Hindi Ki Baat

diwali essay in sanskrit for class 9

दीवाली पर संस्कृत में निबंध। Essay on Diwali in Sanskrit

इस पोस्ट में आपको दीवाली पर्व पर संस्कृत में निबंध मिलेगा, जो कि हिन्दुओं और भारत का एक प्रमुख त्योहार है, और भारत साथ ही दुनिया के कई अन्य देशों में भी मनाई जाती है।

In this post you will get essay in Sanskrit on Diwali festival, which is a major festival of Hindus and India, and is celebrated in India as well as many other countries of the world.

इस पोस्ट में आपको दीवाली पर संस्कृत भाषा मे लंबे निबंध के साथ-साथ दीवाली में छोटे संस्कृत निबंध जैसे दीवाली पर संस्कृत में 10 वाक्य, दीवाली में संस्कृत में 20 वाक्य का निबंध और दीवाली में 5 लाइन संस्कृत भाषा में। ये संस्कृत भाषा में डीवी पर निबंध छोटी कक्षा के विद्यार्थियों के लिए तो उपयोगी साबित होंगे और उसके साथ संस्कृत भाषा में दीपावली पर निबंध अंग्रेजी माध्यम के बड़ी कक्षा के विद्यार्थियों के लिए भी उपयोगी होंगे।

In this post you will find long essay in Diwali on Sanskrit as well as short Sanskrit essay on Diwali like 10 sentences in Sanskrit on Diwali, 20 sentence essay in Sanskrit in Diwali and 5 line in Sanskrit language in Diwali. These essays on Diwali in Sanskrit language will prove useful for the students of small class and along with the essay on Diwali in Sanskrit language will be useful for higher class students of English medium as well.

Essay on Diwali in Sanskrit

Long essay on diwali in sanskrit language.

  • Diwali essay in Sanskrit 20 lines

दीपावली पर संस्कृत श्लोक

10 lines on diwali in sanskrit. संस्कृत में दीपावली पर 10 वाक्य, diwali essay in sanskrit 5 lines. संस्कृत में दीपावली पर 5 वाक्य.

अस्माकं भारतवर्षे प्रतिवर्ष बहूनि पर्वाणि मान्यन्ते । तेषु पर्वेषु दीपावालिः हिन्दुनां पवित्रं पर्वमस्ति । इदं कथ्यते यत् अस्मिन् एव दिने श्रीरामः रावणादि राक्षसान् निहत्य सीतया लक्ष्मणेन च सह चतुर्दशवर्षाणां वनवासं समाप्य अयोध्यां प्रत्यागच्छन् । तदा अयोध्यावासिनः प्रसन्नो भूत्वा स्वगृहेषु राजमार्गेषु च दीपकान् प्रज्वालयन् । जानश्रुत्यानुसारेण अस्मिन् एव दिने समुद्रमंथने लक्ष्मी प्रकटिता अभवत् । दीपावलिः प्रतिवर्षे कार्तिकमासस्य अमावस्यायां तिथौ मान्यते । जनाः स्वगृहाणि स्वच्छानि कुर्वन्ति । जनाः मालाभिः , विद्युत्दीपैः , मृतिकादीपैः च गृहाणि , मन्दिराणि राजमार्गणि , आपणानि च अलंकृतानि कुर्वन्ति । जनाः रात्रौ लक्ष्मी – गणेशस्य च पूजनं कुर्वन्ति । मिष्ठान्नानि च खादन्ति । बालकाः स्फोटकानि स्फोटयन्ति प्रसन्नाः च भवन्ति । दीपावलिः पावनतायाः , उल्लासस्य च प्रतीकमस्ति यथा दीपकः अंधकारं नाशयति तथैव वयमपि अज्ञानस्य , भेदभावस्य , घृणायाः च अन्धकारं नाश्याम । अयं अस्य पर्वस्य संदेशः अस्ति ।

अस्माकं भारतवर्ष प्रतिवर्ष बहूनि पाणिमान्यन्ते । तेष पर्वेष दीपावालि: हिन्दुनों पवित्रं पार्वमस्ति । इंद्र कथ्यते यत् अस्मिन् एव दिन श्रीराम रावणादि राक्षसान् निहत्य सीतया लमाणेन च सह चतुर्दशवर्षाणां वनवासं समाप्य अयोध्यां प्रत्यागच्छन् । तदा अयोध्यावासिनः प्रसन्नी भूत्वा स्वहिप राजमागेषु । च दीपकान् प्रज्वालयन् । जाना श्रुत्यानुसारेण अस्मिन् एव दिने समुद्रमंथने लक्ष्मी प्रकटिता अभवत् ।

भारतवर्षस्य एकः महान् उत्सवः अस्ति । दीपावलि इत्युक्ते दीपानाम् आवलिः । अयम् उत्सवः कार्तिकमासास्य अमावस्यायां भवति । कार्तिकमासस्य कृष्णपक्षस्य त्रयोदशीत: आरभ्य कार्तिकशुद्धद्वितीयापर्यन्तं 5 दिनानि यावत् आचर्यते एतत् पर्व । सायंकाले सर्वे जनाः दीपानां मालाः प्रज्वालयन्ति । दीपानां प्रकाशः अन्धकारम् अपनयति । एतत्पर्वावसरे गृहे , देवालये , आश्रमे , मठे , नदीतीरे , समुद्रतीरे एवं सर्वत्रापि दीपान् ज्वालयन्ति । प्रतिगृहं पुरत: आकाशदीप: प्रज्वाल्यते । दीपानां प्रकाशेन सह स्फोटकानाम् अपि प्रकाश: भवति । पुरुषाः स्त्रियः बालकाः बालिकाः च नूतनानि वस्त्राणि धारयन्ति आपणानां च शोभां द्रष्टुं गच्छन्ति । रात्रौ जनाः लक्ष्मी पूजयन्ति मिष्टान्नानि च भक्षयन्ति । सर्वे जनाः स्वगृहाणि स्वच्छानि कुर्वन्ति , सुधया लिम्पन्ति सुन्दरैः च चित्रैः भूषयन्ति । ते स्वमित्रेभ्यः बन्धुभ्यः च मिष्टान्नानि प्रेषयन्ति । बालकाः बालिकाः च क्रीडनकानां मिष्टान्नानां स्फोटकपदार्थानां च क्रयणं कुर्वन्ति । अस्मिन् दिवसे सर्वेषु विद्यालयेषु कार्यालयेषु च अवकाशः भवति भारतीयाः इमम् उत्सवम् प्रतिवर्षं सोल्लासं समायोजयन्ति । एवं सर्वरीत्या अपि एतत् पर्व दीपमयं भवति । अस्य पर्वण: दीपालिका , दीपोत्सव: , सुखरात्रि: , सुखसुप्तिका , यक्षरात्रि: , कौमुदीमहोत्सव: इत्यादीनि नामानि अपि सन्ति । अस्मिन्नवसरे न केवलं देवेभ्य: अपि तु मनुष्येभ्य: प्राणिभ्य: अपि दीपारतिं कुर्वन्ति ।

Diwali essay in Sanskrit 20 lines. संस्कृत में दीपावली पर 20 वाक्य

Diwali essay in Sanskrit 20 lines. संस्कृत में दीपावली पर 20 वाक्य

कविकुलगुरुणा कालिदासेन अभिज्ञानशाकुन्तले लिखितम् यत् ‘उत्सवप्रियाः खलु मनुष्याः’ । मानवाः नाम सामाजिक प्राणिनः । अतः ते उत्सवप्रियाः । मम प्रियः उत्सवः दीपावली दीपोत्सवः वा वर्तते । मह्यम् एतत् पर्व अतीव रोचते । एष: धार्मिकोत्सवः अस्ति । अस्मिन् उत्सवे बालाः युवका: च नवनवानि वस्त्राणि धारयन्ति । स्फोटकानां स्फोटनं च भवति । सर्वे हर्षपूर्णाः भवन्ति । दीपावलीदिने लक्ष्मीपूजनं भवति । व्यापारिणः नवानि व्यापारपुस्तकानि आरभन्ते । जनाः स्वमित्रैः स्वजनैः च सम्मिलन्ति अभिवादयन्ति च । सर्वे अस्मिन् पर्वणि प्रसन्नाः । दीपावलिः पावनताया , उल्लासस्य च प्रतीकमास्तिक्था दीपक: अंधकारं नाशयति तथैव बयमपि अज्ञानस्य , भेदभावस्य , घणायाः च अन्धकार नाश्याम । अयं अस्य पर्वस्य संदेशः अस्ति ।

हिरण्यवर्णां हरिणीं सुवर्णरजतस्रजाम् । चन्द्रां हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मीं जातवेदो म आवह ॥
सिद्धिबुद्धिप्रदे देवि भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदायिनि । मन्त्रपूते सदा देवि महालक्ष्मि नमोस्तु ते ॥

10 lines on Diwali in Sanskrit. संस्कृत में दीपावली पर 10 वाक्य

1. दीपावलि इत्युक्ते दीपानाम् आवलिः । 2. दीपावलिः भारतवर्षस्य एकः महान् उत्सवः अस्ति । 3. अयम् उत्सवः कार्तिकमासास्य अमावस्यायां भवति । 4. दीपावलि दीपानां उत्सवः अस्ति । 5. सायंकाले सर्वे जनाः दीपानां मालाः प्रज्वालयन्ति । 6. पुरुषाः , स्त्रियः , बालकाः , बालिकाः च नूतनानि वस्त्राणि धारयन्ति आपणानां च शोभां द्रष्टुं गच्छन्ति । 7. रात्रौ जनाः लक्ष्मी पूजयन्ति मिष्टान्नानि च भक्षयन्ति । 8. सर्वे जनाः स्वगृहाणि स्वच्छानि कुर्वन्ति , सुधया लिम्पन्ति सुन्दरैः च चित्रैः भूषयन्ति । 9. ते स्वमित्रेभ्यः बन्धुभ्यः च मिष्टान्नानि प्रेषयन्ति । 10. भारतीयाः इमम् उत्सवम् प्रतिवर्षं सोल्लासं समायोजयन्ति

diwali essay in sanskrit 5 lines. संस्कृत में दीपावली पर 5 वाक्य

1. दीपावलिः प्रतिवर्षे कार्तिकमासस्या अमावस्यायों तिथौ मान्यते । 2. जनाः स्वगृहाणि स्वच्छानि कुर्वन्ति । 3. जनाः मालाभिः , विद्युत्दीपः , मालिकादीगैर चा गृहाणि , मान्दिराणि राजमार्गणि , आपणानि वा अलंकृतानि कुर्वन्ति । 4. जनाः रात्री लक्ष्मी – गणेशस्य व पूजनं कुर्वन्ति । 5. मिष्ठान्नानि च खादन्ति बालकाः स्फोटकानि स्फोटयन्ति पराना: च भवन्ति ।

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[tag] deepavali par 10 line sanskrit mein. ten sentences in sanskrit on diwali. write 5 lines on diwali in sanskrit. diwali essay in sanskrit 5 lines. sanskrit mein deepavali par panch vakya. ten sentences in sanskrit on diwali. दीपावली पर लेख संस्कृत में। संस्कृत में दीपावली पर निबंध लिखा हुआ। संस्कृत भाषा में दीपावली पर निबंध।

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Chhoti Badi Baatein

  • हिंदी निबंध संग्रह - Hindi Essay Collection

दीवाली पर संस्कृत निबंध – Essay on Diwali in Sanskrit

Essay on Diwali in Sanskrit – नमस्कार दोस्तों, आज के लेख में हमने दिवाली पर संस्कृत में निबंध साझा किये है। यहां साझा किए गए संस्कृत निबंध सभी कक्षाओं के छात्रों के लिए उपयोगी साबित होंगे। हमने निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों को ध्यान में रखते हुए यह संस्कृत निबंध लिखे है: दिवाली पर संस्कृत में 10 वाक्य ( 10 Sentences in Sanskrit on Diwali ), दिवाली पर संस्कृत में निबंध ( Diwali Par Nibandh Sanskrit Me ), मम प्रिया उत्सव निबंध संस्कृत में ( Mam priya utsav essay in Sanskrit ) दिवाली पर संस्कृत में 10 वाक्य आदि।

Table of Contents

दीपावली पर संस्कृत में पांच वाक्य (Five sentences in Sanskrit on Diwali)

दीपावली पर संस्कृत में निबंध (Dipawali par Sanskrit mein Nibandh)

  • दीपावली, प्रकाशमहोत्सवः इति अपि ज्ञायते, भारतस्य महत्त्वपूर्णेषु, बहुप्रसिद्धेषु च उत्सवेषु अन्यतमः अस्ति ।
  • अयं उत्सवः सामान्यतया पञ्चदिनानि यावत् भवति तथा च गृहेषु, वीथिषु, मन्दिरेषु च तैलदीपाः वा दियाः, मोमबत्तयः, रङ्गिणः अलङ्काराः च प्रज्वलिताः भवन्ति
  • दीपावली अन्धकारस्य उपरि प्रकाशं, दुष्टस्य उपरि शुभस्य विजयं च सूचयति तथा च तया सह सम्बद्धाः विविधाः पौराणिक-ऐतिहासिक-आख्यायिकाः सन्ति, यथा रावणं पराजय्य भगवान् रामस्य अयोध्यानगरं प्रत्यागमनम्
  • अस्मिन् काले जनाः मिलित्वा एकतायाः भावः पोषयितुं उपहारं, मिष्टान्नं, मित्रं, परिवारं च गच्छन्ति ।
  • प्रार्थना-चिन्तनस्य, सांस्कृतिक-उत्सवस्य च समयः अस्ति, न केवलं हिन्दुनां कृते अपितु विविध-धर्मस्य जनानां कृते अपि अस्य अपारं आध्यात्मिकं सांस्कृतिकं च महत्त्वं वर्तते |

दीपावली पर संस्कृत में 10 वाक्य (10 sentences in Sanskrit on Diwali)

दीवाली पर संस्कृत में निबंध (Diwali Essay in Sanskrit)

  • दीपावली इति अपि प्रसिद्धः दीपावली भारते विश्वस्य अन्येषु च अनेकेषु भागेषु अपार उत्साहेन आनन्देन च आचरितः महत्त्वपूर्णः हिन्दुपर्वः अस्ति ।
  • प्रायः पञ्चदिनानि यावत् अयं उत्सवः भवति, हिन्दुचन्द्रपञ्चाङ्गमासस्य कार्तिकस्य १५ दिनाङ्के आरभ्यते, यत् प्रायः अक्टोबर्-मासस्य नवम्बर-मासस्य वा पतति ।
  • दीपावली प्रायः “प्रकाशानां उत्सवः” इति उच्यते यतः अस्मिन् असंख्यतैलदीपाः वा दीपाः, मोमबत्तयः, अलङ्कारिकप्रकाशाः च प्रज्वलिताः भवन्ति, येन प्रकाशस्य अन्धकारस्य उपरि, शुभस्य दुष्टस्य उपरि विजयस्य प्रतीकं भवति
  • दीपावली-सम्बद्धा आख्यायिकासु एकः लोकप्रियः आख्यायिका अस्ति यत् प्रथमदिने धनतेरसः इति नाम्ना आचर्यते इति राक्षसराजं रावणं पराजय्य भगवान् रामस्य अयोध्यानगरं प्रत्यागमनम् ।
  • दीपावली-काले परिवाराः स्वगृहस्य सफाईं, अलङ्कारं च कुर्वन्ति, उपहार-मिष्टान्नस्य आदान-प्रदानं कुर्वन्ति, विशेषाणि उत्सव-भोजनानि च निर्मान्ति, यत्र विविधानि स्वादिष्टानि मिष्टान्नानि, जलपानानि च सन्ति
  • रङ्गचूर्णेन निर्मिताः आतिशबाजीः, रङ्गिणः रङ्गोली-विन्यासाः च गृहेषु, वीथिषु च प्रवेशद्वारेषु अलङ्कृत्य उत्सवस्य वातावरणं वर्धयन्ति ।
  • हिन्दुनां कृते धार्मिकमहत्त्वस्य अतिरिक्तं जैन-सिक्ख-बौद्ध-जनानाम् कृते दिवाली-महोदयस्य सांस्कृतिकं आध्यात्मिकं च महत्त्वं वर्तते, येषां महोत्सवस्य उत्सवस्य स्वकीयाः विशिष्टानि कारणानि सन्ति
  • दिवाली-मासस्य मुख्यदिने जनाः मन्दिराणां दर्शनं कुर्वन्ति, आशीर्वादार्थं प्रार्थनां कुर्वन्ति, हिन्दु-धन-समृद्धि-देव्याः लक्ष्मी-देव्याः मार्गदर्शनं च याचन्ते ।
  • दिवाली परिवारसमागमस्य, एकतायाः, साझेदारीस्य च समयः अस्ति, यत् तत् उत्सवं कुर्वतां हृदयेषु सद्भावना, सुखस्य, नवीकरणस्य च भावः प्रवर्धयति।
  • समग्रतया दीपावली सुखस्य, चिन्तनस्य, अध्यात्मस्य च समयः अस्ति, यत्र जनाः एकत्र आगत्य प्रकाशस्य, ज्ञानस्य, सद्भावस्य च विजयस्य उत्सवं कुर्वन्ति ।

दीपावली पर लघु संस्कृत निबंध (150 शब्दों में) – Short Sanskrit Essay on Diwali

दीपावली इति नाम्ना अपि प्रसिद्धा दीपावली भारते आनन्देन आचरितेषु बहुप्रसिद्धेषु च उत्सवेषु अन्यतमः अस्ति । प्रायः अक्टोबर्-मासे नवम्बर-मासे वा पतति, पञ्चदिनानि यावत् आचर्यते । दीपावली प्रायः “प्रकाशानां उत्सवः” इति उच्यते यतः एषा प्रकाशस्य अन्धकारस्य उपरि, शुभस्य दुष्टस्य उपरि विजयस्य प्रतीकं भवति ।

अयं उत्सवः महता उत्साहेन, उत्साहेन च आचर्यते । जनाः स्वगृहं स्वच्छं कुर्वन्ति, अलङ्कारयन्ति च, तैलदीपं प्रज्वालयन्ति, स्वद्वारे सुन्दराणि रङ्गोली च निर्मान्ति च । अस्मिन् अवसरे उपहार-मिष्टान्नस्य आदान-प्रदानं सामान्य-परम्परा अस्ति, या परिवार-मित्रयोः मध्ये एकत्रतायाः भावः प्रवर्धयति ।

दिवाली-नगरस्य एकं मुख्यं आकर्षणं पटाखा-आतिशबाजी-विस्फोटः अस्ति, येन रात्रौ आकाशं चकाचौंधं भवति । पारम्परिकसङ्गीतनृत्यनाट्यप्रदर्शनानां समयः इति कारणतः महोत्सवस्य सांस्कृतिकं महत्त्वमपि अस्ति ।

हिन्दुनां कृते दीपावली धार्मिकं महत्त्वं धारयति, यतः अस्मिन् काले ते गणेशदेवता, लक्ष्मी, कुबेर इत्यादीनां देवानां पूजां कुर्वन्ति, समृद्ध्यर्थं, कल्याणाय च आशीर्वादं याचन्ते

तथापि दीपावलीपर्वः केवलं हिन्दुषु एव सीमितः नास्ति; जैन-सिक्ख-बौद्ध-जनानाम् अपि उत्सवस्य स्वकीयानि विशिष्टानि कारणानि सन्ति । जैनानां कृते भगवतः महावीरस्य निर्वाणप्राप्तिः, सिक्खानां कृते गुरु हरगोबिन्दजी इत्यस्य कारावासात् मुक्तिः इति चिह्नं भवति ।

अन्ततः दीपावली धार्मिकसीमाम् अतिक्रम्य जनान् आनन्दस्य, आशायाः, प्रकाशस्य विजयस्य च भावनायाः एकीकृत्य बहुआयामी उत्सवः अस्ति नवीकरणस्य चिन्तनस्य च समयः अस्ति, सर्वेषां मध्ये सुखं सकारात्मकतां च प्रसारयति।

दीपावली पर संस्कृत निबंध (450 शब्दों में) – Diwali Sanskrit Essay 

दीपावली इति अपि प्रसिद्धा दीपावली भारतस्य महत्त्वपूर्णेषु, व्यापकरूपेण च आचरितेषु उत्सवेषु अन्यतमः अस्ति । एषः उत्सवः धार्मिकसीमाम् अतिक्रम्य, विभिन्नधर्मस्य जनान् सुखस्य, आशायाः, अन्धकारस्य उपरि प्रकाशस्य विजयस्य च भावेन एकीकृत्य।

दीपावली सामान्यतया अक्टोबर्-मासे नवम्बरमासे वा भवति, पञ्चदिनानि यावत् आचर्यते । “दीपावली” इति नामस्य एव अर्थः “प्रज्वलितदीपपङ्क्तयः” इति, यतः प्रायः अस्य उत्सवस्य “प्रकाशानां उत्सवः” इति उच्यते ।

दीपावली-उत्सवस्य हिन्दुनां कृते महत् सांस्कृतिकं, धार्मिकं, सामाजिकं च महत्त्वम् अस्ति । अस्य उत्सवः सम्पूर्णे देशे महता उत्साहेन, उत्साहेन च आचर्यते । दीपावलीयाः सज्जता बहु पूर्वमेव आरभ्यते, जनाः स्वगृहाणां सफाईं कुर्वन्ति, अलङ्कारं च कुर्वन्ति। तस्य पृष्ठतः उद्देश्यं अशुद्धीनां निष्कासनस्य प्रतीकं भवति, सकारात्मकशक्तिः भवतः जीवनक्षेत्रे स्वागतं च भवति ।

दीपावलीयाः एकः प्रतिष्ठितः रीतिः अस्ति तैलदीपानां प्रज्वलनं, यत् दियास् अथवा दीपम् इति नाम्ना प्रसिद्धम् अस्ति । एते दीपाः गृहेषु परितः द्वारेषु च स्थापिताः सन्ति, येन परितः परिसरः प्रकाशितः भवति, मनमोहकं वातावरणं च निर्मीयते । तदतिरिक्तं अतिथिनां स्वागतं कर्तुं उत्सवस्य वातावरणं वर्धयितुं च प्रवेशद्वारेषु वर्णचूर्णेन, तण्डुलेन वा पुष्पदलेन निर्मिताः रङ्गिणः रङ्गोली-विन्यासाः निर्मीयन्ते

दीपावली-काले उपहार-मिष्टान्नस्य आदान-प्रदानं सामान्य-परम्परा अस्ति, येन परिवार-मित्रयोः मध्ये एकत्रतायाः भावः वर्धते । प्रायः जनाः न केवलं स्वस्य कृते अपितु प्रियजनानाम् उपहाररूपेण अपि नूतनानि वस्त्राणि, आभूषणं च क्रीणन्ति । उपहारदानं प्रेम्णः प्रशंसायाः च अभिव्यक्तिः, सम्बन्धानां सुदृढीकरणस्य च एकः उपायः अस्ति ।

आतिशबाजी, पटाखा च दिवाली-उत्सवस्य अन्यः अभिन्नः भागः अस्ति । रात्रौ आकाशं रङ्गिणां आतिशबाजीनां चकाचौंधपूर्णेन प्रदर्शनेन प्रकाशते, यत् युवानां वृद्धानां च कृते अद्भुतं दृश्यम् अस्ति । उज्ज्वलाः प्रकाशाः, उच्चैः शब्दाः च अन्धकारस्य उपरि प्रकाशस्य विजयस्य प्रतीकं भवन्ति, दुष्टात्मानं च निष्कासयन्ति ।

हिन्दुनां कृते दीपावली इत्यस्य अपि महत्त्वपूर्णः धार्मिकः आयामः अस्ति । दिवालीकाले जनाः विविधदेवताः पूजयन्ति, यथा भगवान् गणेशः, गजशिरः प्रज्ञा-समृद्धिदेवः, लक्ष्मी-देवी च धन-विपुल-देवी ।

दिवाली इति विश्वासः अस्ति यदा भगवान् रामः स्वपत्न्या सीतया भ्रात्रा लक्ष्मणेन च सह लङ्का-राक्षसराजं रावणं पराजय्य अयोध्यानगरं प्रत्यागतवान् । अयोध्यानगरस्य नागरिकाः दीपप्रज्वालयित्वा सम्पूर्णं नगरं अलङ्कृत्य तस्य पुनरागमनस्य उत्सवं कृतवन्तः आसन् । एवं दीपावली भगवतः रामस्य गृहगमनं, शुभस्य अशुभस्य विजयस्य च चिह्नं भवति ।

जैनानां कृते दीपावलीयाः विशेषं महत्त्वं वर्तते यतः एषः दिवसः यदा भगवान् महावीरः २४तमः तीर्थंकरः निर्वाणं प्राप्तवान् । अस्य आध्यात्मिकस्य आयोजनस्य स्मरणार्थं जैनजनाः प्रार्थनाभिः धार्मिकैः च उत्सवम् आचरन्ति ।

सिक्खसमुदायः दिवालीम् अपि आचरन्ति, यत् ते “बन्दी छोर” दिवसम् इति वदन्ति । गुरु हरगोबिन्दजी इत्यस्य ग्वालियर-दुर्गे कारावासात् मुक्ति-सम्बद्धम् अस्ति । सिक्खजनाः गुरुद्वारेषु (सिखमन्दिरेषु) प्रार्थना, स्तोत्रपाठः, दीप-मोमबत्ती-प्रज्वलनैः च अस्य अवसरस्य उत्सवं कुर्वन्ति ।

एतेभ्यः धार्मिकपक्षेभ्यः अतिरिक्तं दीपावली सांस्कृतिक-उत्सवस्य अपि समयः अस्ति । महोत्सवे पारम्परिकसङ्गीतं, नृत्यप्रदर्शनानि, नाटकप्रस्तुतयः च आयोज्यन्ते । एतानि कलात्मकानि सुख-उत्सव-व्यञ्जनानि भोक्तुं जनाः एकत्र आगच्छन्ति ।

परन्तु एतत् ज्ञातव्यं यत् अन्तिमेषु वर्षेषु दीपावली-काले प्रयुक्तानां आतिशबाजी-पटाखानां पर्यावरणीय-प्रभावस्य विषये जागरूकता वर्धिता अस्ति । वायु-शब्द-प्रदूषणं न्यूनीकर्तुं पशूनां कल्याणस्य रक्षणार्थं च बहवः व्यक्तिः समुदायाः च पर्यावरण-अनुकूल-उत्सवस्य विकल्पं कुर्वन्ति ।

अन्ततः दीपावली बहुपक्षीयः उत्सवः अस्ति यः कोटिकोटिजनानाम् हृदयेषु विशेषस्थानं धारयति । नवीकरणस्य, चिन्तनस्य, सर्वेषां कृते सुखस्य सकारात्मकतायाः च प्रसारस्य समयः अस्ति। धार्मिकमहत्त्वात् परं एकतायाः, प्रेमस्य, अन्धकारस्य उपरि प्रकाशस्य विजयस्य च स्थायिमूल्यानां स्मरणं भवति । यथा यथा सम्पूर्णे भारते विश्वे च जनाः दीपावली-उत्सवस्य कृते एकत्र आगच्छन्ति तथा तथा ते सीमां अतिक्रम्य एकं सामूहिकं अनुभवं निर्मान्ति, अस्मान् सर्वान् आशायाः, सद्भावस्य, जीवनस्य आनन्दस्य च महत्त्वं स्मारयति |.


अन्य लेख पढ़ें:

  • 110+ दिवाली की शुभकामनाएं संदेश – Diwali Wishes In Hindi
  • दि‍वाली पर हिंदी में कविताएँ – Diwali Poems in Hindi
  • Diwali Nibandh in Marathi – दिवाळी निबंध मराठी
  • दिवाली पर निबंध – Essay on Diwali in Hindi
  • दिवाली के बारे में जानकारी और रोचक तथ्य – Information & Interesting Facts About Diwali
  • 50+ भाई दूज पर शुभकामना संदेश – Best wishes message on Bhai Dooj in Hindi
  • भाई दूज क्यों मनाया जाता है? भाई दूज की कहानी और महत्व हिंदी में

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Essay on Diwali in Sanskrit

This post is an essay on Diwali in Sanskrit.

दिवाली पर संस्कृत में निबंध।

दीपावलिः इति विषये संस्कृतभाषायां निबन्धः।

Translation is given in Hindi and English for better understanding.

This essay can be referenced by school students and interested Sanskrit learners.

Short Sanskrit Essay on Diwali

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Video of Essay on Diwali in Sanskrit

दीपावलिः अश्विनमासे कार्तिकमासे च भवति। उत्सवस्य प्रथमदिने जनाः सवत्सं धेनुं सम्पूजयन्ति। धनत्रयोदश्यां सायङ्काले कुबेरपूजनं भवति। नरकचतुर्दश्यां प्रातःकाले जनाः अभ्यङ्गस्नानं कुर्वन्ति। अमावास्यायां सायङ्काले लक्ष्मीपूजनं भवति। प्रतिपदि पत्नी पतिं नीराजयति। यमद्वितीयायां भगिनी बन्धुं नीराजयति। उत्सवे सर्वत्र दीपानाम् आवलयः, स्फोटकानां स्फोटनम् आदीनि च भवन्ति। सर्वे मिष्टान्नभोजनस्य आनन्दम् अपि अनुभवन्ति। भारतदेशे दीपावलिः अतीव उत्साहेन आनन्देन च आचर्यते।

dīpāvaliḥ iti viṣaye saṃskṛtabhāṣāyāṃ nibandhaḥ।

dīpāvaliḥ aśvinamāse kārtikamāse ca bhavati। utsavasya prathamadine janāḥ savatsaṃ dhenuṃ sampūjayanti। dhanatrayodaśyāṃ sāyaṅkāle kuberapūjanaṃ bhavati। narakacaturdaśyāṃ prātaḥkāle janāḥ abhyaṅgasnānaṃ kurvanti। amāvāsyāyāṃ sāyaṅkāle lakṣmīpūjanaṃ bhavati। pratipadi patnī patiṃ nīrājayati। yamadvitīyāyāṃ bhaginī bandhuṃ nīrājayati। utsave sarvatra dīpānām āvalayaḥ, sphoṭakānāṃ sphoṭanam ādīni ca bhavanti। sarve miṣṭānnabhojanasya ānandam api anubhavanti। bhāratadeśe dīpāvaliḥ atīva utsāhena ānandena ca ācaryate।

Essay On Diwali

Diwali is celebrated in the months of Ashwin and Kartik. On the first day of the festival, people worship the cow with its calf. Kuber Puja is performed in the evening of Dhanteras. On the morning of Narak Chaturdashi, people take an Abhyanga bath. Lakshmidevi is worshiped in the evening on Amavasya day. On the day of Pratipada, the wife performs the aarti of her husband. On the day of Yamdwitiya, the sister performs aarti for brother. During the festival, lamps are lit everywhere and firecrackers are burst. Everyone enjoys eating sweets. Diwali is celebrated with great enthusiasm and happiness in India.

दिवाली पर निबंध।

दिवाली आश्विन और कार्तिक मास में मनाई जाती है। त्योहार के पहले दिन, लोग बछड़े के साथ गाय की पूजा करते हैं। धनतेरस के दिन के शाम को कुबेरपूजन किया जाता है। नरक चतुर्दशी की सुबह लोग अभ्यंग स्नान करते हैं। अमावस्या के दिन शाम को लक्ष्मीदेवी की पूजा की जाती है। प्रतिपदा के दिन पत्नी पति की आरती उतारती है। यमद्वितीया के दिन बहन भाई की आरती उतारती है। त्योहार के दौरान हर जगह दीप लगाए जाते हैं, पटाखें फोड़े जाते हैं। सभी लोग मिठाई खाने का आनंद लेते हैं। भारत में दिवाली बड़े उत्साह और खुशी के साथ मनाई जाती है।


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Essay on Diwali for School Students and Children

500+ words essay on diwali.

First of all, understand that India is the land of festivals. However, none of the festivals comes close to Diwali. It is certainly one of the biggest festivals in India. It is probably the brightest festival in the world. People of different religions celebrate Diwali. Most noteworthy, the festival signifies the victory of light over darkness. This also means the triumph of good over evil and knowledge over ignorance. It is known as the festival of lights. Consequently, there are bright lights all over the whole country during Diwali. In this essay on Diwali, we will see the religious and spiritual significance of Diwali.

Essay on Diwali

The Religious Significance of Diwali

The religious significance of this festival has differences. It varies from one region to another in India. There is an association of many deities, cultures, and traditions with Diwali. The reason for these differences is probably local harvest festivals. Hence, there was a fusion of these harvest festivals into one pan-Hindu festival.

According to the Ramayana, Diwali is the day of the return of Rama. This day Lord Rama returned to Ayodhya along with his wife Sita. This return was made after Rama defeated demon King Ravana. Furthermore, Rama’s brother Lakshmana and Hanuman also came back to Ayodhya victorious.

There is another popular tradition for the reason of Diwali. Here Lord Vishnu as an incarnation of Krishna killed Narakasura. Narakasura was certainly a demon. Above all, this victory brought the release of 16000 captive girls.

Furthermore, this victory shows the triumph of good over evil. This is due to Lord Krishna being good and Narakasura being evil.

Association of Diwali to Goddess Lakshmi is the belief of many Hindus. Lakshmi is the wife of Lord Vishnu. She also happens to be the Goddess of wealth and prosperity.

According to a legend, Diwali is the night of Lakshmi wedding. This night she chose and wed Vishnu. Eastern India Hindus associate Diwali with Goddess Durga or kali. Some Hindus believe Diwali to be the start of a new year.

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The Spiritual Significance of Diwali

First of all, many people try to forgive people during Diwali. It is certainly an occasion where people forget disputes. Therefore, friendships and relationships get stronger during Diwali. People remove all feelings of hatred from their hearts.

diwali essay in sanskrit for class 9

This light festival brings peace to people. It brings the light of peace to the heart. Diwali certainly brings spiritual calmness to people. Sharing joy and happiness is another spiritual benefit of Diwali. People visit each other’s houses during this festival of lights. They do happy communication, eat good meals, and enjoy fireworks.

Finally, to sum it up, Diwali is a great joyful occasion in India. One cannot imagine the delightful contribution of this glorious festival. It is certainly one of the greatest festivals in the world.

diwali essay in sanskrit for class 9

FAQs on Diwali

Q.1 Why there is are differences in the religious significance of Diwali?

A.1 There certainly are differences in the religious significance of Diwali. This is due to the local harvest festivals. These festivals certainly came together to form one pan-Hindu festival.

Q.2 Tell how Diwali brings prosperity?

A.2 Diwali brings prosperity as Hindu merchants open new account books on Diwali. Furthermore, they also pray for success and prosperity.

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संस्कृत निबंध: Essay on Diwali In Sanskrit || Long & Short Essay

Essay on Diwali In Sanskrit

Essay on Diwali In Sanskrit: दोस्तों इस आर्टिकल में हम  दिवाली पर संस्कृत भाषा में निबंध साझा कर रहे हैं, जो कि छोटी कक्षा के विद्यार्थियों के लिए उपयोगी साबित होगा।

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Essay on Diwali In Sanskrit

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🪔Essay on Diwali in English: Samples 150, 250, & 500 Words  

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  • Updated on  
  • Apr 30, 2024

essay on diwali

Diwali is one of the biggest festivals of India which is celebrated with great fervour. The festival is also known as Deepavali, a beautiful Indian festival that is a symbol of good over evil. The word ‘Diwali’ has been derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Deepavali’ which means row of lights. Therefore, during Diwali, people decorate their homes with lights, candles and diyas to showcase how lights have the power to erase the darkness from the world.

According to Hindu mythology , Diwali marks the return of Lord Rama from the exile of 14 years. According to the Hindu Calendar, Diwali is celebrated in the month of Kartika. If you are a student and struggling to write an essay on Diwali in English, then this blog will help you greatly.

Keep on reading further to get ideas to write a good essay!

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Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Diwali in 150 Words
  • 2 Essay on Diwali in 250 Words 
  • 3.1 When is Diwali Celebrated in India?
  • 3.2 5 Days of Diwali Celebration
  • 3.3 How is Diwali Celebrated in India?
  • 4 Short Essay on Diwali in English

Diwali is the most important Hindu festival that is celebrated with great enthusiasm in India. This festival symbolises an important life learning that goodness will always overpower evil instincts. Weeks before Diwali, preparations for it get underway. To begin the preparations, people start cleaning up one’s home and workspace. After this people decorate their homes and offices with lights, lamps, flowers, and other ornamental elements.

As part of the festivities, people purchase new Diwali outfits , house furnishings, and presents for their loved ones. Around this season, the markets are overrun with a wide array of gifts and delicacies. Furthermore, Diwali presents an opportunity to strengthen ties with loved ones.

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Essay on Diwali in 150 Words

Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is one of the most celebrated and significant festivals in India . It symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. The festival typically lasts for five days and is marked by the lighting of oil lamps, or diyas, and colourful decorations in homes and streets.

People clean and decorate their houses, exchange gifts, and prepare special sweets. The highlight of this festival is the bursting of fireworks, which fills the night sky with vibrant colours. Families also worship deities, with Goddess Lakshmi , the goddess of wealth, being a central figure during the celebrations.

Beyond the festivities, Diwali holds cultural, religious, and social importance. It fosters a sense of unity and togetherness, as families come together to celebrate. Additionally, the festival carries deep spiritual significance for different communities, including Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs, each marking it for various reasons.

The festival of lights brings prosperity to the lives of people and the nation.

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Essay on Diwali in 250 Words 

Diwali is the most popular celebration in India which is regarded as the “festival of lights” and represents the spiritual message of the power of light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance. The holiday of Diwali is mostly associated with Hinduism, although it is also joyfully observed by Sikhs and Jains. This festival’s spiritual importance represents the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness. Lakshmi, the goddess of riches, and Ganesha, the god of wisdom, are honoured at this celebration. Throughout the nation, its religious significance differs depending on the location. It is commemorated somewhere to honour Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana coming home after a lengthy 14-year exile (according to the Hindu epic Ramayana).

Some people commemorate it in remembrance of the Pandavas’ return to their realm following 12 years of exile and 1 year of Agyatavas, as described in the Hindu epic Mahabharata. It is also thought to have begun when Goddess Lakshmi was born following the gods and demons’ churning of the seas. The western and some northern regions of India celebrate Diwali to mark the beginning of a new Hindu year. 

Five days are devoted to celebrating Diwali. These five days are Dhanteras, Naraka Chaturdashi, Lakshmi Pooja, Govardhan Pooja, and Bhai Dooj. Diwali is a festival where people worship Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Lord Ganesha. On this day, worshipping the goddess Lakshmi is thought to bring success and wealth. People lit candles and diyas after evening puja to spread light. Cleaning homes, stores, and workplaces begin many days before Diwali.

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Diwali Essay in 500 Words 

Throughout the year people wait for the beautiful festival of Diwali. Regarded as one of the biggest festivals for Hindus, Diwali also known as Deepavali, symbolises the victory of good over evil. According to the famous Hindu epic Ramayana, Lord Rama along with his wife and brother – Sita and Laxman,  came back to Ayodhya after completing the exile of 14 years. 

When is Diwali Celebrated in India?

According to the Hindu calendar, Diwali occurs on the Amavasya, or new moon, of the Kartik month, 20 days after the Dussehra celebration . In the Hindu religion, this is one of the most fortunate periods. People wait till this time of year to launch a new company, move into a new home, or buy a large asset like a car, store, jewellery, etc. This event is celebrated due to many mythical tales. People from various parts of India celebrate it for various reasons. But it is usually a massive celebration everywhere.

This beautiful festival is celebrated on a large scale as people start engaging in the festivities weeks before the festival. Some of the common things that are part of Diwali festivities include cleaning and decorating homes and workspaces, buying new clothes, gifts, etc. 

5 Days of Diwali Celebration

Diwali is considered a festival of five days as  Dhanteras is observed on the first day of the festival, followed by Naraka Chaturdasi on the second, Diwali on the third, Diwali Padva (Govardhan Puja) on the fourth, and Bhai Dooj on the fifth. On the day of the event, many nations declare it a public holiday.

How is Diwali Celebrated in India?

People worship on Diwali to get wealth and prosperity in their lives, people worship the gods Ganesha and Lakshmi. On the day of Diwali, they perform puja with numerous rites. Following puja, people give gifts to their neighbours, relatives, friends, coworkers, etc. One of the primary customs of the Diwali holiday is gift exchange. To deepen their bonds, people pay visits to their coworkers, neighbours, relatives, and friends and give them gifts. 

In addition to the lights and joyous surprises and gifts, Diwali is a time for introspection and making the necessary changes for the next year. To celebrate Diwali, people from all ages, religions, and castes gather together. People embrace one another and mix enthusiastically during this moment.

In essence, Diwali sheds light on who we truly are. The Diwali lights also signify a time for eradicating all of our evil intentions and ideas and leaning forward for a more profound, inward illumination. The Diwali festival represents the rebirth of the soul. During Diwali, one is inspired to make changes to become a healthy and moral individual who is more spiritual and productive at work.

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Short Essay on Diwali in English

Diwali is a popular festival of Hindus which is regarded as the festival of light. It is celebrated in the Hindu month of Kartik and comes 20 days after Dussehra. Diwali marked the return of Lord Rama, Sita and Laxman back to Ayodhya after completing the exile of 14 years. Diwali festivities include cleaning and decorating homes and workspaces, exchanging gifts and eating mouth-watering sweets and food. 

Diwali is an important festival for Hindus as according to the famous epic Ramayana, Lord Rama came back to Ayodhya after completing 14 years of exile and defeating Ravana. This beautiful festival of lights symbolizes that goodness will always prevail over evil. 

The five days of Diwali are Dhanteras , Naraka Chaturdasi, Laxmi Puja , Govardhan Puja , and Bhai Dooj . 

Relevant Blogs

This was everything about the essay on Diwali! To read more interesting essay-writing blogs like this one, keep following Leverage Edu . 

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Essay on Diwali in English (150, 200, 300, 400 Words)

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Diwali, often called the "Festival of Lights," is a widely celebrated and cherished festival in India. In this essay, we will explore the significance and traditions of Diwali in simple and easy-to-understand language.

Diwali is a prominent and much-awaited occasion, and people often search for "Diwali essay in English" to learn more about it. The festival represents the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. It is a time for joy, togetherness, and spreading love and positivity. Diwali typically lasts for five days, and each day holds a special meaning and ritual.

The highlight of Diwali is the lighting of oil lamps and candles, which adorn homes, streets, and public spaces, creating a mesmerizing, illuminated atmosphere. People exchange gifts, share sweets, and wear new clothes. Children eagerly look forward to Diwali for the treats they receive. As we delve deeper into this essay, we will learn about the stories, legends, and customs associated with Diwali, which make it a remarkable and culturally rich celebration in India. So, let's embark on this journey to discover the magic and significance of Diwali.

Diwali Essay In English 150 Words ( For Classes 4 And 5 Students)

Essays on Diwali in 150 words are suitable for class 4 and 5 students. This is one of the most important essays that comes in exams each year.

Diwali Essay in English 200 Words (For Classes 6,7 and 8 Students)

Diwali essays with a word limit of 200 words are important for English exams of 6,7, and 8-class students.

Diwali Essay in English 300 Words (For 9,10 and 11 Class Students)

Diwali essays in 300 words are important for class 9,10 and 11 class students for their English exams. This essay is frequently asked in the writing section of the English exam.

Diwali Essay in English 400 Words: (For Class 12 and Other Competitive Exams)

Diwali Essays in 400 words or more are important for class 12 boards English exams. It is also important for competitive exams to test the writing skills of students.

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दीवाली पर संस्कृत निबंध

Essay on Diwali in Sanskrit: नमस्कार दोस्तों, यहां पर हमने संस्कृत में दीपावली पर निबंध शेयर किये है। इससे पहले हम दिवाली पर हिंदी निबंध, दिवाली पर बधाई संदेश, शायरी, स्टेटस आदि शेयर कर चुके है, जिसे आप यहां क्लिक करके जरूर पढ़ें।

Essay on Diwali in Sanskrit

यहां पर शेयर किये गये संस्कृत निबंध (Sanskrit Nibandh) सभी कक्षाओं के विद्यार्थियों के लिए मददगार साबित होंगे। ये Sanskrit Essay हमने निम्न प्रश्नों को ध्यान में रखते हुए लिखे है: 10 Sentences in Sanskrit on Diwali, दीपावली पर निबंध संस्कृत में (Deepawali Par Nibandh Sanskrit Me), मम प्रिय उत्सव संस्कृत निबंध (mam priya utsav essay in sanskrit) दीवाली पर संस्कृत में 10 वाक्य आदि।

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दीवाली पर संस्कृत निबंध | Essay on Diwali in Sanskrit

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  • सर्वे लक्ष्मीपूजनं कुर्वन्ति।
  • प्रतिगृहं पुरत: आकाशदीप: प्रज्वाल्यते।
  • मिष्ठान्नानि च खादन्ति बालकाः स्फोटकानि स्फोटयन्ति पराना: च भवन्ति।

दीपावली पर 10 लाइन संस्कृत में (10 Lines on Diwali in Sanskrit)

  • दीपावलिः प्रतिवर्षे कार्तिकमासस्या अमावस्यायों तिथौ मान्यते।
  • दीपावलिः भारतवर्षस्य एकः महान् उत्सवः अस्ति।
  • दीपावलि इत्युक्ते दीपानाम् आवलिः।
  • कार्तिकमासस्य कृष्णपक्षस्य त्रयोदशीत: आरभ्य कार्तिकशुद्धद्वितीयापर्यन्तं 5 दिनानि यावत् आचर्यते एतत् पर्व।
  • दीपावलि दीपानां उत्सवः अस्ति।
  • रात्रौ जनाः लक्ष्मी पूजयन्ति मिष्टान्नानि च भक्षयन्ति।
  • बालकाः बालिकाः च क्रीडनकानां मिष्टान्नानां स्फोटकपदार्थानां च क्रयणं कुर्वन्ति।
  • भारतीयाः इमम् उत्सवम् प्रतिवर्षं सोल्लासं समायोजयन्ति।
  • जनाः स्वगृहाणि स्वच्छानि कुर्वन्ति।

10 Lines on Diwali in Sanskrit

Short Sanskrit Essay on Diwali

कविकुलगुरुणा कालिदासेन अभिज्ञानशाकुन्तले लिखितम् यत् ‘उत्सवप्रियाः खलु मनुष्याः’। मानवाः नाम सामाजिक प्राणिनः। अतः ते उत्सवप्रियाः। मम प्रियः उत्सवः दीपावली दीपोत्सवः वा वर्तते। मह्यम् एतत् पर्व अतीव रोचते। एष: धार्मिकोत्सवः अस्ति। अस्मिन् उत्सवे बालाः युवका: च नवनवानि वस्त्राणि धारयन्ति। स्फोटकानां स्फोटनं च भवति।

सर्वे हर्षपूर्णाः भवन्ति। दीपावलीदिने लक्ष्मीपूजनं भवति। व्यापारिणः नवानि व्यापारपुस्तकानि आरभन्ते। जनाः स्वमित्रैः स्वजनैः च सम्मिलन्ति अभिवादयन्ति च। सर्वे अस्मिन् पर्वणि प्रसन्नाः। दीपावलिः पावनताया, उल्लासस्य च प्रतीकमास्तिक्था दीपक: अंधकारं नाशयति तथैव बयमपि अज्ञानस्य, भेदभावस्य, घणायाः च अन्धकार नाश्याम। अयं अस्य पर्वस्य संदेशः अस्ति।

Essay on Diwali in Sanskrit

Diwali Essay in Sanskrit

सर्वे मानवाः उत्सवप्रियाः सन्ति। भारतीयमहोत्सवेषु दीपावली उत्सवस्य स्थानं महत्वपूर्णमस्ति। यदा दीपानाम् आवल्यः प्रज्वाल्यन्ते तत् दीपावली उच्यते। अयमुत्सवः प्रतिवर्षं कार्तिक मासस्य कृष्णपक्षस्यामावस्यां महता उत्साहेन जनैः समायोज्यते। अमावस्यातः पूर्वमेव जनाः स्वेषां गृहाणां स्वच्छतां कुर्वन्ति, भवनानि सुघया लिम्पन्ति, द्वाराणि रञ्जयन्ति, नवीनमूर्ति-चित्रैश्च गृहाणि अलंकुर्वन्ति।

दीपावली-दिवसे कान्दविकानामापणेषु विविधरागरञ्जितानि, बहुविधमिष्टान्नानि आकाशं स्पृशन्ति इव दृश्यन्ते। सर्वत्र चित्राणां पंक्तयः आपणानां शोभा वर्धयन्ति। रात्रौ अमावस्याः अंधकारे गृहाणामुपरि प्रज्वलिताः लघुदीपकपंक्तयः प्रकाशन्ते। जनाः नूतनवस्त्राणि धारयन्ति। रात्रौ लक्ष्मीपूजनं कुर्वन्ति। पूजान्ते स्वामित्रेभ्यो बांधवेभ्यश्च मिष्टानं वितरन्ति, एवं परस्पर-स्नेहभावं वर्धयते। बालकाः युवकाश्च आग्नेयक्रीडनकैः क्रीडन्ति। अस्मिन् दिने व्यवसायिनो नव्यासु पञ्जिकासु आयव्ययं लिखन्ति।

इदं कथ्यते यत् प्रभुरामचन्द्रः रावणं हत्वा स्वानुजेन लक्ष्मेण, भार्यया सीतया च सह कार्तिकमावस्यामेव अयोध्यामागतः आसीत्। तदा अयोध्यावासिनः तेषां स्वागतार्थं दीपमालाः प्रज्वाल्यन्। तदाप्रभृति अद्यावधि सर्वे भारतीयाः इमं उत्सवमतीवोल्लासेन मानयन्ति। किन्तु अत्र एकः महान् दोषः अस्ति, यत् दीपावल्याः पावनावसरे अपि केचन जनाः द्यूतक्रीडां कुर्वन्ति अतः अस्य उत्सवस्य पावनत्वं नश्यन्ति ते।

द्यूतक्रीडाव्यसनं दूरतः परित्याज्यं यतः अनेन व्यसनेन धनं विनाश्यते, अयमुत्सवः दूषयते च। अस्मिन् पुण्यपर्वणि द्यूतक्रीडा पूर्णतः त्याज्या एव तथा अस्माभिः प्रसन्नतया प्रतिवर्षमयमुत्सवः सोल्लासं, सानन्दं च मानयितव्यः। अयं दिवज्ञः महर्षि दयानन्दस्य निर्वाण दिवसः अस्ति स महान आत्मा विश्वेभ्यः जनेभ्यः प्रकाश कृत्वा स्व प्राणान् अत्यजत्।

diwali essay in sanskrit

Essay in Sanskrit on Diwali Festival

अस्माकं भारतवर्ष प्रतिवर्ष बहूनि पाणिमान्यन्ते। तेष पर्वेष दीपावालि: हिन्दुनों पवित्रं पार्वमस्ति। इंद्र कथ्यते यत् अस्मिन् एव दिन श्रीराम रावणादि राक्षसान् निहत्य सीतया लमाणेन च सह चतुर्दशवर्षाणां वनवासं समाप्य अयोध्यां प्रत्यागच्छन्। तदा अयोध्यावासिनः प्रसन्नी भूत्वा स्वहिप राजमागेषु। च दीपकान् प्रज्वालयन्। जाना श्रुत्यानुसारेण अस्मिन् एव दिने समुद्रमंथने लक्ष्मी प्रकटिता अभवत्।

भारतवर्षस्य एकः महान् उत्सवः अस्ति। दीपावलि इत्युक्ते दीपानाम् आवलिः। अयम् उत्सवः कार्तिकमासास्य अमावस्यायां भवति। कार्तिकमासस्य कृष्णपक्षस्य त्रयोदशीत: आरभ्य कार्तिकशुद्धद्वितीयापर्यन्तं 5 दिनानि यावत् आचर्यते एतत् पर्व। सायंकाले सर्वे जनाः दीपानां मालाः प्रज्वालयन्ति।

दीपानां प्रकाशः अन्धकारम् अपनयति। एतत्पर्वावसरे गृहे, देवालये, आश्रमे, मठे, नदीतीरे, समुद्रतीरे एवं सर्वत्रापि दीपान् ज्वालयन्ति। प्रतिगृहं पुरत: आकाशदीप: प्रज्वाल्यते। दीपानां प्रकाशेन सह स्फोटकानाम् अपि प्रकाश: भवति। पुरुषाः स्त्रियः बालकाः बालिकाः च नूतनानि वस्त्राणि धारयन्ति आपणानां च शोभां द्रष्टुं गच्छन्ति।

रात्रौ जनाः लक्ष्मी पूजयन्ति मिष्टान्नानि च भक्षयन्ति। सर्वे जनाः स्वगृहाणि स्वच्छानि कुर्वन्ति, सुधया लिम्पन्ति सुन्दरैः च चित्रैः भूषयन्ति। ते स्वमित्रेभ्यः बन्धुभ्यः च मिष्टान्नानि प्रेषयन्ति। बालकाः बालिकाः च क्रीडनकानां मिष्टान्नानां स्फोटकपदार्थानां च क्रयणं कुर्वन्ति।

अस्मिन् दिवसे सर्वेषु विद्यालयेषु कार्यालयेषु च अवकाशः भवति भारतीयाः इमम् उत्सवम् प्रतिवर्षं सोल्लासं समायोजयन्ति। एवं सर्वरीत्या अपि एतत् पर्व दीपमयं भवति। अस्य पर्वण: दीपालिका, दीपोत्सव:, सुखरात्रि:, सुखसुप्तिका, यक्षरात्रि:, कौमुदीमहोत्सव: इत्यादीनि नामानि अपि सन्ति। अस्मिन्नवसरे न केवलं देवेभ्य: अपि तु मनुष्येभ्य: प्राणिभ्य: अपि दीपारतिं कुर्वन्ति।

Long Essay on Diwali in Sanskrit Language

दीपावल्युत्सवो भारतस्य सर्व प्रसिद्धः उत्सवः अस्ति। सर्वे देशवासिनः सर्वेषु प्रदेशेषु दीपावल्युत्सवं दीपमाला प्रज्वाल्य सम्भावयन्ति। विदेशेष्वपि भारतवंशजा इभमुत्सवं न विस्मृतवन्तः। अयमुत्सवः कातिकमासस्यामावस्यायां मान्यते। प्रमुखतया ऽस्य सम्बन्धो रामकथया सह वर्तते।

चतुर्दशवर्षवनवासानन्तरम् अयोध्या प्रत्यागते रामे नगरवासिनः प्रमुदिताः स्वगृहेषु दीपानि प्रज्वाल्य अपारं मोदं प्रकटितवन्तः। तदाप्रभूत्येव प्रतिवर्षमयमुत्सवो मान्यते। बहुषु, स्थानेषु नववर्षोंत्सवरूपेण दीपावल्या महत्त्वमस्ति। व्यापारिणो वाषिर्क लेखमस्मादेव दिनादारभन्ते।।

जैनसम्प्रदायसंस्थापकस्य भगवतो महावीरस्य, आर्यसमाजसंस्थापकस्य स्वामिदयानन्दस्य च निशिदिवसोऽप्ययन।। पौराणिक कथा वर्तते यत् प्रथम आयुर्वेदाचार्यो धन्वन्तरिरपि लोकेभ्य: संजीवनौषधं दातुमस्माद्दिनात् दिनद्वयपूर्वं प्रकटितः।

दिनमेतत् समृद्धिदिबसरूपेण मान्यते। गृहाणि संशोध्यन्ते नानाविधचित्रपताकातोरणादिभिश्च विभूष्यन्ते। पण्यवीथीनां कान्दविकानां च समृद्धिः नयनगोचरतां भजति। रात्र सुमनोहरपरिधानालंकृता जनाः परस्परं सभाजयन्ति, गृहेषु लाजैः मिष्टान्नैः च यज्ञादिकं लक्ष्मीगणेशपूजनं च विदधति। ततो दीपमालाद्योतितानि सर्वेषां गृहाणि अपूर्वा कांचिद् अभिख्यां (शोभां) धारयन्ति स्मयन्त इव। बालयुवकाः विविधैरग्निक्रीडनकैः क्रीडन्ति। नगरे नगरे विविधेषु प्राङ्गणेषु दीपावलीमेलकान्यायोज्यन्ते।

परम्परयात्रैको दोषोऽपि समाजे समुद्भूतः। केचन जनाः चूतमप्यस्मिन् दिने ‘धर्म’ इति आचरन्ति। परन्तु वयं जीनामो यत् द्यूतं न तु समृद्धेरपि तु विनाशस्य कारणमेव। लक्ष्मीस्तेन न प्रसीदति, रुष्टैव भवति।

वस्तुतः उत्सवोऽयं सर्वेभ्यो नवजीवनस्य संमृद्धेः परिशुद्धेश्च सन्देशं ददाति। प्रकृतिरपि वर्षतरनन्तरं सर्वत्र प्रसन्ना विमला च दृश्यते। अन्धकारे प्रकाशस्य, अज्ञाने च ज्ञानस्य विजयरूपोऽयमुत्सवः सर्वानस्मान् धर्माचरणाय ज्ञानोपार्जनाय च प्रेरयति।

हम उम्मीद करते हैं आपको यह दीवाली पर संस्कृत में निबंध (Essay on Diwali in Sanskrit) और दीपावली पर संस्कृत में 10 वाक्य”  पसंद आया होगा। इसे आगे शेयर करना ना भूलें। आपको यह कैसा लगा, हमें कमेंट बॉक्स में जरूर बताएं।

  • दि‍वाली पर कविताएं
  • दिवाली में दिये जलाने के पीछे यह है पारम्परिक कारण
  • होली पर संस्कृत निबंध
  • मेरे विद्यालय पर संस्कृत निबंध

Rahul Singh Tanwar

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Hey there, young explorers! Have you ever heard of a festival that's all about lights, sweets, and celebrating with family and friends? Well, that's exactly what Diwali is! So, let's embark on a colorful journey to learn more about Diwali in 2023 - the most sparkling, twinkling, and "sweetest” festival of all!

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What is Diwali?

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of the most important festivals in India. It's the Festival of Lights, and people celebrate it with immense joy and enthusiasm. Imagine the night sky illuminated by thousands of twinkling candles and colorful lights - that's Diwali for you!

When is Diwali 2023?

Diwali doesn't have a fixed date; it's like the cool kid who changes schools every year. But don't worry! In 2023, Diwali will be celebrated on Sunday, November 12th - Tuesday 14th November. It usually falls between October and November, so keep an eye on your calendar.

The Story Behind Diwali

Now, let's dial back to the origin of the story. Diwali has a fascinating tale that makes it even more exciting! It's the celebration of the return of Lord Rama, his wife Sita, and his loyal brother Lakshmana from their 14-year exile. People lit oil lamps, or diyas, to guide them home. Isn't that sweet?

Picture this: a kingdom shrouded in darkness, ruled by a fierce demon king named Ravana. But there's a glimmer of hope - Lord Rama, a prince who's not just a skilled archer but also a symbol of truth and virtue. Lord Rama was exiled for 14 long years, along with his devoted wife Sita and his loyal brother Lakshmana.

Their journey through the forests was filled with adventures and challenges. They encountered mystical creatures, and brave allies, and faced countless trials. But through it all, Lord Rama remained steadfast in his righteousness, upholding the values of honor and duty.

The turning point in this epic tale came when Sita was kidnapped by the demon king, Ravana, who lured her away from the protective circle drawn by Lakshmana. A mighty battle ensued, and Lord Rama, with the help of an army of monkeys and an epic bridge (yes, you heard that right, a bridge built by monkeys!), defeated Ravana and rescued Sita.

Now, here's where the magic of Diwali comes in. After their long and challenging exile, Lord Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana finally returned to their kingdom, Ayodhya. The people of Ayodhya were overjoyed at the news of their return and wanted to celebrate this triumphant homecoming grandly.

To honor the return of their beloved prince and to light up his path, the people of Ayodhya lit oil lamps, or diyas, all around the kingdom. These lamps not only illuminated the city but also symbolised the victory of light over darkness, truth over falsehood, and 

good over evil. The entire kingdom glowed with a warm, welcoming light.

How to Celebrate Diwali?

The Light Show: Diwali is all about spreading light and happiness. Families decorate their homes with oil lamps, candles, and colorful lights. It's like a giant, sparkly Christmas tree, but with a lot more colors.

Sweets Galore: Diwali is a sweet tooth's dream come true. Families exchange sweets and goodies, and there's even a friendly competition to see who can make the tastiest treats. Yum!

Firecrackers: While it's fun to watch fireworks light up the sky, it's important to remember that not everyone enjoys them. Some people, animals, and our environment can get a bit spooked. So, let's be mindful and enjoy the dazzling lights without the loud noises.

Diwali Puja: Families gather to perform special prayers and ceremonies during Diwali. It's a time for reflection and gratitude.

5 days of Diwali Puja Timings

Bright facts about diwali.

Did you know that Diwali isn't just celebrated in India? It's also a holiday in countries like Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Fiji! It's like Diwali has a passport to travel the world.

Rangoli is an artistic way to decorate homes during Diwali. People make colorful patterns on the ground using things like colored rice, sand, or flower petals. It's like creating a giant, beautiful painting on your doorstep!

Some say that Diwali is a bit like New Year's Eve for many businesses in India. They start fresh accounting books and seek blessings for a prosperous year ahead.

Diwali isn't just about cleaning and decorating homes; it's also a time to tidy up your life by forgiving and forgetting past mistakes. It's like hitting the 'refresh' button on your computer but for your heart!

Diwali is like a kaleidoscope of colors, lights, sweets, and happiness. It's a time to celebrate with family, friends, and even Mother Earth. Remember to be safe, have fun, and make sweet memories. Happy Diwali, young explorers, and keep spreading the light of love and laughter, just like this beautiful festival does! V wish you a very Happy Diwali!


FAQs on Diwali 2023: The Festival of Lights, Laughter, and Love

1. What is the Diwali 2023 date?

The Diwali date is 12th November 2023.

2. At what time do you do Diwali pooja?

During the Pradosh period, which is usually between 5:40 PM and 7:36 PM.

3. What is the most fun thing about the Diwali festival?

Lighting up diyas, spending time with family and friends, and enjoying delicious food.

4. What are the 5 days of Diwali festival in 2023?

Dhanteras, Naraka Chaturdashi, Diwali, Govardhan Puja, and Bhai Dooj

5. Whose festival is Diwali?

Diwali is primarily celebrated by Hindus, but it is also celebrated by Jains, Sikhs, and some Buddhists.

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Diwali Essay in English for Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Diwali: Diwali, also called Deepavali, is a festival celebrated throughout India. It’s a special Indian festival that shows how good conquers evil. People in India celebrate Diwali with lots of excitement. This festival represents happiness, togetherness, and success. It also remembers when Lord Ram returned from his exile, which is a story in the epic Ramayana. The word “Diwali” comes from the Sanskrit word “Deepavali,” which means a row of lights. During Diwali, people light lamps, usually made of clay, all around their homes and offices. This symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness. Typically, Diwali falls in October or November, about 20 days after Dussehra, following the Hindu month called Kartika.

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This is an Indian festival that signifies the triumph of good over evil. It’s a celebration that Indians enjoy with lots of excitement. This festival is all about happiness, peace, and success. It also signifies the homecoming of Lord Ram after his time in exile, as told in the Ramayana story.

This religious celebration symbolizes the victory of good over bad and the triumph of light over darkness. People all around India mark Diwali by lighting clay oil lamps and adorning their homes with colorful and various-sized lights. These bright lights turn streets in India into a beautiful and captivating view.

Long and Short Essay on Diwali in English

Diwali is a religious Hindu festival, celebrated as a festival of lights by lighting lamps everywhere at homes, streets, shops, temples, markets, etc.

People of the Hindu religion wait very eagerly for this special festival of Diwali . It is the most important and favorite festival, especially for kids and children of the home.

Use the following long and short essays on Diwali to make your kids smart enough at home or school and motivate them to know the history and significance of celebrating the Diwali festival every year.

You can select anyone of these Diwali essays according to your need:

Essay on Diwali

  • Diwali is one of the most celebrated festivals in India, known for its joy and splendor.
  • Also called the Festival of Lights, Diwali signifies the triumph of light over darkness.
  • Families prepare for Diwali by cleaning their homes and decorating them with lights and colorful rangolis.
  • Lighting oil lamps or ‘diyas’ is a traditional practice that honors Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth.
  • People perform prayers, known as ‘Lakshmi Puja,’ to seek blessings for prosperity and success.
  • Firecrackers are burst to celebrate the joy of Diwali, although there’s a growing emphasis on noise-free and eco-friendly crackers.
  • Sharing festive meals and exchanging gifts and sweets strengthen bonds between family and friends.
  • Wearing new clothes is part of the celebration, symbolizing a fresh start and the festival’s joyous mood.
  • Diwali encourages charitable acts, reminding individuals to share their good fortune with those in need.
  • Overall, Diwali is a time of joy, celebrated with loved ones, and marked by fun, feasting, and hopeful beginnings.

Short Essay on Diwali in English 200 words

Diwali is one of the main festivals of Hindus. The preparation for the Diwali celebration begins weeks before the festival. People begin with the preparations by cleaning their houses and shops. Before Diwali, every nook and corner of the houses, shops, and offices are cleaned. These are then decorated with lights, lamps, flowers, and other decorative items.

People shop for new clothes, home decor items, and gifts for their loved ones at this festival. The markets are flooded with a variety of gift items and sweets around this time. It is a good time for businessmen. It is also a good time to bond with our near and dear ones. People visit each other around this time and exchange gifts as a part of the celebration.

On the day of Diwali, people light up their houses with diyas, candles, and lights. They also make rangoli and decorate their houses with flowers. The ritual of worshipping Goddess Lakshmi and Ganesha is followed in every Hindu household on the occasion of Diwali. It is said that this brings prosperity and good luck.

Also known as the festival of lights, Diwali is all about worshiping the deities, burning crackers, having sweets, and making merry with loved ones. It is considered one of the most auspicious days in the Hindu calendar.

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Diwali Essay in English 300 Words

Diwali is also known as Deepawali, meaning a row of diyas. The festival is celebrated with great zeal throughout India. It is celebrated each year to commemorate the return of Lord Rama to his kingdom, Ayodhya. A series of rituals are performed to celebrate this festival.

Festival of Lights

Lighting diyas is one of the main rituals of this Hindu festival. People buy beautiful earthenware diyas each year and illuminate their entire house as a part of the Diwali celebration. It is said that the entire town of Ayodhya was lighted with diyas to welcome Lord Rama, Laxman, and Sita. People continue to follow this ritual even today. This is a way to please the deities.

The houses, marketplaces, offices, temples, and all the other places are illuminated with lights on this day. Candles, lamps, and decorative lights are also lit up to add to the beauty.

Rangolis are made, and diyas are placed between these beautiful art creations to enhance their look.

Check: Ayodhya Ram Mandir

Exchange of Gifts

Exchanging gifts is one of the main rituals of the Diwali festival. People visit their colleagues, neighbours, relatives, and friends and present gifts to them to strengthen their bond. The Hindu culture teaches us to live in harmony with one another. Diwali, one of the main Hindu festivals, promotes the feeling of brotherhood and unity amid diversity.

While exchanging sweets and boxes of dry fruit was common in earlier times, these days, people look for unique and innovative gift items. Numerous kinds of Diwali gifts are available in the market these days.

People also purchase gifts for their employees and house helps. Many people also visit orphanages and old age homes and distribute gifts there.

Diwali Essay in English 400 Words

As per the Hindu calendar, Diwali falls on the new moon (Amavasya) during Kartik month. This is considered one of the most auspicious times in the Hindu religion. People wait for this time of the year to start a new business, shift to a new house or purchase a big asset such car, shop, jewelry, etc. A number of mythological stories are associated with the celebration of this festival. People belonging to different regions of India celebrate it for different reasons. However, it calls for a grand celebration everywhere.

Diwali is a festival to honor Lord Ramchandra. It’s because a long time ago, Lord Rama came back to the city of Ayodhya after being away for 14 years. While he was away, he had to fight with some bad creatures and a strong king named Ravana who ruled a place called Lanka. When Rama came back, the folks in Ayodhya lit oil lamps to show how happy they were to see him and to celebrate that he won.

Cleaning and Decoration

Diwali celebration begins with the cleaning of the houses and workplaces. From washing curtains to cleaning the fans, from cleaning every corner of the house to discarding useless old stuff – Diwali is the time for thorough cleaning of the houses as well as workplaces. Many cleaning agencies offer special discounts around Diwali and make good business.

People also shop for various home decor items to redecorate their places. The houses are decorated with diyas, lanterns, candles, flowers, drapes, and many other decorative items.

Sharing the Joy

People visit their relatives, neighbours, and friends. They exchange gifts and spend time with each other. Many people host Diwali parties to celebrate the festival with their loved ones. The joy of celebration doubles up this way.

Many residential societies organize Diwali parties to celebrate the occasion. It is a great way to rejoice in the festival.

Worshipping the Deities

Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha are worshipped during the evening hours. People wear new clothes and offer prayers to the deities. It is believed that worshipping Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha brings wealth, prosperity, and good luck on this day.

Burning of Fire Crackers and Increasing Pollution

Firecrackers are also burnt as a part of Diwali celebrations. Large numbers of crackers are burnt on this day each year. While it offers momentary pleasure, its repercussions are extremely harmful. It adds to air, noise, and land pollution. Many people suffer due to the pollution caused.

Diwali without firecrackers would be much more beautiful. The newer generations must be sensitized about the harmful effects of burning crackers and should be encouraged to celebrate this festival without fireworks.

Essay on Diwali in English 500 Words

Diwali falls sometime between the mid of October and mid of November. It is one of the main festivals of Hindus. The festival is celebrated for different reasons in different parts of India. A number of rituals form a part of the Diwali celebrations. Illuminating houses with diyas and candles and worshiping Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha are the main rituals.

Why Do We Celebrate Diwali?

While it is largely believed that Diwali is celebrated to rejoice in the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya, many other folklores and mythological stories are associated with it. Here are some of the reasons why this festival is celebrated.

The Return of Lord Rama

It is believed that on this day, Lord Rama returned to his hometown Ayodhya after staying in exile for fourteen years. He was accompanied by his brother Lakshman and his wife Sita. Sita was abducted by the demon Ravana. She was kept as a hostage in his kingdom until Lord Rama defeated him and brought her back. As Lord Rama, Lakshman and Sita returned to Ayodhya; the people were thrilled and excited.

The entire town was illuminated with diyas. Sweets were distributed, and people made merry. This is how we continue to celebrate this day even today.

The Harvest Festival

In some parts of the country, Diwali is considered to be a harvest festival. This is because it is the time when rice is cultivated. Since India is mainly an agricultural economy, this is the time for celebration. A Grand celebration is held at this time. The festival holds special importance for the farmers.

The Legend of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi

It is said that King Bali had imprisoned Goddess Lakshmi. On this day, Lord Vishnu disguised himself and set the Goddess free from the evil king. The day thus calls for a celebration. In many parts of the country, people celebrate Diwali to rejoice in the return of Goddess Lakshmi.

The Birth of Goddess Lakshmi

It is said that Goddess Lakshmi was born on the new moon of Kartik month. Thus, in certain regions, Diwali is celebrated to rejoice in the birth of Goddess Lakshmi, who is worshipped during the evening hours on this day. Goddess Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity, and the Hindus hold high regard for her.

The ritual of worshipping Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha is followed in every Hindu household on the day of Diwali.

No matter what the reason, Diwali is celebrated with immense enthusiasm across India as well as some other countries. Cleaning the house, shopping for new clothes, sweets, and gifts, decorating the house, illuminating lamps, offering prayers, burning firecrackers, and meeting loved ones are some rituals followed on Diwali.

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Essay on Diwali, Pollution, and Eco-friendly Diwali in 600 Word

Diwali is the time to meet and greet our loved ones, prepare delicious sweets, wear new clothes, redecorate the house and worship Goddess Lakshmi. It is also the time to burn firecrackers. While all the Diwali rituals are beautiful and pious, burning firecrackers to rejoice the day is not appreciated much. This is because it adds to the pollution in the atmosphere.

Diwali Celebrations

Diwali has been celebrated in India since ancient times. It is a day to celebrate the victory of light over darkness. This is because, as per Hindu mythology, this was the day when Lord Rama returned to his kingdom Ayodhya after staying in exile for 14 years. He returned victorious after killing the demon Ravana and freeing Sita from his clutches.

The effigies of Ravana are burnt across India on Dussehra each year. It marks the victory of good over evil. Diwali falls twenty days later. The houses and marketplaces are illuminated with beautiful diyas and lights to celebrate Diwali. Rangolis are made, and decorative items are used to enhance the beauty of these places. People decorate their houses after cleaning them thoroughly to welcome Goddess Lakshmi, who is worshipped on this day. It is believed that Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, only visits places that are clean and beautiful.

People visit each other and exchange gifts as a part of the Diwali celebrations. Many people host house parties on this day. It is a great time to bond with our relatives and friends. Many offices and residential societies host Diwali parties a day or two before the festival.

Children especially look forward to burning firecrackers on this day. They gather around and rejoice in the festival by burning different crackers.

Diwali Pollution: A Matter of Concern

Diwali is an auspicious day. The entire atmosphere is filled with festivity and joy around this time. However, it eventually fills with pollution. The firecrackers burnt on this day are a complete put-off. Burning crackers is said to be a ritual on Diwali. People burn thousands of crackers in the name of a ritual on this day each year. This results in an increase in pollution levels in the atmosphere. The sky turns hazy, and the consequences are harmful. It gives way to many health problems. This is especially unsafe for asthmatic patients, heart patients, pregnant women, elderly people, and infants. It is difficult to step out on Diwali as well as days after the festival.

The burning of crackers pollutes the air and causes noise pollution. It is particularly disturbing for sick and elderly people, small kids, students, and animals.

Eco-Friendly Diwali: A Good Idea

We must celebrate eco-friendly Diwali.

We must say no to crackers and advise those around us to do the same. Parents must take this as their responsibility to tell their kids about the negative repercussions of burning crackers. Kids must also be sensitized about the same in schools. This will help in bringing down the fireworks on Diwali.

Apart from the measures people can take at their end, it is important to check the sale of firecrackers. The government must intervene for the same. The production and sale of firecrackers must be banned, or some restrictions should be put on the same.

Diwali Essay in English 1000 words

Diwali is the most significant Hindu festival celebrated all over India in the autumn every year. The spiritual significance of this festival indicates the victory of light over darkness. It is a five days long festival celebrated by the people with huge preparations and rituals. It falls every year in the month of October or November. Many days ago of the festival, people start cleaning, renovating, and decorating their homes and offices. They purchase new dresses, decorative things like diyas, lamps, candles, puja materials, statues of God and Goddesses, and eating things, especially for Diwali.

People worship God Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi to get wealth and prosperity in their life. They perform puja on the main Diwali with lots of rituals. After puja, they get involved in the fireworks and distribute gifts among neighbors, family members, friends, offices, etc. People celebrate Dhanteras on the first day, Naraka Chaturdasi on the second day, Diwali on the third day, Diwali Padv a (Govardhan Puja) on the fourth day, and Bhai Dooj on the fifth day of the festival. It becomes an official holiday in many countries on the day of the festival.

Celebration of Diwali with Family without Crackers

Diwali is my favorite festival of the year, and I celebrate it with lots of enthusiasm with my family members and friends. Diwali is called the festival of lights because we celebrate it by lighting lots of diyas and candles. It is a traditional and cultural festival celebrated by each and every Hindu person all over India and abroad. People decorate their houses with lots of candles and small clay oil lamps, indicating the victory of good over evil.

Family members spend most of the day preparing the house (cleaning, decorating, etc.) to welcome the festival with a grand evening party. Neighbors, family members, and friends get collected at the evening party and enjoy the party with delicious Indian dishes, dance, music, etc., all through the night. Houses look very attractive in white wash, candle lights, and rangolis. High-pitch music and fireworks make the celebration more interesting.

People go to their homes by taking off from their job, offices, and other work; students also booked their train around three months ago to easily go to their homes on Diwali festival because everyone wants to celebrate this festival with their family members in the home town. People enjoy the festival by feasting, bursting crackers, and enjoying the dance with family and friends.

However, it prohibited doctors from getting outside and enjoying firecrackers, especially people suffering from lung or heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes, etc. Such people have to knock on the doctor’s door because of consuming high amounts of highly saturated food and sweets, lack of exercise, and pollution caused by crackers these days.

Significance of Diwali

The people celebrate the Diwali festival with great revelry and lots of fun and frolic activities. It became the happiest holiday for Indian people and is celebrated with significant preparations. It is a festival of high significance for Indian people. People clean their homes, decorate, shop, buy new things, including gifts, kitchen utensils, appliances, cars, golden jewelry, etc., and perform many rituals.

Many ancient stories, legends, and myths about celebrating this festival. Girls and women of the home do the shopping and make rangolis in creative patterns on the floors near the home’s doors and walkways. There are little variations in the celebration of this festival according to the regional practices and rituals.

The spiritual significance of this festival symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and the victory of good over evil. It is celebrated to honor the Goddess of wealth, Lakshmi, and the God of wisdom, Ganesha. Its religious significance varies according to the region all throughout the country. Somewhere, it is celebrated to honor the return of Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana to their home after a long exile period of 14 years (according to the Hindu epic Ramayana).

Some people celebrate it to remember the return of Pandavas to their kingdom after 12 years of Vanvas and one year of agyatavas (according to the Hindu epic Mahabharata). It is also believed that it was started celebrated when Goddess Lakshmi was born after churning the ocean by the gods and demons. Diwali celebration also indicates a new Hindu year in the west and some northern parts of India. It is celebrated by the people of the Sikh religion to mark the Bandi Chhor Divas by lighting up the Golden Temple. It is celebrated by the people of the Jain religion to mark the Nirvana attained by the Mahavira.

Pollution on Diwali

With the Diwali celebration, there is an indirect increase in environmental pollution worldwide because of the bursting of various firecrackers during this festival. Such firecrackers are very dangerous as they release toxic pollutants like sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc., which get intermingled into the air and cause a variety of ailments like asthma, bronchitis, hypertension, etc. It affects people of all age groups; however, those who already suffer from any ailment. Together with human beings, it also affects the lives of animals, birds, and other living beings due to air and noise pollution.

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Essay on Diwali FAQs

How is diwali celebrated for class 2.

Diwali is celebrated by lighting lamps, decorating homes, and bursting fireworks. It's a joyful time for families to come together.

What is Diwali short notes for kids?

Diwali, also called the Festival of Lights, is a special Indian festival. People celebrate it with lights, sweets, and happiness.

How to write an essay for Diwali?

To write an essay on Diwali, you can start with an introduction, describe how it's celebrated, its significance, and end with your thoughts or wishes.

How do we celebrate Diwali?

Diwali is celebrated by lighting oil lamps, sharing sweets, exchanging gifts, and enjoying firecrackers with family and friends.

Why Celebrate Diwali?

Diwali is celebrated to honor the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. It brings people together to share happiness and love.

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दिवाली पर निबंध


रूपरेखा : प्रस्तावना - दिवाली से संबंधित पौराणिक कथाएँ - दिवाली से पूर्व तैयारी - दीपावली का महत्व - उपसंहार।

दीवाली हमारे देश का प्रसिद्ध त्योहार है। भारतवर्ष में त्योहारों की गौरवमयी परंपरा प्राचीन काल से चली आ रही है। घर-घर में अंधकार दूर कर दीपकों का प्रकाश फैलाने वाली दीपावली या दीवाली तो सचमुच भारतीय त्योहारों की महारानी है। दिवाली को दीपावली भी कहते हैं।

जब श्रीरामचंद्रजी लंका-विजय के बाद अयोध्या लौटे तब अयोध्यानिवासियों ने दीपमालाएँ जलाकर उनका स्वागत किया था। तभी से यह त्योहार प्रचलित हुआ है। यह भी मान्यता है कि महाराज युधिष्ठिर के राजसूय यज्ञ की पूर्णाहुति इसी दिन हुई थी, तब से यह पर्व मनाया जाता है। कुछ लोग दीपावली को ही भगवान महावीर का निर्वाण दिन मानते हैं। इस प्रकार प्रत्येक भारतीय दीपावली के पर्व में आत्मीयता का अनुभव करता है।

दीपावली सफाई और सजावट का सुनहरा संदेश लेकर आती है। इसके आने से कुछ दिन पहले ही लोग अपने-अपने घरों की सफाई करने में लग जाते हैं। लोग नए कपड़े सिलवाते हैं और गहने खरीदते हैं। घर-घर मिष्टान्न और पकवान बनाए जाते हैं। इस प्रकार दीवाली के आगमन के पूर्व सभी जगह उत्साह और उल्लास की लहर दौड़ जाती है।

आश्विन मास के कृष्णपक्ष की त्रयोदशी से कार्तिक मास के शुक्ल पक्ष की द्वितीया ( भैयादूज) तक दीपावली धूमधाम से मनाई जाती है। घर-घर दीपक, मोमबत्तियाँ और बिजली के बल्ब जलाए जाते हैं। पटाखे और आतिशबाजी से वातावरण गूंज उठता है। त्रयोदशी (धनतेरस) के दिन लोग धन की पूजा करते हैं। चतुर्दशी को 'नरक चतुर्दशी' भी कहते हैं। इसी दिन भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ने नरकासुर का संहार किया था।

अमावस का दिन ही दीवाली है। इस दिन व्यापारी लोग हिसाब-किताब की नई बहियों की पूजा करते हैं। दीपावली के दूसरे दिन नया विक्रम वर्ष शुरू होता है। इस दिन लोग अपने सगे-संबंधियों से मिलते-जुलते हैं और नए वर्ष की शुभकामनाओं का आदान-प्रदान करते हैं। फिर भैयादूज के दिन बहन भाई को टीका लगाती है और मिष्टान्न खिलाती है। भाई बहन को कुछ उपहार देता है।

दीपावली के दिन कुछ लोग जुआ खेलते और मदिरा का सेवन करते हैं। दीपावली में बेहद पटाखेबाजी होती है। इससे वायु दूषित होती है और कभी-कभी भयंकर अग्निकांड भी होते हैं। इन बुराइयों से हमें बचना चाहिए।

दीपावली के प्रकाश से हमारा घर-आँगन और तन-मन दोनों ही आलोकित उठते हैं। हमारे दिल से मनमुटाव दूर हो जाते हैं। हमारे ह्रदय स्नेह और सदभाव से भर जाते हैं। इससे सामाजिक जीवन को नई चेतना मिलती है और लोगों को नूतन वर्ष के कर्तव्यों को पूरा करने का बल मिलता है।

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  1. Very Short Essay On Diwali In Sanskrit

    diwali essay in sanskrit for class 9

  2. Write A Essay On Diwali In Sanskrit

    diwali essay in sanskrit for class 9

  3. Diwali Essay in Sanskrit

    diwali essay in sanskrit for class 9

  4. Write A Essay On Diwali In Sanskrit

    diwali essay in sanskrit for class 9

  5. दीवाली पर संस्कृत निबंध

    diwali essay in sanskrit for class 9

  6. दीवाली पर संस्कृत निबंध

    diwali essay in sanskrit for class 9


  1. My Favourite Festival Diwali Essay In English

  2. Diwali par nibandh

  3. diwali par sanskrit mein nibandh/diwali essay in sanskrit

  4. Diwali Essay Writing in English || Essay Writing on Diwali in English || Essay on Diwali


  6. 10 Lines On Diwali in English


  1. Diwali

    This post contains Essay on Diwali - 10 Lines in Sanskrit with translation in English and Hindi. This can be referenced by Sanskrit students or anyone interested in learning and writing basic Sanskrit sentences. Learn More ⇒

  2. दीवाली पर संस्कृत में निबंध। Essay on Diwali in Sanskrit

    In this post you will find long essay in Diwali on Sanskrit as well as short Sanskrit essay on Diwali like 10 sentences in Sanskrit on Diwali, 20 sentence essay in Sanskrit in Diwali and 5 line in Sanskrit language in Diwali. These essays on Diwali in Sanskrit language will prove useful for the students of small class and along with the essay ...

  3. दीवाली पर संस्कृत निबंध

    दीवाली पर संस्कृत में निबंध (Diwali Essay in Sanskrit) दीपावली इति अपि प्रसिद्धः दीपावली भारते विश्वस्य अन्येषु च अनेकेषु भागेषु अपार उत्साहेन ...

  4. Sanskrit Essay on Diwali

    Essay On Diwali. Diwali is celebrated in the months of Ashwin and Kartik. On the first day of the festival, people worship the cow with its calf. Kuber Puja is performed in the evening of Dhanteras. On the morning of Narak Chaturdashi, people take an Abhyanga bath. Lakshmidevi is worshiped in the evening on Amavasya day.

  5. Deepavali Essay in Sanskrit

    Dipawali word means a row of light. This is the most famous and favorite festival of Indians. This festival starts on the 12th day of the month of Ashwin and ends on the 2nd day of the month of Kartik. All Indians wear new clothes on the occasion of Diwali. Family come together and eat sweets and Diwali snacks (faral) at home.

  6. Essay on Diwali: 150 words, 250, 300, 1000 words for Students

    You can use this Essay on Diwali in any assignment or project whether you are in school child (class 10th or 12th), a college student, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. Topics covered in this article. Essay on Diwali in 150 words. Essay on Diwali in 250-300 words. Essay on Diwali in 500-1000 words.

  7. Essay on Diwali for School Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Diwali. First of all, understand that India is the land of festivals. However, none of the festivals comes close to Diwali. It is certainly one of the biggest festivals in India. It is probably the brightest festival in the world. People of different religions celebrate Diwali.

  8. दीपावली पर 10 लाइन संस्कृत में

    दीपावली पर 10 लाइन संस्कृत में । 10 Lines on Diwali in Sanskrit | Diwali Essay in Sanskrit#दीपावली_पर_10_लाइन ...

  9. संस्कृत निबंध: Essay on Diwali In Sanskrit || Long & Short Essay

    Essay on Diwali In Sanskrit: दोस्तों इस आर्टिकल में हम दिवाली पर संस्कृत भाषा में निबंध साझा कर रहे हैं, ... List of Essay in Sanskrit For Class 5 to 12 (NCERT)

  10. Essay on Diwali in English: Samples 150, 250, & 500 Words

    Essay on Diwali in 250 Words. Diwali is the most popular celebration in India which is regarded as the "festival of lights" and represents the spiritual message of the power of light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance. The holiday of Diwali is mostly associated with Hinduism, although it is also joyfully observed by Sikhs and Jains.

  11. Paragraph On Diwali 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students

    ICSE Specimen Papers 2020 for Class 9; ISC Specimen Papers 2020 for Class 12; ... Diwali gets its name from the Sanskrit word 'Deepavali' that roughly translates to 'a row of lights.' It is a great time to have fun with your family and friends. ... Students can also find Essay on Diwali and 10 Lines on Diwali from here. Paragraph on ...

  12. Essay on Diwali in English (150, 200, 300, 400 Words)

    Diwali Essay in English 300 Words (For 9,10 and 11 Class Students) Diwali essays in 300 words are important for class 9,10 and 11 class students for their English exams. This essay is frequently asked in the writing section of the English exam. ... The name "Diwali" comes from the Sanskrit word "Deepavali," which translates to "row of lights ...

  13. Diwali Essay in English

    Download as PDF. This collection features Diwali essays in English on the popular Hindu festival for various school classes. It includes short essays of 120-150 words suitable for lower classes like 5, 6, 7 to teach students about the significance and celebrations of Diwali in a concise manner. Longer essays of 300-400 words for middle classes ...

  14. दीवाली पर संस्कृत निबंध

    हम उम्मीद करते हैं आपको यह दीवाली पर संस्कृत में निबंध (Essay on Diwali in Sanskrit) और दीपावली पर संस्कृत में 10 वाक्य" पसंद आया होगा। इसे आगे शेयर ...

  15. Diwali 2023: A Sweet Treat for All Ages

    A mighty battle ensued, and Lord Rama, with the help of an army of monkeys and an epic bridge (yes, you heard that right, a bridge built by monkeys!), defeated Ravana and rescued Sita. Now, here's where the magic of Diwali comes in. After their long and challenging exile, Lord Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana finally returned to their kingdom, Ayodhya.

  16. Essay on Diwali in English for Students in 100 to 1000 words

    Long and Short Essay on Diwali in English. Diwali is a religious Hindu festival, celebrated as a festival of lights by lighting lamps everywhere at homes, streets, shops, temples, markets, etc. People of the Hindu religion wait very eagerly for this special festival of Diwali. It is the most important and favorite festival, especially for kids ...

  17. दिवाली पर निबंध

    Essay In Hindi कक्षा 1 से 4 के लिए निबंध कक्षा 5 से 9 के लिए निबंध कक्षा 10 से 12 के लिए निबंध प्रतियोगी परीक्षा के लिए निबंध ऋतुओं पर निबंध त्योहारों ...

  18. Diwali Essay In Sanskrit For Class 9

    Diwali Essay In Sanskrit For Class 9 | Best Writing Service. Perfect Essay. #5 in Global Rating. The first step in making your write my essay request is filling out a 10-minute order form. Submit the instructions, desired sources, and deadline. If you want us to mimic your writing style, feel free to send us your works.

  19. Diwali Essay In Sanskrit For Class 9

    Diwali Essay In Sanskrit For Class 9. Meet Jeremiah! He is passionate about scholarly writing, World History, and Political sciences. If you want to make a lasting impression with your research paper, count on him without hesitation. 100% Success rate. 4078. Nursing Psychology Mathematics Healthcare +54.

  20. Diwali Essay In Sanskrit For Class 9

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