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Last updated on Oct 18, 2021

Remote Proofreading Jobs and 26 Places to Find Them

With working from home becoming more common than ever before, remote proofreading jobs are gaining a lot of traction. Amongst the online jobs you can do, checking grammatical and spelling mistakes sounds like one of the easiest ones to pick up. But what exactly  does this kind of work entail, how much would it earn, and most importantly, how do you search for legitimate as well as rewarding proofreader jobs? These are all valid questions, the answers to which you can find right here.

What is proofreading?

To proofread is to go over a document’s final draft with a fine-tooth comb, searching for grammatical, spelling, punctuation, and formatting errors. Unlike the job of a copy editor, you don't have to concern yourself with language style or voice. It may seem simple, but it requires a thorough understanding of not just the English language but also the appropriate manuscript formatting styles.

Web content, academic papers, and many other types of writing — To proofread and correct each of these kinds of content requires a thorough understanding of its preferred language and formats.

Because of their project-by-project nature, it is common for the gigs you get in this sector to be online, freelance proofreading jobs.

Becoming a proofreader and securing remote jobs

Luckily, you don’t have to go through intensive training or education to become a proofreader. Preferably, you'd have a bachelor's degree in English, Journalism, or a field relevant to the kind of content your hope of proofread. (To proofread for a medical company, you'd need background in medicine, for example.) Other than that, a certificate of completion for a proofreading course can make your profile much more appealing to potential clients. To get started on the right foot, consider:

🎓 Taking a training course via societies such as the  Editorial Freelancers Association ;

📝 Brushing up on style guides (APA, Chicago, and AP Styles);

💻 Creating a profile and following relevant groups/hashtags (this may include creating your own website, a LinkedIn, or a professional Twitter account);

✅ Being flexible about the kind of job you take on (work from different industries, projects involving copy editing ).

You can get more tips in our comprehensive guide on how to become a proofreader . If you’re all clear about the set up, let’s discover all the places that you can find remote jobs for proofreaders.

26 places to find remote proofreading jobs

Below are all the sites that offer legitimate freelance proofreading jobs. We’ve divided the list into two parts: one for those with experience and qualifications, and one for those without.

If you’re going into proofreading with certificates, graduate qualifications, or expert experience, here are the sites that you should check out. 

1. ProofreadingPal

Specializing in academic proofreading,  ProofreadingPal  prides itself on having a highly experienced staff. Because its scholarly projects, the editing skills required by this site are very advanced and specific. To secure a remote proofreading job on this site, you need to be a postgraduate student with a minimum GPA of 3.5 or have a graduate degree along with minimum five years of experience.

Remote job for proofreaders | Proofreading Pals

If you have a PhD in a writing-intensive discipline,  Edit911  is a good candidate for some remote work. Its proofreading services also tend toward high-level academic editing, so experience is crucial. And as it caters to a worldwide audience, having a strong grasp of a few manuscript styles will be plus.

WordsRU  is great for those who work from home, because it welcomes job applicants from all over the world, as long as they have at least a Master’s degree or higher. It offers a wider range of services for customers, including fiction manuscripts and web content, so its proofreaders receive a variety of projects.

4. American Journal Experts

Similar to WordsRU,  AJE  offers online proofreading jobs for those who have been or are currently enrolled in higher education at universities approved by  the Carnegie Classification . And as the name suggests, this online proofreading opportunity is more suitable for those based in America.

You may or may not have a PhD or a Master’s degree, but if you do have a strong track record in book editing and proofreading,  Reedsy  is the place to be. Our marketplace connects thousands of indie authors with publishing experts (like you!) who can help them produce high quality titles. On average, our professionals set a  proofreading rate  of around $600-$750 per manuscript, though each project varies. (Note that you can set your rates per hour, per word, or per project.)



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6. Polished Paper

Focusing on business and academic editing,  Polished Paper 's proofreader jobs are also suitable for experienced professionals. Instead of proving their qualifications, applicants are asked to complete a 35-question test to demonstrate their editing skills before getting accepted.

7. Managed Editing

Having worked mainly with non-profit organizations and prestigious institutes,  Managed Editing  chooses its freelance proofreaders carefully. A successful applicant will have at least five years of experience and a Bachelor’s degree, although most of its editors and proofreaders have higher qualifications.

8. Wordvice

Apply to  Wordvice  for a more international experience: the company offers editing and proofreading services on essays and business documents for second-language English users. You must have a minimum of two years of experience and a graduate degree to join this team of freelancers. (And needless to say, the remote jobs they have are available to proofreaders across the world!)

9. Start your own freelance business

This basically means creating your own website (don't forget to have a contact section with your email address in it!) along with a LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook account to spread the word about it. As you are your own boss, you can work from home, a coffee shop, or wherever else you want! Use your credentials and professional connections to attract customers. Combine that with impeccable proofreading services and you’ll grow your freelance business  in no time.

If you’re just starting out or don’t have higher education qualifications — don’t worry, there are plenty of beginner-friendly sites where you can find proofreading gigs and begin amassing professional experience. 

10. Scribendi

If you do have some experience in content production, i.e. you’ve been a copywriter or have edited your university newspaper, you can apply to  Scribendi . Its online proofreading jobs are focused on academic writing from high school to university level, so having a Bachelor’s degree is a must.

11. Scribbr

Scribbr ’s services are tailored to a younger academic audience, and while it doesn’t ask for specific qualifications, applicants do go through a thorough vetting process. To become a remote proofreader at Scribbr, you have to pass a language test and complete several assignments for evaluation (for which you will receive feedback). If you’ve taken an editing course, you should be able to do well.

Remote Proofreading Jobs | Scribbr

12. Proofreading Services

Every remote proofreading job available here focuses on academic and business writing. Prospective proofreaders can join the staff part-time or full-time by getting at least 95% on  the site’s 20-minute test , which mainly focuses on grammar and spelling.

As an education-oriented publication,  CACTUS Communications  is constantly on the lookout for academic editors who can help it produce clear, engaging content. It does require at least a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline, but you don’t need any prior work experience in editing and proofreading to find exciting opportunities.

14. Writer’s Relief

A resourceful website for authors,  Writer’s Relief  also provides book editing and publishing services which you as a remote proofreader can get involved in. Since they have  copy editors  going over everything beforehand, you’ll just have to focus on catching the little mistakes that slipped through.

Prompt  provides coaching services for college applicants, helping them with personal statements and essays. You will need to have been a university student yourself, and as the coach you’re expected to give more feedback than just online proofreading. It’s a good opportunity if you want to start with academic editing.

16. OneSpace Freelancers

OneSpace is a site made for new freelancers. There aren’t as many job postings on this site as on other proofreading services, but you do get support and feedback from their staff. They provide advice on how you can work better as a freelancer and build your business. So while you would't necessarily find remote work on this space, it's a good way to learn the craft of maintaining your freelance proofreading business in the long run.

Looking to find proofreading services at OneSpace Resources

17. Gramlee

From their tagline ("You write, we edti edit.") and service email address, you can already get a sense of how laid-back the staff at  Gramlee  would be. They welcome proofreaders with no qualifications, as long as they work hard to learn and fulfill the team’s guarantee of 24-hour turnover.

Upwork  is one of the biggest marketplaces for freelancers, and the remote jobs for editors and proofreaders you can find on here are often for technical and copy writing. Projects are usually on the smaller side, which means there isn’t always demand for highly experienced workers. Still, it's a good place to get started on your online proofreading career.

19. Flexjobs

Short for  flexible jobs ,  this job board  only posts work that you can do from home, so you don’t have to narrow the search yourself. There are plenty of proofreading jobs across many industries and countries for you to choose from, some of which are even full-time collaborations.

Indeed ’s interface is probably a familiar sight if you’ve looked for work before — it’s a platform that has everything from full-time positions to freelance gigs in all kinds of industries. Though it might take some digging, there are good remote jobs proofreaders can discover.

21. MediaBistro

MediaBistro  is a job board made specific for media-related jobs. You can filter your search to show only remote entry-level editing jobs to see if there’s anything available. Signing up also gets you a job alert round-up when new relevant jobs are posted.

22. Get Editing Jobs

Here’s another  editing-focused job posting site . You can search for remote proofreading jobs and it will automatically show you recent postings that fit the bill. You’ll then have to apply to the jobs on your own.

23. Domainite

Domainite  provides digital marketing services, from web designing to content writing and editing to its clients. You can easily sign up by filling in its form and sending in a writing sample. The scope of the work might go a little beyond the proofreading job, though you will acquire more skills that way!

Are you interested in marketing books? Visit our post on where to find book marketing jobs . 

24. Freelancer

This site  allows you to bid on a proofreading opportunity you can do remotely, and try to win the client over. There are a lot of projects available, so if you lose out on a bid for one, you can always find another!

❗ Note: Some of the rates you see here are much lower than the average as freelancers try to undercut to appeal to clients. Keep that in mind in formulating your own freelance quote .

25. Lionbridge

Lionbridge  is an international platform that offers marketing and business content creation services for firms across the globe. Specifically, its freelancers “test out” firms’ content — giving them feedback, not just on a linguistic point of view but also user experience and SEO. It's a bit of technical proofreading, if you’re interested.

Remote Proofreading Jobs | Lionbridge

Though it does not provide the highest paying remote proofreading jobs,  Fiverr is still a good opportunity for new freelancers to start their careers. It’s relatively easy to sign up to and create a profile that will attract customers, most of whom will be searching for competent beginners rather than experienced experts.

Hopefully this list will help you find your next remote job and kickstart your career, whether you’re a full-timer looking for side jobs or an aspiring freelancer. Remember to do your research and know what your proofreading service is worth to avoid being undercharged. With that, and a wish of good luck, we’ll send you into the world of freelance proofreading!



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15 Best Websites for Remote Proofreading Jobs in 2024

Make money from home putting your word skills to good use. These are 15 of the best websites for remote proofreading jobs that are hiring now!

Online Proofreading Jobs

With all the side hustles I have tried personally and researched for The Curious Frugal, one of the most interesting remote jobs I came across is proofreading.

Getting paid to read and edit from home sounds like a fantastic way to make money.

If you have an eye for detail, love reading, and are always catching spelling and grammar mistakes, proofreading online would be a great fit for a work-from-home job.

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  • 21 Work-from-home tips you need to be successful
  • 15 Freelance websites to make extra money
  • How to make money freelance writing

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my  disclosure  for more info.

What types of remote proofreading jobs are there?

People need remote proofreaders for all kinds of jobs. Some of these proofreading jobs are:

  • social media posts
  • court reports
  • research papers
  • romance novels
  • published papers
  • legal documents
  • academic papers
  • technical guides
  • and many more

As a proofreader, you will most likely be an independent contractor and own your own proofreading business. This means you can set your own rates and your own schedule.

Related post: Proofreading Jobs from Home: 12 Best Websites to Find Them (and How to Get Them) .

How to become a remote proofreader for beginners

Caitlin Pyle has a popular online course called Proofread Anywhere with over 4,800 students that are now making money proofreading.

If you’re undecided still about the course, Caitlin created a free Proofreading workshop. It will give you all the basics on starting your proofreading career.

You can enroll in her FREE proofreading workshop to see if online proofreading is the right career for you.

Her free workshop is gold, and you’ll get tons of questions answered about how to become a professional proofreader.

Read my interview with Caitlin here about how to become a freelance proofreader .

Recommended tools when looking for remote proofreading jobs

This tool helps in proofreading online content. It automatically finds spelling and grammatical errors, which will help you tremendously with proofreading, as well as when you apply for proofreading jobs. Grab the free version of Grammarly here.

This handy tool helps you optimize your resume and LinkedIn profile when you are applying for a job.

It’s really simple to use; you upload or paste your resume into one box, and the job description of the remote proofreading job you are applying for. Jobscan will tell you if your resume will get noticed for that job, and what improvements you can make to make your resume really stand out so you will get the job.

How Much Do Remote Proofreading Jobs Pay?

According to Salary.com the average proofreading salary is $52,104 per year (as per April 2020).

Proofreading salaries can go to $66,233 and up.

Average salary for full-time proofreaders can be higher than this, especially if you work for a specialized proofreading company such as #16 in the list below.

Looking for an interesting remote job that is flexible and pays well? Editing and proofreading jobs from home are a great fit! Make money from home putting your word skills to good use. These are 15 of the best websites for remote proofreading jobs that are hiring now! There is also a popular free webinar that will teach you how to get started as a freelance proofreader. #proofreading #howtomakemoney #makemoneyfromhome #proofreadingjobs #onlineproofreadingjobs #proofreading

15 of the Best Companies for Remote Proofreading Jobs

1. amazon proofreading jobs ..

Did you know that Amazon hires A LOT of proofreaders?

I hadn’t thought about it before but it makes sense.

What other websites have as much content as Amazon? And it has to be accurate and easy to read.

When I checked today, there were 353 open jobs in the categories of editorial, writing, & content management.

Related post: Proofreader Certification – Best Proofreading Courses and Why You Need Them

2. Fiverr proofreading jobs .

Do you know Fiverr? It’s a huge site where freelancers from around the world can connect with potential clients.

Contrary to the name, you don’t have to only charge $5 for your freelancing services!

I hired a graphic designer on Fiverr to redo my logo, and I love the new design! I also hired a designer to make me an infographic for a post ( you can check out the infographic here ) and was also super happy with the results.

You can create a profile (make it really stand out!) and have remote proofreading jobs come to you.

3. Scribendi proofreading jobs .

Scribendi hires remote proofreaders as independent contractors and offers a competitive salary.

For remote proofreading jobs at Scribendi, you need a university degree or college degree, and 3 years of experience.

4. Scribe Writing

Scribe offers both full-time career and freelance positions. There weren’t any openings today when I checked but you can subscribe to find out about their latest proofreading job postings.

5. Cactus proofreading .

You don’t need to have previous proofreading experience to apply for remote proofreading jobs at Cactus, so this is a great option for beginner proofreaders.

They hire freelance proofreaders as well as offer full-time work-from-home jobs.

Cactus specializes in science and technology proofreading, so a general background in these fields is an asset.

6. Upwork proofreading .

Upwork is another large freelance connecting site, somewhat similar to Fiverr. Upwork connects freelance job postings of all kinds with job seekers.

There are ALL kinds of proofreading jobs on Upwork, from general proofreading of books and resumes, to specialized proofreading of academic works.

Today I even saw a proofreading job for a new word game app, and another proofreading job to edit a romance novel. Interesting jobs!

7. Cambridge Proofreading .

To be hired for the jobs at Cambridge Proofreading you need to have a bachelor’s degree at a minimum. You edit documents in your own areas of interest and expertise.

Cambridge Proofreading gets very high reviews on review sites from the proofreaders who work there.

Pay is $20-$30/hour USD, paid every two weeks via PayPal.

8. Proofreading Services .

Proofreading Services hires part-time and full-time remote proofreaders from any country.

Pay is $19 to $46 per hour USD depending on the turnaround time; the highest pay is for the most urgent deadlines.

You can start applying right away by taking their 20-minute preliminary test.

9. EditFast .

With EditFast you could proofread novels, textbooks, contracts, letters, reports, business and technical documents. You need to take an editing test as part of the application.

They pay 40% of the contract price to the proofreader through PayPal.

10. Scribbr .

Scribbr specializes in academic proofreading and is rated highly on Trustpilot.

Remote proofreading jobs on Scribbr require a bachelor’s degree, and a commitment of at least 10 hours a week.

Pay is approximately $21-$27 USD per hour, and proofreaders are paid twice a month.

11. eCorrector .

eCorrector specializes in remote proofreading for scientists by scientists, so get that PhD out if you want to apply to this company.

They don’t list specifics about proofreading jobs on their website but do accept applications regularly; send them your CV and information about your proofreading experience.

12. Gramlee .

Gramlee is always accepting applications from proofreaders; you have to fill out an online Google doc with a couple pages of questions.

They don’t disclose specifics on the jobs or what their rate of pay is but say they will be in touch if they are interested in hiring you based on the application you fill out.

13. WordsRU .

WordsRU offers a big variety of remote proofreading jobs.

Some of the proofreading jobs that are available are: book editing, thesis editing, research papers, newsletter editing, advertising copy, journal article editing, biography and autobiography editing, and many more categories depending on your interests and skills.

You need 2+ years of proofreading experience plus a Master’s degree or equivalent professional experience.

14. Prompt .

Remote proofreading jobs at Prompt center on providing editing help for college students, for AP exams with essays and college admission essays.

The pay for proofreading of AP essays is $25-$28 an hour.

15. Lifetips .

With remote proofreading jobs at Lifetips, you will edit the content produced by freelance writers assigned to projects. Salary plus full medical benefits included.

16. American Journal Experts

There are regular remote job opportunities at AJE, but these are not for entry-level proofreaders.

To apply for American Journal Experts remote work, you need a graduate degree, or to be currently enrolled in a graduate program. Advanced degrees accepted can be either a Master’s or PhD.

If you have any other ideas where you can find remote proofreading jobs, please leave them in the comments below.

Requirements to Score Remote Proofreading Jobs

For most remote proofreading jobs, you will need:

internet connection

You’ll use Microsoft Word or Google Docs

Most remote proofreading jobs in the United States will want a native English speaker.

Access to style guides

Sign up for this FREE proofreading workshop to see if remote proofreading is the right career for you.


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Looking for an interesting remote job that is flexible and pays well? Editing and proofreading jobs from home are a great fit! Make money from home putting your word skills to good use. These are 15 of the best websites for remote proofreading jobs that are hiring now! There is also a popular free webinar that will teach you how to get started as a freelance proofreader. #proofreading #howtomakemoney #makemoneyfromhome #proofreadingjobs #onlineproofreadingjobs #proofreading

Check out these remote proofreading jobs today!

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Saturday 2nd of July 2022

Hi! Great Blog!! Informative, educational and a great resource. Thank you for sharing, continued success and many blessings. Mia, Retired Bilingual (Spanish), soon to be trilingual, (Italian) BA American and English Literature looking for remote work to supplement income.

Sunday 2nd of January 2022

I see most of the remote hirers require a degree or higher to even have a foot in the door. But I am doing proofreading for a beauty SME without it. Coming from a non-native English speaking country, it's a challenge to earn a decent regular income without the paper qualifications.

But, I like to thank you for your detailed written sharing which I usually read with a tinge of sigh.

Rohan Yadav

Saturday 1st of August 2020

Nice and Informative article, I am always suggesting that getting a job from any freelancing patfrom because there you will get any best experience throughout job and transaction at all. Thanks for sharing this wonderful blog.


Thanks Rohan! I'm glad you found this article on remote proofreading jobs informative. Have a nice weekend!

Lauren Renee Sparks

Monday 4th of May 2020

Saving this resource. Thank you.

You're welcome Lauren! So many awesome types of online proofreading jobs! Hope you have a great day :)

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Your Guide to Finding Remote Proofreading Jobs

proofreading books jobs remote

Brett Helling is the founder of Gigworker.com. He has been a rideshare driver since early 2012, having completed hundreds of trips for companies including Uber, Lyft, and Postmates.

Since that time, he has expanded his knowledge into the Gigworker site, as well as writing the book Gigworker: Independent Work and the State of the Gig Economy Paperback,  now available on Amazon .

Working from anywhere in the world, including the comfort of your own home, is all the rage these days.

Why make the drive to an office when you can sit in your pajamas on the couch typing away and collecting a paycheck?

Better yet, you could leave the United States and travel around the world while checking emails from beaches, mountain tops, and poolside resorts.

What’s not to love about that?

One way to make it in the world of remote work is to utilize your superb spelling and editing skills.

If you have a keen eye for spelling and grammar, and enjoy helping writers improve their content, you may want to utilize your expertise in a remote proofreading job.

But the problem many people face is finding a job that allows them to work from wherever they please.

You may have all the proofreading skills in the world, but if you’re not able to land a remote job, you’re still sitting at square one.

Today we’re going to talk about work-from-home freelance proofreading jobs, the qualifications you need to stand out from the competition, and where you can start applying for your next proofreading gig.

  • What Is Proofreading?
  • Is Experience Required to Become a Proofreader?
  • Benefits of Proofreading From Home
  • How Much Do Proofreading Jobs Pay?
  • Freelance Websites
  • Proofreading Companies
  • General Job Boards
  • Finding Your First Gig

Proofreading is the last step in the editing process before any piece of writing is published.

A proofreader’s responsibility is to ensure there aren’t any grammatical errors, misspellings, typos, or other styling issues.

Proofreaders are the last line of defense before copy is shown to the rest of the world.

By giving writing a once-over before publishing it, proofreaders ensure the final copy is polished and free of any mistakes.

You may not realize just how often you encounter writing that required an editor like you.

From articles you read on blogs like this one to copy you see on websites, social media posts, and digital newsletters, the digital world is powered by writing that has frequently been checked by a professional proofreader. It doesn’t stop there though.

More traditional writing — like books, advertisements, essays, academic papers, user manuals, and more — also requires the services of a proofreader.

If you haven’t noticed already, the opportunities are almost endless when it comes to different types of proofreading jobs.

But you may be thinking, “I love writing, but am I qualified to be a proofreader?”

There’s a wide range of opportunities out there, some for the most experienced proofreaders and some for those who are beginning their journey in this new line of work.

Like with any job in life, the more years experience you have, the better luck you’ll have landing a higher paying job.

However, this shouldn’t intimidate you.

You can still apply for an online proofreading job.

There are plenty of advanced and entry-level opportunities out there for experts and newbies alike.

The most basic requirements for a great proofreader is to be a native English speaker, have an eye for detail, and be extremely thorough.

On top of that, you’ll need to have excellent vocabulary and good grammar.

While catching spelling errors is part of a proofreading job, it’s much more than that.

Being an expert in writing style guides, like AP Style  and Chicago Manual of Style , can help you land jobs.

Another helpful skill that will increase your chances of landing high-paying gigs is specializing in a certain writing area.

A proofreader can specialize in academic essays, technical writing, court transcripts, fiction novels, and more.

If you’re more specialized, it shows those customers that you’re an expert in their field.

Some job opportunities may also require additional years of experience and a bachelor’s degree in journalism or English.

In some cases, you’ll even be required to have a graduate degree.

The more advanced skills you can bring to the table, including previous proofreading experience or editing experience, the better chance you’ll have of landing a proofreading gig from home.

Benefits of Proofreading  From Home

Proofreading jobs have low barriers of entry, allow employees to work remotely, and have flexible work hours.

You likely already own or have access to everything you’ll need to get started.

Forget about a phone line, printer, or expensive software.

A laptop and reliable internet connection are pretty much all you’ll need to get going.

Since most home proofreader jobs are driven by deadlines rather than specific work hours, you’ll be able to work whenever you want, as long as you hit your deadlines.

In some cases, you’ll have a quick turnaround time, but for many jobs, you’ll be able to work when it’s most convenient for you.

How Much Do Proofreading Jobs  Pay?

Proofreading jobs: the Glassdoor estimate for Proofreader salaries

The majority of proofreading jobs are freelance positions, many of which are project based.

So you can apply to as many gigs as you want to make money and bring in a higher annual income.

Glassdoor reports that proofreaders make just over $45,000 per year.

This can be much more if you take a higher paying job or put in more hours.

On the higher end of the scale, Glassdoor reports proofreaders making nearly $65,000 per year.

Since your income is largely dependent on which jobs you take, let’s get into some of the job opportunities that are out there for proofreaders.

Proofreading Job  Opportunities

There are a few different ways you can go about starting your proofreading career.

ou could use a freelance website to find work on a project-to-project basis.

You could also align yourself with a company who funnels you work as an independent contractor.

Lastly, you could land a job directly with a company as their in-house proofreader.

To start, let’s take a look at some freelance websites you can use to find work on your own.

Freelance websites are an excellent way to get your feet wet in this line of work.

Freelance sites allow you to search for available jobs, set your own pay rates, and showcase your portfolio for potential clients.

If you’re new to proofreading, they also enable you to bid low for jobs so you can get some experience under your belt.

Then once you have a few gigs out of the way, you can increase your rates and start bidding on those higher paying jobs.

There are plenty of sites out there that give freelance proofreaders access to jobs, but these are some of the more popular and reliable options we’ve come across:

If finding your own work on a regular basis isn’t your cup of tea, you can align yourself with a proofreading company that funnels work your way instead.

Proofreading jobs: the Scribbr homepage

In many ways, working for a proofreading company or editing service is much easier and less stressful.

If you’re able to get one of these positions, then you don’t need to always worry about finding the next gig.

The company will take care of that for you.

Working as an independent contractor for a proofreading company allows for a steady stream of work and, for some, more peace of mind.

There are so many companies out there that will offer you roles like this, but here are a few excellent ones.

Note that these companies may not always have available positions, so you may have to keep your eye on their job postings:

  • ProofreadingServices.com

If these proofreading companies aren’t hiring, take a look at some job boards you can search to find a proofreader job.

We’ve all scoured online job boards at some point in our lives, but what you may not have realized in your search is that these are also a great place to find remote work, including work-from-home proofreading positions.

When searching through these job boards, you can leverage additional search terms that will help you find jobs you’re looking for.

For example, if you want to secure a proofreading position, you should also search for similar job titles like freelance editor , copywriter, copy editor, and academic editor.

In addition to these search terms, you should include terms like telecommute, remote, and home office to ensure that you can work from anywhere.

For instance, a search term like “home office copy editing” might yield results you won’t find otherwise.

These are some of the most popular job boards you can use to find remote proofreading jobs:

  • WeWorkRemotely

A freelance proofreading position is an excellent first step into the world of work-at-home jobs.

Whether you’re looking for part-time work or a full-time opportunity, there are plenty of options out there for you to get started.

We recommend searching through some of the opportunities we provided to get a feel for what might work best for you.

If proofreading isn’t your thing and you consider yourself more of a freelancing writer, then you can also look into freelance writing jobs and other side hustles to get you started.

We hope you’re able to find your first gig as soon as possible!

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Full-time Part-time Freelance Entry-level High-paying International

Senior Recruiter at Publishing.com


Senior Recruiter

Remote Full TimeExperienced

Reports to: Head of People Location: Remote

Company Summary

Publishing.comempowers individuals from all walks of life to generate meaningful income streams through book publishing. As a leading online education platform, we specialize in guiding our students through the processes of selling books and audiobooks on major platforms like Amazon and Audible. We are proud to share that Publishing.com has been recognized as the 19th fastest-growing private company in America on the Inc. 5000 list for 2023! Our mission is to become the premier, one-stop destination for all publishing-related needs. In line with this vision, we have launched our latest innovation,Publishing.ai, a software designed to further revolutionize the publishing industry. This marks a significant milestone in our journey toward achieving our goal as we continue to expand our offerings and support our community of authors and publishers.

About The Role

The Senior Recruiter will be responsible for developing and implementing recruiting plans and strategies to fill our open positions with only top talent. The Recruiter will seek out candidates with the right combination of experience, values, and skills to fill a particular position. You are the spearhead of the entire company culture and therefore its crucial you embody our values throughout every conversation you have. Not just filling a role, but creating an outstanding experience for both candidates and hiring managers.

This persons responsibilities will include consulting with hiring managers, posting open positions, reviewing resumes, screening applications, conducting interviews, reference checks, background checks, assisting with the job offer process, and ensuring a smooth new hire/onboarding experience for new hires into the company.


  • Own the hiring process from intake to onboarding
  • Consult with hiring managers regularly to predict future hiring needs as well as gather feedback on how to improve speed of fill and quality of hire
  • Attract top talent and partner with hiring managers to build highly productive teams
  • Recommend new and innovative recruiting methods to source top talent
  • Serve as the liaison between the company, hiring managers, and candidates
  • Create a best-in-class candidate and manager recruiting experience
  • Execute ad-hoc requests as needed and communicated by the Head of People

Expected Outcomes

  • All applicants receive timely and enthusiastic communications regarding the status of their application, regardless of hiring outcome
  • A high quality of employees are hired that maintain our values and protect our culture
  • Reference checks are conducted for all final candidates after the verbal job offer(if applicable)
  • Candidates receive an outstanding experience throughout the hiring process as well as hiring managers
  • Hiring KPIs are monitored and discussed when appropriate
  • All new hires are given a warm welcome and a smooth introduction to their new manager
  • All applications are properly screened and noted with status updates
  • Open positions are filled within 40 days of the job posting date (barring any extenuating circumstances)
  • Internal teams are updated weekly with the status of each open position
  • Provide insight into daily hiring metrics


  • 5+ years of professional experience as a Recruiter (strong preference for a blend of staffing agency and startup experience) carrying 8+ unique requisitions at any given time
  • Experience and interest in recruiting for all business functions simultaneously: marketing, sales, engineering, product, customer service, finance, operations, etc.
  • Significant experience sourcing and hiring top talent for small to mid-size, high-growth SaaS or startup organizations
  • A keen eye for identifying top talent and tenacity to fill open roles quickly with top-tier candidates
  • Confident driving hiring KPIs such as time to fill, cost to fill, and quality of hire
  • Exceptional attention to detail for candidate tracking, feedback tracking, ATS use, and search strategy and prioritization
  • Proven experience sourcing and hiring passive external talent utilizing a variety of sourcing tools (not just LinkedIn).
  • Ability to make nuanced hiring recommendations based on deciphered skill sets and company culture fit
  • Strong consultative decision-making skills
  • Comfortable conducting a variety of interviews on Zoom
  • General knowledge of current employment laws and practices
  • Excellent interpersonal skills with strong oral and written communication

Why Publishing.com?

AtPublishing.com, our dedication to our mission and core values isn’t just talk; it’s reflected in how we treat our team. We believe in nurturing our employees’ well-being, supporting their families, and empowering them to contribute to their communities. Here’s how we stand out:

  • Recently recognized as #19 on the Inc 5000’s list of Fastest Growing Private Companies in America for 2023
  • We are a completely remote team located worldwide with 100+ employees
  • We have great benefits including paid time off (PTO), competitive health, vision, and dental benefits, 401k, and team socials…yes, even remotely
  • We care about our culture deeply and live by our company values (1) Service that WOWs, (2) Ultimate Team Player, (3) Great Freakin’ Attitude, (4) Billion Dollar Standards
  • We encourage learning, growth, and continuous improvement and create meaningful programs to support our employees’ professional development
  • If you want to join a team on the ground floor, this is your chance: we are expanding beyond being an education company to become the one-stop shop for all your self-publishing needs

*Some benefits are available to our US-based employees only.

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20 Low-Stress In-Person and Remote Jobs for Seniors and Retirees

Pierre Raymond

Pierre Raymond

  • Stock Risk and Financial Technology Writer
  • Posted on May 18th, 2024

Numerous studies have shown that job-related stress is by far one of the most significant sources of stress for American employees, with a significant number of elderly or those over 50 years old being impacted by high-pressure jobs and complex working schedules.

The Economic Policy Institute found that nearly half – 46.1 percent – of those aged 50 and older experience stress due to high-pressure jobs. More worrisome is that roughly 50.6 percent of older workers are currently employed in physically demanding positions, often impacting their near-term and long-term physical or mental well-being.

However, this is a shared problem among most American workers. One recent survey found that a robust 89 percent of employees have reported experiencing severe levels of burnout over the past year.

While there have been some companies that have started introducing more progressive workplace policies to help improve the well-being of workers, for older employees, or those looking to continue working once they’ve stepped into retirement, high-stress occupations are part of a combination of challenges they often experience when deciding to continue working, even after retirement.

Working in retirement: A growing trend among American retirees Despite the meager support many employees often encounter in terms of finding work-life balance and having better autonomy over their schedules, many seniors, or those ages 65 and older, are planning to work either full-time or part-time in retirement.

One study by the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies found that around 57 percent of workers plan to continue working even after retirement.

The decision to continue working comes at a time when most American households are now living paycheck to paycheck as the cost of living continues to rise and labor market conditions begin to slow down.

For many soon-to-be-retired workers, the decision to hold down their current job is often challenged by factors such as their mental and physical well-being and ever-changing labor market conditions due to the rise in technological innovation.

With higher costs and inflation putting pressure on everyone’s budgets, some older workers are planning to capitalize on the digital economy’s evergreen potential to cover everyday expenses during their retirement.

Fortunately, technology and remote working have made it a lot easier and more convenient for skilled retired workers to find a stress-free job that can help bring in a few extra dollars each month.

Table of Contents

Low-stress Jobs for Seniors and Retirees

Finding a suitable low-stress job can be easy depending on a person’s existing skills and capacity to hold down new job-related responsibilities. While some of these jobs may often seem demanding from the outside, for some retirees, these jobs may be the perfect solution for those looking to make some extra money or simply keep active.

Low-stress remote jobs Bookkeeping

The average hourly pay is $24.41, with a high of $35.58 and a low of $12.98. Ever wondered how to start a bookkeeping business when you already have the experience and skills? Well, whether you’re thinking of running your side hustle, or working part-time for someone else, digital applications have significantly helped transform and streamline financial services, including bookkeeping, accounting, and tax advisory.

Working in finance can be a suitable choice for retirees or older individuals who have previously worked in the financial sector or have relevant experience. Today, many startups and smaller businesses often hire remote part-time bookkeepers to help keep their books balanced and their accounts paid.

Virtual Assistant

The average hourly pay is $24.40, with a high of $33.89 and a low of $11.54. Virtual assistants have become one of the most in-demand remote jobs for people looking to make extra money on the side while still having a fairly flexible work schedule. They provide administrative services to companies and individuals without being physically present in the office.

Although being a virtual assistant can be a rewarding part-time or full-time job, many people hiring virtual assistants often require candidates to be computer literate, be available via phone, text, email, or video calls at any given time, and be highly agile, depending on their needs. When looking for virtual assistant jobs, read online reviews and be careful not to expose yourself to malicious scammers taking advantage of job seekers.


The average hourly pay is $27.65, with a high of $43.99 and a low of $13.70. Despite what many people believe to be true, proofreaders are still in demand across the United States. Sure, many people believe Artificial Intelligence (AI) will soon make these jobs obsolete, but the reality is completely different.

AI technology such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) has made proofreaders’ jobs much more accurate, faster, and effective. By appropriately using these tools, a proofreader can now complete more tasks at once while ensuring the accuracy of texts and using human ingenuity, language skills, and experience to produce high-quality texts or written content.

Average hourly pay: $49.72 per hour, with a high of $118.75 and a low of $10.10 per hour. Highly skilled individuals in knowledge-based fields can potentially monetize their skills during retirement , working as part-time or full-time consultants. Many people often choose this route as this enables them to choose the clients they want to work with, while still maintaining a flexible working schedule.

Full-time consultants, with several years of experience, can generate substantial income, however, it’s possible to turn this job into a side hustle that will still help you earn a handsome income. A self-employed consultant can work for a range of businesses, including small startups and more traditional brick-and-mortar brands looking to better understand the market dynamics and changing consumer trends.

Online teacher or tutor

The average hourly pay is $26.71, with a high of $77.40 and a low of $8.65. For the last several decades, online teachers have been in high demand, and this has been due to the introduction of video conferencing tools and digital applications that aid in making the classroom more accessible and connected to more people.

Some teaching and learning centers tend to offer online teaching or tutoring positions, which can be a wonderful part-time job for retired educators. Additionally, it’s possible to be employed by a school or language center outside of the United States, especially in countries where English is taught as a second language. Before applying to any sort of online teaching job, make sure to read all the requirements carefully and be wary of potentially high-level scams.

Data Entry Operator

The average hourly pay is $19.47, with a high of $28.37 and a low of $11.06. Data has become one of the most valuable assets any company can have in the modern world. Fortunately, for many people, there is seemingly always work available in data entry and analytics. While the work is often considered more complex and sophisticated, people with the right computer and digital skills can easily find a low-stress job as a data entry operator.

Positions related to this job are often in high demand, so it’s best to ensure that your resume is up to date and that you at least have some experience working in the data field. You can take an online course or take up a few extra classes to learn the basics of working with data, as this may help improve your chances of finding a suitable gig while still enjoying the rest of your retirement.

Content or Copywriter

The average hourly pay is $40.46, with a high of $99.52 and a low of $13.70. Similar to proofreaders, content, and copywriters are still in demand despite the threat of AI potentially making these jobs obsolete. Due to the increasing number of businesses moving to the online digital space, many often require the assistance of experienced writers to compile human-written content for their websites, email newsletters, and social media.

As with many other online and remote positions, content and copywriters must have a strong understanding of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and related content planning skills. To stand out from the crowd, complete an online SEO course or similar beforehand, as this will help you navigate the often complicated world of online digital marketing.


The average hourly pay is $20.19, with a high of $30.05 and a low of $9.38. While there has been a steady decline in earnings for transcriptionists in recent years partially due to AI replacing these workers, some companies may still be looking for skilled and professional transcriptionists to help them type up recordings and compile documents.

Much of this work will be based on home. While it’s not necessarily a requirement, it’s often important for people interested in this type of role to know the terminology used in each specific project. Projects can range from legal court proceedings to research and interviews, so you will surely be able to learn a lot while working as a transcriptionist.

Again, make sure that you have the necessary hardware to complete the work successfully. This may include a headset, computer, and stable internet connection.

Telehealth Patient Representative

The average hourly pay is $115.14, with a high of $153.85 and a low of $6.73. A November 2022 report found that around 90 percent of Americans accessed or used telehealth services in the year before. Most of these services include doctor appointments, teledentistry, vision appointments, and general health check-ups.

As technology becomes more apparent and medicine increasingly relies on automated systems to help lighten the burden on the system, telehealth services will play an instrumental part in the coming years. Individuals with a history or experience in the medical field, healthcare, or administration could potentially make a pretty penny working as a telehealth patient representative, helping patients book appointments, or answering their questions during consultations.

Average hourly pay: $28.72 per hour, with a high of $42.79 and a low of $15.87 per hour. Those individuals with experience in the legal sector and knowledge regarding the legal system will find that working as a paralegal or a paralegal assistant can still be a rewarding and low-stress job opportunity.

Paralegals help to serve as assistants to lawyers, compiling research for legal cases, helping to draft correspondence, and putting records together. People interested in this job will need to have experience already, and the job description would largely depend on the law firm you may be working for, the type of law practice, and the level of qualifications needed.

Low-stress in-person jobs Pet Sitter

Average hourly pay: $16.05 per hour, with a high of $21.88 and a low of $7.45 per hour. While this might not seem like one of the most glamorous occupations, pet sitters are becoming an everyday essential service for households that require an in-person sitter to care for their pets. Pet sitters usually care for household pets, ranging from dogs, cats, and fish to tortoises or livestock like chickens, ducks, geese, or goats.

Being a pet sitter can sometimes be a challenging experience, as not all pets will behave in a certain way, and you may be required to commute to people’s homes to care for their pets so as not to disturb their environment. Another general requirement would be having experience with domestic animals and being kind and caring for small creatures.

Library Assistant

The average hourly pay is $18.68, with a high of $27.40 and a low of $8.89. Being some of the most visited places in any town or college campus, libraries require a lot of hands to assist with people’s queries, looking up books, restocking shelves, and keeping libraries working as well-oiled machines.

Despite the decline in available library assistant positions in recent years, some communities with working and functioning libraries may often still require the help of those within the area to assist with everyday tasks, such as checking in and out books, helping residents, and potentially hosting events.

Office Clerk

The average hourly pay is $17.30, with a high of $23.56 and a low of $10.58. Have you ever wondered how the more minor and often overlooked tasks in an office are completed? As an office clerk, you will wear many hats, run various errands, and complete various other tasks throughout the day.

From receiving orders, collecting parcels, refilling the printer, stacking reports, and completing other administrative tasks, there is a lot of work that needs to be done around the office, and for people with excellent communication skills and the ability to hold down solid relationships with colleagues, being an office clerk might just be the right fit.

Personal Assistant

The average hourly pay is $23.17, with a high of $40.87 and a low of $10.10. Working as a personal assistant can be a rewarding opportunity for individuals with strong communication, planning, management, and relationship skills. Many companies still hire personal assistants at various levels. However, due to the introduction of technology, it’s imperative to ensure that you have some computer literacy skills before applying to available positions.

Additionally, while being a personal assistant can be considered a low-stress occupation, some positions may be more demanding in terms of both mental and physical capacity. It’s essential to consider these requirements carefully, as you don’t want to find yourself working as a personal assistant who has to do a lot of heavy lifting or physical activity during the day that can negatively affect your health.

Travel Agent

The average hourly pay is $20.64, with a high of $33.89 and a low of $11.78. Despite rising airfares and pricey hotels, Americans plan to travel more this year than in 2023. According to a recent consumer survey, roughly 91 percent of participants planned to travel domestically this year, while four in ten planned to travel even more in 2024 than last year. Approximately 50 percent of consumers plan an international trip sometime this year.

Across the board, American consumers are taking to the seas, skies, and roads in droves, and working as a travel agent could be the perfect time to make a bit of extra income. Those individuals with love for travel and working with people will find this job exciting, fun. They will help you connect with new people each day.

Remember that some jobs may require you to work in person, while some have a more flexible remote and hybrid structure. Additionally, you must have computer literacy skills and the ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.


Average hourly pay: $16.71 per hour, with a high of $22.12 and a low of $10.10 per hour. Front desk receptionists can be considered a low-stress occupation, depending on the type of business or company you’re looking to work for. This job typically involves scheduling, assisting customers, answering calls, and overseeing customer queries.

For this role, you must have excellent personal skills, including communication and relationship building. Additionally, computer literacy skills can be an advantage. However, you will most likely receive some in-house training beforehand, as each business will have its own requirements.

The average hourly pay is $18.81, with a high of $33.41 and a low of $8.41. With the summer travel season approaching, now might be the perfect time to start looking for a low-stress job as a tour guide for your local council. Many tourist destinations, such as museums, monuments, and other historical sites, will employ tour guides to present educational and informative tours.

As a tour guide, you must have great personal skills, a well-liked personality, the ability to convey a message clearly and be an engaging person who can be on your feet for several hours of the day. As a tour guide, stay fit, exercise, drink plenty of water, and brush up on your history and general knowledge as much as possible.

Brick-And-Mortar Store Assistant

The average hourly pay is $14.59, with a high of $16.83 and a low of $10.10. Is there a local store in your town that needs an extra pair of hands during the busy seasons or even over weekends? Perhaps you’ve been looking to incorporate more physical activity into your daily routine without overextending yourself. Being an in-store assistant can be a smart and easy way to combine physical and mental activity, helping you stay sharp and active during your retirement.

As an in-store assistant, you will be responsible for various tasks, depending on each store’s requirements. Some tasks may include assisting customers, helping to check out customers, restocking shelves, and receiving deliveries. These positions are usually very personal, so you have great personal and communication skills and a good work ethic.

Customer Service Representative

The average hourly pay is $18.80, with a high of $26.92 and a low of $9.86. Since the pandemic, many companies have switched to remote work settings for most of their customer service representatives, but a handful of businesses still require these employees to work in-office.

As a customer service representative, you will help callers schedule appointments for various things, including travel doctor bookings, or answer customer queries related to a particular product or service. You will need to be able to multitask occasionally and handle returns, complaints, suggestions, and other administrative tasks.

Jack Of All Trades

The average hourly pay is $28.16, with a high of $66.11 and a low of $7.93. Do you have a unique set of skills that you can potentially monetize? This can include landscaping, carpentry, masonry, steelworking, sewing, seaming, painting, or organizing. Various people often require you to assist them in completing projects either at their homes or at some businesses.

Make sure to have a collection of references for previous work you’ve done to show people your experience. You can create a small website or even a social media account to attract clients. Make sure that whatever your niche may be, you include various prices and delivery times to inform customers about all the work you can do for them.

Being a Jack of all Trades can easily help you generate some extra money on the side while still being able to do something you enjoy without exerting yourself too much.

Final Thoughts

Today, thousands of retirees are working well into their golden years to make some extra money and stay mentally and physically active. There are multiple opportunities for people willing to work in retirement, including remote and in-person jobs that are low-stress and have minimal professional requirements.

Ensure you brush up on the necessary skills for the job you’re looking to apply for and learn to be comfortable working with technology, including smartphones and computers, where possible, as many jobs require these skills.

Additionally, you can refresh your resume to make it look more appealing to those looking to hire. Be sure to include all relevant experience and skills on your resume. By putting yourself out there, being open to learning, and being willing to adapt to an ever-changing labor market, you can find a low-stress job that you can do during retirement.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Lucie Liz; Pexels

Pierre Raymond

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11 Highest-Paying Jobs That Require Zero Experience

High-paying entry-level jobs.

A ccording to a study by The Interview Guys, there are many high-paying jobs available that require zero experience. From nurse practitioners earning a median salary over $110,000 and pharmacists pulling in a median income of $123,000 to math and English teachers, each earning approximately $80,000 annually, there's a great new job waiting for you whether you're just getting started in the job market or looking to make a career switch.  You don't need a college degree to be a police officer or to land one of these great jobs , either.

There's always been a market for stories but never before has the access to both tell and monetize our own stories been so readily available. And there's zero experience required for this potentially high-paying job. Kate Sorensen, the successful blogger behind the sites CouponCravings.com and MomsCravings.com, says she makes over $100,000 a year as an at-home, working mom.


"We have some transcriptionists that make over $50,000 a year that had no experience before they started with us," says Ben Walker, CEO of Transcription Outsourcing, LLC. Of course, as with most jobs, you'll need to learn the skill and it takes time to reach that annual salary but many transcriptionists got there in just about a year.

"One job that can pay very well with no experience is recruitment," notes Taylor, who worked in IT recruitment before becoming a freelance consultant and founder of homeworkingclub.com . "The reason it's sometimes possible to get into this work without experience is that it requires strong sales skills, resilience, and a thick skin—a combination that can be hard to find, and is sometimes more about natural attributes than experience." Being a recruiter often means a commission-based wage with a small salary, but it is possible to turn zero recruitment experience into a high-paying job. These 14 careers could make you a millionaire before you retire .

Remote location dishwasher

Unlike a traditional kitchen, where chefs earn the big bucks, a remote location dishwasher is a high-paying job with no experience needed. "On offshore oil-rigs or remote camps for example, a dishwasher can earn $80,000 or more each year plus benefits," says Michael Alexis, CEO at Team Building Hero. If you're willing to head off to a remote location, there's a lot of money to be made without having technical knowledge or specific industry experience. Looking to switch careers later in life? Here are some cool jobs you could have in the future .

According to Power Home Remodeling, the nation's largest full-service exterior home remodeling company with $700 million in annual revenue, "It is not atypical for first-year sales employees to earn between $100,000 and $185,000 for meeting their annual—and very attainable—goals." The company goes on to state that not only is experience not required for this high-paying entry-level sales job, but a college degree also is not a prerequisite.

Real estate investor and agent

"One of the best-paying jobs that require no previous experience is investing in real estate," per Daniela Andreevska, the marketing director at Mashvisor, a real estate data analytics company. "You can easily start investing in rental properties or other types of real estate after doing some reading and research online and using your common sense," Andreevska says. This is a very intuitive job that could be high-paying and requires zero experience to get started. Roger Maftean, a Career Expert and Content Strategist at Resumelab, shares, "To become a real estate agent you need to have an impeccable appearance and be equipped with the right skills set, including patience, perseverance, and interpersonal skills," but zero experience is required for this high-paying job. Maftean goes on to point out that a successful real estate agent will be, "passionate about working with people, understand their needs, and match these with the right solutions, and knowing basic math and negotiation tactics would come in handy too." It's never too late to start a second career.

Police officer

There is no experience required to be a police officer and because the average starting salary of a police officer is $57,794, according to Ethan Lichtenberg of USInsuranceAgents, it's a solid high-paying job many adults can perform. Lichtenberg says that the need to go through police school is a possible downside for some, but the salary may be worth a little extra education to get a high-paying job.

"Freelance translation was one of the first legitimate online jobs on the market, and to this day the translation industry continues to grow as the world becomes more globalized," according to Darko Jacimovic, co-founder of What To Become. "Anyone who has functional knowledge of two languages can do it. If you have good language skills, you can make a lot of money with translation without any working experience." Find out the 10 best careers to pursue right now.

Online proofreading

You may not have any professional proofreading experience on your resume, but per Martin Luenendonk, co-founder and CEO of Cleverism, if you, "have learned writing structures from the online course like Coursera or Udemy, etc, then you can earn well from providing your proofreading services online." The Cleverest CEO continues, "In proofreading, you don't need to rewrite or create content for someone's book, but you need to give it a last conclusive read to remove an anomaly in text. Ideally, an online proofreader can earn $44,954 to $58,595 annually." Being a freelance online proofreader is just one of many jobs where you can be your own boss.

Air traffic controller

It may come as an uneasy surprise, but, "It's not extensive work experience that matters in becoming an air traffic controller," per Roger Maftean. "From a formal point of view, you need to be under 30 and pass a few examinations, including medical tests, and to make it as an air traffic controller, you must be endowed with unique skills and predispositions, including spatial vision, outstanding stress resistance, ability to work in a team, and quick decision-making." If you qualify, even with zero experience you could land one of the highest-paying jobs out there, with a median annual wage of around $120,000. Read on to learn about the most unusual high-paying jobs.

  • The Interview Guys : "No Experience Needed"
  • Kate Sorensen, the successful blogger behind the sites CouponCravings.com and MomsCravings.com
  • Ben Walker, CEO of Transcription Outsourcing, LLC
  • Taylor, founder of homeworkingclub.com
  • Michael Alexis, CEO at Team Building Hero
  • Power Home Remodeling
  • Daniela Andreevska, marketing director at Mashvisor
  • Roger Maftean, Career Expert and Content Strategist at Resumelab
  • Ethan Lichtenberg of USInsuranceAgents
  • Darko Jacimovic, co-founder of whattobecome.com
  • Martin Luenendonk, co-founder and CEO of Cleverism

The post 11 Highest-Paying Jobs That Require Zero Experience appeared first on Reader's Digest .

cash high paying jobs no experience needed

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Solutions Engineers are responsible for maintaining current knowledge of the expansive Zoom product suite, its features, functionality, and limitations. The SE will be the trusted right hand of the aligned Account Executives. They keep up to date on the entire book of business and all new opportunities.

About the Team

The Solutions Engineering team at Zoom is responsible for designing, developing, and delivering technical solutions. We use the breadth of the expansive Zoom platform to solve customer challenges and improve customer workflows. We collaborate closely with our Sales team in working directly with customers during the pre-sales stage. We work closely with our Customer Success and Technical Account Management teams to ensure customer happiness post-sales. Our SEs are trusted technical advisors who can see creative solutions because of their robust knowledge of the platform.

What we’re looking for

  • 5+ years of technical experience in Collaboration technologies
  • 5+ years in a customer-facing technical sales role
  • Experience with technical discovery
  • Experience leveraging discovery to create, test, document, and present solution recommendations
  • Experience creating, presenting, and documenting technical solutions
  • Experience with voice technology
  • Experience with AI technology
  • Experience with presentations and public speaking

Salary Range or On Target Earnings:

At Zoom, we offer a window of at least 5 days for you to apply because we believe in giving you every opportunity. Below is the potential closing date, just in case you want to mark it on your calendar. We look forward to receiving your application!

Anticipated Position Close Date:

In addition to the base salary and/or OTE listed Zoom has a Total Direct Compensation philosophy that takes into consideration; base salary, bonus and equity value.

Information about Zoom’s benefits is on our careers page here . 

Note: Starting pay will be based on a number of factors and commensurate with qualifications & experience.

We also have a location based compensation structure;  there may be a different range for candidates in this and other locations.

Ways of Working Our structured hybrid approach is centered around our offices and remote work environments. The work style of each role, Hybrid, Remote, or In-Person is indicated in the job description/posting.

Benefits As part of our award-winning workplace culture and commitment to delivering happiness, our benefits program offers a variety of perks, benefits, and options to help employees maintain their physical, mental, emotional, and financial health; support work-life balance; and contribute to their community in meaningful ways. Click Learn for more information.

About Us Zoomies help people stay connected so they can get more done together. We set out to build the best collaboration platform for the enterprise, and today help people communicate better with products like Zoom Contact Center, Zoom Phone, Zoom Events, Zoom Apps, Zoom Rooms, and Zoom Webinars. We’re problem-solvers, working at a fast pace to design solutions with our customers and users in mind. Here, you’ll work across teams to deliver impactful projects that are changing the way people communicate and enjoy opportunities to advance your career in a diverse, inclusive environment.

Our Commitment​ We believe that the unique contributions of all Zoomies is the driver of our success. To make sure that our products and culture continue to incorporate everyone's perspectives and experience we never discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, or marital, veteran, or disability status. Zoom is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and is an affirmative action employer. All your information will be kept confidential according to EEO guidelines.

We welcome people of different backgrounds, experiences, abilities and perspectives including qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records and any qualified applicants requiring reasonable accommodations in accordance with the law. If you need any assistance or accommodations due to a medical condition, or if you need assistance accessing our website or completing the application process, please let us know by emailing us at [email protected] .

Recommended Jobs

Enterprise account executive, ai research scientist, machine learning engineer.

Fraudulent Employment Offers

Zoom is aware of scams that involve fake Zoom job listings posted on third-party sites. Responding applicants are contacted primarily over email, InMail and/or chat applications by people impersonating Zoom employees. Eventually a fake offer letter is sent in exchange for personal identification information as part of a fake new-hire screening process.

Please be advised that these offers, communications and impersonations are illegitimate and fraudulent. All communication with Zoom employees come from an “@zoom.us” email address. Zoom job applicants complete an interview process including in-person (on Zoom) meetings and phone calls. Our process also requires you to create an account with our applicant tracking system, Workday. If you have already completed an application, you can access it here. 

Zoom will never ask for your personally identifying information during the interview process or ask you to pay money or purchase equipment. If you have received a message from Zoom that appears suspicious, please contact [email protected]

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  22. Solutions Engineer

    Solutions EngineerWhat you can expectSolutions Engineers are responsible for maintaining current knowledge of the expansive Zoom product suite, its features, functionality, and limitations. The SE will be the trusted right hand of the aligned Account Executives. They keep up to date on the entire book of business and all new opportunities.About the TeamThe Solutions Engineering team at Zoom is ...

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