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How Kamala Sohonie Defied Gender Bias & Became the First Indian Woman Ph.D in Science

An incredible woman who left her mark in the world of biochemistry, Kamala Sohonie's story remains a landmark not just for Indian science, but for the women behind it too.

How Kamala Sohonie Defied Gender Bias & Became the First Indian Woman Ph.D in Science

U nderrepresented, underpaid and often unrecognised for their scientific achievements, women scientists across the world have been fighting gender bias for decades. In India, this bias was probably the worst during colonial rule, at a time when modern science education had just started in the country.

Social reformers like Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar and Savitribai Phule had been relentlessly campaigning to encourage education for girls, but opportunities for women to pursue further studies or a career in science were still very limited.

It was during this tumultuous phase of India’s history that Kamala Sohonie (nee Bhagvat) was born – on June 18, 1911, in Bombay. In time, she would not only go on to become the first Indian woman to get a Ph.D in a scientific discipline, she would also have a dazzling career as a premier biochemist at Cambridge.

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Kamala was born and brought up in a highly-educated family. Her father, Narayan Bhagvat, and her uncle, Madhavrao Bhagvat, were both among the first chemistry students to graduate from the prestigious Tata Institute of Sciences (now Indian Institute of Science) in Bangalore.

Little Kamala grew up admiring them and their love for science. So when she decided that she wanted to study chemistry too, it did not surprise anybody in her family. After finishing school at the top of her class, the hard-working girl followed the same path her father and uncle had taken – she enrolled herself in the BSc (Physics and Chemistry) course at the Bombay Presidency College.

After Kamala graduated with flying colours (she got the highest score in her batch), she applied for the masters course at IISc. Not only was it a “family tradition’ for her, it was an important step of her dream to become a successful scientist. At the time, IISc was headed by Prof. C. V. Raman (the first Asian Nobel laureate in Physics) and was considered the best institution in the country for scientific studies.

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An old photo of IISc

So it was a nasty shock for Kamala when she was denied admission to IISc. Though she had high marks in graduation, Raman refused to admit her only because she was a girl. Even when her father and uncle requested him to give her a chance, he reportedly replied saying “I am not going to take any girls in my institute!”

However, Kamala was made of stronger stuff and decided not to take the injustice lying down. Convinced that research in science was her calling, she took on the Nobel Laureate. She met him and demanded that he give reasons for his decision to deny her admission. She also challenged him that she would complete her course with distinction!

Initially, Raman ignored Kamala and her questions but when the young lady did not give up, he retracted his statement as he was unable to give a strong official justification to back his order. He agreed to give her admission but with certain conditions. These conditions were:

  • She will not be allowed as a regular candidate.
  • She has to work late night as per instruction of her guide.
  • She will not spoil the environment of the lab

Twenty-two-year-old Kamala accepted it all to be able to study at IISc, but she was deeply hurt by this incident. During a felicitation function organised by Indian Women Scientists’ Association (IWSA), she publicly said:

“Though Raman was a great scientist, he was very narrow-minded. I can never forget the way he treated me just because I was a woman. This was a great insult to me. The bias against women was so bad at that time. What can one expect if even a Nobel laureate behaves in such a manner?”

During her time at IISc, Kamala threw her heart and soul into her work. She found a teacher who would leave a lasting impression on her life, M Sreenivasayya. One of the pioneers of microbiological research in India, Sreenivasayya was a strict and demanding teacher but he always made time to encourage and support students.

Under him, Kamala worked on proteins in milk, pulses and legumes (a subject that had important implications for nutritional practices in India). Such was her dedication to her work that it convinced Raman that women could excel in scientific research.

In 1936, Kamala submitted her research, completed her MSc degree with distinction and earned herself a research scholarship at UK’s prestigious Cambridge University. Next year, Raman opened the doors of IISc for female students. A silent revolution had been fought and won.

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Cambridge University, 1930s

In 1937, Kamala arrived in UK where she joined the group of the renowned neurochemist, Derek Richter, at Cambridge’s Biochemical and Physiological Laboratory. After Richter left to work elsewhere, she joined the research lab of Robin Hill.

Her work here impressed the scientists so much that they suggested she apply for a fellowship to work at the famed laboratory of Fredrick G Hopkins. A Nobel Laureate, Hopkins landmark discovery about the importance of vitamins in diet had revolutionized knowledge about nutrition. Kamala applied, won the fellowship and joined the Hopkins lab in 1939.

The next few years were the golden phase of Kamala’s entire career. Encouraged by Hopkins, less than 16 months after arriving at the university, she submitted a thesis describing her finding of cytochrome C in respiration of plant tissue for her PhD degree.

Her remarkable thesis was unconventional in many ways – it had only 40 pages, unlike the ‘normal ones’ which contained hundreds – but it impressed the review committee and Kamala became the first Indian woman to receive a doctorate in Science.

Also Read :  Meet India’s First Woman PhD in Botany – She Is The Reason Your Sugar Tastes Sweeter!

By this time, Kamala had started receiving excellent offers from US pharma companies but she chose to return to India in 1939. An ardent follower of Mahatma Gandhi, she wanted to help in the nationalist struggle against British rule.

After a short stint at Delhi’s Lady Hardinge Medical College, Kamala joined as Assistant Director of the Nutrition Research Lab in Coonoor where she conducted research into the role of vitamins in nutrition. Around this time, Kamala married M V. Sohonie, an actuary by profession, and moved to Mumbai in 1947.

The government of Maharashtra had recently opened a Biochemistry Department at Bombay’s Institute of Science and they selected Kamala for the post of Professor of Biochemistry. During her tenure at the Institute of Science, she worked on neera (a popular drink made from sweet palm nectar, legumes and rice flour) and how it could meet the nutritional needs of Indians, particularly of the poor.

Kamala found that neera contained sizable amounts of vitamins and iron that would be retained even if the drink was made into jaggery and molasses to increase shelf life. This discovery laid the groundwork for using jaggery and molasses as an affordable dietary supplement for malnourished children and pregnant women.

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She also became an advisor to Bombay’s Aarey Milk Project Factory and developed a protocol that prevented the curdling of milk. For her exemplary work, she was honoured with the the Rashtrapati Award and later became the director of the Institute of Science. Scientist Derek Richter, proud of his ex-student, famously exclaimed, “She has made history.”

Kamala was also a prolific science writer and published a good number of books in Marathi for young students. Besides these, she wrote several papers on consumers’ rights and was the founder member of Consumer Guidance Society of India (CGSI). Founded by nine women in 1966, CGSI was the earliest consumer protection organisation in India.

Kamala retired in 1969 and passed away in 1998 after collapsing at an event held by Indian Council of Medical Research to felicitate her. With her passing, India lost an incredible woman who didn’t let anything stop her from fulfilling her dream of spending her life in the pursuit of science.

Also Read :  Anna Mani Is One of India’s Greatest Woman Scientists. Yet You Probably Haven’t Heard Her Story

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BITS Pilani is a Deemed to be University, offering on-campus programs to more than 18,500 students across its campuses in Pilani, Goa, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Dubai.It has been recognized as an Institute of Eminence by the Ministry of Education, Government of India in 2020.

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In ǪS Asia University Rankings 2024, BITS has been ranked 215th in Asia and at 22nd in India. Further, BITS Pilani has been ranked among the top 300 in ǪS World University Graduate Employability Rankings 2022 and within top 6 in India.

Having pioneered several curricular and pedagogic attributes, BITS Pilani has a vision to be amongst the top research-led Institutes in the country. The qualities of innovation, enterprise, commitment to excellence, adherence to merit, and transparency, have characterized the Institute during its inexorable march to eminence.

The Institute has secured over Rs 398 crores as external research funding in the last 5 years. State of the art facilities have been developed to support cutting edge research, led by students and about 930 faculty members, leading to a Scopus h-index of 156, with 221 patents filed so far, and 41 patents granted. Currently, there are 14 BITSian Unicorns and 1 Decacorn. There are over 7500 BITSian founders and co-founders of enterprises.

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Department preference with regard to the full-time and part-time Ph.D student admission is given in the table below.

Yes – A Department intends to admit students under the specified mode. No – A Department does not intend to admit students under the specified mode.

Minimum Eligibility Qualifications

ME / MTech / MPharm / MBA / MPhil (minimum of 60% aggregate)* MSc/BE/BPharm or an equivalent degree (minimum of 60% aggregate)* For admission into Humanities and Social Sciences, MA degree (minimum of 55% aggregate)* For part-time applicants, a minimum of one-year experience in the related field of study is required

[*In the Qualifying Degree examination]

In addition, Departments may set specific admission criteria for shortlisting. Meeting the minimum eligibility qualifications does not guarantee admission into the PhD program. Shortlisted candidates will have to appear for an admission test, which may comprise a written exam and/or interview. Information on specific Departments and related research activities is available on the Department homepage of respective campuses.

Full-time students

Preferably individuals who would like to pursue PhD in-house, residing on campus.

Part-time students

Preferably individuals who are working in organizations providing basic facilities and an environment for research.

Financial Assistance

Full-time PhD students admitted into the PhD program are eligible to be considered for an Institute fellowship of Rs. 34,000 or Rs. 37,000 per month in the first year based on their qualifications at the time of admission. Students admitted with M.E./M.Tech./M.Pharm./MBA/M.Phil. or an equivalent Degree are eligible to receive an Institute fellowship of Rs. 37,000/-. Students admitted with M.Sc./B.E./B.Pharm. or an equivalent degree are eligible to receive an Institute fellowship of Rs. 34,000/-. These students on successful completion of coursework will receive Rs. 37,000/- from the Semester following the one in which the course work was completed Higher fellowship may be made available in subsequent years. Consideration for Institute fellowship will be as per Institute norms. It will be obligatory on the part of every admitted full time student to undertake 8 hours (per week) of work as assigned to him/her by the institute.

Important Dates

The Institute reserves the right to change the above deadlines. Candidates will be informed in advance should there be such a change.

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Home » Career Guidance » A Comprehensive Guide to Applying for a PhD in India [2024]

A Comprehensive Guide to Applying for a PhD in India [2024]

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Quick Summary

  • A PhD is a postgraduate research degree in India. It’s the highest academic degree in the country. 
  • The cost of a PhD course in India differs based on the kind of university people choose. However, if you take estimates, it can cost you around 80k to 2 lacs.
  • For admission in PhD in India, students require a Master’s degree in a relevant field. An overall grade point average of at least 55% (or equivalent) is required.

Table of Contents

Did you know that India produces over 20 thousand PhD holders , making it one of the top 5 countries with the most PhD holders?

Sounds great right?

And this number of PhD holders is only going to increase in upcoming years, with the rise in new technologies and scientific research more and more people will pursue a PhD in India.

If you are also thinking about pursuing PhD degree, then read this article till the end to know all about doing PhD in India. 

what is PhD

PhD in India- Course Highlights

Reasons to pursue a phd in india.

It is known that the purpose of a PhD is to teach individuals how to conduct research in a field. Candidates learn how to write scholarly papers and present findings, along with gaining skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication. However, there are career-related reasons to choose PhD course, and these reasons are:

  • Getting monthly allowances from the government to fund research.
  • A PhD student is seen as an expert in their field, thus, making them eligible for job openings related to teaching and research.
  • A chance to go to other countries for Academic Exchange Programs and learn various things.
  • Getting complete control over what you want to study and how you wish to continue with your research.
  • A PhD student gets to interact and work with the best academicians in their field and the professional experts who will guide them during their research.

Types of PhD Courses in India

There are different types of PhD degrees, some are based on distance and some are based on stream. Here is the list of major types of PhD in India.

Common PhD Degrees

Stream-wise phd degrees.

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Major PhD in India Entrance Exams

Every university takes its entrance exam for admission and checks the qualification for a PhD of every applicant. However, some entrance exams are conducted on a national level and have more importance. These are the major PhD course entrance exams.

Have a read at a Comprehensive Guide to Entrance Exams after Graduation .

PhD in India- Eligibility Criteria

Getting admission in PhD course is not an easy task, and if you are trying to get admission to any PhD program, check for these PhD eligibility criteria beforehand.

  • The candidate must have completed a Master’s degree i.e. (MTech/ MSc/ MA/ MPhil/ MBA). And it must be a full-time Master’s course from a recognised university by the government.
  • The overall grade point average of the candidate’s Master’s program must be at least 55% (or equivalent).
  • Candidates under SC, ST, and OBC categories will be given 5%- or 10%-mark relaxations. Applicants must present their reservation certificate to use these benefits.
  • The candidate must pass the PhD entrance exam.
  • A No Objection Certificate (NOC) f rom the educational institution or company where candidates are employed is required. Candidates must have job experience in a related field for a part-time PhD.

PhD Course Structure

1. coursework.

In PhD courses, students take a set have to take core courses or seminars in their field of study to build foundational knowledge. The coursework varies according to university but does includes both required and elective courses.

2. Research proposal

After completing the core courses, students must develop a research proposal outlining the problem they plan to investigate, the research questions they aim to answer, and the methods they will use to collect and analyze data.

3. Comprehensive exams

Before beginning their research for PhD course, students need to pass certain comprehensive exams covering their field of study to demonstrate their competence in the subject matter.

4. Research

Once students have completed their coursework and passed their comprehensive exams, they can begin their research. This typically involves conducting experiments, collecting data, or engaging in other research activities to answer the questions outlined in their research proposal.

5. Dissertation

The final requirement for a PhD course completion is the dissertation, which is a book-length document outlining the student’s research findings, conclusions, and contributions to their field of study. The dissertation has to be defended in front of a committee of faculty members and other experts in the field.

Read more: Complete Guide to Writing a Research Paper

steps to write phd dissertation

5 Step PhD Course Admission Process

There is Candidates must take the following seven steps to apply for a PhD in India:

Step 1 Find a Mentor

PhD students should find a supervisor willing to support them through their PhD journey. After finding a supervisor, candidates can apply offline or online. Almost all colleges and universities accept online applications now. However, if you wish, you can apply via the offline process by visiting the office of the university.

Step 2 Fill Online Admission Form

Candidates must complete the online PhD admission form before applying on the university or college website. All the needed qualification for PhD is listed on the university’s official website and should be met. The online application is rejected if candidates fail to meet these requirements.

Step 3 Submit Necessary Documents

After completing the online application form, candidates must provide all necessary papers. These documents may include your passing certificate, degree, and migration certificate. Check the list of papers on the website before applying for the PhD admissions.

Step 4 Pass the Entrance Exam

The college/university needs PhD entrance exam. This exam must be taken after completing the application form. Fill out the form for the entrance exam and appear for it.

Step 5 Pass the Interview

Upon passing the PhD entrance exam, candidates will be invited for a doctoral academic interview. Admission is based on the academic doctoral interview and PhD entrance exam results. The institution or college decides the grades of students at each level and after passing the interview and fulfilling some other requirements you get admission.

Top Colleges for PhD in India

Top 10 career options after phd in india.

Source: Ambition Box

Plan Your Career in PhD

Being known as PhD holder is something to be proud of, not just because it’s a symbol of great knowledge but also a great future. If you want a career like this then doing PhD in India is the best choice and if you are confused about how you are going to get admission in PhD, then re-read the article. Do your research, know which specialization you want to choose and excel in your PhD course.

Make sure you carefully explore all your professional options because your career is extremely important. Before making the right decision, look over our  career advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of a PhD course in India differs based on the kind of university people choose. However, if you take estimates, it can cost you around 80k to 2 lacs. This figure can go up or down based on whether you choose a private institute or a government one.

A PhD program lasts for three to five years. Candidates have a maximum of five to six years to finish the program. The course length may be different for different institutes and the time taken by student in completing their thesis.

For admission in PhD in India, students require a Master’s degree in a relevant field. An overall grade point average of at least 55% (or equivalent) is required. In addition to this, candidates must know the language in which the course is taught and evaluated. Now, an MPhil degree is not a must for PhD admissions.

Getting a PhD in India is not easy. Candidates pursuing PhDs in India must pass the entrance exams such as NET. This written exam checks if they have the relevant subject knowledge to conduct advanced research. Candidates must further clear a PhD interview exam. Candidates must clear these rounds before pursuing PhDs in their chosen areas of specialization.

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1st phd in india

Message from the Chairperson

The doctoral programme in management at iim ahmedabad (iima), one of the country's first doctoral programmes in management, remains the first choice for students interested in pursuing a career in management in india. iima aspires to be a leading school in management research. to that end, we seek researchers with the potential to become global knowledge creators and research leaders in methodology and practice. the emphasis is on knowledge creation and knowledge expansion. our doctoral students are expected to demonstrate independent research thinking by publishing in prestigious academic journals and giving scholarly presentations on their work. we encourage and support collaborative research with faculty from other universities. we encourage students to join academic, research, and professional networks as early in their careers as possible. the iima doctoral programme offers specializations in agriculture, economics, finance and accounting, human resource management, information systems, innovation and management in education, marketing, organizational behaviour, operations & decision sciences, public systems, and strategy. we strongly encourage multidisciplinary research. we have excellent research facilities, including a library with an impressive collection of management literature, journals, and databases. we provide high-performance computing capability, subject-specific research centres, fellowships, and financial assistance for research and conference attendance. if this excites you, we invite you to apply to the doctoral program and become a member of the iima community., sandip chakrabarti chairperson, ph.d. programme, why ph.d. at iima.

Thinking of doing your Ph.D.? If you have outstanding academic credentials, intellectual curiosity, discipline required for deep and meticulous research then the Ph.D. Programme at IIMA is where you should be. You will acquire a solid foundation within your discipline, exposure to new ideas, and mastery of the tools necessary to engage in research as you investigate in-depth today’s most challenging problems.

Vision of the Programme

The objective of the Ph.D. Programme in Management is to equip students with necessary skills to identify and carry out research on complex issues in a specialized field of management. The programme is strongly committed to preparing thought leaders, both for the academic and corporate world. Graduates of the Ph.D. Programme in Management are placed in world class organizations in teaching, research and consulting positions. A total of 422 doctoral students have graduated from IIMA so far.

The Ph.D. Programme in Management seeks candidates with outstanding academic credentials, intellectual curiosity and discipline needed to make scholarly contributions that advance the frontiers of knowledge. It provides a diverse set of opportunities for interdisciplinary learning and research. The student opts for one of eleven functional/sectoral areas and acquires super specialized theoretical knowledge and mastery of practical aspects of the area.

The small class size allows close interaction with faculty members, who provide the intellectual stimulus and help develop the student's research interests and professional goals. Students generally spend a little over four years to complete their Ph.D. which includes two years of rigorous course work.

Course work in the first year provides a general management overview and develops basic skills for analyzing managerial problems. In the second year, students take advanced Ph.D. level courses in their areas of high levels of specialization. After completing the course work, students have to pass an area comprehensive examination to demonstrate that they have reached a level of proficiency in the area of high levels of specialization.  The Ph.D. dissertation, for the next couple of years, provides them with an opportunity to make original contribution to an area of management or to one of its source disciplines. Students admitted to the Ph.D. Programme receive a comprehensive fellowship that covers all costs and in addition provides a modest living allowance.

The objective of the Ph.D. Programme in Management is to equip students with necessary skills to identify and carry out research on complex issues in a specialized field of management. The programme is strongly committed to preparing thought leaders, both for the academic and corporate world. Graduates of the Ph.D. Programme in Management are placed in world class organizations in teaching, research and consulting positions. A total of 422 doctoral students have graduated from IIMA so far. The Ph.D. Programme in Management seeks candidates with outstanding academic credentials, intellectual curiosity and discipline needed to make scholarly contributions that advance the frontiers of knowledge. It provides a diverse set of opportunities for interdisciplinary learning and research. The student opts for one of eleven functional/sectoral areas and acquires super specialized theoretical knowledge and mastery of practical aspects of the area. The small class size allows close interaction with faculty members, who provide the intellectual stimulus and help develop the student's research interests and professional goals. Students generally spend a little over four years to complete their Ph.D. which includes two years of rigorous course work. Course work in the first year provides a general management overview and develops basic skills for analyzing managerial problems. In the second year, students take advanced Ph.D. level courses in their areas of high levels of specialization. After completing the course work, students have to pass an area comprehensive examination to demonstrate that they have reached a level of proficiency in the area of high levels of specialization. The Ph.D. dissertation, for the next couple of years, provides them with an opportunity to make original contribution to an area of management or to one of its source disciplines. Students admitted to the Ph.D. Programme receive a comprehensive fellowship that covers all costs and in addition provides a modest living allowance.

Announcements, deadline extended to 29 january 2024, for doctoral programme admissions, ph.d. experiences, my two years journey at iim ahmedabad has been very rewarding. professors, here, are very knowledgeable and supportive. there are abundant research opportunities with hundreds of research seminars occurring every year. campus has excellent infrastructure including classes, sports facilities, hostels and the library is probably the best in india with plethora of resources. ph.d. office, library and administration staff is also very friendly and cooperative. apart from academics, there are plenty of avenues to explore cultural and sports interests..

Atul Karwasara Year of Joining: 2018, Area: Strategy

Ph.D. in innovation and management in education is offered only in IIM A across India, and this unique interdisciplinary course of management and education provides ample opportunity to research in the diverse field within the education sector. The option to choose multiple courses from different management sub-disciplines during coursework in the Ph.D. programme at IIM A has helped me broaden my understanding and knowledge about management education and research. Ph.D. programme at IIM A provides a unique platform in terms of the diverse cohort to hone research skills as the mix of qualitative and quantitative researchers help and support each other in mutual and shared learning.

Nirved Kumar Year of Joining: 2020, Area: RJMCEI

My experience with IIM A, till now, can be summarized in three words - rigour, learning, and development. The coursework is vast and intense. I would admit that the first year of coursework has helped me take a quantum leap into the world of academics. The faculty members are extremely supportive and patient. Additionally, there is ample scope, here, to pursue one’s extra-curricular interests. The community is very tightly knit and my batch profile is so diverse that the past one year was peppered with numerous instances of peer learning - academic as well as non-academic.

Lokesh Malviya Year of Joining: 2020, Area: OB


The Ph.D. Programme of the IIMA admits students who have a strong academic background, are highly motivated and who have the intellectual curiosity to undertake original research.

Ph.d. directory.

Nikita Gupta

Nikita Gupta

Ph.D, V Centre for Management in Agriculture

Rya Ray

Ph.D, V Organisational Behaviour

Santosh Vishwanath Gedam

Santosh Vishwanath Gedam

Ph.D, VI Public Systems Group

Shreyas Bhowmik

Shreyas Bhowmik

Ph.D, II Operations and Decision Sciences

Areas of Specialisation

Centre for management in agriculture.

At the IIMA, scholarly investigation of agriculture-related management builds on experience that goes back nearly 60 years and touches all aspects.


Communication - concise, direct, clear, and compelling - is the heart of management.

Teaching and research that span the worlds of economic theory and practice.

Finance and Accounting

Teaching that is a credit to the institution, research that yields a wealth of knowledge.

Human Resources Management

Teaching and investigating all aspects of human resource development, human resource management, industrial psychology and labour relations.

Information Systems

Exploring the interface between ever-advancing information systems and organisaional operations.

Teaching the power of persuasion. Researching new theories or real-life problems.

Operations and Decision Sciences

Teaching and research about how to get the facts, understand them and make optimum use of them.

Organisational Behaviour

Teaching and researching ways to increase the value of the human capital in an organisation.

Public Systems Group

Teaching and researching concepts and skills for effective management of public systems and democratic policy making.

Ravi J. Matthai Centre For Educational Innovation

Innovating, inspiring and influencing the management of education systems in India through teaching and research.

Focusing on organizational strategy and the functions of the chief executive.

What is Ph.D. Programme in Management?

Ph.D. Programme in Management at IIMA consists of 11 different areas of high levels of specialization of Management. It prepares students to pursue a career, which requires high scholastic aptitude and academic research. The programme is primarily designed to help students seek research careers in academia or elsewhere.

Where can I get more information about the Ph.D. Program in Management?

Ph.D. Programmes Office Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015 Tel +91-79-7152 4640/41

What is the average completing time for the Ph.D. Programme in Management?

The average completion time is between four to five years.

Is it possible to complete the Ph.D. programme on a part-time basis?

No. However, a student may seek employment at the end of four and a half years with the concurrence of his / her thesis advisory committee and Ph.D. Programme Chair.

Who should apply? What are the typical backgrounds of Ph.D. students?

Ph.D. programme looks for highly motivated students interested in pursuing research careers in high levels of specialization requiring high scholastic aptitude. Typical students have varied backgrounds. Please follow the link to know about backgrounds of current students.

What are the qualities which IIMA is looking for in applicants to the program?

The Programme looks for highly motivated and disciplined candidates with strong academic preparation who exhibit curiosity, desire to learn, and have an inclination towards high levels of specialized research.

How will I sustain myself for 4-5 years, if I have a family?

IIMA provides sufficient fellowship (including fees, boarding, lodging and stipend) for five years to doctoral students. Please refer later section for details.

Does it help to have an MBA degree before entering the Ph.D. program?

Not really. From the first year itself the student takes Ph.D. level courses alongwith some PGP courses as recommended by his/her Academic Adviser. Hence, a student coming from non-management background is equally placed with those having a management background. Please check the area pages in the Ph.D. Prgramme in Management Brochure for specific requirements. For example, P&QM area encourages students who have a quantitative training from various disciplines to apply for their programme. Similarly, students with a background in Psychology may find the work done in the Organizational Behaviour useful.

How do I apply? What is the process of admission to the programme? Where can I get the forms? Can I apply online?

Application form can be filled-in online. Application fee of Rs. 500/- can be paid through IIMA payment gateway. Candidates have to attach copies of academic certificates/testimonials and qualifying examination score card along with the application. The qualifying exams are: Scores on standardized tests ( CAT / GATE / UGC JRF / GMAT / GRE / ICAR-SRF)

What are the important deadlines?

Last Date for Ph.D. Programme Application: January 17, 2023 Interview dates (Tentative) - March/April, 2023, Joining dates – May/June 2023

What is the purpose of the interview? What is expected at the interview for IIMA? Does it help if I come prepared with a research proposal?

The purpose of the interview is to gauge the academic preparation of the candidate for her/his chosen high level of specialized area in the programme. It also gives the candidate an opportunity to find out if the programme meets the requirements of the student. The student is not expected to have prepared any research proposal. In addition to interview, some of the Areas may conduct written test.

Does the programme accept international students?

Yes, the programme accepts international students. The eligibility requirements are the same as for domestic students. Please write to us specifically for details on the admission process and fees.

How selective is IIMA? What are my chances of getting admitted? How many students are admitted each year?

The selection process is very rigorous and involves four levels of screening and interviews. The number of seats are not fixed for the programme and depend upon the calibre of the applicant who goes through a fair and rigorous selection process.

Do you have an option of doing high level of specialized inter-disciplinary research?

Yes. You could specify this at the time of application. However, you will be housed in one area of specialization. You could take courses on highly specialized areas of study from a variety of areas and choose your thesis topic that cuts across disciplines.

Is the courses work at IIMA very difficult?

The institute expects high levels of specialized academic rigour and integrity. It has stringent requirements at specified stages of the programme, and there are fair and open processes to check that each student passes these at every stage of the programme. The candidates who are unable to meet these requirements are asked to leave the programme without any prejudice. The process of natural justice is followed in each such case.

What are the important stages in the Ph.D. program?

The key stages are

1. First year coursework (Ph.D. Programme Compulsory courses, Area Ph.D. Courses and some recommended PGP course/s),

2. Second year coursework in area of high levels of specialization,

3. Area comprehensive examination,

4. Thesis Proposal defense,

5. Thesis seminar,

6. Thesis defense

How much flexibility exists in the Ph.D. program? Can I change my area of research during my stay at IIMA?

IIMA Ph.D. programme offers a mix of flexibility and rigidity to the students. Students are allowed to change their chosen area of specialized work during the first year at IIMA, if they fulfil specified criteria. Specific deadlines for doing so are provided in the Ph.D. Programme Manual. IIMA offers high degree of flexibility in choosing areas of research. However a student is required to complete his/her area comprehensive exam by beginning of third year and thesis proposal defense within 9 months of the completion of area comprehensive examination. Details are available in the Ph.D. Programme manual.

How do I choose my research topic?

A research topic requires interest and motivation of student and availability of a suitable guide interested in the area of high level of specialization. Each Ph.D. student forms a Thesis Advisory Committee with whom the student has to work towards her/his thesis.

Are Ph.D. students required to teach?

What support is available for presenting research papers in indian and international conferences.

IIMA offers full support for attending up to 4 domestic conferences during the course of the programme. Competitive Travel Grants are available for attending international conferences as per the prevailing policy.

How do I find a job, after completing my Ph.D. studies?

Jobs depend on a student's competence and high level of specialization achieved during the programme. There are recruiters coming to the campus, faculty advisors provide references, and also through other informal/formal channels.

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Being a university dedicated to generation of knowledge, IITE offers research programmes like Ph.D. and encourage research in the field of Education. The IITE has to comply with UGC Regulations 2018 and, in addition with IITE Ordinance for PhD 2019 of the university. The students has to appear for entrance test following with GDPA and presentation of their research proposals which is to be evaluate by subject experts and RDC members for concern research work.

Download Brochure

Mode of Admission :

Eligible candidates shall have to appear in i3T – Integrated Test for Teacher Trainee conducted by the Indian Institute of Teacher Education (IITE) as per schedule mentioned in the brochure. Admission will be given as per merit list prepared based on marks of i3T

Junior Research Fellowship

Indian Institute of Teacher Education, Gandhinagar (IITE) hereby invites proposal for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) leading to Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) under its Ph.D. Programmes being offered; the objective of this fellowship is to provide opportunity to NET-GSLET-GSET-JRF qualified candidates to undertake advance studies and research in the fields of Education leading to Ph.D.  Degree in Education

Fellowship : Rs. 31000/- per month.

The Fellowship assistance will be normally for a period of three years and extendable up to four years. It shall be Junior Research Fellowship for the first 18 months for Ph.D. Scholars and Senior Research Fellowship for the next 18 months for Ph.D. Scholars


The Fellowship shall be open for all Ph.D. Scholars of the University subject to the following eligibility criteria.The candidate must be admitted in full time (Regular) Ph.D. Programmes at the UniversityThe candidate should not be receiving any grant or research assistance by whatever name called from any other source including UGC.The candidate should not be engaged in any part-time or full time employment of any nature during the entire tenure of Fellowship.The candidate must be present full time at the University during the period of the fellowship.Candidates who are UGC-NET and/or GSLET/GSET qualified can apply for JRF/SRF.

Home » Ph.D in Development Studies

  • Ph.D in Development Studies

The Ph.D. programme is designed to create academic researchers as well as professionals who are capable of conducting policy analysis, relating to national and global economic and development issues, from a quantitative and inter-disciplinary perspective. While an interdisciplinary approach is encouraged, the programme lays somewhat larger emphasis on economics to provide an integrated framework within which various development issues can be addressed. Ph.D. students are expected to submit their dissertations within four years of joining the Institute. Ph.D. programmes involve successful completion of course work as well as submission of dissertation. M.Sc., stream students who would like to register for a Ph.D. degree need to pass the oral comprehensive examination in the form of proposal cum evaluation seminar and fulfil prescribed course and minimum grade requirements.

Admission Eligibility

Minimum qualification for admission to the Ph.D. programme include one of the following degrees or their equivalents :

M.A./M.Sc. in Economics/M.Stat./M.Sc. (Physics or Mathematics or Environmental Science or Operations Research)/M.B.A./M.Tech./M.E./B.Tech./B.E. with at least 55% aggregate marks for Economics discipline and 60% aggregate marks for other disciplines. The applicant must have studied mathematics at the higher secondary or higher level.

Course Structure and Duration

Ph.D. students are required to take fourteen courses (four compulsory and ten optional), which they are expected to complete in two years, students are required to take the course on Research Methodology and the course on Seminar Series.

The compulsory courses for Ph.D. students are Microeconomics-I, Macroeconomics-I,Econometrics-I, Energy and Environment-I.Ph.D. students have to choose their optional courses such that they include (i) any two courses from Microeconomics – II, Macroeconomics – II, Econometrics – II and Energy and Environment – II, (ii) one Major Field of Specialisation consisting of four optional courses in a related field, (iii) one Minor Field of Specialisation consisting of two optional courses in a related field, and (iv) two other optional courses that may be from un-related fields. The optional courses /fields of specialisation offered by the Institute are similar to those listed under the M.Sc. programme.

For continuation in the Ph.D. programme, the student has to pass an Oral Comprehensive Examination in the form of a Proposal cum Evaluation Seminar and is expected to write a Ph.D. dissertation within the stipulated time frame and fulfil prescribed course and minimum grade requirements.

Ph.D. students need to pay a tuition fee of Rs.16,000/- per semester and a hostel fee, which is 8% of their fellowship amount per month, plus water and electricity charges as per actual. The tuition fee may be revised from time to time.

Financial Assistance

Ph.D. students will receive a monthly stipend of Rs.31,000/- in the first two years. Those students, who fulfill the terms and conditions for Ph.D. registration, will receive a monthly stipend of Rs.43,750/- after Ph. D. registration in the third year. Students are required to provide part time research or teaching assistantship from their second year onwards.

In the past, Ph.D students from IGIDR have been placed in the corporate sector – a selected list of companies is provided in the section on past recruiters. Some of our students pursue their doctorates, either at IGIDR or abroad. In the last five years, our students have got admission with financial support from renowned universities abroad like Iowa State University, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, and University of California, Irvine.

Related Links:

  • M.Sc. in Economics
  • Admission-2024

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PhD in India 2024 – Cost, Duration, and Eligibility for Admission

Complete guide to phd in india: duration, costs, eligibility, and recent updates 2024.

Dr. Somasundaram R

Embarking on a PhD journey in India is a significant academic and professional pursuit. Aspiring research scholars often have questions regarding the duration of a PhD, the associated costs, eligibility criteria, and recent developments in the field. In this comprehensive guide, ilovephd aims to address these queries and shed light on the essentials of pursuing a PhD in India.

How many years is a PhD in India?

A PhD program in India typically takes around 3 to 5 years to complete, depending on various factors such as the discipline, research area, individual progress, and university regulations.

The duration may vary, but it is important to be prepared for a substantial commitment of time and effort.

How much does a PhD cost in India?

The cost of pursuing a PhD in India varies across institutions. Generally, public universities offer PhD programs with minimal or subsidized tuition fees. Private universities may have higher fees.

It’s advisable to explore funding options such as scholarships, fellowships, or research grants provided by government bodies, funding agencies , or individual institutions to support your PhD journey.

What qualifications are required for a PhD in India?

To pursue a PhD in India, a candidate typically needs a postgraduate degree (Master’s or equivalent) in a relevant field. It is important to note that specific eligibility criteria may vary between universities and disciplines.

Additionally, universities often require candidates to clear entrance exams or interviews and meet minimum academic standards to be considered for admission.

What is the age limit for a PhD in India? Is 25 too old to start a PhD?

In most cases, there is no strict age limit for pursuing a PhD in India. As long as you meet the eligibility criteria and demonstrate the necessary academic qualifications, you can pursue a PhD at any age.

Therefore, 25 is certainly not too old to start a PhD Many scholars begin their doctoral studies later in life, bringing valuable experiences and perspectives to their research.

Can I do a Ph.D. without the National Eligibility Test (NET)?

While the National Eligibility Test (NET) is a common requirement for lectureships and research fellowships in India , it is not mandatory for all PhD programs. Some universities may have their own entrance exams or selection processes.

It is important to check the specific requirements of the university or institution where you plan to pursue your PhD

Who is eligible for direct PhD admission?

Direct Ph.D. admission is a pathway for exceptional candidates who have completed their undergraduate studies and wish to pursue a PhD without a Master’s degree.

However, this option is typically available to a limited number of candidates, and universities may have specific criteria and guidelines for direct PhD admissions. It is advisable to consult with individual institutions to understand their policies regarding direct Ph.D. admissions.

Is it okay to do a PhD without a Master’s degree?

While a Master’s degree is generally the standard qualification for pursuing a PhD, some universities in India offer integrated PhD programs that allow students to directly enter the Ph.D. track after completing their undergraduate studies.

However, this option may be limited to certain disciplines or institutions. It’s important to research and identify institutions that offer such programs if you wish to pursue a PhD without a Master’s degree.

What are the recent rules for PhD admissions in India?

The rules and regulations for Ph.D. admissions in India are subject to change and can vary between universities and disciplines.

It is advisable to stay updated with the guidelines provided by individual universities and regulatory bodies such as the University Grants Commission (UGC) or the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) to ensure compliance with the latest requirements.

25 Tips to Join PhD in India

25 tips to help you join a PhD program in India:

  • Research your field of interest thoroughly to identify potential research areas and topics.
  • Explore various universities and research institutes in India that offer PhD programs in your chosen field.
  • Check the eligibility criteria and admission requirements of each institution you are interested in.
  • Take note of application deadlines and ensure you submit your application well in advance.
  • Prepare a strong statement of purpose (SOP) that highlights your research interests, goals, and why you are interested in pursuing a Ph.D.
  • Contact potential supervisors or faculty members whose research aligns with your interests to discuss your research proposal.
  • Prepare for entrance exams that may be required for admission, such as the UGC-NET, GATE, or university-specific entrance exams.
  • Enhance your academic profile by participating in research projects, publishing papers, or presenting at conferences.
  • Build a strong recommendation letter portfolio by reaching out to professors or mentors who can attest to your academic abilities and research potential.
  • Seek out scholarships, fellowships, or research grants offered by government bodies, universities, or funding agencies to fund your Ph.D.
  • Familiarize yourself with the research facilities, laboratories, and resources available at the institutions you are considering.
  • Attend research seminars, workshops, and conferences related to your field to stay updated with the latest developments and network with researchers.
  • Develop good communication and writing skills, as they are essential for presenting research findings and publishing papers.
  • Create a well-structured and feasible research proposal that clearly outlines your research objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.
  • Be prepared for interviews or presentations as part of the selection process, where you may need to defend your research proposal or discuss your academic background.
  • Gain teaching experience by assisting professors or taking up teaching assignments to enhance your profile for future academic positions.
  • Connect with current Ph.D. students or alumni of the institutions you are interested in to gain insights into the program and research environment.
  • Stay updated with any changes in the rules, regulations, or policies related to Ph.D. admissions in India.
  • Develop a strong work ethic and time management skills, as PhD programs require dedication, self-discipline, and long hours of research.
  • Consider the location and infrastructure of the institution, ensuring it suits your research needs and provides a conducive environment for learning.
  • Explore interdisciplinary opportunities and collaborations to broaden your research scope and gain different perspectives.
  • Discuss funding options and financial support with the institutions you are applying to, and be prepared to seek external funding if necessary.
  • Keep track of your research progress and maintain regular communication with your supervisor or mentor.
  • Attend preparatory courses or workshops on research methodology or academic writing to enhance your research skills.
  • Finally, be passionate, persistent, and proactive in pursuing your PhD dream. Embrace the challenges, stay motivated, and enjoy the journey of knowledge creation.

Remember, each institution may have its specific requirements and procedures, so it’s crucial to carefully review their official websites or contact the admissions offices for accurate and up-to-date information.

10 Steps to Join PhD in India

Here are 10 steps to join a PhD program in India:

  • Research your field: Explore different research areas and identify your specific field of interest for pursuing a PhD in India.
  • Shortlist institutions: Identify universities or research institutes in India that offer PhD programs in your chosen field.
  • Review eligibility criteria : Check the eligibility requirements of the institutions you are interested in, including minimum educational qualifications and entrance exam scores.
  • Prepare application documents: Gather the necessary documents, such as academic transcripts, recommendation letters, statement of purpose (SOP), and research proposal.
  • Prepare for entrance exams: If required, prepare for entrance exams like UGC-NET, GATE, or university-specific exams. Familiarize yourself with the syllabus and exam pattern.
  • Apply to institutions: Submit your applications to the shortlisted institutions within the specified deadlines. Pay attention to the required application fees and submission procedures.
  • Attend interviews (if applicable): Some institutions may conduct interviews or presentations to assess your research aptitude and fit for the program. Prepare well for these interactions.
  • Secure funding: Explore funding opportunities such as scholarships, fellowships, or research grants. Check if the institutions offer any financial support or external funding options.
  • Accept an offer : After receiving acceptance letters from the institutions you applied to, carefully evaluate and select the most suitable offer based on research facilities, faculty expertise, funding, and overall fit.
  • Complete admission formalities: After accepting an offer, complete the necessary admission formalities as specified by the institution. This may include submitting additional documents, paying fees, and fulfilling any other requirements.

It’s important to note that the specific steps and procedures may vary between institutions. Therefore, always refer to the official websites and admission guidelines of the institutions you are applying to for accurate and up-to-date information.

Pursuing a PhD in India is a rewarding and intellectually stimulating endeavor. Understanding the duration, costs, eligibility criteria, and recent developments is crucial to navigating the process effectively.

By considering these factors and conducting thorough research, aspiring Ph.D. scholars can embark on their academic journey confidently and clearly.

Remember to contact universities or institutions directly for specific information and seek guidance from mentors or faculty members who can provide valuable insights into the PhD application process in your chosen field. Good luck with your Ph.D. pursuit!

PhD in India

Also Read: Best 100 Institutions to Study PhD in India – 2024

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  • Ph.D. programs
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  • PhD Admission
  • PhD Admissions in India
  • PhD in India
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  • research scholars in India

Dr. Somasundaram R

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List of Ph.D Courses in India - Top Ph.D Courses, Admission Process, Fees

Updated On: July 14, 2022 04:31 pm IST

Ph.D courses in India are regarded as one of the topmost qualifications to build a sucessful career in any stream. The article below provides comprehensive details about Ph.D. courses in India, their admission process and fee structure.

List of Ph D Courses in India

Arts ph d courses in india, engineering ph d courses in india, commerce ph d courses in india, science ph d courses in india, management ph d courses in india, ph d admissions in india, ph.d. courses fees in india.

List of Ph.D Courses in India - Top Ph.D Courses, Admission Process, Fees

Ph D courses in India are regarded as one of the topmost qualifications to build a sucessful career in any stream. Candidates looking forward to pursue the same must do the necessary research work as there are a limited number of colleges and institutes offering Ph D courses in India.

However, there has been a remarkable difference in recent times and the number of Ph D courses in India along with the number of institutes offering the respective programme has also increased. Ph D courses in India are referred to as a milestone as they open avenues for multiple job profiles. From CEO to Directors, to Professors to Scholars to Researchers to Scientists, Ph D courses in India is the only gateway that provides one with so many career options.

Check out the complete list of Arts, Engineering Commerce, Management and Science Ph D courses in India here.

Arts Ph D courses in India are a great choice for the candidates looking forward to multiple career choices. There are various arts Ph D courses in India offered by various institutes and universities. Let's have a look at arts Ph D courses offered in India.

  • Ph D .in Fine Arts
  • Ph.D. in English
  • Ph.D. in History
  • Ph.D. in Environmental Science
  • Ph.D. in Home Science
  • Ph.D. in Archaeology
  • Ph.D. in Creative Writing
  • Ph.D. in Philosophy
  • Ph.D. in Hindi
  • Ph.D. in Sanskrit
  • Ph.D. in Geography and Geology
  • Ph.D. in Future and Development Studies

Many premier engineering institutes such as IITs and NITs offer engineering Ph D courses in India. There are various engineering Ph.D specialisation courses that one can opt as per their B Tech specialisation and career prospects. The engineering Ph D courses in India are listed below.

  • Ph.D. in Civil Engineering
  • Ph.D. in General Engineering
  • Ph.D. in Engineering and Technology
  • Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering
  • Ph.D. in Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
  • Ph.D. in Genetics Engineering

Commerce Ph.D. courses are a popular choice among the candidates who want to conduct the research in the respective field. Apart from the research, commerce Ph.D. courses in India open various job opportunities in the sectors such as banking, finance, consulting, management and others.

  • Ph.D. in Accounting and Finance
  • Ph.D. in Economics
  • Ph.D. in Commerce

Science Ph.D. courses in India have good potential to offer a wide verity of job opportunities mostly in multiple industries. A large number of options are available as teachers or lecturers in institutes, universities and colleges, scientists, CEOs directors etc in the country.

  • Ph D in Anthropology
  • Ph D in Agriculture
  • Ph D in Alter
  • Ph D in Biotechnology
  • Ph D in Bioinformatics
  • Ph D in Biology Biomedical Life Sciences
  • Ph D in Botany
  • Ph D in Biochemistry
  • Ph D in Medicine in General
  • Ph D in Pharmacy & Medicine
  • Ph D in Psychology & Mental Health
  • Ph D in Surgery
  • Ph D in Physiotherapy, Occupational Health & Ergonomics
  • Ph D in Ophthalmology
  • Fellow Programme in Management (specializations such as Finance & Control, Economics, Organizational Behavior etc.)
  • Ph.D. in Business Management
  • Ph.D. in Management Studies
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Business and Management Studies
  • Executive Ph.D.

Arts Ph D  Admissions

Admission to arts Ph D courses in India usually begin in the month of May and continue till July. Arts Ph.D. courses in India are one of the popular choices among candidates to build a career as a professor, scholar, researcher or as an educationist. While pursuing a Ph.D. in the art field, students will be required to complete the coursework and other training within this teaching period. However, the research project will be ongoing simultaneously with the training.

Commerce Ph D  Admissions

Admission to commerce Ph.D. courses is a competitive process. Each university has a limited number of seats available. For admission to commerce Ph.D. courses candidates must have a valid master's degree in the field they are planning to pursue their doctoral degree. The final admission to commerce Ph.D. courses in one the basis of entrance exam followed by personal interview and assessment of the research proposal.

Science Ph.D. Admissions

Admission to science Ph.D. courses varies from course to course. Science Ph.D. admissions usually begin with the Research Ability Test (RET). Candidates are required to take up the RET exam to check their subject knowledge in which they are planning to take up the doctoral programme and expertise to carry out advanced research.

Management Ph.D. Admissions

Admission to management Ph.D. courses in India is done on the basis of valid entrance exam score and personal interview. However, the final selection process for management Ph.D. courses in top B- schools of the country is more competitive as compared to other institutes.

There is no set fees for Ph.D. courses in India. The Ph.D. course fees at the state/central universities will be way cheaper than that of private universities. Let us check out the streamwise fee for Ph.D. courses in India.

Arts Ph.D. Courses Fees

There is an ample number of arts Ph.D. specialisation offered by universities all over the country. The arts Ph.D. courses fee ranges between Rs. 2 lakh to Rs. 3.5 lakhs.

Engineering Ph.D. Courses Fees

Engineering Ph.D. courses are a doctoral level degree that is usually completed by the candidates in the span of five to eight years. The engineering Ph.D. courses fee ranges between Rs. Rs.50,000 to Rs.10 lakh per annum

Commerce Ph.D. Courses Fees

The fees for the commerce Ph.D. courses is way higher in the private institutes than the one owned by the government. The commerce Ph.D. courses fees in India ranges between Rs. 4,000 to Rs. 3. lakhs.

Science Ph.D. Courses Fees

The science Ph.D. courses fee is higher for the specialisations which are related to the medical/health sector like Ph.D. in Surgery as compared to core science specialisations like Ph.D. in Botany. The science Ph.D. courses fee ranges between Rs. 10,000 to Rs.20,000 approximately.

Management Ph.D. Courses Fees

Management Ph.D courses fees in India depends upon the type of doctorate one is pursuing. The fees for the fellowship programmes at IIM's is way higher than other management Ph.D. courses. The management Ph.D. courses fee ranges between Rs. 15,000 to Rs.14,00,000.

PhD courses in India provide candidates with excellent exposure opportunities and qualify them for further work related to their respective research area, in India or abroad. The expansion of the Indian university sector and increase in the number of Ph.D. courses in India has created many opportunities for academic work in the country and the experience of Indian higher education will prepare them well for such roles.

Stay tuned to collegedekho.com for more updates regarding Ph.D. courses in India!

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Scholarships » PhD Scholarships for Indian Students in 2024

PhD Scholarships for Indian Students in 2024

PhD Scholarships – As the pursuit of higher education becomes increasingly important in today’s competitive world, PhD scholarships offer a significant opportunity for Indian students to excel in their academic journeys. These scholarships not only provide financial support but also offer valuable resources and networks that can greatly enhance the research experience. 

In 2023, several prestigious institutions and organizations are offering top-notch PhD scholarships exclusively to Indian students, enabling them to pursue advanced studies in diverse fields ranging from science and technology to humanities and social sciences.

This article highlights some of the most sought-after PhD scholarships available to Indian students, shedding light on the eligibility criteria, application process, and benefits associated with each scholarship.

Prime Minister Fellowship for Doctoral Research

PhD Scholarships for Indian Students

Prime Minister Fellowship for Doctoral Research is a government-funded scheme in India that offers financial support to exceptional students pursuing PhD courses. Here are the key details:

  • Provider: The scheme is supervised by the Ministry of Education, earlier known as the Ministry of Human Resource Development.
  • Scholarship Amount: The scholar receives a monthly stipend of INR 70,000 in the first year of the fellowship. In the second year, the stipend increases to INR 80,000.
  • Eligibility: To be eligible for the fellowship, students must have completed their post-graduation.
  • Application Timeline: The application window for the Prime Minister Fellowship for Doctoral Research is typically open between April and May, although specific dates may vary.

Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships

The Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships provide support to students pursuing PhD studies in fields such as Machine Learning, History, Sociology, Public Health, and more. Here are the key details:

  • Provider: The fellowships are awarded by the United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF).
  • Fellowship Amount: The fellowship amount varies and is designed to help cover expenses related to tuition fees, round-trip economy class air travel, and other allowances. The specific amount will depend on the individual circumstances and needs of the selected fellows.
  • Scholarship Type: The Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships are merit-based scholarships. They are awarded to exceptional students who have demonstrated academic excellence and research potential.
  • Eligibility: To be eligible for the fellowships, applicants must have completed their post-graduation.
  • Application Timeline: The application window for the Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships is typically open between March and June. It is advisable to check the specific dates on the USIEF website or related sources for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund Scholarships

The Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund Scholarships are specifically designed to support students pursuing doctoral programs in Science, Sociology, Philosophy, and other fields after completing their post-graduation. Here are the key details:

  • Provider: The scholarships are provided by the Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund.
  • Scholarship Amount: The scholarship amount ranges between INR 15,000 to INR 18,000 per month. The specific amount may vary depending on the individual circumstances and needs of the selected scholars.
  • Scholarship Type: The Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund Scholarships are merit-based, meaning they are awarded to students who have demonstrated academic excellence and research potential.
  • Eligibility: To be eligible for the scholarships, candidates must have completed their post-graduation with a minimum of 60% score. Additionally, they should be no more than 35 years old. It is also necessary to enroll in a recognized University or College for a PhD program.
  • Application Timeline: The application window for the Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund Scholarships typically opens between December and May. It is advisable to refer to the official website or relevant sources for the specific dates and any updates.

Google PhD Fellowship India Program

The Google PhD Fellowship India Program is aimed at students who have completed their master’s studies and wish to pursue PhD courses in computer science or related fields. The program’s primary objective is to provide financial support to students by offering a monthly fellowship and an opportunity to intern at Google. Here are the key details:

Career Assessment Test

  • Provider: The Google PhD Fellowship India Program is offered by Google.
  • Fellowship Amount: The average fellowship given to candidates over a four-year period is approximately INR 26,89,160. The specific amount may vary based on individual circumstances and the duration of the fellowship.
  • Fellowship Type: The Google PhD Fellowship is a merit-based program, meaning it is awarded to exceptional students who have demonstrated academic excellence and research potential.
  • Eligibility: To be eligible for the fellowship, candidates must have completed their post-graduation. Additionally, they must enroll in a recognized university or college for a PhD program in computer science or related fields.
  • Application Timeline: The application window for the Google PhD Fellowship India Program typically opens between March and April. It is advisable to refer to the official website or relevant sources for the specific dates and any updates.

ICHR Junior Research Fellowships (JRF)

The Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) offers Junior Research Fellowships for candidates pursuing a PhD in the field of Historical Studies. Here are the key details:

  • Provider: The Junior Research Fellowships are provided by the Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR).
  • Fellowship Amount: The fellowship amount ranges between INR 16,500 to INR 17,600 per month. The specific amount may vary based on individual circumstances and the duration of the fellowship.
  • Fellowship Type: The ICHR Junior Research Fellowships are awarded based on an online entrance exam. Candidates must qualify the exam and subsequently participate in a presentation-cum-interview for selection.
  • Eligibility: To be eligible for the fellowships, candidates must have completed their post-graduation with a minimum of 55% marks. They should also enroll in a PhD program in Historical Studies.
  • Application Timeline: The application window for the ICHR Junior Research Fellowships typically opens between November and December. It is advisable to refer to the official website or relevant sources for the specific dates and any updates.

Maulana Azad National Fellowship

The Maulana Azad National Fellowship is a scheme initiated by the Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India, to provide financial support to economically disadvantaged students pursuing research or doctorate courses. Here are the key details:

  • Provider: The Maulana Azad National Fellowship is provided by the Ministry of Minority Affairs.
  • Fellowship Amount: Scholars under this program receive INR 28,000 per month for a duration of 5 years. This financial assistance helps cover living expenses during the research or doctoral program.
  • Fellowship Type: The fellowship is entrance exam-based and requires candidates to qualify either the UGC NET (National Eligibility Test) or CSIR NET (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research National Eligibility Test).
  • Fellowship Duration: The Maulana Azad National Fellowship is awarded for a period of 5 years. This ensures sustained financial support throughout the duration of the research or doctoral program.
  • Eligibility: To be eligible for the fellowship, candidates must have completed their post-graduation. Their family income should be less than INR 6 lakh per annum. Additionally, candidates must enroll in a recognized University or college for a PhD program.
  • Application Timeline: The fellowship applications are accepted twice a year, in June and December. It is recommended to check the specific dates and deadlines on the official website or relevant sources for accurate information.

NCERT Doctoral Fellowship for PhD

The NCERT Doctoral Fellowship for PhD aims to provide financial support to meritorious students pursuing their PhD programs. Here are the key details:

  • Provider: The fellowship is offered by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT).
  • Fellowship Amount: The fellowship amount ranges between INR 23,000 to INR 25,000 per month, depending on whether the candidate has qualified the entrance test, such as the NET (National Eligibility Test), or not.
  • Fellowship Type: The fellowship is either merit-based or awarded based on the scores obtained in the NET exam.
  • Fellowship Duration: The NCERT Doctoral Fellowship is provided for a duration of 3 years. This period of financial assistance helps cover expenses such as tuition fees, accommodations, books, and other charges.
  • Eligibility: To be eligible for the fellowship, candidates must have completed their post-graduation with a minimum of 60% marks. They should also be less than 35 years old. Additionally, candidates must enroll in a recognized University or college for their PhD program.
  • Application Timeline: The application window for the NCERT Doctoral Fellowship is typically open between September and November. It is advisable to check the official website or relevant sources for specific dates and updates.


The CSIR-UGC JRF NET Fellowship is a fully-funded program available for candidates interested in pursuing research or doctoral courses in various fields, including Life Sciences, Chemical Science, Engineering, Earth & Atmosphere, and related disciplines. Here are the key details:

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  • Provider: The CSIR-UGC JRF NET Fellowship is offered by the HRD Group of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR).
  • Fellowship Amount: The fellowship amount ranges between INR 20,000 to INR 31,000 per month, depending on factors such as the field of study and the specific regulations of the fellowship. The amount provided is intended to cover the candidate’s living expenses during the fellowship.
  • Fellowship Type: The CSIR-UGC JRF NET Fellowship is based on the scores obtained in the National Entrance Test (NET) conducted by CSIR. Candidates must qualify the NET to be eligible for the fellowship.
  • Fellowship Duration: The fellowship is awarded for a duration of 2 years. It provides financial support to candidates during their research or doctoral studies.
  • Eligibility : To be eligible for the fellowship, candidates must have completed their post-graduation with a minimum of 55% marks. Additionally, they must have qualified the CSIR-UGC NET, which serves as the entrance test for the fellowship.
  • Application Timeline: The application window for the CSIR-UGC JRF NET Fellowship typically opens between July and August. It is advisable to refer to the official website or relevant sources for the specific dates and any updates.

PhD Scholarships in India through GATE Exam

Many students in India seek scholarships through the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE). Scholarships are awarded based on performance in the GATE entrance exam. The eligibility criteria for PhD scholarships via GATE vary across organizations.

The GATE Financial Assistance program provides scholarships for students pursuing a PhD. The duration of the scholarship is typically 5 years.

PhD Scholarship Amount

Half-time Research Assistantship: INR 25,000 to INR 28,000

Eligibility for GATE Financial Assistance

  • Candidates must have a valid GATE score at the time of application to be eligible for the assistance.
  • Part-time courses are not eligible, as the scholarship is for full-time study only.
  • The bank account name must match the candidate’s name in a general savings account, and joint accounts are not eligible.
  • Students must not be receiving any other scholarship concurrently.
  • Students from non-sponsored categories admitted with valid GATE score cards are eligible.

PhD scholarships in India for Computer Science

PhD scholarships in India for Computer Science offer financial support to students pursuing research in the field. Here are two prominent scholarships available:

Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF)

The Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship recognizes academic excellence and encourages research in science and technology fields. 

  • Eligibility: Students in the final year of a bachelor’s degree in a science or technology-related stream with a minimum CGPA of 8 may apply.
  • Amount: The fellowship provides a stipend ranging from INR 70,000 to INR 80,000.

GATE Financial Assistance

The GATE Financial Assistance program supports students with a valid GATE score to pursue their research aspirations.

  • Eligibility: Students with a valid GATE score and studying computer science are eligible to apply.
  • Amount: The financial assistance amount ranges from INR 25,000 to INR 28,000.

PhD Scholarships in India by Ministry of Education

PhD scholarships offered by the Ministry of Education in India provide financial support for ongoing PhD students. Here are some Ministry of Education PhD scholarships:

Ministry of Education PhD Fellowships for ASEAN Students 2023

  • Eligibility: PhD applicants from ASEAN countries are eligible to apply.
  • Amount: INR 35,000 per month
  • Eligibility: Candidates must have completed an M.Tech. degree and apply for a PhD.
  • Amount: INR 70,000 per month for the first 2 years, INR 75,000 per month in the third year, and INR 80,000 per month in the fourth year

ICSSR Doctoral Research Fellowship

  • Eligibility: Candidates must have a master’s degree from a recognized university with either a first class or second class, and be registered for a doctoral degree in social science.
  • Amount: INR 20,000 per month

Note: To know about the PhD scholarships available for students from reserved category, please visit – PhD Scholarships for Indian Students Belonging to Reserved Categories .

PhD scholarships in India for International Students

PhD scholarships in India are also available for international students, offering opportunities for them to pursue their degrees in the country. Here are some such scholarships:

John Monash Scholarships 2023

  • Open to: Australian nationals
  • Amount: AUD 70,000 per year

Tan Kah Kee Postgraduate Scholarships 2023

  • Open to: Citizens and permanent residents of Singapore
  • Amount: SGD 12,000

Women In Finance Scholarship 2023

  • Open to: All nationals
  • Amount: USD 20,000

Tata African Scholarships In Science, Engineering And Technology, 2023

  • Open to: Female citizens and permanent residents of South Africa
  • Amount: Not specified

IMU Breakout Graduate Fellowship Program, 2023

  • Open to: Students from developing countries
  • Amount: Covers tuition fees and other benefits

Note: To know more about PhD Scholarships, please read the following article – Scholarship for Phd students in India – Scholarships for PhD applicants .

PhD scholarships in India for Single Girl Child

Phd scholarships – important links, phd scholarships – frequently asked questions (faqs), what are the top phd scholarships available for indian students in 2023.

The top PhD scholarships available for Indian students in 2023 include the Prime Ministerial Fellowship for Doctoral Research, NCERT Doctoral Fellowship for PhD, Jawaharlal Nehru Scholarship for Doctoral Research, Maulana Azad National Fellowship, and more.

How can Indian students apply for PhD scholarships?

Indian students can apply for these scholarships by following the application guidelines provided by the respective scholarship providers. They may need to submit their applications, academic transcripts, research proposals, recommendation letters, and other required documents as specified by each scholarship program.

What is the eligibility criteria for PhD scholarships?

The eligibility criteria for these scholarships vary depending on the scholarship program. Generally, candidates must have completed their post-graduation with a minimum specified percentage, be enrolled or planning to enroll in a PhD program, and meet any additional criteria set by the scholarship providers.

Can international students apply for PhD scholarships?

The availability of these scholarships for international students may vary. Some scholarships may be open to international students, while others may have specific eligibility criteria for Indian nationals only. It is advisable to review the eligibility requirements of each scholarship program to determine if international students are eligible to apply.

What is the application timeline for PhD scholarships?

The application timeline for PhD scholarships can vary. It is recommended to refer to the official websites or relevant sources of each scholarship program to obtain accurate and up-to-date information regarding the application opening and closing dates.

How are the recipients selected for PhD scholarships?

The selection process for PhD scholarships varies across programs. Typically, the scholarship providers assess the applicants based on their academic achievements, research proposals, statement of purpose, recommendation letters, and sometimes through interviews or entrance exams. The selection committees evaluate the overall merit and potential of the candidates.

What is the duration of PhD scholarships?

The duration of PhD scholarships can vary depending on the program. It is important to review the specific details of each scholarship to determine the duration for which the financial support is provided.

  • Source of Information: Buddy4Study app compiles details on scholarships/fellowships from government websites and private scholarship sources. Links to the official sources accompany each listing detail pages.
  • Non-affiliation : The Buddy4Study app is not associated with any government entity in India or elsewhere. When featuring government scholarships, we rely on publicly accessible information from central and state government websites in India.

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The Key Differences between Pursuing a PhD in India and Abroad

  • Published on May 4, 2023

PhD in India vs Abroad

Pursuing a PhD is a significant academic achievement that requires a considerable amount of time, effort, skills, hard work and dedication. While some students choose to pursue their doctoral degree in their home country such as India in our case, others may opt to explore opportunities abroad. However, there are several differences between pursuing a PhD in India and abroad, from the admission process to the curriculum and research culture. In this article, we will go deep into the various aspects of an Abroad PhD and a PhD in India, highlighting the differences between the two in this article. 

PhD in India vs. PhD in Abroad, the key differences.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Admission Process:
  • 2 Research Funding:
  • 3 Duration of PhD:
  • 4 Curriculum and Coursework:
  • 5 Research Culture:
  • 6 Career Opportunities:

Admission Process:

In India, admission to a PhD program typically involves clearing an entrance exam conducted by National Test Agency (NTA) and an interview. This exam makes students eligible for pursuing PhD in India. This is not the only way to get enrolled in the PhD programme in India, there are other National entrance exams for PhD in India as well through which anyone can get admission in the PhD programme in India (Example: GATE).

However, admission to a PhD program abroad is generally more competitive and may involve a variety of criteria such as academic records, research experience, recommendation letters, statement of purpose (SOP), and standardized test scores such as GRE, TOEFL or IELTS to evaluate English speaking, listening, and writing skills.

Research Funding:

PhD in Indian universities are often funded by the government or universities, and students may also receive a monthly stipend through different private scholarships. Central Government scholarships can be availed directly through the JRF (Junior Research Fellowship) programme.

However, PhD programs abroad are usually not funded by the government, and students are often required to secure their own funding through scholarships, grants or fellowships. Abroad PhD can be Partially or Fully funded. Students can get a direct fellowship from their enrolled university or Supervisor fund. 

Duration of PhD:

PhD in Indian universities typically takes between 3 to 5 years to complete. First-year of the Indian PhD programme is known as Pre-PhD, in this period usually students go through research coursework and other skill development courses essential for their research. After that, the duration of the PhD programme depends on the student and supervisor. 

However, PhD programs abroad may take longer, and the duration can vary depending on the field of study, the research topic, and the country of study. Sometimes the duration of an Abroad PhD purely depends on the funding period, which means for how many years the PhD candidate is getting funding for his/her research. 

Curriculum and Coursework:

PhD in Indian universities are generally required to complete coursework in addition to their research work. However, in many countries abroad, such as the United States, students may not be required to complete coursework and can focus solely on their research. 

Research Culture:

PhD in Indian universities place more emphasis on coursework and examinations. PhD programs abroad often have a more research-focused culture, with greater emphasis on independent research and publication. Research culture can vary depending on the institution.

Research Culture, The Key Differences between Pursuing a PhD in India and Abroad

Career Opportunities:

Completing a PhD abroad can open up a more comprehensive range of career opportunities, both in India and abroad. PhD graduates from reputable international universities have better job prospects and higher salaries compared to graduates of Indian universities. 

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The decision of pursuing a PhD in India or abroad requires careful consideration of various factors such as the admission process, research funding, duration, curriculum, and career opportunities. While pursuing a PhD in India is more accessible due to government-funded scholarships and a structured academic curriculum, studying abroad may offer better career prospects and a more research-focused culture. Ultimately, the choice depends on individual preferences, resources, and aspirations. Whatever the choice may be, pursuing a PhD is a commendable achievement that can open up new dimensions and opportunities in the academic and professional world.

  • Tags: phd abroad , phd abroad scholarship , phd in indian universities , phd with scholarships in india

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All We Imagine As Light.

Payal Kapadia ’s All We Imagine As Light landed a hearty eight minute standing ovation following its debut this evening at the Cannes Film Festival. 

The pic, which screened in the late night competition slot this evening in Cannes, is Kapadia’s debut fiction feature. The pic also made history this evening. Kapadia is the first female Indian filmmaker to screen a movie in the Cannes competition. At the same time, her film is the first Indian production in competition in three decades.

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A rare French-Indo co-production, the film is a collaboration between the Paris-based producers Thomas Hakim and Julien Graff, of Petit Chaos, and Zico Maitra of Chalk & Cheese Films out of Mumbai.

Kapadia is best known internationally for her feature doc A Night of Knowing Nothing (2021), which screened in Director’s Fortnight, where it won the Golden Eye for best documentary.

Kapadia and her producer, Thomas Hakim, stopped by our studio in Cannes where they discussed their unique collaboration and how they feel about making history this year in Cannes. 

“India is a country that makes a lot of good films. Not just Bollywood but every state has its industry and there are absolutely brilliant filmmakers,” Kapadia told us. “I hope that after this we won’t have to wait another 30 years.” Check out the full interview here .

The Cannes Film Festival ends Saturday. 

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Andhra-born Jaya Badiga appointed as judge in California

Jaya badiga, born in vijayawada, andhra pradesh, became the first telugu woman appointed as a judge in the us. badiga was appointed as judge to the sacramento county superior court in california. she is the daughter of former machilipatnam lok sabha mp badiga ramakrishna..

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First Telugu woman appointed as judge in US

  • Jaya Badiga has become the first Telugu woman to be appointed as a judge in US
  • She studied in Osmania University before moving to the US for further studies
  • Badiga's legal career started in 2009 after passing the California State Bar Examination

Jaya Badiga, born in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, has made history by becoming the first Telugu woman appointed as a judge in the US. She was appointed as a judge in the Sacramento County Superior Court in California. She is the daughter of industrialist and former Machilipatnam Lok Sabha MP Badiga Ramakrishna.

Before her judgeship, Badiga served as a commissioner for the Sacramento County Superior Court. Her appointment is a significant milestone for both the Telugu and broader Indian communities in the US.

She was a commissioner at the Sacramento Superior Court and was assigned to a domestic violence and child support calendar. Commissioner Badiga was a certified family law specialist and has worked in Family Law for more than 10 years.

She fills the vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Robert S Lapham.

Jaya Badiga, daughter of industrialist and former Machilipatnam MP Badiga Ramakrishna, began her educational journey in Hyderabad, India. She earned a Bachelor's degree in psychology and political science from Osmania University before moving to the United States for further studies.

In the US, she pursued a Master's degree in International Relations and International Communication from Boston University, followed by a Juris Doctor degree from Santa Clara University.

Badiga's legal career started in 2009 after passing the California State Bar Examination. From 2018 to 2022, she worked on her own as a sole practitioner. She also worked as an attorney at the California Department of Health Care Services and the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services.

Badiga contributed to legal education as a faculty member at the National Institute of Trial Advocacy and the McGeorge School of Law.

California Governor Gavin Newsom announced Jaya's appointment among 18 new judicial appointments, which also included another judge of Indian origin, Raj Singh Badesha. Published By: Girish Kumar Anshul Published On: May 23, 2024

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Lok Sabha elections 2024: Mehbooba Mufti stages sit-in against alleged detention of PDP workers on polling day

Mufti also claimed that outgoing calls on her mobile number have been suspended. Mehbooba, who is among 20 candidates in the fray from the Anantnag-Rajouri constituency, staged a sit-in outside Bijbehara police station on the Srinagar-Jammu national highway. read more

Lok Sabha elections 2024: Mehbooba Mufti stages sit-in against alleged detention of PDP workers on polling day

Mehbooba Mufti, President of the PDP staged a sit-in on Saturday outside a police station in Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir against the purported detention of her party workers and polling agents. Mufti also claimed that outgoing calls on her mobile number have been suspended. Police, however, said those detained are overground workers (OGWs) and the action was taken to ensure smooth conduct of elections.

Many of our PDP polling agents & workers are being detained just before voting. When the families went to the police stations they are being told that its being done at the behest of SSP Anantnag & DIG South Kashmir. We’ve written to @ECISVEEP hoping for their timely… pic.twitter.com/iPQx8L7JLK — Mehbooba Mufti (@MehboobaMufti) May 24, 2024

Mehbooba, who is among 20 candidates in the fray from the Anantnag-Rajouri constituency, staged a sit-in outside Bijbehara police station on the Srinagar-Jammu national highway.

The protesters raised slogans against the Jammu and Kashmir administration and demanded that those detained be immediately released.“Our PDP polling agents are being targeted and arrested. We are asking the reason, but they are not saying anything. If they are so afraid of me going to the Parliament, then the lieutenant governor should tell me not to fight elections,” Mehbooba told reporters.She said this kind of ‘rigging’ was witnessed in 1987 which many believe led to the eruption of militancy in Kashmir.

Police said only a few people with a ’tainted’ past record and who can pose a threat to law and order on polling day have been detained.“Those who have been detained are overground workers and have been taken into preventive custody to ensure peaceful polling,” a police official said.

A protester, Yasmeen, said her husband is among those detained. “I am very worried since last night. My husband does not engage in any illegal activity and yet he has been detained.” “We are not even being allowed to meet him. Today is the voting day and everyone has the right to vote. Why have they been detained and prevented from voting? The law should be the same for everyone,” she said.

Police and civil officers rushed to the scene and unsuccessfully tried to persuade the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) chief for over an hour to lift the blockade, officials said. Police personnel resorted to mild lathicharge to disperse the swelling crowds of onlookers, they said. Media people covering the protest claimed that some of them were injured after being hit by lathis.

Mehbooba left the protest site briefly to cast her vote. Media persons were not allowed inside the polling booth and were stopped by security personnel 100 metres from the booth.

Mehbooba is still at the protest site, the officials said. Additional forces have been called to keep the situation under control, the officials said. On Friday, Mehbooba had written to the Election Commission claiming that PDP workers and polling agents were detained by police.

“Many of our PDP polling agents & workers are being detained just before voting. When the families went to the police stations they are being told that it’s being done at the behest of SSP Anantnag & DIG South Kashmir. We’ve written to @ECISVEEP hoping for their timely intervention,” the PDP chief had said in a post on X.

Earlier on Saturday, Mehbooba told PTI that outgoing calls on her mobile number have been suspended without any explanation. “I am not able to make any calls since morning. There is no explanation for this sudden suspension of services on the day of polling in the Anantnag Lok Sabha constituency,” nshe said.The PDP also flagged the issue in a post on X.

“Just ahead of the polls, Ms. Mehbooba Mufti’s @MehboobaMufti cellular phone service has been abruptly snapped. Yesterday evening and in the early hours today, scores of PDP workers and polling agents were detained across polling belt,” the party said.

With inputs from PTI.

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Admission to PhD Programmes – First List

  • All the candidates in the lists below have been selected for admission to the PhD Programmes.
  • Emails will be sent to the selected candidates for further procedure from Monday (27.05.2024) onwards.
  • If the seats offered in the First List are not filled completely, for the remaining vacant seats, the Second List will be announced on 07.06.2024.
  • In order to secure the admission, PhD candidates will be required to pay Admission Fee + Security Deposit  by 03.06.2024 . 
  • The payment link will be shared in the emails being sent to the selected candidates.
  • The admission will be confirmed once the candidates report to the university physically and produce their documents in original.  A separate communication will be sent in this regard.


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    Australia reported its first human case of avian influenza on Wednesday in a child who authorities said had been infected in India but made a full recovery, while a different highly contagious ...

  27. Payal Kapadia's 'All We Imagine As Light', The First Indian Film In The

    Kristy Sparow/Getty Images. Payal Kapadia 's All We Imagine As Light landed a hearty eight minute standing ovation following its debut this evening at the Cannes Film Festival. The pic, which ...

  28. Jaya Badiga becomes first Andhra woman to appoint as ...

    Girish Kumar Anshul. Published On: May 23, 2024. Jaya Badiga, born in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, became the first Telugu woman appointed as a judge in the US. Badiga was appointed as judge to the Sacramento County Superior Court in California. She is the daughter of former Machilipatnam Lok Sabha MP Badiga Ramakrishna.

  29. Lok Sabha elections 2024: Mehbooba Mufti stages sit-in ...

    Mufti also claimed that outgoing calls on her mobile number have been suspended. Mehbooba, who is among 20 candidates in the fray from the Anantnag-Rajouri constituency, staged a sit-in outside Bijbehara police station on the Srinagar-Jammu national highway.

  30. PhD Sociology 2024

    Admission to PhD Programmes - First List. All the candidates in the lists below have been selected for admission to the PhD Programmes. Emails will be sent to the selected candidates for further procedure from Monday (27.05.2024) onwards. If the seats offered in the First List are not filled completely, for the remaining vacant seats, the ...