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17 Homework Memes That Tell It Like It Is

Because the only one that really likes homework is the dog.


Homework—love it or hate it, it’s a universal experience for most teachers (and students). And while both sides of the homework debate have merit, why not just accept it and have a good laugh? Here, 17 of our favorite homework memes.

1. Dang, they’re on to us.

17 Homework Memes

2. Pulling. Hair. Out.

17 Homework Memes

3. Life is hard.

Willy Wonka

4. Listen to Yoda.

Yoda from Star Wars

5. The REAL reason teachers give homework.


6. Can I get a witness?

Willy Wonka 2

7. Homework as dirty word?

dad helping with homework meme

8. Making a clean getaway.

dad helping with homework meme

9. Teacher reality.

dad helping with homework meme

10. Oh yeah, we know that look.

dad helping with homework meme

11. Help me understand.

dad helping with homework meme

12. If they ask me one more time…

dad helping with homework meme

13. Another teacher reality.

Nobody ever

14. Umm, umm, umm.

dad helping with homework meme

15. Parenting reality.

dad helping with homework meme

16. Say what?!?

dad helping with homework meme

17. It’s not my fault, really.


What are your favorite homework memes? Link us up in the comments!

dad helping with homework meme

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dad helping with homework meme

This dad helping with homework meme perfectly encapsulates the experience of parents trying to help their kids with their school work. From the exasperation in his face to the pencil in his hand, this image is sure to make any parent chuckle. After all, it’s a familiar feeling! Even though he may not understand all the math equations or science theories being taught in school these days, this dad is still doing his best to support his child’s education.The Dad Helping with Homework Meme speaks volumes about the importance of parental involvement. It shows that a parent’s support and guidance can be invaluable in helping their child succeed in their studies. The meme also conveys the message that parents should take an active role in their child’s education by providing support, guidance, and encouragement. Ultimately, this meme serves as a reminder that parental involvement is essential to a child’s educational success.

5 Best Dad Helping with Homework Memes

Dads are often the unsung heroes of the household, always there to lend a helping hand when needed. And when it comes to helping their children with homework, they can be invaluable! From providing sage advice to making light of an otherwise stressful situation, dads can often be the ones that make a difference in a student’s success. With that in mind, we’ve compiled some of the best dad helping with homework memes that will surely make you chuckle and appreciate what dads do for their kids.

The first meme is one that many parents can relate to: “When I said help with homework, I didn’t mean Google it.” This meme speaks to the reality of modern parenting; parents are no longer just providing answers for their children, but instead teaching them how to find answers on their own.

The second meme is a classic: “I’m not sure what’s harder – my math homework or understanding why my dad did it wrong.” This timeless joke speaks to the generations-old struggle between parents and their children over who is better at math – though in this case, it appears as if dad may have been right all along!

The third meme is one of those classic Dad jokes: “My daughter was struggling with her math homework until I showed her how to do it…in my head.” While this joke does contain some truth – dads are often more adept at solving complex problems than they give themselves credit for – the real message here is about fathers being there for their kids in ways they don’t even realize.

The fourth meme takes us back in time: “Me trying to do my son’s math homework vs me trying to do my own math homework.” Whether this is true for you or not, this meme captures the experience of many parents who find themselves being asked by their children to help solve problems that they themselves may have struggled with when they were younger.

Finally, we have one of those moments where dads prove themselves right: “My daughter asked me why 2 + 2 = 4 and I said ‘Because I said so!’ She went off and did her math homework without asking any more questions.” While this may seem like an example of authoritarian parenting at its finest, it speaks volumes about a father’s ability to provide guidance and authority without resorting to unhealthy tactics like shaming or belittling his child.

No matter which type of dad you have, these memes are sure to bring a smile on your face while appreciating all that dads do for their kids. So take some time out today and thank your dad for all his hard work!

Pros of Parents Helping with Homework

Helping your child with their homework can be a great way to strengthen the bond between the two of you, as well as help your child learn important lessons about responsibility and the value of hard work. For younger children, having a parent’s help can encourage them to stay motivated and focused on completing their assignments. With an adult’s help, they can learn how to plan out their time in order to finish their homework before bedtime. Helping your child also allows you to see what they are learning in school and discuss their progress with teachers.

Cons of Parents Helping with Homework

On the other hand, it is important for parents not to become too involved in their child’s homework. Too much help can prevent your child from developing the skills necessary for independent learning. Additionally, parents who take over all the problem solving or writing can send a message that they don’t think their child is capable of doing the work on his or her own. It is best for parents to provide guidance while allowing your child to take ownership of his or her own work.

How to Get Dad to Help with Homework

Getting your dad to help with homework can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. With some communication and understanding, you can work together to make sure that you get the help you need. Here are some tips on how to get your dad involved in helping with homework:

Set Clear Expectations

Before asking your dad for help, make sure that both of you are on the same page about what kind of help you need. Do you need him to check your work? Or do you just need someone to talk through a problem with? Setting clear expectations will ensure that both of you understand what is expected of him and what kind of help he should provide.

Explain How He Can Help

Explain to your dad exactly how he can help. Does he need to read the textbook and explain concepts? Does he have any special skills or knowledge that could be useful for the assignment? By explaining exactly how he can help, it will make it easier for him to understand how his assistance will make an impact on your assignments.

Be Respectful

When asking your dad for help, always be respectful and polite. Remind him that you appreciate his willingness to help and let him know how much it means to you. Showing respect is a great way to get your dad on board with helping out with homework.

It’s important to remember that not everyone learns the same way or at the same pace, so don’t expect too much from your dad right away. Be patient and give him time as he works through the assignment with you. Let him know that there’s no rush and thank him for taking the time out of his own schedule to lend a hand.

Show Appreciation

No matter how small the gesture may seem, always show appreciation when your dad helps out with homework. Letting him know that his efforts are appreciated will encourage him to continue helping out in the future.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to get your dad more involved in helping out with homework without making it seem like a chore or burden for either one of you!

The Benefits of Dads Getting Involved in Their Kids’ Schoolwork

Dads are often seen as the breadwinners and disciplinarians of the family, but research shows that their involvement in their children’s schoolwork can be incredibly beneficial. When dads take the time to get involved in their child’s school work, it helps to improve their academic performance and boost their self-confidence. It also gives parents a better understanding of what their child is learning, and allows them to provide support when needed. Here are some of the key benefits of dads getting involved in their kids’ schoolwork:

1) Improved Academic Performance: Studies have shown that when fathers are actively involved in their children’s education, it leads to improved academic performance. This is because they help to create an atmosphere where learning is seen as an important part of life and can provide encouragement and guidance when needed.

2) Increased Self-Confidence: When a father is involved in his child’s school work, it helps to boost the child’s self-confidence. Knowing that Dad cares about what they are learning and takes the time to help them with any issues they may be having will give them a sense of security and belonging.

3) Better Understanding: Dads who take an active interest in their children’s education will have a better understanding of what they are learning at school. This allows them to provide more tailored support when needed, which is invaluable for a child’s development.

4) Positive Role Model: Lastly, dads who take an active role in their children’s education can provide a positive role model for other family members. Seeing Dad taking an interest in his children’s education sets a great example for other family members who may not have had such support growing up.

Overall, the benefits of dads getting involved in their kids’ schoolwork are clear – it leads to improved academic performance, increased self-confidence, better understanding between parent and child, as well as providing a positive role model for other family members. So if you’re looking for ways to help your child succeed both academically and personally, why not consider getting more involved with their schoolwork?

Tip 1: Create a schedule

Creating a schedule for homework time is the first step in helping your child stay focused and productive. This can be as simple as setting aside a certain amount of time every day for homework. Make sure to include breaks in between tasks so that your child has time to rest and refresh before tackling the next task. Additionally, it’s important to establish a reward system for completing tasks on time so that your child feels motivated and stays on track.

Tip 2: Set up a designated workspace

Having a designated workspace is key to helping your child stay organized during homework time. Make sure the workspace is well-lit and comfortable, as this will help your child focus on their work. It should also include all of the necessary supplies, such as pencils, paper, textbooks, calculators, etc., so that your child has everything they need right at their fingertips.

Tip 3: Monitor progress

It’s important to monitor your child’s progress during homework time to ensure that they are staying on track and completing tasks in a timely manner. Ask questions about what they’re working on and provide support when needed. Additionally, be sure to give positive reinforcement for tasks completed successfully.

Tip 4: Take advantage of technology

Technology can be an incredibly helpful tool when it comes to helping your child stay organized during homework time. For instance, there are many online resources available that can provide additional support for difficult topics or concepts. Additionally, there are apps available that can help keep track of assignments and due dates so that you have an overview of what needs to be done each day.

Provide a Structured Environment

Dads can create a positive environment for their kids to learn and grow. This means providing them with a quiet, comfortable space to focus on their schoolwork. Dads should also ensure that their children have the appropriate materials for completing school assignments, such as pencils, paper, and other supplies. Additionally, dads should provide their children with regular breaks during which they can relax and take a break from schoolwork. This will help kids stay motivated and engaged in their studies.

It is important for dads to set clear expectations when it comes to schoolwork. They should make sure that their children understand what is expected of them in terms of completing assignments on time and following instructions. Dads should also explain why it is important to complete schoolwork and how it will benefit them in the future. Having clear expectations will help keep kids on track with schoolwork and motivated to do well in their studies.

Monitor Progress

Dads should regularly check in on their children’s progress with schoolwork. They should ask questions about what they are learning, review completed assignments, and offer feedback on how they can improve or do better in the future. This will help parents understand how well their child is doing academically and provide an opportunity for them to find areas where they can provide additional support or guidance.

Encourage Time Management Skills

Time management skills are essential for success in school as well as other aspects of life. Dads can teach these skills by helping children set realistic goals for completing assignments, breaking tasks down into smaller steps, setting aside specific times each day for studying, and teaching them how to prioritize tasks based on importance or due dates. Teaching time management skills will help kids become more organized and efficient when it comes to completing schoolwork tasks.

Be a Positive Influence

Dads have an important role in supporting their children’s academic development as well as overall wellbeing. It is important that dads remain positive when talking about school-related topics and encourage their children when they face challenges or difficulties with schoolwork or subjects they find difficult or discouraging. Additionally, dads should praise their child’s efforts and provide words of affirmation when necessary as this can be very beneficial for helping kids stay motivated throughout the year despite any obstacles or setbacks that may occur during the course of the academic year.

The Psychology Behind Dad Helping With Homework Memes

Dads can be a great help when it comes to helping their kids with their homework. But why do dads specifically make such great tutors? There are several psychological reasons behind this phenomenon, as well as a few tips for using dad-helpful memes to make studying a little more fun.

First, dads tend to be more patient and understanding than other family members when it comes to doing homework. Since dads have been through the struggles of school themselves, they understand the difficulty that comes with learning new concepts and completing assignments. They also have a better idea of how long it takes to complete certain tasks, which allows them to provide realistic expectations and encouragement for their children.

Another reason dads are such great tutors is because they can act as an additional source of support and motivation for their kids. Dads often serve as role models for their children, so when they help with homework, it can act as an added incentive for kids to work hard and excel in school. On top of that, having someone there who believes in them can give kids the confidence they need to tackle difficult concepts or tasks.

Finally, dads are often able to bring some much-needed humor into studying sessions. By using funny dad-helpful memes, you can lighten the mood and add some levity into your child’s study time. This can help break up monotony and make studying more enjoyable for both parent and child alike. Plus, it might even encourage your child to take their studies more seriously in the future!

Whether you’re looking for an extra source of support or just want some fun ideas for making studying easier, dad-helpful memes are a great way to get started! Not only will they provide your child with extra motivation and guidance while doing homework, but they can also liven up the atmosphere during study time!

The dad helping with homework meme is a humorous way to recognize the important role of fathers in helping their children with school work. It is a reminder that dads can be an invaluable source of support and assistance, even when it comes to school-related tasks. It also serves as a funny way to show the bond between parent and child. In short, it is a heartwarming reminder that no matter how difficult things may get, dads are always ready to lend a helping hand.

Ultimately, the dad helping with homework meme serves as an amusing way to remind us that parents are not just there for discipline or guidance; they are also there for much-needed support and help. It shows us that even when our kids seem to be struggling with their studies, we can always count on our dads to lend a hand.

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Funny Tweets About The Misery Of Helping Your Kids With Math Homework

Senior Reporter, HuffPost Life

You may think you left math behind when you finished school. But if you have children, you’re in for a rude awakening.

Many parents have used Twitter to lament the days when their children ask for help with their math homework. Even if they manage to recall the skills they once learned, that may not be helpful in the confusion of common core math.

Fortunately, they’ve also found humor in the situation. We’ve rounded up 35 tweets that sum up parents’ frustrations with their kids’ math homework.

10-year-old: Can you help me with my math homework? Me: Yes. 10: *points to the problem* Me: No. — James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) February 9, 2021
I reassure my kids as I help them with their math homework by telling them I took calculus so I think I know a thing or two about being completely confused. — Jessie (@mommajessiec) October 10, 2021
I don't scare easily but I'm petrified when I see my 3rd grader walking towards me with his math homework & an inquisitive look on his face. — Jennifer Lizza (@outsmartedmommy) December 13, 2016
Here’s a little song I wrote about helping kids with their Common Core Math homework, it’s called “We Just Have to Multiply Two Single Digits Why the Fuck Do We Need to Draw a Parallelogram“ and a one and a two — Rodney Lacroix (@RodLacroix) March 14, 2019
Okay, I’m not going to ask how you got there because I won’t understand anyway but the answer book says it’s correct so good job. - me helping my 6yo with his math and nailing it — Life at Tiffany’s (@lifeattiffanys) February 14, 2019
I used to be an atheist until my 8YO started asking for help with her math homework — Vinod Chhaproo (@Chhapiness) September 27, 2021
My only real argument for having multiple children is that the older one will eventually be able to help the younger one with Common Core math. — SpacedMom (@copymama) April 27, 2021
Store clerk: May I help you? Me: I hope so. Sweetie go get your math homework, this nice woman is going to help us. — Simon Holland (@simoncholland) March 13, 2018
I’ve decided to let my son only watch TV for 3 more weeks because it’ll be better than the both of us crying over common core math — That Mom Tho (@mom_tho) March 25, 2020
What wine pairs well with Common Core math? — Jessie (@mommajessiec) August 24, 2020
10YR OLD: dad, can you help me with my math homework? ME: *throws smoke bomb* — Andy H. (@AndyAsAdjective) January 31, 2017
I don’t like to swear in front of my kids but I also don’t like to help them with their math homework, so I may have just angrily referred to fractions as “fucktions!” — Dad and Buried (@DadandBuried) March 12, 2019
Allie has 5 oranges, she gives 3 away. How many does she have left? Common Core Math: Round up to the nearest 100, take away half. Draw a number line and count up 10. Do 15 jumping jacks while you subtract. Take away the sum of the quotient of the total to get the answer. — ThisOneSaysBOOO (@ThisOneSayz) November 4, 2019
Just got my ass handed to me by my kid's 2nd grade math homework. — Unfiltered Mama (@UnfilteredMama) March 16, 2017
Can't figure out 7th grade son's math homework -- despite using his book, Google, Wikipedia, and about five wine coolers. — Steve Olivas (@steveolivas) October 27, 2016
Whenever I have to help my kids with their New New Math worksheets, I end up giving myself pep talks like some kind of Aaron Sorkin character ("I actually went to a very good school!") before I give up/google grade-school math tutorials. So that's what keeps me humble, Barbara. — Nicole Chung (@nicolesjchung) September 18, 2018
*12 comes to me with math homework 12: Can you do this? Me: Son, I got older so I wouldn't have to. — The Alex Nevil (@TheAlexNevil) October 4, 2021
Hi sweetie, doing your math homework? 2nd grader: Yes, 27 + 41 = 68 but our teacher makes us [spends 30 minutes drawing number lines, groups of ten, shaded blocks, etc.] do it this way. — Simon Holland (@simoncholland) October 24, 2018
I tried to slow cook a pot roast this morning by plugging in the toaster, but sure son, let me help you with your math homework. — Sara Says Stop (@PetrickSara) February 16, 2018
You can’t make me cry; you’re not my daughter’s 2nd grade math homework. — Jessie (@mommajessiec) January 28, 2021
Couldn't hate 2nd grade math enough? Try having kids. — AparnaRC (@Wordesse) September 11, 2021
Let's get married and have kids so instead of going to happy hour you can make a boxed dinner while I figure out common core math homework. — Simon Holland (@simoncholland) November 3, 2016
[checking common core math] 8-year-old: Is it right? Me: Turn around. I'm definitely not going to Google this. — James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) February 20, 2019
school administrator: we need something to make parents feel like complete and utter dipshits in front of their children pretty much every single night. guy who invented common core math: oooh, have i got a treat for you. — JB 4Realz (@JB4Realz) September 25, 2018
Murder By Numbers is my favorite movie about helping my kids with their math homework — Sweet Momissa (@sweetmomissa) October 29, 2020
Me, to 10yo: The first step in doing your math homework is *starts crying* — Jessie (@mommajessiec) October 8, 2018
You can either have a nice evening or you can help your child with their math homework. You can’t have both. — Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) March 20, 2019
Before kids: I will never swear in front of my precious angels. After kids: WTF is this math homework?! — MyQuestionableLife (@2questionable) December 13, 2017
This new math will always leave me like #fourthgrademath #commoncore pic.twitter.com/rrhEb8Yjk8 — Nicole Blades (@NicoleBlades) January 15, 2019
'You are a strong, capable and intelligent woman.' I mutter to myself, as I use my fingers to count while reviewing my kid's math homework. — Moderately Mom (@moderately_mom) November 7, 2019
One day someone will ask my kids if they ever saw their dad cry and they will think about the time with the math homework. — Simon Holland (@simoncholland) October 24, 2019
13 out of 10 parents have difficulty helping their kids with Common Core math homework. — HowToBeADad (@HowToBeADad) October 2, 2017
That wasn't a typo, it's the new common core spelling. No one understands it, but it's supposed to be better for some reason. — Anecdotal Birthcontrol (@AnecdtlBrthCtrl) May 21, 2019
[homework] Child: It says "solve for X" Me: Well, look at our clock with Roman numerals on it. Child: Um. Ok. Me: What number is "X?" Child [counting]: 10. Me: Right. X is always 10. Child: OH OKAY. [writing answer] Me: Wife: You know they'll end up living at home right? — Rodney Lacroix (@RodLacroix) January 21, 2020
*Arrives in Hell* Devil: Here, help these 5th graders with common core math — Jo Bean (@jobrowneyes) October 24, 2018

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  5. 17 Homework Memes That Tell It Like It Is

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  9. Son helping dad with homework : r/memes

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  10. Dads are the worst to help you with homework... : r/memes

    Dads are the worst to help you with homework... 2 Share. Sort by: Add a Comment. nikko---. • 2 yr. ago. Fun tip : getting better than your dad at maths so you can teach him and yell at him. 3. Reply.

  11. dad helping with homework meme

    5 Best Dad Helping with Homework Memes. Dads are often the unsung heroes of the household, always there to lend a helping hand when needed. And when it comes to helping their children with homework, they can be invaluable! From providing sage advice to making light of an otherwise stressful situation, dads can often be the ones that make a ...

  12. Funny Tweets About The Misery Of Helping Your Kids With Math Homework

    I mutter to myself, as I use my fingers to count while reviewing my kid's math homework. One day someone will ask my kids if they ever saw their dad cry and they will think about the time with the math homework. 13 out of 10 parents have difficulty helping their kids with Common Core math homework.

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    Nah, my dad's just really bad at math but is also the only one with time to help. He overcomplicates it. Like, my dad explaining math is doing 29 backflips and 80 push-ups to get the answer, meanwhile my teacher is like, you were supposed to do 1 jumping jack…. Then he gets frustrated that I get frustrated and says "I'm Done!".

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    Listen. It's the trend nowadays to teach kids "higher order thinking" and "Bloom's taxonomy" etc. etc. So, here how it goes in my country. My kid gets math homework at Primary 1 with this question: 56 + ? = 99. Of course they put a cutesy box where ? is but the example given in the text book is 9 + ? = 10.

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    Sure will dad, sure will. Haha everytime my father asks me "You got any problems with your homework" , I'd 99.99% say no ; because a 2 minute solution to a question can turn into a 2 hour solution to a question (including the "nono ur teacher is wrong just use my way" and rants)