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Speech On Social Media- Advantages, Disadvantages and Importance

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Speech On Social Media: In a world where clicks, likes, and shares have become the currency of our social interactions, there’s no denying the pervasive influence of social media. It’s a digital realm that has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of our lives, altering how we connect, communicate, and consume information. From connecting with long-lost friends to voicing our opinions on global issues, social media has transformed the way we navigate our interconnected world. But what lies beneath the surface of those enticing timelines and trending hashtags?

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social media

Students often encounter the task of giving speeches on various topics, and social media is a fascinating subject for exploration. In this article, we will embark on a journey to explore the captivating and complex realm of social media. We have provided a few sample speech topics on social media, highlighting its advantages, disadvantages, and the profound impact it has on our lives.

Long and Short Speeches on Social Media in English

Speech on advantages and disadvantages of social media for students – sample 1.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I stand before you to discuss a topic that has become an integral part of our lives – social media. It’s hard to imagine a world without platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. Social media has transformed the way we connect, communicate, and share information. But, like every coin has two sides, social media has its advantages and disadvantages.

Let’s start with the positive aspects. Here are the pros of social media. Social media bridges geographical gaps, allowing us to connect with friends and family worldwide. It’s a powerful tool for sharing our thoughts, experiences, and achievements. Students benefit from it as a valuable resource for learning and research. Moreover, it’s a platform for raising social awareness, promoting businesses, and even finding job opportunities.

However, we must also acknowledge the downsides. Excessive use of social media can lead to addiction and affect mental health. It’s a breeding ground for cyberbullying, misinformation, and privacy invasion. Moreover, the constant exposure to idealized images and lives can negatively impact self-esteem.

In conclusion, social media is a double-edged sword. It has revolutionized the way we communicate and share, offering numerous advantages. Yet, we must navigate it cautiously, being mindful of its pitfalls. Let’s use it responsibly and harness its potential for good.

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Speech on Impact of Social Media – Sample 2

Good day, everyone,

The topic I’d like to address today is the impact of social media on our lives. There’s no denying that social media has become an inseparable part of our daily routine. From connecting with friends to keeping up with the latest trends, it’s all at our fingertips.

Let’s dive into the advantages of social media. Social media allows us to stay connected with friends and family, regardless of distance. It’s a treasure trove of information, news, and educational content. For students, it offers a platform to collaborate on projects and access a wealth of knowledge. Businesses utilize it for marketing and customer engagement.

However, there’s another side to the story. Social media can be addictive, leading to time wastage and reduced productivity. Privacy concerns are a pressing issue, with personal information often at risk. Cyberbullying and the spread of fake news are unfortunate consequences of its widespread use.

So, where do we stand? Social media is a tool, and its impact depends on how we use it. It can bring us closer or push us apart. It can educate or misinform. The choice is ours.

In conclusion, social media has its merits and demerits. It’s up to us to harness its advantages while being vigilant about its pitfalls. Let’s use it wisely, striking a balance between the virtual and real worlds.

Thank you for your attention.

Speech on Social Media Topic in English – Sample 3

I’m delighted to address you on a topic that has reshaped our world – social media. In today’s digital age, it’s nearly impossible to escape its influence. So, let’s explore the impact and significance of social media.

To begin with, social media has revolutionized communication. It connects people worldwide, making the world a smaller place. It’s a powerful tool for staying informed about current events and trends. For students, it’s a treasure trove of educational resources. Entrepreneurs and businesses leverage it for promotion and brand building.

Yet, there’s a flip side. The addictive nature of social media can lead to time wastage. Privacy concerns loom large, as our personal information is often shared and exploited. The spread of misinformation and cyberbullying are unfortunate consequences.

So, where do we go from here? It’s crucial to strike a balance. Use social media as a tool for enrichment, connection, and empowerment. But also, be mindful of its addictive nature and potential pitfalls. Let’s make informed choices in our digital journeys.

In conclusion, social media is a force that’s here to stay. It’s up to us to harness its advantages while being vigilant about its drawbacks. Let’s make our online presence a positive and enriching one.

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, revolutionizing the way we connect, communicate, and share information. From its myriad benefits to the nuanced drawbacks, understanding the multifaceted role of social platforms is crucial in today’s digital landscape.

Lets see the Advantages, Disadvantages and Importance of Online Networking

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1. Global Connectivity and Networking Social media bridges geographical barriers, enabling individuals to connect globally. It facilitates networking opportunities, fostering professional relationships and personal connections.

2. Information Dissemination and Awareness Instantaneous sharing allows for rapid dissemination of information. Be it news, trends, or educational content, social media serves as a powerful tool for spreading awareness and initiating discussions on various topics.

3. Business Growth and Marketing Businesses leverage social platforms to expand their reach, engage with audiences, and market their products/services. Targeted ads and analytics help businesses create effective strategies.

4. Community Building and Support Social media brings people together around common interests, creating spaces for support, self-expression, advice, and finding similar-minded individuals.


1. Privacy and Security Concerns Privacy breaches and data misuse remain significant concerns. Users often share sensitive information unknowingly, leading to potential security risks and exploitation by third parties.

2. Addiction and Mental Health Impact Excessive usage can lead to addiction and have adverse effects on mental health. Constant exposure to curated, often idealized content can fuel feelings of inadequacy and anxiety.

3. Spread of Misinformation False information can spread rapidly, impacting opinions and beliefs. Misleading content, rumors, and fake news pose a challenge in maintaining an informed society.

4. Online Harassment and Cyberbullying Social media platforms can be breeding grounds for cyberbullying and harassment. Anonymity and easy accessibility empower individuals to engage in harmful behaviors.

1. Communication Evolution Social media has transformed communication by providing instant connectivity across the globe. It has redefined how people interact, share ideas, and collaborate.

2. Information Accessibility It democratizes information, making knowledge accessible to diverse populations regardless of geographic or socioeconomic barriers.

3. Catalyst for Change It serves as a catalyst for societal change by amplifying voices, raising awareness about social issues, and mobilizing movements for positive causes.

4. Business Adaptation For businesses, social media is an indispensable tool, enabling them to adapt to changing consumer behaviors, innovate marketing strategies, and engage with their target audience effectively.

Also Read: Disadvantages of Using Social Media During Online classes

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Why is social media important speech.

A speech on the importance of social media can highlight its role in connecting people, facilitating communication, sharing information, and its impact on various aspects of our lives.

What is social media in easy words?

Social media is websites and applications that enable users to create and share content, connect with others, and participate in online communities by sharing thoughts, pictures, videos, and messages.

What is the importance of social media in students?

Social media offers students platforms for collaboration, learning, networking, and accessing information. It can aid in educational research, career opportunities, and building connections.

Why is social media important?

Social media is important as it helps in staying connected with friends and family, accessing news and information, promoting businesses, fostering communities, and providing a platform for self-expression.

Write a 1-minute speech on social media?

Social media has revolutionized the way we connect and communicate. It bridges distances, opens doors to new opportunities, and allows us to share our stories with the world. From keeping in touch with loved ones to exploring new interests, social media has become an integral part of our lives, shaping how we learn, work, and interact in today's digital age.

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Speech on Social Media

  • Social Media Speech

A website or program that facilitates social interaction is known as social media. Information, ideas, opinions, images, and videos can all be shared. It is a "virtual space" where people may conduct business, follow their icons, and share information. Individuals like YouTubers, Instagram influencers, and others have made it their job to influence users on social media. A fresh avenue for self-expression is now available because of social media.

10 Lines Speech on Social Media

Short speech on social media, long speech on social media.

Speech on Social Media

Social Media refers to group interactions in which users build, share, or trade knowledge and concepts in online communities.

The ability to interact with others has evolved into a fundamental human need.

The remarkable advancements in communications and inventive, astounding entertainment have made knowledge more accessible and provided voices to those who otherwise would not have been heard.

The current generation has had the good fortune to experience some of the most astonishing technological advancements in human history.

Additionally, it is becoming increasingly obvious how significant social media has become in everyday life as the number of individuals using them keeps rising.

People can now purchase and talk to their friends about what they are buying easily due to B2B social, reviews, and travel sites on social media. To provide customers with an enjoyable shopping experience, certain websites provide group buying deals.

Because of the vast network of social media, distance is no longer a barrier. Through social media websites, you are consistently kept updated on the most recent events and news in the world.

The ability to teach from a distance is a benefit for academics and teachers.

It gives hackers the opportunity to conduct viral assaults and commit fraud.

Due to excessive usage and addiction to various social media platforms, people's productivity is being hindered.

Social media sites like WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and Twitter are becoming more and more essential as a result of their ability to link individuals all over the world.

Benefits of Social Media

Social media has several benefits, one of which is that it is a wealth of knowledge and contributes to education. For instance, kids use social media to find out what they want to know. It is an excellent tool for schooling. Online teaching is now available because of it. By simply sitting in front of a device in our country, we can attend a session taking place somewhere else in the world.

Social media is an excellent tool for keeping up with local news and events. Information can be found without us having to wait for the newspaper. There are numerous applications relating to news that can immediately inform us of any significant events taking place elsewhere in the world.

Drawbacks of Social Media

However, despite its several advantages, it has drawn criticism. Additionally, there are drawbacks. It is also regarded as one of society's darker sides. It is risky to share too much information online. Our privacy may be attacked. Additionally, excessive use results in hours spent on social media, which can divert kids from their education.

We can exchange our ideas and facts on social media, which is an interactive platform. In our everyday lives, we all use it. Our lives now revolve around it constantly. Both locally and internationally, they are used by every one of us for socializing and communication. Social networking offers both benefits and drawbacks.

Advantages of Social Media

We have countless options because of the social media platform's digital world, which is an entirely different world. The freedom of expression and action provided by social media is undoubtedly beneficial. The Internet has made everything possible, from communicating with our loved ones to posting happy moments and memories, learning from others and imparting information to our peers. We may collect money for charitable causes and public awareness of social issues via social media platforms.

Social media allows us to communicate with people all around the world, which is its main advantage. Today, anyone can voice their views on a national or international subject. People can promote their talents on social media, which is an additional advantage. Showing off their skills on social media has helped many people become famous. People can also make money from social media. The public can be made aware of issues by using social media. On this forum, those knowledgeable about issues like diet and health raise public awareness.

Disadvantages of Social Media

However, there are also restrictions and guidelines that each person must go by in order to use their rights on these platforms. Criminals conduct a vast list of crimes and wrongdoings that we innocent people become victims of, and such cases are growing daily. The issue is not the social media platform but rather our need for familiarity with how to interact with strangers.

The main disadvantage of social media is addiction. Checking one's social media profiles has become a frequent habit. Some information may be accurate, while other information may be false. Fake news may circulate over this medium like wildfire. On the Internet, many people have easy access to our personal information. Therefore, we must be careful against hackers. Another major downside of social media is cyberbullying. Some users annoy other accounts by leaving harmful and abusive comments.

The benefits of social interaction have made life easier and more convenient. A few drawbacks also exist. To maximize the potential of these new platforms, we must use them strategically and efficiently.

Real-Life Example

After the pandemic, I have lost my concentration and focus on my studies due to social media. I procrastinate, and because of this, I cannot manage my time correctly. Social media has impacted my academic life, and I had lost academic validation, which I used to have when I did not have an account on any social media applications, basically when I did not own a smartphone. Social media has created a trap that makes me spend hours just scrolling the whole day on Youtube or Instagram. I feel I have lost all my productivity; even when I want to learn or open some notes from my smartphone or laptop, I end up scrolling and watching unnecessary stuff which is of no benefit to me.

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What should be the limits of freedom of speech on social media?​


→range of rights may present possible justifications for limitations on freedom of expression through the internet, including: freedom from discrimination (article 2 of the ICCPR) freedom from cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment (article 7 of the ICCPR and article 37(a) of the CRC)


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Analysis finds hate speech has significantly increased on Twitter

by Julia Cohen, University of Southern California

New Twitter, now with more hate

Computer scientist Keith Burghardt at the Information Sciences Institute (ISI), a research institute of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, has been studying social media for five years, and specifically studying online hate for the last year.

Among other things, he has quantified how hateful online communities in Reddit increase the hate speech of new members; developed techniques to detect hateful subreddits and determine how subreddit members' early interactions affect their activity within the group; and found ways to understand how online extremism occurs and predict anti-vaccine users on Twitter.

His latest paper, "Auditing Elon Musk's Impact on Hate Speech and Bots," quantifies hate and bots on Twitter. It has been peer-reviewed and accepted as a poster paper in the 2023 International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), to be held June 5–8 in Limassol, Cypress.

When Elon Musk purchased Twitter on October 27th, 2022, two of his stated goals were to have less restrictive content moderation and to remove spam bots. In this paper, Burghardt and his fellow researchers set out to look at the impact of the former, and the success of the latter.

Less moderation means more hate

Previous research has shown that lighter moderation is associated with increased hate speech on social media platforms, therefore Burghardt's team hypothesized that hate speech on Twitter would increase following Musk's acquisition. The question was how to quantify this.

"We first had to create a set of words that we could determine as being hateful. Our aim was to find words that were relatively high precision, meaning that if people are using these words, it's unlikely they're being used in a non hateful manner," said Burghardt. He and his team originally created this methodology to understand hate speech on Reddit. Here, they have applied the same methodology to Twitter. It provided them with 49 hate keywords (WARNING: Contains offensive terms).

"In addition, to weed out non-hateful or sexual uses of these words," Burghardt said, "we only considered tweets that an AI tool, Perspective API, judged were toxic and not sexual in nature."

Since the presence of a hate keyword doesn't necessarily mean a tweet is hateful, the team used Perspective API ( application programming interface ), a free and publicly available API that uses machine learning to identify toxic conversations. Though originally trained on New York Times data, it has been verified on a variety of social media platforms including Twitter. The team filtered the hateful users' tweets on Perspective API's toxicity metric, which defines a toxic comment as "a rude, disrespectful, or unreasonable comment that is likely to make people leave a discussion."

Using this methodology, the team extracted timelines of a sample of users who posted hateful tweets one month before and after Musk's purchase and measured their daily rates of hate speech during the same time period. This gave them a measure of the degree to which already hateful tweeters changed their level of hate.

New Twitter, now with more hate

They found that the proportion of hate words in hateful users' tweets increased after Musk bought Twitter. And the average daily hate speech of hateful users nearly doubled.

Then, they measured the overall volume of hateful tweets throughout 2022. To ensure fluctuations in hate speech were not reflective of fluctuations in overall user activity, they also sampled a baseline set of tweets collected during the same time intervals using benign keywords (e.g., "thing").

They found that the daily average overall usage of hate keywords on Twitter nearly doubled after Musk bought Twitter.

Now, about those bots

Musk highlighted a reduction in bot accounts as one of his goals for the platform. As such, Burghardt and his fellow researchers hypothesized that the prevalence of bots would decrease after his purchase of Twitter.

While bots are not necessarily connected to hate speech, this was a continuation of the audit they were performing, assessing and quantifying the stated goals Musk had for the social media platform.

It should be noted however, that it has been shown that bots pose risks to social media platforms by spreading misinformation and hate.

The team used the Botometer API, developed, among others, by Emilio Ferrara, team leader at ISI and a professor of communication and computer science at USC Annenberg and at the USC Viterbi Department of Computer Science. The Botometer considers over 1,000 features to predict if a Twitter account is a bot and what type of bot (e.g., spam bot versus a fake follower).

The team collected Botometer scores of a sample of random accounts both before and after Musk bought Twitter. Burghardt said, "We found some types of bots became more prevalent, some types became a little less prevalent. But overall there was no significant change in the amount of bots."

"I've always been interested in understanding influence. That led to trying to understand if there are ways that people become influenced to do things that are harmful," said Burghardt. This audit of Twitter is a piece of that work, as are his other current projects: predicting if users will join hate groups; and how external events can push people to have extremist views.

Provided by University of Southern California

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Fact-checking viral claims about Joe Biden at D-Day anniversary event

President Joe Biden commemorated the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion in Normandy, France, with a warning that democracy worldwide is at risk. Not long after his June 6 speech, social media users circulated edited video clips of Biden, claiming the president sat in an "imaginary chair," had a bowel movement and left the event prematurely.

The event’s full video does not support these claims; neither do  news reports  nor posts from people who attended. But the claims spread rapidly online, racking up tens of millions of views.

Here’s how the baseless narratives emerged and spread, and how the D-Day anniversary event unfolded, based on journalists’  pool reports  and longer videos of the event.

PolitiFact contacted the White House for comment on the viral claims but received no response.

How an ‘awkward’ squat led to baseless explanations

Social media users across  X ,  Instagram  and  Facebook  shared a 13-second clip of Biden at the event in which Biden shakes hands with Emmanuel Macron, France’s president, then turns away and bends slightly, as if to sit. When no one else moves to sit, Biden pauses, shifting halfway between standing and sitting. At the end of the clip, an announcer welcomes U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to the stage.

@RNCResearch, an account on X, formerly Twitter, run by the Republican National Committee and former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, appeared to be one of the first social media accounts to  share the clip  at 7:55 a.m. Eastern Time. It was captioned: "Awkward."

Many other  users’   posts  credited @RNCResearch as their source when resharing the video clip. The RNC Research account has  shared misleadingly edited videos  of Biden before.

By the afternoon of June 6, the words "pooping" and "invisible chair" were  trending  on X.

Jeanine Pirro, who co-hosts "The Five" on Fox News, shared on X the same clip of Biden half sitting and said, "Our commander-and-chief trying to sit in an imaginary chair on stage in front of the entire world. Lights on, but Biden’s not home. Embarrassing is an understatement. ... THERE IS NO CHAIR." 

The post was later removed.

Commentator Dave Rubin  echoed  the claim on X in a post that drew more than 2 million views, saying, "Pooping or sitting in an invisible chair?" 

In the clip, black chairs can be seen behind the Bidens and Macrons as Joe Biden begins to sit. Seconds later, in the full video, everyone onstage takes a seat, including Joe Biden; everyone has a chair.

Other X users with blue-checkmark accounts  claimed  the clip  showed   the president  " pooped his pants ." 

Tim Pool, a podcast host and conservative commentator,   shared the clip   twice in five minutes  and said Biden soiled himself. Pool’s posts collectively received almost 4 million views just four hours after they were shared.

In the full video of the event, at about the  4-hour and 16-minute mark , Joe and Jill Biden and Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron sit down seconds after the abbreviated clip ends. About 10 minutes later, Austin’s speech ends and Biden’s speech starts.

Claims that Biden left the event prematurely

Another misleading video stems from a different moment from the same event. In the 33-second clip being shared online, Joe and Jill Biden walk offstage, and the camera pivots to show Emmanuel Macron talking and shaking hands with veterans.

Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA, a conservative group advocating for limited government,  shared  this clip on X and wrote, "Yikes! At an Omaha Beach event honoring the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion, Dr. Jill Biden quickly escorts Joe Biden away leaving a seemingly perplexed French President Emmanuel Macron to honor WW2 veterans alone."

Another X user  shared  the clip and wrote, "Joe Biden is whisked away mid ceremony by his wife/handler, while French President Macron was left to greet Veterans by himself." This post was viewed more than 2 million times.

In the full video of the event, just before the  4 hour and 53-minute mark , Joe Biden is seen shaking hands with five veterans onstage and greeting several veterans at the  beginning  and  during  the ceremony. Afterward, he and Jill Biden exit the stage. 

When the camera turns to Emmanuel Macron, he walks over to a veteran in the crowd to shake his hand. Macron talks and shakes hands with another veteran before joining his wife and exiting the stage, about two minutes after the Bidens exited.

PolitiFact Researcher Caryn Baird and Audience Engagement Producer Ellen Hine contributed to this report.

RELATED:   How misinformers manufacture and embellish embarrassing presidential moments

Our sources

  • RNC Research,  X post  ( archived link ), June 6, 2024
  • CBS News,  Biden lauds WWII veterans on D-Day 80th anniversary, vows NATO solidarity in face of new threat to democracy , June 6, 2024
  • Rumble, " I think Biden Pooped Himself this Morning ," June 6, 2024
  • YouTube, " The Times and Sunday Times - LIVE: Biden and Macron mark 80th D-Day anniversary in Normandy ," June 6, 2024
  • Forth News,  White House Pool , accessed June 6, 2024
  • The White House, " Remarks by President Biden Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of D-Day | Collevile-sur-Mer, France ," June 6, 2024
  • Charlie Kirk,  X post  ( archived link ), June 6, 2024
  • X post , June 6, 2024
  • Jeanine Pirro, X post, June 6, 2024
  • Tim Pool,  X post , June 6, 2024
  • X post  ( archived link ), June 6, 2024
  • Instagram post  ( archived link ), June 6, 2024

Made by History

  • Made by History

What Biden Can Learn From Reagan’s D-Day Speech

Reagan Memorializes D-Day In France

T oday, President Joe Biden gives remarks at the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy to honor past military sacrifices and triumphs. But with an eye toward the 2024 presidential race, he is also following a well-worn playbook of leveraging international travel to win domestic political points.

Indeed, his Republican predecessor, Ronald Reagan, used the exact same anniversary 40 years ago to deliver one of his most famous overseas speeches, as a part of a carefully choreographed ten-day tour of Europe. The tour was designed to showcase Reagan, a strong orator, at his most "presidential" in a bid to boost his re-election chances while upstaging his Democratic rivals. Reagan’s ability to master what CBS reporter Lesley Stahl observed as “political one-upmanship”—as he confidently performed his role of head of state abroad, while remaining above the political fray at home—stands as a model for the Biden Administration today, as he too aims to bolster his re-election campaign.

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Reagan toured Europe from June 1-10, 1984, with a stated goal of strengthening U.S.-European relations. But Reagan’s team planned his visit with its domestic impact firmly in mind. This high-profile overseas trip created a platform from which Reagan could highlight some of the key achievements of his first term and present his views on issues that were critical to voters, without formally campaigning. He was polling poorly at the time, with Gallup showing that just 37% of Americans supported his foreign policy. His management of the economy was also the subject of much debate. Furthermore, Reagan’s earlier trip to Europe was branded as “stumbling and overscheduled,” so a second tour offered a chance to improve public perceptions of his capabilities as a statesman.

The tour began in Ireland, and with 40 million Americans of Irish ancestry (including Reagan), it was no secret that his campaign sought their support in the upcoming election. Although Reagan was not Catholic, the Administration clearly believed that a trip to Ireland would impress the crucial bloc of Catholic voters (many of them former Democrats) that had helped elect him in 1980. In a memo outlining the potential domestic impact of the visit, former diplomat Thomas Patrick Melady stated that “the two important factors in the domestic equation are Irish and Catholic.” In a bid for these all-important “Reagan Democrats,” as the press had dubbed them, Melady even proposed inviting a delegation of journalists from Catholic newspapers to participate in this leg of the journey.

Reagan’s next stop was Normandy, where his high-profile attendance at the 40th anniversary D-Day memorial service allowed the White House to showcase his oratory skills and demonstrate his ability to be dignified and statesmanlike on the world stage.

Read More: Ronald Reagan's Playbook Can Offer Biden a Lesson on Iran

Reagan’s aides deliberately timed the delivery of his Normandy address to capitalize on NBC, CBS, and ABC’s interest in the anniversary, moving the timing to 7 a.m. EST in an effort to upstage the results of the previous night’s Democratic primaries (including the all-important primary election in California) on American morning news programs. Peggy Noonan, one of Reagan’s speechwriters, studied photographs of the location where Reagan would speak to tailor his comments according to what television viewers would see as he gave his speech. Footage of Reagan’s Normandy address was later shown at the Republican National Convention in prime time, reinforcing its importance for the campaign.

Reagan’s last stop was London, where he attended the G7 Summit. Once again, his aides planned for this Summit to bolster his re-election bid. The U.K. Ambassador in Washington, D.C., Oliver Wright, sent key telegrams to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to assist in planning the G7, one of which stated: “What the president wants above all from his visit to London is an outcome that will play well in his election campaign. His staff tell us that he will want to look 'presidential.'” Indeed, Washington Post journalist Lou Cannon reported that on one occasion three members of the print press corps were asked to leave the room, to allow space for the Republican National Committee’s film cameras to gather footage for Reagan’s campaign advertising material. Such overt political calculations did not deter the message, according to Cannon, who boldly declared upon Reagan’s return to American soil that “no president since John F. Kennedy has performed as successfully on the world stage.”

So, how successful was this strategy? Despite the sustained and broadly positive media coverage this trip secured, Reagan’s approval ratings did not increase between the start and end of the trip, nor were there any notable shifts in opinion polls on key policy decisions. However, Reagan established a media narrative that became central to his campaign, all while avoiding financing the trip, and the staged photo opportunities, from his campaign budget.

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In short, the president used his dual status as head of state and elected politician to his fullest political advantage when embarking on his program of pre-election travels. His landslide election victory later that year suggests that no challenger stood a chance against an incumbent who so clearly thrived in his role as the "Great Communicator."

Sarah Thomson holds a Ph.D. in 20th century U.S. political history from the University of Edinburgh. She now works as a curator at the National Library of Scotland, and also as a freelance historical writer. Her freelance work has previously appeared in History Today, The Washington Post and Atlas Obscura.

Made by History takes readers beyond the headlines with articles written and edited by professional historians. Learn more about Made by History at TIME here . Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of TIME editors .

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Viral TikToker Fired for Using Slang Version of 'N-Word' Trolls Outrage Mob: 'Couldn't Find a Care'

Folks, it looks like we have another example of “Troll Level: Expert.” This new entrant into the Troll Hall of Fame goes by the name of Lilly Gaddes, and pretty much everything she’s posting to social media right now is going viral. She knows how to play the game and play off the uber-sensitive emotions of the perpetually offended to her advantage.

For context, Gaddes — who has been classified by some media outlets as a “trad wife” (although, it's not clear if she's actually married considering she doesn't wear a ring) — was reportedly fired from her job after using the slang version of the “N-word” in a cooking TikTok video.

“Everyone I know that is married right now is married to broke-ass n****s,” Gaddes said in her video.

Here’s the offending video in question (Disclaimer: She uses A LOT of profanity):

Why is everyone so mad at this video? — Harrison H. Smith ✞ (@HarrisonHSmith) June 10, 2024

Following that, and Gaddes supposedly being fired from her job, she posted a video saying that she had time to think about what she said and who she might’ve hurt. And while you might think an apology was forthcoming, you’d be wrong:

#1A #response — Lilly (@llddiiss) June 10, 2024

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And if that wasn’t enough, Gaddes posted on X to those within the “black community” who were outraged over her slang use of the “N-word,” basically thanking them for making her famous.

Thanks black community for helping to launch my new career in conservative media! You all played your role well like the puppets you are❤️ — Lilly (@llddiiss) June 11, 2024

Apparently, aside from her perfecting her troll game, just by scrolling through her X profile, it seems that Gaddes is trying to prove a point about free speech and the First Amendment.

In subsequent videos, Gaddes has continued her trolling by targeting other groups of people, including “nerds,” the “gays” and dudes who work out too much.

Here’s one more example of her game, where she goes after those who think proclaiming they’re gay in 2024 is some kind of moral victory:

Everything’s gay — Lilly (@llddiiss) June 12, 2024

However you feel about what Gaddes is doing, it is making a point about free speech — either we have it or we don’t.

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Truly Evil. Bionca Ellis, charged with stabbing a three-year-old to death, laughs about it during court. — MRCTV (@mrctv) June 12, 2024

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  • Secondary School

Speech on social media​

As a student I strongly feel that media and social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter have become source of major distractions for students. Young boys and girls seem to have become inordinately addicted to these sites. They are thoughtlessly and uselessly wasting their precious time on these sites. Wise people say time well utilized is time well spent, but the youth of today is only and only wasting time on chatting, messaging, uploading photographs and modifying profiles. The smart phones and 4G connections have made the situation worse. Accessing such sites has become so easy that young boys and girls are using these sites almost everywhere and almost all the time.

Similarly they wait for their favourite TV programs with such intense longing! May I ask you a question’, Where will this lead to?’ Are we heading towards only Facebook and Twitter perfection? Where are the objectives of attaining the status of an advanced country? There are so many challenges that we as a nation face; challenges, such as population, poverty, unemployment, corruption, pollution, mismanagement of our natural resources, etc. Is it not a pathetic attitude of our youth to lose such objectives out of sight and instead waste their time, money and energy on such social networking sites so recklessly? Will Facebooking, Whatsapping or Twittering solve our national problems?

I have seen my fellow students being more worried about connecting to their friends on Facebook than being concerned about doing their studies, assignments and projects! The other major disadvantage of the increasing use of such networking sites is the spread of obscenity. This is having a very negative impact on the impressionable minds of our young children and leading them astray.

I strongly believe that the parents, teachers and the government must look into the problems being caused by these networking sites and must formulate a strategy either to curb or completely stop its fast growing negative influence on the minds of our youth. Our youth is the future of our nation. We cannot allow this youth to waste their precious time in doing the Facebook. The same time must be spent on studying, researching and developing leadership or other life-skills. It is our moral duty as well as responsibility to lead our youth on the right path.

I would like to appeal to all of you to contribute in making our youth, especially the school students, aware of the disadvantages of such social networking sites. I would also like to appeal to the concerned government authorities to make and implement some strict regulatory checks on the functioning of such networking sites in our country. I am sure that with our concerted efforts, we shall be able to remove this problem of addiction of our youth to social networking sites.♥️


. Social media outlets operate in a dialogic transmission system (many sources to many receivers).[6] This is in contrast to traditional social media websites, with over 100 million registered users, include Facebook (and its associated Facebook Messenger), YouTube, WeChat, Instagram, QQ, QZone, Weibo, Twitter, Tumblr, Tele gram, Baidu Tieba, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, LINE, Snapchat, Pinterest, Viber and VK,

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Congressman’s son steals the show on the House floor by hamming it up for the cameras

Republican Rep. John Rose of Tennessee spoke on the House floor on Tuesday, while his son sat behind him, smiling and making faces and hand gestures.

This image from House Television shows Rep. John Rose, R-Tenn., speaking on the floor of the House of Representatives Monday, June 3, 2024, in Washington, as his son Guy makes a face. (House Television via AP)

This image from House Television shows Rep. John Rose, R-Tenn., speaking on the floor of the House of Representatives Monday, June 3, 2024, in Washington, as his son Guy makes a face. (House Television via AP)

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This image from House Television shows Rep. John Rose, R-Tenn., speaking on the floor of the House of Representatives Monday, June 3, 2024, in Washington, as his son Guy smiles behind. (House Television via AP)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep. John Rose may never give a more memorable speech on the House floor.

It had nothing to do with anything the Tennessee Republican said Monday. In fact, anyone watching likely didn’t pay attention to hardly a word. How could they with all that was going on behind him?

It was the young boy sitting behind Rose who had C-SPAN viewers doing a double-take on a rather dull legislative day filled with naming new post offices and other routine measures.

First the boy looked directly into the cameras, smiling from ear to ear. Then he got bored for a bit and appeared to lose his train of thought. But not for long. Out came the tongue. Then came the rolling of the eyes and a shaking of the head, making clear to the world that he was less than impressed with the stodgy decorum of the House of Representatives.

And then came the hand motions, a sign language of silliness that might have gotten him sent to the principal’s office if he were in school.

Before long, young Guy Rose, the son of the congressman, was a social media star and a new meme — at age 6. The youngster just graduated from kindergarten last week and is with the congressman for the week. Rep. Rose’s youngest son, Sam, 3, and his wife, Chelsea, are back in Tennessee.

FILE - A person drops off a vote-by-mail ballot at a dropbox in Pioneer Square during primary voting on May 21, 2024, in Portland, Ore. The Biden campaign is calling on the Republican National Committee and Trump campaign to drop their many lawsuits around the country targeting mail voting.(AP Photo/Jenny Kane, File)

“He knows something,” Doug Andres, the spokesman for Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell, tweeted on X with a caption of the young Rose holding his hands in a triangle motion in front of his face.

“So sorry I was slow responding to your email, I was tied up watching this over and over again,” tweeted Aaron Fritschner, the communications director for Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va.

All the while, an unsuspecting Rep. Rose continued on with a speech — a serious effort decrying last week’s conviction of former President Donald Trump in a New York courtroom. “As an attorney, I can tell you that May 30th will be among the more infamous dates in American history,” he said at one point.

After the speech, as the reviews poured in, the congressman did not appear perturbed. And he graciously took some responsibility.

“This is what I get for telling my son Guy to smile at the camera for his little brother,” Rose tweeted.

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  • Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet: Presidential Proclamation to Suspend and Limit Entry and Joint DHS-DOJ Interim Final Rule to Restrict Asylum During High Encounters at the Southern Border

Today, the Biden-Harris Administration took decisive new action to strengthen border security, announcing a series of measures that restrict asylum eligibility, and significantly increase the consequences for those who enter without authorization across the southern border. These extraordinary steps, which will be in effect during times when high levels of encounters exceed our ability to deliver timely consequences, will make noncitizens who enter across the southern border ineligible for asylum with certain exceptions, raise the standard that is used to screen for certain protection claims, and speed up our ability to quickly remove those who do not qualify for protection.

These actions follow a series of steps that the Administration has taken over the past three years as it prepared for the end of the Title 42 public health Order, and since it was lifted last year, including surging personnel, infrastructure, and technology to the border, issuing the Circumvention of Lawful Pathways Rule, and referring record numbers of noncitizens into expedited removal. Over the past year, we have removed or returned more than three quarters of a million people, more than in any fiscal year since 2010. Despite these efforts, our outdated and broken immigration and asylum system, coupled with a lack of sufficient funding, make it impossible to quickly impose consequences on all noncitizens who cross irregularly and without a legal basis to remain in the United States.

The Administration has repeatedly called on Congress to provide the resources and legal authorities needed to secure our border. The measures announced today will better enable the Department to quickly remove individuals without a legal basis to remain in the United States, strengthening enforcement and change the calculus for those considering crossing our border irregularly. However, they are no substitute for Congressional action. We continue to call on Congress to provide the new tools and resources we have asked for to support the men and women on the frontlines.

President Biden issued a Presidential Proclamation to temporarily suspend the entry of noncitizens across the southern border. The Secretary of Homeland Security and the Attorney General also jointly issued an interim final rule that, consistent with the Proclamation, generally restricts asylum eligibility for those who irregularly enter across the southern border – including the Southwest land and the southern coastal borders. The rule also limits fear screenings to those who manifest a fear or express a desire to file for protection and heightens the screening standard for statutory withholding and claims under the Convention Against Torture. Taken together, these measures will significantly increase the speed and scope of consequences for those who cross our borders irregularly or who attempt to present themselves at Ports of Entry without authorization, allowing the Departments to more quickly remove individuals who do not establish a legal basis to remain in the United States. The restriction on asylum eligibility will be discontinued when encounters fall below certain levels but will come back into effect if encounters rise again.

The rule makes three key changes to current processing under Title 8 immigration authorities during periods of high border encounters:

  • First, noncitizens who cross the southern border unlawfully or without authorization will generally be ineligible for asylum, absent exceptionally compelling circumstances and unless they are excepted by the Proclamation.
  • Second, noncitizens who cross the southern border and are processed for expedited removal while the limitation is in effect will only be referred for a credible fear screening with an Asylum Officer if they manifest or express a fear of return to their country or country of removal, a fear of persecution or torture, or an intention to apply for asylum.  
  • Third, the U.S. will continue to adhere to its international obligations and commitments by screening individuals who manifest a fear as noted above and do not qualify for an exception to the Rule for withholding of removal and Convention Against Torture protections at a reasonable probability of persecution or torture standard – a new, substantially higher standard than is currently applied under the Circumvention of Lawful Pathways rule.  

Like the Proclamation, the rule provides for an end to these enhanced measures following a sustained reduction in southern border encounters. Specifically, these measures are in effect until 14 calendar days after there has been a 7-consecutive-calendar-day average of less than 1,500 encounters between the ports of entry. The measures would again go into effect, or continue, as appropriate, when there has been a 7-consecutive-calendar-day average of 2,500 encounters or more.

During periods of high encounters, the Proclamation will apply across the southern border. Lawful permanent residents, unaccompanied children, victims of a severe form of trafficking, and other noncitizens with a valid visa or other lawful permission to enter the United States are excepted from the Proclamation.

In addition, the suspension and limitation on entry and rule will not apply to noncitizens who use a Secretary-approved process—such as the CBP One mobile app—to enter the United States at a port of entry in a safe and orderly manner or pursue another lawful pathway.

Noncitizens who cross the southern border and who are not excepted from the Proclamation will be ineligible for asylum unless exceptionally compelling circumstances exist, including if the noncitizen demonstrates that they or a member of their family with whom they are traveling:

  • faced an acute medical emergency;
  • faced an imminent and extreme threat to life or safety, such as an imminent threat of rape, kidnapping, torture, or murder; or
  • satisfied the definition of “victim of a severe form of trafficking in persons” currently provided in 8 CFR 214.11.


Noncitizens who are subject to the rule’s limitation on asylum eligibility and who manifest or express a fear of return to their country or country of removal, express a fear of persecution or torture or an intention to apply for asylum, but do not establish a reasonable probability of persecution or torture in the country of removal will be promptly removed.

Those ordered removed will be subject to at least a five-year bar to reentry and potential criminal prosecution.

The Proclamation and rule will significantly enhance the security of our border by increasing the Departments’ ability to impose swift consequences for individuals who cross the southern border irregularly and do not establish a legal basis to remain in the United States.  Together, the Proclamation and rule make critical changes to how the Departments operate during times when encounters are at historically high levels—levels that, in the absence of these changes, undermine the government’s ability to process individuals through the expedited removal process. These changes will enable the Departments to quickly return those without a lawful basis to stay in the United States and thereby free up the asylum system for those with legitimate claims.

These extraordinary measures are a stop gap. Even with these measures in place, the Departments continue to lack the authorities and resources needed to adequately support the men and women on the frontlines. The Administration again calls on Congress to take up and pass the bipartisan reforms proposed in the Senate, which provide the new authorities, personnel, and resources that are needed to address the historic global migration that is impacting countries throughout the world, including our own. Until Congress does its part, we will continue to take any actions needed under current law and within existing resources to secure the border.

  • Border Security
  • Immigration
  • Biden-Harris Administration
  • Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
  • Department of Justice (DOJ)


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  6. write essay on social media


  1. How to write a speech about Impact of social media

    The impact of social media has been profound and far-reaching, shaping the way we communicate, interact, and consume information. In my speech, I will discuss the various aspects of social media's impact on society, including its influence on personal relationships, mental health, and the spread of information.

  2. Write a speech of 2 minutes on the topic: social media ...

    Answer. A speech on how social media can negatively impact personal relationships, health, and focus on school or work while stressing the importance of responsible and moderate use of these platforms. Two-Minute Speech on How Social Media Can Ruin Your Life. Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you to highlight a modern phenomenon that has ...

  3. A speech about how social media affect teenagers

    A speech on how social media affect teenagers: The principle reason for social communication is to enable individuals to mingle, paying little heed to remove and different boundaries. It helps connections. Youngsters can make new companions and keep up existing fellowships through successive correspondence and sharing encounters on the web.

  4. [Solved] a 5minute speech on social media

    report flag outlined. The following speech can give you ideas, matter, for your own speech or article or essay: As a student I strongly feel that media and social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter have become source of major distractions for students. Young boys and girls seem to have become inordinately addicted to these sites.

  5. introduction speech about social media?

    Answer: Social media has become part of our everyday life. It connects, guides, expresses the most profound thoughts that we have stored. From miles away, it connects relationships and brings them close to one another. Social media is a form of entertainment and a way of communicating with people. With proper use, social media is beneficial ...

  6. I need help on a speech all about social media

    oh okay me either so try to start with " my name is and i did my speech on social media. then tell then tell them the pros it has like it helps you keep up to date on things and so on and then say ithat brings me to the cons it has like kids not paying attention because there to busy on there phones on social media and finally some it all up

  7. Speech On Social Media- Advantages, Disadvantages and Importance

    Excessive use of social media can lead to addiction and affect mental health. It's a breeding ground for cyberbullying, misinformation, and privacy invasion. Moreover, the constant exposure to idealized images and lives can negatively impact self-esteem. In conclusion, social media is a double-edged sword.

  8. Speech on Social Media

    10 Lines Speech on Social Media. Social Media refers to group interactions in which users build, share, or trade knowledge and concepts in online communities. The ability to interact with others has evolved into a fundamental human need. The remarkable advancements in communications and inventive, astounding entertainment have made knowledge ...

  9. A speech about how social media affect teenagers

    verified. Verified answer. a speech about the influence of media advertising on teenagers . verified. Verified answer. The criteria retailer must meet to receive a reduced penalty and/or protect the license/permit if an illegal alcohol sale takes place at the establishment is often referred to. 9. verified. Verified answer.

  10. speech about social media?

    Find an answer to your question speech about social media? Bhavya333 Bhavya333 02.01.2016 World Languages Secondary School answered Speech about social media? See answers In which language? Advertisement

  11. speech on social media

    Social media and is a fantastic way to get people to express themselves. Whether it it be via a Facebook status, writing on walls, Twitter updates, photos you share, these are all extensions of you and your personality. They help portray your interests, your views and help show people who you are.

  12. speech on social media

    Find an answer to your question speech on social media

  13. speech on social media

    Speech on social media Get the answers you need, now! prajwalPatel prajwalPatel 24.08.2020 English Secondary School answered Speech on social media See answers Advertisement ...

  14. speech about social media

    babydoresh. report flag outlined. Answer: One of the major advantages of social media is that it is full of i formation ang helps in providing education for example children approach social media to get information on the desired topic . it is great device for education .it has made live education possible. Explanation:

  15. 3 minute speech about social media

    3 minute speech about social media - 31652779. answered 3 minute speech about social media See answer Advertisement Advertisement penarostereginepenar penarostereginepenar Answer: social media can cause you bad like playing mobile games everyday that can cause eyebug or eye cancer . ... Get the Brainly App

  16. What should be the limits of freedom of speech on social media?

    What should be the limits of freedom of speech on social media? Answer: →range of rights may present possible justifications for limitations on freedom of expression through the internet, including: freedom from discrimination (article 2 of the ICCPR) freedom from cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment (article 7 of the ICCPR and article 37 (a ...

  17. Should social media platforms censor hate speech?

    Should social media companies censor hate speech on their platforms? Nadine Strossen, law professor and former president of the ACLU, says that while tech giants have no legal obligation to ...

  18. Free Speech Social Media

    The question pertains to the concept of free speech on social media and addresses issues like the spread of misinformation, the role of social media in elections, and the challenges democracies face in balancing freedom of expression and curbing harmful speech. Social media platforms serve as locations where citizens can express themselves ...

  19. Analysis finds hate speech has significantly increased on Twitter

    Less moderation means more hate. Previous research has shown that lighter moderation is associated with increased hate speech on social media platforms, therefore Burghardt's team hypothesized ...

  20. Fact-checking viral claims about Joe Biden at D-Day anniversary event

    Not long after his June 6 speech, social media users circulated edited video clips of Biden, claiming the president sat in an "imaginary chair," had a bowel movement and left the event prematurely.

  21. How Biden's D-Day Speech Could Boost His Campaign

    June 6, 2024 6:00 AM EDT. T oday, President Joe Biden gives remarks at the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy to honor past military sacrifices and triumphs. But with an eye toward the 2024 ...

  22. Mississippi is the latest state sued by tech group over age

    JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — A new Mississippi law requiring users of websites and other digital services to verify their age will unconstitutionally limit access to online speech for minors and adults, a tech industry group says in a lawsuit filed Friday. Legislators said the new law is designed to protect children from sexually explicit material.

  23. Speech Social Media Addiction And Impact Of Life 2 minutes..

    Speech Social Media Addiction And Impact Of Life 2 minutes.. Get the answers you need, now!

  24. Palestinian-American sues Meta, alleging speech discrimination on ...

    A Palestinian-American engineer has sued the social media giant Meta, accusing his former employer of discriminating against pro-Palestinian speech on its platforms and for wrongfully firing him ...

  25. speech on social media

    The following speech can give you ideas, matter, for your own speech or article or essay: As a student I strongly feel that media and social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter have become source of major distractions for students. Young boys and girls seem to have become inordinately addicted to these sites.

  26. Lilly Giddes' Viral Social Media Trolling: Free Speech Debate Stirred

    You all played your role well like the puppets you are ️. — Lilly (@llddiiss) June 11, 2024. Apparently, aside from her perfecting her troll game, just by scrolling through her X profile, it ...

  27. speech on social media

    Speech on social media ... Advertisement Brainly User Brainly User As a student I strongly feel that media and social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter have become source of major distractions for students. Young boys and girls seem to have become inordinately addicted to these sites. ... Social media outlets operate in a dialogic ...

  28. Biden ripped for gun control speech hours after Hunter's firearm ...

    The optics of President Biden's speech on gun control just hours after his son's firearm conviction was not lost on social media users Tuesday. Biden spoke in Washington D.C. before the ...

  29. Congressman John Rose's son steals show on House floor

    Congressman's son steals the show on the House floor by hamming it up for the cameras. Republican Rep. John Rose of Tennessee spoke on the House floor on Tuesday, while his son sat behind him, smiling and making faces and hand gestures. WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep. John Rose may never give a more memorable speech on the House floor. It had ...

  30. Fact Sheet: Presidential Proclamation to Suspend and Limit Entry and

    The Biden-Harris Administration is taking decisive new action to strengthen border security, announcing a series of measures that restrict asylum eligibility, and significantly increase the consequences for those who enter without authorization across the southern border.