Speech on Importance of Teacher in Our Lives for Students

Speech on importance of teacher in our lives.

Teachers play a very important role in shaping the future of their students. Right from kindergarten to university, they are the ones who impart knowledge and teach us about everything important. Moreover, they also teach us about ethical values and imbibe in our moral values. Thus, we can say that teachers shape our personality into something very strong and wonderful. A world without teachers would be definitely chaotic. There are only a few people in our lives who impact our world, and teachers are definitely one of them.

Speech on Importance of Teacher in Our Lives

Importance of Teachers in Our Lives

They assume the role of an educator and caregiver for their students. Sometimes, they also become our friends and help us with personal problems. A teacher is the one who will help you become a better person and an informed one.

Moreover, they see the potential of their students when no one else can. Teachers also decide the fate of a nation as the youth is in their hands. When the youth is educated and informed, naturally, the future of the country will be in safe hands.

In fact, the fate of students is in the hands of their teachers. They push the students to achieve greater heights and become successful. Consequently, they turn out to be doctors, lawyers, pilots, scientists and more, only with the help of a teacher. In India, we even celebrate Teacher’s Day to honor them on 5 th September, every year.

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A Teacher’s Role

While some people think it’s easy, the role of a teacher is very challenging and equally important. It is their responsibility to impart the correct knowledge and in the right manner. They have to teach methodically for which they prepare their lessons beforehand. Thus, they are able to motivate their students through the use of accurate techniques.

A good teacher gives homework to their students also checks it regularly for a better practice. Further, they plan meticulously for a better teaching pattern. At the beginning of the year, they plan the whole syllabus out for a smooth teaching experience.

In addition to teaching, a teacher is also a good organizer. They have to organize various activities that take place in school throughout the year. Further, they have to take care of other little yet important things, like the seating arrangement, classroom activities and more.

Moreover, they also supervise a lot of tasks and activities in school. For instance, attendance, homework, behaviour is also supervised by teachers. They are responsible for maintaining the discipline and decorum of the students.

Most importantly, they guide the students every step of the way. They have to make sure they do not favour a specific student and give equal attention to all. In fact, teachers have to decide how they divide the attention towards students who need it more than others.

Thus, it is fair to say that our teachers are the ones who make this world a better place. They make this world a better place by enhancing student’s lives. Moreover, teachers are the ones who play the role of so many people in a child’s life. They are a mentor, a parent, a friend, and more which makes all the difference in one’s life.

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Speech on Teachers

The role of a teacher in a child’s life is crucial. Being a teacher is a great responsibility as the present and future of children are in their hands. What children become is a result of all the lessons a child takes from the very beginning. This article will help you understand the part teachers play in the life of an individual and also give you examples of speeches about teachers.

Table of Contents

Role of a teacher, short speech on teachers, speech on the importance of teachers, faqs on teachers.

Teachers are the ones who open the minds of the young ones to the world. They impart knowledge and show them what matters the most. Teachers have a lot of students to take care of, and they all look the same in the eyes of a teacher; whereas, the same teacher can appeal to each student differently. They make an impact on their lives and change them for the good.

The influence a teacher has on their students is huge. No matter what, a student always looks up to the teacher for help and guidance. Teachers are like second parents. Teachers have a fair share in the moulding of a child from the time the child is around 4 to 5 years old. So it is important that children have good teachers who could make them intellectually, emotionally and morally sound and strong.

‘A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others’, says Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Teaching has always been considered as a noble profession. No good teacher looks for their own success and endeavour; they always have their students’ present and future in mind. When one chooses to be a teacher, it is understood that a number of qualities are embodied in that individual.

A teacher is looked upon as a guide, a mentor, a friend and a selfless abode of love and care. No matter how young or old a teacher is, they consider their students as their own children. The influence of a teacher extends beyond the classroom. The best teachers tell their students where to look but don’t tell them what to see, according to Alexandra K Trenfor. Teachers let their light shine bright even on the darkest roads so that the little ones do not lose track of their destination. You are everything a teacher should be. To the world, you may be just another teacher, but to us, you are our hero. We respect you for what you have been doing for us all through these years. We know we are not the best students, but you are the best teacher we could ever ask for. Thank you for accepting us for who we are and for loving us as much.

Teachers play a pivotal role in the life of each and every student. A teacher need not be perfect, but a teacher ought to be knowledgeable so as to provide the students with the right information and considerate so as to be able to try and understand every little child. Teachers are often a source of inspiration. There are children who follow the footsteps of their teachers. A good teacher is like a treasure that has to be cherished and valued.

Joyce Meyer said, “Teachers can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges”. It is true that as teachers, they always chalk out the right direction and overcome the challenges on the way. Teachers can do more than just guide. They pave the way and let the children choose their own paths to become the best version of themselves in the future.

Why are teachers important in our life?

Teachers impart knowledge and guide us in the right directions. Our life would definitely not be the same without dedicated teachers who selflessly work in order to make our lives better.

How do you end a speech?

There are numerous ways in which you can end your speech. You can simply sum up and conclude, use a quote that sums up the whole idea of the speech, motivate everyone listening to you to join in with you to make a difference and so on.

What is the best speech for a teacher?

If you are thinking about what would be the best thing to say when you are asked to speak about your teacher, here is a tip. You can share your experiences about your teachers and thank them for all that they have done for you.

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How to Write an Unforgettable Teacher Appreciation Speech

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Today we are showing you how to write a teacher appreciation speech that’ll show your all the teachers how meaningful they are.

Giving a teacher appreciation speech.

Expressing gratitude towards wonderful teachers is not just a formality, but a meaningful gesture that can leave a lasting impact.

A well written appreciation speech has the power to inspire, uplift, and acknowledge the incredible work that educators do every day and show them how much each teacher deserves tremendous love.

Teachers play a vital role in shaping the lives of their students, instilling knowledge, values, and a passion for learning.

Here we dive into the art of writing a teacher appreciation speech that goes beyond mere words to truly resonate with its audience.

We will explore the significance of honoring teachers, the heartfelt emotions involved, and the importance of expressing gratitude sincerely.

Whether you are a student, a parent, or a colleague looking to convey your appreciation, crafting a thoughtful speech can convey your deep respect and admiration for the dedication and hard work of teachers.

After all, teachers are what make school such a special place. School would be just a hollow building without all the deeds amazing teachers do everyday.

A speech is a great idea for teacher’s appreciation week .

Looking for more great teacher appreciation ideas ? We’ve got lots of great teacher appreciation printables and teacher appreciation craft ideas too!

Table of Contents

Understanding the Role of Teachers in Society

Crafting a heartfelt teacher appreciation speech, structuring an inspiring teacher appreciation speech, delivering the speech with confidence and sincerity, acknowledging the impact of teacher appreciation, teacher appreciation speech example.

Teachers hold a pivotal role in shaping the future of society through their impact on students’ lives. They go beyond imparting knowledge, influencing values, skills, and character development. Let’s delve into the multifaceted role of teachers in our society.

Here are some things to consider before writing your speech.

Impact of Teachers on Students’ Lives

Teachers are more than just educators; they are mentors, role models, and supporters. Their influence extends far beyond the classroom, shaping the beliefs, attitudes, and aspirations of their students.

Teachers instill a sense of curiosity, critical thinking, and a thirst for knowledge that can last a lifetime. They play a crucial role in nurturing the next generation of leaders, innovators, and change-makers.

The relationships teachers build with their students can have a profound impact on their personal and academic growth. Teachers not only teach academic subjects but also impart life lessons, instilling values like empathy, resilience, and perseverance.

They help students discover their strengths, overcome challenges, and realize their full potential. The guidance and encouragement provided by teachers can set students on a path to success and fulfillment.

Challenges Faced by Teachers

Despite their vital role, teachers encounter numerous challenges in their profession. From heavy workloads and limited resources to diverse student needs and societal pressures, teachers navigate a complex landscape every day.

The demands of modern education, including standardized testing, curriculum changes, and technology integration, add to the challenges teachers face.

Moreover, teachers often deal with issues beyond academics, such as student behavior problems, mental health concerns, and societal inequalities.

The emotional labor involved in supporting students’ social and emotional well-being can be draining. Despite these challenges, teachers remain dedicated to their students’ growth and well-being, often going above and beyond their job descriptions.

Appreciation for teachers is crucial not only to boost their morale but also to acknowledge the hard work, passion, and dedication they bring to their profession.

Recognizing the challenges teachers face and expressing gratitude for their contributions can inspire them to continue making a positive impact on students’ lives.

In a society where teachers play such a significant role in shaping the future generations, it is essential to value and appreciate their efforts, recognizing the impact they have on individuals, communities, and the world at large.

Sharing a heartfelt teacher appreciation speech is a meaningful way to express gratitude and admiration for the educators who impact our lives.

Reflecting on personal experiences with teachers and how they have influenced us can add a personal touch to the speech, making it more genuine and memorable.

Personal Reflections on Teacher’s Influence

Begin by reflecting on specific moments when the teacher made a difference in your life.

Recall instances where their guidance, support, or encouragement influenced your personal growth and academic journey.

Share anecdotes that highlight the positive impact the teacher had on you, allowing the audience to understand the depth of your appreciation.

Expressing Specific Appreciation

Expressing gratitude with specific examples can make your speech more impactful. Mention particular qualities or actions of the teacher that you admire and appreciate.

Whether it’s their dedication to helping students, their innovative teaching methods, or their unwavering support, sharing concrete examples can demonstrate the profound impact they have had on you and others.

Adding Personal Touches to the Speech

Adding personal touches to your teacher appreciation speech can make it more heartfelt and memorable. Consider using resources like teacher appreciation poems and teach appreciation quotes to add a creative and touching flair to your message.

These elements can beautifully complement your anecdotes, illustrating the profound bond between teachers and their students.

You can also incorporate personal experiences or lessons learned from the teacher that have shaped your growth and perspective. Personalizing the speech shows thoughtfulness and gratitude, making the teacher feel truly valued and appreciated.

Crafting a teacher appreciation speech that resonates with your audience requires careful structuring to ensure your message is impactful and memorable. Here’s how you can structure your speech to inspire and honor your teachers.

Setting the Tone

The introduction of your teacher appreciation speech sets the tone for the entire address. It serves as the hook that captures the audience’s attention and piques their interest. Consider starting with a personal anecdote, a thought-provoking quote, or a heartfelt thank you to immediately engage your listeners. A captivating introduction not only grabs attention but also sets the stage for the heartfelt appreciation you’re about to express.

Sharing Appreciation Stories

In the body of your speech, sharing personal anecdotes and appreciation stories can profoundly impact your audience. Reflect on specific moments when a teacher’s guidance or support made a difference in your life or the lives of others.

By weaving these stories into your speech, you humanize your message and illustrate the positive influence teachers have. Personal narratives create a connection with your audience and showcase the genuine appreciation you have for your teachers.

You can get ideas in our guide for writing teacher appreciation letter or examples for thank-you notes from parents , which can provide a personal touch and demonstrate the collective appreciation of the community.

Sharing specific instances where teachers have made a significant difference can make your speech more relatable and heartfelt.

Inspiring Closing Remarks

Concluding your teacher appreciation speech with impactful closing remarks leaves a lasting impression on your audience. Use this final opportunity to reinforce your gratitude, summarize key points, and leave the audience inspired.

Consider ending with a with an inspiring message, possibly echoing the sentiments found in thank-you messages from students , leaving a lasting impression of heartfelt appreciation.

Crafting an inspiring teacher appreciation speech involves structuring your message thoughtfully, from the attention-grabbing introduction to the heartfelt conclusion.

By setting the right tone, sharing personal stories, and ending with impactful closing remarks, you can create a speech that honors and celebrates the teachers who have made a difference.

Delivering a teacher appreciation speech with confidence and sincerity is a critical aspect of making a lasting impact on your audience. Here are some tips to help you practice, maintain eye contact, and deliver your speech with genuine emotion:

Tips on Practicing the Speech

  • Practice Makes Perfect : Rehearse your speech multiple times to familiarize yourself with the content and flow.
  • Record Yourself : Recording your practice sessions allows you to identify areas for improvement, such as pacing and tone.
  • Seek Feedback : Ask friends or family to listen to your speech and provide constructive feedback for refinement.
  • Visualize Success : Picture yourself delivering the speech confidently and envision a positive response from your audience.

Maintaining Eye Contact

  • Connect with Your Audience : Maintain eye contact with different individuals in the room to establish a personal connection and convey sincerity.
  • Engage with Emotion : Use eye contact to express genuine gratitude and appreciation for the teachers you are addressing.
  • Practice In Front of a Mirror : Practice making eye contact with your reflection to build confidence in maintaining eye contact during the actual speech.

Delivering with Genuine Emotion

  • Speak from the Heart : Infuse your speech with personal anecdotes and heartfelt sentiments to evoke genuine emotion.
  • Express Gratitude : Verbally express your appreciation for the teachers’ dedication and impact on your life and education.
  • Stay True to Your Emotions : Avoid sounding rehearsed by staying authentic and allowing your emotions to shine through in your delivery.

By following these tips, you can deliver your speech for teachers with the confidence and sincerity that will truly inspire and touch the hearts of your audience.

Expressing gratitude towards teachers not only brightens their day but also plays a significant role in shaping their teaching journey. Let’s delve into how gratitude impacts teachers and ways to continue appreciating them beyond a speech.

How Gratitude Impacts Teachers

Gratitude acts as a driving force for teachers, fueling their passion and dedication towards their students. When teachers feel appreciated, it boosts their morale, leading to increased job satisfaction and motivation to excel in their roles.

The simple act of acknowledging their hard work and commitment can have a profound impact on their overall well-being.

It reinforces a sense of value and recognition, creating a positive environment where teachers feel supported and encouraged to continue making a difference in the lives of their students.

Continuing the Appreciation Beyond the Speech

While a thank you speech is a wonderful gesture, it’s essential to continue showing gratitude consistently.

Simple actions such as writing a heartfelt note, volunteering to help with classroom tasks, or participating in school events can go a long way in recognizing and supporting teachers.

Building a culture of appreciation not only benefits individual teachers but also fosters a sense of community within the school.

By consistently showing appreciation and support, we can empower teachers to thrive and inspire future generations with their dedication and passion.

Here’s an example of a great teacher appreciation speech.

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed colleagues, and most importantly, our honored teachers,

As we gather in this moment of gratitude, we find ourselves reflecting on the invaluable impact you’ve made on our lives. Your dedication extends far beyond the walls of any classroom, reaching deep into the hearts and minds of those you teach. Today, I wish to celebrate you with words that mirror our collective admiration, starting with a poem that echoes our sentiments:

“In the garden of life, teachers plant seeds of knowledge that grow forever. With gentle hands and a nurturing heart, they cultivate dreams, inspire curiosity, and awaken the soul to the endless possibilities that await.”

This poem, though simple, captures the essence of what you do every day. You are the gardeners of human potential, nurturing budding minds with the richness of education and the warmth of your dedication.

In the spirit of expressing our deepest thanks, let me share a quote that resonates profoundly with the essence of your contribution: “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” Your impact is immeasurable, not confined by the here and now but extending into the infinite reach of future generations. Your words, your lessons, and your care forge the legacy of your influence, a legacy that transcends time and space.

Every day, you paint the world with the colors of wisdom and truth, guiding us with patience and understanding, and illuminating the path of learning with the light of your knowledge. Your commitment to education is not just a profession but a profound calling, a dedication to shaping the architects of tomorrow and the guardians of a brighter future.

Through your eyes, we have glimpsed the wonders of the world, and through your words, we have been inspired to pursue our dreams with courage and confidence. You have shown us that the quest for knowledge is not a race to be won but a journey to be savored, filled with endless curiosity and boundless possibilities.

As we stand here in admiration of your unwavering dedication, let us acknowledge that the true essence of teaching is not to fill minds with data but to ignite the spark of understanding and the flame of passion. You have mastered this art with grace, imparting lessons that endure far beyond the final bell.

In closing, let this moment be a testament to our heartfelt appreciation for the countless ways you enrich our lives. Your influence shapes not just the intellect but the very spirit of those you teach, igniting a fire of learning that burns brightly within us all.

Thank you, dear teachers, for every moment, every lesson, and every memory. Your legacy is not just in the minds you’ve enlightened but in the lives you’ve inspired. We are all better for having known you, and our gratitude is as boundless as the knowledge you share.

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.

Crafting a heartfelt teacher appreciation speech is not only a gesture of gratitude but also a powerful way to inspire and uplift those who dedicate their lives to education.

Emphasizing the importance of recognizing the hard work and dedication of teachers, we have explored how to structure a speech that resonates with sincerity and admiration.

Remember, simplicity and authenticity are key when expressing your gratitude. Let your words flow naturally, focusing on the impact your teacher has had on your life and the lives of others.

Take the time to reflect on the qualities that make your teacher special and be sure to convey your appreciation with genuine emotion.

By harnessing the power of gratitude in your speech, you have the opportunity to create a lasting impression that will inspire both your teacher and your audience.

So go ahead, write your own teacher appreciation speech and let your words be a beacon of gratitude and inspiration.

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Speech Script: Teachers’ Day

Teachers’ Day is a special occasion where we express our gratitude and appreciation for the invaluable contributions of educators in shaping our lives. Delivering a heartfelt speech is a wonderful way to honor teachers on this significant day. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to write an inspiring speech for Teachers’ Day, highlighting key elements such as understanding the audience, structuring the speech, incorporating personal anecdotes, expressing gratitude, and delivering a memorable conclusion.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Audience

Before you begin writing your Teachers’ Day speech, it is crucial to understand your audience. Consider the diverse group of teachers who will be present, ranging from seasoned educators to newly appointed teachers. Acknowledge their dedication, passion, and the challenges they face in their noble profession. Tailor your speech to resonate with their experiences and aspirations, ensuring that your words create a sense of unity and appreciation among the educators.

Structuring the Speech

An organized structure is essential for an effective speech. Begin with a warm introduction, capturing the attention of your audience. Provide a brief overview of the significance of Teachers’ Day and the purpose of your speech. Transition into the main body, divided into several key points. Each point should focus on a specific aspect, such as the impact of teachers on students’ lives, the transformative power of education, or the importance of continuous learning. Use clear and concise language, and support your points with relevant examples or anecdotes. Finally, conclude your speech by summarizing the key ideas and reinforcing the message of appreciation and gratitude.

Incorporating Personal Anecdotes

Personal anecdotes add a touch of authenticity and emotional connection to your speech. Share your own experiences as a student and highlight the teachers who have made a lasting impact on your life. Recall specific moments or instances that exemplify their dedication, compassion, or innovative teaching methods. By sharing these personal stories, you not only honor the teachers who have influenced you but also inspire others to reflect on their own experiences with educators. Remember to maintain a balance between personal anecdotes and broader messages that resonate with the entire audience.

Expressing Gratitude

Teachers’ Day is an opportune time to express heartfelt gratitude. Take a moment to acknowledge the hard work, sacrifices, and unwavering commitment demonstrated by teachers. Reflect on the challenges they face, including the demanding nature of their profession and their role in shaping future generations. Express appreciation for their guidance, patience, and belief in their students’ potential. Consider incorporating quotes, poems, or excerpts from famous speeches that exemplify the impact of teachers on society. Be sincere and genuine in your expressions of gratitude, as it will resonate deeply with your audience.

Delivering a Memorable Conclusion

A powerful conclusion leaves a lasting impression on your audience. Summarize the key points of your speech, emphasizing the significance of teachers and their role as catalysts for change. Inspire your audience with a call to action, encouraging them to continue making a difference in the lives of students. Conclude with a heartfelt thank you, expressing gratitude once again for the dedication and passion exhibited by teachers. Consider ending with a memorable quote or a thought-provoking statement that encapsulates the essence of your speech.

Teachers’ Day Speech Example #1

Esteemed teachers, respected guests, and dear students,

Today, we gather here to celebrate a group of extraordinary individuals who shape our minds, inspire our hearts, and ignite our passion for learning—our teachers. On this special occasion of Teachers’ Day, we come together to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation for the invaluable contributions they make in our lives. In this speech, we will reflect on the profound impact of teachers, the transformative power of education, and the importance of honoring and celebrating these remarkable individuals.

Teachers hold the power to change lives, to ignite curiosity, and to unlock the potential within each of us. They are the guiding lights that illuminate our path to knowledge and understanding. Through their dedication, expertise, and unwavering belief in our abilities, they empower us to dream big, to challenge ourselves, and to reach for the stars. Teachers not only impart academic knowledge but also nurture our character, values, and life skills. They instill in us the confidence to face challenges, the resilience to persevere, and the compassion to make a positive impact in the world.

Education is the key that unlocks the doors of opportunity and empowers us to shape our own destinies. Teachers play a pivotal role in this transformative journey. They create inclusive and engaging learning environments where we can explore new ideas, ask questions, and discover our passions. They encourage critical thinking, creativity, and independent thought, equipping us with the tools to navigate an ever-changing world. Beyond textbooks and exams, teachers impart life lessons, values, and the importance of empathy and respect for others. They foster a love for lifelong learning and inspire us to become lifelong learners ourselves.

Teachers’ Day is a time to honor and celebrate the tireless efforts, dedication, and unwavering commitment of our teachers. It is an opportunity to express our gratitude for the sacrifices they make, the extra hours they invest, and the personal care they provide to ensure our success. Today, let us reflect on the impact teachers have made in our lives and the countless ways they have shaped our futures.

Let us recognize the teachers who have gone above and beyond, who have nurtured our potential, and who have believed in us when we doubted ourselves. Their guidance and mentorship have left an indelible mark on our hearts and minds. Today, we acknowledge their selflessness, their passion for teaching, and their relentless pursuit of our growth and development.

Beyond individual teachers, let us celebrate the entire teaching community. The collective efforts of teachers shape the foundation of education and society as a whole. Let us acknowledge their resilience, adaptability, and dedication, especially in the face of unprecedented challenges. Their unwavering commitment to our education and well-being is deserving of our highest praise and appreciation.

In conclusion, on this special occasion of Teachers’ Day, let us honor and celebrate the guiding lights who have touched our lives and shaped our futures. Let us express our gratitude not only through words but through our actions, by applying the lessons they have taught us and making a positive impact in the world. To all the remarkable teachers present here today and to teachers around the world, we extend our deepest appreciation and wish you a joyous and fulfilling Teachers’ Day.

Teachers’ Day Speech Example #2

Esteemed educators, distinguished guests, and dear students,

Today, we gather here to celebrate the incredible influence of teachers in our lives and to commemorate the significance of their role on this special occasion of Teachers’ Day. Teachers are the architects of our intellectual and personal growth, guiding us along the path of knowledge and empowering us to reach our fullest potential. In this speech, we will reflect on the enduring impact of teachers, the transformative power of education, and the profound gratitude we owe to these remarkable individuals.

Teachers are the guiding light that illuminates the path to discovery and understanding. They possess the extraordinary ability to ignite a flame of curiosity within us, sparking a lifelong love for learning. Through their passion, knowledge, and dedication, they provide us with the tools to navigate the complexities of the world. Teachers foster critical thinking, encourage intellectual curiosity, and instill in us the confidence to voice our opinions and ideas. They create an environment that nurtures creativity, problem-solving skills, and resilience. Their unwavering support and belief in our abilities empower us to explore our potential and pursue our dreams.

Education is a transformative force that has the power to shape lives and create a better future. Teachers are the catalysts of this transformation, molding not only our minds but also our character. They equip us with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the challenges of life and contribute meaningfully to society. Teachers go beyond textbooks, imparting life lessons, values, and empathy. They inspire us to become compassionate individuals who are aware of the world around us. Teachers foster a sense of inclusivity, celebrating diversity and nurturing a respectful and harmonious community.

Teachers’ Day is a momentous occasion to express our sincerest gratitude and honor the teachers who have made a profound impact on our lives. Let us take this opportunity to acknowledge their unwavering dedication, sacrifice, and unwavering belief in our potential. Today, we celebrate not just individual teachers, but the entire teaching community. Every teacher, whether in a classroom, a laboratory, or through virtual platforms, plays a crucial role in shaping the minds of future generations.

Let us remember those teachers who have gone above and beyond, who have inspired us to dream big and supported us in achieving our goals. Their mentorship and guidance have left an indelible mark on our lives. Today, we honor their commitment to our growth and their tireless efforts to make a difference.

As students, let us also recognize our responsibility to honor our teachers by embracing education with enthusiasm, integrity, and a thirst for knowledge. Let us strive to be lifelong learners, continuing to grow and develop even beyond the boundaries of the classroom.

In conclusion, on this momentous Teachers’ Day, let us celebrate the enduring impact of teachers on our lives. Their dedication, passion, and commitment have shaped our minds, influenced our character, and paved the way for our future success. Today and every day, let us express our deepest gratitude to the remarkable teachers who have illuminated our path and inspired us to reach for the stars. To all the teachers present here today and to teachers around the world, we extend our heartfelt appreciation and wish you a joyous and fulfilling Teachers’ Day.

Teachers’ Day Speech Example #3

Honorable educators, esteemed guests, and dear students,

Today, we gather here to pay tribute to the profound impact of teachers in shaping minds, nurturing souls, and igniting a lifelong love for learning. On this auspicious occasion of Teachers’ Day, we come together to celebrate the unwavering dedication and invaluable contributions of these remarkable individuals. In this speech, we will reflect on the enduring influence of teachers, the transformative power of education, and the deep gratitude we owe to those who have guided us on our educational journey.

Teachers are the guiding lights that illuminate the paths to knowledge, wisdom, and self-discovery. They possess the unique ability to recognize and nurture the potential within each student. In their classrooms, they create an environment that fosters growth, curiosity, and intellectual exploration. With passion and expertise, they impart knowledge, challenge assumptions, and inspire us to think critically. Teachers not only teach us subjects but also guide us in navigating life’s complexities, instilling values, empathy, and resilience. They believe in our capabilities and provide unwavering support, empowering us to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.

Education is a transformative force that empowers individuals and drives positive change in society. Teachers are the catalysts of this transformation, shaping generations of learners. Through education, they open doors of opportunity, broaden perspectives, and equip us with the tools to thrive in a rapidly evolving world. Teachers foster creativity, encourage innovation, and nurture the skills necessary for success. They inspire us to become lifelong learners, instilling a hunger for knowledge and a passion for personal growth. Beyond academic subjects, teachers cultivate critical thinking, compassion, and social responsibility, molding well-rounded individuals who contribute meaningfully to their communities.

Teachers’ Day is a momentous occasion to honor and appreciate the tireless efforts and unwavering commitment of our teachers. It is an opportunity to express our deepest gratitude for their selflessness, patience, and dedication to our education and well-being. Today, let us remember and celebrate those teachers who have left an indelible mark on our lives, who have gone beyond their call of duty, and who have believed in our potential when we doubted ourselves.

Let us acknowledge the sacrifices teachers make, often going above and beyond their responsibilities to ensure our success. Their encouragement, mentorship, and guidance have shaped our futures and inspired us to become the best versions of ourselves. Today, we express our heartfelt appreciation for their unwavering support and the countless hours they invest in our growth.

Moreover, let us extend our gratitude to the entire teaching community. Teachers work collaboratively, sharing knowledge, best practices, and inspiration. They support and uplift one another, united by a common goal of nurturing young minds. The collective efforts of teachers shape the foundation of education, laying the groundwork for a brighter and more enlightened future.

In conclusion, on this special Teachers’ Day, let us celebrate the everlasting influence of teachers, the guiding lights who have shaped our lives and set us on a path to success. Their dedication, passion, and unwavering belief in our potential have made a lasting impact. May we always remember their invaluable contributions and strive to honor their legacy by embracing education, pursuing knowledge, and making a positive difference in the world. To all the exceptional teachers present here today and to educators worldwide, we extend our deepest gratitude and wish you a joyous and fulfilling Teachers’ Day.

Final Thoughts

Writing an inspiring speech for Teacher’s Day requires careful consideration of the audience, a well-structured outline, personal anecdotes, expressions of gratitude, and a memorable conclusion. By honoring teachers through our words, we celebrate their impact on our lives and recognize their pivotal role in shaping the future generations.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

Whatsapp: +85259609792

[email protected]

a speech on a teacher


Speech on Respecting Teacher

Teachers are the guiding stars of your life. They help you grow, learn, and become the best version of yourself.

It’s essential to respect them. Why? Because respect is the first step towards understanding and appreciating their hard work and dedication.

1-minute Speech on Respecting Teacher

Good day, everyone!

Let’s talk about something important today, about respecting our teachers. But why should we respect our teachers? The answer is simple. They are the ones who guide us, help us learn new things, and make us better humans.

Think of your favorite book, game, or movie. There’s always a hero, right? But behind that hero, there’s always someone who teaches them, someone who helps them become a hero. That’s what our teachers do for us. They are our guides in the journey of life, helping us become the best we can be.

Respecting our teachers is not only about saying ‘good morning’ or ‘good afternoon’. It’s about listening to them, learning from them, and appreciating their hard work. It’s about saying ‘thank you’ when they help us and saying ‘sorry’ when we make a mistake.

But why does this matter? When we respect our teachers, we create a happy and positive environment. In this environment, we can learn better and grow faster. We also learn to respect others and understand their value in our lives.

Respecting our teachers also teaches us about responsibility. We learn that our actions have consequences, and we need to be careful about what we do and say. This helps us become more responsible and mature.

To conclude, respecting our teachers is about valuing their efforts, learning from them, and creating a positive environment. It’s about becoming better humans and making the world a better place.

So, let’s make a promise today. Let’s promise to respect our teachers and appreciate what they do for us. Because without them, we wouldn’t be who we are today. Thank you!

2-minute Speech on Respecting Teacher

Let’s talk about something important. Let’s talk about respecting teachers. Why is it so crucial? Let’s get into it.

Teachers are like the sun. Just like the sun lights up the world, teachers light up our minds. They fill us with knowledge, preparing us for life. They guide us when we’re lost, help us when we’re stuck. They help us grow from tiny saplings into mighty trees. For all these reasons and more, they deserve our respect.

Respecting our teachers means listening to them. We should pay attention when they’re talking, not interrupt them, and follow their instructions. This not only helps us learn better, but also shows them that we value their wisdom and experience. Imagine you’re telling a story and nobody’s listening. How would you feel? Probably not very good, right? That’s why we should always listen to our teachers.

But respect isn’t just about listening. It’s also about behavior. It means being polite and kind, saying “please” and “thank you”. It means not raising our voice or being rude. It means treating them the same way we would want to be treated. Remember, teachers are people too. They have feelings just like us.

Another way to respect teachers is by valuing their time. This means being punctual, doing our homework on time, and not wasting class time. Teachers work hard to plan lessons and help us learn. By being on time and ready to learn, we show them that we appreciate their effort.

Finally, respecting teachers means appreciating them. This doesn’t mean we have to buy them expensive gifts. A simple “thank you” or a note telling them how much they’ve helped us can mean a lot. After all, everyone likes to feel appreciated.

In conclusion, teachers are like the architects of our future. They play a crucial role in shaping our minds and our lives. Without them, we wouldn’t be who we are today. So let’s show them the respect they deserve. Not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because they’ve earned it. Let’s listen to them, behave well, value their time, and appreciate them. Because a world without teachers is like a sky without the sun. Dark and empty.

Thank you for your attention. Now let’s all go out there and show our teachers some respect!

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a speech on a teacher

Frantically Speaking

How to Write a Teachers’ Day Speech: A Guide for Students and Teachers

Hitiksha jain.

  • Speech Writing

How to give a speech for teachers' day- a guide for students and teachers

A teachers’ day speech is a special occasion speech. It is a speech where you acknowledge your teachers, gurus or mentors for being an absolute human guide and encouraging you to dream. On this special day, you express your gratitude towards them, it can be in the form of a speech or stage performances.

‘When one teaches, two learn.’  Robert Heinlein

Teachers’ Day is that one event which not only excites the students, but the teachers as well. It is an important day for the students, as it gives them a chance to recognize the efforts put in by their teachers to ensure that they get proper education and ethics in life. Likewise, the teachers also await the Teachers’ Day celebration, as their efforts get acknowledged and honoured by their students.

But why is it important to celebrate Teachers’ Day?

Teaching is considered to be the most sacred and noble professions of all, as teachers are the ones to craft the other professions. 

Teachers have the ability to change the students’ life for the better. Teaching is a tough job; however, it is that one job where you can make the optimum impact on another person’s life.

However, we often tend to forget the importance teachers have in our lives. So, on this day you make them realize how important they are in your life along with this you appreciate their existence, their efforts and their guidance.

How to appreciate your teachers or students in your teachers' day speech

Not only students, but teachers also express their views to the students because their profession is nothing without their students. 

If you are looking for tips on how you can draft a heart touching speech for teachers’ day, don’t worry we’ve got some suggestions for you (teacher or student).

But remember, the only key to give a heartwarming speech is Authenticity.

importance of being authentic or genuine in your teachers' day speech

Tips to Remember Before you Draft your Teachers’ Day Speech:

1)  appreciate, do not exaggerate.

When you give a speech on occasions like teachers’ day, it demands you to be authentic while sharing your experiences or showing gratitude. Being authentic will help you make your speech pure and impressive at the same time. 

Try to articulate your feelings in the simplest form which will make your speech sound genuine. 

Exaggeration in a speech might make you lose your credibility, making it sound unreal. 

In case of students giving a speech for their teachers, you can appreciate their efforts, praise them, or the way in which they helped you garner knowledge, improve your skills, grow confidence as well as to help you choose the right path to success. 

In short, when thinking about the best way to thank your teacher/s, consider what exceptional they did or above their call of duty? How did they inspire you or change your thinking? Did they inspire some new academic avocation or activity? What skills will you hold dear in future?

You are basically trying to acknowledge the efforts that your teachers have put in. So try and make your acknowledgement sound genuine and speak from your heart and not just for the sake of saying it.

In case of teachers giving a speech on teachers’ day, you can talk more on the lines of how your students have been motivating you or how happy you are to see their efforts to do better everyday, for instance, showing their interests in the extracurricular activities or competitions. 

Pro tip- Do not overdo it, for instance over praising your teachers or students, the listeners will understand it is not coming from your heart. 

2) Dedicate your Thoughts

The speaker should be expressive about one’s emotions. Your speech is dedicated to the event of Teachers’ day, so everything you speak has to support the event.

For students giving a speech on teachers’ day, the speaker can dedicate the speech mainly to acknowledge his teachers, communicate gratitude towards them and applaud them for being a beacon of light in their lives. 

For teachers giving a speech on teachers’ day, you can talk more about why it is celebrated, the importance of a teacher in a student’s life, what motivates you to be a teacher.

3) The PURPOSE should be at the Heart of your Speech

One thing you need to bear in your mind is the purpose of your speech. Purpose means, why is the speech drafted or for what are you drafting the speech. 

For instance, in case of students , the speech is drafted for your teachers in order to pay them a tribute or acknowledge their efforts.

Similarly, in case of teachers , your speech is drafted for the students as well the fellow teachers, so your purpose of talking would be the joy you experience while teaching or guiding your students or expressing your gratitude for the efforts the students have taken to make your day special.

Therefore, your speech needs to revolve much around teachers’ day, so that you don’t deviate from the purpose of your speech.

4) Duration of the Speech 

The goal of any speaker is to make his speech memorable and at the same time the one which has a long-lasting impact.

While drafting your speech, try to keep it short and sweet, as it is more likely to hold your audiences’ attention. It also forces you to say what you mean and nothing more. Meaning, you will cover only those points that are central to your message or speech.

Stick to your topic and then draft your speech accordingly – use as few words as possible and limited anecdotes to retain your audiences’ attention without sacrificing the essential information. 

Make sure the points you want to make come out clearly.

We’ve written an article on How to Deliver a 1 Minute Speech: Tips, Examples, Topics & More . Check it out to get some tips on how you can deliver a short speech.

After keeping in mind these few suggestions, the next step would be to organize your content, so that your speech flows smoothly.

Here’s an article on How to make your speech flow smoothly . You can review this article to get a better understanding regarding the same.

In order to give a clear and a structured speech, your speech needs to be divided into three parts, mainly- Introduction, Body and Conclusion.

How to Organize your Teachers’ Day Speech?

1) introduction.

An introduction can be best considered as the foundation of your speech. Just as you can’t build a building without forming its base, you cannot build your speech until and unless you don’t introduce your topic.

Introducing your topic will help you gain the audiences’ attention because you’re revealing the purpose of you standing in front of them.

The goal is to start your speech with impact and to do this, you can start by telling a story or a quote, or by asking an interesting question.

Here’s an article that we’ve written on various storytelling approaches that you can consider for your next speech.

You can start your speech with, say like a story or a quote and then connect it to the occasion of Teachers’ day or teachers in general. 

For instance, a student can start his speech with a hypothetical situation, supposing a life without a teacher and then connect it to being thankful for having them in your life as torch bearers. 

A teacher can start her speech by expressing her gratitude towards the program that has been organized for them along with a few lines regarding why is teachers’ day celebrated

To start your speech with a bang, you can review the article that we wrote on 15 powerful speech opening lines and how to create your own.

After choosing an impactful opening remark, the next part would be the body of your speech.

Oftentimes, more importance is given to the opening and closing remarks and everything in between is considered to be filler. This should not be the case because the body of a speech is where you offer the evidence or data to support your main message.

Taking the previous example in case of students , you can actually start expressing your gratitude towards them, recognize their efforts, explain their importance in your life, and much more.

In case of teachers , you can build your speech on the basis of how your students motivate you or how you feel about teaching as a profession, or what joy you experience while teaching.

3) Conclusion

The conclusion of your speech should restate your main message. 

You basically summarize the main points of your speech which will help you to create a long-lasting impression in the minds of your audience. 

You can end your speech in much the same way you began- with a story, quotation, or a question. 

In case of students ending their Teachers’ day speech, you can thank your teachers for being an essential part of your journey.

In case of teachers ending their Teachers’ day speech, they can provide a bunch of advice to their students. 

We have a few suggestions or tips on Ways to end your speech with maximum impact .

To make this simple, here are some points that you can cover while drafting your speech.

4 Points Students can cover in their Teachers’ Day Speech : 

  • Teacher’s importance in your life
  • Acknowledge their efforts that they have put in for you
  • You can highlight the significance of teachers’ day
  • Express your gratitude towards them

sample speech for a student giving a speech for teachers' day

Sample Speech by Students for their Teachers

Education without teachers is like a body without a soul.  “A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination and instill a love of learning” , says Brad Henry. Let’s pick the first keyword over here – ‘HOPE’. A teacher is capable of returning the lost light in a student’s life. Therefore, teachers are the torch bearers who show us the path of success and walk us through the entire path until we achieve something. Today we all have gathered here to celebrate the presence of those unsung heroes without whom no profession would have existed, our teachers. It is said that parents give birth to a child, but it is the Teacher who makes sure that the child is not only raised as a tough individual, but also as an ideal citizen. We students have sometimes made it so difficult for a teacher to survive, especially if we personally find a subject boring, but it is the teacher who has made us learn a lesson which is To Never Give Up. Even if we are disrespectful, intolerant, and sometimes cross all our limits of being bearable, she still continues to motivate us.  What a teacher writes on the blackboard of life can never be erased. The values, the skills and the life lessons taught by them are something we all will hold dear in our lives. You are the reason behind our dreams and our farsightedness. You have prepared us to become the fittest and the finest individuals. Without your presence we wouldn’t have learnt how to dream. Thank you for guiding us when we were wrong and being on your toes to get the best out of us, we all are very grateful to have you all as our teachers. I would like to conclude my speech through a short poem called Teachers by Kevin William Huff that summarizes the role of a teacher in a student’s life. Teachers Inspire a love of knowledge and truth As you light the path which leads our youth For our future brightens with each lesson your teach Each smile you lengthen Each goal you help reach For the dawn of each poet, each philosopher and king Begins with a teacher And the wisdom they bring

Download the Teacher’s day Sample Speech by a Student here.

6 Points Teachers can cover in their Teachers’ Day Speech: 

  • Appreciate the efforts your students have put in to organize the event
  • Express your joy or why you like teaching 
  • How students motivate you to teach
  • Why do we celebrate teachers’ day
  • What do you feel about teaching as a profession
  • Few advices to the students for their future endeavours

Sample speech for teachers giving a speech for teachers' day

Sample Speech by Teachers for their Students

“There’s no word in the language I revere more than teacher. My heart sings when a kid refers to me as his teacher, and it always has. I’ve honored myself and the entire family of man by becoming a teacher.”  —Pat Conroy, Author It is said that Teachers have got their designation because of the existence of students, who are taught lessons for life. Welcoming the Principal, my fellow teachers and my dear students. It gives me immense pleasure to thank each and every student present here for putting up such a lovely program. We teachers feel highly privileged to have students like you all, so I would like to dedicate this day to all our students. Teaching for me is one of those careers, where you learn something new every day as well as impart knowledge and skills to train individuals and make them ready to face the real world. We really appreciate all the support that you’ve been giving us over the years and continuously reminding us about the value of our work and our potential to impact your lives for the greater good. In short, your support helps us remain mindful of our ultimate purpose and hold on to the passion that fuels our fire.  This special day reminds me of my own gurus and their impact on my life. I remember one of my teachers telling me this, “Beyond the undone and unseen lies the unachieved.” Meaning, to do something that nobody has done or seen and that’s when you will achieve what nobody has. To achieve something extraordinary you need to conquer the 3 D’s- Desire, Determination and Discipline.  Desire means being passionate about something you love.  Determination refers to being dedicated towards something that you are passionate about. Discipline refers to practicing what you are determined about. As teachers, we strongly believe it is our key responsibility to dig in the foundation to construct pillars of great strength. And I truly appreciate the efforts all the teachers have been putting in so as to achieve this. Before I sign off for the day I would like to give you all a piece of advice. Each one of you is different, each one of you has a different caliber, challenge yourself and chase your dreams. There will be a time in your life when you might fail, but don’t give up. Your success lies without your level of patience. Do great for the society and help everyone possible. Never take your profession on your head because at first, you have to be a good human before becoming a good professional. Hence, I proudly say teaching for me is sacred and I revere teaching as a profession.

Download the Teacher’s day Sample Speech by a Teacher here.

Final Thoughts

Teachers play a major role in shaping the minds of the students. They inspire, motivate, influence, and encourage the students to think differently as well as they instill values and ethics in them.

Hence, students should not hesitate in paying a tribute to their teachers. A speech is the best way to convey your thoughts and appreciate their selfless efforts, as words hold immense power in them.

You can consider these tips and speech samples while drafting your speech in order to make your speech a remarkable one.

The success of any speech comes in when you try to speak from your heart and express what you feel in its truest sense.

Hitiksha Jain

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a speech on a teacher


Teacher Speech

The role of a teacher in the life of a student is significant and by and large the most important. The excellence of a teacher decides the academic and other mile stones achieved by his/her students. We all are like a bundle of infinite potential, but, to unlock that potential and to realize our own abilities, we, up to large extent, depend on our teacher. A teacher recognizes our individual talents and treats us accordingly so that to bring out the best in us.

She/he is the person who makes us realize our own blessings and guides us until we have full explored them. A teacher, like our parents, always stays by our side, either in joy or in sorrow. By encouraging the youth and making them educated, a teacher does excellent service to the society and to the nation.

Long and Short Speech on Teacher in English

Below we are giving long and short speech on teachers.

These Teacher Speech are written in simple English to make them easily memorable and presentable when required.

While delivering the speech you will tell the audiences about the significance and qualities of a teacher, leaving the audience mesmerized in the end.

These long and short speeches will be extremely useful for you on the occasions like Teachers Day or other similar events.

Short Speech on Teacher – 1

Good Morning everyone! As we all know that today is Teachers Day, so I am being asked by my classmates to give a speech on “teacher”.

A teacher, my dear friends, going by the meaning, is someone who teaches. But, this is only the most basic definition of a teacher. If I have started stating the ways in which a teacher contributes to the society, I will most probably run short of words.

A teacher is the craftsman who helps building the foundation of a nation by teaching its wards. Without a teacher there would be no students, but only boisterous citizens with no clue on where they are headed.

Happy Teachers Day to all and don’t forget to cheer your beloved teachers today by pampering them with praises and gifts.

Short Speech on Teacher – 2

Very well Good Morning to all of you present here today, especially the teachers. As we all know that today is Teachers Day and I am requested by some of the friends of mine to give a speech on teachers.

From kindergarten to graduation, every step that we took was accompanied by a teacher whose sole interest was in our own growth and welfare. I think teaching is one of those rare professions, which someone chooses out of passion, rather than necessity.

There are so many teachers, a few of them I personally know, who could have easily chosen a lucrative profession; nevertheless, they chose to go with their inner voice. That is, they chose to enlighten the minds and transform lives. Could there be a social work more elegant than transforming noisy, stubborn and rambunctious kids into disciplined, concerned and progressive adults.

While most of us strive for materialistic accomplishments – decent package, house, car etc; a teacher wishes for something more sensible, that is, to transform his/her students into productive and sensible citizens.

There is nothing by which the society or the nation could ever repay the services of a teacher. S/he is the very foundation of a society.

Having said that, I would like to request you all to celebrate the day with your beloved, respected teachers, with as much fun and joy as you can. It is a day when you make them happy and cheer them up for the noble task they have chosen.

Wishing you all Happy Teacher’s Day! Once Again!

Long Speech on Teacher – 3

Respected Principal, Respected teachers and my dear fellow Students,

It feels great to welcome you all to this auspicious occasion; since we have gathered here to celebrate one of the most admirable occasions i.e. Teacher’s Day, it’s an opportunity for me to share few words about teachers, their role in schools and colleges and their influence on the students.

Teachers are the backbone of our society because they majorly contribute in shaping the future of a nation, i.e. students and guide them in becoming an ideal citizen of the country. Teacher’s job is full of responsibility and challenges because not every student is same and thus the teacher has to be dynamic and adopt different teaching patterns for different students. Teaching is a social practice and more than knowledge, a teacher must be a good human being who can very well shoulder the responsibility of his/her job and understand the sensitivity of the situation where students from different backgrounds have come together for learning and thus apply skills and knowledge to the best of his/her capacity while teaching.

Some of the qualities which every teacher must possess in order to become most acceptable are:

  • Enthusiasm – It is a known fact that teachers who show enthusiasm while teaching create a positive atmosphere and learning environment which help students in gaining knowledge fast and with fun. These teachers don’t follow the uniform pattern instead, they innovate teaching methods to keep the students engaged and enthusiastic.

The most important role a teacher plays is in motivating the students; some of the students find their teacher to be a role model and try to imitate them. Thus it is very important that the teacher leaves a positive impression on each student.

  • Interaction with learners – It is very important for the teacher to indulge into transparent and open discussion with the students in order to understand the capability of the learner. Some students are shy, while other may be afraid of failure. A teacher is highly trusted to build up the student emotionally and practically.

Conventionally, teaching is considered equivalent to praying. In olden days, parents used to leave their children in gurukul (a kind of residential school where students live with the teacher for studies). This tradition was greatly supported by the trust and bond between the parents and teachers. Even today, trust is one of the most important factors which motivate parents to get their children admitted in a particular school. A teacher is considered to be the alternate parents; this makes teaching all the more challenging and full of accountability.

In recent days, we get to hear a lot about corporal punishment. Some of the teachers get barbaric and beat students so badly that some of them don’t even survive. This is highly restricted in all over India. Though it is important for the teachers to be strict sometimes but there can be alternate methods to punish the students than harming them physically.

Well, I would like to end this note with a huge thanks to our teachers who are so caring and compassionate. We are highly honoured to be a part of this School.

Long Speech on Teacher – 4

Good evening everybody!

I welcome you all to this grand occasion. In our lifetime each of us has some or other teachers whom we consider as our idol.

Alright, so today I would like to talk to you about the one who lays the foundation of the existence of any school – ‘The Teacher’. Teacher is that one entity who strengthens the educational power of the students. They are the ones who link the students to the school and vice versa.

While I was young, I always used to associate my subject by the name of the teacher who used to teach that and also more the favourite teacher, more the marks in that subject… Yes, it’s a fact. Isn’t it, kids?

It is a proven fact that a teacher’s job is not just a job but it has an impact on the growth and well-being of the entire nation. Teachers play the most essential role in delivering what is desired. They are considered as the backbone of the society because they continuously contribute in building up the student’s characters, shaping their future and also help them to become ideal citizens of the country. A good teacher always inspires the hope, ignites the imagination, and instils the love of learning within us.

It isn’t true that the teacher works only when they have a class to address, before coming to the class they have a long handed homework to be done, yes… believe me, they do have! They need to be prepared for the topic to be taught, they have to get the tests prepared, the exercises ready and all that To-Do list prepared before they actually come on desk to perform their role. It is the responsibility of the teachers to continue doing their hard work and go through a variety of material that enriches their knowledge for the betterment of the society.

Teachers give us the moral support and encourage us to live a quality life in the society. They have the power to let the students understand the aspects of career growth, and future prospects in their desired fields.

Teachers help a student to shape their character and make their future bright. They enable us to stand strong in this world by building us from within, by making us sensible and knowledgeable so that we become capable of dealing with numerous challenges coming our way and helping us succeed.

As a conclusion, I would ask you all to always cherish the bond with your teachers. They are the ones who have educated you and have put in the efforts to bring you up in this society. We owe our respect and gratitude towards our teachers, they have empowered us with education, they have nurtured us with their love and affection just like our parents. Our respect makes them feel contended; they build the new blood to be a worthy soul in this nation.

Teachers have always been special and will continue to do so in all times to come.

Speech on Teacher – 5

Our most respected teachers, dear friends and students,

How may we express our heartfelt gratitude to our teachers? Friend, philosopher and guide all rolled into one. Yes, every teacher of ours has been just that.

Our teachers have facilitated our scholastic abilities and aptitudes. They have helped us cross the thresholds to possess the academic prerequisites to clear exams and qualify at different levels in our academic pursuits. They have been patient with us even as they got us grounded in the fundamentals of every subject. They have taught us with love. And that has often lightened even subjects that we found very tough.

But then our teachers have done much, much more than that. And we have learned from our teachers in so many different ways. Our teachers have guided us when we have faced difficult situations and dilemmas. When we have been low, and down and dejected they have been successful in raising our spirits and putting us right back on track. They have loved us even when we played truant and were mischievous and played pranks. They have offered us support in so many ways that made the process of education enjoyable. They have striven hard to inculcate in us human values and right ethics so that we may have a future guided by goodness and righteousness. They have helped us seek the truth and live by it at all times. They have given their time most generously, and offered advice most willingly. Isn’t it?

And naturally our teachers have been our role models. We have always looked up to our teachers with respect, awe and love. And we have always wondered if we could ever match up to them. Right?

Really speaking, it may never be possible for us to say all that our teachers have done for us and made possible for us so that we may work hard, excel and have a bright and happy future.

As we come together to thank our teachers, we find words are insufficient to do that. Words seem to pale before our teachers’ selfless service and devotion to the cause of educating, enlightening and moulding our minds, hearts and lives in totality. Words can never equal what our teachers have done for us with no expectation whatsoever.

Nevertheless, we have to resort to saying verbally a thank you to our teachers which is, of course, backed by our most sincere gratitude and deep love and appreciation.

Dear teachers, we want to say a heartfelt thank you to you all. You mean so much to us. What you have given us will help us go into the world for building our future.

All the beautiful flowers that could go into making a fragrant and extravagant bouquet would whither after a time, but dear teachers, our love and respect and regard for you for all that you have done to bolster and buttress our strength, and courage shall remain fresh always, in fact, will only grow and grow.

Speech on Teacher – 6

Dear friends, respected teachers and Principal Ma’am,

It is indeed so wonderful to be here on the occasion to mark Teacher’s Day.

As we look back there is a sense of nostalgia, of course, as we reminisce the academic institutions we attended as we went from school to college and then to university and other institutions of higher learning.

But at the root of it all is the great sense of gratitude we feel for our teachers at every level of our study and learning.

What would life have been but for our teachers? They, who taught us the alphabets and then through all the years of our study till we submitted, perhaps, our post-doctoral research work.

Education is so inter-linked with teachers. And when we glorify education as the means of enlightenment, emancipation and empowerment of people, men and women, we must really realize that the possibility becomes a realization through the patience, love, service and devotion of millions of teachers.

Go back in time and the person you most fondly remember will be the teacher who taught you, perhaps at kindergarten. That was the time when you, as a little child, left the comfort of your home and parents and went into a completely new environment and started to study and play with other children. And that kindergarten teacher was the person who was loving and caring, making the initiation to learning less painful, more comfortable.

As you grew up your teachers also became your mentors, advisers, supporters, counselors, sympathizers and role models. And your teachers were persons who made you independent thinkers, adventurous learners and inquisitive researchers. And they fostered you at every step. Even when our teachers seemed harsh or tough with us it was to make us strong and capable to deal with the reality most ably and most aptly that awaited us in the world. We realized that later. And we were only overwhelmed with gratitude.

These memories flood our minds and hearts as we remember our dear teachers. Yes, indeed!

Years may roll on and time flies, yet our teachers have a very special place in our hearts. That it seems is the power of sharing. When teachers teach us it is really that they share so much of their time, learning and life skills with us. Teachers are indeed so generous, and that is what transforms the lives of students year after year.

When we come together on occasions such as today to celebrate the lives and work of teachers, let us determine to share, in our own way, something that we may be endowed with, with those who may lack it. When we can do something akin to what our teachers did for us, it would only make our teachers happy and proud of us. It may be one way of saying a big thank you to our teachers.

Nothing can equal what our teachers have done for us. But we can try in whatever small way we can.

Related Information:

Essay on Teacher

Essay on My Favourite Teacher

Teachers Day Essay

Teacher’s Day Speech

Speech on Teachers Day Celebration

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The Heart of Teaching: What It Means to Be a Great Teacher

Kindness, empathy, and a focus on building community are among the qualities of a great teacher.

Heart made with hands

What does it mean to be a great teacher? Of course credentials, knowledge, critical thinking, and all other faculties of intelligence are important. However, a great teacher should be much more than credentials, experience, and intelligence.

What lies in the heart of a great teacher?

You are kind:  A great teacher shows kindness to students, colleagues, parents, and those around her or him. My favorite saying is “kindness makes the world go around.” It truly changes the environment in the classroom and school. Being a kind teacher helps students feel welcomed, cared for, and loved.

You are compassionate:  Teaching is a very humanistic profession, and compassion is the utmost feeling of understanding and showing others you are concerned about them. A compassionate teacher models that characteristic to the students with her or his actions, and as a result students will be more open to understanding the world around them.

You are empathetic:  Empathy is an important trait to have and to try to develop in ourselves and our students. Being able to put yourself in someone’s shoes and see things from their perspective can have a powerful impact on our decisions and actions.

You are positive:  Being a positive person is not an easy task. Being a positive teacher is even harder when we’re always met with problems with very limited solutions. However, staying positive when it’s tough can have a tremendous positive impact on the students and everyone around us. Looking on the bright side always seems to help make things better.

You are a builder:  A great teacher bridges gaps and builds relationships, friendships, and a community. Teachers always look to make things better and improve things in and outside of the classroom. Building a community is something a great teacher seeks to do in the classroom and extends that to the entire school and its community.

You inspire:  Everyone looks at a great teacher and wants to be a better teacher, a better student, and even a better person. A great teacher uncovers hidden treasures, possibilities, and magic right before everyone’s eyes.

This piece was originally submitted to our community forums by a reader. Due to audience interest, we’ve preserved it. The opinions expressed here are the writer’s own.



Speech on teachers day in english: 4 short and easy speech ideas.

Are you looking for speech ideas to write an amazing speech on teachers day? We have curated a list of 4 short and easy speeches, which you can get inspired by. A friend, a guide, and a philosopher, a teacher is the one that fills a student with knowledge, skills, and confidence allowing them to tap into the independence of life. Teacher�s day is celebrated each year in India on the 5 th of September to honor the birth of the honorable Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, popularly called Professor, he was the second President and the first vice president of India after independence. Admired by many in his field, his birthday was chosen to honor teachers from all parts of the nation since 1962.

Words can be quite impactful and decisive. If you are looking to prepare a speech on Teachers day, we have prepared a list of a few simple speeches that you can use as a reference in making your very own inspirational and motivational speaker.

Here are some examples to help you understand the format of the teacher's day speech.

Speech On Teachers Day : 1

Very good morning to all. Today is Teacher�s day, one of the most auspicious occasions when we get to thank our teachers for everything they do for us. Celebrated on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Dr. S Radhakrishnan. He was a teacher himself and was the second president of our country.

A philosopher and educationist, Dr. Radhakrishnan believed that teachers are the foundation of the future for us students. From teaching us chapters from textbooks to giving us valuable lessons in life, our teachers help us to become a better version of ourselves. Teachers are not limited to our classrooms. Anyone who provides us with values and life skills can be considered a teacher and they can help us in many forms. Today is the day we get to thank our teachers.

It is my pleasure and privilege to be a part of the group thanking our teachers and I would like to wish them a warm and happy teacher�s day. You are a blessing for us and for our future selves. Thank you for guiding us through the difficult chapters of our textbooks as well as life to help us become valuable citizens of India. On behalf of my class, I would like to extend our love to our teachers. We are fortunate enough to be guided by such lovely teachers to become fine students. We sincerely pray for your happiness and well-being from the bottom of our hearts.

Speech On Teachers Day : 2

Very good morning to all my friends and my lovely teachers. On this wonderful occasion of teacher�s day, we celebrate the birthday of Dr. S Radhakrishnan and honor our dear teachers. Our teachers have been working day and night tirelessly to provide us with the best education that we deserve to help us become responsible citizens of India.

Remembering Dr. Radhakrishnan, every year all of us students wait eagerly for the 5th of September with joy and enthusiasm. This day is celebrated all over our country to pay respects to our teachers who play an important role in sharpening the next generation.

I would also like to include that teachers are equal to our parents. They teach us with utmost effort and treat us like their own children. Though our parents gave birth to us, it is our teachers that held us to the standards of being a wonderful human beings. They fill us with motivation and inspiration to help our young minds grow and reach their potential. Preparing us for the challenges to come, thank you for giving us the strength and inspiration to face any challenge.

Teachers are a blessing to us and we cannot thank them enough with a simple five-minute speech. Let us pledge to respect and honor our teachers by following their advice and teachings to become good human beings for society. Thank you everyone for your guidance and support whenever we need them.

Look at a few more examples of teacher's day speech.

Speech On Teachers Day : 3

Respected Teachers and my dear friends,

We have all gathered here to celebrate the auspicious occasion of Teacher�s day. On behalf of me and all my fellow students, I would wholeheartedly like to thank our teachers for everything that they have done for us. I have prepared a few words in honor of our teachers.

As we all know that Teacher�s day is celebrated on the occasion of Dr. Radhakrishnan�s birthday on the 5th of September. Dr. Radhakrishnan was the second president after independence who was also a teacher and educationist. His excellent guidance helped pave the future path for many of the brightest minds of our country. India has been celebrating Teacher Day since 1962 in his honor who has been an inspirational figure to all.

Our teachers are one of the most irreplaceable parts of our lives. No student can succeed without the efforts and blessings of their teacher. From teaching us lessons from textbooks to life lessons, our teachers have helped us love learning and believe in ourselves and we cannot thank them enough. Can we imagine how life would have been without our teachers? We got a taste of this during the pandemic when we lost our school days and we dearly missed our interactions. From classroom fights to the scolding of our teachers, we missed it all. This however did not slow our teachers down and they jumped back to help us with online classes. With the tremendous efforts and sacrifices our teachers have made for us, we would like to thank you all for being there for us.

We promise to hold up the lessons and values you taught us and hope to make you proud someday!

Speech On Teachers Day : 4

Good morning to all! We are all gathered here to offer our gratitude for the efforts put in by our teachers. Teachers are our parents away from home and our guides to a successful future. On the occasion of Teacher�s day, I would like to extend our love on the behalf of all the students.

Teacher�s day is celebrated to commemorate the efforts of our teachers and observe the birth anniversary of Dr. Radhakrishnan, who was the first vice president and the second president of independent India. It is said that when students came to congratulate Dr. Radhakrishnan on his birthday, he told them to dedicate the day to the profession of teaching, and thus Teacher�s day was born to honor the efforts of teachers across the country.

I would like to take this opportunity and thank my teachers for their support and guidance all through these years. You have all been a motivation and inspiration for us all helping us to tackle any difficult situation in life.

Dear teachers, we will always be grateful for your guidance wherever we are in the future. We are thankful to have been under the blessings of such wonderful teachers who have been nothing but the absolute best.

Thank You. Read More: Teachers Day Quiz 2021: 10 MCQs To Check Your Knowledge!

Students plan a variety of acts and speeches for their teachers. With their teachers, they perform dances, sing songs, and play a variety of games.

Teacher's Day is observed to honor and acknowledge the contributions of teachers to the development of children's futures.

  • April,02 2022

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50 Inspiring Examples of Thank-You Messages for Teachers & Mentors

By Status.net Editorial Team on November 23, 2023 — 14 minutes to read

Crafting a heartfelt thank you message for a teacher or mentor can make all the difference in acknowledging their hard work and the impact they’ve had on your life. Here are some tips to help you create a meaningful note that truly expresses your gratitude.

First, take a moment to think about the specific things that the teacher or mentor has done for you. This could include lessons they’ve taught, new skills they’ve introduced, or the time and effort they’ve dedicated to your success. Use these thoughts to draft a personalized message that highlights these unique aspects. For example:

Dear Mrs. Brown,

Thank you for your continuous support and guidance throughout the school year. Your patience and dedication in teaching me algebra have made a significant difference in my understanding and confidence. I am truly grateful.

Make sure to provide context in your message. Explain how their support has helped you both academically and personally. Providing concrete examples can strengthen your thank you message and make it more memorable. Here’s an example:

Dear Mr. Johnson,

I wanted to express my gratitude for all the invaluable advice and encouragement you’ve given me during our mentorship. Your insights on pursuing a career in engineering have clarified my path forward, and the time you spent reviewing my college applications boosted my chances immeasurably. Thank you for being such a dedicated and inspiring mentor.

A touch of emotion can go a long way in conveying your appreciation. Don’t be afraid to show your feelings and express how their help and guidance have positively influenced your life. Example:

Dear Miss Lee,

You’re not just a wonderful teacher; you’re also a caring and supportive friend. Your wisdom and kindness have helped me through some tough times, and I’m so grateful to have had you in my corner. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.

A well-written, heartfelt note will mean a great deal to your teacher or mentor. It is an excellent way to demonstrate your appreciation and respect, while also reminding them of the powerful impact they have on their students’ lives.

Simple Thank-You Messages for Teachers

  • Thank you for your guidance and support.
  • I truly appreciate all that you’ve done for me.
  • I am so grateful to have you as my teacher/mentor.

You can also personalize your message by mentioning something specific that your teacher or mentor has done for you. This can make your message more meaningful, and it shows that you have taken the time to reflect on their impact in your life. Here are some sample phrases that you could use:

  • Thank you for always encouraging me to try my best.
  • I will never forget the late nights you spent helping me with my projects.
  • Your patience and understanding made all the difference for me.

Don’t forget to include some words of encouragement or appreciation for the teacher or mentor themselves. They often put in long hours and dedicate their lives to helping others, so it’s nice to let them know that their efforts are not going unnoticed. Some examples include:

  • You’re an amazing teacher, and I feel lucky to have learned from you.
  • Your passion for your subject is truly inspiring.
  • It’s clear that you care deeply about your students, and I want you to know how much I admire that.

If you are comfortable doing so, you could briefly touch on the positive impact your teacher or mentor has had on your life or personal growth. This can be a powerful way to wrap up your thank you message and leave a lasting impression. Here are a few examples to inspire you:

  • Your guidance has changed the way I approach challenges, and I am forever grateful.
  • You’ve helped me grow into a more confident and capable person.
  • I wouldn’t be where I am today without your support and encouragement.

Examples of Thank-You Messages for Teachers

Here’s a list of example thank-you messages that you can use as inspiration to craft your own unique message. Feel free to use these as-is, or adapt and personalize them to suit your own style and relationship with your teacher.

  • Thank you for always believing in me and pushing me to reach my full potential. Your guidance and support have made a world of difference in my life.
  • I am so grateful for your patience and dedication in helping me grow, both academically and personally. You’ve truly made a lasting impact on my life.
  • Your passion for teaching and your ability to make complex subjects easy to understand have inspired me to pursue my own dreams. Thank you for being such a great mentor and role model.
  • Thank you for being a constant source of support, encouragement, and inspiration. You’ve shown me the true meaning of perseverance and hard work.
  • Your kindness, understanding, and sense of humor always brighten up the classroom. Thank you for making learning so enjoyable and engaging.
  • You’ve made such a positive impact on my life, and I can’t thank you enough for all the time, effort, and care you put into helping me succeed.
  • Your unwavering commitment to your students’ success is truly admirable. Thank you for being the best teacher I could ever ask for.
  • Your dedication to teaching and your ability to connect with your students make you an incredible teacher. I’m so grateful for the time and effort you invest in my education.
  • Thank you for being such a caring and compassionate teacher. You’ve made all the difference in helping me overcome challenges and grow as a person.
  • Your encouragement and support have helped me to believe in myself and achieve my goals. I couldn’t have done it without you.

Showing Gratitude Towards Mentors

  • Thank you for being a guiding light in my life. Your support and encouragement have helped me grow personally and professionally.
  • I am grateful for the time and effort you’ve invested in mentoring me. Your advice has been invaluable, and I genuinely appreciate your help.
  • You have made a significant difference in my life, and I can’t thank you enough for your guidance and wisdom.
  • Your unwavering support and belief in me have given me the confidence to pursue my dreams. Thank you for being an incredible mentor.
  • Thanks for being an amazing teacher and mentor. Your patience and dedication have truly inspired me to strive for greatness.

Don’t hesitate to get personal by mentioning specific experiences or instances where your mentor’s advice made a difference:

  • I’ll never forget the time you stayed late to help me perfect my presentation skills. Your pointers have significantly improved my ability to communicate effectively, and I am genuinely grateful.
  • Your advice on time management has made all the difference during my busy semesters. Thanks to you, I’ve learned how to prioritize tasks and maintain focus on my goals.
  • The techniques you taught me for dealing with conflict and difficult situations have been invaluable both in my professional and personal life. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

Or, you can express your gratitude by highlighting your mentor’s qualities that you admire the most:

  • Your ability to listen and provide constructive feedback has taught me the importance of effective communication. Thank you for being an excellent mentor and role model.
  • Your passion for teaching and dedication to your students is truly inspiring. You have helped me see the value in lifelong learning, and I am grateful for your guidance.
  • Your incredible patience and understanding have allowed me to grow, even when I was struggling. Thank you for your unwavering support and encouragement.

Thoughtful Messages for Mentors

  • Thank you for always believing in me and pushing me to reach my full potential. Your unwavering support has made a significant difference in my life.
  • Your guidance and wisdom have not only helped me grow professionally, but also personally. I am so grateful to have you as my mentor. Thank you for everything you do.
  • I truly appreciate the time and effort you put into helping me become the best version of myself. You are an amazing mentor, and I am so grateful for your support and encouragement.

Sometimes, a heartfelt message can brighten your mentor’s day and let them know that their efforts have not gone unnoticed:

  • I couldn’t have achieved my goals without your guidance, support, and encouragement. Thank you for being an incredible mentor!
  • Your dedication to helping me succeed has made all the difference in my journey to success. Thank you for being a fantastic mentor and for always having my back.
  • Thank you for your patience, understanding, and constant support. Your mentorship has been invaluable, and I am so grateful for everything you have done for me.

You can also share a message that highlights specific ways your mentor has helped you grow. You can mention specific instances where their advice or support made a significant impact:

  • Thank you for helping me navigate through difficult challenges at work. Your guidance has been a tremendous help, and I appreciate your invaluable insights.
  • Your encouragement to step out of my comfort zone has led me to incredible opportunities and growth. Thanks for being an incredible mentor and believing in me.
  • Thank you for always being there to offer advice, constructive feedback, and encouragement. You’ve truly made a difference in my career and personal development.

Feel free to make your message as personalized as possible, incorporating memorable experiences and anecdotes:

  • The lessons I’ve learned from you, not only about work but also about life, have made me a better person. Thank you for being an extraordinary mentor and shaping my life.
  • I will never forget the time you stayed late to help me prepare for my big presentation. Your dedication as a mentor is truly appreciated—thank you for everything.
  • I still remember the first day we met, and you told me I had the potential to do great things. Thanks to your mentorship, I believe in myself and my abilities more than ever before.

Personalized Thank-You Messages for Teachers

A personalized thank you message can make all the difference in showing your appreciation. Here are some examples to help you craft the perfect message for your teacher or mentor.

  • Consider what personal stories or moments you have shared with your teacher or mentor. You can mention a specific time when their guidance or support made a significant impact on your life. Example : “Dear Mr. Smith, remember the time when I was struggling with my math assignments, and you stayed after class to help me grasp the concepts? Your patience and dedication not only helped me excel in math but also taught me the value of perseverance. Thank you so much!”
  • Highlight your teacher’s unique qualities or teaching style that resonates with you. It could be their passion for the subject, their creativity, or their ability to inspire students. Example : “Mr. Brown, your passion for history and engaging teaching style made those lessons fun and brought the past to life. Your lively discussions and interesting anecdotes during class sparked my interest in history like never before. Thank you!”
  • You can mention the lasting impact and lessons they have imparted on you that will undoubtedly influence your future endeavors. Example : “Mrs. Garcia, your unwavering support and encouragement throughout our journey in the robotics club has been invaluable. The confidence and teamwork skills you have instilled in me will undoubtedly benefit me in all aspects of life. Thank you for everything!”

Customizable Templates for Messages

Looking for the perfect way to express your gratitude to a teacher or mentor? Check out these customizable templates to help you craft the perfect thank you message. Feel free to personalize each message to make it unique and heartfelt.

Template 1: Expressing Gratitude for Support and Guidance Dear [Teacher/Mentor’s Name],

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for all the support and guidance you have given me throughout [specific time or event]. Your dedication and passion for teaching have made a significant impact on my life. You helped me overcome challenges and achieve my goals.

Your patience, understanding, and encouragement have been invaluable to me, and I will always cherish the lessons I’ve learned from you. Thank you, [Teacher/Mentor’s Name], for believing in me and inspiring me to continue learning and growing.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Template 2: Commending on a Specific Lesson or Achievement Dear [Teacher/Mentor’s Name],

I wanted to express my gratitude for the extraordinary lesson you taught about [specific topic or skill]. Your unique approach and engaging teaching style made it easy to understand and retain the information. This lesson has proven to be invaluable and has greatly contributed to my success in [specific achievement or task].

Your expertise and dedication to helping your students not only learn but also grow as individuals truly sets you apart. Thank you for making such a difference in my life.

Warm regards, [Your Name]

Template 3: Appreciating the Caring and Encouraging Nature Dear [Teacher/Mentor’s Name],

Thank you for always being such a caring and supportive figure in my life. Your endless encouragement and belief in my abilities have given me the confidence to tackle even the most challenging tasks.

I feel incredibly fortunate to have had you as my teacher/mentor throughout [specific time or event]. Your guidance has positively impacted my academic journey, and I will always be grateful for the difference you have made.

With heartfelt thanks, [Your Name]

Best Practices

  • Personalize your message: Share specific examples of how your teacher or mentor has positively impacted your life. This demonstrates that you truly value their efforts and time.
  • Choose the right medium: Consider the preferences of your teachers and mentors when deciding how to deliver your message – a handwritten note, email, or even a small gift might be appropriate.
  • Timing is important: While there’s no wrong time to express gratitude, consider sending your message after a significant event or milestone. This could be at the end of a school year, after receiving help with a difficult project, or when you achieve a personal goal.
  • Keep cultural sensitivities in mind: Be aware of any cultural differences or preferences that may influence how your message will be received. This is especially important if your teacher or mentor is from a different cultural background than you.
  • Proofread your message: Before sending your message, give it a thorough read-through to check for any errors or inaccuracies. This demonstrates that you have taken the time to carefully craft your expression of gratitude.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some short and sweet thank you messages for teachers.

  • “Thank you for inspiring me every day!”
  • “Your patience and dedication have made all the difference.”
  • “So grateful for your guidance and support.”
  • “You’ve given me the gift of knowledge – thank you!”

How can I express appreciation to a teacher leaving the school?

  • Write a heartfelt letter describing the impact they’ve had on you and your classmates.
  • Create a photo album or scrapbook filled with memories and messages from students.
  • Organize a farewell party, including speeches from students or colleagues who want to express their gratitude.
  • Gift them with a keepsake, like a personalized mug or custom-made artwork, that will remind them of their time at the school.

What are some words of gratitude for a mentor’s support and guidance?

  • “I’m so grateful to have had you as a mentor.”
  • “Your wisdom and encouragement have been invaluable.”
  • “Thanks for always believing in me and pushing me to be my best.”
  • “Your guidance has made me stronger, wiser, and more confident.”

Can you provide thank you notes from students to teachers?

“Dear [Teacher’s Name],

I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for all that you’ve done for me this year. Your dedication, enthusiasm, and humor have made learning so much more enjoyable. I will cherish the memories and lessons from your class for years to come.

Sincerely, [Your Name]”

“Hey [Teacher’s Name],

Just wanted to say a quick thank you for being such an amazing teacher! You’ve not only taught me the subject matter, but you’ve also taught me what it means to have passion and dedication. I’ll never forget the impact you’ve had on my growth.

Best, [Your Name]”

What’s a meaningful way for parents to say thank you to teachers?

  • Write a thoughtful thank you note, sharing specific examples of how the teacher has positively impacted your child.
  • Volunteer your time in the classroom or at school events to show your appreciation.
  • Offer a small gift as a token of gratitude, such as a gift card, a homemade treat or a special item related to the teacher’s interests.
  • Give public recognition, either through social media or at a school function, to show your appreciation to the teacher.

How can a principal show appreciation towards teachers?

  • Organize a special “Teacher Appreciation Week” or day with events, treats, and recognition for their hard work.
  • Offer professional development opportunities, resources, and support to help them grow in their careers.
  • Provide regular feedback and encouragement, celebrating their successes and accomplishments.
  • Create a positive, collaborative, and nurturing work environment where teachers feel valued and supported.
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Retirement Speech For Teacher - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

We used to celebrate people's departure almost always rather than their arrival. Apart from gifts, farewell speeches for teachers by students can reflect their values and ethics. Likewise, it would live on in the hearts of the students and the institution. Therefore, their students should write them a farewell speech before they leave the classroom.

Retirement Speech For Teacher - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

10 Lines On Retirement Speech For Teacher

Teachers are the second-largest source of inspiration after our parents.

We appreciate having a teacher like you who makes learning enjoyable while also assisting us in learning.

He constantly encourages us to attempt new things and novel approaches to challenges.

No matter how challenging the circumstance becomes, he has consistently demonstrated the proper way to behave without becoming sidetracked.

He has imparted to us moral principles and ideals that we will carry with us once we graduate from this institution.

He has taught us to be accountable for our acts and to take responsibility for them.

He has also taught us to treat everyone with respect in all aspects of life.

I appreciate how you illustrate your points with instances from real life.

Even when you leave, we shall never forget you.

I appreciate you helping me in all my endeavours and for also being a great mentor.

Short Speech On Retirement Speech For Teacher

Greetings and a sincere welcome to everyone in the audience, including the principal, teachers, and fellow students. I appreciate being given the chance to begin this event. I feel privileged to be here.

The guest of honour today is also the best teacher in our school, we will all miss him and I feel blessed to be here sharing what we have learnt and what we feel on behalf of all of us. Thank you, sir, for dedicating several years of your life to our school and for the benefit of kids like us and countless others. We have learned how to manage our schoolwork and extracurricular interests from the most inspirational teacher ever.

You have always pushed us to experiment and ask questions because you think that learning should be put into practice. You also diligently worked with us during our tests to ensure that we fully grasped the fundamental ideas and had an understanding of the subjects. You taught us with greater care and patience whenever we performed poorly on an exam, which is very astonishing. You have also inspired us to participate in extracurricular activities and encouraged us to pursue our extracurricular hobbies, such as poetry, singing, and sports.

You've shown us the fun of being curious about everything and how to never stop learning. Because of your efforts, we are knowledgeable now and willing to study because we enjoy it. I appreciate you teaching us such priceless lessons and practices. We will never forget you. We thank you for being the best teacher.

Long Speech On Retirement Speech For Teacher

Greetings to the principal, teachers, and my fellow mates. To honour Mr. Singh's farewell, we have convened here today. We've gathered at this location to say goodbye to our beloved teacher. This is a great chance to express gratitude for our teacher. He has a wealth of knowledge and taught the students some special skills. Although it is really difficult to say goodbye to someone who has grown closer to being a family. But we still need to take this moment to convey our gratitude to him.

Time flies when you're having fun, and under your leadership, sir, we had the best time. For time well spent, departures can even be more joyful than arrivals. The opportunity to express how valuable a person is to you makes goodbyes sweet despite how difficult they can be. In light of this, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our teacher for teaching us to learn even outside of the classroom and for inspiring us to think creatively. After parents, the teacher has the second-highest level of influence over students, and what an example he sets for us to follow.

He has spent the previous years teaching students the best and most appropriate skills. In the teaching field, he makes an excellent mentor. He also challenges the kids to work outside their comfort zones to solve problems. We appreciate how he supported us when the students faced difficulties. He has raised a powerful generation of scholars. It appears that the school is more than just physical building construction, balancing all the abilities and skills of life with instruction. In fact, for the students, the school edifice evolved into a temple of knowledge and wisdom.

Being a recipient of honours is not a simple thing to do in light of your knowledge, contributions, and abilities. In actuality, you merited more credit for your efforts while working as a teacher. We are incredibly appreciative of your sincere, passionate, and zealous teaching. I appreciate how you kept the class interesting and made it clear how important learning is to succeed in life. You were always able to keep the student's interest in any subject you taught.

You undoubtedly inspire a lot of the teachers here, and they all benefit from your depth of knowledge. No one will ever be able to take your position as a beloved and highly regarded teacher in our lives, and it will take a lot of time to find someone deserving of stepping into your shoes. We are delighted that you can now spend your time pursuing your interests in life and spending time with your family and friends as we part ways with you with good wishes and heartfelt regards.

Your expertise, kind deeds, and tenderness to us have left an indelible mark on our hearts that no one can ever remove. We wish you the very best in life on behalf of the entire school that is present at this time. I appreciate you taking on so many different jobs at once and being the best mentor, friend, and teacher.

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DigiNo - Online Teaching Jobs, Side Hustles & AI Tools

Speech Teacher

What does a speech teacher do.

Speech Teachers, often known as Speech-Language Pathologists in educational settings, specialize in working with students who have communication disorders or speech and language difficulties. Their responsibilities include assessing and treating speech, language, voice, and fluency disorders. They develop individualized plans to improve or correct speech and language problems, enhance communication skills, and facilitate effective language use in educational and social settings.

A Speech Teacher must have a strong background in speech-language pathology, typically holding a master's degree in the field. They are usually required to be licensed or certified as speech-language pathologists. Skills in diagnostic evaluation, therapy techniques for speech and language disorders, and effective communication with students, parents, and educators are essential.

These educators work in a variety of educational settings, including public and private schools, and special education centers. Their role is crucial in helping students overcome barriers to effective communication, thereby enhancing their ability to participate fully in educational activities and social interactions. Speech Teachers collaborate with teachers and parents to support the student's overall educational and social development. They play a vital role in identifying speech and language issues early and providing interventions that can lead to significant improvements in students' academic performance and social interactions.

a speech on a teacher

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What They Do

What does a Speech Teacher do?

A speech teacher is a professional who helps students improve their communication skills. They develop and implement lesson plans for children from Pre-K to 6th grade, maintain accurate records of services provided, and submit evaluation reports. Unique to their role, they program both dynamic and static AAC devices and train parents/staff on their use. They also work on multidisciplinary teams within social skills theater programs for students with Autism and learning disabilities.

  • Responsibilities
  • Skills And Traits
  • Comparisions
  • Types of Speech Teacher


Speech teacher responsibilities

A speech teacher's responsibilities include developing and implementing lesson plans for diverse age groups, maintaining accurate records of services provided, and training parents and staff on the use of communication devices. They also create individualized goals and organize therapy sessions, often working as part of a multidisciplinary team. Dr. Rachel Potter , Director of Applied Behavior Analysis & Autism Studies at Mary Baldwin University, emphasizes the importance of diverse experiences, stating, "a resume will stand out if it shows that the applicant has had a breadth of experience across age/grade ranges." This includes experience with early/primary grades, pre-teens, and older adolescents, as well as working or volunteering across different demographics.

Here are examples of responsibilities from real speech teacher resumes:

  • Lead individualized and group therapy for elementary school children with language delays and articulation disorders.
  • Sound, lights and costumes.
  • Utilize principles of apply behavior analysis (ABA).
  • Direct annual talent show, fall drama, and spring musicals.
  • Help assist in a classroom for children with autism spectrum disorders.
  • Design PowerPoint presentation for workshop; rubric for evaluation of school plans.
  • Introduce basic theater principals and concepts to 2nd and 8th grade ESL students.
  • Support drama teacher in motivating and educating staff regarding ASL learning for school productions.
  • Direct students in building sets, constructing costumes, acting, and staging short skits.
  • Cover character creations, drama, history theater, production and literature and writing and composition.
  • Participate in mandate training programs to maintain require knowledge of Medicaid standards, and clinical skill knowledge.
  • Provide direct service to students diagnose with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities, emotional handicaps, and autism.
  • Conduct comprehensive evaluations utilizing standardize testing protocols and compose comprehensive reports to be formally present at the CSE and CPSE meetings.
  • Create lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations, brochures, bar graphs, charts, display boards, various sign postings
  • Create category books for students struggling with categorization of items using Boardmaker software

Speech teacher skills and personality traits

We calculated that 24 % of Speech Teachers are proficient in Language , IEP , and Curriculum Development . They’re also known for soft skills such as Communication skills , Analytical skills , and Detail oriented .

We break down the percentage of Speech Teachers that have these skills listed on their resume here:

Participated in consults for curriculum and bridging the gap between Common Core language needs and academically relevant material.

Conducted push-in speech-language lessons within special education classrooms focused on integrating student IEP goals into the curriculum.

Conducted seminars for teachers and administrators to teach them on how to utilize computer learning management systems and curriculum development methods.

Instituted positive classroom management, strategies, and discipline to better handle challenging behavioral issues.

Implement policies to encourage student learning, cooperation and classroom functionality.

Administered speech and language evaluations at the elementary and preschool level to identify and classify students.

Most speech teachers use their skills in "language," "iep," and "curriculum development" to do their jobs. You can find more detail on essential speech teacher responsibilities here:

Communication skills. To carry out their duties, the most important skill for a speech teacher to have is communication skills. Their role and responsibilities require that "teachers must share ideas with their students, other teachers, and school administrators and staff." Speech teachers often use communication skills in their day-to-day job, as shown by this real resume: "provided evaluation and remediation of various communication disorders to children for grades k- and grades 6-8. "

All speech teacher skills

The three companies that hire the most speech teachers are:

  • Buffalo Schools 2 speech teachers jobs
  • Erie 2-Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES 1 speech teachers jobs
  • Monroe 2 Boces 1 speech teachers jobs

Choose from 10+ customizable speech teacher resume templates

Speech Teacher Resume

Compare different speech teachers

Speech teacher vs. english language arts teacher.

English language teachers are in charge of establishing a classroom setting that advance in each student the skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. They assist in the development and recognition of fine literature of all types, inspire students to read extensively for information and recreation, and develop guidelines for analytical judgment of written and oral communication. Also, they attend to students' exceptional needs as well as find out and develop their special talents.

While similarities exist, there are also some differences between speech teachers and english language arts teacher. For instance, speech teacher responsibilities require skills such as "asha," "language evaluations," "public speaking," and "speech-language therapy." Whereas a english language arts teacher is skilled in "language arts," "english language," "instructional strategies," and "public schools." This is part of what separates the two careers.

Speech teacher vs. Teacher associate

A teacher associate is responsible for assisting the teacher in classroom operations and providing teaching support for the students. Teacher associates develop learning materials according to the instructions of the headteachers, helping them to track students' progress and observing class behaviors. They also take class responsibility if the teacher is away, ensuring to keep activity records and attendance for reference. A teacher associate must have excellent communication and organizational skills , especially in handling students' difficulties and working with the teacher to develop techniques to address those challenges.

While some skills are similar in these professions, other skills aren't so similar. For example, resumes show us that speech teacher responsibilities requires skills like "language," "curriculum development," "student learning," and "asha." But a teacher associate might use other skills in their typical duties, such as, "child care," "cpr," "child development," and "cleanliness."

Speech teacher vs. English language teacher

An English language teacher specializes in facilitating discussions and teaching the basic skills in reading and writing. Their responsibilities include developing lesson plans and coursework assessments, preparing learning activities, grading the students' homework and examinations, encouraging critical thinking, and monitoring their progress, assisting them in complicated areas as needed. Furthermore, as a teacher, it is essential to motivate students to reach their potentials, all while creating strategies to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment for them.

The required skills of the two careers differ considerably. For example, speech teachers are more likely to have skills like "iep," "asha," "language evaluations," and "speech-language therapy." But a english language teacher is more likely to have skills like "english-language," "english language," "grammar," and "language curriculum."

Speech teacher vs. Language arts teacher

A language arts teacher is responsible for teaching the English language to the students, improving their written and oral English communication by sharing the best practices, conducting engaging lesson plans, assigning group activities, and providing comprehensive educational materials. Language arts teachers strictly adhere to the learning curriculum, as well as monitoring the students' progress through individual evaluation, identifying their areas of improvement, and adjust learning strategies to address the difficulties. They also encourage the students to attend workshops, programs, and other extracurricular activities relating to the subject matter.

Types of speech teacher

  • Math Teacher

Science Teacher

  • Head Teacher

Social Studies Teacher

  • High School Teacher

Updated April 25, 2024

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

What Similar Roles Do

  • What a 6th Grade Teacher Does
  • What a 8th Grade Teacher Does
  • What a Biology Teacher Does
  • What an English Language Arts Teacher Does
  • What an English Language Teacher Does
  • What a French Teacher Does
  • What a Head Start Teacher Does
  • What a Head Teacher Does
  • What a High School English Teacher Does
  • What a High School Teacher Does
  • What a History Teacher Does
  • What a Language Arts Teacher Does
  • What a Language Teacher Does
  • What a Math Teacher Does
  • What a Mentor Teacher Does

Speech Teacher Related Careers

  • 6th Grade Teacher
  • 8th Grade Teacher
  • Biology Teacher
  • English Language Arts Teacher
  • English Language Teacher
  • French Teacher
  • Head Start Teacher
  • High School English Teacher
  • History Teacher
  • Language Arts Teacher
  • Language Teacher
  • Mentor Teacher

Speech Teacher Related Jobs

Resume for related jobs.

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  • 8th Grade Teacher Resume
  • Biology Teacher Resume
  • English Language Arts Teacher Resume
  • English Language Teacher Resume
  • French Teacher Resume
  • Head Start Teacher Resume
  • Head Teacher Resume
  • High School English Teacher Resume
  • High School Teacher Resume
  • History Teacher Resume
  • Language Arts Teacher Resume
  • Language Teacher Resume
  • Math Teacher Resume
  • Mentor Teacher Resume
  • Zippia Careers
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  • Speech Teacher
  • What Does A Speech Teacher Do

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Know your rights as a speech teacher

New speech teachers have many questions. Here are some of the issues you have raised at meetings, with answers that should help you understand your rights and responsibilities.


A: Read about the teacher evaluation system . At the end of each school year, you will receive a rating from your principal. It will reflect an evaluation done jointly with your speech supervisor. Unless you have received unsatisfactory observation reports or letters for your file, you should receive a satisfactory rating for the year. If you have been getting poor ratings on lessons or other matters, you should have already met with your chapter leader to discuss the possible remedies. If you get an "unsatisfactory" rating for the year, it will be delivered to you 10 days before the end of the school year. At that point, your options depend on your status. Therefore, immediately contact a U-rating Advocate at your nearest UFT borough office and also call the speech chapter hotline.


A: As you work, you earn one sick day each month, and you can use up to 10 sick days a year, including three for personal business (if the principal approves in advance). Your sick days can be self-treated, and a doctor's note is not a requirement for illnesses of 10 days or less. Any sick days that you do not use in a school year will accumulate in your Cumulative Absence Reserve (CAR) for future use.


A: If you are ill, you have a right to stay home, and your absence should not be used against you. However, principals have been known to use alleged poor attendance or a pattern of absences before and after holidays and weekends as a factor in rating staff members. (Lateness due to a major weather or traffic problem is usually excused, but a pattern of lateness can raise questions and can result in your being docked part of a day's pay.) If a principal thinks a teacher's record of attendance or lateness may lead to a U-rating, he or she should send a warning letter.


A: No. Your file should contain only items that have your signature, which shows that you have seen the material; by signing you do not concede that any allegations in the letter are true. If you receive a warning letter that does not ask for your signature, then it cannot be put in your file. You have the right to examine your file at any time, with a day's advance notice to the school secretary or principal. You are also entitled to free copies of the file contents. If your file contains unsigned items, especially those that could be used for disciplinary purposes, see your chapter leader or contact the Speech Teacher hotline at (212) 598-7742, Monday through Thursday, from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. You may decide to file a grievance in order to remove such improper materials.


A: Observation reports are among the key items to go into your file. As a speech teacher, your speech supervisor writes the observation report after watching you at work with your students. In a collaborative, professional relationship like the one the UFT is trying to promote, your supervisor lets you know in advance when an observation will take place, though this is not required. You may ask for a pre-observation conference and may use that meeting to clarify what the supervisor expects. After the observation, your supervisor should have a post-observation conference with you to go over your lesson's strengths and weaknesses. Later, when you receive your observation report, sign it - even if you do not agree with it - to acknowledge that you have seen it before it goes into your file.


A: Not every supervisor understands how to encourage new teachers, even if they need lots of support. So be prepared to receive a share of negative comments. However, the bottom line is the lesson's rating. If a lesson is "satisfactory," even with many negative comments, it is still considered "satisfactory." A report with no rating or something vague like "doubtful" is technically incorrect. Call the chapter hotline if you get an "unsatisfactory" or questionable rating on an observation.


A: That depends. The main thing is - don't do anything in haste! You have the right to grieve an observation report or respond to it within 30 working days - about five weeks. Your status as a PPT , CPT, or appointed teacher and other circumstances in your case may make one or another direction advisable, so call a chapter executive board member or our hotline to help you decide how to proceed. If the observation report was unfair or inaccurate, you may decide to file a grievance. If you want to state your point of view without challenging the rating, you may decide to respond in a letter. Your letter is attached to the observation and placed in your file. Your supervisor cannot respond to your letter.


A: Sometimes supervisors visit for administrative purposes and do not see you working with students. They may check how well you handle paperwork and maintain your daily lesson plans. While the UFT eliminated the abusive practice of mass collection of lesson plans and won for teachers the right to decide on the lesson plan format, supervisors often focus on new teachers' ability to manage these administrative chores as much as on their clinical abilities. You can get help with lesson planning from a mentor or other experienced colleague. In general, it should include the date, each student's name, the day's goal, the materials you may use, and a brief evaluation of the session. You are not required to do a task analysis or use a specific lesson-plan format. Also, maintain some kind of clinical record book and keep it up-to-date.

Teacher Rebecca Joynes faces lengthy jail sentence after being found guilty of sex with schoolboys

‘Sexual predator’ told to be under no illusion about sentencing after jury returns unanimous verdict after trial at Manchester Crown Court

Rebecca Joynes was found guilty by a unanimous jury at Manchester Crown Court

A female maths teacher is facing a lengthy jail term after being convicted of having sex with two schoolboys.

Rebecca Joynes, 30, gave birth to a baby by one of the boys earlier this year, who the judge described as “entirely innocent” before warning the mother that “you must be under no illusion what’s going to happen” when sentenced.

Joynes earned the nickname “Bunda Becky” – a reference to her bottom – from students, and blamed being lonely during the Covid lockdown for taking the 15-year-old boys back to her Salford Quays apartment.

After a two-week trial, she was unanimously found guilty of four counts of sexual activity with a child and two counts of sexual activity with a child by a person in a position of trust.

Joynes closed her eyes and grimaced, before beginning to shake as she stood in the dock as the verdicts were returned. The jury of seven men and five women had deliberated for just over a day.

Her father Stuart, 54, and mother Mel, 55, showed no reaction. However, yards away, the parents of the boys stifled cheers as Joynes was convicted.

Judge Kate Cornell said she would need reports on the defendant before she could pass sentence in July.

She bailed Joynes, but warned her: “There’s a baby in this case who has done nothing wrong and is entirely innocent of all wrongdoing and you will obviously want to see her before the sentence is passed, I do understand that.

“But you must be under no illusion what’s going to happen on July 4.”

Teacher Rebecca Joynes, pictured leaving Manchester Crown Court, has been found guilty of having sex with boys

Joynes’s family run a tea room in the Wirral. Neither of the boys, nor the school they attended, can be identified for legal reasons.

The court was told Joynes had “groomed” a 15-year-old pupil, named only as Boy A, by sharing her mobile telephone number and communicating with him on Snapchat.

She had given the boy 10 digits and “challenged” him to guess the final one before beginning to communicate with him on social media.

The pair agreed to go shopping at the Trafford Centre, where she bought him a £350 Gucci belt.

He told police he lied to his mother about staying at a friend’s house but that evening went to Joynes’ apartment where they twice had sex, the jury found.

Joynes told the court the boy had said to her at the apartment in October 2021: “I think you know what I want to do.”

The boy later said that she had warned him: “No one had better find out.”

The court heard that after they had had sex, she sent him a message with a heart and three kisses.

“As a teacher I should never have engaged in any form of contact with a student,” she told the jury, insisting he merely stayed the night despite it breaching all safeguarding rules.

Boy’s mother ‘distraught’ 

Rumours spread among the boys’ friends and police received an anonymous tip-off via Childline about the “relationship”.

Joynes was promptly arrested and suspended from her job.

The court heard how days after spotting a love bite on her son’s neck, Boy A’s mother became “distraught” when she learned her son had stayed at his teacher’s home.

“I was upset and crying at this point. Crying my eyes out,” her statement said.

Despite a series of “no comment” interviews, CCTV footage was obtained showing Joynes in the Gucci shop with the boy. The boy’s semen was later found on her bed sheets.

Her phone was seized, but by then she had reset it to factory settings.

The teacher was found to have sent Snapchat messages to a pupil

However, a Snapchat message emerged showing that she sent him the heart and three kisses.

The case took a remarkable turn when police learned of allegations that she was in a relationship with another teenager, a 16-year-old known only as Boy B, despite her bail conditions stipulating that she should not have any unsupervised contact with anyone under 18.

Boy B had sent the teacher Snapchat messages, one of which said: “Get your tits out.”

She replied, “Not tonight,” and later sent him a picture of her bottom wearing only knickers.

The relationship lasted about 18 months, during which time they had sex 30 times, culminating with Joynes giving birth to their baby in 2024. Boy B was 17 when she became pregnant.

Joynes told the court she had felt “lonely” owing to the Covid lockdown and that Boy B had offered her emotional support after a long-term relationship breakup. 

She told the court: “I let my guard down. I caved in to the attention he was giving me.

“I struggled massively over the Covid period. I think I was obviously lonely and I liked the attention at the time, which sounds awful.”

Teacher was ‘controlling and emotional’

Boy B said the relationship was “weird” because Joynes was controlling and emotional.

Despite initially telling police the relationship began after he was 16 when she had left the school, he then claimed it began when he was 15.

“Now I think about it, it was emotional abuse,” he said in a police interview. “She just basically mentally abused me. Then I sacrificed 18 months for a paedophile.”

He said he had met Joynes at her apartment when just 15 and she “straddled” him and they kissed. At a later date, when he was still 15, he said they kissed at her flat and he caught Covid from her.

She sent him a message which read: “Every inch of you is perfect. You are all I ever dreamed of.”

She revealed she was pregnant by presenting him with a Victoria’s Secret scratchcard with sexual fantasies to act on.

She scattered rose petals in the flat for a “date night”, ordered a food delivery from Pizza Express and left a “trail of surprises” with the last being a baby grow with the words “I love my daddy”, the court was told.

Boy B said that Joynes was “very jealous and controlling of him”, the jury heard.

Earlier this year, she gave birth to their baby, but a special court hearing removed the baby from her. She is allowed access three times a week.

Rebecca Joynes will be sentenced in July

The jury was told that it was a criminal offence for a teacher – “whether suspended or not” – to have “sexual contact” with a pupil under the age of 18.

She insisted that she only had sex with Boy B after he left school and after she was dismissed, which was therefore legal.

Her legal team unsuccessfully tried to claim that she could not be guilty of sexual conduct with Boy B because she had been suspended.

Joynes arrived each day at court with a pink knitted baby bonnet tucked into the top of her trousers, a move the prosecution claimed was an attempt to garner sympathy.

After the hearing, Jane Wilson, the senior crown prosecutor for CPS North West, said: “Rebecca Joynes is a sexual predator.

“Joynes was entrusted with the responsibility of teaching and safeguarding children. She abused her position to groom and ultimately sexually exploit schoolboys. Her behaviour has had a lasting impact on them.

“The CPS worked with Greater Manchester Police to build a strong case to put before the jury, including eyewitness testimony, phone evidence showing the messages sent by Joynes and CCTV footage.

“I would like to thank the victims for supporting the prosecution. Joynes will now face the consequences of her actions.”

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Biden’s woke Title IX rule is so insane, it forces kids and teachers to lie

Teachers and students have to fear committing speech crime under biden's woke title ix insanity.

Angela Morabito

Biden claims to support women's sports despite lawsuits over Title IX changes

OutKick contributor Riley Gaines calls out the Biden administration for 'celebrating' transgender athletes in women's sports

The American left has invented its own lexicon, in which "mothers" are erased in favor of "birthing people," "inclusivity" excludes conservatives, and "woman" means "anyone who identifies as female." 

Until now, anyone who rejected this false language around sex has had the freedom not to use it. But President Joe Biden’s new Title IX rule is about to make woke-speak the official language of our nation’s public schools. 

The rule redefines "sex" to include "gender identity," which means schools must treat students not according to whether they are a boy or a girl, but whether they identify as a boy or a girl. As a result, "misgendering" someone – or referring to him or her by the "wrong" pronoun – could create a hostile environment, which amounts to sex-based discrimination. Because it is sex-based discrimination, schools are obligated to stop it.  


If a school allows such a speech crime to go unchecked, it could find itself on the receiving end of a federal investigation, which may result in the Department of Education yanking its federal funding. 

pro-transgender march

Many on the left have called for transgender inclusion in schools and President Joe Biden didn't disappoint them. (Mark Kerrison/In Pictures via Getty Images)

Referring to a boy as "he" is now cause for alarm, if the "he" in question would rather be referred to as "she." So, too, is calling a trans-identifying person by his or her given name. School employees and students must use the child’s preferred name and pronouns, even if the child’s parents don’t want to do so.  

The parents might not even have the opportunity to object. Nothing in the rule requires schools to notify parents if their child requests a new name and gender identity while at school.   

This creates a nightmare for teachers and students who don't believe this nonsense. If a student or teacher at your child’s school chooses to go by a different name and pronouns, your child will be forced to be complicit in affirming that new identity when speaking to or about that person. The Biden administration is trampling on the right to free speech and freedom of religion to appease the radical left.   

To pretend that the categories "male" and "female" have little to do with biology will confuse the country’s youngest students, who are only beginning to learn the meaning of words and how to identify similarities and differences in the world around them.  

Middle school girls protest as transgender athlete dominates shot put event

No one is stopping any child or teacher from calling someone else by their preferred name or pronouns. But just as individuals deserve the freedom to do that, they deserve the freedom not to. 


In the leftist lexicon, male and female are not the only genders, but just two out of an infinite number of possibilities. This creates a nightmare for enforcement. Is it discrimination, in the eyes of the administration, for schools to tell an "agender" or "nonbinary" student to use either a male or female restroom? How should administrators respond if a teacher calls a "genderfluid" student by a male name on a day the student feels more female?  

These are the questions brought about when government leaders ignore biology to appease a new privileged class, whose self-image will soon be valued higher than truth in our nation’s schools.  

The new rule is deeply harmful, not only to students who will be forced to "affirm" a lie, but also to the students who reject their sex. The vast majority of students who experience gender dysphoria will grow out of it without medical intervention. Having their peers and teachers treat them according to their chosen identity not reality simply sets them up for long-term confusion and distress.  

Referring to a boy as "he" is now cause for alarm, if the "he" in question would rather be referred to as "she." So, too, is calling a trans-identifying person by his or her given name. School employees and students must use the child’s preferred name and pronouns, even if the child’s parents don’t want to do so.  

This government-imposed manipulation of language results in the loss of sex-segregated spaces in colleges and K-12 schools. Under Biden’s new rule, allowing boys in girls’ locker rooms, sports teams, restrooms and dormitories is not a violation of Title IX.  


He has robbed the law of its original meaning and replaced it with a radical nightmare for women and girls. The Biden regime says that a man in the women’s locker room does not constitute a hostile environment, but repeated "misgendering" might.  

The Defense of Freedom Institute, joined by the States of Louisiana, Montana, Mississippi and Idaho, the Louisiana Department of Education, and 18 Louisiana school districts, has sued the Biden administration to halt this rule before it takes effect on August 1. Ending the rule would benefit students, parents, and teachers who deserve better than this egregious step backward for civil rights and free speech. 


Angela Morabito is a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum and the spokesperson for the Defense of Freedom Institute.

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NC teacher who says he was fired for opposing Critical Race Theory wins settlement

The North Carolina Governor’s School will adopt a new policy on faculty free speech rights and pay $21,000 to a teacher who claimed he was fired for speaking out against Critical Race Theory.

In 2021, David Phillips filed a lawsuit alleging he was fired from the popular summer program after some staff members complained about his elective seminars criticizing Critical Race Theory.

The lawsuit was voluntarily dismissed in April after a settlement was reached. Phillips will receive pay for four years of the summer program, and the Governor’s School will approve a new policy on the free speech rights of faculty to give elective seminars.

“Teachers shouldn’t be fired for fostering intellectual diversity on campus,” Hal Frampton, Phillips’ attorney and senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, said in a news release announcing the settlement . “A good education includes providing students with a wide range of differing viewpoints to explore,”

The state says in the settlement that it denies Phillips’ claims but wants “to resolve the entire matter on mutually agreeable terms.”

Program for gifted high school students

The Governor’s School is a four-week summer program that serves gifted high school students pursuing academic and artistic endeavors. It will have campuses this summer at Meredith College in Raleigh and Greensboro College in Greensboro.

The program was started in 1963 by Gov. Terry Sanford and is recognized as the oldest program of its kind in the nation and a model for other states.

The program includes daily elective seminars. Examples of recent seminars, according to the student handbook , include “Women in Comic Books: The Subjugation of Superpowers,” “The Paradox of Southern Feminism” and “Design For Ecological Democracy.”

In 2021, Phillips gave three seminars critiquing concepts from Critical Race Theory and “the increasing ideological bias and lack of viewpoint diversity in higher education.” The lawsuit said students and faculty members came to the seminars “making comments that referenced whiteness, maleness, heteronormativity, and Christianity” and saying they disagreed with Phillips’ views.

Critical Race Theory is a “scholarly framework that describes how race, class, gender, and sexuality organize American life,” according to the UNC-Chapel Hill history department. The lawsuit comes amid a national debate over whether Critical Race Theory, also known as CRT, is being taught in K-12 classrooms .

The day after the seminar on viewpoint diversity in higher education, Phillips said he was told that his employment was being terminated effective immediately.

Phillips was an English instructor at the program’s West Campus from 2013 to 2021. He originally sought to get his job back. But under the settlement, Phillips agreed to never again apply to work at the Governor’s School.

Truitt criticized teacher who sued state

The lawsuit had named the state Department of Public Instruction and several current and former DPI and Governor’s School employees as defendants. DPI runs the Governor’s School.

The lawsuit prompted State Superintendent Catherine Truitt to write a letter to lawmakers in 2021 saying she had made changes “that protect the students and faculty from any woke/inappropriate materials finding their way into the curriculum,” T he News & Observer previously reported .

While never mentioning Phillips by name, Truitt told lawmakers in the 2021 letter that the teacher was dismissed for “their conduct, not their content.”

“Instead, as the facts will show, this person made students very uncomfortable, belittled them, used racial slurs, and even brought some students to tears, all without allowing for any discussion or open dialogue as required by NC DPI,” Truitt told lawmakers. “That is not what we should expect of any person in authority, particularly someone teaching inside a classroom.”

Alliance Defending Freedom said Truitt’s allegations were false.

Truitt’s lack of support for Phillips led to complaints from some conservative groups. Truitt lost the Republican primary in March to Michele Morrow, an activist who has accused public schools of indoctrinating students .

Seminars will present ‘wide range of viewpoints’

Under the settlement, the Governor’s School Board of Trustees agreed to adopt a policy on elective seminars that will be put into the employee handbook.

The new policy says the program “strives to offer elective seminars that present a wide range of viewpoints.” It also says faculty members are encouraged to develop seminars that will “challenge students to think critically and in new ways.”

“While the Governor’s School retains authority to select which seminars will be presented and to set expectations in the manner of presentation, it accords faculty members the freedom and responsibility to craft academic and intellectual experiences that reflect their unique viewpoints and expertise,” according to the policy.

The settlement says any changes to the policy will be consistent with the First Amendment, the North Carolina Declaration of Rights and applicable law.

“Dr. Phillips was beloved, respected, and well-regarded by both students and faculty as an advocate for students who felt that their voices weren’t being heard and their perspectives weren’t welcomed at the Governor’s School,” said Frampton, Phillips’ attorney.

“We’re pleased to favorably settle this case on his behalf. Now, the Governor’s School’s policy rightly respects teachers’ freedom of speech, which greatly benefits all students and families.”

Settlement in NC Governor's School CRT Lawsuit by Keung Hui on Scribd

This story was originally published May 13, 2024, 12:07 PM.

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John Swinney says sorry to Skye teacher who feared she would die in island health scandal

Eilidh Beaton had to wait nearly an hour for an ambulance after going into anaphylactic shock, while a woman died at a Portree music festival.

Skye tracher Eilidh Beaton and her partner Michael Matheson.

First Minister John Swinney has publicly apologised to a Skye teacher who feared she would die unable to access emergency help during a healthcare crisis.

Eilidh Beaton, 27, used five Epi-pens to stay alive after she went into anaphylactic shock and drifted in and out of consciousness on Saturday night after attending a music festival at Portree.

In a separate incident at the festival, a woman named Heather Aird died as the emergency care system on the island collapsed.

Eilidh was unable to go to Portree Community Hospital at night because it has been closed out of hours during long-running staffing problems.

The Skye teacher had told The Press and Journal : “At one point I thought if I don’t get oxygen I will not be here tomorrow.

“I knew that I needed medical help as soon as possible.”

First Minister John Swinney.

Mr Swinney was quizzed by Tory leader Douglas Ross on the scandal at First Minister’s Questions.

The SNP leader responded: “This should never have happened.

“I want to express my condolences to the family of the individual who lost their life, and I want to say to Eilidh I am sorry for the terrifying experience she had on Saturday night.”

Lack of out-of-hours emergency care on Skye a ‘deep concern’

Mr Swinney said it was a “matter of deep concern” that the Skye hospital is not operating overnight for emergencies.

This was recommended in a major independent report six years ago.

While emergency care has been available sporadically since then, Mr Swinney said: “I accept that is not good enough.”

Skye residents, including Eilidh, have been campaigning for a round-the-clock service.

But this has been hampered by a lack of ambulances on the island.

There are currently only two available, with one based in Portree and the other at Broadford Hospital, which is around 40 miles away.

SNP health chief Neil Gray.

Mr Swinney said the SNP’s health chief, Neil Gray, has emphasised to NHS Highland bosses that 24-hour care must be made available as soon as possible.

On Wednesday, Mr Gray told The Press and Journal he expects a plan for this to be delivered “urgently” .

Eilidh told us she feels let down by the NHS and Scottish Ambulance Service following her horrific ordeal.

Her partner, Michael Matheson, said it was particularly scandalous that no emergency care was available despite the festival taking place.

He said: “This is one of the island’s biggest festivals, and probably the largest event of the year. The A&E should have been open.”

“It just makes the point that on one of the biggest weekends of the year for Skye, we were not able to get the medical care we needed because the hospital was closed.

“It just makes no sense. It is a sorry state.”

Too long to act

After first minister’s questions, Tory leader Douglas Ross said: “The SNP Government should have acted long ago to prevent the tragic events we saw on Skye last weekend from even being possible.

“The SNP Government are accountable for the crisis across healthcare in rural Scotland.

“Where was the will to act before now? Why does it take the tragic events on Saturday for the government to finally step up?”

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Harrison Butker supported by Kansas City bishop, prominent Catholics amid speech backlash

Harrison Butker

By Joe Bukuras

CNA Staff, May 16, 2024 / 18:37 pm

Prominent Catholics are voicing their support for Kansas City Chiefs’ kicker Harrison Butker after he delivered a commencement address to graduating students at Benedictine College on May 11 that touched on hot-button issues, causing outrage among the left-leaning media and commentators.

Butker, 28, who has been outspoken about his Catholic faith during his career, received backlash for sharing his views on gender, abortion, euthanasia, and IVF.

He also took aim at several high-profile Catholics such as President Joe Biden and the former head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci. He chided certain unnamed bishops who were “motivated by fear” during the COVID-19 lockdowns.

In the  speech  at the Atchison, Kansas-based Catholic liberal arts college, he denounced “people pushing dangerous gender ideologies onto the youth of America” while calling on graduates to live out their vocation to “ensure that God’s Church continues and the world is enlightened by your example.”

“Our own nation is led by a man who publicly and proudly proclaims his Catholic faith, but at the same time is delusional enough to make the sign of the cross during a pro-abortion rally. He has been so vocal in his support for the murder of innocent babies that I’m sure to many people it appears that you can be both Catholic and pro-choice,” Butker said. 

Butker’s local ordinary, Bishop James Johnston of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, told CNA Thursday in a statement that “Harrison Butker’s passion for his Catholic faith and his family are beautiful and well known. And like most people, he also has strong opinions on where we are as a Church and as a nation.”

“The Catholic Church believes that God calls everyone to pursue holiness no matter what path they take. As St. Paul notes, that diversity of callings and vocations is essential to the life and mission of the Church. I support Mr. Butker’s right to share his faith and express his opinions — including those that are critical of bishops,” he said.

Johnston wasn’t the only one who spoke out in support of Butker. 

In a statement to CNA Thursday, another high-profile Catholic, Marian priest and author of “Consecration to St. Joseph” Father Donald Calloway, MIC, said: “I loved the speech!”

“His speech was inspiring and what the woke culture needs to hear. He exhibited real, authentic Catholic manhood. Good for him. I have no problem with anything he said. I wish more said it, especially clergy. God bless him. I look forward to meeting him. I loved it so much I went out and bought his jersey!"

Bishop Joseph Strickland thanked Butker for “speaking truth” in a  post  he shared Thursday on X. 

Strickland said that “it is no surprise that some are reacting with extreme negativity, too many today hate the truth and merely want ‘their’ truth, which is not truth at all. You are in my prayers.”

President of the Catholic League Bill Donohue wrote in a statement on Thursday that Butker “nailed it” during comments in his speech. 

“His courage and his commitment to Catholicism is laudatory,” Donohue wrote. “A heralded Catholic football player defends traditional moral values at a Catholic college — how novel — and within no time he’s being bashed all over the place. Had he endorsed transgenderism, or Hamas, he would now be praised to high heaven.”

Kristan Hawkins, a Catholic and president of the pro-life group Students for Life of America, wrote of the speech online: “If you watch one video today, this should be it.”

Hawkins shared a clip of Butker’s criticism of Biden, quoting Butker: “This is an important reminder that ‘being Catholic’ alone doesn’t cut it.”

CNA reached out to Benedictine College for comment but did not receive a response. 

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Former Notre Dame football coach and Hall of Famer Lou Holtz publicly thanked Butker on Twitter Thursday for his speech.

“Thank you @buttkicker7 for standing strong in your faith values. Your commencement speech at Benedictine College showed courage and conviction and I admire that. Don’t give in,” he  wrote .

In Holtz’s post on X, he linked to a  petition  in support of Butker, calling him “a true man of God.”

A separate petition by critics of Butker’s speech has made waves in the media calling for his Super Bowl-winning team, the Kansas City Chiefs, to fire him. The petition has already amassed over 100,000 signatures.

Additionally, Butker has been targeted by the city of Kansas City, Missouri, which shared a  now-deleted  post on X announcing what city Butker lives in, a form of harassment known as “doxxing.”

Kansas City’s X account later said: “We apologies [sic] for our previous tweet. It was shared in error.”

Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas shared a follow-up post that said: “A message appeared earlier this evening from a city public account. The message was clearly inappropriate for a public account. The city has correctly apologized for the error, will review account access, and ensure nothing like it is shared in the future from public channels.”

(Story continues below)

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Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey  said  on X Thursday that his office would be taking legal action to protect the free speech of Butker and Missourians.

“BREAKING: My office is demanding accountability after @KansasCity doxxed @buttkicker7 last night for daring to express his religious beliefs. I will enforce the Missouri Human Rights Act to ensure Missourians are not targeted for their free exercise of religion. Stay tuned,” he wrote.

Much of the criticism of Butker’s speech focused on Butker’s comments addressed to the women among the graduates. 

Butker congratulated the female graduates but added: “I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you.”

“How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world,” Butker said.

“I can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother,” he said.

“I’m on the stage today and able to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation. I’m beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker,” he said.

His comments were followed by an almost 20-second applause from the audience.

In a statement shared with the media, the NFL condemned Butker’s comments, saying that he “gave a speech in his personal capacity.”

“His views are not those of the NFL as an organization. The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger,” said Jonathan Beane, the NFL’s senior vice president and chief diversity and inclusion officer.

The Catholic advocacy organization CatholicVote penned a letter to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell criticizing Beane’s statement, saying that it “calls into question your commitment to genuine diversity and inclusion.”

“Indeed, the NFL proudly boasts that it ‘honors and celebrates the broad ranges of human difference among us, while also embracing the commonalities we share, and to provide each individual with the opportunity to achieve their full potential.’ Does this inclusion include Catholics, pro-life Americans, mothers, and those who hold to traditional moral beliefs?” the May 16  letter  said.

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