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22 Effective Problem Solving and Decision Making

Types of decision makers.

Problem solving and decision making belong together. You cannot solve a problem without making a decision. There are two main types of decision makers. Some people use a systematic, rational approach. Others are more intuitive. They go with their emotions or a gut feeling about the right approach. They may have highly creative ways to address the problem, but cannot explain why they have chosen this approach.

Six Problem-Solving Steps

The most effective method uses both rational and intuitive or creative approaches. There are six steps in the process:

Identify the problem

Search for alternatives

Weigh the alternatives

Make a choice

  • Implement the choice
  • Evaluate the results and, if necessary, start the process again

To solve a problem, you must first determine what the problem actually is. You may think you know, but you need to check it out. Sometimes, it is easy to focus on symptoms, not causes. You use a rational approach to determine what the problem is. The questions you might ask include:

  • What have I (or others) observed?
  • What was I (or others) doing at the time the problem occurred?
  • Is this a problem in itself or a symptom of a deeper, underlying problem?
  • What information do I need?
  • What have we already tried to address this problem?

For example, the apprentice you supervise comes to you saying that the electric warming oven is not working properly. Before you call a repair technician, you may want to ask a few questions. You may want to find out what the apprentice means by “not working properly.” Does he or she know how to operate the equipment? Did he or she check that the equipment was plugged in? Was the fuse or circuit breaker checked? When did it last work?

You may be able to avoid an expensive service call. At the very least, you will be able to provide valuable information to the repair technician that aids in the troubleshooting process.

Of course, many of the problems that you will face in the kitchen are much more complex than a malfunctioning oven. You may have to deal with problems such as:

  • Discrepancies between actual and expected food costs
  • Labour costs that have to be reduced
  • Lack of budget to complete needed renovations in the kitchen
  • Disputes between staff

However, the basic problem-solving process remains the same even if the problems identified differ. In fact, the more complex the problem is, the more important it is to be methodical in your problem-solving approach.

It may seem obvious what you have to do to address the problem. Occasionally, this is true, but most times, it is important to identify possible alternatives. This is where the creative side of problem solving really comes in.

Brainstorming with a group can be an excellent tool for identifying potential alternatives. Think of as many possibilities as possible. Write down these ideas, even if they seem somewhat zany or offbeat on first impression. Sometimes really silly ideas can contain the germ of a superb solution. Too often, people move too quickly into making a choice without really considering all of the options. Spending more time searching for alternatives and weighing their consequences can really pay off.

Once a number of ideas have been generated, you need to assess each of them to see how effective they might be in addressing the problem. Consider the following factors:

  • Impact on the organization
  • Effect on public relations
  • Impact on employees and organizational climate
  • Ethics of actions
  • Whether this course is permitted under collective agreements
  • Whether this idea can be used to build on another idea

Some individuals and groups avoid making decisions. Not making a decision is in itself a decision. By postponing a decision, you may eliminate a number of options and alternatives. You lose control over the situation. In some cases, a problem can escalate if it is not dealt with promptly. For example, if you do not handle customer complaints promptly, the customer is likely to become even more annoyed. You will have to work much harder to get a satisfactory solution.

Implement the decision

Once you have made a decision, it must be implemented. With major decisions, this may involve detailed planning to ensure that all parts of the operation are informed of their part in the change. The kitchen may need a redesign and new equipment. Employees may need additional training. You may have to plan for a short-term closure while the necessary changes are being made. You will have to inform your customers of the closure.

Evaluate the outcome

Whenever you have implemented a decision, you need to evaluate the results. The outcomes may give valuable advice about the decision-making process, the appropriateness of the choice, and the implementation process itself. This information will be useful in improving the company’s response the next time a similar decision has to be made.

Creative Thinking

Your creative side is most useful in identifying new or unusual alternatives. Too often, you can get stuck in a pattern of thinking that has been successful in the past. You think of ways that you have handled similar problems in the past. Sometimes this is successful, but when you are faced with a new problem or when your solutions have failed, you may find it difficult to generate new ideas.

If you have a problem that seems to have no solution, try these ideas to “unfreeze” your mind:

  • Relax before trying to identify alternatives.
  • Play “what if” games with the problem. For example, What if money was no object? What if we could organize a festival? What if we could change winter into summer?
  • Borrow ideas from other places and companies. Trade magazines might be useful in identifying approaches used by other companies.
  • Give yourself permission to think of ideas that seem foolish or that appear to break the rules. For example, new recipes may come about because someone thought of new ways to combine foods. Sometimes these new combinations appear to break rules about complementary tastes or break boundaries between cuisines from different parts of the world. The results of such thinking include the combined bar and laundromat and the coffee places with Internet access for customers.
  • Use random inputs to generate new ideas. For example, walk through the local shopping mall trying to find ways to apply everything you see to the problem.
  • Turn the problem upside down. Can the problem be seen as an opportunity? For example, the road outside your restaurant that is the only means of accessing your parking lot is being closed due to a bicycle race. Perhaps you could see the bicycle race as an opportunity for business rather than as a problem.

Working in the Food Service Industry Copyright © 2015 by go2HR is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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The Lean Post / Articles / Lean-n-Food: Reimagining an Industry in Crisis

Lean-n-Food: Reimagining an Industry in Crisis

Problem Solving

Lean-n-Food: Reimagining an Industry in Crisis

By Karen Gaudet and Josh Howell

December 15, 2020

What is a restaurant in the post-pandemic world? LEI's Karen Gaudet and Josh Howell are exploring this and other questions with an international group of industry leaders who are lean practitioners. Here they frame the current problem, and share the work of their team in tackling the daunting challenges.

In normal times, on a normal day, millions of memories are facilitated  by foodservice workers: romantic rendezvous in restaurants, boisterous brouhahas in bars, and career-defining meetups in coffee shops. The industry uplifts the human experience. More importantly, it enables the livelihoods of millions of workers and their families.

Unless it can’t. 

In the United States, since the beginning of 2020, food industry staffing is lower by more than two million people from its pre-pandemic level of 15 million; more than 110,000 restaurants, which is one out of six, have closed; and, according to the National Restaurant Association, 40% of the remaining operators say they are unlikely to stay in business through the winter without additional relief. The problem feels overwhelming. 

Governments could help because the cause of these closures is beyond the operators’ control. But sufficient help may not be forthcoming. So, the practical question is, what can the surviving operators do now that’s within their scope of control? (A good question for anyone at any time, really.) 

Lean Thinking for Operations   Is not Enough  

As you may know, both of us, Karen and Josh, spent decades working in the industry. We were employed by Starbucks for many years, where we met and were introduced to lean thinking and practice . More recently, we have been sharing that learning with companies like Legal Sea Foods, a well-known and highly regarded restaurant group based in Boston, MA. 

Since the beginning of 2020 more than 110,000 restaurants, which is one out of six, have closed; and, according to the National Restaurant Association, 40% of the remaining operators say they are unlikely to stay in business through the winter without additional relief.

Working in industry is a mixed experience. We’ve loved it! And we’ve hated it. Creating memorable experiences around food can be exhilarating. It’s also damn hard and extremely variable work . It requires creativity and discipline, individual hustle, and choreographed teamwork. It’s filled with blissful moments of rhythm and flow, but also, epic catastrophes when customer needs emerge faster than they can be met, and mise en place goes to hell. 

(If you’re unfamiliar with the term, mise en place is the practice of stocking and organizing a workstation, and prepping all needed ingredients before cooking to fulfill orders. It’s sort of a cross between 5S and kitting. Yet unlike those lean practices, mise en place is rarely maintained. Instead, everything gets consumed, leaving a workstation with a mix of empty containers, unused ingredients, and general disorganization.) 

Our personal experiences with “lean-n-food” have been primarily in operations. We learned to see from the customer’s perspective, to identify  waste  (most notably overproduction which runs rampant, even in an industry with  fresh  products, and adds significant costs, contributing to its notoriously thin margins– 40% of food production goes to, literally, waste), to design work for rhythm and flow, and to leverage these insights for better products, service, and layouts in the front of house (e.g. dining area) and back of house (e.g. kitchen).

But the two of us are not practicing lean thinking for food now, when the entire industry is having to rethink fundamental questions of purpose and what is  value and restructure entire supply chains and operations accordingly. 

Lean Thinking on Purpose  

That’s why this past spring we assembled an international group of industry leaders who are lean practitioners. These pioneers have been exploring how to respond to the catastrophic effects of the coronavirus pandemic. They’ve been sharing what they’re learning with each other, and on multiple occasions, we’ve brought their stories  to those who are interested. At a time of accelerated and fundamental change throughout the industry, we see this as an opportunity to share lean thinking and practice with the operators leading this transformation. More so than ever, we hope, they will be open to hearing new, and sometimes radical, ideas.

As we’ve listened, we’ve been in awe of how this group is thinking and acting differently. In some cases, they’re reimagining the purpose of their business. For example, when indoor dining is prohibited, enhancing social gatherings is not applicable. So, to stay in business and keep their folks employed, they’ve shifted to something more fundamental, like providing basic nourishment conveniently. While that may be less exciting than creating the perfect environment for a bachelorette party, it meets an important basic necessity. 

We’ve also heard them reconsidering the customer perspective. How have the needs of customers changed? What new value, then, should they create? What could no longer be provided, because doing so would be unsafe, and what’s no longer wanted? Answers to these questions have brought dining rooms outdoors, reduced menus to high-selling comfort foods only, and focused everyone on handoffs when close contact is inevitable, eliminating as many as possible and making those that remain as brief as possible.

And they’re reimagining the work, framing concrete problems, and experimenting with this and that lean idea. For example, they’ve told us about studying the flow of customers, workers, and the food, looking for instances of stagnation when exposure to the virus is increased. And there were other examples. In the face of an existential crisis, their ingenuity is inspiring!

In fact, the group isn’t limited to restaurants only, but includes the entire value stream : farm to grocer to mail order to table. Previously, Josh reported on Lean Farmer Ben Hartman’s shift from supplying restaurants to a direct-to-customer business, and how Ben used the flexibility he’d built into the operation to change everything over in one week!  Talk about pivoting a business! 

The transformation of many businesses in the industry, and of the entire food industry, has already begun. Thousands of experiments are underway. The next 12 months will be game changing.

Lean Thinking for a Better Tomorrow  

We have questions: What’s been learned over the past nine months and what will be learned over the next nine that will come to redefine the norms of the industry? What’s been discovered, if anything, that could grow the industry’s notoriously thin margins? How can food businesses become more resilient, and less susceptible to externalities? Will they once and for all disregard the industry mantra (of overproduction), “Stack ‘em high and watch ‘em fly?” (It takes people and time to “stack ‘em” after all. What happens when they don’t “fly,” i.e., sell?) 

Our Lean-n-Food team of professionals are reimagining the work, framing concrete problems, and experimenting with this and that lean idea.

Even more fundamentally, what is a restaurant in the post-pandemic world? Will everything return to normal, with restaurants helping us all create wonderful new memories in their dining rooms? Or will takeout and delivery be the new normal? Have we all rediscovered the joys of cooking? 

Because of questions like these, we’ll be staying in touch with these food industry leaders, and we’re recruiting more. For that, we could use your help. Throughout 2021, we plan on bringing you stories of reinvention. We’ll refer to this series as  Lean-n-Food , and look forward to reporting on an industry’s rebirth. Please, let us know of food industry stories and learning to share and we’ll be honored to pass them on. In the meantime, do what you can to support the businesses fighting to hang on. Their workforce has helped you create memories over the years. Now’s a good time to return the favor. 

Virtual Lean Learning Experience (VLX)

A continuing education service offering the latest in lean leadership and management.

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problem solving in food industry

About Karen Gaudet

Karen has over 30 years of experience leading, training, and developing the capability of team members and executives in rapid-growth environments. Most recently, she’s coached clients in various industries as they adopt lean thinking and practices. They include Microsoft (data center construction), Legal Seafood (hospitality); TriMark (distribution); Abiomed (medical research…

About Josh Howell

Joshua Howell is president and executive team leader at the Lean Enterprise Institute (LEI). For over a decade, he has supported individuals and organizations with lean transformations for improved business performance. As a coach, he helps people become lean thinkers and practitioners through experiential learning, believing such an approach can…

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Application of Artificial Intelligence in Food Industry—a Guideline

  • Open access
  • Published: 09 August 2021
  • Volume 14 , pages 134–175, ( 2022 )

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problem solving in food industry

  • Nidhi Rajesh Mavani 1 ,
  • Jarinah Mohd Ali   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-4919-6131 1 ,
  • Suhaili Othman 1 , 2 ,
  • M. A. Hussain 3 ,
  • Haslaniza Hashim 4 &
  • Norliza Abd Rahman 1  

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has embodied the recent technology in the food industry over the past few decades due to the rising of food demands in line with the increasing of the world population. The capability of the said intelligent systems in various tasks such as food quality determination, control tools, classification of food, and prediction purposes has intensified their demand in the food industry. Therefore, this paper reviews those diverse applications in comparing their advantages, limitations, and formulations as a guideline for selecting the most appropriate methods in enhancing future AI- and food industry–related developments. Furthermore, the integration of this system with other devices such as electronic nose, electronic tongue, computer vision system, and near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) is also emphasized, all of which will benefit both the industry players and consumers .

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is defined as a field in computer science that imitates human thinking processes, learning ability, and storage of knowledge [ 1 ,  2 ]. AI can be categorized into two types which are strong AI and weak AI. The weak AI principle is to construct the machine to act as an intelligent unit where it mimics the human judgments, while the strong AI principle states that the machine can actually represent the human mind [ 3 ]. However, strong AI does not exist yet and the study on this AI is still in progress. The gaming industry, weather forecasting, heavy industry, process industry, food industry, medical industry, data mining, stem cells, and knowledge representation are among the areas that have been utilizing AI methods [ 4 – 11 ]. AI has a variety of algorithms to choose from such as reinforcement learning, expert system, fuzzy logic (FL), swarm intelligence, Turing test, cognitive science, artificial neural network (ANN), and logic programming [ 3 ]. The alluring performance of AI has made it the most favorable tool to apply in industries including decision making and process estimation aiming at overall cost reduction, quality enhancement, and profitability improvement [ 7 ,  12 ].

As the population in the world is rising, food demand is predicted to rise from 59 to 98% by 2050 [ 13 ]. Thus, to cater for this food demand, AI has been applied such as in management of the supply chain, food sorting, production development, food quality improvement, and proper industrial hygiene [ 14 – 16 ]. Sharma stated that the food processing and handling industries are expected to grow about CAGR of 5% at least until 2021 [ 15 ]. ANN has been used as a tool in aiding real complex problem solving in the food industry according to Funes and coworkers [ 17 ], while based on Correa et al., the classification and prediction of parameters are simpler when using ANN, which leads to higher usage demand of ANN over the past years [ 18 ]. Besides, FL and ANN have also acted as controllers in ensuring food safety, quality control, yield increment, and production cost reduction [ 19 ,  20 ]. AI technologies have also known to be beneficial in food drying technology and as process control for the drying process [ 21 – 23 ].

Previous studies have shown many usages of AI in food industries focusing on individual target and aims. A study has been conducted on the various ANN applications in food process modeling where it has only highlighted the food process modeling using ANN [ 24 ]. Apart from that, the implementation of AI such as ANN, FL, and expert system in food industries have been reviewed but specifically focusing on the drying of fresh fruits [ 23 ]. A review has been conducted on how food safety has been one of the main concerns in the food industry which leads to the development of smart packaging systems to fulfill the requirements of the food supply chain. Intelligent packaging monitors the condition of foods to give details on the quality of the food during storage and transportation [ 25 ]. Another study reviewed on intelligent packaging as a tool to minimize food waste where about 45 recent advances in the field of optical systems for freshness monitoring have been reported. Meat, fish products, fruits, and vegetables were covered in the study as they are the most representative fields of application [ 25 ]. Few different studies have been conducted on intelligent packaging, and these studies proved that the usage of intelligent packaging systems plays an important role in the food factory in the context of the food chain as they are able to monitor the freshness of food products and crops [ 23 ,  26 – 30 ].

There are also several other studies that have been conducted on the application of AI and sensors in food; however, the coverage is rather limited. Therefore, a comprehensive review that assembles all AI applications in the food industry as well as its combinations with appropriate sensor will be a great advantage, all of which are unavailable as to the knowledge of the author. Such review will assist in gathering the advantages, limitations, and methodologies as a one-stop guideline and reference for food industry players, practitioners, and academicians. To be exact, different types of AI and their recent application in food industries will be highlighted which comprises several AI techniques including expert system, fuzzy logic, ANN, and machine learning. In addition, the integration of AI with electronic nose (E-nose), electronic tongue (E-tongue), near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), and computer vision system (CVS) is also provided. This paper is organized as follows. The introduction of AI is explained in the first section followed by the application of different types of AI in the food industry. Following that, the fusion of the AI with the external sensors in the food industry is presented. In the latter part, a critical review is conducted where discussion on the main application of the AI algorithms in the food industry is carried out. A flowchart is presented to assist the researchers on establishing the most appropriate AI model based on their specific case study. Then, the trends on the application of AI in the food industry are illustrated after that section. Finally, a brief conclusion is discussed in this paper.

AI in Food Industry

The application of AI in the food industry has been growing for years due to various reasons such as food sorting, classification and prediction of the parameters, quality control, and food safety. Expert system, fuzzy logic, ANN, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), and machine learning are among the popular techniques that have been utilized in the food industries. Prior to AI implementation, studies related to food have been going on over the years to educate the public about food knowledge as well as to improve the final outcomes related to food properties and the production of foods [ 31 – 36 ]. A lot of benefits can be obtained by using the AI method, and its implementation in the food industry has been going on since decades ago and has been increasing till today [ 37 – 39 ,  31 , 32 ]. Nevertheless, this paper will focus on the application of AI in food industries from the year 2015 onwards since tremendous increase and innovation are seen in the implementation recently. It is worth noting that several methods such as partial least square, gastrointestinal unified theoretical framework, in silico models, empirical models, sparse regression, successive projections algorithms, and competitive adaptive reweighted sampling which have been used for prediction and enhancement of the food industries are not discussed here; instead it is narrowed down to the wide application of AI in the food industry.

Knowledge-based Expert System in Food Industry

The knowledge-based system is a computer program that utilizes knowledge from different sources, information, and data to solve complicated problems. It can be classified into three categories which are expert systems, knowledge-based artificial intelligence, and knowledge-based engineering. The breakdown of the knowledge-based system is presented in Fig.  1 . The knowledge-based expert system which is widely used in the industries is a decisive and collective computer system that is able to imitate the decision-making ability of human expert [ 40 ]. It is a type of knowledge-based system that is known as among the first successful AI models. This system depends on experts for solving the complicated issues in a particular domain. It has two sub-systems, which are knowledge base and inference engine. The facts about the world are stored in the knowledge base, and the inference engine represents the rules and conditions regarding the world which are usually expressed in terms of the IF–THEN rules [ 41 ]. Normally, it is able to resolve complicated issues by the aid of a human expert. This system is based on the knowledge from the experts. The main components of the expert system (ES) are human expert, knowledge engineer, knowledge base, inference engine, user interface, and the user. The flow of the expert system is shown in Fig.  2 .

figure 1

Knowledge-based system

figure 2

Expert system

The food industry has been utilizing ES for various objectives as this system is proven to be useful especially in the decision-making process. The knowledge-based expert system has been applied in white winemaking during the fermentation process for the supervision, intelligent control, and data recovery [ 42 ]. Apart from that, a web-based application was developed by implementing the ES to calculate the nutritional value of the food for the users, and the development of ES was able to help the SMIs in obtaining the details required for the qualification in obtaining the food production certificates [ 43 ]. Food safety is very important in the food industry,thus, the application of ES that is linked closely to food safety has been used extensively ranging from process design, safety management, quality of food, and risk assessment [ 44 ]. Furthermore, a prototype information technology tool and guidelines with corrective actions that considered ES in the model were developed for the food industry where few essential factors such as food safety, nutrition, quality, and cost were studied [ 45 ]. In addition, a digital learning tool, namely, MESTRAL, was developed to assist people in food processing by using models developed from research in food science and technology and simulators. This tool is based on the knowledge engineering and reflected real applications which can be mapped with the system scale and knowledge frameworks [ 46 ]. A comprehensive review was conducted by Leo Kumar on the application of the knowledge-based expert system in manufacturing planning. The paper has also discussed the utilization of ES in decision making in three wide areas which are the process planning activities, diverse applications, and manufacturing planning [ 41 ]. Moreover, Table 1 gathers some of the recent application of ES in the food industry ranging from the raw material to the final production as well as the food safety.

Fuzzy Logic Technique in the Food Industry

Fuzzy logic (FL) was first introduced by Zadeh in 1965 based on the impeccable capability of human intellect in decision making and unraveling the imprecise, uncertain, and ambiguous data while solving problems [ 47 ,  48 ]. The fuzzy set theory is recognized in such a manner that an element belongs to a fuzzy set with a certain degree of membership which has a real number in the interval [0, 1] [ 49 ]. FL models consist of several steps which are fuzzification, inference system, and defuzzification process [ 50 ,  51 ]. Fuzzification is a process where the crisp value is converted into a degree of membership and yields the fuzzy input sets. The corresponding degree in the membership functions is normally between 0 and 1. [ 52 ]. There are a variety of membership functions to choose from, whereby the commonly used ones are triangular, Z-shaped, S-shaped, trapezoidal, and Gaussian-shaped [ 52 ]. The inference system is where the fuzzy input is being translated to get output by using the fuzzy rules. The fuzzy rules are known as IF–THEN rules where it is written such IF premise, THEN consequent whereby the IF comprises input parameters and THEN is the output parameters [ 53 ]. The inference system consists of the style which is either the Mamdani or Takagi–Sugeno Kang (TSK). Defuzzification is the ultimate phase in the fuzzy logic model where the crisp values are obtained [ 54 ]. There are different methods of defuzzification which are center of gravity, mean of maximum, smallest of maximum, largest of maximum, center of maximum, and centroid of area [ 55 ].

FL has been long utilized in the industry due to its simplicity and ability to solve problems in a fast and accurate manner. FL has been employed in the food industry in food modeling, control, and classification and in addressing food-related problems by managing human reasoning in linguistic terms [ 56 ]. The food manufacturing system has improved by the implementation of the fuzzy logic where about 7% of electricity losses has been reduced compared to the conventional regulation method [ 57 ]. Sensory evaluation of the food is also one of the most common parts where FL plays an important role. Furthermore, a quicker solution to problems can be performed by using a system involving fuzzy rules [ 58 ]. Table 2 shows previous applications of FL in the food industry and their attributes. From a previous study, FL has been proven to successfully maintain the quality of the foods, and it acts as a prediction tool and control system for food production processes.

ANN Technique in the Food Industry

ANN is another AI element, which is also commonly applied in the food industry. ANN is designed to mimic the human brain and be able to gain knowledge through learning and the inter-neuro connections which are known as synaptic weights [ 59 ,  60 ]. Gandhi and coworkers have stated that the configuration of ANN is designed in such a way that it will accommodate certain application such as data classification or pattern recognition [ 61 ]. According to Gonzalez-Fernandez, ANN is applicable to a different kind of problems and situations, adaptable, and flexible. In addition, Gonzalez et al. (2019) have also stated that ANN is suitable to model most non-linear systems and is adaptable to new situations even though adjustments are needed. Moreover, the most outstanding features of ANN is its non-linear regression [ 62 ]. There are several types of ANN including feedforward neural network, radial basis function neural network, Kohonen self-organizing neural network, recurrent neural network, convolutional neural network, and modular neural network [ 63 ]. Multilayer perceptron (MLP), radial basis function networks (RBFNN), and Kohonen self-organizing algorithms are the most effective types of NN when it comes to solving real problems [ 61 ]. The most common network that is used for prediction and pattern recognition is the multilayer perceptron [ 18 , 64 ,  65 ]. Besides that, ANN learning could be classified into supervised and unsupervised depending on the learning techniques [ 17 ]. In general, the structure of ANN consisted of an input layer, hidden layer, and output layer, either single or many layers [ 66 – 68 ]. The architecture comprises activation functions, namely, the feed-forward or feedback [ 69 ]. The backpropagation learning algorithm is normally used as it is able to minimize the prediction error by feeding it back as an input until the minimum acceptable error is obtained [ 18 ]. An additional input known as bias is added to neurons which allows a portrayal of phenomena having thresholds [ 70 , 71 ]. In ANN, the dataset is normally associated with a learning algorithm which trained the network and could be categorized into three groups specifically supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning [ 72 ]. Then, the data will undergo training and testing for analyzing the outputs. The general structure for the ANN is shown in Fig.  3 . The output data can be calculated by using the equation shown based on Fig.  4 .

figure 3

ANN structure in general

figure 4

General calculation in ANN

Previous studies have highlighted the utilization of ANN in numerous tasks within the food industry. This includes the assessment and classification of the samples, complex calculation such as heat and mass transfer, and analysis of the existing data for control purposes as well as for prediction purposes which are listed in Table 3 . All applications have shown satisfactory performances based on the R 2 values, showing that ANN can provide results in an accurate and reliable manner.

Machine Learning Techniques

Machine learning (ML) is known to be the subset of AI [ 73 ,  74 ]. It is a computer algorithm that advances automatically with experiences. ML can be classified into three broad categories which are supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning [ 11 ,  75 ]. Supervised learning aims to predict the desired target or output by applying the given set of inputs [ 76 ]. On the other hand, unsupervised learning does not have any outputs to be predicted and this method is utilized to classify the given data and determine the naturally occurring patterns [ 77 ]. Reinforcement learning is when there is an interaction between the program and the environment in reaching certain goals [ 78 ]. Among the known models in machine learning are ANN, decision trees (DT), support vector machines (SVM), regression analysis, Bayesian networks, genetic algorithm, kernel machines, and federated learning [ 76 ,  79 ]. ML has been commonly used for handling complex tasks and huge amount of data as well as variety of variables where no pre-formula or existing formula is available for the problem. Other than that, ML models have the additional ability to learn from examples instead of being programmed with rules [ 80 ].

Among the ML methods that are used in the food industry include ordinary least square regression (OLS-R), stepwise linear regression (SL-R), principal component regression (PC-R), partial least square regression (PLS-R), support vector regression (SVM-R), boosted logistic regression (BLR), random forest regression (RF-R), and k-nearest neighbors’ regression (kNN-R) [ 81 ]. Studies showed that the usage of ML has helped in reducing the sensory evaluation cost, in decision making, and in enhancing business strategies so as to cater users’ need [ 82 ]. Long short-term memory (LSTM) which is an artificial recurrent neural network has been employed in the food industry as pH detection in the cheese fermentation process [ 83 ]. On the other hand, GA has been utilized for finding the optimum parameters in food whereas NN has been occupied to predict the final fouling rate in food processing [ 84 ]. ML has shown to be advantageous in predicting the food insecurity in the UK [ 85 ]. Apart from that, ML has also proven to have predicted the trend of sales in the food industry [ 86 ] In addition to that, ML was also able to predict the food waste generated and give an insight to the production system [ 87 ]. Major applications of ML in the food industry and its positive highlights are briefly emphasized in Table 4 .

Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Techniques

ANFIS is a type of AI where FL and ANN are combined in such a way that it integrates the human-like reasoning style of the FL system with the computational and learning capabilities of ANN [ 56 ]. In ANFIS, the learning procedure is transferred from the neural network into the FL system where a set of fuzzy rules with suitable membership functions from the data obtained is developed [ 88 ]. Mamat et al. [ 89 ] stated that uncertainty data could be processed and gain higher accuracy when ANFIS is applied [ 89 ]. Besides, ANFIS is also known as a fast and robust method in solving problems [ 90 ]. Not only that, Sharma et al. [ 91 ] also claimed that ANFIS has a higher performance compared to other models such as ANN and multiple regression models in their study [ 91 ]. ANFIS is a fuzzy reasoning system and combination of the parameters trained by ANN-based algorithms. The fuzzy inference system that is normally used is Takagi Sugeno Kang in the ANFIS model with the feedforward neural network consisting of the learning algorithms [ 92 ]. The structure of ANFIS is made up of five layers which are fuzzy layer, product layer, normalized layer, defuzzification layer, and total output layer [ 93 ,  31 , 32 ]. The backpropagation algorithm has been normally applied in the model in order to avoid over-fitting from occurring [ 92 ]. A high correlation value ( R 2 ) indicates that the developed model has high accuracy and is suitable for industrial applications. The general structure of the ANFIS model is illustrated in Fig.  5 .

figure 5

General structure of ANFIS

The first layer in ANFIS has nodes that are adjustable, and it is called as the premise parameters [ 56 ]. The second layer in ANFIS has fixed nodes, and the output is the product of all incoming signals. Every output node represents the firing strength of the rule. The third layer consists of fixed node labeled as N. The outputs of the third layer are called normalized firing strengths. Every node in the fourth layer is an adaptive node with a node function, and the parameters in this layer are called as the subsequent parameters [ 56 ]. The final layer in the ANFIS layer has a fixed single node which calculates the overall output as the summation of all the incoming signals. The calculation involved in each layer is shown below. The output of the ith model in layer 1 is denoted as 0 1 , i.

Layer 1: \({O}_{1,i}= {\mu }_{Ai}\left(x\right), for i=\mathrm{1,2}\) atau \({O}_{1,i}= {\mu }_{Bi-2}\left(y\right), for i=\mathrm{3,4}\) .

Layer 2: \({O}_{2,i}= {w}_{i}={\mu }_{Ai}\left(x\right){\mu }_{Bi}\left(y\right), for i=\mathrm{1,2}\) .

Layer 3: \({O}_{3,i}=\overline{w }= \frac{{w}_{i}}{{w}_{1}+{w}_{2}}, i=\mathrm{1,2}\) .

Layer 4: \({O}_{4,i}= \overline{w}{f }_{i}={\overline{w} }_{i}({p}_{i}x+{q}_{i}y+{r}_{i}\) ); \({w}_{i}\) is the normalized firing strength from layer 3 and.

{ \({p}_{i},{q}_{i},{r}_{i}\) } is the parameter set of this node.

Layer 5: \({O}_{\mathrm{5,1}}=\sum_{i}{\overline{w} }_{i}{f}_{i}= \frac{\sum_{i}{w}_{i}{f}_{i}}{\sum_{i}{w}_{i}}\) .

The ANFIS model is attractive enough that it could solve problems related to the food industry, which are complicated, practical, and barely solved by other methods and has been widely used in the food industry for prediction and classification purposes. ANFIS has been applied in various food processing involving recent technology which comprised five main categories which are food property prediction, drying of food, thermal process modeling, microbial growth, and quality control of food as well as food rheology [ 56 ]. The utilization of ANFIS in the food industry has been commenced years ago, and Table 5 describes those applications.

Integrating AI with External Sensors for Real-time Detection in Food Industry

FL or ANN is often integrated with several sensors for real-time detection such as electronic nose (E-nose), electronic tongue (E-tongue), machine learning (ML), computer vision system (CVS), and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for real-time detection and to obtain higher accuracy results in a shorter time. These detectors have also combined their elements together for enhancing their accuracy and targeted results. The integration of these sensors with the artificial intelligence methods has been shown quite a number in food industries over the past few years.

Electronic nose also known as E-nose is an instrument created to sense odors or flavors in analogy to the human nose. It consists of an array of electronic chemical sensors where it is able to recognize both simple and complex odors [ 94 ]. E-nose has been used in gas sensing where the analysis of each component or mixture of gases/vapors is required. Besides, it plays an important role in the food industry for controlling the quality of the products. Due to its ability to detect complex odors, it has been employed as an environment protection tool and detection of explosives materials [ 95 ]. An array of non-specific gas sensors is known to be the main hardware component of E-nose where the sensors will interact with a variety of chemicals with differing strengths. It then stimulates the sensors in the array where characteristic response is extracted known as a fingerprint [ 94 ]. The main software component of E-nose is its feature extraction and pattern recognition algorithms where the response is processed, important details are elicited and then chosen. Thus, the software component of the E-nose is greatly important to stimulate its performance. In general, E-nose is divided into three main parts, namely, sample delivery system, a detection system, and a computing system. ANN, FL, and pattern recognitions are the examples of the methodology employed in E-nose [ 96 ]. The general system of E-nose is shown in Fig.  6 .

figure 6

E-nose system

E-nose has been widely used to aid in both quality control and assurance in the food industries. Wines, grains, cooking oils, eggs, dairy products, meat and dairy products, meat, fish products, fresh-cut and processed vegetables, tea, coffee, and juices have successfully applied e-nose for sampling classification, detection, and quality control. E-nose has successfully classified samples with different molecular compounds [ 97 ]. Besides, Sanaeifar et al. have reviewed and confirmed that e-nose was able to detect defects and contamination in foodstuffs [ 98 ]. Classification and differentiation of different fruits have also determined by using e-nose [ 99 ]. A review has been conducted on the application of the E-nose for monitoring the authenticity of food [ 100 ]. Adding to this, Mohamed et al. have carried out a comprehensive review on the classification of food freshness by using e-nose integrated with the FL and ANN method [ 101 ]. Recent application of e-nose with computing methods involving AI in food industries is shown in Table 6 .

Electronic tongue (E-tongue) is an instrument that is able to determine and analyze taste. Several low-selective sensors are available in E-tongue which is also known as “a multisensory system,” and advanced mathematical technique is being used to process the signal based on pattern recognition (PARC) and multivariate data analysis [ 102 ]. For example, different types of chemical substances in the liquid phase samples can be segregated using E-tongue. About seven sensors of electronic instruments are equipped in E-tongue, which enabled it to identify the organic and inorganic compounds. A unique fingerprint is formed from the combination of all sensors that has a spectrum of reactions that differ from one another. The statistical software of E-tongue enables the recognition and the perception of the taste. E-tongue comprises three elements specifically the sample-dispensing chamber or automatic sample dispenser, an array of sensors of different selectivity, and image recognition system for data processing (Ekezie, 2015). Samples in liquid forms could be analyzed directly without any preparation while the samples in solid forms have to undergo preliminary dissolution before measurement is carried out. The process of E-tongue system is shown in Fig.  7 below. The ability to sense any taste like a human olfactory system makes it one of the important devices in the food industry, especially for quality control and assurance of food and beverages [ 103 ]. In addition, E-tongue has been used to identify the aging of flavor in beverages [ 104 ], identify the umami taste in the mushrooms [ 105 ], and assess the bitterness of drinks or dissolved compounds [ 102 ]. Jiang et al. performed a summarized review on the application of e-nose in the sensory and safety index detection of foods [ 106 ]. Moreover, the demand of E-tongue in the food industry market has risen due to the awareness on delivering safe and higher-quality products. The details of recent applications of E-tongue in the food industry are shown in Table 7 .

figure 7

E-tongue system

The computer vision system (CVS) is a branch of AI that combines the image processing and pattern recognition techniques. It is a non-destructive method that allows the examination and extraction of image’s features to facilitate and design the classification pattern [ 107 ]. It is also recognized as a useful tool in extracting the external feature measurement such as the size, shape, color, and defects. In general, it comprised a digital camera, a lighting system, and a software to process the images and carry out the analysis [ 108 ]. The system can be divided into two types which are 2D and 3D versions. Its usage is not restricted to various applications in food industries such as evaluating the stages of ripeness in apples [ 107 ], predicting the color attributes of the pork loin [ 109 ], detecting the roasting degree of the coffee [ 110 ], evaluating the quality of table grapes [ 111 ], and detecting the defects in the pork [ 112 ]. The combination of CVS with soft computing techniques has been said as a valuable and important tool in the food industry. This is because the combination of these systems offers good advantages such as an accurate prediction in a fast manner can be achieved. Table 8 shows the combination of CVS and soft computing that has been used in the food industry. Figure  8 shows the working principle of CVS. An example on the utilization of CVS for the quality control is shown in Fig.  9 [ 113 ].

figure 8

Working Principle of CVS

figure 9

CVS-based quality control process

Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is another technique in the food industry as there is no usage of chemicals and results can be obtained accurately as well as precisely within minutes or even continuously [ 114 ]. In addition, it is known to be non-destructive, cost effective, quick, and straightforward which makes it a good alternative for the traditional techniques which are expensive and labor intensive and consumes a lot of time [ 115 ]. The chemical-free method by NIRS makes it suitable to be used as a sustainable alternative since it will not endanger the environment or the human health. It has a wide range of quantitative and qualitative analysis of gases, materials, slurries, powders, and solid materials. Furthermore, samples are not required to be grounded when light passes through it and certain features or characteristics that are unique to the class of the sample are revealed by the spectra of the light. Complex physical and chemical information on the vibrational of molecular bonds such as C–H, N–H, and O–H groups and N–O, C–N, C–O, and C–C groups in organic materials can be provided by the spectra which can be recorded in reflection, interactance, or in transmission modes [ 114 ].

The basic working principle for NIRS is shown in Fig.  10 . Recently, NIRS has become an interest in food industries to inspect food quality, controlling the objective of the study and evaluating the safety of the food [ 114 ,  116 – 119 ]. Several researchers have applied the NIRS in food to obtain its properties for multiple reasons including determining the fatty acid profile of the milk as well as fat groups in goat milk [ 120 ]. Apart from that, it is able to aid in the prediction of salted meat composition at different temperatures [ 121 ] and in the prediction of sodium contents in processed meat products [ 122 ]. The detection and grading of the wooden breast syndrome in chicken fillet in the process line was also able to be performed by using the NIRS technique [ 123 ]. Not only that, it is proven to be efficient in determining the maturity of the avocado based on their oil content [ 124 ], predicting the acrylamide content in French-fried potato and in the potato flour model system [ 125 ], and determining the composition of fatty acid in lamb [ 126 ]. There has been a review conducted on the application of the ANN combined with the near-infrared spectroscopy for the detection and authenticity of the food [ 127 ]. The ability of the NIRS system in detecting the physical and chemical properties coupled with soft computing techniques such as ANN, FL, and ML allows the classification and prediction of the samples to be performed rapidly and accurately. Table 9 shows the application of NIRS coupled with AI techniques in the food industry.

figure 10

Basic working principle of CVS

Summary on the Application of AI in the Food Industry

From the review so far, it can be shown that AI has been used for various reasons in food industries such as for detection, safety, prediction, control tool, quality analysis, and classification purposes. Ranking of sensory attributes in the foods can be done easily by using the FL model. Not only that, fuzzy logic can be used for classification, control, and non-linear food modeling in the food industry. ES is widely used in the food industry for decision-making process. On the other hand, ANN model is applied widely in the food industry for prediction, classification, and control task as well as for food processing and technology. The supervised ANN method has the ability to learn from examples which allows for the prediction process to be done accurately. Meanwhile, the unsupervised method of ANN is found to be more common for the classification task. Another method that has been utilized for the prediction and classification of the food samples is by using the machine learning (ML) method. ML can be used in solving complicated tasks which involves a huge amount of data and variables but does not have pre-existing equations or formula. This method is known to be useful when the rules are too complex and constantly changing or when the data keep changing and require adaptation. Furthermore, the adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is another hybrid AI method that can be used to solve sophisticated and practical problems in the food industry. However, decent data are required for the model to learn in order to perform well. In addition to that, this model is useful for solving analytical mathematical models in the food industry such as studies involving mass and heat transfer coefficients. ANFIS is recommended to be used when complex systems where time-varying processes or complex functional relationships and multivariable are involved. Apart from that, it can be used in descriptive sensory evaluation.

These AI algorithms can be combined with other sensors such as the electronic nose, electronic tongue, computer vision system, and near infrared spectroscopy to glean the data from the samples. Both the E-nose and E-tongue have shown to enhance the quality characteristics in comparison to the traditional detection approach [ 128 ]. E-nose can be used to sense the odors or gases while the E-tongue can be applied for the identification of the organic and inorganic compounds. Studies involving the examination and drawing out the features of the samples like shape, color, defects, and size can be carried out by using the CVS sensors. NIRS can be utilized to determine the properties or contents in the samples. The data obtained from these sensors is then merged with the AI algorithms and utilizing their computing strengths to accomplish the desired studies.

Advantages and Disadvantages of AI

AI has been used widely in the industry as it offers a lot of advantages compared to the traditional method. All the algorithms are known to be accurate and reliable, but careful selection should be made by considering the advantages and limitations of the algorithms. The different algorithms have their own strengths and weakness, hence choosing them for a particular application in the food industry needs to be looked on a case-to-case basis. The guideline to choose the most appropriate method is given in the next section. The benefits and constraints that each of the algorithm exhibits are explained briefly in Table 10 .

Guidelines on Choosing the Appropriate AI Method

Selecting the appropriate algorithm is important when developing the AI model as it can aid the user to attain an accurate, rapid, and cost-saving results. Therefore, a guideline given in Fig.  3 is an important asset prior to achieving best performances in a case study. The primary step in the selection process is that users should define and finalize the objective of using AI in their research or implementation. Prediction, classification, quality control, detection of adulterants, and estimation are among the common objectives of AI applications in the food industries. Next, decision should be made whether sensors such as E-tongue, E-nose, CVS, and NIRS are required to collect the sampling data or not for collecting the data from the samples. Normally, integration with those sensors is conducted to obtain the parameters and characteristics of the samples to be included in the AI algorithms for sample testing purposes. Upon deciding the necessity of the sensors, users should compare and choose the fitting algorithm with respect to their study. Among the most common AI algorithms that have been employed include the FL, ANN, ANFIS, and ML methods. ANFIS has shown to have a higher accuracy, but the complexity of the model makes it less favorable compared to the other algorithms. It is advisable for the users to determine the complexity of the research in selecting the most appropriate algorithm for their studies. Once the selection of the algorithm has been confirmed, the data available are integrated with the AI algorithms. Finally, the testing and validation based on R 2 and MSE are done to analyze the performance of the established model. The AI model has been created successfully once the validation is accepted; otherwise, users should return to the previous step and reselect the algorithm. Figure 11  shows the guideline in choosing and development of the AI model in food industry application.

figure 11

Flowchart for developing AI model

Trends on the Application of AI in the Food Industry in the Future

The overall trend on the application of AI in the food industry is shown in Fig. 12 . From the studies within the past few years, the usage of the AI methods has been observed to increase from 2015 to 2020 and is predicted to rise for the next 10 years based on the current trends. Among the rising factors for the application of AI in the food industry is the introduction of Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0). The merging of technologies or intelligent systems into conventional industry is what is known as IR 4.0 and can also be called smart factory [ 129 ,  130 ]. AI which is categorized under the IR 4.0 technologies focuses on the development of intelligent machines that functions like the humans [ 131 ]. IR 4.0 makes a great impact in the product recalls due to the inspections or complains in the food industries. The implementation of the AI integrated in the sensors able to detect the errors during the manufacturing process and rectify the problems efficiently. Apart from that, IR 4.0 also plays a big role in the human behavior as consumers in the twenty-first century often discover information regarding the foods in the internet. The rising concerns on the food quality allow more usage of AI as they are able to enhance the quality of the food and aids during the production process. The highest amount of application of AI in the food industry was seen in the year 2020 as more researchers are carrying out studies using the AI method, and it is believed to continue rising for the upcoming years due to increasing in food demand and the concern on the safety of the foods which are being produced.

figure 12

Application of AI in the food industry

The comparison between the AI integration with and without sensors for real-time monitoring in the food industry is displayed in Fig.  13 . Integration with external sensors has a higher percentage compared to those without the integration of the sensors in the food industries. The purpose of external sensors was to obtain the data from the samples which are then employed into the AI algorithms to carry out various tasks such as classification, prediction, quality control, and others that have been stated earlier. However, the data collection for the year 2017 showed that the percentage for the AI without the external sensors is greater than that with integration with the sensors. This is due to the high amount of research which was conducted without using the external sensors which are listed in this paper. Based on the evaluation carried out during this study, it was found that a high amount of research was done on the integration of CVS sensors with the AI methods. It is explainable as CVS sensors are able to provide important parameters such as the shape, size, colors, and defects which are essential for the quality control in the food industry. However, the integration of the system is mainly dependent on the objectives of the researcher and the industrial players and the availability of the data.

figure 13

Comparison between integration of AI for real-time monitoring in the food industry

In short, as the AI world is heading towards 2.0 [ 132 ], it can be predicted that the rise in the usage of AI in the food industry is definite and inevitable because of the advantages that they can offer such as saving in terms of time, money, and energy as well as the accuracy in predicting the main factors which are affecting the food industries. Apart from that, in the recent pandemic situation due to the Covid-19 virus, it is predicted that more companies will opt for the usage of AI in their industries to cut down the costs and boost the performance of their company. There have been reports by some of the SMEs that their earnings have dropped and some SMEs have claimed that they could only survive for about 1 to 3 months. The high demand of food and the tight standard operating procedure in the companies during the pandemic situation will encourage the industry players to find an alternative to their problems and AI will be one of them to ensure a smooth operation.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

In conclusion, AI has been playing a major role in the food industry for various intents such as for modeling, prediction, control tool, food drying, sensory evaluation, quality control, and solving complex problems in the food processing. Apart from that, AI is able to enhance the business strategies due to its ability in conducting the sales prediction and allowing the yield increment. AI is recognized widely due to its simplicity, accuracy, and cost-saving method in the food industry. The applications of AI, its advantages, and limitations as well as the integration of the algorithms with different sensors such as E-nose and E-tongue in the food industry are critically summarized. Moreover, a guideline has been proposed as a step-by-step procedure in developing the appropriate algorithm prior to using the AI model in the food industry–related field, all of which will aid and encourage researchers and industrial players to venture into the current technology that has been proven to provide better outcome.

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The authors were supported by the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia under grant GUP-2019–012.

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Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, UKM, Selangor, 43600, Bangi, Malaysia

Nidhi Rajesh Mavani, Jarinah Mohd Ali, Suhaili Othman & Norliza Abd Rahman

Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, UPM Serdang, 43400, Selangor, Malaysia

Suhaili Othman

Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Mavani, N.R., Ali, J.M., Othman, S. et al. Application of Artificial Intelligence in Food Industry—a Guideline. Food Eng Rev 14 , 134–175 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12393-021-09290-z

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Received : 16 February 2021

Accepted : 06 July 2021

Published : 09 August 2021

Issue Date : March 2022

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s12393-021-09290-z

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  • Published: 13 January 2024

Emerging challenges and opportunities in innovating food science technology and engineering education

  • I. S. Saguy   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-1570-8808 1 ,
  • C. L. M. Silva   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-0495-3955 2 &
  • E. Cohen   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-2342-5418 3  

npj Science of Food volume  8 , Article number:  5 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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Progress in science, technology, innovation, and digital capabilities call for reassessing food science, technology, and engineering (FST&E) education and research programs. This survey targeted global professionals and students across food disciplines and nutrition. Its main objectives included assessing the status of FST&E higher education, identifying challenges and opportunities, and furnishing recommendations. Seven topics affecting the future of the FST&E curricula were evaluated by the panel as ‘High’ to ‘Very high’, namely: ‘Critical thinking’, followed by ‘Problem-solving projects’, ‘Teamwork/collaboration’, ‘Innovation/Open innovation’ and ‘Multidisciplinary’. The importance of academic partnership/collaboration with the Food Industry and Nutrition Sciences was demonstrated. Significant positive roles of the food industry in collaboration and partnerships were found. Other essential food industry attributes were related to internships, education, strategy, and vision. Collaboration between FST&E and nutrition sciences indicated the high standing of this direction. The need to integrate or converge nutrition sciences and FST&E is emphasized, especially with the growing consumer awareness of health and wellness. The study provides insights into new education and learning opportunities and new topics for future curricula.

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The unabated progress in science, technology, and innovation, combined with the exponential rate of change facilitated by the proliferation of computerized capabilities and artificial intelligence (AI), calls for reassessing the food science, technology, and engineering (FST&E) education. The fourth industrial revolution (i.e., Industry 4.0) highlights significant progress in numerous fields, including robotics, smart sensors, AI, the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, cloud computing, safety, and production efficiency 1 . Climate change, global population growth, high levels of food loss and food waste, and the risk of new disease or pandemic outbreaks are examples of numerous challenges that are potential threats to future food sustainability and the security of the planet that urgently need to be addressed 2 .

The projected global population growth reaching 10 billion people by 2050 highlights the acute need for new evaluations of FST&E education system background to address mounting challenges and opportunities. The complexity and predicted immense size of future tasks call for new paradigms, an open innovation mentality, and a novel mindset promoting multidisciplinary collaborations and partnerships 3 .

Disruptions such as digital agriculture, the fourth industrial revolution (industry 4.0), food agility, big data, and AI have been utilized to characterize the changes in the way agro-food systems evolve and function, as well as in the approach they have been analyzed, measured, and monitored 4 . For instance, Wageningen University, one of the leading influential universities, has also taken an active strategy to align with the developments in IT and AI. Apart from the content-wise shift, skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving are addressed by applying project-based evaluations 5 . The industrial revolution (industry 4.0) and moving to industry 5.0 include new enabling technologies (e.g., big data, IoT, cloud computing) besides AI, digital twins, machine learning, virtualization, and others 6 .

Food science and technology (FST) and especially food engineering (FE) in academia face diminishing funding for research, dwindling critical masses in faculties (particularly at universities in the USA), decreasing student enrollment 7 and impacting future cooperative extension education and research needs 8 . This leads to the observation by some food-related education programs to be at a crossroads and the need to reassess their vision and expand the scope to grand societal drivers such as health and wellness (H&W), the mutual host and the microbiome considerations, food security and safety, population growth, aging, water and land scarcity, and environmental concerns 9 . Other reasons for integrating stakeholders outside the food manufacturing industry have been proposed 10 , 11 . Members of the FST&E professions request a broader and more applied education that offers better opportunities for entrepreneurship 12 .

FST&E professions are witnessing significant challenges as well as changes imposed by the accelerated rate of change and digital transformation. The expected changes will most probably affect FST&E education as already projected previously 7 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 . This forward-looking, combined with the radical changes witnessed during and post-COVID-19, calls for a change in traditional education and curricula paradigms. For instance, the new vision deploys concepts of FST&E in the context of sustainable food processes, products for changing lifestyles and beliefs, innovation for H&W, and novel methodologies that suit audiences of the digital age. Courses on entrepreneurship and innovation, novel education methods, and enforcing quality standards and certification have been also proposed for Europe 14 .

Engineering education is also experiencing dramatic changes. The traditional teaching model, where students are passive in the lecture room, gives way to more active, student-centered, and participatory approaches. Different modern education and learning techniques, such as blended and flip-classroom, active learning, use of technology in teaching, universal design, and student-centered education approach, among others, were previously reported 10 . For instance, active learning utilizing a teaching app called TopHat ( https://tophat.com/ ) to administer a daily quiz, encouraged group work and discussion, and peer evaluation was also reported 16 .

Active engineering learning promotes the acquisition of knowledge and essential soft skills such as teamwork, problem-solving abilities, and entrepreneurial mindsets 17 . It also encourages the utilization of digital technologies such as simulation software and virtual laboratories 17 . It is worth noting the pioneering virtual experiments and laboratories in food science, technology processing, and engineering area 18 .

Among novel methodologies suggested for engineering education are project-based learning, hybrid learning, the flipped classroom, and design thinking 10 , 19 , 20 , 21 .

The role of the food industry and other related sectors in contributing to and assisting educational institutions in designing curricula that provide the skills demanded by the job market was highlighted recently. It emphasized that current Bachelor´s and Master´s degrees follow programs that attempt to offer a practical perspective but still focus on the academic point of view. To bridge the gap between academia and industry, the University Extension Diploma in Food Technology (DEUTA) deepens into the food sector, seeking professional qualifications for participants. This is achieved by both first-hand know-how of food sector professionals and academics, along with an internship period in a food company. Collaborative courses strengthen academia-industry bonds, and employability is boosted thanks to internships and the network created 22 .

Innovation and entrepreneurship are key factors to provide added value for food systems. Based on the findings of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership BoostEdu ( https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/ assessed May 16, 2023), three knowledge gaps were reported: (1) identify the needs for innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) in the food sector; (2) understanding the best way to organize learning; (3) providing flexibility in turbulent times. The results of the project, in particular during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighted the need for flexible access to modules that are complementary to other sources and based on a mix of theoretical concepts and practical experiences. The main lessons learned concern the need for co-creation and co-learning processes to identify suitable practices for the use of innovative digital technologies 23 . However, there are experts objecting to entrepreneurship courses being a subject of FST&E curricula or that the curricula should be supported with outside presentations or invited talks on this topic. This contrary position could be probably explained by the contrast between academia and more applied and industrial occupations. As the vast majority of the FST&E graduates are employed in various businesses where innovation and startup activities are becoming essential, entrepreneurship aspects should be considered in future education.

New platforms, such as massive open online courses (MOOCs), webinars, blogs, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, have opened up new spaces for disseminating ideas, experiences, and training in food-related matters 24 . Online and open learning permits access anytime and anywhere to formal classes, education modules on specific topics, and informal discussion sites 24 . Thus effectively democratizing learning, disseminating knowledge to vast audiences, and coping with the educational demands during the COVID-19 pandemic 25 .

The overall objectives of this study were: 1. Assessing the current status of FST&E education by using a computerized global survey; 2. Identifying current challenges and opportunities; and 3. Suggest recommendations (if needed) for additional directions and topics for future curricula.

Results and discussion


The total number of respondents that started the questionnaire was 1022. Of these, 703 (68.8%) respondents (the panel) completed the survey. Data from respondents who failed to address all questions and had several missing values were omitted, as they ignored or preferred not to answer some of the questions. The relatively high number of excluded respondents was probably due to the language barrier. Although not explicitly asked, based on respondents’ IP addresses, 88 countries participated in the survey. The overall time for completing the survey was approximately 10–12 min.

Demographics and geographic distribution

Demographic data are presented in Table 1 . The panel was evenly distributed: gender (female/male 1.15:1.00), age (excluding the 18–25 years group, 7.5%). Age distribution indicates good participation of the various groups and experiences.

The geographical location of the respondents indicates a global representation, although some regions were more prevalent by the panel. Respondents from China, the Far East (excluding China), and Oceania also participated, but their overall percentage was relatively low (combined value of 4.4%). However, combining Asia and the Middle East respondents resulted in a significant representation (16.5%). The surprising outcome was the high number of African respondents (14.8), probably due to the good network of IUFoST contacts in Africa. Although participation was quite impressive in terms of global feedback (88 countries), the number of respondents in a specific region was quite low in some cases, and consolidation was necessary for further analysis. Nevertheless, the widespread number of respondents from a wide spectrum of countries demonstrated that the survey had a global distribution, offering a significant improvement compared with a previous study 15 .

Main professional activities and education

The panel (703 respondents) professions consisted of food scientists and technologists (FSTs) 398 (56.6%), food engineers (FEs) 120 (17.1%), microbiologists (HMs) 25 (3.6%), nutritionists (HNs) 35 (5.0%), chemical engineers (CEs) 19 (2.7%), bioengineering/biotechnology (BBs) 7 (1.0%), business/marketing (BMs) 14 (2.0%), consultants (COs) 41 (5.8%), and others (food trade company, regulators, etc.) 41 (5.8%). As 73.7% of the respondents were FSTs and FEs, students, and graduates, the data reflect professional positions within FST&E disciplines, as was also previously shown 15 .

The respondents were also asked to fill in all their degrees in the various education categories using up to 4 options (student, BSc/1st Degree, MSc/equivalent, and Ph.D./DSc). Fig. 1 highlights the panel degrees distribution. The relatively high number of doctoral (Ph.D./DSc, 464, 29.9%) is not surprising considering the academic affiliation of most of the respondents (see Section “Affiliation”). It should be noted that many of the respondents hold more than one degree, explaining the high number of overall degrees of the panel (1550), as also depicted in Fig. 1 .

figure 1

Overall degrees distribution (small insert).


The combined high majority of the respondents affiliated with educational and private research institutes (71.7%) provides a possible explanation for the extra number of doctoral degrees in the panel. Conversely, based on the respondents in the age group 41–55 and above 55 (37.8 and 28.7%, respectively) and the fact that a high percentage of the majority of the respondents hold a doctoral degree, the data are likely to reflect professional middle to high management levels and leadership positions within educational, institutions and possibly in the food industry. It should be noted that the number of respondents from industrial affiliation (food industry, food service, startups/FoodTech, and consultants, excluding government) was quite high (18.2%), probably projecting that although academia and industry are not equally represented, industrial affiliations are well represented (i.e., 128 responders).

Topics affecting the future of the professional domain curricula

The importance of 10 topics to be included in developing future curricula using the Likert-type scale 26 was evaluated. The topics listed included post-COVID-2019 considerations and several other new concepts. Table 2 shows that 7 topics were evaluated above 4.0 (‘High’) based on the calculated Likert-type scores average. The highest average scores were: ‘Critical thinking’ (4.50), followed by ‘Problem-solving projects’ (4.44), ‘Teamwork/collaboration’ (4.31), ´Innovation/Open innovation’ (4.29), and ‘Multidisciplinary’ (4.24). These data highlight possible changes that the FST&E domains anticipate in the post-COVID-19 and remote or hybrid education/learning, as well as the further proliferation of innovation and OI.

It is important to note that business-related topics were evaluated as less important, with Likert-type scores averaging below 4.0. These included: ‘Soft skills’ (3.90), followed by ‘Entrepreneurship’ (3.77), and ‘Business creation/networking’ (3.70). ‘Entrepreneurship’ and ‘Business creation/network’ could bring many benefits, such as fostering innovation, productivity, competitiveness, new business, OI, and socioeconomic development. Yet, these topics were considered among those of less importance, probably indicating that the panel was less oriented to business-related topics.

The search for professionals with different skills to overcome the current and foreseen challenges relevant to the agri-food sector was previously studied 25 . It was shown that problem-based learning (PBL), described as an instructional approach, promotes interdisciplinary and critical thinking with the potential to meet current challenges. PBL, aligned with an innovation program and contest, integrated into a master’s degree in FE to promote academic entrepreneurship, allowed the development of innovative products intending to solve problems faced by the agri-food sector 27 . The latter information supports the current survey data that show that the highest perceived topics were ‘Critical thinking’ (4.50) and ‘Problem-solving projects’ (4.44). On the other hand, the relatively low perceived importance of entrepreneurship (3.77 ranked #9) could indicate that FSs, FTs, or FEs are currently considering business-related topics as a lower priority. Nevertheless, their Likert average scores were approaching ‘High’. It is important to note that promoting project-based learning by students on developing eco-designed business models and eco-innovated food products seems to be an essential lever for the sustainability transition 10 . Although this is just one example, it highlights the importance of project-based learning 27 , 28 , 29 .

Project-based learning is an integrated part of the flipped classroom (FC) model, based on active learning, and consequently attracts much interest. The FC is a form of blended learning (BL) that reorganizes the workload in and outside the classroom and requires the active participation of students in learning activities before and during face-to-face lessons with teachers 10 , 30 . The FC model has been applied since the 1990s to encourage student preparation before classes: team-based learning, peer or mentor instruction, and just-in-time education, where the teaching information is communicated via electronic means. This allows more class time to be devoted to active learning and formative assessment 31 . A recent study highlighted a case study where an elective FC course on engineering, science, and gastronomy was implemented for undergraduate students that included in-class demonstrations by chefs. New education methodologies call for expanded computational abilities, ample access to online content, active learning, and student-centered approaches 10 .

A comparison between traditional project-based learning and hybrid project-based learning indicated a significant increase in fundamental formative knowledge, enhanced problem-solving abilities, and production of better-performing artifacts regarding the set of design skills for students undergoing hybrid project-based learning 28 .

In light of the feedback by the panel indicating that ‘Critical thinking development’ and ‘Problem-solving projects’ were the highest outcome (#1 and #2, respectively), combined with recent reports on the FC importance, it could be concluded that seeking new directions in learning/facilitating strategies that complement existing methods in order to enrich the learning experience of students is recommended.

Academic partnership/collaboration

The respondents were instructed to rank (from 1 to 5, corresponding to high to low; each rank could appear only once) the importance of partnership(s) and/or collaboration(s) with: ‘Food Industry´, ‘Nutrition sciences’, ‘Government, policymakers and/or local authorities’, ‘Private sector’, and ‘Other academic disciplines’. The ranking distribution is depicted in Fig. 2 .

figure 2

Ranking importance (‘Very high’, ‘High’, ‘Medium’, ‘Low’, ‘Very low’) distribution of ‘Academic partnerships/collaborations’.

Collaboration with the ‘Food industry’ was ranked the highest, while the collaboration with ‘Other academic programs’ was ranked lower. Furthermore, the top two rankings (‘Very high’ and ‘High’) were ‘Food industry’ (53%), ‘Nutrition’ (38%), ‘Government’ (36%), ‘Private institutes (35%) and ‘Other academic programs’ (33%).

Collaboration with the nutrition sector was highly ranked. This demonstrates that the panel considered collaboration between FST&E and nutrition highly important and is a direction that these domains should consider closely. The need to enhance and probably integrate or converge nutrition sciences and FST&E is underscored due to the lack of present collaboration and the growing consumers’ awareness of H&W and food processing.

The role of the food industry as a key player in academic partnership and collaboration should be considered, particularly due to the negative aspects suggested by the NOVA ultra-food processes food classification. For instance, “ By design, these products are highly palatable, cheap, ubiquitous, and contain preservatives that offer a long shelf life. These features, combined with aggressive industry marketing strategies, contribute to excessive consumption and make these products highly profitable for the food, beverage, and restaurant industry sectors that are dominant actors in the global food system ” 32 . This study demonstrates that the food industry plays significant positive roles in both collaboration and partnerships. It also plays a key part in internships described below (Section “Internships”).

Topics importance to FST&E

The importance of 11 topics for FST&E was assessed as listed in Table 3 .

The data exposed 5 top important topics to FST&E. The topic of highest interest was ‘Sustainability, circular economy, and food waste management,’ followed by ‘Innovation/open innovation’ and ‘New product development’ (no statistically significant difference between these topics), ‘Consumer perception & trust’ and ‘Nutrition sciences’ that were statistically different from the first two topics (one-way ANOVA with post-hoc LSD test, p  <0.05), respectively. Worth noting the significant differences between FSTs and FEs in ‘Sustainability, circular economy, and food waste management’, ‘New product development’, ‘Consumer perception & trust’, and ‘Nutrition Sciences’, where FSTs significantly assigned higher importance to these topics in comparison with FEs. However, no significant difference was found for ‘Innovation/open innovation’.

‘Artificial Intelligence, machine learning’ was only ordered as #9 based on the Likert-type scores averages, and FEs considered it significantly higher than FSTs. It is safe to predict that the importance of AI will increase in the coming years once more and more applications and utilizations will emerge. Suffice to consider recent applications and the global AI market size growth from $65.48 billion in 2020, projected to reach $1581.70 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 38.0% from 2021 to 2030 ( https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/artificial-intelligence-market ).

Importance to FST&E curricula to meet future challenges and learning opportunities

The importance of the curricula in meeting FST&E future challenges and learning opportunities (in descending order) is highlighted in Table 4 .

Table 4 shows five topics were considered to be of ‘Very high’ to ‘High’ importance: ‘Research project(s)’ (4.34), ‘Apprenticeships (e.g., industrial training)’ (4.28), ‘Adaptability (e.g., adjusting to change in real-time, managing biases, overcome challenges)’ (4.22), ‘Revision current programs’ (4.16), and ‘Employability’ (4.13). The other topics received lower scores.

The significant difference between FSTs and FEs on ‘Research project(s)’, ‘Enhanced integration with nutrition’, and ‘Soft (life) skills’ is worth noting. On these topics, except for ‘Enhanced integration with nutrition’, FSTs scores were significantly higher when compared with FEs. The ´Enhanced integration with nutrition´ by both FSTs and FEs was ‘High’ (4.00) and above, projecting the absolute need for FST&E to enhance its collaboration with nutrition, mainly due to the high importance of H&W and its significant role.

Adaptability is the potential to adjust and learn new skills in response to changing factors, conditions, cultures, and environments. It is a soft skill that both colleagues and superiors highly value. In the ever-changing needs and progress, businesses and employees must adapt quickly to unforeseen dynamic circumstances, innovation, and disruption. Adaptability means being flexible, innovative, open, and resilient, particularly under unforeseen conditions. Some key elements of being adaptable are confident but open to criticism, focusing on solutions rather than problems, collaborating with others, and learning from them ( https://www.walkme.com/glossary/adaptability/ ). For instance, the a daptability of FST developments implies a capacity to continuously change and improve its operations and food quality output in time and space 33 . This explains the #3 place the panel considered adaptability.

The panel perceived both ‘Revision of current programs’ and ‘Employability’ as high priority (#4 and #5, average of 4.16 and 4.13, respectively). These assessments should be considered carefully by academic programs in order to adapt to the fast changes driven by innovation, disruption, and digital progress.

‘Enhanced integration with nutrition’ came in #6. However, FSTs and FEs indicated this topic is highly important (average of 4.00 and 4.21, respectively). Hence, FST&E education programs should seek avenues to enhance integration with nutrition science. Possible collaborations should consider joint research programs and other partnerships and alliances.

‘Business-related activities (e.g., creation, network, partnerships, collaboration)’ and ‘Soft (life) skills’ were #7–8. Nevertheless, their Likert-type average values were close to ‘High’. Hybrid teaching was perceived as the last (3.78). Apparently, this type of education is not very appealing. Yet, this should be reassessed after the Covid-19 pandemic has passed.

Engineering education is also experiencing dramatic changes. The traditional teaching model, where students are passive in the lecture room, gives way to more active, student-centered, and participatory approaches. Different modern education and learning techniques, such as blended and flip-classroom, active learning, use of technology in teaching, universal design, and student-centered education approach, among others, were previously reported 9 . Hence, it is expected that Hybrid teaching and other advanced methods, including AI, will flourish soon and will become the norm.


The importance of internship to FST&E students was evaluated considering 5 possibilities: ‘Academic internship,’ ‘Food industry internship,’ ‘Start-up/FoodTech company internship,’ ‘Other domains/industries,’ and ‘Internship in other countries.’ The data are depicted in Fig. 3 .

figure 3

Likert-type averages (1–5 scale) and one side (-) SD of internships importance for FST&E (values with different small letters indicate significant differences between groups; one-way ANOVA with post-hoc LSD test, p  < 0.05).

The internship was categorized into three statistically different groups (one-way ANOVA with post-hoc LSD test, p  < 0.05). The first group was internships in ‘Food Industry’ (4.60), followed by the second group: ‘Start-ups/Food Tech’ (4.04), ‘Other countries’ (3.98), and ‘Academia’ (3.96), and the third group ‘Others domains/industries’ (3.46). Comparing the difference between FSTs and FEs, respondents showed a significant difference (one-way ANOVA with post-hoc LSD test, p  < 0.05) for internships in ‘Food Industry’ (4.65 and 4.52), ‘Start-ups/Food Tech’ (4.11 and 3.89) and ‘Other domains/industries’ (3.46 and 3.26), respectively. It is not surprising that FSTs have consistently assigned higher values to internships, probably due to the possibility that they are more complimentary to hands-on experiences.

Bridging the academia-industry gap in the food sector through collaborative courses and internships was recently studied. More than fifteen years of university extension diplomas in food technology Diplomas demonstrated how collaborative courses strengthen academia-industry bonds, and employability was boosted thanks to internships and the network created 22 . Internships could support students in developing their identity, which is achieved by close contact with their future working tasks 34 , enhancing familiarity with and nearness to their future profession 35 and industry-based projects and governance 36 . Also, student projects in collaboration with the industry make the students face a reality 37 . In light of these benefits, it is clear why the internship in the food industry received such a high Likert-type average. This very high importance given by the panel to industry internships coincides with their ranking, as aforementioned in the previous section, highlighting the core role of the food industry in students’ education.

Professional organization impact on FST&E education

The impact of professional organizations on food science/food technology/food engineering education, as well as strategy and vision data, are depicted in Fig. 4 .

figure 4

Likert-type averages (1–5 scale) and one side (-) SD of organization/vision impact on FST&E education (values with different letters indicated significant differences between groups; one-way ANOVA with post-hoc LSD test, p  < 0.05).

Data analysis ( t -test) of the impact of the various organizations or vision and strategy on education revealed that the statistically highest Likert-type average scores (one-way ANOVA with post-hoc LSD test, p  < 0.05) were given to the ‘Food industry’ (3.86). ‘IFT (Institute of Food Technologists)’ was in the 2nd statistical group (3.70), followed by the 3rd statistical group that included ‘IUFoST (International Union of Food Science & Technology)’ (3.49), ‘Vision, strategy & leadership of the university’ (3.49), ‘IFST (Institute of Food Science+Technology)’ (3.44), and ‘Government, public interest & support’ (3.42). ‘EFFoST (The European Federation of Food Science and Technology)’ (3.40) was between the 3rd and the 4th group that included ‘ISEKI-Food (European Association for Integrating Food Science and Engineering Into the Food Chain),’(3.27). ‘SoFE (Society of Food Engineering)’ (2.96) was the next statistical group, and the last 6th group was ‘Others’ (2.65).

It is quite surprising that the food industry obtained such a high perceived impact on education, especially because the number of respondents in the panel affiliated with academic and educational institutes was high (69.6%). This could be explained by the fact that most curricula are designed to align with the industrial requirement and/or the need to provide students with the essential tools for the food industry. As no in-depth interviews were conducted, these findings warrant additional consideration.

IFT was in second place, significantly affecting FST&E education. In light of the quite low number of respondents from North America and Canada (13.1%), this finding clearly projects the significant role IFT has in impacting global education and proliferation. The 3rd group included IUFoST, IFST (international and mainly UK organizations, respectively), ‘Vision, strategy & leadership of the university’ and ‘Government, public interest & support´. These different groups and elements were perceived as very important and apparently have a significant role in contributing to the education program. EFFoST was categorized between the 3rd and 4th groups, including ISEKI-Food (3.27). These organizations were perceived as lower compared with the previous organizations. SoFE was classified only in the 5th significantly different group. As SoFE appeals mainly to FEs, many panelists were probably unfamiliar with its activities.

Education impact on professional expectations

The impact of the respondents’ education curricula on their professional success, satisfaction, and meeting expectations data is depicted in Fig. 5 .

figure 5

Likert-type averages (1–5 scale) and one side (-) SD of ‘Success’, ‘Satisfaction’, and ‘Meeting expectations’ (values with different letters indicated significant differences between groups; one-way ANOVA with post-hoc LSD test, p  < 0.05).

Education curricula showed two different statistical (one-way ANOVA with post-hoc LSD test, p  < 0.05) groups. The first group included ‘Success’ (4.03) and ‘Satisfaction’ (3.95). The second statistical group that was quite lower evaluated was ‘Meeting expectations’ (3.76). This finding could open new avenues for education institutes to conduct in-depth assessments of their alumni and graduates, focusing on improving their performances in order to better meet their graduates’ future expectations. This study also provides insights into new education and learning opportunities and new topics to be included in future curricula.

When comparing FSTs with FEs, it was quite surprising that FSTs consistently rated all three attributes lower than FEs. In two cases, these differences were even significant: ‘Success’ (4.07 vs. 4.15, one-way ANOVA with post-hoc LSD test, p  < 0.05), ‘Satisfaction’ (3.96 vs. 4.06), and ‘Meeting expectation’ (3.78 vs. 3.83, one-way ANOVA with post-hoc LSD test, p  < 0.05). This lower assessment by FSTs highlights that the potential for curriculum improvements is high, and an in-depth evaluation should open new avenues for significant improvements.

In conclusion, these main points are highlighted:

Seven topics affecting the future of the profession domain curricula were evaluated between ‘High’ to ‘Very high’. The highest scores were found for: ‘Critical thinking’, followed by ‘Problem-solving projects,’ ‘Teamwork/collaboration’, ‘Innovation/Open innovation’, and ‘Multidisciplinary’.

The importance of Academic partnership/collaboration showed that ‘Food industry’, and ‘Nutrition’ were ranked the highest.

Significant positive roles of the food industry in collaboration and partnerships with the FST&E domain were demonstrated. Significant findings were also related to internships, education, strategy, and vision effects of the food industry.

Collaboration between FST&E and nutrition sciences indicated its high importance. Integrating or converging nutrition science and FST&E is emphasized based on the lack of actual present collaborations.

Assessing the education curricula contribution showed two statistical groups. The first group included ‘Success’ and ‘Satisfaction’. ‘Meeting expectations’ was the second. New avenues to better meet future graduates’ and students’ expectations were identified.

Insights into novel education and learning opportunities and new topics to be included in future curricula have been identified.

The approach employed encompassed a structured questionnaire, adopting a methodology akin to the one described earlier 12 , 15 . The questionnaire is provided in the Supplementary information data file. The online questionnaire survey utilized the Qualtrics© software ( https://www.qualtrics.com/ ) and targeted global professionals (including students) across the food sector and nutrition. The key questions were formulated to capture the perspectives on professional values held by individuals in the studied fields. The initial questionnaire was pretested (these data were not utilized in the final analysis) using a pilot sample ( n  = 12) of selected food practitioners from academia and the food industry. This panel was selected based on previous personal and professional interactions. The pilot was employed to ensure the questionnaire’s consistency and to seek suggestions on additional topics that should be incorporated into the revised survey.

The link of the webpage of the questionnaire was distributed by e-mails of numerous organizations (e.g., IUFoST, ISEKI-Food Association, SoFE, IFT) and food practitioners globally. The survey was conducted in English, avoiding any possible language ambiguities. It was completely anonymous and was open from the end of May until the end of July 2022. Both mobile and computerized feedback was offered.

A 5-point Likert-type scale 26 was applied and consisted of 1 (‘Very low’), 2 (‘Low’), 3 (‘Medium’), 4 (‘High’), and 5 (‘Very high’). For comparisons, the Likert-type scale assessments were transformed into a calculated average. The Likert-type scale is widely employed as a fundamental and commonly utilized psychometric instrument in educational and social sciences research, marketing research, customer satisfaction studies, opinion surveys, and numerous other fields. One topic included ranking (from 1 to 5; each rank could appear only once).

Apart from the professional questions, the survey included demographic information such as gender, age group, location where the most advanced degree was obtained, or current place for study according to the following geographic categories: Western Europe, Eastern Europe, UK, North America including Canada, Mexico, South America, Asia/Middle East, China, Far East (excluding China), Oceania (Australia, New Zealand), and Africa. The questionnaire ended with an open-ended question asking for the interview’s possible suggestions for curriculum improvements. The data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel© spreadsheet (Redmont, Washington), JASP software (ver. 0.16.4, https://jasp-stats.org/ ), and IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows (version 28; IBM Corp., Armonk, New York). For significant differences ( p  < 0.05) among groups, one-way ANOVA with a post-hoc least significant difference (LSD) test was performed. A two-sided t -test was utilized to identify significant differences ( p  < 0.05) between the averages of the two groups.

The survey was written according to the authorization from the Committee for the Use of Human Subjects in Research through The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (file: AGHS/01.15) as outlined previously 12 . Before starting the study, the participants were informed that the responses were completely anonymous. Also, before starting the questionnaire, the consent of the participants was requested, and only those who agreed were able to start the study.

Reporting summary

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article.

Data availability

The dataset obtained and analyzed during the current study is available from Prof. Eli Cohen upon request.

Change history

13 february 2024.

A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41538-024-00256-z

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The authors would like to thank the contribution of IUFoST (International Union of Food Science & Technology), mainly to WG 1.2 ‘Emerging Issues, Key Focus Areas´ working group members, for pretesting, distributing, and spreading the survey. The author, C.L.M. Silva, would like to acknowledge the support by National Funds from FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia through project UIDB/50016/2020.

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The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel

I. S. Saguy

Universidade Católica Portuguesa, CBQF—Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina—Laboratório Associado, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Rua Diogo Botelho 1327, 4169-005, Porto, Portugal

C. L. M. Silva

Gilford Glazer Faculty of Business Administration, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Beer-Sheva, Be’er Sheva, Israel

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I.S.S., C.L.M.S., and E.C. conceived and developed the questionnaire. E.C. data curation. E.C. and I.S.S. performed the validation and formal statistical analysis. I.S.S. and E.C. conducted the investigation and wrote the paper. C.L.M.S. provided expertize, feedback, and paper revision–supervision and project administration by I.S.S.

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Saguy, I.S., Silva, C.L.M. & Cohen, E. Emerging challenges and opportunities in innovating food science technology and engineering education. npj Sci Food 8 , 5 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41538-023-00243-w

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Received : 25 July 2023

Accepted : 08 December 2023

Published : 13 January 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41538-023-00243-w

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A Guide for Conducting a Food Safety Root Cause Analysis

Root cause analysis (RCA) is a method of problem-solving with strong implications for helping identify and understand the central causes of events like food contamination and foodborne illness outbreaks. “A Guide for Conducting a Food Safety Root Cause Analysis” was published to encourage the use of RCA in food operations and by safety regulators.

Adopting RCA in food safety can help:

  • Isolate the central “how” and “why” an event occurred.
  • Clarify steps needed to correct the cause of a problem and prevent recurrence.
  • Uncover weaknesses in food safety systems.
  • Foster collaboration, trust, and knowledge-sharing among food producers, regulatory and nonregulatory agencies, and consumers.

This article is freely available from the Pew Research Center.

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Learn more about RCA in food safety by watching this Association of Food and Drug Officials webinar.

A Guide For Conducting Food Safety Root Cause Analysis by AFDO on YouTube .

See our other tools related to foodborne illness outbreaks.

Last updated: May 3, 2023

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Seven challenges and trends the food industry can expect in 2021

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Posted: 7 January 2021 | Joshua Minchin (New Food) | 3 comments

As 2020 finally ends and the world welcomes (a hopefully brighter) 2021, Joshua Minchin of New Food outlines the major challenges and trends that the food industry can expect over the next 12 months.

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The English language is dangerously close to running out of ways to describe 2020, so let’s borrow a bit of Latin: it really has been an Annus horribilis. The food industry has, of course, found it particularly tough. The combination of having to cope with increased demand, paired with restrictions on manufacturing and regulation processes has made life very difficult for everybody in the supply chain. As we enter the new year, it’s time to look ahead – what will the industry have to contend with in 2021 and who can expect a better year? Here’s  New Food’s forecast.

1. Upholding safety standards

The world has been living with Coronavirus through most of 2020, and, unfortunately, the pandemic shows little sign of abating, especially in the early months of 2021. Ensuring that safety standards are upheld in the industry is crucial to maintaining the high level of trust that consumers have in food manufacturers presently. This includes making sure that both the food on our plates is safe to eat and that the people who made it are looked after too.

Food manufacturing is one of those sectors where it is not possible to work from home – you can’t package meat over Microsoft Teams, after all. Keeping workers safe and restoring confidence in the workforce that their manufacturing facility is a secure environment will continue to be key for companies throughout 2021.  

How do you make sure that food production remains at a high safety standard without physical inspections? That has been the question agencies such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) have faced all year, with little respite appearing over the brow of the new year. In guidance published for businesses in May 2020, the FSA said it would be deferring some physical inspections as a result of the pandemic. Similarly in March, the FDA announced it was “temporarily postponing all domestic and foreign routine surveillance facility inspections”, though some domestic inspections did resume in July.

An enormous amount of trust has been placed in manufacturers by regulators. FDA commissioner Stephen Hahn FDA-regulated firms “understand and appreciate their shared responsibility to ensure the integrity of the supply chain”.

Despite the rise in positive cases following the discovery of a new strain in the UK, the sector is now far more equipped to deal with the virus. As such, manufacturers should expect physical inspections to recommence and get prepared.

Check out the key trends and challenges for 2022 here

2. Keeping sustainability on the front burner

With the vaccine now available, it looks as though the  COVID-19 crisis will come to an end at some point during 2021. However, the climate crisis is not going anywhere. While sustainability issues within the food industry have somewhat understandably taken a back seat, it’s crucial that they are brought back to the fore soon. In particular, progress made on eliminating single use plastics from the industry has taken a few steps backwards.

Reusable cups, so heralded in the fight against plastic waste, were banned from coffee shops back in March . But plastic wrapping has crept back, driven by consumer worries over virus contamination – one only has to visit the supermarket to see the sea of plastic snuggled around our fruit and veg. Even things like Perspex screens, which are now found in many restaurants around the world, contribute to the problem. It is vital that the industry puts sustainability back to the top of the priority list next year, lest years of good work be undone.

Similarly, 2021 could also be the year when the massive issue of food waste gets some much-needed light shed upon it.

The statistics around global food waste are rather startling. The UN’s food and Agriculture Organization say the amount of “primary product equivalents” wasted amounts to 1.6 billion tonnes. The carbon footprint of all this wasted food is estimated to be 3.3 billion tonnes. 

FAO launches platform to accelerate action on food loss and waste

Food waste is a massive contributor to carbon emissions worldwide

Despite it being difficult for the industry to impact how much food consumers throw away, it can (and has) devised innovative ways to use materials destined for the bin. For example, Toast Ale uses surplus bread instead of virgin barley to brew its range of craft beers, saving nearly two million slices of bread from simply being tossed. The company uses the heel end of loaves from the sandwich industry which would otherwise be wasted.

With some good effort and communication, companies like Toast and the bakeries it works with have proven that it is possible to reduce waste during the manufacturing process. This demonstrates the need for more creative partnerships to continue the good work within the food industry as we move into 2021. 

3. Dealing with constant shutdowns

Restaurants have perhaps had to adapt the most during 2020, with many forced to transform from a bustling dining room into a takeaway overnight. This has raised particular concerns when it comes to providing sufficient allergen information to customers. Quite simply, there is not that safety net of physical interaction to double check that a certain dish does not contain nuts, for example. The FSA has told businesses offering a takeaway service that they must provide allergen information when taking an order. This can be done in print online, or orally over the phone. Similarly, the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health said takeaway food packaging should display all of the relevant allergen information on it.

Businesses will have to continue to ensure that their customers get the necessary allergen information to keep them safe, no matter whether they are sat at a restaurant table or in front of their television.

In the UK, pubs and restaurants in different areas have been – and still are being – forced to open and close depending on case rates, with similar scenarios likely in Germany, Italy, and other countries employing a localised response to combat the pandemic. This on/off dynamic will present new challenges to restaurants, such as working out how many staff are needed during the periods operated as a takeaway, or whether order quantities of ingredients need to change accordingly.

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As restaurants turn into takeaways, it will be important that allergen information is still accurately relayed to consumers

4. Food fraud

Aside from the fairly obvious supply and logistics issues the pandemic has presented, the conditions brewed by COVID-19 gave (and still is giving) ample opportunity for food criminals. A surge in demand coupled with economic downturn for some meant the priority was getting food on shelves and tables as cheaply as possible, opening the door for disingenuous operators to move in.

A recent report by Dr Peter Awram from the BeeHIVE Research Centre at the University of British Columbia suggested that the honey industry was in the grips of an epidemic of its own. According to Awram, a study from the Canadian government suggested that over a quarter of honey had been adulterated in 2019.

While Professor Chris Elliott of Queen’s University Belfast expressed faith in the UK’s food security, he admitted that he had concerns about the honesty of some global markets. Indeed, Prof Elliott only recently outlined his fears that fraud is still rife within the spice market, with sage in particular seemingly vulnerable to adulterations. Despite this, it is worth noting that some in the sector have done incredibly well at creating robust chains – McCormick for one, and you can read more about its mission for total transparency in the latest issue of New Food .

The desire for cheap food isn’t going anywhere, especially as we look to be just getting started when it comes to the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. While this desire remains, food crime will continue. It is up to the industry to devise methods to combat a problem which threatens to derail trust in certain products.

5. Plant-based marches on

The last few years have seen a marked increase in the amount of people opting for at least a partial plant-based diet, and this rise is showing little sign of slowing down. Mike Wystrach, Founder & CEO of Freshly (a prepared meals provider) sees a slight shift in terms of whether consumers opt to go fully plant-based in their diet or not. He said: “2020 showed us that consumers are interested in trying and buying more plant-based foods, as sales of foods like plant-based proteins and milks topped $3.3 billion over the past year.

“In 2021, I expect that consumers will continue to place more of an emphasis on maintaining a ‘plant-forward’ diet, instead of following a strict plant-based one. We will see more people opt for the age-old option of following plant-based eating principles, versus going completely vegetarian or vegan to fuel active lifestyles, support weight loss, or achieve other health and fitness related ambitions at home.”

More household names are beginning to launch their products in vegan form, with several big releases slated for 2021. McDonald’s is gearing up to release its McPlant range later this year, while KFC has brought back its vegan Imposter burger especially for Veganuary. Plant-based alternatives could soon be on the menu at all of your favourite fast food retailers.  

The food industry has a speed problem.

Plant-based progress needs to accelerate though, according to Mike Leonard, Chief Technical Officer at Motif FoodWorks. “The food industry has a speed problem. As it stands, ’urgency’ often translates to two or three-year R&D timelines. That means if we want to solve key challenges in taste, texture and nutrition facing today’s plant-based foods, we’re already behind schedule. We simply can’t wait that long with consumers and retailers alike looking for new, more, and better options.

“This year, I anticipate food players across the industry will make a concerted push to accelerate innovation timelines. We’ll see more partnerships with experts outside the industry – from academic research institutions to agile and experimental start-ups – to develop plant-based food breakthroughs and demonstrate that innovation in the industry can be both revolutionary and fast.”

6. Artisan products to grow from strength to strength

Last year was (well, for at least nine months) quite boring. Despite it seeming like something new was happening almost daily, most of the days blended into one. As lockdowns spill over into 2021, many of us have looked to our plates and glasses to provide small pleasures, whether that be handmade cheese as a special treat or a G&T fresh from a small distillery in the Scottish islands.

Though some people may not feel comfortable eating in any sort of restaurant setting, they’ll still want to recreate these authentic food experiences at home.

With very little to do except eat and shop, artisan producers could see 2021 as their big year, as consumers seek to fill the restaurant-shaped hole in their life.

“While consumer demand for craft and artisanal foods has steadily increased over the past years, we’ll see accelerated growth in this space as consumers seek to liven up their pandemic pantries with authentic ingredients and hand-crafted meals,” said Wystrach.

“Though some people may not feel comfortable eating in any sort of restaurant setting, they’ll still want to recreate these authentic food experiences at home. Whether this comes in the form of people buying ingredients online or placing orders for ready-made meals there, there is an opportunity for brands to increase production in this sector to meet changing consumer tastes and preferences.”

7. Digital acceleration – more to come

This pandemic era has taught us many things and amidst all the negatives there have been positive change and a newfound appreciation for some things (such as our food sector) too. It has also accelerated certain trends which were undoubtedly coming to the fore…albeit much slower. As the globe continues to gripple with the challenges of Covid, and in the UK we are plunged into lockdown #3, the digital era has never been more appreciated or needed.

Businesses which have not yet adapted must do so in order to survive. At  New Food , we only foresee technology becoming more important over the next few years. Whether it’s an integration of virtual and physical inspections in the future, the use of blockchain to better trace supplies and prevent fraud, augmented restaurant menus, or cultured meat, we’re only just on the cusp of the ‘Technology Age’.

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Allergens , Beverages , COVID-19 , Food Fraud , Food Safety , Food Security , Hygiene , Packaging & Labelling , Regulation & Legislation , retail , Supermarket , Supply chain , Sustainability , The consumer

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Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) , Food Standards Agency (FSA) , Freshly , KFC , Motif FoodWorks , The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) , Toast Ale

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Europe , North America , UK & Ireland

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Mike Leonard , Mike Wystrach , Peter Awram , Professor Chris Elliott , Stephen Hahn

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3 responses to “Seven challenges and trends the food industry can expect in 2021”

That is a great piece of content. Hopefully more and more innovative technology will be adopted by the industry leading to more sustainable and regenerative solutions taking precedent. If you want to know more about new technology and innovative trends in the food production industry, you can check https://www.valuer.ai/blog/what-the-future-looks-like-for-food-production-in-2022

It is a great post! Culinary space manufacturing is a new concept for many people, but it plays a pivotal role and is worth considering. With innovative design & technology coming out every day in this industry, we have entered an age where creativity has never been more accessible!

Very important points you have shared. Thanks for sharing.

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Problem-solving approaches in food product innovation

By MIFLORA M. GATCHALIAN, PhD.  CEO, Quality Partners Company, Ltd.


INNOVATION is defined as a unique creative idea that adds value to the organisation’s external customers and to the stakeholders since it is expected to generate profit (Gatchalian, 2018(a); Harrington, J. 2015). Idea creation generally stems from the realisation of a need to fullfil perceived customer requirements. Partcularly for the food industry, constant innovation is imperative if one is to remain competitive in the marketplace (Winger and Wall, 2006). For this reason, several approaches to food product innovation had been proposed by various sectors in the world.   

Among the many pathways to innovation recommended for productive purposes, the problem-solving approach is deemed most useful and practical (Menrad, 2007). Considering the steps utilised in the innovation process, one that leads fastest to eventual product development and early market launch, make use of sensory evaluation during the stages of problem-solving (Gatchalian and Brannan, 2011). Activities in food product innovation leading to development and eventual launching in the market, utilise certain types of scientific problem-solving approaches to ensure effectiveness and efficiency of the process. 

Approaches to food product innovation

By its definition, the ultimate result of innovation would be the assurance that there are potential customers in the marketplace willing to purchase the new product. It is assumed that creative ideas leading to innovation were generated only after learning the needs and requirements of potential customers. Thus, idea generators are expected to be active participants during discussions of customer needs and requirements.

Many approaches to innovation had been recommended by authorities in various sectors of the world. Among them are those who presented the following directions: (A) Steps in the innovation process; (B) Stages in product development; and (C) Problem solving tools. All the three utilise a scientific approach resulting to measurable outputs after undergoing a logical sequence of activities which are valid, repeatable, reproduceable and reliable, or the well-known characteristics of a scientific approach.

Steps in the innovation process include the following:

Step 1 Identify the consumer or market need

Step 2 Generate ideas focused on the need

Step 3 Select the best idea to meet the need

Step 4 Conduct product development activities

Step 5 Test the market and determine profitability

Consumer and/or market needs are identified in Step 1 from in-depth discussions among idea generators and the management representatives in the company. This process, generally known as brainstorming, is one of the major problem-solving tools used to elicit ideas from discussion participants. Once the need is clearly identified (Step 2), several candidate products become the focus of attention and this requires tools for proper selection of the topmost product candidates (Step 3) which could be recommended for development (Step 4). Finally, the newly developed product will be tested for their market performance (Step 5). Other tools useful for selection of the best idea to ensure meeting the consumer’s needs will be discussed in succeeding sections. However, the sequence should always start from knowledge of consumer needs leading to product selection for development and finally to market test and profitability determination.

B. Stages in product development , a step in the innovation process (Step 4), is shown in Figure 1 where the role of the four major players within the manufacturing organisation are specified. In most food manufacturing companies, the four major players include those from: (1) Sales and Marketing (S&M); (2) Research and Development (R&D); (3) Quality Control (QC) and (4) Production as seen in Figure 1 (Gatchalian and Brannan, 2011). These players are generally considered as the idea generators of the company from whom innovation directions emanate. Thus, S&M people, known to be directly in contact with consumers, are expected to obtain information about their needs and requirements. Through S&M’s constant communication with R&D, ideas regarding new product development are generated. Each of the activities, in Figure 1, include the progressive steps in the innovation process (Steps 1- 3) starting with knowledge of consumer needs to product identification itself. Thus, Product Development starts with knowledge of product identity based on customer requirements as identified in the first three steps of the innovation process. At this stage, the four major players know the areas for which they are given the “charge” to handle and provide assurance of completion towards commercial production. In all these activities, scientific problem-solving approaches are utilised to ensure progress towards the succeeding steps at least cost in terms of time, money and effort.

Fig.1. Product development stages showing role of four major players

C. MMG’s 6Ds in problem-solving shows seven problem-solving tools utilised in the innovation process leading to eventual commercial production. This approach had been used as the framework of product development and improvement activities. Considering both the steps in the innovation process (A) and the stages of product development (B), this approach (C) had been found very useful in food product innovation (Gatchalian and Brannan, 2011) towards final market-launch.

The MMG’s 6 Ds of Problem-solving is shown in Figure 2 where “D1- Define your problem” is deemed as the most important step in Product Development (Figure 1) since this is the starting point in any problem-solving process in food product innovation . Once the problem is clearly defined, “D2- Design a plan to solve the problem” becomes easy to envision and develop. The seven (7) problem-solving approaches in food product innovation are embedded in MMG’s 6 Ds as follows:

Fig. 2. MMG’s (Miflora M. Gatchalian) 6Ds of Problem Solving

D1- Define your problem

Through the use of problem-solving tools like (1) Brainstorming, (2) Affinity Diagram , and (3) Checklist Screening , the problem of product identification is eventually clarified and properly defined.

Problem-solving 1 Brainstorming is a problem-solving approach whereby everyone in the Team is expected to share ideas regarding the problem presented to enable them to have a common understanding of the situation and eventually focus on a clear problem definition. Figure 3 is a graphic presentation of what “brainstorming” of people’s varied “brain-power” would entail. The approach encourages everyone in the Team to share their ideas about the situation presented regardless of the nature of their varying backgrounds. With good Team leadership, a decision on the choice of “product to be developed” is obtained and this, to a large extent, helps define the problem.

Fig. 3. People’s varied “brain-power” in “brainstorming” (Photo: Quality Partners Company Inc)

Problem-solving 2 Affinity Diagram encourages everyone in the Team (during brainstorming) to list down as many ideas regarding the topic at hand until a sufficient number of ideas are generated. The first set of outputs (listing of ideas) are classified into major groups of related ideas as shown in Figures 4a and 4b. Further brainstorming on the groups of ideas eventually narrows down the areas for selection until eventually a problem is fully defined. The graphic presentation of ideas allows the participants to clearly see each other’s idea contributions which can be grouped and re-grouped until a consensus, (when everyone agrees) is achieved. This should lead towards an agreement on the product identity which all members perceive as meeting the identified consumers’ need.

Fig. 4a. Affinity  diagram, idea  grouping

Fig4b Manual idea grouping

Problem-solving 3 – “Checklist Screening” reviews the ideas generated pertaining to the product identity and relates these to certain “Factors” of major concern existing in the manufacturing plant. Figure 5a presents the “Factors” associated with extent of their usefulness in product manufacture and these are assigned a score range of 1-7. This serves as a guide to the Innovation Team members in making their choice of a product for innovation. The product evaluated that obtains the highest total score or that meets their Standard Score could be the choice for product development and as such, defines the problem more clearly.

Fig. 5a. Factors for idea consideration and respective score range (1-7)

If another candidate product, analysed in a similar manner, obtains a total score of 145, it could be the one recommended for product development. Others use a standard total score to achieve, like 180, as basis for recommendation.

Fig. 5b. Checklist screening showing the total score (129) 

D2 – Design a plan to solve the problem

Once the problem is clearly defined and the product to be developed already identified, plans for the development process will be designed considering all the “Factors” associated with its proposed development. Designing a plan would require visualising several steps, some of which will utilise problem-solving tools and techniques to achieve desired results. Figure 1 (earlier presented), shows the stages in product development, after the food product needed by the consumers had been identified. A review of the defined problem (Figure 2 -D1) should lead to a better understanding of consumer requirements which, in the first place, were used as basis for product identification. In order to arrive at the desired food product, experimentation of various formulations will have to be done. Some experimenters develop as many as five or more formulations at a time and then narrow this down to two or three after a series of sensory evaluation tests. One example of a design often used in determination of best formulation for a new product is shown in Figure 6. In problem-solving this is labeled as the “design matrix” (Fig. 6a) while in design of experiments, this is known as the “complete block design” (Fig. 6b). Note in Fig. 6b that the columns represent treatments like “Formulation 1 or F1, F2, F3 … Fn” for each formulation, being studied numbered 1 to nth . The rows represent the number of trials done to study each formulation, usually a minimum of three trials is required for proper statistical tests to enhance accuracy of results.

Problem-solving 4 – “Design of Experiment” or “Matrix Design” format is shown in Figure 6a and 6b. To be able to choose the most likely candidate for further development, several tests are done on major characteristics such as physical, chemical, and sensory measurements. The final decision on the choice of product formulation is determined through sensory evaluation tests that focus on food product characteristics desired by customers identified during the problem definition stage (D1- Define the Problem). Finally, when one or two candidate formulations are chosen, these are subjected to repeated process tests for repeatability and reproducibility leading to development of product and process standards or specifications. At these stages, various types of problem-solving tools are utilized, and one of the most important among them is the measure of consumer acceptability using the ‘Hedonic Rating Scale” shown in Figure 7. Although few would consider this as a problem-solving tool, still the scoresheet was developed based on an experimental design where data collected can be analysed statistically. It is also a means to solve the problem of knowing what the consumers actually want through their specified average “acceptability level”. Between two samples, a statistical test for significant difference can be done using the t-test for simple difference . Should there be three or more formulations to choose from, the Analysis of Variance can be utilised (Gatchalian and Brannan, 2011).

Fig. 6a. Matrix design in problem-solving 

Fig. 6b, Sample complete block experimental design

Problem-solving 5 – Hedonic Rating Scale for Acceptability At this point, reference is again made to Fig. 1, where “consumer survey” mainly for product acceptability level determination, is seen next to the last stage in product development. The consumer survey should be done before commercial production. Without this measure, a new product cannot be assumed to have a high level of acceptability in the market. In fact, this is considered one of the major reasons why findings show that about 75% of food product innovation fails to be sustained after market launch (Gatchalian, 2018(b); Menrad 2007). In general practice before product launch, an average hedonic score of 8.5 (between like very much and like extremely) almost always would guarantee a sustainable product life in the marketplace provided all other factors related to Quality Assurance and Marketing and Sales remain in place.

Fig. 7a. Sample hedonic rating scale scoresheet for consumer acceptability test

D3 – Develop data collection approaches

In all stages of problem-solving associated with innovation, proper data collection and treatment are both imperative. It is expected that from the start of any problem-solving activities, documentation is well planned and utilised. Thus, for data collected at the D3 (Data collection) stage, it is most important that “summary sheets” (Fig. 8a) which is eventually filled-up with properly collected data (Fig 8b) have been designed in D2 (Design a Plan) . These are necessary for use in statistical analysis to ensure accuracy and repeatability of results, characteristics of a scientifically organised problem-solving activities.

Problem-solving 6. “Summary Table” or “Data Sheet” in problem-solving are important tools for initiating analysis of collected data or survey results. Fig. 8a shows a sample of a “summary table” useful in sensory evaluation tests or in consumer surveys. This is oftentimes called “dummy table” because it only contains row and column labels and no data. Before the start of an experiment or survey, it is good to prepare a table where one intends to record collected data.  

Fig. 8a. Summary table of raw data from hedonic ratings for acceptability

D4 – Describe results of collected data

Authorities like Winger and Wall (2006) commented that most food innovation activities are less scientific compared with those in the areas of biotechnology, electronics, etc. Some reasons for this were attributed to: (a) lack of scientific approaches being utilised in the field or (b) the absence of capability to measure and quantify human responses to stimuli like food. To date, much work had been published on sensory quality measurement. However, there may have been little actual applications in food product innovation. This paper hopes to encourage more scientists involved with product development to engage in scientific approaches to collecting data, analysing and interpreting results statistically with highest level of confidence. Properly describing results in answer to the defined problem, making reliable conclusions and useful recommendations can make problem-solving activities a worthwhile endeavor in the innovation process.

Use of tested statistical methods for data analysis and interpretation are strongly encouraged. More detailed information about statistical approaches in sensory evaluation can be obtained from Gatchalian and Brannan (2011). An example of data collected from the hedonic rating scale scoresheets used in consumer survey is shown in Figure 8b. The survey determines the level of acceptability of two candidate products for possible commercial production. The final judge of a food product is the consumer and their acceptability level, determined during the consumer survey, and pinpoints which product is ready for commercial production.

Problem-solving 7 – Testing of Hypothesis is used to determine if there is a significant difference in average acceptability scores between the two candidate products slated for commercial production. This can be done through the use of a simple statistical test of hypothesis known as the “ t-test for significant difference.” Analysis of collected data from Fig. 8b starts with the statement of: null hypothesis (Ho), alternative hypothesis (Ha) and level of significance (alpha=5%). Use of t-test to determine significant difference between the two sample means can be done following the formula below.

Set up the statistical hypothesis for the hedonic rating scale test conducted in a survey:

 Apply the formula for t c or t computed

n 1 = number of individuals judging Product A or (X 1 )

n 2 = number of individuals judging Product B or (X 2 )

S 1 2 = variance for Product A (Sample X 1 )

S 2 2 = variance for Product B (Sample X 2 )

When level of Significance is 5% then level of Confidence in the results would be 95% enabling the researcher-problem-solver to make conclusions about his findings with highest confidence. For this example, Sample A ( X 1 ) from Formulation A obtained a significantly high “acceptability average score of 8.5” (between like very much and like extremely in the scoresheet in Fig. 7a) versus Sample B ( X 2 ) from Formulation B which received an acceptability average score of only 6.5 (between like and Like moderately). Applying the tc formula above, on data collected, showed that computed t c = 2.15 is greater than ta at 5% level of significance (1.996 for degree of freedom of 98). This implies that Sample A has definitely a higher acceptability level than Sample B giving the assurance that Sample A would have a good chance to compete and remain in the market where the targeted consumers are located. This assumes that all other factors affecting product acceptability remain the same through time.

D5 – Derive conclusions and recommendations

Based on outputs obtained from “D4 - Describe Results”, reliable conclusions can be drawn. From the consumer survey results, it can be concluded with confidence that Product A (Sample A) has a significantly higher acceptability level (average score of 8.5) compared with Product B (Sample B with average score of 6.5). Thus, the decision to start commercial production of Product A can be confirmed with supporting evidences including favourable remarks obtained from comments by the consumer survey respondents in their hedonic rating scale scoresheets. Without the survey, it would be impossible to conclude with certainty that Product A has a higher acceptability level than Product B since the opinion of targeted consumers was not solicited through proper use of “acceptability tests”. With conclusive results, recommendations pertaining to the commercial production of selected product with process specifications can be refined and finalised.

D6 – Develop report and action plan  

All the major activities conducted to initiate product innovation (starting with D1-Define the problem), proceeding to product development and final consumer tests should be reported to management in a one page “executive summary” following the sequence of the MMG’s 6Ds. All supporting data (i.e. sample scoresheet, computations, etc) should be attached as Exhibit A, Exhibit B, and so on. This way the decision-makers can easily understand the whole process that led to proposal of the new product for commercial production. Action plans should indicate the first steps to be taken to initiate the market launching.

To remain competitive in the food product market arena, it is imperative that the food manufacturing company engage in continuous scientific innovation activities. It is known that innovation is actually a form of problem-solving and it would be of great advantage to have a working knowledge of the basic problem-solving approaches. Among the many available approaches, the following are some of the simplest and most practical problem-solving tools generally employed in food product innovation and these are as follows: (1) brainstorming; (2) affinity diagram; (3) checklist screening; (4) experimental design; (5) hedonic rating scale; (6) summary table; and (7) test of hypothesis. These problem-solving tools and techniques facilitate decision-making with highest level of confidence, a capability much needed in food product innovation.

Gatchalian, M.M. 2018 (a). Innovation Management in Food Product Development. Food  Pacific Manufacturing Journal . Vol. XVIII NO. 2, (March ) ISSN 1608-7100. Ringier Trade Media Ltd. Hong Kong

Gatchalian, M.M. 2018(b). Innovation management: Enhancing competitiveness through  organized innovation activities. Food Pacific Manufacturing Journal . Vol. XVIII, No. 4, (July). ISSN 1608-7100. Ringier Trade Media Ltd. Hong Kong

Gatchalian, M. M. and Brannan, Grace D. 2011. Sensory Quality Measurement: Statistical Analysis of Human Responses, 3 rd edition. Quality Partners Company, Ltd. 283pp. Quezon City Philippines; ISBN 978-971-691-921-9. E: [email protected]

Harrington, James H. 2015. Innovative Process. Harrington Institute, A Division of Harrington Group, International, U.S.A

Menrad, K. 2007. Traditional products and the economic impact of innovation. Wissenschaffs, Zentrum, Straubing Germany.

Winger, R. and Wall. G. 2006. Food Product Innovation: Background Paper. Agricultural and Food Engineering Working Document. Rome, Italy

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What are the Problems in the Food Industry? How to Overcome Them?

SavorEat | October 27, 2022

Like many industries, the food industry was greatly affected by the pandemic. Being unable to operate normally and extended lockdown and restrictions set by the government, the industry faced a significant setback in 2020. As we are coming out of the most disastrous pandemic in generations, the food industry still faces many challenges in managing its operations. 

“We continue to face significant challenges as a business and remain in constant crisis management mode to ensure that we are not being adversely affected by the current inflationary environment.” ~ Food Manufacturing Business

Food is a basic necessity of our lives, and we couldn’t just stop eating because the world was facing a pandemic and was shut down. In reality, the growing world population and food demands drive growth in the food industry. The food market is expected to grow by 6.72% annually from 2022 to 2027. Though the pandemic is behind us, and restaurants and food services are back to normal, several challenges are still facing the food industry. 

This article highlights some of the significant problems in the food industry , the latest trends, difficulties expected in the future, and the future of the food industry.

What are the Food Service Industry’s Most Pressing Issues Today?

Restaurant Challenges

Every food service business is unique and may deal with different situations based on its food services and customer requirements. Despite the difference in services, every restaurant owner has to face common issues and challenges. This section of the article provides information about today’s most pressing issues in the food service industry. 

Food Safety

People’s health and safety is the responsibility of the food service industry since any mishandling, contamination, or reported foodborne illness can lead to severe consequences for both the people and the one who delivered the food. This makes food safety a significant concern for the food service industry. 

Moreover, today’s food trends that catch on quickly cause many food-related problems, demanding food safety professionals to respond immediately. Food safety culture is necessary for the workplace. The production facilities should have proper food safety policies and regular walk-throughs to monitor food safety and trends. 

Food Wastage

While restaurants is considered a clean industry, they considerably contribute a massive quantity to the waste stream. The total amount of food waste is estimated to be 103 million tons annually in the US. Food is wasted due to several reasons, including overproduction, processing problems, bad weather, and unstable markets. 

However, this comes with a price tag and costs countries a lot. Moreover, wasted food also impacts the environment since many valuable resources, such as water and farmland, are also wasted. There should be a check and balance for wasted food, and the food service industry should ensure as little as possible food is wasted. According to food experts , reducing food waste by only 15% can provide food for more than 25 million Americans yearly.

Rising Supply Chain Costs

The food service industry faces many issues managing food supply chains, including food safety, lack of traceability, etc. Increased food supply chains cost is one of them. Managing food supply chain costs is not easy. It does not include the cost of supplying food but also energy and fuel, workforce, and the cost of new technology. Moreover, keeping a check on operating expenses is another concern. 

The first step to control costs is to get them measured. For simple supply chains, you can track expenses in spreadsheets. Complexed supply chains demand technology solutions. You can use a supply chain platform that uses AI to keep a check on costs and reduce them. 

Increased Consumer Demand for Food Traceability

Food traceability is tracking the food product while passing through all the stages of supply chains. Today, many consumers demand food traceability since they want to know where all food ingredients and products come from. This increases the demand for food products data to be available on food products and supply chains. 

Lack of traceability can expose the food service industry to unnecessary risks as well as weaken consumers’ trust, leading to lower sales and profits. However, food traceability can enhance food safety and brand integrity, increasing customer trust in the brand. 

Food fraud is another pressing issue in the food service industry. It happens when a food business intentionally deceives its customers about the quality or content of the food delivered by them to gain the advantage. Food fraud can damage consumer trust and introduce severe health risks to them. 

The food service industry should inform businesses about food fraud practices and how to prevent them. You can review your supply chain to monitor any food fraud, double-check incoming products, and make the entire supply chain transparent to prevent food fraud in your business as much as possible.

problem solving in food industry

What is the Common Problem in the Food Manufacturing Environment? 

Food Manufacturers have to face unique challenges every other day. While these challenges are part of the food manufacturing process, some can surely take a toll on one’s business and mind, and tackling these challenges on a daily basis is a task. Let’s look at some of these common problems in the food industry .  

Labor Shortage

The labor shortage is another problem in the food industry. Until recently, labor shortage in the food industry was linked to special events, such as the pandemic being the most obvious example. Worker numbers were expected to normalize post-pandemic, but that didn’t just happen, contributing to difficulties in staffing levels and other problems. 

Upholding Safety Standards

With an increasing number of laws, and regulations governing the sector, the food industry finds it difficult to keep up with all the standards while managing higher production demands. Moreover, new regulations often require quick implementations, making it more challenging for the food industry to understand and follow standards accordingly. 

For instance, Natasha’s Law aims to protect consumers with food allergies and demands businesses to conduct more effective traceability and management of allergens. 

On the Rise Inflation

Inflation is one of the problems caused by the pandemic since restaurants faced huge losses. It has a significant impact on the food industry, affecting food prices. While moderate inflation is acceptable as it is good for the economy to grow, too much inflation is hard to ignore. Pandemic after-effects, labor difficulties, and severe climatic conditions are a few reasons for the rise in inflation in the food industry. 

Increased Customer Demand

Today’s consumer is well-aware of what must go into the body and demands accordingly. Their expectations include product transparency, health inclusion, and innovative, tastier foods. Moreover, consumers expect food manufacturers to stay relevant with the increasing technology and utilize it.

What Challenges are Faced by the Food & Beverages Industry?

This section will explore the challenges in the food and beverages industry. But first, let’s look at the Global Food & Beverages Industry. 

Overview of the Global Food & Beverage Industry  

Due to increasingly changing consumer demands and behaviors, technological advancements, and rigorous regulations, the food and beverage industry has seen an era of significant changes in the past decade. While some factors have presented many challenges, other factors have also benefited the industry much in terms of technology. 

Driven by advancing technologies and demand for healthier, cheaper, and safer food products, the food tech market is expected to exceed $342 billion by 2027 . Today, consumers do not judge a food or beverage product based on its quality but also on what nutritional value the food provides. As a result, the food and beverages industry needs to implement changes in its existing processes. 

Challenges to the Food Industry 

As mentioned earlier, the food industry faces significant challenges. However, each era has different challenges based on consumer demands and industry standards. Today’s challenges include. 

Plastic Ban Enforcement

Plastic bags have become a threat to animals living on earth and in water. The consistent growth in the industrialization of the food and beverage industry has had a disastrous effect on the environment and led to the enforcement of plastic bags. 

The food industry has to ensure a plastic ban in making the food process, whether manufacturing or delivery, eco-friendly by adopting numerous recycling practices. Excess plastic consumption and improper disposal have come up as a unique challenge facing the F&B industry.

Improving Online Visibility

The pervasive presence of eCommerce presents challenges to the food and beverages industry to improve its online visibility. Technological advancements drive today’s consumer demands, and they have become more digitally informed. This, in turn, raises their expectations. Moreover, the proliferation of technology in restaurants and food delivery services has forced the food industry to analyze and upgrade its online presence. 

With the emergence of tech and newer markets, consumers’ changing nature, and digital transformation, companies in the F&B industry have to focus on online marketing products. Tackling this challenge can help the food industry serve better, and stay ahead of its competitors, and issues in the food industry .

Increased Demand for Vegan Food

Increasing food-related disorders have made consumers more health conscious and turn towards a healthy lifestyle. Consumers demanding plant-based food, meat, and other products might face a significant decline in their consumption. 

This poses a serious challenge to the food industry since manufacturers have to maintain their reputation related to animal treatment. Companies in the food and beverages industry might have to come up with plant-based meat-free alternatives to keep the industry running.

problem solving in food industry

Stringent Regulatory Landscape

Many food and beverage companies adhere to regulatory standards to keep their business running. But the consistent change, driven by increased production, food quality, waste disposal, raw material, and advanced technologies, emerge as an obstacle for the F&B industry in following the regulations.

To deal with evolving regulatory policies and standards, companies should improve their business operations, from manufacturing to distribution. 

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Top 4 Trends in the Food Industry 

The food industry can expect to see many ongoing trends and some other trends emerging as the pandemic’s ramifications. The rise of food tech, eCommerce, and robotics has led the food industry to invest vast amounts like never before. Innovations in sustainability practices will remain a top priority for food manufacturers, driven by the growing consumer demands and ESG requirements. 

This section will highlight some of the emerging F&B industry trends you can expect in 2022 and beyond.

Increased IoT Connectivity & Automation

The food industry has been considerably slow in adopting new technology solutions. However, today, it is ready to embrace modern technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and automation. These technologies will reduce human error and help food manufacturers and processors cut down on food waste, reduce lead time, optimize supply chains, remove production bottlenecks, and make consumers happy. 

In the wake of the pandemic, the food industry also faced labor shortages. By embracing automation and robotics, food manufacturers will be able to meet customer goals, even with fewer on-site employees.  

Health Comes First

The pandemic has also led to the usage of functional food. Today, consumers don’t just want tasty food. They demand food that also promotes health and boosts the immune system. Food products containing vitamin D and probiotics have become more popular as consumers are more concerned about what they’re eating. According to research , the global functional food ingredients market is expected to reach $99,975 million by 2025. 

Increase in Demand for Plant-Based Foods

In the last 15 years, Americans’ plant-based diets have increased by 300%. Increased post-pandemic health concerns drive consumers’ desire to eat plant-based food; manufacturing companies need to adapt accordingly. With new processes scaling up, specialists might also work to transform existing processes and bring well-established food science expertise to conventional foods. 

Balance Between Food Service & Retail

With 64% of consumers not planning to return to their pre-pandemic dining habits, 61% prefer ordering takeout or delivery at least once a week. This is just one example of how COVID-19 has changed consumer behavior, and the food industry needs to adjust to consumer demands. 

This also led to a decreased demand for food supplied to restaurants and increased demand for retail stores. There is a need to maintain a balance between these two markets that are expected to evolve more this year. 

What Problems has the Food Industry Already dealt with? 

The food industry’s problems can never be addressed entirely. However, using food tech and other practices can reduce the problems in the food industry to a minimum. The food industry is dealing with some of these problems and has successfully addressed these challenges. Here, we will discuss two of them. 

Cargo Theft

With cargo thieves continuing to target the food commodities that can be sold in the black market, the food industry has been implementing best practices to reduce food cargo theft as much as possible. Some of these best practices include. 

  • Choosing the right carriers. 
  • Auditing the distribution center to ensure none of the cargo is missing. 
  • Keeping an eye on potential dishonest employees and weeding them out to minimize the possibility of internal cargo theft.
  • Ensuring overt and covert surveillance in the warehouse and company vehicles to prevent cargo theft.
  • Utilizing safety devices to detect suspicious activity.

Supply Chain Pressures

The food industry has been managing supply chain pressures in the post-outbreak era using the following technology.

  • Using end-to-end supply chain management systems to build supply chain resilience.
  • Industry 4.0, leading to digital supply chain networks that can make businesses less vulnerable. For instance, robotics can reduce the dependency on migrant labor. 
  • Use of AI to predict uptake food demand and anticipate future bottlenecks.

Moreover, food tech can solve many issues in the food industry in the longer run. Continue reading the article to know more about food tech and how it can solve food industry problems.

How can Food Tech Solve Food Problems?

Food crises, food loss, food safety, and the aging of producers are some of the issues facing the food industry. Given these issues, there is a growing effort to achieve more sustainable food production, supply, and consumption using the latest technologies. As a result, businesses are using technology to improve efficiency and fight problems caused by inflation. Food tech in the food industry can reshape processes to manage food production, supply chains, and consumption.

What is Food Tech?

Food tech is the latest technology that can improve food production, distribution, and consumption. With the rise of big data, AI, and IoT, food tech is helping the food industry get more sustainable. 

Impact of Food Tech

Food tech has a significant impact on the food industry. From accelerating food production industrialization to reducing world hunger, food tech can play an active role in reducing the world’s food problems and challenges. 

Accelerating Food Production Industrialization

Until now, industries like agriculture, food processing, and restaurants have been regarded as isolated from the latest technologies. But not anymore; these industries are embracing the latest technologies, including ICT, robotics, and biotechnology. 

Moreover, these technologies are actively improving food production, distribution, and consumption, as well as responding to increased consumer demands and eliminating labor shortages. 

Advancements in technologies, including AI that tends to extract information from different groups of individuals, IoT that allows understanding and connectivity, and biotechnology that improves plant and animal management, have enabled the food industry to accelerate food industrialization. 

Eliminating Food Crisis & Losses Through Food Tech

Food tech can eliminate food crises and food losses. Here are two initiatives. 

First, let’s talk about measures to manage the food crisis. The world population is increasing and is expected to increase by 30% in 2050 of what it is today. This may lead to increased hunger issues in the world. To solve this issue, the agriculture industry is using biotechnology to develop meat layering sheets created from animal cells and mold them using 3D printers. Also, different crop varieties are developed that will be able to grow under harsh climatic conditions. 

Secondly, to combat food loss. As mentioned earlier, food wastage is a primary concern facing the food industry. Japan is practicing business innovation to eliminate food loss. In this practice, the period from the manufacturing date of the food to expiration data is divided by three to determine the delivery and sell-by dates. 

The below picture illustrates the example of Japan utilizing smart food value chains. The aim of using smart food chains is to improve food chain management efficiency and prevent food loss. 

Concept of Smart Food Value Chain in the Field of agri-food industry

In addition to these two areas, there are several other initiatives related to food tech, including GMOs, drones, crop monitoring, meat industry technology, and restaurant automation. 

  • GMO: GMOs are genetically modified organisms inserted in plants’ genes to make them disease resistant and grow in less favorable production areas.
  • Meat Industry Technology: AI is used in identifying health issues in poultry production.
  • Restaurant Automation: It is the use of robotics and automation to automate restaurant processes, including digital menu books, inventory software, etc. 
  • Drones: Drones can be used to monitor crop growth and problems using satellite imagery. 

Final Words

Like many other industries, the food industry is also facing post-pandemic challenges. However, several technological advancements can help tackle these challenges. As mentioned above, food tech will innovate in solving many food industry problems . Despite the fact that the food industry is facing significant challenges, the most effective and positive part of the industry is the embracement of technology. 

Much of the technology usage, including apps, third-party ordering, etc., has been here for several years. Yet it took the pandemic to force the food industry to use this technology to its fuller extent. It would not be wrong to say that technology adaptability is helping the industry recover and grow from past losses. 

In conclusion, technology became a critical answer in order to address the challenges and problems in the food industry . Also, there is a need to address issues like inflation and labor shortage. Regardless of your role in the food industry, if you want to remain relevant and operate efficiently, you need to stay ahead of the latest food industry trends and be willing to allow your company to evolve accordingly. 

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5.5: Effective Problem Solving and Decision Making

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Types of Decision Makers

Problem solving and decision making belong together. You cannot solve a problem without making a decision. There are two main types of decision makers. Some people use a systematic, rational approach. Others are more intuitive. They go with their emotions or a gut feeling about the right approach. They may have highly creative ways to address the problem, but cannot explain why they have chosen this approach.

Six Problem-Solving Steps

The most effective method uses both rational and intuitive or creative approaches. There are six steps in the process:

Identify the problem

Search for alternatives, weigh the alternatives, make a choice.

  • Implement the choice
  • Evaluate the results and, if necessary, start the process again

To solve a problem, you must first determine what the problem actually is. You may think you know, but you need to check it out. Sometimes, it is easy to focus on symptoms, not causes. You use a rational approach to determine what the problem is. The questions you might ask include:

  • What have I (or others) observed?
  • What was I (or others) doing at the time the problem occurred?
  • Is this a problem in itself or a symptom of a deeper, underlying problem?
  • What information do I need?
  • What have we already tried to address this problem?

For example, the apprentice you supervise comes to you saying that the electric warming oven is not working properly. Before you call a repair technician, you may want to ask a few questions. You may want to find out what the apprentice means by “not working properly.” Does he or she know how to operate the equipment? Did he or she check that the equipment was plugged in? Was the fuse or circuit breaker checked? When did it last work?

You may be able to avoid an expensive service call. At the very least, you will be able to provide valuable information to the repair technician that aids in the troubleshooting process.

Of course, many of the problems that you will face in the kitchen are much more complex than a malfunctioning oven. You may have to deal with problems such as:

  • Discrepancies between actual and expected food costs
  • Labour costs that have to be reduced
  • Lack of budget to complete needed renovations in the kitchen
  • Disputes between staff

However, the basic problem-solving process remains the same even if the problems identified differ. In fact, the more complex the problem is, the more important it is to be methodical in your problem-solving approach.

It may seem obvious what you have to do to address the problem. Occasionally, this is true, but most times, it is important to identify possible alternatives. This is where the creative side of problem solving really comes in.

Brainstorming with a group can be an excellent tool for identifying potential alternatives. Think of as many possibilities as possible. Write down these ideas, even if they seem somewhat zany or offbeat on first impression. Sometimes really silly ideas can contain the germ of a superb solution. Too often, people move too quickly into making a choice without really considering all of the options. Spending more time searching for alternatives and weighing their consequences can really pay off.

Once a number of ideas have been generated, you need to assess each of them to see how effective they might be in addressing the problem. Consider the following factors:

  • Impact on the organization
  • Effect on public relations
  • Impact on employees and organizational climate
  • Ethics of actions
  • Whether this course is permitted under collective agreements
  • Whether this idea can be used to build on another idea

Some individuals and groups avoid making decisions. Not making a decision is in itself a decision. By postponing a decision, you may eliminate a number of options and alternatives. You lose control over the situation. In some cases, a problem can escalate if it is not dealt with promptly. For example, if you do not handle customer complaints promptly, the customer is likely to become even more annoyed. You will have to work much harder to get a satisfactory solution.

Implement the decision

Once you have made a decision, it must be implemented. With major decisions, this may involve detailed planning to ensure that all parts of the operation are informed of their part in the change. The kitchen may need a redesign and new equipment. Employees may need additional training. You may have to plan for a short-term closure while the necessary changes are being made. You will have to inform your customers of the closure.

Evaluate the outcome

Whenever you have implemented a decision, you need to evaluate the results. The outcomes may give valuable advice about the decision-making process, the appropriateness of the choice, and the implementation process itself. This information will be useful in improving the company’s response the next time a similar decision has to be made.

Creative Thinking

Your creative side is most useful in identifying new or unusual alternatives. Too often, you can get stuck in a pattern of thinking that has been successful in the past. You think of ways that you have handled similar problems in the past. Sometimes this is successful, but when you are faced with a new problem or when your solutions have failed, you may find it difficult to generate new ideas.

If you have a problem that seems to have no solution, try these ideas to “unfreeze” your mind:

  • Relax before trying to identify alternatives.
  • Play “what if” games with the problem. For example, What if money was no object? What if we could organize a festival? What if we could change winter into summer?
  • Borrow ideas from other places and companies. Trade magazines might be useful in identifying approaches used by other companies.
  • Give yourself permission to think of ideas that seem foolish or that appear to break the rules. For example, new recipes may come about because someone thought of new ways to combine foods. Sometimes these new combinations appear to break rules about complementary tastes or break boundaries between cuisines from different parts of the world. The results of such thinking include the combined bar and laundromat and the coffee places with Internet access for customers.
  • Use random inputs to generate new ideas. For example, walk through the local shopping mall trying to find ways to apply everything you see to the problem.
  • Turn the problem upside down. Can the problem be seen as an opportunity? For example, the road outside your restaurant that is the only means of accessing your parking lot is being closed due to a bicycle race. Perhaps you could see the bicycle race as an opportunity for business rather than as a problem.

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10 common problems in foodservice and how to overcome them

Every food service business is different, but there are several common problems that every café or restaurant manager can relate to. Keep reading for ten of the most common issues faced in the food and beverage industry and how to overcome them.

Customer looking at menu

Problem #1: Your menu

Creating a great menu is a real balancing act - you want to offer a lot of choices, but you also don’t want to confuse or overwhelm your customers.

You might think that having a large menu is more beneficial, but it can actually mean:

  • It takes longer for customers to order.
  • It creates longer ticket times in the kitchen.
  • You’ll need to buy more ingredients.
  • Slower overall table turnaround since each table takes longer to serve.

Here are some ways you can improve your menu:

  • Make sure it is easily readable.
  • Avoid using dollar signs.
  • Take your customers on a culinary journey. A great copywriter can produce a compelling and mouth-watering menu.
  • Make sure your menus are always clean – no food or grease marks. Replace damaged menus and don’t white-out or mark mistakes or changes – it’s unprofessional.
  • Make sure staff really know the menu and can answer questions and make recommendations.
  • Include the menu on your website and make sure it’s easy to navigate using a mobile phone.

You might also consider:

  • Adopting a  QR code digital menu  to make ordering more efficient.
  • Embracing a simple menu design to make it easier for customers to pick what they want.
  • Include exciting and novel drink options to help you increase your beverage sales.

Problem #2: Customer service

First impressions are crucial when it comes to making your business a memorable one. Poor service can make great food and its surroundings unattractive. In contrast, a satisfied customer will return to your establishment and recommend you to others.

Make sure that your team has training in  how to handle common customer complaints  in the food industry. For example, does your team understand how to handle a customer who complains about something wrong with their order? Do your staff members understand how to be courteous towards disabled customers?

Investing in additional customer service training for your front of house staff will pay off when you start to get excellent online reviews written by grateful customers. Prioritising your diners’ customer service experience is just as crucial as ensuring the quality of the food and drinks you serve them.

Problem #3: Your unique selling point (USP)

Hamburger with chips

Why should your customers dine at your restaurant and not the one next door? Think about the answer to this question - this is your unique selling point (USP).

A great menu and excellent customer service are essential to the success of your business. However, they are not USPs since any foodservice business could claim these things. You need an innovative idea and compelling reason for why customers should keep returning to your restaurant over others.

Go beyond what you’ve promised and give customers something new - a reason for them to return again and again! Perhaps you could offer new and exciting drinks, desserts or buffets, maybe you have a renowned chef working in your kitchen, or you might be using  plant-based meat  in new and exciting ways.

Whatever your USP is, make sure you lean into it and ensure your customers know what it is.

Problem #4: Operations

Managing the day-to-day operation of your café or restaurant is essential, but you also need to consider the bigger picture. By stepping back and looking at your processes holistically, you can identify rising concerns, respond to consumer trends, and eliminate inefficiencies that cost you money.

  • How many customers are you serving each day?
  • Do you know what your most profitable menu items are? Are these selling more than the least profitable ones?
  • What is your profit and loss for each week that you are open?
  • How efficient is your supply chain? Could you reduce food waste by tightening up your ordering and inventory management operations?

Knowing the answers to these questions is key to reducing your overhead expenses and retaining more profit. The more profit you generate, the more you can reinvest to grow your business.

Problem #5: Retaining staff

Kitchen operation

Supporting and keeping good employees can save your business time and money while retaining valuable skills that could be hard to replace.

Top five tips for retaining hospitality staff:

  • Be firm, fair and flexible. Staff need to know what your minimum expectations of them are from day one. Be flexible. This industry has odd hours, so staff need some regular weekends as well.
  • Lead by example. Show leadership, integrity and maturity at all times.
  • Review and reward. Carry out regular staff reviews and make sure you have staff bonus and reward schemes in place.
  • Don’t forget to communicate. Good communication is vital for any relationship, and staff are no exception.
  • Give feedback. Constructive, meaningful and honest feedback will do amazing things for staff and ultimately improve work performance.

When you support your staff, you’ll reduce costs over time and enhance your customers’ dining experience. Having motivated and highly-trained staff is one of the biggest assets you can have in the foodservice industry.

Problem #6: Marketing

Marketing is all about attracting new customers to your business and keeping existing ones. A great marketing plan can be one of the most powerful ways of growing your business and bringing in more revenue.

Here are some simple steps that can help:

  • Create a marketing plan. Set yourself a goal for what you want to achieve and make it specific SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timely. Your plan needs to be flexible and short term - 6 to 12 months.
  • Formalise your brand standards. This includes developing a mission statement, logo, graphics, guidelines, etc. This helps to ensure all your messaging remains consistent.
  • Think about  digital marketing for your business . Social media and websites are essential if you want to thrive. Consider investing in social media or search engine marketing.
  • Respond to comments on review sites - even the negative ones (be professional).
  • Network within your community and businesses in the area – they can help spread the word.

Be creative with your marketing. Whatever your budget, there are inexpensive ways to promote your business.

Some cheap ways to market your café or restaurant include:

  • Creating a customer loyalty program so that customers are more likely to recommend your business to others.
  • Purchasing inexpensive marketing materials to use in your café or restaurant, such as flyers and magnets.
  • Creating a hashtag for your business so customers can tag you in their social media posts relating to your food and drinks.
  • Building relationships with local media will help you attract customers by publicising your new seasonal menu items or events taking place at your café or restaurant.

Problem #7: Cash flow

Staff discussing cash flow

Having good cash flow is key to business success. If your business is experiencing poor cash flow, here are a few things you can do:

  • Make sure you’re getting the most from your menu. If you think prices are too low or you can get more from some dishes, increase the price.
  • Manage stock and make sure you have a suitable rotation method in place to reduce wastage.
  • Effective budgeting and management reporting is important. Do a short course if you need to upskill in this area.
  • Consider applying for a business line of credit so you can draw on funds to cover gaps in your cash flow.
  • Brush up on your knowledge of supply chain management and see if there are ways you could be doing things better.

Owners should plan to have at least enough money to continue operating for one year. Additionally, restaurant owners need to have enough financial resources to cope with unexpected costs and price increases.

It’s important that you know how to identify and solve  common cash flow problems .

Problem #8: Work-life balance

Maintaining a good work-life balance  can be hard when you’re running a business. Finding time to deal with ordering, finances, rosters, menu changes, marketing, and general day-to-day tasks isn’t easy.

Here’s how to achieve a happy medium:

  • Planning. Get into a weekly routine so that people know when you will be available and onsite. Make sure they know that they can call you if something is urgent.
  • Prioritise. Set yourself lists of key tasks and get the important ones done first.
  • Delegate responsibilities. Make sure your staff are well trained and are delegated responsibilities appropriately. Not only does this ease your workload, but it also gives people working with you something to learn and a greater sense of involvement.

Being well-organised helps you to maintain total focus while working and easily switch off when you get home. If needed, take some time off to work out how you can maintain healthy boundaries with your business.

Problem #9: Finding new employees

Smiling employee

As we wrote about in our article on  hospitality staffing challenges , some foodservice operators have faced issues recruiting talented staff to join their team, particularly experienced wait staff.

The solution to this is to focus on your recruitment and retention strategies. Make sure you have the right KPIs, structure, and culture to motivate people to work for you while respecting the value of your staff members. Pay attention to what your staff are telling you so you can make your workplace more appealing to new hires.

You can also try upskilling your existing staff or leveraging  restaurant technology trends  like cloud-based point-of-sale systems so that you don’t need as many workers on your payroll.

Investing in training and technology can help you get more from your current team without overworking them.

Problem #10: Food safety

Protecting food safety is one of the major challenges many restaurants, cafes, and food and beverage manufacturers face. Since food safety has become a  key concern for consumers , it’s worth doing everything in your power to ensure the food you serve is high-quality and hasn’t been contaminated in any way.

Here are a few common food safety mistakes made by many businesses and some tips on how to avoid them:

  • Leaving cooked or ready-to-eat foods at room temperature for more than four hours. To prevent this from happening, you need to ensure that your cold and hot holding equipment is working correctly.
  • Having high levels of bacteria in your food. Your equipment, water supply, storage facilities and even staff training need to be up to par.
  • Spoiling raw ingredients by using dirty utensils or surfaces. Make sure you have your work surfaces cleaned daily with hot soapy water, then sanitise them just before use.

Learn more about following  food safety in the kitchen .

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Leading and managing conflict resolution in the food industry

Quality professionals in today’s food industry face more challenges and competing priorities than ever before. This is a result of the dynamic nature of the food industry, changing regulatory policies/standards/regulations, globalisation, continuous business improvement efforts, and demanding customer and consumer expectations. Food safety and quality are critical to the success of a food business. In order to deal with inevitable challenges, quality professionals must understand and be trained to deal with conflicts that arise with internal and external stakeholders. This article provides information to help quality professionals in the food industry lead and manage conflict resolution.

Conflict, a state of opposition, disagreement or incompatibility between two or more parties, is natural and occurs in all organisations, and it can be a source of change and creativity [1] . Conflict is the result of different or contradictory goals or perspectives and is reflected in emotional reactions that can include outrage, apprehension, disillusionment, disappointment, hostility, and depression. Some conflict is unavoidable in human interactions. Conflict is especially common in situations where one or more people’s actions are controlled or overseen by another person [1] .

Once a conflict escalates to a dispute, e.g. where one person makes accusations against another, it must be acknowledged and resolved. It is important to resolve the cause, not just the effects of conflict. Conflicts are often rooted in differences in needs, roles, pressures, job positions, priorities, goals, approaches, values, interests, and perceptions [1, 2] . Conflicts can be categorised according to the relationship between the individuals involved. Power or status differentials between individuals are factors in both the cause and the outcome of conflicts. Conflicts can occur at four levels [1, 2] :

  • Intrapersonal (within an individual)
  • Interpersonal (between two or more individuals)
  • Personal–functional (between an individual and their work)
  • Personal–organisational (between an individual and their workplace)

The results of conflicts may be positive, negative, or neutral. Positive conflicts have the following outcomes [1, 2] :

  • Win–win circumstances
  • Creative ideas developed
  • Better understanding of tasks and issues
  • Wider selection of alternatives
  • Increased motivation and energy
  • Desire to unite and improve

Negative conflicts result in [1, 2] :

  • Win–lose or lose–lose circumstances
  • Undesirable outcomes
  • Decreased productivity

Quality professionals in the food industry can use a number of approaches to manage conflicts, depending on the circumstances and relationships involved.

Styles of Conflict Management

The Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) evaluates an individual’s behaviour in conflict circumstances [2] . There is no specific right or wrong method for handling conflicts; the approach that works best depends on the situation and the interactions between affected parties. The leader, facilitator or manager must be able to understand various conflict resolution methods and use tools that are appropriate for the situation [1] .

Conflicts occur when the concerns of two or more individuals are contradictory. The TKI provides a tool for describing an individual’s behaviour in terms of assertiveness (self-assuredness) or cooperativeness (helpfulness) [2] . Assertiveness is the degree to which the individual endeavours to satisfy his or her concerns, and cooperativeness is the degree to which the individual endeavours to satisfy the other party’s concerns. These measures of conduct can be used to assess approaches to conflict management, as reflected in the five common styles discussed below [1, 2] :

Competing: Competing behaviour is assertive and uncooperative (you lose–I win, taking). When competing, an individual attempts to win, even at the expense of others. Competition may involve standing up for your rights, guarding a position you consider correct, or attempting to dominate [1, 2] . The competing style can be dominating, manipulative, or pushy, focusing on resolving conflict in a manner that satisfies the competing individual. This approach may be appropriate when decisions need to be made quickly and when one party has a stronger position [2] .

Accommodating: Accommodating behaviour is unassertive but cooperative (you win–I lose, giving). When accommodating, an individual yields to the wishes of others [1, 2] . An accommodating style allows others to have their way so as not to create conflict. Accommodation can be appropriate when one party is wrong, or when the issue at hand is more important to one party than to another [2] .

Avoiding: Avoiding behaviour is unassertive and uncooperative (you lose–I lose, running). An individual practicing avoidance withdraws from the situation, does not address the conflict, and tries to strategically bypass the issue, putting it off until a better time or neglecting it entirely [1, 2] . Avoidance includes not responding, ignoring, denying, rationalising, and/or disengaging. Avoiding behaviour can be appropriate for less critical issues or when the potential harm from conflict exceeds the benefits of stated objectives [2] .

Compromising: Compromising behaviour is intermediate between assertiveness and cooperativeness (neither wins or loses, sharing). When compromising, an individual is ready to work to achieve a middle ground, put aside differences, and fulfil the needs of both parties to the extent possible. Compromise addresses the issues at hand, but not to the same extent as collaboration (teaming up). Compromising can involve getting past differences, trading concessions, or looking for a rapid understanding or trade-off [1, 2] . The compromise approach includes giving something up for the “greater good,” i.e. each party concedes something so that the conflict can be resolved. Compromising is utilised when the involved parties are equally strong and avoiding conflict or disturbance is more important than achieving the original objectives [2] .

Collaborating: As a food industry quality professional, I strongly encourage you to use the collaborative approach, which I believe is the best method for conflict resolution. Collaboration is both assertive and cooperative (win–win, problem-solving); collaborating individuals endeavour to work together to find a solution that satisfies the concerns of both. It involves diving into the issues to recognise the underlying concerns of all parties and to develop options that address all major concerns. Collaboration can involve investigating differences to benefit from one another’s knowledge or working to discover an innovative answer to an interpersonal issue; it can be used for cross-functional root cause analysis, to trouble-shoot an issue, and to work with internal and external stakeholders. A collaborative approach attempts to find “common ground” in the conflict, i.e. to discover root causes and to come up with a resolution to which all parties can commit. Collaboration is utilised when both perspectives are vital and a coordinated arrangement is desired [1, 2] .

In simple terms, the following six steps can help quality professionals to resolve conflict [3] :

  • Clarify and define the issue
  • Capture all parties’ points of view
  • Reach agreement on goals
  • Brainstorm alternatives
  • Jointly select an alternative that everyone can work with
  • Jointly decide how to determine whether the alternative is working

People, processes and problems are the three main components of any dispute [4] :

People: Every conflict involves a history of relationships and personalities [4] .

Process: People fight in different ways, but every conflict has patterns of interaction that define the way in which it intensifies, eases or spreads [4] .

Problem: Every conflict has content—the issues and interests that form the “reasons for the dispute” [4] .

Each party’s preferred outcome to a dispute is determined by the way in which that party perceives the situation. A successful transition from conflict to an agreed outcome that everyone can live with sometimes requires skilled intervention by a mediator. Views of conflict are influenced by emotions and behaviour. The emotions and behaviour of each party, the context of the dispute, and the relationships among disputants can all contribute to escalation of the conflict and to difficulties in conflict resolution [4] .

Food industry quality leaders, facilitators, or managers must understand and be able to use methods of conflict resolution that are appropriate for a given situation. Effective communication, active listening, clear assignments, achievable challenges, and meaningful purpose and feedback are critical to avoiding or dealing with conflict and to optimising team performance. Quality leaders and managers invest large amounts of time in overseeing conflict, and coordinated efforts are required to address challenges. More than one approach to conflict resolution may be used to achieve desired outcomes. Helping people recognise the need for change is fundamental to transforming conflict, so that disputants can reach a solution that is beneficial to all concerned [1] .

  • DuBrin, A. (2010). Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills (6th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning.
  • CPP. (2009). Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) . Retrieved from https://www.cpp.com/products/tki/index.aspx
  • Bruce, S. (2013). 6 Steps to Conflict Resolution in the Workplace . Business and Legal Resources (BLR). Retrieved from http://hrdailyadvisor.blr.com/2013/06/24/6-steps-to-conflict-resolution-...
  • Beer, J., & Stief, E. (1997). The mediator’s handbook (3rd ed.) Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers.

Ravi Chermala FIFST, CSci, RFoodSP


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Soft, Transferable and Technical Skills of the Modern Food Industry

chef preparing food in a dark kitchen

Welcome to the delicious world of the modern food industry! With countless culinary creations popping up every day, it’s no surprise that this industry is one of the most exciting fields out there. But what makes a successful chef or food entrepreneur? Today, a career in the food industry requires a unique blend of skills that go beyond just culinary expertise.

We explore the soft, transferable, and technical skills of the modern food industry that are essential for success. So put on your apron and get ready to sharpen those knives – we’re about to discover what it takes to make it in this dynamic and tasty world.

Soft Skills of the Modern Food Industry

Soft skills are personal attributes that enable individuals to interact effectively and harmoniously with others. In the food industry, where teamwork and customer satisfaction are paramount, the following soft skills are crucial:


Excellent communication skills are essential for effective collaboration with team members, clear instructions to kitchen staff, and providing exceptional customer service.


The food industry is fast-paced and ever-changing. Being able to adapt to new situations, handle pressure, and embrace change is key to success.

Time Management

Juggling multiple tasks, coordinating with food manufacturers and suppliers, and meeting deadlines require strong time management skills. Efficiently managing time ensures smooth operations and customer satisfaction.


The ability to think on your feet and find creative solutions to challenges is highly valued in the food industry. From managing inventory to addressing customer complaints, problem-solving skills are vital.

As you progress in your career, leadership skills become essential. Being able to motivate and guide a team, improve productivity , delegate tasks and make decisions will set you apart as a leader in the industry.

Transferable Skills of  the Modern Food Industry

Transferable skills are abilities that can be applied across various industries and job roles. In the food industry, these skills can enhance your performance and open up new opportunities:

Customer Service

Exceptional customer service skills are indispensable in the food industry. Whether you’re a chef, server, or manager of a food company or restaurant, being able to understand and fulfil customer needs is essential.

Collaboration and teamwork are at the heart of any successful restaurant or food establishment. The ability to work well with others, delegate tasks, and contribute to a positive work environment is highly valued.

Transferable problem-solving skills can be applied to any situation, including the kitchen. Being resourceful, analytical, and solution-oriented will help you overcome challenges effectively.


Strong organisational skills are beneficial across the food industry. From managing inventory and schedules to maintaining cleanliness and orderliness, being organised ensures efficiency and effectiveness.

Attention to Detail

Whether it’s plating a dish or following a recipe accurately, attention to detail is crucial. This skill ensures consistency and quality in food preparation and presentation.

Technical Skills of  the Modern Food Industry

Technical skills are specific abilities related to a particular field. In the food industry, these skills revolve around culinary techniques, food safety, and the use of technology:

Culinary Skills

Mastering culinary techniques such as knife skills, cooking methods, and flavour pairing is fundamental for chefs. Continuous learning and staying updated with culinary trends are also vital.

Food Safety and Hygiene

Understanding and implementing proper f ood safety and hygiene practices is non-negotiable. Knowledge of HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) principles and proper handling of food helps prevent contamination and ensures consumer safety .

Menu Development

Creating innovative and enticing menus requires a blend of creativity and knowledge of consumer preferences. Being able to develop menus that cater to dietary restrictions, sustainability practices , and seasonal ingredients is a valuable skill.

Technology and Data Literacy

Being tech-savvy and having proficiency in using various software and digital tools is essential. This includes knowledge of inventory management systems, online ordering platforms , social media marketing , and even efficiently running a commercial kitchen . Additionally, understanding data analytics and leveraging it to make informed business decisions can give you a competitive edge.

Culinary Arts Management

For those aspiring to lead and manage a culinary establishment, skills in culinary arts management are vital. This includes knowledge of budgeting, cost control, menu pricing, and staff management.

The modern food industry demands a diverse set of skills beyond culinary expertise to navigate the ever-evolving landscape. By continuously developing and honing these skills, aspiring professionals can position themselves for success. Whether you’re a chef in a commercial kitchen , a server, a manager, or an aspiring foodtrepreneur, investing in your skill set will help you stand out in a competitive field.

So, embrace the blend of soft, transferable and technical skills, and let your culinary journey  flourish! Bon appétit!

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5 Creative Problem Solving Tips From a Growing Food Business [Guest Post]

August 28, 2013 By Susie

Guest Post by Michael Adams , founder of Green Mountain Mustard .

I’ve been producing food products for over 10 years, starting as a home baker. And in these 10 years, I’ve had my fair share or production nightmares. My first two food companies were baked goods — cookies and energy bars. I chose to make products like these for a simple reason: I could produce them in my parent’s home kitchen. (In Vermont, the state health department required a mere $50 for a home bakery license.)

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Producing food at home can look like “the dream” but it can get crazy, quickly. Family interruptions, ingredients strewn everywhere, and the oven on 24/7. You may quickly struggle to keep up with demand given the constraints of your tiny home kitchen. And what about your ingredient management – is it under control?

Processing large amounts of product outside your home comes with its own challenges: scaling recipes correctly, getting a scheduled process, and making sure you maintain your product quality, just to name a few.

These challenges can be overwhelming if you’re just starting out.

Here are five common problems I’ve encountered and how I solved them. Hopefully what I’ve learned helps you transition to a bigger commercial kitchen to grow your food business.

Do any of these ring a bell?

1. Packaging unknowns

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Both of my baked goods companies had the same problem: Packaging was the constant unknown. I had no idea what I was doing, what equipment I needed, and how my packaging decisions would affect my fresh-baked product’s shelf-life.

My solution:

After a few tries I got it down: To start-out, I used a heat sealer with polypropylene bags . Product would go in the bag, the bag would be sealed, and then hand-labeled. It worked well for the first 18 months. But packaging was taking far too long and the seals didn’t stay sealed. What to do? We purchased a horizontal band sealer on eBay . (The same company makes vertical band sealers for packaging things like nuts and pretzels.) The sealer better closed the poly bags by locking out air, extending our shelf life by a few days. And a few days can make a big difference between profit and loss!

2. Making a food product with fresh eggs

Sometimes your product fits into special “rules” because it uses perishable or “potentially hazardous” ingredients which, in other words, could make people sick, or worse. I currently own a mustard company. We use eggs and butter in the majority of our line. That means our product not only required a unique scheduled process, but production was different, too. It wasn’t as simple as “dump and fill,” which describes the usual way you’d fill mustard jars. We had to make sure our temperature was consistent.

First, I consulted with a food processing authority. While there aren’t tons of them, they’re lifesavers in terms of expertise. I’ve had a great experience working with the team at Cornell’s Food Science Lab . To make sure we kept the temperature at the right point, I did several things:

  • made smaller batches to control the temperature as we moved throughout the kitchen,
  • water-bathed the jars to for 30 minutes to bring them up to temp, and
  • made sure to record everything in case we had a bad temperature and had to head back to the kettle.

3. Better production forecasting

I’ve been completely cleared out of product several times this year. Yes, it’s a good problem to have, but the uncertainty keeps me on edge. When you start getting large orders out of the blue, it’s an even better problem to have but planning for production gets even more challenging. Sure, you can go off of last year’s numbers, but what if you don’t have any numbers? How do you forecast to make sure you don’t run out of product?

Work with an average sales number. If you do a farmer’s market and average $600/market, plan for that. If you’d like to add 10 retailers a month, what’s the average order? Plus, how often will retailers reorder? Add that into your production needs for the month. This gives you a better idea of what you need for the month. And don’t forget: if you have an event like a fair or festival coming up, plan for that, too. For every 5,000 people at the event, we sample a lot and typically sell 75 units or so. But, every food business is different!

4. Finding a co-packer to make your product

I’m a sales and marketing guy at heart. And many of you probably are, too. Sales and marketing is the engine that’s going to grow your food business. To devote enough time to selling my product (the last thing I want is to have expired product sitting on the shelf), you may need to consider finding a co-packer unless you have your own production team. But, as with everything, locating a co-packer can be one the most time-consuming decisions for your business.

I found my first co-packer through a Google search. She was located about an hour from my parent’s house and had a great-looking facility. While we packed with her for about a year, it was incredibly expensive and I wasn’t making a healthy profit margin. Things had to change. I found my second co-packer through word-of-mouth. The food community will share anything with you – co-packer referrals, ingredient sources, fairs & festivals, etc. We’ve happily been with our co-packer for over two years. As for numbers, we produce bi-weekly – around 100-150 cases a month. I manage the ingredient inventory and assist in a production a month to make sure everything is going smoothly.

5. Managing all the moving parts of your food business

With any small business, you wear a lot of hats. You’ve got to handle labels, production, sales, marketing, cleaning, accounting, demos, sending samples — the list goes on. And many small business owners still think they can do it all themselves. Luckily there are many low cost tools out there to help you manage every aspect of your business. Here are a few more I like:

How I solved it:

  • For reporting, brainstorming, and craft show planning, I use Google Drive . You can work from anywhere!
  • For my website and blog I use WordPress . [Note from Susie: I do too, on BlueHost and am happy to share tips.]
  • I design my own labels using Adobe Photoshop and print them at a local company.
  • For social media (Facebook, Twitter etc) I use Hootsuite , accessible via your computer or smartphone app. Hootsuite gives you a central way to manage all your updates.

Certainly, there are more than 5 problems small food businesses experience. What are your top challenges? Let me know in the comments below and I’d be happy to help solve your problem – whether it’s production, marketing, getting new retailers, I’m all ears!

Author Bio: Michael Adams runs Green Mountain Mustard , available in over 100 retailers across New England.

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' src=

December 16, 2014 at 10:40 am

Marketing is my biggest challenge. Any suggestions?

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December 30, 2014 at 2:22 am

Hi Dolores,

The more you can sample your cakes, the better. Cakes are so great fresh, I wonder if there are companies who might use your mini cakes for meeting snacks? Just another way to get more people to sample them.

On your website it would be great to see testimonials or quotes front and center, for those who don’t have the pleasure of sampling locally.

Hope these little ideas spark good things for you!

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December 30, 2014 at 2:36 am

On your website it would be great to see testimonials or quotes front and center, for those who don’t have the pleasure of sampling locally.

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March 4, 2016 at 1:22 am

Hi! I am just starting to think about packaging my protein bars. I have the recipe, but now need to package. I’ve contacted large production/packaging/distribution facilities already, which seem to be a pretty good deal with being able to produce small to large quantities at a time. Then, that just leaves us with the marketing and getting our product out there. So, my question is, is this a good route to take just starting out, or should I order the food sealers and plastic tubing and just package them myself for now if it might be a lot more cost effective? Thank you for any help!

April 9, 2016 at 2:51 pm

Hi Corrine,

It depends if you are up for the challenge (time, money, energy) of making food yourself, the expense of renting a kitchen or getting licensed to make it at home (if you’re allowed), and if you have the perfection required to make something that people will want to buy. Starting out with a co-packer will help you test what the ultimate product will be. I’m guessing that if they’re good you’ll be able to sell them somehow if only to friends and family.

So if you think it sounds like a good deal to produce a small quantity and they can make the bars the way you want, I’d go that route. Hope this helps!

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Biggest Challenges in 2023: 19 Food Industry experts spell out their opinion

The food industry always comes with new challenges. Every year, food businesses and food-related organizations outline ...

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The food industry always comes with new challenges. Every year, food businesses and food-related organizations outline pressing challenges that may significantly affect the year ahead.

Addressing challenges is not only essential to keep a business afloat. It is also vital to sustain food security and protect the environment.

What's the biggest challenge facing the food industry in 2023, and what solution do they suggest?

We asked this question to 18 food industry experts. 

The biggest challenges food business owners should be ready for are divided into 4 major categories :

  • Inflation, labor shortage, and productivity
  • Becoming too reliant on food aggregators
  • Promoting transparency while securing customer privacy
  • Sustainability, environmental impacts, and health

Let's explore the challenges and solutions one by one.

1. Inflation, labor shortage, and productivity (examples on food services)

Optimizing technology may just be the answer to inflation.

The restaurant industry is facing dozens of headwinds going into 2023, but the top of mind for restauranteurs are labor concerns and food costs/combatting inflation .

In a survey that we ran, we found that 3/4th of our respondents plan to increase their technology spending in 2023, with leading solutions being POS, payroll, and accounting software.

Restaurants are struggling to hire and retain reliable, competent workers, and workers are looking for stability, good food quality of life, and fair hours/wages.

While there's no simple answer as to how to solve this question, many restaurants are not optimizing technology as well as they could be.

Amy Lecza, Director of Content Marketing & SEO, Toast

Streamlining with technology-based solutions; quick and effitient

One of the biggest challenges facing the restaurant industry in 2023 is the ongoing labor shortage. 

To address this issue, I suggest that businesses pivot their structure and adopt technology-based solutions for both in-person and online operations. 

Prioritizing the use of technology can also help take care of the team and improve business growth

These solutions can include self-service techs such as kiosks or QR codes for online ordering and payment systems to streamline transactions, take the place of labor, and improve customer experience. 

Prioritizing the use of technology can also help take care of the team and improve business growth, ensuring that there will be a team to take care of customers in the future.

Vanessa Lopez, Content and Social Media Marketing Manager, Mad Mobile

Find the balance between inflation and the customer's budget

The biggest challenge facing the industry right is how to manage the rising cost of food .

According to TouchBistro’s 2023 State of Restaurants Report, 53% of restaurateurs reported raising menu prices to offset the rising cost of food in just the past six months.

While many diners are sympathetic and willing to tolerate some price increases, there are also signs of tightening their wallets.

Overall, most operators reported raising their prices by 15% on average, which appears to be the maximum increase consumers are willing to absorb.

Food suppliers also face a similar challenge in that they need to find a way to cover their rising costs without increasing their prices to a point where customers will seek alternatives.

Katherine Pendrill, Content Marketing Manager, TouchBistro

Zero-cost platforms vs. inflation

In 2023, restaurants are facing numerous challenges due to the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical events.

These events caused inflation, leading to increased food and energy costs and higher operational expenses , which resulted in rising costs for dining out and decreased demand.

One solution for reducing operational costs is embracing online food delivery. This method not only enhances the customer experience with more menu browsing time and order control, but it also streamlines operations and lowers costs.

By adopting online food delivery, restaurants can reduce their overhead costs, such as rent and energy bills. These savings can then be reinvested in hiring and retaining top-performing staff, enhancing the overall dining experience for customers.

Sam Adepoyigi, Founder of Tastylgniter

Make the food industry more attractive and sustainable for employees

Running a restaurant in today's economy is becoming increasingly challenging. Rising rent, labor shortages, and increased food costs make it difficult for restaurants to remain profitable.

The key to success is to be strategic in navigating these economic hardships. To stay competitive, restaurants must invest in quality products to provide delicious meals while keeping menu prices reasonable.

Another major challenge is staffing issues. With increasing competition and high staff turnover rates, it's difficult and costly to find and retain quality employees.

Restaurants must not only invest in recruitment but also offer attractive and sustainable programs like paid time off or flexible hours.

The solution to these challenges is technology. By leveraging technology and traditional best practices like menu pricing strategies and cost-cutting measures, restaurants can still succeed despite the rising costs of doing business. 

Carl Jacobs, Co-founder & CEO, Apicbase

Understaffing will stay in 2023

"Now Hiring" signs in windows across the US have been prevalent over the past few years, and the hospitality industry is still facing an unprecedented labor shortage, with nearly 2 million jobs that remain unfilled .

Restaurants, bars, caterers, and food service businesses are among those still feeling the staggering effects of the ongoing pandemic on the workforce, with the painful impact of workers outright not returning to jobs in the industry.

We know understaffing is a perennial issue for food and beverage businesses, and Qwick sees this persisting throughout 2023.

I expect to see more hospitality businesses adopt technology to solve the issue of staffing. Specifically, many more will utilize it as a permanent and trustworthy solution to fill recurring shifts instead of continuing traditional, permanent hiring for roles known for high turnover.

Leah Tsonis, Senior Manager of Content Marketing, Qwick

Your deskless workforce needs attention

In 2023, companies in the food industry will see substantial labor issues, especially regarding their deskless workforce .

The biggest challenges will be a massive shortage of deskless workers, wage issues, benefit demands, and the need to address working conditions and employee safety.

While companies have introduced many improvements in working conditions for desktop workers in recent years (HR tools, project management software, employee benefits, etc.), the deskless workforce has fallen entirely by the wayside.

The most crucial point is technological advancements. The food industry must keep pace with technological advances for their deskless workforce, especially in workflow automation, and make general productivity improvements to remain competitive and meet consumer demands.

Lukas Blasberg, CEO, Lumiform

To take the merging challenge together , it is suitable to end with a short but accurate opinion from the FOHBOH CEO. 

The problem is in plain sight.

"Labor shortages and manager productivity."

Michael Atkinson, CEO, FOHBOH

2. Becoming too reliant on food aggregators

A direct connection with consumers is critical.

One of the biggest challenges facing the food industry in 2023 is the reliance on food aggregators (e.g., Delivery Hero, Grub Hub, Talabat, etc.) to fulfill their online delivery function.

Listing yourself on food aggregators is a great choice for a restaurant just starting out and looking to put its name out there and generate a trial. Although, it is not a sustainable option.

There are two reasons:

  • Food aggregators charge exorbitantly high commissions (30-40% per order).
  • Food aggregators do not provide access to customer data .

The solution is to decrease dependency on food aggregators by opening a Direct-To-Consumer online channel, a land of little to no commissions and access to all of your customers' data. This solution can help you make informed decisions to grow your business.

Many SaaS companies, like Blink, Chatfood, and Gloriafood, to name a few, provide restaurants with online ordering websites and apps that can help the brand go live in as little as two days.

Nayha Arif, Marketing Manager,   Blink Co. Technologies

3. Promoting transparency while securing customer privacy

Nondisclosure is as dangerous as a food hazard.

The prevalence of food allergies is skyrocketing, resulting in an ever-growing consumer base that needs to know that the products they purchase do not contain traces of their trigger allergens.

Unfortunately, current US labeling regulations are not up to the task.

Manufacturers must declare whenever any of the FDA-designated “Top 9” allergens are an ingredient of a product. Despite this, no regulations require manufacturers to notify consumers when these allergens are processed in the same line or facility.

This oversight may lead to inadvertent cross-contact . Precautionary allergen warnings like “May contain…” and “Made in a facility that also processes…” are entirely voluntary.

Some manufacturers include them, whereas many don’t. Other businesses warn of only one allergen and leave the rest unnamed.

Dave Bloom, CEO, SnackSafely

4. Sustainability, environmental impacts, and health

There is a need to reconnect to agriculture.

The biggest challenge will be dialing back large-scale agriculture from the industrial pork farms in China to the massive mono-culture farms in America. 

We must market to younger people to return to the land and be part of the self-sustaining regenerative movement.

Karin A Kloosterman, Editor, Green Prophet

How to make nutritious and affordable food more sustainable?

The food industry faces a multitude of challenges in 2023, but perhaps the most pressing is the need to provide sustainable, nutritious, and affordable food to a growing global population while also reducing its environmental impact.

… Additionally, unhealthy food choices and food waste are also significant issues that need to be addressed.

One solution to address these challenges is to shift towards more sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices. This could include techniques such as agroforestry, crop rotation, and intercropping, which promote soil health, biodiversity, and carbon reduction. 

Additionally, precision agriculture, which uses data and technology to optimize farming practices, could help reduce waste and improve efficiency.

Another solution is to invest in alternative sources of protein, such as plant-based and cell-based meats, which require fewer resources to produce and have a lower environmental impact. 

Miles Anthony Smith, Content Manager, Alsco

Repurposing food waste could be a key to the energy crisis

One of the biggest challenges facing the food industry in 2023 is likely to be the ongoing issue of food waste .

It is estimated that around one-third of all food produced globally is wasted, which has a significant environmental impact and results in valuable resources and financial losses for businesses.

One solution to this problem could be implementing more efficient supply chain management systems that use data and technology. Food businesses can use it to track operations better and predict food demand, allowing for more accurate production and distribution.

Another solution is to recover food waste by using it as a source of energy. In this way, food waste can be used to generate electricity and heat through anaerobic digestion.

Also, providing education and awareness about food waste and how to reduce it is crucial.

Andre Oentoro, Founder and CEO, Breadnbeyond

Less meat, more greens

I think the biggest challenge the food industry faces in 2023 is the growing demand for meat production.

Over the past 50 years, meat production has tripled, and the world now produces more than 340 million tonnes each year.

The main environmental impact of meat is the high energy demand and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions released during production. 

Reducing meat consumption within the population requires a behavioral and cultural shift. It also demands meat substitutes.

As a result, the meat substitute market is rising. In 2021, this market was valued at $9.9 billion. It is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CGR) of 42.1% from 2022-2030.

This data shows attitudes are changing in the market, yet this shift from meat consumption must continue alongside a reduced demand for meat.

Jane Courtnell, Marketing Director, Green Business Bureau ,

In times of trouble, foods become subjected to theft

According to a recent global report on supply chain risks, food and beverage items were the most stolen type of goods in 2022 and up by 2.8% compared to the previous year.

The higher rates of theft of consumable goods result from opportunistic crimes committed due to supply chain volatility. The pandemic, soaring inflation, and the war in Ukraine have left the food and beverage industry more vulnerable to theft.

In times of economic uncertainty, food products become the most targeted items of theft.

According to a report by the British Standards Institution (BSI), theft from food processing facilities was the most common form of cargo crime in 2022.

For many organizations, investing in new technologies and security solutions will be imperative, especially as risks heighten during the supply chain digitization process.

The convergence of physical and cybersecurity is the way forward to optimize security strategies.

James Segil, VP of Marketing & Inside Sales for Video Security & Access, Motorola Solutions

What is the main issue? Sustainability

As specialists in the food business, we consider sustainability to be the main issue the sector will face in 2023.  

Customers are seeking more sustainable products as they become more conscious of how their dietary choices affect the environment.  

The food business will need to modify its procedures dramatically in order to adjust to this shifting customer behavior.

Making sustainable sourcing and manufacturing processes a top priority for businesses is one way to overcome this problem. 

This entails using sustainable production techniques, eliminating packaging waste, and obtaining raw materials from nearby organic farms. 

Businesses might, for instance, lessen their carbon footprint by utilizing renewable energy sources instead of fossil fuels to power their operations.

Meeting sustainability concerns may benefit greatly from innovation and technological advancements. 

The environmental effect of conventional meat production can be lessened by creating plant-based modified meat and engineered meat replacements. Moreover, it is possible to maximize yields and cut back on water use by using data analytics and precision agriculture.

Timothy Woods, Co-founder & CEO, Carnivore Style  

Sustainability must come with quality – that is the demand

Consumers are increasingly becoming aware of the significant proportion of plastic pollution caused by the food industry.

The companies most responsible for environmental waste come from the food sector.

Although more consumers are taking responsibility for reducing the use of single-use plastics, they are less inclined to pay a premium for sustainable alternatives if the product's inherent quality is also there.

Primarily, the food industry areas most affected by the plastic waste dilemma are the areas of processing, distribution, and retail.

Reducing plastic use in these sectors is particularly challenging for many brands due to the cost, food safety, and convenience implications of avoiding plastics.

Many businesses are finding it difficult to balance improving the sustainability of their product packaging and maintaining the right price point for their customers.

The pandemic and cost-of-living crises that followed only caused consumers to double down on their willingness to pay a premium for sustainable food packaging in the retail sector.

Lindsay McLain, VP Marketing, JUST Water

Make food healthy while staying indulgent

Since the pandemic, concerns surrounding health have risen , and people are increasingly adopting a far more conscious way of eating.

According to a recent survey by Deloitte, 93% of consumers are reportedly committed to healthier eating , at least some of the time.

Additionally, the demand for plant-based foods, particularly alternative proteins, has been skyrocketing .

The demand for plant-based alternatives is growing due to this general shift in consumer preferences. In addition, the vegan market is also reported to be on a 9% annual rise.

Furthermore, recent data estimates that up to 10.8% of the global population suffers from a food allergy, and the incidence of food allergies appears to be on the rise.

One of the best strategies for maximizing sales in this new market dynamic is for food companies to maintain sight of marketing the flavors and enjoyability of their foods when producing allergen-free, plant-based products.

Jess Grelle, SVP of Innovation, Safe + Fair

The big three problems: inflation, health, and sustainability

In 2023, the food industry is expected to face several challenges, including rising energy costs, inflation, the cost of living, and increased concerns about health and sustainability .

To overcome these challenges, restaurants can adopt a few strategies.

Firstly, implementing sustainable practices such as reducing food waste and using locally sourced ingredients can appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.

Additionally, offering plant-based and alternative protein options can cater to the needs of customers who have adopted vegetarian or vegan lifestyles.

Restaurants can also focus on health and wellness by providing nutritious menu items, low-calorie meals, gluten-free options, and meals that cater to specific dietary needs.

Providing convenience through easy ordering and delivery options such as online ordering, mobile apps, and delivery services is another way to meet the demands of consumers leading busier lives.

Lastly, increasing transparency about food ingredients, sourcing, and production processes can build customer trust and appeal to their growing interest in eco-friendly practices.

Dominik Bartoszek, Content Manager, UpMenu

The year 2023 is set to become a year of further globalization, innovation, and technological advances. To conclude, the challenges threatening the food industry mentioned by the experts include the following: 

  • Transparency. In recent times, food consumers have become more and more concerned with how the foods that they buy are sourced and produced. 
  • Inflation of prices. Prices are consistently rising due to disruptions in the supply chain, which ultimately affects the cost of ingredients.
  • Sustainability and environmental concerns. With the increasing concerns over the effects of climate change, consumers are demanding more environmentally-friendly solutions to the food manufacturing process. Research shows that despite industry efforts, plastic consumption has quadrupled over 30 years .
  • Labor shortage. Food producers are struggling to provide competitive wages and benefits to the workforce, significantly affecting the appeal of jobs in the food industry.
  • Consumer preferences. The challenge for businesses is switching from traditional ingredients and operations to healthier alternative ingredients.
  • Food safety. Because of globalization, more types of hazards have entered the food industry. Food businesses may have a hard time keeping up with the new food regulations on top of improving other aspects of their business.

At FoodDocs, we take food industry challenges into account every day by developing the smartest digital solutions for food safety to save our clients time. As we make compliance accessible to all food businesses, we strive to improve our digital Food Safety Management System to help ensure the safety of food products in the market.

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Every year, new challenges arise as the food industry continues to grow. Properly identifying these challenges can help food businesses address or prepare for them.

Learning the challenges faced by food industry players gives you a more focused idea of what you might be facing on-site.

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Fixing the 5 Big Problems in the Food Supply Chain

In recent decades, the food supply chain has grown rapidly, with consumers now expecting exotic foods, fresh on their plates, year-round. This has extended the supply chain geographically and across many more parties, making the supply chain longer and more complicated than ever.

If things were not complicated enough, the global shutdown caused by the multi-year COVID pandemic in 2020, further stressed supply chains, shutting down many restaurant and food service supply chains, while increasing the pressure on retail chains and direct to consumer food deliveries. The war in Ukraine and subsequent sanctions, had a more direct impact on food supply chains, threatening wheat exports, fertilizer supply, and vital energy resources required to power agricultural and food supply chains.

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While we cannot do much to resolve pandemics and global political conflicts, we can address the major challenges that are endemic and persistent in the food supply chain.

The Food Supply Chain

Producers, manufacturers, distributors, logistics providers and other parties are under relentless pressure to get their products to the market quickly, safely, and in the best possible condition. That’s a major challenge.

A typical food supply chain is made up of six stages :

  • Sourcing of ingredients and raw materials
  • Processing and packaging
  • Wholesale distribution
  • Retail redistribution to consumers

If any one of these stages is compromised, a variety of issues will arise and the whole supply chain will be in jeopardy. Let’s look at some of the issues that food supply chain managers need to deal with, and how they can be fixed.

Fixing Top 5 Food Supply Chain Challenges

Below are five specific food supply chain problems that we often come across and tips on how to solve them.

1. Lack of traceability

Food Traceability is a essential to minimize and manage food safety issues in the supply chain.

Traceability, or the ability to track the food product through all stages of the supply chain , is now more of a demand rather than a request among many consumers today. Many consumers now want to know where all products and their ingredients, even the trace ones, come from.

This makes it more important than ever to have good data on food products and your supply chain. Having and sharing authentic information from each and every step of the food supply chain enhances food safety, strengthens brand integrity, and increases customer loyalty.

Lack of traceability and transparency, on the other hand, can create blind spots in your supply chain and expose you to unnecessary risk. It can weaken consumers’ trust in your brand, which can translate into lower sales and profits. It can even give rise to certain legal issues that can stall new product launches.

“When the lack of transparency in supply chains delays the identification of contamination sources and the root causes of product problems, the economic and public health costs can be considerable.” -Scott Gottlieb, Statement as FDA Commissioner , March 19, 2019

The lack of traceability in the food supply chain is typically caused by companies using outdated systems or traditional paper tracking and manual inspections. These introduce errors and delays into sharing information.

Although it is a type of technology that is still not being used widely in the food industry, blockchain is regarded by many as a promising technology for enabling traceability in the food supply chain .

Blockchain technology is a shared, digital platform where users can store and share information across a network . This system enables users to look at all transactions simultaneously and in real-time.

One of the main advantages of blockchain is that once information is added to the blockchain, it is distributed within the network and it becomes permanent. It cannot be hacked, manipulated, or corrupted in any way.

This technology can deliver the transparency, traceability, and trust that has eluded the food industry for a long time. Due to its unalterable data, the system can give producers, suppliers, distributors, retailers, and consumers access to trusted information regarding the origin and state of each product or ingredient.

Other supply chain management platforms can also provide full traceability, chain of custody, and other services, such as order management, inventory control, and logistics management, in a single, integrated platform.  

2. Inability to maintain the safety and quality of your products

Food Safety in the Food Supply Chain

Today, the pressure on manufacturers to produce and distribute high-quality products that are safe is an increasing challenge. Some of the common causes we see that affect the quality and safety of food products which include:

  • Poor storage and warehousing practices
  • Delays in transportation
  • Industrial sabotage
  • Inclement weather

These are some of the reasons that the number of food product recall cases continues to grow, with 111 in the US already in the first half of June 2022 (source: Food & Drug Administration ).

A product recall is extremely costly, and it can do irreversible damage to your brand reputation .

Manufacturing high quality and safe products begins with selecting the best raw materials , implementing the right production method according to international standards, and testing and proving them.

This also includes choosing an accredited testing laboratory that uses current measuring and testing equipment to ensure impeccable production quality and reliable quality assurance.

Packaging plays a vital role . It is also important to choose the right packaging materials and processes to ensure the freshness and safety of your products.

Lastly, you also have to select a trustworthy logistics company to partner with, one experienced in the handling of food products and with an impeccable record and reputation. Telematics can provide real-time tracking of the movement of your supplies, as well as track temperature for refrigerated or cold chain goods. 

3. Inadequate communication between parties

Collaboration with Food Suppliers

Fragmented information and lack of communication can have a major impact on the food supply chain. This is because there are various parties involved in the chain which have little to no knowledge of one another’s actions . Poor communication causes errors, inefficiency, excessive waste, and can lead to mistrust among suppliers and their customers. This problem gets much worse when you are operating globally.

Lack of communication should not be a huge problem today since technology has made it easier, faster, and more affordable to gain full view of the food supply chain, and communicate with your colleagues and peers. Cloud-based networks offer quick onboarding and a range of services for food companies, including a view of the full end-to-end, supply chain, near real-time view into demand, supply, and logistics; and tools to communicate, including live chat and micro-blogging solutions similar to Twitter. This makes it easy to communicate with suppliers and other partners either privately or as a group, formally in a structure way, or informally and unstructured as in live chat.

Communication with your suppliers deserves special mention . It’s impossible to maintain high quality food products if the produce and ingredients are of poor quality. This is one area where it pays to invest in quality to ensure you have the freshest, quality ingredients and produce, from reliable and responsive suppliers. This will make it easier to maintain quality throughout the rest of your supply chain, and minimize the chances of supply shortages Your customers will thank you for it.

4. Rising supply chain costs

Reducing Supply Chain Costs in the Food Supply Chain

Running a food supply chain comes with many costs, some of the more important ones include:

  • Energy and fuel costs – this is a huge one today, given the rapid increase in fuel prices in Europe, the US, and around the world.
  • Logistics and freight – these prices have been much more volatile since the pandemic.
  • Manpower – a major challenge for many companies, from restaurants to food service and agriculture.
  • Investment in new technology – this can be expensive, but the long-term returns can be dramatic. And bear in mind, that not modernizing can be much more expensive in the long run.

These costs are significant, as such, keeping a check on operating costs is a constant challenge.

The first step to controlling costs is to know your costs. What gets measured, gets managed. In very simple supply chains, this can be done with spreadsheets. The more complex the supply chain, the more you will need a technology solution. Very complex supply chains are probably better served with a network solution , so that you only need to integrate to the network once, not to each of your suppliers. This makes onboarding fast and fairly painless, and ensures you get the maximum return for investment.

Using a supply chain platform, instead of emailing spreadsheets and playing phone tag, saves time, reduces errors, and with artificial intelligence can dramatically reduce costs for all members of the supply chain.

Recommended: Webinar: The Power of Telematics in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

A word of caution. Being too cost-conscious can inhibit your efficiency and growth. An “expensive” technology solution can save a lot over the long run, making your business more efficient, and more attractive to your customers. It can also modernize your business and make you less vulnerable to competitive forces. Rather than focus on cost, do a value-cost calculation, and over the long term. Look for integrated or network-based supply chain solutions that enable you to connect to all your partners and deploy multiple supply chain solutions, all with a single implementation.

5. Failure to track and control inventory in warehouses and stores

Good inventory management in food supply chain keeps customers happy.

One area where we see a major problem is with inventory. In order to control costs and maintain quality, and satisfy your customers, inventory has to be carefully managed. Too much and it will spoil and go to waste. Too little and you disappoint your customers. There is a definite trade-off between keeping customers happy and keeping inventory and waste low.

Modern inventory management solutions can help you manage your inventory.

Ideally, it should enable real-time visibility to your inventory, throughout your supply chain, on-site off-site and in-transit, and support RFID, Internet of Things (IoT) , telematics , and other real-time and automated tracking technologies, so that your inventory data is accurate.

Another way to gain control and reduce inventory levels is to tie in the supply chain to sales at the store or restaurant. More sophisticated network solutions can “sense” demand changes at the store and adjust or create orders on the fly, to keep inventory levels optimal. This can keep service levels high, customers happy, and inventory and waste low.

Leverage Modern Technology to Meet the Challenges in the Food Supply Chain

There’s no getting around it, the food supply chain is a challenging one. Whether you are running a global operation or working with local suppliers, you have to ensure a high level of quality and safety for your finished products at all times. In general, the more visibility you have to your supply chain, and the more you communicate and collaborate, the more effectively you can manage it. Focusing on a few core areas will deliver big results. Invest in the best suppliers, experienced and reputable logistics partners, and the right technology, and you will have a more efficient supply chain, with quality products and more loyal customers.

For good insight into how a global restaurant company is using a digital supply chain network to conquer the food supply chain challenges, see:

How Bloomin Brands is Reshaping the Restaurant with a Digital Supply Chain

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  • Fixing the 5 Big Problems in the Food Supply Chain - June 9, 2022

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problem solving in food industry

SEM/EDS Analysis for Problem Solving in the Food Industry

For forensic investigation in the food industry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in conjunction with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) is a powerful, often non-destructive, instrumental analysis tool to provide information about:

  • Identification of inorganic (and some organic) materials found as foreign contaminants in food products returned by consumers or detected during quality control inspections in the production facilities
  • Identification of wear particles found in production lines
  • Distribution of materials within a matrix
  • Corrosion and failure analysis of production equipment

The identification of materials by SEM/EDS is accomplished through a combination of morphology by SEM imaging and the elemental composition of the material by EDS. Typically, the EDS analysis provides a qualitative spectrum showing the elements present in the sample. Further analysis can be done to quantify the detected elements in order to further refine the material identification. Metal alloys can often be differentiated even within the same family such as 300 Series stainless steels. Glass types can be identified by the elemental composition where the detected elements are quantified as the oxides of each element. In this way, for example, common window glass is distinguishable from insulation glass used in many ovens.

Wear particles or fragments from breakage can find their way into food products. SEM/EDS analysis of the materials is an important resource to utilize when trying to determine the original source. Suspected source materials can then be sampled for comparative analysis. EDS X-ray mapping is another tool that is available to provide information about the distribution of materials within a matrix. For example, the distribution of inorganic ingredients in a dried food helps to provide information about the grind and blend of the materials.

1. Introduction

Contamination of food products by foreign materials has been a continuing issue for many decades and is unlikely to be entirely eliminated. Contamination can be found from many sources, such as, the packaging, raw materials, production equipment, distribution sites (restaurants, stores, food stands), and consumers. Although the food industry and related industries are very proactive to prevent contamination by foreign materials, incidents still occur that often require major recalls and occasionally result in consumer injury or illness.

Analytical chemistry technology and instrumentation testing have made considerable advancements within the past 20 years. These advancements have allowed for analysis of foreign materials identification and characterization ranging in size down to submicrometer realms. SEM/EDS analytical microscopy is one of the methodologies that has seen significant improvements for analysis of microscopic sized particles. To demonstrate the advantages of SEM/EDS microanalysis a series of seven case studies from food industry projects are utilized:

  • Glass fragments from a bakery product
  • Metallic fragment from bagel dough
  • Fractured steel filling tube
  • Orange/brown stains under steel food can internal coating
  • Multi-layer plastic pouch heat seal failure
  • Metal wear particles from a powder seasoning
  • SEM/EDS elemental mapping of a dry dog food pellet

Note that all of the quantitative EDS elemental data presented is semi-quantitative weight percent (wgt%) and normalized to 100%.

2. Case Studies

2.1 glass fragments from a bakery product.

Two glass fragments were submitted as shown in Figure 1:

Figure 1. Documentation photograph of the two glass fragments recovered from a bakery product.

The glass fragments were smooth on both sides, indicating that they represented the full thickness of the original parent glass. A flat anvil micrometer was used to measure the glass thickness of approximately 0.046”, which is much thinner than typical bottle glass, single pane window glass or picture frame glass. The SEM/EDS analysis of both pieces revealed very similar elemental compositions shown by the representative data in Figure 2:

Glass compositions are normally reported as the oxide compound weight percent for each element. The composition of the glass fragments is typical of soda lime glass, which is a very common glass type. The one element that stands out is magnesium (Mg) at about 4% as MgO, which is a typical magnesium content of tableware glass. The thickness of the glass combined with the elemental composition information indicates tableware glass as a potential source of the two glass fragments.

2.2 Dark speck from bagel dough

The submitted portion of the dough containing a dark speck on the surface was given to a cleanroom microscopist that carefully removed the speck and mounted it on a glass microscope slide. When viewed with an optical microscope, the speck had the appearance of an aggregate of orange/brown particulates in a hard gray colored matrix as shown in Figure 3:

Figure 3. Optical microscope image of the dark speck as mounted on the glass slide.

The cleanroom microscopist also noted that the dark speck responded to a magnet when it was passed under the glass slide, indicating that is likely a ferrous material. The speck was then transferred to a beryllium SEM stub for elemental composition analysis. The EDS data was obtained from one end of the speck that exhibited the highest concentration of the particulates. Figure 4 shows the SEM/EDS data:

Figure 4. SEM image and EDS data obtained from the dark speck isolated from the dough.

The iron to manganese ratio is consistent with carbon steel. The carbon content in carbon steel is in a concentration that is below the detection limit of EDS analysis. Therefore, the high carbon content of the particle is likely from the hard gray matrix. The orange/brown coloration of the aggregates suggests that they are carbon steel rust particulates.

2.3 Fractured steel filling tube

A steel filling tube fractured prematurely on a production piece of equipment. Analysis of fractures, known as fractography, starts with a visual examination of the fracture face followed by microscopic examinations. One piece of the fractured tube was cut out just below the fracture location so of the fracture face could be examined in the SEM. The fracture face exhibited severe intergranular corrosion throughout the thickness of the tube as shown in Figure 5:

Intergranular corrosion is a severe attack of the grain boundaries in metal resulting in a significant weakening of the metal strength. Because the grain boundaries are essentially dissolved away during the corrosion processes, the metal grains can easily fall away and become a contaminant in the food.

A portion of the tube at the fractured region was mounted in an epoxy medium in order to prepare a polished cross-section through the corrosion area (a common sample preparation method for metallographic analysis). The SEM examination clearly revealed the severity of the corrosion attack throughout the bulk of the metal as shown in Figure 6:

EDS analysis was conducted on the polished surface of the metal grains and also within the grain boundary regions. The metal grain analysis revealed that the steel is a 300 series stainless steel very similar to the 304 alloy as shown in Figure 7:

The grain boundary regions revealed interesting elemental composition data, which provided two important pieces of information. First, the presence of minor sulfur and trace chlorine indicated the main corrosive anions. Second, elevated levels of chromium and carbon compared to the polished grain surfaces indicated the presence of chromium carbides at the grain boundaries. Chromium carbides can act as catalysts for grain boundary corrosion attack and are minimized at the grain boundaries by heat treatment at the steel mills. Proper heat treating allows the carbides to migrate away from the grain boundaries into the bulk metal grains. Representative SEM/EDS data is presented in Figure 8:

All of these results were discussed with the client, which resulted in additional interesting information. The steel tube was identified as a 304 alloy stainless steel; however, the specification for the tube called for a 316 alloy stainless steel. EDS analysis can easily differentiate the two different alloys as shown in Figure 9:

Figure 9. EDS spectra and quantitation data for the 304 and 316 alloy stainless steels. The 316 alloy contains minor molybdenum (Mo), which is not part of the 304 alloy composition and a higher nickel (Ni) content compared to the 304 alloy.

During routine maintenance in the production facility, an organic acid/strong oxidizing solution is used to clean the filling tubes and the cleaning crew had recently increased the concentration of the solution. Unfortunately, the organic acid is a known cause of intergranular corrosion on stainless steel alloys. Furthermore, the 304 alloy is, in general, much more susceptible to intergranular corrosion than the 316 alloy. In order to resolve the issue, the filling tubes needed to be replaced with the specified 316 stainless steel alloy tubes, heat treatment records were to be provided by the steel mill, and the cleaning solution either had to be used at the original concentration or replaced altogether with one that does not cause intergranular corrosion.

2.4 Orange/brown stains under food can internal coating

The tin plated steel food can was returned by a consumer complaining about orange/brown stains visible on the sidewall of the can. It was immediately recognized by the client that the stains were not normal and the client needed to know the identity and cause of the stains. Portions of the can sidewall were cut out for examination and analysis. The first phase of the analysis was to examine the stains with a polarized light microscope in reflected light mode utilizing crossed polarizing filters, which revealed the orange colored spherulite-like materials as shown in Figure 10:

Figure 10. Polarized light microscope image of the orange/brown stains on the can sidewall showing the spherulite-like structure.

SEM/EDS analysis of the spherulite-like materials qualitatively revealed high iron and oxygen content as shown in Figure 11:

The SEM/EDS analysis suggested iron oxide, but because the can was tin plated steel, additional analysis was conducted on a few of the spherulite-like materials that were removed from the can wall by one of the cleanroom microscopists. The materials were mounted for analysis by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), which revealed a major presence of iron carbonate. These analyses results indicated under film corrosion due to liquid migration through the internal coating from the product. With no other observations of coating defects, such as scratches, obvious porosity, craters, fisheyes, and loss of adhesion, one is left with the conclusion that the coating may have been under cured. Under cured coatings are very susceptible to liquid migration.

2.5 Multi-layer plastic pouch heat seal failure

Plastic pouches for food products typically are multilayer plastic materials where each layer provides specific chemical and physical properties to maintain product integrity. In this case the pouch, filled with a liquid product, started to leak. A stainless steel surgical razor blade was used to prepare cross-section cuts through and adjacent to the leak sites. The cross sections were mounted for examination in the SEM. Representative images are shown in Figure 12:

The regions shown within the rectangles reveal separation of the plastic layers near the center of the film, indicating that there was either insufficient heat or pressure to properly bond the layers. Under internal pressure from the liquid, the separated layers eventually caused a tear and subsequent leakage.

2.6 Metal wear particles from a powder seasoning

Metallic appearing particles were observed during standard production plant quality control inspection of the seasoning; a portion of which was submitted for analysis to identify the metal. Numerous metal particles, all 1 to 2 mm in size, were observed when the seasoning was spread out into a petri dish. The cleanroom microscopist isolated and mounted 19 of the particles for SEM/EDS analysis. All of the particles had an irregular shape and pressed appearance with parallel striations on the flatter surfaces, indicative of wear particles from scraping. The SEM/EDS analysis of the particles revealed all were consistent with a 316 alloy stainless steel as shown by the representative data in Figure 13:

2.7 SEM/EDS elemental mapping of a dry dog food pellet

EDS qualitative and quantitative analyses can provide the elemental compositional information, some of which can also be interpreted as more specific compounds in simple spectra. It is often useful to provide the elemental distribution within a complex matrix material in order to determine the association of various elements with each other. A dry dog food pellet clearly illustrates the power of the elemental mapping. Standard SEM/EDS analysis data for the pellet is provided in Figure 14:

The high carbon and oxygen content indicate that the bulk of the material is carbonaceous/organic compounds, with the rest of the elements indicating multiple inorganic minor/trace components. The ingredients label on the dog food bag shows many other inorganic components that are apparently in too low of a concentration to detect some of the elements, such as, zinc, iron, aluminum. A portion of the elemental mapping is shown in Figure 15:

The phosphorus and calcium maps clearly show that the two elements are associated with one another and the particles have irregular shapes with a broad size range. Calcium phosphate compounds did not appear in the ingredients list; although there were other separate calcium-containing and phosphorus-containing ingredients. Calcium phosphate can also be indicative of bone and one of the main ingredients on the list was “fish meal”, which is produced by grinding cooked and dried fish. Therefore, the calcium phosphate is most likely fish bone fragments.

3. Conclusions

Through a series of case studies, SEM/EDS analysis has been shown to be a very powerful analytical tool for forensic analysis in the food industry. Microscopic sized foreign materials found as contaminants can often be identified by their elemental composition. As with most analytical chemistry analyses, sample preparation is a crucial step and any other observations made either through visual or optical microscopy examinations need to be noted and are often critical pieces of information to assist the SEM/EDS analyst.

Copyright Information:

COPYRIGHT 2015 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited. 

Wayne D. Niemeyer, “SEM/EDS analysis for problem solving in the food industry “, Proc. SPIE 9636, Scanning Microscopies 2015, 96360G (October 21, 2015); doi:10.1117/12.2196962; http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2196962

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problem solving in food industry

FSS '24: Regulatory, Industry Experts Share Best Practices Around FSMA 204 and Traceability Efforts

Traceability Workshop at the 2024 Food Safety Summit

A Tuesday afternoon workshop at the 2024 Food Safety Summit examined traceability programs and how companies can utilize them to comply with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) Final Food Traceability Rule under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Section 204. The session, sponsored by SafetyChain, was also livestreamed for online attendees to watch in real time.

The workshop featured (in alphabetical order by surname) panelists Patrick Guzzle (second from right, above), Vice President of Food Science and Industry for the National Restaurant Association; Tim Jackson, Ph.D. , Senior Science Advisor at FDA; Andy Kennedy , Co-Founder of New Era Partners; Michael Lookup  (far right, above), Traceability Lead for Wegmens Food Markets;  Drew McDonald  (far left, above), Vice President of Quality and Food Safety for Taylor Farms;  Kathleen O'Donnell  (second from left, above), Chief Scientist of Wegmens Food Markets; Christopher Waldrop, M.P.H.  (at podium, above), Senior Health Scientist at FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN); and Rosalind Zils  (third from right, above), Vice President and Head of Global Quality Nutrition for Reckitt.

Traceability programs are an important component of food safety and quality programs. The design and management of these programs has represented challenges and opportunities for companies across the supply chain. The Food Traceability Rule, released in November 2022, introduces regulatory traceability requirements for a range of food products. As the implementation date of January 2026 approaches, companies are identifying needed modifications to their traceability programs and asking questions on compliance to the rule.

Panel Discussion

The panel of regulatory and industry experts shared their insights into the implementation of the rule, discussed the challenges companies are facing as they prepare for the rule, and offered actionable solutions for achieving compliance.

Michael Lookup, who leads the traceability strategy for Wegmens, recommends "focusing on simple, practical, repeatable solutions for traceability." Patrick Guzzle noted that many restaurant operators are wondering how the Traceability Rule applies to them when foodservice operations are traditionally not under FDA jurisdiction. Rosalind Zils spoke about the foods listed on FDA's Food Traceability List and how more foods than just those listed will need to be tracked. Drew McDonald explained that the Traceability Rule borrowed many of its concepts from the Produce Traceability Initiative. Andy Kennedy urged attendees to actually read and understand the Traceability Rule, and noted that New Era Partners has created a shortened version of the rule with key points to help companies understand and comply.

Breaking Down FSMA 204

Christopher Waldrop then took some time to break down the contents of FSMA 204 and why the rule is needed, sharing examples from FDA outbreak investigations where incomplete and inconsistent paper trails complicated the investigation and the agency's ability to issue recalls and protect public health. The availability of product lot codes has been key in solving previous outbreak investigations, Waldrop added.

FDA plans to update the Food Traceability list roughly once every five years, after soliciting and considering public comments, Waldrop noted. The point of the Traceability Rule is to identify the most important information for tracking foods along the supply chain—also known as Critical Tracking Events (CTEs) and Key Data Elements (KDEs). Additionally, the movement of foods by lot code will help avoid overly broad recalls by requiring food companies to assign and record traceability lot codes (TLCs) for products when they are shipped and received, or if the products are altered or changed. Records, which can be electronic or paper, must be kept for two years and must be supplied to FDA within 24 hours, upon request, in the form of a sortable spreadsheet.

The Traceability Rule compliance date for all firms is January 26, 2026; however, routine inspections under FSMA 204 will not begin until 2027, Waldrop explained, which will give companies time to ensure that all of their suppliers are in compliance.

Progress on Traceability

An extended Q&A session followed the panelists' introductions, giving attendees the opportunity to pose questions on Traceability Rule compliance, programs, and solutions, as well as hear their views on the progress that is being achieved in industry traceability efforts.

Andy Kennedy said that he has seen significant progress following the 2006 E. coli  outbreak in spinach that prompted digital tracking of produce and provided the impetus for the launch of the Produce Traceability Initiative in 2008. Traceability technology has evolved to the point that tracking batches and lots is cost-feasible; however, he noted that there are no "no-cost" solutions.

Waldrop said that FDA has not specified how companies need to assign TLCs, in order to give companies some freedom in the process, while Zils recommended that companies keep TLCs as simple as possible within their systems.

Working with Suppliers

Another attendee question concerned how to limit variability in the standards communicated to suppliers in order to eliminate extra work. "At the end of the day, we're hoping that traceability standards will be established that will simplify the work for our suppliers," Lookup said. He also emphasized the importance of easy adoptability for traceability programs.

Zils mentioned that suppliers' unique attributes should be taken into consideration. She also recommended, "Make sure your records are accurate, and make sure to pressure-test the system" so that you can ensure that it works. "It's all about the collaboration," Zils said.

Waldrop also noted that collaboration and assistance from industry will be needed to ensure that foreign suppliers are providing the correct information to U.S. companies so that they can comply with FSMA 204. This includes the requirement for records being provided in English, Kennedy added.

Pilot Project Learnings

Lookup spoke about the learnings gained from conducting multiple traceability pilot projects. Wegmens has taken small-scale scenarios and then considered what they might look like and what they would require at a larger scale. For example, a company way want to look at a traceability pilot project for receiving. It can be carried out with internal resources as an informative exercise that does not require huge effort, cost, or time, Lookup said.

Kennedy noted that, in his discussions with shipping and receiving, he has been surprised to hear that shipping and receiving personnel often do not trust the advance shipping notices (ASNs) they receive, and instead rely on physical inspections of product to ensure that shipments are in order. "Talk to the people who are actually doing the job and have the experience in the field," Kennedy urged.

Missed the Workshop? Watch it On-Demand!

If you missed the Traceability Workshop, you can still catch the on-demand version of the livestream here: Register to watch on-demand .

The 2024 Food Safety Summit is taking place at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, Illinois from May 6–9.

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Adrienne Blume, M.A. , is Editorial Director of Food Safety Magazine . She has 20+ years of experience in B2B technical media, including the food safety and quality assurance (FSQA) and energy technology sectors. She manages the editorial content for Food Safety Magazine , its monthly webinar program, and its podcast, Food Safety Matters , and also assists in planning the conference agenda for the annual Food Safety Summit. Adrienne holds an M.A. degree in English and Publishing from Rosemont College in Pennsylvania, as well as B.A. degrees in English and Anthropology from Webster University in Missouri. She can be contacted at [email protected] .


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Stormy Daniels Takes the Stand

The porn star testified for eight hours at donald trump’s hush-money trial. this is how it went..

Hosted by Michael Barbaro

Featuring Jonah E. Bromwich

Produced by Olivia Natt and Michael Simon Johnson

Edited by Lexie Diao

With Paige Cowett

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This episode contains descriptions of an alleged sexual liaison.

What happened when Stormy Daniels took the stand for eight hours in the first criminal trial of former President Donald J. Trump?

Jonah Bromwich, one of the lead reporters covering the trial for The Times, was in the room.

On today’s episode

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Jonah E. Bromwich , who covers criminal justice in New York for The New York Times.

A woman is walking down some stairs. She is wearing a black suit. Behind her stands a man wearing a uniform.

Background reading

In a second day of cross-examination, Stormy Daniels resisted the implication she had tried to shake down Donald J. Trump by selling her story of a sexual liaison.

Here are six takeaways from Ms. Daniels’s earlier testimony.

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The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Mike Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, John Ketchum, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Dan Farrell, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Summer Thomad, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Renan Borelli, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson and Nina Lassam.

Jonah E. Bromwich covers criminal justice in New York, with a focus on the Manhattan district attorney’s office and state criminal courts in Manhattan. More about Jonah E. Bromwich



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