110 Video Game Topic Ideas for Essays & Examples

🔝 top 10 video game topics for 2024, 🏆 best video game topic ideas & essay examples, 🎮 good video game research topics, 🕹️ interesting gaming topics to write about, ❓ video game research questions, ✅ simple & easy video game essay topics.

Looking for video game topics for your project? Look no further! Here, we’ve collected excellent essay topics for true gaming enthusiasts. Whether you’re looking for argumentative essay ideas on video games, research topics, or questions for debate, you will find them here.

  • History of Video Game Consoles
  • Myths of Video Game Violence
  • The Global Phenomenon of Esports
  • VR Gaming and Its Future Possibilities
  • How Video Games Influence Cognitive Skills
  • Therapeutic Mental Health Benefits of Video Games
  • Diversity and Gender Representation in Video Games
  • How Multiplayer Games Impact Social Interaction
  • Healthy Gaming Habits Against Video Game Addiction
  • Aesthetic and Narrative Qualities of Artistic Video Games
  • Product Life Cycle & Marketing of Video Game Industry One of the most important advantages of the concept of life cycle can be seen in the sphere of marketing, where if used as a tool it allows adjusting the strategies, including marketing, based on […]
  • Sony and Nintendo in the Video Game Industry The firm has manufactured several generations of the home console since the 1980s, beginning with the Nintendo Entertainment System, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System released in the early 1990s, and the Nintendo 64 that was […]
  • Video Game Effects: Good or Bad? Given the fact that there is indeed a logically sound rationale to such a suggestion, throughout the course of conducting my study, I remained thoroughly observant of the article’s classification-related suggestions, in regards to the […]
  • FIFA 10 Football Simulation Video Game A lack of consistency is evident in the various versions of this game as FIFA 10 played on a PC lacks the realism that is exhibited when the game is played on XBOX 360 and […]
  • Video Game Addiction and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs As to me, I was interested in video games when I was a child because this industry was at its beginning and almost every pupil was involved in it.
  • Video Game Industry Analysis In 1950, Yamauchi assumed the position of the president in the firm and got on a variety of strategies with the purpose of rationalizing and modernizing the way the firm was controlled.
  • The Monopoly Tycoon Video Game Review The game is stylistically similar to the board game Monopoly, and it can be played both online and offline. It is important to note that the game has a multiplayer feature, which can be played […]
  • The Video Game Industry Evolution The first mention of the creation of such games dates back to the 1940s, but it was in 1952 that Alexander Shafto “Sandy” Douglas officially presented his dissertation at the University of Cambridge. One of […]
  • The NASCAR Video Game Project Management Plan The plan attempts to draw the features and gameplay mechanics by replicating the thought process of a potential player. At this stage, the game should be well-advertised and ready for release.
  • The Motivation of the Video Game Player For instance, the project gave its players the dynamic and fast pace of the game, a vast and detailed map, various locations, several different weapons, and character skins, and this is not all the possibilities.
  • The “Medal of Honor” Video Game Analysis The game is set to depict the Afghanistan invention in 2002 and the battle between the U.S.military and the Taliban. Due to the close resemblance of the game to the Afghanistan war, the game has […]
  • Human Life: Video Game, Simulation, or Reality? Drawing parallels between the real and the virtual world, one can admit the unreality of the existence of the planet and people and compare everything that happens with the simulation in which we are.
  • Does Video Game Violence Lead to Aggression in Children? Among the gaming community, children participate vigorously in absorbing the plethora of entertaining content, including age-restricted ones where the scenes of violence are abundant.
  • A Role-Playing Video Game Ayiti: The Cost of Life This strategy worked but not to the topmost level simply because the burden of the living cost was gradually weighing down the overall income of my family.
  • BioWare Video Game Project Management For example, Dragon Age: Inquisition, the third installment of the company’s flagship series, switched to the Frostbite engine used by most of the EA games and succeeded in delivering the product despite the technical difficulties […]
  • Video Game History: Overview From the 1990s to Nowadays In addition to arcade car behavior, the game was also famous for its beautiful graphics at the time, with each game in the series being a launch title showing the capabilities of the console.
  • Video Game Delivery Project: Strategic Marketing To initiate strategies in marketing of Video Game, the company will decide to develop a web based application by ABC CORP and this application is customized to meet the requirements of the project. The purpose […]
  • A Video Game Store’s Business Plan The projected cash flow of the cash in the balance sheet will appear positive for the next five years and will show that the company’s profitability in will be good enough pay for operating expenses […]
  • The U.S. Video Game Industry This was also based on the views of the company’s developers who assumed that the technological advantages of the the16-bit system were extremely less than that of the 8-bit system.
  • Video Game Company Against Online Piracy The purpose of the said DRM software is to protect the intellectual rights of the company. The fourth major issue is the encompassing goal of the VGC to end all types of piracy.
  • Twitch.tv and Video Game Streaming Career From this point, in spite of the fact that the Twitch.tv platform can be viewed as belonging to the live-streaming industry, the careers of streamers develop according to the traditional principles of the entertainment business.
  • Nintendo in the Video Game Industry Previously, Atari was a major power to reckon with in the industry but was later toppled by Nintendo. Part of Yamauchi’s vision was to introduce new and cheaper video games in the market than the […]
  • Game designers have the responsibility to design less video game Secondly, the outcome of the video game is unpredictable as compared to movie in which the audience can predict the point at which the story would end thus making the video games more interesting to […]
  • Striving for the Ultimate Knowledge: Eli’s Mission. Video Game Owing to the peculiarities of the movie plot, the game can be shaped in a most intriguing way, with a lot of turns of the plot which lead to the most effective denouement.
  • Analysis of the Counter-Strike Video Game Phenomenon in Computer Gaming
  • Comparison of Three Companies in Video Game Industry; Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft
  • Analysis of Free Will in The Stanley Parable Video Game
  • Analysis of the Effects of Playing a Video Game Used in Computer Science
  • Analysis of the Characteristics and Player Statistics of Bungie’s Video Game Destiny
  • Are Video Games Truly a Game or a Reality?
  • Analysis of the Topic of the Releases in the Video-Game Industry and the Issues of the Violence
  • Analysis of the Rise of the Video Game Empire in Modern Society
  • Two Aspects of Creating a Video Game
  • Analysis of the Third-Person, Console-Based Video Game, The Last of Us
  • Are Users The Next Entrepreneurs? A Case Study On The Video Game Industry
  • Combating Video Game Addiction : A Global Problem
  • Does Playing Video Game Consoles Bring About Plenty of Advantages?
  • Analysis of the Field Work Project and the Topic of a Video Game Community
  • Does Video Game Violence Affect Children?
  • Do Video Games Contribute For Video Game Violence?
  • Is The Video Game Industry an Oligopoly?
  • Is Video Game Violence the Cause of Juvenile Delinquency?
  • Psychological Effects of Video Game Violence on Children
  • What Is the Defining Business and Economic Characteristics of the Video Game Console Industry?
  • Why Play Station 4 and the Xbox One Are the Kings of the Next Generation Video Game Console?
  • What Makes A Video Game Addictive?
  • Competition Among 3 Main Video Game Companies: Nintendo, Sega, And Sony
  • Brief Note On Video Gaming And The Video Game Industry
  • Effects of Television and Video Game Violence on Children and Teenagers
  • Analysis of the Different Genres of Video Game Systems for Children
  • Overview of the Process and Career in Video Game Design
  • Development of the Elder Scrolls Video Game Series
  • Breaking Gender Stereotypes in Traditionally Masculine Sports: The Inclusion of Women in FIFA 16 Video Game
  • Cancer: Video Game and Playing Violent Video
  • Fighting the Online Video Game Wars in China
  • Government Regulation Of Video Game Violence Is Unconstitutional And Unnecessary
  • Japanese video game industry
  • History of the Video Game Industry
  • Microsoft Xbox Entering the World of Video Game
  • The Merchant of Video Games: Adapting the Merchant of Venice into an Adventure Game
  • What Are Some Revolutionary Breakthroughs in the Video Game Industry?
  • What Does It Take To Make It in the Video Games Industry?
  • Why Has the Video Game Industry Exploded Recently?
  • What Is Wrong With the Video Game Industry in This Generation?
  • Is the Video Game Industry Going Downhill?
  • Who Is the Best Voice Actor in the Video Game Industry?
  • What Will Be the Next Breakthrough or “Big Thing” in the Video Game Industry?
  • Is the Video Game Industry in Trouble Right Now?
  • Who Makes More Money: Hollywood or the Video Game Industry?
  • How Has the Coronavirus Impacted the Video Game Industry?
  • What Is the Biggest Missed Opportunity Yet in the Video Game Industry?
  • Does Video Game Violence Induce Negative Affects on Our Youth?
  • What Are the Changes the Video Game Industry Needs?
  • How Large Is the Video Game Industry?
  • Why Is the Video Game Industry in China Dominated by MMOs?
  • Is There a Bubble Forming in the Video Game Industry?
  • What Do Video Game Players Understand That Most People Don’t?
  • How Easy Is It to Make a Video Game?
  • What’s the Best Advice You’ve Received From a Video Game?
  • What Was the First Video Game?
  • What Is the Most Inappropriate Video Game You Know?
  • What Are the Elements of a Good Video Game?
  • How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Video Game?
  • What Can Video Game Consoles Offer You?
  • Why Video Game Addiction Is One of the Urgent Problems Today?
  • How Does Science Create Video Game?
  • How the 1970s Sparked the Video Game Industry?
  • Why Do Video Game Movies Always Fail?
  • What’s the Most Popular Video Game Genre?
  • The Science Behind Brain-Boosting Games
  • How Gaming Reflects and Influences Society
  • How Video Games Participate in Social Justice
  • Pros and Cons of Gamified Fitness and Wellness Apps
  • Gamification, Its Benefits, and Learning Outcomes
  • Virtual Goods in Video Games and Their Real-World Value
  • What Factors Influence Immersion and Player Engagement?
  • Cloud Gaming and the Potential of Streaming Technology
  • Market Trends and Revenue Models of the Video Game Industry
  • Violence, Microtransactions, and Other Ethical Issues in Video Game Development
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2023, December 27). 110 Video Game Topic Ideas for Essays & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/video-game-essay-topics/

"110 Video Game Topic Ideas for Essays & Examples." IvyPanda , 27 Dec. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/video-game-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '110 Video Game Topic Ideas for Essays & Examples'. 27 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "110 Video Game Topic Ideas for Essays & Examples." December 27, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/video-game-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "110 Video Game Topic Ideas for Essays & Examples." December 27, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/video-game-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "110 Video Game Topic Ideas for Essays & Examples." December 27, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/video-game-essay-topics/.

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107 Video Game Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Video games have become a popular form of entertainment for people of all ages. From action-packed shooters to immersive role-playing games, there is a video game out there for everyone. With such a wide variety of games to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide on a topic for an essay about video games. To help you get started, here are 107 video game essay topic ideas and examples to inspire your writing:

  • The impact of violent video games on children's behavior
  • The evolution of video game graphics over the years
  • The rise of esports and its influence on the gaming industry
  • The benefits of playing video games for cognitive development
  • The representation of gender and race in video games
  • The history of virtual reality gaming
  • The psychology of loot boxes in video games
  • The role of music in enhancing the gaming experience
  • The ethics of video game journalism
  • The impact of video game addiction on mental health
  • The cultural significance of video game franchises like Mario and Pokemon
  • The future of cloud gaming and streaming services
  • The role of storytelling in video games
  • The influence of video games on popular culture
  • The relationship between video games and education
  • The impact of video game censorship on creative expression
  • The portrayal of mental health issues in video games
  • The role of social media in video game marketing
  • The history of video game consoles
  • The impact of online multiplayer games on social interaction
  • The evolution of game mechanics in the survival horror genre
  • The representation of LGBTQ+ characters in video games
  • The influence of Japanese culture on video game aesthetics
  • The role of nostalgia in the popularity of retro gaming
  • The impact of microtransactions on player experience
  • The relationship between video games and violence in society
  • The role of artificial intelligence in game development
  • The impact of video game streaming platforms like Twitch
  • The representation of disability in video games
  • The influence of game design on player engagement
  • The evolution of mobile gaming
  • The role of virtual economies in online multiplayer games
  • The impact of video game sound design on immersion
  • The portrayal of mental illness in video games
  • The influence of Eastern philosophy on game narratives
  • The role of user-generated content in game communities
  • The impact of fan culture on video game development
  • The representation of indigenous cultures in video games
  • The influence of literature on game storytelling
  • The role of game difficulty in player satisfaction
  • The impact of video game piracy on the industry
  • The portrayal of war in military shooter games
  • The relationship between video games and sports
  • The influence of board games on video game design
  • The role of player choice in game narratives
  • The impact of virtual reality on therapy and rehabilitation
  • The representation of historical events in video games
  • The influence of film on game aesthetics
  • The role of gender stereotypes in video game marketing
  • The impact of game mods on player creativity
  • The portrayal of mental health professionals in video games
  • The influence of tabletop role-playing games on video game mechanics
  • The role of game mechanics in promoting teamwork and cooperation
  • The impact of game development crunch on industry workers
  • The representation of animals in video games
  • The influence of science fiction on game narratives
  • The role of player agency in game storytelling
  • The impact of game difficulty on player motivation
  • The portrayal of addiction in video games
  • The influence of mythology on game aesthetics
  • The role of puzzles in game design
  • The impact of game reviews on player purchasing decisions
  • The representation of mental illness in horror games
  • The influence of architecture on game environments
  • The role of game soundtracks in enhancing the player experience
  • The impact of game tutorials on player learning
  • The portrayal of robots and AI in video games
  • The influence of fashion on character design in games
  • The role of humor in game narratives
  • The impact of game localization on cultural representation
  • The representation of environmental issues in video games
  • The influence of psychology on game design
  • The role of game narratives in exploring complex themes
  • The impact of game communities on player engagement
  • The portrayal of mental health struggles in indie games
  • The influence of mythology on game storytelling
  • The role of player feedback in game development
  • The impact of game accessibility on player inclusivity
  • The representation of gender identity in video games
  • The influence of surrealism on game aesthetics
  • The role of morality systems in game narratives
  • The impact of game tutorials on player retention
  • The portrayal of mental health professionals in horror games
  • The influence of psychology on game narratives
  • The role of player choice in shaping game outcomes
  • The impact of game aesthetics on player immersion
  • The representation of LGBTQ+ relationships in video games
  • The role of environmental storytelling in game design
  • The impact of game streaming on player engagement
  • The portrayal of mental illness in puzzle games
  • The role of player feedback in shaping game development
  • The impact of game aesthetics on player perception
  • The representation of LGBTQ+ characters in horror games
  • The influence of film noir on game narratives
  • The role of environmental storytelling in shaping game worlds
  • The impact of game tutorials on player skill progression
  • The portrayal of mental illness in narrative-driven games
  • The influence of science fiction on game aesthetics
  • The role of player choice in determining game endings
  • The impact of game aesthetics on player emotional response
  • The representation of LGBTQ+ relationships in indie games
  • The influence of literature on game design
  • The role of environmental storytelling in immersive game worlds
  • The impact of game streaming on player community building
  • The portrayal of mental health struggles in interactive fiction games

Whether you are writing a research paper, a critical analysis, or a personal reflection on video games, these topics provide a diverse range of ideas to explore. From examining the psychological effects of gaming to analyzing the cultural significance of game narratives, there is no shortage of fascinating topics to delve into. So, pick a topic that interests you and start exploring the world of video games through the lens of your essay. Happy writing!

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Best Video Game Essay Topics for Students

Video Game Essay Topic Ideas

Choosing the right essay topic is crucial, and for students who love video games, it’s an opportunity to combine their passion with academics. In this article, we’ll explore a variety of exciting and various video game essay topic ideas for students of high school and college. This blog includes argumentative, analytical, persuasive and other types of essays related to video gaming.

Video Game Essay Topics for High School Students

  • How Video Games Improve Problem-Solving Skills.
  • Understanding the World of E-sports.
  • The Importance of Balanced Gaming Habits.
  • Exploring the History of Gaming Consoles.
  • Video Games: Entertainment and Cultural Influence.
  • Gender Representation in Video Games.
  • Gamification in Education: Learning through Play.
  • Game Design and the Art of Video Games.
  • Tracing the Growth of the Video Game Industry.
  • Social Connections in Online Gaming Communities.
  • Video Games and Mental Health Benefits.
  • Exploring Careers in Game Development.
  • Ethical Choices in Video Games.
  • The Impact of Music in Video Games.
  • Making Video Games Accessible to Everyone.

Video Game Essay Topics for College Students

  • The Educational Value of Video Games in College Curriculum.
  • The Growth and Impact of E-sports in the Sports Industry.
  • Gaming Habits and Academic Performance: A College Study.
  • Game Engine Comparison: Unity vs. Unreal Engine.
  • Gender Representation in Video Games: A College Perspective.
  • Analyzing Game Narrative Structures in Popular Titles.
  • Moral Choices in Video Games: Implications and Outcomes.
  • The Psychology of Player Motivation in Gaming.
  • Virtual Reality in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges.
  • Career Prospects in Game Development: Paths and Insights.
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Video Game Content Creation.
  • The Role of Music and Sound in Video Game Immersion.
  • Indie Game Development: Innovations and Success Stories.
  • Video Game Preservation: Saving Gaming History.
  • AI in Gaming: Enhancing NPC Behavior and Gameplay.

Common Essay Topics Related to Video Games

  • The Influence of Video Games on Academic Performance.
  • Video Game Violence: Separating Fact from Fiction.
  • The History and Evolution of Mobile Gaming.
  • The Role of Gaming in Building Teamwork and Collaboration.
  • The Psychology of In-Game Rewards and Achievements.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Gaming: A Glimpse into the Future.
  • Gaming and STEM Education: Learning Science through Games.
  • The Representation of Diversity in Video Games.
  • The Impact of In-Game Advertising on Players.
  • The Benefits of Gaming for Stress Relief and Relaxation.
  • The Importance of Responsible Gaming.
  • The Art of Game Mods: Customizing and Enhancing Games.
  • E-sports Scholarships and Opportunities for Students.
  • The Environmental Impact of Video Game Consoles.
  • Gamers for Good: How Gaming Communities Contribute to Charity.

Argumentative Topics for Video Game Essays

  • Do Violent Video Games Promote Aggressive Behavior in Players?
  • Should There Be Age Restrictions on Purchasing Violent Video Games?
  • Are Video Games a Viable Educational Tool in Schools?
  • Is Video Game Addiction a Real Concern, and How Should It Be Addressed?
  • Do Video Games Enhance Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Skills?
  • Should Parents Be More Involved in Monitoring Their Children’s Gaming Habits?
  • Is E-sports a Legitimate Sport and Worthy of Recognition?
  • Does Playing Video Games Improve Hand-Eye Coordination?
  • Are Video Games a Form of Art, and Should They Be Treated as Such?
  • Should the Video Game Industry Be Regulated More Strictly for Content?
  • Do Video Games Have a Positive or Negative Impact on Social Skills?
  • Is There a Link Between Video Games and Obesity in Children?
  • Should Professional Gamers Be Considered Athletes and Eligible for Sports Scholarships?
  • Does Gaming Culture Foster Toxic Behavior and Harassment?
  • Can Video Games Help Alleviate Stress and Anxiety in Players?

Didn’t find any topic of your interest? No worries! We have listed 100+ Argumentative Essay Topics for Students here, you can go through the article and choose the best one as per your needs. This blog has various niche topics and can assist to find the best one for you.

Informative Video Game Essay Topics

  • The History of Video Games: From Pong to Present.
  • A Deep Dive into the World of E-sports.
  • How Video Games are Made: Game Development Explained.
  • Exploring Different Genres of Video Games: Action, RPG, Simulation, etc.
  • The Evolution of Video Game Graphics and Technology.
  • Iconic Video Game Characters and Their Impact on Pop Culture.
  • The Science Behind Gaming: How Game Engines Work.
  • Video Game Consoles: Past, Present, and Future.
  • The Importance of Storytelling in Video Games.
  • The Role of Sound Design and Music in Gaming.
  • The Influence of Video Games on Architecture and Design.
  • Video Game Streaming and Content Creation: A New Career Frontier.
  • The Psychology of Gaming: Why We Love Video Games.
  • The Cultural Significance of Video Game Events and Conventions.
  • The Rise of Gamification in Education and Training.

Compare & Contrast Video Game Essay Topics

These compare and contrast essay topics are chosen by our experts and are specifically related to video gaming. These are general and easy to write on.

  • Console Gaming vs. PC Gaming: Which Is Better?
  • Single-Player vs. Multiplayer Games: Which Do You Prefer?
  • Mobile Games vs. Console Games: Pros and Cons.
  • Classic Games vs. Modern Games: What’s Changed?
  • First-Person vs. Third-Person Shooter Games: Which is More Immersive?
  • Xbox vs. PlayStation: Comparing Gaming Communities.
  • Video Games vs. Board Games: Which Provides More Fun?
  • Old Game Graphics vs. New Game Graphics: A Visual Evolution.
  • RPGs vs. Action Games: Gameplay Differences.
  • Retro Games vs. Modern Games: Nostalgia vs. Innovation.
  • Open-World Games vs. Linear Games: Freedom vs. Guided Storytelling.
  • Strategy Games vs. Puzzle Games: Challenges in Gaming.
  • Video Games vs. Movies: Storytelling Approaches.
  • Online Shooters vs. Battle Royale Games: Teamwork vs. Solo Play.
  • Exclusive vs. Cross-Platform Games: Your Gaming Options.

Analytical Topics for Video Game Essays

  • Strategies for Success in Online Multiplayer Games.
  • Analyzing Game Elements in Role-Playing Games (RPGs).
  • In-Game Purchases and Their Impact on Player Progress.
  • The Design of Levels in Platformer Games: A Critical Look.
  • Difficulty Levels in Video Games: Effects on Player Experience.
  • The In-Game Economy: How It Works and Influences Players.
  • The Significance of Tutorial Levels in Game Learning.
  • Character Development in Video Games: Evolution and Influence.
  • Linear vs. Non-Linear Storytelling in Video Games.
  • Morality Systems in Games: Player Choices and Consequences.
  • AI and Machine Learning in Video Games: Advancements and Applications.
  • User-Friendly Game Interfaces: Design Principles and Importance.
  • Game Analytics: Measuring Success in the Gaming Industry.
  • Visual Design and Its Impact on Player Immersion.
  • Cultural Adaptation in Video Game Localization.

Read more: Best Analytical Essay Topics

Persuasive Essay Topics on Video Gaming

  • Why Schools Should Use Video Games for Learning.
  • The Importance of Age Ratings in Video Game Sales.
  • Video Games: Tools for Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills.
  • How Video Games Can Improve Mental Well-being.
  • Debunking the Myth: Video Games and Real-Life Violence.
  • Promoting Diversity in Video Game Characters.
  • Parents’ Role in Monitoring Kids’ Gaming Habits.
  • Gamification in Education: Making Learning Fun.
  • Addressing Video Game Addiction as a Health Issue.
  • Teamwork and Cooperation in Multiplayer Games.
  • Ethical Game Development: Fair Monetization Practices.
  • The Need for More Research on Video Game Violence.
  • Combatting Toxicity in Online Gaming Communities.
  • Exploring E-sports Career Opportunities.
  • Making Video Games Accessible for Everyone.

Read more: Best Persuasive Essay Topics

Best Video Game Essay Topics in 2023

  • The Impact of Video Games on Society Today.
  • Gaming and Sustainability: How Can Gamers Go Green?
  • NFTs in Gaming: What You Need to Know.
  • Virtual Reality Gaming: The Next Big Thing.
  • Making Games Accessible for Everyone.
  • AI’s Role in Video Game Development.
  • Gaming Habits Post-Pandemic: What’s Changed?
  • In-Game Advertising: Friend or Foe?
  • 5G Technology and Its Effect on Gaming.
  • Video Games and Mental Health: A Closer Look.
  • Augmented Reality Games in Learning and Fun.
  • Collectibles and In-Game Economies: Explained.
  • Gaming Across Cultures: Challenges and Solutions.
  • The Power of Online Gaming Communities.
  • E-sports: The Future of Competitive Gaming.

These gaming essay topics would surely help you select the best topic of your choice, all various topics are suggested by our qualified experts keeping in mind the capabilities of an average student. If you want to hire our assignment writer for your gaming topics, feel free to reach us and get your essay done by experts.

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  • Our Official List of Great Video Game Essay Topics

Content our official list of great video game essay topics

Any essay that you write should be well-written, accurate, and interesting to your audience. That begins with finding a great topic for your essay. Check out our list of the best essay topic ideas. You should be able to write a great essay about gaming with one of these topics. If you struggle with it, you can always order a custom essay on video games.

Topics on Social Issues

The topic of video games comes up quite frequently when various social topics are being discussed. If you are taking classes such as sociology, public health, political science, or journalism, your essay might focus on the many social issues relating to video games. Writing essays on violence in games is always an option, but there are others as well. Here are a few topic ideas:

Persuasive Essays Related to Social Issues

  • Do Violent Games Cause Behavior Problems?
  • Convince readers, in an essay about violence in games, that the average person will not be affected in a negative way.
  • Should video game rating systems be more stringent?
  • Are parents ultimately responsible for what their kids play?
  • As a society, do we unfairly blame video games when we should be focusing on personal responsibility?

Narrative Essays on Video Games And Their Impact on Society

  • Write about a video game that you played as a child that was too violent for you
  • Have you ever been addicted to online gaming? What was that like.
  • Talk about an incident of harassment that you witnessed when playing online video games.
  • Write essays on violence in gaming and the impact of that in early dating relationships

Expository Essays on The Social Impact of Video Gaming

  • Write a  short essay  on the impact of video gaming on health and wellness
  • Compose a research paper that addresses the effects of allowing young children to do violent video games
  • Write a case study about a young adult who has never been exposed to video games vs. one who has been

General Essay Ideas That Relate to Social Issues

  • What should be done about sexism in gaming?
  • How can the gaming industry become more inclusive as a whole?
  • Why is sex and violence such a common theme in video games?
  • Does early exposure to video games impact the ability of children to self-regulate?
  • What are the biggest social problems related to gaming?

Video Game Essay Topics New Technology

If you are an avid gamer, you probably keep up with the latest technologies, reading specialized magazines, and eagerly await the latest and greatest releases. You may have even been part of a beta testing new things or involved in open source gaming projects. Most importantly, you likely have lots of knowledge and opinions on gaming technology. Check out these essay ideas:

Persuasive Essays on Gaming Technology

  • Will virtual reality impact video game technology or is it simply a fad?
  • Which release is causing the most buzz?
  • Streaming will replace consoles, yes or no?

Expository Essay Ideas on Gaming Technology

  • Pick an up and coming technology and explain how it works
  • Explain the history and development behind an upcoming technological advancement in video tech
  • Discuss the trend of gamers as designers

Other Video Technology Essay Ideas

  • Write a compare contrast essay on virtual reality in gaming vs. augmented reality
  • Write a review of a new gaming system that you have recently tried out.

Topics About Educational Games

Persuasive Essays on Video Games in Education

  • Should children spend more time focusing on lectures and hands-on work than gaming?
  • Argue which educational video game parents of toddlers should choose
  • Video games have no place in education. Argue a side
  • Is gaming a possible solution when dealing with disengaged students?

Expository Essay Ideas For Gaming in Education

  • Explain how gaming is used in special education
  • Describe the features that make a game educational vs. entertainment
  • Research and explain the process educators use to integrate gaming into the classroom

Other Educational Essay Ideas

  • Review the most popular educational games that have been released this year
  • Write a paper about the differences between educational games today vs. 10 or 20 years ago
  • Write a case study about a school that incorporated gaming into their classrooms    

Essay Topics For Passionate Gamers

If you don’t find anything that interests you above, don’t fret. You can still improve your writing skills while expressing your passions for gaming. If you have an interest in gaming, you have many options when it comes to writing essays. This is especially true when it comes to classes where you have a bit more flexibility in your writing assignments. Check out these topic ideas:

  • Write a descriptive essay about the first gaming experience you have had
  • What are your predictions about the future of console gaming
  • What is the funniest thing that happened to you in an online gaming experience
  • What 10 worst things that impact the world of video gaming be opinionated!
  • Compare and contrast the first release of a video game with the most current
  • If you could invent a video game, what would it look like
  • Write a review of the most popular game available today

Remember that you must balance your passion for the topic of gaming with good writing skills and factual knowledge. You will still have to research, cite your sources, and do the other work that goes into writing a good paper. As always, if you need help with a gaming essay remember that we are available to help as we are top essay writing service . Happy gaming!

Posted by: Natalie

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Natalie Andersen The blogger and writing expert for GetGoodGrades.com

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Everything begins with an idea!

Argumentative Video Games Essay Topics

Video games haven’t been around for decades, but the impact they have on kids and the world, in general, is massive. Typical video games are made up of a user-interface and interaction that sends a visual response to 3 or 2-dimensional video displays to keep the gamers thrillingly attached to the action. The story of video games doesn’t end with the practical part of it.  Today, video games have become a major topic of interests in most universities and colleges.

Students pursuing a course in journalism, sociology, political science, and public health will often be given video games assignments. Video games incorporate fresh content and data relating to journalism, sociology, political science, and public health.  For students to find their way around the involving and complex context of video games, they must be mentally ready to research for pure content and handle the challenges of creating unique content. Besides, they must understand which video game essay topics work to drive home the kind of information they are working on. Whether journalism, political science, sociology or public health student looking for convincing and informative video games essay topics, TopicsBase has got you covered.

  • The Role Video Games Play in Improving Learning
  • Violence and Video Games
  • The Negative Impacts Video Games have on Children
  • Violent Video Games Nurture Aggressive Behavior in Kids
  • The Effects Violent Video Games Have on Children
  • Invention, Growth and Refinement of Video Games
  • Video Games As The Drive Behind Increased Violence Behaviors in Teens
  • The Role Video Games Play In Enhancing Teens Critical Thinking
  • The Pros and Cons of Video Games
  • Sex and Violence as The Main Themes in Video Games
  • Early Exposure to Video Games and the Effect it Has on Teenagers
  • The Effect Of Violence in Video Games in New Relationships
  • The Popularity and Increased Demand for Video Games
  • The Positive Effects of Video Games on The Society
  • The Frightening Nature Of Video Games
  • How First Person Shooters Make Players React Faster?
  • The Future of Video Games in The Coming Decade
  • The History of Video Games
  • The Nature of Assassin Video Game Simulations
  • The Relationship Between Youth Violence and Violent Video Games
  • How do Video Games act as A Learning Tool?
  • Video Games As The Future Of Learning and Education
  • Ethical Responsibility In Modern Video Games
  • Don’t Play Video Games, and Here is Why
  • The Pros and Cons of Videos
  • How to Control Addition to Video Games
  • Video Games Should Be Banned For Elevating Cases of Violence in Teens
  • The Role of Parents In Regulating Teens’ Access to Violent Video Games
  • The Mental and Physical Benefits of Video Games
  • Can Playing Violent Video Games Hurt My Emotions?
  • The Healing Effect of Video Games
  • Analysis of Different Types of Video Games
  • How Video Games Affect Your Brain and Emotions
  • Myths and Misconceptions About Video Games
  • The Rise of Video Games has Taken the World By Surprise

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Essays About Video Games: Top 12 Examples and Prompts

Video games have revolutionized the way we have fun today. If you are writing essays about video games, check out our guide to inspire your writing.  

Few can contest the fact that video games have taken over the world. From the basic, almost “primitive” games of the 1970s like Pong to the mind-bending virtual reality games of the 2020s, they have been a source of entertainment for all. Moreover, they have proven quite profitable; countries like Japan and the United States have made tens of billions of dollars solely from the video game market.

Despite their popularity, much has been debated over the potentially harmful side effects that video games may have, particularly on children. One side argues that playing certain video games can lead to people exhibiting violence in the future, while others believe that video games teach players essential life skills. Regardless, they will continue to be a part of our lives for the foreseeable future. 

For engaging essays about video games, read the essay examples featured below for inspiration.

1. What electronic games can teach us by Kendall Powell

2. designers are imagining video games without guns by keith stuart, 3. playing video games all summer won’t make you feel worse by nicole wetsman, 4.  violent video games bad by andrea newman.

  • 5. ​​The health effects of too much gaming by Peter Grinspoon

Writing Prompts For Essays About Video Games

1. video games: good or bad, 2. the benefits of video games, 3. what is your favorite video game, 4. do video games cause people to become violent, 5. video games in your life, 6. video games vs. traditional games, 7. is the video game rating system enough.

“In other studies, researchers found that gamers who trained on Tetris were better at mentally rotating two-dimensional shapes than those who played a control game. Students who played two hours of All You Can E.T., an educational game designed to enhance the executive function of switching between tasks, improved their focus-shifting skills compared with students who played a word search game.”

Powell explains a few possibilities of applying video games to education. As it turns out, certain video games can improve players’ skills, depending on the mechanics. Researchers are inspired by this and hope to take advantage of the competitive, motivational nature of gaming to encourage children to learn. New games are designed to help kids improve their focus, coordination, and resilience, and game designers hope they will succeed. 

“Imagine a game where you’re a war reporter seeking to capture the most iconic, representative images in a battle environment: You’d still get the sense of peril that audiences expect from action adventures, but your relationship with the environment would be more profound. It would be Call of Duty from the perspective of a creative participant rather than a violent interloper.”

The graphic nature of some video games is said to make kids violent, so it is only natural that some creators try to change this. Stuart writes that it is possible to maintain the fun that shooter-type games induce without using guns. He gives examples of games where you do not kill your enemy, simply stunning or capturing them instead. He also suggests photography as an alternative to killing in a “shooting” game. Finally, he suggests basing video games around helping others, making friends, and doing more peaceful, creative tasks.

“Any role video games play in skewing well-being that did pop up in the study was too small to have a real-world impact on how people feel, the authors said. People would have to play games for 10 more hours per day than their baseline to notice changes in their well-being, the study found.”

Wetsman counters the widespread belief that video games “destroy your brain.” Research done with a sample of 39,000 players over six weeks has shown that whether one plays video games for long or short periods, their mental health is not impacted much. There are some exceptions; however, there are not enough to conclude that video games are, in fact, harmful.

“Some people believe that the connection between violent games, and real violence is also fairly intuitive. In playing the games kids are likely to become desensitized to gory images;which could make them less disturbing, and perhaps easier to deal with in real life. While video games aren’t about violence their capacity to teach can be a good thing.”

In her essay, Newman writes about the supposed promotion of violence in some video games. However, she believes this violence does not cause people to be more aggressive later. Instead, she believes these games expose children to certain atrocities so they will not be traumatized if they see them in real life. In addition, these games supposedly promote connections and friendships. Finally, Newman believes that these “harmful” can make you a better person.

5. ​​ The health effects of too much gaming by Peter Grinspoon

“Gamers need to be educated on how to protect their thumbs, wrists, and elbows, their waistlines, their emotional state, their sleep, and their eyes. Simple education around taking breaks, stretching, eating healthy snacks, and resting and icing your thumb, wrist, or elbow when it starts hurting can address injuries early, before they become significant. For the eyes, gamers can try the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, try to look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.”

Grinspoon discusses both the benefits and the health risks of gaming. Video games allow people to interact with each other remotely and bond over specific missions or tasks, and some research shows that they have cognitive benefits. However, some gamers may develop vision problems and hand and wrist injuries. Gaming and “staring in front of a screen the whole day” is also associated with obesity. Overall, Grinspoon believes that gaming is best done in moderation.

Looking for more? Check out these essays about hobbies .

Many parents believe that their children’s “bad behavior” is because of video games. Based on your experience and others, decide: are video games good or bad for you? Make sure to read viewpoints from both sides and write an essay based on your position. Would you encourage others to play video games? Discuss these pros and cons for an interesting argumentative essay.

Like anything else, video games have both positive and negative aspects. Explain the good that video games can do for you: the skills they can equip you with, the lessons they can teach, and anything else. Also, include whether you believe their benefits outweigh the disadvantages they may pose. 

For your essay, write about your favorite video game and why you chose it. What is its meaning to you, and how has it affected your life? Describe the gameplay mechanics, characters, storyline, and general impact on the gaming community or society. You can write about any game you want, even if you have not played it; just ensure the content is sufficient.

Many claim that playing violent video games can make you violent in the future. Research this phenomenon and conclude whether it is true or not. Is the evidence sufficient? There are many resources on this topic; support your argument by citing credible sources, such as news articles, statistics, and scientific research.

Video games have been a part of almost all our lives. Recall a treasured experience with video games and explain why it is significant. How old were you? Why do you remember it fondly? How did this experience make you feel? Answer these questions in your own words for an exciting essay.

Essays About Video Games: Video games vs. Traditional games

There are stark differences between video and traditional games, such as board games and card games. For an engaging essay, compare and contrast them and write about which is more entertaining, in your opinion. Be creative; this should be based on your own opinions and ideas.

The video game content rating system is used to classify video games based on their appropriateness for specific ages. However, parents complain that they are not strict enough and allow the display of violent content to children. Explore the criteria behind the rating system, decide whether it needs to be changed or not, and give examples to support your argument.

If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips !

Tip: If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

good speech topics about video games

Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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Persuasive Essay: Video Games

Teenagers today often spend a great deal of time playing video games. These games are fun and engaging and young people often feel like playing games is a great thing to do in their spare time. However, you shouldn’t spend too much time gaming and there are a number of reasons for this: it’s unhealthy, you should spend more time studying, and you need to socialize more.

The primary reason to cut down on gaming time has to be that youths that spend a long time on computers and games consoles are often not getting enough exercise. With high obesity rates, it’s very important for young people to spend as much time being active as possible, especially since studies show that people who are overweight during childhood and adolescence are far more likely to become overweight adults than those of a healthy weight when they’re young. There is just as much, if not more, fun to be had in getting out and about and being active. This doesn’t have to mean going for long runs if that’s not your thing; team sports are both fun and great exercise. Dance or fitness classes are also a good option for those not into sports.

Secondly, getting a good education is that best thing that you can do for your future. If every teenager cut down on their gaming time by 30 minutes per day and used this time to study, the whole of that generation would achieve better results and be more likely to have the career that they want. With education, you get out what you put in, so it’s really up to you to put in the additional effort. If you want to go to a good college, extra study in your own time will be completely vital, but gaming can reduce your concentration span and make this more difficult.

The third main reason that playing video games too often is that it’s no good for your social skills. Some teenagers may argue that because they can now play their games online with friends, they are socializing in their own way. However, you can’t beat face-to-face contact, and if you want to succeed in interviews and build good relationships in later life, you need to develop some proper communication skills. This shouldn’t be a chore, or difficult, because hanging out with friends is far more fun than sitting indoors playing on games all day anyway!

In conclusion, there can be no doubt that spending too much time gaming isn’t good for you. You don’t have to stop all together, but it’s all about moderation. Cut down and allocate your additional free time to doing things that are good for you, and you definitely won’t regret it in later life.

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good speech topics about video games

112 Persuasive Speech Topics That Are Actually Engaging

What’s covered:, how to pick an awesome persuasive speech topic, 112 engaging persuasive speech topics, tips for preparing your persuasive speech.

Writing a stellar persuasive speech requires a carefully crafted argument that will resonate with your audience to sway them to your side. This feat can be challenging to accomplish, but an engaging, thought-provoking speech topic is an excellent place to start.

When it comes time to select a topic for your persuasive speech, you may feel overwhelmed by all the options to choose from—or your brain may be drawing a completely blank slate. If you’re having trouble thinking of the perfect topic, don’t worry. We’re here to help!

In this post, we’re sharing how to choose the perfect persuasive speech topic and tips to prepare for your speech. Plus, you’ll find 112 persuasive speech topics that you can take directly from us or use as creative inspiration for your own ideas!

Choose Something You’re Passionate About

It’s much easier to write, research, and deliver a speech about a cause you care about. Even if it’s challenging to find a topic that completely sparks your interest, try to choose a topic that aligns with your passions.

However, keep in mind that not everyone has the same interests as you. Try to choose a general topic to grab the attention of the majority of your audience, but one that’s specific enough to keep them engaged.

For example, suppose you’re giving a persuasive speech about book censorship. In that case, it’s probably too niche to talk about why “To Kill a Mockingbird” shouldn’t be censored (even if it’s your favorite book), and it’s too broad to talk about media censorship in general.

Steer Clear of Cliches

Have you already heard a persuasive speech topic presented dozens of times? If so, it’s probably not an excellent choice for your speech—even if it’s an issue you’re incredibly passionate about.

Although polarizing topics like abortion and climate control are important to discuss, they aren’t great persuasive speech topics. Most people have already formed an opinion on these topics, which will either cause them to tune out or have a negative impression of your speech.

Instead, choose topics that are fresh, unique, and new. If your audience has never heard your idea presented before, they will be more open to your argument and engaged in your speech.

Have a Clear Side of Opposition

For a persuasive speech to be engaging, there must be a clear side of opposition. To help determine the arguability of your topic, ask yourself: “If I presented my viewpoint on this topic to a group of peers, would someone disagree with me?” If the answer is yes, then you’ve chosen a great topic!

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork for what it takes to choose a great persuasive speech topic, here are over one hundred options for you to choose from.

  • Should high school athletes get tested for steroids?
  • Should schools be required to have physical education courses?
  • Should sports grades in school depend on things like athletic ability?
  • What sport should be added to or removed from the Olympics?
  • Should college athletes be able to make money off of their merchandise?
  • Should sports teams be able to recruit young athletes without a college degree?
  • Should we consider video gamers as professional athletes?
  • Is cheerleading considered a sport?
  • Should parents allow their kids to play contact sports?
  • Should professional female athletes be paid the same as professional male athletes?
  • Should college be free at the undergraduate level?
  • Is the traditional college experience obsolete?
  • Should you choose a major based on your interests or your potential salary?
  • Should high school students have to meet a required number of service hours before graduating?
  • Should teachers earn more or less based on how their students perform on standardized tests?
  • Are private high schools more effective than public high schools?
  • Should there be a minimum number of attendance days required to graduate?
  • Are GPAs harmful or helpful?
  • Should schools be required to teach about standardized testing?
  • Should Greek Life be banned in the United States?
  • Should schools offer science classes explicitly about mental health?
  • Should students be able to bring their cell phones to school?
  • Should all public restrooms be all-gender?
  • Should undocumented immigrants have the same employment and education opportunities as citizens?
  • Should everyone be paid a living wage regardless of their employment status?
  • Should supremacist groups be able to hold public events?
  • Should guns be allowed in public places?
  • Should the national drinking age be lowered?
  • Should prisoners be allowed to vote?
  • Should the government raise or lower the retirement age?
  • Should the government be able to control the population?
  • Is the death penalty ethical?


  • Should stores charge customers for plastic bags?
  • Should breeding animals (dogs, cats, etc.) be illegal?
  • Is it okay to have exotic animals as pets?
  • Should people be fined for not recycling?
  • Should compost bins become mandatory for restaurants?
  • Should electric vehicles have their own transportation infrastructure?
  • Would heavier fining policies reduce corporations’ emissions?
  • Should hunting be encouraged or illegal?
  • Should reusable diapers replace disposable diapers?

Science & Technology

  • Is paper media more reliable than digital news sources?
  • Should automated/self-driving cars be legalized?
  • Should schools be required to provide laptops to all students?
  • Should software companies be able to have pre-downloaded programs and applications on devices?
  • Should drones be allowed in military warfare?
  • Should scientists invest more or less money into cancer research?
  • Should cloning be illegal?
  • Should societies colonize other planets?
  • Should there be legal oversight over the development of technology?

Social Media

  • Should there be an age limit on social media?
  • Should cyberbullying have the same repercussions as in-person bullying?
  • Are online relationships as valuable as in-person relationships?
  • Does “cancel culture” have a positive or negative impact on societies?
  • Are social media platforms reliable information or news sources?
  • Should social media be censored?
  • Does social media create an unrealistic standard of beauty?
  • Is regular social media usage damaging to real-life interactions?
  • Is social media distorting democracy?
  • How many branches of government should there be?
  • Who is the best/worst president of all time?
  • How long should judges serve in the U.S. Supreme Court?
  • Should a more significant portion of the U.S. budget be contributed towards education?
  • Should the government invest in rapid transcontinental transportation infrastructure?
  • Should airport screening be more or less stringent?
  • Should the electoral college be dismantled?
  • Should the U.S. have open borders?
  • Should the government spend more or less money on space exploration?
  • Should students sing Christmas carols, say the pledge of allegiance, or perform other tangentially religious activities?
  • Should nuns and priests become genderless roles?
  • Should schools and other public buildings have prayer rooms?
  • Should animal sacrifice be legal if it occurs in a religious context?
  • Should countries be allowed to impose a national religion on their citizens?
  • Should the church be separated from the state?
  • Does freedom of religion positively or negatively affect societies?

Parenting & Family

  • Is it better to have children at a younger or older age?
  • Is it better for children to go to daycare or stay home with their parents?
  • Does birth order affect personality?
  • Should parents or the school system teach their kids about sex?
  • Are family traditions important?
  • Should parents smoke or drink around young children?
  • Should “spanking” children be illegal?
  • Should parents use swear words in front of their children?
  • Should parents allow their children to play violent video games?


  • Should all actors be paid the same regardless of gender or ethnicity?
  • Should all award shows be based on popular vote?
  • Who should be responsible for paying taxes on prize money, the game show staff or the contestants?
  • Should movies and television shows have ethnicity and gender quotas?
  • Should newspapers and magazines move to a completely online format?
  • Should streaming services like Netflix and Hulu be free for students?
  • Is the movie rating system still effective?
  • Should celebrities have more privacy rights?

Arts & Humanities

  • Are libraries becoming obsolete?
  • Should all schools have mandatory art or music courses in their curriculum?
  • Should offensive language be censored from classic literary works?
  • Is it ethical for museums to keep indigenous artifacts?
  • Should digital designs be considered an art form? 
  • Should abstract art be considered an art form?
  • Is music therapy effective?
  • Should tattoos be regarded as “professional dress” for work?
  • Should schools place greater emphasis on the arts programs?
  • Should euthanasia be allowed in hospitals and other clinical settings?
  • Should the government support and implement universal healthcare?
  • Would obesity rates lower if the government intervened to make healthy foods more affordable?
  • Should teenagers be given access to birth control pills without parental consent?
  • Should food allergies be considered a disease?
  • Should health insurance cover homeopathic medicine?
  • Is using painkillers healthy?
  • Should genetically modified foods be banned?
  • Should there be a tax on unhealthy foods?
  • Should tobacco products be banned from the country?
  • Should the birth control pill be free for everyone?

If you need more help brainstorming topics, especially those that are personalized to your interests, you can  use CollegeVine’s free AI tutor, Ivy . Ivy can help you come up with original persuasive speech ideas, and she can also help with the rest of your homework, from math to languages.

Do Your Research

A great persuasive speech is supported with plenty of well-researched facts and evidence. So before you begin the writing process, research both sides of the topic you’re presenting in-depth to gain a well-rounded perspective of the topic.

Understand Your Audience

It’s critical to understand your audience to deliver a great persuasive speech. After all, you are trying to convince them that your viewpoint is correct. Before writing your speech, consider the facts and information that your audience may already know, and think about the beliefs and concerns they may have about your topic. Then, address these concerns in your speech, and be mindful to include fresh, new information.

Have Someone Read Your Speech

Once you have finished writing your speech, have someone read it to check for areas of strength and improvement. You can use CollegeVine’s free essay review tool to get feedback on your speech from a peer!

Practice Makes Perfect

After completing your final draft, the key to success is to practice. Present your speech out loud in front of a mirror, your family, friends, and basically, anyone who will listen. Not only will the feedback of others help you to make your speech better, but you’ll become more confident in your presentation skills and may even be able to commit your speech to memory.

Hopefully, these ideas have inspired you to write a powerful, unique persuasive speech. With the perfect topic, plenty of practice, and a boost of self-confidence, we know you’ll impress your audience with a remarkable speech!

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127 excellent video game research topics for 2023.

video game research topics

Are you looking for the best video game research topics for 2023? We are proud to say that you have arrived at the right place. Our experienced ENL writers and professional editors have just finished creating our brand new list of 127 awesome video game topics for high school and college students. You can use any of our ideas for free – no credits required.

Best Way To Write A Video Game Essay

Before we get to the list of topics, we want to make sure you know how to write a great essay. After all, finding a great topic is just part of the writing process of any custom term papers . Here are some pointers that should help you do a better job on your research paper:

  • Structure your paper properly and always start with an outline. We recommend you use the 5 paragraph essay structure, as it’s extremely versatile.
  • Make sure your grammar and vocabulary are spot-on. Edit your work and polish your writing to make sure you get a top grade.
  • Be careful with quotes and citations. Remember to include all your sources in the References chapter.
  • Always start your paper with a great thesis statement. Dedicate some time to crafting the best one possible.
  • Keep in mind that each body paragraph should start with a clear statement and then support it. Don’t tackle more than one important idea in a paragraph.
  • Make sure you research the topic thoroughly and get accurate data from reputable sources. This is, after all, a research paper.
  • Last, but not least, write in a clean and concise manner. Express your ideas clearly and avoid unnecessary information that would just confuse or bore your readers.

Now that you know what to do and what to avoid when writing the video game research paper, it’s time to take a look at our list of original video game research topics:

Easy Video Game Topics

We will start our list with a selection of easy video game topics that are perfect for students who don’t want to spend too much time on their papers:

  • Talk about your favorite video game
  • What do you like about modern video games?
  • The process behind the creation of a new game
  • Why do you want to become a video game developer?
  • What is a MMORPG video game?
  • Differences between FPS and RPG games
  • Analyze the gaming industry in a country of your choice
  • An in-depth look at cyber sports and video game championships
  • Can playing video games be considered a sport?
  • What makes League of Legends so popular?
  • Research gun violence in modern video games
  • Are the games you play bad for you?
  • Talk about the impact of video games on small children
  • Do video games have any positive effects on you?

Video Games Topic For Every Student

Below, you will find a selection of topics for every student from high school to college. Check out our video games topic for every student list:

  • The psychology behind modern video games
  • Analyze the launch of a popular game
  • How are video games priced?
  • The history of online gaming
  • Games as learning tools
  • Controlling video game addiction
  • Shooters or strategy games?
  • Why you shouldn’t play video games
  • Physical benefits of games

Interesting Video Game Topics To Write About

We know; you want a topic that is both interesting and easy to write about. Take a look at these interesting video game topics to write about:

  • Do violent video games make teens violent?
  • What is the effect of video games on children?
  • What changed my view on video games?
  • Skills that can be improved by playing games
  • Do adults play video games?
  • Research the increase in demand for video games
  • Compare video games in the US and the UK
  • Ethical responsibility in the gaming industry
  • How addictive are role playing video games?

Fun Gaming Topics

Yes, writing a research paper can be fun – if you choose a great topic. Pick any of our fun gaming topics and start writing your paper right away:

  • The entire history of video games
  • Positive effects of video games
  • Android games vs iOS games
  • The Candy Crush popularity
  • Gaming industry careers
  • Genres of video games
  • The technology behind the Xbox 4
  • What causes addiction when it comes to video games?
  • How do games improve learning skills?

Latest News On Video Games

If you want to write about something new, we recommend you take a look at the latest news in video games:

  • Talk about the use of augmented reality in video games in 2023
  • What are incremental console upgrades?
  • An in-depth look at inclusivity in video games
  • Which games are trending in 2023?
  • Most anticipated video games of 2023
  • Latest advances in 3D and SFX effects
  • Talk about the remastered cinematics of Diablo 2 Resurrected
  • Halo Infinite: everything we know so far
  • The clan system in Call of Duty: Vanguard

Informative Gaming Topics To Talk About

Do you want to write an informative paper? No problem, we have a long list of informative gaming topics to talk about right here:

  • Why do people love video games so much?
  • Can video game addiction be treated like substance addiction?
  • Case study: The Elder Scrolls of Oblivion
  • Discuss government regulation of video games in the US
  • Compare and contrast the Xbox and the PlayStation
  • A closer look at the Japanese gaming industry
  • What does it take to become a video game creator?
  • The rise of Android video games
  • Do we really need computer games nowadays?

Video Game Research Paper Topics For High School

Our list of video game research paper topics for high school is unique, so you can safely pick any one of our ideas and write your essay on it:

  • What do modern video games promote?
  • How much time should you spend playing video games?
  • Are video games good or bad for our youth?
  • Talk about how gaming will look 20 years from now
  • Does playing video games make you think more strategic?
  • How important are video games for our society?
  • The importance of video games in treating depression
  • Are games a good way to treat anxiety?
  • Why do people spend so much money on video games?

Best Video Game Research Questions

A question is usually enough to spark your creativity. This is why we have an entire list of the best video game research questions right here:

  • Are video games good for teens?
  • How does video game violence affect children?
  • How will games look 50 years from now?
  • How do games improve our collaborative skills?
  • Why do we love looking at other play video games?
  • How damaging is piracy for the video game industry?
  • Which are more popular, RPGs or FPSs?

Video Games Debate Topics

Are you preparing for a debate and need a great topic? Don’t worry about it; we’ve got your back. Check out these great video games debate topics:

  • Discuss sexism in modern video games
  • Talk about social problems related to video games
  • Virtual reality in future games
  • The important of augmented reality
  • Can a game be educational?
  • What makes games so fun and addictive?
  • Gaming in the classroom in 2023
  • Interesting online gaming experiences
  • Important of games in special education settings

Good Video Game Writing Prompts

Are you looking for some good video game writing prompts that can help you write an intriguing research paper? Here are some of our best ideas:

  • Compare and contrast the top 3 games in the United Kingdom in 2023
  • What are some problems with modern video games?
  • An in-depth look at advanced SFX effects
  • 3D game rendering technologies
  • Discuss online piracy related to video games
  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Modern video games
  • How realistic are modern games in 2023?
  • Tackle the violence theme in video games
  • Sony vs. Microsoft: gaming giants battle
  • The link between gaming and violence in teenagers
  • Discuss the addictiveness of video games

Video Games Research Paper Topics For College

Of course, we have a list of video games research paper topics for college students. These are a bit more difficult than the others in our list:

  • Linking video game addiction to substance abuse
  • The use of first person shooter games in military training programs
  • Flight simulation games and their real world applications
  • Games that improve critical thinking skills
  • The minimum age for playing video games
  • Games that improve reaction times
  • Pros and cons of playing assassin video games
  • Debunking the most popular myths about video games
  • Should parents prevent their children from playing video games?
  • The link between video games and cognitive skill improvements

Engaging Video Games Topics

Want to engage your audience right from the start? If you are looking to impress your professor, you might want to give these engaging video games topics a try:

  • The role of a developer in the video game industry
  • How is testing being carried out on video games?
  • Talk about the latest and most advanced video game effects
  • An analysis of the video game industry in 2023
  • Compare the 3 most popular games in the United States in 2023
  • Are online video games more addictive than single-player ones?
  • Discuss about the psychological effects of video games
  • Compare and contrast 3 first person shooter games
  • Improving reaction time in FPS games
  • The effect of video games on education

Video Games Of The Future

Last, but not least, we have a nice compilation of ideas related to video games of the future. Take a look at our innovative ideas and pick the one you like:

  • A closer look at Battlefield 2042
  • Talk about how rendering graphics works in games
  • Advances in graphics planned for games to be released in 2023
  • Innovative graphics in Halo Infinite
  • Discuss 3D game rendering technologies of the future
  • What makes Pragmata a game of the future?
  • The use of artificial intelligence in games in 2023
  • Research the use of virtual reality in future games
  • Discuss real-time rendering in future 3D games
  • An in-depth look at Hytale (to be released in 2023)

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Writing tips.

  • Art essay proposal
  • Creating a descriptive paper
  • Persuasive speech essay
  • Argumentative essay thesis statement
  • Compare & contrast paper
  • Using a descriptive essay sample
  • Do your homework without stress
  • Informative speech essay

Handpicked Argumentative Essay Topics On Video Games

Ever since the late 80s and the early 90s, video games became one of the hottest trends to lead up to and usher in the new millennium. Teenagers in almost every part of the world were hooked onto these games and they very quickly became a global social and cultural phenomenon. Ever since then, video game companies have only improved and added onto existing games to provide gamers with the ultimate virtual experience. It is a booming industry and by the looks of it, is not going to be slowing down anytime soon.

  • The sociocultural implications

Video games are not just another temporary technological manifestation that will eventually die down soon enough. They are a permanent sensation and the media of its experience has changed from television sets to tiny portable gadgets to expensive electronic devices meant solely for the purposes of gaming. These are all important points to include in an argumentative essay on video games. These clearly elucidate how a seemingly trivial technological advancement turned into an overnight global sensation and changed the face of adolescence as we knew it.

  • The famous video games

Almost every video game ever produced by any gaming company has managed to rake in enormous profits for its producers. However, among the crowd, a few names do manage to stand out. These video games are synonymous with the digital era and are deemed as the bigwigs in the gaming universe. They constitute an important aspect of the study of the gaming sensation as they reflect on the likes and dislikes of the target audience during that period of time.

  • Physical disadvantages on the health of children

Video games, although purchased by almost all households across various economies due to them being extremely interesting to play, have also been criticised for having grave physical consequences and endangering the health and wellbeing of children. Some of the grounds for this criticism are:

  • Video games require the players to sit in a single place for long periods of time and complete the game. This makes the children less physically active and can make them obese and unhealthy.
  • They can become very addictive as they stimulate a part of the brain that secretes dopamine, which is actually a kind of physiology-altering drug.
  • Dopamine, when secreted in excessive amounts, can cause life threatening situations.
  • Financial consequences

The essay can also include numerical and statistical data, showcasing the financial side of the video gaming world and how gaming companies quickly became multinational corporations overnight by cashing in on this golden opportunity. The student must, however, ensure that the information presented to the readers is accurate.

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100 Video Games Argumentative Essay Topics For Students

Dec 27, 2022 | 0 comments

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Dec 27, 2022 | Topics | 0 comments

Video games have become a pervasive part of modern culture, with people of all ages playing various games on various platforms. As such, they have become a popular topic for argumentative essays. Here are potential video games argumentative essay topics you can use in writing your essay on video games:

Video Games Research Paper Topics For Students

Best Video Games Essay Topics

  • Do video games cause violence?
  • Are video games a form of art?
  • Can video games be used for educational purposes?
  • Do video games have a positive or negative impact on mental health?
  • Are video games harmful to children?
  • Do video games contribute to the objectification of women?
  • Can video games be used to promote social change?
  • Do violent video games desensitize players to violence?
  • Do video games contribute to the development of addictive behaviors?
  • Can video games be used to improve hand-eye coordination and spatial awareness?
  • Do video games contribute to the sedentary lifestyle of young people?
  • Can video games be used to improve problem-solving skills?
  • Do video games contribute to the development of social skills?
  • Can video games be used to improve memory and cognitive function?
  • Do video games contribute to the development of aggressive behavior?
  • Do video games contribute to the development of anti-social behaviors?
  • Do video games contribute to the development of attention deficit disorders?
  • Can video games be used to improve decision-making skills?
  • Do video games contribute to the development of mood disorders?
  • Can video games be used to improve language skills?

Interesting Video Games Argumentative Essay Topics

  • How have video games evolved?
  • How do video games reflect societal values and beliefs?
  • What role do video games play in shaping cultural identity?
  • How have video game graphics improved over time?
  • How have video game storylines evolved?
  • How have video game controls evolved?
  • How have video game genres changed over time?
  • How have video game platforms changed over time?
  • How have video game marketing strategies changed over time?
  • How have video game rating systems changed over time?
  • Do violent video games increase the likelihood of aggressive behavior in players?
  • Do violent video games increase the likelihood of violent thoughts in players?
  • Do violent video games increase the likelihood of violent behavior in players?
  • Do violent video games increase players’ likelihood of aggressive behavior when combined with other risk factors?
  • Do violent video games increase the likelihood of aggressive behavior in players when played for long periods?
  • Do violent video games increase players’ likelihood of aggressive behavior when played by certain individuals, such as those with a history of violence or aggression?
  • How do violent video games compare to other forms of media in terms of their impact on aggressive behavior?
  • How do violent video games compare to other forms of media in terms of their impact on violent thoughts?
  • How do violent video games compare to other forms of media in terms of their impact on violent behavior?
  • How do the themes and storylines of violent video games impact players?

Simple Video Games Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Do early exposure to video games have a lasting impact on players?
  • Does early exposure to video games impact the development of cognitive and social skills in children?
  • Does early exposure to video games impact the development of aggressive behavior in children?
  • Does early exposure to video games impact the development of attention deficit disorders in children?
  • Does early exposure to video games impact the development of mood disorders in children?
  • What are the potential future developments in the video game industry?
  • How will advances in technology impact the future of video games?
  • How will the rise of mobile gaming impact the future of the video game industry?
  • How will the rise of virtual and augmented reality impact the future of video games?
  • How will the rise of streaming services impact the future of video games?
  • How will the rise of e-sports impact the future of video games?
  • How will the rise of social media and online communities impact the future of video games?
  • How will the changing demographics of video game players impact the future of the industry?
  • How will the changing role of video games in popular culture impact the future of the industry?
  • How will the increasing trend toward free-to-play games impact the future of the industry?
  • How will the increasing trend toward in-game microtransactions impact the future of the industry?
  • How will the increasing trend toward digital downloads impact the future of the industry?
  • How will the increasing trend toward subscription-based models impact the future of the industry?
  • How will the increasing trend toward cross-platform play impact the future of the industry?
  • What are the potential negative impacts of video games on public health?

Video Games Argumentative Essay Topics for High School

  • Do video games contribute to developing poor eating habits in young people?
  • Do video games contribute to the development of sleep disorders in young people?
  • Do video games contribute to developing young people’s eye strain and vision problems?
  • Do video games contribute to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome and other hand injuries in young people?
  • Do video games contribute to developing neck and back pain in young people?
  • Do video games contribute to the development of hearing problems in young people?
  • Do video games contribute to the development of obesity in young people?
  • Do video games contribute to the development of stress and anxiety in young people?
  • What are the potential positive effects of video games on public health?
  • Can video games be used as a form of physical therapy?
  • Can video games be used to improve social skills and communication skills?
  • Can video games be used to improve mental health and well-being?
  • Can video games be used to improve physical fitness and health?
  • How do video games impact youth violence?
  • Do video games contribute to the development of aggressive behavior in young people?
  • Do video games contribute to the development of anti-social behaviors in young people?
  • Do video games contribute to developing attention deficit disorders in young people?
  • Do video games contribute to the development of mood disorders in young people?
  • Do video games contribute to the development of risky behaviors in young people?
  • Do video games contribute to the development of risky attitudes in young people?

Video Games Argumentative Essay Topics for College

  • Do video games contribute to the development of substance abuse in young people?
  • Do video games contribute to the development of self-harm in young people?
  • Do video games contribute to the development of bullying in schools
  • What are the potential benefits of video games for youth?
  • Can video games improve young people’s teamwork and collaboration skills?
  • Can video games be used to improve leadership skills in young people?
  • Can video games be used to improve creativity and innovation in young people?
  • Can video games improve young people’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills?
  • Can video games be used to improve young people’s social and communication skills?
  • Can video games improve mental health and well-being in young people?
  • Can video games improve physical fitness and health in young people?
  • Can video games be used to improve academic performance in young people?
  • Can video games be used to improve career opportunities and job skills in young people?
  • Do playing violent video games lead to an increase in real-world violent behavior?
  • Do violence in video games contribute to the normalization of violence in society?
  • Do video games affect or can influence players’ attitudes and beliefs?
  • Is it ethically justifiable for video game developers to create and sell violence and violent video games?
  • How do the themes in video games impact players’ attitudes and behaviors?
  • How has the history of video games reflected and influenced societal values and beliefs?

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, video games have become a central part of modern culture, with people of all ages playing various games on various platforms. As such, they have become a popular topic for argumentative essays , with a wide range of potential topics to explore. While there are valid arguments on both sides of many of these topics, it is clear that video games are a complex and multifaceted topic that will continue to be the subject of debate and discussion for years to come.

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With a passion for education and student empowerment, I create blog content that speaks directly to the needs and interests of students. From study hacks and productivity tips to career exploration and personal development

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Public Speaking Resources

237 Easy Persuasive Speech Topics and Guide

A persuasive speech is a speech written and delivered to convince people of the speaker’s viewpoint. It uses words to make the audience ‘see’ the speaker’s point of view and to ‘sway’ them into agreeing with it.

It is not a simple matter of presenting gathered facts and evidence. More than just seeing why the speaker thinks that way, a persuasive speech tries to persuade the audience in accepting that line of thought and make it the way they, too, think.

To jump to the persuasive speech topic section, click here .

This is where it differs from an argument. The difference between an argumentative and persuasive speech is that one tries to prove a point while the other tries to affect the listener’s perspective.

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Table of Contents


Visualization, writing introduction for persuasive speech, persuasive speech videos, persuasive speech topics, persuasive speech topics about animals and pets, persuasive speech topics about automobiles, persuasive speech topics about education, persuasive speech topics about environment, persuasive speech topics about ethical issues, persuasive speech topics about food, persuasive speech topics about health.

Some examples of a persuasive speech are sales pitch, the speech of politicians, the speech of environmentalists, the speech of feminists, the speech of animal activists, etc.

In the above examples, you must have noticed that all these kind of speech has a goal. A sales pitch is to get you to buy something, politicians give speeches to get you to vote for them, and environmentalists, feminists, and animal activists have a cause to advocate. They all want you to ‘do’ something.

Action is a persuasive speech’s end goal. Ultimately, the speaker wants to persuade you to do something. And why would you do that?

Say, an environmentalist wants people to re-cycle because they think or know that it is good for the environment. Now, it is the people who need to know and think recycling is good for the environment. Only then they would recycle.

Therefore, a more complete definition of a persuasive speech would be “Speech that convinces the audience of a certain idea to inspire them into the desired action.”

Art of Persuasion

Persuasive speech is an art form.

Take an example of a man who was begging in the street. He had a hat in front of him and a sign that said “I am blind, please help” He got a few coins. Then, a lady came along, turned the sign around, and wrote something. A lot more people started to give the man money. His hat was filled with coins. What did that lady write? What persuaded people to give?

“Today is a beautiful day and I cannot see it.”

The second line got him more money because it ‘affected’ people, it appealed to their emotions more than the straightforward “I am blind, please help.” This is called pathos.

According to Aristotle, there are three components of or modes to affect people. They are Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.

Ethos in layman’s terms is credibility or authority. The dictionary defines it as “the character or disposition of a community, group, person, etc.” So, you need to have that disposition that makes you a reliable or trustable person.

For example, a woman talking about women’s problems is more likely to have an effect on the audience than a male speaker. The principal comes into the class and tells you ‘Tomorrow is a holiday and no questions will be asked. But if your teacher says so, you will investigate first. You will be more eager to listen to a popular person in the field than to a newbie.

It is having an effect on people by your person so that they would be more receiving of you.

Pathos in Greek means ‘suffering’ or ‘experience’. It is generally defined as an appeal to people’s emotions. Like in the story of the blind boy above, Pathos is to tap into people’s experience of suffering in order to move them towards a certain action.

Of course, those people have not experienced blindness but they can imagine losing the privilege of sight that they now possess. In simple words, it is to evoke feelings of pity, fear, anger, and such.

Logos is the logical appeal. This is to persuade by the means of reasoning. If the speaker makes a claim such as ‘polythene bags should be banned, then he should give a reason as to ‘why’ like ‘polythene bags do not biodegrade and continue to pollute the environment or facts like ‘Thousands of bags are produced every week and are dumped somewhere after use’ or ‘every bag produced since 19_ still exists somewhere on earth today.’

Presentation- Monroe’s motivated sequence

Presentation is very important. It is the backbone. How you perform your speech, how you deliver the words have the maximum effect on people. Therefore, a speech needs to be organized.

Monroe’s motivated sequence is a technique for organizing persuasive speech. It consists of the following steps.

Grab their attention. Start with a startling statement, an intriguing story, a dramatic action, anything that will make the audience take notice of you. This is also the introduction part. Hook them. Build their interest.

Now, convince the people that there is a problem. More than that, convince them that action needs to be taken against the problem, that it will not go away by itself. Tap into their imagination to show how this problem affects them. Use reasons and facts to support your claims and to impress upon them the need for change.

The audience should be looking forward to the ‘solution’ to the problem. They should want to know what they can do. In this step, introduce your solution. Demonstrate or give examples to make the audience understand how it works and how it solves the problem. Use testimonials or statistics to prove the effectiveness of that solution.

Paint a world where nothing was done and how it affected them. Also, paint a world where they did as you suggested and how it changed the situation for the better. Use vivid imagery to make them ‘feel’ the troubles and relief of not doing and doing as you said. Create a viable scenario. It should be relatable and believable.

Call to action. Strike when the iron is hot. It should be something that they can readily do and immediately. More the time passes less they are likely to follow with it as other things in life take precedence and the feeling of urgency is lost. Make it easy too. Do most of the handiwork so they have to put the least effort.

This is a classic technique developed by Alan Monroe in the mid-1930s. It is still the most effective basis for many persuasive speeches.

Some people are born with the skill of persuasion while others can build on it by applying such techniques and practicing. Here are some Persuasive Speech Topics that you can practice with.

Take a look at the video below. It explains how to write an introduction for a persuasive speech.

Below are 6 sample videos of persuasive speeches.

  • Why homeschooling is good and should be promoted. (School)

Some students do better in a group with a healthy competition to keep them motivated. Some children are better off studying on their own, continuing at their own fast or slow pace which is hindered when moving along with other children.

  • Students should get minimum of 45 minutes tiffin break. (School)

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. Keeping children cooped up in a room for a long is not good. They need regular refreshing breaks to revitalize, to talk with their friends…

  • Is it racism to ban Marijuana when smoking tobacco is legal? (Funny)

Everybody knows cigarettes are harmful and addictive. Yet, there are big industries manufacturing these drugs on a large scale. Then there is Marijuana that is less harmful, less addictive, and has dozens of use; is it not racism to ban it?

  • Some juveniles needs to be prosecuted as adults. (School?)

More and more teenagers are committing heinous crimes. They know they will get off easy, that they will not face serious consequences. According to the level of savagery committed, juveniles should at times be prosecuted as adults.

  • Are pretty or handsome students really dumber? (School)

This is just a stereotype, just like saying women are less logical and others. Or. That appears to hold true in most cases. As time is limited, people who spend more time on appearance spend less time learning and those who spend time learning fails to look after their appearance.

  • Proficiency in academics is not the only measure of intelligence. (School)

Are grades everything? Different people possess different types of intelligence but grades measure only a few kinds. Is it not like judging a fish on its ability to climb a tree?

  • What is the right age to start owing a mobile phone? (Parenting)

Most parents believe that the right age to own mobile is when children can pay for it so that they can be aware of their expenditure. Else, they might engage in long, unnecessary conversation and…

  • Should children be bought a mobile phone for emergencies? (Parenting)

Mobiles or cell phones are the fastest means of communication. Should children, therefore, be allowed to owe mobiles so that they can contact their guardians in case of emergency?

  • Homework should be banned. (School)

Children spend most of their waking hours in school. They have only a few hours at the home to do things other than academics. But homework is the tag along with that…

  • Should men pay child support even if pregnancy was a one sided decision? (Feminism)

If a woman decides to bear a child despite her partner’s protest, is he still obligated to provide monetary support upon divorce for the same reason?

  • Laws should not be based on religion.

There are many religions. Their ideas vary. But the law should be uniform. Basing laws on certain religions is like forcing the ideas of that religion on every citizen.

  • Birth controls should be free and easily available. (Feminism?)

If teen pregnancy is to be avoided, birth controls should be free and easily available with no parental permission required. Imagine asking your parents if you can have sex or parents permitting it. It is the same as unavailability of the contraceptives which takes us back to square one.

  • Honking unnecessarily should be punishable.

Honking during a traffic jam is not going to clear it up. It only disturbs and aggravates everyone else. Honking at girls is offensive. Honking to bully is wrong. Honking unnecessarily like this should be considered criminal and punished.

  • Divorced and happy parents is better for the children than living in a conflicted home.

Some parents stay together for the sake of their children but fail to get along. This creates a very tense environment and that is not how a home should be.

  • Hiding your HIV status in a relationship should be punishable by law.

HIV is a serious disease with no cure available. If a person is aware of his/her HIV positivity, withholding the information and therefore transmitting it to the unsuspecting partner in the process is criminal.

  • Legalization of prostitution has more positive effects than negative.

Stopping prostitution is impossible. They will continue to operate underground where they face many problems. Girls get trafficked, tricked, or forced into it. Making it legal will at least ensure safety and justice to the sex workers and will also help control forced labor.

  • Schools should take bullying more seriously. / Why bullying is a serious offense. (School)

Bullying is very damaging to the victim and can take a very dangerous turn. But it is dismissed as children’s play in most cases. We don’t realize its seriousness until it is too late…

  • Partial Birth Abortion is a sin.

In this method of abortion, a living baby is pulled out from the womb feet first. The base of the skull is punctured and the brain is removed with a powerful suction machine. This is no different from murder. It is usually allowed by law only in order to save the mother’s life but many healthy mothers’ babies are aborted this way every year…

  • All institutions like schools, colleges and offices should start only after 10.

When such institutions start early, people need to wake up earlier for preparation. Waking up feeling unrested can make a person inactive, irritable, and unproductive. Scientists say that a person’s mind is not fully awake until 10 in the morning…

  • Sexual relationship before marriage is not a crime.

Sex is a biological need and a healthy sex life has a lot of mental and physical benefits. If the partners involved are adults and there is mutual consent…

  • School and teachers should stay away from student’s personal life. (School?)

Every institution has some rule. This rule should govern the members within the institution. But some schools like to take this beyond the school grounds and have control over what students do and do not in their personal time.

  • Energy drinks should be considered borderline medicines. (Health)

Energy drinks provide added energy. So, it should only be consumed when your body lacks energy, in a weakened state, like medicine. Plus, it contains a lot of caffeine that does more harm than good…

  • Parents should properly answer their children’s curiosities. (Parenting)

‘How does a baby come?’ children ask and parents tell them about gods and storks. This raises more questions and does nothing but confuse the child. Try to give an anatomically correct answer without being graphic. Never try to dismiss any of their questions or scold them…

  • Euthanasia, is it ethical?

A person should get to choose whether they want to live or die in dire conditions. Or. Euthanasia is no different from suicide. Supporting euthanasia is like supporting suicide.

  • Prospective parent(s) should get a psychiatric approval before adoption. (Parenting)

We want to find a home for every orphaned child but we want a happy home. There are many sick people out there who want to adopt a child only to abuse them or for some other kind of personal gain…

  • Cigarettes should be illegal.

Cigarettes are like drugs and they should be illegal just like drugs are. It has adverse health effects on the smoker as well as people around him…

  • Smoking in public places should be fined.

Cigarettes are very harmful and their harmful smoke does not affect the smoker alone. It affects the surrounding people as well. Not all people are suicidal that way. Why should they suffer? When one’s action harms the other, it is an offense.

  • Are uniforms necessary?

Uniform brings uniformity. It eliminates frivolous fashion competition which is not what school is for… Or. Clothes are a form of expression. Students spend most of their time in school. They should be comfortable with what they wear…

  • Number of children one can have should be limited and children with previous partner(s) counts.

Four from two, eight from four; population multiplies that way. Already, the earth has become so crowded. If this is to continue, we will rid this world of ourselves.

  • Would it be ethical to genetically design babies? (Technology?)

Yes. Why not use science to cure diseases and eradicate the possibility of a child’s suffering? Or. This method can be misused to alter more than just a threat of diseases and that will disturb the diversity in the gene pool…

  • ‘Living together’ relationships, good or bad?

Marriage cannot keep together those who want to go their separate ways and those who want to together do not need such a constitution.

  • ‘Early to sleep, early to rise’ benefits.

They say ‘Early to sleep and early to rise makes a man healthy and wise.’ This was not said without a reason. Going to bed early and waking up early the next day have many benefits, for both our mind and body.

  • Every property should compulsorily have trees. (Environment)

Trees produce oxygen and filters air. We need more trees. But the population is increasing. We are cutting down trees to erect concrete buildings instead…

  • Fast foods are overpriced.

Fast foods like French fries, burgers, pizza, etc. cost way more than they actually should. The restaurants are ripping us off. Take fries for example…

  • Using animals as test subjects is cruel and unfair. (Animal rights)

For you, it is one animal among many. But for that particular animal, one life is all it has and you have no right to play with it.

  • Why Gay Marriage should be legalized. (Gay rights)

Homosexuality is not a disease. It is how people are. They want to marry their partner for the same reasons heterosexual couples do. Not legalizing gay marriage is discrimination…

  • Marriage is not about procreation. (Gay rights)

One, almost logical, reason people give against gay marriage is that they cannot bear kids because of which it is definitely not natural/ biological or ‘how god intended’. But marriage is not about procreation. It is about you and your comfort or happiness, about who you want to spend the rest of your life with.

  • Electronics are stealing childhood.

These days, children spend a lot of time on mobile phones, computers, or other electronic devices instead of running around, going out, and playing as a child should.

  • Teens cannot be good parents. (School/ Parenting)

Some teens decide to start a family when the female partner gets pregnant. While this is seen as an admirable option against abortion, are teen parents really good for the kid?

  • Ads should be tested for sexist messages before being aired. (Feminism)

Not only children but everyone learns from what they see and hear. The subliminal sexist messages in ads impart gender roles on their minds, undoing a lot of feminists’ efforts. But mostly, it brainwashes the coming generation and we should not allow that.

  • Protection and breeding of white tigers is illogical; why hinder natural selection? (Environment/ Animal rights)

White tigers do not fare well in the wild due to their color. It was a case of mutation that would have naturally been eliminated if humans had not interfered. I am not saying all living white tigers must be killed but why are people breeding it in captivity instead of letting it die out? Just because they’re pretty and we like pretty?

  • Exotic pets are not pets. (Animal rights)

Exotic animals belong in the wild. They need to be with their own kind, living in their natural habitat. They should not be isolated in people’s homes where their mobility is limited.

  • Feminism should be made a compulsory subject in high school and college. (Feminism)

Feminism is an eye-opener. It is something every man and woman should know of. Thus, it should be a compulsory and common subject instead of being exclusive to Arts or few other faculty.

  • Age 16 is not juvenile. (School?)

Are 16-year-olds really kids? Can they not be expected to know the difference between right and wrong? Maybe they do not know it is a crime to download songs and movies but what about rape and murder? If 16 is old enough to drive in most countries, it is old enough to be tried as an adult.

  • Playing Video games for few hours does good. (School/ parenting?)

It has been found out that playing a few hours of video game help improve people’s hand-eye coordination and enhances cognitive power. Also, games based on real history or science can impart knowledge…

  • Read before agreeing to sites and applications.

We download apps and software and signup on different sites. Each of these requires us to click ‘I agree’. We click this ‘I agree’ without actually reading the agreement. This can later cause problems…

  • Is death penalty ethical?

It is not ethical to eliminate people like we try to eliminate diseases. What about human rights? Or. What kind of rights for the person who does not respect others’ rights and freedom? It is a befitting punishment.

  • Send drug dealers to prison but addicts for rehabilitation.

Drug Addicts are victims too. They need rehabilitation, not prison. Dealers are the real criminals.

  • Parents should cook tastier option instead of making children eat the healthy foods they don’t want.

If not meat then milk and pulses. There is a range of choices for the required nutrition. So why should children have to eat something they don’t like? Just give them a tastier option.

  • If girls can wear pants, boys can wear skirts. (Funny?)

Is all equality fighting for girls only? What about boys’ rights? When girls can wear boys’ clothes why can boys not wear that of girls?

  • Being slim is not just about looks but health too. (Health?)

Beauties were those who were plum. Now, skinny is the fashion. But to those who want to be ‘comfortable’ in their size, know that a slim body is more than just looks.

  • There should be one holiday in the middle of workdays.

Saturday and Sunday’s rest do not keep us charged up to Friday. This makes people less productive by Thursday and Friday. A break in the middle would be wonderfully refreshing…

  • Considering the real meaning behind Nursery Rhymes, should they be taught to children? (School)

The fun nursery rhyme “Ring around the Rosie” is actually about the bubonic plague that killed nearly 15% of the country. This is only an example among many. Consider the lyrics of “Three blind mice” that goes “… Who cut off their tails, With a carving knife.” Is it okay to teach these to the children?

  • Countries should provide free Wi-Fi in tourist destinations.

Doing this will help tourists as they will be able to contact their people without wandering around confused in a foreign land. This will definitely increase the flow of both national and international tourists. It will be most helpful to students from abroad.

  • Know the woes of genetically modified Chickens.

To meet the demand of the growing population, chickens are fed hormones and other drugs to make them grow faster and fat, especially the meat in the breast area. Because of this, the chickens cripple under their own weight. They suffer terribly…

  • Children should be allowed to use electronics like mobile, notebooks etc. during breaks. (Students)

Using electronics during class is certainly bad and for a number of reasons. But break times belong to the students. Breaks are for recreation. If students choose to enjoy electronics, what is wrong with that?

  • Teachers, too, should keep their mobiles in silent during class.

Class time is for teaching and learning. Students should keep their mobile in silence so as to not disturb the class. But, so should the teacher. They shouldn’t pick up their call during class.

  • Humans are consuming way more salt than necessary. (Health)

Sodium is important. But the larger amount of sodium intake has often been associated with an increase in blood pressure that leads to strokes. 1500 to 2300mg is the maximum amount per day.

  • Benefits of donating blood.

Donating blood is the right thing to do. It saves lives. There are a few moral reasons as such to donate blood but do you know that you are not losing anything either? Donating blood is good for your own health too…

  • Why become an organ donor?

Perfectly healthy people die when trying to donate their organs to their loved ones. Even if they survive, they may have to face complications and they are now, somehow, deficient. If an organ could be got…

  • Original organic fruits taste better than the hybrids.

Hybrid fruits are larger and juicer but it lacks in terms of taste. The taste tastes diluted…

  • Why people who have should give.

Many people suffer from poverty. They have a hard time meeting basic needs like food, shelter, and clothes.

  • Why suicide over ‘love troubles’ is stupid. (Students)

Life moves on. Time heals. Things will happen if you continue to live. But the exaggerated fictional idea of love that the movies market has…

  • Why women should earn irrespective of their husband’s economic status. (Feminism)

Be independent. Money is power. Do not let anyone have an upper hand and be vulnerable to possible abuse…

  • Recycle e-waste. (Environment)

E-waste contains many recoverable materials such as aluminum, copper, gold, silver etc. Reusing this will take a load off of natural resources. E-waste also contains toxins like mercury, lead, beryllium, and others that will inevitably infuse into soil and water.

  • Do not tolerate abuse, speak out. (Feminism)

Certainly, nobody enjoys abuse? Then why do women continue to stay in abusive relationship despite being educated and holding a good job? Why do they tolerate other kinds of abuse as well? There are many reasons for this…

  • Every citizen should be required to, at least, pass high school. (School)

Up to high school, the education is basic. Imagine needing to stop ocean pollution. An educated person would be more easily persuaded or would know why ocean pollution is bad. Or. There are good and bad people. Education will teach the good how to be good and may persuade the bad…

  • Hostels, is it good or bad for children? (Parenting)

Hostels teach children independence. They learn to do a lot in their own. Or. No one can take better care of children than their parents. Children need parents’ love and support. Away in the hostel, surrounded by children no wiser than themselves…

  • Teachers should discuss among themselves to avoid giving too much homework. (School)

After studying for hours in school, spending all the hours in-home doing homework will mentally tire the student. Homework should be very light. But light homework of all the teachers added will take up all of the students’ time. So…

  • Importance of clubs in school or colleges. (School)

School and college clubs are the best way to learn different valuable skills in. In school and college-level clubs, the eligibility for membership is less strict and one gets to learn from the more skilled seniors.

  • Should plastic surgery be so commercial?

Everyone wants to look good. When accidents or attacks disfigure us, we can turn to plastic surgery to try and gain back our lost selves. But intentionally altering ourselves to…

  • Online piracy should be monitored more strictly.

People have a right to their intellectual property. It is so easy to find and download pirated materials that it seems non-criminal…

  • Are single-sex schools better than coed? (School)

According to research done in Korea, students from single-sex schools scored better than those from coed and had more chances of pursuing college-level education. However, this is from a general viewpoint. When considering students at an individual level, it really depends on what kind of environment that particular student does better in.

  • Spaying or neutering pets is good or bad? (Animal right)

Some say that neutering or spaying pets have a lot of benefits, both for the animal and the owner. Others say that neutering or spaying does not change much but only invites diseases upon the poor animal.

  • Are master’s degree or doctorate really necessary? (Students)

High School teaches us the basics and a bachelor is more career-oriented. We can get a good job after bachelor and hone our skills for a better position. Is a master’s and higher degree really important when we can learn more in the field?

  • Who is more responsible for poaching? Poachers or buyers? (Animal right)

This may be an ‘egg first or chicken question. Scientists have now found out that chickens come first but the question ‘Poacher or buyers’ remains.

  • What kind of food should school or college canteen offer? (Student)

From unhealthy commercial food items to unappetizing bland gibberish; can school or college canteens not offer an in-between option? What would be best for the students?

  • What age is proper to talk about the birds and the bees? (Parenting)

From the time a child starts asking about sex is the time from when to start talking about the birds and the bees. Children as young as 4-5 years old are curious about where a baby comes from. Answer them truthfully but avoid being graphic. Also, answer only what they ask.

  • Fee for facilities aside, the tuition fee should be fixed by the government. (Student)

Schools and colleges take a ridiculous amount of tuition fees. It is understandable that according to the facilities provided, the fee may be less or more but the tuition fee, at least, should be a fixed amount that greedy schools cannot increase as they wish.

  • How long should a drunk driver lose his license for?

Drinking and driving can be fatal to both the driver and an innocent passerby. But people do not take it seriously. They think they can handle their liquor and end up causing accidents. This is absolute carelessness.

  • The amount of water one should drink per day. (Health)

About 60% of the human body is water. We continually lose this water through skin and urine. This causes dehydration…

  • Aliens exist. (Paranormal)

There have been many UFO sightings and stories of alien abduction. Even in the old age paintings, cave paintings, Sanskrit scrolls, the extraterrestrial life form is evident. Scientists have found other habitable planets. An intelligent life form somewhere other than Earth is no longer an idea of a fantasist…

  • White meat over red meat or the other way around? (Health)

White meat is less fatty but red meat contains more vitamins like zinc, iron, and B vitamins…

  • Why religion and science should go hand in hand. / Why religion should evolve with scientific discoveries. (Philosophy)

Science explores the universe for answers while religion makes claims about it. Science is open to change, it acknowledges that it can err and backs its claims with evidence. Religion on the other hand is a ‘belief’ system

  • Should astrologers, mediums and the likes be arrested for fraud? (Paranormal)

Do heavenly bodies really affect our personality or future? Do dead ones really become spirits and can be contacted through mediums? Or are these all just a big hoax?

  • Cats or dogs?

Are you a cat person or a dog person? Say why a dog is better than a cat as a pet or that cat makes a better pet.

  • Benefits of eating fruit over drinking its juice. (Health)

There is a whole fruit and we throw away more than half of the substance when choosing to drink its juice even though eating the fruit itself is healthier because of the fiber it contains.

  • Women shouldn’t have to change their last name after marriage. (Feminism)

Having to change our last name after marriage is sexist. It confirms the power males hold over the women in our patriarchal society.

  • Internet promotes communication, not kill it.

Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, messenger, and others keep us in contact with many friends that we would otherwise have forgotten. It is an easy means of communication…

  • Does pressure build or break a person?

Pressure is healthy. It drives us. Or. Yes. Pressure drives us. It drives us nuts.

  • Hiring volunteers on zero pay is cruel.

Volunteers are those who want to donate labor. They need not be paid for their work but what about their expenses like transportation and others? These kinds of expenses, at least, should be covered.

  • Learning multiple language widens our perception of the world.

There are always those words that cannot be exactly translated to another language. This is because that way of thinking does not exist in that other language. It is like the egg of Cristopher. We discover a new way of expressing ourselves, one we couldn’t think of in the limitation of our own language.

  • Oceans are not trash bins. (Environment)

Tons of human waste are thrown into the ocean. This is creating a big problem in the ocean ecosystem…

  • Killing for fun is inhuman, hunting is inhuman. (Animal rights)

How to have fun with animals? By playing with them, baby talking to them, watching them in their weird but fun action. Not by chasing them down and killing them.

  • Cigarette, alcohol or drugs are not the answer for stress or other problems in life.

People tend to depend on harmful substances like cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs when faced with a problem or when under stress. These substances do not cure stress but could be a self-harming method of coping with problems. People under stress tend to show more unhealthy behaviors such as these…

  • Music heals.

On hearing good music, the brain releases dopamine. Dopamine is an essential chemical that plays a number of important roles in the brain and body. Music has also proven effective against stress…

  • Why breakfast is the important meal of the day. (Health)

Breakfast is the first meal after a long gap during the night. It provides us with vital nutrients like calcium, vitamins, minerals, and energy…

  • Fairytales should be re-written for the next generation children.

Fairytales often star a damsel in distress who not only ‘waits’ for a handsome rescuer but also possesses subjugating qualities like obedience, daintiness, etc. It imparts sexist values in young minds…

  • How a time table can help manage our daily lives.

People do not realize how time table can make our day-to-day lives much more manageable and therefore fruitful or efficient. Some find it tedious and some pretentious…

  • Everyone should learn swimming.

Swimming is not just for fun like cycling. It could save someone’s life. It is an important survival skill that everyone should know of.

  • Good thoughts lead to good actions.

Our actions result from our thoughts. Action is a mind’s reflection…

  • Benefits of meditation. (Health)

Meditation has a lot of benefits, both on body and mind. It reduces stress, improves concentration, reduces irritability, increases perseverance, etc…

  • Zoos are not big enough for wild animals. (Animal rights)

How large can you make a zoo? And how can it mimic nature when different animals are confined separately. Wild animals belong in the wild.

Some more Persuasive Speech Topics:

  • Why is adopting a pet better than buying one?
  • How does having a pet better your everyday life?
  • Having a snake as a pet is as cool as it sounds
  • Should you get rid of a pet that harms another person?
  • Is breeding pets for sale unethical?
  • Selfies with animals in tourist locations should be made equal
  • A dog is the perfect pet
  • Why a pet is essential for a growing child
  • Owning a pet makes you healthier
  • Slaughterhouses are unethical
  • Animals are facing extinction, we should do something about it
  • Why wild animals should be left in the wild
  • Petting exotic animals should be made illegal
  • Why dolphin farming is horrific
  • The Yulin Dog festival displays one of the worst sides of humans
  • Why neutering your pets is wrong
  • Advantages of owning a horse(besides looking fantastic)
  • People need to stop fueling pug markets.
  • Is animal slaughter for religious purposes ethical?
  • Manual drivers are unnecessarily aggressive about their cars
  • Why you should not drive without a kid seat
  • Why sports cars are not worth it
  • If you can’t call while driving, then why is there a hands-free mode?
  • New ideas for lessons drivers have to take before getting a license
  • Should you charge people for driving tests?
  • Why cycling is cooler than driving
  • Why traffic rules are designed against bike rides
  • Driving licenses should need a renewal every 5 years
  • Why co-ed education is the best way to teach
  • GPA isn’t everything
  • 9.30 is too early
  • Why teachers need to be recertified
  • Listening to music during exams should be allowed
  • Should sports and arts be mandatory?
  • Does our school curriculum need obligatory life skill classes?
  • Phones in classes are beneficial and convenient
  • Every student should be encouraged to take a gap year
  • Cyber-bullying should be punished the same as bullying
  • Why art classes are just as important as science
  • School canteens need to serve healthier alternatives
  • More institutes should promote nternational exchange programs
  • Curriculums should be designed with the job market in mind
  • Textbooks are overpriced and should be replaced with digital alternatives
  • Should religion be taught in schools?
  • Is repeating classes beneficial for underperforming students?
  • Students should not have to ask to use the restroom
  • Is having a handwriting class beneficial?
  • Is there a point to giving homework?
  • Education needs to be available in prisons
  • We are being overcharged for education
  • Online learning should be held to equal importance as schools
  • Are teachers paid enough?
  • Is there room for commercial advertisement in schools?
  • Are study halls still relevant?
  • Are our children safe at school?
  • School trips are a waste of money
  • Educational institutes should be more welcoming to technological changes
  • Schools should teach multiple languages
  • Public schools are better than private schools
  • Why meditation should be included in the daily curriculum
  • Are scholarships reaching the right people?
  • Current environmental laws are insufficient
  • Green energy is the future
  • The environmental impact of palm oil
  • The environmental impact of single-use bags
  • Fishing restrictions need to be stricter
  • Oil spills are deadly to marine life
  • Leaving fossil fuels behind
  • Pollution has reached alarming levels
  • Garden owners should be allowed to grow exotic plants
  • Switch to hybrid cars to help the environment
  • Rainforests are going extinct at an alarming rate
  • Why natural resources are quickly going extinct
  • Alternative energy sources should be pushed by governments
  • Euthanasia should be legalized
  • Why eating meat does not make me a bad person
  • Can true equality ever really be achieved?
  • Is messing with unborn children’s genetics ethical?
  • Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason
  • Animal testing is a necessary part of production
  • Why we need to stop producing and buying fur
  • Prostitution should be legalized
  • Doping and it’s place in sports 
  • Why workplace relationships should be avoided
  • Is religion a cult?
  • Should prayers be included in schools?
  • Parents should not be able to choose the sex of their unborn child
  • Donating to charities is a scam
  • Aborting fetuses with birth defects is not immoral
  • Wars have positive consequences as well
  • Why genital mutilation in infants needs to be stopped
  • Conventional beauty standards are misleading
  • China’s One-child policy was a good idea for population control
  • Animal testing and why it is immoral
  • Why banning cigarettes and alcohol from advertisements is not effective
  • Sugar is added to everything we eat
  • Children should be taught to cook
  • Why growing your own food will help both you and the environment
  • Peanuts: The secret superfood
  • We should be more open to genetically engineered food products
  • The proper way to dispose your food waste
  • The loopholes in labelling laws
  • Keto goes against the natural human evolution
  • Artificial chemicals in our food products is harming us
  • The legal age for contraceptive treatment should be lowered
  • Fast food is slowly killing you
  • How positive thinking can change your life
  • Breakfast isn’t the most important meal of the day
  • Stomach stapling should not be normalized
  • If you don’t wear a seat belt, you are putting yourself at great risk
  • How diabetes can affect your work
  • How daily exercise can change your life
  • Stress as the leading cause of teen suicide
  • Diet pills are a scam
  • Body shaming is putting lives at risk
  • Contraceptive education is an effective solution for teen pregnancy
  • There is such a thing as too much soda
  • Free condom distribution at schools is better than teaching about abstinence
  • The toothpick you pick matters
  • Surrogacy should be more widely accepted
  • Why insomnia should be taken as a more serious health concern
  • Helmets and seatbeat save lives
  • Restaurants need to be more vigilant about handling allergies
  • How Big Pharma is controlling your life
  • The medical field is criminally underfunded
  • We are eating too much salt
  • Organ donation should be an opt-out system
  • The dangers of an anti-vaxxers movement
  • Why fire drills are ineffective
  • Why you need to take that vacation
  • Good sleep is underrated
  • Why vaping is not a better alternative
  • Your stress is killing you
  • It is not healthy for children to be vegetarians
  • Parents don’t need to be informed about underage abortions
  • Donating blood should be encouraged early
  • How much do you know about what’s in your food

I hope you find the tips for persuasive speech and persuasive speech topics useful. Let me what you think of them by commenting below.

The Top 5 Video Game Speeches of This Generation


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10 Best PS3 RPG Side Quests

After the last of us 3, naughty dog will be at a crossroads, resident evil 9 has an unenviable challenge with lady dimitrescu in its rearview.

Video games have been speaking to us ever since 1980, when arcade and Atari titles like Bezerk began synthesizing robotic voices - hashing out grainy one-liners of instruction and inspiration. These audio endeavors soon materialized into real-life voice acting, and before long extended dialogue sequences were a presentational staple, cinematic cutscenes were commonplace, and riveting characters began uttering riveting speeches and monologues. Conversing became immersing.

As facial animation and visual realism grows ever stronger, and the voice-acting talent pool ever fuller, the art of the video game speech has reached its highest state yet in this generation.

Which moments made our top 5? Read on to find out.

[ SPOILER WARNING] Massive spoilers to the endings of BioShock and Metal Gear Solid 4 are found within pages 4 and 6, respectively. Click with caution .

Mass Effect - Kirrahe Holds the Line


Sharp. Precise. Invoking but to-the-point. In little more than a minute, Captain Kirrahe gets his band of Salarian brothers ready for a suicide mission long before Mass Effect 2 rewrote the definition. Sure, objective completion and intuitive thinking might save the Captain a smattering of his men, but individually, these sons of the 3rd Infiltration Regiment STG are fully devoted to the notion that this, here on Virmire, is their final hour. For many, it will be.

Without the leadership of Kirrahe (who’s appropriately named after a mountain used to prepare U.S. paratroopers for D-Day ) Shepard’s mission never would have had a chance. Saren — the Reapers — would reign supreme.

But not this day. With a swift salvo of rhetoric, a timely thunder clap from the God of Punctuation, one of the more resonant moments in Mass Effect makes it mark. And the line is held.

Killzone 2 - Visari Readies for Bloodshed


Warmongering diatribes are a hallmark of the Visari administration - if Killzone provides an accurate account of it. Though played through the eyes of his enemies (AKA the good guys), each game in the series has opened to the pater familias of the Helghan Empire inciting his catechized corps of Helghast troops to the cause of ISA annihilation. With the walls closing in at the introduction of Killzone 2 , Scolar Visari spins his masterpiece: the “hold the line” speech every dictator dreams of.

Rico’s irritable avoidance of Visari’s stern warning even seeds the interlude sequence with a small touch of foreshadowing: The ISA have no idea what’s waiting on the planet Helghan, and the bloody montage that ensues when the speech concludes proves that this man means every word. It’s all the welcome back a Killzone 1 fan could have asked for.

BioShock — Confronting Andrew Ryan


It’s one of the moments that defined the first BioShock : the haunting pre-mortem soliloquy of Andrew Ryan.

Here was a man who so despised Altruism — he believed every man was “entitled to the sweat of his own brow” — that he rejected the social hierarchies of sea-level civilization to construct his own metropolis, Rapture, leagues-deep in the middle of the Atlantic. He convinced society’s finest minds — doctors, scientists, entrepreneurial geniuses — to join him, and together they forged a thriving cultural mecca. At least, that’s how it began.

This Utopian ambition is introduced to us in an opening monologue that’s spectacular on its own — but even more powerful is our first/final live encounter with Ryan, after his dream has crumbled into pieces. It is at this moment when we witness his life’s cruel irony: a man of such Altruism animus, initiating his own death when it will only save others — Jack; Dr. Tenenbaum; the Little Sisters, if they’re alive — hollow objects of welfare, now, with his real love, the fruit of his labor, spoiling into decay.

But the speech isn’t memorable for its deadly swings of fate (if of golf clubs). In the end, we look back on Andrew Ryan’s death the way we do his life. In the end, he chose; a man, not a slave.

Gears of War 2 - Prescott Brings the Fight to the Locust


There are no would-you-kindly’s in Gears of War ; it’s a rarity when orders and observations aren’t grunted through teeth, laced with profanities or giddy about the amount of viscera splashing around at any given moment. But when the series does try to step away from its traditional bawdy bounds, when it overthrows action for emotion, poignancy, and carefully scripted drama, occasionally it will hit the mark surprisingly well.

Case in point: At the beginning of Gears of War 2 , with the COG haven of Jacinto on the verge of Locust annihilation, the Honorable Chairman Richard Prescott puts the entire human race on his shoulders and commemorates the first day Sera takes the fight to its underworld invaders in riveting fashion. He’s a windbreaker and walkie-talkie away from jumping in a King Raven and personally leading the assault.

The COG leader is described better as enigmatic than charismatic, and is scantly depicted as endearing throughout the main Gears trilogy. The gravity of the situation brings out his best, however, and while Prescott may not seem the ideal rallying symbol to motivate his army and the audience, both are left ravenous by the time he’s finished.

Metal Gear Solid 4 - Big Boss' Parting Words

Sometimes, the best speeches are those that don’t require a pulpit or a megaphone. When an organic moment between two or more readily-oratory participants suddenly produces a one-way conversation: one person gets on a roll — musing, brooding, eulogizing, ranting — and everyone else realizes it’s best to shut up and listen… and standby for cigar service, if necessary.

Big Boss closes out Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots with one such speech, the final reflections of an illustrious life silencing his last-living son, Solid Snake, into the role of a graceful bystander. The FOXHOUND founder formerly known as Naked Snake bears all (metaphorically speaking). Reflecting on exploits decades-past, appealing for recompense long-overdue, and dreaming about a future era that’s fast-approaching — it’s Hideo Kojima’s way of passing the torch to the next generation (be it the rapidly-ripened Snake or a completely different tangent — we’ll know when Metal Gear Solid 5 is revealed ) whilst tactfully closing the encyclopedia on the past. Furthermore, this being the work of said director, there almost has to be some sort of symbolism, some foreshadowing clue hidden with the patchwork of those white annual flowers. We won’t attempt to decode Kojima here, but it’s one of many reasons we keep returning to some of his finest work.

From a Salarian captain in Mass Effect to a business magnate in BioShock to a warrior politician in Gears of War , video games have shown how speeches can thrill - and also kill; an autocratic dictator in Killzone can revel in a bloody conflict while a lifelong solider in Metal Gear Solid sheds away its memory.

But even as the five speeches here are a testament to modern gaming’s ever-growing emotional spectrum, it’s important to remember their debt of gratitude to the moments of speaking splendor of generations gone by: the Metal Gear Solid’s, the Half-Life’s and so many more.

And as for the honorable mentions — that’s up to you. What other speeches deserve recognition? Which do you find inspirational? Which exciting, provoking, or eliciting of tears? Feel free to share in the comments below.

Follow me on Twitter @ Brian_Sipple .

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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, 105 interesting persuasive speech topics for any project.

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Are you struggling to find good persuasive speech topics? It can be hard to find a topic that interests both you and your audience, but in this guide we've done the hard work and created a list of 105 great persuasive speech ideas. They're organized into ten categories and cover a variety of topics, so you're sure to find one that interests you.

In addition to our list, we also go over which factors make good persuasive speech topics and three tips you should follow when researching and writing your persuasive speech.

What Makes a Good Persuasive Speech Topic?

What makes certain persuasive speech topics better than others? There are numerous reasons, but in this section we discuss three of the most important factors of great topics for a persuasive speech.

It's Something You Know About or Are Interested in Learning About

The most important factor in choosing and creating a great persuasive speech is picking a topic you care about and are interested in. You'll need to do a lot of research on this topic, and if it's something you like learning about, that'll make the process much easier and more enjoyable. It'll also help you sound passionate and informed when you talk, both important factors in giving an excellent persuasive speech.

It's a Topic People Care About

In fourth grade, after being told I could give a persuasive speech on any topic I wanted to , I chose to discuss why the Saguaro cactus should be the United State's national plant. Even though I gave an impassioned talk and drew a life-size Saguaro cactus on butcher paper to hang behind me, I doubt anyone enjoyed the speech much.

I'd recently returned from a family vacation to Arizona where I'd seen Saguaro cacti for the first time and decided they were the coolest thing ever. However, most people don't care that much about Saguaro cacti, and most people don't care what our national plant is or if we even have one (for the record, the US has a national flower, and it's the rose).

Spare yourself the smattering of bored applause my nine-old self got at the end of my speech and choose something you think people will be interested in hearing about. This also ties into knowing your audience, which we discuss more in the final section.

It Isn't Overdone

When I was in high school, nearly every persuasive speech my classmates and I were assigned was the exact same topic: should the drinking age be lowered to 18? I got this prompt in English class, on standardized tests, in speech and debate class, etc. I've written and presented about it so often I could probably still rattle off all the main points of my old speeches word-for-word.

You can imagine that everyone's eyes glazed over whenever classmates gave their speeches on this topic. We'd heard about it so many times that, even if it was a topic we cared about, speeches on it just didn't interest us anymore.

The are many potential topics for a persuasive speech. Be wary of choosing one that's cliche or overdone. Even if you give a great speech, it'll be harder to keep your audience interested if they feel like they already know what you're going to say.

An exception to this rule is that if you feel you have a new viewpoint or facts about the topic that currently aren't common knowledge. Including them can make an overdone topic interesting. If you do this, be sure to make it clear early on in your speech that you have unique info or opinions on the topic so your audience knows to expect something new.


105 Topics for a Persuasive Speech

Here's our list of 105 great persuasive speech ideas. We made sure to choose topics that aren't overdone, yet that many people will have an interest in, and we also made a point of choosing topics with multiple viewpoints rather than simplistic topics that have a more obvious right answer (i.e. Is bullying bad?). The topics are organized into ten categories.


  • Should art and music therapy be covered by health insurance?
  • Should all students be required to learn an instrument in school?
  • Should all national museums be free to citizens?
  • Should graffiti be considered art?
  • Should offensive language be removed from works of classic literature?
  • Are paper books better than e-books?
  • Should all interns be paid for their work?
  • Should employees receive bonuses for walking or biking to work?
  • Will Brexit hurt or help the UK's economy?
  • Should all people over the age of 65 be able to ride the bus for free?
  • Should the federal minimum wage be increased?
  • Should tipping in restaurants be mandatory?
  • Should Black Friday sales be allowed to start on Thanksgiving?
  • Should students who bully others be expelled?
  • Should all schools require students wear uniforms?
  • Should boys and girls be taught in separate classrooms?
  • Should students be allowed to listen to music during study hall?
  • Should all elementary schools be required to teach a foreign language?
  • Should schools include meditation or relaxation breaks during the day?
  • Should grades in gym class affect students' GPAs?
  • Should teachers get a bonus when their students score well on standardized tests?
  • Should children of undocumented immigrants be allowed to attend public schools?
  • Should students get paid for getting a certain GPA?
  • Should students be allowed to have their cell phones with them during school?
  • Should high school students be allowed to leave school during lunch breaks?
  • Should Greek life at colleges be abolished?
  • Should high school students be required to volunteer a certain number of hours before they can graduate?
  • Should schools still teach cursive handwriting?
  • What are the best ways for schools to stop bullying?
  • Should prostitution be legalized?
  • Should people with more than one DUI lose their driver's license?
  • Should people be required to shovel snow from the sidewalks in front of their house?
  • Should minors be able to drink alcohol in their home if they have their parent's consent?
  • Should guns be allowed on college campuses?
  • Should flag burning as a form of protest be illegal?
  • Should welfare recipients be required to pass a drug test?
  • Should white supremacist groups be allowed to hold rallies in public places?
  • Should assault weapons be illegal?
  • Should the death penalty be abolished?
  • Should beauty pageants for children be banned?
  • Is it OK to refuse to serve same-sex couples based on religious beliefs?
  • Should transgender people be allowed to serve in the military?
  • Is it better to live together before marriage or to wait?
  • Should affirmative action be allowed?
  • Should prisoners be allowed to vote?
  • Should Columbus Day be replaced with Indigenous Peoples' Day?


  • Should the government spend more money on developing high-speed rail lines and less on building new roads?
  • Should the government be allowed to censor internet content deemed inappropriate?
  • Should Puerto Rico become the 51st state?
  • Should Scotland declare independence from the United Kingdom?
  • Whose face should be on the next new currency printed by the US?
  • Should people convicted of drug possession be sent to recovery programs instead of jail?
  • Should voting be made compulsory?
  • Who was the best American president?
  • Should the military budget be reduced?
  • Should the President be allowed to serve more than two terms?
  • Should a border fence be built between the United States and Mexico?
  • Should countries pay ransom to terrorist groups in order to free hostages?
  • Should minors be able to purchase birth control without their parent's consent?
  • Should hiding or lying about your HIV status with someone you're sleeping with be illegal?
  • Should governments tax soda and other sugary drinks and use the revenue for public health?
  • Should high schools provide free condoms to students?
  • Should the US switch to single-payer health care?
  • Should healthy people be required to regularly donate blood?
  • Should assisted suicide be legal?
  • Should religious organizations be required to pay taxes?
  • Should priests be allowed to get married?
  • Should the religious slaughter of animals be banned?
  • Should the Church of Scientology be exempt from paying taxes?
  • Should women be allowed to be priests?
  • Should countries be allowed to only accept refugees with certain religious beliefs?
  • Should public prayer be allowed in schools?


  • Should human cloning be allowed?
  • Should people be allowed to own exotic animals like tigers and monkeys?
  • Should "animal selfies" in tourist locations with well-known animal species (like koalas and tigers) be allowed?
  • Should genetically modified foods be sold in grocery stores?
  • Should people be allowed to own pit bulls?
  • Should parents be allowed to choose the sex of their unborn children?
  • Should vaccinations be required for students to attend public school?
  • What is the best type of renewable energy?
  • Should plastic bags be banned in grocery stores?
  • Should the United States rejoin the Paris Agreement?
  • Should puppy mills be banned?
  • Should fracking be legal?
  • Should animal testing be illegal?
  • Should offshore drilling be allowed in protected marine areas?
  • Should the US government increase NASA's budget?
  • Should Pluto still be considered a planet?
  • Should college athletes be paid for being on a sports team?
  • Should all athletes be required to pass regular drug tests?
  • Should professional female athletes be paid the same as male athletes in the same sport?
  • Are there any cases when athletes should be allowed to use steroids?
  • Should college sports teams receive less funding?
  • Should boxing be illegal?
  • Should schools be required to teach all students how to swim?
  • Should cheerleading be considered a sport?
  • Should parents let their children play tackle football?
  • Will robots reduce or increase human employment opportunities?
  • What age should children be allowed to have a cell phone?
  • Should libraries be replaced with unlimited access to e-books?
  • Overall, has technology helped connect people or isolate them?
  • Should self-driving cars be legal?
  • Should all new buildings be energy efficient?
  • Is Net Neutrality a good thing or a bad thing?
  • Do violent video games encourage players to become violent in real life?


3 Bonus Tips for Crafting Your Persuasive Speech

Of course, giving a great persuasive speech requires more than just choosing a good topic. Follow the three tips below to create an outstanding speech that'll interest and impress your audience.

Do Your Research

For a persuasive speech, there's nothing worse than getting an audience question that shows you misunderstood the issue or left an important piece out. It makes your entire speech look weak and unconvincing.

Before you start writing a single word of your speech, be sure to do lots of research on all sides of the topic. Look at different sources and points of view to be sure you're getting the full picture, and if you know any experts on the topic, be sure to ask their opinion too.

Consider All the Angles

Persuasive speech topics are rarely black and white, which means there will be multiple sides and viewpoints on the topic. For example, for the topic "Should people be allowed to own pit bulls?" there are two obvious viewpoints: everyone should be allowed to own a pit bull if they want to, and no one should be allowed to own a pit bull. But there are other options you should also consider: people should only own a pit bull if they pass a dog training class, people should be able to own pit bulls, but only if it's the only dog they own, people should be able to own pi tbulls but only if they live a certain distance from schools, people should be able to own pit bulls only if the dog passes an obedience class, etc.

Thinking about all these angles and including them in your speech will make you seem well-informed on the topic, and it'll increase the quality of your speech by looking at difference nuances of the issue.

Know Your Audience

Whenever you give a speech, it's important to consider your audience, and this is especially true for persuasive speeches when you're trying to convince people to believe a certain viewpoint. When writing your speech, think about what your audience likely already knows about the topic, what they probably need explained, and what aspects of the topic they care about most. Also consider what the audience will be most concerned about for a certain topic, and be sure to address those concerns.

For example, if you're giving a speech to a Catholic organization on why you think priests should be allowed to marry, you don't need to go over the history of Catholicism or its core beliefs (which they probably already know), but you should mention any research or prominent opinions that support your view (which they likely don't know about). They may be concerned that priests who marry won't be as committed to God or their congregations, so be sure to address those concerns and why they shouldn't worry about them as much as they may think. Discussing your topic with people (ideally those with viewpoints similar to those of your future audience) before you give your speech is a good way to get a better understanding of how your audience thinks.

More Resources for Writing Persuasive Speeches

If you need more guidance or just want to check out some examples of great persuasive writing, consider checking out the following books:

  • Lend Me Your Ears: Great Speeches in History by William Safire—This collection of great speeches throughout history will help you decide how to style your own argument.
  • The Essentials of Persuasive Public Speaking by Sims Wyeth—For quick direct tips on public speaking, try this all-purpose guide.
  • Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World's Top Minds by Carmine Gallo—This popular book breaks down what makes TED talks work and how you can employ those skills in your own presentations.
  • We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Make Good Art by Neil Gaiman—These two recent speeches by contemporary writers offer stellar examples of how to craft a compelling (and engaging) argument.

Conclusion: Persuasive Speech Ideas

Good persuasive speech topics can be difficult to think of, but in this guide we've compiled a list of 105 interesting persuasive speech topics for you to look through.

The best persuasive speech ideas will be on a topic you're interested in, aren't overdone, and will be about something your audience cares about.

After you've chosen your topic, keep these three tips in mind when writing your persuasive speech:

  • Do your research
  • Consider all the angles
  • Know your audience

What's Next?

Now that you have persuasive speech topics, it's time to hone your persuasive speech techniques. Find out what ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos are and how to use them here .

Looking to take your persuasive technique from speech to sheets (of paper)? Get our three key tips on how to write an argumentative essay , or learn by reading through our thorough breakdown of how to build an essay, step by step .

Want a great GPA? Check out our step-by-step guide to getting good grades in high school so you can have a stellar transcript.

Interested in learning about other great extracurricular opportunities? Learn more about job shadowing , community service , and volunteer abroad programs.

Still trying to figure out your courses? Check out our expert guide on which classes you should take in high school.

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

These recommendations are based solely on our knowledge and experience. If you purchase an item through one of our links, PrepScholar may receive a commission.

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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Holly R. "I am absolutely overjoyed and cannot thank you enough for helping me!”

good speech topics about video games

Robin Roberts has awkward exchange on 'Good Morning America' while discussing Harrison Butker's speech

D ebate over Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker’s faith-based commencement speech at Benedictine College over the weekend led to an awkward exchange on "Good Morning America" between co-host Robin Roberts and ABC correspondent Stephanie Ramos. 

Butker’s speech was the topic of conversation during a segment of the ABC show Thursday, and Ramos reported "mixed reviews in the crowd" at the school when the placekicker was finished. 

Ramos said "Butker did receive a standing ovation from the graduates and some of the attendees."


Roberts interjected. 

"Usually the commencement address is about the graduates, not about your personal views," Roberts said. 



Ramos responded, saying, "It’s important to remember also that the school did invite him. He’s made his Catholic conservative views very well known.

"But you’re right, [it’s] uplifting. Uplifting speech." 

It’s unclear if she meant the speech itself or the general feeling commencement speeches usually have. 

Butker is being attacked for expressing his beliefs at the private Catholic liberal arts college 60 miles outside Kansas City . In the speech, Butker directed a remark to the female graduates in attendance, calling on them to embrace their "vocation" as a "homemaker."

"For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment," he said. "You should be proud of all that you have achieved to this point in your young lives. I want to speak directly to you briefly, because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. 

"How many of you are sitting here now, about to cross this stage, and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.


"I can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to say her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. I’m on this stage today and able to be the man that I am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation. I’m beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker."

Butker’s 20-minute speech also condemned Pride Month, saying it is a "deadly sin sort of pride that has a month dedicated to it." He also took a shot at COVID-19 policy and President Biden’s "delusional" stance on abortion.

The Chiefs have not made a public comment regarding Butker’s speech, but the NFL condemned it, issuing an apology while reiterating its stance on inclusion. 

"Harrison Butker gave a speech in his personal capacity," Jonathan Beane, the league's senior vice president and chief diversity and inclusion officer, said. "His views are not those of the NFL as an organization. The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger."

Fox News' Paulina Dedaj contributed to this report.

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Original article source: Robin Roberts has awkward exchange on 'Good Morning America' while discussing Harrison Butker's speech

Robin Roberts arrives at the CoachArt Gala of Champions at The Beverly Hilton Hotel Oct. 17, 2013, in Beverly Hills, Calif. Getty Images

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The Emily Blaster game inspired by Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin.

Five of the best books about video games

Generations have now grown up with games, but they have long been linked to science fiction and are now the subject of histories, too. Here are five of the best

T here is a lingering misconception about video games that they exist entirely in their own sealed subculture, utterly untranslatable to books or movies. But this has never been the case: in the 80s and 90s, games (and by extension, virtual worlds) became a major theme of cyberpunk fiction, from the jacked-in hacker dystopia of William Gibson’s Neuromancer to the narcotic alternative reality of Jeff Noon’s Vurt.

Video game history and culture have also been widely explored in book form, whether that was the How to Beat Pac-Man manuals of the 1980s or current investigations of the game development process by journalists such as Jason Schreier and Tom Bissell. Avid gamers and utter newcomers alike will learn much about video games and our modern digital world from these five books.

Masters of Doom by David Kushner

An experienced New York Times and Rolling Stone journalist, Kushner brought keen reporting skills and cultural nous to this examination of seminal 1993 shooter Doom and the young men who made it. Masters of Doom captures the haphazard and anarchic process behind game development in the 1990s – the late nights, the pizza, the questionable personal hygiene – but it’s also a thrilling and emotional story about inspiration, friendship and, yes, creative genius.

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

A surprise bestseller following its publication in 2022, Zevin’s beautiful and gripping novel follows a trio of young game designers fulfilling their dreams and falling apart in the process. Although there is plenty of accurate detail about making games, this is really a novel about love, care and inspiration, which just happens to take place in a development studio.

Invasion of the Space Invaders by Martin Amis

First published in 1982 and cruelly out of print for many years (a close friend of mine is still racked with guilt for stealing a copy from his local library), this bizarre artefact is an examination of the dawning arcade culture written with Amis’s droll, deadpan wit and detached intelligence. A one-time games addict himself, the author relays his experiences in sleazy New York coin-op palaces as well as providing hints and tips on beating the best titles of the era. Now available in a modern edition filled with historical photos and screenshots, it’s an absolute delight.

Gamish by Edward Ross

Video game histories can often be somewhat insular and workmanlike, overlooking the cultural impact of the medium while obsessing about games console release timelines. Gamish is different – an accessible and fascinating graphic history written and illustrated by comic book artist Ross. It gathers all the landmark moments, but also ponders what games mean to players and the wider world, as well as the issues around sexism and representation that still haunt the industry and its fanbase.

Reamde by Neal Stephenson

An absolutely vast labyrinthine techno-thriller, Reamde rockets around the world from Idaho to Cambridge to Taiwan, recruiting an army of hackers, misfits and criminals en route. It mostly concerns an online massively multiplayer game named T-Rain, which becomes infected with the eponymous computer virus to devastating effect. Combining trenchant observations on computer culture and the socio-political weirdness of the digital era inside a rollicking page-turner, Reamde is to games what Infinite Jest is to tennis.

  • Five of the best
  • Martin Amis

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WATCH: 2024 NFL schedule release videos for all 32 teams include celebrities, spoofs, shots at opponents

The chargers roasted chiefs kicker harrison butker after his commencement speech went viral..


NFL schedule release day has become something of an offseason holiday, and all the social media teams put their best foot forward with the accompanying release videos. They keep getting more creative each year, and there were more memorable ones in 2024.

One of the highlights was the Los Angeles Chargers, who went into The Sims universe for their schedule release. They made sure to torch each one of their opponents, but especially their divisional rivals. The most notable jab was directed at Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker, whose recent commencement speech comments got a lot of attention on social media.

What did the teams have in store for us this year? Here's every team's video, in alphabetical order.

Arizona Cardinals

put the city on display 🏜️ pic.twitter.com/cWgBnXnbZE — Arizona Cardinals (@AZCardinals) May 16, 2024

The Cardinals went outside the box and got local artists to paint a mural revealing their 2024 schedule. It may not go as viral as some of the other videos, but it was a really cool idea.

Atlanta Falcons

ATL Streets Vol. ’24 @NFL Schedule Release @NFLNetwork | NFL+ pic.twitter.com/Co46Sbhec8 — Atlanta Falcons (@AtlantaFalcons) May 16, 2024

The Falcons chose to throw it back to the NFL Street video game series, and as someone who burnt out those discs on his PS2, I very much enjoyed this one. Atlanta even brought back Michael Vick and Deion Sanders for the schedule release while taking some creative shots at its opponents. They don't get too much better than this.

Baltimore Ravens

There was only one man Harbs trusted for the job… @stavvybaby @SeatGeek | 📺: @nflnetwork pic.twitter.com/3a9OfunYK0 — Baltimore Ravens (@Ravens) May 16, 2024

What started out as a bit on social media by comedian Stavros Halkias has turned into a legitimate role for Ronnie the Raven, who has now been tasked with revealing the team's schedule. It's a little chaotic, but that's what you expect when Ronnie is running around with the company card.

Buffalo Bills

It’s a simple life for @JoshAllenQB across the street. @Ticketmaster | #BillsMafia pic.twitter.com/PEgQEzzOL3 — Buffalo Bills (@BuffaloBills) May 16, 2024

Josh Allen has a rocket arm, but did you also know that he had some decent acting chops? In a video reminiscent of Andy Dwyer taking up residence in The Pit in "Parks and Recreation," Allen is already making the Bills' new stadium his home. Get Allen a role in the next great sitcom.

Carolina Panthers

We like it, Picasso 👨‍🎨 @Ticketmaster | #KeepPounding pic.twitter.com/0s3aVcQMEf — Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) May 16, 2024

The Panthers tried their hand at painting for this one, and I feel quite confident that none of them should hang up the cleats in favor of picking up a brush. Credit to Shy Tuttle for making no attempt to paint Derrick Brown and trying to roast him instead.

Chicago Bears

The season moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. pic.twitter.com/MpXMPEcTD6 — Chicago Bears (@ChicagoBears) May 16, 2024

D.J. Moore channels his inner Ferris Bueller and gives folks a tour of the school -- and the Bears' 2024 schedule -- which includes a cameo from Yung Gravy. As is mandatory for comic book movies nowadays, it includes a mid-credits scene to tease the next great heroes.

Cincinnati Bengals

Tell mom to throw the pizza rolls in... THE SCHEDULE IS HERE!!! pic.twitter.com/3iFn3BCpbC — Cincinnati Bengals (@Bengals) May 16, 2024

Halftime entertainment doesn't get much funnier than mascots schooling young children in football, and the Bengals capture that in their schedule release. That said, I can't say I've ever seen a child take a guitar to the face from a mascot before.

Cleveland Browns

hate us or love us, you'll watch 🎳 2024 schedule release. pic.twitter.com/TN3mCo5LGr — Cleveland Browns (@Browns) May 16, 2024

The Browns' schedule release video only gets stronger as it goes on. Not only is it worth sticking around for the Lamar Jackson gag, but there is also a cameo from a viral bowling legend.

Dallas Cowboys

🎶 The Cowboys called, seen you on Facetime 🎶 We prank called our opponents' fans for our 2024 schedule release 📲 Get @SeatGeek 🎟️s now: https://t.co/BAuSp2okCF pic.twitter.com/ZhSvFVXp39 — Dallas Cowboys (@dallascowboys) May 16, 2024

Post Malone. Eli Manning. Michael Vick. Calvin Johnson. Shane Gillis. Sam Morril. This is perhaps the most star-studded schedule release video ever filmed. The Cowboys do know how to put on a show, even in May.

Denver Broncos

. @LewisHamilton ATE and left no crumbs. 🍽️ pic.twitter.com/VKMfBAtYIt — Denver Broncos (@Broncos) May 16, 2024

"There's no way that they're eating carrots down there." Lewis Hamilton insults the cuisine of Indiana and the entire southeastern United States while revealing the Broncos' 2024 schedule. That should be all the encouragement you need to watch.

Detroit Lions

We hired a couple Detroiters to help us unveil this year’s schedule @ticketmaster pic.twitter.com/5DpHhcqp7X — Detroit Lions (@Lions) May 16, 2024

Detroit essentially outsourced its schedule release video to the "I Think You Should Leave" duo of Tim Robinson and Sam Richardson, and it was a stroke of genius. This is one of the funnier reveals with Robinson and Richardson doing riffing back and forth the entire time.

Green Bay Packers

Who signed off on this? @bookseatscom pic.twitter.com/LE9xwwlykw — Green Bay Packers (@packers) May 16, 2024

From WWE stars to Bachelor contestants, the Packers had an eclectic group of guest stars assisting them with their schedule release. Green Bay also leaned heavily on former players and got media that covers the team involved too.

Houston Texans

Our schedule release ASMR 🤘 pic.twitter.com/4vSwVBsnXU — Houston Texans (@HoustonTexans) May 16, 2024

If you've ever spent an embarrassing amount of time watching hydraulic press videos on social media, then this is the schedule reveal for you. This one does get some points off for a lack of originality, and you'll see why later.

Indianapolis Colts

Schedule (sche-du-le) SKE-j'l – SKE-juw-w'l /skEjOOUHl/ pic.twitter.com/wGA5DyumwC — Indianapolis Colts (@Colts) May 16, 2024

Had to do a little social media sleuthing to get the joke behind this one, but the Colts are spoofing a very funny graduation ceremony that recently went viral. Fair warning: It will come with an uncomfortable amount of cringe.

Jacksonville Jaguars

To Me, My Jaguars! 💥 @Dream_Finders | #DUUUVAL — Jacksonville Jaguars (@Jaguars) May 16, 2024

In the sake of full disclosure, I just watched the season finale of X-Men '97 this morning, so it probably goes without saying that I love this one. Saturday morning cartoon nostalgia will get me every time, and the production value on this one is top notch.

Kansas City Chiefs

In honor of crushing it last season, we’re revealing our 2024 schedule by… well, you know. pic.twitter.com/hVpI4GQNlN — Kansas City Chiefs (@Chiefs) May 16, 2024

We have another hydraulic press video here, so it's not exactly unique, but I'm going to watch these every time. I will say, Kansas City's video does have some very satisfying explosions going for it.

Las Vegas Raiders

No gimmicks. #RaiderNation pic.twitter.com/douAkUnZwH — Las Vegas Raiders (@Raiders) May 16, 2024

The Raiders went with more of a hype video, zigging when everyone else is zagging. Raiders fans will love it, especially the appearance from new head coach Antonio Pierce, but this won't move the needle for other fan bases.

Los Angeles Chargers

should we REALLY make our schedule release video in the sims? yes          yes          yesyes yesyes    yes      yes         yes yes  yes  yes     yes           yes yes    yesyes     yes           yes yes      yesye      yes        yes yes          yes           yesyes pic.twitter.com/MXzfAPyhe8 — Los Angeles Chargers (@chargers) May 16, 2024

The Chargers are quite good at this, and they have knocked it out of the park again this year. This Sims-themed release video features some hilarious shots at their rivals, including the aforementioned Butker gag. It's probably no coincidence that his Sims character just happened to be in the kitchen.

Los Angeles Rams

5 o'clock on the dot, we're in our (schedule) drop top pic.twitter.com/oWuELM27wR — Los Angeles Rams (@RamsNFL) May 16, 2024

The Rams chose to go with a Grand Theft Auto theme for their video, and now all I can think about is how much longer I have to wait for GTA VI to release. Thanks a lot, Rams social media team.

Miami Dolphins

The NFL’s fastest schedule release, brought to you by the NFL’s fastest team. 😎 pic.twitter.com/5jHcUUwLAc — Miami Dolphins (@MiamiDolphins) May 16, 2024

The Dolphins are known for their team speed, and they applied that to their schedule release video. Considering most of these videos now go beyond three minutes, I can appreciate the restraint and brevity shown by Miami.

Minnesota Vikings

The next generation of #Vikings schedules is here! https://t.co/UeiFxRs60a pic.twitter.com/RTpkaEmlLF — Minnesota Vikings (@Vikings) May 16, 2024

T.J. Hockenson does his best Tim Cook impression for this video, as the Vikings spoof an Apple presentation of the iPhone (insert number here). I know it's a bit, but the schedule does look pretty sleek. I might even pay $1,400 for that.

New England Patriots

Do you like schedules? pic.twitter.com/xxNTeCxFvv — New England Patriots (@Patriots) May 16, 2024

The Pats leaned into their New England branding with a "Good Will Hunting" parody. While Julian Edelman and Rob Gronkowski get the leading roles in this trailer, Ernie Adams really steals the show.

New Orleans Saints

🚨 NOW HIRING: Social Media Intern for the New Orleans Saints 🚨 Please DM for qualifications. #Saints | @SeatGeek pic.twitter.com/nhSSw9bchg — New Orleans Saints (@Saints) May 16, 2024

I, for one, would love for the Saints to turn control of their social media accounts over to Shannon Sharpe. Let him and Katt Williams cook up some ideas for the upcoming season. 

New York Giants

“Do you know what a schedule release video is?” pic.twitter.com/DqfeOBSFHT — New York Giants (@Giants) May 15, 2024

The people of New York have spoken, and they do not care about schedule release videos. The Giants, at the risk of bringing their fans joy, listened and put out a simple graphic when the time came to unveil the 2024 schedule.

New York Jets

This guy almost dumped it on @AreYouKiddingTV for our 2024 Schedule Release Challenge #ad pic.twitter.com/qDaOItgt8h — New York Jets (@nyjets) May 16, 2024

The Jets went with a promotion for their schedule release, which was a choice. Can you blame a Jets fan for dumping a bucket of Gatorade on his head to get as far away from the team as possible?

Philadelphia Eagles

Eagles fans: slightly unhinged @Ticketmaster | #FlyEaglesFly pic.twitter.com/RxEDJ8xlQX — Philadelphia Eagles (@Eagles) May 16, 2024

Asking Eagles fans for their honest thoughts on the team's opponents was a risky move, but the team rolled the dice anyway. The editing team may have had their work cut out for them on this one, so shoutout to the employees who had to cut this one together.

Pittsburgh Steelers

No joke. Our 2024 schedule is here. @laurelhighlands | @jharrison9292 | 📺: Schedule release coverage on NFLN pic.twitter.com/okiDg2L4XR — Pittsburgh Steelers (@steelers) May 16, 2024

Watching terrified Steelers recite dad jokes to an unamused James Harrison was quite amusing to me personally. I'm not sure seeing the schedule a little early was worth the risk of getting snapped in half, though.

San Francisco 49ers

And now a message from Nick Bosa 😂 @Steph49K | @Ticketmaster https://t.co/c0NW44RI7D pic.twitter.com/Db4RTewe4K — San Francisco 49ers (@49ers) May 16, 2024

Nick Bosa was supposed to unveil the 49ers' 2024 schedule, but he chose to take the day off instead. That's why the duties fell to Steph Sanchez, who did her best to fill Bosa's shoes, and his spot in the gym.

Seattle Seahawks

Every power has an origin story. pic.twitter.com/XXreXbdDvA — Seattle Seahawks (@Seahawks) May 15, 2024

As if Chris Pratt didn't have enough roles on his plate, he now plays the role of talking sunglasses in the Seahawks' schedule release video. This guy really is everywhere these days.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Not the Ottawa Pancakes… @Chaad_1 & @lukethelifter attempt to draw our opponents 🎨🖌️ pic.twitter.com/jCOw0uaTPb — Tampa Bay Buccaneers (@Buccaneers) May 16, 2024

Rachaad White and Luke Goedeke may not be artists, but they gave valiant efforts for this one. Did White's version of the Superdome look like a snow globe with the snow on the outside? Sure, but he gets an A for effort and an A+ for attitude.

Tennessee Titans

Back on Broadway with some help from a friend 🤣 2024 Titans Schedule Release presented by @shift4 📺: 2024 NFL Schedule release on @nflnetwork & ESPN2 pic.twitter.com/n4EN6DmC6t — Tennessee Titans (@Titans) May 16, 2024

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. That is good advice, and the Titans followed it by running back their 2023 schedule release video for 2024. The team got one of the stars from last year's video to ask well-lubricated folks on Broadway to identify the team's 2024 opponents, and it went as you might expect.

Washington Commanders

Whipped up something sweet for schedule release 🎂 🎟️ https://t.co/1MtIrnqvuP | @SeatGeek | 📺 @nflnetwork pic.twitter.com/KaDZZkSeBz — Washington Commanders (@Commanders) May 16, 2024

The Commanders played a little game of "Is It Cake?" with their 2024 opponents, and all I could think about was how much of that leftover cake Major Tuddy ate once filming was complete. 

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Un-silence of the lambs: Donald Trump (again) praises fictional cannibal Hannibal Lecter

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WASHINGTON - Former President Donald Trump replayed an odd campaign-and-movie riff over the weekend: Praise for a fictional cannibal and murderer, one of the most evil characters in the history of cinema.

Hannibal Lecter .

"The late, great Hannibal Lecter," Trump said during a rally Saturday in Wildwood, N..J., citing the psycho protagonist of the novel and Oscar-winning film "The Silence of the Lambs" while discussing immigration policy.

Trump praised Lecter - portrayed by Oscar-winning Anthony Hopkins in the 1991 film - while attacking migrants who are in the United States illegally.

"Has anyone ever seen ‘The Silence of the Lambs’?" Trump told a crowd of supporters. "The late, great Hannibal Lecter. He’s a wonderful man."

Prep for the polls: See who is running for president and compare where they stand on key issues in our Voter Guide

Trump, who did speak in mocking tones and did not appear to be serious, then made reference to the film's famous final scene in which Lecter follows his next victim down a crowded street.

"I'm having an old friend for dinner," Lecter's character had just said in a phone call with newly minted FBI agent Clarice Starling (portrayed by Jodie Foster in another Oscar-winning performance).

At his New Jersey rally, Trump said: “He often times would have a friend for dinner. Remember the last scene? ‘Excuse me, I’m about to have a friend for dinner,’ as this poor doctor walked by. ‘I’m about to have a friend for dinner.’"

Trump closed his tribute by saying: "But Hannibal Lecter. Congratulations. The late, great Hannibal Lecter.”

It was unclear whether Trump was saying the United States should act like Hannibal Lecter, or whether he was comparing some migrants to the crazed serial killer.

Trump has praised Lecter and The Silence of the Lambs in years past, calling the latter one of his favorite movies.

The former president has invoked Lecter while echoing his highly exaggerated claims that prisoners and mental patients are pouring across the U.S. border. "That's 'Silence Of The Lambs;' that's Hannibal Lecter," Trump said during the New Hampshire primary campaign.  "Did you ever hear of Hannibal Lecter? They're being dropped into our country. Hannibal Lecter is coming in."

During a 2023 event in Iowa, Trump confused the character with Hopkins by saying, "Hannibal Lecter, how great an actor was he?” The former president also mistakenly quoted the actor as saying he loved Trump, though there is no record of such a comment ever being made.

Trump's Saturday tribute in New Jersey to a movie character killer drew criticism from his opponents.

On the social media site X, foreign policy author Anne Applebaum wrote: "At what other moment in American history could a presidential candidate praise a fictional serial killer, and inspire almost no reaction at all?"


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    Trump has praised Lecter and The Silence of the Lambs in years past, calling the latter one of his favorite movies. The former president has invoked Lecter while echoing his highly exaggerated ...