economic or environmental hardships, which can be beyond the bearable capacity of the affected society. As per statistics, India as a whole is vulnerable to 30 different types of disasters that will affect the economic, social, and human development potential to such an extent that it will have long-term effects on productivity and macro-economic performance.

Disasters can be classified into the following categories:

  • Water and Climate Disaster: Flood, hail storms, cloudburst, cyclones, heat waves, cold waves, droughts, hurricanes. (Read about Cyclone Disaster Management separately at the linked article.)
  • Geological Disaster: Landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes
  • Biological Disaster: Viral epidemics, pest attacks, cattle epidemic, and locust plagues
  • Industrial Disaster: Chemical and industrial accidents, mine shaft fires, oil spills,
  • Nuclear Disasters: Nuclear core meltdowns, radiation poisoning
  • Man-made disasters: Urban and forest fires, oil spill, the collapse of huge building structures

What is Disaster Management?

In this section, we define what is disaster management as per the Disaster Management Act of 2005.

The Disaster Management Act of 2005 defines Disaster Management as an integrated process of planning, organizing, coordinating and implementing measures which are necessary for-

  • Prevention of threat of any disaster
  • Reduction of risk of any disaster or its consequences
  • Readiness to deal with any disaster
  • Promptness in dealing with a disaster
  • Assessing the severity of the effects of any disaster
  • Rescue and relief
  • Rehabilitation and Reconstruction

Agencies involved in Disaster Management

  • National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA):- The National Disaster Management Authority , or the NDMA, is an apex body for disaster management, headed by the Prime Minister of India. It is responsible for the supervision, direction, and control of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF).
  • National Executive Committee (NEC):- The NEC is composed of high profile ministerial members from the government of India that include the Union Home Secretary as Chairperson, and the Secretaries to the Government of India (GoI)like Ministries/Departments of Agriculture, Atomic Energy, Defence, Drinking Water Supply, Environment and Forests, etc. The NEC prepares the National Plan for Disaster Management as per the National Policy on Disaster Management.
  • State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA):- The Chief Minister of the respective state is the head of the SDMA.The State Government has a State Executive Committee (SEC) which assists the State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) on Disaster Management.
  • District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA):- The DDMA is headed by the District Collector, Deputy Commissioner or District Magistrate depending on the situation, with the elected representatives of the local authority as the Co-Chairperson. The DDMA ensures that the guidelines framed by the NDMA and the SDMA are followed by all the departments of the State Government at the District level and the local authorities in the District.
  • Local Authorities:- Local authorities would include Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI), Municipalities, District and Cantonment 11 Institutional and Legal Arrangements Boards, and Town Planning Authorities which control and manage civic services.

Now let’s have a look at some of the types of disasters and the means to combat them.

Biological Disasters

Definition: The devastating effects caused by an enormous spread of a certain kind of living organism that may spread disease, viruses, or an infestation of plant, animal, or insect life on an epidemic or pandemic level.

  • Epidemic Level – Indicates a disaster that affects many people in a given area or community.
  • Pandemic Level – Indicates a disaster that affects a much larger region, sometimes an entire continent or even the whole planet. For example, the recent H1N1 or Swine Flu pandemic.

To know more about Bio-Terrorism threat to India and India’s Preparedness visit the linked article.

Biological Disasters – Important points to remember for UPSC

1. The nodal Ministry for handling epidemics – Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

  • Decision-making
  • Advisory body
  • Emergency medical relief providing

2. The primary responsibility of dealing with biological disasters is with the State Governments. (Reason – Health is a State Subject).

3. The nodal agency for investigating outbreaks – National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD)

4. Nodal ministry for Biological Warfare – Ministry of Home Affairs ( Biological warfare is the use of biological agents as an act of war)

Biological Disasters – Classifications

Charles Baldwin developed the symbol for biohazard in 1966.

Disaster Management - Symbol for biohazard - UPSC 2021 Preparation

The US Centres for Disease Control classifies biohazards into four biosafety levels as follows:

  • BSL-1: Bacteria and Viruses including Bacillus subtilis, some cell cultures, canine hepatitis, and non-infectious bacteria. Protection is only facial protection and gloves.
  • BSL-2: Bacteria and viruses that cause only mild disease to humans, or are difficult to contract via aerosol in a lab setting such as hepatitis A, B, C, mumps, measles, HIV, etc. Protection – use of autoclaves for sterilizing and biological safety cabinets.
  • BSL-3: Bacteria and viruses causing severe to fatal disease in humans. Example: West Nile virus, anthrax, MERS coronavirus. Protection – Stringent safety protocols such as the use of respirators to prevent airborne infection.
  • BSL-4: Potentially fatal (to human beings) viruses like Ebola virus, Marburg virus, Lassa fever virus, etc. Protection – use of a positive pressure personnel suit, with a segregated air supply.

Legislations for prevention of Biohazards in India

The following legislations have been enacted in India for the prevention of biohazards and implementation of protective, eradicative and containing measures when there is an outbreak:

  • The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
  • The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
  • The Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986 and the Rules (1986)
  • Disaster Management Act 2005, provides for the institutional and operational framework for disaster prevention, mitigation, response, preparedness, and recovery at all levels.
  • Air Prevention and Control of Pollution Act 1981
  • Disaster Management Act of 2005

Prevention of Biological Hazards

The basic measure to prevent and control biohazards is the elimination of the source of contamination. Some of the prevention methods are as follows:

Preventive Measures for workers in the field (Medical)

  • Engineering controls – to help prevent the spread of such disasters including proper ventilation, installing negative pressure, and usage of UV lamps.
  • Personal hygiene – washing hands with liquid soap, proper care for clothes that have been exposed to a probably contaminated environment.
  • Personal protection equipment – masks, protective clothing, gloves, face shield, eye shield, shoe covers.
  • Sterilization – Using ultra heat or high pressure to eliminate bacteria or using biocide to kill microbes.
  • Respiratory protection – surgical masks, respirators, powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR), air-supplying respirators.

Prevention of Biological Hazards (Environmental Management)

Safe water supply, proper maintenance of sewage pipelines – to prevent waterborne diseases such as cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, dysentery, etc.

Awareness of personal hygiene and provision for washing, cleaning, bathing, avoiding overcrowding, etc.

Vector control:

Environmental engineering work and generic integrated vector control measures.

Water management, not permitting water to stagnate and collect and other methods to eliminate breeding places for vectors.

Regular spraying of insecticides, outdoor fogging, etc. for controlling vectors.

Controlling the population of rodents.

Post-disaster Epidemics Prevention

The risk of epidemics is increased after any biological disaster.

Integrated Disease Surveillance Systems (IDSS) monitors the sources, modes of diseases spreading, and investigates the epidemics.

Detection and Containment of Outbreaks

This consists of four steps as given under:

  • Recognizing and diagnosing by primary healthcare practitioners.
  • Communicating surveillance information to public health authorities.
  • Epidemiological analysis of surveillance data
  • Public health measures and delivering proper medical treatment.

Legal Framework for Biological Disasters

  • The Epidemic Diseases Act was enacted in the year 1897. (Read about RSTV’s In-Depth Analysis on Epidemic Diseases Act 1897 in the linked article.)
  • This Act does not provide any power to the centre to intervene in biological emergencies.
  • It has to be substituted by an Act that takes care of the prevailing and foreseeable public health needs including emergencies such as BT attacks and the use of biological weapons by an adversary, cross-border issues, and international spread of diseases.
  • It should give enough powers to the central and state governments and local authorities to act with impunity, notify affected areas, restrict movement or quarantine the affected area, enter any premises to take samples of suspected materials, and seal them.
  • The Act should also establish controls over biological sample transfer, biosecurity and biosafety of materials/laboratories.

Institutional Framework

In the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoH&FW), public health needs to be accorded high priority with a separate Additional Directorate General of Health and Sanitation (DGHS) for public health. In some states, there is a separate department of public health. States that do not have such arrangements will also have to take initiatives to establish such a department.

Operational Framework

At the national level, there is no policy on biological disasters. The existing contingency plan of MoH&FW is about 10 years old and needs extensive revision. All components related to public health, namely apex institutions, field epidemiology, surveillance, teaching, training, research, etc., need to be strengthened.

At the operational level, Command and Control (C&C) are identifiable clearly at the district level, where the district collector is vested with certain powers to requisition resources, notify a disease, inspect any premises, seek help from the Army, state or centre, enforce quarantine, etc. However, there is no concept of an incident command system wherein the entire action is brought under the ambit of an incident commander with support from the disciplines of logistics, finance, and technical teams, etc. There is an urgent need for establishing an incident command system in every district.

There is a shortage of medical and paramedical staff at the district and sub-district levels. There is also an acute shortage of public health specialists, epidemiologists, clinical microbiologists, and virologists.

Biosafety laboratories are required for the prompt diagnosis of the agents for the effective management of biological disasters. There is no BSL-4 laboratory in the human health sector. BSL- 3 laboratories are also limited. Major issues remain regarding biosecurity, the indigenous capability of preparing diagnostic reagents, and quality assurance.

Lack of an Integrated Ambulance Network (IAN). There is no ambulance system with advanced life-support facilities that are capable of working in biological disasters.

State-run hospitals have limited medical supplies. Even in normal situations, a patient has to buy medicines. There is a lack of stockpile of drugs, important vaccines like anthrax vaccine, PPE, or diagnostics for surge capacity. In a crisis, there is further incapacitation due to tedious procurement procedures.

National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) :- The command and supervision of the NDRF would be under the Director-General of Civil Defence and National Disaster Response Force selected by the Central Government. Currently, the NDRF comprises of eight battalions who will be positioned at different locations as per the requirements.

Read about Crowd Disaster Management in the linked article.

Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

Proper planning and mitigation measures can play a leading role in risk-prone areas to minimize the worst effects of hazards such as earthquakes, floods, and cyclones. These are the key areas which should be addressed to achieve this objective:

  • Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Mapping: Mapping and vulnerability analysis in a multi-risk structure will be conducted utilizing Geographic Information System (GIS) based databases like the National Database for Emergency Management (NDEM) and National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI).
  • Increasing Trend of Disasters in Urban Areas:- Steps to prevent unplanned urbanization must be undertaken, with the plan of action formulated being given the highest priority. State Governments/UTs concerned on the other hand focus on urban drainage systems with special attention on non-obstruction of natural drainage systems.
  • Critical Infrastructure:- Critical infrastructure like roads, dams, bridges, irrigation canals, bridges, power stations, railway lines, delta water distribution networks, ports and rivers, and coastal embankments should be continuously checked for safety standards concerning worldwide safety benchmarks and fortified if the current measures prove to be inadequate.
  • Environmentally Sustainable Development: – Environmental considerations and developmental efforts, should be handled simultaneously for ensuring sustainability.
  • Climate Change Adaptation:-. The challenges of the increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters like cyclones, floods, and droughts should be tackled in a sustained and effective manner with the promotion of strategies for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.

Disaster Management in India - Disaster Management Cycle - UPSC 2021

The topics of internal security and disaster management are diverse and also important for both the prelims and the mains exams. These topics are also highly linked with current affairs. Almost every question asked from them is related to current events. So, apart from standard textbooks, you should rely on newspapers and news analyses as well for these sections. To read on how to prepare for internal security and disaster management , check the linked article.

Multiple Choice Question

  • The National Disaster Management Authority, or the NDMA, is an apex body for disaster management, headed by the Prime Minister of India. It is responsible for the supervision, direction, and control of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF).
  • The DDMA is headed by the District Collector, Deputy Commissioner or District Magistrate depending on the situation, with the elected representatives of the local authority as the Co-Chairperson.
  • The Governor of the respective state is the head of the State Disaster Management Authority
  • The Epidemic Diseases Act was enacted in the year 1897.

Choose the correct answer from the below-given options

A) All of the above statements are false.

B) All of the above statements are true.

C) Only statements 2, 3, and 4 are true

D) Only statements 1, 2, and 4 are true

Candidates can find the general pattern of the Civil Service Exam by visiting the UPSC Syllabus page.

Frequently Asked Questions on Disaster Management in India

Q 1. what is the aim of disaster management in india, q 2. what is disaster risk management, q 3. in how many categories can disasters be classified.

Ans. Disaster can be classified into the following categories:

  • Water and Climate Disaster
  • Geological Disaster
  • Biological Disaster
  • Industrial Disaster
  • Nuclear Disasters
  • Man-made disasters

Q 4. Which body is responsible for Disaster Management in India?

Q 5. what is the disaster management act 2005.

Daily News

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Essay on Disaster Management for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Disaster Management: A disaster is an extreme disruption in the functioning of a habitat that causes widespread human, material, or environmental losses that exceed the ability of the affected population to cope with its own resources. Landslides, earthquakes, tsunami, cyclones, droughts, floods etc are some of the examples of disasters. Disaster management is the discipline by which human beings continuously make effort to mitigate the harm caused by the disasters.

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Long and Short Essay on disaster management in English

Disaster management is a topic on which students are generally asked to write essays. We are providing below essays on the same with different words limit, so the respective essay could be picked up by the students as per their requirements.

Disaster Management Essay 1 (100 words)

Disaster refers to the mishap, calamity or the grave occurrence from the natural or man-made reasons which can’t be stopped or tackled immediately by the affected community. Earthquakes, cyclones, droughts, floods etc are some of the natural disasters resulting into huge loss of lives and properties. The direct or indirect impacts of disasters, either natural or man-made are colossal damage, destruction and death.

The disaster management is the discipline by which human beings continuously makes efforts to reduce the harm caused by the disasters. India has set up many departments and organizations for the same such as national disaster management authority (NDMA). But we are yet to achieve satisfactory progress with regard to timely management of disasters. This can be done by raising adequate awareness about the ways to cope with disasters and greater co-ordination between the centre and state agencies.

Disaster Management Essay 2 (200 words)

A disaster is a sudden, calamitous event that seriously disturbs the functioning of a community or society and causes human, material, and environmental losses that exceed the community’s or society’s ability to cope with using its own resources. Though often caused by nature, disasters can have human origin as well such as major fire or leakage in a nuclear plant due to human negligence.

Disaster management is a well-planned strategy for making efforts to reduce the hazards caused by the disasters. Disaster management though does not avert or eliminate the threats; it focuses on formulating plans to decrease the effect of disasters. In India, national disaster management authority (NDMA) has been set up to coordinate responses to natural or man-made disasters across the country. NDMA runs various programs for mitigation and responsiveness for specific situations.

These include the national cyclone risk management project, school safety project, decision support system etc. But going by the lack of preparedness exposed by the outbreak of recent disasters in the country, the NDMA needs to make more organized and effective efforts to mitigate the losses caused by disasters. In fact, the society as a whole must make efforts to co-operate with the central and state agencies in coming out with a collective response to deal with disasters.

Also Read: Article on Save Water – Long and short articles for students

Disaster Management Essay 3 (250 words)

Disaster is a catastrophic situation in which normal pattern of life or ecosystem gets disturbed and extraordinary emergency interventions are required to save and preserve lives or environment. India is one of the most disaster prone zones in the world due to its peculiar geographical characteristics as well as the poor social conditions in which the communities live which exposes them to the frequent destruction caused by the hazards.

For India, the major hazards are earthquakes, landslides, drought, cyclones, floods, forest fires, fire accidents etc. Rapid growth in the population rate has certainly triggered the level of disasters. Natural disasters can only be mitigated but the man-made disasters can be prevented to a certain limit. India has taken many steps and has formed many organizations in order to mitigate, reduce and avoid the hazards of the disasters.

In India, the role of emergency management falls within the jurisdiction of the national disaster management authority of India (NDMA), which is doing a great job in reducing the hazardous impacts of the disaster and is operating from a government-centered approach to decentralized community participation.

But it needs much more sustained efforts to come out with a well-thought out strategy and response to minimize the colossal damage caused by disasters whenever a calamity has struck, for instance tsunami and Uttarakhand floods in recent times. We have not been able to mount adequate rescue and rehabilitation efforts to effectively deal with the situation.

Disaster Management Essay 4 (300 words)

A disaster is a serious disruption in the functioning of a community and society as a fall-out of widespread human, material, or environmental losses that exceed the ability of the affected population to cope with its own resources.

India is a disaster prone country. In fact, there is no country which is immune from disasters which can be classified as-

Types of Disasters

There are two majorly two types of disasters:

  • Natural disasters
  • Man-made disasters

Natural disasters are the disasters caused due to natural reasons which are beyond the control of humans including floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and volcano eruptions that have immediate impacts on human lives.

Man-made disasters also known as the complex emergencies are the disasters caused due to major accidents like fires, the breakdown of authority, looting and attacks, including conflict situations and war.

Disaster management is a continuous phenomenon of mitigating the impact of the disasters. Disaster management calls for collective and co-ordinated efforts. A number of activities need to be undertaken in the event of disaster. These include co-ordination, command and control, rapid assessment of damage, restoration of power, tele-communication and surface transport, deployment of search and rescue teams, medicals and Para-medical teams, arrangements for drinking water and food material, setting up of temporary shelters, sanitation and hygiene identification and earmarking of resources, last but not the least, maintenance of law and order is equally important.

The most vulnerable sections in these disasters are the poor. Hence it is necessary to mobilize them towards preparedness for any emergency. Quick and timely response is the essence in providing immediate relief and rescue operations, to save human lives and mitigate miseries as soon as possible.

India has set up many departments and organizations for the same i.e. National disaster management authority (ndma), national remote sensing centre (nrsc), central water commission (cwc) etc. And due to the presence of so many authorities it is not feasible for all of them to take steps in a single direction.

Disaster management has assumed great importance in recent times. To handle any unforeseen situation efficiently, we need to be well-equipped with latest technologies. It cannot avert the outbreak of disaster, but can mitigate its impact to a large extent.

Disaster Management Essay 5 (400 words)


God has created everything including land, water, air etc. Nature has several manifestations – benign as well as hostile. Sometimes, it is soothing, sometimes it is ferocious. Whenever it turns to be in its bad temper, it can bring about devastation which is known as disaster.

A catastrophic situation in which normal pattern of life and or ecosystem gets disturbed and extraordinary emergency interventions are required to save and preserve lives or environment can be termed as a disaster. Natural disasters are the manifestation of nature and they can take place anywhere anytime.

Classification of disasters:

The disasters can be classified as-

Natural disasters: A natural hazard is a natural process or phenomenon that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage. Various disasters like earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, floods, blizzards, tsunamis, and cyclones are all natural disasters.

Human instigated : Human-instigated disasters are the consequence of technological hazards. Examples include fires, transport accidents, oil spills and nuclear explosions/radiation. War and terrorist attacks may also be put in this category.

Disasters in India: well, there is no country which is completely free from disasters and so is India. India, due to its geographical locations & geological formations, is a highly disaster prone country.

India has faced a number of disasters, ranging from flood, earthquakes, cyclones, tsunami, drought, landslides. A few recent disasters faced by India include floods in Uttarakhand, cyclone “vardah” in Chennai, recurring earthquakes in northern India, chama earthquake in Gujarat, super cyclone in Orissa in 1999, bhuj earthquake in Gujarat in 2001, tsunami in 2004 and Mumbai-Gujarat flood in 2005. Besides, India has had to suffer technology-related tragedy in the form of gas tragedy in Bhopal in 1984. India also faced the problem of plague in Gujarat.

The direct or indirect impact of the disasters has always been deadly, destructive and damaging. They cause loss of life to the humans as well as livestock.

Disaster management

Disaster management is the management of resources and responsibilities in order to lessen the impact of disasters.

Disaster management in India

In India, a lot of forums, funds and organizations are functioning to mitigate the effects of the disasters like national disaster management authority (NDMA), national remote sensing centre (NRSC), Indian council of medical research (ICMR), central water commission (CWC) etc. A separate fund called as “national disaster management fund” (NDMF) is also there for exclusive mitigation.

Sometimes, due to lack of co-ordination between the central and state government as well as the absence of correct resources; the concerned forums, organizations are unable to provide the apt rehabilitation.

To handle the situation efficiently, we need to be well-equipped with latest technologies. Disaster management cannot avert the situation, but can mitigate its impact to lessen sufferings of humans, plants and animals.

Disaster Management Essay 6 (800 words)

About disaster

Land, water, air etc are some of the beautiful creations of the almighty. Nature has several manifestations – smooth as well as hostile. Sometimes, it is soothing while sometimes it is ferocious. Whenever it turns to be in its bad temper, it can bring about devastation or destruction which is known as a “disaster”.

Literal interpretation

Literally, disaster refers to the mishap, calamity or the grave occurrence from either the natural or man-made reasons which can’t be stopped or tackled immediately by the affected community.

India, being very much prone to disasters due to its geographical location, earthquakes, landslides, drought, cyclones, floods, forest fires, and fire accidents are some of the major calamities that keep occurring, inflicting colossal damage. Rapid growth in the population rate and urbanization has mostly triggered the level of the disasters.

Types of disasters

The disasters can be broadly classified into two major categories:

  • Man made / human instigated disasters

Natural disaster is a natural process that may cause loss of huge lives, injuries or other health impacts, property damages, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruptions or massive environmental damage. Various disasters like earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, floods, blizzards, tsunamis, and cyclones are covered under the scope of the term natural disaster. Human instigated disaster is also known as the complex emergency and is the disaster caused due to major happenings such as fires, oil spill, breakdown of authority, looting, wars etc.

Disasters in India over a decade-at a glance

India has faced some of the most destructive disasters in past decade which can be named as under:

Effects of disasters in India:

The impact of natural as well as human instigated disasters is colossal death, destruction, injuries, huge loss of the lives of humans and livestock.

The impact of human activities on natural disasters:

Since a long for now, it has been noticed that modernization is leading to grave ignorance towards the environment. Environmental bylaws are being neglected by industries. Due to over-exploitation of nature, we humans have created such a situation where events like earthquakes, landslides are increasingly being elevated to the extent that they are causing massive loss in terms of human life and property.

It’s not that, every one of us is being ignorant about the environment. There are a lot of people who are very much concerned about the nature and the environment. Even, there are many NGOs which are taking the issue of global warming and pollution publically by taking out rallies and organizing several campaigns to save environment and such initiatives need to be appreciated.

Disaster management is the creation of primary and secondary plans through which people’s vulnerability to hazards can be reduced so that they can cope up with disasters. The mechanism does not avert or eliminate the threats; instead, it focuses on creating the strategies to decrease the effect of disasters.

National disaster management authority (NDMA) is the apex body which is mandated to lay down the policies and guidelines for disaster management to ensure timely an effective response towards disasters. A separate fund called as “national disaster management fund” (NDMF) is also there for exclusive mitigation.

NDMA mostly performs the following functions:

  • Administration
  • Policies formation for disaster management
  • Mitigation of disasters
  • Approval of the plans laid down
  • Formation of funds for the purpose of mitigation of disasters etc
  • Running various programs and imparting guidelines

Prevention & control

The natural disasters are inevitable, even if we have measures to predict/ forecast the disasters we can’t stop them from happening. The best which can be done is to avoid the practices which are hazardous for the environment which are leading towards environmental degradation, while preparing plans for our disaster management.

Once a disaster strikes it leads to a massive destruction and loss of life. In case of the disasters like earthquakes, floods etc. Where a number of humans are displaced and post disaster there are a number of causalities. This is the time when the actual emergency preparedness comes into effect by giving first aid to the injured ones, providing rescue and relief operations to the victims.

To handle the situation efficiently, we need to be well-equipped with latest technologies. Also, it is of utmost importance to be prepared with a proper disaster management team which can take charge as soon as possible when the disaster strikes.

Related Information:

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International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction

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