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Move Assignment Operator in C++ 11

In C++ programming, we have a feature called the move assignment operator, which was introduced in C++11. It helps us handle objects more efficiently, especially when it comes to managing resources like memory. In this article, we will discuss move assignment operators, when they are useful and called, and how to create user-defined move assignment operators.

Move Assignment Operator

The move assignment operator was added in C++ 11 to further strengthen the move semantics in C++. It is like a copy assignment operator but instead of copying the data, this moves the ownership of the given data to the destination object without making any additional copies. The source object is left in a valid but unspecified state.

User-Defined Move Assignment Operator

The programmer can define the move assignment operator using the syntax given below:

As you may have noticed, the move assignment operator function uses a special && reference qualifier. It represents the r-value references (generally literals or temporary values).

Usually, it returns a reference to the object (in this case, *this) so you can chain assignments together.

The move constructor is called by the compiler when the argument is an rvalue reference which can be done by std::move() function. 

Example of Move Assignment Operator

In this program, we will create a dynamic array class and create a user-defined move assignment operator.


The move assignment operator (operator=) is used to transfer resources from one DynamicArray object to another. It releases the current resources of the destination object, takes the resources from the source object, and leaves the source object in a valid but unspecified state.

In the main function:

  • We create two DynamicArray objects, arr1 with 5 elements and arr2 with 10 elements. We print their initial states.
  • We use the move assignment operator to transfer the resources from arr1 to arr2 by calling arr2 = std::move(arr1).
  • After the move, we print the states of both arr1 and arr2. arr1 is now in a valid but unspecified state, and arr2 contains the resources of arr1.
Note: We can also define a move constructor with a move assignment operator and reduce the code redundancy by calling the move assignment operator from the move constructor. To know about move constructor, refer to the article – Move Constructors in C++

Implicit Definition of Move Assignment Operator

The compiler also defines a default move assignment operator implicitly when the following conditions are satisfied:

  • No user-defined copy constructor is present.
  • No user-defined destructor is present.
  • No user-defined move constructor is present.

Need of Move Assignment Operator

In C++, objects can manage resources like memory. When we copy an object, it can be quite slow, especially if the object holds a lot of resources. Traditional copy operations create new copies, which can lead to unnecessary memory usage and slow down your program.

This is where move assignment operators come to the rescue. They let one object take over the resources of another, without making extra copies. This can significantly boost performance in scenarios like resizing arrays or returning objects from functions.

In contrast to the copy assignment operator, the end result of the move assignment operator will be a single copy of the source object.

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Latest commit, file metadata and controls, move constructors and move assignment operators (c++).

This topic describes how to write a move constructor and a move assignment operator for a C++ class. A move constructor enables the resources owned by an rvalue object to be moved into an lvalue without copying. For more information about move semantics, see Rvalue Reference Declarator: && .

This topic builds upon the following C++ class, MemoryBlock , which manages a memory buffer.

The following procedures describe how to write a move constructor and a move assignment operator for the example C++ class.

To create a move constructor for a C++ class

Define an empty constructor method that takes an rvalue reference to the class type as its parameter, as demonstrated in the following example:

In the move constructor, assign the class data members from the source object to the object that is being constructed:

Assign the data members of the source object to default values. This prevents the destructor from freeing resources (such as memory) multiple times:

To create a move assignment operator for a C++ class

Define an empty assignment operator that takes an rvalue reference to the class type as its parameter and returns a reference to the class type, as demonstrated in the following example:

In the move assignment operator, add a conditional statement that performs no operation if you try to assign the object to itself.

In the conditional statement, free any resources (such as memory) from the object that is being assigned to.

The following example frees the _data member from the object that is being assigned to:

Follow steps 2 and 3 in the first procedure to transfer the data members from the source object to the object that is being constructed:

Return a reference to the current object, as shown in the following example:

Example: Complete move constructor and assignment operator

The following example shows the complete move constructor and move assignment operator for the MemoryBlock class:

Example Use move semantics to improve performance

The following example shows how move semantics can improve the performance of your applications. The example adds two elements to a vector object and then inserts a new element between the two existing elements. The vector class uses move semantics to perform the insertion operation efficiently by moving the elements of the vector instead of copying them.

This example produces the following output:

Before Visual Studio 2010, this example produced the following output:

The version of this example that uses move semantics is more efficient than the version that does not use move semantics because it performs fewer copy, memory allocation, and memory deallocation operations.

Robust Programming

To prevent resource leaks, always free resources (such as memory, file handles, and sockets) in the move assignment operator.

To prevent the unrecoverable destruction of resources, properly handle self-assignment in the move assignment operator.

If you provide both a move constructor and a move assignment operator for your class, you can eliminate redundant code by writing the move constructor to call the move assignment operator. The following example shows a revised version of the move constructor that calls the move assignment operator:

The std::move function converts the lvalue other to an rvalue.

Rvalue Reference Declarator: && std::move


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