Assignment Problem: Meaning, Methods and Variations | Operations Research

assignment problem with dummy column

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Meaning of Assignment Problem 2. Definition of Assignment Problem 3. Mathematical Formulation 4. Hungarian Method 5. Variations.

Meaning of Assignment Problem:

An assignment problem is a particular case of transportation problem where the objective is to assign a number of resources to an equal number of activities so as to minimise total cost or maximize total profit of allocation.

The problem of assignment arises because available resources such as men, machines etc. have varying degrees of efficiency for performing different activities, therefore, cost, profit or loss of performing the different activities is different.

Thus, the problem is “How should the assignments be made so as to optimize the given objective”. Some of the problem where the assignment technique may be useful are assignment of workers to machines, salesman to different sales areas.

Definition of Assignment Problem:


Suppose there are n jobs to be performed and n persons are available for doing these jobs. Assume that each person can do each job at a term, though with varying degree of efficiency, let c ij be the cost if the i-th person is assigned to the j-th job. The problem is to find an assignment (which job should be assigned to which person one on-one basis) So that the total cost of performing all jobs is minimum, problem of this kind are known as assignment problem.

The assignment problem can be stated in the form of n x n cost matrix C real members as given in the following table:

assignment problem with dummy column

Step :4 If each row and each column contains exactly one assignment, then the solution is optimal.

Example 10.7

Solve the following assignment problem. Cell values represent cost of assigning job A, B, C and D to the machines I, II, III and IV.

assignment problem with dummy column

Here the number of rows and columns are equal.

∴ The given assignment problem is balanced. Now let us find the solution.

Step 1: Select a smallest element in each row and subtract this from all the elements in its row.

assignment problem with dummy column

Look for atleast one zero in each row and each column.Otherwise go to step 2.

Step 2: Select the smallest element in each column and subtract this from all the elements in its column.

assignment problem with dummy column

Since each row and column contains atleast one zero, assignments can be made.

Step 3 (Assignment):

assignment problem with dummy column

Thus all the four assignments have been made. The optimal assignment schedule and total cost is

assignment problem with dummy column

The optimal assignment (minimum) cost

Example 10.8

Consider the problem of assigning five jobs to five persons. The assignment costs are given as follows. Determine the optimum assignment schedule.

assignment problem with dummy column

∴ The given assignment problem is balanced.

Now let us find the solution.

The cost matrix of the given assignment problem is

assignment problem with dummy column

Column 3 contains no zero. Go to Step 2.

assignment problem with dummy column

Thus all the five assignments have been made. The Optimal assignment schedule and total cost is

assignment problem with dummy column

The optimal assignment (minimum) cost = ` 9

Example 10.9

Solve the following assignment problem.

assignment problem with dummy column

Since the number of columns is less than the number of rows, given assignment problem is unbalanced one. To balance it , introduce a dummy column with all the entries zero. The revised assignment problem is

assignment problem with dummy column

Here only 3 tasks can be assigned to 3 men.

Step 1: is not necessary, since each row contains zero entry. Go to Step 2.

assignment problem with dummy column

Step 3 (Assignment) :

assignment problem with dummy column

Since each row and each columncontains exactly one assignment,all the three men have been assigned a task. But task S is not assigned to any Man. The optimal assignment schedule and total cost is

assignment problem with dummy column

The optimal assignment (minimum) cost = ₹ 35

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  • For each row of the matrix, find the smallest element and subtract it from every element in its row.
  • Do the same (as step 1) for all columns.
  • Cover all zeros in the matrix using minimum number of horizontal and vertical lines.
  • Test for Optimality: If the minimum number of covering lines is n, an optimal assignment is possible and we are finished. Else if lines are lesser than n, we haven’t found the optimal assignment, and must proceed to step 5.
  • Determine the smallest entry not covered by any line. Subtract this entry from each uncovered row, and then add it to each covered column. Return to step 3.
Try it before moving to see the solution

Explanation for above simple example:

  An example that doesn’t lead to optimal value in first attempt: In the above example, the first check for optimality did give us solution. What if we the number covering lines is less than n.

Time complexity : O(n^3), where n is the number of workers and jobs. This is because the algorithm implements the Hungarian algorithm, which is known to have a time complexity of O(n^3).

Space complexity :   O(n^2), where n is the number of workers and jobs. This is because the algorithm uses a 2D cost matrix of size n x n to store the costs of assigning each worker to a job, and additional arrays of size n to store the labels, matches, and auxiliary information needed for the algorithm.

In the next post, we will be discussing implementation of the above algorithm. The implementation requires more steps as we need to find minimum number of lines to cover all 0’s using a program. References:

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Assignment Problem

  • Feb 20, 2024

The assignment problem is a special case of transportation problem.

Suppose there are $n$ jobs to be performed and $n$ persons are available for these jobs. Assume that each person can do each job at a time, though with varying degree of efficiency.

Let $c_{ij}$ be the cost if the $i^{th}$ person is assigned the $j^{th}$ job. Then the problem is to find an assignment so that the total cost of performing all jobs is minimum. (i.e., which job should be assigned to which person with minimum cost). Such problem is called an Assignment Problem (AP).

The tabular form of the assignment problem is as follows

The above table is called the $n\times n$ cost-matrix, where $c_{ij}$ are real numbers.

Thus the objective in the Assignment Problem is to assign a number of jobs to the equal number of persons at a minimum cost or maximum profit. e.g. assigning men to offices, classes to rooms, drivers to trucks, problems to research teams etc.

Mathematical Formulation of AP

Mathematically, the AP can be stated as $$ \begin{equation}\label{eq2.4} \min z = \sum_{i=1}^n\sum_{j=1}^n x_{ij} c_{ij}. \end{equation} $$ subject to $$ \begin{equation}\label{eq2.5} \sum_{j=1}^n x_{ij} =1,; \text{ for } i=1,2,\ldots, n \end{equation} $$

$$ \begin{equation}\label{eq2.6} \sum_{i=1}^n x_{ij} =1,; \text{ for } j=1,2,\ldots,n \end{equation} $$ where $$ \begin{equation*} x_{ij}=\left{ \begin{array}{ll} 1, & \hbox{if $i^{th}$ person is assigned $j^{th}$ job;} \ 0, & \hbox{otherwise.} \end{array} \right. \end{equation*} $$ Constraint \eqref{eq2.5} indicate that one job is done by $i^{th}$ person $i=1,2,\ldots, n$ and constraint \eqref{eq2.6} indicate that one person should be assigned $j^{th}$ job $j=1,2,\ldots, n$.

It may be observed from the above formulation that AP is a special type of Linear programming problem.

Unbalanced Assignment Problem

If the cost matrix of an assignment problem is not a square matrix, the assignment problem is called an Unbalanced Assignment Problem . In such a case, add dummy row or dummy column with zero cost in the cost matrix so as to form a square matrix. Then apply the usual assignment method to find the optimal solution.

Maximal Assignment Problem

Sometimes, the assignment problem deals with the maximization of an objective function instead of minimization.. For example, it may be required to assign persons to jobs in such a way that the expected profit is maximum. In such a case, first convert the problem of maximization to minimization and apply the usual procedure of assignment.

The assignment problem of maximization type can be converted to minimization type by subtracting all the elements of the given profit matrix from the largest element.

Restrictions on Assignment

Sometimes due to technical or other difficulties do not permit the assignment of a particular facility to a particular job. In such a situation, the difficulty can be overcome by assigning a very high cost (say, infinity i.e. $\infty$) to the corresponding cell.

Because of assigning an infinite penalty to such a cell the activity will be automatically excluded from the optimal solution. Then apply the usual procedure to find the optimal assignment.

assignment problem with dummy column

Hungarian Method

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The Hungarian method is a computational optimization technique that addresses the assignment problem in polynomial time and foreshadows following primal-dual alternatives. In 1955, Harold Kuhn used the term “Hungarian method” to honour two Hungarian mathematicians, Dénes Kőnig and Jenő Egerváry. Let’s go through the steps of the Hungarian method with the help of a solved example.

Hungarian Method to Solve Assignment Problems

The Hungarian method is a simple way to solve assignment problems. Let us first discuss the assignment problems before moving on to learning the Hungarian method.

What is an Assignment Problem?

A transportation problem is a type of assignment problem. The goal is to allocate an equal amount of resources to the same number of activities. As a result, the overall cost of allocation is minimised or the total profit is maximised.

Because available resources such as workers, machines, and other resources have varying degrees of efficiency for executing different activities, and hence the cost, profit, or loss of conducting such activities varies.

Assume we have ‘n’ jobs to do on ‘m’ machines (i.e., one job to one machine). Our goal is to assign jobs to machines for the least amount of money possible (or maximum profit). Based on the notion that each machine can accomplish each task, but at variable levels of efficiency.

Hungarian Method Steps

Check to see if the number of rows and columns are equal; if they are, the assignment problem is considered to be balanced. Then go to step 1. If it is not balanced, it should be balanced before the algorithm is applied.

Step 1 – In the given cost matrix, subtract the least cost element of each row from all the entries in that row. Make sure that each row has at least one zero.

Step 2 – In the resultant cost matrix produced in step 1, subtract the least cost element in each column from all the components in that column, ensuring that each column contains at least one zero.

Step 3 – Assign zeros

  • Analyse the rows one by one until you find a row with precisely one unmarked zero. Encircle this lonely unmarked zero and assign it a task. All other zeros in the column of this circular zero should be crossed out because they will not be used in any future assignments. Continue in this manner until you’ve gone through all of the rows.
  • Examine the columns one by one until you find one with precisely one unmarked zero. Encircle this single unmarked zero and cross any other zero in its row to make an assignment to it. Continue until you’ve gone through all of the columns.

Step 4 – Perform the Optimal Test

  • The present assignment is optimal if each row and column has exactly one encircled zero.
  • The present assignment is not optimal if at least one row or column is missing an assignment (i.e., if at least one row or column is missing one encircled zero). Continue to step 5. Subtract the least cost element from all the entries in each column of the final cost matrix created in step 1 and ensure that each column has at least one zero.

Step 5 – Draw the least number of straight lines to cover all of the zeros as follows:

(a) Highlight the rows that aren’t assigned.

(b) Label the columns with zeros in marked rows (if they haven’t already been marked).

(c) Highlight the rows that have assignments in indicated columns (if they haven’t previously been marked).

(d) Continue with (b) and (c) until no further marking is needed.

(f) Simply draw the lines through all rows and columns that are not marked. If the number of these lines equals the order of the matrix, then the solution is optimal; otherwise, it is not.

Step 6 – Find the lowest cost factor that is not covered by the straight lines. Subtract this least-cost component from all the uncovered elements and add it to all the elements that are at the intersection of these straight lines, but leave the rest of the elements alone.

Step 7 – Continue with steps 1 – 6 until you’ve found the highest suitable assignment.

Hungarian Method Example

Use the Hungarian method to solve the given assignment problem stated in the table. The entries in the matrix represent each man’s processing time in hours.

\(\begin{array}{l}\begin{bmatrix} & I & II & III & IV & V \\1 & 20 & 15 & 18 & 20 & 25 \\2 & 18 & 20 & 12 & 14 & 15 \\3 & 21 & 23 & 25 & 27 & 25 \\4 & 17 & 18 & 21 & 23 & 20 \\5 & 18 & 18 & 16 & 19 & 20 \\\end{bmatrix}\end{array} \)

With 5 jobs and 5 men, the stated problem is balanced.

\(\begin{array}{l}A = \begin{bmatrix}20 & 15 & 18 & 20 & 25 \\18 & 20 & 12 & 14 & 15 \\21 & 23 & 25 & 27 & 25 \\17 & 18 & 21 & 23 & 20 \\18 & 18 & 16 & 19 & 20 \\\end{bmatrix}\end{array} \)

Subtract the lowest cost element in each row from all of the elements in the given cost matrix’s row. Make sure that each row has at least one zero.

\(\begin{array}{l}A = \begin{bmatrix}5 & 0 & 3 & 5 & 10 \\6 & 8 & 0 & 2 & 3 \\0 & 2 & 4 & 6 & 4 \\0 & 1 & 4 & 6 & 3 \\2 & 2 & 0 & 3 & 4 \\\end{bmatrix}\end{array} \)

Subtract the least cost element in each Column from all of the components in the given cost matrix’s Column. Check to see if each column has at least one zero.

\(\begin{array}{l}A = \begin{bmatrix}5 & 0 & 3 & 3 & 7 \\6 & 8 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\0 & 2 & 4 & 4 & 1 \\0 & 1 & 4 & 4 & 0 \\2 & 2 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\\end{bmatrix}\end{array} \)

When the zeros are assigned, we get the following:

Hungarian Method

The present assignment is optimal because each row and column contain precisely one encircled zero.

Where 1 to II, 2 to IV, 3 to I, 4 to V, and 5 to III are the best assignments.

Hence, z = 15 + 14 + 21 + 20 + 16 = 86 hours is the optimal time.

Practice Question on Hungarian Method

Use the Hungarian method to solve the following assignment problem shown in table. The matrix entries represent the time it takes for each job to be processed by each machine in hours.

\(\begin{array}{l}\begin{bmatrix}J/M & I & II & III & IV & V \\1 & 9 & 22 & 58 & 11 & 19 \\2 & 43 & 78 & 72 & 50 & 63 \\3 & 41 & 28 & 91 & 37 & 45 \\4 & 74 & 42 & 27 & 49 & 39 \\5 & 36 & 11 & 57 & 22 & 25 \\\end{bmatrix}\end{array} \)

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Frequently Asked Questions on Hungarian Method

What is hungarian method.

The Hungarian method is defined as a combinatorial optimization technique that solves the assignment problems in polynomial time and foreshadowed subsequent primal–dual approaches.

What are the steps involved in Hungarian method?

The following is a quick overview of the Hungarian method: Step 1: Subtract the row minima. Step 2: Subtract the column minimums. Step 3: Use a limited number of lines to cover all zeros. Step 4: Add some more zeros to the equation.

What is the purpose of the Hungarian method?

When workers are assigned to certain activities based on cost, the Hungarian method is beneficial for identifying minimum costs.

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assignment problem with dummy column

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A-level Mathematics/Edexcel/Decision 2/Assignment Problems

Assignment Problems (AP) (also known as Allocation Problems, although they will be known as the former throughout this article) are a common form of problem. A distinguishing feature of AP is that one agent is assigned to one and only one task. Examples in real-life situations could be:

  • Assigning contracts
  • Assigning tasks to machinery
  • Assigning agents to tasks
  • Assigning Sales Personnel to Territories

An example of such a problem would be three lorries, A, B and C, and three loads that need to be transported, 1, 2 and 3. An example arrangement would be A → 1, B → 2 and C → 3. This means that Lorry A transports Load 1, Lorry B transports Load 2 and Lorry C transports Load 3.

  • 1.1 Formulation as a Linear Programming Problem
  • 2.1.1 Finding the Opportunity Cost Matrix
  • 2.1.2 Interpreting The Opportunity Cost Matrix
  • 2.2.1 Revision of the Opportunity Cost Matrix
  • 3 Solutions of Unbalanced Assignment Problems
  • 4 Maximisation Problems

Balanced Problems [ edit | edit source ]

A balanced AP is one in which:

(number of agents) = (number of tasks)

Consider again our lorry and load example. In this example, the number of agents (lorries) was 3 and the number of tasks (loads to be transported) is also equal to 3. Thus, it is a balanced problem . Initially, one will consider only balanced problems and how they are to be solved.

Upon expansion of the earlier problem, it was revealed that the cost for each lorry to transport each load is different. These are represented in Table 1.

The manager of the fleet of lorries wishes to minimise to total cost to complete all three jobs. How would one allocate the lorries to the loads? The table of numbers given is called the cost matrix of the problem.

Formulation as a Linear Programming Problem [ edit | edit source ]

{\displaystyle x}

Thus, one can obtain the contraints for the Linear Programming Problem by considering each agent/task in turn:

As each agent is assigned to exactly one job, we can deduce:

Similarly, since each job is assigned to exactly one agent, one can deduce:

The obtain the objective function for this example, we must consider the total costs.

{\displaystyle +}

The means, therefore, that the objection function, Z , for this example is to minimise Z where:

Finally, this means that one can conclude the LPP to be:

Minimise Z, where Z = 15 x {\displaystyle x} A1 + {\displaystyle +} 10 x {\displaystyle x} A2 + {\displaystyle +} 12 x {\displaystyle x} A3 + {\displaystyle +} 10 x {\displaystyle x} B1 + {\displaystyle +} 7 x {\displaystyle x} B2 + {\displaystyle +} 11 x {\displaystyle x} B3 + {\displaystyle +} 15 x {\displaystyle x} C1 + {\displaystyle +} 6 x {\displaystyle x} C2 + {\displaystyle +} 9 x {\displaystyle x} C3 , subject to: x {\displaystyle x} A1 + x {\displaystyle x} A2 + x {\displaystyle x} A3 = 1 x {\displaystyle x} B1 + x {\displaystyle x} B2 + x {\displaystyle x} B3 = 1 x {\displaystyle x} C1 + x {\displaystyle x} C2 + x {\displaystyle x} C3 = 1 x {\displaystyle x} A1 + x {\displaystyle x} B1 + x {\displaystyle x} C1 = 1 x {\displaystyle x} A2 + x {\displaystyle x} B2 + x {\displaystyle x} C2 = 1 x {\displaystyle x} A3 + x {\displaystyle x} B3 + x {\displaystyle x} C3 = 1

Solution of the Balanced Assignment Problem [ edit | edit source ]

An algorithm was developed by Harold Kuhn in the 1950s, and was named the Hungarian Algorithm. Its name is a reference to Dénes Kőnig and Jenő Egerváry, a pair of prominent Hungarian Mathematicians whose techniques are applied in this algorithm.

The Hungarian Algorithm [ edit | edit source ]

For the Hungarian Algorithm to work, the assignment problem must meet the following criteria:

  • Each worker must be assigned, as we previously saw, to exactly one job.
  • Each job must be assigned to exactly one worker.
  • In the cost matrix, a constant can be added or subtracted from all cost values in any row or column without having any effect on the optimal assignments.

There are three stages in the implementation of the Hungarian Algorithm:

  • Find the opportunity cost matrix
  • Test for an optimal assignment. If one can be made, use it and stop.
  • If an optimal assignment cannot be made, revise the opportunity cost matrix and return to the previous step.

To demonstrate these three steps, let us consider again the lorry example:

Finding the Opportunity Cost Matrix [ edit | edit source ]

The Opportunity Cost Matrix (OCM) is essentially a modified version of our initial Cost Matrix. In order to change the Cost Matrix into the OCM, one must carry out two stages.

  • Carry out row reduction
  • Carry out column reduction

Row reduction is the operation in which the smallest number in each row is subtracted from every number in that row. With our earlier example:

Next, one completes the column reduction. This is the same as row reduction, only with the smallest number in each column being subtracted from each value within that column. Thus:

Thus, the completed Opportunity Cost Matrix is:

Interpreting The Opportunity Cost Matrix [ edit | edit source ]

Since the aim of an assignment problem is to assign exactly one agent to exactly one task, one must match each agent up to the task which best minimises overall cost. After completing the row reduction and column reduction, it is logical to assume that the values that remain in the table are the minimum possible. Similarly, since the values in the table are the cost-values, the lowest values in the table are, surely, those of lowest cost. In order to find a solution, one must select one zero from each row and one zero from each column. However, one cannot select more than one value from any row or column, as it will result in one agent/task being assigned twice, which cannot occur in an Assignment Problem.

Again, let's consider the earlier example. If we were to select one zero from each column/row without any doubles occurring, the only possible solution is (with selected costs marked by asterices):

If we then assign this solution to our original cost matrix, one can see the following:

Thus, the final assignment is:

It is interesting to see that, despite this being the cheapest solution, it doesn't actually utilise all of the lowest values within the table.

Optimality of a Solution [ edit | edit source ]

An important issue with AP is the optimality of solution - when one obtains a solution, how can one be sure it truly is the best solution available? With the Hungarian algorithm, there is a fairly straightforward test for optimality that concerns drawing lines through the zeros in the Opportunity Cost Matrix. If the number of lines (horizontal and vertical only) is equal to the number of rows/columns, the solution obtained is optimal. If, however, the number of lines needed does not equal the number of rows/columns, the solution is not optimal, and can be improved. This is a somewhat perplexing technique, but one that is straightforward to implement and clear to interpret.

Consider the following OCM:

It is fairly easy to see that it would require only two lines to draw through all of the zeros - one could use a horizontal line through row B, and a vertical line through column 2, for instance. 2≠3 (the number of rows/columns), thus an optimal solution cannot be made.

Consider, on the other hand, our lorry example. Is the solution that we obtained optimal?

One can see that, in order to strike through each zero, one would need three lines (for instance, one through column 2, one through row B and one through row A). 3 = 3, thus we have an optimal solution that cannot be improved upon.

Revision of the Opportunity Cost Matrix [ edit | edit source ]

In the event of achieving a non-optimal assignment, one must revise the OCM. There are several steps in this process:

  • Check the costs uncovered by the drawn lines
  • Identify the smallest uncovered value
  • Subtract this value from all of the uncovered costs
  • Add this value to any costs that are at the intersection of any two drawn lines

Take our non-optimal solution from earlier. The smallest uncovered value was one. Subtracting one from each uncovered value gives:

Adding one to the point of intersection of the two lines (in this example, one could have drawn them through row B and column 2, therefore the point of intersection is cell B2) gives:

Again, only two lines (this time, they must be through row A and column 3) are needed. They intersect at cell A3. The smallest uncovered value is, again, 1. So, subtracting one from each uncovered cell and adding one to cell A3 gives:

Finally, the minimum number of lines needed to draw through all of the zeros is 3, which is the number of rows/columns. This means any assignment made will be optimal.

Solutions of Unbalanced Assignment Problems [ edit | edit source ]

The definition of a balanced AP was one in which the number of agents was the same as the number of tasks. In reality, this is unlikely to be the case - that is, it is unlikely that one would have the same number of taxi drivers to the number of customers, for example. In the event of an unbalanced problem, one must add a dummy , which is a blank/empty row, added to the Cost Matrix, in order to 'balance' the rows, for the sake of the algorithm. If one had, for instance, three agents and four tasks, one would add a dummy row . On the other hand, if one had four agents and three tasks, one would add a dummy task . This helps as it means that one agent or task will be left without a 'real' assignment, as using them would increase the total cost of the assignment.

Consider the following example:

A taxi company has four drivers (A, B, C, D), each currently at different locations. Three customers (1, 2, 3) have called the taxi company and need to be driven to their destinations. The total distance that would be travelled, by the driver, is represented in the cost matrix below:

The Taxi Company wishes to minimise the total distance travelled by its drivers. Find an optimal solution to this Assignment Problem.

Solution: Initially, one must add a dummy column, in order to make this a 'balanced' problem. Let this column be called "Row 4". Since there isn't actually a fourth customer, all of the costs in this matrix will be zero. This will mean that the otherwise most expensive taxi in the matrix will result in being assigned the dummy - in other words, it won't be used in the problem. First, let's carry out row and column reduction: Cost Matrix with Row Minima 1 2 3 4 Row Minimum A 11 19 17 0 0 C 15 18 21 0 0 D 18 15 17 0 0 ... with Column Minima 1 2 3 4 A 11 19 17 0 B 21 15 13 0 C 15 18 21 0 D 18 15 17 0 Column Minimum 11 15 13 0 Opportunity Cost Matrix 1 2 3 4 A 0 4 4 0 B 10 0 0 0 C 4 3 8 0 D 7 4 0 0 As one can see, all of the zeros in the Opportunity Cost Matrix can only be struck through using 4 lines (for instance, 1 line vertically through Column 4, 3 lines horizontally through Rows A, B & D). Thus, we've already arrived at the optimal solution because 4 lines can be used to mark through the entire matrix. The only possible solution is: A → 1 B → 3 C → 2 D → 4* Z = 11 + 13 + 18 = 42
  • Of course, customer 4 is in fact a 'dummy' - i.e., D doesn't actually transport any customer. Thus, the only three drivers needed are drivers A, B and C. Driver A will transport Passenger 1, Driver B will transport Passenger 3 and Driver C will transport Passenger 2.

Maximisation Problems [ edit | edit source ]

All of the examples that have been considered so far have been Minimisation problems - in other words, they've been ones in which the aim of the problem was to minimise a cost. Assignment problems can, however, be used for the opposite reason - to maximise a gain or a profit. Consider the example of ice-cream seller. They know that, in certain towns, they will sell more icecream than others. The day, too, changes how much ice-cream s/he sells - they only drive the van on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday (M, W and S respectively). Taking into account that the ice-cream van can only visit one town at a time, which town should the ice-cream van visit on which day, in order to maximise his/her profit.

The following cost-matrix represents the earnings (in £100s) for each town (A, B, C) on each day (M, W, S):

{\displaystyle 13-10=3}

After completing this process for the whole matrix, we achieve the following:

We can now carry out row and column reduction, as we usually would. This, eventually, results in the following Opportunity Cost Matrix:

Since the smallest number of lines that can be used to strike-through each of the zeros in this matrix is 3 (which is equal to the number of rows/columns), an optimal assignment can be made. The only possible assignment is:

On the cost matrix, this gives us:

This means that:

The total profit gives:

{\displaystyle Z=10+12+13=35}

Thus the maximum total profit of the ice-cream van is £3500.

assignment problem with dummy column

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Unbalanced Assignment Problems

Whenever the cost matrix of an assignment problem is not a square matrix, that is, whenever the number of sources is not equal to the number of destinations, the assignment problem is called an unbalanced assignment problem. In such problems, dummy rows (or columns) are added in the matrix so as to complete it to form a square matrix. The dummy rows or columns will contain all costs elements as zeroes. The Hungarian method may be used to solve the problem.

Example :  A company has five machines that are used for four jobs. Each job can be assigned to one and only one machine. The cost of each job on each machine is given in the following Table.

Unbalanced Maximization Assignment problem example

Assignment Problem

topic 5.1.png

Solution:  Convert the 4 × 5 matrix into a square matrix by adding a dummy row D5.

Dummy Row D5 Added

topic 5.2.png

Row-wise Reduction of the Matrix

topic 5.3.png

Column-wise reduction is not necessary since all columns contain a single zero. Now, draw minimum number of lines to cover all the zeros, as shown in Table.

All Zeros in the Matrix Covered

topic 5.4.png

Number of lines drawn ≠ Order of matrix. Hence not optimal.

Select the least uncovered element, i.e., 1, subtract it from other uncovered elements, add to the elements at intersection of lines and leave the elements that are covered with single line unchanged as shown in Table.

Subtracted or Added to Elements

topic 5.5.png

Again Added or Subtracted 1 from Elements

topic 5.6

Number of lines drawn = Order of matrix. Hence optimality is reached. Now assign the jobs to machines, as shown in Table.

Assigning Jobs to Machines

topic 5.7.png

Example :  In a plant layout, four different machines M1, M2, M3 and M4 are to be erected in a machine shop. There are five vacant areas A, B, C, D and E. Because of limited space, Machine M2 cannot be erected at area C and Machine M4 cannot be erected at area A. The cost of erection of machines is given in the Table.

topic 5.9.png

Find the optimal assignment plan.

Solution:  As the given matrix is not balanced, add a dummy row D5 with zero cost values. Assign a high cost H for (M2, C) and (M4, A). While selecting the lowest cost element neglect the high cost assigned H, as shown in Table below.

topic 5.10

– Row-wise reduction of the matrix is shown in Table.

Matrix Reduced Row-wise

topic 5.11.png

Note:  Column-wise reduction is not necessary, as each column has at least one single zero. Now, draw minimum number of lines to cover all the zeros, see Table.

Lines Drawn to Cover all Zeros

topic 5.12.png

Number of lines drawn ≠ Order of matrix. Hence not Optimal. Select the smallest uncovered element, in this case 1. Subtract 1 from all other uncovered element and add 1 with the elements at the intersection. The element covered by single line remains unchanged. These changes are shown in Table. Now try to draw minimum number of lines to cover all the zeros.

Added or Subtracted 1 from Elements

topic 5.13.png

Now number of lines drawn = Order of matrix, hence optimality is reached. Optimal assignment of machines to areas are shown in Table.

Optimal Assignment

topic 5.14.png

Hence, the optimal solution is:

topic 5.15.png

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assignment problem with dummy column

2. Algorithm & Example-1

assignment problem with dummy column


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  1. Assignment model, Part-5 : Unbalanced assignment problems

    Before applying Hungarian method, form a balanced / square matrix..Add dummy rows ..Add dummy columns ..

  2. Assignment Problem: Meaning, Methods and Variations

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  3. Solution of assignment problems (Hungarian Method)

    Solve the following assignment problem. Solution: Since the number of columns is less than the number of rows, given assignment problem is unbalanced one. To balance it , introduce a dummy column with all the entries zero. The revised assignment problem is. Here only 3 tasks can be assigned to 3 men.

  4. Hungarian Algorithm for Assignment Problem

    The Hungarian algorithm, aka Munkres assignment algorithm, utilizes the following theorem for polynomial runtime complexity (worst case O(n 3)) and guaranteed optimality: If a number is added to or subtracted from all of the entries of any one row or column of a cost matrix, then an optimal assignment for the resulting cost matrix is also an ...

  5. Using the Hungarian Algorithm to Solve Assignment Problems

    This is an example of an assignment problem that we can use the Hungarian Algorithm to solve. ... we make sure the number of rows equals the number of columns by adding dummy columns or rows with ...

  6. Assignment Problem

    Unbalanced Assignment Problem. If the cost matrix of an assignment problem is not a square matrix, the assignment problem is called an Unbalanced Assignment Problem. In such a case, add dummy row or dummy column with zero cost in the cost matrix so as to form a square matrix. Then apply the usual assignment method to find the optimal solution.


    Connection Between Transportation and Assignment Problem An assignment problem is a special case of transportation problem in which m = n, all a i and b j are unity and each is limited to either 0 or 1. Hungarian Method for Solving an Assignment Problem 1. Prepare a square n n matrix. If not, make it square by adding suitable number of dummy ...

  8. PDF The Assignment Problem and the Hungarian Method

    of its column. Step 3. Draw lines through appropriate rows and columns so that all the zero entries of the cost matrix are covered and the minimum number of such lines is used. Step 4. Test for Optimality: (i) If the minimum number of covering lines is n, an optimal assignment of zeros is possible and we are finished. (ii) If

  9. Hungarian algorithm

    The Hungarian method is a combinatorial optimization algorithm that solves the assignment problem in polynomial time and which anticipated later primal-dual methods.It was developed and published in 1955 by Harold Kuhn, who gave it the name "Hungarian method" because the algorithm was largely based on the earlier works of two Hungarian mathematicians, Dénes Kőnig and Jenő Egerváry.


    Assignment Problems 7 Hungarian Method of Solving an Assignment Problem The steps for obtaining an optimal solution of an assignment problem are as follows: 1. Check whether the given matrix is square. If not, make it square by adding a suitable number of dummy rows (or columns) with 0 cost/time elements. 2.

  11. Hungarian Method

    The Hungarian method is a computational optimization technique that addresses the assignment problem in polynomial time and foreshadows following primal-dual alternatives. In 1955, Harold Kuhn used the term "Hungarian method" to honour two Hungarian mathematicians, Dénes Kőnig and Jenő Egerváry. Let's go through the steps of the Hungarian method with the help of a solved example.

  12. A-level Mathematics/Edexcel/Decision 2/Assignment Problems

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  13. Assignment problem

    The assignment problem is one of the fundamental combinatorial optimization problems in the branch of optimization or operations research in mathematics.The ...


    Assignment Problem is a special type of linear programming problem where the objective is to ... then adds a dummy row or column to make the problem a balanced one by allotting zero value to each cell of the dummy row or column, as the case may be. Step 2:

  15. Unbalanced Assignment Problems

    10 Feb 2019. Whenever the cost matrix of an assignment problem is not a square matrix, that is, whenever the number of sources is not equal to the number of destinations, the assignment problem is called an unbalanced assignment problem. In such problems, dummy rows (or columns) are added in the matrix so as to complete it to form a square matrix.

  16. Assignment problem using Hungarian method Algorithm & Example-1

    Algorithm & Example-1. Algorithm. Hungarian Method Steps (Rule) Step-1: If number of rows is not equal to number of columns, then add dummy rows or columns with cost 0, to make it a square matrix. Step-2: a. Identify the minimum element in each row and subtract it from each element of that row.

  17. PDF Unit 1 Lesson 19: Assignment problem

    Step 1. Determine the cost table from the given problem. If the no. of sources is equal to no. of destinations, go to step 3. If the no. of sources is not equal to the no. of destination, go to step2. Step 2. Add a dummy source or dummy destination, so that the cost table becomes a square matrix.

  18. A New Method for Finding an Optimal Solution of Assignment Problem

    problem a dummy column or dummy row, as th e case may be, is added to make the square . matrix. ... An assignment problem (AP) is a meticulous case ofa transportation problem, in which the goal is ...

  19. An Alternative Approach Assignment Problems for

    Assignment Problems Abdur Rashid Department of Mathematics, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh. ... Again if dummy column(s) is/are added, make column reduction only by subtracting the smallest element in each column from each element in that column. In this way at

  20. Novel optimization method for unbalanced assignment problems with

    Otherwise, it is called as Unbalanced Assignment Problem (the cost assignment parameters will be introduced as rectangular cost matrix) and to transform the rectangular matrix to a square matrix, a number of dummy rows (columns) are necessarily added (so that the number of jobs will be equal to the number of machines).

  21. Solutions for Chapter 7: Assignment Problem and Sequencing

    A dummy row(s) or column(s) with the cost elements as _____ is added to the matrix of an unbalanced assignment problem to convert into a square matrix. VIEW SOLUTION Miscellaneous Exercise 7 | Q 2.06 | Page 127

  22. MCQ Assignment

    Identify the correct statement. a. an assignment problem may require the introduction of both dummy row and dummy column. b. an assignment problem with m rows and n columns will involves a total of m x n possible assignments. c. an unbalanced assignment is one where the number of rows is more than, or less than,the number of columns. d.

  23. Solved Which of these statements is best? In the

    In the assignment problem, the costs for a dummy row will be equal to the lowest cost of the column for each respective cell in that row. Assignment problems involve determining the most efficient assignment of people to projects, salesmen to territories, contracts to bidders, and so on. The objective of an assignment

  24. Optimize Projects and Costs with Assignment Problems

    Step 1. Determine the cost table from the given problem.} (i) If the no. of sources is equal to no. of destinations, go to step 3.} (ii) If the no. of sources is not equal to the no. of destination, go to step2.} Step 2. Add a dummy source or dummy destination, so that the cost table becomes a square matrix. The cost entries of the dummy source/destinations are always zero.

  25. Integrated planning of berth allocation, quay crane assignment and yard

    Investigate an integrated berth allocation, yard assignment and quay crane assignment problem in multiple cooperative terminals; Propose a mixed integer nonlinear programming model; Present a tailored adaptive large neighborhood search embedded with column generation and CPLEX.