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How to Encourage Problem-Solving in Your Construction Workforce

In construction, many of the phone calls and emails received are from companies or people presenting a problem they are experiencing. Construction managers and team members take that problem and form a solution for the customer or their business.

To provide quality solutions, construction team members need to be well-versed in problem-solving. What is problem-solving? It’s the process involved in identifying a problem , developing solutions to the issue and then taking the right course of action.

Honed problem-solving skills can lead to a stronger team, enhanced construction safety procedures and ultimately better service for customers. But how do construction managers encourage problem-solving in their construction teams? Are there steps that can help employees grow their problem-solving skills? Yes! Construction professionals can help their construction teams improve their skills and empower themselves by following these tips.

Problem-Solving Steps to Follow

The problem-solving process looks different depending on the problem being tackled, but following a problem-solving guideline ensures construction professionals can solve the right issues and pick the most effective solutions.

The steps given below are beneficial for managers to follow and are an excellent resource for team members to develop their problem-solving skills:

1. Identify the problem: First, a construction team must ensure they identify the problem correctly.

2. Analyze the problem: Next, team members should consider the problem’s causes.

3. Brainstorm solutions: A team can work together to generate a list of possible solutions to the problem. Thinking creatively can help with this step.

4. Develop the solution: Look through the list of possible solutions and choose the best one.

5. Allocate roles: Construction managers should decide who will be responsible for helping implement the solution. If necessary, different roles should be allocated to different people.

6. Implement the solution: Go through with the solution and fix the problem.

7. Evaluate the solution: Ask for feedback. Take that feedback and incorporate it into future problem-solving strategies.

What Helps Encourage Problem-Solving in Team Members?

An important starting point to help encourage problem-solving in team members is restructuring the team to be a self-directed unit. Self-directed units often are created to tackle projects and tasks and feature ample amounts of collaboration , which is ideal for solving issues and improving productivity in construction.

Self-directed teams can help elevate the group and ensure they are empowered to do their job and remedy issues effectively. Beyond self-directed teams, it’s also necessary to embody certain qualities that will ensure construction teams feel encouraged to problem-solve.

Trust and Comfortability

There needs to be a strong element of trust between team members. This is true whether the team is handling customer problems or internal issues, such as addressing broken construction equipment. Every individual should feel comfortable speaking up with their ideas and potential solutions, especially while brainstorming answers. Team members need to trust each other, and they need to know that their managers trust them.

For managers to fully show a team they are trustworthy, workers must be left to make decisions on their own and have at least some level of authority over the choices they make. The team must feel they are united and working together to reach their goal and aren’t continually being overseen by a manager. This allows them to view the solutions they develop as their own and have a sense of responsibility.


Each team member must build up a sense of responsibility for the problems they are trying to solve. A great way to develop responsibility is for the team to delegate specific tasks to each group member. When the tasks are completed, the whole group can come together and unite their pieces to get the whole.

If team members have a sense of ownership over a part of the project, they will also feel ownership over the complete project since every individual will contribute. Having delegated tasks encourages team members to do their best to work toward the common goal of solving the problem.

What Can Managers Do to Help Encourage Problem-Solving?

The previous section dealt with the hands-off portion of encouraging team members to problem-solve, but managers still need to participate in the process. Managers will still need to guide team members and help encourage their problem-solving skills with the following approaches.  

Provide Feedback and Answer Questions

Learning how to effectively problem-solve doesn’t come naturally to some people. It takes work and having that backboard to bounce questions and ideas off of is beneficial for team members learning to solve problems.

When something is done right, construction managers should make sure they acknowledge it. Especially in construction, it is easy to breeze over small wins when the team is always problem-solving. If the team is doing a great job, managers should notice them for that and give them kudos.

Engage the Team in Focus Areas

Engaging your workforce is easier said than done. But it’s worth the effort if you want to target your employees’ energy toward identifying and addressing the biggest issues on a work site. Make this task easier by making training and awareness resources available for everyone.

For example, some construction companies take advantage of industry-wide pushes like National Work Zone Awareness Week to offer extra resources and events for workers. Others feature employee spotlights and recruiting efforts for Women in Construction Week each March. Creating specialized events can help expose team members to new ideas and jog excitement about tackling industry problems throughout the year.

Give Employees Autonomy

For the larger-picture problems that high-authority professionals must solve, they should be sure to include their employees. They should ask workers for their feedback, especially if the issue includes changes to an internal process.

Employees need to be allowed to aid in making decisions on the task level, but managers also need to show them they value their problem-solving skills for more strategic questions.

If managers can delegate tasks to them  and give them more authority, they should do so. If team members feel they have authority, it often makes them feel encouraged. Higher-ups should challenge them with tasks that can help them grow and offer training to support their growth.

Problem-Solving Tips for Construction Teams

As long as these simple steps and tips are followed, any construction team will quickly develop their problem-solving skills. They will soon have the skills necessary to manage any on-the-job issue, whether internal or external. All the managers have to do is give them the tools they need to succeed, be a mentor for them and trust them.

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Construction Project Management

What is Construction Project Management: A Comprehensive Guide

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Construction project management is a complex field that involves overseeing a construction project from planning stages to completion. It requires a great deal of knowledge, skill, and experience, and the ability to manage a wide range of tasks, personnel, and resources. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to construction project management, from the definition, process, key skills, and competencies, benefits, challenges, education, career path, and how technology can support construction project management .

Key Takeaways

  • The Construction Project Management Process is a systematic approach to planning, coordinating, and controlling a construction project from inception to completion.
  • A proficient Construction Project Manager needs to have a diverse set of skills, including effective communication, problem-solving, and leadership.
  • Employing proper Construction Project Management can lead to a myriad of benefits like improved efficiency, cost savings, and high-quality results.
  • The adoption of varied strategies and use of management software and tools can significantly improve project execution.
  • Despite the benefits and aids, Construction Project Management faces its share of challenges, including budget constraints and unforeseen project delays.

The Construction Project Management Process

Key skills and competencies of a construction project manager, benefits of construction project management, construction project management techniques and strategies, construction project management software and tools, challenges in construction project management, how teamgate supports construction project management.

Construction project management is a multifaceted approach to managing construction projects from start to finish. It involves a range of activities, including planning, coordination, execution, and monitoring. The primary goal of construction project management is to ensure that the project is completed on time, within budget, and to the required quality specifications.

The construction project management process is iterative in nature, with feedback loops that enable project managers to make adjustments and refinements throughout the project lifecycle. The process comprises several stages, each of which is critical to the success of the project.

The five main stages in construction project management are:

1. Initiation

Project initiation is the first stage of the construction project management process. During this stage, the project team defines the project scope, objectives, deliverables, and stakeholders. The project team creates a project charter that outlines the project’s objectives, timelines, budgets, and key stakeholders. This stage is critical to the success of the project because it sets the foundation for the rest of the project.

2. Planning

Project planning is the stage where project managers start putting together a detailed plan for how to execute the project. This includes developing timelines, scheduling tasks, and identifying the resources required to successfully complete the project. The project plan also includes risk assessment and management plan elements. The planning stage is crucial because it lays out the roadmap for the project and ensures that everyone involved in the project is on the same page.

3. Execution

During the execution stage, the actual construction work takes place, and tasks are completed according to the project plan. The project manager must ensure that tasks are properly coordinated and that the work is done to the required quality standards. This stage is where the rubber meets the road, and the success of the project depends on the ability of the project team to execute the plan effectively.

4. Monitoring and Control

At this stage, the project manager closely monitors the progress of the project and compares it against the project plan. Any deviations from the project plan must be addressed, and corrective actions are taken as needed to keep the project on track. This stage is critical because it allows project managers to identify issues early and take corrective action before they become major problems.

In the closing stage, the project is completed, and the project team conducts a final review of the project to assess its success and identify areas where improvements can be made. During this stage, the project manager ensures that all project documentation is complete, and all stakeholders sign off the project. This stage is crucial because it allows project managers to learn from the project and make improvements for future projects.

Successful construction project management requires a range of skills, including leadership, communication, problem-solving, and decision-making. Project managers must be able to manage resources effectively, communicate with stakeholders, and make sound decisions under pressure. They must also be able to adapt to changing circumstances and work collaboratively with a range of stakeholders.

Effective construction project management requires a variety of skills and competencies. As a construction project manager, you must be able to manage people, resources, and risks while working collaboratively with stakeholders from different backgrounds. Some of the key skills and competencies required for successful construction project management include:

  • Leadership: A construction project manager must be an effective leader who can motivate and inspire team members to perform at their best.
  • Communication: Effective communication is critical to ensure that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities and that the project progresses smoothly.
  • Time management: Construction project managers must be able to manage multiple tasks and priorities while staying focused on the project timeline.
  • Problem-solving: Construction projects can be complex, and unexpected issues arise. Project managers must be able to identify creative solutions to problems.
  • Technical knowledge: Project managers must have a good understanding of construction technology, building codes, and regulations to ensure they meet quality and safety standards.

However, being a construction project manager requires more than just these skills and competencies. It also requires the ability to manage and coordinate multiple stakeholders, including contractors, architects, engineers, and government officials. The project manager must also be able to manage the project budget, ensuring that all costs are accounted for and that there are no cost overruns.

In addition, a construction project manager must be able to manage risks effectively. This involves identifying potential risks and developing strategies to mitigate them. For example, if there is a risk of delays due to bad weather, the project manager must have a plan in place to minimize the impact of the weather on the project timeline.

Another important skill for a construction project manager is the ability to manage change effectively. Construction projects are often subject to change, whether it’s a change in design or a change in the project scope. The project manager must be able to manage these changes effectively, ensuring that they do not have a negative impact on the project timeline or budget.

Finally, a construction project manager must be able to manage the project team effectively. This involves ensuring that team members are working together effectively and that everyone is clear on their roles and responsibilities. The project manager must also be able to provide feedback to team members, helping them to improve their performance and achieve their goals.

Construction project management has numerous benefits, including:

  • Cost savings: Effective construction project management promotes cost savings by ensuring that resources are used efficiently, and potential issues are addressed early in the project lifecycle.
  • Improved communication: Solid communication streamlines workflows and helps to maintain clarity for everyone involved in the project.
  • Adherence to timelines: Construction project management practices ensure that the construction project is completed within the designated time frame.
  • Reduced risk: Effective project management reduces the risk of errors, rework, and delays, which all can be significant stressors for the stakeholders involved in a construction project.
  • Quality adherence: Construction project management practices promote the maintenance of high-quality standards, ensuring that the finished product is of the desired quality and fits its purpose.

To promote successful construction project management, one should implement various techniques and strategies, including:

  • Building Information Modelling (BIM): Creating digital models for communication, visualization, and information sharing is a popular way to track construction projects and make more informed decisions on the fly.
  • Integrated Project Delivery (IPD): IPD aims to align all construction project stakeholders centrally to ensure each of them works towards the common project objectives while also maintaining cost savings and quality adherence.
  • Lean Construction: By minimizing waste and focusing on value-adding activities, lean construction minimizes waste and streamlines project workflow.
  • Agile project management: Agile methodologies work to promote team collaboration and adaptability with an incremental and iterative approach to project management.

Savvy construction project managers leverage technology to support their work and improve efficiency. There are plenty of construction project management software and tools that project managers can use, including:

  • Project management software: There are different project management tools including CRM on the market used to track and manage construction projects efficiently.
  • Building Information Modelling (BIM) software: BIM software is useful for developing 3D renderings of planned construction projects.
  • Document management software: With several stakeholders in a construction project, it can get confusing with several invoices, contracts, and project documents to maintain; software like TrakIT or Viewpoint streamlines the paperwork.
  • Mobile and Cloud-based construction apps: Many construction software systems include mobile and cloud-based apps which enable project management to be done from job sites and mobile devices, speeding up paperwork processing, collaboration, and document sharing among different stakeholders.

Despite its benefits, construction project management is a challenging profession that requires dedication, hard work, and resilience. Some of the key challenges of construction project management include:

  • Budget constraints: Working within budget constraints can be an excellent challenge to construct project managers.
  • Unforeseen issues: Construction projects are notorious for uncertainty and unforeseen issues that can affect project timelines and budgets.
  • Coordination: Multiple factors can affect the coordination in a construction project; subcontractors, unions, and suppliers all could have different schedules and expectations that require balancing.
  • Risk management: Construction project managers must develop a risk management plan to pre-empt risks that can have an adverse effect on the project.

As pioneers in the CRM field , Teamgate CRM understand that the construction industry has unique challenges and requirements. With Teamgate CRM , your tailor-made solution can:

  • Boost Project Management. Stay on top of your construction projects effortlessly. Track milestones, assign tasks, and monitor progress, ensuring seamless collaboration across your teams, saying goodbye to missed deadlines and communication gaps!
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  • Enhance Customer Experience. Deliver exceptional service to your clients at every stage of the construction process. Access critical information on customer preferences, past projects, and service history, empowering your team to provide personalized and timely support.
  • Generate Insights and Reports. Gain valuable insights into your business performance with comprehensive analytics and reporting tools. Identify trends, measure team productivity, and make data-driven decisions that drive growth and profitability – and better yet, no setup is required.

Elevate Your Construction Project Management with Teamgate CRM

Mastering construction project management is pivotal for successful and efficient project completion. By understanding the process, honing necessary skills, and being aware of the benefits, strategies, and challenges, you can navigate this complex field with greater confidence. Embracing modern tools and software can significantly streamline your processes and enhance your project outcomes.

However, understanding is one thing and implementation is another. To truly unlock the benefits of effective Construction Project Management, you’ll need a powerful tool at your disposal. Teamgate CRM is specifically designed to help you manage your construction projects efficiently. It not only simplifies management but also improves team collaboration, enhances transparency, and helps you stay on top of your tasks.

Why not see the difference Teamgate CRM can make in your construction project management? You’re invited to experience the game-changing benefits firsthand – for FREE. Book a demo with one of our specialists who can guide you through the myriad features and benefits of Teamgate. If you prefer to explore on your own, start a 14-day free trial today , and take the first step towards transforming your project management approach. Either way, we’re confident you’ll see why Teamgate CRM is a valuable ally in your construction project management journey.

Frequently Asked Questions: Construction Project Management

  • The construction project management process entails initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the construction project. It involves managing the budget, scheduling tasks, and coordinating all project activities.
  • Necessary skills and competencies for a construction project manager include excellent communication, robust problem-solving abilities, project planning expertise, time management, and risk management, among others.
  • Efficient construction project management brings numerous benefits, such as improved resource utilization, cost savings, timely project completion, increased quality, and effective risk mitigation.
  • Successful construction project management strategies include clear communication, regular progress monitoring, risk management, quality control, and integrating the use of advanced tools and software.
  • Beneficial software and tools in construction project management range from project planning tools, budget management systems, to communication platforms. Tools like Teamgate CRM offer integrated solutions to manage all aspects of a construction project.
  • Common challenges faced in construction project management include managing project costs, adhering to deadlines, maintaining quality standards, effective risk mitigation, and coordinating with different stakeholders.

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The Critical Role of Problem-Solving in Construction Project Management

  • Pro Crew Software
  • March 20, 2023
  • Construction Management


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Problem-solving is one of the most important skills for a good project manager. The construction industry is no stranger to problems and delays. It involves a million moving parts to finish a project, so there are a lot of risks and potential roadblocks that may hinder the project’s completion. In an article from Emerald Insights ( Causes of delays in construction industry and comparative delay analysis techniques with SCL protocol | Emerald Insight ), a delay means that the owner will lose money and the contractor will have higher overhead costs. While these may seem inevitable, what makes a difference is knowledge and how well you use that knowledge to solve a problem that is happening now or will happen soon.

In project management, figuring out how to solve problems is a strategic process, and it needs to be learned step by step, using a framework and considering some important things. In this short guide, we’ll show you the step-by-step process of how to solve problems efficiently and effectively. But first, let us look at the critical role of problem-solving when managing projects in construction. 

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The Importance of Problem-Solving in Construction

By its very nature, project management – especially construction, is a very complicated thing to do. You are leading an organization, or a company to reach its goals for the project or to work with other team members to determine the steps and approaches your project needs. No matter your job as a project manager, you will probably have to solve many problems. This will be done on both a small and a large scale, from day-to-day problems to bigger issues that could threaten the whole project.

As a result, you must know how to solve problems in project management while keeping costs and delays at a minimum. So, why do we need to focus on honing our problem-solving skills?

For Project Managers

How project managers approach problems, their strategies and procedures, and their methods will directly affect the project’s and the team’s success. You will need to look at the best ways for teams and leaders to solve problems when putting together and working on a project. For example, you need more stock levels due to late deliveries or inadequate forecasting of inventory requirements. You can create an effective construction inventory management system to help you stay on top of things – this way, you will always have the right amount of resources whenever you need them.

For Individuals or Crew members

During a project, when problems, concerns, or conflicts arise, it can be very stressful and hard for team members to deal with them effectively and on time. They might need more confidence to decide or strategize on how to go about the project. It can be scary when an employee does not know the answer. Problems need answers, but knowing how, when, and where to start looking for them can take a lot of work. Problem-solving skills are important soft skills that must be honed for each individual.

Six Steps To Solving Problems When Managing Construction

As a project manager or a general contractor, you want everything to go as smoothly and seamlessly as possible. But with the risks and potential roadblocks that can occur when managing construction, keeping your project moving with a hitch is challenging. As a result, problem-solving is a skill you can learn and improve over time.

In this section, here are six steps that you can take to improve and boost your ability to solve problems.

Find Out What The Problem Is All About

The first critical step to solving a problem is defining it and figuring out what is causing it. Getting to the bottom of what’s going wrong will help you see what needs to change. How you try to solve a problem will depend on how you describe it.

For example, you constantly need more workers for a specific period or deal with overworked crew members – which is dangerous. You could use construction crew scheduling software . This software will give you a quick overview of how many workers are assigned for a specific task or how many tasks are assigned per worker. You can assign efficient schedules for your crew with just a few simple clicks.

Find Out What Is At Stake

If the problem is small enough, you can solve it independently. Find out who is involved and put their suggestions in order of importance. When you know the problem, you can discover what is causing it. This level of analysis is important to make sure that your solutions deal with real problems, not just their symptoms.

Write Down All Possible Ideas and Solutions

Once you have done the hard work of defining the problem and figuring out what caused it, it is time to get creative and think of ways to fix it. Think of every possible outcome and its solution, then write them down. Brainstorming and mind mapping are great ways to solve problems and develop ideas.

Evaluate The Proposed Solutions and Choose the Best One

By evaluating all of the solutions, you can find the ones that solve the problem. Giving each solution a score from 0 to 10 for how well it worked helps. You can do this by figuring out the most important parts of the problem that you can use to compare each solution. Choose the solution with the highest rating from the list you made.

Take Action

Once you have decided on a solution, it is time to implement it. The solution requires more than one step or the help of others. In this case, making an action plan and considering it a mini-project would be smart.

Prepare Contingencies

Changes in how you think your solution will work out could make your plan fall apart. Make a plan B by looking at your list to find other ways to avoid this. You can do this by using your next best option to make a plan.

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How Can You Improve Your and Your Team’s Problem-Solving Skills?

Managers are part of the process – you need to lead their teams and help them learn how to solve problems. This is why asking other people involved in the process or who will be affected by the final result what they think is important. You can get valuable insights from the people you work with, whether your stakeholders, subcontractors, or trade partners. In this section, read for tips on improving and developing your and your team’s problem-solving skills.

Start With A Solid Base

Companies can avoid and solve problems in the early stages of setting up new projects if they have the right foundations. Start from a strong position and let everyone take accountability for their tasks and responsibilities.

You can utilize an efficient construction workforce management system to seamlessly manage your crew members without micromanaging them. This way, everyone can see where their work fits in, who is in charge of specific tasks, and how it affects other parts of the project in real-time.

Collaborate and Communicate

Good communication and close collaboration are important at all project management stages. When giving or taking away roles and responsibilities and setting new expectations and goals, communication needs to be clear and to the point. Throughout the process, people must be able to talk to each other.

A construction task management system can help you access real-time information with simple clicks. Every team member is on the same page, reducing the risk of communication and mismanagement. This also lets you see which activities are progressing well or if your workers need assistance to finish the task.

Use Your Mind and Be Creative

No two problems have the same solution – as a result, you will need to think of solutions that will solve that specific cause. There are many creative and not-so-creative ways to solve problems. Depending on the problem, the size of your team, how your company works, and many other factors, some ways to solve problems will work better than others. Make sure you know which ones work best, and remember that you can use them alone or together.

Answer Questions and Give Feedback

Some people need help to figure out how to solve problems well. As mentioned earlier, your team might still need more confidence to make decisions and solve problems independently, especially when there are significant consequences. It takes work and helps team members learn how to solve problems to have someone to bounce questions and ideas from.

Give Your Workers More Freedom

When people with a lot of power have to solve bigger problems, they should include their employees. They should ask workers for feedback, especially if the issue involves changing an internal process. At the task level, employees must be able to help make decisions. Still, managers need to show them that they value how they solve problems, especially regarding more strategic questions.

Managers should give them more power and tasks if they can. When team members feel like they have power, they work harder. Higher-ups should give them tasks that will stretch them and help them grow, and they should also give them the training to help them grow.

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problem solving in construction management


BuildBinder Blog

Problem solving in construction.

problem solving in construction management

When the end of a construction project is near, results must be measured. If results aren't the ones you and your team expected, then clearly something went wrong in the process. It's not enough to only check the end result, the whole process needs to be evaluated as it goes. Learn more about proper problem solving in construction. 

Establishing a problem solving framework for your construction project

Traditional project management is generally the framework that construction professionals follow to organize and complete their construction project. Within that framework, milestones need to be set as a way of evaluating quality and progress of the construction project. If these milestones aren't set, then quality control cannot exist, and thus the end results will suffer greatly. A few tips on how to place the proper framework for your construction project:

  • Establish milestones or KPIs 

A construction project needs to be broken down into smaller projects. Each project must reach a milestone and follow a Key Performance Indicator. Establish what these are, and by what date should they be achieved.

  • Establish minimum quality standards for materials 

Materials need to comply not only with legal regulations, but also with budget, and with the original design. If these terms are not met, then they need to be replaced by better and more satisfying materials. Establish this rule beforehand with your providers and procurement personnel. 

  • Assign responsibility to team members

All stakeholders need to have a level of responsibility. They will be held accountable when things go right and wrong. It is this person's job to deliver on their assigned tasks on time and format. 

  • Behavior manual

Establish a behavior procedure or manual with your staff. If something goes wrong, then what should they do? Given them enough room to make decisions on the spot as to not cause any more delays or budget overruns in the long term. 

  • Contingency plans

If something gets out of hand, or cannot be fulfilled (like a missed deadline), there needs to be a contingency plan in place to correct these mistakes. 

With these tips in mind, your construction will be more resilient to any complication that may come your way. 

problem solving in construction management

Problem Solving Skills in Construction

In the construction industry, fixing issues is what trained professionals do on a daily basis. Things don’t often go according to plan, so possessing problem-solving skills is a key character trait of successful project managers.

Today, with the aid of modern technology, we can approach problems from a data-driven standpoint and provide solutions to them. Years ago, this was unthinkable, but today it has become a reality. Solving problems and decision making is a regular activity in the construction business, but nobody was born with problem-solving skills. Rather, it is a skill that is honed via experience and relentless application.

Steps to solving construction project problems

Problem-solving is a learned skill that can be developed over time. Find below some steps you can deploy to develop your problem-solving skills so as to become a successful project manager .

  • Identity the root cause of the problem: The first step to solving a problem is to identify the root cause of the problem. Root cause identification will offer you clarity about what needs to change.
  • Identify the stake of all participants in the process: You cannot solve the problem on your own unless it is a limited one. Identify the parties involved and prioritize their recommendations.
  • List all the possible solutions that come to mind: Brainstorm to come out with every conceivable outcome.
  • Evaluate all solutions: Evaluating all solutions will help you identify the ones that will address the issue. Rating the success of each solution with a 0-10 rating helps.
  • Pick the best option: From your list of solutions, pick the one with the best rating.
  • Expand the solution: Expand the possible outcome of your desired solution by writing down in detail the far-reaching implications of executing it.
  • Make Contingency Plans: A change in the expected outcome of your solution may have a knockdown effect on your plan. To avoid this, make a contingency plan by consulting your list for other solutions. You can do this by making a plan using your next best solution.

Problem-solving may or may not require a step by step process. You may also need to use the recommendations of others to achieve the best possible outcome. This is why it is important to seek the opinion of other people involved in the process or those who will be affected by the eventual outcome. And finally, recording problems and the solutions adopted to solve them creates a very healthy database for the future . Consulting your database from time to time will open you to a new perspective and improve your problem-solving skills maximally.

Do you have tips on solving construction project problems? Let us know in the comments section below!

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T1 - The Role of Problem Solving in Construction Management Practices

AU - Schultz, Casper Siebken

N2 - Quality issues are a topic of continuous interest in the Danish construction industry. Not only can failures and defects be vital to the success of the single project but also the annual profits of the whole company can be put at risk. Moreover quality issues jeopardize the reputation of the entire industry. An Industrial PhD carried out at a large Danish contractor examined how failures and defects are produced and handled in the social practices of construction projects. The study addresses quality issues related to project management and examines the role of problem solving practices in the creation and redressing of failures and defects in construction processes. The theoretical framework is based on theory of structuration and enables the central analysis that includes underlying structures of the actors as well as the processes of structuration. The research project is designed as an abductive research process where theory and empirical data inform each other in iterations. A 15-month ethnographic field study comprised of workplace observations and qualitative interviews was carried out to be able to study the internal structures of the agents and the effect of their general-dispositions regarding quality issues in the decision making and redressing of defects and failures in the processes. The role of problem solving and trouble-shooting is analysed through the well-organized processes of erecting the precast concrete structure and the chaotic processes of constructing the penthouse storey on top of the building. The research highlights reactive and proactive problem solving practices as important for the completion of the construction project. Problem solving practices are however often forced into a reactive problem solving. Implications to the company are to direct the attention not only to the planning but also to facilitate and support the problem-solving and trouble-shooting competencies of projects managers.

AB - Quality issues are a topic of continuous interest in the Danish construction industry. Not only can failures and defects be vital to the success of the single project but also the annual profits of the whole company can be put at risk. Moreover quality issues jeopardize the reputation of the entire industry. An Industrial PhD carried out at a large Danish contractor examined how failures and defects are produced and handled in the social practices of construction projects. The study addresses quality issues related to project management and examines the role of problem solving practices in the creation and redressing of failures and defects in construction processes. The theoretical framework is based on theory of structuration and enables the central analysis that includes underlying structures of the actors as well as the processes of structuration. The research project is designed as an abductive research process where theory and empirical data inform each other in iterations. A 15-month ethnographic field study comprised of workplace observations and qualitative interviews was carried out to be able to study the internal structures of the agents and the effect of their general-dispositions regarding quality issues in the decision making and redressing of defects and failures in the processes. The role of problem solving and trouble-shooting is analysed through the well-organized processes of erecting the precast concrete structure and the chaotic processes of constructing the penthouse storey on top of the building. The research highlights reactive and proactive problem solving practices as important for the completion of the construction project. Problem solving practices are however often forced into a reactive problem solving. Implications to the company are to direct the attention not only to the planning but also to facilitate and support the problem-solving and trouble-shooting competencies of projects managers.

KW - Building defects

KW - Problem solving

KW - Project management

KW - Quality

KW - Structuration

M3 - Article in proceedings

BT - Proceedings of the 28th Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Conference

A2 - Smith, S.D.

PB - Association of Researchers in Construction Management

T2 - 28th Annual ARCOM conference

Y2 - 3 September 2012 through 5 September 2012

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Most common construction problems and how construction management software can solve them

Written by LetsBuild

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The slow transition to a digital practice has the construction industry underperforming in terms of quality and productivity versus investment growth. As investment in infrastructure is growing fast (predicted to double by the next 15 years), it is surprising to note that the methods and processes employed are still traditional. Work is still performed manually and on-site and mostly outdated with productivity dwindling down since the 90s.

According to a study conducted by the McKinsey Global Institute, global investment in construction and infrastructure will be $57 trillion by 2030 (McKinsey, 2013). The sector, however, barely spends on research and development (just about 1% of its revenues). Software solutions have been developed specifically for the industry but less than 1% of the sector’s revenues were spent on them.

construction labor productivity Aproplan smartbuilding

Table of Contents

Delays and Overspendings

Traditional construction practices can be costly and inefficient. In fact, with large projects, the industry fails to deliver on time, within budget and to specifications. In a separate study , it was reported that 98% of these projects had cost overruns of more than 30% and 77% were at least 40% late (McKinsey, 2015). Large projects take at least 20% longer to finish and are up to 80% over the budget (McKinsey, 2016). The industry’s unhurried need to adapt to new technology has been steadily declining financial returns for contractors.

construction costs and schedule Aproplan smartbuilding

An important point to note is that even though construction is inherently long-term, the industry does not think long term. This mindset leads to poor productivity and cost outcomes, which are serious and systemic construction issues that are seen as “normal”. Labor productivity can no longer keep up with the overall economic productivity.

the construction industry is ripe for disruption Aproplan smartbuilding

A few important factors of these construction problems have been identified and they are the following:

  • Bad Organizational Structure The construction project management practice’s decision making and procurement processes do not have the capacity for the current speed and scale demand.
  • Deficient Communication The lack of a central data system results to delayed and inconsistent sharing of information and reports. This leads to subcontractors, contractors, and owners not having a common understanding of the project’s state at any given time. Click here to discover how we can help you to improve your internal communication.
  • Weak Performance Management Midstream changes, inadequate communication and lack of accountability lead to unresolved issues piling up.
  • Non-Universality of Information When a different team carries over work to a different team for the next process and when a problem comes up arising from the previous process, the construction project manager may have a hard time understanding how to proceed. For example, the procurement team deals with complicated contracts and when a problem with the contracts arise while in the middle of construction, it may confuse the CPM (construction project management) lead.
  • Connection Gaps Planning spans a lot of aspects; it includes high-end preparation and daily tasks. If daily work does not align with the day’s goal, schedulers should be notified but often are not. This system ends in delays due to the absence of real-time updating of task priorities.
  • Poor Short-Term Calculations Another construction issue is that companies are good at planning and forecasting outcomes in the next 3 months but fail to identify and calculate work in the next week or two. This often results in delays that may be caused by unavailability of an equipment or materials.
  • Inadequate Risk Management Construction managers and contractors are usually looking into long-term risks of planning, design, construction, operations, and maintenance. Risks that just pop up on the job are usually overlooked. These tiny construction issues may just have a snowball delay in decision making and compound to major schedule overruns.
  • Limited Skill Capabilities Another cultural problem in construction is that companies tend to work with previous people and teams and fail to connect with more capable firms and manpower suited for the job.

Safety Issues

Another aspect to look at is safety management practices. Work injuries can set project schedule back by one week or even more and may cause budget overspending to compensate for its outcomes. Investing in strong safety management programs ultimately reduce injury rates thereby decreasing schedule and budget overruns and ultimately improving project ROI and company reputation.

The integration of technology in the industry like documenting safety concerns, using building information modeling (BIM), and prefabrication and modularization are impacting positive safety outcomes for companies that embrace them (McGraw Hill Construction, 2013).

positive and negative impacts of safety programs on projects Aproplan smartbuilding

The Bigger Picture

Improving on “basic” project management skills is the most potent remedy for reducing construction problems and improving construction performance (McKinsey, 2015). Embracing transparency and real-time collaboration create a continuous work flow — a transparent environment makes it easier to resolve issues faster. Efficient and effective tracking aligned with preparedness for unseen events enable the construction team to anticipate micro-changes and allow them to adapt and adjust accordingly.

With transparency, real-time data, and tracking, a change-order process is created and minimizes time delays in disputes during construction. The result would be reduced idle time and a most promising solution to improving construction site productivity.

The integration of technology in the industry practice definitely plays a huge role in improving construction productivity. But do not forget that it is only a tool. Using it strategically to improve project management is the bigger challenge. An improvement in performance and productivity equal to an improvement in financial returns but there is a bigger picture here.

Creating a trend towards a healthy and productive construction industry will benefit the whole world.

An updated opinion piece regarding the construction industry’s slow delivery practice discusses how embracing new ideas could solve construction’s poor delivery practice .

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Problem Solving Techniques for Project Managers

Learn which problem solving techniques and strategies can help you effectively handle the challenges you face in your projects.

Problem Solving Techniques: A 5-Step Approach

Some problems are small and can be resolved quickly. Other problems are large and may require significant time and effort to solve. These larger problems are often tackled by turning them into formal projects.

"A project is a problem scheduled for solution."

- Joseph M. Juran

problem solving in construction management

Problem Solving is one of the Tools & Techniques used for Managing Quality and Controlling Resources.

Modules 8 and 9 of the PM PrepCast cover Project Quality Management and Project Resource Management.

Consider this study program if you're preparing to take your CAPM or PMP Certification exam.

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Whether the problem you are focusing on is small or large, using a systematic approach for solving it will help you be a more effective project manager.

This approach defines five problem solving steps you can use for most problems...

Define the Problem

Determine the causes, generate ideas, select the best solution, take action.

The most important of the problem solving steps is to define the problem correctly. The way you define the problem will determine how you attempt to solve it.

For example, if you receive a complaint about one of your project team members from a client, the solutions you come up with will be different based on the way you define the problem.

If you define the problem as poor performance by the team member you will develop different solutions than if you define the problem as poor expectation setting with the client.

Fishbone Diagram

Once you have defined the problem, you are ready to dig deeper and start to determine what is causing it.  You can use a fishbone diagram to help you perform a cause and effect analysis.

If you consider the problem as a gap between where you are now and where you want to be, the causes of the problem are the obstacles that are preventing you from closing that gap immediately.

This level of analysis is important to make sure your solutions address the actual causes of the problem instead of the symptoms of the problem. If your solution fixes a symptom instead of an actual cause, the problem is likely to reoccur since it was never truly solved.

Once the hard work of defining the problem and determining its causes has been completed, it's time to get creative and develop possible solutions to the problem.

Two great problem solving methods you can use for coming up with solutions are brainstorming and mind mapping .

After you come up with several ideas that can solve the problem, one problem solving technique you can use to decide which one is the best solution to your problem is a simple trade-off analysis .

To perform the trade-off analysis, define the critical criteria for the problem that you can use to evaluate how each solution compares to each other. The evaluation can be done using a simple matrix. The highest ranking solution will be your best solution for this problem.

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Once you've determined which solution you will implement, it's time to take action. If the solution involves several actions or requires action from others, it is a good idea to create an action plan and treat it as a mini-project.

Using this simple five-step approach can increase the effectiveness of your problem solving skills .

For more problem solving strategies and techniques, subscribe to my newsletter below.

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Fishbone Diagram: Cause and Effect Analysis Using Ishikawa Diagrams

A fishbone diagram can help you perform a cause and effect analysis for a problem. Step-by-step instructions on how to create this type of diagram. Also known as Ishikara or Cause and Effect diagrams.

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What Are the Best Problem-Solving Techniques for a Construction Engineer?

Last Updated on June 11, 2023 by Admin

As a construction engineer , problem-solving is an essential part of your job. The efficient execution of construction projects depends on how well you can manage unexpected challenges and obstacles that arise along the way. Given the complexity of many construction projects, it is vital to have a good problem-solving toolkit at your disposal. In this article, we explore the key problem-solving techniques that construction engineers can use to navigate the challenges they face.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Role of a Construction Engineer

A construction engineer is a professional who plays a vital role in the construction industry . They are responsible for overseeing the design, planning, and implementation of construction projects. A construction engineer is a highly skilled individual who has a deep understanding of the construction process, including the various materials, techniques, and tools used in the industry.

The role of a construction engineer is critical because they are responsible for ensuring that construction projects are delivered on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards. They work closely with architects, contractors, and suppliers to ensure that projects are completed successfully.

Key Responsibilities of a Construction Engineer

Construction engineers have a wide range of responsibilities that require a combination of technical, managerial, and interpersonal skills. Some of their key responsibilities include:

  • Developing project plans and timelines: Construction engineers are responsible for creating project plans that outline the scope of the project, the timeline for completion, and the resources required to complete the project. They work closely with architects and contractors to ensure that the project plan is feasible and realistic.
  • Preparing cost estimates and budgets: Construction engineers are responsible for preparing cost estimates and budgets for construction projects. They consider factors such as labor costs, material costs, and equipment costs when preparing these estimates.
  • Overseeing the hiring of contractors and suppliers: Construction engineers are responsible for hiring contractors and suppliers to work on construction projects. They evaluate bids and proposals from potential contractors and suppliers to ensure that they are qualified and capable of completing the project.
  • Monitoring construction progress and ensuring quality standards are met: Construction engineers are responsible for monitoring construction progress and ensuring that quality standards are met. They inspect construction sites regularly to ensure that work is being done according to plan and that safety standards are being followed.
  • Ensuring compliance with safety regulations and legal requirements: Construction engineers are responsible for ensuring that construction projects comply with safety regulations and legal requirements. They work closely with regulatory bodies to ensure that projects are compliant with local, state, and federal regulations.

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Challenges Faced by Construction Engineers

Despite careful planning and preparation, construction projects face a range of challenges that can derail progress and interrupt timelines. Some of the most common challenges that construction engineers face include:

  • Unforeseen design changes: Design changes can occur during the construction process, which can impact the timeline and budget for the project. Construction engineers must be able to adapt to these changes and ensure that they are implemented in a timely and efficient manner.
  • Unavailability of resources and materials: Construction projects require a wide range of resources and materials, and delays in the delivery of these items can impact the timeline for the project. Construction engineers must be able to manage these delays and ensure that the project stays on track.
  • Weather-related delays and disruptions: Weather-related delays, such as heavy rain or snow, can impact the construction process and delay the timeline for the project. Construction engineers must be able to plan for these delays and adjust the project timeline accordingly.
  • Budget overruns: Construction projects can be expensive, and it is not uncommon for projects to go over budget. Construction engineers must be able to manage costs and ensure that the project stays within budget.
  • Safety incidents and accidents: Construction sites can be dangerous places, and safety incidents and accidents can occur. Construction engineers must be able to manage these incidents and ensure that safety standards are being followed to prevent future incidents.

Overall, the role of a construction engineer is critical to the success of construction projects. They are responsible for managing resources, coordinating teams, and ensuring that projects are delivered on time and within budget. Despite the challenges that they face, construction engineers are highly skilled professionals who play an essential role in the construction industry.

Importance of Problem-Solving in Construction Engineering

Construction engineering is a challenging field that requires a unique set of skills. One of the most critical skills that construction engineers must possess is problem-solving. The ability to quickly assess a situation and come up with effective solutions can help keep projects on track and within budget. Here are some of the critical areas where problem-solving skills come in handy for construction engineers:

Navigating Complex Projects

Construction projects are often complex and involve many moving parts. From managing subcontractors to coordinating with architects and engineers, there are many different components to consider. The ability to analyze and understand the different components of a project is essential to delivering it successfully. This requires a problem-solving mindset that can break down complex issues into smaller, manageable tasks.

For example, imagine that you are working on a project that involves building a new hospital. There are many different stakeholders involved, including doctors, nurses, and hospital administrators. Each group has different needs and requirements, and it can be challenging to balance them all. A construction engineer with strong problem-solving skills can assess the situation and come up with a plan that meets everyone’s needs.

Ensuring Safety and Compliance

The construction industry is heavily regulated, with safety standards and legal requirements that must be followed. Construction engineers must stay up to date with these regulations and ensure that their projects comply with them. The ability to identify compliance issues and come up with effective solutions is an essential part of the job.

For example, imagine that you are working on a project that involves building a new high-rise building. There are many safety regulations that must be followed to ensure that the building is safe for occupants. A construction engineer with strong problem-solving skills can identify potential safety hazards and come up with solutions to mitigate them.

Managing Time and Resources

Construction projects operate under tight timelines and budgets. The ability to manage time and resources effectively is essential to delivering projects on time and within budget. Problem-solving skills can help construction engineers identify areas where resources can be optimized to achieve project objectives.

For example, imagine that you are working on a project that involves building a new bridge. The project has a tight deadline, and there are limited resources available. A construction engineer with strong problem-solving skills can identify ways to streamline the construction process and optimize the use of available resources to ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget.

In conclusion, problem-solving skills are essential for construction engineers. They help navigate complex projects, ensure safety and compliance, and manage time and resources effectively. By developing strong problem-solving skills, construction engineers can deliver successful projects that meet the needs of all stakeholders.

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Top Problem-Solving Techniques for Construction Engineers

Here are some of the most effective problem-solving techniques that construction engineers can use to navigate the challenges they face:

Root Cause Analysis

Root cause analysis is a problem-solving technique that involves identifying the underlying causes of a problem. The technique involves asking a series of “why” questions to get to the root cause of the problem. Once the root cause has been identified, construction engineers can come up with effective solutions to prevent the issue from occurring again.

Brainstorming and Mind Mapping

Brainstorming and mind mapping are creative problem-solving techniques that involve generating ideas and organizing them visually. These techniques are useful for generating ideas and solutions in a collaborative and structured environment.

The 5 Whys Technique

The 5 whys technique is a problem-solving technique that involves asking “why” questions to get to the root cause of a problem. The technique involves asking a series of five “why” questions to identify the underlying cause of the problem. Once the root cause has been identified, construction engineers can come up with effective solutions to prevent the issue from occurring again.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is a problem-solving technique that involves identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a project. This technique is useful for understanding the internal and external factors that can affect a project’s success. By identifying these factors, construction engineers can come up with effective solutions to mitigate any risks.

Decision Matrix Analysis

Decision matrix analysis is a problem-solving technique that involves weighting and ranking multiple criteria to make a decision. This technique is useful for evaluating different options and choosing the best one based on a set of pre-defined criteria.

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Implementing Technology to Aid Problem-Solving

In addition to problem-solving techniques, construction engineers can also leverage technology to aid in problem-solving. Here are some of the key technologies that can be used:

Building Information Modeling (BIM)

BIM is a digital representation of a building or infrastructure project. The technology allows for collaboration between different stakeholders, which can help identify potential issues and solutions before construction begins. BIM can be used to optimize workflows, reduce errors and waste, and improve project outcomes.

Project Management Software

Project management software is a tool that can help construction engineers manage projects more effectively. The software allows for the creation of project plans, schedules, and budgets. It also provides real-time visibility into project progress and helps teams collaborate more effectively.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality and augmented reality technologies can be used to simulate construction projects in a virtual environment. This technology can help identify potential issues and visualize solutions before construction begins. The use of VR and AR can help reduce errors, improve safety, and optimize workflows.

As a construction engineer, problem-solving skills are essential to delivering successful construction projects. By understanding the different problem-solving techniques and leveraging technology, construction engineers can navigate the challenges they face and ensure that projects are delivered on time and within budget.

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problem solving in construction management

Overcoming 5 Common Construction Management Challenges

The following article is sponsored by NexTec.

According to Statista , construction spending was higher in 2021 than in 2008. This is significant because in 2008, we were in the middle of the Great Recession . Even though 2020 and 2021 brought the pandemic and major challenges with it (labor shortages and material price increases, just to name a few), the construction industry still did better than during a major recession. That said, there are common challenges construction firms face every day—pandemic or not—and leaders in the industry have found a solution: cloud ERP solutions with cloud construction management software .

5 Common Construction Challenges

When looking at construction industry challenges, there is a common theme, and that’s a lack of communication. Communication, according to the Corporate Finance Institute (CFI) , is a critical life skill. The company writes, “From a business standpoint, all transactions result from communication. Good communication skills are essential to allow others and yourself to understand information more accurately and quickly. In contrast, poor communication skills lead to frequent misunderstanding and frustration.”

We see ineffective communication in countless construction projects, causing them to run over on time and budget. In one way or another, communication and the lack thereof are the root cause of the following common challenges:

  • No Project Visibility Often, accounting and project management teams operate in silos (meaning, the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing). Business leaders do not have visibility into costs compared to budgets, completed tasks, time by employee and project profitability. Communication and collaboration—building blocks for a successful project—are not happening.  
  • Costly Delays “Delay” is a dirty word in the construction industry, but it happens all the time. Changes to RFIs, project issues or timecard questions that are not communicated between field and office teams cause the “D” word to come into play. Field and office teams that do not or cannot streamline their exchange of information deposit a quarter in the swear jar every project.   
  • Manual Workflows Manual workflows are the bane of any construction business. The number of steps it takes to get an answer to a project question can be excessive. For example, the subcontractor’s question goes to the contractor. The contractor submits an RFI to the architect. The architect requests clarification from a consultant. Then the answer is relayed back through the same channels. What happens? Quarter in the swear jar.
  • Difficulty Communicating with Stakeholders Common challenge #4 says it all. Communicating with stakeholders is difficult, especially when communication is in the form of emails. Dozens of emails every hour creates clutter and confusion. Issues escalate because they’re not identified and acted on in a timely manner.
  • No Mobile Access Being able to access critical business information from the office or the field is not always possible. If a construction firm does not provide mobile access, they have effectively stopped their teams from being able to update project information from the field, slowing down the communication process even further.

Modern ERP Software to the Rescue

Traditionally, the construction industry has not been at the forefront of technology adoption. However, Henry D’Esposito wrote in a recent Construction Executive Magazine article that the pandemic sparked drastic changes. “In 2020, 67% of construction firms enabled remote work for construction office jobs, driving up industry need for cloud-based digital collaboration platforms.”

Construction management ERP software falls under the category of “cloud-based digital collaboration platforms.” It handles accounting, project management, payroll and inventory in a single, cohesive platform. Communication is easy when business applications are seamlessly integrated and team members have access to the same information, at the same time. Cloud construction ERP software is the tool project managers can use to overcome common industry challenges.

For example, with ERP software, project managers have full visibility into each project and can track projects in real time. From monitoring active and completed tasks and time by employee to project profitability, they are on top of information instead of behind it. They also have drill down capabilities to see budget vs. actual costs, change orders, compliance issues and more and can communicate accurate information to field techs, office staff and clients.

The dreaded and costly delays are eliminated by the streamlining of data sharing between the office and field teams. With ERP software, changes made, such as RFIs, project issues and timecards, are updated and synchronized in one place, which means everyone connected to the project will be on the same page.

Automated workflows replace the time-consuming and error-prone manual processes. This decreases the number of steps required to get an answer to questions in the field. Cloud-based construction management ERP software enables construction firms to also eliminate duplicate data entry, ensures that action items are addressed in a timely manner and provides the business intelligent tools they need for insights on current and future projects.

Additionally, project alerts through ERP software helps construction firms know when issues arise, while an Outlook add-in organizes emails. Centralized storage for drawings, photos, change orders and other documentation along with job-specific dashboards aids the collaboration efforts.

Finally, cloud construction management software enables every employee to log on to the system anytime and from anywhere. If they need to update project data, they can do so from wherever they are at the time they need to do it; the information is then updated in the system and available to all stakeholders. Direct communication with stakeholders equals time savings as does taking away the need to search for contract, insurance, RFI (and more) information when it’s in one, central and easily accessed location.

The Future with Cloud Construction Management Software

Construction firms are forging ahead even as they continue to face internal and external challenges. Those who choose to implement cloud construction management software will be able to overcome these challenges, especially in terms of communication, and compete successfully in today’s digital economy.

NexTec Group , an award-winning business software consulting firm, has been advising businesses for over 25 years, and our How to Compete in Construction with Modern Software guide offers further insights into overcoming barriers in construction and the key features to look for in modern construction software. We highly recommend construction firms research and evaluate Acumatica Cloud ERP and their Acumatica construction software.

Born in the cloud, Acumatica is a mobile solution that provides single-platform control over projects, finances and operations and seamlessly integrates with specialized, third-party applications. Project information including job costing, budgets, compliance and billing is up-to-date and accessible with any web-enabled device. Acumatica’s construction software is a comprehensive project management and communication tool for every construction business.

To learn more about Acumatica, contact our experts today. We’d love to chat.

About the Author

Chris Milan is the VP of Sales at NexTec Group and has worked in the construction industry for over 20 years. His deep industry knowledge and expertise in technology has allowed him to successfully deliver dozens of software solutions to general contractors, home builders, land developers and subcontractors.


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    Steps to solving construction project problems. Problem-solving is a learned skill that can be developed over time. Find below some steps you can deploy to develop your problem-solving skills so as to become a successful project manager. Identity the root cause of the problem: The first step to solving a problem is to identify the root cause of ...

  9. How to Develop Problem-Solving Skills in Construction

    Problem-solving skills are essential for any construction professional, whether you are a contractor, engineer, architect, or manager. Construction projects involve many variables, uncertainties ...

  10. New rules for effective problem solving in projects

    This type of effort can be characterized by a series of "new rules.". Rule 1: The initial objective of problem solving within projects is not to solve the problem, but to keep from doing something stupid. Rule 2: Don't gather data, Throw it out. Rule 3: Take on the problem as a team.

  11. The Role of Problem Solving in Construction Management Practices

    T1 - The Role of Problem Solving in Construction Management Practices. AU - Schultz, Casper Siebken. PY - 2012. Y1 - 2012. N2 - Quality issues are a topic of continuous interest in the Danish construction industry. Not only can failures and defects be vital to the success of the single project but also the annual profits of the whole company ...

  12. Most common construction problems and how construction management

    Improving on "basic" project management skills is the most potent remedy for reducing construction problems and improving construction performance (McKinsey, 2015). Embracing transparency and real-time collaboration create a continuous work flow — a transparent environment makes it easier to resolve issues faster.

  13. What Is Construction Management?

    Construction management can be rewarding if you enjoy design, seeing a project grow from beginning to end, and the prospect of partnering with builders, designers, and clients throughout the construction lifecycle process. ... Carrying out a construction project involves a lot of planning, organization, and problem-solving. It requires a strong ...

  14. Problem Solving Techniques & Strategies for Project Managers

    Problem Solving is one of the Tools & Techniques used for Managing Quality and Controlling Resources. Modules 8 and 9 of the PM PrepCast cover Project Quality Management and Project Resource Management. Consider this study program if you're preparing to take your CAPM or PMP Certification exam. Disclosure: I may receive a commission if you ...

  15. Developing a theory of construction problem solving

    Abstract. Construction problem solving characterizes much of construction management practice and thus is an important research domain. Nonetheless, research in construction problem solving has not yet crossed the threshold into a mature discipline as there is no universally accepted theory for construction problem solving research.

  16. 15 Construction Management Tips for Enhanced Efficiency

    Construction managers are responsible for every phase of a project, from planning and pre-construction to the construction stages to completion. They commonly use skills like critical thinking, research, risk assessment, cost management, problem-solving and leadership. Their typical duties might include: Choosing suppliers; Monitoring budgets ...

  17. Proactive problem-solver for construction

    Problem-solving in constructionProblem solving plays the central role of daily construction operations. Li and Love [1] developed a framework of problem-solving for construction engineering and management. Their research identified several characteristics of construction problems that should be tackled in order to solve them quickly, correctly ...

  18. Most Common Construction Management Challenges and Why they Occur

    Poor prioritization with unclear goals and poorly defined objectives. Insufficient risk management and budgeting. A final product failing to meet the expectations of the stakeholders. These issues can become a huge challenge for the construction manager, leading to costly and time-consuming problems.

  19. The Best Problem-Solving Techniques for a Construction Engineer

    In conclusion, problem-solving skills are essential for construction engineers. They help navigate complex projects, ensure safety and compliance, and manage time and resources effectively. By developing strong problem-solving skills, construction engineers can deliver successful projects that meet the needs of all stakeholders.

  20. PDF A Soft Approach to Solving Hard Problems in Construction Project Management

    Construction Project Management, complex systems, problem solving, Soft Systems Methodology. 1. Introduction The management of construction projects is a challenge that must not be underestimated. Such projects are becoming more complex, they are subject to constant change, and the industry environment is highly competitive and cost critical.

  21. Overcoming 5 Common Construction Management Challenges

    The following article is sponsored by NexTec. According to Statista, construction spending was higher in 2021 than in 2008.This is significant because in 2008, we were in the middle of the Great Recession.Even though 2020 and 2021 brought the pandemic and major challenges with it (labor shortages and material price increases, just to name a few), the construction industry still did better than ...

  22. The Role of Problem Solving in Construction Management Practices

    The Role of Problem Solving in Construction Management Practices. C. Schultz. Published 2012. Business, Engineering. Quality issues are a topic of continuous interest in the Danish construction industry. Not only can failures and defects be vital to the success of the single project but also the annual profits of the whole company can be put at ...

  23. Decision Making in Construction Management: AHP and ...

    The main problems of construction management were identified and possibilities to solve them are discussed. The model for decision making in construction management by using multi-criteria methods was created and applied to real case study. ... In construction projects, shared problem-solving often takes place through pragmatic problem- solving ...