Understanding Presentation File Types: A Comprehensive Guide

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Introduction to Presentation File Types

Introduction to Presentation File Types

In today's digital age, presentations have become an essential part of communication in various fields. Whether it's for business meetings, educational purposes, or creative endeavors, choosing the right file type for your presentation is crucial. This comprehensive guide will provide you with a deep understanding of different presentation file types, their advantages, and how to select the best one for your needs.

The Importance of Choosing the Right File Type

Selecting the appropriate file type for your presentation is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures compatibility across different platforms and devices, allowing your audience to access and view your presentation seamlessly. Secondly, it affects the overall visual and interactive experience of your presentation. Different file types offer various features and functionalities, which can greatly impact the effectiveness of your message delivery. Lastly, choosing the right file type can optimize your presentation for search engines, increasing its visibility and reach.

Common Scenarios for Different Presentation Formats

Before diving into the specifics of each presentation file type, let's explore some common scenarios where different formats are preferred. If you're presenting in a professional setting, such as a business meeting or conference, Microsoft PowerPoint (.PPT and .PPTX) is widely used and accepted. On the other hand, if you're collaborating with a team or working on a project simultaneously, Google Slides (.GSLIDES) provides excellent real-time collaboration features. For Apple users, Apple Keynote (.KEY) offers a seamless integration with other Apple devices and a range of unique features. If you need to distribute your presentation as a read-only document, Adobe PDF (.PDF) is a popular choice. Lastly, OpenDocument Presentation (.ODP) provides an open-source alternative with compatibility across multiple software.

Most Popular Presentation File Types

Most Popular Presentation File Types

Microsoft PowerPoint (.PPT and .PPTX)

Microsoft PowerPoint is the most widely used presentation software globally, making it the go-to choice for many professionals. It offers two file formats: .PPT and .PPTX. The .PPT format is compatible with older versions of PowerPoint, while .PPTX is the newer XML-based format.

Advantages of PowerPoint Presentations

  • User-friendly interface : PowerPoint provides a familiar and intuitive interface, making it easy for users to create and edit presentations.
  • Rich multimedia support : PowerPoint allows you to incorporate various multimedia elements such as images, videos, and audio, enhancing the visual appeal of your presentation.
  • Extensive template library : PowerPoint offers a vast collection of pre-designed templates, enabling you to create professional-looking presentations quickly.

How to Create and Edit PowerPoint Files

Creating and editing PowerPoint files is a straightforward process. Simply open PowerPoint, select a template or start with a blank slide, and begin adding your content. You can customize the layout, design, and formatting according to your preferences. PowerPoint also provides various tools for editing and refining your presentation, including animations, transitions, and slide master.

Google Slides (.GSLIDES)

Google Slides is a cloud-based presentation software offered by Google. It allows users to create, edit, and collaborate on presentations online.

Benefits of Using Google Slides

  • Real-time collaboration : Google Slides enables multiple users to work on a presentation simultaneously, making it ideal for team projects and remote collaboration.
  • Cloud storage : All Google Slides presentations are stored in the cloud, eliminating the need for manual file backups and ensuring accessibility from any device with an internet connection.
  • Integration with other Google services : Google Slides seamlessly integrates with other Google services such as Google Drive, Google Docs, and Google Sheets, providing a cohesive productivity suite.

Collaborating with Google Slides

Collaborating on Google Slides is simple and efficient. Users can invite others to view or edit their presentations by sharing a link or sending an email invitation. Real-time changes made by collaborators are automatically synced, allowing for seamless teamwork. Additionally, Google Slides offers commenting and revision history features, facilitating effective communication and version control.

Apple Keynote (.KEY)

Apple Keynote is a presentation software designed exclusively for Apple devices, including Mac, iPhone, and iPad.

Key Features of Apple Keynote

  • Sleek and visually appealing designs : Keynote offers a wide range of beautifully designed templates and themes, allowing users to create visually stunning presentations effortlessly.
  • Seamless integration with Apple ecosystem : Keynote seamlessly integrates with other Apple software and devices, offering features like Handoff, which allows you to start a presentation on one device and continue on another.
  • Advanced animation and transition effects : Keynote provides a variety of advanced animation and transition effects, enabling users to create captivating presentations with smooth transitions and engaging visuals.

Compatibility and Sharing Keynote Presentations

Keynote presentations can be exported to various formats, including PowerPoint, PDF, and QuickTime. This ensures compatibility with non-Apple devices and allows for easy sharing with users who do not have Keynote installed. Keynote presentations can also be shared via iCloud, allowing for collaborative editing and real-time updates.

Adobe PDF (.PDF)

Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format) is a widely used file format for presenting documents in a read-only format.

Using PDFs for Presentations

PDF presentations are ideal for scenarios where you want to distribute your content as a read-only document. PDFs preserve the formatting and layout of your presentation, ensuring consistency across different devices and platforms. They are also highly secure and can be password-protected, preventing unauthorized access or editing.

Tips for Optimizing PDF Presentations

To optimize PDF presentations for search engines and accessibility, consider the following tips:

  • Add alt text to images : Alt text provides a textual description of images, making them accessible to visually impaired users and improving search engine optimization.
  • Include hyperlinks : Hyperlinks within your PDF presentation can enhance interactivity and provide additional resources for your audience.
  • Optimize file size : Compressing images and removing unnecessary elements can reduce the file size of your PDF, making it faster to load and easier to share.

OpenDocument Presentation (.ODP)

OpenDocument Presentation (ODP) is an open-source file format used by various presentation software, including LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice.

Understanding OpenDocument Format

OpenDocument Format is an international standard for office documents, including presentations, spreadsheets, and word processing files. ODP files adhere to this standard, ensuring compatibility across different software and platforms.

Software Supporting ODP Files

ODP files can be opened and edited using various software, including LibreOffice Impress, Apache OpenOffice Impress, and Google Slides. These software offer similar features to Microsoft PowerPoint and provide a cost-effective alternative for creating and editing presentations.

Other Presentation Formats

Apart from the most popular presentation file types mentioned above, there are a few other formats worth considering:

Prezi Presentations (.PEZ)

Prezi is a cloud-based presentation software that offers a unique zooming user interface, allowing for non-linear presentations. Prezi presentations are saved in the .PEZ file format.

HTML5 Presentations

HTML5 presentations are created using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They offer a highly interactive and dynamic presentation experience, with the ability to embed multimedia elements and integrate with other web content.

Flash Presentations (.SWF)

Flash presentations, saved in the .SWF file format, were popular in the past but have become less common due to compatibility issues and the decline of Adobe Flash Player support.

How to Choose the Best File Type for Your Presentation

When selecting the best file type for your presentation, consider the following factors:

Factors to Consider

Audience and accessibility.

Consider the technical capabilities and preferences of your audience. If they predominantly use a specific software or device, choose a file type that is compatible with their platform. Additionally, ensure your presentation is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, by following accessibility guidelines and using compatible file formats.

Software Availability

Evaluate the availability and compatibility of presentation software across different platforms. Choose a file type that can be opened and edited using widely used software or online tools to ensure seamless collaboration and accessibility.

Interactivity and Multimedia Support

If your presentation requires advanced interactivity, multimedia elements, or animations, choose a file type that supports these features. Consider the level of interactivity you need and whether the file type allows for smooth transitions and engaging visuals.

Comparing File Types: Pros and Cons

Each presentation file type has its own advantages and limitations. Consider the pros and cons of each format in relation to your specific requirements. For example, PowerPoint offers a user-friendly interface and extensive template library, but it may lack real-time collaboration features compared to Google Slides.

Converting Between Different Presentation File Types

Converting between different presentation file types is often necessary to ensure compatibility or meet specific requirements. Several tools and software options are available for this purpose.

Tools and Software for Conversion

Online conversion services.

Numerous online conversion services allow you to convert presentations between different file types. Some popular options include Zamzar, Smallpdf, and Convertio. These services typically support a wide range of file formats and provide a user-friendly interface for easy conversions.

Desktop Applications

Presentation software such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Apple Keynote offer built-in conversion features. These applications allow you to export your presentation to various formats, including PowerPoint, PDF, and other compatible file types.

Best Practices for Managing Presentation Files

Managing presentation files effectively is essential for easy access, compatibility, and security. Consider the following best practices:

Organizing Your Files for Easy Access

Create a logical folder structure to organize your presentation files. Use descriptive file names and include relevant metadata or tags to facilitate quick searching and retrieval.

Ensuring Compatibility Across Different Platforms

When sharing or distributing your presentation, ensure compatibility across different platforms and devices. Test your presentation on various software and devices to identify any compatibility issues and make necessary adjustments.

Security Considerations for Presentation Files

If your presentation contains sensitive or confidential information, consider implementing security measures. Password-protect your files, restrict editing or printing permissions, and encrypt your presentation if necessary.

Choosing the right file type for your presentation is crucial for a seamless and impactful communication experience. By understanding the advantages, features, and limitations of different presentation file types, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your specific needs. Consider the audience, software availability, interactivity requirements, and conversion options to ensure your presentation reaches its full potential.

Recap of Key Points

  • Different presentation file types offer various advantages and features, including user-friendliness, real-time collaboration, and compatibility.
  • Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, Apple Keynote, Adobe PDF, and OpenDocument Presentation are among the most popular file types.
  • Consider factors such as audience preferences, software availability, and interactivity requirements when choosing the best file type for your presentation.
  • Conversion between file types can be done using online conversion services or built-in features in presentation software.
  • Organize your presentation files, ensure compatibility, and implement security measures for effective management.

Final Thoughts on Selecting the Right Presentation File Type

Selecting the right presentation file type is crucial for delivering your message effectively and ensuring a seamless experience for your audience. By considering the specific requirements of your presentation and the features offered by different file types, you can make an informed decision that maximizes the impact of your presentation. Remember to regularly update and optimize your presentation files to stay relevant in the ever-evolving world of presentations.

FAQs About Presentation File Types

Which presentation file type is the most widely used? Microsoft PowerPoint (.PPT and .PPTX) is the most widely used presentation file type globally.

Can I collaborate on a presentation using Google Slides? Yes, Google Slides offers real-time collaboration features, allowing multiple users to work on a presentation simultaneously.

Are Apple Keynote presentations compatible with non-Apple devices? Yes, Apple Keynote presentations can be exported to formats such as PowerPoint, PDF, and QuickTime, ensuring compatibility with non-Apple devices.

What is the advantage of using Adobe PDF for presentations? Adobe PDF presentations preserve the formatting and layout of your presentation, ensuring consistency across different devices and platforms. They are also highly secure and can be password-protected.

What are some online tools for converting presentation file types? Some popular online conversion services include Zamzar, Smallpdf, and Convertio.

Remember to follow the instructions provided at the beginning of this article to optimize your content for search engines and improve its visibility.


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Understanding PowerPoint File Formats

It’s possible to use PowerPoint for years without ever thinking about the various file formats that are available to you. By learning about PowerPoint’s file formats and options, however, you can do a much more effective job of creating presentations, backing them up, sharing them with colleagues, and protecting the information that they contain.

Ordinary PowerPoint Presentations

When you save a simple PowerPoint presentation, you give it a name, and PowerPoint adds the file extension .pptx. Your Sales Presentation file becomes Sales Presentation.pptx .

If your PowerPoint presentation contains one or more macros, PowerPoint will automatically detect their presence and save your presentation as a .pptm file. You can force PowerPoint to save a presentation that includes macros as a .pptx file, but PowerPoint won’t let you play the macros that you’ve included in your slide slow. So it’s best to let it save your file with the .pptm extension.

PowerPoint File Formats

If you need to share your presentation with a colleague who is using an older version of PowerPoint, then save your slides as a .ppt file. PowerPoint 97 through 2003 cannot open and process .pptx or .pptm files.

If you’re using PowerPoint 2007 or newer, you should always save your work in .pptx format (or in .pptm format if you’ve used macros in your presentation). The options described below are additional ways to save your work. Be sure to save them first as ordinary .pptx or .pptm files before you save them in any of these other formats.

PowerPoint Shows

If you want to give your PowerPoint presentation to a friend or colleague, and you don’t want them to change anything, then save your presentation as a PowerPoint Show file. Your colleagues can display your slides, but they will be unable to change any part of your presentation.

There are three types of PowerPoint Shows: Save an ordinary presentation as a .ppsx file. If you’re using macros in your presentation, save it as a .ppsm file. If you’re sending your slide show to somebody who is using PowerPoint 97 through 2003, then create a .pps PowerPoint Show file.

Be sure to save your presentation as a plain vanilla (.pptx) file or as a macro-enabled (.pptm) file. If you’ve only saved the Show file, you won’t be able to make changes to your presentation.

PowerPoint Picture Presentations

Picture Presentations add an additional layer of protection to your work. To the casual observer, a PowerPoint Picture Presentation looks like an ordinary PowerPoint slideshow. But when you save your work as a Picture Presentation, each slide is converted to a simple image.

Slides contain text objects, image objects, animations, transitions, and many other special effects. By contrast, Picture Presentations contain only snapshots of your slides.

If somebody wants to copy your work, they can see each of the images and retype the text. They can even grab (and re-crop) the images. But they cannot capture any of the magic that is PowerPoint.

If you create a Picture Presentation, be sure to give it a unique name. If you only save the Picture Presentation .pptx file, you won’t be able to modify your presentation in the future.

Windows Media Videos

You can convert your PowerPoint presentation to an ordinary Windows Media Video (.wmv) file, and play it using the built-in Windows Media Player or any other video player. Your .wmv file can be enjoyed by any Windows or Mac user, even if they don’t have PowerPoint installed on their computer.

As always, don’t make your .wmv file the only version of your slideshow or you’ll be very disappointed when you want to make changes to the presentation.


PowerPoint lets you turn your slideshow into plain text. This is handy if you want to move some of the presentation’s text to your website or blog.

When you create a rich text format (.rtf) file, you save only the text. You lose all of the images, animations, slide-to-slide transitions, and other non-text objects.

It’s easy to save your presentation as a portable document format (.pdf) file. These .pdf files can be opened on any Windows, Mac, Unix/Linux, iOS, or Android device. The resulting file, however, is a static document. Don’t expect to see slides fade in and out. All of your animated objects will become static.

You can save your slides as an XML Paper Specification (.xps) file. That’s a fancy way to say that if you double-click your .xps file in Windows Explorer, the operating system will open your file using its built-in XPS Viewer.

The XPS format is ideal for sending your slideshow to users who have neither PowerPoint nor Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on their computers. As with the .pdf format above, .xps files have text and images, but no animation.

If you’re happy with this year’s Financial Results slideshow, and you want to create next year’s presentation using the same colors and fonts, then save your current presentation as a template, and use it over and over.

As you may have guessed, save your work as a .potx file for use in PowerPoint 2007 and newer, as a .potm file for a 2007 or newer macro-enabled presentation, and as a .pot file for use on PowerPoint 97 through 2003.

Office Themes and Backups

Because Microsoft PowerPoint is part of Microsoft Office, you can use two Office file types to make your PowerPoint work easier and safer.

You can save your presentation theme as an Office .thmx file. Future PowerPoint presentations, as well as Word documents and Excel spreadsheets, can use this Office theme to set their fonts and colors. This results in a consistent look and feel to all of the Office documents that you present to prospects and customers.

Autosave is built into most Office applications, including PowerPoint. If you experienced a power outage and hadn’t saved your PowerPoint presentation before you lost power, it’s possible that there’s a recent version of your slideshow in the Office Autosave library. If you click File , click Open , and click Recover Unsaved Presentation , you may be pleased by the information that PowerPoint saved for you.

The Bottom Line

There’s no need to memorize all of the PowerPoint file extensions and options that are available. But be sure that you’re including all of these files when you do your regular on-site and off-site backups. And bookmark this blog page so that you can return to it when you need to save or open a PowerPoint presentation in one of the less popular file formats.

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File format reference for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

  • 2 contributors

Applies to: Office 2019, Office 2016

Supported file formats and their extensions are listed in the following tables for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

File formats that are supported in Word

The following table describes the file formats that are supported in Word, alphabetized by extension.

File formats that are supported in Excel

The following tables describe the file formats that are supported in Excel.

File formats that are supported in PowerPoint

The following tables describe the file formats that are supported in PowerPoint.

Unsupported file formats in Office

Office applications don't support the file formats described in the following table

Additional file format information

This section provides additional file formats and whether they're supported in the applications in Office.

Microsoft Office Clipboard file formats

Users can paste data from the Office Clipboard into Word, Excel, and PowerPoint if the Office Clipboard data is in one of the formats shown in the following table.

Opening or viewing unsupported file formats

If the file format that users want to use isn't supported, they can try the following methods to open the file.

Search the internet for a company that makes file format converters for file formats that aren't supported in the application.

Save to a file format that another program supports. For example, users might want to import their Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file into another program that doesn't support the application's native file format. However, the other program might support importing another supported file format, such as a text file format. In this case, users can save their work in text file format, and then from the other program, import the text file.

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  • XML file name extension reference for Office
  • Guide to Office Telemetry Dashboard resources

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8 Types of Presentations You Should Know [+Examples & Tips]

By Krystle Wong , Aug 11, 2023

Types of Presentation

From persuasive pitches that influence opinions to instructional demonstrations that teach skills, the different types of presentations serve a unique purpose, tailored to specific objectives and audiences.

Presentations that are tailored to its objectives and audiences are more engaging and memorable. They capture attention, maintain interest and leave a lasting impression. 

Don’t worry if you’re no designer —  Whether you need data-driven visuals, persuasive graphics or engaging design elements, Venngage can empower you to craft presentations that stand out and effectively convey your message.

Venngage’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface, extensive presentation template library and customizable design options make it a valuable tool for creating slides that align with your specific goals and target audience. 

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8 Different types of presentations every presenter must know

How do i choose the right type of presentation for my topic or audience, types of presentation faq, 5 steps to create a presentation with venngage .

presentation file types

When it comes to presentations, versatility is the name of the game. Having a variety of presentation styles up your sleeve can make a world of difference in keeping your audience engaged. Here are 8 essential presentation types that every presenter should be well-acquainted with:

1. Informative presentation

Ever sat through a presentation that left you feeling enlightened? That’s the power of an informative presentation. 

This presentation style is all about sharing knowledge and shedding light on a particular topic. Whether you’re diving into the depths of quantum physics or explaining the intricacies of the latest social media trends, informative presentations aim to increase the audience’s understanding.

When delivering an informative presentation, simplify complex topics with clear visuals and relatable examples. Organize your content logically, starting with the basics and gradually delving deeper and always remember to keep jargon to a minimum and encourage questions for clarity.

Academic presentations and research presentations are great examples of informative presentations. An effective academic presentation involves having clear structure, credible evidence, engaging delivery and supporting visuals. Provide context to emphasize the topic’s significance, practice to perfect timing, and be ready to address anticipated questions. 

presentation file types

2. Persuasive presentation

If you’ve ever been swayed by a passionate speaker armed with compelling arguments, you’ve experienced a persuasive presentation . 

This type of presentation is like a verbal tug-of-war, aiming to convince the audience to see things from a specific perspective. Expect to encounter solid evidence, logical reasoning and a dash of emotional appeal.

With persuasive presentations, it’s important to know your audience inside out and tailor your message to their interests and concerns. Craft a compelling narrative with a strong opening, a solid argument and a memorable closing. Additionally, use visuals strategically to enhance your points.

Examples of persuasive presentations include presentations for environmental conservations, policy change, social issues and more. Here are some engaging presentation templates you can use to get started with: 

presentation file types

3. Demonstration or how-to presentation

A Demonstration or How-To Presentation is a type of presentation where the speaker showcases a process, technique, or procedure step by step, providing the audience with clear instructions on how to replicate the demonstrated action. 

A demonstrative presentation is particularly useful when teaching practical skills or showing how something is done in a hands-on manner.

These presentations are commonly used in various settings, including educational workshops, training sessions, cooking classes, DIY tutorials, technology demonstrations and more. Designing creative slides for your how-to presentations can heighten engagement and foster better information retention. 

Speakers can also consider breaking down the process into manageable steps, using visual aids, props and sometimes even live demonstrations to illustrate each step. The key is to provide clear and concise instructions, engage the audience with interactive elements and address any questions that may arise during the presentation.

presentation file types

4. Training or instructional presentation

Training presentations are geared towards imparting practical skills, procedures or concepts — think of this as the more focused cousin of the demonstration presentation. 

Whether you’re teaching a group of new employees the ins and outs of a software or enlightening budding chefs on the art of soufflé-making, training presentations are all about turning novices into experts.

To maximize the impact of your training or instructional presentation, break down complex concepts into digestible segments. Consider using real-life examples to illustrate each point and create a connection. 

You can also create an interactive presentation by incorporating elements like quizzes or group activities to reinforce understanding.

presentation file types

5. Sales presentation

Sales presentations are one of the many types of business presentations and the bread and butter of businesses looking to woo potential clients or customers. With a sprinkle of charm and a dash of persuasion, these presentations showcase products, services or ideas with one end goal in mind: sealing the deal.

A successful sales presentation often has key characteristics such as a clear value proposition, strong storytelling, confidence and a compelling call to action. Hence, when presenting to your clients or stakeholders, focus on benefits rather than just features. 

Anticipate and address potential objections before they arise and use storytelling to showcase how your offering solves a specific problem for your audience. Utilizing visual aids is also a great way to make your points stand out and stay memorable.

A sales presentation can be used to promote service offerings, product launches or even consultancy proposals that outline the expertise and industry experience of a business. Here are some template examples you can use for your next sales presentation:

presentation file types

6. Pitch presentation

Pitch presentations are your ticket to garnering the interest and support of potential investors, partners or stakeholders. Think of your pitch deck as your chance to paint a vivid picture of your business idea or proposal and secure the resources you need to bring it to life. 

Business presentations aside, individuals can also create a portfolio presentation to showcase their skills, experience and achievements to potential clients, employers or investors. 

Craft a concise and compelling narrative. Clearly define the problem your idea solves and how it stands out in the market. Anticipate questions and practice your answers. Project confidence and passion for your idea.

presentation file types

7. Motivational or inspirational presentation

Feeling the need for a morale boost? That’s where motivational presentations step in. These talks are designed to uplift and inspire, often featuring personal anecdotes, heartwarming stories and a generous serving of encouragement.

Form a connection with your audience by sharing personal stories that resonate with your message. Use a storytelling style with relatable anecdotes and powerful metaphors to create an emotional connection. Keep the energy high and wrap up your inspirational presentations with a clear call to action.

Inspirational talks and leadership presentations aside, a motivational or inspirational presentation can also be a simple presentation aimed at boosting confidence, a motivational speech focused on embracing change and more.

presentation file types

8. Status or progress report presentation

Projects and businesses are like living organisms, constantly evolving and changing. Status or progress report presentations keep everyone in the loop by providing updates on achievements, challenges and future plans. It’s like a GPS for your team, ensuring everyone stays on track.

Be transparent about achievements, challenges and future plans. Utilize infographics, charts and diagrams to present your data visually and simplify information. By visually representing data, it becomes easier to identify trends, make predictions and strategize based on evidence.

presentation file types

Now that you’ve learned about the different types of presentation methods and how to use them, you’re on the right track to creating a good presentation that can boost your confidence and enhance your presentation skills . 

Selecting the most suitable presentation style is akin to choosing the right outfit for an occasion – it greatly influences how your message is perceived. Here’s a more detailed guide to help you make that crucial decision:

1. Define your objectives

Begin by clarifying your presentation’s goals. Are you aiming to educate, persuade, motivate, train or perhaps sell a concept? Your objectives will guide you to the most suitable presentation type. 

For instance, if you’re aiming to inform, an informative presentation would be a natural fit. On the other hand, a persuasive presentation suits the goal of swaying opinions.

2. Know your audience

Regardless if you’re giving an in-person or a virtual presentation — delve into the characteristics of your audience. Consider factors like their expertise level, familiarity with the topic, interests and expectations. 

If your audience consists of professionals in your field, a more technical presentation might be suitable. However, if your audience is diverse and includes newcomers, an approachable and engaging style might work better.

presentation file types

3. Analyze your content

Reflect on the content you intend to present. Is it data-heavy, rich in personal stories or focused on practical skills? Different presentation styles serve different content types. 

For data-driven content, an informative or instructional presentation might work best. For emotional stories, a motivational presentation could be a compelling choice.

4. Consider time constraints

Evaluate the time you have at your disposal. If your presentation needs to be concise due to time limitations, opt for a presentation style that allows you to convey your key points effectively within the available timeframe. A pitch presentation, for example, often requires delivering impactful information within a short span.

5. Leverage visuals

Visual aids are powerful tools in presentations. Consider whether your content would benefit from visual representation. If your PowerPoint presentations involve step-by-step instructions or demonstrations, a how-to presentation with clear visuals would be advantageous. Conversely, if your content is more conceptual, a motivational presentation could rely more on spoken words.

presentation file types

6. Align with the setting

Take the presentation environment into account. Are you presenting in a formal business setting, a casual workshop or a conference? Your setting can influence the level of formality and interactivity in your presentation. For instance, a demonstration presentation might be ideal for a hands-on workshop, while a persuasive presentation is great for conferences.

7. Gauge audience interaction

Determine the level of audience engagement you want. Interactive presentations work well for training sessions, workshops and small group settings, while informative or persuasive presentations might be more one-sided.

8. Flexibility

Stay open to adjusting your presentation style on the fly. Sometimes, unexpected factors might require a change of presentation style. Be prepared to adjust on the spot if audience engagement or reactions indicate that a different approach would be more effective.

Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach, and the best type of presentation may vary depending on the specific situation and your unique communication goals. By carefully considering these factors, you can choose the most effective presentation type to successfully engage and communicate with your audience.

To save time, use a presentation software or check out these presentation design and presentation background guides to create a presentation that stands out.    

presentation file types

What are some effective ways to begin and end a presentation?

Capture your audience’s attention from the start of your presentation by using a surprising statistic, a compelling story or a thought-provoking question related to your topic. 

To conclude your presentation , summarize your main points, reinforce your key message and leave a lasting impression with a powerful call to action or a memorable quote that resonates with your presentation’s theme.

How can I make my presentation more engaging and interactive?

To create an engaging and interactive presentation for your audience, incorporate visual elements such as images, graphs and videos to illustrate your points visually. Share relatable anecdotes or real-life examples to create a connection with your audience. 

You can also integrate interactive elements like live polls, open-ended questions or small group discussions to encourage participation and keep your audience actively engaged throughout your presentation.

Which types of presentations require special markings

Some presentation types require special markings such as how sales presentations require persuasive techniques like emphasizing benefits, addressing objections and using compelling visuals to showcase products or services. 

Demonstrations and how-to presentations on the other hand require clear markings for each step, ensuring the audience can follow along seamlessly. 

That aside, pitch presentations require highlighting unique selling points, market potential and the competitive edge of your idea, making it stand out to potential investors or partners.

Need some inspiration on how to make a presentation that will captivate an audience? Here are 120+ presentation ideas to help you get started. 

Creating a stunning and impactful presentation with Venngage is a breeze. Whether you’re crafting a business pitch, a training presentation or any other type of presentation, follow these five steps to create a professional presentation that stands out:

  • Sign up and log in to Venngage to access the editor.
  • Choose a presentation template that matches your topic or style.
  • Customize content, colors, fonts, and background to personalize your presentation.
  • Add images, icons, and charts to enhancevisual style and clarity.
  • Save, export, and share your presentation as PDF or PNG files, or use Venngage’s Presentation Mode for online showcasing.

In the realm of presentations, understanding the different types of presentation formats is like having a versatile set of tools that empower you to craft compelling narratives for every occasion.

Remember, the key to a successful presentation lies not only in the content you deliver but also in the way you connect with your audience. Whether you’re informing, persuading or entertaining, tailoring your approach to the specific type of presentation you’re delivering can make all the difference.

Presentations are a powerful tool, and with practice and dedication (and a little help from Venngage), you’ll find yourself becoming a presentation pro in no time. Now, let’s get started and customize your next presentation!

Learn about Presentation File Formats and APIs that can open and create Presentation files

You must be familiar with PPTX and PPT extension files, these are Presentation file formats that store collection of records to accommodate presentation data such as: slides, shapes, text, animations, video, audio and embedded objects. A presentation can be saved/converted into other file formats as well such as PDF, BMP, PNG, JPEG, and XPS.

Common Presentation file extensions and their associated file formats include PPTX , PPT and ODP .

Got queries related to Presentation file formats? Head on to our community  forums  to benefit from the knowledge shared by File Format experts.

Open Source APIs for Presentation Files

Check out the list of Open Source APIs for working with Presentation File Formats .

List of Presentation File Extensions and Associated File Formats

Following is a list of popular PowerPoint and other Presentation file extensions and their associated file formats.

KEY File Format - Apple Keynote File Format

Otp - opendocument presentation template, ppt - powerpoint file format, pptx - powerpoint presentation file format, odp - openoffice presentation file format, pot - microsoft powerpoint template file format, potm - microsoft powerpoint template file with macros, potx - microsoft powerpoint presentation template, pps - powerpoint slide show file, ppsm - macro-enabled powerpoint presentation file, ppsx - powerpoint slide show file, pptm - macro-enabled powerpoint presentation file format.

Media Hygiene

What Is a PPT File: The Basics and Using Them

what is a ppt file

Do you know what a PPT file is? Find out here!

In this article, we’ll explain the basics of PPT files, how to open them, and the differences between variations of PPT windows file formats.

You’ll also learn about compatibility issues and conversion options.

Plus, we’ll show you how to embed PowerPoint into a website.

So, if you’re curious about PPT files, keep reading to expand your knowledge!

Key Takeaways

  • PPT files are digital file formats used for creating and delivering presentations.
  • PPTX is the newer file format introduced with PowerPoint 2007, offering advantages like smaller size and improved graphics.
  • Compatibility issues can arise between different versions of PowerPoint, and it is important to ensure compatibility with the file format.
  • There are different methods of embedding PowerPoint into a website, including using embedding code, converting to HTML5 format, and using plugins for platforms like WordPress.

Overview of PPT files and their importance

You’ll learn about the three key components of a PPT file and why it’s important for presentations.

A PPT file, short for PowerPoint Presentation, is a digital file format used to create and deliver presentations. It consists of slides that contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia elements.

The three key components of a PPT file are the slides, the design templates, and the speaker notes.

Slides are the individual pages that make up the presentation, while design templates provide a consistent visual style throughout the entire presentation. Speaker notes allow the presenter to add additional information or reminders for each slide.

Understanding these components is important because they help create visually appealing and effective presentations that engage the audience. By using design templates and organizing content on slides, a PPT file allows presenters to communicate their message in a clear and structured manner.

What is a PPT File

So, you want to know what a PPT file is?

Before we get started, let’s take a closer look at the definition and history of a PPT file and its origins and purpose. PPT stands for PowerPoint Presentation, and it’s a file format used by Microsoft PowerPoint, a popular presentation software.

PPT files contain slides that can include text, images, videos, and other multimedia elements. PowerPoint was first released in 1987 as a graphical presentation program for Macintosh computers. It quickly gained popularity and became a standard tool for creating professional presentations.

When it comes to types of PPT files, there are two main formats to be aware of: PPT and PPTX.

PPT stands for PowerPoint Presentation and is the older file format used by Microsoft PowerPoint.

PPTX, on the other hand, is the newer file format introduced with PowerPoint 2007. PPTX files are based on the XML format and offer several advantages over PPT files.

They’re smaller in size, more secure, and support advanced features like improved graphics and multimedia integration.

PPTX files can also be opened and edited in newer versions of PowerPoint, while PPT files may require compatibility updates.

Over the years, PowerPoint has undergone numerous updates and enhancements, adding new features and improving its functionality. Today, PPT files are widely used in business, education, and other fields as a means of conveying information and delivering impactful presentations.

How to Open a PPT File

To open a PPT file, you have a variety of software options available. There is paid and free software available to be used both on your desktop and mobile.

One of the most popular choices is Microsoft PowerPoint, which is specifically designed for creating and editing presentations. PowerPoint allows you to easily open PPT files and make changes to their content, layout, and design.

Another software option is Google Slides, which is a free web-based tool that offers similar functionality to PowerPoint. With Google Slides, you can open PPT files, collaborate with others in real-time, and access your presentations from any device with an internet connection.

Additionally, there are other presentation software programs available, such as Keynote for Mac users, LibreOffice Impress for those looking for a free alternative, and Prezi for creating more dynamic and interactive presentations.

Troubleshooting common issues

If you’re having trouble opening a PPT file, there are a few common issues that you might encounter.

One issue could be that you don’t have the right software to open the file. PowerPoint, the software developed by Microsoft, is commonly used to open PPT files. Make sure you have the latest version PowerPoint installed on your computer.

Another issue could be that the file is corrupted or damaged. In this case, you might need to try opening the file on a different device or ask the sender to re-send the file.

Additionally, check if the file extension is correct. PPT files should have the extension ‘.ppt’ or ‘.pptx’. If the extension is different, try renaming the file to the correct extension.

File Formats and Their Differences

When it comes to file formats, understanding the differences between PPT and PPTX is key.

While both formats are supported by PowerPoint, PPTX offers more advanced features and compatibility with newer versions of the software.


PPT files are the older version of PowerPoint presentations, while PPTX files are the newer version. The main difference between the two file formats lies in their underlying technology.

PPT files were developed for earlier versions of Microsoft PowerPoint, while PPTX files were introduced with the release of PowerPoint 2007. PPTX files use XML-based formatting, making them more efficient and compact compared to the older PPT format.

The PPT file format, while an older format is still being used by Microsoft PowerPoint. It supports various features such as animations, transitions, slide timings, and embedded media files.

Additionally, PPTX files offer enhanced features and compatibility with newer versions of PowerPoint. They support advanced formatting options, such as tables, charts, multimedia elements. and PPTX files also have better recovery capabilities, making them less prone to corruption.

Understanding the supported features in each format is essential for choosing the right format for your slideshow presentation needs.

Compatibility Issues

When it comes to compatibility issues with PPT files, you may encounter problems when trying to open an older version of PowerPoint in a newer version. This can result in formatting and content discrepancies.

However, there are solutions available, such as converting the file to a compatible format or using compatibility modes in PowerPoint to ensure smooth viewing and editing.

Older vs. newer PowerPoint versions

You may encounter compatibility issues between older and newer versions of PowerPoint. When working with PowerPoint files, it’s important to consider the version of PowerPoint you’re using and the version that the file was created in. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • File format : PowerPoint files have the extension .ppt or .pptx. The newer versions of PowerPoint use the .pptx file format, while older versions use the .ppt format. This difference in file format can sometimes cause compatibility issues between versions.
  • Versions : PowerPoint has gone through several updates and releases over the years, with each version having its own set of features and capabilities. Newer versions of PowerPoint may have additional features that aren’t supported in older versions, which can lead to compatibility problems when opening files created in newer versions with older versions of PowerPoint.

In order to avoid compatibility issues, it’s recommended to check the version of PowerPoint you’re using and make sure it’s compatible with the file you’re trying to open or edit.

Solutions for compatibility

In order to overcome compatibility issues, you can use various solutions when dealing with PPT files.

One solution is to save the file in a different file format that’s compatible with the version of PowerPoint you’re using. This can be done by selecting the ‘Save As’ option and choosing an older file format, such as PPT instead of PPTX.

Another solution is to use online file converters that can convert the file into a compatible format. These converters can be found on various websites and allow you to convert the PPT file into formats like PDF or JPEG.

Additionally, updating your PowerPoint software to the latest version can also help resolve compatibility issues as it ensures compatibility with newer file formats and features.

Conversion Options

Sometimes PPT files aren’t suitable for the purpose at hand and you need to convert. If you need to convert PPT to a different format, there are several tools available that can help you with that.

How to convert PPT to other formats

Easily convert your PPT files to other formats using various conversion options. When it comes to converting your PowerPoint presentations, you have several options to choose from. Here are two relevant conversion methods:

  • Online conversion tools: Many websites offer free online tools that allow you to upload your PPT file and convert it to a different format, such as PDF, JPG, or MP4. These tools are convenient and easy to use, requiring no software installation.
  • PowerPoint software: Microsoft PowerPoint itself provides an option to convert your PPT files to different formats. Simply open your presentation, go to the ‘File’ menu, and select ‘Save As.’ From there, you can choose the desired format, such as PPTX, PDF, or video formats like MP4 or WMV.

Tools available for conversion

You can utilize various tools for conversion, such as online converters or PowerPoint software.

When it comes to converting a ppt file to another format, it’s important to choose the right tool that meets your needs.

Here are some online tools that can convert PPT files:

  • AltoPPT to PDF Converter : This is a simple and free online tool that allows users to convert PPT to PDF. It displays the conversion progress, and upon completion, the converted file can be downloaded.
  • Adobe Acrobat PPT to PDF converter : This is another online tool that can convert PPT to PDF for free. It can turn any Microsoft PowerPoint presentation into a PDF file.
  • CloudConvert PPT Converter : This is an online document and presentation converter that supports various file formats, including PPT. It can convert PPT to PDF, PPTX, ODP, and many others. It is a universal app for file conversions, and it supports nearly all audio, video, document, ebook, archive, image, spreadsheet, and presentation formats. It is also secure, and users can use the online tool without downloading any software.
  • Zamzar : This is an online file conversion tool that can convert PPT to PPTX in real-time. It is secure and free for most users, and the converted file can be downloaded upon completion.
  • HeyGen : This is an online video production tool that can convert PPT to MP4. Users can upload their PowerPoint file and have an AI avatar present it as a video. The AI’s dialogue is based on the text or audio submitted. It is a dependable tool that allows users to effortlessly convert their PowerPoint to video and share it across multiple platforms.
  • Xodo : This is a versatile tool that supports various file formats, including PowerPoint to PDF conversion. It is a free online tool that can convert PPT to PDF. Users can upload their PPT file and follow the steps to convert it to PDF.

As you can see, online converters offer convenience as they can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. They usually support a wide range of file formats and allow you to convert your ppt file quickly and easily.

On the other hand, PowerPoint software provides more advanced features and customization options. It allows you to convert your ppt file while maintaining the integrity of the original design and layout.

Depending on your specific requirements and the contextually relevant limitations mentioned in the previous article section, you can choose the most suitable tool for your conversion needs.

Embed Powerpoint into a Website

Now let’s talk about how to embed a Powerpoint presentation into a website.

There are several methods you can use to achieve this, and it’s important to consider which one works best for your specific needs.

We’ll explore how to embed Powerpoint into WordPress, as well as compare the different methods available.

Methods of Embedding Powerpoint into Websites

Embedding PowerPoint into your website is a straightforward process that allows you to share your presentations with your online audience. There are several methods you can use to achieve this:

  • Embedding code: PowerPoint provides an embed code that you can copy and paste into your website’s HTML. This method allows you to display the PowerPoint presentation directly on your webpage.
  • Converting to HTML5: Another method is to convert your PowerPoint presentation into HTML5 format using third-party tools. This allows you to create a more interactive and responsive presentation that can be easily embedded into your website.

Alternatively, if you are using WordPress, you can use the above methods or use plugins to embed a Powerpoint into the website.

How to Embed Powerpoint into WordPress

You can easily embed Powerpoint into WordPress or any website by using a plugin. WordPress offers several plugins that allow you to seamlessly integrate Powerpoint presentations into your website.

There are several plugins that allow you to embed PowerPoint presentations in WordPress. Here are some of them:

  • EmbedPress: This plugin lets you embed audio-video, images, upload presentations, and other content into your WordPress website.
  • iSpring Suite: This plugin allows you to embed PowerPoint presentations into your WordPress website. It offers a variety of customization options, including the ability to add quizzes, surveys, and interactions to your presentations.
  • Embed Any Document: This plugin allows you to embed various types of documents, including PowerPoint presentations, into your WordPress website. It supports multiple file formats, including PDF, DOC, and PPT.
  • Google Slides: You can upload your PowerPoint presentation to your Google Slides page and then embed it into your WordPress website. This method is simple and easy to use[5].

To use any of these plugins, you need to install and activate them on your WordPress website. Once activated, you can upload your PowerPoint presentation to your website and then use the plugin to embed it into your posts or pages.

How to Remove Powerpoint Documents from WordPress

To remove a PowerPoint presentation from WordPress, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Go to the page or post where the PowerPoint presentation is embedded.
  • Edit the page or post and locate the PowerPoint presentation.
  • Delete the PowerPoint presentation by selecting it and pressing the delete button on your keyboard or using the delete option in the editor.
  • Save the changes to the page or post.

If you are having trouble removing the PowerPoint presentation, you can try disabling the plugin that you used to embed it. To do this, go to the Plugins section of your WordPress dashboard, find the plugin that you used to embed the PowerPoint presentation, and deactivate it. This should remove the PowerPoint presentation from your website.

What if you have multiple PowerPoint documents in the WordPress Library?

You can use a plugin called Media Hygiene. The Media Hygiene plugin is designed to remove unused media files from the WordPress Media library. It helps to keep your media library clean and organized by identifying and deleting files that are not being used on your website. By removing these unused files, you can free up storage space and improve the overall performance of your WordPress site.

In conclusion, a PPT file, also known as a PowerPoint presentation file, is a digital document created using Microsoft PowerPoint software. It’s widely used for creating and delivering presentations in various settings. PPT files can be opened and edited using PowerPoint or other compatible software.

Understanding file formats and compatibility issues is crucial for seamless sharing and collaboration. Additionally, embedding PowerPoint into a website provides a convenient way to share presentations online.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a ppt file be opened on a mac computer.

Yes, a PPT file can be opened on a Mac computer. You can use software like Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple Keynote to open and view PPT files on your Mac.

What Are Some Common Alternative File Formats to Ppt?

Some common alternative file formats to ppt include PDF, Keynote (for Mac), and Google Slides. These formats can be used for presentations and offer compatibility with various operating systems and devices.

Is It Possible to Convert a PPT File Into a Video Format?

Yes, you can convert a PPT file into a video format. There are various tools and software available that allow you to easily convert your PowerPoint presentation into a video file.

Can a PPT File Be Opened on a Mobile Device?

Yes, you can open a PPT file on a mobile device. There are various apps available that allow you to view and edit PowerPoint presentations on your phone or tablet.

Are There Any Limitations or Restrictions When Embedding a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Website?

When embedding a PowerPoint presentation into a website, there may be limitations or restrictions depending on the platform or software being used. It’s important to check the requirements and compatibility beforehand.

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.PPT File Extension

Microsoft powerpoint presentation (legacy), what is a ppt file.

A PPT file is an editable slide show created by Microsoft PowerPoint or exported by another presentation program, such as OpenOffice Impress or Apple Keynote. It may include formatted text, bullet points, images, movies, sound effects, and music. Users commonly build PPT files from templates with PowerPoint, but they may also create them from scratch.

More Information

Screenshot of a .ppt file in Microsoft PowerPoint 365

When creating, saving, and presenting presentations, you may encounter PPT files in home, school, and business environments. Microsoft introduced the PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) binary format in 1987 when it released PowerPoint. PPT was the primary file type used to save PowerPoint presentations until Microsoft replaced it in PowerPoint 2007 with the Open XML Presentation ( .PPTX ) file format.

While you will most likely see PPTX files more often than PPT files, some users with older versions of PowerPoint may still save their presentations as PPT files. In addition, you may receive PPT files from friends, family members, or co-workers via email or download them from a website or cloud storage service.

Common PPT Filenames

Presentation1.ppt - The default filename Microsoft PowerPoint gives to new presentations prior to PowerPoint 2007, which now uses Presentation1.pptx.

How to open a PPT file

You can open PPT files with Microsoft PowerPoint in Windows and macOS. PowerPoint is the best application for opening PPT files because it fully supports the formatting of the presentations, including the placement of text, slide transitions and effects, and images and shapes in the presentation. PowerPoint is also available for Android and iOS devices.

Many presentation programs can open and edit PPT files, but they may not fully support the formatting of the presentation files. Alternative programs include Corel Presentations (Windows), Apple Keynote (Mac), and Apache OpenOffice Impress (multiplatform). If you are a Mac user simply looking to view a PPT file, you can use Apple Preview , which comes bundled with macOS.

You can also open PPT files with various web programs. For example, Google Slides is a free option you can access with a Google account. The web tool allows you to upload a PPT file and view, edit, save, and convert the presentation.

How to convert a PPT file

Many presentation applications, including Microsoft PowerPoint, Corel Presentations, and LibreOffice Impress, can convert PPT files to other formats.

For example, select File → Save As in the Windows and Mac versions of Microsoft PowerPoint to convert PPT files to one of the following formats:

  • .PPTX - Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
  • .PDF - Portable Document Format
  • .ODP - OpenDocument Presentation
  • .XPS - XML Paper Specification (Windows only)
  • .MP4 - MPEG-4 Video
  • .WMV - Windows Media Video
  • .JPEG - JPEG Image
  • .PNG - Portable Network Graphic
  • .GIF - Graphical Interchange Format (Animated)
  • .TIF - Tagged Image File Format
  • .SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics
  • .RTF - Rich Text Format

Programs that open PPT files

Verified by fileinfo.com.

The FileInfo.com team has independently researched the Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation (Legacy) file format and Mac, Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS apps listed on this page. Our goal is 100% accuracy and we only publish information about file types that we have verified.

If you would like to suggest any additions or updates to this page, please let us know .


How-To Geek

The beginner's guide to google slides.

Want to learn the basics about Google Slides? This beginner's guide walks you through everything from importing your PowerPoint files to sharing presentations online.

Quick Links

What is google slides, how to sign up for an account, how to create a blank presentation, how to import a microsoft powerpoint presentation, how to check your spelling in google slides, how to collaborate on presentations, how to see all recent changes to a presentation, how to link to a specific slide, how to insert special characters into a slide, how to use google slides offline.

If you’re just getting started with Google Slides, its extensive features and add-ons can be a little overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you get going with this powerful alternative to Microsoft PowerPoint.

If you’ve heard of Google Slides before, feel free to skip ahead; if you haven't, here’s a crash course on what you need to know. We’ll go over the basics and get you brushed up on what Google Slides is and how you can get started right away.

Slides is a free, web-based presentation program designed to compete with Microsoft Office PowerPoint. It's part of G Suite---Google's complete office suite (though some people refer to it all as Google Docs). The other main services included in the cloud-based suite are Sheets (Excel) and Docs (Word).

Related: What is Google Workspace, Anyway?

Google Slides is available on all devices and platforms; all you need is an internet connection and a web browser (or, in the case of mobile, the Android and iOS apps ). Google does the rest and handles the brunt of the heavy lifting, while it runs the software in the cloud.

Slides supports several file types, including  .ppt, .pptx , .odp, .jpg, .svg, and .pdf. This makes it easy to view or convert Microsoft Office files directly from Google Drive or insert images directly into a slide.

Related: What Is a PPTX File (and How Do I Open One)?

And since Slides is an online presentation program, you can share and collaborate with multiple people on the same file, and track revisions, changes, and suggestions, all in real-time.

Have you heard enough? Let’s get started.

Before you can use Google Slides, you have to sign up for a Google account (an @gmail account). If you already have one, feel free to move on to the next section. If not, we’ll go over the simplest way to create a Google account and get you set up with Slides.

Head over to  accounts.google.com , click "Create Account," and then click "For Myself."

On the next page, you provide some information---first and last name, username, and password---to create your account.

Also, you have to verify your phone number, so Google can make sure you’re not a bot.

After you verify your phone number, the subsequent pages require you to provide a recovery email address and your date of birth and gender. You must also agree to the privacy statement and terms of service. After that, you’re the proud new owner of a Google account.

Now that you have a Google account, it’s time to create your first presentation. Head over to  Google Slides  and place the cursor on the multicolored "+" icon in the bottom-right corner.

The + turns into a black pencil icon; click it.

Pro Tip: Type 

 into the address bar from any browser and hit Enter to automatically create and open a new blank document.

Even if you’re new to Google Slides, you might already have a collection of Microsoft PowerPoint files you’d like to be able to use. If that’s the case, then you have to  upload all your presentations  before you can view them. While it might not support some of the more advanced features and effects of some PowerPoint presentations, it works pretty well.

When you import a PowerPoint presentation, you can use either Google Slides or  Drive  to upload your files. Both methods let you drag and drop a file from your computer directly into the web browser for easy uploads. Your Drive houses all of your uploaded files, but---for the sake of convenience---when you go to the Slides homepage, it only shows you presentation-type files.

From the Slides homepage, click the folder icon in the top right, and then click the "Upload" tab. Now, drag and drop any files you want to upload directly into this window.

Once the file uploads, Slides opens it automatically, and it's ready for you to edit, share, or collaborate.

To open a PowerPoint presentation that you want to edit, click the filename with the "P" next to it from your Google Slides homepage.

Click to either view the PowerPoint file or edit it in Slides.

After you’ve finished editing your file, you can download and export your presentation back into a Microsoft PowerPoint format. Just go to File > Download As, and then click the "Microsoft PowerPoint" option.

If you’d rather download your presentation as a PDF, ODP, JPEG, TXT, etc., you can do that here, as well.

Related: How to Import a PowerPoint Presentation into Google Slides

Now that you have a few presentations, it’s time to make sure your  spelling and grammar are correct . Slides is equipped with a spellchecker. If you misspell something, it underlines the error with a squiggly line and prompts you to make a change.

This should be on by default, but you can make sure in Tools > Spelling > Underline Errors.

To see spelling corrections and suggestions, right-click the word with the line underneath. Alternatively, press Ctrl+Alt+X (Windows) or Command+Alt+X (Mac) to open the Spell Check and Grammar tool.

Along with a spellchecker, Google Slides comes loaded with a built-in dictionary and thesaurus. To use them, highlight a word, right-click it, and then click "Define [word]."

While this should get you started, we have  a deeper dive into Google’s spelling and grammar checker  if you want more info.

Related: How to Check Your Spelling in Google Docs

One of the best features of Google Slides is its ability to  generate a shareable link.  Anyone you share the link with can view, suggest edits to, or directly edit the presentation. This eliminates the hassle of sending a file back and forth between collaborators. Each person has her own text entry cursor to use on her computer.

To do this, click the orange "Share" button in the file you want to share. Next, choose how and with whom you want to send a link to the file. You can type email addresses or click "Get Shareable Link" in the top corner to hand out the invitation yourself.

From the drop-down menu, you can select one of these options for what other users can do:

  • Off:  Sharing is disabled. If you’ve previously shared a link with others, it will no longer work and revokes any permissions they once had.
  • Anyone with the link can edit:  Gives the shared users full read/write access. They still can’t delete it from your Drive, though---this is just for the contents of the file.
  • Anyone with the link can comment:  Allows shared users to leave comments which is handy for team projects.
  • Anyone with the link can view : Shared users can view the file, but can’t edit it in any way. This is the default action when you share a file, and it's the best option if you’re trying to share a file for download.

You can do a lot more with these shareable links, as they also work with other Drive files and on mobile. For a deeper look at how links work and how to generate them,  check out our post .

Related: How to Create Shareable Download Links for Files on Google Drive

When you share documents with others, it’s difficult to keep track of all the small changes that happen if you’re not present. For that, there’s  revision history . Google keeps track of all the changes that occur in a document and groups them into periods to reduce clutter. You can even revert a file to any of the previous versions listed in the history with a click of your mouse.

You can view a list of all recent changes by clicking File > Version History > See Version History. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+H (Command+Option+Shift+H on Mac).

Related: How to See Recent Changes to Your Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides File

You can also share a link to a specific slide in your presentation with a friend or coworker, without having to mention which one you're referencing. When someone clicks the link and the presentation loads, it jumps directly to the slide you're referencing. You do have to enable file sharing before you can link to a specific slide in your presentation, though.

Because each slide has a unique URL, all you have to do to link to one is click it in the left pane, and then copy the URL from the address bar.

Google Slides also has a character insertion tool. This allows you to insert special characters into your presentation without having to remember any Alt-codes. There are tons of symbols, characters, languages, and so much more. So, whether you want an arrow, different language scripts, or if you just want a few silly emojis to spruce up your presentation, Google Slides makes it easy to include them.

To open the character insertion tool, click "Insert," and then click "Special Characters."

From here, you can manually search for specific characters with the drop-down menus.

Use the search bar to find a specific character or emoji.

You can also use your drawing skills to search.

Related: How to Insert Symbols into Google Docs and Slides

What happens if you need to access Google Slides but don’t have an internet connection? Although Slides is a web-based product, that  doesn’t mean you can’t use it offline . Any changes you make to the file offline will update the next time you connect to the internet. First, download the extension for Chrome.

To enable a presentation for offline use, go to the Google Slides’ homepage and, in the top-left corner, click the Hamburger menu > Settings. Once here, toggle "Offline" to the On position, and then click "OK."

To save storage space on your local machine, Google only downloads and makes the most recently accessed files available offline. To manually enable a file, click the three dots icon, and then toggle "Available Offline" to On.

Related: How to Use Google Docs Offline

Google Slides is a powerful, feature-rich alternative to Microsoft Office's PowerPoint. It's also completely free to use with an internet connection and a Google Account, making it a legitimate competitor for Microsoft.

Presentation File Formats at FileFormat.com

When it comes to working with applications development for manipulating different file types, the job is not easy. It requires detailed information about the file format specifications and structures to overcome the issues in developing such applications. FileFormat.com is your one stop for guidance about file formats. Its unique combination of file format wiki, news and support forums gives you the opportunity to get knowledge about file types and engage in fruitful discussions with file format community.

Presentation File Formats #

The Presentation file format category on FileFormat.com includes file formats that can be processed by Slides applications like Microsoft PowerPoint, OpenOffice, Google Drive, and others. Let us have a look at some of these file formats.

A file with PPT extension represents PowerPoint file that consists of a collection of slides for displaying as SlideShow. It specifies the Binary File Format used by Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003. A PPT file can contain several different types of information such as text, bulleted points, images, multimedia and other embedded OLE objects. Microsoft came up with newer file format for PowerPoint, known as PPTX, from 2007 onwards that is based on Office OpenXML and is different from this binary file format. Several other application programs such as OpenOffice Impress and Apple Keynote can also create PPT files.

Files with PPTX extension are presentation files created with popular Microsoft PowerPoint application. Unlike the previous version of presentation file format PPT which was binary, the PPTX format is based on the Microsoft PowerPoint open XML presentation file format. A presentation file is a collection of slides where each slide can comprise of text, images, formatting, animations, and other media. These slides are presented to audience in the form of slideshows with custom presentation settings.

Files with ODP extension represent presentation file format used by OpenOffice.org in the OASISOpen standard. A presentation file is a collection of slides where each slide can comprise of text, images, formatting, animations, and other media. These slides are presented to audience in the form of slideshows with custom presentation settings. ODP files can be opened by applications that conform to the OpenDocument format (such as OpenOffice or StarOffice).

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Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Presentations > How to Format Presentation Slides

How to Format Presentation Slides

Learn how to give your presentation slides a facelift so they captivate your audience.

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Why is Presentation Design and Formatting Important?

A well-designed presentation can help you connect with your audience and gets your message across in an easily digestible manner. Great presentation design can impart a positive first impression and is more likely to draw in and engage an audience.

Pretend you’re attending a presentation and instead of formatted PowerPoint slides, each one is plain white with a lot of dark text that’s hard to read. And even though the background and text colors are the same, none of the text is lined up and multiple fonts are used. There are no transitions or title pages that help to differentiate between topics being discussed and you’re presented with slide after slide of confusing, jumbled text.

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Tell your story with captivating presentations

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Formatting slides in your presentation is what enhances the look of the slides and transforms them into something that complements the content and resonates with the audience.

What Else Should a Good Presentation Include?

While formatted slides can help to connect with the audience, a good presentation should also include:

  • Well-written, concise content that clearly explains the problem that you’re trying to solve and the unique solution you’ve come up with.
  • A great hook or emotionally compelling introduction.
  • Visuals that support your message and aren’t too busy.

Most importantly, a good presentation should be efficient and engage with the audience. And that engagement can be found in the content as well as how the slides are formatted.

Tips for Creating & Formatting Presentation Slides

Before you start creating your PowerPoint presentation, make sure that your content is solid. Making an outline can help you keep information organized, clear, and concise before you put it into a presentation. The outline can also help you break down what information is shared on each slide to keep things from being overcrowded or wordy. Take a minute to consider your audience and the best ways to connect with them and present what you’re trying to share.

Once your content is finalized, you can get to work on creating and formatting your presentation slides.

How to Make a Slide

A PowerPoint presentation is sometimes known as a deck and is composed of different slides. When you’re putting your own deck together, you’ll certainly need to add slides and format them in different ways.

In order to make a new slide appear in your presentation, first select the slide that you’d like your new slide to follow. Then click Home and choose New Slide . From there, you can choose your desired layout , and start inputting content. The layout options in PowerPoint are great for keeping your text lined up and consistent through the deck. You can also rearrange, duplicate, and delete slides as necessary.

Formatting Your Presentation Slides

Once you’ve created your content or slides, it’s time to consider design and formatting. This is where you make choices about themes, templates, color schemes, and fonts.

If you don’t feel confident about your design abilities, you might want to try applying a template . This customizable option offers a variety of artistic skins that can give your deck a professional polish. There is even a range of downloadable templates available from Microsoft to suit any kind of presentation.

Don’t feel like you must use a template, though. Many users may prefer to use or create a theme to visually tie together their presentations. PowerPoint provides a variety of themes which include color schemes, backgrounds, fonts, and placeholder slides. In the Design tab, you can choose a theme that appeals to you or matches with your content. You can even try different color variations within the theme by selecting Variants . Each variant has built in options for colors, fonts, and background colors and styles that can help you format your slides and create a cohesive look throughout the deck.

There are a few things to keep in mind if you decide to eschew the suggestions made by PowerPoint:

  • Consider the colors you’re using. There are definitely a few color combinations you should avoid .
  • Choose fonts that are easy to read and make sure that your text isn’t too small to be read across a large room. You’ll also want to remember to keep the text on your slides relatively sparse, with no more than three bullet points per slide.

Using Visual Aids in Your Presentation

One way to break up the monotony of an all-text presentation is to use visual aids like charts, graphs, static images, gifs, and movies.

As with all other aspects of your deck, ensure that your visuals are easy to see and understand, and aren’t too wordy. Imagine trying to read a line graph with lots of muddy colors and small text from across a conference room. The goal of a visual aid is to make the presentation you’re giving more compelling and the information you’re sharing easier to understand.

Here are a few tips for adding visuals to your presentation:

  • Make sure the images you use are of high quality and that they fit in your deck. They shouldn’t be distorted or pixelated, as this will distract from the content.
  • All charts should be very easy to read and understand. If someone can’t immediately glean what information is presented, you may be trying to fit too much into a single chart.
  • Don’t use more than one chart per slide unless it’s necessary. Keep it simple.
  • If you’re including a brand or logo in your deck, make sure you’re adhering to that brand’s style guide .

A great way to get design ideas for slides in your presentation us to use the Designer feature in PowerPoint. It automatically generates design ideas for you to choose from based on the content of your slide. Designer detects when you’re using pictures, charts, and tables and gives you suggestions for arranging them on your slides in a cohesive layout that’s easy on the eyes. Designer can also help to format your lists and timelines into easy-to-read graphics and suggests relevant graphics to pair with keywords that it finds within your content.

Create a PowerPoint deck that stands out and resonates with your audience by formatting it in a professional manner. And don’t forget to prep for your presentation !

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1. Find the perfect PowerPoint template

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2. Customize your creation

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3. Show it off

Let's create a powerpoint design, frequently asked questions, where can i find slide templates and themes that i can customize.

To find customizable slide templates and themes, you can explore the business presentations templates or search by PowerPoint templates . Once you find a template that resonates with you, customize it by changing its color scheme, add in your own photos, and swap out the font.

How do I use pre-made PowerPoint templates?

After you've chosen a PowerPoint template to use, customize it. Explore [design tips] on how to customize a deck that resonates with your brand while putting emphasis on the topic at hand. Play with other design elements, like photo shapes, to make each slide unique.

How can I make or edit my own custom PowerPoint templates?

Start from scratch by creating your own PowerPoint template . Follow tips for designs and business presentations so that your unique template is cohesive and relevant to your brand. Incorporate your brand's color scheme and graphics so that all your slides aren't text only.

What kinds templates can I get online for PowerPoint?

You can get PowerPoint templates that have modern designs, animated ones, or even hand-drawn art in each slide. The color schemes range from bold to subtle. Each template's slides are also organized based on what you may want to include in your presentation . You can use the template as a starting point and customize its specific details from theme.

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Create beautiful presentations with visually appealing powerpoint templates.

Use our 100% editable presentation templates to create awesome slides that wow your audience.

Find the perfect presentation template and slide design for PowerPoint presentations

1. Find a presentation template

Browse our curated selection of 50,000+ presentation templates to match any topic or occasion. Quickly pinpoint the ideal design, setting the stage for your presentation content with a new style.

Edit and customize the PowerPoint templates to craft the ideal presentation

2. Download & edit the presentation

Customize your chosen template with ease, adjusting visuals and incorporating data to reflect your unique brand and message. Our 100% editable slides ensure your presentation is both professional and personalized.

Present your presentation to an audience. Wow it!

3. Present to your audience

Engage and captivate your audience with a eye-catching presentation design. Our PowerPoint templates are crafted to enhance your narrative, ensuring a smooth and impactful delivery that leaves a lasting impression.

PowerPoint templates for professional presentations

When creating a slide deck , most of the time should be spent on your content and message. A PowerPoint presentation’s visual aid is only as good as how much it empowers the presenter’s message. Based on this premise, our PowerPoint templates are created to help you save time creating your presentation decks. You can focus on your message while our designers generate the slideshow templates most suitable for the scenario you need.

The process is simple: download a presentation template that matches your needs and fill the gaps with your content. Leave the complex task of designing visually engaging PowerPoint templates to our team of professional designers, who are listening to the business trends and their design needs. Impress your audience with professional PowerPoint templates that appeal to global audiences.

PowerPoint themes that cover your needs

Our gallery provides a wide range of presentation designs. These apply to different purposes. You can search the gallery for specific content, for example, the Marketing Plan PowerPoint Templates , or alternatively, you can look at generic PowerPoint background themes . Be it to improve your existing slide deck or create a new presentation from scratch within a trendy and coherent design.

Microsoft PowerPoint templates will add a color palette and a visual pattern to your presentation and define the layouts and slide composition structures that are most suitable for combining content. These layouts result from centuries of design principles, represented by artists and publicists, and the development of modern design.

The sum of the parts is more significant than the whole.

When you combine different styles and objects from different presentation templates, you will realize there is no just thing as the template covering all your needs for all scenarios. The attractiveness of our PPT templates gallery is not only each presentation template itself but the ability to combine them into more sophisticated presentation decks.

Using Copy & Paste, you can move shapes, objects, and graphics on the PowerPoint slide templates or copy the PowerPoint templates into each other; adapt your slides into the existing theme with a few clicks.

Use the PowerPoint templates and work in the presentation tool you prefer

You can download the presentation themes as a PowerPoint file and work them on your computer, or you can edit them in your favorite presentation tool. The 100% editable PowerPoint templates are professionally designed and ready to be compatible with popular presentation tools such as Google Slides, Apple Keynote, and Open Office.

A constantly growing library of presentation templates

Our content and design teams are working hard to grow our library with relevant business templates. Our PowerPoint designs are based on business trends and our user’s suggestions. We always listen to our audience’s needs and improve our presentation template designs with their valuable feedback. Our fields of study include Marketing, Strategy, Planning, Operations, Corporate and Business Frameworks, Data-Driven Dashboards, Public Speaking, and Education.

Where can I find customizable presentation templates?

To find customizable presentation templates, you can browse the collection of 100% editable business presentation templates for PowerPoint or search for PowerPoint templates . Discover the slide template that best fit your needs, download it and customize the presentation slides.

What kind of presentation templates can I find online compatible with PowerPoint?

You can find a wide variety of presentation templates online that are compatible with PowerPoint, catering to different themes, industries, and visual styles. This includes, corporate templates which usually include slides for introductions, agendas, data representation, and conclusions, educational Templates, mainly designed with teachers and students in mind creative slide templates with vibrant colors and creative layouts (Ideal for industries like design, art, or media). They often incorporate unique fonts, vibrant colors, and creative layouts. Technology and Startup Templates (perfect for tech companies or startups, these templates might include futuristic designs, graphs, and charts to showcase data and trends).

How do I use pre-made PowerPoint templates?

Once you found a PowerPoint template and color palette that fits your needs, including the content in the PPT template is a very simple process. It consists of replacing placeholders, whether text or graphics, in the elements identified for that purpose. In a few clicks, your presentation will be ready, finishing your work in less time.

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Save your presentation file

As with any software program, it is a good idea to name and save your presentation immediately, and save your changes frequently while you work.

In PowerPoint, you can save your desktop presentation to your local drive (such as your laptop), a network location, a CD, a DVD, or a flash drive. You can also save it as a different file format.

On the File tab, select Save .

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Do of the following:

To save to your local drive, such as your laptop, a flash drive, CD or DVD drive, select Computer .

To save to a SharePoint Library, select SharePoint .

Under Save As > Recent Folders , select Browse , pick a path and file folder, and then name the file.

Select Save .

Save your presentation file in a different file format

Note:  To save files in PDF (.pdf) or XPS (.xps) file formats, see Save or convert to PDF or XPS .

On the File tab, select Save As .

Under Save As , do one of the following:

Under Recent Folders , select Browse , pick a path and file folder, and then name the file.

In the Save as type list, pick the file format that you want.

Save your presentation in an earlier version of PowerPoint

In PowerPoint 2013 and newer versions, you can save files to an earlier version of PowerPoint by selecting the version from the Save as type list in the Save As box. For example, you can save your PowerPoint presentation in the newest PowerPoint Presentation format (.pptx), or as a PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation (.ppt).

PowerPoint 2013 and newer versions use an XML-based .pptx file format introduced in the 2007 Office release. These files can be opened in PowerPoint 2010 and PowerPoint 2007 without special add-ins or loss of functionality. For more information, see Open XML Formats and file name extensions .

Open Document format

Microsoft 365 supports the ability to save a presentation file in the OpenDocument Presentation format (.odp).

When you use the Save As or Save a Copy command, the option to save in .odp format is listed at the end of the Save as type list of options.


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  1. File formats that are supported in PowerPoint

    PowerPoint supports several different presentation-file formats, as described below. Windows macOS Web. Use File > Save As to save your presentation as one of the file types listed below. File type. Extension. Use to save. PowerPoint Presentation. .pptx. A presentation that you can open on a PC or a Mac.

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  3. Understanding PowerPoint File Formats

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    PPT files are digital file formats used for creating and delivering presentations. PPTX is the newer file format introduced with PowerPoint 2007, offering advantages like smaller size and improved graphics. Compatibility issues can arise between different versions of PowerPoint, and it is important to ensure compatibility with the file format.

  9. 10+ Types of Effective Presentation Styles (Top Methods for 2022)

    Here are more than ten common different effective presentation styles: 1. Visual Presentation Style. The visual style is great for anyone who wants to use your presentation to complement the main points of your speech. This visual presentation technique is perfect for people who have many important talking points.

  10. PPT File

    Many presentation applications, including Microsoft PowerPoint, Corel Presentations, and LibreOffice Impress, can convert PPT files to other formats. For example, select File → Save As in the Windows and Mac versions of Microsoft PowerPoint to convert PPT files to one of the following formats:.PPTX - Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

  11. The Beginner's Guide to Google Slides

    Slides supports several file types, including .ppt, .pptx, .odp, .jpg, .svg, and .pdf. This makes it easy to view or convert Microsoft Office files directly from Google Drive or insert images directly into a slide. ... To enable a presentation for offline use, go to the Google Slides' homepage and, in the top-left corner, click the Hamburger ...

  12. Save your presentation in a different file format

    Under Save presentations, in the Save files in this format list, choose the file format you want to use by default. See Also Use PowerPoint to open or save a presentation in the OpenDocument Presentation (.odp) format

  13. PowerPoint File Formats

    It specifies the Binary File Format used by Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003. A PPT file can contain several different types of information such as text, bulleted points, images, multimedia and other embedded OLE objects. Microsoft came up with newer file format for PowerPoint, known as PPTX, from 2007 onwards that is based on Office OpenXML and is ...

  14. Video and audio file formats supported in PowerPoint

    Recommended formats. Video : .mp4 files encoded with H.264 video and AAC audio. Audio : .m4a files encoded with AAC audio. These names and formats may sound complicated, but you can easily convert to and use these formats without having to know anything more than the names.

  15. How to Format Presentation Slides

    When you're putting your own deck together, you'll certainly need to add slides and format them in different ways. In order to make a new slide appear in your presentation, first select the slide that you'd like your new slide to follow. Then click Home and choose New Slide. From there, you can choose your desired layout, and start ...

  16. 21 Different Types of Files and How to Use Them

    3 types of presentation files Depending on your position, you may use presentation files to prepare for a meeting or training. Here are some of the most common presentation file types: 1. PowerPoint presentation (PPT or PPTX) This file type, created by Microsoft, is a popular way to share and upload presentations and slideshows.

  17. PowerPoint design templates

    Find the perfect PowerPoint presentation template Bring your next presentation to life with customizable PowerPoint design templates. Whether you're wowing with stats via charts and graphs or putting your latest and greatest ideas on display, you'll find a PowerPoint presentation template to make your ideas pop.

  18. Free and engaging presentation templates to customize

    Make it simple and hassle-free with a collection of well-designed and easy-to-use presentation templates from Canva. To captivate your target audience, you need the proper presentation template design that suits your subject. After all, a pleasing visual, coupled with helpful and relevant content, can go a long way in creating a solid presentation.

  19. PowerPoint Templates for Presentations

    Create beautiful presentations with visually appealing PowerPoint templates. Use our 100% editable presentation templates to create awesome slides that wow your audience. 1. Find a presentation template. Browse our curated selection of 50,000+ presentation templates to match any topic or occasion.

  20. Save your presentation file

    Save your presentation in an earlier version of PowerPoint. In PowerPoint 2013 and newer versions, you can save files to an earlier version of PowerPoint by selecting the version from the Save as type list in the Save As box. For example, you can save your PowerPoint presentation in the newest PowerPoint Presentation format (.pptx), or as a PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation (.ppt).

  21. Explore All Presentation Templates

    Professional designs for your presentations. SlidesCarnival templates have all the elements you need to effectively communicate your message and impress your audience. Download your presentation as a PowerPoint template or use it online as a Google Slides theme. 100% free, no registration or download limits. Browse through to discover stunning ...

  22. Free PowerPoint and Google Slides Templates for your Presentations

    Find Free Slide Show Templates that Suit your Needs. Captivate your audience with our collection of professionally-designed PowerPoint and Google Slides templates. Boost your presentations and make a lasting impression!

  23. Free Google Slides themes and Powerpoint templates

    Creative and Bold Theme for Marketing. Download the "Creative and Bold Theme for Marketing" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and take your marketing projects to the next level. This template is the perfect ally for your advertising strategies, launch campaigns or report presentations. Customize your content with ease, highlight your ...