10 Tuition-Free Universities in the USA for International Students 2023

10 Tuition-Free Universities in the USA for International Students 2023

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by ForeignAdmits

Updated on May 19, 2022

American study abroad programmes are very important for students’ personal and professional development. Despite the high cost of higher education in the US, you can still study in free universities in the USA. If you receive a fully financed scholarship for college or enrol in a tuition-free university in the USA, this is feasible. Here, we’ll highlight a few universities in the USA that don’t charge tuition.

In the US, there are a number of universities without tuition. For local students, the majority of these universities offer free education; nevertheless, there are some choices for overseas students.

List of 10 Tuition-Free Universities in the USA For International Students

We have mentioned ten such universities in the United States of America for international tuition fee-free students.

Berea College

Private liberal arts college Berea College is situated in Berea, Kentucky. It was the first mixed-race university in the southern United States and offers free education to students, setting it apart from other postsecondary schools.

Every student at Berea College in Kentucky receives a full-tuition scholarship worth more than $25,000 as part of their enrollment. Berea offers a work-study programme to assist students with other expenses like food, lodging, and other living expenses.

free education in usa for international students

Alice Lloyd College

A four-year liberal arts college, Alice Lloyd College is situated near Pippa Passes, Kentucky. Journalist Alice Spencer Geddes Lloyd and June Buchanan co-founded it in 1923 at Caney Junior College.

Additionally, students are provided with a free laptop to use in class. The ability to major in a variety of areas is provided by Alicia Lloyd College. Business, manufacturing, family studies, and human development are typically the most well-liked majors.

Webb Institute

Long Island, New York’s Glen Cove is home to the private undergraduate engineering institution known as The Webb Institute. A Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering degree is awarded to each Webb Institute alumni. Candidates for admission or entrance receive four years of free tuition. Additionally, Webb Institute is one of the Best Value Colleges in the United States according to the Princeton Review.

The university is renowned for offering top-notch engineering education and full scholarships to all students. Students receive paid internships to earn extra money while attending school, and they live in mansions.

The state of Washington universities makes a list of the tuition-free universities in the USA for international students. Both the University of Washington and Washington State University offers need-based programs that pay full-tuition expenses.

The programs are available to in-state residents who meet State Need Grant or Pell Grant requirements. Special scholarships can also be given to out-of-state students who need help covering the cost of tuition.

free education in usa for international students

College of the Ozarks

In Point Lookout, Missouri, there is a liberal arts Christian institution called College of the Ozarks. An establishment that happily discourages student debt is the College of the Ozarks, which is a conservative Christian institution. The Presbyterian Church and the school are both affiliated.

Because students must put in 15 hours a week of work in order to receive tuition-free status, the university has earned the moniker “Hard work U.” Additionally, applicants who are deemed to be in financial need are given preference by the School of the Ozarks.

In addition, they provide more than 30 academic majors for programmes leading to bachelor’s degrees in science and the arts. Business, education, teaching, and criminal justice are popular majors at this college.

Curtis Institute of Music

The Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia is a conservatory that provides programmes leading to a certificate of professional studies in opera, a master’s degree in music opera, a performance diploma, and a bachelor’s degree in music. For everyone who gets accepted, full scholarships are available for tuition.

The college is very selective about applicants, only taking on 160 new students each year. Those who are accepted can anticipate receiving a top-notch education from one of the world’s top music conservatories.

City University of New York (CUNY)

The public university system for the city of New York is called the City University of New York. It is the largest system of urban universities in the country. CUNY, which was founded in 1961, has 24 campuses, including seven postgraduate institutions, seven community colleges, and eleven senior colleges.

Students who enrol in the Teacher Academy at the City University of New York are eligible for full scholarships for their tuition. Every enrolling student is qualified. Upon completion, graduates are also awarded a full-time teaching position in a New York school.

U.S. Academies

The US Service Academies are among the tuition-free universities in the USA. There are five United States Academies. They are U.S. Military Academy, U.S. Air Force Academy, U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, and U.S. Merchant Marine Academy.

Students who attend any of these U.S. academies get full tuition-free. Additionally, they receive a monthly stipend in substitution for service. Although each program is different, most require applicants to receive a congressional nomination from their state congressional delegation.

Applicants also need to pass a physical fitness test and meet other requirements.

State of Washington Universities

Franklin w. olin college of engineering.

Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering is a private undergraduate engineering college in Needham, Massachusetts. At one point, the school offered a complete tuition scholarship to anybody that attends. The institution has since reduced the scholarship policy by 50%.

Deep Springs College

Deep Springs College is a small, private liberal arts junior college on an isolated in Deep Springs Valley, forty miles from Bishop, California. It is an accredited two-year college that offers full scholarships per student, valued at around $50,000. This also makes them one of the tuition-free universities in the USA for international students.

With less than 30 students at a time, the university is one of the minor institutions of higher education in the United States.

PhD in USA without GRE

Here, we have some questions for your ease.

Q1. What states offer free tuition for college?

Ans. Which states have free community college? 17 US states provide tuition-free community programs for eligible students. These are Arkansas, California, Delaware, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New York, Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Washington.

Q2. Which university gives free scholarships in the USA?

Ans. The Fulbright Program are full scholarships in the USA for international students who want to pursue a Master’s or PhD degree. The scholarships can also be awarded for non-degree postgraduate studies. The grant covers tuition fee, textbooks, airfare, a living stipend, and health insurance.

Q3. Can international students get full scholarships in the USA?

Ans. Almost all universities have scholarship programmes, most of which are open to applications from international students – although you may need to take SAT or ACTs. According to the Fulbright Commission, more than 600 American universities offer scholarships worth $20,000 or more to international students.

We truly hope we were able to resolve any queries you might have had.

USA Chalo

Free Education in the USA for International Students: An Overview

June 8, 2023

A globe with the usa highlighted

As an international student, the cost of attending university in the United States can seem daunting. Luckily, there are a number of universities throughout the country that offer free or significantly reduced tuition to international students. In this article, we will dive deep into the reasons why universities in the United States offer free education to international students, the benefits of studying in the USA, top universities that offer free education, admission requirements, how to apply and what to expect during your studies, expenses you’ll still need to cover, pros and cons, common myths and success stories of international students who have received free education, how to maximize your chances of receiving a scholarship or grant, alternatives to free education and planning your future career after graduation.

Why the USA Offers Free Education to International Students

The benefits of studying in the usa as an international student, top universities in the usa that offer free education to international students, admission requirements for international students seeking free education in the usa, how to apply for free education in the usa as an international student, what to expect during your studies as an international student in the usa.

  • Expenses You'll Still Need to Cover While Studying for Free in the USA

Pros and Cons of Studying for Free in the USA as an International Student

Common myths about free education in the usa for international students debunked, success stories of international students who received free education in the usa, how to maximize your chances of receiving a scholarship or grant for free education in the usa, alternatives to free education: other ways to finance your studies as an international student, planning your future career after graduating from a us university with a free education.

One of the main reasons why universities in the United States offer free education to international students is to increase diversity on campus. In addition, the United States is known for its high standard of education, and universities hope to attract top talent from around the world. The country also sees education as a public good and believes that access to quality education should be available to all. Many universities, public and private, receive government funding and are required to allocate a certain percentage of their resources towards offering financial aid to students.

Another reason why the USA offers free education to international students is to promote cultural exchange and understanding. By bringing together students from different countries and backgrounds, universities hope to create a more inclusive and tolerant society. International students also bring unique perspectives and experiences to the classroom, enriching the learning environment for everyone.

Furthermore, offering free education to international students can have long-term economic benefits for the United States. Many international students choose to stay in the country after graduation, contributing to the workforce and economy. In fact, a study by the National Foundation for American Policy found that immigrants with advanced degrees from US universities have founded some of the most successful companies in the country, including Google, Intel, and PayPal.


Studying in the USA can be a life-changing experience for international students. Students have the opportunity to learn in a culturally diverse environment, immerse themselves in American culture, and improve their English language skills. Additionally, the United States is home to some of the best universities in the world, which offer top-notch research facilities and resources that can greatly benefit students’ academic and professional endeavors.

Another benefit of studying in the USA as an international student is the opportunity to network with professionals in various industries. Many universities have strong connections with businesses and organizations, providing students with internship and job opportunities. This can be a valuable experience for students looking to gain practical skills and make connections in their field of study.

Furthermore, studying in the USA can also provide international students with a unique perspective on global issues. The country is known for its diverse population and political landscape, which can offer a different viewpoint on current events and social issues. This exposure to different perspectives can broaden students’ understanding of the world and help them become more well-rounded individuals.

Some of the top universities in the United States that offer free education to international students include Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Yale University, Columbia University and Princeton University. These universities all have different programs and requirements when it comes to providing free education to international students, so it is important to research each one individually.

It is worth noting that while these universities offer free education to international students, there may still be additional costs such as room and board, textbooks, and other fees. Additionally, the competition for these programs can be intense, so it is important to have a strong academic record and meet all application requirements. However, for those who are able to secure admission and funding, studying at one of these top universities can be a life-changing opportunity.

Admission requirements for international students seeking free education in the United States are similar to those for domestic students. In addition to submitting transcripts, standardized test scores and letters of recommendation, international students may also need to demonstrate proficiency in English through the TOEFL or IELTS exams. It is also important to note that some universities may have additional requirements such as a certain minimum GPA or completion of specific coursework.

Furthermore, international students may also need to obtain a student visa in order to study in the United States. This process can be lengthy and requires documentation such as a valid passport, proof of financial support, and a letter of acceptance from the university. It is important for international students to research the specific visa requirements for their country and to begin the application process well in advance of their intended start date.

Applying for free education in the United States as an international student can be a complex process, but it is important to research each university’s program and requirements thoroughly. Many universities have separate application processes or require additional materials, such as essays or interviews, to be considered for the program. It is also important to note application deadlines and ensure all materials are submitted on time.

Additionally, it is important to consider the eligibility requirements for free education programs. Some programs may only be available to students from certain countries or with specific academic backgrounds. It is also important to consider the cost of living in the United States, as even with free tuition, international students may still need to cover expenses such as housing, food, and transportation. Researching scholarships and financial aid options can help alleviate some of these costs.

Studying as an international student in the United States can bring a unique set of challenges and opportunities. International students may need to adjust to a new culture and language, but universities typically offer a variety of resources to help ease the transition. Additionally, international students can benefit from diverse perspectives in the classroom and have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities, internships and research opportunities.

One of the challenges that international students may face is the cost of studying in the United States. Tuition fees for international students are often higher than those for domestic students, and living expenses can also be expensive. However, many universities offer scholarships and financial aid to help offset these costs.

Another aspect to consider is the visa process. International students must obtain a student visa to study in the United States, which can be a lengthy and complex process. It is important to start the application process early and to ensure that all necessary documents are submitted on time.

Expenses You’ll Still Need to Cover While Studying for Free in the USA

Although tuition may be covered for international students at certain universities in the United States, there are still additional expenses that must be covered. These may include room and board, textbooks, transportation and personal expenses. It is important to budget for these costs when considering studying in the United States.

One of the major expenses that international students may face while studying in the United States is healthcare. Unlike some countries where healthcare is free or heavily subsidized, healthcare in the United States can be quite expensive. International students may need to purchase health insurance to cover any medical expenses they may incur while studying in the country.

Another expense that international students may need to consider is the cost of visas and travel documents. Depending on the country of origin, students may need to apply for a student visa, which can be a costly and time-consuming process. Additionally, students may need to renew their visas periodically, which can add to the overall cost of studying in the United States.

There are both benefits and drawbacks to studying for free in the United States as an international student. Some of the pros include access to top-notch resources and facilities, immersion in a diverse culture, and improved career prospects. However, some cons include adjusting to a new culture and language, financial constraints outside of tuition, and potential competition for resources and opportunities on campus.

There are some common myths associated with free education in the United States for international students. Some of the most common include that the education is not of high quality or only certain majors are eligible for free tuition. However, universities in the United States pride themselves on providing a high standard of education to all students, and many offer free tuition to a variety of majors.

There are countless success stories of international students who have received free education in the United States and gone on to achieve great things in their careers. From CEOs to Nobel laureates, the opportunities afforded by studying in the United States can truly be life-changing for international students.

There are a variety of ways international students can increase their chances of receiving a scholarship or grant for free education in the United States. Some tips include researching and applying to a variety of universities and programs, maintaining a strong academic record, taking advantage of extracurricular and leadership opportunities, and submitting strong application materials.

Although free education may not be available to all international students, there are still other ways to finance your studies in the United States. Some alternatives include applying for financial aid or loans, seeking out scholarships from non-university sources, or working part-time on campus.

Graduating from a US university with free education can open up a world of career opportunities for international students. Some may choose to pursue further education, while others may enter the workforce immediately. It is important to research visa requirements and job prospects in your intended career field to ensure a successful transition after graduation.

In conclusion, free education for international students in the United States can be a valuable opportunity for those seeking a high quality education in a diverse and culturally rich environment. With careful planning and research, international students can find the right program and university to fit their needs and achieve their academic and career goals.

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25 Tuition Free Universities for International Students

free education in usa for international students

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25 Tuition Free Universities for International Students

Thousands of American students study abroad every year and even more take part in short-term research studies and service trips in other countries. But it’s becoming more and more common for American students to go abroad for even longer than a few weeks or a semester; many students are earning full bachelor’s degrees or studying in international master’s programs, at some of the best international tuition free universities in Europe, South America, and Asia. The best international colleges for US students provide an invaluable experience, one that you truly can’t put a price on. But best of all, for many of the best international tuition free universities, you don’t have to put a price on it at all – they’re completely free for US students.

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Ranking the best tuition free universities for international students (us students in this case).

Using ARWU’s database in conjunction with what we know about countries whose universities don’t charge tuition fees for anyone, Value Colleges has ranked the best international colleges for American students to get a degree for $0 in tuition. That’s right, free tuition! No tuition fee at all! That includes both international master’s programs, and international bachelor’s programs for undergraduate and graduate students. Do note, some non-tuition fees , such as a semester fee, may apply.

All international tuition free universities within the Top 100 on ARWU’s list rank higher than a large number of American state schools. In fact, our Top 25 (nineteen of which are German tuition free universities) rank higher than several of the most popular American universities. Of those international tuition free universities listed, 34 are German, 6 are Brazilian, 5 are Finnish, 3 are Norwegian, and 2 are Greek. And with over 75% of schools listed providing international master’s degrees in English for zero tuition dollars, U.S. students may very well consider packing their bags and heading overseas for a higher education.

free education in usa for international students

1.Heidelberg University

Founded in 1386, the number-one spot German university and 46th-ranked international university is the oldest university in Germany. Located in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, Heidelberg supports eleven faculties: Theology, Law, Medicine, Philosophy, Modern Languages, Economics and Social Sciences, Behavioral and Cultural Studies, Mathematics and Computer Science, Chemistry and Earth Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, as well as the Biosciences. 1 in every 6 students is international, and the language of instruction for all undergraduate programs is in German, requiring students to score a minimum of 2 on the German language proficiency exam . However, it also offers fourteen English-language master’s programs that are taught either partially or entirely in English. Although all international students are required to have a residence permit for study purposes, students from the United States, Andorra, Australia, Brazil, Canada, El Salvador, Honduras, Israel, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, San Marino, South Korea, and Switzerland do not require a visa prior to their arrival.

2. Technical University of Munich

Founded in May of 2009, the number two spot German university and 51st ranked international university is a member of TU9 : the incorporated society for the largest and most notable German institutes of technology. Located in historic Munich within the German state of Bavaria, the technical university is one of only two to be chosen by Germany’s Excellence Initiative to be funded for two consecutive grant periods (i.e, 2007-2012 and 2013-2017). TUM offers more than 150 degree programs in the natural sciences, engineering sciences, medicine, life science and economics, teacher training, and education science. 31 undergraduate programs and degree programs. Many classes at the master’s level, are taught in English . Like all German tuition free universities, students must submit proof of German language proficiency to study at TUM. International students need a residence permit, but students from the United States do not need a visa.

3. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

Founded in 1472 as the University of Ingolstadt and subsequently renamed the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) in 1802, the number three spot German University and 52nd ranked international university is known today as LMU. Located in historic Munich within the German state of Bavaria, LMU’s eighteen faculties favor a classical academic profile with liberal arts disciplines in the humanities, cultural sciences, law, economics, social sciences, medicine, and the natural sciences. Its prestigious Medical Center boasts 2,300 beds, second only to Berlin’s Charité medical center as the second largest of its kind in Germany. With over 7,000 international students as well as an active exchange program, the university is recognized by its international network as a top-tier research university precisely because of its inclusive global policies and initiatives.

4. University of Oslo

Established in 1811, the number one spot Norwegian university and 58th ranked international university is the oldest, largest, and most prestigious university in Norway. Located in the country capital of Oslo, the university offers 25 bachelor’s programs, all taught in Norwegian, but it also offers 52 master’s programs that are taught in English. For admitted students, the university has more than 150 bilateral agreements with exchange programs from universities around the world, as well as over 500 exchange agreements worldwide. Students applying for a master’s program must show and submit proof of English language proficiency. In terms of facilitating international research , the University of Oslo participates in EU affiliated research organizations, Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+, as well as prioritizes cooperation with research institutions in the USA, Japan, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Before arriving in Norway, accepted students who are not citizens of the EU must apply for and possess a residence permit, or in some cases, a visa.

5. The University of Helsinki

Established in 1640, the number one spot Finnish university and 67th ranked international university is the oldest and largest university in Finland with the widest range of disciplines available. Although the university is a bilingual university whose two primary languages of instruction are Finnish and Swedish, faculties in twelve disciplines offer courses in English. These are Theology, Law, Medicine, Arts, Science, Biological and Environmental Science, Pharmacy, Agriculture and Forestry, Veterinary Medicine, Social Sciences, Swedish School Social Sciences, and Behavioral Sciences. In addition, the International Master’s Programs are taught fully in English. International students planning to spend longer than three months studying in Finland require a residence permit, with renewal required for each year of study.

6. The University of Bonn

Established in 1818, the number four spot German university and 97th ranked international university is the alma mater of many famous international students, including Pope Benedict XVI, Karl Marx, and Friedrich Nietzsche. Located in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the University of Bonn offers 200 subjects of study and undergraduate programs, almost all of which are taught in German. The university also offers several international degree programs in Agricultural Sciences, Humanities & Cultural Studies, Law, Economics and Social Sciences, Life Sciences, as well as Natural Sciences and Mathematics, all of which are partially or fully taught in English. The percentage of international students at the university is well above the national average with 4,095 students from 135 countries, so international students are better represented among the student population at Bonn than at other German universities.

7. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Established in 1996, the number two spot Norwegian university ranks between 101 and 150 internationally as the second largest of Norway’s eight institutions of higher learning, shouldering the national responsibility for education in the fields of science and technology and located in Trondheim, the primary language of instruction is English, although language proficiency in Norwegian is required. The university supports seven faculties and 48 departments, as well as 60 international master’s programs, all taught entirely in English . On 1 January 2016, NTNU will merge with three other universities to offer even more opportunities for international study while also creating the largest university in the Norway. Before arriving in the country, accepted students who are not citizens of the EU must apply for and possess a valid visa or residence permit.

8. The Goethe University of Frankfurt

Founded in 1914, the number six spot German university ranks between 101 and 150 internationally. Named after the famous German polymath, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and located in the German state of Hessen, the primary language of instruction is German; however, many individual courses and degree programs are taught in English, including four master’s programs in economics, another of which is bilingual for those interested in being taught in both English and German. Around 1 in every 7 students is international, with international students representing some 130 different countries on campus. The university supports sixteen faculties and over 200 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, many of the latter of which are offered in English

9. The University of Freiburg

Established in 1457, the number seven spot German university ranks between 101 and 150 internationally as the fifth oldest university campus in Germany. Located in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, the primary language of instruction is German; however, the Bachelor of Liberal Arts and Sciences and several master’s programs are entirely taught in English. Around 1 in every 7 students is an international student, and Freiburg works actively to expand this portion with its Internationalization Strategy. All German free universities require the same things: documentation of German language skills and a residency permit for international students, but American students (obviously now considered international students) do not need a visa ahead of time.

10. The University of Goettingen

Founded in 1734, the number eight spot German university ranks between 101 and 150 internationally. Known informally as the Georg-August-Universität, or GAU, this largest university located in the German state of Lower Saxony. GAU’s primary language of instruction is German; however, half of their PhD programs are taught fully in English, along with 28 master’s programs. Thirteen faculties cover 130 subjects, while 1 in every 10 students is international. Students must prove their fluency in Germany before being accepted, and while other international students need a residence permit, US international students will not need a visa.

11. The University of Münster

Established in 1734, the number nine spot German university ranks between 101 and 150 internationally as a key member and recipient of funding from both the <a href=”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Research_Foundation”>German Research Foundation</a> (DFG) and the <a href=”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Universities_Excellence_Initiative”>German Excellence Initiative</a>. Located in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Münster’s primary language of instruction is German; however, several master’s programs are offered completely in English, including the Master of Science in Geoinformatics, Master of Science in Information Systems, and the Master of Arts in National and Transnational Studies: Literature, Culture, Language. <a href=”http://www.uni-muenster.de/”>Fifteen faculties</a> cover over 120 subjects and teach over 280 courses, while having 8 percent of international students out of total population. Yes, you have to be able to speak German, and you need a permit to live as a resident, but if you’re an American international student, you don’t need a visa. 

12. The University of São Paulo (USP)

Founded in 1934, the number one spot Brazilian university ranks between 101-150 internationally as the largest and most prestigious university in the country. With campuses in nine Brazilian cities and its headquarters in São Paulo, USP’s primary language of instruction is Portuguese; however, no certificate of proficiency in Portuguese is required. The university provides language support via the <a href=”http://www.usp.br/internationaloffice/en/”>International Cooperation Office</a> for those who struggle with Portuguese, including tutors and courses geared towards native English speakers. USP offers 286 undergraduate programs, 222 graduate programs, as well as partnerships with some of the largest international research organizations such as the European-based <a href=”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erasmus_Programme”>Erasmus Mundus</a>. A full list of degree programs and pre-arrival requirements for admission, residency, and visa status can be found in the university’s <a href=”http://www.usp.br/internationaloffice/en/wp-content/uploads/student_researcher_guide_USP.pdf”>International Student and Researcher’s Guide</a>. 

13.The University of Hamburg

Established in 1919, the number ten spot German university ranks between 151 and 200 internationally as the largest research university in Northern Germany and the alma mater of six Nobel Prize winners. Located in the eponymous German state of Hamburg within the district of Rotherbaum, the university’s primary language of instruction is German; however, one bachelor’s program (i.e., the Bachelor of Science in Information Engineering) and several <a href=”http://www.haw-hamburg.de/english/international-degree-students/master-applicants/master-degrees/master-degrees-in-english.html”>master’s programs</a> are offered in English. Hamburg’s <a href=”http://www.haw-hamburg.de/english/about-us/faculties-departments.html”>four faculties</a> teach over 2,000 international students from over 100 countries in their 18 departments. As with all German free universities, documentation of German language skills is required for most degrees, although not for the Master’s programs in Public Health or International Business. For American international students, a residency permit is necessary, but not a visa. 

14. The University of Kiel

Founded in 1665, the number eleven spot German university ranks between 151 and 200 internationally as the largest, oldest, and most prestigious university in its home state. This alma mater of <a href=”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Boas”>Franz Boas</a>, the “Father of American Anthropology” is located in the northernmost German state of Schleswig-Holstein, and the university’s primary language of instruction is German. However, 14 international master’s programs offer courses fully in English. Eight faculties teach 80 subjects for a total of 185 degree programs, all of which have access to the university’s <a href=”http://www.international.uni-kiel.de/en/internationalisation-fund”>fund for internationalization</a>. Students studying in Germany must have solid German skills, but American international students will need only a residence permit, not a visa. 

15. The University of Kӧln

Established in 1388, the number twelve spot German university ranks between 151 and 200 internationally as the founding member of the Global Alliance in Management Education and has been awarded the German Excellence Initiative for the grant period of 2012-2017. Located in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Kӧln’s primary language of instruction is German. However, an increasing number of courses in its <a href=”http://international.uni-koeln.de/sites/international/aaa/INT/INTpdf/INTpdf_UoC_Profile_Guide_online.pdf”>international master’s programs</a> are taught in English, including those in Management, Economics, and Social Sciences. Kӧln’s six faculties teach 50,000 students, 1 in 10 of which are international students.

16. The University of Tübingen

Founded in 1477, the number thirteen spot German university ranks between 151 and 200 internationally as an academic powerhouse for medicine, natural sciences, the humanities, and especially German Studies, for which it has been ranked first for many years. Located in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, the university’s primary language of instruction is German. However, courses taught in the School of Business and Economics, Social Sciences, Faculty of Science, and the English Department are all in English. Eight faculties teach more than 280 courses to over <a href=”https://www.uni-tuebingen.de/en/international.html”>3000 international students</a> each year. 

17. The University of Würzburg

Established in 1402, the number fourteen spot German university ranks between 151 and 200 internationally as one of Germany’s leading free universities, having memberships and receiving funding from the prestigious <a href=”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U15_(German_Universities)”>U15</a> group of research universities as well as the <a href=”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coimbra_Group”>Coimbra Group</a>. Located in the German state of Bavaria, Würzburg’s primary language of instruction is German. However, 10 master’s programs are taught entirely in English, with only one requiring proficiency in German. Ten faculties cover <a href=”https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fuer/studierende/angebot/faecher/”>hundreds of programs of study</a> with a focus on accessibility for international students. You will need documented German skills, but not a visa; American international students, like other international students, still need a permit to reside in Germany. 

18. Charles University of Prague

Founded circa 1347, the number one spot Czech university ranks between 201-300 internationally as the oldest university in the Czech Republic. Located in the Czech capital of Prague, Charles University’s primary language of instruction is Czech. However, <a href=”https://www.cuni.cz/UK-2047.html#1″>every faculty</a> offers courses and seminars in English and other foreign languages such as French and German, while some <a href=”http://www.cuni.cz/UKEN-14-version1-bm.pdf”>degree programs</a> are taught entirely in English. As the largest university in Czechoslovakia, seventeen faculties teach the eighteen percent international student body at 3 institutes and 5 service facilities. Non-EU international students accepted to the university after submitting the <a href=”http://tarantula.ruk.cuni.cz/UKEN2-14.html#56″>required application materials</a> are expected to apply for a <a href=”https://www.cuni.cz/UK-2045.html”>residence permit and visa</a> prior to their arrival on campus.

19. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Established in 1825, the number fifteen spot German university ranks between 201 and 300 internationally as one of Germany’s leading universities in Engineering and the Natural Sciences, having memberships with the prestigious <a href=”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TU9″>TU9</a> group of research universities as well as receiving funds from the <a href=”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Universities_Excellence_Initiative”>German Excellence Initiative</a>. Located in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe’s primary language of instruction is German. However, 16 bachelor’s degree programs are offered in English, with only one bilingual degree requiring proficiency in German. Eleven faculties and 9,000 employees work together in an international environment to help teach <a href=”https://campus.studium.kit.edu/events/catalog.php#!campus/all/fields.asp?group=Vorlesungsverzeichnis”>hundreds</a> of courses, 80 of which are “future-oriented,” to a student body that is made up of 20 percent international students.

20. RWTH Aachen University

Founded in 1870, the number sixteen spot German university ranks between 201 and 300 internationally as the largest technical university in Germany. With the most ties to industry of any in the nation, RTWH Aachen receives more third-party funding than any other German university in addition to having received two consecutive 5-year grants from the <a href=”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Universities_Excellence_Initiative”>German Excellence Initiative</a>. Located in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, RWTH Aachen’s primary language of instruction is German. However, 18 international master’s programs are taught entirely in English. With its internationalization initiative, ten faculties teach 152 public courses of study and 12 private courses of study to over 6,500 international students and other graduate students from over 120 countries.

21. Dresden University of Technology

Established in 1828, the number seventeen spot German university ranks between 201 and 300 internationally as one of the most published research universities in Germany, turning out over 3,546 projects in 2004 and having been awarded one of eleven grants from the DFG’s <a href=”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Universities_Excellence_Initiative”>German Excellence Initiative</a> for the 5-year period between 2012 and 2017. Located in the German state of Saxony, TU Dresden’s primary language of instruction is German. However, the university only offers its masters programs in English, so international scholars with proficiency in English are made to feel quite welcome in pursuing their graduate degree at Dresden. Fourteen faculties teach 36,737 graduate students, <a href=”https://tu-dresden.de/internationales/welcome/welcome_eng”>10 percent</a> of which are international.

22. University of Bergen

Founded in 1946, the number three spot Norwegian university ranks between 201 and 300 internationally as one of eight public free universities in Norway. Located in the Norwegian county of Hordaland in the eponymous port city of Bergen, the university’s primary language of instruction is Norwegian. However, four of its six faculties offer a combined 26 international master’s programs in English, including a Master’s in Digital Culture, Master’s in International Health, Joint Master’s in Software Engineering, and a Master’s in Global Development. Bergen’s six faculties and 3,600 staff members (among which PhD graduate students are paid) teach approximately 1,500 international students at Bergen. Before arriving in Norway, accepted international students who are not citizens of the EU or from countries without an agreement with Norway must apply for and possess either a valid residence permit or visa. 

23. University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

Established in 1742, the number eighteen spot German university ranks between 201 and 300 internationally as a traditional liberal arts school that can boast a distinguished engineering faculty. Having the highest volume of <a>third-party funding</a> and being the second-largest public university located in the German state of Bavaria, Erlangan-Nuremberg’s primary language of instruction is German. However, <a href=”https://www.fau.eu/study/prospective-students/degree-programmes/international-degree-programmes/degree-programmes-taught-exclusively-in-english/”>15 international degree programs</a> are taught exclusively in English. Five faculties teach <a href=”https://www.fau.eu/university/facts-and-figures/”>39,628 students</a>, 3,746 of which are international students. German free universities require German language skills, but American graduate students will not need a visa, just a residency permit. 

24. University of Leipzig

Established in 1409, the number nineteen spot German university ranks between 201 and 300 internationally as one of the oldest free universities in the world and the second-oldest in Germany, with distinguished alumni such as Leibniz, Goethe, Richard Wagner, and Angela Merkel. Located in the German state of Saxony, Leipzig’s primary language of instruction is German. However, 15 master’s programs are taught entirely in English, including the Bachelor’s of Science in International Physics, Master’s of Science in Sustainable Development, and two master’s s degrees in chemistry. Fourteen faculties cover <a>139 programs of study</a>, supporting affiliations with seven institutes, including the Translational Centre for Regenerative Medicine and the Carl Ludwig Institute of Physiology. 

25. University of Mainz

Established in 1477, the number twenty spot German university ranks between 201 and 300 internationally as one of Germany’s leading free universities in the fields of natural science and economics. Located in the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate, Mainz’s primary language of instruction is German. However, the university does offer a small number of degree courses completely or partially in English, including a dual <a href=”http://wiwi.uni-mainz.de/364_ENG_HTML.php”>Master’s in Economics and Management</a>, which is taught partially in English. Ten faculties teach <a href=”https://www.international-office.uni-mainz.de/applicants-and-students/”>36,000 graduate students from 130 countries</a>, 12 percent of which are international students. All of those international students are required to prove their German language ability, but American graduate students have no need for a visa. 

What are the Benefits of International Master’s Programs?

Earning a master’s abroad is a smart choice for a lot of American international students, particularly those who want to work in areas like international business , global public health , or security . What makes international master’s programs so valuable? A few things:

  • Global Perspective: Americans tend to think only about America; earning a master’s degree from the best international free universities helps American international students realize there’s life beyond our borders. That’s extremely valuable to those who want to work in an increasingly global economy.
  • Cultural Literacy: Earning your degree abroad increases your ability to adapt to other cultures; even if you don’t work in the same country for the rest of your life, you are more equipped to handle cultural differences and local customs.
  • Self-Sufficiency: There’s nothing to test your analytical and problem-solving skills like being immersed in a new country where, even if you speak the language solidly, you don’t know the customs and lifestyle. Studying internationally shows employers that you can make your way on your own.

A lot of the most in-demand, high-tech career paths today are international; professions like industrial design , artificial intelligence and machine learning , and robotics are global professions, that will almost certainly require professionals to travel internationally and work with international teams. An international master’s program helps prepare you for that aspect of your career.

Do These Tuition Free Universities Also Provide Free Laptops or iPads for Online Students?

Many tuition-free universities cater to online students, but it’s important to note that not all of them provide free laptops/ipads for college students . While some institutions may offer technology assistance or grants, it’s advisable to research individual university policies regarding student appliances.

Finding the Cheapest Universities in Europe for International Students

The cheapest universities in Europe for international students are often better than cheap – in a lot of countries, including Finland, Iceland, and Norway, they’re completely free! No one is required to pay tuition fees. By contrast, in the US even public universities aren’t free. Many of these countries even make sure the primary language of instruction is English, making them some of the best international colleges for US international students. Granted, your free education probably won’t cover living expenses, so budget accordingly. International applicants to a tuition free university may forget they have to eat.

There’s a reason most of the schools on the free international free universities ranking are in Germany; more than any other international universities in Europe, Germany has been wooing American international students. All German universities offer free tuition for undergraduate students, first of all, but secondly, Germany has faced a decline in population and skilled workers going to other European countries and the US. Offering the chance to study in Europe in English, for free, has American students flocking to Germany, and often staying there – the main purpose of the initiative to begin with.

Do You Want to Study in Europe in English?

So you’re excited about the prospect of studying abroad at one of the top international free universities in Europe, but you’re not confident in your second-language skills. Maybe you don’t even speak the language where you want to go. Is that going to be an impediment to enrolling in international master’s programs? Can you study in Europe in English? (Besides England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, obviously.)

There’s good news! Many of the best international colleges for US international students make sure that the primary language of instruction is English. If English isn’t the primary language of instruction, you can be confident that international colleges for American international students will not leave English-speakers in the dark. English is the international language of commerce and academia, after all, so most international free universities in Europe will be filled with people who have strong English skills.

So you can absolutely study in Europe in English, even if the primary language of instruction isn’t English, and many of your fellow students will probably enjoy the opportunity to practice their own English. Learn enough of the language to be polite while you’re there, though – “Please” and “Thank you” are appreciated everywhere, and nobody wants to be the “ugly American.”

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Aya Andrews


Aya Andrews is a passionate educator and mother of two, with a diverse background that has shaped her approach to teaching and learning. Born in Metro Manila, she now calls San Diego home and is proud to be a Filipino-American. Aya earned her Masters degree in Education from San Diego State University, where she focused on developing innovative teaching methods to engage and inspire students.

Prior to her work in education, Aya spent several years as a continuing education consultant for KPMG, where she honed her skills in project management and client relations. She brings this same level of professionalism and expertise to her work as an educator, where she is committed to helping each of her students achieve their full potential.

In addition to her work as an educator, Aya is a devoted mother who is passionate about creating a nurturing and supportive home environment for her children. She is an active member of her community, volunteering her time and resources to support local schools and organizations. Aya is also an avid traveler, and loves to explore new cultures and cuisines with her family.

With a deep commitment to education and a passion for helping others succeed, Aya is a true inspiration to those around her. Her dedication to her craft, her community, and her family is a testament to her unwavering commitment to excellence in all aspects of her life.

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4 tuition-free universities in the US for master’s degrees

The US is arguably one of the most expensive study abroad destinations in the world, but did you know that there are tuition-free universities in the US? This can greatly curb the stress that comes with funding your education abroad so that you can focus on your studies as well as other aspects of being abroad, such as exploring the Golden Gate Bridge, Yellowstone National Park and Niagara Falls.

Tuition fees for a master’s degree vary from as little as US$8,000 to US$120,000 a year. That’s not including your living expenses, utilities, rent, and other expenses you will spend as an international student. If the idea of a free (or nearly free) master’s or micro master’s entices you, consider these tuition-free universities in the US that offer great postgraduate programmes:

With an average monthly living cost of US$3,189 , it’s not surprising to see international students looking for more affordable options to pursue their master’s. Source: Philippe Lopez/AFP

4 tuition-free universities in the US for your master’s

1. university of the people.

Founded in 2009 and accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission in February 2014 , the University of the People (UoPeople) is the first non-profit, online tuition-free university in the US.

It offers three master’s degree programmes in Business Administration, Information Technology and Education.

You only need to pay a one-off application fee of US$60  and a  US$300 course assessment fee. It will cost approximately US$3,660 to study for a Master of Business Administration or Master in Information Technology, and US$3,960 for a Master of Education.

2. Curtis Institute of Music

The Curtis Institute of Music’s Master of Music programme will provide students with comprehensive musical training covering composition, orchestral instruments, piano, guitar, organ and opera. They learn with distinguished artist-teachers in private lessons and studio lessons.

All students receive  full-tuition scholarships , regardless of their financial situation. For the 2022-23 academic term, the annual value of this scholarship is US$60,291 for graduate students.

Princeton University is one of the US’s premier university and is often listed among the world’s top 100 universities by multiple ranking tables. Source: William Thomas Cain/Getty Images North America/Getty Images/AFP

3. Princeton University

While the Graduate School does not provide central funding for master’s candidates, it offers full or partial funding opportunities for specific master’s degree programmes.

The School of Public and International Affairs will cover 100% of tuition and required fees for students pursuing their Master in Public Affairs Master in Public Policy.  Assistantship  (where graduate students are involved in classroom teaching, laboratory supervision and grading in undergraduate courses) is another way to fund your master’s at Princeton University.

4. Columbia University

Columbia University is a suitable choice for you. Located in New York City, New York, Columbia University is a prestigious research-intensive institute that offers tuition-free online programmes for international students.

Through its partnership with  edX , Columbia University has many online courses and micro masters , from Artificial Intelligence, Business Analytics, Animation, Corporate Finance and Robotics.  The best part is that these programmes are available for free. You can also choose to receive a verified certificate for a small fee.

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Study in the USA

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The USA has the world's largest international student population, with more than 1,000,000 students choosing to broaden their education and life experience at a United States college or university. Nearly 5% of all students enrolled in higher-level education in the USA are international students, and the numbers are growing. From the mid-1950's, when international student enrollment was only just reaching 35,000, international education in the USA has come a long way.

We look forward to helping students like you who are considering continuing education in the United States. You will find all the tools you need to compile your necessary research in deciding if the United States is the best place for you — we have gathered valuable information on educational, social, cultural and economic aspects of studying in the U.S.

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Usa state guides, subject study guides, application process, financial aid for the usa.

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The USA "Way of Life"

Religious schools in the us, online degree programs.

There are many reasons that students like to come to the USA to study at the undergraduate and graduate level — learn more about what the USA has to offer an international student. This section will help you focus on the main factors that students should consider when deciding whether to pursue an education in the USA. Learn More

The USA is a vast country, and every state is unique in its culture, climate, history, economy and more. New York is very different than Alaska. Our state guides provide complete state by state information, including that state’s popularity amongst international students, to help guide your decision as to where in the US you should study. Learn More

Preparation for your stay

All the necessities of life that you have at home, you will have to recreate for your stay in the USA. Do you have your student visa, travel essentials and enough cash to get set up? Have you purchased an international student insurance plan? Are you set up to call home regularly and affordably? Make sure you are fully prepared before you leave for the USA. Learn More

What will life be like for you while you are studying in the U.S.? Are you thinking of working while you study abroad? What about the challenges of living with a roommate from another country? Here you can learn more about the diverse cultural, social and economic aspects of living, studying and working in the United States. Learn More

Studying in the US

College & university search.

Find, research, contact and save schools you are interested in through our USA School Search. With listings of all universities and colleges in the USA that accept and enroll international students, once you create a free account it can be your central place to find the right school for you! With searchable data on over 3,000 schools, you can match to schools based on program of study and degree, state or other geographical location, tuition range, public vs. private and many other data points. We know that choosing the right school and program can be an extensive and exhausting process, and we have built this resource specifically so that you, an international student, can find the right program. Learn More

Getting into a US College or University

Trying to become an international student inside the US is not easy. The application process is complex and competitive which means it requires hard work and dedication before classes even start. Additionally, it’s not a quick process; students should start preparing months in advance and need to stay organized and informed throughout. We have created a guide to getting into a US college or university to help you navigate through each step and provide you with tips along the way. If you want to study in the US check out our guide to get started. Learn More

Most students have some idea of what they would like to study – whether engineering, business, law, philosophy or any other course of study, but it can be trickier for international students due to the differences in higher education provision in the U.S. compared to their home country . Our Subject Study Guide offers subject-specific information for over 50 fields of study. No matter where your interests may lie – from Agriculture to Web Design and everything in between - we have information to help. Learn More

The application process for US colleges and universities can be extensive and confusing, and many international students are intimidated by the number of steps required. From SATs, TOEFL and other tests, to essay writing , credential evaluation and more, we have created an easy-to-follow timeline and breakdown to help you through the application process. Learn More

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You have many choices to make after you graduate. Will you take advantage of optional practical training and look for a job? Or do you plan to continue on with your education by seeking an advanced degree? We can help focus your research and thinking on the next step for you to take on your educational and career journey. Learn More

Community Colleges in the US

If you want to become an international student inside the US but can't meet the high cost and requirements of universities, consider a community college for your first two years. Signing up to study in USA community colleges offer students a great education at a fraction of the cost and are a great way for students around the world to begin their journey of studying in the US. Get more information on community colleges and if they're a good option for you. Learn More

For those of you who are looking for more specific information about a particular course to study in the USA, check out our study centers that cover some of the main topics such as law, information technology, engineering, business, and more! Learn more about the application process, courses and degree programs, career opportunities and more!

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Northeastern University Graduate Programs

Studying in the USA: A Guide for International Students

Studying in the USA: A Guide for International Students

If you’re an international student looking for educational opportunities in the U.S., you’re not alone. Despite the aftereffects of the pandemic, nearly one million students from more than 200 different countries joined American students at U.S.-based institutions in the 2021–2022 school year.

Yet, between student visas, the application process, and cultural differences, some may second guess their resolve to experience American university life. With our comprehensive guide on how to study in the USA, you’ll be well prepared and on your way to international student status.

Applying to an American University

Applying to universities in the U.S. can be daunting, but this process can be challenging for U.S.-based prospective students, as well. Try not to get discouraged. Here are some steps you can take to make your educational journey abroad as seamless as possible.

Start Developing Your Skills

Since U.S. universities can be competitive, it’s important to develop your skill set as you begin this process of studying abroad. In addition to relevant language skills, you should also sharpen your critical thinking, communication (written and verbal), and time and resource management skills.

Research Colleges

Searching for the right program among American colleges is all about “finding the right fit for you.” Depending on your priorities, this might mean a college:

  • Offers a degree program you’re interested in
  • Accepts international students with a variety of cultural backgrounds to create a global community
  • Facilitates sports and other activities that interest you and permit international student participation
  • Is located in an ideal climate and living environment

To ensure a good fit and continued success, it’s important to research colleges before deciding which to submit applications to. If you don’t, you run the risk of attending a school that doesn’t align with your personal and professional interests.

Connect with Institutions Before Applying

One of the most resourceful steps you can take in this process (that many applicants overlook) is reaching out to institutions before applying. Most universities have a dedicated admissions office that fields incoming queries from prospective international students. Consider reaching out and asking them about available resources, such as:

  • Career counseling
  • Scholarship opportunities
  • Mental health counseling
  • Global student services

Another way to get connected with institutions of interest is to reach out to faculty, alumni, or current students through your personal network or mutual connections. If you don’t have any, don’t fret.

Tomo Yamamoto, associate director of International Enrollment Marketing at Northeastern University, says, “reaching out to a relevant department, or even professors when possible, is a really good place to start.” Generally, universities are vying for great candidates to apply to their programs—particularly international students with interesting backgrounds—so don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for more inside perspectives.

Consider the Requirements

In your research, you’ll come across different requirements for different universities in the application and enrollment process. Many of these requirements apply to all students, international and otherwise. For example, while most universities are now test-optional as a result of the pandemic, some colleges still require scores from a standardized test (e.g., SAT, ACT, or GRE) as part of the application process.

As an international student, you’ll want to be vigilant as you look into these requirements since there will likely be additional prerequisites. For example, the TOEFL or IELTS exams, which are meant to demonstrate proficiency in English, are common application requirements for international students.

Obtain Your Student Visa

Obtaining your student visa can be a long and arduous process, but a good institution will have the resources to guide you. For example, Northeastern provides step-by-step instructions for those applying for an F-1 student visa and J-1 student visa , depending on whether you’re an incoming full-time international student or on an exchange program with a government, organization, or university sponsorship, respectively.

In general, you will need to take the proper steps to enter the U.S. and start your academic career. Look into the first steps of obtaining your student visa; usually, it will be to submit visa-supporting documents, such as Form I-20, Form DS-2019, and a valid passport.

Maintaining Your Status

Once you’ve embarked on student life in the U.S., your journey has only begun. Once abroad, it’s essential to maintain your status of full-time, on-ground enrollment at your institution to ensure your visa remains valid and you can legally remain in the country. Remember, failure to do so can result in serious consequences.

The good news is that most institutions have a dedicated department to ensure their international students meet their visa requirements and maintain valid immigration status. As an international student, it’s important to reach out to your Office of Global Services or equivalent resource to make sure you’re doing everything needed to maintain your status.

The full-time credit conditions vary slightly by institution, but generally, they require a certain amount of class hours or credits for the term, a certain level of performance in those classes, and a certain percentage of in-person course enrollment. For example, according to Northeastern’s Office of Global Services, guidelines on maintaining status for undergraduate students include a minimum of 12 credit hours per term and a maximum of one online course. However, because these requirements are different at each university, it’s critical that you reach out to your dedicated office.

Challenges of Studying in the USA

Moving to and living in a new country can be challenging, especially when studying abroad. However, with proper preparation and the right tools, you can overcome these obstacles.

Cost of Living

What may frighten prospective international students in many cases is the cost of living in the U.S. Cities like New York and San Francisco are infamous for their inflated housing prices and high cost of living. In addition to these high prices, tuition for U.S. universities in these cities also runs high. However, international students who maintain F-1 visa status may be eligible for on-campus work. If you’re interested in this option, it’s highly recommended to continually check on-campus job postings.

As Yamamoto puts it, “The tuition and other related costs are public on the university website. Cost of living can vary depending on each student’s lifestyle and preferences.” However, both of these aspects add up to a total investment in your education abroad. As such, it’s important to research future return-on-investment prospects as a part of your preparation process. Look into potential job opportunities that support work visas, offer a rewarding average salary, and project positive job market predictions to ensure you’ll have ROI-positive options when you graduate.

Applying for a Visa

There are several potential obstacles, based on students’ individual situations, to keep in mind while applying for your student visa. For instance, politics and global current events might impact how long it takes to get a visa. In extreme cases, this can even affect whether you are eligible to receive one. It’s important to apply for the relevant visa in a timely manner to prepare for any unexpected roadblocks.

Another tip is to utilize external resources that could also help. Yamamoto suggests that “international students check the U.S. embassy website to receive more up-to-date information from the U.S. government about student visas and the application process.”

Cultural Differences

Cultural differences can be difficult to adapt to. People might speak differently than you’re used to, come off as rude or loud, or expect different social norms from you. In class, it could be difficult to speak up at the right time or take a little longer than you’d like to make friends.

But as every immigrant, ex-pat, and international student will inevitably tell you, it always gets better. In fact, assimilating into and learning about a new culture is what makes living abroad so exciting and enriching. Celebrating cultural differences is an essential part of studying in a foreign country.

At Northeastern, there are many student organizations where you can connect with peers with similar interests while safely expanding your horizons and easing your transition. Similarly, the university has dedicated support services and events to help international students succeed and feel welcome on campus, including:

  • Global Student Success : Provides high-quality English language, academic, and cultural support to international and non-native English-speaking students.
  • Global Student Mentor Program : Support incoming international students as they transition to college life at Northeastern and to the culture of the United States, to foster engagement with the Northeastern community, and to improve resource utilization.
  • OGS Events : Attend cultural events, workshops, and more, sponsored by the Office of Global Services.

Taking the Leap to Study in the USA

Preparing to study in the USA can be confusing and challenging, but with a proper guide and an institution willing to help, it can be the beginning of one of the most memorable experiences of your life. Northeastern has a dedicated team to ensure their international students are well-prepared, adjusted, and successful.

Learn more about how you can study with us today. Check out our Office of Global Studies and the support we offer for international students.

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How to Study in USA for Free?

Archana S Image

Mar 4, 2024 | 6 min read

International students can study in the USA at a very affordable cost. This article will help you explore best scholarships and top tuition-free universities to pursue higher education in the United States.

How to Study in USA for Free?

International students looking to study in USA for free can enrol themselves in fully-funded universities that do not charge fees for international students. Several tuition-free universities in the USA offer a wide range of fields and courses for students to choose from. There are various other scholarships and other opportunities that can be availed by international students to be able to study in USA for free or at a minimal cost.

The USA is home to several highly-ranked higher education institutions in the world. With a world-class education system , multicultural environment, and excellent employment opportunities, the country has a lot to offer. However, the cost of studying in the USA becomes a matter of concern for a majority of international students. Is it possible to pursue free education in the USA? If yes, then how to study in USA for free? You will get these answers by reading through this article!

Table of Contents

Top Tuition-Free Universities in the USA for Indian Students

Berea college, alice lloyd college, college of the ozarks, curtis institute of music, city university of new york, u.s. academies, deep springs college, how to study for free in the usa, prepare an excellent application.

  • Attend Tuition-Free Universities  

Apply for Scholarships

Look for part-time job opportunities.

As you know that tuition-fee form a major portion of the total cost of studying in the USA. Hence, students must consider tuition-free universities to study in USA for free. The list of top tuition-free universities in the USA is given below:

Situated in Berea, Kentucky, Berea College distinguishes itself from other postsecondary institutions by providing free education to students and being the first mixed-race university in the southern USA. With 33 majors to choose from, it offers only undergraduate courses for students. According to the rankings of U.S. News and World Report 2021, the college ranks #33 in National Liberal Arts Colleges.

Berea College offers full-tuition scholarships worth more than $25,000 to every student. It also assists students with expenses related to food, accommodation, etc., by offering a work-study program. A total of USD 55,389,392 was awarded for need-based scholarships and grants to students of the 2020 batch.

Read More: Berea College

Alice Lloyd College (ALC) is a 4-year liberal arts college situated in Pippa Passes, Kentucky. It is one of the best institutions for international students looking to pursue affordable and high-quality education. All students enrolled in full-time programs at ALC are a part of the student work program. Students from abroad receive financial aid through the money earned in the student work program.

To apply for ALC, students need a minimum ACT score of 17 or an SAT score of 810 and a high school GPA of 2.25. International students must also submit their TOEFL scores and a certificate of finance, which must be supported by a bank statement. For international students to be eligible for the Student Work Program, they must hold an F1 visa and obtain a US-issued Social Security number before enrollment.

Founded in 1834, College of the Ozarks is a private Christian college located in Point Lookout, Missouri. With an international student population of 22%, Ozarks is home to international students from more than 20 countries around the world. The college offers over 60 majors and minors in a wide variety of subject areas.

To apply for Ozarks, students must have a letter of recommendation, a statement of purpose, and standardized test scores. The English language proficiency requirement is waived for students of some countries, including India. To be eligible for financial aid, international students must submit the Institutional Financial Need Application. 

Situated in Philadelphia, the Curtis Institute of Music is one of the most reputable conservatories in the world that offers bachelor’s, master’s, and diploma courses in the field of music. The institute ranked #26 by QS World University Rankings by Subject 2021. 

At the Curtis Institute of Music, all students receive full-tuition scholarships based on merit, regardless of their financial circumstances. Besides full-tuition scholarships that cover education expenses, Curtis also provides generous need-based financial aid in order to cover living expenses. 

Established in 1961, the City University of New York (CUNY) is one of the most prestigious public universities in the USA. The university offers a plethora of programs in multiple disciplines. At present, there are more than 11,000 students studying at CUNY's 25 campuses from over 100+ countries. 

CUNY is proud of its large international student population and has several resources to assist foreign students in adjusting to their new lives in the United States. It offers full-tuition scholarships to students who are a part of their teacher academy.

Tuition-free universities in the USA include the US Service Academies. In all, there are five US Academies. These five academic are the US Military Academy, US Naval Academy, US Air Force Academy, US Merchant Marine Academy, and US Coast Guard Academy.

There is no tuition charge for students attending any of these U.S. academies. Additionally, they receive a monthly stipend in return for their service. As part of the application process, candidates are required to pass a physical fitness test. Other admission requirements may differ from one program to another.

Established in 1917, Deep Springs College offers a unique higher education experience to its students. Around 12-15 students are enrolled every year. Each student receives a full scholarship, and costs like tuition, board, room, etc., are covered. Deep Springs students are expected to devote themselves to serving humanity in exchange. 

While international students apply similarly to domestic students, there is one major difference. For applicants who have not attended an English-speaking secondary school or college, the college will require proof of English proficiency (TOEFL, IELTS , or an equivalent exam). 

The cost of studying in the USA involves tuition fees, living costs , and other exam-related and visa expenses. International students should carefully consider each of these costs before arriving in the country. There are some ways in which students can reduce their overall costs of studying in the United States. Follow the tips given below to study in USA for free: 

  • Attend Tuition-Free Universities 

A majority of the US universities look for applicants who have exceptional academic records and also perform well in the entrance exams. Hence, students must ensure that they meet the minimum eligibility requirements of their desired college and apply accordingly. It is also important for students to prepare their applications as early as possible. This will help them to minimize errors and increase their chances of obtaining scholarships as well. 

Attend Tuition-Free Universities

The USA is home to several public and private universities that offer tuition-free education. Obtaining admission to such tuition-free universities is a sure-shot way to study in USA for free. Students must create a list of all these universities and courses and apply to the ones that match their field of interest. This will help them save a lot of money on their tuition fees. International students can also apply to some of the cheapest Universities in the USA .

International students can study in USA for free by applying for fully-funded or partially-funded scholarships in the USA. The amount of funding provided by each scholarship varies according to the applicant’s study level, course, and institution. The major categories of scholarships in the USA include government-funded, program-specific, subject-specific, and organization-provided scholarships.

Following are the top scholarships available for Indian students in the United States:

  • Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation Scholarships
  • Tata Scholarships for Cornell University
  • Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarship
  • The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program
  • KC Mahindra Scholarship
  • Narotam Sekhsaria Scholarship
  • Chicago Booth Scholarships 
  • Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship Program
  • National Overseas Scholarship
  • SN Bose Scholarship

Working part-time in the USA will help students save some money to pay their bills. There are several on-campus and off-campus part-time job opportunities available for international students in the country. However, there are some regulations that students need to consider before applying for a part-time job.

Students are allowed to work for 20 hours a week during their ongoing term of the course. However, at the time of university breaks, they can work for up to 40 hours per week. Additionally, to apply for an on-campus part-time job, international students must have a valid F1 US Visa .

Read More: Part-Time Jobs for Students in USA


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free education in usa for international students

Nakalema Resty Lwanga

Oct 27, 2022

I would like to study in the US.

Get Free Scholarship worth 25000 INR

10 Tuition-Free Universities for International Students in the USA

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The skyrocketing exchange rate almost buried Amira Mustafa’s dream of studying in the United States. Amira, a first-class student from a public servant's family, doesn't have the luxury of studying abroad. The more she tried to save funds for her studies abroad, the more the naira plummeted against the dollar currency. 

When she heard about the tuition-free universities for international students, life came to her dreams. However, she learned that these universities are not entirely free, as they say.   The United States has prestigious schools, including public schools, that could be capital-intensive and expensive. Amira, who couldn't grab a fully funded scholarship, had to opt for a university that offered tuition-free programmes. 

In this article, we have some universities offering international students tuition-free study.

free education in usa for international students

Read: How to Demonstrate “Strong Ties” to Your Home Country

Top Free Universities in the USA to Study 

College of the Ozarks

The College of Ozarks (Columbia College) was established in 1851 as a Christian non-tuition liberal art college. The college allows students to study alongside traditional classroom instruction to complete their programmes. 

To study in this College, you must undertake different learning options, including virtual and online. Columbia College has a work-per-week policy that helps you qualify for its free tuition. Students must work at least 15 hours weekly to study in any of its free programmes. In addition, the college is among the top schools for higher education and online studies in the United States. Some of its popular majors include teaching, business, education, and criminal justice.  

City University of New York

The City University of New York started in 1961 as a public university with 24 campuses: seven postgraduate institutions, an undergraduate honours college, seven community colleges, and eleven senior colleges. The university offers students who join their Teacher Academy tuition-free scholarships. City University of New York students are eligible for tuition-free scholarships. 

Read: 10 Cheapest Universities in Europe for International Students

Berea College

Founded in 1855, Berea College offers international students with financial constraints an opportunity to study quality arts education. The school has remained tuition-free since 1892 to help average-income earners have a solid education in the USA.

University of Washington

The University of Washington was founded in 1861 and ranked as one of the most prominent schools in the world. International students can enjoy free tuition waivers in specific situations. In addition, these students must have met specific eligibility requirements and do not have formal application processes. 

 Alice Lloyd College

Alice Spencer Geddes Lloyd and June Buchanan established Alice Lloyd College in 1923. The founders created the college as a tuition-free institution to educate international students for leadership positions. Alice Lloyd College;

1)    Offers high-quality education in the liberal arts

2)    Produces leaders who possess high moral and ethical values

3)    Promotes the work ethic through a compulsory self-help Student Work Program for full-time students

4)    Offers a Christian-oriented environment

5)    Communicate through spoken, written, and other abstract symbol systems.

International students can study popular courses like natural science, mathematics, education, social science, humanities, and business and entrepreneurship.

Read: Top 10 Canadian Scholarships for International Students

 Webb Institute

The Webb Institute is a private undergraduate engineering college focusing on Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture. The multi-disciplinary fields range from ship design and systems engineering to marine, electrical, and civil engineering.

However, only US citizens and permanent residents are granted a full-tuition scholarship during study. 

free education in usa for international students

The Curtis Institute of Music

Established in 1924, The Curtis Institute of Music offers a performance diploma, a bachelor's degree in music, and a master’s degree in music opera. The school stands out with a "learn by doing" philosophy and personalized attention from many actively performing musicians.  

However, admissions are offered based on artistic performance without tuition-free opportunities.

US Service Academies

The US service academies offer students an opportunity to try to enroll in any of the five united service academies:

1)    U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. (King’s Point, New York) 

2)    US Military Academy, (West Point, New York)

3)    US Air Force Academy, (Colorado Springs, Colorado)

4)    US Coast Guard Academy (New London, Connecticut)

5)    U.S. Naval Academy, (Annapolis, Maryland)

Students enjoy free accommodations, tuition, and training facilities for four years. During this period, students receive monthly stipends in substitution for service. However, the application process is lengthy, and students must possess the following:

1)    High standardized test scores (SAT or ACT)

2)    Leadership experience and community involvement

3)    Superior high school GPA

4)    Athletics and extracurricular activities

5)    A congressional letter of recommendation (not required by the Coast Guard Academy)

6)    Applicants also need to pass a physical fitness test

 Deep spring college

Established in 1917, Deep Spring College’s education program is built on students' self-government, academics, and manual labour. The school offers at least fifteen students full scholarships. Deep Spring College handles its student's accommodation, tuition, and board. 

In exchange, students must dedicate themselves to service to humanity courses like journalism, academics, agriculture, politics, science, medicine, law, business, and design.

 Lewis-Clark State College  

Lewis-Clark State College was founded in 1893, offering students a unique learning environment. Non-resident students pay the lowest tuition, with more than 130 degrees and certificates for students to select. Also, it offers two- and four-year degrees in both academic and career and technical education fields.

Read: How to Apply for US Visa in Nigeria: The Ultimate Guide

You can also study at Antioch College (OH), The Apprentice School (VA), Barclay College (KS), Haskell Indian Nations University (KS), Warren Wilson College (NC), and Williamson College of the Trades (PA) if you have little funds for studies in the USA.

However, we advise you to get precise information directly from the school before you apply. Some of these institutions have varying policies before you can qualify as a student.  

Do you want to make payments for your application or tuition fees? Pay4Me App can help you conduct such transactions in minutes. Here is how to achieve this on your mobile device:

Download the Pay4Me App from the Google play store or app store.

1)    Sign up on Pay4Me App

2)    Initiate your payment 

3)    Set amount and currency

4)    Provide your details

5)    Select time and complete payment.

Are there tuition-free universities in the USA?

The USA has some tuition-free universities that have different packages for students. An example of these schools is Deep Springs College (CA), but students must pay some fees. 

Are there any free colleges in the USA for international students?

International students can study for free at some universities. However, the schools come with terms and conditions.

Does Harvard offer free tuition?

Harvard ensures students pay what their families can afford. You'll pay nothing if your family's income is less than $85,000. For families earning between $85,000 and $150,000, the expected contribution is between zero and ten percent of your annual income.

Which state is affordable for international students in USA?

Wyoming is known to be a very cost-effective state in the US for international students.

Which US university accepts most international students?

New York University had the most international students of any university in the US.

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  • About International Education

Financial Aid for Undergraduate International Students

This resource provides information primarily for students with nonimmigrant visas (F-1, J-1, etc.). Information for permanent residents of the United States is also included. 

The Institute for International Education (IIE) reports in Open Doors 2023 that of the paid tuition and fees to attend a U.S. undergraduate institution in the 2022-23 academic year, nearly 60 percent of payments came from personal and family sources.

Minimal scholarship aid is available to international students, and most of it is reserved for graduate study. Generally, U.S. institutions offer little, if any, discount on tuition, although both private and public institutions may waive application fees in some situations.

EduPASS (The Smart Student Guide for Studying in the USA) also offers a comprehensive glossary of terms relevant to student financial aid.

Funding Factors to Consider: Calculating Cost of Attendance

  • Funding Sources

Tax Credit Information

  • Information for Permanent Residents

Additional Web Site Resources

The budgeted Cost of Attendance is a calculation of total cost by each institution that is used to determine a student’s level of financial need. It is a total of tuition, mandatory fees, room, board (where applicable), and estimated cost of books and other living expenses (and sometimes travel) for students at the particular institution. Separate determinations can be made for students living at home or independently at the institution’s discretion.

EduPASS provides a list of costs to include in your personal budget on top of tuition, housing, and meals.

Some specific costs to consider:

  • Application fees
  • Test/entrance exam fees (e.g., TOEFL)
  • Visa/SEVIS fees
  • Tuition and fees
  • Room and board (accommodation and food)
  • Books and supplies
  • Travel to the United States
  • Travel within the United States
  • Health and medical insurance
  • Personal expenses during term-time for on-campus accommodation (including clothing, phone charges, entertainment, and leisure); and personal expenses during term breaks for on-campus accommodation (including travel, food, extra housing fees, phone charges, entertainment, and leisure)

Note: Types of expenses will change according to housing allocation. If you plan to live in private, off-campus housing, you should also expect to pay electricity, heating, water, and other utility expenses.

Geographic location will impact your expenses as a result of differing costs of living. There are a number of cost-of-living calculators available on the Internet. These calculators can help you compare costs between two U.S. cities.

While there are not many ways to reduce the education costs for undergraduate international students, the following suggestions may be helpful:

  • If you have taken International Baccalaureate (IB) or Advanced Placement (AP) courses, have these credentials evaluated to see if some of the credit can be applied to reduce time to graduation.
  • Pursue on-campus employment such as serving as a resident assistant (RA) after your first year of study.
  • Begin your U.S. studies at a community college, and then transfer credit from your two-year school to a four-year institution.

Funding Sources: Institutional Aid

Some public and private universities offer financial incentives for students to attend their institution. Most of the institutional aid available to international students is reserved for graduate study in the form of assistantships and fellowships. Because it is uncommon for U.S. institutions to offer aid to undergraduate international students, such scholarships are often quite competitive. Remember that both private and public institutions may waive application fees in some situations; be sure to consult with your university to take advantage of any supplements or waivers they may offer.

Merit-based scholarships are granted on the basis of special skills, talents, or abilities. Your university may have scholarships based on TOEFL scores, academic record, artistic ability, musical ability, or athletic ability. Merit-based scholarships are usually very competitive. To be considered, you will need to demonstrate exceptional ability in the area required.

Need-based scholarships are awarded based on financial need. Those students who can demonstrate need at a predetermined level are eligible for this type of aid.

Academic departments within the university may have funds allocated to assist international students with exceptional need and/or talent. Consult with your university and/or your major department to take advantage of any special funding opportunities they offer.

Funding Sources: Scholarships and Grants

Many scholarships for undergraduate study are available only to U.S. citizens and permanent residents. However, there are free scholarship databases as well as private, corporate, nonprofit, and government scholarship funds that serve undergraduate international students.

Some scholarship databases charge fees to users, and other databases provide their services at no cost. In general, the same information is available from both types of database services, so it is not necessary to pay any fee. Ask in advance, and choose the database service that is free of charge. Be especially aware of dishonest scholarship offers: do not send money, bank account numbers, or credit card numbers to any organization that promises a scholarship in return. If you doubt the truthfulness of any scholarship source, consult with the admissions office or the international student office at the university to which you are applying.

The U.S. Department of Education offers tips and resources to protect students from dishonest organizations.

Funding Sources: Web Sites with Multiple Scholarship Resources

  • College Board Free online financial aid source for scholarships, grants, and loans for all college-bound students, including permanent residents and international students wishing to study in the United States.
  • Scholarship Finder    Searchable database of scholarships, fellowships, grants and other financial aid opportunities. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.
  • EducationUSA Searchable directory of special opportunities and financial aid for international students and scholars. 
  • EduPASS List of websites that allow international students to search for scholarships.
  • FastWeb Free online scholarship search service.
  • International Education Financial Aid Free online scholarship search service designed for international students.
  • International Scholarships Free online scholarship database for international students wishing to study worldwide.
  • Mobility International USA Free online scholarship resource for non–U.S. citizens with disabilities.

Funding Sources: Private Loans

Though rare, there are international student loans available to individuals who meet certain criteria. Many loans require a cosigner. A cosigner is someone who guarantees and is responsible for payment to the loaning institution if for any reason you are unable to pay back the loan. A variety of organizations and institutions provide private loans to international students. Many provide assistance that is targeted to students from specific regions or countries and who meet certain criteria.

Interest-Free Loans

The Organization of American States , an international organization based in Washington, DC offers, through the Rowe Fund program, interest-free loans to competent students from Latin American and Caribbean countries to help them finance their graduate, postgraduate, and final two years of undergraduate studies at accredited universities within the United States. For more information and to download the forms, see https://www.oas.org/en/rowefund or e-mail the Rowe Fund Program at [email protected] .

Funding Sources: Personal Resources

Family contribution and personal income.

According to Open Doors 2023, undergraduate international students must still rely heavily on their own personal and family sources of funding.

Employment Opportunities

Nonimmigrant students are not eligible to be employed in federal work-study positions, and federal regulations governing the F, M, and J nonimmigrant categories strictly limit both the kind and the amount of other kinds of work that students can do in the United States. Working without authorization in the United States is a serious matter and is considered a violation of immigration status.

The rules concerning nonimmigrant student employment are complex, and you should thoroughly discuss questions about eligibility for any kind of employment with the International Student Adviser on your campus before accepting any work. It is also important to understand that working on or off campus, even if it is permitted, cannot be your sole source of funding. Most jobs will provide spending money for personal expenditures at best.

Many of the financial resources available to undergraduate international students are deemed taxable . In some cases, international students may be exempt from paying taxes on certain forms of financial aid. These exemptions depend on visa type, duration of time in the United States, and the type of financial aid award.

If your home country maintains a tax treaty with the United States, you may qualify for a full refund of any taxes withheld from your financial aid award. You must file a Non-Resident tax return (1040NR) with a letter indicating that your home country holds a tax treaty with the United States. Consult with the International Student Adviser or tax office on campus to learn more.

According to EduPASS , undergraduate international students are more likely to gain tax exemption if their financial aid is designated as an educational award rather than a work-related award.

Information for Permanent Residents: Citizenship Status

U.S. citizens and nationals, lawful permanent residents, and refugees and asylees qualify for federal financial aid in the form of loans, grants, or work-study opportunities. There are a few additional categories that may qualify as well. As a general rule, students in a nonimmigrant category are not eligible for such aid. The U.S. Department of Education publishes a handbook with information for financial aid professionals which addresses eligibility for international students and includes fairly detailed descriptions of the statuses that do and do not qualify for federal financial aid.

If you are a permanent resident, you can apply for federal financial aid by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) . As a permanent resident, you may qualify for federal and state government aid, including the Stafford Loan, Perkins Loan, PLUS Loan, Pell Grant, SEOG Grant, or Federal Work-Study. The FAFSA form also helps colleges and universities determine whether a student qualifies for institutional aid.

  • List of the world’s embassies and consulates (Embassy World)
  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS) information for foreign students and scholars
  • U.S. Agency for International Development
  • U.S. State Department Exchange Program information for non-U.S. citizens
  • U.S. State Department list of foreign embassies in the United States
  • U.S. State Department travel information

free education in usa for international students

Study Abroad for Free: 50+ Universities with NO Tuition Fee for International Students

Which universities are free for international students? It may surprise you to learn that there are  over 50  universities around the world with 0 tuition for international students, no matter which country you are from.

All of the universities on this list have $0 tuition fee–no scholarship necessary. If you can get into these universities,  you will automatically pay no tuition.

How can universities be free?

Universities around the world are able to offer $0 tuition for a variety of reasons. Some of them have government or private funding, such as socialized or subsidized universities. Others have $0 tuition for ethical, religious, or moral reasons, and some require students to work on campus in order to earn money and save costs on hiring outside workers.

…Is it all really free?

In all of the universities in this list, tuition costs are automatically FREE for international students.

You may have to pay addition fees, including…

  • Application fee
  • Accommodation
  • Transportation
  • Semester fee

However, without the burden of tuition fees, the university experience is much more affordable. The other fees are usually quite manageable.

Can you still apply for scholarships at these schools?

Some of these universities may offer you the option to apply for additional scholarships or use outside scholarship money to cover additional costs like room and board. However, since you won’t have to pay tuition, you should not depend fully on the scholarships.

If you want to attend a university not on this list, then you have the options of applying for full-tuition scholarships. These scholarships are available for international students and they can fully pay for the tuition for you, but you have to earn them. It is not automatic.

There are also scholarships available that cover tuition, flights, accommodation, textbooks, etc. These scholarships are much more competitive. Check them out at this link:

Read More:  Global Scholarship Guide

study abroad for free

Study Abroad for Free: 50+ Universities with No Tuition

Free education for all international students, regardless of country of origin, can be found here:

Study Abroad for Free in North America

1. Barclay College (KS), United States

Students at this private Christian college in Kansas attend tuition-free if they live on campus.

2. Berea College (KY), United States

At Kentucky’s  Berea College , no student pays tuition. The scholarship amounts to nearly $200,000 over four years. Students must work at least 10 hours per week on campus.

3. College of the Ozarks (MO), United States

Full-time students at the  College of the Ozarks  in Missouri pay no tuition, but part-time students shell out $310 per credit hour. For those attending full time, the tuition waiver requires they work 15 hours a week, plus two 40-hour weeks during the academic year.

4. Curtis Institute of Music (PA), United States

Prospective students must audition for enrollment into Philadelphia’s  Curtis Institute of Music , which has offered full-tuition scholarships to all of its undergraduate and graduate students since 1928.

5. NYU Grossman School of Medicine, New York, United States

NYU Grossman School of Medicine awards all students enrolled in the MD degree program Full-Tuition Scholarships as part of a tuition-free initiative, so that any student can pursue the dream of becoming a physician without the burden of overwhelming student debt. *It is only open to international students who have completed their undergrad in the USA.

Click here to find programs in the US/Canada:

free education in usa for international students

Study Abroad for Free in South/Central America

South America is one of the best destinations for free universities, as public universities are mostly free or very cheap for international students. The only downside is the courses are mostly offered in Spanish or Portuguese. If you want to attend a free university in this region, you will need to have some proficiency in one or both of these languages.

6. Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brazil

Undergraduate courses are free and last from four to six years. It is worth remembering that most of USP activities are carried out in Portuguese.

7. Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil

There is no tuition fee for credit-awarding courses. There is tuition for Extension classes and pre-sessional Portuguese classes. The language of instruction is Portuguese.

8. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil

9. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil

10. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) Brazil

UFSC offers free tuition to local and international students, but this university is very competitive to get into.

11. São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil

12. University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

13. Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), Argentina

14. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina

15. Universidad Nacional de General San Martín, Argentina

16. Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, Panama

17. Universidad de Panamá, Panama

18. Universidad Autonoma de Chiriqui, Panama

19. Universidad Especializada de Las Americas, Panama

Click here to find and apply for programs in South/Central America for free:

study abroad for free in europe

Study Abroad for Free in Europe

Europe is also a top destination for students to study abroad for free, as many universities are subsidized by the government. Students can study in English for free in Norway and Germany. EU and EEA students are generally able to get free tuition at any university in the EU, but only Norway and Germany offer free tuition for students from any country.

20. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Foreign students are required to pay a semester fee of $68 every semester.

21. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway

Foreign students are required to pay a semester fee of $55 every semester.

22. Nord University, Norway

Foreign students are required to pay a semester fee of $85 every semester.

23. Østfold University/College, Norway

Foreign students are required to pay a semester fee of $70 every semester.

24. University of Agder,  Norway

Foreign students are required to pay a semester fee of $83 every semester.

25. Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway

26. The Arctic University of Norway, Norway

Foreign students are required to pay a semester fee of $73 every semester.

27. University of Bergen, Norway

Foreign students are required to pay a semester fee of $65 every semester.

28. University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway

29. Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway

Foreign students are required to pay an annual fee of $1168.

30. University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), Norway

Foreign students are required to pay a semester fee of $125 every semester.

31. Gjøvik University/College, Norway (Branch of Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

32. Harstad University/College, Norway (a branch of The Arctic University of Norway)

33. Technical University of Munich, Germany

34. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany

35. Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

36. University of Hamburg, Germany

37. Free University of Berlin, Germany

38. RWTH Aachen University, Germany

39. University of Mannheim, Germany

40. University of Cologne, Germany

41. University of Bonn, Germany

42. TU Darmstadt, Germany

43. FAU Erlangen Nurnberg, Germany

44. University of Munster, Germany

45. Hamburg University of Technology, Germany

46. SRH University of Heidelberg, Germany

47. University of Applied Sciences Wurzburg Schweinfurt, Germany

48. Leibniz Universitat Hannover, Germany

49. Háskóli Íslands (University of Iceland), Iceland

50. Háskólinn á Akureyri (University of Akureyri), Iceland

51. Bifröst University, Iceland

52. Iceland Academy of Arts, Iceland

53. Holar University College, Iceland

Click here to find and apply for programs in Europe, for free:

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Study Abroad for Free in Africa

Several countries in Africa, like Egypt and Morocco, offer tuition-free university to local students. There are no universities in Africa that are tuition-free for any international student regardless of country.

You can still apply to scholarships to study on the continent.

We are adding new universities to our platform every day. If you want to request to apply for a program at an African university, fill out this form.

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Study Abroad for Free in Asia + Oceania + Middle East

Malaysia offers tuition-free university to its own citizens. There are very few universities in Asia/Oceania that are tuition-free for any international student regardless of country.

You can still apply to scholarships to study in Asia/Oceania.

54. SUSTech, China

This university offers full scholarship to any student who meets its high entry requirements.

55. The Yenching Academy of Peking University,  Beijing, China

56. Schwarzman Scholarship program of Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

57. Guangdong Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Graduate Studies (Shantou, China and Haifa, Israel)

Click here to find programs in Asia/Oceania/The Middle East and apply:

Want to study in  China? Click here to go to our sister site, China Admissions. 

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Resources for Students

Training opportunities in the united states.

The United States allows eligible international students and new graduates the opportunity to gain on-the-job-learning that supplements knowledge gained in their academic studies. To participate in one of the below training opportunities, an international student does not need to change their nonimmigrant status. Instead, the student must work with their designated school official (DSO) to ensure eligibility as well as apply for and receive proper authorization. Remember, all international students who receive financial compensation of any kind must  apply for a social security number .

Optional Practical Training (OPT) is a form of training, often paid, that directly relates to your program of study. You can apply for OPT during your program of study, which is known as pre-completion OPT, or after you finish your program of study, know as post-completion OPT.

In order to apply for OPT, F-1 students must request approval from their DSO. A DSO makes this recommendation in SEVIS and by endorsing a student’s Form I-20, “Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status.” The student must then file the Form I-765, “Application for Employment Authorization” and supporting documents with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and if approved, USCIS will issue a Form I-766, “Employment Authorization Document.” You cannot begin your training until you receive your authorization  from USCIS.

Pre-completion OPT is limited to 20 hours per week while school is in session, but can be full-time during breaks and annual vacation.

You can apply for 12 months of OPT at each education level, (i.e., you may have 12 months of OPT at the bachelor’s level and another 12 months of OPT at the master’s level). If you are an F-1 student earning a degree science, technology, engineering or math (STEM), you may be eligible for the STEM OPT extension. For more information, visit the STEM OPT page on Study in the States.     

Curricular practical training (CPT) is an alternative work/study, internship, cooperative education or other type of required practicum that a sponsoring employer offers through cooperative agreements with your college or university. CPT is only available for F-1 students when it is part of an established curriculum within a school. CPT must be integral to your program of study; however, unlike pre-completion OPT, CPT can be full time and is not restricted by a weekly 20-hour work limit.

In order to qualify for CPT, you must be an F-1 student and have completed one full academic year of study at an SEVP-certified school, unless you are a graduate student whose program requires immediate CPT. Students who complete one year or more of full-time CPT are ineligible to participate in post-completion OPT. To get permission for CPT, your DSO needs to authorize it in SEVIS and provide you with an updated  Form I-20  indicating your authorization for the training opportunity.

If you are interested in participating in CPT, you must first talk to your DSO to ensure you understand your school’s specific policy. Your DSO is the best person to work with to ensure that you follow both federal regulations and school policy.

M-1 students are only eligible to participate in one type of paid training with an employer, referred to as practical training (PT). Like the F-1 training opportunities, your PT must directly relate to your program of study. PT allows you to gain training experience in your vocational field. 

M-1 students may only participate in PT after their program completion.  M-1 students earn one month of PT eligibility for every four months of program enrollment and must obtain authorization from the USCIS before participating in PT.

If you are an M-1 student and want to learn more about your training eligibility, speak with your DSO. You may need to apply to USCIS for an extension of status at the same time you apply for authorization, since M-1 students are admitted to the United States only until a certain date.

The U.S. government considers starting your own business in the United States, also known as  entrepreneurship , as work. Therefore, if you are an F-1 student who plans to start your own business in the United States, you must qualify and apply for OPT. 

The OPT, and thus the business, must relate to your program of study and can occur either before (pre-completion OPT) or after the completion of a program of study (post-completion OPT). Please note, F-1 students in English language training programs are not eligible for OPT.

Please note, you cannot be your own employer for the purpose of the STEM OPT extension.

If you want to start your own business while you study in the United States, speak to your DSO and visit  USCIS’ Entrepreneur Visa Guide .

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Thousands of students cross the border from Mexico to U.S. for school. Some are now set to graduate.

By Lauren Fichten

Updated on: May 11, 2024 / 2:16 PM EDT / CBS News

For most high school students, forgotten homework or gym clothes might entail a text to a parent. In Jose M. Vazquez's case, one forgotten item in particular— his birth certificate— meant no school that day.

Vazquez, 24, now a senior at San Diego State University Imperial Valley, has been crossing the U.S-Mexico border into California to attend school for around nine years. On May 12, he will graduate during a convocation in Mexicali, Mexico. His mother is attending the ceremony, put together by his college, something she would otherwise be unable to do because she can't get a visa to enter the United States.


Vazquez is one of tens of thousands of transborder students, some as young as kindergarteners, who cross the border from Mexico into California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas to pursue an education in the United States.

Transborder students have documentation that allows them to cross into the U.S. for school, like a passport, birth certificate or naturalization certificate, but living in Mexico is often more cost-effective and allows them to stay with their families. Students crossing the border during middle and high school often use a U.S. address, sometimes of a friend or family member, to avoid scrutiny from the school district.

Some students are U.S. citizens who have lived in Mexico the majority of their lives, while others return to Mexico after living in America for economic reasons or family reunification, said Laura Dicochea, a Ph.D candidate at Arizona State University, who researches transborder students.

"It's like a circular migration," Dicochea told CBS News.

The first in his family to graduate college, Vazquez reflected on his – and so many others – educational journey.

A transborder school commute  

After his father was deported from the United States in 2006, Vazquez — who was born in Arizona — moved to Mexicali, Mexico when he began crossing the border a few years later to attend Central Union High School in El Centro, California.

Although he is a U.S. citizen, for Vazquez, like many transborder — or transfronterizo — students, living in Mexico with his family made sense because it is "so part of my culture, of me, that I think it's going to be so hard for me if I have to leave that," he said, noting that he's grateful to study in the United States.

During high school, Vazquez would wake up at 4:30 a.m. local time, wait at the border for around two hours, and arrive at school before his first class at 8 a.m. In 2019, he enrolled at Imperial Valley College, a community college 15 miles from Mexicali, before landing at San Diego State University Imperial Valley.


Vazquez's story mirrors that of Diana Lara Zamora, 21, now a senior at Arizona State University, who crossed into the U.S. from eighth grade through high school. 

"I would cross three different states: Baja California, Sonora and Arizona every single day," Lara Zamora said.

She began attending school in the U.S. at 14, living with a family friend in San Luis, Arizona, at times. A typical school day for Lara Zamora began around 4 a.m. local time.

Her mom would drive 30 minutes to the border to drop off her and her younger sister, where they would wait among other students before walking 25 minutes or taking a cab to PPEP TEC High School in San Luis. During the winter, when seasonal farmworkers cross into Arizona, the wait at the border could be up to two hours. 

"They're freezing," she said of the mornings. "I remember my nose being red."


When Lara Zamora became a student at ASU in 2020, she secured on-campus housing, a meaningful experience that allowed her "to get to know people from around the world," Lara Zamora said. 

Javier Melara, 21, who will be graduating alongside Vazquez in Mexico, has been crossing the border to attend school in California since he was 11. 

"You have to face a lot of challenges," he said. "You have to face a lot of fear, a lot of pushback from some people."

Melara said that up until college, he would not share with his friends that he crossed the border daily out of concern that the school district might find out.

"I lived with the fear because some people were kicked out of school," he said, noting that it was something he saw happen to several classmates including a friend.

Lara Zamora told CBS News it doesn't "feel like for me transborder means the border itself." 

"For me, it's more about having two cultures in yourself."

For transborder students, the benefits of living in Mexico mean regularly confronting the challenges of crossing the border: long wait times, tense interactions with U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents and backlash from community members— all against the backdrop of a nationwide migration debate centered on the border. This week, CBS News reported that illegal crossings along the U.S. southern border dropped by more than 40% this year to 129,000 crossings in April, defying historical trends. Though transborder students cross into the U.S. legally, the act of crossing the border makes them vulnerable to scrutiny. 

Scrutiny, fear and then graduation

Another source of unease for Melara was his interactions with Customs and Border Protection officers. 

"I feel like we have this ingrained fear, this constant fear, like flight or fight," Melara said of being sent often for secondary inspection, which allows officers to conduct additional questioning.


Lara Zamora, noticing that her male friends were often pulled into secondary inspection, said that she was careful about her interactions with customs officers. Vazquez said that he felt that CBP personnel sought to intimidate— a consistent issue that tarnished his commute. "They think you're a criminal," he said.

CBS News reached out to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents for comment but didn't receive a response before publication. 

Some students are put under a microscope by residents of their school district. For Lara Zamora, the frustration of community members who felt their taxes benefitted non-residents resulted in her transferring to a different high school.

"I felt like that was really unfair because it's not my fault," Lara Zamora said. "My parents don't want to be illegal immigrants here." 

Lara Zamora, Vazquez and Melara graduate this month. Lara Zamora, plans to enroll in graduate school. Vazquez is taking a gap year to pursue his passion of performing as a drag queen. Melara plans to pursue a master's in education, someday achieve a doctorate degree and "dream without barriers," he said.

Vazquez's mother, who has attended his drag performances, will have the opportunity to see him on a different stage in the coming days at SDSU's graduation convocation in Mexicali. Since she was unable to cross the border to attend his high school graduation, Vazquez said having her at the ceremony in Mexico is important— particularly given that he is the first in his family to graduate. 

Lara Zamora, also a first-generation student, says the realization that millions of other students have experienced similar challenges inspires her to help students like herself.

"First generation means that you are the first one, but hopefully you won't be the last one," she said.

  • U.S.-Mexico Border
  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection

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Chinese students face ‘sinister pattern’ of surveillance overseas

Chinese nationals studying abroad report being subject to transnational surveillance by authorities, leaving them scared to speak freely.

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Universities must do more to protect Chinese students who speak out against their government while they are overseas, as some find themselves subject to a “sinister pattern” of surveillance and harassment from the Beijing authorities, according to new research from Amnesty International. 

Students described being photographed and followed at protests in their host towns and cities, while their families in China have been targeted and threatened by police in connection with their activism overseas. 

In a new report,  On my Campus, I am Afraid,  Amnesty International documents the experiences of 32 Chinese students in Europe and the US. China is one of the most significant countries of origin for international students, with official figures showing that more than 700,000 students went abroad in 2019. 

Researchers reveal a pattern of transnational repression that has created a “climate of fear” on university campuses, with students afraid to participate in parts of academic life and work, including censoring themselves during academic discussions , avoiding “sensitive” topics and declining careers in academia. 

In particular, students who had taken part in public activism against the Chinese government overseas spoke about the repercussions of doing so, with many believing they were being closely watched by authorities. 

One student featured in the report discusses attending a Tiananmen Square commemoration event, only to receive a phone call from her father hours later, saying he had been visited by Chinese authorities. 

Security officials told him to warn his daughter not to “attend any events that may harm China’s reputation in the world”, she said. The student had not used her name at the protest or posted online about attending. 

Amnesty found evidence that Chinese authorities actively monitor the online activity of overseas students and diaspora community members. Meanwhile, China’s “great firewall”, which limits communication platforms that can be used in the country, puts overseas students at greater risk as state-approved platforms are the only way of staying in touch with their families at home. 

Another student told researchers that the government is purposefully creating an atmosphere of fear, with students afraid that their peers may report them to Chinese authorities if they show any signs of dissent. “They can’t monitor everything and everyone, so their process is to create this stressful environment to prevent people from joining movements, from participating in events,” he said.

For international students from China, Amnesty says, “the decision to exercise their rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly while studying overseas is fraught with the fear of drawing repercussions from authorities in China”. 

Many of the students interviewed said they felt both universities and governments in their host countries were either unaware of or unwilling to respond to their concerns about transnational repression. 

Amnesty outlines a series of recommendations for institutions to better respond to the issues raised in the report, including introducing mechanisms to protect students and staff against intimidation and harassment, and implementing systems to monitor threats from third parties. 

“It’s obvious the Chinese authorities are trying to replicate the climate of fear which gags people in China and Hong Kong, making students terrified of how they are being perceived and suspicious of their fellow students,” said Sacha Deshmukh, Amnesty International UK’s chief executive.

“The government and UK universities need to understand the dangerous realities Chinese students face from China’s transnational repression, making it clear that they’ll prioritise Chinese and Hong Kong students’ safety and freedoms.”

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    Free Universities in the United States. 1. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Founded in the year 1867, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is the flagship school of the University of Illinois system. It is a public land-grant institution and is considered a "Public Ivy" - meaning it provides Ivy League-level education at a ...

  2. 35 Best Tuition-Free Colleges in the United States

    Here is a list of some of the grants that international students can apply for, to secure tuition-free colleges in the United States: The Fulbright Education Exchange Program offers a wide range of programs: The Fulbright Foreign Student Program; The Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program

  3. 10 Tuition-Free Universities in the USA for International Students 2023

    It is an accredited two-year college that offers full scholarships per student, valued at around $50,000. This also makes them one of the tuition-free universities in the USA for international students. With less than 30 students at a time, the university is one of the minor institutions of higher education in the United States.

  4. US universities that offer free and cheap tuition for international

    1. Berea College. Located in the state of Kentucky, Berea College offers free tuition for all students, including international students, for the first year of enrolment. For any subsequent years of study, international students are expected to save $1,000 per year to contribute towards their expenses. The university provides all international ...

  5. Free Education in the USA for International Students

    Why the USA Offers Free Education to International Students. One of the main reasons why universities in the United States offer free education to international students is to increase diversity on campus. In addition, the United States is known for its high standard of education, and universities hope to attract top talent from around the world.

  6. 25 Tuition Free Universities for International Students

    In fact, our Top 25 (nineteen of which are German tuition free universities) rank higher than several of the most popular American universities. Of those international tuition free universities listed, 34 are German, 6 are Brazilian, 5 are Finnish, 3 are Norwegian, and 2 are Greek. And with over 75% of schools listed providing international ...

  7. 32 Best tuition free universities in USA for international students

    With more than 4,000 universities and colleges in the USA, you will have plenty of options for your higher education. Coupled with scholarships, you can study in the USA for free. Since you'll be paying less for your education, you can save up and avoid living the life of a broke college student, here is a list of tuition free universities in USA for international students.

  8. 4 tuition-free universities in the US for master's degrees

    4 tuition-free universities in the US for your master's 1. University of the People. Founded in 2009 and accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission in February 2014, the University of the People (UoPeople) is the first non-profit, online tuition-free university in the US.. It offers three master's degree programmes in Business Administration, Information Technology and ...

  9. Study in the USA Guide for International Students

    Study in the USA. The USA has the world's largest international student population, with more than 1,000,000 students choosing to broaden their education and life experience at a United States college or university. Nearly 5% of all students enrolled in higher-level education in the USA are international students, and the numbers are growing.

  10. Learn how to study in the U.S. as an international student

    Learn how to apply to a U.S. school, get a student visa, and pay your own tuition and expenses. The U.S. government does not provide funding for international students to study in the U.S.

  11. EducationUSA

    With thousands of academic programs, world-class institutions, and unmatched flexibility, the United States offers a wealth of higher-education opportunities that you will not find anywhere else in the world! EducationUSA is a U.S. Department of State network of over 430 international student advising centers in more than 175 countries and ...

  12. How To Study in the USA: A Guide for International Students

    If you're an international student looking for educational opportunities in the U.S., you're not alone. Despite the aftereffects of the pandemic, nearly one million students from more than 200 different countries joined American students at U.S.-based institutions in the 2021-2022 school year.. Yet, between student visas, the application process, and cultural differences, some may second ...

  13. Study in the U.S.

    Get a student visa to study in the U.S. To study in the U.S. as an international student, you must get a student visa. Learn about the types of student visas, how to apply, and if you can work while you study. Find courses to help you learn English as a second language (ESL).

  14. How to Study in USA for Free?

    International students can study in USA for free by applying for fully-funded or partially-funded scholarships in the USA. The amount of funding provided by each scholarship varies according to the applicant's study level, course, and institution. The major categories of scholarships in the USA include government-funded, program-specific ...

  15. 10 Tuition-Free Universities for International Students in the USA

    Read: 10 Cheapest Universities in Europe for International Students. Berea College. Founded in 1855, Berea College offers international students with financial constraints an opportunity to study quality arts education. The school has remained tuition-free since 1892 to help average-income earners have a solid education in the USA.

  16. Financial Aid for Undergraduate International Students

    This resource provides information primarily for students with nonimmigrant visas (F-1, J-1, etc.). Information for permanent residents of the United States is also included.. The Institute for International Education (IIE) reports in Open Doors 2023 that of the paid tuition and fees to attend a U.S. undergraduate institution in the 2022-23 academic year, nearly 60 percent of payments came ...

  17. 10 Free Resources for International Students Interested in U.S. Colleges

    EducationUSA is a U.S. Department of State-supported network of advising centers that assist prospective international students interested in studying in the U.S. There are upward of 425 advising ...

  18. Free Online Courses

    About Us. Overview Learning Collaborations ... Free Content; Free Online Courses; Free Online Courses. Our free online courses provide you with an affordable and flexible way to learn new skills and study new and emerging topics. Learn from Stanford instructors and industry experts at no cost to you. Health & Medicine. Education. Engineering ...

  19. Where can you study abroad for free?

    EU/EEA students enjoy the same rights as Austrians when it comes to the cost of higher education, and can study for free at any degree level. After this time, students pay a fee of just €363 per semester. International students from outside of the EU/EEA should expect slightly higher fees of around €726 (~US$803) per semester.

  20. Study Abroad for Free: Universities with NO Tuition Fees

    Study Abroad for Free: 50+ Universities with No Tuition. Free education for all international students, regardless of country of origin, can be found here: Study Abroad for Free in North America. 1. Barclay College (KS), United States. Students at this private Christian college in Kansas attend tuition-free if they live on campus. 2.

  21. Training Opportunities in the United States

    The United States allows eligible international students and new graduates the opportunity to gain on-the-job-learning that supplements knowledge gained in their academic studies. To participate in one of the below training opportunities, an international student does not need to change their nonimmigrant status. Instead, the student must work with their designated school official (DSO) to ...

  22. Countries with Free Education For International Students (2024)

    Students in Germany only need to pay an administrative fee of around €250 per semester since tuition fees were abolished in 2014. Currently, 440,564 international students are pursuing their higher education in Germany. International students in Germany can work full-time for 120 days or part-time for 240 half days during their studies.

  23. Webster University Homepage

    Webster University's Enrollment Makes Jump to Highest Level in Six Years. Webster University's enrollment jumped 27% this year, bringing the University to its highest enrollment since Fall 2017. Webster's international students at U.S. campuses show the largest increase, nearly tripling from the 2022-2023 academic year.

  24. Guide to Understanding College Financial Aid

    The 2023 survey found that for a typical family, scholarships and grants covered 29% of college costs in 2022-2023, up from 26% in 2021-2022. Scholarships and grants are types of college financial ...

  25. Fully Funded Scholarships in USA for International Students 2023

    Rotary Peace Scholarships 2024 for international students are among the most prestigious fully funded scholarships for international students without IELTS. Applicants for financial assistance with tuition must have a bachelor's degree in peace or leadership-related fields and at least three years of relevant full-time work experience to qualify.

  26. Thousands of students cross the border from Mexico to U.S. for school

    Tens of thousands of transborder students — some as young as kindergarteners — cross the border from Mexico into California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas to pursue an education in the United ...

  27. Dallas College: Education That Works in Dallas County

    Explore Your Path. We have a variety of programs that prepare you for university transfer or fast track you into a rewarding career. Business, Hospitality and Global Trade. Creative Arts, Entertainment and Design. Education. Engineering, Technology, Mathematics and Sciences. Health Sciences. Law and Public Service.

  28. US Court Lifts OPT Scam Bans, Indian Students ...

    A US district court has lifted sanctions related to an Optional Practical Training (OPT) scam, allowing over 90 international students, many of whom are from India, to reclaim their right to enter ...

  29. Chinese students face 'sinister' surveillance overseas

    In a new report, On my Campus, I am Afraid, Amnesty International documents the experiences of 32 Chinese students in Europe and the US. China is one of the most significant countries of origin for international students, with official figures showing that more than 700,000 students went abroad in 2019.