Interpersonal Communication Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

  • Comforting Communication
  • Communication and Relationship Rules
  • Communication Apprehension
  • Communicator Style
  • Dating Relationships
  • Deception Detection Accuracy
  • Deceptive Message Production
  • Disclosure in Interpersonal Communication
  • Environment and Social Interaction
  • Expectancy Violation
  • Eye Behavior
  • Facial Expressions
  • Friendship and Peer Interaction
  • Gestures and Kinesics
  • Imagined Interactions
  • Impression Management
  • Ingratiation and Affinity Seeking
  • Initial Interaction
  • Interaction Adaptation Theory
  • Interpersonal Attraction
  • Interpersonal Communication Competence and Social Skills
  • Interpersonal Conflict
  • Long-Distance Relationships
  • Marital Communication
  • Marital Typologies

Mediated Social Interaction

  • Negotiation and Bargaining
  • Online Relationships
  • Paralanguage
  • Politeness Theory
  • Power, Dominance, and Social Interaction
  • Reciprocity and Compensation in Interaction
  • Relational Control
  • Relational Dialectics
  • Relational Maintenance
  • Relational Schemas
  • Relational Termination
  • Relational Uncertainty

Relationship Development

  • Schemas, Knowledge Structures, and Social Interaction
  • Self-Presentation
  • Sex and Gender Differences in Interpersonal Communication
  • Sibling Interaction
  • Social Aspects of Goals
  • Social Exchange
  • Social Interaction Structure
  • Social Support in Interpersonal Communication
  • Uncertainty Management
  • Uncertainty Reduction Theory
  • Verbal Aggressiveness

Uncertainty in Interpersonal Communication

When individuals engage in social interaction with each other, they cannot be completely certain of their conversational partners’ current goals, emotional states, beliefs, attitudes, and future actions. Individuals also harbor uncertainties about how they should act toward their partners. These uncertainties are maximal when strangers meet, but uncertainties can also arise in close relationships of long duration. Uncertainty Reduction Theory (URT; Berger & Calabrese 1975) proposes that individuals must reduce their uncertainties to some degree in order to be able to fashion verbal discourse and actions that will allow them to achieve their interaction goals.

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URT has found purchase in explaining social interaction in intercultural (Gudykunst 1995) and organizational (Kramer 2004) communication contexts. Individuals may experience uncertainty with respect to their relationships with each other, and individuals may not necessarily be motivated to reduce their uncertainty when they anticipate experiencing negative outcomes by so doing.

Interpersonal Adaption

When individuals converse, they show strong proclivities to reciprocate each other’s verbal and nonverbal behaviors. Although the forces for reciprocity in social interaction are highly pervasive, there are conditions under which interacting individuals will show compensation in response to each other’s behaviors. Compensation occurs when a behavior displayed by one person is not matched in some way by another. A number of alternative theories have been devised to illuminate the conditions under which reciprocity and compensation are likely to occur, especially with respect to nonverbal behaviors. Although these theories differ in terms of their explanations for reciprocity/compensation, they share a common assumption that when expectations for nonverbal behavior are violated, individuals tend to experience arousal. Research comparing these theories has been inconclusive and has prompted the development of Interaction Adaptation Theory (Burgoon et al. 2010).

Message Production

Just as language is a tool for attaining everyday goals, social interaction is an instrument for goal achievement. Consistent with this proposition, constructivist researchers have endeavored to determine the characteristics of messages deemed to be effective for achieving a variety of goals, most of them concerned with persuasion. A more comprehensive and abstract message production theory labeled Action Assembly Theory (Greene 1997) has been developed to explain how individuals produce actions and discourse. Theories featuring such knowledge structures as scripts and plans have also been devised (Berger 1997). According to these Goal- Plan-Action (GPA) theories (Dillard et al. 2002), scripts and plans are hierarchically organized knowledge structures representing action sequences that will bring about the achievement of goals. Once goals are activated, these knowledge structures guide actions toward goal attainment.

Interpersonal communication plays a critical role in the development, maintenance, and deterioration of social and personal relationships. A central question researchers have sought to answer is why some relationships become closer over time while others grow distant and perhaps end. Social exchange theories have frequently been invoked to explain why relationship growth and deterioration occur (Roloff 1981). These theories suggest that individuals experience both rewards for and costs of being in relationships with each other. Favorable relative reward/cost ratios fuel relationship growth, whereas unfavorable ratios are associated with relationship deterioration. Relational dialectics researchers contend that the development of relationships is fraught with dialectical tensions that may serve to pull individuals in opposite directions simultaneously (Baxter & Montgomery 1996). Because tensions between these polarities shift over time, relationships are in a constant state of flux.

Deceptive Communication

Many interpersonal communication researchers recognize that deception is an integral part of social interaction. Many times ‘white lies’ are told to help co-interlocutors save face when potentially embarrassing circumstances arise in social situations. Two enduring questions concerning deceptive communication have attracted considerable research attention. One of these concerns the degree to which engaging in deception alters nonverbal behaviors; i.e. do truth tellers’ nonverbal behaviors differ systematically from those of individuals who are telling lies? Specific behaviors may be diagnostic of deceptive communication in specific individuals; however, no universal nonverbal indicator of deceptive communication has yet been identified. The second enduring question is the degree to which individuals are skilled at detecting deception. Research has shown that most individuals, including law-enforcement professionals, are not very adept at detecting deception.

Increasingly, social interaction is being accomplished through various communication technologies. These developments have prompted a concomitant increase in research aimed at understanding their potential individual and social effects. Research has sought to determine how computer-mediated communication (CMC) and face-to-face (FtF) interaction differ with respect the outcomes associated with their use (Walther 2010). Because text-based CMC filters out many nonverbal cues available to people engaged in FtF interactions, it is presumed that communication via textbased CMC is more task focused than is FtF communication. Although relatively cue-deprived, text-based CMC venues may be useful for initially encountering and screening potential friends and romantic partners, they apparently do not afford sufficient information for developing close relationships. Individuals who initially meet in the textbased CMC world usually elect to communicate with each other through other channels, e.g., phone and FtF encounters.


  • Baxter, L. A. & Montgomery, B. M. (1996). Relating: Dialogues and dialectics. New York: Guilford.
  • Berger, C. R. (1997). Planning strategic interaction: Attaining goals through communicative action. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Berger, C. R. & Calabrese, R. J. (1975). Some explorations in initial interaction and beyond: Toward a developmental theory of interpersonal communication. Human Communication Research, 1, 99–112.
  • Burgoon, J. K., Floyd, K., & Guerrero, L. K. (2010). Nonverbal communication theories of interaction adaptation. In C. R. Berger, M. E. Roloff, & D. R. Roskos-Ewoldsen (eds.), Handbook of communication science, 2nd edn. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 93–108.
  • Dillard, J. P., Anderson, J. W., & Knobloch, L. K. (2002). Interpersonal influence. In M. L. Knapp & J. A. Daly (eds.), Handbook of interpersonal communication, 3rd edn. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 425–474.
  • Greene, J. O. (1997). A second generation action assembly theory. In J. O. Greene (ed.), Message production: Advances in communication theory. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 151–170.
  • Gudykunst, W. B. (1995). Anxiety/uncertainty management (AUM) theory. In R. L. Wiseman (ed.), Intercultural communication theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 8–58.
  • Kramer, M. W. (2004). Managing uncertainty in organizational communication. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Roloff, M. E. (1981). Interpersonal communication: The social exchange approach. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
  • Walther, J. B. (2010). Computer-mediated communication. In C. R. Berger, M. E. Roloff, & D. R. Roskos- Ewoldsen (eds.), Handbook of communication science, 2nd edn. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 489–505.

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178 Communication Research Topics For Your Paper

178 Communication Research Topics

Imagine what the world would be without communication! How would we get along? I guess there would be no sense in existing after all. That is just a tiny snippet of how important communication is in everyday life. Exchanging information is a key component of coexistence as it creates order and a sense of satisfaction in the end.

However, communication as a discipline cuts across all other niches in the academic world. Students from an Engineering course would also take up communication as a unit of study. Students delve into the transmission, representation, reception, and decoding of information communicated to a greater extent.

Situations When You May Need To Write A Communication Paper

Various scenarios call for a communication paper either as an assignment or a research project in college. The communication papers needed for every situation vary in format and outline. Here are some of the cases when communication papers are necessary:

When writing a resume or cover letter In presentations and reports Internal or external communication in a company Writing a thesis statement

When writing communication papers in these different scenarios, students can develop the following aspects:

Understand the various communication phenomena Ability to direct communication messages towards accomplishing individual and organizational goals Understand various types of communication such as rhetoric, interpersonal or organizational

Such an assignment is peculiar because it deals with students’ communication processes. Therefore, the student can easily relate a communication assignment to the real-world environment.

You will have to conduct extensive digging before writing your paper like any other research project. In writing a communication research paper, you will benefit from the importance of communication in general, such as building better relationships and finding the right solutions to various problems.

It takes a lot of time to create a high-quality writing, so you have all the right to ask dissertation writers for hire to help.

Guidelines On Structure And Step By Step Tips On Writing

To have an award-winning communication paper, you need to understand that structure is always at the heart of it all. A great communication paper follows the structure below:

Solid intro : Begin by presenting a captivating introduction by highlighting the facts, questions, or problems that you will explore in the body. The reader should find more than a million reasons to proceed with your essay by reading the first two lines. A strong thesis statement is also necessary for the introduction. An insightful literature review : It shows the theoretical basis of your research project, thus giving it validity. An in-depth literature review will give room for exploration and further research. Main body : This is where we expect to find all your findings, methodological steps, concepts, analyses, and the outcome. Discussion and conclusion : Depending on your professor’s instructions, you can divide this into two parts or put it as one. In either case, this section will consist of the strengths and weaknesses of your research and any future development or improvements. You could also compare the results found in your research with what other authors have discovered.

Provided you have all your facts at hand, a communication research paper will be the easiest you will ever handle in college. Nonetheless, you can order a custom paper from various online writing experts.

If you want to make an impression with your communication research paper, here are some tips to consider:

Select a thought-provoking and captivating research topic Have a working outline with all the arguments and examples/evidence in place Ensure that you exhaust reading all the possible research materials on your topic Such papers are always in the first person except in unique cases

You can review some of the samples on our essay writer to familiarize yourself with the structure and outline of a communication research paper.

Let’s now explore 178 of the hottest communication research topics to ace your project:

Top Interpersonal Communication Research Topics

  • Evaluate the different relational patterns of interaction theory
  • How to achieve coordinated management of meaning
  • Discuss the fundamentals of pedagogical communication
  • How does technology relate to interpersonal communication?
  • Key constructs of openness and closeness
  • Establishing identities in the identity management theory
  • Evaluate the contribution of interpersonal communication scholars
  • How mental representations influence how people interpret information
  • Conceptualizing the process of social interaction
  • Discuss the various behavioral interaction patterns among siblings
  • Why do individuals modify their communicative behavior?
  • Describe why new environments present a challenge for most people to communicate effectively
  • The role of eye contact and gestures in interpersonal communication
  • Varying effects of nonverbal and verbal acts of interpersonal communication
  • Effects of different cultures on interpersonal communication strategies

World-Class Communication Research Topics For College Students

  • Understanding the historical research methods in communication
  • Discuss the relationship between technology, media, and culture
  • Evaluate the various revolutions in human communication
  • Discuss the developments made in the invention of human speech and language
  • The role of image-making, cinema, and media entertainment in communication
  • How to overcome communication barriers among students
  • Steps in encouraging participation in meetings
  • How employees contribute to the information flow in organizations
  • How to evaluate a report based on its findings
  • Sources of error during nonverbal communication
  • How the media can match the channels of communication to their audience
  • Ensuring audience attention during a presentation
  • The impact of graphics in communication strategies
  • How to interpret non-verbal signals
  • Developing communication methods that match a given purpose

Possible Topics For Communication Research

  • How to develop realistic communication strategies
  • Discuss the economics of finance in communication processes
  • How exposure to radio and TV impacts communication
  • How to manage controversial issues in communication
  • Why speaking with confidence is still difficult for many people
  • The effectiveness of communicating with words and body language
  • Why defining your purpose is key in any communication process
  • Why explanatory communication is more difficult than informative communication
  • The place of communication in long-distance relationships
  • Communication strategies that influence people
  • How to use communication effectively for conflict resolution
  • Developing your self-esteem for effective communication
  • Effects of redundancy in communication processes
  • The place of responsibility in developing communication messages
  • How to acquire effective communication skills in college

Latest Communication Topic For Research

  • The role of persuasive dialogue in negotiations
  • Why everyone must learn proper expression strategies
  • Effects of emoji and other characters in enhancing textual conversations
  • The role of propaganda in shaping communication tones
  • Evaluate the unique political language used in America versus Africa
  • The continuing impact of the internet on interpersonal communication
  • How images are enhancing communication
  • Discuss the effects of gender victimization on communication
  • Evaluate the development of modern digital communication
  • How to effectively communicate during a war or crisis
  • How hacking is transforming communication of encrypted messages
  • Effects of stereotyping in developing communication messages
  • Is virtual reality ruining effective communication?
  • Evaluate language as a barrier in communicating messages
  • The role of empathy in communicating to victims of a disaster

Top-Notch Communication Research Paper Topics

  • The role of diplomacy in fostering better relations among countries
  • Why aided communication may not achieve the intended purpose
  • Effects of using a translator in the communication of critical messages
  • Evaluate the development of audio-visual devices for communication
  • The dangers of failing to notice barriers to communication
  • How stigma and prejudice impact effective communication
  • Discuss the impact of having a common language in a country
  • How social classes affect communication messages
  • Factors that hinder communication between fighting political sides
  • How to develop strong communication skills in a marketplace
  • Why opinions may prevent one from seeing the true picture
  • Discuss the role of fantasy and exaggeration in communication
  • Differences between oral and verbal messages in conveying information
  • The role of attitude and mood in enhancing effective message delivery
  • How the media sets the communication pattern of a given society

Highly Rated Mass Communication Research Topics

  • Discuss the essence of social media among PR practitioners
  • The role of mass media in rebranding a nation
  • Challenges to media freedom and their impact on proper communication
  • Discuss the effects of news commercialization and their credibility
  • How TV advertisements impact children and their development
  • Compare and contrast between animation and real-people adverts in mass media
  • How the internet affects professionalization in news media
  • How mass media messages contribute to the development of religion in Africa
  • Evaluate the radio listenership patterns between men and women
  • How does mass media contribute to an emerging democracy
  • Discuss how the media enlightens the public on issues of concern
  • The role of mass media in communicating development messages
  • Why mass media is critical before, during, and after elections
  • Assess the influence of community radio in remote areas
  • How mass media contributes to national integration

Good Communication Research Topics

  • What determines consumer preference patterns in the 21 st century?
  • Effective communication strategies for creating awareness against drug abuse
  • Prospects and challenges of local dialects in communication
  • Evaluate the influence of television on public opinion
  • Discuss the growing cyberactivism in the digital age
  • How social media is contributing to misleading information
  • Challenges facing teachers when communicating to pre-school students
  • Discuss the impact of information overload on the credibility of information
  • Evaluate communication patterns among the youth in the US
  • Assess the effects of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on communication patterns
  • How public perception influences communication strategies
  • Explain how mothers learn to communicate with and understand their babies at such a tender age
  • The role of music in shaping communication models
  • How to overcome the challenge of top-down communication in companies
  • Management of information on online media for effective use

Business Communication Research Paper Topics

  • Discuss the increasing role of influencers on brand marketing
  • Why company blogs are essential in attracting new clients
  • Evaluate the differences between face to face and virtual business meetings
  • The growing popularity of social media in business marketing
  • Why every company should have a partner relations department
  • Dealing with complaints in a relaxed and useful manner
  • Why online project management is the future of business
  • Discuss why it is necessary to have company retreats
  • Explore the role of digital document sharing in speeding up business communication
  • Effects of relying on online communication at the expense of physical meetings
  • The role of effective business management in the performance of an organization
  • How staff motivation improve the overall working environment
  • Discuss the place of corporate social responsibility in a company
  • Effective ways of handling crisis in a large company
  • Explain why trust is important in any business partnerships

Intercultural Communication Research Topics

  • Discuss how Muslims interact with Christians at a social level
  • Evaluate the reception of instructions from a man to a woman
  • How Americans interact with Africans at the basic level
  • Discuss how an American Democrat would associate with a Chinese politician
  • Discuss the impact of marginalization in developing communication messages
  • How migration and immigration affect communication patterns
  • Effects of social stereotyping in communication
  • How do Western communication models differ from those of Africa?
  • Impact of discriminatory communication messages
  • How to organize an effective intergroup come-together
  • How the media represents various groups in its communication
  • Effects of the growing intercultural norms
  • The role of language attitudes in inhibiting effective communication
  • Evaluate how ethnographic perspectives affect communication messages
  • Why it is difficult to solve intercultural conflicts

Additional Interpersonal Communication Topics For Research Paper

  • The role of interpersonal communication in team member satisfaction
  • How collaboration and teamwork enhances business success
  • Discuss how interpersonal communication enhances problem-solving skills
  • The role of trust in interpersonal communication
  • Effects of confusion, negativity, and conflicts on interpersonal communication
  • How to deal with workplace miscommunication effectively
  • The role of personalizing information
  • How to improve internal communication channels in a company
  • Discuss the role of interests in communication patterns
  • Challenges when implementing modern communication solutions
  • Evaluate how jargon and inattention make internal communication difficult
  • The role of feedback in interpreting messages correctly
  • Discuss the influence of environmental factors in communication
  • Why miscommunication may result in a disconnect among a group of people
  • Discuss the role of skills and knowledge in effective communication among leaders

Interesting Communication Research Topics

  • How can effective interpersonal communication be a catalyst for action
  • Why a focused and intentional approach is necessary for effective communication
  • Discuss why online dating is not successful in most cases
  • Evaluate the role of non-verbal communication and customer satisfaction
  • Why is it important to have a list of communication networks?
  • Effects of lack of personal contact when it comes to communication
  • Discuss the various forms of human interactions and their influence on communication
  • The role of clear communication during an organizational change process
  • Why online communication is not as effective as physical meetings
  • Evaluate the roles and issues involved in a nurse-patient communication
  • The role of TV shows in determining how people relate to each other in the society
  • Effects of the digital divide in communication paradigms
  • The relationship between quality leadership and effective communication
  • Why is email still not yet an effective communication medium?
  • Effects of integrating marketing communication

General Communication Studies Research Topics

  • Discuss the differences in body language between male and female
  • The role of communication in familiarizing with someone
  • How online gaming communication affects one’s interpersonal communication
  • Why a leader without proper communication skills may not succeed
  • The role of communication in achieving an organization’s vision
  • How mobile phone conversations are turning around interpersonal communication
  • Discuss the role of different personality types in communication
  • Is there a difference between language and communication?
  • Discuss how communication in the military is different from that in a normal setting
  • Compare and contrast between written and spoken forms of communication
  • Why family communication is critical for a peaceful coexistence
  • Shortcomings to understanding foreign languages
  • Discuss the effectiveness of web-based communication

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Let us help you brainstorm great ideas that will turn your project into a world-class paper!

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100 Best Communication Topics You’ll Ever Need

Interpersonal Communication Topics

Public speaking has gained great recognition over the past few years. Where it wasn’t even considered a valuable skill a decade ago, public speaking has now become the main part of college curriculums. Students who are good at delivering speeches are encouraged to do better and hone their skills.

If you are fond of public speaking or know someone who is into speeches and debates, this guide is going to serve you the right way. It will provide you with interesting communication research topics and give you the best writing help ever.

What Are Communication Topics?

If you are a newbie in this field, you might be wondering what public speaking is and how to ace it.

Basically, public speaking is any kind of speech that is given in front of an audience – be it an official event, a college competition, or any other occasion. It consists of a large range of interpersonal communication topics and has many benefits.

Public speaking is done for many different reasons, where education stands on top of the list. People who are studying communication topics are always on the lookout for communication research topics such as interpersonal communication research topics, communication thesis ideas, social media research topics, and whatnot.

Everyone wants to bag in the best communication thesis ideas and make sure their presentations are the finest of all. We are sure you are one of those people; that is why we have written this guide to give you an insight into lots of topics in interpersonal communication.

Benefits Of Public Speaking

As we mentioned above, there are numerous advantages to this skill, and it really helps you in all stages of your life. Here is a brief list:

Boosts up your confidence Improves your research skills Builds your patience Helps in educating other people through your knowledge Aids your mental growth Results in great exposure Better conclusive skills Makes you a convincing person You automatically build an opinion about everything after going through all the communication research ideas Transforms your body language

Now you probably know what we were talking about in the previous paragraphs. If you are not a speaker at the moment, it is high time you consider doing it from now on because you can see all the amazing benefits it will bring your way. It will certainly make you a better and more learned person who can actually influence people’s opinions about how they see the world.

100 Interpersonal Communication Topics For You

In case you are still stuck with interpersonal communication research topics, we have written down a long list of research topics for communication to help you with your studies as well as give you public speaking ideas.

Funny speech topics

  • No one wants to grow up
  • Parents should ask for our consent before bringing us into the world
  • Vegetarians not allowed
  • Why is there a temptation in only the prohibited things
  • Our favorite childhood memories
  • Let us travel back to happy times when we were not born
  • You should smile more often
  • A billion reasons why telling the truth doesn’t always work
  • Let us just say no to growing up
  • Mayonnaise beats ketchup
  • Being weird is good

Informative speech topics

  • The history of evolution
  • Is the earth flat or round?
  • Let us give our women their rights
  • 100 reasons why racism should not exist
  • Let us clean our motherland
  • Deep-rooted causes of coronavirus
  • History and origin of America
  • The era of believers
  • How did the internet affect us?
  • How continents came into existence

Beauty and fashion related speech topics

  • The history and origin of makeup
  • Why is skincare your best friend
  • Skincare is all about your water intake
  • Miniskirts vs. trousers
  • Reasons to wear makeup
  • How makeup impacts confidence
  • High heels or sneakers?
  • Ideal skincare routine for everyone
  • Makeup is not for a specific gender
  • Skincare over makeup

Sports-related speech topics

  • Football releases stress
  • College athletes should be paid
  • Girls need more inclusion in sports
  • Health benefits that sports bring
  • Why choose cricket over baseball?
  • Female vs. male wrestlers
  • Is wrestling a healthy sport?
  • Make sports safe for LGBT sportsmen
  • Paralympics and its benefits
  • Its high time we stop sexism in sports

Inspirational interpersonal communication topics

  • We got this!
  • There is way more to life than you think
  • Get your life together
  • Make yourself proud before anyone else
  • Way to love yourself
  • Forgiveness is not easy but always gives you relief
  • The key is to hold on
  • You should be the most important person in your life
  • 100 reasons why we should be more kind
  • Fake it till you make it!
  • Work hard in silence and let your success make the noise

Mental health awareness speech topics

  • Personality disorders amongst teens and their solutions
  • Is the medication required for mental illnesses?
  • How important is therapy?
  • Rub off those suicidal thoughts
  • You are important
  • Physical and mental health should be given equal importance
  • Men have the right to show their emotions, and no one should tell them otherwise
  • Peer pressure and its side effects
  • Deaf your ears to everything but your heart
  • Let us break stereotypes

Communication research topics for kids

  • Mobile phones or books?
  • The better side of technology
  • Play-time is as important as studies
  • No more homework!
  • Should homeschooling become more common?
  • Introduce evening shifts in schools!
  • How to be a pro at maths
  • Always stand up to bullies
  • Be a kinder version of yourself, every day
  • Should watching cartoons be allowed in schools?

Health and medical speech topics

  • Every doctor should get a gold medal for his services
  • Accept your body
  • The importance of drinking water
  • Take care of your diet
  • Here is why you should never step near drugs
  • Why should a headache never be ignored?
  • The correct first aid kit can help save a life
  • How do cell-phones affect our health?
  • Top things to do for better brain functioning
  • What should be done to improve immunity?

Political speech topics

  • Is democracy really the best option?
  • The problem of investing in biological weaponries
  • Why are taxes needed?
  • Should chain-smokers pay a health tax?
  • Does voting actually help?
  • We want justice
  • Why isn’t the government against racism?

Environmental interpersonal communication topics

  • Recycle paper as much as possible
  • How to make recycling a part of daily life?
  • Plastic should be completely banned
  • Only one car per house should be allowed
  • Let us beat global warming together
  • Why we need to plant more trees
  • We lack fresh air – aren’t you worried?
  • An animal’s life is just as important as a human’s.
  • It is high time you stop wasting water
  • Adopt a stray cat instead of buying an expensive breed
  • No one can save our planet but us!

Now that you have reached the century, we are sure you know what your next speech will be about. We hope this guide helped you out! However, should you need a professional writer by your side , feel free to contact our experts – they will nail it in no time!

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100 Communication Research Topics


Table of contents

  • 1 What Is Communication Research?
  • 2.1 Top Research Topic Ideas
  • 2.2 Research Topics for College Students
  • 2.3 Business-Focused Research Topics
  • 2.4 Social Media Research Topics
  • 2.5 Mass Communication Research Topics
  • 2.6 Interpersonal Communication Research Topics
  • 2.7 Intercultural Communication Research Topics
  • 2.8 Virtual Communication Research Topics
  • 2.9 Health-Related Research Topics
  • 2.10 Interesting Communication Research Topics
  • 3 Coming up with a Thesis Statement
  • 4.1 How to Create Strong Questions for Your Paper?
  • 4.2 How to Find the Right Research Topics?
  • 4.3 What Makes a Research Paper Topic Strong?
  • 4.4 Tips for Structuring and Writing Your Paper
  • 5 Conclusion

All fields of study have fresh and intriguing new research paper topics to explore. Within the subject of communication, there are loads of possibilities for research papers . This is thanks to the development of mass media and the growing popularity of various modern communication methods.

This article covers a broad range of effective research paper topics that are both interesting and relevant for this field. Any of them would make a suitable focal point for any research paper to do with how we interact with one another.

What Is Communication Research?

This is the study of how we interact with one another. It includes how the way we interact is affected by technology, culture, and individual differences. Researchers in this field use a variety of methods to study the way we converse and interact with each other, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and experiments.

Research in this area can be used to improve communication skills in personal relationships, in the workplace, and in other settings.

Lists of Key Communication Research Topics

The range of research paper topics in this field is extensive, to say the least. Below are 100 relevant topics that are arranged in groups of 10.

They cover a broad selection of modern communication issues and debates, from corporate and computer mediated communication to effective interpersonal communication, communication strategies, and more.

Top Research Topic Ideas

The topics in this first group mostly focus on how different factors impact the way we interact with one another. These are some of the key issues in the communication discipline today.

  • The role communication plays in organizations.
  • How technology influences it.
  • The way globalization affects it.
  • How it’s influenced by broadcast media.
  • Ways in which advertising impacts it.
  • The influence propaganda has on it.
  • How it’s impacted by public relations.
  • The effects of international journalism and journalism ethics on it.
  • How the use of social media influences it.
  • How it’s affected by language.

Research Topics for College Students

These topics are ideal for college students. They focus on how communication processes can influence someone’s mental health and personality traits. Both of these are important since they can influence a student’s academic progress.

  • How does communication shape our identities?
  • How do we use it to build relationships?
  • What role does it play in influencing our emotions?
  • How is our thinking influenced by it?
  • In what ways do we use it to manage conflict?
  • How is our behavior influenced by it?
  • What factors influence the effectiveness of communication?
  • In what way is it impacted by technology?
  • What influences do cultural differences have on it?
  • How does it shape our physical and mental health?


Business-Focused Research Topics

Having effective business communication is necessary for any sort of commercial activity to improve its marketing value. Both business to business communication and interactions with the public have to get the right message across. Below are some potential areas to do with organizational communication and public relations.

  • The impact of new communication technologies.
  • The use of social media and external communication.
  • What effects does globalization have?
  • How organizational communication is used in virtual teams.
  • The impact that intercultural communication has.
  • The way humor is used.
  • What are the effects of gender?
  • How we use non-verbal communication.
  • The effect that technology has on corporate communication etiquette.
  • The way we use business communication in crisis situations.

Social Media Research Topics

The focus of these topics is on social media, and it affects the way we communicate with one another. Using social media and being exposed to social media marketing can both have significant effects on practical communication skills. These topics focus on the way modern digital platforms influence our interactions.

  • The effect of social media on communication practices and patterns.
  • How social media changes relationship development.
  • What influence does social media have on how people interact with each other?
  • The effect of social media on the way people share information.
  • How social media impacts the way people interact with businesses.
  • The effect of social media on the way people interact with governments through proper communication channels.
  • What consequences does social media have on online interactions?
  • The effect that social media has on the way people interact with each other offline.
  • Social media’s influence on the way people interact with each other in different cultures.
  • What effects does social media have on the way people interact with each other in different age groups?

Mass Communication Research Topics

Mass communication is when you share information with a large number of people at the same time. Topics to do with mass communication are very relevant, thanks to the internet, social media platforms, and other kinds of mass media. The purpose of mass media is simply to inform loads of people about something as quickly and conveniently as possible.

  • What effect do social media platforms have on mass communication?
  • How does new technology affect it?
  • The impact that advertising has on it.
  • How news media influences it.
  • Ways in which propaganda impacts it.
  • The influence that public relations have on it.
  • How it’s impacted by digital media and print media.
  • Globalization’s impact on it.
  • How new forms of media affect it.
  • The ways it’s influenced by social networking.

Interpersonal Communication Research Topics

This is a broad term that refers to the exchanging of information between people. It’s when you use effective communication skills to share thoughts, ideas, and facts with at least one other person. The topics in this section look at some of the latest interpersonal communication trends.

  • The effect of technology on interpersonal communication.
  • The effect of culture on it.
  • How gender influences it.
  • The effect of age on it.
  • How someone’s interaction style may impact it.
  • The way context may influence it.
  • How relationships can influence it.
  • How it can be influenced by social apprehension.
  • The effect of social competence on it.
  • How it’s impacted by satisfaction.


Intercultural Communication Research Topics

This is when people from different cultures exchange information. Things like different languages, traditions, and even artifacts affect intercultural communication. The topics below look at intercultural communication and how culture shapes the many ways we interact with one another.

  • How culture influences the ways we interact with one another.
  • The impact of intercultural communication styles on relationships.
  • How culture impacts our perceptions of interaction.
  • The effect that interaction has on business relationships.
  • How culture influences the way we interpret nonverbal communication.
  • The impact of culture on our way of interpreting speech.
  • How culture influences our information processing.
  • The way culture impacts our process of making decision.
  • The impact of culture on how we solve problems.
  • How culture influences our interactions with others.

Virtual Communication Research Topics

Are virtual communication skills essential? You have to be just as proficient at virtual dialogue as you are at spoken words. Mastering interactive online communication is key for anyone who wants to succeed, and the topics below delve into this further.

  • The impact on the development of personal relationships.
  • The use of virtual dialogue in the business world.
  • How it influences the way we think and learn.
  • The benefits of virtual communication for people with social anxiety.
  • The way it’s used in education.
  • How it impacts our mental health.
  • Ways in which it influences family relationships.
  • How it’s used in the workplace.
  • The effect it has on relationships.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of virtual communication.

Health-Related Research Topics

It’s essential to have effective communication strategies in any sort of healthcare setting. Having interpersonal communication competence is vital so that practitioners can speak with patients clearly and effectively. The topics below look at how internal and external communication in the healthcare industry affects and is affected by different factors.

  • The effectiveness of health communication campaigns in changing health behaviors.
  • The impact of social media on interactions in the health industry.
  • How humor is used in it.
  • How storytelling is used in it.
  • What effects it has on reducing health disparities.
  • What effects it has on increasing health literacy.
  • How new media technologies are used in it.
  • How it influences public health outcomes.
  • The role it plays in health education.
  • The impact it has on patient satisfaction.

Interesting Communication Research Topics

This last batch of topics looks at how both spoken words and non-verbal communication affect different things. Some of the topics are about how we interact with one another in different areas of life.

  • The impact of new communication technology on social interactions.
  • The way it is used in the workplace.
  • How we use it in education.
  • Ways in which it is used in marketing.
  • How people use it in healthcare.
  • The way it affects personal relationships.
  • The effects it has on organizational cultures.
  • How it impacts individual productivity.
  • Its effects on consumer behavior.
  • The influences it has on the environment.
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Coming up with a Thesis Statement

Once you have come up with a potential research topic, you should start writing. Your first step is to write an effective thesis statement .

Your thesis statement is the argument or main point you want to make about your topic. It’s a summary of what your paper is going to be about. The purpose of it is to show the reader what you will be discussing and invite them to read your work.

Once you have your thesis statement, start writing your paper. Make sure to include evidence from scholarly sources to support your work.

Topic Selection and Writing Tips

How to create strong questions for your paper.

This question doesn’t have a single answer, as the best way to create strong questions for your paper will vary depending on the specific research project and its goals.

However, some tips on how to create strong questions include:

  • Start by thinking about the specific goals of your research project. What are you trying to learn or understand?
  • Draft a few potential research questions that can help you answer your goals. Be sure to make them as specific as possible.
  • Test your research questions by asking them to others to see if they are clear and understandable. Are they interesting to people outside of your field of study?
  • Revise and refine your research questions as needed. Be sure to keep them concise and easy to understand.

How to Find the Right Research Topics?

When writing a communication research paper, first, you should decide what topic you want to learn more about.

  • Do the effects of social media and mass media on communication interest you?
  • What about the role of communication in a competitive global business environment?
  • What is the impact of new technology on the ways we exchange information?
  • Whether effective communication is necessary to ensure credible reporting?
  • How do improved relations make broadcasting media laws effective?

Once you have a general topic in mind, you can begin to narrow it down by focusing on a specific aspect of this field that interests you.

For example, if you are interested in the communication importance in a business market, you might want to focus on the impact of effective business interactions on employee productivity or customer satisfaction.

Alternatively, you could look at how private media ownership is affecting mass media, bringing journalism ethics into the discussion, and how journalists are ensuring credible reporting.

What Makes a Research Paper Topic Strong?

There is no one answer to this question, as it depends on the individual and the specific research goals. However, some factors that could make a research topic strong include its relevance to current events or real-world issues, its potential to generate new and innovative ideas, and its ability to generate interesting and valuable research findings.

Additionally, a strong topic should be interesting and engaging to read and write about, and it should be something that the researcher can be passionate about.

Tips for Structuring and Writing Your Paper

When writing communication research papers, it is important to structure your argument in a manner that’s clear and concise. Your paper should have a clear research paper introduction , body, and conclusion. Within the body of your paper, there should be a strong thesis statement, evidence that supports your argument, and a conclusion summarizing your argument.

Additionally, throughout the research paper writing process, it is significant to use clear and concise language. Use communication tips to help you put your own points across more effectively.

Deciding what to focus your research paper doesn’t have to be daunting. There are a huge number of research topics available. Finding the right one is easy.

First, think about the ideas that interest you the most. Which part of communication studies are you most passionate about? Is it media ethics, mass media, or something else?

When you’ve settled on one of the research topic ideas , start the research paper writing process. Find key sources such as books and academic articles. Think about what needs addressing in your research paper.

Now, it’s time for you to produce an excellent communication research paper.

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250+ Communication Research Topics & Ideas for Students to Consider

Communication Research Paper Topics

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Picture this: you're sitting at your desk, racking your brain for a killer communication research paper topic. You've scrolled through countless websites, but nothing is resonating. Sounds frustrating, right?

Well, good news – your search ends here. Our blog has been carefully designed to combat this exact problem by providing a broad array of unique communication research topics. Aimed at students like you, it offers topics that are not only relevant, but also engaging and thought-provoking.

We invite you to dive into these communication research paper topics, sure to set your communication study on the right track. They're ready to be picked, expanded, or simply serve as a spark to ignite your creativity. Forget the nightmare of topic selection! With our blog, that's a problem of the past. Dive in this collection from our paper writers online and let the inspiration flow!

What Are Communication Research Topics?

Communication studies is an academic field that integrates aspects of sociology, psychology, media and politics to examine human communication. It's an incredibly dynamic field that explores how information is transmitted and understood among people, organizations, cultures, or nations. 

In this regard, communication research topics cover a wildly diverse range of areas. Some subjects might revolve around understanding social media algorithms, while others focus on the power of political speeches. Basically, if your research explores sending, receiving, and understanding of messages – it fits right into communication studies.

Characteristics of Good Communication Research Paper Topics

Finding the right communication topics for a research paper is like looking for the perfect ingredient. It's not just about grabbing the first thing you see. Instead, you need to select a topic that satisfies your professor’s requirements and adds value to the academic conversation. 

So, what makes a communication research paper topic truly stand out? The answer is simple. You should be governed by a few key attributes that elevate a topic from good to great. Below are some of these features:

  • Present-time significance Choose a topic that resonates with contemporary issues. These subjects may vary from understanding the impact of social media on public discourse to exploring the ethics in digital advertising.
  • Novelty Communication field is vast, but repetitive themes can lose their appeal. Strive for novelty. A fresh viewpoint or a new exploration in a familiar domain can make your paper truly distinctive.
  • Practicality Grand ideas are wonderful, but an effective topic is the one that can be comfortably researched given your resources and timeframe. Consider your access to data, available literature, and your expertise while navigating through research topics for communication.
  • Personal engagement A study should keep you involved. Your own enthusiasm can make the research process more rewarding.
  • Precision A crucial attribute is the scope. An overly broad topic can lead to a surface-level discussion, while a hyper-narrow theme can limit the scope of your research. Make sure your communication research topic keeps that balance.

How to Choose a Communication Research Topic?

Selecting a good research topic in communication can be a time-consuming process since there are many areas to pick from. But with these steps, making a choice can be way easier.

  • Discover Stay updated with the latest trends, theories, and debates in communication studies. This can help you identify emerging or important areas that could form the basis of your title.
  • Ideate Generate a list of possible topics for communication research based on your readings, interests, and specific requirements. Ensure these themes are intriguing and meet instructions.
  • Refine Critically assess your ideas considering the availability of resources for research. Narrow down your list to ideas that can be researched with the resources you have.
  • Finalize Select a theme that you are genuinely interested in. Confirm your choice after discussing it with your mentors, peers or online research paper writing service .

Communication Research Topics List

Before you begin searching, remember to align your topic with your instructor's guidelines and course objectives. Our expert term paper writers have curated a list of engaging communication research paper topics. These ideas, both intriguing and diverse, can provide a robust starting point for your exploration.

  • Impact of emojis on digital conversation.
  • Non-verbal cues in virtual meetings.
  • Evolution of political discourse on social media.
  • Crisis communication in the age of Twitter.
  • Role of memes in shaping public opinion.
  • Ethics of persuasion in advertising.
  • Are podcasts a new form of storytelling?
  • Influence of cultural nuances on business communication.
  • Fake news and media literacy.
  • Language barriers in international diplomacy.
  • Social media influencers as modern change-makers.
  • Impact of technology on interpersonal communication.
  • Role of humor in effective communication.
  • How does workplace diversity affect communication styles?
  • Accessibility in digital communication.

Interesting Communication Research Topics

Great communications research topics should also tackle real-world issues and invite further exploration. We've tailored our suggestions to align with these criteria, aiming to pique your curiosity. Here are fascinating topics that you might find interesting:

  • Role of communication in climate change awareness.
  • Deconstructing political rhetoric in election campaigns.
  • Can emojis replace words in digital conversations?
  • Impact of influencers on consumer behavior.
  • Fake news and public trust in media.
  • Miscommunication: Root causes and effects.
  • Bridging cultural gaps in international negotiations.
  • Understanding gender dynamics in conversation.
  • Ethical boundaries in persuasive advertising.
  • Memes as a form of political commentary.
  • Podcasts: Reviving oral traditions in a digital age?
  • Influence of social media on body image.
  • Digital detox: A solution for information overload?
  • Negotiating language barriers in global diplomacy.
  • What impact does social media have on public opinion?

Good Communication Research Topics

If you are still in search of something more specific, the following communication research topics ideas can help. They cover a range of disciplines and avenues for exploration, from healthcare research topics to business topics and ideas.

  • Crisis communication in natural disasters.
  • Role of body language in job interviews.
  • Digital activism: Effective tool or just noise?
  • How does social media shape our self-image?
  • Impact of AI on interpersonal communication.
  • Ethics and transparency in public relations.
  • Humor as a communication tool in education.
  • Can language shape our perception of reality?
  • Exploring intercultural communication in multinational companies.
  • Analyzing propaganda techniques in modern media.
  • Role of storytelling in organizational leadership.
  • Communication strategies in health campaigns.
  • Power dynamics in family conversations.
  • Navigating digital communication etiquette: Do’s and don'ts.
  • Is anonymity empowering or threatening in online communication?

Simple Communication Research Paper Topics

Browsing through tons of research topics in communication can quickly become overwhelming if not managed properly. To simplify the process, these easy yet comprehensive ideas may be of help.

  • Role of silence in effective communication.
  • Influence of celebrity endorsements on brand image.
  • Impact of texting on language skills.
  • Social media as a tool for social change.
  • Power of non-verbal communication in public speaking.
  • Exploring communication styles across cultures.
  • Understanding effective communication in sports teams.
  • Cyberbullying: A new face of aggression?
  • Role of communication in customer service excellence.
  • Music as a universal language: Myth or reality?
  • Exploring personal space in different cultures.
  • Are billboards still effective advertising tools?
  • Impact of language proficiency on academic performance.
  • Bridging generational gaps through effective communication.
  • Role of communication in conflict resolution.

Latest Communication Research Topics

Keeping pace with the latest trends is crucial, as it allows you to tap into contemporary debates. It's about understanding the pulse of the present, exploring the new, and challenging the status quo. To help you get involved in these current discussions, here are some trending communication topics for research:

  • Role of TikTok in shaping youth culture.
  • Impact of remote work on team communication.
  • Is cancel culture affecting freedom of speech?
  • Rise of mental health conversations on social media.
  • Understanding AI's role in customer service communication.
  • Influencer marketing: Revolutionizing traditional advertising?
  • Dealing with misinformation in the era of instant news.
  • Impact of virtual reality on interpersonal communication.
  • Communication strategies in pandemic crisis management.
  • Role of livestreaming in shaping consumer behavior.
  • Can chatbots replace human customer service?
  • NFTs and their impact on digital art communication.
  • E-sports communication: New rules of the game.
  • Voice technology: Future of human-machine communication?
  • Communication patterns in online learning environments.

Communication Research Topic Ideas for Students

Requirements to research differ depending on the academic level. If you are searching for research topics on communication divided into separate groups based on their academic complexity, don’t go any further. Below we selected the best communication research ideas for both college and university students.

Communication Research Paper Topics for College Students

College-level studies require a more sophisticated approach than a high-school one. You should explore beyond the surface and engage critically with various facets of communication. To meet these academic expectations, we offer you a selection of communication research topics for college students.

  • Biases in news media coverage.
  • Understanding communication breakdown in diplomatic relations.
  • Role of data visualization in business communication.
  • The psychology of persuasion in advertising.
  • Impact of subliminal messaging in advertising.
  • Cross-cultural communication in global business.
  • Role of LinkedIn in professional networking.
  • Impact of language nuances on legal communication.
  • Political correctness in public discourse: Necessity or limitation?
  • Social media algorithms and user behavior.
  • Analyzing crisis communication in the airline industry.
  • Impact of cyber communication on teenage self-esteem.
  • Exploring echo chambers in digital media.
  • Communication strategies for environmental advocacy.
  • Role of whistleblowers in corporate communication.

Communication Research Paper Topics for University Students

University-level research is often more intensive and complex. To help you cope with this, we've prepared a selection of communication research topics for university students. These ideas should give you plenty of material to investigate.

  • Impact of bilingualism on interpersonal communication.
  • Role of visual aids in classroom communication.
  • AI's influence on journalism: A revolution?
  • Social networking sites: Anxieties and self-presentation.
  • How does music communicate cultural identities?
  • Body language in job interviews: What does it communicate?
  • Gated communities and their communication culture.
  • Graffiti: A form of social communication?
  • Comics: Communicating societal issues through art.
  • Silent films: Mastering communication without words.
  • Decoding communication in dance forms across cultures.
  • Role of color in marketing communication.
  • Dealing with information overload in the digital age.
  • Visual communication in the age of Instagram and Snapchat.
  • The impact of dark social on marketing.

Research Topics in Communication by Subject

Navigating through different communication research paper topics can be daunting, which is why we've categorized them by subject for your convenience. Whether you're focused on interpersonal communication, media studies, or communication technology, there's something here for everyone. Below, you'll find an array of communication paper topics, thoughtfully organized to cater to your specific academic needs.

Interpersonal Communication Research Topics

Interpersonal communication is the process by which people exchange information, feelings, and meaning through verbal and non-verbal messages. It's not just about what is said or expressed, but also how it's perceived and understood. Below are some interpersonal communication research paper topics you might find interesting:

  • Impact of language barriers on interpersonal relationships.
  • Perception of sarcasm in online communication.
  • Power dynamics in family communication.
  • Self-disclosure in romantic relationships: Benefit or bane?
  • Face-to-face vs. digital communication.
  • Exploring communication styles in leadership roles.
  • Interpersonal communication in multi-generational workplaces.
  • Art of persuasion in interpersonal communication.
  • Examining the role of empathy in effective communication.
  • Listening skills: Their impact on interpersonal relationships.
  • The role of humor in easing interpersonal tensions.
  • Social etiquette: Unspoken rules of interpersonal communication.
  • Impact of cultural norms on interpersonal communication.
  • Role of interpersonal communication in fostering team spirit.
  • The psychology of small talk.

Intercultural Communication Research Topics

Intercultural communication investigates how people from different societies interact and communicate with each other. It encompasses various topics, including language acquisition, cultural identity, political discourse, cross-cultural differences in business communication, and more. Here are some intercultural communication topics for research papers to get you started:

  • Body language: Deciphering variations across cultures.
  • Cultural adaptations in international business communication.
  • Etiquette in digital correspondence between representatives of different cultures.
  • Role of cultural intelligence in effective intercultural communication.
  • Impact of cultural stereotyping on communication.
  • Religious sensitivities in intercultural dialogue.
  • Challenges in international diplomacy.
  • Interpreting emotions across cultures.
  • Exploring cultural nuances in humor.
  • Role of intercultural communication in global marketing.
  • Cross-cultural adaptation of immigrants: Communication barriers and breakthroughs.
  • Cultural perceptions of privacy in communication.
  • Role of translation in intercultural understanding.
  • Impact of globalization on intercultural communication.
  • How cultural backgrounds affect negotiation tactics.

Communication Research Paper Topics on Public Relations

Public relations involve strategic communication and relationships between organizations, their target audiences, customers, suppliers, employees, media stakeholders, and other relevant publics. Below are some topics related to communication and public relations:

  • Ethics in PR: Navigating gray areas.
  • Social media's influence on modern PR strategies.
  • Celebrity endorsements: A PR perspective.
  • Public relations and communication in corporate social responsibility.
  • PR for start-ups: Building a brand from scratch.
  • The influence of PR on consumer decision-making.
  • PR in sports: Handling controversies and scandals.
  • Environmental PR: Advocating for sustainability.
  • Impact of fake news on PR practices.
  • Diversity and inclusion in PR campaigns.
  • PR and event management: Making a splash.
  • Dealing with PR failures: Lessons from high-profile cases.
  • PR in the hospitality industry: Ensuring customer satisfaction.
  • How does PR shape the public image of celebrities?
  • Communication strategies for handling negative PR.

Mass Communication Research Topics

Mass communication is a mechanism for disseminating information and ideas to large audiences. It can be used for educational, marketing, or advertising purposes. Here are some of the best mass communications research topics on offer:

  • Influence of political bias in news reporting.
  • Analyzing audience behavior in the digital age.
  • Impact of sensationalism on news quality.
  • How mass communication shapes societal norms.
  • Mass communication in health promotion campaigns.
  • Effects of product placement in television shows.
  • Understanding censorship in mass media.
  • Media literacy: The need for critical consumption.
  • Role of mass communication in electoral politics.
  • Effects of celebrity culture on mass audiences.
  • Representation of minority groups in mainstream media.
  • Pop culture influence on youth.
  • Role of mass communication in environmental awareness.
  • Impact of digital platforms on print journalism.
  • Mass communication and its effect on consumer behavior.

Communication Research Topics on Social Media

Social media has revolutionized the way people communicate, with far-reaching implications for marketing and public relations. Below are some research topics in communication for your next social media essay or project:

  • Balancing privacy and connectivity on social platforms.
  • What makes content shareable?
  • Brands navigating cancel culture on social platforms.
  • Social media and mental health: Exploring connections.
  • LinkedIn etiquette: Navigating professional communication online.
  • Snapchat's influence on short-term content consumption.
  • Crisis management on social media: Case studies.
  • The evolution of Facebook's news feed algorithm.
  • How does social media affect political discourse?
  • Twitch and the rise of livestreaming cultures.
  • Ethical considerations in data mining on social platforms.
  • Digital activism: Social media's role in social movements.
  • Analyzing the growth and influence of TikTok.
  • Determining the impact of fake news on voting preferences.
  • Pros and cons of using AI for content moderation.

>> View more: Social Media Research Paper Topics

Communication Research Topics on Journalism

Journalism is an integral part of our society as it informs and shapes a public opinion. As this field evolves, especially with digital technology, new research angles constantly arise. We did our best to collect the best journalism communication related topics below:

  • Challenges of investigative journalism in the digital age.
  • Citizen journalism versus traditional journalism.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in news generation.
  • Journalism ethics in the era of "clickbait."
  • Combating fake news: Strategies for news outlets.
  • The impact of podcasts on journalism.
  • Role of photojournalism in conflict reporting.
  • Impact of social media on newsroom practices.
  • 24/7 news cycle: A boon or a bane?
  • Exploring objectivity in political journalism.
  • The decline of print media: What's next?
  • Environmental journalism and its role in climate change awareness.
  • Multimedia communication: Integration of text, audio, and video.
  • Journalism's role in fostering social change.
  • The rise and impact of opinion journalism.

Communication Research Ideas on Negotiations

Negotiations are at the heart of business communication and diplomacy, making them a highly relevant topic of research. Explore these research topics about communication and negotiations:

  • Role of cultural understanding in international negotiations.
  • How do emotions affect negotiation outcomes?
  • Strategies for dealing with deadlock.
  • The art of persuasive language in communication.
  • Power dynamics in business negotiations.
  • The effect of gender stereotypes on negotiation.
  • Online negotiations: New rules and dynamics.
  • The psychology of 'win-win' scenarios.
  • Pre-negotiation stage: Preparation and its importance.
  • Building trust in communication processes.
  • Negotiation styles across different industries.
  • The role of ethics in negotiations.
  • The impact of negotiation training on business outcomes.
  • Strategies to handle aggressive negotiators.
  • Do introverts or extroverts negotiate better?

Virtual Communication Topics for a Research Paper

Virtual communication refers to the process of exchanging information between two or more people within a simulated environment. This could be anything from social media platforms to online gaming forums, virtual reality, and computer-mediated conferencing. Here are some digital communication research paper topics to consider:

  • Exploring how virtual teams bridge geographic divides.
  • Investigating how emojis and emoticons are changing language norms.
  • Defining digital etiquette and rules for the new age.
  • Virtual communication and work-life balance.
  • What is the role of virtual reality in revolutionizing communication?
  • Is social media a friend or foe in professional communication?
  • The evolution of language in the age of texting.
  • How does 5G influence our communication habits?
  • Is e-learning an effective method or just a convenient option?
  • How to navigate misinformation in online conversations?
  • Telemedicine marks a new era for healthcare communication.
  • Are virtual meetings a productivity booster or a time waster?
  • Is blockchain a game changer for secure communication?
  • The use of virtual reality in public speaking training.
  • Digital communication and the paradox of loneliness.

Communication Research Topics on Advertising

Advertising is the process of attracting attention to products and services through various forms of communication — from TV commercials to creative content marketing campaigns. Take a look at these advertising communication research ideas to pick a fitting topic:

  • How does emotional appeal work in advertising campaigns?
  • How do colors influence purchasing decisions in advertising?
  • Can humor in advertising guarantee a positive response?
  • The role of nostalgia in marketing campaigns.
  • How do different cultures react to the same ad?
  • Analyzing the communication techniques in Nike's 'Just Do It' campaign.
  • Evaluating the 'Got Milk?' campaign: The role of concise messaging.
  • The influence of McDonald's 'I'm Lovin' It' campaign on consumer behavior.
  • The impact of Apple's 'Think Different' campaign on brand perception.
  • Analysis of 'Share a Coke' ad: Personalization as a communication tool.
  • The 'Because You're Worth It' campaign by L'Oreal: A study in self-affirmative messaging.
  • 'Don't Be Evil': Understanding Google's corporate identity through its original slogan.
  • How are 'Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt' (FUD) used in smear campaigns?
  • How do 'Calls to Action' affect the success of digital campaigns?
  • The role of user-generated content in advertising.

>> More ideas: Marketing Research Topics

Communication Research Topics on Leadership

Leadership is all about effective communication. Leaders must be able to communicate their vision effectively in order for their followers to understand and buy into it. Below are some communication research topic ideas for your leadership essay or scholarly study.

  • Impact of transformational leadership communication on employee morale.
  • Persuasive techniques of successful women leaders.
  • Leadership and team productivity: The unspoken connection.
  • Comparison of narrative styles among autocratic and democratic leaders.
  • Communication pitfalls in leadership.
  • Effect of non-verbal communication in leadership efficacy.
  • Role of effective message conveying in conflict resolution among leaders.
  • Analysis of Steve Jobs' leadership communication style.
  • Assertive message conveyance and its effect on leadership success.
  • How does style of expression influence perception of leadership?
  • Importance of cultural intelligence in leadership communication.
  • Emotional intelligence and empathy in leadership.
  • Role of open dialogue in leadership and trust building.
  • Examining the importance of listening skills in effective leadership.
  • Communication strategies for leading remote teams.

Extra Communication Research Topic Ideas

As the field of communication is vast and encompasses multiple subjects, not all topics find their exact match in pre-established categories. For those unique, fascinating, and sometimes offbeat communication research paper topics, we have created an extra section. Here, you can explore additional ideas that although didn't neatly fit into a particular category, hold immense research potential.

Communication Research Questions

Are you about to write a research paper or a dissertation in communication but haven't settled on a topic yet? If so, then you can consider one of the following communication research questions:

  • In what ways has COVID-19 influenced remote communication techniques?
  • Can online video platforms replace face-to-face meetings fully?
  • How do different age groups perceive and interpret memes?
  • Is digital detox a viable solution for communication overload?
  • How does color psychology influence marketing communication?
  • What role does silence play in non-verbal dialogue?
  • How do political leaders use body language in public speaking?
  • How has podcasting influenced knowledge dissemination?
  • What are the communication challenges faced by astronauts during space missions?
  • Can communication training improve emotional intelligence?
  • How does culture impact our perception of visual communication?
  • How is AI changing the landscape of communication in healthcare?
  • Does text messaging and instant messaging deteriorate writing skills?
  • How does bilingualism influence communication styles?
  • What role does music play in cross-cultural communication?

Research Topics on Communication for Exam

If you have scrolled down this far, chances are you are about to take an exam on communication topics. To help you make the best of your exam preparation, we've compiled a list of communication research paper topics that you might face on your exam.

  • Evolving trends in workplace interactions.
  • The impact of social media on personal connections.
  • Ethical considerations in journalistic practices.
  • Influence of culture on conversation styles.
  • Symbolism in advertising messages.
  • Effect of virtual reality on social interactions.
  • The role of storytelling in organizational dialogue.
  • Gender differences in dialogue styles.
  • Importance of active listening in effective exchanges.
  • How leadership effectiveness is influenced by dialogue techniques.
  • Effects of mass media on societal behavior.
  • AI's impact on future interaction systems.
  • Technological advancements in telecommunication fields.
  • How does noise affect the quality of conversation?
  • Influence of personal branding on messaging.

Main Approaches to Studying Communication

Scholars have developed multiple frameworks to study this discipline. These techniques provide the backbone to many communication research studies and guide how we understand, analyze, and interpret messages. In the subsequent section, you can see 4 major approaches to studying communication, each offering a unique perspective.

Bottom Line on Research Topics About Communication

We hope that this assortment of communication research paper topics will aid you in finding the right idea. Keep in mind that the research questions are just a starting point. Don’t hesitate to build on them or explore related sub-topics based on the direction your project takes. And remember to always cite properly when using existing studies for your paper. From how to cite a book in APA to how to cite a journal in MLA or create a Chicago website citation , we’ve collected the latest guidelines and examples for any citation format.


If you're feeling overwhelmed or simply need some expert guidance, reach out to our team of academic professionals. They all have solid experience in the field and are eager to assist you. Just say " write my research paper ," and get your project done in no time.


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150 Communication Research Paper Topics for Students: Pick Up the Best One for You

Communication is conveying information from one place or person to another. The explanation is simple, and it seems that there is nothing to say more. But, in fact, this topic is a huge field for researching both for college students and scientists. There are 4 types of communication (verbal, nonverbal, written, and visual), and each of them has a lot to say about. Moreover, communication is studied in colleges, and students are assigned to write a few communication research paper topics. The writing process is challenging as students have no idea how to choose the right topic, write, and structure the paper.

How to Choose a Communication Research Topic For College Students

  • Explore all areas of communication and come to a stop in the area, which raises your interest. If a topic is dull, you will postpone your work for later, and, as the final result, you will write in a rash moment and fail.
  • Study the background information before writing. You need to make sure that this topic is of interest these days, find out the existing results, and think about what you can add.
  • Get to know the topic limits. Some communication topics could be too broad, and it will be tough to stick to the main point while writing.
  • Develop the research questions you are going to find answers to. It could be one big question and a few small ones.

The topic is already picked up, and what’s next? You need to create a good, structured research paper outline. The main steps to organize your paper you could find below.

How to Create a Research Paper on Communication

  • Introduction. You have to write about your research's importance and goals, an overview of your entire paper, and the literature used.
  • Methods. In this section, you mention your methods and analysis scope and describe in detail the methods you use in your research.
  • Results. Describe the outcomes of your methods. Each method will have its own result, so don’t be lazy to point out all the peculiarities. Mention if you have achieved the goals you set in your communication research topic.
  • Discussion. Focus on how your study contributes to existing research and how important your results are for this field.
  • Concussion. Sum up all your research objectives, main findings, and their implications. Don’t forget to mention the scope for future research on the same topic.

150 Best Communication Thesis Ideas to Write About

Communication topics in journalism.

  • Following the Propaganda Models
  • Does True Journalism Still Alive?
  • Law of Privacy in Journalism: Is It Existing?
  • Journalism Bias
  • Gender Roles in Journalism
  • How Do Journalists Contribute to Politicians’ Lives?
  • Ethics in Journalism
  • What Makes Journalists Lie?
  • Politics Coverage in Today Press
  • Who Takes Responsibility for Reporting Events?
  • Famous Journalists of All the Time
  • Freedom of Speech in Journalism
  • Portrait of a Modern Journalist
  • Journalism of the Future: What Does It Like?
  • Press Representation of Immigrants in America Today

Journalism has always been a relevant field for research as not a day goes by without news. But it’s only the icing on the cake. If you go deeper, you will find out a bunch of interesting and unexplored issues worth highlighting in a research topic in mass media.

Unexplored Public Relations Topics

  • Public Relations Definition
  • How to Create an Effective Campaign?
  • Role of Women in Public Relations
  • Why Study PR Management to Promote Success?
  • Misuse of Mass Media as a Tool for Public Relations
  • Social Impact on PR
  • Evolution of PR Specialist
  • Crisis Management in PR
  • Technology and Public Relations
  • Role of PR in Building a Good Reputation of Politicians
  • How Does a PR Manager Create a Corporate Image?
  • The Best Promotion Campaigns in the History of PR
  • The Impact of PR on Global Communities

The collocation “public relations” is one of the most-talked-about things, but not everyone understands its meaning clearly. Choosing one of these communication research ideas, you get a nice chance to find out for yourself and help do the same for others.

Non-Worn-Out Research Topics on Advertising

  • History of Advertising
  • The Importance of Advertising Today
  • Ways to Influence People Minds Through Advertising
  • Can Large Companies Do Without Advertising?
  • Samsung Mobile: Implementation of Integrated Marketing Communication Plan
  • Role of Technology in Advertising Campaigns
  • Stages of the Audience's Advertisement Involvement
  • Roles of Genders in Advertising
  • Impact of Commercial Speech
  • How Do Ads Affect Children?
  • Who Is More Successful in Advertising: Men or Women?
  • What Defines Brand’s Success?
  • Cultural Peculiarities in Advertising
  • The Most Successful Ads for the Last Ten Years
  • Advertising as a Visual Communication

Advertising is the motor trade. We can see just a lovely picture or a promotional video, but the creating process itself is not less exciting as well as ads history.

Interpersonal Communication Research Topics

  • What Is an Interpersonal Dialogue?
  • How to Structure an Interpersonal Conversation
  • Culture in Interpersonal Communication
  • Role of Interpersonal Communication in Business
  • Ways to Express Emotions Not to Offend an Interlocutor
  • The System Theory and Approach to the Thought-Out Conversation
  • Relationships in the Family
  • Nonverbal Interpersonal Dialogue
  • Interpersonal Conflict
  • How to Reveal Deception in Communication
  • Why Is It Important to Listen to Each Other in Interpersonal Communication?
  • Ways to Avoid a Conflict While Debating
  • Influence of Society on Personal Communication
  • Information Exchange in Interpersonal Dialogue
  • Gender Roles in Interpersonal Communication

Most of us are sure that we have already achieved the best possible interpersonal communication results, but we still deal with conflicts and misunderstandings. The following interpersonal communication topics show us that we should keep on improving our skills.

Intercultural Topics on Communication

  • Etiquette in Intercultural Communication
  • How to Adapt to the US Campus
  • Translation as a Way for Better Understanding of an Intercultural Dialogue
  • What Influences on Our Cultural Perception
  • Nonverbal Behavior Patterns in Intercultural Dialogue
  • The Result of Misconception of Different Cultures
  • Role of Body Language in Intercultural Context
  • The Behavior of International Peers as a Way to Investigate Foreign Culture
  • Impact of Media on How We Perceive Other Culture
  • How to Develop Effective Communication Skills Against a Multinational Background?
  • Ways to Study a Foreign Culture
  • Intercultural Dialogue: America vs.Britain
  • Studying Abroad as a Way to Contribute to Intercultural Competence
  • Rituals and Superstitions in Different Cultures
  • Definition of Culture Shock
  • Values in Asian Countries
  • Everything We Have to Know About the Communication Barriers Between Ghana and Chinese Culture
  • Impact of Religion on Intercultural Conversation

It’s always exciting to have a conversation with other cultural representatives. But could you be certain that your communicative skills will not harm your relationships? Possible essay topics for communication skills will help to learn the peculiarities of intercultural dialogue.

Interesting Virtual Communication Topics

  • Globalization of Virtual Communication
  • Power of Social Media
  • Role of Social Media for Organizational Communication
  • The Danger of Virtual Dialogue
  • Virtual Love Relationships: Fact or Myth?
  • How to Improve Virtual Communication Skills
  • Nonverbal Dialogues in Social Media
  • Interpersonal Communication in the Virtual World
  • Email Etiquette: What Should We Remember?
  • Work of Virtual Communication at the Higher Levels
  • Effectiveness of Virtual Dialogue in Business
  • Pros and Cons of Virtual Conversation
  • Role of Messengers in Our Life
  • How Not to Be Cheated on Social Networks
  • Computers’ effects on the 21st Century Life

Virtual communication is slowly replacing face-to-face conversation, and moving with the times, we have to be aware of what new changes will bring. Research topics in interpersonal communication online might make students reconsider their views on virtual life.

Social Media Research Paper Topics to Investigate

  • How Does Social Media Affect the Young Generation?
  • Power of Online Communities
  • Social Media Helps in Educations: Facts
  • Kids Activity on Social Media
  • Impact of Online Gaming
  • Social Media Raises Up-to-Date Children
  • Social Media as an Income-Generation Source
  • Role of Social Networks in Advertising
  • History of Social Media
  • Why Do Some Countries Block Access to Social Media for Their Citizens?
  • Social Media and Crime
  • Contribution of Social Networks in Politics
  • How Are We Controlled Through Social Media?
  • Reasons to Be Popular in Social Media
  • Social Media in Asian Countries

Social media is filling our lives more and more. As a result, we keep asking ourselves, “Should we accept this situation or fight against it?” Investigating a media research topic, you will definitely find an answer.

Topics to Develop Leadership Skills

  • What Is Better: Be a Leader or Be Led?
  • Important Skills for a Leader
  • Key Factors in Leader Communication
  • Leadership Ethics
  • How to Build and Manage a Team
  • Being a Leader: How to Manage a Conflict Inside a Team
  • Development of Leading Ideas
  • How to Control Emotions
  • The Art of Persuasion
  • How to Keep a Team Motivated
  • Leader’s Tasks
  • Interpersonal Communication With Team Members
  • How to Stay a Productive Leader
  • Gender Roles in Leadership
  • Stages to Become a Leader

Having read a dozen of psychological books on leadership, you could have been inspired to research this topic on your own. Get started! Perhaps, you have hidden leader’s traits of character.

Negotiation Paper Topics

  • The Art of Business Negotiations
  • How to Manage a Negotiation Process
  • Negotiations as a Way to Solve a Conflict
  • Intercultural Negotiations: Key Points
  • Reaching a Consensus: An Outcome of Any Negotiations
  • Dealing With Difficult Interlocutors
  • Ways to Improve Negotiation Skills
  • What Is Win-Win Negotiation?
  • Role of a Mediator in Negotiations
  • Dispute Resolution as a Key Requirement in Negotiation Participants
  • Patience as a Way to Get Benefits at the Negotiation Table
  • Cases of Failed International Negotiations
  • Umbrella Agreement: How Does It Work?
  • Negotiations in the Family
  • How to Round Off Talks on a Positive Note

The one who knows how to negotiate can achieve a lot. The art of negotiation has been evaluated since ancient times. Studying communication research topics on negotiation, you will notice how you might have succeeded in dispute resolution.

Some More Exciting Topics Related to Communication

  • Types of Communication
  • Evolution of Communication
  • Social media and Privacy
  • Reasons for Blog Popularity
  • Censorship in Mass Media
  • Role of Radio Today
  • Technologies Simplifying Communication
  • Impact of Visual Communication
  • Ethics in Friendly Communication
  • Nonverbal Communication: Gender Difference
  • Do Text Messages Develop Our Writing Skills?
  • How Do Social Media Harm Humans?
  • Slang in Online Communication
  • Etiquette of Business Communication in Eastern Countries

Do you find it challenging to decide on a suitable communication topic in a narrow field? Then, you will not stay indifferent to general communication research topics. The following topics are flexible, and you can change them to your taste.

Are you willing to know the next steps you have to take after having your choice on one of the topics mentioned? Keep on reading, and you will discover plenty of useful information.

The Research Paper Writing Process from A to Z

  • Learn an assignment. Make sure that you understand it clearly. Ask your academic advisor if necessary.
  • Choose one of the media research topics for college students. You need to be interested in it if you want to create a good paper.
  • Research the background information. Think of how you can organize the existing facts and add your discoveries to them.
  • Create a research paper outline. It should include 5 sections: an introduction, methods, results, discussions, and a conclusion. The information you should write in each section you can find at the beginning of this article.
  • Write each section sticking to the main point.
  • Re-read your paper to edit content and correct the mistakes.
  • Submit your paper.

Writing a business communication topic is a time-consuming process. If you appreciate your time, but need to submit your paper not to fail the deadline. Feel free to contact us, and we will provide you with a highly-qualified writer who has good knowledge exactly in your field and write a plagiarism-free research paper . Feel suspicious that it could be so easy? The right way is to order a paper from PaperCoach and see it for yourself.


  • How to Write a Research Paper
  • Communication Research Paper (Sample)
  • How to Create a Scientific Paper
  • Communication Research Papers
  • Writing a Strong Abstract
  • Interpersonal Communication Paper
  • Intercultural Communication Paper

interpersonal communication topics for research paper

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The Top 10 Most Interesting Communication Research Topics

Communication students usually face two problems when it comes to research. The first is identifying compelling communication research topics. The second is crafting appropriate communication research questions that are specific and relevant.

Fortunately, choosing communication research paper topics doesn’t have to be challenging. This article outlines all you need to know about selecting the right topics for your research. It also lists 10 interesting examples of communication research topics you can consider for your essay or thesis.

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What makes a strong communication research topic.

Simplicity is what makes a strong communication research topic. Your research topic should contain relevant content that gives readers a general insight into what you intend to study. However, it must be concise and free from unnecessary jargon or wordy sentences.

As a communication researcher, you must also tackle relevant subjects. Your research should contribute to existing knowledge in your field by corroborating previously known facts or drawing attention to new insights.

Tips for Choosing a Communication Research Topic

  • Find out your school’s requirements. Some schools have curriculum requirements that may streamline your communication research topic ideas. For example, your department may have a specified word count for research papers. Such a condition would prevent you from selecting a topic that would require a lengthy write-up.
  • Read industry-related surveys. If you want your research to address a specific industry pain point, industry-related surveys can help you choose a suitable topic. Some communication and media firms release their survey findings to the public. You can explore these surveys to identify the direction your research should take.
  • Visit an academic journal. Journals like The International Journal of Communication and Journal of Health Communication can provide you with inspiration for choosing your communication topic. These reliable sources cover many subjects and contain ideas that can steer you on the right path.
  • Attend conferences. Conferences are a credible source to learn about the future of communication research. This knowledge can be beneficial for choosing a topic that would attract much interest. You can visit online sources like to find a list of upcoming communication conferences.
  • Avoid over-researched topics. There is already a wealth of research available on many communication topics. As much as you can, it’s best to avoid over-researched topics. Choose topics that allow you to provide unique information rather than rehashing previously published ideas.

What’s the Difference Between a Research Topic and a Research Question?

A research topic highlights the researcher’s area of focus during research. Research questions are usually narrow enough to allow the researcher to focus on a particular sub-topic within their field. However, they are also extensive enough to allow for exploration of the chosen subject from various angles.

Research questions, on the other hand, are more succinct. They are usually derived from the chosen research topic and leave no room for ambiguity. Research questions show the purpose of the study. They clearly define the parameters being studied. They may also provide insight into the research methods employed.

How to Create Strong Communication Research Questions

Strong communication research questions must focus on addressing a particular issue. Also, they must be presented objectively. Your research question should not reflect bias or attempt to tilt the reader’s mind toward a particular direction.

Top 10 Communication Research Paper Topics

1. personality differences and their effect on negotiation techniques.

Different factors affect how individuals approach a negotiation. One of the most influential factors is personality type. A compelling research idea would be to provide insight into the most common negotiation styles applied by individuals based on their personality type.

2. The Influence of Public Relations in Building Thriving Businesses

Most highly ranked companies place a premium on maintaining their brand image through external communication. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs for public relations specialists are expected to increase by 11 percent between 2020 and 2030. An examination into the impact of public relations in building a reputable business would make a great research topic.

3. Critical Approaches for Dealing With Fake News

Due to the prominent role of bloggers in contemporary society, there is a shortage of legitimate sources for information. This challenge has brought about a need to provide credible reporting and establish proper communication channels. Your research could provide a critical approach for examining the spread of fake news and suggest effective methods for building reliable communication networks.

4. Practical Communication Skills for the Development of Intimate Relationships

Interpersonal dialogue is one of the most intriguing aspects of communication. Several studies have been carried out on effective dialogue as a tool for building strong personal relationships. However, there is still a wide knowledge gap on the subject. You could carry out communication studies on practical communication skills that can facilitate the growth of relationships.

5. Email as an Effective Business Communication Tool

All emerging tech businesses use email as a corporate communication tool, according to Statista. Despite this, some still have concerns about the adverse effects of email on business-to-business communication. You could carry out research to determine the positive or negative influences of email and instant messaging on the overall work culture of organizations.

6. The Evolution of Horizontal and Downward Communication in the Business Environment

Workplace culture has changed massively in the 21st century with the advent of Zoom meetings and other non-traditional discussion channels. Your research could examine the history of communication in organizations. It could also highlight the changes in downward and horizontal communication practices in leading global businesses.

7. Regular Social Media Communication and Its Impact on Human Behavior

Social media has become a vital part of our personal life. Unfortunately, regular social media use has been linked to vices like substance abuse and several mental health challenges. A study of the effect of social networks on the attitude of viewers would make a very relevant topic for a communication research paper.

8. Techniques for Improving Virtual Communication

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a sharp increase in the use of virtual dialogue globally. Various companies have experimented with different techniques to improve the experience of virtual communication technology. Your research could compare these strategies and, if possible, offer some communication tips for virtual environments.

9. The Relationship Between Organizational Communication and Workplace Culture

Communication is one of the vital factors that affect employee performance and workplace culture. Different companies have devised effective communication strategies to eliminate organizational uncertainty. You can study these various communication processes and show how they influence employee behavior in the workplace.

10. The Growth of Instant Messaging and Its Effect on Modern Society

No one can deny that instant messaging apps have become a ubiquitous phenomenon. Presently, Whatsapp has a total of 2 billion active monthly users , according to Statista. For your research paper, you could explore the impact of this mass adoption of instant messaging apps on our overall quality of everyday life.

Other Examples of Communication Research Topics & Questions

Communication research topics.

  • Building successful mass media campaigns
  • Non-verbal communication and its impact on relationships
  • Teenage texting and its impact on relational development
  • Religious affiliation and its impact on communication
  • An in-depth analysis of communication theory

Communication Research Questions

  • What are the most effective public health communication methods for patient-centered communication?
  • What is the importance of non-verbal interpersonal communication in developing professional relationships?
  • What is the role of mass media in improving international relations?
  • What are the most effective communication styles for social marketing?
  • What is the role of social media platforms in promoting intercultural dialogue?

Choosing the Right Communication Research Topic

Although it is essential to learn different research methods , your research won’t have much impact without choosing a strong topic. So, selecting an excellent research topic is the first step in writing a noteworthy research paper on communication.

Also, selecting the right communication research paper topic can help you identify which communication discipline is right for you. If you are wondering what you can do with your communications degree , a research paper is a perfect way to get a feel of various areas of interest before you graduate.

Communication Research Topics FAQ

Qualitative questions are open-ended and aim to explore a thought or subject matter through qualitative methods. For example, with qualitative research, rather than comparing data sets, the goal is to gather and interpret data to generate a hypothesis.

Quantitative research questions usually seek to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between two or more data sets. Unlike qualitative research, quantitative research aims to confirm or test the accuracy of a hypothesis.

A thesis statement is a brief overview of the main point of a research paper. Your thesis statement should be short, straightforward, and inform the reader of what your paper is all about.

Yes, online communication master’s degree programs also involve research work. So, if you are considering getting an online master’s in communication , you must be ready to write a research paper as one of the major requirements for graduating.

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Interpersonal Communication: A Mindful Approach to Relationships

(12 reviews)

interpersonal communication topics for research paper

Jason S. Wrench, State University of New York

Narissra M. Punyanunt-Carter, Texas Tech University

Katherine S. Thweatt, State University of New York

Copyright Year: 2020

Last Update: 2023

ISBN 13: 9781942341772

Publisher: Milne Open Textbooks

Language: English

Formats Available

Conditions of use.


Learn more about reviews.

Reviewed by Jinnie Jeon, Assistant Professor, Adler University on 5/30/23

N/A read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

Content Accuracy rating: 5

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

Clarity rating: 5

Consistency rating: 5

Modularity rating: 5

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

Interface rating: 5

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

“Interpersonal Communication: A Mindful Approach to Relationships” by Jason S. Wrench, Narissa M. Punyanunt-Carter, and Katherine S. Thweatt is a truly illuminating journey into the depths of human interaction. A cutting-edge book written in an engraining and accessible style, it expertly blends theoretical foundations with practical applications, encouraging readers not just to understand but also to implement the principles of effective communication. The author’s unique focus on mindfulness, a concept rarely emphasized in similar literature, provides a fresh perspective and an essential tool for nurturing and enhancing relationships in today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world. This approach enables readers to become more present and thoughtful communicators. Despite the intricacies of the subject matter, the text remains approachable and practical, enriched by real-life examples and exercises that promote self-reflection. The original cover art by Melinda Ahan adds a touch of beauty and uniqueness to this enlightening piece of work. Overall, the book stands as a seminal text for anyone seeking to improve their interpersonal communication skills, from students to professionals and beyond.

Reviewed by Dana Trunnell, Associate Professor of Communication, Prairie State College on 3/15/23

This text covers interpersonal communication concepts and theory in extraordinary detail with the added bonus of weaving mindfulness into each topic. If anything, I find the chapters to be almost too long for undergraduate reading expectations.... read more

This text covers interpersonal communication concepts and theory in extraordinary detail with the added bonus of weaving mindfulness into each topic. If anything, I find the chapters to be almost too long for undergraduate reading expectations. That said, the mindfulness approach, along with the care taken to cover topics from multiple perspectives is appreciated. One especially great resource is the accompanying instructor resource manual, which is very detailed, updated, and helpful. It is not the afterthought that some OER textbooks provide. I would like to see more coverage of LGBTQIA+ issues.

The text is accurate, without grammatical and proofreading errors. I do think the text can be rather repetitive in spots, so word economy might be something to think about for future revisions and editions.

Interpersonal Communication is a timeless discipline and the text reflects this disciplinary longevity. I find the mindfulness approach to be an important update as the mindfulness trend establishes itself into a more long-term approach to thinking about relationships, communication, and life, in general. But, the text should be updated to be more aware and inclusive of emerging norms in race, LGBTQIA+, and sociopolitical issues.

Clarity rating: 4

Information is presented in an easy-to-read format and concepts are explained clearly. As I mentioned above, at times, the text can be pretty repetitive, which affects readability.

The content in this text is consistent with the approaches of for-profit volumes on Interpersonal Communication.

I like that this text displays the full chapter when one clicks on the link instead of only one subsection of that chapter. So, students can read the entire chapter from one link without having to scroll through other pages using navigational tools. I have found that the latter is very confusing to students, who might read only the first subsection and not the entire chapter. These links can easily be incorporated into an LMS module for easy access. In addition, each chapter is organized consistently, beginning with introductory information about each unit. The chapters are divided by major topics/concepts and each division includes Learning Objectives, Key Takeaways, and application Exercises. Time is devoted in each chapter to the application of the mindfulness approach as it relates to the topic of study. Chapters end with a list of important terms, a case study, and end-of-chapter assessments.

The content flowed well with transitions linking the chapters. I think the ordering of the chapters made sense. I also think it makes sense to organize them completely differently. The beauty of interpersonal communication is that it is so important and pervasive in our lives that we can jump in anywhere and get the discussion started. I do think, however, it is easy to adapt the flow of the text to any class – titular notions of “Chapter 1,” “Chapter 2,” etc. mean less with an electronic resource that is linked to LMS modules than a physical book.

Interface rating: 4

The textbook is easy to use and easy to navigate as it uses the consistent approach of other texts housed in the Open Textbook Library. Chapters are consistently organized and it is easy to move throughout the text. I love that hyperlinks are provided so students can access referenced surveys, measures, and other supplementary material. Unfortunately, some of these are dead links.

I did not encounter grammatical errors as I read.

Cultural Relevance rating: 3

The book acknowledges the importance of cultural factors as they influence various parts of the interpersonal communication process. However, the text would benefit from an update that helps students navigate the current communication climate, especially as they relate to current issues associated with race, sociopolitical events, and LGBTQIA+ people.

This text is particularly good for introductory-level interpersonal communication students. Instructors who value mindfulness as a daily practice will find this text especially suitable for their teaching style. New instructors will be impressed and feel supported by the extensive ancillary material.

Reviewed by Beth Austin, Assistant Teaching Professor, University of Wisconsin - Superior on 9/23/22

This book covers all the relevant material covered in a typical textbook on interpersonal communication. read more

This book covers all the relevant material covered in a typical textbook on interpersonal communication.

After briefly looking through the book and with publisher and the authors' credentials, I am confident in the accuracy of the content.

This text was published in 2020 and the images, research, and mindfulness angle are still relevant. Only time will tell the reception that mindfulness receives over the years.

This book is easy to read and contains foundational jargon for the discipline.

The text is internally consistent in terms of terminology and framework.

The page layout of this book provides the reader with captivating images which provide reading breaks. The infographics are colorful and visually dynamic.

The flow and structure of this book follow the table of contents for many other interpersonal communication texts.

This book is user-friendly and easy on the eyes.

I did not find any grammatical errors in this book.

I did not see any evidence of insensitive or offensive material in the book.

Chapter 14: The Darkside of Interpersonal Communication provides information about which many undergraduate students may relate.

Reviewed by Riley Richards, Assistant Professor, Oregon Institute of Technology on 8/22/22

This book offers a unique perspective on IPC, particularly through its mindfulness lens. Through this lens, it covers the standard and expected major ideas needed to cover in an IPC class and is covered in other IPC textbooks. The information... read more

This book offers a unique perspective on IPC, particularly through its mindfulness lens. Through this lens, it covers the standard and expected major ideas needed to cover in an IPC class and is covered in other IPC textbooks. The information covered and how it is presented (i.e., readability) are fit for undergraduate students in an introductory or standalone IPC course. Areas of content that stand out in this text, compared to other IPC texts, are the chapters on mediated communication and especially the dark side of IPC. Additionally, emotions through the lens of mindfulness are discussed throughout the text while other IPC texts lump the connection between emotion and communication into a section or chapter. From an instructor standpoint, I especially appreciated the authors explaining how research findings were found (i.e., methodology) instead of simply providing the student with the information and a citation through the research spotlight sections. My only minor critique is the family and marriage relationship chapter. The marriage portion albeit limited is related to family but also seemed out of place in the text. A standalone chapter on romantic/sexual relationships seems like a natural next step in the next edition. Also, instructors can easily substitute this section for other material. Finally, the additional materials (e.g., Ted Talk, YouTube videos) provide accessible material for a student who may wish to learn more in-depth information or prefer information through different mediums.

The authors did well in balancing the breadth and depth of the subject within each chapter and across the book. I did not find parts or the sum of the parts to be biased or inaccurate.

As of this review, the content is up to date across the board from current research findings to the inclusion of seminal research and examples of concepts (e.g., COVID-19) that students can relate to. Additionally, the text is written (also through its license) in such a way that other instructors can freely expand on the authors’ examples or go in and make their own. Finally, I believe the lens of mindfulness to be around and relatable for quite some time based on national data about Generation Z coming through university doors for at least the next few decades.

The text was clear. The authors do a good job clearly defining and calling the reader’s attention to major ideas before going in-depth into the concept. The real-world case study included at the end of every chapter and its prompted thinking questions (which could easily be in-class discussion questions) is helpful for readers to consider key ideas in contexts immediately after reading the chapter.

The text keeps consistent and uses terminology as it was originally defined/discussed and is consistent with the larger IPC literature.

The text is clearly divided into chapters and sections within chapters. Instructors can easily use standalone chapters and/or add/remove sections within chapters to meet their pedagogy needs. The text is not overly self-referential, and a new reader would not need to read chapters in order. However, the reader would be best to have some background to IPC (i.e., chapters 1-3) before reading how the material applies in specific contexts.

The chapters are logically ordered and run in order similar to most IPC texts (i.e., I did not have to change my course vary much when transitioning to a new text). Each chapter opens with clear learning outcomes and ends with a reminder of the key terms and supplies the reader with a means to immediately apply the content through case studies, quizzes, and personality tests.

Overall, there were no major issues. Few exceptions such as a table going over onto the next page, textbox, or section header breaking apart sentences in the same paragraph (e.g., “end of chapter” in chapter 12). These few exceptions do not take away from the content being covered.

In my read through I found no major issues. I also offered my students extra credit to find errors (aids their writing) and they did not find any issues either.

The text was neither culturally insensitive nor offensive. The examples provided vary across genders, sexes, sexualities, races, and ethnicities. This is especially true in the culture chapter.

Overall, I strongly recommend this text to others. This is my first time using and reviewing an OER. I have used it for one summer term so far but plan to continue to use it in the future. No textbook is perfect for our individual needs, we all teach differently. However, the beauty of the author’s choice of license allows each of us to use the text differently. Thus, as the years go on, I will continue to pick and choose and supplement where I need to based on my curriculum and learning outcomes.

Reviewed by Abby Zegers, Correctional Education Coordinator, Des Moines Area Community College on 11/17/21

This text is incredibly comprehensive to the point that I feel that it could possibly be two texts or classes, depending on how much time you had. Each chapter dives relatively deep into its topic and not only is it visually appealing with up to... read more

This text is incredibly comprehensive to the point that I feel that it could possibly be two texts or classes, depending on how much time you had. Each chapter dives relatively deep into its topic and not only is it visually appealing with up to date charts, graphs and pictures, the downloadable version has hyperlinks to directly take the student to a certain inventory that the chapter is utilizing as a supplement. I found this to be really engaging. The text has a separate instructor manual which is incredibly useful with all of the materials, power points, quizzes and other necessary information needed to instruct this class. There is a glossary at the end of the text. No index was available which in my opinion would be helpful simply due to the fact that many topics/subjects or inferences are utilized throughout the chapters and not necessarily in the one devoted to that topic.

I found the content to be accurate and free from bias. I noticed only a few grammatical errors but content was incredibly accurate and up to date with references cited appropriately throughout.

Interpersonal communication is a topic that holds relevance and longevity as many things stay the same however the authors did an excellent job with current communication topics such as Chapter 12 devoted to Interpersonal Communication in Mediated Contexts. This is a topic I spend a great deal of time on with my classes as it is so current and relative to their lives right now. I think that this information will change in the future however the content available now on the topic will remain relevant as “history”. I found value in the links to different personality tests or activities that were relevant to the topic at hand and appreciated that they were available so easily as students are more likely to click a link rather than jot down something they might look up later.

I found this text to be very elaborate into many topics relating to interpersonal communication and the extensive glossary was very helpful. The supplemental activities and videos presented are a wonderful way to apply what is approached in each lesson. The text uses a “mindfulness” approach which might be a new concept to some however I think it’s a great way to see the value and importance of the topic.

I found no issues with consistency. Each chapter is laid out the same with Learning Outcomes identified in each section, exercises that could be great journal activities or discussions, key takeaways, a chapter wrap up including key terms used, a real world case study and a quiz followed by references. It is consistent throughout the text and a great way to appeal to different types of learners.

The way this text is set up allows for one to jump around if need be however; the beginning focuses more on history and theory which in itself is important along with communication models. This in itself could almost be its own text with the depth the authors go to in the material along with the abundance of activities and self-assessments allowing the reading to analyze their own styles creates a nice foundation to continue into the material. For my own classes, I would never have enough time to get through this text and give it the attention that it deserves so the ability to pick and choose topics and chapters relative to today is really an attractive part of it for me.

I think this text flows very well and much of the material from the beginning builds upon itself. The chapters are in appropriate order with building content however; it is beneficial that an instructor could pick and choose different areas they wanted to focus on without losing too much. The text ends with Chapter 13 being Interpersonal Relationships at Work and Chapter 14 being The Dark Side of Interpersonal Communication and I feel that these were appropriate choices to wrap up the text with.

I loved the ability to read through this text in electronic format and the hyperlinks were incredibly helpful and I had no issues with connectivity to sources. Images were clear and loaded as they should. I printed off a copy of the text and there were no formatting issues in doing so. I feel that utilizing the hard copy method or downloading the pdf version are both great options to have that appease different types of learners.

There were a few minor grammatical errors here and there but nothing that distracted me or was relative enough that I documented it. I felt like it was very well written and edited.

There is a specific chapter dedicated to Cultural and Environmental Factors in Interpersonal Communication however; references to cultural and gender issues are spread throughout and I feel like the information is inclusive.

Overall, I found this text to be a really great OER and am using pieces of it for my classes. I appreciate a text that appeals to many different styles of learners with text, videos, interactive quizzes and assessment and slides. So much material is available and covered and I find many sections of this to be useful in a few different classes that I teach. I am thankful to have found this text and look forward to continuing to use it.

Reviewed by Jennifer Adams, Professor, DePauw University on 11/13/21

This book is lengthy, and each chapter contains more good content than I expected. There are chapters on each topic you would expect (although organized somewhat differently than most of the popular print textbooks in this discipline). For... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

This book is lengthy, and each chapter contains more good content than I expected. There are chapters on each topic you would expect (although organized somewhat differently than most of the popular print textbooks in this discipline). For example, the information on perception is mostly in chapter 3, but some info about the topic was found across two other chapters (and attribution theory is not really included at all). There is no specific chapter on emotion, but there is content about it throughout. Furthermore, something that was somewhat new to me was incorporating the idea of "mindfulness" along with competence to understand communication processes. There is a chapter on technology that I think is growing in importance. This book doesn't really push the envelope on considering issues of identity like race or gender, but there is a good chapter on culture (and I would say that is also true of many for-profit books). The sections on relational communication are really thorough and give a good range or ideas and theories for each different relational experience. While the organization was slightly different than the book I was used to using (the Floyd text), I was able to find all of my content normally covered somewhere in this textbook.

I found no errors in this textbook that I have found aside from minor typos or a few strange sentences. The content is accurate and attributed to the correct sources. There is a lengthy and useful reference list.

This book includes all of the theories and concepts that I have been teaching for two decades. Their examples are really useful. One thing I did notice is that a lot of space is taken up by quizzes or activities - things like personality tests. I don't really use those in any way, but I do wonder if those types of things might be trendy - I don't know that or sure, but I didn't use them. I do think that the focus on "mindfulness" is something that is popular now that has not been in the past, but I certainly hope that the value in mindfulness doesn't trend away any time soon. I really thought that the book was up to date and see no reason it can't be updated relatively easily.

This book is comparable to the popular for-profit interpersonal communication textbooks that are available. It is addressed to the reader, and it is easy to read. It does introduce new terminology and concepts , but these are always defined clearly. At the end of every chapter, there is a 'take-away" section that includes key-terms, so there is the ability to look those up outside of the basic text as well. There are activities at the end of each chapter as well, to help develop.

Yes, the entire book is about interpersonal communication and it does not diverge from topics covered in the popular for-profit books. I didn't find any inconsistencies in the way that the material is presented. In fact, the opposite is true: their focus on "mindfulness" as a skill that can be developed holds each chapter together, so that there is not just information about the important ideas and theories, there is also a constant reflection on the values of mindfulness as it relates to all of the topics (and relationship types) that are covered.

This is really well organized. The book is divided into chapters, and each chapter is divided into subsections that have numbered placement within the chapter and headings throughout. (For example, chapter seven materials are divided into 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, etc). If you didn't want to assign the entire book, you could easily pick sections here and there to use (and you can save only those sections as PDFs to insert on your syllabus or organizing platforms).

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

The book is not organized like my class was, but it wasn't a major deal and I simply hoped around a bit. So, for example, I thought that the chapter on culture should come sooner than chapter 6, perhaps before verbal and nonverbal communication. I also wasn't sure that some of the content in chapter 7 called "Talking and Listening" was placed well there - it seemed redundant in some ways, but some info (like social penetration theory or the johari window) seem like they should be in an earlier chapter about perception. That being said, these concerns are ultimately very minor - the content I expected was there, and I could assign page #s for specific sections that I needed to address at different times in the semester. I did not use this book chronologically from chapter 1 to the end, but that has been true for for-profit books I have used in the past, too. I found the chronology to be good.

I used this book in the fall of 2021, and recommended that all students download the PDF version, which is what I primarily use. The book's TOC is hyperlinked, and so you can easily find the content you are looking for and click to go to the relevant sections. When I do keyword searches for specific theories or concepts, they come up easily without error. It's easy to use and the layout is professional and attractive (pictures and images come through formatted correctly, charts and graphs look clear).

This book is well written. Aside from a few typos here and there, I didn't find lots of problems with readability. It's not perfect; for example, sometimes where there are bullet points, they are not written in a parallel style, or something like that which might be noticeable, but that was pretty infrequent. The writing is clear and correct.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

There is nothing offensive that I found in this book. The book includes examples and ideas that are inclusive or race, ethnicity and gender. There is an entire chapter on cultural communication, so it does present information about cross-cultural differences and communication. I would like to see more about gender and more explicitly about race, but some of that content IS here (I just find myself spending more time on this every semester, but I must use supplemental material on topics such as white fragility or privilege and how that impacts interpersonal communication).

Although I hate the price of textbooks, I have been hesitant to use open source materials in the past due to a perceived lesser quality. This book has changed my mind. It isn't perfect, but it saves students 50-100 dollars, and the information that they purchase isn't perfect either. This book presents as professional, and it reads that way as well. Of course, I supplement this book with popular readings and examples, but almost all of the academic content I needed was in this book. I do recommend it.

Reviewed by Joseph Nicola, Professor, Century College on 10/6/21

The text provides a very detailed and granular index and glossary. Very helpful when planning lessons and homework readings. The text is hyperlinked from the index/glossary making it helpful for students. Presents a good explanation of the many... read more

The text provides a very detailed and granular index and glossary. Very helpful when planning lessons and homework readings. The text is hyperlinked from the index/glossary making it helpful for students. Presents a good explanation of the many important aspects of the communication discipline.

Content is accurate, error-free and unbiased. Does a fair job at covering the large content scope of Interpersonal Comm subject manner. Does not address some popular content covered in an undergrad course on the subject. However the text does provide a nice foundation for class lecture and discussion. Sources are referenced at the end of every chapter.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

Content is up-to-date, but not in a way that will quickly make the text obsolete within a short period of time. The text is written and/or arranged in such a way that necessary updates will be relatively easy and straightforward to implement.

The text clearly covers the basic principles of the large content subject matter. Does a fare job a covering basic principles that are foundational for the discipline.

The subject of gender identity is not greatly covered. Terms within the LGBTQIA are briefly mentioned but not explained further. A future edition would benefit from this addition.

Good concordance and glossary of terms with page numbers. Easy to read and follow. Has “Key Takeaways” and End of Chapter “Exercises at the end of each chapter. For the most part, the text adequately covers the material needed.

Yes. It appears consistent throughout.

This is a well organized text. That does a fair job at covering that large foundational scope of interpersonal communication. Has “Key Takeaways” and "End of Chapter Exercises" at the end of each chapter.are very nice for class activities and discussion.

Text is organized very well.

Good text and well interfaced. Easy to navigate.

Text is well written with clear paragraphs, bullet points and formatted topic headings. No errors found.

The text does devote a large amount of content to explaining the importance of cultural awareness for being a competent communicator. Provides a good starting foundation to start with class lectures and class discussion. Graphics do depict a diverse student population which is nice to see that intention. Some content that could be added on: *It should be noted that the important subject topic of gender identity is not greatly covered with this text. Terms within the LGBTQIA are briefly mentioned but not explained further. *Only briefly mentioned the importance of Emotional Intelligence but lacks in content and key terms within the subject and practical examples.

The subject of gender identity is not greatly covered. Terms within the LGBTQ+ are briefly mentioned but not explained further. Well designed and layout with some minimal graphics and color-coated topic headings. There could be more for a future printing. Offers some personality and perspective assessment activities that would serve as a good chapter activity.

Reviewed by Aditi Paul, Assistant Professor, Pace University on 8/13/21

The authors do a really good job at covering a variety of introductory, foundational, and contemporary topics pertaining to interpersonal communication. read more

The authors do a really good job at covering a variety of introductory, foundational, and contemporary topics pertaining to interpersonal communication.

Content Accuracy rating: 3

The authors do a good job of laying the foundation of the importance of mindfulness in interpersonal communication. However, the discussion surrounding mindfulness and how it should be integrated into different aspects of interpersonal communication was less than thorough. Mindfulness almost came as an afterthought rather than being weaved into the main material in most chapters.

The importance of mindfulness in interpersonal communication is a highly relevant topic, especially in today's age where most of our communication over digital media has become primarily mindless. The authors also do a good job at including new and relevant topics such as body positivity in non-verbal communication, computer-mediated communication apprehension, internet infidelity, and postmodern friendships.

The text was very clear and easy to follow.

Consistency rating: 3

As mentioned earlier, the lack of consistency was evident in the discussion of mindfulness. The authors introduce mindfulness in terms of "attention, intention, and attitude" in the first chapter. But in the rest of the chapters, especially chapter 5 onward, the conversation around mindfulness dwindles.

The modularity of the book was good.

The organization of the book was good. The only critique I would have is the placement of the chapter on culture and interpersonal communication. I would have preferred that topic to be introduced earlier than chapter 6 since a lot of our verbal and non-verbal communication is colored by culture.

The interface of the book was good.

The grammar of the book was good.

The book was culturally sensitive. It included sexually and culturally marginalized groups into the conversation.

Reviewed by Rebecca Oldham, Assistant Professor, Middle Tennessee State University on 5/20/21

This textbook provides a thorough introduction to communication studies. It covers multiple important theories, seminal research, major concepts, and practical suggestions for improving communication. The instructor guide includes many helpful... read more

This textbook provides a thorough introduction to communication studies. It covers multiple important theories, seminal research, major concepts, and practical suggestions for improving communication. The instructor guide includes many helpful tools, including chapter outlines, presentation slides, in-class activities, practice quiz questions, and links to TEDTalks and YouTube example videos from recent popular films and TV shows. It also comes with a student workbook. This textbook has as many, if not more, supplemental materials as a traditional textbook.

However, some sections of the book could be expounded upon with future revisions. For example, I would have expected to see more variety of research about on marriage beyond Fitzpatricks typologies (e.g., John Gottman's research or references to other romantic relationship research). Other topics I would like to see in future revisions are (1) the rhetorical triangle and (2) the elaboration likelihood model.

However, the comphrehensiveness is still such that instructors additions to this textbook for curriculum would merely be supplemental.

This textbook uses a mixture of seminal and recent research to review major topics of interpersonal communication to supports accuracy. When relevant, the authors describe research studies and methods, not just the findings, which enhances students' science and information literacy.

The textbook is written with up-to-date research and references to recent culture and political issues from the past year (e.g., COVID-19, political polarization). References to mediated communication are very up-to-date, with the exception of TikTok not being mention. The instructor's manual provides excellent examples of concepts in recent popular TV and film that students are sure to enjoy because they are not out-dated and the media is familiar for this age group.

However, I would reframe the concept of relationships in the textbook beyond "marriage" to "committed romantic relationships" given the increase of polyamory/consensual non-monogamy, open relationships, and long-term cohabitation/commitment without marriage. Although marriage is still largely the norm in the United States, the changing landscape of romantic relationship development could be more strongly present in this textbook.

The tone of the authorship balances an academic and conversational tone well-suited for an undergraduate audience. Jargon is well-defined in-text and glossary is provided. The writing is professional and academic, without being esoteric.

No inconsistencies in terminology, theoretical frameworks, nor pedagogical approaches were detected. The authors have clearly reviewed this textbook for quality and consistency.

The textbook is well organized into manageably-sized blocks of text with many headings and subheadings, which helps the reader navigate the text. Instructors should find it easy to identify how parts of this textbook overlap with their existing communcation or relationships course for ready adaptation and integration into existing curriculum.

This textbook is largely organized like other communication textbooks: Introduction/Overview, Identity, Verbal/Nonverbal Communication, Culture, Mediated Communication, and various types of relationships (e.g., family, professional, etc.). It's logical and familiar organization makes it easy to navigate and integrate with standard introducation to communication courses.

Very few issues with distortion of images or overlap in page elements or formatting inconsistencies.

No obvious grammatical errors were detected. The writing style is accessible and easy to read.

Authors clearly took steps to be inclusive and draw attention to issues of equity with regard to gender identity, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, religion, political identity, and other groups (for examples, see sections on dating scripts, post-modern friendships, racist language, cross-group friendships). I would recommend future revisions include information about African American Vernacular English (AAVE) possible under a section about culture, dialects, or accents, given its direct relevance to communication.

I plan on replacing the textbook for my Interpersonal Communication course with this textbook. In most respects, it is equivalent to the textbook that is currently required. However, it also is an improvement on the current textbook in terms of the density of research citations and in the supplemental material. Instructors of introductory communication courses can feel confident in adopting this textbook to reduce costs, lower educational barriers, without sacrificing educational rigor and quality.

Reviewed by Jennifer Burns, Adjunct Faculty, Middlesex Community College on 3/13/21

Interpersonal Communication: A Mindful Approach to Relationships, provides an in-depth understanding to the variables that comprise interpersonal communication, I especially appreciate the mindful (know thyself) lens!! read more

Interpersonal Communication: A Mindful Approach to Relationships, provides an in-depth understanding to the variables that comprise interpersonal communication, I especially appreciate the mindful (know thyself) lens!!

After examining the context and student workbook, I was impressed with the content accuracy. I did not pick up on saturation of bias and or stigmatizing language.

Yes, content is up-to-date, and it is encouraged to contact the author with needed updates, and or changes. It is also encouraged to personalize the book to fit the needs of the students!

This textbook is clear, concise and to the point!

The framework and theory are woven throughout the text.

The text is divided into digestible sections, that allow for independent assignment of course material. The formatting is easy on the eyes!

Love the text organization, the content is clear, logical and sequential!

You do need an access code from author to obtain access to the teacher resources.

Did not notice grammatical errors.

I did not perceive this text to be culturally insensitive.

Reviewed by Jessica Martin, Adjunct Instructor, Communication Studies, Portland Community College on 1/5/21

This book presents a comprehensive breakdown of the major types of interpersonal communication. The chapters included in this course text align with the traditional content in an interpersonal communication course. I like how it also includes a... read more

This book presents a comprehensive breakdown of the major types of interpersonal communication. The chapters included in this course text align with the traditional content in an interpersonal communication course. I like how it also includes a chapter focused on mediated communication, as this is an important topic of discussion for our current day and age.

Consistent sources are cited throughout the course text at the end of each chapter, proving its accuracy . The sources appear to be non-bias and overall boost the credibility of the text.

Being that the text includes a chapter primarily focused on mediated communication, I would say that the text is up to date and contains adequate information to support relevancy.

The text is written in a straightforward, simplistic type of manner. This would make it easy for any college student to follow along with the content and keep up with the terminology. Any time a new term is introduced, plenty of examples are given to explain that term. This same format is followed consistently throughout the course text.

Each chapter begins with clear learning outcomes, follows with consistent sub-headers and clear introductions to new terminology. I also noted how each chapters includes exercises to help students further understand course content.

Each chapter is clearly divided up into specific sections to help with lesson planning and overall lecturing materials. This would make it easy to create lecture material for the course.

The text is organized effectively in that there are clear transitions from one topic to another. As mentioned previously, each chapter begins with clear learning objectives, and concludes with exercises, key-takeaways, and a list of key terms.

I would say that overall this course text is easy to navigate. Plenty of charts, tables, and photographs are consistently used to help introduce new ideas and key theories.

I did not note any grammatical errors.

The text includes a chapter titled "Culture and Environmental Factors in Interpersonal Communication," which includes all of the necessary key terms that you would hope to see in an interpersonal communication course.

Reviewed by Prachi Kene, Professor, Rhode Island College on 10/22/20

This book presents a comprehensive overview of the different aspects, types, and models of communication. Further topics of discussion include verbal and non-verbal elements of communication, impact of communication on a variety of relationships... read more

This book presents a comprehensive overview of the different aspects, types, and models of communication. Further topics of discussion include verbal and non-verbal elements of communication, impact of communication on a variety of relationships (friendships, family, marriage, dating, siblings, coworkers, etc.), mediated communication, and conflict. The book concludes with an exploration of "the dark side of communication." Key concepts discussed throughout the book are listed in the glossary.

The content of the book is informed by advances in the fields of communication and psychology. These sources are acknowledged throughout the content and cited in the references section at the end of each chapter. Information is discussed in an unbiased manner.

The content is up-to-date and includes information about communication and technology. Given the clear organization of the text, it will be amenable to modifications as the impact of technology on communication continues to evolve.

This text is easy to read and follow due to the clear organization and clarity of expression. Exercises and key take aways following each section make the content easy to understand and remember.

The content of this text is consistent and free of contradictions. Multiple perspectives to view and understand concepts are presented in a cogent manner.

Each chapter is divided into smaller and coherent sections that will easily align to lesson planning, creation of lecture materials, and graded tasks/assignments.

This text is well-organized and smoothly transitions from one topic to another. Specifically, each section begins with learning objectives and concludes with exercises and "key takeaways." Chapters are followed by a list of key terms, "real world case study," and quiz that makes the concepts meaningful to the reader.

This book is easy to navigate. Tables, figures, and pictures are used effectively to emphasize the key concepts and ideas. However, occasionally a table spans across multiple pages.

This text does not contain grammatical errors.

The text acknowledges the role of culture in communication and contains a chapter titled, "Cultural and Environmental Factors in Interpersonal Communication." Impact of culture on communication is also infused into other chapters.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Human Communication
  • Chapter 2: Overview of Interpersonal Communication
  • Chapter 3: Intrapersonal Communication
  • Chapter 4: Verbal Elements of Communication
  • Chapter 5: Nonverbal Communication
  • Chapter 6: Cultural and Environmental Factors in Interpersonal Communication
  • Chapter 7: Talking and Listening
  • Chapter 8: Building and Maintaining Relationships
  • Chapter 9: Conflict in Relationship
  • Chapter 10: Friendship Relationships
  • Chapter 11: Family & Marriage Relationships
  • Chapter 12: Interpersonal Communication in Mediated Contexts
  • Chapter 13: Interpersonal Relationships at Work
  • Chapter 14: The Dark Side of Interpersonal Communication

Ancillary Material

  • Instructor Manual
  • Lecture Slide Deck

About the Book

Interpersonal Communication: A Mindful Approach to Relationships  helps readers examine their own one-on-one communicative interactions using a mindfulness lens. The writing team of Jason S. Wrench, Narissra M. Punyanunt-Carter, and Katherine Thweatt incorporates the latest communication theory and research to help students navigate everyday interpersonal interactions. The 14 chapters in this book cover topics typically taught in an undergraduate interpersonal communication course: family interactions, interpersonal dynamics, language, listening, nonverbal communication, and romantic relationships, as well as exploring emerging areas such as self-compassion, body positivity, friendships, and “the dark side”. The writing takes on a purposefully informal tone to engage readers. Each chapter is broken into different sections that have unique instructional outcomes, key takeaways, and exercises, and concludes with real-world case studies and sample quiz questions. Also included is  an extensive glossary with over 350 definitions.

About the Contributors

Jason S. Wrench (Ed.D., West Virginia University) is a professor in the Department of Communication at the State University of New York at New Paltz. Dr. Wrench specializes in workplace learning and performance, or the intersection of instructional communication and organizational communication. His varied research interests include workplace learning and human performance improvement, computer-mediated communication, interpersonal communication, empirical research methods, family communication, humor, risk/crisis communication, and supervisor-subordinate interactions. Dr. Wrench regularly consults with individuals and organizations on workplace communication and as a professional speech coach for senior executives.

Narissra M. Punyanunt-Carter (Ph.D., Kent State University) is a professor in the Department of Communication and assistant dean of international affairs for the College of Media and Communication. She is also an associate professor of Communication Studies at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. She teaches the basic interpersonal communication course. Her research areas include mass media effects, father-daughter communication, mentoring, advisor-advisee relationships, family studies, religious communication, humor, and interpersonal communication. She has published over 70 articles that have appeared in several peer-reviewed journals, such as  Communication Research Reports, Southern Journal of Communication , and  Journal of Intercultural Communication Research . She has also published numerous instructional ancillaries and materials. She is also a coauthor of  Organizational communication: Theory, Research, and Practice  (2014, Flat World Knowledge). Dr. Punyanunt coedited  The Impact of Social Media in Modern Romantic Relationship  (2017, Lexington).

Katherine S. Thweatt (Ed.D, West Virginia University) is an associate professor at the State University of New York at Oswego. Dr. Thweatt’s areas of interest are interpersonal communication, instructional communication, and health communication. She has published in the areas of teasing, teacher immediacy and misbehaviors, cognitive flexibility, and healthcare research. Healthcare publications involved shared medical appointments, heart failure, and infectious disease.

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Social Media Use and Impact on Interpersonal Communication

  • Conference paper
  • First Online: 01 January 2015
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interpersonal communication topics for research paper

  • Yerika Jimenez 2 &
  • Patricia Morreale 3  

Part of the book series: Communications in Computer and Information Science ((CCIS,volume 529))

Included in the following conference series:

  • International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction

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2 Altmetric

This research paper presents the findings of a research project that investigated how young adult interpersonal communications have changed since using social media. Specifically, the research focused on determining if using social media had a beneficial or an adverse effect on the development of interaction and communication skills of young adults. Results from interviews reveal a negative impact in young adult communications and social skills. In this paper young adult preferences in social media are also explored, to answer the question: Does social media usage affect the development of interaction and communication skills for young adults and set a basis for future adult communication behaviors?

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  • Social media
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1 Introduction

Human interaction has changed drastically in the last 20 years, not only due to the introduction of the Internet, but also from social media and online communities. These social media options and communities have grown from being simply used to communicate on a private network into a strong culture that almost all individuals are using to communicate with others all over the world. We will concentrate on the impact that social media has on human communication and interaction among young adults, primarily college students. In today’s society, powerful social media platforms such as Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (IG), and Pinterest have been the result of an evolution that is changing how humans communicate with each other. The big question we asked ourselves was how much has social media really impacted the way that humans communicate and interact with each other, and if so, how significant is the change of interpersonal interaction among young adults in the United States today?

The motivation behind this research has been personal experience with interaction and communication with friends and family; it had become difficult, sometimes even rare, to have a one-on-one conversation with them, without having them glancing at or interacting with their phone. Has social interaction changed since the introduction of advanced technology and primarily social media? In correlation with the research data collected in this study, it was concluded that many participants’ personal communication has decreased due social media influence encouraging them to have online conversations, as opposed to face-to-face, in-person conversations.

2 Related Work

The question of how social media affects social and human interaction in our society is being actively researched and studied. A literature review highlights the positive and negative aspects of social media interaction, as researchers battle to understand the current and future effects of social media interaction. A study done by Keith Oatley, an emeritus professor of cognitive psychology at the University of Toronto, suggests that the brain may interpret digital interaction in the same manner as in-person interaction, while others maintain that differences are growing between how we perceive one another online as opposed to in reality [ 1 ]. This means that young adults can interpret online communication as being real one-on-one communication because the brain will process that information as a reality. Another study revealed that online interaction helps with the ability to relate to others, tolerate differing viewpoints, and express thoughts and feeling in a healthy way [ 2 , 3 ]. Moreover a study executed by the National Institutes of Health found that youths with strong, positive face-to-face relationships may be those most frequently using social media as an additional venue to interact with their peers [ 4 ].

In contrast, research reveals that individuals with many friends may appear to be focusing too much on Facebook, making friends out of desperation rather than popularity, spending a great deal of time on their computer ostensibly trying to make connections in a computer-mediated environment where they feel more comfortable rather than in face-to-face social interaction [ 5 ]. Moreover, a study among college freshman revealed that social media prevents people from being social and networking in person [ 6 ].

3 Experimental Design

This research study was divided into two parts during the academic year 2013–2014. Part one, conducted during fall semester 2013, had the purpose of understanding how and why young adults use their mobile devices, as well as how the students describe and identify with their mobile devices. This was done by distributing an online survey to several Kean University student communities: various majors, fraternity and sorority groups, sports groups, etc. The data revealed that users primarily used their mobile devices for social media and entertainment purposes. The surveyed individuals indicated that they mainly accessed mobile apps like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram, to communicate, interact, and share many parts of their daily life with their friends and peers.

Based on the data collected during part one, a different approach and purpose was used for part two, with the goal being to understand how social media activities shape the communication skills of individuals and reflects their attitudes, attention, interests, and activities. Additionally, research included how young adult communication needs change through the use of different social media platforms, and if a pattern can be predicted from the users’ behavior on the social media platforms. Part two of this research was conducted by having 30 one-on-one interviews with young adults who are college students. During this interview key questions were asked in order to understand if there is a significant amount of interpersonal interaction between users and their peers. Interpersonal interaction is a communication process that involves the exchange of information, feelings and meaning by means of verbal or non-verbal messages. For the purposes of this paper, only the data collected during spring 2014 is presented.

4 Data Collection

Through interviews, accurate results of the interaction of young adults with social media were collected. These interviews involved 30 one-on-one conversations with Kean University students. Having one-on-one interviews with participants allowed for individual results, first responses from the participant, without permitting responses being skewed or influenced by other participants, such as might occur in group interviews. It also allows users to give truthful answers, in contrast to an online or paper survey, as they might have second thoughts about an answer and change it. The one-on-one interviews consisted of ten open-ended questions, which were aimed to answer, and ultimately determine, how social media interaction involuntarily influences, positively or negatively, an individual’s attitude, attention, interests, and social/personal activities. The largest motive behind the questions was to determine how individual communication skills, formally and informally, have changed from interacting with various social media platforms. The interviews, along with being recorded on paper, were also video and audio-recorded. The average time for each interview was between two to ten minutes. These interviews were held in quiet labs and during off-times, so that the responses could be given and recorded clearly and without distraction (Fig.  1 ). A total of 19 females and 11 males participated, with ages ranging from 19 to 28 years old.

figure 1

Female participant during one-on-one interview

After conducting the interviews and analyzing the data collected, it was determined that the age when participants, both male and female, first began to use social media ranged between 9 to 17 years. It was found that, generally, males began to use social media around the age of 13, whereas females started around the age of 12. The average age for males starting to use social media is about 12.909 with a standard deviation of 2.343. For females, the average age is 12.263 with a standard deviation of 1.627. From this, we can determine that males generally begin to use social media around the age of 13, whereas females begin around the age of 12.

After determining the average age of when participants started using social media, it was necessary to find which social media platforms they had as a basis; meaning which social media platform they first used. MySpace was the first social media used by twenty-three participants, followed by Facebook with three users, and Mi Gente by only one user, with two participants not using social media at all. It was interesting to find that all of the participants who started using Myspace migrated to Facebook. The reasoning provided was that “everyone [they knew] started to use Facebook.” According to the participants, Facebook was “more interactive” and was “extremely easy to use.” The participants also stated that Myspace was becoming suitable for a younger user base, and it got boring because they needed to keep changing their profile backgrounds and modifying their top friends, which caused rifts or “popularity issues” between friends. After finding out which platform they started from, it was also essential to find out which platform they currently use. However, one platform that seemed to be used by all participants to keep up-to-date with their friends and acquaintances was Instagram, a picture and video-based social media platform. Another surprising finding was that many users did not use Pinterest at all, or had not even heard of the platform. After determining which social media platforms the users migrated to, it was essential to identify what caused the users to move from one platform to another. What are the merits of a certain platform that caused the users to migrate to it, and what are the drawbacks of another platform that caused users to migrate from it or simply not use it all?

4.1 Social Interaction Changes

For some participants social interaction had a chance for a positive outcome, while others viewed it in a more negative aspect. The participants were asked if their social interactions have changed since they were first exposed to social media (Table  1 ). One participant stated that “it is easier to just look at a social media page to see how friends and family are doing rather than have a one-on-one interaction.” As for people’s attitudes, they would rather comment or “like” a picture than stop and have a quick conversation. On the other hand, another participant felt that social media helped them when talking and expressing opinions on topics that they generally would not have discussed in person. Moreover, the participants are aware of the actions and thing that they are doing but continue to do it because they feel comfortable and did not desire to have one-on-one interactions with people.

The participants were also asked to explain how social media changed their communication and interactions during the years of using social media (Table  2 ). The data shows that participants interact less in person because they are relating more via online pictures and status. For other participants, it made them more cautious and even afraid of putting any personal information online because it might cause problems or rifts in their life. On the contrary, some participants stated that their communication and interaction is the same; however, they were able to see how it had changed for the people that are around them. A participant stated that “internet/social media is a power tool that allows people to be whatever they want and in a way it creates popularity, but once again they walk around acting like they do not know you and ‘like’ your pictures the next day.”

5 Discussion

The data illustrated in this paper shows how much the introduction and usage of social media has impacted the interaction and communication of young adults. The future of interaction and communication was also presented as a possibility, if the current trend continues with young adults and social media or online communities. This raises the notion of possibly not having any social, in-person interaction and having all communication or interaction online and virtually with all family and friends.

6 Conclusion

Referring back to the question asked during the introduction: how much has social media impacted the way we communicate and interact with each other? After reviewing all the findings, seeing the relationship individuals have with their mobile phones, and comparing social media platforms, it is clear that many young adults have an emotional attachment with their mobile device and want interaction that is quick and to the point, with minimal “in-person” contact. Many young adults prefer to use their mobile device to send a text message or interact via social media. This is due to their comfort level being higher while posting via social media applications, as opposed to in-person interaction. To successfully and accurately answer the question: yes, social media has had a very positive and negative effect on the way we communicate and interact with each other. However, how effective is this method of “virtual” communication and interaction in the real world?

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Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, University of Florida, 412 Newwell Drive, Gainesville, FL, 32611, USA

Yerika Jimenez

Department of Computer Science, Kean University, 1000 Morris Ave, Union, NJ, 07083, USA

Patricia Morreale

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University of Crete and Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH), Heraklion, Crete, Greece

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© 2015 Springer International Publishing Switzerland

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Jimenez, Y., Morreale, P. (2015). Social Media Use and Impact on Interpersonal Communication. In: Stephanidis, C. (eds) HCI International 2015 - Posters’ Extended Abstracts. HCI 2015. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 529. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 21 July 2015

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-319-21382-8

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Interpersonal Communication Research Paper Topics & Ideas 2023

Published 16 October, 2023

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Interpersonal communication is very important in the present time to be a good and successful person in every field. Students of courses like management and business studies get assignments like research papers on interpersonal communication.

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Those who are not having such relevant interpersonal communication research topics for their research paper can choose a good topic from the following list. There is no charge taken for this help by the experts of My Research Topics for this assistance.

Research Paper Topics on Verbal Communication

Verbal communication is important in many business meetings and other social public and private platforms. Students who do not possess good communication lag behind in every area of life. That is why professors make their students experts in verbal communication.

Here is a few best quality of professionally written interpersonal communication speech topics on verbal communication. Those who were in a huge eye to find such topics can pick anyone from the list for writing their research paperwork.

  • What is the role of vocabulary and diction in Verbal Communication?
  • How verbal communication is important for  Business Management ?
  • What are the main components of a verbal communication informal platform?
  • How to be a good orator by using verbal communication?
  • Latest updates in the methods and rules of interpersonal verbal communication skills.
  • What type of research is being done in the English language for verbal communication on formal and informal platforms?
  • Cooperative Wireless Communication and It Security
  • “Virtual classroom:” an interactive information exchange & computer-mediated learning space.
  • Communication in global virtual teams: digital analysis.
  • Interpersonal communication in virtual reality.
  • Communication Technology Trends That Will Shape 2020
  • Trends and challenges for internal communication in 2020.
  • Business Communication Trends in 2020.

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Non-Verbal Communication Research Paper Topics

Along with verbal communication, non-verbal communication are also an important part of interpersonal communication. Students can take help to write a good research paper on non-verbal communication topics. Here are a few college research paper ideas on non-verbal communication skills that are given to the students in the following list. Best grades in the work of writing a research paper could be obtained by completing a research paper on non-verbal communication.

  • Role of body language and gestures to communicate with a business client.
  • How do our facial expressions reveal our thoughts to the person on the other side?
  • How can we make our gestures in coordination with our words?
  • Is it possible for two people to communicate interpersonally without words through non-verbal communication?
  • What are the latest changes in non-verbal communication that are taking place?
  • How to improve non-verbal communication with practice?

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Topics for Research Paper on Deceptive Communication

Deceptive communication theory is one of the most popular theories in interpersonal communication where students can learn many techniques to improve their skills of communication. Many times professors ask their students to write a research paper on deceptive communication theory.

For such cases, few topics in interpersonal communication are enlisted below for the students for writing their research papers. Use these topics and impress your professors with a unique research paper written like professionals on the deceptive theory of communication. Below are few interpersonal communication research questions ideas.

  • What are the basic principles of deceptive communication theory?
  • How deceptive communication theory helps people to understand the improvements required for better interpersonal communication skills.
  • What types of weaknesses in communication could be analyzed with the help of deceptive communication theory?
  • How to use the theory of deceptive communication in interpersonal interaction be that verbally or non-verbally?
  • Latest improvements in the theory of deceptive communication.

Relational Communication Topics for Research Paper

Get the topics in the following list for your relational communication theory for the research paper. The best quality topics for the research paper are given to the students on this list.

You will be the class topper even when writing a good research paper by picking up your topic from this list. All the topics are unique and not covered by previous students for writing their research papers on relational communication theory.

  • Use of relational communication theory for interpersonal communication with people of a different mindset.
  • How to apply relational communication theory in business communications and other formal platforms?
  • What are the most important principles of interpersonal relational communication theory?
  • Scope of research on the relational theory of interpersonal communication skills.
  • Out of the deceptive theory of communication and interpersonal relational theory which one is best for communication skills?

General Topics on Interpersonal Communication

Apart from the above-mentioned topics here are a few general topics as well that students can also use for their assignments of writing a research paper on interpersonal communication skills.

We provide you with interpersonal speech topics & research projects. All topics are unique and thus there is no need to worry about the poor score in research paper assignments.

  • What is the importance of interpersonal communication skills in our day-to-day life?
  • How a person can develop his communication skills to gain expertise in both verbal and non-verbal communication?
  • Role of language knowledge in making interpersonal communication skills more prominent.
  • How to gain success in business management by having a solid communicative skills base.
  • What are the important areas of interpersonal communication skills for businessmen?

By using these topics you will be able to frame a high-quality research paper on interpersonal communication skills. experts have given these topics by doing hard work round the clock. We also provide topics on visual communication, media & psychology research topics .

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Top 100 communication research topics for scholars.

communication topics

Seldom will you find a college or high school assignment that does not deal with communication topics? Students will have to come up with the best intrapersonal and interpersonal communication topics for their essays. These should have a taste of originality and expertise.

With this post, you will not only achieve that but also know how to write these topics and more painstakingly. Let us dive right in:

Interesting Interpersonal Communication Research Topics

When you have to come up with topics in interpersonal communication, the lecturer expects you to deal with the aspect of the disclosure that takes place between people.

  • Impact of body language and gestures with business clients
  • How facial expressions affect interpersonal communication
  • How to coordinate gestures with words
  • How effective is non-verbal interpersonal communication?
  • Discuss the latest trends in non-verbal interpersonal communication
  • In what ways can we improve non-verbal communication?
  • Explain limitations to effective interpersonal communication
  • Influence of culture on interpersonal dialogue
  • How effective is interpersonal communication in persuasion?
  • How to stimulate interpersonal dialogue

Hot Negotiation Communication Topics

  • Impact of media on the outcome of negotiations.
  • How to start a negotiation
  • What is the specific language used in negotiation?
  • How intercultural dialogue affects negotiation styles
  • How do agents impact a negotiation?
  • How to negotiate during a social conflict
  • Differences between a social and a political negotiation
  • Discuss how to settle in a court setting
  • What are the bias and credibility issues associated with negotiation?
  • How gender affects mediations?

Finest Business Communication Research Topics

  • Discuss the factors influencing organizational communication
  • How can managers eliminate uncertainty in an organization?
  • Ways of handling crisis through effective communication
  • Impact of rumors and gossip on the company reputation
  • Ways of improving business communication
  • A case study of the latest trends in Business to Business (B2B) communication
  • How to write a topnotch business communique
  • Good practices in workplace E-mail writing and organization
  • How to create a neutral ground for upward and downward communication
  • Ways of managing external communication in an organization

Best Communication Thesis Ideas

  • The growing trend of teenage texting and its impact on relationships
  • Effect of Infotainment on the society
  • Reading of online books versus traditional physical books
  • Impact of the Internet on worker’s productivity
  • Buying habits and internet adverts
  • The use of ladies in advertisements: Does it effectively communicate the message
  • Growth of misinformation and mal-information
  • Online learning and physical classroom learning: Which of them communicates best?
  • Racism as a hindrance to effective communication
  • The role of censorship on effective communication: Television and radio news

Top Development Communication Research Topics

  • Using mass media to attain sustainable development goals
  • How to effectively flatten the coronavirus infection curve using media tools
  • Ways in which television adverts have reduced fear and stigmatization on COVID-19
  • Reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS using media campaigns
  • How to stop dug and substance abuse using the media
  • Impact of mass media on reducing school dropouts
  • How the media has helped reduce cases of racial discrimination
  • Role of radio in community development projects
  • How digital media has contributed to environmental conservation
  • The incorporation of family planning methods as a result of mass media appeal

Impressive Social Media Research Topics

  • Growth of fake news as a result of social media
  • How to prevent fraud and conning on online media platforms
  • The role of social media in making the world a global village
  • Social media and political campaigns
  • The rising number of impersonators and dummy accounts on Facebook and Twitter
  • How to identify genuine brands and people on social media
  • Faster and timely communication as a result of social media
  • Legal and ethical considerations when using social media
  • Should there be an age limit for social media users?
  • Factors influencing social media censorship in China

Expert Examples of Communication Research Questions

  • What is the future of communication? Will digital communication persist?
  • How can we harmonize diverse languages all over the world for effective communication?
  • What is the origin of communication?
  • Are bloggers journalists?
  • How does the media act as a watchdog?
  • Does the media give truthful and accurate information?
  • What is the place of media theories in communication?
  • What makes radio relevant in the 21 st century?
  • What is the effectiveness of sign language interpreters on TV?
  • Is it true that ladies communicate better than men?

Research Topics for Communication on Leadership

  • Is communication the trademark of a great leader?
  • How communication styles affect leadership outcomes
  • How to come up with transformational leadership speech
  • Ways of strategizing communication to add meaning
  • The voice of communication in leadership
  • Impact of various communication leadership styles on company outcomes.
  • Male versus female ways of leadership information exchange
  • The process of effective leadership communication
  • How personality traits impact leadership communication styles
  • Role of excellent leadership communication on employee satisfaction

Communication Research Questions on Virtual Communication

  • How effective are Skype and Zoom meetings?
  • Can parties reach a consensus in a virtual dialogue?
  • Impact of culture on virtual communication
  • Discuss the pros and cons of the “Virtual classroom.”
  • Traditional discussion versus virtual communication
  • Are virtual pieces of training effective in producing competent personnel?
  • Is it possible to have nonverbal dialogue in virtual communications?
  • Styles of team interactions on virtual meetings
  • The question of trust and credibility in virtual environments
  • Ways of improving interpersonal communication in virtual dialogues

General Communication Research Ideas

  • Are our communication courses effective in producing competent communicators?
  • Communication tips in handling a depression case
  • Healthcare-related research topic for communication studies: Coronavirus
  • Role of public relations
  • Communication theories and their application
  • How politicians use communication as a campaign tool
  • Ways of improving communication with the deaf, blind, and mute
  • Technology and its impact on communication
  • Why are there regular press briefings on the coronavirus?
  • Academic level versus communication effectiveness

From the deliberations above, you can note that communication thesis ideas and research questions are the most interesting ones to write. The reason for this is that communication comes in everyday life.

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6.1 Principles of Interpersonal Communication

Learning objectives.

  • Define interpersonal communication.
  • Discuss the functional aspects of interpersonal communication.
  • Discuss the cultural aspects of interpersonal communication.

In order to understand interpersonal communication, we must understand how interpersonal communication functions to meet our needs and goals and how our interpersonal communication connects to larger social and cultural systems. Interpersonal communication is the process of exchanging messages between people whose lives mutually influence one another in unique ways in relation to social and cultural norms. This definition highlights the fact that interpersonal communication involves two or more people who are interdependent to some degree and who build a unique bond based on the larger social and cultural contexts to which they belong. So a brief exchange with a grocery store clerk who you don’t know wouldn’t be considered interpersonal communication, because you and the clerk are not influencing each other in significant ways. Obviously, if the clerk were a friend, family member, coworker, or romantic partner, the communication would fall into the interpersonal category. In this section, we discuss the importance of studying interpersonal communication and explore its functional and cultural aspects.

Why Study Interpersonal Communication?

Interpersonal communication has many implications for us in the real world. Did you know that interpersonal communication played an important role in human evolution? Early humans who lived in groups, rather than alone, were more likely to survive, which meant that those with the capability to develop interpersonal bonds were more likely to pass these traits on to the next generation (Leary, 2001). Did you know that interpersonal skills have a measurable impact on psychological and physical health? People with higher levels of interpersonal communication skills are better able to adapt to stress, have greater satisfaction in relationships and more friends, and have less depression and anxiety (Hargie, 2011). In fact, prolonged isolation has been shown to severely damage a human (Williams & Zadro, 2001). Have you ever heard of the boy or girl who was raised by wolves? There have been documented cases of abandoned or neglected children, sometimes referred to as feral children, who survived using their animalistic instincts but suffered psychological and physical trauma as a result of their isolation (Candland, 1995). There are also examples of solitary confinement, which has become an ethical issue in many countries. In “supermax” prisons, which now operate in at least forty-four states, prisoners spend 22.5 to 24 hours a day in their cells and have no contact with the outside world or other prisoners (Shalev, 2011).


Solitary confinement is common in supermax prisons, where prisoners spend 22.5 to 24 hours a day in their cells.

Jmiller291 – Solitary Confinement, Old Geelong Gaol 7 – CC BY 2.0.

Aside from making your relationships and health better, interpersonal communication skills are highly sought after by potential employers, consistently ranking in the top ten in national surveys (National Association of Colleges and Employers, 2010). Each of these examples illustrates how interpersonal communication meets our basic needs as humans for security in our social bonds, health, and careers. But we are not born with all the interpersonal communication skills we’ll need in life. So in order to make the most out of our interpersonal relationships, we must learn some basic principles.

Think about a time when a short communication exchange affected a relationship almost immediately. Did you mean for it to happen? Many times we engage in interpersonal communication to fulfill certain goals we may have, but sometimes we are more successful than others. This is because interpersonal communication is strategic, meaning we intentionally create messages to achieve certain goals that help us function in society and our relationships. Goals vary based on the situation and the communicators, but ask yourself if you are generally successful at achieving the goals with which you enter a conversation or not. If so, you may already possess a high degree of interpersonal communication competence , or the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in personal relationships. This chapter will help you understand some key processes that can make us more effective and appropriate communicators. You may be asking, “Aren’t effectiveness and appropriateness the same thing?” The answer is no. Imagine that you are the manager of a small department of employees at a marketing agency where you often have to work on deadlines. As a deadline approaches, you worry about your team’s ability to work without your supervision to complete the tasks, so you interrupt everyone’s work and assign them all individual tasks and give them a bulleted list of each subtask with a deadline to turn each part in to you. You meet the deadline and have effectively accomplished your goal. Over the next month, one of your employees puts in her two-weeks’ notice, and you learn that she and a few others have been talking about how they struggle to work with you as a manager. Although your strategy was effective, many people do not respond well to strict hierarchy or micromanaging and may have deemed your communication inappropriate. A more competent communicator could have implemented the same detailed plan to accomplish the task in a manner that included feedback, making the employees feel more included and heard. In order to be competent interpersonal communicators, we must learn to balance being effective and appropriate.

Functional Aspects of Interpersonal Communication

We have different needs that are met through our various relationships. Whether we are aware of it or not, we often ask ourselves, “What can this relationship do for me?” In order to understand how relationships achieve strategic functions, we will look at instrumental goals, relationship-maintenance goals, and self-presentation goals.

What motivates you to communicate with someone? We frequently engage in communication designed to achieve instrumental goals such as gaining compliance (getting someone to do something for us), getting information we need, or asking for support (Burleson, Metts, & Kirch, 2000). In short, instrumental talk helps us “get things done” in our relationships. Our instrumental goals can be long term or day to day. The following are examples of communicating for instrumental goals:

  • You ask your friend to help you move this weekend (gaining/resisting compliance).
  • You ask your coworker to remind you how to balance your cash register till at the end of your shift (requesting or presenting information).
  • You console your roommate after he loses his job (asking for or giving support).

When we communicate to achieve relational goals, we are striving to maintain a positive relationship. Engaging in relationship-maintenance communication is like taking your car to be serviced at the repair shop. To have a good relationship, just as to have a long-lasting car, we should engage in routine maintenance. For example, have you ever wanted to stay in and order a pizza and watch a movie, but your friend suggests that you go to a local restaurant and then to the theatre? Maybe you don’t feel like being around a lot of people or spending money (or changing out of your pajamas), but you decide to go along with his or her suggestion. In that moment, you are putting your relational partner’s needs above your own, which will likely make him or her feel valued. It is likely that your friend has made or will also make similar concessions to put your needs first, which indicates that there is a satisfactory and complimentary relationship. Obviously, if one partner always insists on having his or her way or always concedes, becoming the martyr, the individuals are not exhibiting interpersonal-communication competence. Other routine relational tasks include celebrating special occasions or honoring accomplishments, spending time together, and checking in regularly by phone, e-mail, text, social media, or face-to-face communication. The following are examples of communicating for relational goals:

  • You organize an office party for a coworker who has just become a US citizen (celebrating/honoring accomplishments).
  • You make breakfast with your mom while you are home visiting (spending time together).
  • You post a message on your long-distance friend’s Facebook wall saying you miss him (checking in).


Gathering to celebrate a colleague’s birthday is a good way for coworkers to achieve relational goals in the workplace.

Twingly – Happy b-day – CC BY 2.0.

Another form of relational talk that I have found very useful is what I call the DTR talk , which stands for “defining-the-relationship talk” and serves a relationship-maintenance function. In the early stages of a romantic relationship, you may have a DTR talk to reduce uncertainty about where you stand by deciding to use the term boyfriend , girlfriend , or partner . In a DTR talk, you may proactively define your relationship by saying, “I’m glad I’m with you and no one else.” Your romantic interest may respond favorably, echoing or rephrasing your statement, which gives you an indication that he or she agrees with you. The talk may continue on from there, and you may talk about what to call your relationship, set boundaries, or not. It is not unusual to have several DTR talks as a relationship progresses. At times, you may have to define the relationship when someone steps over a line by saying, “I think we should just be friends.” This more explicit and reactive (rather than proactive) communication can be especially useful in situations where a relationship may be unethical, inappropriate, or create a conflict of interest—for example, in a supervisor-supervisee, mentor-mentee, professional-client, or collegial relationship.

We also pursue self-presentation goals by adapting our communication in order to be perceived in particular ways. Just as many companies, celebrities, and politicians create a public image, we desire to present different faces in different contexts. The well-known scholar Erving Goffman compared self-presentation to a performance and suggested we all perform different roles in different contexts (Goffman, 1959). Indeed, competent communicators can successfully manage how others perceive them by adapting to situations and contexts. A parent may perform the role of stern head of household, supportive shoulder to cry on, or hip and culturally aware friend to his or her child. A newly hired employee may initially perform the role of serious and agreeable coworker. Sometimes people engage in communication that doesn’t necessarily present them in a positive way. For example, Haley, the oldest daughter in the television show Modern Family , often presents herself as incapable in order to get her parents to do her work. In one episode she pretended she didn’t know how to crack open an egg so her mom Claire would make the brownies for her school bake sale. Here are some other examples of communicating to meet self-presentation goals:

  • As your boss complains about struggling to format the company newsletter, you tell her about your experience with Microsoft Word and editing and offer to look over the newsletter once she’s done to fix the formatting (presenting yourself as competent).
  • You and your new college roommate stand in your dorm room full of boxes. You let him choose which side of the room he wants and then invite him to eat lunch with you (presenting yourself as friendly).
  • You say, “I don’t know,” in response to a professor’s question even though you have an idea of the answer (presenting yourself as aloof, or “too cool for school”).

“Getting Real”

Image Consultants

The Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) states that appearance, behavior, and communication are the “ABC’s of image.” Many professional image consultants are licensed by this organization and provide a variety of services to politicians, actors, corporate trainers, public speakers, organizations, corporations, and television personalities such as news anchors. [1] Visit the AICI’s website ( ) and read about image consulting, including the “How to Choose,” “How to Become,” and “FAQs” sections. Then consider the following questions:

  • If you were to hire an image consultant for yourself, what would you have them “work on” for you? Why?
  • What communication skills that you’ve learned about in the book so far would be most important for an image consultant to possess?
  • Many politicians use image consultants to help them connect to voters and win elections. Do you think this is ethical? Why or why not?

As if managing instrumental, relational, and self-presentation goals isn’t difficult enough when we consider them individually, we must also realize that the three goal types are always working together. In some situations we may privilege instrumental goals over relational or self-presentation goals. For example, if your partner is offered a great job in another state and you decided to go with him or her, which will move you away from your job and social circle, you would be focusing on relational goals over instrumental or self-presentation goals. When you’re facing a stressful situation and need your best friend’s help and call saying, “Hurry and bring me a gallon of gas or I’m going to be late to work!” you are privileging instrumental goals over relational goals. Of course, if the person really is your best friend, you can try to smooth things over or make up for your shortness later. However, you probably wouldn’t call your boss and bark a request to bring you a gallon of gas so you can get to work, because you likely want your boss to see you as dependable and likable, meaning you have focused on self-presentation goals.

The functional perspective of interpersonal communication indicates that we communicate to achieve certain goals in our relationships. We get things done in our relationships by communicating for instrumental goals. We maintain positive relationships through relational goals. We also strategically present ourselves in order to be perceived in particular ways. As our goals are met and our relationships build, they become little worlds we inhabit with our relational partners, complete with their own relationship cultures.

Cultural Aspects of Interpersonal Communication

Aside from functional aspects of interpersonal communication, communicating in relationships also helps establish relationship cultures. Just as large groups of people create cultures through shared symbols (language), values, and rituals, people in relationships also create cultures at a smaller level. Relationship cultures are the climates established through interpersonal communication that are unique to the relational partners but based on larger cultural and social norms. We also enter into new relationships with expectations based on the schemata we have developed in previous relationships and learned from our larger society and culture. Think of relationship schemata as blueprints or plans that show the inner workings of a relationship. Just like a schematic or diagram for assembling a new computer desk helps you put it together, relationship schemata guide us in how we believe our interpersonal relationships should work and how to create them. So from our life experiences in our larger cultures, we bring building blocks, or expectations, into our relationships, which fundamentally connect our relationships to the outside world (Burleson, Metts, & Kirch, 2000). Even though we experience our relationships as unique, they are at least partially built on preexisting cultural norms.

Some additional communicative acts that create our relational cultures include relational storytelling, personal idioms, routines and rituals, and rules and norms. Storytelling is an important part of how we create culture in larger contexts and how we create a uniting and meaningful storyline for our relationships. In fact, an anthropologist coined the term homo narrans to describe the unique storytelling capability of modern humans (Fisher, 1985). We often rely on relationship storytelling to create a sense of stability in the face of change, test the compatibility of potential new relational partners, or create or maintain solidarity in established relationships. Think of how you use storytelling among your friends, family, coworkers, and other relational partners. If you recently moved to a new place for college, you probably experienced some big changes. One of the first things you started to do was reestablish a social network—remember, human beings are fundamentally social creatures. As you began to encounter new people in your classes, at your new job, or in your new housing, you most likely told some stories of your life before—about your friends, job, or teachers back home. One of the functions of this type of storytelling, early in forming interpersonal bonds, is a test to see if the people you are meeting have similar stories or can relate to your previous relationship cultures. In short, you are testing the compatibility of your schemata with the new people you encounter. Although storytelling will continue to play a part in your relational development with these new people, you may be surprised at how quickly you start telling stories with your new friends about things that have happened since you met. You may recount stories about your first trip to the dance club together, the weird geology professor you had together, or the time you all got sick from eating the cafeteria food. In short, your old stories will start to give way to new stories that you’ve created. Storytelling within relationships helps create solidarity, or a sense of belonging and closeness. This type of storytelling can be especially meaningful for relationships that don’t fall into the dominant culture. For example, research on a gay male friendship circle found that the gay men retold certain dramatic stories frequently to create a sense of belonging and to also bring in new members to the group (Jones Jr., 2007).

We also create personal idioms in our relationships (Bell & Healey, 1992). If you’ve ever studied foreign languages, you know that idiomatic expressions like “I’m under the weather today” are basically nonsense when translated. For example, the equivalent of this expression in French translates to “I’m not in my plate today.” When you think about it, it doesn’t make sense to use either expression to communicate that you’re sick, but the meaning would not be lost on English or French speakers, because they can decode their respective idiom. This is also true of idioms we create in our interpersonal relationships. Just as idioms are unique to individual cultures and languages, personal idioms are unique to certain relationships, and they create a sense of belonging due to the inside meaning shared by the relational partners. In romantic relationships, for example, it is common for individuals to create nicknames for each other that may not directly translate for someone who overhears them. You and your partner may find that calling each other “booger” is sweet, while others may think it’s gross. Researchers have found that personal idioms are commonly used in the following categories: activities, labels for others, requests, and sexual references (Bell & Healey, 1992). The recent cultural phenomenon Jersey Shore on MTV has given us plenty of examples of personal idioms created by the friends on the show. GTL is an activity idiom that stands for “gym, tan, laundry”—a common routine for the cast of the show. There are many examples of idioms labeling others, including grenade for an unattractive female, gorilla juice head for a very muscular man, and backpack for a clingy boyfriend/girlfriend or a clingy person at a club. There are also many idioms for sexual references, such as smush , meaning to hook up / have sex, and smush room , which is the room set aside for these activities (Benigno, 2010). Idioms help create cohesiveness, or solidarity in relationships, because they are shared cues between cultural insiders. They also communicate the uniqueness of the relationship and create boundaries, since meaning is only shared within the relationship.

Routines and rituals help form relational cultures through their natural development in repeated or habitual interaction (Burleson, Metts, & Kirch, 2000). While “routine” may connote boring in some situations, relationship routines are communicative acts that create a sense of predictability in a relationship that is comforting. Some communicative routines may develop around occasions or conversational topics.

For example, it is common for long-distance friends or relatives to schedule a recurring phone conversation or for couples to review the day’s events over dinner. When I studied abroad in Sweden, my parents and I talked on the phone at the same time every Sunday, which established a comfortable routine for us. Other routines develop around entire conversational episodes. For example, two best friends recounting their favorite spring-break story may seamlessly switch from one speaker to the other, finish each other’s sentences, speak in unison, or gesture simultaneously because they have told the story so many times. Relationship rituals take on more symbolic meaning than do relationship routines and may be variations on widely recognized events—such as birthdays, anniversaries, Passover, Christmas, or Thanksgiving—or highly individualized and original. Relational partners may personalize their traditions by eating mussels and playing Yahtzee on Christmas Eve or going hiking on their anniversary. Other rituals may be more unique to the relationship, such as celebrating a dog’s birthday or going to opening day at the amusement park. The following highly idiosyncratic ritual was reported by a participant in a research study:

I would check my husband’s belly button for fuzz on a daily basis at bedtime. It originated when I noticed some blanket fuzz in his belly button one day and thought it was funny…We both found it funny and teased often about the fuzz. If there wasn’t any fuzz for a few days my husband would put some in his belly button for me to find. It’s been happening for about 10 years now (Bruess & Pearson, 1997).


A couple may share a relationship routine of making dinner together every Saturday night.

Free Stock Photos – Cooking – public domain.

Whether the routines and rituals involve phone calls, eating certain foods, or digging for belly button fuzz, they all serve important roles in building relational cultures. However, as with storytelling, rituals and routines can be negative. For example, verbal and nonverbal patterns to berate or belittle your relational partner will not have healthy effects on a relational culture. Additionally, visiting your in-laws during the holidays loses its symbolic value when you dislike them and comply with the ritual because you feel like you have to. In this case, the ritual doesn’t enrich the relational culture, but it may reinforce norms or rules that have been created in the relationship.

Relationship rules and norms help with the daily function of the relationship. They help create structure and provide boundaries for interacting in the relationship and for interacting with larger social networks (Burleson, Metts, & Kirch, 2000). Relationship rules are explicitly communicated guidelines for what should and should not be done in certain contexts. A couple could create a rule to always confer with each other before letting their child spend the night somewhere else. If a mother lets her son sleep over at a friend’s house without consulting her partner, a more serious conflict could result. Relationship norms are similar to routines and rituals in that they develop naturally in a relationship and generally conform to or are adapted from what is expected and acceptable in the larger culture or society. For example, it may be a norm that you and your coworkers do not “talk shop” at your Friday happy-hour gathering. So when someone brings up work at the gathering, his coworkers may remind him that there’s no shop talk, and the consequences may not be that serious. In regards to topic of conversation, norms often guide expectations of what subjects are appropriate within various relationships. Do you talk to your boss about your personal finances? Do you talk to your father about your sexual activity? Do you tell your classmates about your medical history? In general, there are no rules that say you can’t discuss any of these topics with anyone you choose, but relational norms usually lead people to answer “no” to the questions above. Violating relationship norms and rules can negatively affect a relationship, but in general, rule violations can lead to more direct conflict, while norm violations can lead to awkward social interactions. Developing your interpersonal communication competence will help you assess your communication in relation to the many rules and norms you will encounter.

Key Takeaways

  • Getting integrated: Interpersonal communication occurs between two or more people whose lives are interdependent and mutually influence one another. These relationships occur in academic, professional, personal, and civic contexts, and improving our interpersonal communication competence can also improve our physical and psychological health, enhance our relationships, and make us more successful in our careers.

There are functional aspects of interpersonal communication.

  • We “get things done” in our relationships by communicating for instrumental goals such as getting someone to do something for us, requesting or presenting information, and asking for or giving support.
  • We maintain our relationships by communicating for relational goals such as putting your relational partner’s needs before your own, celebrating accomplishments, spending time together, and checking in.
  • We strategically project ourselves to be perceived in particular ways by communicating for self-presentation goals such as appearing competent or friendly.

There are cultural aspects of interpersonal communication.

  • We create relationship cultures based on the relationship schemata we develop through our interactions with our larger society and culture.
  • We engage in relationship storytelling to create a sense of stability in the face of change, to test our compatibility with potential relational partners, and to create a sense of solidarity and belonging in established relationships.
  • We create personal idioms such as nicknames that are unique to our particular relationship and are unfamiliar to outsiders to create cohesiveness and solidarity.
  • We establish relationship routines and rituals to help establish our relational culture and bring a sense of comfort and predictability to our relationships.
  • Getting integrated: In what ways might interpersonal communication competence vary among academic, professional, and civic contexts? What competence skills might be more or less important in one context than in another?
  • Recount a time when you had a DTR talk. At what stage in the relationship was the talk? What motivated you or the other person to initiate the talk? What was the result of the talk?
  • Pick an important relationship and describe its relationship culture. When the relationship started, what relationship schemata guided your expectations? Describe a relationship story that you tell with this person or about this person. What personal idioms do you use? What routines and rituals do you observe? What norms and rules do you follow?

Bell, R. A. and J. G. Healey, “Idiomatic Communication and Interpersonal Solidarity in Friends’ Relational Cultures,” Human Communication Research 18 (1992): 307–35.

Benigno, A., “Jersey Shore Glossary: This Dictionary of Terms Will Get You (Fist) Pumped for Season Two,” N.Y. Daily News , July 28, 2010, .

Bruess, C. J. S. and Judy C. Pearson, “Interpersonal Rituals in Marriage and Adult Friendship,” Communication Monographs 64, no. 1 (1997): 35.

Burleson, B. R., Sandra Metts, and Michael W. Kirch, “Communication in Close Relationships,” in Close Relationships: A Sourcebook , eds. Clyde Hendrick and Susan S. Hendrick (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2000), 247.

Candland, D. K., Feral Children and Clever Animals: Reflections on Human Nature (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995).

Fisher, W. R., “Narration as Human Communication Paradigm: The Case of Public Moral Argument,” Communication Monographs 51, no. 1 (1985): 1–22.

Goffman, E., The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (New York: Anchor Books, 1959).

Hargie, O., Skilled Interpersonal Interaction: Research, Theory, and Practice (London: Routledge, 2011), 2.

Jones Jr., R. G., “Drag Queens, Drama Queens, and Friends: Drama and Performance as a Solidarity Building Function in a Gay Male Friendship Circle,” Kaleidoscope: A Graduate Journal of Qualitative Communication Research 6, no. 1 (2007): 61–84.

Leary, M. R., “Toward a Conceptualization of Interpersonal Rejection,” in Interpersonal Rejection , ed. Mark R. Leary (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001), 3–20.

National Association of Colleges and Employers, Job Outlook 2011 (2010): 25.

Shalev, S., “Solitary Confinement and Supermax Prisons: A Human Rights and Ethical Analysis,” Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice 11, no. 2 (2011): 151.

Williams, K. D. and Lisa Zadro, “Ostracism: On Being Ignored, Excluded, and Rejected,” in Interpersonal Rejection , ed. Mark R. Leary (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001), 21–54.

  • “About Image Consulting,” Association of Image Consultants International webpage, accessed June 3, 2011, . ↵

Communication in the Real World Copyright © 2016 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Essays on Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal communication plays a pivotal role in our daily lives, shaping our relationships, interactions, and understanding of the world around us. Therefore, writing an essay on interpersonal communication holds significant importance for several reasons.

Firstly, exploring the topic of interpersonal communication allows individuals to delve into the complexities of human interaction. By examining various aspects such as verbal and nonverbal cues, active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of how communication shapes our interactions with others.

Secondly, writing an essay on interpersonal communication fosters self-awareness and personal growth. Through reflection and analysis of communication patterns, individuals can identify their strengths and weaknesses in communication and work towards improving their interpersonal skills. This self-awareness is crucial for building healthier and more fulfilling relationships in both personal and professional contexts.

Furthermore, studying interpersonal communication through essay writing enables individuals to appreciate the diversity and complexity of human interaction. Communication styles, norms, and expectations vary across cultures, social contexts, and individual personalities. By exploring these differences, individuals can develop a more inclusive and empathetic approach to communication, fostering harmony and understanding in diverse social environments.

Additionally, writing an essay on interpersonal communication provides an opportunity to address contemporary issues and challenges in communication. With the rise of digital communication platforms and globalization, new dynamics and complexities have emerged in interpersonal interactions. Essays on topics such as the impact of social media on face-to-face communication or the influence of technology on family dynamics can shed light on these evolving trends and their implications for society.

Moreover, discussing interpersonal communication in essays can contribute to practical insights and strategies for improving communication skills. By examining case studies, research findings, and real-life examples, individuals can learn effective communication techniques and apply them in their personal and professional lives, ultimately enhancing their relationships and overall well-being.

Writing an essay on interpersonal communication is essential for gaining insights into human interaction, fostering self-awareness and personal growth, appreciating diversity, addressing contemporary challenges, and acquiring practical communication skills. By engaging with this topic, individuals can deepen their understanding of interpersonal dynamics and contribute to building more empathetic, inclusive, and harmonious relationships in society.

What Makes a Good Interpersonal Communication Essay Topic

Choosing the right topic is crucial when writing an interpersonal communication essay. A good essay topic should be thought-provoking, relevant, and engaging. To brainstorm and choose an essay topic, consider your interests, current events, and areas of interpersonal communication that you find intriguing. Think about what you want to learn more about and what you believe others should know. A good essay topic should also be specific and focused, allowing you to delve deep into the subject matter. Finally, consider the impact of your chosen topic and how it relates to the broader field of interpersonal communication.

Best Interpersonal Communication Essay Topics

  • The impact of social media on face-to-face communication
  • Nonverbal communication in romantic relationships
  • The role of empathy in effective communication
  • Gender differences in communication styles
  • Overcoming communication barriers in a diverse workplace
  • The influence of culture on interpersonal communication
  • The art of active listening in personal relationships
  • The power dynamics of communication in leadership
  • Communication strategies for conflict resolution
  • The role of trust in effective communication
  • The impact of technology on family communication
  • Communicating effectively in long-distance relationships
  • The psychology of persuasion in interpersonal communication
  • The influence of personality on communication styles
  • The role of communication in building strong friendships
  • The impact of communication on mental health and well-being
  • Effective communication in healthcare settings
  • The influence of language on intercultural communication
  • The role of communication in building successful teams
  • The impact of communication on romantic attraction

Interpersonal Communication Essay Topics Prompts

  • Imagine a world without verbal communication. How would people connect and understand each other?
  • Write about a time when you experienced a miscommunication and how it could have been avoided.
  • Create a fictional story about two people from different cultures who struggle to understand each other's communication styles.
  • Research and write about a unique form of nonverbal communication from a specific culture or community.
  • Reflect on a personal experience where effective communication was the key to resolving a conflict.

Strategies for Improving Interprofessional Communication in Healthcare

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Interpersonal communication is an exchange of information between two or more people. It is also an area of research that seeks to understand how humans use verbal and nonverbal cues to accomplish a number of personal and relational goals.

Interpersonal communication research addresses at least six categories of inquiry: 1) how humans adjust and adapt their verbal communication and nonverbal communication during face-to-face communication; 2) how messages are produced; 3) how uncertainty influences behavior and information-management strategies; 4) deceptive communication; 5) relational dialectics; and 6) social interactions that are mediated by technology.

There are four types of interpersonal communication — oral, verbal, nonverbal, and listening.

1. Berger, J. (2014). Word of mouth and interpersonal communication: A review and directions for future research. Journal of consumer psychology, 24(4), 586-607. ( 2. Miller, G. R. (1978). The current status of theory and research in interpersonal communication. Human Communication Research, 4(2), 164-178. ( 3. Weber, T. (2008). Handbook of interpersonal communication (Vol. 2). Walter de Gruyter. 4. Penley, L. E., & Hawkins, B. (1985). Studying interpersonal communication in organizations: A leadership application. Academy of Management Journal, 28(2), 309-326. ( 5. Graham, E. E., Barbato, C. A., & Perse, E. M. (1993). The interpersonal communication motives model. Communication Quarterly, 41(2), 172-186. ( 6. Burgoon, J. K., Berger, C. R., & Waldron, V. R. (2000). Mindfulness and interpersonal communication. Journal of Social Issues, 56(1), 105-127. ( 7. Wackman, D. B. (1973). Interpersonal communication and coorientation. American Behavioral Scientist, 16(4), 537-550. ( 8. Bylund, C. L., Peterson, E. B., & Cameron, K. A. (2012). A practitioner's guide to interpersonal communication theory: An overview and exploration of selected theories. Patient education and counseling, 87(3), 261-267. (

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interpersonal communication topics for research paper


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