Essay Writing Guide

Last updated on: Nov 20, 2023

Art Topics - 200+ Brilliant Ideas to Begin With

By: Nova A.

14 min read

Reviewed By: Rylee W.

Published on: Apr 23, 2019

Art Topics

Are you a student struggling to find interesting and engaging art topics for your assignments or projects?

The world of art is vast and diverse, offering countless possibilities for exploration and creative expression. However, with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to narrow down your focus. But fret not, as we're here to help you navigate this artistic maze! 

In this blog, we will provide you with a curated list of fascinating art topics that will inspire your creativity and make your assignments stand out. Whether you're interested in exploring different art movements or delving into the cultural and historical significance of art, we've got you covered.

So let’s get started!

Art Topics

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Art Topics For Students

Here are some engaging art topics to write about that will spark your creativity and deepen your understanding of the artistic world.

  • The Impressionist movement and its impact on art.
  • Exploring the use of color in abstract art.
  • The influence of nature in landscape painting.
  • The evolution of portraiture throughout history.
  • The symbolism in still life paintings.
  • The role of art in social and political activism.
  • Exploring different art mediums: painting, sculpture, photography, etc.
  • The connection between art and emotions.
  • Exploring cultural diversity in art.
  • The representation of mythology in art.

Art Topics for Elementary Students

Here's a table with three columns containing art topics suitable for grades 3, 4, and 5:

Art Topics For Elementary School Students

History Art Topics

We always turn back and refer to history in hopes of avoiding past mistakes and learning new things. The same goes for art history. It provides us with a great number of exciting subjects and topics.

You can write about any art movement, time period, and school, talk about their origin and uniqueness, etc. Following are some amazing topics related to history that can help you draft an exceptional piece of writing. 

  • Egyptians used the same art canon for 3000 years. Why?
  • The history and techniques used in printmaking.
  • What is the philosophy of art? Explain the relationship between art and philosophy.
  • African countries and the return of cultural property post World War II.
  • Discuss primeval musical instruments.
  • Stained glass in Medieval France.
  • Venetian carnival masks and their history.
  • Human sacrifice in Mayan culture and its depiction in art.
  • Components of sculptures in Ancient Greece.
  • Draw a comparison between Egyptian and Mesoamerican pyramids.
  • The history and origin of Greek theater.
  • Biblical motives in the early paintings of Leonardo da Vinci.
  • The significance of Christian symbols in Renaissance art.
  • The beauty standards of Renaissance women.
  • The significance of Raphael’s work.

Art Topics on Artist Bibliography

Artist’s bibliographies make up for interesting essay topics. You never know what you might find going deep into their personal and professional lives, struggles, childhood, and their thinking and ideas.

We have gathered a list of artists from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, respectively, for you to choose for your upcoming art essay.

18th Century

  • William Blake
  • Francisco Goya
  • J. M. W. Turner
  • Samuel Morse
  • Jacques-Louis David
  • Eugene Delacroix
  • Thomas Gainsborough
  • Mikhail Lomonosov
  • John James Audubon
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Katsushika Hokusai
  • Marie Tussaud
  • E. T. A. Hoffmann
  • Grandma Moses

19th Century

  • Vincent Willem Van Gogh
  • Claude Manet
  • Gustav Klimt
  • Rabindranath Tagore
  • Henri-Émile-Benoît Matisse
  • Hilaire Germain Edgar
  • Auguste Renoir
  • Georges Seurat
  • Alfred Sisley
  • Edgar Degas
  • Paul Cezanne
  • John Everett Millais
  • Frederic Remington
  • Thomas Lawrence
  • Adolf Menzel

20th Century

  • Louise Bourgeois
  • Marcel Duchamp
  • Frida Kahlo
  • Pablo Picasso
  • Judy Chicago
  • Cindy Sherman
  • Andy Warhol
  • Henry Spencer Moore
  • Georgia Totto O’Keeffe
  • Alberto Giacometti
  • David Smith
  • Vanessa Bell
  • Frank Lloyd Wright
  • Benny Andrews

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Art Topics on Different Epochs

The 18th century was an era of lavish architecture and musicians.

  • Influence of industrial revolution on art development.
  • Late Baroque architecture.
  • Rococo interior design.
  • Importance of Denis Diderot’s critiques of French art in the 18th century.
  • Neoclassicism sculpture: A combination of new and old ideas.
  • Comparison between Baroque and Rococo art designs.
  • Well-known composers of First Viennese School.
  • Marquis de Sade and its contribution to literature.
  • Significance of Denis Diderot’s criticism of French Art.
  • History of the famous Eugene Delacroix’s paintings.

The work of the artists of the 19th century.

  • Vincent van Gogh’s The Starry Night and its colorists.
  • Why is the carving of the Veiled Virgin by Giovanni Strazza so special?
  • How were the Victorian beauty standards portrayed in their art?
  • Monet’s Sunrise: what is so special about the light?
  • Dancing paintings by Edgar Degas.
  • Changes in the methodology of Impressionism paintings.
  • Artists and their depiction of Victorian beauty standards.
  • The relation between Goya’s prints and French caricatures.
  • The historical significance of Francisco de Goya’s paintings.
  • Paul Gauguin's savage art.

20th-century movements

  • Art Deco and Art Nouveau: similarities and differences.
  • Surrealism in Salvador Dali’s sculptures.
  • Basic principles of futurism.
  • Frida Kahlo’s paintings and the most commonly used symbol in them.
  • Techniques used in Jackson Pollock’s art?
  • The Kiss by Gustav Klimt: discuss its styles.
  • Jasper Johns Flag: realistic and artificial motifs.
  • Futurism and its basic principles.
  • Unusual techniques in the art of Jackson Pollock.
  • Evolution of mannerism in Pablo Picasso’s paintings.

Art Therapy Topics

Art therapy is a worthwhile resource to explore. Here is an interesting list of art therapy topic ideas that you can consider before starting your writing process.

  • Art therapy as an industry.
  • Art Therapy a Form of Psychotherapy.
  • Art Therapy in Abused Children.
  • Art for Communities and Families.
  • Art therapy and the creative process.
  • Benefits of art therapy.
  • Art Therapy in Group Setting.
  • Art Therapy in Children and its Effectiveness.
  • Quantitative Research in Art Therapy.
  • The Power of Art Therapy.
  • Techniques Used For Art Therapy.
  • Losing Yourself in Art.
  • Art Therapy Resources.
  • Art Therapy Activities.
  • Art therapy and mental health.

Art Debate Topics

Coming up with an interesting Art debate topic can be tricky. There are a number of things that you need to consider when coming up with an interesting topic. Following are some of the unique  debate topics  ideas that you can consider choosing.

  • Should abstract be considered a type of art?
  • Should art be recognized more academically?
  • Should kids draw horror art?
  • The purpose of art.
  • Is it possible to appreciate art without liking it?
  • Art vs. Design.
  • How important is art for children's education?
  • How art affects and reflects the world.
  • Is Art Really Necessary Anymore?
  • Was Hitler’s contribution to the arts powerful?
  • Modern art and its legitimacy.
  • Critiquing styles of Harold Rosenberg and Clement Greenberg.
  • The uniqueness of Russian artists.
  • How is primitivism real art?

Art Persuasive Speech Topics

When given to come up with a persuasive speech, it is often up to students to choose a topic.

Choosing the right topic is not an easy task. Here you can find some of the interesting art persuasive speech topic ideas to help you start the process.

  • Do some pets pose a danger to the community?
  • Is battery farming ethical?
  • Why should art classes be enforced in all public schools?
  • How can one benefit from having a pet?
  • What makes a dog a perfect pet?
  • How are dolphins important to the environment?
  • Reasons why you should not raise wild animals as pets
  • What we lose when animals go extinct.
  • Reasons why students should be taught to play musical instruments in school.
  • Significance of learning different languages.
  • Why should graffiti be considered art?
  • Why should museums be free for citizens?
  • Significance of cultural art education in schools
  • Effectiveness of music therapy.
  • How cultural interactions can make people successful professionally?

You can also explore articles to find more  persuasive speech topic ideas  on  and write compelling essays.

Art Topics on Different Cultures

  • How has pop art influenced American culture?
  • Styles and material used in Japanese calligraphy.
  • How does the henna pattern differ in the Middle East, India, and Africa?
  • Asian tribes: their fashion and textile.
  • Maori culture: war dance haka.
  • Bollywood and the Hindi film industry.
  • Why should inappropriate language in English literature be removed?
  • Bollywood dance routines Vs. Americans.
  • History and significance of pop music culture.
  • Why should art therapy be covered in medical health insurance in different parts of the world?
  • Pros and cons of watching Sci-Fi films.
  • Comparison between the romantic comedy of Hollywood Vs. Bollywood.
  • Features of Irani cinema.
  • Significance of sitar in Hindu culture.
  • Contemporary dance forms in different cultures.

Art Topics on Ancient Civilization

  • Influence of science on Ancient Greek sculptures
  • Explain the main reasons for the shift in Roman artistic style in the 4th century.
  • The Great Wall of China and its construction.
  • Women and Politics in Ancient Rome.
  • Female representation in Ancient Art.
  • Art and architecture in Ancient Times.
  • The story behind the art and architecture of Ancient Rome.
  • Describe Ancient Greek literature and theater.
  • Contribution of Ancient Civilizations to the modern art
  • Depiction of beauty in Ancient Art

Art Research Paper Topics

Despite the fact that art cannot be measured with figures as its value depends on personal impressions, it still can be a subject for research.

It is quite a challenging task to study something full of emotions. But don’t worry, as there is much credible data that you can include in your research paper only if you choose the right topic.

Following are some of the interesting topic ideas that you can choose to start with.

  • Gothic and Neo-Gothic.
  • Comparison of Nazi and Soviet art.
  • Can abstract art be decoded?
  • The art of disgusting.
  • Bauhaus movement.
  • Surrealist movement.
  • Photography as art.
  • History and origin of Abstract Expressionism.
  • Similarities and differences between Claude Monnet and Edouard Manet.
  • How cultural identity affects the creation of art?
  • Breaking stereotypes through art and literature.
  • Limitations of the performance art.
  • Mysterious photography and artwork of Vivian Maier.
  • Jazz music of the 19th century.
  • Hidden meanings in the famous paintings.

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Modern Art Topics

Modern art consists of interesting movements, styles, and forms. Choose any of the below topics to write on.

  • The abstract expressionism movement.
  • Pablo Picasso, founder of cubism.
  • Impressionism Vs. Cubism.
  • Development of American pop art.
  • Is contemporary art merely a way for greedy capitalists to make money?
  • Political cartoons as an art form.
  • Are people scared of modern art?
  • History and techniques of printmaking.
  • The definition of “Philosophy of Arts.”
  • The artistic styles of Art Deco.

Art History Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Writing a compare and contrast essay isn’t easy, but it allows you to learn a great deal about different time periods, artists and their work and movements, etc.

  • Picasso’s blue and rose periods: similarities and differences.
  • Baroque and Rococo design styles: compare and analyze.
  • Traditional vs. Modern Caribbean music.
  • Renaissance vs. Baroque Epoch
  • What are the main differences between Picasso and Leonardo Da Vinci?
  • Roman Vs. Greek mythology.
  • Venus de Milo Vs. The Thinker.
  • Similarities and differences between the artworks of the 18th and 19th centuries.
  • The artwork of India and Africa.
  • Styles and techniques of painting landscapes.

We have added a variety of more compare and contrast essay topics in this blog; go check it out.

Art Argumentative Essay Topics

  • The most significant piece of art of the 20th century and why?
  • Graffiti art or vandalism?
  • Banksy artist or vandal?
  • What contributed to making Paris a center of art in the 20th century?
  • Why do we need art in our lives?
  • Why is TV becoming obsolete?
  • Significance of print media in current times.
  • Advantages of listening to classical music.
  • How painting can help treat mental illnesses.

Need more argumentative essay topics? Check out our blog on  argumentative essay topics .

Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Art

  • Did iconoclasm affect Muslim art, and how?
  • Causes of the decline of art in Medieval Europe?
  • How has the cultural revolution influenced Chinese art?
  • The invention of the printing press changed the status of the mass media. Examples must be provided to support your position.
  • Raphael’s influence on the art of the Renaissance.
  • Influence of Hitler’s work on literature.
  • Influence of WWI of art.
  • Influence of WWII on literature.
  • How the work of William Blake paved the path for modern art?
  • How did art influence the people during Hitler’s time?

Art Topics For Presentation

  • The evolution of street art: From graffiti to mainstream acceptance.
  • The impact of technology on contemporary art.
  • Art therapy: The healing power of creativity.
  • Women artists throughout history: Challenging gender norms and making their mark.
  • Exploring cultural appropriation in art: Appreciation vs. exploitation.
  • Art and environmental activism: Raising awareness through creative expression.
  • The influence of ancient civilizations on modern art.
  • Art as a form of storytelling: Narrative elements in visual arts.
  • The role of art museums in preserving and promoting artistic heritage.
  • The intersection of art and science: The fusion of creativity and innovation.

Performing Arts Topics

  • The influence of dance in different cultures
  • The evolution of musical theater
  • The impact of technology on contemporary dance performances.
  • The portrayal of social issues in modern dance
  • The role of improvisation in theater
  • Exploring different styles of classical music
  • The significance of costume design in theater
  • How music influences our feelings and experiences.
  • The power of storytelling through puppetry
  • The fusion of traditional and contemporary elements in multicultural performances.

Literary Arts Topics

  • Exploring the use of symbols to convey deeper meanings.
  • The evolution of the novel: From its early forms to modern genres.
  • The impact of postcolonial literature
  • Exploring magical realism in literature: Blending reality and the fantastical.
  • The role of satire in social critique
  • Women writers and the feminist literary movement
  • The portrayal of mental health in literature
  • The influence of mythology in contemporary literature
  • Analyzing the portrayal of bleak future societies.
  • The power of storytelling in oral traditions

Art and Society Topics

  • Art as a vehicle for social change
  • How art shapes and revitalizes communities.
  • Exploring the intersection of art, capitalism, and consumer culture.
  • Analyzing instances of art being censored or restricted due to societal or political factors.
  • Examining the benefits and challenges of arts education in schools.
  • Exploring the therapeutic benefits of engaging with art.
  • How artists express and challenge notions of race, gender, sexuality, and culture.
  • Examining the relationship between art, digital media, and technological advancements.
  • Exploring how artists respond to and raise awareness about ecological issues.
  • Analyzing art projects that promote dialogue, collaboration, and inclusivity within communities.

Art Topics for Personal Development

  • Art journaling for self-reflection and growth
  • The power of imagination and artistic expression to manifest personal goals and aspirations.
  • Exploring art techniques as a form of meditation and cultivating present moment awareness.
  • Using art-making as a means to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance well-being.
  • Creating visual representations of personal stories and experiences.
  • Using different art mediums to process and communicate emotions.
  • Utilizing collage or mixed media techniques to visually represent personal goals and aspirations.
  • Engaging in artistic activities to explore personal identity, values, and beliefs.
  • Using art-making as a means to cope with and overcome challenges and adversity.
  • Experimenting with different art styles and mediums to discover one's unique artistic voice.

Miscellaneous Art Essay Topics

  • Contemporary artists, you like and why?
  • What is your opinion on true art: what is it?
  • If you are an artist, how would you explain your kind of art to others?
  • Does life and nature influence art?
  • What are your views on art therapy?
  • Difference between a French and American artist.
  • History and evaluation of animation
  • Significance of censorship
  • Origin of Crop art
  • Urban sculptures and their significance
  • What is fiber art?
  • The emergence of textile arts
  • History of graphic novels
  • Interactive art of modern times
  • Introduction and significance of tramp art?

In conclusion, choosing an art topic is an important and personal decision for an art student. It's a process that involves self-reflection, exploration, and experimentation. By reflecting on your interests, researching, and seeking inspiration, you can discover the subjects that truly ignite your creativity. 

Remember, there's no right or wrong answer when it comes to art topics. The key is to follow your passion and enjoy the journey of artistic exploration. 

So, whichever topic you choose, just add it to our AI essay generator and get an AI essay for reference. 

Or, if you need help writing a high-quality paper, feel free to contact expert essay writers. Simply request ‘ write my essay ’ and get assistance for all types of academic essays and papers. 

Nova A.

Marketing, Law

As a Digital Content Strategist, Nova Allison has eight years of experience in writing both technical and scientific content. With a focus on developing online content plans that engage audiences, Nova strives to write pieces that are not only informative but captivating as well.

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100 Great Art Essay Topics for Creative Writing

Looking for art essay topics is an interesting but challenging task. On the one hand, students know that they are just a step away from finding what they are looking for and getting a clear idea for their college essay, but on the other, sometimes this step just does not end. Inspiration is a fickle thing, and you cannot always come across a truly good title. To increase your chances, we have developed a list with 100 diverse ideas. Look at them and you’re bound to find a great fuel for your future essay.

100 Art Topics For Your Choosing

You’ll find ten different categories with artistry essay titles below. Feel absolutely free to pick whichever of them you prefer and complete a winning essay that will get a high grade. Choose a topic, develop it more.

Art Essay Topics on Photography

The world that surrounds us is extremely beautiful. Many people hope to capture at least some of its aspects, and that’s what their cameras help them do. If you share their fascination, consider these photography art essay topics.

  • In Which Country Did Photography Flourish Most?
  • When and Why Did People Start Considering Photography as an Art-Form?
  • Explain Connection Between Photography and Journalism
  • How Could People Be Encouraged to Engage in Photography More Often?
  • Are Colleges Offering Degree in Photography Popular Among Applicants?
  • Photo That Was Sold For the Highest Sum
  • Describe a Photo That Touched You Enough to Make You Cry
  • Could Making Family Photo Albums Be Considered Art?
  • Which Photographs Are Accepted by World Museums?
  • Use of Photography in Mental Therapy

Theater Art Essay Topics

Who isn’t entertained by theater? Performances captivate us because they mirror real life in the way movies cannot. Look at these art topics to write about if you are interested in it.

  • What Do People Find Fascinating About Theater Performances?
  • Why Do Some People Prefer Playing in Theater to Acting Careers in Hollywood?
  • Japanese Art In Terms of Kabuki Theater
  • Why Are People Expected to Dress Up for Visiting Theater?
  • Origins of Theater and First Performances: How Did They Happen?
  • Would You Like to Play in Theater?
  • What Elements Are Included Into Stage Setting for Aesthetics Purposes?
  • Describe Performance That Affected You Enough to Make You Fall in Love with Theater
  • Should All Theater Performances Be Free?
  • Do You Personally Consider Theater Art?

Cinematography Ideas

People love watching movies. For many of us, they take up a big part of life, and exploring them is extremely interesting. Look for an essay about art in this category.

  • What Is Art-House Genre? Describe Its Major Characteristics
  • Symbolism In ‘Hannibal’ TV Show: What Elements Help Create It?
  • Discuss Your Favorite Movie From Objective Viewpoint
  • What Is the Most Expensive Movie in Existence?
  • How Does Hollywood Differ From Bollywood?
  • Talk About Roles That Haunted Actors for the Rest of Their Lives
  • How to Create a Satisfying Ending for a Lengthy TV Show?
  • What Inspires Filmmakers to Create Sequels?
  • Which Creative Elements Help Build Suspense?
  • What Scares People When They Watch Horror Movies: Discuss from Professional Perspective

Art Essay Topics about Artist Biography

Maybe you hold passion for the idea of artists, not just art? After all, it’s equally fascinating to know who stands behind the mesmerizing creations. Pick a topic about arts’ creators.

  • Who Was Frida Khalo and What Legacy Has She Left Behind?
  • Describe What Motivated an Artist to Create Your Favorite Painting
  • Discuss Challenges Monet Faced During Work
  • What Makes Hieronymus Bosch Legendary?
  • Life, Creativity, and Death of Mozart
  • Are There Any Misconceptions About Picasso’s Life?
  • Pick the Oldest Artist You Can Find & Discuss Their Biography
  • Life of Da Vinci and the Mark He Has Left on Us
  • What Attracted Beethoven to Music?
  • Describe Early Life of Andy Warhol

Essay Topics about Art Around the World

How about art topics ideas related to the global arena? Amazing artists are everywhere — they live in every country, small or big, developed or underdeveloped. So consider choosing these universal themes.

  • Trace Ways in Which Visual Arts Are Expressed in Different Countries
  • Puppet Shows: Where Did They Originate From?
  • Talk About Jewish Artworks: Does It Have Any Distinguishing Features?
  • Passion-Fuelled Dancing in Arabic Countries
  • Dances Performed Before a Battle: Discuss These Traditions
  • Why Is Calligraphy Considered Artistry in Some Countries?
  • Japanese Paintings Done on Water: What Does This Style Entail?
  • Evolution of K-Pop: How Did This Style Come to Be?
  • How Is Fashion in Indian Tribes Understood?
  • Craft of Cooking in Italy: Discuss Its Basics

Art Piece Analysis Essay Topics

Art argumentative essay topics are more complex, but that’s what makes them unique. If you like a challenge, you’ll definitely enjoy some of options below. Just be sure you find good sources for them.

  • What Do You Think Mona Lisa’s Smile Mean?
  • Pick Any Bosch’s Painting and Analyze How Hell Is Depicted On It
  • Compare Two Paintings on a Similar Topic: Which Is Better?
  • Do 3D Sculptures Look More Impressively Than Classical Ones?
  • Which Paintings Belong to Fine-Art Category?
  • Discuss Realism Elements in ‘Scream’ Painting
  • Biblical Symbolism: Which Three Paintings Reflect It Most?
  • Analyze Surrealism in The Birth of Venus
  • Make an Argument About Meaning of Picasso’s ‘Les Demoiselles d’Avignon’
  • How Did the Asylum Affect the Creation of Van Gogh’s Starry Night?

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Modern Art Topics

Some people are obsessed with the past, seeking paintings created years ago. But how about writing a modern art essay? It could be just as interesting!

  • Do You Consider Graffiti a Form of Art?
  • Is Modern Creations a Pale Imitation of What We Had Before?
  • Role of Technologies in Creating Beautiful Paintings
  • How Did Globalization Affect Our Modern Artistic Development?
  • What Features Distinguish Contemporary Art?
  • Role That Artworks Play in Modern Ads
  • How Much Work Is Needed to Create Cartoons for Children?
  • How Can People Share and Advertise Their Artworks in the Era of Technology?
  • How Do Modern Wars Affect Art?
  • When Did Artistic Fairs Appear & What Purpose Do They Have?

Art History Topics

History is a fascinating thing, so why not combine it together with art? We prepared ten titles about it. Look at the following art history compare and contrast essay topics.

  • Were Females Depicted More Realistically in the Past or Now? Make Comparison between 2 Specific Paintings
  • How Was ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ Created? Include At Least Two Points of View
  • Explain the Intensity Behind ‘Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1’ vs. ‘Grande Odalisque’
  • Compare Two Old Paintings Depicting the Same War: How Do They Differ?
  • Contrast Use of Colors in ‘The Kiss’ and ‘Composition with Red Blue and Yellow’
  • How Was Beauty Understood in 18th versus 20th Centuries?
  • Why Do Many Old Portraits of Women Feature Them Nude?
  • Are You Interested in Artistic History? Express Your Opinions
  • Compare 2 Old Artists of Your Own Choosing
  • War as Portrayed in ‘Guernica’ vs. ‘Liberty Leading the People’

Art Movements and Styles Essay Ideas

Some find inspiration in the idea of artistic styles and movements. Do you wonder which of them some of your favorite paintings belong to? If so, you should think about creating an essay on artwork.

  • What Features Does Cubism Possess?
  • Discuss the Flow of Modernism and What It Is Represented By
  • Help Someone Who Does Not Anything About Culture Understand Futurism
  • Do You Find Baroque Style Attractive?
  • Discuss Best Representatives of Rococo Style
  • Which Artistic Movement Could Be Viewed as the Most Influential?
  • Minimalism or Maximalism: What Do You Prefer?
  • How Did Surrealism Appear & What Changes Did It Bring?
  • Discuss Three Major Representatives of Impressionism
  • What Does Installation Artworks Include?

Museums and Exhibitions

Some students are curious about topics for art projects. If you like the sound of this idea, check out these titles. Visiting exhibitions is always fun!

  • My Visit to Metropolitan Museum of Art: What I Remember Most
  • What Is the Biggest Museum in the World?
  • Talk About Which Artwork Is Sought Out by War Exhibitions
  • If You Were Organizing Exhibitions, What Paintings Would You Choose?
  • Which of Your Works of Art Would You Submit to a Museum If Asked?
  • Should People be Able to Visit Museums For Free?
  • Describe Your Ideal Creative Project
  • Displays of Which Artworks Gather the Biggest Audiences?
  • Museums in Africa: Pick One and Describe What Makes It Special
  • Talk About Project Created by the Youngest Artist: What Made It Worth Considering?

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129 Contemporary Art Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Contemporary art is a dynamic and ever-evolving field that encompasses a wide range of mediums, styles, and themes. When it comes to writing an essay on contemporary art, the possibilities are endless. However, with so many options to choose from, it can be overwhelming to select a topic that is both interesting and thought-provoking. To help you get started, we have compiled a list of 129 contemporary art essay topic ideas and examples. Whether you are interested in exploring the political implications of art or delving into the aesthetics of a specific artist, this list is sure to inspire your next essay.

The Role of Contemporary Art in Society

Art as a Form of Activism: Examples and Impact

The Intersection of Politics and Art in the 21st Century

The Influence of Technology on Contemporary Art

The Evolution of Street Art: From Graffiti to Galleries

Cultural Appropriation in Contemporary Art

The Power of Visual Storytelling in Art

The Role of Gender in Contemporary Art

Art and Identity: Exploring the Self in Contemporary Works

The Blurring of Boundaries: Traditional vs. Contemporary Art

The Impact of Globalization on Contemporary Art

Art and Sustainability: Examining Environmental Concerns

The Role of Museums in Shaping Contemporary Art

The Rise of Performance Art: Examples and Analysis

The Influence of Pop Culture on Contemporary Art

Art and Social Media: The Digital Age of Creation

Contemporary Art and the Fashion Industry: Collaborations and Critiques

Art and Mental Health: Expressing Emotions through Creativity

The Concept of Beauty in Contemporary Art

The Evolution of Abstract Art: From Kandinsky to Pollock

Art and Censorship: Exploring Boundaries and Freedom of Expression

The Impact of Colonialism on Contemporary Art

Art and War: Confronting Violence through Visuals

Art and the Human Body: Representation and Identity

The Role of Curators in Shaping Contemporary Art

The Influence of Science and Technology on Artistic Practices

Art and Religion: Expressions of Faith in Contemporary Works

Art and Capitalism: The Commodity of Creativity

The Representation of Race in Contemporary Art

Art and Memory: Exploring Personal and Collective Histories

The Role of Photography in Contemporary Art

Art and Education: The Power of Visual Literacy

The Influence of Surrealism on Contemporary Art

The Impact of the AIDS Crisis on Artistic Practices

Art and Nature: Exploring the Relationship between Humans and the Environment

The Role of Public Art in Urban Spaces

The Influence of Indigenous Cultures on Contemporary Art

Art and Globalization: Crossing Borders and Breaking Barriers

The Representation of Women in Contemporary Art

Art and Architecture: The Intersection of Design and Creativity

The Role of Sound in Contemporary Art

Art and Activism: Creating Change through Visuals

The Influence of Postmodernism on Contemporary Art

The Representation of Sexuality in Contemporary Art

Art and Advertising: The Impact of Consumerism on Creativity

The Role of Collaboration in Contemporary Art

Art and Technology: Exploring the Digital Frontier

The Influence of African Art on Contemporary Practices

Art and the Environment: Addressing Climate Change through Creativity

The Representation of LGBTQ+ Identities in Contemporary Art

The Influence of Asian Art on Contemporary Practices

Art and Colonialism: Reclaiming Narratives through Visuals

The Role of Installation Art in Contemporary Exhibitions

Art and Activism: The Legacy of the Guerrilla Girls

The Influence of Latin American Art on Global Contemporary Practices

Art and the Body: Exploring the Boundaries of Physicality

The Role of Social Media in the Promotion and Consumption of Contemporary Art

Art and Mental Health: Healing through Creativity

The Influence of Indigenous Art on Contemporary Practices

Art and Technology: The Emergence of Virtual and Augmented Realities

The Representation of Disability in Contemporary Art

Art and War: Documenting Conflict through Visuals

The Influence of Middle Eastern Art on Global Contemporary Practices

Art and Migration: Narratives of Identity and Belonging

The Role of Performance Art in Political Activism

Art and Globalization: The Impact of Cultural Exchange

The Influence of Southeast Asian Art on Global Contemporary Practices

Art and the Digital Age: Exploring New Avenues of Creation

The Representation of Indigenous Peoples in Contemporary Art

Art and Social Justice: Addressing Inequality through Creativity

The Influence of African-American Art on Global Contemporary Practices

Art and Urban Renewal: Transforming Cities through Creativity

The Role of Street Art in Political Resistance

Art and Globalization: The Commodification of Culture

The Influence of Australian Aboriginal Art on Global Contemporary Practices

Art and Environmental Activism: Awareness through Creativity

The Representation of Colonial Legacies in Contemporary Art

Art and Cultural Exchange: Celebrating Diversity through Creativity

The Influence of Asian-American Art on Global Contemporary Practices

Art and Public Spaces: The Impact of Site-Specific Installations

The Role of Contemporary Art in Preserving Indigenous Cultures

Art and Intersectionality: Exploring Multiple Identities through Creativity

The Influence of Latinx Art on Global Contemporary Practices

Art and Virtual Reality: Expanding the Boundaries of Perception

The Representation of Gender Fluidity in Contemporary Art

Art and Community Engagement: Creating Connections through Creativity

The Influence of Native American Art on Global Contemporary Practices

Art and Cultural Heritage: Preserving Traditions through Creativity

The Role of Contemporary Art in Confronting Colonial Histories

Art and Artificial Intelligence: The Fusion of Creativity and Technology

The Representation of Body Positivity in Contemporary Art

Art and Social Change: Inspiring Action through Creativity

The Influence of Caribbean Art on Global Contemporary Practices

Art and Sustainability: Promoting Environmental Consciousness through Creativity

The Role of Contemporary Art in Indigenous Rights Movements

Art and the Anthropocene: Addressing the Human Impact on the Environment

The Representation of Mental Health in Contemporary Art

Art and Community Development: Transforming Neighborhoods through Creativity

The Influence of Pacific Islander Art on Global Contemporary Practices

Art and Cultural Diplomacy: Fostering Understanding through Creativity

The Role of Contemporary Art in Redefining National Identity

Art and Technological Advancements: Innovations in Creative Practices

The Representation of Body Modification in Contemporary Art

Art and Social Entrepreneurship: Creating Change through Creative Ventures

The Influence of European Art on Global Contemporary Practices

Art and Aging: Exploring the Beauty and Wisdom of Seniors

The Role of Contemporary Art in Addressing Climate Crisis

Art and Transhumanism: Exploring the Boundaries of Human Enhancement

The Representation of Mental Illness in Contemporary Art

Art and Community Engagement: Empowering Marginalized Voices through Creativity

The Influence of East Asian Art on Global Contemporary Practices

Art and Posthumanism: Reimagining the Future through Creativity

The Role of Contemporary Art in Raising Awareness about Indigenous Rights

Art and Bioart: The Intersection of Biology and Creativity

The Representation of Body Dysmorphia in Contemporary Art

Art and Social Impact: Creating Change through Collaborative Projects

The Influence of South Asian Art on Global Contemporary Practices

Art and Cybernetics: Exploring the Relationship between Humans and Machines

The Role of Contemporary Art in Promoting Gender Equality

Art and Neurodiversity: Expressing Different Perspectives through Creativity

The Representation of Addiction in Contemporary Art

Art and Community Healing: Transforming Trauma through Creativity

The Influence of Indigenous Australian Art on Global Contemporary Practices

Art and Postcolonialism: Decolonizing Narratives through Creativity

The Role of Contemporary Art in Advocating for LGBTQ+ Rights

Art and Robotics: Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Creativity

The Representation of Body Image in Contemporary Art

Art and Mental Well-being: Promoting Self-care through Creativity

The Influence of African Diaspora Art on Global Contemporary Practices

These 129 contemporary art essay topic ideas and examples provide a diverse range of subjects to explore in your next essay. Whether you are interested in examining the social and political implications of art or exploring the aesthetics and techniques of a specific artist, there is something for everyone on this list. Remember to choose a topic that resonates with your own interests and passions, as this will make the writing process more enjoyable and engaging. Happy writing!

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essay art topics

art essay topics

204 Great Art Essay Topics To Research And Write About

Art is immeasurable. It is dependent on personal impressions of what an artist has done. This is why art is challenging to unravel and why it is essential to treat art topic ideas. There is credible data on different art subjects, ideas which matter when they’re hot topics in the world art space.

As students of a university or college in any country, if you’re required to create an engaging essay on any contemporary art or art subject ideas, you don’t need to have an emotionless approach. Approach every art with an open heart with the possibility of being overwhelmed emotionally. This is how you interpret art and create a personal fondness for it. Before you access essay topics about art, what is the art essay itself?

What Is Art Essay?

As a part of humanity, art has been created, enjoyed, and criticized for as long as humanity existed. Art is therefore considered an expression of life and emotions. It allows an artist to apply his skill and senses to create something new.

Art is a unique way to express emotions just as artists find music and writers find poetry and stories. Each artwork is used to mirror society or a feeling. It is used to define culture, association, cults, and anything the artist relates with.

Art creation and art essay writing is a way to engage in art appreciation or criticism, emphasizing the significance of each artwork as well as their long-term appreciation of aesthetics. Art is involved with life as much as any other thing, and it’s why it remains a significant part of the world.

What a Creative Art Essay Should Include

The ultimate art of writing an essay requires you to provide an argument relying on credible sources to support your notions. You must also explicitly present your case and answer art related research questions.

There must also be an expression showing the relevance of your investigation and how it will develop the space of renaissance art, culture and art, visual arts, and every other segment art encompasses. Hence, you must structure your essay or paper thus:

  • Introduction. This must include your thesis statement as this is where you give your opening arguments. Your introduction is critical to the study. You must grab the reader’s attention with your perspective on any art topic idea you have chosen. You must expand your outline here and state precisely what your work will be about.
  • Main Body. This is where you break your arguments into paragraphs (or chapters). It is the section where you explain the significant details of your essay with each paragraph bearing relevance to the main topic. Here, you’ll share your ideas, the ideas of those before you, and state your resolution as your standpoint as a researcher of art movements.
  • Conclusion. You must pay attention to your conclusion. It is where you input your judgment as well as the summary of your main body. You must also articulate what you’ve formulated during your research and writing.

Art Topic Ideas

Whether you want to base your research on Asian art, European art, American art, or art from any other continent, these are general and custom art topics for students for your use:

  • Evaluate the history and techniques employed in printmaking
  • What do you understand about the movement to return the cultural properties of African countries which started after World War II?
  • Examine the basic features of Indigenous Egyptian portraits
  • Examine the basic features of the indigenous representation of the Third Estate in France
  • What do you understand but the use of SpaceX colors, color blocks, lines, and textures in art?
  • How do you think artists evoke raw gestures and emotions in their artworks?
  • What do you understand about the philosophy of art and how has photography become a part of art?
  • Examine the use of jewelry in ancient Egypt and its significance in contemporary Egyptian cultures
  • What do you know about the Egyptian art canon?
  • Examine the lives of three impressionists that you know
  • In The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, evaluate the references to Renaissance art it embodies
  • Evaluate the cultural significance of American art in the 19th century
  • Do you think graffitis should be considered a form of art?
  • What are your thoughts about making museums free for all citizens to access?
  • How do cultural interactions make artists Successful in their professions?
  • Detail the life and times of Da Vinci
  • Drawing from three literature, appraise three works of Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Drawing from three artworks, how do painters Approach the apocalypse?
  • Examine the representation of the Catholic church in any artwork of your choice
  • What do you understand about surrealism?
  • Examine the symbol of stained glass in the artworks representing medieval France
  • What do you know about still life art; give examples and illustrations of why three
  • What does fantasy art mean to you?
  • Examine the peculiar features of the Cubism movement
  • Discuss the politics in cartoon works in France
  • Give an evaluation of the Venetian carnival masks
  • Discuss the use of art as a symbol of representation during the French Revolution
  • Discuss the use of art as a symbol during the American Revolution
  • How was art used during the Mannerism Period?
  • What do you understand about art during the Baroque Era?

Art Topics to Write About

You can also choose essay topics about art for your essay or paper research. Aside from the existing essay about arts, you can develop yours from:

  • Discuss the influence of pop art on American culture
  • Discuss the styles and features used in Japanese calligraphy
  • Examine specific differences in how henna patterns are structured in India, Africa, and the Middle East
  • Evaluate the fashion and textile cultures of Asian tribes
  • How does history Influence the pop art culture
  • Examine the role of art on American Historical culture
  • Evaluate the role of science on ancient Greek sculptures?
  • Examine the role of Ancient Greek sculptures in the making of Italian art
  • What are the connections between Greek architecture and Greek art?
  • What do you understand but the history of architecture in ancient Rome?
  • Examine three contemporary artists of your choice and discuss why you like their works
  • Describe the role of beauty in ancient art
  • Examine the influence of life and nature on art
  • What do you think about art therapy?
  • What do you think makes good art?
  • Discuss the history of animation and its relevance in today’s cinema Industry
  • What is the origin of Crop art?
  • Examine the history of graphic novels and their influences
  • Examine the art depicting World War II horrors
  • Elucidate how ancient civilizations and Ancient art has contributed to the development of modern art
  • What do you believe are the cultural influences of the Great China Wall?
  • Examine the architecture of ancient times
  • Examine the dimensions of pop art
  • Discuss the altarpieces of Renaissance art and their significance to the era
  • Investigate the anatomy of the human being in art as expressed by any artist of your choice
  • Examine the use of light in artworks
  • Give an in-depth discussion of the linear perspective in artworks
  • How do you understand rationalism in the art of the Renaissance Europe
  • Choose five works of any artists and discuss the humanism theme in them
  • What do you know about the secularism theme in art?

Interesting Art Topics

You can also choose to discuss any art history topics. There are a lot of fun concepts in the study of art, you can choose any of these topics for your research:

  • What are the most significant artworks of the 20th century and why do you think so?
  • Examine the relationship between vandalism and graffiti art
  • Would you say photography is also a part of art?
  • How does Paris contribute to the art movements in the 20th century?
  • Examine how painting can help ease mental illness
  • Examine the invention of printing presses as a shift in the industrial revolution in the mass media
  • Give examples to support the role of Hitler’s lifestyle in art
  • How is art used as propaganda?
  • Examine the use of art as propaganda in China and Russia
  • What do you think about Japanese art in concert with the culture
  • Why do critics believe the works of William Blake cleared the way for modem art
  • What do you think are the major influences of American art?
  • Who would you say are the major influences of European art?
  • Examine the trend of African American art
  • Examine the significance of cultural pieces from Africa in the development of European museums
  • Examine the role of art in Nazi Germany and post-Nazi Germany
  • Would you say social media is the best place to sell art?
  • What are the major features of modern art?
  • Why are modern art and contemporary art considered differently?
  • Would you say the world of Leonardo Da Vinci is only religious?
  • Do you think the world of Leonardo Da Vinci could be considered a rebellion against social orders
  • Examine the use of art by France’s Napoleon Bonaparte
  • What are the peculiar features of Asian art and Persian art
  • What is the similarity between African culture and art
  • Would you say visual art is a significant part of world art?

Art Research Paper Topics

If you need a topic about arts across world art or contemporary artists, you can consider any of the following creative topics:

  • Evaluate the influences of the industrial revolution in the development of art
  • What do you think about the criticisms of Denis Diderot on 18th-century French art?
  • Examine the Neoclassical sculpture as a mixture of new and ancient ideas
  • Who are the finest composers of the First Viennese School?
  • Examine the history of Eugene Delacroix artworks and their significance to world art
  • Examine the work of three artists in the 19th century including their aesthetics which made them stand out
  • How have Greek mythology and Roman mythology influenced their artworks?
  • Give a detailed analysis of Vincent Van Gogh’s The Starry Night
  • Give a detailed analysis of Giovanni Strazza’s Veiled Virgin and why it remains so special in the history of art
  • Examine the lightning in Monet’s Sunrise
  • What do you see in the painting, The Death of Socrates?
  • Examine the evolution of the methodology employed in impressionism paintings
  • Elucidate the depictions of the Victorian lifestyle in the artwork of any three artists
  • Examine the distinct features of French caricatures and Goya’s artworks
  • Examine how Renaissance art was used to develop the future of world art
  • Examine the work of Paul Gauguin’s art
  • What are the extraordinary moments of art Movements in the 20th century
  • What are the symbols in the artworks of Leonardo da Vinci
  • Why do you think Dan Brown is obsessed with Leonardo Da Vinci
  • What are the relationships between art and culture?
  • Examine surrealism in the sculpture of any three artists of your choice
  • Elucidate the adaptation of mannerism in Pablo Picasso artworks
  • What do you understand about realistic and artificial motifs in the work of Jasper Johns Flag?
  • Examine the most commonly used symbols in the paintings of Frida Kahlo
  • Examine the use of lightning in effective photography
  • How do framing and timing techniques help photographers who consider their work a part of world art?
  • Examine what makes an artwork truly abstract
  • Would you say the technology of photography changed the world of art?
  • Discuss any three popular photographs and analyze them as part of world art
  • What do you think about journalism and photography as part of art?

Art Argumentative Essay Topics

An argument art essay looks at arty issues from both ends. Consider any of these topics for a persuasive essay for your university essay:

  • Choose an American painting and examine the significance of Japanese art in its creation
  • Examine the influence of the Second Great Migration in the Harlem Renaissance art of the 1920s and 1930s
  • Would you say the Hudson River School of Art has had a significant impact on American art?
  • Should art be an academic subject?
  • Would you say art appreciation comes with heavy criticism and possibly destruction?
  • Is horror art also a form of art?
  • Is there a possibility of art appreciation without being a fan?
  • Is there any difference between art and design?
  • Would you say the contribution of Adolf Hitler to German art and world art is powerful?
  • Would you say the Chinese cultural revolution had more impact on art than the Russian cultural revolution?
  • What are your thoughts on the uniqueness of Russian artists?
  • Examine the styles Clement Greenberg and Harold Rosenberg employ in criticizing art
  • What do you think about the status of primitive art as art?
  • Modern art has no legitimacy as ancient art: discuss
  • Should the public have free access to museums to appreciate art?
  • Does mythology influence the work of ancient artists?
  • There is nothing like Muslim art: discuss
  • The Japanese art world has influenced different art cultures, especially America’s: discuss

Art Research Questions Examples

Before you conduct research, you must have research questions. These are the art research questions examples that could help you develop an oriented essay or paper:

  • What is the biographical information of this artist?
  • Which medium of expression did the artist use?
  • What are the physical features of the artist’s work?
  • What are the influences of specific elements on an artist’s work?
  • How does line, light, color, textures shape, etc Influence the artist’s work?
  • Why is culture important to the artist?
  • Which movement does art belong to?
  • Why are the art movements significant in history?
  • What inspired an artist’s work?
  • Who are the artists that have been influenced by an artist?
  • What is the significance of the movement to America?
  • How does this research change history?

Modern Art Essay

Modern art is contemporary art. These are modern art essay topics for your use:

  • Examine the composition and symbols of Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper”
  • What is the purpose of “Marriage Contract” painted by Giovanni
  • Examine the physical features of Christopher David’s “Heart of Gold”

Examine the symbols in:

  • Hieronymus Bosch’s “The Garden of Delights”
  • Mikhail Vrubel’s “The Demon Seated” and “The Demon Downcast”
  • Albrecht Durer’s “Meloncolia”
  • Gustav Klimt’s “The Kiss”
  • What are the features of realism in Eric Roux-Fontaine’s “La note Bleu”?
  • What do you understand but magical realism?
  • Examine how totems are part of Papua New Guinea’s art?
  • How do Indian, Middle Eastern, and African art converge?
  • What does music style take from pop art?
  • Would you say fashion and textile is a form of art?
  • Express your understanding of African fashion and style
  • How is the artwork used to make a statement?
  • Study the works of any three modern artists of your choice
  • Examine the connection between art and Philosophy
  • How is human sacrifice depicted in the art using any culture of your choice?
  • What are the components of modern Western art?
  • What are the components of modern American art?

Art History Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

The history of art can be explored through dynamic views. For art history, you can compare and contrast the following:

  • Examine the components of Mesopotamian and Egyptian pyramids
  • The biblical motives in the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci and Hieronymus Bosch’s “The Garden of Delights”
  • The beauty standards of Japanese women and Paris art during the medieval period
  • The symbols of Christian art and traditional art
  • American art and Russian art during the Cold War
  • The Middle age art and Renaissance art
  • The Greek canons and Egyptian canons as well as their compositions
  • The novelties in the paintings of Edouard Manet and Gustave Courbet
  • The differences in Baroque and Mannerism features of art
  • The ancient and contemporary art
  • The Ancient Egyptian art and contemporary Egyptian art
  • The Ancient Greek art and contemporary Italian art
  • The Ancient Greek architecture and contemporary Roman architecture
  • The Asian architecture and South Korean architecture
  • The South Korean architecture and North Korean architecture
  • Graffiti and art
  • Photojournalism and true artwork
  • Influence of Paris and Ancient Greek on art
  • Influence of Ancient art and ancient Philosophy
  • Importance of art and the psychological consequences on artists

Essay About Artist

Artists make art. It’s impossible to consider art without considering artists. Choose any of these artists and write on them:

  • Etienne Falconet of the 18th century
  • Hubert Robert of the 18th century
  • William Blake of the 18th century
  • Jacques-Louis David of the 18th century
  • Ludwig Francois Roubliliac of the 18th century
  • John James Audubon of the 18th century
  • Marie Tussaud of the 18th century
  • Auguste Rodin of the 19th century
  • Claude Monet of the 19th century
  • Paul Gauguin of the 19th century
  • Henri-Émile-Benoît Matisse of the 19th century
  • Paul Cezanne of the 19th century
  • Pablo Picasso of the 20th century
  • Louis Bourgeois of the 20th century
  • Alberto Giacometti of the 20th century
  • Emily Care of the 20th century
  • Salvador Dali of the 20th century
  • Georgia Braque of the 20th century
  • Andy Warhol of the 20th century

Need Help With Art Essay?

With these art topics ideas, you can create an impeccable essay or seminar paper. If you need help, you can reach out to online essay writers who offer essay writing services. Our essay writing services have editors and proofreaders with incredible writing pros. All these, combined with their research experts, enable our experts to produce unique essays at a cheap rate.

Within a short time, you can be top of your class or school with their work. However, if you want to write on your own, you can still impress your teachers and other students by structuring your essay as explained above and choosing any of these topics.

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Essay on Art

500 words essay on art.

Each morning we see the sunshine outside and relax while some draw it to feel relaxed. Thus, you see that art is everywhere and anywhere if we look closely. In other words, everything in life is artwork. The essay on art will help us go through the importance of art and its meaning for a better understanding.

essay on art

What is Art?

For as long as humanity has existed, art has been part of our lives. For many years, people have been creating and enjoying art.  It expresses emotions or expression of life. It is one such creation that enables interpretation of any kind.

It is a skill that applies to music, painting, poetry, dance and more. Moreover, nature is no less than art. For instance, if nature creates something unique, it is also art. Artists use their artwork for passing along their feelings.

Thus, art and artists bring value to society and have been doing so throughout history. Art gives us an innovative way to view the world or society around us. Most important thing is that it lets us interpret it on our own individual experiences and associations.

Art is similar to live which has many definitions and examples. What is constant is that art is not perfect or does not revolve around perfection. It is something that continues growing and developing to express emotions, thoughts and human capacities.

Importance of Art

Art comes in many different forms which include audios, visuals and more. Audios comprise songs, music, poems and more whereas visuals include painting, photography, movies and more.

You will notice that we consume a lot of audio art in the form of music, songs and more. It is because they help us to relax our mind. Moreover, it also has the ability to change our mood and brighten it up.

After that, it also motivates us and strengthens our emotions. Poetries are audio arts that help the author express their feelings in writings. We also have music that requires musical instruments to create a piece of art.

Other than that, visual arts help artists communicate with the viewer. It also allows the viewer to interpret the art in their own way. Thus, it invokes a variety of emotions among us. Thus, you see how essential art is for humankind.

Without art, the world would be a dull place. Take the recent pandemic, for example, it was not the sports or news which kept us entertained but the artists. Their work of arts in the form of shows, songs, music and more added meaning to our boring lives.

Therefore, art adds happiness and colours to our lives and save us from the boring monotony of daily life.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Art

All in all, art is universal and can be found everywhere. It is not only for people who exercise work art but for those who consume it. If there were no art, we wouldn’t have been able to see the beauty in things. In other words, art helps us feel relaxed and forget about our problems.

FAQ of Essay on Art

Question 1: How can art help us?

Answer 1: Art can help us in a lot of ways. It can stimulate the release of dopamine in your bodies. This will in turn lower the feelings of depression and increase the feeling of confidence. Moreover, it makes us feel better about ourselves.

Question 2: What is the importance of art?

Answer 2: Art is essential as it covers all the developmental domains in child development. Moreover, it helps in physical development and enhancing gross and motor skills. For example, playing with dough can fine-tune your muscle control in your fingers.

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80 Brilliant Art Research Paper Topics & Ideas

Art research paper topics

Art is a course of study that requires both interest and passion. While a lot of things might interest you in art, artists mostly focus on specific aspects. Therefore, when choosing art research topics for your next paper writing, it would be best to choose a topic you are interested in. This piece contains 80 random topics in art you can consider.

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Art topics to write about artist biographies, art argumentative essay topics ideas, interesting art topics on modern art, best architectural and fine art topics for research, compelling renaissance essay topics about art, theater art topics for research paper, final words about art topics, art history research paper topics.

Art is an age-long institution that has a lot of historical background. There are topics in the art that can serve as your art history paper topics. The following are the 10 best art history research paper topics to consider;

  • Comparing artistic freedom and censorship in Nazi Germany.
  • History of Art: From the canvas age to photography.
  • Research of medieval England Gothic art.
  • Abstract Expressionism history in Art.
  • History of Expressionism in Western Europe.
  • Historical research on neoclassical art.
  • Historical review of art propaganda in America and France.
  • Historical overview of sequential art of comics.
  • Historical and intellectual overview of art and culture.
  • The history of constructivism and the birth of the Avant-Garde.

Civilizations in ancient times were essentially artistic civilizations. You can write appealing research papers on art and ancient civilization. The following are good ancient civilization art topics for research papers;

  • The ancient Egyptian arts and symbolism.
  • Classical Greek art and ancient Greek sculptures.
  • Comparing art civilization in classical Greece and ancient Rome.
  • Mayan civilization and its impact on ancient art and culture.
  • Primeval musical instruments in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.
  • What are the connections between Mayan pyramids and Egyptian pyramids?
  • The influence of Incas in modern art.
  • Aztec art and the influence of religion and culture on it.
  • Writing as a form of art civilization.
  • The roles of Chinese philosophy and religion in Chinese ancient art.

Writing an art research paper on the biographies of different artists is a good consideration for an artist research project. There are countless artist biographies and art history essay topics to write on. Here are the 10 best art research paper topics on artists’ biographies;

  • Biography of William Blake: His art and poetry work.
  • The efforts of Francisco De Goya in using art to change the world.
  • The impacts and contributions of Madame Tussaud in the arts.
  • Biographies of William Turner featuring his Career and Life.
  • The impacts of Eugène Delacroix in the introduction of modern art.
  • Vincent Van Gogh and the misunderstanding that surrounds his career.
  • Gustav Klimt was the master of symbolism.
  • Biography of Pablo Picasso, the father of cubism.
  • Claude Monet: His impact on art and the vision of colors and light.
  • Louise Bourgeois’s revolutionary moves on installation art and abstract sculpture.

Art is such an intriguing concept that may result in a lot of questioning. You can write an argumentative essay or research paper on art to give answers to some of the questions. The following are art research paper topics for good argumentative artist research paper;

  • The Baroque movement’s color and sensuality are extreme in art.
  • The art of manliness in the baroque period.
  • Does impressionism change the basic ideas of art?
  • Evaluating the definition of nature through the eyes of Manet and Monet.
  • Argumentative Essay on romanticism in literature, music, and art.
  • Romanticism era in art and the concept of imagination, sublime, and emotion.
  • The best style of post-impressionism in art.
  • Arguing on the artist with the most contribution to the post-impressionism movement.
  • Pablo Picasso’s art is influenced by ancient African art.
  • Does surrealism have more good than bad in art and literature?

Modern Art is a style of art prominent in the digital age. Rather than write on conventional art, there are modern art topics to write about. The following are good art research paper examples to write on modern art;

  • The unique styles of modern art distinguish it from conventional art.
  • The elements of light and time in cubism and impressionism.
  • Digital art and its impact on modern art.
  • Is Graffiti art or vandalism?
  • The mystery of Banksy in urban street arts.
  • Evaluating Gustav Klimt’s electrifying art ‘The Kiss’.
  • Does modern European art have any influence on American artists?
  • Japanese art and its influence on Vincent Van Gogh’s arts.
  • The 21st-century printmaking and its impact on the digital world.
  • What are the contemporary themes driving the art and feminism movement?

Architectural designs can be traced to modern art. There are art topics that should be considered by students who study architecture. The following are art topics for students in the architecture course of study;

  • Modern architectural designs and the influence of Roman arts.
  • Key elements of the iconic styles of Gothic architecture.
  • Rococo architecture has characteristics of late Baroque architecture.
  • African architecture and its sustainability system.
  • Constructivism in modern art and architecture.
  • Comparison of the two modern arts; Art Deco and Art Nouveau.
  • The mystery behind the construction of ancient Egyptian pyramids.
  • Western architecture and the influence of eastern arts.
  • The union of architecture and art in contemporary design.
  • Western art and the influence of Islamic architecture.

Renaissance topics for art are a good consideration for an art research paper. This aspect of art evaluates the immorality of artistic designs. Here are the top 10 topics to consider;

  • Renaissance art: What are the roles of humanism and naturalism?
  • The influence of Leonard Da Vinci on Renaissance art.
  • Raphael’s paintings and the transcendent influence.
  • What is religious symbolism in renaissance art?
  • Michelangelo’s David is an icon of Italian renaissance art.
  • Michelangelo’s immortal masterpiece and the Sistine Chapel.
  • How the Harlem Renaissance drove social changes through art.
  • The unity of music and art in renaissance art.
  • Renaissance art and culture and the influence of science on them.
  • The mythology and the realism of Botticelli’s art, ‘The Birth Of Venus’.

Theater art is a special aspect of art. There are art history thesis ideas that prove theater art is contemporary art and not modern. Meanwhile, you can equally consider writing on the following theater art essay topics;

  • The Greek theater and its history.
  • Does ancient Greek theater have any influence on modern theater?
  • Theater and its cultural evolution.
  • Evaluating the contributions of William Shakespeare in drama and theater Art.
  • The difference between modern theater and Elizabethan.
  • What role does music play in the theater?
  • What are expression and improvisation in the theater?
  • The history of Broadway.
  • Theatre of the absurd and Samuel Beckett.
  • Theater’s effectiveness in causing social and cultural changes.

Art is a broad course of study with different aspects. Writing an art research paper requires that you consider your area of interest before choosing your art research paper topic. Above are the top 80 Art research paper topics and ideas to write about.

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How to Write an Essay on Art: Topic Ideas and Best Art Centers In Africa

essay art topics

As we’ve stated before, we will provide you with all the information you might need to master crafting a good art essay, but before we can dive into what are the most interesting art topics you can use for your paper, it’s important to review the basics.

This is why we’ll cover the definition of what an art essay is, how to write it, and some examples you can use as reference.

What Is Art Essay 

Art essays are essays that essentially analyze bodies of artwork, be it a painting, a musical piece, a book, Japanese calligraphy, or even a work of architecture. It’s an essay about art, and what makes the whole of this work of art. Interpretation, keen observation, and research are all needed to produce a decent essay about art.

Analysis can range from the visuals to the aesthetics, to the time period it was created in. But how do all of these elements work? That’s what the analysis will convey in words. Later on in this guide, we’re going to go through all the potential topics which could arise. 

How To Write An Art Essay?

Most essays fall into a certain category and have a standard outline of how they’re written, this includes art essays. When it comes to writing an art essay, it’s important to remember that no matter what the topic is, the outline of how the essay will be written normally stays the same. 

No need to worry. In the following paragraphs, we will be showing you art essay introduction examples, examples in general, and many valuable tips. Use this information to craft an excellent essay on art, whether it’s a short essay on art or a long one. 

Let’s start with the outline, then we’ll be moving on to the different types of art essays, and we’ll be looking over tips on how to improve your writing.

Art Essay Outline

The standard outline for this type of essay is: 

  • Introduction: Strong art essay examples have an introduction that clearly conveys the position of the writer. It should have a hook that grabs the reader’s attention, declare what the essay will convey as a whole, and have a thesis statement in the last sentence of the introduction. Some students place the thesis statement in the first line of the main body, which is appropriate as well. 
  • Main Body: The paragraphs in the main body should support and convey what has already been stated in the introduction. The points should be analyzed extensively in the paragraphs, and they should be organized in a coherent fashion. Don’t go off-topic.
  • Conclusion: This part should repeat the claim in the thesis statement and back it up with some final supporting arguments. It should be concise and short, and it shouldn’t present any new ideas. It should help the reader rethink and review what he just read. It is the final front to convince the reader why your point should be taken seriously.

This is simple and common enough to follow, and if you’ve written an essay before, this outline should be familiar to you already.

Essay On Art Types

Art essays analyze works of art, but the way in which the topics will be handled have certain differences. It’s not really dependent on the topic of your essay. It can be primitive art, horror art, political cartoon, European art, Asian art, Mayan art, Middle-Age art, a dive into the renaissance era or the lives of influential artists, comparison of various art movements; you name it. But it’s more about how you talk about it than what you’re talking about. Here are the most common types: 

Argumentative: Proving a point by backing up with credible arguments. Example: “Are video games a modern form of art?”.

Cause and Effect: An essay that highlights a cause and then extensively analyzes and highlights its effects. Example: “What sparked the era of the Renaissance in the art world?”.

Compare and Contrast: This one is pretty self-explanatory. An essay on art which is a compare and contrast type, will draw comparisons on two elements. Example: “Compare contemporary architecture to ancient architecture”. 

Example Of Art Critique Essay

Here is an example from specialists.

essay art topics

Tips On How To Write Art Essay

You don’t necessarily have to be a college student with a design major or go to art school to be able to write about world art. Lacking an art education is in no way a disqualifying factor from talking about, say, art's influence on academic writing, ancient Egyptian art, Muslim art, or even Chinese circus art. An essay about art does not simply describe the artwork in question. It needs to analyze in-depth and satisfy the requirements of the writing task. It’s also important to be sure that the sources you’re using are credible. Don’t forget to reference and cite them throughout your essay when it’s needed. 

Lastly, when stuck on a topic, it helps to ask questions to yourself. Consider the following: 

  • In your perspective, what did the creator want to convey through his work?
  • What impression does it leave on you personally? 
  • Does the creator use certain symbols and images that provoke certain emotions or is the artwork vague? 
  • What is the mood of the piece? 
  • When was it created, and what possible external factors might have influenced its creation? 

Asking yourself relevant questions like the ones above will definitely provide a sense of clarity.

Art Essay Example

Here is a template for you on "Art Analysis of Mona Lisa":

Quotes On Art To Write Essay

essay art topics

What is a good quote about art? Well, there are actually many of them lingering on the internet from artists and prodigies from the past and the present. They touch on virtually every art style and can help you define art topics better if you build them around those. For those who feel uninspired, perhaps refreshing your perspective by reading these quotes will spark the fire once more. 

On that note, if you’re a fan of the arts and want to have more time indulging yourself in that world, then you might want help with your homework.

Here are some quotes that will make you think twice: 

  • “Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does, the better” (André Gide)
  • “Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time” (Thomas Merton) 
  • “Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable” (Banksy)

Art Essay Topics To Write On

If you are looking for options and ideas on what you should write about in your essay, then keep reading because we’re going to be looking at the plethora of topics you can choose from in the following paragraphs. We’re giving you plenty of options. This will help you find a topic that is ideal and won’t be too boring or uninteresting to work with.

Topics On Different Epochs

The epochs, or "Epoque" in french, speak of the different eras of art’s timeline. From the Renaissance up till now, there are numerous epochs with different trends. That’s why you won’t run out of topic ideas if you choose to write about one of the epochs. Here are some easy-to-get-into topics on the different art epochs for your essay: 

  • Compare Baroque to Renaissance
  • The Beauty of Rococo
  • The Emergence of Art Nouveau 
  • Compare Contemporary Art to Abstract Expressionism 
  • The Lasting Influence of Futurism 
  • The Era of Symbolism 

And if you want to look at more options simply type in "art timeline" on your search engine, since there are many remaining epochs that are intriguing and worthwhile.

Art: Compare And Contrast Topics

essay art topics

Compare and contrast essays are pretty straightforward, but perhaps you’re still conflicted as to what topic you should be using. Here are some solid topic ideas for compare and contrast essays: 

  • Compare Realism and Naturalism 
  • Compare Gothic and Romanesque 
  • What are the differences and similarities between the Dada movement and the postmodern movement? 
  • Compare Art Deco and Art Nouveau 
  • Compare Pop art and Pop Surrealism
  • Compare Roman Mythology and Greek Mythology 
  • Compare the artwork of Ancient India and China
  • What are the differences between the Renaissance and the Neoclassicism works of art?
  • Romanticism vs. Impressionism 
  • Cubism vs. Dadaism 
  • Surrealism vs. Abstract Expressionism 
  • Minimalism vs. Contemporary Art 

The goal of the essay is to find the differences in both elements, but it is also important to include the similarities between the two since this adds more depth to your analysis than only including the differences. 

Art Therapy Topics Ideas

Art therapy is the merging of the fields of psychotherapy and art and is used to help individuals improve their cognitive brain functions. It is also used to help self-awareness and self-esteem and to decrease stress levels. Art therapy is quite an interesting topic to write about, but if you’re feeling stuck, then here are some fresh ideas on what you can write about: 

  • The Art Therapy Industry
  • Art Therapy for Trauma Survivors
  • Art Therapy for Children and Families
  • The Positive Impact of Art Therapy
  • The Benefits of Art Therapy For Your Psyche
  • Art Therapy and The Elderly
  • Art Therapy to Reduce Stress Levels And Find Inner Peace
  • Techniques Used in Art Therapy 

Consider the options stated above and choose one for your essay topics about art. This particular field should be quite interesting for students who are intrigued by human psychology and the art world and might prove fulfilling to research.

Art History Topics

Art history is the study of visual culture, from paintings to sculptures, and architecture. Additionally, art history provides us with the complex story of human history and civilization through the study of these artworks and designs. Art history covers everything, starting from prehistoric art all the way to contemporary.

If you’re going to write an art essay, chances are that you’re already enrolled in an art history class. Here are some interesting art history topics to consider: 

  • The Secrets of The Mona Lisa 
  • Leonardo Da Vinci’s Works
  • Occult Art In Ancient Religion
  • Hermetic Art 
  • Medieval Art 
  • Megalithic Sites 
  • The Ancient Pyramids of Egypt 
  • Easter Island’s Heads
  • The Techniques Used in Renaissance Art 
  • The Emergence of Realism 
  • Christian Art 

Choose one of the topics above if you’ve found an ideal subject to cover and if you haven’t you can still use one of our ideas to make a practice essay. Practicing your writing before handing in the essay will surely help your grades. Look at our art essay example for more clarity.

Argumentative Essay Topics On Art

If you want to prove an argument and your point through sharp analysis and by showing credible proof of your claims, then write an argumentative essay on art. There is a lot to be said and covered but for those who have no ideas on what topic they should write about in their argumentative essay, then let’s look at some:

  • Money Laundering Through Art
  • Why Contemporary Art Feels Soulless compared to earlier epochs
  • Is the art world too rigid?
  • Do art schools kill individuality? 
  • The importance of the existence of art 
  • How art reflects society’s current conditions 

Choose what to do with our art argumentative topics, and keep on reading since we will present an example of an art analysis essay at the end of this guide. 

Cause And Effect Topics: Art

Cause and effect essays are exactly what they sound like. It’s an art essay about an event. Students will write extensively about the cause of the event, and its long-term and short-term effects. There are many major happenings in art history that can be referenced for a cause-and-effect essay. However, for those who are struggling to come up with ideas, let’s take a look at some of ours: 

  • Why were the world fairs destroyed right after being built? 
  • What sparked the Renaissance movement? 
  • What sparked the period of Romanticism?
  • How did WWI affect artists and their artwork?
  • How did WWII affect artists and their artwork? 
  • How has religious doctrine affected the artwork of its culture? 
  • How has art evolved in modern times? 
  • Why is there such a stark difference between ancient architecture to modern architecture? 
  • What caused the emergence of pop art? 

Artists’ Bio Topics

Writing about artists’ bios is essential to having a complete understanding of the artwork and the artist. Their motives and life story will always have a great impact on their work, therefore it can be interesting to write an essay about their lives. Here are some ideas:

  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardic
  • Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino
  • Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni
  • Francois Boucher
  • Jean-Antoine Watteau
  • Jean-Honoré Fragonard
  • Kazimir Malevich 
  • Pablo Picasso 
  • Piet Mondrian 
  • Frida Kahlo 
  • Jackson Pollock 
  • Georgia O'Keeffe
  • Salvador Dali 
  • Jorge Luis Borges
  • Isabel Allende
  • Nobel Laureate Gabriel García Márquez
  • Cindy Sherman 
  • Liu Xiaodong 
  • Cecily Brown 
  • Miquel Barcelo 
  • Takashi Murakami 
  • Günther Förg
  • Luo Zhongli 
  • Pierre Albert-Birot 
  • Guillaume Apollinaire 
  • Louis Aragon 
  • Alice Bailly 
  • Johannes Baader 
  • Johannes Theodor Baargeld
  • Claude Monet
  • Berthe Morisot
  • Camille Pissarro
  • Alfred Sisley
  • Auguste Renoir
  • Mary Cassatt and Edgar Degas

Explore Diverse and Rich East African Art

The diversity of East African art history is mirrored in the people and cultures that make up the continent. Examining the richness and vibrancy of East African culture art will provide you with countless ideas for your next art essay. African art contains an incredible range of items, mediums, and subjects, from the complex cave art of South Africa's Cederberg Mountains to the abstract masks of several ethnic groups. 

For Western observers, one startling feature of African art may be how unlike it is to historical paintings created in the European Renaissance style, which strongly focuses on vanishing-point vision and a certain kind of naturalistic portrayal.

In the same way, traditional African art center East should be studied independently for the themes and motifs that run across much of it, such as creating objects and costumes for ceremonial and religious use.

To give you some ideas, you can consider the following topic ideas on East African arts and crafts from our essay writer :

  • The Development and History of Traditional Crafts in East Africa Over Time
  • Natural Materials Used in East African Arts and Crafts
  • The Contribution of Art and Craft to East African Cultural Traditions
  • The Impact of East African Art and Craft on Modern Fashion and Interior Design
  • The Effect of Tourism on the Arts and Crafts Sector in East Africa

And if you'd rather have a PRO craft you an uncontested paper, then ask us - ' write my essay for me ,' and we'll take care of it right away.

4 Best East African Art Gallery Centers

You could now be driven to research the history of East African art making and base your essay on this fascinating culture. However, we have yet to supply you with additional information that you will find beneficial in furthering your understanding of African art and craft. Let's now explore a few of the most noteworthy East African art centers, such as museums and galleries, that have a major role in advancing this field in the region.

Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa, Cape Town, South Africa

In 2017, Cape Town welcomed the opening of the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa (Zeitz MOCAA). It is the largest museum in the world devoted to modern African art and its diaspora, created by the highly regarded London-based Heatherwick Studio.

What's important is that Zeitz MOCAA supports and advances the careers of African artists by giving them a venue to display their work and interact with viewers. The museum also sponsors initiatives that allow artists to expand their networks and gain new skills.

The museum has also significantly boosted the local economy by luring visitors and generating employment in the cultural sector. The Zeitz MOCAA Foundation also supports cultural organizations and initiatives across Africa, which furthers the growth not only of South African art but the overall continent's cultural sector.

Circle Art Gallery, Nairobi, Kenya

Established in 2012 in Nairobi, Kenya, Circle promotes modern East African art. They want to develop a robust and long-lasting art market for East African artists by assisting and promoting the most cutting-edge and fascinating artists working in the area. 

This East African art gallery has enhanced exposure for renowned and young artists, both abroad and domestically, through group and solo exhibits as well as involvement with international art events. 

They are creating a solid and persistent market for East African artists by collaborating closely with local, nationwide, and foreign investors and curators. They are constantly modifying their programming and improving existing web platforms to keep showcasing insightful and tough contemporary art from East Africa.

Zoma Museum, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The Zoma Museum, a distinctive establishment honoring famous East African art, architecture, and culture, is situated in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Utilizing green building methods and materials, the museum's design itself places a strong emphasis on sustainability. The structure has solar power and rainwater collection elements that decrease energy use and carbon impact. The museum is an example of environmentally friendly building techniques and encourages environmental awareness.

This African art center East also strives to promote and conserve Ethiopia's rich cultural legacy while giving up-and-coming artists a place to display their creations. Additionally, the Zoma Museum Foundation contributes to local development initiatives, providing clean water and healthcare services.

The museum is a gathering place for intellectuals, artists, and fans of the arts, allowing them to interact and share knowledge. The museum's activities and displays foster intercultural awareness and understanding while highlighting Ethiopia's rich creative legacy worldwide.

Murumbi African Heritage Collection, Nairobi, Kenya

African art pieces, antiquities, and publications that make up the Murumbi African Heritage Collection were put together by Joseph and Sheila Murumbi, two influential figures in Kenya's political and cultural history. 

The significance of this collection lies in the fact that it safeguards African cultural heritage. Many of the items in the collection are rare and priceless representations of significant times in history and cultural customs. In order to prevent their loss or destruction, the collection acts as a depository for these priceless items.

For academics, students, and the general public, the Murumbi Collection also offers priceless educational materials. The collection consists of books, images, and other items that shed light on Kenyan history and politics, as well as the art and culture of Africa as a whole.

If you've discovered a whole new passion for researching vibrant East African art making and wishing - 'I prefer to ask someone to write my essay on this amazing culture,' contact us for immediate assistance.

Art Analysis Essay Example

Here is an example of an art analysis essay from our professional writers. Check the one on "The Critique of Dali’s The Persistence of Memory":

Dali's use of color for everything else besides the three clocks and the ghostly figure is dark and heavy. On the other hand, the colors he uses for the central figures are very light. This naturally leads our eye to them, and it could be conveying that these figures are the dream-like elements that always appear in surrealist works of art.

Frequently asked questions

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125 of the best art research paper topics of 2023.

art research paper topics

When you need original art research paper topics that you know will impress your professor, you just need to visit this page. Our experienced academic writers are striving to update the list of topics as frequently as possible. This means that you should always be able to find a unique topic to write about in your next art research paper. And keep in mind that our list of topics is entirely free. You can use any topic you see here for free – and even reword it to suit your needs. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our experts if you need more ideas or a list of topics tailored to your specific needs.

Don’t Know Which Art Topics to Write About?

Don’t worry too much if you don’t know which art topics to write about. We have organized our list of topics into several categories so you should have no problem finding the perfect topic in just a couple of minutes. So, why would you want to waste your time searching for topics when we have so many ideas that you can use right now? Check out our list and pick the best one for your academic paper.

Easy Art Research Topics

The best way to save some time is to simply choose some easy art research topics. Check out our ideas and pick the one you like the most:

  • Ancient Roman art
  • Talk about carnival masks in Venice
  • Talk about human sacrifices in art
  • The history of art in Ancient Greece
  • Talk about Ancient Greece sculptures
  • Talk about early musical instruments
  • Primeval art forms
  • Mesoamerican pyramid art

Art History Research Paper Topics

Are you interested in writing about the history of art? There are plenty of things to talk about, that’s for sure. Check out these unique art history research paper topics:

  • The history of art in Eastern Europe
  • Russian art: the beginning
  • An in-depth look at Mayan art
  • The first works of art in the world
  • Discuss art in the Greek theater
  • The inception of Renaissance art
  • Compare and contrast Art Nouveau and Art Deco
  • The effects of art on the world

Difficult Art Research Paper Topics

If you want to impress your classmates and your professor, you should definitely choose one of our difficult art research paper topics:

  • The concept of fashion in ancient Asian tribes
  • Egyptian art inside the pyramids
  • Analyze stained glass in Western Europe
  • Art in ancient Babylon
  • Discuss movement and rhythm in art

Art Topics Ideas for College Students

College students should, of course, try to look for more complex topics to write their papers about. Here are some great art topics ideas for college students:

  • Who was Frida Kahlo?
  • Talk about the life and works of Francisco Goya
  • The importance of Georgia O’Keeffe’s art
  • Balance as a main principle of art
  • Discuss the history of printmaking
  • Talk about Medieval art

Most Interesting Art Topics to Write About

In this list, we will add our most recent and most interesting art topics to write about. Select the topic you like and start writing your paper right away:

  • The woman and child theme in African art
  • Spirituality and art
  • An in-depth analysis of Kuba art
  • How can we decode abstract art?

Art Debate Paper Topics

Did your teacher ask you to write an art debate paper? You will certainly find this list of art debate paper topics very useful in this case:

  • Leonardo Da Vinci and religious art
  • Renaissance art peculiarities
  • Differences between Persian and Asian art
  • What makes Claude Monet stand out?
  • Unity and variety in modern art

Controversial Art Topics

Don’t be afraid to write a research paper on a controversial topic. You can get some very nice bonus points. Check out these awesome controversial art topics:

  • Discuss Chris Ofili’s “The Holy Virgin Mary”
  • The controversial “Origin of the World” by Gustave Courbet
  • Talk about Marcel Duchamp as a controversial artist
  • What makes Yoko Ono a controversial artist?
  • The savage art of Gauguin

Modern Art Research Paper Topics

We know, discussing modern art in a research paper is not easy. However, the topic can make a huge difference. Here are some easy modern art research paper topics for you:

  • Artistic performances in modern art
  • The peculiarities of the Cubism movement
  • What is surrealism?
  • What is still life art?
  • What is Fantasy art?
  • Technology in modern art
  • Analyze a political cartoon
  • Discuss Cubism

Artist Biography Ideas

Writing an artist biography can get you a top grade very quickly. Researching a lesser known artist will also get you bonus points. Here are our best artist biography ideas:

  • Talk about the life and works of Frank Lloyd Wright
  • An in-depth look at the work of Andy Warhol
  • Talk about the life and works of Marcel Duchamp
  • Discuss the works of Jackson Pollock
  • The contribution of Salvador Dalí to art
  • Talk about the life and works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Talk about the life and works of Grandma Moses
  • Talk about the life and works of Henri-Émile-Benoît Matisse

Art Therapy Research Paper Topics

Why not write your next paper on the subject or art therapy? This will certainly get the attention of your professor. Here are some of our best art therapy research paper topics ever:

  • Benefits of art therapy for autistic children
  • Best techniques for art therapy
  • Art therapy in UK hospitals
  • Discuss the effects of this type of therapy
  • How does art therapy work?
  • Interesting activities that can be used as art therapy
  • Art therapy in modern United States hospitals
  • Latest advancements in art therapy
  • Effects of art therapy on abused children
  • How effective is art therapy?

African Art Ideas

We can guarantee that your professor will award you some bonus points if you manage to find a great topic. Here are the most interesting African art ideas possible:

  • Discuss art in the Yaka and Suku tribes
  • Discuss art in Burkina Faso
  • Couples in African art
  • Analyze the Nubian Pyramids at Meroe
  • The importance of art for ritual life in Africa
  • Analyze modern art in Zimbabwe
  • Art and socio-politics in Africa
  • Strangers in African art
  • Discuss Islamic arts in ancient Africa
  • Analyze art in Tanzania

Writing a paper about art epochs shouldn’t be too difficult. Also, you can find plenty of information about any epoch online. Here are some ideas for an essay about art epochs:

  • Talk about art in the Prehistoric epoch
  • Discuss ancient art
  • Art during the Hellenistic period
  • Talk about art in the Baroque epoch
  • Talk about prehistoric art in Europe
  • Art during the Mannerism period
  • Talk about art in the Renaissance epoch
  • Art during the Rococo epoch
  • Talk about art in the Neoclassicism epoch
  • Art during the Mesopotamian age
  • Talk about art in the Medieval epoch
  • Discuss art during the Byzantine period

Renaissance Art Research Paper Topics

Yes, Renaissance art is not an easy subject. However, if you are a college or university student, you should give our renaissance art research paper topics a try:

  • Talk about peculiar altarpieces in the Renaissance period
  • What are Fresco cycles?
  • Talk about the secularism theme
  • The anatomy of the human being in art
  • An in-depth analysis of the linear perspective
  • Discuss realism in the Renaissance period
  • Uses of light in art
  • Landscape in Renaissance-era art works
  • Discuss the humanism theme
  • And in-depth look at rationalism in the Renaissance era

Contemporary Art Research Paper Topics

We’ve discovered that professors really appreciate contemporary art (and papers written about it). So don’t hesitate to pick one of our exceptional contemporary art research paper topics:

  • Talk about pop art
  • Modern sculptures
  • Talk about an important work of modern art
  • Talk about architecture as a form of art
  • Discuss film as a form of art
  • Figurative art vs. geometric art
  • Discuss the concept of minimalist art

High School Art Research Paper Topics

Did you know that your teacher will be more likely to give you a top grade if you manage to find an interesting topic? Check out these awesome high school art research paper topics and pick the best one for you:

  • Discuss the Surrealist movement
  • What makes a work of art abstract?
  • Signs of globalization in art
  • Compare and contrast the Gothic and Neo-Gothic movements
  • What is Abstract Expressionism?
  • Talk about the Bauhaus movement
  • Compare Russian art and American art during the Cold War

Photography As Art Ideas

Yes, photography is art. Also, you will almost definitely be the only one writing about this subject in your class. Here are our best photography as art ideas:

  • Using lighting effectively for photography
  • Artistic expressions of renowned photographers
  • Discuss 3 of the most famous photographs
  • Capturing the vision of the artist on film
  • The effects of lenses on the image
  • How photography changed the face of art
  • Framing and timing techniques
  • Are photographs a form of art?
  • The many sues of lighting in a photography studio
  • Is war photography a form of art?
  • Expressing feelings with photos
  • The life and work of Alfred Stieglitz

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history research paper topics

Art Essay Examples

Cathy A.

Art Essay Examples to Get You Inspired - Top 10 Samples

Published on: May 4, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

art essay examples

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Are you struggling to come up with ideas for your art essay? Or are you looking for examples to help guide you in the right direction? 

Look no further, as we have got you covered!

In this blog, we provide a range of art writing examples that cover different art forms, time periods, and themes. Whether you're interested in the classics or contemporary art, we have something for everyone. These examples offer insight into how to structure your essay, analyze art pieces, and write compelling arguments.

So, let's explore our collection of art essay examples and take the first step toward becoming a better art writer!

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Good Art Essay Examples

In the following section, we will examine a selection of art essay examples that are inspiring for various academic levels.

College Art Essay Examples

Let’s take a look at college art essay examples below:  

The Intersection of Art and Politics: An Analysis of Picasso's Guernica

The Role of Nature in American Art: A Comparative Study

University Art Essay Examples

University-level art essay assignments often differ in length and complexity. Here are two examples:

Gender and Identity in Contemporary Art: A Comparative Study

Art and Activism: The Role of Street Art in Political Movements

A Level Art Essay Examples

Below are some art paper examples A level. Check out: 

The Use Of Color In Wassily Kandinsky's Composition Viii

The Influence of African Art on Pablo Picasso's Les Demoiselles D'avignon

A Level Fine Art Essay Examples

If you're a student of fine arts, these A-level fine arts examples can serve as inspiration for your own work.

The Use Of Texture In Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night

Exploring Identity Through Portraiture: A Comparative Study

Art Essay Examples IELTS 

The Impact of Art on Mental Health

The Effects of Technology on Art And Creativity

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AP Art Essay Examples

A Comparison of Neoclassical and Romantic Art

An Examination Of The Effects Of Globalization On Contemporary Art

Types of Art Essay with Examples

Art essays can be categorized into different types. Let's take a brief look at these types with examples:

Art Criticism Essay : A critical essay analyzing and evaluating an artwork, its elements, and its meaning.

The Persistence of Memory" by Salvador Dali: A Critical Analysis

Art History Essay: A comprehensive essay that examines the historical context, development, and significance of an artwork or art movement.

The Renaissance: A Rebirth of Artistic Expression

Exhibition Review: A review of an art exhibition that evaluates the quality and significance of the artwork on display.

A Review of the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Exhibition

Contemporary Art Essay: An essay that explores and analyzes contemporary art and its cultural and social context.

The Intersection of Technology and Art in Contemporary Society

Modern Art Essay: An essay that examines modern art and its significance in the development of modernism.

Cubism and its Influence on Modern Art [insert pdf]

Art Theory Essay: An essay that analyzes and critiques various theories and approaches to art.

Feminist Art Theory: A Critical Analysis of its Impact on Contemporary Art [insert pdf]

Additional Art Essay Example

Let’s take a brief look at some added art essay samples:

Artwork Essay Example

Artist Essay Example

Advanced Higher Art Essay Example

Common Art Essay Prompts

Here are some common art essay topics that you may encounter during your coursework:

  • Describe a piece of artwork that has inspired you.
  • A comparative analysis of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa and Michelangelo's David.
  • Analyze the cultural significance of a particular art movement.
  • Discuss the relationship between art and politics.
  • Compare and contrast two works of art from different time periods or cultures.
  • The representation of identity in art
  • The Evolution of Artists' Paintings:
  • From Traditional to Contemporary Art
  • The representation of identity in Frida Kahlo's self-portraits.
  • The significance of oil on canvas in the history of art.
  • The significance of the Mona Lisa in the Italian Renaissance

Art Essay Topics IELTS

Here are some art essay topics for IELTS students. Take a look: 

  • The value of art education.
  • The role of museums in preserving art and culture.
  • The impact of globalization on contemporary art.
  • The influence of technology on art and artists.
  • The significance of public art in urban environments.

Tips For Writing a Successful Art Essay

Here are some tips for writing a stand-out art essay:

  • Develop a clear thesis statement that guides your essay: Your thesis statement should clearly and concisely state the main argument of your essay.
  • Conduct thorough research and analysis of the artwork you are writing about : This includes examining the visual elements of the artwork, researching the artist, and considering the historical significance.
  • Use formal and precise language to discuss the artwork: Avoid using colloquial language and instead focus on using formal language to describe the artwork.
  • Include specific examples from the artwork to support your arguments: Use specific details from the artwork to back up your analysis.
  • Avoid personal bias and subjective language: Your essay should be objective and avoid using personal opinions or subjective language.
  • Consider the historical and cultural context of the artwork: Analyze the artwork in the context of the time period and cultural context in which they were created.
  • Edit and proofread your essay carefully before submitting it: Ensure your essay is well-organized, coherent, and free of grammatical errors and typos.
  • Use proper citation format when referencing sources: Follow the appropriate citation style guidelines and give credit to all sources used in your essay.
  • Be concise and focused in your writing: Stick to your main thesis statement and avoid going off-topic or including irrelevant information.
  • Read your essay aloud to ensure clarity and coherence: Reading your essay out loud can help you identify inconsistencies or any other mistakes.

The Bottom Line!

We hope that the art essay examples we've explored have provided you with inspiration for your own essay. Art offers endless possibilities for analysis, and your essay is a chance to showcase your unique opinions.

Use these examples as a guide to craft an essay that reflects your personality while demonstrating your knowledge of the subject.

Short on time? Let help you! All you have to do is to ask our experts, " write college essay for me " and they'll help you secure top grades in college.

Don't wait, reach out to our art essay writing service.

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Cathy A. (Literature)

For more than five years now, Cathy has been one of our most hardworking authors on the platform. With a Masters degree in mass communication, she knows the ins and outs of professional writing. Clients often leave her glowing reviews for being an amazing writer who takes her work very seriously.

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154 Art Essay Topics: Perfect Ideas For Your Writing

154 Art Essay Topics

How much do you know about unique art essay topics? Do you need some for your urgent assignment? This post has all you need to know about art.

Unlike other genres, art requires exceptional creativity and originality. Students will have to develop fresh ideas from pieces of art dating back to almost 100 years. While this is always an uphill task, some experts know your professor’s needs. As such, this article will seek to achieve the following:

Explain what art is Dive into the usefulness of art Provide insight into various fields of art List over 150 art topics

Therefore, you should be able to write an art essay painstakingly at the end of this in-depth article. The insights from our expert essay writers are enough to make you squash any technical art paper that may come your way. You will need an X-ray eye to benefit the most from this insightful post.

What Is Art Essay?

It refers to the creative expression of human skills and imagination through visually acceptable forms such as sculptures, paintings, music, or literature. Most works of art are produced to be appreciated because of their emotional power or beauty. That is why you will find people marveling at a piece of art in an art gallery.

The end goal of a piece of art is to enable viewers to analyze and discuss the various aesthetic ideas presented by the artist. The interplay between the elements and principles of art includes harmony, unity, balance, contrast, shape, color, and pattern.

Art majorly relies on the technical or imaginative skill of the artist, which draws inspiration from human agency or creation. People use diverse sets of values to identify a work of art visually. Sensorial pleasing works of art provide the viewers with a framework to discuss and analyze the aesthetic ideas in the piece of art.

Interesting Fields Of Art Every Student Should Know

Since art is an expression of one’s emotions, thoughts, or intuitions, artists can do it in various forms. These different forms are what constitute the various fields of art we are going to discuss below:

Visual art : This refers to all art products which are seen. They include sculptures, paintings, and film-making. Visual art comes in various forms, such as fine, commercial, and decorative arts – they will evoke emotions through an expression of imagination and skill. Music : It is a way of expressing and releasing emotions through vocal or instrumental sounds. These are combined to produce harmony and beauty of form. Music can also be in printed or written signs representing instrumental or vocal sounds. Design : It is a form of art that uses a system of highly developed procedures and methods to imbue performances, objects, and experiences with significance. Design is a specification or plan that an artist uses to develop an object or system. It also involves the arrangement of elements to accomplish a particular purpose. Literature : This comprises drama, poetry, and stories. It consists of a body of written works that include imaginative works. Various systems classify literature, including national origin, language, and genre – the 21 st century has witnessed a proliferation of literary works in various forms. Theatre : This is concerned with acting out stories in front of an audience. Theatre incorporates other art forms such as dance, music, speech, and gesture. In this branch of performing arts, actors may use the standard narrative dialogue style or monologues. Architecture : This ancient art form comprises planning, designing, and constructing structures. Most architectural forms of art, such as buildings, are cultural symbols and were a major tenet of renaissance art.

An argumentative essay about artist or art history will mostly revolve around the different fields mentioned above. Therefore, students will do well to understand the various art-related forms at length. As you do that, the following art topic ideas will be a major boost to your essay. However it’s okay if don’t want or cannot write it yourself. Our custom essay writing service is happy to help anytime with any task.

Engaging Essay Topics About Art

  • Why there is little art appreciation in most African countries
  • Discuss reasons why art movements are slowly fading away
  • Evaluate the aesthetic value of modern art over traditional art
  • Do artists get enough compensation for their skill and creativity?
  • Analyze the aesthetic elements of visual art using digital technology
  • Reasons why art is an emotional way of communicating messages
  • Do colors and color blocks affect the design of a work of art?
  • Discuss the philosophy of art in the 21 st century
  • Does photography overshadow painting as a field of arts?
  • Discuss the peculiarities of the jewelry of ancient Egypt
  • Analyze the most used metals and metals of the 18 th -century forms of art
  • Explain the rich art background of the Egyptian pyramids
  • The role of art in the heritage of a country

Fun Art Topics To Write About

  • Discuss how informative arts help in academic learning
  • Discuss how painters use different colors to communicate a message
  • Is there a relationship between the biography of a writer and their works of art?
  • Discuss the styles and materials used in painting
  • Evaluate the peculiarities of art in Papua New Guinea
  • The role of Leonardo da Vinci in the painting world
  • Analyze the structure of biblical symbols
  • The role of art in comics and satire
  • What are the dynamics of world art in the 21 st century?
  • Discuss the relationship between culture and art in developing nations
  • How political cartoons are shaping modern art
  • Discuss technologies used to give the art an aesthetic value today
  • Evaluate the role of art fairs in promoting the names of artists

Interesting Art Topics For University Students

  • How computer games are shaping today’s art
  • Does art play any role in shaping the morals of society?
  • Discuss the effect of negatively portraying females in art
  • Discuss the relationship between art and reality
  • Why are most graffiti artists linked with crime and violence?
  • Reasons why photojournalism should be censored
  • Discuss how art is shaping digital advertisements
  • Discuss the role of Paris as a center of art
  • Does art pay as a full-time career?
  • Evaluate the potential harm caused by the art to teenagers
  • Explain why a theatre is a significant form of art in contemporary art
  • Discuss how the government can support the art industry
  • Evaluate the global impact of art during the coronavirus lockdown

Custom Art Research Paper Topics

  • Is art education undervalued in the 21 st century?
  • The role of art in shaping mindsets and behavior
  • Should governments make art a compulsory subject in high school?
  • Analyze whether art is a talent or a learned skill
  • Explain how art contributes to vandalism on streets
  • The role of art during political campaigns
  • Explain how art can magnify societal issues
  • The difference between visual and performance arts
  • Explain the influence of European art on African culture
  • Discuss the evolution of graphic design as a form of art
  • The role of classroom learning in shaping art skills
  • How art depicts the various classes in the society
  • Does an artist need to research before developing a piece of art?

Latest Topic About Arts

  • Discuss the place of art in the Christian and Muslim cultures
  • The role of Japanese art in martial arts
  • How has art helped to preserve memories of iconic figures and events?
  • The role of art in combating the coronavirus disease
  • How does war shape art?
  • The influence of media on art culture globally
  • How does the restriction on the freedom of expression influence art?
  • The role of mythology in ancient Greece sculptures
  • Discuss the decline of art in Western Europe
  • Explain how music preserves the heritage of a country
  • Effects of government regulations on the spread and development of art
  • Discuss the role of westernization in the decline of art
  • Why sculptures are less relevant in today’s world

Art Topics Ideas From Experts

  • Why did Egyptians use the same art canon for 3000 years?
  • Evaluate the developments made in printmaking
  • How does art use philosophy in its making?
  • Explain how art signifies cultural activities in African countries
  • How are ancient musical instruments different from the ones we see today?
  • The role of the US in the development of modern art
  • Explain the use of art in reminiscing a country’s history
  • How does art depict heinous acts of man?
  • The role of art in curbing climate change
  • Discuss the role of the Egyptian pyramids in African art styles
  • Analyze the effects of Asian art on civilization
  • How does motive influence an artist’s piece of art?
  • Analyze the use of art in depicting public figures in the society

Top Art Argumentative Essay Topics

  • How celebrity culture is influencing music arts
  • The role of Pablo Picasso’s works in today’s photography
  • Discuss the uniqueness of Rococo interior design
  • How can a combination of music and dance influence sensory feelings?
  • Discuss the essence of art critiques
  • Evaluate the elements of Monalisa by Leonardo da Vinci
  • How is futurism shaping art in the 21 st century?
  • Unusual techniques that are shaping art today
  • How surrealism affects the reality of an artistic idea
  • Evaluate the most commonly used symbols in medieval art
  • Discuss the evolution of Pablo Picasso’s paintings
  • Discuss how art helps in therapy sessions
  • How does art take someone from the real world into a world of imagination?

Art Research Questions Examples

  • What is the relationship between art and mental health?
  • Why do most people prefer murals over photographs for wall hangings?
  • Effects of horror art on the mental well-being of kids
  • Explain the purpose of art in academic settings
  • Do women appreciate art more than men?
  • How does art reflect the world?
  • Explain the necessity of art in today’s culture
  • How is art shaping the clothing industry today?
  • The contribution of World War II to the arts
  • Explain the legitimacy of modern arts
  • What is unique about Russian and Japanese art?
  • Discuss the effects of primitivism on arts
  • Explain the role of the design process in developing art

Interesting Art Subject Ideas

  • Discuss the role of the American art in promoting democracy globally
  • How online sources are helping students develop art ideas
  • The effects of Western art on slavery and oppression
  • Do art-related courses guarantee well-paying jobs in the future?
  • The role of art in persuasion and affirmation
  • How art shapes social values and character development
  • Explain how animation is transforming the world of arts
  • Does one’s environment influence their level of expertise in arts?
  • Explain why rural areas are rich in art than urban areas
  • The role of museums in promoting art
  • Discuss the significance of musical instruments in art
  • What does society lose when it neglects art?
  • Should art classes be voluntary for junior schools?

Modern Art Essay Writing Prompts

  • Explain how metaphysical painting appeals to emotion
  • The role of expressionism in modern arts
  • Does neo-expressionism overshadow the real meaning of art?
  • How is pop art gaining momentum in the United States?
  • Discuss the place of social realism in modern art
  • How does minimalism affect art?
  • The impact of surrealism on art expression
  • Discuss the relationship between constructivism and design in art
  • Effects of cubism on the effectiveness of art
  • How neo-impressionism causes artists to think more
  • Evaluate the effects of supremacism on modern art
  • Discuss the role of racism on art in the US
  • Effects of Op art literary works

Art History Compare And Contrast Essay Topics

  • Discuss the relationship between modern art themes and traditional ones
  • Traditional artists versus modern artists
  • Compare and contrast photography and paintings
  • Greek versus Egyptian art culture
  • What are the differences and similarities in Picasso’s Blue and Rose periods?
  • Modern versus traditional Caribbean music
  • French versus English works of art
  • Rococo versus Baroque design styles
  • Differences between romanticism and fiction
  • Compare and contrast abstract expressionism versus cubism
  • Relationship between sculptures and paintings
  • Classical versus contemporary art
  • The relationship between visual and emotional components of art

Hot Art Topics For Students

  • Analyze iconic pros in American pop culture
  • Evaluate the role of materials and styles used in Japanese calligraphy
  • The role of henna as a form of art in Asian countries
  • Discuss the evolution of the Bollywood films in India
  • The significance of Hindu culture in promoting respect and hard work
  • Effects of using vulgar language in music
  • Explain the resilience of the Maori culture
  • Evaluate the essence of the Great Wall of China in art
  • How do ancient Rome and Greece contribute to today’s architecture?
  • The role of ancient art in depicting beauty in India
  • The process of decoding modern art

Helpful Essay Writing Assistance

These topics would be useful whether you have an argumentative essay about arts or an urgent research paper. We also have excellent editors who will proofread your essay and give you a spotless paper. Try our cheap essay writing service today for quality grades and positive teacher impressions. You can get your best result with minimum effort if you buy college essays online . Our experts are looking forward to helping you!

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essay art topics

180 Art Research Topics To Wake Your Inner Creator Up

180 Art Research Topics

We know, finding great art research topics can be a pretty difficult thing to do nowadays. Your classmates are all scouring the Internet in search of easy – but interesting – topics. The last thing you want is to pick a topic that has already been chosen. You want to be original. You want your professor to notice the effort you’ve put into finding the perfect topic. This is why you should take a look at our list of art research topics. All of them are original and interesting. And, best of all, the list is updated and new topics are added periodically.

Writing a Proper Art Research Paper

Writing a research paper on a topic in painting, sculpture, literature, architecture, cinema, music, or theater can be tricky if you don’t have much experience. To come to your aid, we have included a short list of tips that should help you write the best possible art research paper as quickly as possible:

Obviously, you need to find an engaging topic for your paper Spend some time on crafting the thesis statement (it’s very important) Only use information from authoritative sources that you can check Make sure all citations and references are properly formatted It pays to start your writing project with an outline Stay organized and follow the outline until you finish the paper Don’t forget to edit your work and then proofread it thoroughly Finally, don’t forget that you can get professional academic writing help, if necessary

In this blog post, we will help you with a list of 180 original art research topics for your next paper. The topics, organized in 20 categories, can be found below and are 100% free. Furthermore, if you have more important things to do, rather than going through that long and boring process, you can pay someone to write a paper and feel free to spend your time as you wish.

Brand New Art Topics for Research Papers

Below, you can find our brand new art topics for research papers. All of these topics have been recently added and we think that all of them should work great in 2023:

  • Compare 2 major themes of art
  • Discuss the adversity theme in art
  • Is digital 3D motion graphic design an art?
  • Discuss artistic styles in modern art
  • An in-depth look at digital art
  • Social media in 2023 art
  • Talk about the popularity of art fairs
  • Should you become an art historian?
  • Peculiarities of abstract art of the 21st century
  • Talk about Cubism influences in art
  • What is mixed media art?

Artist Research Paper Ideas

Would you like to talk about artists? No problem, we’ve got an entire list of artist research paper ideas for you right here. Choose the best one and start writing in minutes:

  • The life and work of Jean-Michel Basquiat
  • The importance of Peter Doig’s work
  • Modern paintings by Christopher Wool
  • Influences in Rudolf Stingel’s art
  • An in-depth look at Salvador Dali’s work
  • The neo-Pop movement (Yoshitomo Nara)
  • Richard Prince’s use of mass-media images in art
  • The instability of life in Zeng Fanzhi’s paintings
  • The life and work of Frida Kahlo
  • Andy Warhol’s rise in popularity
  • Discuss the themes in Vincent van Gogh’s work
  • The importance of Jackson Pollock for modern art

Art History Research Paper Topics

If you want to talk about art history, you will be thrilled to learn that we are offering a list of art history research paper topics for free. Check out the latest version of the topics list:

  • Imagery and symbolism in Carlo Crivelli’s work
  • Talk about evolution and devolution in Willem de Kooning’s work
  • An in-depth look at Chinese art
  • The 3 most important architecture themes
  • Talk about the portrayal of war in contemporary art
  • The most important literary works of the 20th century
  • European art during Medieval times
  • The importance of prehistoric art in Mesopotamia

Art Topics to Write About in High School

Are you looking for some art topics to write about in high school? Don’t worry about it; we’ve got your back. We have a whole list of topics dedicated to high school students right here:

  • Talk about the use of symbols in Egyptian art
  • Discuss Mayan architecture
  • An in-depth look at Chinese ancient paintings
  • Light in Claude Monet’s work
  • Talk about the peculiarities of Romanticism
  • Discuss the Surrealism movement
  • The importance of the Sistine Chapel paintings
  • A closer look at the Harlem Renaissance

Most Interesting Art Topics

We know you want to write a paper on something interesting. After all, you probably want to impress your professor, don’t you? Here are our most interesting art topics:

  • Discuss peculiarities of Iranian cinema movies
  • Talk about Hindi architecture
  • Best Chinese novels ever written
  • Artistic similarities between the US and Canada
  • Talk about a famous painter in the United Kingdom
  • The ascendance motif in Raphael’s work
  • Talk about feminism in contemporary art
  • Japanese motifs in Claude Monet’s paintings

Advanced Art Topics

We are most certain that your professor will appreciate the effort if you choose to write your paper on a more complex topic. Here are some advanced art topics you could try:

  • The emergence of urban street art
  • Cubism in Pablo Picasso paintings
  • The life and works of Louise Bourgeois
  • Talk about the influence of the paranormal on art
  • An in-depth look at Aztec religious art
  • Talk about a primeval music instrument of your choice
  • Talk about sculpture in Ancient Rome
  • Discuss the use of art for propaganda means

Fun Art Topic Ideas

Who said writing a research paper about art can’t be fun? It all depends on the topic you choose. To help you out, we have compiled a list of fun art topic ideas. Check it out below:

  • Depictions of extraterrestrials in art
  • Using art during the war
  • 3 most creative uses of paintings
  • Talk about the emergence of NFT art
  • Interesting traits of the Bauhaus movement
  • Sculptures that make you laugh
  • Interesting depictions of the human anatomy
  • The most famous graffiti in the United States

Art Topics Good for College Students

Of course we have many art topics that are good for college students. Our experts have recently finished updating the list of ideas, so go ahead and choose the one you like the most:

  • Analyze the Surrealism period
  • Postmodernism in 2023 art
  • The life and work of Auguste Renoir
  • Talk about French caricatures
  • The benefits of art therapy
  • Hitler and his contribution to arts
  • War dances in the Maori society

Controversial Art Topics to Write About

M any students find writing a research paper challenging. There are many controversial topics in art that you can talk about in a research paper. Take a look at some of the most controversial art topics to write about and take your pick:

  • Discuss The Last Judgement by Michelangelo
  • The controversies surrounding Marcel Duchamp
  • Graffiti: vandalism or art?
  • Why is art so controversial?
  • What makes a drawing a piece of art?
  • Architecture: art or utility? 

Easy Topics for Art Papers

If you want to spend as little time as possible writing the research paper, you need an easier topic. Fortunately for you, our experts have compiled a list of easy topics for art papers right here:

  • Types of Chinese jewelry
  • Analyze art in South Korea
  • The first recorded music instrument
  • Discuss a novel of your choice
  • Talk about Venetian carnival masks
  • The life and works of Giuseppe Verdi
  • Compare and contrast 3 war dances
  • American Indian art over the years
  • An in-depth look at totem masks
  • Art in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Talk about art in North Korea

Modern/Contemporary Art History Topics

Yes, we really do have a list of the best modern/contemporary art history topics. As usual, you can choose any of our topics and even reword it without giving us any credit. Take your pick:

  • Talk about 5 artistic styles in modern art
  • Talk about activism and art
  • Discuss the role of political cartoons
  • The role of digital art in 2023
  • Is printmaking really an art?
  • Discuss the theme of identity politics
  • Political critique through the use of art
  • Most interesting works of contemporary art

Ancient Art Topics

Do you want to talk about ancient art? It’s not a simple subject, but we’re certain you will manage just fine. Check out our latest list of ancient art topics and select the one you like the most:

  • Analyze the El Castillo Cave Paintings
  • Ancient art in India
  • An in-depth look at the Diepkloof Eggshell Engravings
  • Ancient art in Persia
  • Why is ancient art so important?
  • Ancient art in China
  • What makes ancient art unique?

Ideas for an Art Research Project

Did your teacher ask you to come up with an idea for an art research project? Don’t worry about it too much because we have plenty of ideas for an art research project right here:

  • Research 3 Kpop artists and their work
  • Uncover signs of prehistoric art in your area
  • Make a rain painting on your own
  • Design a Zen garden in your backyard
  • Make a 3D sculpture on your computer
  • Make a wall mural for your school
  • Experiment with pin art
  • Experiment with sand art

Fine Arts Research Paper Topics

If you would prefer to write about the fine arts, you have definitely arrived at the right place. We have a long list of interesting fine arts research paper topics below:

  • Is drawing a form of art?
  • An in-depth analysis of the Mona Lisa
  • The Girls with a Pearl Earring painting
  • An in-depth analysis of Venus of Willendorf
  • A closer look at the Terracotta Army
  • Discuss a piece of abstract architecture
  • A closer look at the Burj Khalifa architecture
  • Discuss Ode to a Nightingale by John Keats

Renaissance Art Topics

Did you know that our Renaissance art topics have been used by more than 500 students to date? This is a clear indication that our ideas are some of the best on the Web:

  • Talk about the Linear perspective in Renaissance art
  • Discuss the altarpieces found in Renaissance art
  • An in-depth look at anatomy in Renaissance art
  • Discuss the Fresco cycles
  • Talk about the peculiarities of the landscape
  • Influences of Realism in Renaissance art
  • Analyze the use of light in Renaissance art
  • Discuss the humanism theme
  • Talk about the individualism theme in Renaissance art

The Best Baroque Art Topics

We can assure you that you teacher will greatly appreciate it if you choose one of these Baroque topics. Remember, this is the place where you can find the best Baroque art topics:

  • Discuss the Grandeur theme in Baroque art
  • An in-depth look at the sensuous richness theme
  • Talk about the importance of religious paintings
  • Talk about the emotional exuberance theme
  • Allegories in Baroque art
  • The life and works of Annibale Carracci
  • The life and works of Nicolas Poussin

Art Debate Topics

Are you planning an art debate? If you are, you most definitely need some great art debate topics to choose from. Talk to your team and propose them any of these awesome ideas:

  • Do artists need talent to sculpt?
  • The best painter in the world today
  • Can graffiti be considered a form of art?
  • The best sculpture ever made
  • Can we consider dance a form of art?
  • The best painting ever made
  • Should we study arts in school?
  • The best literary work ever written
  • Why is Banksy’s work so controversial?
  • The best singer of all time
  • How can photographs be considered works of art?

Artist Biography Topics

Our experts have put together a list of the most intriguing artist biography topics for you. You should be able to find more than enough information about each artist on the Internet:

  • Talk about the life of Michael Jackson
  • Discuss the works of Leonardo da Vinci
  • Discuss the importance of Elvis Presley’s work
  • The life and works of Rembrandt
  • The importance of Ernest Hemingway’s masterpieces
  • The importance of Michelangelo’s paintings
  • Talk about the life of Vincent van Gogh
  • Auguste Rodin’s sculptures
  • The life and works of Donatello
  • The life and works of Leo Tolstoy
  • Discuss Jane Austen’s literary works

Art Therapy Topics

Choosing one of our captivating art therapy topics will definitely get your research paper noticed. This is a field that has been growing in popularity for years. Check out our latest ideas:

  • The importance of photography in art therapy
  • Reducing pain through art therapy
  • Art therapy for PTST patients
  • Art therapy against the stress of the modern world
  • Improving the quality of life through art therapy
  • Positive health effects of finger painting
  • The effects of art therapy on 3 mental health disorders
  • The effects of art therapy on autism
  • Art therapy and psychotherapy
  • The job of an art therapist
  • Benefits of art therapy for mental health

Art Epochs Paper Topics

If you want to write your paper on one of the many art epochs, you could give our art epochs paper topics a try. You should find plenty of great ideas in the list below:

  • The legacy of the Romanesque period
  • The importance of the Romanticism movement
  • Talk about the Mannerism movement
  • Discuss The New Objectivity movement
  • Pop-art in the 21st century
  • An in-depth look at abstract impressionism
  • The importance of the Gothic Era
  • Talk about the Classicist movement
  • Peculiarities of Cubism art
  • What is Futurism in art?
  • Discuss the great artists of the Baroque era
  • Interesting facts about the Rococo period
  • The Art Nouveau era

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Writing Essays in Art History

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Art History Analysis – Formal Analysis and Stylistic Analysis

Typically in an art history class the main essay students will need to write for a final paper or for an exam is a formal or stylistic analysis.

A formal analysis is just what it sounds like – you need to analyze the form of the artwork. This includes the individual design elements – composition, color, line, texture, scale, contrast, etc. Questions to consider in a formal analysis is how do all these elements come together to create this work of art? Think of formal analysis in relation to literature – authors give descriptions of characters or places through the written word. How does an artist convey this same information?

Organize your information and focus on each feature before moving onto the text – it is not ideal to discuss color and jump from line to then in the conclusion discuss color again. First summarize the overall appearance of the work of art – is this a painting? Does the artist use only dark colors? Why heavy brushstrokes? etc and then discuss details of the object – this specific animal is gray, the sky is missing a moon, etc. Again, it is best to be organized and focused in your writing – if you discuss the animals and then the individuals and go back to the animals you run the risk of making your writing unorganized and hard to read. It is also ideal to discuss the focal of the piece – what is in the center? What stands out the most in the piece or takes up most of the composition?

A stylistic approach can be described as an indicator of unique characteristics that analyzes and uses the formal elements (2-D: Line, color, value, shape and 3-D all of those and mass).The point of style is to see all the commonalities in a person’s works, such as the use of paint and brush strokes in Van Gogh’s work. Style can distinguish an artist’s work from others and within their own timeline, geographical regions, etc.

Methods & Theories To Consider:




Social Art History

Biographical Approach


Museum Studies

Visual Cultural Studies

Stylistic Analysis Example:

The following is a brief stylistic analysis of two Greek statues, an example of how style has changed because of the “essence of the age.” Over the years, sculptures of women started off as being plain and fully clothed with no distinct features, to the beautiful Venus/Aphrodite figures most people recognize today. In the mid-seventh century to the early fifth, life-sized standing marble statues of young women, often elaborately dress in gaily painted garments were created known as korai. The earliest korai is a Naxian women to Artemis. The statue wears a tight-fitted, belted peplos, giving the body a very plain look. The earliest korai wore the simpler Dorian peplos, which was a heavy woolen garment. From about 530, most wear a thinner, more elaborate, and brightly painted Ionic linen and himation. A largely contrasting Greek statue to the korai is the Venus de Milo. The Venus from head to toe is six feet seven inches tall. Her hips suggest that she has had several children. Though her body shows to be heavy, she still seems to almost be weightless. Viewing the Venus de Milo, she changes from side to side. From her right side she seems almost like a pillar and her leg bears most of the weight. She seems be firmly planted into the earth, and since she is looking at the left, her big features such as her waist define her. The Venus de Milo had a band around her right bicep. She had earrings that were brutally stolen, ripping her ears away. Venus was noted for loving necklaces, so it is very possibly she would have had one. It is also possible she had a tiara and bracelets. Venus was normally defined as “golden,” so her hair would have been painted. Two statues in the same region, have throughout history, changed in their style.

Compare and Contrast Essay

Most introductory art history classes will ask students to write a compare and contrast essay about two pieces – examples include comparing and contrasting a medieval to a renaissance painting. It is always best to start with smaller comparisons between the two works of art such as the medium of the piece. Then the comparison can include attention to detail so use of color, subject matter, or iconography. Do the same for contrasting the two pieces – start small. After the foundation is set move on to the analysis and what these comparisons or contrasting material mean – ‘what is the bigger picture here?’ Consider why one artist would wish to show the same subject matter in a different way, how, when, etc are all questions to ask in the compare and contrast essay. If during an exam it would be best to quickly outline the points to make before tackling writing the essay.

Compare and Contrast Example:

Stele of Hammurabi from Susa (modern Shush, Iran), ca. 1792 – 1750 BCE, Basalt, height of stele approx. 7’ height of relief 28’

Stele, relief sculpture, Art as propaganda – Hammurabi shows that his law code is approved by the gods, depiction of land in background, Hammurabi on the same place of importance as the god, etc.

Top of this stele shows the relief image of Hammurabi receiving the law code from Shamash, god of justice, Code of Babylonian social law, only two figures shown, different area and time period, etc.

Stele of Naram-sin , Sippar Found at Susa c. 2220 - 2184 bce. Limestone, height 6'6"

Stele, relief sculpture, Example of propaganda because the ruler (like the Stele of Hammurabi) shows his power through divine authority, Naramsin is the main character due to his large size, depiction of land in background, etc.

Akkadian art, made of limestone, the stele commemorates a victory of Naramsin, multiple figures are shown specifically soldiers, different area and time period, etc.


Regardless of what essay approach you take in class it is absolutely necessary to understand how to analyze the iconography of a work of art and to incorporate into your paper. Iconography is defined as subject matter, what the image means. For example, why do things such as a small dog in a painting in early Northern Renaissance paintings represent sexuality? Additionally, how can an individual perhaps identify these motifs that keep coming up?

The following is a list of symbols and their meaning in Marriage a la Mode by William Hogarth (1743) that is a series of six paintings that show the story of marriage in Hogarth’s eyes.

  • Man has pockets turned out symbolizing he has lost money and was recently in a fight by the state of his clothes.
  • Lap dog shows loyalty but sniffs at woman’s hat in the husband’s pocket showing sexual exploits.
  • Black dot on husband’s neck believed to be symbol of syphilis.
  • Mantel full of ugly Chinese porcelain statues symbolizing that the couple has no class.
  • Butler had to go pay bills, you can tell this by the distasteful look on his face and that his pockets are stuffed with bills and papers.
  • Card game just finished up, women has directions to game under foot, shows her easily cheating nature.
  • Paintings of saints line a wall of the background room, isolated from the living, shows the couple’s complete disregard to faith and religion.
  • The dangers of sexual excess are underscored in the Hograth by placing Cupid among ruins, foreshadowing the inevitable ruin of the marriage.
  • Eventually the series (other five paintings) shows that the woman has an affair, the men duel and die, the woman hangs herself and the father takes her ring off her finger symbolizing the one thing he could salvage from the marriage.
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Art Essay Writing Guide

Table of Contents

What is the purpose of an art essay?

Generally, an art essay is an essay that talks about art in sculpture, paintings, architecture, music and portraits.

These kinds of essays are used for:

  • Painting visual pictures: an art essay is an essay that showcases visual arts and creative ideas that people have come up with.
  • Improving creativity: the whole purpose of art essays is to provide a platform for students to tap into their creative side and vividly paint a picture of a certain image using words.

art essay writing

Art essay topic choice

Like every other essay, there are general tips that should be considered when coming up with an art essay writing topic.

  • The type of art: this may include a painting, a sculpture or just a simple hand diagram. The type of art is important as it sets out what you are supposed to write about.
  • What intrigues you about the art: this is the most important part of the essay. The whole art essay is based on what you want others to know about the piece of art.
  • Personal interests: what you, as a writer, love is very important as it narrows down the topic. It is easier to write on topics that are well-known to you.

There are a number of art essay writing topics to choose from.

Below is a list of topics for an art essay

  • Differences between Picasso’s concepts and Matisse’s
  • The history of art in the Netherlands
  • Differences between Bernini and Borromini
  • The inspiration behind famous painting
  • The Mona Lisa
  • Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Ancient Roman structures
  • The sculptures of nude women
  • Impressionism era of art in Netherlands
  • The graphics of modern day art
  • Insinuations behind ‘The Thinker’
  • The Pieta of Michelangelo
  • The contribution of Vincent Van Gogh and Piet Mondrian
  • Flemish Baroque in the 17th century.

The above are some of the good topics for an art essay.

Structure of an art essay

The art essay topics determine the kind of structure to build on. However, most have a standard art essay structure.

Sample of art essay outline


The Mona Lisa is one of the most known paintings in the world. This is the painting of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Francesco Del Giocondo, believed to have been painted in the 16th century. It is the work of Leonardo da Vinci and it was purchased by King Francis I. The Mona Lisa is currently under the ownership of the French government.

Thesis statement

The Mona Lisa has had a great impact towards the contribution of art in France:

(i)    It is one of the most famous paintings in the world. The Mona Lisa is the painting that everyone wants to see. It is so precious that only a copy of it is actually showcased in the museum.

(ii)    It has led to the growth of art. The Mona Lisa has inspired artists all over France. There has been a rise of many artists including Camille Pissarro, a painter, and Etienne-Jules Marey, a photographer.

It is clear that the Mona Lisa is the soft spot in France. The French take pride in it and have used it to improve their lives. Besides its contribution to art, it has also placed France among the leading countries that celebrate art. This has therefore created a culture of being drawn to art and it is reflected in their way of life.

The above is a sample of outline for an art essay.

art essay tips

Arts essay tips on writing the introduction

An art essay introduction identifies the art and the artist. Art is diverse, as it could be sculptures, architecture, performing arts or paintings in it. This is where you state why you chose that topic.  It also contains a history of the said art and brief details, like who the artist is, the year, the location, etc.

The introduction for an art essay states the thesis. It may be a general statement about the art or a specific aspect of it.

Tips on thesis writing

The thesis statement should be simple and easy to write about. Too complex statements tend to be confusing.

  • Pick a statement that is closer to your understanding.
  • Ensure it is as simple as possible.
  • To avoid irrelevancy, one can have an art essay draft that they can build on.

Tips on the body (transitions, paragraphs, and length)

This is the main part of the essay where you derive analysis based on your point of view.  Describe why the art is so appealing to you. Ensure that your defense covers an angle that has not already been covered for uniqueness. For example, one can focus only on the strokes of a portrait. However, ensure that what you describe is relevant to the thesis of your art essay topics.

The essay should not be too long. The sentence construction should also be well done. For this reason, it is advisable to have your points arranged into paragraphs. Ensure that each paragraph is independent and speaks volumes. This ensures that the art essay hooks the reader.

The transition from one paragraph to the next should also be smooth. Using cliché transitions makes the essay boring; therefore, you need to be creative.

Tips on conclusion writing

In an art essay conclusion, one needs to state their opinion. What you think the artists` feelings were and why they decided to paint it the way they did. At this point, you can state the events that contributed to the artist coming up with that art. The conclusion for an art essay requires a lot of research into the background of both the art and the artist(s). For this reason, the references and sources of the information should be cited.

Advice for writers

In art essay writing it is important to first do your research. Art is so diverse and this can be sometimes confusing. The topic to write on should be related to your interests, for example, as a musician, you would find it easier to write about performing arts and music. Besides this, do not plagiarize any work done. Cite and state all sources, making sure that you observe all rules of patent and copyrights.

For you to be a good writer, these art essay tips will be very helpful.  The best writer is the one who admits to being in a need of help. The art essay writing guide can also be used to find more about art essay writing steps. Different sources could give different art essay outlines so you need to be careful.

Finalizing the essay

After writing the art essay, it is important to have a clean essay. This calls for proofreading and editing. Proofreading ensures that you do not have any grammatical errors, the art essay outlining is as required, your sentence construction is good and the language used is the required one. Some sites offer art essay writing guide for use when one gets stuck.  Proofreading also ensures that the art essay structure is followed. After this is done, ensure that the format used is correct whether APA, MLA or Chicago.

essay art topics

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82 Pop Art Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best pop art topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on pop art, 📌 simple & easy pop art essay titles, ❓ essay questions about pop art.

  • American Pop Art Culture Review Pop art depicts the details of everyday life in which people derive most of their visual language in what they perceive to be the real world of entertainment, leisure, and media advertisements.
  • An Analysis of Pop Art: Origins, Styles and Legacies By the end of the discussion, the essay aims to comprehensively cover the subject of pop art, in such a way that readers are able to narrate the history and origins of the art form, […]
  • David Hockney: The Pop Artist and His Works The “Day Pool with 3 Blues” is a picture of extreme simplicity, and it is necessary to mention, that the advantage of this particular canvass is the feelings, that arise when the picture is viewed.
  • Pop Art and Photorealism Movements Still now pop art is used heavily in the sphere of advertising. Pop art’s imagery is one of the most used concepts in all these fields.
  • Andy Warhol’s Pop Art and Mass Production Why not decide that the world was as inanimate as the art-that the figure in the mirror was a corpse? Andy Warhol’s Pop art both celebrated and lamented the culture and situation of his time.
  • Andy Warhol: An American Pop-Artist In the process of describing the creative process of Andy Warhol it is evident how closely the word ‘Genius’ is intertwined with their creativity.
  • Contemporary Culture and Pop Art To understand the essence of pop Art better, the connection between the This is not a Pipe by Foucault and Plato and the Simulacrum by Deleuze and the works of pop art can be of […]
  • How Pop Art Reflects the Values and Culture of the U.S. S and with an emphasis on how it reflects the core values and the culture of the people in the U.S.
  • Western and Eastern Pop Art Differences For this reason, the modern age with its great dependence on money and consumer character of society gives rise to a question of whether there is a significant difference between western and eastern pop art […]
  • Andy Warhol’s Pop Art This art work represents the classics of the genre of pop art. Poetry as a part of art works would be likely to turn pop art into postmodernism and add depth to the subject matter […]
  • Andy Warhol: A Pop Art Icon In the year 1963, under the help of Gerard Malanga, an instructor and a mentor, Warhol initiated his own studio where he expounded the art of film making.
  • The 1960s’ Pop Art Culture and Women
  • The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Pop Arts
  • Art Imitating Life Imitating Art: Andy Warhol and Pop-Art
  • Andy Warhol and the Birth of Pop Art
  • Andy Warhol Biography: The Most Popular Character in the Pop Art Movement
  • Changes During the Pop Art Movement
  • Explore the History of Pop Art: 1950s to the 1970s
  • How Did Pop Art Challenge Beliefs in Consumerism
  • Marilyn Monroe vs. Crying Girl: Who Is the Face of Pop Art
  • Pop Art and Its Contemporary Social Values
  • Pricing Revolution: From Abstract Expressionism to Pop Art
  • Pop Art and Its Effect on Society
  • The Birth and History of Pop Art in England
  • Pop Art and Its Effects and Influences on Graphic Design
  • The Controversial Visual Style of Pop Art of Andy Warhol
  • Pop Art and Its Influence on American Culture
  • The Development and Characteristics of Pop Art
  • Pop Art and the Infamous Campbell’s Soup by Andy Warhol
  • The Hidden Emotional Content of Pop Art
  • Pop Art Was a Reflection of Consumer Society and Mass Media
  • The History and Characteristics of Pop Art
  • The Most Significant Artists of Pop Art in America
  • Understanding the Movement of Pop Art and Its Aim to Make a Statement
  • An Introduction to the Techniques and Characteristics of Pop Art
  • An Introduction to the History and the Origins of Pop Art
  • A History and the Influences of Pop-Art, a Modern Art Direction
  • Media Influence on Formal and Iconographic Features of American Pop Art
  • An Analysis of Pop Art and Surrealism in the Modern Age
  • Pop Art and the Elements of Popular Art
  • Pop Art Form a Critique of Post WWII Society and Culture
  • Difference Between Minimalism and Pop Art
  • Exploring the History of Pop Art: 1950s to the 1970s
  • Pop Art: The Negative Impact of Materialism and Consumerism
  • Investigation of the Relationship Between Pop Art and Postmodern Architecture
  • The Influence of Pop Art on Contemporary Art Practise
  • The Role of Andy Warhol in Shaping What Pop Art Truly
  • What Makes Pop Art So Appealing
  • What Pop Art Is and How It Is Used
  • Disparities of American Pop Art and Abstraction
  • The Relationship Between Art Nouveau Illustrations and Contemporary Entertainment Pop Art
  • What Is the Difference Between Pop Art and Traditional Art?
  • How Have Pop Artists Benefited the Most from Consumerism?
  • What Is the Main Idea of Pop Art?
  • Is Pop Art Abstract or Realistic?
  • What Is the Purpose Behind Most Works of Pop Art?
  • How Did Pop Art Movement Influence Interior Design?
  • What Are the Characteristics of Andy Warhol’s Controversial Pop Art Visual Style?
  • How Did Social, Political, and Cultural Factors Influence Pop Art?
  • Was Pop Art Simply a Reflection of Consumer Society and the Media or a Critique?
  • What Is Pop Art and Why Is It Relevant Today?
  • How Does Pop Art Influence Graphic Design?
  • What Are the Modern Social Values of Pop Art?
  • Which American Artist Was a Leading Figure in Pop Art Movement?
  • What Is the Most Memorable Thing About Pop Art?
  • How Are Pop Art, Impressionism, Post-impressionism, and Expressionism Related to Each Other?
  • What Made Pop Art Different Than Other Art Styles?
  • Is Pop Art a Hidden Critique of Consumerism?
  • What Emotional Tone Can Be Detected in Pop Art?
  • How Does Pop Art Differ from Other Art?
  • What Are the Differences Between Pop Art, Culture, and Craft?
  • Does the Hidden Emotional Content of Pop Art Exist?
  • Who Are the Most Significant Artists of Pop Art in America?
  • How Did Consumerism Affect Pop Art?
  • What Are the Unique Characteristics of Pop Art?
  • Was Andy Warhol the Founder and Main Figure of the Pop Art Movement?
  • What Are Some Examples of Pop Art Culture in America?
  • Was Pop Art Concerned With Society’s Shift Towards Consumerism?
  • Why Is Pop Art So Appealing to Modern Society?
  • Is Pop Art Concerned with the Societal Shift Towards Consumerism?
  • What Influence Does Pop Art Have on American Culture?
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2023, March 27). 82 Pop Art Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"82 Pop Art Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 27 Mar. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '82 Pop Art Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 27 March.

IvyPanda . 2023. "82 Pop Art Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 27, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "82 Pop Art Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 27, 2023.


IvyPanda . "82 Pop Art Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 27, 2023.

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The Art of Allusion: Adding Depth to Writing

This essay is about the literary device of allusion, which is a reference to a person, place, event, or another work that relies on the reader’s familiarity to convey a deeper meaning. It explores how allusions add layers of understanding to writing, using examples from Shakespeare’s “Macbeth,” where Lady Macbeth alludes to Neptune to express her overwhelming guilt. The essay discusses how allusions are also used in modern literature, like Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” to symbolize historical events. Allusions enrich writing by tapping into shared cultural knowledge, enabling authors to evoke emotions and provide commentary. However, using them effectively requires understanding the audience’s familiarity with the reference. Allusions are prevalent in everyday language, literature, music, film, and art, creating connections across time and providing writers with a tool to communicate complex themes succinctly.

How it works

Indirect reference serves as a literary mechanism that imbues written compositions with augmented strata of significance. It entails alluding to a personage, locale, episode, or another literary oeuvre without explicit explication, banking on the reader’s acquaintance to discern the inferred import. By summoning communal or literary cognizance, allusions furnish a succinct modality of conveying a profound comprehension or sentiment that enriches the prose sans necessitating protracted expositions.

Authors spanning diverse genres harness allusions to captivate readers, imbuing their narratives with subtlety and reverberance.

A quintessential illustration resides in the works of Shakespeare. In “Macbeth,” as Lady Macbeth exclaims, “Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?” she invokes Neptune, the Roman deity of the sea, accentuating the enormity of her remorse. The audience instantaneously apprehends the acute and inescapable contrition gnawing at Lady Macbeth’s conscience for her complicity in regicide.

Likewise, contemporary wordsmiths employ allusions to convey intricate notions. In George Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” the narrative mirrors the Russian Revolution, with characters embodying historical personages such as Joseph Stalin. Orwell refrains from delineating the historical parallels explicitly, entrusting the reader to discern the analog between the ascent of the porcine hierarchy and Stalin’s autocracy.

Allusions transcend the confines of literature. Vernacular discourse abounds with them, encompassing realms from athletics and melody to cinema and chronicles. Ponder an individual characterized as possessing the “Midas touch,” an overt allusion to King Midas in Greek folklore, whose capacity to transmute all he touched into gold metamorphosed into an emblem of opulence and surfeit. Or when an individual evokes a “David versus Goliath” scenario, they reference the biblical tale of David vanquishing a vastly superior adversary, furnishing a metaphor for any underdog surmounting odds.

In addition to enriching text with strata of import, allusions serve to forge a shared cultural acumen or accentuate communal values. They forge a nexus between authors and readers, as well as between disparate works of art, by tapping into a collective imagination. When the allusion resonates, the reader becomes enmeshed in a broader dialogue, interlinking literature across epochs and geographies.

However, the effective utilization of allusions mandates meticulous consideration of the audience’s background and familiarity. An esoteric reference may fail to elicit the intended impact if it eludes recognition, potentially leaving the reader befuddled. Ergo, writers should elect allusions germane to their audience, enabling them to fully apprehend the deeper import of the reference.

Furthermore, allusions are not merely ornamental; they can also serve as vehicles for critique or contention against extant norms. Authors may subvert established references to proffer novel perspectives or censure social constructs. For instance, Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale” alludes to biblical narratives like the chronicle of Rachel and Leah to lay bare how religious fanaticism could distort history and legitimize subjugation. Atwood employs allusion to comment on the nexus of religiosity and politics, prompting readers to engage critically with contemporary quandaries.

In contemporary culture, allusions thrive not only in literature but also in music, cinema, and art. Lyrics in hip-hop often reference fellow artists, historical epochs, or literature to furnish context or homage. In cinema, directors embed allusions to classic celluloid, literature, and historical episodes to infuse texture and engage cinephiles. Visual artisans, likewise, incorporate allusions into their oeuvres to imbue them with strata of import and convey commentary through imagery.

Ultimately, allusions facilitate the weaving of a broader tapestry, endowing writers with a sumptuous lexicon for probing themes, character motivations, and ethical quandaries. They furnish a means to infuse profundity with brevity, interlinking individual works with broader narratives and communal dialogues. By leaning on shared cognizance, allusions can elicit emotions, challenge presumptions, and beckon readers to plumb the depths of the reference’s import. It’s a literary craft that, when wielded discerningly, enriches both the prose and the reader’s immersion.


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Queer Cripping, Art, and Resistance

UAAC Panel Session | Session de panel

“Disability is properly speaking an aesthetic value, which is to say, it participates in a system of knowledge that provides materials for and increases critical consciousness about the way that some bodies make other bodies feel” (Tobin Siebers, Disability Aesthetics, 2010, 20).  

Queerness and disability have long intersected, from the medicalization of queerness, institutionalization, and the HIV/AIDS epidemic to contemporary address, such as the ongoing suppression of Trans* healthcare rights.  Queer/crip refusals of closure offer radical alternatives to assimilationist or reformist politics, reflected in alternative modes of making and exhibition. We invite artists, researchers, and curators to share works, from contemporary and historical perspectives, exploring art objects, practices, and/or institutions that produce, perform, and/or promote radical queer/crip art and methodologies. 

Topics can include: 

Queer(ing)/Crip(ping) spaces + times/futurities  

Art + curatorial transgressions, activism, barriers 

Orientations or affects 

De/colonizing the body 

Historical + contemporary queer/crip aesthetics 


Queer/Crip Ecologies 


Wreckage, refuse, debris, parts

Keywords: disability, queer, cripping, activism, aesthetics

Email Iraboty Kazi [ [email protected] ] and Ana Moyer [ [email protected] ] the submission form [ OR a proposal with:

Your Email 

Your Name | Nom 


Biography | Biographie - 150 words maximum | maximum 150 mots 

Title of your Proposal | Titre de votre communication 

Description - 250 words maximum | maximum 250 mots 

Keywords | Mots clés - Please include up to 5 keywords to accompany your description. | Veuillez inclure jusqu’à 5 mots clés pour accompagner votre  description. 

SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLES- Insta / twitter / facebook [optional]

Conference CFP and info:


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  27. The Art of Allusion: Adding Depth to Writing

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    We invite artists, researchers, and curators to share works, from contemporary and historical perspectives, exploring art objects, practices, and/or institutions that produce, perform, and/or promote radical queer/crip art and methodologies. Topics can include: Queer(ing)/Crip(ping) spaces + times/futurities