University of St Andrews

Theses: searching for theses from other institutions.

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  • How to submit your thesis (Additional information)
  • Searching for St Andrews theses
  • Searching for theses from other institutions

Theses from other institutions

Theses are valuable primary research material, containing unique work that may not be published elsewhere. This guide will help you to locate and access theses from other institutions, both in the UK and internationally.

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

With ProQuest Dissertations , you can search details of 4 million international dissertations and theses, from 1861 to the present. Subject areas covered include Science, Technology, Business and Economics, Medical Sciences, Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Over a million theses are available in full-text. You might find a full-text PDF available to download from the ProQuest record, or a link to full-text hosted in another repository.


DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses. You can search theses from 619 universities across 28 European countries.

EThOS is the British Library's catalogue of UK doctoral research theses. 100,000 are available for downloading, and many others can be requested for on-demand scanning, (there may be a wait of up to six weeks). Self-registration/login is required for downloading.


WorldCatDissertations has details of thousands of international dissertations and theses.

EBSCO Open Dissertations

EBSCO Open Dissertations is an Open Access database of PhD theses. All entries include an abstract, and a link to the full-text of the thesis.

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Postgraduate research courses

The School of Physics and Astronomy offers a number of options for prospective postgraduate students wishing to follow a research-based degree programme. The School welcomes all applications for these programmes, as discussed below. Applications are particularly welcome from those with a willingness to commit to the School and University's aspirations towards equality, diversity and inclusivity.

We encourage applicants to view the list of potential PhD projects linked below, and to contact prospective supervisors.

The School has PhD and EngD opportunities covering all research themes in the School. In addition to the traditional research-based training, these programmes offer advanced taught-course components. The EngD is an alternative to a traditional PhD and is aimed at students wanting a career in industry. The EngD involves co-supervision between academic and industrial partners.

PhD studentships

Scholarships are available for PhD study in all research areas in the School: photonics, condensed matter physics and astrophysics. These fully funded PhD scholarships usually start at the end of August, but some may be available immediately. Studentships are funded by EPSRC, STFC, the European Commission and other bodies, and commonly last for 3.5 years.

Recent Graduate Discount  (Entry 2024-2025) The University of St Andrews offers a 15% discount on postgraduate tuition fees to students who have graduated or are eligible to graduate from St Andrews in the last three academic years. The discount is available if you are applying for postgraduate degree programmes at the University.  

Current PhD projects available in the School:

Students standing in on a mountain side with Teide Observatory on the top.

Discipline-specific studentships through doctoral training centres

The School allocates funded doctoral studentship places through several different application schemes, see further information on PhD funding below.

Applications for a PhD or EngD studentship are also possible through three doctoral training centres:

  • Centre for Doctoral Training in Quantum Materials (QM-CDT)
  • International Max Planck Research School for Chemistry and Physics of Quantum Materials  (IMPRS-CPQM)
  • Centre for Doctoral Training in Applied Photonics

All PhD students are trained within the SUPA Graduate School , which provides advanced courses to support their research studies.

The University Postgraduate Prospectus gives an overview of research areas, funding routes and life as a postgraduate research student in St Andrews.

Apply for a PhD or EngD

The School welcomes postgraduate applications. Successful applicants for PhD or EngD study will normally have a first degree with Honours at 2.1 (UK)  or the overseas equivalent in physics, astronomy or a related subject.  Applications are particularly welcome from those with a willingness to commit to the School and University's aspirations towards equality, diversity and inclusivity. The School has Juno Champion status, which recognises physics departments who take action to embed better working practices for all staff and to address the under-representation of women in UK and Irish universities. For more information, including case studies, please see the  School's equality and diversity website and the University's equality and diversity website .

As a PhD is a research degree, undertaking work on a topic at the forefront of modern research, we review applications to ensure those we admit are able to complete such a programme. Among such applicants, in allocating studentships, our aim is to recruit those who show the most promise to benefit from our PhD programme, and to contribute to the life of our School. We recognise and value that these contributions may be of many forms, including working on important scientific problems, undertaking high impact public engagement and outreach, working with the School and University to improve the lived experience of under-represented groups, and identifying and developing novel applications of research.

If you have questions about applying to carry out postgraduate research toward a PhD or EngD, please contact the Postgraduate Admissions Secretary (email: [email protected] , phone: +44 (0)1334 46 3100).

Find out how to apply to study for a postgraduate research programme at the University of St Andrews.

Application deadlines

Applications for STFC-funded positions in astronomy should be made by 1st February, as interviews are held in late February and early March. Applications that arrive after this date may still be considered until positions are filled.

Applications for EPSRC-funded positions in physics will be considered as they arrive until positions are filled. However, you should aim to submit your application by 1st January as interviews are held from January to March. Applications will continue to be considered while funding is available.

Other scholarships may have other deadlines, please check specific information for these, and please contact your prospective supervisor(s) to enquire about these.

PhD funding

The School awards scholarships funded by the UK Research Councils (EPSRC, STFC and NERC), which can cover both fees and stipend. The research councils permit 30% of these studentships to be awarded to international applicants, with the remainder restricted to UK residents. The doctoral training centres in  Quantum Materials and Applied Photonics also award studentships.

There are several other funding mechanisms open to UK, EU and international students listed on the University's postgraduate scholarships page. Students currently attending a Scottish University may be eligible for a Carnegie scholarship .  Applicants from groups that are currently under-represented in physics may be eligible to apply for the Bell Burnell Graduate Scholarship Fund .

Staff in the School regularly offer studentships funded through specific research projects including ERC and EU Horizon 2020.

International students may also consider applying for Commonwealth Scholarships , other national scholarships, or a joint PhD programme with an overseas university such as Cotutelle internationale de thèse.

If intending to apply for such scholarships, please contact your prospective supervisor in plenty of time before any external deadline.

Recent Graduate Discount  (Entry 2024-2025) The University of St Andrews offers a 15% discount on postgraduate tuition fees to students who have graduated or are eligible to graduate from St Andrews in the last three academic years. The discount is available if you are applying for postgraduate degree programmes at the University.

MSc (Res) in Physics or Astronomy

The MSc by Research, or MSc (Res) degree, is an increasingly popular one-year Masters by research degree offered by St Andrews.

The course is designed for those students and professionals who have a degree in Physics, Astronomy, or a related subject. It provides students with high-level research experience, and advanced knowledge within a specialised area of Physics or Astronomy.

The research will be carried out in the group of one of full-time academic staff members. You will be involved in the design, planning, execution, analysis and write-up phases of a high-level research task. Through this degree, you will develop a wide range of practical and computational skills.

Students undertaking an MSc (Res) have access to the same graduate-level courses provided through the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA), and a wide range of transferable skills courses provided by both the University and SUPA.

Assessment involves writing a thesis of no more than 30,000 words, describing your research and its context. This thesis is examined, but there is no viva.

Students typically choose this course to increase their practical research experience in an intensive one year of study. In most cases, it is intended that students will go on to study for a PhD degree after completing the MSc (Res) course.

If you are interested in a carrying out an MSc (Res) degree, then please contact the School by emailing  [email protected] . Find out more about  applying to a research programme . 

Submitting Your Thesis and Preparing for your Viva

phd thesis st andrews

The final stage of a doctoral degree is writing and submitting your thesis and defending it in an oral examination (viva). Here you can find advice on the key stages of that process. Understanding what to expect and what is required will help you to ensure the process is a smooth one and that you can look ahead to successfully completing your degree.

The best place to start is the Research Degree Examinations Guidance Booklet (PDF, 706 KB) . It provides a comprehensive guide to the requirements and expectations relating to the examination of doctoral degrees at the University of St Andrews.

As well as familiarising yourself with the requirements for your thesis and the viva exam, you should also think more broadly about things you will need to do to successfully complete your degree. Vitae suggests six tips for completing your doctorate successfully:

  • Plan for the end of your doctorate
  • Work with your supervisor(s)
  • Avoid perfectionism
  • Take time to consider your next career step
  • Make sure you do finish!

Visit the Vitae website to read more about finishing your doctorate .

Planning for the end of your doctorate is something that you should begin well before the start of your final year and should be part of your overall work plan for your degree.

Planning and Writing Your Thesis

Many doctoral students find it daunting to contemplate having to write their thesis. A structured approach to planning your writing and reviewing your progress will help you keep momentum and maintain a sense of control and perspective. As far as possible you should plan to be regularly writing as you progress through your degree – it should not be something that is left entirely to your final year.

Further Advice

  • Attend CEED workshops on academic writing or the annual Thesis Bootcamp
  • See the Vitae website for general advice on the writing process
  • Read the University’s advice on copyright and using third party material in your thesis
  • See the Library website for advice on citing references and reference management

Long text documents, such as theses, can be difficult to control and format correctly. Our short guide – Formatting Your Dissertation in Word – has advice on how to use MS Word to make managing your thesis easier. It also has links to online Microsoft resources where you can learn more.

You can find the University’s requirements for formatting your thesis and word limits in the Guidance for submission of theses (PDF, 870 KB) .

Wellbeing and Support

Many doctoral students find the process of writing a thesis to be a stressful one. Make use of the support available. Your supervisor(s) can provide academic advice and comment on draft work while the Advice and Support Centre can advise on common issues such as perfectionism and imposter syndrome. Where there are more significant issues, Academic Registry can advise on options for taking a leave of absence or requesting an extension of registration.

  • Visit the Advice and Support Centre for advice on wellbeing and common issues
  • Read the advice on taking a leave of absence or requesting an extension of registration
  • Stay connected with University and Postgraduate Society events

Submitting Your Thesis for Examination

About four months beforehand you should declare your intention to submit your thesis for examination. This is done in MySaint. Academic Registry and your School will then start making arrangements for your viva, helping to minimise the time between you submitting your thesis and the viva taking place. For further advice, please read the Guidance for submission of theses (PDF, 870 KB) .

Preparing for the Viva

The viva is an an oral examination where you will defend your thesis. The purpose of the viva is to provide assurance that you understand your research, can discuss the wider context for your research, and can clarify any areas of uncertainty or doubt. The viva will normally take place within three months of you submitting your thesis. Vivas typically last around two to three hours, although there are not specific rules about the length of the oral examination. If the viva lasts more than two hours the convenor should ensure adequate breaks are provided.

  • Read fuhrter information on Research Degrees Examinations
  • Attend GRADskills workshops on preparing for the viva and communicating research concisely
  • Visit the Vitae website for general advice and a useful viva checklist
  • How to Prepare for the Viva Examination

There is separate advice for staff on examining doctoral students .

Final Submission and Electronic Theses

Following the viva voce exam, and the completion of any corrections required by your examiners, you must submit one final electronic copy of your thesis as part of the preparations prior to graduation. You must submit the final copy of your thesis to be eligible to graduate.

For further advice, please read:

  • Procedures for submitting final copies of thesis (PDF, 631 KB)
  • University Library Fact Sheet: Electronic Theses (PDF, 245 KB)
  • University Library Fact Sheet: Copyright for Electronic Theses (PDF, 270 KB)

Beyond Your Doctorate – Careers

Over the course of your doctorate you will have developed and demonstrated a range of personal and professional competencies. These will include essential skills such as communication and problem solving as well as higher-level skills such as discipline-specific methodologies, analytical skills, and project management.

  • Visit the Careers Centre for advice on career planning and articulating skills to employers
  • Attend GRADskills workshops on job applications, interviews, and postdoctoral funding
  • See the Vitae website for researcher career stories and CV examples

Remember as well that, as a graduate of St Andrews, you are automatically a member of our worldwide alumni community .

Further Advice and Questions

You can find advice on most topics by using Ask a Question .

Please contact the PGR team in the Academic Registry if you need further advice or cannot find an answer to your question.

St Leonard's College The Old Burgh School, Abbey Walk St Andrews KY16 9LB [email protected]

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2003

Upcoming events

Data management plans:writing workshop for first year reviews Wednesday 15 May 2024, 9.30am to 11.30am Sign up on PDMS

Stretching and Meditation with Penny Wednesday 15 May 2024, 5.30pm to 6.30pm Muir(109), Old Burgh School Sign up at: [email protected]

PG Cafe Thursday 16 May 2024, 2.30pm-4.00pm Fairlie Social Area, Old Burgh School

Shut up and Write(Online) Thursday 16 May 2024, 2.00pm -5.00pm Online, Email: [email protected] to signup.

EndNote: an introduction (online) Wednesday 22 May 2024, 11.00am – 12.30pm Sign up on PDMS

Microsoft Word: Producing a Thesis Thursday 23 May 2024, 2.00pm – 5.00pm Eden Campus Classroom, Guardbridge Sign up on PDMS

PG Cafe Thursday 23 May 2024, 2.30pm-4.00pm Fairlie Social Area, Old Burgh School

Board Games Night Friday 24 May 2024, 4.30pm Fairlie Social Area, Old Burgh School

Mini Writing Retreat Tuesday 21 May 2024, 1.00pm-5.00pm Muir (109), Old Burgh School Signup at: [email protected]

EndNote: an introduction (online) Monday 27 May 2024, 10.00am – 11.30pm Sign up on PDMS

Data Management Plans: writing workshop for first year reviews (in-person) Wednesday 5 June 2024, 9.30am – 11.30am EndNote: an introduction (online) Wednesday 22 May 2024, 11.00am – 12.30pm Sign up on PDMS

Microsoft Word: Producing a dissertation (MSkills) Thursday 6 June 2024, 2.00pm to 5.00pm Sign up on PDMS

Software Carpentry 2 day workshop: Shell/Git/Python (GRADSkills) Monday 17 June to Tuesday 18 June 2024 – full days Sign up on PDMS

Adobe Photoshop – Introduction to Vector Graphics (in-person) Thursday 27 June 2024, 1.00pm-5.00pm Sign up on PDMS

Microsoft PowerPoint:Essential Skills (in-person) Tuesday 2 July 2024, 1.30pm-3.00pm Sign up on PDMS

Microsoft Access: Introduction to Databases (in-person) Tuesday 9 July 2024, 9.30am – 4.00pm Walter Bower House, Eden Campus Sign up on PDMS

Microsoft Word: Advanced Document Management Thursday 11 July 2024, 2.00pm – 4.30pm Town Centre Classroom Sign up on PDMS

Microsoft Word: Controlling Document Design (in-person) Tuesday 16 July 2024, 2.00pm – 4.30pm Town Centre Classroom Sign up on PDMS

Microsoft Word:Producing a Thesis (in-person) Thursday 18 July 2024, 2.00pm – 5.00pm Town Centre Classroom Sign up on PDMS

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Graduate Research


Dissertations from 2024 2024.

A Quantitative Study of Perceived Factors That Influence Enrollment Within a Regional Conference Seventh-day Adventist School System , John Calvin Alberty Jr.

Employees' Perception of the Management of the COVID-19 Crisis at Najran University, Saudi Arabia , Noora Nasser Alsuhaibani

Pastoral Leadership of Seventh-day Adventist Pastors in Sub-Saharan Africa and Congregational Giving During 2020-2021: A Grounded Theory Study , Eric Jean-Bruno Aniel Barbe

Spiritual Experiences of Young People with Cognitive Impairments within Christian Communities of Faith , Lea Danihelova

Perceptions of High Stakes Testing and Burnout as Predictors of Quality of Life Among Primary School Teachers in Trinidad and Tobago , Victoria Patricia Elder

Maternal Involvement, Parenting Styles and Socioeconomic Status as Predictors of Academic Achievement of Standard 5 students in Trinidad and Tobago , Edison Greenaway

The Relationship Between Participation in a Student Success Course and the Retention Rate and Academic Success of First-Year Freshmen at a Historically Black University , Madeline Martinez

The Impact of Generational Intelligence and Its Relationship With Team Cohesion and Team Performance in a Jamaican Multi-Generational Workforce , Omar Z. D. Oliphant

An Examination of the Predictors of Vocational Calling in First-Generation College Students , Rodney Palmer

["At That Time"] in the Hebrew Bible and Its Role in Daniel 12:1: A Diachronic and Synchronic Study on Semantics of Narrative and Prophetic Temporality , Roger David Ruiz Araica

Dissertations from 2023 2023

Predictors of Statistics Anxiety Among Graduate Students in Saudi Arabia , Rabab Abdulghani

The Relationships Between Flow, Mathematics Self-Efficacy, and Mathematics Anxiety Among International Undergraduate Students in the United States , Samah Abduljabbar

Self-Regulation and Academic Motivation as Predictors of Academic Achievement of Undergraduate Students in an Online Learning Environment , Sonia Almwalad

"A Raisin in a Box": The Experiences of Racialized Black Males in Leadership Roles in the Non-Profit Sector in Toronto, Canada , Morris Anthony Beckford

An Examination of the Influence of Ethnic Identity, Spirituality, and Social Support as Predictors of Resilience among Black Male College Graduates Born in the United States , Sandy Belizaire

The Body of Christ and the Law: A Comparative Study of Romans 7:4 and Galatians 2:19 , Dominic Bornand

Impact of the Regionalization of Universidad de Antioquia in the Development of Human Capital and Improvement of the Equity in the Region of Urabá , Monica Castaño Mejía

Job Stress and Spiritual Well-Being as Correlates of Quality of Life Among K-12 Administrators in Seventh-day Adventist Schools in the North American Division , John Allen Chen

Understanding Secularized People of Metro Manila: A Case Study Approach for a Contextualized Urban Ministry Strategy , Ermela T. Dizon

Divine Attachment: A Canonical Model for Discipleship and Religious Education , Kristina Marie Freed

Teaching Shante Curtelia Dominique Ophelia Brown Johnson : an Autoethnography of a Black Male, Seventh-day Adventist, Jazz Avant-Garde Artist , Michael Gayle

Predictors of Bullying Behaviors Among Adolescents in Saudi Arabia: The Role of Self-Esteem, Emotional Intelligence and Moral Disengagement , Ayat Hamzah

Which Reader? Interpretive Virtue, Ecclesial Context, and Social Location in Ephraim Radner and Richard Hays's Proposals for Theological Interpretation of Scripture , Iriann Marie Irizarry

Evaluation of Communication Sciences and Disorders Graduate Student Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Client Interactions , Jenica Joseph

An Exploration of Factors Contributing to Service Longevity at Asia-Pacific International University , Ritha Maidom

Associating High School Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Course-Taking with Future Earnings for Non-STEM Employed High School Graduates , Beth Marchant

Religiosity, Family Sexual Communication & Gender as Predictors of Attitudes Toward Oral Sex Among College/University Students in the United States , Antoinette Napier

A Qualitative Study of the Time of Completion for African Graduate Students at Andrews University , George Opoku

Childhood Trauma and the Faith Maturity of Seventh-day Adventist Pastors and Seminarians , Pete A. Palmer

An Exploratory Study of Entrepreneurial Intention Among Hispanic Entrepreneurs in Toronto , Jorge Perez Moreno

A Portrait of the Leadership of Women in Early Christianity: an Archaeological Study in Light of the Historical and Socio-Cultural Contexts , Carina Prestes

Dominion Shifts in Biblical Apocalyptic Literature: a Narrative Reading of Daniel 7 and Revelation 12-14 Vis-À-Vis Genesis 1-3 , Flavio Prestes III

The Perceived Results of Feedback and Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness on Adjunct Faculty Professional Development and Growth , Luda V. Vine

The Correlation Between Childhood Sexual Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence, and Sexual Revictimization on North America Emerging Adult Females' romantic Relationship Satisfaction with Spiritual Well-Being and Post-Traumatic Growth as Mediators , Sara C. Ward

Toward a Biblical and Missiological Framework for Transformational Advocacy in the Seventh-day Adventist Church , Michelet William

Dissertations from 2022 2022

"You Must Prophesy Again": The Mission of God's People in Revelation 10-14 , Adenilton Tavares de Aguiar

Enduring Traditions: The Collared Pithos of Transjordan , Trisha Gallimore Broy

A Study of Teacher Burnout in Private Seventh-day Adventist and Public Schools in Trinidad/Tobago and Michigan, USA , Carla Copeland-Joseph

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Faith-Based Institutions: A Quantitative Study at Two Seventh-day Adventist Institutions of Higher Learning in North America , Erin Doggette

Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction, Autonomy Support, and Mindsets as Predictors of Self-Regulation in University Online Learners , Ting Jin

Isaac Newton as a Prophetic Interpreter , Kenneth Jørgensen

Indicators of Typology in the Narrative of Elijah: An Investigation into the Predictive Nature of Biblical Theology , Jônatas de Mattos Leal

An Analysis of the Use of the Writings of Ellen G. White in the Views of Herbert Douglass and Woodrow Whidden on the Human Nature of Christ , Cyril Marshall

Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction as Predictors of Burnout Among School Psychologists in the Midwest United States , Elizabeth McKnight-Romney

A Study of the Language Shifts in the Book of Daniel : A Comparative Narrative Analysis of Daniel 1 and 2, 7 and 8 , Laura K. Morrow

Examining the Relationship Between Child Maltreatment, Executive Functioning, and trauma appraisal , Myshira Oliver

Racial Identity, Hair Esteem, Hair Texture, and Hairstyle Choice as Correlates of Psychological Well-Being among Afro-Latinas in the United States , Marielsy Esther Pimentel

Factors that Contribute to Life Satisfaction of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Trinidad & Tobago , Paul Gerard Richards

"The Best Man That Ever Trod Shoe Leather" and His "Crown of Rejoicing" : The Personal Relationship of James and Ellen White, 1845-1881 , Gerson Cardoso Rodrigues

Strengthening Mission through Strategy: An Analysis of the Mission-Driven Excellence Strategy , Osvaldo Souza Santos Jr.

An Investigation of Mathematics Self-Efficacy, the Sources of Mathematics Self-Efficacy, and Mathematics Achievement Among Primary School Students in Trinidad and Tobago , Ronald Sinanan

Church Planting: Exploring the Actual Experiences and Stories of Four Church Planters of the Plant1000 Evangelism Initiative in the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church , Hyveth Williams

Childhood Obesity Interventions in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago: A Qualitative Study Exploring Government Policies and Their Implementation by Health Practitioners , Phyllis Woolford

Leadership Styles and Effective Leadership Among Higher Education Leaders in the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists , Patrice A. Wright

Dissertations from 2021 2021

Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulation as Predictors of Academic Motivation among Undergraduate Students in the United States , Fatimah Aljuaid

An Exploratory Study of Mathematics Anxiety in Caribbean Preservice Teachers , Franka Atwell-Chin Hong

Marketing Adventist Higher Education in North America : College Choice - Motivators and Barriers , George Charles Dart Jr.

The Influence of Mentoring, Self-Efficacy and Perceived Organizational Support on Commitment among Novice Adventist Teachers , Kathleen E. Forbis

An Analysis and Comparison of the Missional Doctrine Hermeneutics of Kevin J. Vanhoozer and Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, with Emphasis on their Notions of God, Eschatology, and Mission , Elmer Arrais Guzman

Involvement in Community Service and Spiritual Activities as Correlates of Socially Responsible Leadership among Undergraduate Students at Asia-Pacific International University, Thailand , Naltan Lampadan

The Effect of the Vocabulary Spelling City App on Student Performance in Spelling, Vocabulary, and Reading Comprehension in Grades 5-8 at Glenview Adventist Academy , Fernando Oleynick Lista

Coping Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Attachment, and Resilience on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Private Sector Emergency Medical Technicians , Brenda-Joyce Gonzales Orozco Markert-Green

Measures of Student Engagement as Predictors of Grade Point Average (GPA) and Degree Completion at Andrews University , Michael D. Milmine

A Multiple Case Study of the Training of Instructors Teaching Inclusive Postsecondary Education Students in Typical College Courses , Enoh Nkana

Pottery Horizons of the Jalul Ceramic Assemblage in the Iron Age IIA-C from Square G4 in its Historical and Geographical Context , Michael Christian Orellana Mendez

An Exploratory Analysis of Conflict in African Immigrant and African American Marriages , Cornelius Ayodeji Osuntade

Baccalaureate Nursing Students' Lived Experiences of a Leadership Role During Clinical Practicum , Gisela E. Schmidt

Healthcare Leadership in the Context of Cognitive Diseases of Aging: A Community-Based Participatory Research Model , Dean Sherzai

How Faculty and Student Preferences for Active and Traditional Instructional Methods Relate to their Beliefs, Quantity, and Quality of Experiences, Knowledge of the Benefits, and Professional Training , Tammy R. Shilling

Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by ESL Saudi Students in the United States , Alya Abdullah K. Suliman

Perceived Effectiveness of a Mentoring Program for Training Adventist Chinese Evangelists , Terry Man-Yuen Tsui

Dissertations from 2020 2020

A Quantitative Comparative Study of Employee Engagement Among Full-Time Seventh-day Adventist Pastors in the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists and Its Relationship to Level of Participation in Annual Pastoral Continuing Education (CE) , Sharon Aka

Understanding Multiculturalism in Saudi Education: A Case Study of Two Schools in Mecca , Mohammed Alharbi

Preservice Teachers' Preferred Definitions of Intelligence, and Related Demographics (Age, Gender, Educational Level, Academic Domains and educational Psychology Enrollment), as Predictors of their Implicit Beliefs of Intelligence , Michelle A. Bacchiocchi

The Use of Differentiated Instruction by Teachers of the Columbia Union Seventh-day Adventists , Jennifer Jill Bianco

Philosophy and Practice of Wholistic and Physical Student Development at Select Seventh-day Adventist Higher Educational Institutions and Work Colleges , Brenda Gay Palmer Chase

A Study of Nones in Brazil and the USA in Light of Secularization Theory with Missiological Implications , Jolive R. Chavez

High Stakes Testing and School Characteristics: A Comparative Study , Kelsey M. Dailey

A Hermeneutic for the Aqedah Test: A Way beyond Jon Levenson's and Terence Fretheim's Models , Arlyn Sunshine Drew

Ethnic Identity Salience, Socioeconomic Status, and Attitudes Toward Seeking Mental Health Treatment as Predictors of Receptivity to Community-Based Psychoeducation among African American Men , Hadiya Suzanne DuBose-Smith

A Re-Examination of Pentateuchal Hamartiology and Atonement as a Hermeneutical Framework for Interpreting the Laying on of Hands , Slavisa Milodar Jankovic

Mother-Infant Attachment: Path Analysis of the Predictive Role of Trauma Therapy and Select Demographics on Mother's Cognitive Responses , Nicole D. Knapp

The Function of Military Language in the Feeding of the Five Thousand Narrative (Mark 6:30-44): A Narrative-Cognitive Study , Oleg Kostyuk

Exploring the Influence of Racial Diversity on Church Growth: A Case Study of Buffalo Suburban Seventh-day Adventist Church in Lancaster, New York , Luis A. Mancebo

Choice of God/Higher Power, Perceptions of God/Higher Power, Religious Beliefs and Behaviors, and Social Support as Predictors of Length of Sobriety, Satisfaction with Life, and Quality of Life Among People Recovering from Alcohol Addictions in Three Midwestern States , Carlton Martin

The Inclusion of Special Education Services in Seventh-day Adventist Schools in New York City , Marlene Morris-Lambert

Coaching and Being Coached: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Education Leaders in the Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists , Arne P. Nielsen

Function and Nature of the Heavenly Sanctuary/Temple and its Earthly Counterparts in the New Testament Gospels, Acts, and the Epistles: A Motif Study of Major Passages , Leonardo G. Nunes

Teachers' Implementation of and Stages of Concern Regarding English Language Arts (ELA) Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in New York State , Alozie Augustine Ogbonna

Job Satisfaction as a Function of the Five Factor Model of Personality in the Community Mental Health Center Environment of Northern Indiana , Robert Ryan

Music Notation-to-Color Synesthesia and Early Stages of Music Education: A Grounded Theory Study , Eduardo Sola Chagas Lima

A Correlational Model of Burnout and Personality Among Clergy in the United States , Nathanael M. Stephens

Spiritual Coping as a Mediator of Distress and Posttraumatic Growth Among Adult Female Survivors of Sexual Abuse by Religious Leaders , Angela R. St. Hillaire

A Stratigraphic Analysis of the Middle Bronze Age from the Tell Taanach Excavations in 1963, '66 and '68 , Ronald H. Wakeman

Dissertations from 2019 2019

Islam, Christianity, Traditional Religions and Power Politics in Northern Nigeria Since Pre-Islamic Period , Emmanuel M. Abar

Working Memory and Attention as Predictors of Processing Speed in Elementary School Students: A Developmental Study , Monih Alshehri

Archaeological Backgrounds of the Sanctuary: A Search for Egyptian Cultural Influence in the Construction of the Hebrew Tent-Sanctuary , Leslie Scott Baker Jr

The Relationship Between Combat Experience, Veteran Pathology and the Pathology of Their Intimate Partners: What Factors Predict the Pathology of Veterans and Their Intimate Partners , Edwin A. Brennan

A Reassessment of the Excavations at Tall Safut , Owen D. Chesnut

Toward Engaging the Secular: Charles Taylor's Modern Social Imaginaries, Human Flourishing, and Theological Method , Jenifer A. Daley

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  1. Fully Funded PhD Program in Physics at University of St Andrews

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  2. St Andrews International John Phillip PhD Scholarship

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  3. (PDF) "The Synoptic Jesus and Eschatological Violence." Ph.D. Thesis

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  4. St Andrews, Scotland

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  5. PPT

    phd thesis st andrews

  6. Dissertation Booklet

    phd thesis st andrews


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  6. Bill Andrews, PhD


  1. Find Student theses

    The study on novel garnet electrolytes for lithium batteries. Author: Wan, Z., 13 Jun 2024. Supervisor: Irvine, J. T. S. (Supervisor) Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis (PhD) You can't do that! A journey into vocal composition through an exploration of musical genres and the subversion of norms. Author: Klose, K., 13 Jun 2024.

  2. How to submit your thesis (Key information)

    Fill in the two top boxes with your St Andrews username and password and then click on the Login button. Go to the right-hand Browse menu and choose Submissions under My Account. On the Submissions page select Library Theses collection from the drop-down menu. Fill in as many details as you can about your thesis.

  3. Home

    One-to-one support and enquiries. You can email [email protected] with any enquiry you have. We offer one-to-one enquiries via Teams for students doing dissertations, and we can help with a wide range of things, including: Helping you identify the keyword and phrases for your topic, and advising on the search techniques to ensure your ...

  4. Guidance for electronic thesis submission

    Guidance for electronic thesis submission. The information on this page outlines the steps you should take to upload your thesis electronically. If you have any questions, please contact the Registry Postgraduate Research team by emailing [email protected] .

  5. Computer Science Theses

    All of our academic staff are research active, working with a team of post-graduate and post-doctoral researchers and a lively population of research students. Our research focuses on core themes of theoretical and practical computer science: artificial intelligence and symbolic computation, networked and distributed systems, systems ...

  6. PDF Andrew Stirling PhD thesis

    A thesis submitted for the degree of PhD at the University of St Andrews 2012. 1. Candidate's declarations: I, Andrew Mark Stirling, hereby certify that this thesis, which is approximately 80,000 words in length, ... Access to printed copy and electronic publication of thesis through the University of St Andrews. Date 15th December, 2011

  7. PDF Neither Scotland Nor England: Middle Britain, C.850-1150

    This thesis is submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of PhD at the University of St Andrews 26-01-2015. 1. Candidate's declarations: I, Neil McGuigan, hereby certify that this thesis, which is approximately 105,700 words in

  8. PDF Mary Flora Hunter A thesis submitted for the degree of PhD

    A thesis submitted for the degree of PhD at the University of St Andrews 2024 Full metadata for this item is available in St Andrews Research Repository at: Identifier to use to cite or link to this thesis:

  9. Dissertation and thesis

    For printing and binding, the easiest option is to send your dissertation or thesis electronically at least two days (not including weekends) before you need it. The Design Unit at St Katharine's West can print onto 100gsm high-quality digital paper and then soft bind using the Unibind method. The costs for binding and for printing colour pages ...

  10. Searching for theses from other institutions

    ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. With ProQuest Dissertations, you can search details of 4 million international dissertations and theses, from 1861 to the present. Subject areas covered include Science, Technology, Business and Economics, Medical Sciences, Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Over a million theses are available in full-text.

  11. Postgraduate research

    The School's main research degree is the Doctor of Philosophy ( PhD ), a three- or four-year degree focused on the completion of a PhD thesis of no more than 80,000 words. The School also offers a two-year Master's degree ( MPhil ), and a one-year research Master's degree ( MSt (Res) ). The MPhil comprises the taught components of an MLitt in ...

  12. Research programmes

    Department of Philosophy PhD 1,000-word research proposal. Department of Philosophy MPhil a short summary of research interest (200 words maximum), plus the name of a proposed supervisor at either St Andrews or Stirling. School of Physics and Astronomy

  13. Postgraduate research courses

    If you have questions about applying to carry out postgraduate research toward a PhD or EngD, please contact the Postgraduate Admissions Secretary (email: [email protected], phone: +44 (0)1334 46 3100). Find out how to apply to study for a postgraduate research programme at the University of St Andrews.

  14. Submitting Your Thesis and Preparing for your Viva

    The viva is an an oral examination where you will defend your thesis. The purpose of the viva is to provide assurance that you understand your research, can discuss the wider context for your research, and can clarify any areas of uncertainty or doubt. The viva will normally take place within three months of you submitting your thesis.

  15. PhD thesis viva

    PhD thesis viva. Coote, P. J. (External examiner) School of Biology; Biomedical Sciences Research Complex; Activity: Examination types › External examination. Description External examiner for Ms. A Wilkinson PhD thesis. ... University of St Andrews Research Portal data protection policy.

  16. Dissertations

    Dissertations from 2023. PDF. Predictors of Statistics Anxiety Among Graduate Students in Saudi Arabia, Rabab Abdulghani. PDF. The Relationships Between Flow, Mathematics Self-Efficacy, and Mathematics Anxiety Among International Undergraduate Students in the United States, Samah Abduljabbar. PDF.