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Synonyms and antonyms of homework in English


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Homework synonyms

What is another word for homework .

  • assignment exercise, duty
  • preparation practice, exercise
  • task duty, information taught
  • lesson undertaking
  • exercise information taught
  • job responsibility, duty
  • project undertaking
  • chore responsibility
  • schoolwork development
  • drill exercise, responsibility
  • practice responsibility, information taught
  • groundwork development
  • duty responsibility
  • study exercise, development
  • recitation exercise, information taught
  • reading information taught
  • charge duty
  • training development, practice
  • workout practice, development
  • business undertaking
  • discipline practice
  • tryout practice
  • instruction

Synonyms for homework

Related Words and Phrases

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What is another word for homework ?

Synonyms for homework ˈhoʊmˌwɜrk home·work, this thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word homework ., princeton's wordnet rate these synonyms: 1.5 / 4 votes.

homework, prep, preparation noun

preparatory school work done outside school (especially at home)

Synonyms: cooking , formulation , provision , preparedness , grooming , cookery , readying , training , planning , readiness , prep , preparation

Matched Categories

  • School Assignment

Editors Contribution Rate these synonyms: 0.0 / 0 votes

class, exercise, homeassingment, instruction, lecture, practice, study, hometask, teaching, test

"we were given many homework assignments"

1. a piece of work that needs to be done regularly 2. something assigned to be read or studied

1. his first newspaper assignment was writing obituaries 2. have you found essay writer to write an assignment for tomorrow?

PPDB, the paraphrase database Rate these paraphrases: 0.0 / 0 votes

List of paraphrases for "homework":

duties , schoolwork , duty , lesson

How to pronounce homework?

How to say homework in sign language, words popularity by usage frequency, how to use homework in a sentence.

Curtis Jordan :

The athletes and the coaches go about their business knowing that everybody's beatable, if you don't do your homework and you don't do what you’re supposed to, you're going to get beaten.

Bill Owens :

I felt that he should have more information because only one was not born in America, so that tells me he had not done his homework on that issue. But I think those four people needed to be criticized.

Christopher Boddy :

I originally learned about it in school, but then I'd get stuck on problems that I needed to find the answer to, i'd stay up way later than I should have and postponed homework to get a challenge done.

Kristen Orthman :

In addition, if localities are not taking action to desegregate schools, Elizabeth believes the federal government has a constitutional obligation to step in to deliver on the promise of Brown v. Board, including, if necessary, busing, she has plainly done her homework.

Clara Pitts :

For the first time, I started struggling with getting my homework done [and] having a set schedule that I had to do myself, it was because of online school.

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Homework Words

Words related to homework.

Below is a massive list of homework words - that is, words related to homework. The top 4 are: schoolwork , classroom , teacher and practice . You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with homework, and as you go down the relatedness becomes more slight. By default, the words are sorted by relevance/relatedness, but you can also get the most common homework terms by using the menu below, and there's also the option to sort the words alphabetically so you can get homework words starting with a particular letter. You can also filter the word list so it only shows words that are also related to another word of your choosing. So for example, you could enter "schoolwork" and click "filter", and it'd give you words that are related to homework and schoolwork.

You can highlight the terms by the frequency with which they occur in the written English language using the menu below. The frequency data is extracted from the English Wikipedia corpus, and updated regularly. If you just care about the words' direct semantic similarity to homework, then there's probably no need for this.

There are already a bunch of websites on the net that help you find synonyms for various words, but only a handful that help you find related , or even loosely associated words. So although you might see some synonyms of homework in the list below, many of the words below will have other relationships with homework - you could see a word with the exact opposite meaning in the word list, for example. So it's the sort of list that would be useful for helping you build a homework vocabulary list, or just a general homework word list for whatever purpose, but it's not necessarily going to be useful if you're looking for words that mean the same thing as homework (though it still might be handy for that).

If you're looking for names related to homework (e.g. business names, or pet names), this page might help you come up with ideas. The results below obviously aren't all going to be applicable for the actual name of your pet/blog/startup/etc., but hopefully they get your mind working and help you see the links between various concepts. If your pet/blog/etc. has something to do with homework, then it's obviously a good idea to use concepts or words to do with homework.

If you don't find what you're looking for in the list below, or if there's some sort of bug and it's not displaying homework related words, please send me feedback using this page. Thanks for using the site - I hope it is useful to you! 🐢

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  • preparation
  • instruction
  • assignments
  • kindergarten
  • daydreaming
  • schoolfellow
  • babysitting
  • kindergartners
  • extracurriculars
  • schoolhouse
  • school student
  • soviet union
  • afterschool
  • schoolteacher
  • scholasticism
  • coeducation
  • neoplatonism
  • educational
  • housekeeping
  • volunteering
  • paraeducator
  • upperclassman
  • undergraduate
  • academician
  • programming
  • participation
  • secretarial
  • interschool
  • schoolteaching
  • conservatory
  • deconstructivism
  • individualized
  • procrastinating
  • pedagogical
  • cyberschool
  • troubleshooting
  • schoolgoing
  • personalized
  • schooliosis
  • obsessively
  • educational activity
  • school assignment
  • educationist
  • superschool
  • foundationer
  • multiversity
  • schoolchild
  • gymnatorium
  • studentship
  • teleteacher
  • classroom chair
  • encyclopedias
  • monocotyledones
  • student teacher ratio
  • rote learning
  • rule school
  • latch key child
  • school uniform
  • home school
  • learn place
  • teach student
  • private school
  • secondary education
  • dance school
  • special school
  • board school
  • feeder school
  • summer school
  • technical school
  • middle school
  • teach person
  • public school
  • academic year
  • religious school
  • normal school
  • junior school
  • elementary school
  • school system
  • prep school
  • primary school
  • fastener binder
  • bus student
  • lecture hall
  • special education
  • vocational school
  • alumnus association
  • educational institution
  • legacy student
  • trigonometry
  • college student
  • secondary school
  • memorization
  • mathematics
  • distractions
  • united kingdom
  • grammar school
  • vestibule school
  • night school
  • law student
  • intelligent
  • show and tell
  • georgia tech
  • department for children, schools and families
  • high school
  • grade school
  • high education
  • grade inflation
  • postsecondary school
  • dean's list
  • curriculum vitae
  • virtual friday
  • graduate school
  • lecture theatre
  • year eleven
  • finish school
  • listen to teacher
  • korea university
  • comprehensive school
  • nursery school
  • junior college
  • eraser holder
  • find in school
  • personalization
  • blackboard eraser
  • stick eraser
  • open university
  • world wide web
  • precalculus
  • kindergartener
  • invigilating
  • preschooler
  • self educate
  • keyboarding
  • charm school
  • school class
  • junior high school
  • medical student
  • search engines
  • catherine havasi
  • examination
  • quadratic equation
  • due diligence
  • crossword puzzle
  • extracurricular activity
  • sylvan learning centers
  • dry walling
  • intrinsic motivation
  • kaplan, inc.
  • extrinsic motivation
  • university of michigan
  • culture of the united states
  • higher education

That's about all the homework related words we've got! I hope this list of homework terms was useful to you in some way or another. The words down here at the bottom of the list will be in some way associated with homework, but perhaps tenuously (if you've currenly got it sorted by relevance, that is). If you have any feedback for the site, please share it here , but please note this is only a hobby project, so I may not be able to make regular updates to the site. Have a nice day! 🐡

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Engaging Homework: Describing Words & Examples

homework similar words

When it comes to homework, we often find ourselves searching for the right words to describe it. Is it challenging? Boring? Time-consuming? Well, fear not! In this article, I’ll be sharing a list of adjectives that can help you accurately describe your homework assignments. Whether you’re a student looking to express your feelings about a particular task or a parent trying to understand your child’s workload, these adjectives will come in handy.

Table of Contents

How to Describe homework? – Different Scenarios

When it comes to describing homework, there are various adjectives you can use to express your feelings about different tasks. Whether you’re a student trying to articulate your workload or a parent seeking to understand your child’s assignments, using the right adjectives can help communicate the nature of the homework. Let’s explore how to describe homework in different scenarios:

  • Challenging : Some homework assignments can be quite challenging, requiring critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These tasks tend to push students to expand their knowledge and skills.
  • Engaging : Occasionally, homework can be fun and engaging, capturing the interest of students and making learning enjoyable. These types of assignments typically involve hands-on activities or creative projects.
  • Repetitive : In some cases, homework can become repetitive, involving similar exercises or practice problems. Although these tasks help reinforce learning, they may become monotonous for students over time.
  • Time-consuming : Certain homework assignments may be time-consuming, requiring a significant amount of effort and dedication to complete. These tasks often involve extensive research, writing, or complex calculations.
  • Collaborative : Some homework assignments encourage teamwork and collaboration among students. This fosters a sense of camaraderie and allows students to learn from one another through discussions and group projects.
  • Practical : Homework that relates to real-life situations helps students understand the practical applications of what they are learning. These assignments bridge the gap between theory and practice, enhancing students’ problem-solving abilities.
  • Independent : Occasionally, homework requires students to work independently, enabling them to develop self-discipline and self-motivation. These tasks promote autonomy and help students become more responsible for their own learning.

Now that you have an understanding of different ways to describe homework, you can effectively communicate your thoughts and feelings about your assignments. Understanding the nature of the tasks can also assist parents in supporting their child’s learning journey. Remember, using the appropriate adjectives allows for a clearer and more accurate description of homework.

Describing Words for homework in English

When it comes to describing homework assignments, using the right adjectives can provide a more accurate and informative picture of the task at hand. As an experienced writer, I have come across various adjectives that effectively convey the nature of homework assignments. Below, I will discuss some commonly used adjectives along with examples to help teachers and parents understand and communicate about homework more effectively.

1. Challenging : Homework assignments can be challenging, requiring students to think critically and problem solve. Here are some examples of how you can use this adjective:

  • “The math problems were challenging, but they helped me improve my problem-solving skills.”
  • “The science experiment was challenging, but it sparked my curiosity and made me eager to learn more.”

2. Engaging : An engaging homework assignment captures students’ interest and keeps them motivated. Here are a few examples:

  • “The reading assignment was engaging because the story was exciting and kept me hooked till the end.”
  • “Creating a presentation allowed me to express my creativity and made the assignment more engaging.”

3. Repetitive : Some homework assignments may involve repetition or practice to reinforce learning. Consider these examples:

  • “The spelling homework was repetitive, but it helped me memorize the words and improve my spelling skills.”
  • “Practicing multiplication tables can be repetitive, but it strengthens my foundation in math.”

4. Time-consuming : Certain assignments require a significant amount of time and dedication. Here are some examples:

  • “The research project was time-consuming, but it allowed me to delve deep into the topic and learn more.”
  • “Writing an essay takes time and effort, but it helps me develop my writing skills.”

5. Collaborative : Homework assignments that promote collaboration among students can enhance teamwork and communication skills. Here are a few examples:

  • “The group project was collaborative, and it taught me how to work effectively with others.”
  • “Doing a science experiment with a partner was a collaborative homework assignment that made learning more enjoyable.”

6. Practical : Some homework assignments have practical applications that help students apply what they’ve learned in real-life situations. Consider these examples:

  • “The cooking assignment was practical because it allowed me to use measurements and apply math skills.”
  • “Creating a budget for a mock family was a practical homework assignment that helped me understand financial planning.”

Adjectives for homework

When it comes to describing homework assignments, adjectives can help us convey our thoughts and feelings more effectively. Whether you’re a teacher, a parent, or a student yourself, using the right adjectives can make a difference in how we perceive and approach our homework. In this section, I’ll provide you with positive and negative adjectives that you can use to describe homework, along with example sentences to help you understand their usage.

Positive Adjectives for Homework

Homework assignments can sometimes be seen as a burden, but there are also many positive aspects to consider. Here are some adjectives that can describe homework in a positive light:

  • Challenging : Homework assignments that push us to think critically and solve complex problems can be highly engaging and rewarding. For example, “The math homework was challenging, but it helped me improve my problem-solving skills.”
  • Engaging : When homework aligns with our interests and allows us to explore new concepts, it becomes a source of enjoyment. For instance, “The science project was so engaging that I couldn’t wait to start working on it.”
  • Collaborative : Assignments that involve working in teams or pairs can foster teamwork and communication skills. For example, “The group homework project allowed us to collaborate and learn from each other’s perspectives.”
  • Practical : Sometimes, homework can have real-life applications and relevance, making it more meaningful. For instance, “The English vocabulary homework was practical because it helped me improve my communication skills.”
  • Interactive : Homework that incorporates interactive elements, such as online quizzes or educational games, can make learning more fun and interactive. For example, “The interactive history assignment made it easier for me to grasp complex historical events.”

I hope these examples demonstrate how these positive adjectives can be used to describe homework assignments that have a beneficial impact on students’ learning experience.

Synonyms and Antonyms with Example Sentences

Synonyms for homework.

When describing homework assignments, it can be helpful to have a variety of synonyms to choose from. Here are some alternative words you can use to make homework sound more interesting and engaging:

For example, instead of saying “I have to do my homework,” you could say:

  • “I have an interesting assignment to complete.”
  • “I have a fun task to work on.”
  • “I have an engaging project that I need to finish.”

Using these synonyms can help make homework sound less daunting and more enjoyable for students.

Antonyms for homework

On the other hand, if you want to convey the idea of no homework or a break from assignments, you can use antonyms. Here are some antonyms for homework:

For instance, instead of saying “I have a lot of homework,” you could say:

  • “I have plenty of free time today.”
  • “I have a break from assignments this evening.”
  • “I have some vacation time from schoolwork.”

Using antonyms can create a sense of relief and give students something to look forward to after a long day of learning.

Remember, using synonyms and antonyms can help make homework seem more exciting or provide a sense of relief. By incorporating these alternative words into your descriptions, you can help students view their assignments in a different light.

By exploring different adjectives for homework, we can transform the way we perceive and approach assignments. This article has provided a range of alternative words, such as assignment, task, project, activity, and exercise, to describe homework in a more engaging and enjoyable manner. Additionally, we have considered using antonyms like free time, break, vacation, playtime, and leisure to convey the idea of no homework or a break from assignments.

By incorporating these descriptive words into our conversations and mindset, we can help shift our perspective on homework. Instead of viewing it as a burden, we can see it as an opportunity for growth, learning, and personal development. This change in perception can have a positive impact on our motivation, productivity, and overall attitude towards completing assignments.

So, let’s embrace these adjectives for homework and start approaching our tasks with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and curiosity. With the right mindset and a positive outlook, we can turn even the most challenging assignments into enjoyable learning experiences.

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Definition of homework noun from the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary

  • acquire/get/lack experience/training/(an) education
  • receive/provide somebody with training
  • develop/design/plan a curriculum/course/program/syllabus
  • give/go to/attend a class/lesson/lecture/seminar
  • hold/run/conduct a class/seminar/workshop
  • moderate/lead/facilitate a discussion
  • sign up for/take a course/classes/lessons
  • go to/start preschool/kindergarten/nursery school
  • be in the first, second, etc. grade (at school)
  • study/take/drop history/chemistry/German, etc.
  • finish/drop out of/quit school
  • graduate from high school/college
  • be the victim/target of bullying/teasing
  • skip/cut/ ( informal ) ditch class/school
  • cheat on an exam/a test
  • get/be given a detention (for doing something)
  • be expelled from/be suspended from school
  • do your homework/a project on something
  • work on/write/do/submit an essay/a dissertation/a thesis/an assignment/a paper
  • finish/complete your dissertation/thesis/studies
  • hand in/turn in your homework/essay/assignment/paper
  • study/prepare/review/ ( informal ) cram for a test/an exam
  • take/ ( formal ) sit for a test/an exam
  • grade homework/a test
  • do well on/ ( informal ) ace a test/an exam
  • pass/fail/ ( informal ) flunk a test/an exam/a class/a course/a subject
  • apply to/get into/go to/start college
  • leave/graduate from college (with a degree in computer science)/law school
  • study for/work towards a law degree/a degree in physics
  • major/minor in biology/philosophy
  • earn/receive/be awarded/get/have/hold a master's degree/a bachelor's degree/a Ph.D. in economics

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  • 2 ( informal ) work that someone does to prepare for something You could tell that he had really done his homework (= found out all he needed to know) .

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ChatGPT vs. ChatGPT Plus: Is a paid subscription still worth it?


When  GPT-4  was OpenAI's most powerful artificial intelligence large language model (LLM), paying for a subscription to ChatGPT Plus— which costs $20 a month —made sense. But now that OpenAI announced the availability of GPT-4o, I'm not so sure. 

With this latest update, OpenAI revealed an omnimodel that makes GPT-4-level intelligence available for all, so you won't need a Plus subscription to access it. What's more, free users can now access features that were previously reserved for paid subscribers, including GPT Store access to use custom GPT bots; the Memory feature to give their conversations a sense of continuity; uploading photos and documents to discuss them with ChatGPT; browsing the web to give more current context; and advanced data analysis. 

Also: 6 ways OpenAI just supercharged ChatGPT for free users

These changes can make it hard to determine who will find free ChatGPT adequate and who should spring for a Plus subscription. As a ChatGPT Plus subscriber, I'll explain below in exactly which cases you should use one or the other. Once GPT-4o is widely available, I'll test it to see how it performs for free users and ChatGPT Plus subscribers and report if any further differences arise.

You should use ChatGPT Plus if...

1. you use chatgpt a lot more than the average user.

With GPT-4o giving free users many of the same capabilities that were only available behind a Plus subscription, the reasons to sign up for a monthly fee have dwindled but are not completely gone. Free ChatGPT users will be limited in the number of messages they can send with GPT-4o, depending on usage and demand; however, OpenAI doesn't specify that limit. 

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OpenAI says ChatGPT will switch automatically to GPT-3.5 when free users reach their limit. ChatGPT Plus subscribers have five times the capacity of free users. Paid users will be able to ask GPT-4o five times as many questions as free users and will still have access to GPT-4 when they exceed their limit. We expect OpenAI will increase the limits for GPT-4o for both free and paid users. 

2. You can't wait

OpenAI says it is beginning to roll out GPT-4o to ChatGPT Plus, Team, and ChatGPT free users today, with Enterprise users coming soon. During the Spring Update live stream, OpenAI CTO Mira Murati announced that the new GPT-4o model and the rest of the updates will roll out iteratively to customers over the next few weeks. This means that only a fraction of ChatGPT users currently have access to the new features, with this number increasing shortly.

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If you don't want to wait until you get the new update in your account to use Plus features as a free subscriber, you can get a Plus subscription now to stave off the excitement. Note that you can cancel the subscription whenever you want.

ChatGPT Plus users still get early access to new features that OpenAI rolls out, including the new ChatGPT desktop app for macOS. This early access will soon include the new Voice Mode, which will roll out over the coming weeks. OpenAI will also launch a Windows version of the app later this year.

3. You want a tool to create charts and tables

ChatGPT is getting an upgraded data analysis feature that enables users to create interactive charts and tables from datasets. The upgrade also lets users upload files directly from Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive, in addition to the option to browse for files on their local device. These new features will be available only in GPT-4o to ChatGPT Plus, Team, and Enterprise users.

Also: ChatGPT will put your data into interactive tables and charts with GPT-4o

With these capabilities, you could upload an entire research study to ChatGPT and ask it to generate a table with certain parameters ( always check that the info ChatGPT enters is correct). Then, you could click on a cell and ask ChatGPT a question about it or prompt it to create a pie chart. The pie chart, which would also be interactive, can be customized and downloaded for use in presentations and documents.   

You should use free ChatGPT if...

1. you don't want to pay a monthly fee.

When GPT-4o is available, ChatGPT users will no longer need a Plus subscription to access most of the features that initially attracted subscribers. OpenAI is making GPT-4o available to all users, whether they are paying or not. 

ChatGPT free users will be able to access the multimodal GPT-4o with GPT-4-level intelligence, get responses from the web, use advanced data analysis, upload files and photos to discuss with the chatbot, access custom GPTs in the GPT Store, and have more helpful experiences with Memory -- all of which used to be ChatGPT Plus benefits.

Also: The ChatGPT desktop app is more helpful than I expected - here's why and how to try it

Although it's unclear whether free users can generate images natively in GPT-4o (OpenAI did not disclose this during the event), free users will have access to GPT bots in the GPT Store. If DALL-E access remains a Plus feature, free users can still access the DALL-E bot in the GPT Store. 

2. You're a casual ChatGPT user

There is no need to upgrade to a ChatGPT Plus membership if you're just a casual user who doesn't reach the usage limits of GPT-4o. The new GPT-4o model is rolling out to ChatGPT free users with usage limits beginning today, but OpenAI hasn't specified this limit. Plus users will have a message limit that is five times greater than that of free users, with Team and Enterprise users getting even higher limits.

Also:  ChatGPT vs. Bing Chat vs. Google Bard: Which is the best AI chatbot?

If you're a free user who doesn't use ChatGPT often and stays within the usage limit, you wouldn't get much benefit from a ChatGPT Plus subscription now. I expect OpenAI will amend the subscription benefits or the price as time passes and GPT-4o becomes widely available.

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3 warnings in effect for 11 counties in the area

‘god’s here:’ tornado tears roof from several homes in neighborhood, miraculously no one hurt.

Gage Goulding , News Reporter , Houston, TX

Oscar Chavez , Photojournalist

CYPRESS, Texas – If there’s one word to describe what happened in the Bridgeland neighborhood on Thursday, it would be destruction.

Several homes in the recently constructed neighborhood in Cypress are questionable to even be repairable.

On Thursday, an EF-1 tornado eyed up the community, packing a punch that is forcing families to find another place to live for the foreseeable future.

  • SEE ALSO: KPRC 2 News crew intercepts Houston tornado live on TV

The winds from the tornado—which peaked well over 100 miles per hour—were strong enough to pick apart houses, throw wooded planks like projectiles, and pierce whatever was in their path.

After the winds calmed, families walked outside to find their homes were destroyed and their roofs missing.

“We were all in here,” said David White, while showing KPRC 2′s Gage Goulding where he waited out the storm. “Four dogs. Me, my wife and my 16-year-old. We’re sitting on cushions and blankets in here, and it was vibrating, and I was holding on to them. And I was thinking, ‘If this is it, at least we’re going together.’ It was very scary.”

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The White family is one of several that can no longer live in their home.

Actually, David and his crew managed to escape their safe place just in the nick of time.

David: “The drywall got wet and collapsed.”

Gage: “You look at this. You look at the room that you sheltered in, and yet your family’s still here. How lucky do you feel?”

David: “We count our blessings, because that’s the most important thing.”

He’s not alone. Two doors down, 16-year-old Alejandro Marrero is also thankful for his guardian angel.

“You know God’s here,” he said.

He rode out the tornado in a closet with his mother and grandmother. All walked away without a scratch.

Alejandro: “I walked outside of the bathroom and then ran into the closet.”

Gage: “Do you feel lucky to be alive?”

Alejandro: “Yeah. But I’m also lucky that my mom and grandma and everyone else here is alive.”

While some of the families here are left to pick through the pieces, others are already back to normal daily life with their electric back.

How did their power get turned on so quickly?

This is likely because the community is newer and has its utility lines buried underground.

Copyright 2024 by KPRC Click2Houston - All rights reserved.

About the Authors

Gage goulding.

Gage Goulding is an award-winning TV news reporter and anchor. A native of Pittsburgh, PA, he comes to Texas from Fort Myers, FL, where he covered some of the areas most important stories, including Hurricane Ian.

Oscar Chavez

A creative mind with a passion for the arts, with an early start engaging in the creative arts and a passion for acting, singing and film. With nearly 100 songs written and published throughout all music platforms, which includes a song featured in the streaming platform NETFLIX. always looking to further his wealth of knowledge and to share it.

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What's AI for Spanglish? —

Single brain implant restores bilingual communication to paralyzed man, tracking syllables of words lets english and spanish training assist each other..

John Timmer - May 20, 2024 9:50 pm UTC

Single brain implant restores bilingual communication to paralyzed man

If things ultimately work out as hoped, brain implants will ultimately restore communication for those who have become paralyzed due to injury or disease. But we're a long way from that future, and the implants are currently limited to testing in clinical trials.

One of those clinical trials, based at the University of California, San Francisco, has now inadvertently revealed something about how the brain handles language, because one of the patients enrolled in the trial was bilingual, using English and Spanish. By tracking activity in the area of the brain where the intention to speak gets translated into control over the vocal tract, researchers found that both languages produce consistent signals in this area, so training the system to pick up English phrases would help improve its recognition of Spanish.

Making some noise

Understanding bilingualism is obviously useful for understanding how the brain handles language in general. The new paper describing the work also points out that restoring communications in multiple languages should be a goal for restoring communications to people. Bilingual people will often change languages based on different social situations or sometimes do so within a sentence in order to express themselves more clearly. They often describe bilingual abilities as a key component of their personalities.

So, if we really want to restore communication to people, giving them access to all the languages they speak should be a part of it.

The new work is designed to make that more likely. Part of a clinical trial called BRAVO (brain-computer interface for restoration of arm and voice), it involved placing relatively simple implants (128 electrodes) into the motor region of the brain—the part that translates intentions to perform actions into the signals needed to trigger muscles to execute them.

In terms of speech, this means the neurons needed to convert the desire to say a word into the muscle activity needed to control the mouth and tongue, expel sufficient breath, and tension the vocal cords. This is downstream of the portion of the brain where word choices are made, and English and Spanish presumably differ (which is in turn downstream of where meaning is sorted out, where the two languages might overlap).

Hypothetically, if portions of words sound sufficiently similar in terms of how they sound, the muscle control needed to produce that sound would also be similar. So, by tracking neural activity here, they should be able to handle both languages and even detect overlaps between them.

Leveraging language

The process of detecting these signals is rather complex, given that neural activity looks like a noisy series of "spikes," or bursts of voltage changes. Translating those to specific meanings is generally handled by AI systems that are trained to associate certain patterns of activity with specific information (whether that information is "I want to say cat" or "I've seen a cat").

So, a lot of work here involved training the software portion of the system to recognize when the participant with the implant wanted to say specific words. This involved him imagining speaking them and the software knowing the word he intended to speak. Using this, the researchers trained the system to recognize 50 English words, 50 Spanish words, and a few that were identical in both languages. Because of things like verb tenses, this worked out to be 178 distinct words.

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Tyrese Haliburton's 2-Word Post On X Went Viral After Pacers-Knicks Game

Ben stinar | 6 hours ago.

May 19, 2024; New York, New York, USA; Indiana Pacers guard Tyrese Haliburton (0) reacts during the

On Sunday evening, the Indiana Pacers played the New York Knicks at Madison Square Garden in Manhattan for Game 7 of their second-round playoff series.

The Pacers won 130-109 to advance to their first Eastern Conference Finals since the 2014 season when Paul George was on the roster.

After the huge win, All-Star point guard Tyrese Haliburton sent out a two-word post on X that had over 10,000 likes and 300,000 impressions in less than two hours.

Haliburton: "go ‘cers"

go ‘cers — Tyrese Haliburton (@TyHaliburton22) May 20, 2024

Haliburton finished Game 7 with 26 points, four rebounds, six assists, one steal and one block while shooting 10/17 from the field and 6/12 from the three-point range in 33 minutes of playing time.

He is coming off an excellent regular season where he averaged 20.1 points 3.9 rebounds, 10.9 assists and 1.2 steals per contest while shooting 47.7% from the field and 36.4% from the three-point range in 69 games.

"We're the deepest team in the NBA...big shoutout to our bench." Tyrese Haliburton after advancing to the Eastern Conference Finals 🗣️ — Indiana Pacers (@Pacers) May 20, 2024

The Pacers are the sixth seed in the Eastern Conference with a 47-35 record.

They defeated the Milwaukee Bucks in the first round (in six games).

This is the first time the franchise has been in the NBA playoffs since the 2020 season when Victor Oladipo was still on the roster.

May 19, 2024; New York, New York, USA; Indiana Pacers guard Tyrese Haliburton (0) wraps his neck

The Pacers will now face off against Jayson Tatum and the Boston Celtics in the Eastern Conference Finals.

The Celtics beat the Cleveland Cavaliers in the second round (in five games).

Game 1 of the series will be on Tuesday evening in Boston, Massachusetts.

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Ben Stinar

Ben Stinar is the NBA reporter for Fastbreak on FanNation.

Follow @BenStinar


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    The top 10 positive & impactful synonyms for "homework" are study tasks, learning projects, academic exercises, study assignments, educational tasks, knowledge practice, study work, learning exercises, academic tasks, and skill-building activities. Using these synonyms helps you enhance both your communication and psychological resilience ...

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    3. Repetitive: Some homework assignments may involve repetition or practice to reinforce learning. Consider these examples: "The spelling homework was repetitive, but it helped me memorize the words and improve my spelling skills.". "Practicing multiplication tables can be repetitive, but it strengthens my foundation in math.". 4.

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    homework in American English. (ˈhoumˌwɜːrk) noun. 1. schoolwork assigned to be done outside the classroom ( distinguished from classwork ) 2. paid work done at home, as piecework. 3. thorough preparatory study of a subject.

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    Two doors down, 16-year-old Alejandro Marrero is also thankful for his guardian angel. "You know God's here," he said. He rode out the tornado in a closet with his mother and grandmother ...

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