Social Media Thesis Statement: the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

This essay will present a thesis statement on the impact of social media on mental health. It will explore how social media use correlates with issues like anxiety, depression, and self-esteem, drawing on current research and psychological theories. The piece will discuss both the negative and positive aspects of social media, considering factors such as online connectivity, cyberbullying, and the pressure of social comparison. It will also suggest directions for future research and potential solutions. PapersOwl offers a variety of free essay examples on the topic of Adolescence.

How it works

  • 1 Social Media, Anxiety, and the 'Like' Syndrome
  • 2 Social Media and the Onset of Depression Symptoms
  • 3 The Correlation Between Social Media Usage and Addiction
  • 4 The Social Media Thesis Statement: Balancing the Scale of Positive and Negative Effects
  • 5 References:

Social Media, Anxiety, and the 'Like' Syndrome

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Social Media and the Onset of Depression Symptoms

The correlation between social media usage and addiction, the social media thesis statement: balancing the scale of positive and negative effects.

Besides all the negative effects of social media, it also has a few positive effects on the human brain. "Although they can cause problems, these sites also have been shown to have positive effects on people. It can help psychologists monitor the mental health of patients, spread awareness about issues (including mental health disorders), connect people with one another, and make the world a little smaller" (Maldonado). Rewarding your brain with positive upbringings can really determine night or day. If someone reaches a certain level on a game or gets the reaction, they wanted on a certain post, that could easily encourage you to keep positive vibes and continue doing what they love. As Maldonado stated, "The best way for anyone to take advantage of the benefits of these sites while minimizing the downsides is to moderate his or her use and maintain a level of detachment." Taking time away from social media would help minimize the chances of becoming depressed over a post, which could really help a teenager's mental health.


  • Gordon, Sherri. '5 Ways Social Media Affects Teen Mental Health.' very well family, About, Inc (Dotdash), 30 July 2018, Accessed 17 September 2018.
  • Griffiths, Mark D.' Addicted to Social Media?' Psychology Today. Sussex Publishers, LLC, 7 May 2018, Accessed 17 September 2018.
  • Hurley, Katie. 'Social Media and Teens: How Does Social Media Affect Teenagers Mental Health.' Psycom. Vertical Health LLC, 13 February 2018, Accessed 17 September 2018.
  • Maldonado, Marissa. 'The Anxiety of Facebook.' Psychcentral. 16 July 2016, Accessed 18 September 2018.


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Social Media Thesis Statement: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health. (2023, Aug 01). Retrieved from

"Social Media Thesis Statement: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health." , 1 Aug 2023, (2023). Social Media Thesis Statement: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 21 Nov. 2024]

"Social Media Thesis Statement: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health.", Aug 01, 2023. Accessed November 21, 2024.

"Social Media Thesis Statement: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health," , 01-Aug-2023. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 21-Nov-2024] (2023). Social Media Thesis Statement: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 21-Nov-2024]

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