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  • Fashion Personal Statement

Fashion Personal Statement Example

Sample statement.

For me, fashion enables you to define yourself without even having to open your mouth. Your own unique style can tell a complete stranger everything they need to know about you and your personality, and the even bigger benefit is that you can change your style to suit your mood or the occasion.

I feel that clothing allows you to change the way you are perceived by society more easily than anything else you could change about yourself. By being a true style chameleon you can be anything you want to be. Designers that really encompass this feeling for me are Vivienne Westwood, Stella McCartney, and in recent years, Victoria Beckham.

At school I excelled in Textiles and completed a complicated formal dress, involving an inner corset, for my final year project. This course allowed me to develop the practical skills needed to truly understand the fashion industry and my independent research gave me an insight in to textile manufacturing and development.

To help develop my own personal sense of style I worked part-time in High Street fashion store River Island during my time at college. Whilst there I learnt a lot about how to combine individual items to create whole outfits, as well as the business side of fashion such as staff management, deliveries, and visual merchandising.

Outside of my education I enjoy travelling as I feel this helps to inspire my future fashion choices and shows me how different cultures and climates have affected the way people dress. For me, part of the fun of travelling is bringing back clothing or accessories to remind you of your holiday at home.

I also enjoy being involved in social media, and run several of my own ‘blogs’. I hope that in the future my writing experience will enable me to gain work experience in a fashion journalism or editorial role.

I hope that my time at university will allow me to learn more about the manufacturing and designing side of the fashion industry so that I can begin to develop my own range of home ware textiles. 

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Fashion Personal Statements

Submitted by Grace

Fashion Buying/Merchandising

What we choose to wear mirrors how we wish to be perceived. Fashion i...

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Cosplay by Luca Ward

These CSM Graduate Projects Show Where Fashion Is Headed Next

As fashion communication’s class of 2024 graduates from central saint martins, we speak with ten of the course’s brightest young stars, whose work tells stories around gender, sexuality and community.

The challenges faced by emerging fashion communicators are varied. In a dystopian landscape of TikTok hauls, an impending AI takeover, and stormy times in war and politics, what’s the point of fashion, and why should it even matter? It’s a question probed and prodded by many of the students studying under the Fashion Communication pathway at Central Saint Martins , who hope to liberate conversations around fashion from its ‘superficial’ epithet with meaningful projects that pack a punch in their scrutiny of identity, new-era technology and cultural divisions.

It’s a level of critical reflection that comes deep-rooted to the pathway’s old-school approach to tuition, which has birthed some major industry players like Ib Kamara, Alexander Fury , Gareth Wrighton, Campbell Addy , Hanna Moon , Rachel Fleminger Hudson and many more, who have each formed radical new ways of communicating.

As a new batch of students graduate from the pathway, we speak with ten young image-makers, journalists and artists, who, through their deeply personal work, challenge the status quo of what it means to be a fashion communicator in the 21st century.

theirs by Max Kallio

theirs by Max Kallio , Fashion Communication and Promotion

“ theirs magazine is a celebration of beauty beyond gender, where fashion and art intersect to challenge traditional norms. It exists as a testament to support and creativity within this community, where traditional notions of gendered fashion are seamlessly blurred.

“My personal journey in dressing has definitely influenced my work. I’ve never understood gendered clothing. Growing up in Helsinki, Finland, my lovely mother used to ask me whether the clothes I wore were for men or women. But I don’t really see a specific gender in clothing or heels. Garments might appear to be associated with a certain gender, but in reality, they aren’t confined to any. I’ve always felt disconnected from traditional ways of dress, and the publication aims to reflect that ethos.“

Cosplay by Luca Ward

Cosplay by Luca Ward , Fashion Communication and Promotion

“This photo series explores the fascination of becoming somebody else. The project began by investigating how I would lie about myself as a child. I developed a fixation with characters that enabled me to escape my reality. As a young boy, this manifested in superheroes – those who lived an alternative life that was perhaps truer than their ‘normal’ lives. This series captures the different stages of escapism – the initial moment children become these characters and how they can grow to become a large part of them, which they then carry into adulthood. Doing this series, I have come to realise how important these characters have been (and still are) for me and who I am today.

“My work is a documentation of my curiosity, and I find it helpful to use personal experiences from my childhood and early teens to fuel my work. When I am inspired by something that has resonated with me, I feel my work doesn’t have a definitive start or end point. I find myself switching between projects constantly as my interests diverge, which manifests into small series that can be encompassed into a larger story, made up of numerous people.”

<36.5> by Meenkyung Kim , Fashion Communication and Promotion

“Since moving from South Korea to London, I’ve realised just how important the relationships surrounding me are. These days most of my interactions happen digitally. Even though we can express emotions through texts or emojis, it doesn’t feel the same as real, face-to-face communication. It’s made me appreciate the true value of human connection and reminded me of how important it is not to lose touch with genuine human interaction. My art has become a form of ongoing therapy; it’s a way for me to slow down and explore the depths of my emotions. After beginning therapy this year, I learned to be more honest with myself about what I truly crave: love and comfort, not just in words, but in the warmth of genuine human connection.

“My final major project <36.5> is the performative installation that challenges communication norms in the digital era, prioritising tangible interaction for deeper human connections. Using an interactive sound body suit, it delves into emotions. I want my work to be like a comforting, stuffed toy, inviting people to pause, embrace its warmth, and reflect on a time when they felt truly at ease.”

PISS by Quin Cunningham

Piss by Quin Cunningham , Fashion Journalism

“ Piss  is the quarterly(ish) rag all about leaving a puddle in the white cube of mainstream American culture. In each themed issue, Piss looks to the past and the future to mark our territory in the chaotic present. Issue one is called American Revolution and captures the psychotic Americana I dream of when I’m away from home. Growing up in the US, I became interested in old gay newspapers which were printed on the paper-ends of regular broadsheets by gays and their friends in publishing. It was about paying homage to papers like Gay! , Fag Rag and Gay Sunshine.

“[With Piss ], I wanted to be able to filter out people who weren’t open to looking at queer bodies, making fun of Americana and generally getting past a certain frigidity that Gen-Z can have about perspectives which differ from their own. There’s so much bullshit out there that we have become non-reactive to a lot of stuff. I wanted to offer a mix of graphic gay content with writing about how people live delusional lives online, all at a broadsheet size, to get in people’s faces. ”

Connection Failed by Anqi Liu

Connection Failed by Anqi Liu , Fashion Communication and Promotion

“I’m a relatively introverted person. I often feel alienated by my surroundings, like when a lens can’t focus. I have been thinking about what makes an image into a fashion image; it’s not just styling – clothes themselves have no meaning – but I treasure the feelings and stories I experience when I wear them. They can link to certain memories, which is what I want to explore with fashion images.

“ Connection Failed is a photo series that records the unexpected detachment from reality at certain moments. Although I photographed others, and seemed to be recording others’ stories, they are all related to my memories, such as how I always talked to myself, how I had to be alone at home when I was a child, and my relationship with my grandmother. I hope that my images resonate because although all our experiences are different, these emotions can be shared.”

Sh-It Girl by Ella Chadwick

Sh-It Girl by Ella Chadwick , Fashion Journalism

“Sh-It Girl is a filthy celebration of the anti-‘it’-girl. It’s an ode to a new generation of chronically online young women and explores the confusing digital feminist landscape as we know it today. Through a plethora of female talent, we usher in a new wave of tastemakers and themes that matter to Gen-Z women, away from the ‘clean girl’ cult to revel in the ultimate Sh-It Girl lifestyle.

“It is overwhelming to be a young woman online. Are you a dirty girl or a clean girl? Are you aware that by wearing that you are defending the classic Lolita aesthetic and all the issues that follow? We are just making shit up as we go along. There feels like no safe space for young women to be themselves online for fear they are lumped under the next pithily named TikTok-core. ‘Let women enjoy things’ or ‘let her speak’ is a staple comment I see these days. So why not create a safe space away from the online sphere where we can speak?”

book back

Sterling Wongchoi by Tiffany Lee , Fashion Communication and Promotion

“ Sterling Wongchoi is a 300-plus page book named after a racehorse in Hong Kong. Featuring curated visual and literary commentary, it investigates the linguistic and cultural absurdities through the cross-pollination of East and West throughout Hong Kong’s visual culture, as it remains entangled with the city’s lingering colonial past.

“This book plays with your expectations, challenging what you would expect to see in a magazine or a photo book format. I analysed how I consume the material I’m studying, every country I’ve been in, how I communicate with my family, the music I listen to, and how everything I deem ‘banal’ ultimately frames who I am. I grew up in Hong Kong, moved to Arizona, then Grimsby, then finally London. Every move has left me with an insight into new cultures, and that’s encouraged me to become not only more sensitive and acute to the differences but also more open to discussing the similarities in polarising situations.”

Viva La Children by Soraya Gaied Chortane

Viva La Children by Soraya Gaied Chortane , Fashion Journalism

“ Viva La Children is the ultimate all-women bible, created by girls, for everyone. From window-shopping and giving birth to marching for Palestinian lives and climate change, the magazine taps into a network of girls, whose insight, attitude and compassion are matched by their distinctive voices. You can read personal essays, advice columns and op-eds relating to style, sex, friends, fashion, health and beauty – everything a girl thinks, dreams and most importantly, cares about.

“In the first edition, we extol the virtues of shopping for a serotonin boost, languid Hinge confessions and the joyously merry and muddy escapades of first girl holidays. We also hang out with the costume designers of Sofia Coppola and Gregg Araki ’s films, Stacey Battat and Cathy Cooper, about fashioning girlhood on screen. Working alongside Bethany Griffiths, my creative partner in crime, being raised by a single mother, and having such strong women around me has influenced my work. I see Viva La Children as the Shocking Pink , Spare Rib and Jackie magazine of the modern day; anthologising the sharp, smart and sensible writing of women and young girls.”

Steam Steam Day Up! by Jane Zheng , Fashion Journalism

“ Steam Steam Day Up! is a documentary about the life of second-generation British-Chinese dry cleaner, Tony Chung. As the owner of a dry-cleaning and lifestyle store called The Steam Room, with a clientele ranging from local to independent fashion brands like Simone Rocha and Roksanda , the film captures how ‘ordinary’ and overlooked people like Tony are irreplaceable parts of fashion’s life cycle. Dedicated to the international East and Southeast Asian diaspora, the project embraces heritage in the post-pandemic world.

“Growing up as a second-generation Chinese immigrant in the West has encouraged me to focus on my own roots. I wanted to use my final project as an opportunity to spotlight Asian creativity and inspire our community to speak up. With little coverage of Chinese immigration history or the general Asian experience in Western mainstream media, I think it’s important to speak about individual experiences, as it reflects wider socio-political issues happening now. Having conversations about this topic is the first step towards a bigger change.”

Ayrton Prevost , Fashion Communication and Promotion

“In this untitled project, I am exploring the concept of techno-animism and the autonomy of our digital identities. Derived from ideas of Shintoist ideology, animism is the idea that we imbue objects, places, and entities with their own life and significance. This is akin to how we give life to our own digital identities. I wish to examine the connection of how these systems we interact with develop an identity of their own. This piece attempts to visualise the sheer amount of data we unknowingly proliferate through our use of technology, and how technological structures appropriate this data.

“By sharing content on the internet and social media, we sign away the rights to our data to these institutions. The data is harvested and used to train a variety of AI-based models. Essentially, a part of our souls becomes the information that makes up these systems, making them symbolic of our collective consciousness. I have created a portrait of my subjects using their data as a way to encapsulate these ideas. The imagery I have used has been derived from various sources including digital photography, sourced images, AI-generated footage, and abstracted EXIF data taken from the imagery I have created.”

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45 Hairstyles We Wish We Could Forget

Posted: June 3, 2024 | Last updated: June 3, 2024

<p>In the dynamic realm of fashion and beauty, hairstyles have frequently made bold statements, echoing cultural trends and personal expression. However, not every hair experiment achieves timeless elegance; some are memorable for less flattering reasons. This list delves into 45 of the most regrettable hairstyles that have adorned our heads over the years. Ranging from misguided trends to extravagant fads, these styles humorously remind us of our adventurous, and occasionally misguided, pursuits for uniqueness.</p>

In the dynamic realm of fashion and beauty, hairstyles have frequently made bold statements, echoing cultural trends and personal expression. However, not every hair experiment achieves timeless elegance; some are memorable for less flattering reasons. This list delves into 45 of the most regrettable hairstyles that have adorned our heads over the years. Ranging from misguided trends to extravagant fads, these styles humorously remind us of our adventurous, and occasionally misguided, pursuits for uniqueness.

<p>The Hime cut is a traditional Japanese hairstyle known for its regal yet rigid appearance. It features straight, cheek-length sidelocks and a blunt fringe. While this style can be quite striking, it may also appear overly severe for everyday wear outside of cultural contexts. The Hime cut is admired for its precision and elegance, but it might be too dramatic for those who are not accustomed to such structured styles.</p>

The Hime Cut

The Hime cut is a traditional Japanese hairstyle known for its regal yet rigid appearance. It features straight, cheek-length sidelocks and a blunt fringe. While this style can be quite striking, it may also appear overly severe for everyday wear outside of cultural contexts. The Hime cut is admired for its precision and elegance, but it might be too dramatic for those who are not accustomed to such structured styles.

<p>Face-framing layers—curtain bangs can add a soft, mysterious look but can also obscure the face and require frequent styling, making them a regrettable choice for those seeking low maintenance. They bring a vintage flair that’s very much in vogue but can be fickle to maintain, often needing regular trims and styling to keep their shape.</p>

The Curtain Bangs

Face-framing layers—curtain bangs can add a soft, mysterious look but can also obscure the face and require frequent styling, making them a regrettable choice for those seeking low maintenance. They bring a vintage flair that’s very much in vogue but can be fickle to maintain, often needing regular trims and styling to keep their shape.

<p>Color extremes—going fully bleach blonde was a daring choice that captivated many during the pop-punk era. While it made a bold statement, the extreme color often led to damaged hair and a look that many grew to regret. It’s a hair decision that requires commitment and care, often resulting in a love-hate relationship with the dramatic hue.</p>

Bleach Blonde

Color extremes—going fully bleach blonde was a daring choice that captivated many during the pop-punk era. While it made a bold statement, the extreme color often led to damaged hair and a look that many grew to regret. It’s a hair decision that requires commitment and care, often resulting in a love-hate relationship with the dramatic hue.

<p>The Octopus Cut is a distinctive hairstyle characterized by its long, thin lower layers that resemble octopus tentacles. Although it briefly gained attention, it never became mainstream. Today, this unique style is primarily remembered as a quirky experiment in hair fashion and is rarely seen outside of avant-garde fashion scenes. It is more likely to be encountered in old photographs than in everyday life.</p>

The Octopus Cut

The Octopus Cut is a distinctive hairstyle characterized by its long, thin lower layers that resemble octopus tentacles. Although it briefly gained attention, it never became mainstream. Today, this unique style is primarily remembered as a quirky experiment in hair fashion and is rarely seen outside of avant-garde fashion scenes. It is more likely to be encountered in old photographs than in everyday life.

The Euro Mullet

The Euro mullet is a variation of the mullet that was particularly popular in Europe. It combines volume up front with flowing locks at the back. While it had its moment, it is now viewed as a quirky, outdated style. This distinctive look captures a certain era but is rarely seen as flattering today.

<p>The rat tail hairstyle is characterized by a small section of hair that is grown long and left to hang down, resembling a literal rat’s tail. This hairstyle gained popularity in the 1980s and early 1990s. It is often remembered as a peculiar trend from that time period, and many people are glad to leave it in the past. The rat tail is frequently mentioned as an example of the questionable style choices that were common during a flamboyant era.</p>

The Rat Tail

The rat tail hairstyle is characterized by a small section of hair that is grown long and left to hang down, resembling a literal rat’s tail. This hairstyle gained popularity in the 1980s and early 1990s. It is often remembered as a peculiar trend from that time period, and many people are glad to leave it in the past. The rat tail is frequently mentioned as an example of the questionable style choices that were common during a flamboyant era.

<p>The mohawk, a strip of long hair bordered by shaved sides, stands as a rebellious and bold statement. This iconic hairstyle is deeply rooted in punk culture, symbolizing defiance and individuality. However, its conspicuous nature makes it a challenging choice for daily wear, as most people are not comfortable sporting such a daring look in everyday settings.</p>

The mohawk, a strip of long hair bordered by shaved sides, stands as a rebellious and bold statement. This iconic hairstyle is deeply rooted in punk culture, symbolizing defiance and individuality. However, its conspicuous nature makes it a challenging choice for daily wear, as most people are not comfortable sporting such a daring look in everyday settings.

<p>Hair extensions provide an immediate way to add length and volume to your hair. However, if they are not well-matched or properly maintained, they can result in an unnatural appearance and potentially damage your natural hair. Though they offer a fast solution for getting longer hair, they come with the downside of requiring high maintenance and regular adjustments.</p>

Hair Extensions

Hair extensions provide an immediate way to add length and volume to your hair. However, if they are not well-matched or properly maintained, they can result in an unnatural appearance and potentially damage your natural hair. Though they offer a fast solution for getting longer hair, they come with the downside of requiring high maintenance and regular adjustments.

<p>Elevated style—the high top fade, popularized in the late ’80s and early ’90s, featured hair that was cut short on the sides and extended high above the head. While it made a strong statement in the hip-hop community, it’s a style that many consider too bold for today’s more subdued tastes. It represented a peak of urban cool that now feels somewhat dated.</p>

The High Top Fade

Elevated style—the high top fade, popularized in the late ’80s and early ’90s, featured hair that was cut short on the sides and extended high above the head. While it made a strong statement in the hip-hop community, it’s a style that many consider too bold for today’s more subdued tastes. It represented a peak of urban cool that now feels somewhat dated.

<p>Peekaboo highlights introduced a playful twist to hair coloring by dyeing only the lower layers, allowing them to be concealed or revealed. Though entertaining, this style is often perceived as a fleeting trend rather than a permanent hair fashion. It offers a chance for vibrant self-expression without a long-term commitment, but as trends lean towards more natural appearances, it can come across as a bit gimmicky.</p>

The Peekaboo Highlights

Peekaboo highlights introduced a playful twist to hair coloring by dyeing only the lower layers, allowing them to be concealed or revealed. Though entertaining, this style is often perceived as a fleeting trend rather than a permanent hair fashion. It offers a chance for vibrant self-expression without a long-term commitment, but as trends lean towards more natural appearances, it can come across as a bit gimmicky.

<p>Perms, which involved chemically setting the hair into curls, often led to voluminous, frizzy locks. Popular in the 1980s among both men and women, perms are now a hairstyle many regret, mainly because of the damage they caused to hair and the high maintenance they required. The look is often remembered more for its excesses than for its aesthetic appeal.</p>

Perms, which involved chemically setting the hair into curls, often led to voluminous, frizzy locks. Popular in the 1980s among both men and women, perms are now a hairstyle many regret, mainly because of the damage they caused to hair and the high maintenance they required. The look is often remembered more for its excesses than for its aesthetic appeal.

<p>The ducktail hairstyle, which pulls the hair at the back of the head toward the center to resemble a duck’s rear, was immensely popular in the 1950s. Although it has largely fallen out of everyday fashion, it remains a go-to style for themed parties and nostalgic events. This hairstyle blends sleek sophistication with a hint of retro flair, making it a bit too dramatic for regular, day-to-day wear.</p>

The Ducktail Hairstyle

The ducktail hairstyle, which pulls the hair at the back of the head toward the center to resemble a duck’s rear, was immensely popular in the 1950s. Although it has largely fallen out of everyday fashion, it remains a go-to style for themed parties and nostalgic events. This hairstyle blends sleek sophistication with a hint of retro flair, making it a bit too dramatic for regular, day-to-day wear.

<p>The classic updo, known as the French twist, exudes elegance but can often seem overly stiff and formal, making it a style that some might regret for its severity in casual settings. It’s ideal for formal events but may be considered too elaborate and restrictive for everyday wear, necessitating both skill and patience to style effectively.</p>

The French Twist

The classic updo, known as the French twist, exudes elegance but can often seem overly stiff and formal, making it a style that some might regret for its severity in casual settings. It’s ideal for formal events but may be considered too elaborate and restrictive for everyday wear, necessitating both skill and patience to style effectively.

<p>The quiff merges retro elements from the pompadour, flat-top, and occasionally a mohawk, embodying an old-school rockabilly vibe. While it provides a bold and distinctive appearance, it can come off as overly ‘try-hard’ for daily wear. Additionally, maintaining the quiff can be demanding, and it may not complement more minimalist or contemporary fashion styles.</p>

The quiff merges retro elements from the pompadour, flat-top, and occasionally a mohawk, embodying an old-school rockabilly vibe. While it provides a bold and distinctive appearance, it can come off as overly ‘try-hard’ for daily wear. Additionally, maintaining the quiff can be demanding, and it may not complement more minimalist or contemporary fashion styles.

<p>Cornrows adorned with beads were a notable trend in the early 2000s. While cornrows themselves are a traditional and respected hairstyle, the addition of excessive beads became a fashion statement that many now look back on with regret. Often done without cultural appreciation, this style is seen as a misstep in personal style choices. Although beaded cornrows are decorative, they can appear overdone and are often replaced today by more understated styles.</p>

Cornrows with Beads

Cornrows adorned with beads were a notable trend in the early 2000s. While cornrows themselves are a traditional and respected hairstyle, the addition of excessive beads became a fashion statement that many now look back on with regret. Often done without cultural appreciation, this style is seen as a misstep in personal style choices. Although beaded cornrows are decorative, they can appear overdone and are often replaced today by more understated styles.

<p>The asymmetrical bob, with one side longer than the other, gained popularity in the early 2000s. While it offers a modern twist on classic styles, it is now sometimes viewed as lacking the elegance of more balanced cuts. Though initially eye-catching, its novelty can fade, leaving those who wear it yearning for a more timeless appearance.</p>

The Asymmetrical Bob

The asymmetrical bob, with one side longer than the other, gained popularity in the early 2000s. While it offers a modern twist on classic styles, it is now sometimes viewed as lacking the elegance of more balanced cuts. Though initially eye-catching, its novelty can fade, leaving those who wear it yearning for a more timeless appearance.

<p>The mullet, characterized by short hair at the front and sides with long hair at the back, became a cultural phenomenon in the 1980s. It was popular among celebrities and musicians, earning its reputation for being “business in the front, party in the back.” Today, the mullet is remembered with a blend of nostalgia and embarrassment, symbolizing a styling choice that many would rather laugh about than bring back into fashion.</p>

The mullet, characterized by short hair at the front and sides with long hair at the back, became a cultural phenomenon in the 1980s. It was popular among celebrities and musicians, earning its reputation for being “business in the front, party in the back.” Today, the mullet is remembered with a blend of nostalgia and embarrassment, symbolizing a styling choice that many would rather laugh about than bring back into fashion.

<p>In the late ’90s, butterfly clips were a fashionable way to style hair, particularly popular among young girls. These whimsical accessories added a playful touch to hairstyles but are now often viewed as too youthful and impractical for adult use. While they were once a symbol of youthful fashion, today they evoke a sense of nostalgia, reminding many of their childhood fashion experiments.</p>

The Trend of Butterfly Clips

In the late ’90s, butterfly clips were a fashionable way to style hair, particularly popular among young girls. These whimsical accessories added a playful touch to hairstyles but are now often viewed as too youthful and impractical for adult use. While they were once a symbol of youthful fashion, today they evoke a sense of nostalgia, reminding many of their childhood fashion experiments.

<p>Inspired by the beloved ‘Star Wars’ character, these twin buns positioned on either side of the head evoke a sense of galactic nostalgia. While charming and unforgettable on screen, this hairstyle tends to appear more like a costume in real life rather than a fashionable choice. It’s an enjoyable style for themed occasions but isn’t practical for daily use.</p>

The Princess Leia Buns

Inspired by the beloved ‘Star Wars’ character, these twin buns positioned on either side of the head evoke a sense of galactic nostalgia. While charming and unforgettable on screen, this hairstyle tends to appear more like a costume in real life rather than a fashionable choice. It’s an enjoyable style for themed occasions but isn’t practical for daily use.

<p>Mildly wild—the faux hawk mimics a mohawk but without shaving the sides of the head, making it a more acceptable version for some. However, its peak popularity has waned, and it’s now viewed as a less impressive cousin to the more daring mohawk. It’s a style that often prompts chuckles when old photos resurface, showing its brief moment of trendiness.</p>

The Faux Hawk

Mildly wild—the faux hawk mimics a mohawk but without shaving the sides of the head, making it a more acceptable version for some. However, its peak popularity has waned, and it’s now viewed as a less impressive cousin to the more daring mohawk. It’s a style that often prompts chuckles when old photos resurface, showing its brief moment of trendiness.

<p>The undercut hairstyle is characterized by its contrasting lengths, featuring short sides with a significantly longer top. Although it has been trendy for some time, many individuals now consider it too stark as the fashion world shifts towards softer, more natural styles. The undercut offers a striking contrast, but it can quickly feel dated as hair trends continue to evolve.</p>

The Undercut

The undercut hairstyle is characterized by its contrasting lengths, featuring short sides with a significantly longer top. Although it has been trendy for some time, many individuals now consider it too stark as the fashion world shifts towards softer, more natural styles. The undercut offers a striking contrast, but it can quickly feel dated as hair trends continue to evolve.

<p>Once a hipster staple and a symbol of modern masculinity, the man bun has now become somewhat of a cliché. Many men fondly reminisce about their days sporting the bun, often with a chuckle. Though it’s a straightforward and practical solution for managing long hair, it is frequently viewed as an attempt to follow trends too closely.</p>

The Man Bun

Once a hipster staple and a symbol of modern masculinity, the man bun has now become somewhat of a cliché. Many men fondly reminisce about their days sporting the bun, often with a chuckle. Though it’s a straightforward and practical solution for managing long hair, it is frequently viewed as an attempt to follow trends too closely.

<p>Spiky hair, commonly created with an excessive amount of gel to ensure the hair remains stiff and pointed, was a defining aspect of youth fashion in the early 2000s. Though it was seen as fun and edgy during its peak, this hairstyle is now viewed as impractical and outdated, often appearing overly dramatic. While it made a bold statement in its time, many people have since moved on to seek more mature styles.</p>

Spiky hair, commonly created with an excessive amount of gel to ensure the hair remains stiff and pointed, was a defining aspect of youth fashion in the early 2000s. Though it was seen as fun and edgy during its peak, this hairstyle is now viewed as impractical and outdated, often appearing overly dramatic. While it made a bold statement in its time, many people have since moved on to seek more mature styles.

<p>Sky-high hair—the beehive is a tall, rounded hairstyle that piled hair as high as possible, popular in the 1960s. Iconic at the time, the beehive is often seen as too dramatic and impractical for modern tastes, relegated now to costume parties and retro revivals. It requires considerable maintenance and is synonymous with vintage glamour that’s hard to pull off in daily routines.</p>

The Beehive

Sky-high hair—the beehive is a tall, rounded hairstyle that piled hair as high as possible, popular in the 1960s. Iconic at the time, the beehive is often seen as too dramatic and impractical for modern tastes, relegated now to costume parties and retro revivals. It requires considerable maintenance and is synonymous with vintage glamour that’s hard to pull off in daily routines.

<p>While the pixie cut is undeniably chic, opting for an overly choppy version can result in a look that feels more ragged than sleek. This edgy take on the classic pixie adds texture but can be difficult to pull off without the right styling. Many may find themselves regretting the decision once the novelty wears off.</p>

The Choppy Pixie Cut

While the pixie cut is undeniably chic, opting for an overly choppy version can result in a look that feels more ragged than sleek. This edgy take on the classic pixie adds texture but can be difficult to pull off without the right styling. Many may find themselves regretting the decision once the novelty wears off.

<p>In the 80s, hairstyles were all about volume—achieved through excessive teasing and hairspray to create towering styles. While these head-turning looks were iconic, they are now often considered too exaggerated for contemporary preferences. Such hairstyles demand attention but are seldom practical or comfortable for everyday life.</p>

The Big Hair

In the 80s, hairstyles were all about volume—achieved through excessive teasing and hairspray to create towering styles. While these head-turning looks were iconic, they are now often considered too exaggerated for contemporary preferences. Such hairstyles demand attention but are seldom practical or comfortable for everyday life.

<p>The Rachel, a TV trendsetter made famous by Jennifer Aniston on ‘Friends,’ was a ubiquitous layered cut in the 90s. Although it was popular, many eventually deemed it too high-maintenance and overly tied to a bygone era. While it defined a decade, the hairstyle now frequently feels too dated for modern fashion.</p>

The Rachel, a TV trendsetter made famous by Jennifer Aniston on ‘Friends,’ was a ubiquitous layered cut in the 90s. Although it was popular, many eventually deemed it too high-maintenance and overly tied to a bygone era. While it defined a decade, the hairstyle now frequently feels too dated for modern fashion.

<p>The comb over is a hairstyle traditionally used to conceal thinning hair or bald spots. Despite its intention to cover up hair loss, the comb over often ends up looking conspicuous and unflattering. This can result in drawing more attention to the very issue it is meant to hide, making it a regrettable choice for many aging men.</p>

The Comb Over

The comb over is a hairstyle traditionally used to conceal thinning hair or bald spots. Despite its intention to cover up hair loss, the comb over often ends up looking conspicuous and unflattering. This can result in drawing more attention to the very issue it is meant to hide, making it a regrettable choice for many aging men.

<p>The bouffant is characterized by impressive volume achieved through backcombing the hair. This hairstyle was extremely popular in the 1960s, symbolizing the extravagant fashion of the time. However, it is now frequently seen as too cumbersome and outdated for everyday use, making it impractical for the contemporary woman’s daily routine.</p>

The Bouffant

The bouffant is characterized by impressive volume achieved through backcombing the hair. This hairstyle was extremely popular in the 1960s, symbolizing the extravagant fashion of the time. However, it is now frequently seen as too cumbersome and outdated for everyday use, making it impractical for the contemporary woman’s daily routine.

<p>The pompadour, a voluminous hairstyle that involves sweeping the hair upwards from the face and creating a high elevation over the forehead, often paired with shaved sides, was once the epitome of rock’n’roll swagger. Today, while still admired for its bold and striking appearance, it is sometimes perceived as overly theatrical and elaborate for everyday wear.</p>

The Pompadour Reimagined

The pompadour, a voluminous hairstyle that involves sweeping the hair upwards from the face and creating a high elevation over the forehead, often paired with shaved sides, was once the epitome of rock’n’roll swagger. Today, while still admired for its bold and striking appearance, it is sometimes perceived as overly theatrical and elaborate for everyday wear.

<p>The pageboy cut, a retro hairstyle popular in the mid-20th century, is characterized by straight hair with rounded ends. Although this style exudes a timeless elegance in vintage photographs, it is frequently perceived as too dated for contemporary tastes. While the pageboy offers a classic and uniform look, it may come across as too rigid in today’s diverse fashion environment.</p>

The Pageboy

The pageboy cut, a retro hairstyle popular in the mid-20th century, is characterized by straight hair with rounded ends. Although this style exudes a timeless elegance in vintage photographs, it is frequently perceived as too dated for contemporary tastes. While the pageboy offers a classic and uniform look, it may come across as too rigid in today’s diverse fashion environment.

<p>Cultural roots—while Bantu knots are a beautiful way to honor African heritage, those who wore them without understanding their significance or proper styling techniques often faced challenges. It’s a powerful and meaningful style that requires careful consideration and respect in its adoption and maintenance.</p>

The Bantu Knots

Cultural roots—while Bantu knots are a beautiful way to honor African heritage, those who wore them without understanding their significance or proper styling techniques often faced challenges. It’s a powerful and meaningful style that requires careful consideration and respect in its adoption and maintenance.

<p>Beachy waves—those long, unkempt waves that give off a sun-drenched and salt-sprayed appearance—are fantastic for a beach setting. However, they can come across as unprofessional or overly casual in more formal environments. This hairstyle perfectly captures a carefree lifestyle but demands careful consideration of context when worn outside of leisure settings.</p>

The Surfer Hair

Beachy waves—those long, unkempt waves that give off a sun-drenched and salt-sprayed appearance—are fantastic for a beach setting. However, they can come across as unprofessional or overly casual in more formal environments. This hairstyle perfectly captures a carefree lifestyle but demands careful consideration of context when worn outside of leisure settings.

<p>Layered chaos—the shag haircut, characterized by choppy layers and often a fringe, saw its heyday in the 70s and 80s. Although it has seen revivals, many regret its unruly appearance and difficult maintenance. The style has a rock and roll vibe that can be too wild for the streamlined aesthetic of modern beauty standards.</p>

Layered chaos—the shag haircut, characterized by choppy layers and often a fringe, saw its heyday in the 70s and 80s. Although it has seen revivals, many regret its unruly appearance and difficult maintenance. The style has a rock and roll vibe that can be too wild for the streamlined aesthetic of modern beauty standards.

<p>The flat top is a sharply styled type of crewcut where the hair is cut short and stands upright with a flat surface on top. Once popular among hip-hop artists and military personnel, this haircut is now considered a relic of its era, rarely adopted by contemporary mainstream fashion. Its distinctly sharp and sculpted appearance is often seen as too rigid for today’s casual trends.</p>

The Flat Top

The flat top is a sharply styled type of crewcut where the hair is cut short and stands upright with a flat surface on top. Once popular among hip-hop artists and military personnel, this haircut is now considered a relic of its era, rarely adopted by contemporary mainstream fashion. Its distinctly sharp and sculpted appearance is often seen as too rigid for today’s casual trends.

<p>Crimped hair, characterized by its tight zigzag texture, saw a surge in popularity during the late ’80s and ’90s. Although it is now often viewed as too bold and unnatural for daily wear, it remains memorable for its distinctive look. This hairstyling trend encapsulated a playful and experimental spirit, which many today regard as a passing fad.</p>

Crimped Hair

Crimped hair, characterized by its tight zigzag texture, saw a surge in popularity during the late ’80s and ’90s. Although it is now often viewed as too bold and unnatural for daily wear, it remains memorable for its distinctive look. This hairstyling trend encapsulated a playful and experimental spirit, which many today regard as a passing fad.

<p>Liberty spikes are a bold hairstyle where the hair is styled into long, stiff spikes that stand upright across the head, resembling the crown of the Statue of Liberty. Commonly associated with the punk rock community, this striking look is often seen as too extreme for professional or mainstream environments. While it serves as a strong statement of individuality, Liberty spikes are generally impractical for everyday wear.</p>

Liberty Spikes

Liberty spikes are a bold hairstyle where the hair is styled into long, stiff spikes that stand upright across the head, resembling the crown of the Statue of Liberty. Commonly associated with the punk rock community, this striking look is often seen as too extreme for professional or mainstream environments. While it serves as a strong statement of individuality, Liberty spikes are generally impractical for everyday wear.

<p>Across the globe, the bowl cut—a hairstyle where the hair is cut uniformly around the head as if shaped by a bowl—is a style many look back on with regret. Commonly linked to uninspired childhood haircuts and an unappealing form, it is now viewed more as a humorous throwback than a genuine fashion preference. The bowl cut stands as a telling reminder of more straightforward, less fashion-focused eras.</p>

The Bowl Cut

Across the globe, the bowl cut—a hairstyle where the hair is cut uniformly around the head as if shaped by a bowl—is a style many look back on with regret. Commonly linked to uninspired childhood haircuts and an unappealing form, it is now viewed more as a humorous throwback than a genuine fashion preference. The bowl cut stands as a telling reminder of more straightforward, less fashion-focused eras.

<p>Frosted tips, a trend that became popular in the late ’90s and early 2000s, involved bleaching just the ends of short, spiked hair. Beloved by boy band members and their fans, this trend now often evokes laughter rather than admiration. It is seen as a hallmark of its time, but not one that most people are eager to revisit.</p>

Frosted Tips

Frosted tips, a trend that became popular in the late ’90s and early 2000s, involved bleaching just the ends of short, spiked hair. Beloved by boy band members and their fans, this trend now often evokes laughter rather than admiration. It is seen as a hallmark of its time, but not one that most people are eager to revisit.

<p>The emo fringe is characterized by dramatic swoops with long bangs swept to one side, often covering one eye. This hairstyle, which gained peak popularity in the mid-2000s, is strongly associated with teenage angst and is less common in professional environments today. It made a bold statement emblematic of a specific youthful rebellion but is typically outgrown as personal fashion preferences evolve.</p>

The Emo Fringe

The emo fringe is characterized by dramatic swoops with long bangs swept to one side, often covering one eye. This hairstyle, which gained peak popularity in the mid-2000s, is strongly associated with teenage angst and is less common in professional environments today. It made a bold statement emblematic of a specific youthful rebellion but is typically outgrown as personal fashion preferences evolve.

<p>Bald yet bold—the skullet is known for its unique combination of baldness on top and long hair at the back. Often perceived as an ill-advised effort to retain a youthful appearance, it is a style many might want to leave in the past. This hairstyle balances the line between daring and eccentric, and is seldom regarded as a flattering option.</p>

The Skullet

Bald yet bold—the skullet is known for its unique combination of baldness on top and long hair at the back. Often perceived as an ill-advised effort to retain a youthful appearance, it is a style many might want to leave in the past. This hairstyle balances the line between daring and eccentric, and is seldom regarded as a flattering option.

<p>The half-shaved head style showcases a dramatic contrast, with one side of the head shaved and the other side left long. This bold and striking look makes a powerful statement, though many who experiment with it find it too extreme for their everyday life. While it can be a strong form of self-expression, it may not be suitable for everyone’s personal taste or professional setting.</p>

The Half-Shaved Head

The half-shaved head style showcases a dramatic contrast, with one side of the head shaved and the other side left long. This bold and striking look makes a powerful statement, though many who experiment with it find it too extreme for their everyday life. While it can be a strong form of self-expression, it may not be suitable for everyone’s personal taste or professional setting.

<p>Carved creativity—buzz cuts with intricate patterns served as a canvas for personal expression. These elaborate designs, though highly creative, are often considered too bold for many settings, leading some to experience regret. This hairstyle allows for individual flair but can be challenging to maintain and may not transition seamlessly into more conservative environments.</p>

The Stylish Buzz Cut with Patterns

Carved creativity—buzz cuts with intricate patterns served as a canvas for personal expression. These elaborate designs, though highly creative, are often considered too bold for many settings, leading some to experience regret. This hairstyle allows for individual flair but can be challenging to maintain and may not transition seamlessly into more conservative environments.

<p>The two-toned hair trend had its controversial moments, particularly in the early 2000s with the notorious skunk hair style. Women frequently dyed their hair in stark black or white, adding contrasting highlights in the opposite color. The origins of this trend’s popularity are uncertain, but it has thankfully diminished over time. Many people are glad to see this bold and distinctive style become a thing of the past in fashion history.</p>

The Skunk Hair Trend

The two-toned hair trend had its controversial moments, particularly in the early 2000s with the notorious skunk hair style. Women frequently dyed their hair in stark black or white, adding contrasting highlights in the opposite color. The origins of this trend’s popularity are uncertain, but it has thankfully diminished over time. Many people are glad to see this bold and distinctive style become a thing of the past in fashion history.

<p>By exploring these hairstyles, we can observe the evolution of beauty standards and the diverse ways in which personal style serves as a medium of expression. Although some of these hairstyles might evoke amusement or discomfort when reflected upon, they all play a part in the intricate weave of cultural and personal identity. Every ‘regrettable’ hairstyle offers insights into trends, self-expression, and the bravery to experiment. Whether they make a comeback or stay as amusing memories, they highlight the ever-changing essence of style. </p><p><a href="https://royalsplus.com/?utm_source=msnstart">For the Latest Breaking Royals News, Headlines & Videos, head to Royals+</a></p>

By exploring these hairstyles, we can observe the evolution of beauty standards and the diverse ways in which personal style serves as a medium of expression. Although some of these hairstyles might evoke amusement or discomfort when reflected upon, they all play a part in the intricate weave of cultural and personal identity. Every ‘regrettable’ hairstyle offers insights into trends, self-expression, and the bravery to experiment. Whether they make a comeback or stay as amusing memories, they highlight the ever-changing essence of style.

For the Latest Breaking Royals News, Headlines & Videos, head to Royals+

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Fashion management personal statement example 3.

Fashion, essentially, is seen as a means for a person to express their personality and desire and it allows for one to grow and become confident.

My interest within retail, and especially fashion retail, first started growing when I became employed within my first job in the retail sector. I gained a part-time job within Primark, which I worked around my final 2 years of studies at school, however I soon left school not far into my final year due to severe health issues.

Soon after this drawback I picked myself back up and was offered full time hours within Primark with the opportunity to gain an SVQ. Sitting my SVQ not only gave me a chance to enhance my skills it also prompted me to further my studies within Retail thus applying for HND Retail Management.

Throughout my 2 years of college studying HND Retail Management, I learnt the basics of subjects such as marketing, fashion merchandising, customer care and behavioural skills.

Each module of my course has contributed to the enhancement of skills that I already gained but also allowed me to learn new ones that I can use to further my career path; prioritising, leadership and team work.

During the fashion merchandising module, I found myself being highly engrossed in the work that was being taught and putting my enthusiasm for this into the work that was due in order for me to pass.

During this module I had the task of creating a mood-board on upcoming trends for A/W 12 and I found this task highly fascinating on how designers would use simple things such as star maps and the colours found in outer space to create astounding pieces of clothing; having such enthusiasm carrying out this task I felt that this may be my calling, to pursue a career within fashion merchandising.

Throughout my course I was also part of an 'Events Management' team; a once in a lifetime opportunity as my college was the only one who provided this throughout the whole of Scotland.

The aim of this team was to hold a fashion and entertainment event in aid of charity. My role within this team was to prepare, edit and time the music being used throughout the show.

I believe that music plays a big part in fashion, allowing that creative streak to continue and strive; music has the ability, much like fashion, for one to express themselves. Having an opportunity like this in the palm of my hands, I seen it as a means to connect both fashion and music together, creating a brilliant atmosphere and more importantly, a spectacular fashion show.

My most recent job, within Select Fashion, allowed me to ensue the chance to enhance my merchandising skills. After proving to my manager that I was capable of the job, she allowed me the fortunate position to have a say in the way our clothing would be merchandised, allowing me to implement my own fashion vision that would work with current trends.

Throughout this job I gained many new qualities, such as confidence and initiative to work on something that I highly believe in. I have also had a wonderful opportunity to manage my own food and beverage bar within my cities two football clubs, with a minimum of 4 members of staff working for me at any one time.

This job has allowed me to gain supervisory skills and also allowed me to work effectively as part of a team in a busy environment.

Growing up I watched my Grandad working hard to make a success of his business'. I am inspired by his focus, determination and work ethic which has lead me to gain these qualities and work towards achieving my goals and aspirations.

He reminded me throughout difficult times that all is not lost and that if I work hard I can achieve anything. So far I have been proved right after completing my HND and finally having a clear and focussed mind on what I want to work towards.

College has helped bridge the gap between school and university and I now feel that I am confident, self-motivated and determined to reach for my goals; University being top of my list.

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This personal statement was written by carynireland for application in 2012.

Related Personal Statements

Well written thanks for.

Mon, 12/11/2012 - 11:03

Well written! Thanks for sharing :)

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