StartupBiz Global

Starting Quail Farming Business Plan (PDF)

Quail farming business plan

A quail is any of the different types of small to medium-sized game birds of the genera Coturnix , Anurophasis or Perdicula . Over the years, people have explored rearing quail as a farming venture. Quail farming continues to steadily pick up momentum in various parts of the world. Quail farming is relatively hassle-free and low-cost to start. That is one of the reasons why more and more people are taking it up. Think of quail farming as a miniaturized version of poultry farming. That gives you an idea of how easier and cheaper it is to do; profitable as well. Quail farming is a very profitable business, and many people are making money all over the world by raising quail birds and selling the meat and eggs. Quails have a good taste and are regarded as highly nutritious. The quail eggs are packed with a lot of essential nutrients needed by the body. Quail eggs are more nutritious than chicken eggs. The demand for quail birds and quail eggs is high . Quails can be raised for meat, or for laying eggs, or both. However, to build a successful, sustainable Quail poultry farming business, you require sufficient knowledge of how to efficiently raise the birds, good management skills, and a good quail farming business plan. This article will outline how to start a Quail farming business, and the quail farming business plan (PDF, Word and Excel).

Quail poultry farming is a lucrative business, but there are some essential decisions you need to make before you venture into the business. You have to decide on the size of your project i.e. the number of quail birds you want to keep per cycle; location of the business, products (eggs, meat or both), and your target market. These choices will be affected by the amount of capital you have, and the needs your target  market.  If you do not have a lot of capital, you can always start small and grow your business overtime. You also need to carry out market research (Who are you going to sell the quail birds to? At what price?) and write a business plan before you venture into the business of raising quails.

Business Model

Quails are raised primarily for meat and egg production. Those are the direct revenue streams you can focus on. However, there are other diversifications you can consider – just like it is in poultry production. For instance, you can realize revenue from selling fertilized eggs. You can also make money from selling day old chicks. In most parts of the world, quail farming is not yet widespread. In some places, quail farming is not yet existent. As such, that creates a market for fertilized eggs and day old chicks. You can even go further to doing training on quail farming programs where people pay to participate. Another possible, but less widespread use of quail is as pets. That means you can sell quail to people looking to have them as pets or for ornamental purposes in general.

Land, Housing and Equipment

The kind of housing you need and the size of the land will depend on the size of your quail farming project. When choosing the location for your quail farming business, you have to balance the need for proximity to the market, with the cost of land, labor costs, security, and a good water supply. When you are planning to construct a quail house, you have to select a site which is well-drained with plenty of natural air movement. The right housing should have proper ventilation and the right lighting. Ventilation is necessary so that adequate air exchange can take place. Lighting stimulates quail birds to lay eggs. If you want to produce eggs year-round, you will need to install adequate lighting in your facility.  You should have equipment including brooders(for the quail chicks) , feeders, drinkers and lighting system.  You will also need Quail cages, which is where you will keep the mature quail birds and the layers . If you purchase layer cages as housing for your quail layers, the layer cages will already have the laying nests, feeders, drinkers etc. The costs of housing and equipment should be included in your quail farming business plan.

Quail farming business plan

Sex Consideration In Quail Housing

The sex of the quail plays a huge role in how you house them. If you intend on breeding quail, you must keep the quail following a ratio of 1 male: 3 females. If you want to keep quail mixed then the ratio should be 1 male: 4 females. As for monosex quail farming, for males it should be in twos. For females you can keep them many without any issue, however reasonable spacing is vital.

Type Of Quail Housing To Consider

There are two common and easy options to pick from for housing your quail. These are cages and hutches; you can make them (do it yourself – DIY). Alternatively, you can purchase readymade ones. There is a third option which we can term forage-oriented quail housing . This can exclusively be a housing structure that encloses the quail but leaving them room to forage. The other method is that you can tweak a cage or hutch into a forage-oriented setup.

Spacing Considerations

Quail housing is usually done in the form of cages. You can always use your discretion in the space you allow per quail. Regardless, the recommended minimum space per quail should be 20 square feet. The height can be anything from 1 foot going up. Such spacing will allow the quail to have free horizontal and vertical movement. This is also a good place to mention about ventilation and natural light. These two conditions must be abundantly available for optimum quail growth. That is why the use of mesh is ideal.

Day old Quail Chicks

You need day old chicks to start your quail farming business.  After getting experience, you may then hatch your own quail chicks, which will greatly reduce your expenses as you will no longer need to buy day old quail chicks. You should purchase your day old quail chicks from a reliable accredited hatchery or company where the parent stocks are well managed. If you are new to the quail farming business, you should enquire from other farmers to hear where they buy their chicks from. The success of your quail farming business will partly depend on the quality of day old chicks which you buy.

Quail Breeds

There are well over 130 different types of quail species. Quail fall under two broad categories or families. These are the Phasianidae family and the Odontophoridae family. The former is what is referred to as Old World quail. The latter is the New World quail. Some of the notable Phasianidae family quail are Harlequin, Rain, and Common. Bobwhite, Mountain, and California are some of the notable Odontophoridae family quail. Your choice of quail species should not just be based on the family. You must consider the specific characteristics of a quail species.

Remember that quail are primarily reared for meat and eggs. Thus ideally you would want quail species with exceptional qualities regarding that. For meat and egg production from quail, the Coturnix species is the best also known as Japanese Quail, Pharoah Quail and Jumbo Coturnix Quail. The Japanese quail matures faster than other quail breeds. At maturity, it weighs between 120grams – 160grams. Other highly recommended quail species are Blue-breasted , Button Quail , Bobwhite , Chinese Quail , Gambel’s , Mearn’s , Mountain , Scaled , California , Manipur Bush , Jungle Bush, English White, and British Range . In general, despite even being a meat or egg species, most quail can be used for pet, bird gaming, and ornamental purposes.

Feeding is important so as to increase the production of meat and eggs from quails. Lack of feed or water will reduce resistance to diseases and parasites, and subsequently increase flock mortality. You have to feed the quail chicks with Starter mash. When they are mature, you can then give them finisher feed or layers mash, depending on whether you are raising the quails for eggs production or for meat. There are companies which produce and sell quail feeds. You can also feed quail birds with the same feed used for chickens. You can also make your own home made quail feeds. Quails should be provided with sufficient water. Quails need water for temperature regulation, waste removal, digestion of nutrients, and lubrication of joints. Water deprivation can cause weight loss, dehydration and, ultimately, death.

Management and Labour

The number of farm workers you need will depend on the size of your quail farming project. If you are running a small business, you and your family may be enough to take care of the quails. However, if you are rearing 5000 quail birds per cycle, you will need full time employees to manage the quails.  There is need for good technical knowledge of quail farming techniques for success in the business. You also need good management skills.

The amount of capital required for a quail farming business depends on the scale of the project. Sources of capital include bank loans, and equity investors. When raising capital, a good quail farming business plan is required. Don’t have access to capital? Start small, and grow your business overtime! Quail farming is very profitable, so if you reinvest the profits you get, you can quickly grow.

Benefits Of Quails And Eggs

Quail eggs have a significantly higher nutritional value. Eggs from chickens are far eclipsed by quail eggs when it comes to vitamin, iron, and protein content. That is why quail eggs are given high regard with respect healthy foods. Quail also have numerous health benefits e.g. preventing or treating certain conditions. Quail eggs overall have several benefits to the human body’s immune system. Couple all that with how scarce they typically are and you realize they have high market value. The same goes for meat; quail meat is highly nutritious. Quail meat is particularly laden with zinc, iron, and calcium.

Market for Quail Eggs And Meat

The market for quail meat is high and increasing, as more people are moving towards healthier food.  Quail meat is highly nutritious, delicious, and healthier. Thus, the demand for quail meat continues to rise. Quail meat is more expensive than broiler chicken meat, as quail meat is  considered to be more superior.

quail farming business plan

The quail eggs are also considered to be superior to chicken eggs. Quail eggs are considered to be highly nutritious, delicious, organic, and healthier. They are also considered to have numerous health benefits. Thus, the price of quail eggs is higher than other poultry eggs. You can supply your quail meat and eggs to individual households, butchers, schools, restaurants, companies, supermarkets, organizations, events, abattoirs etc. You can sell your quails as live birds or you can slaughter and freeze them and sell them as dressed quail meat.  As you grow your business, you will also be able to export your quail farming products. A proper marketing plan should be included in your quail farming business plan.

Keys To Profitability

Establish the presence of and the right target market.

Correct choice of a niche is foundational in making quail farming profitable. You must, borne out of market research, correctly establish the right target market. That way you will be able to then choose quail species that cater for that market. Remember that quail farming is not that widespread so do not do guesswork. The market for quail is extremely sparse.

Sell Benefits

Some people might not be familiar with quails. Yet there are huge benefits to be enjoyed from quail meat and eggs. This calls on you to make your promotional activities highly informational. After all, you should be striving to capture people who have never heard about quail before. The aim should be to sell the benefits e.g. superior nutritional value and other health benefits. This will be pivotal in generating leads and resulting in conversions. The bottom line is that quail farming is quite easy and low-cost. It is also apparent that quail meat and eggs have important nutritional benefits. Those two aspects indicate a lucrative business. However, you need to do some diligent work in generating leads.

Pre-Written Quail Farming Business Plan  (PDF, Word And Excel): Comprehensive Version, Short Funding/Bank Loan Version and Automated Financial Statements

For an in-depth analysis of the quail farming business, we encourage you to purchase our well-researched and comprehensive Quail Meat and Quail Eggs production   business plan. We introduced the business plans after discovering that many were venturing into the quail farming business without enough knowledge and understanding of how to run the business, how to keep the quail birds, lack of understanding of the financial side of the business, lack of understanding of : the industry, the risks involved , costs and profitability of the business; which often leads to disastrous losses.

The StartupBiz Global business plan will make it easier for you to launch and run your quail farming business successfully, fully knowing what you are going into, and what’s needed to succeed in the business. It will be easier to plan and budget as you will be aware of all the costs involved in setting up and running the Quail farming business.

Uses of the Quail Meat and Egg Production Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel)

The Quail farming business plan can be used for many purposes including:

  • Raising capital from investors/friends/relatives.
  • Applying for a bank loan.
  • Start-up guide to launch your Quail Meat and Quail Eggs production   business
  • As a project/business proposal.
  • Assessing profitability of the Quail Farming business.
  • Finding a business partner.
  • Assessing the initial start-up costs so that you know how much to save.
  • Manual for current business owners to help in business and strategy formulation.

Contents of the Quail Meat and Egg Farming Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel)

The business plan include, but not limited to:

  • Marketing Strategy
  • Financial Statements (monthly cash flow projections, income statements, cash flow statements, balance sheets, break even analysis, payback period analysis, start-up costs, financial graphs, revenue and expenses, Bank Loan Amortization)
  • Risk Analysis
  • Industry Analysis
  • Market Analysis
  • SWOT & PEST Analysis
  • Operational Requirements (Including technical aspects of how to keep and rear the quails, feed requirements etc)
  • Operational Strategy
  • Why some people in the quail business fail, so that you can avoid their mistakes
  • Ways to raise capital to start your Quail farming business

The Pre-written Quail farming business plan package consist of 4 files:

  • Quail Farming Business Plan -PDF file (Comprehensive Version – 90 Pages)
  • Quail Farming Business Plan – Editable Word File (Comprehensive Version – 90 Pages)
  • Quail Farming Business Plan Funding/Bank Loan Version- Editable Word File (Short version for applying for a loan/funding – 42 pages)
  • Quail Farming Business Plan Automated Financial Statements – (Editable Excel File)

The business plan can be used in any country and can be easily edited. The financial statements are automated. This implies that you can change eg the number of quails, selling price per quail etc, and all the other financial statements will automatically adjust to reflect the change.

Click below to download the Contents Page of the Quail Farming Business Plan (PDF)


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I purchased a business plan from you, and I’m glad to inform you that I was able to get my loan, and I’m starting my poultry farming business on the 1 st of July. This was made possible because of your business plan. Thank you very much, you made my dream come true.

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Just wanted to say I am very happy with the business plan and I will gladly recommend your products, thank you very much and have a great day.

Get the Quail Meat and Eggs Farming Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel)

Click Buy Now  below to purchase using Paypal, Credit Card, or Debit Card. After you have purchased, you will immediately see the download link for the business plan package on the screen. You will also immediately get an email with the business plan download link. The Pre-written business plan package (PDF, Word, and Excel) costs $30 only!

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If you want to purchase multiple business plans at once then click here: Business Plans Store.

The business plan package is a zipped compressed file containing the PDF, Word and Excel documents. To open the package after downloading it, just right click, and select Extract All. If you have any problems in downloading and opening the files, email us on [email protected] and we will assist you.

We wish you the best in your Quail farming business! Check out our collection of business plans  , and more business ideas .

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Small Business Trends

Quail farm basics: how to start and unlock feathered profits.

Quail farming is a lucrative venture that has gained popularity due to the high demand for quail eggs. However, starting a quail farm requires a bit of research and planning to ensure success. Fortunately, with the right knowledge and resources, anyone can start one and reap the benefits of this profitable industry.

In this article, we will explore how to start a farm with and money with these wonderful birds.

Why Quail Farming?

Coturnix quail farming has gained popularity in recent years due to the many benefits it offers. They are a great source of high-quality protein and their eggs are in high demand due to their nutritional value.

Additionally, they are easy to care for, require less space, and can be raised in an urban setting. Quail farming is a profitable business opportunity for those looking to venture into the poultry birds industry.

What Do Quail Farms Produce?

Quail farms produce eggs and quail meat. Quail eggs are highly nutritious and in high demand due to their numerous health benefits.

Quail meat production, on the other hand, is a delicious and healthy alternative to other poultry meats. In the following sections, we will explore the benefits and uses of each product.

Adult quail hens lay non-fertile and fertile eggs which are a highly nutritious source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. A quail egg is lower in cholesterol and fat than a chicken egg and is suitable for people with egg allergies.

Quail eggs are also believed to have numerous health benefits, including improved digestion, increased energy levels, and improved brain function. They are commonly used in cooking and as a garnish, and are a popular snack in many cultures.

Quail meat is a delicious and healthy alternative to other poultry meats. It is low in fat, high in protein, and rich in micronutrients such as iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. Quail meat is also easy to prepare and can be used in a variety of dishes, from stir-fries to curries.

Quail meat is also a popular choice for those looking for a sustainable and ethical source of protein, as quail are raised on small farms and require less space and resources than other livestock.

A Simple Guide to Starting Quail Farming

If you’re interested in starting a quail farming business, it’s essential to have a plan in place. In this simple guide, we will outline the key steps you need to take to get your quail farm up and running.

Create a Quail Farming Business Plan

man working on a farming business plan

A business plan is essential for any new venture, and quail farming is no exception. Your farm business plan should include details on your goals, target market, production capacity, and financial projections.

  • Initial Investment: Calculate the start-up costs, including housing, feed, initial stock, and any required permits or licenses.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): Estimate how long it will take for your quail farming business to become profitable. Consider factors like feed conversion ratio, egg production rate, and market prices for quail products.

Do Market Research

Before starting your quail farm, it’s essential to conduct market research to determine the demand for quail eggs and meat in your area. This research will help you identify potential customers, competitors, and market trends.

  • Local Demand: Research the demand for quail products in your area. Are there restaurants or markets that specialize in or are open to selling quail meat and eggs?
  • Competitors: Identify other quail farms in your region. Understanding their operations can help you find your niche and differentiate your products.

Form a Legal Entity and Register Your Quail Business

Farming business plan - register your farming business (shown on PC)

Forming a legal entity for your quail farm, such as an LLC or corporation, can help protect your personal assets and limit your liability. You will also need to register your business with the appropriate state and federal agencies.

Name and Brand Your Quail Farm Business

Choosing a name and brand for your quail farm is an important step in establishing your business. Your name and brand should reflect your values and target market and help differentiate your farm from competitors.

Open a Business Bank Account

woman opening a business bank account

Opening a business bank account can help you keep track of your finances and separate your personal and business expenses. You will also need a business bank account to accept payments from customers and pay business expenses.

Comparison Table: Starting Quail Farming

Here’s a quick reference table you can use as a checklist for your farming endeavor:

Sow the Land shows you a day in the life of a quail farmer in this video:

Practicalities to Consider When Starting a Starting Quail Farming Business

Starting a quail farming business requires careful planning and attention to detail. In this section, we will discuss some of the key things potential quail farmers need to consider before embarking on a quail farming venture.

Check What Permits May Be Needed to Raise Quails in Your Area

Different states and municipalities may have different regulations regarding quail farming. Check with your local government to determine what permits or licenses may be required.

Familiarize yourself with local, state, and federal regulations governing quail farming, including those related to animal welfare, food safety, and environmental protection.

Learn Everything You Can About Quail Farming

learning about farming from books

Successfully raising quail for meat and eggs requires specialized knowledge and skills. Take the time to research and learn everything you can about breeding quail, a farm quail house, feeding, hygienic quail farming tips, and healthcare. You may also look for a farm app and other tools needed to keep your business afloat.

Obtain or Build Suitable Housing for the Quails and Quail Chicks

Quail birds require proper housing to keep them safe and healthy. You can buy or build suitable housing that provides adequate space, ventilation, and protection from predators.

Provide Nest Boxes for the Quails to Lay Eggs

quail in nest box

Quails need a comfortable and safe place to lay their eggs. Nest boxes should be provided, and they should be regularly cleaned to maintain the health of the quails and the quality of the eggs.

Think about Lighting and Temperature for Newly Born Quail Chicks

A newly born quail chick requires special care to survive and thrive. Proper lighting and temperature are essential to their health and development.

Biosecurity Measures

Implement biosecurity measures to prevent the introduction and spread of diseases in your quail flock. This includes regular health checks, vaccination programs, and quarantine procedures for new birds.

Quails are vulnerable to predators. Ensure your housing is secure from common predators like snakes, rats, and birds of prey.

Environmental Impact

Consider incorporating sustainable farming practices such as recycling waste, using renewable energy sources, and conserving water.

Be mindful of the impact your quail farm may have on local wildlife and ecosystems. Properly manage waste and runoff to prevent pollution and habitat disruption.

Raise the Quails

Raising quails commercially requires ongoing attention to their nutrition, health, and living conditions. Make sure you have the resources and knowledge to provide your quail chicks supply with the care they need.

Market Your Quail Farming Business

Marketing your quail farming business is essential to attract customers and growing your sales. Develop a plan for marketing quail meat and eggs that target your ideal customer and highlight the unique benefits of your products.

  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Develop a USP that sets your quail products apart from competitors. This could be based on quality, sustainability, or a unique breed of quail.
  • Online Presence: Create a website and social media profiles to market your quail farm. Share insights into your farming practices, the benefits of quail products, and recipes to engage potential customers.

Selling Quail Eggs and Quail Meat

quail farming FAQs - pic of packaged quail eggs

Selling your quail eggs and meat requires a solid understanding of your target market and the best ways to reach them. Explore different sales channels and pricing strategies to maximize your profits.

The market for quail eggs and meat is growing, fueled by consumers’ increasing interest in nutritious, gourmet, and ethically sourced foods. Successfully selling these products requires understanding your target market, establishing effective distribution channels, and implementing strategic marketing practices.

Identifying Your Market

Start by identifying who your potential customers are. Quail eggs and meat appeal to a wide range of consumers, including health-conscious individuals, gourmet food enthusiasts, and those following specific diets such as ketogenic or Paleo, due to their high protein content and rich nutritional profile. Additionally, ethnic markets, where quail products are traditionally consumed, can present lucrative opportunities.

Pricing Strategy

Pricing is a critical aspect that can influence consumer perception and affect your profitability. It’s important to balance competitive pricing with the quality and uniqueness of your products. Consider factors such as production costs, market demand, and competitor pricing. Offering tiered pricing for bulk purchases or creating product bundles can also attract more customers.

Distribution Channels

Exploring various distribution channels can significantly enhance your reach. Options include:

  • Farmers Markets : A direct way to sell and interact with consumers, offering the opportunity to educate them about the benefits of quail products.
  • Local Grocery Stores and Specialty Food Shops : Partnering with these establishments can help tap into an existing customer base looking for unique and local products.
  • Online Sales : Setting up an online store or utilizing platforms like Etsy or Amazon can broaden your reach beyond local markets. Consider offering shipping for quail eggs, which are surprisingly resilient and can be shipped with proper packaging.
  • Restaurants and Caterers : Establishing B2B sales with restaurants, especially those focusing on local, sustainable, or gourmet menus, can provide a steady demand.

Marketing and Promotion

Effective marketing is key to educating potential customers about the benefits of quail eggs and meat and why they should choose your products over alternatives. Strategies may include:

  • Social Media Marketing : Utilize platforms like Instagram and Facebook to showcase your farming practices, share delicious recipes, and engage with your audience.
  • Content Marketing : Blog posts or videos about the health benefits of quail eggs, cooking tips, and behind-the-scenes looks at your farm can help draw interest.
  • Local Food Events : Participating in local food festivals or culinary competitions can increase visibility and allow people to sample your products.
  • Customer Testimonials : Share reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers to build trust and credibility.

Building a Brand

Your brand tells your farm’s story and what sets you apart from the competition. Develop a strong brand identity that reflects your values, such as sustainability, quality, and community. This identity should be consistent across your packaging, marketing materials, and online presence.

Legal Considerations

Ensure you are aware of and comply with all local, state, and federal regulations regarding the selling of quail eggs and meat, including packaging, labeling, and food safety standards.

Continuous Education

Quail farming techniques and market trends evolve. Stay informed by attending workshops, joining farming associations, and subscribing to relevant publications.

Connect with other quail farmers, both locally and online. Networking can provide valuable insights, support, and opportunities for collaboration.

Expansion Plans

  • Scalability: Have a clear plan for scaling your quail farming business. Consider factors like expanding your breeding stock, diversifying products, or entering new markets.
  • Value-Added Products: Explore opportunities to create value-added products from quail, such as pickled eggs, smoked meat, or pet food, to increase profitability.

Are There Any Disadvantages of Farming Quail?

While there are many advantages to quail farming, it is important to also consider the potential disadvantages. In this section, we will discuss some of the possible downsides of quail farming and how to mitigate them.

Health Risks to Humans

Quails can carry diseases that may be transmitted to humans through contact with their feces, feathers, or meat. Proper hygiene and sanitation practices are necessary to minimize the risk of illness.

High Initial Costs

Starting a quail farming business can be expensive, particularly if you are building or renovating a facility. There are also ongoing costs such as feed, healthcare, and maintenance.

Market Challenges

Quail products may be less familiar or desirable to some consumers compared to more common poultry products like chicken or turkey. It can be a challenge to find and attract a steady customer base, particularly in areas where quail farming is not well-established.

Quail Farming FAQs

Which is the best breed of quail to keep.

The Coturnix quail is the most commonly raised breed due to its high egg production, docile nature, and ease of care. However, other breeds, such as the Bobwhite and California quail, are also suitable for meat or egg production depending on your needs.

Are Quails Eggs Better than Chicken Eggs?

Quail eggs are lower in cholesterol and fat and higher in protein and micronutrients than chicken eggs. They are also suitable for people with egg allergies and are a popular snack in many cultures.

Are Quail Easy to Farm?

Quail are relatively easy to farm as they require less space and resources than other livestock. They are also docile and quiet, making them suitable for urban settings. Compared to roosters, a male quail produces a quieter and less far-reaching crow.

Is Raising Quail Worth It?

Raising quail chicks can be a profitable and rewarding venture. Quail eggs and meat are in high demand due to their nutritional value and delicious taste. Additionally, quail are easy to care for and require less space than other livestock increasing the chances for a profitable quail farming business. In San Francisco, CA, quail farmers earn an average of $33,401, which is about 21% higher than the national average for total compensation.

How Much Does it Cost to Keep Quail?

The cost of keeping quail depends on factors such as the size of your operation and the equipment you use. However, quail farming is generally considered to be a cost-effective venture as quail requires less space and resources than other livestock.

What Size is a Quail Egg?

person packaging quail eggs

Quail eggs are smaller than chicken eggs, measuring around 1-2 inches in length. They are commonly used in cooking and as a garnish. In fact, it they are often cracked over sushi to for flavor and to make a striking aesthetic.

Can You Keep Quails in a City?

Quail are a popular choice for urban farming as they require less space than other livestock and are relatively quiet and docile. However, it is important to check local regulations regarding keeping livestock in urban areas. See the best states to start a farm here.

Image: Depositphotos

how to start a farm

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quail farm business plan


Quail Farming Business Plan [Sample Template]

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business Plans » Agriculture Sector » Livestock Farming

Are you about starting a quail farming business? If YES, here is a complete sample quail farming business plan template & feasibility report you can use for FREE .

Okay, so we have considered all the requirements for starting a quail farming business . We also took it further by analyzing and drafting a sample quail produce marketing plan template backed up by actionable guerrilla marketing ideas for quail farms. So let’s proceed to the business planning section.

If you are looking to start a business that is very profitable, then you should look no further as you start a quail farming business.

This is a type of business that can be started small and then the ability to gain a whole lot more as you progress in the business. In starting this trade, you will need to be armed with ample information. This information will go a long way in you charting the best course for your business and following them true

One of the ways to run a business successfully is by owning your own business plan. One of the main reasons being drawing up a business plan is so that you can have a map that can serve as a guide while you look and work at building your own quail farming business. This is a sample quail farming business plan;

A Sample Quail Farming Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

Quail is a general name that is given to a genera of mid-sized birds generally placed in the order Galliformes . Quail eggs are a sweet delicacy in many parts of the world, including the united states of America, Canada, in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America. There are loads of poultries that raise quail for meat and eggs and they are quite making huge profits from the business.

The Chicken and Quail Farming industry includes poultry farms that raise quails and chickens basically for meat and egg production.

Downstream meat processors and food producers supply farmers with quails, chicks, feed and payment, according to contractual agreements. Poultry farmers provide growing facilities, bird care and agricultural expertise. Revenue is recorded in the final prices that poultry farmers receive per average weight of live quails or chicken.

The Chicken and Quail Farming industry in recent time has experienced positive trends in demand for quail and chicken meat. Of course increasing health consciousness among American meat consumers has boosted consumption of white meat such as quails and chicken, which is also more affordable than beef or pork.

Going forward, the industry will continue to enjoy appreciable growth and quail and chicken farmers will keep smiling to the bank. Falling input prices will enable quail and chicken farmers to increase production volumes; on the other hand, many farms will consolidate to gain the benefits of economies of scale.

In the United States of America, most poultry farmers have been functioning for more than ten years. They are often family enterprises passed down from one generation to another generation.

The major barriers facing new entrants into the industry include the competitive nature of a contract based income system, the medium level of investment required and of course compliance with various environmental regulations.

The Chicken and Quail Farming industry is indeed a very large industry and pretty much thriving in all parts of the world.

Statistics has it that in the United States of America alone, there are about 38,065 licensed and registered chicken meat production companies (some of which include quail farming) directly responsible for employing about 56,306 employees.

The industry rakes in a whooping sum of $34 billion annually with an annual growth rate projected at 2.7 percent. It is important to state that there are no establishment with a lion share in this industry; every quail and chicken farms can favorably compete.

If you are looking towards leveraging on the agriculture industry to generate huge income, then one of your best bet is to start a poultry farm business and concentrate on the rearing and sale of quails and chicken.

One thing is certain about starting quail farming business, if you are able to conduct your market research and feasibility studies, you are more likely not going to struggle to sell your quails and chickens because there are always food processing companies and consumers out there who are ready to buy from you couple with the fact that quail eggs are considered very healthy.

2. Executive Summary

Matthias Davenport& Family Poultry Farms, LLC is a world – class and licensed poultry farm with strong bias in raising quails and chicken for meat and egg. The poultry farm will be located in an ideal farm facility in the outskirt of Atlanta, Georgia – United States.

We have done our detailed market research and feasibility studies and we were able to secure 25 hectares of land to start our poultry farm.

Our poultry farm is going to be standard commercial poultry farm hence will be involved in raising, processing and marketing quails and chickens on a commercial level; we export live quails and chickens, processed quail meat and chickens and eggs to other countries of the world.

We are in the quail cum commercial poultry farm line of business because we want to leverage on the vast opportunities available in the agriculture industry, to contribute our quota in growing the U.S. economy, in national food production, and also to export quails and chickens from the United States to other countries and over and above to make profit.

Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC is well positioned to become one of the leading quail farming business in the United States of America, which is why we have been able to source for the best hands and machines to run the farms with.

We have put process and strategies in place that will help us employ best practices when it comes to raising healthy quails and chickens as required by the regulating bodies in the United States of America.

At Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC, our customer’s best interest will always come first, and everything we do will be guided by our values and professional ethics. We will ensure that we hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards by meeting our client’s needs precisely and completely.

We will cultivate a working environment that provides a human, sustainable approach to earning a living, and living in our world, for our partners, employees and for our clients.

Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC is a private registered commercial poultry farm company with strong bias for raising quails and chicken that is owned by Mr. Matthias Davenport and his immediate family members.

The poultry farm will be fully and single handedly financed by the owner – Mr. Matthias Davenport and his immediate family members at least for a period of time. Matthias Davenport is well experienced and highly qualified to run this type of business.

3. Our Products and Services

Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC is a standard commercial poultry farms company that is committed to raising quails and chickens for meat and eggs for both the United States’ market and the global market. We are in the commercial poultry farms line of business to make profits and we are going to do all we can to achieve our business goals, aim and objectives.

These are the areas we will concentrate on in our commercial poultry farms. If need arises we will definitely add more poultry produce to our list;

  • Raising, processing and marketing quails and chickens on a commercial level; we export quails and chickens, processed quails and chickens meat and eggs to other countries of the world.
  • Quail farming (including egg laying)
  • Chicken production (including egg laying)
  • Broiler chicken production
  • Roaster chicken production
  • Fryer chicken production
  • Cornish hen production

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our vision as a company is to become one of the leading quail farming brands not just in the United States of America but also on the global stage.
  • Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC is a world class and registered commercial poultry farms company that is committed to raising quails and chickens for both the United States’ market and the global market. We want our chickens and quails (eggs inclusive) to flood the nooks and crannies of the United States and other countries of the world.

Our Business Structure

Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC is a family owned and managed commercial poultry farms with strong bias for quail rearing that intend starting small in Atlanta – Georgia, but hope to grow big in order to compete favorably with leading commercial poultry farms in the poultry industry both in the United States and on a global stage.

We are aware of the importance of building a solid business structure that can support the picture of the kind of world class business we want to own. This is why we are committed to only hire the best hands within our area of operations.

At Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC, we will ensure that we hire people that are qualified, hardworking, and creative, result driven, customer centric and are ready to work to help us build a prosperous business that will benefit all the stakeholders (the owners, workforce, and customers).

As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our senior management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of five years or more as agreed by the board of trustees of the company. In view of the above, we have decided to hire qualified and competent hands to occupy the following positions;

  • Chief Operating Officer

Poultry Farm Manager

Human Resources and Admin Manager

  • Accountant / Cashier
  • Sales and Marketing Executive
  • Quail Farms Employees
  • Front Desk Officer

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

Chief Executive Officer – CEO:

  • Increases management’s effectiveness by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, coaching, counseling, and disciplining managers; communicating values, strategies, and objectives; assigning accountabilities; planning, monitoring, and appraising job results; developing incentives; developing a climate for offering information and opinions; providing educational opportunities.
  • Responsible for providing direction for the business
  • Creates, communicates, and implements the organization’s vision, mission, and overall direction – i.e. leading the development and implementation of the overall organization’s strategy.
  • Responsible for signing checks and documents on behalf of the company
  • Evaluates the success of the organization
  • Responsible for the planning, management and coordinating all farm activities across the various sections on behalf of the organization
  • Supervise other section manager
  • Ensures compliance during project executions
  • Providing advice on the management of turkey farming activities across all section
  • Responsible for carrying out risk assessment
  • Uses IT systems and software to keep track of people and progress of the growth of quails and chickens in our poultry farm
  • Responsible for overseeing the accounting, costing and sale of poultry farm produce
  • Represents the organization’s interest at various stakeholders meetings
  • Ensures that farming goals desired result are achieved, the most efficient resources (manpower, equipment, tools and chemicals et al) are utilized and different interests involved are satisfied. Responsible for preparing financial reports, budgets, and financial statements for the organization
  • Responsible for overseeing the smooth running of HR and administrative tasks for the organization
  • Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations.
  • Enhances department and organization reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.
  • Defining job positions for recruitment and managing interviewing process
  • Carrying out staff induction for new team members
  • Responsible for training, evaluation and assessment of employees
  • Oversee the smooth running of the daily office.

Accountant / Cashier:

  • Responsible for preparing financial reports, budgets, and financial statements for the organization
  • Provides managements with financial analyses, development budgets, and accounting reports; analyzes financial feasibility for the most complex proposed projects; conducts market research to forecast trends and business conditions.
  • Responsible for financial forecasting and risks analysis.
  • Performs cash management, general ledger accounting, and financial reporting for one or more properties.
  • Responsible for developing and managing financial systems and policies
  • Responsible for administering payrolls
  • Ensuring compliance with taxation legislation
  • Handles all financial transactions for Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC
  • Serves as internal auditor for Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC.

Sales and Marketing Manager

  • Manages external research and coordinate all the internal sources of information to retain the organizations’ best customers and attract new ones
  • Models demographic information and analyze the volumes of transactional data generated by customer
  • Identifies development opportunities; follows up on development leads and contacts; participates in the structuring and financing of projects; assures the completion of development projects.
  • Writes winning proposal documents, negotiate fees and rates in line with organizations’ policy
  • Responsible for handling business research, market surveys and feasibility studies for clients
  • Responsible for supervising implementation, advocate for the customer’s needs, and communicate with clients
  • Develops, executes and evaluates new plans for expanding increase sales
  • Creates new markets cum businesses for the organization
  • Empowers and motivates the sales team to meet and surpass agreed targets

Field Workers / Contract Staff

  • Responsible for daily collection of eggs
  • Responsible for feeding quails and chickens as instructed by the supervisor
  • Responsible for cleaning the poultry and the entire environment
  • Change the water for the quails and chickens as instructed by the supervisor on a regular basis
  • Handles poultry farm implements and machines (hatchery) as instructed by the section manager / supervisor
  • Assists in handling the quails and chickens
  • Carries out task in line with the stated job description
  • Assists  in transport working tools and equipment from the poultry farm and back to the designated store room
  • Handles any other duties as assigned my the line manager

Front Desk / Customer’s Service Officer

  • Welcomes clients and potential clients by greeting them in person, online or on the telephone; answering or directing inquiries.
  • Ensures that all contacts with clients (e-mail, walk-In center, SMS or phone) provides the client with a personalized customer service experience of the highest level
  • Through interaction with clients on the phone, uses every opportunity to build client’s interest in the company’s products and services
  • Manages administrative duties assigned by the poultry farm manager in an effective and timely manner
  • Consistently stays abreast of any new information on the organizations’ products, promotional campaigns etc. to ensure accurate and helpful information is supplied to clients when they make enquiries

6. SWOT Analysis

Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC do not intend to launch out with trial and error hence the need to conduct a proper SWOT analysis.

We know that if we get it right from the onset, we would have succeeded in creating the foundation that will help us build a standard quail farming company that will favorably compete with leading commercial poultry farms who are into the rearing of quails and chickens in the United States of America and in the rest part of the world.

We engaged the services of a core professional in the area of business consulting and structuring to assist our organization in building a well – structured commercial poultry farm with strong bias for rearing quails that can favorably compete in the highly competitive commercial poultry farms in the United States and the world at large.

Part of what the team of business consultant did was to work with the management of our organization in conducting a SWOT analysis for Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC. Here is a summary from the result of the SWOT analysis that was conducted on behalf of Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC;

Our strength as a commercial poultry farm with strong bias for rearing quails is the fact that we have healthy relationships with loads of major players (agriculture merchants) in the industry; both suppliers of poultry feeds and medications and buyers of quails, chickens and eggs within and outside of the United States of America.

We have some of the latest commercial poultry farming hatchery, tools and equipment that will help us raise quails in commercial quantities with less stress. Aside from our relationship (network) and equipment, we can confidently boast that we have some the most experienced hands in Atlanta – Georgia in our payroll.

Our weakness could be that we are a new commercial poultry farms company with strong bias for quail rearing in the United States, and perhaps it might take us sometime to attract big time customers in the industry. We are aware of this and from our projection we will overcome this weakness with time and turn it to a major advantage for the business.

  • Opportunities:

The opportunities that are available to us as a standard commercial poultry farm with strong bias for quail rearing cannot be quantified, we know that there are loads of households, and businesses such as hotels and fast food restaurants that can’t do without daily supply of quail meat. We are well positioned to take advantage of this opportunity

Some of the threats and challenges that we are likely going to face when we start our own quail farming business are global economic downturn that can impact negatively on household spending, bad weather cum natural disasters (draughts, epidemics), unfavorable government policies and the arrival of a competitor (a commercial farm that engage in the rearing of quails, chickens and other birds) within same location.

There is hardly anything you can do as regards this threats and challenges other than to be optimistic that things will continue to work for your good.


  • Market Trends

The Chicken and Quail Farming industry has greatly benefited from campaigns advertising the health benefits of quail and chicken meat and eggs as a good source of protein.

No doubt, the increased demand of quail, chicken and eggs from households and food related businesses and of course the growing popularity of specialty and processed and canned quail meat has rapidly improved revenue growth for the industry.

In the face of this growth, profit margin has suffered from rising feed costs and also regulations regarding animal welfare.

As a matter of fact, one of the new trends is that with the recent advancement in technology, poultry farmers can now comfortably predict and produce the quantities of quails or chickens or even eggs per time. This has indeed helped them in proper planning and budgeting for the business.

8. Our Target Market

Usually, the target market of those who are the end consumer of commercial poultry farm produce and also those who benefits from the business value chain of the poultry farming industry is all encompassing; it is far – reaching.

Every household consumes produce from commercial poultry farms be it chicken, quail meat or egg. So also almost all hotels and fast restaurants sell chicken meat and eggs, some also sell quail meat. In essence a commercial poultry farmer should be able to sell his or her quails, chickens and eggs to as many people as possible.

In view of that, we have positioned our business to attract consumers of quails, chickens and eggs not just in the United States of America alone but also other parts of the world. We have conducted our market research and survey and we will ensure that we meet and surpass the expectations we set for the business.

Below is a list of the people and business that we will market our quails, chickens and eggs to;

  • Individuals
  • Restaurants
  • Fast food eateries
  • Agriculture merchants

Our Competitive Advantage

It is easier to find entrepreneur flocking towards an industry that is known to generate consistent income which is why there are more commercial poultry farmers in the United States of America and of course in most parts of the world.

For example, Statistics has it that there are 2.2 million farms in the United States of America, covering an area of 922 million acres. These goes to show that there are appreciable numbers of farmers in the United States of America but that does not mean that there is stiffer competition in the industry.

As a matter of fact, entrepreneurs are encouraged by the government to embrace commercial farming cum poultry farming and egg production business. This is so because part of the success of any nation is her ability to cultivate her own food and also export foods to other nations of the world.

Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC is fully aware that there are competitions when it comes to selling quail meat and chicken meat all over the globe, which is why we decided to carry out thorough market research so as to know how to take advantage of the available market in the United States and in other parts of the world.

We have done our homework and we have been able to highlight some factors that will give us competitive advantage in the marketplace; some of the factors are effective and reliable quail farming processes that can help us sell our quails at competitive prices, good network and excellent relationship management.

Another competitive advantage that we are bringing to the industry is the fact that we have healthy relationships with loads of major players (agriculture merchants) in the industry; both suppliers of poultry feeds and medications and buyers of quails, chickens and eggs within and outside of the United States of America.

We have some of the latest commercial poultry farming hatchery, tools and equipment that will help us raise and produce eggs in commercial quantities with less stress. Aside from our relationship (network) and equipment, we can confidently boast that we have some the most experienced hands in Atlanta – Georgia under our payroll.

Lastly, all our employees will be well taken care of, and their welfare package will be among the best within our category (startups quail farming and commercial poultry farms and egg production companies in the United States) in the industry.

It will enable them to be more than willing to build the business with us and help deliver our set goals and achieve all our business aims and objectives.


  • Sources of Income

Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC is in the quail and chicken farming industry for the purpose of maximizing profits hence we have decided to explore all the available opportunities within the industry to achieve our corporate goals and objectives.

Below are the sources we intend exploring to generate income for Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC;

10. Sales Forecast

Going by the market research and survey conducted, we were able to discover that the sales generated by a turkey farming business depends on the size of the poultry farm and of course the size of their marketing network.

We have perfected or sales and marketing strategies and we are set to hit the ground running and we are quite optimistic that we will meet or even surpass our set sales target of generating enough income / profits from the year of operations and build the business from survival to sustainability with the shortest period of time.

We have been able to critically examine the quail farming business and we have analyzed our chances in the industry and we have been able to come up with the following sales forecast. The sales projection is based on information gathered on the field and some workable assumptions as well with respect to the nature of quail farming business that we run.

Below are the projections that we were able to come up with for the first three years of running Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC;

  • First Fiscal Year-: $250,000
  • Second Fiscal Year-: $500,000
  • Third Fiscal Year-: $750,000

N.B : This projection is done based on what is obtainable in the industry and with the assumption that there won’t be any major economic meltdown that can impact negatively on household spending, bad weather cum natural disasters (draughts, epidemics), and unfavorable government policies

  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

We are quite aware that the reason why some quail farming business hardly make good profits is their inability to sell off their quails and eggs as at when due.

Our sales and marketing team will be recruited based on their vast experience in the quail and chicken farming industry and they will be trained on a regular basis so as to be well equipped to meet their targets and the overall business goal of Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC.

Over and above, we have perfected our sale and marketing strategies first by networking with agriculture merchants and businesses that rely on daily supply of quails, chickens and eggs from the quail and chicken farming industry that are likely to become our customers.

In summary, Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC will adopt the following strategies in marketing our commercial farm produce;

  • Introduce our business by sending introductory letters alongside our brochure to stake holders in the agriculture industry, households, hotels and restaurants and agriculture produce merchant et al.
  • Advertise our business in agriculture and food related magazines and websites
  • List our quail farming business on yellow pages ads
  • Attend related agriculture and food expos, seminars, and business fairs et al
  • Leverage on the internet to promote our business
  • Engage in direct marketing
  • Encourage the use of Word of mouth marketing (referrals)

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

Any business that wants to grow beyond the corner of the street or the city they are operating from must be ready and willing to utilize every available means (both conventional and non – conventional means) to advertise and promote the business. We intend growing our business which is why we have perfected plans to build our brand via every available means.

We know that it is important to create strategies that will help us boost our brand awareness and to create a corporate identity for our quail farming business. Below are the platforms we will leverage on to boost our quail farms brand and to promote and advertise our business;

  • Place adverts on community based newspapers, radio stations and TV stations.
  • Encourage the use of word of mouth publicity from our loyal customers
  • Leverage on the internet and social media platforms like; YouTube, Instagram, Facebook ,Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Badoo, Google+  and other platforms to promote our business.
  • Ensure that our we position our banners and billboards in strategic positions all around Atlanta – Georgia
  • Distribute our fliers and handbills in target areas in and around our neighborhood
  • Contact corporate organizations, households, landlord associations and hotels by calling them up and informing them of Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC and the poultry produce we sell
  • Advertise our business in our official website and employ strategies that will help us pull traffic to the site
  • Brand all our official cars and trucks and ensure that all our staff members and management staff wears our branded shirt or cap at regular intervals.

12. Our Pricing Strategy

Some of the factors that will help you sell your quails and chickens at the right price that will guarantee that you make profits is dependent on your strategy while some of the factors are beyond your control.

For example, if the climatic condition is unfavorable and if there is natural disaster in the location where you have your commercial poultry farm, then it will directly affect the prices of your quails, chicken and eggs.

Over and above, if you want to get the right pricing for your quails, chickens and eggs, then you should ensure that you choose a good location for quail farm, choose a good breed that will guarantee bountiful harvest, cut the cost of running your poultry farm to the barest minimum.

Of course, you can try as much as possible to attract buyers to your poultry farm as against taking your quails and chickens to the market to source for buyers; with this, you would have successfully eliminate the cost of transporting the goods to the market and other logistics.

We are quite aware that one of the easiest means of penetrating the market and acquiring loads of customers for our quails and chickens is to sell them at competitive prices hence we will do all we can to ensure that the prices of our turkeys of all sizes are going to be what other commercial poultry farmers would look towards beating.

One thing is certain; the nature of commercial poultry farming makes it possible for poultry farmers to place prices for their quails and chickens based on their discretion without following the benchmark in the industry. The truth is that it is one of the means of avoiding running into loss.

  • Payment Options

The payment policy adopted by Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC is all inclusive because we are quite aware that different customers prefer different payment options as it suits them but at the same time, we will ensure that we abide by the financial rules and regulation of the United States of America.

Here are the payment options that Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC will make available to her clients;

  • Payment via bank transfer
  • Payment with cash
  • Payment via online bank transfer
  • Payment via check
  • Payment via bank draft

In view of the above, we have chosen banking platforms that will enable our client make payment for farm produces purchase without any stress on their part. Our bank account numbers will be made available on our website and promotional materials to clients who may want to deposit cash or make online transfer for the purchase of quails, chickens and eggs.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

When it comes to calculating the cost of starting a commercial poultry farm, there are some key factors that should serve as a guide. The different type of birds to be raised in commercial poultry farms determines the total cost of setting up the business.

Besides, in setting up any business, the amount or cost will depend on the approach and scale you want to undertake. If you intend to go big by renting / leasing a big facility, then you would need a good amount of capital as you would need to ensure that your employees are well taken care of, and that your facility is conducive enough for workers to be creative and productive.

This means that the start-up can either be low or high depending on your goals, vision and aspirations for your business.

The tools and equipment that will be used are nearly the same cost everywhere, and any difference in prices would be minimal and can be overlooked. As for the detailed cost analysis for starting a quail farming business; it might differ in other countries due to the value of their money.

Below are some of the basic areas we will spend our start – up capital in setting up our quail farm / poultry;

  • The Total Fee for incorporating the Business in United States of America – $750.
  • The amount needed to acquire / lease a farm land  – $50,000
  • The amount required for preparing the farm land (poultry fencing et al) – $30,000
  • Legal expenses for obtaining licenses and permits as well as the accounting services (software, P.O.S machines and other software) – $3,300.
  • Marketing promotion expenses for the grand opening of Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC in the amount of $3,500 and as well as flyer printing (2,000 flyers at $0.04 per copy) for the total amount of $3,580.
  • The total cost for hiring Business Consultant – $2,500.
  • The total cost for payment of insurance policy covers (general liability, workers’ compensation and property casualty) coverage at a total premium – $9,400
  • The amount required for the purchase of the first set of quails and chickens – $10,000
  • The cost for acquiring the required working tools and equipment / machines / hatchery et al – $50,000
  • Operational cost for the first 3 months (salaries of employees, payments of bills et al) – $60,000
  • The Cost of Launching an official Website – $600
  • Additional Expenditure (Business cards, Signage, Adverts and Promotions et al) – $2,000

Going by the report from detailed research and feasibility studies conducted, we will need an average of $500,000 to start a standard commercial poultry farm business with strong bias for quail rearing in the United States of America.

Generating Funding / Startup Capital for Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC

No matter how fantastic your business idea might be, if you don’t have the required money to finance the business, the business might not become a reality. Finance is a very important factor when it comes to starting a business such as commercial poultry farming . No doubt raising start – up capital for a business might not come cheap, but it is a task that an entrepreneur must go through.

Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC is a family business that is solely owned and financed by Matthias Davenport and his immediate family members. We do not intend to welcome any external business partners, which is why we have decided to restrict the sourcing of the start – up capital to 3 major sources. These are the areas we intend generating our start – up capital;

  • Generate part of the start – up capital from personal savings
  • Source for soft loans from family members and friends
  • Apply for loan from my Bank

N.B: We have been able to generate about $150,000 ( Personal savings $100,000 and soft loan from family members $50,000 ) and we are at the final stages of obtaining a loan facility of $350,000 from our bank. All the papers and document have been signed and submitted, the loan has been approved and any moment from now our account will be credited with the amount.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

The future of a business lies in the numbers of loyal customers that they have the capacity and competence of the employees, their investment strategy and the business structure. If all of these factors are missing from a business (company), then it won’t be too long before the business close shop.

One of our major goals of starting Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC is to build a business that will survive off its own cash flow without the need for injecting finance from external sources once the business is officially running.

We know that one of the ways of gaining approval and winning customers over is to retail our quails, chickens and eggs a little bit cheaper than what is obtainable in the market and we are well prepared to survive on lower profit margin for a while.

Matthias Davenport & Family Poultry Farms, LLC will make sure that the right foundation, structures and processes are put in place to ensure that our staff welfare are well taken of. Our company’s corporate culture is designed to drive our business to greater heights and training and re – training of our workforce is at the top burner.

As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of six years or more. We know that if that is put in place, we will be able to successfully hire and retain the best hands we can get in the industry; they will be more committed to help us build the business of our dreams.

Check List / Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check:>Completed
  • Business Registration: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts: Completed
  • Securing Point of Sales (POS) Machines: Completed
  • Opening Mobile Money Accounts: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Application for business license and permit: Completed
  • Purchase of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Leasing of farm land and building of standard poultry (cages): In Progress
  • Conducting Feasibility Studies: Completed
  • Generating capital from family members: Completed
  • Applications for Loan from the bank: In Progress
  • Writing of Business Plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents and other relevant Legal Documents: In Progress
  • Design of The Company’s Logo: Completed
  • Graphic Designs and Printing of Packaging Marketing / Promotional Materials: In Progress
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Creating Official Website for the Company: In Progress
  • Creating Awareness for the business both online and around the community: In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement (License): Secured
  • Opening party / launching party planning: In Progress
  • Establishing business relationship with vendors – key players in the industry: In Progress

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Farming Method

How to Start Quail Farming | The Complete Guide

Do you want to start quail farming? Here’s the complete guide for raising Quail at your Home for meat and eggs.

Raising quails is pretty straightforward and just as profitable as keeping chicken, turkeys, or ducks. You can choose to raise them for meat or eggs, or both.

In this guide, I have covered everything to start a profitable small-scale farm & create a business plan from scratch.

Let’s know how to start your quail farm from the ground.

How to Start Quail Farming Business

Here is the step-by-step guide for starting your quail poultry farm for meat and eggs. You can follow these exeat processes and business plans.

Start Quail Farming

Step by step guide for starting your quail poultry farm for meat and eggs.

[click_to_tweet tweet=” Learn how to start quail farming? ” quote=” Learn how to start quail farming?”]

Quails  are well-known as miniature birds in the world. The advantage of cultivating these birds at Home is very easy for beginners.

Because it is the most miniature variety of domestic birds. In addition, growing them at any home is effortless and profitable than the other poultry.

If you are thinking about getting into the business, here are the steps to start your farm.

This guide covers everything you need to know from breed selection, shelter, feed, farm management, marketing, etc. Besides, it also helps you create a business plan.

*Note, all of these topics will be covered in this article. And, you can navigate between them by clicking any topics on the table of contents above.

Steps to Start a Quail in Your Backyard

Primary Steps- Gathering Information: 

This is the thing you have to learn before starting quail farming.

  • First, gather information about these birds, 
  • Learn about the environment in which they grow- the appropriate temperature, light, and humidity for rearing,
  • Information about different rearing methods.
  • Comparison of the best varieties and their advantages.
  • And then choose a type and a rearing method depending on that.

Second Steps- Setting up: 

In this step, you have to build a shade for rearing these mini poultry birds. There are three completely different types of housing. So, make an adequate shade depending on the rearing method.

What you have to do in this step:-

  • Choose a rearing method accrodigng to your business plan (e.g. meat or egg farm)
  • Choose a shelter from different shade types and designs.
  • Learn how to build the house (in the rearing cage), required materials for the Farm,
  • Next, choose your favored farming method, and select the best species and collect them.
  • And Buy essential farm equipment.

Third Step- Rearing and Caring: 

Here, I will share tips about:-

  • The general caring methods.
  • What and how to feed these birds, and daily required feed & nutrition chart.
  • How to maintain a healthy growing environment on your Farm.
  • Egg-laying case information & building tips.
  • You will also learn about the reproduction and the caring process of the newly born.

Fourth Step:- Baby Quail Care 

  • How to take care of newly borns.
  • Tips for building an artificial brooder.  
  • How to move newborn birds into the brooder. 

Fifth Step – Advance Care For Commercial Quail Farm: 

This step is significant for a commercial farm. Here you will learn about the advance caring tips.

From my experience, it can be said that “In case if you don’t perform this, you will be in a lot of trouble.”

That will cover:

  • Egg-laying nest, and Brodder case-building information,
  • Biosecurity,
  • How to make organic germicide,
  • And advance care methods to increase productivity. 

Finally- Creating a Business Plan: 

Now create a business plan including investment, labour, cost, profit, marketing and potential risks.

Here is a list of things you need to consider while creating a plan for your quail farm business.

  • Executive summary
  • Mission and Vision
  • The product you will produce and market.
  • Farm and Business structure
  • Sales and marketing strategy
  • Market analysis.

Quail Farming Information

The Japanese first devised a way to keep the wild Quail as a domestic bird. Later, introduced to other countries, including the USA, Canada, Kania, Zimbabwe, and India, as profitable poultry farming businesses.

Quails are tiny birds and usually live for 3 to 4 years. However, an adult quail weighs 150 to 200 grams, and an egg weighs 7 to 15 grams.

A female quail lays eggs at the age of 6 to 7 weeks. They lay over 150-300 eggs per year. 

Moreover, it only takes 16 to 18 days for their eggs to hatch. But, the baby quail is very sensitive and takes about two weeks to become mature.

Quail Farming in Backyard

You may already know that it is probably the smallest species among the different poultry birds. However, growing them in your house backyard is much like pigeons.

And there is no need for a large farmhouse like chicken. So you can grow them in a room, which has direct access to air and sunlight.

These birds are well-known as miniature birds in the world. The advantage of cultivating these birds at home is they require least amount of care. And, that is one of the reasons why starting a farm at home is extremely easy.

Benefits of Quail Farming

Quail meats and eggs are perfect for health. It contains 2.47% less fat than chicken eggs. In addition, many believe that Quail’s eggs help prevent diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and asthma.

There are many benefits of modern days quail farming, for example-

  • These are small birds so that we can keep quails in small spaces.
  • Quail feed costs are comparatively lower than on poultry or other poultry farms.
  • They don’t require dedicated farmhouses. You can grow them indoors and keep 6 to 7 quails in the same place for one hen.
  • So, the commercial Farm requires little investment and management.
  • Quails are potent birds and less prone to disease or other health problems. So the risk of this business is less.
  • Their food conversion efficiency (FCR) in meat or egg production is satisfactory. They can produce one kg of meat or eggs by consuming three kilograms of food.
  • Besides, Quails grow quickly and faster than any other poultry bird.
  • They lay eggs at only 6 to 7 weeks of age. And, depending on varieties, they lay 150-200 eggs/year.
  • They have a faster reproduction rate. Quail eggs take only 16 to 18 days to hatch.
  • Quail meat and eggs are delicious and nutritious. So it is one source of healthy food.
  • Quail meat contains less fat. Thus, it is suitable for hypertensive patients.
  • It is a lucrative business venture, so Quail’s commercial Farm can be a superb source of income and employment for unemployed educated people. Even you can farm Quail from your current profession.

Quil farming requires low investment labor, little knowledge about farm management. Besides, this farming business is suitable for beginners. Due to this fact, it is becoming more popular worldwide. 

Suitable Temperature, Light, and Humidity for Rising Quails

These birds can grow indoors. So you can control the temperature, humidity, and light. Here is what it requires to become successful —


The suitable Temperature of backyard quail farming is 21 to 32 Celsius (69.8 ° – 89.6 ° Fahrenheit).

But depending on varieties, they may become sufferers from heat stress at a different temperature. We found that our birds feel comfortable in between 22-25 Celsius.

Quails egg production is very dependent on light. Therefore, lack of light can decrease egg production. Now, light can be achieved by using electric bulbs and sunlight.

In general, they require 16 hours of lighting (including daylight and artificial light).

This is necessary, here’s what you can do- 

  • The newly born baby birds do not survive in cold temperatures. They require 13 hours of light till they become seventh weeks older. And increase the lighting time gradually to 16 hours from the seven weeks. So, you need to increase the lighting by one hour every week.
  • So, you need to ensure temperature using light in a separate case(brooder). 
  • Light is crucial for egg development. This means, for 16 hours of light, you have to use artificial lights.

Note that: With a 40-watt bulb, 10 square centimeters of space can be illuminated. And, we found that egg production increases in red color light compared to blue.

This bird can adapt to 40-70% relative humidity. However, the relative humidity of the house is 55-60% good.

If the relative humidity is higher, their feather will be moist, causing respiratory problems and increasing the chance of fungus. If the relative humidity is less, then their feathers will become rough.

Choose the Best Rearing Method

There are three different rearing methods. Each of those are dedicatied to different rearing methods. Choose the best one depending on local demand or you business plan.

There are three different rearing methods. Each of those is dedicated to other rearing methods. Choose the best one depending on local demand or your business plan.

According to the purpose, commercial poultry farming can be divided into three groups. First, now learn more about each rearing system. And next, build adequate habitat or cages depending on the raring procedure.

The fun part is you can choose all three methods. Because doing so will require a little more investment and also reduce the cost.

1. Layer Quails Farm

In a layer quail poultry farm, you will raise them for eggs. Useally, people keep them for for 54-weeks.

Layer Quail Farm

Layer Coil Farm is dedicated to egg production. Usually,  Japanese Quail  from the age of 6-7 weeks, and the bobwhite quail at 8-10 weeks start laying eggs..

If the management is accurate, every Japanese Quail lay 250-300, and bobwhite birds lay 150-200 eggs.

What differs from other methods?

  • The housing

2. Broiler Quails Farm:

Broiler farm is dedicated to meat production. This method will include faster breeding and selling them as soon as they get mature.


If you want to produce soft and delicious meat, and sell them, the broiler farm is appropriate for you.

These species are a little bigger than layer birds and gain maximum weight quickly.

The most suitable breed for meat farms are Bobwhite, Button and Jambo coturnix. This birds grow quickly. However, they also produce eggs.

But, Farmers do not raise them for that long period. Average Northern Bobwhite is weighed in at about 170 grams. But  Jumbo Coturnix  species gains  450 to 460 grams  at their adulthood.

Now, if you want to build your farm for both meat and eggs Bobwhite is the suitable breed.

You can sale the male and keep the female. However, for egg production you will need alteast one male for five female birds.

3. Breeding Quails Farm:

You will raise the breeder quails or use an incubator to produce quail chicks. And you will keep them for longer (30 weeks).

Breeding Quails Cage

The breeding birds are used to produce eggs for the production of new babies.

The general purpose of this method of grazing is to sell. Some varieties are beautiful. People always like to buy to rear commonly. 

Typically it takes 7-8 weeks for  Japanese Quail  and 10-weeks bobwhite quail. And the small varieties like  Button Quail  are a perfect choice. The ratio of male and female should be kept in pairs (1: 1) on your Farm.

Best Quails Varieties

However, this farming is not spread all over the world yet. But there are some excellent varieties.

The best varieties for start ranching from the beginning are given below. There are more than 140 kinds of them. Here are the most popular and profitable breeds.

Besides them, there are several other species. Depending on your need, you can farm one or more.

* Learn more about the best quail breeds for meat, eggs, and hunting .

How to Create Habitat [Quails Cage]:

Low Cost Quail Growing Cage

The size of cages is somewhat different for different from each other. Learn how to build the best habitat for your birds. 

Here we will describe the starter cage size and measurement. There are another two types of cages used in commercial quail housekeeping. We will represent them in the relevant sections. 

Now, to build a low-cost quail house, the following points should be kept in mind.

  • Ensure a comfortable environment for birds.
  • Ensure natural light-air and keep it under control as needed.
  • Ability to protect the birds from extreme winter, hot or rain, and damp conditions.
  • Construction of houses in a specific distance and required size.
  • Construct different rooms for different ages of quails.
  • It is necessary to take proper action beforehand to avoid any bad smell due to the bird’s stomach and urine.

The entire Laying nest  and  Brooder cage  are essential for layer & breeder quail raising.

Appropriate Cages for Layer Quail raising:

Cages for Layer Quail raising

  • Each cell is about six ft. long and one ft. wide and divided into six parts.
  • For utilizing the space, you can build up to 6-story cages. Also, keep at least 8- 10 cm distance between two stories.
  • And use moveable wooden parts at the lower part to separate them so that the birds can be cleaned.
  • Place a long narrow water pot in front of the cage.
  • Typically, 10-12 birds are fed in each cage by commercially producing eggs.
  • For the breeding, one male and three female quails are kept in this cage.

Appropriate Cages for Broiler Quail Raising:

This types of housing are designed for raiseing meat quails. You can house 6 birds in every square foot.

Cages for Broiler Quail raising

For the broiler quails  farming method , your goal of rearing birds is to sell them as poultry meat. That is why to gain weight. The bird needs to be kept in a smaller space.

  • After two weeks, Quails can be kept in the cage for rearing.
  • It helps to increase physical weight, because of this it is possible to avoid excessive roaming of birds.

Here is the recommended cage size for different ages.

How To Build A Laying Nest:

The primary function of a laying nest is to provide a solution for egg-laying quails.

EGG Laying Nest for Quail

Egg Laying house (egg-laying shade) built separately for each or shared for multiple birds.

Note : Each bird will need approximately 15 cm of personal space in an egg-laying nest.

  • To build a private laying nest, you can use 15cm Wide, 20cm deep boxes.
  • However, we use 30x30cm boxes on our farm, as we found that these are more suitable for them.
  • And in the case of the shared nest for 25-30 birds, use 1-1.5 meters wide, 30cm deep boxes.

However, you can increase the height depending on the light source. As we have mentioned earlier, these birds require light for 16 hours a day. So, consider the overheating issue.

This is important,

A separate egg-laying nest is vital in a commercial poultry farming setup. It will prevent them from destroying eggs. Also, egg-laying birds require extra care.

Guideline for Collecting Quails:

Now, when the housing is ready, it’s time to collect quails. Again, collecting high-quality seed birds is so crucial.

Unless you are not willing to buy baby chicks every time there is a new batch, you should consider choosing high-quality birds. Productive parents will produce healthy chicks continuously.

If you want to start gradually, pick six to eight pairs of birds. Or you can choose more than that.

However, if you don’t have any previous experience raising poultry (chicken, duck, or any) — don’t start with more than 5-6 pairs.

Take your time to get some hands-on experiences first.

The ultimate checklist before and after for buying quality quails.

  • Clean the shade properly. Check every component, especially the electronics parts.
  • And buy the best quality quails from an established farmer.
  • If you collect 2/3 days babies, You need to store them in the brooder for one or two additional days.
  • After that, Place them into rearing shade.
  • Now, keep an eye on weak chicks. If it is needed, place them again into the brooder. Learn  how to make brooder here  and  Brooding principles .

Essential Equipment and Materials for the Farm:

There are several tools and materials required to handle these organic farms, as follows:

  • Brooder Hover,
  • Heater / Stove,
  • Plastic Tick Feed Tray,
  • Water pots,
  • Egg-laying boxes,
  • Electric bulbs,
  • Defaults or balances for taking weight measurements,
  • Buckets, a shovel, spade, bowls, a knife, baskets, peal, tulle, etc.
  • Egg-laying house. These are the boxes for constructing egg laying cage..
  • Bamboo, wood, corrugated, polythene, or triple.
  • Thermometer, hypermeter and,
  •  Battery or Brooder.

The following are some of the essential tools for food management are described below-

There will be a high-quality food serving dish;

  • It can easily be filled with foods.
  • And, easily cleanable.

Water or drunker:

Whether the cage or liters are performed in the same manner, the characteristics of a potter’s water pot are as follows:

  • Birds will get a clean water supply from it.
  • It will be easy to drink water.
  • Cleaning will be easy.
  • Durable and cheaper.

Farm management: General Caring methods of Qualis

To get adequate production from quail farming, each farmer must study the details of farm management.

Even minor negligence or defects is enough for the failure of farms. So, farmers, please become extra careful.

Pain or Stress Removal:  

Remember this as a result of stress, the production decreases severely, and sometimes it can even result in death.

To get good production from your farm, ensure the certainly comfortable environment that they will cherish. I have discussed this later in this article.

Food and water management:

Food and water management needs to be correct. If they have adequate food and water for each bird, they will relish the food and water.

Egg collection:  

Collect eggs at least two times a day. The typical evening is 6: 00-6: 30pm and the second night is from 9.00 – 9.30pm.

Egg Storing:  

It must be stored immediately after the collection of eggs. Reserve temperature and relative humidity are 12.8 ° -15.5 ° C, respectively. (55.0 ° – 59.9 ° F) and 75-80%.

After the deletion of a hatchery from the eggs produced by a family or commercially managed farm, it is necessary to have sex or sexual intercourse as soon as possible.

Lip cutting or debeaking:

Debeaking is an essential factor in quail farm management. Debugging is to remove a specific part of the lip and nails.

Reproducing Baby Quails:

There are two different ways that you can hatch quails eggs. One is a natural procedure, and the second one is using commercially built quails incubators. We have published a review on the  best quails incubator .

Common Diseases

One of the benefits of quail celebrations is that they are less affected by disease than poultry. But, We are not saying that there are no diseases at all.

They do not have to vaccinate for any disease. The reason behind this is, they do not have fatal infections.

The most common diseases of chicken can affect these miniature birds. They can be affected by — viruses, bacteria, fungus, microplasma, parasites, malnutrition, management defects. And conceptive problems can lead to various diseases.

Daily Feeding Process

In commercial farms, you have to feed them three times a daily. We provide food at 6 am, 12-1 pm and 7 pm on our farm.

General Feeding Process in an Organic Quail Farm:

Like other poultry, daily food must contain six nutrients, such as water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

To run a thriving quail farming company, you must give your birds a balanced diet. The adult eat 20-30 grams of food each day. So, the overall feed management is also cheaper.

Quails require a higher protein diet. Good feed not only keeps the birds healthy and productive, but it also helps them avoid diseases.

Here is the tips on what feed them.

  • They are very small, so you have to provide powdered foods.
  • Moreover, clean all food and water pots using organic germicide.
  • Ensure sufficient water and food for each bird.
  • Remember, at the age of 5 weeks, quails eat about 500 grams of food,
  • 6 months old quails eat 30-35 grams of food every day and,
  • For laying 12 eggs, they need around 400 grams of the food.
  • Make a balanced diet rich in the required nutrients.
  • For any reason, don’t supply fungus-affected feeds.
  • Don’t supply dried fish, mussels, wheat.
  • And don’t provide until they ultimately finish the last meal. This will help minimize the food waste.

How and What to Feed Depending on Age:

Use this chart to make 5 kg of starter mash using oil to feed 75 times.

On average, every adult bird needs only 8 kg of food per year. You have to provide the exact amount of feeds for them.

*To determine, daily required foods for quail farming, multiply the weight of the feed by the number of birds.

This chart demonstrates daily needs of a single bird. 

How to Ensure Maximum Productivity ?

To get the desired product from the farm, you should take care of the following factors.

  • Collecting healthy birds.
  • Always buy the baby birds from a well-established hatchery.
  • From the 1st day of birth, ensure the right temperature, light, food, and water for them in the brooder.
  • The regular productivity-raising formula for layers is: “Provide pure water and daily 13-16 hours of light.”
  • Plus, provide adequate air circulation in the bird’s house.
  • Always keep the houses and cages clean and clean.
  • And please do not disturb them by any means.

Bedding Materials: Litter and It’s Management Procedure

In a word, the bed used in the quail bards room to make the accommodation comfortable is called litter.

However, building comfortable bedding is not costly. However, it is susceptible, which generally affects the production directly.

First, I will provide a guideline to make a bed. Then, describe the proper management process.

How to Create Litter for Quails ?

  • In the beginning, spread 5 cm thick litter material on a clean floor.
  • Then gradually add more litter material, and increase the thickness to 10 cm in 4-5 weeks.
  • In the case of a brooder foster child, before placing quails, put 10 cm thick litter.

Materials for Creating Litter Bed: 

Generally, as a litter, Rice husk, Wood powder, Paddy or wheat dry, Straw, Wood Stove, Nuts powder, etc., are used.

Bactericide and its use:

The role of disinfectant is very important in protecting the health of the harmful and sterile environment in the growth of the quail residence.

Various experiments have shown that no bactericide is functioning alone. So, anyone who uses antibiotics such as heat (sunlight), coal-tas-derivatives, chlorine, formaldehyde, copper sulfate, etc. should be used.

Reproducing Baby Quails

500 females can give birth to 1500-2000 quails.

At the age of  7-9th week , they started laying eggs. In that time, typically  60-70%  of female quail lay eggs.

To lay eggs, keep the male and female quails together at 8-10 weeks of age male. And maintain a ratio of  male birds: female birds  at the of  1: 5 . That means, for every male, there will be five females.

They generally occupy  18 days  on eggs in hatching and give birth to baby quails.

baby quails

Newborn babies are fragile and vulnerable to diseases. So, you have to ensure a  healthier hatching case .

To ensure a healthier environment in hatching,   spray excellent and effective bacterial spray immediately after scattering fresh litter material. However, perform these 2 – 3 days before moving the child into the brooder.

Re-production Time Caring Tips:

  • If there is a lack of vitamins and minerals, the newborn quail’s leg can be lean and weak. So ensure vitamins and minerals.
  • Male birds some time quarrel with them. So, do not take it lightly because female birds are much weaker at that stage.
  • And feed them separately. Moreover, always keep an eye on them when they are hatching.

Raising Baby Quail:

  • Generally, the weight of baby quails is about 8-10g. As a result, they require more warmth. 
  • But, lack of adequate warmth and intense cold gathering kids gather in one place, leading toward increased mortality.
  • And always protect them from rats and other harmful animals.

How to Make a Brooder For Baby Quails

One-day-old children are usually raised in to of a brooder. That ensures the right temperature, light for them.


The brooder has a heat source, such as an electric heater, electric bulb, kerosene lamp, chaff-wood or coal lamp, light lamps, or infrared bulb. But infrared bulbs are the most scientific.

  • Generally, the broader has a shade that is known as hover.
  • However, It can be square, rectangular, hexagonal, or round.
  • And the broader hover can be built with GI pips, bamboo, or wood..

Inside, the brooder builds a 15cm round fence so that the kids can adequately take food and water inside the brooder and stay in one place.

This circular ring is called  Chik Guard.  You can make it   with tin, tea, hardboard, or thick paper.

Brooding principles:

All kinds of brooding make for layers or broiler are similar. During breeding, be aware of the following. For example,

  • Maintain the right temperature,
  • Ensuring enough light,
  • Ventilation system.
  • Baby quail density (number)/ area.
  • Food and water management.
  • Healthy environment, etc.

Artificial Brooding Equipments:

Making an artificial brooding is straightforward. However, if you want to make a brooder, you will require these tools.

  • Browder or baby tempering device,
  • Chick guard/brooder or baby diversion,
  • Broom furnace or heater,
  • Liter or bed,
  • Thermometer,
  • Hygrometer and,
  • Food and water pot.

Considerations for Child Transfers:

If it demands more than three hours for the transferal, mix glucose with some melon or boiling green pepper pieces. And spread it in the box. That will protect the child from water disorders.

  • Transport must be cleaned properly and inside of the bacteria.
  • Boxes cannot be higher than three levels.
  • In the two layers of the box, 10 cm The distance should be maintained.
  • And, assure enough clean air for the child.

Quail Farming Business Plan

Before starting a  quail farm  for commercial purposes, the next thing you have to carate is the business plan.

However, if you follow all the steps we mentioned here, we will start an organic farm. Because it is too easy to maintain this farm organically, and there is no other alternative.

There are several benefits of producing an organic product. First, this cultivation opens a broad area of consumer affection. So there will be apparent demand in your locality.

So, create an appropriate business plan and keep these points when making a policy.

  • How and Where to sell, Which varieties have more demand?
  • Then, How much to grow?
  • Do you want eggs or meats? or both?
  • Competitors Analysis.

But you know every local or small-scale business involves some common difficulties. The challenge for you will be Marketing. So let’s determine that in  the marketing plan for quail farming .

Marketing Plan for Quail Farming Business

Retailing is a very critical part of a wealthy quail bird farming business. So, the first step you need to make is finding out the demand in the marketplace. Generally, eggs have more market than meats.

  • Does organic food has particular interest among the people?
  • Is there any demand?

First, try to determine the demands of quail products in your local market.

Now, without concerning immeasurable marketing abilities, you will not make the most profit from your business.

Raising quail is easy,

Firstly, These poultry birds are adorable, and the eggs look different also beautiful too. By the way, when you are the newest farmer.

You can ask your relatives and friends for help. Social media is one other place to hang on. Meet the people in your area.

And, tell them the benefits of eggs and meat by placing posters around your area.

Note: Inform the people about your products and ask them to tell others.

Now, you can also distribute leaflets. And, you don’t have to bother much about marketing again when your farm is famous. Here, This may take time but do not skip this.

Final Words:  Thanks! If you like this article, please share it. And, do you have any other questions about quail farming? Ask us in the comment below.

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45 thoughts on “How to Start Quail Farming | The Complete Guide”

Very nice and detailed article. I am planning to open a quail farm in Mumbai and this article has given really good insights.

i am interested but in my city no demand of quail meat and eggs

If it is not familiar, that means nobody tries it out. If you have potentially you can do anything. besides quails are more healthy. I will suggest you start with a small setup, like 10-20 birds. see what happens! Good Luck.

Hi Does anyone know where I can purchase Quail roll out cages, please?

This is a very good business and how to do this farming. Thank you for your information. I have been thinking of doing this business. And now I will find out where to import this birds.

I am satisfied with your quail farming guide, I am excited to start my own business. Thank you.

You are welcome jade.

Thanks this is beneficial artical

Thankyou Good information

Very useful information, but am still puzzled why you never dropped a number.

Thank you for this very useful information.

Welcome Joey Hina

This is very interesting and useful.

Very inspiring! Thank you.

I am very grateful for all of this shared knowledge…We will be putting it to use !

So knowledgeable

Fantastic learling and notes on quail farm.

I live in Ghana, West Africa and am looking for broiler quails to rear commercially. Do you have any idea about exporters to my location.

See the answer below this comment.

Hi, Nutsukpoh Joshua

You can find quails inside your countries. Peoples are rising them commercially. You easily find them on online market places like OLX. However, I will suggest you contact nearby govt. or NGO’S agricultural or animal center. This way you can collect 100% healthy and profitable breeds.

There is unquestionably a lot to understand regarding this issue. I love all of the details you delivered.

Yes, you’re right.

Please help me setting up quail farm in uae thanks sk

You can contact us here

This is awesome one day I will testify Thanks in advance

The publication is great; please, i honestly need a copy. Could you send it to my e-mail box. Thanks

I have never seen such detailed article before. I know exactly how exhausting it is. Love and respect from UAE.

It was really helpful ????

thanks for the information l really enjoyed reading.

Thanks your details Do u have 2020 updates pl send me. Regards Dr wasantha Gamage

I need quail bird can you please help me with quail birds farms at karimanagr near by areas

Am planning to start this farming this is very helpful and detailed.

Thanks for informative article

Excellent as a resourceful guide about this kind of farming.

I have enjoyed this article and I will put it into use. I have used Home made incubator using cooler box and it has worked.


Excellent stuff!

Excellently written. I strongly believe many will be benefited from this and many like myself will be encouraged to start as a beginner. Thanks

Thanks for informative article. I am James from Kerala state, India. Please let me know where available Jumbo Coturnix Quail breeders?

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quail farm business plan


How to Raise Quail for Profit Despite Their Size

quail farm business plan

They may be small but they pack a punch. From meat to nutritious eggs and being able to reproduce quickly, quail are fairly easy to care for and there are many ways in which to make a profit from raising quail.

Besides the 13 excellent reasons to raise quail on your homestead, this article is all about the revenue streams that come with the teeny little gamebird, and how you can make money with your quail. 

Not only will these adorable little birds pay their way allowing you to recoup feed costs but you can actually turn a fair profit since they mature quickly and produce roughly an egg a day.

quail farm business plan

6 Ways to Make a Profit from Raising Quail

Like most game birds and poultry, there’s a handful of excellent revenue streams involved with raising quail for profit. Let’s take a look at the most popular, and a few lesser-known, income-producing avenues for quail.

1. Quail Eggs for Gourmet Dishes

gourmet quail egg dishes

Quail eggs are delicious, beautiful, and exotic. More and more are turning to the speckled egg for variety and flavorful eggs. And not just people peddling through the farmer’s market. High-end restaurants serve quail eggs aside and atop some of their specialty gourmet dishes. 

Quail eggs can sell for anywhere from $3 to $5 a dozen. And remember, quail can lay up to one egg a day!

2. Quail Meat

Quail meat tastes a lot like chicken, but it does have a stronger flavor. In most cases, quail does not taste gamey, unless it was caught in the wild. Even then it does not have a strong game-like flavor. 

Quail meat is not readily available in stores, thus, high-end restaurants are often at the mercy of small farmers to purchase quail. And you know what that means! Higher demand equals a higher price point. 

Quail meat can be sold from $2 an ounce to $7 an ounce dressed, depending on location and demand in the area. A jumbo Coturnix quail typically weigh between 12 and 14oz live weight. 

This may not sound like much, but remember, quail can reproduce quickly, they are easy to care for, and they grow fast! 

3. Hatching Eggs & Chicks

a baby quail can be sold for profit

When selling to either new enthusiasts or someone interested in quail farming, there are three ways they can get into the business:

  • Hatching Eggs – $25 and up for 50+ eggs (you can ask more for the rare varieties)
  • Baby Chicks – $2 and up
  • Breeding Covy – Breeding pairs or coveys (a flock of quail) can fetch a higher price than chicks since they are established

All of these can be sold online through your own store, or on sites like eBay. 

And again, rarer varieties can be sold for double and even triple if you have the right crowds’ attention. Exhibitionists, 4-H families, and fanciers will pay top dollar for well-bred rare varieties of quail. 

4. Feathers

quail feathers are used by fly fishermen to make flies, so it is another thing that can be sold to make raising quail for profit worthwhile

Quail feathers are premium feathers for fly fishermen. Fifty feathers can sell for around $7 online to crafters and fishermen. 

Selling your extra feathers after processing on websites like Etsy can also bring in some extra dough from crafters. 

5. As Prey to Falconers

An overlooked, but also fairly rare, revenue stream for the quail farmer is falconers. These are people who raise falcons for a hobby, and as rescuers. 

Falcons are predators and feeding them a natural prey animal is optimal for their nutritional and behavioral needs. It may be a small market, but this population is out there, and they are usually very diligent about feeding their birds what they need, and like, the most — quail. 

Because they will often buy the quail alive, and sometimes already dead, you can ask for your typical price of an adult live quail. 

6. Dog Training

quail can be used for gun dog training making it another avenue for raising quail for profit

Quail and pheasant hunters like to use live animals to train their young dogs how to hunt with them. They are happy to purchase your birds to give their dogs the real-life experience of retrieving, pointing, and more. 

As with falconers, it’s fair to ask your typical price for an adult live bird. 

Which Breed of Quail to Start With?

In reality, there are many quail breeds to choose from, and depending upon the market you want to break into, you may want to be more thoughtful of the breed you choose. 

For example, for fanciers who just enjoy breeding and showing, you should look at rare varieties of quail with visual appeal. 

If you’re just looking to start with the basics, like selling meat and eggs, you’ll want to consider fast-growing birds like the Coturnix Quail . This is a great beginner quail, and you’ll be able to sell everything on this list from this single breed of quail. 

Startup Costs for Raising Quail

raising quail for profit is easy even if you have limited space

Usually, easy-to-care-for, high-profit margin products are too good to be true when it comes to start-up supplies and costs. But once again, the quail farming business is impressively low-cost to start. 

Cages can be simple and made from things you have around your farm, or they can be purchased from specialty retailers. It all comes down to how much you want to spend right off the bat. 

You’ll need feeders, waterers, fonts, shelters, and the usual basics for birds and other poultry. Since quail are so small, they don’t take up a lot of space and aren’t big eaters although they are picky eaters. 

It’s true, this breed is a low-cost beginner bird with many different revenue streams. It’s great for those looking to get into animal husbandry, as well as those who have only a small space to raise birds. With the proper marketing plan and the right market, you can make a decent profit from raising quail. 

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Financial Model, Business Plan and Dashboard Templates - FinModelsLab

How To Write a Business Plan for Quail Farming in 9 Steps: Checklist

By alex ryzhkov, resources on quail farming.

  • Financial Model
  • Business Plan
  • Value Proposition
  • One-Page Business Plan
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Business Model
  • Marketing Plan
  • Bundle Business Plan & Fin Model

Are you considering starting a quail farming business? With the growing demand for healthy and sustainable food, the quail farming industry is thriving in the US. According to the latest statistics, the market for quail meat and eggs is projected to reach $XX million by year , with a compound annual growth rate of XX% . To help you get started, we have put together a step-by-step guide on how to write a business plan for quail farming, using the direct-to-consumer model. Read on to learn how to leverage digital marketing tools, tap into the growing demand, and establish a successful quail farm.

Firstly, it is crucial to thoroughly research the quail farming industry and market trends. Understanding the industry dynamics, consumer preferences, and market demand will help you make informed decisions and set realistic goals for your quail farm. Analyzing market trends can also provide valuable insights into potential opportunities and challenges.

The next step is to identify and evaluate potential target customers. Determine who your ideal customers are, what they want, and how your quail farm can fulfill their needs. Conducting market research and surveys can help you gather valuable data that will guide your marketing and sales strategy.

In order to stay ahead of the competition, it is essential to conduct a thorough analysis of competitors and their offerings. Identify what makes your quail farm unique and how you can differentiate your products from the rest. This will allow you to position your brand effectively and attract customer attention.

Location plays a crucial role in the success of your quail farm. Determine the optimal location based on factors such as proximity to target customers, availability of resources, and suitable climatic conditions for quail farming. Remember, a well-chosen location can significantly impact your farm's productivity and profitability.

Calculating startup costs and securing necessary financing is the next step. Prepare a detailed budget that includes expenses like purchasing quail stock, building infrastructure, acquiring equipment, and marketing. Explore financing options such as loans, grants, or partnerships to ensure you have the necessary funds to start and operate your quail farm.

Develop a comprehensive marketing and sales strategy to promote your quail products. Leverage digital marketing tools, such as social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization, to reach a wider audience and create a loyal customer base. Highlight the uniqueness and quality of your quail products to attract customers who value healthy and sustainable food.

Obtaining the required permits and licenses is crucial to ensure legal compliance and build trust with your customers. Research and fulfill all the necessary legal requirements, such as zoning regulations, food safety certifications, and permits for selling products online or at farmers' markets.

Create a detailed operations plan that outlines the equipment and infrastructure required for your quail farm. Consider factors such as housing, feeding, watering, and egg collection systems. Ensure that your operations plan prioritizes the health and welfare of the quails, as it is vital for a successful and sustainable quail farming business.

Lastly, establish a system for monitoring and managing quail health and welfare. Regularly inspect and maintain the quail housing, monitor their nutrition, and implement biosecurity measures to prevent the spread of diseases. Ensuring the well-being of your quails will not only contribute to quality products but also reinforce your reputation as a responsible quail farmer.

In conclusion, by following these nine steps and leveraging the direct-to-consumer model, you can successfully write a business plan for quail farming. Take advantage of today's digital marketing tools, tap into the growing demand for healthy and sustainable food, and establish a profitable quail farm. So why wait? Start planning your quail farming business today and carve your niche in this thriving industry.

Research The Quail Farming Industry And Market Trends

Before starting a quail farming business, it is essential to research the industry and understand the prevailing market trends. This research will provide critical insights into the demand for quail products and the current state of the market.

Begin by gathering information on the quail farming industry, including its size, growth rate, and key players. Explore trade publications, industry reports, and online resources to gain a comprehensive understanding of the industry's dynamics.

Furthermore, it is crucial to identify market trends that can influence the success of a quail farming business. Look for consumer preferences and changing demands related to quail meat and eggs. As consumers become more conscious of their food choices, factors like organic, free-range, and ethically-raised products may be of importance in the market.

Utilize credible sources to gather data on consumer behavior, such as market research reports, surveys, and online analytics. This information will help in understanding target customers and their preferences.

  • Key areas to focus on during research:
  • Quail farming industry size and growth rate
  • Market trends and consumer preferences
  • Competitor analysis
  • Opportunities and challenges in the industry
  • Join relevant industry forums and associations to connect with experienced quail farmers and gain industry insights.
  • Network with experts or consultants in the field to acquire specialized knowledge about quail farming.
  • Stay updated on emerging farming technologies and practices to ensure competitiveness in the market.

Identify And Evaluate Potential Target Customers

Identifying and evaluating potential target customers is a crucial step in developing a successful business plan for quail farming. By understanding the needs, preferences, and purchasing behavior of your target customers, you can tailor your products and marketing strategies to effectively reach and engage them.

To begin, conduct thorough market research to identify the demographics, psychographics, and buying habits of individuals or businesses who are likely to be interested in purchasing quail products. This research will help you create buyer personas, which are fictional representations of your ideal customers.

Consider the following factors when evaluating potential target customers:

  • Demand and interest: Determine the level of demand for quail products in your target market. Look for indications of consumer interest through online forums, social media discussions, and customer surveys. This will give you insights into the potential size of your customer base.
  • Preferences and behaviors: Understand the specific preferences and behaviors of your target customers when it comes to quail products. Are they looking for organic, free-range, or ethically sourced meat and eggs? Do they prioritize health benefits or sustainability? Knowing these details will help you position your products effectively.
  • Competition: Analyze the competition in your market. Identify other farms or businesses that are already supplying quail products and assess their offerings, pricing strategies, and distribution channels. This will give you a competitive edge by allowing you to differentiate your products and marketing approach.

Tips for Identifying and Evaluating Potential Target Customers:

  • Engage in market research techniques, such as surveys and interviews, to gain more in-depth insights into customer preferences and demands.
  • Utilize online tools and platforms, such as social media listening tools and Google Analytics, to monitor and gather data on customer behavior and interests.
  • Regularly update your buyer personas as market trends and customer preferences evolve.
  • Consider segmenting your target market into specific niches, such as health-conscious consumers or culinary enthusiasts, to tailor your marketing messages and offerings accordingly.
  • Tap into local food communities or organizations to connect with potential customers and gain valuable feedback on your products.

By thoroughly identifying and evaluating potential target customers, you will be better equipped to shape your quail farming business to meet their needs and effectively communicate the unique value proposition of your products.

Conduct A Thorough Analysis Of Competitors And Their Offerings

In order to succeed in the quail farming business, it is crucial to have a deep understanding of the market and the competition. Conducting a thorough analysis of competitors and their offerings will provide valuable insights into the current landscape and help you differentiate your farm.

Start by researching existing quail farms in your target market. Look for farms that are similar in size, production capacity, and business model. Visit their websites, study their product offerings, and analyze their pricing strategies. This will give you a sense of the competitive pricing range and help you position your products accordingly.

Take note of the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors. Identify what sets them apart and how they communicate their unique selling points. Pay attention to their marketing tactics, branding, and customer engagement strategies. This will allow you to identify opportunities for improvement and areas where your farm can offer a differentiated experience for customers.

  • Tip 1: Look beyond quail farms and consider other poultry producers in your area as potential competitors. Analyze their product range, pricing, and distribution channels to gain a broader perspective on the market.
  • Tip 2: Engage in market research to understand customer preferences and demands. This will help you identify gaps in the market that your farm can fill and give you a competitive advantage.
  • Tip 3: Keep an eye on emerging trends in the quail farming industry, such as organic or free-range production. Assess whether incorporating these trends into your offerings can give you a competitive edge in the market.

By conducting a thorough analysis of competitors and their offerings, you will be equipped with the knowledge needed to position your quail farm effectively and stand out in the market. Use this valuable information to refine your business strategy and create a strong value proposition that resonates with your target customers.

Determine The Optimal Location For The Quail Farm

When starting a quail farm, choosing the right location is crucial for its success. The optimal location can have a significant impact on factors such as accessibility, market reach, cost efficiency, and overall sustainability. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when determining the location for your quail farm:

  • Climate: Quails are adaptable birds, but they thrive in specific climatic conditions. It is essential to select a location with a climate that is suitable for quail farming. Factors such as temperature, rainfall, and humidity levels should be given due importance.
  • Proximity to Market: To maximize profitability, it is important to locate your quail farm as close as possible to your target customer base. Consider the proximity to urban areas, farmers' markets, and restaurants, as it will reduce transportation costs and enable timely delivery of fresh products.
  • Availability of Resources: Ensure that the selected location has access to essential resources such as water, electricity, and feed suppliers. Availability of these resources will directly affect the operational efficiency and sustainability of your quail farm.
  • Environmental Factors: Evaluate the environmental factors in the area, such as pollution levels, proximity to industrial zones, and potential for contamination. Avoid locations that pose a risk to quail health and can negatively impact the quality of your products.
  • Legal and Regulatory Considerations: Research and comply with all local and state regulations pertaining to quail farming. Some areas may have zoning restrictions or specific requirements for livestock farming. Ensure that the chosen location meets all legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Consult with local agricultural extension services or quail farming experts to gain insights into the most suitable locations for your farm.
  • Consider visiting existing quail farms in different locations to understand their facilities, infrastructure, and operational challenges.
  • Conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis for each potential location to assess factors such as land costs, transportation expenses, and potential market demand.
  • Take into account the future scalability and expansion plans of your quail farming business when selecting the optimal location.

By carefully considering all these factors, you can determine the optimal location for your quail farm and set a solid foundation for your business.

Calculate Start-Up Costs And Secure Necessary Financing

Calculating the start-up costs for your quail farming business is an essential step in planning for success. By carefully assessing the financial requirements, you can determine the amount of capital you need to secure and devise a strategy to acquire it.

Start by making a comprehensive list of all the expenses you anticipate in the initial stages of your quail farm. This list should include items such as land or property acquisition, construction or renovation costs for infrastructure, purchase of necessary equipment, feed and supplies, and initial stock of quails. It is important to be thorough and include estimated costs for each item.

Once you have a clear idea of your start-up expenses, you can begin exploring different sources of financing. Consider the following options:

  • Savings: If you have personal savings that can be allocated towards your business, this can be a great way to secure initial capital. Assess your savings and determine how much you are willing to invest.
  • Bank Loans: Approach local banks and financial institutions to inquire about small business loans. Prepare a comprehensive business plan to present to potential lenders and highlight the potential profitability of the quail farming industry.
  • Investors: Seek out investors who are interested in the agricultural sector or sustainable food production. Present your business plan to them, emphasizing the unique selling points of your direct-to-consumer quail farm model.
  • Crowdfunding: Consider utilizing online crowdfunding platforms to raise funds for your quail farming venture. Craft a compelling campaign that highlights the benefits of supporting your business and offer attractive perks or rewards to incentivize donations.

Tips for securing financing:

  • Research and explore different financing options to find the one that best suits your needs and goals.
  • Prepare a detailed and professionally formatted business plan to present to potential lenders or investors.
  • Consider seeking guidance from agricultural lending institutions or organizations that specialize in funding for farming businesses.
  • Utilize your network and connections to identify potential investors or partners who may have an interest in supporting your quail farming endeavor.
  • Be prepared to negotiate terms and conditions with potential lenders or investors, ensuring that they align with your long-term goals and financial projections.

By accurately calculating your start-up costs and securing necessary financing, you can lay a strong foundation for your quail farming business. This financial planning allows you to focus on the day-to-day operations and growth of your farm, knowing that you have the resources and support to succeed.

Develop A Comprehensive Marketing And Sales Strategy

Once you have identified your target customers and thoroughly analyzed your competitors, it's time to develop a comprehensive marketing and sales strategy for your quail farming business. This strategy will outline how you will reach and engage with your target customers, as well as how you will convince them to choose your products over those of your competitors.

1. Define your target market: Clearly identify the demographic and psychographic characteristics of your target customers. Understand their needs and preferences, and tailor your marketing messages accordingly.

2. Create a strong brand identity: Develop a unique and memorable brand identity that reflects the values and qualities of your quail farming business. This will help differentiate your products from competitors and build trust with customers.

3. Utilize digital marketing tools: Leverage the power of social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) to reach and engage with your target customers. Create engaging content, run targeted advertising campaigns, and optimize your website for search engines.

4. Build a loyal customer base: Encourage repeat purchases and foster customer loyalty by providing exceptional customer service, offering incentives for referrals and repeat business, and maintaining open lines of communication with your customers.

5. Establish partnerships: Explore opportunities to collaborate with local restaurants, grocery stores, and other food-related businesses. This can provide an additional revenue stream and help expand your customer reach.

6. Attend farmers' markets and other local events: Participate in farmers' markets, trade shows, and other community events to showcase your products, build brand awareness, and connect with potential customers.

  • Regularly assess and adjust your marketing and sales strategy based on customer feedback, market trends, and competitor activities.
  • Incorporate customer testimonials and reviews into your marketing materials to build credibility and trust.
  • Offer promotions, discounts, or exclusive deals to incentivize customers to try your products.

Obtain Required Permits And Licenses

Obtaining the necessary permits and licenses is a crucial step in starting a quail farm. It ensures compliance with regulatory requirements and establishes your farm as a legitimate business. Here are some important considerations:

Research and understand the specific permits and licenses: Start by researching the permits and licenses required for quail farming in your state or region. Contact the relevant local authorities or agricultural departments to gather the necessary information. Different regions may have different regulations, so make sure to stay updated on any changes.

Identify the appropriate regulatory bodies: Determine the specific government agencies or departments responsible for granting permits and licenses for quail farming. This may include departments of agriculture, animal health, environmental health, or zoning and land use. Understand their application processes and requirements.

Complete the necessary documentation: Once you have identified the permits and licenses required, gather and complete the necessary documentation. This may include application forms, business plans, facility plans, and proof of compliance with health and safety standards. Ensure that all information provided is accurate and up to date.

Budget for fees and inspection costs: Be prepared to pay fees for permit applications, inspections, and any ongoing renewal fees. Budget accordingly to ensure you have the necessary funds available when applying. Additionally, some permits may require periodic inspections, so consider these costs in your financial planning.

Allow ample time for processing: The process of obtaining permits and licenses can take time, so plan accordingly. Start the application process well in advance to ensure you have all necessary approvals in place before commencing operations. Stay proactive and follow up with the relevant authorities if there are any delays.

  • Keep a clear record of all communication with regulatory bodies. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you have all the required documentation.
  • Consider consulting with legal professionals or industry experts to navigate the complexities of permits and licenses. They can provide guidance and ensure compliance with all regulations.
  • Stay informed about any updates or changes in the regulations governing quail farming. Regularly review government websites, attend industry conferences, or join relevant associations to stay up to date.

Create A Detailed Operations Plan, Including Equipment And Infrastructure

Once you have identified the location for your quail farm and secured the necessary permits, it is important to create a detailed operations plan that covers all aspects of your farm's day-to-day activities. This plan will help you ensure that you have the right equipment and infrastructure in place to efficiently manage your quail farm.

1. Determine the equipment requirements: Research the equipment needed to run a successful quail farm, including cages, feeders, waterers, incubators, and brooders. Consider the quality, durability, and cost-effectiveness of each piece of equipment before making final purchasing decisions.

2. Plan the layout of your farm: Design a layout that maximizes space utilization and allows for easy movement of quails and workers. Consider factors such as ventilation, lighting, and waste management to ensure a healthy and productive environment for your quails.

3. Establish infrastructure requirements: Determine the infrastructure needs of your quail farm, such as buildings, fencing, and water supply systems. Ensure that your infrastructure meets the necessary safety, hygiene, and biosecurity standards.

4. Develop a feeding and watering plan: Create a detailed plan for feeding and watering your quails. Specify the types of feed and water sources you will use, as well as the quantity and frequency of feeding. Proper nutrition and hydration are crucial for the health and productivity of your quails.

5. Implement a waste management system: Determine how you will manage and dispose of waste generated by your quail farm. This may include composting, recycling, or working with local waste management services to ensure compliance with environmental regulations.

6. Establish hygiene and biosecurity protocols: Develop strict hygiene and biosecurity protocols to minimize the risk of disease outbreaks. This may include implementing regular cleaning and disinfection routines, maintaining a controlled access system, and monitoring the health of your quails regularly.

  • Invest in high-quality equipment to ensure longevity and efficiency.
  • Work with a professional farm designer to optimize space and functionality.
  • Consider implementing automation technologies to streamline operations.
  • Regularly evaluate and update your operations plan based on feedback and evolving needs.

By creating a detailed operations plan, you will have a clear roadmap for managing your quail farm effectively. This plan will not only help you efficiently utilize your resources but also ensure the well-being and productivity of your quails.

Establish A System For Monitoring And Managing Quail Health And Welfare

Ensuring the health and welfare of your quails is of utmost importance for the success of your quail farming business. By establishing a robust system for monitoring and managing quail health, you can prevent diseases, detect early signs of illness, and maintain optimal conditions for your flock. Here are some key steps to consider:

  • Regular Health Checks: Schedule regular health checks for your quails to monitor their overall well-being. This can include visual inspections, weight monitoring, and checking for any signs of illness or distress.
  • Maintain Clean and Hygienic Environment: Provide a clean and hygienic living environment for your quails. Regularly clean their living quarters, nesting areas, and feeders to minimize the risk of infection and disease.
  • Ensure Proper Nutrition: Quails require a balanced diet to maintain good health. Consult with a poultry nutritionist to develop a suitable feeding program and ensure that your quails receive adequate nutrition.
  • Implement Biosecurity Measures: Biosecurity measures are essential to prevent the introduction and spread of diseases in your quail farm. This can include measures such as controlling access to the farm, disinfection protocols, and quarantine practices for new birds.
  • Record Keeping: Maintain detailed records of your quail farm operations, including health records, vaccinations, and any treatments administered. This will enable you to track and monitor the health history of individual quails and identify any patterns or issues that need attention.
  • Consult with Veterinarians: Establish a relationship with a veterinarian who specializes in poultry health. Regularly consult with them for guidance on preventive measures, disease management, and treatment options.
  • Train your farm staff on proper handling and care of quails to ensure consistent and responsible care.
  • Stay updated on the latest research and advancements in quail health management to incorporate best practices into your system.
  • Consider joining relevant industry associations or networks to gain access to resources and support for quail health and welfare.

By prioritizing the health and welfare of your quails, you can establish a strong foundation for a successful quail farming business. Implementing a comprehensive system for monitoring and managing quail health will not only ensure the well-being of your flock but also contribute to the production of high-quality, healthy products that will delight your customers.

In conclusion, writing a business plan for quail farming involves conducting thorough research, identifying target customers, analyzing competitors, selecting a suitable location, calculating start-up costs, developing a marketing strategy, obtaining permits and licenses, creating an operations plan, and implementing a system for monitoring quail health. The Direct-to-Consumer model proves to be the most viable option, allowing quail farms to have control over their products' pricing, quality, and distribution. By embracing digital marketing tools and establishing partnerships with local businesses, quail farms can successfully meet the growing demand for healthy and sustainable food and achieve business success.

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How to Start Quail Farming in 10 Steps: Business Plan, Management, and Care

Quail farming is an excellent way to supplement your income or start a profitable business venture. These small birds are easy to raise, require minimal space and feed, and are known for their high egg production rates. However, like any farming endeavor, successful quail farming requires careful planning and management.

How to Start Quail Farming in 10 Steps

How to Start Quail Farming in 10 Steps

Research and develop a business plan.

Before starting quail farming, research and develop a business plan that outlines the cost, target market, and marketing strategies. This plan will guide you throughout starting and managing your quail farming business. You can also consult an agricultural expert or an experienced quail farmer for more insights into quail farming.

Select the Right Quail Breeds

The next step is to select the right quail breed for your farm. There are different breeds of quails, each with unique characteristics and suitability for different environments. Consider factors such as climate, market demand, and your farming goals when choosing your quail breeds.

Set Up Your Quail Farm

After selecting the right quail breed, the next step is to set up your quail farm. This includes constructing the necessary housing facilities, such as cages, feeders, and waterers. Ensure that the facilities provide a comfortable and conducive environment for the quails to grow and reproduce.

Purchase Your Quail Stock

Once your farm is set up, it’s time to purchase your quail stock. You can buy day-old chicks or mature birds from reputable suppliers. Be sure to select healthy birds free from diseases or defects.

Feed and Care for Your Quails

Quails are relatively easy to care for but require proper feeding and care. Provide them access to safe drinking water and a healthy food to keep them healthy. Also, regularly monitor and maintain the hygiene of their housing facilities to prevent diseases and infections.

Create a Health and Vaccination Schedule

Develop a health and vaccination schedule for your quails. In order to maintain your bird’s health and stop the spread of disease, it is recommended that you consult with a veterinarian to decide on the proper immunizations and treatment.

In case you missed it: Top 10 Quail Diseases: Symptoms, Causes, Prevention, and Control

Quail Eggs

Monitor Egg Production

Quails are prolific egg layers; monitoring their egg production is crucial for your farm’s success. Keep track of the number of eggs laid daily and the quality of the eggs. This information will help you determine the best time to collect and market your eggs.

Market Your Quail Products

Determine your target market and develop a marketing strategy for your quail products, such as eggs, meat, and feathers. You have the option of selling your items to end users on an individual basis, as well as through wholesalers, merchants, or online platforms.

Keep Accurate Records

Keeping accurate records of your quail farming activities, including production, sales, and expenses, is essential for business management and decision-making. Use a spreadsheet or farm management software to track your data.

Expand Your Farm

Once your quail farming business is established, you can consider expanding your farm by increasing the number of birds or diversifying your product offerings. You can also explore opportunities for value addition, such as processing quail meat into sausages or developing quail-based skincare products.

In case you missed it: Feed Management in Quail Farming: Feeding Plan, Feed Formula, and Feed Requirements

Feeding Quail Birds

Coturnix quails also reach maturity quickly and have a short incubation period, which means they can produce a significant number of eggs quickly. Additionally, they are adaptable to different climates and are resistant to common diseases, making them a low-risk investment for farmers. The Coturnix quail is popular for commercial quail farming due to its high productivity, low maintenance, and profitability.

In conclusion, starting a quail farming business can be lucrative with the right planning, management, and care. Creating a detailed business plan outlining your goals, target market, and financial projections is essential to get started. 

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Quail Farming: How to Start Quail Farm Business

quail farm business plan

  • Agriculture Business

How to Start Quail Farming

Quail Farming is not difficult to deal with and adjust effectively to differentiated agro-climatic conditions. With the expanding cost of creation and utilization among oven and layer ranchers, some other option and similarly serious cultivating has gotten extremely fundamental for the endurance of the ranchers.

Further, the interest in inexpensive food has expanded immensely. In the present circumstance, quail farming ends up being an ideal endeavor for poultry ranchers who want to build their benefit through broadening.

Best Quail Breeds Quail Farming

There are more than 130 various types of quail all through the world yet, on the off chance that you are considering raising your own, there’s a modest bunch of first-rate quail breeds reasonable for the homesteader. Out of the 130 quail breeds, 5 are most usually found in the lawns of bird sweethearts.

Each breed offers something somewhat extraordinary, so which is the awesome you? Watch this video to adapt totally to the best quail breeds.

Best Quail Breeds:

  • Coturnix Quail
  • Bobwhite Quail
  • California Quail
  • Button Quail
  • Blue Scale Quail
  • Mountain Quail
  • Montezuma Quail

Quail Bird Farming

Steps to Start a Quail Farm in Your Backyard

Learn how to start Quail Bird Cultivation step by step.

1. Information

This is what you need to realize prior to beginning quail cultivating. Here you will get an unmistakable image of how to begin Quail Farming.

To start with, assemble data about Quail birds, Learn about the climate in which they develop

  • The proper Temperature
  • Stickiness for raising
  • Information about various raising techniques.
  • Examination of the best assortments and their benefits.
  • And afterward, pick the best assortment and a raising technique relying upon your assortments picked.

2. Setting up

In this progression, you need to fabricate a shed for raising these small-scale poultry birds. There are three totally various sorts of lodging. In this way, assemble a sufficient shade contingent upon the raising strategy. Here we’ll show about these exhaustively.

  • Diverse shed sorts are, Instructions to fabricate the house (in the raising enclosure), required materials for the ranch,
  • Then, pick your supported cultivating strategy, and select the best species, and gathering them.

3. Rearing and Caring

Here, we will share tips about The overall caring techniques.

  • What and how to take care of these birds, and day by day required to feed and nourishment diagram.
  • The most effective method to keep a sound and quality developing climate on your Farm.
  • Egg-laying case data and building tips.
  • You will likewise find out about the multiplication and the mindful cycle of recently conceived chicks.

4. Baby Quail Bird Care

  • Instructions to deal with recently borns.
  • Tips for building a counterfeit brooder.
  • Instructions to move infant birds into the brooder.

5. Advance Care For Commercial Quail ranch

This progression is vital for a business ranch. Here you will find out about the development caring tips. This is so significant, and tells that “in the event that on the off chance that you don’t play out this, you will be in a difficult situation.” Make natural disinfectant, Furthermore, advance consideration techniques to expand usefulness.

6. Creating a Business Plan

And Finally, for the promoting plan, cost, and benefit.

Quail farming cage

Advantages of Quail Farming

  • Quail can be brought effectively up in little regions or rooms at home since they are small animals.
  • The expense of food and haven is extremely low.
  • Extremely low beginning up cost, anybody can begin a business with a limited quantity of capital.
  • However, they become adults in a brief time frame. Here, This developing interaction is so quick, for the most part in only 5 – two months. Moreover, a solitary female bird produces 150 – 300 eggs in a year.
  • Additionally, meat and eggs are solid and delectable. Presently interest in Quail meat is likewise expanding as a result of its delectable.
  • Contrasted with chicken, the bodyweight proportionately is higher.
  • What’s more, the meat has less fat than chicken meat, thusly one can get unadulterated meat. Thus, they are safe from sickness, likewise, the endurance rate is higher than chicken. This is the fundamental motivation behind why rising quails is getting extremely mainstream around the world.
  • Reasonable Temperature, Light, and Humidity for Rising Quails: Temperature: The reasonable temperature of the lawn quail cultivating is 21 to 32 ° Celsius (69.8 ° – 89.6 ° Fahrenheit).

In any case, contingent upon assortments they may victim from heat pressure at an alternate temperature. Regularly, between 22-25 ° Celsius.

Why Light Is A Very Important Thing For Any Quail Farm?

The recently conceived child birds don’t make due in cool temperature, which implies they require some hot temperature. Along these lines, each time you gather them to imitate them, you need to guarantee temperature utilizing light in a different case called Brooder. Presently, Light can accomplish by utilizing electric bulbs and daylight. Guarantee 13 hours light till they become seventh weeks more established.

Furthermore, increment the lighting time steadily from the seven weeks. Ultimately, increment the lighting by one hour consistently. This implies you need to give one additional hour of lighting. Also, this cycle will proceed until the complete lighting time/a day is 15-16 hours. All the more significantly, to deliver the greatest quantities of eggs, they will require 16 hours of light when they are around 9 weeks old.

  • Best CHICKEN BREEDS for Meat

Most frequent questions and answers

Quail, although small, sells for an average of $15.00 per processed bird. Also, it generates two side income from Quail eggs and meat.

  • Keep their house dry and clean.
  • Ensure proper movement of light and air inside their cage.
  • Separate different aged quails from each other.
  • Don’t keep disease-affected quails with the healthy ones.
  • Burn the dead bird or put it under the soil.

Quails are raised for their meat and egg production, they are considered to be fully grown at 6 weeks and begin to produce eggs at 8 weeks.

Quail farming in a cage system. Management is very easy or proper ventilation reduces diseases and other problems. System and ensure proper flow of air and light inside there.

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Agri Business

Quail Farming Business Plan – A Beginners Guide

Table of contents, advantages of quail farming:, all about quail birds:, preparation of quail farming business plan:, some popular layer quail varieties:.

  • Some popular Broiler Quail Varieties:

Housing Management In Quail Farming:

Quails housing systems:, feed management in quail farming:, breeding process of quails:, health management of quails:, marketing procedure for quail birds:, licensing requirement for quail farming, introduction to quail farming business plan.

Today, let us get into “ Quail Farming Business Plan “.

Quail are the birds that are commercially reared for eggs and meat. The commercial farming has increased its demand day by day, as the investment and maintenance are very less compared to any other livestock farming. Quails are highly nutritious than the poultry eggs. Japan was the initiator of this commercial quail farming business and from there it spread around the world, Japan quails are the very famous.

The quails are reared along with other birds, which is the main advantage of the quail farming. In the countries with a huge population, there will be a high requirement for meat. So, there will be a good business for quail farming in Asian countries.

Quail farming is very profitable like chicken, turkey or duck farming business. Quail farming can be done all types of weather conditions. Meat and eggs are highly nutritious and very tasty. Quail eggs are rich in protein, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, B1 and B2.

Advanatges of Quail Farming.

The are many advantages and benefits in Quail Farming.

  • Low space requirement.
  • Low Investment cost and labor cost.
  • Infrastructure costs very less.
  • The quails will get ready for marketing within in 5 weeks.
  • The quails lay eggs from the age of 6 weeks. They lay approximately 300 eggs per year.
  • Commercial quail farming has a high success rate in Asian countries.
  • The Quail eggs are very healthy and highly nutritious. They have lower Cholesterol levels.
  • Meat of quails increases the body metabolism and brain functioning in children.
  • It is the best nutritious food for pregnant and nursing mothers. It controls the blood pressure.

Read: Quail Farming Project Repor t.

  • Quails are very small in size, they weigh about 200 to 250 grams.
  • Quails eggs weigh about 10 to 13 grams.
  • They start laying eggs within 6 to 7 weeks of age.
  • They lay one egg per day. And in the first year they lay about 300 to 320 eggs. And capacity may reduce gradually.
  • They lay multi colored eggs.
  • Quails don’t incubate on their own. For hatching quail eggs need, incubator or brooder chickens. Incubation
  • Quails are highly resistant to diseases and other health issues.
  • Lifetime of quail is about 3 to 4 years. An adult quail weighs 150 to 200 grams. A newly born quail weighs about 6  grams – 7 grams. Female quails lay eggs from 6 to 7 weeks of age.
  • Quail eggs are very beautiful, good source of light increase the egg productive rate in quails. Quails lay eggs only in the afternoon.
  • Quail never incubates their eggs. For commercial breeding purpose you need one male quail for five female quails. Newly born quail chick, it will be very sensitive, and it takes more than two weeks to become strong.

A quail chick weights around 6 to 7 grams when it is born. Quail chicks will be very sensitive, it takes 2 to 3 weeks for them to get strong.

The business plan for quail farming includes investment, breeds, house, feed management, care, and marketing strategies. In Commercial quail farming quails are reared for eggs and meat. For a successful business, it is recommended to start with some basic training. Make a complete study about their characteristics, breeding systems, feed requirements, health management, and marketing strategies.

The next step is to form a quail farming business plan. A perfect business plan is necessary, even it’s a small start out. The business plan will help is find all the basic and crucial elements required for business and will direct to implement business steps in a successful way.

The quail farming business plan includes: Step by step procedure to setup a quail farming unit:

  • Land Requirement: first step is to decide, where to start the farming unit, it can be home, farming lands or rental premises. Approximately you can raise about 6 to 8 quails within 0.91 square meter area, depending on the no of quails your planning raise, acquire the land as per the requirement. If planning to increase the no of quails in future, acquire more land.
  • Financial Support: Investment Required of Quail Farming: Once you decide the place, next is a financial resource. Many authorized banks are offering loans for quail farming.
  • Breed Selection: Now select the quail breeds: for quail farming you need to select a quail breed for farming, there are more than 100 species are available that give profitable business. Some varieties are suitable for egg production and some are suitable for meat production. Quails are categorized into two types broilers and layers.

These layer breeds lay 200 to 300 eggs per season.

  • British Range
  • English white
  • Manchurian Golden
  • Coturnix Quail

Some popular Broiler Quail Varieties :

These broiler breeds weights up to 120 to 160 grams.

  • White Breasted

Quail Bird Housing Management.

An efficient and proper housing management is very important in rearing quails.  Housing is very important for quail farming.

Below are some necessary tips that should be considered in setting up the house for quails.

  • There are two types of housing systems to rear quails. They are litter and cage systems. Both systems are used in commercial quail farming, but the best method cage system. When compared deep litter system, cage system is easy manageable and spread of pests and diseases is very low.
  • The House should be built with good ventilation, the house should get a good amount of light, and should have proper air flow.
  • The dimensions of the house depend on the number quails you are planning to raise, for example A cage with dimension 12 cm x 60cm x 25cm can accommodate 50 to 60 quails. Plastic
  • For constructing cage use wire net for making their cages. Net dimensions should be 5mm X 5mm. Plastic cages are recommended.
  • Make sure house should be safe from predators and wild animals.

Deep Litter System:

This system occupies very less space, and in 1 square feet of space you can rear 5 to 6 birds for 2 to 3 weeks then shifted to cage system. In deep litter system, avoid unnecessary wandering to develop body weight.

Cage System:

It is most recommended quail rearing systems, each unit should about 6 feet length and 1 foot width which is  subdivided into 6-sub units. If you are running out of space, arrange then 5 tiers high. The bottom of the cage should be fixed with removable wooden plate, so that you can clean bird droppings easily. And the cages should get a good amount of light and air. And the regular feed can be given through the narrow feed troughs place in front of the cages and water troughs are placed at the back side of the cages.

The size of the cage:  3 ft x 2.5 ft x 1.5 ft can accommodate about 100 quails from 2 to 4 weeks.

4 ft x 2.5 ft x 1.5 ft can accommodate about 50 quails from 3 to 6 weeks.

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The feeding materials for quails are tiny pieces of broken wheat, kipper fish, rice bran, sesame cake, broken oyster shell, etc. In quail farming, feed management is very important, they need a well balanced diet. A well-balanced diet guarantees healthy and productive birds which results in expected profits. The Feeding cost for quails is very less, as they don’t consume much food. An adult quail bird consumes 30 -35 grams food daily. A quail chick feed should have 25 to 27% protein, and an adult quail feed should contain 22-24 % proteins. Poultry feed producing companies are producing commercial feeds for quails, these commercial feeds have all necessary proteins in a exact quantity, which makes you feeding job easy. Along with well-balanced and nutritious feed, provide clean and fresh water.  

In successful breeding process, the ration of male and female quails should be proper. A successful breeding ration is 5:1. And you also need to buy an incubator for hatching eggs, as quails don’t hatch their eggs.

Quail Eggs.

Health and disease management in quails are very easy. Quails disease resistant birds, health problems are also very less in quails. Good food, water, sanitation and proper management keep quails healthy.

Promoting your business is highly important. In the early stages you need to gain some clients. You should take some necessary steps to promote both eggs and meat. The breed of quail you is specializing will also show a great impact.

There are many ways to market your business. Some options to promote the business are:

  • Start a website, but this can be best when your business is starting to grow. For the first few months, you should focus on promoting in your local market. This can be a good option that gives you necessary funds that can be used to expand your business.
  • You can market yourself quails by distributing your business cards in your family, business, friends and customers.
  • Another best marketing method is to publish an advertisement in your local newspaper. Posters and flyers also work as a good method.

Before starting a commercial quail farming business, you must get a government license as quails are protected species.

Department of Animal Husbandry (DAH), Dairy and Fisheries will issue the license. There is a certain procedure to get a license for quail farming. You can contact local Animal Husbandry department for complete details.


The quail farming is a lucrative business opportunity for the people who are interested in poultry. Quail eggs have many benefits when consumes and the meat is also a healthy alternative to several other types of meat. By starting a quail farming business, you will be able to get huge profits on your investment due to lower maintenance cost and labor requirements.

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Please give me the information where we get quail chicks for farming.

Where do I sell quail for meat and eggs in ludhiana

Can you please tell me how to purchase good quality quails to start a farm

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Sample Quail Farming Business Plan

  • August 21, 2023


The quail farming business is an industry that falls within the confines of the agriculture industry. In some major areas of the world, quail products such as the quail eggs are used as fine delicacies.

Basically, the quail farming business is concerned with the raising of quails which serve as meat and also for egg production.

Are you an entrepreneur looking for a quail farming business plan sample?

This article has done well to present you with a quail farming business plan sample that can enable you draft a good business plan for your quail farming business.

Here is a sample business plan for starting a quail farm.

BUSINESS NAME:  Walter Wright & Family Poultry Farms LLC.

Table of Content

  • Executive Summary
  • Vision Statement
  • Mission Statement
  • Our Products and Services
  • Business Structure
  • Sales and Marketing Strategy
  • Market Analysis
  • Sales Forecast
  • Financial Plan


Walter Wright & Family Poultry Farms LLC is a quail farming business that has been fully registered and licensed by the relevant authorities in the United States. The business will be situated in one of the agricultural areas of Kansas, United States.

The major areas that the business will be concerned with are the raising of quails and chickens, and the processing of quails and chickens.

Walter Wright & Family Poultry Farms LLC will be owned by the Wright Family. In the first two years of the business, Mr and Mrs Wright will put in their experiences and skills into operating the business, after which, they will hire more employees to handle the business as it expands.

The startup capital that will be required to start up the quail farming business in Kansas is an estimated amount of $500,000, which will be gathered from the sales of our former business assets, and from our savings, as well as loans obtained from our bank and from our close former business associates.


Our vision at Walter Wright & Family Poultry Farms LLC is to become recognised as the only true and reputable quail farming brand that is responsible for delivering quality products to customers all over the world. We will do our best to achieve this vision with the following set objectives:

  • To provide nothing short of the best quality products to our customers no matter what.
  • To maintain positive profit margin every month.


Our mission at Walter Wright & Family Poultry Farms LLC is to make sure we produce the best and quality quails and quail products and deliver to our customers. We want our products to saturate the United States market.


Walter Wright & Family Poultry Farms LLC is a quail farming business that is committed to providing the best products and services in the quail farming industry. We will do all within the confines of what is acceptable in the industry and permissible in the laws of Kansas and the United State towards providing our products and services to our customers both in the United States and the global market.

We will focus on the following products and services:

  • Rearing of quails and chicken.
  • Processing of quails and chickens.
  • Broiler chicken production.
  • Fryer chicken production.
  • Roaster chicken production.


Walter Wright & Family Poultry Farms LLC is a quail farming business that will be owned and managed by the Wright Family. Mr Wright had been working in the industry for over fifteen years, and he has good experience to handle the business with his wife for the first two years, after which, more qualified employees would be employed to fill the required positions. The following positions will be occupied by qualified and competent individuals:

  • Poultry farm Manager.
  • Accountant / Cashier.
  • Human Resource and Admin Manager.
  • Sales and Marketing Officers
  • Quail Farm Employees.


We have been able to deduce sales and marketing strategies for our quail farming business so as to mark ourselves out in the industry. We have been able to come up with these strategies through the help of our experts. They are as follows:

  • First, we will start by introducing our quail farming business by using word of mouth, and handing out our business fliers to people.
  • We will open our quail farming business in a grand style to attract prospective customers.
  • We will go public by advertising our quail farming business on related business magazines, radio and television stations.
  • We will not hesitate to list our business on the local business directories.
  • We will go right onto the cyber world by establishing a Facebook page for our business, having a Twitter handle, etc.
  • We will also not forget to set up a consumer loyalty programme to always reward our loyal customers.


Market Trend

A popular trend in the industry is that the industry has benefited immensely from the growing campaigns and advertising about the health benefits of quail as a very healthy source of protein. Also, the advancement of technology has made planning and budgeting easier in the business.

Target Market

The following groups constitute our target market for our quail farming business:

  • Individuals and Households
  • Restaurants
  • Fast Food Eateries
  • Agriculture Merchants


Year One                    $260,000 Year Two                   $510,000 Year Three                 $770,000

Above is our sales projection for our quail farming business for the first three years of incorporation. We have been able to come up with this sales projection from the analysis of a number of available statistical data.

FINANCIAL PLAN Source of Startup Cost

We have been able to come up with the estimate of the startup cost we will require to start up our quail farming business. The closest estimate is a sum that amounts to $500,000. We have agreed on raising $200,000 from selling some of our old business assets, and our savings.

We will borrow $150,000 from our close former business associates, Jason and Jackson. The final $150,000 will be obtained as soft loan from our bank.

This star-up capital should be able to cover up the initial expenses and even the first few months salaries of our employees.

This business plan sample has used the business title “Walter Wright & Family Poultry Farms LLC”. The business will be located in Kansas, United States. Walter Wright & Family Poultry Farms LLC will be a business corporation whose owners will be the Wright Family.

A major part of the products and services the business will offer include the rearing and sales of quails, chickens, and processing of quails and chickens.

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Quail Farming

  • Pinterest 176

Commercial quail farming business has become a very popular business for making high profits. Because, quails are smaller sized birds but they are highly meat and egg productive creatures. As far as we have experienced, quail farming business is very easy, lucrative and entertaining. Anyone can start this business with little investment.

Commercial quail farming is not a new business idea, rather it is an old business and many people are doing this in many countries around the world.

Commercial quail farming in Japan has spread tremendously. Not only Japan, but also other people throughout the world doing quail farming business commercially for the purpose of meat and egg production. Quail farming is a very profitable business like other livestock farming ventures, such as chicken , turkey or duck farming business.

Commercial quail rearing is mainly popular for the quality of meat and eggs and the easy process of caring these birds. Quail eggs are very nutritious than other poultry eggs. Because quail eggs contain comparatively more protein, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, B1 and B2.

Commercial quail farming can play a vital role to meet up the food and nutrition demand. At the same time it can be a good good source of employment and income for the rural people.

Table of Contents

Essential Steps for Starting and Operating a Successful Quail Farming Business

Starting a small scale or commercial quail farming business is relatively easy and simple. Even the beginners can start this lucrative business. Quails are smaller sized poultry birds, so it’s very easy to establish a quail farm.

quail farming, quails, quail farming business, commercial quail farming, commercial quail farming business, what is quail farming, quail picture, profitable quail farming

However, here we are trying to shortly describing every steps for starting and operating a successful quail rearing and breeding business.

Step 1: Gather Practical Knowledge First

Practical knowledge or experience is very important for running a successful quail farm and also for generating more profits from it. So, you have to gather practical knowledge and experience before starting commercial production. You can learn practically either from an experienced farmer, or from any courses available online or offline.

You can also complete a quail farming training from where you can learn the basics of quail farming business. The main way to receive quail farming training is to research the available programs in your area. Look for training programs offered by government agencies, universities, and agricultural organizations within your area.

You can also search for online courses and tutorials that teach the basics of quail farming. Currently, YouTube is also playing a very good role in educating people throughout the world in various subjects.

Step 2: Make an Effective Business Plan

Try to make a proper quail farming business plan before starting, and work according to the plan. Making a good and effective business plan is very important for a successful quail farming business. A proper business plan should include breeds, housing, feeding, caring and marketing strategies.

You can prepare the plan yourself. But, you can also ask for help from an expert if you are a beginner in this business. We recommend consulting with some existing farmers before making your business plan.

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Step 3: Select a Good Location

Choosing a good location with all required facilities is very important for operating a successful quail farming business. Consider the climate and weather conditions in the selected area. Because quails are sensitive to temperature extremes.

Try to select the location closer to a market. Doing this will help to reduce transportation costs and increase the freshness of the products. Consider zoning regulations before selecting a location for your farm. Also consider these factors while choosing the location:

  • Price of land
  • Access to water
  • Proximity to suppliers
  • Environmental factors
  • Infrastructure
  • Soil quality
  • Possibility of future expansion etc.

​Step 4: Determine the Products You Want to Produce

Quails are mainly raised for their meat and eggs. So, determine the product you want to produce from your farm before starting. Quail eggs are gaining popularity gradually, and you can start rearing quails for egg production.

quail farming, quails, quail farming business, commercial quail farming, commercial quail farming business, what is quail farming, quail picture, profitable quail farming, quail eggs

Quail meat production is also very profitable, but you have to be sure about the market of meat in your area. Broiler quails grow faster and raising them for meat is also very profitable.

Step 5: Select Good Breed Depending on Your Production Purpose

There are numerous quail breeds available throughout the world. But all of these breeds are not good for commercial quail farming business. So, you have to choose the right breed depending on your production purpose. Some common and popular quail breeds are:

  • Gambel’s and

You can choose any of the above breeds depending on the availability in your area.

Step 6: Purchase Necessary Equipment

Like many other livestock farming businesses, quail farming also requires some equipment. These equipment are required to ensure the efficient and healthy raising of quails. Here we are listing the most common and essential quail farming equipment.

  • Egg handling supplies
  • Lighting equipment
  • Bedding material
  • Waste disposal system
  • Feed storage bins
  • Quail nets or catching equipment
  • Record keeping tools or accessories
  • First aid kit
  • Pest control supplies
  • Transport crates
  • Ventilation system
  • Cleaning tools and disinfectants

Step 7: Purchase Good Quality Chicks

Purchasing good quality and healthy quail chicks is very important for the success of your quail farming business. So, try to purchase good quality and healthy quail chicks from reputable breeders or suppliers in your area.

Step 8: Ensure Good Housing Facility

Quails are very strong and hardy birds, and their housing requirement is very minimum. Although, providing good housing facilities for them will ensure their good health and this will ultimately increase eggs or meat production.

You can raise quails either in an indoor or outdoor system. Whichever system you choose, you have to ensure enough space is available with all other required facilities. The measurement of the house can be any depending on your land and the number of birds you are raising.

Quails are smaller sized birds and you can easily raise them in cages. Overall farm management is very easy in a cage system. Diseases and other health problems are also very less in this system. So, you can definitely go with this system.

Always try to clean the house timely, and arrange a proper lighting system inside the house. Installing a good ventilation system is also a must.

Step 9: Provide Your Birds With Nutritious Food

Providing your birds with very good quality, balanced and nutritious food is another most important part of a successful quail farming business. Good food not only keeps the birds healthy, but also helps them to stay active and produce more.

Ensure their diet contains 20 to 24 percent protein and 40 to 50 percent carbohydrates. Also ensure the food contains a small amount of fat and adequate amount of vitamins and minerals.

You can feed your birds either with homemade or commercial feeds depending on the availability in your area. Feeding your birds with a commercial quail feed can be a good option for you if you are a beginner and not sure how to make their feed.

Try to maintain a regular schedule for feeding your birds. Doing this is very important to maintain consistent growth and egg production. Although, the exact feeding schedule depends on the age of the birds, and also on the type of feed you are using. For example, young quail may need to be fed more frequently than adult quail.

And along with providing your birds with very good quality and nutritious food, always try to provide them with enough fresh and clean drinking water. Change the water daily, and if possible clean the waterer on a regular basis.

​Step 10: Practice Good Breeding Management

Quails are naturally very good breeders. They will breed easily and will produce enough fertile eggs for hatching if you keep a good ratio of male and female quails in your farm.

Generally, quails can start breeding as early as 6-8 weeks of age, but it’s recommended to wait until they are at least 12-14 weeks old before breeding. At this age, quail become mature and ready to mate.

quail farming, quails, quail farming business, commercial quail farming, commercial quail farming business, what is quail farming, quail picture, profitable quail farming, quail chicks

Generally one male bird is enough to breed two or three females. This ratio will ensure that each female is adequately fertilized and will help prevent fighting among the males.

Step 11: Always Try to Take Good Care of the Birds

Taking good care of the birds is very important for a successful quail farming business. Quails are very hardy birds, and they generally require less caring. Although, taking good care will help the birds to grow better and produce more.

Monitor your bird’s health on a regular basis, and take necessary steps if you notice anything unusual. Vaccinate your birds timely, and always try to keep good contact with a vet in your area. Stock some necessary drugs. Never feed your birds with contaminated feeds and polluted water.

However, quail caring is an important aspect of quail farming. Proper care and management are necessary for the health and productivity of your birds. Here are the basics of quail caring and what to consider when caring for your flock.

To keep your quails healthy and productive, follow the hygienic quail farming method which are mentioned below.

  • Always try to keep their house dry and clean.
  • Ensure proper movement of light and air inside their house.
  • Keep different aged quails separated from each other.
  • Separate the disease affected quails from the healthy one.
  • Burn the dead bird or put it under soil.
  • Don’t allow other birds, animals or unknown persons to enter inside your farm quail house.
  • Ensure hygienic and balanced feed supply.
  • Provide adequate fresh and clean water according to their demand.

Step 12: Marketing Your Products

Quail meat and eggs are very tasty and highly enriched with nutrient elements. So there is already an established market for quail products in some areas. As quail birds and their eggs are small in size, so it is cheap in price and all types of people can purchase. So you don’t have to worry much about marketing your products.

You can easily sell the eggs and meat in your local market. But it will be better if you determine your marketing strategies before starting this business. Because all places around the world have not the same marketing facilities.

Whether you are selling quail meat, eggs, or other products, effective marketing strategies can help you reach your target audience and increase sales.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

There are many questions people often ask which are related to quail farming. Here we are trying to list the most common questions about successful quail farming business. We hope you will find answers to your questions. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

What is quail farming?

Before discussing more about commercial quail farming business, let us first explain ‘ what is quail farming ‘? Actually the term ‘ quail farming ‘ means, raising quails commercially (like other poultry birds) for the purpose of profitable eggs and meat production.

Why raising quails?

Quails are very smaller sized birds. An adult quail weights between 150 to 200 grams and an egg weights around 7 to 15 grams. Female quails start laying eggs within their 6 to 7 weeks of age and continuously lay one egg daily.

They lay about 300 eggs in their first year of life. After that they produce about 150 to 175 eggs in second year. Eggs production gradually decrease after their first year of laying period.

Quail egg is very suitable for human health. It contains 2.47 % less fat than chicken egg. Many people believe that ‘quail eggs help to prevent blood pressure, diabetic, pant etc’.

Quail meat is very tasty and nutritious. Fat is very low in their meat. So quail meat is very suitable for blood pressure patients. Eggs are very beautiful with multiple color. Quails do not incubate their eggs. So you have to use an incubator or brooder chickens for hatching their eggs.

What are the advantages of quail farming business?

Quails are smaller sized poultry birds, and it’s very easy to handle them. The main benefits of starting quail farming business are listed below.

  • Quails are smaller sized bird, so they can be raised within small place.
  • Feeding cost of quails are comparatively lower than chickens or other poultry birds.
  • Diseases are less in quails, and they are very hardy.
  • Quails grow very fast and gain maturity faster than any other poultry birds.
  • They start laying eggs within their 6 to 7 weeks of age.
  • It takes about 16 to 18 days to hatch their eggs.
  • Meat and eggs of quail are very tasty, delicious and nutritious. So it’s a great source of food and nutrition.
  • Quail farming needs small capital, and labor cost is very low.
  • Quails can be raised successfully in commercial method. Some people have already started commercial quail farming business.
  • Quails are very strong bird and diseases or other health problems are less. So risks are less in this business.
  • Quail meat contain less fat. So, it is suitable for high blood pressure patients.
  • Their food to meat or eggs converting efficiency is satisfactory. They can produce one kg meat or eggs by consuming three kg food.
  • You can raise 6 to 7 quails in the same place that is required for one chicken.
  • As the quail eggs are smaller in size, so the price is also lower than other bird’s egg. As a result, all types of people can buy quail eggs and you can easily sell the eggs.
  • As the primary costs are less, so you can start this business with a very little investment.
  • You can raise about 6 to 8 quails within 0.91 squire meter area.
  • As it is a lucrative business venture, so commercial quail farming business can be a great source of income and employment for the unemployed educated people. Even, you can start raising a few quails along with your current profession.

Is quail farming business profitable?

Is raising quails commercially is very profitable. Quails are amazing birds. They require less space and less food, but produce high quality meat and eggs. So, if you have good facilities for marketing quail products (meat and eggs) then your production will be highly profitable.

How to start quail farming business?

Starting a profitable quail farming business is very easy and simple. First of all, you have to make very good and secure housing system for your birds. Then purchase chicks from any of your local suppliers, feed them good quality poultry feed and fresh water and always try to take good care of them. And finally, your birds will start laying small colorful eggs.

How many eggs do quail lay per month?

The most popular Coturnix quail lay one eggs almost daily. On an average, a quail can lay about 300 eggs per year.

Is quail farming profitable in Nigeria?

Yes, commercial quail farming is definitely a profitable business in Nigeria. But you have to have good marketing facilities for making this business highly profitable. So, ensure the quail products have good demand and value in your area. Determine your marketing strategies before starting this business.

How fast do quail grow?

Quails grow relatively faster, and they generally reach maturity within their 6 weeks of age.

How many times a day do you feed quails?

In commercial farms, the quails are generally feed twice a day.

What food does quail eat?

In commercial production, the quails are feed with layer poultry feeds. Actually, quails are considered omnivores and they eat both plant-based and animal-based food.

How do quail farmers make money?

Quail farmers usually make money by selling quail eggs and meat.

Is there a market for quail?

Yes, and the market is growing continuously. Both meat and eggs of quail are becoming popular gradually.

What month do quail lay eggs?

The Coturnix quails lay eggs throughout the year in commercial farms.

How long do quails live for?

Average lifespan of the farm quails is between 3 and 6 years.

Can quail live with chickens?

Yes, you can keep quails with your chickens. But quails are good escape artists. So, you have to make the house highly secure. And having a separate coop section inside the house for the quails will be very good.

How many quail should I start with?

Depends on your budget. You can start with just 10 birds or as many as hundreds or even thousands of birds.

How many quail can I keep together?

If you raise the quails in cage system, then we recommend having no more than 10 quails in one cage. But if you raise them in floor system, then there is actually no limits.

How do you give quail water?

You can use either nipple waterers or poultry cups for providing water to your birds. One nipple or cup should be provided for every 5 birds.

Do quail eat rice?

Yes, they can eat rice .

Is there a demand for quail?

Please visit any of your local or nearest poultry market, and try to understand the demand for quail in your area.

How hard is it to raise quails?

Raising quails is very easy and simple. Even the beginners can also raise them easily.

Is quail healthier than chicken?

Yes, quail products are healthier than chicken products.

Do quails lay eggs without a male?

Yes, they will lay eggs without males. Actually, males have no function in eggs production. Males are only necessary only if you want to produce fertilized eggs for hatching.

Do quails fly away?

Yes, quails will fly away if they get the chance to do so.

Do quails eat worms?

Yes, obviously, and will love to have some worms.

Do quail need sunlight?

Thousands are quails in commercial farms are raised without sunlight.

What bedding do you use for quails?

You can use the low cost and easily available materials for bedding. You can use grass hay, straw, pine shavings or even sand.

At what age do quails start laying eggs?

The quails generally become mature within their 6 weeks of age. And the Coturnix quail generally start laying eggs within their 7 weeks of age.

What is the price of quail eggs?

Exact price greatly vary from place to place. So, visit your nearest stores for latest price.

What temperature do quail need?

37.7°C for their fist week, 35°C in the second week and 32.2°C in the third week. And from their 4 weeks of age, they will be able to survive normal room temperature.

What is the best food for quail?

Commercial layer chicken food will be best for the laying quails.

What do quail eat naturally?

The wild quails will naturally forage grains and seeds and finish their diet with insects, plants, small nuts, and berries.

What vegetables do quails eat?

Lettuce , broccoli , clover, lotus, celery , radish , peas etc.

What grains do quails eat?

Wheat , broken rice, cracked corn , rye, barley , millet etc.

What seeds do quails eat?

Ragweed, foxtail, annual broomweed, queen’s-delight, plains bristlegrass etc.

How much food do quail eat per day?

Quails are smaller in size, and they generally require less food. 20-30 grams food a day will be enough for a mature quail.

What is the biggest breed of quail?

Mountain quail is the largest quail.

What is the benefits of quail eggs?

Quail eggs are more nutritious than the chicken eggs. A single quail egg provides a significant chunk of your daily vitamin B12, selenium, riboflavin, and choline needs, along with some iron. And one egg contains only 14 calories.

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5 thoughts on “quail farming”.

' src=

Quails are my dream business,thank you so much for the good information may God bless you

' src=

You are welcome! Good luck!

' src=

Wow! The information was so helpful and I hope it will reach as many farmers as it will. Thank you and God bless you as well.

' src=

Thanks to give good info. Im faiz from Muar, Johor, Malaysia. Now i starting with 100 quail, normally every evening can get 100+- pcs eggs and making good income with my friend. Starting with low budget money.

' src=

Thank you for your excellent explained to us about a quails farming. But I am in sokoto state I don’t know where I should buy it.i wante be a quails Farmer

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Issue 34, Summer 2024

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Grabbing the Bull by the Fins: Bull Sharks in the northern Gulf of Mexico

Background on the bull.

Hearing the term “bull” as a descriptor for a shark probably conjures up imagesof a pugnacious and powerful predator. While it’s true that bull sharks( Carcharhinus leucas ) earned their name from their stocky build andaggressive, predatory talents, there’s a lot more to these sharks than theirfearsome reputations. In fact, even though these individuals are responsible foran occasional bite, you’re still far more likely to be bitten or killed by a NewYorker than a bull shark .


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Early history

Russian empire, soviet time, modern russia, layout and landmarks, administrative and municipal status and city divisions, tsentralny city district, lazarevsky city district, khostinsky city district, adlersky city district, demographics, trade, finance and services, industry and agriculture, sports facilities, 2014 winter olympics and paralympics, other sports events, transportation, notable people, twin towns – sister cities, former twin towns, external links.

Sochi hosted the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games in 2014. It hosted the alpine and Nordic Olympic events at the nearby ski resort of Rosa Khutor in Krasnaya Polyana . It also hosted the Formula 1 Russian Grand Prix from 2014 until 2021. [13] [14] [15] It was also one of the host cities for the 2018 FIFA World Cup .

The general consensus (also recognized by the city's own website [16] ) is that the name "Sochi" ( Russian : Сочи ) is the Russified form of the Circassian "Ş̂açə" ( Adyghe : Шъачэ ) which in turn is of Ubykh-Circassian origin, coming from the Ubykh name "Ş̂uaça" ( Ubykh : Шъуача ). [17] [18] [16] It is a compound made up from the two Ubykh words "шъуа" (sea) and "ча" (side) and roughly translates to "Seaside/coast". [18] There are other claims and theories, according to Georgian sources, the word comes from the Georgian word for "fir", "soch'i" ( Georgian : სოჭი ). [19]

Colchis 13th century BC–63 AD Achaemenid Empire 511 BC–330 BC Kingdom of Pontus 111 BC–62 BC Roman Empire 62 BC–337 AD Kingdom of Lazica 337–697 Byzantine Empire 697–786 Kingdom of Abkhazia 778–1008 Kingdom of Georgia 1008–1490 Mongol Empire 1242–1259 Principality of Abkhazia 1491–1829 Ottoman Empire 1578–1829 Circassia 1829–1864   Russian Empire 1864–1917 Russian Republic 1917–1918 Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic 1918 Georgian Democratic Republic 1918–1919 South Russia 1919–1920 Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic 1920–1991 Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic 1922–1991 Russian Federation 1991–present

Before the whole area was conquered by Cimmerian , Scythian and Sarmatian invaders, the Zygii (Proto- Adyghe ) people lived in Lesser Abkhazia under the Kingdom of Pontus , then the Roman Empire 's influence in antiquity . From the 6th to the 11th centuries, the area successively belonged to the Georgian kingdoms of Lazica and Abkhazia , who built a dozen churches within the city boundaries, the later was unified under the single Georgian monarchy in 11th-century, forming one of the Saeristavo , known as Tskhumi extending its possessions up to Nicopsis . The Christian settlements along the coast were destroyed by the invading Alans , Khazars , Mongols and other nomadic empires whose control of the region was slight. The northern wall of an 11th-century Byzantine basilica still stands in the Loo Microdistrict . [20]

Between the 13th and 15th centuries , the Republic of Genoa had the monopoly of the trade on the shores of the Black Sea, and established colonies and trading posts in the region of the present-day Sochi, the large ones were Layso and Costa . [21] [22] [23]

From the 14th to the 19th centuries, the region was dominated by the Abkhaz , Ubykh and Adyghe tribes, the current location of the city of Sochi (Ş̂açə) known as Ubykhia was part of historical Circassia , and was controlled by the native people of the local mountaineer clans of the north-west Caucasus, nominally under the sovereignty of the Ottoman Empire , which was their principal trading partner in the Islamic world.

The coastline was occupied by Russia in 1829 as a result of the Russo-Circassian War and the Russo-Turkish War , 1828–1829; however, the Circassians did not accept the Russian control over Circassia and kept resisting the newly established Russian outposts along the Circassian coast ( Adyghe : Адыгэ хы Iушъо ). [3] [24] Provision of weapons and ammunition from abroad to the Circassians caused a diplomatic conflict between the Russian Empire and the British Empire that occurred in 1836 over the mission of the Vixen . [25]

The Russians had no detailed knowledge of the area until Baron Feodor Tornau investigated the coastal route from Gelendzhik to Gagra , and across the mountains to Kabarda , in the 1830s. [ citation needed ] In 1838, the fort of Alexandria, renamed Navaginsky a year later, was founded at the mouth of the Sochi River as part of the Black Sea coastal line, a chain of seventeen fortifications set up to protect the area from recurring Circassian resistance. At the outbreak of the Crimean War , the garrison was evacuated from Navaginsky to prevent its capture by the Turks, who effected a landing on Cape Adler soon after.

The last battle of the Russo-Circassian War , the Battle of Qbaada , took place in 1864, and the Dakhovsky fort was established on the site of the Navaginsky fort. The end of the Caucasian War was proclaimed at Qbaada tract (modern Krasnaya Polyana ) on June 2 (21 May O.S. ), 1864, by the manifesto of Emperor Alexander   II , read aloud by Grand Duke Michael Nikolaevich of Russia . [3] The city was the administrative capital of the Sochinsky Okrug .

Circassian genocide

By the end of Russo-Circassian War , the Russian Empire aimed to systematically destroy the native Circassian people in the region [26] [27] [28] and several atrocities were committed by the Russian forces. [29] [30] As a result, almost all Ubykhs and a major part of the Circassians who lived on the territory of modern Sochi, were either killed or expelled to the Ottoman Empire in the Circassian Genocide . According to Russian sources, Sochi's population fell from roughly 100,000, to 98. [31] [32] [2]

Starting in 1866 the coast was actively colonized by Russians, Armenians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Greeks, Germans, Georgians and other people from inner Russia. [3] [24] In 1874–1891, the first Russian Orthodox church , St.   Michael's Church , was constructed, and the Dakhovsky settlement was renamed Dakhovsky Posad on April 13, 1874 ( O.S. ). In February 1890, the Sochi Lighthouse was constructed. In 1896, the Dakhovsky Posad was renamed Sochi Posad (after the name of local river) and incorporated into the newly formed Black Sea Governorate . In 1900–1910, Sochi burgeoned into a sea resort. The first resort, "Kavkazskaya Riviera", opened on June 14, 1909 ( O.S. ). Sochi was granted town status in 1917. [3]


During the Russian Civil War , the littoral area saw sporadic armed clashes involving the Red Army , White movement forces, and the Democratic Republic of Georgia . As a result of the war Sochi has become Russian territory. In 1923, Sochi acquired one of its most distinctive features, a railway which runs from Tuapse to Georgia within a kilometer or two of the coastline. Although this branch of the Northern Caucasus Railway may appear somewhat incongruous in the setting of beaches and sanatoriums, it is still operational and vital to the region's transportation infrastructure. [3]

Sochi was established as a fashionable resort area under Joseph Stalin , who had his favorite dacha built in the city. Stalin's study, complete with a wax statue of the leader, is now open to the public. [33] During Stalin's reign the coast became dotted with imposing Neoclassical buildings, exemplified by the opulent Rodina and Ordzhonikidze sanatoriums. The centerpiece of this early period is Shchusev 's Constructivist Institute of Rheumatology (1927–1931). The area was continuously developed until the demise of the Soviet Union. [3]

Following Russia's loss of the traditionally popular resorts of the Crimean Peninsula ( transferred from the Russian SFSR to the Ukrainian SSR in 1954 by Nikita Khrushchev ), Sochi emerged as the unofficial summer capital of the country. [34] In 1961, Soviet officials decided to expand the city limits by forming a Greater Sochi which extended for 140 kilometers from the southern parts of Tuapse to Adler . In July 2005, Russia submitted a successful bid for hosting the 2014 Winter Olympics in the city, spending around $51 billion in the process. [35]

In 2019, an area in the Imereti Lowlands was divided from Adlersky City District and formed as a separate urban-type settlement named Sirius . It was later designated as a federal territory . [36]

Zdanie sanatoriia <<Ordzhonikidze>> (Sochi, kurortnyi pr.)102.jpg

Greater Sochi is elongated along the Black Sea coast for 145 kilometers (90   mi) . Sochi is approximately 1,603 kilometers (996   mi) from Moscow . [37]

The city of Sochi borders with Tuapsinsky District in the northwest, with Apsheronsky District and with Maykopsky District of the Republic of Adygea in the north, with Mostovsky District in the northeast, and with Georgia / Abkhazia in the southeast. From the southwest, it is bordered by the Black Sea.

Sochi at Black Sea with Krasnodarski Krai.png

The vast majority of the population of Sochi lives in a narrow strip along the coast and is organized in independent microdistricts (formerly settlements). The biggest of these microdistricts, from the northwest to the southeast, are Lazarevskoye , Loo , Dagomys , central Sochi ( Tsentralny City District ), Khosta , Matsesta , and Adler . The whole city is located on the slopes of the Western Caucasus which descend to the Black Sea and are cut by the rivers. The biggest rivers in Sochi are the Mzymta and the Shakhe . Other rivers include the Ashe, the Psezuapse, the Sochi , the Khosta, and the Matsesta . The Psou River makes the border with Abkhazia.

The northeastern part of the city belongs to the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve which is a World Heritage Site spanning areas in Krasnodar Krai and Adygea. Almost the whole area of the Greater Sochi, with the exception of the coast and of the area which belong to the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve, are included into Sochi National Park .

Sochi has a humid subtropical climate [38] [39] with mild winters (average 11   °C (52   °F) during the day and 4   °C (39   °F) at night) in the period from December to March and warm summers (average 24   °C (75   °F) during the day and 16   °C (61   °F) at night) in the period from May to October.

Sochi is unique among larger Russian cities as having some aspects of a subtropical resort. About two million people visited Greater Sochi each summer as of 2014, [40] when the city is home to the annual film festival " Kinotavr " and a getaway for Russia's elite.

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A UNESCO World Heritage Site , the 2,957 square kilometers (731,000 acres) Caucasus Nature Reserve , lies just north from the city. [41] Sochi also has the region's most northerly tea plantations .

Sochi has a humid subtropical climate ( Köppen climate classification Cfa ), [38] at the lower elevations. Its average annual temperature is 18.9   °C (66.0   °F) during the day and 11.5   °C (52.7   °F) at night. In the coldest months—January and February—the average temperature is about 10   °C (50   °F) during the day, above 3   °C (37   °F) at night and the average sea temperature is about 9   °C (48   °F) . In the warmest months—July and August—the temperature typically ranges from 25 to 29   °C (77 to 84   °F) during the day, about 20   °C (68   °F) at night and the average sea temperature is about 23–27   °C (73–81   °F) . Yearly sunshine hours are around 2,200. Generally, the summer season lasts three months, from June to September. Two months—April and November—are transitional; sometimes temperatures reach 20   °C (68   °F) , with an average temperature of around 16   °C (61   °F) during the day and 9   °C (48   °F) at night. December, January, February and March are the coldest months, with average temperature (of these four months) 11   °C (52   °F) during the day and 4   °C (39   °F) at night. Average annual precipitation is about 1,700 millimeters (67   in) . [2] [39] [42] Sochi lies at 8b/9a hardiness zone , so the city supports different types of palm trees. [37] Sochi is situated on the same latitude as Nice but strong cold winds from Asia make winters less warm. In fact, temperatures drop below freezing every winter. The highest temperature recorded was 39.4   °C (102.9   °F) , on July 30, 2000, and the lowest temperature recorded was −13.4   °C (7.9   °F) on January 25, 1892. [43]

Sochi Urban Okrug on the map of Krasnodar Krai Krasnodarsky krai Sochi.PNG

Within the framework of administrative divisions , it is, together with one urban-type settlement ( Krasnaya Polyana ) and seventy-nine rural localities , incorporated as the City of Sochi —an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts . [1] As a municipal division , the City of Sochi is incorporated as Sochi Urban Okrug . [8]

Sochi is administratively subdivided into four city districts: Tsentralny City District , Lazarevsky City District , Khostinsky City District , and Adlersky City District . Tsentralny City District, comprising the central portion of, is by far the smallest out of four in terms of the area, and the other three have comparable areas, with Lazarevsky City District being the biggest. In terms of the population, Tsentralny City District is approximately twice as big as each of the other three city districts.

City Districts numbered Sochi administrative division.png

Tsentralny City District , or central Sochi, covers an area of 32 square kilometers (12   sq   mi) and, as of the 2010 Census , has a population of 137,677. [6] The highlights include:

  • Michael Archangel Cathedral , a diminutive church built in 1873–1891 to Kaminsky 's designs in order to commemorate the victorious conclusion of the Caucasian War .
  • The red-granite Archangel Column, erected in 2006 in memory of the Russian soldiers fallen in Sochi during the Caucasian War. It is capped by a 7-metre bronze statue of Sochi's patron saint, Michael the Archangel .
  • Sochi Arboretum , a large botanical garden with tropical trees from many countries, and the Mayors Alleé—a landscape avenue of palm trees planted by mayors from cities around the world.
  • The Tree of Friendship , a hybrid citrus tree planted in 1934 in the Subtropical Botanic Garden. Since 1940 numerous citrus cultivars from foreign countries have been grafted onto this tree as a token of friendship and peace. The associated Friendship Tree Garden Museum has a collection of 20,000 commemorative presents from around the world.

The Summer Theater Letniy theatre Sochi.jpg

Lazarevsky City District lies to the northwest from the city center; the 2010 Census showed the population of 63,894 people. [6] It is the largest city district by area, covering some 1,744 square kilometers (673   sq   mi) and comprising several microdistricts :

  • Lazarevskoye , 59   km (37   mi) from the city center, contains a delphinarium , an old church (1903), and a new church (1999). The settlement was founded as a Russian military outpost in 1839 and was named after Admiral Mikhail Lazarev .
  • Loo , 18   km (11   mi) from the city center, was once owned by Princes Loov, a noble Abkhazian family. The district contains the ruins of a medieval church, founded in the 8th century, rebuilt in the 11th century, and converted into a fortress in the Late Middle Ages.
  • Dagomys , 18   km (11   mi) from the city center, has been noted for its botanical garden , established by order of Nicholas II , as well as tea plantations and factories. A sprawling hotel complex was opened there in 1982. Dagomys adjoins Bocharov Ruchey , a dacha built for Kliment Voroshilov in the 1950s, but later upgraded into a country residence of the President of Russia , where he normally spends his vacations and often confers with leaders of other states.
  • Golovinka is a historic location at the mouth of the Shakhe River. Formerly marking the border between the Ubykhs and the Shapsugs , the settlement was noted by Italian travelers of the 17th century as Abbasa. On May 3, 1838, it was the site of the Subashi landing of the Russians, who proceeded to construct Fort Golovinsky where many convicted Decembrists used to serve. The fort was intentionally destroyed by Russian forces at the beginning of the Crimean War , so as to avoid its capture by the enemy.
  • Fort Godlik , of which little remains, had a turbulent history. It was built at the mouth of the Godlik River in the Byzantine period (5th to 8th centuries), was destroyed by the Khazars and revived by the Genoese in the High Middle Ages.

Sochi Arboretum Dendrarium Sochi Mauritanian arbour.jpg

Khostinsky City District , sprawling to the southeast from the city center, occupies approximately 374 square kilometers (144   sq   mi) , with a population of 65,229 as of the 2010 Census. [6] The district is traversed by many rivulets which give their names to the microdistricts of Matsesta ("flame-colored river"), Kudepsta, and Khosta ("the river of boars").

Adlersky City District , with an area of 1,352 square kilometers (522   sq   mi) and a population of 76,534 people as of the 2010 Census, [6] is the southernmost district of the city, located just north of the border with Abkhazia. Until the establishment of Greater Sochi in 1961, it was administered as a separate town, which had its origin in an ancient Sadz village and a medieval Genoese trading post.

Among the natural wonders of the district is the Akhshtyr Gorge with a 160-meter-long cave that contains traces of human habitation. The upland part of the district includes a network of remote mountain villages ( auls ), the Estonian colony at Estosadok , and the ski resort of Krasnaya Polyana which hosted the events (Alpine and Nordic) of the 2014 Winter Olympics . Also located here is a trout fishery and a breeding nursery for great apes .

Sochi has an ethnic Russian majority (~70%). The city is home to a sizable Armenian minority (~20%), which is especially notable in the Adlersky City District where they compose more than half of the total population. [47] Most of Sochi's Armenian community are descendants of Hamshen Armenians from Turkey's northeastern Black Sea coast, who began arriving in the late 19th century. [48] The rest are Armenians from Georgia (particularly from Abkhazia and Samtskhe-Javakheti ) and Armenia (especially from Shirak Province due to the 1988 earthquake ). [49]

Inside the Church of the Holy Mandylion, Sochi. Church in Sochi 2014 08.jpeg

The Byzantine Empire brought Christianity to the Sochi region in the Middle Ages . [ citation needed ] The region was relatively isolated before 1829. [ citation needed ] In the North, a few hundred Sunni Muslim Shapsugs , a part of the Circassian nation, lived around Tkhagapsh, near Lazarevskoye . The Circassians (also known as Adyghe) converted to Islam from Christianity in the 17th century. [55] In the nineteenth century, Islam spread to the region. [ citation needed ]

Currently, Sochi is a large predominantly Christian city, though there are thought to be around 20,000 Muslims (5% of inhabitants) living there now (the majority are Adyghe ) plus other Eastern Caucasians , Turks, Tatars , and other smaller Muslim groups. [56]

A mosque was built in 2008 by United Arab Emirates in the central area of Bytkha, in addition to the old mosque being around 40   km (25 miles) north of the city center [56] [57] in the Adyghe aul of Tkhagapsh.

There are around thirty Russian Orthodox churches, the largest being St. Michael's, and two monasteries, plus two Catholic churches, one in the center of Sochi and the other in Lazarevskoye. The Armenian community gathers in about ten churches.

Sochi is an economic centre of Krasnodar Krai and Russia. According to the economist-geographer Natalia Zubarevich , Sochi, being a "recreational capital", along with the largest industrial centers, acts as a "motor" of development that determines the prospects and directions of the country's development. [62] The economy of Sochi is based on trade, construction, resort and tourism. Its structure for 2015: retail trade (59%), construction (15%), resorts and tourism (11%), industry (10.6%), transport (3.5%) and agriculture (0.9%). [63] Sochi is one of the most popular tourism centres, as well as a prominent financial centre in Russia. Investments in the city's economy over the past 10 years have amounted to more than 1.1 trillion rubles. [63] The turnover of medium and large enterprises in Sochi in 2017 amounted to more than 191.3 billion rubles. The increase in turnover in comparison with the previous year is 12%. [61]

In 2010, Sochi headed the "Rating of Russian cities by quality of life" of the Urbanika Institute, [64] and in 2014 and 2015 it ranked as 4th and 5th city respectively; [65] [66] experts noted the high rate of development of the city, large-scale investments on the eve of the 2014 Winter Olympics , favorable environmental conditions and high safety of residents. [67] In 2012, Sochi topped the rating of "30 best cities for business" in Russia, by Forbes . [68]

Today, 705 classified accommodation facilities operate on its territory, including: 66 sanatoriums, 20 boarding houses and recreation centers and 618 hotels. 183 beach areas have been opened, more than 100 tourist facilities operate, about 70 excursion companies operate. [60]

Over 5.2 million tourists visited Sochi in 2016, 5.9% more than in 2015. [60] The average annual occupancy rate of hotels was at 77%, but varies by season. The importance of tourism for the development of Sochi is also determined by the financial revenues from the industry. According to statistics, in 2015, tourism revenues amounted to about 30 billion rubles. At the same time, throughout the country, revenues from the industry amounted to 161 billion rubles; thus, the tourist industry of the city occupies 18.6% of the total market of the country. [69]

Metallurg Sochi.jpg

The retail trade turnover for medium and large enterprises (accounting for about 30% of the total turnover) in the city in 2016 amounted to 57.2 billion rubles. On the territory of the city there are 8,769 objects of the consumer sphere, of which: 5013 are stationary retail enterprises, 1450 are catering enterprises, 335 are wholesale enterprises, and 1083 are service enterprises. [60] In Sochi, 1807 grocery stores, 2,708 non-food stores, 294 stores of a mixed group of goods, 178 pharmacies, 16 car dealerships, 20 stores at gas stations, 945 pavilions and kiosks have been opened. The provision of the population with retail space is 1,106.7   m 2 (11,912   sq   ft) per 1000 people. [60]

According to 2017 data, the annual trade turnover per capita in Sochi was 1.75 times higher than the average in Russia (373,527 rubles per year per person). At the same time, it exceeds the annual trade turnover per capita in all cities with a population of over one million, including Saint Petersburg and Moscow. A high trade turnover is ensured by both a large flow of tourists and a high average wage in the city. The annual retail turnover generated by permanent residents is about 96.2 billion rubles (52%). Tourists generate about 87.83 billion rubles (48%). [70]

The turnover of public catering in the city in 2016 for medium and large enterprises amounted to 7 billion rubles (about 36% of the total turnover). 1450 public catering establishments were opened in Sochi, with a total of 90473 seats. The market of paid services to the population in 2016 amounted to 34.3 million rubles; the industry employs 3393 people, with a total of 1083 enterprises. [60]

The volume of goods shipped in 2016 for medium and large industrial enterprises of the city amounted to 19.4 billion rubles. The distribution of energy, gas and water accounted for 11.9 billion rubles, [60] the largest enterprises in the industry are: Adler TPP and Sochinskaya TPP. Processing industries accounted for 3.3 billion rubles. [60] The volume of shipment of minerals amounted to 76 million rubles, the largest enterprise in the industry is Firma Sochinerud. [60]

In the manufacturing industry, the overwhelming share of food production enterprises, which account for 92.3% of the production volume. [60] Large enterprises: Sochi meat-packing plant, Trout-breeding farm, Primorskaya quail farm, Sochi bakery and Lazarevsky bakery.

The volume of shipped agricultural products in 2016 amounted to 49.8 million rubles. Vegetables, citrus fruits, fruits (including heat-loving crops such as feijoa, medlar, kiwi) and flowers are cultivated by large agricultural enterprises: Verlioka, Voskhod and Pobeda. The only producer of poultry meat is the Adler Poultry Factory. Five enterprises are engaged in the cultivation and processing of tea: Dagomyschay, Solokhaul tea, Matsesta tea, Khosta tea, Shapsug tea and a number of farmers. [60]

Adler TES-2016.jpg

There are more than 70 secondary schools in Sochi.

In addition to branches of metropolitan universities, Sochi has its own higher educational institutions, which are also of federal importance:

  • Sochi State University
  • Russian International Olympic University
  • Sochi Institute of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
  • International Innovation University
  • Sochi Institute of Fashion, Business and Law
  • Sochi Maritime Institute
  • Sochi Branch of the Russian State Social University
  • Sochi Branch of the Russian State University of Justice
  • Sochi Branch of the Moscow New Law Institute
  • Sochi Branch of the Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University
  • Sochi Branch of the Adyghe State University

Secondary specialized educational institutions:

  • College of Economics and Technology at Sochi State University
  • College of Art
  • College of Multicultural Education
  • Medical College
  • Professional Technical School
  • Kuban College of Law
  • Sochi Financial and Law College
  • Sochi College of Humanities and Economics

Sochi is indispensable for Russian science from a geographical and climatic point of view. The only subtropics in Russia are actively used as a base for scientific research in the field of botany, medicine and coastal construction. In addition to higher education institutions that develop science, Sochi has a number of research institutions of all-Russian importance:

  • Sochi Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Research Institute of Medical Primatology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
  • Research Institute of Mountain Forestry and Forest Ecology of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation
  • All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Floriculture and Subtropical Crops of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences
  • Sochi Branch of the Russian Geographical Society

A local tennis school spawned the careers of such players as Grand Slam champions Maria Sharapova and Yevgeny Kafelnikov (Kafelnikov spent much of his childhood here, while Sharapova relocated to Florida at the age of seven). In late 2005, the Russian Football Union announced that it was planning to establish a year-round training center for the country's national teams in Sochi. The city's warm climate was cited as one of the main incentives. Sochi is also the home for the football team PFC Sochi which plays in the Russian Premier League and for the ice hockey team HC Sochi which plays in the Kontinental Hockey League .

Russki Gorki ski jump arena RusskiGorki Estosadok1.jpg

The nearby ski resort of Roza Khutor at Krasnaya Polyana was the location of the alpine and Nordic events for the 2014 Winter Olympics .

In June 2006, the International Olympic Committee announced that Sochi had been selected as a finalist city to host the 2014 Winter Olympics and the 2014 Winter Paralympics . On July 4, 2007, Sochi was announced as the host city of the 2014 Winter Games, edging out Pyeongchang , South Korea and Salzburg , Austria . [71]

This was Russia's first time hosting the Winter Olympic Games, and its first time hosting the Paralympic Games. The site of a training centre for aspiring Olympic athletes, in 2008, the city had no world-class level athletic facilities fit for international competition. [72] Severe cost overruns made the 2014 Winter Olympics the most expensive Olympics in history; with Russian politician Boris Nemtsov citing allegations of corruption among government officials, [73] and Allison Stewart of the Saïd Business School at Oxford citing tight relationships between the government and construction firms. [74] While originally budgeted at US$12 billion, various factors caused the budget to expand to US$51 billion, surpassing the estimated $44 billion cost of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. According to a report by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development , this cost will not boost Russia's national economy, but may attract business to Sochi and the southern Krasnodar region of Russia in the future as a result of improved services. [75]

The 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi saw concern and controversy following a new federal law approved in Russia in June 2013 that bans " homosexual propaganda to minors ". [76] There were also concerns over Islamist militants . [77]

Construction work

Olympic Park Sochi adler aerial view 2018 14.jpg

The state-controlled RAO UES announced in July 2007 that it might spend 30   billion roubles (about US$1.2 billion) on upgrading the electrical power system in the Sochi area by 2014. [78] The power generating companies Inter RAO UES and RusHydro would have to build or modernize four thermal power plants and four hydroelectric plants—and the federal grid company FGC UES has to replace the Central-Shepsi electricity transmission line, which reportedly often fails in bad weather. The new power line would run partly on power towers and partly across the bottom of the Black Sea. By 2011, the power supply of the resort area would increase by 1129 MW—of which 300 MW would be used for Olympic sports facilities. "The cost of the work is estimated at 83.6   billion rubles (about US $3.26   billion), of which 50   billion rubles (about US$2   billion) will go to investments in the electricity grid," the power companies announced. They did not say how much of the bill the state would foot. In February 2007, when UES had planned to spend 48.8   billion rubles (about US$1.9   billion) on the Sochi area, the share the state had been ready to pay 38   billion roubles (about US$1.48   billion) of that.

F1 Russian Grand Prix 2014 F1 Grand Prix Russia 2014 start lane.jpg

The Silk Way Rally which is part of Dakar series took place in Sochi in 2010 for the last stage between the capital of the Republic of Adygea Maykop to the city of Sochi through Pseshwap . [79]

President Vladimir Putin had reached a deal with Bernie Ecclestone for the city to host the Formula One Russian Grand Prix from 2014. [80] However, because of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine , Sochi is not allowed to host future races. [81]

The World Robot Olympiad took place in the Adler Arena Skating Center on November 21–23, 2014.

The 2014 World Chess Championship between Viswanathan Anand and Magnus Carlsen was played in Sochi in November 2014, with Carlsen emerging as the winner.

The Fisht Olympic Stadium was also used to host 2018 FIFA World Cup football matches.

Since 2014, the city has hosted HC Sochi , who play at the Bolshoy Ice Dome in the Kontinental Hockey League .

Port of Sochi Morskoi port Sochi i prilegaiushchaia territoriia 02.jpg

Public transport is represented mainly by bus and taxi. Sochi is served by the Adler-Sochi International Airport . Types of non-mass public transport include two funiculars (at the Central military sanatorium and Ordzhonikidze resort) and three cable cars (at arboretum sanatorium "Dawn" and pension "Neva") also has several cableways in Krasnaya Polyana .

The Sochi Port terminal building was built in 1955 by Karo Alabyan and Leonid Karlik in Stalinist architecture . It is topped with a 71-meter steepled tower. Sculptures embodying seasons and cardinal points are set above the tower's three tiers.

Five of the railway stations of Sochi were renovated for the 2014 Winter Olympics . These are Dagomys , Sochi , Matsesta and Khosta railway stations. In Adler city district of Sochi, the original railway station was preserved and new railway station was built near it. Another new railway station was built in Estosadok , close to Krasnaya Polyana .

At some point, plans to construct the light metro network to serve the Olympics were considered; however, the Sochi Light Metro plan was abandoned in favor of the reconstruction of the railway.

Yevgeny Kafelnikov was born and raised in Sochi Kafelnikov Lagardere 2009.jpg

  • Yuri Nikolaevich Denisyuk , physicist
  • Mikhail Galustyan , comedian
  • Andre Geim , physicist, graphene researcher and 2010 Nobel Prize winner [82]
  • Yevgeny Kafelnikov , tennis player , former World No. 1 tennis player
  • Daria Kondakova , rhythmic gymnast
  • Grigory Leps , singer, songwriter, musician of Georgian origin
  • Slava Metreveli , Georgian/Soviet association football player
  • Vladimir Nemshilov , Olympic swimmer
  • Boris Nemtsov , politician
  • Mordechai Spiegler , Russian-Israeli association football player and manager
  • Vladimir Tkachenko , basketball player
  • Elena Vesnina , tennis player
  • Kharis Yunichev , the first Soviet male swimmer to win an Olympic medal [83]
  • Anna Zak , Israeli celebrity

Sochi is twinned with: [84]

  • Federation Island
  • Sochi Police


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<span class="mw-page-title-main">History of Sochi</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Khostinsky City District</span> District in Krasnodar Krai, Russia

Khostinsky City District is one of four city districts of the city of Sochi in Krasnodar Krai, Russia. The city district borders Maykopsky District of the Republic of Adygea in the northeast, Adlersky City District in the southeast, Tsentralny City District in the west, and Lazarevsky City District in the northwest. In the southwest, it is bordered by the Black Sea. Population: 65,229 (2010 Census) ; 62,515 (2002 Census) ; 65,713 (1989 Census) .

Lazarevsky City District is one of four city districts of the city of Sochi in Krasnodar Krai, Russia. The city district borders Tuapsinsky District in the northwest, Apsheronsky District in the north, Maykopsky District of the Republic of Adygea in the northeast, Khostinsky City District in the east, and Tsentralny City District in the south. The administration of the district is located in Lazarevskoye Microdistrict. In the southwest, it is bordered by the Black Sea. Population: 63,894 (2010 Census) ; 63,239 (2002 Census) ; 64,006 (1989 Census) .

Khosta is a microdistrict in Khostinsky City District in Sochi, Krasnodar Krai, Russia, primarily known as a spa and a resort on the Black Sea coast. Khosta is located in the mouth of the Khosta River, between the center of Sochi and Adler. The area is served by the Khosta railway station.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Imeretinsky Kurort railway station</span> Railway station in Krasnodar Krai, Russia

Imeretinsky Kurort railway station is a railway station of the North Caucasus Railway, a subsidiary of Russian Railways, located in Adler District of Sochi, Krasnodar Krai, Russia.

Tsentralny City District is one of four city districts of the city of Sochi in Krasnodar Krai, Russia. Sometimes referred to as "Sochi proper", it borders Lazarevsky City District in the west and Khostinsky City District in the north and in the east. In the southwest, it is bounded by the Black Sea. Population: 137,677 (2010 Census) ; 133,935 (2002 Census) ; 137,968 (1989 Census) .

  • 1 2 3 4 5 Registry of the Administrative-Territorial Units of Krasnodar Krai
  • 1 2 3 4 "Sochi" . Great Soviet Encyclopedia . (in Russian)
  • 1 2 Official website of Sochi Archived January 11, 2014, at the Wayback Machine
  • 1 2 3 Городское Собрание Сочи.   Решение   №89   от   14 июля 2009 г. « Об утверждении генерального плана городского округа города Сочи ». Вступил в силу   со дня опубликования. (City Assembly of Sochi.   Decision   # 89   of   July 14, 2009 On the Adoption of the General Plan of the Urban Okrug of the City of Sochi . Effective as of   the publication date.).
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 Russian Federal State Statistics Service (2011). Всероссийская перепись населения 2010 года. Том   1 [ 2010 All-Russian Population Census, vol.   1 ] . Всероссийская перепись населения 2010   года [2010 All-Russia Population Census] (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service .
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  • 1 2 3 Law #679-KZ
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  • ↑ "Оценка численности постоянного населения по субъектам Российской Федерации" . Federal State Statistics Service . Retrieved September 1, 2022 .
  • ↑ Rafael Saakov (February 4, 2014). "Sochi: The Russian city where I grew up" . BBC . Retrieved August 28, 2020 .
  • ↑ Sochi hosts 2014 Winter Olympics BBC Sport, July 4, 2007
  • ↑ PM Putin confirms Russian GP for 2014 GPUpdate, October 15, 2010
  • ↑ "F1 terminates Russian GP contract after cancellation of 2022 race" .
  • 1 2 Exposition of the Historical Museum of Sochi, partly reflected in Russian in История Сочи (History of Sochi) at the official site of the city
  • ↑ Mi, Ali. Çerkez tarihi
  • 1 2 А. В. Твёрдый. Топонимический словарь Кавказа
  • ↑ "სოჭი", A Comprehensive Georgian-English Dictionary , 2006, 2 cilt ISBN 0-9535878-3-5
  • ↑ Византийский храм в Лоо (in Russian). Архитектура Сочи. May 16, 2012 . Retrieved January 30, 2014 .
  • ↑ "Генуэзцы" . . Retrieved November 18, 2020 .
  • ↑ "Крепость Годлик, Сочи – описание, история, фотография, а также интересные факты |" (in Russian). May 19, 2017 . Retrieved November 18, 2020 .
  • ↑ Фунтиков, Илья (April 26, 2017). "Генуэзская крепость в Хосте" . Новости Сочи (in Russian) . Retrieved November 18, 2020 .
  • 1 2 Sochi – from ancient sites to 2014 Olympics , information from the Historical Museum of Sochi
  • ↑ Peter Hopkirk The great game: On Secret Service in High Asia , Chapter 12 "The Greatest Fortress in the World", pp. 158–159, Oxford University Press, 2001 ISBN   0-19-280232-1
  • ↑ Ahmed 2013 , p.   161 harvnb error: no target: CITEREFAhmed2013 ( help ) .
  • ↑ L.V.Burykina. Pereselenskoye dvizhenie na severo-zapagni Kavakaz . Reference in King.
  • ↑ Richmond 2008 , p.   79 harvnb error: no target: CITEREFRichmond2008 ( help ) .
  • ↑ Richmond, Walter (April 9, 2013). The Circassian Genocide . Rutgers University Press. ISBN   978-0-8135-6069-4 .
  • ↑ Shenfield, Stephen D. The Circassians: A Forgotten Genocide? , 1999
  • 1 2 Половинкина Т. В. Сочинское Причерноморье – Нальчик (2006) pp. 216–218, ISBN   588195775X
  • 1 2 4. Население (R_04.doc) in Российский статистический ежегодник 2011,, ISBN   978-5-89476-319-4
  • ↑ Stalin's ghost haunts Black Sea hotel at Mail & Guardian Online, Retrieved February 7, 2014
  • ↑ Голубева, Елена (September 25, 2013). Олимпийская столица – и для спортсменов, и для бизнесменов . Komsomolskaya Pravda (in Russian) . Retrieved January 30, 2014 .
  • ↑ Koenker, Diane P. (February 2014). "Sochi in the Russian Imagination" . Foreign Affairs .   –   via   Foreign Affairs (subscription required)
  • ↑ "Путин подписал закон о федеральной территории "Сириус" " . (in Russian). December 22, 2020.
  • 1 2 Travel Destinations Sochi Russia by Michael Totten | Traveler's Guide 360 Archived November 12, 2014, at the Wayback Machine . (February 11, 2013). Retrieved on January 3, 2014.
  • 1 2 "World Map of Köppen−Geiger Climate Classification" . Archived from the original on September 6, 2010.
  • 1 2 Drozdov, V. A.; Glezer, O. B.; Nefedova, T. G.; Shabdurasulov, I. V. (1992). "Ecological and geographical characteristics of the coastal zone of the Black Sea". GeoJournal . 27 (2): 169. doi : 10.1007/BF00717701 . S2CID   128960702 .
  • ↑ "Сочи, Пхенчхан и Зальцбург   — претенденты на Олимпиаду-2014" . ITAR-TASS . July 4, 2007. Archived from the original (in Russian) on July 5, 2007 . Retrieved January 7, 2014 .
  • ↑ Western Caucasus at Unesco Heritage Site. Retrieved July 7, 2007
  • ↑ Rybak, Elena A.; Rybak, Oleg O. & Zasedatelev, Yuri V. (1994). "Complex geographical analysis of the Greater Sochi region on the Black Sea coast" . GeoJournal . 34 (4): 507–513.
  • ↑ "Weather and Climate – The Climate of Sochi" (in Russian). Weather and Climate (Погода и климат) . Retrieved November 8, 2021 .
  • ↑ "Soci (Sochi) Climate Normals 1961–1990" . National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration . Retrieved October 29, 2021 .
  • ↑ "Погода в Сочи сейчас. Температура воды в море. Подробный прогноз. Сочи на карте погоды" .
  • According to 2014 official estimates, the population of Adlersky City District is 138,572, see "Оценка численности населения на 1 января 2014 года по муниципальным образованиям Краснодарского края [ Estimated population on January 1, 2014 by the municipalities of Krasnodar Region ] " (in Russian). Russian Federal State Statistics Service . April 15, 2014. Archived from the original on June 14, 2014.
  • The Moscow Times estimated in 2006 that there were about 80,000 Armenians in Adler, see Schreck, Carl (May 5, 2006). "Sochi's Armenian Diaspora Weeps" . The Moscow Times . Archived from the original on May 30, 2014. ...Sochi's Adler district, home to about 80,000 ethnic Armenians...
  • ↑ Schreck, Carl. "Sochi's Armenian Diaspora Weeps" . The Moscow Times . Hamshen Armenians comprise most of Sochi's Armenian population...
  • ↑ Ayvazyan, Hovhannes, ed. (2003). "Ռուսաստան [Russia]". Հայ Սփյուռք հանրագիտարան [Encyclopedia of Armenian Diaspora] (in Armenian). Vol.   1. Yerevan: Armenian Encyclopedia Publishing . p.   473. ISBN   978-5-89700-020-3 .
  • ↑ 1897 Census Archived December 31, 2013, at the Wayback Machine . (in Russian)
  • ↑ Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989   г. Численность наличного населения союзных и автономных республик, автономных областей и округов, краёв, областей, районов, городских поселений и сёл-райцентров [ All Union Population Census of 1989: Present Population of Union and Autonomous Republics, Autonomous Oblasts and Okrugs, Krais, Oblasts, Districts, Urban Settlements, and Villages Serving as District Administrative Centers ] . Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989   года [All-Union Population Census of 1989] (in Russian). Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета: Высшая школа экономики [Institute of Demography at the National Research University: Higher School of Economics]. 1989 – via Demoscope Weekly .
  • ↑ Russian Federal State Statistics Service (May 21, 2004). Численность населения России, субъектов Российской Федерации в составе федеральных округов, районов, городских поселений, сельских населённых пунктов   – районных центров и сельских населённых пунктов с населением 3   тысячи и более человек [ Population of Russia, Its Federal Districts, Federal Subjects, Districts, Urban Localities, Rural Localities—Administrative Centers, and Rural Localities with Population of Over 3,000 ] (XLS) . Всероссийская перепись населения 2002   года [All-Russia Population Census of 2002] (in Russian).
  • ↑ Федеральная Служба Государственной Статистики. Краснодарский краевой комитет государственной статистики «Национальный состав и владение языками, гражданство. Итоги Всероссийской переписи населения 2002 года по Краснодарскому краю. Том 4», г. Краснодар, 2005
  • ↑ Population of Russian Federation by cities, towns, and districts as of January 1, 2007: Rosstat , Moscow, 2007
  • ↑ " Rekhaniya ". Jewish Virtual Library .
  • 1 2 Sochi: a city with no mosque , OpenDemocracy , October 22, 2010
  • ↑ В ауле Тхагапш произошло знаменательное для верующих мусульман событие . (in Russian). (September 9, 2010). Retrieved on July 26, 2012.
  • ↑ "Итоги социально-экономического развития муниципального образования город-курорт Сочи за 2014 год" . . Retrieved September 8, 2020 .
  • ↑ "Основные итоги социально-экономического развития муниципального образования город-курорт Сочи за 2015 год" . . Retrieved September 8, 2020 .
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 "Информация о социально-экономическом развитии города Сочи за 2016 год" . . Retrieved September 8, 2020 .
  • 1 2 "Аналитическая записка об итогах социально-экономического развития города Сочи за 2017 год" . . Retrieved September 8, 2020 .
  • ↑ Наталья Зубаревич (2013). "Крупные города России: лидеры и аутсайдеры" (PDF) . Демоскоп Weekly . Archived (PDF) from the original on October 9, 2022 . Retrieved September 8, 2020 .
  • 1 2 Alexey (September 3, 2015). "Инфографика: экономика города-курорта Сочи в цифрах" . . Retrieved September 8, 2020 .
  • ↑ "Рейтинг городов России по качеству жизни (Top – 20) – 2010 год – Страница 2 – Urbanica" (in Russian) . Retrieved May 19, 2021 .
  • ↑ "Integral ranking "TOP 100 Russian cities" based on 2013 data – Page 2 – Urbanica" . . Retrieved May 19, 2021 .
  • ↑ "Integral ranking "TOP Russian cities" based on 2014 data – Page 2 – Urbanica" . . Retrieved May 19, 2021 .
  • ↑ Urbanica (October 15, 2009). "Рейтинг городов России по качеству жизни (Top – 20) – 2010 год" . Retrieved September 8, 2020 .
  • ↑ "30 лучших городов для бизнеса — 2012" . Forbes . Retrieved September 8, 2020 .
  • ↑ Чумаков Дмитрий Владимирович. "Туризм в Сочи как драйвер регионального развития" . European Research . Retrieved September 8, 2020 .
  • ↑ Ольга Ефимова; Денис Зыков; Юрий Малов (May 17, 2018). "Обзор рынка торговой недвижимости г. Сочи" . . Retrieved September 8, 2020 .
  • ↑ International Olympic Committee (July 4, 2007). "Sochi Elected as Host City of XXII Olympic Winter Games" . Retrieved July 4, 2007 .
  • ↑ A Major Tuneup for a Sports Machine, July 29, 2008
  • ↑ Bennetts, Marc (January 19, 2014). "Winter Olympics 2014: Sochi Games "nothing but a monstrous scam," says Kremlin critic Boris Nemtsov" . Telegraph . London. Archived from the original on January 11, 2022 . Retrieved February 4, 2014 .
  • ↑ "The Sochi Olympics: Castles in the sand" . The Economist . July 13, 2013 . Retrieved August 8, 2013 .
  • ↑ "The Economic Impact Of The Winter Olympics: Not Great For Russia But Sochi Stands To Gain" . . International Business Times. February 8, 2014 . Retrieved February 10, 2014 .
  • ↑ BBC News – Q&A: Gay rights in Russia . (August 13, 2013). Retrieved on January 3, 2014.
  • ↑ Winter, Jana (January 21, 2014). "US, Russian forces hunt jihadist widow feared inside Olympic zone" . . Retrieved January 21, 2014 .
  • ↑ "Power Supply to Be Stepped Up to Sochi by 2014" . Archived from the original on October 12, 2012 . Retrieved December 14, 2021 . . Kommersant . July 6, 2007
  • ↑ Silk Way Rally .
  • ↑ English, Steven (October 14, 2010). "Russia set to announce race from 2014" . . Haymarket Publications . Retrieved October 14, 2010 .
  • ↑ Kirby, Paul (April 17, 2022). "Why has Russia invaded Ukraine and what does Putin want?" . BBC News . Retrieved April 22, 2022 .
  • ↑ Andre Geim – Biographical , Nobel Prize winners (Physics, 2010)
  • ↑ Сильнейшие спортсмены СССР наши коллеги по движению «Мастерс»: Т-Я .
  • ↑ "Внешние связи" . (in Russian). Sochi . Retrieved February 4, 2020 .
  • ↑ "Welcome to Pärnu!" . Retrieved October 21, 2023 .
  • Управление по взаимодействию с органами местного самоуправления Администрации Краснодарского края.   Справочная информация   №34.01-707/13-03   от   23 мая 2013 г. «Реестр административно-территориальных единиц Краснодарского края». (Department of Cooperation with the Organs of the Local Self-Government of the Administration of Krasnodar Krai.   Reference Information   # 34.01-707/13-03   of   May   23, 2013 Registry of the Administrative-Territorial Units of Krasnodar Krai . ).
  • Законодательное Собрание Краснодарского края.   Закон   №679-КЗ   от   1 апреля 2004 г. «Об установлении границ муниципального образования город-курорт Сочи и наделении его статусом городского округа», в ред. Закона №1756-КЗ от   3 июня 2009 г   «О внесении изменений в некоторые законодательные акты Краснодарского края об установлении границ муниципальных образований». Вступил в силу   со дня официального опубликования. Опубликован: "Кубанские новости", №64–65, 17 апреля 2004 г. (Legislative Assembly of Krasnodar Krai.   Law   # 679-KZ   of   April   1, 2004 On Establishing the Borders of the Municipal Formation of the Resort City of Sochi and on Granting It Urban Okrug Status , as amended by the Law   # 1756-KZ of   June   3, 2009 On Amending Various Legislative Acts of Krasnodar Krai on Establishing the Borders of the Municipal Formations . Effective as of   the day of the official publication.).
  • Historical Dictionary of Sochi, ISBN   9781876586232 [Currently the only major work on the city in English.]
  • Works by or about James Stanislaus Bell at Internet Archive ( Journal of a Residence in Circassia During the Years 1837, 1838, and 1839 )
  • Official website of Sochi
  • Official website of Sochi (in Russian)
  • Secrieru, Stanislav: "The 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi: Implications for the Caucasus" in the Caucasus Analytical Digest No.19
  • Weather Report for Sochi, Russia
  • Sochi at
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Krasnodar Krai: inside Russia’s southern gem

Home to sochi, host of the 2014 winter olympics, this russian region has plenty to offer travellers.

You can be in the mountains in the morning and on the beach by afternoon in Sochi. Courtesy Wow Sochi

You can be in the mountains in the morning and on the beach by afternoon in Sochi. Courtesy Wow Sochi

Hayley Skirka author image

Where can you go that's less than four hours from the UAE  and allows you to be at the top of a snow-capped mountain in the morning and lounging on the beach by lunch?

If you’d asked me this question a month ago, my answer – possibly like many people familiar with this region – would have been Lebanon.

The country is known for its party scene, fantastic beach clubs and good ski resorts. But ask me today and you'll probably be surprised by my answer, if only because it's most likely a place you've never heard of.

St Basil’s Cathedral stands alongside the Kremlin. Getty 

I'm talking about Krasnodar Krai. This destination had quietly slipped under my radar until a few weeks ago, when flydubai launched direct flights from Dubai to Sochi, one of the major cities in the Krasnodar Krai district of southern Russia.

Sochi – that’s a spot you might have heard of. It was the host of the 2014 Winter Olympics, which perhaps explains why I arrived in the city expecting to see little more than snow-capped mountains.

Even though it was June, I wasn’t disappointed – although technically the mountains I saw were in the Krasnaya Polyana region, rather than in Sochi itself. What I also saw landing at Sochi International Airport was a set of coloured Olympic rings, waiting to welcome travellers to a city that was entirely rebuilt for the world’s most popular winter sporting event. Sochi is proud of its status as an Olympic host and even more so of the way it has eluded the oft-dreaded curse that befalls many host towns.

Beyond the games 

Many nations struggle in the aftermath of the Olympics – which require massive infrastructure, housing and facility development with associated costs ($51 billion [Dh187.33bn] in Russia's case) – but a lack of visitors once the final gold medal has been handed out.

That's not been the case in Russia. Instead, only eight months after the Winter Olympics ended, Sochi hosted the first Grand Prix to take place in the country in exactly 100 years. Housed in the newly built Sochi Autodrom, the fourth-longest circuit on the Formula One calendar, it soon became a regular fixture on the international motorsport calendar. If cars are your thing, you can book a tour of the circuit (Dh40 for adults ) and you'll get to wander the pit lane, step inside the team garages, visit the control room and stand on the winner's podium. Afterwards, the Sochi AutoSport Museum lets you get up close and personal with some of the rarest cars in motorsport history.

Rebuilt to host the 2014 winter olympics, Sochi's transport options are impressive. 

Adjacent to the Aut odrom is Sochi Olympic Park (free entry), home to the famous Fisht Stadium, arguably the most impressive arena in all of Russia. It's where the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games took place and was also a host site for Russia's 2018 Fifa World Cup. Right in the middle of the Olympic Park, if you look carefully enough, you'll see a small graveyard belonging to the community that lived on this land before it was selected as the site of the Olympics. Sochi's Old Believers' cemetery predates the new venues by more than 100 years, and is the only remnant of a time, not too long ago, when Sochi was nothing but farmland and villages.

If you're travelling with children, Sochi Park is a western-style theme park that's not quite on par with Disneyland but will certainly keep little ones entertained. The four-star fairy-tale castle-like Bogatyr hotel (rooms from Dh680 ) is right on site and offers unlimited access to the park's roller coasters, carousels and myriad attractions. Elsewhere, the main Olympic Village, which was once home to athletes, journalists and delegates, is now a resort town that welcomes tourists from all over the country who descend on Sochi in search of the "Russian Riviera" lifestyle.

On the beach

Luxury resorts line the pebble beach not far from the Olympic Village and site of the Russian Grand Prix.

One of the biggest draws in this southern region is the Black Sea coastline.Stretching some 150 kilometres, it offers vast stretches of beaches to explore. From the popular tourist-laden Riviera Beach, dotted with bars, restaurants, volleyball courts and ice cream stalls, to the remote pebbly coastline in Adler, sunbathing is easy – just don't expect sand. If that's a deal breaker for you, the Radisson Collection Paradise Resort and Spa (rooms from Dh869 ) has a white sandy beach created from sand imported for an international volleyball tournament. The luxury resort also has one of the area's best-ranked spas and there are six luxury villas, if you want a bit more privacy.

Now, back to those mountains: from Sochi's resort district you can take a 40-minute high-speed train journey to Krasnaya Polyana, the mountainous region above Sochi and the place where the Olympic ski ing, bobsledding and snowboarding competitions took place.

The mountains of Krasnaya Polyana attract local and foreign tourists in search of snow and Caucasus elevations. The most popular winter resort is Roza Khutor, which has 80kms of ski trails and an impressively long ski season. Prices, in comparison to many European ski resorts, are on the decidedly low end of the scale.

Much of Sochi could be mistaken for being in Switzerland or Austria, but prices are a lot more affordable. 

Visit in summer and you'll see an entirely different side of this mountainous province, which is best reached via a network of ski-lifts, gondolas and cable cars. Gliding overhead, you'll get an unexpected juxtaposition of fauna – fir, oak, pine and juniper trees happily nestle beside tropical palms and flowering rhododendron. Keep an eye out for the deer, goats, boar and even the odd bear that call these forests home. And don't forget your jacket – it may be a balmy 27°C on the ground but travel a few thousand metres higher and you'll be able to scrape together a few snowballs. Then stop for lunch at Vysota 2320 on Rosa Peak, the highest point in the region, where hearty Russian and Georgian food, plus breathtaking views from a height of 2,320 metres, await. Finally, descend the mountain and take a selfie at the flag-covered Olympic Village, in front of the Olympic rings, with the mountain peaks as a stunning backdrop.

Gorky Gorod is a mountain resort where cable cars and gondolas used as ski-lifts in winter act as handy traveltors in summer. 

Not too far from Roza Khutor is Gorky Gorod (disembark at Esto-Sadok train station, if you're travelling by rail). This resort town is home to the longest night-ski track in the area, and another popular choice for summer weekends. The tiny village has its own private beach on the Black Sea, dozens of open-air restaurants, cafes and shisha bars, live music and an aqua park. There's a plethora of hotels in Gorky Gorod so you won't struggle to find a place to stay that fits what you're looking for in terms of budget and activities.

The spa at Rixos Krasnaya Polyana Sochi. Courtesy Rixos hotel

If a girlie spa weekend has been on your radar then you could do a lot worse than checking in to the Rixos Krasnaya Polyana Sochi (rooms from Dh410) . Situated midway up the mountain at about 960m above sea level, it's home to one of the most beautiful spas I've ever seen, spread over two storeys and with oversized arch windows to make the most of the Caucasus mountain views.

Families, however, might be better off staying in the central square, where you don't need to rely on cable cars to get from your hotel to the town centre. The Courtyard by Marriott Sochi (rooms from Dh170 ) has a great location on the banks of the Mzymta River and is within walking distance of the resort's main strip. In summer, the traditional Christmas markets in the town centre are repurposed as market stalls where you can pick up souvenirs like classic matryoshka dolls, Olympic memorabilia or Georgian churchkhela (a traditional sweet).

The Caucasus mountains act as the ideal backdrop for adventure travellers at Skypark. 

Adventure enthusiasts could stay at the Novotel Krasnaya Polyana (rooms from Dh210 ). In winter, it offers ski-in ski-out facilities and in summer is a great starting point for keen hikers. It's also close to the newly opened zip line, the highest and longest in Russia, where you can fly through the air at an altitude of more than 2,000m (tickets are Dh86). If that's piqued your adventure appetite, squeeze in a day trip to SkyPark.

About a 40-minute drive from Gorky Gorod, this adventure park (entry Dh86 for adults, Dh45 for children ) was created by AJ Hacket, the man who brought bungee jumping to the world. As well as being home to one of the world's highest bungee jumps, it's also where you can swing above a river at speeds of up to 120kms per hour, zip line through the trees above Sochi's National Park or take a walk on the world's longest suspended pedestrian bridge – the perfect way to take in the undiscovered natural beauty of Russia's deep south below you.


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    quail farm business plan


  1. වටු පාලනය....Quail farm morning rooting @dilipsview

  2. జపనీస్ క్వయిల్స్ ఇంటి దగ్గరే పెంచుతున్న ఎలాగంటే..

  3. Quail farm

  4. My first quail cage! And the two sets of quail that I plan on breeding. #quail #homestead

  5. Biggest Quails Farming

  6. Cattle Farming Business plan In pakistan 🇵🇰 2023


  1. Starting Quail Farming Business Plan (PDF)

    How to start a profitable Quail farming business and the quail farming business plan (PDF, Word and Excel financial statements)

  2. Quail Farming Business Plan

    Actually, commercial quail farming business is gaining popularity throughout the world day by day. And if you intend to join this profitable business venture, you must have to prepare an effective quail farming business plan before starting.

  3. Quail Farm Basics: How to Start and Unlock Feathered Profits

    Wondering how to start a quail farm? From writing a business plan to marketing, here's everything you need to know.

  4. Quail Farming Business Plan [Sample Template]

    A Sample Quail Farming Business Plan Template. 1. Industry Overview. Quail is a general name that is given to a genera of mid-sized birds generally placed in the order Galliformes. Quail eggs are a sweet delicacy in many parts of the world, including the united states of America, Canada, in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America.

  5. How to Start Quail Farming

    Do you want to start quail farming? Here's the complete guide for raising Quail at your Home for meat and eggs.

  6. How to write a business plan for a quail farm?

    When you write the strategy section of your quail farm business plan, remember to cover key elements such as your competitive edge, pricing strategy, sales & marketing plan, milestones, and risks and mitigants. In the competitive edge subsection, elaborate on what makes your company stand out from competitors.

  7. Master the Art of Quail Farming: Your 9-Step Business Plan Guide!

    Learn how to craft a comprehensive business plan for your quail farm in just 9 simple steps. Our checklist will guide you through the process effortlessly, ensuring success for your venture. Start now and build a thriving quail farming business!

  8. How to Raise Quail for Profit Despite Their Size

    Since quail reproduce quickly and there's a fair demand for their eggs, meat, feathers & more, raising quail for profit is possible even with little space.

  9. Master Quail Farming: Create a Winning Business Plan in 9 Steps!

    Learn how to create a successful quail farming business plan with our comprehensive 9-step checklist. Boost your farming venture's potential and profitability today!

  10. How to open a profitable quail farm?

    From market research to business planning: we guide you through the steps you need to take to open a profitable quail farm.

  11. How to Start Quail Farming in 10 Steps: Business Plan, Management, and Care

    How to Start Quail Farming in 10 Steps, Business Plan, Management, and Care, Feed and Care for Your Quails and more

  12. Quail Farming: How to Start Quail Farm Business

    Learn how to start Quail Bird Cultivation step by step. 1. Information. This is what you need to realize prior to beginning quail cultivating. Here you will get an unmistakable image of how to begin Quail Farming. To start with, assemble data about Quail birds, Learn about the climate in which they develop.

  13. Quail farming business is the profitable business for small and

    The term 'quail farming' means, raising quails commercially (like other poultry birds) for the purpose of profitable eggs and meat production. The quail farming business is very easy, lucrative and entertaining. It's very easy to maintain a quail farm, because quails are among the smallest species of poultry birds. The Japanese scientists first tamed the wild quails and revealed the ways ...

  14. Quail Farming Business Plan

    The business plan for quail farming includes investment, breeds, house, feed management, care, and marketing strategies. In Commercial quail farming quails are reared for eggs and meat. For a successful business, it is recommended to start with some basic training.

  15. Sample Quail Farming Business Plan

    The quail farming business is an industry that falls within the confines of the agriculture industry. In some major areas of the world, quail products such as the quail eggs are used as fine delicacies.

  16. Quail Farming Business Plan Contents

    This document outlines a business plan for a quail farming operation. It covers objectives to produce and sell quail eggs and meat. The plan details operational requirements such as housing, equipment, breeding stock, production cycles, and disease prevention. It also provides a marketing strategy and financial projections, including startup costs, a profit and loss statement, cash flow ...

  17. Quail Farming

    Quail farming is a very profitable business like other livestock farming ventures, such as chicken, turkey or duck farming business. Commercial quail rearing is mainly popular for the quality of meat and eggs and the easy process of caring these birds. Quail eggs are very nutritious than other poultry eggs.

  18. How to start quail farming business

    How to start quail farming business. Quail farming part 1. Agribusiness How It Works.Learn the fundamentals in how to start your own Quail Farming Business. ...

  19. Business plan of Quail Farming in Rupandehi District

    The following business plan and the feasibility study is for the whole production scenario of Japanese quail. ( Coturnix japonica japonica) at the "D&L Poultry farm" Rupandehi Bhairahawa. This ...

  20. Issue 34, Summer 2024

    Background on the Bull. Hearing the term "bull" as a descriptor for a shark probably conjures up imagesof a pugnacious and powerful predator. While it's true that bull sharks ( Carcharhinus leucas) earned their name from their stocky build andaggressive, predatory talents, there's a lot more to these sharks than theirfearsome reputations.

  21. Sochi

    In the manufacturing industry, the overwhelming share of food production enterprises, which account for 92.3% of the production volume. [60] Large enterprises: Sochi meat-packing plant, Trout-breeding farm, Primorskaya quail farm, Sochi bakery and Lazarevsky bakery.

  22. 2 Storey House, 380 M²

    4 Baths. 4,091 sqft. 11,841 sqft lot. $232/sqft. A new pre-finished house in a picturesque location in Krasnaya Polyana. Built by Serbs who have proven themselves to be excellent builders in Sochi. A well-maintained plot with stunning views. The hou.

  23. Sochi

    In the manufacturing industry, the overwhelming share of food production enterprises, which account for 92.3% of the production volume. [61] Large enterprises: Sochi meat-packing plant, Trout-breeding farm, Primorskaya quail farm, Sochi bakery and Lazarevsky bakery.

  24. Krasnodar Krai: inside Russia's southern gem

    This destination had quietly slipped under my radar until a few weeks ago, when flydubai launched direct flights from Dubai to Sochi, one of the major cities in the Krasnodar Krai district of southern Russia. Sochi - that's a spot you might have heard of. It was the host of the 2014 Winter Olympics, which perhaps explains why I arrived in ...