Ashley Maier, MSW, MPA

How to Handle Stress and Anxiety in College

Practical advice beyond the all-too-commonly-prescribed meditation and exercise..

Posted July 31, 2021 | Reviewed by Tyler Woods

  • What Is Stress?
  • Find a therapist to overcome stress
  • Stress and anxiety is a reality in college and psychology courses are no exception.
  • There are a number of practical ways to handle the stress and anxiety that college can provoke.
  • The solutions may not be what you expect.

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

With college comes anxiety . Deadlines, grades, performance pressure…if you’re not feeling it, are you even in college?

I know there is a lot out there about how unfair it is for classes to cause stress. Test time limits are stressful and unfair, due dates are anxiety-provoking and unjust, rules are oppression.

We can continue having those debates, but in the meantime, how do we deal with the reality?

Introductory psychology students, for example, are usually getting used to the expectations of college, a transition from dependent to independent learning, while learning a new formal writing style, learning how to find and understand research, practicing critical thinking skills, and studying the approximately 5 million topics that come in an introductory course.

So, what are some practical ways to handle the stress and anxiety college can invoke?

Assume Good Intent

The student is there to earn points. The professor is not there to take them away. That small shift in perspective can do wonders. Professors want students to learn and tend to do everything they can to make that happen, but understand that professors are not free agents.

Photo by jose aljovin on Unsplash

I stole that line directly from my colleague, Janet Carney-Clarke. As she reminds her students, instructors are beholden to government regulations, school policies, and rules of the department. In other words, professors can’t just “do whatever they want.” There are rules we have to follow, too.

Tragically, the professor-student relationship is too often framed as one of enemy combatants. No, no, no! Students are there to learn and professors are there to facilitate learning. We are each partners in the learning process; each role has responsibilities and expectations.

Check Expectations

“I didn’t do the assignment because you didn’t remind me to do it.” –former student

“I got some questions wrong and didn’t get all of my points. I deserve all of my points!” –former student

“I can’t come to class this semester due to my schedule, so I need you to repeat your lectures in office hours.” –former student

Where do I begin? Students who do best in college understand the expectations at that level, even if they don’t agree with them. This becomes an equity issue when some students are exposed to them far in advance and some never are. In fact, I can’t tell you how many high school sophomores and juniors take my introductory psychology courses.

Learning college-level expectations, let alone taking college-level coursework, in high school is quite a privilege. Almost every college and university, however, now offers preparatory courses for students who have not had that advantage. Take them!

Photo by Christina (at) wocintechchat (dot) com on Unsplash

Take Advantage of Office Hours

I was scared of some of my professors. With courage, I got myself through that office door and into drop-in hours. Doing so was truly giving a gift to myself. Frankly, office hours are what single-handedly pulled my grade up from a D to an A in Psychology of the Law.

Professors (and teaching assistants) get paid for office hours. Trust me, they are often sitting there waiting, just waiting, for a student to come in. Be that student!

Utilize School Resources

Schools have resources to help students. There are so many! And they often go under-utilized. Student health services usually offer support to students experiencing anxiety and stress and, in my experience, students tell me that they benefitted greatly. The point is, there are free resources available to students that really help. Ask professors, search online, they’re there and they are waiting to be used.

One thing to keep in mind, especially if you’re a psychology (or related discipline) student: Your instructor is not your therapist. They can’t be. The person in charge of your grade should never provide you clinical guidance. Sure, professors can give you resources and suggestions, but students should never seek therapy from an instructor…even if that instructor is a therapist in another life.

assignment anxiety college

Use Other Free Resources

In the age of, “Take care of yourself!” there are approximately one billion apps and free meditation /relaxation tools out there, beyond resources provided by schools. One I love to share with students is U.C. Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center. Specifically, they have an action center that offers science-backed activities that help with relaxation, stress, happiness , optimism , and so much more. I particularly appreciate that each activity provides a study backing why it works.

In psychology, we know that a sense of accomplishment has great benefits for confidence , self-esteem , and the like. So, take that scary test. Draft that frightening paper. Do it! Experience matters. Not only will accomplishing the anxiety-provoking task literally end that anticipatory stress, but it will also tell your brain that you can do this again in the future, thus reducing your stress. You succeeded!

Not What You Expected?

Meditation, exercise, taking breaks: Those are the expected solutions in a “take care of yourself” world, and for good reason—they work. But in an environment of prolonged stress and anxiety like college, the above solutions just may help go beyond the Band-Aid and provide healing deeper into the wound.

Ashley Maier, MSW, MPA

Ashley Maier teaches psychology at Los Angeles Valley College.

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7 Ways to Manage Stress and Anxiety in College

assignment anxiety college

“Stress” is a word that college students know all too well, but as millions of students are sent home due to the coronavirus disease, stress levels are at an all-time high. Adjusting to online classes, managing family dynamics, and wrestling with job prospects can seem overwhelming. Fortunately, there are still many ways to cope with stress at home.

1.    Maintain Routines

Develop a new routine to help you eat, sleep, stay active, and complete your assignments on a regular basis. People thrive with healthy habits. A routine will help you create a sense of normalcy and balance.

2.    Dedicate Productive Space

People associate certain spaces with certain activities. Make sure to create a space especially for schoolwork. By doing this, you will be more productive and consistent.

3.    Stay Social, Yet Apart

Don’t cut out interaction just because it is not face-to-face anymore. Keep up with friends through technology (chat, Facetime, or group calls). Social contact is needed now more than ever.

4.    Pursue Hobbies

Consider pursuing a new hobby while at home. It’s never too late to learn something new. What’s something you’ve always wanted to learn but never had time? You can teach yourself almost anything with YouTube videos and tik tok videos.

5.    Take A Break from Schoolwork

Feeling frustrated? Try taking a break. Walking away from a problem for a while can help you clear your mind.

6.    Participate in a Digital Cleanse

Take a break from technology for at least an hour every day. Since the quarantine, many activities are dependent on technology -- and screen time has dramatically increased. Too much screen time can contribute to higher levels of stress. As hard as it is, put your technology down for a little bit each day.

7.    Online Counseling

Counseling may be available to students through their college or insurance. As anxiety and stress issues continue to grow, many counselors are offering virtual sessions. Remember, mental health is important. There is no shame in reaching out for help.

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Anxiety in College Students: Causes, Statistics & How Universities Can Help

Woman college student walking on campus with an anxious expression

Anxiety and depression are the two most common reasons that students seek mental health services, according to the  Center for Collegiate Mental Health 2017 Annual Report  from Penn State University. While the incidence of all other mental illnesses reported by college students has declined or remained flat, these two mental health conditions have shown year-over-year increases.

Many types of anxiety disorders can afflict college students. According to the  Mayo Clinic , symptoms of anxiety include nervousness, unease, a sense of impending danger or doom, sweating and trembling, inability to maintain focus, uncontrollable worry, and insomnia. Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by feelings of restlessness, fatigue, and difficulty maintaining focus, according to the  U.S. National Institute of Mental Health  (NIMH). Anxiety is present in such specialized disorders as phobia-related illnesses caused by an inordinate fear of certain items or situations, such as germs or confined spaces.

Anxiety is similar to other mental health illnesses in being difficult for diagnosticians to identify and sufferers to acknowledge. People experiencing chronic anxiety often avoid places and activities that may trigger these feelings, which negatively affects their quality of life. They often downplay the impact of anxiety on their day-to-day lives, or they simply may not realize they are dealing with a potentially serious mental health condition.

However, here are some tips to help effectively treat anxiety which can enable a person afflicted with the disorder to live a normal, healthy life. This guide explores the causes and symptoms of anxiety in college students, as well as current and long-term health impacts from the condition and the ways universities are helping students who suffer from anxiety.

Facts and Statistics About Anxiety in College Students

The  U.S. Census Bureau  reports that in 2017, more than 18 million students were enrolled in college in the U.S. According to figures compiled by  Statista , nearly three out of four of these students have experienced a sense of “overwhelming anxiety” at some time, and just under 30% report having felt overwhelming anxiety in the previous two weeks. Here are other statistics that examine the impact of anxiety on college students.

Prevalence of Anxiety in College Students

That so many college students are affected by anxiety is not surprising. Students often have to manage heavy loads of coursework, in addition to participating in extracurricular activities and holding part-time or full-time jobs. Students must also cope with the stress of choosing a new career based on their education goals. Despite anxiety being so prevalent among college students, university officials may not be aware of the damage anxiety can cause to students, nor know how to properly address the disorder.

Anxiety is prevalent among college students in part because they are in the midst of a major life transition. Lois M. Collins writes in the  Deseret News  that “college students may have a unique vulnerability because mental illness often appears amid the transition from childhood to adulthood.” The everyday stresses and demands of the academic environment also contribute to students’ feelings of anxiety.

Additional Mental Health Afflictions College Students May Experience

In addition to anxiety, college students may suffer from other mental health conditions. It is understandable for college students to feel sad or anxious on occasion, but the feelings usually pass in a matter of days. Depression and anxiety may cause these negative emotions to persist and affect all aspects of the student’s life, however. The  Mayo Clinic  describes “college depression” not as a separate clinical diagnosis but rather as the onset of depression that starts during college. Symptoms of “college depression” include persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness, angry outbursts, loss of interest in hobbies and activities, and a sense of worthlessness.

Students with mental health disorders may face unique challenges during their time on campus. According to the  National Alliance on Mental Illness , adults who have schizophrenia or bipolar disorder are more likely to drop out of college than those who do not have a psychiatric diagnosis. Other mental health conditions that college students may suffer from include eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance abuse disorders.

Anxiety’s Effects After Students Leave College

Beyond the short-term effects of anxiety, the condition can have a long-term impact on college students, sometimes extending long after they’ve graduated. The  Mayo Clinic  notes that generalized anxiety disorder can precede other mental health problems, or it may worsen a preexisting health condition, such as headaches and migraines, heart disease, and chronic pain.

Additionally, anxiety can play a role in a person’s recovery from another illness. Writing for  Johns Hopkins Medicine , Una McCann, MD, describes how anxiety can impair a person’s recovery from a heart attack by interfering with the patient’s prescribed medications or preventing sleep during recovery, among other complications. “Anxiety disorders come with a high degree of fear and uncertainty,” Dr. McCann writes. “When this fear and uncertainty keep the heart attack or heart disease patient from following the advice and treatment plan of their cardiologist, it can have a major impact on recovery.”

Treatment and Support for Anxiety in College Students

Although anxiety is a serious mental health condition, effective treatments are available to prevent the condition from impairing the education of a college student. The resources described here help students overcome anxiety and lead a happier, healthier life.

University Mental Health Resources

In conjunction with on-campus clinics and hospitals that provide the full gamut of health services to students, faculty, staff, and the community, most colleges and universities offer a range of mental health services geared specifically to the needs of students. For example, The Center for Student Wellbeing  at Duquesne University offers free, confidential  University Counseling Services  to enrolled students to help them overcome anxiety and deal with other mental health conditions. Additionally, the university offers a crisis support line, therapy groups, and workshops that give students the opportunity to discuss their problems as a component of their recovery.  The Duquesne Wellbeing Resources  page offers tips and links to sources for more information about anxiety, stress, depression, and sleep disorders, among other mental health topics.

However, many universities struggle to provide their students with robust mental health services. Students often have to cut through red tape within the institution, and funding such programs and initiatives becomes increasingly difficult in light of the continual belt-tightening at most schools. As Caroline Simon writes in  USA Today , demand for mental health services for college students is increasing at a time when scarce resources make it nearly impossible for schools to hire sufficient counselors to meet the demand. The result is students having to wait weeks before a counselor is available, or once treatment starts, students may be limited to a set number of sessions with the counselor.

External Health Clinics

College students facing anxiety may find that the resources offered by mental health clinics outside their campus community provide the most effective treatment for their conditions. The resources include consulting with mental health practitioners operating in public health facilities and in private offices.

The  Mayo Clinic  describes potential treatment options for individuals who suffer from anxiety:  psychotherapy, medications, clinical trials, lifestyle coaching, home remedies, support groups, behavior modification, and alternative medicine, such as herbal and dietary supplements. College students who have health insurance through their school or another provider may receive therapy or medications through the mental health services of their insurers.

Support Groups for Students with Anxiety

College students suffering from anxiety may find relief by discussing the progress of their recovery with others who have the same condition or other firsthand experience with anxiety. The  Anxiety and Depression Association of America  (ADAA) provides an extensive directory of support groups for individuals dealing with anxiety and other mental health issues. Students who would like to start an anxiety support group to help their peers will find instructions for doing so on the ADAA  Start a Support Group  page.

Tips for Addressing Anxiety in College Students

Anxiety in college students goes far beyond the typical worrying about picking a major or cramming for a final exam. The illness can be debilitating, preventing students from completing their studies and affecting them long after they have left school. Anxiety impacts millions of individuals across the country, but the symptoms and effects of the disorder on a given individual are unique. Understanding the wide-ranging effects of anxiety enables faculty, staff, and other students to recognize the full scope of the illness and empathize with those afflicted by it.

Anxiety is an Illness that Needs to Be Taken Seriously

Even with the growing awareness of the detrimental impact of anxiety, college students may find that peers and instructors do not take their battle with anxiety seriously. More outreach is required to ensure that those suffering from the illness receive proper treatment. The Mayo Clinic  Anxiety Disorders  page provides helpful tips for coping with anxiety, such as discovering what may trigger stress in a person, learning time management techniques, devising an individualized treatment plan, and strictly following the treatment plan.

It may not be immediately apparent to college students when a peer is suffering from anxiety. The behavior and other symptoms characteristic of an anxiety disorder may be perceived by others as strange or bizarre. It is also difficult for students who have experienced the normal, everyday stress and anxiety of college life to fully comprehend the debilitating effects of a full-blown anxiety disorder.

Because anxiety symptoms and effects vary from person to person, effective treatment starts by acknowledging the potential severe impact the illness can have on a person. It is counterproductive to downplay the seriousness of the malady by labeling the symptoms as nothing more than standard “jitters.”

Helping Students Overcome Anxiety Begins with Support

Anxiety is a widespread mental health condition that is also one of the most misunderstood. By showing your support for students who suffer from anxiety, you let them know that they are not alone in their struggle. Remind these students that they are welcome in the campus community, whether by attending an anxiety support group with a peer who has anxiety or by starting a support group or organization on campus. All will be rewarded by sharing in the contributions these students make to society once they return to health and begin their careers.

Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Start a Support Group

Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Support Groups

The Conversation, “1 in 5 College Students Have Anxiety or Depression. Here’s Why”

Deseret News , “The New Campus Crisis: How Anxiety Is Crippling College Kids Across the Country”

Duquesne University, Confidentiality

Duquesne University, Counseling & Wellbeing: Services

Duquesne University, Wellbeing Resources

Johns Hopkins Medicine, Anxiety and Heart Disease

Mayo Clinic, Anxiety Disorders

Mayo Clinic, “College Depression: What Parents Need to Know”

National Alliance on Mental Illness, “A Diagnosis of Mental Illness Need Not End a College Career”

Penn State University Center for Collegiate Mental Health, 2017 Annual Report

Statista, “Percentage of U.S. College Students that Had Ever Felt Overwhelming Anxiety as of Fall 2018”

U.S. Census Bureau, “More than 76 Million Students Enrolled in U.S. Schools, Census Bureau Reports”

U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, Anxiety Disorders

USA Today , “More and More Students Need Mental Health Services. But Colleges Struggle to Keep Up”

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College Success

How You Deal With College Anxiety

06.30.2023 • 11 min read

Jennifer Rivera

Subject Matter Expert

Learn how to deal with anxiety in college. Read about what anxiety is, why anxiety relief is essential, and tips on dealing with anxiety.

In This Article

What Is Anxiety?

The importance of anxiety relief, why are college students susceptible to anxiety, 8 signs of anxiety.

What Should I Avoid If I Feel Anxious?

10 Tips To Deal with Anxiety

Let’s face it: the college experience sounds like a recipe for anxiety. You have to balance class assignments, work and school schedules, new relationships, a budget… oh yeah, and find time to take care of yourself.

The constant stress levels never seem to decrease as you keep adding one more thing to your list.

“If only summer would get here sooner!” you think to yourself.

If you have anxiety about school and don’t know how to separate anxiety and college, keep reading. This article will discuss college anxiety and relief strategies so you can understand and cope with college anxiety.

Are you feeling anxious? Especially about college classes and responsibilities? If you have applied for college and you’re anxious about keeping up with everything, you’re not alone. Many students feel the same way.

In the spring of 2022, nearly 35% of college students were diagnosed with some form of anxiety. While the pandemic certainly didn’t help, these trends have been on the upswing for some time. Many more college students may experience anxiety even if they haven’t been formally diagnosed.

Anxiety is a feeling of fear or terror over non-life-threatening situations. Repeated instances of these feelings may point to an anxiety disorder.

Here are 5 common types of anxiety:

1. Anticipatory Anxiety

This type of anxiety means you’re playing events over in your head long before they happen, and actually experiencing dread or fear over them, sometimes for weeks in advance.

2. Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is when we’re worried and fearful about being away from a place or a person/people. While this is normal at some stages in life (e.g., babies, toddlers), this becomes more problematic for young adults and adults.

3. Test Anxiety

As the name suggests, this kind of anxiety occurs when you’re fearful during a test. This doesn’t ‌ have to be the paper/pencil kind of test, but can expand to cover any ‌ evaluation—like a driving test, for example.

4. Social Anxiety

This kind of anxiety isn’t only about being in social places; it’s more the fear of being judged harshly or being watched by other people. Even imagining this kind of scenario can bring on bouts of panic.

5. Generalized Anxiety

Generalized anxiety can explain a multitude of different triggers for anxiety, and often people with generalized anxiety can feel many of the types of anxiety described above, as well as a host of other triggers for anxiety.

Alleviating your anxiety is crucial because anxiety can harm your physical and mental well-being. Long-term anxiety adds stress to your body. This stress can reduce the function of your immune system and cause depression.

Due to these severe consequences, it’s important to recognize anxiety early and use strategies to relieve it. Anxiety is not something to fear since some anxiety is normal, but awareness is key.

Everyone faces anxiety, but for many college students, anxiety runs high. The chart below shows anxiety and stress statistics related to college students:

Table with statistics of stress and anxiety in college students

As you can see, anxiety and depression are linked. Both can impact your grades and ability to succeed in college. In fact, anxiety tends to work on a cycle: you get anxious due to an upcoming test, you perform poorly due to the anxiety, and then you feel even more anxious about school.

While anxiety in students does ebb and flow, it’s almost always there, sitting below the surface, ready to break out. It’s important to get a handle on anxiety as a college student so it doesn’t become a chronic disorder in adulthood.

Understanding the cycle of your anxiety and recognizing it is the first step toward working on it. Once you notice anxiety rising, you can start to alleviate it.

Many, many people suffer from anxiety— 19.1% of the adult population. College students are even more vulnerable to anxiety because of the immense change they experience during this time. These changes bring with them a variety of reasons to experience anxiety.

Here are a few examples of the challenges that can create anxiety in college students:


For many college students who go away for college, this may be the first time they’re not living with family. It takes time to make friends and build a new support system. In the beginning, students are vulnerable to separation anxiety and loneliness.

Difficulty Balancing Responsibilities

Nearly every adult struggles to find a work/life balance. Some college students are experiencing this for the first time and have to learn how to balance school, friends, and work all at once.

Older students ‌still living at home may be trying to fit school into their already established work and family balance. This can cause anxiety.

Social Pressure

Many new opportunities in college exist to form friendships: social activities, clubs, projects, and trips. We also have unspoken expectations for what ‌groups to join, which parties to attend, and how to do college the “right” way—a definition that varies for every college student.

Deciding how to handle these social situations, external judgments, and stressors can lead to anxiety, especially social anxiety.

Financial Problems

College is expensive. Many students—and‌ their families—make great sacrifices to attend. Creating a budget is essential for college students.

It isn’t just balancing work, life, and school that can make you anxious. It can also be the “what ifs” or the thought of student loan balances piling up. Knowing family members have put in extra work to get you to college can bring on anxiety.

Fear of the Future

While some college students have a clear idea of their future goals during and after college, many don’t. There’s constant pressure to know or decide what you’ll do after college.

Feeling uncertain or insecure about your future can cause stress and lead to anxiety.

Negative and Critical Self-Thoughts

Academic pressure, social expectations, financial insecurity, and uncertainty about your future can lead to critical self-thoughts. A college student overly critical of their success may feel they aren’t good enough to be in college. These negative and critical self-thoughts can bring on anxiety.

Do you think you might suffer from anxiety? You should talk to your doctor or counselor about your anxiety.

Here are some signs to look for:

1. Nervousness

If you are experiencing fear or worry frequently and in a variety of situations, that could be a sign of anxiety.

2. Losing Focus Quickly

Anxiety can interfere with our ability to focus. Students experience various stimuli on college campuses. But if you find yourself losing focus quickly when studying or with multiple other tasks, anxiety may be to blame.

3. Excessive Worry

It’s normal to worry about taking a test. But you may find yourself also worrying about ‌tasks like: where you’ll sit during the test, whether you should bring something to drink since it’s a long test, whether your instructor will think you’re cheating if you look up during the test—and what you’ll do if that happens.

This kind of downward spiral thinking (also called catastrophizing) can be a sign of anxiety.

4. Insomnia

If you can’t get enough sleep because your brain is continually “on” and thoughts are racing through your head that you can’t turn off, anxiety may be the cause.

People with anxiety often remain awake replaying conversations or scenarios, or worrying about future events. They may have trouble falling asleep, experience less fulfilling sleep (REM sleep) every night, or have vivid nightmares.

Unfortunately, lack of sleep makes anxiety symptoms worse, and anxiety makes it harder to fall asleep, so people with anxiety may become caught in an unhealthy cycle that affects their mood and ability to function throughout the day.

5. Missing Deadlines

Continually missing deadlines can be a sign of anxiety.

This can mean having a hard time keeping track of deadlines, or it can also manifest as procrastination. You know the deadlines are coming, but you convince yourself you can get this done “later,” and then you can’t.

While these things can happen to anyone, seeing them as a pattern might be a cue to talk to your health and wellness center or medical professional about getting screened for anxiety.

6. Isolation

Students isolate themselves for many reasons.

Isolating yourself to study for a big test or write that final paper is completely understandable. But if you find yourself becoming isolated only because you “don’t want to be around people” or so you don’t have to “deal with everything,” that might be anxiety talking.

Isolation can potentially make your feelings of anxiety worse.

7. Eating Disorders

Eating disorders and anxiety often go hand-in-hand and can make each other worse.

The more anxious you are about your appearance, the more likely you may be to engage in unhealthy eating behaviors. If you suspect an eating disorder, it’s essential that you seek medical assistance and talk to professionals about anxiety too.

8. Cycles of Negative Self-Talk

If we were as unkind to others as we ‌are to ourselves, we would be shocked and ashamed to hear those words come out of our mouths.

We can become so used to negative self-talk that we often don’t hear ourselves saying such things until we pay attention. This kind of self-talk can accentuate anxiety. Luckily, with practice, the cycle of unhelpful self-talk can be broken.

What Should I Avoid if I Feel Anxious?

If you’re feeling anxious (whether it’s an anxiety disorder or not), you can avoid things that increase your symptoms.

Caffeine is a stimulant. It’s meant to wake you up (or keep you awake) and put you into high gear, but it doesn’t discriminate. If your anxiety is heightened, more caffeine will likely increase your anxiety even more. Instead, choose a brisk walk or a cool shower to wake you up.

Non-Prescribed Drugs and Alcohol

Some people may experiment with drugs and alcohol to help dull their anxiety. While this may appear to work in the short term, the drugs and alcohol actually increase the symptoms of anxiety in many cases.

Similarly, these substances can only dull your anxiety until your body adjusts to them, which means needing more and more alcohol and/or drugs to get the same effects. This is a dangerous cycle that won’t cure anxiety.

Energy Drinks and Supplements

Similar to caffeinated drinks, energy supplements are designed to put your whole body on alert.

If you’re already on alert—focused on all the things that worry you— these supplements can send your feelings of worry and anxious thoughts to another level.

Social Media

While you aren’t going to avoid social media altogether (probably), it’s a good idea to know your limits.

Students often use social media as a coping mechanism for anxiety, and there’s now a great deal of research to show how too much social media can have a negative effect on our health and wellness.

While you don’t have to cut it out completely, think about setting limits on your phone or only using social media on your computer (not your phone).

10 Tips to Deal With Anxiety

If you’re coping with college anxiety or have general anxiety about school, you can take self-advocacy steps to reduce your anxiety symptoms. Use these anxiety relief strategies so you can get the most out of college.

1. Take Prescription Medication Regularly

Taking irregular doses of prescription medication will confuse your body and will not provide anxiety relief.

Set a time, place, and routine to take your meds, and then stick to it. Make sure your medical providers are aware of everything you’re taking so they can avoid any interactions between medications.

2. Set Boundaries

It’s important to socialize in college and go to class, but it’s also important to set boundaries. If a person stresses you out, find ways to spend less time with them.

If you’re anxious about joining in socially, try one small event that’s public and open, where you can easily walk away. Then challenge yourself to stay a little longer at the next one.

Know what boundaries work for you, and be aware of when your boundaries are too severe and leading to isolation.

3. Connect with People

Even when you feel like avoiding people, push yourself to make connections with people at least several times a week. While it may feel anxiety-inducing at first, social connections can actually help reduce anxiety.

If you’re anxious about living on campus, taking tests, or just that one class, talk to a friend or counselor about these issues. It helps to know you aren’t the only one dealing with them.

4. Connect with Disability Services

Even if you haven’t been officially diagnosed with anxiety, connect with the Disability Services Office on campus. Often, they have tips and ideas to lessen your anxiety symptoms.

Disability Services can help you understand how to see a healthcare professional to test for anxiety and what services or accommodations you might be eligible for if you are diagnosed with anxiety.

5. Talk With Your Professors

This can be so helpful, even if it is intimidating. Many college students experience anxiety and depression, and professors are becoming more educated on talking with students suffering from these disorders.

Have a conversation with your professors at the beginning of the semester. Make them aware of any accommodations you have through Disability Services, and give them a chance to ask any questions.

If you end up missing class or an assignment due to anxiety, don’t hide. Contact your professor immediately. While you may have to accept the consequences, there also may be something you can work out with your professor. This is more likely if you talked with them at the beginning of the semester.

6. Get Professional Assistance

If you believe you suffer from anxiety, depression, or any other mental health issue, go see a medical professional or a mental health professional.

You can get a correct diagnosis and discuss options for therapy and/or medication. If you aren’t (or don’t want to be) diagnosed, you can still seek counseling assistance at your college to help you cope with anxiety. Look for the counseling center, mental health services, or perhaps the clinic at your university.

7. Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

Staying as healthy as possible can do wonders for your mental health. Make sure you are eating enough (and eating a healthy, balanced diet), sleeping enough , and getting regular exercise.

If you can get a handle on those 3 things and practice self-care , you’ll be shocked at the positive difference it will make.

8. Establish Routines

One of the most underrated things you can do to manage anxiety is to establish routines. Routines help take the decision-making out of everyday tasks, so you don’t have to think about what comes next.

Routines can also help you feel accomplished and keep you on track with things like taking medication, eating a healthy diet, and getting regular exercise.

9. Plan Ahead

Get out your planner (electronic or paper) and plan ahead. Write out all your major assignments for the semester. Do the minor ones too, if it doesn’t give you too much anxiety seeing all that writing!

Think about your weekly class schedule and plan when you’ll study each subject. Plan your downtime and mental health breaks too. By learning how to manage your time in college, you will be able to use these skills for the rest of your life.

10. Relax, Take Breaks!

Some days you’ll want to bury your head under the covers and sleep the day away. Before you do, stop and think: have you planned any breaks for yourself?

If not, that’s an issue. Not having downtime will most certainly whip your anxiety into a frenzy. So before it gets there, plan some time to relax.

That means taking the time to detach from school, work, or anything that might cause anxiety. If you do have one of those days where you literally can’t get out of bed, contact the professors of the classes you’re going to miss and explain the situation. Take your mental health day, and then go over this list to see what you can do proactively to help your mental health.

One final note. If you find yourself thinking of harming yourself or someone else, please act immediately. Dial 988 in the U.S. for the National Suicide Hotline to get assistance immediately.

Anxiety can be a real struggle, and being diagnosed with a mental disorder can be scary. If you’re experiencing symptoms like panic attacks, they can leave you feeling helpless, but you do have the power to improve the situation.

When you follow these coping strategies and seek professional help, you can work through anxiety and find success in college.

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Anxiety in College: Here is what you need to do

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The transition to college is a pivotal moment in a young person’s life, filled with expectations of newfound freedom, personal growth, and exciting opportunities. However, for many students, it also brings forth a unique set of challenges that can lead to anxiety. In this comprehensive article, we will delve deeply into the multifaceted issue of anxiety in college, elucidating its complex causes, nuanced symptoms, and, most importantly, offering a plethora of practical strategies to not only manage but also alleviate this prevalent concern.

Understanding College-related Anxiety

The college transition.

Undoubtedly, the journey from high school to college is an exhilarating one. Yet, the sudden shift to an unfamiliar environment, away from the comforts of home and the familiar faces of childhood friends, can be overwhelming. This abrupt change can trigger a sense of disorientation, alienation, and anxiety as students navigate this new phase of life.

Academic Pressure

Perhaps the most prominent source of anxiety in college is the heightened academic pressure. College coursework is known for its rigorous demands, far surpassing the academic challenges encountered in high school. The fear of failure, the relentless pursuit of stringent deadlines, and the perpetual need to maintain impeccable grades all contribute to the escalating stress levels experienced by college students.

Social Anxiety

For many students, college represents the first significant departure from the safety net of family and familiar surroundings. The prospect of forming new social bonds, making friends, and finding one’s place within a sea of unfamiliar faces can be profoundly intimidating. Social anxiety, in various forms, often emerges, ranging from the fear of rejection to a persistent sense of not quite fitting in.

Future Uncertainty

College years also coincide with a profound contemplation of the future. Questions regarding career choices, job prospects, and financial stability loom large, casting a shadow of uncertainty and apprehension. The daunting prospect of what lies beyond the hallowed halls of academia can weigh heavily on the minds of college students.

Recognizing the Signs

Physical symptoms.

Anxiety frequently manifests itself through physical symptoms that can be both distressing and disconcerting. Students might notice a rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating, trembling hands, and shortness of breath. These physiological manifestations serve as tangible reminders of the emotional turmoil within.

Emotional Signs

Emotionally, anxiety takes a toll on an individual’s well-being. Feelings of restlessness, irritability, and an overwhelming sense of dread may become all too familiar. It is crucial to recognize these emotional signs early on to address them effectively.

Behavioral Changes

Anxiety can also leave its mark on one’s behavior. Some students start to avoid social situations, procrastinate on assignments, or, in some instances, turn to substances such as alcohol or drugs as a means of coping. These behavioral shifts serve as red flags that should not be ignored.

Coping Strategies

Seek support.

When grappling with college-related anxiety, seeking support is paramount. Do not hesitate to reach out to friends, family members, or a counselor. Engaging in open conversations about your feelings and concerns can provide much-needed emotional relief and a solid support system.

Time Management

Effective time management can go a long way in reducing academic stress. Creating a well-structured study schedule, setting clear priorities, and incorporating regular breaks to prevent burnout can help strike a healthy balance between academic and personal life.

Relaxation Techniques

Incorporating relaxation methods into one’s daily routine can be profoundly beneficial. Practices such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness meditation, or engaging in yoga can effectively calm a racing mind and reduce anxiety levels.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Taking care of one’s physical health is just as crucial in managing anxiety. Ensuring a balanced diet, engaging in regular physical activity, and prioritizing restorative sleep can significantly impact overall well-being.

Seeking Professional Help

Counseling services.

Most colleges offer counseling services specifically designed to support students in their mental health journey. If your anxiety becomes unmanageable and starts to interfere with daily life, do not hesitate to seek assistance from a professional counselor. These experts are trained to provide guidance and coping strategies tailored to your unique needs.

In severe cases where anxiety becomes debilitating, a healthcare provider may prescribe medication to effectively manage symptoms. However, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional who can evaluate your specific requirements and provide appropriate guidance.

Writing services

PerfectEssayWriting offers a wide range of writing services to help you with your academic needs, reducing the stress and anxiety associated with coursework. Whether it’s research papers, essays, or other assignments, our professional writers can assist you in achieving academic success while alleviating the burden of overwhelming workloads.

While anxiety in college is indeed a common challenge, it is imperative to recognize that you are not alone in facing it. By gaining a deep understanding of its causes, recognizing the signs, and implementing effective coping strategies, you can not only manage but also triumph over college-related anxiety. College should be a time of personal growth and exploration, and with the proper support and strategies, you can thrive and make the most of this transformative period in your life.

Q1: Is anxiety in college normal?

Absolutely. Anxiety in college is a natural response to the various pressures and transitions associated with this life stage. It is important to remember that countless students grapple with similar feelings.

Q2: How can I balance academics and social life to reduce anxiety?

Achieving a balance between academics and social life requires effective time management and prioritization. Developing a schedule that allows for both focused study time and social activities is key to maintaining a healthy equilibrium.

Q3: When should I consider seeking professional help for my college-related anxiety?

If your anxiety is beginning to interfere with daily life, affecting your academic performance, relationships, or physical health, it is essential to seek professional assistance promptly. Do not hesitate to reach out to a counselor or therapist.

Q4: Are there any self-help books or resources you recommend for managing college anxiety?

While numerous self-help books and online resources are available, it is advisable to consult a counselor or therapist for personalized guidance. They can recommend resources tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.

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Managing & Overcoming Anxiety As A College Freshman

  • Managing & Overcoming Anxiety As…

Young College Student

Leaving home for the first time can be stressful.

Add the stress of going to classes, doing homework, meeting new friends, and building new relationships, and it’s easy to understand why college freshmen are often so anxious.

Around 41.6% of all college students self-report feeling intense feelings of anxiety , and these feelings are often the most intense during the first year of school.

The good news is that anxiety is a treatable condition .

However, in this blog we’ll be exploring a few steps you can take to manage and overcome anxiety before or during professional treatment.

1. Remember That It’s Normal To Feel Some Anxiety When You Go To College

Going to college is probably the biggest change you’ve experienced in your entire life until this point.

While you used to live in a familiar environment, have a structured life, and oversight from parents and teachers, college forces you into a much different world – one that’s full of new experiences, and new challenges.

It’s normal to feel anxious about new experiences like going to college.

We all need to leave our comfort zones and grow at some point and this is a common cause of anxiety. What’s important is how you react to this anxiety. You can push through it and continue your journey, or shrink back and allow it to dominate your life.

If you struggle with figuring out how to push through your anxiety or you aren’t sure how to react to it, a professional therapist can help you learn techniques. We recommend a free consultation to evaluate your situation.

2. Do Your Best To Meet New People & Make Connections

One of the reasons that freshmen feel so anxious at college is the lack of a support system. Chances are that you’re moving away from most of your oldest friends and closest family members.

Because of this, it’s important to connect with your roommates, classmates, other residents in your hall, and people in clubs and associations you’re interested in joining. The sooner you can meet new people, put yourself out there, and make new connections, the quicker you’ll have a new support system that’s near you.

By building a new support system, you will have people to talk to when you’re feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or are having trouble managing your classes, personal life, work, and other such responsibilities.

3. Take Care Of Your Physical Health – It Will Help With Your Mental Health, Too!

There is a tendency among college freshmen to begin engaging in unhealthy behaviors, such as staying up too late and not getting enough sleep, smoking and using tobacco, getting less exercise, using drugs or alcohol recreationally, and eating infrequently and poorly.

It’s important to remember that your mind and body are linked. It will be easier for you to overcome anxiety and other mental health issues if you are taking care of your body. Try to maintain good physical habits. Here are a few steps you can take.

  • Exercise a few times a week to keep your body healthy
  • Make healthy food choices when eating on and off-campus
  • Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night
  • Avoid binge drinking, the use of recreational drugs, and tobacco products
  • Stay hydrated
  • Avoid pulling “all nighters”

4. Practice Good Time Management

One huge source of stress and anxiety as a freshman is not knowing how to manage your time and juggle classes, homework, your job, your personal life, and other parts of your life. Good time management skills are critical for minimizing this stress and anxiety.

If you do not manage your time wisely, you will always feel overwhelmed by the amount of tasks on your plate, and this can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety.

There are many ways to improve your time management skills, and different individuals will have different preferences. You can create a calendar or maintain a planner with information about your classes, homework, and assignments, stick to a daily routine, keep your notes and documents organized, and use checklists to stay on track.

Click here for some great tips on time management for new college students.

5. Explore Counseling Options

If you are feeling a lot of stress, anxiety, and pressure as a college freshman, it’s a good idea to seek help from a therapist or counselor.

With counseling and therapy, you can discuss the sources of your stress and anxiety, find methods to cope with these feelings, and ensure that you are able to get the care you need to succeed in your college career.

Know How To Beat Anxiety – And Succeed In College!

Going to college as a freshman can feel like a “sink or swim” moment. How you deal with the stress and anxiety of your new life can have a major impact on your education. So follow these tips – and if you need professional help, don’t hesitate to reach out .

The therapists at Dr. Quintal & Associates are always here to help you manage the fear, anxiety and stress that are all-too-common in college.

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How to Reduce Assignment Anxiety – 10 Best Tips and Tricks

The college homework and assignments often seem like an overwhelming pile of stress. Assignment stress and anxiety can prevent you from performing well and ultimately from achieving your highest potential. Thus, to avoid such consequences, you need to learn how to reduce assignment anxiety. So, to reduce assignment anxiety, you need to build strong and healthy habits.

How to Reduce Assignment Anxiety

Sometimes a little adjustment makes a huge difference. Therefore, building strong habits can help you fight against assignment anxiety and perform better in your class. Follow the tips below regularly to avoid homework stress.

1. Identify Your Source of Anxiety

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If you have been feeling gloomy lately, it is crucial to find out the source of your anxiety to tackle the problem. One of the best ways to do so is to keep a daily journal where you write your daily tasks, assignments, events, and your thoughts about them. Such a journal where you keep a record of everything can help you learn the main source of your anxiety. Whether it is your sleep pattern, caffeine, procrastination, or even unrealistic expectation from yourself, you need to as soon as possible acknowledge them.

2. Plan and Organize

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Another reason why students mostly feel stressed is the overwhelming assignments and coursework. Thus, we recommend you break down your assignments into smaller chunks and set goals for yourself. Most of the time, we feel anxiety because we can not control certain things. Therefore, being organized and mindful about your studies will help you feel calm and in control of things.

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3. Procrastinate Productively


Professor Frank Partnoy writes in his book Wait: The Art and Science of Delay that there are two kinds of procrastination : Active procrastination and passive procrastination. Passive procrastination, no doubt, is a negative thing because it prevents you from getting your work done. Meanwhile, passive procrastination is a positive thing because while actively procrastinating, you are delaying one task to focus on a more important task.

So, if you have been feeling anxious about a particular assignment, you can put it off for some time and focus on another task. This way not only you will feel relaxed but also productive.

4. Learn How to Manage Your Time Effectively

assignment anxiety college

Time management is crucial! Setting out time when you need to focus only on one thing such as your assignment makes it more accomplishable and reduces the stress. Thus, set aside an hour or more each day to focus only on your assignments. The key here is to understand when you are at your highest potential to concentrate at what time of the day. You can either start doing your homework in the early morning, in the evening, or at night before bed.

Besides, to stay organized, you can keep a study planner or a calendar. One of the best calendars out there is Google Calendar and Todoist is one of the best task management and to-do app out there. Also, try to make realistic goals to avoid burnout.

How to Manage Your Time Effectively – 10 Best Time Management Tips

5. Get Started Early

assignment anxiety college

Early risers are always considered to more energetic and potential problem solvers. However, nights owls may not agree with the fact that early risers get some extra hours by getting up earlier. They can use this additional advantage by doing the hard stuff earlier in the morning when they are the most energetic. Besides, waking up early has countless benefits some of which are below.

  • If you get habitual to going to bed earlier at night and getting up earlier in the morning, this will help you be more energetic during the day.
  • Studies also suggest that white cells drop in your body when you get a good night’s sleep which you can only get if you sleep and wake up earlier.
  • Early risers are more proficient in taking decisions, setting up goals, and achieving them.
  • They also enjoy reduced stress levels.
  • Moreover, researches prove that early risers are happier than night owls; not just for a day but they live happier throughout everything.

6. Get Goodnight Sleep

assignment anxiety college

Getting a goodnight’s sleep may sound like a very simple and obvious tip. There are countless benefits of a goodnight’s sleep and reducing homework stress is one of them. According to researches, people between 6 to 18 years old, need 7 to 9 hours of sleep. And a goodnight’s sleep significantly affects memory, concentration span, creativity, and all important aspects of a student’s life.

7. Refresh Your Memory Regularly

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It is also very important to build a strong base of your every subject to reduce assignment anxiety. Because if you have difficulty in previous lessons, it will be hard for you to complete any assignment or task. Thus, once in a week, go through your previous lessons and take notes of areas that you find difficult. So, the next time when you sit to revise, you know which topics you need to give more attention to. Furthermore, refreshing or revising previous lessons also helps you build confidence.

8. Stay Organized

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An unorganized life, even desk, does more harm than ignorance. Besides, an unorganized desk is distracting too. Thus, cleaning your room and your desk is highly recommended. To stay organized, you can also get yourself a nice journal or a planner if you are a pen-and-paper person. Otherwise, apps such as todoist or Habitica can also help you get your work done. And here are some fascinating benefits of using a daily planner or agenda.

  • You can maintain an effective school and life schedule
  • Be more productive
  • keep track of everything you do and have to do
  • And most important of all, you can reduce stress levels
  • and much much more

9. Review Your Agenda Regularly

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To live a stress-free life, it is very important to stay organized. And one of the most magical ways is to keep an agenda or a planner where you can plan your life ahead of time. You can make a weekly and a daily planner section where you list down all your homework, assignments, and to-dos. However, just keeping an agenda is not enough. You need to review it on daily basis to lead a stress-free life.

10. Give Yourself Some “ME” Time

Give yourself time

While it is important to study hard, it is equally important not to neglect yourself. During your tight schedule at school, you may usually feel burnout. Therefore, cherishing yourself with some “ME” time can help you be more productive and creative. Thus, once a week, going out with friends, spending some quality time with family, or just taking care of yourself can help you make sure you enjoy a healthy and stress-free life.

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Getting Help for Social Anxiety Disorder at College

Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of The Anxiety Workbook and founder of the website About Social Anxiety. She has a Master's degree in clinical psychology.

assignment anxiety college

Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital.

assignment anxiety college

You Are Not Alone

Understanding social anxiety disorder, how to get help, coping with sad at college, class presentations, positive lifestyle coping strategies.

If you are struggling with  social anxiety disorder (SAD)  at college, it can be difficult to manage the everyday aspects of being a student, such as making new friends and attending classes.

According to a 2011 national survey, more than 62 percent of students with mental health problems who withdrew from college did so because of those issues. Anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent mental health problems experienced by college students today.

If you have lived with anxiety for a long time, it may be hard to understand that your symptoms are a diagnosable illness that can be treated. If you have not already been diagnosed, a good place to start is to read about the symptoms of SAD and criteria for diagnosis .

How Having SAD May Affect You in College

From approaching professors to making new friends and initiating romantic relationships, much of campus life is social. If your SAD is left untreated, all aspects of your college experience may be affected.

  • Academics : You may find it hard to participate in class, ask questions, get help with homework, join study groups, give presentations, and approach professors.
  • Social activities : You may be less likely to participate in clubs and sports, to initiate friendships or romantic relationships, and to stand up for yourself in difficult situations.
  • Alcohol abuse : Students with severe social anxiety are at increased risk of problem drinking if alcohol is used as a coping strategy.

SAD is a  highly treatable  disorder with medication and/or therapy. Receiving a proper diagnosis and treatment is important in managing this illness. The first line of treatment is usually  medication  and/or  cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) .

As a student, you may have access to an on-campus mental health center. Often, these will be staffed with therapists, psychologists, or student interns, and will offer a variety of services such as individual and group therapy. Therapy is usually short-term and may be free or available for a fee.

If your college or university does not have a mental health center, look for a medical center either on campus or in the community and ask for a referral to a mental health professional.

Another alternative is to investigate whether the psychology department at your school offers counseling as part of ongoing research studies. Often, these types of studies are posted on the departments' websites. Participation is generally anonymous and they will assess your symptoms to ensure that the treatment is appropriate for your situation.

As a college or university student, you can do additional things on your own while receiving treatment. Think about using these strategies as you progress through treatment and begin to feel more comfortable in social situations.

Building Friendships

  • Smile, nod, or say hello to classmates.
  • Make comments about assignments or exams to a nearby classmate. Repeat this process at each class, gradually including more classmates until it seems more natural to talk with them.
  • As you feel more comfortable, bring up the idea of a study group or getting together for recreation.
  • If getting to know others in class is difficult, consider joining a service organization on campus. Working together with others toward a common goal is a great way to get to know people.
  • Consider approaching others who seem shy or nervous—they may be less intimidating.

Body Language and Speech

  • Maintain frequent eye contact with others.
  • Have a relaxed but alert posture.
  • Practice speaking in a moderately loud voice.

Conversation Topics

  • Give compliments.
  • Read up on current events and campus news.
  • Be a curious listener, ask open-ended questions starting with why, how, what, or when.

Most people get butterflies before speaking in front of a group. However, the initial nervousness usually subsides as they begin speaking and become involved in their topic and with the audience. The opposite tends to happen to people who have SAD. They remain nervous during their speech and became focused on their own anxiety symptoms such as a quivering voice, dry mouth, blushing, rapid heartbeat, and feelings of dread and panic.

You will probably at some point be required to give a presentation. If you suffer from severe performance anxiety,  behavioral therapy  such as systemic desensitization can be helpful.

You can also do several things on your own to help lessen the impact of your anxiety:

  • If possible, choose a topic that you are really passionate about so that you will get enjoyment from sharing your knowledge.
  • Try to get the audience involved at the beginning of your presentation to take some pressure off of yourself. Consider asking your audience's opinion on a topic, having them break into small groups to discuss an issue, or asking for a volunteer to help you demonstrate some aspect of your presentation.

Some positive coping strategies that you can start using today include:

Regular exercise is good for maintaining both a healthy mind and body. Choose an activity that you will stick with and enjoy. Go for a walk or jog, try out that new yoga video or just play some frisbee!

Your college or university may even offer on-campus facilities or exercise classes—with the added bonus of the chance to make some new friends.

Proper Nutrition

The typical student diet can wreak havoc on your health. Try to eat regular meals and snacks throughout the day, and avoid caffeine and sugar when possible as these may aggravate anxiety.

A Word From Verywell

As a student with social anxiety disorder, you will face more challenges at college or university. However, with proper diagnosis, treatment, and coping strategies, your odds of having a fulfilling experience are very high. Remember to take every day as it comes, be mindful of your anxious thoughts, and focus on your goals both in terms of your education, making friends, and growing as an individual.

  • Anxiety and Depression Association of America. College Students .
  • University of Texas at Dallas. Self-Help: Overcoming Social Anxiety Disorder.

By Arlin Cuncic, MA Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of The Anxiety Workbook and founder of the website About Social Anxiety. She has a Master's degree in clinical psychology.

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Feeling Overwhelmed at College? Strategies for Managing Stress and Anxiety

Discover effective strategies for managing stress and anxiety in college. Learn long-term techniques and create a personalized action plan for success.

Dec 01, 2023

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Feeling overwhelmed at college is more than a fleeting sensation; it’s an encompassing experience shared by many students. This feeling often stems from a mix of academic pressures, new responsibilities, and the profound personal changes that come with college life.

If you find yourself already feeling overwhelmed in school , take comfort in knowing that this is a common challenge, and you are not alone in this journey. Addressing these feelings early, especially during college week one, is crucial in setting a positive and manageable tone for your academic and personal life.

Recognizing the Signs of Overwhelm

Understanding your stress signals is vital in recognizing when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Stress often manifests physically, so be aware of symptoms like headaches, fatigue, or changes in appetite.

Equally important is to monitor your emotional state. Feelings of anxiety, irritability, or deep sadness are clear indicators that you might be overwhelmed .

Changes in behavior, such as procrastination, withdrawal from social activities, or a decline in academic performance, are also key signs to watch out for.

Self-assessment through reflection is an essential step in managing stress. Ask yourself critical questions about how you’re coping with your workload and whether you’re taking on too much.

  • Am I regularly feeling exhausted or unable to focus on my tasks due to my current workload?
  • Do I have enough time for rest and leisure activities, or is my schedule constantly filled with academic tasks?
  • Am I frequently missing deadlines or feeling unprepared for classes and assignments?
  • How often do I feel stressed or anxious about my studies, and is this affecting my overall well-being?
  • Am I able to maintain a healthy balance between my academic responsibilities and personal life?

Acknowledging that you’re feeling overwhelmed is the first step towards managing it effectively.

College life isn’t just about academics ; it’s a period of significant emotional growth and change. Recognizing the role of external pressures, whether you’re feeling overwhelmed by life or by the world around you, is crucial in understanding the full scope of your stress.

Recognizing the signs of overwhelm is more than just self-awareness; it’s an act of self-care.

Immediate Strategies for Relief

When it comes to immediate stress reduction, prioritizing tasks can significantly alleviate the feeling of being overwhelmed. Focus on what’s urgent and important.

Breaking down large tasks, especially when thinking about how to get papers done without feeling overwhelmed , into smaller, manageable parts can also be incredibly effective. Don’t hesitate to seek support from friends, family, or campus resources; sometimes, just talking about your challenges can lighten your load.

Mindfulness and relaxation techniques are powerful tools in your stress management arsenal. Practice mindfulness exercises tailored for a college setting, such as guided meditations or deep breathing exercises. Establishing a relaxation routine that includes activities like reading, yoga, or listening to music can also be beneficial.

The importance of taking regular breaks cannot be overstated . Short, frequent breaks can prevent burnout and improve focus. Engaging in physical activity is a proven stress reliever ; even a short walk can make a significant difference. Balancing work and leisure is essential; ensure you have time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

Incorporating these strategies into your daily routine can profoundly impact how you manage stress and anxiety in college. By recognizing the signs of overwhelm and taking immediate, practical steps to address them, you can navigate your college years with greater ease and resilience.

Managing stress is not just about coping with the present; it’s about building a foundation for future well-being.

Long-Term Strategies for Managing Academic Stress

Managing stress in college is a journey that extends beyond immediate fixes, requiring the development of long-term strategies. These strategies encompass not just handling academic workloads but also fostering a lifestyle that supports mental and emotional well-being.

Effective time management is a cornerstone of stress reduction, involving prioritizing tasks, setting realistic goals, and maintaining a balanced schedule. These three

  • 📆 Use a Planner or Digital Calendar : Keeping a planner or digital calendar helps you visualize your schedule, deadlines, and commitments. This organization aids in allocating time effectively for each task, ensuring you don’t overbook yourself and have time for both work and relaxation.
  • 📩 Prioritize Tasks Based on Urgency and Importance : Learn to differentiate between urgent and important tasks. Focus on what needs immediate attention and what contributes to your long-term goals. This helps in managing your workload without feeling overwhelmed. (☝️ Pro tip : look up the Eisenhower Matrix!)
  • 🍅 Implement the Pomodoro Technique : This technique involves working in focused bursts (typically 25 minutes) followed by short breaks. It can increase productivity and prevent burnout, allowing for more efficient use of study time while ensuring regular rest periods.

Organization skills are equally important, as keeping track of assignments and deadlines can significantly reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed.

  • ✅ Create a Master To-Do List : Keep a centralized list of all assignments, projects, and upcoming tests. Regularly update this list to track your progress and deadlines. This approach ensures that no task is forgotten and helps in prioritizing effectively.
  • 📃 Develop a Filing System : Organize your notes, assignments, and resources both physically and digitally. Use folders, labels, and cloud storage to categorize materials by subject or project. This system saves time when searching for specific documents and keeps your study space clutter-free.
  • 💭 Regularly Review and Adjust Your Schedule : Set aside time each week to review your schedule and adjust as needed. This practice allows you to reflect on what’s working, what isn’t, and how to better allocate your time in the coming weeks, adapting to changing priorities and deadlines.

When tackling academic tasks, especially complex ones like research papers, strategic planning is essential. Breaking down these tasks into smaller, manageable steps and focusing on one at a time can prevent feelings of overwhelm. Seeking feedback early and often can also alleviate stress and improve the quality of work.

Navigating Emotional Challenges in College

The college experience is not just an academic endeavor but also a significant emotional journey. Students often find themselves feeling overwhelmed by the broader world and life outside their academic responsibilities . In such situations, mindfulness and meditation can be effective tools, helping you stay grounded and focused on the present.

Maintaining perspective is crucial during these times. Understanding that college is a temporary phase and that challenges are part of the journey can help in developing resilience. This resilience is about learning from setbacks , adapting to changes, and finding ways to overcome obstacles.

Here are three tips for practicing and developing resilience, especially relevant in the context of the college experience:

  • 😌 Embrace a Growth Mindset : Adopt the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. View challenges as opportunities to learn and grow rather than insurmountable obstacles. This mindset encourages persistence in the face of setbacks and a willingness to learn from mistakes.
  • 🤝 Build a Support Network : Cultivate relationships with friends, family, mentors, or counselors who can provide emotional support and guidance. Having a strong support system can provide a sense of belonging and perspective, helping you navigate tough times more effectively.
  • 💖 Practice Self-Compassion and Mindfulness : Be kind to yourself during difficult times and recognize that experiencing challenges is a part of the human experience. Mindfulness practices can help you stay grounded and focused in the present moment, reducing anxiety about future challenges and helping you deal with current ones more calmly and effectively.

Colleges typically offer a range of resources to help students navigate these challenges, including counseling services and support groups. These resources provide professional guidance and peer support, which can be invaluable in managing stress.

Creating a Personalized Action Plan

Given the uniqueness of each student’s experience with stress and overwhelm, creating a personalized action plan is essential.

Here are three steps to guide you in this process:

🤔 Conduct a Self-Assessment : Begin by reflecting on your past experiences with stress and overwhelm. Identify specific situations or tasks that trigger these feelings. Consider factors like workload, time management, social pressures, and personal challenges. You can use the questions listed above to guide you!

Understanding your unique stressors is crucial in developing an effective action plan.

🛠️ Identify Effective Strategies and Resources : Based on your self-assessment, pinpoint strategies that have worked for you in the past. These might include specific study methods, relaxation techniques, exercise routines, or seeking support from friends or counselors.

Reflective practices like journaling can be a powerful tool in this process, allowing for monitoring progress and understanding stress triggers.

Also, explore new strategies that could address your current challenges . This step is about building a toolkit of resources and methods tailored to your needs.

🎯 Set Clear, Achievable Goals and Action Steps : Break down your overall goal of managing stress into smaller, actionable steps. These should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example, if time management is a challenge, an action step could be to dedicate 30 minutes every Sunday to plan the upcoming week.

Regularly review and adjust your plan as needed, allowing flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances or new insights about what works best for you.

Regular self-reflection helps in maintaining awareness of one’s mental and emotional state and in making necessary adjustments to coping strategies.

Recognizing the need for professional help is also a critical aspect of managing stress.

Consistent feelings of overwhelm and difficulty in coping may indicate the need for support from a mental health professional . Therapy or counseling can offer additional strategies and support, helping students manage stress and anxiety more effectively.

The project of managing stress and anxiety more effectively during their college years is about finding what works individually and adapting these strategies to fit unique needs and circumstances.

Managing stress in college is not just about surviving ; it’s about thriving and making the most of both the academic and personal aspects of college life.

If you need assistance with developing a daily self-care habit, try Mind Ease, an app developed to help manage feeligns of overwhelm and anxiety !

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How to Navigate College With an Anxiety Disorder

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I am a full-time college student. I also have an anxiety disorder, and have had one for as long as I can remember. This certainly isn’t an uncommon occurrence; a large portion of college students experience mental health issues.

Many people who struggle with mental health issues have done so for a significant portion of their life before college. On the other hand, the young adult years are a common time for mental health issues to first present themselves. Whether these issues are old or new, college is a unique environment. For me, a major part of adjusting to college was learning how to deal with my anxiety issues in this environment, knowing that it would look different from when I was in high school or at home.

As of now, I have completed three semesters of college. There have definitely been many difficult anxiety-related moments. I have had episodes of severe anxiety, complete with symptoms like dizziness and abdominal pain, during four-hour labs  I couldn’t escape. I also knew in these moments if I didn’t accurately complete the lab, it could turn into a much bigger ordeal, which only added to the anxiety. On multiple occasions, I have had panic attacks that demolished my energy just hours before a major deadline. As a result, I have turned in a fair number of late and lower quality assignments over my three semesters. These types of incidents have often made me question my worth and potential for the future.

However, over these three semesters, I’ve worked out some ways to better manage my anxiety in the college setting. I won’t pretend there are no longer rough moments, but compared to a year ago, my anxiety issues don’t feel like they’re as much of a barrier to reaching my goals.

I hope I will only continue to find other strategies that work for me in this environment, and I know the strategies I use may need to change over time depending on other factors. I also hope with work and continued treatment, my symptoms themselves will decrease.

I don’t expect the same strategies will work for all college students struggling with mental health issues. Every school is different, mental health conditions vary in symptoms and severity, and everyone has different life circumstances. In many situations, people decide the best choice for them is to take time off from school entirely, and that’s perfectly OK. However, I’d like to share some things that have helped me navigate college with an anxiety disorder so far, in the hopes that it will be helpful to someone else.

1. Contacting my school’s accessibility office.

Though I was already registered with my school’s accessibility office for another reason, I decided to also talk to the staff about my anxiety issues. Somewhat to my surprise, I was offered certain accommodations, both academic and otherwise. The office gave me a letter explaining my accommodations to give to my professors, and I was given the option to include or exclude my diagnoses from this letter. I will say having a note from my doctor and other documentation was critical for this process. If you want to register with your school’s accessibility office, I’d recommend trying to obtain documentation as soon as possible. In addition to being necessary to receive certain accommodations, working with the accessibility office has helped me to communicate better with my professors about my needs without providing too many uncomfortable details.

2. Working when I can.

In many cases, mental health issues can be unpredictable. I don’t fully understand all the factors that trigger my anxiety (though this is something I am working on). I’ve realized that even when I set aside adequate time to complete an assignment, unexpected bouts of anxiety often interfere. Recently I’ve been trying to get extra work done during times that I’m feeling good, even on assignments that aren’t due in the near future. In order to do this, I’ve asked my professors for assignments and readings ahead of time (here’s a big example of where that accommodations letter comes in handy), which most professors have been happy to provide.

3. Talking to an older student who’s been there.

During my second semester, I decided to ask an older friend if she had any friends who might be willing to talk to me about their experiences dealing with mental health issues in college, since I know they are so common. I immediately worried that this was a silly question, but the end result was that I was able to talk to someone with much more experience handling mental health difficulties at my school. I was able to get a lot of invaluable tips specific to my school, and it helped me to feel less alone.

4. Exercising.

OK, so maybe this one isn’t quite so specific to the college environment, or specific to mental health. However, for me, being in college has made different types of exercise way more accessible, which has been important for my overall well-being. I have access to a variety of facilities and some free classes, which is helping me to find new forms of exercise that make me feel good physically and mentally. I know there are times when mental health issues drain your energy and exercise seems impossible. I’ve definitely had those days myself. But if you’re feeling up to it, I’d recommend taking a look at what types of different exercise options are available to you.

5. Identifying physical places I can go to feel more comfortable.

I know when I’m anxious, being in a room with too many people or too much noise can greatly exacerbate it. That said, sometimes a bit of background noise and being around others can actually help relieve some of my anxiety. It really depends on the circumstances. During my first semester, I spent some time looking for places where I could be alone and have some quiet time, when necessary. I’ve also discovered certain public places where I can feel a little more comfortable when I’m having bad anxiety.

6. Adjusting my ideas of success.

Out of all the items on this list, this one has been the most difficult for me. It will always be a work in progress. I can sometimes be overly self-critical, and it can be really easy to fixate on GPA. I’ve learned a lot in my classes so far, and that’s a big success. I’ve also learned about what environments I work best in, and which ones aren’t as great for me. That’s also an important success, and is invaluable for the future. Some days, even getting through the day is a huge accomplishment. It’s easy to forget that success is contextual and relative.

Just remember that if you are a college student living with a mental health condition, you are not alone. Due to the stigma attached to mental illness, it’s not something that’s frequently discussed. Fortunately, this appears to be slowly changing. Mental illness is much more common than it’s made out to be. Chances are, there are many people around you who are struggling with something similar.

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Lily is a recent college graduate working towards a career in public health.

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20 Effective Strategies For Dealing With Anxiety in College

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College is an extremely exciting time in peoples’ lives, and it is usually full of new experiences and new friends; however, with that comes new things to worry about. It has been reported by the American Psychological Association that as much as 41% of college students said that anxiety was a significant concern for them. That number has only grown, and there are a lot of reasons why that is. The shifting political climate, growing pressure to do well academically, and the increasing cost of college, all of these are perfectly normal things to be concerned about; however, it is important to understand how to navigate your anxiety so it doesn’t get the best of you.

There are a lot of things that you need to balance in college. Academics are important, of course. You understand that college is going to change the scope of your professional life forever. It is also very different from most people’s school experience up to that point. It always mattered for you to get good grades but this time, you have to consider your future a little bit more and this time, you are paying for it. You also deserve to have a social life. College can be full of meeting new people and that’s an awesome opportunity but it can be overwhelming. You’re going to encounter a lot of people who think differently, who have different stories to tell, and the newness of it can be a lot at first. For many people, this is the first time that you have ever really been away from home. Even though you know you’re capable, this first taste of adulthood can bring a new set of things to do, to take care of, and to worry about.

We understand that college puts a lot on your plate. In this article, we are going to explore 20 effective strategies for coping with anxiety in college. These tips were created with students in mind but anyone can benefit from taking a little extra care of their mental health.

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A key point that we would like to make first, though, is that college is an incredibly rewarding experience. There are certain parts of continuing your education that may feel overwhelming and make you anxious but it is nothing that you can’t handle. We hope that these tips for dealing with anxiety help you create a plan to deal with it and leave you feeling better equipped to manage your stress. The most important thing to remember is that you’re not in this alone. The tips we are going to talk about are backed by science and used by thousands of people who are in the same boat as you. Even if one of them seems a little silly, we recommend you give it a shot. There is no wrong way to deal with anxiety as long as you are doing it in a healthy way. There are also additional resources at the bottom of this article for anyone who may need them.

What Is Anxiety?

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Anxiety is one of those words that can have a few different meanings depending on how you look at it. At its simplest, anxiety is your body’s natural response to stress. Anxiety is perfectly normal and it can even be a sign of a healthy brain. If you’re anxious about a big test coming up or a date, for instance, this is a sign that your brain is functioning properly. This is actually more so just the feeling of being nervous, but the language has evolved to a point where anxiety is used synonymously with nerves. This is sometimes described as acute anxiety.

In reality, if you are someone who struggles with anxiety then you know that it is way more than just nerves. Medically speaking, anxiety is defined as “intense, excessive, and/or persistent worry and fear.” At this level, your anxiety is considered more severe. This definition most accurately described the second main type of anxiety, which is chronic anxiety.

Acute anxiety can be caused by stress from school or work, financial trouble, emotional trauma, medications, and things like that. Acute anxiety is usually easy to directly trace to a certain stressor and it is likely to go away on its own as you emotionally process your issues or the situation subsides. Even though this is technically considered to be “less severe,” you shouldn’t just ignore it. These tips for dealing with anxiety are going to be great little ways for you to navigate the stressful situation you’re dealing with until it subsides.

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Chronic anxiety is a different thing altogether. This type of anxiety is harder to trace to a specific stressor. There are things that can trigger or exacerbate chronic anxiety but most of the time, chronic anxiety is just there. Exaggerated worry about situations, feeling powerless in situations you can’t control, sudden feelings of dread, catastrophic thinking, and panic attacks can all be characteristics of chronic anxiety. Sometimes this is caused by an underlying mental illness or medical condition and sometimes, people are just generally anxious. If you are dealing with chronic anxiety, these tips should be useful in helping you to find ways to calm down, clear your head, and cope with your feelings. However, these tips are not a good replacement for talking things out with a counselor, your doctor, or someone you trust. We’ll talk more about this later.

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The symptoms of anxiety vary widely from person to person. The type of anxiety you’re dealing with can cause different symptoms and they can be mildly inconvenient things, or completely debilitating. Anxiety isn’t going to affect everyone the same way, so learning how it affects you is going to be your first line of defense when it comes to combating those feelings. A lot of people, as many as  20% of Americans , are affected by anxiety. A significant portion of those people has no idea that what they are going through isn’t necessarily “normal.” It isn’t abnormal and this isn’t to say something is wrong with you if you’re feeling anxious; however, anxiety is the most highly treatable mental condition, whether that is acute or chronic anxiety. Less than half of the people who deal with it every day seek any treatment or help. In large part, this is because they have accepted their symptoms as just part of life.

Some common symptoms of anxiety that you may be ignoring include:

  • Racing heartbeat
  • Feelings of “butterflies” or nausea without an attributable cause
  • Feelings of restlessness or the inability to relax/sit still
  • Difficulty with regular sleep, such as sleeping too little or too much
  • Trouble concentrating

Even if you are experiencing just one of these symptoms, or one of the many others that come along with anxiety, this article is for you.

How Can I Cope With Anxiety?

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The term coping has come to carry a lot of weight, even as society shakes itself free of the stigma surrounding mental health issues. “Coping strategies” has become one of those nebulous feel-good terms that seems kind of fluffy, or out there. The truth is that to cope just means to deal effectively with something difficult . Effectively dealing with your anxiety, or coping with your anxiety, has a lot to do with learning to coexist with it. Learning about what makes you anxious, understanding stressors (or triggers) for your anxiety, and having a set strategy (or a few) to deal with those problems as they arise are all important parts of how you can cope.

There are two different types of coping mechanisms, negative and positive. Negative coping mechanisms are ones that can exacerbate your anxiety later on, damage your health or wellbeing, or even lead to more severe problems. Negative coping mechanisms are generally risky, unhealthy, or self-destructive.

Some examples of negative coping mechanisms include:

  • Eating a lot of unhealthy foods, or binge eating
  • Using alcohol or drugs
  • Severely withdrawing from friends and family
  • Abandonment of your responsibilities
  • Engaging in risky, reckless, or irresponsible behavior

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Note: If you or anyone that you know is struggling with any of these behaviors, Mental Health America has a host of information about where to find help, how to open a conversation about needing help, and where you can turn if someone you care about is struggling. If you or someone you know is in danger of harming themselves or someone else, we urge you to contact someone immediately.

The problem with negative coping mechanisms is that they are short-term solutions and will only make things worse in the long run. Many people who are using one of these methods to cope feel ashamed of what they’re doing, they know that it isn’t helping, and it just creates an even bigger cycle of feeling stressed, getting anxious, and acting out. If you find yourself skipping a class that you’re falling behind in because you don’t want to deal with it, or reaching for an entire bag of chips after seeing you didn’t do well on an exam, you may be in one of these cycles. But, that’s okay! As long as you learn to recognize these patterns, you can change them. It’s very easy to replace negative strategies when you realize what is going on.

That brings us to the next point, positive coping mechanisms. These are strategies that result in less stress, increased health and wellbeing, and help break the cycles of anxiety so you can feel better. The 20 tips for dealing with anxiety in college that we’re going to talk about today are all great examples of positive coping mechanisms. You can incorporate one, a few, or all of these strategies into your life and know that you’re dealing with your anxiety in a positive way.

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What happens when coping isn’t enough? The majority of people reading this are probably going to be just fine. Most of you are probably facing acute anxiety because college is new, exciting, and a huge investment in your future. These strategies, along with others that you create along the way, are probably going to help you drastically reduce your anxiety and you’ll feel much better. However, sometimes anxiety can be a little more prevalent in your life and it can start to disrupt your success, your relationships, and more. If you struggle to handle your anxiety on your own, know that there is nothing wrong with you. You’re not broken, it’s not stupid to feel so worried, and you are going to be able to succeed.

If you have tried to deal with this on your own and felt like it didn’t work out, or if you recognize that you’re dealing with chronic anxiety, you should consider talking to someone. Your parents, your doctor, or even the counseling center at your school are all great places to turn. Anxiety, as you read earlier, is the most highly treatable mental health condition. Talk therapy, such as with a therapist or psychiatrist , can help you to more effectively process what is going on and help you handle it. In some cases, anxiety is treated with medication. Anxiolytics, antidepressants, sedatives, and even antihistamines are all different types of medicines that can be used to treat anxiety. Most of them are covered by insurance and are are very affordable . It’s up to you to decide when it is time to talk to someone . Don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed if that’s the case for you. If you’re not sure what to say, here is a great resource that will help you figure out how to talk to your doctor about anxiety.

20 Effective Strategies for Dealing with Anxiety in College

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Now that you’ve read about the different types of anxiety that you could be dealing with and have an understanding about positive and negative coping, it’s time to explore some positive coping strategies that you can use to handle your anxiety in college. These tips focus on a more general approach to anxiety and what you can do, but our site has a ton of other resources that you should check out. If you’re a nervous test taker, our College Student’s Guide to Test Preparation has everything from how to study and how to take better notes to test taking tips and strategies to help you breeze right through even the most stressful exams.

Getting enough sleep in college is crucial and if you’re having a hard time catching some Z’s, our 35 Blissful Tips For Sleeping Better in College might help you get to bed on time and wake up ready to face the day. You can also check out our tips for managing your time , managing your money , and more .

Now, onto our top tips for managing anxiety in college.

1. Be Mindful of Avoidant Behavior

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Avoidant behavior is one of the negative coping mechanisms that we talked about above. It can rear its ugly head in many ways, like skipping classes, staying in bed all day, or even simply procrastinating your assignments. “Approach, don’t avoid,” is the advice from Dr. Luana Marques in her article featured on the Harvard Health Blog. You may be avoiding a certain class because you’re having difficulty in it and don’t know how to ask the professor for help, avoiding a certain assignment because you don’t know where to start, or you could be someone who struggles with habitual procrastination. The first step in beating your anxiety is to look at how it is making you behave. If you notice that you’re practicing avoidant behavior, this is a good sign that you need to go ahead and confront it. Even though that can be scary, it doesn’t have to be difficult.

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If you are struggling in a particular class and you don’t know how to ask for help, take one small step. If you attend a physical campus and have trouble walking up to your professor then this is a good tip for you. Confronting your professors with questions can be tough for online students, too. To help get over that, we recommend that you just start small. Send an email to your professor that says something along the lines of “I have some questions about X.” You do not have to come right out and ask, but you brought it to your professor’s attention. When they respond and offer to help, it can ease your mind a little bit and help you say what you need to say.

If you are practicing avoidant behaviors in other ways, like chronically procrastinating or spending all day sleeping, it can be a little bit tougher to tackle. Be mindful of the fact that you are doing it. Start working on catching yourself in the act. This is a simple tip but bringing awareness to what you’re doing will force you to confront it. It makes it a conscious decision instead of a gut reaction based on your fears. You know that avoiding the things that you need to do contributes to a cycle of shame, stress, and anxiety. When you work on recognizing this pattern of behavior, it gives you the choice to take a small step forward. If you notice that you’re hovering over the third episode of that show you’re watching and think about why you are doing it, you can choose to do something different, even if it is something small. That something small brings us to the next tip.

2. Break Things Down

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Anxiety has a lot to do with control. People tend to feel anxious when they feel powerless in a situation or when they feel like a task is too big for them to handle. Everyone has a different threshold when it comes to what is overwhelming, but breaking things into smaller tasks can help. When it comes to a big project or facing a situation that makes you feel anxious, part of that comes from the fact that you are looking at what your finished project is supposed to be and comparing it to now. The distance from point A to point B feels too big sometimes and it can paralyze you from getting started. If you find a way to break an assignment, project, or task into smaller parts, you will have a bit of a roadmap instead of just a visualization of the finished product.

Another reason that this helps is because you may be one of those people who has a perfect grasp on what you need to do to get started but you struggle with the type of avoidance you just read about above. If you find a way to break things down into smaller pieces, you can work on putting a stop to that avoidant behavior. When you catch yourself doing it, because you’re working on being mindful, you will have the option to make progress on the task you are avoiding. Even if you only get one thing done in that moment, it can make coming back to it much easier later on.

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As an example, let’s say that you have a paper to do. You can start by breaking it down into pieces, or smaller tasks to do. On a sheet of paper, in a planner, in a Google Doc, make a quick to-do list. This can be as specific or as general as you need it to be. You could start your list with something like “gather sources” or break it down even more and start with “create and format Google Doc.” How big or small you make each of the pieces is up to you.

Now, you can use your to-do list to your advantage. If you don’t know what to do first to get to the finished product you need, start with step one and work from there. If you have caught yourself procrastinating, cross one thing off your list before you do. Make sure that you check things off as you go, too. Seeing the items that you have already crossed off signals to your brain that you’re making progress and it provides positive reinforcement.

This is also helpful if you’re the type of person who sits in one class and worries over your next one. Learn to handle things one step at a time and it will all start to come more naturally to you and you can relax and focus on what is in front of you.

3. Change Your Self Talk

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Changing the way that you talk yourself through situations is something that has been at the forefront of mental health conversations for a long time. It is important to be compassionate towards yourself and have patience as you are learning how to deal with anxiety. This is especially important in college when feelings of inadequacy can start to creep on you, even if you know they aren’t true. In this tip, what were are specifically talking about is not suppressing your feelings , a tip that comes from Dr. Marla Deibler.

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Anxiety is weird in the way that it always seems to snowball. It can start with something as simple as missing a few questions on a quiz, or not performing well on one of your assignments. Students put a lot of pressure on themselves to succeed. That is good because you deserve to succeed but if you find yourself spiraling in your thoughts, perhaps you’re putting a little too much pressure. So, let’s say that you check your score and it isn’t what you hoped it would be, and that hollow nauseous feeling fills the pit of your stomach. You didn’t do well on this, so how are you going to do well on the test? How is this going to affect your grade? Your GPA? Why didn’t you study more? What if you fail the class?

All of these questions can swarm you at once when you start feeling anxious and it’s common to just try and block those thoughts out. The unfortunate thing is that that doesn’t always help. In fact, trying not to think about something, or trying not to consider the consequences of something, can make you think about it even more. It can also lead you to draw even more outlandish conclusions because of your anxiety, like you messed up this quiz so you’re probably going to fail all of your classes, for example.

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In this tip, we recommend that instead of trying to block all of those things out of your head when you start feeling anxious, change the way that you talk to yourself. All of these questions, and sometimes negative feelings about yourself, can be so loud when you’re feeling anxious. So, try responding to them with logic instead. Anxiety is barely ever logical and you can answer your own questions based on logic and it can help you realize that you’re just being anxious and that these fears are not realistic. Maybe you didn’t do well on the quiz, but you did just fine on the last two, maybe it was an off day. Maybe you didn’t do well on a particular assignment, but when you look back, it was because you rushed through it.

Confronting your anxiety by considering the facts in a situation can help you control your feelings. It can also help you see that your anxiety isn’t based on fact so you can differentiate between anxiety and legitimate concerns that you have.

4. Consider the Media You Consume

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This is one of the strategies we know seems a little bit strange on the surface, but it is more important than you may think. You know that surrounding yourself with positive people, good influences, and a strong support system is important; the media you consume is just as well. Anxiety tends to be cumulative. You may be keenly aware of your racing thoughts sometimes, especially when you are feeling particularly anxious. You may not realize that that is going on behind the scenes in your brain all of the time. There are thousands of things that your mind absorbs and processes every single day and they can have a profound impact on your mood, your mental state, and your anxiety.

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Horror movies are a great example. There is nothing like tucking in on a rainy night and watching a few scary movies before bed. Have you ever noticed the way that horror films are scored? All of the background sounds and high pitched musical tones throughout the movie are put in because they trigger your brain to go into fight or flight mode. You don’t even realize that it is happening and, of course, that is what makes these movies so enjoyable. We’re not saying that you should stop watching them, though. The point of the example was to show you how things you aren’t always aware of can affect your brain.

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Think about the music that you listen to, the shows that you watch, and the people that you follow on social media. Surrounding yourself with positive influences is something that you know is important and we recommend that you apply this principle to the media that you’re consuming on a regular basis. The more negativity that you welcome into your life, the more anxious you’re going to be. Even if the two things seem completely unrelated. Maybe you followed a studying page on Instagram because you thought it would inspire you, but it turns out that it just makes you feel guilty for not studying enough and that makes you anxious.

Maybe, like most people, you listen to sad or angry music when you’re feeling sad, angry, or anxious. Consider how those things make you feel. Ruminating is something that humans have always done and probably always will. Sometimes it helps you feel sorry for yourself a little bit and then pull yourself out of it. But, if the media you are consuming is contributing to a negative mindset, or triggering you to feel anxious, guilty, or upset, it might be time to make some changes.

Going back to horror films as an example, you know how when you’re done with the movie, you put something else on? A comedy movie or a docuseries that you’ve seen a thousand times because it’s comforting and helps you relax? These are great ways to respond to the artificial anxiety that a scary movie creates. Think about how you can use this technique to respond to your real anxiety when it comes up.

5. Control What You Can, Relax When You Can’t

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Like we touched on before, feeling anxious has a lot to do with feeling out of control. Maybe you are a perfectionist, maybe you hate unpredictability, maybe you don’t believe that you are capable of doing the things that you need to get done and that makes you feel powerless. There are a lot of things that can make you feel out of control and anxious. As much as it is uncomfortable to deal with, improving your relationship with the idea of control is one way that you can help deal with your anxiety. There are two ways that you can apply this strategy to your life.

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Taking control of what you can is the first part. Think about what it’s like when you have a doctor’s appointment. If you were anxious that you were going to be late, you could set an extra alarm, or leave your house a little bit early. Those are examples of taking control of what you can control. When it comes to school, you can apply this in several ways. You can’t control how difficult an exam might be, but you can control how much you study. Maybe checking your email makes you anxious, or you have trouble going to bed because you’re thinking about everything you need to do the next day. Take advantage of the free apps online that help you manage your inbox, or try a to-do list like we suggested earlier that way you don’t have to worry about where to start when you wake up. When you start to feel anxious about something in college, think about what you can do right now. If there is something that you can do right in that moment, take control and do whatever that is.

Sometimes, you can’t do anything right away. That’s frustrating because you’re anxiety doesn’t really care about that. You’re anxious now. A good example of this is when you submit a paper or finish a test online and you’re waiting for it to be graded. Maybe thinking about the results makes you feel anxious. This is where the second part of this strategy comes in and it’s probably the most difficult part. Relax when you can’t control a situation. You submitted the assignment, you can’t make your professor grade it any faster, you already did the work, you can’t speed up time. Anxiety triggers your body into fight or flight mode even when there is nothing to fight and nothing to run from. Recognize that that’s going on and try to let go and focus on something else. A good thing to tell yourself when this type of anxious situation comes up is “we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

6. Create a Routine for Yourself

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A good way to practice taking control in your life is to establish a routine for yourself. College is the first experience in many people’s lives where you’re not being told what to do or where to go all of the time. This freedom is something that plenty of people thrive on but if you’re someone who is dealing with anxiety in college, it might not feel as liberating. Anxiety likes order. If you’re struggling with feeling a little bit lost with all the freedom to make decisions for yourself and that gets to the point that it is overwhelming and causing you anxiety, try creating a routine for yourself. A routine will provide you with a sense of stability; it also helps protect you from having to make decisions when you are having a particularly rough day and can’t stop worrying. You won’t have to worry about what to do next if you have a routine in place.

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Easing the anxiety of having to make decisions is one way that you can help keep your worries at bay; however, there is another great reason to create a routine. Self care is one of the first things to get thrown out the window during periods of intense anxiety . Anxiety thrives when you don’t sleep enough, avoid your responsibilities, or aren’t eating right. These things push your body further into exhaustion. You also know how important it is to take care of yourself, so it creates more feelings of shame and anxiety when you aren’t doing them. Putting a routine in place will help you to build strong habits of self care. You can slowly incorporate things that you want to be doing by adding them to your routine over time, that way you are keeping the pressure very low on yourself and you’re establishing that self care is a more permanent part of your life. With a strong foundation of these habits, you won’t struggle to take care of yourself as much when you start to feel more anxious.

Another way to take this tip for dealing with anxiety in college is to create a routine for yourself when you feel anxious. If you have something coming up that you’re worried about or took a particularly difficult exam one day, you can sink into this routine to ease your mind. It could be something as simple as putting your favorite t-shirt on when you start to feel anxious, or a more elaborate routine like making your favorite snack, taking a bath, and watching a movie after a test. Having effective strategies for coping with anxiety in college is a process and it might take time to figure out what works best for you; but, creating a routine like this can help keep your mind from wandering off into worry and fear when you know you’re facing something particularly stressful.

7. Create an Anxiety Playlist

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This is a great tip for dealing with anxiety in college that works for a lot of people. Music helps reframe your thinking. If you’re someone who really loves music, you can take some time to create a few playlists to listen to. Having the background noise might help you not to feel so anxious when you’re studying, or it could be a nice place of refuge to just chill out and listen to some music to help pull you out of the worried headspace that you’re in. Here’s a few ideas.

A study playlist is a good idea for a few reasons. The music is going to keep the wandering part of your mind occupied so you can devote your attention to absorbing the material instead of allowing your brain to drag you into an anxious spiral about how you might be doing in the class, what the test will be like, or whatever else you might be worried about. Anxiety also makes it difficult to focus. If you listen to the same playlist every time you study, you will train your brain to go into focus mode when it comes on.

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An upbeat playlist could be helpful too. If you are someone who attends school on campus, you could create a playlist of some fun, positive music that puts you in a good mood to listen to while driving to school. If you’re going to an online college , you could turn these tunes on as you’re getting ready for your day or while you work on your assignments. One thing to remember is that music with words might be distracting if you’re actually working. Listening to some happy music releases happy chemicals in your brain which can help fight off worry. It can also help shake you out of a low mood or help you feel more awake, that way you are less likely to slip into some anxious thought patterns.

A true “anxiety” playlist might be the best one in your arsenal if you’re someone who experiences bursts of extreme anxiety or even panic attacks. Fun music is nice because it lifts your mood but when you are feeling extremely anxious, fast-paced or loud music can make you feel worse. One of our editors with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder swears by this method when he starts to feel an anxiety attack coming on. He suggests a playlist of softer, quieter songs that aren’t sad, and maybe some from your favorite artists or some you have positive memories attached to. The slower music will help slow your heart rate down and focusing on what you’re listening to can help you reign in your mind when it feels like its running down a one-way street to a panic attack.

8. Get Grounded

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Grounding is a therapeutic technique that you may have heard of before. Almost everyone has a different approach to how they think grounding should be done and some of those approaches can seem pretty out there. However, grounding is a proven technique that we would be remiss not to suggest. Grounding techniques are used in patients with PTSD, self destructive urges, substance abuse, and more. It is a great strategy that pulls your mind out of that weird anxious place that it is in and puts you back in the present moment so you can handle what’s going on. Dealing with anxiety as a college student can be tough because you may not always be somewhere completely private when you start to get anxious. Another good thing about grounding is that it’s something you can do completely in your head and no other tools or supplies and it only takes a minute.

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There are a lot of different grounding techniques . The most popular is the 5-4-3-2-1 method. To do this, when you’re feeling anxious, you should look around the room that you’re in and pick out five things that you can see, four things that you can hear, three things that you can touch, two things that you can smell, and one thing that you can taste. The order in which you address each of your senses isn’t necessarily important, though, feel free to mix the order up based on the circumstances. A tip from the experts about using this method suggests looking for things that you may not always pay attention to, such as quieter sounds or smaller details. This forces you to really focus on what’s going on around you and it is a great way to recenter your mind.

Another popular one is counting. Many people think that counting is something that will help you fall asleep because of the age old joke about counting sheep that we’re sure you’ve heard. Numbers actually engage your brain instead of relaxing it. Counting requires thought, because you have to remember the sequence of numbers, you have to think, and you have to pay attention. You can count down or up, run through a multiplication table, or do some other simple math in your head to help you focus on something else and quiet the anxious part of your brain.

There are mental, physical, and emotional techniques. We recommend experimenting with different techniques to figure out what works for you. Some techniques may work better for you in certain situations, depending on where you are and what exactly it is that you’re anxious about. We understand that it might feel a little bit silly at first if it is something you’ve never done before but you may be surprised at how effective it is for you.

9. Get Moving, Even if it’s Just a Little

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We know you are probably well aware that exercise is good for you and that it’s something that you should try to do on a semi-regular basis. However, it’s worth pointing out because a lot of people neglect the fact that physical exercise improves mental health. It does so in a lot of ways. If you get your body moving, even just taking a walk a few times a week, it’s going to have a lot of lasting benefits on your wellbeing. Getting some exercise can help improve your confidence, reduce cortisol levels, and can provide a (healthy) welcome distraction from anxiety and other negative emotions.

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You can try out yoga, even if it’s just a few Youtube videos in your room. Walking, jogging, biking, and plenty of other light exercises don’t require a lot of strength or equipment. You can try fitting it into your routine and see how it works for you. Regular exercise is a great choice for reducing anxiety in college because it establishes a habit of physical activity while you’re still young. That habit, if you can create a lasting one, will benefit your health for the rest of your life for obvious reasons. Regular exercise has also been proven to change the way that your body reacts to stress. It can lead to lower blood pressure, a lower resting heart rate, increase the chemicals that boost and stabilize mood in your brain, and it actually reduces the physiological response your body has in stressful situations.

While this is a good strategy to make a habit out of, don’t think that it can’t be used as a quick fix when you’re feeling extremely anxious. Like you’ve read, anxiety triggers your body’s fight or flight response. It raises your heart rate, increases adrenaline, and can cause a physical sense of restlessness. When you start to feel really anxious, try going for a short walk. If you’re working on a particularly stressful assignment or you’re watching a video lecture and having trouble understanding the concepts, whenever you can start to feel yourself becoming anxious, take a second to get moving. Do some light stretches if you can’t go for a walk. Do whatever works for you. The movement will help you clear your mind and uses up some of the extra energy your body is creating in response to the anxiety.

10. Keep a Journal

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Anxiety is something that builds up inside us over time. The feelings that come along with anxiety have a tendency of just hanging around in our minds and coming back to haunt us at some of the most inconvenient times. This happens to a lot of students who have anxiety in college. You could be out with some friends and suddenly get hit with a wave of dread about the assignment you’ve been putting off or perhaps sitting at home for a weekend and you start stressing about your final exam in a few weeks. The problem is that these feelings just kind of bubble up to the surface sometimes and it can get your thoughts racing. Where do they go when they stop? Surely they aren’t really gone because you know you’re still worried about it.

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Keeping a journal is a good way to give those thoughts somewhere to go. This is something that is recommended by psychiatrists, therapists, and professionals that come from all walks of life. When you sit down and write out your feelings, something wonderful happens. You have put it into something permanent, you have vented about it somewhere, and it no longer needs to hide in the corner of your mind just to creep back up on you when you have a ton of other things on your plate. Journaling also allows you to gain some perspective about the things you are anxious about. You can talk through how you’re feeling, what you’re really worried about, and it forces you to slow your mind down and really think about it. This relates to our strategy of changing the way you address your anxiety. When you look at it on paper, you have more room to think about a logical solution or approach to handling it.

Your journal doesn’t need to be anything special. You can use a spare notebook and a pencil if you’d like. If you are worried about someone getting ahold of it and reading it, you can choose to type it out instead on your computer or in the Notes app on your phone. You could also opt for getting a really nice journal and some pens that feel good to write with to make it a more enjoyable and immersive experience. The method doesn’t matter, your handwriting doesn’t matter, what matters is that you are getting your thoughts out so they have somewhere to go. This helps you to not feel so swarmed with your thoughts when you get anxious because you aren’t just bottling everything up until it explodes into a panic attack or causes you to feel completely shutdown and withdraw.

11. Keep Your Dorm or Room Tidy

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When you are feeling anxious and overwhelmed with school, or with anything, clearing your mind is of the utmost importance. One thing we are sure that you know by now is that clearing your mind can feel impossible sometimes. This anxiety tip can help you in a multitude of ways. When you feel anxious, you can start to feel restless and you can feel like you can’t focus on anything. Getting up and tidying your dorm, your bedroom, or your house can be a great pathway to clearing your mind. It forces you to physically engage in an activity that requires you to focus. Also, the action of clearing the space that you live in will prompt your mind to start to feel more clear as well. You won’t feel as crowded. Having a clean, calm space to head back to after a long day will help you unwind better. You won’t be thinking about all of the schoolwork you have to do just to walk into a messy environment, putting another responsibility on your plate as well.

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It is almost impossible to feel anxious about just one thing at once, so keeping your space clean can help you fight that feeling of being overwhelmed when you’re spending time in it. Getting rid of the clutter around you can help you if your anxiety makes it difficult for you to focus, too. When you are ready to start working on an assignment that you’ve been worrying about but you can’t find your laptop charger, or you don’t know where your car keys are when you have to leave for class in a few minutes can make you feel even more stressed out. It places barriers between you and the actions that you need to do, and anxiety makes it very difficult to move past those barriers. Having a place where you know where everything is and is clean can help you feel less anxious. It makes it easier to knock a few items off that to-do list you made.

When you are anxious, your brain starts to do something that it thinks is helpful when it isn’t, and that is shut down functions that it deems non-essential. Anxiety puts your body in a state kind of like survival mode. Almost all of your processing power is used up worrying so you may not have as much energy to dedicate to truly taking care of yourself. If you don’t already make it a habit to keep your space clean, a period of more intense anxiety can take that from bad to worse in just a matter of days. The more things build up in your living space and need to be put away, the bigger the challenge feels when you think about cleaning it up. It creates another pattern for you to feel ashamed that your room is dirty, stressed out because you don’t have the energy to clean, and anxious because you can’t be comfortable in a messy space.

If you take a few minutes every day to make sure everything is put away, you will have an easier time relaxing because it’s one less thing for your anxiety to create stress over.

12. Make Sure You’re Eating Enough

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This tip may seem a little bit off the wall to some of you. It’s not a secret that proper nutrition is important when it comes to your mental health. In fact, a lot of vitamin deficiencies can have serious impacts on your mind. Not having enough Vitamin D can lead to depression and mood swings. Not having enough B12 in your diet, which is common for a lot of people who don’t eat much red meat, can lead to fatigue, confusion, and a laundry list of other symptoms. While it is important to make sure that you’re eating the right foods to get the nutrients you need, making sure you’re eating enough food , in general, is also very important.

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Anxiety can make it hard to eat anything. This can be for a lot of reasons, like just feeling like you are too busy to eat or, in some people, anxiety can cause nausea. If you’re one of those people who get so anxious that you have trouble with food, you would be wise to keep an eye on that. Keep things around that are easy to digest like bananas, rice cakes, or soup. Things that are easy to just grab and eat are great for college students because of the busy lifestyle that many people adopt when they are in school. For a college student with anxiety, they can be lifesavers. You don’t have to think too much to prepare them and it’s easy to just grab something from the pantry while you’re thinking about it. Even if you’re experiencing a period of extreme anxiety, you should try to eat at least something if it’s been a few hours.

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With that said, there is another reason that we brought this up. If you are someone who skips breakfast, or you’re following a diet or lifestyle in which you don’t eat a lot of carbs, there might be something else at work that is making you anxious. Having low blood sugar can cause irritability, tiredness, low body temperatures, and can also make you feel nervous or anxious. If you ever notice yourself starting to get a little bit more worried and irritable seemingly out of nowhere, think of the last time that you ate something.

Eating is also a really good way to take a moment to ground yourself and clear your head. Taking the time to prepare a meal and focus on what you’re doing can help you push anxiety out of your mind. Even if that’s not something that you have time to do, taking a break to eat without doing anything else can give you a much needed mental break as well as a physical one. Also, if you’re up late studying and find yourself searching for caffeine (which we’ll talk about later), you shouldn’t have too much of it on an otherwise empty stomach. That can lead to feelings of nervousness and can increase your heart rate. Too much caffeine mimics the physical effects of anxiety and can trigger it.

13. Practice Acceptance

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This strategy for dealing with anxiety might be one of the most important. Anxiety does a lot of weird things in your brain. It can make you feel like you aren’t good enough, it can make you feel like you aren’t smart enough. It can make you feel childish. Because anxiety is often just worrying in circles, your mind can get creative in a bad way. One thing that we want you to remember is that your anxiety is a really great liar. You’re not a bad person, it’s not stupid to be worried, and there is nothing wrong with you. Plenty of people deal with anxiety on a daily basis, you aren’t in this alone, and there is nothing that you will have to face in college that you can’t handle. You’re smart enough. You’re capable. We encourage you to stop letting the anxious part of your mind put you down.

People have a habit of putting themselves down for having anxiety just as much as their anxiety tries to put them down, too. That’s what this anxiety tip for students is all about. You need to work on being patient with yourself. You need to work on having compassion for yourself. We’re sure that you know by now that if there was some magic switch that you could use to turn your anxiety off that you would have already done that. You know that anxiety, and managing it, is a process.

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The first step in that process is accepting the fact that you have anxiety. If you get bouts of acute anxiety or if you’re struggling with chronic anxiety, you would do well to just accept that there is a part of your mind that thinks that way. Accept that you’re an anxious person instead of beating yourself up or trying to force it to stop. Accept that sometimes you are going to feel anxious and that is going to come with a lot of negative feelings. If you work on accepting that, you will have a better outlook when it comes to managing it. You will be prepared when your anxiety tells you that you’re going to fail a test. You will be prepared for when your anxiety convinces you that you don’t have friends. Whatever it is that your mind gets stuck on, if you accept the fact that you have anxiety then you will have a better understanding of what triggers that response in you. You will have a better understanding of how you need to take care of yourself to keep those thoughts at bay.

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Stop making yourself feel guilty about being worried. Making yourself feel ashamed starts the cycle all over again, as you’ve read about a few times now. Understand that there are some things you will need to practice dealing with before it starts coming naturally. It’s just part of your process and that’s perfectly okay.

14. Prove Yourself Wrong

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A quote that a lot of people like to use when it comes to dealing with mental health challenges and self-improvement is to “do one thing each day that scares you.” When it comes to having anxiety in college, you might be faced with a lot of things that scare you and the idea of going out and doing them on purpose can be mortifying; however, there is some merit in the quote. Instead of putting yourself in situations that you know are going to make you anxious just because some “motivational” Instagram said so, though, think about it as a test .

You know that anxiety isn’t very logical. If you approach certain situations in a logical way, though, you can start undoing the patterns of anxiety that you tend to slip into. You can treat it like a science experiment, almost. Because you’re feeling anxious about something, you think that you’re going to fail or that you’re not going to have a good time but, you could just try. If you have a big test that you’re worried about and you end up doing really well on it, celebrate that. Think about how nervous you were and then ask yourself, “What was I afraid of?” Show yourself that you can do it and that not all of those negative predictions that your anxiety causes you to make end up being correct.

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When you do something that you didn’t want to do because you were nervous and someone else says, “that wasn’t so bad, was it?” it feels extremely condescending. Saying it to yourself is a completely different experience. It encourages you to realize that not everything turns out as bad or as uncomfortable as your anxiety makes it seem like it will. By taking a moment to test out different situations and acknowledge that it didn’t turn out the way you thought it would when you were anxious, you are confronting your fears with reason. Even if it’s just something small, you can work with this strategy to become more comfortable about things like taking a test, raising your hand, emailing that teacher, or whatever it may be.

So, maybe the idea of doing one thing every day that scares you isn’t going to work for everyone; however, when you start actively trying to do a few things that you’re uncomfortable with, it’s like practice. It’s a lot like going to a restaurant with your parents when you were younger. When you weren’t familiar with the ordering process, you weren’t really sure what to say or if you were doing it right the first few times. Now that you’re used to it, even if it isn’t your favorite thing to do, the fear doesn’t stop you in your tracks anymore. Using this strategy, you can experiment with overcoming your anxiety in small ways that are comfortable to you. Eventually, hopefully, you will stop worrying about some things at all.

15. Schedule Time to Worry

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Planning out time to worry may seem counterintuitive, but it can be a very effective way to handle anxiety in college. This is actually very simple. Set aside a few minutes every day to just think about the things that you’re anxious about right now and what you can do about them. You could do it while you’re brushing your teeth, or driving to work, for instance. Dedicating time to think about your anxiety can be really helpful for a few reasons.

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The first reason why this might be a good approach for you is that it gives you space to think about an active solution to the things that you’re worried about. If you are very anxious about a paper that you need to do, carving out time to worry about it might help you come up with a plan of attack when it comes to getting it done. If you’re anxious about an event coming up or something like that, something that is in the future, you can worry about it when you gave yourself the time to do so and then you can focus on the rest of your day because this event is in the future. If there is nothing that you can do to solve the problem right now, then there is no reason to let it disrupt your entire day. Giving yourself space to think about these things gives them a space to exist in so they won’t distract you from more important things that you need to be focused on.

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Another reason that this is a good technique is that it can act as a pause button. If you’re in the middle of something and you feel yourself starting to become anxious about something that isn’t relevant to what you’re working on, this gives you a solid method for dismissing it. If you’re in the middle of doing one of the required readings for one of your classes and you start to think about your math lecture the next day or what you’re going to wear to lunch on Friday, stop yourself. Tell yourself that you can think about it during your worry time but you need to focus right now. This is a good method because you’re not just disregarding it or trying to ignore it, you’re telling yourself that you’ll come back to it. By the time that little bit of time you set aside to be anxious rolls around, you may not even be concerned about it anymore.

A caveat to this tip is to not sit around and consider all of the bad things that could happen, and not to sit there and let your mind go wild with negative thoughts and fears that you have. Choose to think about a situation, consider what you’re worried about that could go wrong, and try to think about how you can fix it, or how you can let go of it. If you allow yourself to wallow in the world of “what if,” you might end up not helping yourself at all. This approach may not work for everyone, but it’s definitely worth a shot.

16. Set Realistic Expectations of Yourself

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College is going to change a lot of things about your life. You are going to have a lot more freedom but it goes without saying that your responsibilities, priorities, and your lifestyle are all going to change completely. All of your experience thus far has likely been filled with clear deadlines and set schedules. You know the bus comes at seven in the morning, you know that English class starts at eight and math at nine. Everything that you have experienced as far as school goes has been on a set schedule that didn’t require a lot of thought or planning on your part. The same is true of the other activities you may have been part of. You knew that you would see your friends at practice, or you knew that you would be meeting them at the mall on Saturday. Everything was pretty much stuck to a single schedule.

When you go to college, you have to be prepared for that to change and you need to practice setting realistic expectations. You are going to be responsible for getting up and going to class if you attend a campus; you are going to be responsible for setting time aside to work on your courses if you’re going to an online college. If you know that you’re not a morning person, or if you have a job that keeps you later at night, don’t take that eight am. If you’re someone who stuck with the same friend group through most of high school, understand that it might be a little bit weird trying to make new friends or that your schedules may not line up so perfectly anymore. Setting realistic expectations has a lot to do with being prepared to accept that college is going to change your life.

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You should also set realistic expectations when it comes to doing your actual school work. Break things down. How much can you do in one week? How many courses do you think you have the time and energy to focus on each semester? Don’t compare it to you in high school and try not to compare yourself to any other college students you know. The worst thing you can do if you are anxious about college is fall into the trap of spreading yourself too thin. If you exceed the expectations that you set for yourself, consider it a win! However, when you set unrealistic expectations for yourself and then you fall short of them, it creates a perfect doorway for shame and anxiety to walk right in. That is what you want to avoid with this tip.

We also want to point out that it is completely normal to fall short of your own expectations. It doesn’t make you a failure when things didn’t go as planned. Take a look and what is working and what isn’t and don’t be afraid to make changes or ask for help. There is a fine line between putting pressure on yourself and understanding your own potential. Sometimes it is hard to unblur that line when you have anxiety.

17. Stay Away from Substances

This may be a controversial tip but we feel that it is important to talk about it. College is fun. It’s often the first taste of freedom, your first excursion into adulthood, and it’s awesome. You are going to have a lot of opportunities to make new friends, try new things, and start exploring the world and finding your place in it. There is nothing wrong with going to parties. There is nothing wrong with having a few drinks if you are of legal age. There’s nothing wrong with having an iced coffee on your afternoon break if it’s something you enjoy. With that said, it is important to understand that a lot of different substances can cause or intensify your anxiety. You should always be smart about what you’re putting in your body.

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We will start with caffeine, which is the most widely used drug around the world. Caffeine is most often associated with coffee and energy drinks because that is where you will find the most of it but there are a lot of things that contain caffeine like soda, tea, and chocolate. Caffeine is a reliable way to help keep yourself alert when you’re getting sleepy and many people swear by its ability to increase focus, memory, and mood. Abstinence isn’t always key with caffeine because it might be truly helpful. If you drink a lot of caffeinated beverages, you could be addicted to it and not even know. Abstaining from caffeine, in that case, could lead to minor withdrawal symptoms like headaches and irritability. The thing to remember with caffeine is that it is psychoactive. It is a nervous system stimulant that keeps you awake, increases your heart rate, and can cause side effects like nervousness. If you have anxiety, caffeine can make it worse. If you’re not typically anxious and you notice that starts to change when you increase your caffeine intake, slow down a little bit.

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Alcohol is something that you’re probably going to see in college. A lot of people like to take advantage of their newfound freedom by having or attending parties and that’s perfectly fine. If you are of legal drinking age and want to have a beer or two with your friends, as long as you’re being responsible, there is nothing wrong with it at all. However, you should understand that alcohol is a nervous system depressant. It alters the levels of serotonin and other important neurotransmitters and that can lead to increased feelings of anxiety and depression. It can take several days for those levels to return to normal. Alcohol can also disrupt sleep patterns and will dehydrate you. If you choose to drink, be mindful of the way that it may affect you. You might decide that it isn’t worth it at all. We’d also like to note that if you have chronic anxiety or another mental illness that you are actively taking medication for, you should not drink alcohol under any circumstances.

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There are a lot of other substances that you may encounter in college because you’re around an entirely new set of people. We want to take a moment to discourage any illegal activity and say a few things about these substances. Drugs, even prescription ones, can worsen or cause anxiety and other mental and physical health problems. Drug use can lead to addiction and dependency. You should be careful not to put yourself in harm’s way by using them. If you or someone you know is currently struggling with substance abuse or is using illicit drugs as a coping mechanism, speak up. You’re not alone, you have nothing to be ashamed of, and you can get better. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration offers several free and confidential resources.

18. Take a Break

A lot of people describe anxiety as being paralyzing. For many people, that’s the case. There are some people who have a completely different reaction to anxiety, though. Sometimes people react to anxiety by needing to be busy. It makes sense. The restlessness and excessive adrenaline in your body need to be spent and a lot of people spend it by keeping themselves busy. Maybe you are someone who stress cleans, or perhaps you just have trouble relaxing when you actually have the time to do so. Anxiety can make you feel like you have too much energy in the short term and it can make you feel like your mind just never stops so you need your body to keep up. This is something that will inevitably lead to burn out.

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Anxiety itself is tiring, both mentally and physically. When you have anxiety, your body prepares itself for an emergency with a rush of cortisol, adrenaline, and energy. If you spend a lot of time feeling anxious, that means your body is always in this mode and at the ready, even if the threat is simply perceived and not present. This wears your body out. It can be bad for your heart, bad for your veins, and even bad for your skin. Stress is very physical. So, when your body is under this stress on a consistent basis or even constantly, you are becoming tired even if you don’t feel it. Overactivity because you feel the need to be doing something wears you out more. This isn’t sustainable at all.

Learning how to take a break can be difficult if you’re someone who deals with your anxiety in this way but it is important. Even if you’re not someone who is overactive and you’re dealing with anxiety, you truly need to learn how to take a break. Laying in bed for several days under the guise of self-care isn’t a good idea; however, taking a night in, taking a night off, doing something you enjoy and not focusing on your worries for a while is completely necessary. You have to allow yourself time to recharge. Promise yourself you will come back to it, like in the scheduled worry time approach. Unplug for a day, spend some time outside, call a family member or friend, do something that you enjoy but never have time to do. Whatever it is that helps you to just check out for a while, do that. Get some rest. You have more to lose by burning yourself out to the point of exhaustion or mentally shutting down than you do by consciously choosing to take a step back.

assignment anxiety college

It can be difficult to take a breather when you’re in college and have so much on your plate and are dealing with anxiety. Think of it like this: When you are on an airplane and they give the safety demonstration, they instruct you to put your own oxygen mask on first should anything go wrong. The reason that they tell you to do this is that a lack of oxygen can lead to confusion and anxiety before the dizziness and eventual loss of consciousness. You need to make sure that you are okay first that way you can effectively react to the situation and help others. Taking a break when you’re feeling anxious works the exact same way. If you don’t take a breath and clear your mind, if you don’t take time to relax, you’re going to run yourself ragged and won’t be able to handle the things that you need to. There’s nothing wrong with taking a break.

19. Try A Natural Remedy

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If you are someone who experiences anxiety on a regular basis or you know there are certain situations that put you into an anxious state, natural remedies could really help. You should never take any substances or supplements that you’re unfamiliar with; however, doing some research and thinking about what’s out there could be of great benefit to you. There are a lot of different herbal teas and herbal supplements that are proven to help ease anxiety and help you relax and focus. We’ll talk about a few here.

Magnesium is the most widely talked about. It has been used as a home remedy for anxiety, irritability, headaches, insecurity, and more. Some cultures have sworn by it for centuries. It is a mineral that your body needs for several functions but it has a proven track record when it comes to anxiety. It can be found in nuts, dark chocolate, avocados, and some varieties of fish. You can also purchase it over the counter as a supplement. It absorbs quickly into the body and is a natural muscle relaxer and anxiolytic.

Valerian root is another good natural remedy for anxiety. You may be familiar with valerian if you’re a fan of sleepy herbal tea blends as it is a staple in most of them. Valerian has acids in it that are translated into GABAs in the body when you consume it. These acids are specifically responsible for regulating the activity of the neurons in your brain and helping you calm down. It can cause drowsiness. We don’t recommend that you take a valerian supplement or drink it in an herbal tea early in the day or if you plan to operate a motor vehicle.

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Lastly, you could always try CBD oil. CBD is a cannabinoid that is found in the cannabis and hemp plants. It is not psychoactive like THC is, which means that it can’t get you high. A lot of people have heard about CBD as it has risen to popularity but don’t have a lot of information on why it works. You have an Endocannabinoid System that is part of your nervous system and it interacts with the cannabinoids that you put into your body and can help with multiple health problems and boost overall wellness. CBD has been researched as a treatment option for anxiety as far back as the 1970s. CBD binds to your cannabinoid receptors and can mimic the effects of serotonin. It can improve your mood, reduce anxiety, reduce your body’s response to stress, and promote restful sleep. You can buy CBD at plenty of local health stores or online. Just remember, CBD is legal in all fifty states as long as it is sourced from industrial hemp and not directly from the cannabis plant.

20. Don’t Be Afraid to Seek Help

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This is a very simple tip but it is important. If you feel like your anxiety has gotten out of control or you feel like it is disrupting your life to the point that you are struggling to be happy and do the things that you need to do, do not be afraid to seek help. If you feel like you can’t control your anxiety, if you are having panic attacks, nightmares, trouble concentrating in school, or you feel like you don’t really enjoy anything anymore, please talk to someone.

We wanted to make it a point to tell you again that you are not in this alone. There is a lot of strength in putting your hands up and saying that you can’t do it all on your own. No one expects you to do it all on your own. It is not immature, weak, or a sign of failure if you need to talk to someone about your anxiety. You, your health, your happiness, and your success are too important to let fear dominate and disrupt your life.

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You can talk to a friend. You can talk to your parents. You can talk to your teachers. You can talk to your doctor. You can talk to your counselor. No one is going to be disappointed in you. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Needing help is a fact of life sometimes. It’s perfectly normal. If you are not comfortable seeking out counseling services from your college or confronting your doctor about what you’re going through, please see the resources at the bottom of this article for alternative options for seeking help. If you do decide to make that call, we’re proud of you. We know that you’re going to get through this.

Is Anxiety Normal?

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Yes. Anxiety is normal in the sense that it is something that almost everyone experiences. Acute anxiety happens around big life events or when you’re exposed to new situations and it is a sense of nervousness that a lot of people experience from time to time. Anxiety is your body’s response to stress and, as you know, stress is something that everyone experiences as well. It is perfectly normal to feel anxious sometimes and it doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with you.

Chronic anxiety is also normal in the same sense. A huge percentage of Americans experience chronic anxiety, which is characterized by persistent and excessive fear, stress, or worry, sometimes without any clear cause. It is abnormal in the sense that it is not something that you have to live with. It’s not the way that our minds were meant to function. If you’re dealing with chronic anxiety, it could just be that you’re a natural worrier. It could also signify that you need to improve your mental health or that there is some unresolved psychological or physiological problem that is causing your body and brain to respond that way. Even though it isn’t necessarily the way that everyone’s brain works, it’s still normal. It doesn’t mean that you are crazy; it doesn’t reflect negatively on who you are as a person at all.

When your anxiety becomes too much for you to handle or impairs your ability to enjoy life or complete your responsibilities, that is when it truly tips into the territory of not being normal. However, if that is something that you’re experiencing, there are plenty of resources and even treatment options that you could explore.

Is Anxiety a Mental Illness?

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The clearest answer to this question is no. Anxiety itself, as you just read, is a perfectly normal part of the human experience. Both acute and chronic anxiety are normal and can be improved or completely eradicated just by changing the way that you think and approach the world. With that said, though, anxiety can be a symptom of mental illness.

If you find that your anxiety is completely debilitating or you feel like it rules or is ruining your life, you may have a type of mental illness that is classified as an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorder is an umbrella term used to describe a variety of mental illnesses that are all characterized by severe, chronic anxiety that disrupts your ability to be a functional person. There is panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and there are specific phobias. All of these conditions fall under the category of being an anxiety disorder. These mental illnesses all share a common thread of symptoms that are focused around anxiety.

These symptoms can include heart palpitations, insomnia, restlessness, fear, nausea, and dizziness, among others. These symptoms can happen to anyone in a period of anxiety; however, if you are dealing with an anxiety disorder, these symptoms are more severe and occur more often. If you’re concerned that you might have an anxiety disorder, we strongly recommend that you bring it up to your doctor or a trusted mental health professional. You can’t diagnose, treat, or cure any mental illness on your own.

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Anxiety in itself is not a mental illness. Anxiety is a natural response to stressors or triggering events and it is something that everyone experiences. Having anxiety doesn’t mean that you’re sick, crazy, or broken in any way. If you are someone who is concerned that you may need professional help confronting and coping with your anxiety, you should talk to someone you trust. It may also make you feel better to know that anxiety is the most treatable mental health issue that a person can experience. Most of the time, it can be treated without any medications. Further, there are several different categories of medications and a myriad of treatment methods. Don’t get discouraged if you’re getting help and you’re still having a hard time. Everyone experiences anxiety differently and everyone needs to cope with their anxiety differently. You will find what works for you.

When Is It Time to Seek Help?

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Everyone has different limits that are personal to them and everyone experiences life, trauma, stress, and emotions differently. Because that is the case, it is hard to tell a general audience if it is time to get help. What one person is able to cope with on their own could be completely overwhelming to another person and that’s okay, neither of them are wrong. Everyone truly does experience anxiety differently. Everyone is going to need to go through their own process of handling anxiety, whether it is acute and situational or chronic and feels like it’s always looming over you.

There are a few key signs that you may want to look out for in your life or in the lives of the people you care about, though. If any or all of these things feel true to you, it might be time to go ahead and reach out to someone.

  • You feel like you spend so much time and energy worrying that you don’t have time for anything else.
  • You notice patterns of behavior in which you are struggling to fulfill your responsibilities at work, school, or home because you’re too worried.
  • You feel like your anxiety prevents you from being able to live your life.
  • You no longer do things that you enjoy doing because of your anxiety.
  • You actively avoid voicing your opinions or talking about your feelings because you are afraid of conflict or how others will react to the point that it is affecting your relationships.
  • You feel like you are very easily fatigued or notice that you are worrying yourself to the point of exhaustion.
  • You have failed to complete a vital responsibility out of fear, such as giving a presentation at work or school.
  • Your anxiety is causing you to withdraw from the people you care about.
  • You avoid interacting with people due to your anxiety.
  • You are having frequent or regular panic attacks.
  • You feel like you are no longer capable of leaving your house or your room due to anxiety.
  • You have been generally anxious for a period of three weeks or more without an obvious trigger or stressor. (An obvious trigger could be something like a car accident or a death in the family.)

If you notice one, a few, or all of these behaviors, it might be time. Also, psychiatrist Dr. Dennis-Tiwary says that if you are debating whether or not you need help, it might be time to lower the bar. If you know that you’re not yourself, take care of it. You deserve to.

What Resources Are Available if I’m Struggling?

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If you are struggling with anxiety or any of the other problems that we’ve touched on in this article, here are some things you can do to get the help that you need.

Contact the Mental Health or Counseling Services Center at your college. Every school has one and students have access to it at any time. There are counselors and psychiatrists that work at your school that are there to help you through situations like this. In the event that you need some more help that they’re not able to provide, they will know what local resources to provide you so that you can get it.

You can always talk to your primary care physician or family doctor or your parents if you are having trouble as well. They will be able to help you out of whatever situation you are in, even if it feels inescapable. It can be hard to open up, we understand that, but please remember that you can go to any doctor, trusted family member, or trusted faculty member at your university. They will be able to help find you the right kind of help if you feel that it is what you need.

Finally, here are some additional resources that you can explore on your own if you don’t feel like you can talk to anyone about what you’re going through.

  • The U.S. Department of Health & Human Service Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, SAMHSA
  • The SAMHSA’s National Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
  • Suicide Prevention Lifeline
  • Suicide Prevention Lifeline Hotline, 1-800-273-8255
  • National Institute of Mental Health, NIMH

assignment anxiety college

Fast Forward College Coaching

  • Feb 21, 2023

Accommodations for Anxiety in College

Updated: Nov 18, 2023

assignment anxiety college

More and more students are entering college with symptoms of anxiety. If your son or daughter has an anxiety diagnosis, they are not alone. In fact, recent research shows that "during the 2020-2021 school year approximately 60% of college students met criteria for a mental health diagnosis." Similar to other disabilities, if your student received accommodations in high school that addressed their anxiety allowing them to be successful, your student may want to consider requesting accommodations in college too. Keep reading to learn about the accommodations request process and identify typical college accommodations for students with anxiety.

Differences Between High School and College

Students with anxiety in high school may utilize a 504 or IEP to receive support. The 504 or IEP is the "guiding document" which lists supports your student has been given by their high school team. In college, the 504 / IEP is not the guiding document. Instead, your student will receive an accommodation letter. This letter states that your student has registered with their campus Disability Support Office and has been found eligible to receive support, also known as accommodations. The accommodations your student will receive are listed on the accommodation letter. This short animated video explains what an accommodation letter is and how to share this important document with professors.

Another difference between high school and college is that it is your student's responsibility to request this accommodation letter and, once it is received, to share it with professors.

It is important to note that accommodations for anxiety your student received in high school will not necessarily be the same accommodations they receive in college. You can submit documentation that shows accommodations your student received in high school (see section below), but colleges and universities have discretion to determine 'reasonable accommodations' once your student becomes a student on their campus.

How to Request Accommodations in College

We have written many blog articles here and here about the accommodation request process. We've also created this short animated video to help new college students and families understand how to request accommodations. We are experts in helping students and families navigate learning supports in college!

If you are a student with a documented learning, physical or mental health disability you are entitled to receive accommodations in college. This process should begin as soon as you accept a college's offer of admission.

First, contact your campus' Office of Disability Support. You will be asked to complete a Registration Form that asks you to share your basic contact information, disability diagnosis, how your disability affects you in academic and social settings and accommodations that have been helpful for you in the past. The next step is to submit documentation and lastly you will have a conversation with a member of the Disability Office staff.

Typical College Accommodations For Anxiety

In my experience as an educator and executive functioning coach that has supported college students for over 20 years, these are common scenarios where students with anxiety may need support in college:

Needing a quiet space to decompress after class

Feeling overwhelmed by the demands of 5 courses per semester

Feeling overwhelmed when taking a test in a classroom of their peers

Missing parts of a class lecture due to anxiety about an upcoming assignment or general feelings of anxiety

If your student experiences any of these symptoms, here are 5 typical accommodations that can be helpful in college:

1. Single Dorm Room

Students that need space to decompress when feeling anxious or that need a quiet environment due to sensory issues can request a single dorm room. This can be called a "single room for medical reasons." Keep in mind that a single room can make it easier for your student to isolate and not socialize, but many students with anxiety would find the issues of navigating a roommate to be anxiety producing as well. Weigh the options for your student and decide if requesting a single room due to alleviate anxiety would be beneficial.

2. Distraction Free Environment for Tests

Sometimes the environment of the classroom coupled with test anxiety can be too much for students with anxiety to handle. Requesting a distraction free testing environment will allow your student to take their exam in an environment outside of the classroom most likely in the Disability Support Office. Again, consider if this is a beneficial option for your student as the professor won't be present in the separate testing location and won't be available to answer clarifying questions you student may have about the exam.

3. Copy of Class Notes

Anxiety can impair students' working memory making it difficult to remember and retain important content given in class. If your student also has fine motor skill difficulty or a learning disability, they may struggle to listen to a lecture while also taking notes. An accommodation of 'copy of class notes' can be helpful in this instance. But remember, it is up to your student to review and study the copy of class notes.

4. Recording Software for Class

Similar to tip #3 , students who feel anxious may miss important class material even while participating and attending class. Professors that require active class participation, in-class group work or timed in-class writing assignments can create feelings of stress which impair a student's memory.

Assistive technology software can record class lectures and allow students to listen to the recording after class at their own pace. These note taking programs are installed on your student's computer and are not noticeable to others in a classroom or lecture hall. Some Accessibility Offices purchase a a set number of licenses for assistive technology software programs and will load the program on your student's computer on a first-come, first-serve basis. Although some colleges may provide a license to this software, they are not required to train your student on how to use it. If the college Accessibility Office does have a technology specialist on staff, it will be your student's responsibility to schedule appointments and ask questions about their assistive technology.

Good news... Fast Forward College Coaching can fill the technology gaps!

We offer assessment and training on a variety of note taking software and can work with your student 1:1 to help them become comfortable using their note taking program and learn how to use their notes to study for exams. Remember, it's important for students to be trained and practice with their note taking technology BEFORE they arrive in college. For more info about our assistive technology services, click here.

5. Reduced Course Load

If your student often feels overwhelmed by large amounts of assignments you should consider a reduced course load as an accommodation. Most colleges require students to carry a full-time course load of 12 credits in order to live on campus, be eligible for financial aid, etc. Your student with anxiety can apply for a reduced course load through the Accessibility Office. This may allow them to take 9 credits, 3 courses, and still be considered a full-time student (which may be necessary for your student to continue receiving financial aid or scholarships).

If you have any questions about these accommodations in college, please contact us. We are experts in helping students and families navigate the accommodations process in college and support new and struggling college students through 1:1 virtual coaching.

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