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4 square persuasive essay graphic organizer

Four Square Writing Method

4 square persuasive essay graphic organizer

It was developed initially for primary school students, but has also been used in high school classes.

Method The method is primarily a visual framework for assisting students with formulating ideas in an organized manner prior to writing an essay.

The concept generally works as follows:

    A rectangle is drawn, width exceeding height, and divided into four smaller rectangles of equal size. An additional rectangle is drawn in the center of the figure, taking up some of the area in each of the other four rectangles. A total of five rectangles are thus created.     The student writes a complete topic sentence in the center rectangle.     The student then writes sentences in the lower-left, upper-left, and upper-right rectangles that develop the thesis of the central topic.     Finally, the student writes a summary sentence in the lower-right rectangle. The summary sentence describes how the reader is intended to feel about the topic.

Variations of the above rules may require more or less development in each of the rectangles, depending on the grade-level or maturity of the student.

Results Results show a consistent increase in the ability of students to write persuasively. A study at Springview Elementary School, in Allendale Charter Township, Michigan, noted, "significant growth was observed in the students' writings in both classes." Another study, carried out at American Senior High School in Miami-Dade County, Florida with older students, showed an increase in FCAT scores, though not as marked as the Michigan grade school students. It was noted that one teacher had remarkably more success with the program than others, and that teachers must be trained thoroughly to get best results from this method.

Persuasion Map

Persuasion Map

About this printout

Use this graphic organizer to develop a persuasive stance for an essay, speech, poster, or any type of assignment that incorporates persuasion.

Teaching with this printout

More ideas to try, related resources.

Examples of persuasion surround our lives, and the ability to persuade others is a powerful asset. We can persuade people to act in our favor, help them to see our point of view, and sway their opinion to that of our own. The power of persuasion is far reaching, and it is a technique that students will use throughout their lives. This tool helps students formulate ideas for a persuasive argument by helping them determine their goal or thesis, identify three reasons to support it (with three facts or examples to support each reason), and restate the thesis in a conclusion statement. Before your students use this tool independently, model its use for them. Choose a simple topic (such as, “Sixth Grade is the Best Grade” or “Why Our Lunch Period Should be Longer”). Then, fill in the Persuasion Map while discussing the process  aloud, displaying the tool so that all students can see it. Review students’ completed maps prior to having them continue with the persuasion assignment. This will provide you with an opportunity to check students’ understanding of persuasion and help those who need extra instruction.

  • Have students analyze a persuasive piece (for example, an advertisement or editorial in a newspaper or magazine) by filling in the map and discussing the authors’ strategies of persuasion.
  • Encourage older students to create propaganda-based assignments by having them incorporate deceptive language in some of the “reasons” or “examples” on their maps. (Propaganda is a form of persuasion that uses deceptive language to exaggerate, distort, or conceal information.) Upon completion, have students read their maps orally and/or display them for their peers. Have students identify the deceptive language in their peers’ maps to create a class list of the examples used. As an additional follow-up, students can view and read advertisements, newspaper editorials, and other text that contain propaganda to search for use of the examples on the class list and to add additional ones.
  • Have students complete two maps based on the same goal but with two different targeted audiences in mind. Attention to audience is an essential element of effective persuasion. For example, students might create maps to market a particular children’s toy; one map could target children as the audience, and the other could focus on parents as the audience. After they have completed their maps, have students read them to the class without identifying the intended audience. Ask the rest of the class to determine the intended audience and identify the specific clues that prompted their deductions. Finally, as a class, compare and contrast the language and words used for each intended audience.
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Through a classroom game and resource handouts, students learn about the techniques used in persuasive oral arguments and apply them to independent persuasive writing activities.

The Persuasion Map is an interactive graphic organizer that enables students to map out their arguments for a persuasive essay or debate.

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Exploring Argument Writing With Visual Tools

Teachers can have students use graphic organizers and timelines to clarify their thinking during the writing process.

Illustration of person writing with thought bubble made of pieces of wadded paper

As a teacher who loves to write and engage students with writing, I’ve experienced many challenges in attempting to bring composition into the classroom. While some students readily fill up blank pages with words inspired by their lives and stories they love, others are seemingly always in search of the best words.

More challenging still are those moments when I’ve led students through the steps necessary for expository and research-based argument writing. I’ve found that my students who are comfortable with the narrative mode are now thrust into compositing in a way that is unfamiliar ground.

This article explores some ways I’ve applied graphic organizers and visual planning strategies to the work of argument writing—which is perhaps the mode I consider the most challenging in the classroom.

Sifting Content

First among the challenges for argument is the way that debate and disagreement are often portrayed in popular culture—shouting matches and interruption rounds where it seems that the loudest voice wins out. In my classroom, the approach that I attempt to foster for argument is one of thoughtful intention and wisely applied rhetorical strategies.

As with much of the secondary curriculum I have worked with from middle-grades English to advanced composition, sorting information into categories (ethos/ethics, logos/logic, and emotion/pathos) is a helpful step once a topic is shared and resources are gathered.

But sorting through multiple paragraphs and pages in search of the “just right” evidence can be challenging and is a critical reading practice all on its own. To support these steps in criticality, I suggest that students create a simple three-column chart in which they can begin to sort the emotional, logical, and ethics-driven elements of their argument. Using a visual scaffold to support exploration of a complex reading is an essential step for me—and I used a similar strategy just this past week in my junior-level English class to sort out ideas and compare the writings of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke.

By sorting ideas in this way, students can physically see how balanced their argument actually is, and they can begin thinking about what they need to ramp up for the eventual presentation of the case. 

Gathering Further Ideas

Another challenge in composing arguments is not only sorting and interpreting information, but also applying it in a way that includes informative and persuasive techniques.

As students consider the ways to apply these skills, they can begin to think through additional sources that they can use to build their foundation for thinking about the issues they’re presenting and noting the sources that help them build the strongest case. This type of exploring and writing is especially important when practicing synthesizing ideas across multiple sources.

On the surface, this process sounds like reading and rereading multiple sources (and it is). However, I apply a visual scaffold to this process to help students think about how their resources are linked and support or contradict each other. I illustrate the claim, counterclaim, and rebuttal aspects of argument structure through a visual outline, but the work of fleshing out these sections of the discussion takes place best in a mind map structure.

A simple three-circle Venn diagram can help students begin placing ideas into the claim section, and they can explore how authors overlap ideas with one another through this graphic organizer format. Ideally, they reach a point where the strongest ideas are in the center “target” point of the argument structure. They can think about best placement of these strongest ideas as leading points or final rebuttals—depending on what they want to leave their audience with. This approach is also helpful for relieving some of the stress that can surround framing what might be a challenging and less comfortable form of writing.

The additional details they gather can then be sorted further into areas of the argument structure that make sense.

Establishing Timelines

Further adapting the outline style, I encourage students to think about the argument as a timeline wherein their audience is most likely to connect with information early and remember information late. Outlining is almost always a building block of what I ask students to engage with when composing. For debates and discussions in our class, writing a timeline is an effective process.

From this timeline (prompting discussion and exploration of evidence and argument), students can practice writing their own arguments and responses by modifying it and including aspects of evidence and ideas they want to share (in whatever particular order they'd like to present their research).

Crafting Closing Arguments

By approaching an argument step-by-step, as discussion and collaboration that improves through a process, I have the goal of making what might seem complicated and overwhelming much more attainable and inviting—even, dare I say, active and interesting.

I recognize that many of my students might not have had vast experiences with all of the modes of writing and composing, and I take into account that some will be more naturally inclined to some ways of writing and sharing than others. Some students eagerly take the lead in an oral debate process, while others more readily engage in the research roles and independent writing components of the work.

As with much of my work in literacy, I attempt to make an invisible process clear and visual—in this case, through graphic organizers. I am aware that teachers might find other graphic organizer options that work more effectively at particular aspects of the argument process. For example, the Venn diagram might not communicate in the ways that a teacher may want, and so a flow chart/mind map or T-chart might work as a better substitute.

I encourage teachers to modify any steps in order to better support their students and focus on the importance of critical thinking and composing for all students.

Kapwing Resources

10 Free Graphic Organizer Templates for Any Subject

Different lessons require different types of content to help students learn. Here are 10 free graphic organizer templates to use for any subject.

10 Free Graphic Organizer Templates for Any Subject

Most students are returning to the classroom in Fall 2021, but everyone’s learning methods have had to change over the past two years. It’s important to adapt as an educator with new techniques , digital materials, and fresh content to keep students engaged .

For any subject, graphic organizers provide effective ways to introduce, teach, develop, and test new material. But different lessons require different types of content to help students learn best. I’m going to give you 10 free graphic organizer templates to use for any subject – just use the Make It button to customize, label, and download your graphic organizer.

  • Venn Diagram
  • Plot Pyramid
  • Brainstorm Chart
  • Concept Map
  • 5-Paragraph Essay Outline
  • 4 Square Writing Chart

1. Flowchart

An example flowchart template.

The Flowchart is one of the most versatile and recognizable forms of graphic organizer out there, ideal for project planning and science experiments. A goes to B goes to C goes to D . With this version, you can copy and paste sections of the chart to make it as long or as short as you need, label each section with specific details, and add a title and other information for your assignment.

2. Timeline

An example historical timeline template.

The Timeline is similar to the flowchart , with events spaced out along a single path . In a Timeline, however, the intervals between the events is important to the graphic organizer as a whole. Using this template, you can drag events from one point of the Timeline to another, and add text labels for years and events.

3. Venn Diagram

An example Venn Diagram Template.

One of the most widely-used graphic organizers, the Venn Diagram provides a simple way for students to compare and contrast 2 or more distinct ideas. With this template, you can copy and recolor the Venn Diagram circles to compare any number of items with each other.

4. Plot Pyramid

An example Plot Pyramid Template.

This graphic organizer is most commonly used in elementary and middle school English, language arts, and literature classes. It’s used to identify and map the various stages of a plot arc , from exposition to conclusion. Use this template to title the Plot Pyramid and add any other relevant information you need.

5. Brainstorm Chart

An example Brainstorm Chart template.

The Brainstorm Chart is a far more freeform type of graphic organizer than most others on this list, and can be arranged almost any way you like. All it requires is a central idea or “problem” to solve, along with an array of other ideas and concepts that are connected to it, and supporting details for these connected points. The freeform nature of the Brainstorm Chart allows students to think creatively and originally on any subject.

6. Concept Map

An example Concept Map Template.

The Concept Map is similar in form to the Brainstorm Chart, but with slightly more limitations on how it’s used. It’s used to illustrate the relationships that exist between various related concepts , filling in different sections of the organizer to show how the different parts are connected. The Concept Map is perfect for introducing students to a new set of related vocabulary terms in any subject.

7. 5-Paragraph Essay Outline

An example 5-Paragraph Essay Outline template.

While some of your students may not remember the 5-paragraph essay too fondly years later, it’s an important step in developing their persuasive writing . This classic 5-paragraph planner is perfect for helping students construct their arguments, counter-arguments, supporting data, and conclusions before they put pen to paper.

8. 4 Square Writing Chart

An example 4 Square Writing Chart template.

The 4 Square Writing Chart is similar to the 5-paragraph essay outline, it gives space for looser organizational styles and more creative types of writing structure . The central area contains the main idea or argument, and the surrounding squares are filled with supporting arguments, sections of a narrative essay, personal experiences, or several sides to the same story.

9. Story Map

An example Story Map Template.

The Story Map is used for a similar purpose to the Plot Pyramid, but with a broader approach to narrative plot arcs. In the Story Map, students not only recount the plot progression of a story, but detail the setting , characters , and central problems and outcomes . There are dozens of ways to organize your own Story Map, so I recommend you use this template to include whatever areas are most important for your students to identify and analyze.

10. KWL Chart

An example KWL Chart template.

KWL Charts ask students to write on three different things before and after completing a lesson, activity, or reading: what they Know already about the topic, what they Want to learn from the lesson, and, afterward, what they Learned from the experience. It creates more of a big-picture exercise than most of the graphic organizers on this list, allowing students to identify what they gain from their lessons.

I hope these graphic organizer templates help you engage students effectively in every subject you teach. For more tips and tutorials on creating great digital content in 2021, check out the Kapwing YouTube channel or read through some related articles on education materials:

• 10 Back to School Frames for Fall 2021 • The 4 Best Ways to Learn Video Editing Online • How to Add Subtitles to a Lecture Video • How to Make a Frayer Model Online

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Persuasive Essay Graphic Organizer

4 square persuasive essay graphic organizer

Prepare and organize notes to support your argument with this persuasive essay graphic organizer.

4 square persuasive essay graphic organizer

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The Curriculum Corner 4-5-6

Persuasive Writing Graphic Organizers

4 square persuasive essay graphic organizer

These free persuasive writing graphic organizers will help your fourth, fifth and sixth grade writers plan their writing during writing workshop.

You can use these persuasive writing graphic organizers to help your students organize and plan their writing.

These eight printable pages will help you in planning for student writing.

This is another free resource for teachers and families from The Curriculum Corner.

4 square persuasive essay graphic organizer

Using graphic organizers during writing workshop

Looking for new pages to help your students plan their writing? These are a great place to start!

These graphic organizers are designed to help your students organize their thoughts and research.

Beginning a writing piece by completing one of these pages will make the writing process a little bit easier for your students.

Use these graphic organizers to get started with their opinion writing.  Choose the one that fits the given task or the one that meets the needs of each student.

There are a variety of pages for you to choose from. You can either pick the organizer that fits the writing process your students will be using or let students choose.

Sometimes the choice is key to motivating writers. Other times, it can be helpful to plan your instruction around a specific organizer. Do what you believe will be the best fit for your class!

These free persuasive writing graphic organizers will help your fourth, fifth and sixth grade writers plan their writing during writing workshop.

About these persuasive writing graphic organizers

This collection contains eight pages.

Along with a spot for students to identify their topic and then opinion of the topic, there are places for students to begin their planning.

Students will share their reasons for their opinions on some pages.

Part of persuasive writing is citing evidence to support student opinions. Encourage students to add notes about what their research teaches them.

One of the provided pages can be used for students creating a longer research pieces. Look for the organizer that says page#: at the top right. Students can use one page for each paragraph they are planning. Along with sharing their reason, they will record three pieces of evidence to support their opinion.

You might choose to also add one of the two provided conclusion organizers to student planning.

You can download this complete set of graphic organizers for writing here:

Writing Download

Looking for other writing resources? Try these freebies we have also created:

4 square persuasive essay graphic organizer

As with all of our resources, The Curriculum Corner creates these for free classroom use. Our products may not be sold. You may print and copy for your personal classroom use. These are also great for home school families!

You may not modify and resell in any form. Please let us know if you have any questions.

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Four Square Argumentative Essay Graphic Organizer

4 square persuasive essay graphic organizer

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This is another graphic organizer that can be used with your students when writing an Argumentative Essay. We have adapted the 4 Square idea to fit our students needs when writing an Argumentative Essay. This has been useful for our students that are more visual learners and need an easy graphic organizer that they can recreate on their own.

We have used this with a variety of our own resources. Feel free to click around our store to see the other materials we have that target Argumentative Writing.

Argumentative Writing Social Media Packet Bundle

Argumentative Essay Rubric

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4 square persuasive essay graphic organizer

4 Squares Graphic Organizers

There are tons of graphic organizers out there, but the 4 Squares Graphic Organizer is my favorite. This is my “go to” graphic organizer because it can be created on the fly using just a sheet of paper and a pencil. It can also be used in a myriad of different ways.

Free Homeschool Resources

 4-Square Graphic Organizers make arranging information easy. When students are asked to summarize a story, article, or event, they can become overwhelmed not knowing how to arrange the information. Graphic organizers help students to break information down into pieces. This makes the idea of summarizing a story or book more accessible to even a student who struggles with processing information. Check out our 3 sets of 4-Square Graphic Organizers below!

*Be sure to check out our  FREE Brainstorming Graphic Organizers too!

As a Christian Book and Amazon affiliate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support. As always, we only recommend items that we truly feel will benefit your homeschooling experience. We appreciate it.

4-Square Graphic Organizers for Reading Comprehension

4-Square Graphic Organizers

This set of 4-Square Graphic Organizers works really well for reading comprehension. Three of the graphic organizers in this set identify key elements within a story. Use these to help your student map out the elements in a story from beginning to end.

Graphic Organizer for a Book

4-Square Graphic Organizers

The first graphic organizer is designed for elementary students who are learning about the basics of a story. Encourage your student to draw and write at least 1-3 sentences in each block (depends on ability & age of student).

Graphic Organizer for an Event

4-Square Graphic Organizers

The second graphic organizer is designed for summarizing and breaking down events such as the Civil War. Students will answer the basic questions: Who, Where & When, What, and Why. You may want to use it as a brainstorming activity rather than write sentences.

Storybook Graphic Organizer

4-Square Graphic Organizers

The third organizer is one that can be used with younger elementary students. After reading a storybook, ask your child to draw a picture or write a sentence about the main character in the book. Now, for the rest of the squares, ask your child to describe what happened at the beginning of the book, middle, and end. Help your child to write or encourage them to draw a picture to show what happened throughout the story. Go back through the book showing them the picture clues to help them sequence the story.

Blank 4 Squares Graphic Organizer

Elementary Writing

This is a blank 4-square graphic organizer that can be used however you like. If you are studying bats, then write the word, “bat,” in the center. You can use the four corners as places to collect four different facts. 


Alphabet 4-square graphic organizers.

Alphabet 4-Square Graphic Organizers

The Alphabet Four Square Graphic Organizer is a set of 26 organizers that is an EXCELLENT tool for teaching letters and sounds. Each sheet features a letter of the alphabet which is showcased in the center of the page. This is an easy but effective way to teach your child capital and lowercase letters, the sounds of each letter, writing skills, and is valuable for building vocabulary. DOWNLOAD THE ALPHABET 4-SQUARE GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS HERE!

Vocabulary 4-Square Graphic Organizers

Vocabulary 4-Square Graphic Organizers

Are you looking for a new way to tackle vocabulary? Try the 4-Square Vocabulary Graphic Organizesr. You have 13 options to choose from. These organizers will require your student to define, illustrate, identify the synonym/antonym of a word, and or write a sentence using the word. There are different variations presented to meet a multitude of needs including blank versions. DOWNLOAD OUR VOCABULARY 4-SQUARE GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS HERE!

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Argumentative Essay Writing with Free Graphic Organizer and Checklist

Published: April 23, 2018

Contributor: Jeannette Tuionetoa

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you decide to make a purchase via my links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. See my disclosure for more info.

This free resource is designed to help learn about writing an argumentative or persuasive essay and comes with a graphic organizer and writing checklist. The graphic organizers with writing checklists help students organize a five paragraph essay, with reminders to introduce a thesis statement, provide facts and examples, and introduce a counterclaim. Remember, to teach your kids not to argue but to write a persuasive argument instead. 

Jeannette Tuionetoa

Jeannette is a wife, mother and homeschooling mom. She has been mightily, saved by grace and is grateful for God’s sovereignty throughout her life’s journey. She has a Bachelor in English Education and her MBA. Jeannette is bi-lingual and currently lives in the Tongan Islands of the South Pacific. She posts daily freebies for homeschoolers!

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Pan's Labyrinth Revision for Spanish A-Level + Essay Graphic Organizer template

Pan's Labyrinth Revision for Spanish A-Level + Essay Graphic Organizer template

Subject: Spanish

Age range: 16+

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

M V Camacho Teaching Resources

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23 May 2024

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4 square persuasive essay graphic organizer

Pan’s Labyrinth Revision Resource for Spanish A-Level (2 Printable activities)

With this resource, your students will be prepared to analyze “Pan’s Labyrinth” in depth and craft impactful persuasive essays that demonstrate their understanding of this transcendental cinematic work.


  • 7 full pages of detailed information in Spanish about the socio-political themes, the historical context of the Spanish Civil War, the Francoist regime, the struggle for freedom, the resistance of the “maquis” guerrillas and the civilian population, as well as an in-depth analysis of the symbolic character of Captain Vidal and the use of fantasy as a refuge and resistance.
  • Step-by-step instructions for your students to draft an initial persuasive essay using a practical “Essay Graphic Organizer” template. This guide will lead them through selecting a reflection question, identifying main ideas and evidence, and structuring a solid introduction and conclusion.


  • 8 persuasive essay ideas that invite students to explore various aspects of the film, from the dark and profound themes addressed through fantasy to the portrayal of fascism and the struggle for freedom.
  • Ample lined pages for your students to develop their ideas, arguments, and essay writing skills in an organized and effective manner.

This pack is a time-saver for you and truly engaging for students! This low-prep, printable activities are fully ready for you, making it an excellent option even for sub plans. Instructions are included.

Recurso de Revisión para “El Laberinto del Fauno” - Nivel A2 de Español

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4 square persuasive essay graphic organizer

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  3. Four Square Writing Method

    Four Square Writing Method. The Four Square Writing Method is a simplified graphic organizer for teaching writing to children in school. While primarily used to teach persuasive writing, it has also been used to help teach deconstruction. The method was developed by Judith S. Gould and Evan Jay Gould in 1999.

  4. PDF 4 Square Writing Method2

    Make your own 4 Square Template. Fold the sheet of paper into four equal squares. Draw a box in the middle of the paper. In three of the squares students will write a complete sentence which states reasons, examples, or explanations that support the sentence in the center of the paper. In the fifth box students will write a feeling sentence to ...

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  6. Persuasion Map

    The Persuasion Map is an interactive graphic organizer that enables students to map out their arguments for a persuasive essay or debate. Students begin by determining their goal or thesis. They then identify three reasons to support their argument, and three facts or examples to validate each reason. The map graphic in the upper right-hand ...

  7. Persuasion Map

    The Persuasion Map is an interactive graphic organizer that enables students to map out their arguments for a persuasive essay or debate. Grades . 6 - 12 | Printout | Assessment Tool. Persuasion Rubric Use this rubric to assess the effectiveness of a student's essay, speech, poster, or any type of assignment that incorporates persuasion. ...

  8. The Best Persuasive Essay Graphic Organizers for Students

    The t-chart is a super simple organizer, but it's perfect for the persuasive essay. It can be created as soon as students decide on topics and added to as they research and consider other viewpoints. Students use markers to draw lowercase t's on their papers (large enough to take up a page in a composition book).

  9. Using Graphic Organizers for Argument Writing

    Exploring Argument Writing With Visual Tools. Teachers can have students use graphic organizers and timelines to clarify their thinking during the writing process. By Jason DeHart. January 4, 2024. Keith Alexander Lee / The iSpot. As a teacher who loves to write and engage students with writing, I've experienced many challenges in attempting ...

  10. PDF Writing an Essay: Graphic Organizer

    Use this graphic organizer to plan your analytical/persuasive essay. The introduction should start with a broad statement and end with your thesis statement, which "zooms in" on the points you will explore in more depth. The body paragraphs must contain evidence to support your thesis. (The number of body paragraphs coincides with the ...

  11. 10 Free Graphic Organizer Templates for Any Subject

    Brainstorm Chart. Concept Map. 5-Paragraph Essay Outline. 4 Square Writing Chart. Story Map. KWL Chart. 1. Flowchart. The Flowchart is one of the most versatile and recognizable forms of graphic organizer out there, ideal for project planning and science experiments.

  12. PDF Persuasive Writing Graphic Organizers

    Persuasive Writing Graphic Organizer -Paragraph #1 - Introduction Attention-grabbing beginning - Description of issue - Opinion Statement - Paragraph #2 Reason #1 - Evidence to support (details and examples) - - - - - - - Paragraph #3 Reason #2 -

  13. Persuasive Essay Graphic Organizer

    Persuasive Essay Graphic Organizer. Prepare and organize notes to support your argument with this persuasive essay graphic organizer. PDF. Filed as: 3.4.1 - Gerunds, 3.4.2 - Prepositions and Gerunds, 3.4.3 - Infinitives, 3.4.4 - Gerunds and Infinitives, 3.4.5 - Review: Gerunds, Infinitives, BrainPOP ELL, Teacher Resources. Share.

  14. Four Square Graphic Organizers **Editable**

    This editable graphic organizer set can be used to support student writing of fiction, and non-fiction texts. The 4 square model for writing is adaptable to every writing style. It can be used with Informative, expository, opinion, narrative, and persuasive writing assignments. Perfect for common core writing styles!

  15. Persuasive Writing Graphic Organizers

    These graphic organizers are designed to help your students organize their thoughts and research. Beginning a writing piece by completing one of these pages will make the writing process a little bit easier for your students. Use these graphic organizers to get started with their opinion writing. Choose the one that fits the given task or the ...

  16. Four Square Argumentative Essay Graphic Organizer

    This is another graphic organizer that can be used with your students when writing an Argumentative Essay. We have adapted the 4 Square idea to fit our students needs when writing an Argumentative Essay. This has been useful for our students that are more visual learners and need an easy graphic organizer that they can recreate on their own.

  17. Free Editable Essay Graphic Organizer Examples

    Example 4: Persuasive Essay Graphic Organizer. This example diagram of the essay graphic organizer for writing helps to persuade a general or specific audience toward your point of view. The primary purpose is to enlist your opinion and evaluate it with the help of numerous supporting details. As for the organizer, it is for a 5 paragraph format.

  18. 4 Squares Graphic Organizers

    The Alphabet Four Square Graphic Organizer is a set of 26 organizers that is an EXCELLENT tool for teaching letters and sounds. Each sheet features a letter of the alphabet which is showcased in the center of the page. This is an easy but effective way to teach your child capital and lowercase letters, the sounds of each letter, writing skills ...


    PERSUASIVE WRITING ORGANIZER Name: _____ Date: _____ Introduction Position Sentence Reason 1: Reason 2: Reason 3: Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Topic Sentence (Reason 1) Topic Sentence (Reason 2) Topic Sentence (Reason 3)

  20. Persuasive Essay Graphic Organizer

    Published on 2021-09-16. Download. Download EdrawMax. Edit Online. This persuasive graphic organizer can be used for developing a persuasive stance when writing essays, speeches, or creating posters. It is an effective tool to persuade others so that they can understand your point of view or change their opinion about any topic.

  21. Argumentative Essay Writing with Free Graphic Organizer and Checklist

    This free resource is designed to help learn about writing an argumentative or persuasive essay and comes with a graphic organizer and writing checklist. The graphic organizers with writing checklists help students organize a five paragraph essay, with reminders to introduce a thesis statement, provide facts and examples, and introduce a counterclaim. Remember, to teach...

  22. Pan's Labyrinth Revision for Spanish A-Level + Essay Graphic Organizer

    8 persuasive essay ideas that invite students to explore various aspects of the film, from the dark and profound themes addressed through fantasy to the portrayal of fascism and the struggle for freedom. Ample lined pages for your students to develop their ideas, arguments, and essay writing skills in an organized and effective manner.

  23. 4 Square Persuasive Essay Graphic Organizer

    4 Square Persuasive Essay Graphic Organizer: Nursing Psychology Healthcare Management +77. Min Area (sq ft) For expository writing, our writers investigate a given idea, evaluate its various evidence, set forth interesting arguments by expounding on the idea, and that too concisely and clearly.

  24. 4 Square Persuasive Essay Graphic Organizer

    4 Square Persuasive Essay Graphic Organizer: Order Number 123456. 764 . Finished Papers. Caring Customer Support We respond immediately 24/7 in chat or by phone. 1(888)814-4206 1(888)499-5521. 132 . Customer Reviews. Essay, Discussion Board Post, Research paper, Coursework, Powerpoint Presentation, Questions-Answers, Case Study, Term paper ...