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Uncover Every Collectible in The Consequence DLC for The Evil Within

Image of Kevin Thielenhaus Legacy Author

Escape The Evil Within’s second story DLC The Consequence with every extra file, audio log, and secret letter scrap using these text tips and solutions.

Kidman’s journey into the mind of a madman is filled with clues to the mysterious agent’s past. Finding every scrap reveals a hidden note, while audio logs and personnel files fill in backstory. Finally, we get some answers concerning the nature of Mobius, what their goals are, and what Kidman’s motives truly are. Learn more about the story and get your hands on some trophies / achievements with the guide below.

Don’t miss out on all the goodies in the first two chapters. Check out our Evil Within: The Assignment DLC Collectible Locations Guide to answer a few questions.

The Consequence – Complete Collectibles Guide

Note : Safe codes are randomized.

Locked puzzle safes always contain one of eight letter scraps. Find them all to unlock an achievement / trophy and reveal a hidden message to Kidman.

Solutions are usually found nearby. Use the flashlight on surfaces to discover hidden red writing near the puzzle safes. The puzzles and solutions are often randomized, so it might take trial-and-error to solve.

Chapter 3: Illusions – Collectible Locations

Letter Scrap #1 : The first letter scrap is found after leaving the hospital room. As the area transforms into the dimly lit asylum, turn around and re-enter the starting room to find a puzzle safe on the desk. The solution is on the wall, ahead of the bed.

Audio Tape #1 : Return to the asylum hallway and enter the second door on the left from the nurse’s desk. The tape is on the chair inside the cell.

Audio Tape #2 : Eventually Kidman will enter Ruvik’s research lab. There are four dissected severed heads with their brains revealed. Look on the desk in the back corner, to the left of the white board.

Letter Scrap #2 : Entering the door marked “Dissection” you’ll find stairs leading down into another larger room. Don’t go down yet, instead turn left from the entrance to find a second puzzle safe on the desk. Match the blood stains on the tumblers to open it.

Audio Tape #3 : After opening the massive safe doors down below by inputting the correct square sequence, you’ll return to one of the strange Mobius hallways with wires running across the floor. Look on the cart along the right wall to get the next tape.

Letter Scrap #3 : At the Police Station, Kidman will enter Sebastian’s larger office and see a vision of the detective’s past. Leave through the door on the right, and you should see an “Exit” pair of doors ahead. Don’t go through yet, instead turn right and enter the first interrogation room on the left. There’s a safe on the shelves. Shine your flashlight through the one-way glass window to get the solution.

Personnel File #1 : Continuing through the exit doors, Kidman will return to Sebastian’s office. Look on the smaller table to the right of his desk to grab a file before entering the city proper.

Audio Tape #4 : Once Kidman encounters the first enemy in the city, you’ll enter a construction site interior area. Push the worker Haunted off his ledge, then enter the site. After turning left, you should see a white electrical box with the fourth tape.

Personnel File #2 : Continuing into an office building with a glowing red neon reception desk, look on the wall to the left of the cubicles entrance. There’ a Mobius file pinned to the wall.

Letter Scrap #4 : In the same office area, swivel around the glass half-walls to find a small break area. Next to the microwave, there’s a puzzle safe with glowing panels.

Chapter 4: A Ghost Is Born – Collectible Locations

Audio Tape #5 : After dropping out of the airduct and landing in a supply closet, look on the table with the lamp to get this chapter’s first audio tape.

Letter Scrap #5 : This one is easy to miss. Leave the supply closet and enter a hallway. Continue around the corner to the right and you’ll have two directions — a short dead-end hallway, and a fallen section of burning rubble ahead. Turn to the dead-end hall and shine your flashlight on it to reveal a secret door. The combination numbers are printed on the walls, pictures and white boards inside.

Audio Tape #6 : Another easy one is located at the red chair save point. In the passages, you should spot the black cat running down a hall to the right. Follow it to find the save chair and a end table with the tape.

Letter Scrap #6 : Kidman must navigate a dangerous restaurant and rescue Leslie. Once he’s free, he’ll run out of the burning room. Don’t follow him yet, instead use one of the dumbwaiter elevators with a green light to the left of the exit doors. Solve the puzzle safe to get another scrap.

Audio Tape #7 : In the grey concrete hallways, Kidman will come across a cart carrying another audio tape. This one is hard to miss. You’ll spot it during normal progress.

Letter Scrap #7 : Kidman appears in the horrible sadist chamber that Sebastian wakes up in at the start of the vanilla game. Enter the area behind the meat-covered table to find the puzzle safe. The solution is to the left of the table, there’s a series of crate you’ll need to kick to find the solution printed on the wall.

Personnel File #3 : Transported back into the Mobius facility, you’ll find another red chair save point before heading down stairs leading further down. Look on the metal table to the right of the leather-bound chair.

Letter Scrap #8 : Returning to the Mental Hospital, Kidman will step out into the central courtyard while it’s raining outside. Turn right and check the alcove next to the entrance doors to find another puzzle safe spattered with blood.

Audio Tape #8 : Back inside after leaving the courtyard, enter the room to the right with a missing door. There’s a red lamp illuminating your final collectible.

Source: [ 1 ]

Kevin Thielenhaus is a freelance writer for The Escapist. Find him on Twitter here.

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8. The Evil Within The Assignment DLC

Playthrough 1

This will be your collectible playthrough, getting you used to the layout of the levels and picking up all the collectibles. The collectible video is linked below. Follow it to make sure you don't miss anything!

Chapter 1: An Oath

You start off in the same place the ambulance crashed in the main game. Run forward, taking in the dialogue, until you get to a cave. Head in for a cutscene, and you end up on the ground floor. Immediately turn right and run down the passageway to collect Personnel File 1/3 . Turn around and make a right, continuing forward, ducking down and then jumping over the sandbags as the screen goes fuzzy. Melee the planks and squeeze through the tight passage in the cave for a drastic change in scenery.


Grab the bottle in front of you here and wait for the Haunted to the left to move a bit closer. Throw the bottle in front of you to shatter on the wall, then move left and into the vent when he's distracted by the bottle. Crawl around and out of the vent, hitting the switch on the wall you emerge in front of. Go left and interact with the phone here to call the phone in the room to the left. Head out and towards that room, hitting the switch on the green button on the wall near that room. That should lock in the Haunted you attracted with that call and unlock

Lured an enemy with a phone call and locked them in a room. (Ch. 1)

Prank Call

Turn around and open the vent behind you, crawling through it and emerging in the storage room. Grab the keycard to the left, then hide in the locker before the Haunted breaks through the door for a short scene. Get out of the locker and head back the way you came, moving past the vent you got out of earlier, making a left at the end of the hall, and using your keycard on the door here. In this next room, scan your hand in front of you. Turn around and interact with the computer, then immediately take cover right where you stand by the desk. Remain in cover until the creature leaves through the wall.


In the next room, duck down and throw the bottle to the smaller room on the left. When the Haunted goes to investigate the noise, lock him in. Now move right across the room and make a left here to pick up the bottle up off the box here, moving left and sneaking into the cubicle here to pick up the keycard on the desk. Sneak back around to where you took the bottle, then move up and stay hidden behind the cubicle. Toss the bottle far back behind the cubicle across the room. When the Haunted runs in that direction, use the keycard on the door and move down the hallway, going through the vent on the right at the end of it. Move through the vent and get a checkpoint upon exiting.

At the bottom of the stairs, shine your light at the model of the nail here to line up the shadow of it with the Mobius symbol on the wall to reveal the door. Go through it and shine your light on the Mobius symbol on the left to reveal a desk containing Research Document 2/7 . Pick it up, watch the scene, and then head through the doors and down the stairs. Move past the plastic here and into the next room, using your light to make a projector appear on the stand for a scene. Move out of this room, and make a left into the doorway here, finding yourself in a room full of plastic curtains. Move into each room, 3 total, and reveal the plans on the poster boards with your light. This will trigger another scene that unlocks the door in this room. Move through it, and then open another sealed door at the end of the hall to the left.

Walk down the escalator, trying to scan your hand at the door here. When it comes up as invalid, move to the left and go down the elevator here for a scene. In front of you after exiting the elevator is a computer you need to interact with. Now interact with the head scanner for a short scene. Move into the next room and go down the stairs, into the next room and interacting with the hand scanner. When the Cadaver exits the vent, duck down and sneak into the vent. Move around, avoiding the Cadaver in here, and exiting the vent. Go up to the ladder here, and kick it down to rile up the Cadavers below you. Climb down, get into sneak, and move right. Watch the movement of the Cadaver here, finding an opening to sneak up the ladder when it moves away. At the top of the ladder, pick up a bottle here and solve the puzzle. The key is to make all of the buttons light up. Once you do, pick up Letter Scrap 3/8 from the safe and head back down the ladder.

Distract the Cadavers here with the bottle, and then sneak under the gate. Sneak under the next one, then hit the lever in this room to move the gate along. Sneak under the first one here, then the one immediately to the right. Go left and under the next gate, waiting for the Cadavers to be away from each other before sneaking under the gate closest to you. Once it snaps back into place, go in and to the left to move the container onto the Cadaver in the next room to kill it. Now, head out from this room and sneak over to the right, jumping onto the container once you reach that room.

At the top of the ladder, go through the sliding doors and grab Personnel File 2/3 from the desk in this room, then interact with the scanner on the left. Turn around and use the hand scanner to lower the bridge here. Run across it to the elevator you came from, running behind the Haunted that rushes you from it. At the bottom of the elevator, run back up the stairs and use the hand scanner on the left. Up the stairs in this room, go to the row of cubicles to the left. On the right wall of this upper area. Shine your light on the row of blocks here. The remaining squares is the combination to the safe in the back of this area, which you can open for Letter Scrap 4/8 . Go down the stairs here, watching the elevator rise, then make your way down the staircases on the right of the elevator. At the bottom, on a machine to the left, you will find Research Document 3/7 . Go through the door in front of you, taking care to avoid the Haunted on the ground, then take a right and force the door open here.

Move up to the hand scanner here, and use it. Shade will emerge from the side wall here, and the trick is just to stay sneak around, using the servers here for cover. As long as you move around the corners and stay out of the light, you'll be able to avoid Shade by sneaking around one server cluster the entire time. When the elevator finally arrives, rush into it and head up. Exit the elevator, turn left twice, and go through the door here. Follow the path until you find Sebastian and Joseph, then approach them for a cutscene and

Cleared Chapter 1, "An Oath."

A Different Beginning

Chapter 2: Crossing Paths

Start off this chapter by using your light on the wall here to create a crevice wide enough to squeeze through. Move ahead in the sewers for a scene involving the TVs, ducking under the walkway here for an introduction to invisible enemies. Head right and grab the axe from the steel here, waiting for the Haunted to turn around. Get behind it and sneak kill it with the axe, moving out of the water and into the next room. Past the hallway, into the next room, go to the left an pick up another axe. Get the drop on the other invisible Haunted in this area, waiting for him to turn around after checking out the shelf you're hiding behind. Go straight into the next room, picking up Research Document 4/7 on the desk to the left. Go back out and turn the crank to raise the gate, then drop down and crawl through the pipe on the right.

After the scene, you have some shooting to do. Target the Cadavers when they're close and red and the Haunted as soon as you can get their heads in your crosshairs. When Shade drops down, shoot it in the light to make it flee. After getting back up, head up the ladder behind the pillar on the right, then use your light to examine the pillar over the right railing. This is the combination to the safe right in front of the ladder, which you can now unlock for Letter Scrap 5/8 . Climb back down the ladder, then make a right into the tunnel, following it until you yell for Joseph. Stay on this walkway, sticking to the left to find a fuse box and circuit breaker. Pick up the circuit, inserting it into the first slot in the box.

Go through this new area, making a left after the creepy doll in the water. Use your light here to open another tunnel, ascending the ladder at the end of it. Turn around at the top and use your light to find the combination to this safe on the wall, which you can open up for Letter Scrap 6/8 . Return to the tunnel, and climb the ladder on the opposite side. Raise the gate in front of the door and proceed through.

Go through this first room, and turn left down the hall, following it to a door. Right next to the door on the outside is a 2nd circuit. Pick it up, and go back the way you came. At the end of the hall, a Trauma will break through the glass. Turn around and run, going back to where the door was. When the Trauma starts to close in, duck under the fence here and keep moving around with sneak, sticking through the right side and ducking under fences. When you get to the door, force it open, and head for the crank. When you start to turn the crank, the Trauma will break the door down. Run back to where you started ducking under the fences, lure it back there, and then repeat the process. Use the crank once you're safe, then get through the door, and return to the circuit breaker.

Back up here, and insert the 2nd fuse into the 3rd breaker slot. You'll see a scene where a door behind you opens. Run to it and enter the tunnel here. Go up the stairs, then head through the red door on the left for a 3rd circuit. Upon exiting this door, Ruvik will seal the exit. A Haunted will burst through the door here, and you're going to want to run past it into the next room. Catch the attention of the 2 Haunted in here, and then run them around until you have all 3 clustered up. Once you do, stand on the trap on the floor, getting the Haunted on it with you. A spike will come up, hopefully killing at least 2 (and likely yourself, but that's alright) and unlocking

Used a single trap to kill two or more enemies in The Assignment. (Ch. 2)


Now simply bait the Haunted into the traps, running right, and hitting the lever on the wall. Get into the shutter, and immediately hit the lever in here, locking out the Haunted behind you. Use the crank to raise the gate in here, then run like hell to the door. Kick it down, jump, climb the ladder, and insert the final fuse. Get back down the ladder and into the newly opened passageway. Follow this path, open the door, and check the barrels on the right for Research Document 5/7 . Jump down in front of you for a scene with Joseph.

After the scene, look right, and open the door with your light. Go up the stairs, opening another passage with your light. In this room, interact with the triangular object all the way on the right. Use your light to complete the logo on the wall to receive Research Document 6/7 from the hole in the wall you opened. Head out and through the doorframe next to you. Follow the hall for a scene and to initiate the boss fight.

You have to complete this fight without using the interactive electrical devices in the area, just by sneaking up on Joseph. You start off with an axe, so follow Joseph around this room in sneak until you get a good opportunity to get behind him for an attack. With one hit in, run right and pick up the axe off the machine in this room, then hide behind the projector. When Joseph moves through this area, get behind him for a 2nd hit. Run through the room ahead of you, swiping the axe from the table here, hiding behind said table for Joseph to wander by again. This final axe will put him down for a cutscene and

Survived the duel without using any electronic devices in the environment. (Ch. 2)

All You Need is Axe

After awakening in the house, move right until you see the shadow rocking on the wall. Go to it, making sure you pick up Personnel File 3/3 from the chair for

Collected all Personnel Files in The Assignment.

A Piece of My Past

Exit the house and drop down, walking to the statue until you see Leslie. Turn around and go up the stairs, smashing the crates here. Inside one, you'll find another box puzzle, which you need to light up completely for Letter Scrap 7/8 . Now return to where you dropped down continuing down this path for a searchlight. Return to the center, placing the searchlight on the table here. Rotate all the searchlights until they're positioned at the pillar, then go near where the 4th table is broken, and use your flashlight to complete the statue and unlock the door. Proceed through it.

Drop down and go straight here, past the scene with The Administrator. Duck under the wall here, continuing on until you find the couch. Right next to the couch is Research Document 7/7 , which will get you

Collected all Research Documents in The Assignment.

Doctor's Notes

Head back out, going right. Watch the scene with the Haunted here, then proceed through the doors. There's a Mobius symbol on the right. Illuminate it to create a tunnel. Pick up the bottle on the floor here, avoid the Cadaver, and break the wood on the left. Once the Cadavers move to investigate it, launch the bottle into the cemetery to attract the Cadavers and Haunted. If they happen to touch while searching for the bottle, you'll unlock

Got a Cadaver to grab and kill a Haunted. (Ch. 2)

Death Grip

Now go out and to the right, taking the double doors here. There's a small hole to the left. Duck down and enter it for an axe on the tomb here. Kill the torch Haunted wandering around, and then climb the ladder behind the building ahead of you. Ring the bell here by interacting with it, then run and jump down back the way you came from, sneaking under the hole once again. Avoid the Cadaver emerging from the tomb, walk to Leslie and talk to him. The Haunted should be cleared out, so you'll get a scene and move through the gate. Go up the stairs until you see Ruvik, and then check the last hole on the left for a safe (bloody fingerprint puzzle again) for Letter Scrap 8/8 . Go into the Archive in the pause menu and piece the letter together for

Completed the hidden letter in The Assignment.

A Warning

Continue on past Leslie down the path, and make a left to the narrow passageway. Drop down and go to the gate. When Leslie catches up, Kidman will tell him to hide. Use your flashlight to open the right passage, move to the center of the area, and then use it again to open the monument for the Winged Idol. Open the passage next to it, taking the Ox-headed Idol from the monument in front of you and the Cross-bearing Idol from the one behind it. Now return to the gate and place the Cross-bearing idol on the area marked VII, the Ox-headed Idol on V, and the Angel Winged Idol on XIV. This will open the gate, triggering the Giant when you go through.

Simply run left here, avoiding the Giant and faking him out when he rushes you. Run through the open gate. Now, go up the stairs and through the door for one of the most awesome cutscenes in this game, which reveals a lot about the story. After it ends, you'll be stuck in a running sequence.

Run straight to the camera until the floor collapses, then burst through the gate. Run until you see an opportunity to turn left and take it. Continue on until you can run right, and be sure to do so. Next time you need to turn will be a right, then run straight until a scene. After this, just run straight and hug the walls that the shadow claws aren't attacking from. After a few claws, you will burst into the sunlight and receive

Cleared Chapter 2, "Crossing Paths."

Not as it Seems

Playthrough 2 - KURAYAMI

KURAYAMI mode is exactly the same as a normal run of the game. The only difference is that the environment is much darker, with the only illumination coming from your flashlight and the occasional enemy. If you need help navigating a part, refer back to the normal walkthrough above and follow it just the same. Completing the game on KURAYAMI will unlock

Cleared The Assignment in KURAYAMI Mode.

Not Afraid of the Dark

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the evil within the assignment safe code

The Evil Within: The Assignment – Chapter 1: An Oath Walkthrough

Image of Prima Games Staff

Chapter 1: An Oath begins with detective Juli Kidman slowly crawling from a wreck into a wooded area. Initially she notices a figure in the distance, but following an explosion and a second glance, this person is no longer there.

At this point, you take control of the character. Make your way through the woods, doing your best to follow the path. You’re going the right way if there’s a birdhouse on Juli’s left.

Eventually you’ll notice a flaming lamp swinging back and forth in front of a creepy looking tree. Yes, you need to head inside. Walk a few steps to trigger a cut scene. We won’t spoil the fun. 

When Juli regains consciousness inside the cave, follow the path and duck/vault when necessary. Creepiness ensues. Do not adjust your television. 

When you reach the opening with the wooden planks, give them a good kick to smash these boards to pieces and continue exploring. There’s a small slit in the cave that appears to lead outside, but don’t worry because Juli can get through it when you press the A or X button, depending on the system of choice. 

Exit the cave and watch the cut scene that offers some backstory about another character named Leslie Withers , who seems to be inside Beacon Mental Hospital. Watch the cut scene and then save your game. You should be roughly seven or eight minutes into Chapter 1 at this point. 

After saving, you regain control of Juli Kidman inside Mobius headquarters . There’s a desk directly in front of you, but you need to turn around and exit this room. 

Pan the camera to examine the facility and then head right. Make note of the door with the green light next to it and go inside. There’s so much greenery in here! 

Walk down the hallway. When you reach the giant plant enclosed in glass, immediately go left and travel down another hallway. You’ll approach a locked door with a handprint scanner. Press A or X when prompted and Juli will place her hand on the scanner to open the door.

With the door now open, walk forward and follow the man up the escalator. When you reach the top, continue following the man down the long hallway and into a giant laboratory. He instructs Juli to sit down and she obliges. Although you can skip the cut scene, the cinematic sets up the story. 

Juli passes out and then wakes up still inside the lab, and this place does not look pretty. When she gets up, a mysterious figure quickly vanishes off screen. Go left towards the noise. There’s a door, and when you’re in range a light suddenly goes out. 

There’s a flashlight wedged in the door. Press A or X to remove the flashlight and the door is now open. Thankfully the flashlight works and is now in your possession. Click the left analog stick to turn it on and off, then hold the left trigger to focus the beam. 

Go through the door and make note of the bloodstains on the floor. Push open the next door and slowly make your way into the storage area. Wander around until you see stairs. Go up these stairs and press A or X to open the door with the big lock. 

Now you’re in a cleaner-looking hallway. Walk a couple of steps and then hold A or X to look into one of the rooms at the terrified man. Unfortunately you can’t get into this room through the door. 

Directly opposite the door is a grate, and you can open it by rapidly tapping A or X. When it’s open, crawl into the air duct and use the flashlight to see. The game prompts you to press A or X at times to peak through some grates. 

At the end of the duct is the entrance into the room with the man, or what’s left of him. Go in there and have a look around. Now exit the room and turn left. Double doors that were previously locked are now open. 

When you enter this room you’ll see a body on the ground and a collectible item. Surprise! This guy’s still alive and grabs onto Juli’s leg. Quickly tilt the left analog stick back and forth to stomp on his head. Now you can safely pick up Entry #231 .

There’s a divider close by. Press B or Circle to crouch, prompting the game to teach you how to lure enemies, which you can do by pressing X or Square. Doing this instructs Juli to speak, thus drawing monsters in her direction. This is merely instructional. You don’t need to lure anything yet. 

When you pop out of hiding the game will inform you how to use cover, using the left stick to move and peak around corners.

Make a right and use the dividers to creep along, moving between cover points until you see a creature. Lure the monster, make note of its movements and travel in the opposite direction crouched the whole time. Make it to the door and quickly tap A or X to open it.

Once inside this new room, The Evil Within teaches you about Health Recover . When Juli takes damage, stand still to recover health, or hide in cover to regain it even quicker. 

Look to the right and approach the grimy machine with the numerical keys. The combination is 9-2-4-5 . When the panel opens, remove Letter Scrap 1 . 

You’re able to hide inside lockers, but don’t bother doing this now. Instead, approach the dumpster blocking the door from the right and use the left stick when prompted to push it aside. 

Open the door, crouch behind the divider and pick up the bottle on the floor. You’re able to aim with the left trigger and then throw the bottle with the right trigger to distract enemies.

A monster approaches from the left, and you should throw the bottle (while crouched) straight ahead into the open doorway. When the creature goes inside the room, quickly make a left from where the enemy appeared, then tap the A button to open the grate on the right wall. Time to explore another air duct.

Exit the duct (a monster will run past) and go right to a locked door. Approach the keypad on the left, press the button when prompted and Juli will input the code. Still locked! 

Turn around and go back to the grate. On the opposite wall is a door that Juli can open. Go into the room, turn around and press the button to close and lock the door.  Now go to the cubicle and pick up the phone receiver. The phone dials another phone in the next room, which alerts the monster. 

When the monster goes inside this other room, exit the one Juli is in, run down the hallway and hit the lock on the door to trap the enemy inside. Turn around and go down the hallway, then press A or X to lift the grate. 

Take the air duct into another room and pick up the blood-covered Office Keycard ( Facility Key Card 102-A ) from the table. Now immediately slip inside a locker before the monster breaks into the room. Enjoy the grisly cut scene! 

Exit the locker and leave the room through the open door. Go left, then when you approach the room with the trapped monster inside, turn right. Now you can use the Office Keycard to open the locked door. Make sure you turn on the flashlight because it’s dark in here! 

As you travel down this new path two double doors will open on their own. Go inside the room and use the handprint scanner on the next door. Uh-oh! Authorization invalid! 

Turn around and hop on the active computer terminal. The lights go out and you should instantly duck into cover behind the desk. Stay behind cover (DO NOT MOVE) while the monster walks around. 

See how it used its light to reveal a hidden door? You can do the same thing with Juli’s flashlight by pressing the left trigger to focus the beam. 

Exit cover and walk towards the wall with the three red stars, the one the monster exited through. Focus the beam to see the hidden door. Push the door open and approach the cage. 

Now you’re back in the hallway with all the plants. Proceed forward around the plant inside the glass, towards the door with the green light. Go inside and make note of Leslie’s location on the lower level. Go left and through the next door with the green light, into what seems like a waiting area. Sit on the couch to save your game and then walk up the stairs into the dark hallway. 

Proceed forward and pry apart the doors. You’ll see a set of stars leading down, but there’s an enemy at the bottom. Go down the stairs anyway in a crouched position and pick up the bottle on the floor. The monster seems to have disappeared, or has it? 

Open the double doors (remain crouched) and hide behind the first piece of cover. There are two enemies in this room! Move to the next cover point on the left and then throw the bottle to the far left corner to distract them both. Now run over to the cubicle on the far right and grab the Research Room Keycard ( Facility Keycard 102-A ). 

Go around the same cubicle to the right and angle the camera. Both monsters should be in the left corner of the room. Wait for the best opportunity and approach the next-door, then use the keycard to open it. Keep in mind there’s a good chance both monsters will see Juli and give chase. 

There’s a door at the end of the hallway but don’t bother opening it because this door is a dead end. Instead, open the grate and go inside the air duct; the monsters will not follow. 

Take a moment to regain lost health and now head towards the long staircase. Go down these stairs and make note of the three black stars on the wall. There are two sculptures to the left and right. The one on the left contains all three red stars, while the one on the right is simply a red bar. You need to stand in front of this bar, use the camera to line it up with the black stars on the wall (so the bar is to the right of the stars) and focus the flashlight beam. Do this to reveal a hidden door. 

Go through the door into a medical room. Do some exploring and you’ll see the same red stars on a wall. Focus the flashlight beam and a desk will appear.  Pick up Entry #16 and listen (or not) to the recording. Afterwards a cut scene will play, but you still have control over Juli. 

Walk into the open doorway and go down the stairs to the lab. You’ll see an open doorway, and you’ll want to go inside. There’s a filing cabinet with that same red star symbol. Once again, focus the flashlight beam on this and an old video projector will appear. This continues the cut scene that furthers the story.

When the cut scene ends, turn around and exit this room, back into the one Juli came from. Follow the ghostly figures through the double doors and go through the curtains on the left. Walk up to the chalkboard and focus the flashlight beam on those red stars to reveal a diagram. 

From there, proceed forward until you find another chalkboard with red stars on it, and use the flashlight to discover yet another diagram. 

At the end of this room is a locked door. Turn around and follow the static noise to another chalkboard. By now, you know what to do, and the cut scene continues. 

When the cut scene ends, walk towards that locked door and wait until you hear banging sounds. Then quickly duck behind cover until the monster walks past. When the coast is clear, exit cover and head through the now open door. Go inside and make note of the doors that keep opening and shutting, but don’t worry about that. You want to open the door immediately to the left. 

Once inside, walk down the escalator to the lower Administration level and eavesdrop on the conversation. There’s a door with a handprint scanner but you don’t have access. Instead, go through the entryway to Biometrics . This will lead you to a leather couch to save your progress. 

Once you finish doing that, open the elevator, step inside and press the button to launch another cut scene. 

When the elevator doors open, Juli mentions that finding Leslie and bringing him back is top priority. Sounds like a plan! 

Walk into the waiting area and approach the computer terminal straight ahead. Access it to receive a printout that Juli pockets. From there, go into the next room and interact with the terminal, watching as Juli inserts the printout into a reader of some sort. A machine buzzes to life and its camera takes her picture. This allows the computer system to construct a facial profile, granting access to the next area. 

Walk into this section and a corpse will latch onto Juli’s leg. Tilt the left stick back and forth and she’ll stomp its head to pieces. 

Following that encounter, walk down the steps and through pneumatic doors with two connected rooms. In the second room is another computer terminal, and once activated the machine will begin scanning Juli’s arm. 

As soon as the computer begins to do its thing, two monsters will burst through grates on different walls. At first this appears to be a life or death situation, but the first creature walks right by Juli into the next room to join its buddy. 

Make note of the large boils on their backs. When Juli gets close these turn red and the monster explodes. Obviously you don’t want to be anywhere near the blast radius, and can trick the monster into detonating and quickly run away. 

While Juli’s arm was trapped, you saw where the second monster appeared. Crouch and go into the duct to pick up the music track, which you can listen to using the Soundtrack Player from The Assignment Title Menu .

Leave this air duct and then go into the duct the first creature appeared from. There’s a monster in here, and you’ll need to wait until it travels down another path to proceed. You’ll exit into what seems like a cage, but there’s an opening to drop down. 

When you drop down, head towards the ladder and use it to access the lower floor, with more of those enemies to deal with. Go left and crouch to pass beneath the floor above. Although there are monsters in the way, they won’t attack if you slowly walk past while crouched. You don’t need to lure them. 

Explore a bit and you’ll see another ladder. Climb this ladder and approach the shelf, where a puzzle awaits. It’s a box comprised of 16 squares, some of which are lit. You need to light all of them up, and some quick trial and error is all it takes to achieve this. The door will then swing open and you’re free to take Letter Scrap 3 . 

Look to the left and take the bottle off the shelf. Go down the ladder and crouch to go under the flooring. As you did before, carefully walk past the monsters and look for the one snacking on a corpse near a yellow and black-marked entryway. Throw the bottle away from this location to draw the enemy’s attention, then walk over and stop beneath this area until you can stand up in a small room with a large switch. Flip the switch and the bars will move until you’re able to slip into the next area that also contains a switch. Flip it and quickly duck through the opening to proceed; these walls continuously move back and forth. 

There’s a monster to the right. Stay to the left and pass through the opening on the left when you have the chance. There are two of the same enemies ahead and they move in very deliberate patterns. Study their movements. When the first monster passes Juli, go left and duck into the “safe” area. Directly ahead is another moving wall with an opening to pass through. Get the timing just right and make a break for it. 

There’s another bottle here, so pick it up. There’s also a dumpster on the right with a monster on the opposite side. Push the dumpster and the monster explodes, splattering Juli with gore. 

Exit this small area back the way you came (with the two monsters traveling in those predictable patterns). Use the bottle to distract Juli’s enemies and go to the moving wall with the dumpster you just pushed on the other side. Get the timing down and enter this area to find another bottle. 

Get on top of the dumpster and climb the ladder. Now go through the pneumatic doors to the right and activate the machine, which completes Juli’s Neural profile. 

Leave this room and activate the hand scanner. This causes a platform to lower. Walk across this platform and into the waiting area; familiar territory at this point. Open the elevator and a monster pops out.  Regardless of whether it grabs Juli or not, find a way to get into the elevator. The doors will close automatically. 

When the elevator reopens, have a seat on the leather couch and save.

Now that you’re back in control of Juli, walk up the stairs towards Administration. When you reach the top of the stairs go towards the hand scanner on the left and use it to open the doors. 

You’re in the Administration lobby. Walk up stairs, cross over and then go down a flight of stairs into a big open area. A glass elevator will suddenly activate and you’ll see two people inside. 

When the elevator reaches the top floor, move to the right and down the stairs. You’ll hear something bad happen, but you’re able to reach the bottom unscathed. You’ll also be able to pick up Entry #229 . 

When you’re done listening to it, walk through the doors into the next area, making note of the bodies on the floor. One will definitely grab onto Julie, so be ready for that.

With the monster disposed of, round the corner and pry open the next set of doors to enter a computer room. Walk directly ahead and use the hand scanner to call for the elevator. 

When said elevator reaches the ground floor, the power goes out and a monster (the one who used its light to reveal the door) makes a surprise entrance.  You need to wait until the system restores power, and use the mainframes as cover to avoid the creature. Get caught and it’s a one-hit kill, so be careful.  In addition, something goes haywire with these computers and electricity cuts off a pathway, forcing you around the perimeter. All told, this sequence takes roughly a minute and a half. 

With power finally restored, make a beeline for the elevator. The creature will attempt to break through the glass, but fail.

Step out of the elevator and go left towards the door with the green light. Walk through this door and into the hallway; you’ll hear voices and see two detectives (Sebastian and Joseph) running around. Follow them and watch the ensuing cut scene that finishes the chapter. 

Now it’s time to start The Evil Within: The Assignment Chapter 2: Crossing Paths .

If you need help beating the game, read Prima’s free The Evil Within Guide and Walkthrough .

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Hades 2

the evil within the assignment safe code

The Evil Within

the evil within the assignment safe code

Originally posted by Rollout : I'm pretty sure it's 11 on top and 2 on the bottom, no matter what.
Originally posted by Beat : Originally posted by Rollout : I'm pretty sure it's 11 on top and 2 on the bottom, no matter what.

the evil within the assignment safe code

Originally posted by OmegaVex : Originally posted by Beat : I just put them in and began with 1- 2- Tadaa X)

the evil within the assignment safe code

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The Assignment

  • View history
  • 2.1 Enemies
  • 4 Concept Art

Chapter 1: An Oath

The Chapter opens up with Marcelo Jimenez's notes from one of his trials. He details the following:

They existed together, but each saw things in their own ways. It was as if each patient's consciousness filled in the blanks, creating their own reality.

- Test notes from Trial 716-AX

Dr. Marcelo Jimenez

Kidman is assigned to take on the mission of retrieving Leslie from the STEM. She enters the machine, and while in the forest she is attacked by Oscar Connelly and falls off a cliff. She then hears Mobius talking to her, and later attempts to use a keypad. The keypad does not recognize her, forcing her to find the computers to get access, dodging Haunted , Cadaver and the Shade on the way.

Ruvik appears later and traps Kidman. She is saved by Sebastian and Joseph, only for her and Joseph to fall through the ground, as in the main game. 

Chapter 2: Crossing Paths

The Shade attacks Kidman while she is trapped by fallen rubble. Joseph then turns into a Haunted and attacks Kidman. After she defeats him, the world changes and Kidman is brought back to a familiar location from her past. After getting past some Haunted and Cadavers, she finally finds Leslie and takes him to the church.

Ruvik appears and attacks Kidman by controlling Leslie. She points her gun at Leslie and both Leslie and Ruvik disappear. The Administrator then asks her what she is doing and tells her they need Leslie alive. Kidman responds that this is not possible and that they don't know what Ruvik is capable of. The Administrator chases her, forcing her to run. Once Kidman has escaped, the game ends.

Gameplay [ ]

The Assignment 's gameplay differs heavily from The Evil Within , as Juli cannot use any firearms throughout the DLC. The only tools at Juli's disposal are the Flashlight , Bottles , and on occasion, Axes . It is impossible to directly engage any enemies, so stealth is crucial to survival and the system has been updated to accommodate for the fact that Juli is unable to engage in open combat with the enemies for most of the DLC. Kidman can take cover and peek around corners, lure enemies by calling out from cover, throw bottles from cover, and open doors while crouching.

The Assignment also introduces a new gameplay mode called KURIYAMI, which disables all light in the DLC besides the flashlight. Enemy placements are still the same as they are on Survivor Difficulty

Enemies [ ]

  • The Haunted
  • The Shade and Cadaver were originally going to be featured in the main game.
  • Kidman shares many animation rigs with Sebastian in the main game, though there were some new ones recorded that are exclusive to her.

Concept Art [ ]


  • The Evil Within
  • 2 Sebastian Castellanos
  • 3 Laura (Creature)

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The Evil Within: The Consequence – Guide and Walkthrough

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Guide and Walkthrough (PS4) by Bkstunt_31

Version: 1.00 | Updated: 07/06/2015

View in: Text Mode

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    the evil within the assignment safe code




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  1. Collectibles

    The Evil Within: The Assignment Guide. Start tracking progress. Create a free account or ... The code for the safe is implanted on the safe numbers itself, the first number of the code is the one ...

  2. Find Every Safe, File, and Audio Log in The Evil Within's Assignment

    Shine Kidman's flashlight on the red squares opposite the safe to reveal the code. Audio Tape #5 : Following the plug sequence, Kidman will enter a square-shaped sparse room with a long hallway ...

  3. The Evil Within

    All 8 safe locations and combos...After collecting all 8 scraps go to archives and piece it together for the achievement/trophy.There are 4 safes in each cha...

  4. The Evil Within: The Assignment

    works just by following these simple steps: - Highlight the "Section Code" of the section which you wish to go and copy it. (CTRL+C). - Press CTRL+F to bring up the search sub-menu. - Paste (CTRL+V) the "Section Code" and press ENTER twice to be where you. wanted to be.

  5. The Evil Within

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  6. Uncover Every Collectible in The Consequence DLC for The Evil Within

    Check out our Evil Within: The Assignment DLC Collectible Locations Guide to answer a few questions. The Consequence - Complete Collectibles Guide Note : Safe codes are randomized.

  7. Guide for The Evil Within

    Chapter 1: An Oath. You start off in the same place the ambulance crashed in the main game. Run forward, taking in the dialogue, until you get to a cave. Head in for a cutscene, and you end up on ...

  8. The Evil Within

    The safe containing the scrap is on the coffee table. In order to open this safe, you have to input the numbers on each dial of the corresponding color. To find the numbers for each dial, use to focus your flashlight on the pictures around the room. The numbers are colored to match the dials on the same. Open the safe to obtain the scrap.

  9. The Assignment: Collectibles

    Throughout the chapters there are hidden collectibles. These include research documents, personnel files, torn letter pieces, tracks for the music player and models for the model viewer. Torn Letter pieces are in safes that look like The Keeper's head. Tracks look like a Gold Record with the Tango Gameworks logo, and models appear as a snail that you must focus your flashlight on until it ...

  10. The Evil Within: The Assignment

    The Evil Within: The Assignment - Chapter 1: An Oath Walkthrough ... and go right to a locked door. Approach the keypad on the left, press the button when prompted and Juli will input the code. Still locked! ... Study their movements. When the first monster passes Juli, go left and duck into the "safe" area. Directly ahead is another ...

  11. [SPOILERS] Chapter 9 Safe Code? :: The Evil Within General Discussions

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  12. The Evil Within: The Assignment for PC

    Description. While investigating the scene of a gruesome mass murder, Detective Sebastian Castellanos and his partners encounter a mysterious and powerful force. After seeing the slaughter of fellow officers, Sebastian is ambushed and knocked unconscious. When he awakens, he finds himself in a deranged world where hideous creatures wander among ...

  13. The Assignment

    The Assignment is the first DLC for The Evil Within, as well as the first of a two-part DLC, the second being The Consequence. Set before and during the events of the main game, it revolves around Juli Kidman, explaining what she was doing inside Ruvik's mind after being separated from Sebastian and Joseph, while also delving into her past and revealing her true motives. Chapter 1: An Oath The ...

  14. The Evil Within

    The Evil Within Chapter 9 safe code/key on how to open the safe in Chapter 9. Assuming you have found the two dials which are not hard to find.The Evil Withi...

  15. The Evil Within

    Experience survival horror from a new perspective across a two-part, story driven experience with The Evil Within: The Assignment and The Evil Within: The Consequence. Players take on the role of detective Juli Kidman, Sebastian Castellanos' mysterious partner, in a concurrent story that looks to answer some of the questions surrounding her ...

  16. The Evil Within : The Assignment

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  17. The Evil Within: The Consequence

    works just by following these simple steps: - Highlight the "Section Code" of the section which you wish to go and copy it. (CTRL+C). - Press CTRL+F to bring up the search sub-menu. - Paste (CTRL+V) the "Section Code" and press ENTER twice to be where you. wanted to be.

  18. The Assignment Walkthrough

    Below you will find a walkthrough for The Evil Within The Assignment.Each section is broken up into Chapters, just like in the main game. Walkthrough Sections. Chapter 1: An Oath