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Kunci Jawaban SMP

Soal essay bahasa inggris smp kelas 9 dan kunci jawaban, lihat soal essay bahasa inggris smp kelas 9 dan kunci jawaban. soal essay bahasa inggris smp yang dirangkum ada 5..

Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 9 dan Kunci Jawaban

TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID - Lihat soal essay bahasa Inggris SMP kelas 9 dan kunci jawaban .

Soal essay bahasa Inggris SMP yang dirangkum ada 5.

Soal dirangkum beserta kunci jawaban untuk mempermudah siswa belajar.

Siswa belajar dari soal ini untuk mengikuti ujian.

Dengan berlatih, harapannya nilai siswa akan tinggi.

• Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 9 Pilihan Ganda dan Kunci Jawaban

Berikut soal essay bahasa Inggris SMP kelas 9 .

Read text and answer question no. 1 to 3!

Vanilla Drops Cookies Ingredients: 1 1∕2 cups all purpose flour 1∕4 tea spoons baking powder 1∕4 tea spoons vanilla extract 2 eggs 1 cup sugar

Directions: 1. Combine flour and baking powder, set aside 2. Beat eggs, sugar and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl until light coloured 3. Stir in the flour and baking powder mixture 4. Drop the batter by tea spoonfuls about 2 inches apart into a greased and floured baking sheets. Set aside in a room temperature for 6 hours. 5. Bake at 350o F for 6 minutes 6. Remove from baking sheets to a wire rack to cool

1. What should we do after combining flour and baking powder?

2. How long do you need to bake the cookies?

3. What is the purpose of the text?

4. Rearrange the words into a good sentence! rainforests – are – characterized – rainfall – high – by

5. Rearrange the sentences below to make a good paragraph! (1) It weighs 150 pounds or more. (2) It lives in the scrub and woodland of a few Indonesian islands. (3) This lizard is called komodo.

kunci jawaban soal essay bahasa Inggris SMP

Kunci jawaban soal essay, kunci jawaban smp, kunci jawaban, soal essay bahasa inggris smp kelas 9, soal essay bahasa inggris smp, soal essay bahasa inggris.

8 Trik Mudah Membersihkan Noda Kuning di Lantai Kamar Mandi, Atasi dengan Bahan Ramah Lingkungan 


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55 SOAL Ujian Sekolah PAI Kelas 8 SMP / MTS, Kunci Jawaban UAS PAS SAS Semester 1


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55 SOAL Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP / MTS, Kunci Jawaban UAS PAS SAS Semester 1


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Narrative Text dan Soal Essay Dengan Kunci Jawaban Untuk lampiran atau Appendix Skripsi Bahasa Inggris

Narrative Text dan Soal Essay Dengan Kunci Jawaban Untuk lampiran atau Appendix Skripsi  Bahasa Inggris

Read the text quickly and answer the quetions!

“Golden Eggs”

Long time ago a remote village, in central China was inhabited mainly with farmers and hunters. One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood. He prayed hard to God for help or his family would die of starvation. Few days later, an old man with long grey beard, passed by his house took pity on him. He gave him a goose and said “I don’t have any expensive thing to give you and hope this goose will help you to ease your hardship.”

A week later to almost surprise the farmer found an egg in his yard. This was no ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly overcome with joy. Thereafter, his livelihood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten his earlier hardship.

essay bahasa inggris kelas 9

He became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift. Strangely, the goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach. Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s already too late

Baca juga: Jenis Jenis Text dalam Bahasa inggris dan Soal Soalnya lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

A.   Answer the following questions!

1.       Find out the main ideas of each paragraph?

2.       What did the old man gave?    

3.       Where does the story take place?   

4.       Why did the old man become to the farmer?  

5.       How did he speak when he passed the farmer?  

6.       Why the farmer almost surprise?

7.       Why the farmer lost his patient?

8.       What is the main problem in the story?

9.       Write down the list of chronological on the story!

10.   Explain about the resolution in the end of the story?

Key Answer D-Test
1.       First paragraph : a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood
Second paragraph: the farmer found a golden egg
Third paragraph : the farmer became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift
2.       The old man gave a golden egg
3.       The story take place In the remote village, in central China
4.       The old man took pity on him
5.       The old man said “I don’t have any expensive thing to give you and hope this goose will help you to ease your hardship.”
6.       The farmer almost surprise when he knew the egg is not ordinary egg but it is golden egg
7.       The farmer los his patient because the goose only laid one golden egg every six months
8.       The farmer became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift.
9.       The list of chronological on the story
a.        a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood. b.       He prayed hard to God for help or his family would die of starvation. c.        an old man with long grey beard, passed by his house took pity on him d.       He gave him a goose e.        A week later to almost surprise the farmer found a golden egg in his yard f.        He became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift. Strangely g.       The greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach. h.       Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s already too late
10.   The resolution in story above when the greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach. Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s already too late

Baca juga:  Jenis Jenis Text dalam Bahasa inggris dan Soal Soalnya lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban


THREE FISH         

Three fish lived in a pond. One evening, some fishermen passed by the pond and saw the fish. ‘This pond is full of fish’, they told each other excitedly. ‘we have never fished here before. We must come back tomorrow morning with our nets and catch these fish!’ So saying, the fishermen left.

When the eldest of the three fish heard this, he was troubled. He called the other fish together and said, ‘Did you hear what the fishermen said? We must leave this pond at once. The fishermen will return tomorrow and kill us all!’ The second of the three fish agreed. ‘You are right’, he said. ‘We must leave the pond.’

But the youngest fish laughed. ‘You are worrying without reason’, he said. ‘We have lived in this pond all our lives, and no fisherman has ever come here. Why should these men return? I am not going anywhere – my luck will keep me safe’.

The eldest of the fish left the pond that very evening with his entire family. The second fish saw the fishermen coming in the distance early next morning and left the pond at once with all his family. The third fish refused to leave even then. The fishermen arrived and caught all the fish left in the pond. The third fish’s luck did not help him – he was caught and killed.

Answer the question below!

1.       Write down the main ideas of each paragraph!

2.       Write down the characters and setting of the story!

3.       Explain about the orientation or beginning of the story!

4.       What is the complication or main problem from the story above!

5.       How is your prediction outcome of the test above?

6.       List the storyline in chronological order in your own words!

7.       What is the end of the story?

8.       Make the conclusion of the test above based on your own words?

Key Answer Test cycle I
1.       First paragraph : the fisherman must come back tomorrow morning with our nets and catch these fish
Second paragraph: We must leave this pond at once.
Third paragraph: the youngest fish not going anywhere
Fourth paragraph: The third fish’s luck did not help him – he was caught and killed
2.       The characters of the story are fisherman and three fish and his family
The settings of the story are evening and next morning (time) and in the pond (place)
3.       Some fishermen passed by the pond and saw the fish. ‘This pond is full of fish’, they told each other excitedly. ‘we have never fished here before. We must come back tomorrow morning with our nets and catch these fish!’ So saying, the fishermen left.
4.       The youngest fish not going anywhere
5.       If the three fish didn’t left the pond they will died
6.       a. Some fishermen passed by the pond and saw the fish
b. We must come back tomorrow morning
c. The three fish must leave this pond at once
d. The youngest fish not going anywhere
e. The third fish’s luck did not help him – he was caught and killed.
7.       The third fish refused to leave even then. The fishermen arrived and caught all the fish left in the pond. The third fish’s luck did not help him – he was caught and killed.
8.       When trouble come we must discuss to solve it and take a good way

essay bahasa inggris kelas 9

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Soal Essay PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 terupdate

essay bahasa inggris kelas 9

Measure rice with the measuring cup. Then rinse the rice thoroughly using other container.  Put the rinsed rice in the pan and add water to the recommended scale or to your personal taste. Soak the rice in water at least for 30 minutes.  Place the pan into the body. Make sure the pan settles properly.   Close the lid firmly. Plug in and press the switch. The light indicating “COOK” will be on.The cooking will start immediately When the rice is cooked, the switch will move up to the keep warm, and the light indicating “WARM” will be on. After the switch moves up, leave the lid closed for at least 15 minutes to steam the rice fully. Scoop and mix the rice well. Unplug.

Put your ingredients inside. Try fruits like banana, avocado, or papaya. Make sure the blender is clean and in working conditions. After the usage, don't forget to clean the blender jar, lid, and blades. Plug to the socket Press the button to blend it. There are other buttons showing the speed of blender blades. Try the other buttons. Close the lid and hold the cover tightly Open up the lid and pour it out.
and soon gnawed away the ropes that bound the  king of the beasts. What does the undelined word refer to?


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essay bahasa inggris kelas 9

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15 Contoh Soal Narrative Text Kelas 9 SMP Materi Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya

15 Contoh Soal Narrative Text Kelas 9 SMP Materi Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya

Sonora.ID -  Berikut ini contoh soal  narrative text kelas 9 SMP materi bahasa Inggris  beserta dengan jawabannya.

Contoh soal narrative text ini terdiri dari 15 soal pilihan ganda yang juga dilengkapi dengan kunci jawabannya.

Dengan begitu dapat digunakan untuk siswa sebagai panduan belajar. Daripada pensaran, berikut ini 15 contoh soal narrative text kelas 9 SMP, simak:

Narrative Text untuk nomor 1 - 7

A long time ago, very few people lived in the New Territories. There were only a few villages. If the people wanted to go from one village to another, they often had to pass through wild and unsafe forest.

One day, a farmer’s young wife went to the next village to visit her own mother and brother. She brought along her baby son. When it was time for her to leave, her brother said “ it is getting dark. Let my son, Ah Tim go with you though the forest.”

So Ah Tim led the way and the young woman followed behind, carrying her baby. When they were in the forest, suddenly they saw a group of wolves. They began to run to avoid the danger, but Ah Tim kicked against a stone and fell down. At once the wolves caught him. The young woman cried to the wolves, “ please eat my own son instead.”

Then, she put her baby son on the ground in front of the wolves and took her nephew away. Everyone understood that this was because the woman was very good and kind. She had offered her own son’s life to save her nephew.

They ran back to the house and called for help. All men in the village fetched thick sticks and went back with her into the forest. When they got there, they saw something very strange. Instead of eating the woman’s baby the wolves were playing with him.

Baca Juga: 20 Contoh Soal Cerita Pembagian Kelas 4 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Jawabannya

1. What is the purpose of the writer by writing the story above ?

A. To describe the danger of the villages B. To entertain the readers of the story C. To tell the villagers’ relationship D. To explain how important a relative is

2. From the passage we learn that the villages were...

A. Located in one huge area B. Situated in a large district C. Separated by untamed jungles. D. Wild and unsafe

3. The woman gave her son to the wolves because?

A. She loved her nephew than her son B. She thought about how her brother would be C. She wanted her son was eaten by the wolves D. She was crazy

4. What separated between one village to another a long time ago in the New Territories ?

A. Another village B. Mountains C. Forests D. Hills

5. Who walked in front...

Bahasa inggris, contoh soal narrative text kelas 9, narrative text kelas 9 smp.

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June 6, 2024 • 12 minutes read

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Yuk asah sejauh mana pemahaman materi Bahasa Inggris kamu melalui latihan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 beserta jawabannya di bawah ini!

Duduk di kelas 9 artinya sebentar lagi kamu akan berpindah ke jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi alias jadi siswa SMA. Gimana persiapan kamu menuju ujian? Kamu harus rajin berlatih agar bisa lulus ya!

Di kelas 9 ini, kamu tentu sudah belajar banyak materi mulai dari expression of compliment , agreement and disagreement , present continuous tense , auxiliary verb ,  asking and giving suggestion , simple past tense , dan masih banyak lagi.

Sekarang, saatnya mengasah kemampuan kamu. Yuk tunjukkan kalau kamu sudah menguasai materi dengan mengerjakan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 dan 2 ini!

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawaban

In this section, please choose one of the best answers for the questions.

1. Sarah: Thank you so much, John.

What is the best expression to complete the dialogue?

A. You’re welcome. B. Goodbye. C. Have a nice day. D. You’re a great friend.

2. “Hey, Lisa! I heard you got promoted. ____________”

A. Have you seen the latest movie? B. How was your weekend? C. That’s amazing! Congratulations! D. Can you pass me the salt, please?

3. Lisa: “Wow, you look stunning today!”

Rora: “Thank you! By the way, I love your new haircut.”

In this dialogue, Rora’s response is an example of _____

A. compliment acceptance B. compliment deflection C. compliment rejection D. compliment disagreement

4. Abby: “I believe traveling broadens one’s perspective and enhances personal growth.”

Brad: “I couldn’t agree more! Experiencing different cultures and meeting new people can be truly transformative.”

In this dialogue, Brad’s response indicates:

A. Agreement B. Disagreement C. Neutral stance D. Indifference

5. A: “I believe taking breaks during work hours is essential for maintaining productivity.”

B: “I _______, breaks can actually disrupt workflow and hinder productivity.”

A. agree with you on that B. couldn’t disagree more C. have a similar viewpoint D. partially agree, partially disagree

6. A: “I think we should organize a team-building activity to improve collaboration and morale.”

B: “I _______. Engaging in team-building exercises can foster a stronger bond among team members.”

A. have a different opinion B. agree C. partially disagree D. don’t think that’s necessary

7. Choose the sentence that correctly uses the present continuous tense:

A. I work on my project every day. B. She is cooking dinner right now. C. They will go to the beach tomorrow. D. He reads books in his free time.

8. They are ____ to the beach for swimming.

Swimming on Beach

A. went B. go C. gone D. going

9. He ____ working on a project right now.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

10. Choose the sentence that correctly uses the present continuous tense:

A. He is visit his grandparents next week. B. They are played video games all day yesterday. C. She is writing an essay at the moment. D. We will go for a walk in the evening.

11. Maria _______ the new Harry Potter book last week.

A. will read B. is reading C. did read D. has read

12. Which sentence is using the auxiliary verb “can” correctly?

A. He cans play the guitar very well. B. Can you to help me with this problem? C. They can’t arrived on time for the meeting. D. I can swim since I was five years old.

13. The students ________ their homework yet.

A. don’t finish B. haven’t finished C. aren’t finished D. didn’t finish

14. Which sentence uses the correct form of the auxiliary verb “should”?

A. We should went to the movie theater last night. B. She should to call her mother more often. C. They should have studied harder for the test. D. You should not to eat too much junk food.

15. Which of the following is a correct way to ask for a suggestion?

A. Can you please tell me what to do? B. I think you should go to the doctor. C. I suggest that you should eat healthier. D. Why don’t you go for a walk?

16. Choose the best response to the following situation:

Friend 1: I don’t know what movie to watch tonight.

Friend 2: ________

A. Maybe you should watch a comedy. B. I think you should stay home. C. You must watch an action movie. D. I’m going to the theater.

17. Which sentence is a correct way to give a suggestion?

A. You shouldn’t go for a run. B. I insist that you eat more vegetables. C. I recommend you not to study for the exam. D. How about going to the library?

18. She _______ a delicious cake for her birthday party yesterday.

Birthday Cake

A. bakes B. baked C. baking D. has baked

19. Which of the following sentences is in the simple past tense?

A. I am going to the park tomorrow. B. They have visited London last year. C. He is playing soccer right now. D. She walked to school yesterday.

20. Friend 1: Do you think it will rain tomorrow?

Which response expresses certainty?

A. Maybe, but I’m not sure. B. I doubt it. The weather looks clear. C. Possibly, it could happen. D. I don’t know. Ask someone else.

In this section, please write down the right answer for the questions!

Please answer using the correct form of simple future tense for questions 21-22!

21. She _______ (travel) to Europe next year.

22. We _______ (attend) the conference next week.

23. “Pets are not allowed in the park, and owners must clean up after their animals.” Where can we find the notice in this sentence?


24. Is there anything I can _______ you with?

Complete the dialogue for questions 25-27:

Alex: I heard you have an important job interview tomorrow.

Sara: Yes, I’m really nervous about it.

Alex: Don’t worry, Sara. I (25) _______ you do well. Just believe in yourself.

Sara: Thanks, Alex. I (26) _______ I could impress the interviewer and get the job.

Alex: I have no doubt about it. (27) _______ the best of luck, Sara!

a) wish b) hope c) hope you d) wish you

28. I’m so ____ for hurting you.

29. Please accept my _______ for the mistake.

30. The movie is only for 18+ and no person under the eighteen years can be admitted. Where can we find the notice in that sentence?

Baca Juga: 50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 & 2 Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawaban!

Kunci Jawaban:

  • will travel
  • will attend
  • in the park

Masih butuh belajar bahasa Inggris agar semakin jago ngerjain soal-soal dari sekolah? Nggak usah khawatir! English Academy by Ruangguru bisa bantu kamu biar semakin percaya diri untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris bersama tutor lokal dan juga internasional. Konsultasi gratis  terlebih dahulu dan temukan kelas yang cocok untukmu!

CTA English Academy Konsultasi Gratis

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban

Read the text below to answer questions 1-3!

How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

Ingredients: 2 slices of bread Peanut butter Jelly or jam of your choice


  • Take two slices of bread and lay them flat on a clean surface.
  • Using a butter knife, spread a generous amount of peanut butter on one slice of bread.
  • On the other slice of bread, spread an equal amount of jelly or jam.
  • Carefully place the two slices of bread together, with the peanut butter and jelly sides facing each other.
  • Press the slices gently to ensure they stick together.
  • Optionally, you can cut the sandwich into halves or quarters for easier handling.
  • Your peanut butter and jelly sandwich is now ready to be enjoyed!

Note: You can customize the sandwich by adding other ingredients like sliced bananas, honey, or even sprinkles. Be creative and have fun experimenting with different flavors!

1. What is the main ingredient in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?

A. Sliced bananas B. Jelly or jam C. Honey D. Sprinkles

2. What should you do after spreading the peanut butter and jelly on the bread?

A. Press the slices gently together B. Cut the sandwich into halves or quarters C. Add sliced bananas and honey D. Place the slices on a plate

3. What can you do to customize the sandwich? A. Spread Nutella instead of peanut butter B. Use cheese instead of jelly or jam C. Add sliced tomatoes and lettuce D. Experiment with different flavors and ingredients

Baca Juga: Procedure Text (Teks Prosedur dalam Bahasa Inggris): Definisi, Struktur, dan Contoh

Read the text below to answer questions 4-5!

The cheetah is a magnificent animal known for its incredible speed and agility. With its slender body, long legs, and distinctive black tear stripes running down its face, the cheetah is a sight to behold. 

It is the fastest land animal, capable of reaching speeds of up to 70 miles per hour in just a few seconds. Its sleek, golden coat with black spots helps it blend into its surroundings while hunting. 

The cheetah primarily preys on small to medium-sized ungulates, using its exceptional speed to chase down its prey. Despite its incredible hunting abilities, the cheetah is a vulnerable species, facing threats such as habitat loss and poaching. Efforts are being made to conserve this remarkable animal and ensure its survival for future generations.

4. What is the cheetah primarily known for?

A. Its distinctive black tear stripes B. Its incredible speed and agility C. Its sleek golden coat with black spots D. Its ability to blend into its surroundings

5. What are some of the threats faced by cheetahs?

A. Extreme temperatures in their habitat B. Competition for food from other predators C. Habitat loss and poaching D. Lack of agility and speed

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP dan Kunci Jawabannya

Complete the dialogue by choosing the appropriate responses to the birthday greetings:

Abby: Happy birthday!

Bob: Thank you so much!

Abby: I hope you have a wonderful day filled with (6) _______ and joy.

Bob: That’s very kind of you. I’m looking forward to (7) _______ with my loved ones.

6. A. how old are you turning?     B. celebrating C. happiness D. you’re welcome!

7. A. how old are you turning?     B. celebrating C. happiness D. you’re welcome!

8. Which of the following is an appropriate message for a congratulation card?

A. “I’m sorry for your loss.” B. “Congratulations on your graduation! Well done!” C. “Get well soon!” D. “Happy anniversary!”

9. “She wore an exquisite gown to the party” The italic word means ____

A.Beautiful B. Expensive C. Ordinary D. Old-fashioned

10. Which of the following is a synonym for the word “big”? A. Small B. Tiny C. Large D. Miniature

Baca Juga: 50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP Semester 1 & 2 Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawaban!

Please answer using the correct conjunction for questions 11-13!

11. She loves to sing _______ dance.

12. I will go to the store _______ I need to buy some groceries.


13. She studied diligently _______ she wanted to pass the exam.

14. “The chef prepares the delicious meal.” Please transform the following sentence into passive voice!


15. “Students _______ wear a uniform to school.” What is the most suitable way to express obligation in the following sentence?

16. A: I’m feeling really stressed lately.

B: Have you tried any relaxation techniques?

A: No, I haven’t. What do you suggest?

B: Well, you could consider going for a walk.

What does B suggest to A?

17. Person A: Wow, your presentation was outstanding!

Person B: Thank you so much! Your hard work really paid off.

The dialogue above shows expression of _____

Read the text below to answer questions 18-20!

How to Make a Paper Airplane

Materials: A sheet of paper

  • Start with a rectangular sheet of paper.
  • Fold the paper in half lengthwise, matching the short edges together. Crease the fold well.
  • Unfold the paper and lay it flat on the surface.
  • Take the top right corner of the paper and fold it diagonally towards the center of the paper, aligning the edge with the previous fold. Crease the fold well.
  • Repeat the previous step with the top left corner, folding it diagonally towards the center and aligning the edge with the previous fold. Crease the fold well.
  • Fold the paper in half along the initial fold made in step 2, bringing the bottom edge up to meet the top edge. Crease the fold well.
  • You will now have a triangular shape at the top of the paper. Take the two bottom corners of this triangle and fold them upwards, creating wings for the airplane.
  • Make a small fold at the bottom of the airplane, about an inch up, to create a stabilizer.
  • Hold the airplane at the midpoint and gently launch it forward, adjusting the wings and stabilizer as needed.
  • To make a paper airplane, start with a ___________ sheet of paper.
  • After folding the paper in half lengthwise, match the ___________ edges together.
  • To create wings for the airplane, fold the ___________ corners of the triangular shape upwards.

Baca Juga: 15 Contoh Procedure Text Bahasa Inggris Singkat

  • The delicious meal is prepared by the chef.
  • going for a walk
  • rectangular

Banyak juga yah materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 yang harus dipelajari. Tapi jangan khawatir! Kalau kamu sering mengerjakan soal, pasti akan semakin menguasai kok. Nah, untuk mempercepat penguasaan Bahasa Inggris kelas 9, kamu bisa gabung English Academy.

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25 Latihan Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 2 & Jawaban

Berikut adalah kumpulan contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka ini bisa digunakan sebagai bahan belajar untuk menghadapi UTS.

tirto.id - Sejumlah contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka ini bisa digunakan sebagai bahan belajar untuk menghadapi Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) atau UTS.

PTS atau UTS (Ujian Tengah Semester) merupakan evaluasi pembelajaran bagi peserta didik, khususnya selama kurun tengah semester. Lewat PTS, kemampuan peserta didik menyerap berbagai mata pelajaran yang sudah diajarkan di kelas, akan diuji.

Daftar Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs Semester 2

Berikut ini adalah materi mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 2, sebagaimana dilansir dari Buku Bahasa Inggris: Think Globally Act Locally yang diterbitkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, tahun 2018.

Chapter VII – Sangkuriang

Bab VII akan mempelajari :

- to listen to a folktale

- to read a folktale for myself

- to read a folktale to other people

- to get a moral lesson from a folktale

Chapter VIII – They are made in Indonesia .

Bab VII akan mempelajari:

- to use sentences in the passive voice to describe objects

Chapter IX – What is it?

Bab IX akan mempelajari:

- to obtain and share information about things, animals, natural phenomena, and social phenomena, in order to get the general knowledge about them

Chapter X – Come and visit us!

Bab X akan mempelajari:

- to understand the promotion of goods and services in short and simple advertisements

Chapter XI – You can always come back home.

Bab XI akan mempelajari:

  • Contoh Soal PAS-UAS IPA Kelas 9 Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawaban
  • Contoh Soal PAS Prakarya Kelas 9 Semester 1 dan Jawabannya
  • Contoh Soal PTS PKN Kelas 9 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya

Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya

Setelah mengetahui materi apa saja yang dipelajari pada mapel Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 2, sekarang saatnya berlatih mengerjakan soal-soal PTS berikut ini:

1. What is the first thing to do when cooking rice using a magic com?

a. Adjusting the quantity of water,

b. Washing the rice, in the inner pot.

c. Plugging the cable into the electricity socket,

d. Weighing the rice using the measure cup.

2. The maximum amount of rice that can be cooked with the magic com is ... measure cups.

3. “Put it in the inner pot, and adjust the quantity of water."

The underlined word means the ... of water as suggested,

4. Arrange these sentences based on the pictures above to make cooking instructions.

(1) Put noodles into 2 glasses of briskly boiling water.

(2) Your delicious noodles are ready to be served.

(3) Put the seasoning, vegetables oil and chilli powder in a bowl.

(4) Mix the noodles well with all of the seasoning.

(5) Cook the noodles and simmer for 3 minutes.

a. (4) – (3) – (5) – (1) – (2)

b. (2) – (1) – (5) – (3) – (4)

c. (1) – (5) – (3) – (4) – (2)

d. (3) – (5) – (1) – (4) – (2)

Bacaan untuk soal no. 5- 13

How to Operate Blender

• Make sure the switch is off.

• Place ingredients into the blender container. Add some water if needed.

• Put the lid on.

• Place the container on the motor housing.

• Plug in the cable.

• Select one of two speed buttons as required. Use PULSE switch for precision blending. When adding ingredients or seasonings, remove the small lid for adding things in the middle of the blender lid.

• After grinding, press the switch off.

• Unplug the cable.

5. What does the manual tell you?

a. How to grind

b. How to use blender

c. How to make use a refrigerator

d. How to operate a mixer

6. What do we press when we want a very smooth result?

a. Off switch.

b. On switch.

c. one switch

7. How many speed buttons are there?

8. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To describe something.

b. To instruct something.

c. To narrate a story.

d. To argue on something

9. Do you always have to add water?

a. Of course.

d. Certainly

10. Use PULSE switch for precision blending. The word which is not the synonym of the underlined word, EXCEPT….

d. Excellent

11. What do we do when we want to add something in the blender?

a. Open the lid.

b. Open the small closure on the lid.

c. Plug in the cable.

d. Place the container on the motor housing.

12. When do we plug the cable in?

a. Before placing the container on the motor housing.

b. Before putting the lid on.

c. After placing the container on the motor housing.

d. After pressing the switch on.

13. The following are the synonyms of lid, EXCEPT….

14. Hereka : What do you think of my new tie dye shirt?

Retno : …Did you make it on your own?

Hereka : Yes, I did.

a. I doubt it.

b. Can you show me how to make tie dye shirt?

c. Certainly!

d. Wow, it’s great!

15. Ratu : Let’s ask everyone in our class to help clean the beach.

Ketut : …that they are willing to. Not everyone cares for our nature.

Ratu : Yeah, but it’s worth trying.

b. Certainly

16. Bonar : Is it possible to make other people aware of the loss that they can cause?

Putri : …I don’t think we can make everyone aware of their damaging action.

b. What was that again?

c. I’m very certain about it.

d. I’m not so sure about it.

Bacaan ini untuk soal no. 17 - 20

Tikka Kebab

Ingredients :

1. Cubes of Lamb

2. Squares of green Pepper

5. Tikka Seasoning MixtureStep

1. Cut Onions into Quarters

2. Put Cubes of lambs, squares of green pepper and onion squares on bamboo skewers and marinate them in Tikka Seasoning

3. Grill them

4. Serve them with a salad (Curry like seasoning from India)

17. What does the writer write the text for?

a. To inform how to serve a salad.

b. To explain how to make salad

c. To tell how to make Tikka Kebab

d. To discuss how to make cubes of lamb

18. How many ingredients are needed to make Tikka Kebab?

19. What does the word “them” in step 2 refer to?

a. Cubes of lamb and onions

b. Onion, bamboo skewers and salad

c. Squares of green pepper and onion

d. Cubes of Lamb, onion, and square of green pepper

20. The − man − is − hungry − three − noodles − of − bowls – ordering

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The best arrangement of the words to be a good sentence is ....

a. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 9 – 5 – 8 – 7 – 6

b. 1 – 4 – 2 – 3 – 9 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8

c. 1 – 4 – 2 – 3 – 9 – 5 – 7 – 8 – 6

d. 1 – 4 – 2 – 3 – 9 – 5 – 8 – 7 – 6

Baca juga: Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Kurikulum Merdeka PDF & List Materi

Untuk no. 21-25

Fill in the blanks with the correct expressions!

a. Congratulation

c. Thank you

d. Are you serious?

e. first rank

Yani : I haven’t told you what happened yet, have I?

Indri : I haven’t (21) …. anything.

Yani : My father give me a new laptop because I got (22) … last semester.

Indri : (23) ….

Yani : Yes, I am very excited.

Indri : (24) … on your first rank and for you’re a new laptop, Yani.

Yani : (25) ….

Indri : Sorry, I had to go, Yani. See you in the next semester.

Yani : See you.

Baca juga: Contoh Soal Materi Bioteknologi Kelas 9 tentang Pewarisan Sifat

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Soal Essay Report Text Kelas 9 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi (Beserta Jawaban)

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Soal Essay Report Text Kelas 9

Tulisan ini berisi kumpulan contoh soal essay Report Text Kelas 9 Untuk Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Sangat cocok bukan dengan pencarian kamu di mesin pencari? Kamu bisa baca kumpulan soal di bagian sub ke 2 tulisan ini “Contoh Soal Essay Report Text Kelas 9”.

Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Untuk Guru dan Murid

Soal essay Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu jenis soal yang sering diberikan oleh guru Bahasa Inggris kepada siswa di berbagai tingkatan pendidikan. Soal essay Bahasa Inggris memiliki banyak manfaat yang dapat dirasakan baik oleh guru maupun siswa. Berikut adalah beberapa manfaat dari soal essay Bahasa Inggris:

Manfaat bagi Guru:

  • Evaluasi Kemampuan Siswa: Soal essay Bahasa Inggris memungkinkan guru untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan siswa secara lebih mendalam, karena siswa harus menjawab pertanyaan dengan menjelaskan atau memberikan contoh yang spesifik. Dengan begitu, guru bisa memahami lebih jelas kemampuan siswa dalam memahami materi yang diajarkan.
  • Evaluasi Kemampuan Menulis: Soal essay Bahasa Inggris juga membantu guru untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan menulis siswa, karena siswa harus mampu mengungkapkan jawaban mereka secara jelas dan koheren. Hal ini akan membantu guru untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kemampuan menulis siswa dan juga membantu siswa dalam meningkatkan kemampuan menulisnya.
  • Menstimulasi Berpikir Kritis: Soal essay Bahasa Inggris juga dapat membantu guru untuk menstimulasi berpikir kritis siswa, karena siswa harus mampu menyajikan jawaban yang jelas, berargumentasi dan mempertahankan pendapat mereka. Dengan begitu, siswa akan terbiasa berpikir secara kritis dan analitis.

Manfaat bagi Siswa:

  • Mengetahui Tingkat Pemahaman: Dengan menjawab soal essay Bahasa Inggris, siswa dapat mengetahui tingkat pemahaman mereka terhadap materi yang diajarkan oleh guru. Hal ini membantu siswa dalam mengevaluasi kelemahan dan kekuatan mereka dalam memahami suatu materi.
  • Mengembangkan Kemampuan Menulis: Soal essay Bahasa Inggris membantu siswa dalam mengembangkan kemampuan menulis, karena siswa harus mampu menyajikan jawaban secara jelas dan koheren. Dengan sering menjawab soal essay Bahasa Inggris, siswa akan terbiasa mengembangkan kemampuan menulis mereka.
  • Mengembangkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis: Soal essay Bahasa Inggris juga dapat membantu siswa dalam mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis, karena siswa harus mampu menyajikan argumen dan pendapat mereka secara jelas dan logis. Dengan begitu, siswa akan terbiasa berpikir secara kritis dan analitis.

Dalam kesimpulannya, soal essay Bahasa Inggris memiliki manfaat yang banyak, baik bagi guru maupun siswa. Guru bisa mengevaluasi kemampuan siswa secara lebih mendalam, sedangkan siswa bisa mengetahui tingkat pemahaman mereka dan mengembangkan kemampuan menulis dan berpikir kritis mereka. Oleh karena itu, soal essay pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu metode evaluasi yang efektif dan penting dalam proses pembelajaran.

Contoh Soal Essay Report Text Kelas 9

1. What is a report text and what are its features?

A report text is a type of informational text that describes the characteristics or features of a particular object, event, or phenomena. Its features include an objective tone, use of factual information, and a clear and concise organization.

2. What is the purpose of a report text?

The purpose of a report text is to inform readers about a particular object, event, or phenomena. It provides factual information in an organized and structured manner to help readers understand and learn about the topic.

3. How do you differentiate a report text from other types of texts, such as descriptive text or narrative text?

A report text is different from other types of texts because it focuses on providing factual information about a specific topic, while descriptive text focuses on describing a particular object or place, and narrative text focuses on telling a story.

4. Can you give an example of a report text?

One example of a report text is a scientific report about the effects of climate change on coral reefs. The report would provide factual information about the causes and consequences of climate change on the coral reefs, and would be organized in a clear and concise manner.

5. How can you write an effective report text?

To write an effective report text, it is important to start by selecting a topic that you are knowledgeable about and interested in. You should then research and gather as much factual information as possible, and organize it in a clear and concise manner. It is also important to use an objective tone and provide references or sources to support your claims. Finally, proofread and edit your report to ensure that it is free of errors and flows smoothly.

6. What are the common types of report text and how do they differ from each other?

The common types of report text are analytical reports, informational reports, and research reports. Analytical reports provide an in-depth analysis of a particular issue, while informational reports provide information on a specific topic. Research reports provide an overview of a research study or experiment, including methodology, results, and conclusions.

7. What are the key components of a report text?

The key components of a report text include an introduction, the main body, and a conclusion. The introduction provides an overview of the topic, while the main body provides detailed information and analysis. The conclusion summarizes the key points and may provide recommendations or suggestions for further action.

8. How do you write an effective introduction for a report text?

To write an effective introduction for a report text, start by providing some background information about the topic. This can help to contextualize the report and provide a basis for understanding. Next, clearly state the purpose of the report and what it aims to accomplish. Finally, provide an overview of the main points that will be covered in the report.

9. What is the role of visuals in a report text?

Visuals, such as charts, graphs, and images, can be used to enhance the information presented in a report text. They can help to illustrate complex ideas and data in a clear and concise way, making the information more accessible to readers. However, it is important to use visuals appropriately and ensure that they are relevant to the topic.

10. How can you ensure that your report text is well-structured and easy to read?

To ensure that your report text is well-structured and easy to read, it is important to use headings and subheadings to organize the information. Use short paragraphs and bullet points to break up the text and make it easier to scan. Additionally, use an appropriate tone and language that is easy to understand, and avoid using technical jargon or acronyms that may be unfamiliar to the reader.

Dan itulah akhir dari tulisan tentang Soal Essay Report Text Kelas 9 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi (Beserta Jawaban). Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat dan dapat membantu Anda dalam mempersiapkan diri menghadapi ujian. Jangan lupa, selain belajar dengan tekun, jangan lupa juga untuk istirahat yang cukup dan melakukan aktivitas yang menyenangkan agar otak tetap segar dan siap menerima informasi baru. Sampai jumpa di tulisan selanjutnya!

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20 Contoh Soal Report Text Bahasa Inggris Beserta Kunci Jawaban

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Report Text adalah teks yang bertujuan menyampaikan informasi dengan mendeskripsikan sesuatu secara umum, yang meliputi berbagai hal/dan fenomena alam dan sosial yang terjadi di sekitar kita. Report Text berisi serangkaian fakta yang logis dan bersifat objektif, tanpa ada keterlibatan pribadi (pendapat pribadi) penulis.

Struktur report text terdiri dari 2, antara lain :

  • General classification ( klasifikasi umum ) Pengantar tentang objek / fenomena yang akan dibahas
  • Description ( Deskripsi ) Menerangkan objek / fenomena yang di bahas, meliputi bagian-bagian, kualitas dan perilaku.

Ciri-ciri kebahasaan Report Text :

  • Menggunakan simple present tense, kecuali apabila yang dibahas sudah punah, menggunakan past tense.
  • Menggunakann action verb ( kata kerja tindakan ) dan relating verb, mislanya is, am, are, look, seem.
  • Menggunakan general nouns (kata benda yang bersifat umum) misalnya green sea turtles, Northern Lights, orchids, platypus, figure skaters.

Contoh Soal Report Text Materi Bahasa Inggris

The following test is for question 1 to 2.

Youshould not miss the Barelang Bridges, six sophisticated full swing bridges that connect Batam-Rempang-Galang together. The six spectacular iconic to Batam. ‘Barelang’ is an abbereviation of the larger Setoko, Rempang, Galang and Galang Baru Island together. All bridges allow visitors convenient access, like travelling in one big island. The total stretch of all six bridges is about two kilometres, and travelling from the first bridge to the last one would take around 20 minutes. The Tengku Fisabililah Bridge that connects Batam to Tonton island is very impressive and the most popular. The Ngha Trang Memorial Wall. a tribute to the Vietnamese boat people on Galang Island is also worth visiting.

  • What makes the Barelang Bridges magnificent? A. They stretch far away. B. They stand strongly. C. They have six tall poles. D. They can swing freely
  • After reading the text, the write hopes that the readers …. A. know where the bridges are B. are interested to visit Batam Island C. can tell the history of the Bridges D. know a clear description about the bridges

The following test is for question 3 to 5.

Purple passion fruit is a small, oval to round shaped fruit, approximately two to three inches in diametre at maturity. Thefruit’s skin is smooth, yet dimpled and at peak maturity can be heavily wrinkled. The skin’s colour varies with hues of dark purple and red. Below the skin is a cottony white peel. The interior seed cavity of purple passion fruit is filled with edible yellow to green jelly and medium sized black seeds. Its pulp is highly aromatic and it also has a tropical sweet tart flavour with nuances of pineapple, papaya, mango, and guava. Purple passion fruit are prized for the jelly-like pulp they contain, which can be used rawor cooked in a number of dessert and beverage preparations. Slince in half and use a spoon to remove the gelatinous contents. Both the pulp and seeds are edible and ready to eat. For a less tart flavour, add a little sugar and cream to it before serving. Serve purple passion friut through cheese cloth. The seed free pulp of the purple passion fruit can be cooked down to make syrup for use in beverages, sauces, soups, preserves, sherbets, pie fillings, frosting, marsmallows and cakes. Purple passion fruit is a subtropical fruit native to southern Brazil, Paraguay and northern, northern Argentina. Purple passion fruit thrives in warm to hot climates that experience moderate rainfalls and rare frost. Commercial production today comes out of India, New Zealand, the Caribbean, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Australia, Peru, Africa, Israel and in the United States from Florida and California.

  • What is the main idea of paragraph two? A. The taste of the purple passion fruit B. The origin of the purple passion fruit C. The way to consume the purple passion fruit D. The description of the purple passion fruit.
  • The skin of the purple passion fruit starts wrinkled when they are …. A. raw B. dry C. ripe D. rotten
  • “…. it also has a tropical sweet tart flavour …” ( Paragraph 1 ) The word “it” refers to ….. A. the jelly B. the pulp C. the black seed D. the purple passion fruit

The following test is for question 6 to 9.

This day the people of Pangkal Pinang can enjoy an iconic theme park like those in other big cities, such as Bandung and Jakarta. This new theme park is known as Bhayangkara Park of Pangkal Pinang Bangka Belitung or Babel Bhay Park. Babel Bhay Park is located near the administration office complex of Bangka Belitung Province. To be precise, it sets beside the Police Force Headquarter of Bangka Belitung Region. The Area of the park is only rented for a year and the contract will possibly be extended for public need. This park makes the office complex become more attractive and beautiful. This park has several places to relax and take pictures for your social medias with several unique themes. Those themes are named based on the divisions in Polda Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. The are Traffic Park from Drlantas Polda Babel, Hobbit House from Sarpras Polda Babel, Bird Park from Brimob Polda Babel, Outdoor Playground from Ditreskrimsus Polda Babel and many other parks. The are also a jogging track around the lake, unique photo spots and cafe made of containers as its decorations. Visitors may have several activities there. This park can be an education place for children. They can play and learn about the traffic regulation there.

  • People will be interested to visit the place because of …. A. the letters of Babel Bhay Park B. the education place for children C. the unique theme park D. the decoration of the cafe
  • The theme park get their names from…. A. the attractions the parks have B. the location near the police headquarter C. the social medias voting D. the names of the police divisions
  • What exercise can visitors do in the park? A. Jogging B. Bowling C. Diving D. Swimming
  • ” ….. the contract will possibly be extended for public need.” The underlined word has the closest in meaning to …. A. enlarged B. widened C. lengthened D. straightened

The following test is for question 10 to 13.

National Jamboree is my unforgettable experience. I joined the Tenth National Jamboree in 2016 when i was in the seventh grade. After i passed the scouting test in the Regency Council, I started the trainning for about four months. There were also several other students from other schools who passed the test. The jamboree was held in Bumi Perkemahan Cibubur, in August,2021. My Friends, scoutmasters and i went there a week before the jamboree started. The scoutmasters said that it was necessary to adapt to the environment. There were several other patrols that came from other regencies. They had come several days before us. The participatans came from almost all regencies in indonesia. There, we met and knew people from other regencies or provinces in indonesia. There was an activity to present the culture of each regency. This activity was like a parade. We learned many cultures and felt in love with indonesia even more. The theme of the jamboree was ‘ Gembira, Keren, Asyik’. That was perfectly reflected on the activities because i felt so. There, we also learned important knowledge and life skills, such as friendship, destinations, such as Lubang Buaya Museum, Monumen Nasional ( Monas ) and Taman Mini Indonesia Indah ( TMII ).

  • The text mainly tells us about … A. teh description of a national jamboree B. an interesting event in the national jamboree C. several activities in the tenth national jamboree D. several places near Bumi Perkemahan, Cibubur
  • The writer feel …. following the activities in the jamboree. A. passionated B. comfortable C. confident D. amused
  • Why did the writer have to come aerlier? A. To make friends with other members B. To give them advantages in the activities C. To know the indonesian culture D. To be used to the environment
  • ” …. it was necessary to adapt to the environment.” The bolded word is similar in meaning to … A. alter B. adjust C. merge D. survive

The following test is for question 14 to 17.

There os a very popular place among couples. It is Heart Reef, in the Great Barrier Reef of the Whitsundays, Australia. Heart Reef is a stunning composition of coral that has naturally formed into shape of a heart. Locatedin Hardy Reef, heart Reef is best experienced from the air by helicopter or seaplane, as visitors are unable to snorkel or dive there due its protected status. Many tour companies will combine a scenic flight over Heart Reef with other breathtaking spots in the Whitsundays, including Whitehaven Beach and Hili Inlet. Heart Reef was discovered in 1970 by one Air Whitsunday’s pilot and is now an internationally recognised attraction of the Whitsundays and features on many postcards and brochures promoting the Whitsunday region and the Great Barrier Reef. It has been the site of many proposals and declarations of love over the years.

  • What is the story about? A. A furious magical apple tree. B. Two brothers who lived harmoniously. C. A magical apple tree and two different brothers. D. A greedy elder brother and kind younger brother.
  • The elder brother earned for his living by …. A. cultivating his land B. growing and selling apples C. cutting down trees in a forest D. collecting branches and selling them
  • The conflict of the story is when …. A. the elder brother tended to cut down the apple tree B. the apple tree gave the elder brother golden apples C. the elder brother dissatisfied with the apples he received D. the apple tree was furious due to the elder brother’s greediness
  • “After he finished, the elder brother apologised for treating him badly …” What does the bolded word refer to? A. The younger brother B. The elder brother C. The magical apple tree D. The magical spirit

The following test is for question 18 to 20.

Paddlefish is the common name for the ray-finned fish. It is characterised by an elongated, paddle-like snout with minute barbels, a large mouth with minute teeth and along gill rakers. There are only two modern species of these fish, i.e. the plankton-feeding American paddlefish ( Polyodon spathula ) and the piscovorous Chienese paddlefish (Psephurus gladius). Paddlefish are not closely related to sharks. However, they have several body parts that resemble those of sharks such as their skeletons and deeply forked heterocercal tail fins. Paddlefish provide important economic, ecological and aesthetic values. During the last century, paddlefish and sturgeon have been commercially exploited for their eggs (roe) called caviar. Paddlefish and sturgeon are two of the most important fish for freshwater caviar. Their unique shapes and large sizes also add to the joy of nature for humans, including sport fishing. However, exploitation and habitat changes, among other factors, have significantly reduced the population of paddlefish.

  • After reading the text, it is expected that the readers….. A. consume paddlefish B. sell and buy paddlefish C. breed paddlefish in aquariums D. preserve paddlefish from extinction
  • From the text we know that paddlefish …. A. have a common shape B. have a small and long mouth C. have similar skeletons as sharks D. are mostly exploited for its meat
  • Why does the population of paddlefish decrease? A. They are predators. B. They are difficult to bread. C. People destroy their habitats. D. People commercially exploit them.

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40 Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP MTs Kurikulum 2013 Semester Ganjil Revisi 2021

40 Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP MTs Kurikulum 2013 Semester Ganjil Revisi 2021

MANTRA SUKABUMI - Berikut ini 40 kumpulan soal pilihan ganda dan essay PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP MTs Kurikulum 2013 semester ganjil revisi 2021-2022. 

40 soal pilihan ganda dan essay mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP MTs semester ganjil Kurikulum 2013 tahun ajaran 2021 bisa kalian jumpai di sini.

Dengan bebas kalian bisa melihat 40 soal pilihan ganda dan essay Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP MTs Kurikulum 2013 semester ganjil ini.

Baca Juga: Bank Soal UAS PAS Matematika Kelas 7 SMP MTs Semester 1 Simak Kunci Jawaban Terupdate 2021

Meski begitu di dalam artikel ini terdapat kekurangan karena tidak dituliskan dengan kunci jawaban dari 40 soal PAS pilihan ganda dan essay Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP MTs tahun 2021.

Dilansir  mantrasukabumi.com  dari buku.kemdikbud.go.id Buku Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP MTs, berikut kunci jawaban dan prediksi soal PAS UAS 2021.

Read the advertisement and answer question 1 and 2!


Experience our brand new peaceful ambience decoration in luxurious band comfortable hotel room for affordable price Reservation Telephone : ( 0234) 611 850 Fax : ( 0234 ) 339 387 Address : Plaza Ghani Timur, JlnSumuradem 78-79 SukraIndrmayu

1. What is being advertised in the advertisement above? a. Hotel b. House c. Decoration d. Restaurant

2. Where would the above advertisement possibly posted? a. Police station c. Restaurant b. Recreation Object d. Prison

Read the advertisement and answer question 3 and 4!

Young Red Cross Association of SMP N 1 Patrol – Indramayu To : All members I order to celebrate our Independent day, We are going to go camping at Ciremai Mountain. Camping site from 14 to 16 December 2015 The contribution is Rp.60.000.Those who want to join the activity please contact Mr. Daniel or Mr. Ginanjar. Registration will be opened starting from 5th December 2015 For further information, please contact the committee. Aswati Chair person

3. Whom should you meet to register for the program? a. The Chair person c. Mr. Daniel or Ginanjar b. The committee d. Aswati

4. The camping will start on…. a. 5 December 2015 c. 15 December 2015 b. 14 December 2015 d. 16 December 2016

Dear Miyadah Don’t forget to pick up your order at Wendy’s At 5.00 p.m. I’m going to get back home late Thank you dear. Love Mom

Baca Juga:  Soal PAS UAS PKN Kelas 5 SD MI Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 Lengkap Bonus Kunci Jawaban Terupdate

5. Why can’t Miyadah’s mother pick up the order? a. She is not interested to do so b. She is busy in with yoga class c. She won’t come home until night d. Her boss won’t allow her to

6. What is Miyadah supposed to do after reading the message? a. Obey her mother and take the order on time b. Ignore her mother c. Remove the message d. Order another food

Read the text and answer questions 7 to 8 Rujak Buah

Ingredients : 1 cucumber, peeled ¼ cup brown sugar 1 mango, peeled and cubed 3 tablespoons peanuts, fried 1 papaya, cut ½ inch cubes 1 hot chili peppers, seeded and sliced 1 apple tart, cut into ½ in cube 1 tablespoon tamarind , dissolved in ¼ cup water and strained pineapple, cut into ½ inch cubes ( could use fresh or canned pineapple ) Direction S Mix all the fruit together SGrind chilies and salt SAdd brown sugar SAdd fried roasted peanuts and grind completely S pour some tamarind liquid SMix the sauce and fruits together Sserve chilled

7. What should you do with the peanut before you grind them? a. Peel them c. pour the tamarind b. Roast them d. add brown sugar on them

8. What is the purpose of the procedure text above? a. To inform about the deliciousness of RujakBuah b. To show easy it is to taste RujakBuah c. To show the steps in making Rujakbuah d. To inform the material used to make Rujakbuah

9. What should be mixed with the fruit? a. The sauce c. The tamarind b. The mango d. The pineapple

Read the text and answer questions 10 to 12 How to Connect A Laptop and Projector 1) Determine the type of video output the laptop and projector you are using has. Make sure they are compatible with each other. Common video out types each VGA, S-Video, and HDMI. 2) Make sure your computer and projector are both turned off. 3) Take the Video cable cord and connect the laptop and projector. It doesn’t matter which end you connect to which device, connect one end to the Projector “Computer In” port and connect the other end to the video port on the laptop. 4) plug the projector into an AC wall outlet. You might need to plug the electrical cord into the projector first. 5) Turn on the laptop and projector and allow time for the two to fully load. 6) Activate the external video by pressing Fn and F4, F8, or F3 simultaneously. The key will either have CRT / LCD or a picture of a computer on it. The Fn key and the LCD keyboard key button pushed together once will take the laptop screen and project it to the screen, causing the laptop screen to become black. Pushing the keys together twice will allow the image to show on both the laptop and projector screen.

10. What is the text about? a. The steps to connect projector and laptop b. The way to a laptop and HDMI c. How to operate laptop and projector d. How to operate a laptop and HDMI

11. What should we do after plugging the projector into an AC wall outlet? a. Turn on the laptop and projector b. Allow time for the two to fully load c. Take the video cable cord and connect the laptop and projector d. Activate the external video by pressing Fn and F4, F8, or F3 simultaneously.

12. “ pushing the keys together twice will allow…

The word allow ( step 6 ) has the closest meaning to the word … a. must c. maybe b. permit d. should

The following text is for question 13 to 17 Forty miles east of Jakarta, Indonesia, Citarum River runs over186 miles from Wayang Mountain to the Java Sea. The island’s largest river supports more than 30 million residents who rely on the water source for agricultural, domestic, and personal use. However, unregulated factory growth since the area’s rapid industrialization in the 1980s has choked the Citarum with both human and industrial waste. The river, now known as one of the most polluted in the world, is unrecognizable as part of the Parahyangan region, over 200 textile factories line the river banks. The dyes and chemicals used in the industrial process (lead, arsenic, and mercury amongst them )are churned into the water, changing its colour and lending the area an acrid dour. Plastic, Packaging and other detritus floats in the scummy water, rendering the river’s surface invisible beneath its carpet of junk. The effect on the local ecosystem has been devastating, fish float dead on the surface of the water, and local fisherman have turned to entrepreneurial methods of survival, picking up plastic from the water for recycling.

13. The best title for the text above is a. The Effect on the local Ecosystem c. Forty miles East of Jakarta b. Unregulated Factory Growth d. The Citarum River 14. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? a. The effect of devastating local ecosystem b. fish float dead on the surface of the water. c. Local people have turned to entrepreneurial methods d. picking up plastic from the water for recycling.

Baca Juga:  Prediksi Soal PAS UAS Tema 2 Kelas 4 SD MI Semester 1 Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban Terbaru

15. What is Citarum River used for? a. for recycling b. for fishing kinds of fish c. for wasting plastic, packing, and other detritus d. for agricultural, domestic and personal use

16. Why Citarum River is known as one of the most polluted in the world? a. The effect on the local ecosystem has been devastating b. It runs over 186 miles from the Wayang Mountain to the java sea c. The Island largest river support more than 30 million residents d. The unregulated factory growth has choked it with both human and industrial waste.

17. What is the purpose of the text? a. To entertain the reader b. To describe Citarum River and its situation c. To tell the reader not to consume the Citarum water d. To retell about what had happened in Citarum River

The following text is for questions 18 to 21 Have you ever heard about a distinction bridge in Malaysia? Here is the bridge, Langkawi Sky Bridge is a 125 meters curved pedestrian cable- stayed bridge, located at the Peak of Gunung Mat Chinchang Mountain, on Pulau Langkawi, an island in the Langkawi archipelago in Kedai, Malaysia. Completed in 2004, this suspended bridge is located at the ‘end’ of a cable car ride which begins at the Oriental Village at the foot hill of the Machincang mountain range. The bridge is suspended from a 82 meter high single pylon and hangs at about 100 meter above ground. It swings out over the landscape to give visitors a unique spatial experience and spectacular views. The 1.8 meters wide bridge has two triangular platforms that act as ‘ stops’ where you can admire the view and rest your feet. Langkawi Sky Bridge ranks among the world’s strangest suspension bridge and constructing it was not an easy feat. The entire bridge, in all its elements had to be lifted to the top of the mountain by helicopter and was later assembled to its current position.

18. How high is the bridge from the ground? a. 125 meters c. 80 meter b. 100 meter d. 1.8 meter

19. Helicopter was needed to build the bridge to … a. lift all elements to the top of the mountain b. admire the view and rest your feet c. swing out over the landscape d. look around the bridge

20. Which statement is correct according to the texts? a. The bridge is located at the Valley of Gunung Mat Chinchangmountain b. It swings out over the landscape to give visitor an ordinary experience c. The bridge has two triangular platform that act as ‘stop’ d. We can go through the mountain by a helicopter

21. Where can we admire the view and rest our feet? a. At the entire bridge c. At the oriental Village at the foot hill b. At the peak of the mountain d. At the two triangular platform that act as ’stop’

Baca Juga:  UAS PAS IPA Kelas 7 SMP MTS Terbaru 2021, Diprediksi Muncul pada Penilaian Akhir Semester Ganjil Read the text and answer questions 22 to 25 The cycle rickshaw is a small – scale local means of transport ; it is also known by a variety of other names such as pedicab, bikecab, cyclo, becak, or trishaw, or simply rickshaw which also refers to auto rickshaws pulled by person on foot. Cycle rickshaws are human –powered, a type of tricycle designed to carry passengers in addition to the driver. They are often used on hire basis. Cycle rickshaws are widely used in major cities around the world. But most commonly in cities of South, Southeast, and East Asia. Cycle rickshaw in Indonesia are called becak. Becak was considered an icon of the capital city of Jakarta prior to its ban in 1970s. Citing concerns of public order, the city government forbade them on the city’s main streets. However, many becaks still operate near slums through the city. Attempts at reinforcing the ban resulted in large-scale seizures of The vehicle in the late 1990s and in 2007.

22. What is the text about? a. modern vehicle c. four-wheeled vehicle b. traditional vehicle d. modern transportation

23. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? a. The original name of the becak is rickshaws b. Becakwere considered an icon of Jakarta c. The government forbids becak on main streets. d. Many becak are still operation in the city

24. According to the text, we know that…. a. Becak is always pulled by a person on foot b. Many becak still operate on the city’s main street c. The government allows becak to operate on every city’s street d. Becak is forbidden by government on the city’s main street

Read the text and answer questions 25 to 27

Dear Nayla I’m writing to you concerning of my last day in Yogya. I just got back from Borobudur, the most wonderful temple I’ve ever seen. The weather is fine. We are now staying in a hotel. It’s not far from Malioboro. We are treated well here. It was many excellent staffs who serve the customers. We plan to go around Malioboro after the children take a short nap. We want to enjoy having “lesehan” there. It is a kind of a restaurant but we sit on the ground. Many kind of local handicraft are sold along Malioboro Street. Both domestic and foreign tourists are interested in them. I want to buy some souvenirs. Don’t worry, I’ll buy you the most interesting one. Your friend

25. The text gives us information about? a. The wonderful Borobudur temple c. Nayla’s last day in Yogya b. The souvenirs to be bought d. A comfortable hotel near Malioboro

26. Who wrote the letter? a. Customers c. The hotel staff b. Nayla d. Thony

27. How do the staff serve the customers of the hotel? a. proudly c. badly b. interestingly d. nicely

Mr. and Mrs Hartono Together with Mr. and Mrs. Abdullah Warmly invite you to share a day of happiness at the marriage uniting Our beloved children Wedding reception will be Sunday, January 13th , 2014 at the MelatiHatelSumuradem At 10 a.m – 2 pm. Wedding matrimony will be held on Saturday, January 12th – 2o14 at 09:00 a.m At Mr, and Mrs. Abdullah’s sweet home

28. When will the wedding matrimony be held? a. January 12th 2014 c. at 11:00 am b. January 13th 2014 d. at 2.00p.m

29. How long will the wedding reception be? a. 1 hour b. 2 hours c. 3 hours d. 4 hours

There are many tourist destination in Indonesia. Bali is one of the most (30) … ones. The island is famous for its beautiful beaches, traditional dance, handicraft, and culture. Domestic or foreign tourists come here every day during the year. Tourism becomes a good business and industry. We can take Ancol in Jakarta as a good example. Ancol with its DuniaFantasi and Sea World has (31 )… so many people that it producer a large (32) …

30. a. honorable b. dangerous c. well- know d. Difficult

31. a. invited b. attracted c. motivated d. Visited

32. a. income b. tourists c. products d. souvenir

Arrange these sentences to make a good paragraph!

1. This is how to cook rice using a magic com 2. Second, pour water into the magic com 3. Then, wait it for few minutes 4. Then, four the washed rice in it 5. Next, push the “cook” button in magic com 6. First, take the washed rice 7. Finally pick the rip rice up, and it is ready to eat

Baca Juga:  Bocoran UAS PAS Matematika Kelas 8 SMP MTS, Kunci Jawaban Menghitung Sudut dan Derajat Segitiga

33. a. 1-6-2-4-5-3-7 b. 1-6-2-4-7-3-5 c. 4-6-2-1-5-3-7 d. 4-6-2-3-5-1-7

Arrange these jumble word to make a good sentence

34. Mother – cooking – I – on – rendang – want – help – Sunday – to - happily 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a. 3- 6- 9 -7-1-2-5-10-4-8 c. 1-6-9-7-3-2-10-5-4- 8 b. 3-6-9-7-3-2-10-7-4-8 d. 1-6-9-10-7-5-2- 3 – 4- 8

II. Jawablah!

stove – pan – let – make – carelessly –carefully First, melt the butter in the (35) … over medium heat. Then, crack open the eggs into the pan and (36) … fry until the yolk begin to harden at the edges (indicated by a lightening in the yolk color). Using the spatula, flip the eggs (37) … and allow cooking ten seconds for over-easy, or up to one minute for over – hard. Finally, add salt and pepper to taste, and serve.

38. Rearrange the jumbled words into a good sentence! will – opened – Monday – and – be - each - afternoon –shop – the Uniform 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 39. Rearrange the following sentences into a good paragraph! 1. An interesting program makes us keep watching it. 2. They are music, film, sports, news and many others. 3. We can choose as we wish. 4. There are a lot of TV programs we can enjoy.

Disclaimer: Soal dan kunci jawaban berada di bawah bimbingan guru berkompeten dan ahli di bidangnya Lulusan STKIP Pasundan Cimahi prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Ahmad Junaedi, S.Pd. Kunci jawaban belum tentu 100 persen benar.***

Editor: Ina Herlina

Sumber: buku.kemdikbud.go.id

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Contoh Soal Essay PTS/UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Semester Genap Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

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Contoh Soal Essay PTS/UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Semester Genap Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

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Contoh latihan soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP/MTs terdiri dari pilihan ganda.

Latihan soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP/MTs ini ditujukan kepada orang tua untuk memandu proses belajar.

Selengkapnya, inilah contoh latihan soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP/MTs semester 2:

Panji : My I borrow your camera? Nathan : Oh sorry, it ..... now

Jawaban:  is being repaired

The window ..... since three days ago Jawaban: has not been cleaned

Do you know that the new rules about smoking ..... by government for the time being? Jawaban: are discussed

Waste materials ..... of in a variety of ways Jawaban: are disposed

The house ..... in 1665 Jawaban: was built

Untuk nomor 6-8

Queen Kebab

Ingredients :

pts bahasa inggris kelas 9

Latihan uts bahasa inggris kelas 9, soal uts bahasa inggris, tribunjateng.com.

20 Tanaman yang Tidak Disukai Nyamuk dan Serangga, Cocok Ditanam di Rumah


Berita populer.


Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halaman 123 124 125: Conversation 1-6

Kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 9 halaman 121-122 the moment related to the event.


Kunci Jawaban Kelas 3 SD Tema 4 Subtema 3 Halaman 125-129 Apakah Kamu Memiliki Hewan Peliharaan?


Membuat Sajak dan Pantun Kunci Jawaban Tema 4 Kelas 5 SD Halaman 14 dan 15 Subtema 1 Pembelajaran 2

Kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 9 halaman 116 117 118, conversation 1-7.

Fitting HDPE Reducer Coupler PP Compression DN.63X32 - Jakarta Timur

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  • Kamis, 18 Juli 2024


Soal Essai USP Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan, Cek Disini Yuk

Soal Essai USP Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan (Freepik)

DISTRIK NEWS – Ini adalah soal essai untuk Ujian Satuan Pendidikan ( USP ) kelas 9 SMP yang bisa digunakan sebagai bahan latihan.

Dalam artikel soal USP ini juga disertai dengan pembahasan dan kunci jawaban .

Ada 5 soal essai beserta kunci jawaban USP kelas 9 mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris .

Berikut ini, soal essai untuk Ujian Satuan Pendidikan (USP) kelas 9 SMP mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

Baca Juga: Yuk Simak Ini Soal PG USP atau US Bahasa Indonesia Jenjang SMA dan SMK, Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

Read  the message below to answer questions numbers 1 and 2.

To : Basketball Club Member

There will be no basketball practice this week

because Mr Dinar is still attending a seminar in Cirebon.

Yeni Mulyani Agustin

1) What is the message about ?

2) What will the basketball Club members probably do after reading the message ?

3) Complete the following functional text with the suitable words provided in the box.

- participant                              -  held                                   - prize

Editor: Wahid

Bahasa Inggris


essay bahasa inggris kelas 9

KKM UNIBA Serang 2024: Jadikan Laboratorium Sosial di Masyarakat dan Implementasi Keilmuan Praktis di Lapangan

essay bahasa inggris kelas 9

Penempatan di Serang, Rumah Makan Bebek Carok Buka Loker Kasir Kualifikasi Pria dan Wanita Berikut Deskripsi Pekerjaannya

essay bahasa inggris kelas 9

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 10 SMA/SMK Sederajat, Pertanyaan Pemantik, BAB 1 Mengungkap Fakta Alam Secara Objektif Halaman 1

Kegiatan 2, Ini Dia Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 11 Halaman 6 Kurikulum Merdeka, Sagu Pangan Lokal Menjanjikan

Kegiatan 2, Ini Dia Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 11 Halaman 6 Kurikulum Merdeka, Sagu Pangan Lokal Menjanjikan

CONTOH Paragraf Deduksi dan Induksi Tema Tempe Sebagai Sumber Makanan Protein Nabati

CONTOH Paragraf Deduksi dan Induksi Tema Tempe Sebagai Sumber Makanan Protein Nabati

Identifikasilah Pola Pengembangan Paragraf Deduksi atau Induksi, Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 11 Halaman 10, 11 Kurikulum Merdeka

Identifikasilah Pola Pengembangan Paragraf Deduksi atau Induksi, Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 11 Halaman 10, 11 Kurikulum Merdeka

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 11 Halaman 10 Kurikulum Merdeka, Jawablah Soal Benar atau Salah di Bawah Ini!

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 11 Halaman 10 Kurikulum Merdeka, Jawablah Soal Benar atau Salah di Bawah Ini!

Kuota 100 Orang, Beasiswa S1 STISNU NUSANTARA Tangerang, Berikut Program Studi Yang Dapat Dipilih Oleh Pendaftar

Kuota 100 Orang, Beasiswa S1 STISNU NUSANTARA Tangerang, Berikut Program Studi Yang Dapat Dipilih Oleh Pendaftar

Jelaskan Pembahasan BAB Dalam Kitab Al-Ahkam As-Sultoniyah Yang Membahas Hukum-hukum Ketatanegaraan Islam, Simak Jawabannya

Jelaskan Pembahasan BAB Dalam Kitab Al-Ahkam As-Sultoniyah Yang Membahas Hukum-hukum Ketatanegaraan Islam, Simak Jawabannya

Siapakah Nama Lengkap Imam Al-Mawardi, Berikut Jawaban Paling Komprehensif Terkait Imam Al-Mawardi

Siapakah Nama Lengkap Imam Al-Mawardi, Berikut Jawaban Paling Komprehensif Terkait Imam Al-Mawardi

Kunci Jawaban Halaman 8 Kegiatan 2 Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 9 Kurikulum Merdeka Terkait Mendiskusikan Isi Teks Deskripsi

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Yuk Pelajari Lembar Kegiatan 1 Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 9 Kurikulum Merdeka Halaman 7 Tabel 1.2 Terkait Menemukan Ide Pokok

Yuk Pelajari Lembar Kegiatan 1 Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 9 Kurikulum Merdeka Halaman 7 Tabel 1.2 Terkait Menemukan Ide Pokok

Pahami, Inilah Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 11 Halaman 3, 4 Kurikulum Merdeka, Pangan Lokal Pengganti Beras

Pahami, Inilah Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 11 Halaman 3, 4 Kurikulum Merdeka, Pangan Lokal Pengganti Beras

Mari Kita Simak! Inilah 10 Contoh Soal Mata Pelajaran Fisika Kelas X SMA Beserta Jawabannya

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Pelajari, Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 9 Halaman 24 Kurikulum Merdeka Terkait Menilai Kohesi dan Koherensi dalam Paragraf Deskripsi

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Kunci jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 9 Halaman 1 Kurikulum Merdeka Bab I Demi Keluarga, Yuk Pelajari Disini

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MARI BELAJAR! Inilah Jawaban Komprehensif Apa Bedanya Tulisan Arab Bismillah di Translate Arab dan di Juz Amma atau di Al-Qur'an

Kualifikasi pendidikan s1 semua jurusan, bebek carok buka loker staff it penempatan di serang, berikut kualifikasinya, pendidikan sma/smk sederajat, salary rp3.000.000 sampai rp100.000.000 bank bri buka loker bancassurance financial advisor area banten dan sekitarnya, lulusan sma, ini kesempatanmu bni life buka loker telemarketing di 4 kota besar, daftar sekarang.

Belajaria – Materi Pelajaran


Report text merupakan salah satu materi pada mata pelajaran bahasa inggris yang sering kali di ajarkan pada jenjang smp 9. Nah apakah tertarik mempelajarinya ? Kalian bisa simak pembahasan dari materinya di bawah ini.

Berikut materinya :

Pengertian singkat Adalah teks yang menunjukkan atau menyampaikan informasi mengenai sesuatu pada biasanya dan juga apa adanya. Report text tersebut merupakan hasil dari observasi penelitian dan juga analisa sistematis. Tetapi terkadang orang menganggap report text tersebut sama dengan Descriptive Text.

Berbeda hal dengan Report text yang menunjukkan informasi secara umum, Descriptive text menunjukkan menerangkan informasi secara menyeluruh dan juga detail khusus. Jadi kalian cukup diingat sahaja bahwasanya Report text itu umum dan juga Descriptive Text yaitu khusus.

Sebab menunjukkan atau menerangkan sebuah hasil dari penelitian ilmiah, jadi report text tersebut umumnya merupakan seputar hal-hal ilmiah di sekitar, Contohnya fenomena alam, planet, tata-surya, tanaman, hewan, kehidupan sosial manusia, budaya, negara, transportasi dan juga yang lain sebagainya.

  • General Classification
  • Description
  • Menunjukkan aspek secara umum
  • Memakai conditional logical connection, seperti when, etc, so
  • Menggunakan Simple Present Tense

Berikut contoh soal latihanya untuk kalian :

  • The movie will have …… by the time we get there. a. start b. is start c. starting d. started e. startw
  • I …… have bought a few apples at the market. a. was b. am c. are d. is e. will
  • You ……. perfected your English by the time you came back from London. a. was b. will be c. will have d. will has e. has been
  • He will …… his coat when he go to the his friend’s party. a. was hung b. hung c. is hang d. hang e. have hung
  • …… you have finished it by the time I come back? a. is b. will c. when d. was e. where


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Simpan nama, email, dan situs web saya pada peramban ini untuk komentar saya berikutnya.

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Latihan Soal Procedure Text dan Manual Terbaru

Test 1  soal procedure text dan manual, test 2 soal procedure text dan manual, test 3  soal procedure text dan manual.

DBI | Pocedure Text Spaghetti Carbonara

Kunci jawaban

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  • 40 Contoh Soal Procedure Text Kelas 9 Beserta Jawabannya 2022

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Materi dan Soal Exercise Procedure Text Kelas 9 SMP

Materi dan Soal Exercise Procedure Text Kelas 9 SMP

  • Procedure Text yang menjelaskan bagaimana melakukan suatu intruksi secara manual atau bagaimana sesuatu dapat bekerja. Contohnya : How to use the television, the friedge, the phone, atau the rice cooker,dan lain lain.
  • Procedure Text yang menjelaskan peraturan dari bagaimana melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan tertentu. Contohnya : flight safety rules, video game rules, dan lain lain.
  • Procedure text yang mengajarkan manusia tentang kehidupan atau yang berhubungan dengan sifat dan kebiasaan manusia. Contohnya: How to be happy, How to be useful for someone, how to get a boyfriend, dan lain sebagainya.
  • Menggunakan pola kalimat perintah (Imperative). Contohnya "Cut the banana into pieces" , "Don't mix the coconut milk with water" , "Heat the water for 5 minutes", dan lain lain
  • Menggunakan action verbs, misalnya crack, chop, cut, heat, mix, dan seterusnya.
  • Menggunakan sequence adverbs seperti first, second, next, then, finally, while
  • Menggunakan adverbials (kata keterangan) untuk menyatakan rinci waktu, dan tempat misalnya for "Cook the mixture for one hours" , "Boil the water for 15 minutes", "Crack the egg into the bowl" , dan lain sebagainya.
  • Menggunakan simple present tense. 

Materi dan Soal Exercise Procedure Text Kelas 9 SMP

  • 2 ripe mangoes (2 buah mangga matang)
  • 1 cup water (satu gelas air)
  • 2 tablespoons sugar (2 sendok gula)
  • A few ice cubes (Sedikit es batu)
  • Wash the mangoes to remove any dirt. Then peel the ripe mangoes (Cuci mangga untuk membuang kotoran. Kemudian kupas mangganya)
  • Cut the peeled mangoes into small pieces. (Potong mangga yang telah dikupas tadi ke bagaian bagian kecil)
  • Put them in a blender together with crushed ice, water, and sugar. (masukkan ke dalam blender bersama dengan es yang sudah dihancurkan)
  • Blend until smooth. (Blender sampai halus)
  • Run the blended mixture through a sieve. (saring mangga yang telah diblender melalui saringan)
  • Throw away the leftover pulp and mango fibers. (Buang serat dan kotoran mangga)
  • Serve the juice in glasses with a piece of mango attached to the side for garnish. (sajikan jus di dalam gelas dengan potongan mangga di ujung gelas sebagai hiasan)

Materi dan Soal Exercise Procedure Text Kelas 9 SMP

  • 2 cloves of garlic (dua siung bawang putih)
  • 2 onions (dua bawang merah)
  • An egg (sebutir telur)
  • 1 table spoon of vegetable oil (satu sendok minyak goreng)
  • A plate of rice (sepiring nasi)
  • Salt (garam)
  • First, chop garlic and onions into the small pieces (Pertama tama, potong-potong kecil bawang putih dan bawang merah)
  • Second, heat vegetable oil on a frying pan. (Kedua, panaskan minyak goreng di wajan penggorengan)
  • Third, put the chopped garlic and onion into the hot vegetable oil. Fry them a while. (Ketiga, masukkan potongan bawang merah dan bawang putih ke dalam minyak panas)
  • Fourth, add an egg into the pan and stir them. (Keempat, masukkan telur ke wajan dan aduk aduk)
  • Fifth, put one plate of rice. Fry and mix them around 3 minutes. (Kelima, masukkan sepiring nasi. Goreng dan aduk aduk selama kurang lebih 3 menit)
  • Sixth, add two pinces of salt. Continue frying until the rice is mixed perfectly. (Keenam, masukkan 2 jumput garam. lanjutkan mengaduk sampai merata)
  • Finally, put the fried rice on a plate. Fried rice is ready to serve. (Akhirnya, letakkan nasi dia atas piring. Nasi goreng siap untuk disajikan)

Materi dan Soal Exercise Procedure Text Kelas 9 SMP

  • Locate the Power button. This is also referred to as the "Sleep/Wake" button. The button location varies depending on your iPhone model: 
  • iPhone 6 and newer - You'll find the Power button along the right side of the phone, towards the top.
  • iPhone 5 and older - The Power button can be found along the top edge of the phone.
  • Press and hold the Power button. If the iPhone is already on, the screen will wake up and you can unlock the screen. If the iPhone is off, you'll need to keep holding the button until you see the Apple logo.
  • Release the Power button when the Apple logo appears. The Apple logo indicates that your iPhone is loading. It may take a minute or so before your lock screen appears.
  • Unlock the screen. After booting up, you'll have to unlock the screen before you can start using the iPhone.
  • iPhone 5 and newer - Press the Home button to unlock the screen, and then enter your passcode if you have one enabled.
  • iPhone 4s and older - Slide the screen to unlock it, then enter your passcode.
  • Temukan tombol power.. Ini disebut juga sebagai tombol "Sleep/Wake". Lokasi tombol berbeda-beda tergantung dari model Iphone anda. 
  • iPhone 6 dan yang paling baru - Kau akan menemukan tombol power di bagian kanan ponsel, di sebelah atas. 
  • iphone 5 kebawah - Tombol power bisa ditemukian sdi ujung atas ponsel
  • Tekan dan tahan tombol power. Jika ponselnya sudah menyala, layar akan ikut menyala dan anda bisa membuka kunci layar. Jika anda ingin mematikan iphone, anda harus menekan terus tombol sampai anda melihat logo Apple.
  • Lepaskan tombol power ketika logo Apple muncul. Kemunculan logo Apple menunjukkan bahwa iPhone anda sedang memuat data. Itu akan membutuhkan satu menit atau lebih sebelum tampilan layar kunci muncul.
  • Buka kunci layar. Setelah proses booting up, kamu harus membuka kunci sebelum kamu bisa memulai menggunakan iPhone. 
  • iPhone 5 dan yang paling baru - Tekan tombol home untuk membuka kunci layar, dan kemudian masukkan kata sandi anda jika ada. 
  • iPhone 4s kebawah - Geser layar untuk membuka kunci, kemudian masukkan kata sandi.

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Website yang menyediakan materi-materi, soal, tugas-tugas bahasa Inggris di sekolah beserta jawabannya

40 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP - Present Perfect Tense

1.       Although Mrs. Anna . . . the topic, I still don't understand it.

A.      explain

B.       explained

C.      explaining

D.      has explained

2.       Why . . . you . . . late this morning?

A.      do - come

B.       did - come

C.      are - coming

D.      were - coming

3.       We . . .  for two hours. I think she will never come.

A.      wait

B.       waited

C.      waiting

D.      have waited

4.       I . . . to Paris before. In fact, this will be my fourth time.

A.      am

B.       will be

C.      am being

D.      have been

5.       Why . . . are the police here? What . . . ?

A.      has happened

B.       will happen

C.      did happen

D.      happened

6.       Thank you for everything. You . . . me a lot.

A.      have helped

B.       are helping

C.      will help

D.      help

7.       Ria . . . my letter. Perhaps she is very busy.

A.      hasn't answered

B.       isn't answering

C.      didn't answer

D.      don't answer

8.       The principal . . . the delay in our trip this morning.

A.      announces

B.       announced

C.      announcing

D.      has announced

9.       Tom . . . to go. So, we went to the movie without him.

A.      didn't want

B.       don't want

C.      wanted

D.      want

10.   The class . . . at 10 a.m. today due to the storm.

A.      is dismissed

B.       is dismissing

C.      was dismissed

D.      has been dismissed

11.   I . . . this poor cat in the gutter when I was walking home from school this afternoon.

A.      find

B.       found

C.      am finding

D.      have found

12.   The room is messy. What . . . you . . .?

A.      are - do

B.       did - do

C.      have - done

D.      have - doing

13.   The night was cold. We . . .  anywhere.

A.      not go

B.       will go

C.      don’t go

D.      didn't go

14.   The weather was nice. So, we... to take a walk.

A.      decide

B.       decided

C.      are deciding

D.      have decided

15.     Stop twisting the pencil, it. . . sharp.

A.      Is

B.       was

C.      been

D.      has been

The following text is for questions 16 to 20.

From   : [email protected]

To        : [email protected]

Dear Latief,

I'm coming home this term holiday. I've prepared everything. I've booked my flight, but I haven't printed the ticket yet. I've bought you a souvenir from Kupang. You'll like it. I also have told dad about my coming. He will pick me up at the airport. I will start packing this evening. By the way, I've finished reading the last chapter of Detective Ujo. The ending is so remarkable. I'll bring the novel home, in case you want to read it.

Well, can't wait to see you soon. Please send my best regards to your parents.

Your best buddy,

16.   Which of the following things has Taufan not done yet?

A.      He has not booked a flight.

B.       He has not bought souvenir.

C.      He has not printed his ticket.

D.      He has not finished reading Detective Ujo

17.   Who will Taufan meet at the airport?

A.      Latief.

B.      His father.

C.      His family.

D.      Detective Ujo.

18.   Where does Latief live probably?

A.      In the same city as Taufan's family does.

B.       Far from Taufan's family house.

C.      In a foreign country.

D.      In Kupang city.

19.   What does Taufan think about the novel?

A.      Flat.

B.       Boring.

C.      Interesting.

D.      Predictable.

20.   What has Taufan bought for Latief?

A.      A souvenir.

B.       A novel.

C.      A ticket.

D.      A book.

The following text is for questions 21 to 25.

How's life? l'm in Bandung now. You're right, Bandung is a beautiful city. There are many parks here. The funny thing is each park has a theme. For example, Pet Park is not only an ordinary park with beautiful flowers and sidewalks, but it also provides pet lovers with facilities for their pets.

So far, I have visited Taman Jomblo or Taman Pasupati, Taman Skateboard, Pet Park, and Taman Superhero. There are more parks to visit, such as Taman Foto, Taman Film, Taman Lansia, and many more. Maybe, tomorrow, I'm going to go to those parks. I'll talk to you later.

21.   What does Adiba think about Bandung?

A.      Quiet.

B.       Large.

C.      Beautiful .

D.      Crowded.

22.   Which of the following parks has Adiba not visited yet?

A.      Taman Skateboard.

B.       Taman Superhero.

C.      Taman Pasupati.

D.      Taman Foto.

23.   What makes Pet Park different from other parks?

A.      There are many beautiful flowers.

B.       There are spots for taking photos.

C.      There is a big statue of a dog.

D.      There are facilities for pets.

24.   When will Adiba visit other parks?

A.      This afternoon.

B.      The next day.

C.      Yesterday.

D.      Today.

25.   What is the text about?

A.      Pet Park.

B.       Bandung City.

C.      Parks in Bandung.

D.      A visit in Bandung.

The following text is for questions 26 and 27.

From   : [email protected]

To        : [email protected]

Have you finished your science project? What is it about? By the way, I haven't done mine yet. I still need to go to the library to find some books and also do some experiments to complete it. I hope I can finish it this week.

26.   What are Nyoman and the writer probably?

A.      Teammates.

B.       Classmates .

C.      Siblings.

D.      Buyers.

27.   Why hasn't the writer finished the project yet?

A.      He hasn't finished reading the books from the library.

B.       He has finished everything, but hasn't typed the report yet.

C.      He hasn't read the resources and hasn't done some experiments.

D.      He has done the experiments, but hasn't found the books needed.

The following text is for questions 28 to 30.


Good morning, sir. My name is Aldo Sofyan. I have received the prize of the crossword puzzle contest. Thanks a lot. However, the bag is not in good condition. The zipper doesn't work and there is a tear at the bottom. What should I do to settle the problem? I'm waiting.

28.   How is the condition of the bag?

A.      Bad .

B.       Good.

C.      Perfect.

D.      Excellent.

29.   Who is Aldo Sofyan?

A.      The director of the crossword puzzle company.

B.       The manager of the crossword puzzle contest.

C.      The winner of the crossword puzzle contest.

D.      The crossword puzzle maker.

30.   What is the text about?

A.      Information.

B.       Condolence.

C.      Complaint.

D.      Gratitude.

The following dialogue is for questions 31 to 33.



How long have you lived in Depok, Nana?



I (31) . . . in Depok for twenty years. How about you?



Well, I (32). . . to Depok in 2012.



So, you (33) . . . here for about six years, right?




31.   . . .

A.      will live

B.       am living

C.      have lived

D.      have living

32.   . . .

A.      moved

B.       was moving

C.      have moved

D.      am going to move

33.   . . .

A.      have living

B.      have lived

C.      has lived

D.      lived

The following dialogue is for questions 34 and 35.



Wow! You play soccer well.



I have started playing soccer (34) . . . I was six years old.






Thanks. I also have joined the school soccer club (35). . . two years.



Cool. Hope you can be a professional soccer player soon.

34.   . . .

A.      in

B.       for

C.      since

D.      because

35.   . . .

B.      for

The following dialogue is for questions 36 and 37.



(36) . . . you ever . . . to Bali before?



Yes, I have. I went to Bali in 2015. What about you?



No, I (37) . . . to Bali before.

36.   . . .

A.      Have - going

B.      Have - been

C.      Are- been

D.      Did - been

37.   . . .

A.      didn't go

B.       will not go

C.      haven't been

D.      am not going

The following dialogue is for questions 38 to 40.



Lila, (38) . . . you . . . Aldo today.



No, I (39) . . . him today.



I haven’t seen him again (40) . . . eight o’clock this morning.



Try to call him, then.

38.   . . .

A.      Did - seen

B.      Have - seen

C.      Are - seeing

D.      Have - seeing

39.   . . .

A.      am not seeing

B.      haven't seen

C.      will not see

D.      have seen

40.   . . .

Handy 2020-10-22 Tags: bahasa inggris , contoh soal , Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 , Grammar , tense

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Kurikulum Merdeka

Kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 10 halaman 40 kurikulum merdeka, think and take notes, berikut kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 10 halaman 40 kurikulum merdeka, think and take notes., penulis: nurkhasanah editor: wahyu gilang putranto.

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Halaman 40 Kurikulum Merdeka, Think and Take Notes

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Berikut kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress kelas 10 halaman 40 Kurikulum Merdeka .

Pada soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 halaman 40 Kurikulum Merdeka , siswa diminta untuk menjawab sejumlah pertanyaan mengenai acara olahraga yang baru saja ditonton.

Sebelum melihat kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 halaman 40 Kurikulum Merdeka , siswa diharapkan dapat mengerjakan soal secara mandiri.

Tribunnews.com tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap kesalahan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 halaman 40 Kurikulum Merdeka .

A. Think and Take Notes

Think about the last sports event you watched. Write a short note about the situation using the following questions to guide you.

1. What sports event did you go to/watch?

Answer: I once went to a football match at a stadium near my house.

2. When was it?

Answer: I watched it about two months ago.

3. Where did you watch it?

Answer: I watched it at the Manahan Stadium, Surakarta.

Baca juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Halaman 38 dan 39 Kurikulum Merdeka, Task 4: Lets Play

4. Who did you watch it with?

Answer: I watched it with my father and younger brother.

5. What do you think about the spectators and the game?

Sumber: TribunSolo.com

Kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 10 halaman 40, kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 10, bahasa inggris kelas 10, kunci jawaban bahasa inggris, kunci jawaban.

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Buku Pelajaran

Link pdf buku bahasa inggris kelas 2 sd kurikulum merdeka tahun ajaran 2024/2025, berikut link buku bahasa inggris kelas 2 sd kurikulum merdeka tahun ajaran 2024/2025 bisa diunduh secara gratis dalam format pdf..

Link PDF Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun Ajaran 2024/2025

Link nisn.data.kemdikbud.go.id Pencarian Nama NISN Sekolah dan Cara Ceknya

TRIBUNSUMSEL.COM - Berikut link buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Kurikulum Merdeka tahun ajaran 2024/2025 bisa diunduh secara gratis dalam format PDF.

Tahun Ajaran Baru 2024/2025 sudah dimulai. Siswa dan tenaga pendidik telah melakukan kegiatan belajar mengajar untuk semester ganjil.

Salah satu penunjang kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah yang biasanya digunakan adalah buku paket.

Bagi sekolah yang menerapkan Kurikulum Merdeka , bisa mengunduh buku paket semua mata pelajaran secara gratis.

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Buku-buku tersedia dalam format PDF baik untuk guru dan murid

Berikut adalah link PDF buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 Kurikulum Merdeka:

Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

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Buku yang diunggah di SIBI merupakan buku yang diterbitkan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia, sehingga masyarakat Indonesia diizinkan memanfaatkan buku ini termasuk mengunduh dan mencetaknya.

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Tentang Kurikulum Merdeka

Dilansir dari situs kemdikbud.go.id, Kurikulum Merdeka merupakan kurikulum yang memberikan keleluasaan kepada pendidik untuk menciptakan pembelajaran berkualitas sesuai kebutuhan dan lingkungan belajar peserta didik.

Terdapat tiga karakteristik Kurikulum Merdeka , yaitu:

1. Pengembangan soft skills dan karakter melalui projek penguatan profil pelajar Pancasila.

2. Fokus pada materi esensial, relevan, dan mendalam sehingga ada waktu cukup untuk membangun kreativitas dan inovasi peserta didik dalam mencapai kompetensi dasar seperti literasi dan numerasi.

3. Keluasan bagi guru melakukan pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan tahap capaian dan perkembangan masing-masing peserta didik dan melakukan penyesuaian dengan konteks muatan lokal.

Baca juga: Link nisn.data.kemdikbud.go.id Pencarian Nama NISN Sekolah dan Cara Ceknya

Baca juga: Kunci Jawaban, PAI dan Budi Pekerti Kelas 2 SD/MI Halaman 24,25,26 Kurikulum Merdeka, Ayo Berlatih

Buku Kelas 2

Kurikulum merdeka, bahasa inggris, tribunsumsel.com.

8 Trik Mudah Membersihkan Noda Kuning di Lantai Kamar Mandi, Atasi dengan Bahan Ramah Lingkungan 


Berita populer.


Kunci Jawaban IPS Kelas 9 SMP/MTs Halaman 22-23 Kurikulum Merdeka, Aktivitas 1 Perubahan Sosial


Kunci Jawaban IPS Kelas 9 SMP/MTs Halaman 30 Kurikulum Merdeka, Pertanyaan Pengayaan: Westernisasi


Setelah Menyimak Apersepsi, Identifikasilah Pernyataan Berikut, Jawaban Sosiologi Kelas 11 Hal 4


Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Halaman 7 Kurikulum Merdeka, Activity 7

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Kunci Jawaban

Kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 9 semester 1 halaman 69 70 71 72 73, associating: rice cooker, di bawah ini  kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 9 semester 1 halaman 69 70 71 72 73, kegiatan siswa associating: rice cooker.

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 Halaman 69 70 71 72 73, Associating: Rice Cooker

TRIBUN-BALI.COM, DENPASAR – Let’s learn together! Di bawah ini  kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 halaman 69 70 71 72 73, kegiatan siswa Associating: Rice Cooker.

Kali ini kita akan membahas soal pada Chapter 4 yang berjudul This is how you do it! pada kegiatan siswa Associating about manual of a Rice Cooker.

Kunci jawaban di bawah ini diharapkan bisa membantu siswa sebagai alternatif jawaban untuk menyelesaikan soal pada halaman 69 70 71 72 73 di buku siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9.

Berikut kunci jawaban dan pembahasan soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 halaman 69 70 71 72 73 sesuai dengan buku siswa Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 edisi revisi tahun 2018.

Baca juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 Halaman 59 60, Observing & Asking Questions

(Update Kunci Jawaban )

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 Halaman 69 70 71 72 73


Now, we will look closely into a similar text, a Manual. We will analyze the manual of a rice cooker.

We will do it with a different table. In a recipe the materials are called 'Ingredients, in a manual they are called 'Parts: First, we will read the parts and then present them orally.

Here are what we will do. We will work in groups. We will handwrite the work or type it with a computer.

First, every one of us will make a table of two columns. The left column is WRITTEN, the right column is SPOKEN.

Baca juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 Halaman 48 49 50, Associating: Stalle’s Bakery

Second, we will put all the parts in the left column. Next, in the right column we will plan what to say to present the parts orally. Finally, every one of us will learn to present the parts orally.

We will use a dictionary. We will spell the words and use the punctuation marks correctly.

We will say the words and sentences loudly, clearly, and correctly. If we have any problems, we will go to our teacher for help.

Baca juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 Halaman 58, Observing & Asking Questions

Bahasa Inggris

8 Trik Mudah Membersihkan Noda Kuning di Lantai Kamar Mandi, Atasi dengan Bahan Ramah Lingkungan 


Berita populer.


Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 6 Kurikulum Merdeka Halaman 21-26, Surat Resmi dan Pribadi


Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 6 Kurikulum Merdeka Halaman 17-20, Sejarah Bahasa Indonesia


Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 6 Kurikulum Merdeka Halaman 38-40, Soal dan Kosakata Baru

Truk Mitsubishi Fuso Engkel Head Trailer Buntut Tangki Air Solar Minyak Tahun 2017 - Jakarta Utara

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Kunci Jawaban

Kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 9 smp semester 1 kurikulum 2013 hal. 7-9: congratulating a person, kunci jawaban soal dalam chapter i congratulations buku siswa bahasa inggris / think globally act locally kelas ix smp/mts halaman 7, 8, dan 9..

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 Hal. 7-9: Congratulating A Person

TRIBUNNEWSBOGOR.COM - Simak kunci jawaban dari salah satu tugas mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP/MTs Kurikulum 2013 .

Kunci jawaban ini membahas soal pada Chapter I Congratulations! dalam buku siswa Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally Kelas IX SMP/MTs halaman 7, 8, dan 9.

Pada tugas Collecting Information about Expression to congratulate person, siswa diminta untuk menuliskan ucapan selamat sesuai dengan situasi yang disajikan.

Adapun kunci jawaban dalam artikel ini dibuat hanya sebagai referensi belajar siswa untuk mengerjakan soal secara mandiri.

Perlu dicatat pula, paparan soal dan kunci jawaban dalam artikel ini hanya ditujukan kepada orangtua untuk memandu proses belajar.

Selain itu, apabila siswa masih mengalami kesulitan menyerap materi, harap segera mengajukan pertanyaan atau diskusi dengan guru.

ILUSTRASI Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Baca juga: 25 Latihan Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Sumatif UAS/PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs Semester 1

Baca juga: 20 Latihan Soal dan Kunci Jawaban UAS/PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs Semester 1

Baca juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Kurikulum Merdeka Hal. 77-78: Waste Banks in Indonesia

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 Halaman 7, 8, 9

Collecting Information

We will read some other situations. Dayu, Siti, Lina, Edo, Beni, and Udin congratulate and express their hopes for others’ success.  We will complete the conversations for them. Here are what we will do. We will work in groups. First, we will read the situations carefully. Second, we will discuss and decide what the speaker in each conversation would say. Third, every one of us will handwrite the conversations on a piece of paper. Finally, we will play the roles of the speakers in the conversation.

We will use a dictionary. We will spell the words and use the punctuation marks correctly. While we are writing, we will say the sentences loudly, clearly, and correctly. If we have any problems, we will go to our teacher for help.

Situation 1:

Lina has just got the result of her Math test. She is waiting for the result of her English test. Dayu congratulates her on the result of her Math test and hopes that she gets an A for the English test, too.

The conversation:

kunci jawaban

Bahasa inggris, kurikulum 2013.

8 Trik Mudah Membersihkan Noda Kuning di Lantai Kamar Mandi, Atasi dengan Bahan Ramah Lingkungan 


Berita populer.


Kunci Jawaban Modul 2.3 Guru Penggerak: Sebagai Guru, Bagaimana Perasaan Anda ketika Diobservasi? 


Kunci Jawaban Post Test Modul 2 PMM: Ki Hadjar Dewantara Mendefinisikan Pendidikan sebagai Tuntunan


Profil Maxwell Salvador Peserta Clash of Champions, Mahasiswa FK Unair yang Punya Prestasi Mentereng


Makna dan Sejarah Lomba Panjat Pinang, Perlombaan yang Sering Digelar saat HUT RI 17 Agustus


Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Kurikulum Merdeka Hal. 77-78: ''Waste Banks'' in Indonesia

Truk Mitsubishi Coltdiesel Canter Dumptruck 2022 Bekas Siap Pakai - Jakarta Utara

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    DISTRIK NEWS - Berikut ini adalah contoh soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 9 SMP sederajat. Dalam artikel ini akan diberikan 5 soal esai US SMP beserta kunci jawaban dan pembahasan.. Artikel kunci jawaban esai SMP ini bisa dijadikan peerta didik, guru dan orang tua sebagai bahan belajar menuju Ujian Sekolah (US).

  15. Materi Lengkap Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 9 Kurikulum 2013

    Hope you'll be fine always. Pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan memberikan Rangkuman materi bahasa inggris untuk SMP kelas IX pada khususnya. Silahkan simak rinciannya di bawah ini yaa. Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Semester 1. Expression of Congratulations. Expression of Agree and Disagree. Imperative Sentence.

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  17. Labels

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  18. Smp Kelas 9 : Materi & Soal Latihan Report Text

    Report text merupakan salah satu materi pada mata pelajaran bahasa inggris yang sering kali di ajarkan pada jenjang smp 9. Nah apakah tertarik mempelajarinya ? Kalian bisa simak pembahasan dari materinya di bawah ini. Berikut materinya : Pengertian singkat.

  19. Latihan Soal Procedure Text dan Manual Terbaru

    Arrange the flowers to the ribbon and glue them. Make sure the flowers fill in the ribbon beautifully. 5. Attach the ribbon with flowers to the elastic wire by using the tape. Fill in the empty space with smaller size flowers. 6. Cut another ribbon about 50 cm and insert it into the wire with flowers. 7.

  20. 40 Contoh Soal Procedure Text Kelas 9 Beserta Jawabannya 2022

    1) Cut up the chicken fillet into small pieces. 3) Grind garlic, pepper, and salt together. 4) Break and stir in two eggs. 1) First, fry the chicken fillet. 2) Then, pour in the eggs and green peas. 3) After that, pour in the ground garlic, pepper, and salt. 4) Add a spoonful of oyster sauce.

  21. Materi dan Soal Exercise Procedure Text Kelas 9 SMP

    Baiklah, cukup sekian pertemuan kali ini. Semoga dapat membantu pembelajaran bahasa inggris kalian. Jika kalian menyukai artikel mengenai materi dan soal exercise procedure text kelas 9 smp ini, silahkan share dan berikan komentar kepada kami pada kolom di bawah ini agar kami lebih semangat lagi menulis konten yang lebih baik.

  22. 40 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP

    Pada kesempatan kali ini kami ingin membagikan 40 contoh soal pilihan ganda materi present perfect tense untuk kelas 9 SMP dengan jawabannya. mediainggris Website yang menyediakan materi-materi, soal, tugas-tugas bahasa Inggris di sekolah beserta jawabannya

  23. Cara Mengungkapkan Expression of Agreement and Disagreement

    Yuk, belajar mengenai cara mengungkapkan expression of agreement and disagreement di artikel Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 berikut ini. Ada contoh percakapannya juga, lho! -- Teacher: Okay, class! The field trip's destination will be Borobudur Temple. Do you agree everyone? Students: Yes Madam, we agree with you. Guys, setiap orang pasti punya pendapat dan ide cemerlangnya

  24. Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 Halaman 65, Collecting

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  25. Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Halaman 40 Kurikulum Merdeka

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  26. Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka

    TRIBUNNEWSBOGOR.COM - Simak kunci jawaban dari salah satu tugas Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum Merdeka untuk kelas 10 SMA/SMK/MA semester 1. Yang dibahas dalam artikel ini adalah kunci jawaban dari soal dalam buku Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X, Chapter 1 Great Athletes, halaman 12.. Dalam bagian B. Let's Read, siswa diminta untuk membaca teks tentang Cristiano Ronaldo dan ...

  27. Link PDF Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun Ajaran

    TRIBUNSUMSEL.COM - Berikut link buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Kurikulum Merdeka tahun ajaran 2024/2025 bisa diunduh secara gratis dalam format PDF. Tahun Ajaran Baru 2024/2025 sudah dimulai. Siswa dan tenaga pendidik telah melakukan kegiatan belajar mengajar untuk semester ganjil.

  28. Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 Halaman 66 67

    TRIBUN-BALI.COM, DENPASAR - Let's learn together! Simak nih, berikut ini kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 halaman 66 67, kegiatan siswa Collecting Information: Design Recipe.. Kali ini kita akan membahas soal pada Chapter 4 yang berjudul This is how you do it! pada kegiatan siswa Collecting Information about Designing a Recipe.

  29. Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 Halaman 69 70 71 72 73

    Baca juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 Halaman 48 49 50, Associating: Stalle's Bakery Second, we will put all the parts in the left column. Next, in the right column we will plan what to say to present the parts orally.

  30. Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 Hal

    Kunci jawaban ini membahas soal pada Chapter I Congratulations! dalam buku siswa Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally Kelas IX SMP/MTs halaman 7, 8, dan 9. Pada tugas Collecting Information about Expression to congratulate person, siswa diminta untuk menuliskan ucapan selamat sesuai dengan situasi yang disajikan.