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How To Start A Recruitment Agency

It makes sense to want to build your own business in recruitment. After somewhat of a lull, the global industry is booming once again, growing year on year and currently worth around US$521 billion. In a largely digital age, it’s also easier than ever to run a successful recruitment business from home or on the go should you wish, without needing to splash out on office space.

Whether you’ve worked in recruitment for a number of years and are looking to take a natural next step in your career, or you’re a serial entrepreneur who sees an opportunity in this sector, there are undoubtedly some things you should know about how to start a recruitment agency, and more to the point, how to encourage growth once you’ve got the ball rolling.

This guide is written by ETZ, a software company providing back office recruitment agency software that saves money and helps your agency grow. If you’d like to find out more about our solution please book a demo here . If you need legal or financial guidance for establishing your new recruitment agency, it is recommended to consult with a lawyer or accountant for professional advice.

Know What You're Getting Yourself In For

Know What You're Getting Yourself In For

The first thing any recruiter will tell you about their job is that their hours are not your typical 9-5. If you currently work or have previously worked in this industry, this is something you’ll be very aware of, but for an entrepreneur from outside the recruitment sector, this can come as a big shock to the system, and jeopardise the potential success of your company.

As many of your candidates will already have jobs they are looking to leave, you should expect to be working in the evenings to really make a decent go of things, whether that’s at home or in the office. For this reason, it’s a good idea to have recruitment platforms that you can take on the go with you.

Get comfortable with the laws governing the recruitment industry – of which there are many. This legislation differs between countries, so you may need to set aside considerable time to do your research and learn the ins and outs of your local employment legislation, and may even consider taking a short course in it, just to be sure.

What Makes You Different?

What Makes You Different?

Globally, the recruitment industry is projected to grow 17.66% by 2021, with new agencies appearing every year. The golden age of digital technology means that many of these have been able to operate across a wider network than ever, with many helping clients all over the country. If you’re going to become one of these companies, you need to figure out what you can offer clients in your area that they aren’t getting from competitors.

Building a fresh, exciting and engaging brand is absolutely vital. Working millenials are causing a massive shift in how companies operate across all industries. A major advantage for startup recruitment agencies is that your larger, long-established competition can easily get stuck with a business model and brand they’ve had for years, losing out on younger clients as a result.

One of the largest shifts is the increased focus on customer journey, which in the world of recruitment becomes the candidate journey. Over 75% of professionals are believed to be passive candidates in the recruitment process, so finding tangible ways you can offer an improved candidate journey that picks up where your competitors are falling short could be key in your success story as a startup agency.

Choose Your Business Model

Before you get too ahead of yourself thinking about branding, remember that all of this needs to work with your chosen business model. Recruitment business models can take many different forms, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. The key is finding the one that appeals to your candidates while also keeping in line with the goals you’ve set for your agency. A business model that does all of this provides a strong foundation on which your recruitment company can grow.

Some common business models for recruitment agencies include:

  • The contingency model: This is by far the most common business model for recruitment agencies and likely the one you’re used to if you’ve worked in the industry before. Candidates are placed for a success-only fee, which is between 15% and 25% of the candidate’s salary.
  • Preferred Supplier Lists: Preferred Supplier Lists (PSLs) are related to the contingency model, but more selective. Typically used by large companies, it involves them creating a list of recruitment agencies they want to work with, requiring new agencies to tender.
  • Retained or Executive Search: Unlike the contingency and PSL models, agencies make money from the start with retained or executive search. Clients make an initial upfront payment to an agency of their choice and then further payments based on your delivery.
  • Recruitment Process Outsourcing: Usually more suited to established recruitment agencies, in the recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) model, your agency takes on the role of an in-house recruitment team for a client, dealing with other recruiters on their behalf.
  • Self-Service: This business model is driven by efficiency and the client only pays for the delivery of each stage of recruitment you’re providing, such as marketing the position or interviewing candidates, encouraging them to handle more of the hiring process.

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What Will It Cost You?

What Will It Cost You?

If you’ve never set up a business before, take what you think it will cost you and multiply it a few times. With recruitment, as with any industry, it’s sensible to have enough capital to tide you over during the first few months, particularly if you opt for a success-only business model, as you may struggle to secure candidates at first, meaning you end up working for free.

Cash flow float will be your biggest expense, particularly if you’re recruiting temps or contractors. You may need to pay temporary workers weekly based on their timesheet, for example but not be able to invoice the client for your services until the end of the month, creating a need for you to have considerable money set aside to pay your candidates with. The more candidates you secure, the higher this figure is.

Calculate all your costs before you commit to your ambitions, and don’t scrimp on anything, or tell yourself you’ll be able to cut certain expenses down. Do all the maths honestly and realistically, then start thinking about registering your recruitment agency, speaking with an accountant, securing a business loan and all the rest.

It won’t just be what you can think of off the top of your head, either. What you’ll need to set up a successful recruitment agency will include:

  • A recruitment website
  • Advertising costs on recruitment job boards
  • Back-office recruitment software
  • Contracts to send to your candidates and clients
  • Finance for contract recruitment

Choose the right recruitment software

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, in case you haven’t heard, the world is digital. Recruitment software, for customer relations, your back office and more, isn’t just essential, but can actually save you money if you choose wisely. Here’s a quick breakdown of what you’re going to need.

Front Office

  • CRM: Your customer – or in this case, candidate – relationship manager is the system that drives your sourcing team, helping you create talent pools and build relationships with key talent for higher candidate retention.
  • ATS: Applicant tracking systems are similar in function to CRM, but designed for different purposes, used to manage the application process instead. They can be automated to filter applications based on keywords and essential criteria.

Back Office

  • Accounts: Secure and effective accounting software is a must for pretty much any business. However, due to the often uneven cash flow in the recruitment industry, it is even more indispensable for recruitment start-ups.
  • General: With recruitment, there’s a lot more to your back office than just keeping the books balanced and paying your own employees. For this reason, a full-service recruitment back office solution comprising timesheets, invoicing, expenses and reporting may be what you need.
  • Emails: As a recruitment agency, you will have emails flooding in left, right and centre from clients and candidates alike. Having an effective system that allows you to organise your emails and uses push notifications to keep you up to date is essential.
  • Marketing: With most recruitment business models, you’re responsible for marketing the position on behalf of your client. Recruitment marketing software will be key in streamlining this process for you.
  • Video Call: Because of the digital era, many recruiters work with clients and candidates all over the country. This makes video interviewing indispensable, so you can make sure you’re sending who you think you’re sending to the client.

Get Yourself Online

Get Yourself Online

Your website is how clients who are actively seeking a recruitment agency will find you, and the first thing clients you approach will look for when trying to learn more about you. Launching your website is instrumental to launching your business, and the two things should happen simultaneously, which is why we’ve put it last on our guide. If you launch before you’re ready and it’s a good website, you’ll wind up getting enquiries that you’re not prepared for.

The most important things to have on your recruitment agency website are:

  • Information about your company
  • The services you provide
  • Easy submission mechanisms for jobs and CVs
  • Clearly signposted contact information
  • CTAs and other ways of encouraging conversions

As a lot of recruitment agency work is based on location, potential clients are likely to search for their city or town – for instance, “recruitment agency Cambridge” – to find an agency close to them who can find them candidates locally. Optimising your website with advice from an SEO agency will help enormously in terms of getting you noticed as a local company offering an exceptional service.

Of course, these are just the basics. Launching a recruitment company is a long term investment that will take months of planning to realise. But if you manage to pull it off, it’s an incredibly rewarding industry to work in as an independent agent. Proper planning could take you from a big fish in a small pond to a recruiter with limitless potential.

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How to Start a Recruitment Agency in Australia: Your Comprehensive Guide

Wondering how to start a recruitment agency? Starting a recruitment agency in Australia offers a dynamic and rewarding path, where you become the pivotal connection between skilled professionals and their ideal roles, empowering businesses to thrive with the right talent. This venture is not only about enthusiasm; it requires detailed planning, in-depth industry knowledge, and a keen navigation of Australia’s regulatory and financial landscapes. 

That’s where JD Scott + co steps in, serving as your trusted advisor, ensuring your agency’s financial foundation is as robust and reliable as the services you aim to provide, setting the stage for a successful and impactful business journey. Contact us today to find out how we can help you.

Researching Your Recruitment Agency Idea

Before you dive into the entrepreneurial world of recruitment, it’s essential to understand the landscape you’re entering. Research the current trends in the Australian recruitment industry. Are certain sectors experiencing a shortage of skilled workers? Are there emerging industries where the demand for talent is skyrocketing? Understanding these dynamics will help you identify where the most significant opportunities lie.

Identify the Target Audience

As a recruitment agency, your clients will be twofold: businesses looking for employees and job seekers looking for work. It’s crucial to define who you want to serve. Are you focusing on a particular industry, such as healthcare or tech? Will you specialise in executive placements, or are you aiming to help companies fill more entry-level roles? Knowing your target audience in detail will inform your business strategy and marketing approach. Add comments in here around your current expertise. Do you have a network you can draw upon? If currently employed, do you have a non-compete that would prevent you from using that network?

Conduct a SWOT Analysis

A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis will provide you with a clear picture of where your agency will stand in the market.

  • Strengths: What will set your agency apart? Perhaps it’s your extensive network within a particular industry or your unique approach to candidate vetting.
  • Weaknesses: Are there areas where you have less experience or resources? Identifying these early on gives you the chance to address them proactively.
  • Opportunities: What are the unmet needs in the recruitment industry that your agency can fulfil.
  • Threats: What external factors, such as economic downturns or strong competition, could pose challenges for your agency?

Conducting this analysis will enable you to create a business plan that is both realistic and strategically focused on your agency’s success.

Leverage Your Current Contact List

When launching a recruitment agency, you’re not starting from scratch; you bring with you your experience, relationships, and reputation. Your existing contact list can be a goldmine for initial business, referrals, and testimonials. 

By focusing on this aspect, you’re essentially hitting the ground running, armed with a network that knows your capabilities and can attest to your expertise. This strategy also dovetails nicely with your broader marketing and relationship-building endeavours.

Creating a Business Plan

A well-crafted business plan is your roadmap to success when starting a business . It outlines your agency’s objectives, strategies for achieving those objectives, and the resources and actions needed to make it all happen. For a recruitment agency, this is particularly important as your operations will involve managing relationships with both employers and job seekers. Not to mention, a solid business plan is essential when seeking financing or investors.

Steps to Creating a Business Plan

  • Executive summary: A concise overview of your agency, summarising your mission, the market demand you aim to meet, and your business structure.
  • Market analysis: A detailed look at the industry landscape, target market, and competition, backed by data.
  • Service offerings: Clear definition of the services you will offer, whether permanent placements, temporary staffing, or executive search, and the industries you will serve.
  • Marketing strategy: Your plan for attracting clients and candidates, including digital marketing, networking strategies, and brand development.
  • Operations plan: How your agency will function day-to-day, including your staffing plans, technology needs, and processes for matching candidates with employers.
  • Financial projections: A realistic forecast of your agency’s revenue and expenses, giving potential investors (and you) a clear picture of your business’s financial potential. Use our projection calculator or read our blog on how much it costs to start your own recruitment firm to find out more .
  • Risk assessment: Identification of potential risks and your strategies for mitigating them.

Registering Your Recruitment Agency

Choosing a business structure.

Another vital aspect when starting a recruitment agency is choosing a business structure . In Australia, you can operate as a sole trader, a partnership, or a company. Each has its own legal and tax implications. For a recruitment agency, operating as a company is often the most advantageous due to the limited liability it offers and its suitability for scaling the business. Find out more about setting up a company here . 

How to Register a Business in Australia

  • Choose and Register a Business Name : This is a name under which you will run your agency. It must be unique and not infringe on existing trademarks.
  • Get an Australian Business Number (ABN) : An ABN is an 11-digit number that identifies your business to the government and the community. You will need this to register for GST and to invoice clients. 
  • Register for Goods and Services Tax (GST): If your agency is expected to have a turnover of $75,000 or more, you must register for GST. This is a crucial step, as it affects your billing and your tax obligations.

Find out more about when to register your business for GST .

Understanding Tax Basics

In the world of recruitment, fulfilling your tax obligations accurately and on time is essential. Key among these obligations are income tax, which is levied on your agency’s net earnings, and Pay As You Go (PAYG) withholdings, which involve setting aside specific amounts from payments made to employees and other business entities.

Deciphering GST: Registration Timing and Agency Implications

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) , a standard 10% tax on most goods and services sold or consumed within Australia, is a significant aspect of your agency’s fiscal landscape. If your annual revenue surpasses the $75,000 threshold, GST registration becomes mandatory. This process entails incorporating GST into the fees you charge for your services and claiming credits for the GST included in your business-related purchases.

Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)

FBT is a tax employers pay on certain benefits they provide to employees, associates, or family members in lieu of, or in addition to, salary or wages. This tax is separate from income tax and is calculated based on the taxable value of the fringe benefits. Examples of such benefits include company cars, paying for an employee’s gym membership, and entertainment like free tickets to concerts.

In Australia, the FBT year runs from April 1 to March 31, and it’s critical to assess and report any fringe benefits provided during this period. You’ll also need to lodge an FBT return and pay any tax owed for the period. Since FBT regulations can be complex and frequently change, consulting with a tax professional is advised to ensure that you’re compliant and making the most of FBT exemptions and reductions where applicable. Find out more about fringe benefits tax . 

Prioritising Precise and Timely Tax Record-keeping

Maintaining meticulous and up-to-date tax records isn’t merely a legal obligation – it’s a cornerstone of savvy business management. This practice allows you to closely track your business’s pulse, staying on top of your financial statements, income origins, and expenditures. Understanding the numbers involved with your business is invaluable for strategic tax planning and making informed decisions that drive your agency forward. Choosing the right accounting software is another vital aspect for the smooth management of businesses.  

Financing Your Recruitment Agency

Launching a recruitment agency demands an initial investment. From securing a professional space, scaling marketing efforts, to staffing and technological setups, the start-up phase comes with its costs. Here’s a glimpse at your financing avenues:

  • Personal Savings: An option free of interest rates and external stakeholders, but demands a substantial personal financial commitment.
  • Bank Loan: A prevalent approach, typically characterised by lower interest rates, although it necessitates a robust business plan and a commendable credit standing.
  • Investor Partnership: Here, you exchange a portion of your agency’s equity for capital, aligning you with a partner who may influence your business’s direction.
  • Government Support: Australia’s government extends various start-up grants and assistance, which are worth exploring through official channels.

Elevating Cash Flow Management to a Priority

Cash flow isn’t just numbers on a spreadsheet—it’s the heartbeat of your recruitment agency. Effective cash flow management is about vigilance: consistently monitoring the money coming in and out and ensuring there is sufficient liquidity to cover day-to-day operations. This entails routinely analysing your cash flow status and recalibrating your business tactics as needed to stave off financial challenges and sustain your agency’s vitality.

Choosing Your Location

In today’s interconnected world, a recruitment agency’s location isn’t just about a physical address – it’s also about your digital footprint. Whether you opt for a high-street office, a home setup, or a virtual space, each choice presents its own set of opportunities and challenges. Selecting the right location is a strategic decision that can significantly impact your agency’s success. It involves balancing several critical considerations to align with your business goals and client needs.


Will clients and candidates easily reach you? An accessible location can simplify interviews and client meetings, making your agency more appealing to both parties.

Is the location prominent or tucked away? A visible spot can attract walk-in business, while a more discreet location might offer a quieter, focused environment for your team.

Can your finances sustain the rental or purchasing costs? It’s vital to choose a space that aligns with your financial forecast and doesn’t stretch your budget too thin.

Market Proximity

Are you close to the industries you serve? Being situated near your client base can help establish your agency as a local expert and can lead to more organic networking opportunities.

Digital Reach

Is your online platform user-friendly and engaging? In our digital age, a robust online presence is as crucial as your physical location, serving as a virtual storefront that invites potential clients and candidates in.

Building Your Team

Employees or contractors: a strategic decision.

Hiring employees means long-term commitment and additional obligations, like superannuation and leave entitlements, you can even consider profit sharing to help retain talent . Engaging contractors offers flexibility but often at a higher immediate cost and with less control over their work. 

Legal Requirements When Hiring

When you’re ready to build your team, compliance is key. This includes:

  • Fair work statements: Providing new staff with the Fair Work Information Statement is mandatory.
  • Tax File Number (TFN) declarations: Ensuring new employees complete this form so tax can be withheld correctly.
  • Superannuation : Setting up and regularly contributing to your employees’ super fund.
  • Work health and safety: Ensuring your workplace meets all health and safety standards .

Promoting Your Recruitment Agency

Building a brand identity.

Your brand is more than just a logo; it’s the personality and promise of your agency. Crafting a strong, consistent brand identity involves defining your agency’s values, voice, and visual elements, all of which should resonate with your target audience and differentiate you from competitors. It’s this identity that will instil trust and loyalty in your clients and candidates.

Importance of a Website and SEO

In the digital age, your website is your storefront, and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is the path that leads clients and candidates to your door. A clean, user-friendly website showcases your services, while effective SEO strategies ensure that you’re visible and attractive to search engines.

Social Media and Digital Marketing Strategies

Leverage the power of social media platforms to connect with potential clients and candidates. A well-planned digital marketing strategy, encompassing content marketing, social media advertising, and email campaigns, can significantly expand your reach and engagement.

Establishing Your Business Operations

Operational processes.

Efficiency is key in the fast-paced world of recruitment. Establish clear, streamlined processes for tasks such as candidate sourcing, client communication, and financial management . This not only helps your agency run smoothly but also ensures that your team knows what is expected at each stage of the recruitment process.

Importance of Customer Service

In recruitment, relationships are everything. Prioritise customer service to foster long-term partnerships with both clients and candidates. This means responsive communication, transparency, and a genuine commitment to understanding and meeting their needs.

Navigating the Challenges of Starting a Recruitment Agency

Starting a recruitment agency in Australia is an exciting venture, but it’s not without its hurdles. These challenges can range from regulatory compliance and scaling effectively to managing client expectations and staying ahead of industry trends. A proactive approach—anticipating issues, seeking professional advice, and continually adapting—is key to turning these challenges into growth opportunities. Building relationships with mentors or industry peers can also be invaluable, providing support, guidance, and networking opportunities that can help your agency thrive in a competitive marketplace. 

Do I need a specific licence to start a recruitment agency in Australia?

No, Australia does not require a specific licence to operate a recruitment agency. However, you must comply with relevant employment legislation and standards. It’s advisable to consult with a legal professional to ensure that your agency operates within the bounds of the law.

How much capital is needed to start a recruitment agency?

The initial capital required can vary significantly. Costs may include office space, marketing, technology platforms, insurance, and staff salaries. It is essential to prepare a detailed business plan that outlines your startup and operating costs. Find out more about how much it costs to start your own recruitment firm. 

How can I attract clients and candidates when starting out?

Building a strong digital presence, networking within your industry, and offering exceptional service are key. Consider joining industry associations, attending networking events, and utilising LinkedIn and other social media platforms to connect with potential clients and candidates.

What is the average profit margin for a recruitment agency in Australia?

Profit margins can vary, but typically range from 15-50% depending on the sector, level of service, and efficiency of operations. It is important to regularly review your financials and adjust your strategies as needed to maintain a healthy profit margin.

How do I handle compliance and legal matters?

Consulting with a professional, such as a chartered accountant or a solicitor, is essential. They can guide you through the legal and regulatory landscape, helping you to establish processes that ensure your agency remains compliant with Australian laws and standards.

Have additional inquiries? Keep in mind, JD Scott & Co stands ready to assist you throughout your business venture. Don’t hesitate to contact us whenever you need assistance.

JD Scott + Co is one of Sydney’s leading Chartered Accounting firms, we aim to help build your business and wealth, empowering you to reach your goals.

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Recruitment Agency Business Plan: How to Write One

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Launching a recruitment agency demands a solid foundation, and crafting a detailed business plan is the cornerstone. Get started on your recruitment agency business plan with our guide. We will walk you through all the details.

The United States, Japan, and the United Kingdom dominated the recruitment and staffing industry in 2022, generating 55% of its revenue. Global revenue for the staffing industry jumped 4% to $648 billion, according to a report from Staffing Industry Analysts . The current job market, characterized by rapid technological advancements and shifting workforce demographics, is creating a market for flexible staffing solutions.

To cut costs and improve the efficiency of human resources, businesses are turning to staffing and recruitment agencies to secure talent. The rise of the gig economy and the preference for contract or temporary positions among workers seeking greater work-life balance is helping fuel the industry’s growth. Nearly 23% of working Americans also have a side hustle, according to a recent study by Pymnts .

Your Business Plan’s Key Elements

Whether you are a seasoned professional in the staffing world or a newcomer to the field, you need to start with a recruitment agency business plan. Creating a business plan requires gathering a significant amount of information. Start by researching the staffing industry, including market size, growth trends, and regulatory considerations. Network with industry professionals, attend relevant conferences, and utilize online resources to gain knowledge. Financial projections should be based on realistic market assumptions and comparable business models.

Keep in mind you will need a business plan at various stages of your business journey. Initially, it will guide your startup phase, helping you to secure funding and establish your business structure. As your agency grows, revisiting your plan can help you to scale your operations and enter new markets.

A comprehensive startup business plan for a recruitment agency should include:

  • Executive summary: Start with a clear and concise overview of your business — your elevator pitch. Highlight your business goals, mission statement, and the services you plan to offer.
  • Market analysis: Conduct thorough research on the staffing industry, focusing on your niche. Identify your target market, analyze your competitors, and outline the trends and challenges in the industry to understand your unique selling proposition.
  • Services: Detail the types of staffing services you plan to provide. Whether it is temporary staffing, permanent placement, or executive search, be clear about your offerings, the verticals you will serve, and how they meet the needs of your target market.
  • Marketing plan: Outline how you will attract clients and candidates with your marketing plan and sales strategy. Identify the channels you can use to build your brand and reach your audience.
  • Operations: Describe the day-to-day operations of your agency, including the recruitment process, the technology, the tools you need, and how you plan to maintain quality and compliance.
  • Financial plan: Make detailed financial projections, such as startup costs, revenue forecasts, and a break-even analysis to understand the financial viability of your business.
  • Management: Highlight your team’s expertise and the organizational structure of your agency. If you start solo, outline your experience and any external support you can leverage.

Partnering With AtWork: A Shorter Path to Your Goal

If you are considering opening a recruitment agency, partnering with AtWork to start a staffing franchise can significantly streamline the startup process. By joining forces with a proven brand, you can cut down on startup costs and bypass many of the hurdles of starting from scratch. AtWork’s recruitment agency business plan also allows you to take advantage of the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) to lower your operational costs.

AtWork provides comprehensive knowledge, training, and tools essential for launching your staffing business. As a franchise owner, you get in-depth training on running a successful staffing agency, including sales, operations, and compliance. AtWork has state-of-the-art technology and operational tools to simplify day-to-day management, and marketing campaigns to effectively promote your agency and attract clients and candidates. Its support staff also handles all your payroll, allowing you to concentrate on scaling the business.

Learn More About AtWork

Get started to learn more about partnering with AtWork to launch a business in the staffing industry.

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Home > Blog > Unlocking the Profit Potential: Your Comprehensive Guide to Starting a Successful Recruitment Agency in Australia

Unlocking the Profit Potential: Your Comprehensive Guide to Starting a Successful Recruitment Agency in Australia

  • Geetanjali Chauhan
  • Startup Advice
  •   Updated on March 22, 2024,
  • 5 Mins Read

What is a recruitment agency?

A recruitment agency, also known as an employment recruitment agency, is much more than just a middleman. These firms are pivotal cogs in the employment wheel, perfectly matching the right talent with the right job opportunities. Besides sourcing and placing candidates, recruitment agencies offer valuable services such as resume crafting, interview coaching, salary negotiation, and providing industry insights to job seekers. For employers, these agencies deliver tailored hiring solutions, reducing the time-to-hire, improving the quality of hires, and often offering valuable market insights.

Starting a recruitment agency in Australia

Market research:.

This step involves a detailed analysis of labour market trends, skill demands, and competition. If you’re considering starting a labour hire company, your focus should be on industries such as mining, construction, or agriculture, where flexible labour options are in high demand. Understanding the hiring challenges employers face can provide unique opportunities for your agency to differentiate its services.

Business plan:

Compliance and legal requirements:, infrastructure and technology:.

Infrastructure isn’t just about having a physical office space. It also includes having robust digital platforms that facilitate remote work, online collaboration, and secure data storage. Given the global reach of recruitment today, investing in a capable applicant tracking system (ATS) and customer relationship management (CRM) system can enhance your agency’s efficiency and reach.

Building a team:

While experienced recruiters are valuable, don’t overlook the importance of a diverse team. Roles such as business development managers, marketing professionals, and administrative support are crucial for a holistic and effective operation.

Marketing and building client relationships:

Effective marketing is about more than just creating a strong online presence. It’s about positioning your brand effectively in the recruitment marketplace and demonstrating the value you bring to employers. Remember, client relationships in recruitment are built on trust, successful placements, and high-quality service.

How do recruitment agencies make money?

In Australia, apart from the traditional fee-per-placement model, recruitment agencies may also earn from contract or temporary placements. In this model, the agency employs the candidate and then ‘rents’ their service to the client for a specified period, earning a margin on top of the employee’s salary.

How do recruitment agencies work in Australia?

In Australia, recruitment agencies fulfil a dual role. They act as advocates for job seekers, helping them find opportunities that align with their skills and aspirations. On the other hand, they serve as strategic partners for businesses, providing them with access to a wide talent pool and offering them the best hiring solutions.

Recruitment for employers

For employers, recruitment agencies serve as strategic partners in growth. These agencies have deep market knowledge, access to passive candidates (those not actively looking but open to opportunities), and the expertise to manage large-scale hiring projects. Their industry-specific expertise can particularly benefit businesses in niche sectors, where finding qualified talent can be challenging.

How do recruiters get paid?

Recruiters in a recruitment agency typically earn a base salary plus commission. The commission is a portion of the fees earned by the agency when a candidate is successfully placed. This model incentivizes recruiters to find the best fit for each job role.

Industry-specific recruitment agencies

Different industries have unique requirements and thus benefit from specialised recruitment agencies. In the healthcare sector, agencies fill roles ranging from general practitioners and nurses to administrative staff. In hospitality, they provide staffing solutions for roles such as chefs, kitchen staff, hotel managers, and more. Education-focused agencies deal with the placement of teachers, school administrators, and support staff. Lastly, NDIS-focused agencies provide support workers, carers, and allied health professionals to deliver individualised care.



Each of these sectors presents its own set of challenges and requirements, and recruitment agencies specialising in these fields need to stay updated with industry trends, changes in regulations, and shifts in labour demand. By doing so, they can effectively serve their clients’ needs while also providing valuable employment opportunities to job seekers.

Final thoughts

Starting a startup recruitment agency or a labour hire company in Australia can be a profitable venture if done right. Understanding the market, complying with regulations, building a solid team, and creating strong relationships with employers are all keys to success. The recruitment industry may be competitive, but with the right strategies and dedication, success is within reach. Whether you’re looking to start a broad-spectrum employment agency or a specialised labour hire company, the opportunity to contribute positively to Australia’s employment landscape is immense.

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How to Start a Recruitment Agency in Australia

Blog How To Start A Recruitment Agency In Australia (1)

Table of Contents

1. how much does it cost to start up a recruitment agency.

The cost of starting a recruitment agency in Australia will vary depending on factors such as the size and scope of your business, as well as any necessary legal fees. However, it's important to have at least enough funds for initial expenses such as office rental, equipment, salaries for employees, and marketing costs.

2. What are the legal requirements for setting up a recruitment agency in Australia?

There are a few key legal steps to starting a recruitment agency in Australia. These include registering your business name and obtaining an Australian Business Number (ABN), as well as securing any necessary licenses and insurance policies.

It's also recommended to have a clear understanding of the Fair Work Act, which outlines minimum entitlements for employees, as well as anti-discrimination laws.

3. How to start a recruitment agency in Australia - A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: registering your business name.

Before you can kickstart your business, you will need to register it with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) - either online or through an accredited registrar. This process involves choosing an available business name and registering it with ASIC.

You may also want to consider applying for goods and services tax (GST), even if your annual turnover is below the GST registration threshold.

Step 2: Obtaining licenses and accreditations

In Australia, all staffing agencies must be licensed by the federal government's Fair Work Ombudsman. Additionally, it is highly recommended to obtain accreditation from the Recruitment and Consulting Services Association (RCSA), which sets industry standards and provides support for members.

Step 3: Develop a niche and target market

The recruitment industry is highly competitive, so it's important to have a specialty or niche in order to stand out among other players. Consider what industries or types of positions you will focus on, and target potential clients in those areas.

It may also be beneficial to develop partnerships with related businesses such as training providers or HR consultants.

Step 4: Build a strong team

When starting a recruitment agency, it's crucial to hire individuals who have experience and expertise in the industry. This includes recruiters who can effectively match job seekers with open positions, as well as sales staff who have the capabilities to attract new clients and maintain relationships with existing ones.

Additionally, consider whether additional roles such as administrative support or HR specialists would benefit your business.

Step 5: Market your services

Once you have a clear understanding of your niche, target market, and team in place, it's time to start marketing your services . This can include creating a website and social media presence, attending networking events, and reaching out to potential clients through email or phone calls.

Aside from that, make sure to regularly assess and adjust your marketing strategies in order to stay competitive in the industry.

recruitment agency business plan australia

4. Tips for starting a successful recruitment agency in Australia

Get it right from the beginning.

It's important to have a thorough and efficient recruitment process in place when hiring for your own agency. This includes defining the responsibilities and qualifications needed for each role, as well as creating job advertisements and conducting interviews with potential candidates. You may also want to consider partnering with employment agencies or using online job boards to find qualified individuals.

Maintain compliance and ethics

It's crucial for recruitment agencies to maintain compliance with all federal, state, and industry regulations. This includes properly verifying the eligibility of job seekers to work in Australia, as well as adhering to anti-discrimination laws when selecting candidates for positions.

It's also important to uphold ethical practices in regard to handling sensitive personal information, providing honest representation to both clients and job seekers, and avoiding conflicts of interest.

Manage finances and budgets

As with any business, make sure that you have a clear understanding of your financial situation and establish budgeting strategies. This includes setting fees for your services, keeping track of expenses, and regularly assessing your financial health. In addition, try to stay up-to-date on industry trends and adjust your budget accordingly in order to stay competitive.

As a recruitment agency, your success hinges heavily on the ability to find both clients looking to hire and job seekers searching for employment. Networking with businesses in your industry is a great way to start building relationships and gaining potential clients. You can also use job boards, social media platforms, and other online channels to connect with job seekers.

Building up a strong reputation and providing excellent customer service is also a good way to attract new opportunities through word-of-mouth.

Advertise your business

In addition to networking and connecting with potential clients and job seekers, it's important to actively market your agency. This can involve creating a website and social media presence, attending industry events, and advertising job vacancies on relevant platforms.

Make use of recruitment agency software

Many recruitment agencies use software to streamline the hiring process, including managing job postings and applicant information, scheduling interviews, and conducting background checks. Researching and implementing the right software for your agency can save time and increase efficiency in finding the best candidates for clients.

Be willing to adapt and evolve

The world of recruiting is constantly changing with new technologies and advancements, as well as shifts in economic conditions and industry demands. Hence, a successful recruitment agency needs to stay flexible and open to making changes in order to adapt to these developments.

This could involve expanding services, adjusting fees, or targeting new industries. By staying informed about industry trends and being willing to evolve with them, you can set yourself up for long-term success in the recruitment industry.

5. Transform your recruiting business with Vincere's software - built specifically for Australian recruiters

Starting a recruitment agency in Australia requires careful planning and a strong understanding of the legal requirements. However, with the right strategy and team in place, it can be a successful and rewarding business venture.

At Vincere, we offer specialized software specifically tailored for Australian recruiters to streamline the hiring process and drive business growth. Our platform includes features such as managing job postings and applicant information, scheduling interviews, and conducting background checks. We also offer personalized support and training to ensure that our software meets the needs of your agency.

Transform your recruiting business by scheduling a demo with Vincere today!

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How to start a recruitment agency

How to start a recruitment agency

So you’re thinking of starting a recruitment agency? Well, it's certainly a growing industry. Globally the recruitment industry was worth $521bn in 2021 and is increasing year on year.  

The last few years have seen a radical shift in the way people work and given that the business of recruitment is about putting those people into jobs, then it's been the time of massive upheaval for the staffing industry as well. The COVID-19 pandemic led to a change in expectations with regard to working from home. 

Candidates now often expect many roles to offer hybrid working and as a result, employers may have to follow suit or else struggle to fill vacancies. These changes have brought about challenges, but also new opportunities for recruiters and employers alike, such as access to a wider candidate pool.  This also means that recruitment businesses themselves could be managed from home.

The industry had not long recovered from the COVID-19 downturn when we were plunged into the current economic uncertainty. There have been various impacts from the double hit of the pandemic and spiralling interest rates, such as the Great Resignation, large-scale redundancies - particularly in tech, a tightening of the belt from many employers, a shortage of talent, and a trend for filling roles with temp or contract candidates.

As a result, today's recruiters need to be adaptable and willing to evolve. The industry is rapidly changing with an Increased focus on the customer journey, new technology, and shifting demand. 

Potential recruitment agency bosses may have come from a long career in the industry or maybe they’re entrepreneurs who have spotted a gap in the market.  Anyone entering the industry needs to be aware it's a demanding profession, the hours are not 9-5 and whilst the pressure is high the rewards are too.

Here is our guide to starting a recruitment agency

Have a plan and set business objectives

You must have a solid plan in place before getting started. Do your research, speak to other agency heads, make sure you understand the market and what you’re getting into.

Create a business plan and set yourself short and long-term goals. An example of a short-term business objective could be to increase the number of contractors on your book by 20% within 6 months. A longer-term goal might be to offer your services to a wider range of industries within the first 2 years. Set KPIs to ensure you remain on track as you work towards these targets.


There are various types of recruitment agencies; from executive recruitment/headhunters, who specialise in highly experienced placements to mass recruitment companies, who fill a large number of varied roles for, often for very big companies in a short space of time. However, most agencies specialise in a particular field, for example, IT recruitment or healthcare,

It is possible to look at a niche from several perspectives. For example, you could specialise in: 

  • roles, such as operations or tech
  • Industries, such as engineering or aged care
  • Job type, such as permanent or temporary / contract

There is a good chance if you're looking at starting a recruitment agency that you already come from a particular niche or industry. Consider your network, knowledge, and experience. 

Becoming specialists in a particular field and understanding your target market can be hugely beneficial. You should look to build your reputation and aim to become a trusted partner to businesses in your vertical. Relationships can be strengthened through networking events, training, and social activities.


Once you've selected your niche, take some time to get a thorough understanding of the other players in that space.  Review the reputation, accomplishments, and business history of your potential rivals. Conduct a SWOT analysis to see what opportunities exist for you. 

What can you offer that your competitors cannot? What can make you stand out from the crowd? More established agencies have bigger scale and existing clients, but perhaps they are stuck with an outdated business model.  This is your opportunity to be nimble and innovate and understand what makes your fledgling agency different. 

Business model

The next question is how are you going to make money. You need to decide on a business model that appeals to your candidates and aligns with your business objectives. 

Broadly speaking an agency can follow a traditional model where they are hired to recruit one or more roles by a client. The agency sources and vets these candidates before handing them over.  

Alternatively, they can take an embedded model where they sit within the client organisation and adopt their ways of working. They will participate more deeply in the hiring process. 

Some common recruitment agency business models include:

  • Contingency: By far the most common. Candidates are placed for a success fee only,  meaning the agency gets paid when the candidate is hired. Fees are often around 15-25% of the first-year salary. 
  • Preferred suppliers list: Works the same as the contingency model, but used by large companies who have a pool of agencies they work with. Often involves more established agencies, who have to submit a tender to become a preferred supplier. 
  • Retained or executive search: These agencies specialise in headhunting experienced candidates. They receive an initial payment with a further payment once the candidate is successfully hired. 
  • Recruitment process outsourcing: This is the embedded model. The agency - or a number of consultants - takes the role of an in-house recruiter. They adopt the culture and practices of that organisation and get more involved in the end-to-end recruitment journey. 
  • Self-service: This is a model where the client pays for the delivery of recruitment services at each stage of the process, such as search, screening, interview and finally hiring. 


To start a recruitment agency you need to be comfortable with the laws and regulations the industry is bound by. In Australia, all staffing agencies must be registered by the Fair Work Ombudsman. They must comply with the Fair Work Act and Anti-Discrimination laws.

It is also recommended that they are members of industry bodies RCSA (The Recruitment, Consulting & Staffing Association) and APSco (The Association of Professional Staffing Companies ) and adhere to their codes of conduct 

You’ll need to register your business name with ASIC and obtain an ABN (Australian Business Number). To avoid making costly mistakes, research the legislation, get comfortable with it, take a course if necessary, and apply for what you need well ahead of time. 

The next step is to think about technology.  Choosing the correct tech stack is a key early decision; it is essential to get it right.  The choices you make here will determine your ability to carry out your day-to-day work and grow the business. 

You must pick the right recruitment software for who you are now and who you want to be in the future. Think about how certain systems might integrate with others you want to use further down the track.

To get started, you’ll need the following:

Front office software

  • CRM (client relationship manager) - needed to manage your talent pool, as well as clients and other industry connections. 
  • ATS (applicant tracking system) - used to manage the entire application process from initial posting right through to hiring. They help screen applications and filter spam, identify qualified candidates, and track each stage of the process.

Back office

  • Payroll software - essential if you manage contractors, who need to be paid on time every time. It also allows for them to submit their timesheets. If you need assistance with managing your payroll, APositive can help.
  • Accounting software - essential for running any business. It helps manage accounts payable and receivable as well as your own employee payroll.

Building your brand is vital. You’ll need to be able to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Firstly, you’ll need a website. You can find an agency or web designer to create this for you or have a go yourself with a website builder, such as SquareSpace or Wix. 

At a minimum, your website will need to include:

  • The services you provide and the industry/niche you service
  • Your current vacancies
  • An easy submission form
  • Your contact details
  • Your company values, mission, and history

It would also be ideal to include details on the founders and consultants, so the candidate knows who they are dealing with. 

You should also think about regularly producing original content. This can help educate your audience on industry trends, and keep them engaged whilst also helping your website SEO and bringing in more users.

Social media is important for recruitment agencies, particularly LinkedIn given it is where recruiters and candidates spend so much time. Also, think about the job boards you want to advertise on. There will be a budget required for these, so it’s important to develop a marketing plan. You may also want to consider Google Ads to bring in more traffic.

Recruitment is a cash flow intensive business, particularly in the contract and temp industry. Those agencies need to meet payroll obligations on a weekly or fortnightly basis and recouping those funds from clients can take a month or more.

You’ll need enough capital for a few months, particularly if you’re working with a success-only model. You’ll need to be able to cover the basics to get started, such as office space and equipment, digital tools, salaries, insurance, and marketing.

It isn’t a good idea to rely on credit cards and overdrafts to get you through. There are types of business finance designed specifically for the recruitment industry. Payroll funding is a common solution to cash flow issues. Late payments to your contractors can make or break a business. With APositive, you can borrow against unpaid invoices and ensure that you meet payroll every time. 

Hire recruiters

A recruitment company is nothing without consultants. You’ll need to build a team of talented people, who have category experience. Continually Invest in their development and ensure you train junior recruiters. You’ll need to work out how many full-time employees you need to launch and have a plan for growing that number as you scale.

Find customers

Finally, you need customers. A recruitment agency is essentially a middleman so there are customers on both sides; employers and candidates.

Your strategy to find and win clients will involve defining your target companies and coming up with a compelling pitch and price. Networking is really important to find potential customers. Deliver excellent customer service and build up your reputation and client base through word of mouth. 

With candidates, it’s about finding the right people on the right platform. It’s estimated that 75% of professionals are passive candidates and the easier you make your customer journey the more likely candidates are to work with you.

Hiring experienced and skilled consultants will make all the difference to business development. 

Disclaimer: always refer to professional advice. The information presented here is purely indicative and not intended as advice. Always consult a legal or finance professional.

Our consultants have extensive experience assisting the growth of hundreds of businesses like yours. Get in touch with us today and see how we can make a positive difference.

recruitment agency business plan australia

8 Steps for Starting a Staffing Agency in Australia

recruitment agency business plan australia

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Australia’s recruitment industry is undergoing a significant transformation after relatively few changes over the past three decades. With 470,900 job vacancies as of August 2022 - up 107.4% from February 2020 - and a 3.4% unemployment rate, recruiter services are in high demand. [1] This gives you a good window to start a staffing agency in Australia.

As employers across industries seek to replace workers or expand employment in certain strategic roles, they are leaning on recruitment agencies and professionals more than before to meet talent acquisition needs in a hyper-competitive labor market. So, to make sure you’re getting a solid head start on your staffing agency journey in Australia, let’s take a look at the steps you should take.

1. Australia Staffing Agency 101: Identify Your Niche

Upon taking your first step, one important piece of advice we’d like to give you is to research the current job market in Australia to identify areas of high demand. Consider which industries are thriving and where there may be a shortage of qualified candidates. This will help you pinpoint a niche that has the potential for growth and success.

Also, consider your own expertise and experience. What industries or job sectors do you have knowledge of? Leveraging your background can give you a competitive advantage and help you establish credibility within your chosen niche. From that point on, research the unique needs and preferences of clients in the Australian market. Are there specific staffing solutions that are in high demand, such as temporary staffing, executive search, or specialized recruitment services? Understanding the needs of Australian businesses will help you tailor your services to meet their requirements.

For a scope of the market by industry, here’s how Australia fares when it comes to the size of employment in each category:

recruitment agency business plan australia

2. Australia Staffing Agency 101: Calculate the Costs

Next, you need to look at the costs of setting up and running your business. This includes planning for the one-time and ongoing expenses, as well as the fee structure to ensure that your business has enough cash flow. Here are some of the major cost categories you need to consider:

Technology Solutions

Any modern recruitment agency needs to invest in software and hardware solutions that can help manage operations, such as a recruitment CRM, an Applicant Tracking System, a payroll system, a website, and a phone system. There is also a cost for internet access, cloud storage, and cybersecurity.

The cost of technology solutions will depend on the features, functionality, and scalability you require. Sometimes it can go over the budget you’ve set and you have to take more time to research the right tools. This will hold you back from pushing your agency forward.

If you’re looking for a ‘bang for the buck’ tool, Manatal can be your answer. Starting at only $15 /per user per month, Manatal combines an ATS system and CRM together in a single platform. You can manage your sales pipeline, and establish a strong relationship with clients while taking care of the hiring process in one place. Faster, easy to use, and cost-efficient.

Manatal combines ATS and CRM into a single platform, making it easy for you to walk through the process from end to end.

License Fees and Business Registration

Before you can run a staffing agency legally, you will need to register your business name and obtain an Australian Business Number (ABN). You will also need to secure any necessary licenses and accreditations from the federal government and the industry associations. The cost of these requirements will vary depending on the type and size of your business, as well as the state or territory you operate in.

For example,

  • The cost of registering a business name with ASIC is $37 for one year or $88 for three years.
  • The cost of obtaining a license from the Fair Work Ombudsman is $1,000 for one. year or $2,500 for three years.
  • The cost of becoming a member of the RCSA is $1,100 for one year.

Personnel Costs

The cost you need to keep an eye on closely is the personnel cost. This includes the salaries, commissions, bonuses, and benefits for your employees, as well as the payroll taxes and superannuation contributions. Plus, you need to factor in the cost of hiring, training, and retaining your staff. There is also the cost of outsourcing or contracting any services you may need.

The personnel cost will depend on the number and quality of your staff, as well as the market rates and industry standards. The average salary for a recruiter in Australia is around $5,960 per month or $84,175 per year.

3. Australia Staffing Agency 101: Choose Your Business Model

Once you’ve settled down with the costs, let’s take a look at the business model. This is the factor that will determine how you generate revenue and how you structure your staffing services. There are different types of business models that your agency can adopt, each with its own set of advantages and considerations. Here are some common business models for staffing agencies:

  • Contingency Model: The contingency model is a risk and reward system where the staffing agency only receives payment (a contingency fee) if a candidate is successfully placed with a client. This model is suitable for high-volume, low-complexity, and short-term placements, where you compete with other agencies for the same roles. The benefits of this model are that you can attract more clients with no upfront costs, and you can earn high margins if you make many placements. The drawbacks are that you have no guarantee of income, you have less control over the hiring process, and you have lower client loyalty and retention.
  • Hourly Model: This is a steady-income model, where you charge a fixed hourly rate for the services you provide. It can be suitable for short-term or temporary staffing needs. However, it may not be as profitable for long-term placements or high-level executive positions. You will have a predictable and consistent revenue stream, you can adjust the rate based on the market demand and supply, and you can build long-term relationships with the client and the candidate. But the downsides are that you have lower margins, you have higher operational costs, and you have more legal and compliance risks.
  • Flat Model: The flat model involves charging clients a fixed fee for placing a candidate, regardless of the candidate's salary or the time spent on the recruitment process. This model is suitable for niche, high-complexity, and long-term placements, where you offer specialized expertise and exclusive access to the best talent. The flat model provides certainty in income for your staffing agency and can be appealing to clients looking for budget-friendly staffing solutions. However, it may not be as lucrative for high-paying placements.
  • Retainer Model: In the retainer model, your staffing agency receives an upfront fee from the client to initiate the recruitment process and secure their services exclusively. This model is common for executive searches or specialized roles where clients want dedicated attention from the agency. While the retainer model provides upfront income for your agency, it may require a significant investment of time and resources before a candidate is successfully placed.

4. Australia Staffing Agency 101: Set Up Your Agency Website

Setting up a website is a crucial step in establishing your online presence and attracting both clients and candidates. It is where you showcase your services, your niche, your brand, and your success stories. Here are some tips on how you should start your recruitment agency website and the aspects you should consider before diving in:

  • Choose a user-friendly website platform: Before you start building your website, consider which website platform will best suit your needs. Platforms like WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace are popular choices for beginners due to their user-friendly interfaces and customizable templates.
  • Define your brand identity: Come up with a clear brand identity, including your agency's mission, values, and target audience. Your website should reflect your brand's personality and differentiate you from your competitors.
  • Optimize for SEO: To ensure your website ranks well on search engines like Google, incorporate relevant keywords related to the staffing industry and your agency's niche. This will help improve your website's visibility and attract organic traffic.
  • Mobile optimization: With the increasing use of smartphones, it's important to have a website that is mobile-friendly and responsive. So, make sure that your web design and content display correctly on all devices to provide a seamless user experience.
  • Integrate user-friendly navigation: Make it easy for visitors to navigate your website by organizing your content logically and providing clear call-to-action buttons.
  • Compliance with data protection regulations: As a staffing agency handling sensitive personal information, ensure that your website is compliant with data protection regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Include a privacy policy and secure data encryption to protect user data.
  • Invest in professional design: A well-designed website can make a significant impact on visitors and convey professionalism. It’s a good idea to invest in professional web design services to create a visually appealing and functional website that aligns with your brand image.

In order to successfully generate leads for your staffing agency, creating compelling and informative content for your audience is a must. So, start by identifying your target audience (in this case, businesses looking for a staffing agency in Australia) and tailoring your content to address their specific needs and challenges. Whether it's blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, or infographics, make sure your content is valuable, engaging, and relevant to potential clients and candidates in the Australian market. Here’s another good tip; implement a content calendar to ensure consistent publishing and promotion across various digital platforms.

5. Australia Staffing Agency 101: Use Social Media for Branding

Social media is a powerful tool for branding your staffing agency. It can help you reach and engage with your target audience, showcase your expertise and value, and build trust and loyalty. Leveraging social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter goes a long way.

Keep in mind that it's important to create a consistent brand voice and visual identity across all platforms. Don’t forget to post regularly, utilize relevant hashtags, and constantly engage with followers through comments and direct messages. These can help you increase brand awareness and attract new clients and candidates. Aside from that, running targeted advertising campaigns on social media can further boost visibility and reach a wider audience.

6. Australia Staffing Agency 101: Choose Management Tools

As a staffing agency, you need to manage various aspects of your business, such as sourcing, screening, hiring, onboarding, payroll, invoicing, and reporting. To do this efficiently and effectively, you need to choose the right management tools that suit your needs and budget. Management tools are software applications that help you automate, streamline, and optimize your workflows and processes. They can also help you improve your communication, collaboration, and compliance.

Here are some factors to consider before investing in the management tools:

  • Features and functionality: You need to look for management tools that offer the features and functionality that you need for your specific niche, industry, and size. For example, some common features that staffing agencies need are the Applicant Tracking System (ATS), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), payroll and invoicing system, scheduling and time tracking system, and reporting and analytics system. You can also look for tools that offer integrations with other platforms and apps that you use, such as email, social media, job boards, and accounting software.
  • Ease of use and support: One of the key things is that your management tools have to be easy to use and provide support. Avoid tools that have a steep learning curve, require extensive training, or have technical issues. Also, put the tools that offer reliable and responsive customer support, such as phone, email, chat, or help center on top of your list. It’s a good strategy to check the reviews and ratings of the tools online or request a free trial or demo before you buy.
  • Cost and value: Look for management tools that fit your budget and offer value for money.  Tools that offer flexible and transparent pricing plans, such as monthly, annual, or pay-per-use are ideal. You can compare the costs and benefits of different tools online, or request a quote or proposal from the vendors

7. Australia Staffing Agency 101: Build a Team

When it comes to recruiting staff for your agency, look for individuals who possess not only the right skills and experience but also share your vision and values. Hiring recruiters with industry knowledge and a strong network can help you source top talent for your clients efficiently. Also, having a support team with expertise in areas such as compliance, HR, and administration can ensure the smooth running of day-to-day operations.

Fostering a positive and collaborative work culture within your team is something you should pay attention to as well. It can lead to higher employee satisfaction and retention rates, which are key factors in the long-term success of your agency. Encourage professional development opportunities and provide ongoing training. This will keep your team up-to-date with industry trends and best practices.

8. Australia Staffing Agency 101: Find Your Clients

After setting up your staffing agency in Australia, the next step is to find clients. One good way to attract them is by networking within the industry and building relationships with businesses looking to hire staff. Attend industry events, conferences, and job fairs to connect with potential clients and showcase your expertise and services. Another key strategy is to utilize online platforms and job boards to advertise your staffing agency and reach a wider audience.

Starting a staffing agency in Australia is challenging but it can be a rewarding and lucrative venture if approached with careful planning and execution. By following the eight steps we have explored above, you can set up your agency with a clear vision, a strong niche, a professional website, a solid team, and a loyal client base.

1. Australian Bureau of Statistics

2. IBIS World

Ann Schumann

recruitment agency business plan australia

As a former recruiter turned content writer, Ann specializes in creating engaging content. With a passion for the recruitment industry, she helps businesses streamline hiring and attract top talent using innovative solutions.

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Here is a free business plan sample for a recruitment agency.

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If you're passionate about connecting people with their dream jobs and considering launching your own recruitment agency, you've landed on the perfect page.

In the content that follows, we will present to you a comprehensive sample business plan tailored for a recruitment agency.

As an aspiring entrepreneur, you're likely aware that a strategic business plan is a cornerstone of any successful venture. It serves as a roadmap, guiding you through establishing your mission, objectives, and tactics for your enterprise.

To jumpstart your planning process with ease and precision, you can utilize our recruitment agency business plan template. Additionally, our specialists are on standby to provide a complimentary review and refinement of your plan.

business plan staffing agency

How to draft a great business plan for your recruitment agency?

A good business plan for a recruitment agency must be tailored to the nuances of the staffing and human resources industry.

To start, it's crucial to provide a comprehensive overview of the recruitment market. This includes current statistics and the identification of emerging trends within the industry, as illustrated in our recruitment agency business plan template .

Your business plan should articulate your vision clearly. Define your target market (such as tech startups, healthcare providers, or financial institutions), and establish your agency's unique value proposition (specialization in a certain industry, executive search, temporary staffing, etc.).

Market analysis is a key component. You need to have a thorough understanding of the competitive landscape, industry trends, and the needs of both employers and job seekers.

For a recruitment agency, it's important to outline your service offerings. Describe the types of recruitment services you will provide - permanent placements, contract staffing, headhunting services - and how these will address the hiring challenges faced by your clients.

The operational plan should detail the structure of your agency, including the location, the technology and tools for candidate sourcing and client management, and the recruitment and selection process.

Quality of service is paramount in recruitment. Discuss your approach to candidate vetting, compliance with employment laws, and commitment to ethical practices.

Address your marketing and sales strategy next. How will you build relationships with clients and candidates? Consider your approach to networking, brand building, and leveraging online platforms for visibility.

Having a digital strategy, such as a professional website, online job boards, and a social media presence, is vital in the recruitment industry.

The financial plan is another critical element. It should include your startup costs, revenue projections, operating expenses, and the point at which you expect to break even.

In recruitment, understanding your cash flow is essential, as there can be a delay between placing a candidate and receiving payment. For this, you can refer to our financial forecast for a recruitment agency .

Compared to other business plans, a recruitment agency's plan must focus on the intangible aspects of service delivery, such as building a strong candidate network, maintaining client relationships, and the importance of a skilled internal team.

A well-crafted business plan will not only help you clarify your strategy and operations but also serve as a tool to attract investors or secure loans.

Investors and lenders will look for a solid understanding of the recruitment market, realistic financial projections, and a clear plan for day-to-day operations.

By presenting a comprehensive and substantiated business plan, you showcase your professionalism and dedication to the success of your recruitment agency.

To achieve these goals while saving time, you can complete our recruitment agency business plan template .

business plan recruitment agency

A free example of business plan for a recruitment agency

Here, we will provide a concise and illustrative example of a business plan for a specific project.

This example aims to provide an overview of the essential components of a business plan. It is important to note that this version is only a summary. As it stands, this business plan is not sufficiently developed to support a profitability strategy or convince a bank to provide financing.

To be effective, the business plan should be significantly more detailed, including up-to-date market data, more persuasive arguments, a thorough market study, a three-year action plan, as well as detailed financial tables such as a projected income statement, projected balance sheet, cash flow budget, and break-even analysis.

All these elements have been thoroughly included by our experts in the business plan template they have designed for a recruitment agency .

Here, we will follow the same structure as in our business plan template.

business plan recruitment agency

Market Opportunity

Market data and figures.

The recruitment industry is a vital component of the global economy, facilitating the connection between employers and potential employees.

As of recent estimates, the global recruitment services market size is valued at over 150 billion dollars, with expectations for continued growth as industries expand and the job market evolves.

In the United States alone, there are thousands of recruitment agencies, contributing to an annual revenue of approximately 150 billion dollars, highlighting the critical role these agencies play in the American labor market.

These statistics underscore the significance of recruitment agencies in supporting business growth and providing essential services for job seekers.

The recruitment industry is experiencing several key trends that are shaping its future.

Technology is playing an increasingly important role, with artificial intelligence and machine learning being used to streamline the recruitment process and improve candidate matching.

There is also a growing emphasis on diversity and inclusion, as companies seek to build more representative workforces and tap into a wider range of talent.

Remote work has become a significant factor, with many agencies now offering services to help businesses find remote employees and manage distributed teams.

Additionally, the gig economy is expanding, leading to a rise in demand for short-term and freelance positions, which recruitment agencies are adapting to accommodate.

Employer branding has become crucial, as companies look to recruitment agencies to help them attract top talent by promoting their culture and values.

These trends indicate how the recruitment industry is evolving to meet the changing needs of the modern workforce and employers.

Success Factors

Several factors contribute to the success of a recruitment agency.

First and foremost, the ability to understand and meet the specific needs of clients and candidates is essential. This includes offering personalized services and maintaining a high-quality talent pool.

Investing in the latest recruitment technologies can provide a competitive edge by enhancing efficiency and the quality of matches between employers and job seekers.

A strong network and industry connections can significantly boost an agency's ability to source candidates and fill positions quickly.

Expertise in niche markets or specialized sectors can also be a differentiator, as clients often look for agencies with a deep understanding of their industry.

Excellent client and candidate service is paramount, as positive experiences lead to repeat business and referrals.

Lastly, adaptability to the changing job market and regulatory environment ensures that a recruitment agency can continue to operate effectively and maintain compliance.

The Project

Project presentation.

Our recruitment agency project is designed to address the evolving needs of the modern workforce and the companies seeking to hire top talent. Situated in a business hub with proximity to corporate offices and tech parks, this agency will specialize in matching qualified candidates with their ideal positions, ranging from tech and finance to creative and healthcare sectors. We will leverage advanced recruitment technologies and methodologies to ensure a precise fit for both employers and job seekers.

The emphasis will be on understanding the unique culture and requirements of each company, as well as the career aspirations and skills of each candidate, to facilitate successful and lasting employment relationships.

This recruitment agency aims to become a trusted partner for businesses and a career ally for professionals, thereby contributing to the growth and success of the local and wider business community.

Value Proposition

The value proposition of our recruitment agency lies in our personalized approach to talent acquisition and our commitment to delivering exceptional matches that benefit both employers and candidates.

Our expertise in sourcing and placing top talent, combined with our dedication to understanding the nuances of various industries, offers a competitive edge to our clients and supports the career progression of our candidates.

We are committed to fostering a dynamic and supportive environment where businesses can find their next star employee and where individuals can take the next step in their professional journey.

Our agency aspires to be more than just a service provider; we aim to be a strategic partner in talent management, contributing to the thriving economy and supporting the professional community.

Project Owner

The project owner is a seasoned recruitment specialist with a keen insight into the complexities of the job market and the challenges faced by employers and job seekers alike.

With a background in human resources and a track record of successful placements across various industries, the owner is dedicated to building a recruitment agency that stands out for its integrity, efficiency, and innovative approach to talent acquisition.

Driven by a vision of connecting people and businesses in meaningful ways, the owner is committed to offering tailored recruitment solutions that contribute to the success of companies and the satisfaction of job seekers.

With a passion for career development and a commitment to excellence, the project owner is the driving force behind this initiative, aiming to transform the landscape of recruitment and make a positive impact on the job market.

The Market Study

Market segments.

The market segments for this recruitment agency are diverse and cater to various needs within the job market.

Firstly, there are companies of all sizes, from startups to large corporations, looking to fill vacancies with the most suitable candidates.

Secondly, the agency serves job seekers ranging from entry-level applicants to experienced professionals seeking new opportunities or career changes.

Additionally, the market includes niche sectors requiring specialized recruitment services, such as IT, healthcare, or executive search.

Lastly, educational institutions and training programs can be a key segment by partnering with the agency to place graduates in relevant positions.

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis of this recruitment agency project highlights several key factors.

Strengths include a robust network of candidates and employers, expertise in talent acquisition, and a strong understanding of market trends.

Weaknesses might involve the challenge of maintaining a high placement success rate and the intense competition from other recruitment agencies and online job platforms.

Opportunities can be found in leveraging technology to improve the recruitment process, expanding into new industries, and offering additional services such as career counseling and training.

Threats may include economic downturns affecting hiring, changes in labor laws, and the rise of in-house recruitment teams and AI-driven recruitment tools.

Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis in the recruitment industry indicates a highly competitive environment.

Direct competitors include other recruitment agencies, both local and international, as well as online job boards and LinkedIn recruiters.

These competitors strive to offer the most efficient and effective placement services to both employers and job seekers.

Potential competitive advantages include a personalized approach to recruitment, a deep understanding of specific industry needs, and a strong reputation for reliability and success.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of competitors is crucial for carving out a unique position in the market and for client acquisition and retention.

Competitive Advantages

Our recruitment agency's competitive edge lies in our personalized and consultative approach to both clients and candidates.

We offer tailored recruitment solutions that align with the specific needs of businesses, and we support job seekers throughout their employment journey to ensure the best fit for both parties.

Moreover, our commitment to staying abreast of industry trends and leveraging cutting-edge recruitment technology sets us apart in the market.

We pride ourselves on our ethical practices, transparency in communication, and our ability to build long-term relationships with our clients, which fosters trust and loyalty to our brand.

You can also read our articles about: - how to start a recruitment agency: a complete guide - the customer segments of a recruitment agency - the competition study for a recruitment agency

The Strategy

Development plan.

Our three-year development plan for the recruitment agency is designed to establish us as a leader in the industry.

In the first year, we will concentrate on building a strong client base and developing relationships with key businesses in various sectors, ensuring a deep understanding of their recruitment needs.

The second year will focus on expanding our services to include specialized recruitment for niche markets and enhancing our candidate training programs to provide more value to our clients.

In the third year, we aim to leverage technology to improve our matching algorithms and expand our reach with remote recruitment services, as well as exploring international partnerships to facilitate global placements.

Throughout this period, we will prioritize client satisfaction, efficient service, and innovative recruitment solutions to adapt to the evolving job market.

Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas for our recruitment agency targets companies looking for top talent and job seekers aiming for their ideal career opportunities.

Our value proposition is delivering personalized recruitment services with a focus on fit and long-term success for both employers and employees.

We operate through a combination of online platforms and direct engagement with clients, utilizing our key resources such as our skilled recruiters and proprietary candidate databases.

Key activities include talent scouting, candidate assessment, and relationship management.

Our revenue streams are derived from successful placement fees, retainer services, and customized HR consulting, while our costs are mainly associated with recruitment operations and marketing efforts.

Access a complete and editable real Business Model Canvas in our business plan template .

Marketing Strategy

Our marketing strategy is centered on building a strong brand reputation and establishing trust with both clients and candidates.

We plan to engage with industry leaders and participate in networking events to increase our visibility. Our content marketing will focus on providing valuable insights into recruitment trends and career development.

We will also develop strategic partnerships with educational institutions and professional associations to access a wider pool of talent.

Utilizing social media, targeted advertising, and referral programs, we aim to expand our reach and attract top candidates and high-profile clients.

Risk Policy

The risk policy for our recruitment agency is designed to mitigate risks associated with talent acquisition, client satisfaction, and data security.

We will implement rigorous vetting processes to ensure the quality of candidates and maintain a high level of service to our clients. Regular training for our staff will ensure compliance with industry standards and legal requirements.

Cost management strategies will be in place to control operational expenses and ensure financial stability.

We will also invest in robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive client and candidate data, with comprehensive insurance coverage to manage any potential liabilities.

Why Our Project is Viable

We are confident in the viability of our recruitment agency due to the increasing demand for specialized recruitment services and our commitment to quality and innovation.

With a strategic approach to growth and a focus on adapting to the needs of the job market, we are poised to become a preferred partner for companies and job seekers alike.

We are prepared to make the necessary adjustments to our strategies to achieve our objectives and are excited about the potential to shape the future of recruitment.

You can also read our articles about: - the Business Model Canvas of a recruitment agency - the marketing strategy for a recruitment agency

The Financial Plan

Of course, the text presented below is far from sufficient to serve as a solid and credible financial analysis for a bank or potential investor. They expect specific numbers, financial statements, and charts demonstrating the profitability of your project.

All these elements are available in our business plan template for a recruitment agency and our financial plan for a recruitment agency .

Initial expenses for our recruitment agency include setting up a professional office environment, investing in recruitment software and databases, legal fees for business registration and compliance, training for our recruitment consultants to ensure best practices, as well as costs related to brand creation and launching targeted marketing campaigns to build relationships with clients and job seekers.

Our revenue assumptions are based on a thorough analysis of the local and industry-specific demand for recruitment services, considering the current employment trends and the need for specialized talent acquisition.

We anticipate progressively increasing placements, starting modestly and growing as the reputation of our recruitment agency strengthens.

The projected income statement indicates expected revenues from our placement fees, service charges, and possibly retainer fees, minus the costs of operations (salaries, database subscriptions, office expenses, etc.).

This results in a forecasted net profit crucial for evaluating the profitability of our business over time.

The projected balance sheet reflects assets specific to our business, such as office equipment, software, and liabilities including debts and anticipated expenses.

It shows the overall financial health of our recruitment agency at the end of each period.

Our projected cash flow budget details incoming and outgoing cash flows, allowing us to anticipate our cash needs at any given time. This will help us effectively manage our finances and avoid cash flow problems.

The projected financing plan lists the specific financing sources we plan to use to cover our startup expenses.

The working capital requirement for our recruitment agency will be closely monitored to ensure we have the necessary liquidity to finance our daily operations, including marketing efforts, office maintenance, and salary payments.

The break-even point specific to our project is the level of sales needed to cover all our costs, including startup expenses, and start making a profit.

It will indicate when our business will be profitable.

Performance indicators we will track include the placement success rate, the average time to fill a position, the client retention rate, and the return on investment to measure the effectiveness of our capital invested in the project.

These indicators will help us evaluate the financial health and overall success of our recruitment agency.

If you want to know more about the financial analysis of this type of activity, please read our article about the financial plan for a recruitment agency .

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How to write a business plan for a recruitment agency?

recruitment agency business plan

Writing a business plan for a recruitment agency can be an intimidating task, especially for those just starting.

This in-depth guide is designed to help entrepreneurs like you understand how to create a comprehensive business plan so that you can approach the exercise with method and confidence.

We'll cover: why writing a recruitment agency business plan is so important - both when starting up, and when running and growing the business - what information you need to include in your plan, how it should be structured, and what tools you can use to get the job done efficiently.

Let's get started!

In this guide:

Why write a business plan for a recruitment agency?

What information is needed to create a business plan for a recruitment agency.

  • What goes in the financial forecast for a recruitment agency?
  • What goes in the written part of a recruitment agency business plan?
  • What tool can I use to write my recruitment agency business plan?

Understanding the document's scope and goals will help you easily grasp its structure and content. Before diving into the specifics of the plan, let's take a moment to explore the key reasons why having a recruitment agency business plan is so crucial.

To have a clear roadmap to grow the business

Running a small business is tough! Economic cycles bring growth and recessions, while the business landscape is ever-changing with new technologies, regulations, competitors, and consumer behaviours emerging constantly.

In such a dynamic context, operating a business without a clear roadmap is akin to driving blindfolded: it's risky, to say the least. That's why crafting a business plan for your recruitment agency is vital to establish a successful and sustainable venture.

To create an effective business plan, you'll need to assess your current position (if you're already in business) and define where you want the business to be in the next three to five years.

Once you have a clear destination for your recruitment agency, you'll have to:

  • Identify the necessary resources (human, equipment, and capital) needed to reach your goals,
  • Determine the pace at which the business needs to progress to meet its objectives as scheduled,
  • Recognize and address the potential risks you may encounter along the way.

Engaging in this process regularly proves advantageous for both startups and established companies. It empowers you to make informed decisions about resource allocation, ensuring the long-term success of your business.

To get visibility on future cash flows

If your small recruitment agency runs out of cash: it's game over. That's why we often say "cash is king", and it's crucial to have a clear view of your recruitment agency's future cash flows.

So, how can you achieve this? It's simple - you need to have an up-to-date financial forecast.

The good news is that your recruitment agency business plan already includes a financial forecast (which we'll discuss further in this guide). Your task is to ensure it stays current.

To accomplish this, it's essential to regularly compare your actual financial performance with what was planned in your financial forecast. Based on your business's current trajectory, you can make adjustments to the forecast.

By diligently monitoring your recruitment agency's financial health, you'll be able to spot potential financial issues, like unexpected cash shortfalls, early on and take corrective actions. Moreover, this practice will enable you to recognize and capitalize on growth opportunities, such as excess cash flow enabling you to expand to new locations.

To secure financing

A detailed business plan becomes a crucial tool when seeking financing from banks or investors for your recruitment agency.

Investing and lending to small businesses are very risky activities given how fragile they are. Therefore, financiers have to take extra precautions before putting their capital at risk.

At a minimum, financiers will want to ensure that you have a clear roadmap and a solid understanding of your future cash flows (like we just explained above). But they will also want to ensure that your business plan fits the risk/reward profile they seek.

This will off-course vary from bank to bank and investor to investor, but as a rule of thumb. Banks will want to see a conservative financial management style (low risk), and they will use the information in your business plan to assess your borrowing capacity — the level of debt they think your business can comfortably handle — and your ability to repay the loan. This evaluation will determine whether they'll provide credit to your recruitment agency and the terms of the agreement.

Whereas investors will carefully analyze your business plan to gauge the potential return on their investment. Their focus lies on evidence indicating your recruitment agency's potential for high growth, profitability, and consistent cash flow generation over time.

Now that you recognize the importance of creating a business plan for your recruitment agency, let's explore what information is required to create a compelling plan.

Need a convincing business plan?

The Business Plan Shop makes it easy to create a financial forecast to assess the potential profitability of your projects, and write a business plan that’ll wow investors.

The Business Plan Shop's Business Plan Software

Writing a recruitment agency business plan requires research so that you can project sales, investments and cost accurately in your financial forecast.

In this section, we cover three key pieces of information you should gather before drafting your business plan!

Carrying out market research for a recruitment agency

Before you begin writing your business plan for a recruitment agency, conducting market research is a critical step in ensuring precise and realistic financial projections.

Market research grants you valuable insights into your target customer base, competitors, pricing strategies, and other crucial factors that can impact the success of your business.

In the course of this research, you may stumble upon trends that could impact your recruitment agency.

You might discover that job seekers in your area may be more interested in certain industries than others. Additionally, research may reveal that job seekers may be more likely to respond to certain types of recruitment tactics than others.

Such market trends play a pivotal role in revenue forecasting, as they provide essential data regarding potential customers' spending habits and preferences.

By integrating these findings into your financial projections, you can provide investors with more accurate information, enabling them to make well-informed decisions about investing in your recruitment agency.

Developing the marketing plan for a recruitment agency

Before delving into your recruitment agency business plan, it's imperative to budget for sales and marketing expenses.

To achieve this, a comprehensive sales and marketing plan is essential. This plan should provide an accurate projection of the necessary actions to acquire and retain customers.

Additionally, it will outline the required workforce to carry out these initiatives and the corresponding budget for promotions, advertising, and other marketing endeavours.

By budgeting accordingly, you can ensure that the right resources are allocated to these vital activities, aligning them with the sales and growth objectives outlined in your business plan.

The staffing and equipment needs of a recruitment agency

As you embark on starting or expanding your recruitment agency, having a clear plan for recruitment and capital expenditures (investment in equipment and real estate) is essential for ensuring your business's success.

Both the recruitment and investment plans must align with the timing and level of growth projected in your forecast, and they require appropriate funding.

Staffing costs for a recruitment agency might include salaries for recruiters, administrative staff, and sales representatives. Equipment costs might include computers, software, telephone systems, and office furniture.

To create a realistic financial forecast, you also need to consider other operating expenses associated with the day-to-day running of your business, such as insurance and bookkeeping.

With all the necessary information at hand, you are ready to begin crafting your business plan and developing your financial forecast.

What goes into your recruitment agency's financial forecast?

The financial forecast of your recruitment agency's business plan will enable you to assess the growth, profitability, funding requirements, and cash generation potential of your business in the coming years.

The four key outputs of a financial forecast for a recruitment agency are:

  • The profit and loss (P&L) statement ,
  • The projected balance sheet ,
  • The cash flow forecast ,
  • And the sources and uses table .

Let's look at each of these in a bit more detail.

The projected P&L statement

The projected P&L statement for a recruitment agency shows how much revenue and profits your business is expected to generate in the future.

projected profit and loss statement example in a recruitment agency business plan

Ideally, your recruitment agency's P&L statement should show:

  • Healthy growth - above inflation level
  • Improving or stable profit margins
  • Positive net profit

Expectations will vary based on the stage of your business. A startup will be expected to grow faster than an established recruitment agency. And similarly, an established company should showcase a higher level of profitability than a new venture.

The projected balance sheet of your recruitment agency

The balance sheet for a recruitment agency is a financial document that provides a snapshot of your business’s financial health at a given point in time.

It shows three main components: assets, liabilities and equity:

  • Assets: are resources owned by the business, such as cash, equipment, and accounts receivable (money owed by clients).
  • Liabilities: are debts owed to creditors and other entities, such as accounts payable (money owed to suppliers) and loans.
  • Equity: includes the sums invested by the shareholders or business owners and the cumulative profits and losses of the business to date (called retained earnings). It is a proxy for the value of the owner's stake in the business.

example of projected balance sheet in a recruitment agency business plan

Examining the balance sheet is important for lenders, investors, or other stakeholders who are interested in assessing your recruitment agency's liquidity and solvency:

  • Liquidity: assesses whether or not your business has sufficient cash and short-term assets to honour its liabilities due over the next 12 months. It is a short-term focus.
  • Solvency: assesses whether or not your business has the capacity to repay its debt over the medium-term.

Looking at the balance sheet can also provide insights into your recruitment agency's investment and financing policies.

In particular, stakeholders can compare the value of equity to the value of the outstanding financial debt to assess how the business is funded and what level of financial risk has been taken by the owners (financial debt is riskier because it has to be repaid, while equity doesn't need to be repaid).

The projected cash flow statement

A cash flow forecast for a recruitment agency shows how much cash the business is projected to generate or consume.

example of cash flow forecast in a recruitment agency business plan

The cash flow statement is divided into 3 main areas:

  • The operating cash flow shows how much cash is generated or consumed by the operations (running the business)
  • The investing cash flow shows how much cash is being invested in capital expenditure (equipment, real estate, etc.)
  • The financing cash flow shows how much cash is raised or distributed to investors and lenders

Looking at the cash flow forecast helps you to ensure that your business has enough cash to keep running, and can help you anticipate potential cash shortfalls.

It is also a best practice to include a monthly cash flow statement in the appendices of your recruitment agency business plan so that the readers can view the impact of seasonality on your business cash position and generation.

The initial financing plan

The sources and uses table or initial financing plan is a key component of your business plan when starting a recruitment agency.

It shows where the capital needed to set up the business will come from (sources) and how it will be spent (uses).

sources and uses table in a recruitment agency business plan

This table helps size the investment required to set up the recruitment agency, and understand how risks will be distributed between the business owners, and the financiers.

The sources and uses table also highlights what the starting cash position will be. This is key for startups as the business needs to have sufficient funding to sustain operations until the break-even point is reached.

Now that you have a clear understanding of what will go into the financial forecast of your recruitment agency business plan, let's have a look at the written part of the plan.

Need inspiration for your business plan?

The Business Plan Shop has dozens of business plan templates that you can use to get a clear idea of what a complete business plan looks like.

The Business Plan Shop's Business Plan Templates

The written part of a recruitment agency business plan

The written part of a recruitment agency business plan is composed of 7 main sections:

  • The executive summary
  • The presentation of the company
  • The products and services
  • The market analysis
  • The strategy
  • The operations
  • The financial plan

Throughout these sections, you will seek to provide the reader with the details and context needed for them to form a view on whether or not your business plan is achievable and your forecast a realistic possibility.

Let's go through the content of each section in more detail!

1. The executive summary

In your recruitment agency's business plan, the first section is the executive summary — a captivating overview of your plan that aims to pique the reader's interest and leave them eager to learn more about your business.

When crafting the executive summary, start with an introduction to your business, including its name, concept, location, how long it has been running, and what sets it apart. Briefly mention the products and services you plan to offer and your target customer profile.

Following that, provide an overview of the addressable market for your recruitment agency, current trends, and potential growth opportunities.

Next, include a summary of key financial figures like projected revenues, profits, and cash flows.

Finally, in the "ask" section, detail any funding requirements you may have.

2. The presentation of the company

As you build your recruitment agency business plan, the second section deserves attention as it delves into the structure and ownership, location, and management team of your company.

In the structure and ownership part, you'll provide valuable insights into the legal structure of the business, the identities of the owners, and their respective investments and ownership stakes. This level of transparency is vital, particularly if you're seeking financing, as it clarifies which legal entity will receive the funds and who holds the reins of the business.

Moving to the location part, you'll offer a comprehensive view of the company's premises and articulate why this specific location is strategic for the business, emphasizing factors like catchment area, accessibility, and nearby amenities.

When describing the location of your recruitment agency, you could highlight the potential for growth, as the area may boast a highly educated population and a booming economy. You could emphasize the easy access to major transportation routes, which could make it easier for potential candidates to reach the agency. Additionally, you might point out the presence of other prominent businesses in the area, which could indicate a strong job market. Finally, you could showcase the area's potential for expansion, as it may offer plenty of land and a dynamic business environment.

Lastly, you should introduce your esteemed management team. Provide a thorough explanation of each member's role, background, and extensive experience.

It's equally important to highlight any past successes the management team has achieved and underscore the duration they've been working together. This information will instil trust in potential lenders or investors, showcasing the strength and expertise of your leadership team and their ability to deliver the business plan.

3. The products and services section

The products and services section of your business plan should include a detailed description of the offerings that your company provides to its customers. 

For example, your recruitment agency may offer job search consulting services to help customers create a successful job search plan that will maximize their chances of success. It might also offer resume and cover letter writing services to ensure customers' documents are both up-to-date and tailored to the relevant job. Finally, it may also provide interview coaching services, to help customers prepare for, and excel in, job interviews. These services are important to help customers succeed in their job search and secure the right job for them.

When drafting this section, you should be precise about the categories of products or services you sell, the types of customers you are targeting and how customers can buy them.

4. The market analysis

When you present your market analysis in your recruitment agency business plan, it's crucial to include detailed information about customers' demographics and segmentation, target market, competition, barriers to entry, and any relevant regulations.

The main objective of this section is to help the reader understand the size and attractiveness of the market while demonstrating your solid understanding of the industry.

Begin with the demographics and segmentation subsection, providing an overview of the addressable market for your recruitment agency, the key trends in the marketplace, and introducing different customer segments along with their preferences in terms of purchasing habits and budgets.

Next, focus on your target market, zooming in on the specific customer segments your recruitment agency aims to serve and explaining how your products and services fulfil their distinct needs.

For example, your target market might include recent college graduates who are seeking their first job after graduation. This segment is likely to be highly motivated and eager to begin their career. Additionally, this segment is likely to be very open to the services that a recruitment agency can provide, such as helping to craft resumes and providing job search assistance.

Then proceed to the competition subsection, where you introduce your main competitors and highlight what sets you apart from them.

Finally, conclude your market analysis with an overview of the key regulations applicable to your recruitment agency.

5. The strategy section

When crafting the strategy section of your business plan for your recruitment agency, it's important to cover several key aspects, including your competitive edge, pricing strategy, sales & marketing plan, milestones, and risks and mitigants.

In the competitive edge subsection, clearly explain what sets your company apart from competitors. This is particularly critical if you're a startup, as you'll be trying to establish your presence in the marketplace among entrenched players.

The pricing strategy subsection should demonstrate how you aim to maintain profitability while offering competitive prices to your customers.

For the sales & marketing plan, outline how you plan to reach and acquire new customers, as well as retain existing ones through loyalty programs or special offers.

In the milestones subsection, detail what your company has achieved thus far and outline your primary objectives for the coming years by including specific dates for expected progress. This ensures everyone involved has clear expectations.

Lastly, in the risks and mitigants subsection, list the main risks that could potentially impact the execution of your plan. Explain the measures you've taken to minimize these risks. This is vital for investors or lenders to feel confident in supporting your venture - try to proactively address any objection they might have.

Your recruitment agency could face the risk of a data breach. An incident such as this could lead to the loss of confidential information held by the agency, which could damage the agency's reputation and lead to financial loss. Your recruitment agency might also face the risk of a legal dispute from a client or a candidate. This could lead to costly legal fees and could have a negative effect on the agency's reputation.

6. The operations section

The operations of your recruitment agency must be presented in detail in your business plan.

The first thing you should cover in this section is your staffing team, the main roles, and the overall recruitment plan to support the growth expected in your business plan. You should also outline the qualifications and experience necessary to fulfil each role, and how you intend to recruit (using job boards, referrals, or headhunters).

You should then state the operating hours of your recruitment agency - so that the reader can check the adequacy of your staffing levels - and any plans for varying opening times during peak season. Additionally, the plan should include details on how you will handle customer queries outside of normal operating hours.

The next part of this section should focus on the key assets and IP required to operate your business. If you depend on any licenses or trademarks, physical structures (equipment or property) or lease agreements, these should all go in there.

You may have key assets such as databases of potential candidates for specific job roles and an extensive network of contacts. These could be considered intellectual property. Additionally, the recruitment agency might have brand recognition and a reputation for placing high-calibre candidates, which could be intangible assets.

Finally, you should include a list of suppliers that you plan to work with and a breakdown of their services and main commercial terms (price, payment terms, contract duration, etc.). Investors are always keen to know if there is a particular reason why you have chosen to work with a specific supplier (higher-quality products or past relationships for example).

7. The presentation of the financial plan

The financial plan section is where we will present the financial forecast we talked about earlier in this guide.

Now that you have a clear idea of what goes in your recruitment agency business plan, let's look at the solutions you can use to draft yours.

What tool should I use to write my recruitment agency's business plan?

There are two main ways of creating your recruitment agency business plan:

  • Using specialized business planning software,
  • Hiring a business plan writer.

Using an online business plan software for your recruitment agency's business plan

The modern and most efficient way to write a recruitment agency business plan is to use business plan software .

There are several advantages to using specialized software:

  • You can easily create your financial forecast by letting the software take care of the financial calculations for you without errors
  • You are guided through the writing process by detailed instructions and examples for each part of the plan
  • You can access a library of dozens of complete business plan samples and templates for inspiration
  • You get a professional business plan, formatted and ready to be sent to your bank or investors
  • You can easily track your actual financial performance against your financial forecast
  • You can create scenarios to stress test your forecast's main assumptions
  • You can easily update your forecast as time goes by to maintain visibility on future cash flows
  • You have a friendly support team on standby to assist you when you are stuck

If you're interested in using this type of solution, you can try The Business Plan Shop for free by signing up here .

Need a solid financial forecast?

The Business Plan Shop does the maths for you. Simply enter your revenues, costs and investments. Click save and our online tool builds a three-way forecast for you instantly.

Screenshot from The Business Plan Shop's Financial Forecasting Software

Hiring a business plan writer to write your recruitment agency's business plan

Outsourcing your recruitment agency business plan to a business plan writer can also be a viable option.

These writers possess valuable experience in crafting business plans and creating accurate financial forecasts. Additionally, enlisting their services can save you precious time, enabling you to concentrate on the day-to-day operations of your business.

It's important to be mindful, though, that hiring business plan writers comes with a cost. You'll be paying not just for their time but also for the software they use, and their profit margin.

Based on experience, a complete business plan usually requires a budget of at least £1.5k ($2.0k) excluding tax, and more if revisions are needed after initial meetings with lenders or investors - changes often arise following these discussions.

When seeking investment, be cautious about spending too much on consulting fees. Investors prefer their funds to contribute directly to business growth. Thus, the amount you spend on business plan writing services and other consulting services should be negligible compared to the amount you raise.

Another aspect to consider is that while you'll receive the output of the business plan, you usually won't own the actual document. It will be saved in the consultant's business plan software, which will make updating the plan challenging without retaining the consultant on a retainer.

Given these factors, it's essential to carefully weigh the pros and cons of outsourcing your recruitment agency business plan to a business plan writer and decide what best suits your business's unique needs.

Why not create your recruitment agency's business plan using Word or Excel?

Using Microsoft Excel and Word (or their Google, Apple, or open-source equivalents) to write a recruitment agency business plan is a terrible idea.

For starters, creating an accurate and error-free financial forecast on Excel (or any spreadsheet) is very technical and requires both a strong grasp of accounting principles and solid skills in financial modelling.

As a result, it is unlikely anyone will trust your numbers unless - like us at The Business Plan Shop - you hold a degree in finance and accounting and have significant financial modelling experience in your past.

The second reason is that it is inefficient. Building forecasts on spreadsheets was the only option in the 1990s and early 2000s, nowadays technology has advanced and software can do it much faster and much more accurately.

And with the rise of AI, software is also becoming smarter at helping us detect mistakes in our forecasts and helping us analyse the numbers to make better decisions.

Also, using software makes it easy to compare actuals vs. forecasts and maintain our forecasts up to date to maintain visibility on future cash flows - as we discussed earlier in this guide - whereas this is a pain to do with a spreadsheet.

That's for the forecast, but what about the written part of my recruitment agency business plan?

This part is less error-prone, but here also software brings tremendous gains in productivity:

  • Word processors don't include instructions and examples for each part of your business plan
  • Word processors don't update your numbers automatically when they change in your forecast
  • Word processors don't handle the formatting for you

Overall, while Word or Excel may be viable options for creating a recruitment agency business plan for some entrepreneurs, it is by far not the best or most efficient solution.

  • Using business plan software is a modern and cost-effective way of writing and maintaining business plans.
  • A business plan is not a one-shot exercise as maintaining it current is the only way to keep visibility on your future cash flows.
  • A business plan has 2 main parts: a financial forecast outlining the funding requirements of your recruitment agency and the expected growth, profits and cash flows for the next 3 to 5 years; and a written part which gives the reader the information needed to decide if they believe the forecast is achievable.

We hope that this in-depth guide met your expectations and that you now have a clear understanding of how to write your recruitment agency business plan. Do not hesitate to contact our friendly team if you have questions additional questions we haven't addressed here.

Also on The Business Plan Shop

  • How to write a business plan to secure a bank loan?
  • Key steps to write a business plan?
  • Top mistakes to avoid in your business plan

Do you know entrepreneurs interested in starting or growing a recruitment agency? Share this article with them!

Guillaume Le Brouster

Founder & CEO at The Business Plan Shop Ltd

Guillaume Le Brouster is a seasoned entrepreneur and financier.

Guillaume has been an entrepreneur for more than a decade and has first-hand experience of starting, running, and growing a successful business.

Prior to being a business owner, Guillaume worked in investment banking and private equity, where he spent most of his time creating complex financial forecasts, writing business plans, and analysing financial statements to make financing and investment decisions.

Guillaume holds a Master's Degree in Finance from ESCP Business School and a Bachelor of Science in Business & Management from Paris Dauphine University.

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Understanding the Importance of a Business Plan

A well-structured business plan is the cornerstone of success for recruitment agencies. It   serves as a blueprint outlining  your agency’s vision, mission, goals, strategy, and financial projections. 

Here is why it is crucial for the success of a recruitment agency. 

  • A well-crafted business plan is a strategic tool that enables recruitment agencies to stay focused on their objectives, create a competitive edge, and ultimately achieve long-term success. 
  • Notably, it allows you to identify potential challenges and opportunities, set realistic expectations, and allocate resources efficiently.
  • By providing a clear roadmap for growth, a comprehensive business plan helps you navigate the complexities of the recruitment industry and adapt to the ever-changing market conditions.
  • It helps you make informed decisions and strategies effectively. 

The 7 Stages of Writing a Startup Recruitment Agency Business Plan

Writing a business plan from scratch for your recruitment agency can be challenging. We’ve compiled a comprehensive step-by-step guide to explain the process.

Here are the seven stages involved in putting together this critical document:

  • Defining your recruitment agency’s vision and mission
  • Identifying your business model and services
  • Conducting market research and analysis
  • Developing a marketing and sales strategy
  • Building your team and infrastructure
  • Defining financial projections and funding
  • Outlining risk assessment and mitigation strategies

Stage #1: 3 Steps Procedure for Defining Your Recruitment Agency’s Vision and Mission

Creating a solid   vision and mission statement  for your start-up recruitment agency business plan is crucial to guiding your business in the right direction.

To do this, follow the below steps:

  • Define your purpose.
  • Establish your goals.
  • Outline your values.

With a trusted partner like Recruiter Startup

costs to start your recruitment desk are minimal compared to starting from scratch

Step #2: Establish your goals.

Set measurable goals to work towards, such as:

  • Place 100 candidates in new jobs within the first year.
  • Generate £250,000 in revenue by the end of year two.
  • Build a network of 500 vetted clients and 1,000 active candidates in the UK.

If you’re putting together a start-up recruitment agency business plan, it’s important to review and revise your goals regularly based on your progress and market conditions. 

Step #1: Define your purpose.

Establish the underlying reason for starting your recruitment agency in the first place. Do you want to help people find meaningful work, support growing businesses, focus on a niche industry, or something else? Whatever the reason, your purpose should align with your values.

For example:

  • To help UK technology startups attract top talent.
  • To provide job opportunities for disadvantaged groups in local communities.
  • To become the go-to agency for healthcare recruitment in the UK.

Step #3: Outline your values.

The values that guide your agency will shape your culture and brand.

Examples include the following:

  • Integrity:  We’re honest and transparent and keep our promises.
  • Excellence:  We strive to exceed expectations and deliver the highest quality service.
  • Diversity:  We believe in providing equal opportunities regardless of gender, ethnicity, or background, in line with the  UK Equality Act 2010 .

Your vision, purpose, goals, and values provide the foundation for your recruitment agency business plan. Refer to them often when making critical decisions to stay on track. 

Stage #2: Identifying Your Business Model and Services

Next, consider which business model suits your needs: focusing on permanent placements, contract staffing, or both.

The services you offer should align with your expertise and target market. For instance, if you have a background in IT, specialising in tech recruitment might be ideal. However, starting with generalist roles could be more suitable if you’re new to the industry.

Lead generation

Developing a comprehensive recruitment agency business plan in the UK (or any other country) can be complex and often impractical for new agency owners. A more efficient alternative is to join a recruitment franchise like  Recruiter Startup .

We provide the necessary infrastructure, tools, training, and support to help you launch your agency quickly, enabling you to start matching candidates with jobs and generating revenue immediately. 

Stage #3: A 4-Step Checklist for Conducting Market Research and Analysis

Performing market research for your recruitment agency is essential for understanding your target market, competitors, and industry trends.

This involves the following activities:

  • Surveying businesses in your area
  • Researching competitors
  • Tracking industry trends
  • Analysing data for opportunities

Step 2: Researching Competitors

Investigate what competitors offer and how they operate — research their fees, services, and client attraction strategies. The UK recruitment industry is highly competitive, comprising  over 27,700 agencies . Hence, understanding your competition will help you differentiate your agency.

Step 1: Surveying Businesses in Your Area

Determine hiring needs and budgets by surveying local businesses. As of 2022, the UK had approximately  5.5 million  private sector businesses, providing ample opportunities to explore various industries and niches. 

Step 4: Analysing Data for Opportunities

After gathering data, analyse it to identify opportunities and establish a competitive advantage. Look for unmet needs or new trends to capitalise on.

Step 3: Tracking Industry Trends

Stay updated on trends like remote work, which increased significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic, with   17.4% of the UK workforce   working from home in 2020. Also, monitor the demand for contract staff, as the gig economy has grown in recent years. Adapting to the ever-changing recruitment landscape is vital for long-term success.

Starting a business from scratch can be hectic. As an alternative, consider joining a recruitment franchise like Recruiter Startup. We have an established brand and in-depth industry knowledge, helping you begin your journey with a solid foundation.

Check out our  associates recruitment model  to learn more about how we operate and how much you can earn working from home.

Stage #4: 5 Tips for Developing a Marketing and Sales Strategy

A solid marketing and sales strategy is crucial for building a successful business, recruitment agencies inclusive.

These five tips can help outline a compelling start-up recruitment agency business plan, which is vital if you’re looking to convince investors to fund your enterprise:

  • Define your target market.
  • Build your online presence.
  • Develop a marketing strategy.
  • Source great candidates.
  • Provide excellent service.

1. Define your target market.

To identify your ideal job-seekers, focus on an initial niche, such as IT professionals, nurses, or teachers. You may go on to specify locations, experience levels, and skills.

For example, you may focus on recruiting in the healthcare niche, a highly viable market — the UK has a high demand for healthcare professionals, with the NHS employing o ver 1.4 million people . Targeting your market makes reaching them more manageable.

2. Build your online presence.

About   61% of job-seekers  in the UK used online job boards to find employment in January 2022 alone.

Take advantage of this viable marketplace by developing a professional website to showcase your agency’s credibility. Optimise for search engines using essential keywords, like “recruitment agency” and your location, e.g., “London.” Create LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter profiles for networking with candidates and clients.

Our post on how to start a recruitment agency expounds more on the need to achieve a robust digital profile.

3. Develop a marketing strategy.

An excellent recruitment business plan example outlines how it plans to generate leads.

  • Identify the best ways to promote your agency. 
  • Consider advertising on job sites like Totaljobs, Reed, CV-Library or in industry publications. Offer discounts and promotions to new clients and attend local networking events to form personal connections. 
  • Lastly, regularly email your contact list with job openings and agency updates.

4. Source great candidates.

Post jobs on your website, social media, and platforms frequented by your target candidates. You may also utilise your network to gather referrals but thoroughly screen candidates to ensure the best matches for your clients. 

5. Provide excellent service.

Strive to build lasting relationships with clients and candidates — regularly check in to ensure satisfaction and address any issues promptly. Go above and beyond expectations, such as assisting a new hire’s onboarding process.  Up to 83%   of satisfied clients and candidates will likely refer others and return to your agency, boosting profit margins by 25%.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to developing a successful marketing and sales strategy for your UK recruitment agency. While crafting a comprehensive recruitment agency business plan can be challenging, focusing on the essentials lays a solid foundation for your agency’s growth.

Stage #5: Building Your Team and Infrastructure: A 4-Point Checklist

Assembling a team of qualified professionals and establishing the necessary infrastructure is crucial when building a recruitment agency, so you must consider it in your recruitment agency business plan. However, this can be challenging and costly, as outlined in our post on recruitment agency startup costs.

Adhering to the following checklist can make your task easier:

  • Hiring recruiters
  • Administrative support
  • Office space
  • Technology infrastructure

2. Administrative Support

Your agency needs administrative staff to manage daily operations, such as answering phones, organising schedules, and updating records. An administrative assistant’s average salary in the UK is  £20,664 annually . Any candidate you’re hiring should have strong organisational and communication skills.

1. Hiring Recruiters

Recruiters are the backbone of your agency. Aim to hire experienced recruiters with proven success in your target industry or job function.

In the UK, the average salary for a recruiter is   £31,489 per year , with bonuses and commission potentially increasing earnings. Recruiters must excel in networking, interpersonal, and sales skills to effectively find candidates and maintain client relationships.

3. Office Space

If not operating virtually, secure office space for your team. Consider a location easily accessible for candidates and clients, with room for private offices or cubicles, a reception area, conference rooms, and storage. In the UK, office rental costs vary by location, with London prices ranging from   £50 to £150  per square foot per year.

4. Technology Infrastructure

Invest in a robust technology infrastructure, including the following:

  •   Applicant Tracking System (ATS):  Essential for managing candidates. Popular options in the UK include   Bullhorn  and  Firefish .
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system:  Vital for tracking clients and placements.  Salesforce  and  HubSpot  are widely used in the UK.
  • Fast internet connectivity:  Important for efficient operations.
  • Enterprise-level security:  Crucial for protecting sensitive data and complying with UK data protection regulations like  GDPR .
  • Virtual communication tools:  Video conferencing platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams facilitate remote collaboration.

Setting up a recruitment agency’s team and infrastructure is a significant undertaking, requiring substantial resources. For those considering an easier route, a franchise model like Recruiter Startup provides the essential components and support, allowing you to focus on growing your business. Check out  what others are saying about us .

Stage #6: Defining Financial Projections and Funding

To create a comprehensive recruitment agency business plan, it’s essential to determine funding sources and estimate projected returns on investment.

Financial projections and funding

2. Finding Funding Sources

With financial projections in place, you can then explore the following recruitment startup funding options:

  • Business loans:  Banks, credit unions, and online lenders offer loans, but they require collateral and solid financial projections. The  British Business Bank   can help you find suitable financing options in the UK.
  • Angel investors : These are wealthy individuals who invest in exchange for equity and high potential returns.  The UK Angel Investment Network  can help connect you with investors.
  • Crowdfunding:  This involves raising small amounts from multiple contributors. Platforms like Seedrs and Crowdcube are popular but require dedicated effort.
  • Franchising : Pay an upfront fee to access a proven model and brand, e.g.,  Recruiter Startup . Note: With Recruiter Startup, your upfront fee is only £750 + VAT per month, a far lower expense than starting your own recruitment agency.  

1. Creating Financial Projections

Attract funding by showcasing realistic financial projections for your agency.

Consider the following factors in doing so:

  • Revenue : Estimate the number of placements you can make annually and the average fee per placement. In the UK, the average fee for permanent placements is around 15–20% of the candidate’s annual salary. Don’t forget to account for seasonal fluctuations in the job market.
  • Expenses : Calculate rent, payroll, marketing, and other business expenses. In London, for example, office rental costs can range from £50 to £150 per square foot per year.Note: When you set up as a franchise recruiter with Recruiter Startup, your expenses will be slashed as you won’t need to spend on office space or staff.
  • Profit:  Determine your projected profits by subtracting expenses from revenue. This demonstrates the potential ROI for investors.

To secure funding, present a well-developed business plan with solid financials and explain how the investment will drive growth and profits.

Stage #7: Outlining Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategies

Considering potential risks and creating strategies to address them is crucial for the success of your recruitment agency.

Here are some key areas to focus on:

1. Identifying and Addressing Risks

When designing your recruitment agency business plan, anticipate challenges and develop solutions.

Common risks include the following:

  • Economic downturns : A weak economy slashes hiring rates. Maintain cash reserves and diversify your client base to mitigate this risk.
  • New competitors:  Stay competitive by focusing on niche markets and building strong client relationships. There are over 27,700 recruitment agencies in the UK, making it essential to stand out.
  • Key staff departures : Retain top talent by implementing training programs and offering incentives. Take note that ensuring high employee turnover can be costly and disruptive.

2. Meeting Legal Requirements

Compliance with legal regulations is vital for your agency’s reputation and success.

To achieve this, ensure you do the following:

  • Adhere to data protection laws : Obtain consent for storing and using client/candidate information. In the UK, compliance with the GDPR is mandatory.
  • Follow employment regulations:  Verify candidates’ right to work and provide fair pay/contracts. UK agencies must comply with the  Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003.
  • Register as an employment agency:  Requirements vary across countries and states. Registration with the  Employment Agency Standards (EAS)   Inspectorate is necessary for the UK.

Saving Time and Cost With the Franchise Recruitment Model

Starting a recruitment agency from scratch can be time-consuming and expensive, especially when considering investing in a robust recruitment agency business plan. However, a franchise recruitment model can save time and money, allowing your business to become operational more quickly and efficiently.

The key benefits of choosing a franchise recruitment model include the following:

Saving time and cost

  • Accelerated business setup : Franchising allows you to leverage an established brand and proven business model, significantly reducing the time and effort required to start your agency.
  • Existing customer base:  As a franchise recruiter working from home, you can tap into the franchise agency’s existing customer base, reducing the need to invest heavily in marketing and brand awareness campaigns.
  • The lion’s share of all placement fees : When you register as a franchise recruiter with an agency like Recruiter Startup, you get to keep 80%–90% of all your placements.
  • Comprehensive business plan:  Franchise recruitment eliminates spending months perfecting your business plan, as the franchise agency provides a tried-and-true plan to follow.
  • Online presence and marketing materials:  Franchise recruiters can bypass the hassle of building a website and online presence by using the franchise agency’s established website and marketing materials.
  • Cost savings:  The franchise recruitment model often includes software requirements and supplies provided or subsidised by the franchise agency, leading to significant cost savings.
  • Expert guidance and training:  Franchise recruiters can benefit from valuable insights and training from an experienced franchise agency that’ll guide them through setting up and operating their recruitment desk.

Choosing a franchise recruitment model allows aspiring agency owners to start placing candidates and generating revenue much sooner. This approach saves time compared to spending months designing a recruitment agency business plan. The franchise model is an attractive option for those looking to enter the recruitment industry hassle-free.  Contact us  now to get started!

Failing to comply with legal obligations can result in fines, reputational damage, or even forced closure. Hence, prioritise compliance from the outset.

Recruitment Agency Business Plan - Frequently Asked Questions

Recruitment agencies make money primarily by charging their clients (employers) fees for successfully placing candidates in job roles. These fees can be either a percentage of the candidate’s starting salary or a fixed fee, depending on the agreement with the client. Some agencies also charge candidates a fee for job search assistance or other career services.

Yes, starting a recruitment agency can be a good idea if you possess strong industry knowledge, networks, and the ability to match job seekers with suitable employers. The recruitment industry can be lucrative and rewarding. However, it’s essential to be aware of the challenges, such as competition, changing market conditions, and the need for adaptation to new technology. 

Some of the   best industries   to start a recruitment agency are:

  • Medical and Healthcare
  • Information Technology (IT)
  • Renewable Energy
  • Construction and Engineering

Yes, the recruitment industry can be challenging due to several factors, including the following:

  • High competition: With over 27,700 recruitment agencies in the UK alone, competition is quite steep.
  • Economic fluctuations: Economic conditions often affect the industry, impacting job availability and demand.
  • Changing technology: Keeping up with new technologies like AI and automation may require adaptation and learning.
  • Building relationships: Developing solid relationships with clients and candidates is crucial but time-consuming.

Based on data from several sources, the UK recruitment industry is experiencing growth but at a   slower pace . However, over 50% of recruitment agency experts forecast a 1%–25% revenue increase for 2023. While the industry continues to grow, it’s essential to consider factors such as competition and market fluctuations when assessing its overall health.

In Conclusion

So, there you have it — a complete guide to a recruitment agency business plan. As you can see, it’s no easy feat and requires a significant time and financial investment to get off the ground. The business plan alone can take months of work.

Why go through all that hassle when there’s a more straightforward solution?

Franchise models like Recruiter Startup offer a turnkey solution to get your recruitment agency up and running in no time. We provide the systems, training, and support so you can focus on what matters — finding great candidates and clients.

Stop wasting time on business plans and start building your dream recruitment agency today with a working business model. The opportunities are right here, so  take that first step now . You’ll be glad you did!

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Michelle Majder Co-Director of Workforce Extensions | North Adelaide Health

”The hope for us was that we would share our nursing experience and they (the Franchisor) would share their business experience - which was exactly what we got.”

What makes a successful franchisee?

If you have a desire to be your own boss, confidence and passion to succeed, the drive to grow relationships in your local region and have experience in any of the below areas, we would love to hear from you.

  • Recruitment in labour hire
  • Business Development
  • Account Management

When you join Workforce Extensions our experienced team at National Office are with you every step of the way. From day one as a partner you will receive the following support and tools.

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Workforce Extensions is Australia’s largest network of owner operators in labour hire and recruitment. Since being founded in 1997, WE have grown into a national network of successful labour hire and recruitment agencies.

The key to our success is simple – we see the journey of franchising as a partnership that allows the National Office and our franchise partners to play to their strengths. WE take the headache out of running the back end of the business including finance, IT, marketing as well as safety and compliance so that franchisees can focus on recruitment and building relationships in their local communities.

Franchise FAQs

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions that provide you with a brief overview of the Workforce Extensions Labour Hire & Recruitment Franchise Program.

Absolutely! We provide a wide range of training programs that incorporates all aspects of running a labour hire and recruitment agency. Not just upon commencement, but throughout your journey with us as a franchisee.

Workforce Extensions support a wide range of industries across Australia, focusing on a specific industry sector is a great way to build a strong candidate and client database.

Workforce Extensions key focus is ensuring the host client is correctly supported by our franchisee network. Whilst there are no restrictions on how we service our host clients, there are some restrictions in the way you operate your franchise which are outlined in the Franchising Code of Conduct. These will be discussed with you at the appropriate time.

Yes, labour hire can be a valuable addition to the service offerings of many businesses.  Your database of clients may present an opportunity into the labour hire industry which can benefit both your business and your existing clients.

We provide this to you, Each Workforce Extensions office uses Australia’s leading recruitment software packages. This software includes candidate management, CRM, payroll services, e-timesheets and job posting modules.

Yes, you have the right to sell on the open market at any time provided you follow the process outlined in the franchise agreement.

If you are interested in starting your own labour hire and recruitment franchise we recommend that you contact the Franchising Council of Australia & Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. These provide practical information, addresses frequently asked questions, provides a directory of member franchisors and service providers such as consultants, lawyers and accountants. Their websites also list franchise events scheduled around the nation and overviews our extensive franchise education programs.

Click complete the registration form above, or please contact us via email [email protected] , or via phone on 1300 664 862.

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Call us for a chat on 1300 664 862

On-boarding Timeline

We understand that starting your own business is a major decision, for this reason we have no specific timeframe to complete the process. Once we understand your own personal preferred timeframe, we can tailor the process to suit your needs and goals.

What our Franchisees say

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"The biggest benefit is the support network behind the business. I get extensive assistance with payroll and financing – I only have to give them a call."

Rebecca Ponsonby

Blue & White collar industries

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“As a Workforce Extensions Franchisee, I benefit from the established brand awareness and operational framework. Since day one, I have received extensive support, from a comprehensive initial training program to ongoing operational support. The National Office team supply and look after our payroll finance, credit control, IT systems and support, ISO Certification, marketing, website management and more. We truly feel that they are passionate about our success.”

Ben Birrell

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“Starting a Workforce Extensions Franchise was the best way for me to start and grow my Recruitment Agency. The National Office Team manage our Payroll, Debtors, IT, Marketing, and more. If we get stuck, we find comfort in the fact that a solution is only a phone call away.”

Chris Coffey

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How to write a business plan for recruitment in 2024 (template included)

Roger Smart

  • Published on June 3, 2020
  • Updated on February 12, 2024

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Writing a business plan in recruitment has always played a crucial part in the interview process for a number of recruitment agencies around the world.

A comprehensive business plan can demonstrate a recruiter’s commitment, knowledge and commercial acumen. During economic uncertainties in 2023, these qualities are more important than ever.

Arriving at an interview armed with a comprehensive business plan before you’re even asked will no doubt set yourself apart from other recruiters.

During economic uncertainties, managers will need to present a business case to leadership for budget approval in order to make a hire. Your business plan will be an important element of this business case. An impressive business plan could be the difference between landing an offer today, or falling into a pipeline of other candidates.

In this article, we share a step-by-step guide outlining how to create a comprehensive business plan. We walk through the key components and include examples.

At the end of the article, you can download a free recruitment business plan template which is tailored towards the key components mentioned in this article.

A business plan should be packed full of relevant information but should be compressed and to the point. Avoid verbiage, stay specific and keep to 4 – 6 pages.


Start with a title. Include your name and the company you’re writing the business plan for. A little personalisation will go a long way.

Underneath your title, outline the objective of your business plan and again personalise it towards the agency you’re interviewing with. While you have the hiring manager’s attention, this paragraph is an opportunity for you to demonstrate how comprehensive your business plan is. The aim is to capture the hiring manager’s interest so they continue to read each component:

“The objective of this business plan is to outline the value I can add to employer’s name.

In this business plan, I have highlighted my specialism, hiring activity in my market, my candidate and client strategies, my methodology, how I plan to recruit through economic uncertainties in 2023, my competition and my personal revenue projections over 12 months.”

You can use this paragraph as a way to introduce your business plan verbally if you’ve called up a hiring manager. You can also use this extract in a cold email.

Your specialisation

This is a crucial positioning statement for your value-add. It sets out precisely where your network and experience lies and what you intend to bring to the table in your new role.

Your specialisation can be described clearly by outlining what roles you will specialise in, what industries you will target, what level of seniority you will focus on and what geographies you will cover.

For ease of reading, you can use each component as a title and use bullet points to expand upon your answers.

Taking a Technology recruiter as an example:

What roles I will specialise in:

  • Product Management permanent roles
  • UX/UI Design permanent roles

What industries I will target:

  • Series A – C funded technology startups (high investment, high growth and high volume of roles)

What level of seniority I will focus on:

  • Mid to senior (120 – 180k salary range for Product Managers, 140 – 200k salary range for Designers)

What geographies I will cover:

  • Based in Singapore, the local market will be my core market
  • Secondary markets include Jakarta, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur due to less competition from recruiters and high volume of roles

Hiring activity trends

The hiring activity trends section provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate and portray your knowledge of the market.

The 3 important components of this section are: hiring activity over the past 3 years, hiring activity for next year and how you predict hiring activity to shift beyond that.

Utilise your own knowledge of the market but back it up with research gained from reputable sources related to your market e.g. Tech in Asia, Tech Crunch, Channel News Asia, The Straits Times or The Financial Times.

You’ll want to cover how hiring activity has increased or decreased, what the drivers of growth are in your industry and what the threats and challenges are within your sector.

Candidate strategies

Moving on from market trends, this section indicates how you will acquire candidates for your desk. It offers an opportunity for you to demonstrate the experience you’ve learnt in candidate management from your previous firm, but also an opportunity for the employer to ensure that your approach aligns with theirs.

3 key components of this section include: how you will generate candidate leads, what challenges you expect to face and how you will overcome these challenges.

Taking a Front Office Banking & Financial Services recruiter as an example:

How do I plan to generate candidate leads:

  • Direct headhunting using a LinkedIn Recruiter account, this costs approximately $X amount, the key benefits being access to a high volume of InMails and enhanced search capability. This has been the sourcing tool for 60% of my previous placements

Challenges I expect to face:

  • In light of economic uncertainties in 2023, highly sought-after candidates may be risk-averse and may not see this as a good time to move jobs

How I will overcome these challenges:

  • I will develop relationships with these candidates for the future but I will adjust my sourcing strategy accordingly by increasing volume of direct approaches

Client strategies

A similar section to candidate strategies but geared towards clients. Arguably more important than candidate strategies during a recession as the market could be job-short – even in the good times, strong business development capabilities in recruiters are harder to find.

This section includes 6 key components including how you plan to onboard new clients, how you plan to sustain relationships with clients for repeat business, what industries your clients are in, the challenges you expect to face and how you will overcome these challenges.

Take these bullet points as a basic example:

How I plan to onboard new clients:

  • During a recession, I plan to cultivate relationships by helping and consulting clients on non-recruitment related issues, such as advising clients on the current state of the market
  • I plan to generate leads by making 25 cold calls per day during the ramp-up period, to again offer support and advice where needed, and to leverage any open roles
  • A soft approach of connecting with hiring managers, HR contact and C-Level candidates on LinkedIn, to establish working relationships and eventually convert into clients

How I plan to sustain relationships with current clients and win repeat roles:

  • The most important way to sustain relationships is by offering a service that is superior to competitors. That is by being transparent, sticking to deadlines and delivering results
  • Regularly catch up with clients on a monthly basis to see how they’re doing and see if you can generate new roles
  • Keep yourself updated on company news and congratulate clients on milestones e.g. if they generate a Series C round of funding

What industries I will target clients in:

  • Series A – B funded technology startups
  • During a recession there is less of an appetite to use agencies due to an unprecedented volume of great candidates available in the market
  • Offer free support to companies currently not using agencies, provide an impressive service and convert into paying client post-recovery

The 6th component is “examples of target clients” and this is where you can really demonstrate tangible market knowledge. Use company names, find the potential contact in each company and add your comments, such as the volume of roles you expect from that client. 5 examples should be enough to peak your hiring manager’s interest.

You can use a table to display this information with ease:

It goes without saying that you should never be tempted to use information that is proprietary to your previous employer. This information can be openly found with some basic LinkedIn research.

My methodology

Are you a recruiter that is focussed on crunching numbers? Are you a recruiter who is focussed on cultivating long-term relationships? In this section, you can include a few quick bullet points to explain how you approach recruitment. This information gives your hiring manager an indication about whether you hold similar values and whether you have similar working styles.

How you can adapt to recruiting during a possible economic downturn

This section is a new one in response to market conditions in 2023 but can demonstrate how you are prepared to deal with current and upcoming challenges.

You can use this section as the title and include bullet points to outline how you will adapt to these market conditions.

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My key competitors

Which recruiters and agencies offer the greatest competition? Demonstrating your knowledge in this area highlights that you are commercially aware outside of your core market.

Include about 5 different competitors who are directly competing in your patch. You can use the table below to display this information:

Personal revenue and target projections

In many business plans, financial projections are of utmost importance and can demonstrate your commercial acumen. If you’ve ever watched Dragon’s Den, you’ll know what happens when you don’t know your numbers!

Project your personal revenue for 4 quarters. You can start your calculations by predicting the average annual salary of a candidate in your patch. You can project your average percentage fee agreed with clients and from there you can calculate your average fee. Once you have this, you can predict the amount of placements you’ll be making per month.

Make sure your revenue projections are realistic and achievable. Avoid the temptation to predict vastly optimistic revenues, especially during a possible recession. You must allow time to ramp-up and there must be a logical relationship between your historical and predicted revenues.

The plan only includes project revenue. Your historical revenue should be on your CV.

Take the below as an example:

My predicted average annual salary of candidates:

My predicted average percentage fee agreed with the client:, my predicted average fee:, my predicted average placements per month, my projected revenue over 12 months.

Underneath, you can also include the KPIs you will set yourself to guide you in achieving these numbers. For example, you can set yourself a guideline for how many CVs you need to send, how many candidate meetings you need to arrange, how many client meetings you need to arrange and so on.

The template

We’ve constructed a free template built around the components mentioned above, so you can create your own for when you reach out to hiring managers.

To download this template, please add your email below and you’ll be redirected to the template.

By downloading our busines plan, you agree to our  Privacy Policy and Notification Settings .

This step-by-step guide should give your hiring manager a clear idea of your plan. If executed successfully, you’ve already demonstrated your commitment, knowledge and commercial acumen before even attending an interview.

The way you’ve structured your plan will give your hiring manager a very clear indication of your methodology and whether you’d fit their structure. Keep in mind that if your methodology is focused on high volume recruitment, it’s not going to work well with an executive recruitment agency.

As a next step, learn this plan inside and out. Be prepared to pitch your plan to your hiring manager and answer detailed questions surrounding each component.

Leave your interviewer with no room for concern and secure that role! Lastly, if you enjoyed the article, please consider subscribing or following us on LinkedIn to have new articles for recruiters like this delivered directly to your inbox.

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As Founder of Charterhouse Partnership, I led the opening of 5 international offices, hiring & training hundreds of recruiters. Please subscribe to our weekly newsletter where I share my insights on the recruitment industry.

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Do we, as consumers, really care about how companies treat their employees? Or how they engage with local communities, and…

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New environmental enforcer on the way, but little progress on promised overhaul of environment laws

Tanya Plibersek and  Senator Sarah Hanson-Young arrive to speak during a presser.

Plans for a new national environmental protection body will be introduced to parliament in the next few weeks, but Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek's promise of wholesale reform of the nation's environmental laws has been deferred indefinitely.

The federal government wants to set up the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) as an independent body to enforce decisions made under environment laws.

It would be able to issue stop-work notices, fines and be able to audit businesses to check their compliance with developments approvals, as well as oversee enforcement of other environmental laws such as animal trafficking, recycling and sea dumping.

There would also be a new body called Environment Information Australia, which would collate environmental data to inform government and businesses.

But it is not clear when the government will deliver on its commitment to comprehensively reform the nation's main environmental protection laws, the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act, in this term of government.

A comprehensive review of the EPBC Act in 2020 by former ACCC chair Graeme Samuel recommended sweeping changes, including introducing national environmental standards, to be implemented within two years.

Labor criticised the then-Coalition government for attempting to introduce piecemeal legislation tackling only some of the recommendations of the Samuel Review.

In 2022, Ms Plibersek promised to introduce draft laws for comprehensive reform by the end of 2023, a deadline that has long passed.

While Ms Plibersek insists the government is committed to further reform, she has declined to say when that will happen.

"Our government is doing more than ever to protect our country's natural treasures, native plants and animals, so Australians can continue to enjoy our lifestyle in the great outdoors," she said.

Rainforest covered headland juts into sea

"When I first announced the Nature Positive Plan, I said it would take a bit of cooperation, compromise and common sense to deliver. That's exactly how we're approaching the rollout."

Environment groups angry, business groups pleased but cautious

The federal government is also promising to invest $100 million over four years to speed up environmental approvals, particularly for applications for renewable energy and critical minerals projects.

Both business and environment groups have been critical of the lengthy approvals processes, but views on how best to improve the process are very different.

Environment groups have responded with frustration at the lack of progress on improving environmental protection in Australia.

Dave Copeman, director of the Queensland Conservation Council, criticised the government for proceeding with "the creation of a federal EPA without all the tools it needs to protect nature".

Likewise, the head of Environment Tasmania, James Overington, questioned the value of proceeding with a new EPA without new environmental standards and protections.

"We are struggling to see how there will be any reliable benefits to nature," he said.

The head of Greenpeace Australia Pacific, Glenn Walker, likened the government's announcement to "a pub without beer."

"The EPA will not have the teeth it needs until a strong national nature law also comes into place," he said.

Middle-aged white man in a grey jacket speaking in front of TV camera and microphone

"It is also essential that the EPA is given powers to assess and reject large coal and gas projects where the climate impacts on nature are assessed as significant."

Business groups cautiously welcomed parts of the announcement, pleased with extra funding for processing applications and the promise of making more environmental data available to project proponents.

But business support for the EPA was muted because of concerns about the next stage of reforms.

"An independent EPA makes sense for enforcement and compliance. However, we are concerned that a possible next step for these reforms, in stage three, is giving it decision-making responsibility for projects, which risks diminishing the power and responsibility of the elected minister," said Bran Black from the Business Council of Australia.

Greens, Coalition attack from opposite flanks

The Coalition's environment spokesperson Jonno Duniam dismissed the bill as "a new bureaucracy with no new laws to administer."

"After two years of selective and secretive consultation, we are no closer to knowing anything about these laws, which [is] harming investor confidence in our country for new job-creating projects and also creating uncertainty for the community at large when it comes to environmental protection measures."

Senator Duniam was unwilling to say whether the Liberals and Nationals would support the bill, but Opposition Leader Peter Dutton was more critical.

"This Nature Positive Bill will be the death of mining," he said in Perth. "[It is] anti-WA … anti-mining [and] anti-development."

Greens environment spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young said the government had "caved into the mining industry and the loggers and the big polluters" by failing to deliver new laws.

She also declined to say whether the Greens would support the bill. Their votes would be needed in the Senate should the Coalition oppose the bill.

"We'll obviously wait to see all the legislation and we'll go through it with a fine tooth comb. But we are not going to back any moves that further weaken Australia's environment laws," she said.

She said Tuesday's announcements of better data collection and transparency were "of course welcome" but "not reform", and said fines may not be enough to stop environmental damage.

"Sure it's a fine, but if you've already destroyed the koala habitat, it doesn't make much difference to Blinky Bill," she said.

"[It's] a weak response to the environmental devastation we know is happening across the country."

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  2. How To Start A Recruitment Agency: Your Comprehensive Guide

    Creating a Business Plan. A well-crafted business plan is your roadmap to success when starting a business. It outlines your agency's objectives, strategies for achieving those objectives, and the resources and actions needed to make it all happen. For a recruitment agency, this is particularly important as your operations will involve ...

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    A comprehensive startup business plan for a recruitment agency should include: Executive summary: Start with a clear and concise overview of your business — your elevator pitch. Highlight your business goals, mission statement, and the services you plan to offer. Market analysis: Conduct thorough research on the staffing industry, focusing on ...

  4. Recruitment Agency Mastery: The Definitive Startup Success Guide

    Starting a startup recruitment agency or a labour hire company in Australia can be a profitable venture if done right. Understanding the market, complying with regulations, building a solid team, and creating strong relationships with employers are all keys to success. The recruitment industry may be competitive, but with the right strategies ...

  5. How to Start a Recruitment Agency in Australia

    There are a few key legal steps to starting a recruitment agency in Australia. These include registering your business name and obtaining an Australian Business Number (ABN), as well as securing any necessary licenses and insurance policies. It's also recommended to have a clear understanding of the Fair Work Act, which outlines minimum ...

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  7. How to start a recruitment agency

    Here is our guide to starting a recruitment agency. Have a plan and set business objectives. ... Some common recruitment agency business models include: Contingency: By far the most common. ... In Australia, all staffing agencies must be registered by the Fair Work Ombudsman. They must comply with the Fair Work Act and Anti-Discrimination laws.

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  10. 8 Steps for Starting a Recruitment Agency in Australia

    Australia's recruitment industry is undergoing a significant transformation after relatively few changes over the past three decades. With 470,900 job vacancies as of August 2022 — up 107.4% ...

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    Workforce Extensions - a proven business model. Establishing a recruitment business in Australia involves strategic planning, regulatory compliance, and a robust operational framework. Workforce Extensions provides the blueprint for a successful launch. With a minimal financial outlay to enter the program it's no surprise agency recruiters ...

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  13. Recruitment Agency Business Plan Template (Free)

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    Introduction. Start with a title. Include your name and the company you're writing the business plan for. A little personalisation will go a long way. Underneath your title, outline the objective of your business plan and again personalise it towards the agency you're interviewing with. While you have the hiring manager's attention, this ...

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    Example of a recruitment plan This sample recruitment plan uses the template above as a guide. You can use this example to inspire your own recruitment plan: Recruitment plan Fellini's Café 1 July 2021 Prepared by Sue Jones, restaurant manager Recruitment goals This recruitment plan aims to achieve the following goals for the business: Hire five new employees in the next six months to allow ...

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  24. New environmental enforcer on the way, but little progress on promised

    Business groups cautiously welcomed parts of the announcement, pleased with extra funding for processing applications and the promise of making more environmental data available to project proponents.