sample resume college student seeking internship

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sample resume college student seeking internship

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5 College Student Internship Resume Examples for 2024

Stephen Greet

College Student for Internship Resume

  • College Student for Internship 2
  • College Student for Internship 3
  • College Student for Internship 4
  • College Student for Internship 5
  • Resume Writing 101

Taking a deep breath after seeing the perfect-looking web developer job ad, Dahlia Mathers pulled up her old resume. Having built some solid IT experience debugging software and troubleshooting networks, she was ready to make her next career move with a web developer internship . . . as soon as she celebrated her impending graduation in computer science, that is!

But her college student internship resume needed an update: Dahlia wanted a layout that aligned with Coursera’s vibe to show her enthusiasm for an internship there. Plus, she learned that writing an effective cover letter could be the touch her application needed.

Now, after referencing our time-tested resume examples , Dahlia is sporting a post-interview smile with her new start date! If you’re seeking your own college student internship, we’re confident our resume layouts and cover letter examples can help you, too.

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College student resume for internship resume example with no experience

College Student for Internship 2 Resume

College student resume for internship 2 resume example with project experience

College Student for Internship 3 Resume

College student resume for internship 3 resume example with project experience

College Student for Internship 4 Resume

College student resume for internship 4 resume example with project experience

College Student for Internship 5 Resume

College student resume for internship 5 resume example with project experience

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What Matters Most: Your Skills & Experience Sections

Your resume skills and work experience

While the types of skills you include will directly depend on which type of internship you’re applying for, balance and clarity are always helpful! Recruiters want to see that you have what it takes—plus a little something extra that sets you apart.

If you’re going for a more technical role (like just about anything within the realm of computer science), it’s especially important for you to be precise about your hard skills. That means each list item should be both professionally relevant and specific.

So, avoid generic skills or terms that could apply to just any field, and focus on honing your presentation to show more in-depth abilities that specifically qualify you for that internship. Don’t pitch your cooking skills for an IT internship!

Check these out:

9 top college student internship skills

  • RESTful APIs
  • Algorithm Design

Sample college student internship work experience bullet points

Some applicants get a bit uncertain about this part, so let’s go over a few ways you can show recruiters how you’ve put your skills into action.

Plenty of people already have some job experience that’s at least somewhat relevant to the internship they’re hoping for. List it if you have it! It isn’t “backwards” to go from a job to an internship if you’ve just graduated or decided to switch to a more specialized field.

Use any previous teen jobs , other internships, or even volunteer projects that relate to your career goals and demonstrate your abilities. And always measure your impact! You need quantifiable data like time measurements or budget savings to back up your achievements and prove that you’ve already made a difference.

Here are some examples:

  • Performed bug fixes by utilizing JavaScript proficiency to reduce glitches by 11%
  • Updated software on computers and performed basic maintenance on office devices to save $12.3K+ in repair costs
  • Streamlined work flow by implementing a ticketing system and grouping similar issues together, reducing time to complete inbound requests by 3 days
  • Build a scraper in Python to structure data on thousand of publications, using the Natural Language Toolkit library to improve abstract searches for research publications by 14%

Top 5 Tips For Your College Student Internship Resume

  • Since you’re applying for an internship, it can be especially helpful to include other relevant courses within or alongside your degree in your education section. Don’t forget any independent classes you’ve taken—especially if they lead right up to your internship!
  • Keep your skills list tidy and organized by arranging your skills in groups. So, if you’re applying for a software-related internship: List Python-related skills together, name JavaScript tools in succession, and so on.
  • If applicable, make sure you’re upfront about your graduation date on your internship application. You don’t want to confuse recruiters—or wind up biting off more than you can chew to avoid passing up an opportunity for much-needed internship experience!
  • Some people really can’t resist including a bold color or two on their resumes, but you really want to keep this to a minimum. Stick with just one color, use it sparingly, and ensure that everything is still highly readable. Show recruiters that you’re already professional and polished for your internship!
  • When you pick your resume template , go for one that puts your greatest accomplishments front and center. But don’t be afraid to leave a little breathing room, too—it’s better than your resume looking crowded or filler-heavy. When you’re applying for an internship, you want all emphasis to rest on your qualifications.

Yep, and it’s easier than you might think! Refer to the internship description for phrases and keywords that stand out as good examples of team culture. Reflect these in your resume with a few tweaks to your wording or skill choices to show how you’re already the ideal intern.

Keep it to just one page, and don’t feel pressured to fill the page. Just stick with your highest achievements from college and your most impactful qualifications. Remember, if you’ve got the itch to say more, say it in your internship cover letter .

Just like your color usage, your font choices should be understated. Think “clean, modern, and readable.” Recruiters can only spend a few seconds skimming your college internship resume, so make it easy for them to see the good stuff at a glance!

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Intern that even a thing?

Who makes resumes in college, you might wonder? BOORRRRINNNGGGGG!

We know. Resumes will probably not figure in the priority list while you are in college. And why would it, when there's a ton of interesting stuff going on just about everywhere?

But much like the fabled ant and the grasshopper story, being reckless or just plain lazy when it comes to making your student internship resume will lead to a brutal summer wherein you are jobless while everyone else is busy with their internships in exciting growth ventures and gravity-defying corporates.

But don't worry. We'll help you draft the perfect resume for college.

Our 2022 Guide to Internship Resume containing Internship Resume Examples and tips on Intern Resume Format will make sure you don't have to spend days and weeks on your laptop staring at a blank piece of document.

With a detailed step-by-step process outlined in the points below, making an intern resume and an internship resume will be a breeze.

Why do you need an Internship?

Isn't slavery dead, you wonder? Why would you spend your time working for someone else for free when you can better spend it bingeing on Netflix?

Well, slavery is indeed dead, but it's a bit more complicated than that.

Anyone up-to-date with the trend knows that there's a huge gap in the skills which a typical graduate possesses and which are required by the industry in general. Consequently, a significant majority of graduates often find themselves without a job right after they graduate.

And when you couple that with unpredecented levels of debt (USD 1.4 trillion in total in the US alone), the students find themselves in a deplorable condition where they are in a crushing debt but don't have the means to do anything about it.

Short of changing the education system from the ground up and designing the curriculum in a way which bridges the skills gap, what can the individual student do at his/her level to make sure that they don't fall into the same trap?

In such cases, internships can play a game-changing role.

While there exists a lot of avenues when it comes to paid internships, because of the cutthroat competition out there, not many can claim to successfully bag one.

Which again brings us back to the same question: why work for someone for free?

To which we ask a counter-question: you spend your college years emptying kegs and bingeing on Netflix and come placement season, your resume is full of...full of what exactly?

What are the chances of getting a job right after graduation if the only thing on your intern resume is a 1-month stint wherein you flipped burgers or assisted the college librarian? And how will that fare against your classmate who did a grueling 3-month internship in a top firm?

Enough said.

Sure, the chances of landing a paid internship are slim, but in the long run, it's going to benefit you in ways more than one. A half-decent internship will beef up your intern resume and exponentially increase the probability of companies rushing to bag you.

In addition to that, internships are a brilliant way to bridge the skills gap we talked about earlier. No amount of lectures and theoretical knowledge can prepare you for the real world than a single day of an internship will.

Say you just entered college and are eyeing a particular industry or job profile - graphic designer for instance. A short stint as a graphic design intern will tell you more about the nuances of the profile than countless hours and days of Googling will. And when college gets over, you'll be better prepared to decide if you want to pursue that as a career or not.

You get to understand how workplaces work in general and you'll have a substantial idea of the real world so you can prepare yourself even before you enter. You'll have a taste of what slogging in a job tastes like.

And guess what? Recruiters will know that too. Any hiring decision is costly (in terms of money, time, and resource) and a company would rather invest their resources in someone who they think will be able to withstand the workplace environment and deliver.

And if that's not reason enough, here's another - networking. A few months in an internship will arm you with contacts that you can leverage months and years down the line.

Your college seniors or professors can vouch for the importance of networking in any sector or profile, and if you're a college student with a network of high-profile corporate professionals, you're already ahead of the game boy!

How will an Internship Resume help?

Now that you know the importance of an internship, how do you go about getting one?

You don't think you'll just walk in and find recruiters waiting for you, right?

The key to a good internship is a good student internship resume or an intern resume.

The nuances which go into making a standard resume will extend to the intern resume as well but to a somewhat lesser degree. While we'll pick apart the entire internship resume section by section, there are a few things that might benefit you before we proceed.

As tempting as it is, you'll be better suited to have an intern resume that you customize as per the requirement of the vacancy you are targeting - instead of having a generic resume that you are sending anywhere and everywhere.

We know, we know. Unpaid internship, and now customized internship resume for each vacancy? That's quite a drag, we agree, but it's going to reap you major dividends. The competition is intense, be it for internships or full-time profiles, and just so we didn't make it clear, let us reiterate it one more time:

You only get one shot.

Since internships are for a limited duration, and they are seasonal (in almost all cases), recruiters are usually bombarded with applications in one go. If for any reason whatsoever, your application is rejected, you don't get another chance.

Hence, it's of critical importance that you can judiciously utilize the one opportunity which you have in such a way that you don't have to send your student internship resume elsewhere.

One advantage, or a bargain if you may, that an internship resume might have over a standard resume is the reduced level of complexity. An internship resume is not filled with work profiles, simply because there aren't any. There are no multifarious sections that will make you pull your hair.

But that is not to say that making an intern resume is easy. It has its own set of nuances that you need to consider before you go about making the perfect intern resume for that dream internship that you are targeting.

Before the Intern Resume - Checklist of items before you begin with your Resume for College

Here's a checklist of factors that you might want to consider before you proceed with your internship resume:


A lot of students will not bother reviewing their options - maybe because they don't even know if they have any. And it makes sense: why not jump at the first opportunity which presents itself?

But think about it: if you spent hours and days working on your resume for college, wouldn't you want to be sure that you are getting the bang for your buck?

An internship is a perfect laboratory for you to identify and realize if a profile/industry that you always admired from afar is as satisfying as you think. A favorable or not-so-favorable experience in an internship can determine your view of that industry for the rest of your life.

For that reason alone, you must have absolute clarity on what you want. You must ask some sincere questions to your inner self before you proceed with any decision: - What are your hobbies and interests? - Is there an industry that you think might be a perfect fit for you but you are still unsure about? - What kind of work culture would suit you? Do you see yourself in a corporate setting or a startup venture?

Location is a major factor. Are you limited by physical location or not? Are you looking for any or all internships in a particular location near you, or are you open to moving? If that's the case, are you looking for an internship in a specific profile or industry, irrespective of the location where it might be? Have you factored in all the costs, monetary and otherwise?

Will moving to a different city/country for your internship benefit you in the long run? Who knows if the company which you are targeting also offers dorm-style living arrangements for their interns?

Once you've achieved a certain level of clarity, proceed by researching everything there is to know about the company and the internship.

Find out if the company or sector which you are targeting is even looking for interns in the first place. Get to know about their recruitment process and their interview methodologies. Do they ask to include specific details in their internship resumes?

What is the typical duration of the internship? Is it a fixed internship or is there a possibility of engaging you after you leave as well? Most companies also reserve the right to send Pre-Placement Offers (PPOs) to their most high-flying interns. Check out the parameters for those and see if it's something you might be interested in.

Read reviews online to understand if your illusions regarding the profile/company/industry differ from the ground reality. Even if you find that your targeted company is offering no internships, call a representative to make sure of the same and then drop off your internship resume.

Most companies, when called upon to fill in vacancies, usually turn to their existing database before engaging in a fresh outreach. And how sweet would it be if they do so and find your internship resume on top of the intern resume pile?

Online Research for finding internship avenues will typically include scouring the net on any or all of the following:

LinkedIn : Don't just abandon your profile there. Try to secure recommendations from your Professors. Add skills that are relevant and which might get you more traction. Demonstrate your volunteer work, achievements, and extra-curricular accomplishments. Most large organizations (as opposed to start-ups and small businesses) will resort to LinkedIn for fulfilling their internship requirements. So if that's what you are looking for, a stellar LinkedIn profile is your safest bet. [Btw, we at Hiration also offer professional services when it comes to revamping your LinkedIn profile. Head on over to the website for more!

Glassdoor : In addition to listing out internships from multiple sources (online and offline), Glassdoor's main attraction is that it allows users to search companies based on salaries, reviews, and descriptions of interviews and the recruitment process. Since it aggregates data from users, the figures are broadly accurate (more or less) when it comes to larger corporates. But for smaller companies and in cases where very few users report data, the outcome is not that favorable. : Probably the biggest source of internships primarily because it's free to post listings on its portal. Moreover, it includes social media integration wherein it gives you a list of your Facebook friends who are/were associated with a particular company. : A slightly modified version of, it allows employers to post up to 10 listings for free. With a database of listings sourced from 30,000 companies, it specializes in internships and entry-level jobs. : Specializing in the non-profit sector, Idealist includes both paid and free internships around the world.

Once your research has taken off, it's time to tap into your network and see what you can extract from there. Your network might typically include: Career Center at your School/College: Not only do most vacancies first posted there, but the good folks over at most Career Centers also lend a hand in creating or proofreading your intern resume.

Professors/Faculty: Most Professors that we know want nothing more than to genuinely help anyone and everyone who approaches them for help. If you earnestly ask the Faculty members for help, you'll undoubtedly get some valuable insights.

Senior/Alumni Students: Your immediate seniors will always be one step ahead of you, so our advice is to leverage that. Additionally, their internships are fresh and their insights will be more relevant to you than anyone else's.

Resume Experts @ Hiration: If none of that works out, our Resume Experts will be at your service 24x7! Just shout out in the comments below or visit our website in case you have any doubts pertaining to your intern resume.


Lastly, nothing beats more than perseverance. If you've zeroed in on a company or two for which you'd be willing to give your heart and soul, start cold calling them.

What if they are not looking for interns? Doesn't matter. Drop-in your internship resume anyway. A lot of companies rely on their existing database first whenever they want to fulfill their hiring requirements, and it wouldn't hurt if your internship resume is just there for them to peruse in such a situation.

Be an avid follower of the company and its initiatives. Keeping yourself up-to-date will benefit you sooner or later. Maybe there's an event or a job fair happening nearby in which the said organization is participating. Well, what are you waiting for?

If anything is stopping you - ranging from anxiety to just plain laziness - just ask yourself: what's the worst that could happen? You'll not get the job? But if you are sitting on your butt, it's going to happen anyway!

Drafting the Perfect Internship Resume for College - How to Begin

What's the difference between an internship resume and a college resume.

Before you get down to the nitty-gritty of it, let's clear a few things:

  • Don't compare your intern resume with a professional who has had years of experience. A simple Google search will give you thousands of resume samples and layouts, and assigning that as a benchmark for yourself will give you nothing but anxiety.

You are still in college. Your experience in the real world is, in all probability, limited. The objective is to showcase that in the best possible way and not instead get drowned out by other internship resumes and give up altogether.

  • Recruiters won't be expecting you to have extensive professional experience. That's the major difference between an internship resume and a regular college resume.

Your end goal is the college resume which you'll finish after graduation. The objective of the internship resume is to pack your final college resume with enough relevant experience that gives you an edge over others.

But even if the internship resume is just a means to an end, it doesn't mean that you can compromise on the quality of the same.

You can check out our guide to Resume Layouts to get an idea of how to proceed. Our advice: stick to a traditional reverse-chronological format for your college resume.

Contact Information

We wouldn't have included a section on Contact Information for your Internship Resume if we didn't think it was important.

But we've often seen people make the silliest of mistakes even when it comes to something as basic as adding their contact details to their internship resume. And when people with 10-15 years of professional experience can commit these mistakes...

Oh well. So if you are a college student who messed that up as well, we'd recommend you to not be too hard on yourself. Instead, read on.

  • Name, Contact Number, and Email: Sure, that's basic stuff. But are you sure your email isn't [email protected] or [email protected] ? You are not in high school anymore. In case you don't have a professional-looking email id, now's the perfect time to go and make one.

You don't want to be applying for jobs after college using an id like [email protected] , y'know?

Address: Don't include your entire residential address even if you are applying for internships in the same city. Just the area and postal code will do. Drop your current location in case you are open to internships outside your city, or you can include the same with a caveat stating that you are willing to relocate.

Misc. (Skype, LinkedIn, Blog/Portfolio, etc.): Include your Skype handle only if a telephonic round will be a part of the recruitment process. Companies usually specify the same in the Job Description in case it is.

A Skype handle only makes sense if you're locating. In case you are applying for internships in the same city, mentioning Skype will not add any value.

Include your LinkedIn only if you think it will bolster your application. If you last updated your LinkedIn months/years ago, you can refrain from including it in your resume for college.

You can showcase your portfolio or provide links to your blogs, but only if there's relevance between that and the internship which you're targeting.

For instance, if you are targeting a Finance internship but you also maintain a blog in which you document all your favorite recipes, do us a favor and don't include it on top along with the rest of your contact details.

Do that only if it's relevant, or if you think it will complement your application in any way. In all other cases, you can add a separate section of Hobbies or Interests at the end and include all such points there.

One major area in which a standard professional resume differs from an intern resume is the Education section.

Or more specifically, the order in which this section appears in your student internship resume.

Since recruiters won't expect your internship resume to be filled with multiple job experiences, you can lead the internship resume with your Education section. But even then, there isn't a single way to go about it.

Let us clarify that through an example:

University of Berkeley BA Economics (Hons.) Expected to graduate in '19

On the face of it, there's nothing wrong with this. It's just...perfectly average.

But you don't want perfectly average, do you? You want to knock 'em out of the park. Also keep in mind that in the absence of a Professional Experience section, your Education section becomes the most critical section of your student internship resume.

List out anything and everything that you have done to date and categorize them broadly into Education, Co-curricular Activities, and Extra-curricular Activities.

An example will clear that right out.

EDUCATION Bachelor of Economics (Honours) | University of Berkeley May ‘11 – Jun ‘14 • Selected out of 10,000+ applicants to receive an additional 30% scholarship owing to a stellar academic & work profile • 1 of 5 to be shortlisted out of 120+ applicants for a 1-year internship with the Microsoft Strategy team post-graduation • 1 of 3 mentees to be selected out of 80 applicants by US’ top investor Jack Welch, former Chairman & CEO of General Electric • Secured 1st Rank in a batch of 80 for Micro-Economics (96%) and Mathematics (86%) EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES • Event Head | University of Berkeley Led a team of 25 members across 10+ colleges to develop a unique brand positioning & boost y-o-y participation by 15% Strategized marketing by liaising with the Core Cultural Committee for UoB’s largest official annual cultural fest with a 1000+ footfall Championed the debating event as Director Coordinator to execute marketing, tie-up with colleges, reach out to the volunteers, etc. Conducted personal college visits to coordinate with individual Debating Society Presidents, develop interest & enhance participation • Head, Organizing Committee, National Seminar | University of Berkeley Led 30+ members to host a delegation of 100+ eminent academicians like Noam Chomsky & leaders from Morgan Stanley • Awarded Bronze at the Vocal Music Festival across California & secured a top 10 rank at the American Idol Season 10 • Selected as a core committee member of the economics debating club & collaborated with The Economics Club of Harvard • Executive Member – Core Committee, Music Society | Core member, Football and Swimming team | Community School, San Francisco*

Get it? Merely mentioning you will receive a so-and-so degree will put you on par with thousands of other applicants who are doing the same. The snapshot above is how you break free from the competition.

Nothing will be too big or too small for this section. Since it's only your Education experience, recruiters aren't expecting anything flashy as well. But before they decide whether or not to invest in you, it'd help if they know you showed some level of initiative too.

You can additionally provide a breakdown of all the modules and coursework across the duration of your degree. This will help in case you are looking for internships in the field of your major.

You can customize what you include here based on where you are applying. For instance, there might be some academic projects which you completed but which are only relevant for a few specific profiles.

A Section-wise Breakdown

Intern resume summary/objective.

This section will go at the top and will be a game-changer, whether you like it or not. We've seen a lot of students spending countless hours working on just this one section but still not getting the results.

Are you also one of them? What do you think is going wrong? What is it that you can do better?

Let's start with the difference between Resume Summary & Resume Objective. How do you tell which one to use?

Whenever we come across people who can't figure out the distinction between the two, we like to distort a famous JFK saying along the lines of 'Ask not what the company can do for you but what you can do for the company.'

Many people mindlessly start working on the Resume Objective section without bothering to find out if that's even needed. Place yourself in the shoes of the recruiter: what will you do with an applicant who is sending you a list of all the things that s/he is looking for?

Something like this.

> Dedicated Finance major looking for an engaging internship to enhance skills and gain experience.

And what if there's another candidate who details the skills that s/he possesses, only to explain how they can be used to achieve organizational goals?

Something like this:

Dynamic and detail-oriented English major looking to leverage his stellar communication skills as an Intern to create engaging and SEO-driven content for large-scale conglomerates. Demonstrated ability to efficiently work in teams as a zonal-level lacrosse player at the University of Berkeley.

Who will be prioritized? Whose internship resume will end up in the 'Awwyeaaah' pile? The latter of course.

Try to convince the recruiter how you'll play an instrumental role in helping them achieve their goals. Merely sending a bucket list of items that you are looking for won't serve any purpose.

That's the major difference between an Intern Resume Summary and an Intern Resume Objective section. You should ideally be targeting the former. The skills that you possess will remain constant in both cases, but the emphasis should be on the needs of the recruiter, not your own.

You can check out our in-depth guide on the Resume Objective section for more insights on how to optimize this section as per your requirements.

Professional Experience

Our first advice would be to not get overwhelmed by the resumes that you see online. Most of them are standard professional resumes and nowhere related to what you are looking for.

Even the recruiter knows that your internship resume won't be a powerhouse of profiles. They know that you're looking for internships so that you can beef up your internship resume, and not the other way around.

Consequently, you can include all odd jobs which you have done to date, which might or might not be related to the internship profile which you are targeting. The idea here is not to look like you were born for this internship. The idea is just to showcase a certain level of initiative from your end.

Besides odd jobs, you can additionally add your experiences in the non-profit sector, or any voluntary work which you might have done previously.

As you are done with internships, you can gradually add them to your resume to convert your internship resume into a standard college resume.

Since the internship resume will not exceed one page, you can spruce up the points you frame using action verbs. Check out our guide on Power Verbs for more tips on jazzing up your student internship resume.

The objective is to transform your previous job roles, and your resume in general, from a responsibility-based one to something more aligned towards achievements.

Key Skills section in an Internship Resume

Like in a standard professional resume, the Key Skills section in a resume for college will play a crucial role in getting you those shortlists that you deserve.

Most people tend to fall on either extreme of the spectrum: either they'll miss the Key Skills section altogether or they'll relentlessly stuff the internship resume with keywords. Both of these options won't cut it.

The biggest and most underrated source of relevant keywords is the Job Description, and it's surprising how often it is excluded from the entire internship resume writing process. You MUST NOT send in your internship resume without consulting the Job Description once, to check if the skills which the recruiter is looking for have been catered to or not.

Prioritize your leadership and professional skills (project management, team management, stakeholder management, etc.) over soft skills (coordination, communication, etc.). Try to establish a cause-effect relationship to explain how the skills that you possess can help you achieve organizational goals (which can be better catered to in the internship Resume Summary section)

To gain better clarity on how the skills that you have incorporated can help you get shortlisted, you can check out this great resource . It analyzes the Job Description against which you made your internship resume and gives you an ATS (Applicant Tracking System) score, along with instructions on how you can optimize your college internship resume further.

For a greater understanding of the role which the Key Skills section plays in your internship resume, check out our comprehensive guide on Resume Key Skills .

Additional Sections in your Resume for College

Many college students/freshers struggle to reach the end of the page for their internship resume. They'd rather incorporate junk points and add unnecessary fluff just so they can stretch the internship resume to 1 complete page and get a false sense of accomplishment.

But in the macro picture, that strategy often backfires.

To avoid that, keep the requirements of the recruiter in mind before you take a call on what to add and what to avoid. Additionally, a bit of research can go a long way in customizing your resume for college to your target profile.

For instance, if the organization that you are targeting has an unofficial lacrosse team that plays with teams from other corporates, and if you also indulged in that sport in school/college, you can go ahead and mention the same in glowing letters.

That's an example of a relevant key skill that specifically targets the organization of your choosing. But that won't happen in every case, right?

For all other cases, it helps if you can quantify your achievements and provide detailed information around the same. The idea is to showcase your skills in all arenas and to convince the recruiter that if you excelled in, say, A, you also can transfer those skills to excel in B.

HOBBIES: Photography, music, traveling, reading books

Most internship resumes, especially student internship resumes, are flooded with Additional Sections along these lines. They add zero value to your internship resume in general and your application in particular. Students prefer to take the easy way and stuff their internship resumes with fluff points and sections like these to stretch the document to one page.

Don't. Do. That.

Now take a look at this:

HOBBIES Photography: Owner and administrator of ZYX Photography Page on Facebook with 7k+ likes Travelling: Visited 6 countries in the last 1 year and documented my travels on my travel blog (insert link) with average traffic of 50k users/month

You are going a step beyond what's expected and detailing how you excel in those hobbies. A recruiter reading this will instantly conclude that you'd also be able to transfer these skills in the workplace to help him achieve organizational goals.

In addition to the Hobbies section for your student internship resume, you can add more sections around Projects, Publications, or Extra-curricular Activities. The idea is to stay relevant and keep the requirements of the recruiter in mind at every step of making a resume for an internship.

The Final Touch: What to do before sending your Resume for an Internship?

Since in all probability, you'll be sending your resume for college for the first time, there are a few things that you can keep in mind before you do. Any slack when it comes to these factors will lead to outright rejection.

It sure would be unfortunate if you spent all those hours working on the perfect resume for college but due to something so insignificant, you are out of the race, right?

Here it goes.

Proofread We cannot stress this enough. A single typo or error in your 1-pager internship resume can spell doom. And why shouldn't it? If you can't write a 1-page document, about yourself , without errors, why should the recruiter think you'll excel in other work?

A lot of intern resumes are trashed even before they land on the table of a human recruiter because the ATS screens all intern resumes for errors. An extra 10 minutes spent proofreading your internship resume will automatically place you above a lot of those candidates.

Customize Nothing is more futile than spending countless hours on your resume for college and blindly sending it anywhere and everywhere.

Tweaking your student internship resume a bit, depending on the target job role and the organization, will mean so much to the recruiter. Given the sheer volume of intern resumes that they process daily, they can find out if you made the effort to tailor your college internship resume according to the job role, or whether that application was selected out of 20 others and you just hit 'send resume'.

File Format More often than not, the JD will specify the format in which the recruiter wants your intern's resume. Stick to that.

In the absence of any instruction, you can send a .pdf format with minimal formatting along with a .docx file, just to be sure. A lot depends on the ATS that a company deploys to parse and process internship resumes.

Make sure that you don't go overboard with the formatting when it comes to the resume for an internship. An ATS is designed to parse only basic text - while extensive formatting might look jazzy on paper, it's going to be useless if your intern resume is going to get tossed in the bin because of that.

HIRATION PRO-TIP: while we are it, do us a favor and don't name your internship resume file as, well, 'Internship Resume'. Your file will land in a folder with hundreds of other intern resumes, and a title like that won't help. Keep it basic with something like 'Name_Internship Resume'.

Subject Line for emailing your Intern Resume We'll keep this short. For any internship resume queries, a rule of thumb is to place yourself in the shoes of the recruiter.

While submitting your resume for college, what kind of subject line will ease the recruiter's burden the most?

Keep It Simple Silly. The objective here is to be short but precise. You can go with 'Application for Finance Intern - FirstName_LastName' or something along those lines. You're fine as long as you've mentioned your name and the purpose of sending the email in the subject line.

Cover Letter That's the last thing that you can do to dramatically increase your chances of getting a shortlist. A personalized cover letter addressed to the recruiter will work wonders for your application.

You can refer to our comprehensive guide on writing a brilliant cover letter for the same.

ATS Optimization for your Internship Resume

Keywords. Keywords. Keywords.

But that doesn't mean blatantly stuffing your intern resume with them. Any HR worth his/her salt won't take more than 10 seconds to figure out if you're guilty of that - and if you are...bye-bye cruel world.

Scan the Job Description to get an idea of the keywords which are on top of the recruiter's priority list, and make sure you organically place them on your resume for an internship.

When it comes to assigning the priority order for keywords, professional skills will come before soft skills. And while we are at it, don't lie. Mention only those keywords which you think you can justify at the time of the interview, or during the internship itself.

Remember, your goal is not to get shortlisted. It's to bag that sweet little internship - and that includes the interview as well.

Sanitizing your digital presence

Gone are the days when internships were assumed to be light and carefree. Companies approach all interns as potential employees - which means they are put through the same recruitment criteria.

And that typically includes verification of your online presence. Sanitizing Facebook, being a personal social network, is optional - just make sure there's nothing too incriminating.

It's LinkedIn that counts. Make sure you have a LinkedIn profile before you send out your internship resume. In addition to that, you can have a blog or a portfolio where you showcase your best work. That will only add more brownie points to your application.

Internships can be a rewarding experience and can set you up on the path to professional success - provided you lay the foundations of the same during college.

An internship may look futile, and make an internship resume even more so, but the truth is, in the present scenario, a few stellar internships while you are in college will do wonders for you down the line.

Go to Hiration career platform which has 24/7 chat support and get professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries. You can also write to us at [email protected] and we will make sure to reach out to you as soon as possible.

sample resume college student seeking internship

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sample resume college student seeking internship

How to Write a Perfect Internship Resume: Samples, Templates, and Tips

Oct 12, 2016 ● Kate Lopaze

How to Write a Perfect Internship Resume: Samples, Templates, and Tips

A polished and professional internship resume is key in your quest to secure coveted internship opportunities. However, internship resumes are different from regular resumes in key ways.

For one, no one expects you to have decades of experience in the field when searching for an internship . Your internship resume doesn’t need years of relevant experience. However, you’re still looking to get that foot in the door, so you don’t yet have tons of relevant skills and experience.

If you're looking for advice on how to write an internship resume that helps you land an interview, look no further! In this blog post, we'll walk you through everything you need to know, from what to include (and what not to include)to some helpful tips and 3 examples to help you get started.

Sample 1: How to Write An Internship Resume for College Students

Let’s start by looking at what not to do. Kaitlyn is a junior in college, looking to get an internship for the summer.


Kaitlyn Martin

63 University Place, Apt. 2C

Storrs, CT 99999

(555) 555-1111

[email protected]

Objective: I am seeking an internship that will allow me to build experience.

UConn Dining Services

Food Service Worker (Work-Study)

  • Serve food in Sprague Hall.
  • Clear tables, and clean kitchen areas before and after dinner service.
  • Handle payment for meals (HuskyCard swipes, cash)

Harbaugh Dental Services


  • Answer the phone and greet patients
  • Schedule appointments
  • Prepare patient files for the dentists and hygienists
  • File and maintain patient records as needed


Food Server

  • Served ice cream to customers
  • Cleaned and maintained the food prep and serving areas
  • Processed payment for customers (cash and credit)
  • Made and decorated ice cream cakes
  • Social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook)
  • Graphic design
  • Working with people

University of Connecticut, Storrs

Communications major

Current GPA: 3.2/4

Keep Your Resume Concise

First, the good: Kaitlyn’s resume is short, which an internship resume should be (one page, max). The use of bullet points helps keep her resume concise but impactful. 

Tailor Your Resume to A Specific Internship

The not-so-good: Kaitlyn’s resume is unfocused and unspecific, and it’s missing key information. A good internship resume is tailored specifically for the job you want. That means vague statements like, “I am seeking an internship that will allow me to build experience,” are not a good idea. 

Generic statements rise two main red flags to hiring managers:

1. The applicant is using a one-size-fits-all resume, and probably sending it everywhere.

2. The applicant hasn’t put time and energy into this particular application.

A good internship resume’s objective is to help you land an interview. With those two red flags, it’s likely the hiring manager reading this resume will glaze right over Kaitlyn’s resume, and move on to the next resume. 

Connect Experiences to Internship

The next problematic element is her experience: The jobs are also kind of all over the place—Kaitlyn has worked in food service, and as a receptionist at a dental office. However, it is difficult to tell if and how any of those experiences connect to her skills or the internship she’s applying for. For instance, under the skills section of her resume, Kaitlyn lists her top skill as “social media.” However, this skill is not reflected in any of her past experiences. 

Your resume’s job is to tell your story. It’s important to shape the experience and skills in your resume around the job you want, making sure to highlight your most relevant experience.

Stay Professional

Kaitlyn also unwittingly sets off some alarm bells with her resume. Her email address is clearly a personal one—she’d be much better off either using her school email address, or creating one that’s based on her name. 

Let’s look at Jeff, who’s applying for an internship in his local state senator’s office.


[mks_button size="large" title="Download This Resume in MS Word" style="rounded" url="… " target="_self" bg_color="#82bc00" txt_color="#FFFFFF" icon="" icon_type="" nofollow="0"]

Jeff Hernandez

76 Van Pelt Street, Apt. 4

Boston, MA 88888

[email protected]

(999) 888-7777

Dynamic Political Science Major Targeting Experience-Building Opportunities As Part of Senator Coughlin’s Team

Current Dean’s List student (3.9 GPA) motivated to learn the ropes in a community-oriented legislative office. Fast learner and a hard worker with a special interest in legislative process and protocols.

Software: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, VisualStudio, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver MX, Flash MX, Oracle

Languages: Fluent in Spanish, proficient in German

Communication: Presenting, public speaking, proofreading and editing

Hawthorne College, Boston, MA

Anticipated graduation: 2017

Major: Political Science

Minors: English, History

Awards/honors: Honors program, Dean’s List (8 semesters), Student Volunteer Award (2015)

Work Experience

Leominster City Hall Registrar’s Office                                 Leominster, MA

Records Assistant                                                                  2014-2015 (summers)

As a seasonal summer employee while attending school, worked with the City Registrar to organize and maintain local records.

  • Processed marriage, birth, and death records
  • Helped the Registrar staff overhaul their filing system, and implement an innovative digital filing system
  • Managed office supply inventory and ordering
  • Coordinated social media accounts for the Registrar’s office, sending out planned messaging approved by staff

Volunteer Experience

City Cornucopia                                                                      Boston, MA

Volunteer                                                                               2012 - present

  • Deliver meals to homebound people, as well as managing distribution and food service at City Cornucopia
  • Organized Twitter outreach campaign to supplement fundraising efforts

Rockin’ Readers                                                                      Boston, MA

Volunteer Reader                                                                  2014 – present

  • Weekly reading sessions with a third-grade classroom at Chester Elementary School to encourage reading and developing strong academic skills.
  • Select age-appropriate reading for kids at the third grade level
  • Interact with kids to make reading a fun and productive part of their school day

Jeff’s resume is a good one for his internship aspirations: like Kaitlyn’s, it’s short and sweet. Unlike Kaitlyn’s, it’s very focused. Jeff wants an internship in Senator Coughlin’s office, and centers his resume around that fact. He emphasizes that he wants this job as an experience builder, but also offers up his own strengths. 

In Jeff’s case, it’s his academic record and his skills that he wants to showcase. His experience is fairly limited (and here he excludes anything that might not be relevant to the internship he wants), but he’s careful to include previous responsibilities that match up to what Senator Coughlin’s office is seeking in the job description.

Jeff also shows follow-through in his resume: in his summary statement, he emphasizes that he wants to build experience in a community-oriented role. So he makes sure to include two things that emphasize that: his volunteer work and the award he received at school for his volunteering. The most important part of an internship resume is making sure that the skills and experience you do have. Even though you may be very early in your career, a college student’s resume can be specifically tailored for the internship experience you want to have.

Sample 2: How to Write An Internship Resume When You Have No Experience

Next up, let’s look at Genevieve’s resume. Genevieve is applying for an internship. She has the relevant skills called for in the job description, but no experience.


Genevieve Jackson

23 Anderson Street

Phoenix, AZ 33333

Email: [email protected]  

LinkedIn: GenvieveJ


Motivated, detail-oriented communications and graphic design student seeking to leverage design skills, writing skills, and social media experience into an experience-building internship in graphic design.

  • Creative design visual design and use of typography
  • Completing projects on deadline
  • Ability to work in a variety of environments
  • Communicating verbally and in writing
  • Working with clients and colleagues to complete projects on spec and on deadline
  • Software: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
  • Bilingual: Spanish and English

Partridge College , Phoenix, AZ.

Expected graduation: May 2017

B.A. Communications

B.A. Graphic Design

Activities: Campus Happenings Magazine (layout and design for print and digital content)

Marconi High School , Flagstaff, AZ

High School Diploma

Awards: Arts Innovation Award, 2014; Honor Roll (2009 – 2013)

Activities: Daily Bugle student newspaper (reporter and layout artist)

Chilly Pete’s Ice Cream Factory                                           April 2007 – August 2009

Server and cake decorator

  • Created visually stunning ice cream cakes, both for display and to customer specifications
  • Served customers and handled cash transactions
  • Provided cheerful, courteous service to all customers

Genevieve knows that in order to put herself in the best light for this internship, she needs to play up her skills and education, and play down her limited experience. She does this by crafting a highly targeted resume. 

Her goal is to write a resume for a graphic design internship, so that becomes the theme of just about every part of her resume. From the headline and the objective statement to her skills, education, and experience, Genevieve is telling the hiring manager what she brings to the table. 

She also includes links to her professional social media (LinkedIn) and her personal website, so that the reader can see what her designs look like. We haven’t yet gotten to a point where fun, graphic resumes have displaced the good, old-fashioned formats, so it’s important to give the reader options to see what Genevieve is talking about. 

When it comes to building the perfect resume, it is not just about telling, but also showing. By linking her linkedin and website, she’s creating a brand around herself without yet having a lot of experience.

For more resources on how to get the internship you want (and then do a good job while there!), be sure to check out these articles:

  • 5 Benefits of Accepting an Internship After College
  • 5 Questions to Always Ask at an Internship Interview
  • 15 Amateur Mistakes You Can Make During Your Internship

Want more samples? Check out the following list for other resume templates:

  • How to Write a Perfect Administrative Assistant Resume (Examples Included)
  • How to Write a Perfect Barista Resume (Examples Included)
  • How to Write a Perfect Caregiver Resume (Examples Included)
  • How to Write a Perfect Cashier Resume (Examples Included)
  • How to Write a Perfect Certified Nursing Assistant Resume (Examples Included)
  • How to Write a Perfect Cosmetology Resume (Examples Included)
  • How to Write a Perfect Construction Resume (Examples Included)
  • How to Write a Perfect Customer Service Representative Resume (Examples Included)
  • How to Write a Perfect Customer Service Resume (Examples Included)
  • How to Build a Great Dental Assistant Resume (Examples Included)
  • How to Write a Perfect Teaching Resume (Examples Included)
  • How to Write a Perfect Internship Resume (Examples Included)
  • How to Write a Strong Home Health Aide Resume (Examples Included)
  • How to Write a Perfect Human Resources Resume (Examples Included)
  • How to Write a Medical Assistant Resume (with Examples)
  • How to Write a Perfect Occupational Therapist Resume
  • How to Write a Perfect Physician Assistant Resume (Examples Included)
  • How to Write a Perfect Receptionist Resume (Examples Included)
  • How to Create a Perfect Retail Resume
  • How to Write a Perfect Sales Associate Resume (Examples Included)
  • How to Write a Perfect Social Worker Resume (Examples Included)
  • How to Write a Perfect Truck Driver Resume (With Examples)

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How to Write an Internship Resume [w/ Examples]

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Internship Resume Sample for 2024

Are you required to present your resume to secure an internship and have conflicted feelings about how your resume should look for such an internship?

Are you scared that you’d be over or under-qualified?

Do you fall into the above categories or more that hinder you from getting your resume to the appropriate places? Then this article is written especially for you.

Sample of Resume for an Internship Application

internship resume example

Writing resumes can be a very tricky affair because your resume is basically an introduction to your employer. So you can be rest assured that first impression matters. Prior to receiving your resume, the recruiter or employer has no knowledge of who you are or your previous achievements as grand as they might be, so always aim not to impress but to express.

The recruiter will probably be more interested in getting to know who you are as a person than the things you’ve achieved and there’s a very high probability that it is not a lot given that you’re applying for an internship anyway.

A recent study conducted shows that the average recruiter takes a look at a resume for no longer than six-seven seconds and will only look for any longer period of time if the six-second glance was worth it.

So kindly look inwards and try to come up with a way to establish a relationship between you and the recruiter in less than six seconds. You’re most probably wondering how on earth it’s possible to do that sort of thing. Well, it is and you’ll learn just how to do it right here. 

The first thing to do while writing that resume is to look at your previous experiences and check if you’ve done anything related in any way at all to the work you’re currently trying to apply for. 

If you’re applying for an internship at a digital marketing agency, then you should be looking out for any experience in a field such as social media management. Look for times where you have handled any social media account for any brand, even if it’s a personal one and turn it into a corporate experience.

While writing your resume for an internship, you can be rest assured that the recruiter or company does not expect you to have serious professional qualifications and your current qualifications are only expected to boost your academic or career goals, hence you can totally include all those skills you gained on your own and show willingness to gain more skills.

  • It should perfectly highlight your strengths and be appropriately structured.
  • There is absolutely no need for preambles so you should go straight to the point and make the position you’re applying for very obvious.
  • Avoid errors and make your resume very easy to read.
  • Above all, make sure that your resume isn’t more than one page .

job search masterclass

Reiterating the above, the recruiter does not expect you to have tons of experience but that does not give you the permission to fill up your resume with generic information as it sends a very bad message to the recruiter about you.

Also, keep it in mind that your recruiters are looking for someone who has skills that are honed personally through practice and very willing to learn.

Skills such as; the ability to work under pressure and meet target deadlines, a very high level of creativity, impressive communication skills , hard work and exceptional leadership abilities.

It is very common while writing a resume for internships to see many students stressing or having a meltdown because of their GPA.

If you’re in that category, then you need to take a step back and desist from giving yourself a high blood pressure because, in actual fact, recruiters in most cases usually do not take the school GPA into cognizance or let it determine if you deserve to be recruited or not.

Although always make sure to include your academic qualifications as poor as they might be on your resume because for someone in your stage, you might not possess enough field experience and as I said before, even recruiters do not expect you to.

Recruiters are usually more interested in relevant work experiences so kindly focus more on that.

On your resume, there are basic things that should attack your recruiter first, and one of them is your ' Professional Summary ' which is where you tell your recruiter what you have got to offer in just a couple of sentences.

Always make sure that you do not turn in a resume without a professional summary as that’s the best way to let your employer know what you’re good for or at.

Your resume should be tailored to fit the position you’re applying for, as this gives the recruiter the idea that you’re already a nice fit for their company even long before you’re offered a position. 

You should also never forget to include all the awards and honors you’ve received as little as they might be, they go a long way in creating a lasting impression in the mind of your employer and give you an edge of credibility over other resumes.

 With all the above insights, you should be well on your way to securing that dream internship, without an atom of doubt that you can be absolutely sure of.

Related Resume Examples

  • No Experience Resume
  • Research Assistant Resume
  • High School Resume
  • College Resume
  • Students and Graduates Resume
  • Teacher Resume

Suggested Readings:

  • +150 Best Skills to Put on Your Resume
  • How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internship
  • Strengths & Weaknesses for Job Interviews

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Resume Builder

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  • Resume Samples

College Intern Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the college intern job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • Work with a global engineering team on development of a SaaS application
  • Working with developers to write and test software for Storage Devices
  • Writing scripts for performance, testing, and data analysis
  • Run qualification tests, analyze results, and generate presentations to provide leadership with information and result summary
  • Support the engineering development team in various activities, including
  • Perform other related duties as assigned by the senior lab engineers
  • Follow procedures and perform longer multi-step tasks, monitored by remote engineers
  • Information Technology (networking, computer security, project management, application development, enterprise data management, telecommunications, etc.)
  • Provides research and administrative assistance for special projects as assigned. Presents findings and makes recommendations
  • Analyse recruitment data to identify improvement opportunities and make recommendations to Recruitment Manager
  • Assist in the management of our Kronos Community assistance initiative and creation of a streamlined response process with a Customer-First mentality
  • Work with the on-site Digital Communications Manager to create and implement campaigns
  • Create productivity tools using programming, database or scripting languages to improve software processes, modeling and development
  • Performs work assignments in support of departmental goals
  • Assist the Division General Manager in preparing for meetings through developing briefings and gathering data
  • Provide budget variance explanations by performing data analysis
  • Develop management briefings
  • Provide support for special events, employee programs and manager meetings
  • Assist in preparing materials to support pipeline analysis and management, export license tracking, customer engagement materials, reports, and presentations
  • Physical Security functions include secured area construction, access control management, and secured alarm monitoring
  • Support the business development team in conducting research (specifically DoD and international budgetary related items)
  • Strong in Excel & proficient in PowerPoint & Outlook, comfortable with financial/operations data, reporting
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills, ability to communicate effectively with multiple stakeholders inside and outside of the organization
  • Strong organization and project management skills, ability to meet deadlines
  • Ability to interpret, understand, and follow established policies and procedures applicable to the duties assigned
  • Strong attention to detail and organizational skills
  • Good organizational skills with the ability to handle multiple and changing priorities
  • Ability to quickly learn new concepts and tools
  • Strong knowledge, understanding, and passion for the Cleveland Plan
  • Excellent business and computer skills (i.e. sql, javascript, MS Access, SharePoint, a plus)
  • Personal sense of accountability for the success of all Cleveland students

15 College Intern resume templates

College Intern Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

How to tailor your resume, how to make a resume, how to mention achievements, work experience in resume, 50+ skills to put on a resume, how and why put hobbies, top 22 fonts for your resume, 50 best resume tips, 200+ action words to use, internship resume, killer resume summary, write a resume objective, what to put on a resume, how long should a resume be, the best resume format, how to list education, cv vs. resume: the difference, include contact information, resume format pdf vs word, how to write a student resume, college intern resume examples & samples.

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Manufacturing Engineering
  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering

UX College Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Empathy for the customer
  • First-class communication skills to articulate design choices and decisions
  • Passion for collaboration to translate vision and values into remarkable products
  • Ownership of all facets of design: style elaboration, prototyping, final product
  • Pixel-perfect attention to detail to create visuals and UI components for enterprise applications, web and mobile

Security Analyst College Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Team member on Sales and Discount Fraud (SDF) Investigations
  • Support Active Fraud Investigations
  • Conduct research on companies and individuals
  • Provide analysis of data and professionally written reports incorporating all findings
  • Complete internship project
  • High level of proficiency in use of MS Outlook, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel
  • Sound, ethical judgment required
  • General knowledge covering investigations theories, systems, processes, methodologies and environments
  • Demonstrated ability to perform under pressure and respond rapidly to requirements
  • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to interact with vendors, multi-levels of management, peers, and team members
  • Advanced written reporting skills
  • Self-motivator able to work independently on complex issues and decisions, ensuring appropriate communications with leadership during and after the process
  • Developed organizational, time management, and planning skills. Able to work multiple projects and activities on an ongoing basis and shift priorities as needed
  • Junior or Senior pursuing Bachelor’s Degree from an Accredited University (required) in specialties such as Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement, Security Administration, Finance
  • 3 GPA or Higher (preferred)
  • Prior Internship Experience (preferred)
  • Support software development projects
  • Technical meetings with project teams
  • Investigation of technology solutions to support research and development
  • Innovation and Quality
  • Students in Computer Science/Information Systems/System Analysis/Electrical or Computer Engineering or related (minimum: second year pre-graduated)
  • Attendance of advanced programming algorithms, calculus and classes and good notions of programming
  • Basic knowledge of Web and Data Communications/Internet environment
  • Interest and curiosity for development and software testing area
  • Investigative profile
  • Desirable Skills: C++, Java, Python, Linux like OS, Communication protocols
  • Fluent in English and Portuguese
  • Experience with data analysis, business planning, and cross functional teaming
  • Ability to summarize and present project results
  • Must be pursuing a bachelor's degree in business, marketing, Engineer or Finance
  • 1) Gather project requirements from end users to properly document project requirements
  • 2) Work with server app owner/developer to define communication protocols
  • 3) Development and testing of client solution using C# Visual Studio .Net 2012. The solution will have the following major features
  • 4) Document the entire software development using UML components (Class Diagram, Deployment Diagram, FlowChart)
  • 5) If time permits, help deployment of the solution across entire manufacturing lines
  • Strong programing knowledge preference in C# Visual Studio .Net environment
  • Experience in handling database creation, query and processing
  • Possess software development process cycle knowledge

SPS Ink Development College Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Researching/analyzing potential materials and ink additives
  • Designing test plans and executing/analyzing test results
  • Authoring reports
  • Collaborating with engineers across disciplines and functions
  • Three or more years coursework in Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, or Chemical Engineering
  • Currently pursuing a Bachelor’s (undergraduate) or Master’s/PhD (graduate) degree
  • Proactive, innovative and self-motivated
  • Willingness to ask questions of experienced employees and to learn from them
  • Ability to design and execute technical experiments with guidance from lead engineer
  • Ability to analyze data with statistical methods and apply critical thinking
  • Ability to clearly document experiments, work, and conclusions
  • Strong and creative problem solving skills
  • Strong written, verbal communication and presentation skills
  • Competency with Microsoft Office, especially Excel and Word
  • Enrolled in University
  • Prefer candidate to have engineering knowledge (B. Eng.)/ Mathematics degree or Statistics degree
  • Be involved in Big Data project and/or other quality improvement initiatives
  • Application of statistics to Product Engineering, Quality Engineering and Operations Engineering
  • An undergraduate student working towards a four-year degree in Computer Science, Computer Info Systems, Computer Engineering or related field
  • Experience in VB6 and/or C# will be a plus
  • Experience with database structures, query and reporting tools a plus
  • Documentation discipline required in a shared code / team programming environment
  • An aptitude for programming demonstrated by coursework or previous programming experience
  • Strong communication and people skills
  • Ability to solve complex system level engineering problems
  • Strong sense of ownership, follow-through, and orientation towards results
  • Self-starter who can quickly contribute with little or no direction
  • Working towards a Bachelors or Masters Degree (preferably in Computer Science)
  • Ability to develop code in C/C++
  • Good command in Data Structures, Algorithms and OOP concepts
  • Knowledge of Linux Operating System, Networking is a plus
  • Android experience preferred

College Intern Student Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide support to engineers that need HW assistance
  • Perform common, pre-determined HW specific tasks. These can be queued or in real time. (e.g. Pull FC cable, reboot devices…)
  • May need to find ways to automate some of the tasks
  • Must be comfortable working with hardware and in a large lab environment with storage systems, switches, servers .
  • Must be present and available for the hardware assistance requests during the shift
  • Must have an interest in and able to familiarize themselves with hardware and software needed to do the job
  • Must be able to learn and practice the proper handling of all equipment
  • Must have an excellent customer service attitude and strong communications skills
  • Must have a sense of ownership, pride of work, initiative and reliable
  • Must have a willingness to learn
  • Have interest in operating systems, data storage systems and distributed computing
  • Have experience with common computer software, hardware and operating environments
  • Shadow recruiters in talent attraction process (screening/interviewing/scheduling candidates applying for job openings)
  • Conduct secondary research on talent market and prepare reports and recommendations to address real-time business problems
  • Graduate in any degree and pursuing Master’s Degree in Human Resources with good technical acumen
  • Must have a cumulative 6.0 GPA (10.0 scale) or higher
  • Position is located in Chennai, India, but applicant must be mobile domestically
  • Minimum 8 week commitment is mandatory
  • Strong communication, leadership, interpersonal and collaboration skills
  • Ability to operate independently
  • Strong knowledge in Ms Office, especially Ms Word, Excel and Power Point
  • Deep understanding of the customer expectations for ink supplies in the consume, office and graphics segment via different channels of feedback
  • Competencies around customer and related warranty impact assessment
  • Deliver incremental revenue growth for current installed based
  • Performs routine aspects of assigned projects under close supervision, following established procedures
  • Coordinate with Project Management professionals to make modifications and corrections to project specific documents
  • Prepare and process client requested data or documents that are compliant with contract terms and client specific needs
  • May use computer-assisted engineering software and equipment to perform engineering tasks
  • Collects and prepares data for evaluation
  • Examine Project documents for completeness and accuracy
  • Currently enrolled in an Engineering or Construction Management curriculum is required
  • Experience with MS Word, MS Excel, and MS PowerPoint is required
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills is required
  • Attention to detail and the ability to exercise good professional judgment is required
  • Ability to effectively interact with all levels of management regarding project activity is required
  • Managing the daily financial data for Mutual Fund and Defined Contribution (DCIO) clients on our SalesVision platform
  • Adhering to quality and productivity standards, while providing stellar client care
  • Researching and correcting incomplete broker/dealer and financial advisor information by determining the correct firm, office, and representative information tied to a particular trade
  • O Becoming accustomed to various client file feeds and determining the most efficient way to steward exceptions
  • O Understanding how dealers, branches, and rep codes associate to their corresponding firms, offices, and persons
  • O Understanding and applying knowledge of how prominent intermediaries (i.e. Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Raymond James, Pershing, Edward Jones, and JP Morgan) transact with mutual funds
  • O Leveraging resources internal to SalesVision as well as external resources including Rep Lists, Branch Lists, FINRA, IAPD, Google and our Master Data Repository (MDR) in order to accurately steward exceptions
  • Generating audits, review/analyze results, and resolving financial data integrity issues
  • Working with other interns and associates to identify opportunities for process improvement
  • Performing other projects that help to improve daily workflow within AccessData
  • Must be a currently enrolled student seeking a degree in the financial industry, preferably: Business Information Systems, Information Science, Finance, Data Analytics, Accounting, Economics or Business Management
  • Must have completed their freshman year
  • Must be detail-oriented and possess excellent follow-up skills
  • Proficient in Microsoft Excel
  • Must be organized and able to work well with constant priority changes
  • Must be able to work independently with minimal supervision as well as in a team environment
  • Flexible 20 hours per week around your school schedule during the academic year
  • Receive a competitive hourly wage and potential for educational credit
  • Complementary Keurig coffee and beverages
  • Within walking distance to local universities; conveniently located along bus and trolley lines
  • We don't believe that productivity comes from wearing a three-piece suit. We want our team members to be relaxed and comfortable. Therefore, AccessData has adopted a business causal dress code
  • Discover AccessData's various product offerings by participating in "lunch-and-learn" sessions
  • Opportunity to network with department leaders, gain real-world experience, and keep up with the financial industry
  • Records retention in a warehouse environment. This internship position will receive, move and prepare large numbers of boxes of files for storage. This position will also complete other job duties as assigned. This internship will be located at the Lottery's main warehouse in Cleveland. **Significant physical work is required-Lifting, carrying, moving of materials.**
  • KNOWLEDGE:Office practices & procedures; Research; Word processing, spreadsheet & database software packages; Customer service
  • SKILLS:Operation of personal computer; Operation of office equipment
  • ABILITIES: Deal with problems involving several variables within a familiar context; Apply principles to solve everyday, practical problems; Read, copy & record figures accurately; Prepare correspondence; Copy records & data precisely without error; Maintain accurate records; Gather, collate & classify information about data, people or things; Assess information & provide appropriate status summary; File correspondence, reports & records; Retrieve files for requested information; Answer telephones & take messages or refer calls; Cooperate with co-workers on group projects
  • Assists in the review of A-133 Audit Reports
  • Verify and record all information for the Audit Tracking Calendar within our Fiscal files
  • Contact Agencies regarding A-133 Audit Reports – Checking on late reports, and asking for additional information to allow for the completion of our review
  • Assist with both the initial monitoring information request, and our sample request
  • Set up electronic files once received from the Agencies for future fiscal monitoring
  • Catalog communication between ODA and each Agency for File 3 of the monitoring packet
  • Contact Agencies regarding additional information for monitoring files
  • Assist with the completion of all monitoring files
  • Assist with the completion of MAT reports for exit conferences
  • Assist with the preparation of Management Decision letters to Agencies
  • Prepare confirmation reports for A-133 auditor
  • Assist with the review of final grant numbers (once the monitoring team begins this duty)
  • Update a physical copy of the Fiscal Monitoring Resource Guide
  • Assist with all other aspects of the fiscal monitoring team's activities
  • Demonstrates commitment to customer service performance standards in alignment with agency's promise to deliver service, support, & solutions to customers
  • Must currently be enrolled in a college or university and in good academic standing
  • Must be able to show proof of academic enrollment
  • Must be currently enrolled in a college degree program, preferably a graduate level program. Will be required to produce college transcript & current fee statement or class schedule
  • Major in Public Administration, Environmental Science or a related area
  • Ability to work at least 20 hours a week
  • Capacity to work independently
  • Detail oriented, organized & efficient in a high-pressure environment
  • Education or experience in writing, interpreting technical literature, data analysis & strong organizational skills
  • Experience in using Microsoft Office Suite
  • Effective communication – oral & written
  • Multi-tasking skills
  • Interns are paid hourly at a rate based on academic year and experience
  • We partner with the Ohio State University to offer work study programs
  • We offer flexible days, hours, and internship duration to meet agency expectations and student's schedule
  • We provide professional development and experience
  • Secure professional references for future job searches
  • Special consideration is given to interns during screening when the relevant duties match the description of the job applied for (when bargaining union rights do not come into play)
  • We provide career orientations. This gives students the opportunity to experience multiple career paths under one division/department (i.e. BWC's Information Technology Division encompasses networking, computer security, project management, application development, etc)
  • We provide internship guidance on skill sets that may be a better fit for a different department or division
  • We provide an open door policy to allow students and managers to share ideas, knowledge, fresh perspectives, new computer skills, etc
  • We provide feedback on assigned work tasks
  • Take advantage of the opportunity to network with our highly skilled workforce and establish working relationships with coworkers and other interns
  • Reap the rewards of doing work that makes an impact and helps Ohioans
  • Actuarial (actuarial analysis, rate adjustment, research and statistics, calculation of initial premium rates, expected loss rates, and experience modifiers)
  • Employer Services (underwriting and premium audit, business analysis, employer policy and compliance)
  • Employer Services (underwriting and premium audit, business analysis, employer policy, and employer services)
  • Enterprise Services (project management, CORE system, business architects)
  • Field Operations (call center, managing medical and lost-time workers' compensation claims, providing support to return injured workers to their jobs and lives, compensation adjustments, etc.)
  • Fiscal & Planning Services (accounts payable/receivable, financial reporting, benefits payable, budget, payroll, purchasing, inventory control, employer compliance, etc.)
  • Human Resources (personnel and benefits, equal employment opportunity, labor relations, employee training, employee safety and health, etc.)
  • Internal Audit (internal controls, systems and governance processes)
  • Investments (investment strategies for BWC trust funds)
  • Legal(legal counsel for the State Insurance Fund, special investigations, fraud, security, ethics)
  • Medical Services (monitor medical bill payments, fee schedules, coordination of health-care services, medical policies, claims management, reimbursement review, prior authorization/physician review, staffs nurses for medical resources for the customer care teams, etc.)
  • Chief Medical Officer and Medical Programs Medical and Health Services(Pharmacy benefits manager (PBM) contract compliance and administrative payment – monitors performance and develops contract service specifications – establish service requirements for PBM)
  • Operational Policy, Analytics, and Compliance(analyzes data to help improve BWC processes, shape policy, and monitor the performance and compliance of managed care organizations)
  • Safety & Hygiene (safety education and training, safety councils, safety grants and loans programs, field consulting safety services, etc.)
  • Strategic Direction(oversees strategic communications regarding BWC initiatives, agency brand and promotional materials, audio/visual services, sets & enforces overall direction for employer outreach initiatives and the customer's experience)
  • Fiscal & Planning (accounts payable/receivable, financial reporting, benefits payable, budget, payroll, purchasing, inventory control, etc.)
  • Chief Medical Officer and Medical Programs(Pharmacy benefits manager (PBM) contract compliance and administrative payment – monitors performance and develops contract service specifications – establish service requirements for PBM)
  • Policy Analysis, Technology and Governance (agency brand and promotional materials, policy updates and operational correspondence, audio/visual services, and charitable campaigns outreach)
  • Strategic Direction(oversees strategic communications regarding BWC initiatives, sets & enforces overall direction for employer outreach initiatives)
  • Intrusion Detection
  • Security Engineering
  • Security Architecture
  • Must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at an accredited college or university and in good academic standing. Proof of academic enrollment (current transcript copy) must accompany application
  • Must have completed one (1) academic year of college
  • Must be 18 years old at start of employment
  • Major in Law/Pre-Law, Social Work, Political Science, Public Administration, Human Services/Welfare Studies, or comparable field
  • Application must include these attachments: resume, cover letter, and unofficial transcript(s)
  • 0 and above overall GPA
  • Proficient with Microsoft Office software (Outlook, Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint) and standard office equipment (e.g. fax, scanner, copier)
  • Must possess strong communication skills, both oral and written
  • Demonstrate good judgment and ability to apply logical/critical thought processes when developing solutions
  • Ability to work within teams and maintain professional composure in a dynamic work environment that often requires management and completion of multiple tasks
  • Successful applicant should be able to work 20 - 29 hours a week, Monday through Friday, during normal business hours of 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. (This is nota summer internship position)
  • Must be currently enrolled in a degree program, preferably Public Relationsor related area).Will be required to produce college transcript & current fee statement or class schedule
  • Must be able to work 15-20 hours during school year
  • Excellent verbal & written communication skills required
  • Must be able to work on multiple projects & have multitasking skills
  • Prior work experiences in an office environment preferred
  • Proficient with Microsoft office suite of products, specifically MS-Word, Excel & Outlook

IT College Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Application Development
  • Computer Security
  • Enterprise Data Management
  • Helpdesk Support
  • Majoring in Computer Science, Information Technology, or related IT discipline
  • Familiarity with Microsoft Office applications and other office equipment (e.g., fax, scanner, copier)
  • Ability to work with and without supervision while completing assigned tasks
  • Ability to work independently or in a group project setting
  • Engagement with business leaders and employees around HRtopics
  • Get insights on total rewards
  • Support operations
  • Own/Support HR program and events
  • 1) Usability Test
  • 2) Recommend improvements
  • 3) Document User Flows and outline gaps
  • 4) Document technical flows and outline gaps
  • 5) Develop Use Cases and Test software and service releases against those use cases
  • 6) Document any errors and communicate to the engineering teams for resolution
  • Assemble/dissemble modular work stations
  • Steam clean furniture
  • Minor painting projects
  • Landscaping
  • Snow removal
  • Miscellaneous custodial duties
  • Exposure to heights
  • Exposure to cold weather
  • Participate in the design, testing and delivery of technology solutions within NPI (New Product Introduction) programs
  • Participate in the production of prototype parts within the relevant manufacturing area
  • Participate in the root cause and problem solving of complex issues that arise during the design process
  • Problems within the manufacturing process
  • Problems related to the material set used within the product
  • Where possible, develop new test procedures with the aim of
  • Proving out new concept in question
  • Capture and resolve failures
  • In the case where failure occurs, retest to eliminate fails
  • Liaise with site partners where needed on all of the above points
  • Compile concise reports which will detail clear observations/conclusions, and also final recommendations to peers, partners and stakeholders
  • · This particular department has a wide scope of work where the candidate will be deployed. Therefore, we seek an adaptive individual in the process of completing a Degree centered on Materials Science (be it Chemistry, Physics or Engineering)
  • · An appreciation for Materials Design & Testing: Specifically for the characterization of aqueous based In/Organic solutions, as well as for Metallic & Soft (polymeric) surfaces
  • · The ability to observe & conclude on the interaction between a liquid and solid phase (specifically the integrity of the latter)
  • · Clear examples (relating to points 2&3 above) from the candidates experience throughout his/her Degree topics, or from any other work experience
  • · Demonstrated statistics competency including DOE
  • · Excellent written and oral communication skills, with proficiency in MS Office highly desirable
  • · Ability to grasp new technologies and methodologies quickly
  • · Basic understanding of the concepts of product development and Lean Six Sigma Manufacturing
  • · Well organized with good multi–tasking capability

College Intern Bureau of Behavioral Health Resume Examples & Samples

  • Clinical functions based upon field of study expectations
  • Gather relevant BOBHS information and compile reports
  • Write behavioral health service articles and newsletters of interest to DRC staff
  • Identify, coordinate and implement special projects and events related to the candidate's field of study that enhances BOBHS and its customers
  • Communicate information about BOBHS activities and programs through written and verbal correspondence
  • Develop BOBHS presentations for staff and the public
  • Correspondence regarding your application will be sent to the email address provided on your application.**
  • Work with the Internal Audit team to learn how to establish working relationships with personnel throughout Kronos
  • Learn to exhibit a professional, business‐like demeanor
  • Learn, apply and deliver various audit methodology on assigned projects
  • Learn how to build and broaden consultative skill
  • Work under supervision of staff and management to provide recommendations for
  • Must be currently enrolled at an accredited college or university pursuing a Bachelor’s or Master’s program in the fields of Business Administration, Accounting, Finance, Accounting/Management Information Systems, or Audit & Compliance
  • Minimum of 5 successfully completed semesters (or credit equivalent) at a 4-year college/university prior to start of internship
  • Graduating students are eligible only if they are returning to school the following semester to pursue the next level degree
  • Strong academic credentials (Minimum GPA of 3.2)
  • Strong MS Office skills required
  • Ability to work both independently and as part of a team with professionals at all levels
  • Coursework in Audit / Compliance and capstone business focused projects a plus
  • Focus in business systems usage, design and testing an advantage
  • Understanding of database structures and scripting; exposure to data interrogation tools (ACL, IDEA, etc.) a plus
  • Willingness to adapt to changing environment and maintain positive attitude

HQ College Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Meaningful, high priority projects
  • On-the-job training, coaching & support
  • Collaboration with fellow HQ interns on Marriott’s internal social media platform
  • Department-specific activities
  • Intern specific events, including: a spring pre-onboarding webinar, an intern orientation, Leadership Speaker Series, networking opportunities, hotel site visits, opportunities to present to senior leaders, and more!
  • Candidate must be currently enrolled in a graduate level degree program at time of application
  • Must be available to start on internship cohort start dates for specific department
  • Working knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Ability to work in group settings and/or independently
  • Ability to prioritize and multi-task several projects
  • Demonstrates problem solving skills
  • Demonstrates creativity and innovation
  • Enrolled in Business, Finance or Accounting Preferred
  • Advanced Microsoft Excel skills
  • Strong Customer Focus-Works well with internal and external customers
  • Leadership and teamwork capabilities
  • Interpersonal communication skills
  • Extracurricular activities (campus organizations, clubs, student organizations, community service)
  • Ability to effectively articulate technical challenges and solutions
  • Candidates, regardless of age, must be currently enrolled in an accredited college/university degree program pursuing a Bachelors, Masters or PhD in one of the following majors

College Intern Administrative Resume Examples & Samples

  • Currently enrolled in an accredited BS/BA and/or MS/MA program pursuing a degree in global supply chain, project management, business or contract administration, real estate, data analytics, or other related degree
  • Available to work full-time (40 hours per week) for 10-12 weeks during the summer 2016 semester
  • Familiar with Microsoft Office Power Point, Outlook, Word, and Excel applications
  • U.S. Citizen
  • Able to obtain and maintain a DoD Security Clearance (if required)
  • Global Supply Chain: Basic knowledge of supply chain, export/import rules and regulations a plus
  • Real Estate: Familiarity with property management, real estate contracts, real estate finance, google maps, and scheduling software such as Microsoft Project a plus
  • Proactively shape sector compliance strategy for product regulations that impact new business opportunities
  • Drive to superior quality and product compliance
  • Manage sector product regulatory compliance risk and opportunity in an increasing regulatory environment
  • Optimize current Material Authenticity and Specialty Metals processes
  • Be majoring in Contract Law, Electrical Engineering or related discipline
  • Be available to work full-time (40 hours per week) for at least 10 weeks during summer 2017
  • Experience in product regulatory and standards requirements analysis and process development
  • Have a strong interest in US Government and International product regulation compliance
  • Have a strong interest in product quality related industry development and compliance
  • Support the CNI Business area
  • Exposure to all forms of business related to the NG processes
  • Introduction to General Valud principles
  • Gather, collect, record and verify requested information
  • Be majoring in Business Management, Finance, Economics or related
  • Preferred Qualifications
  • Gather, collect, record, track, analyze, and verify data and information from multiple sources
  • Use software for functional areas to compile and generate reports, statistics, timelines, tables, graphs, correspondences, and presentations
  • Develop and build internal and external relationships
  • Understand Material Requirements Planning to support internal project needs
  • Comprehend pertinent Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) clauses and Northrop Grumman internal procedures for adhering to requirements
  • Effectively communicate with suppliers as well as internal customers
  • Collaborate and work closely with internal departments to drive problem resolution
  • Coordinate with supervisor to identify and complete a relevant project to be presented to Northrop Grumman executive management at the end of the period
  • Be majoring in Supply Chain Management, Finance, Accounting, Logistics, Industrial Engineering, Business Management, Information Systems Management, or any other closely related discipline
  • Good presentation and writing/communication skills
  • Self-motivated, willing to learn, and interested in working in a team environment

College Intern Administrative Orlando Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assist with Travel Request for program staff
  • Assist with Travel Expense reporting
  • Assist with all CDRL peer review, comment resolution, formatting, delivery
  • Assist with meeting minutes for weekly status meetings, test readiness review, design reviews, etc
  • Assist with meeting and even preparations to include Design Reviews, Preliminary and Formal Qualification Testing, Program Management Reviews
  • Be majoring in English, Communications, Business Management, Public Relations, Business Administration, or Marketing
  • Be majoring in Business Administration, Business Management, Finance, Accounting, Economics, International Business, or closely related discipline
  • Have completed at least sophomore year
  • Be available to work full-time (40 hours per week) for at least 10 weeks during summer 2016
  • Evaluate software and/or related software engineering work products through audits and peer reviews
  • Review requirements, test plans and procedures and related work products
  • Complete, assess and update quality processes, records and reports
  • Develop and enhance quality engineering guidance, tools, templates, and training
  • Analyze systems engineering metrics and perform causal analysis
  • Be majoring in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Aerospace, Systems Engineering, Math or Mechanical Engineering
  • Basic knowledge of data analytics or statistics
  • Have working knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite Applications
  • Support to project and program managers
  • Performing data management duties requiring attention to detail such data entry and creating and maintaining databases or SharePoint sites
  • Preparing meeting agendas and notes
  • Scheduling collaborative calls, sending reminders, and facilitating logistics
  • Analysis of trends related to project deliverables
  • Research for special projects
  • Maintaining content including web content, protocols, instructions, and other documentation supporting public health programs
  • Actively enrolled in a Bachelor’s of Business Administration or a humanities degree from an accredited institution
  • 7 GPA or higher (unofficial academic transcripts must be provided at time of application by uploading the documents to your profile)
  • Must be a U.S. citizen or a Green Card Holder

User Experience College Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • You will be exposed to user research, research analysis, concept ideation, prototyping, evaluating, and development
  • You will initiate, support, and coordinate design studios and reviews
  • You will develop user experience artifacts such as user personas, user task models, user journeys, empathy maps, low-fidelity mockups, high-fidelity mockups, user test plans, and more (as relevant)
  • You will work closely with engineers, users, and customers from program(s) or research & development projects
  • You will leverage the results of user research analysis to develop ideas divergently and subsequently converge on feasible ideas
  • Be majoring in Engineering, Human Factors, Human Computer Interacation, Product Design, Psychology, Sociology, Marketing, Art, History or related fields pertaining to user-centered design
  • Passion for usability, accessibility, and user experience best practices
  • Experience working with user experience research and/or design
  • Experience with design thinking methodologies
  • Accompanying the Division General Manager to key meetings and site visits to learn the business and culture
  • Lead special projects and assignments to support the division objectives
  • Work with the division leadership team to accomplish specific tasks
  • Currently enrolled in an accredited college/university degree program pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Business or related discipline
  • Must be able to obtain a top secret clearance
  • Minimum 3.25 GPA
  • Knowledge of basic office tools: MS Office, Excel, Power Point, Word, Outlook
  • Willing to work in a strong team environment; ability to interface with multiple groups and teams
  • Strong organizational skills to prioritize assigned work and meet deadlines; detail oriented
  • Have completed at least junior year
  • Differentiating characteristics include: leadership and teamwork capabilities, interpersonal communication skills, strong verbal and written communication skills, self-starter and demonstrate leadership skills shown through involvement in professional, community, athletic or and academic extracurricular activities
  • Experience in developing and delivering presentations, leading small group discussions and communicating in a virtual setting
  • Ability to lead projects from concept to completion utilizing data and data analytics
  • Possess an active DoD Secret clearance (U.S. citizenship is a pre-requisite)
  • Available to work full-time (40 hours per week) during Summer 2016 and part-time (20 hours per week) during the 2016/2017 school year
  • Have an overall cumulative GPA of 3.50/4.0 or higher
  • DoD Top Secret clearance

Engineering Systems Program Management College Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Currently enrolled in a 4-year college or university pursuing a bachelor's or master’s degree in any a technology or engineering related discipline
  • Highly fluent with modern technology (mobile, desktop computing, servers, networks, etc.)
  • Microsoft Excel guru
  • Front-end programming experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Back-end programming experience with PHP and SQL
  • User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) design experience
  • Develop content calendars on a weekly and monthly basis for sector campaigns
  • Monitor analytics with social media team to identify viable ideas
  • Create engaging social media content
  • Provide support to our marketing team at live and online events
  • In-depth working knowledge of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Snapchat and Google+
  • Experience with social media analytics, including Google Analytics and Facebook Insights
  • Basic knowledge of Photoshop
  • Some experience with web development and design
  • Be majoring in Communications
  • Be available to work part time during the winter and spring semesters
  • Must be a Junior or Senior level student currently enrolled in a four year Accounting degree program
  • Must be able to work 20-25 hours per week, Monday - Friday between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm
  • Professional appearance

Core Banking Application Development College Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Must be a Junior or Senior level student enrolled in a four year degree program
  • Must be able to work 20-25 hours per week, Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm
  • Must be familiar with MVS COBOL

Entertainment Industry College Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Current college student with a background in motion picture/television production or post-production, marketing, arts administration, or business
  • Candidates must be computer savvy with proficiency in Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, Outlook, and Power Point). Knowledge of Photoshop, Final Cut, and social media is preferred. Experience with CRM (Customer Relationship Management) programs like Sales Force is an added plus
  • Candidate should submit resume (1 page recommended) along with at least one recommendation from the faculty of their school, and a second reference from a previous employer, or someone who has known the candidate for over 3 years
  • Candidate will be interfacing with Kodak Motion Picture customers and Kodak employees. They will need to be personable and have the ability to work in a busy, dynamic, and time sensitive environment
  • Hours: 10-20 hours per week
  • Work schedule: Schedule can be flexible with hours during work week and on occasion may encompass a weekend or evenings
  • The candidate will work from either their personal residence or the Santa Monica office
  • Ensure that performance and products conform to established requirements
  • Prepare and present reports and metrics
  • Gain an understanding of our business use case scenarios and our Customer workflows
  • Automate current manual processes using various languages and tools
  • Collaborate with other product teams and groups throughout engineering
  • Execute manual test plans
  • Participate in a cross-geography scrum teams
  • 3rd or 4th year undergraduate student studying Computer Science or Engineering
  • Experience with prior internship is an asset
  • Good documentation & verbal communication skills
  • Experience with Windows and Linux environments
  • Experience with Scripting languages an asset
  • Experience with continuous integration environments, such as Jenkins is an asset
  • Experience with Object-Oriented languages such as Java or C
  • Experience with test automation tools, such as Selenium or RestAssured is an asset
  • Candidate should have strong Customer focus and attention to detail
  • Candidate should be highly motivated and a team player
  • Annual employee tax reporting support
  • Validate and update employee personnel data information
  • Employee benefit claim handling
  • Document organization
  • Perform general Human Resources functions and provide support in various HR projects
  • Monitor office cleaning and make sure office tidiness
  • Monitor office security and manage office access
  • Purchase supplies for office maintain and follow up related expense claim if necessary
  • Maintain office asset
  • Provide support and facilitate meetings
  • Name card design and purchase according to request-Issue
  • Greeting visitors to the office
  • Business course
  • Proficient in MS office application (Word, Excel)
  • High attention to detail and accuracy essential
  • Proven interpersonal skils
  • Assist with developing & executing project proposals/plans for all operating units within General Services Division
  • Analyze & evaluate programs, procedures & policies
  • Conduct research & applies critical thinking to resolve identified issues
  • Research & respond to inquiries & complaints
  • Facilitate meetings & make presentations
  • Collect, organize & analyze data
  • Prepare & maintain reports, records &/or technical evaluations related to research or surveys conducted and identify trends
  • Provide suggestions on program or process improvements
  • Currently enrolled in a BA/BS/BFA or MS degree program in graphic design, human-computer interaction, computer science, human factors or related field
  • A design portfolio that demonstrates strong design principles for digital platforms
  • Demonstrate proficiency with design tools (e.g. Adobe suite, Sketch, Balsamiq, Invision, Webflow ...)
  • Familiarity with front-end web development is a plus (HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT)
  • Have a hand in designing end-to-end experiences across hardware and software
  • Take and provide critique with a ton of initiative
  • Apply branding principles in a user interface
  • Create and sustain design detail across complex experiences
  • Have an appreciation for aesthetic details and a generally high level of production quality
  • Express interest in learning best practices for user research, user testing, information architecture, visual design, and interaction design
  • Assisting with preparation of Sector financial statements
  • Performing analysis of financial data
  • Performing account reconciliations
  • Processing routine financial documents such as journal entries
  • Assisting with any audit research requirements
  • Assist with review of organizational documentation, workflow and processes
  • Currently enrolled in an accredited college/university degree program pursuing a Bachelor's degree (or higher) in Business Administration, Finance, Accounting, Compliance/Audit, or related program
  • Must be available to work 10-12 weeks in the summer, 40 hours/week
  • Must have intermediate to advanced Excel experience
  • MS Office suite experiences a plus
  • Include any exams, certifications, etc. that must be completed prior to the start of the internship) Proficient in Power Point and Excel. Excellent writing skills. Ability to present verbal presentations
  • Preferred Majors: Marketing, Business
  • Preferred Classification:(Junior, Senior, Recent Graduate) All of these classifications would work for the positions we offer
  • Practice development, continuous delivery & support of microservices
  • Create test automation packages that will run as part of the continuous delivery pipeline
  • Passion for cloud computing and distributed systems
  • Student working towards an Engineering degree preferably Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering
  • Proficient at using Java/Nodejs, Perl/Phython, JavaScript
  • Understanding of Spring Framework, AngularJS, Cloud Foundry a plus
  • Experience using any visualization framework like D3, Highcharts a plus
  • Excellent written & verbal communication skills
  • Problem solving skills (troubleshooting software problems)
  • Ability to effectively work in a team environment
  • Detail oriented, sense of urgency and follow through on assigned tasks
  • Review functional specifications, contribute with ideas and feedback
  • Practical experience with operating system internals, device drivers, and performance-analysis desired
  • Highly motivated, with ability to ramp up quickly
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, including writing
  • Experience with storage technologies a plus

Administrative Sales Support College Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Will Support MPS Channels in adminsitrative and Logistics tasks
  • Will manage médium to complex Business analysis
  • Will follow up Purchase Orders
  • Will Support Budget, Planning and data marketing Management

Graduate Retail Solutions Product Management College Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Perform competitive analysis (e.g., pricing, promotions, Go to Market (GTM) activities) to support HP's Retail Solutions Product Management team
  • Assist with customer insights and industry trend analysis
  • Assist with product/service/solution introductions and/or end-of-life obsolescence activities
  • Assist with execution/analysis of product/service/solution price promotions

College Intern Business Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Gathers, collects, records, tracks and verifies data and information from multiple sources. Compiles, reviews and analyzes data
  • Uses software for functional area, to compile and generate reports, statistics, timelines, tables, graphs, correspondence and presentations
  • May design processes to enhance work flow
  • Enrolled in a University pursuing a degree in business or related field
  • Current Secret Clearance
  • Experience or school project experience with business related functions
  • The selected individual will become a key member on the JRDC Project Control Staff
  • Candidate will perform a variety of general accounting support tasks in an accounting department
  • Verify accuracy of invoices and other accounting documents or records. Update and maintain accounting journals, ledgers and other records detailing financial business transactions
  • Learn earned value management skills
  • Enter data into computer system using defined computer programs; compile data and prepare a variety of reports
  • Reconcile records with internal company employees and management, or external vendors or customers
  • Reconcile bank and financial statements/report and recommend actions to resolve discrepancies as well as investigate questionable data
  • Pursuing a Bachelors degree in Business or related area
  • Willingness to take on new responsibilities and able to adjust to shifting priorities with a positive attitude
  • Well organized and skilled in coordinating event logistics
  • Technical aptitude to understand product information
  • MS Word, PowerPoint & Excel experience
  • Assisting with the production of self-paced deliverables such as simulations and tutorials
  • Editing/proofing/QA testing materials before release
  • Testing courseware exercises
  • Readying finalized courses for distribution
  • Upgrading courseware to meet new template standards
  • Designing and developing engaging customer content

College Intern Business Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • This position in the marketing and business development organization will support the Land & Avionics C4ISR Division area. This includes long range strategic planning, business opportunity identification and validation, customer interaction management, marketing materials creation and management, product road map development, international product licensing activities, competitive intelligence activities and new business assault and capture management activities
  • Provide administrative support as required in preparing reports, presentations and presentation material for team meetings
  • Prepare and provide relevant presentations to the business development team members
  • Be majoring in Business Administration, Business Management, Marketing, International Business, Finance, Economics or closely related discipline
  • Understanding strategic goals and operating towards them
  • Information gathering for purposes of innovation, learning and readiness
  • Providing feedback around deliverables
  • Creating and managing tools and deliverables, including documents and presentations
  • Sharing experience around services, communication, technical writing, learning or other relevant topics
  • College student pursuing either a bachelor’s degree in Accounting or Finance
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA on 4.0 scale
  • US Citizen or Legal Resident of the United States
  • Strong organizational, interpersonal, and communication skills
  • Excellent MS excel spreadsheet skills
  • Completion of intermediate level accounting courses preferred
  • Able to adapt and accept change
  • Ability to multitask and thrive in a collaborative team environment
  • Assisting with the preparation of marketing materials and presentations
  • Researching data on competitors of Kimball Electronics
  • Conducting regional and geographical market analysis
  • Assisting with creation of various marketing and graphic design projects
  • Current college student majoring in Marketing or Business
  • Minimum GPA of 3.2 on a 4.0 scale
  • Creative thinker, willingness to learn
  • Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Suite skills
  • Microsoft Excel spreadsheet skills
  • Intermediate level marketing or business courses complete
  • Ability to multi-task and thrive in a team environment
  • Be majoring in business or business oriented field
  • Be majoring in business administration
  • Be majoring in accounting

Operations College Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Positive attitude and good communication skills
  • Commitment to delivering a high level of customer service
  • Ability to work on your own and as part of a team
  • Completion of 2th year of a Bachelor’s degree program in electrical or computer engineering or computer science
  • A minimum of 1 years of software development experience, including C++ and C#
  • Strong interpersonal and teamwork skills in an agile and distributed team
  • Fluency in English; strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Data driven problem solving skills
  • Experience with the Visual Studio development and test suite
  • Experience with embedded C/C++ .NET
  • Software library and/or application development experience
  • Familiarity with source control tools (e.g. Subversion)
  • General "IT" skills – such as experience with
  • Configuration and implementation of software applications based on documented specifications
  • Capture and document customer design requirements
  • Testing and solution deployment of Kronos Workforce Management Suite or specific products
  • Working toward an Undergraduate degree in technology, computer science, informatics, organizational leadership, or business
  • Experience, interest, and aptitude in technology and consulting services
  • Ability to manage specific tasks to completion with minimal direction
  • Project: Participate on project teams side-by-side with software engineers supporting a large commercial software project
  • Enrichment: Gain insight into technical interview preparation, learn about coding practices and technologies, and develop other skills that will set you up for success
  • Mentoring: Receive coaching and mentoring from Kronos engineers to guide you through your summer experience
  • Make Connections: Build personal networks and friendships with a diverse group of engineer who share your passion for technology
  • Must be a third-year or fourth-year student (junior or senior) currently attending a 4-year Bachelor's program, majoring or intending to major in computer science or related technical field
  • Must be completing their Bachelor's program between June 2018 and June 2019
  • Must be attending an undergraduate university in North America
  • Programming experience in one or more of the following languages: Java, Python, C or C++
  • Second-year students should have taken two Computer Science courses
  • May perform duties such as gathering and organizing data to provide information for departmental special projects or reports; basic arithmetic computations
  • Accompany professional level employees on assignments; conduct interviews with clients or internal personnel to obtain basic information for departmental use; contacts other departments or outside agencies by phone to request or give information and other related duties as assigned
  • May work with analysts to obtain necessary information to analyze, generate and maintain records and other reference material necessary for departmental use
  • Compose and print reports, general letters, spreadsheets, e-mail, and memoranda from rough drafts or general instructions, involving the assembly of data from computer and paper file or record sources
  • Utilize current company-wide and/or department specific software to complete assignments
  • Perform assigned duties to acquire knowledge of methods, procedures and standards required for successful performance
  • Respond to proposal related questions and send written material as appropriate
  • Conduct research, as needed, to analyze data and make recommendations based on findings
  • Completes, passes and maintains an up to date status for all positional and company required compliance and regulatory courses by assigned due date(s)
  • Participates in special projects and assignments and performs other duties as assigned
  • Applicant must be currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Business, IT, Finance, Accounting, Economics, Marketing, Communications or other business related focused studies, in good academic standing, with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 is strongly preferred
  • Preference will be given to students who have completed their junior year by the start of the internship
  • Proficient computer skills and use of Microsoft Office, including Excel, Word and PowerPoint
  • Mathematical and analytical aptitude as needed for assignments
  • Ability to think creatively, demonstrate initiative and learn leadership skills
  • Solid communications skills with the ability to read and listen, understand and communicate information and ideas in a clear and understandable manner, both orally and in writing
  • Certifications and Licenses: None
  • Working toward a 4-year degree in Business, Finance and or Accounting
  • Proficient in Microsoft office
  • Knowledge of Oracle is a plus
  • Must be organized and able to work autonomously with little or no supervision
  • Must be comfortable with or have the ability to learn various technology tools
  • Must be enrolled in a Bahcelors program working toward a degree in Computer Science
  • Understanding of basic software development principles
  • Some experience writing code in some compiled or scripted language
  • Understanding of software build and deployment
  • An openess to exploring new technologies and processes
  • Keen interest in
  • Pursuing a Bachelors degree in HR, business or related field
  • Ability to exercise effective judgment, work with sensitive and confidential information
  • Flexible; able to thrive in a fast-paced environment; able to work under pressure with competing demands and stakeholders; prioritize accordingly; attention to detail
  • Collaborative; Works as a member of a strong team that shares responsibilities and coverage
  • Strong in Excel & proficient in PowerPoint & Outlook, comfortable with financial/operations data, reporting
  • Approaches the challenges of the work with creativity and imagination
  • Be paired with a mentor who provides guidance and support
  • Participate in professional social networking events and meetings with Kronos executives and other company leaders
  • Collaborate cross-functionally on small-group projects and give a formal presentation to peers and leader
  • Help to create impactful communications to our Kronos Community Champions to gather feedback
  • Contribute to the development and maintenance of a Kronos Community enhancement request process to prioritize for our Community Development team
  • Promote the Kronos Community through social media channels
  • Support the effort to prove the value of the Kronos Community through mining data for opportunities and reporting
  • Working towards a 4-year degree in Marketing or related field, minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Completed at least Freshman year at the start of the summer
  • An entrepreneurial, driven spirit
  • Strong analytical and problem solving skills; a knack for metrics and statistics
  • Working knowledge of Online Communities like Salesforce, Jive, Lithium, Higher Logic a plus
  • Working knowledge of the Salesforce Platform (SalesCloud, ServiceCloud, CommunityCloud) a plus
  • Assisting in the development of messaging and content for the retail and hospitality markets
  • Helping to create impactful sales tools to enable the sales teams to be successful
  • Contributing to the development of event strategy and corporate marketing programs
  • Collaborate cross-functionally on small-group projects and give a formal presentation to peers and leaders
  • Working towards a 4-year degree in Marketing, Sales or related field
  • Assist the Communications manager with employee communications such as writing articles for the online division news and sector magazine, Rollin Meadows site newsletter, and community outreach activities
  • Assist Director of Communications and team with site activities supporting the division vice president and general manager, to include: special events, employee service activities, community outreach activities, and special projects
  • Coordinate trade show input and preparation
  • Assist in drafting external news releases for ongoing programs and strategic pursuits
  • Be majoring in Strategic Communications, English, Journalism, Marketing or related discipline
  • Excellent writing and editorial skills
  • Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite
  • A minimum in 3.0 GPA enrolled in a Bachelor program in Business Management, Project Management or relevant degree from an accredited university
  • U.S. Citizen able to obtain a Secret Clearance
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Previous internship in business or a related field
  • Ability to identify and rectify problems
  • Computer programming and software development capabilities
  • Awareness on various aspects of business, such as accounting, economics, and finance
  • Ability to manage database systems
  • Customizing report generation for improve business operations efficiency
  • Using automated testing tools such as Soasta, Selenium and Protractor
  • Software development using Agile/Scrum processes
  • Filing and tracking defects to closure using JIRA
  • Source control management (SCM) using Git
  • Validating software against requirements and acceptance criteria
  • Communicating/collaborating effectively across engineering disciplines
  • Cloud and SaaS based architectures
  • Assisting in creating and providing input on training presentations, helping with the coordination of trainings and other learning and development document management activity
  • Compiles, reviews and analyzes data. Uses software for functional area, to compile and generate reports, statistics, timelines, tables, graphs, correspondence and presentations
  • Provides data and information to others on functional unit processes and procedures
  • Be majoring in Human Resources, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Business, Communications, Psychology or related field of study
  • Enrolled in a Bachelors degree program majoring in Communications, marketing or related field
  • Fluent with SharePoint and PowerPoint
  • Knowledge of Web and social media
  • Experiencce with Photo Shop a plus

Business College Intern Administrative Resume Examples & Samples

  • Candidates must have a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Finance, Economics or related field of study is required
  • Applicant must be proficient in Windows, MS Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint
  • Able to prepare and analyze data and figures
  • Verbal, writing, presentation and leadership skills are required
  • Ability to obtain a Secret clearance, if necessary
  • Assist the Field Technical Specialist (FTS) team by researching technical information to aid in diagnosing a vehicle
  • Contacting Toyota dealers to close open technical assistance cases
  • Assist the Service Technical Specialists (STS) prepare materials for training purposes
  • Assist the Accessory Warranty department with process claims, reports and the shipping of parts at month end
  • Inventory all special tools in each of the classrooms and develop a process for replacing shop equipment
  • Work with department managers to develop and distribute reports
  • Assist the Accessory Field Technical Specialist (FTAS) with writing and updating Technical Service Bulletins
  • Prepares the daily DDA cash reconciliation to the daily bank statements
  • Prepares deposit letters for daily DDA activity to send to the Office of the State Treasurer
  • Assists in completing the daily credit card reconciliation with the month end operating reconciliation
  • Assists in the daily completion of the State Insurance Fund receipts and disbursements journals
  • Assists with entering detail information for the warrant reconciliation process and document daily warrant activity
  • Prepares journal entries and balance checks as part of the month end reporting process
  • Prepare audit schedules for the annual audit
  • Assists in the preparation of the projected financial statements and the entry into Oracle

Ssjp College Intern / Hours / Day / Bwh Cchhe Resume Examples & Samples

  • Must have been accepted in the Student Success Jobs (SSJP) Program Summer Internship Program for alumni of the SSJP high school program who are in college and studying in healthcare or science
  • Possesses excellent interpersonal skills in order to assist both internal and external customers
  • Ability to work well independently or with others
  • Requires the ability to remain flexible in order to handle and prioritize work from various department staff
  • Ability to handle sensitive and confidential information
  • Ability to adhere to deadlines
  • Knowledge in MS Office is preferred
  • Must have an active interest in the healthcare and/or science field

Slabstock College Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Carry out lab experiments using typical organic chemistry laboratory equipment including: viscoelastic, high resilient foams, modification of formulas, and optimization of experiments
  • Sampling and carry out physical testing of polyurethane foams
  • Carry out pilot scale experiments using low pressure foaming machine
  • Actively participate in EHS initiatives and maintains a clean and safe environment
  • Follows instructions to keep a detailed recording in lab notebooks and write up summary of findings
  • Follows instructions and performs other duties as may be assigned by supervisor
  • Assists other employees in accomplishment of Huntsman company goals
  • Participates in and completes company-required training programs
  • Participates in Environmental, Health, & Safety initiatives as set forth by the company
  • Business Operations and Analytics
  • Partner and/or Self-Maintainer support
  • Ad hoc support on numerous business initiatives
  • Interface with facilities team, building engineers, customers, subcontractors, security, and the IT team
  • Assist in monitoring and updating Work Order and Preventive Maintenance Systems with role to liase with clients for ongoing projects as necessary
  • Maintain and update AutoCad drawing for all floors
  • Track all occupant moves and update drawings with names
  • Adjust all layers and establish a site standard for layering
  • Perform weekly floor inspections to evaluate operational concerns (structure, space, mechanical, safety, etc.) and compliance with building standards
  • Review and verify building architectural and infrastructure designs
  • Assist with site Project Management and Conference Center Operations
  • Must be currently enrolled in a college degree program in a related field (architecture, interior design, construction, engineering, facilities management)
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, Power Point)
  • Strong AutoCad skills
  • Experience of working within a customer facing environment
  • Conceptual or detail mechanical design of flight or ground hardware
  • Design of Ground Support Equipment, fixtures, and/or tooling
  • Engineering support of manufacturing
  • Structural and/or thermal analysis of flight and/or ground hardware
  • Currently pursuing a BS degree in project management, business or contract administration, or other related degree
  • Must have a DoD Secret clearance
  • Minimum GPA of 3.7
  • Familiar with scheduling software applications such as Microsoft Project
  • Position will support the multi-disciplined security supporting efforts in contract security, information security, personnel security & physical security
  • Industrial Security functions include performance of contract/subcontract management, classification management, information systems security & document control
  • Personnel Security functions include clearance processing, visit processing & control, security education and security briefings
  • Information Security functions include proprietary information protection and classified information system security
  • Be majoring in Criminology, Intelligence or Security Administration, Humanities or other closely related field
  • Computer literacy for MS Office Suite and database utilization
  • Develops innovative creative solutions that meet business partner marketing goals and objectives
  • Responsible for taking projects through the design cycle, including interacting with business partners, developing timelines, adhering to project schedules and following up with business partners
  • Collaborates with project managers, writers, designers, vendors and business partners on development of materials
  • Coordinates production aspects of projects with various departments in the enterprise. Oversees quality, including proofing and press checks. Must have a basic understanding of file preparation for production, and four-color offset and digital printing
  • Presents work to business partners professionally, persuasively and purposefully. Pitches concepts in a manner that projects the creative passion of our team while enhancing business partner relationships
  • Demonstrated willingness to learn from the experience of others
  • Proven ability to build strong relationships with coworkers and business partners
  • Demonstrated ability to develop an understanding of the team’s mission and value to organizational objectives
  • Proven ability to coordinate multiple projects at a time. Meets established deadlines. Strong attention to detail and excellent organizational skills
  • Demonstrated diverse student design portfolio. Includes examples of creativity, and understanding of layout, design and corporate branding. Work shows original thought and understanding of project objectives
  • Demonstrated willingness and ability to adjust to multiple demands in a fast-paced environment. Cool under pressure, stays positive
  • Proven change champion. Approaches challenges with an open mind, bringing innovative solutions that break the status quo
  • Proven high energy, positive and proactive. High level of professionalism in a corporate environment and maintains ethical standards
  • Demonstrated approachability – gives extra effort to put others at ease. Shows respect for the views and contributions of others
  • Proficient in Adobe software applications including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and Acrobat
  • Proficient in Mac or Windows operating system
  • Work on special projects and assignments
  • Knowledge of basic office tools: MS Office, Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Outlook
  • Energy, enthusiasm and competitive edge
  • Strong work ethic and the ability to keep highly sensitive information confidential
  • Be able to obtain a U.S. Government security clearance

Process Safety College Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop site-specific acceptable failure data criteria
  • Develop a model to predict incident rates as a function of experience, technology, and plant complexities
  • Assist with Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) and Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA)
  • Enhance PS management metrics
  • Mine and analyze Process Safety data
  • Bachelor Degree in Engineering and working towards a doctorate with emphasis on Process Safety
  • Currently enrolled in an accredited college/university degree program pursuing a bachelor's degree in Business, Business Information Systems, Computer Science, Mathematics, Economics, or related program
  • Must be able to read and interpret documents such as technical data, business requirement documents, operating and maintenance instructions, and procedure manuals
  • Ability to be discreet and keep private information confidential
  • Ability to identify the use of proper grammar and punctuation
  • Must have proficiency in Microsoft Office products
  • Proficiency with ShareCenter, SharePoint, and Visio
  • Technical aptitude for systems
  • This position in the marketing and business development organization will support the Cyber & Intelligence Mission Solutions division. This includes operations planning, business opportunity identification and validation, customer interaction management, marketing materials creation and management, product road map development, competitive intelligence activities and new business assault and capture management activities
  • Provide operational support as required in preparing reports, presentations and presentation material for team meetings
  • Provide support for the CIMS BD SharePoint intranet site
  • Be majoring in Business Administration, Business Management, Marketing, Finance, Operations Management, Information Technology, Information Systems or closely related discipline
  • Experience in working on business or engineering full life-cycles projects from project inception through launch
  • Understand engineering and logistics contract, statement of work and spares/repairs effort
  • Understand the process and costing associated with engineers on long term assignments in Australia
  • Ability to work across disciplines (engineering, logistics, manufacturing)
  • Junior or Senior in college working toward a BS in Environmental Engineering or Health and Safety studies
  • Willing to learn about ISO 9001; 14001; IECE ISO 80079-34; ISO TS29001, OHSAS 18001 and OSHA/EPA standards required
  • Exposure to manufacturing environment helpful
  • Effective and developed interpersonal skills to interface in a professional manner with all levels of Associates, Management, and Customers in a professional manner
  • Demonstrated proficiency in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and Outlook
  • Designs portions of engineering solutions utilizing multiple engineering disciplines for products, systems, software, and solutions based on established engineering principles and in accordance with development technology practices and guidelines
  • Develops and implements parameters and test plans for existing designs, including validation of mechanical, electrical, software, and other engineering specifications and requirements
  • Collaborates and communicates with internal and outsourced development partners on engineering design and development
  • Participates as a member of project team of other engineers and internal and outsourced development partners to develop reliable, cost effective and high quality solutions for low to moderately- complex products
  • Currently enrolled in the university pursuing Computer Science or Computer Engineering (Bachelor or Master welcome)
  • Previous internships in a related field is desired
  • Ability to commit at least 3 months of the internship program
  • Work with the Planning Department to determine resource requirements across operations work centers
  • Review various resource models and provide automation recommendation
  • Develop understanding of yields and rates
  • Various ad hoc projects  
  • Be a student who is enrolled full-time and pursuing an undergraduate degree from an accredited college/university
  • Be majoring in Business Management, Finance, Operations Management or related business discipline
  • Be available to work full-time (40 hours per week) for at least 10 weeks during the summer 2017
  • Have an overall cumulative GPA of 3.7/4.0 or higher
  • Support team of Manufacturing Data Analysts and Software Engineers
  • Assist with application requirements gathering, coding, upgrades, documentation and debugging
  • Assist with Windows 10 compatibility testing
  • Interface with customers regarding tool enhancements and issues
  • Provide assistance in generating metrics and reporting
  • Be majoring in a STEM degree with software programming experience
  • Ideally possess MS Excel, MS Access, Visual Basic, SharePoint, SQL, and skills & experience
  • Participate in general projects to deliver agreed upon results
  • Gain familiarity with the applications and tools used at FIS to conduct day-to-day business
  • Observe and participate in general corporate functions, and assist the FIS corporate organization in various functions
  • Learn compliance with company policies and procedures and support company mission, values, and standards of ethics and integrity
  • Become familiar with FIS policies and procedures
  • Propose and develop creative solutions to business needs
  • Seek opportunities for increased responsibility and challenging assignments
  • Prepare corporate income and franchise tax returns
  • Assist with implementation of electronic workpapers

HR Administrator College Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • High School or GED equivalent with two (2) years of additional college education and experience. Must currently be enrolled in an accredited College or University
  • Exceptional organization and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to work various projects simultaneously with minimal supervision
  • Ability to prepare correspondence and communicate both verbally and in writing
  • Proficiency using Microsoft Office Suite (PowerPoint, Excel & Word
  • Two (2) years of experience working with HR Information Systems and HR Project Management; experience preparing HR metrics and data analysis
  • Currently be enrolled as full-time student who has complete their sophomore year
  • Be pursuing a bachelors or graduate degree in Human Resources, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Business, Communications, Psychology or related discipline from an accredited college/university
  • Demonstrate project management skills and/or event coordination experience (prior internship, classroom setting, extracurricular, volunteer capacity, etc.)
  • Be able to work full-time (40 hours per week) for at least 10 weeks during summer 2017 in one of the identified locations: Sunnyvale, CA, Los Angeles, CA, San Diego, CA, Huntsville, AL, Colorado Springs, CO, McLean, VA or Baltimore, MD
  • Show eligibility to work in the United State (U.S. citizenship required)
  • Previous classroom or internship/co-op experience in Human Resources, Talent Acquisition or related discipline
  • Identify opportunities/ideas for design standardization
  • Define a set of design standardization/design for late point differentiation guidelines and checklist to be deployed across printer models
  • Work with both HP internal team and external partners to review and implement the ideas for selected printer models
  • Assess cost benefits for the project
  • Good knowledge on mechanical fundamentals and DFX concepts
  • Experience in 3D CAD software
  • Proficient in Microsoft Powerpoint and Excel
  • Strong communication (verbal and written) and interpersonal skills
  • Display good analytical and problem solving skills
  • Nearing completion of Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent

Engineering College Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Become a part of a Northrop Grumman team of professionals who are actively designing and developing deployable structures, mechanisms and antenna for space applications
  • Support the Engineering staff either in a design, analysis or materials and process role for a wide array of Astro products
  • Engineering detail design, assembly design
  • Minimum of 3.0 GPA and pursuing a Bachelor's or advanced degree from an accredited university in Mechanical, Aerospace, or other technical related discipline
  • US Citizenship with the ability to obtain a Department of Defense secret clearance
  • Experience with Solidworks (or other CAD modeling software)
  • Active DoD Secret or higher clearance
  • Experience with hardware used in space applications
  • Supports the operational aspects of ongoing programs/projects
  • Tracks status of projects and budgets, and prepares status reports
  • Assist program manager with various Advanced Missions & Programs activities
  • Develops resolutions to meet productivity, quality, and client-satisfaction goals and objectives
  • Participates in round-table discussions, offering diverse perspectives on topics ranging from work-place environment to marketing
  • Be majoring in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Electrical Engineering or a closely related discipline
  • Currently undergoing Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, Data Analytic or related Engineering
  • Languages: C, C++, Java, VBScript, C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
  • Database Tools: Oracle, SQL Server, MYSQL
  • Operating System: UNIX, Windows
  • Others: Excel and Access
  • Completes assigned non-complex projects as defined by the sponsoring department management
  • Supports the property and casualty field adjuster as needed including inspections, photographs, scope notes, and measurements
  • Supports the adjuster in assembling claim/loss detail, research, spreadsheets and correspondence
  • Supports the overall efforts of the assigned operation including general office administration
  • Reports project results to the Operating Committee when the project is complete
  • Researching trends in cyber security workforce development
  • Providing process support for instructional design of courses
  • Designing graphics for web, the layout of ISD digital assets, and print/electronic materials
  • Executing the design and production work for a variety of print and digital marketing pieces Implementing digital marketing for internal social media
  • Currently be enrolled as full-time student who has completed their sophomore year
  • Be pursuing a bachelors or graduate degree in Instructional Design Technology, Information Systems, Business Technology or closely related discipline
  • Demonstrate Microsoft Office skills: Excel, PowerPoint at a minimum
  • Ability to work full-time (40 hours per week) for at least 10 weeks during summer 2017
  • Show eligibility to work in the United States (U.S. citizenship required)
  • Previous classroom or internship/co-op experience in Multimedia and/or Instructional Design, Business Administration, Marketing or a related discipline
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced, fluid environment
  • Be a self-starter, willing to learn, and able to work with a team
  • Project management skills and/or event coordination experience (prior internship, classroom setting, extracurricular, volunteer capacity, etc
  • Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Adobe Acrobat
  • MAC and PC proficiency
  • Knowledge of desktop publishing and digital printing
  • Knowledge of web-design skills
  • Knowledge of web-authoring tools (Captivate, Articulate)

Application Security College Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Must be a Junior or Senior level student enrolled in a four year degree program, preferably concentrating in Cyber Security
  • Minimum 3.0 G.P.A
  • Must be able to work 20-25 hours per week in San Antonio, TX
  • Sophomore or Junior in college Majoring in Computer Science, Information Technology or related IT discipline
  • Should be self-motivated and responsible team player
  • Familiarity with Microsoft Office tools is a plus
  • The intern will assist the department in analyzing academic progress data to identify trends in student performance and target populations for intervention attempts
  • Support a broad range of other assignments for the Academic Advising department
  • Advise students on university policies and procedures, and related academic matters
  • Must have a strong commitment to education and delivering high standards of student experience
  • Applicants should be pursuing a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree, and have an interest in student affairs, student development, higher education and administration, or academic counseling
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills, both oral and written
  • Must be able to prioritize tasks and manage multiple projects in a fast paced environment
  • Ability to work independently as well as in a team environment and communicate with all levels of management
  • Intermediate knowledge of MS Office tools
  • Strong problem-solving and time management skills
  • Ability to adapt to new and rapidly changing situations
  • Familiarity with online learning and Internet technology a plus
  • Skilled at connecting and building rapport with students from diverse backgrounds
  • Support integration activities and time sensitive deliverables, including preparing materials to be presented and disseminated by leaders at town hall meetings, webcasts, information sessions and other meetings
  • Create presentations, reports, talking points and other deliverables to keep key stakeholders prepared and informed
  • Update and post web content and manage an interactive environment to field inquires and questions about the integration and coordinate responses to technical contributors
  • Adhere to established processes (intranet guidelines, etc.) and use approved templates and methodologies to ensure consistency in the delivery of information.  
  • Be majoring in business administration, business management, communications, government relations, public relations or related business discipline
  • Act with a sense of urgency, with the ability to adapt rapidly to changing priorities
  • Collaborate to turn ideas into deliverables that meet business requirements
  • Compiles data; prepares and distributes reports
  • Assists with organizing requirements and workflows
  • Evaluates requests for managed care services proposals
  • Assists developing new marketing and services blogs, flyers, additional support materials, as needed
  • Minimum six months of experience in cash handling and customer service
  • Physical requirements: May be required to stand for extended periods of time and may be required to lift bags/boxes of coin weighing up to 50 pounds
  • Basic clerical and processing skills
  • Basic reading, writing and mathematical skills
  • Ability to communicate clearly and effectively with customers and coworkers
  • Willingness to proactively solicit new business as necessary
  • Basic understanding of Occupational Safety and Health
  • Sharepoint Helpful
  • Business writing skills
  • Microsoft Office: Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Comfort around all levels of employee
  • Excellent listening and discernment of what is heard
  • Support high profile to grass root event execution on behalf of SRP to educate and inform on SRP’s brand and services
  • Operation of equipment during SRP sponsored events; Photo booths, Presentation Media Sound System, etc
  • Delivery and receipt of SRP products
  • Training of Event Staff
  • Operation and maintenance of SRP owned vehicles

College Intern Software / Cyber Resume Examples & Samples

  • Actively seeking a Bachelor’s Computer Science, Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, Information Systems or other technical discipline from an accredited institution
  • Experience with at least one of the following: Java, PHP, ASP, C/C++, Assembly, C#, JavaScript
  • Experience in network engineering
  • Reverse engineering experience
  • Research UX best practices among industry standards
  • Take direction and feedback to create innovated design comps
  • Contribute innovative ideas for UX and design comps
  • Create spec doc’s and image assets to development team
  • Able to assist in production design team work as needed
  • Create web mock up’s of updates and improvements to our existing site, that are on brand
  • Make edits/updates to our existing site through our CMS
  • Be able to provide html 5 and CSS markup for designs
  • Work with internal teams and external venders to implement designs
  • A true self-starter mentality, with a strong work ethic
  • Excellent communication and client management skills
  • A Passion for design and the evolution of the interactive user experience
  • A proactive style, with keen attention to detail and the ability to thrive in a fast paced, high volume environment

Intergovernmental Affairs College Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support the development of written reports; and follow8up as needed on items
  • Update Tribal reference materials, ensuring information and data are consistent, accurate, timely, and readily available
  • Interaction and communications with tribal nations, non-profits, and universities
  • Support and represent SRP in a professional manner by attending and summarizing meetings on a variety of topics
  • Contribute to SRP's Federal Affairs team by accomplishing requests in a timely and proficient manner; such tasks will include answering/responsibility to internal and external communications, managing meetings and calendars using Microsoft Outlook, filing and assistint as requested
  • Learning SRP's expense accounting and executing expense reporting
  • Support research, writing, paperwork management, and attend meetings as required
  • Support any projects as developed and needed by Intergovernmental Affairs
  • Filing and organization of information on an on-going basis
  • Local travel, as needed
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills required. Strong reporting skills
  • The applicant must be self-motivated, able to work efficiently in group or individual settings, maintain a positive attitude, and exhibit professionalism and flexibility
  • Knowledgeable of American Indian issues and challenges
  • A working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Outlook and PowerPoint are required
  • Documentation of software systems and functional specifications with MS Office
  • May include documenting systems architectures, so experience with modeling tools like Visio is a plus
  • Must be currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or similar discipline from an accredited institution
  • Minimum GPA of 3.2
  • Must possess the ability to obtain Position of Public Trust Clearance
  • Must have demonstrated understanding of software development principles
  • Must have strong communication, interpersonal and analytical skills
  • Must have experience in Java and Java script
  • Must have familiarity with Microsoft Office
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Excel Well developed mathematical and analytical skills
  • Ability to identify and resolve exceptions and to analyze data
  • Ability to work independently and also in a team environment
  • Support the weekly status reports - Gather input from teams for status
  • Follow up on action items
  • Incorporate data into reports
  • Publish reports
  • Support updates to privacy intranet site
  • Support Privacy Working Group (PWG) meetings and Privacy Champions
  • Procurement Projects
  • Collaborate with Procurement to accomplish contract reviews
  • Develop top level metrics
  • Assess gaps in privacy clauses in contracts
  • Training Materials
  • Develop tailored materials and checklist based on audience
  • Publish training materials for enterprise use and on intranet
  • Develop training analytics
  • Candidates, regardless of age, must be within one (1) year of obtaining their degree (Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD) from an accredited institution in one of the following disciplines: International Business, Business, Business Administration, Business Information Systems or related program
  • 5 GPA or higher
  • Experience with organizational analytics and metrics development (KPIs)
  • Proficiency in SharePoint design and analytics
  • Proficiency in MS Office (PowerPoint and Excel)
  • Proficiency in creating tailored training materials
  • Self-starter – lead and coordinate Privacy project and program activities
  • Adaptive in thinking and agile in practice
  • Achieve successful outcomes by collaborating with cross functional teams
  • Implement communication tactics in support of employee programs and employee engagement
  • Develop weekly and monthly Marine Systems communications including updates and newsletters
  • Serve as a point person for Sunnyvale executive communications requests
  • Work with Marine Systems leadership to anticipate, plan and deliver employee communications
  • Help to manage content on the N&MSD Intranet/SharePoint site working with appropriate content owners
  • Be majoring in Communications, Business, Human Resources, English, Journalism, Marketing or related discipline
  • Enrolled in an accredited university pursuing a Bachelors in Psychology, Business, or related degree
  • Minimum of a 3.0+ GPA or higher
  • Previous internship in psychology, business or a related field

College Intern, Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work designated shifts in all operational departments to gain knowledge, skills, and abilities to understand functions of the Operations at RNDC. A specific business discipline may be identified as part of the work assignment.On-the-job (OJT) training will include sales, delivery, transportation, warehouse receiving, and purchasing. Training in each area will require demonstration of knowledge and execution of skills learned
  • Meet weekly with department Supervisor or Intern Sponsor to review Internship Program progress and key learnings
  • By week eight, identify one area of opportunity in a business discipline that can be improved through better workflow processes. Develop an Executive White Paper that outlines the issue, the root cause, and possible solutions. Present the White Paper to the Company’s senior leaders, as designated, before the end of the Internship Program
  • Places price and descriptive signs on backdrop, fixtures, merchandise, on floor
  • Accurately, consistently and safely follows directions, is involved in manually lifting and placing cases or bottles of wine and spirits throughout the day. Prepares, constructs and maintains product displays according to schematics, directions and standards
  • Maintains updated account information for all assigned accounts and uses the information to plan and execute the day. Has the necessary POS needed for the day on the truck, returns unused POS to the warehouse promptly
  • Maintains all administrative work in a neat and legible fashion. Copies key personnel on market conditions, refused displays and other customer issues
  • Presents promotional activities and suggestions to customers as instructed by the company. Surveys the account for merchandising opportunities. Have all current sales support sheets available for opportunities to improve Republic’s representation in the store
  • Submits daily activity report and merchandising reports. Prepares and maintains required paperwork, reports and records. Reports competitive activity and pricing as it occurs to immediate supervisor
  • Support the ACSD International Business Development and Business Development Operations teams. This includes operations planning and evaluation, business opportunity identification and validation, customer engagements, marketing materials creation and management, product marketing and export road map development, competitive intelligence activities, capture management activities, and export licensing
  • Conduct research related to foreign politico-military and economic conditions, budgets, military modernization plans and capability gaps, and market analysis
  • Be majoring in International Relations and Affairs, International Business, or a closely related discipline
  • Be able to able to show eligibility to work in the United States (U.S. citizenship is a pre-requisite)
  • Experience in working on business full life-cycle projects from inception through launch

Technical College Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Conceptual or detail electrical design of flight or ground hardware
  • Design of Electrical Ground Support Equipment
  • Analysis of test data from engineering tests
  • Avionics/power/electrical design analysis of flight and/or ground hardware
  • Provides research and administrative assistance for special projects as assigned
  • Presents findings and makes recommendations
  • Attends and participates in meetings at the invitation of leadership
  • Performs additional clerical duties as assigned
  • Conceive designs and layouts that convey facts, visions and features of subject material
  • Create graphic presentations that communicate mood, emphasis, insight, viewpoint, and similar visual impressions
  • Prepare illustrations for documents, brochures, handbooks, websites, posters, etc
  • Enrolled in a College or University and in the Junior or Senior class standing by summer 2017
  • Majoring in Graphic Design, Illustration, or Media Communications
  • Demonstrated knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign
  • Minimum overall GPA of 3.25
  • Demonstrated knowledge of Microsoft PowerPoint software
  • Prior graphic design internship or experience in related field
  • Previous experience in brand marketing
  • Candidates with experience in print media design
  • Familiarity with digital 3d design applications
  • Experience with SLR photography and digital photograph editing
  • System architecture
  • Windows Domain Administration
  • IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Individual pursuing a Computer Science or Computer Engineering degree
  • Complete 1 year college education

College Intern Administrative Huntsville Resume Examples & Samples

  • Gathers, collects, records, tracks and verifies data and information from multiple sources
  • Compile and generate correspondence and presentations
  • Provide data and information to others through multiple venues
  • Be majoring in any business degree
  • Have an overall cumulative GPA of 3.25/4.0 or higher (unofficial academic transcripts must be uploaded at time of
  • Have an overall cumulative GPA of 3.70/4.0 or higher
  • Self-motivated, willing to learn, and interested in working

Direct Purchasing College Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Create and analyze raw material and packaging spend reports
  • Assist with vendor bid process
  • Review and update raw material and packaging specification databases
  • Modify and improve raw material price forecasting models
  • Adjust and arrange vendor information within SAP
  • Aggregate and organize spend data for strategic corporate projects
  • Prepare and present a summary of projects, experience, and accomplishments
  • A minimum of two years of successful undergraduate course work in a Business such as Finance, MIS, Marketing, or Supply Chin; Engineering such as Chemical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, or Materials Engineering; Science such as Chemistry or Biochemistry; or a related major
  • A 3.0 GPA or greater is preferred
  • Authorized to work in the U.S. without Visa sponsorship and must be 18 years of age or older
  • Must have a level of proficiency with Internet, Email, and Microsoft programs
  • Must possess strong analytical skills, particularly through use of spreadsheets
  • Must possess strong organizational and time management skills
  • Working knowledge and experience with SAP, SAP BusinessObjects, and Oracle Business Intelligence a plus
  • Relocation or interim living assistance is not provided
  • Provide operations support for production issues or requests
  • Develop user stories for implementing new Feature/Functionality
  • Work with process teams to understand requirements and enhancement opportunities
  • Identify opportunities to simplify work through automation
  • Work within an established Agile team to deliver a consistent functional platform
  • Demonstrates excellence in technical assessment and implementation coordination. Solution planning and resource optimization are driven by defined roadmap/goals
  • Executes continuous improvement efforts and delivery commitments are met consistently
  • Consistently creates successful engagements on projects and with cross-functional teams
  • Currently enrolled in a full-time degree program and returning to the program after the completion of the internship
  • Experience with data structures
  • Java or C# development
  • Familiar with TCP/IP and networking
  • Assist with special projects and assigned
  • Complies data and prepares reports
  • Provides support services to assigned manager and department
  • Complete all assigned structured learning, including on-the-job follow up
  • Good organizational capabilities
  • Good oral and written communication skills
  • Work within various sales departments to gain knowledge, skills, and abilities to understand functions of Communications at RNDC. On-the-job (OJT) training will include internal communications, digital communications, employee engagement, corporate social responsibility, and PR/media relations. Training in each area will require demonstration of knowledge and execution of skills learned
  • Completion of all assigned online training modules and technical training program(s)
  • Meet weekly with department Manger or Intern Sponsor to review Internship Program progress and key learnings
  • If applicable, complete the course requirements of the degree program related to the internship
  • Demonstrated technical expertise and learning ability
  • Strong interpersonal and communications skills, both written and oral
  • Must be approachable, happy, positive, and easy to get along with
  • Proven ability to handle escalated customer issues
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Word and Excel required
  • Currently enrolled in an educational program
  • Editing marketing materials
  • Proof-reading & article writing
  • Coordination of photo shoots
  • Overseeing distribution of point of purchase materials
  • Preparing internal communications
  • Must be enrolled full time at a 4-year accredited university in one of the following degree programs: Marketing, Public Relations, Journalism, Communication or related Business degree
  • Applicant must attend a 4-year university within driving distance to the Peoria, IL facility
  • Applicant must be able to work 20 hours per week during the school year
  • Minimum GPA: 3.0/4.0 scale (no rounding)
  • Demonstrated knowledge/previous experience with Microsoft Office Applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access)
  • Demonstrated written communications ability
  • Proficiency in InDesign, Illustrator and/or Photoshop
  • Previous internship in Marketing/Communications
  • Experience in a retail environment
  • Familiarity with company and/or Brand policies and procedures

College / Intern Program Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • 4 years professional experience in talent acquisition, human resources, or related field
  • Ability to work effectively with a variety of stakeholders, both internal and external to HR
  • Ability to connect business strategy with ongoing initiatives and tactics
  • Strong project management skills. Experience leading project teams including developing and managing schedules, communication and action plans
  • Ability to manage competing priorities
  • Effective oral, written and presentation skills
  • Proficiency in HR applications and systems, MS Office Suite: Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Ability to apply structured process improvement techniques to improve customer experience and overall efficiency
  • Graduated from the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, preferred
  • Enrolled in a post-secondary college/university
  • Willingness to learn and assist in all areas as needed

Finance College Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assist with day to day activities with the Purchasing card
  • Assist in making month-end journal entries
  • Create necessary entries for monthly prepaid expenses
  • Process invoices for payment
  • Assist Finance Partners with school budgets
  • Assist Assistant Controller with monthly bank statements
  • Support accounting team members and help reduce any current workload backlogs
  • Identify, cultivate, and influence top individuals to apply to and join the Cleveland Metropolitan School District
  • Mobilize and invest key stakeholders to support our recruitment efforts on campuses and in communities
  • Build and maintain relationships with community leaders and/or partner organizations, and collaborate with them
  • Invest college administrators, faculty members, career service representatives, advisors, and other key gatekeepers to help execute an effective long-term recruitment campaign for CMSD
  • Communicate effectively with diverse audiences
  • Grow the leadership mindsets and skills of accepted applicants as we develop onboarding plans
  • Work closely with principals and teachers at CMSD schools to identify future talent who may make excellent educators—creating multiple touch points for long-term, prospective educators to stay connected to CMSD
  • Analyze the recruitment landscape to create a vision and strategic plan for CMSD recruitment
  • Set, define, and meet ambitious yet realistic goals that are aligned with larger organizational objectives and the Cleveland Plan
  • Create a sourcing strategy to find prospective teachers and principals
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of individual strategies and the overall recruitment campaign
  • Develop, implement, and track recruitment strategies
  • All candidates must be enrolled in a Bachelors or Master’s level degree program; proof of enrollment required
  • Interest in Human Resources/Recruitment
  • Candidate Sourcing & Recruitment (preferred)
  • Knowledge of HBCU Network & Culture (preferred)
  • Social Media & Supporting Software (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Hootsuite) Preferred
  • Provide relentless customer service
  • Thrives in an entrepreneurial, fast-paced, diverse, results-oriented environment
  • Can develop and cultivate relationships and networks in order to achieve results
  • Effectively works across lines of difference with colleagues and constituents
  • Communicates with various audiences verbally and in writing in an engaging, inspiring way
  • Inspires committed and positive action toward individual and organizational goals
  • Uses data to make decisions and guide daily actions
  • Makes informed and timely decisions and uses sound judgment to prioritize action
  • Tracks tasks and follows through on execution plans
  • Relentless customer service orientation
  • Entrepreneurial; demonstrates ingenuity and resourcefulness in problem solving
  • Motivated by project deadlines, consistently works to complete work before the deadline
  • Has a high regard for transparency and takes responsibility for decisions and outcomes
  • Expresses high-standards for self and others; treats people with dignity and respect
  • Ability to gather information, read, and communicate orally and in writing
  • Ability to plan, schedule, and organize activities; follow supervisory instructions; recognize when assistance or guidance is needed; and complete assigned tasks
  • List of three (3) professional references including current daytime phone numbers
  • Copies of your two (2) most recent performance evaluations
  • Proof of Enrollment
  • Work with the Information Security Engineering team to assist in the deployment of security-related technologies (e.g. antivirus, network security controls, security monitoring systems, etc.)
  • Compile data and create reports
  • Assist with monitoring of security systems
  • Assist with the tuning of security software
  • Assist with the maintenance and installation of security-related hardware and software
  • Perform other related duties as needed: represents the Office of Information Security and Privacy to internal and external customers
  • Creates, edits, maintains, and reviews IT strategy, planning, and policy documents
  • Prepares and maintains internal web content
  • Researches IT strategy issues and documents findings
  • Identify proven recruitment methods from sourcing top talent to effective onboarding
  • Develop recruitment strategies that promote workforce diversity and inclusion
  • Gather relevant ODRC information and compile reports
  • Create recruitment articles/newsletters and other recruitment materials of interest to the ODRC workforce and potential employment candidates
  • Develop, coordinate and implement special projects and events related to recruitment that enhances ODRC and its customers
  • Communicate information about recruitment activities and programs through written and verbal correspondence
  • Assist in the development of community partner relationships that supports our recruitment efforts
  • Participate on an agency-wide Recruitment Taskforce
  • Assist in formulating a comprehensive strategic agency recruitment plan
  • Must be enrolled in a college or university and in good academic standing**
  • You may be required to demonstrate how you meet minimum qualifications
  • Pursuing a bachelors in BE/BTech/MCA in CS/IT stream
  • Top tier Institute with excellent academic background
  • Good English written and oral communication skills
  • Participation in the design and analysis phases
  • Programming and debugging
  • Performing code inspections and correcting the source code
  • Performing unit and integration testing
  • Designing, updating and manipulating databases
  • Must have a working knowledge of HTML, Javascript, JAVA, and Web development environments, tools and technology
  • Should have the ability to work and solve problems independently
  • Basic experience writing applications is required
  • Previous internship/co-op experience preferred

Related Job Titles

sample resume college student seeking internship

Student Internship resume examples for 2024

A student internship resume should highlight a candidate's abilities to provide patient care, conduct data analysis, and manage administrative tasks. As Jill Koehler , Associate Dean at Quinnipiac University, puts it, "Employment marketability is more often than not tied to 'what can you do for the employer if hired' so upskilling in areas that offer very tangible technical skills and being able to 'sell yourself' through soft skills is crucial." This means that candidates should focus on showcasing their proficiency in technical skills like Excel, Tableau, and other analytical software, while also highlighting their soft skills such as critical thinking, confidence, and leadership.


Student Internship resume example

How to format your student internship resume:.

  • Tailor your resume's job title to match the student internship you're applying for.Focus your work experience descriptions on specific achievements, emphasizing benefits to the organization.Aim to fit your resume on one page, using concise language and eliminating unnecessary information.
  • Expert advice suggests limiting your resume to one page, especially for student internships.['Jane Smith', 'Hiring Manager, ABC Company']( notes, 'When reviewing resumes for student internships, I appreciate concise, well-organized information that quickly communicates the applicant's qualifications.'

Choose from 10+ customizable student internship resume templates

Choose from a variety of easy-to-use student internship resume templates and get expert advice from Zippia’s AI resume writer along the way. Using pre-approved templates, you can rest assured that the structure and format of your student internship resume is top notch. Choose a template with the colors, fonts & text sizes that are appropriate for your industry.

Student Internship Resume

Student Internship resume format and sections

1. add contact information to your student internship resume.

Student Internship Resume Contact Information Example # 1

Dhruv Johnson

[email protected] | 333-111-2222 |

2. Add relevant education to your student internship resume

Your resume's education section should include:

  • The name of your school
  • The date you graduated ( Month, Year or Year are both appropriate)
  • The name of your degree

If you graduated more than 15 years ago, you should consider dropping your graduation date to avoid age discrimination.

Optional subsections for your education section include:

  • Academic awards (Dean's List, Latin honors, etc. )
  • GPA (if you're a recent graduate and your GPA was 3.5+)
  • Extra certifications
  • Academic projects (thesis, dissertation, etc. )

Other tips to consider when writing your education section include:

  • If you're a recent graduate, you might opt to place your education section above your experience section
  • The more work experience you get, the shorter your education section should be
  • List your education in reverse chronological order, with your most recent and high-ranking degrees first
  • If you haven't graduated yet, you can include "Expected graduation date" to the entry for that school

Check More About Student Internship Education

Student Internship Resume Relevant Education Example # 1

Associate's Degree In Occupational Therapy 2009 - 2011

Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI

Student Internship Resume Relevant Education Example # 2

Bachelor's Degree In Global Studies 2005 - 2008

University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA

3. Next, create a student internship skills section on your resume

Your resume's skills section should include the most important keywords from the job description, as long as you actually have those skills. If you haven't started your job search yet, you can look over resumes to get an idea of what skills are the most important.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing your resume's skills section:

  • Include 6-12 skills, in bullet point form
  • List mostly hard skills ; soft skills are hard to test
  • Emphasize the skills that are most important for the job

Hard skills are generally more important to hiring managers because they relate to on-the-job knowledge and specific experience with a certain technology or process.

Soft skills are also valuable, as they're highly transferable and make you a great person to work alongside, but they're impossible to prove on a resume.

Example of skills to include on an student internship resume

Student interns in-school internship candidates that gain professional learning experience from real-time companies and work forces outside their academic walls. These internships cover a practical perspective to their career choice and targets.

Patient care entails the diagnosis, recovery, and control of sickness as well as the maintenance of physical and emotional well-being through the use of healthcare providers' services. Patient care is described as services provided to patients by health practitioners or non-professionals under guidance.

Mental health is the state of wellbeing in which an individual can cope with the regular stresses and tensions of life, and can work productively without having any emotional or psychological breakdown. Mental health is essential for a person of any age and helps them make the right decisions in their life.

Data collection means to analyze and collect all the necessary information. It helps in carrying out research and in storing important and necessary information. The most important goal of data collection is to gather the information that is rich and accurate for statistical analysis.

Vital signs are a set of values indicating different body systems' performance. They are measurements of the body's most basic functions. The four major vital signs used in medicine to assess a patient are body temperature, pulse rate, respiration rate, and blood pressure.

Top Skills for a Student Internship

  • Patients , 22.5%
  • Student Intern , 14.4%
  • Physical Therapy , 6.6%
  • Patient Care , 4.8%
  • Other Skills , 51.7%

4. List your student internship experience

The most important part of any resume for a student internship is the experience section. Recruiters and hiring managers expect to see your experience listed in reverse chronological order, meaning that you should begin with your most recent experience and then work backwards.

Don't just list your job duties below each job entry. Instead, make sure most of your bullet points discuss impressive achievements from your past positions. Whenever you can, use numbers to contextualize your accomplishments for the hiring manager reading your resume.

It's okay if you can't include exact percentages or dollar figures. There's a big difference even between saying "Managed a team of student interns" and "Managed a team of 6 student interns over a 9-month project. "

Most importantly, make sure that the experience you include is relevant to the job you're applying for. Use the job description to ensure that each bullet point on your resume is appropriate and helpful.

  • Maintained Twitter and Facebook updates for official Michigan State Spartans social media pages as well as selected sport pages.
  • Conducted client intakes and scheduled appointments with their assigned therapists consisting of MSW and PhD in Couple and Family Therapy candidates.
  • Charged with ensuring that important communications are accurately transferred in various media formats to the proper department channels.
  • Used Photoshop to create flyers and banners.
  • Established a relationship with each patient, including communication across cultural barriers when appropriate.
  • Provided Spanish interpretation and translation for communications with clients.
  • Participated and organized various fundraisers for local groups such as schools, churches, habitat for humanity, and veteran associations.
  • Provided quality service through timely communication and follow up trainings and activities.
  • Assisted in teaching the bible and life examples.
  • Removed trays and stacked dishes for return to kitchen after meals were finish.
  • Mastered and troubleshoot the Isothermal Titration Calorimetry and Nanoanalyze software.
  • Assisted in compiling marketing and communication materials to promote the CSU International Programs.
  • Evaluated literature related to PTBP and Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) needed to reproduce experiments and aid with troubleshooting.
  • Acted as a liaison between departments, collecting and accurately reporting communication.
  • Prepared business correspondences and presentations using MS Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint.
  • Evaluated student qualifications in light of admission requirements and maderecommendations relative to admission.
  • Supervised, trained, and collaborated with a staff of 4. International Non-Profit Created, developed, and implemented department policies and
  • Led formal classes on marine science topics to groups from Pre-K to High school level.
  • Designed and delivered onsite and Web-based professional development to grades K-12 U.S. educators on Common Core-based programs.
  • Assisted with school and consumer communications and participated in strategic review of program.

5. Highlight student internship certifications on your resume

Specific student internship certifications can be a powerful tool to show employers you've developed the appropriate skills.

If you have any of these certifications, make sure to put them on your student internship resume:

  • First Aid, CPR and AED Instructor
  • Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (NHA)
  • Certified Management Accountant (CMA)
  • Microsoft Office Specialist Master Certification (MOS)
  • Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS)
  • Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA)
  • Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT)
  • Certified Medical Office Manager (CMOM)
  • Registered Medical Assistant
  • Nationally Certified Medical Office Assistant (NCMOA)

6. Finally, add an student internship resume summary or objective statement

A resume summary statement consists of 1-3 sentences at the top of your student internship resume that quickly summarizes who you are and what you have to offer. The summary statement should include your job title, years of experience (if it's 3+), and an impressive accomplishment, if you have space for it.

Remember to emphasize skills and experiences that feature in the job description.

Common student internship resume skills

  • Student Intern
  • Physical Therapy
  • Patient Care
  • Mathematics
  • Mental Health
  • Administrative Tasks
  • Intake Assessments
  • Data Collection
  • Vital Signs
  • Data Analysis
  • Substance Abuse
  • Community Resources
  • Event Planning
  • Anger Management
  • Group Therapy Sessions
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Blood Pressure
  • Classroom Management
  • Individual Therapy
  • Press Releases
  • Psychosocial Assessments
  • Kindergarten
  • Patient Charts
  • Social Studies
  • Telephone Calls
  • Domestic Violence
  • Aided Design

Student Internship Jobs

Links to help optimize your student internship resume.

  • How To Write A Resume
  • List Of Skills For Your Resume
  • How To Write A Resume Summary Statement
  • Action Words For Your Resume
  • How To List References On Your Resume

Student Internship resume FAQs

How can a student write a resume for an internship, what should an internship resume include, which resume format is best for an internship, search for student internship jobs.

Updated April 25, 2024

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

Student Internship Related Resumes

  • Assistant Daycare Teacher Resume
  • Child Care Teacher Resume
  • Classroom Assistant Resume
  • Clinical Externship Resume
  • Graduate Internship Resume
  • Graduate Student Internship Resume
  • Instructional Aide Resume
  • Instructional Assistant Resume
  • Internship Resume
  • Student Assistant Resume
  • Student Volunteer Resume
  • Teacher Aide Resume
  • Teacher Assistant Resume
  • Teacher Internship Resume
  • Toddler Assistant Teacher Resume

Student Internship Related Careers

  • Assistant Daycare Teacher
  • Child Care Teacher
  • Classroom Assistant
  • Clinical Externship
  • Education Paraprofessional
  • Educational Assistant
  • Graduate Internship
  • Graduate Student Internship
  • Instructional Aide
  • Instructional Assistant
  • Para Educator
  • Special Education Assistant
  • Student Assistant
  • Student Volunteer

Student Internship Related Jobs

Student internship jobs by location.

  • Student Internship Anchorage
  • Student Internship Bountiful
  • Student Internship Cincinnati
  • Student Internship Denver
  • Student Internship East Pennsboro
  • Student Internship Fort Smith
  • Student Internship Hempstead
  • Student Internship Huntsville
  • Student Internship Minneapolis
  • Student Internship North Palm Beach
  • Student Internship Peoria
  • Student Internship Rockledge
  • Student Internship Rockville Centre
  • Student Internship Uwchlan
  • Student Internship Yakima
  • Zippia Careers
  • Education, Training, and Library Industry
  • Student Internship
  • Student Internship Resume

Browse education, training, and library jobs

BSE Global

Seasonal Internship 2024-2025

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BSE Global’s (Brooklyn Nets, New York Liberty, NetsGC, Long Island Nets and Barclays Center) Fall Internship Program is an excellent learning environment for college seniors, grad students, and recent grads seeking hands-on experience within the sports and entertainment industry.

The Fall Internship is a part-time, paid program that begins October 2024 to May 2025. Start and end dates can be flexible depending on your academic calendar.

The ma program is located at our Industry City Corporate Headquarters in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Fall Interns are expected to work about 20-30 hours per week with some days expected to be in office and other days remote. Each intern will be assigned to a specific department in which they will remain or rotate for the duration of the program.

We host interns in a variety of departments, including:

Arena Marketing

  • Work with the arena marketing team to promote concerts, family programming, college basketball and other live entertainment at Barclays Center and other BSE Global properties
  • Conduct and compile market research
  • Prepare and submit creative request forms for marketing materials
  • Draft and submit email requests for newsletters, presale, and pre-event emails
  • Manage in-arena TV systems and promotional content for events
  • Attend events to help capture and create content for social media platforms
  • Help conceptualize ideas for artist gifting and activations

Brand Marketing

  • Fan Engagement & Development:
  • Support programming and activation planning and development for Brooklyn Nets Tentpole games (FNL, Best of Brooklyn, Nets Unite, Kids Games and Fan Appreciation) (2024-25 Season)
  • Support Summer programming across Fan Eng/Dev and Brooklyn Basketball events
  • Support execution of Fan Mail and First Game Digital Certificate programs
  • Assist in onboarding of BK Block
  • Brand Copywriter:
  • Support brand storytelling and messaging guide development
  • Draft copy across key Summer programming promotional assets
  • Support development of messaging for Fan Engagement / Dev Tentpole games
  • Support brand strategy ideation on specific projects (Brooklyn Nets focused)

Brooklyn Youth Basketball

  • Contributing to the growth of the Brooklyn Nets Basketball Academy, including execution of summer camp platform.
  • Supporting Brooklyn Basketball team to assess 2023-2024 program, evaluate partners, areas for improvement and planning for expansion of program for 2024-2025 including adding additional DOE schools and other new partners.
  • Working with team to brainstorm 2025 summer program, potential locations.
  • Helping manage new Brooklyn Basketball website.


  • Drafting press releases, writing media advisories and pitch letters.
  • Monitoring media coverage and compiling media clippings into recap documents.
  • Compiling award submission information and helping draft submission materials.
  • Help the department strategize for relevant PR initiatives through research and ideation of new outlets, mediums, and communications techniques.
  • Work with other members of the department to coordinate media for PR activations, as well as conventional events, at BSE Global venues.
  • Staffing events as necessary

Community Relations:

  • Managing incoming donation requests.
  • Assisting with consolidating external databases.
  • Providing support to all CR initiatives from strategizing to execution.
  • Building relationships with community partners.
  • Developing one community event or program that falls under at least one of our pillars.
  • Setting up two informational interviews outside of our department.

Consumer Marketing

  • Work with the consumer marketing team to help drive ticket sales for Brooklyn Nets games and other BSE Global events

Content (Production & Social Media):

  • Content publishing support
  • Content ideation and trend monitoring
  • Analytics and reporting
  • Editing support
  • Shooting games, press conferences, events
  • Photography
  • Logistics and planning
  • Game Presentation content and ideation
  • Departmental Reporting - Gather actual expenses in correct accounts/budget categories
  • Update Trackers
  • Run Monthly Reports
  • Other Ad Hoc Analysis
  • Excel experience required

Game Presentation & Entertainment:

  • Game day operations: performance teams locker room set up and break down for both liberty and nets
  • Assisting with costume needs (designer errand runs, day to day errands)
  • Manage game day meals and relationship with caterers
  • Assist with the coordination and execution of audition classes and events
  • Work with Senior Manager, game presentation operations to ensure smooth activation and back of house logistics for Liberty games
  • Serve as assistant stage manager, handling performer and guest coordination
  • Handle and distribute game production documents on game nights
  • Become point person for all game production props and back of house organization needs
  • Work with Senior Manager, game presentation operations to build and manage schedules for part-time game presentation employees
  • Constantly research and pitch relevant, trending game presentation activation ideas; stay on pulse of industry and social media trends
  • Contribute to overall theme and Unite night pre-production ideas and programming  

Global Partnerships- Operations & Insights 

  • Support data hygiene projects related to CRM/Partnership Inventory
  • Assist in compiling data for end of season reporting/renewal discussions
  • Learn to use vendors: Relo, Nielsen, ZoomInfo, SponorUnited, PlacerAI, Slack
  • Aid in lead generation strategy
  • Help compile category research for sales outreach
  • Serve as primary liaison for syndicated data requests
  • Support partnership coordinator in deal sheet creation
  • Help strategize rate card pricing for upcoming season
  • Provide overall support for partnership & business insights team

International Marketing & Innovation

  • Assist in gathering and analyzing data to better inform decision making 
  • Monitor media coverage and track key trends across basketball and culture  
  • Support the development and execution of international marketing campaigns, activations, and executions

Media/Production Intern

Assist with Pre-Production Tasks:

  • Aid in research for upcoming projects, including locations, props, and equipment.
  • Assist with script breakdowns, shot lists, and storyboarding.
  • Help organize and maintain production documents, schedules, and contact lists.

Support Production Crew/Creators on location:

  • Act as a production assistant, helping with various tasks 

Assist with Post-Production Activities:

  • Help with footage management 
  • Assist editors with basic tasks such as syncing audio, creating rough cuts, and exporting files.

Contribute to Creative Discussions:

  • Participate in brainstorming sessions and creative meetings.
  • Offer ideas and insights to contribute to the creative development of projects.

Partnership Development

  • Assist in the creation and development of partner recap decks
  • Support in the renewal process for partners through tracking, ideating and proposal creation
  • Continuously track contractual assets for all current partner agreements
  • Assist in activation preparation during games, events, concerts
  • Control partner hospitality fulfillment data such as ticket bank tracking
  • Lead projects in sport market research
  • Provide overall support for partnership business operations

Partnership Marketing

Public Relations

  • Create a daily briefing of news clippings and assist with media monitoring;
  • Assist in writing and production of player bios, media guides and other media materials;
  • Analyze, track and upkeep statistics to compile team and player information for press materials;
  • Contribute to research projects and team photo archives;
  • Assist the department at offseason press conferences and PR related events.

Social Media Intern

Social Media Management and Publishing

  • Assist in timely publishing of all content across social channels
  • Monitor channel and competitor activity and foster engagement with audience and community
  • Help manage editorial and tentpole calendar
  • Help track and analyze key metrics to assess the performance and impact of social content, series, and franchises and use findings to provide insights and share recommendations for optimization

Content Production and Coverage

  • Collaborate with the team to generate creative and engaging content for social media posts, stories, and other formats that align with brand
  • Ideate, concept, and support the production of short-form vertical video content for TikTok, YT Shorts, and Instagram Reels
  • Provide event coverage as needed

Trends and Creator Research

  • Research and share new and ongoing social trends, pop culture references and opportunities to create buzzworthy content on social media
  • Help identify emerging talent and creators, research and vet potential collaborators, and foster relationships with creatives in the space

Ticket Sales & Operations

  • Assist in the day-to-day operations of the Ticketing Department
  • Premium events, prospecting events and season ticket member appreciation events
  • Name tags, check-in lists, researching venues, check-in, set-up/tear-down, and post-event evaluation.
  • Research new event venues and member engagement opportunities
  • Assist with management and storage of premium items inventory and distribution
  • Handle administrative tasks for the department (check requests, production requests, etc.)
  • Perform other duties as assigned
  • Candidates must be fully available for the duration of the internship.
  • Please note potential game day and special event responsibilities may include late nights and weekends.

$18 per hour


  • This program is designed for college seniors, students engaged in graduate studies, or recent graduates
  • All interns must be authorized to work in the US for any employer

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Monday, May 20, 2024

We are an Equal Employment Opportunity (“EEO”) Employer. It has been and will continue to be a fundamental policy of the Company not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, gender, gender identity, transgender status, pregnancy, marital status, partnership status, domestic violence victim status, sexual orientation, age, national origin, alienage or citizenship status, veteran or military status, disability, genetic information or any other characteristic prohibited by federal, state or local laws.

sample resume college student seeking internship

  • Undergraduate Students
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  • Negotiate an Offer
  • Prepare for Graduate School
  • Find Funding Opportunities
  • Prepare for the Academic Job Market
  • Search for a Job or Internship
  • Advertising, Marketing, and Public Relations
  • Arts & Entertainment
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KPFF - Seattle, WA

Bridge engineering internship.

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KPFF’s Washington Division, located in Downtown Seattle, is seeking Structural Engineering Interns for the Bridge/ Civil-Structural Group . Be sure to check out our website to learn more about what you can gain from an internship at KPFF:


We proudly take part in students’ educational and professional development. We go beyond giving interns a glimpse into the job—we place them in the middle of it. We do this by incorporating them into teams that are excited to share their professional experience as they work on projects together. We give interns real problems to solve and real designs to complete. Job responsibilities vary by group, and every intern walks away with real engineering experience and a unique story to tell.

KPFF typically hires interns during the summer and begins reviewing resumes the fall prior. In order to make the experience as beneficial as possible, we hire interns at certain levels in their college careers. Structural engineering interns are typically graduating undergraduate seniors or above (with 90+ credits).

The Bridge/Civil-Structural Group consists of structural engineers working in on a vast array of bridge and heavy-civil projects such as, highway bridges, pedestrian bridges, walls, culverts/fish-passage, bridge inspection, ferry terminals, and piers/wharves. This internship would focus on bridge projects but may include opportunities to work on other types of projects in the group.

We are passionate about developing great engineers. Join us and be part of a team that works on exciting projects with exceptional clients!


  • Current enrollment in a BSCE/MSCE program
  • Completion of 90+ credits, including two or more design courses (concrete, steel, wood, or masonry), by the start of the 2024 summer internship
  • Basic knowledge of engineering fundamentals
  • Effective written and verbal communication
  • Strong communicator and collaborator
  • Strong technical and organizational abilities
  • Ability to work in-person in our downtown Seattle office

KPFF is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

At home, abroad, working, interning?  Wherever you are this summer, contact OCS or make an appointment for a virtual advising session. We are available all summer! 

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Internship with Cellsbin, a resident company of Biolabs New Haven

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Cellsbin, a resident company of Biolabs New Haven, is seeking to hire a cell biology intern. 

A cutting-edge startup is seeking talented individuals like to join the team as an interns:

Gain hands-on experience in cell analysis techniques, working alongside experts in the field. Dive into real-world projects that matter. Earn while you learn! We value your skills and dedication, and we’ll compensate you with $25/hr.

In addition, you can secure a full-time position after graduation by showing high competency, dedication and expertise in solving problems. 


Cell Biology Background: A solid foundation in cell biology is essential. Understand cellular structures, functions, and processes. Familiarity with cell staining techniques and imaging. Experience with flow cytometry is highly desirable.

For application, contact Amy Cornell, [email protected].

The Office of Career Strategy posts job listings for the convenience of students. The University does not endorse or recommend employers and a posting does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation. The University explicitly makes no representations or guarantees about job listings or the accuracy of the information provided by the employer. The University is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or any other aspect of off-campus employment without limitation. It is the responsibility of students to perform due diligence in researching employers when applying for or accepting private, off-campus employment and to thoroughly research the facts and reputation of each organization to which they are applying. Students should be prudent and use common sense and caution when applying for or accepting any position. All concerns and issues related to job and/or internship opportunities, including those posted within the Yale Career Link, should be addressed promptly via  email  to the Office of Career Strategy.

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  1. 7+ Internship Resume Examples & Writing Guide for 2024

    sample resume college student seeking internship

  2. Internship Resume Example & Writing Tips for 2022

    sample resume college student seeking internship

  3. Internship Student Resume Samples

    sample resume college student seeking internship

  4. Resume For Internship Template

    sample resume college student seeking internship

  5. Internship Resume Samples & Writing Guide

    sample resume college student seeking internship

  6. College Student Resume Sample & Writing Tips

    sample resume college student seeking internship


  1. Resume Tips

  2. How I Got an Internship at Pepsi


  1. 5 College Student Internship Resume Examples for 2024

    5 College Student Internship. Resume Examples for 2024. Stephen Greet April 12, 2024. Taking a deep breath after seeing the perfect-looking web developer job ad, Dahlia Mathers pulled up her old resume. Having built some solid IT experience debugging software and troubleshooting networks, she was ready to make her next career move with a web ...

  2. 11 Internship Resume Examples & Writing Guide for 2024

    If possible, highlight key accomplishments on your resume like the candidate above by using hard numbers to help employers understand your achievements better. Here's an example of a projects section from a college student internship resume: Design Projects. "Building a Greener Future" UI Design Project in Marketing 343.

  3. Resume for Internship: Template & Guide (20+ Examples)

    If you're like most interns, you haven't finished your studies. In that case, here's an example of how to put your education on a college student internship resume: University of Dayton (2014 - present) Expected to graduate in 2018 with a BA in Psychology. Current GPA - 4.0. Also, add a coursework description.

  4. How To Write an Internship Resume That Will Get You Hired

    Internship resume example The sample below will help you get an idea of what your internship resume might look like. You can use it as a template to build your own or just a source of inspiration: Brittany Gray 653 Peach Street Westchester, NY 10501 (123) 456-7890 Brittany\[email protected] OBJECTIVE Motivated finance major with a passion for data analytics and investment portfolio management ...

  5. Here's How to Write an Internship Resume (Plus an Example!)

    Step 3: Fill in Your Information. When you start adding jobs and activities to your resume, you'll want to put them in reverse chronological order—most recent to least recent. If some happened at the same time, put the most relevant one first.

  6. Internship Resume Tips, Examples & Templates

    Here are a few examples of measurable achievements that could be included on an internship resume: "Increased student engagement in the English Club by 25% by organizing weekly events and activities.". "Assisted in the planning and executing of a career fair, resulting in a 40% increase in employer attendance.".

  7. Internship Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    4. List your internship-related skills and proficiencies. Include a "Key Skills" section to show managers the various ways you could add value as an intern at their organization. These might range from general soft skills like teamwork to hard technical skills like Microsoft Excel.

  8. Internship Resume Examples & Writing Tips (2024) ·

    Hardworking and enthusiastic college student working towards a B.S. in Marketing. Seeking to use my superior knowledge of social media marketing and my advanced communication skills to effectively serve your company in an internship position. Dedicated and committed to becoming a dependable and valuable team member.

  9. 6 Great Internship Student Resume Examples

    Good example: " A highly motivated Internship Student with a passion for learning and a strong aptitude for water efficiency. Proven track record of delivering successful projects and initiatives on time and on budget. Seeking to leverage experience and knowledge to help XYZ Company achieve their goals.".

  10. Top Internship Resume Examples for 2024: Template and Guide

    Internship Resume Example: Software Development. This exemplary internship resume excels in presenting qualifications, skills, and experiences in a coherent and engaging manner. By following its structure and highlighting your unique strengths, you can create an effective resume that impresses potential employers.

  11. Crafting the Perfect Internship Resume for College Students in 2022

    But don't worry. We'll help you draft the perfect resume for college. Our 2022 Guide to Internship Resume containing Internship Resume Examples and tips on Intern Resume Format will make sure you don't have to spend days and weeks on your laptop staring at a blank piece of document. With a detailed step-by-step process outlined in the points ...

  12. How to Write a Perfect Internship Resume: Samples ...

    That means vague statements like, "I am seeking an internship that will allow me to build experience," are not a good idea. Generic statements rise two main red flags to hiring managers: 1. The applicant is using a one-size-fits-all resume, and probably sending it everywhere. 2.

  13. How to Write an Internship Resume [w/ Examples]

    The first thing to do while writing that resume is to look at your previous experiences and check if you've done anything related in any way at all to the work you're currently trying to apply for. For Example. If you're applying for an internship at a digital marketing agency, then you should be looking out for any experience in a field ...

  14. Internship Resume for College Students: Guide

    Soft skills, also known as interpersonal skills or people skills, are hard to quantify. They show how you cooperate and communicate with other people. Examples of soft skills are flexibility, leadership, teamwork, time management. You should include both sets of skills in your resume.

  15. College Intern Resume Samples

    College Intern Resume Examples & Samples. Understand engineering and logistics contract, statement of work and spares/repairs effort. Understand the process and costing associated with engineers on long term assignments in Australia. Ability to work across disciplines (engineering, logistics, manufacturing) 101.

  16. College Student Resume Examples (With Template and Tips)

    Here are some examples of a well-written resume for college students: Resourceful college student studying business administration and seeking an internship in marketing, sales, or operations. Strong written and verbal communication skills developed through coursework.

  17. How To Write an Internship Resume Objective (With Examples)

    Phrase your objective to bring positive attention to your resume. Include a soft skill or two, an accolade, an achievement, a professional goal or a valuable aspect of your education. 3. Be focused and concise. Use a narrowly focused set of keywords to describe your skills and the attitude you would bring to an internship.

  18. Resume for Internship for Freshers: Best Format and Template

    Includes a sample resume for an internship & pro tips! Tools. Resume Builder Create a resume in 5 minutes. Get the job you want. CV Maker Create a CV in 5 minutes. Get the job you want. ... Conferences: Even as a college student, you can participate in industry meetings and speak at conferences. Helping to organize a student conference is also ...

  19. 10 Student Internship Resume Examples For 2024

    Student Internship resume format and sections. 1. 1. Add contact information to your student internship resume. Your nameshould be the biggest text on the page and be at or near the top of the document. Your addressdoesn't need to include your street name or house number - listing your city and state works just fine.

  20. Engineering Internship Resume Examples & Guide for Students

    Here are some tips for writing an outstanding cover letter for your engineering internship resume: Include your contact details and the company's name and address. Use the hiring manager's name in the cover letter salutation. Introduce yourself in a compelling way and start the cover letter with something interesting.

  21. College Coach 2024

    To learn more about Beyond 12, the job description, requirements and FAQs, we strongly suggest you visit our opportunity page here.. About Beyond 12: Beyond 12 is a national technology-based nonprofit that was launched in 2010 to dramatically increase the number of students from under-resourced communities who graduate from college and who translate their degrees into meaningful employment and ...

  22. Seasonal Internship 2024-2025

    Candidates must be fully available for the duration of the internship. Please note potential game day and special event responsibilities may include late nights and weekends. Salary. $18 per hour. Requirements: This program is designed for college seniors, students engaged in graduate studies, or recent graduates

  23. US college students face muted graduations amid Gaza war protests

    Commencement ceremonies are being scaled back or canceled at U.S. universities because of security concerns over pro-Palestinian student protests. While some campus demonstrations have resulted in ...

  24. Computer Science Internship Resume Template [CS Student]

    Resume Summary. Insightful computer science student who excels at Java and Python. Seeking a software engineering internship at ASML. Will finish Junior year in May. Maintained a 4.0 average in core Python and Java classes. Won the TopCoder coding challenge in Java in February 2020 and the Coderbyte programming challenge in March of 2020.

  25. Bridge Engineering Internship

    Job responsibilities vary by group, and every intern walks away with real engineering experience and a unique story to tell. KPFF typically hires interns during the summer and begins reviewing resumes the fall prior. In order to make the experience as beneficial as possible, we hire interns at certain levels in their college careers.

  26. Columbia students on edge as police presence remains on campus after

    Police remain on Columbia University's campus, even after clearing out student protesters and their encampment. But questions remain about how the university and the students move forward. Tina ...

  27. Internship with Cellsbin, a resident company of Biolabs New Haven

    Cellsbin, a resident company of Biolabs New Haven, is seeking to hire a cell biology intern. A cutting-edge startup is seeking talented individuals like to join the team as an interns: Gain hands-on experience in cell analysis techniques, working alongside experts in the field. Dive into real-world projects that matter. Earn while you learn!