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Describe a website you use regularly

You should say

  • What type of website it is
  • How you found out about it
  • What it allows you to do

And why you find it useful.

essay on useful website

Sample band 8.0+:

The website that I often use is called YouTube. It is a video-sharing website that allows users to upload, share, and view videos on a wide range of topics. I use it almost every day to watch videos, listen to music, and learn new things.

The reason why I use YouTube so frequently is that it offers a wide variety of content. I can find videos on almost any topic that interests me, from cooking to sports to educational content. I particularly enjoy watching music videos and live performances of my favorite artists, as well as tutorials on how to play musical instruments.

One of the things I like about YouTube is the recommendation feature, which suggests videos that I might be interested in based on my viewing history. This has helped me discover new content and channels that I might not have found otherwise.

Another great thing about YouTube is the community aspect. I can comment on videos, share them with friends, and even subscribe to channels that I like. This allows me to interact with others who share my interests and to learn from their experiences.

Overall, I think YouTube is a fantastic website that has something for everyone. It’s easy to use, offers a vast amount of content, and provides a platform for people to connect and share their ideas. That’s why it’s my go-to website for entertainment, education, and social interaction.

Another sample:

Describe a website you often visit (Wiki)

Describe a website you have bought something from (Part 2/3)

Describe a website you often browse (BBC News)

Describe a website that you often use (Part 2/3) (Tiktok)

Follow Questions: Part 3

1. What effect has the Internet had on the way people generally communicate with each other?

“The Internet has had a significant impact on the way people communicate with each other. In many ways, it has made communication faster, more convenient, and more accessible. For example, people can now communicate with each other in real-time using instant messaging, video chat, and social media platforms. Moreover , with the rise of video conferencing, for example, people can now have face-to-face conversations with friends and family members who live in different parts of the world. This has helped to reduce feelings of isolation and has made it easier to maintain relationships over long distances.”

2. How do you think communicating by email is different from communicating by text message?

“When it comes to communication, there are many differences between communicating by email and by text message. In my opinion, one of the main differences is the level of formality. Emails tend to be more formal, while text messages are usually more casual. Another difference is the length of the message. Emails tend to be longer and more detailed, as they are often used for business or professional communication. Text messages, on the other hand, are typically shorter and more to the point.”

3. Why do you think the Internet is being used more and more for communication?

“In my opinion, there are several reasons why the internet is being used more and more for communication. Firstly, the internet offers unparalleled convenience and accessibility. With the rise of smartphones and other mobile devices, people can now access the internet and communicate with others from almost anywhere in the world. Secondly, the internet offers a wide range of communication tools, such as email, instant messaging, social media, and video conferencing. Each of these tools offers its own unique benefits and can be used to communicate in different ways.”


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Describe a Website [IELTS Speaking Part 2]

Posted by David S. Wills | Mar 10, 2020 | IELTS Tips , Speaking | 0

Describe a Website [IELTS Speaking Part 2]

These days, the internet is a massive part of the lives of people all over the world and so you will quite often be asked to talk about it for IELTS. There are many ways that it could appear in the exam, but today we are going to look at another cue card from IELTS speaking part 2. This time, it will ask you to describe a website .

In this article, I will try to outline all the things that you need to know in order to give a good answer to this question. I will show you how to analyse the cue card, make notes, pick the right language to use, and then I will give you my own sample answer for this question.

Table of Contents

The cue card: describe a website, analysing the cue card, language for describing websites, making notes about the cue card, sample band 9 answer.

It is impossible to anticipate the cue cards that you will encounter in the IELTS exam and only lazy and dishonest teachers pretend that they can do it. As such, you just need to look at common types of cue card and practice them. If you do this, then the cue cards that you encounter in the real IELTS exam will not seem so strange or difficult .

It is possible to be asked various versions of this question. For example:

  • describe a website you have bought something from
  • describe a website you often browse
  • describe a website you often visit

Here are a few other possible variants on this idea:

describe a website for ielts

That is just a few of them and there are in fact many, many more possibilities. This is one reason why you cannot just memorise an answer for IELTS. Some of my former students tried this and struggled badly because they would say “A website I really like is…” but this is not always what the question intends.

Here is the cue card that we will use today:

Describe a useful website. You should say: – what it is – how often you visit it – what kind of information it offers and explain why you think it is useful.

The most important part of any cue card is the first line. This is what you must adhere to closely. Note that all the different cue cards that I suggested are slightly different in terms of what you must actually describe. It could even be something like “describe a website that you really like” or “describe a website that you would like to design.” Those would require a totally different answer, so it’s really important that you read carefully and don’t just note the word WEBSITE .

The information that follows is also quite important and you should look out for keywords: “what,” “how often,” “what kind of information,” and “why… useful.”

describe a useful website cue card

So… let’s review:

  • Can you describe any website? No, it must be a useful one.
  • You must explain what it is – i.e. describe its functions.
  • State the approximate number of times that you use it.
  • Talk about the information available on the website.
  • Explain why it is useful, in your opinion.

You can say other things about it but you don’t have to. I would recommend talking about the things on the cue card first of all, and if you find you run through these ideas too quickly, then you can say some other things.

Don’t worry if you are not a computer programmer – you don’t need to be an expert to answer any of the questions in the IELTS speaking test! Knowledge of web design might be helpful for you with this question, but it is certainly not essential.

First of all, there is some language about technology here that might be useful for you:

This is a video that I made for my students several years ago. It contains some up-to-date language about the internet. I made it because most of this sort of language in textbooks is hopelessly out-of-date. However, I recommend that you try to guess the words before you look. This will help you to remember them better. 😉

Remember that when we are talking about the internet, we generally use the preposition “on.” Think about the word “online” and people being “on the internet.” This is very important to remember. We are never “in a website.” We are “on it.” For example:

  • There are some great articles on that website.
  • Did you see the pictures on Facebook yesterday?
  • I’m going to post something about it on my blog later.
  • Can you add me on WhatsApp?
  • I’ll follow you on Instagram .

Here’s a visual lesson that gives more examples about this useful preposition rule:

prepositions for talking about technology and the iner

I will make some more notes about language in the section following my sample answer below.

When you are given the cue card, you will have 1 minute to make some notes. You do not have to make notes, but it’s a pretty good idea to write down a few words that may help you remember useful vocabulary or ideas during your speech.

My notes for this cue card (describing a useful website) would be something like this:

  • platform/content
  • content – produced/shared

That makes little sense out of context, but you can see my sample answer in the next section. The important thing is that these notes either help you to remember the structure of your answer or remind you of some difficult words that you might want to use.

Just remember to avoid writing down full sentences or else you will certainly run out of time before you have had a chance to adequately plan your answer.

ielts cue card describe a website

I will now give you my sample answer for this question. Keep in mind that in order to actually get a band 9 score, you need to have excellent pronunciation and fluency. The answer below is grammatically correct and uses appropriate vocabulary, so it would get band 9 for Lexical Resource and Grammatical Range and Accuracy , but the speaker would need to have natural intonation and pronunciation, too, without much hesitation.

The most useful website that I know is YouTube, which is a video-streaming site that is popular all around the world. It contains lots of videos on all sorts of topics, so there really is something for everyone. The great thing about YouTube is that it grew from being just a collection of silly cat videos and short clips into a genuine platform for excellent content. There are some YouTubers who produce videos that are such high-quality that they look like real TV shows. In fact, many of them probably get more views than actual TV shows now. YouTube has changed the world by altering how content is produced and shared. People from almost anywhere now have access to an incredible archive of information. I personally love photography and so I go on YouTube most days to learn about techniques for taking better pictures or editing my photos in Photoshop or Lightroom. I can connect with talented photographers around the world and, perhaps more importantly, these genuinely knowledgeably people are now able to turn their skill into real money. Many people have successful careers now because they started a YouTube channel and shared their passion with the world. I think that YouTube is useful because I can learn so many things in such an easy way. It’s not just photography. If I want to make dinner but I don’t know how to cook something , there’s probably a video for it. That is truly incredible, and for me it makes YouTube the most useful website on the internet.  

You can listen to my sample answer here:

My answer would take about 1:40 minutes to read, which is perfect for IELTS speaking part 2. It contains good grammar and vocabulary, and it also answers all parts of the cue card.

Note that I did not answer all parts in equal depth. When saying what YouTube is, I gave a short description:

  • a video-streaming site that is popular all around the world

I also said very little about how often I use the website:

  • I go on YouTube most days

However, you can see that I have given lots more detail for other parts and generally I described the website fully. I have given some interesting ideas and information about it.

Most importantly, my language was also appropriate for the question. I have used some phrases which you might find helpful when describing a website of your own:

  • a video-streaming site
  • It contains lots of videos
  • just a collection of
  • a genuine platform for excellent content
  • an incredible archive of information
  • I go on YouTube
  • I can connect with
  • the most useful website on the internet

You should note that I have said “contains” to show that videos are hosted on the website. I also use “on” as the correct preposition for things relating to the internet. We can use “platform” and “content” to refer to the website and the things on the website, respectively. When communicating with people online, we might also say “connect with.”

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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11 English Writing Websites That’ll Have You Writing Like a Professional

Being able to write well in English is an incredible skill.

This is true for both English language learners and even for native speakers!

It goes without saying that writing in English is a key ability for the future .

That’s why we’re going to look at some of the top online resources to perfect the skill of writing in English .

Types of English Writing Websites

11 wonderful websites to power up your english writing skills, hemingway app, quick and dirty tips from grammar girl, write & improve with cambridge, project gutenberg, british council, how to use writing websites effectively, and one more thing....

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Choosing the right resources is the most important step. But to do this, you need to consider what exactly you need help with! Is it some basic grammar and spelling? Or more of an in-depth course and introduction to English writing in general?

Let’s take a look at some of the key categories that you need to consider.

  • Spelling and Grammar Checkers:  Spelling and grammar checkers are a great way to make sure that your writing is clear, grammatically correct and accurate. These websites would be best suited to an advanced writer who writes large amounts or writes frequently. The reason they aren’t recommended for a beginning learner is that it’s important to develop the skill of checking and editing your own writing first.
  • Lessons and classes:  If you’re a new learner or are looking to focus on a particular area of writing, then taking an English writing class might be a good option. They’re a great way to get a general introduction to English writing. You can also go deeper on a particular topic.
  • Writing advice: Blogs and websites are fantastic sources of information regarding English writing. You can find helpful tips, advice from writers and general information regarding spelling and grammar. Websites like YouTube are also useful resources to find specific information.
  • Creative Writing and Prompts:  Sites that provide tips on creative writing and prompts can be a great source of inspiration. Creative writing is an excellent way to practice new vocabulary and different writing styles. It can also be more fun than academic writing!
  • Journaling and Habit-forming: There are many services that focus on helping you reach a writing goal of a particular number of words or a streak of days. Sometimes simply sitting down and doing the writing itself can be a difficult challenge! Journaling and freewriting websites can help maintain your motivation. They can also keep you on track and show you important information regarding your work rate.

In this post, we’ll be looking at the top websites from all these categories. This is to give you a nice selection and variety of websites to choose from. If you want to start writing English like a professional, then you should consider some of these options!


Grammarly is a free website and app that fixes your writing. You have the option of typing directly into the platform or copying large blocks of text (such as an essay) for correction. There’s also an extension that works with a number of platforms such as Google Docs, MS Office, Gmail and many other online writing websites.

Grammarly is like having a personal editor read your English writing. The corrections are always offered as suggestions, instead of auto-corrections, so you’ll have a chance to review your mistakes before changing them.

However, because the app is aimed toward English natives I’d recommend Grammarly to an intermediate to advanced level writer. This is because the app looks to correct errors that native writers would make and isn’t designed specifically with English learners in mind.

For example, a native speaker will be using Grammarly to check for common errors such as a lack of apostrophes in contractions or using too much passive voice. It might offer suggestions if you’re using one word too often and it can even make a database check for plagiarism.

If you’re a beginner ESL writer, you may find this feedback helpful. However, feedback on word choice, formality, structure and staying on the topic question or essay question may be more beneficial. For this, you may need a writing instructor or English teacher to give in-person feedback in these earlier stages.

So how should you use Grammarly? To use Grammarly efficiently as an English learner you should consider it a final step in your writing process. Copy your text into the platform to do a final edit. But, always attempt to edit your own writing first as we discussed earlier in this post.

As an added bonus, the website has a very useful and frequently updated blog that covers various topics related to writing and grammar, as well as work and careers.


Ernest Hemingway was an American author known for his simple and direct writing style. He wrote with limited adverbs and in short sentences.

This is a great style to practice especially for business English and professional English purposes because it’s important to be able to explain complex ideas in a basic manner.

That’s the central idea behind the Hemingway editor.

The Hemingway App website works in a similar way to the previously mentioned Grammarly app: It offers suggestions to help improve your writing.

That being said, there are some key differences.

The Hemingway App is best used for overall “stylistic” purposes. It helps your writing feel less complex and cluttered. It’s also important to note that it doesn’t correct spelling.

To use the website, copy your text and paste it into the editor. The editor will then provide you with a score and suggestions on how to improve the clarity of the writing, active/passive voice , how hard or easy your writing is to read and more. Everything is color-coded so you can easily see what needs to be updated.

You can make edits to your text right on the website and watch your readability score increase as you do! The more you use this website, the more aware you’ll become of the clarity and simplicity of your writing as you write.

It’s worth noting that this isn’t the only way to write—you may prefer to write with more flowing, flowery language, and that’s absolutely something you can do! The Hemingway App is a good option for you, though, if your writing is difficult for others to understand, more lengthy than you’d like or if you just want to write in a simpler style.

The app is free however you can choose for a paid service that offers additional features.


Even native speakers will re-read their own writing several times to not only check for grammar mistakes but also to gain an understanding of how it will be read by others.

If you’re interested in discovering additional ways to express what you wish to write, then Wordtune is a good place to start.

On Wordtune, there are multiple editing options to suit different needs. For example, you could have your piece of writing rewritten, check its grammar, change its formality as well as make it more concise or longer.

You can even use Wordtune to find synonyms, which will not only allow you to improve your writing but also help you expand your English vocabulary .

To analyze your writing on Wordtune, simply copy and paste your text into the editor. I’d recommend starting off with shorter texts or sentences so you can focus on the variety of suggestions that this website will provide you with. You’ll be able to compare different options and see a deeper analysis of your writing.


Like Wordtune, Ginger also offers grammar checks and can rephrase your writing, providing you with various options to choose from.

Want to add variety to your writing or simply grow your vocabulary? As well as rephrasing and correcting sentences , on Ginger, you can simply click on a word to find more synonyms . This is a great way to learn new words and see how they can be used in your own writing.

One of my favorite features that I’d recommend to all English learners and even native speakers who want to improve their writing is Ginger’s “Writing Center,” where you’ll find a ton of informative guides about different types of writing, from resumes and cover letters to business vocabulary and letters .


Mignon Fogarty, also known as the Grammar Girl, is the founder of the blog and website “Quick and Dirty Tips.” She’s an award-winning writer and podcast host, and has a number of other accolades.

And there’s a good reason for that: Her webpage is a goldmine (full of useful information) of grammar advice and writing tips for native and non-native speakers alike!

You can find articles that cover basic grammar rules all the way up to more specific issues such as when to use specific words, like in the case of historic vs historical .

There are two ways that you can make the most of this resource as an English learner. The first is to search for a specific answer to a question that you have in mind. Grammar Girl has the answers to many of the most common grammar questions. If you have a question about how to use a word or how to apply a grammar rule, there’s a good chance it’s been covered on the website.

The second (which is my favorite) is to simply scroll through the website, diving deep into all the interesting and funny articles. You’ll learn the interesting history of some words, incredible tips and of course plenty of writing-related advice.

It’s a great way to learn while having fun!


Udemy is an online education platform. It offers courses in pretty much anything! That means that there’s a full range of English writing courses for you to choose from, ranging in price, level of difficulty and area of specialty.

This is the perfect resource for a person who’s new to writing in English or for a learner who wants to focus on a particular type of writing, like creative or business writing. Basically, you’ll be able to find something valuable to your writing goals at any level!

Among the courses covered are specific courses such as one on formal email writing .

To make the most of this resource, it’s very important that you carefully select the right course for your goals. This means reading the reviews, watching the course preview and reading any feedback or notes left by people who have previously taken the course.

Make sure you keep up to date with the classes and prepare materials on a schedule! Since these are mostly courses that allow you to go at your own pace, you’ll have to keep yourself on track.


Coursera is another online education platform that’s similar to Udemy and offers courses on specific topics. This means you’ll be able to find many courses offered on different styles of writing in English.

Plus, there’s an extra benefit to using Coursera: The courses come from authorized universities and institutions. As a result, many of the courses are more academic and similar to something you’d find in an actual college course. By taking one of these courses, you’ll be getting expert advice for much cheaper than the cost of a university class, or even for free!

Coursera suits learners looking to achieve a professional level of writing . In fact, if you scroll through the offerings, you’ll notice that many (but not all) of the courses on English are business or professionally focused .

If you’re learning English for business, you might find it useful to take this course on “Better Business Writing in English” from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Or, if you’re just trying to improve your overall writing skills, this course on grammar and punctuation from the University of California, Irvine can help you out.

You also have the option of paying to receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course. This makes Coursera an excellent option if you’d like to put your English studies on your resume!

Cambridge English is considered the “gold star” of English learning and teaching. In fact, the Cambridge Exams are known around the world and are very sought after by English learners. Over five million Cambridge English exams are taken every year!

Because of this, the resources that they produce are highly professional and educational, like their great service called “Write and Improve.”

Once you set up your profile and current writing level, you’ll be taken to your dashboard. Here, you can start writing either in a “free writing style” or with a given topic. Once you’ve completed your writing, it’s assessed and leveled based on your spelling, grammar and vocabulary. It’s then checked against the Common European Framework Reference for Languages (CEFR) .

“Write & Improve” is a great resource to give you an idea of what level your current writing skills are, as well as to discover some areas for improvement. This is also a very useful resource for anyone planning to take an accredited English exam, especially if you’ll be taking a Cambridge exam.

As an added benefit, you can set goals with this resource and take comfort in knowing that the feedback is based on the Cambridge system, including having your spelling checked against the Cambridge Dictionary .


Project Gutenberg is an open-source (legally allowed to be shared for free) library with over 70,000 titles! Generally, the titles you’ll find here are a bit old, as many of the books are no longer protected by copyright.

You may be wondering how exactly an online library can help perfect your writing skills. Well, by allowing you to read great books for free, of course!

But you can’t just read—to really learn from this resource, you need to read actively and closely. Take your time and read passages slowly. Write notes in a journal so you can get a better feel for the language. Take note of new phrases and words, unfamiliar grammar structures and anything else that stands out to you.

Start by scrolling through the top 100 . Most of these books are still very relevant today in English culture!  Project Gutenberg is an excellent introduction to the long history of English writing and culture.

It’s important to note that many of these books may use older or more traditional types of English, so be sure to check words and grammar rules for their modern usage.


The British Council is another organization that focuses on the English language and culture. Like Cambridge English, the British Council offers services related to English learning and exam preparation.

Their writing section is a great mix of English writing resources and activities. These would suit any type of learner since they’re clearly arranged by difficulty and are designed for self-study. This means you can set your own schedule and focus on areas of interest that are relevant to you.

To begin, choose your appropriate level. To really make the most of the resource, you should be completing all the activities as well as interacting in the comments section. You may find some tips and feedback you wouldn’t otherwise get!

If you like the free content, there’s an option to continue with a paid course. This is a good choice for anyone who wants to prepare for an exam or get a more structured learning experience.


“I don’t want to write today.”

“I don’t know what to write about!”

“It’s too late, I’ll write tomorrow.”

Do you ever find yourself making excuses like these? I know I do! It isn’t always easy to get yourself to sit down and write.

This is where the psychology of forming a habit is so important.

So far we’ve looked at resources that help our skills or give us pointers for our English writing capabilities.

But what about the act of writing, itself? Forget complex grammar and spelling issues. Sometimes, sitting down and practicing writing is the hardest part of all!

750 Words tracks your writing and encourages you to write every day. The goal of the website is to get you to write 750 words—about three pages worth of writing—per day.

In addition to being a minimal and beautifully designed writing program, 750 Words provides feedback on the time you’ve spent writing, the number of words you wrote and the language you used. It also gives you a report on your writing output (how much you achieve).

There’s a big focus on habit building on the platform, which is an often forgotten but very important step! It can take anywhere from 18-254 days to form a habit, and 750 Words provides the motivation to write every day.

This is a “free-writing” or journaling website, which means you should be writing without any goal or task in mind. If you find yourself struggling to think of something to write about, Journal Buddies has a great list of 49 writing prompts for English learners.

750 Words doesn’t check your spelling or grammar, so you can use it with some of the other resources in this list, like Grammarly.

To make the most of these writing resources, there are a couple of things you can do. First, you should be consistent with your writing—that is, do it regularly. This means that you should be writing every day . You can also plan out your schedule to include writing as part of your daily tasks.

You should also consider joining a community or writing club. This can either be online or an in-person writing club.

Writing clubs are an excellent way to motivate yourself as well as introduce yourself to new ideas. Best of all, they’re the perfect support for writing resources. They offer the opportunity to expand and grow your skills in a helpful environment. You can ask questions, request feedback or even seek advice about particular websites that other writers use.

You should also be using resources that actually help you to develop your English writing skills. This is a very important step. You need to think of online writing websites as a way to improve your writing quality and your skill. But it should always start with you! For example, if you’re at a beginner level, then a resource that automatically corrects your spelling isn’t going to help you learn much, since you need to learn how to fix errors on your own before using an app.

On that note, learn how to edit your own writing. Editing—or looking at your writing for mistakes and correcting errors—is a critical step in the writing process. After you complete your work, take a step back. This means you need to leave your work for a day or two before reading it over. Then, you can look for mistakes with a fresh look. Read your writing, keeping an eye out for errors like incorrect spelling, punctuation mistakes or poor grammar.

If you’re a more advanced writer, you can also consider changes to the voice such as active and passive sentences and the structure. Learning how to edit your writing is one of the best steps you can take toward improving your writing proficiency.

On top of writing websites, expanding your English vocabulary and immersing yourself in a lot of good writing will help a lot. If your English is more advanced, books are a great choice, along with popular publications like Forbes , Vanity Fair , and National Geographic . 

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Last updated on Feb 07, 2023

The 50+ Best Writing Websites of 2024

The Internet is full of writing websites and blogs to help people reach their creative goals . If you’ve always dreamt of writing your own book, but don’t know how to get there — or if you’re in the process of writing, but feel unsure about what to do next — then it’s your lucky day! Here we have all the best writing websites of 2024 in one single place for your convenience. They’re also organized by category, and alphabetically within each of those categories, to make each one easier to find. Enjoy!

Best writing websites for writing craft and inspiration

writing websites

1. Almost an Author

Offering up new content every day, Almost an Author covers a grand scope of writing topics. From genre-specific advice to emotional support on your writing journey, there's tons of useful info here for beginner and veteran writers alike.

2. Association of Writer & Writing Programs

Having just marked their 50th anniversary, AWP is one of the premier authorities on writing. The AWP website provides resources and ample opportunities for authors, teachers, and students at every point in their career. Here you’ll be able to find information about writing programs, career options, and conferences all over the world. Keep in mind, though, that access to some of these features is restricted to members only.

3. Creativity Portal

This is a wonderful hub for creative resources that has been around for a whopping nineteen years! Here you can find writing prompts , creative coaching, printable writing templates, and interviews with authors that will help nourish the right side of your brain.

4. Daily Writing Tips

As the name suggests, this site offers daily writing tips ranging from open-ended prompts and exercises to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and vocabulary. It also covers all writing levels and professions, so it doesn't matter how far along you are in your writing career — DWT is sure to help you out.

Instead of spending thousands of dollars on a master’s degree, you can get your own "DIY MFA" right here! This site (founded by Gabriela Pereira ) aims to cover everything you would learn in a graduate program, while giving you the freedom to choose your own areas of concentration and allocate your time as you please. 

6. Electric Literature

While not exactly a craft-focused website — so no straight-up writing advice or prompts — this nonprofit digital publisher showcases literature-related essays, criticism, and recommended readings. If you're looking to brush up on both literary theory and recent literary trends, Electric Lit is the place for you.

7. Fiction University

This virtual university, run by award-winning author Janice Hardy, contains tons of advice and concrete examples to help authors build a strong writing foundation. It's full of blog posts by professionals who share their own processes and techniques, providing tips not just on what you should do as a writer, but on how  to make it happen.

8. Helping Writers Become Authors

Longtime author K.M. Weiland offers writing advice that ranges from outlining and structuring to characterization and dialogue — plus all the little details in between. She updates her blog faithfully with topical posts that would pique any writer's (or non-writer's) interest.

9. Insecure Writer's Support Group

Writing is intimidating for everyone , whether you're a multi-published author or you're just starting out. That's why getting support, guidance, and motivation throughout the process is vital! On IWSG, you'll discover a wealth of information on writing, publishing, marketing, and anything else you might need to ultimately overcome your insecurities.

10. Literary Hub

LitHub boasts a superb selection of content for all things literary. Here you can get all the latest book-related news, posts on design and the craft, your daily dose of fiction, and sparkling reviews of new works. One of this site's best features is its section on literature in translation — a great resource for those who want to read books and authors from around the world.

11. LitReactor

The LitReactor blog consists of writing classes, workshops, and a myriad of posts on writing and books ( some of which are even written by us! ). There’s also an online magazine that includes interviews, criticism and analysis, and seasonally appropriate reads and recommendations.

12. LitRejections

An unfortunate occupational hazard of with writing is rejection. This is where a site like LitRejections comes into play! It offers personal stories to help discouraged writers persevere through rejection, and maintain hope and motivation as they move forward in their careers.

13. Live Write Thrive

In this website by professional writer and editor C.S. Lakin, you’ll find plenty of nuanced writing anecdotes and tips. Lakin also supplies annotated critiques that can help you prep your book for publication.

14. NaNoWriMo

Besides serving as the official information hub for NaNoWriMo , this site also lends constant support for those struggling to "win" National Novel Writing Month. Make sure to check out the NaNoWriMo forums, which are chock-full of other people's personal writing tips and strategies to get you through November — and every other month of the year — as a writer.

15. Now Novel

This comprehensive website, founded by author Bridget McNulty , is a go-to for just about every writing-related question you might have. Here you'll also find advice, courses, and even an author dashboard where you can keep track of your own writing progress.

16. Positive Writer

If you often feel uncertain about your creative abilities, this is the site for you. Bryan Hutchinson created Positive Writer to encourage and inspire all those who want to write, no matter how much experience or confidence they have.

17. ProWritingAid

ProWritingAid offers a fantastic manuscript editing software that analyzes your writing and creates reports for you to learn from! This tool also includes a thesaurus, grammar checks, style suggestions, and more — you can learn all about it on the ProWritingAid blog, or in our review of the app !

18. She Writes

A well-established writing website with a feminist bent, She Writes is "the largest online community and content site for women writers... all around the world." The site features thoughtful posts and resources to help writers on their journeys, as well as a personal She Writes blog page for every user who signs up.

19. Well-Storied

Here you can find recent articles, workbooks, tutorials, and fascinating discussions on writing. Kristine Kieffer has an extensive archive of posts as well, where you can procure information on just about any topic related to books and writing.

20. The Write Practice

Fulfilling the promise of their name, every single post on this site emphasizes putting theory into practice! There's simply no better way to become a writer than by creating a routine, and that’s exactly what The Write Practice helps facilitate.

21. Writer’s Digest

Writer's Digest is one of the most encyclopedic writing websites out there — after all, the print magazine has been around for almost a century now! Here you’ll find genre and vocation-organized articles, events and competitions, webinars, templates, tutorials, and so much more.

22. Writer Unboxed

Writer Unboxed features articles by authors and industry professionals, focused specifically on the craft and business of fiction writing.

23. The Writing Cooperative

Plain and simple, this is a group of people who want to help each other become better writers. On Writing Cooperative, you will find articles that cover just about every aspect of the writing life. They also have monthly writing challenges to keep you incentivized, and there’s even a space where you can submit your own article to the blog!

24. Writing.com

This is an absolutely all-inclusive community for writers . It’s open to all levels and provides a creative, supportive environment for all members, as well as portfolios to store and display their writing. Like most writing websites, it also includes a plethora of writing tools , contests, and rewards.

25. Catapult: Don’t Write Alone

Don’t Write Alone is a blog written by the Catapult team dedicated to helping writers grow their skills. As a publisher and magazine founded in 2005, Catapult has seen a lot of works and now they’re spilling all the details. From interviews, to craft essays, to writer lifestyle essays, Catapult covers it all.

26. Kirkus Review’s Writers’ Center

Kirkus Review is known for its prestigious $50,000 dollar annual prize and its bi-monthly issues where they critique hundreds of recently published books. But, did you know they also have a section of their website devoted to helping emerging writers grow their skills and navigate the publishing industry? They’re always up to date on the latest trends — if they aren’t creating new trends themselves.

27. Writers Write

An invaluable resource for creative writers, business writers, or bloggers, Writers Write offers over 1400 articles, courses, and workbooks to help you take your writing practice to the next level. Alongside their educational content, they offer book reviews, trivia on famous authors, and prompts. Sign up for their inspirational newsletters for regular hits of motivation that will keep you writing.

28. The Narrative Arc

Beginning as a home to Andie R. Cranford’s writing journey, The Narrative Arc is now a treasure trove of practical tips and prompts to inspire your creativity. Breakdowns of popular books are particularly handy for the budding author — but whether exploring writing for the first time or tightening the bolts on your Franken-novel, the site's ideas on craft are elegant and inspiring.

Best writing websites in the publishing industry

writing websites

29. Agent Query

This database allows authors to perform in-depth searches for literary agents . You can narrow your search by genre and keywords, view agents’ full profiles, and see if they are currently accepting queries — all for free!

30. The Creative Penn

Besides being a bestselling author on various topics, Joanna Penn is also a leading voice in self-publishing . On her punnily named site, you’ll find abundant information related to writing, self-publishing, marketing, and everything else you mind need to make a living as a writer.

31. Digital Pubbing

Digital Pubbing provides industry news, interviews with indie authors, and resources for learning all about ebooks and the publishing industry. In accordance with the name, this is the perfect site for any author hoping to absorb some serious digital knowledge.

32. The Independent Publishing Magazine

We know it might seem like we're repeating ourselves, but this website really is all about publishing (both independent and traditional, despite what the name indicates). Whatever info you need about self-publishing, trad pub, or hybrid publishing , you’ll definitely be able to find it here.

33. Publishers Weekly

And if you have a specific question about the publishing world, you’ll most likely find the answer here. This weekly magazine is packed full of news, reviews, announcements, and many other resources on the industry. It has been dubbed as "the Bible of the book business" and with its extensive archive, it’s easy to see why.

34. Publishing Perspectives

Publishing Perspectives is another leading source of publishing info, specializing in industry news and topical articles. Aimed at publishers, agents , and authors alike, it features a variety of posts that cover book fairs, distribution, education, and much more.

35. Query Shark

Not sure where your query letter is up to snuff? Query Shark offers the opportunity to have your query critiqued, and to read detailed query critiques of other authors' letters, so you can get the best possible results for your book. Be warned, though, that this sharp-toothed feedback isn't for the weak of heart.

36. Writer Beware

This amazingly thorough site compiles information on schemes and scams that affect authors , especially those run through email and the Internet. It’s sponsored by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, but obviously applies to authors everywhere. If you're a fresh-faced author trying to get published, definitely check it out — it could save you from losing thousands of dollars in an elaborate scam.

37. The Darling Axe

When the industry professionals at The Darling Axe aren’t working on manuscripts, they flock to the internet to share their hot takes on the publishing industry. They also host writing contests throughout the year to build a writing community and give unpublished authors the chance to get feedback from professionals.

Best writing websites for marketing and design

writing websites

38. David Gaughran

An experienced author of historical adventures, short stories, and popular books for writers , David Gaughran is one of the definitive writing experts out there. His eponymous blog contains plenty of info on marketing and self-publishing, plus workshops to help aspiring authors. And similar to Writer Beware, he's the noble opposition of online publishing scams and scammers — so if you're frustrated by these issues, you'll discover a blissfully sympathetic voice on his blog.

39. Kikolani

Focused specifically on marketing, Kikolani offers tips and strategies for bloggers who want to grow their presence and attract more readers. Here you’ll find information on brand development , social media, customer retention, and other useful tips that you can put to good use as a blogger. (If you're just getting started, though, we'd recommend this course .)

40. Kindlepreneur

Dave Chesson is — in his own words — a “digital marketing nut.” His blog has all the information you could ever need about Kindle book publishing , how to write to market, increasing your rankings on Amazon, and lots more practical tips and advice.

41. Storiad

Storiad is a marketing platform that helps authors and publishers sell books. Go here for essential information on writing apps , databases, tools, and budgeting to help you run your own publishing campaign from start to finish.

42. Writers & Artists

Part of the distinguished Bloomsbury, Writers & Artists has quite a few articles on writing and the self-publishing process. They also offer editorial services and events on many different topics, like genre-specific writing courses and how to get connected with agents .

43. Your Writer Platform

Naturally, this site is dedicated to building your very own writer platform. There are tons of tips, resources, tools, how-tos, and even individual consulting services to help you build the platform that works best for you and your marketing needs.

Best writing blogs by industry professionals

writing websites

44. Goins, Writer

Bestselling author Jeff Goins created this blog to share his thoughts on writing and to inspire others to chase their creative dreams. He's especially good at breaking complex topics down into digestible bits — new writers, go here for your primers.

45. Jane Friedman

With copious experience in the publishing industry, Jane Friedman offers online classes and articles on the entire process of book publishing. She's a real goldmine of business knowledge, so keep her in mind for when you're ready to publish your book.

46. Nail Your Novel

As a bestselling former ghostwriter who now publishes under her own name, Roz Morris provides advice about writing, self-publishing, and of course, ghostwriting . If you're interested in becoming a ghostwriter, be sure to check out her courses!

47. Nathan Bransford

Nathan Bransford is a former literary agent who posts all about the inner workings of publishing, as well and information on agents and self-publishing. He also does consultations, edits, and critiques . 

48. Rachelle Gardner

Skillful agent Rachelle Gardner has negotiated over 200 contracts with over twenty publishers and helped more than 100 authors fulfill their dreams of publishing. On her blog, she offers writing, publishing, and social media coaching, along with general writing and publishing tips.

49. Kris Writes

For regular insights from a New York Times bestselling author, look no further than Kristine Kathryn Rusch's blog. On Mondays, she posts free short stories for authors to find inspiration in, and Wednesdays she posts in her “Business Musings” collection where she breaks down news from the publishing industry and offers her inside opinions. 

50. The Marginalian  

Maria Popova describes her site as “a record of my own becoming as a person — intellectually, creatively, spiritually, poetically — drawn from my extended marginalia on the search for meaning across literature, science, art, philosophy, and the various other tendrils of human thought and feeling.” She sends out a Sunday newsletter with thoughtful deconstruction of the week’s best liberal arts goings-on to help broaden her readers’ appreciation of the creative world.

51. John August

For all the screenwriters out there, John August co-hosts a weekly podcast with fellow screenwriter Craig Mazin discussing both the craft and business of screenwriting while breaking down popular movies. To help screenwriters really get a feel for the process of working with a studio, John has posted multiple versions of scripts from different stages in the production process on films and series he’s written, including Charlie and the Chocolate Factory , Big Fish , and Chernobyl .

What are some of your favorite writing websites? Let us know in the comments below!

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The 28 Best Writing Websites of 2020


Written by  Scribendi

Updated in Feburary 2020 to reflect the best writing websites currently online.

Every writer needs a toolbox.

A writer's toolbox is filled with gadgets and gizmos that help a writer craft a story when he or she cannot do it alone. There are literal writers' toolboxes filled with assorted caffeinated beverages, napkins with plot outlines scribbled on them, and USB devices with novels backed up on them, and then there are metaphorical writers' toolboxes packed with character tics, favorite quotes, and—you guessed it—writing websites!

Writing websites are excellent resources to stash away in your toolbox (or browser bookmarks) to whip out in times of absolute distress (e.g., an existential crisis), piled-up excuses (i.e., writer's block), or uncertainty about the stages of writing (e.g.,  the publishing process ).

Scribendi's got a writer's toolbox fully stocked for you right here! Even better, these writing websites are categorized so you can find just what you're looking for at just the right moment. With everything from creative writing advice to publishing guidelines (and everything in between!), this list of the best websites for writers will be perfect for you to stow away in your bookmarks for when you need a helping hand.

Creative Writing Advice

These writing blogs give concrete advice for implementing literary techniques in your writing to help your work reach its full potential.

1. NaNoWriMo

The National Novel Writing Month blog provides inspirational posts year round for when you're stuck with writer's block, and offers guidelines on everything from the publishing process to finding feedback.

2. Write It Sideways

The articles for writers that can be found on Write It Sideways outline real-life advice (like writing grants, author branding, and gift buying) as well as writing tips and tricks, like spotting dialogue mistakes and learning how to build tension in your writing.

3. Helping Writers Become Authors

K.M. Weiland, the writer behind Helping Writers Become Authors, is an award-winning author who shares creative writing advice on story structure, character arcs, common writing mistakes, and much more!

4. Warrior Writers

Warrior Writers is run by the best-selling author Kristen Lamb, who guides writers using comprehensive and detailed posts that have a humorous and easy-to-read tone.

5. The Write Practice

Looking for articles and advice on creative writing? Consider checking out The Write Practice, which offers writing free (as well as paid) courses, and even holds writing contests for aspiring authors. 

Writer's Lifestyle

The following resources are great for writers who have some extra time, or need to take a quick, productive break.

6. Write to Done

Write to Done clearly outlines useful topics for writers, like treating imposter syndrome, recovering from destructive criticism, and finding a pen name.

7. Brain Pickings

Maria Popova's writings on culture, books, and other eclectic subjects are always extremely interesting reading material for any writer with some spare time.

8. Daily Writing Tips

With a blend of fun and fun damental writing topics, this writing website provides the tips you need to succeed.

9. Well-Storied.

Run by Kristen Kieffer, this writing website offers more than just blog articles; it links authors with writing communities on social media, provides tutorials on Scrivener (a word-processing software designed for authors), and offers free courses on a variety of subjects.

10. Writers in the Storm

This blog, written by a group of authors who specialize in different genres, is meant to inspire writers and help them to hone their craft. If you are struggling with the storms that rage internally (e.g., self-doubt) and externally (e.g., the publishing industry), this site will be a haven for you.


These blogs help writers market their books and create blogging personas to engage an audience more effectively.

11. The Write Life

This writing website offers solid ideas for blogging, including working from home, pitching ideas, guest posting, and much more.

12. Goins, Writer

National best-selling author Jeff Goins shares real-life experiences and reflections on building an audience, shortcuts to success, and engaging a community in the age of Internet fame.

13. The Book Designer

As stated in its tagline, The Book Designer gives "practical advice to help build better books," which includes writing creative disclaimers, choosing the right platforms, and using social media efficiently.

14. Angela Booth

Angela Booth, a copywriter, ghostwriter, author, marketer, and writing coach, writes ample posts to help authors improve book sales and ensure that a book will be a financial success.

15. Create If Writing

Need marketing advice on promoting your writing without coming off as too pushy? Create If Writing "is all about authentic platform building" for writers seeking to sell their work. Kirsten Oliphant, the site creator, offers relatable advice in her blog articles and podcasts.

Find some of the best writing blogs below for help with the publishing process, from behind-the-scenes intel to publishing tips and tricks.

16. Jane Friedman

Jane Friedman has more than 20 years of experience in the book publishing industry. She provides informative articles on both the writing process and the publishing process.

17. The Creative Penn

Run by  New York Times  and  USA Today  best-selling author Joanna Penn, this site offers articles and other resources related to book writing, publishing, and marketing.

18. Writers Helping Writers ®

This one-stop shop for writing resources includes links to informative sites on publishing, marketing, and professional services for writers. You can also find information on protecting your writing from scammers and online plagiarists.

19. Publetariat

Publetariat gives practical information on networking, author websites, and the publishing process. It also shares links to big news stories in the world of publishing.

20. The Independent Publishing Magazine

The Independent Publishing Magazine hosts articles about many different parts of the publishing process, such as growing a following, avoiding authorship problems, and finding the right editor.

21. The Complete Self-Publishing Guide for Authors

Thinking about the self-publishing route? If so, this writing resource is invaluable! Kirkus's free Self-Publishing Guide for Authors, available as a PDF or in print, covers everything you need to know about a book's design, format, distribution, and more.

Writing Inspiration/Prompts

These sites are excellent for writers who are stuck in a rut and need some inspiration or concrete prompts to get them writing again.

22. Writing Prompts

Writing prompts are posted here daily, offering inspiration for writers in all genres. Some of the prompts focus on breaking through writer's block, while others focus on building characters or refining your dialogue-writing skills. If you're feeling as though you're in a writing rut, the site also posts inspirational quotes from famous authors.

23. Positive Writer

Positive Writer was created for writers with doubt—like the website's author, Bryan Hutchinson—to provide inspirational posts that help writers keep on writing.

24. Blots and Plots

The Blots and Plots blog instructs writers to stay in the habit of writing, targeting specific problems and demonstrating how it's possible to write a novel even with a full-time job.

25. Writer's Digest

This well-known and comprehensive site offers all manner of advice and resources for authors. Of particular interest are the site's many creative writing prompts. New prompts are published weekly, and writers post their results in the comments section.

26. Poets & Writers

Poets & Writers is a non-profit organization that fosters creative writers. On this site, you can learn about professional development, connect with other authors in your area, and find weekly writing prompts on poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction.

With Reedsy's list of over 250 writing prompts to get you started on your next creative project, this is one of the best websites for writers to find inspiration. It also offers a search filter to help you find prompts from your writing genre (e.g., romance, fantasy, mystery). If you'd like to contribute to the site and help other aspiring authors, there is an option to submit your own writing prompts, too.

28. Live Write Thrive

Run by C. S. Lakin, an accomplished novelist, copyeditor, and writing coach, Live Write Thrive provides a wealth of information from proficient guest bloggers with the intent to instruct, motivate, and encourage aspiring and veteran writers alike.

We hope these tools are just what you need to continue crafting masterful writing. With a list of writing websites designed to help writers with everything from brainstorming to proofreading to publishing, you'll be unstoppable!

Don't forget about Scribendi’s very own  blog , which provides writers with all the guidance and tools they need to perfect their writing. Our articles cover every stage of the writing process, from planning and drafting any type of academic document to revising and finalizing it. Whether you’re looking for grammar tips, writing resources, or advice on any facet of the written word, Scribendi’s blog is the place for writers to perfect their craft.

Happy reading!

Image source: Lauren Mancke/Unsplash.com

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10 best free websites on how to write an essay

Figuring out how to write an essay in English can be hard if it’s not your first language . Fortunately, there are great tools and resources online that teach you how to write an essay. The best part? Most of them are free.

Whether you need to identify the different types of essays or to check your grammar, our top 10 picks below will help.

Do note these tools are meant to assist you in writing better essays. It will be unethical to enlist the help of an online provider in writing your assignment. Not only does this defeat the purpose of completing your assignment, but could get you suspended or even thrown out of university.

Understanding the nuances of writing an essay will help you deliver better work. With the Internet, you’ll have an easier time writing your essays. Source: Hoang Dinh Nam/AFP

1. International Student

Learn how to write different types of essays  through a handful of detailed, actionable articles at their Student Essay Writing Centre.

Here, you’ll find tips for writing general essays, scholarship essays, and admission essays. They also provide samples for you to refer to if you need extra guidance on writing a specific topic.

2. Grammarly

Grammarly needs no introduction. This website uses artificial intelligence to  review your spelling, grammar and punctuation . If you’re afraid of missing grammatical errors and wonky phrases in your assignment, this tool can help to capture these mistakes.

Once you’ve uploaded your assignment on Grammarly, get a friend to check through your work, as you never know what the website might have missed. 

3. Hemingway Editor

The Hemingway Editor App  highlights common errors and suggests ways to create simple, concise, and engaging content with its unique user interface known as the “Write” and “Edit” mode. Amendments to sentences created by the writer are colour coded.

4. The Purdue Online Writing Lab

Like the International Student, this website contains detailed articles using  specific reference styles, subject-specific writing, and teaching resources . 

Remember to bookmark this website as they constantly update it to inform readers of changes to popular citation styles, like the Modern Language Association, Chicago, American Psychological Association, and so forth.

5. Grammar Girl

Mignon Fogarty, also known as the Grammar Girl, is the founder of the blog and website “Quick and Dirty Tips.” Articles address grammatical errors, homophones, and awkward phrasing . 

Got a question about how to use a word or apply a grammar rule? There’s a good chance that Fogarty may have already covered it on the website. You can also browse through her content to learn the history of some words and plenty of writing-related advice. 

You use an active voice to express yourself in a clear manner. For example, “I am happy.” Source: James Gilbert/Getty Images North America/Getty Images/AFP

6. Aztekera Passive voice checker

Did you know it’s better to write your essays in an active voice? That is because this tone is more concise and straightforward. 

If you need help eliminating passive voice (the opposite of active voice) in your essays, consider using Aztekera to  look out for “To be” verbs  that make up a passive voice phrase. 

7. Thesaurus

Building on your vocabulary is part of becoming a better English writer — and Thesaurus fills that gap. The website provides alternative words and phrases for users to express themselves perfectly in written English by leveraging its collection of synonyms and antonyms.

Thesaurus also has a collection of the most overused words you should avoid in your essays.

8. Project Gutenburg

Reading great writing samples can help you make out what makes a good essay. Project Gutenburg is an open-source (legally allowed to be shared for free) library with over 60,000 titles ! Note that most of the titles here are old since many books are no longer protected by copyright.

To fully use this resource, read actively and closely. Write notes in your journal to get a better feel for the language. Take note of new phrases, unfamiliar grammar structures, and anything else that stands out to you.

9. Edit Central

You’ve written your essay but are unsure if it flows well. Don’t worry — use Edit Central’s readability calculators. This tool calculates the  readability scores of a written text based on the most used readability indicators . A high score indicates that your copy flows well with your readers.

10. Grammar Monster

Don’t let the name fool you. Like Grammar Girl, Grammar Monster features many articles addressing punctuation, apostrophes, commas, prepositions, adverbs, and adjectives, among others.

The great thing about this website is that you can master the English language through bite-size easy-to-learn components , making this one of the best sources to teach how to write an essay.

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Free Essay Help Online: 31 Reliable Websites [2024 Update]

essay on useful website

Online writing help is one of the best things the Internet has to offer. Despite numerous distractions, kitten videos, and friends’ status updates, it’s better to stay connected while doing written homework. Why? You can get essay help online. Here’s a list of 21+ sites for hiring tutors, having your papers reviewed, and even using samples.

  • Online Tutoring
  • Critique and Suggestions
  • Free Essay Samples

💻 Online Tutoring

Getting some extra help outside of class can help you stay on track. One-on-one homework sessions through webcam or live chat can supplement the lectures of the most brilliant professors. Getting essay help online is now as easy as texting with friends. All you need is to choose the right service, the best tutor match, and clearly formulate your question. Get ready to send your assignment details or even additional files in some cases.

  • The Princeton Review is an educational resource where you can connect to expert tutors round the clock. Here you can get online essay help in more than 40 subjects. This source is an excellent way to get help with homework. The best part: You get this help as quickly as possible. The majority of users chat for less than a minute. According to statistics from The Princeton Review, every night they help more than 5,000 students with science, art, languages, and more. The reviews of their services are positive. Students appreciate their various methods of teaching—from easy assignment help to explaining the basics of a lecture course in just 40 minutes.

Princeton Review Website - Homework Help

  • Jiskha Homework Help is a hub where you can post your homework questions and receive essay help online for free from more than 200 volunteer tutors. Consider trying this one if you feel lucky, as there’s no guarantee that you will receive an answer immediately. On the other hand, the service is free, and it’s worth trying. Of course, this isn’t the best way to find research paper help, for example—volunteers just don’t have enough time to write papers for you. But if you’re looking for answers to tricky school or college questions—this is a good choice. Search through answers in various fields—science, algebra, foreign languages, history, social studies, music, and more. You can scroll both new 2023 topics and archives. There are hundreds of pages with useful information for your studies.
  • Chegg Online Tutoring has a team of certified tutors who are ready to help you with essay writing. Though Chegg is better known for its book deals, judging by students’ reviews, this trustful service can succeed in everything they do. Need 1-on-1 consultation? Download Chegg Tutors application for iOS or Android. With the app, you can get a tutor’s help even away from home. You also should give Chegg Tutors a chance because it offers a free trial to newcomers! The trial includes a free 30 minutes of online tutoring. Think about all those challenging assignments you have, and you won’t want to refuse this offer!
  • WyzAnt helps students improve their outcomes through customized learning. It means that lessons are developed to meet a student’s individual needs. WyzAnt gives you opportunities to get the knowledge you missed in college. On their website, you’ll meet only professional educators. By the way, by using the word “meet” we mean real, in-person lessons you can book! Not everyone feels comfortable when learning via Skype or chat. That’s why these lessons are a popular option among students. Still not sure? Then, you may want to know about the technical advantages—WyzAnt has specific software to connect you with your tutor that includes high-quality video and audio, code editors for programming languages, and a whiteboard to share.
  • Tutor is a special service offering online tutors ready to help you with your studies 24/7. On Tutor, you won’t meet a teacher who has no degree. Instead, the 3,000 employees are experts in their fields and have at least a Bachelor’s degree. The organization supports the idea of confidentiality. So don’t be worried that someone will know about your lessons with Tutor. There’s also a department for U.S. military families. This way, military-connected students can get assignment help all year and improve their knowledge. Tutor also has an app for iOS and Android , so feel free to use it.
  • PrestoExperts makes it incredibly easy to benefit from tutors’ expertise. If you prefer to see and hear your instructor instead of typing in chat, this service is what you need. Learning becomes much easier when you find a personal tutor. How does it work on PrestoExperts? You choose a tutor, and then write them an email or open the live chat. Next, you explain your task to the tutor and get possible solutions to your problem. If you agree with the price and the task—you pay for services. The consultation portion is always free.
  • WizIQ is a popular platform used by educators and trainers to reach learners all over the world. Would you like to study on the go? With this service, online learning is fast and easy. WizIQ also sells software for virtual education. Students and teachers are not the only ones interested in such software. It’s an excellent option for corporate education, too. It also provides e-learning analytics. You can increase the effectiveness of your teaching videos. For this purpose, just check the time students spend watching your lectures.

Tutor Matching - Tutor Finding Service

  • Tutorhub is a great place to receive online writing help with essays, research papers, and any other assignments. You will be able to choose your perfect tutor match and learn more about the author before asking a question. Tutorhub has hundreds of reviews to show you the benefits of its service. Buy online lessons for $28-$42 per hour on any topic, and you’ll be sure to get a 100% satisfactory result. The service offers a money-back guarantee for many cases.The best part: You can save the lecture to revisit later. A great feature to use when preparing for an exam!
  • Tutormatching service will help you find your perfect tutor match. It’s important that this service looks for your perfect match according to the parameters of your choice. Many tutors on this site are volunteers. Usually, rates differ depending on the academic field, tutor’s experience and degree, and rating. Every educator has a particular number of stars depending on their reviews.
  • Buddy School is an easy-to-use online tutoring platform that speaks students’ language. A beneficial feature of this service is a wide choice of foreign languages. You can find a coach in German, Japanese, Italian, Hindi, Czech, Arabic, and even Ancient Greek. Here are short guidelines on how to start your lessons—find a tutor among an excellent pick of experts and book time. Choose tutors wisely—there are often free minutes included in the schedule. You can find this information on each teacher’s profile.
  • Tutorvista offers a choice of hourly and monthly packages. One-on-one online tutoring sessions can help you writing essays that rock. Book personalized one-to-one lessons to improve your knowledge. Tutorvista offers the opportunity to buy various packages. The options include monthly lessons with tutors. Prepare for school or college with video lectures. The writing mode on a whiteboard will help you to memorize the information quickly.
  • TLC Live delivers qualified online tutoring to students of different ages and specialization. You can start by using a free trial version or asking a few free questions. Book lessons from qualified teachers for children starting from 1st grade. TLC Live guarantees 100% safety as they interview each teacher to make sure they’re appropriate for educating kids. They also perform criminal record checks.

💡 Critique and Suggestions

Have you chosen your perfect tutor match from the previous list? Another way to get essay help online is to have your paper reviewed by a qualified editor. Importantly, not only can you receive comments on the strong and weak sides of your paper but also professional advice on how to make it better:

  • PaperRater provides spelling, grammar, and style check and, suggestions. This site offers free proofreading services, but you will benefit even more from personalized comments from an experienced tutor. The good thing about this is: You can use PaperRater for free. Choosing this option, you get 50 submissions (five pages/each). If you want to get 200 submissions (20 pages/each), the requirements are $14.95 and many research papers to check with your premium account.
  • Essay Judge evaluates your writing and gives qualified advice on how to make it better. Importantly, you can also receive an expert’s feedback for free. Yes, that’s true. While many analogical websites use machines to check your text, Essay Judge attracts volunteer teachers. They spend about 30 minutes a day and help a couple of students to improve writing skills.

Essay Judge Homepage

  • Essay Reviewer corrects your mechanical errors and makes suggestions as to not only structure but also even the content of your paper. Overnight revisions can help you writing essays in various subjects and on different study levels. This service is appropriate for 5th-grade students and useful to work with for your spelling, structure, and grammar. You don’t even have to match reviewed materials with the original for comparison—your assignments are done in track changes version. So, you can easily see all your mistakes and learn from them.
  • WriteCheck specializes in plagiarism detection but can give you suggestions as to your writing style as well. Along with plagiarism and grammar check, this service can provide online qualified tutoring help. Whether you write a nursing paper or literature review, checking for plagiarism is significant. Of course, not everyone can pay for every page. But you can test yourself with a plagiarism quiz. It will show you how plagiarized your papers might be, and how to avoid this plagiarism in the future.
  • Proof-Reading Service offers qualified proofreading and editing help. You can have your essay polished by experienced editors here. This service has several departments—for journal articles, scientific papers, theses and dissertations, and other types. Sharing your papers is usually done through Dropbox or email.
  • Grammar Check for Sentence is a fast tool for editing any type of text. It’s absolutely free, and all you need to do is to copy and paste your content into the field. Of course, you should review the results as the algorithm of this software doesn’t work perfectly—it can misjudge parts of speech, prepositions, and so on. But it’s also a nice check of your writing skills.
  • Reverso Speller is another spelling checker that can find any mistake. It’s also connected to several dictionaries so that you can see the definition and synonyms of the miswritten word. There are several types of corrections. All of them are illustrated at the end of the web-page. They even underline words the algorithm can’t recognize—so you won’t miss foreign words or rare terms.
  • Virtual Writing Tutor is another way to get a high-quality paper. You can check spelling and grammar, verify your word count, and evaluate if your text is paraphrased well. Moreover, Virtual Writing Tutor has a speech recognition tool. With its help, you can record your text to get a written document. You can also turn your text into an MP3 audio format and download it to your computer.
  • Slick Write is a safe way to check your document’s grammar and style. It works on the same principles as Grammarly does but also gives you a lot of statistics like vocabulary analysis, reading time, readability index, average paragraph length, and so on. The statistics are useful to improve your style, make the paper more readable, and original. Slick Write also has a tool called Associator. It helps a lot during the writing process because you can find connections for any word.

Write Better Website for Grammar Checking

  • Hemingway App . Searching for a free tool to check your readability? Give Hemingway App a try. You can use it whether online or via the desktop app. Just put in your text and get instant results. The service highlights all sentences that are difficult to read, passive voice usage, wordiness, and phrases with simpler alternatives.
  • Readable.io is one more tool to check your readability. Learn to use one of the scores like Flesch Reading Ease or Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level to determine how difficult your paper is to read and understand. The service underlines all the challenging parts, including passive voice, wordiness, and too many syllables. After corrections, you can check the text one more time to make sure it fits your needs.

📜 Free Essay Samples

Another effective studying tactic is learning by copying . The following online collections of essay samples can help you write your own masterpiece:

  • Skyline College argumentative paper samples will show you how to present and defend your position on a certain controversial issue. Pay special attention to a thesis statement and arguments used by the authors, focus on the logical structure and line of argument.
  • Writing For College are great for learning the main principles of pointing out the strong and weak sides of a certain topic. Learn how to critique without criticizing too much.
  • Western Technical College will show you effective narration tactics you may use in your own papers. Pay special attention to word choice, use of verbs, and most frequently used expressions.
  • Essay Basics offers a sample of papers from professional custom writers. Read those examples on debatable topics like environment protection, sex education, the importance of science, euthanasia issues, and so on.
  • Studycorgi.com provides its users free access to the essay sample database. All academic paper examples are written by A-grade students. The website’s visitors can find here any topic on every college/university subject.

23 Free Essay Examples

  • Good Luck IELTS —examples for those who are preparing for exams. You can read eight examples of typical IELTS essays on such topics as university and gender issues, gap year, athlete salaries, and others.
  • IvyPanda is a custom writing company that provides an access to 100,000+ academic paper examples. Here, you will find argumentative, persuasive, explanatory, descriptive, expository, and narrative essays, as well as case studies, research and term papers.
  • 123 Help Me is a fantastic collection of essay examples on ancient and modern literature. Find a paper on any literature topic you like—from Antigone to Fahrenheit 451. But make sure to use them only as a sample. Beware of plagiarism on the way to your academic success.

Sample analytical essays won’t teach you analytical thinking skills because you already have them. By using samples, however, you will easily detect sample words and expressions that should be used in analytical writing. Pay special attention to transition words, which connect different sections of your essay and make your project clearer. Getting essay help online is a perfect reason to stay connected while doing your homework. Take advantage of the best student resources to study smarter!

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Thanks for the feedback, Robert!

i am so happy about this app.it helps a lot. i am happy .thank you for creating this app.it is reliable and useful. thank you for creating this app

Glad you liked it!🙂 Thank you for the feedback!

The article is too good to know some best options for writing services. I would like to share it so that everyone can get this information.

Thank you for your kind words, Daisy! Feel free to share the article 🙂

Beautiful information. Sample analytical essays won’t teach you analytical thinking skills because you already have them.

Thank you for the feedback, Frances!

Very useful information but still there are few more reputable online tutoring websites that are missing in the list above. Some of the names are Coursehero, Solutioninn, Transtutor, tutor.com and brainmass. I hope this information may be useful if used with the list above.

Thank you for the information, Alex!

Thanks for introducing a little rationality into this debate.

Hi Karinthia,

I’m happy that this list helped you! I hope to see you again on our blog.

11 Most Useful Websites for Students

  • May 23, 2021


You probably have a list of websites that you love to visit to watch your favorite show or share your thoughts. Social media and news platforms play crucial roles in our lives, without a doubt. But do you have a special list of educational websites for students that can be lifesaving for your academic progress? If you still don’t know where to start to collect great websites that help you, we prepared this top of useful resources

What are the most useful websites for students?

You probably have a list of websites that you love to visit to watch your favorite show or share your thoughts. Social media and news platforms play crucial roles in our lives, without a doubt. But do you have a special list of educational websites for students that can be lifesaving for your academic progress? 

Whether you need study help websites, a great database of journal articles, or a world-class plagiarism checker, we have prepared this list of some of the best websites for students with people like you in mind. Some of these resources will help you stay up to date with the latest news that can boost your creativity and ease your daily routines. Others are study websites for students that need that extra boost. We’ll even point you to some assistance on the job market.

If you need a boost for your creativity and new ways to look at ordinary things, TED Talks is a perfect choice for you. It has thousands of unique videos and various speakers encouraging you to discover something new daily. You can find a talk in almost any subject area provided by experts and leaders of the industry.

The platform is available in more than 100 languages, with subtitles and transcripts of speeches. It is free for everyone, and you can also access additional resources hosted by TED.

for you. 

These services are both designed to stay updated with the latest news that can boost your creativity and ease your daily routines. We also included websites that can visibly save your time in search of such answers to the topics of career opportunities and money-saving offers. Enjoy the read!

essay on useful website

1. TED Talks

If you need a constant boost of your creativity and new perspectives to look at ordinary things, TED Talks is a perfect choice for you. It has thousands of unique videos and various speakers who encourage you to discover something new every day. You can find a talk in almost any subject area provided by experts and leaders of the industry. 

The platform is available in more than 100 languages, subtitles and transcripts of the speeches. It is completely free to use for everyone, and you can also access additional resources hosted by TED. 

2.  Studyfy

College writing consists of revising and reviewing your papers. It’s always hard to be objective with your writing, and you must put extra effort into learning the art of editing and revision. Fortunately, some services can take this skill to the next level.

Studyfy is one of the best websites for studying and writing out there. It has a vast collection of essay samples, articles, and guides on writing, essay editing , and many other aspects you must know when working with papers. Studyfy has experts in all subjects, and you can find an appropriate professional to help you review and edit the professor’s comments t rying to achieve a high academic score, you must avoid plagiarism . Most educational institutions respond by taking action against plagiarism. Institutions have policies against plagiarism and take action if students are found to have plagiarized. The use of a student plagiarism checker is an excellent solution to avoid unintentional plagiarism. Copyleaks is the answer to this problem.

Students in middle school, high school, and graduate degrees can use Copyleaks to check for plagiarism. Students can use Copyleaks plagiarism checker to find plagiarized content in their assignments. Our advanced technology efficiently compares your document with web, internal databases, journals, and billions of documents to find duplicate content.

3. OWL at Purdue

Unless you are an expert at properly citing your sources (and even if you are), the Online Writing Lab at Purdue University is an incredible tool. From general writing tips to detailed guidance in the nuances of various style guides (MLA, APA, Chicago, and many more), the OWL at Purdue is one of the most useful websites for students.

4. Coursera

The essential part of studies also consists of revision and review of your own papers. It’s always hard to be objective with your writing, and you have to put extra effort into learning the art of editing and revision. Fortunately, some services can take this skill to the next level. 

Coursera is one of the best websites for students who want to expand their learning beyond the classroom. With thousands of online courses hosted by the best universities all around the globe. It is an additional source of inspiration for many students and professionals and allows them to acquire new skills with a flexible schedule. 

You can quickly sign up and use the perks of free courses and pay only if you want a certificate that proves your knowledge.

Coursera is not limited to specific subjects and allows you to find anything from arts to coding. The course structures are easy to follow, and the hosts’ materials can be a significant advantage for your further research

Find out what's in your copy. Get started with Copyleaks for free today!

5. healthline.

A student’s life is stressful enough with everything you have to deal with, from finding housing to your papers and exams. It can be an intense period that requires your full focus on your goals. As an additional resource for self-help, you may subscribe to Healthline , another great resource for your health and well-being.

The platform helps you to cope with the most common problems that students face. However, it is not a proper substitute for therapy or counseling, which you should take into consideration.

It may only seem like Wired is a digital entertainment magazine and that you can only use it as a source of hobby inspiration. In fact, Wired covers a plethora of topics that may be relevant to your research and encourage you to search deeper into new areas of tech and arts. It has thousands of articles on the subject of science, business, security, and others.

Wired is a must in a bookmark list of every student who wants to stay updated and inspired by new trends and ideas. It is completely free and easy to access and contribute to the Wired community.

7. Bright Knowledge

If you want a convenient collection of relevant articles on various topics, Bright Knowledge is the goldmine for any student. Bright Knowledge can assist students with challenging questions and learning opportunities. As well you can find much helpful advice in many areas, from health and well-being to money and housing.

Without a doubt, Bright Knowledge is a saving grace for anyone who doesn’t have external support.

8. LifeHack

Lifehack is a unique website for students because it offers a vast collection of useful articles written by experts and free courses. The platform covers various topics, from goal setting to learning progress, and it is a must-have resource in anyone’s bookmarks. It is different from many platforms that offer “quick” solutions for anything.

Here you can find practical advice that works. Lifehack also has a YouTube channel with plenty of topics to consider.

College experience doesn’t revolve solely around academic experience. It is a time when you have to deal with your finances and shop for yourself. Gizmodo is a  useful website for students looking to reduce their time dealing with tech-related aspects of their on-campus lives.

This website is designed to provide you with the latest news on tech and gadget reviews that can save you a couple of hundred dollars. If you are not tech-savvy, Gizmodo will unlock everything you need to know about the world of software and hardware.

10. The Balance Careers

If you want to prepare for your perfect career path, add The Balance Careers to your reading list. This platform is one of the most efficient and effective websites for studying the job market. It features collections of guides on resume writing, interview tips, internship opportunities, and many other subjects. Without a doubt, this website will be your first resource to consult with to ease your anxiety associated with job perspectives.

All articles are written and revised by human resources, career planning, and job search experts. The Balance Careers is a part of the Dotdash publishing network, which includes many top-notch platforms like Investopedia and Verywell.

11. Copyleaks

If you are trying to achieve high academic scores, you must avoid plagiarism. Most educational institutions are committed to taking action against plagiarism and have policies against it. 

The use of a student plagiarism checker is an excellent solution to avoid unintentional plagiarism. Copyleaks is the answer to this problem.

Students in middle school, high school, college, and graduate degrees can use Copyleaks to check for plagiarism. Professors can use Copyleaks plagiarism checker to find plagiarized content in their assignments. Our advanced technology efficiently compares your document with the web, internal databases, journals, and billions of documents to find duplicate content.

Wrapping Up

This list of the websites for students can visibly ease your time: from tech magazines to the best career choice platforms out there. It is a solid collection you can add and then extend your research further. Don’t forget to always have a rest, drink water, and look on the bright side of the situation. 

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Cue Card Sample

Ielts cue card # 145 - describe a useful website you have visited, describe a useful website you have visited..

  • what the website was
  • how you found the address for this website
  • what the website contained

Part 3: Details Discussion

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Describe a Useful Website You Have Visited – IELTS Cue Card

Ruben Smith

Updated On Dec 08, 2023

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Describe a Useful Website You Have Visited – IELTS Cue Card

Predicted 50 + IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topics 2024

In the IELTS Speaking section, one of the most common type of Question is the Cue Card Speaking prompt. The IELTS Cue Card topics, like Describe a Useful Website You Have Visited, will prompt you to formulate a response and speak on the given topic. To attempt this question, you must narrow down the essential questions on the given topic to answer within the given time. Consider the sample Cue Card below. Study the types of questions that have been formulated based on the cue card and how to go about with your response:

Describe a useful website you have visited.

You may say

  • What is the website?
  • About the website.
  • Why it is useful for me?

Sample Answer 1

I use different websites for various purposes. But, mostly, I am curious about the website Google. It is one of the most exciting and impactful search engines I have ever seen.

Google is the most popular website, and it helps reduce our thinking and mental strain. It has lots of features that make our everyday life comfortable. We can watch lots of videos, and images, read multifarious articles, and newspapers, and learn about diverse things. If one searches any information link, it gives details about various other websites related to it. The information and sources are very relevant and up to the mark. There is no copyright issue on these websites. We can find every kind of information just by searching effortlessly and making people’s lives easier. Google has lots of new features that are very interesting to learn. This website is used by people worldwide as it provides accurate data with easy readability and perfection. It fetches correct information with links and sublinks. This website is more organized with new functionality, security, and privacy. Additionally, we can store our data with complete trust in this website.

When I was in class 3, I started using Google, which helped me research miscellaneous topics not present in the book. Even now, I need Google as support at every moment in my life. It has made reference work easy for me. Moreover, this search portal is the best website for storybooks, magazines, academic books, and comics, etc.

Sample Answer 2

The technology and the advancements in digitization have surely brought plenty of revolutions. Today, you can easily find an array of websites serving varying purposes. However, if I had to name one useful site that I often visit, it would be YouTube.

With its significant establishment across the world, almost everybody is familiar with the fact that YouTube is a video-sharing website. Generally, users upload their videos on this platform and reach a wider set of audience. Right from well-established companies to newbie individuals, everybody and anybody can upload a video on this channel. Also, there are no restrictions in terms of the types of videos to be posted either. Every 24 hours, 30 million users log on to the YouTube site. Also, in a single day, people watch 1 billion hours of content each day. After its inception back in 2005, YouTube was purchased by Google in 2006 for a whopping amount of $1.50 billion.

One of the reasons behind this site is useful for everybody is because it features a huge amount of content. Whether you want answers to complex questions or learn a new skill, with YouTube, you can do wonders. Moreover, if you are a creator, you can upload videos on YouTube and earn a significant amount each month.

Sample Answer 3

The complications of languages have always enticed me. As a result, I have tried to learn as many languages as possible, though I have been mostly unsuccessful due to limited scope until recently. Seeing me so eager to learn, one of my friends suggested I look into Duolingo, a website specialized in teaching the most popular foreign languages.

Since I got to know about this website, I have spent most of my leisure on this website. Although there are set daily goals for each language, I am learning more than one language simultaneously. There are advanced courses as well as courses designed for beginners like me in more than 25 languages. Each word has recorded pronunciations and corresponding pictures, making learning very convenient. There are ten levels of tests that are also easy to understand and the goals based on various common topics are efficiently completed. I have learned quite a bit of Spanish, German, and Arabic by now. 

As mentioned earlier, I am a language enthusiast, and this website has been of great help to me. Now, there is an application for the same, but I prefer to work on the website. After a long time, I have got the opportunity to tick off some of my wishes from the list due to this website. What is more encouraging is that I can learn from any place, at any time, by just signing up. Apart from that, there are paid courses as well if one is interested. There is no inconvenience of attending physical classes, fees, travel, etc.

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30 + Difficult IELTS Cue Card Topics with Answer pdf

Ruben Smith

Ruben Smith

Ruben is a specialist and enthusiast in Linguistics. He speaks French, Spanish and German apart from English. He is a pronunciation expert and has even co-authored some books on the same. In the course of his research, he found the English language gap in non-native speakers. That’s when he decided to train students in English. He joined IELTSMaterial a few years ago and has written over 100+ articles. His articles are written in simple language but with strong attention to detail. His ideas are original and easy to understand. He has also researched on many tips that could help students score a band 9 with ease. These tips can be found across the website.

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Subscriber only, sponsored content | best essay writing services: review and comparison of top-rated websites.

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Reputable service, one of the best sites on the market;

All content is written from scratch by professionals;

No need to provide a lot of personal information, you can stay anonymous;

Reasonable price, great value for money.

Even though all papers that PaperHelp delivers are plagiarism-free, a plagiarism report costs extra;

Urgent orders with short deadlines (3-6 hours) can get expensive.

I’ve used PaperHelp a few times when I’ve been swamped with schoolwork and deadlines were creeping up. It’s a solid option if you’re looking for reliable essay writing services. They offer original content and make sure your papers are free from plagiarism, which is crucial for scoring well.

Their system is straightforward. You don’t need to contact customer support to place an order. You simply choose from three levels of professional essay writers — Basic, Advanced, or TOP — depending on your needs and budget. The starting price is $10 per page, and they can deliver within a minimum of three hours. However, adding extra features can increase the cost significantly, so it’s wise to consider whether you really need those extras.

PaperHelp’s policies are a big plus. They have a money-back guarantee, and you can ask for revisions and proofreading to refine your paper. This has been helpful in ensuring the final product meets my expectations.

One downside is that you have to create an account to make a purchase. It seems unnecessary and a bit annoying, especially since this is common with many online essay writing services — they end up sending you endless promotions.

Despite this, I found the quality of their work to be consistently high. It’s important to double-check and spell-check the work you receive, though, as errors can sometimes slip through.

Overall, PaperHelp is a dependable choice. It won’t replace studying or writing your own papers, but it’s a great help when you’re in a bind. If you’re browsing through Reddit for recommendations, you’ll likely come across positive reviews about them, and from my experience, they’re well-deserved.

2.  BBQPapers  — Best for Complex Assignments

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BBQPapers is all about the quality. The company prides itself in writing college papers with professional paper writers that deliver best results on the market;

The company never misses deadlines, you can be sure to receive your order on time, just when you need it;

Free revisions are available 10 days after delivery.

There’s no quick price calculator to get an order estimate, you have to sign up to get the final price;

BBQPapers is somewhat more expensive than most professional essay writing services on this list.

I’ve had my share of experiences with essay writing services, and BBQPapers stands out when it comes to handling complex assignments. They have a team ready to take on papers of any difficulty, and you can even order presentations. Their support is available around the clock, ensuring that you get the best possible grades.

Their prices are pretty reasonable too. High school papers start at $5.85 per 100 words, college papers at $6.77, and PhD-level work begins at $10.64. Every order promises original, plagiarism-free content, thoroughly researched and well-cited, plus you get a free plagiarism report.

Quality control is tight, and each paper is reviewed by a trained editor to ensure error-free results. So, quality isn’t something you’ll need to worry about with them.

Now, understanding their pricing is straightforward. It depends on the academic level, urgency, and length of your paper. Simpler and less urgent tasks cost less, while detailed and urgent ones will naturally cost more. Unlike other essay writing websites that charge by the page, BBQPapers charges by every 100 words, which can make them more expensive. However, they justify their prices with the quality of professional college essay writers they hire.

In summary, while they might be pricier, the quality and service at BBQPapers are top-notch, and they’ve earned a loyal following for it.

3.  SpeedyPaper  — Best Research Paper Writing Service

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Good quality, finding a professional essay writer is a matter of minutes, even if your subject is quite peculiar;

There’s no need to pay for a plagiarism report, it is free;

Lots of positive reviews on Reddit.

Finding an ENL essay writer can be quite hard, because SpeedyPaper mostly works with ESL essay writers.

I’ve had some experience with SpeedyPaper, a well-known online essay writing service. They’re pretty good at what they do, focusing on quick turnarounds and maintaining quality. Their services are broad, covering everything from essay writing and proofreading to solving complex problems and even crafting dissertations.

Their pricing is straightforward: starting at $9 for a basic 275-word piece, it can climb to $99 for an urgent six-hour deadline task. For example, a three-page research paper needed in six hours costs $96, but if you give them 24 hours, the price drops to $75.

SpeedyPaper also offers free essay samples on a variety of subjects like Law, Psychology, and Finance, which is a real lifesaver if you’re trying to write a paper on your own and have some time to spare.

The general consensus online seems to agree that SpeedyPaper is reliable and steady—qualities you want in a professional paper writing service that handles your academic needs. They don’t try to dazzle with flashy gimmicks, they just consistently deliver solid work.

From my interactions, the importance of clear communication is clear. When you place an order, you’ll work directly with a writer. It’s crucial to give them all the details up front to ensure the final product meets your expectations. This can really smooth out the whole process.

And while there are loads of glowing reviews on their main page, take it with a grain of salt—no essay writing service online can please everyone, and it’s normal for there to be a mix of opinions.

But if you need a reliable service without over-the-top pricing, SpeedyPaper might just do the trick. They seem to manage well by hiring competent and experienced writers in regions where the cost of living is lower, benefiting everyone involved.

4.  EssayPro  — Best College Paper Writing Service

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Good quality, great value for money;

Unlike other sites on this list, EssayPro allows you to choose the best essay writer yourself by browsing through dozens of writers’ profiles;

Direct communication with the chosen professional;

Free essay originality report available.

Finding an online essay writer for your task can be a time-consuming process.

I recently used EssayPro, an essay writing service that really stands out because of its commitment to quality and originality in everything from college essays to academic research. It’s a great help for students who need support with writing, rewriting, editing, or proofreading their assignments.

EssayPro is a cheap essay writing service that serves students across all academic levels, as well as professionals looking for quick, reliable results. Their team includes specialized professionals with diverse expertise, ensuring that every paper is expertly handled.

You can pick your own essay writer, chat directly with them, and place orders at reasonable prices. They promise a stress-free process with top-notch customer support and deliver quality work fast—sometimes in as little as six hours.

Additionally, EssayPro offers a range of services like case studies, dissertations, and business plans, among others. They provide unique perks like a free originality report, guaranteed anonymity, 24/7 support, and unlimited revisions.

From my experience, what really sets them apart is their transparent approach. You can view detailed profiles of their essay writers online and choose who you want to work with based on a flexible bidding system. This flexibility extends to their pricing, making it easier to work within your budget—unless you’re after the most sought-after professional essay writers, as their fees can go up with demand.

If you’re good at academic writing and looking for freelance opportunities, EssayPro might be worth considering. They manage to keep their rates competitive by handling a large volume of work.

The design of the website is clear and easy to navigate, with a pleasing aesthetic and a straightforward interface. It’s definitely a reliable choice for anyone needing academic writing help.

5.  ExpertWriting  — Best for Discounts and Bonuses

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Reasonable price, good quality;

Great discounts for regular customers, good choice for resellers.

The company doesn’t clearly communicate the fact that some disciplines can cost more than others;

Customer service couldn’t be more responsive.

I’ve used ExpertWriting for various academic assignments, and I’ve found it to be a reliable service. This platform offers a variety of academic writing services, including essay writing, research papers, term papers, and coursework, as well as editing and proofreading to improve your essays.

The process is straightforward. You submit your assignment details, and they quote a rate. If you agree, you gain access to their pool of essay writers and editors who can assist with your writing needs. You’ll receive your completed work by the deadline you set.

ExpertWriting is known for being affordable, which is great for students on a budget. They are often recommended on platforms like Reddit as a cost-effective option without compromising on quality. They also offer discounts for bulk orders, which can help save even more.

I’d particularly recommend ExpertWriting if you’re pressed for time. We’ve all been there—needing to complete a solid piece of academic work in a rush. While their prices go up for tighter deadlines, they manage them well. For example, they can deliver work in as little as three hours, though for more complex papers, more time will naturally be required.

However, it’s wise not to expect miracles for extremely short deadlines, especially for lengthy papers. For a more realistic turnaround, an eight-hour deadline is doable for them without sacrificing the quality too much.

Pricing on ExpertWriting is reasonable. For a less urgent two-week deadline, you’ll pay around $11 per page, which can increase depending on the urgency, academic level, and length of your paper. This is pretty standard across most professional writing services.

Lastly, they don’t just handle essays. You can get help with almost any type of academic writing, including research proposals, creative writing assignments, cover letters, and literature reviews. It’s a versatile platform that can meet various academic needs.

6.  ExtraEssay  — Best Customer Service

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Affordable prices and good quality;

Free, unlimited revisions for 10 days after order delivery;

Exceptional customer service, the customer support team is always ready to help anytime.

Sometimes ExtraEssay fails to meet customers’ deadlines.

I’ve been turning to ExtraEssay for my academic writing needs for a couple of years now, and they’ve been a reliable resource ever since they started up about seven years ago. Their focus is clear—they prioritize attention to detail, reliability, and professionalism.

They offer a broad spectrum of about 20 services, primarily catering to students. You can get anything from basic essays to more specialized documents like resumes and cover letters, all tailored to meet your needs.

What really sets ExtraEssay apart for me is their competitive pricing. It’s rare to find such affordable rates without compromising on quality. The essays and support you receive are absolutely top-tier. Speaking of support, their customer service is remarkable. I’ve had several interactions with their team, and each time they were exceptionally helpful and knowledgeable.

Navigating their website is a breeze too. The homepage is packed with useful information, making it easy for anyone to understand their offerings right off the bat. From a handy price calculator to detailed descriptions of the ordering process, everything is laid out to ensure a smooth user experience.

They don’t just cater to experienced users, and newcomers will find themselves comfortably making their way through the site. They’ve also detailed essential features like free revisions and continuous customer support, which have been lifesavers for me on more than one occasion.

With thousands of clients each year and an 85% return rate, it’s clear they’re doing something right. Their commitment to their customers really shows through in every aspect of their service.

7.  GradeMinders  — Best for Quick Turnaround

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Reputable company, solid and consistent quality;

The fastest college essay service on the market (1-hour turnaround time available);

Finding a writer during crunch season might be time-consuming.

GradeMiners is more expensive than most essay writing sites in the industry.

I’ve been using GradeMiners for a while now, and I have to say, they offer a solid service at a fair price. A high school essay runs about $16 per page, and a college paper is $18 per page. They offer a wide array of professional academic writing services beyond just essays; you can get help with everything from presentations and book reviews to lab reports and dissertations.

The process is straightforward: you go to their website, pick your subject, set your deadline, and the professional writers take it from there. They assure that your paper will be completely original and plagiarism-free, which is crucial.

One of the standout features is their speedy delivery. If you’re pressed for time, you can get a college paper done within an hour—as long as it’s not too long. This frees you up to concentrate on other things that might need more of your attention or are more appealing to you.

8. EssayTerritory — Best New Essay Writing Company

essay on useful website

Good quality, fair price;

Great loyalty program, good choice for students who are looking to use this site regularly;

Exceptional customer service.

No sample essays available;

Plagiarism report doesn’t come for free;

Expensive extras.

I recently tried out EssayTerritory, a new but promising college paper writing service. It was easy to find an essay writer that matched my specific needs, and the platform has a roster of over 800 active paper writers. They’ve already completed more than 1300 orders, which is impressive for a newcomer.

What stands out most about EssayTerritory is their 98% satisfaction rate. It seems they really know how to please their customers, as about 85% of users return for more academic papers. They offer a plagiarism-free guarantee like many top essay writing services, and they’ll give you a full refund if they miss your deadline or if your work contains plagiarism.

You can order various assignments from them—essays, research papers, case studies, term papers, dissertations, and even help with presentations or speeches if that’s what you need. They also provide proofreading and editing services.

Privacy and confidentiality are top priorities for them. They ensure that every “write my essay” request is kept anonymous and your personal details are secure. They have robust measures in place to prevent any data leaks. This level of security gave me a lot of confidence in using their essay writer service.

FAQs About Best Paper Writing Services

Should i trust essay writing service reviews.

Trusting essay writing service reviews can be tricky. Unfortunately, some companies that offer a custom essay writing service also operate fake review sites to maintain a positive online reputation. This means you need to be cautious about where you look for reviews.

For more reliable information, it’s better to use independent review platforms like SiteJabber and Reviews.io. These sites are generally more trustworthy because they’re not directly affiliated with any essay writing services.

However, even with these platforms, it’s wise to approach reviews with a critical eye. Some dedicated essay writing review sites might have biases or hidden motives, so take their recommendations with skepticism and always cross-reference multiple sources if possible.

How long does it take to have my essay written for me?

Essay writers generally focus on producing high-quality work, and the time it takes to write an essay largely depends on its length. For a standard 275-word essay, the average turnaround is about 3 hours. Most essay writing services strive to meet these deadlines consistently.

If you’re in a rush and your deadline is just a few hours away, you can opt for a premium service. This usually involves having several top-rated writers collaborate to deliver your essay in about half the standard time.

It’s worth noting that the best college paper writing services might experience delays during peak times when demand is high. Typically, they recommend giving writers at least six hours to complete an essay. If you’re willing to pay extra, your order can be prioritized to ensure a faster delivery.

For more complex assignments like thesis papers or extensive research projects, the process can take up to five days. Writers often submit a partial draft by the second day for client feedback, allowing any revisions to be included in the final submission by day five.

Will my essay be written by a professional essay writer?

Picking a reliable essay writing website is crucial for ensuring the safety, confidentiality, and quality of the service.

When hiring writers, most companies put them through a rigorous vetting process. They typically require that writers have native or near-native proficiency in the language they’ll be writing in, along with a relevant degree from an accredited university.

Once hired, these writers undergo further training on the platform to polish their linguistic and formatting skills. They only start working on actual assignments once their writing meets the company’s professional standards.

The best writing services take extra steps to maintain high-quality standards. For example, every piece of work is checked by a moderator before it goes to the client. Writers are also provided with ongoing opportunities to enhance their skills within the company’s supportive environment.

The person who is labeled as a premium paper writer often has more experience and higher qualifications, like a Ph.D., and at least two years of writing experience. While their services cost a bit more, the quality they deliver usually makes the investment worthwhile.

Is using a paper writing service confidential and safe?

The internet is a vast resource where people often share their knowledge, which is a huge help, especially for college students working on their homework. It’s also completely legal and secure to purchase essays and custom papers online if you need them. However, it’s crucial to choose a reputable provider to avoid issues like plagiarism or low-quality work, which could waste your time, money, and effort.

I’ve found that doing your homework on these services is essential. Make sure to look at the company’s refund policy in case you’re not satisfied with their work, and confirm that they’ll keep your school’s name confidential. It’s also a good idea to check reviews of their past work to see if it’s well-written and structurally sound.

From my experience, as long as you do this research beforehand, buying essays online can be a safe option that keeps your details private. Just be vigilant to avoid scams.

What if I’m not satisfied with my paper?

Most top-rated essay writing companies strive to deliver excellent quality, because they want their customers to come back. They have skilled writers who are well-versed in various academic tasks, including essays, lab reports, and research papers. They work hard to produce top-quality work.

If there are any issues with the finished product, these services usually offer free revisions until you’re satisfied with the quality. Client satisfaction is a high priority for these companies, driven by stiff market competition. The goal is to deliver a flawless paper that helps you achieve a high grade.

What are the main drawbacks of using essay writing services?

For many students, using essay writing services is considered a luxury, primarily because the reputable ones that offer great reviews, unlimited revisions, and maintain confidentiality tend to be more expensive. Opting for cheap essay writing services often means risking quality and reliability, especially when it comes to meeting deadlines.

Plagiarism is another serious issue. Both intentional and unintentional plagiarism can occur, particularly with services that don’t carefully vet their writers. Sometimes, clients don’t discover the plagiarism until it’s too late to rewrite the paper and meet their deadline.

Moreover, if an essay writing company lacks a quality control team, the work submitted by writers might be subpar, filled with typos and grammatical errors. Some writers might also resist feedback, making it hard to get the necessary revisions to ensure the essay meets your standards.

Who will write my work and what determines the price?

Your assignment will be handled by writers with diverse backgrounds. Some are full-time professionals dedicated solely to writing, while others are former academics who’ve embraced the flexibility of working from home. There are also those who write as a side job.

Regarding pricing, we’ve discussed the main factors in our article: the length of the assignment, its complexity, and the deadline. Another element influencing cost is the location of the company. Businesses based in regions like Eastern Europe, North Africa, and Central Asia often have lower rates because the cost of living is lower there, making the dollar stretch further.

Comparison of the Top Paper Writing Services

#1. paperhelp 🏅.

Academic papers written from scratch by writers with Ph.D. and Master’s degrees;

No need to provide any personal information;

Reasonable price, great quality, plagiarism-free papers.

#2. BBQPapers 🥈

Premium quality, best writers in the industry;

On-time delivery guarantee, even on rush orders;

Free revisions.

#3. EssayPro 🥉

Good quality at a reasonable price (ENL writers);

Free plagiarism report;

Good reputation.

Best Essay Services: Conclusion

Working with a professional essay writing service is important not only for the quality of the work you’ll receive but also for the security of your personal details. Many students turn to these services when they’re pressed for time and need to complete their academic tasks—there’s nothing wrong with this approach.

Today, numerous legitimate essay writing services uphold high standards of academic integrity and deliver plagiarism-free papers. These paper writing websites are generally affordable for most students, although there are some exceptions.

Before placing an order, it’s important to do your homework. Check the company’s reviews, find out if it offers a refund policy, and look into its track record on past projects. A reliable service will prioritize your confidentiality, which is a vital consideration.

The news and editorial staff of the Santa Cruz Sentinel had no role in this post’s preparation. This is a paid advertisement and does not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Santa Cruz Sentinel, its employees, or subsidiaries.

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How to use Meta’s new AI chatbot that you can’t avoid

Facebook, instagram, messenger and whatsapp are all pushing a new ai chatbot.

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With seemingly fewer friends posting to their main Facebook and Instagram feeds, Meta has introduced a new feature its users can talk to: an AI chatbot.

The feature, named Meta AI, is rolling out to the company’s main apps including Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp. It’s primarily a conversational chat window where you can ask questions and generate AI images, similar to other AI chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Microsoft’s Co-Pilot and Google’s Gemini.

Despite over a year of artificial intelligence being everywhere, this could be many people’s first interaction with the technology. Meta has billions of users across its apps, and anyone who has managed to avoid the bots so far will find this one nearly impossible to escape.

Should you trust that AI?

Why is this ai chatbot here.

Facebook and Instagram users probably weren’t banging down Mark Zuckerberg’s door demanding an AI chatbot, so why is this feature suddenly everywhere? The technology is still new and its utility debatable. However, the major tech companies have decided that, like voice assistants and scrollable vertical videos before it, AI is the next big thing. Now they are competing to push out their versions. Facebook and Instagram used to rely on users’ friends, family and communities to keep their attention. Now, as these platforms are aging, the companies may hope a chatty bot can replace some of the human interaction.

How do I find it?

The chatbot is integrated in search and messaging features across Meta’s apps, and may appear in your feed under some posts as well. If you don’t see the AI features it yet, check back later. Its presence is marked with its logo: a thin ring that’s mostly blue and occasionally animated. The AI tool can also be accessed online on the stand-alone website meta.ai . It is not included in the company’s app for children, Messenger Kids.

On Facebook, tap the search icon on top and you’ll find that the usual search bar has been replaced with one that says, “Ask Meta AI anything.” As you start typing, it will auto-suggest searches. Anything with the blue circle next to it is going to bring up the AI chat window. You can also tap the messages icon and engage with Meta AI as if it’s another pal to talk to. If you see it under a post in your feed, it will suggest questions to ask related to the content you see.

In Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp, you’ll also find Meta AI has taken over the search bars and appears as another chat. If your accounts are connected to each other, the Meta AI conversation should pick up where you left off, regardless of what app you’re in.

How do I turn it off?

There’s no way to get rid of Meta AI in search, confirmed Meta. In WhatsApp, there is an option to hide the new Meta AI button by going to Settings → Chats → Show Meta AI Button. However, it’s still in the search bar. Other apps have an option to mute its replies. I asked the AI chatbot how to turn it off and got multiple incorrect answers with instructions that did not work and for settings that don’t exist.

You can delete a chat with Meta AI to remove it from recent conversations in the same way you would any other chat. Swipe left on the chat and select Delete in Instagram, More → Delete on Facebook and Messenger, and More → Delete Chat on WhatsApp.

How do I get started?

Start typing full sentences or random words in any of the apps’ search bars or in the conversations with Meta AI. If this is your first time using an AI chatbot, you can begin by asking simple questions and even for a list of ways to use it.

I did the first things any normal person does when testing an AI tool. I asked it to be my pretend boyfriend, told it to generate images of ducks writing breakup letters and tried to push its boundaries. I discovered it avoids partaking in overtly sexual conversations or generating photos of the Pope (entirely unrelated questions). As with all artificial intelligence, there are creative ways to get around its filters.

Meta AI includes options for shortcuts. Type a forward slash and command, like /joke:, /imagine: or /story: and type your description after. However, these aren’t really necessary since you can make the same requests in a conversational way, such as “tell me a story about depressed hamster who ran for mayor.”

What should I use it for?

An AI chatbot is like having an enthusiastic but unreliable friend. You can ask it almost anything — but never assume it’s telling the truth. With that in mind, use Meta AI for fun and for noncritical tasks. Ask random questions like you would with Google, start conversations to feel less alone and use it to brainstorm.

Meta AI can also generate images, though in our tests they have the typical flaws associated with artificial intelligence. Most share the hyper-realistic lighting that AI images are known for, fumble details like fingers and eyes, and frequently give women exposed, ample cleavage.

There are plenty of other things you can try. Ask Meta AI to animate images, request a summary of the day’s news or ask it to take on the personality of a specific character when speaking to you. Because it’s integrated with Meta’s other products, you can use it to search things like “Reels of people learning to roller skate.”

To get the best results and avoid bland responses, ask follow-up questions and give as many details as possible. For a list of starter ideas, check out Tech Friend Shira Ovide’s recommendations of useful things to ask a chatbot .

What should I not use it for?

Don’t use AI as an authority for anything of consequence. For example, don’t rely on a chatbot for medical advice or as a source for school or work. Ethically, you shouldn’t use it to write papers for school, though Meta AI is happy to spit out wooden essays on demand.

Experts warn there is a danger of misinformation from tools like Meta’s chatbot. To steer clear, avoid using it as a go-to for anything sensitive or political. Turn to human sources instead like reporters, experts, even Wikipedia and Reddit, before artificial intelligence. For more advice on avoiding misinformation, check out our guide.

How is it different from other AI bots?

For the basics, Meta AI appears to spit out the same generic answers as its competitors. I asked five different chatbots about the best taqueria in San Francisco, a vegetarian meal plan, if God exists and how to know if a polycule is right for you. For the most part, they all gave incredibly similar, mundane but neutral answers with the exception of Microsoft’s Co-pilot, which does not enjoy shenanigans.

Is it keeping my information?

Use the same precautions typing questions and thoughts into an AI chatbot as you would a Google search. Meta does save the conversations but to protect privacy, the data is anonymized, meaning it’s not connected to your name or identity. While this is standard for technology companies, experts say it’s possible to re-identify people using additional data points. If you want to delete a chat, you can use the shortcut “/reset-ai” and Meta claims it will remove the conversation from its servers.

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Guest Essay

Liz Cheney: The Supreme Court Should Rule Swiftly on Trump’s Immunity Claim

A black-and-white photo of the U.S. Supreme Court building, with trees in the foreground.

By Liz Cheney

Ms. Cheney, a Republican, is a former U.S. representative from Wyoming and was vice chairwoman of the Jan. 6 select committee in the House of Representatives.

On Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear Donald Trump’s arguments that he is immune from prosecution for his efforts to steal the 2020 presidential election. It is likely that all — or nearly all — of the justices will agree that a former president who attempted to seize power and remain in office illegally can be prosecuted. I suspect that some justices may also wish to clarify whether doctrines of presidential immunity might apply in other contexts — for example, to a president’s actions as commander in chief during a time of war. But the justices should also recognize the profoundly negative impact they may have if the court does not resolve these issues quickly and decisively.

If delay prevents this Trump case from being tried this year, the public may never hear critical and historic evidence developed before the grand jury, and our system may never hold the man most responsible for Jan. 6 to account.

The Jan. 6 House select committee’s hearings and final report in 2022 relied on testimony given by dozens of Republicans — including many who worked closely with Mr. Trump in the White House, in his Justice Department and on his 2020 presidential campaign. The special counsel Jack Smith’s election-related indictment of Mr. Trump relies on many of the same firsthand witnesses. Although the special counsel reached a number of the same conclusions as the select committee, the indictment is predicated on a separate and independent investigation. Evidence was developed and presented to a grand jury sitting in Washington, D.C.

The indictment and public reporting suggest that the special counsel was able to obtain key evidence our committee did not have. For example, it appears that the grand jury received evidence from witnesses such as Mark Meadows, a former Trump chief of staff, and Dan Scavino, a former Trump aide, both of whom refused to testify in our investigation. Public reporting also suggests that members of Mr. Trump’s Office of White House Counsel and other White House aides testified in full, without any limitations based on executive privilege, as did Vice President Mike Pence and his counsel.

The special counsel’s indictment lays out Mr. Trump’s detailed plan to overturn the 2020 election, including the corrupt use of fraudulent slates of electors in several states. According to the indictment, senior advisers in the White House, Justice Department and elsewhere repeatedly warned that Mr. Trump’s claims of election fraud were false and that his plans for Jan. 6 were illegal. Mr. Trump chose to ignore those warnings. (Remember what the White House lawyer Eric Herschmann told Mr. Trump’s alleged co-conspirator John Eastman on Jan. 7, 2021: “Get a great f’ing criminal defense lawyer. You’re gonna need it.”) There is little doubt that Mr. Trump’s closest advisers also gave the federal grand jury minute-to-minute accounts of his malicious conduct on Jan. 6, describing how they repeatedly begged the president to instruct the violent rioters to leave our Capitol and how Mr. Trump refused for several hours to do so as he watched the attack on television. This historic testimony about a former president’s conduct is likely to remain secret until the special counsel presents his case at trial.

As a criminal defendant, Mr. Trump has long had access to federal grand jury material relating to his Jan. 6 indictment and to all the testimony obtained by our select committee. He knows what all these witnesses have said under oath and understands the risks he faces at trial. That’s why he is doing everything possible to try to delay his Jan. 6 federal criminal trial until after the November election. If the trial is delayed past this fall and Mr. Trump wins re-election, he will surely fire the special counsel, order his Justice Department to drop all Jan. 6 cases and try to prevent key grand jury testimony from ever seeing the light of day.

I know how Mr. Trump’s delay tactics work. Our committee had to spend months litigating his privilege claims (in Trump v. Thompson) before we could gain access to White House records. Court records and public reporting suggest that the special counsel also invested considerable time defeating Mr. Trump’s claims of executive privilege, which were aimed at preventing key evidence from reaching the grand jury. All of this evidence should be presented in open court, so that the public can fully assess what Mr. Trump did on Jan. 6 and what a man capable of that type of depravity could do if again handed the awesome power of the presidency.

Early this year, a federal appeals court took less than a month after oral argument to issue its lengthy opinion on immunity. History shows that the Supreme Court can act just as quickly , when necessary. And the court should fashion its decision in a way that does not lead to further time-consuming appeals on presidential immunity. It cannot be that a president of the United States can attempt to steal an election and seize power but our justice system is incapable of bringing him to trial before the next election four years later.

Mr. Trump believes he can threaten and intimidate judges and their families , assert baseless legal defenses and thereby avoid accountability altogether. Through this conduct, he seeks to break our institutions. If Mr. Trump’s tactics prevent his Jan. 6 trial from proceeding in the ordinary course, he will also have succeeded in concealing critical evidence from the American people — evidence demonstrating his disregard for the rule of law, his cruelty on Jan. 6 and the deep flaws in character that make him unfit to serve as president. The Supreme Court should understand this reality and conclude without delay that no immunity applies here.

Liz Cheney, a Republican, is a former U.S. representative from Wyoming and was vice chairwoman of the Jan. 6 select committee in the House of Representatives.

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