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Amity Solved Assignment Answers 2023-24/2024-25 PDF

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AMITY Solved Assignment 2023-24 for All Program’s

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Table of Contents

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What We Do?

  • Guide Techs Is a Trusted Name among Students for Solved Assignment
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Solved Assignment Guide Services For Amity Students

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Guide Techs is an assignment company that provides solutions for distance and regular learning courses. They offer solved assignments, synopses, project reports, exam notes, and dissertation project reports for a variety of courses. They also offer consultancy services for students and professionals.

Here are some of the courses that Guide Techs offers solutions for:

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Guide Techs is a popular choice for students and professionals who are looking for help with their assignments. They have a team of experienced professionals who are able to provide high-quality solutions.

Different Services Provided By Solved  Assignment Help Experts By Guide Techs

Homework and Assignments: Accounts, Finance, Statistics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Economics and more.

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Each Solved assignment will be finished by the customers prerequisites. Our online specialists clear a few questions about the task and give Excellent assignments which turns out to be extremely useful for understudies to increase high stamps and better evaluation.

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Guide Techs is where you can arrive with all your scholastic questions and inquiries. We are the main online Solved Assignment  task help administration. Our task composing administrations incorporate proposition composing, coursework help, thesis help, exposition subject determination help, investigate Solved Assignment, Solved Project, Amity Solved Synopsis and Project and so on.

You will get India task help for financial aspects, nursing, business, the board, rationality, human asset and some other subject. You will get all sort of Solved Assignment administration at reasonable cost.

amity online mba assignments answers


Amity University ODL

What is the internal assessment scheme for mba print.

Modified on: Mon, 20 May, 2019 at 10:07 AM

Examination for a particular semester will consist of two components:

1. End Term Examination (ETE); with 70% weightage

2. Continuous Internal Assessments; with 30% weightage

1. End Term Examination (ETE):

The End Term Examination would be conducted online through Amity test engine twice in a year. The question papers would consist of multiple choice and subjective questions in following pattern:–

Part A: Comprises of Four subjective questions of 7.5 marks each; attempt any two with detailed answers to be typed by the learner in the dialogue box provided for the purpose. This section carries 15 marks.

Part B: Comprises of a case study followed by Two Questions of 7.5 marks each. This section caries 15 marks.

Part C: Twenty MCQs of Two mark each. This section carries 40 marks.

2. Continuous Internal Assessment:

Each learner is required to submit assignments by due date to complete the process of continuous internal assessment which carries a 30% weightage towards overall assessment. Assignment submission facility is available online through the Learning Portal.

NOTE- The results of the learners who have not completed and qualified in the Continuous internal assessment will not be declared for that semester.

Continuous Internal Assessments for January 2017 session will be conducted on the below mentioned guidelines:

Internal Assessments (30 Marks) includes:

  • Assignments  are of 20 marks which is divided in 3 parts:
  • Assignment 1- 15 th August till 31 st August
  • Assignment 2- 15 th September till 30 th  
  • Assignment 3- 1 st October till 31 st October
  • Objective Type Questions embedded in video lectures are of 7 marks
  • Time spent on Reading Learning Materials are of 3 marks

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Amity Online MBA Review - Good or Bad, Worth It?

Mar 7, 2024 1.5K Reads

“This is the age of knowledge, the MBA course gives you the wings to lead the whole world with your abilities and set of skills”. 

The whole blog consists of detailed descriptions such as eligibility criteria, fee structure, specializations, and much more of the Online MBA programme at Amity Online University. Scroll down and get updated about the Online MBA courses In India . 

Amity Online MBA Overview

Recently Online University has boosted the myth of providing a quality of education that offers various different of specialization as per the course with the different career scope, pay scale, etc. However, it is a little difficult to find out the best online university to choose as per your career path to grow in the respective field. Before jumping check out this below-mentioned tabulate about Amity online MBA Noida. 

amity online mba assignments answers

Amity Online MBA (Masters of Business Administration) program is a two-year professional degree course that is divided into four different semesters. The course curriculum is framed in such a way that a student from any field or stream can pursue this career or step into the corporate world of management, finance, administration, business, and other monetary sectors.

Read: What are the fees of online MBA ?

This amity online MBA degree course is designed for every professional or non-professional person who wants to continue their education even without hampering their personal or working life. The Amity online degree program gives a student an opportunity to even work and coordinate with their learning at any time and anywhere of their comfort level, even without putting anything even your career or personal life aside or holds. 

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Amity Online MBA Advantages

Amity University Online offers a quality of education through the online or digital mode of learning. Below are mentioned some of the advantages that a student will adapt through the designed online MBA or other program curriculum or with the digital education related to course study and other skills development sessions. 

Education Policy 

–  Amity Online has its own learning portal where all the degree courses or programmes live lectures, sessions, webinars, are done through their LMS portal. –  Learning Opportunities for all the UG, PG, Diploma, or other courses only at the cost of one degree. –  Amity online gives you the freedom to attain cross-functional skills with access credentials. –  Daily live classes have been scheduled by the amity online from 11:00 am to 09:45 pm). –  Students can enjoy other features of activities such as discussion forums, communication classes, quizzes, guest lectures, etc.


Students can appreciate the benefit of flexibility to take classes or other sessions at their own comfort. Students can also give their exams from anywhere or they can extend their semester duration only up to 2 more years. 

Read: Online Education Advantages and Disadvantages

Career Growth

After completion of a 2-year Online MBA from Amity Online University, a student will receive or adapt good career opportunities in their selected specializations of finance, management, hospitality, administration, banking, or sectors. As per the sources, average salary hike after completion of MBA degree, a candidate will get around 32% of average hike in their respective amount according to the “Finacial Times”. 

Why Amity Online MBA Degree?

Online MBA courses are being offered online degree that has been offered to the regular degree courses. Amity University is India’s first UGC-approved university that offers a quality of education with advanced technologies. Amity online is also earned QS ranking no. 01 in whole Asia and ranked 33 at a global level. 

Amity Online University education group is one of the foremost leading private educational groups in whole India. It has 150 plus institution centres all spread in India and abroad. Online amity degree is duly signed by other statutory educational committees, organizations and accreditations such as UGC, NAAC, AIU, etc.

Amity Online Degree

Key Features of Online Amity MBA 

  –  Amity Online University is one of the first universities that is approved by UGC, DEB, and other statutory bodies to offer the finest and most advanced education through online of learning. 

  –  Amity Online University has their own placement assistance that are tied-up with the multiple big recruiting organizations in terms of interns, job or other project work assistance. 

  –  Students can exclusively benefit the virtual classes, screening, interview sessions, development classes, etc only at zero cost of participation. 

Read: Best Distance Education Universities In India

Amity Online MBA Specializations 

The globally accepted and accredited online MBA programme at Amity Online University covers 12 essential industrial-oriented specializations that are accomplished with the professional goals of the freshly graduates of MBA and other courses and also working professional too. However, the course curriculum allows a student to delve into deep nuances of the professional and particular industry framework.

Online Amity MBA Specialization

Amity Online University helps students to adapt and learn a new set of skills and industry-ready professionals. Moreover, this online MBA programme is of two-year professional degree course that is stimulated into four semesters. The below-mentioned Online MBA specializations are offered at Amity Online University. 

  Amity Online MBA Eligibility Criteria In India

  –  Student must have 10+2 from any recognized national or state board. 

  –  Students must have completed their graduation from any stream (Science, Commerce, or Arts). 

  –  Students who have done 4 years degree course are also eligible to take admission in the online MBA programme. 

  –  Students must have scored a minimum of 40% aggregate marks in their 10+2 / graduation/ 4-year degree course. 

Amity Online MBA Eligibility Criteria with Foreign Education 

  –  Candidates must have completed their Graduation Degree in any stream. 

  –  Certificate of equivalence degree approval from the association of Indian Universities (AIU) must be required from students with foreign education to apply in any university all over India. (Reference website: amityonline.com).

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Online MBA Curriculum/Syllabus Offered by Amity Online University 

Amity online mba specialization curriculum/syllabus, amity online mba in entrepreneurship & leadership management syllabus:, amity online mba in finance & accounting management syllabus:, amity online mba in global finance market syllabus:, amity online mba in hospitality management syllabus : , amity online mba in human resource management syllabus: , amity online mba in information technology management syllabus:, amity online mba in insurance management syllabus:, amity online mba in international business management syllabus:, amity online mba in marketing & sales management syllabus:, amity online mba in petroleum and natural gas management syllabus:, amity online mba in production and operations management syllabus:, amity online mba in retail management syllabus:.

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Fee Structure of Online MBA Programme at Amity Online University 

Special scholarship fee structure of amity online mba programme:, how are exams conducted for amity online programs.

Examinations at Amity Online University are being conducted as per the new regulations through the online learning technology or LMS (learning management system). The exam pattern comprises of internal, external assessments and some other project world. The weightage of examination is as follows:

 –  Internal  Assessment(Assignments) carries 30% aggregate marks.  –  External  Assessment (end-term-examination) carries 70% aggregate marks.  –  Section A- Subjective, Section B- Case Studies, and Section C- MCQs. 

The medium of instruction of writing examinations to submit assignments is only command in the English language only. The minimum passing percentage criteria to pass the semester or each subject is 5 SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) and 6 CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average). 

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Online MBA Admission Application Form at Amity Online University

The online MBA admission procedure at Amity Online University is quite easy that students can fill or confirm their application in some minutes just by filling in their personal details in some steps. 

admission procedure

Step 1 (Basic Details)

Here in this stage, a student needs to fill in their basic details such as:

Step 2 (Employment Details) 

If a student or candidate is already working somewhere, then at this stage of the application form they need to notify of their work experience, company name, the salary they offered, achievements, and much more related to their employment id or details. 

Step 3 (Upload Documents) 

This is the last step of filling your whole application form, students need to uploa their respective documents in a prescribe format as mentioned on the website page of application form as, 

 –  ID proof (Aadhar card, Voter ID, Pan Card, etc)  –  10+2 Marksheet, Provisional Certificate, Migration Certificate, etc.  –  Graduation Degree for MBA or other Postgraduate course/ programmes. 

Payment Mode of Online MBA Course at Amity Online

There are three different modes to submit your course fees as per the selected course or programme of postgraduation. 

–  Net Banking –  Credit Card –  Debit Card 

Placement Assistance of Amity Online MBA Course

A division of Placement Assistance at Amity Online is an operating backbone with a vision to equip students to provide or offer great job opportunities and also builds up the versatile traits to match the core needs of the corporate world or where they are applying for. This placement drive works as a bridge in providing the job opportunities of the different sectors of online MBA courses or selected fields.

It also works to guide the students with their personality development guidance by different classes, lectures, activities, etc. Students are provided with placement support by informing them from time to time about various placement drives at different locations to enable them to avail the opportunities.

Read: Career Options after MBA

Job Profile and Average Salary Offered After Amity Online MBA Course 

Amity Job Profile Average Salary

Hiring Companies for Amity Online MBA Degree

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Amity Online MBA Course Reviews 

Faculty: Teachers are very great and genuine in Amity. They all are PhD holders, and they are very supportive. We can share any problem related to college as well as our personal problems with them. Proper mentoring sessions are conducted so that every problem of students will be solved.

Infrastructure: There’s Wi-Fi, a digital library and a very well-equipped infrastructure. The course curriculum of the Online MBA is totally well planned as per the new trends and methods of the industry and professional fields. 

Read: Best MBA Course

Amity Online MBA Prospectus 

Amity Online University is a prestigious university that offers a quality of education through an online mode of education as well. The university has all the high approvals in its bucket. Amity Online MBA prospectus consists of the course details of Online MBA, their eligibility criteria, career scope after completion of the degree, campus culture overview, teaching professional, and forth so. A candidate can download the course prospectus just by clicking on the download button of Amity Online University Prospectus.  Download Prospectus

Similar Online MBA Universities

Faqs (frequently asked questions), ⭐ how a student can apply for the amity online mba programme.

A student can apply or check the official website of Amity Online University to enroll and check the campus and other details of the admission and course.

⭐ What is the career scope after completion of the Online MBA programme from Amity University?

After completion of Online MBA programme, a student will receive or build their own career path with successful job opportunities in the finance, administration, management, sales managers, operation mangers, cost estimators of the private, corporate or government sectors as well.

⭐ What is the duration of the online MBA course?

The total duration of the Online MBA course is 2-years that is divided into 4 different semesters. Online MBA programme also has 12 different MBA specializations. That a student can pursue from Amity Online University. 

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Amity Online Solved Assignments For MBA Students

Are you looking for Amity solved assignments online for degree programmes like MBA on search engines? Look no further; we provide high-quality assignment preparation services for Amity University that are written by Ph.D.-qualified staff. The assignment work supplied by our company is available at an affordable price with unrivalled quality to ensure high grades in college internal assessments.

List of degree programs for which AMITY Assignments are available-

  • MBA – Master of Business Administration
  • BBA – Bachelors of Business Administration
  • MA – Master of Arts
  • BA – Bachelor of Arts
  • MCA – Master of Computer Applications
  • BCA – Bachelor of Computer Applications
  • M.Com – Master of Commerce
  • B.Com – Bachelor of Commerce

About Amity University

If you are looking for an MBA degree programme in the northern region of India, then without a doubt, opt for AMITY University. Amity was founded by Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan in 2005, and since then it has expanded to many other cities. Known for its highly reputed teaching staff and quality education, Amity University has marked its name among the top 10 most prestigious private institutions in India. The university’s campus is located in Noida city which is closest to capital city of India- New Delhi.

The campus of Amity is spread across an area more than 100 acres with huge modern structure buildings. The amenities provided in the campus are up-to-date and excellent for the educational environment. Main education programmes offered by University are business, law, engineering, bioinformatics, computer science and psychology. The faculty of Amity University is highly qualified and holds advanced degree from top colleges across the globe. They are known for the practical knowledge, teaching experience and real-time experiences.

Don’t worry about placement after the completion of the course from AMITY, as many reputable firms are connected with the training and placement cell, which helps organise job fairs regularly. Many kinds of recreational activities are performed along with their academic course to help students develop an interest in their abilities and improve their skills. Some of the activities are theatre, dance, music, and athletics. Also with education the students must learn about social responsibility, so for the encouragement of students, various voluntary activities like community services and charity are organized regularly.

Atlast, we can conclude that Amity University is the best choice for management candidates because of its high-quality education and other activities that ensure their professional development.

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Amity Online MBA

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Enquire Now

Amity online mba - your key to success.

Designed to meet the needs of those working professionals who are looking to take their careers to the next level, the Amity University Online MBA programme is one of the premium management programmes in the country. The course curriculum is updated continuously to reduce the skill gap faced by employers and make students job-ready.

Amity University has been trusted by the UGC to look after the needs of the 21st century students and working professionals. Hence, it was the first university in India to have received the approval to offer online programmes. Not just this but Amity University is the only university in Asia to have received accreditations from both the US (WASC) as well as the UK (EOCCS).

With its innovative thinking and futuristic approach, Amity University has embarked upon a mission to impart quality education through various digital platforms. The university has set-up a one-of-its-kind online platform, AMIGO that caters to all the academic and administrative needs of students enrolled in Amity’s various online learning programmes.

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Our Top Online Programmes

  • 10th and 12th Marksheet and Degree
  • UG Marksheet and Degree
  • Aadhar Card or any government ID

Semester Wise Fee

One-time fee: 1,61,000/-.

Note: Admission Charges, Registration Charges, Books Charges, Examination Charges, everything will be included in this fee only.

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Amity Online Awards and Accreditations

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Making Your Educational Journey the Experience of a Lifetime!

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Choose a Specialisation that Best Suits You Right Specialisation

Presently, Amity University offers 17 different specialisations in its Online MBA course. These are:

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Build Your Career With Over 340+ Hiring Partners

Amity University has on boarded various multinational companies, corporations and start-ups across industries & geographies as hiring partners to provide students and alumni with opportunities that push their potential.

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Amity Online MBA programme bestows outstanding placement opportunities. They invite more than 340 companies including 51 Global Fortune 500 Companies for placements. The university has partnered with Cognizant, Goldman Sachs, Yamaha, Reliance, Google, L&T Infotech, and many others.

FAQ’s - Let's Clear Some Doubts

Read on to find out the answers to all of your questions

Accredited. Respected. Trusted.

Amity University has been established by an act of State Legislature and recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC). Amity Education Group is India's leading private education group, ranked amongst the top 200 Universities of Asia by QS, UK rankings and the only University in India to be WASQ accredited by the US.

We offer globally benchmarked education to 150,000 students worldwide. Our fast-expanding network of globally benchmarked institutions has resulted in campuses at Dubai, Abu Dhabi, London, Singapore, New York, Mauritius, China, South Africa and Romania with further plans of establishing campuses in 25 countries. With over 300 UG & PG programmes across various disciplines in education, and a team of 6,000 strong faculty, we have emerged as one of the most sought-after education destinations globally.

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Struggling With Career Growth?

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  • Managerial Economics
  • Statistics for Management
  • Professional communication
  • Accounting for Managers
  • Marketing Management
  • Legal Aspects of Business
  • Business Research Methods
  • Financial Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Conflict Resolution and Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Minor Project
  • Professional Ethics
  • Major Project
  • Management in Action Social Economic and Ethical Issues
  • Digital Marketing


  • HR Analytics
  • Data Science
  • Business Analytics
  • Digital Entrepreneurship
  • International Finance
  • Entrepreneurship and Leadership
  • Global Finance
  • Hospitality
  • Human Resources
  • Information Technology
  • Insurance Management
  • International Business
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Petroleum and Natural Gas
  • Production and operations
  • Retails Management
  • Finance Accounting

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Online Orientation

Attend orientation sessions to familiarize yourself with the program, university policies, and resources.

On-Campus Meet

Meet your peers and faculty at an on-campus event.

Academic Progress

Attend live and recorded classes, complete your assignments, and maintain a strong academic performance.

Utilize Resources

Avail library resources at the Noida campus, online learning resources, and academic support services to enhance your learning.




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Table of Contents

Best Amity Solved Assignment Services in India:

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Amity University Courses For Which We Offer Solved Assignments:

  • BBA – Bachelors of Business Administration (Retail Management: Amity 2021-22 Session)
  • MBA – Master of Business Administration (Amity 2021-22)
  • B.Com – Bachelor of Commerce (Amity 2021-22)
  • M.Com – Master of Commerce (Amity 2021-22)
  • BCA – Bachelor of Computer Applications (Amity 2021-22)
  • MCA – Master of Computer Applications (Amity 2021-22)
  • BA – Bachelor of Arts: Economics, Journalism and Mass Communication (Amity 2021-22)
  • MA – Master of Arts (Amity 2021-22)
  • Master in Finance Management: MFM 2021

About Amity University:

Amity University is the most popular private university in the whole Delhi NCR region and was founded in 2005 with its main campus at Noida. The Amity University offers numerous courses for students like bba, mba etc and thousands of students have enrolled there. Amity campus is all known for its highly qualified staff and best placement packages given to students after their course completion.

Our team deals with Amity project report for final semester/year of MBA & BBA courses. The project solutions are prepared as per the need of candidates, so kindly discuss with us.

We will send Amity projects in pdf/doc format via whatsapp or email.

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AMITY evaluation under its MBA program includes 70 marks for AMITY Exams and 30 marks for AMITY Assignments/ Internal assessment. AMITY Main Exam contains both objective and subjective questions and the exam is conducted on Online Proctored mode. But for AMITY Assignment a student has to submit online three sets of AMITY Internal Assessments as following: Section A: It contains 5 Subjective Questions (3 to be attempted) – Total 10 marks Section B: Case Study and its Subjective Questions – Total 10 marks Section A: It contains 40 Objective Questions– Total 10 marks So, a student has to prepare each subject thoroughly to answer objective and subjective questions and to solve the case study. Here, a student find it too difficult to solve and clear both the AMITY Internal Assessment and AMITY Exams by mere referring to the course material provided by the AMITY Institute. To solve this problem, we www.navkimsolutions.com have prepared a systematic road map which when followed by an AMITY student, will help in clearing and securing good marks in both assignments and exams in quick succession. Here we will provide AMITY Solved Assignments and AMITY Solved Exam Papers to the students and help them to clear their Online Internal Assessments and even the Online Exams. For further information regarding it, call to our helpline numbers or WhatsApp / Submit Online form available on our site. We guarantee a sure shot success to all students who avail our services!

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Hear what our students have to say

Discover student learning experiences and journeys at Amity Online

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Hey, I'm Akanksha, a BCom graduate from Amity Online. I'm thrilled to be a gold medalist. Amity Online offered an incredible learning experience, allowing me to study from the comfort of my home with unmatched flexibility.

BCOM Student

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I am pursuing my BBA from Amity Online. My experience has been incredible till now. Faculty is very helpful and understanding in every aspect, whether it is related to studies or any other queries. I will be happy to recommend Amity Online to my peers.

BBA Student

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Hey, I'm Nainci Dutta, based in Noida, currently pursuing PG degree at Amity Online. Opting for online education was a no-brainer for me. Amity University has been the perfect launchpad for my career, fulfilling a dream I've had since my school days.

Nainci Dutta

MAJMC Student

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My journey with Amity Online for my Retail Management program was great. All sessions with International faculty were online, with downloadable materials and specialized links for learning. Their guidance in creating CVs and video resumes was invaluable.

Mohamed Farook

MBA, Retail Management Student

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BCA Student

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Kriti Khullar

Management Student

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Himanshu Chhabra

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BA Economics Student

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