1. Figure 1 from DataType-Aware Knowledge Graph Representation Learning in

    datatype aware knowledge graph representation learning in hyperbolic space

  2. Figure 1 from DataType-Aware Knowledge Graph Representation Learning in

    datatype aware knowledge graph representation learning in hyperbolic space

  3. Figure 1 from DataType-Aware Knowledge Graph Representation Learning in

    datatype aware knowledge graph representation learning in hyperbolic space

  4. Representation Learning in Knowledge Graphs

    datatype aware knowledge graph representation learning in hyperbolic space

  5. Distributed representation, Hyperbolic Space, Gaussian/Graph Embedding

    datatype aware knowledge graph representation learning in hyperbolic space

  6. Figure 1 from Hyperbolic Geometric Graph Representation Learning for

    datatype aware knowledge graph representation learning in hyperbolic space


  1. Stanford CS224W: Machine Learning w/ Graphs I 2023 I Knowledge Graph Embeddings

  2. A Model of Text Enhanced Knowledge Graph Representation Learning With Mutual Attention

  3. [tt8745] Text-Attributed Graph Representation Learning: Methods, Applications, and Challenges

  4. Lecture

  5. Hyperbolic Crochet

  6. Self-Supervised Dynamic Graph Representation Learning via Temporal Subgraph Contrast