
Are We Better Than Our Forefathers?

We are both better and worse than our forefathers. Our forefathers worked hard to achieve the simplest things, yet they were much happier. We depend on machinery to do our work, live much longer lives than our forefathers, and make use of luxuries our forefathers did not have, yet we are unhappy.

Have you ever wondered whether we are better than our forefathers? Our forefathers lived much different lives as we do in the present, and this question can be answered in so many ways that no answer can be seen as correct or incorrect.

Continue reading as we discuss why our forefathers lived much more straightforward and happier lives than us, even though they worked much harder.

Vintage picture of our forefathers standing in a field socializing

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Why Could We Be Better Than Our Forefathers?

Generally, one could argue that we live a better life than our forefathers did. Materially, we are much better than our forefathers. We have much more facilities available when it comes to health, workplaces, traveling, and so much more. We have advanced significantly in the field of technology that has made life much easier than it was in the time of our forefathers.

As the first example, you can look at communication. The distances have been wrapped up, and our world has become a global village. Secondly, when it comes to traveling, both short and longer lengths have become faster, easier, and safer than during the times of our forefathers.

When you look at the technical side of things, computers and the Internet have significantly changed and bettered our everyday life . The automatic machiners and robots have reduced labor in such as way that we have machines to do the simplest and the most difficult tasks, even in such a way that it completely replaces the role of humans.

Agricultural procedures have not only become almost effortless but productivity has been increased as well.

When it comes to the field of medicine, we have overcome the most significant number of academics that have ruined society at times . These are things like tuberculosis, malaria, as well as the plague that were deadly diseases in the time of our forefathers. Presently, they are not fatal diseases, and our vast knowledge of medicine has increased our life expectancy and child mortality rate.

When it comes to general education, we have surpassed our forefathers greatly. We have developed a whole schooling and education system that has led to incredible advancements in medicine, technology, transport, and many other modern findings. We are much more civilized and educated than our forefathers.

We have explored the universe and reached the moon and other planets . We also explored the biggest part of the ocean that has ever been explored before.

Why Could Our Forefathers Be Better Than Us?

If you turn the annals of history back to ancient times, our modern society feels overwhelmed when they realize how challenging the lives of human beings were a few generations earlier.

Despite all these important advancements we have made in the modern world, man has lost his peace of mind . Our forefathers led simple lives and had no material desires, hence the reason why they were so calm and satisfied.

Moreover, our forefathers had plenty of time to spend with their friends, relatives, and family. They were emotionally attached to each other, which gave them a sense of security and fulfillment.

On the other hand, modern man loves and even chooses material things over fellow human beings. We have weakened because we pursue wealth and material comfort over human interaction. We tend to have a much higher rate of mental instability that comes from us not achieving the materialistic things we want in the world.

Our modern happiness does not come from our friends and family, but from material things that could only be achieved or bought with money , which our forefathers would have not even thought of during their time of living.

Related Reading: Depression in Men and Fathers

Our forefathers lived in caves, where we live in our luxurious homes. Our forefathers used to eat uncooked food, where we now have the choice to look up a recipe and cook our food on stoves inside of our homes.

When our forefathers had to travel, they had to walk even thousands of miles on foot, where we have the choice of either public transport or making use of our own vehicle. Additionally, where we walk around clothed in name brands and different types of clothing, our forefathers couldn’t get clothing to cover their bodies and had to walk around unclothed during the hottest and coldest of times.

Overall, our forefather’s quality of living was the same as animals’, yet they were satisfied.

Scientific advancements have provided us with so many luxuries that were not available nor even thought of throughout the lives of our forefathers.

Ou r forefathers were social beings because they helped and cared for each other . They shared meals amongst themselves, even though they were not family or related in any way to one another.

Due to our technology today, we are imprisoned in our homes and rarely leave our homes unless we have to purchase something. We also tend to choose these forms of technology over our friends and loved ones, as we feel like technology can completely replace the want and need for human interaction.

Religion is a crucial part of any human being’s life. Our forefathers were extremely faithful and firmly believed in their chosen religion, but the youth of today has been so divided with religion by being manipulated by the West’s modern ways.

Moreover, in the time of our forefathers, the religious leaders were not as corrupt as ours are. Our forefathers had many moral values, but we have entirely lost ours.

When it comes to the wellbeing of our environment, our forefathers surpasses us again. Our forefathers preserved and cared for their environment by planting several trees and plants, and they used natural fertilizers that contained no harmful substances.

Additionally, there was no industrialization, which means that no cars or factories released harmful gasses that may lead to global warming, such as carbon dioxide. Today, we are suffering from respiratory diseases as well as other sicknesses because of industrialism.

 When we think of the food we have today, we might think that we are better than our forefathers in the aspect of making better-tasting food and preparing our food in much better ways.

This, however, is entirely false, as lots of the food we consume today makes us ill without us even realizing it! Processed food is greasy and unnutritional, and our forefathers had a much more healthy and nutritional diet than we have today.

If our forefathers could have seen the life that we live now, they would surely be disappointed as we are not as hardworking as they were. They worked day and night to achieve the slightest success. We depend not only on machinery to do our work but also on these machines to replace us, while reaping the benefits for ourselves.

Because of our dependence on technology and science, we have grown lazy and obese. We watch television while we are aware of its harmful effects on our physical and emotional wellbeing.

Everything that has been stated above actively demonstrated that our ancestors were much happier than ourselves . Sufficient reason has also been provided to support each statement. We have modern problems that might require modern solutions, but we created these problems for ourselves.

In short, we may say that we are better off than our forefathers when considering the several scientific advancements and facilities that have been founded over the years. However, we are hollow and weak due to our eternal chase for materialism. We have not yet learned how to use our discoveries to benefit us emotionally as it already does physically.

essay on we are better than our forefathers

  • Readers’ Blog

Why our forefathers were much happier than us

Anaisa Arora


Turning the annals of history back to ancient times, a modern man feels overwhelmed to see the challenging lives of human beings a few generations earlier. Our predecessors used to live in caves, consume uncooked food, travel thousands of miles on foot. They couldn’t get clothing to cover their bodies, and they didn’t care about finding shelter to cover their heads. Their quality of living was no different than that of beasts. Yet they were satisfied.

Scientific advancement has equipped us with many luxuries that were unprecedented throughout the days of our forefathers. A modern man pleasures himself in numerous ways. We have overcome the elements of nature, we have tamed the atom, we have reached the moon, we have conquered space, and yet we are not complete, content or fulfilled.

At the expense of moral and ethical principles, we have acquired physiological convenience. We dream of comforts of our own, not of others. We’re so engrossed in the capital snare. We are wasteful, lazy, depressed, angry and susceptible to all manner of indulgences. We have so many expectations that dissatisfaction and despair fill life. We have no recreation, no rest, no harmony and no joy

Humanity today  arrogant, hypocritical, deceptive, disingenuous and irritated today. ⠀

A dividing line should be drawn between warmth, convenience, ease, and true happiness. With the so-called marvellous gifts of scientific life, no doubt, it has become very comfortable; the universe has just about transformed into a supposed utopia, but satisfaction is a state of consciousness. It does not lie in the warmth and ease of items. All these so-called amenities and miracles of life have made our lives artificial, hollow and devoid of true happiness.

Our forefathers unquestionably had no other accommodations and facilities. In the field of sanitation, they have had numerous deadly illnesses, epidemics and negligence. There have been little higher education and vocational training in schools, colleges, institutions of higher education, but at the same time, they have not suffered from the many ills and evils of contemporary civilization. They were transparent, frank, compassionate, concerned, pitying, polite and sensitive. They had their soul and in all their actions and thought were they  always motivated by ethical, spiritual and human ideologies. They had their inner harmony, pleasure and actualization. In the domain of materialism and possession, a modern man lives.

Our inner and true selves are starving and hardened. The human ideals like love, empathy, emotion, fellowship, kindness etc. have increasingly been marginalised in this world of scientific advancement. Man is becoming increasingly egoistic and too money-minded.What is the use of possession of the universe the spirit is abandoned? King Midas’ curse has come down on the human race. The exploitation of knowledge has turned our future into a bitter one. our existence is dehumanised and disillusioned.

Everything that has been stated so far actively demonstrates that our ancestors were much happier than ourselves.

essay on we are better than our forefathers

they really enjoyed in the past than we do now

it is really a fact that our forefathers were happier than us. in the times of our forefathers life was so simple. science was not so advanced and con...

they really enjoyed in the past

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essay on we are better than our forefathers

@ A Voice From The Youth

My name is Anaisa Arora, I have taken part in many national and international competitions. I have a passion for debating and writing . i have a wish for a voice of a youth to share thier opinions as well , after all we are the generation that is going to take on the world now.....

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How are we better than our fore fathers - my essay

farhatsultana 2 / 4   Jan 28, 2012   #1 Out line Technologically .internet.. .communication .media Religiously . Religion in new ways of universality .condemning of extreme bent of religious fanatics Economically . free market economy.. more job opportunities . Vast banking system, .International financing services... Scientifically . space sciences... men have reached moon, and are trying to explore other planets .Mind sciences, social sciences, Meta physical sciences, psychology (artificial heart transplantation, hair transplantation, face surgery and so on) . Atomic power and annihilation threat to whole human specie.. Socially .New platforms, face book, intercultural exchanges .Freedom to broadcast your voice .Entertainment How are we better than our fore fathers? Day before Yesterday a mother got weepy when she wanted to see the face of her son, yesterday she weeps having son's photo in hands and today she can get a smile after clicking a button for video conferences. This world is moving toward more development since its inception. Long days before people were living in caves and eating raw foods. When stone era moved forward then wooden homes cam and cooked food. Wooden era passed and semi developed era came; people became educated and followed many philosophies. Many years philosophical era, a developed era came and people reached the moon. Now we are in super developed era and moving towards exploration of new worlds. While getting a visible big edge on our fore fathers we got help of numerous branches of knowledge tree. These adding branches are technology, science, religion, economics, entertainment, social empowerment and many more. Growth of these areas of knowledge helps us to make our life considerably better than our fore fathers. One can say Our Fore fathers were better than their fore fathers and we our better than both. Our developed world is the major fruit of technological development. Just before some centuries, a story became super hit that was the story of Ilaf lela. Ilaf lella was a story in which hero communicate to his heron having a virtual meeting in air. The story got highly famous because people amazed by the impossibility of airy visual communication. Inetrnat, is the real existence of that imaginary hero today. People can communicate,watch,write,read,learn,play and search instantly on the internat.All most all the knowledge of the world is present in the store room of internate,limitless,distanceless,most fastest and most developed symbol of technology up till now. Communication, Letter took half a month to reach second corner of the same country. Patience of the receiver was inexpressible painful experience while waiting for the letter of any loved one. Often message was post time or expired caused tremendous loss, emotionally, economically and morally. Having access to telephone, fax, telegram, wirless, satlite and mobile made that painful wait a pleasurable feeling to get message on time and without wait. Media, no check and balance on the crime and misconduct of powerful. Poor was the only victim of all laws, rules and exploitation. Now if the president of super power has a scandal with any female it turns into a trial. Media, not only an invisible hand to control the torrent of corruption of big floods it also give power to powerless streams to flow in the right path. Human rights, female rights, children rights and labour rights were some of the dark corner which are lime lighted by media of the day. Religiously, when fore father started thinking about his existence then philosophies came that made fore fathers philosophers. Further, Divine religions gave the real definition of human and informed human about the secrets of universe that made fore fathers religious. Subsequently Scientific revolution shaded the clear picture of religion; he started believing on science and looses the focus on religion. Now we have balance of science and religion. As religion become the focal point of all school of thoughts firstly because scientist themselves proving the scientific theories wrong secondly science becomes the way to reveal the secrets of nature already told by the GOD. Religion was either sideline or politically used by our fore fathers. As the case of USA colonization, where catholic and Protestants were at war with each other. Afghanistan, a region always used as a war field on the name of religion. Israel captured the native land of Palestine on the name of religion by claiming Jerusalem only their religious place. Now religious openly under discussion and people consider it a code of peaceful life not code of bloodshed. Religious fanatics are present in all religion and highly condemned by all the followers of religions. Economically, fore fathers were hostages of limited opportunities. A large number of mans were compel to do the agriculture, some of them were trader and some are military man. Seasonal unemployment to formers, long and dangerous journeys to traders, frequent wars to military man were the hard part of their professions. Today, machines, airplanes and atomic bomb removed all previous hard hurdles faced by fore fathers. Free market economy also open up the doors of merit for all to do job of one's own taste and talent. Goldsmith a person used to defraud his clients and morally and economically injured the society of our fore fathers. Today banking replaces that corruption by a fear and save facilities for the customers. Banking, another world of employment and fantastic financial services for everyman not only made life easy but also a place to earn profit conventionally and Islamically. Prince of one state used to dethrone another on the basis of credit default. Rich state can control the poor by lending money to that state and poor state then lost freedom of everything. Now I.M.f, World bank, interstate lending and funding made dethroning of any state a story of past. Any state can get credit from any national or international institutes in hard times. Multinationals investors are investing in the all corners of the globe making it more better place to live. Since long times moon was considered as a stick of cheese. Now it is a joke to laugh at mans past understanding. Today, man stepped the moon and elaborated all its characteristics. Space is explored by man; stations were built in space, artificial satellites revolving in various orbits of earth to assist the today's man. Previously, life was confined to the visible movement of animals and plants were considered lifeless. Mentally sick patients considered as a ghost arrested one. Now bio sciences, mind sciences, metaphysical, social sciences 180 degree changes the man's approach. Thousands and thousands undiscovered species have been discovered by today's man and open up new chapters of understanding the psychology of man. Surgeries, medicines touched their new horizons, in terms of heart transplantation, hair transplantation face surgery, cancer fighting drugs and many more. Traditionally there was a concept of whole; people seldom concentrate on the composition of the elements. Human cells and atoms infrastructure were something completely unknown to fore fathers. Man of our age removed unthinkable curtails of secrecy and bring the tiny but essential parts of composition of matter. How can an atom becomes horrible atomic bomb, only an experience of this age man. In Past, every day wars became history and now threat of atomic power barked all most countries from wagging wars, very few wars after inventing nukes is a real proof of the discussion. Socially, fore fathers life revolved around their nation only. A few were able to travel across the borders to get a chance of cross culture experience. They hardly knew about the culture, language and way of life of their glob fellows. Today anyone can study other cultures, languages and can virtually meet them whenever he wants. Face book, twitter, yahoo, Msn and many more are the vehicles to drive at all social paths. Fore fathers entertained by festivals once or twice a year. Today, entertainment beyond time bards, we can attend annual festivals as annual games, semi-annual as on Eids, monthly as on picnic, weekly as on outdoor dinner, daily as on dramas, hourly as on news and instantly as on internet. Moreover reverse back to past is also possible if you saved your moments in storage devices. Case history of freedom to broad caste any idea was Rare in the era of fore fathers. Contrarily, every voice is free, every mind is free and every hand is free to broad caste his work on the social platform. Freedom of voice and rights to broad caste gives real life to human power that wasn't the story of past. In a nut shell, as a Negative is dark before development and becomes a bright picture after its development. Same was the story of this world, dark for our fore fathers and bright for us. The Neagtive was dark by the darkness of unawareness and we brighten the same negative by throwing light of technology, religious broad studies, scincetific miracles, social freedom and economically well beings. Modern innovations initiate men to live more comfortable life. The day is not far from us, when our tribes stepping Mars for colonizing...

A1C PD /   Jan 29, 2012   #2 Goldsmith a person used to defraud his clients and morally and economically injured the society of our fore fathers. Today , banking replaces that corruption by a fear and save safe? facilities for the customers. Banking, another world of employment and fantastic financial services for everyman not only made life easy but also a place to earn profit conventionally and Islamically. How can an atom become s a horrible atomic bomb , ? only an experience of this age man. I know that your title didn't say anything about how are we worst than our forefathers but I think there are always two sides to one story. this is just food for thought but I think you should try talking about the bad too. for example: why do you think our tribes will be stepping on mars for colonizing? maybe because we used up all of earths resources? apart from that I really like it

OP farhatsultana 2 / 4   Jan 29, 2012   #3 thank you so much for your nice analysis...i didnt high lighted the worest side of the issue although i have more points for that,the reason is( how are we better than)...i thought i have to write for positive side only...

essay on we are better than our forefathers

  Are we Happier than our Forefathers?

  Some people believe that we are happier than our forefathers. Others hold a view contrary to this one. It is true that in certain respects our forefathers were happier than us. But in certain other respects, we are happier than them. The solution to this controversial point lies in deciding the real definition of happiness. Again, it is not easy to define happiness. If luxuries, wealth, and possessions are to be considered the objects and means of happiness, then, of course, we are far happier than our forefathers. But if peace of mind, contentment, simplicity, and such things are to be deemed as objects of happiness, our forefathers must have been happier than us. Of course, now we have so many comforts in life. Our life span has been prolonged, thanks to research in medical sciences. We can get food articles and vegetables and fruits in all seasons which even great emperors like Ashoka and Akbar who had so vast empires couldn’t do. In this pursuit of wealth, luxuries, and comforts, however, we have lost certain things. We cannot get the old sun and fresh air in congested urban areas, just to give one example. The most conspicuous loss to us is in the field of the mind. We now lead a life of stress and strain. We are always in a hurry as we are too meticulous about the movements of the hands of the watch. In this process, we have lost our peace of mind. Thus, though we have so many articles that our forefathers didn’t have, we may not intrinsically be happier than them. Our forefathers must never have even dreamt of such things as the train, the bus, the airplane, the spaceship, the computer, the telephone, the television, the refrigerator, and the air-conditioners. Still, our happiness though great, is circumscribed by other considerations. Life may be more comfortable of ours but we cannot say that we are hapier.

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Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers Expansion of Idea- 200 Words

Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers Expansion of Idea- 200 Words edumantra.net

There are many factors that can contribute to happiness, and it’s difficult to compare levels of happiness between different groups of people. However, some studies suggest that people today may be less happy than their ancestors. One reason for this could be that people have higher expectations for happiness now than in the past. With more access to information and opportunities, we may expect more from life and be disappointed when things don’t go as planned. Another possibility is that we are more aware of the suffering in the world now than in the past. With news and social media, we are constantly exposed to stories of conflict, natural disasters, and other forms of misery. This can make it difficult to appreciate the good things in our own lives. It’s also worth noting that happiness is relative. What makes one person happy may not have the same effect on another. So, even if overall levels of happiness have declined, some people may still be just as happy as their ancestors were. In the end, it’s hard to say definitively whether we are happier than our forefathers. However, there are some indications that suggest we may be less satisfied with our lives than they were.

Are We Happier than our Forefathers Speech

Are We Happier than our Forefathers Speech edumantra.net

Our forefathers fought for our independence and built this country from the ground up. They worked hard every day to provide for their families and make a better life for themselves. Even though they didn’t have much, they were still happy. Nowadays, we have more than our forefathers could ever imagine. We have technology that allows us to do things that they could only dream of. We live in a time of comforts and prosperity. So, are we happier than our forefathers? The answer is yes and no both. If we say Yes, the reason would be that we have more material possessions and opportunities than our forefathers did. But if we say no, the reason would be we aren’t necessarily happier because of the possessions. In fact, some studies show that we are less happy than previous generations. There are several factors that contribute to our happiness, or lack thereof. One reason may be that we have higher expectations for our lives. With all the possibilities that exist now, we expect more out of life than our forefathers did. And when we don’t meet those expectations, we can end up feeling disappointed and unhappy. Another reason may be that we are more disconnected from each other than ever before. With all the technology at our fingertips—phones, laptops, social media—we can go days without talking to another human being face-to-face. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation, which can impact our happiness negatively.

Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers Essay 500 + Words

How were our forefathers happier than us?

Our forefathers were happier than us for several reasons. They didn’t have the stresses and worries that we have today. They didn’t have to worry about money, bills, or working long hours. They also didn’t have the distractions of technology that we have today. They had more time to enjoy life and spend time with family and friends. Additionally, they didn’t have the health concerns that we have today. They lived in a simpler time when life was more carefree. We can learn a lot from our forefathers about how to live a happier life.

Is your life better than our forefathers?

The answer to this question is a resounding yes! Our forefathers lived in a time where there were no computers, no cell phones, no internet, and no cars. They had to walk everywhere they went, and if they wanted to communicate with someone far away, they had to send a letter through the mail. Can you imagine not being able to Google something when you’re curious about it? Or not being able to call a friend when you’re bored? Our forefathers didn’t have it easy. Nowadays, we have all of those things and more. We can go anywhere we want with the click of a button. We can talk to anyone we want, anytime, anywhere. We have access to so much information that it’s almost impossible to not find what we’re looking for. In short, Our lives are better than our forefathers’ in almost every way imaginable but materially. So next time you’re feeling down about your life, just remember how good you have it!

Why are older generations happier?

It is widely accepted that older generations are generally happier than younger generations. There are several reasons for this happiness gap, including increased life experience, wisdom, and perspective. Older people have had more time to develop a sense of who they were and what they wanted out of life. This self-knowledge can lead to a greater sense of contentment and satisfaction with life. Additionally, older adults often have a better understanding of what is truly important in life and what is not worth worrying about. This perspective can lead to increased happiness and peace of mind. Wisdom also plays a role in the happiness of older adults. With age comes the accumulation of knowledge and understanding. This wisdom can help people make better decisions, solve problems more effectively, and navigate life’s challenges with greater grace. Finally, older adults often have a stronger sense of social support than younger people. They have had more time to develop deep and lasting relationships with family and friends. These supportive relationships can provide love, comfort, and a sense of belonging – all essential ingredients for happiness.

Were older people more positive?

There is a lot of research that indicates that older people have always been more positive than younger people. One study has found that older people were more likely to rate their lives as “very good” or “excellent” when compared to younger people. Another study has found that older people were more likely to report higher levels of satisfaction with their lives. There are several possible explanations for why older people might be more positive than younger people. One possibility is that older people have had more time to reach a point of acceptance and understanding in life. They may also be more grateful for what they have, and less focused on what they don’t have. Additionally, older people may have developed better coping mechanisms for dealing with life’s challenges. Whatever the reasons, the evidence suggests that older people are generally more positive than younger people. This can be a valuable perspective to draw from, especially in times of difficulty or stress.

What Age is the Most Happiest?

There is no definitive answer to this question as everyone experiences happiness differently. However, a recent study by the University of Chicago found that people tend to be happiest in their early 20s. This is likely due to a combination of factors, including increased independence and decreased responsibility at this age. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule and there are plenty of people who find happiness later in life. Ultimately, it is up to everyone to decide what age they are happiest.

Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers Quotes

1. “Happiness is not a destination. It is a journey.” – Unknown 2. “The greatest happiness you can have is knowing that you do not necessarily require happiness.” – William Saroyan 3. “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.” – Unknown 4. “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” – Mahatma Gandhi 5. “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” – J.R.R. Tolkien 6. “There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.” – Epictetus 7. “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” – Abraham Lincoln 8. “The greatest happiness you can have is knowing that you do not necessarily require happiness.” – William Saroyan 9. “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.” – Unknown 10. “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” – Mahatma Gandhi

10 Lines on Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers

10 Lines on Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers edumantra.net

1. Our forefathers lived in a time when the world was a much simpler place. 2. They had a strong sense of community and togetherness that we often lack today. 3. They were more in touch with nature and the natural world around them. 4. They had a greater appreciation for the simple things in life. 5. They didn’t have to contend with the same level of stress and anxiety that we do today. 6. They had more time to enjoy life and pursue their passions. 7. They weren’t bombarded with 24/7 news and media coverage of all the bad things happening in the world. 8. They didn’t have to deal with the constant pressure to be “connected” and available online at all times. 9. they didn’t have to worry about things like climate change or global warming daily. 10. Overall, our forefathers had a much simpler and happier existence than we do today.

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English Summary

100 Words Essay On Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers In English

This is a question that is being put up by many. There are a lot of critique openings as well” to this very question. However, It can be said that life has gotten so much easier than the life of our forefathers. The technology has made it an even easier task.

In today’s world one can shop from home and we would get anything we want on our door steps. In short, we could say that the world today has gotten so convenient for us to live that we are unable to appreciate the smallest of things.

This is the root cause of being ungrateful. Technology has brought rise to anxiety and depression. If material pleasures are called happiness then no doubt we are but if they happiness comes from within us then I must say that our forefathers were so much happier than we are.  

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essay on we are better than our forefathers

Write a composition (in approximately 450 − 500 words) on the following subjects: "We are happier than our forefathers." Express your views on the given statement.

It can’t be denied that the world has progressed in all spheres of life by leaps and bounds. our life, these days, is certainly more comfortable than that of our forefathers . and yet, the question is we happier than them a comparison the life at the time of our forefathers and the life as it is lived today will, undoubtedly, raise the mystery-curtain. in the by-gone days, our forefathers had to travel on foot for long distances, or used the bullock-carts for this purpose; therefore, communication and personal contact between people of different villages was very limited. but now the situation is absolutely changed. today, we have the most sophisticated means of transport and communication. we can travel long distances not only on land by means of a motor car or a bus but over the sea in ships and through the air in aeroplanes. the barriers of distance, high mountains or long stretches of deep water, have lost their importance. we can converse with our friends and relatives anywhere in the world using telephone, telegraph, fax, e-mail, or internet. happiness is a state of mind. if there's something money can't buy, its happiness. compared to these days, i strongly feel, that out forefathers were happier. their life was simple, their needs minimal. they had less expectations. their days started with the morning sun and ended with the setting sun. they listened to the chirping of birds as they tilled their fields, breathing the fresh air around. the pristine beauty of nature, with its greens, the golden harvests, the flowers, the fragrance-added colors and substance to their lives. in short, they had time and the sensibilities to appreciate and marvel at the wonderful things god has blessed us with. after a day's hard work, the simple meal served on the home platter was relished by our forefathers. organic food with unpolluted water-fresh and healthy what would we not give for such a luxury the simple life-style our forefathers led, kept them away from diseases. the sheer routine of their life with oodles of exercise never allowed them to become obese. diabetes and heart burns were unheard of cooling devices and heaters never sucked up the oxygen around. a big fire in the center kept their huge family warm; the fronds above fanned them in summer to keep them cool and fit. the big joint families of the olden times shared their joy and sorrows, helped each other in hours of need, and shared responsibilities. children grew up in the lap of nature, under the protective supervision of their elders. how unlike the children of today's nuclear families where parents go to work and children are left to the care of domestic help or in the company of modern gadgets festivals and weddings used to be occasions for the huge extended family to come together and enjoy. they were extended holidays; unlike the hurried two day affairs in five star hotels amidst filmy settings festivals like holi were played with natural ingredients made from fragrant flowers and leaves. it kept away skin rashes and eye sores. spurious drinks did not take away lives on diwali nights. what if our forefathers had to walk miles to reach their destinations, what if they had to till their land in scorching sun, what if they were not able to travel around the world the truth is that they led a contented life. contentment, the chief ingredient for happiness do we have it can we ever hope to get it coming to think of it, i feel, our forefathers were stress free, guilt free, more innocent, led uncomplicated life and consequently were much, much happier than us..

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Write a composition (in approximately 450-500 words) on the following subjects: “We are happier than our forefathers.” Express your views on the given statement.

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essay on we are better than our forefathers

Essay on Are we Happier than our Forefathers For Students & Children

We are Sharing an Essay on Are we Happier than our Forefathers in English for students and children. In this article, we have tried our best to provide a Short essay on Are we Happier than our Forefathers? for Classes 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 in 100, 300, 400, 500 words.

Essay on Are we Happier than our Forefathers For Students & Children

Are we Happier than our Forefathers Essay

In order to answer the question: “Are we happier than our forefathers?” first we shall have to define what we mean by happiness.

If happiness is not concerned with material benefits and luxuries, certainly our forefathers were happier, rather far happier than us.

Our forefathers were contented with their lot. Their means for progress and enjoyment of material luxuries were greatly limited.

They lived in simple houses made of straw and mud or simple brick, stone, and logs of wood at the most. They had never dreamt of modern architecture. The use of marble, cement, and steel was hardly known to them.

Our forefathers were mostly illiterate, superstitious people who believed that diseases were the result of their misdeeds in some previous birth. The modern medical facilities were unknown to them.

Here, however, we may be sidetracking the real issue. The moot-point is whatever the condition of our forefathers, the question is whether they were happier than us or not.

It cannot be denied that happiness is only an attitude of mind and not the result of material possessions. Our forefathers did not long for having too much wealth and too many grand houses, vehicles, etc. They were not much status-conscious. They were by and large also free from such vices as jealousy, ill-will, nerve-breaking competition, etc.

They sat happily and contentedly in the shade of trees and read scriptures and stories of the ancient heroes and lovers.

Still, we must admit that they lacked opportunities and modern facilities. But, they were honest, industrious, and contented even being superstitious and illiterate.

# Speech | Paragraph on Are we Happier than our Forefathers # Are we Happier than our Forefathers composition

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Argumentative Essay Topic – Our Forefathers Were Luckier Than Us

Our Forefathers Were Luckier Than Us. You can find Previous Year Argumentative Essay Topics asked in ICSE board exams.

Introduction: Our forefathers were not luckier than us.

  • Advanced in political and social field.
  • More advanced in the field of science and technology, transport, communication and entertainment.
  • Advance in space technology
  • Giant strides made in medical sciences and health care
  • Education has brought with it enlightenment

Conclusion: Our forefathers were less fortunate than us

To agree with the statement,‘Our forefathers were luckier than us’ would be a travesty of the truth. We are definitely luckier than our forefathers in every sphere – political, social, economic, medical and educational or any field of human activity. The quality of life that I we enjoy is far superior to that enjoyed by our forefathers.

In the political field our forefathers suffered under the yoke of autocratic rulers, with no human right whatsoever. However, living in a democratic society we enjoy equal rights. The constitution of the country grants us fundamental rights and the robust judiciary ensures its safeguard. Socially too we are better off with no caste or creed barrier, which made the life of socially backward people of yore, worse than animals.

Spectacular progress in the field of science and technology has made life in every f sphere easy and comfortable. Travelling from one place to another by bullock cart or horseback is now done by cars, buses, train and aeroplane. Journey that took days and even months now take hours.

In the field of communication, sending messages using pigeons has made way for telephone and mobiles, and now the Internet which offer immediate communication. Entertainment and news that were previously confined to chaupals and announcements are now accessible through radio, television, and cinema.

These provide news updates and entertainment that our forefathers could not imagine. The new millennium saw great advancement in the field of information technology. The computer and the Internet ushered in an information boom, which made numerous services available on the click of a mouse. It also effectively bridged the geographic and social divide.

The advancement in space technology has enabled us to explore celestial bodies like the Moon and Mars. Satellites now enable us to predict natural calamities and explore natural mineral resources using remote sensing satellites.

Impressive progress has also been made in medical sciences and health care. Diseases that wiped out entire villages like plague and smallpox have been eradicated. The discovery of new drugs has enhanced the average life expectancy from 45 to 75 years.

Education has brought with it enlightenment, making us more compassionate, humane and sociable. Children today have more avenues for good education, in well-equipped schools, colleges and universities. They do not have to take up the profession of parents, but are free to choose a career of their choice.

Our forefathers were undoubtedly less fortunate than us. We are indeed lucky to have been born in the 21st century. This is for the new millennium brings with it hope for a more bright and better future. It is our moral obligation, to ensure that our children also enjoy a better life than us.


  • ‘Our future generations would be luckier than us. ’ Give your views for or against the statement.
  • ‘Our forefathers were happier than us.’ Give your views for or against the statement.

Essay on “Is Life for us Better than it was for our Forefathers?” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Exams.

Is Life for us Better than it was for our Forefathers?

To try to answer this question, we had better go back in thought about two hundred years, say to about the middle of the 18th Century ; that is, before the great changes began that have made the modern world what it is to-day. Let us see what life was for our forefathers in those days.

To get a picture of their lives, we must cut out many of the things which are so familiar and necessary to us to-day that we wonder how men could ever have got on without them. Take travel, for instance. In the time of our forefathers, there were no railways or steamships or aeroplanes, no bicycles or motor-cars, or even good roads. They travelled slowly on horseback or in carts and carriages, and sailing ships. There was no postal system, so letters were rare and costly luxuries; no telegraph, no telephone, no wireless or broadcasting. Nearly all goods were hand-made, as there was no steam-driven machinery to manufacture multitudes of cheap goods. Houses were lit by candles or lamps, for there was no electric light or gas. Of medical science there was little or nothing, and public sanitation was unknown. In consequence dirt and disease were rife in village and town. There were no fully equipped hospitals, no trained nurses, and few qualified doctors. Education ? That was the privilege of the rich. Most of the poor could neither read nor write. Books were few and expensive. As to amusements, there were no cinemas and no gramophones. Life in those days must have been dull and slow.

So far, then, the answer seems to be an emphatic affirmative. Surely with all these advantages, and many, many more that cannot even be mentioned, our life to-day must be incomparably better in every way than the life of our poor forefathers. No doubt, in comfort, convenience, interest, variety, general health and well-being, we have the advantage.

But is it really so ? Are we really happier than our forefathers? I doubt it. In this mechanical age life is all noise and bustle, hurry and racket, roar and rush. There is a fever in our blood. We are restless and unsatisfied, ever seeking for some new thing. We have lost the quiet, and the solid pleasures, of the old days. And the sense of security has gone. There is fear in our hearts. The machines our science has given us threaten to destroy us. Bombing aeroplanes and poison gases make war a terror. And war may be on us any moment : the WORLD WAR, that will destroy our boasted civilization. We dance on the crumbling brink of a volcano.

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Essay on Is Life Better for Us Than It Was for Our Forefathers?


In many ways, I would say that living in this modern world is better but in many ways, it seems that our forefathers had a better life.

Today we have radio , television , telephone , computers and hundreds of gadgets that Our ancestors never had nor could imagine possible. So we enjoy these things enormously. However, our ancestors never had to put up with mindless talk-shows on television and too-loud pop music on the radio. I suppose our ancestors had more time to talk with one another too instead of being like us who spend so much time just staring at the idiot box.

On hot days I really appreciate that we have the air conditioner to cool us down. Our forefathers probably had to put up with the heat or at best fan themselves with a leaf or something. However, we have become too dependent on the air-conditioner: especially in one of the cars. On rare occasions when it malfunctioned I realized how uncomfortable it can be to sit in a car without air-conditioning.

Talking about cars, we are also so dependent or them. it is great to whizz along the highway eating up the kilometers and arriving at our destination in a short time. It seems everyone has the same idea too. So now, on our highways, it is virtually impossible to whizz along. It is more like crawling bumper-to-bumper in a traffic jam, breathing foul fumes and arriving late. Our ancestors of just a hundred years ago never had to undergo such infuriating jams. They probably trudged along on their feet or rode horses. Come to think of it, they probably had to put up with sore feet and horse dung. Which is better, fumes or dung?

Medical care has improved by leaps and bounds. We are no longer plagued by many diseases that killed off our forefathers. Tuberculosis, smallpox and leprosy, the scourges of yesterdays, do not bother us anymore. However, AIDS never bothered our forefathers. We face a new threat.

It is said that modern men and women have longer life spans. Does living longer necessarily mean a better life? do not know. Long ago there were no hospitals and people died. No one paid anything to have their illness treated then. We pay huge sums nowadays but eventually, we still have to die.

Also, a longer life span means we have to put up with more pollution, over-population, unemployment, and other modern ills. My great-great-grandfather could probably pick a mango from a tree and eat it without giving it a second thought. I do not have a tree to pick a mango from. I have to buy one which may be loaded with pesticides and who knows what other poisons they put in it

By looking at the few examples above, I cannot decide which era is better. Modern living has its good parts as well as bad. Similarly, it was so for living in bygone ages. Actually we have no choice but to live in our modern world whether we like it or not. How things will turn out will only be known when they happen. We just have to live as best as we can.

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Essay- are we happier than our forefathers.

Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers  

essay on we are better than our forefathers

  Life of Our Forefathers -  The world of our forefathers was different from that of today. They lived in villages. Scientific  inventions were not made. There were no planes, cars, movie, radio etc. There was no electricity so they were deprived of all the comforts. They moved in the jolting, slow-moving carts or carriages. The life was simple. They were engaged in tilling the soil for a living. They got their daily needs easily. They had plenty of everything. They took active part in all sorts of games. Contentment and happiness prevailed there. 

Life of Our s-  In our modern age, life- is full of comforts and luxuries. We have a much longer life to enjoy our freedom. Modern medicine has improved longevity from a mere 45 years to 70. These are the blessings of science. We can travel in railways, ships, motor cars and airplanes. The old days of trouble and difficulties have come to an end. Material civilisation has, no doubt, made a wonderful progress but the moral development of man or moral values has been totally neglected. It has nothing to do with happiness, goodness, beauty, courage, adventure, justice, friendship, love of family, love of country etc.

Conclusio n-  In all the contexts it may be the irony to say that we are leading a better life than our forefathers. Though they had no such blessings and physical comforts of science, yet they had warmth in relations, creativity in artistic imaginations in the shape of literature, neat and clean environment, good body structure, self satisfaction.

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Is Life for us Better than it was for our Forefathers?

essay on we are better than our forefathers

To try to answer this question, we had better go back in thought about two hundred years, say to about the middle of the 18th Century ; that is, before the great changes began that have made the modern world what it is to-day. Let us see what life was for our forefathers in those days.

To get a picture of their lives, we must cut out many of the things which are so familiar and necessary to us to-day that we wonder how men could ever have got on without them.

Take travel, for instance. In the time of our forefathers, there were no railways or steamships or aeroplanes, no bicycles or motor-cars, or even good roads. They traveled slowly on horseback or in carts and carriages, and sailing ships.

There was no postal system, so letters were rare and costly luxuries; no telegraph, no telephone, no wireless or broadcasting. Nearly all goods were hand-made, as there was no steam-driven machinery to manufacture multitudes of cheap goods.


Houses were lit by candles or lamps, for there was no electric light or gas. Of medical science there was little or nothing, and public sanitation was unknown. In consequence dirt and disease were rife in village and town.

There were no fully equipped hospitals, no trained nurses, and few qualified doctors. Education that was the privilege of the rich. Most of the poor could neither read nor write. Books were few and expensive. As to amusements, there were no cinemas and no gramophones. Life in those days must have been dull and slow.

So far, then, the answer seems to be an emphatic affirmative. Surely with all these advantages, and many, many more that cannot even be mentioned, our life to-day must be incomparably better in every way than the life of our poor forefathers. No doubt, in comfort, convenience, interest, variety, general health and well-being, we have the advantage.

But is it really so? Are we really happier than our fore-fathers? I doubt it. In this mechanical age life is all noise and bustle, hurry and racket, roar and rush. There is a fever in our blood. We are restless and unsatisfied, ever seeking for some new thing. We have lost the quiet, and the solid pleasures, of the old days. And the sense of security has gone. There is fear in our hearts. The machines our science has given us threaten to destroy us. Bombing aeroplanes and poison gases make war a terror. And war may be on us any moment: the WORLD WAR that will destroy out boasted civilization. We dance on the crumbling brink of a volcano.

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do you think our life is better than our forefathers

do you think our life is better than our forefathers?

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It is often being argued that we are experiencing an improved lifespan than our ancestors led centuries ago. This essay completely agrees with the notion since less time required to fulfill the work and better health facilities. Perhaps the first evidence of improved quality of life is the reduction of time taken to complete the tasks. The jobs consider laborious and would take days to perform, decades ago, can now be done in a blink of an eye. Communication is the most obvious example of that, in the 18th century a written letter needed a postman and days of travelling to reach the destination. In the current scenario, however, the e-mail virtually takes only a few clicks and a couple of minutes to deliver the message to the recipient on the other corner of the world. Also, the other reason of my firm believe that current lives are far better than ever before is fewer health issues of present human race. The abundance of the medical facilities, as well as sophisticated medicines and medical procedures, are the reason of healthier and happier life. Compared to the past century, life expectancy rate is higher and fatal diseases like plague and cholera has completely disappeared. For instance, the introduction of polio vaccination has reduced the chances of polio breakout up to 100% in the current century. In conclusion, I firmly believe that life quality is much more enhanced over the period of hundred years, the reduction of task-cycle, as well as the boosted health, are few out of different rationale to support my views.

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Grammar and spelling errors: Line 4, column 171, Rule ID: MANY_NN[1] Message: Possible agreement error. The noun out seems to be countable; consider using: 'few outs'. Suggestion: few outs ...cle, as well as the boosted health, are few out of different rationale to support my vi... ^^^^^^^

Transition Words or Phrases used: also, first, however, if, so, well, for instance, in conclusion, as well as

Attributes: Values AverageValues Percentages(Values/AverageValues)% => Comments

Performance on Part of Speech: To be verbs : 12.0 10.5418719212 114% => OK Auxiliary verbs: 2.0 6.10837438424 33% => OK Conjunction : 8.0 8.36945812808 96% => OK Relative clauses : 4.0 5.94088669951 67% => More relative clauses wanted. Pronoun: 11.0 20.9802955665 52% => OK Preposition: 39.0 31.9359605911 122% => OK Nominalization: 9.0 5.75862068966 156% => OK

Performance on vocabulary words: No of characters: 1294.0 1207.87684729 107% => OK No of words: 262.0 242.827586207 108% => OK Chars per words: 4.93893129771 5.00649968141 99% => OK Fourth root words length: 4.02323427807 3.92707691288 102% => OK Word Length SD: 2.70411160414 2.71678728327 100% => OK Unique words: 162.0 139.433497537 116% => OK Unique words percentage: 0.618320610687 0.580463131201 107% => OK syllable_count: 415.8 379.143842365 110% => OK avg_syllables_per_word: 1.6 1.57093596059 102% => OK

A sentence (or a clause, phrase) starts by: Pronoun: 3.0 4.6157635468 65% => OK Interrogative: 0.0 0.325123152709 0% => OK Article: 6.0 1.56157635468 384% => Less articles wanted as sentence beginning. Subordination: 2.0 1.71428571429 117% => OK Conjunction: 0.0 0.931034482759 0% => OK Preposition: 3.0 3.65517241379 82% => OK

Performance on sentences: How many sentences: 11.0 12.6551724138 87% => OK Sentence length: 23.0 20.5024630542 112% => OK Sentence length SD: 32.5690620321 50.4703680194 65% => OK Chars per sentence: 117.636363636 104.977214359 112% => OK Words per sentence: 23.8181818182 20.9669160288 114% => OK Discourse Markers: 6.81818181818 7.25397266985 94% => OK Paragraphs: 4.0 4.12807881773 97% => OK Language errors: 1.0 5.33497536946 19% => OK Sentences with positive sentiment : 8.0 6.9802955665 115% => OK Sentences with negative sentiment : 1.0 2.75862068966 36% => More negative sentences wanted. Sentences with neutral sentiment: 2.0 2.91625615764 69% => OK What are sentences with positive/Negative/neutral sentiment?

Coherence and Cohesion: Essay topic to essay body coherence: 0.12032379224 0.242375264174 50% => OK Sentence topic coherence: 0.0386613492037 0.0925447433944 42% => OK Sentence topic coherence SD: 0.0411546411528 0.071462118173 58% => OK Paragraph topic coherence: 0.0669065607477 0.151781067708 44% => OK Paragraph topic coherence SD: 0.0459483065191 0.0609392437508 75% => OK

Essay readability: automated_readability_index: 13.7 12.6369458128 108% => OK flesch_reading_ease: 48.13 53.1260098522 91% => OK smog_index: 8.8 6.54236453202 135% => OK flesch_kincaid_grade: 12.3 10.9458128079 112% => OK coleman_liau_index: 11.67 11.5310837438 101% => OK dale_chall_readability_score: 9.42 8.32886699507 113% => OK difficult_words: 77.0 55.0591133005 140% => OK linsear_write_formula: 11.0 9.94827586207 111% => OK gunning_fog: 11.2 10.3980295567 108% => OK text_standard: 12.0 10.5123152709 114% => OK What are above readability scores?

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    Our forefathers were happy to have a single television in the entire neighborhood. We are physically better than our ancestors due to improved lifestyle and nutrition. But spiritually we aren't happy. Mentally we are running in a race of millions. Conclusion: In terms of technology, yes we are happy. But in terms of peace, we are not.

  12. Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers?

    There are many reasons why we might be happier than our forefathers. We have more and better technology, which can make our lives easier and more enjoyable. We have more knowledge about how to live happy and healthy lives. We live in more democratic societies, which can protect our basic rights and give us a say in how we are governed.

  13. Essay on Are we Happier than our Forefathers For Students & Children

    It cannot be denied that happiness is only an attitude of mind and not the result of material possessions. Our forefathers did not long for having too much wealth and too many grand houses, vehicles, etc. They were not much status-conscious. They were by and large also free from such vices as jealousy, ill-will, nerve-breaking competition, etc.

  14. Argumentative Essay Topic

    Conclusion: Our forefathers were less fortunate than us. To agree with the statement,'Our forefathers were luckier than us' would be a travesty of the truth. We are definitely luckier than our forefathers in every sphere - political, social, economic, medical and educational or any field of human activity.

  15. Essay on "Is Life for us Better than it was for our Forefathers?" for

    So far, then, the answer seems to be an emphatic affirmative. Surely with all these advantages, and many, many more that cannot even be mentioned, our life to-day must be incomparably better in every way than the life of our poor forefathers. No doubt, in comfort, convenience, interest, variety, general health and well-being, we have the advantage.

  16. 673 Words Essay on Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers

    And yet, the question is we happier than them? A comparison the life at the time of our forefathers and the life as it is lived today will, undoubtedly, raise the mystery-curtain. In the by-gone days, our forefathers had to travel on foot for long distances, or used the bullock-carts for this purpose; therefore, communication and personal ...

  17. Essay on Is Life Better for Us Than It Was for Our Forefathers?

    We are no longer plagued by many diseases that killed off our forefathers. Tuberculosis, smallpox and leprosy, the scourges of yesterdays, do not bother us anymore. However, AIDS never bothered our forefathers. We face a new threat. It is said that modern men and women have longer life spans.

  18. Essay- Are We Happier Than Our Forefathers

    Conclusio n- In all the contexts it may be the irony to say that we are leading a better life than our forefathers. Though they had no such blessings and physical comforts of science, yet they had warmth in relations, creativity in artistic imaginations in the shape of literature, neat and clean environment, good body structure, self satisfaction.

  19. Is Life for us Better than it was for our Forefathers?

    Life in those days must have been dull and slow. So far, then, the answer seems to be an emphatic affirmative. Surely with all these advantages, and many, many more that cannot even be mentioned, our life to-day must be incomparably better in every way than the life of our poor forefathers. No doubt, in comfort, convenience, interest, variety ...

  20. do you think our life is better than our forefathers

    It is often being argued that we are experiencing an improved lifespan than our ancestors led centuries ago. This essay completely agrees with the notion since less time required to fulfill the work and better health facilities. Perhaps the first evidence of improved quality of life is the reduction of time taken to complete the tasks.

  21. Life is better for us than our forefathers

    1.LIFE FOR US IS BETTER THAN IT WAS FOR OUR FOREFATHERS. This world is moving toward more development since its inception. Long days before people were living in caves and eating raw foods. When stone era moved forward then wooden homes cam and cooked food. Wooden era passed and semi developed era came; people became educated and followed many ...

  22. Essay On Are We Better Than Our Forefathers

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