LLC Membership Interest Assignment Free

When one party wants to transfer the ownership of an interest in an LLC, they can use this LLC Membership Interest Assignment. The document can also be used when one party wishes a membership interest in an LLC transferred to them.

LLC Membership Interest Assignment preview

Template Overview

When one member of an LLC, also known as a Limited Liability Company, wants to transfer their interests to another party, this LLC Membership Interest Assignment can be used. Such contracts are particularly prevalent when a member of an LLC leaves the company and wants to give up his interest.

Usually, LLC Membership Interest Assignments are created with an operating LLC. In most states, a limited liability company has to have Articles of Organization (also known as Certificates of Formation). 

An LLC can be created for any reason. If an LLC owner chooses to waive their interest in the LLC, this LLC Membership Interest Assignment can be used.

This document is quite straightforward that consists of information needed to transfer an interest in an LLC. Both the Assignor (a person transferring the interest) and the Assignee (a person receiving the interest) can fill out the information about themselves.

You fill out a form. The document is created before your eyes as you respond to the questions.

At the end, you receive it in Word and PDF formats. You can modify it and reuse it.

How to use this template

When one party wants to transfer the ownership of an interest in an LLC, they can use this document. The document can also be used when one party wishes a membership interest in an LLC transferred to them (with approval from the owner). Note that both parties should completely understand that the membership interest will be fully assigned. 

The filing party will have to specify identifying information about parties and the details of the membership interest, including percentage and whether or not it comes with voting rights. 

A completed document requires signatures from both parties.

Applicable law

Individual state laws govern LLC Membership Interest Assignments.  

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Assignment of Membership Interest: The Ultimate Guide for Your LLC

LegalGPS : May 9, 2024 at 12:00 PM

As a business owner, there may come a time when you need to transfer ownership of your company or acquire additional members. In these situations, an assignment of membership interest is a critical step in the process. This blog post aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide on everything you need to know about the assignment of membership interest and how to navigate the procedure efficiently. So, let's dive into the world of LLC membership interest transfers and learn how to secure your business!

Table of Contents

Necessary approvals and consent, impact on ownership, voting, and profit rights, complete assignment, partial assignment.

  • Key elements to include

Step 1: Gather Relevant Information

Step 2: review the llc's operating agreement, step 3: obtain necessary approvals and consents, step 4: outline the membership interest being transferred, step 5: determine the effective date of the assignment, step 6: specify conditions and representations, step 7: address tax and liability issues, step 8: draft the entire agreement and governing law clauses, step 9: review and sign the assignment agreement.

  • Advantages of using a professionally-created template
  • How our contract templates stand out from the rest

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Assignment of Membership Interest

Do you need a lawyer for this.

concept of a foreign LLC business

What is an Assignment of Membership Interest?

An assignment of membership interest is a document that allows a member of an LLC to transfer their ownership share in the company to another person or entity. This can be done in the form of a sale or gift, which are two different scenarios that generally require different types of paperwork. An assignment is typically signed by the parties involved and delivered to the Secretary of State's office for filing. However, this process can vary depending on where you live and whether your LLC has members other than yourself as well as additional documents required by state law.

Before initiating the assignment process, it's essential to review the operating agreement of your LLC, as it may contain specific guidelines on how to assign membership interests.

Often, these agreements require the express consent of the other LLC members before any assignment can take place. To avoid any potential disputes down the line, always seek the required approvals before moving forward with the assignment process.

It's essential to understand that assigning membership interests can affect various aspects of the LLC, including ownership, voting rights, and profit distribution. A complete assignment transfers all ownership rights and obligations to the new member, effectively removing the original member from the LLC. For example, if a member assigns his or her interest, the new member inherits all ownership rights and obligations associated with that interest. This includes any contractual obligations that may be attached to the membership interest (e.g., a mortgage). If there is no assignment of interests clause in your operating agreement, then you will need to get approval from all other members for an assignment to take place.

On the other hand, a partial assignment permits the original member to retain some ownership rights while transferring a portion of their interest to another party. To avoid unintended consequences, it's crucial to clearly define the rights and responsibilities of each party during the assignment process.


Types of Membership Interest Transfers

Membership interest transfers can be either complete or partial, depending on the desired outcome. Understanding the differences between these two types of transfers is crucial in making informed decisions about your LLC.

A complete assignment occurs when a member transfers their entire interest in the LLC to another party, effectively relinquishing all ownership rights and obligations. This type of transfer is often used when a member exits the business or when a new individual or entity acquires the LLC.

For example, a member may sell their interest to another party that is interested in purchasing their share of the business. Complete assignment is also used when an individual or entity wants to purchase all of the interests in an LLC. In this case, the seller must receive unanimous approval from the other members before they can transfer their entire interest.

Unlike a complete assignment, a partial assignment involves transferring only a portion of a member's interest to another party. This type of assignment enables the member to retain some ownership in the business, sharing rights, and responsibilities proportionately with the new assignee. Partial assignments are often used when adding new members to an LLC or when existing members need to redistribute their interests.

A common real-world example is when a member receives an offer from another company to purchase their interest in the LLC. They might want to keep some ownership so that they can continue to receive profits from the business, but they also may want out of some of the responsibilities. By transferring only a partial interest in their membership share, both parties can benefit: The seller receives a lump sum payment for their share of the LLC and is no longer liable for certain financial obligations or other tasks.


How to Draft an Assignment of Membership Interest Agreement

A well-drafted assignment of membership interest agreement can help ensure a smooth and legally compliant transfer process. Here is a breakdown of the key elements to include in your agreement, followed by a step-by-step guide on drafting the document.

Key elements to include:

The names of the assignor (the person transferring their interest) and assignee (the person receiving the interest)

The name of your LLC and the state where it was formed

A description of the membership interest being transferred (percentage, rights, and obligations)

Any required approvals or consents from other LLC members

Effective date of the assignment

Signatures of all parties involved, including any relevant witnesses or notary public

Before you begin drafting the agreement, gather all pertinent data about the parties involved and the membership interest being transferred. You'll need information such as:

The names and contact information of the assignor (the person transferring their interest) and assignee (the person receiving the interest)

The name and formation details of your LLC, including the state where it was registered

The percentage and value of the membership interest being transferred

Any specific rights and obligations associated with the membership interest

Examine your LLC's operating agreement to ensure you adhere to any predetermined guidelines on assigning membership interests. The operating agreement may outline specific procedures, required approvals, or additional documentation necessary to complete the assignment process.

If your LLC doesn't have an operating agreement or if it's silent on this matter, follow your state's default LLC rules and regulations.


Before drafting the assignment agreement, obtain any necessary approvals or consents from other LLC members as required by the operating agreement or state law. You may need to hold a members' meeting to discuss the proposed assignment and document members' consent in the form of a written resolution.

Detail the membership interest being transferred in the Assignment of Membership Interest Agreement. Specify whether the transfer is complete or partial, and include:

The percentage of ownership interest being assigned

Allocated profits and losses, if applicable

Voting rights associated with the transferred interest

The assignor's rights and obligations that are being transferred and retained

Any capital contribution requirements

Set an effective date for the assignment, which is when the rights and obligations associated with the membership interest will transfer from the assignor to the assignee.

This date is crucial for legal and tax purposes and helps both parties plan for the transition. If you don’t specify an effective date in the assignment agreement, your state's law may determine when the transfer takes effect.

In the agreement, outline any conditions that must be met before the assignment becomes effective. These could include obtaining certain regulatory approvals, fulfilling specific obligations, or making required capital contributions.

Additionally, you may include representations from the assignor attesting that they have the legal authority to execute the assignment. Doing this is important because it can prevent a third party from challenging the assignment on grounds of lack of authority. If the assignor is an LLC or corporation, be sure to specify that it must be in good standing with all necessary state and federal regulatory agencies.

Clearly state that the assignee will assume responsibility for any taxes, liabilities, and obligations attributable to the membership interest being transferred from the effective date of the assignment. You may also include indemnification provisions that protect each party from any potential claims arising from the other party's actions.

For example, you can include a provision that provides the assignor with protection against any claims arising from the transfer of membership interests. This is especially important if your LLC has been sued by a member, visitor, or third party while it was operating under its current management structure.

In the closing sections of the assignment agreement, include clauses stating that the agreement represents the entire understanding between the parties concerning the assignment and supersedes any previous agreements or negotiations. Specify that any modifications to the agreement must be made in writing and signed by both parties. Finally, identify the governing law that will apply to the agreement, which is generally the state law where your LLC is registered.

This would look like this:

Once you've drafted the Assignment of Membership Interest Agreement, ensure that all parties carefully review the document to verify its accuracy and completeness. Request a legal review by an attorney, if necessary. Gather the assignor, assignee, and any necessary witnesses or notary public to sign the agreement, making it legally binding.

Sometimes the assignor and assignee will sign the document at different times. If this is the case, then you should specify when each party must sign in your Assignment Agreement.

lawyers working together

Importance of a Professionally-drafted Contract Template

To ensure a smooth and error-free assignment process, it's highly recommended to use a professionally-drafted contract template. While DIY options might seem tempting, utilizing an expertly-crafted template provides several distinct advantages.

Advantages of using a professionally-created template:

Accuracy and Compliance: Professionally-drafted templates are designed with state-specific regulations in mind, ensuring that your agreement complies with all necessary legal requirements.

Time and Cost Savings: With a pre-written template, you save valuable time and resources that can be better spent growing your business.

Reduced Legal Risk: Legal templates created by experienced professionals significantly reduce the likelihood of errors and omissions that could lead to disputes or litigations down the road.

How our contract templates stand out from the rest:

We understand the unique needs of entrepreneurs and business owners. Our contract templates are designed to provide a straightforward, user-friendly experience that empowers you with the knowledge and tools you need to navigate complex legal processes with ease. By choosing our Assignment of Membership Interest Agreement template, you can rest assured that your business is in safe hands. Click here to get started!

As you embark on the journey of assigning membership interest in your LLC, here are some frequently asked questions to help address any concerns you may have:

Is an assignment of membership interest the same as a sale of an LLC? No. While both processes involve transferring interests or assets, a sale of an LLC typically entails the sale of the entire business, whereas an assignment of membership interest relates to the transfer of some or all membership interests between parties.

Do I need an attorney to help draft my assignment of membership interest agreement? While not mandatory, seeking legal advice ensures that your agreement complies with all relevant regulations, minimizing potential legal risks. If you prefer a more cost-effective solution, consider using a professionally-drafted contract template like the ones we offer at [Your Company Name].

Can I assign my membership interest without the approval of other LLC members? This depends on your LLC's operating agreement and state laws. It's essential to review these regulations and obtain any necessary approvals or consents before proceeding with the assignment process.

The biggest question now is, "Do you need to hire a lawyer for help?" Sometimes, yes ( especially if you have multiple owners ). But often for single-owner businesses, you don't   need a lawyer to start your business .

Many business owners instead use tools like  Legal GPS for Business , which includes a step-by-step, interactive platform and 100+ contract templates to help you start and grow your company.

We hope this guide provides valuable insight into the process of assigning membership interest in your LLC. By understanding the legal requirements, implications, and steps involved, you can navigate this essential task with confidence. Ready to secure your business with a professionally-drafted contract template? Visit our website to purchase the reliable and user-friendly Assignment of Membership Interest Agreement template that enables your business success.

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Assignment of LLC Interest

An Assignment of LLC Interest is a document through which an LLC member can transfer their ownership rights.


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If an LLC member wishes to transfer their ownership rights to a different entity for any reason, they'll need to submit an Assignment of LLC Interest. This document will be a way for the member to communicate this intention to other LLC members.

What Is an Assignment of LLC Interest?

You can use an Assignment of LLC Interest in situations where an LLC member wishes to secure a loan, settle a debt, or leave their LLC. 

In such cases, this document will serve to transfer the member's interest – which can be done wholly or partially – according to state laws and the governing documents of the LLC in question.

Other Names for Assignment of LLC Interest

Since the document's content takes precedence over the title, an Assignment of LLC Interest doesn't necessarily have to bear that name. It's also called:

  • Assignment Agreement
  • Transfer Agreement
  • Interest Transfer Agreement

Who Needs an Assignment of LLC Interest?

LLC members may decide to assign their interest for several reasons. One of the more common reasons for assignment is providing collateral for a loan.

Another reason might be if the member needs to settle a debt, in which case the assignment remains effective while the debt is present.

Finally, a member can assign interest to their legal heirs. In this case, the assignment becomes valid upon the member's death.

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How to Create an Assignment of LLC Interest With 360 Legal Forms

An Assignment of LLC Interest should clearly outline the rights and limitations as they apply both to the assignor, i.e., the LLC member transferring interest, and the assignee, i.e., the party receiving interest. For this reason, the document should be detailed and carefully crafted. State laws can potentially restrict assignments, and documents contrary to those laws can be subject to invalidation.

Let 360 Legal Forms help with our extensive library of attorney-vetted legal forms. The process is fast and easy. All you need to do is fill out our easy-to-understand questionnaire. Once complete, simply download your form as a PDF or Word document from your secure online account.

What Information Will I Need to Create My Assignment of LLC Interest?

To create your document, please provide:

  • Assignor Information: Details on the LLC member transferring interest 
  • Assignee Information: Details on the entity receiving interest
  • Assignment Type: Description of whether the assignment is partial or full 
  • Type of Partial Assignment (If Applicable): Determining whether the assignor will transfer a portion of ownership or specific rights and responsibilities
  • Signatures : All involved parties need to sign the document to make it legally binding 

Assignment of LLC Interest Terms

  • Assignor : The LLC member assigning their rights, responsibilities, and interest
  • Assignee: The individual or other entity receiving the rights, obligations, and interest from the Assignor
  • Authority : A confirmation that the agreement is following regulations affecting all parties (Assignor and Assignee)
  • Severability : If you can't execute any individual part of the agreement, the rest of the agreement will remain valid

Assignment of LLC Interest Signing Requirements

An Assignment of LLC Interest is a legally binding document, which means all parties should ensure they understand and agree to all terms within it before signing. 

Once the Assignor and Assignee confirm that all information in the document is correct, both parties will need to sign the document to make it valid.

What to Do With Your Assignment of LLC Interest?

An Assignment of LLC Interest defines the scope of interest an LLC member will transfer to another party for other members of the LLC. 

After signing the document, you will execute the interest transfer. Both parties should keep their copies of this document for the record.

Frequently Asked Questions

LLC members often have two roles within the LLC: as interest owners and managers. When a member decides to assign interest to another party, the transfer won't affect that member's management role. 

Should an LLC member wish to leave the LLC management, they'll need to resign from that role in an action separate from the interest transfer. At that point, they’ll determine their replacement in the management following the LLC operating agreement and the state laws.

An LLC member can transfer their interest fully or partially. Full transfer means that the Assignee receives interest identical to that previously held by the Assignor.

In the case of a partial transfer, an LLC member will assign either a portion of their interest or only certain rights to the Assignee. 

In most states, the Assignee won't have the right to participate in the operations of the LLC in question. The Assignee is also protected from the Assignor's liabilities, but this may vary according to the state. For example, the Assignee receives the liability in Florida and California.

If the Assignee is introduced into the LLC as a member following the transfer, the Assignee's limitations and rights will be the same as the Assignor's. 

Most states will not prohibit any LLC members from assigning interest. Likewise, in most states, interest transfer won't mean that the Assignor relinquishes their right to vote or continue their involvement in LLC management. 

Texas is an exception since that state's law mandates that the Assignor must forfeit their LLC membership upon transfer.

Notifying all LLC members of an assignment is mandatory, and in some states, you can only enforce the document upon approval by all LLC members. 

LLC members can decide whether the Assignee will become a member if the Assignor wishes to resign their position. The interest transfer doesn't guarantee that the Assignee will automatically become an LLC member.

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Users that make a Assignment of LLC Interest sometimes need additional documents.

  • LLC Consent in Lieu of a Meeting
  • LLC Membership Admission Agreement
  • LLC Operating Agreement

Assignment of Interest Form: Everything You Need to Know

An assignment of interest form allows a limited liability company (LLC) member to assign their interest or ownership stake in the company to another person. 3 min read updated on January 01, 2024

Updated November 25, 2020:

An assignment of interest form allows a limited liability company (LLC) member to assign their interest or ownership stake in the company to another person. The information that you will need to include in this form depends on the laws governing LLCs in your state.

Assigning LLC Interest

LLCs are a popular business structure that offers certain features of both corporations and partnerships. Owners of a limited liability company are members, and each member's stake in the company is their interest. LLC members have the ability to transfer their interest by making an assignment of interest.

An LLC's operating agreement describes how the company will be run and dictates the requirements and limitations of members' interests in the company. If this agreement allows members to transfer their company interests, they can do so with an assignment of interest form. Every state will have specific rules for what you must include in this form before a member's interest can be assigned.

In most cases, an assignment of interest does not constitute a sale of a member's LLC interest. In many states, an assignment of interest only transfers the financial advantage of the stake or share, so the member who initially possessed the interest still retains his or her voting and managerial rights in the company while the assignee will not. Assignments of interest are commonly used as loan collateral, and once the loan is paid off, the assignment ends.

Furthermore, an assignment will only transfer a percentage of an LLC member's interest. You are not required to assign all of your stakes' financial benefits. Having the ability to transfer a portion of interest allows members of an LLC to use their ownership stake very flexibly. However, partial assignments can only be made if the LLC's operating agreement allows them.

Assignments and Partnerships

An assignment of partnership interest is similar to an assignment of LLC interest. Assigning a partnership interest involves a business partner assigning their right to financially benefit from the partnership to a new partner.

When writing an assignment of partnership interest form, you should be sure to include the correct information:

  • Details about the partnership, including the business's legal name and its formation date.
  • Contact information of the new partner who is receiving the partnership interest.
  • Contact information of the old partner who is assigning their interest.
  • Contact information of the other business partners.
  • The monetary amount being exchanged for the partnership interest.
  • The date where the assignment will be revoked.
  • Signatures of all parties, including the assignor, assignee, and remaining partners.

The main purpose of this legal document is to record the assignment of the partnership interest.

Without a valid assignment of interest form, the new partner would have no way to force the old partner to fulfill the terms of the assignment. In addition to making sure that the assignment is enforceable, this document outlines what role the new partner will play in the business. For instance, the assignment of partnership interest form can dictate if the new partner will have any management or financial responsibilities in the business. Full partners, for instance, can usually make decisions for the business and will also have access to the business's financial records.

There are countless reasons that a business partner may wish to assign their partnership interest to a new partner:

  • The business's needed cash flow has changed.
  • A change has occurred in how the business allocates its assets.
  • Implementation of a new partnership strategy.
  • New regulations pose challenges for the business.

When assigning a partnership interest, there are several issues you must address:

  • Which partner will assign their interest and who will receive the assignment.
  • The rights of the assignee to participate in managing or operating the business.
  • The location of the business partnership.
  • The establishment date of the partnership.
  • What the assigning partner will receive in exchange for assigning their partnership interest.

Whether you are a partner in a business or a member of an LLC, your ownership stake in the business entity likely provides you with a variety of rights. For instance, you may have the right to receive profits from the business and the right to receive business assets after the company dissolves. Depending on your operating or partnership agreement , you may be able to transfer these rights to another party in exchange for consideration.

If you need help with an assignment of interest form, you can post your legal needs on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.

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LLC Membership Interest Assignment

Choose the state where the LLC is formed (and primarily does business). This will be the state where all of the initial business documents for the LLC, like the Articles of Organization or Certificate of Formation, have been filed.

State of Alabama

This assignment ("Assignment") is made by and between the following parties: ________ , hereinafter known as "Assignor," having an address at the following:

and ________ , hereinafter known as "Assignee," having an address at the following:

Assignor, an individual, hereby assigns, transfers, and conveys all of Assignor's right, title and interest in and to all of Assignor's membership interests in ________ , a Alabama Limited Liability Company, hereinafter known as the "LLC," to Assignee, an individual. Such membership interest amounts to the following percentage ownership: ________ % (________ percent) membership interest, along with voting rights in the LLC, and this Assignment shall leave Assignor with no interest in the LLC. Assignee hereby accepts this Assignment.

This assignment is effective as of ________ and is made for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged.

Assignor hereby represents and warrants and that Assignor has good title to the membership interest conveyed herein and that Assignor has no limitations on making such assignment, such as any security interest, lien, or encumbrance.

88882225 2552525 5225282228 525 85555228 2552 82 8888 2522 522 82228 22 2252282 88882222'8 5282822 22 252 2228258582 82225282 82 252 228 58 52858525.

5588 5888222222 85588 82 85885 525 8825822 5222 588 22 88882225 525 88882222'8 8588288258, 25528225228, 52858, 525 5888228.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Assignor and Assignee have caused this Assignment to be executed on the following date: ________ .

Assignor: ________

Signature: __________________________

Assignee: ________

Consent To Assignment Of Membership Interest

Each and all of the members of ________ , a Alabama Limited Liability Company, hereby consent to the assignment, transfer and conveyance of membership interest in ________ made by the attached LLC Membership Interest Assignment. Each and all of the members further agree that Assignee is now a member of ________ and Assignor retains no further interest in ________ .

Assignee shall have all the rights and powers of a member henceforth.

This consent is made on the following date: ____________________.

Name of Member: __________________________



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Assignment of Limited Liability Company Interest to Revocable Trust

Practical law standard document w-005-7338  (approx. 11 pages).

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Legal Templates

Home Business Assignment Agreement

Assignment Agreement Template

Use our assignment agreement to transfer contractual obligations.

Assignment Agreement Template

Updated February 1, 2024 Reviewed by Brooke Davis

An assignment agreement is a legal document that transfers rights, responsibilities, and benefits from one party (the “assignor”) to another (the “assignee”). You can use it to reassign debt, real estate, intellectual property, leases, insurance policies, and government contracts.

What Is an Assignment Agreement?

What to include in an assignment agreement, how to assign a contract, how to write an assignment agreement, assignment agreement sample.

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Partnership Interest

An assignment agreement effectively transfers the rights and obligations of a person or entity under an initial contract to another. The original party is the assignor, and the assignee takes on the contract’s duties and benefits.

It’s often a requirement to let the other party in the original deal know the contract is being transferred. It’s essential to create this form thoughtfully, as a poorly written assignment agreement may leave the assignor obligated to certain aspects of the deal.

The most common use of an assignment agreement occurs when the assignor no longer can or wants to continue with a contract. Instead of leaving the initial party or breaking the agreement, the assignor can transfer the contract to another individual or entity.

For example, imagine a small residential trash collection service plans to close its operations. Before it closes, the business brokers a deal to send its accounts to a curbside pickup company providing similar services. After notifying account holders, the latter company continues the service while receiving payment.

Create a thorough assignment agreement by including the following information:

  • Effective Date:  The document must indicate when the transfer of rights and obligations occurs.
  • Parties:  Include the full name and address of the assignor, assignee, and obligor (if required).
  • Assignment:  Provide details that identify the original contract being assigned.
  • Third-Party Approval: If the initial contract requires the approval of the obligor, note the date the approval was received.
  • Signatures:  Both parties must sign and date the printed assignment contract template once completed. If a notary is required, wait until you are in the presence of the official and present identification before signing. Failure to do so may result in having to redo the assignment contract.

Review the Contract Terms

Carefully review the terms of the existing contract. Some contracts may have specific provisions regarding assignment. Check for any restrictions or requirements related to assigning the contract.

Check for Anti-Assignment Clauses

Some contracts include anti-assignment clauses that prohibit or restrict the ability to assign the contract without the consent of the other party. If there’s such a clause, you may need the consent of the original parties to proceed.

Determine Assignability

Ensure that the contract is assignable. Some contracts, especially those involving personal services or unique skills, may not be assignable without the other party’s agreement.

Get Consent from the Other Party (if Required)

If the contract includes an anti-assignment clause or requires consent for assignment, seek written consent from the other party. This can often be done through a formal amendment to the contract.

Prepare an Assignment Agreement

Draft an assignment agreement that clearly outlines the transfer of rights and obligations from the assignor (the party assigning the contract) to the assignee (the party receiving the assignment). Include details such as the names of the parties, the effective date of the assignment, and the specific rights and obligations being transferred.

Include Original Contract Information

Attach a copy of the original contract or reference its key terms in the assignment agreement. This helps in clearly identifying the contract being assigned.

Execution of the Assignment Agreement

Both the assignor and assignee should sign the assignment agreement. Signatures should be notarized if required by the contract or local laws.

Notice to the Other Party

Provide notice of the assignment to the non-assigning party. This can be done formally through a letter or as specified in the contract.

File the Assignment

File the assignment agreement with the appropriate parties or entities as required. This may include filing with the original contracting party or relevant government authorities.

Communicate with Third Parties

Inform any relevant third parties, such as suppliers, customers, or service providers, about the assignment to ensure a smooth transition.

Keep Copies for Records

Keep copies of the assignment agreement, original contract, and any related communications for your records.

Here’s a list of steps on how to write an assignment agreement:

Step 1 – List the Assignor’s and Assignee’s Details

List all of the pertinent information regarding the parties involved in the transfer. This information includes their full names, addresses, phone numbers, and other relevant contact information.

This step clarifies who’s transferring the initial contract and who will take on its responsibilities.

Step 2 – Provide Original Contract Information

Describing and identifying the contract that is effectively being reassigned is essential. This step avoids any confusion after the transfer has been completed.

Step 3 – State the Consideration

Provide accurate information regarding the amount the assignee pays to assume the contract. This figure should include taxes and any relevant peripheral expenses. If the assignee will pay the consideration over a period, indicate the method and installments.

Step 4 – Provide Any Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions of any agreement are crucial to a smooth transaction. You must cover issues such as dispute resolution, governing law, obligor approval, and any relevant clauses.

Step 5 – Obtain Signatures

Both parties must sign the agreement to ensure it is legally binding and that they have read and understood the contract. If a notary is required, wait to sign off in their presence.

Assignment Agreement Template

Related Documents

  • Purchase Agreement : Outlines the terms and conditions of an item sale.
  • Business Contract : An agreement in which each party agrees to an exchange, typically involving money, goods, or services.
  • Lease/Rental Agreement : A lease agreement is a written document that officially recognizes a legally binding relationship between two parties -- a landlord and a tenant.
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Liberating Structures

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Introduction Preview the LS book here. Color and B&W versions available on Amazon. Translations available in eight languages. Learn how simple rules can unleash a culture of innovation.

When you feel included and engaged, do you do a better job? Do you think teams in which people work well together produce much better results? Have you noticed the best ideas often come from unexpected sources?  Do you want to work at the top of your intelligence and give the same opportunity to others?

If YES, we have found this is the kind of organization and community that people want to be part of. AND, Liberating Structures help make it happen.

So why is it that so many organizations of all stripes are filled with disengaged workers, dysfunctional groups and wasted ideas?

While there will always be some justification for blaming leaders (or professors and administrators in education), the more compelling and useful explanation is not that people involved are bad, stupid or incompetent, but rather that the practices they have all learned are neither adapted to today’s realities nor designed to achieve the ideals listed above.

Unwittingly, the conventional structures used to organize how people routinely work together stifle inclusion and engagement.

Liberating Structures start with something so simple and essential as not to seem worth doing and end with something so powerful and profound that it hardly seems possible.

Liberating Structures used routinely make it possible to build the kind of organization that everybody wants. They are designed to include everyone in shaping next steps.

Liberating Structures introduce tiny shifts in the way we meet, plan, decide and relate to one another. They put the innovative power once reserved for experts only in hands of everyone. 

Every person interested in leading change—in schools, hospitals, foundations, agencies, and businesses—can use Liberating Structures to generate innovation and great results.  

Liberating Structures are easy-to-learn microstructures that enhance relational coordination and trust. They quickly foster lively participation in groups of any size, making it possible to truly include and unleash everyone. Liberating Structures are a disruptive innovation that can replace more controlling or constraining approaches.

Click on any Liberating Structure below. 

Leaders know that they would greatly increase productivity and innovation if only they could get everyone fully engaged. The challenge is how. Liberating Structures are novel, practical and no-nonsense methods to help you accomplish this goal with groups of any size.
By design, Liberating Structures distribute control so that participants can shape direction themselves as the action unfolds.

Learning Events

Check out News and Events  for more immersion workshops and LS User Group meetings.   Subscribe to LS News & get access to archives here .

Liberating Structures are immeasurably practical.   Our world is increasingly complex, interdependent, and culturally diverse.  Many of our most pressing challenges cut across geographic, cultural, and technical boundaries.  Simple methods that help us work together productively are central to making progress.

Helpful Analogies

Like  Wikipedia , LS create simple rules to guide and liberate everyone’s contributions.  Wikipedia’s  must-dos and must-not dos specify how anyone can write articles, edit content, reach consensus about the facts, and share with attribution. This structure makes it possible for a diverse community to generate and sustain accurate content that compares favorably with professionally edited encyclopedias. Like Wikipedia , LS is a disruptive innovation in regard to how we engage people in organizations.

Like  improv jazz , LS sparks freedom that arises from shared understanding of simple rules. Great jazz comes from playing creatively within the context of melodic and harmonic structure.  Like  water in a river , LS takes the shape of the banks that it touches: adapting a similar pattern at every scale and in each local setting.

Below: watch this inspired video by Professor Arvind Singhal talking about liberating education and the role of changemakers.   UnScripTED: Liberating Structures 

Read this practical article "Tiny Tweaks That Help You Use LS" by Barry Overeem.  

Simple Ways to Engage Everyone on Zoom: Learn Several Liberating Structures in 30 minutes from Media Changemakers on Vimeo .

Unscripted #2 Liberating Structures with Dr. Arvind Singhal from Media Changemakers on Vimeo .

Lisa Gill is a fabulous writer and top drawer interviewer. Her Leadersmorphosis series dives deeply into self organizing @ work. Put your ear to this interivew she conducts with Henri and Keith.

Below, enjoy scenes from the LCJP Restorative Justice Summit.  Liberating Structures were used to organize a three day event full of learning, designed to advance the Restorative Justice movement. Restorative Justice (RJ) aims to create communities in which people feel safe by carefully structuring opportunities for offenders to make amends and victims to regain their personal power. Restorative Justice practitioners found Liberating Structures to be highly structured, liberating better than expected results.

2012 CO RJ Summit Video from LCJP on Vimeo .

LS were used to design the Transformation of Nursing summit . Coalitions from all 50 states and DC came together to advance the cause. 

For the United Nations ITC-ILO, Henri and Keith offered a Liberating Structures immersion workshop and follow-up consulting sessions. (The Centre is in Turin Italy.) The focus was how to organize for promoting decent work and sustainable development by not over-helping but rather facilitating networked self-organization.

Ten Principles 

While the individual LS microstructures are powerful separately, they function as an interrelated set which can transform an entire organization. The LS repertoire is inspired by ten liberating principles.

When we decide we belong together, LS principles help to guide behavior and leadership actions.  Detailed descriptions here.  

The Surprising Power of Liberating Structures  book!   Preview and buy on Amazon .  The color paperback ($49.95 USD),  black&white  ($19.95 USD) and e-book are now available on the Amazon website. Amazon offers deep discounts and free shipping to some customers.  

The development team at  Holisticon  is happy to announce that  the Liberating Structures App  is now available in the  Google Play  and  Apple App Stores . A deep bow to their creative genius. Happy downloading!

Audio: A very playful Brave New Work podcast  with Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans.    On Liberating Structures  with Lorenz Sell of  Sutra  and Keith. Lorenz asks the deepest questions about collective intelligence, generativity, and complexity science. (50 minutes)   Coaching Zone  Podcast  with Keith and Dr. Krister Lowe. The focus is on how leaders and teams can develop more productive habits with LS. [45 minutes]   Radio Interview with Meisha Rouser , organizational psychologist. The focus is on groups working at the top of their intelligence and imagination.  And a third  podcast interview with Amiel Handelsman  that dips into specific LS microstructures and their use by groups to generate innovative cultures. [60 minutes].

Check out  Falling Off the Horse while faciliating & leading with Liberating Structures. This article by Keith McCandless describes a personal path forward. It includes what is possible to stop doing when LS is integrated into your practice.

LS are inspired by complexity science. Listen to this entertaining RadioLab program on Emergence to learn about some of the underlying concept of complexity science.  

LS User Groups (inventing and enlivening a new way to organize)

Open Letter from a Grateful Student to All Educators

Below: early LS users and co-developers in Latin America, Europe, Canada and the USA.  

assignment of interest form pdf

The INTOSAI Framework of Professional Pronouncements

INTOSAI pronouncements foster credibility and relevance of public audit by setting internationally recognized professional principles and standards that promote excellence in the application of methodology, and support the effective functioning of Supreme Audit Institutions in the public interest.

  • access all pronouncements
  • learn more about the framework

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Standard Setting

Follow the development of new pronouncements.

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Revised Draft INTOSAI GUID 5101 – Guidance on Audit of Information security

Project aim The purpose of this project is to supplement GUI...

Open for Comments

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Revision of ISSAI 140 - Quality management for SAIs

Project aim Develop a standard on quality management for SAI...

Endorsement Version

International Pronouncement on Jurisdictional Activities of SAIs

Working title: INTOSAI-P 50 Principles of jurisdictional activities of SAIs

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ISSAIs in Action

INTOSAI principles, standards and guidance inspire and support Supreme Audit Institutions in producing high-quality audits of relevance to the public and other key stakeholders. Their adoption can depend on national mandates and circumstances.

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Xijin Liu - Institute of Internal Auditors

"Curabitur a felis in nunc fringilla tristique. Aliquam eu nunc."


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  4. Llc Membership Interest Assignment Template

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    The LLC hereby approves the transfer of the Membership Interest from Assignor to Assignee. The LLC and Assignor hereby release each other from all claims arising under the LLC. 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. The Assignment is effective on ____________________, 2015 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Assignor has executed this Assignment as of the Effective Date.

  2. LLC Membership Interest Assignment

    Download a sample and template of an LLC Membership Interest Assignment, a document used to transfer the ownership of an interest in an LLC. Learn how to use this document, what information it contains, and what laws apply to it.

  3. LLC Membership Interest Assignment

    Create a document to transfer or receive an interest in an LLC with this template. Fill out the form, download in Word or PDF, and sign it.

  4. Assignment of Membership Interest: The Ultimate Guide for Your LLC

    An assignment of membership interest is a document that allows a member of an LLC to transfer their ownership share in the company to another person or entity. This can be done in the form of a sale or gift, which are two different scenarios that generally require different types of paperwork. An assignment is typically signed by the parties ...

  5. Assignment of LLC Interest

    An Assignment of LLC Interest is a legally binding document, which means all parties should ensure they understand and agree to all terms within it before signing. Once the Assignor and Assignee confirm that all information in the document is correct, both parties will need to sign the document to make it valid.

  6. PDF Assignment of interest

    Assignment of interest Of Limited Liability Company note: This form is used by members of a limited liability company (LLC) when assigning their membership interest on terminating their ownership interest in an LLC, to document the assignment and authorize the LLC manager to reflect the assignment on the books of the LLC.

  7. Assignment of Interest Form

    Updated November 25, 2020: An assignment of interest form allows a limited liability company (LLC) member to assign their interest or ownership stake in the company to another person. The information that you will need to include in this form depends on the laws governing LLCs in your state.

  8. Assignment Of Llc Interest Template

    This is a multi-state form covering the subject matter of the title. An Assignment of LLC Interest Template is a legal document that outlines the transfer of ownership or interest in a Limited Liability Company (LLC) from one party to another. This template serves as a guide or framework to document the specifics of the transfer, ensuring that ...

  9. LLC Membership Interest Assignment

    This assignment is effective as of ________ and is made for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged. Assignor hereby represents and warrants and that Assignor has good title to the membership interest conveyed herein and that Assignor has no limitations on making such assignment, such as any ...

  10. LLCs/LPs: Assignment of LLC/LP Interests (Short Form)

    An assignment of limited liability company (LLC) interests or limited partnership (LP) interests operates in the same way as a stock power. If collateral in a loan transaction includes LLC interests or LP interests that are classified under the UCC as certificated securities, the secured party typically requires delivery of any certificates representing these interests together with signed and ...

  11. Free Assignment Agreement Forms (12)

    Download free assignment agreement forms for various types of property and benefits. Learn how to write an assignment agreement in four steps and see a sample document.

  12. Assignment of Limited Liability Company Interest to Revocable Trust

    by Practical Law Trusts & Estates. Maintained • USA (National/Federal) A Standard Document used for transferring an interest in a limited liability company (LLC) to a revocable trust that can be customized for use in any US jurisdiction. This Standard Document contains integrated notes and drafting tips.

  13. Free Assignment of Partnership Form

    A partner uses an Assignment of Partnership Interest form to sell their interest in the partnership to a new partner. Through the Assignment of Partnership Interest, the potential new partner (known as "the assignee") agrees to pay the current partner (known as "the assignor") in exchange for all the financial interests and obligations included in the partnership rights.

  14. Florida Assignment or Sale of Interest in Limited ...

    In Florida, there are two main types of assignment or sale of interest in an LLC: 1. Assignment of Membership Interest: — This type of transfer involves the assignment of a member's entire interest in the LLC. It includes both the economic rights (distribution of profits and losses) and the non-economic rights (voting and management rights).


    please note: this form may not be submitted electronically . title: assignment of interest form author: osd created date: 6/10/2009 11:31:34 am ...

  16. Assignment of Partnership Interest (US) Form

    The Assignor warrants that the Assignor has a general partnership interest in the Partnership and that the Assignor has the legal right to execute and perform an assignment of the Interest exclusive of the Assignor's status as partner. The Assignor warrants that the Interest is free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, restrictions and claims.

  17. Free Assignment Agreement Template

    Assignment Agreement Template. Use our assignment agreement to transfer contractual obligations. An assignment agreement is a legal document that transfers rights, responsibilities, and benefits from one party (the "assignor") to another (the "assignee"). You can use it to reassign debt, real estate, intellectual property, leases ...


    Signature(s) of Assignee(s) CHICAGO TITLE LAND TRUST COMPANY. 10 South LaSalle Street, Suite 2750, Chicago, IL 60603 · (312) 223-4110 · Fax (312) 223-4139. ALL NEW TRUST BENEFICIARIES. For IRS and U.S. Patriot Act compliance, we are required to obtain proper identification of our customers.

  19. Assignment Of Interest Form Pdf

    Download Assignment and Conveyance of Overriding Royalty Interest straight from the US Legal Forms web site. It offers a wide variety of professionally drafted and lawyer-approved forms and samples. For full access to 85,000 legal and tax forms, users just have to sign up and choose a subscription.

  20. PDF Limited Liability Company Interest Sale and Assignment Agreement

    Sale and Assignment; Closing; Post-Closing Adjustment. On the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement, Initial Member hereby sells to Transferee, and Transferee hereby purchases from Initial Member, all of Initial Member's right, title and interest in and to the LLC Interest for a purchase price of $43,237,216.44 (the ...

  21. Assignment of Interest Agreement

    ASSIGNMENT OF INTEREST AGREEMENT. Workers' Comp Policy No. (1)It is underst ood and agreed that, effective 12:01 A.M. (DATE OF CHANGE OF INTEREST) subject to all the agreements, conditions and limitations as hereunder expressed, the above captioned policy is hereby. F.E.I.N. (NAME OF NEW FIRM - ASSIGNEE) (2) assigned to (3) whose business ...

  22. PDF Commercial Contract Assignment of Buyer'S Interest

    For and in consideration of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration paid by Assignee to Assignor, Assignor hereby assigns Assignor's interest in the Contract, including Assignor's interest as Buyer and Assignor's interest in the earnest money in the amount of $ to Assignee, and Assignee hereby assumes all of ...

  23. PDF Recording Requested by Title Order No. Escrow No. Apn No. Assignment of

    with the note or notes therein described or referred to, the money due and to become due thereon with interest, and all rights accrued or to accrue under said Deed of Trust. Dated_____ _____ _____ State of California

  24. Liberating Structures

    The 10 LS Principles (short form) Ten Principles . While the individual LS microstructures are powerful separately, they function as an interrelated set which can transform an entire organization. ... PDF here. Below: early LS users and co-developers in Latin America, Europe, Canada and the USA. This work is licensed under a ...

  25. Assignment (law)

    Assignment is a legal term used in the context of the laws of contract and of property.In both instances, assignment is the process whereby a person, the assignor, transfers rights or benefits to another, the assignee. An assignment may not transfer a duty, burden or detriment without the express agreement of the assignee.

  26. William & Mary

    2,962 likes, 38 comments - william_and_mary on August 12, 2020: "Move-In looks a little different this year, and we know there are mixed emotions right now. We want ...

  27. IFPP

    The INTOSAI Framework of Professional Pronouncements. INTOSAI pronouncements foster credibility and relevance of public audit by setting internationally recognized professional principles and standards that promote excellence in the application of methodology, and support the effective functioning of Supreme Audit Institutions in the public interest.