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Op Ed Essay Made Easy: Example And Topics From Experts

op ed essay

Do you have an op ed essay task but no idea how to go about it? You are not alone because a lot of people get stuck even before starting. Whether the trouble is in picking good op ed essay ideas or do not understand the right format to use, we are here to help.

This post is a comprehensive guide on how to write an op ed essay. Keep reading to find out more about the best op ed essay format and useful writing tips. To cap it all, we have listed the best 60 op ed topics for essay.

Table Of Contents

Op-Ed Essay Definition

How to write a good op ed essay, op ed essay example, writing an op ed essay: a step-by-step guide, top op ed essay writing tips, interesting op ed essay ideas.

Before looking at how to write a good op ed essay, it is crucial to start by answering the question, “What is it?” Traditionally, it is an opinion piece, mainly used in print media, appearing opposite the editorial page (hence the name “op-ed). These are essays done by authors who are not affiliated with the publisher and are used to provide an opinion to provoke discussion and thought among the readers.

Op-ed essays are slightly longer than the common letter to the editor and have become very common in both print and digital media. Because they offer expert opinions, it is important to start by learning how they are done by reading other top op ed essay examples in specific areas. However, most people still find using op ed examples essay not be enough and opt to seek essay writing help.

When writing an op ed essay, perhaps the most important thing is getting the right topic because it shapes the opinion that you will work on. Try to dig deeper into the topic and answer the question, “What is the latest trend about it?”

Like a standard essay, it is crucial to start your work by developing a good essay structure. Here is the most preferred op ed essay format, but you can also develop a different one.

A news hook. Thesis. Argument. 1 st point. 2 nd point. 3 rd point. Address counterarguments Op ed essay conclusion.

This Op ed is based on the article “Trump, and Great Business Ideas for America”. This is an economic review posted by Shiller Robert in the New York Times. The article mainly discuss the ideas that the new president elect of the United States of America, Donald Trump has on the nation. In essence, the people are hopeful that he will transform the nation’s economy since is a leader who has been in business and management for various years. Economists consider that this is an experiment that will prove whether the skills and techniques of a manager can be vital in enhancing the economy of a nation. Therefore, because of his success in business the Americans are expected that the economy will substantially improve. For Donald Trump, it is vital to be keen on the steps that he will take since people are expecting too much from him especially regarding economy.

Classical School

School of thoughts plays a vital role in the today’s economy. In essence, there are several ways in which the school of thoughts is applied mainly to enhance and solve economic challenges. Therefore, it is imperative to inform the members of the public the need to apply economic school of thoughts to enhance the economy. One of the major commonly use economic school of thoughts is the classical tool. The classical school of thought is regarded as the first economic school of thought that was developed by a Scottish economist Adam Smith. Hunt asserts that the main argument of the school is that the best way to enhance economy is to leave the markets alone (2). In this case, it means that the government had a minimal role to play. This means that the classical economic thought advocated for a free market that involves minimal or no rules. Thus, regarding explaining the value of the classical school, the determining factors were cost of production and scarcity. Concerning macro economy, there are self-re adjustment terms that allow the economy to automatically return to full employment.

Neoclassical School of Economics

This is a school of thought that emerged mainly as an improvement of the classical theory of economics. The school is also currently referred to as the marginal revolution. However, as an advancement of the classical school the theory left various aspects. Some of the most common aspects that were dropped include the value theory and the distribution of wealth in the society. As a result, neoclassical approach focuses on the strategies that promote effective allocation of scarce resources in the various markets. In that connection, there is a great emphasis on how various participants in the market such as the customers and producers utilize the function of utility and production. To achieve success in such markets, they must consider factors such as budgets and constraints. This is the main reason the neoclassical theory introduced the mechanism of maximizing utility and it challenge of cost minimization.

In addition to the above, the neoclassical school of thought can be defined as the theory that emphasizes the efficacy of the products and how it affects the market in terms of supply and demand. In essence, it is clear that the markets are based on the customers due to their control of the market forces such as price and demand. This is mainly because the goal of the consumer is utility maximization whereas the role of the goal of the business is to enhance profits. In that connection, there is a great emphasis on how various participants in the market such as the customers and producers utilize the function of utility and production.

The Theorist That Supports the Human Behavior School of Thought

Landreth and Colander confirm that Elton Mayo is the theorist who best supports this school of thought. Various principles are emphasized by the school of thought (10). One of the most important policies is employee motivation. By accepting diversity, managers demonstrate his management skill of motivating the employees to enhance their performance. The second principle of behavioral school of thought is leadership. This can be explained by the fact that managers can enable to adapt to internal changes swiftly. As well, the other principle of the theory is employee development. The management styled established by managers should ensure that employee development supports the people-focused strategy.

In conclusion, it is elemental to note that the economic school of thoughts may vary in one way or another. However, all these schools of thoughts such as the classical thought and the behavioral schools should be employed to enhance economic growth and development. There are various assumptions that are made in the neoclassical school of thought. One of the major assumption is that the decisions that are made are usually rational due to the availability of completed information about the product and service. The second assumption is that customers compare the available products and services in the market with the primary objective of making effective deceived based on utility. The third and most crucial assumption of the neoclassical economic school is that the primary objective of business is to maximize on profit making. On the contrary, customer’s main objective is to have improved satisfaction while using the service or product. Therefore, as the new president elect of the United States of America takes office he must ensure that the right polices are implemented to enhance economy. Otherwise, improving US economy might be a great challenge to overcome.

After developing the preferred structure for your essay, it is time to write a high-quality piece to impress readers. It might be a great idea to closely check another top op-ed essay example to learn how different components are put through.

  • Develop a News Hook

Because an op ed essay is designed for the media, it is crucial to target a trending topic in the local, national, or global headlines. The first few sentences should also grab the reader’s attention, making him/her want to read more. During the just-concluded presidential elections, some topics revolving around the violence on the capitol, the American voting system, and the policy shift between outgoing President Trump and incoming President Joe Biden, would have been excellent.

  • Tune Your Op Ed Essay to Match the Targeted Audience

If you read a high-rated op ed essay sample, one of the most notable things is the focus on a specific audience. For example, local print media might be targeted at providing insights on how wearing face masks affect the spread of COVID-19. So, it will be a great idea to try and understand the audience.

  • Understand the Targeted Publication

As we have mentioned, op ed essays are written pieces of opinion, but they must follow the rules and guidelines of the targeted media. This means that although you might have a lengthy piece, it has to be cut to size to fit the recommended number of words for the respective media. Other attributes include a sense of style, level, image size and font.

  • Back-Up Your Arguments with Facts

While it is true that you are writing a personal opinion, it is paramount to ensure it is based on facts. Once you bring out key arguments, try to incorporate data and statistics to reinforce them. Go ahead and use historical facts to bolster the case. Counterarguments can also help you to sound more professional and avoid bias.

  • Use the O p Ed Essay Conclusion to Call Readers to Action

After articulating all the points in your essay, you should not leave readers hanging. Well, if you were discussing a very serious issue, be it the COVID-19 vaccine or the danger of the latest video games, the conclusion should be used to call readers to action. For example, you can ask people to go and get the vaccine, select non-violent games, speak against school bullying, or other actions.

The following op ed essay writing tips will come in handy to help you to stay focused, sharpen your skills, and craft top-notch work.

Try to make the op-ed essay as clear as possible. Even if you are working on a complex topic, it might be a good idea to ditch the complex words or explain them well when they appear in your essay. Take your time practicing how to write a good op ed essay. Particularly, it can be a good idea to check another op ed essay sample done by a professional and try crafting a better piece. Make sure to follow the guidelines for the essay you are writing strictly. These include the essay structure, number of words, style, font, and other formatting particulars. Proofread your work well. Once you are through working on your essay, make sure to proofread it well and clear all sorts of errors. You might also want to seek the assistance of expert writers when proofreading the work.

Top 30 Op Ed Topics for Essay

Now that we have looked at what is an op ed essay and tips for making it outstanding, what are some of the best topics to consider? Check out our top 60 op ed essay topics and pick the preferred option. You can use op ed essay ideas as they are or tweak a little to suit your preference.

There is nothing as enjoyable as writing a good op ed essay about a topic that you like . Here are some interesting op ed essay ideas to consider:

  • Are professional athletes and actors paid too much for their work?
  • Should we have a specific dress code for teachers in school?
  • Nuclear weapons: Are they killing devices or global peacemakers?
  • The bulk of high-level jobs are done by men. Should the government set a specific percentage of these jobs for women?
  • What are the impacts of inaccurate sleep patterns?
  • What factors contribute to the development of a good movie?
  • Death penalty: Should it be abolished globally?
  • What age should be considered appropriate for dating?
  • Voting age: Should it be lowered to 11 years?

Top Op Ed essay ideas on Environment and Conservation

If you love the environment and conservation, here are some awesome op ed essay ideas.

  • Use of animals in scientific research: Up to what extent is it acceptable?
  • Zoos are often considered necessary, but they cannot be alternatives to natural environments.
  • Are we doing enough to protect endangered animals?
  • Is it impossible to address global warming?
  • Facing the facts: Is it possible for the globe to entirely rely on green energy?
  • Why do most governments hide their information on global warming?
  • Are the benefits of electric cars worth the huge investments being directed into the industry?
  • Explore the main arguments for or against keeping animals in zoos.
  • What are the effects of whaling in the sea?
  • Should we develop technology to bring back extinct animals, such as dinosaurs?

Education-Related Op-Ed Essay Topics

Education is one of the broad areas, meaning that identifying some good topics for your essay can be challenging. To help you out, here are some excellent topics suggestions.

  • Should girls and boys be taught in separate classes?
  • Imagine your geography teacher wants to take your class for a different subject and she is taking suggestions from students. What subjects should she pick? Write an essay supporting your decision.
  • Has the modern generation become too dependent on computers?
  • Should we replace all the textbooks with tablet computers?
  • Should wealthy countries be compelled to share their wealth with poorer nations?
  • Space exploration: Is it a worthy undertaking?
  • Should we abolish all forms of punishment in schools?
  • Using Homework in schools: Should it be abolished?
  • College violence: Is it related to video games.
  • Should students who are talented in sports go to school?
  • Distance learning in modern education: Comparing the pros and cons.
  • Students grading their teachers: Should it be allowed in schools?
  • Should smartphones be allowed in elementary schools?
  • If you had a chance to bring one person to a place that is so special, who would that be?

Culture Opinion Essay Opinion Essay Ideas

Here are some great cultural opinion essay topics to consider for your work.

  • The bulk of 21 st -century fashion can result in serious eating disorders.
  • Music and generation gap.
  • Should a tax be placed on all junk to address the problem of obesity?
  • If we wake up and found that the world has no rules and government, what would it be like?
  • Online video and music streaming: What are the associated pros and cons?
  • Anti-war culture in the 21 st century.
  • Is fashion important?
  • Should all companies screen their employees for mental disorders?
  • Is the internet helping or destroying companies today?
  • Online communications: A demonstration of how it affects physical relationships.

History Op Ed Essay Topics

Check out the leading op ed essay topics in history.

  • Monarchy system in modern society: Does it have any benefits?
  • The benefits of learning history
  • Comparing Buddhism and Islam.
  • Gender bias in the Roman Empire?
  • Holocaust: How were the lessons learned used to shape modern-day Israel?
  • Vietnam War: A closer look at the bias in media coverage.
  • Slave Trade: Imagining a new world if the slave trade never took place.
  • The distortion of Martin Luther King’s message today.
  • Should the history of World War I and II be abolished to espouse a new globe?

Nursing and Psychology Op Ed Topics for Essay

If you are in nursing, medicine or psychology-related areas, here are some great easy ideas to consider:

  • Why nurses and physicians should have very close cooperation.
  • How effective is WHO in addressing global pandemics?
  • Herbal practitioners and traditional medicine: Are they the same?
  • Causes of racial bias in healthcare.
  • Physical education and its role in reducing anxiety.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD): What are the best solutions?
  • Nursing theorists: Are they relevant in nursing studies today?
  • Legalization of cannabis use: Is it a good idea?

Time to Seek Writing Assistance

Now that we have provided a step-by-step guide to writing quality op ed essays, can you craft one? If it is still challenging, you need to keep trying, but how do you craft the op ed essay at hand? You should consider seeking essay writing help from experts.

Good custom essay firms work with professional writers in different areas and can craft some of the best pieces. Indeed, they are likely to have handled similar tasks before, and you can count on them for excellent essays. You will also love the fact that essay writing help is cheap, and your task can be completed very fast. With professionals, no writing task is too tough!

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170 Opinion Essay Topics to Choose in 2023 for Your Writings

  • by Lesley V.
  • August 16, 2023 November 10, 2023

Whether in high school or college, opinion writing prompts will follow you. This essay type is a must to master:

Teachers will assign oped papers to check your critical thinking skills. They want to ensure you know how to build arguments and prove your point of view. Academic writing skills are also here: Opinion essays have a structure (1) to follow.

In this article, you’ll find a massive list of good opinion essay topics and ideas to consider for your work. All are strong, divided by subject, and with actionable writing tips to get an A+ for your piece.

What Is an Opinion Essay?

Op-ed essays are formal, representing an author’s personal take on a specific subject. They aren’t about college work only. You could see op-ed posts on social media or journalistic articles in newspapers.

In academia, you’ll also need to mention the opposite point of view in opinion essays. The final paragraph before a conclusion should contain counterarguments (for a fuller discussion).

How to Choose Good Opinion Essay Topics

While teachers can assign a topic for op-ed writing, college students often have freedom of choice here. And that’s where a challenge comes in:

How to choose a good opinion essay topic? How to ensure it’s controversial enough to trigger a discussion? Is it possible to know of it gives you enough argumentation and evidence to support your point?

What is a Good Topic for an Opinion Paper?

Good opinion writing topics have 3 specific characteristics:

  • They allow you to develop a strong thesis statement (2).
  • You can find enough facts to support your point: examples, reliable sources, quotes, etc.
  • They have opposite viewpoints . Avoid topics presenting the ultimate truth: There’s nothing to discuss there.

How to Choose Your Perfect Opinion Writing Prompt?

Opinion essay topics are many. Follow these 5 steps when choosing yours:

  • Recheck the requirements. How long should your essay be? Do you need to cover a single issue or discuss a few? Depending on the prompt, not all topics may appear to be appropriate.
  • Consider the audience. Who’ll read your paper? Do you write for everyone or a specific group? Choose topics that are relevant and interesting to whom you’ll write.
  • Remember about your interests, too. Consider issues of your knowledge and passion. Write about something bothering or exciting you: Such opinion essay topics are easier to craft.
  • Recheck the essay’s purpose. Will it educate, persuade, or entertain readers? It can help you narrow down the topic choices.
  • Do pre-research. Check if you can find enough sources with reliable information on your chosen topic. Will you have evidence to support your point if writing on this?

Opinion Essay Writing Tips: Start With Easy Prompts

When choosing opinion essay topics, remember you’ll need to structure your paper on it. It’s an academic paper, so please follow the format requirements . Also, you’ll need to cover all the questions related to your chosen topic.

The below writing tips will help ensure you’ve chosen a proper op-ed idea for your essay:

  • Brainstorm several topics before writing. Which one does meet the prompt’s requirements best?
  • Research . Are there other people investigating and discussing your chosen issue? Will you have enough supporting evidence to use throughout the paper?
  • Choose a side . What point of view will you support about the topic?
  • Develop a strong thesis and think of arguments you’ll use to prove it.
  • Remember to mention an opposite viewpoint. What counterarguments do your opponents have? Choose controversial topics, open to discussions.

20 Opinion Topics to Practice Your Writing Skills

Below are 20 elementary topics teachers assign for 5th-grade or for middle school students. They are easy opinion essay topics to practice writing. Also, they are great to consider when you have no idea what to write about in your piece:

Opinion Essay Topics: Choose Yours And Get A+

So, now you have them: 170 topics for opinion writing! Choose yours:

  • Consider the prompt requirements and the target audience of your paper.
  • Check if you have enough arguments and evidence to state and support a thesis in the paper.
  • Choose a topic that interests you but with counterarguments to add to a paper for discussion.

Which opinion essay topics from the list above have you already covered? And which one would you choose for your next paper or article?


  • https://writingcenter.fas.harvard.edu/pages/essay-structure
  • https://www.vwu.edu/academics/academic-support/learning-center/pdfs/Thesis-Statement.pdf
  • https://www.jscc.edu/academics/programs/writing-center/writing-resources/five-paragraph-essay.html

6 thoughts on “170 Opinion Essay Topics to Choose in 2023 for Your Writings”

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Many thanks for this list! It’s my top struggle – to decide on a topic for my next essay or article. You’ve nailed it! All the best!

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clock This article was published more than  1 year ago

Opinion The Washington Post guide to writing an opinion article

topics for op ed essay

The Washington Post is providing this news free to all readers as a public service.

Follow this story and more by signing up for national breaking news email alerts.

Each month, The Washington Post publishes dozens of op-eds from guest authors. These articles — written by subject-matter experts, politicians, journalists and other people with something interesting to say — provide a diversity of voices and perspectives for our readers.

The information and tips below are meant to demystify our selection and editing process, and to help you sharpen your argument before submitting an op-ed of your own.

topics for op ed essay

250+ Opinion Essay Topics to Write About


Table of contents

  • 1 How to Select the Best Opinion Essay Topic?
  • 2 Opinion Essay Topics for High School
  • 3 Opinion Essay Topics for College Students
  • 4 Personal Opinion Essay Topics
  • 5 Public Opinion Essay Topics
  • 6 Nursing Opinion Essay Topics
  • 7 Opinion Essay Topics on Culture
  • 8 Social Media Opinion Essay Topics
  • 9 Sports Opinion Essay Topics
  • 10 Psychology Opinion Essay Topics
  • 11 Political Science Opinion Essay Topics
  • 12 Thought-Provoking Opinion Writing Topics
  • 13 History Opinion Essay Topics
  • 14 Environment Opinion Essay Topics
  • 15 Education Opinion Essay Topics
  • 16 Literature Opinion Essay Topics

Opinion essay topics and ideas can be a great way to express your thoughts and opinions on a variety of topics. Opinion essays allow you to explore a variety of topics and express your own opinion on them. You can choose to write about current events, social issues, political issues, or any other topic that you feel strongly about. When writing an essay , it is important to be clear and concise in your writing and to provide evidence to support your opinion. Additionally, it is important to consider the opinions of others and to be respectful of their views. By doing so, you can create a well-rounded and thoughtful opinion essay.

How to Select the Best Opinion Essay Topic?

When selecting an opinion essay topic, it is important to consider the purpose and audience of the essay. It is also important to choose a topic that is interesting and engaging to the reader. Consider the topics that you are passionate about and that you have a strong opinion on. It is also important to consider the amount of research that is required for the topic. Once you have narrowed down your list of topics, it is important to research the topic to ensure that you have a thorough understanding of it. Additionally, it is important to consider the opposing viewpoint and be prepared to address it in your essay. Finally, it is important to select a topic that is relevant and timely. By following these steps, you can be sure to select the best opinion essay topics.

  • Consider the purpose of your essay. Are you writing to inform, persuade, or entertain? Knowing the purpose of your essay will help you narrow down your topic choices.
  • Think about the audience you are writing for. Are you writing for a general audience or a specific group? Knowing your audience will help you choose a topic that is interesting and relevant.
  • Consider the scope of your essay. Is your essay going to be short or long? Is it going to focus on a single issue or a range of topics? Knowing the scope of your essay will help you determine which topics are appropriate.
  • Research the topics you are considering. Look for sources that provide reliable information, and explore different perspectives on the issue. This will help you make an informed decision about which topic is best for your essay.
  • Choose a topic that you are passionate about. Writing about something you are passionate about will make the process of writing your essay much easier and more enjoyable. With these tips, you can select the best opinion essay topic for your assignment.

Opinion Essay Topics for High School

There is a variety of opinion writing ideas that high school students can choose from. Some popular opinion topics, for example, include the significance of staying physically fit, the importance of eating habits, the implications of eating disorders, how government controls religious practices, etc. The important point to note while selecting an opinion essay topic is to consider your personal beliefs and interests.

  • The benefits of a college education
  • Impact of social media on adolescent growth
  • The pros and cons of standardized testing
  • The importance of physical education
  • The benefits of extracurricular activities
  • The effects of bullying on teen development
  • Why are family bonds important?
  • An opinion essay on the benefits of positive self-esteem
  • The effects of teenage pregnancy on teen development
  • The pros and cons of co-ed schooling
  • The importance of volunteer work
  • The benefits of a healthy diet
  • The effects of teenage drinking and drug use
  • Is time management suitable for students?
  • The importance of a good education
  • Should students be allowed to have cell phones in school?
  • Should students have to wear uniforms?
  • Should students be required to take physical education classes?
  • Should students be allowed to grade their teachers?
  • Should students be required to do community service?
  • Should students be allowed to pray in school?
  • Should students be allowed to eat during class?
  • Should students be allowed to listen to music during class?
  • Should students be allowed to use social media in school?
  • Should students be allowed to have part-time jobs?

Opinion Essay Topics for College Students

A college student usually navigates through a plethora of different controversial issues and dilemmas during his/her education. Students who want to express their thoughts and ideas while also engaging in meaningful debate can use opinion essay writing as an opportunity. From campus violence related issues to gun laws, students get the chance to express their views and beliefs. Some good opinion essay topics that are relevant to the experiences are as follows:

  • The impact of social media on the development of teenage social skills
  • The benefits of studying abroad for college students
  • The effects of a college education on future income potential
  • The importance of internships for college students
  • The value of a liberal arts education
  • How to choose the right college for you
  • How to pay for college
  • The role of college athletics in the educational experience
  • How to balance work and school
  • The challenges of returning to school as an adult
  • The impact of technology on the college experience
  • The changing role of the professor in the classroom
  • The benefits of study groups
  • How to stay motivated in college
  • The importance of college graduation


Personal Opinion Essay Topics

Topics for personal opinion essays can encompass everything from current events to personal experiences. When selecting a topic for an opinion essay, it’s crucial to ensure that you have a strong stance and can back it up with solid evidence. Opinion topics provide an opportunity to persuade others and introduce them to a diverse range of perspectives.

  • The impact of social media on personal relationships
  • The dangers of smoking
  • The importance of regular exercise
  • The effects of stress on the body
  • The benefits of getting a good night’s sleep
  • The dangers of drinking alcohol
  • The importance of staying safe online
  • The effects of technology on the brain
  • The benefits of meditation
  • The dangers of using too much screen time
  • The benefits of a positive outlook on life
  • The effects of gratitude on happiness
  • The importance of spending time with loved ones
  • The importance of taking time for oneself
  • Should parents be allowed to choose their children’s education?
  • Should the government impose stricter gun control laws?
  • Should the death penalty be abolished?
  • Should the voting age be lowered?
  • Should the legal drinking age be lowered?
  • Should marijuana be legalized?
  • Should the government provide free healthcare?
  • Should the government provide free college tuition?
  • Should the government increase taxes on the wealthy?
  • Should the government invest more in renewable energy sources?

Public Opinion Essay Topics

Public opinion refers to the attitudes and views held by a substantial segment of society regarding a specific issue. These opinions are typically impacted by a range of factors, such as government policies, personal experiences, and cultural values. Here are some ideas for public opinion essay topics to consider:

  • How does the media shape public opinion?
  • Are there any benefits to having a public opinion?
  • How much impact do social networking platforms have on us?
  • Does the public have a right to know everything?
  • How can we ensure that the public’s opinion is heard?
  • How does angry parenting affect children?
  • The pros and cons of health insurance
  • Modern pop stars and their influence on the youth
  • Does the government have a responsibility to act on the opinion of the public?
  • Is it possible to have a collective opinion?
  • How can we ensure that public opinion is not impacted by fake news?
  • Who should be responsible for shaping the opinion of the common man?
  • Analysing the impact of media coverage on public
  • The effectiveness of military training programs
  • The pros and cons of using medical marijuana

Nursing Opinion Essay Topics

  • What are the benefits of a career in nursing?
  • What challenges do nurses face in the healthcare system?
  • How can nurses best advocate for their patients?
  • What role does technology play in modern nursing?
  • How can nurses help to reduce medical errors?
  • How can nurses help to improve patient satisfaction?
  • What is the impact of nurse-patient ratios on patient care?
  • How can nurses help to reduce healthcare costs?
  • What ethical considerations are important for nurses to consider?
  • How can nurses help to reduce health disparities?

Opinion Essay Topics on Culture

  • The Impact of Social Media on Culture
  • The Role of Religion in Society
  • The Impact of Technology on Culture
  • The Influence of Music on Culture
  • The Impact of Immigration on Culture
  • The Role of Education in Shaping Culture
  • The Impact of Media on Culture
  • The Influence of Art on Culture
  • The Impact of Language on Culture
  • The Role of Family in Shaping Culture
  • The Impact of Social Class on Culture
  • The Role of Gender in Society
  • The Impact of Globalization on Culture
  • The Influence of Pop Culture on Society
  • The Role of Tradition in Culture

Social Media Opinion Essay Topics

Online social platforms have become a significant part of our daily existence. They affect various aspects of our lives in various ways. Hence, there are a multitude of potential essay topics to consider.

  • How have online social platforms changed the way we communicate?
  • Online social platforms shaping the way we think
  • Influence of social media on human behaviour
  • How can we use online social platforms for our benefit?
  • Drawbacks of using digital social platforms
  • Ways how online social platforms impact mental health
  • Is your physical health impacted by the excessive use of online social apps?
  • Influence of social media platforms on relationships.
  • How does excessive use of social media affect our productivity?
  • Is it ethical for parents to have access to social media control tools?
  • How are political leaders using online social apps for their own benefit?
  • How is social media shaping our societal norms?
  • Unleashing the power of social media platforms and online communication
  • Do online social platforms affect our control over privacy?
  • Navigating the dark side of online social platforms and their threat to our society

Sports Opinion Essay Topics

If you’re a sports fan, there are many aspects of sports that make for great opinion essay topics. Whether you choose to write about the impact of sports on youth growth or the evolving nature of the sports world, make sure to present a clear, well-supported opinion backed by relevant research and data.

  • The impact of sports on society
  • An opinion essay on the business of sports
  • Sports and its contribution to national identity
  • The impact of sports on individual development
  • The positive and negative effects of sports on mental health
  • Sports and the media
  • Sports and gender
  • Sports and disability
  • Elite sports and the exploitation of athletes
  • Amateur sports and the benefits for participants
  • Sports and obesity
  • Sports and violence
  • Sports and gambling today and in the past decades
  • The impact of sports on international relations
  • Envisioning the future of sports, trends and predictions


Psychology Opinion Essay Topics

Psychology is a captivating field of study that has sparked numerous opinions and debates for years. If you’re seeking thought-provoking topics for your opinion essay within psychology, there are many fascinating options to choose from:

  • How does the human brain process information?
  • How do different cultures perceive mental illness?
  • How does the media affect the way people view mental illness?
  • What are the benefits of therapy?
  • What are the different types of therapy?
  • Assessing the Efficiency of Various Therapeutic Approaches
  • How do family dynamics affect mental health?
  • An opinion essay on stress and its effect on mental health?
  • How does trauma affect mental health?
  • How does poverty affect mental health?
  • How does immigration affect mental health?
  • How does discrimination affect mental health?
  • How does social media affect mental health?
  • Do Internal online platforms affect mental health?
  • Technological advancement in the field of psychology
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
  • The Role of Genetics in Personality Development
  • The Effects of Childhood Trauma on Adult Mental Health
  • The Impact of Technology on Human Behavior
  • The Relationship Between Stress and Mental Health
  • The Impact of Substance Abuse on Mental Health
  • The Role of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Mental Health
  • The Role of Attachment Theory in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Culture on Mental Health
  • The Role of Exercise in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Parenting Styles on Mental Health
  • The Role of Nature vs. Nurture in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Social Support on Mental Health
  • The Role of Gender in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Religion on Mental Health
  • The Role of Self-Esteem in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Media on Mental Health
  • The Role of Nutrition in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Trauma on Mental Health

Political Science Opinion Essay Topics

The study of politics provides numerous opportunities for crafting thought-provoking opinion essays. There is a range of topics to choose from, covering everything from local politics to international governance and political control instruments.

  • The impact of social media on political participation
  • The impact of campaign finance on the political process
  • The role of the media in shaping public opinion
  • How does the voting system impact the political outcomes
  • The impact of political polarisation on legislative productivity
  • The impact of gerrymandering on electoral outcomes
  • The impact of term limits on the quality of representation
  • The impact of redistricting on political representation
  • Campaign advertising and its effect on voter behaviour
  • Political dynasties and how they shape political competition
  • The role and effect of youth engagement in the political process
  • The impact of women’s participation in politics
  • Does ethnic diversity contribute to political outcomes?
  • Religious diversity and how it shapes political outcomes
  • The influence of social media on political division

Thought-Provoking Opinion Writing Topics

A powerful way to communicate and engage your perspective with society is by opinion writing For instance, you can write about artificial intelligence, the slavery controversy, global warming, any philosophy essay topics , or modern society. In all cases, a successful opinion essay resonates with you on a personal level.

  • What is the key to academic success?
  • Does Asian culture dominate the business world?
  • Eating disorders—is the media to blame?
  • Vulgar power display and its impact on society – is this a good thing?
  • Is the current drinking age too high?
  • Are angry parents to blame for behavioral problems in children?
  • What are your personal views on domestic violence?
  • Is modern culture based on the ideology of feminism?
  • Do we need to rethink the way we approach education?
  • Is the internet a positive or negative force in our lives?
  • Should we be worried about the rise of artificial intelligence?
  • How do we deal with the challenges of globalization and economic inequality?
  • What is the future of the human race?
  • Should we be more environmentally conscious and take steps to help with global warming?
  • How can we create a better world?

History Opinion Essay Topics

History is a realm that lets you get a glimpse of the past and understand how events of the past shaped the world of today. There are many opinion essay topics that you can choose from, including the events leading up to World War, civil wars, and colonialism.

  • How has the role of women changed in society over the past few decades?
  • How has modern culture affected the way we view traditional values?
  • How do different cultures view slavery and the slave trade?
  • How does the rest of the world view our country and its politics?
  • How did World War II affect the entire world?
  • How has the internet changed the way we research and learn about history?
  • How do different cultures celebrate holidays and traditions?
  • What are some lesser-known historical facts about your own country?
  • What are some controversial topics in history that are still debated today?
  • How do we remember and commemorate historical events?
  • How do we balance historical accuracy with artistic license when telling historical stories?
  • What is the future of historical research and scholarship?
  • How do we ensure that the lessons of history are not forgotten?
  • What is the impact of historical revisionism on our understanding of the past?
  • How does history shape our understanding of the present and future?
  • The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Society
  • The Legacy of the American Revolution
  • The Role of Women in Ancient Civilizations
  • The Influence of Religion on Politics
  • The Causes of the French Revolution
  • The Impact of Imperialism on Colonialism
  • The Significance of the Cold War
  • The Legacies of the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Impact of the Scientific Revolution
  • The Role of Technology in Modern Society
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Environment Opinion Essay Topics

We cannot deny the fact that the environment is an important part of our planet, and it has a paramount impact on all of us. If you are an environment enthusiast, then you must be searching for an opinion essay topic that translates your beliefs.

  • What are the most effective ways to reduce air pollution?
  • Should governments impose stricter regulations on companies to reduce their environmental impact?
  • Should the use of plastic be banned?
  • Is nuclear energy a viable alternative to fossil fuels?
  • What are the most effective ways to reduce water pollution?
  • Should governments invest more in renewable energy sources?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of using genetically modified crops?
  • Should the use of pesticides be banned?
  • How can we reduce our reliance on fossil fuels?
  • What are the most effective ways to reduce deforestation?

Education Opinion Essay Topics

There are several opinion essay topics that can be explored in the field of education. This can include the role of technology in the education system, gender bias faced by students, and unequal access to quality education.

  • How can academic writing help students achieve academic success?
  • What are the benefits of distance learning for high school students?
  • Personal skills that students develop in single-gender schools.
  • Is sex education necessary in the school curriculum?
  • How effective is home-schooling as an educational option?
  • Is it a challenging task to educate modern children?
  • What are the flaws in the current educational system?
  • How can the school curriculum be improved?
  • What is the impact of age differences on the educational process?
  • How do modern children spend their free time?
  • What are the benefits of challenging tasks for students?
  • How can students balance their academic and personal lives?
  • Is there a way to reduce stress in the educational process?
  • What are the benefits of a healthy lifestyle for students?
  • Should standardized tests be abolished?
  • Should college tuition be free?
  • What is the best way to teach a foreign language?
  • Should the education system be more flexible?
  • Should online education be more widely available?
  • Should schools prioritize STEM education?
  • Should schools provide more vocational training?
  • Should schools have uniforms? Should schools have a longer school day?
  • Should schools have a longer school year?
  • Should schools have more extracurricular activities?
  • Should schools provide more mental health services?
  • Should schools provide more career guidance?
  • Should schools be more culturally inclusive?
  • Should schools provide more financial literacy education?
  • Should schools provide more technology education?
  • Should schools have more parental involvement?
  • Should schools have more community involvement?
  • Should schools have more global awareness education?
  • Should schools have more environmental education?

Literature Opinion Essay Topics

Literature is a landscape that is rich and offers the opportunity to explore the intangible, such as human experience and emotions.

  • Is there a universal classic book that everyone should read?
  • Is there a difference between classic literature and modern literature?
  • How has literature changed over the years?
  • What is the most important element of a successful novel?
  • What is the most important thing a reader should look for in a book?
  • Is there a difference between reading a book and watching a movie based on the book?
  • What is the most important lesson that literature can teach us?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about life?
  • How has literature influenced society?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about ourselves?
  • How has literature changed over time?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about the world?
  • How has literature shaped our culture?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about justice?
  • How has literature impacted our understanding of history?
  • How has literature shaped our understanding of morality?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about love?
  • How has literature helped to shape our understanding of gender roles?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about democracy?
  • How has literature helped to shape our understanding of race and ethnicity?

Opinion topics are not easy to decide on. But if you want to write a winning essay, you need to pick a topic that you have a good understanding of. No matter if you’re writing about education, politics, or sports, it’s important to have solid evidence and examples to back up your opinion. This way, you can write an interesting and convincing essay that will have a lasting impact on your reader.

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topics for op ed essay

The Learning Agency

  • Guides & Resources

How To Write an Op-ed: A Step By Step Guide

There’s a formula that we call the “ABCs” that can be used to write compelling op-eds, columns, or blogs. The same formula can also be used to write almost any document that offers up an argument or gives advice. This is a “news flash lede,” a comment that will make sense in a  moment .

The ABC Formula

This formula for writing op-eds is based on our experience and our op-eds that appeared in the  New York Times , the  Wall Street Journal , and the  Washington Post .  I first came across a version of this formula while I was at  US News and World Report . It was called “FLUCK,” and we have tweaked it a bit since then. 

This is probably obvious, but this ABC formula is meant to guide writers rather than restrict them. In other words, these are recommendations, not a rigid set of instructions.

Better yet, think of the formula as a flexible template for making an effective argument in print—one that you personalize with your specific style, topic, and intended audience in mind.

This guide is divided into five parts.

Part I: Introduction:  In this section, we give a brief overview of the approach and discuss the importance of writing and opinion.

Part II: The ABCs:  Here we cover the important steps in writing for your audience: Attention, Billboard, and Context.

PART III: The ABCS in Example:  In this section, we give you different examples of the ABCs in action and how to effectively use them.

PART IV: Pitching:  Here we will go over how to effectively pitch ideas and submit ideas to an editor for publication.

PART V: Final tips and FAQs: Here we go over a few more key things to do and answer the most commonly asked questions.

Part I: Introduction To Op-Eds

Op-eds are one of the most powerful tools in communications today. They can make a career. They can break a career.

But there’s often lots of mystery around editorials and op-eds. I mean: What does op-ed even stand for?

Well, let’s start with editorials. Editorials are columns written by a member of a publication’s board or editors, and they are meant to represent the view of the publication. While reporting has the main purpose of informing the public, editorials can serve a large number of purposes. But typically editorials aim to persuade an audience on a controversial issue.

Introduction to op-eds. What makes a good op-ed. The difference between opinion editorials and editorials.

Op-eds, on the other hand, are “opposite the editorial” page columns. They began as a way for an author to present an opinion that opposed the one on the editorial board. Note that an op-ed is different than a letter to the editor, which is when someone writes a note to complain about an article, and that note is published. Think of a letter to the editor as an old, more stodgy form of the comments section of an article.

The New York Times  produced the first modern op-ed in 1970, and over time, op-eds became a way for people to simply express their opinions in the media. They tend to be written by experts, observers, or someone passionate about a topic, and as media in general becomes more partisan, op-eds have become more and more common.

How to start . The first step for writing an op-ed is to be sure to: Make. An. Argument.

Many op-eds fail because they just summarize key details. But, wrong or right, op-eds need to advance a strong contention. They need to assert something, and the first step is to write down your argument.

Here are some examples:

  • I want to write an op-ed on the plague that are drinks that overflow with ice cubes. This op-ed would argue that restaurants serve drinks with too many ice cubes.
  • Superman is clearly better than Batman. In this op-ed, I would convince readers why Superman is a better superhero than Batman.
  • My op-ed is on lowering the voting age in America. An op-ed on this topic would list reasons why Congress should pass a law to allow those who are 14 years old like me to be able to vote in elections.

How to write.  So you have yourself an argument. It’s now time to write the op-ed. When it comes to writing, this guide assumes a decent command of the English language; we’re not going to cover the basics of nouns and verbs. However, keep in mind a few things:

  • Blogs, op-eds, and columns are short.  Less than 1,000 words. Usually between 500 and 700 words. Many blogs are just a few hundred words, basically a few graphs and a pull quote often does the job.
  • Simplicity, logic, and clarity are your best friends  when it comes to writing op-eds and blogs. In other words, write like a middle schooler. Use short sentences and clear words. Paragraphs should be less than four sentences. Please take a look at Strunk and White for more information. I used to work with John Podesta, who has written many great op-eds, and he was rumored to have given his staff a copy of Strunk and White on their first day of employment.
  • Love yourself topic sentences.  The first sentence of each paragraph needs to be strong, and your topic sentences should give an overall idea of what’s to follow. In other words, a reader should be able to grasp your article’s argument by reading the first sentence of each paragraph.

How to make an argument.  This guide is not for reporters or news writers. That’s journalism. This guide is for people who make arguments. So keep in mind the following:

  • Evidence . This might be obvious, but you need evidence to support your argument. This means data in the forms of published studies, government statistics, and anything that offers cold facts. Stories are good and can support your argument. But try and go beyond a good anecdote.
  • Tone . Check out the bloggers and columnists that are in the publications that you’re aiming for, and try to emulate them when it comes to their  argumentative tone . Is their tone critical? Humorous? Breezy? Your tone largely hinges on what type of outlet you are writing for, which brings us to…
  • Audience .  Almost everything in your article — from what type of language you use to your tone — depends on your audience. A piece for a children’s magazine is going to read differently than, say, an op-ed in the Washington Post. The best way to familiarize yourself with your audience is to read pieces that have already been published in the outlet you are writing for, or hoping to write for. Take note of how the author presents her argument and then adjust yours accordingly.

Sidebar: Advice vs Argument.  Offering advice in the form of a how-to article — like what you’re reading right now — is different than putting forth an argument in an actual op-ed piece.

That said, advice pieces, like this  one  by Lifehacker or this  one  by Hubspot, follow much of the same ABC formula. For instance, advice pieces will still often begin with an attention-grabbing opener and contextualize their subject matter.

However, instead of trying to make an argument in the body of the article, the advice pieces will typically list five to ten ways of “how to do” something. For example, “How to cook chicken quesadillas” or “How to ask someone out on a date.”

The primary purpose of an advice piece is to inform rather than to convince. In other words, advice pieces describe what you could do, while op-ed pieces show us what we should do.

Part II: Dissecting The ABC Approach

Formula.  Six steps make up the ABC method, and yes, that means it should be called the ABCDEF method. Either way, here are the steps:

Attention  (sometimes called the lede): Here’s your chance to grab the reader’s attention. The opening of an opinion piece should bring the reader into the article quickly. This is also sometimes referred to as the flash or the lede, and there are two types of flash introductions. They are: Option 1.  Narrative flash . A narrative flash is a story that brings readers into the article. It should be some sort of narrative hook that grabs attention and entices the reader to delve further into the piece. A brief and descriptive anecdote often works well as a narrative flash. It simultaneously catches the reader’s attention and hints at the weightier argument and evidence yet to come.

When I first started writing for US News, I wrote a flash lede to introduce an article about paddling school children. Here’s that text:

Ben Line didn’t think the assistant principal had the strength or the gumption. But he was wrong. The 13-year-old alleges that the educator hit him twice with a paddle in January, so hard it left scarlet lines across his buttocks. Ben’s crime? He says he talked back to a teacher in class, calling a math problem “dumb.”

Option 2.  News flash . Some pieces — especially those tied to the news — can have a lede without a narrative start. Other pieces, including many op-eds, are simply too short to begin with a narrative flash. In either of these instances, using the news flash as your lede is likely your best bet.

If I were writing a news flash lede for the paddling piece, I might start with something as simple as: Congress again is considering legislation to outlaw paddling.

  • Billboard  (also often called the nut graph): The billboard portion of the lede should do two things:

First, the “billboard” section should make an argument that elevates the stakes and begins to introduce general evidence and context for the argument. So start to introduce some general evidence to support your argument in the nut portion of the lede.

For an example of a nut graph for a longer piece on say, sibling-on-sibling rivalry, consider the following:  The Smith sisters exemplify a disturbing trend. Research indicates that violence between siblings—defined as the physical, emotional, or sexual abuse of one sibling by another, ranging from mild to highly violent—is likely more common than child abuse by parents. A new report from the University of Michigan Health System indicates the most violent members of American families are indeed the children. Data suggests that three out of 100 children are considered dangerously violent toward a brother or sister, and nine-year-old Kayla Smith is one of those victims: “My sister used to get mad and hit me every once in a while, but now it happens at least twice a week. She just goes crazy sometimes. She’s broken my nose, kicked out two teeth, and dislocated my shoulder.”

Second, the billboard should begin to lay the framework of the piece and flush out important details—with important story components like Who, What, When, Where, How, Why, etc. A good billboard graph often ends with a quote or call to action. Think of it like this: if someone reads only your “billboard” section, she should be able to grasp your argument and the basic details. If you use a narrative flash lede, then the nut paragraph often starts with something like: They are not alone. So in the padding article, for instance, the nut might have been: “Ben is not alone. In fact, 160,000 students are subject to corporal punishment in U.S. schools each year, according to a 2016 social policy report.”

For another example, here’s a history graph from a recent op-ed by John Podesta that ran in the  Washington Post :

“To give some context: On Oct. 7, 2016, WikiLeaks began leaking emails from my personal inbox that had been hacked by Russian intelligence operatives. A few days earlier, Stone — a longtime Republican operative and close confidant of then-candidate Donald Trump — had mysteriously predicted that the organization would reveal damaging information about the Clinton campaign. And weeks before that, he’d even tweeted: ‘Trust me, it will soon [be] Podesta’s time in the barrel.’”

If you’re writing an advice piece, then similar advice applies. A how-to guide for Photoshop, for example, might include recent changes to the program and information on the many ways that Photoshop can be used to edit pictures.

  • Demonstrate:  In this section, you must offer specific details to support your argument. If writing an op-ed, this section can be three or four paragraphs long. If writing a column, this section can be six or ten paragraphs long. Either way, the section should outline the most compelling evidence to support your thesis. For my paddling article, for instance, I offered this argument paragraph:  The problem with corporal punishment, Straus stresses, is that it has lasting effects that include increased aggression and social difficulties. Specifically, Straus studied more than 800 mothers over a period from 1988 to 1992 and found that children who were spanked were more rebellious after four years, even after controlling for their initial behaviors. Groups that advocate for children, like the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Education Association, oppose the practice in schools for those reasons.

While narrative can be vital when capturing a reader’s attention, it’s equally important to offer hard facts in the evidence section. When demonstrating the details of your argument, be sure to present accurate facts from reputable sources. Studies published in established journals are a good source of evidence, for instance, but blogs with unverified claims are not.

Also, when providing supporting details, you should think about using what the Ancient Greeks called ethos, pathos, and logos. To explain, ethos refers to appeals based on your credibility, that you’re someone worth listening to. For example, if you are arguing why steroids should be banned in baseball, you might talk about how you once used steroids and their terrible impact on your health.

Pathos refers to using evidence that plays to the emotions. For example, if you are trying to show why people should evacuate during hurricanes, you might describe a family who lost their seven-year-old child during a hurricane.

Logos refers to logical statements, typically based on facts and statistics. For example, if you are trying to convince the audience why they should join the military when they are young, provide statistics on their income when they retire and the benefits they receive while in the military.

  • Equivocate : You should strengthen your argument by including at least one graph that briefly describes—and then discounts—the strongest counterargument to your point. This is often called the “to be sure” paragraph, and it hedges your bets about the clarity of your piece with phrases such as “to be sure” or “in other words.”Here’s an  example  from a recent op-ed in Bloomberg:  Of course, that doesn’t mean that Hispanics simply change while other Americans stay the same. In  his 2017 book  “The Other Side of Assimilation: How Immigrants Are Changing American Life,” Jimenez recounts how more established American groups change their culture and broaden their horizons based on their personal relationships with more recently arrived immigrant groups. Assimilation isn’t slavish conformity to white norms, but a two-way process where the U.S. is changed by each new group that arrives.
  • Forward : This is where you wrap up your piece. It carries greater impact, though, if you can write an ending that has some oomph to it and really looks forward. So try to provide some parting thoughts and, when appropriate to the topic, draw your readers to look toward the future. If you began with a narrative flash lede, it’s optimal whenever possible to find a way to tie back into that introductory story. It allows you to simultaneously finalize the premise of your argument and neatly conclude your article. In an  op-ed  about gun violence that ran last year, minister Jeff Blattner looks toward the future and seamlessly ties the end of his piece back to his lede with this simple but effective kicker:  If we don’t commit ourselves to solving them together—to seeing one another as part of a bigger “us”—we may reap a whirlwind of ever-widening division. Let Pittsburgh, in its grief, show us the way.
An op-ed needs to advance a strong contention. It needs to assert something, and and the first step is write down your argument.

Part III: The ABCs In Example

Now that we have gone over the basic ABC formula, let’s examine a recent blog item and identify the six ABC steps.

Written by E.A. Crunden, the piece appeared in  ThinkProgress  and is titled, “ Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is embroiled in more than one scandal .”

  • Attention :  “A controversial contract benefiting a small company based in his hometown is only the latest possible corruption scandal linked to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke…” This opening sentence introduces the most recent news on Zinke while also signaling that other scandals might be discussed in the article.
  • Billboard :  “On Monday, nonprofit watchdog group the Campaign Legal Center (CLC) accused Zinke’s dormant congressional campaign of dodging rules prohibiting individuals from converting political donations into individual revenue.” The second paragraph adds more information about Zinke’s alleged missteps.
  • Context :  “Zinke’s other ethical close-calls, as the CLC noted, are plentiful.”  This provides some background to the main argument and lets the reader know that Zinke has a long history of questionable ethics, which the author expands upon in the following paragraphs.
  • Demonstrate :  “As a Montana congressman, Zinke took thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from oil and gas companies, many of whom drill on the same public lands he now oversees…”  Here the author gives specific evidence of Zinke’s actions that some believe to be unethical. This fortifies the argument. The following few paragraphs continue in this vein.
  • Equivocate :  “I had absolutely nothing to do with Whitefish Energy receiving a contract in Puerto Rico,” the interior secretary wrote in a statement on Friday.”  In this case, the equivocation appears in the form of a counterargument. The writer goes on to dismiss it by presenting additional clarifying evidence to support his point.
  • Forward:   “Monday’s complaint comes amid a Special Counsel investigation into Zinke’s spending habits, as well as a separate investigation opened by the Interior Department’s inspector general. Audits into Puerto Rico’s canceled contract with Whitefish Energy Holdings are also ongoing.”  These final two sentences “zoom out” from the specifics of the article, showing that the main news item (i.e., Zinke’s poor ethics) will continue to be relevant in the future. These forward-looking sentences also circle back neatly to the point of the flash news lede by reiterating that “Monday’s complaint” is yet another in a growing list against Zinke.

Part IV: Pitching

How to pitch your op-eds to media outlets? Best way to present you argument to editors and media.

When it comes to op-eds, most outlets want to review a finished article. In other words, you write the op-ed and then shop it around to different editors. In some cases, the outlet might want a pitch — or brief summary— of the op-ed before you write it.

Either way, you’ll need a short summary, even just a few sentences that describe your argument. Here is an example of the pitch that I wrote that landed me on the front page of the Washington Post’s Outlook section. Note that this pitch is long, but I was aiming for a more feature-like op-ed.

I wanted to pitch a first-person piece looking at Neurocore, the questionable brain-training program that’s funded by Betsy DeVos.  

DeVos just got confirmed as Secretary of Education, and for years, she’s been one of the major investors in Neurocore. Located in Michigan and Florida, the company makes some outlandish promises about brain-based training. The firm has argued, for instance, that its neuro-feedback programs can increase a person’s IQ by up to 12 points.

I was going to take Neurocore’s diagnostic program to get a better sense of the company’s claims. As part of the story, I was also going to discuss the research on neuro-feedback, which is pretty weak. Insurance companies are also skeptical, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan recently refused to reimburse for Neurocore’s treatments. I’d also discuss some of my research in this area and talk about some of the dangers of spreading myths about learning.

There’s been some recent coverage of Neurocore. But the articles have typically focused on the conflict of interest posed by the company since DeVos herself has refused to disinvest. What’s more, no one appears to have written a first-person piece describing the experience of attending one of their brain training diagnostic sessions.

A few bits of advice:

  • Newsy.  Whenever possible, build off the news. A good way to drum up interest in your piece is to connect it to current events. People naturally are interested in reading op-eds that are linked to recent news pieces — so, an op-ed on Electoral College reform will be more relevant around election season, for instance. It’s often effective to pitch your piece following a major news event. Even better if you can pitch your op-ed in advance; for example, a piece on voter suppression in the United States might be pitched in advance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Here’s an  article  from McGill University that has some advice on this idea.
  • Tailor.  Again, in this step of the process, it’s worth considering the audience of the publication. For example, if you’re writing in the business section of a newspaper, you’ll want to frame the article around business. If you are writing for a sports magazine, you’ll want to write about topics like “Who is the greatest golfer of all time, Tiger Woods or Jack Nicklaus?”

Also, websites sometimes have information on pitching their editors. Be sure to follow whatever specific advice they give — this will improve your chances of catching an editor’s eye.

Advice pieces describe what you could do, while op-ed pieces show us what we should do.

Part V: FAQs And Tips

I have lots to say. Can I write a 3,000-word op-ed?

Not really. Most blog articles, op-eds, and columns are short. What’s more, your idea is more likely to gain traction if it’s clear and simple. Take the Bible. It can be broken down to a simple idea: Love one another as you love yourself. Or take the Bill of Rights. It can be shortened to: Individuals have protections.

I want to tell a story. Can I do that?

Maybe. If you do, keep it short and reference the story at the top and maybe again at the bottom. But again, the key to an op-ed is that it makes an argument.

What should do before I hit submit?

We could suggest two things:

  • Make sure you cite all your sources. Avoid plagiarism of any kind. If you’re in doubt, provide a citation via a link or include endnotes citing your sources.
  • Check your facts. The  New York Times  op-ed columnist Bret Stephens says it this way: “Sweat the small stuff. Read over each sentence—read it aloud—and ask yourself: Is this true? Can I defend every single word of it? Did I get the facts, quotes, dates, and spellings exactly right? Yes, sometimes those spellings are hard: the president of Turkmenistan is Gurbanguly Malikguliyevich Berdymukhammedov. But, believe me, nothing’s worse than having to run a correction.” For more guidance, see Stephen’s  list of tips for aspiring op-ed writers .
  • Read it out loud. Before I submit something, I’ll read it out loud. It helps me catch typos and other errors. For more on talking out loud as a tool, see this  article  that I pulled together some time ago.

What’s the difference between a blog article and an op-ed?

A blog article can be about anything such as “What I had for lunch today” or “Why I love Disney World.” An op-ed typically revolves around something in the news and is meant to be persuasive. It typically runs in a news outlet of some kind.

What if no one takes my op-ed?

Be patient. You might need to offer your op-ed to multiple outlets before someone decides to publish it, and you can always tweak the op-ed to make it more news-y, tying the article to something that happened in the news that day or week.

Also, look for ways to improve the op-ed. You might, for instance, focus on changing the “attention” section to make it more creative and interesting or try to improve the context section.

What is the best way to start writing an op-ed?

Before writing, make sure to create an outline. I will often write out my topic sentences and make sure that I’m making a strong, evidence-based argument. Then I’ll focus on a creative way to open my op-ed.

Don’t worry if you get writer’s block while writing the “attention” step. You can always come back and make it more interesting. Really, the most important step is having an outline.

Should I hyperlink?

Yes, include hyperlinks in your articles to provide your readers with easy access to additional information.

–Ulrich Boser

15 thoughts on “How To Write an Op-ed: A Step By Step Guide”

Thanks for this excellent refresher!

I am writing this with the hope that the leasing of the port of Haifa will not come to fruition,It will give the Chinese a strong foothold in the middle east. No longer will the United States 6th fleet have a home away from home..May i remind those who are in command that NO OTHER COUNTRY in the world has helped Israel more than the US.and it would be a slap in the face of our best friend and cause many , many consequences in the future for the state of Israel. I pray to G-D that those in charge will come to their senses and hopefully cancel the agreement. M A, Modiin

Excellent piece of writing ideas, Thanks a lot for sharing these amazing tricks.


Gracias, Julio!

Good information

So glad you enjoyed it!

Glad it was helpful. Did I miss something in your comment?

Well done, But it’s needs practice!! Hands on!

Write with is one of the most critical steps of the writing process and is probably relevant to the first point. If you want to get your blood pumping and give it your best, you might want to write with passion, and give it all you got. How do you do this? Make sure that you have the right mindset whenever you are writing.

Create a five-paragraph editorial about a topic that matters to you.

Reading this I realized I should get some more information on this subject. I feel like there’s a gap in my knowledge. Anyway, thanks.

Thank you very much for your really helpful tips. I’m currently writing a lesson plan to help students write better opinion pieces and your hands-on approach, if a bit too detailed for my needs, is truly valuable. I hope my students will see it the same way 😉

Thank you for sharing your expertise. Your advice on incorporating storytelling, providing evidence, and addressing counterarguments is invaluable for ensuring the effectiveness and persuasiveness of op-eds.

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How To Write An Op-Ed

The Definitive Guide (2024)

What You're Going To Learn

In this post, you’re going to learn how to write an op-ed in 2024.

At Pinkston, we help develop, edit and place hundreds of op-eds a year for thought leaders, CEOs, politicians, professors and other experts in national publications ranging from The Wall Street Journal to The Washington Post and USA Today and more.

In this guide, we’ll be discussing what makes a successful op-ed and how you can improve your chances of getting yours published. It includes:

  • Real-life examples
  • Actionable, practical strategies
  • Downloadable op-ed guide

So, if you want to have a better chance of getting your op-ed published in top-tier publications, then this guide is for you.

Let’s start with the basics:

Understand the Media.

What drives the news cycle? What are reporters looking for in a story? How can you break through the noise? Learn how you can tell your story clearly, effectively and uniquely.

  • What is an Op-Ed?

Why Write an Op-Ed in 2024?

  • Writing your Op-Ed
  • The Writing Basics

Op-Ed Structure

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We'll send you a free digital copy so you can read it at your own convenience. Plus, we'll include a bonus chapter.

What is an Op-ed?

An op-ed is a short essay that expresses the opinion of an author on a particular subject.

The term “op-ed” comes from an opinion page created by the New York Times in 1970 , which meant, literally, “opposite the editorial page.” The term stuck, and today, op-eds are found everywhere from print publications to online media.

Are op-eds even a viable form of communication in a time when the traditional media landscape is shifting ?

In short: yes, if you do it correctly.

Writing an op-ed is an opportunity for you to write about the issues you care about or introduce an idea to new audiences. It’s also a chance for you to tell your story on your terms. In today’s increasingly fast-paced reporting environment, it’s often hard to make your voice heard through social media or television appearances alone. With an op-ed, you can craft a piece that will present your truth in an unfiltered medium and make a lasting impact on your audience.

Op-eds establish you as a respected voice in your field and open the door to new opportunities. As a matter of fact, successful op-ed writers have gone on to gain speaking, hosting and panelist gone on to gain speaking, hosting and panelist invitations, book deals and other opportunities.

Some people think writing an op-ed is just preaching to the choir. But a 2018 study by Yale and the Cato Institute showed that op-eds have a strong and lasting effect on people’s positions and can actually change their perspective on an issue – not just in the short term, but in the long term.

In the study, researchers split 3,500 people into two groups—a control group who did not read any op-eds but were asked about their positions on specific op-ed issues; and treatment groups of those who read op-eds from the NYT, WSJ, Newsweek and USA Today on various topics, like climate change and federal spending. Sixty-five to seventy percent of readers said they agreed with the author of the op-ed they read. Only 50% of the control group agreed with the author’s point.

The effect is not restricted to an uneducated audience, but it also goes for key opinion leaders. The study was also performed with a group of 2,000 “elite readers”: professors, politicians, journalists, thank, bankers and congressional staffers. The results were the same.

Writing Your Op-Ed

Step 1: choose your topic first; know your audience.

Before you start writing, you should identify your ideal publication and who the typical readers are for that publication.

Your piece might not end up in that specific publication, but it’s a good way to determine what the tone of the writing should be.

For example, if you’re writing for USA Today , you’ll be writing for a more general audience – anyone from a stay-at-home parent to a business traveler in a hotel.

If you want your piece to appear in The Washington Post , consider writing for politically-minded readers.

For the Wall Street Journal , your readers will probably be people well-versed in business and finance.

Read the outlets where you would like your op-ed to be published so you can get a sense of what topics they publish and what kind of writing they like.


Track the news for the topics that matter to you and think about tying your op-ed to something that’s happening in current events – for example, a political event, a study that’s just been released, or a change in the markets.

Besides news-of-the-day angles, you can also tie a piece to big-picture topics or challenges that are relevant to a modern audience – like taxes, retirement, or health care.

Remember that the news moves fast. If your op-ed is referencing something coming up – like a holiday or an election – try to write the piece as early as possible, before a publication’s slots on that topic fill up.

If you’re writing about something that has just happened, you’ll want to write and submit it as soon as possible – ideally within hours of an event’s occurrence. The ideal time to publish a piece about something that just happened is the day after the event.

In reality, your op-ed should fall into one of these three categories. Your title, or headline, should state this topic upfront so the reader knows exactly what to expect.


It’s important to pick a topic you’re passionate about – if you care about what you’re writing about, your readers will too.

This topic can be something related to your work, but it could also be something you came across in your day-to-day life. If you’re writing as a representative of a company or organization, think about the issues that might help strengthen that organization’s profile.

Next, think about what take on that topic might catch a reader’s eye.

This could be a provocative or unexpected view on a current issue, a solution to a problem or challenge people face, or a new thought on a neglected subject.

If it’s a news headline, what is your unique take on it? If it’s a more general topic, think about why this issue is relevant to people right now.

Regardless of your take on a topic, your piece should always have an opinion or an argument. An op-ed is not simply an educational or explanatory literature.

Remember that it’s okay to use the first-person “I” voice in an op-ed.

Here are some examples of op-ed topics:

  • Carbon offsets are not enough. Leaders need to change the way we work to address climate change. (Fast Company)
  • The Great Reshuffle is over. Welcome to the Big Stay. (Fortune)
  • Why this modified pig heart transplant is a huge deal. (CNN)
  • Nuclear power could save air quality. At what cost to the water? (LA Times)


Op-eds don’t have to follow the same structure or pattern, but generally, this is a good road map to follow:

Op-Ed Structure


The lede, also known as a hook, is the opening sentence of your op-ed. It is what will hook your reader and should describe the event, situation or issue that prompted you to write your op-ed in the first place.

This can be a recent headline, a new statistic, a surprising fact, or a personal story or observation. You’ll want to keep this in the first paragraph.

Your lede could be:

  • Something that just happened, is happening or is coming up in current events. For example: "After the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that a Colorado web developer may refuse to create wedding websites for same-sex couples, the implications of the decision are becoming clear." (AdAge)
  • Recently-released research, for example, "A recent study by the Pew Research Center suggests that the content of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s seismic “I Have a Dream” speech is fading in Americans’ collective memory.” (USA Today)
  • A generally relevant topic that people should take note of.
  • A persona story or observation that’s relevant to your argument.

To read more examples of successful ledes, download our “How to Write an Op-Ed” guide.


Next, you’ll want to state your particular argument or opinion on this hook, and why it’s relevant to a reader. This should immediately follow the hook, and should be conveyed in one to two sentences within the first or second paragraph.

Here’s an example of a strong op-ed opening paragraph:

“A 40-year-old man arrives in my hospital’s emergency department, blue from not breathing. It takes several rounds of medication and ventilators to save his life. That same day on the medical wards, an overhead speaker pages a “rapid response” announcement to my elderly patient’s room; she cannot wake up. And down the hallway, a middle-age finance manager is causing a scene because he isn’t prescribed the IV medication he wants. All of these scenes happen on a daily basis, not just in my hospital but in those around the country. And all three of these patients’ ailments have the same cause: opioids .”

This op-ed, written by a physician about the opioid crisis, uses a storytelling tactic, setting the scene with strong details.

Another Example:

“More than 115 biotech companies have announced layoffs this year, on track to easily surpass 2022’s numbers. While this is not a new trend, the current trajectory is concerning, as it portends more difficult times ahead for the pharmaceutical industry–already in the midst of a major upheaval. It should also be another wake-up call to pharma executives: the old way of doing business needs to change–and urgently.”

In this op-ed, the author uses a statistic to establish authority, then tells you upfront what she’s going to talk about.


The middle, or body, of your op-ed is the part where you convince a reader why your argument or opinion is valid. This will take up the bulk of your piece and you should aim for 3-6 short paragraphs between your introduction and conclusion.

Each individual paragraph should be its own point and can utilize one of these example types.

You should always use specific examples to support your claims. These examples could be:

  • Statistics (like results from research or surveys)
  • Personal stories or anecdotes
  • A story about a person affected by the issue
  • Problems caused by the status quo
  • Details about the solution you’re proposing
  • Bullet points or a list, if you are offering multiple solutions

Here is an example of a supporting paragraph for an op-ed titled “As antisemitism rises, Holocaust education is a deeply personal topic for me” (USA Today)

“A 2018 MIT study found that false information travels six times faster on social media than the truth. This is alarming. It’s difficult enough for adults who are aware of what’s going on to make sense of it. Absent any protections, these young minds are navigating a minefield of information while still learning what truth is.”

Note how the author, who is arguing for the urgency of teaching students more dynamically about the Holocaust, establishes his authority by citing a reputable source.

Want to learn how to write an Op-Ed for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA TODAY or other national news outlet?


In your last paragraph or last two paragraphs, remind readers why this issue should matter to them.

Your conclusion is an opportunity for you to really drive home your point and leave the reader with something that they can walk away with. There’s a good chance that your last words will be the one that your reader remembers, so use them to their full potential.

You conclusion can include a recap of a solution you’re proposing, provide advice or a recommendation.

Here are some real-life examples of all three potential endings:

  • A recap of the solution you’re proposing: “As the number of Holocaust survivors and citizens of the world who lived through World War II dwindles, it is through stories, objects and memories that the Jewish people’s legacy lives on. Survivors like me need to know that our experiences have meaning and that our community cares about what becomes of us. To make sure atrocities such as the Holocaust never happen again, we need to keep these stories alive.” (LA Times)
  • Advice or a recommendation: “Hot spot policing works. Focusing surveillance and resources on the small group of individuals who commit most of the violence works. Employing street outreach workers to engage with these individuals also works, when properly implemented. The best time to redouble these strategies is when violence is already on the decline, giving the police and community groups more time to be proactive.” (USA Today)
  • A call to action: “Anyone in either party who aspires to national leadership must resist these teachers unions and do what’s right—fight for families’ right to self-determination, especially for poor children trapped in failing schools. In Pennsylvania, we will never give up on this battle.” (The Wall Street Journal)


Besides checking for spelling, grammar and length, review your op-ed to make sure it’s clear and concise. The best way to do this is to ask someone who isn’t an expert in your topic to read it. Does it make sense to them? Are there areas that need more clarity? Another great way to review a piece of writing is to read it out loud. Often, our brains overlook errors when we are reading silently; when we read something out loud, we can more easily catch errors or sentences that need adjustments.

Op-Ed rejected?

Download our free PDF and learn 6 common reasons why editors pass on op-ed submissions.

Remember, when you’re writing an op-ed, have these three important things:

  • Relevant topic
  • Your own opinion
  • Evidence to back it up.

This is the start to crafting a well-written, interesting op-ed that will catch the eye of editors and readers alike.

Op-eds are a way to communicate your individual voice, personality and opinion. They are an opportunity for you to write about issues you care about, tell a personal story or introduce a provocative idea to new audiences. Despite changes in media, op-eds are still published by most major publications, and they continue to be one of the best tools for thought leadership today.

Your opinion matters. Learn how to get yours heard.

Download our free guide that includes a bonus chapter.

Your opinion matters; let it be heard.

Download our free PDF guide on how to write an op-ed and get an additional bonus chapter.

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How to Write an Impactful Op-Ed

by The Writing Workshop | Feb 8, 2024 | Persuasive Writing

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What is an op-ed?

An op-ed goes by many names—an editorial, opinion piece, commentary, page op, etc.—but it is, in essence, a piece of writing within the public view that expresses an informed opinion focused on a specific topic or problem. Op-eds are fairly new as a writing style, first coming to prominence in the early 1900s as a way to attract the public back to print news in the age of radio. Today, they serve a similar niche; newspapers face a budget crisis as readership is at an all-time low, and op-eds offer a low-cost solution to providing daily content that engages readers in a way that more traditional journalism simply can’t.

The modern op-ed writer is not restricted by occupation either; professors, politicians, researchers, and professionals use them to take control of the narrative on a given topic rather than entrusting social media and search algorithms to do the job. There is also a rising trend in the sciences to compliment research with op-eds to address limitations in their work that can lead to pervasive misinterpretations.

For example, in early 2023, Cochrane, an influential organization that collects databases and reviews research, published an ambiguously worded review of RCT studies on masking and hand washing that led to gross misinterpretations of the study’s conclusions, even by one of its authors . Researchers and epidemiologists, including the editor in chief at Cochrane , were quick to point out that the study did not come to a conclusion due to a lack of evidence alongside glaring inadequacies in the review . Given the mistrust in science that has permeated from Covid-19 misinformation, academics continue to dispel the significance of the article months after its original publication .

Why does this matter? Well, just like in research writing, where you are one piece of a larger puzzle contributing to the cannon of knowledge on a given topic, op-ed writing is about making a small yet meaningful contribution to this cannon using persuasion. Unfortunately, many of the tools used to purvey a greater understanding can also be used to distort and mislead. While there is certainly something to be said of the severity and degree to which misinformation impacts the public in a digital age (in an op-ed, perhaps?), it is just an amplification of the truth’s dependence on the status quo; your job as an op-ed writer is to add nuance to widely held assumptions by offering alternative opinions, evidence, and interpretations.

So where do you begin? Well for one, you need some expertise on the topic you are writing about; persuading your audience to believe something you don’t understand yourself would be both unethical and a poor reflection of your abilities. You will also need to understand who you are writing to and what they care about, so let’s start there!

Identifying your audience

Good writing always has an audience, but writing to a large group of folks, each with their own unique needs and beliefs, can often be difficult. Your job in an op-ed is to speak to the aligned values and attitudes of your audience.

  • Do you speak to what is most important to your audience?
  • Is there a clear benefit to reading your piece?
  • Do you present information in a way that is new and interesting to the audience?
  • Does your audience have biases or preconceptions about the issue? Can you manage them?
  • How do you want your audience to react to this piece?
  • Is the language appropriate?

Successful op-eds also capitalize on what the audience may know (or not) about the topic.

  • What does your audience already know about the topic?
  • Is there a varying level of knowledge or familiarity with your topic?
  • Does your audience “know” because they trust that someone does?
  • What is new to your audience?
  • Do you present new information in a way that is easy to understand?
  • Why does your audience not know this information?

All writers struggle to understand their audiences, but for op-eds, it’s a little easier. Given the popularity of op-eds in most US newspapers, you can look to what other writers do in their pieces to engage readers—just remember that the point of an op-ed is to challenge a prominent belief or interpretation, and if you write only to those who share your views, you will lose the hearts and minds of those open to a critical dialogue on the topic.

For more on understanding your reader’s unique needs, check out our post below!

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Choosing a role

Everyone from professional journalists to professors and politicians—including the president—writes op-eds. There are plenty of reasons someone would be compelled to write an op-ed, but we think it’s useful to divide them into three distinct roles, listed below, that a policy professional will find themselves in at one time or another.

The Witness

The Witness offers a firsthand account of the problem, whether they experienced it themselves or witnessed it in action. Witnesses focus on the material and human costs, but the true power of their opinion lies in their testimony, often speaking truth to power and serving up a distinctly human-centered narrative of what’s going on. Witnesses should focus on creating a strong narrative that is representative of the problem and conveys the cost of ignoring it.

The Practitioner

The Practitioner occupies an important space between witness and expert. The practitioner experiences the problem secondhand—through aid or non-profit work, for example—but uses their insider knowledge to further educate their audience on its root causes, often moving from problem identification to a solutions-focused narrative. Practitioners are challenged to create short, effective narratives followed by evidence-based arguments to contextualize their observations; they should lean into their role and the credibility it provides but be cautious in appealing to themselves as an authority in place of evidence.

The Expert can be both a witness and/or practitioner (a practicing epidemiologist, for example), but their power lies in their extensive knowledge of the problem and the landscape in which it occurs. While it may seem easy for the experts, they are plagued with the “curse of knowledge” and challenged to write about complex ideas in way that an average reader will understand. Experts should lean into their extensive knowledge but be careful in presenting too many contingencies, caveats, and abstractions. Experts tend to jump around in their op-eds, which can often disorient a reader, so having a second set of eyes that represents their intended audience will always be helpful.

Once you’ve identified where you fall within this spectrum, it’s time to begin developing your argument.

The nuts and bolts of an op-ed

Structurally, an op-ed can be somewhat free-form, and there will be a lot of variation between different schools of writers (i.e. researchers, academics, journalists, activists, etc.), but a deductive structure is always a great starting point, even if you alter it after your essentials are in place. To start, focus on creating adequate context for your argument in the first paragraph—making sure to provide your reader with the essentials—and then move on to crafting a strong connection between that background information and your argument in the second paragraph. From there, go point by point, keeping in mind that journalists use line breaks more often than academic writers, dividing each piece of evidence along with its analysis into individual paragraphs rather than adjoining them to their topic sentence. For more on deductive structure, read our post below!

topics for op ed essay

Every op-ed should have a clear purpose that can be intuited in the first few paragraphs. However, the central claim of an op-ed often differs from an academic thesis in that it requires some action on your reader’s part. You may want them to consider, reconsider, deny, approve, march, vote, or a whole host of other activities, but your argument should always move toward a call to action. Aside from being persuasive, your piece should also:

Those writing for monthly publications will have a little more flexibility here, but your central claim should have some degree of relation to what is going on right now . Maybe it’s that the problem has finally reached its tipping point, or that some event has made it front and center in the public eye, but whatever it is, it should activate existing knowledge in your audience. Regularly reading the news will be essential to your success in the op-ed space as readers are simply uninterested in rehashing the issues of the past or predictions of the future unless they are pertinent today.

Start with a leading sentence

Traditional journalists often write a setting sentence to start their feature pieces (i.e. “John Doe sits on his front porch looking at his latest bill from the doctor.”), but you have much more flexibility in an op-ed. The goal in your leading sentence should be to entice your audience into reading your piece while providing them with a general sense of the topic or problem. Check out a few examples below (UChicago students have unlimited access to the New York Times via the library page).

  • The air pollution in Emma Lockridge’s community in Detroit was often so bad, she had to wear a surgical mask inside her house.
  • Tyler Parish thinks of himself as “the last dinosaur.”
  • What comes to mind when you think of a mom-and-pop small business: A hardware store? A diner? A family-run clothing store or small-scale supermarket?

Get to the point

Timing is everything in an op-ed. If you present your case for change too early, the reader might not have the background knowledge they need to understand or support it; however, if you wait too long, they may lose interest. Depending on your topic, your point—one main argument per piece being the standard—may come sooner or later, but it should always be clearly stated by the halfway mark.

In this recent piece by Peter Coy on commercial real estate in the New York Times , notice how quickly the author presents his point. He uses the first paragraph to contextualize new information that will be familiar to the audience while attaching the issue to the larger concern of a potential banking crisis, then uses the second paragraph to present his argument (skepticism in the Fed’s approach to inflation as it pertains to commercial real estate). The New York Times has covered domestic inflation on a daily basis, so Coy is both capitalizing on this existing knowledge while encouraging the reader to further invest by presenting nuance and evidence for it. While this piece is heavier on the jargon than we would recommend, it is to be expected when targeting a more specific group.

In contrast, this piece on antitrust law by the editorial board of the Washington Post uses the first few paragraphs to explain a more complex issue that the reader may not be familiar with given the current direction of the FTC. Their main claim—that this is a classic example of antitrust enforcement—comes later because readers may not understand how Google’s ad stack functions nor the alleged monopolistic behavior within that space.

Create a realistic call to action

While a policy maker, organization, or politician may be the one who implements change, be sure to include your audience in the call to action as they will be essential in pushing your decision-maker to action. For example, you might want a senator to support a bill that you think will institute change; in this case, you should think of the voters in their district and how you can make the value of your argument resonate with them through a boycott, petition, or other activist work. 

Adding counterpoints to increase credibility

Sometimes it helps to present an argument against your own, which can earn credibility from a skeptical audience or consideration from one that is potentially hostile. A counterpoint assures readers that you’ve considered both sides and wrestled with discordant data or situations that don’t neatly fit the narrative thus far. Basic and fair counterpoints rhetorically position you to make your strongest case before the close. Avoid choosing a weak or widely discredited claim as a counterpoint—often referred to as a “strawman” argument—and instead focus on summarizing the most prominent or pervasive criticism of your main point.

The rebuttal, on the other hand, refutes the counterpoint while introducing a subclaim that directly addresses it. In the case that a previous claim already addresses the counterpoint, do not repeat it verbatim; instead, expand on that point’s scope with additional analysis or evidence to accommodate the counterpoint.

Sign posting language will be a useful tool in writing a compelling and concise counterargument, so make use of language like:

  • Some might argue that . . . However . . .
  • While it can be said that . . .
  • There is a widely held belief that . . .  but . . .

Counterarguments (the counterpoint plus the rebuttal) should come at the end of your piece, right before the conclusion. If your piece contains a call to action, make sure to set yourself up for success in your counterargument (a good sign post to add in this case is “that is why . . .”).

Counterarguments can also be the focus of an op-ed when a belief about a given topic has become fallacious or dangerous to public discourse—a phenomena all too common in our current age. Politicians will often use these longform critiques to respond to opponents during election cycles, but in light of controversial bills and rulings within the United States, many have stepped up to the soapbox to dispel common myths and misinformation about a whole host of issues.

We think a recent op-ed on the value of the humanities in higher education by Professor John Keck did this exceptionally. Notice how he uses his first paragraph to build context through timeliness, capitalizing on the recent comments surrounding Texas’s HCR 64, an immigration bill, and their unwarranted criticism of higher education. As he progresses through his critique, he gradually reorients his reader to his home state and the work that he does there, navigating his role of the expert while utilizing the tools of the practitioner to give his narrative a distinctly human focus.

Using a behavioral framework to better persuade your audience

Knowing your target audience’s priorities, values, and concerns will help you craft an argument that is most likely to resonate with them. To better analyze how a given policy narrative might strike our potential readers, we can use insights from social-psychological theories like the Moral Foundations Theory, which was developed by Jonathan Haidt and colleagues to explain how individuals’ moral values are shaped by their cultural, social, and evolutionary contexts. Moral Foundations Theory won’t reveal exactly how your audience will react to your argument for change, but no theory can. At the Writing Workshop, we like to think of these social-psychological theories as additional tools in your kit to help you make quicker and better informed decisions about the arguments, evidence, and language you use within your piece rather than empirical frameworks you can apply with certainty.

If you are interested in acquiring other tools to help you become more persuasive, we recommend checking out the work of Paul Slovic and Daniel Kahneman as well. For further reading on Moral Foundations Theory, check out our post below:

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What Is an Op-Ed Article? Op-Ed Examples, Guidelines, and More

Have you ever wondered the name of those articles in newspapers or online that seem to be more conversational in style than standard news stories?

These are called op-ed articles, and they are an entirely different style and format of writing that is typically found in the opinion section of a newspaper, magazine, or website.

In this article, I’m going to answer the question what is an op-ed article by digging into exactly what an op-ed article is as well as looking at some op-ed examples, how to write an op-ed, and how (and where) to submit an op-ed.

What Is an Op-Ed Article?

Op-ed stands for “opposite the editorial page,” and an op-ed article is an article in which the author states their opinion about a given topic, often with a view to persuade the reader toward their way of thinking.

Despite the “op” in “op-ed” not standing for “opinion,” op-eds are often called opinion pieces because, unlike standard news articles, the authors of op-eds are encouraged to give their opinions on a certain topic, as opposed to simply reporting the news.

Op-eds are sometimes written by a ghostwriter, which means somebody writes the op-ed on behalf of someone else (such as a businessperson or politician), then the intended author makes some tweaks, with the final version being attributed—bylined—to the intended author instead of the ghostwriter.

Anonymous Op-Eds

Op-eds can also be anonymous, although for larger publications, such as the New York Times , Wall Street Journal , and Washington Post , an anonymous op-ed is typically only allowed when the writer’s job (or in extreme cases, their life) would be jeopardized if their name or other distinguishing details were disclosed. In cases when an anonymous op-ed is allowed to go ahead, the author’s true identity is known by the publisher.

Whether or not anonymous op-eds should be allowed to be published comes up for frequent scrutiny, the most recent episode of which being in September 2018 after the New York Times published an anonymous opinion piece by a senior official working in the Trump administration. (In October 2020, former chief of staff in the Department of Homeland Security, Miles Taylor, publicly confirmed that he had authored the article.)

Op-Ed Responses

Often, op-ed articles are written in response to something that is happening in the news at a particular time; such as during a climate change summit or election cycle, or they are written as a response to another op-ed, whether the first opinion piece was published in the same newspaper or, for example, somebody decided to write an op-ed in the New York Times in response to an op-ed that appeared in the Wall Street Journal .

While there is no generalized word limit for an op-ed, most published op-eds run under 1,000 words. The New York Times notes that:

Written essays typically run from 800 to 1,200 words, although we sometimes publish essays that are shorter or longer.

Op-Ed Examples

For an article to be an op-ed it must, as noted above, appear in an opinion column. As many people find themselves reading op-eds after clicking a link online, op-ed columns typically also have the words ‘Opinion’ or ‘Guest Essay’ displayed above or close to the column’s headline.

If you’re looking for op-ed examples, look no further than the opinion pages of three of the largest newspapers in the United States, namely the New York Times , Wall Street Journal , and Washington Post opinion pages (for a longer list, see the How (and Where) to Submit an Op-Ed section below).

The Difference Between Op-Eds and Regular Articles

Some columns that look like a good op-ed article example are in fact lifestyle articles that, while not being timely in relation to the news of the day, aren’t defined as op-ed articles because they are purely factual, with no opinion being given.

Articles I have personally written for the New York Times , New York Observer , Quwartz , and similar publications had to be meticulously sourced and fact-checked before publication; and my opinion surrounding any of the topics in question was not taken into consideration, unlike for an op-ed.

That’s not to say you can simply make up facts when writing an op-ed. You can’t have your own opinion about the year Queen Elizabeth II was born (1926), the height of the Empire State Building (1,454 ft.), or the length of the Great Wall of China (21,196 km). Depending on what your op-ed is discussing, you can sprinkle your opinion in around facts, but those facts must be deep-rooted in order for your audience to get on board with your argument—and for a reputable source to choose to print your article.

How to Write an Op-Ed

Of course, knowing what an op-ed is and knowing how to write an op-ed are two different things entirely.

Here are my top five tips on how to write an op-ed:

  • Get to the point: The moment a reader (or your potential editor) starts reading your op-ed article they need to know what it is about, and why it matters to them.
  • Have a clear thesis: Submitting a meandering opinion column is a surefire way to ensure you do not hear back from the editor. Outline your entire op-ed before sitting down to write, and keep a clear thesis in mind.
  • Write what you know: While many factors go into the op-ed selection process, having authority in the topic you’re writing about, as well as a persuasive argument, is required above all else.
  • Write for the publication you’re pitching: Don’t use technical phrases if it is a non-technical publication. Look into what they have published on your topic in the past. How can you advance this discussion?
  • Stick to the rules: Most op-ed sections list their rules for publication. These often include information on how to source your facts, a well as the house style.

How (and Where) to Submit an Op-Ed

It’s easy to submit an op-ed to either a national or local newspaper, or to a trade publication in your field. Assuming you’ve read my advice on how to write an op-ed above, here are the links you’ll need to submit an op-ed to the following newspapers:

  • New York Times
  • Wall Street Journal
  • Washington Post
  • Los Angeles Times
  • Houston Chronicle
  • Chicago Tribune
  • San Francisco Chronicle
  • Tampa Bay Times
  • Dallas Morning News
  • Denver Post
  • Seattle Times

If you want to submit an op-ed to your local newspaper or a trade publication, look in their opinion columns for information on how to send in your submission, or search for their name alongside the word “submissions” online.

I hope this article on what an op-ed article is will help you on your journey toward writing and submitting your first op-ed to a major newspaper or publication.

If you’re interested in hearing more from me, be sure to subscribe to my free email newsletter , and if you enjoyed this article, please share it on social media, link to it from your website, or bookmark it so you can come back to it often. ∎

Benjamin Spall

Benjamin Spall

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The best op ed format and op ed examples: hook, teach, ask (part 2).

This section will cover two objectives: learning how great op-eds teach their point of view (rather than always arguing) and we’ll explore three op-eds and what makes them effective through the Hook, Teach, Ask, op-ed format.

Objective 1: Learn what the best op-eds do and how to reverse engineer great op-eds to get inspired for topic ideas and structure

Overview: what do the best op-eds do.

The best op-eds and opinion pieces teach . Sure, some argue, some demand, but if you approach your piece as an opportunity to teach you will have a better chance of changing minds and effecting change.

You can teach through history, through anecdotes, through personal testimony, through well-chosen statistics, through research, through envisioning likely implications, through showing the shortcomings of an argument, through any method that helps the reader better understand your perspective.

Alternatively, the best op-eds are not infomercials for the organization, company, book, or candidacy, you represent. Sure, you can draw attention indirectly to what you are doing in your work but the end goal of your opinion piece is to teach the reader something new about a current issue.

How to use the op-ed examples: Reverse engineer great writing

This guide contains numerous examples to not only help make the points necessary but to give you a starting point for several approaches to op-eds and opinion piece writing .

As you read these and those of the publication where you will submit your piece, ask the following questions to figure out how the author put their piece together:

  • What was the author’s overall main point or “ask” of the reader?
  • What type of evidence did the author use? Rather than focus specifically on what was said, how did the author make their case? Imagine they were a lawyer or investigative journalist, how did they put together their case? Was it mostly an emotional appeal, a logical fact-based one, or some mix?
  • What made you want to keep reading? What happened in the first paragraph that made you say, “This is worth my time to keep reading?”
  • In the middle, what did the author do to convince you they were right? How much time did they spend on their opinion? Did they ever address opposing viewpoints? Some op-eds and opinion pieces don’t (which is OK depending on the subject).
  • How did the author close? Was your mind changed in the end? Was that the author’s objective? Did you gain a new perspective? Did you already agree with the author and have your views confirmed? Did you want to find out more about the author and their cause?
  • Why do you think the op-ed/opinion piece was published at that moment? What was going on in the world at the time to make the piece timely? Reading past op-eds can give us a sense of what issues mattered at that moment to that publication’s readers.

Objective 2: Learn the Hook, Teach, Ask Method, see how it applies to three effective op eds, and start brainstorming ideas for your piece.

Op-ed format: hook, teach, ask — the method explained.

One method that helps with organizing an op-ed is “Hook, Teach, Ask.” This method will help you organize your thoughts and the eventual piece itself. We’ll get into the specifics of each portion later on in the guide when you’re ready to write the piece.

Hook: Begin in a way that grabs the reader and makes them want to read more. This is also your opportunity to layout the main themes and question you’ll be exploring. Some ways to hook your reader: Declarative sentences, hypothetical situations, surprising statements and quotations, stories and vignettes, recreated conversations — anything that will make a reader stop scrolling and say, “This sounds interesting, I want to find out more.”

Teach: The main body of your op-ed should be devoted to teaching your point of view. Use historical examples, vignettes, personal testimony, statistics, research findings; you can also take this opportunity to explain your background and why you’re writing this piece.

Ask: Have a clear ask ready at the end. It could be as general as advocating for something like registering to vote or eating less meat; it could be as specific as urging the passage or defeat of specific legislation.

3 Op-Ed Articles to Learn From:

A few op-eds that follow this model with the parts outlined (click each one to read in full):

A Murder Case Tests Alexa’s Devotion to Your Privacy by Gerald Sauer

“Think of the assistants like really smart dogs. They’re always ready to react to specific commands. Also like a really smart dog, they can remember those commands forever. And this concept of an always-on, always-connected, always-remembering listening device is where it gets intriguing.”

What I love about it:

  • The author builds his case through historical examples, legal examples, and current news.
  • It takes one issue — the use of voice data collected by law enforcement via the Echo — and raises a larger one, “but the company has failed to address the real problem: Why is all that data just sitting in Amazon’s servers in the first place?”
  • The author uses realistic hypothetical examples to demonstrate that the problems raised are plausible — how often do we hear people bring up improbable implications instead?

Hook: Sauer starts off with a declarative sentence, “THE AMAZON ECHO can seem like your best friend — until it betrays you.” In one sentence, you have the opinion piece summed up with the major themes. If you can’t think of such a sentence immediately, write your entire piece and then figure out what the opening sentence should be based on the rest of the piece.

Teach: Sauer uses history, legal examples, descriptions of current digital assistants beyond the Echo, analogous cases with smartphones and other listening devices, and reasonable hypothetical examples — all to teach us of the dangers of these wonderful assistants

Ask: Rather than a specific call-to-action such as “go vote,” it’s more of a consumer beware, “Millions of people are putting digital assistants in their lives with no clue about the potential havoc this Trojan horse could bring. Based on what Amazon and Google say about their devices, everyone needs to recognize the unresolved legal issues involving this new technology. Beware of who, or what, is listening.”

Questions to think about:

  • Can you take one issue a current news story presents and demonstrate that it raises a larger one?
  • What other technologies in our lives do we take for granted where we are trading privacy (or safety or some other value) for convenience?
  • If you are arguing that a course of action should not be adopted (such as the passage of a law) can you create believable hypothetical scenarios that show those effects?

It’s Time to Talk About Death by Sunita Puri, M.D.

“Americans are not good at talking about death. But we need to be prepared for when, not if, illness will strike. The coronavirus is accelerating this need.”
  • The author sets the scene as if you were there — you can experience what she has experienced in end-of-life discussions
  • The Ask at the end is incredibly detailed and specific — a reader can walk away knowing what to do and say in these situations
  • It’s a great example of the right profession, the current issue (COVID), and larger issues (end of life, limited healthcare resources) all coming together in one piece. Timing is crucial with many op-eds and this one demonstrates how all three parts come together for a piece published in the NY Times
  • You get an insight into the author’s own discussions with her parents on the issue of end-of-life decisions

Hook: Dr. Puri opens with a scene where she brings the reader into one of the discussions she had with numerous patients — replete with dialogue and description — as if we were reading a novel.

Teach: The author gives us her own advice on end-of-life discussions and then relates a personal story of having those same discussions with her parents.

Ask: This ask, as opposed to the one in the Wired piece, is a series of questions that provide a guide for the type of questions a person should be asking their parents and loved ones about end-of-life decisions. Relevant 3rd party resources are also given.

  • Is there a way to demonstrate that your perspective, a current issue, and a larger “life” issue, can all come together for the piece you’re writing? Are you someone earning a minimum wage and there’s an issue on the ballot to raise it? Can you also discuss what it means to be able to have a comfortable life?
  • If you’re an author, can the work you’ve done for a book be repurposed into an op-ed such as done here? Do you have something that directly bears on a current situation or issue?
  • Can you share a piece of your own life as relevant to the issue? Can you recreate those scenes as if we were reading a scene from your autobiography?
  • In offering your own advice, are there 3rd party organizations and sources that you could amplify as well?

I’m a Developer. I Won’t Teach My Kids to Code, and Neither Should You. by Joe Morgan

“There are no books that teach you how to solve a problem no one has seen before. This is why I don’t want my kids to learn syntax. I want them to learn to solve problems, to dive deep into an issue, to be creative. So how do we teach that?”
  • It combines the author’s own experience with parenting, his career, and argues against a current trend (teaching kids to code)
  • It’s nuanced — it’s not necessarily against coding but showing that learning syntax is not the same as the overall skill of computer programming
  • He addresses the argument for teaching kids to code but shows its limitations by demonstrating that knowledge of Java or C++ isn’t the same as understanding the overall philosophy of coding
  • The author uses a mix of stories from his own life (servers crashing) but also of problem-solving with his son (fixing a wobbly chair, making sugar cookies) to make his case that learning syntax is not the same as problem-solving
  • The author focuses on the question, “Should we teach all kids to code?” but then raises it to the larger issue about fostering creativity.

Hook: The hook is the subject of the op-ed itself — why would a coder not want to teach his kids to code? The opening paragraph sets the stage for a current debate: Why is it assumed that we should be teaching young kids the syntax of programming languages?

Teach: The author uses stories from his own life as a developer where he demonstrates that simply knowing the syntax of code isn’t enough — you need to have problem-solving skills, too. He then demonstrates that in action as he relates stories of teaching problem-solving and applying algorithms to fixing wobbly chairs and baking sugar cookies with his kid.

Ask: He heightens the debate to the larger issue of teaching kids creativity and implies that’s what we should be doing instead of just teaching the syntax of programming languages.

“But you’re not only teaching them that. You’re teaching them the world is full of interesting things to discover. You’re showing them how to be passionate and look for that ephemeral sense of quality in everything they do. The best part is that even if they don’t become coders — most shouldn’t and won’t — the same skills can be used in nearly any career, in every hobby, in every life. When we force kids to learn syntax, we reinforce the idea that if something is not a blatantly employable skill, it’s not valuable. Adults can learn syntax. Only kids can learn to embrace curiosity.”

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Can your perspective as a parent (or not a parent) give a perspective to an ongoing debate?
  • Can you take a contrary view towards what people might expect of you because of your profession, group identity, or way of life?
  • Does a current debate rest on a faulty assumption? Can you demonstrate that through evidence or your own experience?
  • Are there stories from your own life that directly and indirectly prove your point that you could tell?
  • What larger issue is a current question or debate getting at? How do you add to that conversation?

This next part of the guide will guide you through the initial ideas and pitch to draft to publication. Have a doc open where you can start generating notes and ideas for your piece.

Do now: Answer the following questions to help brainstorm topic ideas for your op-ed:

  • Based on the examples above, what are some of your initial ideas for your piece?
  • What types of evidence and examples will you use to teach your point of view? Will you rely on historical examples, personal ones, analogies, research, news pieces, deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning? (any are OK!)
  • Based on where you want to submit (your ideal publication and maybe a few backups), which topics appear most frequently? Skim the past few months of opinion pieces and see if you notice any trends for what gets published.

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Op-Ed Examples for Students by Students

by Michael Lydon

op-ed examples for students

“Op-ed pages,” Wikipedia tells me, began in 1921 when a New York newspaper editor, bored by the gossip columns that filled the page facing the paper’s weighty editorials, decided to devote the “opposite editorial page” to opinion pieces for and against the paper’s usual stance on the issues of the day. The page soon became the paper’s best-read feature, and now, three decades into the online news era, many readers, after a quick scan of the day’s headlines, still settle in to read and digest the day’s op-ed columns.

Why? Because news-hungry readers want and need more than meat-and-potatoes facts; they want and need ideas and insights that can put those facts in context. Here, from ElenaH’s entry into Write the World's op-ed competition , is a perfect example of the op-ed perspective:

I am Mexican-American. But, don’t look at me like a criminal. Don’t look at me like a drug-dealer. Look at me like a human being. Look at me like you would look at yourself. We’re all people. Why do we treat each other differently based on where we come from, what we look like, and everything in between? We as Americans need to change our way of thinking towards others based on their origins and looks.

I agree. So much history and so many stories in the daily news prove conclusively that we Americans—many of whose parents and grandparents came from foreign lands—do need to change our thinking about people from the worldwide spectrum of cultures and nationalities. The bold clarity of ElenaH’s argument boosts my determination to see the people around me as human beings like myself.  

Eva Vallo’s op-ed discussion about vegetarianism offers me no hard and fast answers:

Have you really researched being vegetarian? Are you vegetarian?  If I were you, I would check your facts.  This isn’t the best for you.  Some people think that it is not okay to eat meat. They think it is gross and harmful to animals.  Others think that it’s fine.  There are pros and cons of both.  People should eat meat because it’s healthy for you.

Instead she challenges me to check my facts, and her balanced approach—“Some people think that it is not okay to eat meat…Others think that it’s fine” challenges me to figure out what diet would be best for me.

Xojadex, from Australia, compares American and Australian healthcare, finds the American system wanting, and argues for the importance of free and/or subsidized health care:

Today in our generation, the government are making us citizens pay to visit the GP and hospitals. People with a disease or just a simple bone fracture are expected to pay for their needs and care. Medicare covered all the costs from a simple medication to life saving surgeries but our government is taking that away from us. In Australia, we are lucky that we have been provided with Medicare and our hospital costs.

Erin E GCL calls the CIA “America’s Eye,” a necessary weapon but one that’s susceptible to abuse:

Every country needs a way to protect themselves. An eye into what is going on in their country and around the world. The United States’ eye is the CIA. The issue relates to where the line should be crossed. How far can the CIA go before they have invaded our civil rights and privacy? This topic is not black and white especially since their purpose is to protect and defend our nation.

These op-eds I’ve quoted cover only a few of the subjects that WtW ’s writers are ready, willing, and eager to speak their minds on. AudreyDGCL questions the value of homework in high school: “More harmful than helpful?” Zoe Skaggs hates breeding mills that sell puppies weeks before they should be separated from their mothers. Tiffanys20 quotes studies showing that “when students are not permitted cell phone use during school they become more academically involved.” BenjaminR20 thinks that sports improve students’ “dedication…and focus.” What matters most to AlaynaK is “gender equality”:

“… [inequality] is not fair for women. Women work just as hard as men and they get paid less. Your gender should not get in the way of how you support your family. Also your gender should not get in the way of your education.”

Planned Parenthood, abortion, game animal trophy hunting, taking classroom notes with a pencil or a laptop, childhood beauty pageants—whether on big issues or small, the op-ed articles you young writers are submitting go on and on, all well-written, all passionate, and all, if not convincing, at very least, eye-opening and mentally stimulating.

I know, of course, that writing op-ed pieces may well not be what pulls you to your desk. You may hope to write novels, poems, plays, movie scripts and memoirs, and I say, more power to you! Yet I also urge you to keep your opinion-writing skills sharp. Why? Here’s one reason: because writing logical argument requires many kinds of writing excellence. To win readers to your side of any issue will require clarity, simplicity, empathy, and humor. You’ll need to tell stories, to create resonant metaphors and pulsing rhythms; you’ll need to build climaxes that ebb to resolute endings.

Yet there is a reason to write in the op-ed style that’s more important than penning distinctive prose, and here’s that reason: democracies around the world depend on people of every kind and color speaking their minds with a forthright confidence in order to create real social change.  

So, about any issue of current interest that awakens your “I gotta speak my mind” impulse, learn all you can, then speak up! Write up! Tell your friends, your neighbors in your town, your state, your country, and the world we all share, how you feel about any debate that interests you.

Evelyn Beatrice Hall’s bold “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it ” is now a foundation stone bequeathed to us as a most fortunate inheritance, but remember, when Hall first declared the idea at the turn of the twentieth century, it was the voice of one person, a person like yourself. So in the months and years ahead, let’s all keep putting in our op-ed two cents worth—they may be more valuable than we think!

About Michael

Michael Lydon is a writer and musician who lives in New York City. Author of many books, among them Rock Folk, Boogie Lightning, Ray Charles: Man and Music, and Writing and Life. A founding editor of Rolling Stone, Lydon has written for many periodicals as well, the Atlantic Monthly, New York Times, and Village Voice. He is also a songwriter and playwright and, with Ellen Mandel, has composed an opera, Passion in Pigskin. A Yale graduate, Lydon is a member of ASCAP, AFofM local 802, and on the faculty of St. John’s University.

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Sample WR 120 Assignment: Op-ed

Use, or adapt, the following to structure an op-ed (or “guest essay”) assignment as an alternative genre assignment to an academic paper in WR 120 or another class.

To analyze one or more model op-eds; to argue effectively for a point or claim in the context of an op-ed, while providing evidence and considering the needs of your readers; to reflect on the similarities and differences between op-eds and academic papers in terms of argument, structure, and style.

argument-driven paper; genre; claim

Part 1: Pre-writing–Activate background knowledge and analyze the genre

  • In your own words, what’s an op-ed?
  • What was your previous exposure to this genre?
  • What other genres beyond an academic essay is it similar to, and in what ways?
  • What other genres beyond an academic essay is it different from, and in what ways?
  • What is potentially interesting about writing an op-ed?
  • What is potentially challenging about writing one?
  • Who is the author, beyond their name? How is the author’s identity relevant to their topic and/or argument?
  • What periodical published this op-ed? What might that suggest about the intended audience?
  • What specific sub-topic does the op-ed address, and what is the author’s argument about this topic?
  • How does the author begin (what strategies)?
  • How does the author use evidence (what strategies)?
  • How does the author end (what strategies)?
  • How would you characterize the author’s tone, diction, and/or style? What connections are there between these elements and the author’s argument and/or audience?
  • Share the op-ed you found with the entire class or a small group, and discuss your group’s op-eds together after having read or skimmed each: What struck you about these op-eds, taken together as a group? What do you notice about them as a genre?
  • Discuss the background material on op-eds that you read in preparation for this assignment: What were some useful tips for writing op-eds that you and your groupmates encountered?
  • Think about how you feel as you prepare to write an op-ed of your own: What is exciting about the process? What seems challenging about it? What ideas do you have for how to get started?

Part 2: Write and revise

  • Write a 700-1000-word (hard limits on both ends) essay appropriate for the op-ed or “guest essay” genre.
  • Address a specific aspect of our topic that is both important and timely (you might need to argue for one or both of those qualities, as they may not be obvious to your readers).
  • Make a specific, unique, well-supported, and logical argument about your topic, quoting from, summarizing, and/or referring to at least one of the authors we have read and discussed this semester, in addition to any other examples, evidence, or personal experiences you wish to include. Hint: Keep track of all the sources and websites you are looking at as you think more about your topic. Some of these you might want to link to from the text of your op-ed.
  • Use key features of the op-ed genre that we have discussed in class, including a strong opening, short and punchy paragraphing, an acknowledgment of alternative points of view, and a “should” statement near the end of your essay.
  • Consider your intended audience when making rhetorical decisions, such as about how much background information to include, what kind of counter-arguments to address, or what tone and what kind of diction to use.
  • Share your paper in storyboard and/or draft form with your classmates , discussing each other’s work in light of what you know about the op-ed genre and how effectively each essay communicates its point to its audience.
  • Revise your essay, working on your headline and author “blurb” and your acknowledgment of sources ( fact-checking memo ) as you go.

Part 3: Final reflections–Reflect and transfer skills

  • Look back at the process of writing your op-ed. Before you started writing it, what did you think would be hardest or most challenging about it, and why? How did your final experience match up to your expectations? What unanticipated challenges did you run into while writing/revising your op-eds, and how did you handle these?
  • Think about what the most satisfying thing about writing your op-ed was, and why. What worked well in the final version of your essay, and how did you get to this point?
  • Reflect on what it was like to write something other than an academic paper for this assignment. Would you like to write more op-eds, or other alternate genres (i.e., things other than standard academic papers)? Why or why not? What, in your opinion, are the two most important differences between op-eds and academic essays, and how did those differences affect your process of writing the op-ed?
  • Consider that you will need to transition back to writing more academic papers in other classes: What two or more things did you work on in the process of writing your op-ed that can help you write stronger academic papers, and why? What strategy or tip that you used on the op-ed assignment is something that also works (or could work) for an academic paper?
  • Write up your responses to these questions, and either turn them in with the final version of your op-ed or discuss them in small groups, as your instructor directs.

Additional Reading for Students

You may also want to ask students to review the submission requirements and process at The New York Times , The Los Angeles Times , or another publication. Note that some publications, such as The Guardian , do not accept submissions of completed pieces, but instead desire shorter “pitch” submissions; their requirements for pitches may also be useful to students and may form an additional scaffolding assignment along the way.

Additional useful links for background on the genre:

  • Op-ed Writing: Tips and Tricks (The Op-ed Project)
  • Writing Effective Op-eds (Duke)
  • How to Write an Op-ed or Column (Harvard Kennedy School)
  • A Guide to Op-eds and Original Content (BU Public Relations)
  • Op-ed Template (California Medical Association, UCSF)

Downloadable copies here:

  • Assignment sheet (above)
  • Peer review sheet for drafts
  • Author “blurb” activity
  • Fact-checking memo directions and example

38 Argumentative Essay Topics on Education You Will Enjoy Writing

Many students love to write essays about what schools and universities should be like: this is a unique opportunity to voice their opinions about what makes part of their lives without going to a rally. Unfortunately, having a lot to say might play against you this time, as you risk writing an essay that lacks focus and thus has doom chances for an A.  Here are some great essay topics on education that will help you choose your focus and write an excellent paper.

Essay topics on the organization of the educational process

1. Can online education be compatible with a traditional one?

2. Is homeschooling compatible with/better than traditional schooling?

3. Should parents have an active role in the education of their children?

4. Does the use of computers/technology benefit the educational process?

5. Should students be allowed to use computers and tablets in classes?

6. Should video games be used in education?

7. Should students be required to wear a uniform?

8. Are single-sex classes better than mixed ones?

9. Does the class size affect the effectiveness of a teacher?

10. Should students’ knowledge be assessed with the help of exams and tests?

11. Should students be sent to the next grade even if they have not passed the current one?

12. Should students get more or less homework than they currently do?

13. Should grades exist?

14. Is higher education worth its value?

Essay topics on the content of education

15. Should a foreign language be a compulsory subject at school?

16. How school promotes patriotism and if it should (see arguments and review of quality sources in the article on  patriotism essay )

17. Should students be taught typing instead of writing?

18. Should there be parenting classes at school or university?

19. Should physical education be a compulsory subject? Should the language of coding be a compulsory subject?

20. Should students have sex education classes?

21. Should students be taught the personal lives of the prominent people of the past or their accomplishments only? (Alternatively, Should teachers silence negative traits, deeds, or habits of national heroes?)

Argumentative Essay TopicsAbout Education

Essay topics on state policy in relation to education

22. Should there be compulsory education funded by the state?

23. Should higher education be funded by the state?

24. Should athletic scholarships exist? Facts and reading on the topic.

25. Should homeschooling be controlled by the state?

26. Should teachers’ proficiency be regularly tested?

27. Should schools be accountable for poor achievements of students?

28. Should the state better invest in small classes or bonuses for the teachers working in large ones?

29. Should school menus be regulated?

Essay topics on school laws and policies

30. Should students’ free speech be restricted on campus?  Review of credible sources on the topic .

31. Should there be any regulation of cyberbullying?

32. Should guns be allowed at schools/on campus?

33. Should teachers or security personnel be armed?

34. Should schools be allowed to test students on drugs?

35. Should attendance/in-class performance record affect the course grade?

36. Should schools regulate what students bring for their lunches?

37. Should beauty contests be allowed at school?

38. Should public prayers or discussions of religion be banned at school?

Essay topics on education are the best choice in case you have to write an essay containing examples from your own experience or personal stories.

You may choose to write on the issue you have already formed an opinion about. This way, the essay will help you demonstrate your views on education  policies  or practices and make a stand for or against them.

However, do not skip the issues you have never thought of. When choosing a topic, consider not what you consider easy to write about, but what will be interesting to read about. Choosing an “easy” topic may turn out to be a wrong track as you may have difficulties finding credible sources to support your views.

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Say Hello to Your Addiction Risk Score — Courtesy of the Tech Industry

An illustration of a computer screen with a doctor’s hand attempting to move a digital pill into a prescription bottle and getting an error message.

By Maia Szalavitz

Ms. Szalavitz is a contributing Opinion writer who covers addiction and public policy.

Before Dr. Bobby Mukkamala — an ear, nose, and throat specialist in Michigan — prescribed postsurgical opioids recently, he checked state records of his patient’s existing controlled substance prescriptions, as legally required. A score generated by a proprietary algorithm appeared on his screen. Known as NarxCare (now used by most state prescription monitoring databases, major hospitals and pharmacy chains), the algorithm indicated his patient had an elevated risk of developing an addiction to opioid painkillers.

“I create a lot of pain when I operate,” said Dr. Mukkamala, who leads the American Medical Association’s Substance Use and Pain Task Force. “The nose and the face are very painful places to have procedures done.” Consequently, it is difficult to avoid prescribing opioids to manage pain.

Algorithms like NarxCare and a newly approved genetic test for opioid use disorder risk known as AvertD use machine learning techniques to try to help doctors reduce the odds that patients will become addicted to these medications.

Via NarxCare, most Americans now have an opaque equivalent of a controlled substance credit score, which they often don’t even know exists unless a doctor or pharmacist tells them that it’s a problem. (NarxCare’s manufacturer claims that its scores and reports “are intended to aid, not replace, medical decision making.”) And if it ever becomes widely used, AvertD, promoted as a way to use personalized genetics to assess risk, could put yet more difficult-to-challenge red flags on people’s records.

These tools may be well intentioned. But addiction prediction and prevention is a mind-bogglingly difficult task. Only a minority of people who take opioids become addicted, and risk factors vary for biological, psychological, sociological and economic reasons.

Even accurate scores can do harm, since addiction is stigmatized and often criminalized. Some people have been expelled from physicians’ practices for having high NarxCare scores, with no way of appealing the decision. Others were denied postsurgical opioids by nurses or turned away from multiple pharmacies, with little recourse.

These kinds of algorithms could potentially worsen race and class biases in medical decision making. It’s not hard to imagine a dystopian future of unaccountable algorithms that render some people forever ineligible for pain care with controlled substances.

Dr. Mukkamala noted that closer scrutiny of his recent patient’s medical history showed there really wasn’t reason for concern. “What’s inappropriate is for me to look at any number other than zero and say: ‘Boy, this person’s got a problem. I can’t prescribe them anything for their pain,’” he said. Many medical professionals, however, don’t have his level of knowledge and confidence. Prejudice against people with addiction is common, as is fear of being charged with overprescribing — and the algorithms’ scores only feed into those concerns. Different, also unaccountable, algorithms monitor physicians’ prescribing patterns and compare them with their colleagues’, so this is not an overblown concern.

When I reported on NarxCare in 2021 for Wired , I heard from patients who were left in agony. One said that she had her opioids stopped in the hospital and was then dismissed from care by her gynecologist during treatment for painful endometriosis, because of a high score. She didn’t have a drug problem; her score seems to have been elevated because prescriptions for her two medically needy rescue dogs were recorded under her name, making it appear she was doctor shopping. Another high-scoring patient had his addiction treatment medication prescription repeatedly rejected by pharmacies, even though such medications are the only treatment proven to reduce overdose risk.

More recent research and reporting confirm that scientists’ concerns about the widespread use of the software remain and that patients are still reporting encountering problems because of potentially incorrect risk assessments and medical staff members’ fears about disregarding NarxCare scores.

To generate risk scores, NarxCare apparently uses variables like the number of doctors someone sees, the pharmacies they visit and the prescriptions they get and compares an individual’s data with information on patterns of behavior associated with doctor shopping and other indicators of possible addiction.

But there is no transparency: The NarxCare algorithm is proprietary, and its information sources, training data and risk variables — and how they are weighted — aren’t public.

Another problem for NarxCare is that opioid addiction is actually quite uncommon — affecting 2 to 4 percent of the adult and adolescent population, despite the fact that a 2016 study shows some 70 percent of adults have been exposed to medical opioids. “Identifying somebody’s base line risk of opioid use disorder is inherently going to be pretty difficult,” said Angela Kilby, an economist who studied algorithms like NarxCare when she was an assistant professor at Northeastern University. “It’s sort of like trying to find a needle in a haystack.” The rarity of the condition possibly lowers the algorithm’s precision, meaning that most positive tests may be falsely positive simply because the base line rate of the disorder is low.

Research shows that about 20 percent of the time, people who are flagged as doctor shoppers by identifying risk factors similar to those apparently included in NarxCare in fact have cancer: They typically see multiple specialists, often at academic medicine centers where there may be teams of doctors writing prescriptions. The algorithm can’t necessarily distinguish between coordinated care and doctor shopping.

Likewise, people who are visiting multiple doctors or pharmacies and traveling long distances might be drug seeking, or they could be chronically ill and unable to find care locally. Some states also put information from criminal records into prescription monitoring databases, and this can lead to bias against Black and Hispanic people simply because racial discrimination means that they are more likely to have been arrested.

There’s also a more fundamental problem. As Dr. Kilby notes, the algorithm is designed to predict elevations in someone’s lifetime risk of opioid addiction, not whether a new prescription will change that trajectory. For example, if someone is already addicted, a new prescription doesn’t change that, and denying one can increase overdose death risk if the person turns to street drugs.

Recently, NarxCare has been joined in the addiction prediction game by AvertD, a genetic test for risk of opioid use disorder for patients who may be prescribed such medications, which the Food and Drug Administration approved last December. Research by the manufacturer, Solvd Health, shows that a patient who will develop opioid addiction is 18 times as likely to receive a positive result as a patient who will not develop it. The test, which looks for specific genes associated with motivational pathways in the brain that are affected by addiction, utilizes an algorithm trained on data from over 7,000 people, including some with opioid use disorder.

But that F.D.A. approval came, surprisingly, after the agency’s advisory committee for the test voted overwhelmingly against it. While the F.D.A. worked with the company behind the test to modify it based on the committee’s feedback, it has continued to raise concerns. And recently a group of 31 experts and scientists wrote to the F.D.A. urging it to reverse course and rescind its approval. Some of the group’s concerns echo the problems with NarxCare and its algorithm.

For a study published in 2021, Dr. Alexander S. Hatoum, a research assistant professor of psychological and brain sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, and his colleagues independently evaluated the algorithm elements used for a tool like AvertD, based on information published by the company. They found that all the iterations they tested were confounded by population stratification — a problem that affects genetic tests because they reflect the history of human ancestry and how it changed over time because of migration patterns.

When AvertD was being considered for F.D.A. approval, Dr. Hatoum and his colleagues wrote a public comment to the agency that said genomic variants used in the test were “highly confounded by genetic ancestry” and did not predict risk any better than chance when population stratification is not taken into account. (At a 2022 meeting, Solvd’s chief executive claimed AvertD adjusted adequately for population stratification; the F.D.A. did not reply directly to a question about this claim.)

Dr. Hatoum’s work also demonstrated that these tests could mislabel people who are descended from two or more groups that were historically isolated from each other as being at risk of addiction. Since most African Americans have such admixed ancestry, this could bias the test into identifying them as high risk.

“This means that the model can use the genetic markers of African American status to predict opioid use disorder, instead of using any biologically plausible genetic markers,” said D. Marzyeh Ghassemi, a professor at M.I.T. who studies machine learning in health care.

In an email, Solvd said that in its clinical study of AvertD, “no differences in performance were seen by race, ethnicity or gender,” adding that it was undertaking postmarketing tests as required by the F.D.A. to further evaluate the test. The company also critiqued Dr. Hatoum’s methodology, saying that his study “asserts a false premise.”

The F.D.A. said in a statement that it “recognizes that in premarket decision making for devices, there generally exists some uncertainty around benefits and risks,” adding that it had nevertheless “determined that there is a reasonable assurance of AvertD’s safety and effectiveness.”

Still, the agency has placed a black box warning on AvertD, forbidding its use in chronic pain patients and emphasizing that the test cannot be used without patient consent. But this is unlikely to be a genuinely free choice: Patients may fear being stigmatized as potentially addicted if they don’t agree to be tested. And false negatives that incorrectly label someone as low risk may conversely lead to careless prescribing.

Amid the opioid crisis, it is understandable that regulators want to enable technologies that could reduce risk of addiction. But they must ensure that such algorithms and devices are transparent as to their methods and limitations and that they reduce racial and other biases rather than reinforce them.

Maia Szalavitz (@maiasz) is a contributing Opinion writer and the author, most recently, of “Undoing Drugs: How Harm Reduction Is Changing the Future of Drugs and Addiction.

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