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Essay Checker: Free Online Paper Corrector

Your Best Chance for an A+ Essay. Try Our Free Essay Checker Below.

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Why Should You Use a Free Essay Checker?

The simple answer? Good grammar is necessary, but it’s not easy. You've already done countless hours of research to write the essay. You don’t want to spend countless hours correcting it, too.

You'll get a better grade

Good grammar or its absence can determine if you get a good grade or a failing one. Impress your lecturer not just with how grammatically sound your writing is, but how clear it is and how it flows.

You'll save time

Essay writing can be a long and tedious process. ProWritingAid's essay checker saves you the hassle by acting as the first line of defense against pesky grammar issues.

You'll become a better writer

Essay writing is a particular skill and one that becomes better with practice. Every time you run your essay through ProWritingAid’s essay corrector, you get to see what your common mistakes are and how to fix them.

Good Writing = Good Grades

It’s already hard to know what to write in an essay. Don’t let grammar mistakes hinder your writing and prevent you from getting a good grade. ProWritingAid’s essay checker will help you write your best essay yet. Since the checker is powered by AI, using it means that grammar errors don’t stand a chance. Give your professors something to look forward to reading with clear, concise, and professional writing.

How Does ProWritingAid’s Essay Checker Work?

Your goal in essay writing is to convey your message as best as possible. ProWritingAid's essay checker is the first step towards doing this.

Get Rid of Spelling Errors

ProWritingAid’s essay checker will show you what it thinks are spelling errors and present you with possible corrections. If a word is flagged and it’s actually spelt correctly you can always choose to ignore the suggestion.

ProWritingAid product image - spelling mistake student

Fix Grammar Errors

Professors aren’t fans of poor grammar because it interrupts your message and makes your essay hard to understand. ProWritingAid will run a grammar check on your paper to ensure that your message is precise and is being communicated the way you intended.

Get Rid of Punctuation Mistakes

A missing period or comma here and there may not seem that serious, but you’ll lose marks for punctuation errors. Run ProWritingAid’s paper checker to use the correct punctuation marks every time and elevate your writing.

ProWritingAid product image - punctuation student

Improve Readability

Make sure that in the grand scheme your language is not too complicated. The essay checker's built in readability report will show if your essay is easy or hard to read. It specifically zones in on paragraphs that might be difficult to read so you can review them.

What Else Can the Essay Checker Do?

The editing tool analyzes your text and highlights a variety of key writing issues, such as overused words, incohesive sentence structures, punctuation issues, repeated phrases, and inconsistencies.

ProWritingAid illustration- unnecessary word student

You don’t need to drown your essay in words just to meet the word count. ProWritingAid’s essay checker will help to make your words more effective. You'll get to construct your arguments and make sure that every word you use builds towards a meaningful conclusion.

Use more transition words in your essay

Transition words help to organize your ideas by showing the relationship between them. The essay checker has a built in Transition report that highlights and shows the percentage of transitions used in your essay. Use the results to add transitions where necessary.

ProWritingAid product image - student sentence variety

An engaging essay has sentences of varying lengths. Don’t bore your professor with long, rambling sentences. The essay checker will show you where you need to break long sentences into shorter sentences, or add more sentence length variation.

ProWritingAid product image - student passive voice

Generally, in scholarly writing, with its emphasis on precision and clarity, the active voice is preferred. However, the passive voice is acceptable in some instances. When you run your essay through ProWritingAid’s essay checker, you get feedback on whether you 'r e using the passive or active voice to convey your idea.

ProWritingAid illustration - power verb

There are academic specific power verbs like appraise , investigate , debunk , support , etc., that can add more impact to your argument by giving a more positive and confident tone. The essay checker will check your writing for power verbs and notify you if you have less than three throughout your essay.

ProWritingAid product image - repeats

It's easy to get attached to certain phrases and use them as crutches in your essays but this gives the impression of boring and repetitive writing. The essay checker will highlight your repeats and suggest contextually relevant alternatives.

ProWritingAid illustration - learn as you edit

Gain access to in-house blog reports on citations, how to write a thesis statement, how to write a conclusion, and more. Venture into a world of resources specific to your academic needs.

What Kinds of Papers Does ProWritingAid Correct?

No matter what you’re writing, ProWritingAid will adapt and show you where your edits are needed most.

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Professors and students love using ProWritingAid

If you're an English teacher, you need to take a look at this tool - it reinforces what you're teaching, highlights strengths and weaknesses, and makes it easier to personalize instruction.

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Jennifer Gonzales

Only reason I managed to get an A in all my freshmen composition classes.

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Chris Layton

Great tool for academic work. Easy to use and the reports and summary evaluation of your documents in several categories is very useful. So much more than spelling and grammar!

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Debra Callender

Questions & Answers

1. how do i use the essay checker online tool.

You can either copy and paste your essay in the essay checker field or upload your essay from your computer. Your suggestions will show once you enter text. You’ll see a number of possible grammar and spelling issues. Sign up for free to get unlimited suggestions to improve your writing style, grammar, and sentence structure. Avoid unintentional plagiarism with a premium account.

2. Does the essay checker work with British English and American English?

The essay checker works with both British English and American English. Just choose the one you would like to use and your corrections will reflect this.

3. Is using an essay checker cheating?

No. The essay checker won’t ever write the essay for you. It will point out possible edits and advise you on changes you need to make. You have full autonomy and get to decide which changes to accept.

4. Will the essay checker auto-correct my work?

The essay writing power remains in your hands. You choose which suggestions you want to accept and you can ignore those that you don’t think apply.

5. Is there a student discount?

Students who have an eligible student email address can get 20% off ProWritingAid Premium. Email [email protected] from your student email address to access your discount.

6. Does ProWritingAid have a plagiarism checker?

Yes! ProWritingAid’s plagiarism checker will check your work against over a billion web-pages, published works, and academic papers, so you can be sure of its originality. Find out more about pricing for plagiarism checks here .

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Check for unintentional plagiarism

Scan your paper the way your teacher would to catch unintentional plagiarism. Then, easily add the right citation.

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Strengthen your writing

Give your paper an in-depth check. Receive feedback within 24 hours from writing experts on your paper's main idea, structure, conclusion, and more.

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Find and fix grammar errors

Don't give up sweet paper points for small mistakes. Our algorithms flag grammar and writing issues and provide smart suggestions.

What students are saying about us

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"The plagiarism checker is super helpful for finding the places where citations belong within a paper."

- Heather B.

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"The grammar checker is definitely better than any program I have used."

- Melissa D.

How we'll help you improve your paper

essay checker for high school students

All-in-One grammar and plagiarism checker

The only thing harder than writing a paper is editing it. Nobody’s perfect, and grammatical errors are all too easy to make. But a grammar checker could help! That’s where Citation Machine Plus comes in: a one-stop shop that pairs a top-notch plagiarism checker with a complete grammar check. It’s the perfect companion for any student. Whether you’re an expert writer who just needs a second look or could use a full-fledged crash course on brushing up your writing, we’ve got it covered.

We offer smart technology you can access day or night, for all your last-minute deadlines. Citation Machine Plus’s built-in tools can help ensure you didn’t accidentally use someone else’s words without referencing them. If it does find an issue, you can use its citing tools to quickly create a citation for it.

To power up your paper even more, our tools offer an easy spelling check and the best grammar checker we’ve ever built. Our powerful software will run a quick grammar check and spell check to catch big and little mistakes on your paper.

We think Citation Machine Plus is the best grammar checker for a fast grammar analysis and spell check to catch things you may have missed! Whether it’s an issue with subject-verb agreement, a fragmented sentence, a dangling modifier, incorrect usage of an interjection or adverb , or just a grievously misused comma, our software hunts down and points out those easy-to-correct mistakes. Plus, our program includes a reliable spell checker to help catch and correct any typos.

The only question is: What are you waiting for?

Try Citation Machine Plus and get a free grammar check for your paper, scan your paper for text that may need a citation, and rest easier knowing your paper’s had an extra review before your teacher sees it.

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Plagiarism matters more than you think

You might define plagiarism as copying someone else’s work , whether by copying another student’s paper or taking passages directly from research sources and passing them off as your own work. But did you know that it’s not just about literal copying, but about making sure you credit your sources.

Think about it: would you want someone to take your hard work without crediting you? Of course not! So it’s important to make sure that you don’t accidentally use the work and research of someone else without giving them the credit they deserve and that formatting requires. A plagiarism check provides you with peace of mind that you haven’t forgotten to cite sources.

essay checker for high school students

A paper check for peace of mind

Plagiarizing the works of another writer is a big deal in school and in life. Even if it’s a mistake, it’s the sort of mistake that no one wants to make because it’s a pretty serious issue. Luckily, it’s pretty easy to avoid if you have the right tools at your disposal! The first step to avoiding it is knowing what it is.

One plagiarism definition — probably the most commonly discussed one — is to directly steal somebody else’s words and pretend they are yours, or, alternately, to use someone else’s words and not give them credit. These actions are deliberate attempts to deceive, and they do happen in real life. More often, however, issues arise from not from intentional misconduct, but from innocent or careless mistakes that simply give an impression of copying because sources haven’t been credited as they should.

Most teachers ask you to cite the works of others so you learn to be an ethical researcher who does not plagiarize . In many cases, teachers will use a plagiarism tool to make sure students are following guidelines. However, with so many assignments, chores, friends, and other parts of life going on, it can be difficult to keep track of everything.

That’s why getting a plagiarism check — like the one from Citation Machine — can save you from forgetting to cite sources. It’s simple to use, catching missed citations and other errors. Finding and correcting these problems before you turn in your paper can make the difference between a stellar grade and a failing one.

Still not sure about it? Try our essay checker with Citation Machine Plus for free. Simply copy and paste or upload a paper into our tool and immediately get a grammar check!

Snag an intelligent paper check

Personalized writing suggestions at your fingertips? Yes, the dream is real, and it’s right here at your fingertips, thanks to the easy-to-use Citation Machine Plus paper checker. But that’s far from the only thing it can help you with.

Why wear out your own tired eyes after you’ve already researched, written, and proofread that long essay or term paper? Even the most attentive student might miss a minor detail or in-text citation when reviewing their own paper. Instead, use our software to check your paper and catch missed citations or accidentally copied passages of text before you turn it in. With Citation Machine Plus, a smart plagiarism check is only a few clicks away, allowing you to catch missed citations or accidentally copied text.

So why not try it out? It’s free to scan a paper and can help catch those pesky errors hiding in your text, even if it’s as simple as a quick fix of a  pronoun or a missing preposition . And with an affordable subscription plan, you can upgrade and unlock all of our powerful writing and citing tools.

How a plagiarism check helps you

We often think of citing sources to avoid plagiarizing as something that helps other people, because it’s focused on correctly crediting the work done by others and not passing it off as your own or accidentally implying that it’s your own by failing to cite sources. But using a plagiarism checker to do this actually benefits you, the student, too!

When you submit your paper to be double-checked and to make sure that you haven’t plagiarized in any way, you’re also protecting yourself. How does that work? It’s all based on the way these tools function in the first place. Most of them are built around algorithms that compare uploaded papers to a vast database of existing work. This may include research databases of published works (think papers in academic journals, books, newspapers, and other print and digital sources), as well as information found online on websites.

So when you submit to a free plagiarism checker — or a subscription-based one — you’re comparing your own writing to other writings online. Your essay is checked using algorithms. How does this help you? In short, it protects you from accidentally getting a reputation as a plagiarist. Once you’ve uploaded a paper, the checker will scan your writing to make sure that your writing is wholly your own, saving you plenty of headaches and ensuring that your original ideas are shining through clearly with support from sources, rather than borrowing too heavily from other research.

If that’s not reason enough to use a checker, then remember this: if you’re in any sort of formal writing class, whether in high school or in college, your teacher is very likely to have access to a checker through their department. “Check paper for plagiarism” is at the top of the to-do list when teachers sit down to grade papers — in fact, many have a rubric that has a section for academic honesty and proper citations.

Since your teachers are already using this kind of software, wouldn’t it be great if you could too? The great news is you can! A Citation Machine Plus subscription gives you access to a set of tools built specifically for students, allowing you to check your paper on your own, before even submitting your work for grading. The more you check on your own, the more you learn, which can help you avoid making mistakes in the future.

But that’s not all.

So, what is plagiarism?

Let’s start with the basics. You might be surprised about what really counts in the overall plagiarism definition. For instance, have you ever heard of incremental plagiarism? Also called “patchwork,”  this happens when you take bits and pieces from multiple sources, without citing, and pass it off as your own work. This is common with specific turns of phrase or ideas, but it’s also what can happen if you aren’t careful with citing all sources. A paper-checking service can help catch these issues before they get to your teacher’s desk.

When we talk about plagiarism, we’re talking about a wide variety of issues. It can mean deliberately copying from another source, whether it’s a book, an academic paper, or the work of a classmate or previous student. Using services that do work on behalf of a student, then put the student’s name on it, also falls into this category. As described above, deliberate incremental plagiarism — usually plagiarizing multiple sources and combining them to avoid detection — is also a major problem.

The above examples are probably the first answers that come to mind in response to the question “what is plagiarism?”, but there’s actually a lot more to it than that. Most of us wouldn’t intentionally plagiarize, but there are plenty of instances where you might do so without even realizing that you’ve done something wrong!

For instance, forgetting to cite a quoted source might result in the quoted passage tripping the algorithms when your teacher runs it through a paper checker. Or perhaps you’ve synthesized the information from your research, but you’ve inadvertently reused some particularly distinctive language from one of the original sources, making it appear like intentionally copied text even though it’s really not. Citation Machine Plus tools can help you avoid these accidents by proofreading your paper to catch any instances that could count against you and helping you fix the issues.

Here’s a detailed article if you’d like to learn more about avoiding plagiarism .

Why we cite

What do teachers want to see in your papers? When it comes to writing style, teachers will pretty much always understand that every student will have a different voice, but they’ll still be looking for certain elements that every paper should have — like citations. Essentially, the idea is to make sure that an essay has original ideas and arguments and cites sources where it uses existing information .

Remember the Golden Rule? Do unto others as they would do unto you? Most of us would not want others to take credit for our ideas, so we don’t intentionally steal someone else’s words. But with so much information in the world, it can easily occur by accident.

Unfortunately, it happens both intentionally and unintentionally enough that teachers often take student work and run it through a scan to make sure the content is original. That’s right, even teachers sometimes use online tools from a subscription-based or free plagiarism checker. It’s even a required step for many writing classes at any level, so make sure that your paper is prepared for these kinds of checks.

That being said, no teacher really wants to flag any student’s paper, and no student wants to be flagged. That’s one reason citations are so important and a vital part of ethical research and writing. When you cite your sources correctly, you’re giving credit to the originators of the ideas or quotes, which means that there’s no plagiarizing going on — just good old-fashioned research .

When you first start learning to cite your sources, you probably learned just one overall style guide. In college and in the real world, though, the style guide you’ll need to use will depend on what field you’re in. For instance, academia often sticks with Chicago citation style , while the arts and humanities tend to prefer MLA, and APA is favored by the social and behavioral sciences.

So you need MLA format help? We got you covered! How about APA format instead? No problem! We’re all over that, too! In fact, we have many more citation styles . Our classic citation tools are available for all your formatting needs.

Here’s the best part: using our tools could help you expand your knowledge for the future! Our citation formatting tools can help you become more familiar with the most popular style guides — which will make your life easier when you go to write more essays in the future! Curious about these benefits and how it works? Here’s a great place to

Citation Machine Plus: More than a plagiarism tool

Citation Machine Plus is much, much more than just a way to check plagiarism — you can scan for grammar errors, too!

Unsure if you could benefit from a Citation Machine Plus subscription? Submit your paper for a grammar and spell check with up to 5 suggestion cards for free. A simple copy and paste or paper upload, a few clicks, and it’ll start reviewing your paper. Is an adjective used incorrectly? Is a determiner in the wrong spot?

That’s where the all-in-one Citation Machine grammar checker and spell checker comes in! With this simple but powerful software, writing can be scanned for grammar mistakes. Some of the most common errors are actually some of the simplest to fix. Even better: as you learn, you’ll make fewer and fewer of them.

The tool will highlight any errors, plus more! In fact, the tool can sometimes even tell you why your mistakes are mistakes and help you correct them. That’s why we think our grammar check is the perfect helper for your papers: it doesn’t just help to catch your errors, it also helps you learn from them so that you can improve your writing over time.

Hypothetical situation (or is it?): You have just finished writing a paper for class. Maybe you spent hours writing it, maybe you only spent an hour on it. Either way, wouldn’t you feel better turning in your paper if it was proofread and reviewed?

Everybody wants an A+. The only way to get there is through practice, hard work, and learning. Citation Machine Plus writing tools can help you develop your skills by identifying potential errors in your paper. That way you can improve your paper and learn what grammatical points to focus on in the future.

Help with formatting

As it’s more than just an essay checker, the Citation Machine Plus suite of tools has a few more tricks up its sleeve! As the name implies, these tools are built for equipping you with simple, easy-to-use citation tools to help you build a bibliography for your paper.

Citation Machine Plus: Your go-to writing source

So now’s the time to stop stressing over writing errors, accidentally plagiarizing others, and citation concerns. Let Citation Machine Plus help you write well! It’s the writing companion that can help to take your academic writing to the next level, and it will give you tools you need to become a better  writer both in and out of academic contexts.

Turning in essays for class can be stressful enough on its own, but that stress can just get compounded with worries about grammar and citations. There’s no need to stress when Citation Machine Plus is at your disposal! Its tools are easy to use, all-in-one platform that helps take the worry out of writing a paper when it comes to grammar and citations. Check for everything you need, all in one place, and learn more about how to make your writing truly shine.

Whether you need a quick check of your conjunction , noun , or verb usage, a complete grammar check, a thorough plagiarism tool, or reliable help citing sources, invest in a subscription to what we believe to be one of the most user-friendly citation tools online—Citation Machine Plus!

Easy citation creation

Let’s be honest, citations are a hassle. But the great thing about a paid or free online plagiarism checker is that you can pull double duty: when you check for plagiarism, you’re also checking to see if you’ve left out any citations! We wanted students and authors to have a one-stop shop when it comes to citing; a citation creation tool at your beck and call.

And now you do!

In addition to our paper checking tools, we have citation tools! Citing sources not only makes your work more professional, it is generally required for any formal papers or research projects. Any time you use the words or direct concepts of others, it’s vital to give credit where it’s due, and a proper citation is the means to do that. Remember: when we ask “what is plagiarism?” the answer includes improperly cited sources along with intentional copying! Teachers can often use a paper-checking service through their schools, so we’ve developed similar tools for students to use.

Our classic citation tools make it easy to create a correctly-formatted citation for APA format or MLA format citation styles. ** We have taken the hassle out of citing your sources, and — trust us — you will notice the difference.

** The APA and MLA are not associated with Citation Machine, but our citation services follow their styles.

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Essay Checkers

Every one of us dreams of writing the perfect, Grade-A essay. However, this is easier said than done. A lot of processes are involved in writing an essay and, unless you are the reincarnation of T.S. Eliot or Virginia Woolf, this can prove difficult. Most people are mere literary mortals for which essay-writing proves quite difficult.

In a nutshell, essay-writing involves selecting a topic, constructing an outline, writing a thesis statement, and writing drafts. But wait, there’s more! After your first draft comes the tedious task of checking the essay for errors. Never forego this step because it determines the readability and quality of your essay.

If you cannot complete this step or find a person to do this for you, essay checkers abound on the internet. An essay checker is basically software that improves the quality of an essay by flagging found errors. This software checks for grammatical and punctuation errors while suggesting corrections. Moreover, these innovations usually have an added feature that flags plagiarized portions of a text.

Essay checkers are important because they help you correct errors that you would have otherwise overlooked because you have been up all night writing and are too fatigued. Moreover, if there are some errors in the paper, such as plagiarized content, that are not as easily detectable, you may plagiarize unintentionally. Various online essay checkers offer different services. Many of them are free and easy to use. You just need to cut and paste the text you want proofread onto the site and check the services you need. This kind of essay checker is very helpful to those needing immediate results.

Some essay checkers need to be purchased and downloaded first. Usually, these essay checkers provide more comprehensive editing services. Some extra features of downloadable essay checkers are writing tips and the contextual use of words. These essay checkers are perfect for those who regularly rely on technology for proofreading.

Lastly, there are essay checkers that can be used only after registering on the site. These checkers are not usually free, so be ready to pay. These scanners, just like the downloadable ones, provide various essay-checking services but usually specialize in plagiarism detection.

If you want the perfect essay free from grammatical and stylistic errors then using the available online software is a good idea. Using these will guarantee that your essay is perfect in all aspects. More importantly, using essay checkers guarantees that your piece is completely original and plagiarism free.

Top 6 Essay Checkers

If you want to check regularly, you should sign up for one of their reasonable premium packages. With their premium account for $14.99 per month, you can check an unlimited number of papers, with your first month only costing $7.49. The other premium account costs $6.99 and you can check up to 30 documents monthly. Since PlagTracker.com is a relatively new start up, its prices are low in comparison to its competitors, making it quite popular among students. That’s why we placed it at the top of our list.

They also have a Google Chrome App that scans any page in your browser for grammatical errors. It can easily check your emails, messages, posts, and professional letters for any problems. Great if you need your documents checked fast.

However, there are serious problems with this site’s presentation. It makes you think that it will be a free service because there are no price quotes listed anywhere. When you input text to be checked, they will say that there are all these serious problems. However, they then require you to register and pay for an account before they will tell you what they are.

The University of Glasgow provides a personalized essay-checking service where an actual editor checks your paper and provides notes on vocabulary, use of definite and indefinite articles, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. However, this service has several drawbacks. You must submit your paper to the service two weeks before your deadline so that they can try to find you an editor. But there is no guarantee that they will find an editor.

It is also rather expensive. A 2,000 word paper costs £8-14, a 5,000 word paper costs £14-21, a 15,000 word paper costs £42-63, and a 20,000 word paper costs £70-84. For students who need help fast, this may not be the quickest or cheapest option.

However, their pricing system can add up if you need a lot of papers to be checked. For instance, to check one paper is $7.95, 5 papers is $29.95, and 20 papers is $99.95. But they also have feature where they can check your paper and provide a short critique for $16.95 or a long critique for $25.95.

Premium Subscription, you can only check five documents daily against all sources. With editing, there are no free services. You must select a paid editing plan and it’s considerably more expensive. For instance a 2,000 word document in their basic editing plan costs $160, with the advanced plan $200, and with the premium plan $300. And you only get it in three business days.

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Free Online Plagiarism Checker

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Possible plagiarism detected!

If you submit this paper, your institution may take disciplinary measures against you. The content requires editing and modification of parts. We know how to make it unique.

This is weighted average of all matches in your text. For example, if half of your paper is 100% plagiarized, your score would be 50%

Well done, your text is unique!

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Text matches these sources

Verifying your text. It’ll take approximately 10 seconds

Get a 100% accurate report from an advanced AI-powered writing assistant. Our plagiarism checker works with all common file formats.

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How to avoid plagiarism?

Proper citation style.

Avoid plagiarism by always listing the source and formatting it correctly when you are note-taking. Take care of the proper formatting and citation style when using content from outside sources.

Write on your own

Avoid borrowing and overusing large pieces of the content from outside sources, especially from Wikipedia. Write your own thoughts and use sources only to support your opinion (remember to cite it though!).

Rewriting Service

PapersOwl expert can rewrite up to 75% of your content, edit and proofread your paper to make it plagiarism free and ready to use.

Editing Service

PapersOwl expert can edit up to 50% of your content, proofread and polish your paper to make it plagiarism free and ready to use.

Writing Service

PapersOwl expert can rewrite your paper from scratch according to instructions and guidelines and make it plagiarism free and ready to use.

Suits your similarity index. Consider using it!

Plagiarism Checker Review

Get speed and uniqueness when you use the free Papersowl plagiarism checker that accepts an unlimited word count compared to other platforms.

Online Plagiarism Checker For Students

Writing an academic paper can be challenging when you’re not sure if it’s original enough to pass a plagiarism check. Of course, students take information from various sites before writing their own text. Sometimes, it just so happens that certain parts are very similar to your resources, making your professor think that you’ve just copied work from somewhere. That’s why it’s crucial for any modern college or university student to ensure that their work has 100% original content to maintain academic integrity.

Luckily, a free plagiarism checker online can solve this issue quickly and easily. Many professional writing services use a plagiarism checker for research paper. However, students sometimes forget that they should too. But with so many options that pop up when you ask Google to “check my paper for plagiarism”, how do you choose the right one for detection? We’ve got the solution in the form of PapersOwl’s free plagiarism checker tool! Our simple tool makes it convenient to check any writing task without having to spend a dime. It works quickly and highly accurately, ensuring that you get the top grade you deserve. So, if you want to check plagiarism online before turning your task in, head over to our website and get started!

Accurate Check for Plagiarism with Percentage

Many students wishing to produce original content aren’t quite sure how to get an exact percentage of plagiarised text in their work. This percentage is important since many universities have a certain limit of non-unique words you can have in your essay for it to be considered okay. If your plagiarism search doesn’t give you the exact percentage, you can’t be sure if your assignment will go through or not.

When using a free plagiarism tool, it’s essential to have this data provided to you. Only when you have it can you decide which parts to change and which ones to chuck out to achieve your desired results. Plagiarized content is a big issue in modern educational institutions, so getting reliable and trustworthy results is vital. This is the most essential requirement when you check plagiarism.

PapersOwl’s plagiarism detection tool gives you all the information you need to fix plagiarized content. Whether you’ve fallen victim to accidental plagiarism or have tried to make your life easier by copying some text from different sources, you’ll get an accurate percentage with our plagiarism checker online. If you’re wondering how to check paper for plagiarism, it’s nothing complicated at all! Simply visit our site, paste your whole essay into the relevant text box or upload the text file, click on Check For Plagiarism, and you’ll get accurate plagiarism results in a matter of seconds. You’ll see the problematic parts with plagiarism detected highlighted, with links to where similar content exists. Our service with plagiarism detector will also give you the option to check my paper for plagiarism and then to hire a professional writer to fix your task quickly if you’re busy with other things!

The Fastest Plagiarism Checker Online

Gaining insight into duplicate content only works if you get your results quickly. There are so many free plagiarism software online that promise to do the job for you. However, a lot of them are clunky, slow, and inaccurate. How can you produce original work without similarity detection you can trust?

PapersOwl stands out in this regard because it will detect plagiarism in seconds. This is a plagiarism scanner that’s able to perform a Swift Check to give you a uniqueness check right there and then. It also conducts a Deep Search, going through millions of sources on the internet to check for plagiarism. A document of about 1500 words takes only about 10 seconds to get processed! You get a clear plagiarism score of how much text is plagiarized and how much is original. All the sources that your essay matches are listed based on how much similarity there is in your academic writing. And on top of that, you get a handy Make It Unique button that’ll take you to an order page where you can ask our expert writers to rewrite your work and make it 100% unique.

All of this is done almost instantly, allowing students to continue working on their assignments without missing a beat. Not every plagiarism detection software works this quickly, making ours the best one you’ll ever use.

Plagiarism Checker Helps Boost Your Grade

A lot of students make the mistake of considering their papers automatically free from plagiarism. After all, they’ve written it themselves, so how could it be problematic? What they don’t realize is that it’s very easy to borrow some information mistakenly. Turning such a paper in can cause multiple problems, as your professor might think you haven’t done the work at all.

That is why you should always use a plagiarism scanner to test for plagiarized content in your college papers. Our online plagiarism checker for students is designed for this exact purpose. A simple, free plagiarism check could help you check plagiarism, fix any mistakes you see, and submit high-quality text that no one will question.

Our plagiarism detector has a lot going for it. It makes plagiarism detection easier than ever before. Unlike copying and pasting each passage individually into Google, simply upload the whole file into our plagiarism checker free for students, and you don’t have to do anything else. All the matches are highlighted so you know what to change.

The plagiarism test will give you a uniqueness percentage too. This will help you figure out where you stand and how much time you need to adjust anything if required. So, using our copyright checker online free to check your writing is essential. This way, you’ll submit the task only when you’re sure it meets the level of uniqueness required by your school. As a result, your grades will drastically improve when you check for plagiarism.

Benefits of Free Plagiarism Checker for Students

Our professional online plagiarism checker work offers too many benefits to ignore. With our plagiarism detector, you can enjoy highly accurate results as a comprehensive report. The plagiarism checker for students is designed to help you achieve 100% uniqueness without hassle. Here are the key advantages you can enjoy when you check plagiarism free with our plagiarism detection tool:

It’s completely free! We know you are on a tight budget and should be able to check your paper for plagiarism without worrying about payments, so we’ve made the best similarity checker free for all!

Our software detects plagiarism swiftly. It’ll show you detailed results in as little as 10 seconds so you can continue working immediately.

The report from our plagiarism tool gives you access to all the links from where it has detected similarities in your work. You can head to the relevant sites and see which information you must rewrite to improve your results.

Our best free plagiarism checker doesn’t require any skills and presents its services in a simple-to-use interface that anyone can use.

The plagiarism test allows you to get professional help with your work if you’re short on time. Simply ask one of our writers to rewrite the problematic parts of your text and enjoy top grades.

With PapersOwl plagiarism detector, there’s no need to search the internet for an accurate tool. We have many satisfied students worldwide who can vouch for our plagiarism-checking services. Give our online plagiarism checker free tries as often as you want and see how easy it is to produce original essays without spending a penny!

Free Tools for Writing

PapersOwl is a well-known provider of all types of academic papers.

  • Research paper
  • Dissertation

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How Does Plagiarism Checker Work?

  • If you already have a completed text, all you need is just to copy-paste the whole thing in the special box of the chosen plagiarism tool or website, choose suitable settings (if any), then press “check for plagiarism”. It is quite simple and takes just a few moments.
  • Once you have pressed “check for plagiarism”, the system will analyze your text and compare it with different sources to find similarities. As a rule, the duration depends on the text’s length. A standard free online plagiarism checker with percentage can give you the result within five minutes or less.
  • When the system finishes the work you will be transmitted to the reporting page – it contains the comprehensive report on your work, a percentage of its uniqueness, and a list of sources on which similarities were detected. Often, such tools also highlight the overlaps that were found.

As you can see, it is simple. However, for the best and reliable result you have to be careful. There are tons of programs and online tools that can be used but keep in mind that many of them work differently and not all are good for you. To be confident in the truthfulness of the received result, you need to select the best plagiarism checker because only a professional and high-quality software can detect all similarities and give you a reasoned assessment.

Polish your paper and get rid of plagiarism!

We’ll change up to 75% of your paper, edit and proofread it.

  • Reliable Editors
  • Any Field of Study
  • Fair Prices

Free Plagiarism Checker is rated 4.8 /5 based on 748 user reviews.

Want your voice to count in? Send us your review with all the details.

Advantages Of Plagiarism Checker By PapersOwl

Why choose us? Our service offers a professional online plagiarism checker with report that will provide you with a comprehensive report to make you confident in the 100% uniqueness of your paper. Our free plagiarism checker for students guarantees the best check and here are the key advantages of using our tool that prove this:

You don’t need to pay anything to check your paper for plagiarism because we know the value of original and unique works.

One of the main benefits of our antiplagiat checker online is that it works so fast that you will not even have enough time to make yourself a cup of coffee while it analyzes your text, and it is safe!

We use the latest and the best algorithms and software in order to provide you with an advanced check and help you receive the high-quality papers.

It is simple in use and won’t take much time!

Many students have already confirmed that our free tool is a great and convenient feature that helped them detect and fix errors that could lead to a failure. With us, you will no longer need to look for a different scanner!

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AI Essay Checker

Take your writing to the next level with our free AI Essay Checker. Refine your grammar, fix common spelling mistakes, and detect AI content and plagiarism all with the push of a button.

Max 800 Words is allowed. Visit → RewriterPro AI Checker for higher limits.

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Join  thousands  of users who have used essay check to refine their writing, remove plagiarism and eliminate ai content with 100% accuracy..

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High School Teacher

Upholding Academic Integrity: The Essential Role of Essay Check for English Teachers

“ Being an English teacher, maintaining academic integrity is paramount. Essay Check has become an indispensable tool in my classroom. It not only aids in detecting plagiarism but also identifies any AI-generated content seamlessly. With its user-friendly interface, Essay Check empowers me to uphold academic honesty effortlessly ”

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“Essay Check transforms my online content creation, ensuring authenticity and originality in scripts and blog posts. It eliminates AI-generated content, empowering me to confidently engage my audience!”

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Such a life-changing experience. Highly recommended!

“In the competitive world of SEO, Essay Check has truly become my trusted ally. By meticulously ensuring that my content is devoid of any plagiarism or AI-generated elements, it not only maintains but elevates the quality and integrity of my work. This invaluable tool has enabled me to consistently deliver top-notch content, leading to tangible improvements in my clients’ website rankings. With Essay Check by my side, I feel confident in my ability to navigate the competitive landscape of SEO and drive lasting success for my clients.!”

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Transformative Content Creation with Essay Check

“ Essay Check has revolutionized the way I create content for my online platforms. As a content creator, authenticity is everything. This incredible tool not only helps me maintain originality in my scripts and blog posts but also ensures there’s no trace of AI-generated content. With Essay Check, I can confidently produce content that resonates with my audience! ”

Get Rid of Spelling Errors

Once you paste your text into Essay Check, it will identify potential spelling errors and offer suggestions. If our tool flags a word that’s spelled correctly, just select the “Ignore All” option!

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Check for accidental plagiarism

Avoid unintentional plagiarism. Check your work against billions of sources to ensure complete originality.

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Find and fix grammar errors

Turn in your best work. Our smart proofreader catches even the smallest writing mistakes so you don't have to.

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Get expert writing help

Improve the quality of your paper. Receive feedback on your main idea, writing mechanics, structure, conclusion, and more.

What students are saying about us

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"Caught comma errors that I actually struggle with even after proofreading myself."

- Natasha J.

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"I find the suggestions to be extremely helpful especially as they can instantly take you to that section in your paper for you to fix any and all issues related to the grammar or spelling error(s)."

- Catherine R.

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Check for unintentional plagiarism

Easily check your paper for missing citations and accidental plagiarism with the EasyBib plagiarism checker. The EasyBib plagiarism checker:

  • Scans your paper against billions of sources.
  • Identifies text that may be flagged for plagiarism.
  • Provides you with a plagiarism score.

You can submit your paper at any hour of the day and quickly receive a plagiarism report.

What is the EasyBib plagiarism checker? 

Most basic plagiarism checkers review your work and calculate a percentage, meaning how much of your writing is indicative of original work. But, the EasyBib plagiarism checker goes way beyond a simple percentage. Any text that could be categorized as potential plagiarism is highlighted, allowing you time to review each warning and determine how to adjust it or how to cite it correctly.

You’ll even see the sources against which your writing is compared and the actual word for word breakdown. If you determine that a warning is unnecessary, you can waive the plagiarism check suggestion.

Plagiarism is unethical because it doesn’t credit those who created the original work; it violates intellectual property and serves to benefit the perpetrator. It is a severe enough academic offense, that many faculty members use their own plagiarism checking tool for their students’ work. With the EasyBib Plagiarism checker, you can stay one step ahead of your professors and catch citation mistakes and accidental plagiarism before you submit your work for grading.

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Why use a plagiarism checker? 

Imagine – it’s finals week and the final research paper of the semester is due in two days. You, being quite familiar with this high-stakes situation, hit the books, and pull together a ten-page, last-minute masterpiece using articles and materials from dozens of different sources.

However, in those late, coffee-fueled hours, are you fully confident that you correctly cited all the different sources you used? Are you sure you didn’t accidentally forget any? Are you confident that your teacher’s plagiarism tool will give your paper a 0% plagiarism score?

That’s where the EasyBib plagiarism checker comes in to save the day. One quick check can help you address all the above questions and put your mind at ease.

What exactly is plagiarism? 

Plagiarism has a number of possible definitions; it involves more than just copying someone else’s work. Improper citing, patchworking, and paraphrasing could all lead to plagiarism in one of your college assignments. Below are some common examples of accidental plagiarism that commonly occur.

Quoting or paraphrasing without citations

Not including in-text citations is another common type of accidental plagiarism. Quoting is taking verbatim text from a source. Paraphrasing is when you’re using another source to take the same idea but put it in your own words. In both cases, it’s important to always cite where those ideas are coming from. The EasyBib plagiarism checker can help alert you to when you need to accurately cite the sources you used.

Patchwork plagiarism

When writing a paper, you’re often sifting through multiple sources and tabs from different search engines. It’s easy to accidentally string together pieces of sentences and phrases into your own paragraphs. You may change a few words here and there, but it’s similar to the original text. Even though it’s accidental, it is still considered plagiarism. It’s important to clearly state when you’re using someone else’s words and work.

Improper citations

Depending on the class, professor, subject, or teacher, there are multiple correct citation styles and preferences. Some examples of common style guides that are followed for citations include MLA, APA, and Chicago style. When citing resources, it’s important to cite them accurately. Incorrect citations could make it impossible for a reader to track down a source and it’s considered plagiarism. There are EasyBib citation tools to help you do this.

Don’t fall victim to plagiarism pitfalls. Most of the time, you don’t even mean to commit plagiarism; rather, you’ve read so many sources from different search engines that it gets difficult to determine an original thought or well-stated fact versus someone else’s work. Or worse, you assume a statement is common knowledge, when in fact, it should be attributed to another author.

When in doubt, cite your source!

Time for a quick plagiarism quiz! 

Which of the following requires a citation?

  • A chart or graph from another source
  • A paraphrase of an original source
  • Several sources’ ideas summarized into your own paragraph
  • A direct quote
  • All of the above

If you guessed option E than you’d be correct. Correct punctuation and citation of another individual’s ideas, quotes, and graphics are a pillar of good academic writing.

What if you copy your own previous writing?

Resubmitting your own original work for another class’s assignment is a form of self-plagiarism, so don’t cut corners in your writing. Draft an original piece for each class or ask your professor if you can incorporate your previous research.

What features are available with the EasyBib plagiarism checker? 

Along with providing warnings and sources for possible plagiarism, the EasyBib  plagiarism checker works alongside the other EasyBib tools, including a grammar checker  and a spell checker . You’ll receive personalized feedback on your thesis and writing structure too!

The  plagiarism checker compares your writing sample with billions of available sources online so that it detects plagiarism at every level. You’ll be notified of which phrases are too similar to current research and literature, prompting a possible rewrite or additional citation. You’ll also get feedback on your paper’s inconsistencies, such as changes in text, formatting, or style. These small details could suggest possible plagiarism within your assignment.

And speaking of citations, there are also  EasyBib citation tools  available. They help you quickly build your bibliography and avoid accidental plagiarism. Make sure you know which citation format your professor prefers!

Great! How do I start? 

Simply copy and paste or upload your essay into the checker at the top of this page. You’ll receive the first five grammar suggestions for free! To try the plagiarism checker for free, start your EasyBib Plus three-day free trial.* If you love the product and decide to opt for premium services, you’ll have access to unlimited writing suggestions and personalized feedback.

The EasyBib plagiarism checker is conveniently available 24 hours a day and seven days a week. You can cancel anytime.  Check your paper for free today!.

*See Terms and Conditions

Visit www.easybib.com for more information on helpful EasyBib writing and citing tools.

For informational guides and on writing and citing, visit the EasyBib guides homepage .

Research Success for High School Students

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Citation generator.

  • Citation Libguide Feautre

Writing Help

Plagiarism checker.

  • ASU Preparatory Academy (Phoenix)

Style Guide Handouts

MLA Guide from the OWL at Purdue: Videos

Give credit where credit is due:  cite your sources .

Citing or documenting the sources used in your research serves two purposes: it gives proper credit to the authors of the materials used, and it allows those who are reading your work to duplicate your research and locate the sources that you have listed as references. When other authors cite their sources properly, you can also use their research to help you with your own!

Knowingly representing the work of others as your own is plagiarism. Use the "plagiarism" tab in this guide to help you properly cite and avoid plagiarizing another persons work.

  • Citation Machine

Helps students and professionals properly credit the information that they use.

Save hours by making a Works Cited page automatically!

  • Citing and referencing tutorial

4 part step-by-step tutorial to teach you how to cite sources properly in any paper.

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Citation Styles

Visit this library guide for help with different citation styles including how to format bibliographies and in text citations in all major styles (APA, MLA, Chicago, and more). https://libguides.asu.edu/citing

  • Hemingway Editor Hemingway App makes your writing bold and clear. The app highlights lengthy, complex sentences and common errors.
  • Research Guide for Students It provides guidelines for the technical aspects of writing a paper such as layout and style guides as well as a plethora of links to other research resources on just about every topic imaginable.
  • Grammarly Correct grammar mistakes and other writing errors with Grammarly’s online grammar checker.
  • Thesis Generator Helps you generate outlines and organize your research paper.
  • Essay Map Helps you visualize your project and allows you to download an outline for your paper.
  • Keyword Generator An interactive tool that guides you through generating keywords for your topic
  • Plagiarism Checker "Grammarly is an automated proofreader and plagiarism checker. It makes sure everything you type is easy to read, effective, and mistake-free."
  • Paper Rater Useful tool that gives you writing suggestions and also includes a plagiarism and grammar checker.
  • Bibme Have your paper checked for grammar errors, missing punctuation, unintentional plagiarism, and more!
  • << Previous: Websites
  • Next: Class Specific Resources >>
  • Last updated: Jan 19, 2024 8:48 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.asu.edu/hsresearch

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No AI Content

Get rid of text that sounds like some machine wrote it.

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Remove Grammatical Errors

Say goodbye to tiny grammatical mistakes that go unnoticed.

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No charges. No hidden costs. Use it as much as you want.

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Get your results within seconds and save time.

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All English Dialects Covered

Covers all dialects, including UK, USA, Australian, and more.

Why Do I Need an Essay Checker?

You’ve spent countless hours researching and writing your essay. The last thing you want is to spend more hours correcting it. Grammar Lookup can help you with that by correcting every grammatical mistake in your essays and papers, removing all the plagiarism, and making it sound human. 

Our tool uses advanced AI technology to check your essays for grammatical errors efficiently, AI content (Powered by RewriterPro AI Checker ), and plagiarism. The result? Essays are ready to impress your professor and help you get good grades. 

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How Will Grammar Lookup Check My Essay?

Our essay checker can help you by:

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Detecting AI

Don’t want your essay to look like an AI tool wrote it? Detect AI-like phrasing with our AI essay checker and see how much percent of it sounds like AI.  

Catching Unwanted Plagiarism

The last thing you (and your professor) want in your essay is plagiarism. With our essay plagiarism checker, that won’t be a problem. Just check for plagiarism and see how much of it was accidentally resembling other people or websites.

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Removing Grammatical Mistakes

No one likes to read a paragraph full of typos and small mistakes that make your head spin. And you surely wouldn’t want it in your essay! Our tool is trained on 300+ grammar points to instantly catch every little grammatical error. You’ll be able to see and correct every grammatical mistake in your essay in just one click.

How Does the Essay Checker Detect Grammatical Mistakes?

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Avoids Punctuation Problems

The tool efficiently detects errors in your text to refine it with appropriate punctuation suggestions. Be it a period, a comma, an apostrophe, or a colon, the tool corrects it!

Prevents Spelling Errors and Typo

Review your work with our free essay grammar checker to identify and correct spelling or typo mistakes and turn in error-free work!

Improves Clarity

The key to quality writing is clarity. Our checker ensures that your sentences are easy to understand and well-structured. Thus making your message more effective.

Covers All English Dialects

We’ve got all of English’s dialects covered, from American to British,  Australian, and more. This smart paper checker understands the punctuation rules of each dialect. This ensures that your writing is always up to the mark.

Why It’s Outstanding

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When you proofread your essay, you may not catch every instance of a style choice or mistake. You may capitalize a term at the start of an essay, but not do it at the end. But with this paper checker, you’ll get consistent results every time.

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Super Easy to Use 

Using Grammar Lookup’s essay checker is as easy as a piece of cake. Simply type or paste your text into our checker, press “detect AI content” or “check plagiarism” and voila! And it shows grammatical errors instantly as you enter the text, no need to even click a button. 

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Students often ask their family or friends if they can “check my essay?” But some mistakes are so common that they can go unnoticed easily. With our essay checker, you can always catch and correct every little error.

Good grades come from good writing, and Grammar Lookup’s college essay checker is what you need to:

Save your time.

Essay writing can be tedious and time-consuming. Our essay checker saves your precious hours by acting like the first line of defense against those pesky grammar issues. 

Become a Better Writer And Researcher

Writing an essay that doesn’t just look and sound good, but is loved by your professor isn’t easy. And you can only get better at it when you have two things. A lot of practice, and a robust and tested paper checker like Grammar Lookup’s Essay Checker. 

Which Types of  Essays Does Grammar Lookup’s Essay Checker Correct?


Check if your evidence is correct and written properly.

Textual Analysis

Make sure you understand the text and support your ideas well.

Improve how your story reads and flows smoothly.

See if your explanation makes sense and your essay is well-organized.


Make your descriptions more vivid and grammatically accurate.

Our Essay Checker has Helped 5000+ Students Graduate

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Planning Your Essay

Step 1 Determine the type of essay you need to write.

  • Expository essays uses arguments to investigate and explain a topic.
  • Persuasive essays try to convince the readers to believe or accept your specific point of view
  • Narrative essays tell about a real-life personal experience.
  • Descriptive essays are used to communicate deeper meaning through the use of descriptive words and sensory details.

Step 2 Do preliminary research on your essay’s topic.

  • Look through books or use search engines online to look at the broad topic before narrowing your ideas down into something more concise.

Step 3 Create an arguable thesis statement

  • For example, the statement “Elephants are used to perform in circuses” does not offer an arguable point. Instead, you may try something like “Elephants should not be kept in the circus since they are mistreated.” This allows you to find supporting arguments or for others to argue against it.
  • Keep in mind that some essay writing will not require an argument, such as a narrative essay. Instead, you might focus on a pivotal point in the story as your main claim.

Step 4 Find reliable sources...

  • Talk to your school’s librarian for direction on specific books or databases you could use to find your information.
  • Many schools offer access to online databases like EBSCO or JSTOR where you can find reliable information.
  • Wikipedia is a great starting place for your research, but it can be edited by anyone in the world. Instead, look at the article’s references to find the sites where the information really came from.
  • Use Google Scholar if you want to find peer-reviewed scholarly articles for your sources.
  • Make sure to consider the author’s credibility when reviewing sources. If a source does not include the author’s name, then it might not be a good option.

Step 5 Make an outline...

  • Outlines will vary in size or length depending on how long your essay needs to be. Longer essays will have more body paragraphs to support your arguments.

Starting an Essay

Step 1 Hook the readers with a relevant fact, quote, or question for the first sentence.

  • Make sure your quotes or information are accurate and not an exaggeration of the truth, or else readers will question your validity throughout the rest of your essay.

Step 2 Introduce your thesis in one sentence.

  • For example, “Because global warming is causing the polar ice caps to melt, we need to eliminate our reliance on fossil fuels within the next 5 years.” Or, “Since flavored tobacco appeals mainly to children and teens, it should be illegal for tobacco manufacturers to sell these products.”
  • The thesis is usually the last or second to last sentence in your introduction.

Step 3 Provide a sentence that’s a mini-outline for the topics that your essay covers.

  • Use the main topics of your body paragraphs as an idea of what to include in your mini-outline.

Step 4 Keep the introduction between 4-5 sentences.

Writing the Body Paragraphs

Step 1 Start each paragraph with a topic sentence.

  • Think of your topic sentences as mini-theses so your paragraphs only argue a specific point.

Step 2 Include evidence and quotes from your research and cite your sources.

  • Many high school essays are written in MLA or APA style. Ask your teacher what format they want you to follow if it’s not specified.

Step 3 Provide your own analysis of the evidence you find.

  • Unless you’re writing a personal essay, avoid the use of “I” statements since this could make your essay look less professional.

Step 4 Use transitional phrases between each of your body paragraphs.

  • For example, if your body paragraphs discuss similar points in a different way, you can use phrases like “in the same way,” “similarly,” and “just as” to start other body paragraphs.
  • If you are posing different points, try phrases like “in spite of,” “in contrast,” or “however” to transition.

Concluding Your Essay

Step 1 Restate your thesis and summarize your arguments briefly.

  • For example, if your thesis was, “The cell phone is the most important invention in the past 30 years,” then you may restate the thesis in your conclusion like, “Due to the ability to communicate anywhere in the world and access information easily, the cell phone is a pivotal invention in human history.”
  • If you’re only writing a 1-page paper, restating your main ideas isn’t necessary.

Step 2 Discuss why the subject of your paper is relevant moving forward.

  • For example, if you write an essay discussing the themes of a book, think about how the themes are affecting people’s lives today.

Step 3 End the paragraph with a lasting thought that ties into your introduction.

  • Try to pick the same type of closing sentence as you used as your attention getter.

Step 4 Include a Works Cited page if you need one.

  • Including a Works Cited page shows that the information you provided isn’t all your own and allows the reader to visit the sources to see the raw information for themselves.
  • Avoid using online citation machines since they may be outdated.

Revising the Paper

Step 1 Determine if your point comes across clearly through your arguments.

  • Have a peer or parent read through your essay to see if they understand what point you’re trying to make.

Step 2 Check the flow of your essay between paragraphs.

  • For example, if your essay discusses the history of an event, make sure your sentences flow in a chronological way in the order the events happened.

Step 3 Rewrite or remove any sections that go off-topic.

  • If you cut parts out of your essay, make sure to reread it to see if it affects the flow of how it reads.

Step 4 Read through your essay for punctuation or spelling errors.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Allow ample time to layout your essay before you get started writing. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • If you have writer's block , take a break for a few minutes. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 2
  • Check the rubric provided by your teacher and compare your essay to it. This helps you gauge what you need to include or change. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1

essay checker for high school students

  • Avoid using plagiarism since this could result in academic consequences. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 1

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  • ↑ https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/thesis-statements/
  • ↑ https://guides.libs.uga.edu/reliability
  • ↑ https://facultyweb.ivcc.edu/rrambo/eng1001/outline.htm
  • ↑ https://examples.yourdictionary.com/20-compelling-hook-examples-for-essays.html
  • ↑ https://wts.indiana.edu/writing-guides/how-to-write-a-thesis-statement.html
  • ↑ https://guidetogrammar.org/grammar/five_par.htm
  • ↑ https://learning.hccs.edu/faculty/jason.laviolette/persuasive-essay-outline
  • ↑ https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/paragraphs/topicsentences
  • ↑ https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/transitions/
  • ↑ https://writingcenter.fas.harvard.edu/pages/ending-essay-conclusions
  • ↑ https://libguides.newcastle.edu.au/how-to-write-an-essay/conclusion
  • ↑ https://pitt.libguides.com/citationhelp
  • ↑ https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/revising-drafts/

About This Article

Emily Listmann, MA

Writing good essays is an important skill to have in high school, and you can write a good one by planning it out and organizing it well. Before you start, do some research on your topic so you can come up with a strong, specific thesis statement, which is essentially the main argument of your essay. For instance, your thesis might be something like, “Elephants should not be kept in the circus because they are mistreated.” Once you have your thesis, outline the paragraphs for your essay. You should have an introduction that includes your thesis, at least 3 body paragraphs that explain your main points, and a conclusion paragraph. Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph. As you write your main points, make sure to include evidence and quotes from your research to back it up. To learn how to revise your paper, read more from our Writing co-author! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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AI-Powered Free Paper Grader by PaperGraders.net

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Many of you may be lulled into believing that AI can work wonders. Well, it can, but not always. Let me, as a professional with a degree in Computing Science, debunk some common myths about the AI. Everyone of you, to some extension, used or heard about such free online writing editor as Grammarly. Now, how many of you consider it to be a really powerful tool? I don't think that many. Highlighting some spelling/grammar mistakes and misplaced commas, this writing checker isn't capable of doing more and sophisticated job humans can.

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Getting back to the questions why we created this free paper rater, I was doing some research on writer graders and free online proofreading apps, and was stunned by how many students write in Google such queries like "rate my essay" or "grade my paper for free". I tried, if not all of the paper raters, but quite many to fairly state they don't do what they promise.

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The main reason why I created this free online essay checker was to sober you up and show you the bitter reality of all these fancy paper editors, and for you not to fall prey to a scammer, longing for stealing your paper.

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Coming to the US to study from Germany, I always struggled with getting an A for my papers, no matter how good my content was, grammar mistakes were constantly spoiling all the fun. Having used a dozen of online essay raters and writing checkers, and having no significant result. That's why a friend of mine suggested I should use online editing services.

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The Best Student Writing Contests for 2023-2024

Help your students take their writing to the next level.

We Are Teachers logo and text that says Guide to Student Writing Contests on dark background

When students write for teachers, it can feel like an assignment. When they write for a real purpose, they are empowered! Student writing contests are a challenging and inspiring way to try writing for an authentic audience— a real panel of judges —and the possibility of prize money or other incentives. We’ve gathered a list of the best student writing contests, and there’s something for everyone. Prepare highly motivated kids in need of an authentic writing mentor, and watch the words flow.

1.  The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

With a wide range of categories—from critical essays to science fiction and fantasy—The Scholastic Awards are a mainstay of student contests. Each category has its own rules and word counts, so be sure to check out the options  before you decide which one is best for your students.

How To Enter

Students in grades 7-12, ages 13 and up, may begin submitting work in September by uploading to an online account at Scholastic and connecting to their local region. There are entry fees, but those can be waived for students in need.

2.  YoungArts National Arts Competition

This ends soon, but if you have students who are ready to submit, it’s worth it. YoungArts offers a national competition in the categories of creative nonfiction, novel, play or script, poetry, short story, and spoken word. Student winners may receive awards of up to $10,000 as well as the chance to participate in artistic development with leaders in their fields.

YoungArts accepts submissions in each category through October 13. Students submit their work online and pay a $35 fee (there is a fee waiver option).

3. National Youth Foundation Programs

Each year, awards are given for Student Book Scholars, Amazing Women, and the “I Matter” Poetry & Art competition. This is a great chance for kids to express themselves with joy and strength.

The rules, prizes, and deadlines vary, so check out the website for more info.

4.  American Foreign Service National High School Essay Contest

If you’re looking to help students take a deep dive into international relations, history, and writing, look no further than this essay contest. Winners receive a voyage with the Semester at Sea program and a trip to Washington, DC.

Students fill out a registration form online, and a teacher or sponsor is required. The deadline to enter is the first week of April.

5.  John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest

This annual contest invites students to write about a political official’s act of political courage that occurred after Kennedy’s birth in 1917. The winner receives $10,000, and 16 runners-up also receive a variety of cash prizes.

Students may submit a 700- to 1,000-word essay through January 12. The essay must feature more than five sources and a full bibliography.

6. Bennington Young Writers Awards

Bennington College offers competitions in three categories: poetry (a group of three poems), fiction (a short story or one-act play), and nonfiction (a personal or academic essay). First-place winners receive $500. Grab a poster for your classroom here .

The contest runs from September 1 to November 1. The website links to a student registration form.

7. The Princeton Ten-Minute Play Contest

Looking for student writing contests for budding playwrights? This exclusive competition, which is open only to high school juniors, is judged by the theater faculty of Princeton University. Students submit short plays in an effort to win recognition and cash prizes of up to $500. ( Note: Only open to 11th graders. )

Students submit one 10-page play script online or by mail. The deadline is the end of March. Contest details will be published in early 2024.

8. Princeton University Poetry Contest for High School Students

The Leonard L. Milberg ’53 High School Poetry Prize recognizes outstanding work by student writers in 11th grade. Prizes range from $100 to $500.

Students in 11th grade can submit their poetry. Contest details will be published this fall.

9. The New York Times Tiny Memoir Contest

This contest is also a wonderful writing challenge, and the New York Times includes lots of resources and models for students to be able to do their best work. They’ve even made a classroom poster !

Submissions need to be made electronically by November 1.

10.  Nancy Thorp Poetry Contest

The deadline for this contest is the end of October. Sponsored by Hollins University, the Nancy Thorp Poetry Contest awards prizes for the best poems submitted by young women who are sophomores or juniors in high school or preparatory school. Prizes include cash and scholarships. Winners are chosen by students and faculty members in the creative writing program at Hollins.

Students may submit either one or two poems using the online form.

11.  The Patricia Grodd Poetry Prize for Young Writers

The Patricia Grodd Poetry Prize for Young Writers is open to high school sophomores and juniors, and the winner receives a full scholarship to a  Kenyon Review Young Writers Workshop .

Submissions for the prize are accepted electronically from November 1 through November 30.

12. Jane Austen Society Essay Contest

High school students can win up to $1,000 and publication by entering an essay on a topic specified by the Jane Austen Society related to a Jane Austen novel.

Details for the 2024 contest will be announced in November. Essay length is from six to eight pages, not including works cited.

13. Rattle Young Poets Anthology

Open to students from 15 to 18 years old who are interested in publication and exposure over monetary awards.

Teachers may choose five students for whom to submit up to four poems each on their behalf. The deadline is November 15.

14. The Black River Chapbook Competition

This is a chance for new and emerging writers to gain publication in their own professionally published chapbook, as well as $500 and free copies of the book.

There is an $18 entry fee, and submissions are made online.

15. YouthPlays New Voices

For students under 18, the YouthPlays one-act competition is designed for young writers to create new works for the stage. Winners receive cash awards and publication.

Scroll all the way down their web page for information on the contest, which accepts non-musical plays between 10 and 40 minutes long, submitted electronically. Entries open each year in January.

16. The Ocean Awareness Contest

The 2024 Ocean Awareness Contest, Tell Your Climate Story , encourages students to write their own unique climate story. They are asking for creative expressions of students’ personal experiences, insights, or perceptions about climate change. Students are eligible for a wide range of monetary prizes up to $1,000.

Students from 11 to 18 years old may submit work in the categories of art, creative writing, poetry and spoken word, film, interactive media and multimedia, or music and dance, accompanied by a reflection. The deadline is June 13.

17. EngineerGirl Annual Essay Contest

Each year, EngineerGirl sponsors an essay contest with topics centered on the impact of engineering on the world, and students can win up to $500 in prize money. This contest is a nice bridge between ELA and STEM and great for teachers interested in incorporating an interdisciplinary project into their curriculum. The new contest asks for pieces describing the life cycle of an everyday object. Check out these tips for integrating the content into your classroom .

Students submit their work electronically by February 1. Check out the full list of rules and requirements here .

18. NCTE Student Writing Awards

The National Council of Teachers of English offers several student writing awards, including Achievement Awards in Writing (for 10th- and 11th-grade students), Promising Young Writers (for 8th-grade students), and an award to recognize Excellence in Art and Literary Magazines.

Deadlines range from October 28 to February 15. Check out NCTE.org for more details.

19. See Us, Support Us Art Contest

Children of incarcerated parents can submit artwork, poetry, photos, videos, and more. Submissions are free and the website has a great collection of past winners.

Students can submit their entries via social media or email by October 25.

20. The Adroit Prizes for Poetry & Prose

The Adroit Journal, an education-minded nonprofit publication, awards annual prizes for poetry and prose to exceptional high school and college students. Adroit charges an entry fee but also provides a form for financial assistance.

Sign up at the website for updates for the next round of submissions.

21. National PTA Reflections Awards

The National PTA offers a variety of awards, including one for literature, in their annual Reflections Contest. Students of all ages can submit entries on the specified topic to their local PTA Reflections program. From there, winners move to the local area, state, and national levels. National-level awards include an $800 prize and a trip to the National PTA Convention.

This program requires submitting to PTAs who participate in the program. Check your school’s PTA for their deadlines.

22. World Historian Student Essay Competition

The World Historian Student Essay Competition is an international contest open to students enrolled in grades K–12 in public, private, and parochial schools, as well as those in home-study programs. The $500 prize is based on an essay that addresses one of this year’s two prompts.

Students can submit entries via email or regular mail before May 1.

23. NSHSS Creative Writing Scholarship

The National Society of High School Scholars awards three $2,000 scholarships for both poetry and fiction. They accept poetry, short stories, and graphic novel writing.

Apply online by October 31.

Whether you let your students blog, start a podcast or video channel, or enter student writing contests, giving them an authentic audience for their work is always a powerful classroom choice.

If you like this list of student writing contests and want more articles like it, subscribe to our newsletters to find out when they’re posted!

Plus, check out our favorite anchor charts for teaching writing..

Are you looking for student writing contests to share in your classroom? This list will give students plenty of opportunities.

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The Ethicist

Can i use a.i. to grade my students’ papers.

The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on artificial intelligence platforms, and whether it’s hypocritical for teachers to use these tools while forbidding students from doing the same.

An illustration of a junior-high-school English teacher standing in front of a table where six of her students are gathered working on essays. An avatar for the artificial intelligence tool she has considered using to help grade papers stands next to her.

By Kwame Anthony Appiah

I am a junior-high-school English teacher. In the past school year, there has been a significant increase in students’ cheating on writing assignments by using artificial intelligence. Our department feels that 13-year-old students will only become better writers if they practice and learn from the successes and challenges that come with that.

Recently our department tasked students with writing an argumentative essay, an assignment we supported by breaking down the process into multiple steps. The exercise took several days of class time and homework to complete. All of our students signed a contract agreeing not to use A.I. assistance, and parents promised to support the agreement by monitoring their children when they worked at home. Yet many students still used A.I.

Some of our staff members uploaded their grading rubric into an A.I.-assisted platform, and students uploaded their essays for assessment. The program admittedly has some strengths. Most notable, it gives students writing feedback and the opportunity to edit their work before final submission. The papers are graded within minutes, and the teachers are able to transfer the A.I. grade into their roll book.

I find this to be hypocritical. I spend many hours grading my students’ essays. It’s tedious work, but I feel that it’s my responsibility — if a student makes an effort to complete the task, they should have my undivided attention during the assessment process.

Here’s where I struggle: Should I embrace new technology and use A.I.-assisted grading to save time and my sanity even though I forbid my students from using it? Is it unethical for teachers to ask students not to use A.I. to assist their writing but then allow an A.I. platform to grade their work? — Name Withheld

From the Ethicist:

You have a sound rationale for discouraging your students from using A.I. to draft their essays. As with many other skills, writing well and thinking clearly will improve through practice. By contrast, you already know how to grade papers; you don’t need the practice.

What matters is whether an A.I.-assisted platform can reliably appraise and diagnose your students’ writing, providing the explanation and guidance these students need to improve. In theory, such tools — and I see that there are several on the market, including from major educational publishers — have certain advantages. The hope is that they can grade without inconsistency, without getting tired, without being affected by the expectations that surely affect those of us who hand-grade student work.

I notice you haven’t raised concerns about whether the platform provides reliable assessments; you’ll have to decide if it does. (If it isn’t quite up to snuff, it might become so in a year or two, so your question will persist.) Provided the platform does a decent job of assessment, though, I don’t see why you must do it all yourself. You should review the A.I.-annotated versions of your students’ writing, check that you agree with the output, and make notes of issues to bring up in class. But time saved in evaluating the papers might be better spent on other things — and by “better,” I mean better for the students. There are pedagogical functions, after all, that only you can perform.

In sum: It’s not hypocritical to use A.I. yourself in a way that serves your students well, even as you insist that they don’t use it in a way that serves them badly.

Readers Respond

The previous question was from a reader who asked about professional boundaries. He wrote: “I am a retired, married male psychiatrist. A divorced female former patient of mine contacted me recently, 45 years after her treatment ended. Would it be OK to correspond with her by email? Or is this a case of ‘once a patient, always a patient?’”

In his response, the Ethicist noted: “The relevant professional associations tend to have strictures that are specifically about sexual relationships with former patients. … In light of the potential for exploitation within the therapist-patient relationship, these rules are meant to maintain clear boundaries, protect patient welfare, uphold the integrity of the profession and eliminate any gray areas that could lead to ethical breaches. But though you do mention her marital status, and yours, you’re just asking about emailing her — about establishing friendly relations. The question for you is whether she might be harmed by this, whether whatever knowledge or trust gained from your professional relationship would shadow a personal one. Yes, almost half a century has elapsed since your professional relationship, but you still have to be confident that a correspondence with her clears this bar. If it does, you may email with a clear conscience.” ( Reread the full question and answer here. )

As always, I agree with the Ethicist. I would add that the letter writer’s former patient doesn’t realize that the therapist is actually two different people — the professional and the regular person underneath. Therapists portray their professional selves to their clients. The former client may be disappointed upon meeting the therapist outside of the professional context. Additionally, the feelings she has toward the therapist may be based on transference, and they would need to address that. — Annemarie

I am a clinical psychologist. While the Ethicist’s description of professional ethical boundaries is correct, there is more to the story, and I disagree with his conclusion. A very big question here is why this former patient contacted him after 45 years. That is a question that is best explored and answered within the context of a therapeutic relationship. He would be well- advised to respond in a kind and thoughtful way to convey the clear message that he is not available for ongoing communication, and he should suggest that she consult with another therapist if she feels that would be helpful. — Margaret

In my case, it was the therapist who reached out to me, seeking to establish a friendship several years after our sessions ended. I was surprised, but he shared that he had since experienced a similar personal tragedy to one I had explored with him in sessions. Since it had been several years since we saw each other professionally, I responded. There was never any hint of romantic or sexual interest. Still, as he continued to reach out to me, clearly desiring a friendship, it never felt right to me. It did feel unprofessional, as his knowledge of me was borne out of a relationship meant to be professional, never personal, as warmly as we might have felt during our sessions. I ended up being disappointed in him for seeking out my friendship. — Liam

I am a (semi)retired psychiatrist who has been practicing since 1974. In my opinion, “once a patient, always a patient” is correct. Establishing any type of personal relationship with a former patient could undo progress the patient may have made in treatment, and is a slippery slope toward blatantly unethical behavior. As psychiatrists, our responsibility is to work with patients in confronting and resolving issues that are preventing them from having a reality-based perception of their life. With such an outlook, they are more capable of establishing satisfying relationships with others. An ethical psychiatrist is not in the business of providing such satisfaction to his or her patients. — Roger

I think there is a difference between being friendly and being friends with a former client. As someone who used to attend therapy with a therapist I think dearly of, she made it clear to me that it was OK to send her emails with life updates after our therapeutic relationship ended. But beyond that, I think it would be inappropriate and uncomfortable to pursue a friendship with her, and vice versa, because of the patient-provider relationship that we previously had and the power dynamic that existed between us. The letter writer didn’t share the content of the email his former patient sent to him, but if it’s just a friendly life update, I think it’s fine to write back and thank her for sharing. Beyond that, I feel like it would be unprofessional to meet or pursue a deeper relationship. — Meghan

Kwame Anthony Appiah is The New York Times Magazine’s Ethicist columnist and teaches philosophy at N.Y.U. His books include “Cosmopolitanism,” “The Honor Code” and “The Lies That Bind: Rethinking Identity.” To submit a query: Send an email to [email protected]. More about Kwame Anthony Appiah

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Emphasizing fit and showing authenticity help medical school secondary essays stand out, experts say.

Cole Claybourn May 30, 2024

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States' Responses to FAFSA Delays

Many states have pushed back their aid deadlines and implemented outreach programs to address FAFSA questions.

Sarah Wood May 30, 2024

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Becoming a Biomedical Engineering Major

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C.J. Trent-Gurbuz and Kara Coleman Fields May 29, 2024

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Ways Women Can Thrive in B-School

Women should be active in class, pursue leadership roles and build their network while earning an MBA degree.

Anayat Durrani May 29, 2024

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2024 Best Colleges

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Search for your perfect fit with the U.S. News rankings of colleges and universities.

Exclusive Webinar

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AO Advice: How Your High School is Evaluated in the College Admissions Process

Get the inside scoop on how colleges assess your high school and its course rigor. Featuring a former Admissions Officer, you'll gain crucial insights and actionable strategies during this 60-min webinar.

STEM Blog by Numerade

How Many High School and College Students are Using AI Tools?

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Since the public launch of Open AI’s ChatGPT in November 2022, artificial intelligence tools have become widely used by the general public. But one group was particularly quick to embrace the burgeoning technology: teenagers.

According to a December 2023 report by ACT Inc., the creator and administrator of the standardized test for college-bound students, nearly half of the surveyed high school students (46%) reported using AI tools, especially ChatGPT, to help them with their studies.

These generative AI tools—which rely on machine learning and neural network technology—can write code, generate images, and create content that appears convincingly human-produced. They can also recognize patterns in data and learn from new information they encounter, enabling them to perform tasks like writing poems and stories and solving word problems.

These tools have also taken on the function of learning aids, helping students as virtual tutors by summarizing and explaining complex topics and answering complex questions almost instantly. Generative AI tools also help students by serving as a writing clinic, assisting users with brainstorming ideas and structure for essays, papers, and school projects.

Using survey data from the ACT and other sources, Numerade looked at how many students use AI to help them with their studies.

AI is Relatively Popular in Writing-based Courses

Approximately 74% of the students surveyed believed that taking advantage of artificial intelligence would boost their performance in school assignments.

According to the ACT survey, ChatGPT was the most common AI tool used by students, with 83% of students using AI for schoolwork reporting that they use ChatGPT, followed by Dall-E 2 and Bing Chat.

Language arts was the most common course in which students used AI tools, the ACT report found. AI tools for such courses take advantage of the technology’s strengths, especially when it concerns fiction, where the focus is on creativity and structure over factual accuracy.

The ACT report also found an association between academic achievement and the use of AI. Students with higher ACT scores tended to utilize AI tools to help themselves with schoolwork more than their classmates with lower scores.

At the college level, more than half of the students surveyed by Tyton Partners in a study commissioned by Turnitin reported using generative AI for schoolwork. However, only 22% of faculty members surveyed reported using AI tools.

How Will AI Affect Students in the Long Run?

Despite the widespread adoption of artificial intelligence by students, concerns over AI tools’ accuracy and their effect on learning remain.

According to the ACT, 64% of the students who said they did not use AI for assignments reported that they did not trust the tools enough. Among the surveyed students who use AI tools for schoolwork, 63% reported that the content produced by AI tools had inaccuracies.

The use of AI tools poses the risk of making students dependent on them. This could be a problem, especially when AI tools are used to generate arguments and literature reviews. Extreme reliance on these tools often introduces the machine’s biases into academic work while disincentivizing students from contributing original perspectives. What’s more, the fact that AI tools produce content based on the vast body of content they’ve been trained on with insufficient attribution makes one using them run the risk of accidental plagiarism.

Despite these concerns, many students (62%) and instructors (58%), believe that, in the long run, the use of AI in learning will have positive consequences that outweigh the negative consequences, according to a report from textbook publisher McGraw Hill.

Andrew Jose

Andrew Jose is a freelance reporter covering U.S. politics, and foreign policy, among other beats. Andrew has written for several outlets, notably Jewish News Syndicate, The Western Journal, and The Daily Caller.

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College Prep Scholars Program

Get a head start to a top college as a high school junior with scholarships, awards, and resources designed to help you stand out in college admissions.

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A head start to top colleges

Top colleges and universities are looking for students who have excelled academically despite financial hardship, and they partner with QuestBridge to find students like  you . If you are a high-achieving high school junior from a low-income background, the College Prep Scholars Program can equip you with knowledge, confidence, and resources to connect with the nation's most sought-after colleges.


  • High school juniors, regardless of citizenship, currently attending high school in the U.S., and U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents living abroad
  • Earning primarily A’s in the most challenging courses offered
  • Demonstrating strong writing skills and intellectual curiosity, plus resilience, integrity, and motivation to succeed
  • Typically from a household earning less than $65,000 annually with minimal assets (for a household of four members)

Why apply as a junior?

College application head start.

Get a head start on applying for full four-year scholarships to over 50 college partners with an application that carries over to the National College Match your senior year.

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College Prep Scholars are selected based on their academic achievement, financial circumstances, and personal qualities. They are competitive candidates for admission to college partners, and the awards and resources they receive further equip them to navigate the college application process.

High school juniors selected as College Prep Scholars in 2024

College Prep Scholars are nearly six times more likely than other applicants to receive full four-year scholarships through the National College Match.

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More From Forbes

5 strategies to unlock your winning college essay.

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CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS - JUNE 29: People walk through the gate on Harvard Yard at the Harvard ... [+] University campus on June 29, 2023 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that race-conscious admission policies used by Harvard and the University of North Carolina violate the Constitution, bringing an end to affirmative action in higher education. (Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images)

The college application season is upon us, and high school students everywhere are staring down at one of the most daunting tasks: the college essay. As someone who has guided countless applicants through the admissions process and reviewed admissions essays on an undergraduate admissions committee, I've pinpointed the essential ingredient to a differentiated candidacy—the core of your college admissions X-factor .

The essential ingredient to your college admissions X-factor is your intellectual vitality. Intellectual vitality is your passion for learning and curiosity. By demonstrating and conveying this passion, you can transform an average essay into a compelling narrative that boosts your chances of getting accepted to your top schools. Here are five dynamic strategies to achieve that goal.

Unleash Your Authentic Voice

Admissions officers sift through thousands of essays every year. What stops them in their tracks? An authentic voice that leaps off the page. Forget trying to guess what the admissions committee wants to hear. Focus on being true to yourself. Share your unique perspective, your passions, and your values. Authenticity resonates deeply with application reviewers, making your essay memorable and impactful. You need not have experienced trauma or tragedy to create a strong narrative. You can write about what you know—intellectually or personally—to convey your enthusiasm, creativity, and leadership. Intellectual vitality shines through when you write with personalized reflection about what lights you up.

Weave A Captivating Story

Everyone loves a good story, and your essay is the perfect place to tell yours. The Common Application personal statement has seven choices of prompts to ground the structure for your narrative. The most compelling stories are often about the smallest moments in life, whether it’s shopping at Costco or about why you wear socks that have holes. Think of the Common Application personal statement as a window into your soul rather than a dry list of your achievements or your overly broad event-based life story. Use vivid anecdotes to bring your experiences to life. A well-told story can showcase your growth, highlight your character, and illustrate how you've overcome challenges. Intellectual vitality often emerges in these narratives, revealing how your curiosity and proactive approach to learning have driven you to explore and innovate.

Reflect And Reveal Insights

It's not just about what you've done—it's about what you've learned along the way. When you are writing about a specific event, you can use the STAR framework—situation, task, action, and result (your learning). Focus most of your writing space on the “R” part of this framework to dive deeply into your experiences and reflect on how they've shaped your aspirations and identity.

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The most insightful college-specific supplement essays demonstrate depth of thought, and the ability to connect past experiences with your future life in college and beyond. Reflecting on your intellectual journey signals maturity and a readiness to embrace the college experience. It shows admissions officers that you engage deeply with your studies and are eager to contribute to the academic community.

Highlight Your Contributions—But Don’t Brag

Whether it's a special talent, an unusual hobby, or a unique perspective, showcasing what you can bring to the college environment can make a significant impact. Recognize that the hard work behind the accomplishment is what colleges are interested in learning more about—not retelling about the accomplishment itself. (Honors and activities can be conveyed in another section of the application.) Walk us through the journey to your summit; don’t just take us to the peak and expect us know how you earned it.

Intellectual vitality can be demonstrated through your proactive approach to solving problems, starting new projects, or leading initiatives that reflect your passion for learning and growth. These experiences often have a place in the college-specific supplement essays. They ground the reasons why you want to study in your major and at the particular college.

Perfect Your Prose

Great writing is essential. Anyone can use AI or a thesaurus to assist with an essay, but AI cannot write your story in the way that you tell it. Admissions officers don’t give out extra credit for choosing the longest words with the most amount of syllables.

The best essays have clear, coherent language and are free of errors. The story is clearly and specifically told. After drafting, take the time to revise and polish your writing. Seek feedback from teachers, mentors, or trusted friends, but ensure the final piece is unmistakably yours. A well-crafted essay showcases your diligence and attention to detail—qualities that admissions officers highly value. Intellectual vitality is also reflected in your writing process, showing your commitment to excellence and your enthusiasm for presenting your best self.

Crafting a standout college essay is about presenting your true self in an engaging, reflective, and polished manner while showcasing your intellectual vitality. Happy writing.

Dr. Aviva Legatt

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Top 262 Scholarships for High School Juniors in June 2024

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Will Geiger is the co-founder of Scholarships360 and has a decade of experience in college admissions and financial aid. He is a former Senior Assistant Director of Admissions at Kenyon College where he personally reviewed 10,000 admissions applications and essays. Will also managed the Kenyon College merit scholarship program and served on the financial aid appeals committee. He has also worked as an Associate Director of College Counseling at a high school in New Haven, Connecticut. Will earned his master’s in education from the University of Pennsylvania and received his undergraduate degree in history from Wake Forest University.

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Junior year is when high school students really start to kickoff their college admissions process. This is also a great time to begin applying for scholarships to pay for college!

One of the biggest mistakes that students make in the admissions process is waiting until the end of senior year to apply for scholarships. There are plenty of great scholarships for high school juniors to apply. Keep on reading to learn more about the great scholarship opportunities for the class of 2024 including award amounts, deadlines, and eligibility requirements!

Why choose Scholarships360

We helped over 4 million students find scholarships in 2023

We've spent over 4,000 hours reviewing 3,000 scholarship programs

13+ years of experience helping students make smart education decisions

The Scholarships360 Research Team reviews all scholarships individually and strives to exclude any scholarship where any of the below applies:

  • The scholarship requires a fee to apply
  • The scholarship provider’s privacy policy allows for the misuse of student data
  • The scholarship requires paid membership in an organization (with certain exceptions for reputable trade organizations and others)
  • Student are required to sign up for a site or service to apply*
  • The scholarship seems primarily used for lead generation** or idea harvesting purposes***
  • The scholarship website has many grammatical errors and/or advertisements
  • The scholarship or scholarship providing organization seem untrustworthy
  • There is no evidence the scholarship was previously awarded
  • The scholarship has not been awarded in the past 12 months
  • There is no available contact information

If you believe a scholarship has been published in error, please reach out to [email protected] and we’ll take a look!

* There are certain exceptions to this, for example if the sponsoring organization is a major corporation or nonprofit with its own scholarship application system. ** Lead generation scholarships will require students to sign up for an app or website and require minimal (if any) application requirements. ***Idea harvesting scholarships will require students to submit blog posts or other materials that companies may use for marketing purposes.

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$10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

$10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Scholarships360

The Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship is open to all students who want some extra help paying for their education. Whether you are a high… Show More

The Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship is open to all students who want some extra help paying for their education. Whether you are a high school student who hopes to go to college, a graduate student who’s in a master’s program, or an adult learner who wants to return to school, you are eligible for our no essay scholarship. This scholarship will be awarded to students who get the most out of Scholarships360 scholarships and content. You will be a strong applicant if you apply to scholarships with the Scholarships360 platform. Finalists for this scholarship will be interviewed about their process for funding their education. Show Less

“Broad Horizons” Scholarship for High School Juniors

“Broad Horizons” Scholarship for High School Juniors This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

This scholarship is open to high school juniors (graduating class of 2025) who are proactive about broadening their horizons. To broaden your horizons means to… Show More

This scholarship is open to high school juniors (graduating class of 2025) who are proactive about broadening their horizons. To broaden your horizons means to expand your range of knowledge and experiences. It means putting yourself out there, trying new things, and meeting new people. To apply for this scholarship, tell us about one thing you have done in the past year to broaden your horizons. Whether you picked up a new hobby, learned a new skill, traveled to a new place, or spent time with different people – we want to know what you’re doing to foster growth in your life. See the “Application Information” section below for details regarding the short answer response. Please note that applicants will be reviewed based on both the quality of their response and quantity of scholarships applied for on the Scholarships360 platform. Scholarships360 users who are more active on the platform will be given higher consideration. We look forward to reading your application! Show Less

$2,000 Sallie Mae Scholarship

$2,000 Sallie Mae Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Sallie Mae

Sallie Mae will award $2,000 each month to eligible entrants. No essay or account sign-ups, just a simple scholarship for those seeking help paying for…

Sallie Mae will award $2,000 each month to eligible entrants. No essay or account sign-ups, just a simple scholarship for those seeking help paying for school.

$40,000 Build a College List Scholarship

$40,000 Build a College List Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by The College Board

Create a college list with six schools you're considering - no minimum GPA or essay required!

Ocean Awareness Art Contest

Ocean Awareness Art Contest This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Programs

Are you an 11–18 year old passionate about the creative arts and/or the environment? Consider applying for Bow Seat's Ocean Awareness Contest! The 2024 Ocean… Show More

Are you an 11–18 year old passionate about the creative arts and/or the environment? Consider applying for Bow Seat's Ocean Awareness Contest! The 2024 Ocean Awareness Contest – Tell Your Climate Story – encourages students to become climate witnesses and creatively share their personal experiences about our changing climate reality. Submit works of visual art, creative writing, poetry, spoken word, music, dance, film, and more for a chance to win cash awards of up to $1,000 and to join the world’s largest environmental youth community for the creative arts! Show Less

$10,000 CollegeXpress Scholarship

$10,000 CollegeXpress Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by CollegeXpress

Annual $10k scholarship from CollegeXpress open to all high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors.

Ayn Rand Institute Novel Essay Contest (Atlas Shrugged)

Ayn Rand Institute Novel Essay Contest (Atlas Shrugged) This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Ayn Rand Institute

Are you a high school, undergraduate, or graduate student with a passion for reading, writing, and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand? If so, we may… Show More

Are you a high school, undergraduate, or graduate student with a passion for reading, writing, and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand? If so, we may just have the perfect opportunity for you: the Ayn Rand Institute Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest! Each year, the contest asks its applicants to write an 800 - 1,600 word essay in which they analyze and make an argument about an aspect or plot point of the novel Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. Nine prizes of varying amounts are awarded each year, with a grand prize of $25,000! If you’re familiar with Atlas Shrugged, can make a convincing argument, and want to make some cash, we encourage you to apply! Show Less

Niche $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

Niche $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Niche

Easy scholarship open to all high school and college students, as well as anyone looking to attend college or graduate school in the next year!

Breakthrough Junior Challenge

Breakthrough Junior Challenge

Offered by Breakthrough

Are you a middle or high school student with a passion for STEM? If so, consider applying for the Breakthrough Junior Challenge! Each year, the… Show More

Are you a middle or high school student with a passion for STEM? If so, consider applying for the Breakthrough Junior Challenge! Each year, the challenge awards $250,000 to a 13-18-year-old student who creatively and clearly explains a scientific or mathematical theory, concept, or principle in video form. The videos must be no longer than a minute and 30 seconds long and should be a dynamic visual medium, using diagrams, simulations, physical demonstrations, and more. The scholarship is funded by technology investors and science philanthropists Julia and Yuri Milner.  If you have a love for STEM, video making, and want to go to college debt-free, we encourage you to apply! Show Less

Minecraft Scholarship

Minecraft Scholarship

Offered by Apex Hosting

Are you a high school or college student with a love for Minecraft? If so, we may just have the perfect opportunity for you: the… Show More

Are you a high school or college student with a love for Minecraft? If so, we may just have the perfect opportunity for you: the Minecraft Scholarship! Each year, the scholarship offers $2,000 to one applicant who best writes about how Minecraft can positively influence one’s education and career development. The scholarship is offered by Apex Hosting, a Minecraft server provider dedicated to supporting both new and experienced server administrators. If you’re a high schooler or college student with a love for Minecraft, it’s time to put your passion to good use and apply to the Minecraft Scholarship! Show Less

$1,000 Appily Easy College Money Scholarship

$1,000 Appily Easy College Money Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Appily

This easy scholarship from Appily is open to U.S. high school students (Class of 2025, 2026, 2027) and college transfer students. One scholarship will be… Show More

This easy scholarship from Appily is open to U.S. high school students (Class of 2025, 2026, 2027) and college transfer students. One scholarship will be awarded each month. Show Less

Cameron Impact Scholarship

Cameron Impact Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Bryan Cameron Education Foundation

Are you an academically excellent high school junior (graduating class of 2025) with demonstrated leadership, community service, and other extracurricular experiences? If so, consider applying… Show More

Are you an academically excellent high school junior (graduating class of 2025) with demonstrated leadership, community service, and other extracurricular experiences? If so, consider applying for the Cameron Impact Scholarship! Each year, 10-15 full tuition scholarships (not including room and board) are awarded to winning applicants who are passionate about helping their local communities and the world at large. In addition to the monetary reward, winners will be required to attend the Cameron Impact Scholars Award Ceremony for the four-year duration of the scholarship. The scholarship is provided by the Bryan Cameron Education Foundation, a “private family foundation established in 2015 on the principle of making a difference by investing in young people’s education.” If you’re a high school student with amazing achievements both inside and outside the classroom, we encourage you to apply to the Cameron Impact Scholarship! Please note that this scholarship has an early application deadline of May 17th and a final deadline of September 5th. The Bryan Cameron Education Foundation is only able to accept and review a total of 3,000 complete and eligible applications. They typically reach capacity prior to the final deadline and strongly encourage applicants to submit well before the September deadline. Show Less

College JumpStart Scholarship

College JumpStart Scholarship

Offered by College JumpStart

Are you a high-achieving student academically? You might consider applying for the College JumpStart Scholarship! The College JumpStart Scholarship is open to students in grades… Show More

Are you a high-achieving student academically? You might consider applying for the College JumpStart Scholarship! The College JumpStart Scholarship is open to students in grades 10 to 12, as well as traditional college-age and adult learners. The scholarship is biannual, with deadlines on April 15th and October 17th each year. Two lucky students are awarded the College JumpStart Scholarship each application cycle. The scholarship is funded by corporate donations to the College JumpStart, an organization whose motto is “Hard work. Perseverance. Love of learning. These are the traits that the College JumpStart Scholarship rewards.” This scholarship is awarded on the basis of merit only–no financial need or any other factors are considered. If you’re passionate about using education to better your life and that of your family and/or community, we encourage you to apply! Show Less

$5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship

$5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Christian Connector

Students applying to the $5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship must be current high school students (Class of 2025, 2026, or 2027) interested in attending a Christian…

Students applying to the $5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship must be current high school students (Class of 2025, 2026, or 2027) interested in attending a Christian university or college.

Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship

Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship

Offered by Unigo

Are you a big fan of The Walking Dead, or maybe Z Nation? Ever thought about what you would do in the case of a… Show More

Are you a big fan of The Walking Dead, or maybe Z Nation? Ever thought about what you would do in the case of a zombie apocalypse? If so, we may have the perfect opportunity for you: the Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship! Each year, this scholarship awards $2,000 to the applicant who, in 250 words or less, best describes their escape plan if there were a zombie outbreak at their school. The scholarship is offered by Unigo in hopes of helping some creative, zombie-obsessed students pay off some of their postsecondary education. If you’ve been inspired by the zombie shows and movies from the past few decades and have come up with a plan of your own, we encourage you to apply to the Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship! It’s due exactly when you’d expect: on Halloween. Show Less

Visionary Scholarship

Visionary Scholarship

Offered by American College Foundation

Are you a high school student with dreams of going to college one day? If so, consider applying for the Visionary Scholarship! Each application cycle,… Show More

Are you a high school student with dreams of going to college one day? If so, consider applying for the Visionary Scholarship! Each application cycle, the scholarship awards between $1,000 and $2,500 to five applicants who submit an essay (~500 words) on why college is important to them. The scholarship is biannual, with the deadlines falling on June 1st and December 1st of each year. The scholarship is funded by the American College Foundation, a college preparation cornerstone with all information and related strategies delivered entirely from the family’s perspective.  If you’re a high schooler passionate about receiving a postsecondary education, we encourage you to apply and prepare for your college journey early! Show Less

$2,000 No Essay CollegeVine Scholarship

$2,000 No Essay CollegeVine Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by CollegeVine

Easy scholarship open to current high school students and college applicants. A free CollegeVine account with a completed chancing profile required to enter.

Ayn Rand Institute Novel Essay Contest (Fountainhead)

Ayn Rand Institute Novel Essay Contest (Fountainhead) This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Are you a high school student with a passion for literature and politics? You might consider applying for the Ayn Rand Institute Novel Essay Contest… Show More

Are you a high school student with a passion for literature and politics? You might consider applying for the Ayn Rand Institute Novel Essay Contest (Fountainhead)! Each year, the contest asks its applicants to write an 800 - 1,600 word essay in which they analyze and make an argument about an aspect or plot point of The Fountainhead. Nine prizes of varying amounts are awarded each year, with a grand prize of $25,000! If you’ve read The Fountainhead, can make a convincing argument, and want to make some cash, we encourage you to apply! Show Less

Non-Trivial Fellowship

Non-Trivial Fellowship

Offered by Non-Trivial

Are you a high school student wanting to start an impactful research, policy, or entrepreneurial project? If so, consider applying for the Non-Trivial Fellowship! Each… Show More

Are you a high school student wanting to start an impactful research, policy, or entrepreneurial project? If so, consider applying for the Non-Trivial Fellowship! Each year, the scholarship awards $15,000, $5,000, and $1,000 each, to the the first, second, and third-place applicants, respectively, to help fund their projects. In addition, all fellows will receive a $500 scholarship. Fellows will also be invited to join an 8-week online program, with expert guidance to get them making a difference right away. If you're a high school student with hopes to conduct an impactful research, policy, or entrepreneurial project, we encourage you to apply! Keep on reading to learn more. Show Less

$2,500 ScholarshipPoints Scholarship

$2,500 ScholarshipPoints Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by ScholarshipPoints

Easy $2,500 scholarship from ScholarshipPoints open to all students.

Top 10 scholarships for HS juniors overall

Our editors combed over all the scholarships available for juniors in high school and picked these 10 as the best. We picked based on three factors: Reputation of the awarding organization, award size, and wide application requirements. Here are the top 10 scholarships available for high school juniors:

  • The Paradigm Challenge  – For students aged 4 to 18 who create a project that helps solve a real-world issue. Worth between $200 and $100,000
  • Stuck at Prom Scholarship  – For HS students who submit a tuxedo or dress design made of duct tape. Worth between $1,000 and $15,000
  • NSHSS James W. Lewis High School Global Leader Scholarship  – For high school students who have displayed leadership. Worth $5,000
  • Breakthrough Junior Challenge  – For students aged 13 to 18 who create a video to explain a scientific or mathematical concept. Worth $250,000
  • Barbizon College Tuition Scholarship  – Sweepstakes competition for high school students, awards $100,000
  • Scholastic Art & Writing Awards  – For middle and high school students who submit a piece of creative writing or art. Worth up to $12,500
  • Create-A-Greeting-Card Scholarship Contest  – For students over 14 years of age who submit a greeting card. Worth $10,000
  • Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest  – For students in grades 9-12 who submit two-dimensional art displaying patriotism. Awards vary based on the number awarded
  • Minecraft Scholarships  – For high school and college students who write about the educational benefits of the video game Minecraft. Worth $2,000
@scholarships360 There are some super fun scholarships in this list, so make sure to check them out at the link in our bio! #scholarships360 #scholarships #highschool #highschooljunior #junioryear #creative #greenscreen ♬ original sound – scholarships360

Scholarship roundup

As you can see, there are scholarship programs out there for high school juniors from all walks of life. Students interested in  submitting a video application may consider the Taco Bell Live Mas scholarship, while students who feel passionately about spending time away from screens could find success with the Technology Addiction Awareness Scholarship . If you are a junior who hasn’t turned 18 yet and you have a strong vision for a project you’d like to complete, try checking out the Davidson Institute Fellows Scholarship . And to get custom recommendations from thousands of scholarships matched to your interests and demographics, try signing up for our free scholarship search tool!

Prestigious scholarships for high school juniors

Coolidge scholarship.

The Coolidge Scholarship offers students a full ride to any accredited university or college in the United States. That includes room and board and associated expenses with education. Students must apply during their junior year of high school. It is purely a merit-based scholarship, as it is need-blind and non-partisan. Applicants who demonstrate an interest in public service and volunteer work have an extra advantage.

Hamilton Award

The Hamilton Award is a five-year empowerment program awarded to students in their junior year. It offers them a yearly renewable scholarship to put towards their education, a laptop to use in their studies, and access to a wide network of resources and support over their senior year and throughout college. One of the reasons this award is given out during your junior year is so that it can offer you support through the college admissions process, which is an invaluable resource.

Tips for high school juniors

  • Junior year is the most important academic year for both the admissions and college merit scholarship selection process. Make sure that you finish the year strong with a strong set of grades!
  • Letters of recommendation are another important part of the admissions process and can be required for scholarships. Asking teachers to write rec letters for you is a must before the end of junior year!
  • You can also get a jump start on scholarships for seniors that have fall deadlines. This will put you ahead of the game come back to school time.
  • Be sure to stay in contact with your guidance counselor! They can keep you in the loop on local scholarships , opportunities from colleges, and generally on track in the college admissions process.
  • As you start considering what schools to apply to, make sure to include some affordable options , such as in-state public schools.

How to win scholarships for high school juniors

As a high school junior applying for scholarships, it will be important for you to show that you have put some thought into your hopes and ambitions for the future. Spend some time reflecting on what you’d like to accomplish in one, five, and ten years, and come up with some plans to achieve them. Remember, you don’t have to commit to these plans, but it can be helpful to start thinking about them early, and scholarship committees will be impressed by the prospect that you have a plan to execute your vision.

When it comes to completing your applications, remember that clarity is key. Scholarship readers end up reviewing a huge number of applications every day, so it is up to you to write one that stands out. You should make sure that your writing has character and is clear and succinct.

Luckily, we have a whole host of resources to help you out in writing the best possible applications. These include guides on writing a 250 or 500 word essay, writing an essay about yourself , and writing a winning scholarship essay . We can also guide you through crafting an effective beginning and end , and walk you through some of the most common scholarship essay prompts .

Frequently asked questions

When should juniors start applying for scholarships, can juniors start applying for scholarships, is junior year too early to start applying for scholarships, when do you apply for the coolidge scholarship, explore these other scholarship categories.

  • Top scholarships for women
  • Top scholarships for English majors
  • Top scholarships for Filipino students
  • Easy scholarships to apply for
  • Top writing and essay scholarships
  • Top summer scholarships

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3 reasons to join scholarships360

  • Automatic entry to our $10,000 No-Essay Scholarship
  • Personalized matching to thousands of vetted scholarships
  • Quick apply for scholarships exclusive to our platform

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