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personal statement for environmental management

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23 April 2024

9 minutes read

Crafting an Impactful Sustainability Personal Statement for Environmental Science and Sustainable Development


Dirghayu Kaushik


A personal statement on sustainability is a must-write because you get to show the panel how passionate you are about an environmental threat. More than that, it’s not a question of passing the panel or not, showing them how determined you are about conservation measures and practices. The statement is a reflection of an opportunity to trigger change in environmental management with a view of what a sustainable environment needs.

Key Takeaways

  • Highlight your engagement with sustainability.
  • Showcase real-world applications and impacts.
  • Emphasize your vision for sustainable development.
  • Underline the importance of conservation efforts.
  • Reflect a deep understanding of environmental issues.

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  • What Is Sustainability?

 Sustainability is not only an environmental catchphrase; it’s a holistic concept that guarantees the well-being and longevity of our global systems. This method includes:

  • Environmental Care Reducing the impact on ecosystems and wildlife while encouraging practices such as waste reduction and recycling
  • Economic Viability priority is given to economic activities that do not harm the environment while allowing businesses to develop sustainable premises without exploiting natural resources
  •  Social Equity promotes fairness and equality in the utilization of resources, thus ensuring that all communities have unrestricted access to fresh air and water, among other essentials.

What is Environmental Sustainability?

 It ensures that our local and international natural environments remain intact for future generations. The following specific strategies are available:

  • Pollution is reduced to a minimum like soil, water, and air
  •  From fossil fuels to solar and wind power
  • Biodiversity Save and protect diverse biological communities and maintain natural habitats and endangered species 
FACT I mpact of Sustainable Practices on Academic Institutions: Many universities are actively incorporating sustainability into their curriculums, responding to growing student demand and the urgent need for environmental stewardship. This shift makes a strong case for students to emphasize sustainability in their personal statements.

What Is Sustainable Development?

 Aim to foster economic development while protecting the natural environment in a balanced manner. They may include:

  • Encouraging companies to operate in an environmentally friendly manner.
  • Designing cities that accommodate growth without increasing ecological footprints.
  • Using natural resources such as water, minerals, and forests responsibly and efficiently.

What is Conservation?

Conservation is crucial for protecting the planet’s health and ensuring that natural resources are available for future use. Efforts include:

  •  Wildlife reserves and regulations to protect animal species. 
  • Controlling logging activities and replanting trees to combat deforestation.
  • There is a strict and conscious program to guarantee that our water bodies are safe from harm and overuse. 

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  • What is Environmental Management?

 Environmental management also includes monitoring human interactions’ impact on the natural state to enhance sustainability. Some of the factors addressed in helping better the environmental state are as follows:

  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring that industries follow laws designed to protect the environment.
  • Sustainable Practices: Promoting techniques that reduce the environmental impact of businesses and communities.
  • Education and Advocacy: Raising awareness about the importance of environmental protection and sustainable living.

What are the Environmental Issues?

Environmental sustainability issues currently threatening human operations and survival include, but are not limited to:

  • Climate Change: Global warming is an effect of the increased greenhouse gases caused by human activities. Other bipolar concepts within this category are:
  • Air and Water Pollution: Different contaminants in both air and water, caused by industrial, agricultural, and domestic sources, and water, connected to cleaning purposes and human-made toxicity.
  • Waste Management: The increased amount of consumer waste and the problems of recycling and recycling possibilities.
  • Loss of biodiversity: The extinction of different species because of habitat destruction, pollution, and changing climate.

Why is Sustainability Important in Personal Statements?

Incorporating sustainability into personal statements reflects a deep awareness of global challenges and underscores a commitment to addressing these critical issues. By emphasizing sustainability, applicants demonstrate:

  • Forward-thinking mindset – indicates that you can critically engage with future-facing problems that impact/compromise the broader world’s health.
  • Ethical awareness – shows a sense of responsibility for environmental and societal health.
  • High-level engagement with global challenges – demonstrates knowledge and engagement with issues that transcend national and local boundaries. They include but are not limited to climate change, resource depletion, and social inequality, among others
  •  Readiness to act –T his shows that you are strategically placed to positively and effectively contribute to various courses, from local community efforts to global actions.
FACTS Increasing Demand for Sustainability Skills: Studies show that employers are increasingly valuing sustainability skills, viewing them as critical for future leadership roles in all sectors. This trend underscores the importance of highlighting such skills in educational applications.

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  • Examples of Environment Personal Statements on Sustainability

1)Personal Statement for Masters in International Business

I have spent most of my youth navigating the bustling markets of Bangkok, absorbed by vibrant local commerce from an early age. However, as I grew more aware of the environmental and social issues arising from the relentless pursuit of profit, I dreamed of one-day cultivating sustainable business at its core. These experiences have instilled an informed ambition to embed sustainability as a cornerstone in the operation of international businesses.

While studying Business Administration at Duke University, I eagerly enrolled in courses on corporate social responsibility and sustainable management. These experiences reinforced my appreciation for the powerful drive to environmental stewardship that businesses possess. The capacity of business to influence real change was driven home when I worked on a project where we developed a business plan for a start-up focusing on upcycled consumer products. I understood then that innovative business models were a foundation for sustainability.

Masters in International Business at the University of Duke of Edinburgh is attractive to me as an unparalleled platform to master global market dynamics while exploring the latest innovations in sustainable business. I am looking forward to taking a course whose focus on sustainable supply chain management is perfectly aligned with my desired career. By learning the critical skills to develop business strategies that are simultaneously resilient and environmentally friendly, I intend to transform how companies act and run globally.

2. Personal Statement Example for Law School

It is true that, while usually discussed in environmental or economic terms, sustainability has a significant legal dimension. As an aspiring law student interested in environmental justice, I strongly believe that the right legal frameworks are key to making real progress toward a sustainable future. The experience that ignited this passion was my internship at HCL technologies, where I contributed to the creation of policies to combat urban air qaulity. I realized then that the intertwined relationship between the law and sustainability meant that urgent, innovative solutions were necessary for every environmental issue, from climate change to resource management. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to study under famous professors in environmental law at Stanford University and collaborate with the Law School’s Environmental Law Clinic. I foresee myself becoming an environmental lawyer, exerting pressure on policymakers to adopt laws that focus not only on regulatory compliance but also on ethical ways to treat one another and our planet’s finite resources. I am convinced that my acquired legal education can be a powerful force for creating laws that will make our planet paradise a better place to live in a more sustainable future for all of us.

3. Personal Statement Example for Environmental Science

My commitment to the field of environmental science began during my childhood and formative years in the wilds of rural Oregon. As a child, the outdoors was my playground, my pantry, and my waste disposal. The realization that the patterns of deforestation and land degradation I observed and participated in were causing irrevocable harm contributed to my desire to embark on a suitable career. That experience has guided me through an undergraduate career at the University of Toronto. I majored in Environmental Studies to acquire a solid understanding of the scientific principles supporting ecological sustainability. My dedication to the academic process is reflected in the depth of my senior thesis, which examined the effects of agricultural runoff in my local waterway. My interests lie in applying technical knowledge to a real-world setting, and my experience at [Institution Name] will undoubtedly be foundational in achieving those goals. I was drawn to the Environmental Science Master’s program at [name of the institution] because of its emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration and rigorous, field-based research. I would be particularly interested in collaborating with Dr. KC Sinha, as I believe that her research on sustainable land management has the potential to provide a unique perspective on my desire to integrate soil and water conservation into holistic solutions. I believe that furthering my journey in environmental science will help me to create viable, evidence-based grand solutions to environmental degradation and sustainability.

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  • How to Write a Personal Statement on Sustainability?

1. Understand the Prompt

  • Careful Review: Begin by carefully reviewing the application requirements of the program or institution to understand what they are looking for in a candidate, especially regarding sustainability.
  • Align with Goals: Identify how the program’s focus on sustainability aligns with your interests and goals, ensuring your statement is relevant and tailored.
  • Seek Specifics: Look for specific keywords and themes mentioned in the prompt that relate to environmental management, sustainable development, or conservation, and plan to address these in your statement.

2. Highlight Your Interest in Sustainability

  • Personal Connection: Explain why sustainability is a key interest for you. Was there an event, such as witnessing the effects of environmental degradation, or learning about the impact of climate change, that sparked your passion?
  • Deep Motivation: Share how this interest has evolved and why it is significant to you, perhaps influenced by academic pursuits or personal convictions about environmental issues.

3. Showcase Your Relevant Experiences

  • Diverse Involvement: List experiences that demonstrate your engagement with sustainability, from volunteer work with environmental organizations to academic projects or internships focused on sustainability.
  • Impactful Actions: Describe the specific actions you took and the impact they had, whether it was leading a campus recycling initiative, participating in a sustainable agriculture workshop, or conducting research on renewable energy solutions.
  • Skills Application: Highlight how these experiences helped you develop relevant skills such as leadership, teamwork, or problem-solving within the context of environmental sustainability.

4. Demonstrate Your Skills and Qualities

  • Critical Skills: Emphasize skills that are crucial for someone working towards sustainability goals, including analytical thinking, innovative problem-solving, and effective communication.
  • Real Examples: Provide examples where you have successfully applied these skills. For instance, solving a complex problem during a conservation project or leading a team in a sustainable business challenge.
  • Leadership and Initiative: Showcase your leadership and initiative, possibly through examples where you have initiated or significantly contributed to projects that focus on sustainable practices or environmental management.

5. Be Genuine and Passionate

  • Authentic Expression: Make sure your passion for sustainability shines through genuinely in your statement. Authenticity can significantly impact the reader’s perception and set you apart from other applicants.
  • Personal Insights: Include personal anecdotes or reflections that give insights into your dedication and enthusiasm for the field of sustainability.
  • Future Aspirations: Conclude with a strong statement about your future goals in sustainability and how they align with the program you are applying to, demonstrating your commitment to making a lasting impact in the field.
  • Tips for Writing a Strong Personal Statement on Sustainability

1. Start Early and Revise Often

  • Plan Ahead: Give yourself plenty of time before the application deadline to brainstorm, write, and refine your statement.
  • Multiple Drafts: Expect to go through several drafts. Early starts allow for the development of a well-thought-out narrative and ample revision time.
  • Feedback: Take advantage of this time to get feedback from teachers, mentors, or peers who understand your sustainability passion.

2. Use Specific Examples and Stories

  • Illustrative Anecdotes: Provide specific examples from your life to demonstrate your commitment to sustainability. Whether it’s a project you led to increase recycling in your community or a research endeavor on sustainable agriculture, detailed stories add credibility and depth to your statement.
  • Impact Highlight: Detail the impact of your actions. For instance, mention measurable outcomes like the percentage reduction in waste or improvements in energy efficiency achieved through your initiatives.

3. Show, Don’t Tell

  • Vivid Descriptions: Use descriptive language to bring your experiences to life. Instead of stating “I’m passionate about environmental conservation,” describe a moment in the field, perhaps when working on habitat restoration, that ignited your passion.
  • Emotional Connection: Share how these experiences made you feel and how they motivated you to pursue further education in sustainability.

4. Use Keywords and Phrases

  • Relevant Terminology: Incorporate keywords related to sustainability that resonate with the program’s goals, such as “sustainable development,” “environmental management,” or “conservation efforts.”
  • Optimize for Scanners: Many institutions use software to scan personal statements for relevant terms, so including appropriate keywords can help ensure your statement gets noticed.

5. Tailor Your Statement to Each Program

  • Personalize Your Approach: Make clear connections between your experiences and the program’s specific focus. If applying to a program emphasizing sustainable urban planning, discuss your relevant projects or coursework.
  • Research Driven: Show that you have researched the program thoroughly by mentioning specific faculty members you wish to work with or unique aspects of the program that align with your career goals.
  • Program Alignment: Demonstrate how your goals are a good fit with the program’s objectives and how it can help you achieve your long-term career plans in sustainability.

Crafting a sustainability personal statement is an opportunity to illustrate your role in environmental advocacy and stewardship. By merging personal experiences with a strong commitment to sustainability, you create a compelling narrative that resonates with admission officers. It’s your chance to stand out as an applicant dedicated to making a real difference in the world.

What makes a good sustainability personal statement?

A good statement blends personal motivation with concrete examples of commitment to sustainability.

How important is experience in sustainability for my personal statement?

Direct experience can significantly enhance your statement, showcasing real-world engagement with environmental issues.

Can I focus on a specific area like conservation in my personal statement?

Yes, specializing in a particular sustainability area like conservation shows depth and focus in your interests.

What role does research play in crafting my personal statement?

Research ensures your statement is grounded in relevant issues and reflects the latest in sustainability practices.

How can I integrate sustainable development into my personal statement?

Discuss projects or studies you’ve engaged in that address sustainable development and its impacts.

Should I mention future goals related to sustainability in my statement?

Yes, outlining future goals can provide a trajectory that aligns with sustainability-focused programs.

How do I demonstrate my understanding of environmental management?

Highlight any experiences or courses that involved managing environmental projects or initiatives.

What tone should I aim for in my personal statement?

A tone that is professional yet passionate about sustainable and environmental prospects is ideal.

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Table of Contents

  • • What Is Sustainability?
  • • What is Environmental Management?
  • • Examples of Environment Personal Statements on Sustainability
  • • How to Write a Personal Statement on Sustainability?
  • • Tips for Writing a Strong Personal Statement on Sustainability
  • • Conclusion

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Sample Personal Statement Environment and Sustainability (admitted to Stanford, CALTECH)

personal statement for environmental management

by Talha Omer, MBA, M.Eng., Harvard & Cornell Grad

In personal statement samples by field.

The following personal statement is written by an applicant who got accepted to top graduate programs in environmental and sustainability engineering. Variations of this personal statement got accepted at Stanford, UC Berkeley, and Caltech. Read this personal statement to get inspiration and understand what a top engineering school essay should look like.

You might also be interested in reading this Sample Statement of Purpose in environment and sustainability that got admitted to UIUC, and RIT.

Sample Personal Statement Environment and Sustainability

“Scientists study the world as it is; engineers create a world that has never been.” Theodore Von Karman

This quote from Karman sums it up for me as I belong to a family of Civil Engineers. I had grown up watching buildings being constructed, concrete pouring, and the vast green land converted to grey structures – even my beloved football ground. Slowly I realized that the areas that reflected soothing greenery and captivating designs are now tarnished with unfettered traffic and illegal encroachments. Dingy streets, ill planning, and neglected construction make it hard for outsiders to locate a place. As these areas grew more populated and congested, I experienced soaring temperatures at an alarmingly increased rate. Even without any technical knowledge, I can see that lack of planning in construction is putting pressure on our resources.

My four years in civil engineering opened a whole new world to me, just as exciting as I had imagined. One of my favorite courses was related to “Environmental Engineering.” Through this course, I developed an essential skillset in evaluating construction designs in the local context of Dubai. It made me realize that energy, climate, and infrastructure systems are closely tied together, and these connections manifest in various forms. Our society cannot function without energy and infrastructure systems. Since then, I have used every opportunity to upsurge my knowledge of Sustainable Designs further and spread awareness about intelligent designs.

I joined ASHRAE (American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers) and held the president’s office. As a president, I worked actively to spread awareness about resource constraints and why eco-friendly construction designs are the need of the day. In addition, I arranged policy dialogues where students presented their innovative green approaches toward infrastructure design to pioneers in the construction industry.

During one such conversation, my idea of researching Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) caught the attention of Martin Brudermüller, Director of BASF SE. He encouraged me to explore more on this in the shape of a thesis. Working on this thesis was an eye-opener for me.

I found out that CFRP is a highly costly material that is inefficiently used in current construction practices. This material is wrapped around the whole column to raise the strength of the structure. After intensive research, I discovered we could achieve the same power by wrapping the columns with only 20% of the CFRP from the top. This was groundbreaking research as I found an innovative way of reducing construction costs. After graduation, I looked for careers where I could apply my research findings in practical settings.

Thankfully, I found a perfect match in Jacobs Solutions, an American international technical professional services firm. Jacobs Solutions envisions changing redundant practices of construction. At Jacobs, I have worked as Assistant Engineer for eight months. Working at Jacobs, I came in close contact with foreign consultants better grounded in applying the latest construction materials than civil engineers. Interacting with these consultants regularly, I realized that my skill set in sustainable and eco-friendly design is rudimentary. For example, during the Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Center construction, renewable energy and materials have been incorporated to reduce the overall carbon footprint and make the project green and sustainable.

However, I must admit that these consultants are highly paid, which increases the indirect cost of these projects because we lack skilled professionals in sustainable engineering. Realizing the current gaps in the industry and the potential of eco-friendly materials, I want to pursue a master’s degree in Sustainable Engineering. This is a popular area of specialization since we live in a world with limited natural resources. The importance of Sustainable Engineering cannot be overstated because our green spaces are being converted to grey structures. Pursuing a Master’s degree in sustainable engineering, I want to reverse the order. I want to design efficient structures with eco-friendly materials, so my children see grey structures turning green. I am confident that a Master’s degree in Sustainable engineering will go a long way in fulfilling my dreams and aspirations.


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Master’s degree environmental science, woman applicant from kuwait, additional application material.

personal statement for environmental management

Cleaning up Kuwait and Getting it Moving in the Personal Statement for Graduate School

(Q) Do you think that the lifestyle of the inhabitants of your town or city reflects behavior that is in line with the concept of sustainable development? In your opinion, what should be improved?    

As a close observer of development in my city, Kuwait City, I have become increasingly aware of numerous noble attempts in a variety of areas, most notably architecture, to implement development that is sustainable and at harmony with the environment. The government, however, almost always supports the status quo and the bottom line, and adapting sustainable measures are often expensive. Change itself is controversial in Kuwait.

From my perspective as a woman professional and an avid student of economic development, the inherently conservative and brutally patriarchic nature of Kuwaiti society works to actively diminish the importance that is ascribed to development generally speaking and sustainable development in particular. From my perspective, women – heretofore largely excluded from the workplace – are the central key to development and without their widespread inclusion in the workforce, sustainable development in a globalized market will be impossible. Kuwait from my perspective suffers from a chronic lack of diversity in countless ways, in the workforce, the marketplace, much of this having to do with the fact that our entire economy rests on the foundation of oil, not a renewable resource.

This myopic vision of Kuwait as tied to fossil fuel extraction has resulted in environmentally destructive and socially disharmonizing methods of development, the costs of which Kuwaiti society will pay for generations to come for the foreseeable future. If we do not diversify our economy and our workforce and modernize in sustainable ways, our country will fall further behind the development curve and be unable to assimilate and compete in the global economy.

The government of Kuwait needs to implement strict environmental protections that rein in the contamination resulting from a host of industrial processes involved in oil production. The catastrophic methods that are currently utilized by the oil industry have turned Kuwait into one of the most polluted countries on Earth, with some of the highest rates on the planet of childhood health complications associated with poor air quality. The Kuwaiti government is guilty of promoting and implementing systemic, multi-generational sickness and death at worst, and complicit at least. How could the public galvanise themselves into an environmentally conscious mode of behaviour if the political forces elected to represent them are wholly complicit in the destruction of our environment?

Kuwait is in desperate need of many of the most modest of public investments in environmental welfare, such as community litter protocols and education programs, beach cleanup campaigns, and litter enforcement in particular. Of the few public parks that Kuwait has built for community recreation, fewer still are regularly maintained. Even then, cheap labor picks up the trash left behind by visitors. We need a public recycling campaign to capitalise on the enormous amounts of reusable plastics that cover our streets and choke our landfillls. Currently, there is only one private organisation that is making any efforts at recycling business and it is most limited.

The government needs invest proactively in the necessary infrastructure that would allow us to safely purify tap water so that bottled water is not the only option. Even the plastic bag surcharges or bans that have been implemented in other countries and municipalities are not yet seen in Kuwait. Yet, even these modest reforms undertaken in other parts of the world, if implemented in Kuwait, would have a favorable impact on the situation, serving to some extent to protect our communities from the harmful effects of environmental negligence, triggering consciousness raising on the part of the population so that they would learn to embrace and better appreciate the benefits of a clean, safe environment.

personal statement for environmental management

Search by Degree, Field, or Country of Origin

Sample 1st paragraph ms management information systems, environmental studies major.

I earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Studies because this is where my principal passion lies in life, protecting our mother earth at the same time that we are able to thrive in sustainable ways, with human dignity. It is for this reason that my heart is set on a professional course that enables me to give me all to the cause of sustainable development in environmentally friendly ways, especially with respect to the Developing World. I fully realize, however, thankfully, that there are many applicants to positions of responsibility with NGOs that address these issues, and those who are selected tend to have earned a Master’s Degree and thereby have more to offer. I want to build a professional life focus not only on protecting our environment, but, more specifically, developing the kinds of innovation in information management that will continue to propel creative advancement in our struggle into the next generation. It is for this reason that I see your distinguished program at XXU to be the optimal springboard upon which to build a distinguished career as a soldier for the environment in the private sector, managing our information.

personal statement for environmental management

The need for companies to comply with environmental laws and regulations is expected to contribute to the demand for environmental scientists and some geoscientists, especially hydrologists and engineering geologists. Issues of water conservation, deteriorating coastal environments, and rising sea levels also will stimulate employment growth of these workers. As the population increases and moves to more environmentally sensitive locations, environmental scientists and hydrologists will be needed to assess building sites for potential geologic hazards and to address issues of pollution control and waste disposal. Hydrologists and environmental scientists also will be needed to conduct research on hazardous wastesites to determine the impact of hazardous pollutants on soil and groundwater so engineers can design remediation systems. The need for environmental scientists and geoscientists who understand both the science and engineering aspects of waste remediation is growing. An expected increase in highway building and other infrastructure projects will be an additional source of jobs for engineering geologists.

Employment of environmental scientists and geoscientists is more sensitive to changes in governmental energy or environmental policy than employment of other scientists. If environmental regulations are rescinded or loosened, job opportunities will shrink. On the other hand, increased exploration for energy sources will result in improved job opportunities for geoscientists.

The Federal Government is expected to increasingly outsource environmental services to private consulting firms. This lack of funding will affect mostly geoscientists performing basic research.

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Sample 1st paragraph for Personal Statement of Purpose for Graduate Study towards the Master’s Degree in Environmental Science

personal statement for environmental management

Why I want to help with your Personal Statement of Purpose for Graduate School in Environmental Science, Masters, Doctorate

personal statement for environmental management

The Humanitarian Side of Environmental Science

We probably don’t need to tell you how awesome you are for choosing to study environmental science. I mean, your heart is already in the right place and you’re in the perfect situation now for diving straight into the world of humanitarian work. However, maybe you’d like to specialize or pursue a specific line of work in this field. Niching down can really help make you more competitive when applying for jobs, and make you the expert in a specific topic. We’ve selected some of the best NGOS to work for in environmental and sustainable development, as well as some of the Masters programs that might interest you the most.

Ceres is working in the area of business and industry to weave environmental and social considerations into a new sustainable business model, and they’ve been doing it for 25 years. It is a national coalition of investors, environmentalists, labor unions and public interest groups dedicated to increasing corporate sustainability and responsibility and they take on summer interns for 8-week periods. Interviews take place during March, and then the internships begin in June. Check out their job opportunities and more information on their internships here: https://www.ceres.org/about-us/job-opportunities .

Rare and its partner organizations design conservation programs in more than 50 countries to benefit both people and nature and ensure that change is embraces and sustained. It was classed as one of the “Great Places to Work” by Washingtonian in 2015. This organization is currently looking for a number of individuals, including an Associate for the Fish Forever project, who will work in Arlington, USA.

This position involves developing tools, systems and structures for effective Fish Forever team operations and tracking deliverables and workflows; organize Fish Forever events; lead presentations; support the Rare enterprise level knowledge management staff, etc. Rare is looking for someone with a Bachelor’s degree and 3-5 years relevant work experience in nonprofit management, global development or conservation positions. Portuguese, Bahasa Indonesian or Spanish language would be an asset. Check out Rare’s job page here for this or other positions available: https://www.rare.org/en-rare-careers#.Vrn_hvkrLIU

GOAL is also seeking a Senior Climate Change and Resilience Advisor for their international humanitarian organization. GOAL works in 19 countries, delivering life-saving relief to people affected by emergencies. The organization is looking for an individual with a minimum of 5 years’ relevant experience with the humanitarian and/or development field, a BA/S in a relevant field, but preferably a Master’s degree. You will work with other advisors to systemize GOAL’s resilience, so it can respond to technical requests from country teams in different areas of expertise, contribute to proposal design and development and contribute to country strategies.

So while some positions available to environmental scientists like you out there don’t require a Master’s degree, you might be keen to complete one to improve your employability and deepen your knowledge. Let’s have a look at some excellent programs you could apply for.


The M.Sc. in Environmental Management and Sustainability Science at Aalborg University in Denmark is a two-year, full-time program that might suit you. You’ll study modules like environmental planning, environmental policy, environmental management systems, corporate social responsibility, life cycle assessment and energy analysis and planning. This is a 12,573 EUR program at the time of writing.

The Southern Illinois University in Edwardville, USA runs a M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences – Environmental Biology, which includes modules on Advanced Environmental Sciences and Policy; Pollution Ecology; Applied Ecology; Environmental Sampling; Analysis of Environmental Contaminants. It’s a two-year, full-time course with a tuition fee of under 1000 USD for international students.

If technology and assessment are your cup of tea, what about the M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences – Environmental Technology and Assessment at the same institution? This two-year, full-time program is also available for under 1000 USD and covers Environmental Sampling; Environmental Technology and Assessment; Modeling the Natural Environment; Advanced Environmental Sciences and Policy; and Applied Ecology.

If not, what about their M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences – Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology? It’s similar to the above, except that you’ll learn about toxicology, pollution ecology, environmental sampling, aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental chemistry.

The M.Sc. in Molecular Life Sciences at Wageningen University in the Netherlands prepares its students to work in fields like nanotechnology, biotechnology, environmental research, biomedical research and the food sciences. It cost 16,000 EUR for international students.

personal statement for environmental management

Sample 1st Paragraph for the Master’s Degree in Conservation Biology and Sustainable Development, Chinese

personal statement for environmental management

Sample 1st Paragraph MS Environmental & Water Engineering, Applicant from Ecuador

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Environment Personal Statement Examples

  • 1 Personal Statement Example Links
  • 2 Career Opportunities
  • 3 UK Admission Requirements
  • 4 UK Earnings Potential For Environmental and Sustainability
  • 5 Similar Courses in UK
  • 6 UK Curriculum
  • 7 Alumni Network

Personal Statement Example Links

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  • Personal Statement Example 2
  • Personal Statement Example 3
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  • Personal Statement Example 5

Ever pondered about the complex relationship between human societies and the environment? Passionate about pursuing sustainable solutions for our planet’s pressing environmental challenges?

If so, a degree in Environment and Sustainability could be your ideal journey. This interdisciplinary field equips you to understand and address environmental issues, focusing on sustainable practices that balance societal needs with the wellbeing of our planet.

Environment and Sustainability courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to understand and address the global environmental challenges of the 21st century. Students will learn about the scientific, economic, and social aspects of environmental problems and their solutions. They will also explore the ethical and legal implications of environmental issues.

The course is an interesting and relevant choice for students because it provides an introduction to the world of computer programming, which is becoming increasingly important in today’s digital world. It also provides a foundation for students to build upon in their future studies, as computer programming is a rapidly growing field with a wealth of career opportunities.

Additionally, this course is an excellent way for students to gain the necessary skills to develop their own software applications. By taking this course, students will gain a better understanding of the complexities of computer programming, as well as the necessary skills to develop their own applications.

👍 When writing a personal statement : Highlight your passion for the course, demonstrating your understanding of it. Use relevant personal experiences, coursework, or work history to showcase how these have fostered your interest and readiness for the course.

Career Opportunities

A degree in the university course environment can open up a variety of career opportunities. Graduates may pursue roles in environmental science, environmental engineering, environmental policy, environmental law, environmental health, and environmental management.

Environmental science careers involve the study of the environment and its components, such as air, water, land, plants, and animals. Environmental scientists may work in research, conservation, or management. They may also work in the public or private sector.

Environmental engineering focuses on the design, construction, and operation of systems that protect the environment. Environmental engineers may work in water and wastewater treatment, hazardous waste management, air pollution control, and renewable energy.

Environmental policy careers involve the development, implementation, and evaluation of policies and regulations related to environmental protection. Environmental policy professionals may work in government, non-profit organizations, or the private sector.

Environmental law careers involve the application of legal principles to environmental issues. Environmental lawyers may work in government, non-profit organizations, or the private sector.

Environmental health careers involve the study of the impact of environmental factors on human health. Environmental health professionals may work in research, public health, or the private sector.

Environmental management careers involve the planning, implementation, and evaluation of environmental management systems. Environmental managers may work in government, non-profit organizations, or the private sector.

UK Admission Requirements

The entry criteria for the University course environment varies depending on the specific course. Generally speaking, the minimum entry requirements will include a good secondary school qualification, such as a GCSE or A Level , and a good level of English language proficiency.

In addition to the basic entry requirements, some courses may require specific prerequisites, such as a minimum grade in a particular subject, or a certain number of UCAS points. These prerequisites will vary depending on the course and the university, so it is important to check the specific entry requirements for the course you are interested in.

In comparison to other courses, the entry criteria for University courses tend to be more stringent. This is because universities are looking for students with a strong academic background and the potential to succeed in their studies. As such, they may require higher grades and more specific prerequisites than other courses.

UK Earnings Potential For Environmental and Sustainability

The average earnings for someone with a university degree can vary greatly depending on the type of degree and the job market. Generally, those with a bachelor’s degree can expect to earn an average of $50,000 a year, while those with a master’s degree can expect to earn an average of $70,000 a year.

In terms of trends in the job market, those with degrees in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) tend to have higher earning potential than those with degrees in other fields. Additionally, those with degrees in high-demand fields such as healthcare, finance, and computer science tend to have higher earning potential than those with degrees in other fields. Additionally, those with degrees in fields with higher barriers to entry, such as law, tend to have higher earning potential than those with degrees in other fields.

Similar Courses in UK

Other university courses related to the one being written about include:

1. Environmental Science: Environmental Science is a broad field that covers the study of the environment and its components, such as air, water, soil, and plants. It also includes the study of human impacts on the environment and how to mitigate those impacts.

The key difference between Environmental Science and the university course environment is that Environmental Science focuses more on the scientific aspects of the environment, while the university course environment focuses more on the social and political aspects.

2. Environmental Studies: Environmental Studies is a multidisciplinary field that combines aspects of the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. It focuses on the relationships between humans and their environment, and how those relationships can be improved.

The key difference between Environmental Studies and the university course environment is that Environmental Studies is more focused on the theoretical aspects of the environment, while the university course environment focuses more on the practical aspects.

3. Environmental Policy: Environmental Policy is a field that focuses on the development and implementation of policies to protect the environment and promote sustainability. It looks at the legal, economic, and political aspects of environmental protection.

The key difference between Environmental Policy and the university course environment is that Environmental Policy is more focused on the policy-making aspects of the environment, while the university course environment focuses more on the implementation of those policies.

UK Curriculum

The key topics and modules covered in the course will depend on the specific course being taken. However, some common topics and modules that may be covered in a university course include:

• Introduction to the university environment and expectations • Academic Writing • Research Methods • Critical Thinking • Communication Skills • Problem-Solving • Presentation Skills • Group Work • Information Technology • Data Analysis • Project Management • Career Planning • Leadership • Ethics

In addition to these topics, some courses may also include hands-on experience or practical work. This may involve field trips, laboratory experiments, or other activities that allow students to apply the concepts they have learned in the classroom.

Alumni Network

One notable alumni from the course is Dr. Jane Smith, who graduated from the university in 2020. She is currently working as a research scientist at a leading biotechnology company.

She is actively involved in developing new treatments for various diseases and has published several papers in top journals. She is also a member of several professional organizations, including the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

Alumni events and networking opportunities available include the annual alumni reunion, which is held each year on campus. This event allows alumni to reconnect with former classmates and faculty, as well as to network with other alumni in the field.

Alumni can also join the university’s alumni association, which offers a variety of networking and professional development opportunities. Additionally, the university’s career services office offers alumni career counseling, resume reviews, and job search assistance.

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Personal statement advice: environmental science

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Show your enthusiasm for the subject

Tutors like to see personal statements where your enthusiasm for the subject and your own voice come across in an interesting and spontaneous way.

Try and view the statement as a way to introduce yourself and establish a personal relationship with the universities you’re applying to, not just as a way of 'selling yourself'. Remember, provided you are a suitable applicant, then some, if not all the unis you apply to, will invite you to an applicants’ open day, which often includes an informal, friendly interview where your personal statement will be discussed.

There’s a subtle balance to be struck here. Your personal statement needs to be well structured, carefully written, grammatically correct, and should avoid sounding too quirky. But at the same time it should also retain a personal touch. What turned you on to environmental science in the first place,’ and what does that also reveal about you as a person and what makes you tick?

Like many others, environmental science divides into pathways which means you can specialise in topics that interest you while still gaining a broad overview. So, it's good to be clear in your personal statement about where your environmental interests lie.

Say something about your scientific interests

More for your environmental science statement.

  • More about you: tutors also want to hear more about you as a person. As Dr Shaw puts it, 'Do include something about your extracurricular interests too. It’s good to see what you get up to in your spare time'. Sure, universities want to recruit the best students they can, but it’s equally important to them that you also make the right choice.
  • Subject knowledge: Bournemouth University wants to know what it is that appeals to you about the 'interdisciplinary nature of environmental science' or the mixture of 'private study and field-based practical skills' involved in the course.
  • How your current studies relate: Queen Mary University of London suggests writing about your current studies and the skills you’ve developed, explaining what you gained from any relevant experience or showing your understanding of one or two topical issues.
  • Environmental engagement: you should also evidence 'how you relate with the environmental problems of our times' or your 'enthusiasm for investigating complex environmental systems', according to Bournemouth.
  • What you can offer: Queen Mary wants more about any skills, interests or achievements you can bring to both the degree and the broader life of the university itself, 'something we cannot get just from your qualifications or your reference'.

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personal statement for environmental management

Postgraduate Personal Statement Example: Environmental Policy

personal statement for environmental management

Studying examples of personal statements can be a valuable strategy when applying to a university or college. 

That’s because personal statement examples can teach you how to write and structure your application, and you can quickly learn how to write a personal statement by examining others.

But with so many university personal statement examples available, how do you know if you’re reading a good one?

Postgraduate personal statements should highlight relevant academic and practical experience, research skills and ambitions and their suitability for the course. This postgraduate personal statement example for Environmental Policy considers these three critical elements.

Studying master’s degree personal statement examples can be especially valuable. They’re sometimes referred to as personal mission statements or statements of purpose , so if you’re tasked with writing a personal mission statement, the following example will work for you.

I’ve broken down this personal statement example section by section, with a commentary on each element. 

That way, you’ll see its strengths and weaknesses and get some inspiration for your own personal statement .

Once you’ve read the personal statement example and analysis, you can download a pdf of the whole document to use as inspiration for your own!

personal statement for environmental management

Personal Statement Example: Introduction

“My commitment to environmental safeguarding was inspired by my high school research into the Tibetan Plateau, which introduced me to the vicious cycle of soil degradation and global warming caused by overgrazing. Consequently, I consider it my duty to combine scientific knowledge and analytical thinking to design, implement and evaluate environmental policies that relieve the pressure of climate change and promote long-term sustainable development. The insights I have gained through academic progress, research and practice have provided me with a sound theoretical and practical foundation for study, and I am certain that reading for this MPhil in Environmental Policy will allow me to develop the skills, knowledge and networks necessary to achieve my goals.”

My Commentary and Analysis 

This introduction begins with the classic technique of identifying a catalyst from earlier in life and explaining how it has shaped the writer’s views and motivations. It works well in this case as it relates directly to the chosen subject and uses some terminology that shows an engaged interest in the field.

It’s useful to copy this kind of technique when you write your own introduction, but make sure that the moment is a tangible one that is believable and relevant. If it’s too insignificant, too early in your life, too simplistic or simply lacks authenticity, it’s unlikely to have the engaging result you’re hoping for.

The next section of the introduction uses language from the course descriptor in a sophisticated way and connects the writer’s goals with the course outcomes. This is another tried and tested technique which encourages the reader to engage positively with the application. 

After all, when the applicant’s goals are in line with the course content, it implies commitment and success, which is what universities are looking for.

The last sentence establishes the academic credentials needed for this writer to be successful as a graduate student and creates a strong connection to the course, which strengthens the formal tone of the entire introduction.

If you’re struggling with your personal statement introduction, check out my article on how to write perfect opening paragraphs here .

personal statement for environmental management

Personal Statement Example: Academic Background

“Achieving an exceptional academic performance as an Economics undergraduate, I ranked in the top 1% out of 372 students. Having achieved a sound understanding of the rationale behind natural resource allocation and the mindset essential for complex decision-making, my undergraduate experience has prepared me comprehensively for graduate study. My “Climate Vulnerability and Fertility Rate: A Cross-Country Analysis” research paper examined the negative impact of climate change and emphasised the importance of progressive, forward-looking climate change policies. I collected panel data from 106 countries over 25 years and used Stata to build a fixed effect model, revealing that countries more vulnerable to climate change exhibited lower fertility rates. My research highlighted how climate change impinges economic growth by reducing fertility rates, compelling me to identify policies that can mitigate the negative impact of environmental vulnerabilities and help sustain local economies. This experience motivates my interest in the Energy and Climate Change module, which will provide me with a better understanding of climate change mitigation and adaptation from both energy and technology perspectives.”

My Commentary and Analysis

The opening statement in this section communicates confidence and capability. It works well, as the writer justifies their claim by outlining the value this level of success will bring to the course. 

However, I would say that the next section, which considers the writer’s research paper, is of more value. As the writer is moving from Economics to Environmental Policy, explaining that prior academic research has had an environmental focus is critical, as it adds legitimacy and authority to the application.

Additionally, explaining the relevant academic skills developed during this process adds credibility to the application as a whole. Crucially, the writer again explains how these skills and experiences will be of value, and it’s this justification that really makes this personal statement example successful.

If you’d like to learn more about structuring your personal statement or statement of purpose , you can read my complete guide to writing a master’s degree personal statement here . 

Alternatively, click on the image below to download a free template for structuring your writing.

personal statement for environmental management

Personal Statement Example: Practical Experience 1

“Examining the negative impact of climate change on sustainable development, I investigated the extent to which key players were taking effective action to combat the crisis. For example, I contributed to an investment plan for a new energy vehicle company at the Slater International Capital Corporation. Although the company had made progress towards employing cleaner production methods, investors primarily focused on potential revenue growth and neglected the broader societal benefits of energy efficiency and environmental protection. The consequence of this reckless exploitation of resources, often referred to as the “tragedy of the commons”, can result in environmental deterioration and impact long-term profitability. Indeed, Professor Laura Mulgrave’s recent work on clean energy technologies also emphasises that green industries must consider the entire global value chain in relation to long-term sustainable development.”

Commentary and Analysis

There are two important elements present in this section, in addition to further establishing knowledge and credibility through the increasingly sophisticated use of language.

Firstly, the writer is able to outline the use and value of their skills in a ‘real-world’ setting. This is a vitally important aspect of a postgraduate personal statement example, as it shows that the application is capable of working outside of the confines of academia. It also further illustrates the applicant’s engagement with environmental issues.

Secondly, they have referenced the work of a faculty member at the university they are applying to. In doing so, the writer shows evidence of reading and research, which indicates to a reader that they have taken the time to clarify the course contents. It also deepens the application as it is clear to an admissions reader that the writer has very specific reasons for applying to this particular course and is highly motivated to gain entry.

This is far better than the bland, generic points that many applicants make, as it creates a palpable connection between the writer and the institution, which is hard to ignore.

Check out lots more examples of personal statements here , and see how they can inspire your application!

personal statement for environmental management

Personal Statement Example: Practical Experience 2

“Despite the profile of climate issues, countries often focus on GDP growth and national interest, limiting the consideration of their environmental responsibilities. With the adverse impact of climate change increasingly apparent, how can policymakers inspire collective and positive changes to global sustainable behaviour? In my undergraduate dissertation, I will aim to answer this question by conducting a preliminary evaluation of regional carbon market regulation through a cost-benefit analysis. This type of assessment is crucial in convincing policymakers that regulatory benefits can outweigh the costs and that bolder steps can be taken towards sustainable progress. As a postgraduate student, I intend to complement my evaluation with the legal knowledge required to implement policy, and studying the International Environmental Law module in this MPhil course will deepen my understanding of the tools needed to enforce the regulations necessary to reduce global carbon emissions.”

My Commentary and Analysis: 

Another compelling and relevant section. The writer has focused on their current research and indicated how they intend to use it to underpin further studies as a graduate student.

This works well as it shows the reader that the course being applied for is a logical extension of their current studies and that the transferable skills and knowledge they aim to gain as an undergraduate will be of significant value. 

Again, this indicates success, motivation and a through-line of learning. It’s hard for an admissions team to reject an applicant when they have made such clear connections between their academic goals and the course being applied for.

Not only is this section written in an appropriately academic and formal style, but the last sentence also refers to a specific module and outlines its value to the applicant. This is key, as again, it shows that the writer has researched the course, has already plotted the value of specific modules and is motivated to succeed. 

Those are all critically important aspects for an admissions team to see.

The one thing that all successful personal statements have in common is that they are concise, engaging and accurate in spelling, punctuation and grammar. Consequently, I always recommend Grammarly to my students and clients. 

It’s an outstanding tool for ensuring your personal statement is rich with detail whilst hitting those all-important word limits. Check out the latest version of Grammarly here , or hit the banner for more information.

personal statement for environmental management

Personal Statement Example: Conclusion

“I also intend to strengthen my analytical and applied skills in environmental problem identification and policy evaluation and design on this course. The freedom and flexibility that Marshall offers to explore complex concepts, collaborate with exceptional peers and develop new ways of thinking is inspiring, and I look forward to joining the Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance, studying cutting-edge topics and gaining insights from top-tier scholars. The recent work of Dr Joanna Dondono, which examines how co-beneficial initiatives overcome stagnation in the negotiation and implementation of climate action, fascinates me.

As someone who embraces challenge, I am confident that the depth of my academic potential and professional ambition will allow me to thrive on this postgraduate course. Continuing my academic journey at Marshall will empower me to apply an innovative level of expertise to forming environmental policy and, ultimately, make a valuable contribution to global sustainable development in the face of a growing climate crisis.” 

This is a thorough and well-written conclusion. Critically, it references resources and facilities available on the course, and this again adds credibility and purpose to the application. The writer clearly has goals that revolve around the course offer, making for engaging content.

Another relevant reference to a faculty member is included, and the value of the course as a whole is well-considered.

The writer considers the value of the course to their academic and professional progression, which is important.

However, they don’t really consider their value to the institution, and this is something that really should be included.

If you can indicate clearly how the faculty and your potential peers will benefit from having you within it, as well as how you will gain value from the course, you will strengthen the compelling nature of your application considerably.

Whilst this is, in many respects, an excellent personal statement example, the other element that could have been included is mention of non-academic transferable skills. 

Qualities such as independence, motivation, empathy and organisation may not be as relevant as depth of subject knowledge at this level, but not including them at all means that the writer comes across as lacking in personality and authenticity.

This can make it harder to feel a genuine sense of connection when reading their personal statement.

For more great advice, check out my article on writing an excellent final personal statement paragraph here .

personal statement for environmental management

Click here or on the banner below to get your free download of this complete personal statement example . 

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Whether you’re looking for personal mission statement examples or an example of personal purpose statement, I hope this personal statement example has been helpful. Above all, I wish you every success in your academic career. 

If you’d like to work with me to develop your personal statement 1:1 and write a powerful mission statement, I’d be delighted to hear from you. 

Find out about my personal statement support services by clicking here or on the image below.

personal statement for environmental management

Research and content verified by Personal Statement Planet .

David Hallen

I've worked in the Further Education and University Admissions sector for nearly 20 years as a teacher, department head, Head of Sixth Form, UCAS Admissions Advisor, UK Centre Lead and freelance personal statement advisor, editor and writer. And now I'm here for you...

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Personal Statement for MSc in Environmental Policy and Management - international student

March 26, 2018

MSc Environmental Policy and Management

University of --------

Dear Admission Team,

Major businesses thrive on power, often at the expense of the environment. The MSc in Environmental Policy and Management would equip me with the tools and knowledge necessary to bring about change and prove that financial power can go hand in hand with the respect of the environment. News relating to rising temperatures and the devastating impact our actions have on the planet arise every week. More specifically, the situation in the Arctic and its increasing number of endangered species such as the polar bear or the beluga whale, as well as the decreasing albedo deeply concern me. Thus, I am highly motivated to understand the roots and impacts of climate change by studying this topic at university.

As a student in translation and interpreting, I have been introduced to a broad range of disciplines. I was especially zealous for the Science course I attended in the second grade. Science has always been a deep interest of mine and understanding how the anthropogenic carbon cycle generates pollution was intriguing. Besides, knowing that we live surrounded by electromagnetic radiation and photon energy that are part of the global warming process is astonishing and undoubtedly captures my attention. Moreover, the Geographic Economy and the International Relations courses introduced me to the ever-changing and often unjust socioeconomic dynamics around the world, as well as the policies that dictate them. The Environmental Policy and Management MSc would give me an excellent opportunity to learn more about international environmental policies, thus equipping me with a holistic framework to commence a career in Environmental Management.

Eager to learn more about climate change, I have independently pursued an online class ‘Climate Change: The Science’ offered by the University of British Columbia and delivered by PhD Professor Sara Harris. This course has deepened my understanding of the principles of climate science, energy system dynamics, greenhouse gases and more. In addition, the passion of Hope Jahren, plant biologist at the University of Oslo, for plants in her book ‘Lab Girl’ or that of Tristan Gooley for water in ‘How to Read Water’ are both mesmerizing, not only through their dedication to their respective fields but also due to the nature-based science itself. On the other hand, my appeal for the conservation of the environment also takes its roots in animal welfare and the human impact on it. Therefore, I actively volunteer at the Blue Cross in Brussels where animals are given a second chance at life, after being abandoned or abused by men. This mission gives me a sense of purpose and responsibility in defending something that cannot defend itself, exactly like nature.

As an enthusiastic traveller, nature has been at the core of my every destination choice. At the age of 19, I decided to take a gap year in New Zealand, where I worked until I was able to afford a car which I slept in and used to travel across the wonderful country. New Zealand was special to me because of its various landscapes, from the Whakaari volcano to the Franz Josef Glacier, and the link I developed with the environment there. While studying for my bachelor’s degree, I had the chance to win a company sponsorship, aimed at organizing a trip in the Norwegian fjords with the purpose of promoting not only the brand but also the beauty of these northern environments. Being sponsored helped me to develop a sense of responsibility and commitment to the company involved. Finally, the most recent experience abroad I have had was in Petrozavodsk, Russia, as part of my university’s Erasmus program. During this stay, I decided to write a translation paper on environmental issues in Russia. The situation at Lake Baikal, the world’s deepest lake, particularly caught my attention, as it is extremely polluted and so, I bought a train ticket to see the lake myself. As Russian environmental issues are numerous, my desire to enrol in environmental oriented studies only grew more.

Given -------- University’s outstanding academic reputation and its strong association with the intergovernmental and national policy makers, I am convinced that the MSc in Environmental Policy and Management would enable me to develop a career with a tangible environmental impact. This degree’s focus on climate change research and hands-on consulting will help me gain practical experience. I believe that this program will allow me to achieve my aspiration to work in Corporate Social Responsibility or as an Environmental, Social and Governance consultant. I am thrilled to start this new journey in another country and plan to make the most out of every learning opportunity.

I would like to thank you for your time and consideration.

University of Glasgow : Conditional offer - not pursued

University of Bristol : Offer 

University of Manchester: Conditional offer - not pursued 

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personal statement for environmental management

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Statement of Purpose - Environmental Management

kimberlynjway 1 / -   Dec 27, 2009   #1 Hello! Can I get some tips/corrections for my statement of purpose for a masters in environmental science and management? Thank you! Prompt: The Statement of Purpose (SOP) should be at least one page but no more than two. Your SOP should outline your past experiences (not necessarily just academics) and how they have prepared you to succeed in a rigorous graduate program; your goals and how the Bren School will help you achieve them; and what led you to seek a career in the environmental field. Essay: As an undergrad at the University of California, Santa Barbara, I studied organizational communication while taking multiple courses in business writing and geology. My coursework consisted of a rigorous mix of business-oriented curriculum, including global communication between organizations, small group communication, writing in economics, and professional communication in marketing and public relations. These courses have given me a strong basis of essential management skills such as employee relation development and organizational hierarchy analysis. My course work in geology has given me a background in environmental science, environmental geology, earth surface processes, and geological catastrophes. My goal is to apply my knowledge of these fields in order to aid in the promotion of more environmentally responsible business and government practices. The Bren School of Environmental Science and Management will help me further develop these skills. My undergraduate courses in geology and an incites course on alternative energy engendered my interest in an environmental career. I am particularly interested in knowing how human activities affect the environment and how to reduce our harmful effects. Professor Christina Tague's current work on the impacts of climate change on stream-flow patterns and the effects of urbanization on drainage patterns is a perfect example. I would like to study the urbanization of southern California's city watershed systems and how it has impacted flood and erosion of the land. The Bren school offers invaluable, real life experience with projects like this. As a volunteer for the Walnut Creek Open Space foundation I have assisted with the California oak habitat restoration project, restoring essential native plant species to an area where urbanization has had a negative environmental impact. I am seeking a career that will make a real and lasting difference in our communities and I believe that the MESM program will springboard me into such a career. My professional experiences will serve as more than adequate preparation for the MESM program. While working for Santa Barbara City College, I started and managed a new program of student employment. I also ran my own notary public business and worked as a meeting planning assistant during my time as an undergraduate. My experience in the UC Washington D.C. internship program has also prepared me for a rigorous masters program as I learned to properly manage my time between working full time as an intern for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, writing an extensive research paper and taking an elective course in global communication. Upon completion of the MESM program I would like to begin my career as an environmental planner/consultant for an independent consulting firm or a local, state, or federal government agency, providing environmental analysis that aids in the promotion of more environmentally sustainable practices. An employer with widespread U.S. and international presence, such as the Environmental Protection Agency, or a state department of water resources would be ideal. I strongly believe that a master's degree in environmental management will provide me with the necessary training needed for employment with such an agency. The breadth of courses and the professional group project offer hands-on experience I need to start a career in environmental management. The completion of a masters program at the Bren school of environmental science and management is paramount to my preparation for employment in the environmental industry.

rajeev 1 / 10   Dec 28, 2009   #2 Nice essay there kimberlyn. My goal is to apply my knowledge of both fields of environmental science and communication in order to aid in the promotion of more environmentally responsible business and governmental practices. You are going to do a masters in Env. Management. You have to learn more so, modify slightly. My undergraduate coursework in geology and an alternative energy incites course engendered my interest in an environmental career. This sentence looks faulty. coursework in geology and an alternative energy incites course? Learning how the world is impacted by man-kind and how to reduce that impact has become a major interest of mine. I am particularly interested in knowing how human activities affect the environment and how can we reduce the harmful effects. You can restructure along these lines. The impression I get is that it is your first draft. You can work on your ideas a bit more. Whatever assertion you make, remember to substantiate it by giving supporting argument, Example etc. Pay attention to structure and flow, remove some errors and ur essay is ready. Regards.

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PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Environmental Science Personal Statement

Submitted by Anna

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Environmental Science Personal Statement

As I stood at the peak of Mount Snowdon on the last day of my Gold Duke of Edinburgh expedition, I was overwhelmed by my surroundings and realised that this natural beauty is our responsibility to protect. To me, studying environmental science is not just about exploring the complexities of the environment, but an opportunity to make a life-time of difference. Having grown up with the implications of environmental problems being at the forefront of the media, the idea of solving these issues sparked my initial idea to study this degree.

Geography A-level has enabled me to critically analyse data through working on my independent investigation, whilst Biology has advanced my practical skills from numerous experiments. My EPQ dissertation on the threat of microplastics allowed me to develop essential skills such as organisation, referencing and meeting deadlines. I also gained an independent and scientific understanding of the influence that plastic pollution creates on the marine environment. I intend to apply this knowledge in understanding similar environmental issues and explore further the interaction between humans and the natural world.

I broadened my knowledge of Earth science topics through attending the "Access to Bristol" scheme at the University of Bristol . This increased my enthusiasm for investigating complex earth systems. As a member of the Geographical Association, I have attended several lectures on numerous topics including water management which has allowed me to experience studying at an undergraduate level. I have also independently completed an online weather course with FutureLearn where I learnt of the physical processes which give rise to weather, such as convection and the Coriolis force. As well as developing my wider research through reading texts such as "A very short introduction to weather" by Storm Dunlop and "Environmental science" by Botkin and Keller, I have also independently attended an open day at the Met Office in Exeter where I learnt the importance of meteorology and climate science and was amazed at the quantity and variety of data collected daily.

Furthermore, I gained specific knowledge in modules such as ocean acidification, ocean circulation and marine ecology during a 5 day residential Marine Science camp in Pembrokeshire this August. Here I gained an appreciation for the diversity and fragility of coastal ecosystems as well as enjoying the experience of working in groups with people sharing similar interests. During recent work experience at "Noah's Ark Zoo Farm", I gained a very different insight into the role zoos can play in environmental conservation and education. This has stimulated a real interest in animal behaviour and biodiversity and provided a week full of opportunities to get hands on with the animals and develop my team working skills.

Alongside my academic studies, music has always been a significant part of my life. I've played the flute since aged 8 and reached grade 7 earlier this year. One of my proudest musical achievements was setting up my own ukulele group at school. Running this club enables me to gain leadership skills and shows my independence in organising this group successfully to perform in the school's concerts. I intend to pursue my musical talents by joining the university's orchestra and different choirs available.

Through volunteering with a girl guiding unit over the past 3 years I have achieved my young leadership and adult leadership qualifications. As a young leader, I must be consistently reliable in organising and monitoring activities as well as attending regular meetings. I have also embraced other leadership roles at school as a House Captain, Charity Rep and Senior Student.

I am a very enthusiastic and motivated individual that refuses to accept the current destructive state of our planet. Studying this degree will be the first step in enabling me to make a difference and protect our stunning landscapes before it's too late.

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Our annual report summarises the former Department of Planning and Environment activities and performance from 2022-23 and is available in two parts as:

  • Department of Planning and Environment Annual Report 2022–23 Volume 1
  • Department of Planning and Environment Annual Report 2022–23 Volume 2
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  • a list of the department’s major assets, other than land holdings, appropriately classified and highlighting major acquisitions during the previous financial year
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Major Assets and Disposals – Open Access Disclosures – Financial Year 2022-23  

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For more information about privacy at the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure contact:

Information Access and Privacy Unit Locked Bag 5022 Parramatta NSW 2124 Phone: 02 9860 1440 Email: [email protected]

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Environment and sustainable development personal statement example.

Mankind is rocketing towards an unrecognisable existence. Bird song resonates with explosive drilling; monoculture has usurped diversity; indigenous knowledge is drowning in concrete. These are the ever increasing signs that human responsibility has leapt from the wheel, and left destruction on cruise control.

The dynamic relationship between humans and the Earth has always captivated me. I can recall the first time I heard the words ‘climate change,’ ‘consumerism,’ and ‘overpopulation’; more importantly, I remember the lump in my throat and the worry that lined my face like an Ordnance Survey map.

I chose A level Environmental Studies to give substance to the issues that are continually significant to me. Discovering the pollution pandemic, alternative energy, protocols of Montreal, Kyoto and more has fuelled me with a drive to make sustainable living not only more accessible, but globally more accepted.

Further study of a related degree is the only way forward for me. A desire to complement the broad spectrum of Environmental Studies naturally led me to the fascinating intricacy of Biology. Here my scientific skills have been honed by controlled experiments, leading to statistical analysis and debating ethical issues.

Holistically, English Literature was an obvious choice; the need for imaginative communicators is vital to catalyse understanding and unity. Extensive essay writing combined with an exploration of views and purpose has shaped me into an open minded, creative, and engaging writer.

After A levels, I am deferring my university entry due to a placement I have secured in Ecuador. For three months, I will join a small, voluntary team in the Andean rainforest.

This is a grass roots project; the core of the work involving restructuring the community’s income from timber logging to eco tourism and organic farming, whilst providing environmental education in a local school.

This experience will give me a unique opportunity to apply my studies to a real life situation and, vitally, help sew the seed of environmental conservation to the tourists and indigenous community. I have raised my project fund through part time jobs in a local café and bar.

Balancing this with my other endeavours such as The Duke of Edinburgh Award, cooking, and salsa dancing has been challenging, but I have maintained my dedication to all with zeal. The determination it has taken to plan this trip has ignited a work ethic that will help me throughout the challenges of university.

For the future, my vision is to use my degree to communicate the urgency to act upon what we are continually learning about the Earth, before the ramifications of our actions become catastrophic. I understand that cultures have a right to develop to gain equal standards of sanitation and economic stability; volunteering in the Salvation Army soup kitchens has shown me people who are desperately suffering.

Yet it is imperative global standards of living are progressed in a way that promotes harmony throughout the environmental and social realms, without compromising future needs.

Retreating glaciers, drought, foreign disease: far too many tragedies prove we have a debt to pay to our incredible planet, a duty to evolve society around sustainable ways of life. The thought of studying issues of such overwhelming importance fills me with awe. I cannot wait to be in a community where my enthusiasm is shared by experts who have the knowledge, resources and experience to help me flourish.

It was during an English lesson that I stumbled upon this unforgettable omen: “The sedge is wither’d from the lake, and no birds sing.” These poignant words, by the poet Keats, were even credited in Rachel Carson’s revolutionary ‘Silent Spring’.

However, I’m glad to say: Mr. Keats, I disagree. Humanity has not yet rendered your prophecy true. Through university, I hope to take my first steps to help steer the world from the clutches of devastation, before it is too late.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by einnocon for application in 2013.

einnocon's university choices University of East Anglia University of East Anglia Lancaster University The University of Birmingham University of St Andrews

Green : offer made Red : no offer made

Degree Sustainable Development at University of St Andrews

einnocon's Comments

Hope this helps anyone stuck with their personal statement. My advice would be to write it from the heart!

Related Personal Statements

Fri, 13/01/2012 - 07:58

You've got the right structure, wording is pretty perfect too

Blown away. Good job sir/maam

Sun, 15/01/2012 - 20:48

Sat, 28/01/2012 - 03:45

^ that was me :p

Sat, 28/01/2012 - 03:48

i feel like i wont get in

Sat, 28/01/2012 - 03:49

i feel like i wont get in ANYWHERE after having read ur p.s haha

Wed, 21/08/2013 - 12:54

Wow, this is a truly fantastic personal statement! I am also wanting to apply to St Andrews for Sustainable Development, however I am also applying for a Sustainable Product Design course at Brighton. This is a very good guideline, I think it has shown me that creativity and originality is definitely the key. So this is going to be easy...not.

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