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51 Best Homework Excuses (Serious, Funny, Strict Teachers)

Homework. No one wants to do it. But no one wants to get in trouble either. So, here are some of the best homework excuses that are serious, funny, and might even work for strict teachers!

As a teacher myself, I’ve heard most of these excuses. I laughed at a few and rolled my eyes at most.

At the end of the day, you’re only going to get away with not doing homework if you’ve got a solid excuse and a bunch of evidence to back it up. Good luck!

Read Also: 27 Pros and Cons of Homework

Cliché Homework Excuses

These are terrible homework excuses that, really, students should avoid. They might be fun to use, but most of them have been over-used. Your teacher won’t believe you unless you’ve brought some evidence along with you.

1. My Dog ate my Homework. Look, no one’s ever going to believe this one. Maybe avoid it unless you want to spend lunch time inside catching up.

2. My Computer Broke. This one’s more believable but it’s been over-used. Thanks to all the liars out there, this homework excuse is well and truly ruined.

3. My Mom Forgot It. Nothing like blaming your mother for your own failures. Most teachers would probably tell you to take a little personal responsibility and send you on your way.

4. The Internet was Out. As believable as any excuse, your teacher might tell you that you’d better buy yourself an old hardback encyclopedia.

5. My Grandma Died. Again. The oldest excuse in the book, I always ask for evidence of this. Some people seem to have 15 grandmas.

6. The Older Kids Took it off me and Tore it Up. Chances are, your teacher’s going to be very concerned by this. They might even escalate this to a disciplinary issue!

Related: A List of Extension Excuses for College Students

Funny Homework Excuses

These ones might get a laugh out of your teacher and your classmates. But, you’re not likely to get out of trouble in the long run.

7. My Mother wanted to Display it on the Fridge. You might get a few laughs from your friends out of this one. But, your teacher is going to tell you to go home, take it off the fridge, and bring it to class!

8. The Police Confiscated it as Evidence. This one might make your teacher pause and wonder. Why is it confiscated? Is it so poorly written that the police consider it an outrage? Maybe your joke will deflect them from punishing you, though.

9. I was Abducted by Aliens and They took It. If your teacher believes this one, let me know. I’ve got some air guitars to sell them.

10. I sent it to you in the Post. In this day and age, you might have to tell your teacher they should wait a few months to it arrive. The postal service isn’t what it used to be.

11. My Dad mistook it for a Letter and Posted it to China. Funny, but clearly not true. Your teacher is going to ask one simple question: why is your dad sending letters to China?

12. I had to burn it in the Fireplace to keep myself Warm. Like Pablo Escobar burning cash, you’ve thrown caution to the wind and thrown your homework book into the fire because, well, if you didn’t, you wouldn’t have survived the freezing cold night.

13. It flew out the Window of the Car. Just picture it. You’re frantically doing your homework on the drive to school. Your dad winds down the window and – woosh – the homework’s gone for good. And class is in just 15 minutes!

14. I thought I’d do it Tomorrow because I’ll be Older and Wiser Then. A clever joke, but you’re probably going to be known as the class clown from that moment onwa rd!

15. I did my Work. It’s all Up Here in my Head. Be prepared for your teacher to give you a snap quiz on the spot if you’re bold enough to say you’ve got it all in your head! But, if you pull it off, maybe you’ll get away without too much trouble.

16. I didn’t do it because I didn’t want to add to your Workload. Sure, it sounds nice, but your teacher will see right through this cheeky response. But hey, when you’ve got nothing to lose it’s worth a try.

17. My Hand fell Asleep and I didn’t want to Wake It. Imagine you were trying so hard to do your homework and write down those answers. But, your hand just wouldn’t obey your command!

18. My Cat ate it knowing that I’d Blame the Dog. This one’s a funny twist on “my dog ate my homework” that might just get a laugh out of your teacher (and a little bit of leniency).

Related: Excuses for Skipping Class in College

Excuses For Strict Teachers

Okay, here’s where things get serious. If you’ve got a teacher who you know is going to be mad, you need to come into this with a plan. Usually, that means providing evidence to support your excuse.

19. I was Sick. And I have a Sick Note. Being sick (genuinely!) is one of the few reasons for not doing your homework that might actually work. You’re going to want to be able to present a note from your parent and maybe even a doctor.

20. My Mother or Father went to Hospital. And here’s the Sick Note. If your mom or dad is in hospital, chances are you’re going to get a free pass. Bring evidence, even if it’s a photo of dad in the hospital bed with tubes coming out of his nose!

21. My Computer Screen Broke. And here’s a Picture. I’ve actually gotten this one from students a few times and it really took me back. I thought: “is this legit, or is this image from 3 years ago?” A receipt from the computer repair store with a date on it is usually a better piece of evidence. But then again, why didn’t you go to the library?

22. The computer broke, but here are my hand-written notes. I’m usually pretty impressed by this excuse. Your computer broke, but you still made the effort to give the homework a go anyway. Great resilience!

23. The wi-fi didn’t work, but here are my hand-written notes. This excuse is very similar to the previous one. If you turn up with nothing and say the wi-fi broke, the teacher probably won’t accept that excuse. But if you actually tried to write some notes anyway, well done!

24. I wasn’t here when the work was assigned. This is an excellent homework excuse for strict teachers. It’s really quite legitimate. How were you supposed to know you had homework!?

25. I tried, but I didn’t understand the Instructions. This puts the onus back on the teacher. Why didn’t they provide clearer instructions? It’s usually a good idea to show some evidence that you at least gave it a go, though.

26. I volunteer at the soup kitchen on Monday Nights. Everyone loves a good Samaritan. If it gets you out of homework, well, that’s just the universe giving you good karma.

27. I’m so sorry. I thought it was right here in my Bag! This one helps show that it at least is a genuine mistake.

28. I had way too much Homework for my other Class. Follow this one up with “You should talk to that teacher about how their overbearing homework requirements are impacting your students!”

29. The Library was Closed and I don’t have Internet at Home. This one might get you a little more sympathy. The fact you don’t have internet at home means you’re not as privileged as many other kids, so your teacher might let you off lightly.

Related: Fun Things to do when Bored in Class

Truthful Homework Excuses

30. I was too busy doing something more important. Your teacher is instantly going to say “what was more important than your education?” Don’t respond with “video games.”

31. My parents kept me really busy on the weekend. But I promise I’ll do it tonight. One thing I would say about this excuse is that you’re saying “Hey, take it up with my parents. I wanted to do some homework!” But, you’re also saying you’ve got a plan to get it done asap.

32. I was at football practice all night. Many teachers will still say “learning comes before sports” (which, as a teacher, I agree with). But, you’ve got a leg to stand on here. You don’t want to let your team down, which is fair.

33. I did my homework, but I left it at home. This excuse does show that you at least put the effort in. But, you failed at the finish line! Come to class tomorrow with the homework and you’ll win back some respect from your teacher.

34. I forgot I even had homework. Hey, it’s truthful. But you’re not going to get any sympathy for this one.

35. The computer didn’t break. It was the Printer this time! An excuse that’s almost as bad as “my computer broke”, the printer issues excuse at least needs some photographic evidence to back it up. And, why didn’t you email the homework to your teacher?

36. I had a Headache. Headaches are the worst. As a teacher myself, I’d probably have a little sympathy for this excuse if it’s a one-off. But, I’d expect my student to bring a note from the parent to corroborate the story.

37. The homework was far too Easy. This isn’t a good reason not to do homework. Your teacher is going to expect you to absolutely ace your next test.

38. My tutor accidentally took it home with them. Nothing like blaming your tutor for your own problems. As a teacher, I’d probably roll my eyes and tell you that you need to keep better track of your things.

39. I accidentally squished it in the bottom of my bag and now it’s got rotten apple juice all over it. This one’s funny to me because, well, as a kid this always used to happen to me. Rotten bananas were usually the culprit.

40. I spilled cereal all over it because I was doing it over breakfast. This sounds believable. I would tell my student the should at least show me the ruined homework as evidence. And, I’d also tell them that breakfast isn’t the best time to do your homework.

See a List of 11 Homework Statistics

Blame the Parents

41. My parents don’t believe in homework and won’t let me do it. There are some parents like this. If a student said this to me, I’d be on the phone to the parents. So, if you don’t want your teacher to call your parents, don’t use this excuse.

42. My mother said band practice was more important. It’s really hard for teachers to argue with parents via the student. But in my experience the teacher usually responds with: “you need to have better organization skills to get all of these things done in your own time!”

43. I help my father at work on a Tuesday afternoon. I just can’t get it done on Tuesdays. Once again, the teacher is likely going to tell you to have more organization skills. But, you might occasionally get an extension out of this. Especially if you let the teacher know in advance.

44. My father looked at it, said it was outrageous government indoctrination, and told me not to do it. While I think this is hilarious, it’s also something that happens a lot these days. Why is this world so divided? Science isn’t controversial, people!

45. My mother was looking over my homework and forgot to give it back to me. Okay, time for me to put my teacher voice on: “She didn’t forget to give it back to you. You forgot to ask for it back.”

46. My mother threw it in the trash. This must have been frustrating to you! A teacher with a quick wit will respond: “it shouldn’t have looked like trash then. You must have done a bad job!” Or, a more serious teacher might just tell you that you need to be more organized net time.

Blame the Teachers

47. You give too much Homework. There are plenty of people out there in this world who think teachers do give too much homework. They believe it’s not fair and it’s preventing children from leading a balanced and healthy life.

48. Your instructions are impossible to understand. This one really puts the pressure back on the teacher because you’re basically telling them that they’re bad at their job.

49. This was way too hard for me. You need to give me more guidance. Sometimes, it’s true, teachers do assign homework that’s way too hard. You do need to be resourceful and find ways to learn yourself. But at the same time, the teacher really should know better.

50. The homework is too easy. It’s a complete waste of my time. Assigning homework is like playing Goldilocks. It can’t be too hard, can’t be too easy.

51. Between you and all my other teachers, you’re assigning hours of homework every night. You all need to get together and resolve this. This one’s surely going to set a cat amongst the pigeons. The teachers are going to talk about this at their next staff meeting. But, they might coordinate and come back at you as a united front!

FAQ: How to Get Out of Doing Homework?

The best ways to get out of doing homework are to:

  • Let the teacher know in advance that you won’t be able to do it. Teachers respond better when you give them an excuse before time, not after.
  • Bring evidence of why you didn’t do it. If you want your teacher to truly believe your excuse, you need evidence. This can be notes, photos, receipts, or anything else proving your story is true.

Really, the best way to avoid any issues is to just do the homework in the first place. But if you’re reading this article, chances are the horses have left the stable. You’re at a stage where you’ve got to come up with an excuse because in 10 minutes your teacher is going to be asking you why you haven’t done anything!

Well, good luck with that! I hope you don’t get into too much trouble, but I also hope you learn that next time the best solution is to just get that homework done in advance.


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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50 Best Excuses for Missing your Homework

We all have drained our brains thinking for the perfect lie that could save us from our teachers. While school days are said to be one of the most memorable days of our lives, homework is one thing that we all used to run away from and would do anything to be away from it. Nervousness tickles up the spine when the teacher starts calling out names, asking for homework, slowly coming up to your name.

And you did not do it!

good excuses for forgetting homework

That is a moment when your brain is thinking hard for a solution, eyes staring blankly at your friends to get help, mouth mindlessly chewing nails and legs just wishing they could let you run out of the room. Alas, none of the things usually work out and it is left up to you to save yourself. And by the time you could make up the perfect justification, your teacher asks, “What about your homework? Have you done it dear?”

“No, ma’am. I mean yes, but actually…”

Well, there is always hope. It can be a good help if you try out these excuses for not doing your homework. There are always some cards that play the perfect role to help you out.

1. “I was ill for days!”

The king of all the excuses, illness can help you out surely. Now, it is important to keep in mind that your illness should sound practical as if it really happened to you. Do not tell of an ill situation that is hard to believe. I have heard that students sometimes even say that they caught rabies, and get blasted later. Viral infection, swelling, digestion issues and fever can work well.

2. “My cat scratched the papers and tore it off!”

Well, let’s not always blame the dogs for killing away your homework. This time, let your cat save you!

3. “I was busy volunteering for a social event”

Or even a community club, pets help, orphanage etc can be used to make up a perfect excuse. Teaming up with a social cause shows you as a responsible person towards your surroundings, and your teacher may like it and give you a day to cover up your work.

4. “Did not the homework was to be submitted today”

Well, this sounds as quite a common excuse, but definitely worth a try.

5. “Parents’ anniversary yesterday”

Yes, and that’s why you were busy all day round decorating up the house, fetching orders, planning the surprises which did not leave you any time for homework.

6. “Fall sick when asked about homework”

When your teacher is coming to you for homework, just bring out the actor inside you and pretend to be really sick, all of a sudden. You can act as if you have a really bad stomach, dizziness or feeling like throwing up as they happen suddenly. Rush to the medical room and you can be saved from a scolding.

7. “Lost it while house cleaning”

Let’s say the papers just got here and there while your room was being cleaned, and you could never find it again. It will be hard to believe one for your teacher though, but surely a fun thing to say as well.

8. “Vacuum cleaner ate it up”

Let the vacuum cleaner suck up your homework! And if the teacher asks that you could have still pulled it out, cleaned the paper and presented it to her, plainly say that it had too much chunk which was immediately cleaned.

9. “Mom gave a punishment for fighting”

And then think of a punishment which will keep you away from your room. Anything which is exhausting and time taking after which you were very tired and straight went off to sleep. For example, say you were asked to mow the lawn, clean the car, check and fix all the electric sockets etc. Surely this excuse can save you well because your teacher to knows that no one can cheat mom!

10. “Slipped out of my bag while I was crossing the bridge”

And below the bridge, there is the river, where it got dumped. But beware; do not think of saying the lie if there is no river in your way. You won’t be able to slip out of your teacher’s hands later!

11. “I did all of the work, but my computer crashed”

This excuse usually works well, because you did your homework but the system crashed. Play it well and you teacher will believe you.

12. “Baby sister pooped on it”

Eww, but it can definitely help you! And no one is going to think further about the assignment once they listen to this perfect lie.

13. “Got a lift while coming and forgot assignment in it”

Now you don’t know where the sweet guy who helped you went, neither you have any number to contact him.

14. “Dog peed on it”

Yes, finally the dog comes in to save you! And a further number of excuses that you can make up that involve your dog. Just like the lie where your younger sibling pooped on your precious homework, your teacher won’t think of it further.

15. “Had an alien visiting our block last night”

Anything bizarre can be cooked up once you say the word ‘Aliens’. You can say they sucked up all the ink of the entire block for their UFO’s fuel, or even that a tornado hit up when they were taking off the land. Aliens are always fun to talk about.

16. “Ran out of toilet paper”

Homework is important of course, but hygiene comes first!

17. “Someone pulled it out of my bag”

Pretend to be really worried, because you clearly remember keeping it in your backpack right this morning. But when you opened the bag in the class, poof! It has vanished. Your teacher will find it hard to believe because it is a lame excuse, but if you play it well, it can work as it points out that someone from class might have stolen it.

18. “Dad took it to work accidentally”

And while you were having breakfast, your dad was packing his bag for the office, searching for his files and papers and by mistake took off your homework with him too. But make sure your teacher does not end up calling your father to send in the homework.

19. “I was hypnotized”

Sounds fake. Totally. But it is possible anyway. Say your cousins were at your place last night and they tried up hypnotizing each other. Initially, it wasn’t happening, but when they tried the trick on you, it happened! And they made you clean all the chores of the house, bla bla bla. Make sure to tell that you were hypnotized all the time and got into senses right before school time.

20. “Butler tossed it into the bin”

Your butler cleaned up the room while you were getting ready. He thought it was some waste papers and threw them off. Plainly say that you were so furious that you asked dad to fire him right away.

21. “Gone into paper shredder”

Your cousin got a new paper shredder and wanted to test it. Before you could act in the situation, he picked up the assignment sheets lying near him and put into the machine. And you were crying your heart out when homework got chopped off finely.

22. “I felt my room was haunted”

And bring in all the conjuring effects that can trickle down a shiver of fear down the spine. Like the aliens, anything can be cooked up if you talk about paranormal activities. Lights got dimmed, bulbs burst off later, cold wind blew in through the wind, creepy sounds etc can all be a part of your story which made you really scared. So scared that you hid under the sheets and just slept off.

23. “Grandmother posted it away”

Say that your grandmom lost her glasses and had a very urgent letter to be delivered. By mistake, she picked up your homework and put it in the envelope. And all the while this happened, you were sleeping thus could not do anything.

24. “Burnt it to make some light”

Due to the heavy rain, there was low voltage and the fuse blew off. There was no light to see the fuse and fix it, thus you had to burn all the papers you could get your hands on, including your assignment. What a sacrifice it sounds! And when the power came back finally, there was not enough paper left in the house to start again.

25. “I forgot to bring my notebook”

The most common excuse, after all. Teachers have heard it a zillion times and find it lame. But it does happen that students forget their work due to a rush. But make sure that you do not use the lie each time you skip your homework because it does not make any sense that you forgot your homework every time.

26. “I was helping mom to host the guests last night”

This trick can definitely play well to save you from a punishment. After all, playing a good and responsible kid is never a bad idea!

27. “There was a power cut at our house the entire night”

And thus you could not see anything around you. A little silly it sounds, but if you play this excuse well, it can help you out for sure.

28. “I gave it for copying but did not get it back!”

Willing to play with your teacher’s mind? Then do try out this excuse. But be prepared for the fact that you may be scolded a little for letting others copy your work. But I’m sure it will be better than being blasted for not doing it at all!

29. “My maid packed food in it for a homeless guy”

Make sure to state right in the beginning that your maid can’t read. ‘Sharing is caring’ can indeed help you out and be a good excuse for skipping homework.

30. “Pen got no ink in the middle of work”

This excuse will be more sensible if you have done your homework, but not completed it. Add on some extra lines that the nearby stationery was closed too or anything else. Though a little hard to believe, it might work out too.

31. “I got robbed on the way to school!”

Why not add some drama to your lie! Make up a good story of how happy you were when you started from home as all your answers were correct but you got robbed in the way, and the bad guys took out everything from your bag and vanished. If possible, shed off a tear too, and the teacher will surely believe you and give you another chance to work on it. But hey, this excuse may not work every time as it is easy to catch out such fictitious excuses.

32. “My little brother made a boat and sailed it!”

Little kids can be a great saviour when it comes to making excuses. Plainly tell your teacher that your baby brother made a boat out of your assignment and sailed it in the bathtub.

33. “Tore it off because all my answers were wrong”

Play out a frustrated kid while telling this excuse, and say how dedicated you were to your work all night. But when you cross-checked the answers, you got angry with yourself so much that you just blew off the paper. Quite an unbelievable excuse though, but if you play it smartly, your teacher will surely believe in it.

34. “Kept it near the window and it blew away!”

Keep it simple, practical and real. Who can stop nature anyway?

35. “I just showed it to you!”

Sounds fun and adventurous, but do not dare to try if your teacher is sheer smart.

36. “Sister scribbled on it, so I had to erase it which took the entire night”

Again, let your family be your saviour!

37. “Did not know about submitting it today”

Though it is another common lie that goes around a lot, it can give you an extra day.

38. “Shifting house, thus misplaced it”

Tell your teacher that you are shifting your house to a new place, thus everyone was busy packing up the whole stuff. And now you have no idea where your stationery is packed!

39. “Drunk friend puked on my homework!”

And you could not do anything but to help him get to the washroom. And it was a stinking gross sight by the time you returned, thus you had to throw away your homework. This excuse can work well if you play it smartly.

40. “Could not understand the concept”

This shows that you tried doing your homework, but came across problems while doing it. You can make it even better by asking some doubts from your teacher to make it clear to your teacher that you indeed tried doing the homework.

41. “I was absent on that day homework was given”

And you don’t know anything about it. In fact, this is the most common lie that every student has given quite a times in their school times. And the teachers have got bored of hearing this lie. But you can still try it out.

42. “Forgot to save my work”

You were staying up all night, working hard on your assignment and then straight away went to sleep. And you went crazy in the morning when you realized that you had turned off your computer without saving your work!

43. “Neighbors were disturbing, thus I could not focus”

Well, it won’t be wrong to blame your neighbours little for not doing homework. Say the music was too loud or they were drunk and kept disturbing us at our home or anything else.

44. “Was busy doing other subject’s homework”

Teachers go a little crazy hearing this one, and they start lecturing the kids. But it happens often that students are already burying their heads in one subject so much that they can’t complete other subjects’ work.

45. “Was busy in a police investigation in the vicinity”

Let’s say that a crime scene popped out in your neighbourhood and you were called upon for a general investigation. The tiring questions made you really exhausted and you jumped into bed after it.

46. “Work got stuck due to printing error”

You were about to print your work, but let the printer take all your pains. Say it ran out of ink, bolts were loose or anything else. After all, technical errors can ooze up anytime.

47. “Had a fight with brother and he tore off my hard work!”

Oh, poor you! You did a good job at solving all the problems, sitting up all night. But he quarrelled with you right when you woke up in the morning and tore off your homework to bits just to annoy you. And every person knows that fights between siblings are a messy thing to tackle, so such things happen often!

48. “Had a bad toothache”

A toothache is a thing which can shiver a person even in his sleep. Your teacher may have gone through the sour experience as well, so such an excuse can keep you safe easily.

49. “Was grounded to my bedroom and homework was kept in the study”

An annoying lie which the teacher may not believe, but it can explain to him clearly that you need more time to complete your work.

50. “I confess…”

Sometimes, telling the truth is the best excuse to explain why you did not do your work. If no other way seems to work out, speak out the truth, blaming yourself a little that you felt lazy and did such an irresponsible thing. Tell your teacher that you would not repeat such a mistake and require some extra time to finish your work. Sometimes, truth wins overall.

Well, keep a thing in mind that the more bring such excuses into use, the lesser teachers will believe in you. do not make a regular habit of skipping homework. Make use of the above suggested fun excuses when it is actually required.

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49 Best Excuses For Not Doing Homework

  • February 10, 2024

Last Updated on February 10, 2024 by Ketan

No, you can’t use ‘I’d a fever’ as the best excuse for not doing homework. 

Because someone already has the same reason. And it’s too regular. 

Also, blaming a dog for biting out your assignment book is totally unbelievable.

Then you may ask, what to say when the teacher asks ‘Where’s your homework?’ 

Well, don’t worry to help you out in such a situation, we provide you with all the fresh, believable excuses to give. 

That your teacher will accept it as a valid reason for missing your assignment.

( Note: This is just for entertainment purposes. Please don’t make a habit of relying on these excuses every day. Better if you do your homework on time.) 

Good Excuses For Not Doing Homework

You know you must do your exam on time.

But you didn’t get the right time or mood to actually sit and complete it. 

Whether you’ve played all day, overslept, or just not doing homework anyway, you need something to say to your teacher as a valid reason. 

Have these good reasons to convince your teacher why you came to school without the homework. 

Good Excuses For Not Doing Homework

1. “Someone told me that the date of submission is extended.” 

2. “I have done my homework, but I forget where I put my notebook.” 

3. “We have surprised guest visitors and they stay the whole day.” 

4. “Because I didn’t know where to start, I’m unable to complete the homework.”

5. “There’s some fixing work going on at my home, especially in my room.” 

6. “I was about to do homework, but I don’t understand a thing.”

7. “There were some other priorities. More important than homework.”

8. “I have a reason, but I can’t share it with you, please believe me.” 

9. “I’ve misplaced the notebooks, still unable to find them. So I couldn’t complete it.” 

10. “There was a rumor that you were on leave today.”   

11. “I had no time for homework because there are so many things going on at home.” 

12. “My family and I were out of the city the entire day yesterday and we returned late.”

13. “After school, I have to work at our family business. My dad already trained me for it.”  

14. “I forgot my bag here so I’m not able to complete it at home.”

15. “Thought I would do it late at night, but I slept quite earlier than usual.” 

16. “My entire day went into doing some extracurricular, and I didn’t get time for homework.”

READ NEXT:  Great Comebacks For Your Kids

Funny Reasons For Not Doing Homework

Well, some excuses are so ridiculous that they make your teacher and your fellow students laugh. 

Indeed, there is a risk of you appearing dumb in front of your class. 

But because it’s a hilarious and creative reason, it might still work in your favor. 

Or at least to come up with new excuses than anyone else can think of.

Funny Reasons For Not Doing Homework

1. “It was my birthday yesterday. And, I don’t want to celebrate it by doing just homework.”

2. “My parents brought a pet for me. So I played with him the whole day.”

3. “After I completed my homework, my sibling ripped my assignment apart.” 

4. “I’ve to babysit my little brother with nobody at home to take care of us.” 

5. “I was lost in the mall while going shopping with my mum and found it in the evening.”

6. “My elder sibling has thrown my assignment book in the trash.”

7. “Our cousin used my homework to make a paper plane and they just flew it.”

8. “My family wants me to go to a boarding school, so I’m just getting ready for it.”  

9.  “I was looking for the right time to get it done, but I didn’t get it .” 

10. “My mom and dad fought and the entire day went on just to settle things down.” 

11. “My grandparents visited our home yesterday, and I’ve been busy with them.” 

12. “Because there is so much homework for different subjects, I can’t do any of them.” 

13. “My internet went off while you’ve given the assignments to us.” 

14. “I accept that I didn’t do my homework now, but I promise to complete it tomorrow.” 

15. “There’s some family issue going on at home. So, I’m unable to complete the assignment.”

16. “My dad took my bag for some reason and today I have to come with a spare bag.”

17. “This is the first time I forgot the lesson, and you have to understand that I have some reason for that.”

Believable Excuses For Not Doing Homework

Whatever reason you are about to give for not completing your assignment, your teacher will judge it logically. 

So you just can’t share any reason that’s on your mind. 

Be careful with your reasons or excuses before saying why you didn’t do your homework. 

If you want some believable reasons that your teacher can’t deny, here’s the whole list of them. 

Believable Excuses For Not Doing Homework

1. “I asked my dad to help me with my homework, but he doesn’t know a thing either.” 

2. “I’ve saved my assignment, but I don’t know where it is now. The file is lost on the PC.” 

3. “I forgot to save my homework and all the work was just gone.” 

4. “There were system errors on my PC. So it was not possible to do homework.” 

5. “My computer just got hacked and I must delete everything including homework.” 

6. “I felt the pain in my writing hand, and now I’m feeling better.”

7. “After school, we had to go to some event and I lost my bag somewhere there.” 

8. “I thought today was a holiday. So I didn’t do it.”

9. “Remember I told you that my computer is in repair, the technician hasn’t returned it.” 

10. “I’ve been at an important event with my family and came back this morning.” 

11. “It was my sister’s marriage, so I was not able to complete my homework.” 

12. “I was stuck in the giant toy car the whole day and not able to do homework later.”

13. “We bought a new TV. So, me and my brother watched our cartoon the whole day.” 

14. “I was helping other kids in school to complete assignments, but I forgot mine.” 

15. “My notebook fell into our swimming pool and I couldn’t save it in time.”

16. “It’s not my dog, but my cat peed on my notebook. I couldn’t bring my notebook today, but I will tomorrow.”

READ NEXT:  Smart Responses To Every ‘Why?’ Question

We all agree that we have the entire day to do it, but the best time to do homework is ‘the last hour’ before submission. 

But sometimes you can’t even do your homework in that precious time, too. 

Because you don’t want to do it, or just give up. 

When you fail to do or submit your assignment last time, you need some good excuses for not doing homework that your teacher could believe and accept. 

We hope we’ve suggested the best reasons to share to be safe this time. 

But Hey, next time you do your homework properly, Right? 

This list covers last-minute excuses to get you another chance. 

Hope this frees you from any punishments or embarrassment at school. 

But, promise us, that you will do your homework on time from now on. We don’t want you to use these excuses anymore, too.

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15 Good Excuses for When You Forgot to Do Your Homework

By: Author Hiuyan Lam

Posted on Last updated: October 20, 2023

Categories Social Responses

15 Good Excuses for When You Forgot to Do Your Homework

Having to do a ton of homework after a long day at school isn’t a great feeling. But, if you don’t do it, you’ll get in trouble if you don’t have good excuses not to do homework.

Instead of settling for a zero, you need to come up with good excuses to convince your teacher to give you a pass. These excuses not to do homework must be rock solid or else you might end up in even more trouble.

Saying the dog ate it is not a good excuse not to do homework, so don’t even think about using that one. Here are 15 of the best excuses not to do homework that are guaranteed to work:

Things to pay attention to before making up excuses not to do homework

  Before you go ahead and make up your excuses not to do homework, there are some things you must pay attention to. This will let you know if the excuse will work or not.   The main things are:  

female teacher holding a stick


4 excuses about blaming family when you forgot to do your homework

  Sometimes family can come in the way of getting your homework done on time. This can be because of a toxic home environment, or simply because a lot is going on at the moment.   Here are 4 good excuses not to do homework that can be blamed on your family:  

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  If there isn’t anyone to blame but yourself, it’s always a better idea to go with the truth than a lie. Being able to hold yourself accountable says a lot and it is obvious to seasoned teachers when students are grasping at straws.   Here are 5 excuses not to do homework when it’s all your fault:  

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  Now that you have your excuses not to do homework, please don’t take advantage of them.   Sure, homework might be no fun, but it will be helpful in the long run and you’ll find that when test time comes, you’ll have an easier time recalling what you have learned!  

What to Say When You Didn't Do Your Homework

23 March 2023

12 minutes to read

A person sits in a booth with their open laptop in front of them, holding their head in their hand and looking dejected.

  • 01. The Dog Ate It
  • 02. I Don’t Remember Getting any Homework
  • 03. I Thought it Was in My Bag
  • 04. I Didn’t Understand the Homework
  • 05. My Computer Crashed
  • 06. Too Much Homework from Another Class
  • 07. I was Absent When the Homework was Assigned
  • 08. Busy with Extra-curricular Activities and Volunteering
  • 09. I Was So Sick!
  • 10. Tell the Truth
  • 11. Bonus Excuses
  • 12. Excuses for Not Going to Work

Have you ever stumbled to class, filled with dread and wondering how you're going to explain why you don't have any work to turn in? Surely most - if not all students have handed in a homework assignment late, at least a few times (or more!). Equally likely: just about every learner had no assignments ready to turn it, late or otherwise. When that happens, so as not to get into trouble, pupils cook up excuses why they couldn’t complete their homework when scheduled or at all.

If these assertions leave you feeling like we're speaking directly to you... we are. Your parents, professors, teachers and, yes, even your Superprofs were once pupils, too. We know how school life is and how, sometimes, learners have no desire to do homework. Or, in some cases, how any of that work should be done.

A Superprof homework help tutor would render all of those points moot. With such a mentor, you would have no trouble understanding  your study materials or what is expected of you. You would not need any excuses because your work would get done on time, every time. But if you did need a good excuse, this article delivers:

  • time-tested untruths with a proven track record
  • updated stories to keep up with the times
  • a few completely novel tales you can tailor to your needs

Maybe you don't have a Superprof tutor (yet). Maybe, for you, excuses remain the order of the day. Here again, your Superprof rides to the rescue by providing you with a list of excuses. And be sure to read to the end, where you'll find some handy excuses to get out of work - because it's not just students who sometimes aren't prepared for the day's challenges.

The number one excuse for not doing your homework is "my computer crashed" or similar, tech-related issues. A teacher may still be annoyed with you, but we all know that technology can be unreliable and most of us have fallen foul to this at some point. You may get a sympathetic teacher.

If not, the following methods may work:


The Dog Ate It

A puppy with black fur being held by someone wearing a red and grey knit jumper.

The go-to excuse for not doing homework has to be the one about the dog laying waste to students' carefully penned essays. Or carefully calculated equations. Even those whose school days are far behind them likely remember invoking this mythical beast, on occasion.

Who hasn't heard about that homework-hating dog that must eat every assignment? Or maybe it's a homework-loving dog who craves the taste of graphite and ink. Did you know this excuse is grounded in fact? The original dog who ate homework was allegedly Saint Ciarán of Clonmacnoise's pet fox.

The legend, written by Forrest Wickman, recounts that, back in the 6th Century, the saint's tame fox was tasked with taking Ciarán's writings to the monastery Master. These papers were bound in a leather strap. One day, the fox chewed through the strap, allowing the papers to fly away with the wind.

Over the centuries, dogs have been accused of eating everything. Including, in one story published in 1808, a playing card that would have lost its master the high-stakes game he was playing.

Bringing the narrative full-circle is the tale of an Anglican priest whose sermons tended to go on and on. Reportedly, he had to cut his preaching short one Sunday because a dog had gotten into his study and had eaten several pages of the sermon. As the story goes, the worshippers were delighted at spending less time in the pews.

The bottom line: despite its lengthy history, perhaps this is not the most subtle or workable of excuses. However, should you, in all actuality, have a dog… If all else fails, you could bring a few chewed-on pages as proof.

I Don’t Remember Getting any Homework

Oh, no! You forgot to write your assignment into your work planner and now, you have nothing to turn in! Forgetting to write down your assignments doesn't ranks among the best excuses but you can still make it work if you have decent acting chops.

A person wearing a deep red top and black fingernail polish sits at a table holding a pen in their right hand, preparing to write something in the open notebook in front of them.

The trouble with you supposedly having a Swiss cheese memory about homework assignments is today's technology. Upon any claim of faulty memory on your part, your teacher will certainly ask if you checked with your mates. Even direr for you: what if your homework was assigned online , through your school's online learning portal? And you logged in, clearly indicating you knew there was work to be done?

On the other hand, if your teacher uses no web-based learning platforms ... You probably DO remember getting your homework, but s/he can't be sure of that, right? This particular excuse would work best if the whole class - or, at least a majority of your classmates proclaimed the same. Just don't use this excuse while waiting for exam results because your teacher will know that you're fibbing.

I Thought it Was in My Bag

A person wearing a burnt copper coloured jumper with the sleeves rolled up, with a light brown leather satchel slung over their shoulder, stands in tall grass with a blurry tree line in the background.

Leaving your assignment on your desk at home is one of the more believable excuses for not having any work to turn in. Or maybe you had to change bags at the last minute because the other satchel's strap broke. How unfortunate that you didn't check all of the compartments!

This particular excuse works for just about anything, from the money you owe a friend to the book you promised to return. And, of course, for not doing homework. It is particularly effective if you first dig into your backpack as you normally would. Nothing to see here, Teacher, just a diligent pupil, whipping out last night's work...

And then, more frantically, your fingers scrabble and scour every pocket, even as you cast panicked glances around the room. If you could work up an embarrassed flush, that would be the icing on the cake. This one is a great excuse, it’s worked for students everywhere, especially those who can work up a sweat or a few tears on demand.

I Didn’t Understand the Homework

Confusion is always a good excuse for not doing homework. Even the best students need clarification on particularly tough assignments sometimes. So saying you didn't do your homework because you didn't understand it is perfectly reasonable.

A man wearing a grey and white shirt stands against a royal blue background, holding his hands palms-up with a confused expression on his face.

Admittedly, this excuse works better for science, maths or questions-based homework rather than essays. That doesn't mean it won't fly if the assignment called for you to write at length, though. You might simply explain how you didn't quite get the idea of what you were supposed to write about.

This excuse hits two birds with one stone when you combine it with 'could you explain it to me?' . You'll get help with your homework and a deadline extension. That would be particularly helpful if you genuinely didn’t understand the homework assignment.

Beware of this pitfall: Teacher might ask if you talked with any of your classmates to see if they could explain what you were supposed to do. You might say that you asked your parents or an older sibling for help. But avoid mentioning any mate your teacher might know, just in case s/he tries to verify your story.

My Computer Crashed

A woman wearing a dark top sits at a wooden table with her head in her hands, seemingly in despair, in front of an open laptop. Her glasses and phone lay nearby.

If you were looking for excuses for not doing homework, you could hardly do better than a computer crash. Since COVID, more schools have continued the trend of using web-based platforms to assign and turn in homework.

Thus, a whole new spectrum of excuses has opened up to the desperate, homework-lacking learner. Besides computer crashes, you might invoke pets and/or younger siblings breaking your laptop. Hackers, power failures and even that your printer ran out of ink could also serve you well.

Of course, that last will be the least effective excuse, especially if you are a serial homework offender . Your teacher may contend that you could have loaded your work onto a USB drive and taken it to a print shop. Beware too that, if no other student suffered a power outage , invoking that reason may force to veer into the 'parents didn't pay the bill' territory. That would be the only other reason that only you had no electricity to power your devices.

Too Much Homework from Another Class

Doing homework assigned in every class can be an hours-long proposition. So it's understandable that you might cut corners, particularly in assignments for classes you don't like. This lays the groundwork for one of the best homework excuses.

A student with long blonde hair wearing blue-framed glasses holds a pencil in her right hand and works geometry problems on a maths worksheet.

This excuse would work best for college and university students. Primary and secondary school teachers usually have an idea of how much homework their colleagues assign. And, if they didn't, it would be a snap for them to check. They may start by asking your classmates; those worthies' responses might prove embarrassing for you.

Even if you lay out everything you did for that supposed other class, this story puts you and your teacher in a difficult position. On one hand, they might think: "Poor you, clearly you’ve been given far too much homework!". On the other hand, they may well contend that other teachers' assignments aren't their concern. They might not even care if you're preparing for your exams .

They might clap back by saying that you're a college/university student so you should manage your schedule and workload more efficiently. Still, this excuse might work if your professor is too inexperienced to know better or a bit on the negligent side. Best to not underestimate them, though. Keep this one in reserve for when you truly have nothing else to offer.

I was Absent When the Homework was Assigned

A large classroom seen from the back row of students, with the teacher a blurry figure far in the front of the room.

Classroom overcrowding is a huge problem in the UK. But it lays the groundwork for one of the best excuses for not doing homework. Does your teacher waste precious class time calling the roll? If so, how do they know it's really you who answered?

Despite your attendance tick in the register, this story could still fly if you could convince your teacher you were in the loo when the assignment was announced. It would work particularly well if you are, indeed, a frequent visitor to the loo during class. And if you don't routinely excuse yourself from class, you may try to convince your teacher that s/he marked you present by mistake on that day.

Here again, your classmates would have to vouch for you. Failing that, you might rope your parents into providing a note explaining that, of course, you were absent on that day. You had to do something far more important than attending class.

Busy with Extra-curricular Activities and Volunteering

If you want to polish your civic image , saying you couldn't do any homework because you were helping others would be a sure bet. Especially in these post-COVID times! If you're too busy helping out in your local clinic to solve equations, you will be a star in your teacher's eyes.

Two women wearing green aprons sit at a table covered with a green tablecloth, each with a white soup bowl with blue trim in front of them. The wall behind them is bright yellow.

You might even use this excuse if you're late to school but you might find less favour if you claim team sports or group activities as your extracurricular activity. Even rowing, playing chess and singing in the church choir would be suspect. Choose the reason you're too busy for homework wisely. If volunteering is your excuse, it would be best to actually volunteer because if you get found out, your fall from grace would be twice as far.

I Was So Sick!

A woman wearing glasses and a blue hospital gown lies in a hospital bed with the covers pulled up to her chest.

Not so long ago, in the halcyon, pre-COVID days, being sick was a classic excuse for not doing homework . One could claim a 24-hour bug, food poisoning or come to class looking convincingly wan and plead a fever the night before.

 Not only would you be excused from turning in your assignments but you might have garnered a bit of sympathy. To say nothing of a handy extension on your deadline for turning work in. These days, if you claim you've been bedridden, feverish and unable to distinguish your cat from your sheet of homework... You're likely to land yourself in quarantine, missing out on classes and leisure activities alike.

If pleading illness is your go-to move to excuse yourself from turning in assignments on time, you would do best to stick with food poisoning. And even that claim is no guarantee you won't be sent home posthaste, driven by the worry that you're suffering from something far graver than a revisit of the pizza you had last night.

Tell the Truth

If you typically dole out excuses for not doing your homework, perhaps it’s time to pull out your ace in the hole – the truth. Honesty is still the best policy. Your teacher will appreciate the refreshing change from the usual bombardment of excuses.

A woman wearing glasses and a purple shirt, with purple tones in her hair, sits in a classroom where students work, gazing sceptically at the camera

Use truth-telling when you’re feeling especially sincere (and desperate). Or, the best yet: tell the truth all the time. Of course, you wouldn't have to worry about recycling excuses if you knocked your homework out like the champ you are. And you wouldn't have to worry about failing exams , either.

Bonus Excuses

In case the all-time best excuses listed above don't suit you or you've used them all at least once this school year, here are a few extra excuses to try that might save you from the wrath of Teacher :

  • I left it at home
  • I dropped it in the sewer on the way to school
  • I left it in my other satchel/bookbag/binder/notebook
  • I was looking it over and left it on the bus
  • I let (insert name of classmate) borrow it and s/he didn't give it back  you may even claim that the treacherous friend turned your work in as theirs
  • My little brother/sister drew all over it (or used it to make a paper aeroplane, a boat, a nest for their guinea pig...)
  • My mother/father accidentally shredded it, along with other important documents
  • My parents were looking it over and forgot to give it back
  • My tutor accidentally packed it away with his papers
  • I spilled (insert name of a document-ruining food or beverage) all over it

Admittedly, for all that they are plausible, these are funny excuses for not doing homework. Your teacher may give you props for your inventiveness and, if the assignment wasn't critical, might give you a pass... this time. But if chronic homework neglect is your study style, be careful not to use the same excuse too many times. Otherwise, your teacher may not be sympathetic towards you should there ever be a legitimate reason for not doing your homework.

We hope these excuses for no homework have been helpful - or, at least, entertaining. Just remember that the more you use them, the more unbelievable they’ll become to your teacher. In fact, it may just be more advantageous (and easier) for you to do your homework and hand it in on time. But before you go, you might also need a few good excuses to get out of doing PE .

Excuses for Not Going to Work

A barista wearing dark-framed glasses and a denim apron over a checked shirt stands behind a coffee bar which is laden with three small glass coffee pots that have white filter holders on top of them.

Finally, we get to the best excuses to miss work. As our excuses for no homework show, everyone needs a day off sometimes, even students. But then, students may also have jobs so they need believable excuses for missing work, too.

Whether that's the spot you're in or your school days are long past, it's always a good idea to have few good excuses to miss work at the ready. Obviously, being sick is the best excuse to miss work. COVID changed everyone's mind about flu-like symptoms so if you call in to tell your boss that's how you'll feel, you'll likely not catch any flack. Everyone wants you to stay away if, indeed, you are incubating that pesky virus.

You might also cite a family emergency as your excuse not to go to work. Here, too, pandemic echoes make the excuse believable. But if you worry about jinxing your family, say you have a home emergency, instead. Warm weather will make a burst waterpipe less believable but you could squeak by with a broken window or door that you can't leave unattended.

Does your workplace offer mental health days? If so, needing a mental health break is the best excuse for not going to work, provided you don't take half the week off. If your job doesn't offer that perk, citing your mental health could be just the thing for your boss to make mental health days a thing.

Transportation troubles is a good excuse for missing work but not if you live in an area with public transportation or if you live close enough to bike or walk to work. However, if you say you had some sort of accident on the way to work... Not that anyone got injured, thank goodness, but you have to take your ride in for an estimate. And if you do bike to work, you could say your bike was stolen.

If these perfectly reasonable excuses for not going to work are out of step with your character, you might need a few outrageous reasons for not going to work. Did a goose or duck bite you? Did pigeons use you for target practice on the way to work? Or you might have been in a hurry to start your shift but your uniform was still wet so you put it in the microwave and it caught on fire.

It's easier to understand needing an excuse for not going to work than one for not doing homework for school. Still, as you can see, the range of excuses is limited only by your imagination and, of course, how willing your teacher or boss is to believe them. So use your stock of excuses wisely so they'll have maximum effect.

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good excuses for forgetting homework

Joseph is a French and Spanish to English translator, language enthusiast, and blogger.

Frequently asked questions

How do i get out of doing homework.

Tell your parents you’ll study at your mate’s house. Take your bookbag with you!

But then, you can go anywhere you want. If you do go to your mates’, you can play games or anything other than doing homework.

Is not doing homework illegal?

There is no law that says you have to do homework. However, you could get into trouble if you never do any because the school might decide to lower your marks for lack of participation.

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Thanks! My teacher totally got pranked! ⛔ 📝🤩

you are going to get in trouble and fail school if you use these


good ones I wood love some more good ones

I forgot do my science project and these helped a lot 😁

Thank my deputy head who is a geography teacher actually believed these

thats goooooooooooooood

Thanks ill defo try some! tell me it if works people in the comment sections pls!

I didn’t attempt my tests during online classes due to COVID. Now colleges are going to be open. What reason should I give to the teacher for not attempting tests. I am very scared.😓

maybe say you got covid?

Computer crashed, wouldn’t load or your having internet problems. If ur still doing it..

Funny excuses you find in comics… deffo gotta try them tho

I used it for my English assignment it really helped me!😁

I tried the “tell the truth” excuse and my teacher caned me! In future I will be informing her of the death of my late hamster. Rip Hammy. I will also try my own excuse, my pen decided to be transgender and for that reason I couldn’t touch it in case of sexual assault claims. Thank you Penina

😂😂that pen one is brilliant

I love this, it will work so good these days :)


Great to hear that, thank you!

Nice bro Thx

most of them will probably still get me a detention in my school, but i think the shredder and the bus one is good

it is good excuse but it did not work . and by the way Allah will not forgive me that i lie

You should just tell the truth never lie

Just do your H/W on the date it is given.

it aint that easy, i wish it was tho

yea so um i have tis HUGE assignment due tm but its lik 11 pm i need to go to sleep on top of that i have an exem tomorrow and lost my locker keys so im just gonna say “i did it but i left it at home i will bring it tomorow” but the problem is that i have to do it tomarow

Nice for every time excuse bro

Thanks so much to this website. It has been AMAZING!!! 😁😁😁

There’s one if you have a sibling I thought up if you don’t do your hw and it’s bin two days, my (brother/sister) accidentally put it in (his/her) rucksack. The next day you can say, when you get to school tell your teacher my (brother/sister) binned it. If it was printed say your printer broke.

thank my teacher didnt understand

Or you could say that you were working on it in your room or at your house and that you forgot to bring it (worked for me several times)

good excuses for forgetting homework

  • Personal Excuses
  • Events and Appointments
  • Financial Excuses
  • Professional and Business Excuses
  • Social Excuses

7 Homework Excuses That Work

good excuses for forgetting homework

At some point in our academic journeys, we’ve all faced the challenge of not having our homework ready for submission. While it’s crucial to adhere to deadlines and maintain consistency in our academic responsibilities, there are moments when life throws a curveball that interferes with our best-laid plans. This essay explores the fine line between credible and non-credible excuses for not turning in homework. We delve into the elements that differentiate an honest explanation from an unconvincing one, shedding light on what educators generally consider acceptable reasons. Furthermore, we consider the nuanced art of communicating these reasons to our instructors—how the subtleties of tone, diction, body language, and timing can impact the reception of our message—and emphasize the significance of an approach grounded in integrity and respect.

Table of Contents

Understanding Credible Excuses

Crafting the Perfect Homework Excuse: A Credible Approach!

Oh, the dreaded forgotten homework – every parent’s twist in the tale! It happens to the best of them: kiddos who usually have their act together but somehow, someway, that math worksheet vanished into thin air. Now, as much as we want our little angels to be the epitome of responsibility, sometimes the dog really does eat the homework. But when it comes to offering up that excuse to the teacher, credibility is key.

So, what transforms a homework excuse from eye-roll inducing to totally plausible? Let’s dive in and equip those littles with legitimate-sounding reasons for a homework hiccup.

First things first, honesty is always the best policy—no matter how cliché that sounds. A simple, straightforward explanation will often do the trick. Teachers have a sixth sense for tall tales, so keeping it real is the way to go.

Time for the nitty-gritty on crafting excuses that hold water:

Lost in the Abyss of Busyness

The modern family calendar is a labyrinth of appointments, activities, and events. When the homework assignment slips through the cracks of a packed schedule, it’s understandable. The key? Mention the hectic day, apologize, and assure it’s a rarity, not the norm.

Technological Turmoil

In this digital age, gadgets and gizmos have a mind of their own. If a printer declared mutiny or the family PC caught a cold (a virus!), it’s a valid hiccup. Explaining the tech-tastrophe followed by assurance that steps are being taken to avoid future glitches will win some empathy points.

Mother Nature’s Mood Swings

Sometimes the elements unleash their fury, and power outages or natural disasters can wreak havoc on homework completion. If Mother Nature decided to throw a tantrum, it’s perfectly acceptable to explain that homework took a backseat to safety and candles.

Juggling too Many Balls

A delicate balance exists between school, sports, and spelling tests. If your child dropped the homework ball in the juggle, it’s okay to admit it. Sharing how they’re reorganizing priorities to ensure schoolwork isn’t sidelined again shows growth and maturity.

Health Hurdles

When snuffles, coughs, or fevers strike, brains can turn to mush. If illness is the culprit behind missing homework, a brief note about the germ invasion, maybe backed up by a doctor’s note if it’s serious, communicates the absence of homework wasn’t for lack of effort.

A Message from the Heart

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes, serious family matters take precedence. Without oversharing, it’s perfectly okay to let the teacher know that extenuating circumstances took the spotlight.

Remember, the trick with any excuse is a sprinkle of sincerity, a dash of humility, and the unspoken promise to make things right. Teachers aren’t monsters out to get you—well, most aren’t, anyway. They understand life’s little curveballs, and as long as these trips and stumbles aren’t forming a pattern, a credible excuse will likely earn a chance for redemption.

So, go forth, craft those credible homework explanations when needed, and always a tip for the kiddos: have a backup plan for next time. Like, homework-eating-dog-proof folders, perhaps? Stay prepared and stay believable, and that homework hiccup will just be a minor bump on the educational highway. Happy studying!

Image of a child looking worried with a crumpled piece of paper in hand

Photo by anniespratt on Unsplash

Effective Communication Skills

Communicating with your child’s teacher about a missed assignment or an inability to complete homework can feel a bit daunting, but worry not, there are straightforward ways to do this effectively. imagine you’re crafting a short story: you want the message to be clear, the context to be sufficient, and the conclusion to be natural and constructive. let’s dig in, shall we.

First off, keep it timely. Don’t wait until the eleventh hour or, heaven forbid, after the due date to get in touch. Shoot for gold-star status by notifying the teacher as soon as you realize completing the homework won’t be possible.

Now, while you’re penning that email or jotting down notes for a conversation, be sure to include the three E’s: explanation, empathy, and evidence. A good ol’ explanation tells the teacher what’s going on without making the situation an epic novel. Keep it brief; teachers appreciate conciseness as much as the next person.

Empathy is your next step. Show that you understand the importance of homework and respect the teacher’s time and effort. A simple phrase like, “I understand how this can disrupt your lesson plans…” goes a long way.

As for evidence, you don’t need a courtroom-style presentation. Still, if you’re referring to something specific like a doctor’s note for an illness or documentation of a family emergency, mention that you can provide it if necessary.

The next chapter in our excuse manual covers the manner of delivery. Pick your medium thoughtfully. Email is often ideal for a paper trail, but sometimes a phone call or face-to-face chat is more personal and effective, especially for sensitive issues.

Then there’s the follow-up plan. Outline how you or your kiddo will catch up or make amends for the missed work. Teachers love proactive problem-solvers, so let them know you’re on team “Let’s Fix This.”

To wrap it up here, folks, remember the golden rule of excuses: keep it genuine. Veer away from fantastical stories that could rival sci-fi movies. An honest, straightforward approach is like comfort food—it’s just right and leaves everyone feeling a bit better.

So, armed with these pointers, you’re ready to craft that excuse in the most effective, thoughtful way possible. Here’s to keeping those lines of communication as friendly and productive as a well-loved family kitchen – it’s where the magic, and the understanding, happens. Happy explaining!

Illustration of person talking to their child's teacher about missed homework

Mastering the skill of effectively presenting a valid excuse for incomplete homework hinges on a balance of authenticity and strategic communication. By recognizing the distinctions between what is considered a justifiable reason and what may be perceived as an attempt to shirk responsibility, adults can navigate these awkward situations with grace and accountability. Equipped with the methods discussed herein for conveying our reasons respectfully and convincibly, we’re not only better prepared to face unexpected hindrances in our educational pursuits but also capable of fostering a sense of understanding and trust with our educators. Ultimately, the respect we show towards our commitments, educators, and ourselves defines the value we derive from our educational experiences.

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Excuses are a sign of creativity and resourcefulness, providing an opportunity to explore new solutions and perspectives. Tim Ferriss
Excuses are a way of discovering new ideas and perspectives. They give us the chance to look at challenges from different angles and find innovative solutions. Richard Branson
Excuses are opportunities to learn, to grow, and to become a better version of yourself. Embrace them and turn them into positive outcomes. Les Brown

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What to Say When You Didn't Do Your Homework

18 December 2022

11 minutes reading time

good excuses for forgetting homework

  • 01. The Dog Ate It
  • 02. I Don’t Remember Getting any Homework
  • 03. I Thought it Was in My Bag
  • 04. I Didn’t Understand the Homework
  • 05. My Computer Crashed
  • 06. Too Much Homework from Another Class
  • 07. I was Absent When the Homework was Assigned
  • 08. Busy with Extra-curricular Activities and Volunteering
  • 09. I Was So Sick!
  • 10. Tell the Truth
  • 11. Bonus Excuses

Have you ever stumbled to class, filled with dread and wondering how you're going to explain why you don't have any work to turn in?

Surely most - if not all students have handed in a homework assignment late, at least a few times (or more!). Equally likely: just about every learner had no assignments ready to turn it, late or otherwise. When that happens, so as not to get into trouble, pupils cook up excuses why they couldn’t complete their homework when scheduled or at all.

If these assertions leave you feeling like we're speaking directly to you... we are. Your parents, professors, teachers and, yes, even your Superprofs were once pupils, too. We know how school life is and how, sometimes, learners have no desire to do homework. Or, in some cases, how any inkling of that work should be done.

A Superprof homework help tutor would render all of those points moot. With such a mentor, you would have no trouble understanding your study materials or what is expected of you. You would not need any excuses because your work would get done on time, every time. Learn some tips on how to get your homework done.

Maybe you don't have a Superprof tutor (yet). Maybe, for you, excuses remain the order of the day. If that's the case, you need some pretty good reasons to not have completed your assignments. Here again, your Superprof rides to the rescue by providing you with a list of excuses - some with a proven track record of credibility and others adapted to our computer-driven era.


The Dog Ate It

We head our list up with the classic - who hasn't heard about that homework-hating dog that must eat every assignment? Or maybe it's a homework-loving dog who craves the taste of graphite and ink...

The original dog who ate homework was allegedly Saint Ciarán of Clonmacnoise's pet fox.

The dog that might have eaten your homework

The legend, written by Forrest Wickman, recounts that, back in the 6th Century, when the saint's tame fox was tasked with taking Ciarán's writings to the monastery Master. These papers were bound in a leather strap. Some time later, the fox chewed through the strap, allowing the papers to fly away with the wind.

Over the centuries, dogs have been accused of eating everything including, in one story published in 1808, a playing card that would have lost its master the high-stakes game he was playing.

Bringing the narrative full-circle, another religious man, in this instance an Anglican priest whose sermons tended to go on and on, reportedly had to cut his preaching short one Sunday because a dog had gotten into his study and had eaten several pages of the sermon. The worshippers were reportedly delighted at spending less time in the pews.

The bottom line: despite its lengthy history, perhaps this is not the most subtle or workable of excuses. However, should you, in all actuality, have a dog… If all else fails, you could bring a few chewed-on pages as proof.

I Don’t Remember Getting any Homework

The trouble with you supposedly having a Swiss cheese memory about homework assignments is today's technology.

Upon any claim of faulty memory on your part, your teacher will certainly ask if you checked with your mates. Even direr for you: what if your homework was assigned online , through your school's online learning portal - and you logged, in clearly indicating you knew there was work to be done?

If your teacher uses no web-based learning platforms ... You probably DO remember getting your homework, but s/he can't be sure of that, right?

This particular excuse would work best if the whole class - or, at least a majority of your classmates proclaimed the same.

So, when students get some especially difficult piece of homework, they can agree that they are all going to tell their teacher that they hadn't got any homework and it will sound more believable when the whole class is saying the same thing.

The problem of this approach, however, is that it requires a lot of organisation from school children and if they do it too often, their teachers may start suspecting that something's wrong.

That's why it is preferable to join your efforts with other students in order to try and do the difficult homework together. Only if there is absolutely no way of doing it, you can maybe use the excuse.

If you want to learn more about prioritising homework , you can read our article on the topic.

I Thought it Was in My Bag

This particular excuse works for just about anything, from the money you owe a friend to the book you promised to return. And, of course, undone homework .

It is particularly effective if you first dig into your backpack as you normally would - nothing to see here, Teacher! Just another diligent pupil, whipping out last night's work. .. And then, more frantically, your fingers scrabble and scour every pocket, even as you cast panicked glances around the room.

If you could work up an embarrassed flush, that would be the icing on the cake. " Of course you thought you packed it !", your teacher will think.

This one is a great excuse, it’s worked for students everywhere, especially those who can work up a sweat or a few tears on demand.

The student should just make sure not to use this excuse too often with the same teacher. If they don't bring their finished homework to class several times in the same week , the teachers will probably realise that the student simply hasn't done it.

A backpack worn by a school student

I Didn’t Understand the Homework

This excuse works better for science, maths or questions-based homework rather than essays. That doesn't mean it won't fly if the assignment called for you to write at length; you might simply explain how you didn't quite get the idea of what you were supposed to write about.

This excuse hits two birds with one stone when you combine it with 'could you explain it to me?' because you'll get help with your homework and a deadline extension , especially if you actually don’t understand the homework assignment.

Another good tip is to have a quick look at the assignment before you start explaining why it is not finished. Your arguments can more convincing if you point at the exact part of the assignment that was unclear.

Beware of this pitfall: Teacher might ask if you talked with any of your classmates to see if they could explain what you were supposed to do. You might say that you asked your parents or an older sibling for help but avoid mentioning any mate your teacher might know, just in case s/he tries to verify your story.

Also keep in mind that this excuse is hardly suitable for good students. You may argue that good students usually complete their homework before going to school , but we think that even a very good student may sometimes make mistakes.

They should be aware that their teachers will not believe that they had difficulty doing the homework and will know that the student is trying to deceive them.

To avoid that kind of situation, learn to do your homework effectively with Superprof.

My Computer Crashed

With more schools turning to web-based platforms to assign and turn in homework, a whole new spectrum of excuses has opened up to the desperate, homework-lacking learner.

When the student's laptop is out of service, there is no way they can get their homework done. Calling a technician to repare the laptop may take several days and buying a new computer just to do your homework would be too expensive.

Besides laptop crashes, you might invoke pets and/or younger siblings breaking your laptop, hackers, power failures and even that your printer ran out of ink. Of course, that last will be the least effective excuse, especially if you are a serial homework offender . Your teacher may contend that you could have loaded your work onto a USB drive and taken it to a print shop.

Beware too that, if no other student suffered a power outage , invoking that reason may force to veer into the 'parents didn't pay the bill' territory - the only other reason that only you had no electricity to power your devices.

Too Much Homework from Another Class

This excuse would work best for college and university students.

Primary and secondary school teachers usually have an idea of how much homework their colleagues assign and, if they didn't, it would be a snap for them to check. They may start by asking your classmates; their responses might prove embarrassing for you.

Even if you lay out everything you did for that supposed other class, this story puts you and your teacher in a difficult position.

On one hand, they might think: "Poor you, clearly you’ve been given far too much homework!" but, on the other, they may well contend that other teachers' homework aren't their concern and, being a college/university student, you should manage your schedule and workload more efficiently.

This excuse might work if your professor is too inexperienced to know better or a bit on the negligent side. Best to not underestimate them, though. Keep this one in reserve for when you truly have nothing else to offer.

You should also know that some teachers can take that excuse badly as it would mean that you care more about the other subject than theirs. So, use this argument very carefully and insist that it was an exceptional case in which you had no other choice.

I was Absent When the Homework was Assigned

Despite your attendance tick in the register, this story could still fly if you could convince your teacher you were in the loo when the assignment was announced. It would work particularly well if you are, indeed, a frequent visitor to the loo during class.

If you don't routinely excuse yourself from class, you may try to convince your teacher that s/he marked you present by mistake on that day.

Here again, your classmates would have to vouch for you. Failing that, you might rope your parents into providing a note explaining that, of course, you were absent on that day because you had to do something far more important than attending class.

On the other hand, telling teachers that you did not hear them announce the assignment may not be a good idea because that would be mean that you did not pay attention in class. It is better not use excuses that can damage your reputation as a student and anger the teacher at the same time.

In the end, not doing homework is a far less serious offense than not listening to your teacher and telling them about that to their face.

Busy with Extra-curricular Activities and Volunteering

If you want to polish your civic, duty-bound image , saying you couldn't do any homework because you were helping others would be a sure bet.

Especially during the COVID times, if you were too busy doing senior citizens' shopping or helping out in your local clinic to solve equations or write dissertations, you wpuld have been nothing but a star in your teacher's eyes.

It is still true now that the COVID pandemic is practically over. One of the goals of school education in general is to provide citizenship education to students. If a student shows social awareness, their teacher can only be happy about that.

Another good option is to claim team sports or group activities as your extracurricular activity. Even rowing, playing chess and singing in the church choir can be a good excuse because they are beneficial activities that teach students new skills and widen their general knowledge.

What's more, the student may become a successful athlete or musician in the future, which will be good publicity for the school or even join the school's sports team if they are still students at that point.

Just remember that you should choose the reason you're too busy for homework wisely. If volunteering is your excuse, it would be best to actually volunteer because, if you get found out, your fall from grace would be twice as far.

Volunteers working on a beach

I Was So Sick!

Not so long ago, in the halcyon, pre-COVID days, being sick was a classic homework excuse . One could claim a 24-hour bug, food poisoning or come to class looking convincingly wan and plead a fever the night before.

Not only would you be excused from turning in your assignments but you might have garnered a bit of sympathy... to say nothing of a handy extension on your deadline for turning work in.

These days, if you claim you've been bedridden, feverish and unable to distinguish your cat from your sheet of homework, you're likely to land yourself in quarantine , missing out on classes and leisure activities alike.

If pleading illness is your go-to move to excuse yourself from turning in homework on time, you would do best to stick with food poisoning... and even that claim is no guarantee you won't be sent home posthaste, driven by the worry that you're suffering from something far graver than a revisit of the pizza you had last night.

Tell the Truth

If you typically dole out excuses for why your homework is never done on time, perhaps it’s time to pull out your ace in the hole – the truth.

Honesty is still the best policy, after all, and your teacher will appreciate your telling the truth. It should be a refreshing change from the usual bombardment of (only somewhat believable) excuses.

Use truth-telling when you’re feeling especially sincere (and desperate). Or, the best yet: tell the truth all the time .

Even though the consequences of what we have done (or not done) may seem terrible at times, in reality, they often turn out to be less serious .

For example, you teacher might simply give you additional homework to counterbalance the one you did not do, so you will still be able to get a good mark and improve your knowledge of the subject on top of that.

And of course, you wouldn't have to worry about recycling excuses and getting bad marks in class if you knocked your homework out like the champ you are... Additionally, Superprof can teach you how to do homework really well.

Bonus Excuses

In case the all-time favs listed above don't suit you or you've used them all at least once this school year, here are a few extra excuses to try that might save you from the wrath of Teacher :

  • I left it at home
  • I dropped it in the sewer on the way to school
  • I left it in my other satchel/bookbag/binder/notebook
  • I was looking it over and left it on the bus
  • I let (insert name of classmate) borrow it and s/he did not give it back you may even claim that the treacherous friend turned your work in as theirs
  • My little brother/sister drew all over it (or used it to make a paper aeroplane, a boat, a nest for their guinea pig...)
  • My mother/father accidentally shredded it, along with other important documents
  • My parents were looking it over and forgot to give it back
  • My tutor accidentally packed it away with his papers
  • I spilled (insert name of a document-ruining food or beverage) all over it

Admittedly, for all that they are plausible, some of these excuses are quite funny. Your teacher may give you props for your inventiveness and, if the assignment wasn't critical, might give you a pass... this time.

If chronic homework neglect is your study style, be careful not to use the same excuse too many times. Otherwise, your teacher may not be sympathetic towards you should there ever be a legitimate reason for not doing your homework.

We hope these excuses have been helpful - or, at least, entertaining. Just remember that the more you use them, the more unbelievable they’ll become to your teacher.

In fact, it may just be more advantageous (and easier) for you to do your homework and hand it in on time. If struggle to focus on your homework, you can find a lot of helpful advice in our article .

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good excuses for forgetting homework

A student by trade, Daniel spends most of his time working on that essay that's due in a couple of days' time. When he's not working, he can be found working on his salsa steps, or in bed.

Frequently asked questions

How do i excuse myself from unfinished homework.

There is no definite answer to this question as it depends on the person’s situation and the school’s policy. However, some ways to excuse oneself from unfinished homework could be to say that you are not feeling well, that you have other commitments, or that you do not have enough time.

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My math teacher gave me detention when i said my sister drew on it


Hello. Thank you for always good blog

My teachers to smart

I got detention for telling the truth. I’ve learnt something today from that always lie.

I had a detention when I said that my dog had eaten my homework

Good but i think my teacher wont beleive these excusise

Teacher Misery

The 100 FUNNIEST Excuses For Not Doing Homework, Courtesy of My Students

Posted on Published: November 19, 2023

The 100 FUNNIEST Excuses For Not Doing Homework, Courtesy of My Students

By: Author Jane Morris

Students throw out all kinds of excuses for not getting their homework done! From believable excuses to the tried and true classic “ my dog ate it” , teachers hear a lot of excuses every damn day.

It doesn’t help that by now, the behavioral expectations for students have become so loose that students can pretty much say whatever they want without consequence. These days, the excuses are that much more interesting. (And honest.)

Over the course of nearly two decades of teaching, I heard every homework excuse in the book. Better yet, I’ve saved my favorites! And rounded them up here for your viewing pleasure.

So let’s share in the giggles together! I’ve rounded up 100 of the BEST homework excuses I’ve ever heard. The laughs are good for the soul.

And probably your patience too! Some of these you’ve likely heard before. There might not be a lot of foolproof excuses for not doing your homework, but there sure are a lot of fools that come up with some real stinkers!

So for your enjoyment (and definitely not to be actually used in a real-life classroom), here are 100 odd, creative, nonsensical, and hilarious excuses from students for not doing their homework!

A dog eating a student's homework.

100 Funniest Excuses for Not Doing Homework: A Story of Student Shenanigans

If it’s your first day in the teaching profession , you might think homework excuses are few and far between. At the very least, you might think students bother making good excuses.

Well, you’d be wrong on both counts! You will be fed excuse after excuse from students for not having finished their homework, and very few of them will sound believable.

So new teachers, pay attention! Here is some of the ludicrousness you can expect from your class. And it WILL be on the test.

As for all my kindred season educators, sit back and enjoy the ride! Maybe grab a moist towelette…

Cause it’s about to get juicy.

Get the Books That Started It All

Before the blog, the podcast, the merch store… there were the best-selling books.

If you like the content on this site, then you’ll LOVE the Teacher Misery books. They’re jam-packed with teaching insanity, ridiculous true stories, and all the commiseration about the profession you’ve come to know, adore, and respect.

Follow the links below to get your copies today!

good excuses for forgetting homework

Homework Excuses That Are Pure Nonsense!

Man, kids say the silliest things to teachers . From being arrested by the FBI to simply having a gross pimple, the excuses for not having done homework often make no sense…

A skeleton student phoning their teacher with a funny excuse for not doing their homework.

But they are highly entertaining!

  • I got this thing where I can’t read.
  • I was arrested by the FBI but it was a case of mistaken identity!
  • The microwave was erasing all of my work and that’s why it was all turned in blank.
  • I swear I did the work but the answers kept falling off my paper!
  • My homework ate my dog!
  • The elf on the shelf erased it.
  • I had a crusty pimple.
  • An electrostatic spark tore a hole in the space-time continuum. My paper was transported back through time and was found and published by a random person. Now I have to redo my assignment because it would be plagiarism to hand in my original.
  • I care about trees too much to use paper.
  • A gang broke into my house and stole the bag it was in.
  • The military accidentally blew it up.
  • My water bottle spilled in my backpack and it turned my homework into a brick of ice overnight.
  • I did all my other homework and at that point, I needed personal time.
  • I died in a car crash.
  • I don’t care about homework because I don’t care about education.
  • I was cooking grilled cheese and it was the last two pieces of bread and I burnt it and then I was really sad and I couldn’t do anything.
  • I kept sneezing and picking the wrong answers because of that and I got frustrated so I just stopped doing it.

Excuses, Accidents, and Bathroom Mishaps

Look, we’ve all had a “little accident” . Only the worst teacher in the world would deny a student the facts of life.

A picture of someone being attacked by a ghost in the bathroom with a homework excuse overlaid as text.

But personal issues that maybe should stay personal are a go-to for slackers. Some funny homework excuses concern the crapper, and now we’re going to laugh at them. Take that, slackers!

  • I was dealing with the ghost in the bathroom.
  • I was taking a phat shit and it took forever.
  • I had Taco Bell so I was in the bathroom the whole night.
  • I took a crap and it stunk so I had to take a shower but then I had to crap again and then I showered again.
  • I was really constipated.
  • My mom forgot to buy toilet paper so I had to use my homework.
  • I was doing it in my jacuzzi and it fell in.
  • I had too many Hot Cheetos and had to ravage my toilet all night.

Mysterious Illnesses and TMI Reasons for Not Doing Homework

Your student’s poop schedule is one bit of TMI you could probably do without. Look, the uncomfortable truth of the teaching profession is that there will be poops, pees, spews, and TOO much information. The funniest homework excuses usually overspecify…

A student in a car crash uses the incident as a convenient excuse for not doing their homework.

It comes with the territory. So whenever one of these incredibly questionable yet incredibly funny excuses for not doing homework rolls your way, the best thing you can do is jot it down.

So that, one day, you can put it in a blog post on the internet. Guilty!

  • I was eating Takis in the car on the way here and I rubbed my eyes and had to pull over.
  • My part was really itchy and I needed a shower.
  • I dropped it in the toilet after I had gone to the bathroom.
  • I was in intensive care having fluid drained from my lungs because I had pneumonia that I got when I was hit by a car.
  • I had heart surgery last night (1st grader).

Excuses About Family Issues, Problems, and EMerghencies

We, as teachers bound to our duty, MUST be sensitive to the family issues and home lives of our students…

Unless they’re just making up excuses to get out of doing their homework! A solid fib about family issues is a classic reason students use to skip homework.

A grandma in cool clothes smoking a cigarette, referencing a student's funny homework excuse.

Now, will parents ever take responsibility for their kids not doing their homework? No, of course not! Parents will blame teachers. It’s their go-to M.O.

So next time you hear one of these clankers, note it down and feed it back to the parents. That’ll throw a spanner in the wheels of the little turds!

  • I had to take my Nana out for cigarettes.
  • I had to help my mom put the cucumbers in the fridge.
  • I was practicing playing guitar so I could play a song for my mom’s birthday.
  • My mom needed help putting cucumbers in the fridge.
  • My sister broke my Chromebook screen because I wouldn’t give her a hug.
  • My parents had diarrhea.
  • My mom didn’t have time to do it.
  • My dad said he doesn’t believe in homework so I don’t have to do it.
  • My stepmom died again last night (for the 10th time).
  • My dad made me watch TV instead.
  • My dad ran it over with his truck.
  • My mom drank too much beer to help me with it.
  • My mom has radiation poisoning from Chernobyl and it messed up my brain.
  • My grandma got lost at the mall and it took us hours to find her.
  • My stepdad had a hook in his arm.
  • My grandmother wouldn’t give me back my textbook which she had taken in retaliation for the theft of her wooden leg.
  • My grandma accidentally took it with her to Mexico.
  • I did the homework the day you gave it to us, except then my dad sold all of our notebooks.
  • My grandpa said the work is stupid and you’re a moron.

Making Excuses About Special Events

“Damn, Miss, I was in Europe over the weekend.”

“Oh, you went for a weekend trip abroad as a 14-year-old? My apologies, allow me to rescind your homework requirements then.”

I honestly don’t know what some students are thinking with these reasons. But the stupidest homework excuses are my favorite. You can just let the kid talk and dig their own hole!

A felt pigeon eating cake for its birthday and used as a reason to not do homework.

Perhaps, eventually, one of these definitely totally believable excuses will be the final straw for your inevitable nervous breakdown. But until then, just keep quoting them verbatim as teacher comments on their report cards .

Maybe one day someone will actually bother to read those things.

  • I was getting married in the Sims and completely lost track of time.
  • It was my birthday and I just wanted to get my hair done and get a cake.
  • I was planning a funeral for my frog.
  • I had to take down Halloween decorations.
  • I had to get my nails done for prom.
  • It was my bird’s birthday.
  • I had to travel to Europe to stop WW3.
  • I was at the beach and they didn’t have good WiFi.
  • I was packing for the vacation I’ll be on for the next three weeks. Can I have the work I’ll miss?
  • I had to brush my hair.

Extremely Honest Reasons to Not Do Homework

Look, sometimes all you really need to do is be honest . Did you not do your homework because you smoked a bowl and got marooned on the sofa with cartoons?

Screw it! Just tell the teacher that. Maybe they’ll give you a pass for your winning smile alone!

A lazy red panda sleeping in a tree because he's been given too much homework.

Much like all the ridiculous reasons to visit the school nurse , sometimes, the best reasons for not doing your homework require honesty.

What could possi-blye go wrong!

  • I have no time management skills. On the bright side, I watched all of season 1 of Stranger Things today!
  • I was eating Toaster Strudels.
  • My 24-hour ban from Call of Duty ended today and I need to get some rounds in.
  • My favorite soccer team lost.
  • I was smoking weed with my friends and the next thing I knew it was morning and I had to come to school again.
  • It just didn’t fit into my schedule today.
  • I’m just, like, really lazy.
  • I had better things to do.
  • We thought it was Saturday yesterday.
  • I don’t need to do homework because NCAA scouts have been coming to see me play and I’m gonna get a scholarship.
  • I had to go to church but I’m pretty sure God will understand.

Animal Problems – “My Dog Ate My Homework” and Other Variants

I’m not saying your students are animals (though they certainly behave like animals ).

I AM saying that students will make excuse after excuse for not doing their homework courtesy of their pets. They’re the perfect culprit! Who’s ever going to interrogate your furry friend for cross-examination?

A rabid raccoon in a garbage can is used for a totally believable excuse of homework getting eaten.

Only the teachers who are crazy enough. ;)

  • My dog peed on my laptop and it took a few days to dry.
  • My cat ran over the keyboard and deleted the whole thing.
  • My dog doesn’t like going to the bathroom alone so I had to watch him and he took forever.
  • We had a cow in labor, and it was stuck in the hips of the cow, and I couldn’t get it out myself.
  • I was with my new guinea pig and it was really distracting.
  • The dog pooped and my baby brother fell in it.
  • I accidentally locked my cat with my brother’s cat, and I don’t know if my cat got pregnant, but I think she is because she tried to go under my bed, and she never does that.
  • There was a roach on the floor so I couldn’t get down off the bed the whole afternoon.
  • My dog had puppies on top of my book bag and it was gross so my dad threw my book bag away.
  • My cat threw up on it.
  • My duck pooped on it.
  • My dad accidentally threw my project away and a raccoon went into the trash can and destroyed it.
  • My friend’s cat is having an abortion.
  • A donkey ate it.
  • The squirrels on the roof were distracting me.
  • My dog died three years ago.
  • I was doing a photo shoot with my bunny.
  • My dog looked sad.
  • I was doing my homework outside and a bird grabbed it and flew away.
  • I got attacked by a raccoon on the way to school and he only went for the homework and ate it in front of me.
  • My pet parrot flew into the fireplace and caught on fire. It then proceeded to fly around the room, and his dad tried to hit it with a frying pan because he was afraid the curtains would go up in flames if the parrot went close to them. With all the drama, I forgot to do my homework.
  • My grandmother’s potbelly pig ate my homework.
  • I got distracted shopping online for furniture for my turtle.

Funny Homework Excuses and Technical Difficulties

Oh, man – I saw some whoppers of excuses in the remote learning era of COVID-19!

Technical difficulties are the perfect excuse students make to skip out on their homework. They think they’re more tech-savvy than teachers…

A girl on a phone emailing her funny excuse for not doing her homework to her teacher.

Little did they know that a teacher’s BS-meter is far more finely calibrated than their excuses will ever be!

  • Google erased my work.
  • I don’t have internet access (sent in an email).
  • I just kept hitting the submit button over and over and over and it didn’t make a click sound or anything.
  • My mom threw my “lab top” out the window and when I went outside to get it, it was gone.
  • I accidentally lit my Chromebook on fire
  • My dog peed on my Chromebook

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good excuses for forgetting homework

The Final Excuse for Not Doing Your Homework…

Reason #100:

  • “But, Miss! You said to do questions 1-10. You didn’t say bring them in!”

Check and mate.

Thus concludes our list of the 100 funniest excuses for not doing their homework, all thanks to the countless students who skipped out on their work.

Stay on guard though. With the rise of AI and homework excuse generators , the excuses only get more advanced!

A screenshot of a ChatGPT output after being prompted to deliver a funny excuse for not doing their homework.

So stay switched on out there! If it’s not funny excuses for not doing homework, it’s straight-up silly reasons for being absent and everything else under the sun.

Jot them down, collect them, and then (if you’re feeling spicy), post them in the comments down below. Why stop at 100? Gotta catch ’em all!

Stay miserable out there, teacherinos. The excuses and excuses never stop coming! So maybe come up with your own…

“Oh, no, sorry, Lucy. I CAN’T return your confiscated phone. My dog ate it.”

A teacher winning a game of chess representing the verbal exchange with a student over not doing their homework.

Healed Education

Mastering homework excuses: strategies for effective response and resolution.

Title: Strategies for Dealing with Homework ExcusesWe’ve all been there – the moment when you’re faced with a stack of homework assignments and a flurry of excuses as to why they haven’t been completed. Homework excuses are a universal phenomenon, but they don’t have to be a source of frustration for students, teachers, or parents.

In this article, we will explore common homework excuses and strategies for dealing with them effectively. From funny and creative excuses to respectful and truthful ones, we will equip you with the tools you need to address homework excuses in a productive and educational way.

Clich Homework Excuses

We’ll begin with the clich excuses that have been used time and time again. While these excuses may feel overused, they still warrant attention to ensure they are appropriately addressed.

Some common examples include:

– My dog ate my homework. – My computer broke.

– My mom forgot it. – The internet was out.

– My grandma died. Again.

– The older kids took it off me and tore it up.

Funny Homework Excuses

In an attempt to inject some humor into the situation, students often come up with outlandish excuses that are impossible not to chuckle at. Here are a few examples:

– My mother wanted to display it on the fridge.

– The police confiscated it as evidence. – I was abducted by aliens and they took it.

– I sent it to you in the post. – My dad mistook it for a letter and posted it to China.

– I had to burn it in the fireplace to keep myself warm. – It flew out the window of the car.

– I thought I’d do it tomorrow because I’ll be older and wiser then. – I did my work.

It’s all up here in my head. – I didn’t do it because I didn’t want to add to your workload.

– My hand fell asleep and I didn’t want to wake it. – My cat ate it, knowing that I’d blame the dog.

Excuses For Strict Teachers

Some teachers have a reputation for being particularly strict, and students may feel the need to come up with more elaborate excuses. Here are some excuses commonly used for strict teachers:

– I was sick, and I have a sick note.

– My mother or father went to the hospital, and here’s the sick note. – My computer screen broke, and here’s a picture.

– The computer broke, but here are my handwritten notes. – The Wi-Fi didn’t work, but here are my handwritten notes.

– I wasn’t here when the work was assigned. – I tried, but I didn’t understand the instructions.

– I volunteer at the soup kitchen on Monday nights. – I’m so sorry.

I thought it was right here in my bag. – I had way too much homework for my other class.

– The library was closed, and I don’t have internet at home.

Truthful Homework Excuses

While honesty is always the best policy, sometimes the truth can be a valid excuse for unfinished homework. Here are some truthful excuses students may encounter:

– I was too busy doing something more important.

– My parents kept me really busy on the weekend, but I promise I’ll do it tonight. – I was at football practice all night.

– I did my homework, but I left it at home. – I forgot I even had homework.

– The computer didn’t break. It was the printer this time.

– I had a headache. – The homework was far too easy.

– My tutor accidentally took it home with them. – I accidentally squished it in the bottom of my bag, and now it’s got rotten apple juice all over it.

– I spilled cereal all over it because I was doing it over breakfast.

Blame the Parents

Sometimes, students find themselves blaming their parents for their incomplete homework. While this may not be the most productive approach, it’s important to acknowledge these sentiments.

Here are a few examples:

– My parents don’t believe in homework and won’t let me do it. – My mother said band practice was more important.

– I help my father at work on a Tuesday afternoon. I just can’t get it done on Tuesdays.

– My father looked at it, said it was outrageous government indoctrination, and told me not to do it. – My mother was looking over my homework and forgot to give it back to me.

– My mother threw it in the trash.

Blame the Teachers

Lastly, students may feel inclined to blame their teachers for assigning excessive or confusing homework. While it’s important to approach this issue with respect, it’s essential to address any concerns.

Here are some examples:

– You give too much homework. – Your instructions are impossible to understand.

– This was way too hard for me. You need to give me more guidance.

– The homework is too easy. It’s a complete waste of my time.

– Between you and all my other teachers, you’re assigning hours of homework every night. You all need to get together and resolve this.

Let the Teacher Know in Advance

One effective strategy for dealing with homework excuses is to let the teacher know in advance if there’s a genuine reason why the work couldn’t be completed. This shows responsibility and allows the teacher to make appropriate accommodations.

Provide Evidence

When faced with an excuse, it’s crucial to encourage students to back up their claims with evidence. Whether it’s a doctor’s note, a picture, or handwritten notes, supporting evidence helps teachers understand and address the situation appropriately.


Homework excuses can be frustrating, but they also present an opportunity for growth and learning. By understanding common excuses and employing effective strategies for dealing with them, students, teachers, and parents can work together to foster responsibility, accountability, and a positive learning environment.

So next time an excuse comes your way, be prepared to address it with empathy and understanding.

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15 Best Excuses for Late Assignments

After a tough day at school, having a good number of assignments to complete is not a pleasant experience. However, if you ignore it, you risk getting into problems if you don’t have valid justifications. It would be best if you thought of good explanations to persuade your instructor to award you a pass rather than settle for a zero.

Frequently, failure to complete assignments on time is the consequence of being negligent. However, there are true instances where students cannot complete their work before the deadline. Nevertheless, whether the reason you want to give is legitimate or not, there is a need for the excuse to sound and feel convincing.

This article has prepared the 15 best excuses for late assignments. Read on and learn the tricks to keep you out of trouble with your teachers and help you have a smooth stay at school.

The Occurrence of an Illness

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One of the oldest but still among the best excuses for skipping assignments is being ill. One may make up a 24-hour illness, food poisoning, or show up to class appearing sickly with a fever from the previous night. Most educators are fairly considerate, particularly when the excuse seems sincere. As a result, you may not only be spared from submitting your homework, but you might also win some compassion.

Death of a Family Member

It’s absurd to pretend that a relative has died. Unless you need to keep your grades, that is. Even the brightest individuals would then give it some thought. Ultimately, the teacher won’t ever know if you were lying. This is unless they are friends with your mother and plan to attend the burial.

Also see: What happens when I submit my assignment late? 

Some learners are experts at coming up with this defence. They frequently mention the passing of a grandparent, distant uncle, or aunt. Nevertheless, please be mindful not to abuse this excuse if you choose to use it.

Faking Periods

This is the ideal justification for female students. It works remarkably well with male tutors. They will be so uneasy and sad for you, and they might be forced to extend the deadline for your assignment submission.

Remember, do not even attempt to use this excuse if you are a male student. You will have more issues than not doing the schoolwork as a result.

Hindrance from a Technological Failure

The simplest and most plausible defence is to blame technology. You can cite any issues, such as a broken printer, a crashed laptop, or a disrupted internet connection. The majority of people, including your teacher, have encountered difficulties as a result of technology flaws.

This is a wonderful explanation if you have a document that needed to be typed and printed. Similarly, if you had to complete your assignment online, it might also be effective.

Forgetting the Assignment Notebook

You will receive a lecture about the risks of being irresponsible for using this argument, but you may get away with not turning in your work. It works best if this is your first instance of missing the deadline for submitting your homework.

Ensure, though, that this doesn’t end up being the excuse you typically employ. If not, the instructor can disregard your explanation and award you a dismal zero.

Failure to Understand the Assignment

In contrast to essays, this rationale is more effective for assignments that consist of questions, arithmetic, or science. However, if the assignment requires you to write extensively, you can still get away with it. This is if you only explain that you struggled to understand what the professor expected you to write about.

A Sibling Messing with the Assignment

The excuse of a younger sibling messing with your notebook is a good one, though not so convincing. They may have chosen your notebook to play with without realizing how essential it might be. This means that even if your teacher may correct you for being irresponsible, you will ultimately avoid being punished for your unfinished assignment.

Absenteeism on the Assignment Issuance Date

You could not complete the assignment if you weren’t aware of it. This excuse is a good one when the teacher delegated the task, but you were not made aware of it because you were away.

Yet again, you would need the support of your peers. If that doesn’t work, solicit your parents to write a note outlining why you were missing that day.

Obstruction from the Death of a Pet

This justification is rarely utilized since some teachers could not understand the value of pets. But it works, particularly if your instructor owns a dog or a cat. The only teacher who wouldn’t give you any leeway for mourning your best friend is a ruthless one.

Babysitting a Younger Sibling

You may have duties at home if you are an elder brother or sister. One of them might be looking after a younger sibling, particularly if your parents are working. This is a reasonable rationale because babysitting a younger sibling makes concentrating difficult.

Too Much Homework from Another Class

It’s a fact that sometimes you’ll have a lot of homework from various teachers. When you get home, you won’t know which to focus on and which to ignore.

Select a lecturer who has a reputation for being understanding if this is the reality. Suppose you can demonstrate that you actually began working on your assignment but could not complete it. In that case, there is a decent possibility they will consider your request and grant you an extension.

Hindrance from Volunteering or Co-Curricular Activities

Claiming you couldn’t complete an assignment because you were serving others would be a solid bet if you wanted to enhance your humanitarian, moral responsibility image. An excellent justification might include helping at the neighborhood clinic, cleaning the streets, or performing other noble deeds. Another acceptable justification is participation in extracurricular activities like school debates, sports, choir practice, or other school-related endeavors.

Interference from Family-Related Conflicts

It can be pretty stressful to have parents who fight often. Focusing on your assignments can be difficult while arguments or physical fights are going on, and sometimes it is preferable to ignore them or get some rest by going to sleep.

Teachers are aware that not every student has ideal circumstances at home. If you are telling the truth, you won’t likely suffer any repercussions for using this explanation.

Forgetting About the Homework

This excuse might not be the best because your teacher may label you as not serious. Nevertheless, it is worth trying, especially when it is really the case. Here, it would be ideal if everyone in the class, or at least most of your peers, cite the same reason.

Telling the Truth

As fantastic as it is to make up an excuse for missing schoolwork and get away with it, there are occasions when being honest is preferable. Some instructors will allow you more time to complete your assignment in addition to applauding and understanding your sincerity.

As promised, this article has covered the 15 best excuses for late assignments. Above all other considerations, it’s crucial to put out your best effort and complete your assignment by the due date. It is preferable to submit the work on time rather than wasting time, effort, and strain trying to find the ideal explanation.

good excuses for forgetting homework

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No More “I Forgot”

The “i forgot” excuse is one of the oldest in the book, but for students with adhd it’s often the truth. help your students stay on track with these 9 tips..

Chris Zeigler Dendy, M.S.

Teens forget things. Teens with ADHD forget things more often. You may think they are lazy or have a bad attitude, but all of those “I forgots” are a symptom of the disorder. Teachers shouldn’t punish a child for, say, forgetting to hand in homework , but should help him find solutions instead. Below are common problems, along with solutions. If a student:

Forgets to write down homework assignments

> Ask another student to check to see that his assignments are written down.

> Allow him to dictate assignments into a digital recorder, record them in his cell phone or computer, or use his own reminder system — filling out an index card that he sticks in the back pocket of his jeans.

Forgets to bring home the correct assignments and books

> Tape a checklist on the locker that reminds him to take home things he repeatedly forgets.

> Have him write a reminder note in the palm of his hand.

Forgets to return homework, tests, and permission slips to school

> Establish a routine: papers or weekly reports are always sent home on Fridays.

> Notify parents that papers will be sent home regularly.

Forgets to put his name on papers

> Tape a small cue card on his desk that states what to do: 1) write name on paper, 2) turn in homework.

> Give the student stick-on name labels.

> Have row captains check for names on all papers that are handed in.

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Daniel Wong

11 Excuses for Not Doing Homework (And How to Stop Making Them)

July 5, 2022 By Daniel Wong 6 Comments

young man doing homework in his room

If you’re like many students, you’d rather take a nap, talk to your friends online, or play video games.

As you already know, finding reasons not to do your homework will prevent you from succeeding in school .

I’m sure you want to do well in school, and homework is definitely a part of that process.

In this article, I’ll go over 11 of the most common excuses for not doing homework and offer solutions to ensure that you stay engaged in school.

But first, make sure to download your free quick action guide…


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Excuse #1: You lack the required knowledge

Let your parents and teacher know if you’re taking a class and feel as if you lack the necessary skills or knowledge to complete the homework.

Ask your teacher for extra guidance so you don’t fall too far behind. See if your parents can find the time to help you, or you can look for a tutor.

Your teachers are there to help you develop the skills you need to do well in their classes.

You’re not alone in feeling that you lack the necessary skills, so don’t be too embarrassed to ask for assistance. You might even find some great study buddies who feel the same way.

Excuse #2: You lack confidence

Many students compare themselves to their peers, which can lead to a lack of confidence. When that happens, it’s easy to make excuses for not doing the homework.

But here’s what you need to know…

Everyone lacks confidence about something.

You might be good at math but need extra help with English. Perhaps you excel at geography but find biology confusing.

Give yourself a break.

If you lack confidence in your ability to learn a particular subject, get the support you need. Your teachers, parents, and even friends will help you out and give you a needed morale boost.

Excuse #3: Your home life is too hectic

The excuses for submitting assignments late are numerous, but one that I hear often is that it’s too busy or noisy at home to focus.

Finding a quiet space and using earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones can help reduce distractions. This will make it easier for you to finish your homework.

If that doesn’t work, try finding an alternative location to do your work, like the library or a friend’s house.

You can also talk to your parents about it. They might not even be aware of all the interruptions that are preventing you from completing your schoolwork.

Excuse #4: You don’t know where to start

Feeling anxious and overwhelmed are often the main reasons that cause students to not know where to start on their homework.

If you ever feel this way, here’s what I suggest you do:

  • Take a deep breath.
  • Create a space where you can get organised.
  • Make a list of all your assignments and deadlines.
  • Work on one assignment at a time.
  • Start with an easy assignment to get a quick win, or tackle the most challenging assignment to get it out of the way.

Excuse #5: You have poor study habits

Many students develop bad study habits over their years in school.

Not everyone learns the same way or at the same pace. As such, every student will have different study habits. If what you’re doing isn’t working, try a different approach.

If you’re trying to do your homework as soon as you get home from school but can’t focus, try having a snack and taking a power nap before getting to work instead.

If you’re staying up too late studying, set a rule for yourself that you’ll start doing your homework within one hour of getting home.

Establish a routine where you do your work at roughly the same time each day. Developing routines like this will improve your study habits , which will make you a more effective student.

Excuse #6: School isn’t important to you

A common misconception is that school isn’t important, that what you learn won’t be relevant once you leave school.

This isn’t completely true.

Of course, the education system can be improved. But the knowledge you acquire in school will help you to understand and appreciate the world better.

And the process of becoming a more effective student will lead you to develop traits like self-discipline and responsibility. These are the types of traits you’ll need in order to find success at any stage of life!

Excuse #7: You’re overloaded with after-school activities

I know it can be tough to balance schoolwork and extracurricular activities.

Maybe you’re on a sports team or you spend several hours each week volunteering.

Finding the right balance to ensure you have enough time for homework can be challenging.

When too many afterschool activities get in the way of completing your assignments on time, it’s time to review your schedule. Decide how you can prioritise the activities that are the most important.

You may need to put some activities on hold until you’re consistently staying on top of your schoolwork.

Speak with your coach, teachers, or parents about the ideas they have to help you manage your schedule more effectively.

Excuse #8: Studying is boring for you

If you find that doing your homework is uninteresting, it may be time for you to change your point of view.

I always encourage students to cultivate a growth mindset . This is a mindset where you focus more on the learning process instead of on getting good grades.

Rather than seeing a particular subject as boring, develop a sense of wonder. Decide that you’re going to be intellectually curious, and you’ll discover that we live in a fascinating world.

And while you’re on that journey, remember that the students who succeed in school find ways to get the work done even when they find the subject boring.

For example, if you don’t like math, consider that it isn’t just about numbers – it’s a way of thinking.

Reframing how you think about a subject will enable you to see it as more interesting. In turn, you’ll become a better student over time.

Excuse #9: Your teachers assign too much homework

Sometimes, it may seem like your teachers assign more homework than you can keep up with. You might even believe that what you’re required to do is unreasonable.

If you find yourself in this situation, take a moment to think about everything else you’re doing.

Are you managing your time well?

Are you struggling with a particular class?

Do you use memory techniques to enable you to learn faster ?

Instead of allowing homework to overwhelm you, try talking to your teacher, tutor, or parents to figure out the best way forward for you.

Excuse #10: You already have so much overdue homework

Procrastinating on your homework can lead to a significant pile-up of assignments. This will affect your confidence in being able to complete them.

What’s more, once you get a set of new assignments, you probably won’t know how to do them because you didn’t do the previous assignments.

This creates a vicious cycle where you tell yourself that there’s no point in completing your newly assigned homework because you still have the old ones to do.

When this happens, the likelihood of completing any of the work decreases.

If you’re in this situation, set a reasonable goal of keeping up with all the newly assigned homework while completing, say, one overdue assignment a day, or one overdue assignment every two days.

Excuse #11: You don’t believe you can get good grades

If you hate school, there’s a chance that it’s because you feel the pressure to be a straight-A student .

Here’s the good news: You don’t need to be perfect. After all, there’s no such thing as a perfect student.

But you do have to put in the effort and get the work done. The rest will then fall into place.

If you’re doing your best, you’re doing great! Celebrate your progress and keep moving forward.

Take it one step at a time, and don’t worry too much about what grades you’re getting at the moment.

In closing…

There are many possible reasons for you not to finish your homework.

No matter what those reasons are, it’s important to know that the people around you want to help you succeed.

From teachers to parents to coaches, you have a support network to provide solutions to almost any obstacle you face.

Identify the excuses listed in this article that are relevant to your situation, and apply the suggested solutions.

If you do that, you’ll become a better and happier student who makes far fewer excuses related to homework!

' src=

July 7, 2022 at 12:13 pm

Thank you so much for this article. These were the problems I was struggling with. Now that i know the solutions to it ,I’m sure I’ll do better than before.

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July 7, 2022 at 1:05 pm

You’re very welcome.

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July 7, 2022 at 6:20 pm

I pray that may Almighty God grant you long life, more knowledge, sound health, rest of mind, wealth and happiness, so that you can witness your good impact in this World 🌍. GOD has made you a useful tool for every students and parents that is actually seeking success.

July 7, 2022 at 7:42 pm

Thank you, God bless you too!

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July 27, 2022 at 9:29 pm

Thank you so much for this. I have found a couple of solutions for excuses I’ve made in the past. I needed this.

July 27, 2022 at 9:42 pm

You’re welcome.

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A Conscious Rethink

30 Good Excuses To Get Out Of Something (That Are Believable)

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young woman texting a good excuse to get out of something

Do you need a good excuse to get out of something? You’re in the right place.

For the purpose of this article, we’ll assume that you want to reject someone close to you, like a friend asking you to go out or a loved one asking you to spend time with them.

However, if you carefully follow the steps below, you’ll be able to get out of anything. Plus, you can be honest, avoid hurting anyone, and feel guilt-free about it.

You can even use some of these excuses in your professional life and with acquaintances, not just friends and family. Keep reading to learn how to tailor them based on your specific circumstances.

But let’s start with the list of excuses you can use to get out of something you just don’t want to do.

30 Excuses To Get Out Of Going Somewhere Or Doing Something

  • “Sorry, I’m not feeling so well.”
  • “Sorry, I have a lot of work to do right now.”
  • “I wish I could, but my family came to visit unexpectedly.”
  • “I’m sorry, but I totally forgot that it’s my cousin’s birthday today.”
  • “I’m sorry, but I already made plans with my family that I totally forgot about!”
  • “My partner is having a crisis, and I really need to be there for them right now.”
  • “Sorry, but I’m running behind on work, and I might get fired if I don’t do all this on time.”
  • “To be honest, I’m exhausted these days, and I don’t think I can bring myself to go out.”
  • “Sorry, my friend just asked me for help with something, could we see each other some other time?”
  • “I wish I could, but I can’t find anyone to take care of my pet, so I’ll have to reschedule.”
  • “Sorry, my loved one is having an emergency and I really have to be there for them right now.”
  • “Oh god, I totally forgot about our plans, I’m so sorry! I hope we can reschedule.”
  • “I have an early day tomorrow, so I’ve got to get to bed. Maybe we can do this next week instead.”
  • “My house is a mess, and I really need to get my life in order before making any more plans. Sorry about that; I hope you understand.”
  • “I hurt my ankle while hiking, so I’ll be in bed for a few days. I’ll let you know when I’m back on my feet and we’ll get together then!”
  • “My car broke down, and so did I. I’m really not in the mood to go out right now, sorry.”
  • “I wish I could, but I’m currently broke. Please be patient while I get my life in order.”
  • “You wouldn’t believe the day I had; I can’t bring myself to see anyone right now. Let’s talk a few days from now.”
  • “Last night was crazy, and I don’t have the energy to get out of bed today, hope you understand. Sorry for the late response.”
  • “Something came up at work, and with the traffic, there’s no way I can make it, sorry about that, let’s reschedule.”
  • “I have to be honest with you, I really don’t feel like it today, hope you can understand, I’m going through some things and will get back to you as soon as I’m on my feet again.”
  • “I have a deadline, and it can’t wait. Let’s talk once I clear my schedule.”
  • “I have a lot of meetings today, and by the time they’re all done, I’ll be exhausted. So let’s do this another time.”
  • “I caught something, and I might be contagious, so let’s stay safe and see each other once I’m feeling well again.”
  • “I lost my wallet with my ID, so going anywhere is really hard for me right now, but let’s talk again when I sort this thing out.”
  • “My roommate/partner and I got into a huge fight, so give me some time to sort all this out, and we’ll talk later.”
  • “To be honest, I’d rather just stay home and get cozy, life hasn’t been easy on me lately.”
  • “I ran into my ex today and it floored me emotionally, so I really need some alone time right now, hope you understand.”
  • “I have to go to the doctor’s to get some test results, I’m keeping my fingers crossed.”
  • “I’m waiting for the delivery guy, ordered something really important and can’t miss the chance to get it as soon as possible, let’s rain check please.”

How To Use These Excuses

1. be ready for follow-up questions..

Whichever excuse you use, be prepared for questions.

“I’m having a personal issue that I need to urgently tend to,” would probably be enough for a boss or a coworker not to ask you more about it. But if it’s a loved one, they may want to know the details. This is why some of the examples on the list include specifics to help you navigate follow-up questions.

You need to be prepared for follow-up questions, so decide how honest you want to be. For instance, saying, “I had a one-night stand, and I’m at the hospital waiting for the results because I might have an STD,” could be rephrased into, “I have to go to the doctor’s to get some test results, I’m keeping my fingers crossed.”

However, if you say this, the person will probably have follow-up questions, so you could even say, “I’m down with a cold.”

When something is a health issue, you could make it general, and people likely won’t ask you more about it.

However, be careful with using health issues if they’re not real. If you’re feeling sick every Sunday night, the person is going to realize that the issue is not about your health at all.

“I’m going through something personal that I don’t want to talk about,” is a good excuse if it’s true. So consider staying in the “honest zone” when coming up with your excuses.

2. Choose a general excuse or a specific one.

Depending on how honest you want it to be, pick a general excuse or a specific one. “I don’t want to go out” can be rephrased into, “I just want to be by myself today, sorry for the late response, hope you have fun, and we’ll do it another time.”

A good excuse to not hang out might be: “I’ve just been under a lot of stress lately, and it’s getting to me, so I don’t feel like it. I’m sorry. Let me get back to you when I’m on my feet again.” The only question is, how honest do you want to be with this person?

A generic excuse, like the first one on the list above, will work a charm. However, they’re often like literally saying the words “generic excuse” to the person after they ask you to do something. So, if you frequently use generic excuses (especially if fake), the person is going to give up on asking you to do things. Therefore, consider being as honest as you can be and get specific with your loved ones, but rephrase if necessary.

3. Use details with loved ones.

“I don’t feel like getting out of bed and going out,” could be changed by saying, “To be honest, I’d rather just stay home and get cozy, life hasn’t been easy on me lately.” Or, “I just popped open a bag of chips, and there’s this show on Netflix… I know… Don’t hate me, but I just can’t, the bed is hugging me.”

So, consider using details and being honest with your loved ones. “I ran into my ex today and it tore me up emotionally, so I really need some alone time right now, hope you understand,” is a very good excuse if it’s a real one.

The problem with being specific without being honest about it is that you’d need to remember your lie and back it up later. There will also be follow-up questions, so it’s best to stay in the “honest zone.”

4. Stay in the “honest zone.”

You could be honest by being entirely vague by saying something like “You wouldn’t believe the day I had; I can’t bring myself to see anyone right now. Let’s talk a few days from now.”

Stay in the “honest zone” by making your problem general. Is it a personal issue, your professional life, your love life, family problems, or your social life that is standing in your way? “I’m not feeling well,” could be anything in the world if you’re having a health issue that you don’t want to talk about.

Similarly, “I’m busy with work,” is a valid excuse for wanting to rest after a hard day instead of going out with your friends.

However, don’t hesitate to share something about what’s going on with you with the person you’re talking to. You could rephrase what you need to say by carefully picking the words and actually saying the truth… Just put some thought into it if you have enough time. Pick an excuse that best fits your situation from the list, or come up with one that describes what you really want to say.

5. Make a long story short.

How much do you want to share with this person? If you use a general excuse too often, your family or friends are likely to give up on asking you to do things, so consider making a long story short.

Maybe you don’t want to tell them that you are practically destitute, but you could say, “I wish I could, but I’m currently broke, so please be patient until I get my life in order, and we’ll hang out later.”

Open up, but close the doors to further discussions by saying that you don’t want to talk about it. Turn a long story about how you got into gambling and now are in debt into a story about how you’re currently broke.

Why are you broke? “Bad luck.” You don’t have to share things that you don’t want to, just keep your excuse close to what it really is so that you can remember it, back it up, and stick to it if needed.

6. Rephrase what you need to say.

Think about your long story and how you can keep it short. Then think about how to rephrase it. Maybe you don’t want them to know that you’ll be spending the night with your ex, but you could tell them that your love life is still too much of a mess and you need to deal with that.

When they ask about the details, tell them that letting go is a process and that you need to be alone for a while. Even though you’ll be with your ex. Keep that last part to yourself, just don’t go too far away from the “honest zone,” even if it means sticking to something general instead.

7. Make it clear and end the discussion.

There are some things that people are just not going to talk about anymore when you bring them up. If you said, “I had a one-night stand, and I’m at the hospital waiting to see if I have an STD,” it would likely elicit very few follow-up questions.

Make it clear by being bold or by using a generic excuse from the list. Consider even just saying, “I’m sorry, I just really don’t want to do it right now. I’m overwhelmed with my own things; give me some time please.”

If you don’t want to be asked about it, end the discussion by making it clear that you don’t want to talk about it further. People can take a hint.

Just avoid being too honest in your professional life and with people other than your loved ones.

8. Simply be honest about it.

“I had a long day, and I really don’t feel like going anywhere,” is a good enough excuse already. Consider simply being honest about why you can’t hang out with them, and it might be enough to do the trick.

Hey, don’t forget that you just need to stay in the zone. You don’t have to be entirely honest about it. But if the person asking is your loved one, keep in mind that you most definitely can if you want to.

9. Consider a fake excuse.

On the other hand, you could simply choose a fake excuse from the list, and it will be effective as long as you stick to your story. However, it’s much better to come up with your own excuse based on the examples listed above. If you tailor it, you can be at least a bit honest about it, and that will help your loved one understand you better. As a result, they will continue to ask you to do things.

In other areas of your life, such as your job, using generic excuses is usually good enough as long as there’s truth to it and you don’t overdo it.

10. Make sure to express the wish to reschedule.

Whether you choose to be honest about it or not, if you do want to be asked again, make sure to reschedule. As soon as you use the excuse, emphasize that you do want to do something another time, it is just this specific date that doesn’t work for you. This will ensure that your friends and family ask you again.

How To Be Honest While Using Excuses

1. pick an excuse that best fits your situation..

Stay honest by picking an excuse from the list that best describes your real reasoning and tailoring it to your situation. Reveal something about the actual reason you don’t want to go instead of just using generic excuses.

2. Consider something general.

On the other hand, if you don’t want all the follow-ups and explaining, consider something general, like being sick. It’s okay to use these excuses as long as you don’t overdo it or downright lie about it entirely. Feeling blue is kind of like being sick, so don’t forget that you can just be in the “honest zone” when not wishing to share too much about what you’re going through.

3. Consider how honest and specific you want to be.

How honest and specific do you want to be? Is the person going to accept your response if you’re entirely honest with them? What if you rephrase it? While you can be as honest as you want to be, it’s not a guarantee that an honest excuse will be accepted as a good one.

So, consider what the person would accept as a valid excuse. Then you can phrase your excuse accordingly.

4. Reschedule only if you want to.

As already mentioned, if you don’t want them to give up on asking you to do things, make sure to point out that you want to reschedule. On the flip side, if you don’t want them asking you to do things, just use the generic excuse. This can even be considered being honest when it’s a repeated and obvious hint that you don’t want to hang out with that person anymore.

5. Stay honest while not getting into it.

You can be honest about the real reason you can’t make it, just make it a short story instead of a long one as we mentioned in one of the earlier steps. However, consider opening up to the person entirely if they are someone you trust and care for. It is not recommended to use fake or generic excuses with people close to you that should know the truth.

As for acquaintances and coworkers, generic excuses pretty much cover everything you would really need to say. Just be sure that you’re not making it up entirely in case you need to validate your story, and make sure that you can stick to it.

As already mentioned, “I’m going through something personal that I need to tend to immediately,” should be enough for most people. Just don’t overdo it.

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About The Author

good excuses for forgetting homework

Ana Vakos enjoys writing about love and all the problems that come with it. Everyone has experiences with love, and everyone needs dating advice, so giving these topics more attention and spreading the word means a lot to her.

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Homework Excuses: Top Guide To Help You Not Do Homework

homework excuses

Homework excuses are common among students at all educational levels. It’s no secret that many learners dislike homework and must find ways to convince educators they are not at fault. Although academic life is exciting, it comes with burdens. Life hardships make some learners unable to complete homework within the deadlines that educators stipulate.

Whether in college, high school, or university, you will need excuses for not doing your homework. This article lists some of the best reasons learners give for not completing their homework. It’s helpful because not every learner is sufficiently creative to convince the teacher or professor to pardon them for not completing assignments.

What Are Homework Excuses?

A homework excuse is a story, explanation, or alibi that a student gives the teacher or professor for not completing their homework.

A learner may require an excuse for various reasons. For instance, they may need it to cover up for something else or lack a good reason to justify their inability to submit the assignment. Regardless of the case, students can use different excuses to convince educators not to punish or penalize them.

Excuses for not doing homework are essential for several reasons. For instance, a learner could be having a bad day. Or they may not feel like doing the assignment. Some educators bombard learners with many tasks with strict deadlines. In that case, students may lack time to do all the coursework and score their desired grades. Therefore, they can give excuses to get extra time to complete the homework.

What Is The Purpose Of HW Excuses?

Every student has been there- you have homework, but certain things prevent you from doing it.

The primary purpose of excuses is to temporarily help you get out of trouble for not doing the task. They can also allow you to focus on what prevents you from doing it.

Homework excuses give students a way to explain why they didn’t do their assignments. While learners have different reasons for using an excuse, the bottom line is avoiding the consequences of not completing the work or punishment. Nevertheless, students should keep a few things in mind whenever they use an excuse to justify their inability to submit homework on time.

First, learners should ensure their excuses are believable. A student shouldn’t try to use a fake reason, like saying your dog ate your homework. Second, they should prepare to back up their story if necessary. If the teacher asks for more information about the excuse, the learner should be ready to give it. Finally, students shouldn’t overuse excuses. If they constantly make excuses for not doing their homework, the teacher will catch on eventually.

Good Homework Excuses For Different Situations

An excuse for not completing homework can come in handy in different situations. Here are seven examples of reasons for not doing homework.

If you didn’t do your homework because you forgot about it, you could say that you were sick or that something came up that prevented you from doing it. Maybe you didn’t do your homework because you didn’t understand it. In that case, you can say that the instructions were confusing or that you couldn’t find the needed information. If you didn’t do your homework because you didn’t have enough time, you could say that you had extracurricular activities or that you had to work. Perhaps, you didn’t do your homework because you were procrastinating. In that case, you can say that you started it but ran out of time. If you didn’t do your homework because you were distracted, you can say that something came up or that you couldn’t focus. Maybe you didn’t do your homework because you were sick. If so, you can say that you had a doctor’s appointment or weren’t feeling well. If your reason for not doing homework was a busy schedule, you could say that you had a family emergency or that you had no option but to work.

Always remember that your excuse must be believable to serve its purpose. Therefore, choose a reason that best suits your situation.

Good Excuses To Miss Practice Or Class

Perhaps, you have other commitments that prevent you from attending practice or class. And this might prevent you from submitting your homework on time. In that case, you can give the following believable excuses:

  • I’m sorry I will miss practice/class. I have a doctor’s appointment.
  • I’m sorry I will miss practice/class. I have to work to avoid losing my job.
  • I’m sorry I will miss practice/class. My car broke down.
  • I’m sorry I will miss practice/class. My train has a delay.
  • I’m sorry I will miss practice/class. There is heavy traffic.

Note that you can also use these excuses for not completing your homework. Nevertheless, ensure you’re convincing the educator to believe you.

Advice On How To Give Good Excuses For Not Doing Homework

Not every learner can give an excuse and get away with it. That’s because educators were once students, meaning they knew all the tricks in the book. So, suppose you have difficulties giving your teacher a believable excuse for not completing and submitting homework. In that case, the following are tips for providing good excuses for not doing homework should help you get away with it.

Be confident: Unless you sell the excuse, chances are that your teacher won’t buy it. So, act as if you believe in what you’re saying, and chances are, your educator will find it too. Keep it short and sweet: The longer the story, the more likely it is to seem fabricated. So, make sure to keep your excuse short and to the point. Make it believable: As we said before, educators were once students. That means they know all of the excuses in the book. So, if you want to make your excuse believable, make sure it’s something that could happen. Be prepared to back it up: If your teacher asks for more information about your excuse, be ready to give it. And this will help make your story more believable. Don’t overuse excuses: If you’re constantly making excuses for not doing your homework, your teacher will catch on eventually. So, use them sparingly and only when necessary.

If you ever want to give excuses for homework, these tips should help you do so without getting caught. But if your teacher is on to your tricks, making up believable excuses might seem daunting. But don’t worry. There are still ways to make your reasons more plausible. For instance, try to use excuses that don’t involve technology. If you say your computer crashed and lost all your work, your teacher will likely ask for a hard copy or proof that you did the task.

Second, try to use excuses that are specific to the assignment. For example, if you’re trying to get out of doing a science project, saying you don’t have the materials is more believable than saying you don’t have the time. And finally, try to use excuses that are relevant to your life outside the school. If you’ve been sick recently or have a family emergency, your teacher is likelier to believe that you didn’t do your homework.

Nevertheless, the best way to avoid giving an excuse in the first place is to do your homework. That way, you won’t have to worry about coming up with a good reason for not doing it.

Tips On How To Avoid Making Excuses For Late Homework

Maybe you’ve given many excuses for not completing homework on time and think your teacher has begun suspecting you. Perhaps, you can no longer come up with the best excuses for not doing homework. In that case, the following tips will help you avoid giving excuses for missing class or not submitting homework on time.

  • Set a schedule: In addition to being organized, setting a schedule can help you avoid making excuses for failing to submit homework. That’s because scheduling will help you plan your time and ensure you’re working on your assignments when you’re supposed to be.
  • Be organized: If you want to avoid struggling to find the best excuses for missing school or not doing homework, try being organized. Organization means having a planner or another way to track your assignments and due dates.
  • Get rid of distractions: Another way to avoid excuses for failing to do homework is to get rid of distractions. And this could mean turning off your phone, getting off social media, and anything else that might prevent you from working on your assignments.
  • Start early: Another way to avoid excuses for missing homework is to start early. That way, you’ll have plenty of time to work on your assignments and won’t have to rush to finish them.
  • Ask for help: If you’re having trouble with your assignments, don’t hesitate to ask for help. For instance, you can turn to your parent, tutor, or even your teacher. Also, you can seek homework help online or pay for assignment . Nevertheless, choose a reputable service to ensure quality work and your information’s safety. Getting help will ensure that you complete your assignments and avoid making excuses for why they’re late.

These tips should help you avoid excuses because you will always complete your homework on time. Nevertheless, excuses are a necessary evil for students who want to get out of doing their homework. But with creativity, you can make even the most far-fetched excuse sound plausible. So next time you’re stuck trying to come up with an excuse, remember these tips, and you’ll be sure to get out of doing your homework in no time.

Get The Best Homework Help

Perhaps, you’re tired of struggling to find good excuses for missing homework. Maybe you want to ensure you always complete and submit your assignments on time. Perhaps you are out here thinking “who can do my assignment UK ?” In that case, we can help.

We offer high-quality homework assistance online to learners across educational levels. Whether in high school, pursuing our diploma, undergraduate, or post-graduate studies, we can help you. Our service is custom, cheap, and secure. We’re fast and reliable, with the best homework experts in all academic disciplines. Once you contact us saying, “Please do my homework,” we pick the most competent experts to start working on it immediately.

And this, combined with our expertise, enables us to deliver all assignments from our customers before their deadlines elapse. That means you will never struggle to find the best homework excuses with our service. So, use our service if you always want to be on good terms with your teacher or professor. Contact us now!

Get on top of your homework.

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Excuses for Forgetting Homework

  • Trent Lorcher
  • Categories : Teaching methods, tips & strategies
  • Tags : Teaching methods, tools & strategies

Excuses for Forgetting Homework

The Whole Truth

Student excuses for no homework abound. Most of them are fabrications. Every now and then, however, we come across excuses that may be true. What, then, is a teacher to do? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Be clear. State your homework policy at the start of a new school year and refresh your students’ memory several times during the first month of school. If you feel the excuses are getting out of control, reestablish your policy.
  • Be consistent. Nothing gets a teacher in more trouble (outside of inappropriate relations, punching a student in the face, or showing up to work drunk) than inconsistency. If you have a zero tolerance policy then it’s a zero tolerance policy for everybody.
  • Use common sense. If you do have a zero tolerance policy, create a stipulation that gives you the final say. If, for example, a student completes the first seventeen assignments and comes to you before class and tells you she left the eighteenth assignment at home, she’s probably telling the truth.
  • Stress communication. Tell students to let you know in advance if there’s going to be a problem. If they truly forgot their homework, they should be able to talk to you before class.

Preventing Excuses and other Homework Annoyances

The above are general rules on how to handle excuses for no homework. The following ideas will help you proactively avoid the entire problem .

  • Homework Extension Passes : At the start of each quarter, give each student 1-2 homework extension passes, with opportunities to earn more as the year progresses. When a student provides an excuse for forgetting his homework or a reason for not doing his homework, then he or she can simply turn it in late, with the homework extension pass attached for full credit. To avoid the end of the semester deluge, put a time limit on it, and only make certain assignments eligible.
  • Parent or Guardian Signature or E-mail or Phone Call : You’ve heard it before: “I left my homework on my dresser. I swear it’s done.” It gets annoying. Instead of rolling your eyes and ramming your head against a desk, just tell them to bring in a note, signed by the parent or guardian, testifying that the assignment was done on time. Make sure the note contains a phone number and an e-mail address in case you wish to follow up.
  • After School Visit : The problem with how to handle excuses for forgetting homework is that sometimes (probably not your students, but this does happen) students copy the assignment from a friend or just write the answers down when you go over them in class. For these assignments–vocabulary or math problems, for example–make students come in after school and do the assignment in front of you.
  • A Small Penalty : You can establish a late work policy that assesses a penalty for late work. Anything more than 10% per day discourages student effort, so be careful.
  • Homework Percentage : The purpose of homework should be practice. Practice should only account for a small percentage of the grade. Some students meet or exceed standards with little or no effort on homework.
  • Just Say No : Sometimes the best thing for a student is to tell him or her ’no.'

If you’re looking for good excuses to tell your teacher because you didn’t do your homework , try here.

This post is part of the series: Classroom Climate

Here are some articles about creating a positive classroom climate

  • Creating and Using Job Charts: Promote Student Responsibility
  • It’s Not Fair! Fostering a Healthy Classroom Climate
  • A Positive Classroom Climate: Handling Excuses for not Doing Homework
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How to Get Out of Doing Homework

Last Updated: March 4, 2024 Fact Checked

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 111 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 282,870 times. Learn more...

Sometimes you just can't get it together and finish your homework. Maybe you had a concert or a game after school and you were too tired to think when you got home. Maybe you ran out of time, or you fell asleep early. Maybe you just had something way better to do! This article will give you ideas for how to get your parents off your back about doing homework and convince your teachers you have a perfectly good reason why you didn't do the assignment. Plus, learn techniques on how to make it look like you made an attempt at your assignment, but life, fate, or technology got in the way. Just don't make a habit of it, or your grades may suffer.

Making Excuses to Your Teacher

Step 1 Get to know your teacher first.

  • Notice how your teacher reacts when other students forget their homework to gauge how much you can get away with.
  • Notice if your teacher collects homework or usually just walks around and glances at your worksheet to make sure you did it.
  • Try to get an idea of what your teacher likes. If they have pictures of their cat everywhere, you may be able to use that to your advantage later by telling them your cat is very sick or had to be put down and you were too devastated to finish the assignment.
  • Remember that your teacher probably got into teaching because they are passionate about their subject. Participate in class as much as possible: if they believe you love history, too, they're probably more likely to be sympathetic later.
  • Find out how much homework counts toward your final grade. If homework only accounts for 20% of your grade and you ace all your tests, projects, and class participation, you might be able to get by without doing homework and still get a decent grade.

Step 2 Blame technology.

  • If your teacher expects you to email them your assignment, ask them the next day if they got your email. When they say they didn't, act confused and explain that you definitely emailed them and that you can't believe it didn't go through. They probably can't check to see if you are lying and will probably give you an extension.

Step 3 Blame a family crisis.

  • Claim the death of a family member. Make it someone close enough that it would affect you, but not so close that the teacher will find out about it. A great aunt or uncle works as they tend to be older. There is also no limit on the amount of great aunts and uncles you have, whereas with grandparents there is a limited number of times you can use that excuse. Plus, you don't want to tempt karma by saying your grandma died unexpectedly.
  • Say that you are having a private family issue and you don't feel comfortable talking about it, but you can't do the homework.
  • Tell your teacher your pet died. But be aware that if your teacher happens to be having a conversation with your parents and says something like "Sorry about the dog!" they may find out you were lying.

Step 4 Blame your memory.

  • Tell the teacher you were in the bathroom when they assigned the work and you completely missed that you had homework. However, if your teacher has a good memory or writes homework on the board or on a school website, there is a high chance this will not work.

Step 5 Fake sick...

  • This works best if you are somebody who rarely gets sick(maybe once or twice a year) then you will be more trustworthy if you appear sick.

Step 6 Go see a guidance counselor during the class period.

  • If you do this too often your teacher will stop being sympathetic, so make sure it only happens once or twice.

Making It Look Like You Did Your Homework

Step 1 Make it look like you did the work if your teacher only glances at your homework.

  • If your teacher walks around the class checking for homework, but doesn't take it in, write your homework page and task at the top of some random notes you have for that class. If they're not attentive, they won't notice.
  • If they are attentive, try to distract them by asking a question related to the subject or show them a word in the textbook you don't understand.

Step 2 Look up the answers online or in the back of the book.

  • Say you must have left it on your desk/in the car/on the bus and ask if you can turn it in at the end of the day. Then you can quickly do the assignment during lunch.
  • Be smart when pretending to be upset that you lost your homework. If you usually slack off and don't do your homework, it may seem odd to the teacher when you suddenly worry about not having your homework.

Step 4 Get help from friends.

  • If you cheat on writing based homework, paraphrase it so your teacher can't tell that you cheated. Also, think about how you usually perform in class. If you don't usually do well in class on homework and tests, your teacher could get suspicious if you get all the answers right. So to be smart, get some answers wrong on purpose.
  • Try asking one friend for answers to questions #1 and #2, then another friend for the answers to questions #3 and #4, and so on until the assignment is complete.
  • Assemble a study group and let them work out all the answers.
  • If you have a friend who owes you a favor, tell them this is how they can repay their debt.

Step 5 Destroy the assignment if it's on a CD or flash drive.

  • Bring in a blank flash drive and swear to your teacher you saved it to the drive and you don't know what happened.

Step 6 Purposely corrupt the file.

  • Go into File Explorer and find the file you want to make corrupt. Right click over the file and select 'Open With...', then select Notepad. Once the file opens in Notepad you should see a really bizarre document with gibberish. Click anywhere within the document and type something random in it, disturbing the flow. After this just save and submit. When your teacher opens it, it will show up an error.
  • Do not select "use application as default" when selecting Notepad after File Explorer step or else all word documents (.docx) will automatically in Notepad showing gibberish.
  • Create a blank image in Paint and save it in .bmp format. After that, forcefully change its format into .doc (right-click and hit Properties), and change the title to the name of your homework assignment. Now, when you try to open the file in any text viewing program, it will show up as a broken file. Send it to the teacher, and if they ask you the next day, just say sorry about this inconvenience and promise to send it this evening. Now, you have an extra day to complete your homework.

Convincing Your Parents

Step 1 Say that you need to work on the computer.

  • So your parents check your history? Easy. If you have the Google Chrome browser, you can use Incognito mode. This will not track your history at all. Press ctrl+shift+N at the same time to open an Incognito tab. Remember to close all Incognito tabs before you go back to doing your homework.
  • Remember ctrl + w closes a window with one tab without prompt, so it is the perfect way without downloading Firefox and certain add-ons to use the computer without parent's knowing anything of your exploits.

Step 2 Tell your parents you did all your homework at school already during lunch or during your study hall.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

Tips from our Readers

  • Try to sound very stressed about not finishing your homework. Try to only skip homework when you really need to. It might be obvious that you're not trying if you never do it.
  • Try to be honest when you get caught. If you lie and get caught, you might be in bigger trouble.
  • Remember: in most cases, it is unlikely your teacher will excuse you from doing the homework altogether, even if these tactics work. Go into it thinking they will give you an extension and you will have time to catch up on your work without it impacting your grade. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Homework is there to help you. In the long run, not doing homework will impact not just your report card but your future. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Avoid lame and common excuses. These excuses have no effect, so don't even try to use them. Avoid "I forgot" and "My dog ate my homework" kind of excuses. Using long, boring excuses may make the teacher just dismiss it and tell you to turn it in tomorrow. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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About This Article

If you weren't able to finish your homework, there are a few good excuses you can use to keep your teacher off your back. You can blame technology and say your computer or printer broke. If you needed the internet for your homework, say your internet went off for a few hours. Pretending you forgot your homework isn't the best excuse, but it sounds better than admitting you didn't do it. Search through your bag and pretend to look for it, then tell your teacher you must have left it at home. To make it more convincing, see your teacher at the beginning of class and say you had a busy week and forgot to do the homework. You can even tell them you had a family issue. Teachers are unlikely to call you out for being sick, so try going to the nurse before class and telling them you feel sick and you can’t go to class. For more tips, including how to get out of your parents making you do homework, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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10 Top Homework Excuses: The Good the Bad and the Lazy

Top 10 Homework Excuses by Unicheck

If it is not fair to punish someone for something they didn’t do then why students get penalized for not doing homework? This fair question apparently haunts the heads of those students who are figuring out how to get out of doing homework these days.

The team behind the Unicheck College plagiarism checker certainly remembers those times when some of us pretended to be sick as a homework excuse? Have you ever done it? And if you did, did you use your imagination power to the fullest?

Some of the students have a real knack in homework excuses.They don’t try to get away with a “sickness”, – this is too simple for them. They plot whole stories to produce a proper effect on the teacher. Sometimes it goes too far:

My cat/dog ate my homework

The animals are proudly leading the chart of “why i didn’t do my homework” excuses. Hoping to touch the emotional strings of the teachers the students are using their pets in order to shield themselves from the homework problems. The sickness of your dog already sounds plausible. Nope? Then why don’t you try the following:

“My dog ate my homework”, – The dog’s thought “This homework looks hard, do you want me to eat it?”

“I did my homework but my cat shredded it to pieces” – The cat’s thought “Just do it, the dog will get the blame.”

I forgot homework at home

Where’s your homework? It’s at home. Isn’t it frustrating when you forgot homework at home? When you forget homework, you probably didn’t do so much of it.

Anyways, too much homework and too little enthusiasm for it causes students to pray for the chance when the teacher doesn’t show up to the class. Maybe you were just testing the probability theory?

I forgot I had a homework

Another variation of forgetfulness the students are inclined to. In teacher’s eyes, to forget about homework is as bad as refusing to do it. “I forgot to do my homework” or “I forgot I had a homework” is one of the popular hw excuses and yes, it sounds hardly excusable, only if you manage to convince the teacher you have severe memory loss.

My computer/my printer has crashed down

“I didn’t do my homework because my laptop died”- one of the simplest excuses is a malfunctioning device, thus, it is also overused and overrated. Blaming the printer is either a useless idea, the teacher might ask you to send the homework by e-mail, not in hard copy. That awkward moment…

Here’s a couple of funny homework excuse variations to the theme:

“My dad is a famous developer, the information on his computer was very important so it was stolen by the Chinese hackers”!  Sure, your homework is a very important information for the hackers, especially Chinese ones.

“The computer said the file type was incompatible with a software“, – The chance that your teacher is a total noob is very low these days so better hurry up before your computer says you need to upgrade your brain to be compatible with a homework.

My homework was stolen

“The thieves have grabbed my briefcase in the morning while I was walking in school. We fought and fought, the briefcase opened, everything fell from it. The thieves have grabbed what had fallen. Among the textbooks they took was a math notebook with my written assignment”.

Let’s make some rational exponents out of this story, you either die a hero or run long enough to get your math homework back, right?

 I didn’t do my homework, because it was deadly hard

One of those homework excuses might even convince the teacher that you can pass the homework the next time, but hold your horses if you plan to convince someone of something you should be convincing. Maybe soften up the teacher with a bunch of hard to pronounce words from the subject’s unit? At least make some doodles in the textbook and abundantly cross off everything explaining you did it under another uncertainty attack.

Power cut off

“I just sat down to do my homework when out of the blue a giant hurricane appeared and bang! The light went off from the block. I sure might have done it with candles but my parents do not allow me to do it. They always say “you’ll ruin your eyes”.

Long days are gone when you could use the problem with electricity as an excuse for not doing homework. It looks like the story has been passed from generation to generation till you eventually heard it from parents. Nowadays it looks more like a funny homework excuse.

I’ve been jogging/volunteering/fishing/shopping/thanksgiving/etc

All of those “extra-curricular” activities are good but if you stop using them as excuses for not doing homework that would be even better. It sounds like you need a time for important things in your life and the school with its homeworks definitely doesn’t fit in the scheme of things.

Domestic cataclysms

Domestic cataclysm is a classy reason that students use figuring out the answer to the question on how to get out of doing homework. Some of such might have been credible if they weren’t so funny:

“Due to a small fire in the house, all of the notebooks have burned down”.

“The neighbors have flooded our house so all the notebooks have drowned”.

I had a headache

A headache is apparently the hit of the season. Everyone knows the brain is a tricky thing, – it’s grey, squishy and most importantly it hurts when the time is up for studying.

What if you really have a headache and the project is up for tomorrow? In this case, it is probably better to brace yourself, take a pill and like in any confusing situation go to sleep. Tomorrow, telling about your yesterday’s headache, don’t forget to say to the teachers that you did not dare to skip school even due to poor health and lack of homework. If they ever had headaches, they’ll understand. Probably.

Pinpointing everything

During school years, the temptations are ambushing students at every corner. Unfortunately, no time is left for such daily trivialities as homework. The efforts of future bachelors, masters and Ph.D.’s are also constantly broken up with endless “A little walk, and then finish”, “A little food and then finish” and “I’ll do everything for the next lesson” thoughts. School life can be real crazy, especially if you are a freshman.

Seriously, there’s no need to lie to your teacher about the homework you didn’t do using awkward hw excuses. If you really experienced certain emergencies, it is better to tell the truth and if you didn’t exceed the limit of excuses yet, the odds are high you will be spared, voila.

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35 Believable Excuses to Miss Work on Short Notice

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Navigating the need for time off work can sometimes feel challenging, but there are plenty of legitimate reasons that may require you to miss work on short notice. In this article, we explore 35 legitimate reasons to miss work, providing examples, explanations, and key points for each.

Whether you're dealing with a personal health issue, a family emergency, an unexpected event, or even a much-needed personal day, understanding these potential scenarios can help you communicate more effectively with your employer.

However, honesty is always the best policy when it comes to taking time off work. Remember that lying or falsifying reasons for missing work can lead to severe consequences, including loss of trust, disciplinary action, or even termination. Always be truthful about your reasons for needing time off. Your employer will likely appreciate your honesty, and in most cases, be understanding of your situation.

This article is set up as a comprehensive list, offering 35 different reasons why you might need to miss work. This structure should make it easy to navigate and find the information that's most relevant to you. We hope this article offers a helpful guide for those unexpected life events that require time away from work.

Illness is a common reason for missing work on short notice. The specific nature of the illness can range from a mild cold or flu to more serious conditions. Importantly, if you are unwell, it is often better to stay home to rest, recover, and avoid spreading any infectious illness to your coworkers. It's always advisable to seek medical attention and follow their advice regarding rest and returning to work.

For instance, if you wake up with a fever and body aches, you may have contracted the flu. In this case, it's crucial to prioritize your health and reduce the risk of infecting your coworkers by staying at home. Remember to notify your employer as soon as possible, and if required, provide a doctor's note.

2. Medical Appointments

Medical appointments, particularly with specialists, often need to be scheduled during regular business hours. This can make it challenging to avoid missing some work, especially if the medical issue is urgent or ongoing. Regular check-ups and preventative appointments are also important for maintaining your health. Employers usually understand this necessity, but it's important to communicate and plan these absences ahead of time when possible.

Imagine you have an appointment with a cardiologist for an ongoing heart condition. These types of specialists often have limited availability, and the appointment could be crucial for your health. In such a situation, you should inform your employer about your medical condition and the need for your absence. Consider offering to make up for the lost time or work remotely, if possible.

3. Family Emergency

A family emergency can happen unexpectedly and needs immediate attention, making it a legitimate reason for missing work. These emergencies could be due to health issues, accidents, or other urgent matters involving a close family member. During such difficult times, your presence might be required for emotional support or practical assistance.

For example, if your partner or child has a severe accident at home and needs immediate medical attention, you might need to rush them to the hospital and stay with them. In this situation, it's crucial to notify your employer about the emergency as soon as you can. Employers often offer family emergency leaves for such situations.

4. Unexpected Childcare Issue

Childcare can sometimes present unforeseen issues that require immediate attention. Your regular babysitter may fall ill, or your daycare center may unexpectedly close. In such cases, it may be necessary to miss work to take care of your child. Balancing work and family life can be challenging, and most employers will understand these occasional unavoidable circumstances.

An example could be a situation where you receive a call from your daycare provider saying they have a plumbing emergency and have to close for the day. In this case, you would need to stay home with your child. It would be helpful to inform your employer of the situation as soon as possible. If your work allows, you could also explore the possibility of working from home for the day.

5. Personal Emergency

Personal emergencies are unexpected situations in your personal life that require immediate attention. These emergencies can include anything from a flooded basement, a car accident, or a fire in your home. These situations often require immediate attention and can make it impossible to attend work.

For example, if you wake up to find your basement flooded due to a burst pipe, your immediate attention and action would be required to prevent further damage. This would involve contacting a plumber, potentially a cleanup crew, and possibly your insurance company. In such scenarios, keep open communication with your employer, inform them of the situation, and give them an estimated time of your unavailability. If possible, try to make up for the lost work time later or work remotely if your situation allows.

6. Mental Health Day

Mental health is just as important as physical health, and sometimes you may need to take a day off to take care of your psychological wellbeing. Overworking, chronic stress, or personal issues can contribute to deteriorating mental health. Recognizing the need to recharge and taking time off can prevent burnout and more serious mental health issues down the line.

For instance, you might be feeling overwhelmed and emotionally drained due to a high-stress project. It's entirely appropriate to take a day for yourself to rest, engage in stress-relieving activities, and regain your mental strength. It's essential to communicate your need for a mental health day to your employer honestly, and ideally before you've reached a point of crisis.

7. Death of a Close One

The death of a loved one can be a devastating event. Grieving is a personal process that takes time and looks different for everyone. Some people may require more time than others to process their loss and may find it hard to concentrate on work during this time.

For example, if a close family member passes away, you'll likely need to take time off for the funeral and to grieve. Most employers have policies in place for bereavement leave and will understand your need to take time off. It's important to communicate openly with your employer about your situation and the time you'll need off.

8. Unexpected Vehicle Issues

Cars can break down unexpectedly, or there may be disruptions to public transportation. These situations can cause delays or make it impossible for you to get to work. Having your car serviced regularly can minimize the risk of breakdowns, but unexpected issues can still arise.

Consider a scenario where your car won't start due to a dead battery. While this is a situation that can usually be resolved within the day, it may cause you to miss work or arrive late. Notify your employer as soon as possible about the situation. If you can, try to find an alternate means of transportation to minimize your downtime.

9. House Problems

Significant problems in your home, such as plumbing issues, power outages, or a broken heating system, may require you to stay home to resolve them. These issues can arise unexpectedly and often need immediate attention to prevent further damage and disruption.

For example, if your furnace breaks down in the middle of winter, you will likely need to wait at home for a repair person to fix it. It's essential to inform your employer about the situation and the expected timeline for resolution. If possible and applicable to your work, you may be able to work remotely while waiting for the issue to be resolved.

10. Jury Duty

Jury duty is a civic obligation that most people will have to perform at some point. The notice usually comes in advance, but the actual dates can often be unpredictable and fall during work hours. Most employers are understanding about the need for jury duty leave, as it is a legal requirement.

For instance, if you've received a notice for jury duty that falls on a workday, you're required by law to attend. It's important to notify your employer about your jury duty as soon as you receive the notice. Most places of employment have policies in place to handle these situations, and they can guide you on the next steps.

11. Attending a Funeral

Attending a funeral, particularly of a close friend or family member, is a legitimate and common reason to miss work. It provides closure and allows one to pay their final respects. Bereavement leave is often provided by employers to accommodate such circumstances.

For example, if a close family friend passes away and the funeral is held during your regular working hours, you may need to take time off work. It's crucial to inform your employer of the situation and provide as much notice as possible. In most cases, employers will understand and allow the necessary time off.

12. Bad Weather

There are times when severe weather conditions can make commuting unsafe. Heavy snow, hurricanes, extreme heatwaves, or flood warnings can all pose significant threats and hinder transportation.

For example, suppose there's a severe snowstorm forecasted for your area that's expected to make roads unsafe. In this case, it would be prudent to stay home and avoid the potential dangers of attempting to commute to work. Be sure to inform your employer as soon as possible about your circumstances. Some employers might even have policies in place for such instances or may allow you to work from home.

Injuries, whether they happen at work or outside of it, can make it impossible for you to perform your job functions or commute to work. They often require immediate medical attention and possibly time for recovery.

For instance, if you sprain your ankle severely while jogging, you might be unable to travel or stand for extended periods, depending on your job. In such a situation, it's best to focus on your recovery to avoid exacerbating the injury. Always keep your employer informed about your condition and provide them with a reasonable timeline for your return based on medical advice.

14. Unexpected Travel

There might be instances where you need to travel unexpectedly due to a family or personal crisis. This could be anything from a sick relative in a different city to an urgent property issue that needs resolving.

For example, if your parents live in another state and one of them falls critically ill, you may need to travel there to support them. In such scenarios, explain the situation to your employer and provide them with an estimated timeline for your return. Most employers understand the urgency of family crises and grant leaves for the same.

15. Court Appearances

Court appearances, whether they are directly related to you or involve a family member, usually can't be rescheduled. These appearances could be for a variety of legal matters and failing to attend can have severe consequences.

For example, you may be involved in a legal dispute and are required to appear in court on a particular day. Make sure to inform your employer about the requirement as soon as you receive the court notice. Provide them with the date and the expected duration of your absence so they can plan accordingly.

16. Dental Emergency

Dental emergencies can be extremely painful and debilitating, often requiring immediate attention. This can include a sudden toothache, broken tooth, lost fillings, or other dental problems. Failing to address these issues promptly can lead to more serious complications.

For example, if you wake up with unbearable tooth pain, you will likely need to see a dentist immediately. It's essential to keep your employer informed about the situation and provide them with an estimated timeline of when you'll be able to return to work based on your dentist's advice.

17. Pet Emergencies

Just like human family members, pets can also have medical emergencies that require immediate attention. Since our pets can't tell us when something is wrong, symptoms may appear suddenly and require urgent veterinary care.

For instance, if your dog ingests something harmful and needs emergency care, you would likely need to miss work to attend to this situation. Be sure to inform your employer about the situation as soon as possible. If your job allows for it, consider working remotely once your pet is stabilized.

18. Illness of a Close Family Member

When a close family member is severely ill, they may need your care and support. This could require taking them to doctor's appointments, providing emotional support, or assisting with their care at home.

For example, if your child wakes up with a high fever and needs to be taken to the doctor, you will likely need to miss work. Communicate the situation to your employer promptly and keep them updated on when you'll be able to return to work. Many employers offer family sick leave for situations like this.

19. School Event

Important school events such as performances, parent-teacher meetings, or sports days often fall during working hours and can require parents to take time off work. Attending these events supports your child's academic and personal growth.

For instance, if your child is performing in a school play that takes place during your work hours, you would likely want to attend. Inform your employer in advance about the event and request time off. Most employers understand the importance of these occasions and will grant you the necessary time off.

20. Home Delivery

Occasionally, you may need to be at home to receive a delivery of a major appliance, furniture, or other large items. These deliveries usually require someone to be at home and can't always be scheduled outside of working hours.

As an example, if you've ordered a new refrigerator and the company can only deliver it during your work hours, you'll need to be at home to receive it. Be sure to inform your employer as soon as you have the delivery date and request the necessary time off. If your job allows for it, you might be able to work from home for part of the day.

21. Home Repair or Maintenance

Occasionally, urgent home repairs or maintenance tasks may require you to be present at home. These could be planned activities like a kitchen renovation or unplanned emergencies such as a leaky roof.

Consider a situation where a pipe bursts in your home and you urgently need a plumber to fix it. You'd need to be at home to handle the situation, which may result in missing work. Communicate the issue to your employer as soon as possible. In many cases, remote work may be possible while you wait for repairs to be completed.

22. Moving House

Moving to a new house can be a time-consuming process. It involves packing, moving large items, and possibly cleaning. Although much of this can be planned for weekends or outside of work hours, the actual moving day might fall on a workday.

If you're moving to a new house and the movers are scheduled to come on a workday, you'll need to request a day off. Make sure to give your employer plenty of notice so they can plan for your absence. They may even allow you to work remotely part of the day if needed.

23. Study or Exam

If you are pursuing further education while working, there may be times when you need to study for an important exam or complete a major project. Balancing work and studies can be challenging, but most employers will support your educational pursuits.

Suppose you have a major certification exam coming up that requires intensive preparation. In such a case, you might need to take a day off to concentrate on your studies. Inform your employer in advance about the exam and your need for a day off to prepare.

24. Marriage or Civil Ceremony

Attending a marriage or civil ceremony, either your own or of a close friend or family member, is a valid reason to miss work. These events often require travel and preparation time, and are generally understood to be important personal commitments.

For example, if your sibling is getting married in a different city, you'll likely need to take time off work for travel and to attend the wedding. As soon as you know the date, notify your employer and request the necessary time off.

25. Job Interview

While it may feel uncomfortable to take time off work for a job interview, it's a legitimate reason to miss work. Interviews often fall within working hours and can't always be scheduled outside of these times. It's best to be discreet about the reason for your absence.

For instance, if you're called for a job interview that's scheduled during your work hours, you may need to take time off. To keep things discreet, you could request a personal day without disclosing the specific reason. Remember to be respectful of your current employer's time and resources while navigating your job search.

26. Volunteer Work

Some people choose to participate in volunteer work or community service that can fall within their work hours. Whether it's a one-time event or a regular commitment, this can be a valid reason to miss work, particularly if your employer encourages community involvement.

For example, you may be involved in a local charity that's hosting a special event during your work hours. Let your employer know about your involvement as early as possible and request the necessary time off. Some employers even offer paid volunteer days as part of their benefits package.

27. Religious Observance

Religious observances and ceremonies are legitimate reasons to miss work. These could include holidays, festivals, or special rituals that are important to your faith.

For instance, if there's a significant religious holiday that you observe which falls on a workday, you'll need to request a day off. Notify your employer as soon as you're aware of the date, and request the necessary time off. Employers are typically understanding of such circumstances and legally obliged to reasonably accommodate religious practices.

28. Personal Emergency

Personal emergencies are unexpected events that require immediate attention. These could include a break-in at your home, a sudden financial issue, or an unexpected legal matter.

Consider a scenario where you have a sudden legal issue that requires you to meet with your lawyer immediately. You would likely need to take time off work to resolve the matter. Be sure to inform your employer as soon as possible, giving as much detail as you feel comfortable sharing.

29. Health Appointments

Health appointments, such as regular check-ups, specialist appointments, or therapy sessions, can sometimes only be scheduled during work hours. Preventative care and management of ongoing health issues are important for your overall well-being.

For example, if you have a specialist appointment that can only be scheduled during your work hours, you'll need to take time off. Inform your employer about the appointment as soon as it's scheduled, and provide an estimate of when you'll be able to return to work.

30. Personal Well-being Day

Sometimes, you may just need a day off for personal well-being. This could be to relax, pursue a hobby, or spend time with family and friends. Personal well-being days can help prevent burnout and improve overall job satisfaction.

For example, if you've been feeling particularly stressed and overworked, you might need to take a personal day to relax and recharge. Let your employer know that you need a day off for personal reasons. Most employers understand the importance of work-life balance and the need for personal time.

31. Child's Sick Day

If you have children, there will inevitably be times when they're sick and unable to attend school or daycare. Often, this will require a parent to stay home with them.

For example, if your child wakes up with a fever and you can't send them to school, you'll need to take the day off to care for them. Be sure to inform your employer as soon as possible. Many employers have policies in place to support parents in these circumstances.

32. Attending a Conference

Many professionals attend conferences, seminars, or other professional development events to stay up-to-date in their field. While some of these may be sponsored by your employer, others may not be, and could require taking time off work.

For instance, if there's a conference relevant to your field happening during your work hours, you may wish to attend. In this case, discuss the opportunity with your employer as soon as you can. They may even consider it as part of your professional development and support you in attending it.

33. Unexpected Family Responsibilities

Unpredictable family responsibilities such as caring for an elderly family member, attending a family reunion, or handling a family dispute may require your immediate attention and presence.

Suppose your elderly parent falls ill suddenly and needs your help. In such a scenario, you would likely need to take time off to care for them. Be open with your employer about your situation and provide them with an estimate of when you'll be able to return to work.

34. Attending Important School Event

Major life events such as graduations, milestone birthdays, or other significant school events are important to attend and can fall during work hours.

For example, if your child is graduating and the ceremony falls on a weekday during your working hours, you'll want to be there. Notify your employer well in advance and request the necessary time off. Most employers understand the importance of these milestones and will accommodate your request.

35. Attending to a Crisis at Home

A crisis at home can include anything from a burglary, fire, or other disasters that require your immediate attention and presence.

For example, if there's a fire at your home, you will need to attend to the situation immediately. Notify your employer about the crisis as soon as you can and provide them with an estimate of when you'll be able to return to work. Many employers will be understanding and supportive in these situations.

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    16. "Ran out of toilet paper". Homework is important of course, but hygiene comes first! 17. "Someone pulled it out of my bag". Pretend to be really worried, because you clearly remember keeping it in your backpack right this morning. But when you opened the bag in the class, poof! It has vanished.

  4. 49 Best Excuses For Not Doing Homework • Better Responses

    3. "We have surprised guest visitors and they stay the whole day.". 4. "Because I didn't know where to start, I'm unable to complete the homework.". 5. "There's some fixing work going on at my home, especially in my room.". 6. "I was about to do homework, but I don't understand a thing.". 7.

  5. 15 Good Excuses for When You Forgot to Do Your Homework

    02 Your reputation. If you are a good student who always does homework, most teachers will give you a pass if you fail to do it once or twice. But, if you are a frequent offender, they'll have a hard time believing you. 03 How believable it is. Your excuses not to do homework must not be over the top or surreal.

  6. 3 Ways to Survive Forgetting Your Homework at School

    1. Find your book at the library if possible. It is very likely that a copy of the book will be held at your school's library. You may be able to search by the name of your course, the course number, or your teacher's name. If the library at your school is not open, a public library may also have the book.

  7. 10 Best Excuses for Not Getting Homework Done

    The number one excuse for not doing your homework is "my computer crashed" or similar, tech-related issues. A teacher may still be annoyed with you, but we all know that technology can be unreliable and most of us have fallen foul to this at some point. You may get a sympathetic teacher.

  8. 3 Ways to Excuse Yourself from Unfinished Homework

    3. Ask a parent to write an excuse for you. A dangerous move, you can forge a note from a parent explaining why you couldn't do your homework. If you decide to forge one, be warned that your teacher might know it's a fake. If you are caught, you face punishment from both your parents and teacher. Method 3.

  9. The Ten Best Excuses for Late Homework from a Teacher Who's Heard

    1. Know how gullible your teacher is. Some teachers will believe anything, especially new teachers. More experienced teachers are much more difficult to fool and more likely to be bitter and jaded. Experienced teachers have also heard most of the lame excuses you have planned. 2. Know how strict your teacher is.

  10. 7 Homework Excuses That Work

    7 Homework Excuses That Work. At some point in our academic journeys, we've all faced the challenge of not having our homework ready for submission. While it's crucial to adhere to deadlines and maintain consistency in our academic responsibilities, there are moments when life throws a curveball that interferes with our best-laid plans.

  11. 10 Best Excuses for Not Getting Homework Done

    This excuse would work best for college and university students. Primary and secondary school teachers usually have an idea of how much homework their colleagues assign and, if they didn't, it would be a snap for them to check. They may start by asking your classmates; their responses might prove embarrassing for you.

  12. 100 FUNNY Excuses for Not Doing Homework (I.e. Lies!)

    Check and mate. Thus concludes our list of the 100 funniest excuses for not doing their homework, all thanks to the countless students who skipped out on their work. Stay on guard though. With the rise of AI and homework excuse generators, the excuses only get more advanced!

  13. Mastering Homework Excuses: Strategies for Effective Response and

    Clich Homework Excuses. We'll begin with the clich excuses that have been used time and time again. While these excuses may feel overused, they still warrant attention to ensure they are appropriately addressed. Some common examples include: - My dog ate my homework. - My computer broke. - My mom forgot it. - The internet was out.

  14. 15 Best Excuses for Late Assignments

    Table of Contents. 15 Best Excuses for Late Assignments. The Occurrence of an Illness. Death of a Family Member. Faking Periods. Hindrance from a Technological Failure. Forgetting the Assignment Notebook. Failure to Understand the Assignment. A Sibling Messing with the Assignment.

  15. Help for Kids Who Forget Homework: Middle & High School Teens

    Forgets to put his name on papers. > Tape a small cue card on his desk that states what to do: 1) write name on paper, 2) turn in homework. > Give the student stick-on name labels. > Have row captains check for names on all papers that are handed in. Previous Article Next Article. Tags: memory, middle school.

  16. 3 Ways to Avoid Getting in Trouble for Not Doing Your Homework

    Make a homework game-plan. Relying on excuses to get you out of homework isn't a good plan for the long-term. If you find yourself frequently forgetting or otherwise not doing your homework, you need a better game-plan. Start by writing down every assignment and its due date as soon as it's assigned.

  17. 11 Excuses for Not Doing Homework (And How to Stop Making Them)

    Excuse #1: You lack the required knowledge. Let your parents and teacher know if you're taking a class and feel as if you lack the necessary skills or knowledge to complete the homework. Ask your teacher for extra guidance so you don't fall too far behind. See if your parents can find the time to help you, or you can look for a tutor.

  18. 30 Good Excuses To Get Out Of Something (That Are Believable)

    8. Simply be honest about it. "I had a long day, and I really don't feel like going anywhere," is a good enough excuse already. Consider simply being honest about why you can't hang out with them, and it might be enough to do the trick. Hey, don't forget that you just need to stay in the zone.

  19. Best Homework Excuses

    There are still ways to make your reasons more plausible. For instance, try to use excuses that don't involve technology. If you say your computer crashed and lost all your work, your teacher will likely ask for a hard copy or proof that you did the task. Second, try to use excuses that are specific to the assignment.

  20. Excuses for Forgetting Homework

    Homework Extension Passes: At the start of each quarter, give each student 1-2 homework extension passes, with opportunities to earn more as the year progresses. When a student provides an excuse for forgetting his homework or a reason for not doing his homework, then he or she can simply turn it in late, with the homework extension pass ...

  21. 3 Ways to Get Out of Doing Homework

    2. Look up the answers online or in the back of the book. Many textbooks have all or half of the answers listed in the back of the book (especially math books). Your teacher may have found the worksheets or questions online, too, so search for the answers online. 3. Act like you did the homework, but forgot it at home.

  22. 10 Homework Excuses: When Good Students Go Bad

    Another variation of forgetfulness the students are inclined to. In teacher's eyes, to forget about homework is as bad as refusing to do it. "I forgot to do my homework" or "I forgot I had a homework" is one of the popular hw excuses and yes, it sounds hardly excusable, only if you manage to convince the teacher you have severe memory ...

  23. 35 Believable Excuses to Miss Work on Short Notice

    1. Illness. Illness is a common reason for missing work on short notice. The specific nature of the illness can range from a mild cold or flu to more serious conditions. Importantly, if you are unwell, it is often better to stay home to rest, recover, and avoid spreading any infectious illness to your coworkers.