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How money changes the way you think and feel, research is uncovering how wealth impacts our sense of morality, our relationships with others, and our mental health..

The term “affluenza”—a portmanteau of affluence and influenza, defined as a “painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety, and waste, resulting from the dogged pursuit of more”—is often dismissed as a silly buzzword created to express our cultural disdain for consumerism. Though often used in jest, the term may contain more truth than many of us would like to think.

Whether affluenza is real or imagined, money really does change everything, as the song goes—and those of high social class do tend to see themselves much differently than others. Wealth (and the pursuit of it) has been linked with immoral behavior—and not just in movies like The Wolf of Wall Street .

Psychologists who study the impact of wealth and inequality on human behavior have found that money can powerfully influence our thoughts and actions in ways that we’re often not aware of, no matter our economic circumstances. Although wealth is certainly subjective, most of the current research measures wealth on scales of income, job status, or socioeconomic circumstances, like educational attainment and intergenerational wealth.

essay about money and health

Here are seven things you should know about the psychology of money and wealth.

More money, less empathy?

Several studies have shown that wealth may be at odds with empathy and compassion . Research published in the journal Psychological Science found that people of lower economic status were better at reading others’ facial expressions —an important marker of empathy—than wealthier people.

“A lot of what we see is a baseline orientation for the lower class to be more empathetic and the upper class to be less [so],” study co-author Michael Kraus told Time . “Lower-class environments are much different from upper-class environments. Lower-class individuals have to respond chronically to a number of vulnerabilities and social threats. You really need to depend on others so they will tell you if a social threat or opportunity is coming, and that makes you more perceptive of emotions.”

While a lack of resources fosters greater emotional intelligence, having more resources can cause bad behavior in its own right. UC Berkeley research found that even fake money could make people behave with less regard for others. Researchers observed that when two students played Monopoly, one having been given a great deal more Monopoly money than the other, the wealthier player expressed initial discomfort, but then went on to act aggressively, taking up more space and moving his pieces more loudly, and even taunting the player with less money.

Wealth can cloud moral judgment

It is no surprise in this post-2008 world to learn that wealth may cause a sense of moral entitlement. A UC Berkeley study found that in San Francisco—where the law requires that cars stop at crosswalks for pedestrians to pass—drivers of luxury cars were four times less likely than those in less expensive vehicles to stop and allow pedestrians the right of way. They were also more likely to cut off other drivers.

Another study suggested that merely thinking about money could lead to unethical behavior. Researchers from Harvard and the University of Utah found that study participants were more likely to lie or behave immorally after being exposed to money-related words.

“Even if we are well-intentioned, even if we think we know right from wrong, there may be factors influencing our decisions and behaviors that we’re not aware of,” University of Utah associate management professor Kristin Smith-Crowe, one of the study’s co-authors, told MarketWatch .

Wealth has been linked with addiction

While money itself doesn’t cause addiction or substance abuse, wealth has been linked with a higher susceptibility to addiction problems. A number of studies have found that affluent children are more vulnerable to substance abuse issues , potentially because of high pressure to achieve and isolation from parents. Studies also found that kids who come from wealthy parents aren’t necessarily exempt from adjustment problems—in fact, research found that on several measures of maladjustment, high school students of high socioeconomic status received higher scores than inner-city students. Researchers found that these children may be more likely to internalize problems, which has been linked with substance abuse.

But it’s not just adolescents: Even in adulthood, the rich outdrink the poor by more than 27 percent.

Money itself can become addictive

The pursuit of wealth itself can also become a compulsive behavior. As psychologist Dr. Tian Dayton explained, a compulsive need to acquire money is often considered part of a class of behaviors known as process addictions, or “behavioral addictions,” which are distinct from substance abuse.

These days, the idea of process addictions is widely accepted. Process addictions are addictions that involve a compulsive and/or an out-of-control relationship with certain behaviors such as gambling, sex, eating, and, yes, even money.…There is a change in brain chemistry with a process addiction that’s similar to the mood-altering effects of alcohol or drugs. With process addictions, engaging in a certain activity—say viewing pornography, compulsive eating, or an obsessive relationship with money—can kickstart the release of brain/body chemicals, like dopamine, that actually produce a “high” that’s similar to the chemical high of a drug. The person who is addicted to some form of behavior has learned, albeit unconsciously, to manipulate his own brain chemistry.

While a process addiction is not a chemical addiction, it does involve compulsive behavior —in this case, an addiction to the good feeling that comes from receiving money or possessions—which can ultimately lead to negative consequences and harm the individual’s well-being. Addiction to spending money—sometimes known as shopaholism —is another, more common type of money-associated process addiction.

Wealthy children may be more troubled

Children growing up in wealthy families may seem to have it all, but having it all may come at a high cost. Wealthier children tend to be more distressed than lower-income kids, and are at high risk for anxiety, depression, substance abuse, eating disorders, cheating, and stealing. Research has also found high instances of binge-drinking and marijuana use among the children of high-income, two-parent, white families.

“In upwardly mobile communities, children are often pressed to excel at multiple academic and extracurricular pursuits to maximize their long-term academic prospects—a phenomenon that may well engender high stress,” writes psychologist Suniya Luthar in “The Culture Of Affluence.” “At an emotional level, similarly, isolation may often derive from the erosion of family time together because of the demands of affluent parents’ career obligations and the children’s many after-school activities.”

We tend to perceive the wealthy as “evil”

On the other side of the spectrum, lower-income individuals are likely to judge and stereotype those who are wealthier than themselves, often judging the wealthy as being “cold.” (Of course, it is also true that the poor struggle with their own set of societal stereotypes.)

Rich people tend to be a source of envy and distrust, so much so that we may even take pleasure in their struggles, according to Scientific American . University of Pennsylvania research demonstrated that most people tend to link perceived profits with perceived social harm. When participants were asked to assess various companies and industries (some real, some hypothetical), both liberals and conservatives ranked institutions perceived to have higher profits with greater evil and wrongdoing across the board, independent of the company or industry’s actions in reality.

Money can’t buy happiness (or love)

We tend to seek money and power in our pursuit of success (and who doesn’t want to be successful, after all?), but it may be getting in the way of the things that really matter: happiness and love.

More on Inequality

Read Jason Marsh's award-winning story on how inequality hurts everyone's happiness .

Discover how inequality can make the wealthy less cooperative .

Find out why affluent people are more likely to break rules .

Explore whether the rich are really less generous .

There is no direct correlation between income and happiness. After a certain level of income that can take care of basic needs and relieve strain ( some say $50,000 a year , some say $75,000 ), wealth makes hardly any difference to overall well-being and happiness and, if anything, only harms well-being: Extremely affluent people actually suffer from higher rates of depression . Some data has suggested money itself doesn’t lead to dissatisfaction—instead, it’s the ceaseless striving for wealth and material possessions that may lead to unhappiness. Materialistic values have even been linked with lower relationship satisfaction .

But here’s something to be happy about: More Americans are beginning to look beyond money and status when it comes to defining success in life. According to a 2013 LifeTwist study , only around one-quarter of Americans still believe that wealth determines success.

This article originally appeared in the Huffington Post and Fulfillment Daily .

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Essays About Health: Top 5 Examples and 7 Prompts

Almost everyone would agree that health is the most important thing in life. Check out our guide on writing essays about health.

The concept of health is simple. It is the condition where you are well and free from disease or illness. When we are healthy, we are happier, more productive, and able to live a full life. There are many types of health, each helping us to survive and excel in different areas of our life, including physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health.

In the same ways, there are different ways to stay healthy, such as exercise, socialization, and self-care. These areas of health may not all be equally important, but each of them plays a vital role in making us the best versions of ourselves we can be. You might also find our medical words list helpful.


5 Top Essay Examples

1. essay on how to keep healthy by diwakar sharma, 2. what it’s like living with depression: a personal essay by nadine dirks, 3. the advantages of eating healthy food by lindsay boyers.

  • 4.  A Helping Hand: An Essay On The Importance Of Mental Health Parity by Sydney Waltner

5. ​​Stop Trying to be Happy: Improving Your Emotional Health by Jacquelynn Lyon

7 prompts for essays about health, 1. what is the most important type of health, 2. do television and video games negatively impact mental , 3. freedom and public health, 4. how can you live a healthier life, 5. what causes depression, 6. mental health and eating disorders, 7. is “spiritual health” really necessary.

“I think there is no use in earning money in such a way that denies our health. Money is not important than health as it cannot return health and fitness back once we are ill. Thus health is always preferred over money as good health keeps us happy and free from various health issues. If we are healthy we can earn whole life but can’t earn if the health gets deteriorated.”

Sharma discusses the importance of health and ways to stay healthy, including eating nutritious food, drinking water, keeping a good sleep schedule, and exercising. In addition, he notes that it is essential to prioritize your health; do not work too hard or chase money to the extent that it affects your health negatively. You can also check out these articles about cancer .

“I was pleasantly surprised when—after around three weeks—I started feeling results. My intense feeling of overwhelming sadness and hopelessness slowly started to lift and the fears I had about not feeling like myself dissipated. I had worried I would feel less like myself on fluoxetine, but instead for the first time, in a long time—I felt more like myself and able to function throughout the day. Receiving treatment and building healthy coping mechanisms has allowed me to continue to function, even when a depressive episode hits.”

Depression is one of the first things people think of concerning mental health. In her essay, Dirks reflects on her experiences with depression, recalling her feelings of hopelessness and sadness, putting her in a dull, lethargic mood. However, she got help by going to a doctor and starting medication and therapy. Dirks also lists down a few symptoms of depression, warning readers to get help if they are experiencing a number of them.

“A healthful diet is just as good for your brain as the rest of your body. Unhealthy foods are linked to a range of neurological problems. Certain nutrient deficiencies increasing the risk of depression. Other nutrients, like potassium, actually involved in brain cell function. A varied, healthful diet keeps your brain functioning properly, and it can promote good mental health as well.”

Boyers discusses some benefits of healthy eating, such as weight control, reduced risk of diabetes and cancer, and better brain function- an unhealthy diet is linked to neurological problems. She gives readers tips on what they should and should not eat in huge quantities, saying to avoid sugary foods and drinks while eating lean meat, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. You might also be interested in these essays about nursing and essays about obesity .

4.   A Helping Hand: An Essay On The Importance Of Mental Health Parity by Sydney Waltner

“For three years I was one of those people hiding my illness. I was quietly suffering from depression and an eating disorder. My whole day revolved around my eating disorder and hiding it from everyone. This caused a lot of sadness, anger, and loneliness. I not only hid it from others, but I also tried to hide it from myself. I tried to convince myself that nothing was wrong because I did not fully understand what was happening.  I did not know what was making me hurt myself and why I could not stop.”

Waltner writes her essay about the importance of mental health and how it can also affect one’s physical health. She recalls her experiences with hiding her depression and eating disorder; they led to her immense suffering, but her parents discovered her illness before it was too late. She is grateful for how her life is now and encourages others to break the stigma around mental health issues and speak up if something is wrong with them. 

“Beautiful people, smart people, funny people, leaders, lawyers, engineers, professional clowns, everyone you’ve ever looked up to — they have suffered in their lives, and probably will continue to suffer at some point.”

The obsession with making yourself happy will forever have you either not valuing the present or will lead to despair when you do find it — and it’s still not enough. This cycle of self-abuse, dissatisfaction, and emotional isolation can paralyze us, hinder our actions, and mar our self-perception.

Lyon reflects on something she discovered in her first year of college: that it’s fine if you’re not always happy. She says that society’s pressure for everyone to be positive and happy 100% of the time is detrimental to many people’s emotional and mental health. As a result, she gives readers tips on being happy in a “healthier” way: happiness should not be forced, and you should not constantly compare yourself to others. 

Essays About Health: What is the most important type of health?

There are many types of health, each playing an essential role in helping us live well. If you were to pick one, which do you believe is the most important? You can choose mental well-being, physical well-being, or spiritual well-being. Use your personal experiences in defending your choice; be sure to support your stance with sufficient details. 

For a strong argumentative essay, write about the correlation between “screen time” or video games and television with mental health. Are they that bad for people’s mental health? Perhaps they are good for the mental health of some people. Research this topic and support your response with credible sources- there is no wrong answer as long as it is well-defended. For an interesting piece, conduct interviews to gather information.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many argue that some freedoms must be given up for the greater good. These include mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and stay-at-home orders. Write about whether or not public health should be prioritized over “individual liberty” and why. If so, to what extent? Answer this question in your own words for a compelling argument.

Essays About Health: How can you live a healthier life?

Like many of our cited essay examples above, you can write your essay on how to stay healthy. Give your readers some mental, physical, or social guidelines for being healthier, and explain why they are important. You can even do a more well-rounded guide; give a few tips for each type of health if you wish. 

As stated previously, a prevalent health issue is depression, which can stem from various factors. Look into the different causes of depression and explain how they lead to depression. In this essay, you can share your research on social factors, economic factors, and health conditions that can make a person more susceptible to depression. As this is a medical-related topic, use credible sources for your research. 

Many believe there is a correlation between mental health and obesity, anorexia, and bulimia—research how mental health issues can cause these issues or vice versa, depending on what you find. In your essay, explain the link between mental health issues and eating disorders and how they can affect each other.

Essays About Health: Is “Spiritual Health” really necessary?

A type of health commonly listed is spiritual health, which many religious people value. Should it be classified as something different? Many believe the components of “spiritual health” already fall under mental, social, emotional, and social health, so there is no need to classify it as something different. Reflect on this issue and discuss your stance. 

For help with this topic, read our guide explaining “what is persuasive writing ?”

If you’re stuck picking an essay topic, check out our guide on how to write essays about depression .

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Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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Essay on Health is Wealth

Here we have shared the Essay on Health is Wealth in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Health is Wealth in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Health is Wealth in 150 words

Essay on health is wealth in 250-300 words, essay on health is wealth in 500-1000 words.

“Health is Wealth” emphasizes the significance of good health in our lives. It implies that health is the most valuable asset, enabling us to lead a fulfilling and prosperous life. Good health provides energy, vitality, and focus to pursue our goals and enjoy life fully. On the other hand, poor health can limit our potential and burden us financially. To maintain good health, we must prioritize self-care through regular exercise, a nutritious diet, sufficient rest, and stress management. Preventive measures such as vaccinations and regular check-ups are also crucial. By investing in our health, we minimize the risk of chronic diseases and enhance our overall well-being. Thus, prioritizing our health is essential for a balanced and prosperous life.

“Health is Wealth” is a popular saying that emphasizes the significance of good health in our lives. It suggests that health is the most valuable asset one can possess, as it is the foundation for a fulfilling and prosperous life.

Good health enables us to lead a productive and meaningful existence. When we are physically and mentally healthy, we have the energy, vitality, and focus to pursue our goals and aspirations. It allows us to engage in activities we enjoy, build relationships, and contribute to society.

On the other hand, poor health can limit our potential and hinder our ability to enjoy life fully. It can lead to physical discomfort, illness, and reduced productivity. Furthermore, healthcare expenses can become a burden, affecting our financial well-being.

Taking care of our health should be a top priority. It involves adopting a balanced lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a nutritious diet, adequate rest, and stress management. Additionally, preventive measures such as vaccinations, regular check-ups, and early detection of illnesses play a crucial role in maintaining good health.

Investing in our health is akin to investing in our future. By prioritizing self-care and adopting healthy habits, we can minimize the risk of chronic diseases, improve our overall well-being, and enhance our quality of life.

In conclusion, the saying “Health is Wealth” highlights the importance of good health in leading a fulfilling and prosperous life. Our health is our most valuable asset, and by making conscious efforts to maintain and improve it, we can enjoy the benefits of a healthy and fulfilling existence. It is crucial to prioritize our health through lifestyle choices and preventive measures, as it is the foundation upon which we can build a prosperous and meaningful life.

Title: Health is Wealth – Nurturing the Foundation of Prosperity

Introduction :

The adage “Health is Wealth” encapsulates the profound connection between good health and the attainment of prosperity in life. It emphasizes that true wealth lies not in material possessions, but in the preservation and enhancement of one’s physical and mental well-being. This essay delves into the significance of good health, its impact on various aspects of life, the role of preventive care, and the steps individuals can take to prioritize and nurture their health.

The Foundation of Prosperity

Good health serves as the bedrock of a prosperous life. Physical and mental well-being are intertwined, creating a harmonious balance that enables individuals to thrive and achieve their goals. Optimal physical health allows for increased energy, stamina, and vitality, enabling individuals to participate fully in life’s activities. Mental well-being, on the other hand, fosters emotional stability, resilience, and the ability to cope with challenges effectively.

Impact on Personal and Professional Life

Good health has a profound impact on personal and professional spheres. In personal life, it enhances relationships and fosters deeper connections with loved ones. When individuals are in good health, they can engage in activities that promote quality time and shared experiences, leading to stronger bonds and greater happiness.

Professionally, good health equips individuals with the energy, focus, and productivity necessary for success. It enables them to perform optimally in their chosen fields, make significant contributions, and advance their careers. Moreover, good health contributes to job satisfaction, reducing absenteeism and increasing overall work productivity.

Preventive Care: The Key to Long-term Well-being

Preventive care plays a pivotal role in maintaining good health. Regular medical check-ups, screenings, and vaccinations are crucial in identifying and managing health risks before they escalate. Early detection of potential illnesses allows for timely intervention and treatment, reducing the impact and complications associated with diseases. In addition, adopting a preventive mindset encompasses healthy lifestyle choices. Engaging in regular physical exercise, consuming a balanced diet, getting sufficient sleep, managing stress, and avoiding harmful habits such as smoking or excessive alcohol consumption are vital aspects of preventive care. These practices not only prevent the onset of various illnesses but also contribute to overall well-being and longevity.

Steps towards Health and Wellness

Prioritizing and nurturing one’s health requires conscious effort and commitment. Individuals can take several steps to cultivate a healthy lifestyle. First and foremost, it is essential to adopt regular physical exercise as a part of one’s routine. Engaging in activities such as walking, jogging, swimming, or yoga not only improves physical fitness but also promotes mental well-being through the release of endorphins and the reduction of stress. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and essential nutrients is vital for maintaining good health. Proper nutrition provides the body with the necessary fuel for optimal function, boosts immunity, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases.

Adequate rest and sleep are equally important. Sufficient sleep enables the body to rejuvenate and repair itself, enhancing overall well-being and cognitive function.

Managing stress is crucial in maintaining good health. Incorporating stress management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies can alleviate stress and promote mental clarity.

Regular health screenings and check-ups should be a priority. Periodic visits to healthcare professionals allow for the early detection and management of potential health issues, ensuring comprehensive care and well-being.

Additionally, fostering a supportive social network and seeking emotional support when needed can contribute to mental well-being. Sharing concerns, seeking guidance, and participating in social activities nurture emotional resilience and provide a sense of belonging.

Conclusion :

In conclusion, the saying “Health is Wealth” emphasizes the intrinsic link between good health and the attainment of prosperity in life. Prioritizing one’s physical and mental well-being forms the foundation upon which true wealth is built. By embracing preventive care, adopting healthy lifestyle practices, and nurturing overall well-being, individuals can cultivate good health and experience the richness and abundance that comes with it. Ultimately, investing in one’s health paves the way for a prosperous and fulfilling existence.

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Essay On Money: 100, 250 Words Samples

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  • Nov 9, 2023

Essay On Money

Why do you think money is important? Can we live without money? Does money have its own value? What’s the difference between hard money and digital money? When we plan on buying something, we have to pay a certain amount. Let’s say you want to buy a wristwatch worth $50. How do you compare that commodity with money? Do they have equal value? Is there any authority that states the value of money ? These and several other questions about money can make one wonder why money is given so much importance. Let’s go in-depth with an essay on money and find answers to all these questions.

essay about money and health

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is Money?
  • 2 Why is Money So Important?
  • 3 Essay on Money in 100 Words
  • 4 Essay on Money in 250 Words

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What is Money?

According to Wikipedia and Oxford Dictionary, Money is simply a medium of exchange. Some even consider money as one of the most important resources , which is used to make transactions of goods, services, or repayment of debts within a specific country or socio-economic context.

Money can have various forms, coins and banknotes in physical form, and electronic balances in bank accounts in digital forms. Money serves as a unit of account, facilitating the measurement of value in terms of prices, and as a store of value, allowing individuals to save purchasing power for future use.

Learn Why Financial Literacy is Important for Students.

Why is Money So Important?

What makes money such an important resource is its acceptance across the globe in multiple transactions and services. From serving as a medium of exchange to facilitating financial activities, the importance of money goes beyond our everyday needs. Here are several reasons stating the importance of money.

  • Money serves as a convenient medium of exchange that facilitates the buying and selling of goods and services, making transactions more efficient than barter systems.
  • It provides a standardized unit for measuring the value of goods, services, and assets, allowing for easier comparison and assessment of value across different items.
  • Money enables individuals and businesses to store wealth and purchasing power over time, facilitating savings and investment for future needs and goals.
  • A stable and reliable monetary system encourages investment, trade, and economic growth, fostering overall prosperity within an economy.
  • By using money, individuals and businesses can avoid the high transaction costs associated with bartering and the inefficiencies of non-monetary exchange systems.
  • The use of money encourages specialization in the production of goods and services, leading to increased productivity and efficiency within an economy.
  • Money is essential for the functioning of financial markets, banking systems, and investment activities, which are crucial for the allocation of resources and capital within an economy.

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Essay on Money in 100 Words

El dinero or money is used as a medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value. It facilitates trade, allowing for the smooth exchange of goods and services, while also enabling efficient allocation of resources and encouraging economic growth. As a unit of account, it provides a standardized measure of value, simplifying the comparison of different goods and assets. 

Moreover, money acts as a store of value, allowing individuals to save and plan for the future. Its role in reducing transaction costs, enabling specialization, and supporting complex financial activities highlights its significance in the functioning of contemporary economies.

Essay on Money in 250 Words

Modern economics is heavily dependent on money or we can say that money is the pillar of modern economies. As a medium of exchange, it simplifies trade by providing a universally accepted method of payment for goods and services, eliminating the inefficiencies and limitations of barter systems. Its characteristic fosters the development of complex market systems, encouraging specialization and the efficient allocation of resources.

Apart from being a medium of exchange, money functions as a unit of account, providing a standardized measure of value that enables individuals to compare prices and evaluate the worth of different goods and services. This uniformity in valuation streamlines commercial activities and allows for effective planning and decision-making in both personal and business contexts.

Money serves as a store of value, allowing individuals to save and accumulate wealth over time. This feature empowers people to prepare for future expenses, emergencies, or long-term goals, providing a sense of security and stability in an uncertain world.

In addition to its role in daily transactions , money fuels economic growth by facilitating investment, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Financial institutions utilize money as a tool to allocate capital efficiently, enabling the development of new businesses, industries, and technologies that contribute to overall economic prosperity.

Money plays multiple roles in our lives; it is a physical or digital representation of currency; it is a fundamental pillar of modern economies, underpinning the intricate web of commercial activities, financial systems, and societal well-being. Its importance lies not only in its tangible properties but also in the complex functions and structures it supports within the global economic framework.

Money is globally accepted as a medium of exchange in multiple transactions and services. From serving as a medium of exchange to facilitating financial activities, the importance of money goes beyond our everyday needs. To buy goods or services, you are required to pay a certain amount, which is fulfilled by paying money. 

To write an essay on money, you need to highlight the key aspects of this essential resource. The multiple transactions in which money is used in our day-to-day lives make money an important part of our lives. Give examples of how money can change our lives and what would happen if we were out of money. Highlight the latest trends in the financial sector and what governments are doing to save our money from inflation. 

Here are the 5 strongest currencies in the world: Kuwait Dinar (KWD), Bahraini Dinar (BHD), Omani Rial (OMR), Jordanian Dinar (JOD), and Gibraltar Pound (GIP).

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Essay on Money Is Important for Happiness

Students are often asked to write an essay on Money Is Important for Happiness in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Money Is Important for Happiness


Money is often linked to happiness. Having enough money can bring joy as it helps meet our needs and desires.

The Role of Money

Money is vital for survival. It buys food, clothes, and shelter, which are basic human needs. Without money, life becomes challenging.

Money and Freedom

Money offers freedom. It allows us to travel, explore new things, and have unique experiences, all of which can make us happy.

Money and Security

Money provides security. Knowing we have enough money to handle emergencies gives peace of mind, contributing to happiness.

While money isn’t everything, it plays a significant role in achieving happiness.

250 Words Essay on Money Is Important for Happiness

The essential role of money in achieving happiness.

Money, often portrayed as a villain, is in fact a crucial element in the pursuit of happiness. While it is not the sole determinant, it undeniably contributes significantly to our overall well-being.

Money as a Means to Meet Basic Needs

Firstly, money is essential in fulfilling our basic needs such as food, shelter, and clothing. These necessities form the foundation of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, a psychological theory that posits the fulfillment of basic needs as a prerequisite to achieving happiness. Without money, the struggle to meet these needs can lead to stress and unhappiness.

The Freedom and Opportunities Money Provides

Secondly, money affords us freedom and opportunities. It provides the means to pursue hobbies, travel, and explore new cultures, all of which can enrich our lives and increase our happiness. Moreover, money can also enable us to pursue further education or start a business, thereby fostering personal growth and satisfaction.

Money’s Role in Alleviating Suffering

Lastly, money can help alleviate suffering. It can provide access to quality healthcare, allowing us to maintain good health and longevity. It also enables us to help others, either through charitable donations or supporting loved ones, which can bring immense joy and fulfillment.

In conclusion, while money cannot buy happiness outright, it plays a pivotal role in creating conditions conducive to happiness. Recognizing this can help us approach money with a healthier mindset, seeing it not as an end in itself, but as a tool for achieving a happier and more fulfilling life.

500 Words Essay on Money Is Important for Happiness

Money, a medium of exchange, is a crucial element of life. It is an undeniable fact that it plays a significant role in shaping up the happiness and well-being of individuals. The concept of money and happiness has been debated for centuries, with various perspectives on its importance. This essay will explore the multifaceted relationship between money and happiness, shedding light on why money is significant for happiness.

The Necessity of Money for Basic Needs

To begin with, money is necessary for meeting basic human needs, which include food, shelter, and clothing. Without money, it would be challenging to fulfill these needs, leading to a life of hardship and, consequently, unhappiness. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs supports this perspective, placing physiological needs at the base of the pyramid, which are essential for survival and can only be met through financial means.

Money as a Means to Improve Quality of Life

Beyond basic necessities, money also allows individuals to improve their quality of life. It provides access to better healthcare, education, and opportunities for self-improvement and growth. These elements contribute significantly to one’s overall happiness. Moreover, money can be used to acquire experiences that bring joy, such as travel, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones.

Financial Security and Mental Peace

Financial security, facilitated by money, is another crucial factor contributing to happiness. The absence of financial stress can lead to better mental health and overall well-being. Money can provide a safety net for unexpected situations, giving individuals peace of mind and the freedom to pursue their passions without the constant worry of financial instability.

The Limitations of Money in Achieving Happiness

While the importance of money for happiness is evident, it is essential to recognize its limitations. Research suggests that beyond a certain income level, additional money does not significantly increase happiness. This is known as the ‘Easterlin Paradox.’ Furthermore, an excessive focus on money can lead to materialism, which can negatively impact relationships and personal satisfaction.

In conclusion, money plays a crucial role in facilitating happiness by meeting basic needs, improving quality of life, and providing financial security. However, it is not the only determinant of happiness, and its pursuit should be balanced with other aspects of life, such as relationships, passions, and personal growth. Therefore, while money is important for happiness, it is not the sole ingredient and should be viewed as a tool to achieve happiness rather than the end goal.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Essay on Health for Students and Children

500+ words essay on health.

Essay on Health: Health was earlier said to be the ability of the body functioning well. However, as time evolved, the definition of health also evolved. It cannot be stressed enough that health is the primary thing after which everything else follows. When you maintain good health , everything else falls into place.

essay on health

Similarly, maintaining good health is dependent on a lot of factors. It ranges from the air you breathe to the type of people you choose to spend your time with. Health has a lot of components that carry equal importance. If even one of them is missing, a person cannot be completely healthy.

Constituents of Good Health

First, we have our physical health. This means being fit physically and in the absence of any kind of disease or illness . When you have good physical health, you will have a longer life span. One may maintain their physical health by having a balanced diet . Do not miss out on the essential nutrients; take each of them in appropriate quantities.

Secondly, you must exercise daily. It may be for ten minutes only but never miss it. It will help your body maintain physical fitness. Moreover, do not consume junk food all the time. Do not smoke or drink as it has serious harmful consequences. Lastly, try to take adequate sleep regularly instead of using your phone.

Next, we talk about our mental health . Mental health refers to the psychological and emotional well-being of a person. The mental health of a person impacts their feelings and way of handling situations. We must maintain our mental health by being positive and meditating.

Subsequently, social health and cognitive health are equally important for the overall well-being of a person. A person can maintain their social health when they effectively communicate well with others. Moreover, when a person us friendly and attends social gatherings, he will definitely have good social health. Similarly, our cognitive health refers to performing mental processes effectively. To do that well, one must always eat healthily and play brain games like Chess, puzzles and more to sharpen the brain.

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Physical Health Alone is Not Everything

There is this stigma that surrounds mental health. People do not take mental illnesses seriously. To be completely fit, one must also be mentally fit. When people completely discredit mental illnesses, it creates a negative impact.

For instance, you never tell a person with cancer to get over it and that it’s all in their head in comparison to someone dealing with depression . Similarly, we should treat mental health the same as physical health.

Parents always take care of their children’s physical needs. They feed them with nutritious foods and always dress up their wounds immediately. However, they fail to notice the deteriorating mental health of their child. Mostly so, because they do not give it that much importance. It is due to a lack of awareness amongst people. Even amongst adults, you never know what a person is going through mentally.

Thus, we need to be able to recognize the signs of mental illnesses . A laughing person does not equal a happy person. We must not consider mental illnesses as a taboo and give it the attention it deserves to save people’s lives.

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English Compositions

Short Essay on Health [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In today’s lesson, I will discuss how you can write short essays on Health within different word limits. All the essays will be written here with a simplistic approach for a better understanding of all students. 

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Short Essay on Health in 100 Words

Health is an important aspect of one’s life. A person is considered healthy when he or she is free from illness or injury. Health can be categorised as physical health, mental health, emotional health, social health, et cetera. However, all these categories are interrelated.

While low physical activity can impact overall mental health, mental stress can adversely affect heart health and poor emotional health can deteriorate one’s quality of life. Being in good health enables a person to function optimally and live their life happily.

Some of the basic rules for maintaining good health include going to bed and waking up on time, exercising regularly, eating healthily and drinking at least eight glasses of water daily. 

Short Essay on Health in 200 Words

Health is one of the most important aspects of one’s life. One can be a billionaire but if he is not in good health, he can not enjoy the luxuries that money can buy. Thus, health is considered as the real wealth. Health can be categorised as physical health, mental health, emotional health, social health, et cetera.

However, all these categories are interrelated and impact each other. For example, not exercising regularly can make a person irritable and cause mental health problems, while chronic stress can lead to health diseases and diabetes. Poor emotional and psychological health can also make people withdrawn and impact their overall health. 

Being in good health enables a person to function optimally and live their life happily. When one feels healthy and is not troubled by pain or discomfort in the body, he can be more active, participate in various activities and be more present in the daily happenings. Being mentally in good health is also very important as suffering from anxiety, depression and other issues can severely deteriorate one’s quality of life.

One can easily improve his health by making some changes in his lifestyle. Some of the basic rules for maintaining good health include going to bed and waking up on time, exercising regularly, eating healthily and drinking a lot of water. 

Short Essay on Health in 400 Words

Health is a key aspect of one’s life. A person is considered healthy when he is free from all illness and injury and can conduct his life well. One can be a billionaire but if he is not in good health, he can not enjoy the luxuries that money can buy. Thus, health is considered as the real wealth and being in good health is very important. Health can be categorised as physical health, mental health, emotional health, social health, et cetera.

Everyone can be healthy but good health does not come without the necessary discipline and care. Going to bed and waking up on time, exercising regularly, avoiding junk food, eating healthily, drinking a lot of water and getting some sunlight are a few good habits that can improve one’s health. However, it cannot be achieved in a day. One needs to change their lifestyle and practice healthy habits daily. 

Sometimes, one’s external environment can also be the reason for their poor health. Living in shabby conditions, breathing in heavily polluted air, consuming unhygienic food and contaminated water can more often than not, result in bacterial, fungal and viral diseases. Hence, cleanliness is an important factor if one wants to be healthy. One should also take care of their diet and include greens and other nutritious food, limit their caffeine intake, stop smoking and drinking as well as follow the basic health protocols. 

Good health is necessary if one wants to achieve their goal in life. One cannot study well or work hard when they are not feeling at ease or are suffering from pain. Adopting a healthy lifestyle makes us healthy and boosts our energy as well as immunity. Thus, good health is the key to enjoying a good life. 

In this session above, I have mentioned everything that could be necessary to write short essays on Health. Through the simple words and sentences, I hope now you have understood the entire context. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, kindly let me know through some quick comments. If you want to read more such essays on various important topics, keep browsing our website. 

Join our Telegram channel to get the latest updates on our upcoming sessions. Thank you. 

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Francis Collins: Why I’m going public with my prostate cancer diagnosis

I served medical research. now it’s serving me. and i don’t want to waste time..

Over my 40 years as a physician-scientist, I’ve had the privilege of advising many patients facing serious medical diagnoses. I’ve seen them go through the excruciating experience of waiting for the results of a critical blood test, biopsy or scan that could dramatically affect their future hopes and dreams.

But this time, I was the one lying in the PET scanner as it searched for possible evidence of spread of my aggressive prostate cancer . I spent those 30 minutes in quiet prayer. If that cancer had already spread to my lymph nodes, bones, lungs or brain, it could still be treated — but it would no longer be curable.

Why am I going public about this cancer that many men are uncomfortable talking about? Because I want to lift the veil and share lifesaving information, and I want all men to benefit from the medical research to which I’ve devoted my career and that is now guiding my care.

Five years before that fateful PET scan, my doctor had noted a slow rise in my PSA, the blood test for prostate-specific antigen. To contribute to knowledge and receive expert care, I enrolled in a clinical trial at the National Institutes of Health, the agency I led from 2009 through late 2021.

At first, there wasn’t much to worry about — targeted biopsies identified a slow-growing grade of prostate cancer that doesn’t require treatment and can be tracked via regular checkups, referred to as “active surveillance.” This initial diagnosis was not particularly surprising. Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men in the United States, and about 40 percent of men over age 65 — I’m 73 — have low-grade prostate cancer . Many of them never know it, and very few of them develop advanced disease.

Why am I going public about this cancer that many men are uncomfortable talking about? Because I want to lift the veil and share lifesaving information.

But in my case, things took a turn about a month ago when my PSA rose sharply to 22 — normal at my age is less than 5. An MRI scan showed that the tumor had significantly enlarged and might have even breached the capsule that surrounds the prostate, posing a significant risk that the cancer cells might have spread to other parts of the body.

New biopsies taken from the mass showed transformation into a much more aggressive cancer. When I heard the diagnosis was now a 9 on a cancer-grading scale that goes only to 10, I knew that everything had changed.

Thus, that PET scan, which was ordered to determine if the cancer had spread beyond the prostate, carried high significance. Would a cure still be possible, or would it be time to get my affairs in order? A few hours later, when my doctors showed me the scan results, I felt a rush of profound relief and gratitude. There was no detectable evidence of cancer outside of the primary tumor.

Later this month, I will undergo a radical prostatectomy — a procedure that will remove my entire prostate gland. This will be part of the same NIH research protocol — I want as much information as possible to be learned from my case, to help others in the future.

While there are no guarantees, my doctors believe I have a high likelihood of being cured by the surgery.

My situation is far better than my father’s when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer four decades ago. He was about the same age that I am now, but it wasn’t possible back then to assess how advanced the cancer might be. He was treated with a hormonal therapy that might not have been necessary and had a significant negative impact on his quality of life.

Because of research supported by NIH, along with highly effective collaborations with the private sector, prostate cancer can now be treated with individualized precision and improved outcomes.

As in my case, high-resolution MRI scans can now be used to delineate the precise location of a tumor. When combined with real-time ultrasound, this allows pinpoint targeting of the prostate biopsies. My surgeon will be assisted by a sophisticated robot named for Leonardo da Vinci that employs a less invasive surgical approach than previous techniques, requiring just a few small incisions.

Advances in clinical treatments have been informed by large-scale, rigorously designed trials that have assessed the risks and benefits and were possible because of the willingness of cancer patients to enroll in such trials.

I feel compelled to tell this story openly. I hope it helps someone. I don’t want to waste time.

If my cancer recurs, the DNA analysis that has been carried out on my tumor will guide the precise choice of therapies. As a researcher who had the privilege of leading the Human Genome Project , it is truly gratifying to see how these advances in genomics have transformed the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

I want all men to have the same opportunity that I did. Prostate cancer is still the No. 2 cancer killer among men. I want the goals of the Cancer Moonshot to be met — to end cancer as we know it. Early detection really matters, and when combined with active surveillance can identify the risky cancers like mine, and leave the rest alone. The five-year relative survival rate for prostate cancer is 97 percent, according to the American Cancer Society , but it’s only 34 percent if the cancer has spread to distant areas of the body.

But lack of information and confusion about the best approach to prostate cancer screening have impeded progress. Currently, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that all men age 55 to 69 discuss PSA screening with their primary-care physician, but it recommends against starting PSA screening after age 70.

Other groups, like the American Urological Association , suggest that screening should start earlier, especially for men with a family history — like me — and for African American men, who have a higher risk of prostate cancer. But these recommendations are not consistently being followed.

Our health-care system is afflicted with health inequities. For example, the image-guided biopsies are not available everywhere and to everyone. Finally, many men are fearful of the surgical approach to prostate cancer because of the risk of incontinence and impotence, but advances in surgical techniques have made those outcomes considerably less troublesome than in the past. Similarly, the alternative therapeutic approaches of radiation and hormonal therapy have seen significant advances.

A little over a year ago, while I was praying for a dying friend, I had the experience of receiving a clear and unmistakable message. This has almost never happened to me. It was just this: “Don’t waste your time, you may not have much left.” Gulp.

Having now received a diagnosis of aggressive prostate cancer and feeling grateful for all the ways I have benefited from research advances, I feel compelled to tell this story openly. I hope it helps someone. I don’t want to waste time.

Francis S. Collins served as director of the National Institutes of Health from 2009 to 2021 and as director of the National Human Genome Research Institute at NIH from 1993 to 2008. He is a physician-geneticist and leads a White House initiative to eliminate hepatitis C in the United States, while also continuing to pursue his research interests as a distinguished NIH investigator.

An earlier version of this article said prostate cancer is the No. 2 killer of men. It is the No. 2 cause of cancer death among men. The article has been updated.

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