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Movies Presentation Templates

Make your next presentation a hit with our collection of movie powerpoint templates and google slides themes our templates are packed with catchy graphics, custom animations, film backgrounds, and easy-to-edit layouts. with just a few clicks, you can create stunning movie-themed presentations that will wow your audience. try our free slides today.


  • Film Presentation Specials: Dive into the world of film-making, film revenue, and even a detailed film marketing plan with our specialized templates.
  • Noteworthy Events: Celebrate the charm of Oscars 2023 or discuss the nuances of International Theatre Day with dedicated slides to make your presentation stand out.
  • Location-Based Features: For those focusing on regional entertainment, our Georgia Film And TV Production slides add that local touch to your content.

We're here to help you!

What are movies presentation templates.

Movies Presentation templates are the best presentation tool designed with visually attractive background themes to create a presentation on different movie topics. These templates are the perfect layouts to display the movie title, picture, and descriptions.

How can I make a Movie PowerPoint Template for a presentation?

All PowerPoint designers will find it simple to create new PowerPoint slides in a matter of seconds. If you are new to PowerPoint design, consider adopting ready-to-use templates to save time. More design ideas can be found on our PowerPoint tips and tricks pages.

Who can use Movie Presentation Templates?

All movie directors, story writers, movie producers, and scriptwriters can use these movie presentation templates. These templates will reduce the burden of designing work. Also, you can save more time when you choose these pre-designed layouts.

Where can I find free presentation templates?

The work might look more straightforward as you get more free presentation templates from different websites. In addition, you might also face some challenges regarding template design, color, themes, and backgrounds. So, choosing the best PowerPoint website, like Slide Egg, is always better.

Why do we need to use Movie Presentation slides?

These creative movie theme templates are excellent options for displaying movie descriptions. Also, these templates will help you from designing a new template for this work. So it's better to choose and use our ready-to-use templates for your work.

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Film Presentation Template

Template preview

AI generated Pitch Deck 🤖

powerpoint presentation film

This film Powerpoint template is a helpful tool for the film's team to find all needed resources. Every movie will need right funding plans and investors, the best possible production staff and a group of committed actors ready to take on a challenge.

A directors vision fulfills through great writing as well as acting. Technicians and producers come together with the same goal in mind: telling a great story on the big screen. Creating audiovisual material depends on the work of dozens of people to reach the correct audience.

Regardless of the product being a movie, a short or an animated film, it's essential to make sure the correct team is on board.  This might include being able to raise funds and ensure the production will be completed as it has been thought out.

What does this film powerpoint template include?

Start with an impactful elevator pitch : a short and clear objective for your production. You can follow your presentation with a summary of your fantastic story. Your presentation must be thorough but quite clear, including the genres and themes to be included in your film.

Don't forget to include relevant data about structure in your film Powerpoint template, visual references for design and digital. As well, make an influential closure including a basic distribution plan where you can map out from the beginning a way to get your movie to all audiences.

Which information can you include in a Film Presentation?

During the funding stage, your possible investors will need to know the basics of your project. Further, your producers and technicians will need to know specifics and timelines, as well as workflows to set expectations.

• Include all story relevant details that can hype up possible team members for the project.

• Share all touch points in your film Powerpoint template for production including themes and structure for your film.

• Develop a strong elevator pitch to excite crew and investors equally

A film pitch will be helpful all along production stages. You will need to convince many people to follow you on this trail. A film film Powerpoint template is a tool thought out to accompany you through all the process and support the success of your project.

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Film Pitch Deck Examples & Templates That Stand Out

Learn how to create a pitch deck for movies or TV series. See examples and get templates that sell your screenplay to publishers, investors, and producers.


9 minute read

Film pitch deck examples

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Short answer

What is a film pitch deck?

A film pitch deck is a concise, visually engaging presentation used by filmmakers to showcase their movie concept. It highlights key elements like storyline, characters, and visual style, aiming to persuade investors or studios to back the project.

Without a solid film pitch deck, your project will never come to life

In the high-stakes world of film, a weak pitch deck is like a leak in a ship – it can sink your project before it even sets sail.

Imagine your groundbreaking movie idea getting lost in a sea of pitches because it lacked that compelling presentation. This isn't just disappointing; it's a missed opportunity in an industry where first impressions are everything.

But crafting a movie pitch deck that resonates deeply with producers, publishers, and investors is a fine art.

This post will equipping you with the tools to win. I’m here to help you craft a compelling screenwriting pitch deck that no producer could say no to.

Let’s get started!

What makes a successful film pitch deck?

A successful film pitch deck captivates with a clear storyline, compelling visuals, and a unique selling point. It should weave the film's vision, target audience, and potential market appeal, to persuade investors and producers of its commercial potential.

What does a film pitch deck include?

Crafting a movie pitch deck is an art form, blending storytelling with marketing to captivate potential backers. It's not just about listing elements; it's about weaving a narrative that showcases your film's potential.

10 critical film pitch deck slides:

Title slide: This is your first impression. Feature your film's name and logo prominently, setting the stage for what follows.

Synopsis: Your story's heart. Offer a concise, compelling summary of your film's plot, capturing its essence in a few gripping sentences.

Moodboard: Visual storytelling at its finest. Use images or collages to convey the film's tone and aesthetic, giving a taste of the visual experience.

Main characters: The soul of your film. Provide detailed descriptions and visuals of key characters, making them memorable and relatable.

Setting/Location: More than a backdrop. Showcase visuals and descriptions of main settings, highlighting how they contribute to the story's mood and narrative.

Key scenes: Your script's highlights. Present pivotal moments or sequences that are crucial to the story, demonstrating the emotional or dramatic peaks.

Target audience: Know your viewers. Clearly define who the film is for and its appeal, backing it up with market analysis to show its potential reach and impact.

Budget breakdown: Transparency builds trust. Offer a clear overview of estimated costs, showing you've thoughtfully considered the financial aspect of bringing your vision to life.

Market analysis: Show your business acumen. Include data on potential audience size, competitors, and distribution opportunities, proving your film's market viability.

Team overview: The driving force. Introduce key members behind the film, highlighting their roles, experience, and contributions to the project's credibility and potential success.

Each element of your pitch deck should tell a part of your film's story, from the creative vision to the practicalities of production and marketing.

Remember, a successful pitch deck for movies is more than a collection of slides; it's a compelling narrative that brings your film to life for potential investors and collaborators. To have an easier time, perhaps consider a screenwriting software to write a screenplay before working on your film pitch deck.

how to make a pit

Film pitch deck examples that stand out

Let's explore some standout movie pitch deck examples. Whether you're a budding filmmaker or a seasoned director, these examples will provide invaluable insights into what makes a screenplay pitch deck effective.

Similarly to a startup pitch deck , a film pitch deck rises above the noise through a strong story. But unlike a startup deck, a film deck relies heavily on visualizing the story to claw its way to the top of the pile.

You can also use each of these examples as a template to create your own movie pitch deck.

Film production proposal

This example offers a comprehensive layout for presenting film production projects, with sections for character descriptions, location details, and a comprehensive marketing and distribution plan, making it ideal for presenting a well-rounded film proposal.

What makes this film pitch deck great:

The template features segmented content in tabs for easy navigation and organization of film project details.

An expandable 'Read more' section allows for detailed storytelling without overwhelming the initial presentation.

The timeline slide visually tracks character evolution and project milestones, enhancing narrative clarity.

Film investment proposal

Designed for pitching film investments, this example includes an executive summary, financial projections, and a marketing strategy section, making it perfect for presenting a compelling case to potential investors.

A narrated slide for the moodboard creates an immersive storytelling experience, setting the tone of the film.

Multiple image placeholders enable personalized visual storytelling tailored to the film's theme.

A video on the cover slide immediately engages viewers with a cinematic preview of the film concept.

Documentary proposal

Tailored for documentary pitches, this example features a strong narrative structure, character exploration sections, and conservation themes, ideal for presenting impactful and emotionally resonant documentary concepts.

The cover includes the average reading time , setting expectations and respecting the viewer's time.

The ability to embed videos directly into the deck allows for a rich, multimedia presentation of the documentary concept.

A smart CTA at the end effectively prompts viewers to take action, enhancing engagement and response.

Film pitch deck

A versatile pitch deck example for films, offering a narrative-focused layout with character breakdowns, thematic explorations, and directorial vision, suitable for a wide range of film genres.

The layout is clean with ample white space , ensuring a focus on content without visual clutter.

Character and plot elements are presented in a visually engaging manner, enhancing the narrative appeal.

The design incorporates a balance of text and visuals , making the pitch both informative and visually appealing.

Movie pitch deck

This example is designed for movie pitches, featuring detailed sections for plot development, character arcs, and a comprehensive marketing and distribution plan, perfect for presenting a complete movie concept.

A scroll-based design offers an interactive and modern way to explore the movie concept.

The built-in analytics panel provides insights into viewer engagement and interactions with the deck.

The design facilitates a smooth narrative flow , keeping viewers engaged from start to finish.

TV series pitch deck

Ideal for pitching TV series concepts, this example includes sections for episode breakdowns, character development, and thematic elements, along with a marketing strategy, tailored for both comedy and drama genres.

Dynamic variables can be added to personalize the deck for each reader, creating a unique experience.

The design is mobile-responsive , ensuring accessibility and a seamless experience across devices.

The template includes interactive elements that enhance viewer engagement and understanding of the TV series concept.

TV series pitch deck for Wednesday

A specialized example for TV series pitches, focusing on character development, setting, and mood, with additional sections for marketing and audience engagement, appealing to fans of gothic and dark humor.

Branded elements throughout the deck ensure a consistent and professional presentation of the TV series.

Grayed-out content for competitors focuses attention on the main content while providing context.

Easy to use, intuitive editor makes it easy to replace the image and text placeholders with your own content.

How to create a film pitch deck?

Embarking on the journey of creating a film pitch deck is much like directing a movie itself. It requires a blend of creativity, strategic storytelling, and a keen understanding of your audience.

This guide is designed to walk you through the process step by step, helping you craft a movie pitch deck that not only showcases your unique vision but also resonates deeply with those who have the power to turn your cinematic dreams into reality.

Here's how to create your deck:

1) Dive deep into your project

Before anything else, immerse yourself completely in your project. Understand every nuance of your story, from the overarching themes to the minute details of your characters and settings.

This depth of knowledge will lend authenticity and richness to your pitch, making it more compelling.

2) Conduct thorough research

Begin with extensive research. Look into similar films or shows, market trends, and audience preferences. This step is crucial not just for understanding your competition but also for identifying gaps your project can fill, and trends it can capitalize on.

3) Craft a compelling logline

Your logline is the heart of your pitch. It should be a concise and catchy sentence that sums up the essence of your story. Think of it as the hook that will grab your audience's attention.

For example, for a thriller, your logline might be, "A retired detective is drawn back into the game when a serial killer he once chased resurfaces, leaving clues only he can decipher."

4) Create a narrative flow

Your pitch deck should narratively unfold like your film would. Start by setting the scene, introduce the main characters, outline the conflict, and give a sense of the journey and resolution.

This flow helps your audience visualize the film and connect with its story.

A useful strategy is to draw inspiration from existing movies. For example, if your film is a blend of genres or styles, you might describe it as "The whimsical charm of 'Amélie' meets the gripping suspense of 'Inception'."

This kind of comparison can quickly give investors a clear idea of the unique visual and thematic blend you're aiming for.

Here's our recommended pitch deck storyline:

How to write a film pitch deck storyline to get you funded

5) Choose visuals that tell a story

When selecting visuals for your pitch deck, think of them as an extension of your storytelling. They should not only be aesthetically pleasing but also convey the mood, style, and essence of your film.

"The key thing is to be creative and offer an engaging visual presentation for industry insiders to consider.

If you have too much information (too much text), you're going to lose them. Focus on the broad strokes. Paint a picture of the story you want to tell, and showcase how you intend on telling it."

—Ken Miyamoto, Screenwriter and former Sony Studios liaison

Ken Miyamoto, Screenwriter and former Sony Studios liaison

6) Demonstrate commercial viability

A market analysis is vital to show you understand your audience and the market. Discuss audience demographics, compare with similar successful projects, and outline potential distribution channels and marketing strategies.

Here's a great example of a marketing and distribution plan slide:

Marketing and distribution plan slide

7) Be transparent about the budget

A detailed budget breakdown shows you're realistic and prepared. Include production costs, media and entertainment software , distribution, and any other significant expenses. This transparency is key to building investor confidence.

8) Showcase your team

Highlight the strengths of your team. Detail their previous successes and relevant experiences to build credibility. Your team's track record can be a significant factor in securing investment.

Here's an example of a team slide:

Team slide example

9) Address potential risks

Acknowledge and address potential risks in your project. This could include budget overruns, production delays, or market changes. Show that you have thought about these risks and have plans to mitigate them. This level of foresight can significantly enhance investor confidence.

10) Tailor your pitch to different audiences

When it comes to pitching your film, one size does not fit all. Different investors and producers have varied interests and priorities, and understanding these nuances can make or break your pitch.

Here’s how to tailor your pitch:

Studio executives: Focus on marketability, potential for return on investment, and audience appeal. Highlight aspects like genre trends, potential for sequels, or merchandising.

Independent investors: Emphasize the creative aspects, unique storytelling elements, and artistic vision. Discuss how your project stands out creatively in the current market.

Equity investors: Concentrate on the financial returns. Provide detailed market analysis, expected revenue streams, and a clear exit strategy.

Producers: Align your pitch with their past projects and interests. Show how your project fits into their portfolio and meets their artistic and commercial goals.

11) Conclude with a call to action

A compelling conclusion is as crucial as the opening of your pitch deck. It's the final act that leaves a lasting impression and prompts action from your audience.

Whether it's setting up a meeting, reviewing a script, or considering investment, your CTA should be direct and easy to follow. Use decisive language and make it clear what the next steps are and how they can be taken.

Consider embedding your calendar directly into your pitch deck. This innovative approach allows potential investors or collaborators to see your availability and schedule a meeting with you instantly.

Here's an example of a CTA slide:

CTA slide example

How to design a film pitch deck?

Designing a pitch deck for a movie is like setting the stage for your film's narrative, where each slide is a crucial scene in its own right.

This section will guide you through the essential elements of designing a movie pitch deck that not only showcases your vision but also connects with your audience on a personal and professional level.

Here’s how to do it:

1) Embrace scrollytelling

Scrollytelling , a method of storytelling that combines scrolling with multimedia elements, can be a game-changer for your screenplay pitch deck. This approach allows you to create a narrative journey, guiding the viewer through your story in a dynamic and interactive way.

Use this technique to unfold your story as the viewer scrolls, integrating images, text, and other elements that bring your film to life.

Here's an example of scrollytelling:

Film pitch deck scrollytelling example

2) Create personalized slides

Address specific investors, producers, or studio executives by name and customize content to reflect their interests or past projects. This level of personalization shows that you've done your homework and are serious about your proposal.

3) Maintain visual consistency

Maintain a consistent visual theme throughout your deck. This includes using a uniform color scheme, typography, and layout style. Consistency in design not only looks professional but also helps in creating a cohesive visual story.

You can also use custom designs that echo the tone, style, and color palette of your film. For instance, if your film is a noir thriller, use a dark, moody color scheme and imagery that reflects the genre's aesthetic.

4) Add engaging visuals

Your visuals should do more than just look good; they should speak. Use high-quality images, concept art, or stills that give a glimpse into your film’s world. These visuals should be powerful enough to convey the mood and tone of your film without needing much explanation.

Here's a great example of a visually engaging deck:

Wednesday TV series pitch deck

5) Include interactive elements

Consider incorporating interactive elements like clickable links or embedded videos. These features can provide a deeper insight into your film, such as showing a teaser trailer, director’s statement, or behind-the-scenes content.

6) Tell a story through data

If your pitch includes market analysis or budget breakdowns, present this data in a storytelling format. Use infographics, charts, and graphs that are easy to understand and visually appealing. This approach makes complex information digestible and engaging.

Interactive film pitch deck templates

Staring at a blank slide can be daunting, even for the most creative minds. So let our interactive film pitch deck templates lead the way.

These templates provide a solid foundation and were optimized based on real-world performance. They're completely customizable, allowing you to infuse your unique vision while maintaining an effective structure.

powerpoint presentation film

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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Engaging decks. Made easy

Create your best film pitch deck to date.

Stop losing opportunities to ineffective presentations. Your new amazing deck is one click away!

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Russo. Clapperboard free presentation theme. Updated Template.

powerpoint presentation film


Free Template  for PowerPoint  and Google Slides Presentations

Action! Russo is a fun template inspired by movie making. Filmstrips, clapperboards and cameras are ready for you to present your next movie idea!

And if your presentation subject is not related with motion pictures, but you are a movie lover like myself, you can go ahead and use it as well!

#Clapperboard #Movies #Cinema #Film

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Film (Movie) PowerPoint Presentation Template

 Reel Template for PowerPoint

Need a ready-made film (movie) presentation template ? We’ve got just the thing.

You can now focus on what really matters – delivering a superb presentation .

Introducing Reel – a film (movie) presentation PowerPoint presentation template .

Featuring 30 editable slides , you can easily adjust the presentation to suit your brand.

The best part? It’s 100% niche-specific . Simply add text and images and you’re good to go. Ready to step into the spotlight?

TL;DR : Film (Movie) PowerPoint presentation template. 30 slides, 100% customizable. Edit, export, and wow your audience!

Why get this PowerPoint template:

  • 30 unique film movie slides
  • Easy to edit and export
  • 16:9 widescreen format
  • User-friendly instructions

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Free PowerPoint Templates

Free Film PowerPoint Template

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Film Powerpoint has been created to be used in Movie presentations, film presentations , or any PowerPoint presentation that require film effects. This PPT can be used either by casts or extras. This is free movie PowerPoint template for presentations that you can use for any presentation where you want to display a clapperboard design or clapperboard symbol.  You can download free movie PowerPoint template for your own usage.

Describe the history of cinema and motion pictures with Film PowerPoint background that has a generic touch. Use this black master slide to put the title of your project and demonstrate it in front of an audience, either in the class or an auditorium. Make movie reviews and discuss the upcoming releases with free Movie Background and Cinematography PowerPoint theme .

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Cinema Presentation templates

Going to the movies and having a bowl of popcorn ready is wonderful. turn off the volume of your cellphone and start customizing these google slides themes and powerpoint templates you still have time, the commercials have just started.

Movie Clapperboard Theme presentation template

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Movie Clapperboard Theme

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What Else You May Want to Know

  • Yes, you can use WPS Presentation for free. The free version of WPS Presentation covers most features and provides free templates suitable for daily presentation needs.
  • However, for access to premium templates and advanced features like OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and premium templates, a premium subscription is required. The premium subscription offers additional functionality and tools to elevate your presentation creation experience.
  • Yes, WPS Presentation is designed to be user-friendly and easy to adapt to. Its interface closely resembles Microsoft PowerPoint, allowing you to effortlessly edit existing presentations or create new ones. With its intuitive tools and familiar layout, WPS Presentation ensures a smooth and straightforward user experience.
  • Yes, you can save your presentations and other files from WPS Presentation directly to Google Drive. WPS Presentation offers seamless integration with Google Drive, enabling you to effortlessly save and sync your files to the cloud storage service. This feature allows you to access your presentations from any device and collaborate with others efficiently.
  • The primary distinctions between WPS Presentation and Microsoft PowerPoint are the cost and accessibility. WPS Presentation is available for free, while Microsoft PowerPoint often requires a costly subscription or purchase.
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  • Additionally, WPS Presentation not only supports PC Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS devices like Microsoft PowerPoint, but also extends its compatibility to Linux, an option not covered by Microsoft PowerPoint.
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Home / 2024 / May / The UC Santa Cruz Film and Digital Media Department presents: 'Echoes of Home'

The UC Santa Cruz Film and Digital Media Department presents: 'Echoes of Home'

A showing of six documentaries that represent the best of UCSC filmmaking

May 30, 2024

By Gaby Messino

six MFA film students

To celebrate their achievements over the past two years the graduate film students are showcasing their works. The presentation at the Del Mar Theatre marks years of progress and the end of their time at University of California, Santa Cruz. These six documentaries represent years of dedication and hard work by students and faculty.

This film presentation has been a yearly tradition in the Film and Digital Media (FDM) department for years. Though it stopped briefly during COVID, it was brought back last year, and is now celebrating yet another year of graduates. The Social Documentary (SocDoc) MFA is the UC system’s only graduate degree program designed for media makers committed to social change. 

Student filmmakers started the program with an idea of what their film would be. Each documentary focuses on cultural diversity, and the filmmakers' connection to home. The theme, which in previous years was Beyond the Story , shifted this year and is now Echoes of Home . This theme represents how home can be a place we know intimately, or a place of diasporic imagination that we have never been able to experience—an echo that reaches us from another time or generation. 

These six works take us to homes all over the world including countries like Turkey, China and Costa Rica. They explore issues that impact people all over the world through explorations into topics such as the AIDS epidemic and the murder of Indigenous landback activist Jerhy Rivera.

Michale Lindsey, who’s been the graduate program coordinator for SocDoc since November, helped organize the event. “I've known these students for about five months now, and it's exciting to see their efforts and their projects come to an end,” says Lindsey. “I'm looking forward to seeing what they have to share.”

This year's six featured filmmakers are Azad Azizyan, Rita Carmona, Meloddy Gao, Ruebi Jimenez, Vega Darling, and John Ortiz. Past graduates from SocDoc have gone on to have their works played at festivals both locally and nationally.

With thanks to the UC Santa Cruz Arts Division, these filmmakers were able to create unique heartfelt pieces that connect to diverse audiences. This film presentation is a once-a-year chance to see the future of documentary and how it can be used for the greater good.

More Information

Wednesday June 12, 2024

Del Mar Theatre

1124 Pacific Ave. 

Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Free and open to the public.

Open seating

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Last modified: May 31, 2024

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PowerPoint Online: Publicly Shared Videos from OneDrive (Stream) Not Playing

Hello. I created a presentation in PowerPoint Online. In this presentation, I added some videos from my OneDrive using the "insert online video" option. These videos were added using the new Stream application, and I used "public" links to insert them.

However, when I share this presentation publicly and send the link to others, they can view the presentation but cannot play the videos. The video thumbnails and play icons appear, but the videos do not work. When the presentation is opened in slideshow mode, the videos appear black and are unclickable.

Can you help me with this issue?

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Replies (1) 

Tin Zhang MSFT

  • Microsoft Agent |

Dear İrfan Demirci

Good day! Thank you for posting to Microsoft Community. I am happy to help you

I didn't experience the same situation in my tests, and to narrow this down further, I'd like to confirm the following information:

Is it a particular video that won't play?

Is this happening to multiple users or is it unplayable for a specific user? 

At the same time, I want to confirm if the files are stored in OneDrive, and currently Microsoft's official documentation states that files in Stream cannot be shared with external users:

"This video isn't available" when external user views shared Stream video - Microsoft Support

If you've downloaded the video and re-uploaded it to OneDrive and it still won't play, could you please try the hyperlink to connect the video, you can create a link in OneDrive.

I look forward to your reply. Thanks for your cooperation.

Tin | Microsoft Community Moderator

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How To Get Free Access To Microsoft PowerPoint

E very time you need to present an overview of a plan or a report to a whole room of people, chances are you turn to Microsoft PowerPoint. And who doesn't? It's popular for its wide array of features that make creating effective presentations a walk in the park. PowerPoint comes with a host of keyboard shortcuts for easy navigation, subtitles and video recordings for your audience's benefit, and a variety of transitions, animations, and designs for better engagement.

But with these nifty features comes a hefty price tag. At the moment, the personal plan — which includes other Office apps — is at $69.99 a year. This might be the most budget-friendly option, especially if you plan to use the other Microsoft Office apps, too. Unfortunately, you can't buy PowerPoint alone, but there are a few workarounds you can use to get access to PowerPoint at no cost to you at all.

Read more: The 20 Best Mac Apps That Will Improve Your Apple Experience

Method #1: Sign Up For A Free Microsoft Account On The Office Website

Microsoft offers a web-based version of PowerPoint completely free of charge to all users. Here's how you can access it:

  • Visit the Microsoft 365 page .
  • If you already have a free account with Microsoft, click Sign in. Otherwise, press "Sign up for the free version of Microsoft 365" to create a new account at no cost.
  • On the Office home page, select PowerPoint from the side panel on the left.
  • Click on "Blank presentation" to create your presentation from scratch, or pick your preferred free PowerPoint template from the options at the top (there's also a host of editable templates you can find on the Microsoft 365 Create site ).
  • Create your presentation as normal. Your edits will be saved automatically to your Microsoft OneDrive as long as you're connected to the internet.

It's important to keep in mind, though, that while you're free to use this web version of PowerPoint to create your slides and edit templates, there are certain features it doesn't have that you can find on the paid version. For instance, you can access only a handful of font styles and stock elements like images, videos, icons, and stickers. Designer is also available for use on up to three presentations per month only (it's unlimited for premium subscribers). When presenting, you won't find the Present Live and Always Use Subtitles options present in the paid plans. The biggest caveat of the free version is that it won't get any newly released features, unlike its premium counterparts.

Method #2: Install Microsoft 365 (Office) To Your Windows

Don't fancy working on your presentation in a browser? If you have a Windows computer with the Office 365 apps pre-installed or downloaded from a previous Office 365 trial, you can use the Microsoft 365 (Office) app instead. Unlike the individual Microsoft apps that you need to buy from the Microsoft Store, this one is free to download and use. Here's how to get free PowerPoint on the Microsoft 365 (Office) app:

  • Search for Microsoft 365 (Office) on the Microsoft Store app.
  • Install and open it.
  • Sign in with your Microsoft account. Alternatively, press "Create free account" if you don't have one yet.
  • Click on Create on the left side panel.
  • Select Presentation.
  • In the PowerPoint window that opens, log in using your account.
  • Press Accept on the "Free 5-day pass" section. This lets you use PowerPoint (and Word and Excel) for five days — free of charge and without having to input any payment information.
  • Create your presentation as usual. As you're using the desktop version, you can access the full features of PowerPoint, including the ability to present in Teams, export the presentation as a video file, translate the slides' content to a different language, and even work offline.

The only downside of this method is the time limit. Once the five days are up, you can no longer open the PowerPoint desktop app. However, all your files will still be accessible to you. If you saved them to OneDrive, you can continue editing them on the web app. If you saved them to your computer, you can upload them to OneDrive and edit them from there.

Method #3: Download The Microsoft PowerPoint App On Your Android Or iOS Device

If you're always on the move and need the flexibility of creating and editing presentations on your Android or iOS device, you'll be glad to know that PowerPoint is free and available for offline use on your mobile phones. But — of course, there's a but — you can only access the free version if your device is under 10.1 inches. Anything bigger than that requires a premium subscription. If your phone fits the bill, then follow these steps to get free PowerPoint on your device:

  • Install Microsoft PowerPoint from the App Store or Google Play Store .
  • Log in using your existing Microsoft email or enter a new email address to create one if you don't already have an account.
  • On the "Get Microsoft 365 Personal Plan" screen, press Skip For Now.
  • If you're offered a free trial, select Try later (or enjoy the free 30-day trial if you're interested).
  • To make a new presentation, tap the plus sign in the upper right corner.
  • Change the "Create in" option from OneDrive - Personal to a folder on your device. This allows you to save the presentation to your local storage and make offline edits.
  • Press "Set as default" to set your local folder as the default file storage location.
  • Choose your template from the selection or use a blank presentation.
  • Edit your presentation as needed.

Do note that PowerPoint mobile comes with some restrictions. There's no option to insert stock elements, change the slide size to a custom size, use the Designer feature, or display the presentation in Immersive Reader mode. However, you can use font styles considered premium on the web app.

Method #4: Use Your School Email Address

Office 365 Education is free for students and teachers, provided they have an email address from an eligible school. To check for your eligibility, here's what you need to do:

  • Go to the Office 365 Education page .
  • Type in your school email address in the empty text field.
  • Press "Get Started."
  • On the next screen, verify your eligibility. If you're eligible, you'll be asked to select whether you're a student or a teacher. If your school isn't recognized, however, you'll get a message telling you so.
  • For those who are eligible, proceed with creating your Office 365 Education account. Make sure your school email can receive external mail, as Microsoft will send you a verification code for your account.
  • Once you're done filling out the form, press "Start." This will open your Office 365 account page.

You can then start making your PowerPoint presentation using the web app. If your school's plan supports it, you can also install the Office 365 apps to your computer by clicking the "Install Office" button on your Office 365 account page and running the downloaded installation file. What sets the Office 365 Education account apart from the regular free account is that you have unlimited personal cloud storage and access to other Office apps like Word, Excel, and Outlook.

Read the original article on SlashGear .

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You can use Microsoft Office apps for free. 

Microsoft 365  is a productivity suite that includes programs such as Word, PowerPoint, Outlook and OneDrive cloud storage. Because these tools are useful for work and school, you’ll likely want access to them.

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A paid Microsoft 365 membership is the most common way to enjoy these apps, and you’ve got multiple tiers to pick from, starting with the $2 a month or $20 a year Microsoft 365 Basic plan. Normally, you’ll pay anywhere from $20 to $100 annually for a subscription depending on the plan you pick. You can sometimes bag Microsoft 365 at no cost.

Here’s how to get Microsoft 365 for free. 

Get Microsoft Office 365 Education free if you're a student or a teacher

Say you're a student, teacher or faculty member with an active school email address. You're probably eligible to get access to Office 365 for free through Microsoft, with access to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and Teams, plus other classroom tools.

All you have to do is punch in your school email address on this page on Microsoft's website: Office 365 Education . In many cases, you'll be instantly granted access thanks to an automated verification process. If you attend an institution that needs to be verified, it might take up to a month to confirm your eligibility. 

College students can also get Microsoft 365 Personal for $3 a month with a valid school email address.

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How to get Microsoft 365 for free if you're not a student or faculty member

Not everyone can take advantage of an email address through an academic institution to get the Microsoft Office suite at no cost. Thankfully, anyone can get a one-month free trial of Microsoft 365. You do need to enter a credit card number. If you don't cancel your subscription before the month is up, you'll be charged $100 for a one-year subscription to Microsoft 365 Family (formerly called Office 365 Home). 

The good news is that you can access a number of apps online for free, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, Outlook, Calendar, My Content, Skype, Designer and Clipchamp as long as you don't need the full suite of Microsoft 365 tools. Here's how to get them: 

1 . Go to Microsoft365.com .

2 . Click Sign up for the free version of Office under the "Sign in" button.

3 . Log in to your Microsoft account or create one for free . If you already have a Windows, Skype or Xbox Live login, you have an active Microsoft account.

4 . Select the app you want to use and save your work in the cloud with OneDrive.

Microsoft Word running in a web browser

Use the browser-based version of the Microsoft Word app for free.

So what's the catch for the free version?

You might be saying, "Wait a minute, if I can get all of those apps for free, why pay for Microsoft 365 in the first place?" The functionality of the free apps is limited, so they only run in your web browser and you can only use them while you're actively connected to the internet -- there’s no online version. They also have fewer features than the full Microsoft 365 versions. 

There are still benefits to the free version, including the ability to share links to your work and collaborate in real-time, similar to what the Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) productivity tools allow. If you're looking for basic versions of each of these apps, the free version should work well for you. 

For more productivity coverage, check out what Microsoft 365 Basic offers customers , all of the  best features in Windows 11  and  how to take screenshots in Windows 10 or 11 . You can also take a look at CNET's list of the best Windows laptops .

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    Make your next presentation a hit with our collection of movie PowerPoint templates and Google Slides Themes! Our templates are packed with catchy graphics, custom animations, film backgrounds, and easy-to-edit layouts. With just a few clicks, you can create stunning movie-themed presentations that will wow your audience. Try our free slides today!

  8. Film Presentation Template [Customizable]

    Film Presentation Template. The film Powerpoint template is a helpful tool to ask for funds. It will come handy when presenting a film proposal to potential investors and producers. Use this template. 12.2k uses.

  9. Movie PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides Themes

    Download Free and Premium Movie PowerPoint Templates. Choose and download Movie PowerPoint templates, and Movie PowerPoint Backgrounds in just a few minutes.And with amazing ease of use, you can transform your "sleep-inducing" PowerPoint presentation into an aggressive, energetic, jaw-dropping presentation in nearly no time at all.

  10. Movie Background Google Slides Theme & PowerPoint Template

    Movie Background Presentation . Business . Premium Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template . Everybody loves going to the movies, right? Enjoying a nice story with an interesting plot while eating popcorn is a delight! Appeal to cinema customers, retailers or distributors with an enthralling pitch by using our ...

  11. Pitch Deck Template for Film

    Signup Free to download. A film pitch deck is a sales presentation for your visual project. As a filmmaker, you need to sell your big idea to sponsors, crew, and even to your future executive producer, so having film pitch deck ready is essential. Whether it is a short film, indie movie or series, our Film Pitch Deck template is the perfect ...

  12. Free Film Google Slides Themes And Powerpoint Templates

    Free Film Google Slides Themes And Powerpoint Templates. Designing an eyecatching presentation template is time-consuming. Download the following free and ready-to-use Film powerpoint templates and Google slides themes for the upcoming presentation. You only need to change text, logo or colors on the professional PPT templates.

  13. Film Pitch Deck Examples & Templates That Stand Out

    10 critical film pitch deck slides: Title slide: This is your first impression. Feature your film's name and logo prominently, setting the stage for what follows. Synopsis: Your story's heart. Offer a concise, compelling summary of your film's plot, capturing its essence in a few gripping sentences.

  14. Film slate

    Free Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides Presentations. Action! Russo is a fun template inspired by movie making. Filmstrips, clapperboards and cameras are ready for you to present your next movie idea! And if your presentation subject is not related with motion pictures, but you are a movie lover like myself, you can go ahead and use it ...

  15. Film (Movie) PowerPoint Presentation Template

    Introducing Reel - a film (movie) presentation PowerPoint presentation template. Featuring 30 editable slides, you can easily adjust the presentation to suit your brand. The best part? It's 100% niche-specific. Simply add text and images and you're good to go. Ready to step into the spotlight? TL;DR: Film (Movie) PowerPoint presentation ...

  16. Movie PowerPoint Templates

    A film PowerPoint presentation theme is a pre-designed slide deck that you can use to create a compelling presentation to keep your audience entertained and interested in what you have to say. There are many benefits to using pre-made templates:

  17. Free Movie Google Slides Themes And Powerpoint Templates

    Free Movie Google Slides Themes And Powerpoint Templates. Designing an eyecatching presentation template is time-consuming. Download the following free and ready-to-use Movie powerpoint templates and Google slides themes for the upcoming presentation. You only need to change text, logo or colors on the professional PPT templates.

  18. Free Movie PowerPoint Templates

    This Free Photo PowerPoint Template has glimpse of flowers and cameras. The presentations crafted for photography, party, and techniques of taking pictures can take this template design for …. Preview & Download FREE. Write down the draft of your movie or motion picture idea on these free Entertainment PPT templates.

  19. Movie PowerPoint Theme

    Our Movie power point presentation templates provide the most suitable templates for such scenarios. All our templates are designed by experts and are fully editable. Our Movie power point presentation templates are also used as background slides in movie award functions, musical concerts, film institutes, by entertainment industry, event ...

  20. Perfect Slides for a Movie Review

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. When it comes to creating the perfect slides for a movie review, there are a few key elements to keep in mind. Mainly, your slides should be visually appealing and attention-grabbing, using plenty of images and creative layouts to keep your audience engaged.

  21. Free Film Movie Powerpoint Template

    Film Powerpoint has been created to be used in Movie presentations, film presentations, or any PowerPoint presentation that require film effects.This PPT can be used either by casts or extras. This is free movie PowerPoint template for presentations that you can use for any presentation where you want to display a clapperboard design or clapperboard symbol.

  22. Illustrative Guess The Movie Game. Free PPT & Google Slides Template

    Get ready to ramp up your next game night with our latest PowerPoint and Google Slides template! Perfect for movie buffs and trivia lovers, this presentation template turns any gathering into a blockbuster event. Grab your popcorn and challenge your friends or family to see who's the ultimate cinephile. With easy-to-edit slides and engaging ...

  23. How to Create a Multimedia Presentation (& Tools to Use)

    Step #4: Add multimedia content. At this stage, your presentation probably looks good-looking, but static. Let's make it interactive by adding unique multimedia presentation tools. Start adding multimedia content to the slides that need it.

  24. Free AI presentation maker: generate slides in seconds

    Try the AI Menti Builder today! This is the first version of the AI Menti Builder, and we are committed to continually enhancing our AI-generated content to ensure it becomes more accurate. Try it out and let us know what you think! Add a prompt and watch as it instantly crafts an interactive draft of a presentation, fully customizable by you.

  25. Free Cinema templates for Google Slides and PowerPoint

    Download the "Documentary Film Project Proposal" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. A well-crafted proposal can be the key factor in determining the success of your project. It's an opportunity to showcase your ideas, objectives, and plans in a clear and concise manner, and to convince others to invest their...

  26. WPS Office Presentation

    WPS Presentation is a free Powerpoint Editor for Effortless Slide Creation, Editing, Saving, and Sharing. Seamlessly handle PowerPoint presentations across multiple platforms with full compatibility with Microsoft Office. Available for PC Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS devices. Free Download.

  27. The UC Santa Cruz Film and Digital Media Department presents: 'Echoes

    This film presentation has been a yearly tradition in the Film and Digital Media (FDM) department for years. Though it stopped briefly during COVID, it was brought back last year, and is now celebrating yet another year of graduates. The Social Documentary (SocDoc) MFA is the UC system's only graduate degree program designed for media makers ...

  28. PowerPoint Online: Publicly Shared Videos from OneDrive (Stream) Not

    In this presentation, I added some videos from my OneDrive using the "insert online video" option. These videos were added using the new Stream application, and I used "public" links to insert them. However, when I share this presentation publicly and send the link to others, they can view the presentation but cannot play the videos. The video ...

  29. How To Get Free Access To Microsoft PowerPoint

    Here's how to get free PowerPoint on the Microsoft 365 (Office) app: Search for Microsoft 365 (Office) on the Microsoft Store app. Install and open it. Sign in with your Microsoft account ...

  30. How to Get Microsoft 365 for Free

    Here's how to get them: 1. Go to Microsoft365.com. 2. Click Sign up for the free version of Office under the "Sign in" button. 3. Log in to your Microsoft account or create one for free. If you ...