Submitting your ETD

  • Article Number: 000034727

Providing Publishing and Contact Information

Providing information about your dissertation/thesis, submission & payment.

Congratulations on completing your dissertation or thesis! We are honored that you are publishing your work with us. ProQuest Dissertation Publishing has been publishing dissertations and theses since 1938. In that time, we have published over 2 million graduate works from graduate schools around the world. We make this collective resource available to researchers in libraries through ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Database. After it is published, your work will become part of this important repository.

ETD Administrator is a site for students to submit their ETD (electronic thesis or dissertation) for publishing. The ETD homepage provides a high-level view of the submission process.

Here is a summary:

  • You create your submission, a process during which you:
  • Provide your contact information
  • Provide a PDF version of your manuscript
  • Make decisions about publishing options and restrictions
  • Your submission is then assigned to an administrator at your graduate school for review.
  • The assigned administrator reviews your submission to ensure that your information—including your abstract and the PDF of your manuscript—is accurate, correct, and complete. You may be asked to make either minor or major revisions.
  • When your submission passes review, the administrator will approve (accept) it.
  • Your ETD is then delivered to ProQuest for publishing.

Publishing Information

Traditional Publishing versus Open Access Publishing PLUS

These options allow you to decide how your dissertation/thesis should be published and distributed. For help determining which option to select, view our Publishing Guides.

After selecting a publishing option, we will ask you to review and accept the corresponding publishing agreement. NOTE: this is a non-exclusive agreement; ProQuest does not require exclusive distribution rights.

Reviewing and Agreeing to Your School's University Agreement

Institutions have the option of including their University Agreement as part of the ETD Administrator workflow. Generally, this agreement will ask for your permission to include your dissertation or thesis in your school's institutional repository. If your institution opts in to this feature, we will ask you to review and accept your school's University Agreement.

"I want my work to be available as soon as it is published"

  • If you want to delay access to the full text of your dissertation or thesis (for example, if there is a patent pending), select No and then select one of the time period options provided.
  • If you want a delayed release (embargo period) that does not match the options shown, select the closest available option and then use the " Note to administrator " field to request the preferred time frame.  

"I want major search engines (e.g. Google, Yahoo) to discover my work"

You can indicate whether or not you want your dissertation/thesis to be available to search engines such as Google. If you select No , your work will be available for discovery only by users of the ProQuest Dissertations & Thesis database. NOTE: Internet search engines are likely to find your dissertation or thesis through other access points, especially through the library or institutional repository at your graduate institution. If you truly need exclusion from search engines, you will need to petition for restriction at your graduate institution in addition to restricting such access through ProQuest.

"I want my graduate work to be sold by third party retailers in addition to ProQuest"

You can indicate whether or not you would like your dissertation/thesis to be available to third party retailers. If you select Traditional Publishing and select Yes to this option, you will be eligible to receive royalty payments (see the Traditional Publishing agreement for more details).

Contact Information

Your contact information allows ProQuest to contact you with any questions regarding your submission, and to send you any royalty payments. NOTE: If you are unsure what your 'permanent mailing address' will be in the future, consider providing your parents' address or another permanent address.

Dissertation/Thesis details

This page allows you to add details about your degree and dissertation/thesis. Abstracts, subject categories, and keywords help other researchers discover your dissertation/thesis in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses.

Abstract formatting — You can format an abstract using formatting codes to control how it appears (for example, making it bold or superscript).

PDF files are used for publishing. To ensure that a dissertation/thesis is published as intended, please review your PDF before uploading.

Check your PDF settings — Your PDF must have all fonts embedded and security settings showing 'No security.' See instructions for embedding fonts and for checking security settings .

Creating a PDF — If you do not have a PDF, you can create one by uploading your manuscript using ProQuest ETD Administrator. Alternatively, you can use other sources like Create Adobe® PDF Online . Your institution's computer or writing centers may offer additional alternatives.

Supplemental Files (optional)

You can submit supplementary materials (such as audio, video, and spreadsheets) that are part of your dissertation or thesis. These files will be made available in ProQuest when your work is published.

Supplemental file requirements:

  • Do not upload files that someone else holds rights to, such as third party software. For example, do not upload a copy of Microsoft Excel software (however uploading an Excel spreadsheet is OK).
  • When uploading any file, please provide a brief description that clearly describes what is in the file, and select the appropriate media type.
  • Zip large files (i.e. files over 10 MB)
  • Zip large numbers of files or files that have a directory structure.

Notes (optional)

You can include a note to your graduate school administrator. For example, you may want to write a note if you have a patent pending and need to delay the release of your work.

Before submitting your work, you can:

  • Optionally choose to request that ProQuest register for copyright on your behalf.
  • Optionally order copies of your dissertation or thesis.

Register U.S. Copyright

A fee will apply if you would like ProQuest to register for United States Copyright for you.

Order Copies

  • If you want copies of your dissertation/thesis, select the type and quantity. Your copies will be shipped approximately 8–12 weeks after we receive the dissertation/thesis from your graduate school.
  • If you have questions about the status of an order, contact ProQuest Dissertations Support .
  • Submit your dissertation/thesis when all required steps have been completed.
  • A list of the items you selected (including copies, copyright fee, publishing fee, etc.) will display for your review.
  • You will be prompted to pay any applicable fees.
  • After you submit, your dissertation/thesis will be sent to your graduate school administrator for review, approval, and delivery to ProQuest.

Soumettre votre ETD

Vue d'ensemble.

  • Fournir des renseignements d'édition et des coordonnées

Fournir des renseignements sur votre thèse

Soumission et règlement.

Félicitations pour avoir terminé votre thèse! Nous sommes honorés de votre confiance pour l'édition de votre travail. Le Bureau de Publications ProQuest édite des dissertations et des thèses depuis 1938. Depuis lors, nous avons édité plus de 2 millions de travaux de fin d'études pour des écoles d'études supérieures dans le monde entier. Nous mettons cette ressource collective à la disposition des chercheurs dans les bibliothèques à l'aide de la base de données de Dissertations et thèses de ProQuest. Une fois édité, votre travail fera partie de ce référentiel important.

ETD Administrator est un site permettant aux étudiants de soumettre leurs ETD (thèses électroniques) pour leur édition.

Le schéma suivant illustre le chemin qu'une soumission peut suivre. Cliquez pour agrandir.

Voici un résumé du processus :

  • fournir vos coordonnées
  • fournir une version PDF de votre document
  • déterminer les options d'édition
  • Votre soumission est alors affectée à un administrateur de votre école d'études supérieures pour sa révision.
  • L'administrateur affecté révise votre soumission pour s'assurer que vos renseignements, y compris votre résumé et le PDF de votre document, sont exacts, corrects et complets. Il vous sera peut-être demandé d'apporter des modifications mineures ou majeures.
  • Lorsque la révision de votre soumission est terminée, l'administrateur "l'acceptera".
  • Votre ETD est alors envoyé à ProQuest pour son édition.

Fournir des renseignements d'édition et vos coordonnées

Renseignements sur l'édition, examination et acceptation de l'accord entre auteur et université.

Les universités ont le choix d'ajouter leur Accord entre auteur et université au site ETD Administrator. En règle générale, cet accord demandera votre autorisation de dépôt de votre thèse dans le dépôt institutionnel de votre université. Si votre université fait ce choix, nous vous prions de lire et d'accepter l'Accord entre auteur et université, tel qu'il est conçu par votre université

"Je veux que mon travail soit disponible dès qu'il est édité"

  • Si vous souhaitez différer l'accès au texte intégral de votre thèse (par exemple, s'il existe un brevet en instance), sélectionnez Non, puis sélectionnez l'une des options de période fournies.

Remarque : Si vous ne voyez pas cette question, cela signifie que votre institution n'a pas choisi de l'inclure. Utilisez la section Notes pour rédiger un message adrésseé aux administrateurs de votre établissement demandant un embargo.  

  • Si vous souhaitez une publication retardée (période d'embargo) ne correspondant pas aux options affichées, sélectionnez l'option disponible la plus proche, puis utilisez la période souhaitée.

"Je veux que les moteurs de recherches principaux (par ex. Google, Yahoo) puissent trouver mon travail"

Vous pouvez indiquer si vous souhaitez ou non que votre thèse soit disponible pour les moteurs de recherche tels que Google. Si vous choisissez "Non", votre travail ne sera accessible que par les utilisateurs de Dissertations et thèses ProQuest.

Veuillez noter toutefois que les moteurs de recherche en ligne risquent de trouver votre thèse via d'autres points d'accès, en particulier par la bibliothèque ou l'espace de stockage institutionnel de votre institution d'études supérieures. Si l'exclusion des moteurs de recherche est vraiment nécessaire, vous devrez demander une restriction auprès de votre institution d'études supérieures en plus de la restriction d'accès via ProQuest.

"Je veux que mon travail de fin d'études soit vendu par des revendeurs tiers en plus de ProQuest"

Vous pouvez indiquer si vous souhaitez ou non que votre thèse soit disponible à la vente par des revendeurs tiers. Si vous choisissez "Non", nous ne mettrons pas votre travail à la disposition des revendeurs tiers.


Nous respectons votre confidentialité. Vos coordonnées permettent à ProQuest de vous contacter pour toute question concernant votre soumission.

Nous ne collecterons que les coordonnées nécessaires au traitement de votre soumission, à la réalisation des commandes d'impression et/ou à l'inscription de votre travail auprès de la protection du droit d'auteur aux États-Unis.

Contrat ProQuest

Le Contrat ProQuest est une licence non exclusive entre vous-même et ProQuest. Veuillez noter qu'il s'agit d'un contrat non exclusif, ProQuest n'exige pas de droits de distribution exclusive.

Veuillez suivre les étapes ci-dessous:

  • Remplissez le formulaire.
  • Imprimez le formulaire.
  • Signez et datez le formulaire.
  • Remettez le formulaire à votre école d'études supérieures.

Détails de la thèse

Cette page vous permet d'ajouter des détails à propos de votre diplôme et de votre thèse. Les résumés, catégories et mots clés aident les autres chercheurs à découvrir votre thèse dans Dissertations et thèses ProQuest.

Formatage de résumé : vous pouvez formater un résumé en utilisant des codes de formatage pour contrôler la manière dont il apparaît (for exemple, le faire apparaître en gras ou en indice supérieur). Apprenez-en davantage à propos du formatage de résumés.

Les fichiers PDF sont utilisés pour l'édition. Afin de garantir qu'une thèse sera éditée comme souhaité, veuillez réviser votre PDF avant de procéder à son téléversement.

  • Vérification de vos paramètres PDF : votre PDF doit avoir toutes les fontes incorporées et les options de protection indiquant 'Aucune protection'. Consultez les instructions pour l'incorporation de fontes et le contrôle des options de protection .
  • Création d'un PDF : si vous n'avez pas de PDF, vous pouvez en créer un en téléversant votre document en utilisant l'outil de Conversion PDF disponible depuis ProQuest ETD Administrator. Alternativement, vous pouvez utiliser d'autres sources telles que Créer un Adobe® PDF en ligne . Les centres d'écriture ou informatiques de votre institution peuvent également proposer d'autres alternatives.

Fichiers supplémentaires (optionnel)

Vous pouvez soumettre du matériel supplémentaire (tel que des fichiers audio, vidéo et des feuilles de calcul) comme partie intégrante de votre thèse. Ces fichiers seront rendus disponibles dans ProQuest lorsque votre travail sera édité.

Exigences relatives aux fichiers supplémentaires :

  • Ne téléversez pas de fichiers dont vous n'êtes pas détenteur de tous les droits, tels que des logiciels de tierces parties. Par exemple, ne téléversez pas une copie du logiciel Microsoft Excel (toutefois, téléverser une feuille de calcul Excel ne pose pas de problèmes).
  • Pour tout fichier que vous téléversez, veuillez fournir une brève description qui indique clairement ce que le fichier comprend et sélectionnez le type de média approprié.
  • Votre signature
  • Une adresse de courriel
  • Une adresse
  • Un numéro de téléphone
  • Compressez les gros fichiers (c.-à-d. les fichiers de plus de 10 Mo)
  • Compressez les grandes quantités de fichiers ou les fichiers présentant une structure de dossier.
  • La taille de fichier maximum pour un fichier unique est de 1000 Mo.
  • La taille maximum pour l'ensemble des fichiers soumis est de 1000 Mo. En d'autres mots, lorsque vous soumettez le PDF de votre thèse avec des fichiers supplémentaires, la taille combinée de tous les fichiers doit être inférieure à 1000 Mo.

Notes (optionnel)

Vous pouvez inclure une note à l'administrateur de votre école d'études supérieures. Par exemple, vous souhaiterez peut-être écrire une note si vous avez un brevet en attente et que vous devez retarder la publication de votre travail.

Avant de soumettre votre travail, vous pouvez choisir de l'inscrire pour la protection du droit d'auteur aux États-Unis ou commander des copies imprimées de votre thèse. Remarque : ceci est optionnel.

Inscrire un droit d'auteur aux États-Unis

Si vous souhaitez que ProQuest inscrive un droit d'auteur aux États-Unis pour vous, vous pouvez le demander ici. Cela occasionnera des frais supplémentaires.

Commander des copies

Si vous désirez recevoir des copies de votre thèse, choisissez-en le type et la quantité ici. Vos copies seront livrées environ 8 à 12 semaines après réception de la thèse envoyée par votre école d'études supérieures.

Pour toute question éventuelle quant à l'état d'une commande, veuillez contacter l' Assistance à la rédaction de dissertations .

Soumettez votre thèse lorsque toutes les étapes ont été terminées.

Une liste des éléments que vous avez sélectionnés (y compris les copies, les frais de droit d'auteur, etc.) s'affichera pour révision. Le système vous demandera de payer tous les frais applicables.

Suite à la soumission, votre thèse sera envoyée à l'administrateur de votre école d'études supérieures pour sa révision.

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Submitting an Electronic Thesis to ProQuest

  • Preparing Theses for ProQuest Submission
  • How to Upload/Submit a Thesis to ProQuest

ProQuest Traditional Verses Open Access Publishing

Registering for us copyright (optional), copyright faq.

  • Embargos on your Thesis or Project

proquest dissertation express

ProQuest offers students two publishing options for theses, Traditional Publishing or Open Access Publishing PLUS.

Traditional Publishing

There is no cost for this option. Your thesis will only be made available by ProQuest through their ProQuest Dissertations and Theses subscription database and for sale through their Dissertations Express service. Authors are entitled to royalties for these sales as set out on the full  Traditional Publishing Agreement .

  • The   thesis   will not be freely available in PQDT Open. 
  • There is no fee charged.
  • The author is eligible to receive royalties.
  • The   thesis   will be available for purchase through ProQuest.
  • The thesis will appear in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, a subscription database.
  • A record for the   thesis   (may include citation, abstract, preview, etc.) will appear in  other  ProQuest  resources, in library catalogs and in indexes such as ABI, Art Bibliographies  Moder n .  Ebsco  and others.

Open Access PLUS

Theses are made available through the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses subscription database and through the  PQDT Open  platform that allows anyone with Internet access to access and download the thesis for free. 

  • The thesis will be freely available in PQDT Open.
  • The author waives rights to receive royalties.
  • The thesis will be available for purchase through ProQuest. 
  • The thesis will appear in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, a subscription database, and in PQDT Open 
  • A record of the thesis (may include citation, abstract, preview, etc.) will appear in other ProQuest resources, in library catalogs and in indexes such as ABI, Art Bibliographies Modern. Ebsco and others.

Comparison of the two options

As part of the ProQuest thesis submission process you will have the option to pay for ProQuest to register your thesis for US Copyright on your behalf and deposit the necessary copies for you with the Copyright Office. The cost is $55. Registration offers certain legal benefits if someone infringes on your copyright and you wish to bring suit.  More information is available in the "Optional Copyright Registration" section of this page:

  • How do I get copyright for my thesis/dissertation? As the author of a thesis or dissertation, you own the copyright to your work.  Under U.S. Copyright law, a creator of an "original work" created in a "fixed tangible medium" is immediately and automatically the copyright owner of the work, and your work is protected. 
  • Do I need to register my work with the U.S. Copyright Office? As stated above, your thesis or dissertation is automatically protected under copyright.  However, there are some important practical and legal benefits to registering your copyright, particularly the right to collect " statutory damages " in a successful infringement lawsuit.  Essentially, if at some point you might want to take legal action in order to protect your work, you should register it with the  U.S. Copyright Office . 
  • How do I register my work? In the course of this submission, you can request that ProQuest/UMI file for copyright with the U.S. Copyright on your behalf.  ProQuest charges a $55 fee for this service.You can also do the filing yourself directly through U.S. Copyright Office at .  You will be charged a $35 registration fee.
  • Finding and Using Images:  Fair Use
  • Citation and Copyright : Fair Use

The information in this section is adapted and expanded from "Submitting Electronic Theses and Dissertations to ProQuest" from the Regent University Library.

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  • Next: Embargos on your Thesis or Project >>
  • Last Updated: Oct 8, 2019 12:41 PM
  • URL:

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Searching ProQuest's Dissertations & Theses: Full Record: Citation & Abstract

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Full Record: Citation & Abstract

  • Full Record: Full Text - PDF
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  • Look Up Citation
  • Sample Searches

Citation & Abstract Tips

1. Record Tool Bar

When viewing a full record, use one of the tools to work with the item.

Add to selected items lets you mark the record and create a list of items to work with later on.

Save to My Research adds the records to your My Research account where they will be stored and available each time you sign in to the My Research account.

Email or Print any marked items.

The Cite tool generates a bibliography in any of the supported styles available from the pull-down menu. Copy and paste the generated bibliography into a document and make any necessary edits. Remember to always check for accuracy.

Export items into a bibliographic manager like RefWorks (subscription and account required) or to the RIS file format. Exporting moves a copy of the record out of ProQuest and into one of the bibliographic managers or supported file formats.

Save is used to save the records as a PDF, RTF, HTML, or a text only file. Choose to include the level of record detail you want to save and a citation style. A permanent link to each document will also be saved with your file.

Tags are relevant words or phrases that you assign to items in ProQuest to help you organize your research and classify items. They can be made private or public and you can add as many tags to a document as you like. In order to create tags, you must have a My Research account, but you do not have to have a My Research account to view tags created by other users. For additional information, please see the please see the My Research section of this guide.

The Share button allows you to share links to documents with other ProQuest users via social networking sites. Move your mouse over the button to display and select from a list of featured available services. With the list displayed, click More... to display a complete list of available services.

2. Other Formats

When you select to view the C itation & Abstract format of the full record, you will see links to Preview – PDF, F ull text - PDF, if full text is available and/or Order a copy . Each record will contain links to the available document formats and any linking tools that the library administrator has enabled to help locate the full text.

Please consider that not all records have full text available from ProQuest and you may only have a link to view the Citation / C itation & Abstract (the full record).

Preview – PDF: you can click this icon to view a preview of the first few pages of a dissertation or thesis in PDF format (up to the first 24 pages of the document or the first 10% of the content).

Full Text – PDF: Where available, you can view documents in Portable Document Format (PDF). This can be used across many different types of computers and browsers, and will preserve the look and feel of the original document in terms of fonts, layout, and images.

Order a copy: Our online discovery service Dissertation Express contains a searchable database of dissertations and theses, copies of which are available for direct purchase. It lists the document formats available for purchase, including electronic PDF, Unbound Paper Copy, Softcover Paper Copy, Hardcover Paper Copy, 35mm Roll Microfilm, and Microfiche (ProQuest Dissertations and Theses only). See screenshots to the right . Note that account administrators can also set up custom order a copy links using the ProQuest Administrator Module.

If your library has enabled tools to locate full text for you, you may see additional links here.

3. References

When provided by the author, References  contain the citations of resources used to help contribute thoughts and ideas discussed within the current document. If one of the References is available to your library through another ProQuest database, you will be able to click on the reference to view the full record.

Cited by displays a list of other ProQuest documents that include the current document in their list of References .

Documents with shared references provides a list of the ProQuest documents that have References in common with the current document.

4. More Like This

Click on See similar documents to display five suggested items that are related to the current record. ProQuest analyzes the keywords in the full record and then suggests similar items. To see more similar items, click Next 5 .

Search within indexing terms  displays the indexed subject terms for the record and allows you to choose relevant subjects. When you click Search, ProQuest looks for documents in your currently selected databases that are indexed using ALL of your selected terms. It is possible to come across records that do not include subject terms and therefore this feature may not be available. In other cases additional index terms such as the author may appear in this section.

5. Abstract

The Abstract provides a summary of the document and may include a translate option. ProQuest will translate the abstract from English to any of the 14 languages currently supported. When you click Translate , a disclaimer will advise you that this is an "on-the-fly" machine translation and is not intended to replace human translation.

6. Indexing

The Indexing section displays the other indexed fields that did not appear at the top of the record. The indexed fields are also known as searchable fields . One exception is the Document URL field and this is not part of the searchable fields list, but instead provides a link to the full record. This is a persistent or durable URL that you can bookmark or save to give you access to the full record at another time.

Please see the S earchable Fields section of this guide for a complete list of fields.

7. Supplemental files

In cases where there are dissertations that have been submitted with supplemental files, this icon indicates the presence of additional supporting material. Additional icons will indicate the type of material, for example, audio/video, text files, images, scripts, data files, and so on.

In some cases, you may have to download specific software or plug-ins in order to be able to view supplemental files; for example, if you want to view a 3D simulation, you would not be able to unless you had previously installed the software that was used to create the file.

NOTE: Supplemental files content is only accessible from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text.

In this section of the full record you can view any tags that have been assigned to the records and assign your own tags.

Tags are relevant words or phrases that you assign to items in ProQuest to help you organize your research and classify items. Tags can be made private or public and you can add as many tags to a document as you like. In order to create tags, you must have a My Research account, but you do not have to have a My Research account to view tags created by other users. For additional information, please see the My Research section of this guide.

When you make tags public and share them with other ProQuest users, it may be several hours before the tags are picked up by the ProQuest search engine.

Order a copy: Dissertation Express

If you are not affiliated with a library that subscribes to PQDT, you can search for dissertations and theses through Dissertation Express .  Dissertation Express lets you purchase unbound print copies or the PDF copy if available for the title you are requesting.

Dissertations are generally available in the following formats: PDF, Unbound, Softcover, Hardcover, Microfiche, and Microfilm. Please note that not every dissertation is available in every format.

ProQuest accepts the following credit cards: American Express®, MasterCard® and Visa®.

NOTE: These charges are acquired by the user so if If you are ordering for an organization, contact dissertation customer service at 1.800.521.3042 or email [email protected] .

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  • Last Updated: Nov 8, 2023 1:49 PM
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ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global

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ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global   is a wealth of unique global scholarship, which is a credible and quality source to Uncover the Undiscovered research insights and intelligence in easiest and most effective ways. The equitable discoverability of more than 5.8 million dissertations and theses with coverage from year 1637, allows researchers to amplify diverse voices and place their research in a global context. The database offers nearly 3.2 million full texts for most of the dissertations added since 1997.

By leveraging the rich citation data found in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global and with new citation insight tool, researchers can benefit from focused pathways of discovery to build foundational knowledge on various research topics. Over 200,000 new dissertations and theses are added to the database each year to enrich the citation data continuously.

For more information about the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global , navigate to the Content Page .

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global   Database  is also part of ProQuest One Academic .  ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global resides on the ProQuest Platform. For more information about the ProQuest Platform search and display features, see the  ProQuest Platform LibGuide .

The Dissertations Bootcamp eLearning Modules are a free resource that help support graduate student planning, writing, and research.

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses for the Student, Citation Connections

Here you can have a preview of the new features just launched for the Cited Reference documents in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

Academic Cap

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses for the Librarian

Intended for Librarians who want to learn how to use the database's advanced search to support subject area research at their institution. Duration: 2 minutes.

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses for the Student, Searching Titles and Languages

This session reviews how Students, both Masters or PhD, can use the database's advanced search to identify known dissertations by title and search/analyze by languages other than English. Duration: 3 minutes.

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses for the Student, Searching Names

This session reviews how Students, both Masters or Ph, can use the database's advanced search to identify dissertations of known Authors or Advisors and further refine/analyze them. Duration: 4 minutes.

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses for the Student, Cited References

This session reviews how Students, both Masters or PhD, can use the dissertations to retrieve and explore further the Cited References. Duration: 4 minutes.

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses for the Student, Supplemental Files

This session reviews how Students, both Masters or PhD, can identify dissertations with Supplemental files which may contain useful materials for their graduate work. Duration: 3.5 minutes.

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses for the Student, Subject Searching

This session will show Students, both Masters or PhD, some Search techniques both Basic and Advanced to locate dissertations on a certain topic. Duration: 5.5 minutes.

Webinar Title : Best Practices for Searching ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global

This session demonstrates how users can utilize the best practices of searching the " ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global  database" to connect with relevant information for their academic work. Duration:  52 minutes.

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Answered By: Kate Britt Last Updated: Mar 22, 2022     Views: 3830

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The U-M Library provides access to several databases that house dissertations.

  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses @ University of Michigan  describes most dissertations filed at University of Michigan, with full text for most since 1990.
  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses @ CIC Institutions  describes dissertations and some master theses filed at CIC / Big Ten universities , with full text for most since 1997.
  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses provides descriptions, sometimes with full text, of doctoral dissertations & master theses from US, UK, Canada, Ireland, etc.

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Article search, transcriptomic diversity of innate lymphoid cells during their developmental in human lymph nodes.

  • Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are largely tissue-resident and do not express clonotypic receptors. In humans, ILCs are primarily described within the mucosal tissues. However, their presence and function(s) in the human draining lymph nodes (LN) are unknown. Here we performed single-cell RNA sequencing to unravel the tissue-specific transcriptional profiles of 47,287 ILCs within the human abdominal and thoracic LNs and compared them with that of bone marrow (BM) and spleen.LNs contained a higher frequency of CD127+ ILCs than in BM or spleen. We found LN as the site for the early development of ILCs. A naïve ILCs population exists in the human LNs that can differentiate into other ILC subtypes. We identified highly heterogeneous sub-clusters of ILC1 and ILC3. Using unsupervised clustering we defined three ILC1, four ILC3, and one ILC2 sub-clusters in the LNs. Both cell types have clusters with a high level of heat shock protein genes, including HSPA1A, HSPA1B, and DNAJB, and clusters possibly trafficking from BM with a high level of the chemokine receptor, CXCR4. Finally, we isolated the NK cells from tumor-negative or tumor-bearing LNs from patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) to unravel the tumor-specific transcriptional profiles of NK cells as the major population of innate lymphoid cells. Comparison of tumor-bearing LN with non-tumor-bearing LNs indicates that NK cells shifted the phase from circulatory to tissue-resident. They have higher expression of cytotoxic markers, including GZMs and perforin, while they express exhaustion markers, including PD1, LAG3, and CTLA4.Our study is the in-depth characterization of human ILCs in LNs and understanding the transcriptome of ILCs under homeostasis. We extended our studies within the TME of Head and Neck Small Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) Our findings will help to generate innovative methods to reinvigorate non-responsive ILCs.
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  • Factories in Pavlovsky Posad
  • Gorodok (Pavlovsky Posad)
  • 1900s architecture in Russia
  • Weaving mills in Russia
  • Brick architecture in Pavlovsky Posad
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  1. ProQuest Dissertations Express

    Get your copy of a dissertation or thesis. Start your search by providing one or more of these: Author. Title. Key terms. Publication number.

  2. ProQuest Dissertation Express

    Search Instructions. The fastest way to identify and validate a dissertation is to enter the ProQuest publication number. If you don't have this, enter a word or phrase into the search terms field or the author's last name and the first four words of the dissertation title. Search terms - Enter a word or phrase related to the dissertation.

  3. Dissertations & Theses

    Over the last 80 years, ProQuest has built the world's most comprehensive and renowned dissertations program. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (PQDT Global), continues to grow its repository of 5 million graduate works each year, thanks to the continued contribution from the world's universities, creating an ever-growing resource of emerging research to fuel innovation and new insights.

  4. Submitting your ETD

    ETD Administrator is a site for students to submit their ETD (electronic thesis or dissertation) for publishing. The ETD homepage provides a high-level view of the submission process. Here is a summary: Your submission is then assigned to an administrator at your graduate school for review. The assigned administrator reviews your submission to ...

  5. Publishing Options in ProQuest

    The thesis will be available for purchase through ProQuest. The thesis will appear in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, a subscription database. A record for the thesis (may include citation, abstract, preview, etc.) will appear in other ProQuest resources, in library catalogs and in indexes such as ABI, Art Bibliographies Moder n. Ebsco and others.

  6. Resources to Find Dissertations: Home

    Dissertation Express Online version of Dissertation Abstracts from UMI Proquest. Good for US theses. The fastest way to identify and validate a dissertation is to enter the ProQuest publication number. If you don't have this, enter a word or phrase into the search terms field or the author's last name and the first four words of the dissertation title.

  7. Full Record: Citation & Abstract

    This guide is a brief introduction to all aspects of ProQuest Dissertations & Theses including content, searching, and viewing results on the new ProQuest platform. Content provided by and edited with permission from ProQuest. ... Order a copy: Our online discovery service Dissertation Express contains a searchable database of dissertations and ...

  8. LibGuides: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: Content

    With more than 5 million dissertations and theses, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global is the most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses in the world. PQDT Global connects scholarship from 4,100 universities, diverse voices, ideas, and perspectives can be viewed within a singular global context.

  9. Dissertation Copy Options

    Discover print and copy options to obtain a printed hardcover edition of a dissertation. ... Whether you're an author, university library, or researcher, ordering a dissertation or thesis through ProQuest is easy. Our hardcover editions replicate the Library of Congress holdings—printed in full color, with elegant black covers and embossed ...

  10. LibGuides: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: Home

    ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global is a wealth of unique global scholarship, which is a credible and quality source to Uncover the Undiscovered research insights and intelligence in easiest and most effective ways. The equitable discoverability of more than 5.8 million dissertations and theses with coverage from year 1637, allows researchers to amplify diverse voices and place their ...

  11. How can I get a copy of a doctoral dissertation?

    Dissertation Express is a service from ProQuest that allows U of M faculty, staff, and students to purchase and obtain a copy of a doctoral dissertation within 3-5 business days. For more information, contact the University Library Interlibrary Loan Office. Dissertations may be purchased from ProQuest directly on the Dissertation Express ...

  12. PDF UMI ProQuest Digital Dissertations

    Over one million full text titles are available in paper, microfilm or microfiche formats. Adding over 55,000 titles annually, every degree granting institution in the United States and Canada is represented in UMI's Dissertation Abstracts database and microform archive. ProQuest Digital Dissertations is a major new program that opens UMI's ...

  13. Transcriptomic Diversity of Innate Lymphoid Cells During Their

    Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are largely tissue-resident and do not express clonotypic receptors. In humans, ILCs are primarily described within the mucosal tissues. However, their presence and function(s) in the human draining lymph nodes (LN) are unknown. ... ProQuest Dissertation & Theses. ISBN 9798382736815. Source. ProQuest Dissertations ...

  14. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Elektrostal has about 158,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.

  15. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal. Elektrostal ( Russian: Электроста́ль) is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia. It is 58 kilometers (36 mi) east of Moscow. As of 2010, 155,196 people lived there.

  16. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

  17. Category:Gorodok factory

    Media in category "Gorodok factory" The following 41 files are in this category, out of 41 total.