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How to Write a Movie Review: 10 Essential Tips

As long as there have been films, there have been film critics. Starting with the early days of cinema, where reviews appeared in newspapers and magazines as brief, descriptive pieces, as filmmaking evolved as an art form, so did the role of the critic. James Agee, André Bazin, and Pauline Kael shaped the discourse around cinema, and today, famous film critics like the iconic Roger Ebert , The New York Times’s A.O. Scott , and The New York Times’s Manohla Dargis continue to leave an indelible mark on the world of cinema.

With the rise of the internet, film criticism now encompasses a wide range of voices and perspectives from around the globe. Sites like Letterboxd make it possible for anyone to write short-form reviews on film. Even stars like The Bear’s Ayo Edebiri have accounts and share opinions on the latest box-office hits.

How to Write a Movie Review

Today, contemporary YouTube and TikTok critics such as Red Letter Media , deepfocuslens , and DoMo Draper don’t just write film reviews, they shoot videos and skits. Through their creative formats, they offer refreshing and unique perspectives while building communities of diehard film and television enthusiasts. Whether you choose to write reviews for your own blog, other websites, or social media channels, by learning how to write a movie review, any aspiring filmmaker can start to watch films intentionally. 

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TikTok film critic “DoMo Draper” provides commentary on new and old films, often calling out racism, social injustice, misogyny, and prejudice.

While there’s no perfect approach to writing a review, there are best practices that every aspiring reviewer should consider.

Here are ten tips on writing a compelling piece.

1. Watch the film at least once.

For new reviewers, it’s impossible to capture everything after one viewing. Watching the film first, then watching to take notes, is an easy way to improve the quality of your final review. This will also make it easy to recall in-the-moment thoughts and reactions.

how to write a movie review

Take a review by Christian Blauvelt of Charlie Chaplin’s silent film The Circus , for example. Since the film does not have sound, properly critiquing the film requires close attention. Viewers have to pay attention to the various nuances in Chaplin’s performance, follow the story, and take in the cinematography. Regarding The Circus , Blauvelt writes, “The film lacks a conventional plot, but is rather a pearl necklace of strung-together episodes. ” The statement isn’t a criticism, but a keen observation likely gleaned from more than one viewing. 

So while every film reviewer has their own approach, many choose to watch a film more than once to deliver the best possible review. Image The Criterion Collection.

2. Express your opinions and support your criticism.

Professional reviewers do not shy away from sharing whether they thought a movie was good, bad, or indifferent. In a review for the film Mother!, reviewer Candice Frederick describes the film as “uncomfortable,” and “controversial,” helping viewers understand the tone of the movie. While Frederick seemed to enjoy the film, her honesty about how it would make audiences feel was vital in writing the review.

Be sure to back up these thoughts with specifics–a disappointing performance, beautiful cinematography, difficult material that leaves you thinking, and so on. Professional reviewers should express why and how they came to their criticism.

3. Consider your audience.

Are you writing for a fan site or a news outlet? Who will read your pieces, and what are their interests? Knowing who your readers are and where the review will be published can help you decide what elements of the movie to highlight. For example, take these two very different reviews for the film ‘Synecdoche, New York’.  

how to write a movie review

The first review was written by Alonso Duralde for The Today Show , and clocks in at around 500 words. The film focuses on the bullet points: characters, plot, and a concise review. The second review is over 3,000 words and published on the Critical Critics blog . This review goes into massive depth (and yes, includes spoilers) about the film, providing an incredible amount of analysis. The first review is tailored for the casual filmgoer, while the second is for cinephiles. Each review serves a different purpose.

It’s also a good idea to adjust your writing style to fit the target audience. For example, Alonso Duralde is a talented film reviewer and likely wrote the review to fit the tone of The Today Show site. Image via Director’s Library.

4. Talk about the acting.

When reviewing a film, it’s important to take space to discuss the performances. Does the film feature a seasoned actor in a new kind of role or a brilliant performance from a rising star? How was the acting? In a review by Brett Milam for the award-winning film Whiplash , he goes into rich detail about performances by both breakthrough actor Miles Teller and seasoned professional JK Simmons.

Regarding Teller, Milam writes, “This is a performance. This is art,” and about Simmons, “I found him fascinating to just look at.” Those are just small examples of the analysis he provides regarding their acting. As the film mostly focuses on the relationship between their two characters, Miles as the protagonist and JK as the antagonist, the review of the performances lends well to the plot of the film: student and teacher going head to head in an intense and determined showdown. 

Feedback about how well the actors handled the script, the dynamics in an ensemble, and so much more can help describe how the actors did in any given film.

5. Call out directors, cinematographers, and special effects.

Reviews that include highlights or missteps of directors, cinematographers, and costume designers can help provide support to your critiques. By providing specific examples of what worked, what surprised you, and what fell short of expectations, reviewers can write a well-thought-out review that goes beyond whether or not you liked it.

how to write a movie review

In a review for A Wrinkle in Time , Monique Jones artfully crafts a piece that diplomatically cites the missteps of the film. From analyzing the quality of the CGI to the camera techniques to inconsistencies in the rules of the fantasy universe, Jones fairly offers a critique that guides the filmmakers and crew on future endeavors. To write this type of review, it helps to have some knowledge of the filmmaking process so you can properly assess the screenwriting, cinematography, special effects, acting, and more. Image via Disney.

6. No spoilers!

The point of writing a movie review is to get people interested in seeing a movie. That’s why it’s absolutely best practice to not reveal spoilers in a film review. Film reviewer Robert Daniels approaches this creatively. In his review of Annihilation , he provides commentary on what would be considered spoilers. However, he places that part of the review at the bottom of the article under a bold header/image that warns the reader he’s about to spoil the film. For reviewers who want to dissect the entire film, this is a good way to both tease the film for anyone who hasn’t seen it and cater to people who want to know what the ending is.

Remember: the goal of any film review is to discuss the plot without revealing any twists or the ending of the film. 

7. Study the professionals.

As with all writing endeavors, the more you read, the better. However, with the modern landscape of film reviewing, which can go beyond writing and extend to content creation for social media platforms, there are a ton of reviewers to take notes from. First, determine what kind of reviewer you want to be, and what kind of medium you plan to deliver your reviews on. If you plan to post to Medium, for example, studying the reviewers already established on the site can be a great starting point.

Then, read film reviews for some of your favorite films. Determine which style of review you like and don’t like. Question why, and use your critical eye to consider why one reviewer has a hundred thousand followers and another only has two. If you’re looking to be featured on a website or a magazine, read the publications where you’d like your writing to appear as a template for your reviews, and don’t forget to read the submission guidelines. A few examples of film review professionals include Rotten Tomatoes , Roger Ebert , and Film Comment. 

8. Reread, rewrite, and edit.

While writing film critique is based on opinion, and follows the style of the reviewer, it’s still important to edit work. Writers should check for spelling, grammar, and readability. No matter how good a writer’s opinions are, they will not be taken seriously if the director’s name isn’t spelled correctly. Tools such as Grammarly and Hemingway Editor can be great for correcting and finding areas that need improvement. 

9. Find your voice.

The best reviewers have a distinct personality that comes across in their writing. Los Angeles Times film reviewer Carlos Aguilar wrote an impassioned piece about the film Beatriz at Dinner , going into a lot of detail about his experiences working in the film industry and his Mexican heritage. By sharing anecdotes about casual racism he’s experienced and connecting it to the film’s protagonist, and what she goes through, the review feels personal and relatable.

how to write a movie review

“If at a film festival – to which I’ve gotten access to because I’m a published writer – in a progressive city like Los Angeles, I must keep my guard up when people question my right to be there, then how are the voiceless supposed to feel safe, respected, or hopeful?” Aguilar writes. 

For new reviewers, developing this type of unique voice does not happen overnight, so take every opportunity to write as an opportunity to develop your style. Image via BBC.

10. Know your taste.

As a film reviewer, it can be helpful to identify your taste in film. By knowing specific preferences, strengths, and biases, reviewers can offer nuanced critiques that resonate with audiences and provide valuable guidance on which films they might enjoy. Additionally, it helps to maintain credibility and integrity as a reviewer by ensuring that assessments are authentic and reflective of personal cinematic sensibilities.

Try to explore various genres, directors, and themes to understand what resonates emotionally, intellectually, and aesthetically. Pay attention to the types of stories that engage you, which can help define your preferences.

Learn More About Filmmaking at NYFA

Film students with writing experience actually make great reviewers, as many of them are required to study a range of topics relating to film that can include cinematography, screenwriting, producing, and much more. Ready to build even more skills in filmmaking? Request more information about New York Film Academy’s filmmaking programs and workshops today!

17 Best College Movies That Capture the Drama of Campus Life

movie review for college students

By Skyli Alvarez

Selena Gomez in Spring Breakers smiling

Though the best college movies are less ridden with teenage angst, detentions, and school dances than their high school counterparts , they’re equally compelling and full of adversity. Coming of age does not, in fact, magically end the day one graduates from 12th grade. It continues well into college, as young people leave the familiarity of lunch-break cliques and football Friday night lights for real life.

Films set in uni reveal to us what exactly happens to our beloved high school protagonists as they prepare for adulthood and the working world. From the cult classic Legally Blonde to the more recent Shiva Baby , we’ve compiled 17 of our favorite films that encapsulate the joys, tears, and theatrics of life in college.

Below, check out the best college movies to get you settled into campus life.

Legally Blonde (2001)

In our books, this early-aughts rom-com is the quintessential college movie, and it needs little introduction. But as a refresher, after being broken up with, Elle Woods trades in her title of sorority sister for Ivy League-er, determined to win her boyfriend back by studying at Harvard Law School. Woods, portrayed by Reese Witherspoon, brings couture to the courtroom, and her pink wardrobe inspires endless Halloween costumes and celebrity looks to this day.

Where to stream: Netflix

Everybody Wants Some!! (2016)

The unofficial sequel to Dazed and Confused , this spirited film embraces ‘80s nostalgia. As the beginning of the semester looms ahead, members of a college baseball team move into an off-campus house together and disregard their coach’s rules from the start. From hosting parties to costumed bar-hopping, the gang of college boys relish in their last few carefree moments of summer.

Where to stream: Amazon Prime Video

Kill Your Darlings (2013)

A somewhat-mythologized retelling of the Beat Generation’s beginnings in New York, Kill Your Darlings is as restless as its characters’ artistic output. It follows a young Allen Ginsberg (Daniel Radcliffe), after he arrives at Columbia University as a freshman and is quickly drawn into the creative circle of Lucien Carr (Dane DeHaan). From here, they descend into nitrous oxide-induced debauchery and feverish poetry sessions. The film offers complex queer overtones and a look into a group of young people dissatisfied with tradition, in search of new modes of expression.

Where to stream: Amazon Prime Video, YouTube

Dear White People (2014)

By means of radio show, media arts major Samantha White (Tessa Thompson) directly confronts the racial tensions at her predominantly-white Ivy League school. Throughout the film, such strains are explored through the perspectives of various Black students, including queer journalist Lionel Higgins (Tyler James Williams) and White’s ex, Troy Fairbanks (Brandon P. Bell), offering a multifaceted look at the very real issue of diversity on campus.

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Where to stream: Peacock

Spring Breakers (2012)

Directed by Harmony Korine, the fever dream of a film navigates a quad of college freshman-girls-gone-Florida after they rob a restaurant to fund their spring break. Set against a near-exclusive soundtrack of Skrillex, Disney veterans Vanessa Hudgens and Selena Gomez star as Candy and Faith, alongside Ashley Benson as Brit and Rachel Korine as Cotty. The comedy crime film is not all pink ski masks and neon bikinis in the Sunshine State, however, as the consequences of their actions catch up to them (as does Alien, a culture vulture rapper-wannabe, portrayed by James Franco).

Where to stream: Max, Hulu

Whiplash (2014)

Welcome to the prestigious Shaffer Conservatory Studio Band: what any incoming college student’s nightmares are made of. Whiplash takes its turn with the trope of the obsessed artist, in the form of freshman and jazz drummer Andrew Neiman (Miles Teller). The deeply-ambitious musician is admitted into the band and subject to conductor Terence Fletcher (J.K. Simmons), whose teaching style relies more heavily on verbal abuse than it does on constructive critique. As viewers are trapped by a sense of perpetual anticipation for the moment Neiman breaks, the film’s tight editing and pacing leave them with the very feeling captured in its title.

Scream 2 (1997)

When college assignments pile up and deadlines quickly approach, just be thankful you do not have a killer on the loose to add to your list of things to deal with. Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell) and Ghostface return in this sequel, as college students begin showing up dead and a sorority house party that Prescott attends turns into a crime scene.

Where to stream: Paramount+

Mistress America (2015)

When Tracy (Lola Kirke), a lonesome freshman at Barnard, meets her polar-opposite step-sister-to-be Brooke (Greta Gerwig), the former is instantly fascinated by the latter’s carefree, drifter lifestyle. Tracy aspires to be a writer, Brooke schemes up a restaurant-hair-salon concept, and although their relationship begins to unravel, the pair are able to learn from one another’s shortcomings in this openly candid dramedy.

The Social Network (2010)

From documenting the college acceptance process via TikTok to discreetly curating Instagram stories to entice a crush, social media plays a pivotal role in the lives of college-age people more than ever, and this biographical drama illustrates the messy beginnings of the platform that changed the game: Facebook. It depicts Mark Zuckerberg’s undergrad studies at – and probation from – Harvard, the various social websites he collaborates on, and the legal troubles they spurred.

Mary and the Witch's Flower (2017)

Nestled deep within the clouds is Endor College, a school for witches that’s accessible exclusively via broomstick. Bored with her new life after moving, protagonist Mary Smith wanders off her great aunt’s estate and finds herself whisked away to the campus, only to become aware of the sinister experiments it has secretly kept underway. Though very far from your typical university and college experience, this animated fantasy centers on self-discovery as its driving theme.

Shiva Baby (2020)

As college students near graduation, the onslaught of unwarranted questions surrounding career paths, academic performance, and long-term goals thrown at them only increases. Senior Danielle, portrayed by Rachel Sennott, finds herself amidst such conversations at a chaotic post-funeral service. Here, she has accidental run-ins with her ex-girlfriend, her sugar daddy, and his family. Absurdly discomforting and humorous, Shiva Baby paints a picture of a woman in between college, real life, and adulthood.

Maurice (1987)

Based on the E.M. Forster book, this film follows Maurice Hall (James Wilby) as he navigates his sexual identity in Edwardian England. While attending the University of Cambridge in 1909, Hall befriends fellow classmate Clive Durham (Hugh Grant), and as their relationship deepens, they’re subject to choose whether or not to risk class standings for the sake of their sexualities. The period piece was released amidst the AIDS crisis in the ‘80s and is among queer movie staples .

Despite drawing in criticism and investigations , college hazing continues to play a substantial role in college and Greek life, and Raw depicts the effects of such initiations at a nightmarish extreme. While lifelong vegetarian Justine (Garance Marillier) takes on vet school, the rituals she and other freshmen undergo during their first week at college leaves her thirsting for raw meat. Hallucinatory and full of tension, the woman-directed horror film utilizes this overwhelming craving of hers to drive the plot and its exploration of the anxieties faced when trying to fit in.

Sh*thouse (2020)

Despite its title, Cooper Raiff’s directorial debut is anything but. Alex, played by Raiff himself, grapples with homesickness and solitude as he enters college, going so far as to lie about his social and romantic life to his family back at home. His outlooks eventually begin to change after he leaves his shell, falls in and out of love, and this tender movie can resonate with any college student who’s felt misplaced after moving far away from familiarity.

Pitch Perfect (2012)

Love it or hate it, Pitch Perfect passes the Bechdel Test and offers a musical spin on the underdog tale. When Beca Mitchell (Anna Kendrick) arrives at college, she aspires to become a DJ and reluctantly winds up in her university’s womens a cappella group, helping it rise to success and redeem itself in an annual musical competition. Whether you’re an a cappella enthusiast or not, you can’t deny that " Cups " was a mid-2010s cultural reset.

Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022)

In this Gen Z take on the whodunit genre, a group of wealthy college-age (for the most part) people seek refuge in a mansion party amidst a hurricane. Sophie (Amandla Stenberg), David (Pete Davidson), and others fill the estate with drinking, dancing, and a party game gone deeply foul. This ironic dark comedy examines privilege in an age of social media buzzwords, performativity, and woke-washing .

Where to stream: Hulu

Good Will Hunting (1997)

What would a roundup of college movies be without mentioning this critically-acclaimed drama? 20-year-old Will Hunting (Matt Damon) lacks drive but possesses great potential and intellect, encouraged by four friends who try to get him on track. Only when Hunting at last acknowledges and begins to unpack his deeply-rooted pains is he able to move on and pursue his life.

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The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Film Review: Structure and Format for Students

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  • October 5, 2023

movie review for college students

I. Introduction II. What is a Film Review? III. Importance of writing a Film Review IV. Structure and Format of a Film Review A. Introduction B. Summary and Synopsis C. Analysis and Evaluation D. Conclusion V. Tips for writing an Effective Film Review A. Watch the Film Multiple Times B. Take Notes and Analyze the Film C. Consider the Target Audience D. Use Proper Film Terminology E. Ensure a Balanced Review VI. Common Mistakes to Avoid A. Spoiling the Plot B. Biased Opinions C. Lack of Supporting Evidence D. Grammatical and Spelling Errors VII. Conclusion VIII. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I. Introduction

writing a film review can be both an enjoyable and educational experience, allowing students to analyze and critically evaluate a movie. This guide aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the structure and format of a film review. By following the suggested guidelines and tips in this article, students will be equipped to write well-structured and informative film reviews.

II. What is a Film Review?

A film review is a written analysis and evaluation of a movie. IT serves as a critical assessment of various elements, including the plot, characters, cinematography, directing, sound design, and overall impact of the film. Film reviews offer readers insights into the quality, themes, and messages conveyed by the movie, helping them decide whether IT is worth watching.

III. Importance of writing a Film Review

writing a film review goes beyond simply expressing personal opinions about a movie. IT enables students to develop their analytical and critical thinking skills by evaluating different aspects of the film. Additionally, film reviews play a crucial role in helping others make informed decisions about whether or not to watch a particular film. As a student, writing film reviews can also contribute to building your portfolio or improve your chances of pursuing a career in film criticism or journalism.

IV. Structure and Format of a Film Review

A well-structured film review ensures clarity and coherence in conveying your thoughts and opinions. The following sections provide a recommended framework for writing an effective film review:

A. Introduction

The introduction should grab the reader’s attention and provide essential information about the film. Start by mentioning the film’s title, director, main actors, and release year. Include a concise summary that sets the context for the review while avoiding spoilers.

B. Summary and Synopsis

In this section, provide a brief overview of the plot without giving away crucial details. Focus on the main themes, conflicts, and events that shape the narrative. Make sure to maintain an objective tone and avoid personal bias.

C. Analysis and Evaluation

The analysis and evaluation section is the heart of the film review. Here, you will delve deeper into the film’s various aspects, such as cinematography, acting, screenplay, and sound design. Analyze the effectiveness of these elements in conveying the film’s intended message or engaging the audience emotionally. Support your opinions with specific examples or scenes from the film.

D. Conclusion

The conclusion serves as a summary of your overall assessment of the film. Reiterate the key points discussed in the analysis and evaluation section, highlighting the film’s strengths and weaknesses. Offer your final verdict or recommendation, based on whether you believe the film is worth watching.

V. Tips for writing an Effective Film Review

To enhance your film review writing skills, consider the following tips:

A. Watch the Film Multiple Times

Deep understanding of a film requires multiple viewings. Pay attention to details you might have missed initially and analyze the film from different perspectives.

B. Take Notes and Analyze the Film

While watching the film, take notes on significant scenes, character development, and any thoughts or emotions IT evokes. Use these notes to guide your analysis and evaluation later.

C. Consider the Target Audience

Identify the target audience of the film and consider if IT effectively appeals to them. Explore whether the film successfully fulfills its genre conventions or intended purpose.

D. Use Proper Film Terminology

Utilize film-specific terminology such as mise-en-scène, cinematography, or narrative structure to showcase your understanding of film analysis. However, make sure to define and explain these terms concisely for readers who may not have a film background.

E. Ensure a Balanced Review

While IT is essential to express your personal opinions, maintain a balanced perspective by incorporating objective analysis. Be fair and back up your claims with evidence from the film.

VI. Common Mistakes to Avoid

When writing a film review, be mindful of the following common mistakes:

A. Spoiling the Plot

Avoid revealing essential plot points or twists that may spoil the viewing experience for potential readers. Focus on providing a general overview without disclosing critical surprises.

B. Biased Opinions

While personal opinions hold value in a film review, ensure that IT does not overshadow the objective analysis of the film’s various elements. Give fair consideration to both positive and negative aspects.

C. Lack of Supporting Evidence

When critiquing the film, always support your opinions with evidence. Refer to specific scenes, dialogue, or techniques to justify your evaluation.

D. Grammatical and Spelling Errors

Proofread your review for grammatical and spelling errors. These errors can negatively impact the credibility of your analysis and distract readers’ attention from your main points.

VII. Conclusion

writing a film review provides an opportunity for students to develop critical thinking skills while expressing their thoughts and opinions. By adhering to the suggested structure and format, and following the tips mentioned, students can effectively craft well-rounded film reviews that help inform others’ film choices.

VIII. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How long should a film review be? A1. Film reviews can vary in length, but aim for a word count between 400-800 words, depending on the requirements set by your instructor or publication.

Q2. Can I include spoilers in a film review? A2. IT is advisable to avoid spoilers in film reviews to maintain the viewers’ enjoyment and surprise factor. Focus on providing a general overview without revealing key plot points.

Q3. Are film reviews subjective? A3. While film reviews often include subjective opinions, they should also incorporate objective analysis of various elements like acting, cinematography, and storytelling.

Q4. Can a negative film review be beneficial? A4. Yes, negative film reviews convey honest assessments and constructive criticism. However, ensure that your critique is fair and backed by proper analysis and evidence.

Q5. Is IT necessary to watch the film multiple times? A5. Watching the film multiple times allows for a more comprehensive analysis, as IT helps identify subtle details, thematic cues, and character development that may have been missed initially.

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How to Write a Movie Review

Last Updated: May 13, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Marissa Levis . Marissa Levis is an English Teacher in the Morris County Vocational School District. She previously worked as an English director at a tutoring center that caters to students in elementary and middle school. She is an expert in creating a curriculum that helps students advance their skills in secondary-level English, focusing on MLA formatting, reading comprehension, writing skills, editing and proofreading, literary analysis, standardized test preparation, and journalism topics. Marissa received her Master of Arts in Teaching from Fairleigh Dickinson University. There are 14 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 5,619,991 times.

Whether a movie is a rotten tomato or a brilliant work of art, if people are watching it, it's worth critiquing. A decent movie review should entertain, persuade and inform, providing an original opinion without giving away too much of the plot. A great movie review can be a work of art in its own right. Read on to learn how to analyze a movie like a professional film critic, come up with an interesting thesis, and write a review as entertaining as your source material.

Sample Movie Reviews

movie review for college students

Writing an Intro for a Movie Review

Step 1 Start with a compelling fact, quote, or opinion on the movie.

  • Comparison to Relevant Event or Movie: "Every day, our leaders, politicians, and pundits call for "revenge"– against terrorist groups, against international rivals, against other political parties. But few of them understand the cold, destructive, and ultimately hollow thrill of revenge as well as the characters of Blue Ruin. "
  • Review in a nutshell: "Despite a compelling lead performance by Tom Hanks and a great soundtrack, Forrest Gump never gets out of the shadow of its weak plot and questionable premise."
  • Context or Background Information: " Boyhood might be the first movie made where knowing how it was produced–slowly, over 12 years, with the same actors–is just as crucial as the movie itself."

Step 2 Give a clear, well-established opinion early on.

  • Using stars, a score out of 10 or 100, or the simple thumbs-up and thumbs-down is a quick way to give your thoughts. You then write about why you chose that rating.
  • Great Movie: ABC is the rare movie that succeeds on almost every level, where each character, scene, costume, and joke firing on all cylinders to make a film worth repeated viewings."
  • Bad Movie: "It doesn't matter how much you enjoy kung-fu and karate films: with 47 Ronin, you're better off saving your money, your popcorn, and time."
  • Okay Movie: "I loved the wildly uneven Interstellar far more than I should have, but that doesn't mean it is perfect. Ultimately, the utter awe and spectacle of space swept me through the admittedly heavy-handed plotting and dialogue."

Step 3 Support your opinions with evidence from specific scenes.

  • Great: "Michael B. Jordan and Octavia Spencer's chemistry would carry Fruitvale Station even if the script wasn't as good. The mid-movie prison scene in particular, where the camera never leaves their faces, shows how much they can convey with nothing but their eyelids, the flashing tension of neck muscles, and a barely cracking voice."
  • Bad: " Jurassic World's biggest flaw, a complete lack of relatable female characters, is only further underscored by a laughably unrealistic shot of our heroine running away from a dinosaur – in heels."
  • Okay: "At the end of the day, Snowpiercer can't decide what kind of movie it wants to be. The attention to detail in fight scenes, where every weapon, lightbulb, and slick patch of ground is accounted for, doesn't translate to an ending that seems powerful but ultimately says little of substance."

Step 4 Create an original...

  • Does the film reflect on a current event or contemporary issue? It could be the director's way of engaging in a bigger conversation. Look for ways to relate the content of the film to the "real" world.
  • Does the film seem to have a message, or does it attempt to elicit a specific response or emotion from the audience? You could discuss whether or not it achieves its own goals.
  • Does the film connect with you on a personal level? You could write a review stemming from your own feelings and weave in some personal stories to make it interesting for your readers.

Composing Your Review

Step 1 Follow your thesis paragraph with a short plot summary.

  • When you name characters in your plot summary, list the actors' names directly afterward in parenthesis.
  • Find a place to mention the director's name and the full movie title.
  • If you feel you must discuss information that might "spoil" things for readers, warn them first.

Step 2 Start to talk about the film’s technical and artistic choices.

  • Cinematography: " Her is a world drenched in color, using bright, soft reds and oranges alongside calming whites and grays that both build, and slowly strip away, the feelings of love between the protagonists. Every frame feels like a painting worth sitting in."
  • Tone: "Despite the insane loneliness and high stakes of being stuck alone on Mars, The Martian's witty script keeps humor and excitement alive in every scene. Space may be dangerous and scary, but the joy of scientific discovery is intoxicating."
  • Music and Sound: " No Country For Old Men's bold decision to skip music entirely pays off in spades. The eerie silence of the desert, punctuated by the brief spells of violent, up-close-and-personal sound effects of hunter and hunted, keeps you constantly on the edge of your seat."
  • Acting: "While he's fantastic whenever he's on the move, using his cool stoicism to counteract the rampaging bus, Keanu Reeves can't quite match his costar in the quiet moments of Speed, which falter under his expressionless gaze."

Step 3 Move into your...

  • Keep your writing clear and easy to understand. Don't use too much technical filmmaking jargon, and make your language crisp and accessible.
  • Present both the facts and your opinion. For example, you might state something such as, "The Baroque background music was a jarring contrast to the 20th century setting." This is a lot more informative then simply saying, "The music was a strange choice for the movie."

Step 4 Use plenty of examples to back up your points.

  • Great: "In the end, even the characters of Blue Ruin know how pointless their feud is. But revenge, much like every taut minute of this thriller, is far too addictive to give up until the bitter end.""
  • Bad: "Much like the oft-mentioned "box of chocolates", Forest Gump has a couple of good little morsels. But most of the scenes, too sweet by half, should have been in the trash long before this movie was put out."
  • Okay: "Without the novel, even revolutionary concept, Boyhood may not be a great movie. It might not even be "good.” But the power the film finds in the beauty of passing time and little, inconsequential moments – moments that could only be captured over 12 years of shooting – make Linklater's latest an essential film for anyone interested in the art of film."

Polishing Your Piece

Step 1 Edit your review.

  • Ask yourself whether your review stayed true to your thesis. Did your conclusion tie back in with the initial ideas you proposed?
  • Decide whether your review contains enough details about the movie. You may need to go back and add more description here and there to give readers a better sense of what the movie's about.
  • Decide whether your review is interesting enough as a stand-alone piece of writing. Did you contribute something original to this discussion? What will readers gain from reading your review that they couldn't from simply watching the movie?

Step 2 Proofread your review.

Studying Your Source Material

Step 1 Gather basic facts about the movie.

  • The title of the film, and the year it came out.
  • The director's name.
  • The names of the lead actors.

Step 2 Take notes on the movie as you watch it.

  • Make a note every time something sticks out to you, whether it's good or bad. This could be costuming, makeup, set design, music, etc. Think about how this detail relates to the rest of the movie and what it means in the context of your review.
  • Take note of patterns you begin to notice as the movie unfolds.
  • Use the pause button frequently so you make sure not to miss anything, and rewind as necessary.

Step 3 Analyze the mechanics of the movie.

  • Direction: Consider the director and how he or she choose to portray/explain the events in the story. If the movie was slow, or didn't include things you thought were necessary, you can attribute this to the director. If you've seen other movies directed by the same person, compare them and determine which you like the most.
  • Cinematography: What techniques were used to film the movie? What setting and background elements helped to create a certain tone?
  • Writing: Evaluate the script, including dialogue and characterization. Did you feel like the plot was inventive and unpredictable or boring and weak? Did the characters' words seem credible to you?
  • Editing: Was the movie choppy or did it flow smoothly from scene to scene? Did they incorporate a montage to help build the story? And was this obstructive to the narrative or did it help it? Did they use long cuts to help accentuate an actor's acting ability or many reaction shots to show a group's reaction to an event or dialogue? If visual effects were used were the plates well-chosen and were the composited effects part of a seamless experience? (Whether the effects looked realistic or not is not the jurisdiction of an editor, however, they do choose the footage to be sent off to the compositors, so this could still affect the film.)
  • Costume design: Did the clothing choices fit the style of the movie? Did they contribute to the overall tone, rather than digressing from it?
  • Set design: Consider how the setting of the film influenced its other elements. Did it add or subtract from the experience for you? If the movie was filmed in a real place, was this location well-chosen?
  • Score or soundtrack: Did it work with the scenes? Was it over/under-used? Was it suspenseful? Amusing? Irritating? A soundtrack can make or break a movie, especially if the songs have a particular message or meaning to them.

Step 4 Watch it one more time.

Expert Q&A

Marissa Levis

  • If you don't like the movie, don't be abusive and mean. If possible, avoid watching the movies that you would surely hate. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Understand that just because the movie isn't to your taste, that doesn't mean you should give it a bad review. A good reviewer helps people find movie's they will like. Since you don't have the same taste in movies as everyone else, you need to be able to tell people if they will enjoy the movie, even if you didn't. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Structure is very important; try categorizing the different parts of the film and commenting on each of those individually. Deciding how good each thing is will help you come to a more accurate conclusion. For example, things like acting, special effects, cinematography, think about how good each of those are. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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  • ↑ https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/subject_specific_writing/writing_in_literature/writing_about_film/terminology_and_starting_prompts.html
  • ↑ https://www.spiritofbaraka.com/how-write-a-movie-review
  • ↑ https://www.nyfa.edu/student-resources/9-tips-for-writing-a-film-review/
  • ↑ https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/writing-help/top-tips-for-writing-a-review
  • ↑ https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/summary-using-it-wisely/
  • ↑ https://twp.duke.edu/sites/twp.duke.edu/files/file-attachments/film-review-1.original.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.dailywritingtips.com/7-tips-for-writing-a-film-review/
  • ↑ https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/subject_specific_writing/writing_in_literature/writing_about_film/film_writing_sample_analysis.html
  • ↑ https://learning.hccs.edu/faculty/onnyx.bei/dual-credit/movie-review-writing-guide
  • ↑ https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/conclusions/
  • ↑ https://www.grammarly.com/blog/how-to-write-a-movie-review/
  • ↑ https://gustavus.edu/writingcenter/handoutdocs/editing_proofreading.php
  • ↑ https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/editing-and-proofreading/
  • ↑ https://edusson.com/blog/how-to-write-movie-review

About This Article

Marissa Levis

To write a movie review, start with a compelling fact or opinion to hook your readers, like "Despite a great performance by Tom Hanks, Forrest Gump never overcomes its weak plot." Then, elaborate on your opinion of the movie right off the bat so readers know where you stand. Once your opinion is clear, provide examples from the movie that prove your point, like specific scenes, dialogue, songs, or camera shots. To learn how to study a film closely before you write a review, scroll down! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Film&Movie Review Examples and Samples

Reviewing films can seem fun, but it actually takes discipline to explain all the elements of a film and to express your opinion succinctly. Check out our film review samples to gain a better understanding of how to write one yourself.

How to Write a Movie Review: A Comprehensive Guide

Writing a movie review is an engaging process that combines film criticism, analysis, and personal opinion to create an informative and thought-provoking piece. A well-crafted review not only serves as a helpful guide for potential viewers but also deepens our understanding of the cinematic experience. In this article, we will explore the essentials of review writing, focusing on crucial elements such as plot summary, thesis, opinion, characters, cinematography, and more.

Start with a Plot Summary

Begin your movie review with a brief synopsis, offering an overview of the film’s storyline. This recap should be concise and engaging, giving readers a general idea of the movie’s premise without revealing too much. For a more structured approach, consider using an AI literature review generator to help you summarize key points efficiently. Remember that your summary sets the stage for the critique and analysis that follow.

Develop a Thesis

Your thesis is the central idea or argument that you will explore in your movie review. This main point should be clear and focused, serving as the backbone of your critique. Consider what themes or aspects of the film stood out to you, and build your thesis around these observations.

Express Your Opinion

A significant aspect of writing a movie review is sharing your personal viewpoint or perspective. Offer your judgment on the film’s strengths and weaknesses, providing specific examples from the movie to support your appraisal. Be honest and thoughtful in your assessment, considering both your own preferences and the film’s intended audience.

Analyze the Characters

Discuss the film’s characters, examining their roles, personas, and the actors’ performances. Consider how the cast contributes to the overall narrative and whether their portrayals are convincing and memorable. Analyze the characters’ development throughout the movie, as well as the relationships between them.

Examine the Cinematography

Cinematography plays a crucial role in a film’s visual style and storytelling. Delve into the camera work, lighting, photography, and framing, evaluating how these elements enhance or detract from the movie’s overall impact. Consider how the cinematography supports the film’s themes and emotions.

Conduct a Thorough Analysis

A comprehensive movie review requires a detailed examination of various aspects of the film. Study the director’s choices, the music and sound design, and the technical elements such as craftsmanship and artistry. This thorough scrutiny will help you provide a well-rounded critique that captures the essence of the movie.

Discuss the Director’s Role

The director is the creative force behind a film, responsible for shaping its vision and execution. Analyze the director’s choices, considering their impact on the film’s storytelling, pacing, and overall atmosphere. Reflect on the director’s previous work, if applicable, and how this film fits into their oeuvre.

Evaluate Music and Sound

Music and sound play an essential role in creating a film’s mood and atmosphere. Examine the soundtrack, score, and audio design, considering how these elements contribute to the movie’s overall experience. Discuss the effectiveness of the composition, melody, and soundscapes in enhancing the narrative.

Assess Technical Aspects 

Review the technical aspects of the film, such as the expertise and proficiency of the crew, the quality of the special effects, and the overall production value. Analyze how these elements contribute to the film’s success or shortcomings, and whether they support the movie’s themes and narrative.

Evaluate the Acting 

Analyze the actors’ performances, considering their delivery, expression, and interpretation of their roles. Discuss whether the acting feels authentic and engaging, and how it contributes to the film’s overall impact. Pay attention to standout performances or any instances where the acting may have detracted from the movie’s overall quality.

In summary, writing a movie review involves a careful balance of plot summary, thesis development, opinion sharing, and thorough analysis of various aspects of the film, including characters, cinematography, directorial choices, music and sound, and technical elements. By considering all these factors and incorporating the appropriate keyword density and LSI keywords organically throughout your review, you can create an engaging, informative, and well-rounded critique that will appeal to readers and enhance their appreciation for the film. Remember to be honest and thoughtful in your assessment, and most importantly, enjoy the process of delving into the world of cinema.

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Writing a movie review: Small guide for college students

A good movie review is a well-balanced combination of personal opinion and objective analysis. One should pursue both creative and analytical approaches while working on it. Even though a review doesn’t have to be long, the preparatory work for technical and thematic interpretation of the movie may take a few days. This is a time-consuming process that consists of a few stages described in this guide. But before getting down to it, consider the main purpose of your review.

The goal of writing any film review is quite complex as it includes a few functions. First of all, your work must inform the readers about movie content so they can decide if the plot matches their interests. The next function of your review is informative, so you have to provide an analysis of its technical elements. Then, convince your readers that your interpretation is correct by using the power of persuasion. Finally, remember that people need to be entertained while reading your review, hence, make it catchy and exciting. Remember that nobody likes boring lists of pros and cons!

Film analysis based on free essay examples

After you’ve watched the movie at least twice, take notes of the most important points. Additionally, you can carry out research and jot down more details about the plot, locations, or even the events that inspired filmmakers to create the movie. Collecting more information is a way to add depth to your review. Judging from the examples of film analysis provided by https://gradesfixer.com/free-essay-examples/film-analysis/ , the picture must be evaluated from the very beginning to an end. In other words, you shouldn’t skip any parts of the plot even if they seem confusing to you. Instead, re-watch the film if necessary and make sure you understand everything that happened on the screen.

In order to create a high-quality movie review, use free essay examples offered for college students at GradesFixer. This website makes education much easier by providing samples of different writing works, including film analysis.

Writing step-by-step

Start with a magnetic introduction

Even though the introductory paragraph must include some basic information, such as the title, genre, release date, director’s name, etc., do your best to make it catchy. While writing about the movie budget, cast members, and awards in your introduction, bear in mind that it must sound exciting. This way, you will manage to keep the reader’s attention on your paper.

You can go beyond the general information and add a thought-provoking statement to the beginning. It may be about the connection between the movie’s central idea and the current issues or the interrelation between the film’s thematic content and technical elements.

Movie Review

Make a brief plot summary by describing a few major events. Remember that its main purpose is to tell what the film is about in general. Be careful and don’t reveal the ending as well as avoid spoilers by all means. Your readers won’t be happy if you destroy their anticipation, therefore, don’t provide too many details in your review. If you really want to mention a dramatic turn, always warn about it so it gets possible to skip this part of your writing.

Share your overall impression

The movie review must inform your readers not only about what you’ve seen but also how you’ve felt about it. Write about the emotions and thoughts awakened by particular movie scenes, tell what touched your heart, and mention the moments that stirred your feelings. If you want to make your review less formal and more personal, share your cinematic experience.

Focus on filmmaking aspects

Describe camera movement, angles , and distances if you believe that there is something special about the shooting. Don’t underestimate the influence of the sound on the movie atmosphere. It really affects visual elements, so explain how it was used in the movie. Also, think about the editing and whether it was made to create a smooth connection between all pieces of the movie. You can write about its role in composing the integral reality and in giving the viewer a sense of space.

Find the deep meaning

You shouldn’t make a superficial evaluation of the picture. Note that there might be some symbols, key phrases, or repeating elements that are crucial for a deep understanding. Try to figure out what the filmmaker really wanted to say by creating the movie and share your suggestions. The process of unlocking the secrets of filmmaking is really exciting, so you shouldn’t skip it. Your readers will also be amused if you manage to reveal the main message of the movie.

Provide examples

Your review won’t look trustworthy if you don’t give any examples to prove your words. Try to avoid using too many general phrases like ‘the acting is poor’ or ‘the sound is amazing’ as they tell your readers nothing definite about the movie. Instead, do your best to be more specific. Mention what exactly makes different elements of the movie good or bad.

Create a powerful conclusion

Think whether the filmmaker succeeded in reaching his/her goal and offer some evidence for that. Write about the film elements that impressed you most and share your understanding of the movie’s main purpose. You can also specify for whom it will be more interesting and explain why. Remember that a strong conclusion gives you the last opportunity to convince your readers!

Author’s BIO

Robert Everett is an academic writer and film critic. He analyses and evaluates movies for one of the most popular online magazines on the web. Robert also helps students studying Arts and Cinematography to write outstanding film reviews.

movie review for college students

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How to Write a Movie Review

How to Write a Movie Review

movie review for college students

Writing a Film Review

Movies have become a cultural mainstay of our society. Not only are they art and entertainment, but they have also become a way for people to bond and make connections. Finding someone who has a similar taste in movies can create new friendships and start interesting conversations. That's why understanding how to analyze a movie and write movie reviews is such a useful skill. 

Do you need to know how to write a movie review for college? Or how to write a movie critique? Or maybe just how to do a movie review? In this article, you will learn how to write a movie review step by step, as well as get an in-depth guide into each section of a movie review.

What is a Movie Review?

A film review essay is more than just a plot summary followed by a recommendation. A movie review analyzes different elements of a movie and mixes personal opinion with objective analysis. The goal of the movie review is to tell the reader about the details of a movie while giving them enough information to decide for themselves whether it's worth watching or not. Of course, a good movie review also has to be interesting and engaging! 

How to Write a Good Movie Review

More than most other pieces of writing, there are a lot of steps to take before actually getting into writing a movie review. But don't worry though, most of these steps are pretty fun and if you follow them, you will know how to review movies. 

Watch the film! 

It goes without saying that you need to watch a movie before you write a review for it, so, before you do anything else, watch the movie at least once. Don't worry about trying to pick up specific details on your first watch, just enjoy the movie and get a general impression of whether you liked it or not and what you liked or disliked. Ideally, you should watch the movie at least two times. On your second and third viewings, pay attention to movie review criteria like cinematography, acting, dialogue, character development, deeper meanings, etc. Read some film review examples to get a sense of the things they talk about.

Pause the movie on your second and third viewings and take notes on things that stand out to you. Don't be afraid to take as many notes as you want, after all these notes are just for you.  You might not use all the notes you have taken, but they will help you compose the main part of your body paragraphs.

Express your opinions

Once you have watched the movie a few times and taken notes, make a list of the strongest opinions you have about the movie. If you think that the quality of acting was one of the best parts of the movie, use your notes to come up with specific examples. You should have between 3 and 5 key opinions that you will elaborate on when writing a film review along with examples to back up your claims.

Think about your audience

The language you use is going to change based on who you are writing the movie review for. If it is an assignment for school or university, then you may have to use more technical language.  If you're writing an article for a website or personal blog, then think about who the audience is and use language appropriate for them. Keep in mind that your audience also depends on the genre of the movie you are critiquing. A movie review for a serious period drama will have a different audience than a buddy cop comedy and therefore different language. Look at a movie review sample from different genres to get an idea of the type of language to use. 

Research the actors

Having big movie stars associated with a film is often one of the main selling points of a movie.  If an actor is critically acclaimed, it’s especially important to mention the awards they have won as this is often a sign of the overall quality of the movie. It's also possible that you didn't like the movie overall, but one of your favorite actors was in it so you enjoyed the movie and another fan might enjoy it too. 

Do background research

An easy way to make a movie review interesting is to search for interesting details about the making of the movie. It may be worth mentioning if it was shot in a particularly beautiful place or a unique location, or if the special effects were practical rather than CGI. Include interesting casting decisions or other actors that were considered for a particular role. Think about what information could be interesting to someone who might want to watch the movie and include those details. Go over some movie critique examples to get inspiration. 

Research the professionals

People can be fans not just of the actors, but of directors, writers, cinematographers, costume designers, and many other elements of filmmaking. Many directors are auteurs, which means they have a very particular visual style or storytelling method. How much time you spend on this section is dependent on your audience. If you're writing for social media or a blog for general people, then this might not be interesting to most. But if you're writing for film school or for a specific audience interested in filmmaking, then this section will need to be more elaborate. Look at a film review example written for different audiences to understand the differences. 

Draft an outline

Now that you've done all the required research, it's time to come up with a review outline. An outline is always useful when doing any piece of writing because it gives you a  chance to visualize the structure and plan how you want to incorporate information. This is the general film review format.


  • Brief summary of the film
  • Discuss plot, tone, characters
  • Discuss creative and technical elements
  • Your opinions


Come up with a catchy title.

Almost more than any other piece of writing, a movie review’s title needs to be engaging. A title like ”film review of (name of the movie) might be to the point, but isn't going to stand out. A good title should grab the reader's attention and make them want to read more. A few ways you can do this is by talking about a specific actor or director, or by using one of the main plot points of the movie. For example, “A Romantic Comedy for the Unromantic”,  or “Chris Pratt Plays Against Type in the Best Possible Way”. Look at the titles of some movie review examples for inspiration!

Write your review

It's finally time to get to the actual writing! The next part of this article talks in-depth about each section of a film review. 

People aren't going to take a review seriously if you have spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. If it's an assignment for school, then you’re going to lose marks because of mistakes like that. Make sure you reread your paper a few times and check for typos and other silly mistakes.  Read the paper out loud once or twice to get an idea of if it has a good flow. Don't be afraid to move sections around if you think it helps you build a stronger case.

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How to Write a Film Review

Do you want a ‘how to write a movie review’ template? Let's go over the specific parts of a film review and what to include in each one.

Your first sentence needs to capture the reader's attention. You can do this by stating an interesting fact about the movie, starting off by expressing your opinion of whether it's good or bad, mentioning some of the important actors, comparing it to other movies in the genre or to real-world events, whatever it is, make sure it's catchy!

Next, give background information about the movie. This includes things like the title, release date, studio, important cast members, director, budget, etc. Make sure to highlight any achievements of the movie, for example, if it was nominated for any awards. The same goes for the director as well as important members of the cast. This shouldn't just be a dry stating of facts, rather this should be a collection of interesting information about the background of the movie. 

Finally, end your introduction paragraph with your thesis. In the case of a film review, your thesis is essentially what you thought about the film. Without giving away too much, express your overall impression of the movie noting particular things that you thought stood out or were weak.

Summary of the story

The trick to writing the summary of the story is giving readers an idea of what to expect without giving away any important plot points or spoilers. The goal of this section isn't to explain the plot of the movie, It's to make sure that people have a basic understanding of the story so that the rest of the review can make sense. Describe the setting of the movie, which includes the main locations and time period. Introduce the main characters (including the name of the actor in parentheses after the name of their character). And go over the general storyline. 

Plot elements

This is when you start explaining what you thought about the movie. Start with an analysis of the plot itself. Did it have a rising action that builds suspense? Was the climax a good payoff? What were your overall impressions of the movie? How did it make you feel? What do you think the purpose of the movie was and did the director succeed in their goal? 

This is also the section where you get to talk about the different characters in the movie. Why did you enjoy certain characters? Were some characters better developed than others? Could some characters have benefited from more development? Was the villain particularly interesting? 

Think about the overall mood of the movie, did it change over time? How did the tones and symbols of the movie emphasize elements of the plot? Remember that any point you make in this section has to be backed up by examples. So if you say that there are several plot holes that make the movie complicated to understand, mention the specific scenes.

Creative elements

There are a lot of technical and creative elements in a movie that can stand out even if the overall plot and story weren’t the best. On the other hand, even a great story can be spoiled by bad dialogue or set design. These are some of the creative elements you should pay attention to especially when rewatching the movie and taking notes.

Dialogue : This can refer to the overall writing of the movie as well. If you can get your hands on a script then read it! When thinking about dialogue ask yourself, did the conversation between characters seem natural and flow easily? Or did it seem choppy and unnatural? 

Cinematography : Cinematography refers to the camera effects and the choices of how to film a certain scene. The lighting, the choice of camera angles, essentially the unique perspective of the story as told through the camera. 

Editing : Editing refers to the transition between different scenes as well as how well the movie flows together. This could include things like clever montages, longshots, different perspectives, etc.  

Costumes : Some movies, especially historical movies, fantasy films, and science fiction films, depend heavily on costume design. Costumes are an integral part of making a character stand out or making the world seem more real.

Set Design : Set design refers to the backgrounds of scenes. Some sets might be more elaborate whereas others can be minimalistic. Each choice has its pros and cons and effective set design creates proper ambiance, setting the tone and mood for a scene or the movie.

Music and Sound : Sometimes the movie has a great soundtrack or just incredible sound effects that help make it stand out.

Stunts : More important for action movies, but in general stunts and action sequences can be a major selling point for a film.

Special Effects : Most movies rely on some amount of special effects, and whether it be CGI, or practical, or a combination of the two, the quality is important.

Once you have analyzed multiple different elements of the story from its plot, characterization, and other technical and creative elements, you can state your opinions and provide evidence for them. Make sure you refer to specific scenes or specific situations when looking for substantiating evidence. Remember that the goal of a movie review is not to just state whether you liked or disliked a movie, it is to analyze it in an objective way, and give information so that somebody else can decide whether they want to watch the movie or not.

In the conclusion you express your main opinion of the movie along with the most important pieces of evidence. You can talk about the purpose of the movie and whether the director was successful in showing that purpose. End with a recommendation of whether the movie should be watched or not, along with suggestions of movies that are similar to it.

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Mistakes to avoid

You now know how to write a review on a movie but let's take a look at some mistakes that you should be careful to avoid.

Not focusing on the film

It's easy to start writing about things like the historical events the movie you loved is based on or the importance of the Marvel Cinematic Universe overall rather than focus on the movie itself.  While those elements can be interesting to include as background information, the point of a film review is to go over a particular movie so that is what you should spend the most time on.

Not providing evidence 

A common mistake people make when they write movie reviews is to state their opinions without any objective analysis. An easy way to overcome this mistake is to make sure that you provide evidence for any claims that you make.

Spoilers are an easy way to make sure that people will be upset with your movie review. It is common to accidentally give away too much, especially when writing the plot summary. Find the line between giving enough information so that people understand the general story and revealing important plot twists and turning points. Read some sample movie reviews for examples of how to avoid spoilers.

Using personal pronouns

Statements like “I did not like the special effects” or “I did not like the pacing of the movie” are clearly expressions of opinion. It is better to make statements like “the special effects in certain action scenes were cartoonish and took away from the realism of the film”. 

A movie review essay can be incredibly fun to write, especially if you have a strong opinion about the movie. But keep in mind that a movie review isn't just about your opinion, it has to include an objective analysis with claims backed up by evidence from specific scenes. It's difficult to have a movie review definition, but a great movie review is a blend between personal opinion and objective analysis. It informs the reader about the strengths and weaknesses of the movie while letting them make the decision whether they want to watch it or not. 

If you found your way to this article because you were looking for help on how to write a movie review for college, then you're in the perfect place. If you need any help, don't hesitate to reach out to the experts at Studyfy. At Studyfy, we offer a wide range of custom writing services, coursework writing services, and essay writer service . Our team of experienced writers is well-equipped to handle any writing task you may have, no matter the complexity or urgency. Just say, " write a paper for me ," and we will ensure that you receive a high-quality custom essay that meets all your requirements. Trust us to provide you with the best coursework writing services and custom essay writing that will help you achieve your academic goals.

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movie review for college students

How to Write a Movie Review and Where to Get Help

The first thing you do after watching a movie is to go online and write a comment about it. Comments about movies are usually posted on social media profiles or public pages, review sites, blogs, among other platforms. You can make the process easier with tools available online.

Writing a movie review is a common assignment that students have to do in high school and college. Even though it may seem simple, movie reviews require time and proper organization. It’s not just about writing what happens on the screen, the review goes deeper than that.

Movie Review Purpose

The main purpose of a movie review is to inform the reader about the film and its ideas. Seems simple, right? Reporting all events that happen and stating one’s opinion about them is a common mistake that many students make. While movie review allows writers to express their opinions about some film or documentary, there is also the need for the unbiased and objective approach. An ideal review combines both.

The review determines whether someone will want to see the movie. Even if the professor (or teacher) assigned a specific title and film to review, one should act like this is the perfect opportunity to introduce the cinematography work to their lecturer. Always assume they haven’t seen it before. As a result, it becomes easier to analyze events that happened on the screen.

Film review should be detailed enough to provide assistance in making an honest decision i.e. whether the reader wants to see it or if they’d like it. Why is this type of paper a common school assignment? Lecturers want to get more insight into a student’s critical thinking skills and the ability to report event (one or more of them) in a manner that others understand easily.

In addition, they want to assess the way you analyze plot and characters. After all, movie reviews also involve the analysis of events that happened in a documentary or “regular” film. Reviews test writing and vocabulary skills, adapting to different genres and events they portray, and your capacity to sum up some major work and report it in a cohesive, logical, and interesting manner.

While reviews entail more responsibility than initially thought, students find them fun and with this guide, you will too.

movie review for college students

How to Write a Good Movie Review

You have to write a movie review for school and now what? Where to start, how to make it look more “academic”? Today, we have the opportunity to use numerous tools to make every part of our lives easier, and movie review writing isn’t the exception. Throughout this tutorial, you’ll learn how to compose a report about some film and what tools to use to simplify the process.

Step-by-Step Guide to How to Write a Movie Review

Beginnings are always the hardest. This is the point where you set the pace and determine how to approach this assignment in the most efficient manner. Here are some useful tips to kick-start the movie review writing process:

  • Watch the movie or documentary twice and take notes of both major and minor events and characters. It’s a mistake to rely on the power of your memory only, there’s always something we overlook or forget
  • Carry out a thorough research . Watching the movie isn’t enough, research is equally important. Look for details such as the name of filmmaker and his/her motivation to make that film or documentary work, locations, plot, characterization, historic events that served as an inspiration for the movie (if applicable). Basically, your research should serve to collect information that provides more depth to the review
  • Analyze the movie after you watching it . Don’t start working on the review if you aren’t sure you understand the film. Evaluate the movie from beginning to an end. Re-watch it, if necessary, if you find some parts confusing. Only when you understand events that happened on the screen will you find it easier to create the review
  • Draft an outline that you will follow to write the review in a concise and cohesive fashion
  • Include examples for claims you make about the movie. If the plot has holes, then mention an example of a situation or scene when that was evident. Also, if the character(s) is poorly developed or bad casting affected the movie quality, name examples too. Provide examples when commenting dialogues, locations, plot, everything. If you want the reader to agree with you, it’s essential to back up your claims with evidence. You don’t want to make it seem like you’re praising or criticizing the movie without any reason whatsoever
  • Consider and comment a movie’s originality and quality of scenes . Explain how the movie stands out or whether it just uses the same approach that worked for previous works in the industry

How to Organize Your Movie Review

Quality of your paper depends on the level of organization you implement. Never underestimate the importance of well-structured outline, regardless of the type of paper you have to write. Outlines help you focus on the subject and contribute to a logical flow.

In addition, getting things organized before you start writing is a great way to save time later on. Instead of trying to figure out what to include, you’ll have a well-structured plan to follow. It’s needless to mention you won’t be too stressed out. Here’s how to organize your movie review:

  • Introduction (with title, release date, background information)
  • Summary of the story
  • Analysis of the plot elements (rising action, climax)
  • Creative elements (dialogues, characters, use of colors, camera techniques, mood, tone, symbols, costumes or anything that contributes or takes away from the overall plot)
  • Opinion (supported with examples and facts from the story)
  • Conclusion (announcing whether the filmmaker was successful in his/her purpose, re-state your evidence, explain how the motion picture was helpful for providing a deeper understand of course topic)

Movie Review Elements

  • The title of the film/documentary – just because your headline features the name of the movie or documentary it doesn’t mean should skip mentioning it in the text. Always name the feature you’ve watched in the introductory paragraph. This may seem like a stupid thing to point out, but it’s one of the most common mistakes that students make
  • Summary – the whole point of the review is to summarize the documentary or movie for people who haven’t watched it yet. To make this as effective as possible, always assume that your professor hasn’t seen it either (as mentioned above). Why is this important? You won’t leave out some important details thinking he/she watched it already so they won’t bother. As a reviewer, your job is to explain what happened in the film and express whether the filmmaker failed or succeeded. Again, saying you liked or disliked it isn’t a viable comment. Your opinion has to be supported by specific reasons and examples from the feature itself
  • Filmmaker – do a little research on the person who directed the piece. Is that person a controversial figure? Is he/she known for a political stance? Does the filmmaker have a significant background? Devote a paragraph or two to the person behind the movie and their other works in order to establish the significance of the film you are reviewing for the director’s career
  • Significance to your class – How does the content of the documentary or film fit into your course topic? Is it important for historical accuracy? If you are watching the motion picture for history class, make note of over-dramatization. If the motion picture is based on the book you’ve analyzed in English class, you can mention similarities, differences, or some elements that film contains, but book doesn’t and so on
  • Creative elements – filmmakers work hard to include creative elements into their motion pictures. How are these elements important to the plot and movie in general? For example, costumes can either enhance the movie or betray its intent. Colors can be vivid and lift the atmosphere or mood in the movie or they can be dull and make it seem depressing. Good sound effects enrich the viewing experience while bad ones only destroy everything. Moreover, camera movements and angles also add elements to the story. Take notes of symbols in the story, if any.
  • Actors – let’s not forget the casting! Were the actors realistic? Did they portray the role of a specific character successfully? Did they have good acting skills? Do you believe that some particular actor was the right fit for the role?

Checklist / Outline for a Good Movie Review

  • Introduction (title, topic, release date, background information)
  • Accuracy of depiction
  • Use of sources in the documentary
  • Creative elements that enhance or tarnish the overall story (quality of script, visual design, performance, lighting, hair, and makeup, costume, set design, symbolism)
  • Your opinion

Mistakes to Avoid

  • Not focusing on the film – while connecting the plot to some specific historical event is a good idea (when applicable), strive to avoid writing about unnecessary details or introducing irrelevant information such as the history of cinematography or that particular genre, snacks, among other things
  • Inserting yourself – you’re the one who’s writing the review. The paper reflects your understanding and opinion of the motion picture you’ve seen and there is no need to write in first person all the time: I noticed this, I saw that I liked this, I disliked that
  • Failing to check facts about movie background and release date, director, casting etc.
  • Giving out your opinion without mentioning any reason why you think that way
  • Talking about irrelevancies
  • Writing a review without a structure
  • Writing generalities such as great acting, cool effects, a good movie, it was bad etc.
  • Writing a review without substance or analysis of the feature

Dr. Joshua

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Movie Review Examples

  • The Hunger Games and the idea of dystopia
  • Mean Girls review: does it exploit stereotypes about high schools or it helps to undermine them?
  • The Martian review and its connection to Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe
  • The Last Jedi review: all the reasons it’s far from the original saga
  • Manchester by the sea and ideas of forgiveness and grief
  • Forrest Gump review
  • I am Sam review
  • Runaway Bride review and its role in modern understanding of marriage

Movie Review Help

Like other types of writing, movie reviews require patience and time. Being a student isn’t the easiest task in the world and you don’t have enough time to dedicate to one assignment only while neglecting others. There’s no need to despair; you can use the internet to get much-needed assistance with this assignment. Here’s how:

By Markers Expectations / Rubrics

Clear Organization – as stated above, the clear organization is vital for a well-structured movie review. You can use the Edusson website as a guide through this process via numerous posts about writing, self-help resources, and Essay Examples that serves as an excellent platform to sharpen writing skills and compose your paper.

RobotDon Essay Checker  platform proves to be handy when you complete the writing process and want to make sure it’s unique, without fluff and wateriness, repetitive words and expressions.

Let’s not fort that you can hire an essay writer  who will write a perfect review for you.

Use of Sources – just because it’s movie review, it doesn’t mean you should avoid using sources to support your claims. Sources are particularly important for reviews of documentaries or when you’re trying to connect the review with some problem in society. Research requires more time than any other part of the process and you can easily hire a professional i.e. a helper who will do that for you

Opinion – a movie review is about the equilibrium of unbiased report and personal opinion. While it’s okay to say what you think about the movie, you also have to approach certain aspects in an objective manner to help the reader get a better understanding of the motion picture. Finding the balance between subjective and objective writing can be frustrating, which is why professional service comes handy. All you have to do is to provide title, information, your opinion and a pro writer takes it from there

Essay Writing Service – there is no need to be stressed out because you have a ton of work to do when professional writer service can write movie review easily. Services like Edusson are used by students who can’t keep up with constant demands in school or college, but they don’t want to jeopardize their grades. With over 1000 writers, Edusson is a perfect assignment writing service . You have the full control of the project through set deadlines, choosing the writer for this task etc.

Essay Editing Service – sometimes students don’t need help with the writing process, but they need someone to edit it. Don’t ask your friends and family members to do it for you, hire professionals. Improve your paper. Raise your grades! Editors and proofreaders from Edusson correct grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation mistakes, check the style, formatting, organization and other aspects of your work to boost its quality. You can also use RobotDon to edit an essay on your own.

Movie Review FAQ

Do I have to write a movie review in a certain formatting style? Everything depends on the instructions your teacher gives you. It often happens that a movie review can be free of academic formatting. But don’t exclude the possibility that you will have to complete this paper in MLA or get task writing a paper in APA .

Can I copy an existing movie review? Well, of course, it is important to look at examples of other movie reviews to get to know the structure and ways of ideas expressing better. But if you copy a film review directly from the other source, your curator will detect plagiarism in it.

My major is not moviemaking. Why am I assigned to write a film report? Students are assigned movie report writing, first of all, to broaden their mind and evaluate the way they can analyze material and express their opinion. Don’t feel confused if on the Psychology class your professor asks you to review a movie. It is a common practice for students who are completing their degree in various fields of study.

Will you just give me someone else’s review?

No, not at all! Edusson stands out as the writing service with full transparency. All essays and other papers are written from scratch by professional writers with strong work ethic and desire to help their clients get better grades. The movie review you receive is 100% original, which you can check with RobotDon’s plagiarism checker.

Will you send my review to someone else?

The answer is – no. Not only are the clients in control of the process, but author’s rights are transferred to them the moment the review is done. Once the writing process is over, the review is yours and can never be sent to someone else.

What if I need more edits?

If you need edits or want some specific info to be added, our writers will be happy to make necessary revisions.

I need more help with movie review service, how can I contact you?

Our customer service is always available through 24/7 live chat feature.

Do you like movies? Who doesn’t? Movie and documentary reviews give you a unique opportunity to improve your writing skills by combining school assignment with someone you really like. Although it’s not that difficult to compose a review of a motion picture or some educational/informative feature, feel free to use all the available resources to get the most out of your assignment. Use the advantage of the internet to work on your review for major benefits such as:

Improve Your Paper

Practice makes everything better and the internet allows you to make it happen. For instance, Edusson acts as a perfect tutorial + professional writing service platform as it allows you to improve writing skills while getting assistance from professional writers and editors when necessary . The do-it-yourselfers benefit greatly from RobotDon, a cute little helper that analyzes the review and identifies mistakes you need to correct. The result of using these resources is a well-written movie review that meets or exceeds your lecturer’s expectations.

Raise Your GPA (Grade)

Using multiple resources and platforms to your advantage can only be a good thing for your GPA. When you’re a student, everything you do counts and contributes to GPA. It all comes down to learning how to make student life easier for you and one way to do that is to incorporate online tools into your assignments. Your professor will appreciate the effort and thanks to the improved writing skills, good grades are unavoidable.

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movie review for college students

High On Films

20 Great Movies That Students Should Watch

20 Great Movies For College Students To Watch: Everybody needs a dose of motivation, hope, and positivity from time to time, and in the words of John Keating, one of the most famous characters played by the great late Robin Williams, “Medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.” The profound impact a piece of art can have on us humans is beyond explanation. Sometimes watching a film can feel you with a plethora of emotions that can’t even be explained logically, or looking at a painting transports us to a different time period. Juggling between school, assignments, exams, and life; art can be both a symbol of comfort and hope for the ones searching for them.

Here we have compiled a list of 20 movies that college students must watch to get that little dose of motivation, hope, and above all, much-needed relaxation from their stressful and hectic lifestyle.

1. Dead Poets Society (1989)

movies for students 01 Dead Poets Society

Dead Poets Society is the most cliched film to appear on a list like this, but it is a cliche for a reason. It is a holy grail for teachers and students alike. In one of his most iconic characters, Robin Williams plays the role of John Keating, a progressive English teacher at the strict all-boys Welton Academy. He is not an ordinary teacher, and he makes it very clear right from his first interaction with his class. Not only does he understand his students, but he also encourages them to transcend the boundaries of normalcy decided by society.

He inspires them to be free thinkers and to choose their own paths in life, regardless of what society wants for them. The liberation of his students from the orthodox way of learning and leading lives is truly heartwarming to watch. Mr. Keating uses poetry as a medium to teach his students to seize the day, celebrate their youth, and live their lives to the fullest.

Also Read: 10 Movies To Watch If You Love Dead Poets Society

2. whisper of the heart (1995).

movies for students 02 Whisper of the heart

Ghibli studio films are known to take a deep dive into the realms of mysticism and magical realism, but this 1995 masterpiece is a coming-of-age film that tries to make sense of growing up, understanding one’s aspirations and dreams while also going through the teenage phase of having crushes and falling in love with someone. Feelings of love and affection are universal for anyone, but what the film does brilliantly is that it never forces the protagonist, Shizuku, or Seiji, the boy she likes to lose their identity.

Their love for each other transcends any negative feelings that may exist between two people and strives to be something that pushes both of them to achieve excellence in their respective fields of interest. Teenage romances often suffer from a sense of personal identity and overbearing emotional weight, but this film showcases how two young people can be in love and work towards their goals, something missing from numerous coming-of-age romance films.

Also Read: All Studio Ghibli Movies Ranked

3. the social network (2010).

movies for students 03 the social network

David Fincher’s fast-paced drama might be an odd choice for the list, but it makes perfect sense to be included here. Based on the founder of ‘Facebook’ Mark Zuckerberg, and how he created a multi-million dollar organization from his dorm room; the company has grown to become one of the biggest technology conglomerates active in the market.

The sheer determination to create something unique and necessary fueled Zuckerberg to work on ‘Facebook’, and that is just one of the things that college students can gain from this Fincher-fueled movie which feels like psychological warfare at times. Zuckerberg is a true genius, and he offers so much hope and belief that turning your dreams into reality isn’t as difficult as many people make it out to be. If a student has the power to imagine and dream, they have the power to turn it into reality.

Also Read: All David Fincher Movies Ranked

4. lakshya (2004).

Hritik Roshan in Lakshya (2004)

Farhan Akhtar’s sophomore effort Lakshya wasn’t exactly a game changer in Indian cinema when compared to his debut Dil Chahta Hai, but the manner in which it explored the lackadaisical youngsters of a generation who are indecisive and struggle to find their goals is a worthy watch. Karan Shergill’s (Hrithik Roshan) journey from a lost young man to a confident army officer is one of the best coming-of-age films made in Indian cinema that reaffirms the fact that the journey of self-discovery is an arduous yet important one.

It is a film that surely encourages one to find their target ‘Lakshya’ in life and work towards achieving those. Another fact that should not go unnoticed is that despite being a war film, it always tries to focus on the emotional relationships and personal growth of an individual instead of chest-thumping jingoism while constantly reaffirming its anti-war ideology.

5. Where is the Friend’s House? (1987)

movies for students 05 Where is the friends house

Abbas Kiarostami’s first installment of the Koker trilogy gives us a glimpse into the psyche of a child. It raises questions about one’s inherent kindness, irrespective of the environment they are brought up in. This simple film focuses on Ahmed, who is determined to find his friend Nematzadeh’s house and return his notebook to ensure he isn’t expelled from school.

Ahmed’s literal and symbolic journey is reminiscent of the innocence of a child, a rollercoaster of emotions and compassion one feels towards others while on this journey of life. This might be an odd choice for the list, but at times it becomes important to empathize with others and learn necessary lessons about human emotions and life in general. A student might not gain much motivation from this film to achieve their goals or realize their dreams, however, a lesson in humanity and friendship is equally important in life.

6. Good Will Hunting (1997)

movies for students 06 Good Will Hunting

This Gus Van Sant drama is a poignant and tender story about mental health, building relationships, and realizing one’s endless potential. The film focuses on Will Hunting, a janitor working at MIT who has a genius-level IQ but is misguided and troubled by his past and emotions. Good Will Hunting is less about a student realizing his potential and more about a young boy understanding his own self, learning to fight his inner demons, and standing up for what he wants in life. Robin Williams as Sean Maguire is the driving force for the film and also a mentor that every student could dream of getting. The love, charm, and warmth he exudes in each and every scene can comfort you, and his laugh can reassure you that all is not lost during testing times. Another film that just doesn’t focus on the teacher-student classroom relationship but inspires us to be much more and succeed.

Good Will Hunting is featured in our list of the 10 Best Inspirational Movies .

7. a brighter summer day (1991).

movies for students 07 A Brighter Summer Day 1991

Edward Yang’s 237-minute long coming-of-age film explores so much about the life of teenagers and the plethora of emotions they go through at a tender age. Even though the film takes place in a different time and place, its universality is seeded in the way it looks at the pressure of dealing with familial expectations, bullying, and loss of identity. Teenage angst is one of the most important topics that is rarely covered with conviction, but A Brighter Summer Day delves deep into the search for one’s identity and the existence of angst while growing up amid external troubles.

Students and teenagers are the ones who struggle with understanding themselves and making sense of their actions and emotions, but the way Yang showcases the journey of Xiao Si’r’s loss of innocence in search of a false sense of identity makes it a must-watch for students and teenagers. The film never tries too hard to force what the character feels but slowly brings about the emotions through his journey from being a studious and ambitious young boy to one plagued with insecurity and jealousy amid a struggle to come to terms with one’s emotions.

8. Udaan (2010)

movies for students 08 Udaan

Student life is often associated with dreaming big and aspiring to change the world and make a name in some way. Some might succeed at achieving their dreams, while others never get a chance to even try to do something they want. Udaan is the story of Rohan; expelled from boarding school, and aspires to be a writer but his stern and abusive father has other plans for him. Vikramaditya Motwane’s film gives a voice to each teenager who faces trauma and abuse at home and never gets a chance to fulfill their dreams. Rohan is every teenager who wants to break the shackles, fly high and realize their aspirations. The film celebrates being rebellious, to be a maverick, but not for the sake of it. Everyone might not be able to relate to the abusive and controlling nature of the relationship, but those who do know how much strength is required to take that first flight.

Also Read: 25 Finest Hindi Movies of the 2010s Decade

9. the breakfast club (1985).

movies for students 09 breakfast club

The Breakfast Club is a perfect coming-of-age film, whose clarity in its themes is quite impressive. Five students are given detention, each of whom represents a common high school stereotype- a criminal, a popular princess, a weirdo, a nerd, and a jock. What starts with hostile comments towards each other turns into a heartfelt confrontation, where the students see each other as more than the restrictive labels they’re boxed into. It portrays teenage angst in a way many movies fail to achieve and focuses on the troubled minds of the kids. Each character is prey to their own insecurity, which is largely subjected to either their own family or society. And the best part about the film is the way all of these themes are depicted; full of iconic lines, iconic scenes, and the iconic dance sequence, in the end, the film is a treat to watch.

Recommended Read: Why do Modern School-Age Children Like to Watch Old Movies?

10. Inside Out (2015)

movies for students 10 Inside Out

Inside Out is one of the most beautifully honest Pixar films that cater to both young and old minds alike and encourage them to introspect their feelings. The film is about the feelings of a young girl Riley (quite literally), whose life is in a transition after her family moves to another city. Her emotions- Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust, and Sadness are trying their best to handle this situation. No matter how much Joy tries to make Riley happy, it was sadness that played a role in her true happiness. Both positive and negative emotions are crucial for our mental well-being. Even when Joy tries to bind sadness within a circle, she can’t achieve what she wants. Emotional suppression can never be the answer to a healthy mind. Instead, mindful embracing of all your emotions leads to true catharsis and a happy mind, which was just what happened with Riley.

11. Dazed & Confused (1993)

movies for students 11 dazed and confused

Alright! Alright! Alright! This list was never going to be complete without this Richard Linklater masterpiece who finds so much beauty in the simplicity of life and the mundane of everyday life. His 70’s high school coming-of-age film never tries too hard to force an issue or a conflict but instead puts forth a visceral experience whose honesty and feelings linger with you long after the film is over. A nostalgic piece of cinema for those who have lived through high school to revisit in order to feel young, free, and wild. Student life is often filled with pressures from parents, teachers, peers, and even oneself. So blowing off some steam and enjoying the experiences that life has to offer becomes much more important and relevant. A film that shows human connections and friendships before we started to spend more time with our cell phones than we spent with our own thoughts. The film is not about being irresponsible but about living life with spontaneity and zeal.

Also Read: 10 Films To Watch If You Like The Cinema of Richard Linklater

12. wake up sid (2009).

movie review for college students

Ayan Mukherjee’s eloquent debut, Wake Up Sid, was a game changer in the type of coming-of-age film where Mumbai feels like a character in itself. The relatable duo of the laid-back and irresponsible Sid, along with the responsible and mature Ayesha, acted as the perfect foil to tell the story about learning the importance of responsibilities and independence. Student life is a phase in everybody’s life that we might hate or love but never fully understand. When teachers speak of the protective bubble that one experiences as a student, this is the perfect film to understand what they meant as life suddenly hits you in the face with bills and responsibilities even before you might be ready. But the beauty in Wake Up Sid lies in the way it reassures that it’s never late to start working hard and finding your true calling on the path of self-discovery.

13. Lady Bird (2017)

movie review for college students

One of the most popular coming-of-age dramas in recent times, Lady Bird beautifully captures the essence of growing up . Through fights, fears, insecurities, betrayals, and misunderstandings, Greta Gerwig beautifully sums up the meaning of average high school life. Yet she doesn’t shy away from showing the hardships of the parents, something which is not often portrayed in coming-of-age dramas. Christine (Lady Bird) is at a cross with her strong-willed mother and has plans to escape her small-town life by going off to study in New York, which her mother disapproves of.

There are too many things that teenagers, young adults, and even adults will relate to in this film, the foremost being differences with their parents. Lady Bird beautifully depicts how both children and parents fail to understand each other and end up regretting their rash choices. The rebellious spirit of Saoirse Ronan is unmatched, and the energy she brings into this savage role is truly worth watching.

14. Whiplash (2014)

movie review for college students

There are no two words in the English language more harmful than “good job.” Damien Chazelle’s breakout film about a promising drummer who enrolls in a cut-throat conservatory under a mentor who would go to any lengths to realize the potential of a student is a scary and mind-boggling tale. As a student, you come across teachers who want to help you more than anything to nurture and support you, but what J.K Simmons’ Fletcher does in Whiplash is something that is unforgettable and unforgivable. Whiplash leaves a lot to be figured out about the ending and whether Neiman achieved the greatness he was after, but what was clear as day was the fact that as a student achieving greatness should never come at the cost of physical, emotional, or mental damage. Because what will the greatness be for if you can’t even be there to witness it unfold in front of you?

15. Brooklyn (2015)

movie review for college students

Brooklyn is an unusual pick for the list, but it’s relevant here nonetheless. Brooklyn isn’t just about romance, it is about homesickness, the courage to enter the unfamiliar, and sticking to the difficult choices you make. Eilis Lacey (Saoirse Ronan) decides to leave her Ireland and move to Brooklyn in search of better job opportunities and quality of life, but her journey is not easy. Plagued by the longing for her hometown and her family, she discovers her new self and builds new relations on the way.

The gut-wrenching feeling of considering yourself insignificant in a new world yet trying your best to enshroud those feelings is what Brooklyn portrays in the most beautiful way possible. Eilis’s family sacrificed a lot for her to move to New York, and that guilt creates a lot of pressure for her to not only survive in the new city but also succeed. In every student’s life, there comes a time when they have to leave their home behind or make a tough decision for better opportunities. This film makes your heart ache but makes you feel hopeful at the same time.

16. The Blue Umbrella (2005)

movie review for college students

Ruskin Bond is a writer whose stories we all must have read during our childhood or school days, filled with simplicity, moral values, and above all, profound beauty that explores the magic of growing up. The Blue Umbrella is also one such story that looks at the morality of adults and the purity in the heart of children. The story revolves around a young Biniya who comes across a Blue umbrella which somehow becomes the symbol of respect, admiration, and power amongst the villagers as we see adults plotting to steal it.

Nandu, the local shopkeeper, goes one step ahead and actually steals the umbrella and poses it as his own. This was a film that I saw on one of my school trips but could never understand till I saw it again years later and grasp what the film actually tries to critique and tell. Success or respect can never be bought but can only be earned through one’s actions and hard work, which is true in every walk of life.

17. The Breadwinner (2017)

movie review for college students

This brilliant animated film is about a strong-willed girl Parvana, who, despite the atrocities towards her gender, manages to do what she sets her mind to. Parvana’s father is ambitious for his bright daughter and instills the importance of stories in her mind, both as a way to distract her from the horrors of their worlds and to prepare her to bring about a change. When the Taliban arrest Parvana’s father, she shoulders the household by pretending to be a boy and kick-starts her mission to find her father. Despite catering to such a serious topic, the film avoids a rasping approach and instead embraces an inventive one- full of visually splendid images and fable storytelling. There are two things that the film manages to put forth, the perseverance of a daughter and the courage of a girl under the oppression of the Taliban. It is necessary watch for everyone, especially students, to be aware of the kind of hardships faced by their peers in countries like Afghanistan.

18. Apollo 10 1⁄2: A Space Age Childhood (2022)

movie review for college students

Experiencing someone else’s nostalgia does not fall in the same category as learning from someone else’s experience, but it’s still rewarding. One of the best Netflix originals , Apollo 10 1⁄2, takes place around the time of the Apollo 11 mission, and that is something which we might not be familiar with, but the manner in which the film talks about dreams and imagination makes it one that can be appreciated universally. It focuses on the concept of being close to your roots and how one’s experiences shape their outlook on life and how one perceives the outside world. The way in which the film also encapsulates the fun of growing up without worrying too much about trivial things makes it a ride that you can enjoy throughout without feeling out of place at any point. Richard Linklater knows how to talk about the most simple and mundane things and find something extraordinary and interesting in them, and it’s on full display in this nostalgia-driven film from the maestro.

19. Bend It Like Beckham (2002)

movie review for college students

One of the most loved diaspora films by Gurinder Chaddha, Bend it Like Beckham, centers around Jess, an aspiring footballer who has a hard time following her passion because of her orthodox Indian family. With a family who believes playing football is just a means of “showing off bare legs”, Jess fuels her dream of playing for the national team of England. It is a feel-good coming-of-age film that has sports, romance, weddings, drama, and everything in between. However stereotypical it might feel, it is an honest portrayal of an Indian immigrant family for whom being able to cook Aloo Gobi is much more prestigious than being an athlete. But the spirit Jess shows in order to accomplish her goals is truly inspiring. Making mistakes along the way, Jess shows the spirit of a dreamer who will overcome anything to Bend it like Beckham.

Also Read: 25 Best Sports Movies of All Time

20. coda (2021).

movie review for college students

The 2022 Oscar winner isn’t just your simple coming-of-age story, it’s about empowerment and giving a platform to the marginalized. The simple yet beautiful story focuses on Ruby, CODA (Child of Deaf Adults), who aspires to be a singer. Singing is something her parents and brother can never experience or fully appreciate, yet her will to fulfill her dreams and take care of the family business and help her parents through thick and thin stands out.

A strong determination to work towards one’s passion is something that can be hard to muster, yet the way in which Ruby balances her life and passion is what one can learn from. Follow your passion; give your best, and don’t lose hope or put too much stress on attaining a result because if you give your everything, you are bound to reap the rewards for all you have put in.

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50 Best Movies For College Students

By: Author Michelle Ioannou

Posted on Last updated: March 23, 2023

Categories College

Looking for the best movies for college students? Here are 50 titles that will make you laugh as well as explore serious issues. Enjoy!

College is one of the best times of your life. For many, it’s the first time you’re on your own, trying out this whole “adulting” things without the huge stress of a full-time job or (too many) bills. It’s exciting, overwhelming, fun, and hard work all in one.

Even though the mainstream media has lots of ideas of what “real” college life looks like, college looks different for everyone. It really is one of those things that’s what you make it.

If you commute, it looks different than if you dorm. If you join a fraternity or sorority, it looks different than if you don’t. If you go to school close to home, it looks different than if you went to a school far away, and so on and so forth.

But whatever college looks like for you, there are so many college movies that you can enjoy, even if you don’t exactly relate to it. Watching a college movie is a good way to break up the monotony of college life. To save yourself some time, you can enlist the help of essay writing services legit to help you with time management.

So whether you’re getting ready for college and want to “study” by watching some college themed movies or if you’re in college and want to watch something relatable (or something you just want to laugh at), here’s the list you need of best movies for college students, both to get a look into “college” but also to learn a great life lesson or two from.

“Legally Blonde” (2001)

You’ve most definitely seen this one, but even if you’re not planning on ever going to law school , re-watch it as you’re sure to learn a thing or two from Elle Woods played by Reese Witherspoon.

“The Social Network” (2010)

A star-studded cast of Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield and Justin Timberlake show us how Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg and a small group of students all while they were in college.

“Animal House” (1978)

The classic college comedy about a frat that throws crazy parties and challenges authority of the dean. “Neighbors,” “Accepted” and “Old School” are just some of the movies that have used “Animal House’s” portrayal of Greek life in their movies.

“Pitch Perfect” (2012)

A college freshman isn’t sure she fits in, until she joins an all-girl acappella group and becomes consumed by crushing their competition .

“House Bunny” (2008)

A Playboy bunny who’s kicked out of the mansion gets a job managing an unpopular sorority.

“Accepted” (2006)

After getting rejected by every school he applies to, a high school senior fools everyone into thinking he’s college bound and creates his own university.

“The Internship” (2013)

Two men who have been graduated from college for a while enroll in an internship program where they’re competing with recent college grads.

movie review for college students

“EuroTrip” (2004)

A high school grad goes on an epic trip to Europe after he was dumped by his GF.

Eurotrip follows the misadventures of Scott (played by Scott Mechlowicz) and his friends as they travel around Europe trying to reunite him with his long-distance German love interest.

Along the way, they meet a variety of characters, all while learning about themselves and each other. This movie is a great example of how college students can go on crazy adventures and make lifelong memories.

It’s a coming of age comedy that will make you laugh, cry, and have you ready to plan your own trip across Europe! The movie is full of hilarious moments, surprises, and lessons about friendship , love and growing up.

“Old School” (2003)

After a bad breakup, an attorney, played by Luke Wilson, moves into a new house near a college campus. With his two best friends , played by Will Ferrell and Vince Vaughn, they open a new fraternity to relive their glory days.

“Monsters University” (2013)

Beloved animated character Mike Wazowski enrolls in Monsters University to become a Scarer and quickly gets into a rivalry with Sulley.

“The Great Debaters” (2007)

Based on the true story of Melvin B. Tolson, Denzel Washington plays a professor at a college in Texas that’s historically black.

He forms the first debate team at the school and goes on to the national championship, where they face Harvard.

“American Graffiti” (1973)

A nostalgic looks at teens from the 1960s, it follows high school grads as they enjoy their last days of summer vacation before college.

“22 Jump Street” (2014)

The sequel to “21 Jump Street,” police offices go undercover at a local college.

In 22 Jump Street, undercover police officers Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) try to find the dealer of a new synthetic drug that has been circulating around a local college campus.

However, as they investigate further, they quickly realize that their lives in college are more complicated than expected – from unwelcome roommates to a kinky professor, these two police officers must find a way to survive college while still doing their job.

It’s a hilarious film that will have you laughing through the entire movie! It’s one of the funniest movies for college students .

“American Pie 2” (2001)

The sequel to “American Pie” where the group reunites at the beach the summer after their first year of college.

“Sydney White” (2007)

A college remake of classic Snow White, a freshman played by Amanda Bynes pledges her mother’s sorority, only to find out sorority life isn’t what she expected.

“The Graduate” (1967)

Dustin Hoffman plays a recent college grade who’s seduced by a bored housewife while he’s back home for the summer . It shows his struggle on what he should do next, post-grad.

“The Dead Poets Society” (1989)

Robin Williams played a professor at an all-boys school, where the students are a bit sheltered. He teaches them how to live life to the fullest and to think for themselves.

This is highly regarded as one of the best movies for college students.

“The Waterboy” (1998)

Adam Sandler stars as The Waterboy, who starts out as a college football waterboy but learns he has talent for football.

“Good Will Hunting” (1997)

Matt Damon plays a math genius who works as a janitor but must confront his past when he meets a psychologist, played by Robin Williams .

movie review for college students

“Van Wilder” (2002)

Ryan Reynolds plays Van Wilder who is living his best life in college and doesn’t graduate , instead becoming a professional student partier… until his dad finds out.

“Neighbors” (2004)

A young couple moves next door to a frat house. At first they try and get along with frat president, played by Zac Efron, but then a war erupts between the two.

“Forrest Gump” (1994)

You may not think of this as a “college” movie but the film includes Forrest Gump’s, played by Tom Hanks, time playing college football.

“Drumline” (2002)

Nick Cannon plays a marching band drummer who’s struggling to confirm to the rules of the band, which puts him in hot water at a Georgia University.

“The Blind Side” (2009)

A true story of Michael Oher, focusing on his prep for college life and shows his path to playing college ball.

“The Blind Side” is a 2009 biographical sports drama focusing on Michael Oher, an American football offensive tackle. The film follows his journey from being a homeless teen to becoming a successful college athlete. It documents his transition into college life and shows the obstacles he faced such as adapting to new coaches, teammates and academics. Starring Sandra

“We Are Marshall” (2006)

A new coach brings a college football team in West Virginia back together after tragedy strikes.

“A Beautiful Mind” (2001)

Russel Crowe plays an egotistical genius who has to face new mental limits as he ages.

A Beautiful Mind tells the story of John Nash, a mathematical genius who suffers from paranoid schizophrenia.

After making groundbreaking advancements in economics, Nash’s mental illness spirals out of control as he struggles to keep up with his studies at Princeton University.

Despite the challenges posed by his illness, Nash is determined to make something of himself and ultimately discovers a way to use his unique gifts and live a fulfilling life . The film won four Academy Awards, including Best Picture.

Because of this, it’s one of the best movies for college students.

“The Theory of Everything” (2014)

Based on Stephen Hawking’s full story, Eddie Redmayne plays him in the film, which shows his time at Cambridge University, including his ALS diagnosis.

“The Program” (1993)

Halle Berry and Omar Epps stars in this film that follows college football players who are trying to cope with the pressures of playing at a top university.

“St. Elmo’s Fire” (1985)

The classic 1985 “Brat Pack” coming of age film about a group of recent Georgetown graduates as they struggle with adulthood. The star-studded cast includes Emilio Estevez, Demi Moore, Rob Lowe, and Andrew McCarthy.

“The Paper Chase” (1973)

A first-year Harvard law student tries to keep up with the demands of a tough professor… and then makes things worse by dating his daughter.

“21” (2008)

Based on the bestselling nonfiction book “Bringing Down The House,” it tells the story of a student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology who card-count to earn money to pay for med school.

“Mona Lisa Smile” (2003)

“Mona Lisa Smile” follows Katherine Watson (Julia Roberts) as she takes a teaching job at Wellesley College, a conservative all-women’s college in the 1950s.

Katherine challenges the status quo with her progressive ways and encourages her students to think for themselves and pursue their dreams.

Despite facing opposition from the administration and parents, Katherine continues to inspire her students and encourage them to pursue their own paths.

As the movie progresses, Katherine’s lessons become more meaningful and resonate with each of the young women she teaches.

In the end, it is clear that Katherine has had a profound impact on her students and changed their lives for the better.

In fewer words, an art history teacher who has a unique lesson plan to inspire her students.

movie review for college students

“Glory Road” (2006)

Loosely based on the true story of the 1966 Texas Western Miners, a new basketball coach at Texas Western College leads the first all-Black starting lineup to the NCAA national championship.

“Stand and Deliver” (1988)

Based on a true story of high school math teacher Jaime Escalante, a very strong willed teacher encourages his disgruntled students to do well.

“Love & Basketball” (2000)

Two childhood friends , who fall in love as they grow older, have the same dream of playing professional basketball.

“Life of the Party” (2018)

Melissa McCarthy plays a middle-aged mother who goes back to school after she gets divorced , and ends up at the same school as her daughter.

“Revenge of the Nerds” (1984)

Geeky college students are thrown out of their dorm by fraternity bros after their frat house burns down.. and the geeky college students plot their revenge.

“Rudy” (1993)

High school students dream of playing football at University of Notre Dame but they don’t have the grades or the money to attend. Rudy overcomes the obstacles to attend and works his way to the football team .

“Whiplash” (2014)

Miles Teller plays a talented younger drummer studying at a competitive music conservatory… where a respected professor both mentally and physically abuses him.

“The Rules of Attraction” (2002)

Based on the novel by Bret Easton Ellis, it focuses on the empty lives of privileged students of fictional Camden College.

“Kill Your Darlings” (2013)

Daniel Radcliffe plays Allen Ginsberg, a freshman at Columbia University. The biographical drama centers around young poets during their college years.

“Road Trip” (2000)

To help save their friend’s relationship, a group of college students go on a wild road trip from New York to Austin, TX.

“With Honors” (1994)

Joe Pesci plays a homeless man who steals a Harvard student’s thesis.

“Higher Learning” (1995)

A diverse group of freshman at Columbus University explore life while coping with racism, sexual assault, and other violence on campus. Stars include Omar Epps, Ice Cube, Jennifer Connelly, and Laurence Fishburne.

“Back To School” (1986)

A concerned father, played by Rodney Dangerfield, enrolls in college to help encourage his son to attend… but soon faces troubles of his own as he learns how to manipulate the system.

“Smart People” (2008)

Dennis Quaid plays a depressed Carnegie Mellon lit professor ho starts a relationship with a former student, played by Sarah Jessica Parker. But when his adopted brother shows up, he realizes he needs to make some life changes .

“Orange County (2002)

A smart high schooler, played by Colin Hanks get into Stanford University, but his acceptance is jeopardized when his guidance counselor sent the wrong transcript to them.

“The Freshman” (1990)

Matthew Broderick is an NYU film student who accepts a job with a local mobster. It’s one of the best movies for college students because it’s fun to watch.

“PCU” – 1994

A high school senior visits the fictional school of Port Chester University. While there, he gets a taste for the politically correct campus life while he stays at the most wild house on campus.

“The Sure Thing” (1985)

John Cusack plays a college freshman who roadtrips to California to meet a girl after he struck out with women at his own college. 

In Summary: 50 Best Movies For College Students

Movies about college students can be a great source of entertainment, and they often provide insight into the lives of young adults.

They capture the excitement, drama, comedy and romance that come with college life while also exploring important issues like racism, sexual assault and mental health .

For those who have already experienced college life or are currently in school, movies about college students can be a fun way to reminisce or see familiar scenarios and situations played out on the big screen.

For those who have yet to experience college life, these films can provide an entertaining glimpse into what student life may be like.

Whether it’s watching intense drama in “Whiplash” or laughing along with Rodney Dangerfield’s antics in “Back to School,” these films can provide an entertaining escape from reality.

No matter what stage of life you’re at, watching movies about college students can be a great way to relax and enjoy an evening.

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About the Author

Michelle Ioannou

Michelle graduated from Fordham University with a Bachelors of Arts '13 and a Master of Arts '14. She's currently working in corporate America with a side of freelance writing. She wants you to learn from her experiences and mistakes so your 20s can be your best decade. When she's not working, she's likely planning her escape to a tropical island.

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A Comprehensive Movie Review Writing Guide

What is a movie review, what is the purpose of a movie review, preparing to write a college movie review.

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How to Write an Outstanding Movie Review for College

The structure of movie reviews| the format of a movie review, the introduction, summary of the story in the movie, creative elements in the film- elements of a movie review homework, personal opinion, examples of movie reviews for college students, how to handle movie review assignments, get help with editing and writing your movie critiques, commonly asked questions on movie reviews: faq.

For students majoring in English, writing a movie review is never optional. High school and college students often find it hard to review a film. “Who can write my movie review, I’ll pay?” is common for students.

Well, writing a movie review is not just about what happens in the movie. Instead, it should be an entire critical process loaded with different steps. As students like watching movies, they often confuse writing film reviews with writing regular essays. However, this is always never the case.

Sometimes, even seeking help from academic writing companies do not help. Especially, if you don’t end up with a custom movie review. In this case, your movie review assignment is nothing less than that written using a movie review generator. Simply, it is useless and deemed for poor grades.

As a top, reliable, and cheap custom essay writing service, we help students write movie reviews online. Besides, our movie review examples for college students can be referenced as they are professionally written essays. However, students must be smart.

With an example of a film review, think of the film you just watched and follow the format of the sample movie review format for students provided.

We watch movies, discuss, and critique them daily. In college, watching movies on Netflix or Amazon is fun. Creating a high-quality review is a very tasking endeavor, especially for fresh college students. Well, before understanding how to write a movie review, let’s delve into its definition.

Simply, a movie review is a detailed, critical, and balanced synthesis or analysis of the thematic content and technical aspects as well as giving personal opinions on a film.

As a rule of thumb, movie reviews must have a minimum word limit of 1000-words. The maximum length of a movie review depends on the instructions and if the film is long, say a series.

Film reviews fall under creative, critical review. In this, they are seen as art and should be approached with creativity and critical thinking. In the end, it is like ending with a loaded persuasive or argumentative paper. But let’s begin by understanding what the purpose of a film review is. It will set a pace on how to write a good movie review.

Fundamentally, students taking English classes have to write film reviews. As a movie review writing service, we believe a professional movie review should:

The primary purpose of a movie review is to emancipate the reader on the ideas on the film. Often, students focus so much on events rather than the real issues of concern. It is good to express your personal opinion when writing a documentary or film review, but you should be objective and unbiased. A good movie review features the two.

Film reviews should detail and help a reader in making decisions on whether or not to watch a movie.  For lecturers, it is a chance to assess and test the creativity and critical thinking skills of the students.

Movie reviews should inform the reader about the content and quality of the documentary or movie. For example, if a reader is looking for a horror movie review of a specific nature, convince them why they should watch Vampire Dairies, Final Destination , or Wrong Turn .

A detailed analysis helps inexperienced viewers to get insights into the critical elements of the film based on the scenes. Now, let us prepare our college movie review assignment.

Before writing a film review, there are steps one should follow.

  • Choose a movie if your instructor does not assign one. Confirm from the review prompt if there is a specific genre to choose. Content and themes should guide your choice.
  • Watch the film. You should watch the film at least twice or thrice to get insights on the elements of the movie to include in the review. At first, get into the movie atmosphere to get a good impression. Second viewing gives you the chance to look at the cinematography elements, sound effects, lighting, background music, and acting.
  • Formulate a central theme o idea of the movie. If you are not sure, a third viewing is inevitable. This time, be very keen and take notes.
  • Your notes should record the breathtaking scenes, details, events, and moments. If there are phrases you need in verbatim, note them down, especially if they are from main characters. It is the best epigraph you can have for the film review.

The Do’s when reviewing a Film

  • Engage in some research on the movie to decorate your review and make it more convincing. Record any challenges when shooting the movie.
  • Focus on the director of the movie and the cast as well as prestigious awards. Any cinephile would want a deeply written movie review, and it is your chance to make it informative.

Our write my movie review experts always do the entire process. They understand how to write a movie review. Sometimes, when writing a movie review, it is great to read some of the reviews on the same film written by professional film critics. The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Times, Rolling Stone and The New Yorker, etc. can be helpful.

This is a step by step guide on how to write a good movie review. Arguably, beginning a movie review is the hardest.  However, follow these steps from our “write my movie review for me” experts:

  • Watch the documentary or movie twice
  • Conduct thorough research on the movie. Check for the characters, events, plot, location, motivation, storyline, and directors as well as the cast.
  • Only analyze a movie after watching it.
  • Always have a movie review outline with you.
  • Proofread and edit your movie review to remove mistakes. A good review should be flawless. Check for syntax, grammar, vocabulary, typos, errors, and word choice.
  • Write a firm conclusion for the movie. You are allowed to give recommendations and convince the reader to watch the movie. It is like selling the movie to someone with no interest in a film.

One area of technicality write my movie review experts face is advising on the movie review format for students. Even with a pdf on how to write a movie, you need to format your review in the best way possible.

Your introduction should have a grabber. It should have the name of the director, the title of the movie, the genre, the release date, and awards if any. Sometimes, professors want you to include the budget and the box office. Besides, the intro should have the cast members.

When writing a movie review, do not forget the thesis statement as part of the introduction. Notably, a compelling thesis statement should convince your reader to stay tuned.

The thesis statement should cover the plot summary and describe the technical aspects.  Here are some ideas for a good thesis statement for a movie/film review:

  • Establishing the themes of the film to current affairs.
  • Tying the plot to personal experiences or family events.
  • Connecting the elements of the film review to the thematic contents.

This stage is where the rubber meets the road. The first and second paragraphs of the body should expose your evaluation. Maybe it is a chance to offer your personal opinion. Our write my movie review for cheap experts know this, that some readers have no time to go through an entire review.

The body should have a brief plot summary where you focus on major events. Furthermore, you can describe the setting but give so much less that you dodge “, spoiler alerts.” Maintain the suspense; it makes a review sweet and entertaining.

The body should also reflect the purpose of the movie.

Why could it have been created? For this, great interviews with the director or the team that shot the movie can be a great starting point. However, most plots expose the purpose of films. Sometimes, the simplicity of movies makes them great. So, do not bother going too deep into the implications of a movie.

It is best to include the overall impression of the movie in the body too. What emotions, reactions, or thoughts does the movie/film/documentary evoke? The plot summary should very well capture this. You are allowed to take a personal stance on this part.

Here is where you focus on the details of filmmaking. An exhaustive movie review should always feature at least two elements in a film, however, avoid jargon in your review; they can anger the professor/instructor.

Check for the cinematography skills including angles, camera movement, and distance of cameras.

Also, analyze and critique the soundtrack used and whether or not it fits the themes of the film. Sometimes diegetic sounds like the chirping of birds, water in a river, or barking can form a good part of the review. Also, explain the non-diegetic sounds like sounds from aliens or outer space.

Another element is the visual effects, smiles or the actors and the landscape in the film.

The deeper meaning or symbols used in the movie is also an important element. Always check the repetitive phrases, scenes, or symbols for the same.

When giving personal opinions in a movie review, always use examples from the movie. Please focus on the character of a given character, their appearance, language, and body language.

Connect the movie review to your class or course topic. Sometimes draw the similarities and differences between the elements of the movie and the class reader content.

It would help if you always had an accurate depiction of the movie. Thus, it would be best if you never guessed anything. Instead, be as simple as possible.

Your review should have a strong conclusion . In this section, it is best to remind your readers of the movie elements, characters, setting, and themes.

Spicing up the conclusion with a set of recommendations is recommended. Keep the conclusion interesting by reformulating your thesis.

Reflect on the entire movie review process. Always give your honest opinion and give impartial details. The opinions are good as they swerve the readers to adopt and agree with your opinion. Remember, when writing a movie review for a movie club and children, the approach is never the same.

It might be a good idea to give details on how well the movie was directed and shot.  How about the lighting, was it good for the moods?

Here are some of how to write a movie review for college examples. We believe that with an example of a movie review assignment, you can be able to write a good movie review.

  • Review of Hunger Games: Demystifying Dystopia
  • Doctor Who Film Review
  • “Everybody Hates Chris” A Critical Review
  • The Notebook-Review of the Romantic Movie
  • Modern understanding of Marriage in Modern Family
  • Blackish Film Review
  • Hidden figures review on the Role of Women in Science
  • Representation of women in Science Movies
  • Ghostbusters Review
  • Review of Contact
  • Orphan Black Critical Review
  • Review of Gender Balance in Jurassic Park
  • Comprehensive Review of Black Panther.
  • Review of the Dawn of Planet Apes

Our “write my essay,” professional movie review helpers can always assist with your assignments.

There are some mistakes to avoid when writing movie reviews:

  • Generalizing the review using terms like it was a nasty movie, a fine movie, a good movie, cool effects on the movie, great expertise in acting, and so on.
  • Focusing on irrelevant stuff.
  • Not having a structure of the review before writing.
  • Lack of editing and proofreading.
  • Failing to support personal opinions with facts and examples from research or the movie.
  • Not watching the film or documentary before beginning to write.
  • Writing too much with personal pronouns. Arguably, it makes it informal and dilutes the content
  • Beating around the bush with ideas in the film.
  • Not getting movie review help in time. You can always ask for the “write my movie review, for cheap,” service from Gradecrest.com.

Ask for help today from a top custom essay writing service . Our assignment writing service has qualified professional essay writers .

We have helped many save their grades; it is now your chance. When you order, we let you have control of the paper by setting the deadlines and asking for movie review drafts.

Sometimes, you have written a movie review but are unsure if it meets the marking threshold in the rubric. In this case, you can use our Essay Editing Service . It makes no sense to ask your classmates to edit and proofread your essay.

The same level of experience does not count here. Instead, our keen editors can always help.

As an instant essay maker, we ensure that even the most urgent essays are submitted within the deadline.

Who will write my Movie Review?

We have experts in essay writing. They have exclusive experience in writing film reviews. If your review needs to choose a movie, they will also help you.

Will someone else have access to my Review?

No! Once you pay for the essay or paper, it becomes 100% your property. As a custom paper writing company, we never re-sell or distribute essays we write.

How can I contact you if I need help with a movie review service?

We have 24/7 customer support. You can reach us through WhatsApp or Chat.

Can I copy a movie review online?

No! That amounts to plagiarism, which has grave consequences. Universities use Turnitin to check plagiarism, and you might get caught and red-carded. Copying an existing movie review is a suicide mission. Instead, look for movie review examples for college students.

Do movie reviews get assigned to non-English Majors?

Yes, even students from psychology, sociology, history, or business are given movie review assignments. The aim is to assess your critical thinking and creativity skills.

How is a movie review formatted?

Most prompts will have instructions on what format and citation styles to use. However, most movie reviews we have written were on MLA and APA citation styles.

movie review for college students

Gradecrest is a professional writing service that provides original model papers. We offer personalized services along with research materials for assistance purposes only. All the materials from our website should be used with proper references. See our Terms of Use Page for proper details.

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30 Inspirational Movies That Every Student Must Watch


Traditional classroom teaching alone cannot motivate every student. Given that children love entertainment, inspirational movies are an effective and easy medium to motivate them.

If you are a teacher or a parent, you might understand this very well. It is essential for students to feel affection towards learning.

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It is not difficult to screen a movie today. We have smart classrooms with projectors and screens. Here are some good inspirational, educational Hollywood & Bollywood movies that can motivate students from schools and colleges alike. These teach students the value of hard work and proper education.

Here is our list of best inspirational movies of all time for students:

1. Good Will Hunting (1997)

IMDb rating – 8.3/10

Cast & Crew: Good Will Hunting boasts an illustrious cast including Robin Williams, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Stellan Skarsgard. This American film was written by Affleck and Matt Damon while it was helmed by Gus Van Sant.

Story: Matt Damon played the title role of a 20-year old young man. The hero is gifted with high potential in mathematics and chemistry but doesn’t realize what his potential can offer.

The film will inspire students to discover hidden talents they have.

2. The Great Debaters

IMDb rating – 7.6/10

Cast & Crew: Starring Denzel Washington, “The Great Debaters” is an inspirational American movie movie released in 2007. It was directed by Denzel Washington himself and its producer was Oprah Winfrey.

Story: It is based on an article written about the Wiley College debate team.

Thinking of teaching or training others? This movie is the dramatic retelling of the true story of Melvin B. Tolson, a professor who inspired his students to challenge Harvard at the debating championships.

This is a heart-warming tale to lift the study spirits of the students, especially if they have been inspired at some point by a wonderful teacher who saw their potential.

3. Lean on Me (1989)

IMDb rating – 7.4/10

Cast & Crew: Written by Michael Schiffer and stars Morgan Freeman, directed by John G. Avildsen.

Story: Do you need a second chance at study or your career?

Based on a true story, Lean on Me is a dramatized biographical film An unorthodox teacher returns to the idyllic high school from which he had been fired as the principal, only to find it devoid of the success it used to be.

movie review for college students

This movie will help build you up and get you through that pile of study! There is nothing like a true story to really lift your spirits.

4. The Paper Chase (1973)

IMDb rating – 7.2/10

Cast & Crew: Directed by James Bridges, The Paper Chase is an inspirational Hollywood movie starring Timothy Bottoms, Lindsay Wagner, and John Houseman.

Story: Sometimes study does not come easily – often we need to learn to “set the mode”.

The Paper Chase focuses on the hardworking and studious James T. Hart who faces many challenges during his first year at Harvard. The movie is perfect for anyone struggling and finding it difficult to keep the motivation alive.

5. 21 (2008)

IMDb rating – 6.8/10

Cast & Crew: 21 is a 2008 American movie directed by Robert Luketic starring Jim Sturgess and Kevin Spacey.

Story: The film is inspired by the true story of the MIT Blackjack Team as told in Bringing Down the House, the best-selling book by Ben Mezrich.

There is a typical situation: a talented student entered Harvard University, but he has to demonstrate his unique experience no other students have in order to get a scholarship.

Taking into account the fact that last year this scholarship was won by a student from Korea who had no leg, this task appears to be not easy at all. But the student is lucky to meet a math teacher who has noticed his talent to count and offered an unusual deal to him… If you don’t know what to write in your motivation letter for all professors to notice you, this movie is a real must-watch for you then.

6. Forrest Gump (1994)

IMDb rating – 8.8/10

Cast & Crew: Directed by Robert Zemeckis, starring Tom Hanks

Story: This Tom Hanks movie tells the inspiring story of a man with low IQ who achieves many incredible feats. He wins the Medal of Honor for bravery, becomes an expert Ping Pong player, inspires the famous dance of Elvis Presley, and makes money by selling shrimps.

It is a truly inspirational story that every student should watch. The movie conveys that nothing is impossible if you are willing enough. There is a famous in the movie – “ Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are gonna get” from the movie remains popular to this day.

7. Theory of Everything (2014)

IMDb rating – 7.7/10

Cast & Crew: James Marsh directed this movie starring Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones

Story: This Movie depicts the story of Stephen Hawking, the greatest cosmologist and physicist of our time. As a brilliant student of Astrophysics, he shockingly learns that he is suffering from motor neurone disease. Doctors predict just 2 more years for him to live.

But, he remarkably defied medical calculations and went on to live up to 76 years of age. During this period he became the famous man he is today with his eminent contributions to the world of Cosmology and Physics. This movie is inspirational for all students, especially ones with special needs. There simply isn’t a boundary for what you can achieve with what you have.

8. 42 (2013)

IMDb rating – 7.5/10

Cast & Crew: This Brian Helgeland helmed movie featured Chadwick Aaron Boseman in the lead role also starring Harrison Ford.

Story: This inspirational sports drama portrays the real life story of America’s baseball icon Jackie Robinson. He was the first Black player to feature in the Major League in the Modern Era.

The movie can teach students a lot about racism that was in practise in the USA. It can help students understand how difficult it can be to overcome challenges and why they should persevere.

9. The Social Network (2010)

Cast & Crew: “The Social Network” is an American drama movie written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by David Fincher in 2010. Jesse Eisenberg depicted facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg while Justin Timberlake and Andrew Garfield played supporting roles

Story: This Inspirational Hollywood movie shows the journey of Mark Zuckerberg from a Harvard student to a multi-millionaire is really an inspiring one for everyone; it might inspire you to become an awesome genius like the man himself. The Social Network, tells that every student can turn their dream into reality.

10. The Breakfast Club (1985)

Cast & Crew: It’s an American comedy drama directed, written and produced by John Hugges in 1985.

Story: This movie is about how 5 students from different backgrounds end up together for a detention and open up to each other.


The Breakfast Club shows that students can find friendship in the most unexpected ways. Regarded as an evergreen teen cult movie, it is a must watch for every student.

11. Freedom Writers(2007)

Cast & Crew: This movie was directed by Richard LaGravenese and featured Hilary Swank and Patrick Dempsey

Story: “Freedom Writers” is an inspirational movie based on a young teacher who inspires her troublesome class to pursue studies even after high school. She has to contend with at-risk students who are divided among themselves, opposing teachers, struggling marriage and money shortage.

Students who watch this movie are bound to see their teachers in a new light.

12. Life of Pi (2012)

Cast and Crew: Released in the year 2012, this movie directed by Ang Lee features both Indian and foreign actors. The film stars Suraj Sharma as Pi, Irfan Khan, Tabu, Rafe Spall, and Gerard Depardieu. The film won many awards at premiere film festivals around the world. It won the Golden Globe awards for the Best Director and Best Picture – Drama.

The Story: The plot of the movie revolves around the life of Pi Patel, a 16-year-old born a Hindu but follows all three religions for the love of God. The film talks of the boy’s life story as rendered to a novelist about how he survived a shipwreck and marooned in the Pacific Ocean with a Bengal tiger for companionship on a lifeboat.

The film will teach students how to realize hidden strengths when pushed to a corner.

13. Stand and Deliver(1988)

IMDb rating – 7.9/10

Cast & Crew: Directed by Ramón Menéndez, starring Edward James Olmos, Lou Diamond Phillips, Will Gotay and Vanessa Marquez

Story: This movie is based on the real story of a high school mathematics teacher named Jaime Escalante.

It shows how an idealistic maths teacher supports his “no-hoper” students to study by adopting unusual teaching methods. “Stand and Deliver” is really an inspirational movie for those who think they are hopeless in their studies.

14. Rush (2013)

IMDb Rating : 8.1/10

Cast and Crew : Written by Peter Morgan and directed by Ron Howard, the movie stars Chris Helmsworth and Daniel Bruhl. Produced on a budget of 38 million USD, the film is a racy one which won the BAFTA Award for Best Editing.

The Story:  The plot of the movie is centred around two F1 racers of the 1970s – James Hunt and NikiLauda who are intense rivals and how they stretch to their very limits to prove their supremacy on the tracks. The movie is for the driving buff with exhilarating race sequences on the screen.

Students can get a feel of the gruelling conditions during an F1 race and how the rivalry spurred the other to fine-tune their skills.

15. Boyhood (2014)

IMDb Rating : 7.9/10

Cast and Crew: Written and directed by Richard Linklater, who is famous for his ‘Before’ trilogy, the movie stars Patricia Arquette, Ellar Coltrane, Ethan Hawke, and Lorelei Linklater. The film was lauded for its extraordinary undertaking of being shot for over 12 years. The stars showed up and the film every year when their schedules allowed them to do so.

The Story : The unique point of this movie was that it was shot over a course of 12 years and renders the story of a boy’s life over 12 years’ time. Incidents that occur in MJ’s life when living with his mother after his parents’ divorce form the main part of the film. The film traces in all emotional depth the life of the boy during his teens. The film shows the poignant moments of fatherhood and motherhood as well.

The film provides a great chance for children to understand the happenings in their parents’ lives in the context of modern times.

16. The Blind Side(2009)

Cast & Crew: The Blind Side is an American biographical sports drama film written & directed by John Lee Hancock in 2009. Sandra Bullock starred in the leading role.

Story: It is based on the real story of Michael Oher, who was adopted by a loving, supportive family – the Tuohys. Leigh Anne Tuohy and her husband Sean offer him shelter for a day and extend their welcome indefinitely.

movie review for college students

Leigh Anne discovers Michael’s strengths and helps him understand his strengths better. This, in turn, has a positive effect on his football skills. Finally, he becomes a successful football player, with strong support from the Tuohy family despite going through some rough patches.

Also Read: T op 12 Inspirational Animated Movies For Students

17. The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)

Cast & Crew: Helmed by Gabriele Muccino, this biopic featured Will Smith and his son Jaden Smith as Chris Gardner and his son respectively.

Story: The Pursuit of Happyness is an American biographical drama film based on the life of entrepreneur Chris Gardner directed by Gabriele Muccino in 2006.

In this movie, Will Smith plays the role of Gardner who goes from being a homeless salesman to the owner of a brokerage house with his sheer determination and will power.

18. Warrior (2011)

IMDb Rating: 8.2/10

Cast and Crew: Directed by Gavin O’Connor, the movie stars Joel Edgerton, Nick Nolte, and Tom Hardy. Nick Nolte was nominated for the Academy Award for the Best Actor in a Supporting Role.

The Story: The film tells the story of two MMA champions who meet for a fight without knowing the fact that they are estranged brothers. The two brothers fight tournaments for different reasons and end up fighting one another. The brothers reconcile their differences in the end and the movie closes with the smiling shot of the father.

The film presents some great shots on MMA fighting with the major theme being reconciliation and redemption of the human spirit. The power of forgiveness and family bonds are well explored in the movie.

19. Half Nelson (2006)

Cast & Crew: Half Nelson, is an American drama film directed by Ryan Fleck in 2006 and written by Anna Boden & Fleck. Ryan Gosling, Shareeka Epps and Anthony Mackie played the lead roles.

Story: This movie focuses on an inner city middle-school teacher who becomes friends with one of his students after she finds out that he has a drug habit. As compared to other movies based on good teachers, Half Nelson tells the story of ordinary people facing genuine problems but still maintains hope.

20. The Internship(2013)

Cast & Crew: It’s an American comedy movie, directed by Shawn Levy in 2013, written by Vince Vaughn & Jared Stern and it was produced by Vaughn and Levy.

Story: The Internship is about Billy and Nick, two middle-aged salesmen, played by Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn, who lost their jobs due to the arrival of digital age and how they manage to get a chance to do internship with Google and prove their worth.

21. Everest (2015)

IMDb Rating: 7.1/10

Cast and Crew: This biographical adventure film was both produced and directed by BaltasarKormakur. The film was scripted by Simon Beaufoy and William Nicholson. The movie stars Jason Clarke, John Hawkes, Emily Watson, and Keira Knightley among others.

The Story: The story set in Everest and recounts the disaster that took place in the year 1996 in the mountain. Two expedition groups fight to survive as they are faced with difficulties during the climbing as well as the descent. The film portrays intense peril and the thrill of being able to view climbing up Everest.

The film shows, how in reality, things can go wrong, not in the way that one hopes and what is usually shown in happy-ending movies.

22. Dead Poets Society (1989)

Story: This classic movie follows a group of students and their free-spirited English teacher – John Keatings, who uses poetry to encourage his students to express themselves.

The teacher, with his unique ways, teaches them to be true to themselves and make the most of life. It is a timeless story that teaches us to think for ourselves and to follow our dreams.

23. October Sky (1999)

Actor Jake Gyllenhaal played Homer Hickam – the author of the book the movie is based on. Chris Cooper, Laura Dern, Chris Owen and William Lee Scott were some of the other actors who starred in the movie.

The Story: The movie follows the journey of Homer Hickam from being a coal miner’s son who took up rocketry inspired by the launch of Sputnik 1 much against his father’s wishes and went on to become a NASA Engineer. It is an inspiring story of courage and determination and teaches us to never stop reaching for our goals.

24. The Imitation Game (2014)

Also Read: 25 Motivational Movies For Students in Hindi

25. I am Kalam (2010)

IMDb rating – 7.9 /10Taare Zameen Par (Like Stars on Earth, 2007)

Cast and Crew: The Hindi-language film, I am Kalam was written by Sanjay Chauhan and directed by Nila Madhab Panda. The movie stars actors Gulshan Grover, Harsh Mayar, Pitobash, Hussan Saad and Beatrice Ordeix.

The Story: I am Kalam tells the story of Chotu – a child labourer who dreams of becoming someone like Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, who was an Indian aerospace scientist as well as the country’s 11th president. The movie inspires you to be optimistic in life and to face all your problems with a smile.

26. The Man Who Knew Infinity (2019)

The Story: Based on the 1991 book titled The Man Who Knew Infinity written by Robert Kanigel, the movie explores both personal and professional life of the self-taught Indian Mathematician – Srinivasa Ramanujan. As much as it inspires you to keep fighting to achieve your dreams, the movie also makes you realize that talent and hard work are not the only factors that define success. Being resourceful and grabbing the right opportunities are as important.

27. Whiplash (2014)

Cast and Crew: This British biopic on the life and academic career of legendary Indian Mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan was written and directed by Matt Brown. Actor Dev Patel dons the role of the Indian Mathematician, while Jeremy Irons, Malcolm Sinclair, Raghuvir Joshi, Dhritiman Chatterjee and many more actors play other important roles.

The Story: The movie tells the story of 19-year-old Andrew Niemann, who dreams of becoming one of the greatest jazz drummers in the world. It tells you how behind every success, there is a story of giving blood, sweat and tears and breaking out of the limits.

28. Zootopia (2016)

Cast and Crew: This Oscar-winning animated film was directed by Byron Howard and Rich Moore based on the screenplay by Jared Bush and Phil Johnston. Ginnifer Goodwin voices the role of Judy Hopps – the main character of the movie. Jason Bateman, Idris Elba, Jenny Slate and more have also lend their voices for the movie.

The Story: The movie follows the life of Judy Hopps – a rabbit who realizes her dream of becoming a police officer in the city of Zootopia, in a fictional world populated by anthropomorphic mammals. But things take a turn when she is pushed aside despite being a high performer at the academy and has to face many obstacles to prove herself. The movie inspires you to never quit and to face your problems with your head held high.

29. Queen of Katwe (2016)

Cast and Crew: Queen of Katwe is a biographical sports movie written by William Wheeler and directed by Mira Nair. It is based on the life of Phiona Mutesi – a Ugandan chess player. Madina Nalwanga plays the role of Mutesi in the movie.

The Story: The movie is about how the life of a Ugandan girl changes drastically after she is introduced into the world of chess. The movie inspires you to dream big despite the circumstances you come from.

30. Taare Zameen Par (Like Stars on Earth, 2007)

IMDb rating – 8.3 /10

Cast and Crew: Taare Zameen Par is a Hindi-language movie written by Amol Gupte and directed by Aamir Khan. Indian actors Darsheel Safary and Aamir Khan play the main roles in the film.

The Story: The movie tells the story of Ishaan Awasthi – an eight-year-old boy labelled as lazy and trouble maker, when in fact he has learning difficulties that people around him fail to recognize, until he is transferred to a boarding school where he meets an art teacher – Ram Shankar Nikumbh who identifies Ishaan’s learning difficulty as dyslexia and also recognizes the boy’s talent in art and helps the young boy overcome his problems.

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Writing a Movie Review: Teaching Tips and Lesson Ideas

To me, there’s nothing more enjoyable as a middle school teacher than blending films into English language arts classes. I’m a real movie lover, and I find that a good film-based activity is the perfect way to engage students in work on essential ELA skills in the last few weeks of school.

Thanks to Netflix, Disney+, and other streaming services, our students have more access to films than people at any other time in history! But I’ve noticed that even with so much exposure to movies, students need quite a lot of guidance to view films critically and with intention. 

This is why I find an end-of-year film review project to be so useful in the ELA classroom. Most students are natural movie reviewers already. They always come in on Monday mornings buzzing about the movies they saw over the weekend!

With this in mind, I like to tap into their natural instincts to share what they love, and help them learn the step-by-step organizational skills for writing a film review in the process. Here’s how this looks in the classroom:

1. Show Students Film Review Examples

To begin, I like to lead a brief whole-class discussion where we chat about the difference between getting a recommendation from a friend and reading a professional movie review . During this discussion, I point out that there are some specific things that a movie reviewer considers, including cinematography, actors, lighting, and sound.

Once students have the basic idea, I like to show them several examples of film reviews in different formats. If your school receives a newspaper subscription, you could collect and save film reviews to share with your class. Or, you may prefer a more modern approach and search online! Written film reviews tend to follow a similar structure and provide students with a good understanding of what they need to include.

Because most students also enjoy video content, we spend time looking at YouTube reviews as well. I might be dating myself, but I like to show old clips of Siskel and Ebert, the famous “two thumbs up” reviewers from the ‘80s and ‘90s! What I especially enjoy about their style is that they don’t always agree, but their reviews are still effective and engaging.

2. Know Your Audience

As we wrap up this lesson, I ask students to consider the audience of each review. For example, is the review aimed at children, adults, or even a teen magazine? The target audience affects not only tone and style, but also impacts the focus of the review. For example, a teen magazine review might focus on the famous actors of the film. By contrast, a special effects magazine might provide insight into a particular element of the filmmaking process.

3. Teach How to Watch the Film

The next step is to teach students how to watch a film with purpose, rather than simply for pleasure! In an ideal situation, I recommend watching a film twice. The first time is to get an overall understanding of the plot, and then to consider the choices the director and actors made in creating the film.

In the classroom, I like to pause the film frequently and let my students jot down notes. While they are watching, I remind them to consider each scene with an observant eye. I ask:

  • What does the director choose to show (or not show)?
  • How do the actors convey emotion, depth, and intention through their movements, as well as their words? 

movie review for college students

4. Provide Common Vocabulary

As part of a film study, it’s important for students to be able to speak the “language” of movie making. After viewing the movie, I like to take some time to outline some key terms to help students write their reviews.

Words like blockbuster, avant-garde, disjointed, or uninspired can help elevate movie reviews in ELA from “friendly recommendations” to “review quality.” I find a printable list of useful writing terms is especially helpful. This is especially true if you want to avoid the “It was a good movie,” trap! 

Writing a Movie Review in ELA Activity Useful Writing Terms

5. Provide An Organizational Framework

When it comes to actually writing the review, I like to be quite specific in my instructions, breaking down the review into specific paragraphs .

For example, introductory paragraphs should start by engaging the reader with a strong opinion, thought-provoking statement, or even a quote to act as a “hook.” I like to remind students that the purpose of this paragraph is also to share some basic information about the film. This should include title, director, genre, and setting, as well as a brief plot overview. No spoilers, please!

Next, I have students plot out their paragraph about the main characters of the movie. I like to begin this process by having them reflect on the portrayal of the characters, and whether the actors are well-suited for their roles. As they evaluate the performances, middle school ELA students can support their opinions using evidence and examples from the film.

Writing a Movie Review in ELA Activity

Because film techniques can vary so much from movie to movie, I like to give quite a lot of freedom in the next paragraph. I ask students to consider the following film techniques and choose one to focus on in detail:

  • Camera work
  • Sound effects

After they have evaluated film techniques, it’s time for students to flex their ELA muscles and reflect on the overall theme of the movie. In their fourth paragraph, I ask them to consider how the director uses filming techniques, set design, characters, conflict, or other elements to express or develop this theme. I like to guide this paragraph by asking questions like:

  • Has the theme been developed effectively?
  • Does it have an impact on the viewer, a specific community, or the world?

Finally, it’s time to wrap up the review! In this final paragraph, students need to give the film a rating in whatever “system” they choose. Popular choices in my classroom include thumbs up, stars, or even popcorn kernels on a scale of one to five! As they justify their rating and provide their personal opinions, I also encourage the class to consider what type of person would enjoy the movie.

6. Give Prompting Questions

In my experience, prompting questions help students focus on key things to include in their ELA movie review. I like to remind my students that graphic organizers are a tool for working through their ideas. They don’t need to be filled out in complete sentences, but they provide a useful framework for structuring their review. 

Pre-Writing Planning for Writing a Movie Review

7. Make time For Peer Feedback & Editing

While students always resist the peer feedback and editing stage of the writing process, it really makes a difference in their overall quality of work.

Before they finalize their review, I have students work with a peer for a closer look at the grammatical and structural elements of their movie review. One way to do this is to follow the “three stars and a wish” format. In this activity, each student has to identify three positive things about the writing and one “wish” – an area of improvement.

Alternatively, if you have an established peer editing process in your classroom, this is a great opportunity to use it!

8. Provide Options for Presentation

Now for the fun part – the presentation of the movie review! I believe that students do their best work when they can express choice and voice in their finished product. 

Movie reviews can be shared in a lot of different ways (in the ELA classroom and in real life!). First, I have students select whether they want to share their completed review as a newspaper article, blog post, podcast, pre-recorded video, or even a live presentation in class.

If you’re tight on time, one trick I love is to put students in small groups (I find four works well) and present their reviews to each other. This alternative to whole-class presentations frees me up to circulate among the different groups. You’d be surprised at how much you can see and hear while doing this! At the end of each presentation, I like to have students grade each other using a common rubric. The presenters can self-assess their work as well!

There you have it! I hope you have a blast bringing a movie review assignment into your middle school ELA classroom. Three cheers to the end of the year!

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Writing A Perfect Movie Review

Essays that you usually write in college are not limited to only descriptive and argumentative ones. Other types of writings that are quite widespread in the world of academic studies. Some of them have to do with writing about various works of literature. Others are closer to historical studies. Writings about films are also very popular. They mainly include writing a film review, so if you are a diehard movie fan and fond of writing, this is an excellent opportunity to blend these talents into one activity. In spite of the fact that there are many movie enthusiasts around, most of the people feel struggled when it comes to creating a good film review as it involves considering a given film from different angles. In case you have such an assignment, don't be scared of it and read our tips below. They will surely help you with this task.

What is the main point of writing film reviews?

To those of you who question the importance of writing film reviews, there are several known facts. First of all, writing such types of essays stretches your imagination and helps you to use various skills that you got during your studies. Secondly, they have long become a very common task in the world of academic writings.

Writing a film review is not unlike writing the same paper about a book. In both cases, you have to consider the work from different angles, dwell upon stylistic devices, plot and characters described. Such types of works require general knowledge about cinema as well as knowing peculiar facts about a film itself and the genre to which it belongs. You have to be very attentive to each detail of the film even the ones that seem to have no meaning whatsoever.

As you analyze the film, you start to watch it more attentively. This helps you widen your perception of the film industry itself. You may notice that it is a hard task to shoot a good movie so that you can feel more respect to people involved in the creation of films. Moreover, you will have an excellent opportunity to discover a new genre or a great director whose works are quite worthy. This can turn you into a newbie fan of an entirely different genre that you weren't familiar with before.

Such types of essays are remarkably popular with many professors as they serve quite well to illustrate the abilities of a student to carry out a respectable piece of analytic work. A paper like this mainly stems from describing your own opinions and feelings about a movie watched. Also, one can appreciate your vocabulary and writing skills. Each review is unique, that is why it is hard to find two similar papers that concern the same film, as every person gets impressed differently. Finally, it is more interesting to write about a movie than about a boring book or a historical event, so some professors use these tasks as a means of motivation for those students who are not fond of writing.

Necessary parts of a film review

In most cases, professors give their students a task to analyze a film chosen beforehand. There are cases when tutors give their students an opportunity to pick a movie themselves, but such cases are not too often. In any way, the movie that you end up reviewing should be significant and have a value in the world of cinematography.

In your paper, you should note what value has the movie for your studies, how it may influence your progress in learning, and also present your own opinion about the film under your consideration. Don’t forget that you are to be very careful with expressing your personal views about the film. Try to avoid such phrases as "I think that" or "I expected this film to be," etc. Your review has to be objective and biased.

The form and shape of your review may be defined by the program of your course and professors demands. Despite this, several essentials are necessary within your paper. Among them are:

What is the title of the film? -Even if you mentioned the name of the movie in the title of your analysis, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t repeat it once again within your text. The best place to do it is the introduction part of your paper. Many students do not pay attention to such moments, thinking that it is not too important. Though, some professors may perceive it as a mistake.

The plot - no doubt, that one of the primary things to be done is to give a summary of the movie for those people who are not familiar with it. To do it the best way, keep in mind that the professor who will read your essay is one of those people too. Be very careful with all the details, try to present them with all the possible attention. Your primary goal is to present the events that happened in the movie and to write if the director managed to deliver a film worthy of the viewer's attention or not. However, be careful with expressing your personal opinion about the film if you feel tempted to write things like "I like it" or "I hated it" as they may sound completely unviable. Support every statement with evidence.

The director – an essential part of your analysis is the one connected to the creator of the film. Dwell upon the style of a filmmaker, His/her political agenda and any controversy about the director's persona. What are his/her most important influences? Is the film connected to any earlier works done by the same director? Don’t forget that each film bears a significant mark of a filmmaker who created it.

The importance of the film within your course – Think over what significance the film has for your studying. Is it based on some historical events that you may study during your history classes? Or maybe it is connected with some works of literature that you've read while doing some other essay ? If yes, how does the script of the film correspond with the story written in the book? The more connections you will find, the more significant your work will be.

Creativity – good directors are always very attentive to the smallest details that can trigger viewer's imagination and create the feeling of a total submerging into the atmosphere of the film. Did the director succeed? What can you say about the locations where the film was shot? Were the costumes well crafted? Did the whole interior correspond with the historical setting of the plot? Write about the score of the film. Was the choice of a composer good? What style of music did he/she prefer to make for the film? How do you estimate the work of the cameracrew? Does the movie have any hidden meaning? Don't miss writing about these moments.

The cast - it is imperative to write about the actors. Was the choice of actors successful? Do they succeed in playing this or that part? Is there something outstanding about their acting? Were any of them perfect to perform their parts?

What is essential : There is no absolute way you should put these items in your work. Everything you will write will be dependent on the demands of your professor, the type of the film you will write about, the course, and your own personal views on what your paper should be like. The perfect way to create an excellent and relevant paper is to do it carefully and naturally. Try to provide it with all the necessary information, include all the significant facts in your work, and try to write it with a sense of joy.

Form of your review

In case your review is destined to become a part of your work in literary studies, there are specific MLA rules that you are to keep to. Here are some of them:

  • Introductory part (the title of the film, the date of its release, the essential information about the film)
  • The part that summarizes the plot
  • The plot elements analysis (action, climax, etc.)
  • Describing the creative part of the film (script, actors, special effects, work of the camera crew, locations, hidden meanings, the mood, the atmosphere)
  • Expressing an opinion about the film (you should substantiate it with vivid examples from the film)
  • Summing all up (dwelling upon the success or failure of a director, the importance of the film within the world of cinematography, the reception of the movie by the viewers, the value of the
  • film for the educational course)

In case you have a documentary under your consideration, try to keep the scheme below:

  • Historical accuracy
  • Reliability of the sources used
  • The usage of creative elements
  • Your own opinion of the film
  • Summarizing the whole analysis

Don't forget to create a distinct outline for your film review. This will help you with organizing your work and keeping it logical and relevant. This is very important if you want to create a good and well-written film review.

how to write a movie review

The process of writing a film review

It is very entertaining to watch a film and to discuss it, so even such a task can turn into a great experience. To make it as much fun as possible, follow these tips:

  • Give the film more than one watch. This should help you to memorize as many details of it as possible. The more information you will put in your work – the better.
  • Surf through the Internet to gather as much information about the film as possible. Pay attention to the personality of the director, the cast, the locations and the background of the film.
  • Think about the film as a whole. It is instrumental, as such technique will help you to get the full understanding of the film under your consideration. If it is based on the book, try to analyze it too.
  • Write a distinct outline
  • Write your own opinions about the film, its cast, locations, script, dialogues, etc. Don’t forget to support your statements with evidence from the film. This is the best way to show the professor that you are capable of thinking critically.

The most widespread mistakes

  • Lack of concentration on the film itself – avoid writing about cinematography in general, the traditions of the genre, the personal life of director or actors, etc. Concentrate on the given piece
  • Try not to make your text too personal. Don't write things like "I think"? "It seems to me," "I hated things like…" as they can interfere the objectiveness of your paper with biased and too personal information.
  • Do not use unreliable sources of information about the film
  • Don’t express your personal opinion without saying why you think like that
  • Write only about relevancies
  • Do not produce an unstructured review

Summing all up

Writing a film review is a great chance to demonstrate your ability to think critically and to analyze a work of cinematography which is by far not the easiest thing to do properly unless you do it carefully. Pay attention to the smallest details, do not overload your paper with the unnecessary information, try to provide your work with vivid examples and don’t be too personal when you analyze the film. Check all the background information, the history of creating the film and the original source of its idea if there is any. In case the film is based on a book, try to analyze it too. It may take some time, but if you do this, your film review has all the chances to be relevant and successful.

Dwell upon the importance of the film for the educational process and how useful it may be to your studies. Such papers are remarkably illustrative and show your ability to think critically. That is why try to write with as attentive as possible, and you will surely succeed with your essay.

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movie review for college students

movie review for college students

Quick Guide on How to Write a Movie Review Essay

movie review for college students

What Is a Movie Review

The internet has revolutionized the realm of film criticism. No matter a movie's level of quality, it is always worth analyzing. Despite the growing number of individuals attempting to write about movies, few are successful. Most people do not provide insightful analysis, instead simply state how much they liked or disliked the film.

A movie criticism, usually composed by a professional in film studies, takes a comprehensive look at the film from a historical, social, political, or theoretical standpoint. This is unlike the opinion or suggestion given in a movie review, which is shorter and more concise.

A remarkable aspect of a good film review is that it doesn't just rate the movie but provides explicit views that form the critique's basis. This form of writing, like crafting essays, research papers, and term papers, should be insightful and draw the reader in quickly. It's important to discuss the reputation of the lead actors and directors and to write about what you expected and if they were met. The reviewer must explain a story's development without recalling major plot points and endings. The review must be concise, engaging, and should involve metaphors, specific words, analogies, etc.

Movie Review Purpose

Most film reviews are intended to guide readers in deciding whether to view, rent, or purchase the film. They should provide the necessary information to aid readers in deciding without divulging any fundamental details, such as the storyline or any surprises. This paper is common in schools because the lecturer wants to evaluate the student's ability to think critically and report the event easily for others to understand.

Movie reviews typically present a brief summary of the film's storyline. They provide readers with an overview of the characters, relationships, and scenarios but do not convey the complete narrative. Perusing the review should be different from seeing the movie. Nonetheless, feel free to highlight the essential moments or pivotal points that make the film worthwhile viewing.

Our college essay writing service has put together some advice on composing a movie review essay like a real critic, so let's explore the article further!

How to Write a Movie Review: Movie Review Outline

The structure is key when it comes to the quality of your paper. Don't neglect the power of a good outline, no matter what paper you're writing. Outlines help you stay on track and make sure your paper flows well.

Taking the time to arrange your ideas before starting to write is an effective way to save time further down the line. With a well-structured plan already in place, you won't have to worry about other elements. This will also make the writing process less stressful. Here is a guide on how to organize your movie review outline:

Writing a Movie Review_ Step-by-Step Guide

How Do You Start a Movie Review Essay: Introduction

The introductory paragraph is the first obvious step in crafting a movie review essay outline. Here, you want to quickly captivate the reader. Deliver your viewpoint instantly and make it unambiguous. Don't leave the audience wondering whether you enjoyed the film. Tell them right off the bat so you have time to justify your assessment throughout the remainder of the process.

In the introduction movie review should also describe your thesis. Develop the main concept for your essay that you can support using your perceptions of the movie's various aspects. The reader should be able to tell from this statement if you thought the film was fantastic, awful, or simply alright. By including a thesis statement, you may move your analysis beyond the plot synopsis phase into the movie critique category, which is considered a separate creative process.

Crafting Your Essay Movie Review Analysis

According to our research paper service , film analysis is similar to building a case. You're attempting to influence the reader to follow your recommendation to watch or disregard the film. So, you must ensure your essay movie review will be convincing. Giving instances that demonstrate the validity of your personal opinion is the only method to do this. If you find any dialogue in the movie that you think best exemplifies whether the work is strong or not, utilize quotes. This also applies to all of the movie's artistic decisions. But, just because a movie's narrative isn't strong or engaging doesn't indicate the rest of the film is worthless. Carefully highlight how some factors might undermine the movie in your explanation.

The movie's plot is only one component and shouldn't dominate the overall piece. The following are the important aspects to include in your movie review structure:

Cinematography - Cinematography covers much more than simply camera angles. It includes how the picture is lit, how it moves, appears, and what lenses are used. Here you can try the following analysis: 'Warm, gentle colors are used throughout the film, combined with soothing whites and grays, to simultaneously create and gradually tear away the characters' romantic sentiments for one another. There is a painting-like quality to each image.'

Editing - The editing is arguably the absolute star of what creates a good movie review example. It affects both the duration and the flow of a movie. Without effective editing, there would be uncomfortable gaps between pictures and many errors.

Costuming - The clothing the characters wear is called a costume, but there are a number of things to consider while evaluating movie costumes. You should be able to decide if the outfits suit the characters and the movie's atmosphere.

Casting and Acting - Finding the ideal performers to bring characters to life is the goal of casting. This sometimes entails seeing performers portray both familiar personas and figures who are entirely at odds with who they are. Casting, therefore, involves more than just finding talented performers. You can assess the acting in the following way: 'Even though he excels while on the go, his stoic behaviorism causes him to fall short of his co-star during calm scenes where he keeps a blank look on his face.'

Once you have finished analyzing the acting, directing, cinematography, setting, etc., wrap up with concise, stimulating wording to sustain readers' attention. Don't forget to provide a few examples to support your statements about the film.

Concluding Your Essay Movie Review

Finalize your review by coming full circle. Close the review by returning to your introductory fact or thesis. Give your readers a refresher on the movie's most intriguing aspects. It's important to remember that before choosing a movie, viewers check reviews. Finish with a statement indicating whether it is worthwhile for them to view. Be specific about who this movie will be more fascinating to and why in your suggestions. Remember that your ending is your last shot at influencing your audience, so use it wisely.

No matter the kind of movie review you have to complete, our professional specialists are willing to help you. Directly forward your needs to our research paper service and get it done quickly.


No matter what type of movie review you want, our qualified specialists are ready to assist you.

Short Movie Review Form

If you are currently working on a new or old movie review, reading our suggestions should be sufficient to help you earn an A. So what if you'll be writing many reviews in the future? In this situation, we advise you to develop a uniform movie review template, which will enable you to save time and complete your upcoming projects successfully.

So, how to write a movie review template, you may ask? Well, our essay helper prepared a simple yet great movie review template you may use as a foundation for your own writing if you need some help getting started:

movie review form

Example Papers

Once you know how to review a movie and learn the most valuable tips to handle this assignment, it is time to look at some movie review examples to get you on the right track.

Check out the following pieces to see which of these movie review essay examples you might want to keep at hand when working on your own assignment:

Helpful Tips on Writing Movie Reviews

Here are some extra helpful tips to keep in mind when unsure how to write a movie review essay:

Mistakes to Avoid While Making a Movie Review

  • Add Your Own Personal Feel to Your Movie Critique - You might not have much spare time for your pastime of reviewing. You won't be able to write a movie review, though, if you just wing it without reading what others have said. Make a note of the things that intrigued you, alarmed you, made you uncomfortable, or caused you to pause and consider something, and then use that list as the basis for your research.
  • Develop a Distinctive Writing Style - Have an idol—it's good for you. You must be careful not to just paraphrase and duplicate what they say without adding your own original viewpoint. Instead, in order to stand out from the throng, you must discover your own voice. When writing movie reviews, you should also have a distinct writing style.
  • Include Extensive Information -Mention the film's photographer, special effects designer, and director. Your review might be significantly impacted by this. Then you may list all the memorable movie moments that also stuck with you.
  • Voice Your Views and Back Up Your Criticism - Give your own assessment of the film. Make sure you have evidence to support your criticisms. Use the movie's details that most shocked or humiliated you. Review genuine information rather than merely expressing your opinions without supporting details.

Final Thoughts

Composing a good movie review essay sample is easy if you follow this article's main steps and techniques. Furthermore, we strongly believe that this guide will assist you in achieving remarkable outcomes and ease your writing process. The staff at EssayPro is always available to provide a helping hand if you need a little additional push with movie review examples or even if it's simply coming up with a catchy essay title .

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FAQs on Writing an Essay Movie Review

Here are the most frequently asked questions on how to write a movie review. We provided extra details on movie analysis to simplify writing film reviews.

What are the 6 Important Things to Include in a Film Review?

How long should a movie review be, what are the 5 c's in film.

Adam Jason

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

movie review for college students

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How To Write A Movie Review: Guide For College Students


Jetset Times

Why is it important to learn how to write a movie review?

For your English composition or art class, you may have to prepare a movie review one day. When you are a student, it is important to know how to write any kind of essay. But if we talk about a movie analysis, things can get a bit tricky. According to expert essay writers from a professional paper writing service, to write my essay about a movie, you should consider many additional factors, starting with the type of the movie. Feature films and documentaries may serve as primary resources for your research. As for the fiction movies, a student may use them for inspiration while writing, for instance, a compare and contrast essay on similarities and differences of a book and film based on that piece of literature. In any case, films can be used as great supplemental learning tools.

Movie Review

As a result, a type of academic assignment called movie review was offered by tutors around the world. Some students do not succeed in such assignments, so they usually use the services of a professional essay writer in such cases. While reviewing a movie only may seem easy, we would like to describe the writing process in detail.

How to Start a Film Review With a Bang

When it comes to writing an academic paper, the first question to pop up in mind is the topic—deciding on the topic is how to start a film review. In most cases, tutors provide you with a specific movie to analyze. It should be related to the subject you study and particular topics. study and particular topics. Students, being essay writers , get an opportunity to pick movies on their own in rare situations. Thus, you have to be ready to face any challenges associated with a movie review essay.

If you have a chance to choose the film on your own, make sure it has something to do with the topics you cover in class and is acceptable for the general audience. You should not pick adult movies or films with filthy language.

Introduce the general facts about the film briefly and mention its main idea. Your thesis statement is the closing part of an introduction, and it should claim whether you like the film or not and why in a sentence or few. Move smoothly to the body paragraphs after that. The next section describes the structure in detail.

The Best Way to Structure a Movie Review

Movie Review

So, in any film critique example, you can notice the following structure:

Title of the analyzed work. A writer has to specify the movie’s title in the opening part and put down the release date.

An abstract usually refers to the summary of the main points. In the case of the samples of movie reviews, that is a summary of the plot. Discuss what happened in the video and share your thoughts: was it a success or failure?

You may say that you hated the movie, or, vice versa, believe it’s the best motion picture in the world, but make sure to provide specific reasons. That is why you need to watch the full movie and pick various details like character quotes to prove your point of view.

To answer various questions that the audience may have, an author should provide replies to the meaningful questions about the movie make/director. Decide whether this person can be considered a controversial figure. Is there any sort of political stance? Finally, think about a significant background a movie creator may have (if any). Depending on the answers to these questions, the length of your paper may vary.

  • Relevance to your subject

Was it a good idea to assign this movie to your class? Think about whether the video content matches the topics that you study currently or have recently covered.

Perhaps, the movie has to do with historical accuracy. Include a note of embellishments or over-dramatization if you write for your history lesson. Comments and citations from credible sources can be useful.

  • Creative elements

You can see from any movie critique example that a list of creative tools is listed. Those could be costumes, decorations, colors, sound effects, music, and other visual and audio elements. A paper writer should discuss which of the elements add drama and which of them have comedian purposes.

How to Critique a Movie: Recommended Format

Movie Review

  • Into (title, topic, and release date)
  • Accuracy of depiction
  • Implementation of sources
  • Creativity tools
  • Writer’s opinion

Now that if you write in MLA , follow these guidelines:

  • Indoor with the title and release date only
  • Summary of the plot
  • Evaluation of plot elements (rising action, culmination, etc.)
  • Use of color, emotions, voice, etc.
  • Personal opinion

Writing a conclusion for a film review is easy. Start with the paraphrased thesis statement. Sum up whether the movie creator managed to achieve the initial goals. Re-state the evidence used to support your points. Was the film useful, and in what way? Would you recommend it to anyone else?

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Universities try 3-year degrees to save students time, money

With college costs rising and some students and families questioning the return on investment of a four-year degree, a few pioneering state universities are exploring programs that would grant certain bachelor’s degrees in three years.

The programs, which also are being tried at some private schools, would require 90 credits instead of the traditional 120 for a bachelor’s degree, and wouldn’t require summer classes or studying over breaks. In some cases, the degrees would be designed to fit industry needs.

Indiana recently enacted legislation calling for all state universities there to offer by next year at least one bachelor’s degree program that could be completed in three years, and to look into whether more could be implemented. The Utah System of Higher Education has tasked state universities with developing three-year programs under a new Bachelor of Applied Studies degree, which would still need approval by accreditation boards.

More than a dozen public and private universities are participating in a pilot collaboration called the College-in-3 Exchange, to begin considering how they could offer three-year programs. The public universities include the College of New Jersey, Portland State University, Southern Utah University, the Universities of Minnesota at Rochester and at Morris, the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh and Utah Tech University.

Proponents of the three-year degree programs say they save students money and set them on a faster track to their working life. But detractors, including some faculty, say they shortchange students, particularly if they later change their minds on what career path they want to follow.

The Utah Board of Higher Education in March approved the new three-year degree category. Various areas of study would be tied to specific industry needs, with fewer electives required. These degrees are broader than two-year associate degrees, but narrower than a full four-year bachelor’s.

“We told the institutions to start working on them now and developing the curriculum,” Geoff Landward, commissioner of the Utah System of Higher Education, said in an interview. “Also, we want them to find industry partners that would be willing to hire people with bachelor’s degrees of this type.”

He added: “We created a sandbox for our institutions to play in.”

Once created, individual programs would need both national accreditation and state Board of Higher Education approval.

Landward said he has taken note of criticism that the three-year programs might “cheapen” the bachelor’s degree by shortchanging students who wouldn’t receive a broad college education. But he said students could save on tuition, get a head start in the workforce and meet the needs of industries that are looking for certain skilled workers to address shortages in the state.

That includes nursing, he said, where requiring a four-year degree means taking lots of electives that have nothing to do with the career.

Utah State University’s current four-year nursing program , for example, suggests several electives along with the required anatomy, math and biology courses as prerequisites during freshman and sophomore years.

“We think if we are partnering with industry and they help us develop it, I don’t think it cheapens the degree,” Landward said. “I think it creates a very specific degree.”

Robert Zemsky, a University of Pennsylvania professor and founding director of the university’s Institute for Research on Higher Education, began proselytizing for the three-year college movement about a dozen years ago.

He said the idea has gotten traction recently because “we are wading in the deep waters of righteous anger” at colleges and universities because of the perception that four-year degrees are not worth their high costs.

A Pew Research Center survey released last week found only 1 in 4 American adults said it is extremely or very important to have a four-year college degree as a means to getting a good-paying job. Only 22% of the respondents said the cost is worth getting a four-year degree even if the student or their family has to take out loans.

Zemsky suggested that a shorter time span also would lead to higher college completion rates. More than a third of students who began seeking a bachelor’s degree in fall 2014 at a four-year school failed to complete their education at the same institution in six years, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.

Zemsky said 27 colleges and universities have embarked on creating three-year pilot programs and predicted 100 would be doing so in another year.

Over the past 10 years, Zemsky said, schools have been ignoring the desires of students and instead creating their curricula around the preferences of faculty — which is where most of the opposition is coming from.

Last year, at a conference of the Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties, a bargaining unit for professors, President Kenneth Mash said the overwhelming number of college faculty nationwide “have a visceral disdain for the idea.”

In an interview with Stateline, he said three-year programs would hurt students too, creating a “two-tiered” system under which wealthy students would get a full four-year education and lower-income students a cheapened three-year degree.

“If it’s not going to be a four-year degree, they should name it something that indicates it’s not a B.A.,” said Mash, who also is a political science professor at East Stroudsburg University. “We don’t know that employers will treat them the same.

“I’m on board, as most faculty are, with the notion that people want to increase their job opportunities. But that’s not all there is to a college degree,” he said. “Degrees prepare you to be a better citizen, a better parent, and on and on.”

And he said a broad education is what makes it possible for students to change jobs and careers many times during their working lives. “It’s really that baking in liberal arts … that makes it possible for people to do different things in their lifetimes.”

Indiana’s new law

Indiana enacted a law in March that requires each public institution that offers bachelor’s degrees to review all the four-year degrees with an eye toward making some of them three years. And the law requires that by July 1, 2025, each state university offer at least one bachelor’s degree that can be completed in three years.

Indiana state Sen. Jean Leising, a Republican who sponsored the measure, pointed out that every extra year of college costs the students, their parents and the state.

But she noted that not all degrees lend themselves to compressed curricula. “If you’ve got a kid in pharmacy [studies], they are not going to be able to get through it in three years. Engineers aren’t going to be able to do it in three years. But some of the other kids will.”

Chris Lowery, Indiana’s commissioner for higher education, said the law will encourage schools to think about how to create 90-credit-hour bachelor’s degrees: “How feasible is this, would you still have the quality, would you still have the agency?”

Three-year degrees allow for choice, he added. His daughter, for example, had enough AP credits after high school to make a college degree feasible in three years, but opted to go to school for four, because she wanted to have enough time to study so that she could get “straight As” as well as to have time for extracurricular activities.

“But for a lot of students, the finances are tighter,” he acknowledged.

Credentialing requirements

At both public and private universities, the new three-year degree programs that require fewer credits would need national accreditation.

The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, a regional credentialing agency, accredited several three-year bachelor’s degrees at two private schools, Brigham Young University-Idaho and Ensign College, last year. The degrees are in applied business management, family and human services, software development, applied health and professional studies.

Sonny Ramaswamy, the commission’s president, said in an interview that the three-year programs underwent two years of evaluation before being awarded accreditation.

He said the evaluation showed that competency in many professions could be attained in three years instead of four, and that graduate schools were willing to accept three-year bachelor’s as a credential for the pursuit of higher degrees. He noted that European college degrees often are completed in three years.

“We said, ‘We will approve you, but this is a pilot,’” Ramaswamy said. The schools will provide data to show their students have earned a good education, he added.

“My intuition is that it will head in the right direction,” he said. “The public is calling for innovation.”

Michael Poliakoff, president of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni, a nonprofit organization that says its mission is promoting academic freedom, excellence and accountability at colleges and universities, said “fluff” courses strengthen the case against a 120-credit hour bachelor’s degree.

“Let people get a good foundation with a strong general education core, strong skills and some electives,” Poliakoff said in an interview. “That’s what a responsible university should be doing.”

The council does an annual survey of higher education institutions and grades them A through F on what the group calls “core curricula” — the proportion of courses dedicated to mathematics, literature, composition, economics, laboratory science, American history and government, and foreign languages.

Poliakoff said the amount of debt students are accumulating over four years is “sinful” and unnecessary. Colleges and universities must meet the concerns of students and their families, he said.

“A 90-credit baccalaureate degree is a pretty good way to tighten up the bolts,” he said.

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Behind the scenes: How Bellingham film fans enjoy cinema

With streaming at its height, movie lovers seek out new methods of acquiring and experiencing film.

movie review for college students

Four DVDs available for checkout from Wilson Library, on May 16, 2024, at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Wash. The library contains a variety of films organized in alphabetical order. // Photo by Adam Rideout Redeker

Film distribution across streaming platforms has become widely dispersed in recent years. Having more sites with exclusive film rights means the cost of obtaining specific films to watch is rising. 

For cinephiles in general, this has complicated the film acquisition process and is leading college film lovers to different outlets for their movie needs. 

Muymuy ‘Albert’ Gregorio, student and Vice President of Western Washington University’s Film Production Club, is an avid film fan with an affinity for Filipino cinema. In addition to frequenting local theaters like the Pickford Film Center, Gregorio advocates for the use of Solidarity Cinema , a free online film archive that highlights films containing themes of solidarity and struggle. 

Gregorio’s interest in film as an educational tool has led them to prioritize the accessibility of film through services like Solidarity Cinema. 

“At the end of the day, the beauty of film is you go back to square one. You go back to whatever day job you have, or home and the people around you,” Gregorio said. “When it comes to distribution, I’m for the democratization of media, and especially film.”

In addition to alternative streaming methods, representatives from Bellingham’s Pickford Film Center are finding that students’ interest in film is sending them to the theater. It stands to reason that some things are better experienced live in an audience, including films. A short walk from north campus lands Western students downtown, in range of the Pickford Film Center. 

Discounted tickets and free popcorn are available to students on Wednesdays at the Pickford, and discounted memberships are also offered. Alongside these deals, Pickford staff members Lesley Schroeder and Melissa Tamminga noted a rising interest in the theater’s indie, arthouse and classic movies among young moviegoers.

“It is interesting that these films you can readily see on streaming, people are coming out for,” Tamminga said, “and we’re seeing younger audiences.”

After local video store Film Is Truth shut down in 2022 , their video collection was gifted to the Pickford, which is now planning on renting out the collection of an estimated 20,000 videos to its patrons. 


The Pickford Film Center on May 16, 2024, in Bellingham, Wash. The independent theater has screened various unique films and series for over 25 years. // Photo by Adam Rideout Redeker

“We have this idea that everything’s on streaming now–everything isn’t on streaming, so we will be the place that you can come and find some obscure little film,” Tamminga said.

Pickford staff members are still working out the best way to make the film collection available to the public. Lesley Schroeder touched on how film lovers are feeding the return of the DVD.

“Physical media is making a comeback,” Schroeder said. “People want to hang on to their content. For a while with streaming, they thought it would all be available in a few different places forever and that’s not the case.”

Jeff Purdue, the media librarian for Western’s Wilson Library, has collected an array of DVDs available to check out on the third floor of the library.

“People mostly want streaming now because it’s so much easier,” Purdue said. “The problem for us in the library is streaming films are a lot more expensive. A feature film, we can usually buy for 20 or 30 dollars on DVD and that’s that. But streaming films are a couple hundred dollars or more for a limited time.” 

Purdue also curates the Pickford’s Cinema East series : a recurring seasonal film production that brings an array of films from Asian countries to the silver screen.

The DVDs primarily service Western classes, but anyone with access to the library can check them out. 

Adam Rideout Redeker is a campus life reporter for the Front. He is a third-year student studying visual journalism and Spanish. In his free time, Adam enjoys listening to music, spending time outdoors and hosting a weekly radio show on KUGS. Adam can be reached at [email protected] .

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‘Summer Camp’ Review: Star-Studded Comedy Preaches Fun, but Forgets to Cut Loose Itself

Despite Kathy Bates, Diane Keaton and Alfre Woodard in leading roles, this increasingly tiresome flick has neither the modest charms of 'Book Club,' nor the timeless joys of 'Now and Then.'

By Tomris Laffly

Tomris Laffly

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Summer Camp

It happens to many of us above a certain age. You wake up one day, and realize that your life involves neither your childhood besties, nor the carefree bliss you once took for granted. With that in mind, Castille Landon’s wearisome comedy “ Summer Camp ” ponders, what if there was a way to awaken our inner child and reestablish our priorities later in life through some fun and play? It’s surely a worthy enough premise for a good time, but one “Summer Camp” squanders through dull jokes, an uninspiring story without any real stakes and an overall phony feeling that the film can’t shake.

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Perhaps more troublingly, “Summer Camp” doesn’t bother with any sort of character development for the mature Ginny, Mary and Nora that feels real. In that, their chats about marriage vs. independence, and jokes about sex (and remote-control vibrators) just fall flat. It’s almost as if Landon has worked out of a checklist of topics these women would hypothetically discuss, rather than thought through what any of these conversations might emotionally mean for a later-in-life coming-of-age tale. One effort to give one of the women — namely Nora — some character arc through a makeover session looks especially comical, even confusing. Imagine Diane Keaton already wearing the most Diane Keaton-y of costumes — crisp high-neck shirts, tailored blazers, thick belts and Annie Hall hats — and only ending up in another signature Keaton look after the makeover.

Among the three, only Mary’s story hits some deep notes and Woodard is memorable when “Summer Camp” gives her the space to explore her dilemmas as a woman who gave up on her career goals only to be stuck in a loveless marriage with a selfish man. But any potential good that might come out of that thread rapidly gets overpowered by bad running gags (scenes with Betsy Sodaro’s Vick as an unhinged camp operative especially feels repetitive), tiresome camp hijinks and a half-hearted twist about the self-assured Ginny.

From the star-studded cast to the crew, those involved in the “Summer Camp” production probably had an amazing time hanging out at the working summer camp in Hendersonville, North Carolina, the idyllic location where the film was shot. But somehow, we’re never let in on the fun. 

Reviewed online, New York, May 28, 2024. MPA Rating: PG-13. Running time: 96 MIN.

  • Production: A Roadside Attractions release of a Saks Picture Company production, in association with Project Infinity. Producers: Alex Saks, Dori A. Rath, Tyler W. Konney, Diane Keaton, Stephanie Heaton-Harris. Executive producers: Grant S. Johnson.
  • Crew: Director, writer: Castille Landon. Camera: Karsten Gopinath. Editor: Morgan Halsey. Music: Tom Howe.
  • With: Kathy Bates, Diane Keaton, Alfre Woodard, Betsy Sodaro, Eugene Levy, Dennis Haysbert, Josh Peck, Beverly D’Angelo.

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Court allows biden student loan forgiveness initiative, handing borrowers a big victory.

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US President Joe Biden waves after delivering his commencement address during Morehouse College's ... [+] graduation ceremony in Atlanta, Georgia on May 19, 2024. A federal appeals court upheld the rejection of a challenge to a key Biden student loan forgiveness initiative. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP) (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

A federal appeals court has upheld the dismissal of a legal challenge to a key Biden administration student loan forgiveness initiative. The decision leaves intact more than $51 billion in debt relief already granted, and paves the way for more after the Biden administration recently extended a key deadline associated with the program.

“WIN! The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected another right-wing attack on student debt relief,” said the Student Borrower Protection Center in a statement on X last week, shortly after the decision was announced.

Here’s what happened, and what borrowers should expect as the Biden administration continues to roll out loan forgiveness under the program.

Student Loan Forgiveness Through One-Time Adjustment Faced Challenge

The legal challenge focused on the IDR Account Adjustment, an initiative first announced by President Joe Biden in the spring of 2022. Designed to provide a retroactive “fix” to longstanding problems associated with income-driven repayment plans and Public Service Loan Forgiveness that had often blocked borrowers from receiving relief (or prolonged their time in repayment), the temporary initiative can be transformative.

The one-time account adjustment credits borrowers with time toward student loan forgiveness under IDR plans and PSLF for past periods that may not have otherwise counted. This includes time spent in non-qualifying repayment plans or in certain deferment and forbearance periods, as well as qualifying periods prior to consolidation. Borrowers can qualify for student loan forgiveness after 20 or 25 years in repayment under IDR plans, or in as little as 10 years for those working in nonprofit or government jobs and pursuing PSLF.

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The Biden administration started implementing relief under the program last year, with the first batch of loan forgiveness approved in the summer of 2023. But a group of conservative-leaning groups then filed a legal challenge, alleging that the program was an unconstitutional exercise of executive authority. The groups argued that they would be harmed by the debt relief associated with the one-time account adjustment because it would negatively impact their ability to recruit and retain employees, as faster loan forgiveness would allegedly dilute the benefits of programs like PSLF.

In August, a federal district court in Michigan dismissed the lawsuit due to lack of standing, concluding that the groups were not able to demonstrate a cognizable injury sufficiently linked to the challenged program. The groups then appealed to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Appeals Court Rejects Student Loan Forgiveness Challenge

On May 17, the Sixth Circuit issued its long- awaited decision, upholding the district court’s dismissal of the challenge and paving the way for student loan forgiveness to continue under the IDR Account Adjustment.

“Many people consider a college education the ticket to the American dream. Some take out student loans to get the ticket. Paying back those loans can turn into a nightmare. Congress and the U.S. Department of Education stepped in to help by creating income-driven student-loan repayment plans and the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program,” wrote the court in its ruling . “Various problems arose with these plans, including student-loan servicers steering borrowers into postponing or reducing their student-loan payments for extended periods of time. In response, the Department of Education announced, in April 2022 and July 2023, a one-time account adjustment that would count months or years that borrowers spent in excessive forbearance status toward debt forgiveness.”

The Court noted that the main question presented on appeal was whether the challengers — The Mackinac Center for Public Policy and the Cato Institute — had standing to challenge this program. The Court held that they do not. “At bottom, how the adjustment impacts Plaintiffs is up to individuals who are not parties to this lawsuit,” the court wrote. The Plaintiffs, the Court ruled, were not able to demonstrate that student loan forgiveness under the IDR Account Adjustment would directly harm them.

Following the ruling, the challengers issued a formal statement. “The executive branch cannot be allowed to legislate through press releases,” said Patrick J. Wright, vice president for legal affairs at the Mackinac Center, in a statement. “The Biden administration’s workarounds to forgive certain student loan debts are costing taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars and completely ignores the importance of the separation of powers. Americans are being forced to pay for things not appropriated by their elected representatives and the court should hear this constitutional challenge.”

The statement indicated that the organizations are “reviewing their legal options.” The next step may be to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, although it is unclear if they will do so.

Student Loan Forgiveness Continues Under Adjustment As Biden Extends Key Deadline

So far, the Biden administration has approved more than $51 billion in student loan forgiveness for at least a million borrowers under the IDR Account Adjustment, according to recent data released by the Education Department. Hundreds of thousands of additional borrowers have received loan forgiveness through PSLF as a result of the adjustment, as well. And more relief is coming.

Some borrowers — particularly those with commercially-held FFEL loans — may need to consolidate their loans through the federal Direct consolidation program in order to qualify for relief under the account adjustment. The consolidation deadline had been April 30. But earlier this month, the Biden administration extended this deadline to June 30, giving borrowers who need to consolidate more time to do so. In the meantime, the Education Department is continuing to roll out loan forgiveness under the program every two months, and is expected to complete implementation of most of the relief later this fall .

“The Biden-Harris Administration remains persistent about our efforts to bring student debt relief to millions more across the country,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona in a statement last week.

New Student Loan Forgiveness Plan Coming Soon

Separately, the Biden administration is also working to put the finishing touches on an entirely new student loan forgiveness plan. This initiative — designed as a replacement for the broad-based mass debt cancellation plan struck down by the Supreme Court last year — will provide targeted relief to five groups of borrowers. This includes those who have experienced interest accrual and capitalization , as well as borrowers facing significant hardships.

Up to 25 million borrowers could benefit from the new plan. The Education Department is expected to publish final regulations governing the program in the coming months. After that, implementation is expected sometime this fall. However, most observers expect the new loan forgiveness plan to face court challenges.

Adam S. Minsky

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    1. Dead Poets Society (1989) Dead Poets Society is the most cliched film to appear on a list like this, but it is a cliche for a reason. It is a holy grail for teachers and students alike. In one of his most iconic characters, Robin Williams plays the role of John Keating, a progressive English teacher at the strict all-boys Welton Academy.

  15. 50 Best Movies For College Students

    The sequel to "21 Jump Street," police offices go undercover at a local college. In 22 Jump Street, undercover police officers Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) try to find the dealer of a new synthetic drug that has been circulating around a local college campus.

  16. How to write a Movie Review like a Pro

    Copying an existing movie review is a suicide mission. Instead, look for movie review examples for college students. Do movie reviews get assigned to non-English Majors? Yes, even students from psychology, sociology, history, or business are given movie review assignments. The aim is to assess your critical thinking and creativity skills.

  17. 30 Inspirational Movies Every School & College Student Must Watch

    4. The Paper Chase (1973) IMDb rating - 7.2/10. Cast & Crew: Directed by James Bridges, The Paper Chase is an inspirational Hollywood movie starring Timothy Bottoms, Lindsay Wagner, and John Houseman. Story: Sometimes study does not come easily - often we need to learn to "set the mode".

  18. Writing a Movie Review: Teaching Tips and Lesson Ideas

    4. Provide Common Vocabulary. As part of a film study, it's important for students to be able to speak the "language" of movie making. After viewing the movie, I like to take some time to outline some key terms to help students write their reviews. Words like blockbuster, avant-garde, disjointed, or uninspired can help elevate movie ...

  19. How To Write A Good Movie Review Guide (with Example) For College

    Pay attention to the personality of the director, the cast, the locations and the background of the film. Think about the film as a whole. It is instrumental, as such technique will help you to get the full understanding of the film under your consideration. If it is based on the book, try to analyze it too.

  20. Guide on Movie Review with Free Samples and Tips

    A remarkable aspect of a good film review is that it doesn't just rate the movie but provides explicit views that form the critique's basis. This form of writing, like crafting essays, research papers, and term papers, should be insightful and draw the reader in quickly. It's important to discuss the reputation of the lead actors and directors ...

  21. Student Cinephiles: 5 Must Watches for College Students

    "Good Will Hunting" (Movie): While "Good Will Hunting" may not be your typical college movie, its themes of self-discovery and intellectual pursuit resonate deeply with us as college students. Will Hunting's journey from troubled janitor to math prodigy reminds us that education has the power to change lives and that sometimes, the ...

  22. PDF Student-Friendly Movie Reviews Handout (duplicate)

    Director:AndrewStanton. •. Genre:Sci-Fi. •. RunningTime:97minutes. RatedG:Big-heartedandfullofwonder,buttoosm. arttobesaccharine. "The first hour of Wall-E is a crazily inventive, deliriously engaging and almost wordless silent comedy of the sort that. Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton used to make.".

  23. Higher Learning Movie Review

    Parents need to know that Higher Learning is a 1995 drama from John Singleton about first-year university students and their academic and social struggles as they adapt to university life. Explores lots of issues like injustice, prejudice, racism, systemic racism, the value of community and sticking together, celebrating diversity, and unfairness like having to work twice as hard to achieve ...

  24. How To Write A Movie Review: Guide For College Students

    Summary of the plot. Evaluation of plot elements (rising action, culmination, etc.) Use of color, emotions, voice, etc. Personal opinion. Writing a conclusion for a film review is easy. Start with the paraphrased thesis statement. Sum up whether the movie creator managed to achieve the initial goals.

  25. Common Sense Media: Age-Based Media Reviews for Families

    Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century. Common Sense Media is the leading source of entertainment and technology recommendations for families.

  26. Grind (2025)

    Grind: Directed by Mark Cantu. With Felissa Rose, Ginger Lynn, Lynn Lowry, August Kyss. A group of college students host a midnight grindhouse film festival. They discover a cursed arthouse horror called "The Creeping Chaos". In classic horror fashion, they mistakenly screen the film and unleash absolute mayhem.

  27. Universities try 3-year degrees to save students time, money

    And the law requires that by July 1, 2025, each state university offer at least one bachelor's degree that can be completed in three years. Indiana state Sen. Jean Leising, a Republican who ...

  28. Behind the scenes: How Bellingham film fans enjoy cinema

    He is a third-year student studying visual journalism and Spanish. In his free time, Adam enjoys listening to music, spending time outdoors and hosting a weekly radio show on KUGS. Adam can be reached at [email protected]. With streaming at its height, movie lovers seek out new methods of acquiring and experiencing film.

  29. 'Summer Camp' Review: Comedy With Diane Keaton Forgets to ...

    Editor: Morgan Halsey. Music: Tom Howe. With: Kathy Bates, Diane Keaton, Alfre Woodard, Betsy Sodaro, Eugene Levy, Dennis Haysbert, Josh Peck, Beverly D'Angelo. In 'Summer Camp,' starring Kathy ...

  30. Court Allows Biden Student Loan Forgiveness Initiative ...

    "WIN! The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected another right-wing attack on student debt relief," said the Student Borrower Protection Center in a statement on X last week, shortly after the ...