Lesson 10: Designing a research project related to daily life

Designing a research is similar to making a house, car, bag, dress, cake, etc. which needs appropriate materials and necessary process or steps to follow. Then, you have to consider whether what you intend to make or invent has significance to you as a person. Otherwise, your efforts will not be put to use.

In designing your qualitative research, you have to consider whether the topic you have chosen is relevant to you as a learner, as a constituent in your barangay, and as a citizen of this country.

Therefore, the first question you should answer is, “What is the issue, phenomenon or problem in my school, at home, and in the community that needs my special attention by conducting a research?”

1. In School

Based on observation, what are the issues and problems I encounter inside the classroom? Is it the lesson, teachers, learners’ attitude and hindrances to graduation?

Considering my life on a daily basis, what are the things that bother me at home?

3. In the Community

What are the usual complaints of my neighbor regarding ordinances, practices and activities in the barangay? Or, what are the situations in my community that need to be improved?

Once you have decided on area where you can focus on, you need to remember the design of the qualitative research you will venture into.

Design of Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is an emergent design which means that it emerges as you make ongoing decisions about what you have learned.

As a design, qualitative research requires researcher’s decision-making like how to gather data, from where and whom to collect, when to gather, and for how long is the process will be.

To have a holistic picture of qualitative research project, you have to remember that in deciding on a topic, you have to consider the kind and the field it belongs, as well as its relevance to your daily life.

Subject Matter of the Inquiry of Research

You begin your research work with a problem ; that is, having a problem or topic to work on. Mulling over a topic for your research work drives you to perform HOTS or higher-order thinking strategies of inferential, critical, integrative, and creative thinking in finalizing your mind on one topic among several choices.

A topic is researchable if the knowledge and information about it are supported by evidence that is observable, factual, and logical. Here are some pointers you have to keep in mind in selecting a research topic (Babbie 2013):

Guidelines in Choosing a Research Topic

1. Interest in the subject matter

Your interest in a topic may be caused by your rich background knowledge about it and by its novelty; meaning, its unfamiliarity to you. Being curious about a subject, like a conundrum or a puzzle, makes you determined to unravel the mystery or intriguing thing behind it. Your real interest in a subject pushes you to research, investigate, or inquire about it with full motivation, enthusiasm, and energy.

2. Availability of information

Collecting a lot of information as evidence to support your claims about your subject matter from varied forms of literature like books, journals, and newspapers, among others, is a part and parcel of any research work. Hence, in choosing a research topic, visit your library to check the availability of reading materials on your chosen topic. Included in your investigation of the availability of reading materials are questions on how updated and authoritative the materials are.

Let these questions linger as you tour the library: What are the copyright dates of the materials? How old or new are they? How expert or qualified the writers are in coming out with such kind of reading materials about your topic?

3. Timeliness and relevance of the topic

The topic is relevant if it yields results that are instrumental in societal improvement. It is timely if it is related to the present. For instance, unless it is a pure or historical research, a research on the ins and outs of people’s revolutionary acts will prosper more if it tackles the contemporary revolutionary actions rather than those in the ancient time.

4. Limitations on the subject

This makes you link your choosing with course requirements. For example, to make you complete the requirements, your teacher instructs you to submit a paper that will apply the key principles you learned in business, psychology, education, and so on. In this case, you have no freedom to choose your topic based on your interest, but has to decide on one topic to finish your course.

5. Personal resources

Before sticking fully to your final choice, assess your research abilities in terms of your financial standing, health condition, mental capacity, needed facilities, and time allotment to enable you to complete your research.

Imagine yourself pouring much time and effort into its initial stage, only to find out later that you are unable to complete it because of your failure to raise the amount needed for questionnaire printing and interview trips. (Barbour 2014)

Research Topics to be Avoided

1. Controversial topics. These are topics that depend greatly on the writer’s opinion, which may tend to be biased or prejudicial. Facts cannot support topics like these.

2. Highly technical subjects . For a beginner, researching on topics that require an advanced study, technical knowledge, and vast experience is a very difficult task.

3. Hard-to-investigate subjects. A subject is hard to investigate if there are no available reading materials about it and if such materials are not up-to-date.

4. Too broad subjects. Topics that are too broad will prevent you from giving a concentrated or an in-depth analysis of the subject matter of the paper. The remedy to this is to narrow or limit the topic to a smaller one.

5. Too narrow subjects. These subjects are so limited or specific that an extensive or thorough searching or reading for information about these is necessary.

6. Vague subjects. Choosing topics like these will prevent you from having a clear focus on your paper. For instance, titles beginning with indefinite adjectives such as several, many, some, etc., as in “Some Remarkable Traits of a Filipino” or “ Several People’s Comments on the RH Law,” are vague enough to decrease the readers’ interests and curiosity.

Sources of Research Topics

This time, you already have ideas on some factors that affect your process of choosing a researchable topic. It is also necessary for you to know where a good research topic may come from. Knowing some sources of probable research topics could hasten your choosing; thereby, freeing you from a prolonged time of pondering over a problem of knowing which problem is good for you to research on.

The following can help you generate ideas about a good research topic. (Silverman 2013)

1.     Mass media communication – press (newspapers, ads, TV, radio, films, etc.)

2.     Books, Internet, peer-reviewed journals, government publications

3.     Professional periodicals like College English Language Teaching Forum, English Forum, The Economist, Academia, Business Circle, Law Review, etc.

4.     General periodicals such as Readers’ Digest, Women’s Magazine, Panorama Magazine, Time Magazine, World Mission Magazine, etc.

5.     Previous reading assignments in your other subjects

6.     Work experience – clues to a researchable topic from full-time or part-time jobs, OJT (on-the-job training) experience, fieldwork, etc.

The Research Problem 

In starting with a research project, the researcher must have a clear problem in mind. Basically, a research problem refers to a statement that promptly suggests for conducting an investigation.

Moreover, a research problem to be designed must deal with some concerns in a particular field that may need an improvement or a solution. The researcher must also observe gaps in existing scholarly literature, theories, and practices in order to come up with a good and relevant research problem.

This designed problem then will serve as a guide to know what kind of research study will be most suitable to address the perceived concern. 

Sources of Research Problem 

There is a need for a socially relevant problem when the researcher will attempt to conduct a study. Hence, it is said that identifying and designing a research problem is quite a challenging task. 

Familiarity with the potential sources, meanwhile, may help the researcher to come up with a good research problem. As cited from Sacred Heart University Library (2020), four (4) varied sources can be considered. These are as follows: 

1.     Theory . Existing social philosophies and generalizations which the researcher is familiar with may be of a great help to design a research problem. The researcher may observe if there is a gap between theory and practice. Difference between what is said by the elders and what the youngsters see and observe may be a potential source of a problem. 

2.     Practitioners . Consultation with the people who have direct experiences in a field of interest may provide the researcher an idea of what relevant problem he/she may investigate. Practitioners such as teachers, social workers, health care providers, etc. are considered to be a good source of problem since they are directly experiencing difficulties and challenges which are needed to be addressed. 

3.     Personal experience . Daily experiences can provide the researcher an idea of what problem that needs a solution. Observation on what is happening in the community may allow him/her to see the common concerns of people or institutions which may be subjected for investigation.  

4.     Relevant literature . An extensive and thorough review of literature and studies relevant to the problem interest of the researcher may enable him/her to come up with a potential study. Through reviewing other available researches, the researcher may be able to determine gaps in knowledge and to subject them for replication. Thus, a good research problem will be ensured. 

designing research topics related to daily life brainly

10 Importance of Research in Our Daily Life

Table of Contents

In a world filled with information, it’s really important to understand the importance of research in our daily life . Whether you’re a professional in business, a scientist striving for breakthroughs, or a student navigating the academic landscape, research plays a crucial role in shaping your understanding and decisions. We need to conduct research to continually expand our knowledge base and stay informed in an ever-evolving world. In this article, we’ll discuss the reasons why research is important and its importance in our daily life.

Reasons Why Research is Important in Our Daily Life

The reasons why research is important in our daily lives are different and significant. From expanding knowledge to staying updated with the latest advancements, research provides the foundation for progress and knowledge that empowers us in various aspects of our everyday existence.

In addition, understanding how research plays an important role in our life is important, as it not only enhances our ability to gather information but also empowers us to make informed decisions. In jobs and work, research helps us think of new ideas, solve problems, and keep up with what’s happening in different areas.

It helps people learn more, ask questions, and develop a smart way of thinking. Also, doing research encourages us to be curious and keep learning all the time. It helps us see things from different angles and get better at adapting to a world that’s always changing. In the end, research is essential because it helps us improve ourselves and makes society better as a whole.

importance of research in our daily life

What is the Role of Research in Our Life?

Research plays an important role in our lives by helping us understand the world around us and make informed decisions. It is like detective work that scientists, scholars, and experts do to discover new things and find solutions to problems. In simple terms, research helps us answer questions and solve puzzles.

Imagine you have a question like, “How can we make our environment cleaner?” Researchers would study different aspects, like pollution, recycling, and renewable energy, to find the best solutions. This way, research helps us find ways to improve our lives and the world we live in.

Here are the following 10 importance of research in our daily life:

1. Expanding Knowledge Base

Research acts as a door to education and continuous learning. Regardless of your expertise, there is always more to discover about a subject. The process of research opens new paths for learning and personal growth, providing opportunities to build on existing knowledge.

2. Accessing the Latest Information

Staying informed is crucial, especially in dynamic fields. Research encourages the pursuit of the most recent information, preventing the risk of falling behind in rapidly evolving areas. This ensures that your insights are up-to-date and contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

3. Understanding the Competitive Landscape

In business and various other domains, understanding what you’re up against is vital. Researching competitors helps in formulating effective plans and strategies, identifying unique selling points, and staying ahead in the market. Beyond business, the research identifies challenges and adversaries, offering solutions and strategies for overcoming them.

4. Building Credibility

Credibility is the foundation of effective communication. Thorough research provides a solid base for ideas and opinions, making it difficult for others to question your knowledge. By relying on reputable sources, your credibility is enhanced, ensuring that your contributions are taken seriously.

5. Economic Development

Research plays a crucial role in driving economic growth. From market trends to consumer behavior, businesses rely on research to make strategic decisions that contribute to their success and, consequently, the economic development of a nation.

6. Exploring New Ideas

Research is the engine of innovation, driving the exploration of new ideas. It fuels creativity and pushes the boundaries of what is possible, leading to breakthroughs in various fields and shaping the world of tomorrow. Research is like a treasure hunt for smart solutions to problems, making life better for everyone. Without research, we might miss out on incredible inventions that could change the way we live!

7. Exploring New Ideas

Research introduces individuals to diverse perspectives and ideas. While individuals may enter the research process with preconceived notions, exposure to various viewpoints encourages openness to new ideas. This dynamic exploration may lead to shifts in opinions or the refinement of existing ones.

8. Facilitating Problem-Solving

Research is a valuable tool for problem-solving . Whether addressing personal or professional challenges, informed decisions are crucial. Through thorough research, individuals gain the necessary information to devise effective solutions, boosting confidence in decision-making.

9. Raising Awareness

The importance of research in raising awareness lies in its ability to provide valuable information and insights about various issues. Through systematic investigation and analysis, research helps uncover facts, trends, and challenges related to critical issues. This information serves as a foundation for creating awareness campaigns, educational initiatives, and advocacy efforts.

10. Cultivating Curiosity

Curiosity is the driving force behind continuous learning. Research nurtures curiosity by exposing individuals to different opinions, ideas, and possibilities. It rewards the innate human desire to explore, ensuring a perpetual state of intellectual growth.

In conclusion, the importance of research in our daily life is deep and complex. It’s not just about school or learning; it becomes a part of how we live every day. Research expands our knowledge base, keeping us in tune with the latest information and helping us understand the competitive landscape, be it in business or personal challenges. Furthermore, recognizing the reasons why research is important in our daily life empowers us to make informed decisions, solve problems effectively, and navigate the complexities of the modern world with confidence.

Moreover, it builds credibility, narrows the overwhelming scope of information, and enhances discernment. Research isn’t just about fixing problems; it helps us understand important things happening in society. It keeps us curious and always learning new stuff. Choosing to study isn’t just a choice; it’s a way to have a smarter, stronger, and more interesting life.

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8 examples of how research has improved our daily life

The importance of research in our lives is not obvious at first — and that’s because we take many things for granted.

Look around you. It’s not just the creation of vaccines and the discovery of the molecular structure of DNA that require researchers.

Neither is it just grand things, like atomic bombs and rockets.

Behind every object, person and service you see is an uncountable amount of sweat and toil by an army of researchers and decades of trial and error.

They are the reason we can live, work and connect with our loved ones today.

Below are tangible examples of the importance of research lying in plain sight:

Eight examples of the importance of research in daily life:

Mobile phones have gone from being big and stationary to small and compact. Source: Olivier Douliery/AFP

It is difficult to explain just how much the invention of smartphones has upended life as we knew it.

From sending messages to taking pictures and creating Oscar-worthy short films, it seems like the iPhone can do it all.

Today with everything just at our fingertips, it is hard to imagine that there was a time when phones were big bulky devices plugged into our walls. 

Then, in the early 1990s, an IBM engineer discovered that chip-and-wireless technology was getting small enough to use in handheld devices.

And now you’re holding the latest iteration of it in your hands as you read this.

Air conditioning 

Feeling hot? Switch on the air conditioning to cool down.

This seems so simple now. We have air conditioners everywhere now – in our homes, dorm rooms, public transport and even our educational institutions. 

But there was a time when this was not the case. Though air conditioning was invented in 1901, at the time, they were nothing like the ones we know today.

Throughout the years, researchers have found ways to make air conditioning more accessible to everyone. 


Paracetamol is a drug that is very common and easily accessible today. Designed for pain relief, this drug has come a long since it was first invented.

Today, you can pick it up anywhere, from pharmacies to supermarkets.

The discovery of paracetamol was actually an accident . It was discovered when a similar molecule was added to a patient’s prescription, and paracetamol was later found in their urine. 

Netflix has changed the way we watch TVs and movies forever. Source: Patrick T. Fallon/AFP

There was a time we had to wait for a scheduled time to watch our favourite TV programmes and movies. And even that would be interrupted by advertisements.

Since the invention of Netflix, that is no longer an issue.

One of the founders, Reed Hastings , says that the idea for Netflix came to him when he received a US$40 fine for renting the movie “Apollo 13” from long-dead Blockbuster and returning it six weeks late.

Thanks to research and invention, we now have an endless stream of TV shows and films, accessible from any device at any time. 

Gone are the days of spending money on hard-copy books or running out of space to store all your books. 

The development of technology brought about e-books and products like Kindle. Now you can read anywhere at any time.

They not only make life easier but reduce  the world’s carbon footprint. 

Wireless earphones

Look around you, and you’ll see many people with earphones on, listening to music. 

The first headphones were invented when Nathaniel Baldwin searched for a device to help him hear the sermons at his local Mormon temple — from his kitchen.

Over time those big bulky headphones have gone through changes from earphones to now the wireless earphone that we all know and love.


Another example of the importance of research in our daily lives is the invention of Spotify. 

Based on research, it was found that music can lessen the impact of depression and anxiety . It is the perfect way to escape reality, especially when dealing with university stress and assignments. 

With Spotify, you don’t need to wait for your favourite songs to come up on the radio, download MP3 files or move the antenna around to get clear sound. 


If you thought smartphones were a great invention, the smartwatch will blow you away.

Watches started off as devices to tell time, but today it is so much more than that.

Now watches can be used to answer phone calls and messages, record your footsteps, make payments and even calculate your heart rate. 

The first smartwatch was invented in 1994 and has since gone through many improvements to become what it is today. 

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