
Solved 2023 CSS English Essay Paper: Explanation and Outlines

Solved css english essay 2023 paper: explanation and outline.

CSS Paper English Essay (2023) was a crucial paper for the Civil Superior Services examination 2023 (CE-2023) in Pakistan. A strong command of the English language is essential for CSS aspirants to succeed in the examination and in their future careers as administrators. Understanding the format and requirements of the CSS Paper English Essay 2023, as well as preparing thoroughly with the help of study materials and writing practice, will increase the chances of success for CSS aspirants. The CSS Paper English Essay is an excellent opportunity for candidates to showcase their writing and comprehension skills, and to demonstrate their commitment to excellence in the competitive world of government administration.

The CSS 2023 aspirants saw a Paper of the CSS English Essay very analytic and out of the blue. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive explanation of the solved CSS English Essay Paper 2023, including outline for each of the essay questions that were asked. This information will be useful for current and future CSS aspirants who are looking to understand the structure and format of the English Essay Paper. As FPSC has changed the stereotyped questions in the Essay paper, therefore, here you will learn how you can tackle the questions asked in today’s (01/02/2023) paper.

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CSS Paper English Essay 2023

  • Instruction In youth is like engaging in stone.
  • The one who uses force is of reasoning.
  • Not all recycling projects are cost effective.
  • The fool speaks, and the wise listens.
  • A friend walks in when everyone else walks out.
  • Online learning is not only convenient but often more effective than traditional classroom.
  • To encourage healthy eating, higher tax should be imposed on soft drink and junk food.
  • People have become overly dependent on technology.
  • Both parents should assume equal responsibility in raising a child.
  • Boys will be boys.

1. Instruction In youth is like engaging in stone.

Learning and being taught when you’re young is important and will benefit you for the rest of your life, like building a strong foundation for a building. For example, if a young person takes the time to learn a new skill, such as playing an instrument or speaking a new language, they will have that skill for the rest of their life, just like a stone building foundation lasts a long time.

Essay outline “Instruction In youth is like engaging in stone.”

I. Introduction A. Definition of the proverb “Instruction in youth is like engaging in stone.” B. Explanation of the meaning of the proverb C. Importance of education in the development of young people D. Thesis statement

A. Explanation of the proverb

1. Stone as a symbol of durability and permanence 2. Instruction as the process of educating young people 3. The relationship between instruction and durability

B. Importance of education in youth

4. Building foundation for future success 5. Developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills 6. Fostering creativity and innovation C. The impact of early education on future outcomes 7. Improved academic performance 8. Better employment opportunities 9. Enhanced personal and social development

III. Conclusion A. Restate thesis B. Summarize main points C. Emphasize the significance of education in youth D. Final thoughts and call to action.

2. The one who uses force is of reasoning.

People who rely on violence or force instead of reasoning and understanding are not making good decisions. If a parent constantly punishes their child for misbehaviour instead of trying to understand why the child is acting out, they are not using reasoning and may not find a long-term solution to the problem.

Essay outline “The one who uses force is of reasoning.”

I. Introduction A. Definition of the proverb “The one who uses force is of reasoning.” B. Explanation of the meaning of the proverb C. Importance of reasoning and the use of force D. Thesis statement

A. Explanation of the proverb 1. Force as a means of achieving a goal 2. Reasoning as a means of finding solutions 3. The relationship between force and reasoning

B. Importance of reasoning in decision-making 4. Improving critical thinking and problem-solving skills 5. Avoiding unintended consequences of using force 6. Building consensus and improving relationships

C. The impact of using force instead of reasoning

7. Escalation of conflicts and violence 8. Damage to reputation and relationships 9. Decreased effectiveness in achieving goals

III. Conclusion

3. Not all recycling projects are cost effective.

Not all recycling efforts save money, some can even be more expensive than just throwing things away. For example, recycling paper can save money and resources, but recycling certain types of plastic may cost more than just producing new plastic.

Essay outline on “Not all recycling projects are cost effective”

I. Introduction A. Definition of cost-effectiveness in recycling projects B. Explanation of the statement “Not all recycling projects are cost effective” C. Importance of cost-effectiveness in recycling projects D. Thesis statement

A. Explanation of cost-effectiveness in recycling projects

1. Definition of cost-effectiveness 2. Factors that impact cost-effectiveness of recycling projects 3. Importance of cost-effectiveness for sustainability

B. Examples of recycling projects that are not cost-effective

4. Collection and transportation of recyclables 5. Processing and manufacturing of recycled materials 6. Market conditions for recycled materials C. Reasons why some recycling projects are not cost-effective 7. High costs of collection and transportation 8. Limited market for recycled materials 9. Inefficient processing and manufacturing techniques

4. The fool speaks, and the wise listens.

It’s better to listen and learn from others, rather than talking and acting without thinking. For instance, a wise person will listen to advice from others before making a decision, while a fool may act impulsively without considering the consequences.

Essay outline on “The fool speaks, and the wise listen.”

I. Introduction A. Background information B. Thesis statement: “The fool speaks, and the wise listens” is a common phrase that highlights the importance of listening and learning from others.

II. Explanation of the phrase A. Definition of a fool B. Definition of a wise person C. Explanation of how a fool speaks and a wise person listens

III. Importance of listening A. Understanding different perspectives B. Making informed decisions C. Avoiding mistakes D. Improving relationships

IV. Importance of speaking wisely A. Consideration of others’ feelings B. Communication of clear and concise ideas C. Building trust and respect

V. Real-life examples A. Historical figures who exemplified the phrase B. Current leaders and role models C. Personal experiences

VI. Conclusion A. Recap of the main points B. Final thoughts on the importance of listening and speaking wisely C. Call to action for applying the phrase in daily life.

5. A friend walks in when everyone else walks out.

A true friend will be there for you, even when everyone else has left. For example, if someone is going through a tough time and all their other friends have abandoned them, a true friend will be there to support them.

Essay outline on “friend walks in when everyone else walks out.”

I. Introduction A. Background information B. Thesis statement: “A friend walks in when everyone else walks out” is a common phrase that emphasizes the true meaning of friendship and the importance of being there for someone in their time of need.

II. Explanation of the phrase A. Definition of friendship B. Explanation of the meaning of the phrase C. Importance of being a true friend

III. Qualities of a true friend A. Loyalty B. Support C. Empathy D. Trust

IV. Importance of having a true friend A. Mental and emotional support B. Someone to rely on in difficult times C. Opportunity for personal growth and development D. Building a strong support system

V. Real-life examples A. Historical figures who exemplified the phrase B. Personal experiences and anecdotes C. Friendships in popular culture and media

VI. Conclusion A. Recap of the main points B. Final thoughts on the meaning and importance of true friendship C. Call to action for being a true friend and valuing those relationships.

6. Online learning is not only convenient but often more effective than traditional classroom.

Online learning is not only convenient but often more effective than traditional classroom: For example, online classes allow a student to learn at their own pace and review material as many times as they need to, while traditional classrooms may have limited time for individualized instruction.

Essay outline on “Online learning is not only convenient but often more effective than traditional classroom.”

I. Introduction A. Background information on the rise of online learning B. Thesis statement: Despite the convenience of online learning, it can also be more effective than traditional classroom learning in many ways.

II. Advantages of online learning A. Convenience and flexibility B. Customization and personalization C. Access to a wider range of resources D. Opportunities for self-paced learning

III. Effectiveness of online learning A. Improved engagement and motivation B. Better access to technology and tools C. Increased collaboration and communication D. Effective assessment and feedback

IV. Comparison to traditional classroom learning A. Advantages and disadvantages of both methods B. Discussion of the effectiveness of each method in different contexts C. The role of technology in enhancing traditional classroom learning

V. Real-life examples A. Success stories of online learning programs B. Case studies of schools and institutions implementing online learning C. Personal experiences and anecdotes

7. To encourage healthy eating, higher tax should be imposed on soft drink and junk food.

To help people make healthier choices, the government could charge more taxes on sugary drinks and junk food. For example, if the government raised taxes on sugary drinks and junk food, people may be less likely to buy these unhealthy options and instead choose healthier alternatives.

Essay outline on “To encourage healthy eating, higher tax should be imposed on soft drink and junk food”

I. Introduction A. Background information on the problem of unhealthy eating habits B. Thesis statement: To encourage healthy eating, a higher tax should be imposed on soft drinks and junk food as a means of reducing consumption and promoting healthier choices.

II. The problem of unhealthy eating habits A. The rise of obesity and related health problems B. The role of soft drinks and junk food in unhealthy diets C. The impact of unhealthy eating on society and the economy

III. The concept of taxing unhealthy food and drinks A. Explanation of the tax and how it would work B. Discussion of similar taxes in other countries C. Potential benefits and drawbacks of the tax

IV. The impact of the tax on healthy eating A. Reduction in consumption of unhealthy food and drinks B. Increase in consumption of healthier alternatives C. Potential positive impact on public health D. Role of the tax in promoting healthy eating habits

V. Arguments against the tax A. Concerns about government intervention in personal choices B. Potential negative impact on low-income communities C. Criticisms of the effectiveness of the tax

VI. Conclusion A. Recap of the main points B. Final thoughts on the importance of promoting healthy eating habits C. Call to action for considering and implementing a higher tax on unhealthy food and drinks.

8. People have become overly dependent on technology.

The over-dependence on technology has resulted in negative consequences for individuals and society, including decreased face-to-face communication skills, increased stress and anxiety, and decreased attention span and cognitive abilities, highlighting the importance of finding a balance between technology use and personal well-being.  People are too reliant on technology and need to find a balance between technology and other activities. Sadly, for instance, instead of having face-to-face conversations with friends, people rely on social media and messaging apps to communicate in the contemporary run only.

Essay outline on “People have become overly dependent on technology.”

I. Introduction A. Explanation of the rise of technology in society B. Definition of the statement “People have become overly dependent on technology” C. Importance of examining the impact of technology on society D. Thesis statement

II. Body A. Explanation of the concept of over-dependence on technology

  • Definition of over-dependence on technology
  • Examples of technology dependence in daily life
  • Consequences of over-dependence on technology

B. Factors contributing to over-dependence on technology

  • The convenience and accessibility of technology
  • The pressure to stay connected and informed
  • The influence of advertising and marketing

C. Negative impacts of over-dependence on technology

  • Decreased face-to-face communication skills
  • Decreased physical activity and increased sedentary behavior
  • Increased stress and anxiety
  • Decreased attention span and cognitive abilities

9. Both parents should assume equal responsibility in raising a child.

Both the mother and father have a role in raising a child and should work together to do so. both the mother and father should be involved in helping the child with homework, taking them to extracurricular activities, and setting boundaries and rules.

English Essay outline on “Both parents should assume equal responsibility in raising a child”

I. Introduction A. Explanation of the importance of parenting in a child’s development B. Definition of the statement “Both parents should assume equal responsibility in raising a child” C. Importance of equal responsibility in parenting D. Thesis statement

II. Body A. Explanation of equal responsibility in parenting

  • Definition of equal responsibility
  • Importance of cooperation between parents
  • Benefits of equal responsibility in parenting

B. Roles and responsibilities of both parents

  • Providing emotional support
  • Providing financial support
  • Providing physical care
  • Providing educational support

C. Importance of equal responsibility in promoting child well-being

  • Improving child-parent relationships
  • Encouraging healthy development
  • Promoting gender equality
  • Decreasing the risk of family conflict

III. Conclusion A. Restate thesis B. Summarize main points C. Emphasize the benefits of equal responsibility in parenting D. Final thoughts and call to action.

10. Boys will be boys.

This saying means that it’s normal for young boys to be mischievous and adventurous, they just need time to grow up. For instance, if a young boy is energetic and playful, this phrase suggests that this behavior is normal and just a part of growing up, rather than a problem to be solved. “Boys will be boys” is a phrase that has been used for generations to excuse or dismiss the problematic behavior of young boys and men. Despite its widespread use, the idea that boys are inherently prone to misbehavior and that this behavior should be excused is deeply flawed and reinforces negative gender stereotypes. The phrase “boys will be boys” often serves as an excuse for boys to engage in aggressive, violent, or disrespectful behavior. This can include physical altercations, bullying, sexual harassment, and other forms of violence. By implying that boys cannot help but act in these ways, the phrase reinforces the notion that boys are naturally aggressive and cannot be held responsible for their actions. This reinforces harmful gender stereotypes and undermines the idea that everyone, regardless of gender, should be held accountable for their behavior.

English Essay outline on “Boys will be boys.”

I. Introduction A. Explanation of the phrase “Boys will be boys” B. History of the use of the phrase C. Importance of examining the use and meaning of the phrase D. Thesis statement

II. Body A. Explanation of the implications of the phrase “Boys will be boys”

  • Excusing harmful behavior in boys and men
  • Reinforcing negative gender stereotypes
  • Undermining the idea of accountability for behavior

B. The impact of the phrase on society

  • Perpetuating violence and aggression
  • Undermining the development of healthy relationships and behaviors
  • Reinforcing the notion of gender inequality

C. Alternatives to the phrase “Boys will be boys”

  • Holding boys and men accountable for their actions
  • Encouraging healthy behaviors and relationships
  • Promoting gender equality and respect

III. Conclusion A. Restate thesis B. Summarize main points C. Emphasize the importance of rejecting the phrase “Boys will be boys” D. Final thoughts and call to action.

Please note that we by no means claim these are the correct solution of the paper. However, you can get at least 40 marks if you solve the paper as given on this page. So, please if you are not satisfied you can discuss it in the comment box below. If we like your outline, that very portion will be updated and you will also get its credit

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CSS Exam Desk

English Essay (CSS 2023)

English Essay (CSS 2024)

English Essay Syllabus for CSS 2024

Candidates will be required to write one or more Essay in English. A wide choice of topics will be given. Candidates are expected to reflect comprehensive and research based knowledge on a selected topic. Candidate’s articulation, expression and technical treatment of the style of English Essay writing will be examined.

English Essay: CSS Past Papers Analysis

  • Hero-worship is the strongest where there is least regard for human freedom. (CSS 2000)
  • Personal liberty is the paramount essential to human dignity and human happiness. (CSS 2000)
  • Humanism. (CSS 2004)
  • All humans are born equal in dignity and rights but they are in shackles everywhere. (CSS 2010)
  • The War on terror has contributed to the growing abuse of human rights. (CSS 2015)
  • In the fight against terrorism and corruption, it is imperative not to compromise human rights and civil liberties. (CSS 2018)
  • Universal human equality is utopia. (CSS 2021)
  • Human development and economic sustainability. (CSS 2022)


  • Global Warming (CSS 2006)
  • The future of mankind in a global warming perspective. (CSS 2007)
  • Global Warming, fact or fiction? (CSS 2008)
  • Government should eliminate subsidies and incentives for manufacturers and consumers of electric cars as they are costly and do not do enough to protect the environment. (CSS 2015)
  • The threat of Global Warming and the ways to counter it. (CSS 2018)

Truth and Reason

  • The search for truth. (CSS 2005)
  • Truth in short supply (CSS 2006)
  • Truth is a rare commodity despite the freedom by the print and electronic media. (CSS 2011)
  • In this country reason does not apply to anything. (CSS 2011)
  • Truth is lived not taught. (CSS 2019)
  • Of all the needs a book has, the chief need is that it be readable. (CSS 2002)
  • The pleasures of reading. (CSS 2011)

Morality/ Principles

  • Art and Morality. (CSS 2002)
  • There comes a time to put aside principles and do what is right. (CSS 2006)
  • Moral depravity is the root cause of poverty. (CSS 2008)
I constructed my essay deriving my arguments from several discourses, i.e. (Politics, economics, society, philosophy, strategy, literature, science, religion, etc.). In my opinion, even an issue-based essay should be developed on creative lines. For that, candidates should also practice literary and abstract essays during the preparation phase. Furthermore, I never delved into the technicalities of the structure of essay. I believe writing comes naturally. Atif Ameer (PSP) 2nd in Pakistan, CSS 2018-19 (Essay Marks 52)

Global Issues & International Relations

  • Moral standards in international relations. (CSS 2000)
  • World scenario in 21st century and Pakistan’s role in it. (CSS 2002)
  • The end of cheap oil. (CSS 2004)
  • Globalization and electronic media. (CSS 2007)
  • The world politics stands more derisive than it was ever before due to the specific imperialist designs. (CSS 2010)
  • The time we live in is the winter of the world. (CSS 2011)
  • Brexit means globalization is the rhetoric of the privileged, and capitalism will return ferociously as ever. (CSS 2017)
  • Modernity is an unending project. (CSS 2017)
  • China – Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and its Socio-economic Implications for the Region and the World. (CSS 2018)
  • Pakistan and the future of Kashmir cause. (CSS 2020)
  • Global power dynamics and Pakistan’s foreign policy. (CSS 2020)
  • Global trade and trade policies of China. (CSS 2022)
  • Global politics and international relations. (CSS 2022)
  • World food systems: the economics of agriculture. (CSS 2022)

Science and Technology

  • Advancement in science and technology is the gateway to the economic prosperity of a country. (CSS 2000)
  • The suffering soul in the Scientific Age. (CSS 2012)
  • Modern day communication via social networks puts an end to true and sincere relationships. (CSS 2013)
  • The introduction of new digital technologies has radically altered identities. (CSS 2015)
  • Labor saving devices are more troublesome than they are worth. (CSS 2015)
  • Expanding information technology: a curse or blessing. (CSS 2019)
  • Is Pakistan ready for the digital revolution? (CSS 2020)
  • Covid-19 — A wake up call for Pakistani researches. (CSS 2021)
  • Human inventions move societies backward. (CSS 2021)
  • On tolerance. (CSS 2001)
  • Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change. (CSS 2003)
  • Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. (CSS 2014)
For English essay, I used to make outlines and practice paragraph writing. The key strategy in attempting an essay is to write it in simple, logical, coherent and precise way. One should refrain from using long sentences, jargons and difficult expressions. Furthermore, in order to avoid incoherence and jumps between essay paragraphs and outline, I left first two sheets of answer sheet for final outline, which I only wrote, once I was done writing essay. Aamina Ihsan (PAS) 18th in Pakistan, CSS 2018-19 (Essay Marks 48)
  • Power of Media in the Modern World. (CSS 2009)
  • The emerging power of Social Media: Prospects and Problems. (CSS 2018)

War/ Peace/ Globalization

  • Can we prevent the third world war? (CSS 2008)
  • Great nations win without fighting. (CSS 2014)
  • World as a global village: Learning to live together. (CSS 2016)
  • Are modern wars not holy wars? (CSS 2017)
  • Pros and cons of globalization. (CSS 2021)
  • Intercultural communication is a panacea to avoid third world war. (CSS 2021)
  • An analysis of the concept of globalization of markets. (CSS 2022)

Democracy/ Governance/ Administration / Crisis / Tourism

  • Good governance and the role of the public servant. (CSS 2000)
  • Devolution of power in Pakistan. (CSS 2001)
  • The future of democracy in Pakistan. (CSS 2009)
  • The food crisis: problems, challenges and opportunities for Pakistan. (CSS 2009)
  • Pakistan is rich in natural resources but very poor in their management. (CSS 2010)
  • Disaster management and government preparedness. (CSS 2011)
  • Democracy is a culture rather than a process. (CSS 2012)
  • In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence. (CSS 2015)
  • Crisis of good governance in Pakistan: Need for reforms and institution building. (CSS 2016)
  • Democracy in Pakistan: Hopes and Hurdles. (CSS 2018)
  • Democracy and illiteracy do not move together. (CSS 2019)
  • Promoting tourism in Pakistan: opportunities and challenges. (CSS 2020)
  • Digital democracy: social media and political participation. (CSS 2022)
My essay followed a fixed trajectory: Introduction (Opening + Thesis Statement) – Context – Exposition – Authority – Analysis – Conclusion. This allowed me to present my arguments clearly and coherently. When you practice, read your essay and try to see it from an examiner’s perspective. If it is too text-intensive, boring, long and redundant, , or even the argument you made is not clear, you will not get good marks. Mohammad Murtaza (PAS), 3rd in Pakistan, CSS 2017 (Essay Marks 45)
  • Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive, easy to govern, but impossible to enslave. (CSS 2000)
  • Economic prosperity of a nation is directly proportional to the level of literacy in it. (CSS 2001)
  • Higher Science Education in the developing countries. (CSS 2002)
  • Education has for its object the formation of character. (CSS 2002)
  • Need for serious planning in technical education in Pakistan. (CSS 2002)
  • Reforms in Examination systems. (CSS 2005)
  • The present system of Education must assume some of the responsibilities of our failure. (CSS 2007)
  • Higher Education as an agent of change. (CSS 2008)
  • Co-education; Merits and Demerits. (CSS 2009)
  • English as the medium of Education in Pakistan. (CSS 2009)
  • A critical analysis of Education system in Pakistan. (CSS 2012)
  • There should be colleges and schools just for men/boys and some just for women/girls. (CSS 2013)
  • Meaning and purpose of education. (CSS 2013)
  • Privatizing higher education-generating knowledge or making more money for the opulent. (CSS 2014)
  • Higher Education in Pakistan: Ills and Remedies. (CSS 2018)
  • Classrooms decide the future of the nation. (CSS 2019)
  • Women universities as agents of change. (CSS 2020)
  • Meaning purposive education. (CSS 2021)

National Integration

  • The barbarity of ethnic cleansing. (CSS 2000)
  • National Integration. (CSS 2001)
  • Water crisis and national unity. (CSS 2016)
  • We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. (CSS 2000)
  • Dilemma of the water and energy crisis in Pakistan. (CSS 2003)
  • Do not waste water even if you were at a running stream. (CSS 2021)
  • Energy Crisis in Pakistan: Causes and Consequences. (CSS 2012)


  • Public office is a public trust. (CSS 2001)
  • Bureaucracy doldrums. (CSS 2021)
The Essay paper for CSS 2017 was somewhat out of the box. Despite that, I had complete control on my nerves and great confidence in my writing skills. I chose the topic “Is colonial mentality impeding the progress of Pakistan?” I supported this stance. First, I brainstormed and then wrote an outline on a rough page. Then, I presented it on the answer sheet in an impressive way so as to facilitate the examiner. I wrote almost twenty arguments or paragraphs to prove my stance. The language I used was simple yet flawless. Syed Fazul Shah (PSP), 3rd in Balochistan, CSS 2017-18 (Essay Marks 44)

Poverty/ Progress

  • Progressive alleviation of poverty in Pakistan – an overview. (CSS 2000)
  • Strategies for the alleviation of poverty. (CSS 2005)
  • Look to the east for holistic progress. (CSS 2014)
  • Does foreign aid help to achieve economic stability? (CSS 2016)
  • Advancement in science and technology is the gateway to prosperity of a country. (CSS 2000)
  • Austerity as a solution to all our economic problems. (CSS 2002)
  • Economic problems in Pakistan and how to meet them. (CSS 2002)
  • Socio-Economic Challenges faced by Pakistan. (CSS 2005)
  • Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan. (CSS 2006)
  • Promotion of tax culture in Pakistan: Perspective, prospects and challenges. (CSS 2016)
  • Real development should transform people’s lives, not just economic statistics. (CSS 2018)
  • New war fronts lie in economic zones. (CSS 2019)
  • Pakistan’s informal economy: the way forward. (CSS 2020)
  • IMF bailouts: roads to stability or recipes for disaster. (CSS 2020)
  • Is there such a thing as ethical consumerism? (CSS 2022)

Justice/ Rule of Law

  • Justice delayed is justice denied. (CSS 2001)
  • Will “Rule of law” always remain an impracticable myth in our country? (CSS  2018)
The essay which I attempted was argumentative in nature. So, I tried my best to follow the structure of such essays. I introduced the topic by giving a brief overview of the points I would be discussing; presented some examples from history, contemporary world and Pakistan; highlighted some counter arguments against the mentioned examples and re-countered them to justify my point, and concluded the topic with summing up all the arguments and justifications I had given in the body of the essay. Nawab Sameer Hussain Laghari (PAS), 2nd in Sindh, CSS-2016-17 (Essay Marks 45)
  • A little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy bringeth man’s minds about religion. (CSS 2002)
  • Pluralistic vision of Islam. (CSS 2004)
  • Islam versus the West. (CSS 2005)
  • The image of Islam in the western world and responsibilities of the Muslim Ummah. (CSS 2007)
  • Peace; the essential message of our religion. (CSS 2008)
  • Materialism is the death of spirituality. (CSS 2008)
  • Fair play and life, as it is lived, in the land of the pure. (CSS 2011)
  • Let there be more light in the corridors of worship places. (CSS 2019)

United Nations

  • The future of UNO: Hopes and Hurdles. (CSS 2009)
  • The UNO has failed to measure up to the demands of its charter. (CSS 2010)
  • The United Nations in the 21st Century: Obligations and Limitations. (CSS 2012)
  • More and more international military engagements by the United Nations; is the world moving towards peace? (CSS 2017)

Women/ Gender

  • Persecuted poor woman. (CSS 2005)
  • The state of women rights in Pakistan. (CSS 2007)
  • Status of Women in Islam. (CSS 2009)
  • Why is there no status of the third gender in Pakistan? (CSS 2010)
  • Can women be equal to men in Pakistan? (CSS 2010)
  • Does Pakistan society regard women as the angel in the house or source of all evils? (CSS 2011)
  • Social and Economic Securities for Women in Islam. (CSS 2012)
  • Gender equality is a myth. (CSS 2013)
  • Women sports persons are new ambassadors of the soft image of Pakistan. (CSS 2014)
  • Gender equality is a myth! (CSS 2016)
  • Frailty, thy name is woman. (CSS 2016)
  • Feminism is not really a Third World issue. (CSS 2017)
  • New Waves of feminism and our culture. (CSS 2019)
  • Gender equality: a popular slogan. (CSS 2021)
  • The controversial issues of feminism in contemporary women’s rights movements. (CSS 2022)

Accountability/ Corruption

  • Without independent truth-finding commission , accountability is unachievable. (CSS 2010)
  • Religion has done more harm than help to human relations in the world. (CSS 2010)
Essay is the most difficult thing in CSS, and, perhaps, rightly so. There are numerous ways to write it but the key is to understand the topic and giving sound arguments in grammatically correct English. Muhammad Murad (PSP), 7th in Pakistan, CSS 2017 (Essay Marks 60)

Nationalism/ Minorities

  • Being a minority is a fate no one wants. Can nationalism be really inclusive? (CSS 2017)
  • The purification of politics is an iridescent dream. (CSS 2000)
  • Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary. (CSS 2002)
  • Personalization Of Pakistani Politics (CSS 2006)
  • Politics is the art of the possible. (CSS 2007)
  • Insanity in individuals is something rare but in groups, parties and nations it is the rule. (CSS 2011)
  • The emerging power of Public Opinion. (CSS 2012)
  • Not the economy but politics is the key to success. (CSS 2013)
  • The creation of new provinces in Pakistan: Implications for an integrated country. (CSS 2016)
  • Polarized politics: the issues and challenges of democracy in Pakistan. (CSS 2020)

Management/ Life/ Discipline / Ideology

  • Sweet are the uses of adversity. (CSS 2000)
  • “Turn not thy cheek in scorn towards folk nor walk with pertness in the land”. (Al-Quran) (CSS 2001)
  • Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. (CSS 2001)
  • Self-conceit may lead to self destruction. (CSS 2001)
  • Attitude of indifference. (CSS 2003)
  • Young habits die-hard. (CSS 2003)
  • Lots of folks confuse bad management with destiny. (CSS 2006)
  • Life’s tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late. Benjamin Franklin (CSS 2006)
  • A country is backward because it’s people are backward. (CSS 2007)
  • Time management is the keynote of success. (CSS 2008)
  • Lack of discipline – a national disaster. (CSS 2008)
  • Dreams for the future rely on the work of today. (CSS 2008)
  • Health is not a condition of matter, but of mind. (CSS 2009)
  • Without good communication skills, life becomes impossible in the modern world. (CSS 2011)
  • Obesity is the root cause of all diseases. (CSS 2012)
  • Let me take care of today, tomorrow shall take care of itself. (CSS 2013)
  • Country life is better than city life. (CSS 2013)
  • The character of a nation can be judged by its symbolic narratives. (CSS 2014)
  • Punctuality is the virtue of boredom. (CSS 2015)
  • Luxury predecessors become the necessity of successors. (CSS 2015)
  • When life throws you lemons, make lemonade. (CSS 2015)
  • We have to learn to be our own best friends, because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies. (CSS 2016)
  • Is colonial mentality impeding Pakistan’s progress? (CSS 2016)
  • Ideologies thrive on notions of resistance, yet change is a simulation. (CSS 2017)
  • Life without controversy is no life. But why should one not choose the safe haven of conformism? (CSS 2017)
  • Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. (CSS 2018)
  • Beware the barrenness of a busy life! (CSS 2018)
Structure and coherence make the key to success in the essay paper. I avoided verbosity and instead ensured I had understood the idea well. I also placed a lot of emphasis on the overall structure of the essay, making sure my paragraphs were coherent, sentences were well structured and the overall flow of the ideas was good. Muhammad Abrahim Shah (PAS) 3rd in Pakistan, CSS 2018-19 (Marks 61)

Nuclear Politics

  • Nuclear weapons are ‘not only a great peril, but a great hope. (CSS 2006)
  • The more developed a country, the more leathly it is armed. (CSS 2007)
  • International crisis of Terrorism. (CSS 2002)
  • Terrorism as a new threat to the contemporary world. (CSS 2007)
  • Pakistan’s War on terror and its impact on our psyche and politic socio-economic fronts. (CSS 2009)
  • How is terrorism and its perception shaped by the Mass Media? (CSS 2022)

Art/ Literature/ Poetry

  • Every art is an imitation of nature. (CSS 2002)
  • Art Critics and reviewers. (CSS 2003)
  • Humour in Urdu Literature (CSS 2006)
  • Poetry is the highest form of expression – the greatest proof is the Holy Quran. (CSS 2008)
  • Literature is the best criticism of life. (CSS 2010)
  • Literature as a great cultural artifact. (CSS 2014)
  • Language is a fit data for research in humanities and social science. (CSS 2014)
  • Can meaning be fixed? (CSS 2014)
  • The place of Urdu in Pakistan and Supreme Court’s ruling on making Urdu the official language of the country. 2016
  • Literature is a lonely planet of idealists. (CSS 2017)
  • Art for peace. (CSS 2019)
  • Do we really need literature in our lives? (CSS 2020)

Literary/ Philosophy

  • It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds. (CSS 2001)
  • Existentialism. (CSS 2003)
  • Liberalism (CSS 2006)
  • Brain, like hearts, go where they are appreciated. (CSS 2006, 2012)
  • There is no great genius without a mixture of madness. (CSS 2009)
  • Beggars can’t be choosers. (CSS 2012)
  • If gold rusts what shall the iron do. (CSS 2013)
  • Anticipation is often greater than realization. (CSS 2015)
  • Sometimes we do not see what we see. (CSS 2019)
  • I fall upon the thorns of life I bleed. (CSS 2021)
  • Imagination is more important than knowledge. (CSS 2022)

Diversity/ Freedom

  • Dialogue is the best course to combat terrorism. (CSS 2010)
  • Free speech should have limitations. (CSS 2013)
  • I disapprove of what you say, but I defend to death your right to say. (CSS 2015)
  • I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it. (CSS 2020)
Essay is the very paper most aspirants fail. Reason? Lack of practice! Most aspirants know the reason but still they do not practice. If one cannot practice a long essay daily, one should write, at least, outline, introduction and conclusion daily, and practice a long essay once or twice a week. I did the same and when I sat to structure my essay, I did not face any problem in generating ideas and structuring them instantly. Bakhtiar Ismail (PAS), 1st in Balochistan, CSS 2017-18 (Essay Marks 66)

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100 Must-Read Essays and CSS Solved Past Papers Questions for CSS and PMS Aspirants

100 Must-Read Essays, and CSS Solved Past Papers Questions, for CSS and PMS Aspirants

  • December 3, 2022

These 100 Must-Read Solved Pakistan Affairs and Current Affairs Questions and Essays will help aspirants of CSS and PMS Score High!

100 Must-Read Essays

Whether CSS or PMS, both examinations require aspirants to have a good command of presentation skills, as knowledge alone has never helped anyone qualify for them. It has been seen aspirants with heaps of information and relevant knowledge cannot make it through because they fail to present their perspectives on the papers fluently, coherently, and confidently. Unfortunately, none in Pakistan has ever produced relevant and quality solved past papers to help aspirants understand what and how to write to score high and qualify for the exams. As a result, nearly 90% of the aspirants fail their essay papers straight away. And almost 70% remain unable to cross 50 marks on their compulsory and optional papers. 

However, aspirants who learn to write their knowledge and ideas generally qualify for the examinations or score the highest marks. Students of Sir Syed Kazim Ali have been the glaring examples. They have been qualifying for their essay papers in a single go for years as they not only learn writing skills but also give this skill serious practice till their papers. Moreover, they are the only officers, qualifiers, and aspirants who have been writing  CSS Past Papers’ Essays  and  CSS Solved Past Papers  of compulsory and optional subjects on the Cssprepforum website, which is freely available for all. 

About CSS Solved Past Papers

Writing has undoubtedly been the base through which CSS and PMS examiners evaluate aspirants’ opinions and knowledge. The better the English writing and presentation skills, the higher the chances of succeeding in the examinations. Simply, writing skills have been the only vehicle an aspirant possesses to transfer his arguments, ideas, and viewpoints on a specific topic to his examiner. So, presenting your arguments coherently, fluently, and relevantly is, undoubtedly, the key to success in the CSS and PMS examinations in Pakistan. So, to help aspirants, who have constantly been asking for CSS past papers questions, Cssprepforum has decided to publish the  CSS-solved past papers and essays  attempted by Sir Syed Kazim Ali students who either qualified for the exams or scored the highest marks. 

No matter whether you are going to take the following CSS and PMS attempt or you have just planned to prepare for them, these CSS Solved Past Papers by qualifiers and highest scorers will definitely help you know the following:

  • ✓ How to understand the topics
  • ✓ How to break the topics down
  • ✓ How to outline your arguments or ideas
  • ✓ How to start a 20-Marks question to score high marks
  • ✓ How to start an essay to qualify for the CSS and PMS
  • ✓ How to write body paragraphs
  • ✓ What is unity and coherence in writing
  • ✓ How to connect sentences and paragraphs
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We are trying our best to publish all the past five years solved past papers questions by the top scorers, qualifiers, and Howfiv team, so you are advised to bookmark this article and keep visiting it daily. It will take us around a month to publish them all.
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CSS Essays, PMS Essays, CSS Solved Essays, CSS Past Paper Essays, CSS Important Essays

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English Essays For CSS

Table of Contents

Important Essays for CSS and all other Competitive Exams

Css essays on education.

  • Education in Pakistan
  • Critical Analysis of Education Systems in Pakistan
  • Civil Services Reforms
  • Future of Country relies on its education
  • Flaws in Our Education System are Causing Some of Our Failures
  • Role of Education in Character Building of a Nation

CSS Essays on Economy

  • Promotion of Tax Culture in Pakistan
  • Economic Challenges Faced by Pakistan
  • Economic Crisis in Pakistan: Challenges and Prospects
  • Essay Outline: Economic Prosperity is Directly Proportional to Literacy Rate
  • Culture of Corruption in Pakistan Its Impacts on Economy And Human Capital

CSS Essays on Water Crisis

  • Water Crisis in Pakistan and Its Remedies (CSS-2016)
  • Why Kalabagh Dam?
  • Essay on Water Crisis in Pakistan | Essays for CSS
  • Water Crisis in PAKISTAN – Causes and Consequences

CSS Essays on China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)

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CSS Essays on Pakistan’s Domestic Affairs

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CSS Essays on Global Issues

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  • CSS Essay | War on Terrorism is Contributing towards Growing Abuse of Human Rights
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  • Essay Outlines: Gender Discrimination in Developing States
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  • The United Nation has Failed to Measure Up to the Demands of its Charter
  • Nuclear Weapons are Not Only a Great Peril but Also a Great Hope
  • Disturbed Borders Suggest Unending Wars and Threats to Human Lives
  • The Implications of Sectarian Militancy and Ethnic Violence in Muslim World no longer supports Internet Explorer.

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Essay on “Democracy in Pakistan” for CSS, and PMS


  • January 24, 2022
  • Essay for CSS PMS and Judiciary Exam

This is an Essay on “Democracy in Pakistan” for CSS, PMS, and Judiciary Examinations. Democracy is a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation, or to choose governing officials to do so.” Democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or through freely elected representatives. As Democracy is a very popular topic so, here is a complete Essay on “Democracy in Pakistan” for CSS, PMS, and judiciary examinations.

What is democracy? Essentials of democracy Democracy in Pakistan

A brief history

  • The early period from 1947-58
  • Period of General Ayub and General Zia
  • Political turmoil and General Pervaiz Musharraf

Causes of failure of democracy in Pakistan

  • Delayed Framing of the Constitution
  • Leadership Crisis
  • Lack of education
  • No independence of the judiciary
  • Weak political parties and their infighting
  • Delayed elections and rigging
  • Corruption and nepotism
  • Quasi-Federalism and Conflict between Eastern and Western Wings
  • Terrorism and extremism

Pakistani Democracy Vs. Western Democracy


  • Effective accountability of the politicians
  •  Reforming judiciary
  • Abolish feudalism
  • Eliminate corruption
  • Two parties system on the pattern of the USA, UK
  • Amendment in the constitution
  • Fair and free election
  • Increase the education budget to educate people
  • Uninterrupted democratic process
  • Strengthening the institutions

Essay on “Democracy in Pakistan” for CSS, PMS, and Judiciary Examinations

“You have to stand guard over the development and maintenance of Islamic democracy, Islamic social justice, and the equality of manhood in your own native soil.” -Muhammad Ali Jinnah,

To acquire immunity to eloquence is of the utmost importance to the citizens of a democracy. – Bertrand Russell

Democracy is a form of government in which all citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Ideally, this includes equal (and more or less direct) participation in the proposal, development, and passage of legislation into law. It can also encompass social, economic, and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political self-determination. While there is no specific, universally accepted definition of ‘democracy’, equality and freedom have both been identified as important characteristics of democracy since ancient times. These principles are reflected in all citizens being equal before the law and having equal access to legislative processes.

For example, in a representative democracy, every vote has equal weight, no unreasonable restrictions can apply to anyone seeking to become a representative, and the freedom of its citizens is secured by legitimized rights and liberties which are generally protected by a constitution.

Many people use the term “democracy” as shorthand for liberal democracy, which may include elements such as political pluralism; equality before the Jaw; the right to petition elected officials for redress of grievances; due process; civil liberties; human rights ; and elements of civil society outside the government. In the United States, separation of powers is often cited as a central attribute, but in other countries, such as the United Kingdom, the dominant principle is that of parliamentary sovereignty (though in practice judicial independence is generally maintained).

In other cases, “democracy” is used to mean direct democracy. Though the term “democracy” is typically used in the context of a political state, the principles are applicable to private organizations and other groups as well.

Democracy in Pakistan

Democracy in its true spirit has never been allowed to take root in Pakistan. Since its independence in 1947, a military-bureaucratic establishment has always governed the country. Army generals usurp power at their own convenience and quit only when they are forced to quit by mass political movements or by sudden unexpected death. When forced by external or internal pressures, democracy is given a chance but in reality, a group of army generals keeps controlling the decision-making.

This direct or indirect military influence is the greatest impediment to the evolution of a stable governing system in Pakistan. Besides, the army is not solely responsible for this mass but it is our inefficient politicians who provide an opportunity for to army to take over.

A brief history of Democracy in Pakistan

Recalling the last 62 years of Pakistan, democracy is found only as an interval before the next military general comes to the scene. The future of democracy was doomed from the start when Liaquat Ali Khan, the first elected Prime Minister, was shot at a public gathering. Nobody knows to this day who did it and why. From now on, the balance of power was to shift in the favor of the military. A comparison tells us how this shift came up. From 1951-57 India had one Prime Minister and several army chiefs while during the same period Pakistan had one army chief and several Prime ministers.

The same army chief, the Sandhurst-trained general, Ayub Khan was to announce the first martial law in the country in 1958 and then a series of military rules were to follow.

General Ayub Khan could not withstand a popular national movement against him and transferred power to General Yahya Khan in March 1969. Under him, Pakistan lost its half which is now Bangladesh. Power was then transferred to Zulfikar Ali Bhutto as the first civilian martial law administrator. Bhutto pursued an independent policy, which was against what generals and the US wanted, and he had to pay with his life.

Charged for compliance in murder, Bhutto was hanged by the next martial law administrator, General Zia ul Haq. The hanging of an elected Prime Minister was shocking news to the world and Pakistan was to have the effects years later. The general died in a mysterious plane crash.

Then came a ten years gap of experimentation with democracy and every two years each elected government was ousted by the special discretionary powers of the president . An end to this ten-year spell came with a new general coming to power ousting the incumbent elected government of Mian Nawaz Sharif. This time the Prime Minister was charged with conspiring against the state and was ousted from the country.

The immediate and foremost requirement of the Constituent Assembly was to frame a democratic constitution for the country. The constitution had to lay down the form of government, and the role of the judiciary, military, and bureaucracy. It had to decide the basic issues about provincial autonomy, religion and the state, the joint or separate electorate, representation of minorities and women in assemblies, fundamental rights, and civil liberties.

The debate over the representation of eastern and western wings of the country and religion versus secularism were the two main hindrances in the way of framing the constitution. As against India, which was able to frame the constitution of the country within two years of independence in 1949, Pakistan took nine years to finalize the constitution in 1956, which did not work for more than two years and was abrogated.

The second constitution was framed by a military ruler General Ayub in 1962 which could last as long as he was in power. Finally, it was after the separation of East Pakistan and a lapse of more than a quarter of a century (1947-1973) that the elected representatives of the people under the leadership of Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto framed a consensus constitution envisaging a  federal, democratic structure for the country and a parliamentary form of government.

This constitution has survived in spite of the breakdown of democracy twice in 1978 and 1999 and hopefully has come to stay. But the delay in framing the constitution harmed the growth of political democracy, as it allowed the authoritarian rule of the Governor-General to continue for seven long years (1947-56), which set this inglorious tradition in the country.

The second obstacle in the way of democracy is the culture of feudalism. Democracy cannot develop in the suffocating atmosphere of feudalism. The history of feudalism in the subcontinent is not very old. It owes its origin to the war of independence in 1857 when different people were awarded large swathes of land by the British government because of their treacherous cooperation with the latter. Those feudal families joined Muslim League when they saw that Pakistan was going to be a reality and inherited power after the death of the founding father. Feudalism has now become a severe migraine for the nation. Democracy and feudalism are incompatible.

Change of faces at the wheel has not served any purpose. Even these feudal lords occupy more than 70 % of our land leaving the people to lead a miserable life. They are senators, ministers, MPAs, MNAs, and also the owners of major industries in Pakistan. There is a crying need to bring some structural changes in order to strengthen the political system. Industrialization has also played a significant role in the strengthening of democracy across the world. Great Britain is considered the mother of democracies on this planet.

Some analysts are of the view that democracy has its origin in the Magna Carta, Bill of Rights and Habeas Corpus, etc. But even after these developments very mighty rulers have ruled Great Britain. In fact, the invention of the steam engine led to the industrial revolution which eradicated the roots of feudalism and the evil of absolute monarchy. All this resulted in the development of democracy. In Pakistan, there is everything from adult franchises to the separation of powers between the three organs of government but no plan for that kind of industrial revolution.

Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the father of the nation and the first Governor-General, died just one year after the establishment of Pakistan on September 11, 1948, and his right-hand lieutenant Liaquat Ali Khan, who was the first Prime Minister, was assassinated on October 16, 1951. About the capability of other leaders of the Pakistan Muslim League (PML), the party which had successfully piloted the movement for Pakistan, Jinnah had ruefully remarked that “he had false coins in his pocket”.

Consequently, several ministers appointed initially were not politicians and did not have a seat in the Assembly. Similarly, in 1954, there were several members of the Prime Minister’s cabinet without a seat in Parliament. “The cabinet and other high political appointments reflected a paucity of talent among the politicians.”

It is indeed a sad commentary on the elected members of the first Legislature and Constituent Assembly of Pakistan that they could not find a suitable head of state from among their own ranks. Most of them came from the civil bureaucracy or the military. The civil-military bureaucracy did not have a favorable opinion about the competence of political leaders and often took decisions without consulting them. This adversely affected their political training, development, and growth.

The inability to control the Anti-Ahmadiya Movement in Punjab in 1953 was blamed on inept political leadership. This religious movement was spearheaded by the religious Ahrar Party which had opposed the establishment of Pakistan and now wanted again to come into the limelight. They were supported by other religious parties, i.e., Jamaat-i-Islami, JamiatuiUlema-i-Pakistan, and JamiatulUlerna-i-Islam. The movement was exploited by politicians in their own political interests.

But the civil-military bureaucracy was against the religious parties dominating the power structure either in the provinces or the center. To rescue the city of Lahore where Ahmadis were in a “virtual state of siege” and their properties were being “burned or looted”, General Azam Khan, the Area Commander, was ordered by the Defense Secretary, to impose martial law in Lahore. It was met with the general approval of the people.

It was demonstrated that the civil-military bureaucracy “would not let politicians or religious ideologues lead the country to anarchy”. This also laid down the foundations of the supremacy of the military and orchestrated the initial rehearsal for the recurring imposition of Martial Law in the country and its acceptance by the people.

Lack of education has remained an important impediment to the democratization of countries. This is not just a problem for Pakistan but of the whole Third world. Laski, a famous political thinker said that education is the backbone of democracy. Democracy is a system of governance in which the people choose their representatives through elections. Their strength lies in the ballot box. If people are not vigilant and educated enough to make a better choice, democracy will not flourish in that country.

This is the main reason that even in the countries apparently practicing democracy but the majority of uneducated people are among the under-developed nations. Masses in Pakistan have not found ways of compelling their rulers to be mindful of their duty. Their failures in this regard result from insufficiency of experience and training in operating modem democratic politics. Democracy puts the highest premium on constitutionalism, which is possible only with the predominant majority of people. Pakistan’s democracy can neither improve nor become viable as long as the majority of the population remains uneducated.

Judiciary is one of the most important pillars of a state and in a country where the judiciary is not imparting justice , democracy cannot develop. During the Second World War, someone asked British Prime Minister Winston Churchill whether the British would win the war. The Prime Minister laughed and replied that if the British courts were dispensing justice, no one would trounce the United Kingdom. In Pakistan since 1954 judiciary has remained docile to the wishes of the executive. As Shelley says, “If the winter comes; can spring be far behind”.

In fact, since its birth, Pakistan has been governed by bureaucratic, military, and political elites. The bureaucratic elite generally became more assertive, steadily increasing their power at the expense of the political elite. Ayub’s term of office (1958-69) was the golden era for the bureaucracy, which exercised its powers, unbridled by any political interference. The weakness of political elites can be demonstrated by the fact that during seven years from 1951 to 1958, as many as seven Prime Ministers had been changed.

From 1988 to 1999, four democratically elected governments were replaced on charges of corruption, inefficiency, security risk, etc. The civil-military bureaucracy has dominated governance owing to the inherent weakness of the political parties and their incompetent leadership, resulting in the derailment of democracy thrice in the history of Pakistan, i.e., in 1958, 1977, and 1999.

Pakistan was not created as a theocracy but as a place where an economically marginalized minority could operate a democracy independently. It was to save the people from religious discrimination and domination by an overwhelming religious majority. Moreover, it emerged as a territorial state in the Muslim majority areas of the subcontinent. But the religious and secular groups soon started making conflicting demands while formulating the constitution of Pakistan.

The speech of Mr. Jinnah on August 11, 1947, addressed to the first legislative and constituent assembly of Pakistan, advocated political pluralism and declared that the “religion or caste or creed has nothing to do with the business of the State”. This has not adhered to the Objectives Resolution passed by the Constituent Assembly in 1949, which pacified the demands of Muslim religious parties and elements but was not supported by religious minorities.

The compromise solution attempted to balance the values and the spirit of Islam with the requirements of secularism. Due to a lack of competent and visionary political leadership , and the fact that Muslims constituted 98 percent of the population, the conservative religious leaders, partly due to their conviction and partly owing to their parochial interests, advocated and preached the establishment of a religiopolitical system based on Al-Quran and Sunnah.

They were skeptical of the politico-social development of modem times and western political institutions and forms of government. Their dogmatic theology clashed with the democratic culture envisioned by the founding fathers. Another adverse impact of the adoption of religion as a guiding principle in the constitution, was the promotion of religious sectarianism, especially between the two major sects inhabiting Pakistan, i.e., Sunnis and Shi’as. Some sections of these sects, instead of peaceful negotiations to overcome their differences, often resort to violence, which is against the spirit of both Islam and democracy. These rivalries fostered reliance on the security forces for the maintenance of law and order, which eroded the hold of democratic institutions in governance.

For any healthy constitutional and political system to function smoothly, strong and well-entrenched political parties are essential. Unfortunately, political parties in Pakistan have failed to develop into strong vehicles of national political will. The main responsibility for safeguarding democracy in a country falls on political parties. Pakistan, since its inception, was lacking well-organized and well-established political parties that could carry the representative system of governance forward.

The All-India Muslim League, which had piloted the movement of Pakistan from 1940 to 47, was not a well-organized political party, but it was primarily a movement. Leading a movement and organizing a political party are two different things. Most of its leaders belonged to areas that became part of the Indian Union and their majority did not come to Pakistan. Those who were in Pakistan, barring a few exceptions, belonged to feudal and landowning classes that in their nature were in conflict with the democratic dispensation. In fact “the leadership of the Pakistan movement had few roots in the land that became Pakistan.”

Their incompetence and constant wrangling for power in the initial nine years (1947-1956) were also responsible for the delay in constitution-making. Instead of cooperation and mutual accommodation, there was ceaseless infighting. For instance, as early as 1953, a clash between the leadership of Punjab and the central government led to intense communal riots and the imposition of Martial Law in Lahore, the provincial capital. Even as late as the decade 1988-99 of civil supremacy, the fight between the PML and the PPP led to the repeated dissolution of national and provincial assemblies and the dismissal of prime ministers and their cabinets. Finally, it ended with the military takeover in 1999.

The representative character of the civilian parliamentary government during the first decade of Pakistan’s existence was eroded because the country was governed under the Government of India Act of 1935. The purpose of the Act was “to make the appointed governor-general exert dominance over the elected prime minister.” The Act introduced a representative and centralized system of bureaucratic governance, which was an imperative requirement of the colonial government but not of democratic governance. The first general elections in the country should have been held in 1951, i.e., five years after the previous elections in 1946, but this could not happen till 1970.

The reasons for the delay were that the ruling elite, i.e., civil bureaucrats, migrant political leadership, and weak political parties, had few roots in the masses. As a consequence, general elections could not be held for 23 years (1947-1970) of the country’s initial history. On the expiry of the five years term of Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (1972-1977), the second general elections on the basis of the adult franchise were held on March 7, 1977, which the PPP won with a vast majority.

The opposition parties alleged that the elections had been “rigged on a massive scale”. It has been commented: Elections in Pakistan had been rigged before, notably the presidential election in 1965 and the Provincial Assembly,y elections in the early 1950s, but rigging in these instances did not arouse the mass uprising as it did in 1977. The people of Pakistan were evidently not of the same mind now as they were in those earlier periods.

Corruption in bureaucracy and among political leaders poses a grave threat to good democratic governance. Quaid-i-Azam had termed corruption as “poison” and asked to put that down with an “iron hand”. Now that the international Reconciliation Ordinance, .vnich had withdrawn from prosecution any person “falsely involved for political reasons or through political victimization” between 1986 and 1999, has lapsed on November 28, 2009, the concerned individuals should get themselves cleared in a court of law in a transparent manner. The tribal nature of society in Pakistan is susceptible to nepotism. As an antidote, accountability and transparency are necessary. It is a challenge to the people to reject those leaders and political parties which indulge in corruption and nepotism.

One of the main bottlenecks in constitutional development in Pakistan was that its two wings were separated by about 1000 miles of hostile territory. The eastern wing consisted of one province but was more populous’ than the western wing which was much larger in the area and had as many as four provinces.

The western wing was not prepared to concede majority representation to the eastern wing in the parliament. After a confrontation of nine years between the two wings, the solution was evolved in the l956 constitution in the shape of parity of representation in a quasi-federal structure, neutralizing the majority of the eastern wing and paving the way for the manipulated domination of the western wing.

The domination of the western wing in governance led to an insurgency in the eastern wing which culminated in the separation and independence of Bangladesh in 1971. In post-1971 Pakistan, it came to be realized that ideological moorings alone could not easily overcome ethnic and economic differences. Yet the anti-ethnic attitude and anti-modem thinking prevalent in certain segments of society lean toward a unitary or quasi-federal state as against a true federation.

The latest threat is emanating from extremism and terrorism, especially in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) and the Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA). This is the spillover effect of the conflict in Afghanistan and is spreading to Pakistan. It is likely to continue as long as there is no peace and stability in that country. However, the military enjoying the support of the nation is successfully combating the extremists and terrorists under the supremacy of the civilian democratic government. It is hoped that the process would continue to its logical conclusion.

Due to the migration of literate Hindus and Sikhs to India, the literacy rate in Pakistan sharply declined. There was about 95 percent illiteracy in Pakistan in 1947, which acted as a hindrance to the growth of civil and democratic society. Feudalism and economic constraint did not permit any Pakistani government to launch a “crash course to expand literacy and grow higher standards.

The national economy has gone bankrupt and the national budget has become all foreign aid-dependent. Islam was the ideology that gave life to the Pakistan movement and later Pakistan itself but is now infested with sectarianism. Military policies gifted the country with cross-border terrorism and three million internally displaced people. Despite having the largest chunk of the national budget and being the seventh-largest army in the world, the Pakistan army is now in a mess of its own creation with little of its hard-earned prestige left to its credit.

The distorted face of the national system as a whole and the failure of the judiciary to guard the constitution of Pakistan are the major factors contributing to the change in the national mindset. The events of the last two years have clearly shown the preference of the people of Pakistan. The masses want democracy as a political and governing system for the country and a judiciary that guard the rights of the people. The military would be respected more if it stays in the barracks or guarded the national borders. The murder of Benazir Bhutto has taught new lessons.

If one compares Pakistani democracy with Western democracy it is said that for over 50 years, Pakistan remains occupied by three major interest groups in the time, opportunities, and resources of the besieged nation. The army, civil service, and the neo-colonial appointed landlords. If there was any rational tolerance scale, the Pakistani nation would certainly secure high marks on its standard of tolerance and survival under most unfavorable circumstances.

One of the pivotal factors supporting the notion of Western liberal democracies is that it provides opportunities for participation to ordinary citizens, right or wrong to culminate a sense of legitimacy for the election exercise and chose people of their interest to manage public affairs for a specified term. But the principles and standards for evil and good vary between the West and the Islamic world . Strange as is, in Pakistan, those who come to occupy the political offices never intend to quit the political power on their own except implication of military force through a coup.

Comparatively, on occasions, western democracies do” encourage educated and competent citizens to strive for their high ideas and ideals and come to the front stage and demonstrate their intentions and will power to seek the goal of ideal public service agendas. E.H. Carr defines the teaching-learning role of history and its value must not be ignored but preserved. Recall the Pakistani military dictators for the last forty-plus years, they each consumed a decade or more to relinquish power, that was not theirs in any systematic and logical context. Ayub Khan was ousted by Yahya Khan.

General Yahya with the complacency of Z.A. Bhutto surrendered East Pakistan to India (now Bangladesh) to share power with Bhutto but was put under house arrest as Bhutto assumed the power that did not belong to him based on the verdict of the people. Rightfully, it was Sheikh MujiburRehman, leader of the East Pakistan Awami League who should have been sworn in as the new leader of united Pakistan but it was treacherously undone by Yahya and Bhutto.

Both should have been tried as traitors in a court of law and punished. Not so, they were rewarded and Bhutto became the first civilian martial law administrator and self-made president of defeated Pakistan in December 1971. Dr.Ishtiaq Qureshi, editor of the Urdu Digest recorded for the history (“Sukoot-e-Dacca seyPurdhautha Hay”- Facts are revealed after the Dacca Surrender) that “in the quest for its survival Pakistan lost its destiny. Yahya and Mujib stabbed the body of Pakistan with one dagger and Bhutto will stab Pakistan with another dagger.”

Suggestions for Democracy in Pakistan

Fo1lowing are the suggestions for improving democracy in Pakistan:

An impartial system of accountability enhances public trust in the political system. It provides enormous strength to the democratic process. Moreover, it compels thousand who are charged with governance, to transparently discharge their official responsibilities. It ensures good governance and strengthens the political setup. In spite of facing innumerable challenges and showing unsatisfactory performance, Pakistanis have the capability to emerge as a democratic and progressive nation. Pakistan can road to democracy with the dedication, determination, commitment, courage, and patriotism of its political leaders.

Reforming the judiciary and incorporating Islamic laws can also soothe the deprived and poor masses who have been manipulated by the extremists due to the sheer negligence of the elected governments and ruling elite. This natura11y causes bitterness toward the present form of political setup.

Moving on, corruption and selfish attitudes are eating away at the institutional structure of our country and such practices never allow democracy to flourish. There is also a need for mature political leadership, which can think above its own gains. All this can only emerge after the formulation and implementation of strict accountability.

On the contrary, weak public institutions can be made strong and productive if the power and authority seep down. The example of many European countries is in front of us, where institutions are powerful and not politicians. Democracy in actuality can only be achieved through such measures.

Our constitution has been a source of constant controversy. Be it the realization of Islamic laws or the concentration of power in the head of the state, the constitution has served as a tool for the legitimization of alien changes and policies. Keeping the constitution intact has been long overdue. No one in power should be allowed to change it for prolongation of rule or appeasing any particular section. The Pakistani movement envisaged a democratic country with a federal structure.

In all Constitutions of Pakistan (1956, 1962, and 1973) the objectives of governance, in the words of Dr. Ainslie T. Embree, Professor Emeritus of Columbia University, are democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance, and social justice as enunciated by Islam, giving Muslims freedom to live their lives in accordance with the teachings of Islam, but with minorities having full freedom to profess their own religions.

Islam lays emphasis on the concept of Shura, i.e., consultation among people, which is the essence of democratic culture. Quaid-i-Azam, the founder of Pakistan had stated:

“We leamed democracy 1300 years ago. Democracy is i11 our blood. It is ill our marrows. Dilly centuries of adverse circumstances have made the circulation of that blood cold. It has got frozen, and our arteries are not functioning. But thank God, the blood is circulating again, thanks to the Muslim League’s efforts. It will be a People’s government. Culturally, ill the region of Pakistan, there is a concept of Jirga or Panchayat, i.e., an assembly of elders, to settle issues and disputes involving two or more two persons. This system has, been prevalent for ages, much before the advent of Islam. Thus, both religion and age-old tradition advocate the concept of consultation in decision-making through all assembly of people, which is the essence of democracy.”

During the period of British supremacy in the subcontinent, the practice of elections to assemblies (local, provincial and central) was introduced through various enactments. Finally, it was the Government of India Act 1935 under which the dominions of India and Pakistan functioned after independence till they framed their own constitutions. These enactments provided the groundwork for democratic governance. It may be of interest to note that even when the democratic rule was suspended by the armed forces, the military rulers always came with the promise to restore democratic governance .

For instance, in 1970, General Yahya Khan is credited with organizing the first-ever general elections in the country, which led to the establishment of democratic governments both in Bangladesh and Pakistan. Besides holding general elections in 2002 and 2007, General Musharraf’s introduction of a local government system introduced in 2001 is considered a “laudable model of governance” because of its principle that whatever can be done at the local level should not be done at a higher tier of governance.

The country is on the path to achieving full literacy and progress towards a higher standard of education in important disciplines. This is strengthening the civil society in ensuring the prevalence of democratic culture at the lower and higher level of governance. Secondly, the print and electronic media in Pakistan are vibrant and independent. A responsible media educates the masses, raises political consciousness, and thus promotes democratic values, norms, and culture. In addition, a number of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are playing an active role in the field of education and contributing to the growth of a vibrant civil society and good governance.

The essential step seems to stop interruption in the democratic process so that we may see more than promos. To judge something, it has to be allowed a chance to survive and act. The elected government must be allowed to complete its tenure in any case. The military has to play a positive role here and not interfere in the smooth democratic process.

As mentioned before, a part of the population wants greater Islamic character in the Govt. and laws. If we analyze this demand, it will be apparent that the enforcement of Sharia is more related to lawmaking. Therefore, what is immediately required is a change in the judicial setup, which has been unable to gain the trust of people until recently. Encouraging steps have already started in this case, but much more needs to be done.

Sadly, the same corrupted pool of thought keeps appearing with new faces and the deceived masses blindly follow them. This is due to the absence of any kind of accountability. Political compromises enhance this trend. Such practices are against moral, democratic as well as Islamic principles and should end immediately.

Next, the all-powerful bureaucracy and feudal politicians should be stripped of their unwarranted authority. It has been a slow evil that has weakened the country like nothing else. They are elected for serving people not to control them. The criteria of merit; the right to freedom and equal progress for common people have become a joke due to such an autocratic setup.

The people of Pakistan in general lack political psyche and consciousness. This is largely due to poor literacy and a never-ending feudalistic rule over 60% of the country. Therefore, it is necessary to educate the masses and make them aware of their political rights. This can begin with greater political socialization by political parties and media.

In a democratic state, media has rightly been called the fourth pillar of the state. It can play a most important role in the present age for creating awareness. Our media has risen from the ashes like a phoenix. It, however, needs to play a positive constructive role and not become another compromised institution as well.

Finally, the strategic position and now the war against terror call forth unwanted attention from the international community sometimes. In the past, military rule has been covertly or openly supported by many countries to gain their own benefits in this region. The international powers must stop interfering in the democratic process and for that to happen, our own government, people and media need to be equally strong.

Politicians may have learned lessons from their past mistakes and are more mature politically. Consensus politics seem to be emerging in the country. In the past, the constant infighting amongst political parties had often led to interference and take-over by the armed forces.

Now a culture of reconciliation, accommodation, and dialogue is emerging. The ideological polarization is diminishing. After the general elections of February 2008, four major political parties, i.e., Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), PML – Nawaz (PML-N), Awami National Party (ANP), Jamiat-ulUlema-i-Islam – Fazalur Rahman (JUI-Fl and MuttahidaQaumi Movement (MQM) have joined hands to govern the country and re-establish the supremacy of the Parliament in accordance with the Constitution of 1973.

Our youth constitute 30% of the society they are representative of a new generation. Their participation may ensure structural improvements in the national paradigm. It has been witnessed that during the Pakistan movement youth played a vital role in opinion formation and mass awareness and so is the time now. There is a need to guide our youth to take responsibility for our tomorrow.

To sum up, it is the political leadership that can ensure the permanence of democratic governance. The prospects are, however, not as dismal as sometimes portrayed. Already, the literacy rate in Pakistan has increased to more than fifty-five percent. Efforts are afoot to improve the standard of higher education. Economic growth and industrialization have given birth to a vocal urban society and middle class, which is growing. and gradually lessening the influence of the feudal class.

The vibrant electronic and print media is playing an effective role in constructive criticism of the government and in educating the masses. Elections are being held regularly, representative political leadership and political parties are getting stronger and a peaceful mode of transfer of power is becoming the norm. The bureaucracy (both civil and military), though still powerful, may retreat gradually and submit to the people’s power and will and concede to democratic governance. The democratic process is progressing and, hopefully, will be obstructed and derailed, as in the past.

Expected question about this Essay:

  • Why has democracy failed in Pakistan?
  • What practical measures do you suggest for strengthening democracy in Pakistan?

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Best of Luck Aspirants! Warm Regards.

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